#writing community
Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us
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cssnder · 3 days
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You don't understand, I want — no, I need one of these. My life will only be complete when I'll have a big, dramatic wooden desk.
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Making the Most out of your First Draft
As someone who used to write every first draft without planning and then use that to figure out characters and outlines, I have a lot of experience in first drafts that are incredibly helpful to forming an actual story, and drafts that don’t add much.
              So here’s how to make the most out of your first draft:
1. Write what doesn’t make sense
One of the most helpful first drafts I ever wrote abandoned plotlines and started new ones as though they had existed all along like several times. It was also the longest draft I had ever written because I had packed so many ideas into it. The reason why this is helpful is because you can test out what a plot point will look like in the middle or even end of your story without having to go back to the same beginning again and again.
It doesn’t need to make sense, just try things out. Disappear characters who don’t work, add a best friend near the end that acts like they’ve been there the entire time, whatever idea you’re interested in you can try out without worrying too much about what makes sense or what you’d need in place to set it up. It's like literally stream of consciousness writing, and you're going to learn so much more about your world, plot, and characters than trying to make it make sense.
2. Write poorly
I spent a lot of that first draft having characters monologue to themselves or each other about their interests and problems and lives which allowed me to explore their backstories and voice even if that’s not something I would do in a final draft. I had the wackiest plot points to see how my characters would react, what would happen to the plot, and if I didn’t like it I would keep going like nothing had happened, I did a lot of yadda-yaddaing over worldbuilding and setting the scenes and making up things on the spot to see if they’d stick, skipping sometimes to the interesting stuff, or adding in a random scene just for fun.
It doesn’t have to be good. Even a little bit. You’re learning about your world and your characters and the story you want to tell, but you aren’t writing it yet. Allow it to be the worst thing you’ve ever written.
3. Make notes on what you like
As you go through and throw spaghetti at the wall (figuratively speaking), make notes on the things that stick. If you write a line of dialogue you really like, or a piece of backstory or even a vibe, make sure to make a note of it somewhere. This will help you narrow down your ideas to what you want to keep when you start writing your story. And if you’re like me and you want to outline or plan your subsequent drafts, these notes will be invaluable to start forming your planning.
Anything else I missed?
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novlr · 1 day
What is a good way to start a novel? (sentence frames)
Are you a creative writer struggling to get started on your next project? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, unsure of where to begin? Fear not! Here are some sentence frames designed to inspire your creativity and help you generate story ideas.
Get to know your main character
[Character name] was not your typical [profession/role]; in fact, they…
Despite being [adjective], [character name] had always felt…
[Character name] had a secret, one that they had kept hidden for [time period]…
As [character name] looked out the window, they couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if…
[Character name] had always been drawn to [hobby/interest], but had never had the courage to pursue it until…
The day [character name] met [another character], everything changed…
Setting the scene
The town of [name] was known for its [unique characteristic], but beneath the surface…
In a world where [fantastical element] was commonplace, [character name] stood out because…
The [building/location] had stood abandoned for [time period], but on this particular night there was [an event]…
The [place/location] was famed for its [unique characteristic], but [character] found themselves drawn to [thing]…
Introduce conflict
[Character name] had always believed that [belief], until [event] forced them to question everything.
When [character name] discovered [secret/revelation], they knew they had to…
The arrival of [character/object] in [setting] threw [character name]’s life into chaos, as they…
[Character name] had always been content with their [status quo], but when [event] occurred, they realised that they could no longer ignore their true calling.
The arrival of [character name] in [place/location] set off a chain of events that would uncover long-buried secrets and force the [people of location] to confront their darkest demons.
Show character growth
[Character name] had spent their entire life [doing/believing something], but now they began to wonder if…
As [event] unfolded, [character name] realised that they were capable of…
[Character name] had always been afraid of [fear], but in the face of [challenge], they discovered…
[Character name] used to [old behaviour], but now they [new behaviour]…
As [character name] faced [challenge], they discovered a [new strength/quality] within themselves…
[Character name] never thought they could [achievement], but with [catalyst], they learned to [lesson]…
Create suspense and mystery
[Character name] knew that [mystery/secret] held the key to [goal], but the closer they got to the truth…
As [character name] delved deeper into [investigation/quest], they began to suspect that…
The [object/clue] seemed insignificant at first, but as [character name] examined it more closely, they saw [detail].
[Character name] had a nagging feeling that something was off about [person/place/thing], but couldn’t quite put their finger on it until [event].
The [sound/smell/sight] was hauntingly familiar to [character name], but they couldn’t remember why until [event].
Explore character relationships
[Character name] had always looked up to [other character], but now they began to see them in a different light because [event/change].
Despite their differences, [character name] and [other character] found themselves drawn to each other because of [detail].
[Character name] knew that [other character] was hiding something, but they never expected [revelation].
[Character name] and [other character] were once inseparable, but [change] meant they grew apart.
[Character name] never expected to find a friend in [other character], but [character detail/event/location] brought them together.
[Character name] couldn’t shake the feeling that [other character] was hiding [secret] from them.
Remember, these sentence frames are just a starting point to help you generate ideas and get your creative juices flowing. Feel free to adapt, combine, or expand upon them to suit your unique story and writing style. The most important thing is to let your imagination run wild and enjoy the process of writing your novel!
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heartofmuse · 2 days
I want to read all your poems and drink your words till they flavor my mouth with the taste of you. I want to get drunk on the splendor of your essence and color my lips with your fragrance.
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hayatheauthor · 1 day
Crafting Sad Scenes: Writing Tears and Emotional Depth
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Creating authentic emotions is vital for immersive storytelling, which is why I decided to make this series on how to write different emotions. After exploring rage, it's now time to delve into sadness!
When it comes to portraying sadness, delving into various aspects of your character's behaviour and environment can deepen the emotional impact. Here's a guide on how to evoke sadness in your writing using different elements:
Facial Expressions
Downcast Eyes and Furrowed Brow: Describe how their eyes lower and brows crease, reflecting inner sorrow or distress.
Quivering Lips or Trembling Chin: Note the subtle quivers in their lips or chin, indicating emotional vulnerability or the effort to hold back tears.
Pained or Distant Gaze: Highlight a gaze that's distant, unfocused, or filled with inner turmoil, showing their emotional detachment or deep sadness.
Tear-Streaked or Reddened Eyes: Mention tear tracks or reddened eyes, portraying recent or suppressed crying, enhancing the visual impact of their sadness.
Hollow Cheeks and Sunken Eyes: Describe physical changes like hollow cheeks or sunken eyes, reflecting fatigue, despair, or prolonged emotional distress.
Body Language and Gestures
Slumped Shoulders and Hunched Posture: Show their dejected stance with slumped shoulders and a hunched posture, conveying a sense of heaviness or defeat.
Fidgeting or Clasping Hands: Detail how they fidget nervously or clasp their hands tightly, indicating inner turmoil or a need for comfort.
Absentminded Touching of Face or Hair: Mention absentminded gestures like touching their face or running fingers through their hair, reflecting introspection or sadness.
Slow or Listless Movements: Describe their movements as slow, lethargic, or lacking energy, mirroring their emotional state of sadness.
Avoiding Eye Contact or Retreating: Highlight how they avoid eye contact or retreat from interactions, seeking solitude or trying to mask their emotions.
Dialogue and Inner Monologue
Subdued or Monotone Speech: Show their dialogue as subdued, with a monotone delivery or pauses, conveying emotional restraint or inner pain.
Expressing Regret, Loss, or Longing: Use dialogue to express their regrets, sense of loss, or longing for something or someone, adding depth to their sadness.
Internal Conflicts and Self-Reflection: Delve into their inner monologue, revealing their conflicts, doubts, or self-reflection, showcasing the complexity of their emotional journey.
Using Metaphors or Symbolic Language: Incorporate metaphors or symbolic language in their dialogue or thoughts, enhancing the poetic or introspective nature of their sadness.
Environmental Cues and Setting
Bleak or Desolate Settings: Set scenes in bleak or desolate environments, such as abandoned places or dimly lit spaces, amplifying the sense of isolation or melancholy.
Rainy Weather or Gray Skies: Describe rainy weather, gray skies, or somber atmospheres, mirroring their emotional state and adding a reflective tone to the setting.
Diminished Colors or Lack of Vibrancy: Use descriptions of muted colors or a lack of vibrancy in the surroundings, reflecting the character's subdued mood and emotional depth.
Actions and Reactions
Withdrawing from Interactions: Show them withdrawing from social interactions, seeking solitude, or avoiding activities they once enjoyed, highlighting their emotional withdrawal.
Seeking Comfort Objects or Routines: Describe how they turn to comfort objects or routines, such as listening to music, writing, or engaging in familiar activities, as coping mechanisms.
Emotional Outbursts or Sudden Changes: Portray occasional emotional outbursts, sudden changes in behavior, or moments of vulnerability, revealing layers of their sadness.
Impact on Relationships and Interactions: Explore how their sadness affects their relationships and interactions with others, showcasing the dynamics of empathy, support, or misunderstanding.
Types of Tears and Emotional Triggers
Watery Eyes: These tears often accompany moments of deep emotional pain, such as hearing hurtful words, experiencing profound disappointment, or feeling overwhelmed by sadness. Characters may blink rapidly or struggle to maintain eye contact as tears well up, indicating their struggle to contain their emotions.
Quiet Tears: Quiet tears are silent and discreet, often shed in moments of solitude or introspection. They may occur when a character reflects on past memories, grapples with internal conflicts, or experiences a poignant realization. These tears are a subtle yet powerful expression of inner turmoil.
Full-On Sobs: Full-on sobs involve audible crying, heaving breaths, and visible emotional distress. They typically arise from intense grief, loss, physical pain, or overwhelming stress. Characters may find it challenging to speak coherently or control their emotions during such outbursts, revealing the depth of their emotional turmoil.
Tears of Joy: Tears of joy occur in moments of immense happiness, relief, or heartfelt connection. They often accompany scenes of reunions, achievements, or profound expressions of love and gratitude. These tears symbolize emotional release and the overwhelming experience of positive emotions.
Tears of Empathy: Characters may shed tears of empathy when witnessing others' suffering or hearing poignant stories. These tears reflect their compassion, sensitivity, and ability to deeply connect with the emotions of others, adding layers of empathy to their characterization.
Writing Prompts and Exercises
Write a scene where your character experiences a sudden wave of sadness in a public setting, struggling to conceal their emotions.
Craft a dialogue between two characters, one trying to comfort the other who is deeply saddened by a personal loss or disappointment.
Describe a setting that reflects the mood of sadness, using sensory details to evoke emotions and create atmosphere.
Explore a character's inner monologue as they reflect on past regrets or missed opportunities, expressing their profound sense of sadness.
Create a symbolic object or motif in your story that represents your character's journey through sadness, using it as a recurring theme for emotional depth.
Incorporating these elements can enrich your narrative and evoke powerful emotions in your readers, fostering a deeper connection to your characters and their emotional journeys.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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oneshotnewbie · 3 days
Carina is afraid of Reader getting hurt (she is a police officer) and maybe, just maybe, they get hurt? You don't have to if you don't want to!!
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Authors note: This story has been sitting in my finished documents for about two years haha. So maybe it's not all that well written
Working undercover was exhausting, if not draining. You were aware of it both physically and mentally, yet you accepted the job. Accepted it in hope that, like every order, it would pass quickly. You had been investigating undercover in a drug gang for several weeks now. Barely exchanged a word with your wife for endless days to protect her from the cunning mastermind of the gang. Sporadically, there was a short on-minute-conversation at a phone booth here and there, but it was not enough. On both sides.
Carina was worried sick; she only got fleeting answers from your lieutenant on how you were doing. She was so concerned for your life that the brunette even fell ill and had to be hospitalized. When you found out, you wanted to break your cover and risk your life just so you could see her. But she managed to stop you, promising she would take care of herself until you were back home.
You missed everything about the cozy apartment you shared with her. The scent, your bed. Even the smell of cheese that had spread throughout the kitchen. But mostly the closeness of your girlfriend and the warmth that reached you every time you had a hard day at work. All of that you had to exchange for a cold, sparsely furnished one-room apartment outside of the city.
With each passing day it became harder to maintain the disguise. Everything got on your last nerves and ripped you apart. On the very first day, you wished that you could leave work and go back to your family but it had taken you a long time to earn the trust of the drug lord, Joaquín González, before he gave you permission to do big jobs. You were basically his second hand and knew everything about his business.
Even so, you still had to wait to snag all of his followers. At least until this evening where the cruical deal would go through. If everything went smoothly, you could go back to your old life tomorrow. Back to your family. The day passed faster than you could have imagined and it slowly started to get dark. The pink tone of the setting sun gave you a feeling of security and freedom- a feeling you had not had in a long time and made you believe that everything would turn out the way you wished for.
Slowly, you sat down on the chair you had prepared and waited out the last hours before your assignment while you looked through the small window. The landscape was swallowed up in a deep darkness, so completely dark that you felt the cold and hatefulness filling up your heart. Without the feeling, you could not think straight in the violent drug clan. This feeling had changed you, you felt it deep inside. That freezing cold surrounded you and gave you the courage to do any assignment without hesitation so you would not experience pain. But you still hoped to shed that mask once you were safe in the arms of your beloved Italian.
The mask had so often saved you from a mental collapse on missions, that you might not want to take it off as protection for further police operations and it shocked you deeply, that you even believed in wanting to keep it. After each undercover assignment, Carina was always able to give you the feeling of security, and the conscience that everything would be fine again. But you were not sure if she could still save you from what ate away your soul this time.
Of course you knew that she would do everything in her power to get your old self back- Carina had managed it all the time. The brunette would take care of you, spoil you like your life was more important than hers. This time was different. You had been separated from your old life for far too long to make up for with a few days of utmost nurturing.
A small tear, which you quickly wiped away, rolled down your face. You were not allowed to cry, you had to blame yourself for your fate and now you had to face the consequences.
"Where is she? Where is Y/n?" yelled a rough and worried voice at a nurse of the emergency room and you could immediately assign it to Carina. Frantically, she made her way to search between the occupied beds for the woman for whom she was the emergency contacts. „Deluca, calm down. She is here, I will lead you to her"
To her ears, the spoken sentence of Owen Hunt sounded like a war. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, she felt nothing but pure fear. Worries enveloped the woman and she could not imagine finding you badly injured somewhere in the emergency room and realizing that you were hovering between life and death.
The brunette swallowed hard. She missed you so much and just wanted to back healthily. Quietly, she trotted behind the head of trauma surgery, very carefully and slowly, until she came to a stop in front of a curtained bed. There, she already heard your pain-distorted grumbling while stilling in her movement.
Carina had never forgotten how your voice sounded, longed for it every single minute of the day. And now, hearing it without the hum of the phones terminating line, her heart was racing like the first time she had met you. She was only centimeters away from you, as close as she had not been for a long time. "It hurts like hell!"
"I wanted to give you a pain hemmer but you refused," she heard the soft chuckle of Miranda Bailey and a stone rolled from her heavy heart. You were not badly injured, at least not bad enough to be concerned for your life. "Now live with it"
As the brunette doctor moved the curtain with a firm grip to gain access to you, she looked down at you with glassy eyes. Your clothes and face were spattered with dirt and blood, your jeans cut down on one leg to the thigh. Her eyes widened to the bulled hole in your femur, blood still dripping slightly through the stitches already in place.
"Bella, what happened? Stai bene?" (Are you alright?) her voice trembled and was overwhelmed by choked tears. She sneaked through the narrow space between bed and curtain and knelt down next to it. Her warm hand softly cupped your cold one, that was gripping the bed sheets, and squeezed it tightly.
"The deal was overrun by my colleagues. The shooting was in full swing and some were trying to escape. I wanted to help another police officer and I caught a ricochet myself. It is half as bad, it was a straight through shot"
Disorted in pain, your body tensed up briefly before relaxing shortly after; abruptly pinching the hand of your wife before your eyes turned back to her. Deeply, her fawn eyes stared at you, some pitiful tears welling up from them before they closed. "For a brief moment I thought I lost you, mi amor"
Thinking lines appeared on her face and you swallowed impercepitibly. You knew her mind was working through every negative scenario she had ever saw in movies. A faint smile appeared on your face and you broke away from her before you put your hand under her chin and tenderly pulled her to you. "Carina, look at me"
The addressed opened her eyes slightly, pure was immediately recognizable. A tear rolled down the Italian´s face and she grabbed your midsection to cross the last empty space between you. "You did not lost me. I am still here"
Gentle kisses spread across her ruddy cheeks, forehead and nose; trying to catch her bitter tears. You hated when she cried. But you hated yourself even more for causing those sadness upon her. Such a great woman like Carina did not deserve to be in a constant state of fear and you were more than sorry. It broke your heart and shattered it into pieces. 
"You won't do me another mission like this. Mai più, capito?" (Never again, understand?) she said insistently. Her arms broke free from you and crossed over her crumpled pink scrubs, expertly starting to pout. "Se lo fai di nuovo, ti uccido io stesso" (If you do it again, I'll kill you personally)
That it was your last police operations for the time being, which you would do in the next few weeks, was more than clear to you. But you did not care. The most important thing you had to worry about now was your wife, whom you had neglected for weeks, and your health.
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the-ellia-west · 2 days
TCOT Release Date GOAL
This is not a confirmed Release Date, but a Goal.
I hope to Finish TCOT by March of Next Year.
This is my Goal, and I really hope with all the free time I'll have this summer, that I can do it.
I want all of you to know I love you, and I'm writing this story for you <3
I hope you can stand to wait for it a little longer :]
Thank you for being here and Being excited for my stupid little stories. I hope you'll all like it when its done.
(No one has said they want to be taken off the tag list... so tell me if you do) Or if you want to be added to the list Tell me as well,
@oliolioxenfreewrites @friendfromdsmp @thepeculiarbird @corinneglass @phoenixradiant @sunflowerrosy @kia-is-poisoned @rivenantiqnerd @aestheic-writer18 @ryahisbored @nkikio @somethingclevermahogony @mjparkerwriting @sl-vega @darkandstormydolls @agirlandherquill @baconandeggs-25 @alnaperera @fantasy-things-and-such @ajgrey9647 @aalinaaaaaa @cybercelestian @danielleitloudernow @illarian-rambling @idunnobutliaiscool @jeremy-no @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @fandom-pits-dweller @xenascribbles @katwritesshit @smudged-red-ink @sunnyjustice @thelazywitchphotographer @pastellbg @louudthoughts @bigwipscholar @killingthemoon84 @fenatics @attemptingwriter @purplehandshumanfeelings @bluberimufim
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ink-flavored · 21 hours
65 Question OC Polycule Ask Game
Do you have a bunch of OCs in a polycule? Do you have the burning desire to answer questions about them? Look no further for an excuse to talk about it!   There are footnotes under the cut to explain some potentially unfamiliar terminology. Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart.
Did the relationship start polyamorous, or was it a monogamous relationship that eventually opened?
If it started monogamous, how did the process of opening the relationship go?
Are there any mono-poly1 relationships in the polycule?
What “shape” is the polycule? A triad, a “V”, a straight line of metamours2, or incomprehensible?
Where do each of the members land on the “solo poly” to “entwined” spectrum?3
Where do each of the members land on the “free agent” to “community oriented” spectrum?4
How did each member realize they were polyamorous? Did they always know, or was there some sort of epiphany?
Do any of the current members practice hierarchical polyamory5? Who are the primary partners?
If the polycule is hierarchical, what differs in the boundaries set for primary vs secondary partners? Tertiary partners?
Have any of the members been in a hierarchical polycule before?
Have any of the members been in a non-hierarchical polycule before?
Do any of the members have a preference between hierarchical and non-hierarchical polyamory?
What’s the craziest polycule drama they’ve experienced so far?
Have any of the members been the unicorn6 of a relationship?
Have any of the members been unicorn hunters7 in the past? Were they successful?
How does each member like to engage with their metamours? Do they want to meet every potential addition, or do they not care at all?
What are their “vetoes” for potential metamours? Do they have any at all?
Which of the members want to live with their partner(s), and which prefer to live alone?
How do each of the members deal with jealousy? How intense is the feeling?
How intense does each member feel compersion8 toward their partners and metamours?
Who has the strongest communication skills in the group? Who has the weakest?
Who does the most scheduling out of all the members?
How do they deal with feelings of loneliness if their partner(s) are spending time with their other partner(s)?
Does the polycule ever have get-togethers or dates where everyone is present? What are they like?
Of the members who live together, what are the household dynamics like? How do they split chores, manage finances, etc.?
Of the members who live together, do they all sleep in one bed too? All separate bedrooms? Something in-between?
What are their sexual dynamics like? Is group sex frequent, or is it purely one-on-one?
Do boundaries shift depending on which partners are involved in sex or romance?
What kind of boundaries exist outside of a romantic dynamic? Are friends-with-benefits considered metamours? Hook-ups?
Are any of the polycule members aromantic? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
Are any of the polycule members asexual? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
Do any of the polycule members consider their relationship(s) to be queerplatonic? How does that influence their relationship boundaries and their relationship to polyamory in general?
How have their members’ respective family relationships influenced their polyamorous dynamics?
Were any of the members raised in a polyamorous family?
Are any of the polycule members parents? How many kids do they have?
If there aren’t any kids yet, will there ever be?
How would the polycule deal with one member wanting kids, but another member never wanting kids?
If the relationship opened up after children were already in the picture, how was the change explained to them? Was it explained at all?
Do all members of the polycule raise children together, or are there designated “parent” members?
How does being in a polyamorous relationship influence how boundaries are taught to their kids?
How do the kids feel about their parent(s) being polyamorous? Are they supportive, indifferent, or actively opposed?
Have cultural dynamics played a part in how the polycule operates?
Are any of the members keeping their polyamory a secret? Why?
For mono-poly relationships, how does the monogamous partner see and experience their relationship with a polyamorous person? Their relationships with their metamours?
How did any monogamous partners deal with the idea of opening up a previously closed relationship? Was it a difficult change?
Did any monogamous partners discover they were polyamorous after the relationship opened up? How did they find out?
Do any monogamous partners still struggle to cope with polyamory? What gets them through the hard times?
Were any monogamous partners completely fine with polyamory from the beginning?
How do the polyamorous halves of the mono-poly relationships feel about dating a monogamous person? Is it a unique struggle or smooth sailing?
Do the mono-poly relationships have different boundaries than the poly-poly-poly-poly-etc. relationships?
How well do the metamours get along? Do they even know each other?
Do any of the metamours dislike each other? How does that impact their shared partner(s)?
Do any of the metamours hang out when their shared partner(s) aren’t around?
Do any of the metamours have specific dynamics and/or boundaries with each other? Why?
How do the members feel about marriage? Do they live in a society that recognizes polyamorous marriage at all? If marriage isn’t an option, what about legal protections?
What do any monogamous members think about their polyamorous partner potentially marrying someone else (either in addition to or instead of them)?
How does the polycule celebrate anniversaries?
How does the polycule celebrate birthdays?
If one of the members gets sick, who takes care of them? Is there a rotation of caretakers lining up, or designated partner(s)?
Has anyone experienced a particularly messy break-up while in the polycule? How did everyone handle it?
Which of the members, if any, would be happy in a monogamous relationship if having a polycule wasn’t possible? Would any rather be single than monogamous?
How insecure was each member when starting their polyamorous journey? In what ways?
How did each member overcome their insecurities about relationships? Have they at all?
Wild card! Ask anything you can imagine!
[1] Mono-poly: a relationship that contains both a monogamous and polyamorous person; the monogamous person is only dating one polyamorous partner, but that partner might have other partners in addition to their monogamous partner.
[2] Metamour: the members of a polycule who are dating the same person or people, but aren’t dating each other.
[3] Solo: presents to the world as single at first glance; may not want to live with any partner, or if they do, they may not choose to share finances or property.
Entwined: prefers relationships that are more entwined practically, financially, or both; values sharing living space, spending time in close proximity, sharing financial or household obligations, etc.; may see themselves as part of a unit, a single family that shares responsibilities together and approaches life together.
Definitions taken from “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
[4] Free Agent: values personal autonomy highly, places importance on the ability to make their own decisions, and presents to the world as able to act without requiring permission from others; places responsibility for decision-making, and for bearing the consequences, on each person individually.
Community Oriented: focuses on the interconnectedness of their relationships and their community; decisions are made with an eye toward how they might fit with the others.
Definitions taken from “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
[5] Hierarchical Polyamory: a kind of polyamory in which the members of the polycule are split into “primary” partners, “secondary” partners, “tertiary” partners, and so on. The higher “ranked” members are given more priority when it comes to spending time together, living arrangements, major life decisions, and overall have more control over the state of the polycule than the lower ranked members. This is in contrast to non-hierarchical polyamory, in which there is no ranking system, all relationships are treated with equal weight, and decisions are made as a group. There is no one proper way to practice polyamory, and both methods can be fulfilling for people who have different needs for their relationships.
[6] Unicorn: stereotypically, a young bisexual woman that is equally attracted to both primary members of a hierarchical polycule or a recently opened monogamous relationship, agrees to give both members equal attention, and agrees to have no additional partners. Referred to as “unicorns” because these strict requirements for a dynamic are basically impossible to find.
[7] Unicorn Hunter(s): stereotypically, the primary members of a hierarchical polycule or a recently opened monogamous relationship who relentlessly search for a “unicorn” to perfect their ideal polyamorous dynamic. Often have very strict requirements of their unicorn, which is why they’re constantly hunting for someone who can fulfill them.
[8] Compersion: the opposite of jealousy; the feeling of joy experienced when seeing your partner happy with their other partner(s).
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goodluckclove · 2 days
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Have you had a rough time? So have I. And so has Bob.
Sometimes we get tired. Sometimes our brains are empty, itchy with dust, or stuffed full of thick pudding. Sometimes you think you're doing fine and then your cat (let's call him Rob) knocks over and breaks the magnetic goose that holds your keys, and you break down crying in the kitchen even though that's not a proportional response.
It happens. And that's okay.
It's good to stop and take a step back, even if it can only be a little step. Make sure you're eating sometimes and drinking water, and hopefully a fun drink or snack every now and then. Feel your feelings when they happen. It helps them pass easier.
I'm going to take care of the soft baby bird inside my chest. Tomorrow Wife and I are going to the beach and I'm going to put my feet in the ocean. I consider the ocean my most authentic parental figure. It's hard to stop moving but if you don't take a break you'll eventually break down and then you'll be out of commission for much longer. And that's not good!
So take a break if you need one, friends. Even if it's just for the day.
It's what Bob would want.
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There is a special place in hell for all the people behind these bot attacks that harm AO3 and the communities we built.
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A reminder that Archive of Our Own is not Instagram or TikTok. It isn’t run by a big company with money and power. The site is a non-profit site run by volunteers (fans), for fans. And its main purpose is to bring people within the same fandom together and connect artists with audiences who would love and appreciate these artists’ works. It’s the only platform without any ads, without any censorship, without any of these capitalism bullshit. It doesn’t make users pay for any features and the only source of money they get, to keep the site up and running, is through donations. It’s literally a safe place for every fandom.
To think that it’s a target just because it’s easier to attack than those huge companies is just so sad.
Not to mention that there are so many genuine guest users out there (people who aren’t logged in / don’t have an AO3 account), and these people are directly affected by this whole thing, because they are no longer able to comment and connect with their favorite creators — and this still affects creators directly because I know for a fact that getting comments and being able to connect with their audience mean the world to them. I don’t blame AO3 for disabling guest comments altogether.
I do blame and curse the fuckers behind these bot attacks though.
If you try to sabotage AO3, out of all the other platforms out there, you are pathetic. You’re not just attacking a small, independent company, you’re trying to tear apart people’s communities and safe place. Disrespectfully, fuck you. Burn in hell.
Mad respect to all the brave soldiers that are AO3 volunteers who work harder than god fighting these scums.
I know these brave soldiers will win in the end (they always did, this isn’t their first battle, mind you), but in the meantime I’m sending them all my love and respect. They truly are the heroes.
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sourdough-seal · 2 days
*rereading a thing i wrote when i was 13* this girl was a freak then. and she is a freak now
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vavandeveresfan · 1 day
"How old were you when you first started writing?"
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Actually, it was age 5 or 6.
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novlr · 2 days
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heartofmuse · 2 days
I want to feel your poetry on my skin, a fire that burns, a salve that soothes, a wind that sweeps, water that quenches, a thousand whispers of magic that dance and reach within.
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