#level up advice
leveluponabuck · 2 years
If you are putting in the work, believing in yourself, and showing up its going to work out
Level Up On a Buck
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withyourglance · 1 year
I think everyone wonders how they can get people to treat them more kindly. I know I've carried the mentality of having to be easy to love to be treated well, and of having to convince people to be kind to me. But I'm learning that aside from boundaries and not tolerating certain behavior, the biggest thing I can do to encourage better treatment from others is honestly just to raise my standard of self treatment. It's to put in the effort, myself, first.
We really set the example for how we expect to be treated, and it starts with ourselves. If I'm not willing to put in the work for myself, how do I expect to convince anyone else to? If I don't think I'm worth a certain level of self discipline, how can I ask anyone else to be disciplined in their treatment of me?
This is not to say that if you have poor self esteem you deserve to be treated poorly, simply that people intuitively pick up on how we carry ourselves, how we talk about ourselves, and what we do for ourselves, and they use that information to gauge how to treat you. You are constantly communicating to the world what kind of treatment you will tolerate, and your self care isn't excluded from that.
I believe the easiest way you can communicate your standards to anyone is through demonstration of your relationship with yourself. The rest is just following through.
This isn't only performed in traditional "self care" like bubble baths. It's every type of love. It's working through your emotional blocks and gaining emotional intelligence. It's putting in effort to ensure you succeed at your endeavors. It's keeping a clean room so you have a nice space. It's doing things for the sake of your future self. It's caring for your body's health. It's showing yourself all the five love languages. And yes, it's spending time with yourself and getting yourself flowers. It's truly investing in yourself simply because you are worth being treated well.
If you want to have high standards for other people's treatment of you, start with yourself.
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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wonnieaura · 5 months
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Getting your life back in 2024 (leveling up to the max)
In 2024, leveling up your life involves a holistic approach to personal growth. Start by setting clear, achievable goals in various aspects of your life—career, relationships, health, and personal development. Cultivate a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
1. **Define Your Goals:** Clearly outline what you want to achieve in different areas of your life. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps.
2. **Continuous Learning:** Invest time in expanding your knowledge and skills. Read books, take courses, attend workshops, and stay curious about the world around you.
3. **Health and Wellness:** Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep into your routine.
4. **Mindfulness and Self-Care:** Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce stress. Incorporate self-care rituals into your routine, ensuring you take time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
5. **Build Strong Relationships:** Cultivate meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Invest time in building positive and supportive relationships.
6. **Financial Literacy:** Improve your financial knowledge and habits. Set a budget, save, and invest wisely to secure your financial future.
7. **Career Development:** Set professional goals, seek opportunities for growth, and stay adaptable in the ever-changing job market. Network and build a strong professional support system.
8. **Embrace Change:** Be open to change and view it as a chance for growth. Adaptability is a key skill in navigating life's uncertainties.
9. **Time Management:** Organize your time efficiently. Prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and create a schedule that allows for both productivity and relaxation.
10. **Gratitude Practice:** Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life. This mindset shift can enhance your overall well-being.
Remember, the journey of leveling up is ongoing. Regularly reassess your goals, celebrate your achievements, and stay committed to continuous improvement. As you evolve and grow, you'll find that your life becomes more fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.
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onehundredwishesss · 3 months
Type of friends you need in your life
• Confident friends : These friends will not see you as a competition because they love themselves.
• Healing friends : They did their inner work which means they are self-aware, which motivates you to be self-aware of you too
• Intelligent friends : Friends that seek knowledge because knowledge means power. The more you learn, the better.
• Positive friends : Friends that wants the best for you and who will motivate and support you. Friends that gives you the right mindset
• Real friends : Friends that tell you that you did something wrong but in a gentle way. Friends that hold you accountable for your actions.
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
how to stop being toxic⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⭐️
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the point of this post in general is a reminder to be self aware so that then u can become an individual that u are proud of ✨
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everyone has traits in themselves that they aren't necessarily proud of and thats okay. its only natural bcuz we are humans. whats important is that u are able to acknowledge it and work on it.
toxic traits and behaviors stem from things like our own insecurities, conditioning, our egos and a multitude of other things. when we aren't toxic we free ourselves up for better people and experiences.
do some shadow work, dig deeper and do some journalling to rly assess some of ur personality traits whether u classify them as a negative or a positive trait. some examples of traits include
having trouble taking accountability (shifting blame)
once you've classified that trait, write a sentence that explains why that particular trait is/isnt toxic. so for this particular trait ur sentence could look something like
trouble with taking accountability for myself and my actions is a toxic trait because it displays my inability to be responsible for myself/admit fault. this can jeopardize relationships and opportunities for me, it can also hinder my growth as an individual.
just because you notice toxic behaviors within yourself, it doesn't mean that u are a bad person. in fact, since u can acknowledge it and wanna improve it, that shows that u are a good person.
look for the source of toxic behaviors that u display. some ways that can help u to identify what makes u act in that way is by seeing a therapist who can help u to dissect and understand urself, intentional journalling etc.
when u find urself in situations in which u think that ur being toxic, u can practice mindfulness and nip it in the bud. the more that u practice doing this the easier and more natural it'll feel.
be a good listener
show urself compassion
start journalling/going to therapy
listen to feedback
listen to feedback from others from an impartial view. dont take criticism or negative feedback personally. take the feedback that u get and apply it cuz thats one of the many ways u can grow.
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ash-says · 22 days
Mini steps towards being independent:
I know. I know the frustration of not being in charge of your life. Especially when you are financially dependent and for some under 20s. Everyone treats you like a child but expects you to be an adult.
Then we have the group who go on insisting they are adults and capable of taking life decisions but for the love of God can't change their bedsheet responsibly.
Thus, I have come up with some mini tricks that will make you feel just a tiny bit independent:
Anytime anywhere list
1) Learn how to cook.
2) Take responsibility for household chores such as washing clothes, utensils,etc.
3) Do groceries shopping.
4) Keep track of the essentials required at home and make sure to stock them up.
5) Change the bedsheets weekly.
6) Clean your cupboards timely.
7) Plan a trip with your friends and take care of the execution part.
8) Decide what to make for lunch, dinner or breakfast and execute it solely (right from buying the food required to cooking it).
9) Check on your younger siblings studies. Take an update of their life or keep your room organized and clean.
10) Grow plants.
Planned execution list
Live alone. Try to get out of your parental home and start a new life in another city.
Get an internship/job.
Manage your finances on a budget and save money at the same time.
Take major life decisions such as your career field, whom to be friends with, etc solely on your own judgement.
Learn to navigate difficult social situations with ease.
Adopt a pet.
Develop your own ethical system.
Curate your discipline.
Identify your non-negotiable in different aspects of life.
Learn to speak up for yourself.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Mindset Shifts To Improve Your Life
Think "Practical vs. Pleasure" not "Right vs. Wrong" when evaluating your thoughts, desires, actions, and decisions. Stop moralizing your emotions, inclinations, and goals when curating your life and inner world. Shaming leads to stagnation, not self-reflection.
Design your days based on 3s. Consider the 3 most important tasks of your day that, if completed, will leave you feeling satisfied with your progress/productivity at the end of the day. Plan how and what 3 meals to incorporate into your day. Divide your day 3 parts into morning/priming, afternoon/productivity, and evening & nighttime/unwinding. Consider the 3 activities you can do/complete during these 8-hour blocks that will leave you feeling fulfilled and a step closer to your longer-time goals/overall well-being.
Consider your various needs as different buckets that require regular nourishment (physical, emotional, social, sexual, financial, and personal growth). Look beyond certain inclinations and behaviors to understand why a certain decision, action, or relationship is a value-add to your life. Many actions, goals, and relationships fall into more than one of these buckets simultaneously. If you don't sense that some practice, routine, or relationship serves any of these purposes, it's time to reevaluate why and whether it's worthwhile to keep this time & energy consumer in your life.
Perceive your life as a hub & spoke model with you as the hub and all your responsibilities, self-care activities, and relationships as the nodes. This roadmap allows you to reclaim ownership over your life and act in your own best interest. Seeing yourself as the center of a web (your personhood) helps you to organize your life while simultaneously seeing how all your interdependent relationships, responsibilities, and valued activities influence your day-to-day.
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hypergamiss · 4 months
I get it, women take a lot more accountability than men (imo) because society is currently set up this way. Women fill up churches, support groups, therapy, they’re purchasing more self-help books and literature than men, and there are a million pages on social media dedicated to women bettering themselves while there are barely any for men. Overall, anything related to self improvement and reflection is dominated by women. Socially and culturally speaking most parents hold their daughter more accountable than their sons. That’s why a 15 year old boy can be out galavanting late with his friends but a 20 year old woman has a strict curfew.
At some point you have to realize (as a woman) that you automatically deserve more from life and the partner that you choose because it is your birth right (imo).
Just because the majority of men are not decent humans, doesn’t mean you have to settle.
And just because you’re constantly being groomed by society to improve as a woman doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you or that you’re not good enough every time a man doesn’t know how to act right.
Lift your head high and accept the power that you hold. Stop questioning yourself every two seconds and accept that men can often do wrong. Be confident.
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mauvefiles · 10 months
At this point in my life, it doesn’t matter how much I love you, how long I’ve known you, how much we’ve experienced together. If I feel a way about your actions, I’m gracefully removing myself from your life. I can’t change anyone and I don’t want to. I’m noticing now more than ever how people move and there’s just certain things I no longer want to put my energy into. People do exactly what they want regardless of your feelings, advice or opinions. Some people don’t notice your impact until your presence is no longer at their convenience✨
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leveluponabuck · 2 years
Ladies there is a huge link between fertility and financial outcome. Protect your fertility at all costs it could be what stands between you and living in poverty
Level Up On a Buck
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sk-lumen · 5 months
Pearls of wisdom from journaling & therapy
chasing people who ghost you, mistreat you, ignore you, is a trauma response. you're re-enacting a similar dynamic from your childhood in hopes that you can change the outcome and feel "fixed" or "worthy" of good treatment finally
you go for emotionally unavailable partners for one of 2 reasons: either your self esteem is too low and you think you don't deserve a healthy and reciprocal relationship; or you are protecting your heart by intentionally choosing someone you can't truly connect/resonate with, nor have to fully open up or get attached to
we are attracted to partners that in some way recreate the dynamic we had with our primary caregivers. ie. an emotionally unavailable parent can lead people to chase partners with avoidant attachment styles and/or emotionally unavailable
being obsessed or holding on to an ex, a situationship or unrequitted love of some kind is not always because you were "so in love with them". it's not about emotional attachment. it's about the mental attachment: to what they meant to you, how they made you feel, or a (often toxic) belief you associated with them, and by letting them go you feel you will lose some essential part of yourself (or self concept)
there is no wrong or right choice, it's about creating a foundation for yourself where you feel safe and strong enough to handle the consequences of either action. create a strong foundation within yourself, and you will achieve a newfound confidence and boldness in living the life you've always wanted, because you won't be afraid/anxious anymore of every little decision
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Things You Can Control ✨✨
How you respond to others and situations.
Where you spend your time and who with.
The shows, books, news and social media you consume.
What you do with your free time.
What you say to others.
What you think about.
How hard you try.
What you allow or don't allow from others.
Good or bad routines you follow.
What you aim for in life.
Being positive or negative.
Eating, exercising, and resting.
Learning new skills or knowledge.
Who you hang out with.
What you buy and spend on.
Keeping your space clean or messy.
What fun activities you pick up.
Saying "thank you" and feeling thankful.
Knowing when to say "no" or "enough".
What you hope for and dream about.
Doing nice things for others.
Picking one thing over another.
What's most important to you.
What you do every day.
What you feel is true or right.
Taking time for yourself.
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writingwithfolklore · 10 months
Level Up Your Descriptions
I learnt a tip for resume writing that I find applies pretty well to novel writing too. Essentially, you shouldn’t write on your resume that you took orders and handled cash at the till at your restaurant job because people already know what a server does. You should write the unexpected or unique things you bring to the job.
Same with writing descriptions in fiction. There are certain things that people are going to automatically assume about others, about a place, about a thing. For example, you wouldn’t say, “she grabbed out brown coffee” or “the car drove on four wheels.” Because when we think coffee, we already think brown/beans, and when we think car, we already think four wheels.
                This seems obvious, until you consider that mentioning that the café is warmly decorated, cozy, and is full of writers working on manuscripts and people catching up over coffee is… exactly that. While maybe a baseline of information like this is appropriate, all you needed to say was ‘café’ and we’re already in this image. For a setting or person that doesn’t mean much to the story, this could suffice.
                However, for an important element in the narrative, you’re going to want to bring your descriptions beyond that assumed/obvious baseline.
                We know an elderly person is going to have grey hair, shuffle slowly, and speak in a creaky voice. We might not know that their purse seems far too heavy for them, and they have a distinct smell of gunpowder that follows them into rooms.
                I’m reading a book right now by Jasper FForde called ‘Jack Spratt Investigates The Big Over Easy’ and it’s full of interesting and unexpected descriptions. Here is one of my favourites:
                “The years had been charitable to Mrs. Spratt, and despite her age she was as bright as a button and had certainly not lost any of her youthful zest. Jack put it down to quantity of children. It had either made her tough in old age or worn her out—if the latter, then without Jack and his nine elder siblings, she might have lived to one hundred ninety-six. She painted people’s pets in oils because ‘someone has to,’ collected small pottery animals, Blue Baboon LPs and Jellyman commemorative plates. She had been widowed seventeen years.”
                Think of what things make a person or space you know well unique, and try to imbue those details into your work. What makes a place look lived in? What sort of objects or feel or smell does it have? What distinguishes your best friend from others in a crowd?
                Feel free to share a description that's really stuck with you!
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
a glamorous well-being⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌸
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i've decided to write this post to remind my audience that you're own well being comes first and just share some ways on how you can focus on ur well being in small steps that can gradually build a lifestyle.
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go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. when ur well rested you'll feel and look your best. theres a reason why ppl call beauty sleep beauty sleep.
when u dont get enough sleep ur skin is dull, you'll start to have eyebags beneath ur eyes and can even shorten ur life span. and thats not hot.
if u feel like it'll make u more well rested, take a midday nap. if u find that u have problems sleeping, having a before bed routine that soothes u can rly help u to sleep like the angel that you are.
drink a warm cup of tea before bed
do gentle stretches
take a soothing bath or shower
we experience the fear of missing out bcuz of our habit of consuming hundreds if not thousands of unnecessary information every single day. in a way we've become information addicts.
no scroll mornings - cutting a habit completely might be hard so dont jump in with both feet immediately. go little by little.
digital declutter - intentionally cut out optional online activity and instead focus on something in person like ur community, urself and ur projects
if the weather permits, i rly recommend going for walks. walking is not only good for ur body but also ur mind and getting fresh air and sunlight is rly good for u and important.
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start doing guided meditations
go on daily walks to get some fresh air
journalling is so easy and fun and glamorous. i love the concept of journals bcuz its just such a cute way to get everything from ur mind onto paper which is helpful.
to journal with the intention of improving ur well being i recommend to get into shadow work cuz its like journal therapy. i'll link a post with shadow work prompts right here, that way you can have a place to kind of start off from.
other then simply doing shadow work journalling or maintaining a diary of sorts is also helpful for ur well being bcuz it showcases ur growth and its a great way to cultivate a sense of self without fear of judgement or privacy invasion from others.
i think that the secret to overall wellness in the most glamorous way possible is a bunch of little habits that can contribute to an overall beautiful and glamorous inside and outside.
so focus on building habits before you make a huge lifestyle switch. not to confuse this with not being all in. you must be all in otherwise you'll fall back into unhealthy and old patterns for the sake of comfort.
but thats not hot, you can take baby steps while still being all in. commit to a more vibrant and more well self cuz you'll thank urself in the long run.
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trishstark · 1 year
My favorite YT workout channels:
I don't workout at a gym because I don't have one close to me.
Pamela Reif : good workouts, especially targeted areas, her back and glutes workout are giving amazing results.
Move with Nicole : best pilates classes. No useless talking, good explanations and diverse workouts.
Caroline Girvan : you want to have a good sweat? She's the one for you. She has a ton of free and complete workouts plans. Her workouts are giving really good results but also strength.
Ballet Misfit : she's giving us free ballet workouts! There are different levels, videos with all the explanations and videos with the combinations only.
I workout 3 times a week and do one ballet class.
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