#Mental health community
neuroticboyfriend · 1 month
some disabled & neurodivergent side of tumblr safety & etiquette:
dont: dump negativity on positivity posts. if you dont relate to a post, it's either not aimed at you, or you're not ready for its message (and thats ok!)
do: make your own posts expressing how you feel; your feelings still matter and your blog is just the place to express them.
dont: speak over people with different experiences than yours, or speak on things you don't know about.
do: have an open mind and educate yourself on things you don't know much about - uplift the voices of people with direct experience.
dont: send unprompted vent or advice asks to blogs that dont have that as a stated purpose.
do: check out a blog to see if they take vent/advice asks; if you dont see anything, ask if you can vent/seek advice first - or add a disclaimer at the start of your asks, with TW.
dont: engage with triggering content. dont post your triggers publicly either, my lord.
do: engage with content that helps you express, process, and cope with your health. take breaks when you need them, too.
dont: treat bloggers like celebrities or like they owe you a response.
do: treat bloggers like regular people; respect boundaries.
dont: demonize ANY condition. including paraphilic disorders, sexual/moral OCD, personality disorders, addiction, or factitious disorders
remember: we're all dealing with our own stuff, and we're all in this together. if anyone acts as if this isnt true, they're probably not in a good place themself.
(feel free to add on!)
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barbthebuilder · 4 months
Dear mutuals, followers, and random strangers: I have something to ask from you
18th to 25th February 2024 there will be a global strike for Palestine.
I understand things have been extremly depressing and you feel hopeless and so do I. But we cannot stop. I will not be silent and neither should you. Please, fight. Fight for our fellow human beings in need.
How do you support the stirke?
1. No purchasing of any kind. Online, irl, local shops, supermarkets - nothing. Make sure to gather necessities before the strike like food or higene products.
2. Don't go to work/school.
3. Speak up about Palestine and for the following week talk ONLY about it. Use your voice to support palestine people, artists, journalists etc. Don't engage in any other content and use social media only to talk about Palestine.
4. Educate yourself on palestine culture, make food and art related to palestine and post it online. Don't let Palestine die.
5. Donate. This is incredibly important.
6. Call/send letters/email your representatives about the Palestine.
7. Educate others. Organise meeting in your local library or school to talk about palestine culture.
8. Put up flyers that will inform others about situation in Palestine and encourage others to fight.
9. Go to a protest (make sure to read throughly how to do it proprly)
10. Stay safe. Don't do anything that will put you in a dangerous situation. You are important too. Take care of yourself.
11. Reblog this post. The more people know, the more can help.
There are probably more I am missing. You can do something. Please consider joining us.
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borderlinedolly · 2 months
Things I Rarely See Talked About
Level 2/Medium Support Need Autistics
Level 3/High Support Need Autistics
Deaf and/or Blind Autistics
BIPOC Autistics
Nonverbal Autistics
Semiverbal Autistics
The Downsides of Getting a Diagnosis
Older People (30+) With Disorders Like DID, ASPD, BPD, Autism, Etc
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inkdandimpulsive · 2 years
Having a disorder that has psychotic symptoms really makes you feel distant from the rest of the mental health community sometimes. For example, some of y’all are really comfortable saying, “I have these symptoms, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m ‘crazy’ (or insert any psychotic symptom).”
So just a friendly little reminder to please be at least a little cognizant of us when you post about your disorder(s). I fully support y’all, but I don’t want to be put down so others seem more palatable to the general public.
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gods-favorite-twink · 6 months
I had a mildly unoriginal not-shower, shower thought:
If you are mentally ill and also queer
You’re a fruit and nut💀
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chillwithnea · 6 months
feel it to heal it, loves 🍵
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A letter to your wonderful selves 💙
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mhamory777 · 17 days
I’m just so fucking tired of seeing and having to block mental health accounts on instagram because they believe in narc abuse😭😭 like come on everything else you were saying was mad helpful until you opened your fat mouth hating on traumatized individuals my golly!
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I got tired of reels/tiktok "mental health" community when I saw a comment that implied that there's something wrong with OP because she didn't like journaling as a self-care/self-help activity. The commenter wrote that maybe OP should "explore why she is uncomfortable with journaling" as if we don't all have different tastes and whatever like should I also explore why I don't like football? I just don't like it, I don't have any trauma or bad experience related to it I just don't even think about football 99 percent of the time because why would I? Oh OP didn't say that she was uncomfortable with journaling btw it was just not her cup of tea that's it. Sometimes I feel like we went way too far into our own minds sometimes things are just "like that" because we...are individuals with individual tastes and not everyone benefits from the same things. Isn't that basic level?
Feel free to add to this if you want to.
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megdocx · 5 months
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from The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control
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borderlinedolly · 11 months
Dismantling Stereotypes at the Expense of Creating New Ones
This happens in most mental health communities, including the autism, PD, and OSDDID communities. People are so often preoccupied with dispelling stereotypes that they exclude people who fit those stereotypes and create new ones, further enforcing people into boxes.
I don't think I need to tell you why that isn't helpful, but I will anyway. You wouldn't like to be alienated from your own community, would you? Well, by perpetrating further stereotypes, you're alienating and excluding others from their communities no matter how many other people you're including. The mental health community and its subgroups are meant to be a safe and inclusive space to all struggling with certain disorders. It's not fair to only include those who fit your narrative of what people with X disorder are "actually" like.
Some examples of stereotypes the MH community has dispelled by creating new ones:
"Autistic people/People with BPD don't feel empathy" > "Autistic people/People with BPD feel hyperempathy"
"People with NPD/ASPD don't feel any type of empathy" > "People with NPD/ASPD still feel compassion/sympathy"
"People with ASPD/NPD don't feel love/emotions" > "People with ASPD/NPD feel love and emotions the same as other people"
There's more examples, but I'm only listing these.
By perpatrating these new stereotypes, you're excluding and even demonizing those that do not fit into those stereotypes. I have autism, BPD, NPD, and ASPD, I do not feel any kind of empathy nor compassion and sympathy, I do not feel love of any kind, and I have very little emotions/emotional range. I do not fit the stereotypes, and it makes me feel excluded from communities meant to be welcome for people like me. Something needs to change. Not all stereotypes need to be completely demolished. Some people still fit those stereotypes, and they deserve to feel included.
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thefittymindset · 1 year
Introduction: Blog #1
Hello and welcome, my name is Faith (fitty is my nickname coming from my last name, Fitzmaurice). I am 22 years old and I am currently in my last semester at Binghamton University. In my blog I will be exploring various stories that apply to my mental health and how I overcame them (or simply just stories that I find funny that others might relate to). Although I have been depressed and anxious for as long as I can remember, it wasn't until my junior year of high school my mother finally let me get help. She's a very big "pick yourself up by your own bootstraps" type of woman so she didn't understand my need for help. My initial diagnosis was persistent depression disorder and social anxiety. Once I turned 21, they added ADHD to my shopping list of disorders. For the first part of my life, it was only me, myself and I dealing with my mental health. Now I have an army of people supporting me, lightening the burden immensely.
For me, the biggest challenge I had to overcome was to get my mom to accept me, even given my mental health struggles. At first she thought I was insane, threatening to send me to the "loony bin". But upon my hospitalization, I think something snapped into place for her. She still doesn't understand when I have days of depression, she always thinks there must be something that caused it, but that's not the case. I'm clinically depressed, nothing has to happen for me to feel upset.
Technically, junior year was the beginning of my mental health journey, in terms of the fact that I finally had an official diagnosis that my therapist was able to work on with me. But for me, my mental health struggles have been around for as long as I can remember which is something I will start to address in my next post. I will start telling specific stories where with hindsight, it's blatantly obvious I had these disorders. But in a lot of these stories, at the time I didn't think there was anything wrong.
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Each blog post I will end with a dedication to someone who helped me get through my struggles First up, my dad, Danny. Danny died my freshman year in Binghamton and this is something which immensely impacted me and shaped the person is today. I love and miss him every waking moment and he is my inspiration to keep fighting.
Catch y'all in my next post,
Fitty ❤️
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alostlittleriverlotus · 10 months
i feel like I'm not even real cause of this. But like seeing people compare Koraidon/Miraidon in Pokemon having trauma and a mental block and joking they have depression is so weird to me.
Like I'm hyperfixated on this cause I feel like I'm living in a different reality. Like. The game describes it as Korai/Mirai having a mental block that keeps them from entering their fighting mode because of a bad experience. And that's depression??? Even as a joke what??? Mirai/Korai just won't enter their battle mode cause of an incident that happened so much so they will be trembling with fear when entering the area and again and won't come out of their pokeball. It left them injured and now they freeze up and don't want to enter their battle form. That's...not depression. Just because someone has some mental issue in media isn't automatically depression. Am I being too autistic about this and being precise about specific language surrounding a joke? Genuinely don't know if it should be bothering me this much but it does.
It also just frustrates me cause I see depression and anxiety used in a way that overlooks more psychotic and trauma based disorders a lot. It's not always someone with depression or anxiety that does it, it's neurotypicals a lot of the time though it still happens within the community too.
I'm not super confident on this and I just. This is something that bothers me a lot with characters/media being instantly turned to depression just cause it's not neurotypical even if it's not even depression symptoms??? Like a little sad and suddenly it's depression??? Even when it's not chronic or anything???
Again, this makes me feel crazy and have like a loss of touch with reality so I'm not super certain in this, but I run into these experiences a lot which is why i often avoid fandoms and stuff surrounding my comfort characters or any relatable character. Cause I know what I see as a personality disorder or ptsd will be labelled as depression and they'll call it a day. But it also bothers me how that creates an idea of depression that isn't depression. And anxiety too, but since the joke called it depression, in sticking to that.
But like Mirai/Korai aren't depressed. They're having fear reactions to things that are reminiscent of their trauma like their battle form. That's more akin to anxiety.
I just. I don't get it. I don't effing get it. And I've seen it in far more ableist ways before, this was just a joke that has bothered me. I guess since I have seen ableism surrounding depression/anxiety being separated from more psychotic and trauma based disorders and it being used to overshadow personality disorders like how a character is relatable with depression, but if you mention they're BPD/NPD coded, you'll be told you're just projecting and wrong and it's not canon so we shouldn't assume things even tho most BPD and especially NPD representation is super ableist.
Maybe I just see it a lot so I'm "salty" and defensive. But I hate how the awareness surrounding depression/anxiety/mental health has turned into this corny thing focused entirely around them as if they're the only disorders and also creates this simplified image of the disorders which also ignores the real hardships of them. Like how the "easier" symptoms are accepted, but people are crap to those that can't manage their anxiety or struggle to get out of bed or shower cause of depression. But am I the only one encountering this? Cause this kinda stuff makes me delusional AF and feel like I'm the only one seeing it and makes me really out of touch with if I'm right or wrong in my response and my emotions.
It also reminds me of when characters are neurodivergent, but if you try to say they're coded or headcanoned as that, then you get told it's not canon so we can't say that, there's no likeness, and there's no way they could be it. I see that particularly with autism headcanons/autism coding. Where people will list characters they see as autistic coded especially since bad rep is still common and they get told the characters aren't autistic at all and they're making autism some trendy thing too. I dunno, this is why I stay away from fandoms when it comes to comfort characters I see as coded with a disorder or I headcanon that way to cope with my stuff.
But I'm def a bit salty since I'll get thrown under the bus for NPD and ASPD and other psychotic disorders seeing what little rep we get taken and written over as depression regardless of whether the character gets depressed or experiences symptoms does make me salty, even if it's a joke. Like the game even outright calls Mirai/Korai's issue psychological trauma. If anything, joke that it's anxiety since they experience anxiety/anxious feelings when being confronted with their triggers which fear responses happen with PTSD or other trauma disorders. I feel so weird for getting upset as a joke and I'm probably being too precise/particular over the wording of it, but man, it just bothers me and reminds me of all of this stuff.
Ultimately the joke isn't a big deal, but I just wanted to especially bring up these thoughts I've been having and the things I've noticed with how depression and anxiety are treated like this, used to overlook other stuff but also being simplified into any kind of negative thing experienced is automatically "oh no they have depression/anxiety lol." Reminds me of the "so ocd" stuff with perfectionism and neatness in a way too with the wording.
Late Edit: Found out this has some roots in the capitalist thing with mental health/illness where we will gladly speak about depression/anxiety especially in a way to sell a product, but still be super ableist to actual peeps with anxiety and depression. This isn't strictly about it, but I've been thinking over why it feels this way. And again, this isn't typically at any depression/anxiety folks (tho they can have internalized ableism too like BPD folks turning on NPD and ASPD over on tiktok), but typically the sort of way it's commodified and normalized to something beyond disorders where even basic emotions get turned into anxiety/depression. Basically forgetting, hey, these are legitimate disorders. And I think that's what I was getting at and that's more of the root of it + the ableism within the mental health community against personality disorders. Like most people either don't know PDs exist, will defend using outdated ableist terms, or won't even know what kind of discrimination we face. So for those reasons I'm a bit more defensive.
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chillwithnea · 11 months
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moonflowervelvet · 1 year
hi everyone, i was wondering whether i might be able to reach out to anyone in the mental health community and see if anyone would be willing to help me as an emergency for mental health costs. i would appreciate it so much thank you so much ❤️
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sometimes i forget that the suffering is over. what do you mean i can stop running?? what do you mean i finally found people who love me??
sometimes i forget that i laugh and i can smile like i used to when i was an 8 year old little girl sitting on the elementary school playground swingset with my best friends kicking up mulch and singing rhymes about apples and bananas.
sometimes i forget that not everyone is out to hurt me or get me and that i can love with a thousand loves. sometimes i forget that love doesn’t always end in the feeling of it being wasted and that i can love like i loved in the 7th grade when i wrote my first girlfriend a love letter for our one month and when we broke up i still wrote her and all my other friends letters because when i was 14 and had blue hair and shaved sides i thought everything and everyone was beautiful.
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