#just feels like if you were to disturb him it would be absolutely terrible for you
deoidesign · 1 month
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drawing my favorite sculpture but it's my guy
(Barberini Faun)
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It would be so cute if you could write about harry and yn being together since highschool and they were each others first everything and they got married very early and just their live together now yk
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From Here To Eternity.
a/n: thank you to the very kind anon that requested this blurb, it was definitely a fun one to write and i’m sorry it took so long to post! fyi i’m absolutely terrible at writing smut so please don’t come at me🫶
masterlist || ask me anything <3
likes and re-blogs are very much appreciated!!
word count - 9.8k
in which, harry and you first met on your first day of secondary school, and since then your lives have always revolved around each other. she’s been there through everything, his x-factor audition, when the band first rose to fame, when they went on a hiatus and when he made it big as a solo star. they were each others first everything’s, and that made the whole ordeal just that more special.
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September 4th, 2009 — the first meeting.
On the first day of secondary school, your nerves were through the roof. The fact that your hands were shaking was not helping the factor that you knew absolutely no one in this school.
You were absolutely terrified of being late to your classes and having to do the walk of shame towards your desk as everyone stared at you.
Walking down the hallway, you happened to spot a boy with brown curly hair, he was putting something away in his locker and a focused look on his face.
“Excuse me,” You gained his attention as you walked over to him, his snapping over to me. “I was wondering if you happened to know where room 102 was?”
He closed his locker behind him and stood up straighter. “— yeah I do, I’m heading there myself in a minute, what’s your name? M’Harry?”
Relief showered your body knowing that you had found someone to talk to and someone you could walk into class with. “My names (Y/N)”
“So are you new here?”he asked, gripping a hold of his backpack that was over his shoulder, it blended in with your school uniform.
You nodded your head. “—yeah we moved from Liverpool, today's my first day.”
“So what classes do you have today?” Harry asked as you tried not to bump into students in your way.
You glanced down at the timetable that was in your hands and let out a small groan. “I’ve got Math, English, Religious Studies and then Science”
Harry let out a small laugh. “— I’ve got the same, looks like we’re going to be in the same classes”
Thank god.
At least you would know someone in your classes through the day and wouldn’t have to feel like a loner.
“Maths is definitely my favourite subject,”Harry continued on smiling at the thought of his favourite subject. “What’s yours?”
“Oh I’m absolutely terrible at maths,”You shook your head before pondering an answer to his previous question. “— I think my favourite subject may be pe.”
As the two of you walked towards the class (more like you following behind him like a little bit of a lost puppy) you continued to chet about your favourite hobbies.
You found out that he was part of a music group named ‘White Eskimo’ and he had even invited you to rage along to one of their practices when you had time.
You found yourself laughing at the little jokes that he seemed to slip into the conversation and you felt a lot more at ease about the school day ahead.
By the time you both arrived at the door of the classroom, you felt your throat go dry upon seeing your Maths teacher Mr.Jones already reaching the class.
Not only had you made yourself late, you had now dragged your new friend down to your depths.
Harry tried to quietly open the door, hoping not to disturb the class but the teacher had already snapped their head over to see the two of you entering the room.
Mr.Jones raised an eyebrow at Harry. “Late on the first day back?”
Your new friend looked down at the ground slightly. “—M’sorry,Sir.”
The teacher let out a sigh before turning their attention over to you and eyeing you up carefully. “Who's your friend?”
“My names (Y/N), I’m new here and Harry helped me get here, it’s my fault we’re late.”I tried to explain to the teacher who just pushed there glasses further up the bridge of there nose.
“Well (Y/N) and Harry, go ahead and take the seats at the back of the class for me.”Mr.Jones nodded there head over to the two empty seats you were expected to occupy.
As the two of you sat down in the seats, you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and felt your face flush a soft shade of pink.
Being late on your first day wasn’t so teething you expected to do. But they couldn’t really blame you.
You just didn’t want to make a bad first impression.
“I’m sorry about making you late.”You apologised to Harry, as you grabbed a pencil from your pencil case.
Harry waved you off with a reassuring smile. “— it’s all good.”
As the lesson progressed on you and Harry shared notes about the syllabus you were learning, helping each other with the work as much as you could without the teacher calling you out for speaking.
“Thanks for letting me sit next to you, you didn’t have to.” you muttered to Harry who was flicking through the textbook.
He smiled at you. “— honestly, it’s been my pleasure, and can’t wait to see where this friendship goes.”
April 2nd, 2010 — Prom.
When Harry had invited you round his house on Saturday, you thought absolutely nothing of it.
Since you first started year eleven, you and Harry were quick to become best friends and would often go round each other's houses on the weekend and have a sleepover until Sunday.
When he opened the door after hearing you knock on it, you could instantly pick up on how nervous he was due to the fact his fingers were curled up into a fist.
“Hi, H!”you greeted him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
There was no doubt that over the course of your friendship that you hadn’t thought about him in another way.
You spent every school day together since you started and most weekends together as well unless you were doing something with your families.
Harry opened the door a bit more. “— hey, come on in.”
Once inside, Harry led you out to the back garden seeing as it was a warm summer's day, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Until your eyes landed on the set up.
A picnic had been set up and a red and white chequered blanket was laid out on the greenery. A bowl of fruit in the middle with some sandwiches laid out as well.
“Wow..Harry,”you breathed out. “— what’s all this for?”
“I was thinking about Prom and how we weren’t too sure about if we should go,”he explained, sitting down on the blanket with you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “— I wanted to ask if you would be my Prom date? I wanted it to be special.”
Did you hear him right?
He wants you to be his prom date?
“Really?”was all I managed to speak, still trying to wrap my head around his question.
He nodded his head. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I can’t deny that I like you, we’re friends and going to prom together would be the first step into getting something more.”
Was this way of him saying he liked you?
Holy fucking moly.
“You like me?”
He smirked at you. “— isn’t that obvious?”
He took a sip of strawberry water from his cup. “So what do you say? Will you be my prom date?”
You flushed a shade of red making him let out a small laugh. “I would love to be your prom date!”
When Prom night finally came around, your nerves were skyrocketing.
You stood at the top of the stairs after hearing from your mum who was peering out the windows that your prom date had arrived and was eagerly awaiting for your prom dress to get revealed, so that he could like you even more.
You took in a small inhale of air before your heel clad feet started making their way down the stairs, hand holding onto the railing so that you didn’t fall and trip, and that was when you saw him.
He was wearing a grey suit, with a white crisp shirt underneath as well as a matching grey suit vest and a black bow tie to compliment the outfit even more, his hair was styled the exact same with his unruly curls framing his face and had some black shoes on his feet.
“Wow,”Harry’s mouth gaped as he stared at you, “— you look beautiful!”
You had no idea that you would be matching colours seeing as you hadn’t even known what each other was going to wear.
This was complete coincidence.
Your dress was a light grey strapless dress with a long skirt that was layered. There was a sprinkling of light pink flowers embroidered onto the torso of the dress to add the slightest pop of colour.
Your cheeks flushed. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.”
Your mother was standing next to your father at the bottom of the stairs as well, a camera was in her hands as Harry came and stood next to you, placing a hand on your hip and bringing you in closer to him.
“The two of you look lovely.”Your mother complimented as she continued to take photos.
“Thanks mom.”You let out a small groan of embarrassment as Harry let out a small laugh.
Your father clapped Harry on the back as the two of you made your way towards the front door, he was grinning at him. “— take care of my daughter tonight, Harry.”
“I will Mr. (Y/L/N)”Harry let out a nervous chuckle.
After the two of you had said your goodbyes to your parents, Harry who had just passed his drivers test grabbed his keys out of his pocket and opened your car door for you like a true gentleman.
Once the both of you were in the seats, Harry turned to look at you with a look of fondness. “You really do look beautiful by the way.”
“And you really do look handsome.”You told him in truth, tucking a curl out of his eyes.
The drive to the venue was one filled with laughter and comfortableness when the two of you arrived at the venue, strobe lights were lining up the exterior as a red carpet was rolled out.
Throughout the entire night, you and Harry continued to dance, moving your bodies and that was when you realised just how charming and considerate Harry really was.
All in all you had a great time together.
As the night drew to a close and prom king and queen was announced, Harry placed a hand on the small of your back as the final slow dance of the evening took place.
“How would you feel if I took you on a real date sometime?”
Your heart skipped a beat and your stomach felt as if butterflies had taken home there. “— I would feel privileged.”
What a great way to end the night.
June 17th, 2010 — the first time.
“If you're not ready to do this…''Harry panted out as you wrapped your arms around his neck from where you were laying underneath him, both of you in nothing but your knickers. “…then we don’t have to, I’m not pressuring you into doing anything.”
“I really want to do this,”you whispered, pressing a kiss to his nose. “— there’s no one else I would rather be doing this with, I trust you Harry, baby.”
After your first date, you and Harry had been on five more before he asked you to be his girlfriend and after dating for two months you finally figured out that you were both ready to take the next big step in your relationship.
Harry nodded his head and started leaving kisses down her jaw, and lower down her neck, making you squirm slightly in his grip.
He slowly pulled the waistband of your knickers down from your hips and gradually down your leg making you wish he would simply hurry up.
“God, you're making me melt over here, babe.” Harry complimented as he took sight of your bare core, glistening and all for him.
He was a virgin also, so that factor made this even more special.
“Please..please har..Harry.”you whined, head thrown back as his hand teased at your bud of nerves, he tried not to whine as well at seeing you like this.
Your first time was together.
He was getting you ready for him and that made you even more nervous.
The condom was on his length before you even got a chance to blink.
His length was bulky and there was a large vein leading up to the top of his penis, where a drop of pre cum was starting to form.
Harry laced your fingers together as he slowly entered your soaking core.
It wasn’t as painful as you had imagined but it was definitely uncomfortable.
It would take a lot of getting used to.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feeling and knowing that the moisture was all because of him and no one else.
“You feel so good (Y/N).”Harry groaned as he thrusted in and out of you at a gentle pace.
You reached your hand up and pulled at his curls as moans and groans fell from both of your lips and filled his bedroom.
He kissed you with everything he had, and that was what solidified the deal for you.
You loved him.
Your legs tightened and your stomach copied.
“Let go, sweet girl,”Harry spoke softly, making a tear fall down your cheek at the pleasure you were currently facing. “— come for me, babe.”
“Let go, let go for me, sweet girl.” A wave of ecstasy rolled over your body as you came undone and felt his lips against your feverish skin.
Harry pressed a kiss to your lips. “— I love you (Y/N) I love you so much.”
Your pants made it hard to figure things out around you but you had definitely heard what he had said.
He loves you?
Harry Edward Styles really said he loved you.
You let out a small breath. “I love you Harry, I really do.”
There’s definitely a right place to say things like this and this was definitely the place.
August 6th, 2010 — the news.
“I’ve got some news.”
You tilted your head to the side as you laid down next to Harry on the hammock in his garden, your legs entwined and your head rested on his chest.
You lifted your head up slightly. “What’s the news?”
“You know how you and mum are always saying that I’ve got a good voice?” He asked, running a hand up and down your arm.
You nodded at him as an answer, you did really think that he had a good voice, you would often hear him singing to himself getting changed in the mornings you would sleep over, you would hear him singing you to sleep at night when you were a little bit restless.
He was even part of ‘White Eskimo’ so if he was the frontman of a band then he obviously had a good voice.
“Well I think I’m going to audition for X-factor.”
You sat up completely, eyes wide as his words registered in your brain.
“You're going to audition for X-factor?”You exclaimed, “— as in the show with Louis Walsh and Dermot O Leary?”
He nodded his head. “I’ve been practising non stop, you hear me singing all the time, so it only seems like the right thing to do.”
“I’m really excited for you!” You leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his cheek out of pure affection.
“Do you have an idea about what you're going to sing?” You mused, staring at him softly.
“Yeah, I want to sing something that really showcases my voice so I’ve been thinking ‘Hey Soul Sister’.”
One of your favourite songs.
“That’s a really good song, H.” you informed him, lacing your fingers together. “— you're going to do absolutely amazing.”
He hummed. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” You assured him, the sun shining down on your skin to give it a nice sun kissed glow. “— and I’m always here if you ever want help practising.”
He laughed, throwing his head back slightly at your words, you both knew that you were a very bad singer so just the thought of you helping him out seemed funny.
“I’ll definitely consider that.”
Over the next few weeks leading up to the audition, you would hear Harry singing every chance he got.
Whether that be in the shower, in the car on the way to school, and sometimes when you stayed over you could swear that you heard him singing in his sleep.
But that only showed his dedication to impress the judges.
And that hard work definitely paid off.
February 19th, 2013 — gaining permission.
It was a warm summer’s evening when Harry approached the front door of your childhood home.
His nerves were high as he raised his fist to knock against the wood, his mind still rehearsing everything that he was about to say to him.
After hearing someone knock against the front door, your father raised his eyebrows and went ahead towards it, opening it up and coming face to face with your boyfriend of nearly three years.
“Hello Mr. (Y/L/N)”Harry greeted the man he called a second father and offered him a grin.
Your father and Harry shook hands. “— Afternoon, Harry.”
You had absolutely no idea that Harry was going round to speak to your father tonight seeing as you were on a girls weekend with a few friends from school, and so Harry thought this would be the best time to speak to him, without you wondering where he was.
The timing was perfect really.
“I came to talk to you about something really important, if that’s alright with you.”Harry explained, his palms suddenly becoming slightly sweaty.
Your father invited him into the home and they both settled down on the sofas in the living room, Harry began speaking seeing as he couldn’t hold it off anymore.
"Mr. (Y/L/N), I know we're young, but I can't imagine my future without your daughter," Harry stated as he sat across from your dad.
"I appreciate your honesty, Harry. But marriage is a big commitment. Are you sure you're ready for that?" Your dad replied, folding his arms.
When Harry was placed as a member of One Direction, he didn’t think that his life would change drastically, he had heard stories of boy bands and their girlfriends always having a hard time, but you and Harry were beating all the odds.
The two of you were stronger than ever.
"Yes, sir," Harry answered confidently. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy."
Your dad leaned back in his chair, contemplating Harry’s words. "Well, I have to say, I'm impressed with your sincerity. It's not often you see such devotion in young people these days. Alright, I'll give you my blessing."
The singer let out a sigh of relief and a smile spread across his face. "Thank you, sir! I'll do my best to make her happy every day."
As Harry stood up to leave, your dad stopped him. "One more thing, James. Promise me that you'll take care of her. She's my little girl and I love her more than anything in this world."
"I promise, sir," Harry replied, nodding his head earnestly. "I'll always be there for her and do whatever it takes to make her happy."
As Harry left, your dad couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy. He knew that his daughter was in good hands with a man who loved her so deeply.
March 1st, 2013 — the pier.
Coming to the pier was a bit of a last time for you and Harry.
It held a lot of memories for the two of you.
When you would spend the nights round his house on the weekends, you would sneak out of the house and go and spend some time at the arcades at the end of the pier, he even won you a stuffed unicorn once.
You had gone there after prom when he asked you out on a proper date to stare at the stars as they rested in the sky,
After your fifth date, Harry had brought you to the pier and asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend.
You had been on the pier when he told you that he was put in One Direction, you weren’t allowed to be at that audition because your parents said that school was more important, you were there when he told you that his life was about to change drastically.
As you and Harry walked along the pier, he held your manicured hand tightly.
“So how was your day, baby?” You quizzed him, swinging your hands back and forth slightly.
“It was good,”Harry replied, “— busy with getting things ready for the tour, but it was good overall.”
You knew how hard he and the rest of the boys were working so that they could get everything ready for the tour they were about to embark on, you were tagging along as well so that you could spend as much time with Harry as possible.
“I can imagine,”you offered him a small smile. “How’s all that going?”
“I think it’s going well, to be honest.”he squeezed your hand as you continued walking down the pier. “— we’re just working on nailing the set list and then everything should be ready to go.”
As the two of you walked, the topic of conversation shifted from work to your family and then to finally what you both wanted your future to look like.
Over the years you had learned to feel comfortable with speaking to Harry about everything and anything.
“Speaking of the future,” He spoke, making you glance over at him, your eyes locking. “— what do you see in our future?”
You had thought about an answer to this question for a while now and contemplated telling him, but now seemed like the appropriate time to say it.
“I definitely see us having a happy, loving life together,”you began to answer, breathing softly. “Maybe a house, marriage and definitely some kids, you’d be a great dad.”
Harry’s heart swelled after hearing your words. “That sounds absolutely perfect.”
The two of you gazed out at the moonlit waves crashing below the wooden slats that were holding the pier up.
Finally, you reached the end of the pier where Harry stopped and turned to face you.
"(Y/N), I know we're only young," he began, "but I love you more than anything in this world. These past three years have been the happiest of my life and I can't imagine spending my future with anyone else."
Your heart was pounding as she stared into Harry’s forest green orbs that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
"H, I love you too," you replied, your voice shaking slightly.
“Sweetheart, you're my best friend, actually your more than that, your my whole world, my absolute reason to wake up every morning, you’ve been by my side through all the hardships and to say you’ve made me a better man would one hundred percent be the understatement of the century.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, trying to regulate your breathing as your ears started ringing as you stared at the man you adored.
Your eyes widened as you watched Harry kneel down on one knee and pull out a small velvet box from his pocket. "(Y/N), will you marry me?"
Harry wanted you to be his wife.
You could barely see him through the tears that were falling from your eyes, but you could make out that he was crying as well.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you nodded vigorously.
“Yes, yes, of course, I will!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around Harry’s neck.
Once the two of you broke away from the hug, he slipped the ring from the box onto your finger, both hands shaking from the adrenaline currently coursing through their body.
The two of you embraced tightly, feeling each other's heartbeat as the gentle breeze swirled around you. For you and Harry, this moment felt like the beginning of forever.
August, 2014 — I do.
You took in a deep breath as you stood at the end of the altar next to your father, your arm linked with his as your other hand held a bouquet of flowers.
When the familiar chords of one of your and Harry’s favourite songs rang out throughout the small registery office that the two of you had decided to get wed at, that was when you realised that this was really happening.
You were getting married.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Your father asked you, head tilted to the side.
You took in a hesitant small breath as you nodded at the words your father had just spoken. “Honestly, this is as ready as I’ll ever be.”
He nodded his head at your words before opening the doors to the side of the room, your breath hitched in your throat.
Your groom lifted his head when he heard whispers filling up the room and that was all the clarification he needed to know that you were present.
He hesitantly lifted his head and salt water instantly filled his orbs.
You looked astonishing.
It felt as if it was just the two of you in the room, your eyes remained locked on each other as you got closer and closer, the moment was pure and heartwarming.
Harry’s curls had grown out since your engagement on the pier so they were pushed back by a simple headband, so they didn’t block his view of you and he was adorning a suit of black colour, a white frilled shirt underneath as a thin silk black tie hung around his neck.
Your wedding dress was what you had always dreamed your dress would look like on your special day. It was Lacey and hung loosely to your figure in certain areas, flowers embroidered the sleeves and around your collar.
As your heel clad feet came to a stop by your soon to be husband, your father left a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, before taking a seat at the front two next to your mother as well as Harry’s parents and sister.
Your hand slipped into Harry’s and he rubbed soft circles on the back of it to reassure you that everything was going to be okay.
“You look beautiful, m’love.”Harry whispered as his own eyes filled with more tears.
The officiant glanced around at the people around you that were gathered in the small room before clearing his throat and beginning to speak.
“(Y/N) and Harry have decided to write their own vows as a declaration of there love for one another as well as there marriage,” the man began, looking down at the notes in his hands.
You and Harry locked gazes with each other and both offered each other a small smile, this was really happening.
“God, Harry I don’t even know where to begin,”you looked down at the piece of paper in your hand that was filled with your handwriting.
“— just for this day, I had to Google what the definition of a soulmate was but then I realised I didn’t have to. You were the definition. Plain and Simple. When we first met our first conversation was me asking you for directions, but over the past three years of getting to know you and fall continuously in love with you, I have come to known that you have showed me new directions of life, directions I didn’t think I would see unless I hadn’t of met you. You continue to make me proud and that’s one of the main reasons I love you.”
You glanced up at him when you had finished reading your vows and watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek.
Harry turned to look at the small gathering of people you had invited to be here for this special moment, and a wet chuckle fell from his lips. “How on earth am I supposed to beat that?”
He turned back to look at you, unfolding a piece of paper from his shit pocket and starting to read aloud. “— My sweet girl, m’love, when we first started dating, straight from the get go I had promised to cherish you from then on out, from our first meeting you instantly captured my heart, you’ve made me a better person, and for that I simply can’t thank you enough, your all I ever want and more, I love you and will continue to love you as long as my heart remains beating.”
There was definitely not a dry eye in sight when Harry had finished reading.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), do you take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?”
“I do.”
“And do you Harry Edward Styles take (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?”
“Of course I bloody do!”
Harry’s best man, his stepfather Robin Twist steps forward from where he’s sat next to Anne, offering both of you the rings.
The ring slipped onto Harry’s finger effortlessly.
His hands worked delicately to slip yours on.
The officiant smiled adoringly. “— with the power invested in me, I now declare you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!”
Harry didn’t waste a second in bringing his lip balmed lips down against yours, as the taste of strawberry filled your senses, the kiss was one full of tenderness and love.
It was all official.
You were now Mrs. (Y/N) Styles.
June 18th, 2015 — the delivery.
"I'm here!"
You looked up from the hospital bed you were currently laying on to see your husband run into the room, his eyes wide as he assessed the situation.
You were laid on the hospital bed, tears falling freely down your cheeks as your mother crouched at your bed side holding your hand and soothing you.
"H..Harry…"You spoke, voice coming out dry and hoarse.
The man rushed to your side, taking a hold of your hand and pushing some of the hair that had dried around your forehead out of your face. "— it's okay sweet girl, it's all okay. I'm here now"
Your mother gulped and looked down at the two of you. "I'll wait outside, give the two of you some space"the older women turned to look at her daughter. "You've got this (Y/N)"
Got what exactly?
Let’s answer that question.
You and Harry never really got to have a proper honeymoon after your wedding, due to the fact he was touring and didn’t have enough time to change the plans when they surrounded the band and management.
So almost six months ago, the band had decided to go on a little break near Christmas time so that they could spend the new years at home with their families and so you and Harry went back to holmes chapel.
And on Christmas Eve, the two of you christened the night and an explosion of love was formed.
You got pregnant.
And now, not even near the full term of pregnancy, your waters had broken when you were on a coffee date with your mother, your nerves were heightened especially when you had four months left in your pregnancy.
Once your mother had left the room, you turned to look at your husband, swallowing roughly. "I can't do it Harry..it's too early..they're not gonna make it!"
"Don't think like that, everything's going to be fine, I promise.” and with that he pressed a kiss to your damp cheek, grabbing ahold of your hand and rubbing the back of it softly.
Suddenly, you pinched her eyes shut and let out one of the most ear piercing painful cries Harry had ever heard, his heart beating erratically against his rib cage.
He stood up. "— I'm going to go and get some help alright..i'll be back as soon as possible"
He ran out of the room his wife was in and towards the reception area, his eyes landing on nurses who were sat there talking away. "— I need some help..my wife's having our baby"
You were clutching your stomach when Harry sprinted back into the room and resumed his position next to you, the nurses coming in followed by a doctor all smiling at you in the bed.
"Hi Mrs Styles, my names Dr Armstrong and I'll be helping you deliver your baby today, to make this experience as calm as possible, I'm going to need you to lift up your legs for me so I can check how dilated you are"
"You've got this"Harry whispered, his lips pressed against the shell of your ear.
You hesitated for a few seconds due to the fact the only person that had ever looked between your legs was harry, and the thought of any other man seemed daunting, but after Harry gave you a gentle look you slowly raised your legs up so they were bent on the bed and watched with watery eyes as the doctor slipped some latex gloves on his hand before slowly placing his hands between your legs.
The doctor then pulled his hands back, Harry letting his eyes fall on the blood on the top of the gloves, the doctor muttering a few things to the nurses, who then walked over to the other side of the room and started picking up blankets and towels.
What was happening?
"Mrs Styles, Mr Styles"the doctor cleared his throat. "— this probably isn't what the two of you were expecting but this baby is coming rather fast, and when I say fast I mean very, very fast"
Harry gulped and shook his head. "But she's only five months, surely that's not right"
The doctor smiled at the soon to be father. "That is very soon yes sir, but I have delivered babies much sooner than five months, and if we do everything right and take our time everything should be fine, I assure you"
The words just made your throat go even more dry, like sandpaper upon hearing that you were ten centimetres dilated and was soon going to be having the baby which just sent a sense
of dread to vibrate throughout your body.
"I don't want to do this Harry," You cried. "I don't want to do this..I can't"
Harry stroked a hand through your hair that was sticking to your forehead. "— you can do this sweet girl, I know you can, wouldn't have put our sweet baby in you if I didn't"
You nodded your head with all the energy that you could muster up and sat up a little bit further in the bed, your tight grip on Harry’s hand only getting tighter.
"Okay Mrs Styles, give me a nice gentle push."the doctor instructed, the nurses coming over to be on standby.
The next contraction hits your body and you ground your teeth together as you push, putting all the counter pressure in your hips.
Pushing kind of felt like when you were going to the toilet, only this was much more painful.
Tears continued to slide down your cheeks, Harry’s slightly calloused hands rubbing across her own as his own eyes welled with tears seeing the girl he loved and adored in so much pain.
"That was so good Mrs Styles,"the doctor complimented. "You're doing so well, repeat what you just did for me when your next contraction occurs, okay?"
Harry kissed your temple, just as another contraction ripped through your body, making it feel as though you were on fire.
"I can see the head."
The voices were numb to your ears, seeing as you were too busy focusing on pushing, your teeth were gritted together as your head was tucked down to your chest.
"We're so close to meeting them Sweet girl, so close,"Harry encouraged, looking in the eyes of his wife whose eyes were black.
The usual colour were filled with a pain filled black.
"The next push and you should have your baby, give me a big push Mrs Styles."
You pushed, this one feeling much longer than the others, keeping a white knuckle grip on Harry’s hand.
And that's when you heard it.
A cry filled the room, a literal babies cry.
Your and Harry’s babies cry.
"Is everything okay?"Harry quizzed, not removing his hand from your sweaty grasp.
You watched as the doctor nodded his head, letting his eyes flicker from between the two. "— congratulations Mr and Mrs Styles, you have a beautiful baby boy."
A boy.
You had a son.
A beautiful baby boy who was your’s forever.
"Would you like some skin to skin contact with your son, Mrs Styles?"Dr Armstrong asked, holding the baby in his arms.
"Yes please."You answered, perhaps a bit too quickly.
The doctor walked forward and gently laid the baby against your bare chest, moving the hospital gown out of the way.
The second your sweet baby boy was placed against your chest, you couldn't help but loud out a few cries.
Sobs even.
It may have been a bit earlier than the two of you expected, but now you simply wouldn't change it for the world.
The Styles were complete.
Harry couldn't help but let a tear fall down his cheeks, not bothering to wipe it away.
This is all he had worked for, and now it was finally here he couldn't be happier.
"Do we have a name?"one of the nurses asked, smiling at the sight of the mother holding the baby.
You locked eyes with Harry. "You tell them sweet boy"
Harry swallowed and nodded his head, not letting his eyes falter from the baby boy attached to his wife's bare chest.
"August,"he spoke. "— August Harry Styles."
July 2nd, 2015 — the announcement.
As Harry Styles sat down for his interview, his long hair cascaded down his shoulders as he sat with the rest of the boys on the James Corden Show, a striped shirt hugging his body made of different shades of blue silk, with some black skinny jeans and a pair of chelsea boots.
He greeted James with a warm smile and sat down in the middle of Niall and Louis, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. It had been a while since he had spoken to the press, and he knew that they would have a lot of questions for him.
The first few questions were easy enough - how was his music career going? What were his plans for the future? But then, James asked him the question he had been dreading.
A question regarding his son.
Harry couldn’t be mad at James, it was his job after all and he knew for a fact that it was bound to come up one day, James was his friends, he wasn’t alone in the interview seeing as he was surrounded by his band mates, so he didn’t really have a factor to worry about.
"Harry, there have been rumours circulating that you have a son. Can you confirm or deny these rumours?"
Harry took a deep breath and looked directly into the camera. "I can confirm that the rumours are true," he said, his voice steady.
The host raised an eyebrow. "Can you tell us more about your son? How old is he?"
"He's just a baby," Harry replied, not wanting to really give away much about him. "I don't want to get into too many details, but he's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me."
And it was true.
Just over three weeks ago, little Auggie flew into there lives and made them just that much better than they already were.
The sleepless nights brought the two of you closer,
Nappy changes brought the two of you closer,
And baby sick made the two of you closer.
The interview continued, but Harry's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just revealed a major secret. What would people think of him now that they knew he was a father?
But when Harry left the studio and checked his phone, he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from his fans.
They sent him messages telling him how happy they were for him and how much they respected him for being honest.
In the end, Harry realised that being a dad was nothing to be ashamed of - it was something to be proud of. And with his fans by his side, he knew he could handle anything that came his way.
25th May, 2023 — tour life.
Touring with your husband whilst he completed his last leg of tour was something you would never get over.
Especially now that you had two little munchkins touring with you, it made you think of all the different places the two of them would get to visit at such young ages.
Your little August was weeks away from turning seven and recently you had welcomed a little girl into the family, well not really recently.
A little girl named Margot.
Margot ‘gigi’ Anne Styles.
Touring was amazing, you got to spend all day surrounded by the people you adored to the end of the earths.
You were currently in Edinburgh.
And the two of you had woken up early due to your teething newborn and decided to head down to the hotel gym whilst it wasn’t busy and get in a little workout alongside your husband to try and get your body back to its pre baby shape.
Whilst you got ready and pumped some milk that Margot would be eating later, Harry had taken the kids down to the gym with him and told you to meet him there as that would be easier.
It really was.
As you walked into the gym, your eyes instantly landed on your husband Harry who was on a treadmill, already working up a sweat.
Seeing him working out always seemed to do something to you, and you have no idea why.
Maybe it was because you liked the look of the way the sweat would be rolling down his skin and making it sticky.
Or the way his hair stuck to his temple making him even look more delicious.
Almost ten years of marriage and you still got fireworks erupting your body whenever you were in his presence.
You smiled to yourself as you made your way over to him.
"Hey there good looking," You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, making him freeze slightly before registering that it was you and smiling softly to himself.
"Hey m’love," he replied, slowing down the treadmill to join you, he leant over the handles of the machine and leaned down so that you were the same height.
"How's it going?"
"It's good. I’m knackered, but it’s good,Just trying to keep in shape for our little ones," he said, pointing to your son August, who was playing in the corner and drawing in his notebook, whilst your eight-month-old daughter Margot, who was asleep in her stroller, thumb in her mouth and head pulled to the side.
"I know what you mean. It's crazy how much our lives have changed since we got married," You answered, wiping down the machine before hopping on and starting up on the treadmill with a brisk walk.
"Yeah, it's wild to think about. But I wouldn't change a thing. We have a beautiful family and I'm so proud of everything we've accomplished," he said, glancing over at the kids, a smile involuntarily making its way onto his face.
"Me too," You agreed, adjusting my speed so that you were now in a slow jog. "Sometimes I can't believe we went from being just two kids in love to parents of two."
It really did blow your mind sometimes.
You remember the first time that you met Harry and your nerves skyrocketed. You were new to the school and knew absolutely no one, so when you and him became friends, it was like the two of you were meant to be.
But now, through all the good and the bad, the two of you had made it out on top, through all the hate from his fans, and all the hardships you now had the most perfect family, one that you would be able to cherish for the rest of your life.
"I know, right? But we make it work and we make each other better. And that's all that matters," Harry leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek before hopping back into his workout mode, matching your pace on the machine.
The two of you continued to work out, talking about the things you normally would, like what dreams you had during the night and what you wanted to do the day before his tour.
“I was thinking we could take the kids to a cafe for lunch today,” You suggested, taking a break on the machine to take a sip out of your water bottle. “— I was thinking it would be something different, I don’t want the kids to get bored, y’know?”
Harry pondered the idea for a second before nodding his head. “Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”
It wasn’t long before you were all heading out for cafe.
It was a warm and sunny afternoon when you l, Harry and the kids approached the cosy little cafe in the heart of the Scottish city.
After your little gym session this morning, you and Harry had both gone back to the hotel room, had some showers and then got yourselves and the kids ready.
Harry was wearing a dark grey t-shirt with some pastel coloured designs on the front of it, blue ripped jeans hugging his legs accessorised with a pair of blue and white chequered vans, a blue cap and his iconic white bug eyed sunglasses over his face.
Harry had gotten Margot ready this morning, as you were in the shower. She was wearing a dark green romper, with a nice white bow headband pushing her curls out of her face, some knee high white socks adorning her feet.
After making sure that August was ready, his outfit consisted of a beige coloured oversized shirt, a cap on his hat so that he could match his daddy and a cap so he could match his daddy, and a pair of black shorts on his legs.
Once all of the kids were ready, it was then your time to get ready for the day. You shifted through the suitcase containing your clothes and decided on a simple outfit. It consisted of a pink oversized jumper paired with a matching pink pair of cycling shorts, some sunglasses and a pair of trainers on your feet.
It seemed like forever until you were all ready to leave the room.
As you made your way inside the cafe, you could see August's eyes light up with excitement as he eyed the pastry display case.
A worker greeted the four of you as you approached the counter, pulling your sunglasses up so that they were resting on the top of your head.
Your little boy turned to look at you with puppy dog eyes. "Mommy, can I have a chocolate croissant?"
"Sure, sweetie,” You nodded your head, adjusting your hands that were resting on the stroller handles as they were getting a bit sweaty. “— But just one, okay?"
You really didn’t want to deal with him having a stomach ache if he ate too many Pan Au Chocolates.
All the food sounded so good.
"I think I'm going to get a sandwich,” Your Husband spoke.
“What about you, baby?" Your husband spoke up, looking at the menu that was hung above your heads.
"I'll have a panini, I think,” You told him, turning to look at him and offering him a small smile. “And Margot is just going to have some pureed veggies."
You placed our order and then proceeded to sit down at a cosy table by the window, the sun beating through the windows. Little Margot comfortably nestled in her stroller beside you and Harry whilst August sat on the other side of the round table so that he was also next to both of you.
It was filled with small talk whilst you waited for your order to arrive at the table, the Scottish weather really was amazing this time of year.
"Daddy, did you know that I spelt a really big word with Mrs. Addams today?" August piped up, leaning forward in his seat eagerly.
August was coming up to seven so that meant that he would have already started school, but due to the fact you and the kids were touring the world with Harry that means he wasn’t able to go to school as much as he would have liked.
So in order for him to continue his studies, you and Harry both agreed that a teacher coming on tour with the two of you would be what’s best, and so far it’s been really good.
There’s been times where August’s kicked off about being too tired to learn but Harry being his father just learns that he inherited his stubbornness.
August was definitely a daddy’s boy through and through, in personality and appearance, he definitely had a little bit of separation anxiety when it came to Harry, but that was totally plausible due to the fact he was away for work quite a lot.
When Margot came into the world, she completed your family, she filled a void that the three of you didn’t know were missing and made your hearts just that much fuller.
Both children were spitting images of their father, you wouldn’t think that you were the one that carried them at all.
They both had his iconic brown curls (Auggie’s were a bit more longer due to the fact he had seen a photo of Harry with long hair and insisted he grow it out.) they had his green eyes that you fell in love with, and had his dimples and bunny teeth.
“Really? That's amazing!” Your husband gushed, reaching forward to fist bump his son with a proud smile on his face. “— What word did you spell?"
"Wow, that's quite a mouthful,”Harry leaned forward to press a kiss against his mini me’s forehead. “I'm proud of you, buddy."
August smiled at his fathers words before you all began to chat about something else.
As the four of you chatted and waited for your food to arrive, Margot began to fuss and squirm in her stroller.
"Looks like someone's getting hungry,” You went to stand up and go to her aid, her veggie purée that was in the baby bag under the stroller. “Let me get her a bottle."
"I can do it, love,” Harry grabbed a hold of your wrist softly, and stood himself up to approach the stroller “You stay here and eat. I'll take care of Gigi."
You smiled gratefully at your husband as he took Margot out of her stroller and sat her down on his lap as he started feeding her the purée you had made this morning in the hotel room while August and you chatted about what he wanted to do for the rest of the day.
As you finished your lunch, Harry chuckled and began to speak, "I don't think I've ever been surrounded by this much cuteness before."
That was true, your kids were the absolute cutest and the two of you weren’t biassed at all.
“And we wouldn't have it any other way." You sighed contentedly, they were your entire world, without the kids and Harry you're not sure what you would be doing right now.
With full bellies and happy hearts, you gathered your things and headed back out into the bustling city, ready to take on the rest of the day together as a family.
As you left the cafe in Edinburgh, you watched as Harry pushed Margot’s stroller, and held August’s hand so that he was close to you. You could see the fans waiting outside, and knew that you had to be careful.
As you made your way to the car, the fans started to call out your husband's name. "We love you, Harry!" they would shout.
You could feel August's grip on your hand tightening. He was scared, and you didn't blame him. You had been going out with Harry for thirteen years and still his fans didn’t cease to make you anxious. But you knew that you had to keep moving, to show that August couldn’t be scared because he would be scared if you were.
You reached the car, and Harry quickly put Margot in her car seat. August climbed into the back, and I got into the passenger seat, whilst Harry got in the driver's seat. As you drove away, you could see the fans in the rearview mirror, still calling out your husband's name.
"Mommy, why do they want to see daddy?" August asked, you could hear a slight quiver in his voice.
You offered him a gentle smile as you turned back to look at him in the backseat, his hand was holding onto his Sister’s,"Because he's a very talented singer, Auggie. A lot of people love his music."
August nodded, and you could see that he was starting to relax. You knew that it was going to be a long tour, but you were determined to keep your family safe and happy.
As Harry drove through the streets of Paris, you could feel the excitement building in the air. Harry’s husband's tour was going to be huge, and you
Knew that he was going to be amazing. But you also knew that it was going to be hard on all of you.
"Mommy, can we listen to daddy’s music?" August asked from the backseat.
"Of course, sweet boy," Harry enthusiastically reached forward, turning on the radio. Adore You came on, and I could see August's face light up.
"Your so good," August exclaimed, “— your the bestest singer in the whole wide world!” He was tapping his foot to the beat.
You and Harry both smiled, You were feeling proud of your husband and his talent. But also knew that being a pop star wasn't easy. There were always fans waiting outside, always paparazzi trying to get a photo.
You and your family arrived back at the hotel, and you quickly got Margot out of her car seat whilst Harry picked August up, although he was almost seven years old almost, he still like a cuddle.
May 26th, 2023 — late night talking.
“Can you believe it's been almost ten years since we got married?" You asked Harry as you lifted up his hand to play with the wedding band sitting around his ring finger.
You laid in bed with Harry in Edinburgh, after his show and the two of you were absolutely knackered.
His show was incredible like it always was, he got the crowd going like always and brought a smile on not just your face and the children’s faces but every fan's face in the stadium.
He was in everybody's safe space.
You had put the kids to bed earlier and had both shared a shower together before crawling into bed and snuggling up against one another like always.
Harry chuckled and replied, "I know, it feels like yesterday. We were so young and naive back then."
You smiled up at him, shifting on your side and placing a hand on his naked torso (he liked to sleep in just his boxers), "But look at us now, we have a beautiful family and a great life."
Harry nodded his head. "Yeah, we've come a long way. I'm proud of us."
You looked at Harry, "Remember when we used to talk about having kids? We were so scared."
Harry laughed, "Yeah, we were clueless. But now we have August and Margot, and I’d like to say we're doing just fine."
Parenting was definitely hard at times, but you and Harry always worked together to make sure that everything was going smoothly at all times, you both agreed you didn’t want your kids growing up in a household where there was animosity.
You grinned,pecking a kiss to his chest, "August is growing up so fast. He's already six years old."
Where had the time gone?
Where was your itty bitty five pound baby?
"I know, it's crazy,” Harry nodded, rubbing a hand up and down your back in a soft manner. “—And Margot is already eight months old. Time really does fly."
You sighed contentedly, "I'm so grateful for you and our family. We've been through so much, but we always come out stronger."
Harry smiled lovingly at you, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, "That's what love does. It makes us stronger."
It was true.
You and Harry always came out stronger when the two of you had a little disagreement, and that’s what made your relationship worth while.
You and Harry continued talking, reminiscing on your lives, feeling grateful for their life together. You knew that you had both come a long way, but if there was one thing you were looking forward too, it was to see what the future for their family.
"Are you okay?" You asked Harry as you noticed him struggling to keep his eyes open.
Harry shook his head, "I'm just feeling a bit tired today. I didn't get much sleep last night due to Gigi teething and the routings just started to get to me, nothing that a good nights sleep can’t fix.”
Yoy looked at Harry with concern, "Why didn't you tell me? Tonight, when the baby monitor goes off, I’m going to get Margot, I don’t care if you insist I sleep, I’m going, you need to be well rested.”
Harry smiled at you once again, yawning shortly before. "Thank you. But I wanted you to get some rest too. You've been working so hard lately."
You felt touched by Harry's words.
You knew that he was always looking out for you, even when he was struggling himself.
“Let’s try and get some shut eye.” You turned to the left and switched off your lamp on the bedside table before turning back around and snuggling into your husband's chest once again.
This was definitely your favourite sleeping position. His arms made you feel safe, as if no harm could ever come to you or the kids.
“I love you.” Harry spoke, looking down at you and puckering his lips slightly.
“And I love you, darling,” You replied, pressing one last goodnight kiss to his lips. “— from here to eternity?”
“From here to eternity.”
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megumiswife4 · 7 months
More than just friends - Kento Nanami
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Summary: You and Nanami had a great friendship, although he new you were looking for a companion who could make losing your virginity worth while; but would having him as your first be a great idea or would it ruin your guys friendship?
CW: 18+ only, Smut, fingering, slight masturbation, foreplay, penetrative sex.
WC: 4.5k
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Being a virgin all throughout your young teenage years and into young adulthood having not yet been touched by a man. They say it's easy to be a woman, she can pick and choose who she would ideally sleep with; but in reality it was the opposite. It was even hard for you to find that one partner who could make something so intimate truly special. That’s when you met one man… Kento Nanami. One random evening at your favorite local coffee & bakery shop, it sure was a strange occurrence but needless to say it might’ve been one of the best encounters in a lifetime.
You've become such close friends with him that he even knew your deepest darkest secrets. Women around you knew who he was and were envious of the friendship you had with one another. Nanami could sense the jealousy and envy of the other women but paid no mind, you were the first woman to only feel platonically towards him and he respected that and your friendship with him. Nonetheless you both would spend day and night with one another, he would even offer to stay the night or have you stay in his penthouse at times due to you feeling a bit worried about being alone in your apartment. Nanami would often hear your scary encounters with perverted and disturbing men following you back home after a night out with friends, grocery shopping, or even just a late night walk. He was always by your side, regardless of what others had to say about the friendship.
Every week Nanami would meet up for your morning coffee date hearing the endless amounts of terrible Tinder dates; in hopes of coming across a man who would actually take you seriously, let alone sleep with you. Every single one of those men had proved you right and were just not a fit to what you were looking for in a one night stand or a potential partner. You wanted a man not a boy, especially at your bedside, one who will learn how to caress you just right, one who would treat you like a woman and not an object to smash and dash on the spot, and who will take pride in aftercare. As it being your first ever experience with a man you wanted it to be absolutely spectacular and once in a lifetime experience, but you’re just too afraid to pick the wrong man to do it with.
“Y/n you understand that these are all the wrong men right? I mean you’re on a dating app that mostly specifies for hookups that usually ends terribly.”
“Well yes, although that is what I’m looking for, I need a partner that will take sleeping with one another serious and treat me as a woman not just a quick fuck.” You scoffed in irritation.
Nanami let out a miniscule laugh, “Well it is safe to say, you haven't wasted that opportunity on a questionable man especially from Tinder.”
This topic had been ongoing for quite some time, you both knew one another well enough to talk about such things it almost seemed as if you two were dating at this point, and if it wasnt that then they would have already assumed you both would have been sleeping with each other.
“You know Nanami, you’re the only sensible man in this world who actually understands a woman and her desires.” Sipping your cup of coffee.
He leans back, one arm on the armrest, both legs crossed as he is holding his drink. “ To be honest with you, I am not one to share my personal experiences but because we are now close enough to disclose these kinds of things. I may or may not have some encounters with women myself.”
“Oh? Is that so Mr. Kento? So I'm sure you’re quite the ladies man then.” You playfully state.
“You’re not taking me seriously are you?”
“Well to be honest with you no I’m not, I mean you never even tell me how these dates even go?” You giggled.
You and Nanami began to hear a buzzing sound coming from the table, both of you checking your phones only to realize it was his, “It's a business call.” Standing up from the chair he paced back and forth speaking eloquently serious. The call soon ended as he made his way back to your table.
“I have a business meeting right now, would you mind having dinner tonight at my place? I’ll come by to pick you up after I’m off, be sure to have an overnight bag packed too.”
As he zoomed off, you were left with just yourself and your coffee.
It's now 5 P.M. and you’re wondering if he's off, constantly checking your stove top clock. An uncontrollably loud buzzing sound began, reaching for your phone. It appeared to be Nanami.
“I’m right outside your door, did you have your things packed like I asked you to?”
“Yes, all that was taken care of, I’ll be right out.”
Quickly opening the door, there stood Nanami towering over you. He was in his blue button up, a pair of beige dress pants, a brown belt and lastly a nice accent to the outfit; was his yellow tie that had black splattered detail. You held your bags ready to head out the door proceeding to walk ahead, you felt something similar to a brick wall hit your face.
“Who said you’d be carrying your own bags?” Nanami stated with an arched eyebrow.
You growled in annoyance, “It’s okay for me to do things by myself without help you know?”
Without hesitation he grasped hold of the bags before you could even pass through the door entirely.
“Thank you for trying, but I got it from here.” He clamored carrying your bags without a sign of struggle, if it was you, you might've made a fool out of yourself with your items at hand.
You followed his lead, locking the door behind you. He gracefully opened his passenger door wide open for you to enter the vehicle, as Nanami made his way around to the driver side after placing your luggage in the trunk; your view of him was nothing but his strong torso, and his muscular arm with his hand around the gear stick. Looking away as you catch yourself from the awe of his mere presence.
Both of you arrived at his penthouse, as he assembled your overnight bags in his room. You began to walk around curiously as if you haven’t been there more than a million times before, yet each and every time you still find it remarkable at how beautiful his sky view is from the main living room windows. Staring into the distance hearing a deep voice from behind startles you.
“It’s interesting enough that you always take a liking to that spot in particular, every time you visit me.” Nanami chuckles, removing his reading glasses placed onto the countertop.
“Back home I don't get such a beautiful view like this. Why wouldn’t I want to see this view everyday for the rest of my life?” You smiled, turning to face Nanami.
“Well If you still want to take that offer up, you’re more than welcome to end your lease at your apartment and live here with me. I have that spare room.” He stated.
“You know I can’t do that, I don’t want to feel like such a burden living in your place I…”
“You’re not a burden, I think we’ve established a great relationship and enough to know that we both feel comfortable with one another. Regardless I respect your decision, and if you decide to change your mind you know where to reach me y/n.”
Nanami’s kitchen consisted of a barstool area in the center. He offered to make a nice dinner for the both of you as you had offered the last time you spent an evening with one another. It was a beautifully medium rare steak with a buttered rosemary glaze over it, a dollop of garlic mashed potatoes as a side and sautéed asparagus as the second and final side. Your eyes widened seeing how gorgeous this entree came out, ready to stuff your face with such a delicious looking meal.
“Oh my god, this looks phenomenal Mr. Kento!” Teasing him but appreciative of his skills in the kitchen.
“I’ll only take your compliment if you finish your entire plate of food, I know you haven’t eaten all day since I’ve been at the office.” His face plastered with a serious look.
“Okay officer, my apologies.” You said sarcastically, raising both hands up signaling a truce. He couldn’t help but chuckle, hovering his fingers over his mouth. Knowing how you were, you were always getting a kick out of Nanami with your sarcasm and jokes. He never knew such a woman with a non-serious demeanor, always taking a liking for your sense of humor.
Nanami brought both plates to the small dining room near the kitchen, proceeding to pull a chair out for you to be seated as he slowly pushed you forward to be much closer to the table. You both sat across from one another enjoying the meal, you both talked away through the evening during dinner.
You both hadn’t realized the time it was, Nanami had a movie in mind for you both to watch until it was time for bed.
“Would you still like to watch a movie? It’s always our tradition to do so. But if you’re exhausted I understand.” He clamored.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I want to miss a great cinematic experience with you? Should I get the popcorn started? Possibly a nice shot of whiskey on ice for you?” You pointed at him with a finger gun hand gesture.
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle and nod in approval, you knew him too well. Ever since you both grew closer to one another, it progressed into both of you being able to stay at one another’s homes, endless dinner nights, to coffee dates, and lastly even for minuscule shopping dates whenever he needed a new suit for work; you were always beside him.
Nanami always had special items placed for you around his penthouse. His guest bathroom included a space with hygienic items, from specific hair and facial care items to your own special soaps; he had bought out of his own curious observation from your apartment back home. He was a detailed man, he truly was enticed at your choice of products and he took initiative to be attentive without your knowledge of what you favored and didn’t. Some days you’d prefer to sleep in your guest room and other days you’d crash in his, but of course it was normal you both were close it didn’t seem abnormal for this kind of encounter. People from the outside would have thought you both were in a romantic relationship but that was far from the truth or is it really?
Both you and Nanami plop onto his modular couch, grabbing a hold of your favorite soft plush blanket over yourself. He switched the channel onto a streaming service to get to the film you both were anticipating to watch. Nanami had great taste for each type of genre for a cinematic film, and tonight was a romance/drama movie. Surprisingly he had a niche for romance drama films but rather he was discrete about it.
As time had passed you both were on your third film, one scene in particular appeared where the main character she was struggling to find a perfect guy to have her first time with, it landed between her and her best guy friend; of course it lead to confessing their built up feelings for one another and one thing led to another and the next scene included them having an intimate moment.
You began to wonder, if having your virginity taken away by your close friend who happens to be a guy is a good idea? As your mind wandered in thoughts of Nanami being a potential sleeping partner, it was so wrong but yet it felt so right in your heart and mind. You both understand each other to another extent that no one else would get, and here you are having none other than possible sexual thoughts of this man caressing your naked flesh on his bed.
Immediately your train of thought was disrupted by none other than Nanami. “Y/n are you feeling alright?” He calmly questioned.
“Y-Yes I’m okay.” You laughed nervously. You adjusted yourself sitting much closer to him; noticing the remote lying on his leg you proceed to grab it and pausing the film right in the middle of a steamy intimate session.
“Ugh! I mean how amazing could it possibly be having your virginity lost to your friend of the opposite sex?” You claimed, rolling your eyes laughing.
“I don’t believe it would be all that bad, generally it could be a good thing just because you both entrust each other and already have a great relationship at hand.”
He had a good point, the bond is already there between two friends, the feelings and tension however isn’t as close to the surface as you would think it would. You curled your legs up from the couch, leaning on your side to face him as a single arm was placed on top of the couch as you nervously looked up at him.
He questioned, “What’s wrong?”
“Can I ask you something?” You mumbled, as he nodded for you to proceed.
“This might be a weird request but… as you know I’m still a virgin.” Lowering your head in embarrassment.
“And… actually just forget I even ask-”
“So what you’re asking of me is if I could be your first time?”
Your cheeks flushed with a shade of red, bright as a cherry. You couldn’t hold back from feeling such shame, for asking such a thing but you knew he could be your best encounter for your first time.
“As long as you are completely on board with the idea, I’ll agree to make your first time as comfortable as possible for you.”
You nodded your head in agreement in hopes that this was a good decision on your behalf.
Not long after the awkward silence you immediately felt his large hand press against your lower back, and the other on your shoulder leaning you down on the couch he was now hovering over your innocent body.
“Is this okay with you?” He questioned making sure you were okay and consented with his actions.
“Y-Yes that’s alright with me.”
You felt your heart beating fast, was it loud enough for him to hear it too? The only light that luminated throughout the living room was the tv screen, nothing else. Nanami continued to loosen his tie as he was still hovering over your body, but nothing stuck out more than those large muscular biceps. Without a single thought your hand traveled up his arm copping a feel, all this time you only ever admired his muscular build from afar but this time you couldn’t help yourself but to touch him up.
“You know I never thought I would be able to finally touch your muscular arms.” You shyly chuckled.
He couldn't help but give a small smile, “Oh, is that why I would catch a glimpse of you admiring me almost every single time we would spend time together?”
Embarrassed, you propped both hands to cover your face to prevent him from seeing you smile. He knew your tactics when you became shy, it was clear that both of you might have unresolved feelings that began to surface.
Nanami took both of your hands gently pushing them aside as he leaned in closer to your face, softly brushing your cheek.
“May I?”
You nodded, “Anything you do from here on out is okay with me Nanami.”
His lips inched closer to yours as he kissed you so softly, your hands wrapping around his neck pulling him in closer for more. His lips slowly tugged onto your lower lip, they traveled below your chin and made their way to your neck. Nothing else could have ever prepared you for that feeling that you craved more of Nanami.
“If you don't mind, I will take this to the bedroom. It wouldn't be proper for me to have your first time on a living room couch.” He kindly chuckled, scooping you into his arms.
He entered into his bedroom as he placed you gracefully onto his cold sheets, as he began to slip his dress shoes aside his bed and unbutton his shirt a tad bit more. He motioned for you to sit at the edge of his bed upright guiding you with his hand, he leaned down to kiss your lips once again grabbing your cheek caressing it pulling you in for more. His hand finally pushed you into his bed once more as he hovered over your precious body, his hands grazing over your neck down to your chest, his fingers unbuttoning your white button up as your bra and torso now exposed. His lips met between your breasts leaving wet soft kisses everywhere, your whimpers enticed him more to make the crevice between your legs ready for entry.
“P-Please N-Nanami…” You moan as you begin to move your hips, turned on by his mere presence and foreplay you tried to remove the excess clothing on your body. You wanted him more and more, your hands traveling to your breast as you cupped it in one hand as the other was trying to remove your bottoms as it exposed the hemming of your thong.
“Let me take care of you y/n, you shouldn't have to worry about anything when I am here. It is my job to pleasure you the best that I can.”
Nanami slowly removed your shirt and bottoms exposing just your undergarment and bra now, you leaned upward unbuttoning his shirt helping him remove it, as it was your time to return the favor of exposing his body. Your breathing becomes heavy as time goes on, your heart beats faster and your pussy feels wetter. Your hands grazing his chest as you bring your face closer to it leaving miniscule wet kisses making your way up to his neck.
He brought you closer to his chest as he began to unhook the bra strap as it fell gracefully, your nipples were hardened and exposed he laid you back down into the cold sheets as he kissed the crevice between both breasts as his hand softly squeezed it. It soon traveled down your stomach, hips and finally your inner thigh, he softly rubbed the outer opening of your pussy making it throb; you pressed against his hand knowing you were craving more. Nanami continued to place kisses all over your body, he traveled down leaving soft kisses on your hips down to your inner thigh. Licking your thighs kissing them as he gently rubbed his hands on your leg, squeezing your hips as if he wanted you all to himself.
“Just relax princess, everything will be alright.”
He began to come back up for more kisses, his fingers pressing into the entrance of your pussy lightly rubbing it as you began to moan. Biting your lower lip as both of your eyes met, bringing your hand up to his cheek then quickly pulling him in for a kiss. Your tongue making an entrance as he tried to match your consistency, he noticed the lips in between your legs grew wetter after each rub. Nanami smiled in between each wet kiss you both engaged in, retracting disengaged your lips from his you couldn't help but gravitated your attention to the bulge pressing against his beige dress pants.
“Take them off for me.” You moaned, biting your lip.
He gently removed his bottoms and undergarments exposing his hard-on. Reaching your hand to grab it, Nanami groaned at the touch of your hand around his cock. As you began to slowly motion it up and down you felt it harden with each stroke you gave him.
“Mmm” his deep groan was so sensual you were ready to take him on. He adjusted your body to make you feel as comfortable as possible on his bed.
“I’m ready, I need you inside me p-please” you yearned, your face flushed red as your eyes glistening and your desirable whimpers, Nanami’s cock and heart were throbbing at the thought of being inside you. Afterall you were a beautiful woman inside and out he enjoyed your friendship with him but he would have never thought that you both would be uncovering a deep desire for one another in his own bed.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yes I’m ready for you.”
“As you wish, just know I’m taking it easy on you if you don’t like something just tell me darling.” Rubbing his finger against your cheek, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead making you feel at ease.
Your body relaxed, Nanami began to slowly spread your legs apart as he slightly spit into his hand and began to massage his cock preparing it for entry.
“Keep your beautiful eyes on me princess, I’ll guide us the whole way.”
“Okay.” You nervously said, grabbing his shoulders.
He slowly began to make his way inside your wet throbbing pussy, you felt immense pressure against your inside walls feeling euphoric but so good. Letting out a loud moan, pulling Nanami in your arms as you wrapped around his large back, lightly digging your nails into it at every thrust his hips made into you. Nothing but groaning and whimpers filled the entire bedroom, with every kiss he gave, your moans traveled its way out of your mouth. Your hands moved up running through his hair as you craved him more and more, he took hold of your wrists and pinning them alongside your shoulders. Your anticipation grew more with each withdrawal and re-entrance of his cock.
“Go…f…faster Nanami”
“Of course beautiful.” Brushing your strands of hair to the side.
As his cock kept at a minimum pace, he engaged much more, thrusting faster and faster. Your breasts began to move erratically with every entrance he was consumed by your beauty and the way you were just submissive to him letting him take the lead.
“Goddamn” Nanami groaned, cupping a single breast leaning over to lick and softly suck on your nipples. Sweat dripping from his forehead, his hair was no longer fixed up as it was now drooping over his face. You thought to yourself, he looked so captivating it was a new look that was never seen before. He was always having his hair fixed away from his face but it was different this time… you loved it.
His pace had slowed down as he grew a bit tiresome of how his speed increased at such a fast rate. Retrieving his soaked cock from your luscious folds, he took his time penetrating that precious pussy of yours. Nanami entered inside of you slowly as you whimpered and continued to slowly withdraw it back out feeling pressure from his long hard cock filling your lower abdomen. Nanami never failed to make you feel reassured and appreciated, someone he took his time with; rubbing his thumb across your cheek leaning in for passionate tongue kissing and never ending compliments that valued you as the woman you are.
“You’re doing so good.”
“You look as beautiful as ever.”
“I can’t take my eyes off you, you’re so captivating.”
“I love being inside of you, I can’t stop fucking you.”
You wanted him more and more just as much as he craved you, you grazed your hands over his abdomen and chest planting small wet kisses, guiding him to now be underneath you as you wanted to be on top. Your legs spread apart each one on either side of nanami’s waist, you pulled his hands touching your breasts to squeeze them and leaned down for him to massage and suck your nipples. Your hands touching every crevice of his muscles from his biceps, chest, and his abdomen, your tongue traveling all over it making its way to his neck and back to his lips. Your hips began to grind against his large shaft as your juices began to cover all over it, this wasn’t over. He slowly planted you accordingly on him as he brought his hand over his cock adjusting for re-entry as you grinded one last time you felt a shiver run through your entire body. Cupping your breasts in the palm of your hands as you lean your head back moaning, you proceed to lean forward and backward movements for Nanami’s cock to slide in and out. It was smooth and felt good.
“That’s it princess, keep doing that.”
Nanami couldn’t get enough of you, he needed more. He wrapped his arms underneath yours to reach your shoulders pulling you in quickly as his pace began to fasten, he was now taking over as his cock penetrated you. His hips thrusting up and down as one of his arms reached down to feel your ass, then traveling back up running his fingers through your hair. Instantly he withdrew his cock, as he grabbed you pulling you underneath him, he promised he’d be the one to please you and do his job diligently to make your first time the best experience and the only man to make you cum. For one last time putting you in missionary, and before you both finished he slowly thrusted his cock inside of you increasing his rate of speed more than usual that you both were panting and whimpering, one hand playing with your hair as he moved it downward to rub your rosy red cheek, he chuckled knowing even at your most vulnerable and being aroused you still were indefinitely a beautiful and charismatic woman in the flesh and fully clothed. That same hand reached up to his mouth as he licked it applying a generous amount of saliva, finally reaching his fingers down to your clit as he massaged it stimulating your nerves as he continued to thrust his wet cock fully covered in your wet pussy juices.
“Keep going Nanami I feel like I’m going to cum.”
“Awe fuckkkk” he began to say, as your pussy was too good he was close to cumming with you.
Leaning your head back into his pillow moaning loud, he couldn’t get enough of how beautifully sexy it was for you to enjoy him being inside of you; being overstimulated by his wet fingers touching your clit and his wet cock covered in juices from your throbbing pussy coming in and out. One hand of Nanami’s on the headboard as the other was right beside you as he had a few more thrusts left in him, sweat was dripping from his face. Finally one big thrust as he released inside of you oozing a warm fuzzy feeling, your body shivering and covered in goosebumps from hitting your peak of the orgasm. You couldn’t help but to pull him in for one last kiss as you both breathe heavily smiling at one another.
You both laid beside one another, Nanami turned over to pull you into his tight embrace brushing your hair and holding you tightly.
“I love you…” you quietly admitted.
Nanami pulled away to take a good look at you, to your surprise he indeed returned the favor.
“I love you too, I’ve been waiting to hear that for quite some time now. I couldn’t be too sure if your feelings were the same.”
You both couldn’t help to be in one another’s embrace, your first time was unforgettable.
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wonderlandwalker · 3 months
One Day at a Time | Finnick Odair x Reader
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Previous Part / THG Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: a short collection of sweet moments shared between you and Finnick as you recover, reminding the both of you of the love you share
(part 4 of the remember series but could also be read on its own I think, you can find the other parts in my masterlist)
Content Warnings / Tags: Fluff, no use of y/n, mentions of punching, I really think that's it.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: It's finally here! Sorry it took so long my only excuse is that I am an absolute mess of a human being which is a terrible one but oh well. This will be the final part of the series, hope the fluff makes up for all the heartbreak I've put you through <3
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It's been a week now, one week of blissful moments spend with Finnick while recovering from the attack within district 13. After all that had happened you were in need of some peace, and the universe granted it.
On the first day you were still in the hospital wing, an IV dripping steady fluids into your system. You woke up to Finnick sitting next to you, one of his hands holding onto yours while the other was holding up a book. It was one of your favourites, and you had been pestering him about reading it so you could talk about it with him, but he had always brushed you off, saying he'd get around to it eventually. It seems eventually finally came around. You coaxed him into getting in the bed with you, he was hesitant at first, not wanting to hurt you, but he wasn't above your charms either, your eyes pleading with him in a way he couldn't resist. He had settled in behind you, letting you lean against him, ignoring the dirty look the nurse gave you. You had asked him to read to you, and even though you already knew it by heart, his sweet voice added a whole new element to the story so beloved.
The second day was spent trying to convince the nurse to let you leave the hospital room, if only for a few hours, she didn't initially want to agree, but Finnick simply wouldn't drop the subject. So you walked together towards the dinner hall, feeling like little children sneaking out past the curfew.
Supper had already finished, but Finnick was friends with one of the cooks who let him into the kitchens. He told you to sit down on the table in the middle of the room and gave you a quick peck on the lips before moving over to the fridge. It was simple, it wasn't much, but it was perfect. He would let you taste the dish in-between steps, always forgetting one ingredient or another, but you didn't mind reminding him. At some point you could have sworn he was doing it on purpose, but maybe he was just too caught up in having you there with him again. You offered to help with meting the butter, dicing the vegetables, stirring the sauce, but each and every time he would insist you stayed right where you were, accentuated with a quick kiss, his hands on your face smearing flour all over your jaw, not that you minded. He claimed he was the better cook anyway, that you'd only hold him back, now that one you both knew was a lie, but it was a precious one, one that didn't need to be disturbed.
Day three consisted of a slow day back in your room, having been cleared by the doctor and finally being in your own space again. You and Finnick hadn't shared a room in a while now with everything that had gone down, but you had immediately decided to spend your nights together again, not wanting to spend more time apart than necessary. You hadn't fully recovered yet, still needing your rest, but Finnick had set his mind on moving your things back into his room today.
So there you were, sitting crossed legged on his bed absentmindedly sipping on some coffee he had brought you as you watched him bustle about. He was only gone a few minutes at a time, but you never failed to produce a smile when you saw him approaching again, hands full with some of your books, the collection of flowers he had given you over the years that you had dried and pressed in-between the pages were sticking out slightly, but he handled them with care. Even while you weren't together you couldn't find it ins yourself to get rid of them, and you're glad of it now. He goes back and forth for a while, collecting your pillow, your skin care products, your small radio that barely managed to get a reception down here, but you couldn't bare to part with. Each time he'd ask you where you wanted him to put it down, carefully creating a space that consisted of the both of you.
On day four you had finally woken up in his arms again, wondering how you could have ever forgotten this feeling. When he noticed you were awake he had moved to place a delicate kiss on your lips, basking in the simplicity of the fact that he could. He had told you he had a surprise for you today, and you couldn't help how giddy you already got from the mere thought of what it could be. But it was oh so much better than you could have imagined, because today Finnick took you to the surface. How he managed to get you past all the checkpoints was beyond you, and when you asked he had simply said he had friends in all the right places.
It was a bit of a walk to the spot he wanted to take you, but you revelled in the sunlight against your face, needing to squint your eyes to see properly with how bright the sun was but too blissed to care. The high grass rustled against your bare legs as you continued to walk, and the tickling sensation brought back so many fond memories. When you finally made it to the clearing it was a sight from a dream. The tree next to the lake provided a shadow you could both comfortably lay in as the smell of the fresh water blessed your senses once more. The wildflowers adorning the space around you were once you could recall from back home, with a few others you couldn't identify. Finnick had picked a few, placing them behind your ear as he talked about what the flower meant. A myosotis, he had called it, representing true love and dedication. He told you about the myth behind the forget-me-nots, how they had been afraid of being forgotten by the gods, and you had vowed in return to never spend a day without thinking of him again.
During the fifth day you didn't do much of anything special, but you supposed that depends on your definition of the word. Finnick had made dandelion tea from flowers he had collected yesterday, the familiar taste bringing back a sense of nostalgia for a time that you wouldn't be able to return to. You had once told him your mother used to make it when you were sick, and ever since he would go collect them by the cliffs for you. You had insisted it was too much work that he didn't need to worry himself with, he had countered that he enjoyed the view where they grew anyway, and really, he was going for himself as much as for you. Maybe he had simply been trying to get you to stop fussing over the subject, maybe it had really been true.
You spend the day talking to your friends, reminiscing in regained memories and filling in gaps that you couldn't on your own. As you sat next to Johanna she talked on about the days Finnick spent longing after you, claiming he was alright wirh being just friends, but she was convinced that if any of her friends looked at her the way he looked at you she would have suckerpunched them.
On the sixth day you had begged Finnick train with you, saying how you wanted to get your strength back, how you missed the exercise and the content feeling of aching muscles. He had been reluctant, of course he had been, but once you had managed to drag him onto the training mat he revelled in it. He couldn't deny he had missed sparring with you, the action so effortless with you. He had made fun of how you threw your punches, saying you had to extent your arms further to complete the motion, but he was the one not protection his core properly while fixating on you. It had been good to feel your body in motion again, he was still stronger than you, knocking the breath out of your lungs once be stopped holding back, but you were still faster, getting the drop on him in the split seconds he was distracted. The manner in which your muscle memory still held up, the way in which you still used the same techniques without meaning to, it was good to know there are some things people can't take from you.
The seventh day you picked your routine back up. Waking up to an empty bed but not lonely, his side was still warm as you rolled over. Once you opened your eyes you saw the cup of coffee and the note on the bedside table. Finnick knew you never slept for long after he left, somehow he still knew. He had been given some time off during your recovery, but district 13 didn't stand still and they had needed his help. You weren't expected back yet, but the sense of purpose was one that you were always glad to have. You drank the coffee he left you as you got dressed, smiling as he had made it exactly to your liking, even if he used to complain you couldn't even call it coffee anymore with that much sugar in it. And so you went back to work, moving to scribble a quick message on the back of the note if he came back looking for you, not that he needed it, somehow he would always know where you were.
In the past week you had learned that a love as great as the one you shared with Finnick could never be forgotten, not really, because no matter how many memories faded, there would always come new ones. And soon, even though you didn't know it yet, Finnick would give you his mother's ring once more, and this time you would remember everything that led you here, and you would remember saying yes.
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faulterge1st · 4 months
Doing it to Compensate (Not Love)
Now, I don't usually do this, but I wrote a really rough ficlet for any Call of Duty character x reader with a dash of rivals to lovers (younger reader is heavily implied)
It was written with Horangi in mind (blatant favoritism), but you could imagine this with any character in COD that fits the mindset
I don't want it to rot in my documents, so here u go
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He resented you, he hated how stubborn you were about how you were right.
He hated how you would preach how much better you were than him at a certain skill, even if he was superior to you in rank. He hated how you would smirk everytime you saw him miss the bullseye during gun training. He hated how you would roll your eyes at him at every terrible unhealthy choice he made during meals, judging his barely sustainable appetite despite you having the oddest cravings he had seen. He despised you, absolutely detested your attitude.
But ever since that day, ever since you clung to him with heavy breaths in need of assistance, he just couldn't help but find you absolutely gorgeous. This was the first time you ever depended on him for anything, gripping his shoulder like he was the only thing that could save you.
He could remember the image of you covered in mud, your untrained fingers coated in your own blood while his rougher hands held your wound closed. It wasn't a pleasant sight, in fact, it was disturbing. But to him? He saw your defeated image as a portrait of a sorrowful martyr painted by a historic romantic, a tragedy cursed by the heavens.
He felt an unfound pity and worry seeing you like this. You were confident, believing in an ability you haven't fully mastered could help you defend in battle, but here you were, met with the reality of war. In that moment, he had just realized how important you were to him, how your confidence didn't make up in your lack of skill. Sure, he enjoyed making you groan in contempt everytime he commented on how much of an amateur you were if you missed a chance to kick him during sparring or how you were a terrible soldier if you missed a practice target just by a centimeter, but those times were accompanied by mischievous grins and amused smirks. They were all in good fun. You genuinely suffering? It wasn't any fun for him. He couldn't handle seeing you hunched over, leaning on his shoulder over a wound that could've taken your life. He just couldn't bear the thought of you being taken from him.
Since that day, he realized that for all the teasing and snarky comments made from good intentions, he'd make it up to you now just by making your life easier.
Ever since that day, he chose to make you your coffee, no matter how painfully sweet or disgustingly bitter it was. He chose to give you a pat on the shoulder every time you shot a straight bullseye, and chose to praise your efforts everytime you sent him flying back on his arse during training. You deserved it. He just couldn't go back to treating you like shit after that day, because it made him realize how he could lose you at any moment. He didn't want the last words he ever told to you to be a criticism of your skills or a sarcastic judgement of how your inexperience made him better than you. He had to make it special, because he loved you.
But he sure as hell will never tell you that. Instead, he'll tell you that you are a valued soldier, that losing you would be detrimental to the team. He would place his hands on your hand, your shoulder, or any place on your body that was subtle enough that you couldn't realize what he was truly feeling. It didn't carry his devotion nor his loyalty to you. It didn't send the message of how much he cared. But, it will always be close enough to an "I love you" that he could ever manage to tell you.
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widowmaxff · 5 months
I’ve been having some bad days, could you write something where Y/N is having a rough week and pretends she’s fine except Wanda knows her daughter and comforts her?
I just love the way you write Wanda as a mother and that she just always knows
pairings: mom!wanda maximoff × fem!reader
warnings: angst, reader crying, depressed reader — i think that's all!
a/n: tysm for your request love and im so sorry for your bad days, i really hope things get better for you and if you need someone to talk you can dm me, okay? <33
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Interacting with any other human being was the last thing you wanted to do today. Saying that you had a bad week was an understatement, all the bad things that could happen to you happened. And not just things around you, but also your mind didn't stop for a second. You felt so overwhelmed that anyone could see on your face how much that week was hurting you.
"This can't be happening right now." You mumble as you feel the raindrops start to fall on your head. There was still more than half the way until you arrived at the Compound, you didn't have an umbrella, much less a coat to protect yourself from the cold that would come. No one could come and get you since everyone was busy and you didn't want to disturb your mother, she had enough problems to deal with yours.
You were coming home from school after another stressful day. You've spent the last few weeks studying for an incredibly difficult test, especially in a subject you had difficulty with, and seeing that big red note made your urge to cry even more. You studied so much that you thought it was impossible for that to happen. So many nights without having slept and so many energy drinks wasted for nothing.
You were absolutely soaked when you stepped into the Compound. Your sneakers made a funny noise when you stepped on them, but the only thing you wanted to do now was take them off your feet and throw them at the person closest to you, shouting in their face. "You're going to clean this up, Little Maximoff." Tony's annoying voice says, obviously joking, but still your head hurt just hearing that you had to do something that day. Your jaw tightens and you close your eyes tightly, taking a deep breath.
"I know, Tony." You ramble, trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. You walk past him to head towards your room, feeling your eyes burn from having something else on your list of things that made your week worse than it already was.
On normal days the first thing you would do was go look for your mother in her office, but the last thing you wanted to do that day was worry her, because you knew that the moment she laid eyes on you she would know that something was wrong. And filling her with your problems would make you feel guilty for a long time, you hated making people feel sorry for you and looking like you were a baby. You just needed to calm down, didn't you?
"Fuck!" You scream when you see all your notebooks soaked, especially your sketchbook, which you spent hours and hours drawing. You drop your things on the floor and run your hands through your hair, taking a deep breath. You wished your mother was there now, she would know what to do and help you with whatever you needed to calm down, but you put that idea out of your head before you ran towards her arms.
You enter the bathroom connected to your room and take off your clothes before you catch a cold. The hot water from the shower makes your muscles finally relax after the terrible days you prayed would end. In a few seconds you no longer knew what water was or what the tears on your face were. All those things that happened in your week came together into one, and you started to feel like you were on that empty, dark hole that took you a long time to get out of. You thought that maybe the problem was you, that maybe you deserved all those bad things, from the smallest to the ones that made you cry and scream like that moment.
You didn't hear the knock on your door because your bad thoughts were so loud that it was almost impossible to even hear the shower water hitting the floor. But when Wanda entered her room after hearing no response, she felt like something was wrong at the moment. She looks at your completely wet things lying on the floor and frowns. You told your mom you didn't need a ride home from school, but apparently, you did.
"Honey, is everything okay?" When she heard the shower turning off after long minutes, she knocked on the bathroom door just to let you know she was there and see if everything was okay. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." You say in a low voice, taking a deep breath. You knew that the moment you left the bathroom, your mother would know that your bad thoughts came back again, but you also knew that she wouldn't pressure you to say anything.
You close the bathroom door quietly, finally looking into Wanda's green eyes and seeing the worry through them. She held your backpack in her hands with her face confused at you, because she wouldn't think twice to get in the car and drive to you. "I was almost here at the Compound and the rain caught me." You chuckled, trying to hide your red eyes, your cheeks and the tip of your nose with the same color as your mother's hair.
"Are you okay, love?" She asks again, her face relaxed now. You put a fake smile on your face, but still with enormous affection for your mother.
"Yeah, just a little upset that my sketchbook got ruined, but it's okay." You don't completely lie. Yes, you were upset that your drawings would now have to go in the trash, but no, nothing was okay.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Wanda says approaching you. You just throw it away, muttering 'it's okay' but she wraps her arms around you, giving you a relaxing hug. Your mother leaves a long kiss on your head, making the urge to cry increase even more. You loved all the affectionate actions that your mother gave you, it made you feel so vulnerable and light. "Come on, let's get you something to eat, shall we?" You didn't like eating when you were feeling bad like that, you felt like you were going to throw up when you put anything in your stomach because of the anxiety, but you just agreed.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice when you arrived in the kitchen which, unfortunately, was made up of a few people. You felt so overwhelmed that being in the same environment as some people made you feel even worse. The small group of Avengers on your left irritated you. The loud noises they made. The conversations. The sound of people swallowing food. The tapping of Steve's shoe on the floor. Everything irritated you. From the small scratches on the counter to the farthest lamp that blinked every one minute and two seconds. Wanda noticed that. She noticed that you were itching to keep from freaking out. That you closed your eyes tightly trying to ignore your surroundings. That she needed to do something to help. She wanted to come to you and ask what intrigued you so much. What made you take deep breaths and crack your fingers every second was curious.
"Thank you, momma." She almost didn't hear you because of your low and hoarse voice. Wanda leaves a kiss on your head as she watches your foot bouncing up and down, eating the sandwich she made.
Wanda debated in her head what she could do to make you feel better. She knew she couldn't pressure you into saying anything, but she was so worried that she would do anything to see you well again. And even if it got to the point where she had to read your mind, she couldn't. You somehow managed to block your mother from reading your thoughts and seeing what was wrong.
You place your plate in the sink, taking a deep breath. Finally you would get away from people and that feeling of anxiety would finally leave you, that's what you thought. You thought that just a few hours of lying in bed doing nothing would solve your problems, but deep down, you knew that wasn't what would happen. And, now walking towards your room, not even your plan of closing yourself under the covers would be complete, as your mother followed you with the comfortable atmosphere that she always exuded.
You lie in your bed watching your mother calmly wait for your permission to lie down next to you. You nod to her with a smile on your face. Wanda puts her arms around your body, running her hand on your back, making your body relax. You loved these moments between the two of you, you realized how important you are to her and how loved you are. "You know you can always talk to me, don't you?" She murmurs, making you lean into her even more. Your face was in the crook of her neck, hiding how your lip trembled trying to hold back your crying. "I love you so much, sweetheart."
You finally let out a sob when Wanda murmurs those words that came out of her mouth so sweetly. Her grip around you tightens as she feels tears fall onto the skin of her neck, leaving a kiss on your head. The caress on your back never stopped, reassuring you that you were safe in your mother's arms. "It's okay, baby. Everything's going to be okay." You hated crying out loud, but at that moment you couldn't control all those feelings that made your heart ache spilling across your face, and Wanda was there to remind you that it was okay to cry and feel that way. "I-I'm sorry."
"Honey... we never apologize because of our emotions, right? Never." Wanda pulls you to place you on her lap, making you lay your head on her chest. You start playing with the hem of your mother's shirt, sniffling as you try to think of words you could say to her. "Do you want to talk about it, детка?"
"It was just... a bad week." You murmur, snuggling even closer to Wanda, feeling her heartbeat in your ear, which made you calm down a little more. "I just- I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and... and I don't know what to do."
"Oh, baby... it's okay. We'll get through this, yeah? It's okay to feel this way and I'll help you with whatever you need, my love." She strokes your hair, making your body relax in her lap. You agree, feeling her comfortable words enter your ears and help you with the horrible thoughts. "You're so strong, honey. Remember you're not alone, okay?" You mumble something, agreeing with her. You never knew how Wanda could make you feel better with just a few words, maybe it was her magic? You never knew. But she would always be your best friend and the person who would always make you feel better again. "Thank you, momma."
You would never be able to explain how grateful you were to have your mother by your side, because there are so many people in the world who don't have that comfort, and just thinking about not having someone to help you through your episodes made you feel sick. Even if she didn't say it, you knew Wanda was afraid you'd go back to that time when the hole was deeper than it is now. You remember exactly how she cried with you when you vented to her about everything you were feeling, and how she helped you every step of the way again.
"You don't need to thank me, детка. I love you so much, okay? I will always be by your side, on whatever you need." And you knew she was telling the truth, because Wanda loves you so much. You will always be her little miracle and the most important thing in her life. She feels so proud of you, because she knows that you can get through this, that you are strong enough to get through all the challenges in your life. She believes in your ability to overcome these difficult times - because you can - and there will always be people to support and walk alongside you, because you'll never be alone.
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yzzart · 2 years
— Now I'm here, with you.
© do not repost or translate !
characters: Aemond Targaryen x (F)Targaryen!reader.
summary: In a grand ceremony, Aemond wouldn't miss the opportunity to dance with you.
warnings: incest, explicit language and mentions of violence
word count: 2.852!
english's not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!
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You lost count of how many times you rolled your eyes and how many men asked for your hand and your attention that night. — The most disgusting part was realizing that half of the men who appeared in front of you didn't make a point of hiding their eyes under the neckline of your dress.
You just prayed that it would all be over as soon as possible.
Your mind cursed the gods for allowing and creating such over-the-top celebrations and you hoped to be forgiven for that kind of thinking.
Not that you didn't enjoy spending time with your family. On the contrary, you LOVED this rare moment. — Seeing everyone you loved most in your life together, telling stories and sometimes singing, was a comforting sight.
But there were times when you'd rather fly your dragon away from it all than put up with strangers' marriage proposals to you. The most embarrassing thing was that your family was witnessing the scene, including your adorable uncles, who you haven't seen in a long time.
And one of your uncles, that you were excited to see again, was present across the table. It was a long, terrible distance between the two of you.
Aemond Targaryen.
Your secret lover looked like a work of the gods, he looked so charming that it made your eyes sparkle with admiration for the eldest. — You couldn't, even if you wanted to, disguise your true feelings for Aemond and at times you felt like a foolish, passionate young woman.
You spent years apart from each other. Years that were agonizing and unhappy for both. — Without Aemond's company, you felt helpless and so fragile even around trained guards and mighty dragons. It was literally impossible not to think about him, you spent many sleepless nights with your uncle in your head, disturbing you.
Those last few years were complete hell for Aemond. Since your departure, he had passed through your rooms and stared sadly at the locked wooden doors. Sometimes, he would sit on the hard, freezing floor as if he was waiting for you to magically appear and open the door for him. — but you never appeared to him again.
He felt so stupid.
Aemond started to put up with the idea that you were away from him, but he never accepted it, as it hurt him immensely. Fortunately, he managed to hide his feelings of sadness and pain to himself all these years.
But here you were next to him again, as it always should be. Showing how much you've grown and changed.
The two of you looked at each other for the thousandth time that mediocre night, and the old feeling of heat and excitement rose in your chest. It was no surprise that Aemond had a kind of power over your body, even if he did absolutely nothing.
Aemond watched the requests of those filthy pigs, who made them directly to you, with immense disgust and an overwhelming desire to crush each one's skull and throw the remaining body parts for Vhagar to devour. He was controlling himself in a way that surprised him, but it was hard to hide the anger on his face.
Did those wretches really think they were going to touch what belonged to Aemond? Everything about you belonged to Aemond. Your body, your soul — Everything.
You belonged to Aemond, even the gods knew that.
A new melody echoed through the large room, catching the attention of all the souls present, including yours. The tone of the melody was sweet and slow, proving to be a fascinating song for couples and you would recognize that song even if you were 8 thousand steps from the castle.
Taking the initiative to break eye contact, you distance yourself from Aemond's single eye and begin to look curiously at the couples already formed in the center. The synchronized steps were magical in your eyes, they danced with such passion and adoration.
The previous men's dance proposals came to your mind, haunting you.
"Would you allow me to dance with you, my beautiful sister?" — You were surprised by Jacaerys' high and subtle voice reaching your ears. You were so lost in your thoughts focused on Aemond and the guests, you didn't notice the moment your half brother got up and walked over to you.
All who were seated at the table and around heard the prince's determined words. Your mother, who was beside you, smiled angelically at her two eldest children.
Aemond wore an expression of pure hatred towards his nephew's action. How did that bastard have the nerve to ask you to dance? That question crossed the one-eyed prince's mind as he clenched his fists.
Looking sweetly at Jace, you just grabbed the eldest's offered hand and presented him with a bright smile without saying a single word. Immediately, you move from the table to the center of the room.
As planned and utilizing the space, you were lucky that the music was just getting started and the couples formed were still dancing. The emotion of adoration rushed through your body.
"Do you remember that dance?" — The young prince asks genuinely showing nervousness. Shaking your head, you affirm to your brother.
"And can I forget?" — You confirmed it in the form of a question to Velaryon. — "I've learned only three in all this life: how to speak high valyrian, ride a dragon, and this dance." — You both laughed at your easygoing response.
Jace smiled gently against you as he positioned himself in the dance steps. He tried his best not to convey the feelings of nervousness and anxiety to you.
Returning to the huge wooden table, Aemond didn't like witnessing the ridiculous scene. His jaw was completely locked. — If he wanted to decapitate the heads of the men who had been surrounding you all night, have no interest in knowing what he wanted to do with the eldest Velaryon.
Aemond felt the need to do something.
He could see Jacaerys's hands gripping your waist gently, not wanting to hurt you, as you rested your hands on his broad shoulders. This was a nightmare in itself for Aemond.
Apparently, Jacaerys said something to you that automatically made you laugh and that occurrence infuriated Aemond. He didn't think twice and stood up abruptly from the table, causing his wineglass to immediately fall off the table. — This caught the attention of his relatives, but the prince didn't care at all.
The one-eyed prince furiously descended the few steps in front of the table, trying to reach you and the damn velaryon. The few people who were interrupting Aemond's arrival were pushed unkindly by him.
You couldn't sense Aemond's presence approaching and even if you did, you wouldn't know what to do. Your back, your admirable back, was aimed for Aemond's one eye, and he couldn't wait to see them again later but in a different way.
You linked your arm with your brother's, switching places with him, following the steps of the dance. Your look of joy and fullness turned to surprise and intrigue as he saw who was after your older brother.
Your body shuddered and became immobilized, stopping his movements and stopping to dance. Jacerys was surprised by your spontaneous behavior and would have tried to deduce what had happened if it hadn't been for an arrogant and strong grip on his shoulder.
Determinedly intending to turn around, Jacaerys came face to face with a face expressed in anger and sarcasm. It was the face of his uncle Aemond.
"Well, i think you've danced enough with my niece, haven't you, nephew?" — Without disguising his gruff tone, Aemond questions Velaryon. Jacaerys shrugged peacefully, tried to search for a valuable answer, but nothing came to mind.
You were silent during the entire situation, not having the courage to open your mouth to something. The only thing you did with the greatest courage and determination was to look at your charming uncle.
"I went so long without seeing her, long times without her by my side. On the contrary, you spent all these years with her." — Disappearing from your nephew's sight, the one-eyed appears by your side gently holding your hand.
When Aemond took your hand, a wave of nostalgia surged through her mind. Your hands were so soft and small compared to his. — He would have closed his eyes and enjoyed the beautiful sensation if it hadn't been for the figure of Velaryon in front of him.
Jacaerys thought about doing something about it, but he remembered that there was no point in arguing with the eldest prince and the three of you were among the guests, if something happened it would be a big scandal. — Damn Aemond got what he wanted, said the boy's thought.
Jace did nothing but look at you, trying to communicate something but you were so sensitive to the situation and yet your hand was being gripped by Aemond's that you didn't understand your brother. — Turning around without saying goodbye, Jacaerys's image faded from your eyes, probably returning to the table or heading to his quarters.
"Finally some decent time with you, my dear." — Aemond's husky, arousing voice attacked your ears. He was still holding your hand and, as a way of intensifying the touch, Aemond joins your hand with his, intertwining the two. You sighed, squeezing the prince's hand.
"Don't tell me you did all this just to dance with me, uncle." — Teasing and unafraid, you tried to hide a wide smile that was about to appear on your lips but you end up failing. Aemond watched every expression on your face so intently, as if this were the last time he would ever see you.
All the couples, who were in that center, supported their arms on their companions, but without separating the intertwined hands, following another dance step. Aemond notices this before you do and quickly springs into action.
"Nothing more fair than doing everything to dance with my niece, from whom i spent so many years away, don't you think?" — Aemond's one eye was focused on you and just you. Only the gods knew how many times he dreamed of this moment, of you in his arms again.
"Well, if that were so you should have asked for my hand first." — That was like a small punch to the older man's chest. You shrugged your shoulders waiting for an answer.
"I admit my incompetence with dignity and truthfully, but I didn't want everyone at that table to be surprised by such a suggestion." — Aemond admitted, for the first time, in a slightly lower tone. — "I don't think it would be the right time."
Your waist was gripped by your dreaded uncle's big hands, making you surprise yourself with such strength during the grip. A shaky breath came out of her mouth, which was drawing Aemond's attention.
That sound made Aemond's head go wild, wanting to get more out of you.
At that very moment, Aemond didn't care if anyone in the family might be watching that scene, the only thing he cared about was you. However, he wanted to show everyone who you belonged to and he wished that all the men who had asked for his hand that night were seeing it all.
"You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. You really don't know, my sweet niece." — Without disguising the malicious tone, the prince uttered to you. With his head bent and close to your neck, swear on the dragons' lives that Aemond controlled himself not to place his thin lips in that region.
"Or maybe i know?" — You couldn't finish your miserable sentence because you were interrupted with a clench of your jaw by Aemond's hand. You had already stopped dancing seconds ago, only the people around you continued.
"All these years, all this time without you by my side, were terrible for me" — His voice exuded hardness along with a penetrating touch, you had to close your eyes to take in the words. — "I started to blame myself for letting you slip out of my hands."
Aemond's face was so close to yours that you could feel his heavy breath against your young face. It looked like at any moment your lips were going to touch his. — He seemed to be controlling himself but was ready to push the limits he'd placed on himself.
"Now I'm here, Aemond." — Showing colossal vulnerability against your lover, you declared. Your body was so sensitive and your mind was clouded thinking about how irresistible your damn uncle's lips were. The one thing you definitely wanted was to feel the feel of those razor-thin lips again. — "Distribute all that longing and resentment because of my departure on me."
Your long-awaited lover was surprised by your quick words. A feeling of shock and satisfaction crossed the older Targaryen's mind. — A familiar smile crossed Aemond's face, that thin, cutting smile.
Aemond brought his lips together with yours. The sweet sensation with a hint of bitterness appeared during the long-awaited kiss. — Time might have stopped and everyone around the two of you froze, and no one could explain the intensity of that kiss.
Your young body tingled with the feel of Aemond's body pressing against yours.
That fiery kiss was slowly weakening your body. It got to the point where you had to put your arms around Aemond's shoulders more tightly. — The taste, you missed, of Aemond silenced your thoughts and made you want more.
Aemond was exploring every region of your neck, trying somehow to leave little red marks there. His fingers were sinking into your skin in such an exciting way.
The heat was rising and your breathing was starting to hitch, a sure sign that you both needed to stop, but that was the problem - neither of you wanted to end this moment.
The kiss was interrupted. — You were trying to regain lost oxygen. Your breathing was so weak and uneven along with Aemond's.
Aemond's swollen, reddened lips caught your attention. You were mesmerized and so nervous about that scene. How could anyone be so angelic
Coincidentally or not, the song was still playing but from the intensity of the notes and melody, it was already about to end. Everyone dances happily, not paying attention to the two of you standing and connected to each other.
Your fear of imagining that someone in his family had seen that event had disappeared from his consciousness. Nothing mattered more than your prince sent by the gods to you. — It didn't matter if he was your uncle, after all, you and your mother had a peculiar taste in it.
Your head was bowed by Aemond's hand, which had not been withdrawn. That touch was so soft and serene, he was taking great care of you. — Like he always did.
With your forehead pressed against his, you didn't dare run away from affection and there was no reason to do so.
Your heart was pounding frantically, as if any second it might leave your body, which, too, was sensitive to the touch. Damn the power Aemond had in you.
"I love you." — That was the only thing that came out of Aemond's mouths. The only thing he felt he needed to tell you and that was the last thing he said to you when you left with your family.
Aemond's biggest fear was losing you again. Spending longer years away from you was his worst nightmare. He might be recognized by some in the realm as the prince who wasn't afraid of anything, but underneath that mysterious, feared, terrifying face was a fear that was your absence in his life.
"I love you too, Aemond." — Your fragile, sweet voice, oh, your sweet voice, rang in his ears. Your words showed truth and dedication to the eldest. All your experiences with Aemond passed like a long dragon's flight through your mind.
A brief breath was released by Aemond.
"Never leave me. Do everything but never again..." — That tone of voice was squeezing your chest, he was so fragile and you felt guilty for leaving him, even though this had been going on for years, you were still feeling guilty. — "Leave me."
For the first time that night, and in public, Aemond was showing his most…human side. A side you only got to know many times when you were a kid.
"Take my words, Aemond." — You opened your eyes, and for the sensation of being watched, Aemond opened his one eye to admire your expression of passion and seriousness. — "I will never leave you in this life again."
You uttered the words long awaited by the prince. His eye gleamed against you. Aemond had never in his life been so loved like that, not even by his mother or father. It was a strong feeling for him. — A feeling he only felt around you.
The song ended, bringing applause and shouts of joy at the great spectacle that had taken place. Everyone was captivated and delighted by the ceremony, including you and your lover.
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Falling asleep on the TWST boys bed
Riddle Rosehearts
He doesn’t know how or why you are here, but you need to leave. He shakes you awake and informs you that he absolutely cannot share as his mother said if he slept with another person he would get pregnant and die. By the time your sleep filled mind processed that, you were already on the floor with a blanket and he had made himself comfortable in bed.
Trey Clover
He shakes you awake to ask if you were sure to brush before bed. After you lie and say you did, he nods approvingly and crawling into bed beside you but respectfully sleeps under a different blanket.
Cater Diamond
He’s a little impressed by your ability to sleep wherever and whenever you want, regardless of whose dorm it is. He snaps several pictures of your sleeping face to post to magicam without your permission #improptusleepover #sleepingbeauty #sleepybaby #tiredofallthebs
Deuce Spade
He’s flustered. So terribly flustered that when he shakes you awake he can’t even speak properly. You do manage to catch that he’s going to let you take the bed and he’ll sleep on the floor BUT he needs his favorite pillow for that and you’re drooling all over it.
Ace Trappola
Literally squeals like a 10 year old girl with excitement when he sees you sleeping peacefully. He quickly changes into his pajamas and climbs into bed, cuddling right up to you. He’s a huge fan of cuddles and will now get what he was denied when you told him to sleep on the couch that one time.
Leona Kingscholar
He stands over you, glaring down at you menacingly for daring to sleep on HIS bed. You do not stir. Eventually he huffs and shoves you to one side of the bed before crawling in. It’s honestly too much work to try and move you anyway.
Ruggie Bucchi
You wake up face first on the floor, your side hurting and Ruggie taking up the whole bed while snoring. Apparently he follows the same logic as Leona but unlike Leona he is both a kicker and a bed hog.
Jack Howl
The only saving grace in this dorm. He takes off your shoes and tucks you into bed properly before going to find some spare blankets to sleep on the couch.
Azul Ashengrotto
He is OFFENDED he is APPALLED that you would ever think of sleeping in HIS bed. However when he tried to wake you to get you to leave, you had given him such a death glare that he ended up pulling an all-nighter in his office to keep away from you.
Jade Leech
You wake up to him standing over you, his face shrouded in shadows, smiling. The clock reads 3:33 am. You bolt up and run, never to make this mistake again.
Floyd Leech
He starts whining that your in his spot before he grows bored of your lack of response. He grabs you by your feet and drags you out of bed, leaving you to your fate on the cold cold floor.
Kalim Al-Asim
O M GEEEEEEE it’s been so long since he had a sleepover with someone! (When he slept in Jamil’s room last week because of a thunderstorm doesn’t count.) But you’re already asleep and he doesn’t want to disturb you by waking you! So he just climbs into bed and sleeps cuddled up to you (he is the little spoon).
Jamil Viper
He’s had a long hard day of babysitting Kalim and all he wants to do is to spread out on his bed and go to sleep. He really doesn’t care where you go but you can’t stay here. He shakes you awake until he can march you out of the room and lock the door behind you.
Vil Schoenheit
He’s disgusted that you have the audacity to drool on his satin pillow case. After wiping up the drool and closing your mouth, he tsks at your poor skin care routine and begins to apply a face mask to you. You wake up to your skin feeling rejuvenated, your nails and toenails neatly trimmed and painted, your hair luscious and full. There is a not on the table that Vil went for a run and to be gone by the time he came back
Rook Hunt
He takes 800000 pictures of you for his private collection. You wake up to him scrolling through them and making comments. You vow to never sleep here again.
Epel Felmier
You awake to an impressive amount of region-locked curse words directed at you. Once you manage to somehow decode it all, you realize that Epel wishes for you to vacate the bed so that he may sleep for the night. You are now treated to Vil storming into the room and scolding Epel for his loud cursing so late at night.
Idia Shroud
He’s literally frozen with fear. What is this otome game situation? Is it just a normie thing to fall asleep wherever they please? While he agonizes over this, Ortho flies over to make you more comfortable in bed.
Ortho Shroud
He is rather impressed that you managed to curl up in his charging port. Idia is freaking out over the damage your skin cells and oil might do to the machine.
Malleus Draconia
He is honored that you have chosen his bed of all places to rest your weary head. He fluffs your pillows and tucks you in and assures that the room is the perfect temperature for human sleep before pulling out and easel so that he may capture this moment in painting. Afterwards, he will watch over you until the morning so that no one disturbs you.
Lilia Vanrouge
He actually doesn’t need to sleep and spends the majority of the night loudly trash talking children on video games. This somehow doesn’t disturb you at all.
Right when he’s decided what he will do about this situation, he suddenly falls asleep, falling over you on the bed. You wake when his weight falls on you but only wiggling out from under him before going back to bed.
Sebek Zigvot
HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST COME INTO HIS ROOM AND LAY UPON HIS SHEETS THAT WAKASAMA HAD GIFTED TO HIM YOU INSOLENT Ah he is very sorry for yelling please stop screaming at him you can take the bed just let him have his wakasama plush.
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
is it bad that i'm thinking about pent-up karasu? karasu who's been *trying* to have some alone time with you but keeps getting interrupted by one of the demons brothers or the angels or that damn sorcerer? karasu who keeps lovingly trying to pull you away for just a *moment* of alone time to savor your taste and keeps getting cock-blocked for some reason or another? karasu when he *finally* gets time alone with you and absolutely fucks you senseless??
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a/n: it reeeeally doesn't take much to get him riled up.
➤ pent-up!karasu | headcanons
2.1k words | nsfw | gn!reader
cw: sexting, dick pics, masturbation, audio porn, oral sex, overstimulation, demon form!sex
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— Pent-up!Karasu, who misses you terribly. He hasn't seen you in a few days because he had to focus on an important project for work. He texted you as often as he could and he called you every night before you went to sleep, but it wasn’t the same.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who finally has a chance to see you at RAD. He has a meeting scheduled with Diavolo and agrees to meet with him at the school. He’s nearly giddy with excitement when he pulls out his old RAD uniform and gets ready. He hopes you’re as happy to see him as he is to see you.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who looks for you in the busy hallways of RAD and his heart flutters when he finally spots you. He can't resist the urge to hug you tightly even though the demon brothers are waiting for you nearby. He desperately wants to kiss you, but he knows neither of you have the time or privacy to do that right now.
— Pent-up!Karasu, whose greedy eyes glance down at your RAD uniform and he wonders how he never noticed that you look so lovely in dark grey. His cheeks burn when he suddenly imagines peeling the layers off you one by one. He notices that your expression looks hungry too, and he ducks his head bashfully when you tell him how handsome he is. You hug him one last time before you head to class, and he misses you already.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who finishes his meeting but doesn’t have time to see you again before he leaves. He flies to work in a daze and is completely distracted by thoughts of you. Once he's alone in his office, he slumps heavily in his chair and glares at the erection tenting his pants. He palms his cock through the thin material of his uniform for relief but it doesn’t help. He feels needy and impulsive and reckless. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches for his D.D.D.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who sends you a text message even though he knows you’re still in class. He suggests that you excuse yourself from the room and go somewhere with more privacy.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who apologizes for disturbing you. He complains that he can’t get any work done; he sends you a photo of his lap so you can see exactly how much you affect him. He took off his blazer and the sleeves of his green button-up shirt are rolled up. His left hand rests on his thigh, drawing your attention to the bulge straining against the zipper of his pants.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who hopes that you’re starting to feel as horny as he does. His messages are a stream of disjointed, lustful thoughts. He sounds more bold and depraved than you’ve ever heard him before.
Seeing you earlier was enough to make me hard. I don’t think you realize how much I’ve missed you.
I want to touch you so badly. You could do anything you wanted as long as I can have you.
It’s tempting to come back to RAD and find you. Have you ever thought about what it’d be like to fuck in an empty classroom, bent over one of the desks where anyone could find us? Would you like that? Too bad I didn’t think of that earlier.
I wish you were here. Being inside you would feel so much better than this does.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who sends you proof of his desire. First he sends you a photo: his pants are undone and bunched low on his hips. His slender fingers are wrapped around his cock that’s rock-hard and leaking precum from the tip.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who sends you an audio message next. He bites his lip so he’s not too loud in your ear, but he can't help how good it feels and he wants you to know it. When he glides his hand up and down his cock, it makes a soft, wet sound that echoes in his quiet office. His chair creaks under his weight every time he thrusts up and drives his cock into the tight grip of his fist.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who babbles his desperate fantasies when he’s about to cum. "I wanna feel you around my cock, I can't wait—f-fuck, I can't stop, it feels so good—" He gasps your name and whimpers high and needy in his throat as he strokes himself through his orgasm. He keeps going until he's so sensitive that it nearly hurts, and he stops recording when he's finally limp with exhaustion and temporarily sated. The entire recording is less than two minutes long.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who sends you one last photo when he’s finished. His cock is tucked away now, but his pants and the bottom of his shirt are both stained with the pearly-white ropes of his release. He sends another message too, one that contains a request and a promise:
According to Lucifer’s schedule, he and his brothers will be attending a student council meeting this afternoon. It should give us enough time, so I’ll meet you at the House of Lamentation when you're finished class today. Try not to touch yourself before then, dear one. I’d like to take care of you myself.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who keeps his word and is already waiting for you when you arrive home from RAD. He pulls you into his arms as soon as you shut the bedroom door. “I’ve wanted to do this all day,” he breathes before he finally kisses you with all the love and desperation he feels for you.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who licks across the seam of your lips and whines into your mouth when your tongue curls with his. He rubs his half-hard cock against your belly and palms the swell of your ass, encouraging you to grind against him. You’re so warm and soft and pliant in his arms, and he wants nothing more than to rut into you like a mindless beast. He feels possessed.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who walks you backwards until your legs bump against the edge of the bed. He drops hastily to his knees when you sit down and he shuffles forward until he’s tucked comfortably between your legs. He fumbles with the belt and zipper of your pants, and he pulls your pants and underwear down your legs so you’re completely bare to him. His heightened senses can smell your arousal. He strokes you gently with a couple of his fingers, and he exhales harshly through his nose when he feels how wet you really are. He teases you and peppers your bare thighs with kisses until your hands slide into his hair and pull him closer. 
— Pent-up!Karasu, who finally buries his face between your legs like he’s starving for you. His lips worship you with kisses and gentle sucks so you can feel the heat of his mouth. His fingers tease your entrance, circling the tight hole slowly before moving his hand away again. He digs his fingers into your soft, squishy thighs when they shake on his shoulders and tighten against the sides of his head. The bedframe shakes slightly as you chase your pleasure.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who moans loudly when you finally cum in his mouth. He pulls back and murmurs about how delicious you taste while he smacks his lips. His mouth and chin glisten from the mess you made of him. His erection aches in his pants but he leans forward again, flicking his tongue against you for a second time even though you gasp his name and shiver pathetically in his grip. He knows you're sensitive but he can’t resist just one more taste. Pinpricks of pleasure and pain shoot through his body when you tug on his hair and push his head away when you can't take anymore.
— Pent-up!Karasu, whose self-control cracks when he drinks in the sight of your bright, glossy eyes and pouty lips. He rises slowly to his feet and starts unbuttoning his shirt because he needs you now. He preens under your appreciative gaze when you stare at his bare chest. His dark eyes are smoldering and predatory, glowing with the power of his sin that's determined to have all of you.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who is in his demon form by the time you're both undressed and fully bare to each other. He pushes you back gently so his talons don’t scratch your delicate skin. Once you’re resting comfortably on your back, he kneels between your legs. He guides your legs up and rests them against the curve of his hips. 
— Pent-up!Karasu, who would never risk hurting you no matter how much he wants you. He presses a bottle of slick into your hand and stares hungrily while you stretch yourself open for him. Your fingers disappear into your body and his cock twitches eagerly. He’s so desperate to be inside you, but he can be patient a little longer. You stop fingering yourself before you cum again; you feel so painfully empty without his cock and you both know your fingers aren't enough.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who braces himself on his arms and lowers himself on top of you. He whines against your neck as he pushes inside you, burying himself to the hilt in one long thrust. His pace is slow and shallow at first so you can both adjust. It's not long before you grasp his shoulders and urge him to move faster. The room fills with the animalistic rattling that reverberates deep in his chest when he moves harder and deeper inside you. He curses and moans in time with each desperate thrust. His hips smack noisily against yours when he starts to lose control and fucks you into the mattress with abandon.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who reaches between your bodies and strokes you with his palm because he doesn't want to cum before you do. You arch your back against his chest and a cry rips from your throat when you finally cum. Your body tightens around his cock like a vice and he moves even faster, drawing out your pleasure until you’re completely satisfied. 
— Pent-up!Karasu, whose sharp talons dig into your sheets and his wings flutter restlessly when he cums. He groans and continues thrusting desperately while he rides out the lingering waves of pleasure crashing over him. You're full of his cum and your bodies squelch obscenely each time he pumps his cock inside you. Your ankles hooked against his back trap him in place. He keeps moving until he’s milked dry and his hips come to a stuttering halt.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who catches himself on his hands before he collapses heavily on top of you. He's hot and sticky with sweat and his hair sticks to his forehead and neck. There's so many things that he still wants to do and say, but right now he kisses you sweetly like nothing else matters.
— Pent-up!Karasu, whose soft kisses grow hungry when lust stirs deep in his belly when he realizes he still wants more. His hardening cock twitches inside you and he starts to slowly rock his hips. He drags lips along your jaw and down your neck as he picks up the pace. He savors your breathy moans in his ear and you're as eager as he is when you start to move together.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who makes a frustrated hissing noise in his throat when the front door slams nearby and the demon brothers return. He doesn’t want to stop, but he slows his thrusts and frowns when he hears stomping footsteps approaching from down the hall.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who groans and rests his head against your shoulder when someone bangs on your bedroom door. "Yo, Lucifer's ordering Hell's Kitchen for dinner tonight! You two wanna join us?" He's annoyed by the interruption and grumbles inaudibly under his breath. He looks up when your body starts shaking with barely-stifled laughter, and he can't help but chuckle too.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who rolls off you carefully and gets a damp cloth from your bathroom so he can clean you up. You both get dressed and he steals glances at you from the corner of his eye; lust still courses through his veins. His talons have disappeared but his wings still twitch irritably against his back. He suggests having dinner somewhere more private instead, and he's relieved when you agree. He waits for you outside while you explain to the others that neither of you will be staying for dinner after all.
— Pent-up!Karasu, who takes you back to his nest where no one else will bother you. He murmurs a promise in your ear that he’ll feed you later, after he’s fucked you properly.
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pandorasprongs · 11 months
CHAPTER THREE | so inviting, i almost jump in.
'it's nice to have a friend' masterlist + playlist | previous chapter
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: jamie and reader go out for drinks and meet a familiar face that brings up a painful memory for both of them.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: i'd like to apologize in advance for this one because the end is just 100% angst so brace yourselves sorry :')
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It was like deja vu. Over the past weeks, you and Jamie started hanging out on a regular basis. Late nights and weekends were often spent eating pizza, watching old movies, and searching for old schoolmates online. He even helped you re-organize your room when he arrived during one of your cleaning days. You uncovered a box of old toy rings that Jamie gave you every birthday of yours for five years.
Initially, Jamie would message you if he was on the way. But the more he came over, it went back to your usual habits of him just showing up at your door at random hours of the day. When you weren't home, he'd message that he dropped by and then you'd call him when you got back. He'd race over to watch another one of your favorite childhood movies.
You hadn't realized how much you missed it all till you started spending time with Jamie again. You missed it so much that you may have neglected to mention to Liv how often you were with him. Despite the mini-sermon she gave you weeks ago about confronting Jamie, you hadn't actually made any moves to do it. All of this started to feel normal, regular, and the thought of disturbing that scared you too much. Even if there were times where you were annoyed at how casual he talked about the past few years of radio silence from him. Or how he'd mention his Man City teammates and you felt like tensing up every time.
There was no need to bring it up anymore, something you repeated to yourself. Plus, you were noticing that Jamie was now closer to your childhood best friend than the one who broke your heart. But still, you were cautious around the footballers Jamie associated with. Even when the season started again and Jamie would offer to tour you around the clubhouse or reserve tickets for the games, you'd always politely decline. You're sure the AFC Richmond players aren't terrible people given how highly Jamie would talk about them, but better to be safe than sorry.
Besides, with his now swamped schedule, you hadn’t seen Jamie recently. The most you did was when he’d send messages before training or games to which you’d answer with a “Good luck!” It was weird in the beginning, given that when he was at Man City, Jamie didn’t do any of that, but you hoped that this meant he wouldn’t leave again.
The next time you did was the night after one of their games, which continued their winning streak, thanks to Zava. While you knew Richmond fans — well, Liv and Frankie — were absolutely ecstatic to have him, Jamie despised the guy. You stopped yourself from pointing out the hypocrisy of him hating the player for being self-centered and thinking highly of himself.
You guess it’s working though because now you’re watching Richmond secure their fifth win in a row with your neighbor’s kid, Ronnie. When her mom found out you were a Science professor, she practically begged you to tutor her kid (and occasionally babysit). Ronnie was in primary school, so the lessons were pretty simple and you’ve been doing sessions every week to help her out. You always rewarded her afterward with whatever she wanted to watch on your TV that was age-appropriate, of course. This time, — after running back to their flat to get her Obisanya shirt, — she decided on watching the game. 
“Zava’s incredible,” she murmured next to you, staring at the screen as if in a trance. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the reaction. The game was finished and so the channel was just playing match highlights, which for Richmond, were mostly their current star player. Sometimes, you’d spot Jamie in the background and even though the rest of the team was cheering along, he was having a hard time masking his resentment.
When you were finally able to drag her away from the TV, you heated up two plates of lasagna. Ronnie’s mom still hadn’t knocked on your door and you didn’t want to leave her alone in your flat, so she was having dinner with you tonight. For the most part, it was just like eating with Jamie. She was non-stop talking about the match which turned to talking about her favorite players and future games. It reminded you of Jamie as a kid, who’d go on and on about the exact same things.
As you’re washing dishes and Ronnie’s answering some extra worksheets, — she asked for them! — you hear the doorbell ring. You go over and find Jamie standing at the door, much to your surprise.
“Hey! Didn’t know you were coming over,” you say, but after noticing his exasperated expression, you tilt your head. “I know you don’t like a certain teammate, but I thought you’d at least be happy about the win.”
Jamie sighs. “I know." He gives you a weak smile, and you have to admit that even that simple act made your heart skip. “Is that lasagna?”
Jamie enters the room without warning and as soon as he does, your eyes widened remembering who else was there. You turn to the dining room table at the same time as Jamie and together, watch a 9-year-old stare in awe.
“Oh my God,” she let out. “That’s Jamie Tartt!” She walks over to you, leaving behind the worksheets. 
You lean over and whisper to Jamie, “Forgot to mention I’m watching my neighbor’s kid.”
But Jamie’s already jumped into celebrity mode. He crouches down and confirms, “That’s me.” He glances at her oversized jersey before asking, “You a fan of Richmond?”
Ronnie nods her head enthusiastically. “I’m Ronnie! Congrats on winning!”
Jamie chuckles, and thanks her. “Nice to meet you, Ronnie.”
You hear someone approach the door and clear their throat and you turn to find Ronnie’s mom looking curiously at you. You turn back to Ronnie — who has now launched into a full monologue about how much she loves the team — and exclaim, “Look who else is here! I think it’s time to head back to your flat, Neens.”
She pouts at that statement, but one look from her mom and she was waving goodbye to the player. You quickly collect all of her stuff scattered around the place and hand it to her mom, who seems too exhausted from her shift to even notice the other person in the room.
Once you close the door, you lean on it and sigh in relief. “Sorry about that. I sometimes watch her after tutoring if her mom isn’t back, yet.”
Jamie shakes his head. “Nah, not a problem. I love meeting fans. Real ego boost.” 
Yet another countless eye roll. “Calm down. You’re not even her third favorite player.”
Jamie scoffs, almost offended but after remembering the lasagna, he heads to the kitchen for a plate of his own. You walk beside him and after tripping over a loose marker Ronnie left, you fall forward. Jamie's reflexes kick in and he catches you quickly and you grab hold of his — really broad, you notice — shoulders to steady yourself.
Now you're stuck in a position that happens in almost every 90s rom-com you've watched: your feet diagonally off the ground with Jamie's hands gripping tightly at your waist. Both of you are too much in shock to move and simply look at each other with wide eyes. Your faces were close, too close to be platonic if it was intentional. So much so that if you leaned forward, just a little bit…
You snap out of the trance and move to stand straight up as Jamie lets go of you. You head over to the sink and quietly curse at yourself and that stupid blue marker. Things haven't been weird between you and Jamie for ages. And you weren't going to let the possible resurfacing of your feelings ruin that. Not again. Plus, if you were already burying your old feelings of resentment, why not add onto it too?
You go back to washing dishes when Jamie asks you a question. "Are you doing anything Saturday night?"
Given what just happened, your mind wanders off in the romantic direction before you shake your head. Instead, you respond, "I think you know better than anyone that I never do anything Saturday night." You reply as you wipe your hands. "Why?"
"Just wondering if you want to get a drink with me. Well, you get a drink and I get water 'cause fucking Roy’s banned me from alcohol till the season’s over. I just really need a night out. Fucking Zava, I swear." Forget the fact that he was technically at a night out with his teammates earlier; he more of just wanted a night out with someone who isn't so related to his football life. Or, he just really wants a night out with you.
You snort at that last comment but oblige anyway, ignoring the feeling of disappointment.
Jamie and you had only ever hung out together in the comfort of your own home. You'd just assumed that it was to avoid any unwanted press and since the bar he mentioned was one of those members-only pubs, it makes sense that the first time the two of you hung out publicly was there. But seeing as it was a pub, it's not going to be a romantic not-a-date date that you'll be going on.
Though, you soon realized how different it was from your usual places. Everyone there was dressed up so formally and you were glad that you picked the black trousers that you usually only wear to work over your everyday jeans that had paint stains at the bottom of them. Maybe you had worn it in case Jamie at the last minute decided to take a detour to a nice restaurant, but you were relieved either way.
The two of you ended up just sitting in the bar while Jamie complained about his most recent Twitter feud. Christ, you pray for Keeley Jones for having to deal with all his PR nonsense. When he starts shit-talking Roy for getting him up at 4 am for training, — “I thought he was joking!” — you end up tuning out of the conversation knowing how long the rant was going to be.
Your eyes drift off behind Jamie when you notice a familiar face. Suddenly, it felt like the walls were closing in on you. You could feel your breathing hitch and your fingers were scratching the inside of your palm. Before you could even consider doing anything, he reached you.
"Jamie Tartt!" The footballer's train of thought is broken and he turns to his former teammate to greet him. "Haven't seen you since you went off to be a reality star!"
Jamie simply rolls his eyes at the comment. "Well George, I haven't seen you since they forced you out of Man City!"
"They couldn't afford me anymore," He shrugs before his eyes land on yours. You shift in your seat and you can see the exact moment when Jamie notices how uneasy you've become. "And who's this with you?"
He doesn't remember you. And why would he? To him, you were just another crazed fan at a pub, one of many he's encountered over the years. You doubt that the memory of that night stuck with him the way it did to you.
"This is (Y/N), an old friend of mine," Jamie adds carefully and you build up enough courage to shake his former teammates' hand, but not enough to stay in this conversation.
"I'll let you two catch up while I get another drink." You explain, in an obviously fake cheery voice, but only Jamie spots it. He reaches out for your hand on the table to comfort you, but you swipe it away before he can.
You head off to the other side of the bar to order another beer, but you can't stop your eyes from shifting over to the pair of them again. Jamie looked so comfortable laughing and talking to George. You scoff at the sight. How could he act so chummy with that guy when he was the driving force for why the two of you ended on shitty terms in the first place?
Jamie's told you all about how he's been working on himself and trying to become a better person, but a part of you still feared that one interaction with that guy would unravel everything. He was an absolute prick; the number of fights and scandals Jamie had been in for his entire career was nothing compared to the amount George had in his first five years.
You wanted to trust Jamie, but he was always quick to change who he was when he was around certain people. You just hoped he had grown enough to not let his Man City "mentor" — too many of George’s scandal photos had a 19 to 22-year-old Jamie Tartt in the background — bring back the side of him he's tried so hard to erase.
You don't know how long they were talking, but by the time they moved over to the pool table, your vision was already starting to blur. The drinks just kept coming. Flashbacks from that night started to come in too: the spotting Jamie in the crowd, the confrontation, the holding back of tears, and the walk-out. You couldn't look over at the pair of them without an intense pain appearing in your chest.
Jamie looked back to where you were supposed to be seated and found you spacing out into a corner. It was the same dreamy and tired look you had the first time you tested your alcohol limit when your parents were out of town. Immediately, he abandoned the game of pool and rushed over to you.
"Maybe that's enough alcohol for tonight." Someone pulls the Cosmopolitan from your grasp and you squint your eyes to identify them as Jamie.
"Ha, that's rich coming from you." You can't remember how many times you've had to help Jamie sneak up the stairs and into his bedroom after a night out. "Aren't you still busy hanging out with that Man City prick?" Lack of tactfulness is the most obvious sign you'd drank too much.
"Woo, a little harsh there," You hear George come up to the two of you. You rush — well, more of stumble — forward to confront him, but Jamie holds you back. The retired footballer points out, "She's a feisty one."
"Let's bring you back to your flat, yeah?" Jamie offers softly, but you remove yourself from his arms and shake your head.
"I am perfectly capable of getting home by myself." You grab your clutch from the table. "Don't want to ruin another night for you guys, right?"
A pang of guilt visibly hits Jamie, but George is just left confused. You start to walk towards the exit and get to the door till you feel someone gently take hold of your left arm.
"You can't even see your phone clearly to book a taxi. I'll drive you home." Jamie's voice is low and whatever common sense you have left takes him up on your offer. He turns his head to say goodbye to George, but all the former footballer does is shout, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" following by a boastful laugh.
You clench your clutch at the comment, but Jamie brings you out the door before you can turn back and do something that'll land you on the front page of the Sun the next morning.
When you get to Jamie's car, he carefully helps you into the passenger's seat and puts on your seatbelt before getting into the car himself. Once the car starts, you take the chance to close your eyes in an attempt to remedy the throbbing headache you feel is already coming on.
You don't know how long you stay like that, but when you open your eyes, you're already at your building. You slowly get out of the car and once you make it to the sidewalk, Jamie asks, "Can’t believe you just downed a dozen drinks like a recent divorcee."
"I wonder why," You scoff and side-eyed him, unwilling to move your head from looking forward. You see the footballer's expression drop and suddenly you understand what Liv was going on about. You finally break. "How could you still be so friendly with him, Jamie! He’s an absolute arse and everyone in England knows it!"
"He was my teammate! And still a major name in football, even after retirement and all the shit he’s done. I didn't want to risk anything!" Maybe if you were sober, you'd accept that reason. There were countless alumni, tenured professors, and chairmen that you had to suck up to just to keep your job. But were drunk people ever known to be rational?
"Is that why you let him talk to me like that? Back in the pub?"
"You two barely spoke a word to each other," Jamie points out but you shake your head furiously.
"I mean back in Cardiff!" You exclaimed loudly and you knew for a fact that at least one of your neighbors had heard your outburst. But you didn't really care.
For a moment, neither of you said anything. You went to walk up the stairs, expecting it to be the end of it. If Jamie didn't have anything to say, then what was the point? He'd let you walk away and tomorrow morning, you'd be back to normal and you can just pretend this night didn't happen. You've done it before.
"You said you didn't want to talk about that." Jamie finally speaks up.
"I thought I didn't," you admit, your voice levels lower than before. You continue walking when you feel a presence following suit. You stayed in that silence till you made it back to your flat. It's a miracle you didn't tip over on the way in, but spite was enough to power you through.
Jamie closed the door behind him and sighed, "I couldn't just ignore him at the bar."
Suddenly, any fear of confrontation seemed to disappear. Your anger resurfaced and you spit out, "You seemed just fine ignoring me for seven years." You turn to face him and for a second, the pitiful look in his eyes almost made you back off. Almost. "Or is abandoning your best friend easier when she's not some big-shot footballer?"
"I know you're mad," Jamie starts and you angrily run your hands through your hair.
"Yes, I'm mad, Jamie!" You shout and you watch him take a step back, but you don't falter. "I'm mad at you! Seeing George tonight just reminded me of it and how a part of me still fucking hates you for taking their side."
"I've been trying to apologize—"
"I know, Jamie, but I'm still pissed at you, okay? For leaving me like that! And for letting me leave that night! I mean, how could you? Just throw away a decade of friendship for some football assholes that threw you away the second they could." Everyone knew how Jamie's career with Man City ended and it was surely a sore spot for the player, but at that moment, you didn't care.
Before Jamie can even defend himself, you start again. "I... fuck Jamie, I loved you. You were my best friend. I would've spent every waking hour with you if I could've. But you couldn't care less about me, right? The moment someone more famous than me believed in you the same way I always did. You just stopped answering my calls, and my texts, and even my parents when they asked you for me! Worst of all, you didn't give me a single reason why!
"Honestly, I would've been fine if you did stop being friends with me, as long as you gave me an explanation. Even if it was for some stupid reason that I wouldn't understand or hate you for, because at least I could've moved on! Instead, I spent years wondering where it all went wrong. If I could've done something, anything to change what happened." You start to feel the strain on your throat and know for a fact that at least one of your neighbors would be eavesdropping, but you were finally letting it out.
Your voice comes out hoarse, "And then the next time I did see you, in that pub, you were a whole new person. A complete and utter prick, Jamie. After that night, I prayed that you'd come to your senses. Do the decent thing and apologize, even if it was just a fucking text or something. But no, you kept ignoring me and pretending I didn't even exist. So I forced myself to stop thinking about you. To stop caring about you calling me. To stop dreaming about you telling me you fucked up and that you were sorry. So I could move on with my life."
You look away from Jamie and around the living room in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing down. You were unsuccessful. "And after years, I did move on. I went to London, got a job, and stayed as far away as I could from football. From you. But God, you always find a way back to me, huh?
"It just had to be you who found me in Nelson Road that night. It had to be you who picked me up, who drove me home, and reminded me how happy I was when we were kids. So much so that I thought I'd be fine without an apology! As long as I had you back in my life, it'd be fine. But as you can tell now, it's not." The amount of alcohol in your system was wearing you down and you were starting to get tired.
You start to lose your balance when Jamie's there to catch you, but you harshly push him off you. He doesn't seem affected by your strength, but even then, he moves back.
  "Just get out, Jamie." is all you manage to say this time and after hesitating for a moment, he does. Now you're left alone again, only with your thoughts and the realization that any chance of bringing back what you had with Jamie was gone.
A/N: and that's that! i hope this teases the interlude nicely cause i'm sick of being so vague about that night since that's up next and trust me, it gets worse in that one... anyway i hope you all enjoyed this one!
TAGLIST: @moonflowersandsparkles @faith-alons26 @rexorangecouny @aiyaiy @thegirlthatwantedtowrite @giggling-sewer-ginger @katdahlali @higherthanheroes @guccilongboard @alipap3 @rockchickrebel @ellietartt @shineforever19 @skewedcherries @jamirtarttdodo @meg-ro @deepdarkvelvet @scaramou @rae4725 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo (couldn't tag you for some reason?)
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xxsabitoxx · 11 months
Rengoku x Kocho Sister! Reader idea
This is just something small I’ve been toying with so… idk if I’d ever turn it into a full blown smut fic but Ehehe
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Rengoku was a bit mortified when Kanae and Shinobu Kocho cornered him one afternoon while leaving Kimetsu Academy. “Rengoku-san~” Kanae’s voice was as light as air, but he could tell by the look on her face that he was in huge trouble. “Good afternoon… you two…” he shifted a bit, clutching the strap of the bag resting on his shoulder. “We’d love to have a chat with you, Rengoku-san.” Shinobu was smiling as well, but the vein protruding from her forehead gave him every reason to be scared.
“O-oh? What about?” He laughed nervously, eyes shifting between the two sisters. Typically there was a third with them… you. For you to not be present, he knew exactly where this conversation was heading. “Oh~ I think you know.” Kanae smiled, motioning for him to follow the two of them. He sighed, heart hammering as he begrudgingly followed the two sisters. They brought him around to the side of the school, the track field off in the distance with kids practising for the future track meets.
Once they were a fair distance away, where nobody would disturb them, Kanae turned to face him again. “So, Rengoku-san~ Shinobu and I just want to ask you a few things~” his eyes shift nervously to Shinobu, who’s smile has dropped, her face is stoic. “Of course, ask away.” He swallows nervously, the collar of his shirt feeling suffocatingly tight. “As you know, my little sister y/n just became the new school nurse…” he tries to still his breathing.
Though there is no point in getting overly nervous considering it’s quite obvious the two sisters are already aware of what’s happening “y-yes I.. we’ve met” Shinobu scoffs a little. “Let’s not dance around the subject, sister.” She glances at Kanae who seems a bit sad her little integration is getting cut short. “Fine, fine~” she clears her throat, smile dropping as she stares at Rengoku. “You’ve seemed to have taken something from her, Rengoku-san~”
He flinched, nodding. He was convinced they had been so careful, though it seems the Kocho sisters had eyes and ears everywhere. “Did you at least have the common sense to use protection?” His cheeks are turning red as he quickly nods. “W-we… I promise we were careful! Protection and everything…” he swallows, absolutely mortified that they had been caught. Or maybe you had told your sisters about it, either way it didn’t help his warm face.
“Good, good…” but something seems a little off. “You used a terrible brand, you know, they are notorious for failure… I’ll have to keep a close eye on my little sister.” Rengoku stiffens, realizing what is being implied. “F-failure?” Shinobu and Kanae both nod. “Geez, Rengoku, even my little sister Kanao knows those things suck ass…” He’s practically neon red now. “Oh…” his hand is coming up to hide his face. “I went by Uzui’s suggestion…” Shinobu nearly fell over at that.
“Kanae! She’s definitely pregnant if this fool is taking advice from that womanizer.” Shinobu ground out, arms crossing as Rengoku seemed to curl in on himself. “Now Shinobu, while he may be foolish to take advice from him…” Rengoku cut Kanae off, dropping to the ground before the two and bowing deeply. “I-I know it’s a stupid mistake but I promise you I truly care for your sister, y/n. She means the world to me and if it just so happens she’s pregnant I will support her in whatever she chooses to do.”
Both women looked surprised but after a moment Kanae smiled. “My my, Rengoku-san~ I believe your words are sincere.” She trailed off a bit, waiting for the man to lift his head. “But please understand, if you do anything at all that brings y/n any sort of sadness” Shinobu cleared her throat “she means anything, Rengoku.” Kanae smiled a bit “then you’ll have to face our wrath, as well as our baby sister Kanao’s.” Kanae concluded. For some reason, Rengoku felt like Kanao was the one he should fear the most of all. “Understood, ma’am.”
Both women smiled “good, good…” Kanae watched him stand, Shinobu had begun walking away as Kanae grabbed Rengoku’s collar. “Next time, take her back to your own place. I’ll give you credit, you two stayed pretty quiet but… not quiet enough.” She patted his shoulder after she let him go, turning to catch up with Shinobu. Rengoku stood there, red from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears. It took him all of three minutes to regain his composure before making his way back to the front of the school.
“Oh! There you are!” You smiled sweetly at him, waving as you exited the academy. A sense of relief washed over him seeing your sweet face. “I missed you.” Was all he could utter as he crossed the distance and hugged you. You laughed a little “I take it my sisters got a hold of you?” Rengoku nodded, mumbling out a “yes” as he hugged you tighter. “I figured they’d find you, it’s impossible to get anything past them” you let go, holding his face in your hands.
“D-did you tell them?” You shook your head. “No, they kinda figured it out on their own… I’m surprised it took them this long to say something to you.” He sighed, hands holding your waist. “The weekend break protected me” he chuckled softly, kissing your forehead. “I suppose that’s true.” You laughed, taking his hand in yours as you began to walk off of campus. “Did they give you… the talk too?” Rengoku asked cautiously. It wasn’t sure if this whole “pregnancy” idea was their own scheming or if you had given them any reason to think you were.
“Oh yeah, they told me the brand of condoms we used suck… which I’ll be honest, I knew they did. But ya know, heat of the moment and everything I didn’t really care.” You shrug, swinging your arm as you walk beside him. Rengoku blinks, surprised that you were fully aware and still decided to go through with it. You glanced over at him, chuckling softly. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Famous last words, he was certain of it now. “If you insist”
Was all he could muster, walking you in the direction of his apartment opposed to your family home. As he walked beside you, he had a funny feeling a lot was about to change over the next year.
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Movies Make Ticklers More Creative (Billy/Stu)
Summary: A bad horror film leaves Stu seeking entertainment in other forms, at the expense of Billy. (Thank you to the person who suggested I use the film Ghoulies as the movie in this fic!! Here is a YouTube link to the tickle scene in this movie, it is...Something for sure!! I haven’t seen the whole movie btw, just that clip as well as reading a few articles about it, so sorry if I’ve gotten any of the lore wrong. Regardless, it has an 8% on Rotten Tomatoes, so...)
As usual, Stu’s parents aren’t home, and he is filling the silence with the sounds of beer cans cracking open, hands rustling in the bowl of popcorn, girlish screams from the television speakers, and Billy’s commentary from the couch beside him.
After making their way through all the classic horror films, the boys have resorted to watching whatever they can find, whether they end up being fantastic deep cuts, or they absolutely suck, but joking about it makes it worth the watch.
Tonight’s movie is proving to be the latter. It’s a film called “Ghoulies” from ‘85, and it’s…Well, it’s keeping them entertained, for sure, but there is nothing disturbing (nor inspiring) about it. The scares are cheap, and the dialogue is atrocious.
Billy comments that the main chick, Donna, is kind of hot. Stu hums in agreement, but his heart isn’t quite in it. When the guy takes her out by the lake, though, their interests are piqued. This should be the part where Donna loses her chance of becoming the final girl, where she loses her virginity to the first schmuck who tries, and both the teens die a terrible death for daring to engage in premarital sex.
But that’s not what happens at all. Sure, it’s PG-13, but they were expecting at least a little action. But no, Donna and Mark stay fully-clothed and…Well, Stu snorts out a laugh as the kid starts tickling her instead of trying to bang her.
“This might be the worst movie that we’ve ever watched,” Billy says. His tone is deadpan, but there’s a smirk tugging on his lips.
“Oh, by far,” Stu agrees. “It’s not scary, and it’s not sexy. You can be missing one, but not both.”
Donna on screen is shrieking, begging Mark to stop tickling her. The scene feels eternally long, and since the screaming is that of laughter rather than fear, it feels much more ear-splitting than usual.
Stu looks over and sees Billy’s face screwed up in annoyance, and that sort of moping will just not do. Sure, the film sucks, but is good company not enough to make the guy happy?
“What a way to seduce a girl, eh?” Stu says, trying to crack some jokes and lighten the mood. “Tatum would nail me in the balls if I tried that.”
Billy just exhales through his nose in amusement, and Stu decides that isn’t enough.
“I mean, dude’s got no game. What did he say to her?”
“In the creepy voice? I dunno, I think he called her a little girl though, which is fucking weird.”
“Gross. She seems to like him, though. Maybe we should be taking notes,” Stu says, placing his beer down on the coffee table. They’re basically ignoring the movie by now, and he’s overcome with the strange desire to touch his best friend in that moment, to make him laugh like the girl in the movie, and that weird-ass scene gave him perfect inspiration on how to do so.
He and Billy have been friends since middle school, and Stu’s seen sides of him that no one else has. He’s pretty sure he’s the only person who has ever seen Billy cry, other than his parents. He’s the only person that knows Billy used to be scared of the dark, or that his mom had to sleep in his bed with him until he was ten because of that fear.
And, of course, he knows about the more fucked up shit that goes on in Billy’s head. He’s seen it first hand.
Stu also knows that Billy is ticklish, something he found out by accident and rarely used to his advantage, because last time he tried, he’d ended up with a pretty gnarly bruise on his jaw. But the risk seems worth it at that moment, so Stu takes his chances.
“Quit looking so miserable. The movie is shit, but I’m not,” Stu teases. Trying to mimic the weird, high-pitched voice the guy in the movie had adopted, he continues. “Cheer up, little boy!”
He reaches out a hand and prods at Billy’s stomach, which makes Billy shove at his hand with a suppressed huff of laughter.
“Fuck off,” he says.
Stu does not fuck off. Instead, he scoots closer on the couch, effectively trapping Billy between the arm of the couch and his body, and continuing to wiggle his long fingers against Billy’s stomach.
The light of the television illuminates Billy’s scrunched up expression, trying to hold back his laugh and seem pissed at Stu’s immaturity, but it only lasts a few moments before the bright, boyish giggles that are so unlike his personality come spilling out.
Stu grins in triumph. Billy’s actually sort of adorable when you get him like this: Guard down, acting his age, letting loose. He squirms like a fish on a hook, and Stu has to dodge his flailing limbs. His hair falls messily into his face, his cheeks look flushed.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you—” he grits out, but it doesn’t sound intimidating at all.
“No you won’t,” Stu replies. “You’d miss me too much.”
Billy lets out a noise somewhere between a growl and a whine, before dissolving into laughter again as Stu’s fingers dance up his sides. It isn’t until his ribs become a target that Billy truly fights back, grabbing at Stu’s wrists and trying to shove his hands away.
Stu takes that as a sign to back off, because although it was a risk he willingly took, leaving this without injury is still the preferable outcome. He watches with a grin as Billy catches his breath, arms wrapped protectively around his middle.
“You’re an asshole,” Billy says.
“I know,” Stu replies.
Their eyes meet for a moment, and Stu feels his face flush for reasons he isn’t quite ready to confront.
By the time they look back up at the screen, Mark and Donna are dead and they’ve completely lost track of the plot. Neither of them are complaining, because it was a fucking dumb plot to begin with. Leaving the crushed cans and empty bowl behind, the two boys climb the stairs and crash into Stu’s bed for the night, a common occurrence that somehow feels different this time, like something between them has shifted, just enough to make Stu’s heart skip a beat when Billy falls asleep with his face pressed into Stu’s shoulder.
Like this, he looks innocent. He looks beautiful.
Stu makes a mental note to research other horror films with tickle scenes in them, just in case he needs an excuse to hear that giggle again. Even if the movies suck, spending time with Billy is worth all the shitty scares in Hollywood.
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venus-haze · 2 years
In the Mood for Love (Austin!Elvis x Reader)
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Summary: Elvis breaks up with you just as his career is taking off, as if your support for him meant nothing. You finally manage to work through your heartbreak and start what you think is a new chapter in your life with someone who seems to understand what you’re going through. After two months of guilt and regret, Elvis returns to Memphis to find that you’ve apparently moved on, but he’s determined to win you back.
Note: This is based off of an anonymous request. Reader is gender neutral. I listened to the soundtrack from In the Mood For Love (one of my favorite movies ever) while writing this, and Frank is inspired by Tony Leung’s character Chow. Please let me know what you all think. Requests are open🔮 Do not interact with my blog or posts if you are under 18 or post ED/thinspo content.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Mentions of cheating. Some jealous behavior, but nothing disturbing.
Walking up to ‘Miss Louann’s Dance Studio’ as the sun set purple behind you, you felt your stomach flip at the prospect of stepping out of your comfort zone. You signed up for a beginner’s Latin dancing class on a whim, wanting something to take your mind off of Elvis, your boyfriend of two years, breaking up with you as soon as he started getting famous.
Even if you ended up being terrible at it, you hoped a new hobby and making new friends would be a step in the right direction of getting yourself out of the funk you’d been in for the past two months. You’d go to work and feel sorry for yourself, come home and cry yourself to sleep, and be an absolute drag whenever you went out with friends because inevitably his music was playing somewhere. If anyone but your ex had recorded ‘Heartbreak Hotel’, you’d probably have the record on non-stop. You decided enough was enough, and you needed to move forward with your life.
The dance class was held twice a week in the evenings, which fit in perfectly with your work schedule. The modest dance studio showed signs of wear, especially on the wood flooring with grooves and scuff marks from years of dancers moving across it. Miss Louann had opened the studio after the war, and it seemed like she hadn’t updated anything since.
You set your bag down next to the others that were piled against the wall. Scanning the room, you noticed a mix of a few dozen couples and singles, all appearing to be in their late teens to mid-thirties. You walked over to a small group of people, awkwardly introducing yourself. To your relief, they were all friendly, and you enjoyed the casual conversation with them.
Miss Louann walked into the studio wearing a bright red dress with ruffles at the hem, her matching heels clicking against the floor. Certainly a bold look, but she caught everyone’s attention right away.
"Circle please, my dears! I want to see everyone’s lovely faces!" she declared, her voice as loud as her outfit. "Since this is a large class, we’ll skip over introductions, which is a shame because I’m extremely nosy and like to know as much about people as possible."
This brought on chuckles and laughs from the other people in the class. You liked Miss Louann already.
"If you currently do not have a partner, please raise your hand so I can pair you up. Now, the person you’re partnered with may rotate, depending on the number of people in the class,” she said, “but if you don’t mind being paired with a person of the same gender, I certainly don’t have any objections. C’est la vie!"
You lifted your hand. You didn’t care whether you were paired with a man or woman, truth be told. Miss Louann busied herself with partnering people up, while the couples who’d come together took their places on the floor.
"Your name, dear?" she asked when she walked up to you.
"Y/N," you answered.
"Y/N, let’s see which of these bums is good enough for you, hm?" she joked as she scanned the men standing around without a partner. There were a handful more women than men in the class, but some of the girls seemed to know each other already and paired up anyway.
Miss Louann’s eyes lit up, and she waved her manicured hand. "Frank, dear, you’ll be Y/N’s partner."
Frank gave you a warm smile as he walked over to you. He was handsome, with a boy next door look that immediately endeared you to him. Not as handsome as Elvis. You shook the thought from your mind. He was the last person you wanted to think about.
You and Frank stood next to each other as Miss Louann explained the basics of Latin dance, having studied it as she lived in various parts of South America before the Depression. Even then, she said that the style was diverse, ever evolving, that you could never truly stop learning. She demonstrated a simple dance to start, one to get everyone into the rhythm of the music and dance style.
"This first class isn’t about how good you are. I want you to have fun tonight," she said. "Now get to it!"
You turned to face Frank, who held his hand out for you.
"Sorry in advance if I trip you up," he said.
"I’ve never done this before either, so no judgment," you said.
During your dance together, Frank confessed over Nat King Cole’s cover of ‘Quizas quizas quizas’ that he joined the class to get his mind off of a recent breakup with his longtime girlfriend. You quickly divulged that you were there for almost the exact same reason. Strangely, you felt comforted knowing you were lonely, but certainly not alone. You spoke with Frank as you danced, getting to know each other better. While he told you that his ex was named Cynthia, you didn’t tell him your ex’s name. After all, how many guys named Elvis were walking around?
The class ended far too soon for your liking, but Frank offered to drive you home, which you gladly accepted. You knew how it’d look to have a guy dropping you off at your place late at night, especially one you’d only just met, but for the first time in weeks, you arrived home in a good mood. Your parents were visibly relieved when you walked in with a smile on your face, chattering on about how fun the class was. They’d expressed concern for you, but you’d brushed them off, wanting to wallow and mope instead. It was nice having something to look forward to again.
You ended up becoming friends with some of the people from your dance class, much to your delight. While none of you were trying to make it professionally as dancers, it was fun getting together to practice at the nearby park and then go out to eat or get drinks afterward. Even though everyone came from different backgrounds, you at least had the dancing that brought you together.
You and Frank especially grew close, spending more and more time with him outside of class. Usually the two of you would find a diner that was open 24/7, spending hours talking over baskets of fries and glasses of milkshakes. You felt validated knowing that your response to the breakup wasn’t an overreaction, that he’d felt the same hurt and betrayal you did and sunk into a hole of loneliness and depression he never thought he’d claw his way out of. His ex-girlfriend Cynthia had cheated on him with one of his best friends, just as Frank was saving up to buy a ring and propose to her. He spent the money on the dance class instead. 
He spoke about Cynthia the same way you did Elvis, a nostalgic bitterness at the heartache, unable to even appreciate the memories of the good times without falling to pieces, and the knowledge you’d do it all over again in a heartbeat if given the chance. Frank was honest and sensitive, and you found yourself developing a bit of a crush on him from how much you’d opened up to each other in just a few weeks of being friends.
One night, when your parents were out late, he brought over a new album of assorted Spanish-language songs specifically for Latin dancing. What began as just listening to the album turned into impromptu dance practice, until during one particularly slow and sensual song, he boldly dipped you, kissing you sweetly and softly. It was like a scene out of a movie, and definitely not unpleasant, but you didn’t feel anything like when Elvis kissed you, where it seemed like nothing was real except you, him, and the butterflies you felt in your stomach.
From the disappointed expression on Frank’s face, you could tell the kiss didn’t live up to his expectations either. 
"Do you still love him?" he asked softly.
"Yeah,” you answered. “Do you still love her?"
You sat down on the worn-out living room couch with him. "You know how he broke up with me to focus on his career," you said.
He nodded. You trusted him, but you didn’t want things to change between the two of you if he knew who your ex was. "Well, up until about two months ago, I was in a two year relationship with Elvis Presley."
"You’re kidding. The guy who does the thing with his hips and all that? I think one of my sisters has a poster of him in her room."
You laughed. "He sings too. Just when he started getting really famous, he dumped me. Said it was better for business if he was single, or something," you recounted sadly.
"I’m sorry, Y/N," Frank said. "I like you a lot, but if you’re not ready to be in a relationship, I’m happy to stay friends. I don’t think I am either, to be honest."
"Thank you, Frank," you said, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "You’re a good kisser, by the way."
"Good to know," he said with a smile.
Things were going well, you were nailing the new dances Miss Louann taught, so much so that you and Frank spoke about signing up for the intermediate class together. 
You’d be glad to keep going to Miss Louann’s, and especially to spend more time with Frank. You did hang out with some of the other people from the class on your own, but none of them seemed to understand you like he did.
During one of your days off from work, you were running errands before meeting with Frank. In the produce section of the local grocery store, you ran into Gladys Presley. You’d been avoiding the Presleys since Elvis dumped you. His parents had always been kind to you, and you knew they had nothing to do with the breakup, but it was still too close to him. 
You gave her an awkward smile, unsure how to respond when she went marching over to you. She engulfed you in a hug, kissing your cheek.
“Y/N, honey, how are you?”
“I’m good, Mrs. Presley,” you said. It was weird to call her that, early on in your and Elvis’ relationship, she said you could just call her ‘Mama’ too.
“She must really like ya,” Elvis had whispered to you, a bright smile on his face. 
Her expression fell a bit, “We miss seein’ ya around, but I understand, honey. And believe me, I raised my boy better than to do you like that. It’s that damn Colonel–”
“I know,” you assured her. “How have you been?”
“Well, worryin’ myself sick,” she sighed. “He calls but you know him. The Colonel’s got him workin’ like a dog and all the press does is say he’s some delinquent. Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t talk so much. I have missed seein’ you, Y/N. You should come by for dinner sometime.”
“I’d love to, but I started taking a Latin dance class recently. Just to do something different,” you said with a shrug. “So I’ve been busy with that most evenings now. Some of us practice at the park up the street from the apartments.”
“That’s nice, honey. I’m glad you’re doin’ good.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Presley. It was great catching up with you.”
“You too, Y/N,” she said.
You walked down to an empty aisle to silently congratulate yourself for not breaking down when she mentioned him. Considering it a win, you treated yourself to a carton of your favorite ice cream, throwing it into the cart with a smile.
Meanwhile, in a roadside motel somewhere in Alabama, your ex-boyfriend was not having as good of a time of things as you were. He thought that the regret he felt at breaking up with you would go away, like the Colonel said, but he couldn’t get you off his mind, except when he was on stage. Even then, he found himself instinctively looking at the crowd for you. 
He had fans waiting outside of his motel rooms at all hours of the night, but he felt so deeply alone, like it threatened to consume him. He often found himself dialing the first few digits of your phone number before hanging up. It was a mistake. You were the one, and he blew it. 
During his frequent phone calls with his mother, he resisted the urge to ask about you, but this time he couldn’t help it. He was going home for the first time since he broke up with you, there to stay for a few weeks while the Colonel worked out his next album and supporting tour schedule.
"How’s uh—how’s Y/N?" Elvis asked.
"Y/N? You know, I ran into them at the grocer’s just the other day, and they said they started takin’ a Latin dancing class. We don’t see much of them anymore, though, Bewbie," Gladys said.
He sat on the motel bed, bewildered. He didn’t even know you liked Latin dancing, you’d never mentioned it once while the two of you were dating.
"Bewbie, you still there?"
"Yeah, I’m here, Mama."
"Darlene across the hall, she told me that she’s seen Y/N all over town with this boy they met dancin’. Think his name is Hank? No, Frank! And she said that she sees them dancin’ most every night at the park, you know the one right up the street here."
“Every night?”
“They sure are.”
"Well, I’ll be home for the next few weeks. Maybe I could see them there.”
"Bewbie, I love you, but the way you broke that sweet thing’s heart? I thought I raised you better."
"Mama, the Colonel said—"
"I don’t give a damn what that man said! A person’s heart is not somethin’ to be toyed around with, ‘specially not one like Y/N’s," she said, before letting out a wistful sigh. "Y’all woulda given me the cutest little grandbabies."
"Mama, c’mon," Elvis groaned.
"You made your choices, now you gotta live with it," she said. 
He quickly ended the call, lying back on the motel bed as he processed what his mama said. You going out dancing, and with a new guy at that. He couldn’t just sit around at home next week knowing he had the chance to make things right. 
Of course, it was near chaos when he arrived home. He could hardly get to the front door of the apartment building, and was stuck signing autographs until his mama pulled him inside, shouting for everyone to go away. It was nice to be home, in his own bed and eating home-cooked food, but he kept looking at the clock, wondering what time you’d be likely to go to the park. 
Around 8, he told his family he was going out. His mama gave him a warning glare, which he tried his best to ignore as he left. He was glad to find the emergency exit of the building open, so he could slip away without causing another scene with the handful of fans who were still waiting outside for him. 
The park wasn’t far, only a few blocks from where he lived. The night air was cool and refreshing against his skin as he walked. 
He noticed a dozen or so people sitting around one of the empty basketball courts. An older looking couple had a portable record player with them, along with a stack of albums. From a few yards away, he could hear the sound of an upbeat salsa tune, and watched as a couple began to dance. His breath caught in his throat when his eyes landed on what he knew to be you, sitting awfully close to a man. You were focused on the dancers, whispering to the man you were sitting next to every so often.
Elvis moved through the shadows, getting closer to where the group was. He leaned against a nearby tree, hoping to remain undetected by you until he could get you alone. 
“Y/N, Frank, you go next,” a young woman called out, appearing to startle you.
“Gracie, do you just like to put me on the spot?” you joked, the rest of the group laughing and making their own comments in response.
“I don’t wanna catch you slackin’, Y/N,” Gracie said with a mischievous smile.
Elvis felt his chest tighten at the sound of your laughter. He hadn’t realized how much he missed it. 
You walked under the soft glow of the streetlamp, hand-in-hand with who he could only assume was Frank. You were nervous, he could see the tics from a mile away. Your eyes never left Frank, though. Instead, you put your hand on his shoulder, and he placed his on your waist. A few silent moments later, the song began to play out. He recognized it vaguely. Perfidia.
He was stunned at the way you moved. Confident, graceful, in tune with the music and your partner. He slunk down against the tree, guilt and jealousy washing over him. He could remember when you used to look at him the way you did Frank, like there was no one else in the world but him. 
The group clapped for you and Frank, who you hugged tightly. You looked up from the hug to see Elvis standing alone, a few feet behind the group. You blinked rapidly. It had to be a dream, there was no way he was actually there. You had no idea how he’d even know about it, until you remembered you told his mother, who told him pretty much everything.
As you and Frank moved along for the next duo to practice, Elvis walked up to you. You stiffened, squeezing Frank’s hand. Elvis felt a pit in his stomach, did you hate him that much?
“Y/N, I—how are you?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” you answered coolly. “Elvis, this is my friend Frank. Frank, this is Elvis.”
Frank stuck out his free hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah,” Elvis said, giving Frank a half-hearted handshake. “You were incredible,” he said, looking at you.
“Thank you.”
"Can I talk to you?" he asked. "Alone?"
You looked to Frank, who nodded, staying behind to watch the next couple dance. You and Elvis silently made your way to another one of the empty basketball courts, the lamp illuminating that court flickering every so often. Shifting uncomfortably, you avoided eye contact with him.
"I didn’t know you dance,” he said.
"That’s because I didn’t, not until a few weeks ago.”
“If I’d known you wanted to dance I woulda—”
"Why did you come here tonight, Elvis?" you snapped.
He scratched the back of his head. "See, I was thinkin’ maybe we could give us another chance. I miss you, Y/N. I shouldn’t have broken up with you.”
You shook your head. Weeks ago you would have jumped at the chance to get back together with him. It wouldn’t be fair to Frank to go back to Elvis so easily, not when you and Frank had been trying so hard to get over past your relationships. You wanted to so badly, though. You still loved him.
"You can’t just come back here and say that. It’s been two months, Elvis. I have something good going with Frank."
"Frank? Darlin’ you only met him a few weeks ago,” he argued in exasperation. “He don’t know you like I do."
"And whose fault is that? Elvis, you made it clear I didn’t have a place in your life anymore."
"Y/N, please, I’ll do anything to get ya back."
"Can you just leave?" you asked, getting choked up by the words you’d dreamed him saying over and over for weeks.
"No, I did that before, and it’s the stupidest mistake I ever made."
"Look, I have to go. Congrats on the new single," you said, running off of the court and back over to Frank.
"Hey, are you alright?" Frank asked, putting his arm around you.
"He said he wanted to get back together," you said, your breath shaky. "That it was the stupidest thing he ever did, breaking up with me. I wanted to just say yes, but—"
"I know," he said softly. "If Cynthia did the same thing, I think I’d go back."
You sniffled. "We’re a couple of idiots, huh?"
"Seems like it," he said. “We’d be perfect together if it weren’t for that.”
You laughed, putting your head on his shoulder as he walked you over to the group, where you said goodbye before leaving with him in his car. Elvis watched the display of affection you showed Frank, feeling jealous yet again. 
He shouldn’t have followed Frank’s car back to your place, he knew that. But seeing Frank walk you up to your front door, the two of you talking quietly for a few moments before you kissed Frank’s cheek, bidding him goodbye made Elvis feel like lava was running through his veins. It wasn’t even a real kiss, but he punched the steering wheel in frustration nonetheless.
He watched as you walked into your house, turning to wave at Frank one more time from the doorway before heading in. Frank lingered on the doorstep for a moment before going back to his car. As Frank pulled away, Elvis wondered what was so special about Frank. You’d only known him for a few weeks, but it seemed like you were close. Did he treat you right? Did he think about you all the time? Did he love you?
Elvis hadn’t realized how long he’d been sitting in his car until he glanced down at the clock on the car dashboard. Chewing his bottom lip, his eyes moved back and forth from the keys in the ignition to your darkened bedroom window. Finally, he grabbed his keys and got out of his car.
He stood on your front lawn, trying to figure out how exactly he was going to get up to your room. He’d never sneaked in through your bedroom window before, your parents had liked him enough that they let him come in any time of day. Now, he figured if he knocked on the front door, your dad would kill him. 
The lattice on the side of the house went only halfway to your room, which meant he’d have to grab a tree branch and maneuver over. He’d do it, though. You were worth the possibility of falling out of a tree and breaking his neck.
You were half asleep when you heard tapping on your bedroom window. Ignoring it as the wind, you closed your eyes—until you heard the window sliding open. You sat up, reaching for the lamp on your nightstand, ready to shout for your parents.
“Y/N? You up?” Elvis said before climbing through the open window.
“Elvis Aron Presley, get the hell out of my bedroom! What are you doing?” you whisper-yelled, throwing a pillow at him.
“Somethin’ wild and spontaneous to show my love for you?” he offered weakly. “I had to see ya, Y/N. The past two months have been miserable. I can hardly sleep because I spend so much time thinkin’ about you. Food don’t even taste the same. It’s like everything got the good taken out of it. Maybe I deserve that much, but I’d do anything for a second chance.”
“A second chance,” you repeated. “You made me feel like no one could love me, and just when I thought I could make something work with Frank, you come back here and ask me to trust you to not put me through that again.”
“Darlin’, I swear on my life I won’t.”
“How could you do that to me? Like I didn’t even matter! Like I wasn’t there where you were still that kid too afraid to sing with the lights on! And the fact that you let some stranger talk you into dumping me like I was last week’s garbage. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was? I could barely function for weeks! Then I meet someone who has the same hurt I do, and now you want me to hurt him? Who do you think you are?” you ranted, finally taking a breath.
“Tell me you love him. If you tell me you love Frank, I promise I won’t ever bother you again,” he said.
Your lip trembled. You wanted him to feel as dejected as you had, say it just for spite, but you couldn’t do it. Perhaps part of you did love Frank, but you knew you’d never be completely happy together. Not when he was just as hung up on Cynthia as you were on Elvis, no matter how hard either of you tried.
“I love you,” you whispered.
He wrapped his arms around you, crying into your shoulder. “I love you so much, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s going to be a while before I can really trust you again though.”
Lifting his head, he nodded, tears tracked down his reddened cheeks. “I’ll earn it back. I’ll make sure you can be on tour with me. I’m gonna tell the whole world you’re mine, album sales be damned.”
“Well, I’ll believe that when I see it,” you scoffed, knowing the Colonel wouldn’t allow it.
“First thing in the morning, I’m callin’ every newspaper and radio station in the city myself,” he promised. “Hell, I’ll walk right into one of those tattoo parlors on Beale Street and get your name over my heart.”
You smiled, putting a hand on his chest. “Easy, cowboy. Papers and radio are fine for now.”
He nodded. “I wish I’d known you wanted to dance,” he said, repeating his sentiment from earlier. “You looked so graceful.”
“I didn’t before,” you answered honestly, “but thank you.”
He got up from your bed, leaving you confused as he looked through your record collection. It had changed since he was last in your room. Previously blues and gospel albums outnumbered any other genre, but the Latin music was getting close.
“What are you trying to find?” you asked.
“Somethin’ good, so you can show me how to dance with you,” he said.
“You don’t know what to look for,” you said, getting up from your bed. It didn’t take you long to grab a single that you knew would be perfect. I’m in the Mood for Love. 
In whispers, you explained the steps to him, trying to remember what Miss Louann had demonstrated on the first day of class. The two of you giggled over the soft music while he tried to follow your instructions. 
“C’mon, Elvis, I know you don’t have two left feet,” you teased.
“Hard to concentrate when I got such a beautiful partner,” he said, almost bashfully. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” you said. “But you have to dip me.”
“Dip you?”
“You know, tilt me back while we’re dancing,” you explained while dropping the needle back at the beginning of the song.
“I can do that,” he said, holding out his hand for you.
He did well remembering the steps, the two of you dancing in an intense silence. At the perfect moment, the one you were thinking of, he dipped you back, his soft lips meeting yours. This time, it was magical, perfect even. You felt the butterflies in your stomach again. When you pulled away, looking into his eyes that shone with nothing less than adoration, you knew you made the right decision.
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ruhorih4ra · 9 months
Holaa! 🐏 I have finally finished editing the 8 part of this, it's quite long (compared to the others), so it probaby has more grammar mistakes since I kind of hate editing (YES I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THAT BEFORE BUT I REALLY REALLY HATE IT).
So, having said that: would you still read this Fanfic if I keep with the angst instead of moving on to the comfort were a worm?
👉🏻👈🏻 🪱
Flashbacks are written indented (this time heheh).
Also, this was not suppose to be a replaced!Au I fucking swear over all my forgotten wips, don't blame the fic, blame my writer skills JAJSJAJ so, no, Mc is not replaced. This trope is more like a ✨ misundertanding Replaced!Au ✨
Happy ending of course, I don't want to cry.
Finally, this part takes place after the little fight with Lucifer (part 6), we get to see what they did and thought.
Get out of my way 🌈
The Seven Lords of hell were hopeless, who would believe that being ageless hadn’t taught them a single damn thing about facing their emotions? It seems the safest option is to bury your feelings deep down until they come out like a grown-up angry demon.
Everyone in the house of lamentation heard your fight with Lucifer, it wouldn't be a surprise if all the shouting made its way to the castle as well.
Belphegor had remained with his face buried in the soft cow-print pillow, listening to every word with a calm he was far from feeling. When your voice broke, his fragile comfort broke too, he didn't try to lay his head again. He knew rest wouldn’t come soon.
Beelzebub was exercising, lifting weights. It wasn't unusual to hear Lucifer’s scolding, quite the opposite he dares to say. What was unfitting was hearing you scream with such anger and sadness. It brought him to a halt. As worried as he’d felt, he remained still with his arms holding the heavy weight.
While the silence filled the room and your voice faded, he felt the barbell was too much to bear, though he wasn't sure if it was the bar or the ominous silence that engulfed him.
Asmodeus absolutely hates being disturbed while painting his nails. Almost always ruins his ever perfect manicure, this time was no different. He was ready to complain to whoever was making such a fuss until he heard you. What do you mean by “forgotten about you” ? They would never do that! They love you more than their own sins! He's always pampering you with gifts and attention!
Just yesterday he had thought you would look great in the red suit he saw at the mall, he hadn't bought it tho. But what about those dramatic black shoes he saw at your favorite store! He frowned, slowly realizing he hadn't bought anything for you in quite some time. But you would never resent him for something material.
He bit his nails trying to remember the last time you both spend a full day together. Asmodeus averted his reflection in the mirror, how terrible it would be to see the truth in his own eyes.
Leviathan couldn't stop looking at the 'GAME OVER' screen in front of him. You called them a “Bunch of liars” that's not true! They love you, he loves you. You're his second player, his Henry. He looked at your empty place and wondered why you weren’t with him, why were you fighting Lucifer instead?
“My honorable Lord of Shadow, would you honor me?” You passed the controller to him, silently begging with your eyes, more than 1 hour stuck at the same level.
“Nu-uh. I must deny your request, my dear friend Henry” He said as he easily dodged an empty bottle of water. “Help me pass the level, you ass.” “I can't. This is for your own good.” But you didn’t miss the hint of doubt in his eyes.
“Pleaseee??” Leviathan tried, he really did. It's not his fault but muscle memory doing its job. “Thank you, Levi. You're the best!”
How did he even manage to win the game in less than 5 minutes?! Why are you laying your head on his shoulder?! He's going to collapse at any moment now.
“You'll always help me, right? With you, I'll never lose any game.”
He blushed just remembering. Still, your words echoed in his mind “Bunch of liars.” and the big and awful words remained on T.V.
Will you give him another life? A second chance to win you over? Did he just lose in the stupidest way ever?
Satan arrived at HoL, accompanied by Sc. He couldn't shake the pain that had settled inside him back in the library. “I feel so abandoned.” He's surprised by his own stupidity.
How could he have treated you like that? Invalidating your feelings, it was more than simply jealousy, much more than that. You felt lonely, excluded, abandoned.
“Shut up, Satan.” “You need to rest, you are human.” You pretended to ignore him as you continued reading. “Really? I hadn't noticed. I thought I was an angel.” He chuckled and took the book from your hands.
“You are. My one and only guardian angel.” “Demons don't have guardian angels. Give me back my book.” You were tired but Satan's words were engraved on your heart. He had told you how lonely he had been feeling lately. “SHH.”
He big spoon you. Your head resting on his chest. He started reading for you. “Thanks for being here, Mc.” You shook your head, already halfway into dreamland.
“No, Satan. Thanks for letting me be here.”
“They were reading... 'How to get ride of annoying demons' heh, they want to get rid of us.” The mere thought of letting you go hurt him to the core, steals all his wrath and morphed it into pain. “Satan, don't worry. I'm sure everything's going to be alright.”
“I’d read them the instructions for getting rid of our pacts if they just let me hold them close again.” He ran a hand through his hair for the thousandth time.
“Forget it, I would read them every torture method they could use on us. Every curse, each damned echantation to hurt us.” His breathing became erratic as he fought the urge of tearing off his own hair.
“Calm down, Satan! Breathe!” Sc was nervous, she was unaware of how much of your time together she had taken. Now, she felt helpless watching the mess she had unintentionally done.
“What if they decide to leave us?! No, what if they decide to leave me?!” Satan didn’t notice his state, his demon form out. His eyes gleamed dangerously and his fangs showing.
“They won't! We'll talk, this is just a big misunderstanding, okay?” The black-haired lady was honestly terrified, how you manage to calm down seven demons was beyond her comprehension.
She was begging whoever could listen to her, that you would find in yourself the kindness to forgive these idiot demons who know nothing of emotions.
While Sc was outside, confronting a panicked Satan, Mammon was still glued to the same spot where you’d left him. As if your previous order had been for him rather than for Lucifer.
He could barely remember your words, the only thing that occupied his mind was your pained face. Your eyebrows arched to show sorrow, your eyes filled with tears. The way your mouth twisted into a broken smile as you fought back tears.
The saddest smile he had ever seen on you. But the worst of all was the shock, the shock in your eyes.
From his perspective, you looked surprised and frightened in equal measure. Did you realized something? “Mammon, it's okay, alright? Stop crying.” He narrowed his eyes, he saw Lucifer’s worried face apparently calling him but instead of his voice he heard yours.
“They don't mean it, they love you. I love you.” You held his head in your hands, giving him pecks first on his forehead and then all over his face.
“Please, say something.” Mammon had gone quiet after a slightly more violent than usual fight with his brothers, he had run to his room followed by you. His face was blank and you knew that was a bad sign.
“A scumbag and an idiot who can't do shit. A shitty big brother.” He repeated the words and you felt a lump in your throat. “That's stupid. You're none of those things” You wiped the single tear that had slipped down Mammon's cheek.
“You're so smart, very handsome.” You caressed his hair while continuing to praise him. “You are my first! The one who helped me more than anyone.”
“Lucifer saved your life. I couldn't do it, not that time or any other time.” Now his face was an actual waterfall of tears. “You saved me first. I wouldn't have survived the Devildom without a friend. You were the first to offer me your friendship. You're the Great Mammon, remember?”
Because of his tears he saw you with blurry eyes, and for a moment he was speechless. Your eyes were mesmerizing, as if someone had taken a ray of celestial light and shoved it inside them.
The words escaped without him being able to stop them. “You're gorgeous.” You blushed as soon as you heard him and quickly averted his eyes as a small smile appeared on your face. “I said that out loud? No way! It's not true! Y-you heard me wrong! I said that YOU ARE GORGEOUS! wait no-” You roar with laughter like a half-dead seal, but in Mammon’s ears it sounded heavenly and soon he joined.
“I wouldn't trade you for anything, Mammon.”
“I wouldn't trade them for anything, I wouldn't.” Mammon was crying in Lucifer's arms, clinging to him like a lost child. “I swear, Lucifer. Please do something.”
Lucifer felt useless, a complete fool. Why did he ask you such a stupid question? Was it born out of worry and anxiety? You were right, anything could have happen to you.
That's exactly what he fears the most, something or somebody hurt you and he hadn't been there to protect you. He was watching a movie instead, even when he saw you leave he hadn't tried to stop you, why?
He would have preferred you to throw a tantrum, fake everything, whatever to avoid admitting how he had failed you. How he had failed you again.
You were absolutely right, he is arrogant and stupid.
“Don't cry, Mammon. We will talk with them, they'll understand.” Mammon separated from Lucifer’s embrace, shaking his head. “They don't trust us anymore.” Lucifer remembered how you had closed your eyes when he was trying to caress you. The sudden fear in your eyes, the trembling of your legs.
He would never hurt you. Except that he has hurt you plenty of times before. Maybe his father was right all along, he wasn't meant to care and protect, only to kill and destroy.
“Who’s a good demon, hm? Who is it? You! You are a good demon!!” You pat Lucifer's head, smiling so much it almost hurts.
He'd only shared a bottle of wine that he had bought in the human world a long time ago. Who would have thought that you would end up like this? Happily giggling like a toddler.
Lucifer was ashamed and, much to his surprise, amused. “You're bolder than usual, my love.” You sat on his lap and cupped his face, he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.
“My morning star, so good, what a good demon you are.” His eyes shone when he met yours, he recognized pure love through your gaze, deep and sincere. “I'm not a good demon, Mc. There are not good demons.”
He felt your forehead on his.
“I'm looking at one right now.” He smiled and thought to himself. “If they think so, maybe I can try.”
He's going to try. Lucifer swallowed, his throat still sore. “We'll try, we'll do better.”
Part. 9 ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Thank youuu so much for reading!(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)♡♡
Taglist: @yuumaofc @kodasstar @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @dearangels
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Crewel x Teacher reader where the reader gets him jealous ? Fluff plz
Crewel my beloved. Also, since you didn't give me any traits for Reader, I kinda made her into Morticia because I love that woman
Bad pup (Crewel)
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
— V⁠●⁠ᴥ⁠●⁠V
When his wife told Divus she was going to transfer to NRC, he had no idea what to feel
On one hand, being able to see her for longer than a few hours a day made his heart sing. He misses her and their pups so dearly, specially after a busy day dealing with the badly behaved pups Crowley dropped on his lap
On the other hand... His sweet wife being subjected to the rowdiness of those... Those delinquents!
And sure, he knows that (Y/N) is an incredible people tamer, but still. He'd rather not see her stuck with someone like Trappola.
Still, he was very supportive, and when time came, he prepared her classroom himself, to make sure every corner would please her
And promptly disciplined any student who called it terrible to his face (though he's sure his lover would've chuckled and accepted the compliment)
So the big day comes, and Divus holds his breath when she steps out of the mirror, just as beautiful as the day they met, with her long black dress pooling around her like magic itself
"You look absolutely breathtaking, love, like a boa constrictor"
"Oh, Divus, you charmer"
— V⁠●⁠ᴥ⁠●⁠V
He expected the students to avoid his wife the first few days. (Y/N) is a lovely woman, but even Divus, the man who swore by the ring on his finger to forever love her, knows that she is not... Conventional.
Her fascination with the macabre and the morbid made it hard for people to see the angel behind the black dress and white fur coat (a gift from Divus' mom, who might love her daughter in law just as much as her son).
But it has never stopped her from befriending and charming people with her kindness and humor.
Much to his chagrin.
Because not all students are hesitant.
And Lilia Vanrouge has never been known for being easily disturbed. Neither is Rook Hunt.
So when Divus invites himself to her classroom, wondering why she's late to their daily lunch date, he really shouldn't be surprised at the view of both students mentioned animatedly talking with her. But he is, because they're not just talking, they hogging all her attention and basking in it like it's their right to spend lunchtime with her.
And his sweet wife, forever a delight, is more than happy to pet their heads and coo at them, telling them they are so adorable she could gobble them up with some wine and a salad. Maybe some potatoes as a side dish.
"Oh, Divus!" She greets him with a gentle smile in her black covered lips. "Apologies for the delay, my dear. These puppies had some questions, and soon enough we were talking about what type of hair would be good to sew a headless doll."
The mischievous looks he receives from his students tell him they're not at all sorry for holding his wife back. Oh, he's going to make their next assignment hell, particularly Lilia's, since he definitely was the one who started this.
"Now, now, Divus, my dear, there's no need to be jealous of the pups."
"Beloved, I am not jealous."
(Y/N) giggles, stepping away from the students to hug him. His arms answer to her affection immediately, caging her against his chest while he glares at the two mutts. They dare smile at him, the delinquents.
He'll need to keep an eye on them, lest they decide to take too much of your time and attention.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
I always love how heros only kill if there really is no other options. Even then, their deeply disturbed or torn up about it. Killing is easy. But seeing a criminal as a person at the end of the day is much harder. It takes an unfathomable amount of strength to keep this going. It won't always work and it's not easy. But there's a difference between right and easy.
Oh me too!!
Anon you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this over the past five years and come to the same conclusion every time.
There are two reasons why I like that heroes only kill as an extreme necessity.
The first is what you said. It's extremely difficult to be able to control yourself in the face of repulsiveness. Some I do believe are irredeemable but many characters are not worth killing. Because there's a lot that goes into killing. It's not just about moral ethics for me, it's also about how that impacts society. I don't know if you've seen the show "The Boys", but it's about heroes who kill. Originally they kill criminals but at some point their anger and frustration bleeds over and they start killing innocents. The repercussions on society were massive. There was a significant loss of trust and hatred and fear going on. Ordinary people like the main character and the rebel side were dragged into a world and fighting that perpetuated fear and bloodshed until everything became irreversible. It's a terrifying world I would absolutely not want to live in. In the previously posted comic Batman says:
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He's not saying this lightly. In a world where killing criminals is done and seen as common place by the people, what's stopping the people from following their hero's actions? Nothing is ever contained on the internet and nothing is ever done in moderation. It's like watching your favorite superhero blast a bad guy's head off on TV and turning around to seeing your mom blast your dad's head off with a gun over an argument about going to the movies. The violence is commonplace, after all. It takes an incredible amount of willpower, far more than anyone gives credit for, to look at someone who hurt you and walk away.
The canon version of this argument and why Bruce should never kill the Joker is proved in the comic, "The Batman Who Laughs." I was terrified for Damian when he encountered that universe.
The second reason I love the no-killing rule- and it's a little more twisted- is because I love self-control.
Not just as a person who tries to practice it in their life but there’s just something so exciting about a character who fights with control.
Having someone run free is super fun to read but having someone who never breaks the line, edge so dangerously close to it, but never kill? Oh the feeling is delicious. You're left pondering-what is it? What will it take? What will cause you to break?
Ironic. I know. But you can't tell me you were never curious about their limits.
Aside from that excitement, I love how the villains are reusable. They may be your worst enemy on a tuesday but on a thursday they're dragging your broken body out of a ditch to go fight the bad guy who got on their nerves.
It's like the idiom- better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Sometimes, no matter how horrible their actions were in the past, they're keeping a larger threat at bay. For example Blockbuster and Heartless. Bane, William Cobb, Lex Luthor, Freeze, Black Manta, and Sinestro in Forever Evil. The Riddler. And when Bruce was dead/lost in time the Joker was straight up like "damn bro I'm so sad I think I'm gonna turn good" which actually sort of saved all of Gotham from that bat cult that nearly killed them. Sort of. He bailed halfway but props to him for the first half.
Also the villains in the comics are terrible people but they're good characters. Like these characters are so well-developed. You'll hate them but you'll never fully hate them because they're funny and mean and deep down, you'll never admit it but they have a small teeny, tiny point.
A couple of my favorite villain scenes:
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The Riddler (Batman #699)
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Joker (Batman and Robin #22)
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Victor Zsaz in his undies swearing revenge on another villain. Damian and Dick in the photo
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Dick bashing up Slade in Damian's body
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Damian, Harvey, and Dick
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