#he wore blue ones as robin and green ones after his death
martyrbat · 2 years
jason todd actually has brown eyes he just wears coloured contacts
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kindlingkeen · 3 months
A deleted scene from The People We Choose, part 1 my Choices ‘verse, a Jason-centric Lost Days AU. Warnings for references to temporary character death and canon typical violence.
Takes place circa chapter 1. I took this scene out fairly early on while drafting, so the characterization and continuity are a bit off. In other words, don’t take it as canon for TPWC. I may clean it up at some point and post it on ao3, but for now it’s going to live here.
“You’re just a pathetic gutter rat. Loyal to nothing and no one.”
One of the League’s pet assassins spits the words in Jason’s face, and they manage to hit with more than just saliva. Jason is holding the woman at knifepoint, so clearly the assassin is a biased source. But, still. 
Loyal to nothing and no one.
Is he? Is there no one he’s loyal to, nothing he believes in, Jason wonders. But, really, why should he be loyal to anyone in the first place when no one has ever been loyal to him.
It was the story of Jason’s miserable life (ugh, lives) - he’s never mattered enough. Not when it counted, not when it meant something. Willis chose an easy life of crime. Catherine chose the oblivion of drugs. Sheila chose her greed. 
And Bruce, Bruce chose the fucking mission. And he would keep choosing it.
And then there was Alfred. Jason had mattered to Alfred. Jason was sure of it. Alfred had loved him independently of the suit he wore, the criminals he did or did not hit, the person he was or the person he was trying to be.
For that, Jason thinks that he will probably always love Alfred. 
But, for Alfred, Bruce always came first.
Bruce chose to take Robin away. Bruce chose not to avenge Jason. Bruce chose to keep putting kids in the suit that Jason died in. 
And Alfred chose to stand by Bruce and allow it.
So, Jason thinks that he will probably always love Alfred. In a way. But it’s not enough.
Loyal to nothing and no one.
Jason remembers suddenly, something Talia said to him early on in his training at Tadrib Almawt as he lay nearly unconscious, bleeding heavily from a poisoned knife wound.
You made your own magic, Jason.
Jason used to think that being Robin gave him magic. What he could never really put a voice to, could barely admit to himself, was that it was that Bruce wanted him, that he thought Jason was special—that was where the magic came from.
When Robin was beaten and broken in a warehouse and Jason lay alone watching a timer count its way down to zero - he knew, he knew Bruce was coming. He wrapped that knowledge around himself like a fire blanket for his soul and held onto it with all his heart when the moment came - when he knew that no one was going to make it in time.
When Jason woke up in his coffin, he woke up crying out for Batman. When he dug his way out of his grave, he crawled out screaming for Bruce. Alone in a hospital, lost and confused, as his mind splintered apart, he pleaded for his dad. 
But when Jason woke up again, this time for good, drowning in green and pain and rage, he found himself in a world where his murderer was still bathing the city he called home with blood, while a black-haired, blue-eyed boy in Jason’s colors chased after him, a dark shadow following close behind. 
After that, when Jason woke up screaming from nightmares of dying, of choking to death as the world burned around him, he woke up with wordless shouts caught in his throat and cold, hard truth beating in his ears.
He never really had magic at all.
Delirious from blood loss and rambling with fever dreams, he’d blurted out the whole pathetic mess to Talia. He remembers with perfect clarity how she stood silently near the head of his cot watching one of Tadrib Almawt’s medics stitch him up, her face as hard as granite.
At first she’d said nothing at all, lips tight and grim, until the medic finished the bandages and bustled out of the room.
Then she sat abruptly on the side of his cot and looked him in the eye, her firm hand on his chin anchoring his head in place. 
“Jason, it’s unclear to me how exactly this could have escaped your notice,” she said, her tone drier than the desert around them, “but you were dead, and now you are not. You are magic.” 
Her hand reached down and wrapped briefly around his. When she spoke again, the Arabic words came out soft and liquid, like a dream. 
"لقد صنعت سحرك الخاص يا جيسون."
Talia was out the door and gone before he’d even realized she’d moved. Her words echoed around Jason as he shifted restlessly, trying to find sleep. 
You made your own magic, Jason.
Jason focuses again on the assassin dangling limply in his grip, the memory fading away.
I’m loyal to what matters, Jason thinks, his hand reaching out to wrap around the assassin’s sword. 
“I’m loyal to myself,” Jason whispers in the assassin’s ear, as he runs the sword through their gut.
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portgas-d--umb-ass · 9 months
- written by sanji.
we gave you a grave, i know you wouldn't have wanted one, but i also do not listen to idiot mossheads. it's next to ace's, luffy wanted that. you were his third brother.
do you remember how he wanted to learn swordsmanship? he finally did it, for you, i guess. he took wado ichimonji, he knows how much it matters to you.
brook took sandai kitetsu. he said that a cursed being like him needs a cursed sword, at times i believe that he truly thinks he's been cursed.
i thought about taking enma, but a cook's hands must be only for cooking, you would have fought me for going against my beliefs. we gave back hiyori-sama what was her family's.
franky took that disgusting thing you called a bandana, green, almost black. it's from your days as a bounty hunter, as the demon of the east blue. he said that it matched his 'vibe', that it was macho...just like you.
robin-chan took another thing from before, before our separation. she took the shirt you used to wear, the yellowish white one, from your original bounty. did you meet luffy in that one?
chopper took your green haramaki, on him it looks like a dress, he looks like a small peluche. he wears it and stares at your sleeping spot, you will be missed.
nami-chan said that she already has a part of you, your money. usopp, that idiot agreed, that is until he saw your earrings. nobody had taken them, they were such a part of you, as important as your swords. he tried to give them to luffy, but our captain refused. he already had the sword.
so nami-chan took two of them while usopp took one, you three were the first ones to join luffy, it means a lot to them, even tho nami-chan insists that she joined after me and that she does not care much. but she still planted belle-mère's mandarins near you.
hey zoro, do you miss those days?
i believe jinbe is the only one who did not take from you, he joined later, but that does not mean that he didn't mourn you. he did not take, he gave. he made sure to have a sun on your grave, you know how much meaning that sun has for him, but he still gave it to you, you are a friend of the fishmen.
i took your yukata, the one you wore when the crew reunited after two years. well, i took most of your clothing, but this is the most significant one. i wanted to feel your warmth all around, i feel lonely, ya know?
life is different without you, sometimes i get out of the kitchen, i turn to where you used sleep, i am ready to scold you, but you are not there you damned marimo.
i did not expect you to be the first to leave, no, i expected nobody to leave.
life is hard.
zoro, do you regret the way you lived?
zoro, did you find happiness?
i know you can't answer, i asked too many times and no answer came, so believe me, i know.
i'll see you not soon enough, king of hell.
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a 'failed' new start. 1
Summary: Part 1 of all fired up.
Song: Human Nature - Michael Jackson.
Warnings: Death.
A/n: Upon the request of my sister, I have used young Jensen Ackles as the face claim of Jessie Gellar and young Mädchen Amick gifs to represent the reader (Y/n)... but you can imagine anyone you want. I've made Y/n personality similar to 'Who's rocky' Y/n. Next chapter: you, abandoned me Word count: 2537
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~Winter 1986~
You had been Billy’s girl, but after the events of last summer that quickly changed. 
People had been offering you their deepest sympathies, but you could give a shit. The one good thing you enjoyed having around was long gone, well that had been until you met Robin. Who, sadly had been stuck working with Steve at scoops ahoy. Now to be your co-workers at The Family Video. 
The day they came in had been quite interesting. 
~A few days after the Mall fire of 1985~
You had been stacking, in the romance section when the bell rang signalling someone was in the store. Dropping the copy of Pretty in pink, you sighed and made your way to the front. 
“Welcome, to Family Video. The one-stop family, blah, blah blah.” You finished, ignoring the two in front of you. 
“Um… excuse, would you quit picking your nails and look up, for one god~” 
“Listen, lady,” you looked up to meet familiar blue eyes, Robin Buckley.
A small smile formed on your face, the same occurring on the other girls. Holding up a finger. You cleared your throat. 
The sound of rustling came from the back of the store.
“ROBIN AND DICKFACE ARE HERE.” You called sending them both a fake smile. The stumbling of Keith's footsteps ceased the minute he approached the counter. Looking down at you, he signalled to the romance section. 
Giving him the finger, you strutted off making sure to swing your hips. 
Steve watched your retreating form, the neon pink tank top that sat under your vest. tight high-waisted shorts that gave your behind a good hold. Hair tied into a loose low ponytail, thick neon green socks paired with scruffy yellow converses.  
“Hey lover boy, stop checking Y/n’s ass.” Keith snapped cause Steve snapped out of his trance, earning an eye roll from you. Shaking your head you placed your headphones on, music drowning out the conversation between the three teens. 
Drawing his attention back to Keith, who wore an unimpressed look. Steve nervously smiled. 
“Nice, place you got here.” He gestured to their surroundings, but Keith didn’t move a muscle. 
“Don’t try and charm your way into this one, Harrington.” 
Grabbing him by the shoulder, Robin yanked Steve away from the counter. 
“Can you give us a second, Keith?” 
“I don’t care.” He mumbled turning away to the small TV. 
Snapping her head to Steve. Robin glared, daggers were literally pouring out her eyes. 
“You had one job. To stand there and look pretty. NOT look at y/n’s ass… You’re gonna blow this for us and if you do, I will end you, Harrington. I. Will. End. You.” She hissed. Before pulling back in front of the counter. 
When you finally looked up, you found Steve fixing the cardboard cut out of Phoebe Cates. You rolled your eyes once again, one more time and you swore they’ll be stuck up there staring at your brain forever. You stood up and took off your headphones, before heading over to the counter. 
“Hey.” Huffing you turned around to the owner of the voice. 
“What dickhead?” You stood with your hands on your hips, waiting for what had to be said. 
“...nothing, nothing, sorry don’t worry about it.” Steve quickly stated. Which once again earned another eye roll from you. 
“Seriously Keith, if you hire, this dipshit. I’m quitting and then you’ll have to hire someone else, whose ass you can check… didn’t think I knew? You do know that there are mirrors around the store right? Besides, you can’t look at Robin’s coz she bats for a different team, sweetie.”
Leaning toward Steve, impressed Robin uncrossed her arms the slightest and gestured to you, “Didn’t she used to babysit Max Mayfield?”
Staring right at you, he watched how you taunted the other boy. Eye moving with emotion, eyebrows creasing at every word you spoke. Not even bothering to make eye contact with the girl next to him, Steve nodded. “Yep…and was Hargrove's girl too.” 
Steve had been there the night Billy sacrificed himself. He heard your wails from his hiding spot. He felt the need to run over and catch your falling form. Hands clutching the bloodied boy’s tank top, before throwing your head back and looking at the sky.  
~Summer 1985, The Mall ~
Sobs were spilling out your mouth as you tried your best to comfort his dying form. Max had been beside you, clutching onto your arms, sobbing hard.
“Billy…Billy. Baby, please don’t go… come on you asshole don’t do this… you can’t…you…” A sob slips out your mouth. 
A cold wet hand rested gently against your warm tear-stained cheeks. casting your eyes down, you see a small smiling resting on his handsome face. raising a shaking hand and you take a hold of his. Quite sobs stifling out, your lips. 
“Max,” He quietly called to the young girl. Lifting her head she made eye contact with the boy she had called brother. “Yeah?” 
“I’m sorry kid.” 
“It’s okay.” She sobbed quietly.
His breathing became laboured, before finally looking at you. A loving smile rested against his now black-coated lips. 
“Yeah, Billy.”
“I…I…” His breathing ceased, leaving you to wonder about what he was going to say. 
“Oh my-, baby… hey, wake up… Billy…Billy, come on…wake up…WAKE UP.” You cry, cupping his face. 
“Billy? No, no? Someone…please…help…him…please.” 
~End of Summer 1985, The Mall~
Shaking his head Steve, just stared at you, as your wailing cries echoed in his head. 
Traumatic and painful. 
“Oh, now I remember,” Robin mumbled, eyes growing wide. 
“Well, I’m off.” You state swing your bag up your arm and over your shoulder.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, L/n? You still got work to do.” 
“Actually, Keith. I finished my paperwork this morning. And besides a girl can’t be late to a date, now can she?” Your sinister smile, scaring the shit out of Keith. 
The chime of the store bell caught all your attention. Facing the door, stood Eddie Munson.  
“Ugh. Look I’m gonna go… so yeh.” 
Stepping in front of you, Eddie stared down. A smirk graced his features.
“Hey Y/n, looking good today.”
You glared up at him. 
“You either move your Alice Cooper wannabe face out of my way. or I’ll cut you a new dick.” You smiled sweetly. 
Amused Eddie leaned down right next to your left ear.
“I dare you.” He whispered. 
You could practically hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.
Steve sat back and watched the encounter between you two. Not realising that he was indeed enjoying this. 
“Oh for God, sake. Piss off you dip shit.” With that, you raise your foot and slammed it down. The sound of his toes being squashed filled the air. 
“Ouch, you bitch.” he mumbled, moving out of the way.
Satisfied with the reaction, you pushed open the door and headed to your car.
“Holy shit…I think I’m in love.” Steve whispered, earning a look from Robin.
“You men think and feel with your dick.” All three boys shared a look, earning an eye roll from Robin. “Oh my God.” 
~Present, Winter 1986~ 
That had been about few months ago. Ahhh what fun. 
You stood slumped against the counter of the video store. The only noise was the sounds of a Bruce Lee movie and Keith’s flustered hisses. Playing with the scrunchie on your wrist you let out a very loud sigh. You had been waiting ten minutes for those idiots to turn up. How long could it possibly take to pick someone up? Groaning you spun around, entertaining yourself with the small TV screen. Your hair had been pulled back into a straighten, half up half down. Thick mint green turtle neck, perfect for the cool weather. Your signature high-waisted jeans and pale yellow converses. Immaculate for a high school pep rally.
The sound of a car honking caught your attention. Rolling your eyes you knew exactly who that was.
“Fucking, Harrington.” You mumbled. 
Looking toward Keith, you nodded your head to the door. “Well I’m off… should be back by noon.” 
You quickly stepped out of the store, before Keith could protest. 
“Damn, bitch.” He muttered, watching you skip off to the marron BMW. 
Opening the back door you slipped in and greeted the teens. “Robin!…ugh, Lord dickface.” 
Turning around in the drives seat Steve faced you. “Could you, oh I don’t know, have the tiniest bit of respect for me? I am after all driving you.” 
“You’re right, thank you…” Steve smiled but soon dropped as the words left your mouth. 
“Sugardaddy.” You smiled.  Stiffing a laugh Robin, continued putting her make-up on. 
“Of course… of course… every God damn time,” Steve mumbled starting up the car. 
After twenty minutes of Robin’s constant chatter about Tammy Thompson, this girl in her band club, a very interesting conversation about ‘boobies’. And Steve’s failed attempts to encourage her.
You finally arrived.
“Robin, Jesus Christ! if I have to hear you talk about her again, I swear I personally will rip my eardrums out and shove them down your pants…just…just be you with, whatever her name is okay?... and if I have to have you hear say ‘boobies’ one more time Harrington! I’ll rip off your balls and feed them to Keith.” You hissed out, as the three of you stepped out of the car. 
You pushed past the taller teens, in hopes of not being spotted with them. And began searching for your group of friends. 
“Besides, Robin. Taking advice from a guy who couldn’t even keep Lil miss Hawkins by his side, isn’t going to get you anywhere… Now Steve better go attend your date, coz she looks like she’s in need of an eye test.” You pointed to the squinting blonde. 
Spotting a friend of yours, you took off rather quickly. Watching your retreating form, Steve let out a heavily sign. You were hugging a guy, who had been a part of the school’s basketball team last year. Jessie Gellar. Laughing you flipped your hair.
Rolling her eyes, Robin nudged him in the arm. “When are you gonna tell her.” 
Steve froze.
When was he gonna tell you? He had been hoping that the time you spent with each other would have at least changed some things about how you two treated each other, except it didn’t. Rather, having him flirt with more girls and you, well, just being you. More eye rolls, groans, and snarky comments. Steve didn’t know why you hated him, you had a lot of things in common, like a social group. Tommy and Carol were your friends, you would mainly hang out with them after school or during classes, never at lunch. When Steve was around. Besides you were mainly a social butterfly, hard to believe? Yeah, but it was true. You just despised Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. And when you met Billy, you became a bit more reserved.
“Huh, when you tell ‘band girl’, you like her.” Steve chuckled, shaking his head slightly. 
“Well, I guess we both won’t experience, anything this year…come on I gotta go get ready and you’ve got a date to attend to.” 
From your spot, you watched the two walk together toward the entrance. But when they spilt your eyes followed Steve and stayed on him for a bit. Before one of your friends, pulled you inside.  
You watched the cheer team perform their routine. Catching the attention of Chrissy Cunningham, who excitedly waved to you. 
“You know Chrissy?” One of the guys asked. 
Smiling you waved back at the young girl. “Ah, yeah… I used to babysit her.” 
From across the gym, Steve had just found a spot for him and his supposed date, but his eyes were searching for something else. Or someone else. 
“Does it bother you that, like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?” Helping the young girl up, he gave a slightly annoyed chuckle.  
“Yeah, that’s an interesting point. Thank you so much for bringing that up, Brenda.” 
Across the other side of the room, near the exit doors, stood Eddie. Who gazed jadedly through the crowd, for two little freshmen. Who were on the lookout for a new member to join the HellFire club. But instead, caught something way more intriguing. You had been standing next to one of your girlfriends, laughing at some joke that was said between the two of you. You looked like an angel. 
Eddie didn’t know how long he had been staring at you. When he snapped out of it, Jason, Hawkin’s High’s popular jock, voice echoed. A name ran through the air. Billy Hargrove. Silencing the crowd. The gym had become quiet. 
Panning in your direction Steve found you looking directly at someone. Max Mayfield. You two both locked eyes sharing the same pain, for one boy. Looking back Steve caught Robin staring as well, before making eye contact with him. 
“Hey,” You heard from beside you. 
“I’m sorry about Billy, but I heard, that he helped save a lot of people’s lives... He was a hero.” The older lady beside you spoke. 
You smiled kindly, trying your hardest to beat off the stinging sensation in your eyes. Even though it had been a few - long agonising -  months, it still pierced you in the heart. And your mind, with recurring nightmares. 
“Yeah… yeah, he was.” 
Your friend, Jessie, pulled you into a side hug. Feeling the pain, you placed your head against his shoulder. Focusing on your breathing. In. Out. In.
“Thanks, Jessie…means a lot.” 
“No problem. Y/n.” Jessie soothed, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
Jessie had been Billy’s right-hand man, second to Tommy, but after his disappearance, Jessie stepped in. Earning the title of becoming one of Billy’s tightest friend. 
After Billy’s death, you had spent time grieving at Jessie's house. Late-night calls, drives, the constant sleepovers. Something between you two had blossomed and now your friendship group were curious. 
Coming up with such conspiracies that you two had become an item. But in actual reality, you two were just friends, or so you thought. Not long after you and Jessie began going on cute little outings which, later on, had been labelled as dates. Smiling, you stared up at him with loving eyes. 
The snickering of your friends filled your ears. 
“Oh get over it.” You laughed at them. The gym once again filling with cheers.
Oblivious to the two sets of brown eyes watching you. 
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Deep Six- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Request: May I request an insert in the episode Deep Six where the titans meet Aqualad?
Summary: Robin makes you accompany this guy name Aqualad and Beast Boy. Will you be able to handle them or will their bickering tear you apart. Also you're a katara kinnie (i know ATLA didn't exist then but still) This episode is Season 1 Episode 8!
Pairings: Platonic!Aqualad x reader, Robin x reader if you squint
Word Count: 4314
A/N: this time i decided not to split up the episode and post it as one! I made them meet for the first time here, so the Aqua kids don't bond much yet, but if you want to see more, feel free to request! (click here for guidelines) Also yes I also ended this one with "anyone up for pizza" thats all i know how to do to end a fan ficbskghs
“Ahhhh, don’t you just love the ocean?” you admired the shallow sea, the blue water flowing by you. The others prepared for launch, reading off the status of the T-Sub.
“Main power online.”
“Oxygen tanks at maximum”
“Defensive system active”
Beast boy hums confidently. “And your new secret weapon is ready to rock.”
Cyborg rolls his eyes through the headset. “Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito.” You stifled a giggle as Beast Boy yells in protest.
“Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?”
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked. “Cyborg can’t but I can. And I can breathe underwater without being a fish so I guess I’m just as much of a secret weapon as you, BB.”
You found out that you could breathe underwater a few days after you and the others formed the Teen Titans. You were surfing for the first time since that day when you fell off your board. You had accidentally inhaled underwater, and to your relief, you found that you were able to breathe in the ocean water with no problem. You offered to swim outside the sub on your own, but the team didn’t want you to get hurt, so you were stuck in the small confines of your own pod of the T-sub.
Robin ignores you three’s bickering. “We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning,” he says. “If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly.”
The engines warm up, the vessel humming to life. “Titan Launch!” Robin exclaims and the T-sub shoots through a tunnel and into the Jump CIty Bay. You watch in awe at the ocean life around you. Now that you had a connection to the ocean, your perspective on ocean life had changed. You clutch your seashell necklace as you continue to take in the view of the ocean, ignoring Beast Boy showing off his teeth and Cyborg turning off his mic as a result. Robin’s voice snaps you back into reality.
“Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Aquagirl! Ready to go?”
You gave a quick smile. “On it.” You unbuckle your harness and the dome unlatched, allowing you to swim out. Beast Boy gave a mischievous smirk.
“Dude, I was born ready. Try not to be jealous.” He aimed the second comment at Raven, who looked at him indifferently. Beast Boy quickly swam out of his pod and transformed into a whale.
“He just put on three hundred thousand pounds. I am so jealous.” she notes sarcastically.
You and Beast Boy made silent eye contact before swimming towards the cargo ship, examining its destroyed remains. He turns into a shark to keep investigating, and you follow his lead. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched, as you swam around the ship. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see a green figure; not a bright green like Beast Boy’s but a sicker, murkier green. You point at the green man as he swam away, and you and Beast Boy immediately bolt after it, the T-sub following behind.
Your black scuba shoes propelled you forward, and you aimed blasts of water towards the figure, but it kept dodging your shots. The monster, whom you now assumed was Trident, fired his weapon at you and Beast Boy, and when you dodged, it hit the T-sub. You forced yourself to continue to chase after Trident, hoping that the vessel was also capable of dodging his shots.
You and Beast Boy were nearing close to catching Trident when a voice rang in your head. It wasn’t yours, nor Beast Boy’s; it was clear, belonging to someone no older than you were.
“Your friends are in danger.” you heard. You and Beast Boy both stopped in your tracks, looking at each other in shock. You realized that the T-sub was no longer following you.
“Our friends are in what? Whoa! How did you say that? Dude! How did I say that? Hey!” Beast Boy also says in your mind. You turn to see the T-sub being attacked, and shot off without waiting for Beast Boy.
“Dude, questions are for later! Let’s go!” You order, not even entirely sure how you were able to talk either. You approach the vessel, which was being destroyed by Trident, who you swore you were just chasing.
Suddenly, a figure knocked Trident down. Trident and the mystery person fought each other, moving so quickly that all you could see of the person was a blur of black and blue
You turn your attention to the T-sub, which was slowly sinking into a fissure on the seafloor. Water was filling up fast and a look of panic settled on your teammates faces (except Raven, who seemed to have accepted death). Your eyes glowed blue as you outstretched your arms towards the damaged vessel. Focusing on the water around the titans, you forced the leaks to cease and the descent into the fissure to stop. Your muscles burned as you kept your stance; holding the vessel in place underwater was similar to holding it up on your arms above ground. Beast Boy raced to help as you struggled to keep grip when suddenly, two whales came and carried the sub on their backs.
You let go of the ship and breathe a sigh of relief. Beast Boy sees you almost passing out and comes to your side, now in the form of a squid. Instead of comforting you, he complains about the whales' help.
"They got it? How come they got it?"
A familiar voice rang in your head again. "Because I asked for their help." The voice belonged to the guy who was fighting Trident before. He comes to your other side and supports your other arm, putting it around his neck.
"You talk to fish? Yeah right. And let go of her!"
"You guys need help, and I'm talking to you right?" He glared at Beast Boy, keeping his grip on you.
Beast Boy was about to reply when you held your hand up in front of his squid face. "Beast Boy, I'm a solid five seconds from collapsing. I'm fine with the help."
The guy in blue gave a small smile. "And it's called telepathy. Let's go."
The three of you swam into a cavern. As you entered, the T-sub was floating on the water's surface and although it was extremely damaged, it managed to keep your teammates safe. You nodded to Beast Boy and the other teen and they let you go as you approach the other titans.
Raven asked, "where are we?"
"My place," the mysterious teen answered. "I told the whales to bring you here."
Raven and Starfire both blushed and gave bashful thank yous. You stared at them. Are they… in love with the new guy???, you thought, confused.
Beats Boy seemed angrier than ever. "He saved you?" He yelled, turning back into his human form. "Hel-lo? I was there too, you know."
Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Were you? Because if anything I remember Aquagirl keeping us from drowning. What, you stopped Trident from kebabbing us with that souped up shrimp fork?"
"Way to go!" Robin said sarcastically. Beast Boy stuttered a response, but the blue teen interrupted.
"Aquagirl, huh? Well, I'm Aqualad. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, we Atlanteans like to keep a low profile."
You shake his hand, now taking in what Aqualad looked like. He was half a foot taller than you, with slicked back hair and black pupils. He wore a bodysuit with blue scales and black accents. He had nice features, but you couldn't figure out why the other girls were drooling over him, so you kept that thought to yourself.
"You're from Atlantis? That's so cool!" You say.
He nodded. "So is Trident." He opens up a hologram from a table in the cavern. "He's the worst criminal in Atlantis, with an ego to match."
He continues a sideshow filled with pictures of the sickly green monster. "Trident claims he's perfect in every way so he thinks he can do whatever he wants."
"Any ideas what he wants to do with all that toxic waste?" Robin asked.
"Whatever it is, it'll be bad for both our worlds. He's already gained some kind of new power. It's like he can be everywhere at once." Aqualad says.
"Noticed that," Raven says sarcastically.
"As long as we're after the same guy, maybe we can help each other." He looks at the six of you.
Your eyes sparkle. "Of co-" you begin, but Beast Boy pushed you out of the way.
"Whoa, hey, no, we're good. Got the whole Trident thing under control. 'Sides, I'm sure there's a school of minnows somewhere that need your--" He rejects Aqualad's offer, much to you and the other's dismay. Robin pulls him back, and the six of you group huddled.
"We're at the bottom of the ocean," Raven notes.
"Our sub is Swiss cheese." Cyborg adds.
"I almost died back there," You say.
"And we cannot breathe water," Starfire mentions.
Robin is the first to break away from the huddle. "We'll take any help you can give us." He says to Aqualad.
Aqualad nods and has some amphibian guy named Tramm fix the T-sub. He turns back to us. "While he's helping you, I'll track down Trident. " He turns to go into the ocean again, but Beast Boy intersects.
"You mean I'll track down Trident," He says, pushing him a little
Aqualad pushes him back a little harder. "That's ok, I can handle it."
"Thanks, but I think I should do this."
"Seriously, I can take care of it!"
The five of you watched as their quarrel turned into an all out brawl, and suddenly you couldn't take it anymore.
"GUYS," You yell, causing a wall of water to shoot up next to them to grab their attention. They both stared at you wide eyed. "Stop. The. Fighting." You say with a stern expression.
"Why don't you two both go track him down together?" Robin offers, but the two teens cross their arms and scoff.
"I usually work alone." Aqualad says.
"Yeah. Me too."
"You do not! You're part of a team!"
"And you hang out with Tramm the fish boy! What's your point?"
"Hey! Arguing isn't going anywhere. Listen, Aquagirl can go with you. That'll make sure you stay on task." Robin commands, and you perk up at the sound of your name. You quickly pulled him aside.
"What the hell man?? They obviously don't like each other, you should have seen how much they fought on the way here!." You argue, and Robin looks at you through his masked eyes.
"You're the only other person who can survive underwater, they're gonna need you. Besides, you're great at handling conflicts; you'll be fine." He says with a smile. You blush a little at his comment, and sighed.
"Alright Rob, you can count on me” You return to the rest of the group and the three of you jump into the ocean.
As you headed towards the bottom of the ocean, you decided to ask Aqualad a question that's been bothering you.
“Hey Aqualad,” you say telepathically. “Before you said that you were able to communicate with sea animals. How come you’re able to communicate with me?”
“I don’t know actually,” Aqualad admits, still swimming next to you. He points to your necklace. “I’m guessing it's because of your necklace.” He stops to examine it. Beast Boy groans and stops as well. It glowed a little in his hand as he read the ancient text off of it.
“The Shell of Poseidon,” He read out loud. “I recognize this from the library in Atlantis. Only Atlanteans can use its powers, so you must be Atlantean then, right?”
“Woah! I’m not Atlantean, I’ve never even been there,” you sputter, absolutely shocked at what the teen said.
“Well, you must have some blood in you,” he shrugged. “Hey, maybe we’re cousins or something.”
You grin. “Aquacousin? I like the sound of that!”
Beast Boy interrupts your moment. “Ok, haha, family is fun and all, but while you were floating around finding out parts of your identity or whatever, I’ve actually found something on my sonar so, try to keep up.” He swims off, leaving you two to follow him. You expected to see the sea monster, but instead came upon a group of dolphins.
“No offense B.B. but these don't look like Trident to me.” you smirk.
Aqualad swims up to the dolphins, focusing on his telepathy. The dolphins swim up together and Aqualad turns to you and Beast Boy.
“They told me where to find Trident. Try to keep up.” He mocks Beast Boy, then swims with the dolphins. You look at Beast Boy, who seemed pretty grumpy, and turn to follow Aqualad.
You tailed behind as the two boys raced each other, Beast Boy turning into various aquatic creatures to catch up with the equally competitive teen. Then you see it. In front of them, Trident swam into view. You and Aqualad stop on instinct, but Beast Boy keeps going.
"Beast Boy! Stop!" You both yell, as he barrels straight towards Trident.
"What's the matter?" He taunts. "Am I too fast for y-"
You winced as you watched him crash into the sea monster and fall to the floor.
"Heh… how's it going," Beast Boy says telepathy to the monster towering over him. Trident growled.
"Keep your thoughts to yourself, you inferior fool!" He pointed his well, trident at beast boy and fires; Beast Boy barely dodges it.
Aqualad tackles Trident and they fall off an underwater ridge.
"Oh no you! This time he's mine!" Beast Boy yells, following Aqualad to the ridge.
"Beast Boy wai-" you yell, but was cut off by something grazing the side of your head. You turn, and see Trident swing his weapon at you. You dodged his next swing, wondering how he was able to get to you right after being attacked by Aqualad. You send him flying across the ocean with your water powers, when you hear Beast Boy yelling. You turn to see Beast Boy in squid form latched onto Aqualad's face. You could see Trident swim away from the corner of your eye as you swam to pull Beast Boy off of Aqualad. Aqualad glares at Beast Boy, his face peppered with red dots from Beast Boy's accidental attack.
“I said, ‘incoming’” he defends himself. Aqualad ignores him and points to another figure swimming into a grotto.
“He’s getting away!” Aqualad swims away, Beast Boy following.
“Wait-” you say, confused. Didn't you just send Trident flying in the other direction? How did he move so quickly? You reluctantly followed your friends into the cavern. You joined them as they observed the two tunnels that split off into two different directions.
“What are we gonna do now?” you think out loud.
“Maybe the question is where were you guys?” Aqualad snaps, turning to the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion while Beast Boy swims forward to be face to face with Aqualad.
“Where was I? Fighting Trident by myself!” He jabbed a squid tentacle into Aqualads shoulder.
“You barely laid a tentacle on him! At least I managed to break his weapon!”
“Dude, that's just wrong. I so broke that fork thing!”
“BOYS!” you yell. “I also fought Trident and I sent him in the opposite direction, and now he's here. There's something going on…” The two began to think, but then perked their heads up. They then point at opposite tunnels.
“There he goes!” they yell at the same time. You stare at the two of them in even deeper confusion. Beast boy swims up to you, making eye contact.
“I saw him! He's that way! I'm right, he's wrong! End of story!” He crosses his tentacles. Aqualad pushes Beast Boy aside so that you were now staring at his dark pupils.
"I'm telling you, he's this way!"
"GUYS, we can just split up," You say flatly, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Aqualad I'm sure you can handle yourself, so I'll go with Beast Boy."
"Aw sweet!- Heyyy…" Beast Boy says to your backhanded comment. Aqualad nods and swims off into the tunnel.
You and Beast Boy were alone in the tunnel when you sighed.
"B.B., why do you keep picking fights with Aqualad?" You asked, still looking ahead. Beast Boy turns to you, acting shocked.
"ME??? It's not my fault Mr. Pretty-Boy-Know-It-All keeps showing off!" He whines.
"Dude, he's just trying to help us. Maybe you should-" you were cut off by a loud booming voice.
"Worthless scum! You cannot beat perfection!" Trident bellowed from behind you. You and Beast Boy turned, already in a fighting position.
"How many of you fork things do you have?" He mumbled as you charged forward.
You dodged his energy bolts, Trident in return dodging your attempts to push him farther back. Beast Boy turns into a turtle, pulling his arms and legs inside. Trident threw his weapon and it bounced off of him, flying into you and sending the two of you hurtling through the water.
"I always win!" You hear him say as you regain your stance. Beast Boy turns into a giant crab, grabbing onto Trident's weapon.
"And I thought Aqualad had a big ego!" He yelled telepathically.
"BEAST BOY GET BACK!" You yell. He swiftly let go, and you shot a jet of water towards Trident, sending him flying into a cavern wall. The cavern shakes, and a mass of boulders come crashing down. All you could see was a crushed trident sticking out from under the rocks. You breathed a sigh of relief until you felt a searing pain in your leg. You look and see a burn mark; Trident probably hit you before you buried him in a pile of rocks. Beast Boy looks at you, a worried expression in his eyes (despite being in the form of an ocean animal).
“I’ll be fine,” you grimace. “Let's find a way out first.” You painstakingly swim until you find a cave similar to Aqualads. You drag yourself towards the land as Beast Boy turns back into his human form. Right after you pull yourself up, you see Aqualad jump out of the water. He sees the two of you, and runs to meet up with you. He and Beast Boy begin to talk at the same time.
“ I just saw Trident!... No, you didn't!... Yes, I did! Cut it out!”
“I don’t care what you say! I fought Trident!” Beast Boy yelled, a vein nearly jumping out of his forehead.
"That's impossible!" Aqualad counters, his fists clenched so tight you thought you saw blood.
They both seemed to be prepared to fight each other. You jumped in between them, holding both their heads back as they flail their arms, trying to get a hit at each other.
"You know," You begin, silencing the two boys. "When Robin asked me to join you guys, I didn't want to. You two are heroes that just met each other and you were already fighting! But he told me that I could handle it and he's right! I can handle the both of you; but it seems to me that you guys can't handle each other. So here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna heal myself because oh right! I got BURNT and you two are gonna talk it out." You let go of the boys, and they watched as you limped over to the edge of the water, plopped yourself down, and started pulling the ocean water to your leg. You listened in a little as you concentrated the water on your leg. It only took a few seconds to heal your burn, it was only surface level and you had gotten better at using your healing powers. They were still talking as you noticed what was in front of you: hundreds of Trident clones and yellow Trident capsules-eggs attached to the ceiling.
"Uh guys…" you say, rejoining them, but they had seen it too.
"One Trident is bad…" Aqualad says.
"... but this is…" Beast Boy adds.
"... an entire …" You say.
"...ARMY!" One of the tridents finishes your thought.
They all charge, and the three of you brace or impact. You raise your arms and a wave of water takes out a small group of the monster clones. You dodge their attacks, shooting jets of water at their heads. You see Beast Boy get flung into a machine, and an egg hatching sequence begins on the screen. You regroup with the other boys in front of the machine.
"Oops," Beast Boy said sheepishly.
"Great," Aqualad groaned as the clones began to close in.
"We need a plan," You mumble.
A group of the clones began to speak.
"My brilliant plan is already a success"
"If one of me was perfect…"
"Why not make more?"
"You can never have too much of a good thing"
"Once my army conquers Atlantis…"
"I will declare war on the surface world! Everyone on the planet will bow down before me"
"And praise my perfection!"
Aqualad whispers to the both of you as the clones cheer. "Any bright ideas?"
Beast Boy whispered back. "Just one. Try to keep up." He turned to the clones. "So if you're all perfect, which one of you is the best?" He asked.
One of the tridents answered. "I am!... Huh?"
As soon as you understood what Beast Boy was doing, you grinned. Aqualad stepped up.
"Come on. You can't all be the best." He says.
"One of you must be better than the others," You add.
One of the tridents step forward. "I am the original!I am the best!"
"You are not the original"
"I am!" Multiple tridents yell at once.
"Nonsense you inferior fools! I am perfect! I am Trident! "
You watch in amusement as the clones turn on each other and the fight turns into a full on brawl. The fight eventually ends, and all the tridents laid on the ground, defeated. Aqualad turns to Beast Boy.
"Great idea," He says. You noticed that there were no hints of sarcasm in his voice. Whatever they said to each other earlier must have made them work better together, you figured.
"Kinda got it from you," Beast Boy says."Now we just have to stop those from hatching." He points to the yellow pod filled ceiling. Right as he said that, the screen on the machine behind you hit 0 on the timer and the word "begin" flashed on the screen.
"Too late!" The three of you yelled at the same time. New Trident clones were breaking through their membrane "eggs". Beast Boy instinctively turns into a hippopotamus and tramples the crowd, creating a path to the ocean. You and Aqualad sprint behind Beast Boy, dodging the clones' outstretched arms. You all dive into the water, the Tridents close behind.
"We can't let them escape! We need to find some way of sealing the exit!" Aqualad yells telepathically.
"Right now, I'm just worried about getting to the exit." Beast Boy replies. You didn't look back, but you could feel the clones closing in. As you got closer to the exit you saw a familiar looking silhouette.
"The T-sub!" You exclaimed as you swam out of the cave. The clones stop in their tracks in confusion.
"Huh?" You hear one of them say.
You moved out of the way as the sub sent beams towards the entrance of the cave. The Blast caused a pile of rubble to fall, blocking the exit. You smile at your team who's cheering (along with Aqualad’s friend Tramm) inside their pods. The three of you turn bad to observe the T-sub’s work.
“Good thing Trident likes himself so much, 'cause I'm thinking he won't see anybody else for a looong time.” Beast Boy says.
You find yourself on the surface again, on the shore of the Titan’s Tower. Raven and Starfire both continue to look at Aqualad with heart eyes as Robin steps forward.
“Consider yourself an honorary titan” he says with a smile, holding out a familiar black and yellow communicator for him to take. “We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.”
“Right back at you. It's good to know there's people up here I can trust.” Aqualad looks at you and Beast boy. He says goodbye to Raven and Starfire, who blushingly say it back. He then turns to Beast Boy.
“What can I say, dude? You're the best.” Beast Boy says.
“Nah. You're the best.”
“Yeah, you're right. And if you ever want me to prove it, I'm always up for a race.”
“Just try and keep up.” Aqualad laughs, patting his head. He finally turned to you.
“Aquagirl, it's been really nice to meet you. Next time you’re near Atlantis, give me a call and I’ll show you around. There's so much to show you,” he stretched out his hand for a handshake, but you pulled him in for a hug. He was surprised at your gesture, but soon returned it. Raven and Starfire looked at you with pure envy as you pulled back with a smile.
“I’ll take your word for it, Aquacousin” you say, making a reference to your nickname for him earlier. He laughs, then waves goodbye. The six of you wave back as he swims back into the ocean. Robin gently put his hand on your shoulder.
“You did a great job today Aquagirl. I knew I could count on you.”
“You know you can always count on me, dude.” you say with a smile. “Now I’m kinda hungry. Anyone up for pizza?”
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
U can't just reblog that much Ronance and not write something.
[A/N: You're right, I should be jailed! This was super fun to write. I've missed not writing in the POV of y/n]
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Trigger warnings: A lot of death, this happens after season 4
Summary: When Robin attends senior prom by herself Nancy swoops in to save the day, and the dance. (Based off of the Season 2 Snowball Dance Scene with Dustin).
(I Just) Died In Your Arms | Nancy Wheeler X Robin Buckley
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When Patrick McKinney asked Robin to senior prom, she considered all the possible outcomes. She had relied on him during chemistry this past semester, and he was nice enough. He always smelled like oil and mojito mint gum. He was good at science despite the overwhelming jock stereotype that followed him like a cloud of smoke. And really- he was mostly nice.
Patrick McKinney followed Jason Carver around like a lost dog to a fault. The blonde-haired blue-eyed tyrant that lead the basketball team with an iron fist. They laughed and shoved each other like a pack of uniformed animals. But Patrick would shoot her soft looks, and smile warmly at her. And who was she to turn down a date that would appease her mother.
One night- that’s all it was. She wouldn’t lead the kid on, and she hoped to high heavens that this wasn’t some elaborate prank on the band geek that still hung out with Steve Harrington, college or not.
This was before Vecna. Before Chrissy had been glued to the ceiling and Fred crumpled in the road. Before Eddie was labeled a satanic murderer heading a cult of Freshman. Before Patrick’s funeral that didn’t’ feel right for Robin to attend. They weren’t that close. He had asked her to senior prom and she had accepted.
Robin didn’t know how to dance.
That was the only thought on her mind when she walked into the gymnasium, thick with the scent of lemon floor wax and fruit punch. There were streamers in orange and green, and there was a local band playing covers on the stage. It looked like prom. It looked like something she would never attend if she didn’t’ have to.
She could have stayed home tonight, reading through magazines, or rewinding tapes at the video shop. People never read the BE KIND, REWIND stickers. They were faded and ignored but she didn’t’ mind. She liked knowing the end before the beginning.
Robin figured she owed this to Patrick. Whatever this was. She knew he bought a suit, a dark blue one that complemented his eyes. In another world, they could be friends. In another world, she wouldn’t have downed two dixie cups of tequila peppered punch.
She lingered by the edges. The prom was low energy. People danced and fake-laughed and smiled at one another because they were graduating in a few months and needed to do this so they could remember their high school experience as more than senseless deaths and muddled funerals. Thoughts and prayers.
Robin let her eyes sweep the crowd. They all looked so happy, so undisturbed. Even before she had taken a trip through Watergate, she was pretty fucked up. She’d ramble and her palms would sweat and she didn’t’ have a filter. But somehow- the upside-down had made that worse. When her eyes met Nancy’s across the room, her thoughts shuttered. Someone who understood.
Nancy Wheeler wore a stunning lame gown that cut off at her knees. The bottom half was a metallic gold, the top a velvet with puffed shoulders, a keyhole neckline that left little to the imagination. Not that Robin had ever imagined her new friend that way.
Nancy gave her a warm smile before cutting across the dance floor. She commanded a power around her. People parted, subconsciously or not. Robin pushed herself from the folded bleachers behind her, thumb moving against the edge of the cup.
“I didn’t think I would see you here,” Nancy said.
Robin let out a nervous laugh “Yeah. Me either. Dances aren’t really my thing.”
Wheeler raised both of her eyebrows. She still had that easy smile on her face that made the back of Robin’s knees damp and shaky. She blushed and glanced at the wood floor, swallowing the rest of her alcohol-tinged drink. It was hot in her throat.
“You’re here alone?”
Robin asked the question before her mind could catch up with her mouth. She bit the side of her cheek hard enough for it to sting. If it was offensive in any way, Nancy didn’t say so. She shoved her hands into her the pockets of her dress. Robin didn’t’ even know it had pockets.
“I signed up for punch duty. I don’t know why I’m trying so hard, honestly. I’ve already been accepted to Emerson. They’re not going to care if I served drinks at prom. It’s a good distraction, though. What about you?”
Robin shrugged. It would be out of pocket to tell Nancy that no, she wasn’t supposed to be alone. She was supposed to be having awkward conversating with Patrick McKinney, dancing clumsy, and excusing herself during slow songs. She didn’t’ know if he was here in spirit. She didn’t know where he was at all. If he was void of suffering.
“Just wanted to see what all the fuss is about. You’re right, it is a good distraction.”
From the nightmares, she meant. Each time she closed her eyes she felt like she could breathe in dust and blood and whatever sticky substance coated Vecna. She coughed up spores for a week and had been surviving on three hours of sleep here and there. The lights were always on. Never the dark.
Nancy squeezed the top of her arm delicately, bringing her back. She wasn’t even positive that she had faltered. “Never been to a school dance before?”
“I don’t know how to dance.”
“You’re kidding,” When Robin shook her head, Nancy trailed her hand down to Robin’s giving it another squeeze before pulling her gently towards the metal doors. “Follow me.”
She didn’t’ have much of a choice. Not that she was complaining. The gym was getting warm and dangerous. Liquor was flowing and chaperones were catching on to the acrid scent in the air. The hallway was significantly cooler, lined with lockers. Music became muffled and Robin felt like she could breathe again.
Maybe it had been dumb to come here, but the way Nancy’s hand fit into her own was decidedly not dumb. She and Wheeler ran in two completely different circles. Nancy was dedicated and headstrong and poured herself into the Hawkins Post, college applications, and cover letters. Robin slung it with the band kids and shot skittles into an empty VHS case from across the room with Steve.
The opening chords to a Cutting Crew song seeped through the gap in the ugly brown metal doors. It was a slower song that Robin had listened to maybe once when it first came out. She didn’t’ care much for dying in someone’s arms, but thought that at this moment, she might just allow herself.
Nancy placed her hands gently on Robin’s hips. Her heartbeat spiked into her throat, mouth dry. Nancy asked. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, I mean, yes. This is perfect. It’s nice I mean-“
“You can move closer.”
Robin took a small step forward, instinctively draping her arms over Nancy’s shoulders. She smelled sweet and clean like citrus. Robin felt like she was buzzing. “Closer,” Nancy commanded.
And Robin did as she was told. She had seen Nancy wield a gun on more than on occasion. Any weapon she could grab much like Steve. She wasn’t about to defy this, and she didn’t’ want to. She wanted to lean closer, to breathe all of her in to the sound of synth.
“Perfect. You just kind of sway.” Nancy whispered, “And don’t step on my feet.”
“Easy enough.”
They stood like that for a while, listening to the music, pulling each other in. Nancy had pressed her forehead against Robin’s, closing her eyes in contentedness. She never imagined being this close to Wheeler. Getting the chance to be this close to her.
I just died in your arms tonight. It must have been something you said.
Robin’s heart was pounding against her ribcage. Nancy’s eyes fluttered open. She could have imagined it, the way that the girl's stare flicked to her lips, and then back up to her eyes. The moment was all-consuming. Robin gave a small nod, pointless if she had read the situation wrong. All-encompassing if she had read it right.
Nancy Wheeler was devastatingly pretty. Her cheeks were a vibrant pink color as if she had swallowed a basin of wine to warm them. Robin could drown in her. Robin nearly did when she closed the distance between them. The taste of cherry lip gloss was thinly sweet. Nancy pulled her hand from Robin’s hip and cupped the back of the girl's neck, sighing into an embrace that neither of them knew they needed this badly.
Robin was coaxed into a relaxed kiss. Nothing was too rushed. She had been waiting for this moment for months. For years, maybe. Hating the way they had to pull apart when the doors to the gym pushed open. They untangled and took a step back from one another. Lips wine-dark, hearts pounding.
It must’ve been some kind of kiss.
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we-dragons · 3 years
Chapter 2
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
The boy just stares blankly at me, gaping at me like I was some unfamiliar creature of an unknown origin. "I lay all night on your table bleeding to death while you stitch me from an infected wound feeding me a glittered plastic and you want to know about your window."
"Well, they are not cheap you know, and I'm pretty sure that insurance won't cover night invaders, ... it did say in the fine print that they cover rock smashings though, maybe I should go over paperwork again...wait did you just call this plastic?" I shake the box containing the scales. " I will have you know that they are medicinal Lamina that saved you from being poisoned." He quirked an eyebrow. I sigh and put the box away in the closet grabbing my jacket while I am there.
"where are you going?" I look back at the boy heading to my door in the process.
"To buy my self a new window, you just stay there in if and when you feel your chest is on fire," I point to the closet. " Take another plastic and chew." I open the door and leave for the hardware store down the street.
I place the window in it's place and head to the kitchen, when I got home earlier I noticed Robin was sleeping on my couch, and he was still there sleeping soundly I finish making food for the three of us. I look for the little black monster holding his bowl. "Nightmare?" I call him to get him into the kitchen, but he didn't come.
"OWCH!" I rush to the living room and scowl at the scene before me, Nightmare was attacking his feet and not in his usual 'I'm hungry feed me' but as in an 'intruder! I'm going to kill your way'. I set the bowl down and pull the cat out of his foot, Nightmare hissed wildly before setting his sights on his food, he jumps out my hands eating the meal in his bowl. What a fickle cat.
"That cat needs some mental help." Robin glares down at the small animal.
"Well he only gets that way because he's hungry, I forgot to feed him earlier." I gave him a bowl which he took skeptically staring at the contents inside.
"You give a sick man rice for a meal?"
"You for sure are not sick but you are however injured besides I don't exactly have money for anything else after I just paid 6 hundred dollars for that window." As if on cue the window smashed again, this time three other men stood weapons raised to meet me. 'great more vigilantes.' The one directly in front of me wore a tan leather jacket over what seemed to be a black jumpsuit with a red bat on it, he wore a very red helmet on his head and had a gun aimed between my eyes. The one to the left of him wore a complete cowl in a style that reminded me of Robin's outfit but focusing on blacks and reds instead of yellows and greens. The final one wore a head to toe gymnast suit with a bluebird on it he wore a blue mask over his face much like Robin's. At this point, I assume they are family. "I guess you aren't here for a lovely meal of rice then." Helmet head cocked the gun. "No, we just want the kid. Now, where is he?" I point to Robin. "He's on the sofa dummy, please take him and go." I hear the gun click, I glare at the glinting red helmet as the man dressed like a gymnast puts a hand on his shoulder. "Red hood, nows not the time, she's a kid." He peered over at me and a grin stretched on his face. "I'm so sorry to intrude on you like this, please excuse us."
"Hold it wing how do we know she didn't do anything to him."
"I just gave him poor man's rice.....and I replaced a window-Wait my window!" I smacked the gun out of the helmet head's hands and rushed to my couch to look at the window's shattered pieces lay on the floor and Robin. Robin glares up at me.
" Again with your window, are you really alright in the head." I look down at him.
" I'll get back to you when my psych report comes in on Monday." I turn to face the three behind me. "Now whos going to pay for the window I just replaced it an hour ago."The men behind me start to look confused while the helmet head just stares at the gun that was flung out of his hand. Just as the gymnast opens his mouth his eyes widen and a dark shadow falls over us and I have a sense of failure dread.
"What's going on, did you find Robin?"
"Batman!" The boys shout out, I turned around and was faced with a man in a black pointed cowl that covered his whole body while white slits poured down at the scene. Robin huffs and sits up straining up at the man, glass falling down from his body as he moved.
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apiratewhopines · 3 years
Killian, Persuaded
Chapter One — Don’t Panic
Summary: In which our hero panics
Read on AO3
“All of us are done for”
-Don’t Panic, Coldplay
It was no secret Killian Jones lived a charmed life. How could it be when his handsome face was plastered across glossy magazines covers and splashy websites on a daily basis? Dark hair carefully tousled to look as if he woke up that way. An athletic figure always encased in the latest fashion and, more often than not, topped off with black leather. A smile said to cause an increase in heart rate for those lucky enough to experience it firsthand. And perhaps the most defining feature, one gossip columnists and celebrity photographers waxed lyrical about, impossibly blue eyes that could charm or chill in equal measure depending on his mood.
He inherited his father’s roguish good looks and, fortunately for the world, his mother’s better nature.
As he rolled out of bed early one fall morning, it was with the deep sense of well-being one could only achieve from a pampered existence, free of the stress and worries normal people carried like millstones around their necks. He walked through a hallway laid with Italian marble liberated from a Renaissance era villa to a bathroom featured in Architectural Digest as the most luxurious in the world, causing an Arabian prince and a Russian oligarch to accuse him of sleeping with the journalist who produced the piece.
He had, of course. But that didn’t mean the title wasn’t deserved.
He stepped into an enormous shower that provided an expansive view of skyscrapers and the ocean beyond through the one-way windows forming the walls of the room. It was one he was so familiar with he didn’t even notice it anymore. As he washed off the lingering scents of the night before—stale cigarettes, spilled booze, and expensive French perfume—he rolled his shoulders under the perfectly calibrated water pressure of his rainwater showerhead and let the massaging jets work their magic, precisely hitting all the important hydrotherapy points as they had been designed to do.
Stepping out, he wrapped himself in towels of the softest Egyptian cotton embroidered with the Jones family crest. As his father always said, just because they were in the colonies, it didn’t mean they had to forget where they came from. Never mind that the colonies hadn’t been colonies in well over two hundred years. His family had always preferred to live in the past.
Killian’s father was also keen on never forgetting who they were. As if such a thing would even be possible when all articles about them started with a brief reminder their roots could be traced back as far as the monarchy and noted they were in possession of a bank account rivaling the tech giant nouveau riche of the vast city quite literally laid at his feet every morning.
Although, it should be noted his father would never be so tasteless as to discuss money. Comparing bank accounts was the province of those who didn’t have enough. No, the elder, esteemed Mr. Jones preferred to simply let his massive wealth speak for itself, silently scorning those who had less while appearing to think nothing of it. And why should he? It’s not like he had done anything to earn it other than being born into the family.
Generation after generation passed down entitlement and piercing blue eyes like they had patents on them. His father offset his lack of the most noted Jones feature by putting his blue blood on full display whenever possible. Some might even accuse the head of the family of overcompensating.
The truth of the matter was, Killian was the product of a long line of smug snobs so it was amazing he had turned out as well as he did.
Or perhaps not so amazing when you considered his mother had been a stranger to this world of glittering privilege. That’s not to say she was completely without resources. In the real world, she would have even been considered wealthy in her own right. But in the Jones sphere of reality, the general view was his father married so far down the ladder, he was practically romancing pond scum instead of a clever, beautiful soul who devoted her life to helping others and raising her two sons.
Killian realized at an early age it was, in fact, his mother who could have done better.
His parents had been an odd couple that never stood a chance. While no one would ever know for sure, because the only thing worse than talking about money was talking about your feelings, the general consensus was when his father saw his mother exiting the courthouse one day it was love at first sight. She was leaving her latest case as a Human Rights lawyer and he was coming from being the defendant in a string of slumlord lawsuits.
His father had always appreciated a pretty face, a trait he definitely passed down to his youngest son, and his mother could never resist the chance to save someone. Even if it meant losing herself along the way. Even, and perhaps especially, if the person didn’t want to be saved.
Doomed from the beginning.
Shaking off the odd sense of melancholy that threatened, he threw his towel into the corner and walked unashamedly into a closet so large it could easily house a family of four with room to spare. It was a grand space, two stories softly lit by Baccarat chandeliers and filled floor to ceiling with custom clothes tailored to his exact, and enviable, measurements.
Another longstanding family expectation was to always look your best. Nature had been kind to the Jones clan but it never hurt to play up what you were blessed with. Clothiers practically threw garments his way knowing they would reap the benefits of a timely paparazzi snap. The three piece suit he wore when he proposed to his fiancée sold out within seconds after the picture went viral and the designer currently had a two year waitlist for his creations.
The pressure of being a trendsetter never bothered him. Honestly he couldn’t care less what people thought of him. Being universally adored did wonders for your confidence.
The same could not be said for his estranged older brother. While Killian received the lion’s share of swagger, Liam had inherited their mother’s self-righteous streak with none of her sweetness to temper it. He was a chore to be around at the best of times so it was no surprise barely a year after the death of their mother, and only a few months after his graduation from university, Liam proceeded to thumb his nose at centuries of Jones tradition by defying their father and enlisting in the Navy thereby renouncing any claim to the family fortune.
He hadn’t even had the decency to join Her Majesty’s Naval Service. In a complete break with the family, he visited the nearest strip mall and was recruited by some of Uncle Sam’s finest.
From that day forward, their father insisted he had only one son. Liam was painted out of family portraits, his name stricken from the family tree, his signature removed from the vast network of accounts and properties. Killian still remembered the last time he saw him, laughing as he waved from the backseat of a cab, looking as if the weight of the world had been taken off his shoulders.
It was the only time he’d ever been jealous of his brother.
Now, more than fifteen years later, he often wondered where Liam had landed. If he was still laughing or if the harshness of a world without means, without the Jones family name to soften any and all blows, had crept up on him. The abandoned boy, the one who had watched from a spotless mansion window as his best friend and hero walked away without a second glance, hoped so. But it was a mean, half-hearted wish. Hidden beneath layers of hurt, the reality was he would never want any harm to come to his brother.
Deep down, he wished he had followed him out the door.
Selecting a black suit and contrasting tie at random, he started getting dressed. Normally, his valet would be on hand to smooth wrinkles and polish off his look. However, the man had taken a long overdue vacation to tend to his ailing mother. Killian wasn’t so far removed from the real world he couldn’t dress himself for a few days but the sense of being out of sync wouldn’t dissipate.
He couldn’t account for the feeling. Admittedly, this time of year was harder than most. It never failed that autumn brought falling leaves and personal loss. First his mother, then his brother. To complete the trifecta, a vision of a blonde with a guarded smile filled his mind, green eyes flashing and chin tilted up in challenge.
With a ruthlessness that was completely unnecessary, he tugged his tie in place and risked a glance in the mirror for the first time that morning. Or maybe it had been months. Carefully cultivated nonchalance stared back at him. He wondered when he had lost the fire in his eyes and how long it would be before he gave a damn about something again.
Perhaps it was easier this way.
And perhaps if he kept taking the easy way, the next time he saw his reflection he wouldn’t recognize himself at all.
It was with some surprise he found he had thirteen missed calls when he bothered to check his phone. While his social media accounts were heavily trafficked, there were few who had his number and even fewer who actually used it in this day and age. The fact all the calls originated from a single source—his best friend of sorts—made it even more shocking.
There was a time when it would have been rare for Robin Locksley, heir to an ancient title and completely bankrupt estate, to be awake before noon. What was the point really when all you had to look forward to was crippling debt? That all changed when he settled down and started a family only to lose his wife less than two years later.
Normally he would have given into his curiosity and returned the calls but for once, he had someplace to be. The family’s legal and financial advisors recently called an emergency meeting and requested his presence in addition to his father, who normally handled these types of things. It was an unusual move to say the least but his father assured him it was because they wanted to talk him out of a risky investment. Misguidedly, they thought his son might get him to see the sense of their arguments.
Killian could have told them not to bother. His father no more listened to him than he did anyone else. Still, it was nice to feel wanted for something other than a free ride so he cleared his non-existent schedule and took one of the family’s fleet of limos to the tastefully understated brick mansion serving as a headquarters for their business ventures.
He could count on one hand the number of times he had bothered to visit. Honestly it seemed like everything ran a lot smoother if he didn’t get too involved. This laissez-faire type of leadership was the only way men of his class ran things. Anything more would be a disgrace to the honorable name of Jones. Or at least that was what his father said. Since he didn’t have any real interest in the day-to-day runnings of their portfolio and numerous acquisitions, it worked out well for everyone. The fancy business degree currently gathering dust somewhere in his penthouse could have been wallpaper for all the use it got.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized his time would be better spent at the yacht club or with his eminently suitable fiancée. She had been inexplicably absent the prior night and hadn’t returned the texts he sent to check on her. He was sure she would breeze into his arms at some point today with a perfectly absurd excuse and be delightfully motivated to make it up to him. The faint wave of nausea presenting itself at the thought was immediately dismissed as the result of too much caffeine.
He mounted the steps with a level of trepidation he normally reserved for babies and churches. The hard facade suddenly seemed imposing and it occurred to him the only vehicle in the cobblestone driveway was the one he arrived in. He would be joining the meeting as it started so the absence of his father’s preferred antique Rolls Royce was disturbing to say the least. Mr. Jones prided himself on his punctuality. Truly, it was his only redeeming virtue.
Shrugging inelegantly out of his overcoat, he knew he wasn’t imagining the brief look the staff exchanged when he crossed the threshold. Tension, an infrequent visitor in his cosseted life, formed in his shoulders, muscles bunching under the clean lines of his suit. He made his way unaided to the second floor, pausing on the landing when he heard the emotionless drone of some random news anchor echo down the hallway. It wasn’t until he heard his name fill the space his feet started moving of their own accord. He reached the boardroom at the tail end of the story but it was enough to get the gist of it.
There on the television, the ribbon running the details even as the reporter gleefully narrated it for an rapt audience, was a picture of his father. Time had been kind to the senior Jones, his hair still dark and falling in wavy perfection around his handsome face. Dimples winked charmingly as dark eyes twinkled with a sense of mischief that was totally an illusion. He was a hard man who had petrified after the death of his misunderstood, but nonetheless cherished, wife.
‘Anonymous sources reveal Brennan Jones, widely considered one of the richest men in the state, fled from authorities last night...’
Tearing his eyes away from the screen, he noted everyone was focused on his reaction, or lack thereof. Those brave enough to face him head on would notice the twitch of muscle in his cheek, a nervous tell the people closest to him knew was a sign of deep emotion. He felt like he stood there for days before someone stepped forward. It evidently fell to Marco, a friend of the family who had the distinction of being the only advisor hired by his mother, to be the messenger. “Killian, I’m so very sorry.”
Not sure what this man had to apologize about, he asked with a bemused grin, “Whatever for?”
Shuffling nervously, Marco stared at him again. Looking around the room at the shell shocked faces, he didn’t resist when the older man took him by the arm and led him back into the hallway. “I guess you haven’t heard. Of course, we had no idea it would come to this. I wish I could give you happier news.”
Mind uncomprehending of the scope of tragedy waiting for him, he said, “I would settle for any explanation at this point. Why was my father on television this morning?”
“Oh Killian, my boy, you probably should sit down...”
“I prefer to stand,” he murmured, internally bracing himself. Marco had always been one of the least annoying of the host of advisors employed by his family. The unassuming man had the kind of face that made you think of grandparents and unconditional love, or at least that’s what Killian thought when he was a child. Now he knew while grandparents were real enough, unconditional love was a fairy tale.
“Your father raided the meager funds left in the family coffers and left the country to avoid prosecution for wire fraud and tax evasion.”
“Meager funds,” he repeated, feeling lightheaded. “I’m not sure I understand. The last time I was at one of these little get-togethers, we had over half a billion dollars in assets.”
“That was many years ago, my boy. Your father made some poor investments and he never was the best at curbing his lifestyle to fit his income.”
Swallowing thickly, Killian ran his hand through his hair and forced himself to remain calm. If what Marco said was true, poor investments was the understatement of the century. In a pale imitation of a joke he offered, “So what? We’ll have to sell some property and maybe a couple of the yachts? Start sharing a helicopter with another family?”
“Unfortunately, the situation is more dire than that. Most of the property is already gone. The only yacht left is the one he stored in Maldives, probably in anticipation of his getaway.” With a kindly hand on his shoulder, Marco gave him an apologetic look. “I’m afraid it gets worse.”
In disbelief, Killian shook his hand away and propped himself against the wall. It was an artful pose that didn’t hint at the real reason he was leaning, namely he needed the hard surface to keep from sinking to his knees. “How could it possibly get worse?”
“The family money wasn’t the only thing he took. Your fiancée went with him.”
Killian was surprised to learn the hardest part wasn’t listening to the substantial inventory of assets already lost. It wasn’t seeing the short—far too short—list of property still in play that would be offered in a fire sale to end all fire sales. It wasn’t the fact people he thought of as friends were already circling like sharks, ready to take a piece of the family prestige home with them at a fraction of the cost.
It wasn’t the media demanding answers to prying questions every time he left his building. It wasn’t the news cycle replaying the details of his embarrassment over and over again on an endless loop. It wasn’t that somehow his name had become a punchline overnight, cannon fodder for late night talkshow hosts and comedians.
It wasn’t watching his family home, the last tangible thing connecting him to his mother, being emptied out. Observing the gentle landscape surrounding it being surveyed in an attempt to siphon off parcels from the main section to try to bring in more money at auction was surreal but unavoidable considering the circumstances.
It wasn’t the hushed conversations that followed him, fracturing into silence as soon as he was within earshot. Nor was it the pitying glances the staff gave him when he had to dismiss them with excellent references but a fraction of the severance they deserved.
It wasn’t crawling into an empty bed and pulling cold sheets over his head every night. It certainly wasn’t missing his fiancée, a woman he had committed to but, in hindsight, hadn’t liked all that much. If he was being completely honest, her leaving was the only silver lining in this particular rainstorm. Although her manner of leaving left much to be desired.
It wasn’t even the sudden lack of everything. His whole life he had been comforted by possessions he used as a replacement for love. Every article of clothing a substitute for the affection he never received, every priceless piece of art a proxy for family photos never taken much less displayed, every impressive technological gadget a surrogate for the support sorely missing from his life. His six car garage was now empty, a willing sacrifice in order to compensate the slate of advisors needed to carve up what was left of his life and repay the debts of his father.
Now that the clutter was gone, he actually felt a certain freedom in the emptiness.
No, the worst part was the silence. The feeling of being utterly and completely alone despite doing everything in his power to keep it from happening. With the shock of a lifetime to provide perspective, Killian realized now he had twisted himself into someone he didn’t know in a misplaced attempt to please a man who would never be proud of him. He let go of all the things that made him happy—the people who made him happy—to try to meet some unattainable standard of perfection in the eyes of the horde he had mistaken for loved ones. People who had abandoned him the second he was no longer the darling of their social stratum.
Still, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss the buzz. He knew it was meaningless but the constant hum of activity gave him the illusion of being a part of something.
He knew some of the silence was his own fault. He had turned off him phone and frozen all his social media accounts. It seemed wise given the shit show that was currently his life and all the expensive advisors agreed laying low was the best course of action in situations like these.
Luckily, his dwelling and a few pieces of furnishings were his outright, bought with the small trust he inherited from his mother so at least he wouldn’t be living on the street. He had a comfortable cage to crawl back into every night. A lonely place to be sure, but no one could take it from him. It was a lot more than most people would ever have and a lot less than he wanted.
For the first time in a long time, he looked out over the city and truly saw it.
He had no idea how long he had been standing there lost in thought when the elevator bell rang. Someone made it past the doorman and the front desk. Trying to figure out how his visitor managed to get all the way to the penthouse was a welcome distraction from his gloomy musings. The ringing kept up a steady pace but he didn’t make any effort to key open the door.
That is until the noise took on a familiar tune.
The unmistakeable though slightly off-kilter sound of Hooked on a Feeling rang out in the harsh meep of the doorbell. With something approaching wonder, Killian ran over to the security pad and punched in his code. Instantly, the elevator opened revealing a sight he never thought he’d see again.
Staring back at him through blue eyes identical to his own was the face of his long lost brother. Through the intervening years, Liam grew his hair out and it now curled in a way that made him think it was probably raining outside. Faint scores of wrinkles defined the areas of his profile showing Liam had continued to find joy in the struggle of life. Completing his perusal, he noticed his brother had bulked up, muscles replacing the softness of an idle life, probably a side benefit of his years in the Navy. His clothes were of the outdoor variety, navy utility pants topped with a gray fisherman sweater and pea coat, and they made him look like he stepped out of a travel magazine catering to ecotourists. “Liam, I...how did you find me?”
“Finding you has never been a problem, little brother. You don’t exactly fly under the radar. Reaching you on the other hand...well, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to find a different way in since you won’t answer your damn phone and there isn’t a lock to pick on this contraption,” Liam explained, looking Killian over with a worried expression that gradually gave way to a bright smile. “You look like death warmed over.”
“Good to see you too,” Killian answered sarcastically, still trying to get his bearings. While Liam had changed in a few superficial ways, his determined expression and uncompromising attitude seemed unshakeable even after all these years. The bruised ego and hard feelings of their long separation faded away like it never happened and he was fifteen again, basking in the glow of a beloved brother. “Why are you here?”
“Why do you think? I’m rescuing you from your ivory tower.”
“I don’t need to be rescued,” he scoffed. Times made be bad, but it wasn’t like he was starving. He still had his pride and it forced the next words out of his mouth before he could stop to consider if they were true. “Certainly not by a man who acted like I didn’t exist my entire adult life.”
Stiffening, Liam advanced into the room, taking no notice of the breathtaking view or the recently minimalist design. Suddenly Killian was engulfed in a fierce embrace, pulled into his brother’s strong hold. He heard Liam say in a gruff voice, “Our father has a lot to answer for but know this, I thought of you every single day since I left.”
A little piece of him broke, even he couldn’t have said if it was his resolve or his heart, and he felt tears well up. Uncomfortable with the stir of emotions, he joked as he hugged Liam with equal intensity, “Aye, serves you right you bastard.”
“Too right,” his brother agreed, pulling away to clap him on the back. Barking out orders in a way that gave Killian a glimpse of the other man’s military background, he didn’t even argue when Liam said, “Pack your bag. I’m taking you home.”
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graysonsdarlings · 4 years
ice cream cake
notes: this is my first time writing for dick! sorry if he’s a little (or a lot) ooc. i adore him so much, so i thought i’d start writing for him. as always, feedback is appreciated!
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none
An agonizingly long mission had taken up the majority of the day. Everyone was exhausted out of their minds and had decided to call it a day as soon as they made it back. But you were still up, foot tapping the tile of the dimly lit kitchen with a small ice cream cake in front of you. A pack of candles, which were purchased before you realized they’d make the cake melt even quicker than it was already, had been lazily tossed on the counter beside it. You had snuck away from the others after the mission, running to the first store that was still open this late, purchasing one of the only cakes they had left.
Your arms laid crossed on the cool counter as a sigh left your lips. “Happy birthday to the loneliest Young Justice member,” you muttered, spoon going in to cut the confection.
“What are you doing up so late?” asked a low voice, making your head snap to the direction it came from.
“Dick?” you breathed as your eyes made out his form, trying to regain control of your quickening heartbeat. It was always hard to keep steady whenever Dick was around. One look from him made butterflies fill your stomach. Even when he always wore those stupid sunglasses, you still could feel his gaze. You gave him a once over. “I could ask you the same.”
You had been an admirer of Robin since his early days of staking out on rooftops with Batman, and began to develop a slight crush on the Boy Wonder after the two of you became a part of Young Justice. His constant flirting and banter with you didn’t help the small ache in your heart you’d get from seeing him. You always wrote off his passes at you because he was like that with almost everyone he met. It was all a part of his charm as the son of billionaire Bruce Wayne. But Dick’s blue eyes pulled you in like ocean waves. It didn’t take much for you to lose your footing and get pulled from shore.
“It’s your birthday?” he questioned, ignoring what you had said. Dick frowned when you nodded. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well we were kind of trying not to die, y’know?” you shrugged. “Not something you just bring up while you’re dodging punches. Hey Robin, I know we’re in a life or death situation right now, but hey! It’s my birthday! Yeah, a little distracting, don’t you think?” You purse your lips, looking down at the cake. “And I'm not really one for parties, especially if the attention is on me. Everyone was tired anyway, and they deserve some rest. As do you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be spending your birthday alone,” he said, walking over to you.
“I didn’t. I was with you all.”
“Fighting criminals,” he deadpanned. “Doesn’t sound like the best thing to do on your birthday to me.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now help me eat this cake before it melts.”
He smiled, gratefully accepting the spoon you offered. The both of you quickly regretted digging in so fast, because before you knew it, your head and teeth began to ache like hell. Being superheroes and all, you and Dick have endured much worse pain, but pain was still pain.
You groaned, keeping the ice cream on your tongue to let it melt. “Shit- brain freeze.”
Dick winced as he finished his piece. You looked at each other and began giggling hysterically. Simultaneously sharing a brain freeze wasn’t all that funny, but a chorus of laughter began filling the room anyway. The two of you quickly forgot the others were still very much asleep, all too wrapped up in each other’s company. Your fit of giggles soon died down and you hoped you hadn’t woken anyone up. Most of them were heavy sleepers anyway.
“Maybe we shouldn’t eat so much at once?”
“Good idea.”
You soon fell into easy conversation and moved over the couch. The ice cream cake was eagerly devoured, in a normal fashion this time to prevent any further aches. The silverware had been long forgotten on the table as you traded childhood memories, hopes and desires, and basked in the presence of one another. There was something about Dick that made you feel safe. Nothing but him seemed to matter and all of your worries vanished in an instant when he’d flash you that smile of his, blindingly bright and oozing with charm.
It was so easy to fall for Dick Grayson.
There was a glimmer of hope that would fill you sometimes. A small wish that maybe he felt the same way about you. You noticed how his gaze would linger on you for that tiny moment longer, or when he’d smile at you lopsidedly in a way that was different from anyone else. The way that he was gazing at you now made your stomach swirl. He had pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head. His face was slightly flushed and his eyes were tired, but the warmth you felt from them was all the same. Dick wore a boyish grin. The distance between you was small, smaller than you recalled it being. You don’t remember moving closer to him. Or did he get closer to you?
A small smile tugged the corner of your lips. They were slightly chapped from when you licked the excess ice cream off of them earlier in the night. The room was silent, but there was something peaceful about the silence. Eventually, the exhaustion caught up with you. A soft yawn left your lips as your head gently laid on Dick’s shoulder. The soft material of his t-shirt coaxing you to sleep.
“Happy belated birthday, angel,” Dick whispered to your sleeping form, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
The sunlight shined brightly on your face, forcing you awake. You rolled over to escape its beams, pulling the covers closer to your body when a thought hit you. You don’t remember falling asleep on your bed. How did you get there? Your eyes shot open, a muffled groan escaping your lips as you realized that Dick must’ve carried you. You kept your face hidden in your pillow, praying to God you didn’t say anything in your sleep. Who knows what came out of your mouth, drowsy and most importantly, unfiltered.
A few minutes went by before you slumped up reluctantly, realizing you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. You rubbed your tired eyes and slowly pushed the warm blanket off of you. The cool air nipped at your skin, making you shiver. You scurried over to your dresser to grab a sweatshirt, and quickly pulled it over your head. You glanced at the clock before gazing at your reflection, taking in your eyebags and dull skin. You sighed, rubbing your face and began to brush out the knots in your hair.
The groaning of your stomach made you realize how hungry you were and you slipped out of your room to make breakfast. You were in need of caffeine as well. You didn’t run into anyone as you quietly walked to the kitchen. You figured everyone was still asleep. That or they had gone out early. But when you made it into the kitchen, you found someone.
“Good morning,” chirped Dick. “Made some breakfast. You want some?”
“Cereal?” you questioned, eyeing the bright green box of Apple Jacks in his hand. “Since when does that qualify as ‘Making breakfast’?”
“Oh shush,” he said sheepishly, running his fingers through his dark hair.
You walked over to the refrigerator to grab eggs, but it was empty. You sighed, hoping that someone will remember to get them if you don’t. After grabbing a bowl and spoon from a cabinet, you took your seat on a stool. You grabbed the box of cereal and poured it in along with your milk. “So...”
“Did we go to my room last night?”
“Oh.” Dick laughed, his cheeks beginning to turn rosy when remembering the way you unconsciously wrapped yourself around him. “No, I carried you to your room after you fell asleep. I didn’t want to leave you on the couch.”
“Thanks,” you said, chewing another spoonful of cereal. “Also… I didn't get to thank you for last night. I'm glad that it was you I got to spend my birthday with.”
Dick placed his hand over his heart for dramatic flare. “I’m honored.”
You snorted. “Shut up, you dork. I’m trying to have a nice moment with you.”
He simply smiled and gazed at you with an emotion you could only describe as adoration. “I’m glad that it was me who you got to spend your birthday with.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “I have a present for you.”
“Really? You didn’t have to.”
“Just close your eyes.”
“That’s a bit ominous, I’m not sure if I want to-“
“Okay, okay.”
You closed your eyes in anticipation, wondering what he could’ve gotten you only a mere eight hours after learning it was your birthday. You felt Dick get closer to you until you could feel the warmth of his breath. His nose brushed against yours and his lips hovered over your own. You could almost hear the gears in his head grind before finally deciding to close the distance between you. Dick’s lips are chapped, but they’re still soft like you thought they’d be. You’d be a liar if you said you’ve never imagined kissing him before.
He pulled away and you instantly missed the feeling of his touch. Your eyes fluttered open, dazed from the action. There was doubt in your mind. You still weren’t sure if that had really happened. Maybe you would wake up again and realize that it was all in your head. But you were still here with Dick looking at you with love.
“I have to admit,” you whispered breathlessly, “that was the best birthday gift I’ve ever received. Can I have another? Maybe a really early one for next year?”
He laughed. “How about you can have as many as you like whenever you want?”
“Deal,” you said, eagerly pressing your lips against his.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Colony of Gotham (1/7)
Special thanks to @starlightandsunshine​ for helping me with this <3
The Colony of Gotham is an urban legend that is whispered about in the dangerous city. It's said the Colony is a family of demons and spirits that stalk the night, hunting for the souls of the guilty.
When Bruce became Batman, he'd never intended to be mistaken for a demon. He was happy to lean into it, though, and as he gained his partners -- as his family grew -- they all followed suit.
Next Part
Bruce Wayne was born a vampire, one from the long-standing Kane family of vampires through his mother. This nature granted him a few abilities. He was more durable than a human and could heal faster. He was stronger and faster than a human and had better sight and hearing, though not to anywhere near the degree that some metas boasted. He could take on the form of an animal and could influence bats, corvids, canines, and felines to a certain extent. Finally, he would stop aging once he reached his thirties, a trait of those who were born or turned young instead of those like Alfred who were turned at an older age and therefore would always be that age.
However, when he set off on his path to becoming Batman, he swore to himself that he would not rely on any of this to fight the criminals that plagued Gotham. He would not be like those heroes past who relied on their powers, then were left defenseless when those abilities faltered or were ripped away. After all, only a vampire’s healing and longevity remained during the day and some spells and devices could similarly strip his nature away.
Batman stuck to his wits, tech, and martial arts training.
Even still, the criminals of Gotham could tell something was off about the Bat. Rumors flew about a demon haunting Gotham’s night, which Bruce leaned into. He hadn’t chosen a bat just because of the family significance. He wanted to strike fear. As such, he stuck to the shadows and allowed his fangs to bare. He used makeup to make himself appear paler and contortionist tricks to make his movements uncanny. He allowed Batman to become an urban legend that sent shivers down the spines of Gotham’s infamous.
When Barbara Gordon became Batgirl, she quickly realized his tricks were just that and leaned into them as well. She became a ghost following in the Bat’s footsteps. She disappeared into a mist made from special smoke pellets and spun across the ground and air in a weightless way that came from years of ballet and gymnastics training. She wore shadows like Batman’s, but violet and gold peeked through the darkness to make her stand apart.
Bruce initially didn’t want her in the field, but she eventually proved herself both competent and stubborn. In a bid to help protect her, he outfitted her with proper gear and let her in on the secret of his nature. She considered it, then a week later she asked him to turn her so she could always watch his back.
Then Dick Grayson was taken in by the billionaire and became the Bloody Robin. They called him a demon child, the son of the Bat who flew on bird’s wings. His cheerful laughs and giggles echoed and hissed eerily thanks to a voice filter. His clothes were bright colors, but were covered by the wing-like shadows that wrapped over his shoulders. Fake blood dripped from his hair and eyes and coated the tips of his gloves and cape. He chirped like a bird as he flipped and flew through the air. His mask made his eyes glow white and his body almost appeared boneless when he moved around on the ground thanks to the contortionist who’d babysat him at the circus.
The three heard the tales when teams of heroes began to form, but they didn’t reach out. Gotham’s Colony was a myth, an urban legend. Those outside of Gotham had never heard of them and those within only spoke in whispers.
That was how the Colony preferred it.
Besides, the rest of the world wasn’t as dark as Gotham.
Their tricks and games worked fine in the shadow-filled gothic architecture that made up Gotham, the near-perpetual overcast days, and the deep darkness of Gotham’s nights, but cities like Jump, Metropolis, or Central were far brighter. They could do without, they’d proven that plenty of times against the bigger villains that were either too crazy or brave to fear the Bat, but why should they? The tricks and games had become a part of them over the years and discarding a piece of themselves just so they could work outside of Gotham with strangers felt wrong.
So the Colony stuck to their own.
On the job, at least.
Dick met Wally West at a two-week-long Jr. Forensics Summer Camp when they were eleven and thirteen respectively. Bruce had sent him to brush up on his skills while Wally’s mentor, Barry Allen, thought it would be good training. Neither boy knew about each other's secret lives, but became close friends all the same and kept in contact when they returned home. Dick didn’t reveal it to Wally when he discovered the other boy was Kid Flash, but kept a close eye on Central City just in case.
A similar situation happened two years later when the Colony discovered Green Arrow’s latest protégé, a girl named Artemis Crock, lived in Gotham and had been helped into Gotham Academy by the other billionaire. Dick decided to keep an eye on her, but his pseudo-stalking quickly turned into a genuine friendship.
He may have taken a bit too much joy in introducing Wally and Artemis to one another. Wally got back at him a few years later by introducing him to the model Kory Anders, the secret identity of his celebrity crush Starfire. Dick had to admit to having a crush on Kory as well to explain his nerves.
It turned out to be a net gain in the end, though, since he came out of it with her phone number.
As time passed, Dick started to get too old to be the demon child. He decided to create a new story for himself. One that would let him step out from under the shadow of the bat, using a name from an alien myth in Bruce’s files that he’d loved reading growing up. He and Bruce argued, and Dick spent some time sleeping on Barbara’s couch, but with nowhere to run they were forced to come to a compromise. There was still tension, but it was smoothed over with time and a bite.
Nightwing was a nocturnal bird that had taken human shape after being taken in by Batgirl’s elegance. It chased after and raced the ghost, nothing but shadows and a blue streak flying through the air. Those who got close enough to see his face would say that his skin was like porcelain while black wings covered his eyes completely and his lips were painted with darkness.
Nightwing wasn’t the only change to the Colony, though, because as Dick was finishing up his designs for the story, a little boy was stealing the tires off the Batmobile.
Dick was furious when the kid climbed out of the car into the cave, thinking Bruce had brought the kid in as a new Robin without even consulting him, but anger’s quickly replaced by confusion.
Because Batman wasn’t with the kid.
Jason Todd had gotten grabbed by the Bat after having already nicked three tires off the batmobile. Batman caught him before he could run then replaced the tires. He’d made a mistake in leaving the boy in the car when he went to call for someone to pick him up, however. Jason, who some might generously call impulsive, proceeded to use the opportunity presented to him to hotwire the vehicle and take it for a joyride that ended when he accidentally had the autopilot bring him to the cave. 
Dick was immediately taken with the small spitfire’s story, as well as his stubbornness and intellect. Meanwhile, Jason was amused by the fact that Gotham’s demon was, in his eyes, nothing more than a spectacular conman and wanted in. They teamed up to force Bruce to adopt the younger boy through underhanded -- and perhaps slightly illegal -- tactics.
As Dick started using his new story more and Robin less, Jason got his own turn under Batman’s cape.
People started to say Robin was more vicious. He’d climb walls, the claws on his feet and hands easily cutting into brick and metal. He’d give a fang-filled smirk as he hung from the ceiling like he’d forgotten he was a bird instead of a bat, only to drop down on unsuspecting shoulders. If he wasn’t clawing at opponents, he was beating them with his fists.
As one of his first acts as Robin, Jason saved a young boy who had been kidnapped for ransom. The kid had acted out of it during the rescue, but Jason put it down to trauma. He’d had no reason to realize the young detective-to-be had noticed the edge of Jason’s fake fangs through the shadows and fake blood. No one could have predicted the rabbit hole young Tim Drake had just fallen down nor that it would lead him to massive discoveries in the near future.
When Jason discovered Catherine Todd wasn’t his birth mother, he considered going alone to look for the mystery woman who’d given birth to him. He and Bruce had just had a fight about his temper that had left him benched and he wanted to prove himself, but something Dick had told him months before echoed in his mind.
“No matter how much we argue, we’re always going to be there for each other. Us birds and bats, we’re a family. We have to stick together.”
In the end, he asked Dick and Barbara for help. It was something he was thankful for when his mother sold him out to the Joker. At least he could hold out against the torment with the knowledge his true family would soon come for him.
When Batgirl and Nightwing arrived, Joker fled. Barbara got Jason out while Dick, after seeing the state of his brother, tracked down the clown. Bruce got to him just in time to stop him from beating Joker to death, but when he saw Jason’s condition he couldn’t bring himself to scold his elder son for his loss of control.
Jason was barely hanging on and Bruce, knowing there was no other choice, turned him.
The boy lived, but his injuries were too severe and he fell into a coma.
Three weeks later, Bruce and Dick came into Bruce’s study to find Tim Drake waiting for them. Both were a little more focused on “My parents are never home” than “so I’m in a perfect position to cover for Jason as Robin while he’s sleeping,” to Tim’s confusion, but he ended up in the suit all the same.
The whispers that had come after Joker’s latest incarceration had him crowing about clipping bird wings tapered off as Robin sightings flared up throughout the city. People saw him flying next to the Bat and they heard him tap-tap-tapping his claws. He tapped them against the walls as he hunted through warehouses and against the floors as he crouched in front of technology that seemed to unlock under his gaze thanks to the computer that’d been built into his gloves, the interface of which could only be seen through the lenses in the Colony’s masks and cowls.
Tim didn’t really know how to feel about being adopted by Bruce, aside from the guilt he knew was mixed in there somewhere. It felt wrong to be slipping into the family like that while Jason was right there and Dick had to talk him down when the anxiety attack eventually hit.
Tim was Tim. He wasn’t Jason and they didn’t want him to be Jason.
Dick understood though. He explained how Dick and Jason had both had similar feelings regarding Barbara and Dick respectively, though Dick could admit he’d gotten off easier all things considered. He told Tim that the Colony was a family, and adoption or not, Tim was a part of that now. Jason wasn’t going anywhere and neither was Tim.
When Jason woke, Dick had a similar conversation with him after Jay saw a news broadcast about Tim while waiting for the others to arrive. It soothed him some, and Tim soothed him more when he assured Jason he wasn’t taking Robin from him.
“There can’t be two Robins.”
“Why can’t there?”
As Jason went through physical training to get back in shape, the two worked together to develop a strategy for acting as Robin together. One part of this was Trillic.
Tim, with help from Dick and Jason, invented a secret language made up of chirps, whistles, and clicks. It started as a way for the Robins to communicate with each other without giving away there was more than one, but over time the rest of the Colony picked it up and the vocabulary expanded until it became the family’s own personal language that they’d use whenever they didn’t feel like using words.
A few days after Jason was released from the hospital, Dick found Jason down in the cave and grew worried his little brother was pushing himself too soon after his accident. Then he saw the young woman on the screen. She looked a year or two older than Jason with long red hair, olive skin, and bright green eyes.
They’d met in Ethiopia, Jason told him, while saving a woman from some men. Jason had wanted to try to track her down now that he was awake. He’d succeeded, but it turned out she was an Amazonian hero.
Combined with the fact her name was Artemis, Dick couldn’t help but laugh and make a joke about Jason following in his footsteps. Jason smacked him and told him she was really more of an anti-hero so it wasn’t the same as Dick making friends with Kid Flash and Tigress, but Dick ignored him.
Jason did end up contacting her, and even got her to take a visit to Gotham. Dick took the opportunity to introduce her to Wally and his own Artemis, who Wally began to refer to as Stripes to not get confused. When questioned, he claimed it was because of some outfit of hers that stuck in his mind. Dick and Jason, knowing it was actually based on her identity as Tigress, nodded along and picked up using the name, to her annoyance.
Surprisingly, the two women didn’t get along despite their similar attitudes. This led to them taking great offense whenever people couldn’t tell which Artemis was being talked about, something only Jason, Dick, and Alfred never managed to do.
While the teens were laughing over this, whispers were going around about how the Bloody Robin seemed to be everywhere. If you fled from a room you knew he was in, you’d find him standing right in front of you in the new room. There was no escape. And he trilled more than ever, though his voice almost seemed to echo back at him as if he was having a conversation.
Not long after the Justice League had formed, Barbara had hacked into their security system and planted a little bug she named Mockingbird. It was designed to alert her whenever someone mentioned the Colony’s civilian or vigilante identities and copy any footage during the time. More often than not all it gave her was Wally and Bow-Artemis (as most of the family thought of her, to contrast with Axe-Artemis) discussing Dick. Every so often though, there’d be someone pining after Dick or Bruce, which could be good for a laugh depending on who it was.
On a day not long after the Robins had been set loose together, Mockingbird gave her something that was sort of new, yet at the same time not.
The video started with Wally discussing some prank he and Dick had pulled on Bruce and slowly devolved into him just bragging about how awesome Dick was. Suddenly he froze, staring off into the air.
Artemis took one look at him and asked, “Did you finally realize you’ve got a crush on your best friend?”
He immediately went to reassure his girlfriend, but she said got it and even shared his feelings.
Barbara settled in to watch the show.
Unfortunately, it took longer than she’d anticipated for Dick to catch on that the two actually wanted to date him and not just spend more time with him. He was usually pretty good at picking up on people’s feelings, yet Artemis ended up having to pull him into her lap during a movie night and kiss him flat on the lips before it sunk in.
When Barbara approached him about it, he pouted over her spying. Then he admitted that he’d known for years they all had feelings for each other, he just hadn’t wanted to risk getting in the middle of the two’s relationship since they seemed so happy together. When he’d realized how they’d started flirting with him, he’d been worried they were just after a quick thing and he couldn’t do that to himself. So he’d put on his media mask of naive ditz Dickie who wouldn’t recognize flirting if it hit him in the face.
Thankfully the two had reassured him and after talking it through, the three settled happily into their throuple.
To congratulate his brother, Jason gave him a solid week before making jokes about Dick following in Bruce’s footsteps by dating someone with a feline-themed suit.
The next hurdle was deciding how to deal with the media. Dick was Richard “Dickie” Grayson, eldest son of Bruce Wayne. The media loved to go on about him. Pretty much every second of his relationship with Kory had been recorded by the press. Neither of them had minded. He was still a performer at heart, always would be, and she was a warrior princess who had been in the spotlight all her life.
But Dick knew Wally and Artemis weren’t Kory so he talked to them about how they wanted to handle things.
In the end, they agreed only friends and family would know about Artemis, but Wally and Dick would go public. They all had practice keeping much bigger secrets so it wasn’t hard on Artemis to hide their relationship. Meanwhile, Wally didn’t mind playing around for the cameras. Plus, he knew how people treated Dick when they thought he was single and a small possessive part of him didn’t want them trying anything, even if he knew Dick would never cheat.
Things didn’t actually turn out too bad. Of course, there were always the conservatives that came around when Dick got a boyfriend, but they never stuck around long. Bruce had made his support of Dick’s sexuality very clear from the beginning and no one wanted to risk really ticking someone as rich and connected as him off by attacking his son like that.
The real problem came when their agreement to tell their families accidentally didn’t reach everyone.
Dick had been alone at the manor when it happened.
Bruce had gone on a weekend business trip, bringing Tim with him. Alfred was on a trip to England. Jason had taken the opportunity to spend the weekend hopefully not blowing things up with Artemis Grace, who had ended up getting a small flat in Gotham to act as her home base so she could visit with Jason and Dick during the rare occasions she wasn’t running across the world causing trouble with the Outlaws. Dick had been planning to spend the weekend with his partners at Stripe’s apartment, but they’d both been caught up by something (Dick assumed a mission had unexpectedly run long) so he had the night to himself.
He was watching a movie in the theater room when he felt a shift in the air. He immediately dropped to the floor, barely avoiding the sai that had been coming for his throat. Then he was over the back of the couch and engaging the assassin. He quickly realized she was with the League of Assassins as he recognized moves Bruce had picked up from them. She was good, too, but she had clearly come to the fight unprepared to face a Gotham myth. He didn’t take too many hits before pinning her and binding her hands and feet with the obijime from her dress. He then disarmed her of all her hidden weapons just in case.
When he questioned her, she declared that she was Artemis’s sister and had come to avenge her honor after Wally had betrayed her for Dick. She was not going to sit back and let the fool cheat on or dump her sister for the likes of a man she had believed was nothing more than an airheaded socialite.
Then, with narrowed eyes, she added that she had clearly been mistaken as not many airheaded socialites had been trained by assassins. Nor did they use moves only known by those trained by Ra’s al Ghul.
Dick ignored that and explained the trio’s situation as he untied her, having recognized her as Cheshire aka Jade Nguyen aka his girlfriend’s -- apparently protective -- assassin sister.
He took pride in the fact that he was dating someone who was only related to criminals instead of actually dating a criminal, unlike a certain father of his.
She thankfully believed him, though she did warn that should he be lying or should he hurt Artemis, she wouldn’t underestimate him a second time. She made a few more thinly veiled digs at his assassin-based fighting style as he showed her out that he cleanly sidestepped with comments about self-defense training. They both knew she didn’t believe a word of it, but she left it alone as she slipped away into the night.
So long as her sister remained unharmed, she had no desire to get involved in whatever was going on between the Wayne’s and al Ghul’s.
Before she left Gotham, though, she met Artemis and Wally on their way in and informed her sister that she approved of her new boyfriend. Both to be sure Dick was telling the truth and to mess with the speedster. The two predictably freaked out and she used their panic to slip away.
Dick answered Artemis’s call with, “Oh hey, Stripes! Your sister came by earlier to give me the shovel talk over tea. It was pretty gory, but I think the one Jason gave Wally was still probably worse so I’m not going to complain. Are we still on for tomorrow?” to their relief.
Artemis had not wanted to try to explain her assassin sister to her civilian boyfriend.
I decided to use Stephanie's Batgirl suit for Babs because most of Babs' suits are either bright or look just like Batman's. Steph will get other suits of hers when she appears.
The Robin suit looks just like Dick's from The Batman (2004), just bloodier.
Nightwing's suit looks like the typical V one, just with the eyes of the mask being blacked out. Also, black lipstick because yes.
Vampires’ animal forms:
Bruce: Gray bat
Alfred: Common raven
Selina: Oriental shorthair cat
Barbara: Little red flying fox
Dick: Black-billed magpie
Jason: Malayan flying fox
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
Tumblr media
Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Fourteen: The One With Her Brother
Warnings: Mention of childbirth
Word Count: 2644
The cool air around the waiting room shrouded a twelve-year-old blonde by the name of Lily Osborne. Wrapped in her cardigan-covered arms was a five-year-old Rose, the younger sister of the eldest Osborne. Just to the right of her sat two conservative grandparents, only moments away from learning if their third grandchild from their daughter would be a girl or boy. So far, the two had only been gifted with granddaughters, two from their other son William, and two from their daughter, Alicia, the mother of the two girls awaiting their newest sibling. Lily had already been through the grief of a new sibling with the little girl that sat in her arms, but it sadly didn't transfer over to the second blonde born from Alicia and Abel Osborne.
The small creek of a door just beside the many uncomfortable chairs stationed behind a small half wall and all four of the family member’s blonde heads popped up. Lo and behold though, it was merely a group of nurses seemingly leaving from their shift. Four collective sighs created harmony throughout the robin egg blue maternity wing waiting room. A heavier head leaned back onto her shoulder and Lily placed a gentle kiss on the bright blonde curls that sat atop of Rose's young head like a mop. Glancing down, Lily saw her little sister’s eyes flutter shut and she let out a gentle sigh, running her fingers up and down the child's thin arms. Just moments later, however, the doors opened once again and a panting Abel Osborne came shooting out with a bright smile plastered on his rugged features.
"Do you guys want to come to meet your new baby brother?"
For as long as Lily could remember, being Cedar's older sister was one of her most sacred pride of joys. Or just being an older sister in general. Especially being so much older than the younger two. Her parents were amazing, sure, and they always did their best with raising the three children. But when it came down to more personal issues and handling things like bullying, friends, or middle school, Lily was their go-to. And she cherished that fact. It was like having her own child, but without a majority of the responsibilities, the mother faced. It helped scratch that maternal itch Lily had since a baby.
Whenever her parents weren't able to, Lily walked Rose and Cedar to school. She was even his emergency contact for high school after their parents, same with Rose. when Cedar began high school, Lily was in her last year of university before beginning med school and handling a one-year-old baby boy and an unhelpful husband, she travelled down to Long Island with Hunter, and joined Cedar for his orientation day when their parents were on a business trip. Everyone thought she was his mother, and the two made a bit of a joke out of it.
Just below a year before that, when Lily and Scott were scrambling together a wedding, it was Cedar who had helped her choose a wedding dress that made her feel beautiful, even while she was four months along in her pregnancy. She was tempted to try and convince Scott to elope, feeling as though she wouldn't find a dress that gave her that moment that made her face light up when she saw herself in the mirror. Luckily, Cedar helped her achieve it.
She didn't want to go, really. It was the last place on earth that Lily wanted to be. Every morning when she looked in the mirror she felt huge. She thought her thighs were getting too big. That her cheeks were getting larger and she felt puffy. All because of the beautiful life growing inside of her. It wasn't her fault. She was four months along in the pregnancy she was handling at the age of 22, all while planning a fairly rushed and impromptu wedding to the father of her unborn child. Even though, if she would admit it to herself, she knew deep down this wouldn't work, and that he wasn't good for her. But she'd never say it out loud.
But today, well, today she just felt awful.
Today was the day that she would be picking a wedding dress. After a whole week of yelling at Lily, her fiancé, Scott, managed to get her to drop the idea of eloping, and instead, funnelling money into a wedding. On top of handling pregnancy and her last year of university. Lily had originally planned to handle this feat alone, feeling self-conscious about having anyone else there. But with her parents and brother now living in her basement, with her brother staying with them over the summer before he would go back to Long Island and stay with his grandparents until Lily gave birth, and their parents would move back home, well...her brother was the only one she couldn't get to stay at her home when she went out.
The boy had just turned 11 and was a pretty stereotypical pubescent boy. But with a much closer relationship with his sister than most kids with the age gap that the two had. Lily depended a great deal on her relationships with her siblings, for she never really talked or even spent time with girls or boys her age outside of school when she was younger. Of course, moving to New York City and over the past few years, she had expanded her bubble.
As the youngest and oldest Osborne sibling arrived at the quaint wedding dress shop in Soho, Lily wished to turn around and avoid any sort of questions about the growing bump that was prevalent on her stomach. Being at this store was the last place Lily wanted to be spending her Saturday afternoon. But alas, the tug of a boy’s hand on her sleeve persuaded the blonde to enter the shop alongside him.
After answering dreadful pregnancy questions from the shop owner, Lily had found the dress. But her hands cupped the growing belly of hers, and those green eyes grew sad as she looked in the mirror. The dress was a spaghetti strap, heart-shaped neckline, lace flower decals dancing across the organza type material, and sliding from her waist in an a-line style. it was loose, flowing, and hid any real evidence of a pregnancy. But Lily knew. She knew what was growing inside of her. What she would look like within two months when the wedding would be taking place. Her stomach even more swollen.
Cedar slowly stood from the couch and walked towards his older sister, taking her hand and looking up at her with the eyes that made Lily realize just how lucky she was. And with a shy nod towards the owner, Lily had found her dress. All thanks to the young blonde boy she called a brother. And those soft eyes.
Ten years later, the two were still as close as ever. Or so she believed. He stood at her wedding party at her and Scott’s wedding when she was twenty-two. He was there when she gave birth to Hunter. God, she remembered the day she went into labour so vividly. And the boy who had informed her distracted parents, and who pushed through the labour alongside his sister, before the actual birth began. She remembered that day so vividly.
Her hand gripped onto the pen she was using to take notes from her online lecture. Being the top student so far in her first year at Medical School had its perks. The professor's offered her online lectures and videos, while she handled the pregnancy. Her brother and parents had taken over the basement, as they came down from Long Island to take care of their daughter, who was very obviously in a neglectful marriage. The cool winds of November whispered secret thoughts to Lily, the window of her office allowing them in.
As Lily went to finish off a note about the fetus in a woman growing, her own decision to take a different approach. A popping deep within her set off a relay of gasps as water trickled down her leg, staining the loose dress she wore over top of her swollen stomach. her hand smacked itself across her lips as a small squeak escaped from her throat. A pair of footsteps ran themselves into the office, catching Lily's eyes as he spotted the water dripping down onto the floor.
"Mom! Dad! Start the car! Lily's water broke!" Cedar exclaimed, holding onto his sister’s hand. The same hand he'd be holding for the next few hours.
Maybe it was the feelings of betrayal that hit Lily the hardest. Before her then sat one of the most important people in her life, handcuffed to a table, waiting to be interrogated by police officers for attempting to break into her ex-husband’s apartment where her child sat, scared to death of the somewhat familiar tone of voice. Or it may have been the disgust that churned deep within her stomach as she came to the realization this was not the same sweet and innocent boy she had last seen a mere few weeks ago when visiting her parents. A boisterous and somewhat playful smile far gone from his face that was now carved full of deep stress lines, with bruises evident on the thin skin below his eyes. This wasn't Cedar Osborne. This was a mere shell of him.
"Sir there must be some sort of mistake," Lily laughed softly, gesturing towards the glass, "That's my brother he would...he would never hurt my son or try to. He's a nice kid how would he—"
"Ms. Osborne, I know this is a shock but this is the man that was caught trying to break into your ex-husband’s apartment." The detective said in a calm tone, "He confessed to it. We just can't get any evidence as to why he may have done it out of him...which is why we called you."
Lily stared at the man in front of her. Her crossed arms dropped to her sides as a look of pure shock took over her previous exasperated and confused face. He wanted her to interrogate her own brother? Try and get him to confess information about a crime he tried to commit against her son. Why Lily wanted nothing more than to smack the living daylights out of the police officer. But then again nowadays she has had this happen often.
"You did not just ask me that!?" Lily exclaimed, "He is my brother, and I know my brother, officer. There has to be a mistake. There has to be! And until you figure out what that is I will not be questioning the same boy that sat by my side at my son’s birth when my husband wouldn't. He is not capable of this. My son is the most important thing to that man and you dare think that he would scare him?" Lily exclaimed, chest heaving.
The officer fell silent. The look in his eyes said it all: he knew this woman wouldn't be interrogating this man. With a curt nod, the police officer spread his arm to guide Lily from the room. Her shoulders moved up and down at a rapid pace as she stormed from the building, her heart racing inside of her chest and pounding in her ears so loudly she couldn't even hear the loud noises from the New York streets. Typically, Lily would wait for an opportunity to cross the sidewalk to her car, but today, she bulldozed through the group of people, fumbling for her keys. The moment the ignition turned on, the tears fell.
The tears ran down her face non-stop as she drove through the streets of New York. Sobs wracked her body as she continued to shake. Lily had no way of comprehending the fact that her own brother was the culprit arrested for attempting to break into her ex-husbands home. Sure it was known that the entire family had a distaste towards Scott Harvey, but the Osborne's were a far from violent family. Docile and subservient almost. It was only when Lily pulled into her driveway when a memory fell on her like a ton of bricks.
'Here Comes Santa Clause' played over the speakers as the Osborne family bustled around the cozy home of Lily's parents’ home. Children played and adults laughed over wine as the previously mentioned woman and her brother slaved away in front of the stove as they prepared Christmas dinner. The two quietly chatted while working on their respective side dish, patiently waiting for the turkey in the oven to finish so they can begin to eat.
"Hey, how's work been going for you?" Lily hummed, working her arm as she continued to mash potatoes.
"Oh yeah," Cedar responded in a gentle tone, "I actually just left the company." he continued, failing to elaborate to Lily as to why on earth he would have left the job as an electrician at a power company that supplied most of Long Island's power.
"Really?" the eldest Osborne huffed, halting her movements and turning to her younger brother, "What happened to your dream of being an electrician?" she wondered, head tilting to the side a bit.
"Offered a different job, better pay," he stated abruptly, turning his back to Lily as he finished mashing the yams that he had been working on.
"I see...where are you now?"
"Dinner's ready!" Cedar yelled, ignoring his sister’s question and pulling the freshly finished turkey from the oven.
Lily felt her heart sink as she recounted the events of the Christmas that had just passed close to a year ago. Her hand slapped itself over her mouth as she came to the realization that her sweet and innocent brother may have very well found himself in a sticky situation. Her mind ran to the worst place she could think of...what if he was working for a hitman agency? No that couldn't be right. HE may be sneaky but Cedar wouldn't be capable of murder.
Shaking her head, Lily pulled her hair back from her face and allowed her breathing to regulate itself once more. God, she felt like everything she knew to be normal was crumbling around her. Everything that she had become accustomed to was falling to pieces and there was nothing she could even do about it. If Cedar was getting invested in solicit and illegal activities, Lily knew she would be the last person he would admit it to. The two had a relationship based on kindness and loyalty...and it broke the blonde's heart, the idea of her baby brother falling into the traps of something horrible.
Stepping from the car, the cool and brisk air of the season chilled the raging heat the flared in Lily's face. Locking her car, the young mother unlocked her front door to hear music playing and the dog going wild. Furrowing her eyebrows and stepping out of her shoes, the blonde made her way down the hall towards the living room where the loud noises were coming from. When she rounded the corner, the sight made all of the pain and sorrow she was just wallowing in mere moments ago fade into distant memories.
Hunter was stationed on Bucky's back as they flailed around to an outdated Justin Bieber song that the blonde boy sang at the top of his lungs, igniting the howls of Joey. With a giggle, Lily dropped her coat and bag and made her way towards the pair, joining in on the singing and dancing. For once, Lily allowed herself to step away from the burden of anxiety and enjoy the moment in front of her.
Her eyes locked with Bucky and she knew, that maybe, just maybe, things could work out.
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Prince Borggaeir (son of High King Janse of Skyrim) meets Ruluril, a Falmer and future Lord Sorcerer of Skyrim. Windhelm, circa 1E 390.
    In the courtyard of the western wing of the Windhelm Palace was a rowan tree, tall and bushy, which was wreathed in clusters of tiny white flowers in spring and bursting with blushing red berries in autumn. The old tree had plenty of company. The palace was always bustling; servants in the household of Prince Borggaeir and Princess Saga, the two small children of High King Janse, used the courtyard as a thoroughfare between the kitchens and the royal quarters. They sneaked handfuls of rowan berries to eat on their busy days, cramming them into pockets stained red with juice. In the summer, precious and fleeting in that far-northern city, the palace gardeners rested under the shade of the rowan tree and ate roasted sunflower seeds, then tossed the shells to the squirrels and birds that made their homes in its boughs and raised offspring on its bounty year after year.
   That year, a pair of robins were nesting in a hollow partway up that majestic trunk. Borggaeir, the young prince Skyrim, had become something of a birdwatcher. In the winter, he took to sitting on the wooden bench in the courtyard to observe as the little brown-and-orange birds carried moss, grass, and leaves into the hollow to build their nest. One day, he had even seen the female of the pair arrive triumphantly with a scrap of blue silk torn from a cloak clasped in her beak. Spring came, and the robins took turns to forage for seeds and worms to bring back to the nest for the chicks that had hatched inside. Borggaeir smuggled handfuls of nuts from the kitchens and scattered them over the icy ground, then retreated to the bench to watch his robins hop over and snatch them up.
   The dreamy, curious child would rather study the birds in the rowan tree than the volumes of Nordic poetry, history, and war theory he had to study as a prince of the empire. While his sister Saga was a diligent student, sharp and witty and the apple of their father’s eye, Borggaeir had a habit of hiding in the courtyard when it was time for lessons. The royal tutor often found his young student sitting under the rowan tree, wrapped up in a fur-lined cloak, with his pale blonde hair braided neatly and tied back with a blue ribbon and his cheeks flushed rosy in the cold.
   Sometimes, another child hid in the courtyard, watching Borggaeir as the little prince watched the birds. One spring morning, when the servants in the royal household were tidying up after breakfast, he crouched behind the gooseberry bushes and winter roses, hoping that Aunt Yue wouldn’t notice his absence. He wore a standard issue servant’s grey woollen tunic and moccasins that were too big for his feet. Peeking out of the hood of his cloak was a wan little face, with grey almond-shaped eyes and skin white as the snow that was melting on the ground. As he watched Borggaeir play, the servant boy rubbed his icy cold hands together to generate warmth, envying the fine leather gloves clipped to the sleeve of the prince’s cloak.
   But all was not well under the rowan tree. The robin fledgelings had begun to venture out of the hollow and test their downy wings. That day, Borggaeir had found one of them lying cold and dead in the snow, its neck broken.
   The pampered little prince had not seen much of death. He understood it in the simplest terms, as a goodbye that was never remedied, a promise broken — like the bloodless hands of his mother, which had stroked his face the night before, but now lay folded and still across a chest that no longer rose and fell with the rhythm of breathing. His eyes began to prickle with hot indignant tears as he prodded the bird’s pitiful body with a stick, scolding it. How could it die? How could it leave its mother? Didn’t it want to learn to fly; didn’t it want to eat the walnuts he scattered on the ground?    
   Nearby, in the gooseberry bushes, the servant boy watched quietly, pitying the little prince who was so innocent that he would shed tears over the death of a bird. The prince had never seen villages go up in flames, bodies of friends and family burned beyond recognition, men slaughtered, women and children captured to be sold into servitude; such horrors were beyond his imagination. All that he wanted was for a baby bird to open its eyes and ruffle its feathers, as if waking from sleep.
   With thin fingers reddened by the cold, he parted the branches and peeked out between the leaves. All it took was clear intent and a rush of magicka flowing through his body toward the motionless body on the ground and the robin chick began to stir. Spreading its weak fledgling wings, the bird pushed itself up onto its spindly legs and began to peep.
   The prince gasped and leapt to his feet in shock, dropping the stick. How could such a thing happen? He looked around wildly, heart racing, and realised at last that he was not alone: A little ghostlike face stared out from the gooseberry bushes.
   “What did you do?” he demanded. He was no more than five or six years old, but already spoke with the imperious tone unique to royalty.  
   The servant’s hood slipped back, revealing black hair tied into a neat bun and long, pointed ears. Like Aunt Yue, the housekeeper of the prince and princess’ household, he was a Falmer.  
   “I woke it up for Your Highness,” he said softly, averting his eyes.
   “You’re strange.”
   The Falmer’s eyelashes trembled against his frosty cheeks. Worrying his lower lip with his teeth, Borggaeir crouched down again and held out his hand. The chick hopped onto his palm and he cupped it gently, unnerved by the coldness of its body and the way it cocked its head, more like a ball-jointed doll than a real bird. Still, he was pleased; now it could go back to its nest, and it wouldn’t have to be separated from its parents. A smile lit up his sweet childish face.
   “How did you —”
   “Ruluril! Prince Borggaeir!”
   Both children startled at the voice of Aunt Yue, who was shouting as she stormed across the courtyard in heavy boots. The little Falmer, Ruluril, disappeared into the gooseberry bushes with a panicked squeak, only to be dragged out unceremoniously by the sleeve of his tunic. Aunt Yue, a tall and wiry woman enveloped in a blue brocade cloak, seized Borggaeir with her other hand and began to march the two boys inside.
   “Both of you! Into the kitchen — NOW!”
   As he trembled in her firm grip, Ruluril’s pale lips moved in a silent incantation. The robin chick went still and collapsed into the snow. A cool spring breeze picked up across the courtyard, stirring the new green shoots on the branches of the rowan tree.
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Fate Changes
Parts: [ Here, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Summary: [Name] along with the rest of the Batfamily is stuck in Gotham fighting bad guys. She gets pulled along when the Arkham Knight and his military guys barge into her home uninvited. 
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3.3k// 8 pages 
Warnings: Attempted suicide, guns, curse words, death
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“Fly me to the moon…” 
It was that song again. That dreaded song. 
“Let me play among the stars…”
Oh, how she hated the song. It reminded her too much of him. 
“Let me see that Spring is like on…”
She remembers being in his arms. The smiles on their faces bringing happiness to one another.
“A-Jupiter and Mars…” 
She felt his lips on her forehead and heard a chuckle leave them. 
“In other words, hold my hand,”
They were dancing along the beat of the song. His hands leading her and his blue eyes lingering on her form. 
“In other words, baby, kiss me…”
Then he brought his hands up to her face. He let his fingers trace along her skin. 
“Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more…"
Slowly, he came closer to her face. She could feel his breath against her face.
“You are all I long for...”
 It smelled of chocolate and mint.
“All I worship and adore…”
She held her hands close to her chest, anticipating his next move. 
“In other words, please be true…”
 “How long?” He asked her. She gave him a puzzled look, “How long for what?” 
“In other words, I love-”
Her hands trembled and the song completely stopped. The record no longer moving. “How long did it take for you to replace me?” His question stung and she didn't know what he was saying. He waited for her to answer and she could tell he was getting impatient. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. How was she supposed to answer him. 
He backed away from her and the room around them grew cold. His body was hiding something behind him. She could see the pool of blood around his feet. She closed her eyes wanting to wake up from this nightmare. When she opened them up again, he was no longer in casual clothing. He was wearing his costume. The costume he wore proudly. The costume he died in.
“How long did it take for you to find me!” He yelled at her. His voice made her flinch and she kept her hands close to her chest. Her lips trembled, “I never replaced you.” Then she heard beeping. It was like a countdown. “I waited for you to save me from The Joker. But you did nothing!”
He walked into the shadows and revealed what was behind him. It was himself, tied up to a chair. His breathing was labored and his costume had dried blood on it. Suddenly, she heard footsteps from behind her and Joker appeared with his sickly grin. 
“Fill my heart with song…”
The record was playing again and her heart raced. 
“Let me sing for ever more…”
The green haired male walked with a hop in his step. 
“You are all I long for, all I worship and adore…”
Her right leg took a step forward. 
“In other words, please be true…”
Joker raised his right arm high in the air. 
“In other words…”
She had to stop him from killing the person she held dearly. 
“In other words…”
She ran in front of Joker, his gun pointing at her chest. Where her heart resided. 
“I love you…” 
Joker pulled the trigger and on instinct, her eyes shut tightly. She heard a thud behind her, the sound of a body dropping to the floor. Quickly, she looked down at her chest and saw that the bullet didn’t go through her. She turned her body around and saw Jason laying on his back with his eyes shut like hers earlier. Tears fell down her cheeks and she choked up. 
“It felt like years with him,” Jason’s voice echoed around in the dark room. The only light source was focused on his dead body. She fell to her knees, too weak to bring herself closer to him. “But I still waited for you.”
She nodded her head, “I know. But Bruce held me back, he said that my emotions would cloud my judgement. So that’s why Tim-”
“I don’t want to hear your excuses, [Name]!” Jason yelled, “I want to know why you replaced me so easily. I thought you loved me?” 
Her hands balled up into fists and she hit her thighs with them, “I still love you!” Her declaration rang in the room and her sobs followed after. 
[Name]’s body shot up from her bed and her hair stuck to her forehead. Her revealed skin covered in a light coat of sweat. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. Once every week, that song would play in her dreams and slowly turn it into a nightmare. A nightmare that reminded her of how her boyfriend died and by who. She heard her alarm go off, now she knows why she heard a beeping in her nightmare. 
She threw her blanket off her body, welcoming the cold air. She then reached for her phone turning the alarm off with a sigh. She rubbed her tired eyes and got off her bed to start her morning routine. After taking a well needed shower, she got dressed and walked into her living room where Tim Drake sat on her couch typing away on her laptop. “Good morning, Tim,” She lazily greeted the teen and began making themselves coffee. 
Tim nodded his head, “It's still night.” He paused his typing and stared at the female in the kitchen. She wore a regular white shirt and a pair of shorts. Her legs were lightly covered in scars which she received from patrols. Her feet covered with red socks. He resumed his typing when [Name] glanced up from her cup of coffee. She knew something was on his mind.
“Alright, Drake.” She swished the coffee in her cup, “spill it.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I heard you talking in your sleep,” His eyes looked for a reaction. She stopped messing with her drink and set the cup down on the counter. She didn’t know she was capable of talking in her sleep. “You mentioned a Jason a couple of times. Who is he?” 
[Name] gulped and wondered if she should tell him. Bruce had told her to keep Jason a secret, but sooner or later, Tim was going to find out. “An old boyfriend,” She concluded and took another daring sip from her coffee. Tim squinted his eyes, “He seems important to be an old boyfriend.” 
“Sometimes, old lovers become a part of you that you can’t forget. Sometimes, there are regrets.” [Name] walked over to him and gave him a cup of coffee. Then she sat next to him and placed her feet on the stand in front of her. 
“You regret loving him?” Tim asked shifting in his spot to make room for her. He was glad that she made him a cup, she was finally getting used to his company. 
[Name] denied him, “God, no. Jason was very sweet. Annoying, yes. But he knew how to love even if our relationship was young love. Alfred would always say that-”
“Alfred knew him?” Tim cut her off with his question and [Name] knew she screwed up by letting the young Robin know that Alfred knew Jason. How can she fix this stupid problem. “Yeah, Alfred knew Jason very well," She said remembering. 
"Ah, Master Todd, how is the book?" Alfred questioned looking over the black haired male's shoulder. 
Jason smiled and waved the book in the air, "Shakespeare never gets old. He has his ways of defining love." He pondered about his feelings with [Name], the new Batgirl. 
Alfred nodded his head in acknowledgment, "Well, yes. Shakespeare has no problem making a couple star-crossed. It's a tragedy unlike most others." 
Jason was going to respond to Alfred until [Name] declared from on top of the stairs, "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" She had a playful side which Jason was grateful for. Bruce was moodier than usual and she seemed to lighten up even his darkest days. She wore her costume, but didn’t have her mask on. Was it already patrol time?  Alfred backed away from the couch Jason was casually reading on and greeted [Name], “Miss [L.Name], is it time to patrol the city already?” 
[Name] happily replied, “Of course and guess what? Batman is allowing me to patrol a section by myself!” She ran down the stairs and jumped over the last few. Her cape flew up before resting on her back. “I guess I proved myself to him during training. Who would have known I was capable of putting Jason in a lock.” 
Jason scoffed, “I let you win that match. It won’t happen again, babe.” [Name] blushed profusely at the name he called her and swiftly chucked a pillow at his face to which he nearly dodged. She put her mask on and let her hands rest on her hips, “Well, Jaybird, have fun cleaning the Batmobile.”
“[Name],” Tim called out waving his hand in front of her face, “hey, [Name].” She was brought back to the present and chuckled. It was embarrassing that she left herself vulnerable. Bruce would always reprimand her for daydreaming. “Are you okay?” Tim asked setting her laptop on the table in front of them. He rested his hand on her shoulder and concern was etched onto his face. 
“I’m okay, Tim,” She reassured him and looked at her laptop, “I see that you’re sending coded messages to Barbara, huh? Anything cool happen yet?” He removed his hand off her shoulder and typed away on the laptop. Batman had removed him from the scene and had him focus on the cure for the impostors. 
"She hasn't messaged me in an hour. I'm getting kind of worried," Tim stated truthfully, his eyes trained on the computer. [Name] quirked an eyebrow. Barbara was always quick with her responses. "Batman probably has her doing some important things right now and you need to find a cure, remember? Tonight is going to be a long night." 
Suddenly, an alarm buzzed through her house. It was a trigger alarm meaning that someone had entered her house without permission. Tim stood up from the couch ready to fight the intruders while [Name] didn't have time to change into her costume. "Shit," she cursed and grabbed her laptop shoving it into Tim's chest, "take this and go."  
Tim shook his head, "You're not even dressed and I'm not leaving you alone to fight them by yourself. There's probably-" 
"I'm not arguing with you right now," [Name] glared at him and pushed him toward the window. She gave him one last look, one that was filled with determination, "Find the cure." The front door was blasted off its hinges giving Tim the opportunity to climb out of the window with a heavy heart. He didn't want to leave [Name] behind, but she was right. He needed to find the cure. 
[Name] closed the window after him and ran up the stairs to enter her bedroom. She ran down the hallway and quietly shut the door behind her. She heard orders being yelled down stairs and she had to hurry. Quickly, she walked over to her closet and moved the clothes on hangers to the side. Behind them was a secret door. She placed her hand in the center and the scanner beeps before the door hissed signaling that she opened it. 
Lo and behold, her Batgirl suit waited for her to be put on. Without wasting any more time, she slipped into the costume and fixed her hair. Then she placed her mask on. At this point, it didn't matter if she put it on. They knew where she lived, they know who she is. But for the sake of feeling safe, she put it on. The secret door closed and she walked into the closet sliding the wooden doors closed. 
She heard a pair of footsteps walk into her room and heard the creaking underneath the person's feet. She had the advantage of knowing where they were. The man slowly walked over to the closet and he opened it with one hand on the door and the other on his gun. [Name] jumped on him before he could yell and hurry to subdue him. The man closed his eyes and fell to the floor gradually with [Name] holding him up. She laid him on the floor and sighed, "I need to find a new place now." 
She peeked out of her bedroom and looked down the hallway. So far, she saw no one. [Name] walked out of her bedroom and down the hallway listening out for any other thugs. She saw something out of the corner of her eyes, to her right and when she faced that way, a big man lifted his foot and planted the bottom of his shoe onto her chest. He kicked her with so much force that her back broke the wooden railing behind her and she fell backwards. She fell for at least five seconds before her back fell onto the floor with broken pieces of wood making the fall hurt more. 
"Found Batgirl! She's down here!" The big man yelled to his fellow comrades. He wore black and red and the uniform gave it all away. He was a part of the militia that the Arkham Knight brought into Gotham. She coughed and coughed, wanting to breathe the air that was knocked out of her lungs. She rolled onto her side and used her right arm to push her off the floor. She heard more than ten men run at her with their guns pointing down at her. 
"Move and we will shoot you!" One man yelled and [Name] froze in her spot. She hadn't fought in weeks and now here she was. Sitting on the floor with guns trained on her from all sides. Maybe she should have let Tim stay by her side. Or maybe she wanted to get caught. 
The big man jumped down from where he kicked her and landed right in front of her. "The boss said to bring her in alive, but he didn't say we couldn't break anything." [Name] looked up from her fetal position and glared at the man. If he dared to lay a finger on her, she wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass. He raised his foot and went to slam it on her left leg, but she quickly moved it to the side. He nearly missed her and he scowled. 
She was ruining his fun. But he was ruining her night. "You come into my house and you expect me to suddenly surrender," She jumped to her feet, "you should have brought more men." [Name] jumped on the guy and put him into a choke hold with her legs then she used the jump as an advantage to bring him down. The force of her toppling and slamming him against the floor made another guy watching pull the trigger on her. 
A bullet lodged itself into her shoulder barely missing her heart and the big man yelled at the noob, "You idiot, don't kill her!" [Name] would have laughed because the big man was on the floor with his head stuck between her thighs. She had the power to snap his neck. "Move and I'll kill your lieutenant," She groaned out and felt blood leave her bullet wound. The men didn't move and [Name] hurriedly knocked the big man out and went onto another guy.
She took his gun away from him and slammed the butt of it onto his face rendering him immobile as his head snapped to the left. His body dropped onto the floor and she dodged an oncoming hit from behind her. Still holding the gun, she swung the weapon like a baseball bat and it broke on impact. The guy groaned out and in a daze, stumbled backwards. Before she could land a couple hits, someone had shot her in the leg. 
[Name] cried out and threw a batarang at the happy trigger guy. It successfully knocked him out and she evaded a guy whose intentions were to tackle her onto the floor. When she landed on her right leg, it sent a wave of pain throughout her body. And it wasn't like her shoulder wasn't in pain either. She turned around and threw a punch at the guy behind her, but her fist was caught in one swoop. 
Her eyes widened at who was standing in front of her. It was the one and only Arkham Knight. He chuckled, but it sounded darker due to the voice modifier he wore to mask his voice. "You have grown so much," He commented and let go of her hand. [Name] limped away from him, but kept her eyes trained on his form. How did he know her? She racked her brain for some answers, yet she couldn't find anything. 
The Arkham Knight took a step forward each time she took one backwards. He was taunting her. Her back hit the book shelf behind her and she looked to her left. Romeo and Juliet in big gold letters caught her attention and she took the book out. The Arkham Knight stopped in his tracks and looked at her. Her hands shook while holding the book, she hasn't held the book in what felt like forever and in her mind it weighed a lot in her hands. 
"O Romeo, Romeo," She rasped out and opened the book, "wherefore art thou Romeo?" [Name] slid down to the floor and examined the pages her boyfriend left on. His bookmark was a photo of the two of them on Christmas. She gulped and let her bloody fingers hold the photo. The bullet wounds didn't ache as much and she knew she was slipping away. She let a few tears escape and she wiped them away. Jason wouldn't want her to succumb to an enemy, but she didn't want to live. 
Maybe the Arkham Knight was giving her a chance to finally be with Jason. She looked up from the photo and to the man in a very advanced suit. He was staring down at her with his men standing behind him, their guns aimed at the floor. She put the photo back in the book and closed it. Then she set it next to her without giving it a glance. [Name] coughed into her hands and blood specked her [s.color] hands. 
"I suppose that you're here to give me away to Scarecrow. Make me have a taste of his fear toxin and let Batman watch as another one of his sidekicks die in front of him, huh?" She questioned and let her right hand reach behind her. [Name] had guns hidden around in her house and death was better than being one of Scarecrow's baits. The Arkham Knight didn't respond instead his eyes were set on the book. 
[Name] felt the cold weapon and almost flinched from the temperature. "You a fan of Shakespeare or something?" She asked to keep him distracted. Again, he didn't respond. This was her chance to pull the trigger on herself. "O happy dagger," [Name] revealed the gun and cocked it, pointing the barrel at her head with her eyes closed. She was accepting death. "This is thy sheath." 
She pulled the trigger without hesitation and the ringing in her ear was loud. [Name] opened her eyes and saw the white symbol in front of her. She looked up at his blue mask and no words were exchanged for what felt like minutes. She didn't understand why she wasn't dead. She looked to her right and saw that the Arkham Knight had placed his hand over the gun. His suit allowed him to deflect bullets. He ruined her plans of reuniting with her love. 
"I fear too early, for my mind misgives," The Arkham Knight started, removing the gun away from her weak grip. "Some consequences, yet hanging in the stars-" 
"Why?" [Name] asked with tears blurring her vision. "Why couldn't you let me die!" 
"Shall bitterly begin," The Arkham Knight finished knocking out the girl successfully with a syringe in her neck. 
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Green Light District (Greens)
Pairing: Buttercup x Butch (butchercup/greens) 
Fandom: PPG
Rating: M (nothing explicit but like, watch yourself)
Stripper au....dedicated to @smilelikeaknife (and everyone in our server) because they asked and will receive..enjoy boo!! 
remember requests and asks always open!!- Star
She didn’t know how she ended up being thrown into the car and practically kidnapped into being here. She loved to go clubbing and concerts that made her heart race as sweat dripped from her forehead and a cocktail in her hand, but this? this was out of her comfort zone for sure. 
“Why didn’t we just got to Princess’s bar?” Buttercup complained as she adjusted the fishnet leggings underneath her short black dress. “Anything would be better than a fucking strip club.”
“Relax BC.” Robin giggled. “Just let loose and enjoy the show.” 
Yeah ok. The managed to make it to the club, even with Bubbles terrible driving and she thought about reaching into her bag and calling the leader powerpuff to come and save her. If Blossom knew where they were, she would be killed on sight. 
Even though she was 22, she still felt odd walking into the highly adult bar where the strippers wore little to nothing and she expected high heels and glitter. 
“Male strippers?” She coughed out as they found a small table near the stage. 
Bubbles brought over three drinks. Her hair bouncing in wavy pigtails and a fluffy jacket that revealed a tube top and short shorts underneath. She gladly took the drink in hand and began to drink it quickly. If she was gonna be dragged out here then she should at least ring up her blue eyed sisters bill. 
“Ahhh the new wave of dancers are coming on!” Bubbles cheered and Buttercup only rolled her eyes. Why was she here again? 
The small stage had a bunch of lights shining on it as poles from secret plots in the stage began to rise up. Robin and Bubbles jumped on their feet as well as every other girl in the club and ran to the stage with a bunch of money, at least they are getting paid. 
She finished her drink and didn’t feel anything. The first few guys came out in ‘sexy’ outfits but none of them caught her interest. Of course Bubbles was in front of a blonde boy, typical. Oh but what would her boyfriend think? Boomer no doubt would be upset if he knew his little angel was having a ball without him. 
She narrowed her eyes at them. He was spending a little bit too much time in front of Bubbles and her eyes widened. “Boomer?” She nearly choked as she realized that her sisters boyfriend was on stage wearing nothing but sparkly blue shorts and a matching bow tie. 
It was a little funny seeing him collect money from other girls while she stared at him with utter adoration. Bubbles and Robin had never brought her here before, so why now? And if Boomer was here. She caught sight of other guys. One dressed in yellow, another in orange and purple and a ginger in fire red. 
Robin came back to the table for more money and a sip of her drink. “Enjoying the show?” She winked. 
“What the hell are Brick and Boomer doing here?” She was watching as Brick lowered his hat to some girls and it quickly became filled with dollar bills. 
“Oh just you wait.” And Robin left the table to go run up to the guy in purple. 
She took her phone out a snapped a pic of Brick to use as blackmail, she thought about getting one for Boomer too but he looked like he was enjoying himself, he’d always been an attention whore.
Soon the lights lowered and the song changed. The announcer said something but she was getting another drink from the waitress that she paid no attention to what was being said. Her eyes went back to the stage and she felt the cherry slide down her throat slowly. 
He stood on stage, cocky and proud as can be as he grabbed the pole. He saw those striking eyes the minute he stepped out. A black outfit with bright green eyes staring at him, only him. 
He smirked at her and watched her face turn red as she sipped on her drink more, eyes never parting. He watched as those eyes traveled down, of course she was focused on his exposed chest, all he had on was the skimpy outfit of a dark green bow tie and shorts and matching shoes. 
He hooked his leg around the pole as he lowered himself to collect all the money, Boomer was right, weird, this was a good gig. It started out as a joke but then when Boomer said Bubbles actually liked it, he knew he had to get his own girlfriend here to see his show. 
She watched him dip and turn on stage. It was memorizing as he took the stage by storm, all the other dancers had been long forgotten as she leaned on her elbow and her eyes narrowed dangerous. 
This kind of stuff had never been her thing before, no she wouldn’t think that seeing her man in shorts that looked like they belonged to Bubbles, twirling on a pole with sweat glistening on those finely toned abs would be such a turn on. Oh when he got off was she going to have her way with him. 
He shot her a wink every so often to make sure her eyes never left his. A warm feeling pooled in her stomach as he jumped off the stage and walked through the audience. 
More money was thrown at him and she knew it was boosting his ego way too much. The music was blasting but all she could hear was her breathing stopping as he leaned against her table and took her glass out of her hand and drank the rest. 
“Hey babe.” He winked and she had to stop herself from jumping on him right then and there. “Enjoying the show.” He gestured to himself and she allowed her eyes to run its course all the way down his body. 
“Would of been better if it was just for me but I’ll let it slide.” She looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them. She pulled him by the bow tie closer and let her lips brush his. She heard that growl come from his throat making her squirm in her seat. “When are you off or do I have to pay for a private showing?” 
He leaned into her lips and kissed her eagerly. She could smell his cologne that was made up of pine and a smoky scent, note to self: do not let him change it. His hands pressed into the meat of her thighs and his fingers trailed down them, slightly ripping some threads loose. oops. 
“I get off after this next performance.” He kissed her earlobe. “Do you like my outfit?” He hummed in her ear and she trailed a finger down his chest. 
“I’d prefer it off.” She grinned and he jolted forward a bit as her hand came down on his ass. “Wanna rip it off with my teeth.” God he loved when she talked dirty. 
He bit his lips as she kissed her neck and she was thankful it was dark in here. “You’re gonna be the death of me and at this rate your ass is lucky if we make it to the car.” 
She face had to be bright red by now. She pulled him in for one last kiss before pushing him away and forcing him to go back to work. Every time he turned towards her, she wore that deadly look. The one that undresses you right before their very eyes and suddenly he felt really hot as the pole nearly burned his skin as she watched him. 
She waited, time passing slowly as the song finally ended. She found Bubbles and Robin at the mini dance floor and thanked them for this night. They both giggled as she found her way into the back rooms and she was grabbed and pulled into a dressing room as the door shut tight. 
Her body was hoisted up by a pair of strong arms and her back hit the door with a striking pleasure. 
“You look so hot right now babe.” he growled as he kissed her collarbone and her fingers winded up in his hair and pulling slightly. 
“Just fucking kiss me.” She demanded and his lips captured hers and she could feel his heartbeat pounding again her chest. One of her hands left his dark hair and gripped at his neck, making him choke slightly as she ripped off the bow tie and sent it hurling into the room. 
They pulled apart for air and he looked up at her. He grinned wickedly as her dark maroon lipstick was now smeared on the corners of her mouth. “Hey baby?” He smirked. She heard the click of the lock on the door. “These walls are sound proof.” 
She was panting now as she was tossed on the small couch and he loomed over her. They kiss again with a dark passion, biting and sucking at each others lips trying to dominate the other, they were the toughest after all. He found himself on his back as she sat on his stomach, hands splayed over his pecks and he reached up and pulled at the metal loop attached to her choker. 
“I’m keeping my promise.” She snapped his waist band with her finger and his eyes darkened. 
“Make me scream Buttercup.” he growled. 
They did not make it to the car after all. 
I have nothing to say
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fancyfade · 4 years
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Batfam Height - core members and batfam height - everyone else by Fade31415
This has been in my WIPs for months, but I’m finally done! Technically I’m not sure if everyone here is “officially” batfam, since I view Renee as more of an independent agent but I’ve heard her be listed as Batfam and I wanted to draw her. so :P
okay so this is going to be a super long post, so the decisions for why I drew who with what is just going to double as an image description, since I’m not sure it makes sense to write [image: barbara gordon wearing her armored new 52 batgirl costume end image] and then follow it with “I decided to draw the Batgirl version of babs in her new 52 costume because I liked it better because of the armoring.
anyway: everyone’s heights and outfit decisions under the cut!
Alfred Pennyworth: (first Alfred is present day, balding and 65, second Alfred is when he just met Bruce, with a full head of black hair). Alfred is 6'0" like it says he is on his wiki page. He’s got his regular butler outfit, which seems to be a suit with those  two hanging down things on the back? IDK what its called.
Cassandra Cain/Batgirl: Cass is 5'5" like it says she is in the back of Batgirl: To the Death. I combined her Batgirl and Orphan suit because I love the lightly armored aesthetic on Orphan, but I also prefer her as Batgirl. Her civilian outfit is just an outfit she wears in I think the start of Batgirl: To the Death? A crop top and black pants basically.
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Bruce is 5'7" which is NOT canon, but I put him a little short in my headcanon. This isn't for any real reason but last time I drew him not tall I got a whiny fanboy complaining he wasn't physically intimidating enough, so I'm specifically not changing it because of that I still do try to draw him with like... actual muscles so he can do stuff, because he's a very physical character. His outfits are just batman outfit and then the regular suit he wears all the time. Nothing exciting there.
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing/ Agent 37: Dick is 5'10" like it says he is on the wiki. He's got his nightwing rebirth costume for the superhero version, which is mostly all black with slight blue accents and fairly skin tight, cuz that costume was just beautiful, though I did add a little bit of armoring like he has in teh animated movies for practicality. Then he has his Grayson outfit for his 'civilian' clothes (even though it's not really civilian clothes  I like how it looks). Khaki pants a gray T shirt and some pouches for spy stuff. He’s also got his escrimas in both forms, cuz signature weapon.
Barbara Gordon/Oracle/ Batgirl: Babs is 5'11" like it says she is in the back of Batgirl: To the Death. Even though she never got magicured in my headcanon, I drew her new 52 batgirl outfit because i like the armored aesthetic better. Her civlian clothing is just the skirt and black turtleneck she wears in BTAS. Her Oracle outfits are a tanktop (so we can see her buff arms) and then my favorite outfit she wore in the comics (jeans and a leather jacket). She has buffer arms and thinner legs as Oracle, because she is using her arms way more than her legs.
Damian Wayne/Robin: I drew Damian once at 10 years old, when he just started being Robin, and then at 13, like he is in the present. I chose his Batman and Robin (2011) costume over the 2009 one, because i liked how it looked better, and Robin: Son of Batman costume over Rebirth because Robin Son of Batman is my FAVORITE costume for him. both costumes have a red tunic and black pants, the batman and robin 2011 one has a yellow cape and black hood but the son of batman one has a black cape with gold trim. He's 4'6" at 10 years old and 4'11" at 13. His civilian clothing is a simple suit at 10 and the yellow sweatervest he wears in Robin Son of Batman #6 at 13.
Onyx Adams: Onyx is 5'9" like her wiki entry says. Her civilian outfit is the monk outfit (a long loose orange robe). Her superhero outfit is what she seems to fight in, which is just a crop top and black pants.
Kate Kane/ Batwoman: Kate is 5'11" like her wiki entry says, and I let her be a little broader around the shoulders and hips after seeing a broader Batwoman drawing I really liked. She's wearing her rebirth costume, mostly black with a red bat symbol and red trim, and got her rebirth short hair on her civilian outfit. her civilian outfit is black pants, a black vest, and a button up white no sleeve shirt.
Stephanie Brown/Batgirl: Stephanie Brown is 5'5" like her wiki entry says. I can't remember why I put her in her Batgirl costume instead of her Spoiler costume (maybe because I haven't drawn her as Batgirl before?) Either way, her Batgirl costume is black with purple trim. her civilian outfit is jeans, a purple shirt, and a leather jacket, which I think I saw her wearing in one of her batgirl issues but it’s been a while.
Tim Drake/ Red Robin: He is 5′6″ like his wiki entry says, though that might have been referencing when he was younger because it also listed his weight as 125 pounds. But I figured some guys are allowed to be short :P he has his first red robin costume (black pants, red tunic, cowl that covers his face except for his mouth and chin like batman’s) and his civilian outfit is just jeans and a white button up shirt.
Duke Thomas/Signal: I couldn't find Duke's height on the wiki so I guessed and put him at 5'9". He’s a little lean cuz he’s 16 and still growing. his superhero outfit is his bright yellow and black signal outfit with the motorcycle helmet with bat ears. His civilian clothing is an outfit he wore in Robin War (jeans, red shoes, a red hoodie).
Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael: Jean-Paul is 6'2" like his wiki entry says. In Batman: the Sword of Azrael, he seemed to be drawn leaner before becoming Azrael and buffer afterwards, so maybe his Azrael training/programming gave him guns? IDK that's why I drew both a thin version and a buff version in the civilian clothes, which are a white T shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.
Azrael outfit only gets the buff version though. I combined the 90s outfit and his new 52 outfit because... I'm gonna be real I LOVE his 90s outfit, even though it is very 90s. But I also had a hard time drawing it in my style, which is why I borrowed some from new 52. so he’s got golden boots like in new 52, but otherwise red, mostly skintight outfit, a golden chestplate, large shoulderpads and large gauntlets, like in the 90s. with his cool wrist sword. obviously.
Jason Todd/ Red Hood: I was actually conflicted as to whether include Jason because my all time favorite appearance for him (after his intro, when he whacks batman on the stomach with a tire iron) is the Red Hood movie, where he is decidedly not batfam and rather an enemy. But lots of people count him as Batfam and he’s an ally in the current continuity, so I drew him. Jason is 6'0" like his wiki entry says. He's just got an outfit inspired by his under the red hood movie outfit - black cargo pants, brown leather jacket. his civilian clothing has a grey T shirt and his red hood outfit has a black chestpiece with a red bat symbol and a red face covering helmet.
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress/Matron: Helena is 5'11" like her wiki entry says. She’s got her dark purple hooded Rebirth costume, and her tiny crossbow. I drew her as she appears in Grayson for the "civilian" version (black shirt with a white cross on it, reddish pants), to match the Agent 37 Dick on the other chart.
Renee Montoya/ the Question: Renee is 5'8" like her wiki entry says. She was very inspired by how Cully Hamner draws him in Pipelines, because I love Cully Hamner's art (reffed her outfits here: link). her civilian outfit is a white crop top and blue work out pants, and her question outfit is a leather jacket, black t shirt, fedora, and jeans. she’s holding a nunchaku in both.
Renee is a member I'm not sure "counts" as Batfam, because i view her more as an independent agent, but I've heard some people count her in it and I wanted to draw her anyway
Luke Fox/ Batwing: Luke Fox is 5'10" cuz i messed up and made him 1 inch too short (his wiki entry says 5'11"). He's got the blue polo he wears in Batman: Bad Blood in his civilian clothes, even though I consider comics Luke to be more "canon", but I couldn't think of what to draw him in from Comics luke's civlian outfits  His batwing outfit is comics luke's batwing outfit as well -- all black and armored, covering every inch of his body, with the blue bat symbol and shiny blue eyes. 
David Zavimbe/ Batwing: I like Luke, but David will always be the Batwing of my heart :P David is 5'8". It didn't say his height on the wiki so I had to guess, and I guess I let him not be super tall because there are already a ton of tall people in the Batfam. His civilian outfit is the uniform he wears in his day job (police officer), kind of green almost army looking clothes, and a black hat, and his batwing outfit is his first batwing outfit from the comics -- dark grey armor, domino-esque mask that has giant wing motifs coming from it, etc.
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rawritzrobin · 4 years
Angel Amongst Bats Chapter 12
Title: Angel Amongst Bats
Pairing: Jason Todd x Stella Covington (My OC)
Warnings: Cursing, past major character death, a little bit angsty, fluff.
Summary: Stella tells the truth. A new player enters the game.
A/N: Wanna be on my tag list? DM me and let me know (:
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 12: How?
“Are you okay?” Jason asked again, walking towards her. He slowly kneels down and looks her over for injuries, keeping his distance.
Stella doesn’t say anything. She watches the man with wide eyes in front of her. She had only seen him from a far all this time. His presence was, familiar, warm. His turquoise eyes met her blue ones. His hair was slightly slicked back, but still sticking out in some parts. He wore a plain red t-shirt with a black leather jacket and a pair of dark gray jeans. If it wasn’t for the missing white streak in his hair, Stella would have thought it was her Jason. His face grew concerned when she didn’t respond to him.
Stella senses his concern. “I-I’m okay.” She said quietly. Her voice a little cracked from fear. She felt a little sore due to the scuffle and the droplets of blood on her were definitely not hers, but for the most part she was relativity uninjured.
She glanced at the bodies behind him. They were lifeless. Bloody. Dead.
“C-can we go somewhere else? I-I think i’m going to be sick.” She said closing her eyes. She’s seen her fair share of dead bodies, but she never got used to the sight of them.
He perked up at the comment. “Y-yeah. I have a safe house nearby.” He gently put his arms around her and helps her to her feet. She leaned into the contact. Her heart was still beating like a jack hammer. Jason diverted her away from the bodies and they both walked out of the alleyway. Thankfully, the street was still empty.
Minutes later, they arrive at an apartment complex. It was one that Stella had never been to before. Jason opens the door to his apartment and ushers her in.
The apartment is small and simple. It has a single mattress tucked into the corner of the room. A small desk lined with weapons and a thick laptop sits across from the bed. The small kitchenette looked clean and untouched.
Jason pulls out a chair and Stella takes a seat. He heads to the fridge to grab a bag of ice. He hands the bag to her. “For your arm.”
She takes it and presses it to her achey arm. A light array of purple bruises had started to form.
Jason studies her. For a moment she glances at him, but looks down as their eyes meet.
“I-is it really you?” He asks quietly.
Stella looks at him sheepishly. She had rehearsed what she would say to him hundreds of times to herself, but she was drawing blanks at the moment.
“How?” He asks.
“It’s a long story.” She finally replies.
“Iv’e got time.” He says. She looks up at him and their eyes meet. His eyes showing relief, but also, pain.
She sighs, and finally begins talking. “Well there was this guy…”
Stella tells him everything. Everything from her waking up in this strange world, to the story of how her Jason was killed by the Joker and brought back to life.
“And well, here I am.” She finishes. She lays the bag of ice on her lap and keeps her gaze on Jason’s expression, watching for a reaction. He just sits there quietly, unmoving.
After what feels like hours, he finally speaks. “So you're from another dimension. And in your dimension, I die and you live?”
Stella nods.
Jason gets up off his stool and walks towards a window, his back to Stella.
His shoulders are slumped. The last thing he wanted to hear was that she was from another dimension. Jason kept his hopes up all this time, but his Stella was still gone.
What he would give to live in a world where he was the one killed by the Joker.
“Jason, you need to stop doing what you’re doing.” Stella says, breaking the silence.
Jason turns to face her, puzzled.
“The killing. The crime. This isn’t you. Please stop. If she was alive, Stella wouldn’t want you to be like this. She would want you to move on and live! And to honor the memories you two shared.”
She was standing now. The bag of ice sat on the chair, forgotten.
“Please Jason, the whole family misses you. Even Bruce…”
Anger flowed through Jason when he heard his name. “Do not say his name in front of me!” He screamed.
Stella took a step back. “But Jason listen, it wasn’t his fault. You can’t blame him. Stella may be gone physically, but she will always be with you; in your heart.”
Jason was seething now. This wasn’t his Stella. This was just some whore from another dimension. She didn’t know anything about him. Bruce refused to kill the clown. Bruce was weak. The entire family was weak. Stella was dead because of him. And he would never see her again.
“Don’t tell me who to blame. That MONSTER killed her and he did nothing about it.”
“He let her die. He knew where we both were. He could’ve just sent someone to get her. HE SHOULD HAVE WENT TO SAVE HER! NOT ME!”
Stella stared at him, speechless.
“She had an entire life ahead of her. You know she dreamed of one day opening her own animal park. To help the animals who couldn’t help themselves. She was going to make the park free for all the kids who couldn’t afford to go to theme parks.”
Jason could feel the tears fighting to come out.
“She gave up so much for a street rat like me. And she died because of me.”
Stella looked at him, but said nothing. She was at a loss for words.
Jason froze. He hadn’t heard his nickname in years. Stella was the only one that called him that.
“Get out.”
Stella paused. Jason screamed at her this time. “GET OUT!”
Stella froze for a second, before making a run for the door. She ran as fast as she could down the flights of stares and outside the building, tears running down her face.
What was she thinking? This wasn’t her Jason. This Jason lost something he could never get back. A feeling she had felt, once upon a time in her life. Except, her soulmate came back to her.
Jason’s wouldn’t.
She kept running until she could not run anymore. She realized she was lost, but she didn’t care. She stopped when her chest started to hurt. She pressed her back against a wall and slid to the floor. Her body ached from running, but it was her heart that hurt the most. She curled up, brought her knees to her chest, and started weeping.
A lone figure from across the street watched her. In fact, he had been watching her for a while now. He watched as she entered that alleyway with three men tailing her. He watched as she was lead out of said alley by one of those men, covered in blood. He watched as they entered the apartment together, and he also watched as she exited said building, alone.
He had a grin on his face the entire time, a smile of sorts. His blonde hair was dyed green at the tips. He lets out a sickening laugh, before pulling a needle out from his coat, and made his way towards his unsuspecting victim.
Jason paced around in his apartment. His thoughts were all over the place. That girl wasn’t his Stella. She was just a fraud. How dare she ask him to forgive Bruce. Maybe all was well in her little planet. Here, Stella was still dead and Jason was still alone.
Suddenly the sound of a phone caught his attention. He followed the noise and discovered a small cellphone ringing on the floor. The caller ID showed Alfred was calling.
Jason hesitated, but picked up the phone. “Ms. Stella where are you?” Alfred asked.
“Uh..” Jason said into the phone. Alfred’s tone changed immediately. “Who is this? Where is Ms. Stella? Why do you have her phone?” He asked concerned.
Jason spoke quickly. “Hey Alfred, it’s me Jason. Look I know about your little guest you guys have been keeping around. She ran off towards downtown. I don’t know where she went.” He said and hung up the phone.
He raised his arm ready to smash the phone on the ground, but he stopped. He glanced at the picture he had on his desk. It was a picture of him and Stella, the day he revealed his secret identity to her. He was still dressed as Robin, but he took off his mask for the picture. They were seated on the ledge of Wayne tower. The smiles across their faces were real, and neither one of them knew what the future would hold. He lowered his arm and stared at the blank screen.
Even thought she wasn’t his Stella, he still cared about her for some reason. The way his heart felt when he first laid eyes on her. When he saw her in the graveyard talking to her moms grave. And today, when he saved her from those creeps. He hadn’t felt like that in ages. There was just something about her that drew him in.
He shook his head to clear his mind.
He tossed the phone on the table and turned away from it. Determined to get her out of his head, he started to get dressed for his meeting tonight. He will deal with his feelings another night.
The phone on the table stayed silent.
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