#I love this sculpture so so so much I dont even know how to explain it
deoidesign · 1 month
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drawing my favorite sculpture but it's my guy
(Barberini Faun)
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frecklenog · 6 months
finally watching house of wax 1953 ,, thots under tha cut
the subtitles dont work o no :(
“that should be they now” pronoun user ..
soo curios whether these r real wax sculptures.. some of them are. obvious. but others i straight up expect to move. the craftsmanship is incredible
HI JOANIE !!!!!!!!
also curious about the clothes. are they real cloth or are there sculpted parts too. is it just a full body underneath or is it just the skin that’s visible. tho admittedly i don’t know much abt wax sculptures despite having the ‘05 movie as a longstanding hyperfixation 🥴
oh okay he just turned booth’s head. so that’s probably not connected to like. more wax skin.
if jared is the one doing the killing i support him. jared did nothing wrong this mf is setting his art on fire for insurance fraud. he should murder
marie :(
ok the burning clothes r answering my questions LMAO
jared you fucking suck at fighting. knock it off w the water bucket and KILL THIS FOOL
ono. explodegeon.
“had i been there i might have saved him” kys you fuck
“they always want a corpse :)” i love this strange woman
ohhhh all these mary poppins ass dresses J’ADORE
i hope jared is waiting in this fucker’s house with a club
he’s got a little bit of a “freddy kreuger cosplaying nosferatu” thing goin on. tbh
someone get this man a cane or smth. my god. SOMETHING
“yes. but he hung himself instead 🥰” SHE IS SO BIZZARE
“you got all the brains and all i got is the boobs!”
her laugh is. a little much. cute here and there but with the amount she does it it gets grating. but it’s very much of the time ain’t it. cinderella and snow white and alice in wonderland ass giggle
oh hey jared i almost forgot this was house of wax
SUE ???????
i mean tbf. what on EARTH is jared doing here. but maybe he would explain if he could get some dialogue
not that i don’t love silly chase scenes. i just wanna know Why yfeel
jared please leave sue alone
oh weaponshoes. punch shoes.
ok i was here for killing matt or whatever his name was but cathy didn’t deserve that :/// cmon jared
dont call dead women “honey” like that that’s weird.
someone sit up again that was funny
he is just scrimbling around……..
boy what on earth are you doing
is he going to defenestrate her bo- HE IS OH MY GODDDD
who is helping him. what
“no human being can look like that” you wouldn’t say that about a scarred vet you chunk of shit i oughta kick you in the both of your balls
who is this very attractive man in the apron……….
JARED OH MY GOD. HI JARED !!!!!!!! how.
igor is so pretty and so fucking talented. would. in a heartbeat i would.
jared’s wheelchair fucking rules. vincent should’ve used a wheelchair i think.
i wonder if this is really how any of this process goes. it makes more sense than vinnie’s godawful shower
daaamn this movie has an intermission. not even an hour in
the 3d nonsense is so funny omg
oh millie :(
just a dead ass body on display lmao get fucked matt
the chamber of what.
jared this is why we don’t just put wax on human bodies. you get found out by the friends of the deceased. also the rotting
jared please dont kill sue i like sue. i liked cathy :((
jared seems like a chill dude. aside from the.
waves my hand vaguely. You Know
something is deeply wrong w the paddleball man. sir this is post-hayes code why do you have balls in your mouth
honestly tho WHAT is the explanation for his face. please. pl
“you never saw a show like this in provincetown” MASSACHUSETTS MENTIONED 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞 (there r no chickadee/elm/mass flag emojis)
PTOWN ALSO MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
girl put your ass away i’m here to watch vincent price be Odd and Peculiar
“cathy had the habit of wearing an earring in her right ear. she had the lobe of her right ear only pierced for that” cathy was out there in 1953 using flags for gay men to spot each other not established for another two decades
sometimes i watch dancers in old movies like this and i try to spot my grandma maggiepat. that’s not really related to the movie but i do wonder. i know she was in the red shoes…
“why should joan of arc have her right ear pierced?” “why not? they wore them then.” “two, not one.” WHY DID CATHY ONLY WEAR ONE THEN !!!!!! someone who knows about 50s culture help me
ohh his name is henry jared. whatever.
the long highwaisted skirts….. :)) 🕯️
sue. sue get down from there
igor is SOOO HANDSOME god okay i’ll be normal sorry 😔
jared. no. bad. knock that off. spraying him with a squirt bottle
god he’s INCREDIBLY charming tho. mad props to mr price
oh my god LEON..
sue should Not be in here alone at night. girl this is a horror movie and you are TRESPASSING
oh hello skeleton
unidentified fucking thing just drifting creepily around the room 🆗🆒
hiiii mr price
ok jared can walk like. fine. who ACTUALLY fucking killed cathy whose physicality was that
why was leon convinced by that guy pouring liquor djgsjdbs
idc what happens i could fix igor. me and him and vincent sinclair. fuck timelines
i’d let igor do this to me. who said that.
girl what is scratching the wax gonna do. be serious
why are you using the pointy end of that thing to bust thru this door. surely there are more effective ways to go about this
goodbye pig
“every time i shave i can still feel that guillotine blade” it never made contact with you. or you would be dead. dont try to be funny
why did shane sneeze.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hello there! I saw your sayaka profile pic and my heart did a tiny tippy tap! And THEN i saw your shinobu cover photo and I SCREAMED. We stan a multifandom queen! Anyway, I saw your requests were open. I hope you dont mind me requesting for a oneshot (with a future part 2 if some people are willing and depends on demand too but i am happy with whatever) for shinobu x female reader in which the reader may be a hashira trying to capture shinobu's attention (which the reader already has but is oblivious as hell to it) and the reader makes attempts to make shinobu fall for her like giving her flowers and makes romantic advances (shinobu is already is but is trying to tone it down or else her heart will burst) but then one day the reader is sent on a mission and had to leave in haste but ofc she sent a proper goodbye to shinobu before leaving. Then it takes atleast a week or more before the readwr actually returns and is injured, shinobu then sees the reader and is heartbroken and does everything in her might to save the reader at which at one point we see shinobu breaks her cold and fake smile facade and she starts crying since she almost lost the reader. The reader then says "so you DO like me!" And shinobu just goes like "ofc i do i already fucking love you" or something😭 THIS WAS TOO LONG I AM SO SORRY i just noticed a tiny lack of shinobu oneshots sksksksksksk
You Do Like Me!
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Yayyy tippy taps😊! Hope this is alright. Gets a little angsty when Reader comes back injured, but everything turns out alright. Word Count: 2,708
“Good afternoon, Shinobu. You’re looking as lovely as ever.” (Y/n) complimented her fellow Hashira as she sat beside her. In the distance behind Shinobu, she could see Mitsuri giving her a double thumbs up and Obanai watched her with one brow raised. So far so good.
An amused hum left Shinobu’s lips and she gave (Y/n) a coy side glance.
“You flatter me, (Y/n). How was your last mission? I feel as though I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“It went well! I, um, I met this old woman selling her wares on the side of the road. Turns out her husband blows glass and he makes really beautiful glass trinkets,” she dug into her breast pocket and pulled out a little velvet bag, presenting it to Shinobu, “I saw this one, and it reminded me of you, so I got it for you!”
Shinobu took the bag as if it was package of significant importance, which to her, of course it was. Anything that came from (Y/n) was like a blessing from a goddess in her book. It was becoming even more difficult for her not to blush at even the slightest touch. Knowing that (Y/n)’s attention was almost always reserved for her made her feel like she had her own personal sun.
She opened the drawstring and emptied the bag’s contents into her open palm. An intricately crafted sculpture of smooth, colorful glass about as tall as her index finger rolled across her skin. It appeared to be a bonsai tree with a couple butterflies resting upon it. It was very sweet.
“I thought it might look nice on your desk or a shelf or something. It you put it where the sun can touch it, the colors are supposed to reflect off of nearby surfaces.” (Y/n) explained. Shinobu was glad her fellow Hashira had something to talk about because she was having difficulty finding words of her own.
“…It’s a very sweet gift, (Y/n). Thank you very much. I will be sure to put it somewhere that I may see it every day and think of you.” Shinobu was proud of how she managed to keep her voice even, and even prouder of how her words seemed to fluster (Y/n) and make her teeter on her knees.
“I’m glad you like it!” (Y/n) stuttered, her heart threatening to leap out of her throat. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her, so she faced front to where the Master was sure to appear soon and distractedly ran her fingers through the pebbles that littered the ground.
Shinobu watched her and sighed inwardly. She often caught herself wondering when the romantic gestures, gifts and sweet compliments would come with something more. She knew (Y/n) had feelings for her, as she was constantly vying for her attention. It just so happened (Y/n) did have her attention and had won it some time ago, yet she still hadn’t attempted to go further. It was starting to make Shinobu a little crazy. She would take matters into her own hands, but she knew she had a tendency to be a little intense. She didn’t want to come off too strong. So, she waited for (Y/n) to take that next step. Hopefully, it would be sooner rather than later. Surely (Y/n) must know her feelings were reciprocated, right?
The Master’s eldest daughters came out to announce their father’s arrival and then it was back to business. She quickly popped the glass sculpture back in its bag and slipped it into her breast pocket. Then she bowed beside (Y/n), making sure their shoulders gazed. She felt (Y/n) stiffen before relaxing once more and smiled at the pebbles beneath her as Gyomei greeted the Master.
“Hello my children,” Ubuyashiki greeted them warmly, “it does my heart good to have all of you here in good health. Let’s begin so you may go to your homes to rest. Who would like to share the results of their mission first?”
Each Hashira shared their findings, disappointed to say they had no definitive leads pointing to Kibutsuji. However, there were whispering of a hideout somewhere near the coast of Mount Fuji. To investigate those claims, Ubuyashiki asked (Y/n) and Giyuu to travel there for reconnaissance. The mission was only to take a survey of the land, but it still made Shinobu worry. She wished Oyakata-sama would have considered her for the mission so she could keep an eye on (Y/n).
When the meeting concluded, no one seemed interested in hanging around to catch up, as they were all exhausted and wanted to go home before they were called to their next missions.
“(L/n)-san, our mission…”
“I’ll catch up in a minute, Tomioka-san. Go ahead.”
Shinobu did her best to calm her heart as (Y/n) jogged to catch up to her. She met her efforts with a smile.
“Hey.” (Y/n) matched Shinobu’s smile and walked along side her with a bit of a skip in her step.
“Hey.” Shinobu parroted with a teasing lilt, brushing her shoulder against (Y/n)’s arm.
“So you know I’ve got a mission to get to. I just wanted to say goodbye real quick before I head out on the road.”
“No goodbyes.” Shinobu admonished gently, poking (Y/n) in her side and making her squirm. “Only be back soons or see you laters. You won’t keep me waiting long, will you?”
“No! Never! I mean, it shouldn’t take to long, just a little light digging. I’ll be back to bothering you before you know it!”
Shinobu chuckled and stopped walking, causing (Y/n) to come to a halt as well. Feeling especially bold in that moment, she cupped (Y/n)’s jaw and grazed her fingers over the rapidly heating skin.
“You never bother me. I’ll be eagerly awaiting your return.” She promised.
Shinobu had no trouble melting into the hug she suddenly found herself in. Her arms moved of their own accord, wrapping around (Y/n)’s neck. It was nice, she didn’t want to let go. Unfortunately, (Y/n) pulled back not even a minute later.
“I’ll be back soon then.” (Y/n) nodded, taking a couple steps back to put some semblance of personal space between them.
“See you later.” Shinobu nodded in return. “Be safe.”
“I will!” (Y/n) threw a backwards wave Shinobu’s way as she ran off to catch up with Giyuu.
Shinobu watched her go until she could not see her anymore and then continued her trek home. Feeling the weight of the glass sculpture against her chest, she hoped (Y/n) would be able to come home soon.
It had almost been two weeks since (Y/n) and Giyuu were sent off on their reconnaissance mission and Shinobu was beyond upset. She would never let it show on her face, but she was in agony as every new day came with no news. Without anything she could do about the situation, she spent more time working to distract from the rage building within her.
She sat in her office, organizing prescriptions and charts all night until dawn began to paint the edges of the sky. She paused her writing, noting the shimmery green color reflecting upon the back of her hand. She put down her brush so she could pick up the little glass bonsai tree and stare at it longingly. She wrapped her fist around it, before resting it against her lips. Her eyes closed for the first time in over twenty-four hours. However, they quickly snapped open again when Aoi burst through her office door.
“Shinobu-sama, (Y/n)-sama is in critical condition. Tomioka-sama just brought her in, come quickly—!” Aoi had blinked and Shinobu was gone as if she hadn’t been in the room at all. She had no time to waste, she closed the office door once more and ran back in the direction of the hospital ward to assist her Master in anyway that she could.
Shinobu had sprung to action as soon as she heard (Y/n) was in critical condition. She had to try extra hard to keep her total concentration breathing in check, she had to stay calm, she had to stay calm. Only immature people can’t control their emotions, only immature people—
So much blood.
Shinobu paled. Forget total concentration, it was taking everything in her just to remember how to breathe.
Tomioka stood above (Y/n), pressing down on a particularly deep wound on her abdomen while Kakushi circled around gathering the necessary supplies. His sleeves and chest were covered in blood, but Shinobu could judge based on his current position that none of it was his own.
“What happened?” Shinobu asked harshly, her breathing noticeably heavy as she tried to keep herself from breaking.
Giyuu kept his hands firmly in place, but turned to look at Shinobu over his shoulder with a subtle look of sorrow and sympathy that only Shinobu would notice.
“The lead was a set up. No Kibutsuji, no hideout, but there was a Lower Moon. We got split up.”
“What kind of excuse—!” Shinobu bit her tongue. She couldn’t blame Giyuu for this. If she knew him as well as she thought she did, he was already beating himself up. “I’m sorry, just get out. I have her now. Rest, you’ve done everything you could.”
Giyuu’s hands were replaced with Shinobu’s. Her breathing stuttered as blood covered her palms. She had been in similar situations countless times, but she refused to relive it again with (Y/n) being the one beneath her.
“(Y/n)? Wake up. Can you hear me? Wake up!” She commanded.
Those kind eyes she loved remained closed no matter how hard she yelled. The Kakushi moved around her doing their jobs as best they could though they were frightened by the fury in Shinobu’s eyes, the tears that could no longer be held behind the Hashira’s seemingly impenetrable wall. Though they would never admit it, she was becoming more of a liability than an asset at this point.
“Shinobu-sama!” Aoi scolded, taking a tight hold of one of Shinobu’s bloodied wrists. She knew her Master was hurting, they all were, but she couldn’t let her carry on like this. “You can’t help her like this, pull yourself together or get out so we can do our job!” She knew she was being cruel, but it was just what Shinobu needed to hear.
“Forgive me, Aoi.” She murmured, “You’re right.” She looked down at (Y/n)’s pained face and chastised herself internally. She wasn’t going to save (Y/n) by crying over her. She took a deep breath through her nose and began taking stock of the operating room. “Prepare several bags of O negative blood for transfusions.”
“Already ahead of you.” Aoi nodded, determined.
They worked throughout the day and sometime when the moon was back high in the sky, they were able to stabilize (Y/n) and move her into an intensive care room. Shinobu stopped by Giyuu, who was being treated for minor injuries in the infirmary, to force herself to apologize to him and let him know that (Y/n) was pulling through.
Then, she went back to (Y/n)’s room and sat on the edge of her bed, clasping one of her hands between her own. She watched (Y/n)’s chest rise and fall attentively, making sure each breath was strong and unobstructed. With a shaky breath of her own, she rose (Y/n)’s hand to her lips and kissed it before resting it against her forehead and closing her eyes. She was so tired, but she sure as hell wasn’t leaving (Y/n)’s side for another moment.
She removed her hair clip and anything else on her person that would bring discomfort before sliding under the sheets beside (Y/n). She kept (Y/n)’s wrist secured in her grasp so she could feel the slow beat of her pulse. Shinobu exhaled against (Y/n)’s fingers in hopes of warming her up. Her skin was still cool to the touch after losing so much blood. If not for the injuries (Y/n) had sustained, Shinobu would have cuddled closer. She settled herself as close to (Y/n) as she dared, and fell asleep counting the beats of (Y/n)’s pulse.
Over the next couple days, Shinobu couldn’t be pulled away from (Y/n) for more than an hour a day. She felt childish and selfish, but at the same time she believed she earned the right to be a little selfish. She was done playing around. When (Y/n) finally woke up, Shinobu was going to tell her in no uncertain terms that she loved her and then lovingly beat the shit out of her for scaring her so badly.
She had just returned from a light meal and a soak at the bathhouse as per Aoi’s insistent nagging, and sat on the edge of (Y/n)’s bed feeling admittedly refreshed, yet tired after soaking in the steamy water.
She took (Y/n)’s hand as was routine and checked her pulse, smiling tenderly. The beat was getting stronger all the time. She pressed a kiss to (Y/n)’s open palm and then snuggled in beneath the covers as was common for her these days. She closed her eyes and hummed a small sound of satisfaction for the warmth that had been absent for the first several hours after (Y/n)’s surgery.
She had developed a habit of counting (Y/n)’s bpm so she began to hone in on the thrumming of (Y/n)’s pulse and her forehead wrinkled the slightest bit.
When did her pulse get so fast?
Worried, Shinobu sat up and hovered over (Y/n), checking her temperature, her bandages, until she finally perceived the unbelieving, yet mirthful eyes watching her work.
“You do like me.” (Y/n) would have loved to put more energy into her delivery, but her throat felt sore. There was also the possibility that this was a drug induced dream or Giyuu hadn’t been able to get her back in time and she was dead.
Shinobu’s mouth opened and closed for a few beats like a fish before she took (Y/n)’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply.
Oh, she was certainly dead. This was too good to be true.
Shinobu broke away and after a few short gasps of air she gave (Y/n) the most furious look she had ever seen on the other girl.
“Of course I like you, I fucking love you, (Y/n)! I have for a long time!” She said, not quite yelling, but it certainly wasn’t her regular tone either.
“You, you do?” (Y/n) was feeling light headed. Between her injuries, the kiss and the confession, she was feeling a bit overwhelmed.
“Yes! Really, I can’t believe you could be so oblivious. All of your attempts to capture my attention, yet you somehow couldn’t tell that you already had it?”
“I, I guess not. Why didn’t you say anything?” Shinobu was still brushing noses with her and she was amazed she could even speak at all with Shinobu’s intense stare swallowing her up.
“I was hoping you would, but you had your chance. Do you have any idea how badly you scared me? You almost broke my heart!”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
Shinobu heard the tremor in (Y/n)’s voice and knew immediately that she had to ease up. She was upset, but that gave her no right to cause (Y/n) any distress. She didn’t want to do that to begin with. She stroked (Y/n)’s cheeks with her thumbs.
“I know you didn’t. I’m sorry for yelling.”
Cautiously, (Y/n)’s hands reached up to caress Shinobu’s biceps and shoulders. When Shinobu relaxed, (Y/n) flashed a weak smile.
“I worried you, I’m sorry too.”
“It’s alright sweet girl. It’s not your fault,” Shinobu kissed (Y/n)’s nose and shifted to lay back down beside her, “It is exhausting to worry for so long though.”
“Are you falling asleep?”
“Probably, is it alright that I stay here?”
“I would be sad if you didn’t.”
Shinobu chuckled and her eyes slipped shut. She fell into a relaxed level of sleep that she hadn’t encountered in weeks. (Y/n) didn’t take long to follow suit, still exhausted from her battle and the surgeries she had undergone.
When Aoi came into the room to help Shinobu change (Y/n)’s bandages she found them both in peaceful slumber with peaceful smiles upon their lips.
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impaladolan · 3 years
What if y/n tried to sneak out again and ends up opening a door and it’s literally a conference room and grays ins sitting head of the table and it’s filled w mafia men lmaooo and she’s just like oh sorry was looking for the bathroom which is an obvious lie cos girl has one in her room and she runs away and one of them catch her and take back to grays I mean does he punish her in front of the men girl that’s up to you but even if he doesn’t I feel like it’s like a lowkey funny concept like poor girl she just tryna escape hahaha
Anonymous said
i think it would be fun if y/n just constantly winds up him now in hopes he will get sick of her antics and just tell her everything hehe like maybe one day she steals his rolex, smashes all the plates lmaoo idk now that i type that out i feel like he won’t care and just spank her ass every time (which i highly doubt she’s gonna complain about lol)
Capture - Grayson Dolan [7/-]
summary: y/n has always been a curious women, but when she stumbles upon something she’s not supposed to.. things become too much to handle...
warnings: swearing & humiliation/degradation..
a/n: do y’all want to do tags @?? and also, thank you sweet anons for the prompts! love you all 💕
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The events to which had pertained early this morning continuously played on a loop in your head. Rerun after rerun, and you never ran out of film. It really made you question your decision-making skills, or rather any of the skills and manners you have acquired in your short time of living. You couldn't help the "imbalance of homeostasis" moreover your impulsive, fluctuant feelings that would come over you like a rushing water at times. It really made everything a bit more difficult to understand. In shorter terms;
What the hell even happened?
You couldn't deny or even feel guilty for the wrongdoings of this morning, but nor could you exactly excuse them. Yes, it was a heat of the moment type of thing and you really should have expected him to come barging in like that, but it still had taken you off guard. Although, when you think back to what happened, you don't regret it.
You miss it.
You miss the way it felt, to be sat atop of him and needing for his scared touch. He was like a drug. An addictive, life sucking drug that wouldn't wash away from your mind. He was all you could think about.
He is all you can think about.
The wanting demand to know his name, the request to see his godawful handsome face, the aching of his touch. Everything about him was mysterious and daunting. He drew you in, like a magnet against steel. The burning desire you have for him doesn't make sense.
How could you be in love with someone you barely know? Someone who had taken you away from everything you've ever known. A man that knows the ins and outs of you, yet you couldn't even recognize his name?
It feels like a game. A stupid, twisted fucking game that you're bound to lose to.
Sighing to your intrusive thoughts, you blow a wavering piece of hair from your face. You were stuffed under the lengthy duvet and your eyes were directed at the spinning ceiling fan above. The industrial, artificial wind-making machine upwards reminded you of a similar one placed in your room at home. Of course, this one didn't have a squeak but it still made the pit of your stomach drop in an agony-filled remembrance of home. It feels like forever ago when you used to run every morning. The feel of the harsh wind against your cheeks and the subtle pumping of your heart was washed away with the same old gray walls that you were enclosed by every single waking moment.
The sudden thought of just that sparked energy within you.
You were pretty exhausted from prior events and you thought you’d be able to get a nap or two in. But your overthinking and legitimate thoughts clouded your head and you just couldn’t find a way to sleep properly. Although now, you were ready to explore.
Well, explore the kitchen.
The mere thought of a tall glass of iced water sounds satisfactory. Especially for your often dry throat. So, you hassled out of the flooding white covers and marched straight to the door, pulling down the only thing that covers you; a large white t-shirt— presumably his. The urge to soothe the parchedness that swirled within you only strengthened as you trekked past the door and into the ominous hallway. You werent for sure if he was home or not, but at this point it really didn't matter. You were thirsty and you were gonna do something about it, one way or another.
You retraced your steps from only a few days beforehand, when you had tried to escape, which had ended in complete failure. Thinking back to it, it surprises you that he actually knew you were in the walk-in pantry the entire time.
It seems like he knows just about everything.
Like you remembered, the hall opened up into a large, modern looking kitchen that could possibly sustain an expensive restaurant if it really had to. Before you could pause in absolute awe by just gaping at it, you get straight to work in finding a glass. You swung open most of the cabinet doors, opening to mainly spice racks and pots/pans that looked pricier than your own vehicle. You finally found something that could fit the desired contents and you went straight for the fridge. Just as quickly, you dip your cup in the little boxed formation and listen to the ice cubes soothingly fall. You didn't even worry about the deafening bangs of the cubes as they fell from the dispenser, or the crackling or the cool water slipping down and around their entirety.
God, it looks like heaven.
You bring the cylindrical shape up to your lips and let the freezing water slip down your tongue and throughout your body. It cured any and everything that seemed to be wrong, at least for the moment. You dont stop your drinking until the water is fully ingested and the ice begins to burn the tip of your nose. You place the glass carefully on the counter and deeply inhale, shutting your eyes for a brief moment to think.
You’re tired of staying in that room all damn day, and you need a change of scenery. You know there’s got to be way more in this house than just the couple rooms you’ve ventured in, and what’s the worst that could happen?
Aww, he spanks your ass again?
Like that would solve anything anyway. He should know by now that it affects you differently. He seems to know everything else about you. It’s actually really frustrating. For him to know all the details and you’re left in the weird gray area that’s clueless and dumb. It makes you so aggravated and angered, and you wanted to oh so bad, put your foot down in some way.
So, that’s what you’ll do.
A devilish grin comes across your face as you leave the kitchen, waltzing into the dining area with scouring eyes. What could you possibly do to make the “almighty capturer” upset? The first thing to come across your head was unorganization.
He seems like a perfectionist, someone who likes everything put in their exact places and to not be tampered with. You share that similar quality, but you aren’t an extremist like him.
You first lay your eyes on the dining room table, the centerpiece along with the runner looking a little too nice. With a sense of urgency, you decide sabotage. Firstly, you grab the extravagant-looking art sculpture and set it on the floor. After, you crumple the cloth underneath it. With an odd smirk, you pull out all the chairs in not so orderly fashion.
Wow, Y/N, you really did some damage..
Taking a couple steps back to look at the petty mess you've made, a chuckle erupts from your mouth and you sigh yet again. You shrug the simplicity away from your head and continue your walking. You come about a spiraling staircase and instantly begin to climb it, eager to see the upper floor’s decor. Your hand slides against the railing as you become steps closer to your desired destination, another chic and modern looking domain before your eyes. Unlike the downstairs, this room held a lot more art work and a certain professionality you couldn't begin to explain, but you continued to move forward. You approach another hallway, except this one withheld a deadend, large double doors that open outward. It somehow gained your attention and you couldn't help but want a quick look inside. Nothing was really stopping you and there are no signs of him around, so why not?
You didn’t really need an answer, you just went ahead and did what was on your mind. Exerting the small amount of force needed to push down the handles, you pull the doors open wide and focus your eyes on the room’s interior.
Men, sat all along a table that led all the way up to him.
Your eyes widen in immediate shock and your jaw drops open. All of their heads turn in the direction of a barely dressed girl standing in the doorway, disrupting the importance of a meeting with their leaders.
Papers were strung all over the long piece of oak and there was bustling before you rudely interrupted their transactions and communicating, but you were too frozen to react or runaway.
“What the fuck are you doing up here, Y/N?” He said your name with such a deep and dark mannerism, it made your pussy throb unexpectedly. “I- Uhm, I.. Bathroom?” Words wouldn’t come out straight, no matter how hard you tried. You felt the stares of a million, but you could only focus your gaze on him.
And he looks furious.
What could you do to escape all of this? Well, running actually. You take off just as you see him get up from his seat. You speed back down the hallway you first walked down and curved through the different paths you had taken prior. The faint “go fucking get her” that spilled from his lips had made it to your ears and a certain fear ignited within you.
You could hear the footsteps behind you, but you didn’t stop. You were almost down the steps, until that menacing touch of someone grabbing you right before freedom— immersed around you. You knew it wasn’t his arms wrapped around you, but you didn’t dare look back to see whose it actually was. You wanted to cry, struggling to stay in his grasp as he lifted you back up and into the meeting room from whence you came.
“Let her down, Marc.” His wondrous voice filled your ears and you’ve never felt so secure yet troubled in your entire lifetime. The large arms unraveled from around you and you were softly placed on the ground. You didn’t dare to look up, but instead focus on the ground beneath you.
“Get your ass over here, slut.” His dark voice filled the quiet room, and your heart plummeted at the sound of such a slur. Sadly, you could only listen to him, so you walk carefully around the table, making your way to his perch. You weren’t even fully near him until his arm reached out and clutched your wrist, forcefully pulling you towards him. He roughly laid you over his lap, in front of everyone, and pulled up the bottom of your shirt, allowing every eye to see you lower half nakedness.
And just like the early morning prospects, an echoing slap to your ass filled the room’s silence. “This is what fucking happens, Y/N. When you disobey me.” You could tell his jaw was clenched and his face was red with anger by the way he was talking. Tears began to form in your eyes, but not from the pain, but from the embarrassment.
How’re you supposed to face all the people in this room, after getting an ass whooping for the second time today?
“Guess you don’t know how to fuckin’ listen well, do you Y/N?” He kept saying your name like it was some kind of extravaganza, which humiliated you all the more. You didn’t want everyone to know who you are, laid across a grown man’s lap and getting seriously aroused amidst people.
Out of the blue, he wraps his hand around the back of your neck to pull you back up to face him, a dark red spread across your cheeks. “Lucky I don’t make you suck my fuckin’ cock in front of all of ‘em. Then they’d know you aren’t such a bad little girl, wouldn’t they?” He whispers against your ear as he sets you on his knee, facing the direction of the stone cold men veering their eyes on everything but you— away from the awful scene.
You shake your head to his words, feeling his large hands linger under your shirt. “Don’t think so? Would that embarrass you, sweetheart? Cause I couldn’t give a less fuck about that right now.” His hands continue to travel upwards, wrapping around the both of your unclothed breasts, the thin shirt material not doing much justice.
“Please, no. I-I’ll do whatever you want, just please— not here.” With those words of plea, you cross your arms over his hands and train your eyes to the floor in humiliation.
“Get back to you room, and don’t leave it. You’re on thin fucking ice, princess.”
to be continued...
a/n: don’t ask me why, i really don’t know why he has such an affinity for spanking her 🤷‍♀️ and it’s also 1:00 am that I finally finished this.. procrastination at its finest..
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dogtoling · 3 years
I’ve been thinking recently.
Before I say this, know that I absolutely love your head cannons and the thought you put into every one of them.
But in regards to the mechanics of things like how ink weaponry seems to literally melt into the ink and how the ink itself seems to have a depth that affects Cephaling technology but little else, it occurred to me that some Cephaling equipment may just be more advanced than anything humans are used to.
For example, staple Octarian equipment includes invisible platforms, floating platforms, and invisible floating platforms. Because of this, could it be possible to take this into account for future headcannons?
Forgive the lack of grace with this ask, my head feels a little hazy.
Thanks for the ask and the thoughts! This is actually interesting stuff and something I have thought of before. There are reasons for specifically why I exclude them from my headcanons, though, and I will go into them here.
I try to go with the general approach of “a type of technology only exists if we clearly see it in game”, and even then, take it with a grain of salt. As this is a GAME world we are dealing with, a lot of things are implemented for game mechanics and simplicity. If it’s seen in use outside of gameplay purposes or makes up the majority of an environment, I say it’s probably a safe bet that it’s just futuristic technology (for example the aforementioned anti-gravity technology and some kind of invisibility)! So I’m specifically going to talk about hammerspace here because it is without question the hottest topic when it comes to sci-fi in Splatoon.
It’s an interesting thought that the Splatoon world would have technology that makes objects soluble into ink. It is shown a LOT, but obviously I have a lot of problems with it. One theory I see thrown around a lot is that all gear and weapons are made of hardened ink (which is a plastic-like material that’s mentioned at least once in concept art) or just ink as a whole. This doesn’t work for multiple reasons,
A. Many of the weapons DO have plastic-y parts that could be ink, but they also have metals, cogs, rubber, stickers and whatnot, all things that would not melt into ink if we were talking about a hypothetical scenario where ink melts inside ink... for some reason
B. If there indeed was a way to make all materials soluble into ink, it still means they would not only melt within milliseconds, but also pull out and reform into exactly what they were before within some other milliseconds. This is like melting an ice sculpture (or since we’re doing regardless of material, a WHOLE LAPTOP OR SOMETHING) into a lake and expecting it to reform itself when pulled out... and you can’t even pull it out because it’s just water molecules now within the other 150 million water molecules that were in that square meter of water before that (i dont know how many water molecules fit into a square meter but it is probably a lot)
C. Since the object literally turning into liquid ink is out of the question at this point, this leaves ink as a hammerspace entity. As we see in the game, things just dip under the surface of the ink. This is a cool gameplay mechanic but in practice it means that this random liquid of a random animal has physics-breaking abilities.
Hammerspace as a whole is one of those plot crutch things where it’s implemented to make things play out smoother, for example Turf Wars in video game form would likely be a NIGHTMARE if your weapons and gear did not conveniently slide out of existence when you need them to do so. You can also pretty easily tell when it’s implemented for gameplay reasons and not because the world is MEANT to have it.
Aside from the INK being hammerspace which just makes no sense whatsoever but IS definitely cool, I would be down for hammerspace to generally exist. HOWEVER, The sole reason the Splatoon world is not meant to have hammerspace technology (and this could literally change any time who knows what lore curveballs they throw) is because it Does Not Have Any. And when I say that, I mean specifically OUTSIDE of when it’s a necessary tool for gameplay, for example:
We see hammerspace technology in the game when it’s needed and used for flavor, convenience or game mechanic purposes. Gear and weapons disappearing into ink, Sting Ray from a lunch ration bag that couldn’t even fit a sandwich in it, 15 Cohocks popping out of one cooler box during Mothership (and we have to note these are probably 1,500lbs+ vertebrates with bones and muscles, NOT entities like Inklings that can squeeze into a jar or possibly even be made of liquid considering how closely you follow the game), THE ENTIRETY OF MAWS, secret boxes through the single player, Octobosses.... list goes on.
This might look bad because I’ve just laid down like 5+ examples of hammerspace indeed BEING in the game while trying to explain how it’s not. Looking back at all of these, they all specifically exist to enable something that the game does. Because it is convenient in a Game. You wouldn’t realistically have a Sting Ray in a Salmon Run because nobody is dragging a pressure washer into a fish mob where you’ll get your limbs ripped off, it’s there to add strategy and fun into the GAMEPLAY.
Now, how does this in any way imply that the world itself has no hammerspace tech? Well this is when we look past the gameplay and look at the WORLD itself.
Technology is usually developed to either make something pre-existing more effective or convenient. What does hammerspace make more convenient? It makes things fit into a smaller space, obviously. It would be an absolute turning point for logistics and cargo business everywhere. You basically wouldn’t need cargo ships, containers, delivery trucks. Or maybe you still would if you were to transport x200000% items as opposed to what they would fit in them before, so small scale is where this comparison makes more sense:
If hammerspace existed, we would KNOW. Space-warping technology would turn the entire society on its head. Inklings’ society is very human-like, meaning their technology has to be much like ours. Having hammerspace only in a sport and NOT in something like logistics and literally everywhere else, with the implication that it’s mainstream enough to be used in a kids’ sport and a crappy part-time job company, just does not work. That’s like if we invented the wheel and ONLY used it in like, uni-cycle races for people in their 30′s meanwhile Larry from downtown is still dragging home lumber on a plastic bag through the snow because no one puts wheels on things that they would be useful on.
Hammerspace is BIG technology and basically, if it existed, it would be the new mainstream. You can buy your house in a can and just unleash it onto some random plain if you want to. Buy your car inside a bottle and just uncork it when you want it. Nobody needs a backpack to school, just put your books inside a locket. Want a new couch? Put it in a bag. Bought a bunk bed? Put it in your pocket. Want to move the entirety of the Ruins of Ark Polaris into a nicer spot so it can be a tourist attraction? You can take it!
TL;DR Hammerspace is WAY too powerful and to make it “make sense” there have to be tons of unspoken rules about what it can or can’t engulf, how, or how long for. Also the point of this post was that while the Splatoon era and especially Octarians definitely have more advanced technology, hammerspace is not one of them. We would know.
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cosmosrival · 4 years
there it is! kama interlude analysis by a kama fan!
WELL. LIKE IT SAYS IN THE TITLE: this is just my own thoughts!! youre free to think whatever u want !! i am just putting my own knowledge into words because i genuinely love kama, and i would like for kama’s depth to be understood by the NA fandom a little more!! i try to stay as close as possible to their character in everything i do because i believe that the more in character they are, the funnier/more interesting content ppl will produce. 
and hopefully i understood them well ???!!!! HOPEFULLY ?!
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i will be screenshotting the translated reddit post under this read more and stop whenever something i find interesting to develop pops up ! or else it’ll get way too long lol if you wanna read the interlude for yourself heres the link!
with that said, let’s go!!
kama’s interlude begins with guda passing the hell out because of exhaustion and then waking up in a dream sequence where kama treats them to some relaxing adventures, stuff to take their mind off heavy things!! first dream sequence is kama roleplaying a highschool setting where they’re dating.
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i like this because they openly admit that its an illusion, breaking the immersion but as long as youre okay with roleplaying, they’ll continue it LOL  at some point, caesar mentions the student council president and arjuna appears behind him 
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since this is an illusion that kama made, i’ve been wondering about the fact that the way servants conduct eachother in this interlude is mostly because that’s how kama envisions they would act in a highschool setting, in an amusement park and finally with eachother (mostly for confirmed couples such as siegbryn, consort yu and her hubby etc...). suzuka and sei being gyarus is obvious, but arjuna as the student council president... is so cute???!!! i MEAN IT FITS ?! THATS A GREAT IDEA KAMA!!!! ANYWAY
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this is kama’s first monologue and since they’re primarily the god of lust, all of the more vanilla stuff they mentions such as sharing a pair of headphones embarrasses them since its so tame. ITS CUTE !!! kama expects you to be horny in class !! what are you doing thinking about hand holding !!! medusa saves u from that tho with a direct reference to her relationship with kama’s vessel 
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this is interesting !! and reassuring !!! i think that kama as a character has a lot of depth and just reducing them to “sakura” would be a waste and this interlude shows how different they are from her. but they’re also similar! sakura went through a lot just like medusa says and kama does have trauma related to shiva. its not the same circumstances but the same kind of suffering which explains the nuance here. and what i like about chaldea is that there’s been multiple instances where its been proven that servants can grow thanks to their relationships with guda (most common example: leveling up your bonds) BUT ALSO, saint graph evolution (alts). and as a kama fan i’d like to see them happy someday and this interlude as a whole is proof of their healing/coping because of the time they spent in chaldea and how they interact with others. more on that later ! here, they don’t recognize medusa which is normal since they’re not sakura (someone else entierly), but...
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they care about her ! because of sakura’s influence being a part of the servant called Kama(assassin). the difference here is important !! but i’ll come back on this in a bit. quick mention to the greek cupid <3 kamadusa nation we were fed (i clap by myself because im the only one who has 57575757557 kama rarepairs-----)
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kama is a delinquent whos horny in class but still takes a few notes, enough to do well on their tests! and thats tea<3 smart horny lazyass !! theyre a gift
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SO ARJUNA WAS OUT FOR BLOOD ????? ANYWAY, this is right after the actual fight against weirdo terrorists, and im happy to know that kama DOES enjoy a good fight (as proven in their voicelines as well) but theyre not a farming unit because it’d be too much work (single target NP..)...!!!!!!! lavish god of love.... 
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FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY THE REAL DEAL !!!!!!!!!!!! “it feels wonderful to be your girlfriend” christ, kamadeva was so used to being a husband and a good lover, it reflected in their servant version.... but ree what do u mean by servant version???
I MEAN THE OBVIOUS !! kama explains it very well in the screenie just above ! 
“You know very well how servants work.”
KAMA ASSASSIN (the servant in your chaldea) is neither KAMADEVA or SAKURA MATOU or MARA. they’re a MIX OF PARTS OF THE THREE. creating an entierly new person(in this case, servant) !!!! it might sound like i’m repeating myself, but this is important!!!!!!!!! i will say this multiple times so people remember it !!! and if u already had this figured out: GOOD JOB I LOVE U !!!
Kamadeva (the god) has many stories, ones where he was born from concepts (dharma and shraddha), one where his parents are brahma and sarasvati, one where his parents are vishnu and lakshmi, stories about his reincarnation after his death where his parents are krishna and rukmini, his love with Rati and so on. We all know Sakura’s backstory since this is nasuverse. And Mara is a demon, an entity that tried to corrupt Buddha and prevent him from reaching enlightenment/stray from the path. Kama assassin has parts from all of these entities which explains why they have a vague longing for Rati, why they have a soft spot for Medusa and why they have an affinity with Kiara(and also like talking about corrupting u !). 
they then mention how a japanese highschool setting is fun and all i have to say is: i’m gonna make an indo fam delinquent vs student council au out of this one folks !!!!!!!! i gotta !!! 
OK next
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well with their stage 1 it was expected but without the translation i have to say that i was scared shitless! because people hate thinking! and even if kama clearly tells you that it’s a charade, u know a JOKE. A DREAM SEQUENCE. DONT BE A CREEP. KAMA INTENDED FOR IT TO BE WHOLESOME. i know some ppl wont use their brains. but u know its fgo and degenerates are everywhere. 
anyways. family bonding time ensues until another monologue appears!!
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exactly like before, kama mentions myths that belonged to kamadeva. Meaning that the Kama in our chaldea isn’t the Kamadeva we know and is not Pradyumna either but the fact that the writers chose to have kama acknowledge it is very reassuring !!! Because it means that they’ve chosen to make it a part of their (complicated) history. Kama says that Pradyumna is the myth about themself they know the least, once again proving us that the Kama in our Chaldea (Assassin) is a different entity and that they were summoned to the throne upon their death, the moment they were burned by Shiva’s flames and became Ananga, in any case they’re still familiar with all of their own myths. it allows us to keep heroic spirits separate from their original myths. Obviously! And in the case of pseudo-servants, it allows us to keep them separate from their vessels. Cuz this is a fanservice japanese game. Andddd the fandom likes forgetting this fact quite a lot i’ve noticed. As a person who loves thinking about tons and tons of headcanons for fun, this allows us a lot of space ! Because this is fate/grand order at its base. Nasuverse. 
I’m glad that the interlude explains it so clearly, it’s very good !! Because the majority of myths from every culture are confusing, family trees are confusing, names are confusing, powers and attributes are confusing... its a mess !!!! the fgo characters we know are just cut from their own respective timelines/historial figures so the writers can organize themselves more easily. Like cutting halves from a big cake. Kama (Assassin) is the Kama that died from Shiva’s flames and became the universe ONLY. In Nasuverse, Arthur Pendragon is a woman. Anastasia Romanov NEVER had a demon familiar named Viy in real life despite the creature being part of russian folklore. u know ! im russian i can testify dude !! 
hopefully everyone got this bc i wont be explaining this any further dude, its exhausting !!!!!! bangs my hands on the table !!!!! 
ANYWAYS kama mentions “eternal pain that turns [them] into ash” being their key element. Their trauma is at the center of their heroic spirit self, what they are as a servant. This suffering is tied to everything they do, why they’re so lazy, why they’re so lax, why they’re so detached from their job.  But they’re not detached from their role. And “job” and “role” have different connotations here. They refuse to work as a cupid because of obvious reasons. BUT. They’re not detached from their role as the God of Love, as the God of Passion. The embodiment of those feelings. This whole interlude is proof ! They’re giving u free therapy because they Love you. Passion. They feel your love. Passion. They acknowledge how much fun you’re having. How passionate you are about certain things. They might seem extremely detached and hateful, but they aren’t. They’re one of the most empathetic servants there is. And their ability to love everything, even the things they hate is what makes them so miserable. Because it’s a part of them. Because the concept of Kama in hinduism is linked to them. Be it lust or simply the passion born from anything you do where you’re enjoying yourself. (quote:  “ the term also refers to any sensory enjoyment, emotional attraction and aesthetic pleasure such as from arts, dance, music, painting, sculpture and nature “. R. Prasad (2008), History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization )
... I’d like to say that this contrast with Mara is interesting. And that i’m glad the writers chose to add in Mara to the kama assassin Beast mix. 
Because the anger Mara feels can become a drivepoint for Kama. I’ve always believed that anger and sadness are two sides of the same coin, it’d explain how layered Kama is and how valid their emotions are. Constantly torn between love and hate. An eternal grudge (i don’t deserve to be hurt like this) and an eternal misery(maybe i do deserve to be hurt like this). 
i wish they were my roommate <3 oh fuck ree got emotional wait where were we.
i think kama saying that they dislike being involved with other indian servants because theyre linked to shiva is a feeble attempt at trying to keep up a strong front because they still love them in the end. cuz that’s how kama is ! after a while they’ll get bored of bullying ganesha and ashwatthama. they’ll get interested in rama because their respective mythos are linked even if their servant selves have no connection. hell, at the end of the interlude they talk about parvati and how they themself changed and realized things. BUT OH WELL, THATS STUFF FOR ANOTHER POST HEHE thats just ree wanting kama to b happy yall move along !!
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further proof of kama’s overflowing affection and what i detailed above!! hopefully u all knew this one simply from reading this interlude/their profile page and dont need me to write it down for u. HOPEFULLY !!!!!
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(I START BEATBOXING VERY RAPIDLY AND RUNNING TOWARDS YOU) KAMA IS A SADIST AT THEIR CORE AND I WILL NEVER STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re easy to fluster because theyre not used to being so vanilla, but whats underneath is how they truly are !! a beast turned servant, the sweetest sadist !! theyre very mature and this interlude is so well written (wipes my teears
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this is directly linked to what i explained above, by burning you away, you’ll melt into nothingness just like they did. When they were the universe, they felt both everything and nothing. 
But was it really relief ... ?
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AND PARVATI SAVES THE DAY !!!!!!! phew!! thank u paru, it’d still like to be able to touch kama’s huge titties and i cant do that if i turn into ashes (falls down the stairs
ok she summoned lovey dovey canon couples to annoy kama since they’re exhausted of seein them!!
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ohhhhhh im obsessed i love when theyre angry<3 i love when theyre fighty <3 i think they should beat the living shit out of a boxing bag DAILY to let out some of this steam. they’d be a monster on the ring... aaa kama in training boot y shorts aa a .. .uughg hg ouu... (you all shove me into a locker)
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ok this is interesting !! i think that the interlude showing us that parvati feels a semblance of guilt is character dev. proof for what i mentioned before!! in ookuu parvati felt quite ..unsympathetic to me, even if kama is a beast who wants to annihilate humanity, when u think about it, at their core their grudge is because of her and shiva’s betrayal. and here, she properly apologizes for making kama so upset. this is heartwarming to me since i dislike thinking that members of the indo fam hate eachother :( same goes for arjuna and karna, at some point i’d like for them to act like bros normally and finally be comfy. but anyways !!
u wake up from the dreams and da vinci, mashu and paru are here to tell u whats going on. But its fine bc u remember everything and u have to go thank someone for helping u out!!!
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CUTE !!!!!!! THEY CARE ABOUT U !!!!!! but whether it be because of their role or because theres a deeper meaning is entierly up to your own interpretation because...
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of what they say here. 
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and here !! 
ohhhhhhhhh this is so important !!!!!!
this is actual proof of kama’s growth as a servant and how servants evolve in chaldea !! chaldea is not the same as a grail war, its a special, cut-off place and thats what makes it even more relaxing to think about. Everytime u summon a servant in ur chaldea u give them a chance to have fun with you, to have fun with other servants, to make amends, to start from scratch, to discover things they would’ve never known in their time (movies, video games, tons of different foods etc...), u give them a chance to relax. to grow !! this is the headcanon that im most attached to and im glad to see it be confirmed in the interlude of a character i love tbqh i had to stop and talk about that.
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everyone say thank u kama !! can we roleplay a college roommate coffee shop slowburn au next time <3 
ANYWAYS if you’ve read it this far: thank you !!! im sorry if you expected something very serious, im not that type of person hehe im jus here to have fun and look at things i like, and the interlude itself was quite lighthearted and refreshing. By talking about the myths and all of kamadeva’s stories, the writers basically gave lore nerds a huge thumbs up like... “its ok now !! u can go ape now !! go be insane<3 love u<3″ and all of this kama characterization GENUINELY makes me so happy because i think they really needed that. kama assassin... (i blow a kiss to the sky) is a little mess of a servant... a god, human crumbs and a demon... a total mess... im in love with them...
..............tho now the wait for a summer alt where they interact with the entire indo fam begins (im sitting in a chair unmoving)(i have a gun in case minase begins acting gross
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har-rison-s · 5 years
lasagna evening
request: Could you write some domestic fluff with adult stan uris
A/N: (2020 edit: this was my first ever stanley writing :>) Man oh man do i love this concept. ajsndfjsdf i love, i just love. I apologise for the title lmao i dont have any other ideas alsdfsdjn. This is so fluffy and cliché that you're going to die :D Btw, gifs of Andy Bean are very hard to find and I'm mad about it. Hope this is what you were looking for. Happy reading!
IT masterlist
heaven masterlist
main masterlist
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“Honey, I'm home!” Stan says in a louder voice so his loved one could hear him. For she's known to often leave music playing loudly through their apartment and go into another room to do something. He hears the smooth voice of Billie Holiday singing about autumn in New York and he smiles to himself, kicking off his shoes. The music is loud enough for her not to hear him at all. 
He walks into the kitchen, both hands holding a grocery bag tightly until he puts them both on the center counter. Her music is playing right in front of him, just a few feet between him and the sound system. 
“Baby!” He calls again. Stan leaves the bags be and they crinkle a bit, the products falling on top of one another. He walks over to the sound system and turns the song's volume down. And he hears her humming. It's coming from her study.
Stan jogs a little down the hallway to get to her and reaches the door frame of her study. He peaks his head in. “Babylove,” he says and smiles immediately upon seeing his girl sitting on her carpet, her back turned to him, still humming and obviously hunched over something. 
She whips her head around and smiles wide. There's a wicked glimmer in her eyes. “Honey!” She squeals and hurriedly gets up from her position, almost falling over her own legs, and tip-toes over to her one and only. 
He leans in to steal a kiss from her soft angel lips and she still has to stand on her tip-toes for him to succeed. She embraces him then, her arms around his neck, and smiles wide. Stan recieves a loving kiss on the cheek and smiles, too. His eyes are full of love for the woman in front of him. 
“What are you doing in here?” He asks, his hand going in slow circles over her back. 
“Before you turned my music down,” she says, pouting and pointing her index finger into the middle of his chest, “I was listening to Billie and making another small sculpture.” She smiles, proud of herself.
“You're getting inspired again?” Stan raises his eyebrows in happy surprise and his love nods, biting her bottom lip. “So, who's the muse?”
“You, silly.” She says and they both laugh. She notices Stan already glancing behind her shoulder to see what she's making. To not spoil the surprise, she brings his eyes back to her, holding his chin softly. “It's not finished yet. When it will be, you'll be the first to see. And you know that.”
“Of course. You know I'm impatient about seeing your art.” He tells her and tickles her sides a little, making her giggle in the most beautiful way. 
“So,” she claps her hands, “what are we making tonight?”
“Hmm, let's see...” Stan pretends to think, “seeing as I bought the ingredients for lasagna, I guess we're making... lasagna?” He squints, teasing his girl. She laughs and kisses him on the cheek again. And then all over his face, which makes Stanley laugh instead. 
When he's about to plead for breath, she stops and grabs his hand, closing her study door with the other. She drags them both back down the hallway and lets go of Stan's hand to turn the volume higher. Stan gives her a mock-annoyed look, but they both laugh.
One of the billion, trillion things he loves so much about his girl is her energy and youthfulness. They're only two years apart, but Stanley has always felt older than he actually is. And he wanted to enjoy his youth when it was happening, but a lot of things kept him from it. 
Her youthfulness and eagerness and sort-of hyperactivity brings joy in his life. Makes him happy about still being here, having a life. She's brighter than the sun to him in many ways. 
“Do you have the recipe?” Stan asks her as they're unpacking the groceries.
“Uh-huh, I printed it out. It should be next to the sink.” She replies, pulling tomato after tomato out of the bag.
“Terrible place for a paper to be, if you ask me.” He tells her, but she only laughs. Stan walks over to the sink and sure enough, there is a page with a recipe printed on it. And it's not wet. He quickly goes over the ingredients and steps. “So how was work today?”
She works as a museum manager/administrator in a pottery museum in town. Taking that she's an artist herself, she needs to be in an artistic place and area at all times. An administrator might not seem like the job to you, but to her it's the perfect one that pays the bills and takes her on holidays with her loved one. Many artists to meet, artworks to see and inspiration to suck in.
“Quite amazing. You know I met that one artist I've always wanted to host at my museum—”
“Emily Lacey?” Stan finishes instead of her. She nods.
“Yup. And she's even more lovely than I thought she'd be. She's got great sense of humor, a great sense of style, of course, and turns out we have a lot in common.” She tells him. Stan smiles, watching her rush around the kitchen and talk. “She likes to read books, go to the cinema, travelling, hiking.”
“Wow, you two are basically twins.” He states.
“I know, right?” She looks at him with wide eyes, clearly excited. Stanley chuckles. “How was your day?” She asks him. 
“It was good.” He says. “Better now that I'm home.” Stan states and they share a look of love and knowing. “The book is coming along well, there's not much left. And I had to teach a new class today! All the kids were sweethearts.”
“How old were they?” She asks and, while doing so, gives Stan a piece of dough to flatten out. They both start working on a piece.
“Uh, they're... I think second or third grade, so eight to nine.” Stan says in between grunts of pushing the wooden roll on the dough. “Why such a question?”
She shrugs. “Just wondering. Thought they'd put you in a college now.” She admits, and huffs.
“Huh.” He turns to her, puts the roll down and crosses his arms over his chest. “Don't you think I'm good enough for primary school?”
She laughs and huffs again. “No, I think you're more than good enough for primary school, and better than perfect for teaching college kids ornithology.” She tells him, honestly.
“Listen, it's nothing wrong with me.” Stan insists, pointing at his chest and raising his eyebrows. “Ornithology is not the most desired class in college, even for biology majors. So they have one professor in each college that isn't exactly an ornithologyst, but knows enough and can memorise texts from books. And they put that guy to teach ornithology if it's at all necessary.” He explains in detail.
“But that is so unfair! I bet you're not the only ornithologyst without a chance to teach in college, and they put some knock-offs in your place.” She justifies.
“You have a fair point.” Stanley agrees. She smiles wide. 
“I know. You gotta fight for your rights, hon.” She tells him. “We both know that your passion is ornithology and that you're an actual ornithologyst. They should let, whoever's in charge of it, the people who really know what they're talking about teach ornithology. It makes a huge difference for the kids.”
“Listen, if your artist carrier ever flakes, you should become an education politican.” Stan says upon restarting to flatten the dough. His love laughs out loud, holding her tummy. Stanley only smiles wide to himself.
“Can you even imagine me dressed in formal clothes everyday, having that politician-lady haircut, wearing glasses and talking in a very serious voice about the issues of today?” She asks him, mimicking the way politicians speak in the last part. She even makes a funny face. “I could never. I mean, yeah, they pay you like, crazy money, but I'd never do that.” She shakes her head, still quietly laughing to herself. Stanley keeps smiling.
Merely two hours later, the couple have finished their lasagna. They had put on their food-making playlist, which is basically a playlist full of songs that they know all the lyrics to and sing together to at the top of their lungs. Includes ABBA, Queen, David Bowie, Journey, Elton John and many, many others. 
They're happily setting the coffee table in the living room, and they're almost finished. Stan is already turning on the TV, wrapped in a blanket and waiting for his one and only to join him. 
She's still getting them forks and spoons, and when she has, she turns off all the lights in the apartment. Except for the little light in the kitchen above the stove, that one always stays on.
She tip-toes—a habit of hers that is not entirely healthy for her feet—into the living room and puts the instruments down on the table. She collapses into Stan's open, waiting arms with a happy sigh. He wraps the blanket around her and keeps his arm around her, too. 
Her fingers push between his and they lock together. As if their hands were crafted just to be interlocked with the other's, no one else's. They feel like they're made for each other. 
Stanley presses a kiss into her hair. “What are we watching tonight?” He asks, his cheek now pressed where his lips just were.
“Hmm,” she thinks and watches Stan browsing through movies and tv-shows on the screen, “something funny. Don't you think?”
“Yeah, we always watch dramas.” He agrees. “I'm kinda sick of you making me cry every other evening.” Stan admits then, and they both laugh. Stan yawns.
“Do you have a favorite?” She questions, looking up at him. He looks down at her and almost gets hypnotised. Looking at her makes him go a bit weak, every and anytime. The years spent together either don't do anything to help it or even give more to the effect.
“I don't watch that many comedies, not my favorite genre.” He tells her as his hand caresses the side of her face. She closes her eyes to that. “You can choose. Show me your favorite!” He suggests and she smiles. “Just not anything dumb, okay? I know you like those a lot, but, please, spare me.”
She looks at him and rolls her eyes playfully. “Alright, alright.” She agrees and turns to lay on her stomach, over Stan's lap and takes the remote from his hand. “I'll spare your soul from the doom of dumb comedy movies, my prince.” She teases and Stan smiles. “Aha!” She exclaims upon finally finding the movie she was looking for. 
She pushes the 'play' button and reaches for their two plates of lasagna while the intro plays. She straightens her back, sitting normally just like Stan and giving him his lasagna piece.
“Hear ye, hear ye. Feast your eyes and ears with the wonder that is Bruce Almighty!” She theatrically introduces the movie. She likes Shakespeare and Old English, despite that she may not be the best at using it right. Stan smiles at her. 
They lean in to steal a few kisses from each other before indulging in their home-made (hopefully, well-made) lasagna and the world of Jim Carrey's comedy. 
Permanent taglist: @v0idbella @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths@empressdreams @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie@deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16@mrsmazzello@benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131
A/N: Tell me why everytime I look at a picture of Stanley Uris, I immediately want to cry. Oh my God. heurehuherufshfsdh. 
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Debuff Zane Build
i am tired of not seeing this build in all the zane build videos i watch so im sharing it here because its stupid fun bc u run fast and kill faster. it’s not meta, but its fun as fuck and u have a lot of damage and survivability with it. I’ve completed M4 Slaughter Shaft with it- haven’t tried on M10 yet but i have faith. p.s its 4 am pls have mercy if there’s spelling mistakes.
what ur gonna need is a band of sitorak, zheitseiv’s eruption, a seein’ dead, and the piss grenade. everything else is fair game, whatever u want. try to get it to have the sntl cryo anoint bc good. but u must have the 4 main items for this to work perfectly (it also somewhat works with a low level Frozen Heart bc best shield in the game but you will die a lot more)
also i need a fucking name for this build help
oh god oh fuck i forgot i was playing through the handsome jackpot dlc again
oki im ready to party
this is my current loadout
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sometimes i switch the reg Q-System for a kaoson or a nighthawkin if i need ammo (OP QSystem is... OP but not as fun as a tracking grenade QSystem so i don’t care for it) and maybe the brainstormer for a reflux if many shielded enemies (i prefer the brainstormer over the reflux atm. so try for a brainstormer!!)
3rd slot, that’s a monarch which used to be a dictator b4 it got a straight upgrade. I actually don’t use the bipod unless im in a boss fight and don’t need to move fast. usually violent momentum and violent violence cover the dps loss
ur first 3 gun slots honestly don’t matter much. I have my reasons for using them, but you can use whatever u want i think, so long as its a strong weapon (bc unfortunately a lot of weapons are not scaled for m10). u dont HAVE to use the monarch or the Q system or the brainstormer. I recommend them, cuz theyre fun, but u don’t gotta if u wanna swap em out for a a kaoson or a yellowcake or a sandhawk or smth
the last gun is my zheitsev’s eruption. This bad boy, when u reload, shoots out homing balls of debuffery. So every enemy that gets hit with these gets a debuff. I have tried this with the needler but I prefer Zheitsev’s bc it can hit more enemies and once and takes less time. this gun only goes to Blane (ur clone). 
for the skill trees we have no points in under cover even tho brainfreeze is the best skill in the gaaaaame
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really the hitman tree is p self explanatory, u wanna go fast as fuck boiii. My band of sitorak does not have the +15 movespeed while zoomer is active anoint (it has the break shield amp anoint, which is p okay. want movespeed, but a nice human from the reddit gave me this sitorak so i didn’t have to farm). u want drone delivery bc Blane will NOT be throwing grenades. If you try to make him throw grenades with the seein’ dead he will ONLY throw grenades and never fire his gun, meaning he’ll never reload. it’s a nightmare. anyway. u want the piss grenade (ideally with the +25% damage on thrown anoint). im not looking forward to regrinding this when they finally mayhem buff grenades.
we put one point into playing dirty because we want those extra shots and honestly with the amount of times seein’ dead can proc ur kill skills you’ll have it more often than not
we also have points in good misfortune for that sweet sweet uptime (which btw can be infinite using the brainstormer/reflux bc it is essentially a redistributor without the need for ur barrier) the monarch/dictator also does it justice
for Blane u DON’T WANT praemuntis. we want blane reloading as often as gotdamn possible. now unfortunately my seein’ dead gave me a +weapon mag size roll (im actually not sure if this affects blane, but im assuming it does) but it does have the amazing +5 donnybrook so I’m taking it anyway. I am so not looking forward to regrinding a good class mod when they finally release action skill buffs for them. i cri. i actually hear 3 points in donnybrook and 2 in violent violence is p good (or 1 in violent violence 1 in playin dirty) so maybe grinding won’t be so bad. maybe i’ll finally get a +weapon damage roll
u can grab 1 point in ducttape mod and put 4 points into borrowed time if you want. it doesn’t really matter. i current have 5 in borrowed time and 3 in pocket full of grenades (for some reason??? usually i only put 2 in.). U can do that and use those extra points for either ducttape mod or more points in playing dirty. 
u NEED quick breather. This skill has a STUPID interaction with the band of sitorak shield because of how quickly it recharges. I’m talking, the instant you swap with Blane, you have full shields and so does he. It’s dumb, I love it. Use it to get out of trouble.
so im probably gonna need to explain why i have 3 points in trick of the light: im a cryo slut. That’s it. put those wherever you want, just make sure you can get Double Barrel. i’ve seen builds where people actually go for brainfreeze, i might try that next time i respec.
Double barrel will make it so blane can use the zheitsev’s eruption and debuff your enemies for you. it’s worth it.
so the augments u want are these:
SCHADENFREUDE. because band of sitorak has such a tiny capacity, ur shield is constantly up. If its not, it’s constantly breaking from full capacity. this does have a fun effect with the amp shield break anoint, but mainly i like it for the 25% damage buff whenever it breaks. its a tradeoff for damage, ur constantly swapping between max shields and more damage, so its actually p constant survivability and damage over the long run.
i grab doppelbanger bc blane sometimes gets stuck in the floor and/or i don’t feel like running all the way back. i wouldn’t recommend getting which one’s real or digital distribution only bc u want him alive as much as possible. u can also get binary system instead of doppelbanger, its up to you
for Zoomer u want bad dose for the movement speed and (sometimes) static field (only if the enemies have shields). this is so if blane goes down or he isn’t taking damage, zoomer can refill ur shields. if the enemies won’t have shields usually i grab winter’s drone or boomsday depending on how i feel.
im actually gonna try to see if i can’t grab brain freeze. hang on. i know trick of the light is frowned upon for most people so lemme just respec. (im sorry i just love the vibes it gives me it’s like HAHA you thought that was me? no!!! boop. and then they’re ice sculptures and man i love h2o i wish emma had frozen more people the only people she really freezes are Greg and Miriam and honestly she doesn’t even kill Greg smh. (Greg is dr denman’s assistant. greg is highkey god.) I do like what she did to Mirami, the fucking implications that YES these teenage girls ARE powerful enough to instakill people, they just don’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Rikki was badass that episode too. actually i love the episode where rikki almost boils a dude alive for making a fool of her with ILLEGAL F I S H and burns people using steam from a pipe. rikki is my favorite mermaid- she knew what was u p. I wish mako mermaids was as badass as h2o was. and the cartoon. god imagine the cartoon violence. sigh. let them use their op superpowers to be SUPERHEROES. like in h2o au i have baron flynt puppeteer people to their deaths from Thor bc he has cleo’s powers like why couldn’t she do that to someone. Like dr denman “lmao bye bitch” or even charlotte (who imho wasn’t bad until cleo started being rude to her. cleo was 100% at fault that season). it wouldn’t have killed her!!! ... instantly. probably. ive never seen avatar in full but i did watch the blood bending episode as a child and as i understand it that’s frowned upon but hey. CAN BELLA TURN PEOPLE INTO JELLY?? harry potter 🅱oneless arms... my god.)
anyway, respeccing. 
there goes all my money. rip.
so i think im gonna have to live with the slower reload speed (sob) but yes u can in fact get brain freeze with this build. lemme show...
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so ye in the event u just can’t live without freezing people (i know the feeling) feel free to do this. imma play with this for a bit and see if i can live with slower reload. I actually depend on the 100% cryo with zoomer active for all my cryo damage. i also use an ice breaker so they freeze fairly easy (but only on mobs. on bosses u want the snowdrift or something else)
this build isn’t really meta and u might have trouble doing a solo run of true takedown on m10... bc its true takedown on m10, but honestly it’s fun as F U C K. you CAN do it, but it’s not no thoughts head empty like barrier-redistrubutor/yellowcake zane can be so u gotta be on TOP of ur SHIT. i love it. running around killing stuff. it’s fun. i also love teleporting. it’s my FAVORITE THING. I STILL GET GIDDY OVER IT BECAUSE IT’S SO FUN. ask my friends, they will tell you, sometimes i’ll just start gushing over how much fun it is to teleport even though i’ve played zane since release. just. GFDGHKJGDFK so much fun. i just... b o o p. god i love this game. i took a break to play assassin’s creed odyssey (fun sneaky beaky game, pretty awful dialogue) so DAMN i missed this. 
here’s a link to a video I took on athenas (my favorite area to run. it’s this game’s bloodshot stronghold!) this is the playlist i listen to while playing Zane. i keep swapping songs during play bc sometimes they don’t fit my vibe or i get tired of them lol (spotify control is hooked to my 4th and 5th mouse buttons so i don’t have to stop playing) i forgot where my shock sandhawk was in my inventory, is what i use to demolish traunt. i was so scared i threw it in my bank earlier on sanc-iii lol (also yes i still slap blane’s ass. it’s to encourage him to kill)
and here’s a link to the save + everything I had on me at the moment (including the stuff i picked up in the vid in case u want it lol) cuz im lazy and don’t feel like clearing out my inventory. some of these are only m4-9. which ones? it is a mystery. you’ll know when the new update releases ;) (no but actually im so hype for mayhem level on the item cards. finally. FINALLY!!!)
why is this video taking so long to upload. hynnnggggg
oh god is that the sun
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hotforharrington · 5 years
A Photography Assignment
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Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Reader
Summary: You and your best friend, Jonathan Byers, are partnered up for a project in your photography class.
Warnings: none I don’t think :)
Notes: I thought it would be fun to try writing some Jonathan! Hope you guys enjoy! [tbh i dont know how much Jonathan I will write in the future considering I’ve been shipping Jancy forever, but this one was fun!]
Sitting at your desk, your foot tapped against the floor of the classroom. You were bored and eager for the bell to ring.
It was the last class of the day and you became increasingly impatient. You were ready to escape the confines of the school and get to enjoy the company of your best friend and parter in photography.
You and Jonathan had been inseparable for as long as you could remember. Throughout every stage of life, every weird phase, every significant moment, he was apart of it.
He had helped you through tough times and you’d done the same for him. You had tried dating guys, but it never worked out because you constantly found yourself comparing them to Jonathan. Your best friend was sweet, understanding, and kindhearted. You preferred his company over anyone else’s, so why would you spend time with other guys when you could spend time with him?
However, you never wanted to cross the line that separated friendship from romance. You had convinced yourself that things were better this way. There was no point in trying to change something that was sufficiently fueling your happiness.
After what felt like an excruciatingly long time, the bell rang and you sprung out of your seat to head out the door.
You raced out to the parking lot to find Jonathan leaning against the flag pole, where he always waited for you. He had his camera in hand and the expression on his face lit up at the sight of you. His smile was contagious.
“What’s got you all giddy today?” You questioned him.
“I get to spend time with you this afternoon. Why wouldn’t I be happy about that?” He responded.
“I don’t know, maybe because we actually have an assignment to do.”
“It’ll be fun.” Jonathan assured.
“I guess...” The tone of your voice showed you were unconvinced.
“We’ll make it fun. C’mon, I know a great place to get some shots for this project.”
You threw your keys to him so he could drive your car to his undisclosed destination.
After a short drive, your car sat in front of a body of water.
“Lovers Lake?” You looked at him as if he were insane, “You know people only come out here to park and make out, right?”
“Good. That means that they’ll stay in their cars and we can go explore our surroundings. And hopefully get some good shots for our assignment.” He said, opening the car door and vacating the vehicle.
You followed his lead, as he seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
“Where are we going, Jon?” You asked him.
He stopped, turned to face you, and said, “Please just trust me, (Y/N).”
You nodded and continued down the rocky path. You kept your eyes glued to the ground, making sure there were no obstacles lingering in the dirt.
Jonathan stopped in his tracks and turned to see you staggering far behind him.
You jolted, startled by his words after a period of silence.
“Look.” He said, pointing to the nearby scene.
He had brought you to a quaint place in the woods that had a tiny spring of water running down from some tall rocks that reminded you of sculptures. The scene could’ve been straight out of a storybook.
“This is beautiful, Jonathan.” You were awestruck.
He smiled at you in response and the two of you took a seat on a large nearby rock.
While sitting there, you decided to fill out the worksheet that went along with the assignment. You opened up your backpack, pulled out the page along with your pencil, and began writing.
Jonathan pulled out his camera from his bag. He snapped a few pictures of the environment that surrounded you before turning the camera lens your direction.
You rolled your eyes, turned away from him, and said, “I thought you wanted to take pictures of the scenery? Why do you always have to get me in them?”
“No photograph is beautiful without you in it. Now get that pretty face in the frame.”
“Stay focused!” You said, returning to face the boy with the camera.
“I am focused! I’m taking pictures for the project.”
“The project is to take photos of something that soothes you.” You retorted.
“I am.” He said bluntly.
“Shut up!” You laughed at him, assuming he was making a joke.
Then you realized that he had lowered his camera, and noticed the seriousness on his face. Your laughter faded.
“Are you okay, Jonathan?” You asked, concerned.
“I don’t know, (Y/N). I came out here to talk to you about something I’ve been thinking about for awhile.”
“You can talk to me about anything.” You assured him, sliding closer to him and placing you hand on his knee for comfort.
“I... I...”
You’d never seen Jonathan so speechless. Yes, he was normally quiet around others, but not with you. He always had something to say when he was around you.
Worry overcame you and you closed the remaining gap between you. You loosely placed you arms around his torso to console him.
“What’s going on, Jonathan?” You whispered.
He relaxed into your embrace and enjoyed the the delightful scent of your hair.
“I think... I love you, (Y/N).” He said just loud enough for you to hear.
You pulled away and looked into his eyes, searching to see if he was pulling some elaborate prank.
He saw the panic in your eyes and decided to explain himself, “I know this is unexpected, but I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and today when we got paired up for this project, it seemed as if it was a sign. I mean it was assignment to take photos of something that soothes you and I’m paired up with the person that knows how to soothe me better than anyone else. You stood by my side throughout all the shit with Lonnie and consoled me during everything that’s happened to Will and I can’t ever repay you for that. I love you, (Y/N), and I want more than a friendship with you.”
Your heart pounded quickly within your chest and tears of joy brimmed your eyes.
Even after facing monsters, the scariest thing for Jonathan was not knowing what you were about to say in this moment.
“I love you too.”
Those four words caused happiness to flow throughout his body. The two of you rejoined together in one another’s embrace, then crashed your lips together in a passionate kiss.
You both broke away from the kiss, resting your forehead against his, smiling from ear to ear.
The two of you didn’t take many more pictures that day, and therefore, didn’t get a great grade on the project, but the photos would be ones that you both would treasure forever.
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yekatcrina · 4 years
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✧ ━━ the courts of switzerland present YEKATERINA ANNINA RURIK of GERMANY, the TSARITSA of RUSSIA. the THIRTY-FIVE year old had been DETAILED and  GENEROUS before the break of war but have now become  OPINIONATED and STUBBORN. SHE is often remembered by their likeness to HEIDA REED and SUNSET SIGHTINGS ON ROOFTOPS FAR FROM PRYING EYES, SOFT WHISPERS FROM PERFECTLY PLUMP LIPS AND LONG SOFT HANDS CARESSING BABY’S CHEEKS. the rumor mills of europe claim that her allegiance lies with RUSSIA and that she is for PEACE. 
first task can be found here
points page can be found here
pinterest can be found here
hello there! i am so sorry this is soooo late but HERE I AM! I do apologize for that, i just wanted to follow the trend of posting the character sheet and the sort with my intro cx ANYWHO! Here, have some of my headcanons and some general beliefs of yekaterina. I would psot the link to my wanted connections page but honestly, yekaterina is down for so many connections i dont know how to explain them? just message me and I’m sure we can come up with something!
headcanon one ~ annina elaria schleswig - holstein, perhaps the most beautiful name her mother could come up with. oh, how she adored to give her children such beautiful-sounding names. a musician, she was. yet, annina was left with the ever-pressing ideology of her needing to be a shining light to others, even though her own name was a plea for anyone to answer her prayers. she could almost recall the times she would plea on her knees by her balcony, the moonlight illuminating her brown hair as tears fell to her face to some day be something more than her mother’s hidden daughter. where was her father? where was this brother of hers, Maximilian? why would her family always dismiss her when she wished to discuss the hidden room in their castle with candles lit, each with a little name written on them she never heard of? oh, she hated not having answers to her questions, and even more to her prayers. it had given her a sense of complete and utter loneliness in her own home. how could she even be a light to people when she was the in desperate need of one? least to say, her name was beautiful, but she had no care for it. it’s why she was so willing to change her name upon converting to the Orthodox Christian church for her husband. She knew she didn’t have to it wasn’t necessary, and yet she felt as though it was one of the many ways she could begin her life anew with this family she was marrying into. not only that, but to be more accepted within the country in which she was marrying. become one to change one was her motto. so far, it has worked. now, as years have gone by, only those of german royalty who hear the endearments of maximillian ever call her annina, or nina for short. this does prove to be confusing for those who knew of her before, but many never truly had the name ‘annina’ in their tongues to summon yekaterina. 
headcanon two ~ much like her brother, yekaterina loves physical activities. she especially loved the activities meant for the winter time. she loved to skate, throw snowballs, create sculptures out of ice, and she enjoyed simply laying in the snow, letting it engulf her presence as she stared at the sky above. the numbness her body was often disguised as warmth forming within her body. the calmness of becoming one with the snow and the earth, staring up above at the brightness of the white environment around her, it all felt almost what death should feel like. unfortunately, her attempts to nap in the fields outside was always interrupted by her father’s countrymen on orders to bring her back inside the house before she froze to death. when the snow would melt and flowers would grow, she loved to go horseback riding, and she loved playing with the children who ever arrived in their castle outdoors and simply running across the endless fields she could find. she also loved doing her studies outside, since most of her time spent was indoors and she had come to see it as a stuffy place far too restricting for her liking.
headcanon 3 ~ annina has always felt that her life was never truly hers to dictate. she was just a little puppet for her family to maneuver and bend and break to their liking. she hated it, and yet if it meant she would find a place for her in this world where she could belong and make a change, she was willing to do so. after all, all she knew was that her family had control of what her world would become. that was until she got to the age of marriage, and as more suitors came along, the more she realized that her family wouldn’t be by her side. what could she possibly do? annina found herself panicking and in distress, her identity almost entirely relying on her family. in this panic, she found herself running away from her home to escape from such a dark place that gave no comfort to her. she had stayed with her handmaiden, talking all night about her worry. by the time a search was sent out, annina was being returned wrapped in a blanket by her handmaiden. she faced her parents who scolded her but it was one of the first time she truly fought back. she didn’t care what they or what max told her to do for the sake of their family. they wouldn’t be there and leave her to suffer any consequences. it was in this moment, where she started to learn her true power over people, finding her father tell her something she would never forget. “DON’T BE NAIVE, ANNINA! EVERYONE IS BOUND TO LOVE YOU, SO THERE WILL BE NO ISSUES!” it struck her as odd, her father who never seemed to love her at all, would suddenly claim anyone is bound to love her.  she has long forgotten it, though occasionally, with the love that her family in Russia has shown her, how could they not love her as she should.
headcanon 4 ~ as Yekaterina, she has come to love Russia as her own home. Despite the initial goal her brother placed on her to try and modernize Russia, she has come to see the beauty of the old world as well as the new. She tries to seek an equal balance between the European and the Slavic culture as much as possible, though she does see the push. Not only that, but over the years, she has come to be the person she has wanted more than anything. Independent, valued, heard, seen as an equal. It’s been on the things that made her fall in love with her husband, and it keeps her far more content than anything else. with their family, she seeks to teach them these values of equality and respect, the value of listening and keeping an open mind. she wishes to give her children a home filled with love and laughter, to keep them away from her Germanic lifestyle as much as possible. Though, in the end of the day, she has found that her heart is forever tied to German and she can’t let it go even if she wants to.
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
You went to MICA, right? I’m currently going there and it’s good (stressful as fuck, but good) and I wanna know; what did you hate and what did you love about it? (Oh my god I sound like those end of year surveys they give you)
Hello there!!! Omfg I’m literally on campus right now for pride!!! LOL just got myself a smoky burger from OTH what what. okay okay okay good questions. 
MICA has changed quite a bit since I was there. Like, my freshman year was fucking lit. If you take the shuttle and get Mr. Robert or Ms. Yvette, ask them about the nudists. Shit was wild. 
Our freshman/foundation year was different in general too? Like
Okay. So. lol. Our classes were:
Elements of Visual Thinking - Which was a chance to explore concepts, mediums, learning how to properly critique, etc. 
Critical Thinking - Which was just critical theory, but more on your own practice I guess? I don’t really know how to explain it. 
EMAC - Which was exploring different forms of digital media and how to use them (Premier, Photoshop, Audacity, recording devices, etc)
Sculptural Forms - Which was a chance for you to explore 3d media. So it was held in what used to be 15/15 and it was woodshop, plaster, 3d printing, and cardboard. 
Then, this is where I get pissed off and seriously fucking angry about this change. 
But we USED to have Painting and Drawing. Now, if you got a 5 in AP art, you gained an extra credit and could skip Drawing/Painting 1. HAH. IMAGINE THAT. HAVING A PAINTING AND DRAWING CLASS AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR ART. BECAUSE IT’S KIND OF NECESSARY. 
can you tell im a bit fucking salty?
They were separate classes and I think, they were extremely fucking important to the development of not only my art but my peers. For example, I fucking hated painting when I went to MICA. Literally fucking refused to touch the medium. 
I went to my first class with Latoya Hobbs, tried oil paint, and everything fucking changed. I was a GD major (or that was my plan) and I immediately switched to Painting and I never looked back. 
Unfortunately, yall don’t have that opportunity anymore. Especially since when you choose your major, you tend to stick with those classes. Which really fucking sucks, because you can tell the variety of art has gone down since this change happened. And I think that’s the thing that I dislike about MICA NOW the most. I had the chance to take things, was required to take them, and then I knew how to do a variety of things BECAUSE of those changes. And from what I understand, you don’t have those opportunities anymore. Which really fucking sucks. Because you also miss out on the amazing fucking professors in other majors as well. For example, Karen Warshal. I HIGHLY recommend taking her Portrait class and her Anatomy class. I swear to god, those were the best, more useful classes I’ve ever taken. Is she crazy? A bit. But she’s the most genuine, caring, supportive, and one of the hardest professors I’ve ever had. And thats what you WANT. You don’t want someone to butter you up, tell you your art is poppin when it’s not, and to try and let you off easy because you look upset. Karen tells you how it fucking is and that’s so god damn important. no matter what major you are, TAKE HER FUCKING CLASSES. They’re important and they’re necessary to your development as an artist. Even if you’re not into figural art. - also she makes food and brings it in. and if you’re sick she might make you chicken noodle soup. shout out to karen
Honestly, Karen was probably one of my favorite things about MICA. Along with Mark Karnes,  TONY FUCKING SHORE. LISTEN. YOU NEED TO TAKE A CLASS WITH TONY SHORE (PAINTING). I think he might be doing a class on race (which haha he knows hes white as fuck) and i think it will be fantastic. so keep an eye out, AND RUTH TOULSON THE ANTHROPOLOGY TEACHER. IT MIGHT STILL BE A REQUIREMENT. HER CLASSES HAVE AN 80+ WAITLIST. IF YOU GET ON. ITS SO WORTH IT FUCKING TRUST ME. SHES OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. PAUL LONG, HE’S AN ACADEMIC TEACHER (TEACHES POETRY AND SOME OTHER SHIT. HE’S GREAT. BRINGS SNACKS EVERY DAY), and others?? if you want to know more, please message me and i’ll give you them!
Anyway, I havent really answered your question!
Dislike:Housing situation fucking sucked. getting a room was fucking ridiculous. They ran out of room for us because they started accepting more (this happened when sophomore housing was required. My year was the first year that went into effect and they had to buy out bolton hill apartments. people had to break leases, etc. it was fucking ridiculous). 
The MICA store is eh? It used really good and held in dolphin. But it was literally falling apart. Now its too.. idk. It’s fine. I prefer artists and craftsmen. 
Access to studios and equipment is eh too. Because of time constraints. 
How the student body treats the fucking faculty is DISGUSTING. One girl literally called one of the sweetest security guards the ‘help’. Ms. Gloria (senior in security) is fantastic, Officer Green is everything, Ms. Yvette is so fucking sweet, and Mr. Robert makes my heart sing. 
The student body in general LOLOLOLOLOL. ‘Surround yourself with good juju’ - Former MICA Grad (my best friend) The fucking student body mica page is a fucking dumpster fire lol. 
I don’t like how white MICA is and how entitled a good part of the student body is. The amount of entitlement is fucking ridiculous. And the amount of ignorance is astounding. Also the obviousness to what fucking city you're in, is so wild i cant fucking even. Like. MICA is deceptively beautiful (the MICA bubble). Which is why it is high in crime lol. Just be alert and don’t be a god damned dumbass walking around at 3 am with your fucking headphones in, smoking a cigarette, and acting like you’re fucking immune to being mugged. Just saying. Take the shuttles and you’ll most likely be gucci. 
I don’t like how MICA spends its money (our money). And what they choose to invest in - like buying random fucking buildings and not telling the students what it’s for, and fucking raising the price of tuition and living in order to compensate. 
The total and utter lack of transparency, etc. It felt eehhhh I don’t know how to explain it. 
But really. I loved MICA. I wish I could go back. I met so many amazing people, made great connections, and I don’t think I would have had the same love at any other art school. (I have friends in SAIC, Pratt, Parsons, FIT, SVA, RISD - they all complain about the same things. they in the grand scheme of things, are material. Which important because, hah, money. But, material nonetheless. If you have the means, I don’t think these things I explained are deal breakers)
Now what I loved about MICA. Because honey. I fucking LOVED MICA:
When I was touring schools, I was kind of eh about them? Not in the sense that I wouldn’t have a good time or be ungrateful, but I didn’t get that feeling. Does that make sense? For example, I took a tour at SVA and I have very very strong opinions about SVA, I had no feeling. When I stepped on MICA’s campus, that was fucking it for me. Not only was I comfortable there, but the professors that were at the tour, made it their duty and went out of their way to make myself and the other potential students feel welcome. They were personable, they were kind and welcoming, they were warm, and that continued even after I decided MICA was the place for me. 
My class at least, had no drama lololol. Again, my freshman year was a hell of a lot of fucking fun. We didn’t have any big racist shit going on like other years (ahem ahem 2018, 2019). INSTEAD, we had the nudists, we had carrot videos (ask around about that), it kind of felt less cliquey? Because everyone was generally interested in being friends? Idk. Like we definitely had groups and they became more evident as majors really clicked in, but in the beginning, everyone was pretty much together (this was the first year that the grill opened and leake was a thing. So we were all figuring out the dorms together). I mean we had drama but it wasn’t... idk. It wasn’t like mica student body (maybe its because we didnt have that to fuck shit up lolol). 
On The Hill was my shit. Still my shit. I fucking love on the hill with a fucking passion. Pom Iced Teas, where you at. The neighborhood in general was really nice. Baltimore is one of my favorite cities and the stigma of it will be broken as soon as you start exploring it. HOWEVER, BE FUCKING SMART. DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT. IF YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE SOMEWHERE, YEET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. TRAVEL WITH OTHERS. DON’T BE THOSE DUMB ASS WHITE GIRLS FROM RURAL FUCKING TOWNS THAT THINK THEY CAN WALK AROUND AT 4 AM OR JUST WHEN IT’S DARK OUT, ALONE, AND BE OKAY. TAKE. THE FUCKING. SHUTTLE. 
The studio spaces were really nice so as they’re taken care of. the equipment is really nice. take advantage of it while you can. because once you’re out of school. hah. you’re screwed. 
Networking was nice. 
Being close to the Walters was amazing and the ability to go to DC for the day only spending 8$ on the Marc train to get there was amazing. Having Penn right on campus. 
Again, the professors were in majority, fucking amazing. 
Some professors had classes outside of MICA (karen has model drawing classes at her studio) take them! They’re really worth it!
I actually didnt mind the dorms. 10x better than most colleges. 
Accessibility was amazing. Especially since its not a closed campus, but everything is in one place. That’s not the case with a lot of Art colleges. 
And most of all, I just loved being there. I loved learning. I loved the people. I loved baltimore, i loved the professors. MICA 10000% shaped how I am as an artist in the best way and I think it’s an amazing place to be despite the downfalls. 
Don’t take everything I said as gospel. like I said, these are just my experiences as well as a few of my friends in the same fine arts department. The others, I’m not sure about. But yeah. I hope this helps! You can always message me and I’d be happy to refer you to classes, professors, etc. Good luck with next year!
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
ask your destiny to dance [17] {Roger Taylor}
It takes Roger exactly two weeks to realise he doesn’t know Ash nearly as well as he thought he did. There’s a lot to glean about a person from their room, and what they say, but not everything, not even close to everything.
“So I guess you’re working tomorrow?” Roger asks, leaning against the bar as Ash polishes a glass. It comes as a surprise when she makes a face, shaking her head. “We’re going on a pub crawl, if you wanna come along then.” 
Ash takes her time before answering, hanging up the glass and pulling another from the rack before she finally speaks.
“I can’t, I’m busy, sorry.” And she sounds... uncomfortable about it. Roger’s never known her to be uncomfortable about anything that didn’t relate to her home life, and she can see the moment he jumps to that conclusion. “I’m going to Paris in the afternoon,” she says quickly, and Roger’s taken aback, “I don’t get home until late; train times, you know?” 
“A day trip to Paris?” He asks, and Maureen leans over to Ash with a small smile.
“Is that where you go on those Saturdays? That’s cute, Ash, little routine trips to France.” She flicks Ash with the end of her tea towel, to which Ash smiles despite herself, blushing and flicking Maureen back.
“Oi, I’m just going to Paris, nothing cute about it. I’m allowed to have hobbies, you know.” She argued back, and Maureen snickered, smiling fondly at the ginger before she tucked her tea towel into her back pocket and went back to cutting lime wedges. “I’m going to The Louvre.” Ash explained to Roger, cheeks still faintly pink.
“The Louvre?” There was a surprise in his voice that Ash had expected, and when she looks up at him, she still seems a bit defensive.
“There’s free entry once per month; first Saturday at six.” She pauses, and when his expression brightens, hers falls and she feels like she’s said too much.
“Do you go every month?” He sounds delighted at the prospect, and Ash wants to defend herself, but then he says, “you shouldn’t be catching the train so late, it’s dark even at six, love, you must get home at like midnight; just let me drive you.”
“Rog, you don’t need to do that,” but her grin is more relieved than anything else, the tension leaving her shoulders as she goes back to her work, “you guys are going out tomorrow, and besides, it’s not like I’ve never done it before.” 
“I can get on the piss with them any time; this only happens once a month.” And the way his words make Ash smile, quietly pleased, he’s already pretty sure it’s going to be worth it.
Things between them have been... weird. Good weird, sure, but that doesn’t make them less weird. They haven’t really had time for an actual date yet, they just sort of show up at each other’s homes and watch TV and make out whenever they don’t have work or rehearsals of a night. It’s been good, it’s felt safe. 
When Ash sits on the curb outside of her dorm, she feels nervous more than anything else. It’s not a feeling she’s used to; she’s never been nervous around Roger before; it takes her probably too long to realise how much she wants this to go well. When he shows up, just after midday, he’s beaming from the second hand station wagon that he’d gotten since recording the album. There’s a map in the passenger seat.
“I’ve driven there before, but not for a while, you’re going to have to direct me.” He advises as she buckles her seat belt, putting her sketchbook and thermos by her feet and unfolding the map.
It’s a long drive, just over five hours, and Ash is nervous for about three of them, which is only compounded by getting lost twice, and eventually Roger pulls over.
“You’ve been tense since I showed up; what’s wrong?” He asks, and Ash sighs heavily, picking up her thermos and pouring herself a small cup of tea.
“I don’t exactly go blabbing about the fact that I make semi-frequent trips to Paris, alright?” Ash admits, and she takes a sip of her drink, looking out through the windshield. Roger’s not sure what that means, how to respond, and after a minute, she adds, “Freddie doesn’t even really know.” And she finishes the tea, putting the thermos back, and Roger’s still quiet. When she finally looks at him, his expression is fondly amused.
“You’ve made me feel all special.” It’s far too genuine to be a joke, and Ash lets herself smile back, rolling her eyes at him.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” She warned, and Roger’s smile sharpened as he pulled back onto the road.
“Too late.” But he reaches over to rest his hand on her knee as she opens the map up again, and her heart grows warm, her anxiety easing. They turn up the radio for the rest of the trip; Ash hums along to the songs she only knows the tune of without too much hassle, yet somehow can’t seem to actually sing a note to save her life. She finishes butchering Elton’s Crocodile Rock at the top of her lungs, and Roger’s sides hurt from laughing, and she’s grinning in a way that means she knows exactly how terrible she is and how much it amuses Roger.
“I have other skills.” She says dismissively, grinning with her nose in the air as the radio host announces another song, and instead of answering, Roger sings along to the radio like he’d written the melody himself. “Showoff.” Ash laughed, and Roger’s eyes crease as he grins.
“I don’t have other skills, I gotta make use of this one.” He replied, lightly, and Ash’s expression softened.
“Oh shut it, you’ve got at least two other skills, probably.” She played along with his joke, watching him as he sings along to the rock song blaring from the radio, and it’s relaxed and easy, and she finds herself wondering why she’d been so worried just a few hours before. 
They hit Paris at a quarter to six, and grab some fast food before heading to the gallery. There’s people everywhere, and the line isn’t exactly short to get in, more than a few of them are uni students like them, looking to get in for free, and Ash says hi to a few; the fact that she goes here enough to know other people who do this regularly to is still something that baffles Roger a little. He’s worried she’s getting nervous again when she takes his hand - they’re not the sort of people who hold hands - but when he looks at her, her eyes are shinning and bright as she looks up at the building; she’s excited. 
Ash goes quiet in the gallery, looking around with wide-eyed reverence at the works around them. They move past the entrance slowly; Ash gazes at the works with their plaques memorised, while Roger reads them, fingers laced with hers. 
“Oh, hello.” Voice reverential, Ash greets a statue at the end of the hall like an old friend, and introduces Roger as such. “This is the Venus de Milo, she’s almost two thousand years old, god, look at that marble work, imagine how sharp it would have looked back then,” and then it’s like she’s opened a floodgate, and she’s tugging him along, rambling along the way about each piece they pass, little facts not on the plaques, things she can cite from the top of her head. Above everything, she’s passionate, pulling out of his grip to clutch her hands to her chest and looking up at headless sculpture of what Roger thinks is an angel, and what Ash clarifies to be The Winged Victory of Samothrace.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” Ash’s moon-eyed gaze was focused on the statue’s marble garments, but Roger’s only got eyes for her. When he doesn’t answer, she looks to him, catches the way he’s smiling at her, and she feels her cheeks heat up. “What?”
“You really love this stuff, don’t you?” It’s a sincere question, and it’s as if he can see her responses flit through her mind, sarcastic, dismissive, an eye roll, flippant, she passes them all, takes a moment to really look at him, taking her time to breathe in the whole situation before responding.
“More than anything.” It’s a sincere answer, and it catches him off-guard. Ash is many things, but unapologetically enthusiastic is not one Roger’s familiar with.
Turning on her heel, Ash leads further in to the gallery, but it’s finally hits him how much this means to her, this place, these works, bringing him here. They’d been together for barely a fortnight, but they both know it’s felt so much longer than that; she’d taken a gamble, bringing him, he has no doubt she’d have left him in London if she didn’t want him to come along, and something tightens in his chest. 
He doesn’t dwell on it, he takes it in stride well enough, peppering her with questions along the way that she seems thrilled to answer. Tucking her arm into his, they make their way through the building, the babbling turning to banter easily as Roger provides his own commentary on each piece as they pass, which serves to make Ash laugh.
They get to a small painting on the top floor with a border that looks bigger than the picture itself, and Ash has gotten quiet again. 
“Who’s this?” Roger asks, the two of them stepping close to get a closer look.
“The Lacemaker.” Ash sounds a little awed, and when he looks down at her, Roger sees how fondly she’s smiling at the little painting. “She’s my favourite.” 
“’course she is, she’s like you.” Roger answers easily, and Ash makes a face, laughing a little self consciously.
“No she’s not, shut up.” She doesn’t sound like she believes him, a bit of a laugh in her words, but she’s resting her head against Roger’s shoulder and he wraps an arm around her.
“Same focus.” Roger muses, and when Ash looks to him, surprise and confusion on her face, he just grins. “When you sew, you’ve got the same look on your face, same focus.” He explains, and there’s something in Ash’s awed expression that he can’t place, and she pulls away from him too fast for him to really identify it.
She’s pretty sure she loves him.
It’s fucking terrifying.
She can’t look at him, stepping out of his grip as she feels tears well in her eyes as her emotions overwhelm her, not that it’s an uncommon occurrence, Ash has never set foot in an art gallery and not cried, but Roger didn’t need to know that. She’d really been doing well today, too. Usually she gets lost in the scope and detail of The Wedding at Cana, or even comes to obsess over the little details of The Lacemaker, but she’s also usually alone and can get away with it. 
“That’s- Rog, that’s really sweet of you to say.” And he can hear in her voice that she’s trying not to believe him, that she can’t let herself believe him. And when she turns back, she’s wiping at her eyes, and he wants to try and comfort her, but she’s already walking past him briskly, leading to the next painting.
“There’s something I’ve... well, I’ve always wanted to try here.” He hears her say, voice firm as if she’s trying to move quickly past whatever the moment she’d just had was. She leads not to the painting, but to one of the weirdly low, backless sofas that are scattered around for people to view the paintings from. This one’s empty; Ash looks around for security, and seeing none, steps up onto it. 
“And what’s that?” He asks with a smirk, the sofa giving her only about two inches of height on him. He doesn’t ask why she’d almost started crying, and for that she’s thankful. Instead, his hands come to rest on her hips, and he’s smiling at her in that way that sets her heart aflutter.
“Don’t ruin this.” She warns very quietly, amused smile on her lips, and Roger quirks an eyebrow.
“Ruin what?” He asks, shooting for innocent, a million different things running through his mind that could make her smile, but would definitely ruin the moment; he bites his tongue. 
Ash cups his face in her hands, and she can’t help but laugh as she leans in to kiss him. It starts sweet and tender, her lips soft against his, but he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close and deepening the kiss. There’s people moving around them, most ignoring them, some stare, but neither of them seem to care. She tastes mostly like the tea she’d sculled in the car when they’d arrived, and she’s got a hand in his hair when he presses kisses from her jaw, trailing down her neck, and she laughs, a little giddy. He pulls back, if only to see her bright eyed and blushing. 
“Let’s go home.” She says softly, and Roger’s never agreed to something so quickly, his heart elated to see Ash giggling and mischievous as they backtrack through the gallery, knowing that he and the art were the things that made her smile like that. 
“I didn’t ruin it.” He sounds a little smug when he says it as they walk through the streets of Paris back to his car, and Ash glances at him out of the corner of her eye, snorting.
“I could see you holding yourself back from a one-liner about pinning masterpieces to walls or something like that; I appreciate your discretion.” She tells him, deadpan, and Roger gives her a self-satisfied grin.
“It certainly wasn’t easy.” He agrees, but she still reaches out and takes his hand. When they get to his car, he goes to head around to the driver’s side, but she pulls him back for a moment, pressing a kiss to his lips. After a moment, he’s got a hand on her hips, pressing her against the side of the car, and she sighs against his lips, her arms around his neck. Her legs slide open easily as she pulls him closer, letting him slide a knee between her thighs.
“Christ,” Roger breaks away from the kiss, murmuring the word against her neck as her nails graze his scalp.
“Thank you for today.” She whispers softly, and he can hear the smile in her words. He presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“Any time, love.” He steps back from her, enough to see her fond smile, and to give one in return, before he heads around to the driver’s side and they both get in the car.
It’s well past midnight by the time they get back, and Ash follows Roger up to his flat with a yawn, flinching as the door opens and Brian, Freddie, and John all greet them with a cheer, obviously taking a pit stop in the middle of their pub crawl.
“I was starting to sober up; the walk between the last pub and the next is directly smack bang in the middle of here.” Freddie claims with a surprising amount of confidence considering his words make no sense.
“No- this place is on the way to the next pub.” John corrects, and Ash has to giggle at the sight and sound of a drunk John Deacon. It never fails to amuse her, he’s surprisingly confident and well spoken.
“Yes! Deaky is right! You two can join us!” Freddie brandishes and subsequently spills on Brian, who’s sitting beside him.
“Go if you want, I’m knackered.” Ash yawns, giving Roger’s shoulder a nudge, moving past him to his room.
“Actually, I think I’m right, I’ve been driving for a while,” Roger says, making to follow Ash, only to hear Freddie boo loudly, and John call out after them.
“Where’d you guys go?” He asks, and Roger answers over his shoulder.
“Art gallery.” He answers, and he hears Ash snort from his bedroom.
“That’s... Rog, that’s surprisingly cute, didn’t know you had it in you.” Brian smiles at him, and Roger feels a little patronised by the pride in his flatmate’s voice. He flips Brian off, along with the rest of them, since John was grinning like the cat who got the cream and Freddie looked like he was three seconds away from actually ‘awe’ing. 
“Did you kids have fun?” Freddie calls, sounding nothing so much like his own mother, wearing a shiteating grin, which only got wider as Roger told him to piss off, slamming the door once he got into his room. 
Ash was standing by his bed, pulling off the shorts she’d been wearing all day, already wearing one of his shirts. Roger can hear the others on the other side of the door already laughing and talking about something else, all three of them trying to convince themselves to get up and move on to the next pub. She gives him an amused smile and Roger just rolls his eyes at his friends’ whole situation.
They don’t speak, though Ash’s yawn triggers one in Roger, and when he’s stripped down to his boxers, she’s waiting for him beneath the covers. When he kisses her, it’s a thank you for the day, and she hums a soft, contented noise against his lips. They’re too tired to even fool around, and Ash wraps her arm around him as he turns to lay on his side, pressing her chest to his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade before they fall asleep.
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe @laueecakee @smittyjaws @crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings @2ptonpt @benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times @heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder @ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues @banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric @rogmobile @cardybenhardy @snacfu @perriwiinkle @the-strange-fan-girl @finite-incantatem-7 @tapetayloe @florencewelchismybiggod
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gaymirajane · 5 years
the lion’s mark
Happy Valentines Day @jinx13gxa2!! 
It’s so funny to me that I got you for the exchange, and I do sincerely hope that you enjoy this, as well as the dumb little edits I’ve added at the bottom. I love you, sweetheart, and I hope this does not disappoint!
Also thanks to @gaysquaredwrites for being my beautiful beta <3
It was cold inside, which was not unusual, and yet both boys were curled by the fire, shirtless, inspecting each other’s bare torsos.
“Mine is way more impressive than yours!”  Lyon smirked, and Gray smacked him in the arm, irritated. Still, his azure eyes were wide, and full of awe; he had never seen anything as beautiful as the tattoo on Lyon’s pectoral before.
The lion head was a mere outline, and yet it sat poised, majestic, in deep golden swirls across Lyon’s body. He had a tattoo too, of course, but the black Chinese dragon that curled around Gray’s forearm was more simplistic, less memorable.
These markings were all they had been able to talk about since Ur had explained their origins, sitting them down and talking in smooth, hushed tones. It was rare that all three of them were calm and together, but Gray’s pain had made him insensitive, and he had mocked Lyon’s lack of knowledge on the subject matter.
“You don’t even know what your tattoo is?” Gray had sneered, and Lyon blushed furiously, indignant that the younger boy could know something so fundamental to their society, and yet he did not. Growing up on the streets had not been kind to Lyon, and he had had nobody to speak to, or explain these matters to him. The peculiar lion’s head was a mystery to him growing up; but when Ur took in the two orphans, she was agreeing to take care of them mentally, as well as physically.
Ur stretched her limbs, threw some more kindle on the fire, and smiled gently at the two boys. They leaned forward, eagerly, and she rested a hand on both of their cheeks. She had never been more of a mother to them than in that moment, sitting there and explaining an ancient magic to her two adopted children. Gray had heard this story from his parents, but still he sat there tentatively, his penance for being rude to Lyon earlier. He had never had a brother before, and it took some getting used to. It wasn’t a bad feeling to him, though; far from it.
“Back before our time, when dragons still roamed free, there was a great wizard who had a large family of daughters. Each of these daughters had their own personalities, their own pain and heartache, and he wanted to protect them. The thing was, the wizard was old and did not know how much time he had left on this world. So he did all he could do; he enchanted his family to always be able to tell when they met their soulmate, so that they would never be hurt by somebody who was wasting their time. To do this, he gave them markings that were symbolic of their loves, and as they married and had children, families grew and spread, and so did the wizard’s magic; not long after, generation after generation were experiencing the magic marks, and it just became our norm.”
Rolling up her sleeve, Ur exposed her own mark, a series of deep blue swirls covering the pale expanse of her wrist. The boys had seen it during training, of course, but had never thought to ask. Ur smiled at it, like she was seeing something that was not there; or rather, someone. Her thumb ran across the mark, and there was a redness to her cheeks that made her seem younger than her years, somehow vulnerable.
“I lost my love when she was still young. This was before Ultear was born, of course. They always say that the greatest pain a person can know, but…”
The sentence hung in the air, heavy and unfinished. Lyon looked down at his hands, and Gray sniffed loudly. Both boys knew how it ended:
But it does not compare to the pain of losing a child.
Standing abruptly, Ur cleared her throat, hands on hips as she stared down at her two disciples.
“Right! Who’s for hot chocolate?”
Both boys grinned, jumping up and racing to the kitchen, and Ur watched them go, grateful that they could not see the single, lone tear that slipped down her cheek.
She took one last glance at her mark before she pulled down her sleeve and followed the boys into the kitchen, relieved that they were discussing everything from species of lizard to if they could lick their elbows, the weight of the previous conversation already forgotten in their young minds.
Magnolia baked in the heat of the summer, and the wizards of Fairy Tail felt it more than most. Gray was naked by midday, threatening to peel off his skin just to be rid of the suffocating warmth, and Lucy was pressed against the bar, where Mirajane had set up a fan to rotate around the guil, allowing short breaks of respite.
“Someone… put potatoes on me, I’m cooking, I swear it,” Lucy groaned, and Mirajane laughed at her, but it lacked energy, and the barmaid soon slumped against the wall in defeat.
“Well, you lot are certainly lively today,” Loke grinned, and Lucy barely managed to lift an eyebrow at his sudden appearance.
“You’d better not be using my magic to come here,” She muttered, and Loke slid into the next to her, laughing. The small breeze his movements created were bliss, and Lucy sighed happily.
“Your concern is touching as always, Princess, but I’m using my own magic to be here and see my guildmates.”
“Are you even a member of Fairy Tail anymore?” Lucy rolled her eyes at him, and he stared at her. There was a hardness to him then that contrasted his usual bravado, and it was enough to have Lucy sitting up, giving him her full attention.
Loke removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and began to unbutton his dress shirt, much to Lucy’s ardent protests.
“Why are you doing a Gray, Loke?” Cana questioned, taking a swig from her barrel. Gray protested this, but nobody had the heart to point out that, as nude as he was, he did not have a leg to stand on.
Soon enough Loke had lost his shirt, and before Lucy had a chance to admire his impressive chest, he turned so that his back was facing her. In the middle of his back was a lime-green guild symbol. But that was not what grabbed Lucy’s attention; on his forearm was the outline of a snowflake, and Lucy almost fell from her stool in her haste to stand, to touch the marking.
“You have a match mark? I thought spirits were immune to that, not being human and all!” Her eyes were wide, and it was the most animated she had been all day. Sweat beaded on her forehead, slipped down her neck, and she fell back onto her seat.
Loke shrugged. “I guess because of the amount of time I spent in the human world, I became the exception? We’re not sure on that front, but I definitely have one. Mine’s a snowflake, Princess. What’s yours?”
She blushed, and Mirajane chuckled behind her hand.
“Um... it doesn’t matter. Forget I asked.”
Lucy crossed her arm over her chest in discomfort, knowing the tarot card that covered the majority of her left breast: the Lovers. Two women stood in front of the ocean. Mirajane had seen it, had commented on how it matched Juvia’s, only instead of the ocean, Juvia’s lovers were stood in front of the moon. It was reminiscent of Cana’s mark; the moon pulling the tide, and the meaning was clear. That did not mean that Lucy was ready to accept it.
Idly, Lucy wondered about Loke’s mark. The obvious link was to Gray, but Gray had found his dragon in Natsu; Loke was a lion, so it did not match. She did not ponder it any longer, the heat and the questions causing a headache to form in the front of her skull.
The guild went back to melting in peace, Loke tried to pick a fight with Gray, and the conversation was forgotten.
Lyon, no longer fearing his mark, pushed it to the back of his mind. Life passed, simultaneously over and underwhelming to him, and the next ten years were a blur of poorly suppressed emotions and guilt. Ur’s death, Galuna Island, Zeref, Deliora; he was ashamed of his heritage, but it was all he had.
Life improved, of course, once he joined Lamia Scale. The guild became his family, and he could keep track of Gray without actually having to speak to him. In many ways, it was perfect. Everything he had ever wanted, besides surpassing Ur, was coming true, and whether Lyon felt that he deserved it or not was irrelevant; this was his reality, and he was determined to live for it.
“The Masters have decided to combat the threat of the Barram Alliance once and for all, starting with the most prominent threat, the Oracion Seis. I’m sending Lyon, Sherry, and Jura. If you brats fail, I’ll spin you!”
The old woman was eccentric and tiresome, but in a warm way; like a great aunt that, no matter how she yelled, there was a fondness for. Lyon felt it then, in the trust that she was placing in him and Sherry despite their respective pasts. A second chance was something that Lyon was grateful for, something he had found within the guild, and he knew that Fairy Tail would be participating in this battle. With any luck, he would be able to fight alongside Gray again, prove to his brother that he had changed; that things between them could improve.
He got his wish.
The Oracion Seis were formidable; nothing like Lyon had encountered before; their resources alone were enough to terrify him. Gray flanked him on one side, Lucy and Sherry on the other. The women bickered, and Lyon wanted to point out that the midst of battle was hardly the time nor place for such pettiness, but he and Gray had been the same, had lost their shirts in the heat of their argument. Fighting with Gray, their match marks exposed, creating ice in beautiful, magical sculptures, made Lyon feel like a child again; as though none of the pain and suffering and tears had ever happened at all. But there were scars along the left side of Gray’s body that told a different story, and Lyon swallowed his guilt down at seeing the after-effects of Gray’s failed Iced Shell.
They were surrounded by lesser magic guilds, mere lackies; but their numbers were incredible, and even weak, they were slowing the group of wizards down.
“We need to reduce their numbers, and quickly!” Lyon yelled, sending an ice eagle flying through the crowd, picking up and dropping criminals onto one another.
Sherry animated the trees around them, Gray made shields and geysers, blocking attacks and separating the group of evil wizards; and Lucy stood grasping her keys. She found the one that she desired, and smirked to herself.
“Open, gate of the lion: Loke!”
Light exploded from Lucy’s hand, bright and golden and a familiar, a hue that Lyon had seen every day of his life. His step faltered, eyes darting to the tattoo on his chest, a bust of a lion.
Open, gate of the lion.
A man appeared, smartly dressed, grinning like a cat.
“Always a pleasure to serve you, Princess.”
He turned, and his gaze caught Lyon’s; they both halted. The man was beautiful, with a mane of ginger hair and sharp, shining teeth. He had two sets of ears, which was odd; but Lyon found that he did not mind. It added to the feline sense of lithe strength, and Lyon was surprised with the urge that passed over him, to touch those lean muscles and that soft hair.
An enemy ran at him, and with one hand he produced an ice panther that leapt on him, taking him down with ease.
“You’re an ice wizard?” The celestial spirit yelped, and Lyon nodded slowly, quizzical.
In a second the man had stripped, his muscles defined and pale and so close that if Lyon just reached out--
But then he turned to the side, and his match mark became apparent. A snowflake, indigo, the same shade as Lyon’s guild mark, and Lucy let out a nervous laugh.
“No way…”
Gray noticed next, and the horror that darkened his features was fitting for the middle of battle, but maybe not this situation.
“My brother and my best mate? No fucking way.”
“Lyon-sama…” Sherry blushed, eyes wide, and Lyon cleared his throat.
His heart was racing, heat crawled over his skin; but there was a mission to do, a job to complete. Being a guild wizard meant putting yourself second, and his personal life came long after protecting Cait Shelter; still, if Lyon’s destined match was a celestial spirit, that brought more questions to mind than he had time to answer. There was no doubting it; he had to survive this battle to get to know the man with a lion’s mane, and take the next tentative steps towards his future, whatever that may be.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I am very tired. Both because it was a busy day and because my allergies are making it so i cant breathe very well.
Today was pretty nice though! Sleeping over with James was nice but I had a lot of trouble breathing. I woke up a few times because of it. So getting up was hard. James let me sleep a little longer while he made us pancakes. He also made a syrup and it was very good and he is such a good boyfriend. We got ready and dressed and left a little after 10.
We went to my apartment. He rinsed his coffee cup and went to work. And I spent an hour and a half chilling and recharging. I had the baked potato he put together for me. And i was very cold so I went and laid down for a half hour before I had to go,
I still took the earlier bus. And it was chilly. But it was nice. It was a good ride to wildwood. And i had lots of time when i got there.
As i walked up to the building there were 2 cats sitting in the sun outside. I had lots of time so i got down and let them smell my hand. And they let me pet them! The one had a collar and the other was pretty skinny and dirty. I went and sat on the bench and the collared one sat under me and the dirty one let me pick him up and pet him. I cuddled him and sung to him for a while. He purred but like. I dont think he knew how because it was very croaky. I sat there and enjoyed these cats until they ran away.
I was still a little early. I said hi to the girl at the desk and then back to Tiffany's office. I worked on my lesson planning a bit. Fitsum came and we did a little more training. Then up to the class!
We were with the 4th and 5th graders. And that was cool. To get to know the kids I'll be with a little more. We started with a circle. Talked. The kids have to much energy but i like them! They are very sweet.
We had recess. Where i had to have words with a student because she chased one od my cat friends screaming. I was not happy with her being mean to an animal. But it was a good recess and it was nice to be outside. The kids are very funny. They're all screaming and running around in circles. When it was on the playground was fine. My problem was just when they were being mean to the animals. Which thankfully was not really anywhere near the playground itself.
Go back inside and had dinner. They had a weird taco bowl thing. Kids shared it with me a little got a couple chips. One girl gave me her carrots and you were absolutely disgusting. Like they tasted like sugar. I don't particularly like carrots but these were disgusting I only could eat too and I thought I was going to throw up. I felt just like when I was a kid when Mom would make me eat something I didn't like and I didn't have the words to explain why I didn't like it. This was exactly that. Apparently I really just don't like canned carrots.
We went up to the classroom and started working on art. Mr. D, one of the other teachers that I think I'm going to be working with, was leading the activity this week. They had made Sculpey objects last week and they were painting them to that. But a couple of those hoping things have broken so about five of them were making new ones. I got to sit and help a couple of the girls learn how to make little sculptural animals. I made a little tiny cat like I normally do. And they were like oh my God make one for me. And I said we'll make it together I'll show you how I do it. Then they would attempt to make it. And I would clean it up. And then they would crush it and asked me to make a new one. I said no you're going to make your own. And by the end the one girl had made four or five and the one she ends up keeping look really good and she had done most of the work. So it was nice to be able to actually work with them. Figure out how much help they need. What they can accomplish and what they can't. I also Drew with some of the kids for a little bit as well. It is really interesting seeing how everyone was interacting with the kids. We had four adults in the room so that can be a little bit different obviously. D is very quiet and reserved but they all really like him. Liz's louder butt firmer and really has a grasp on the control of the space. I was in there playing with the kids and I'm quiet but I am present. Fitsum I'm not sure about. I don't think he has a ton of experience working with little kids. Like don't get me wrong he wasn't that or anything. But he seems very uncomfortable and not sure what he was doing. I only really saw him interact with the kids twice during the art time. And like a recess he wasn't really talking to them at all. He did play a little bit of basketball but I don't know he just seems very uncomfortable. But that might have just been a space thing. And also he's from Africa and some of the kids were asking him if he knew people from countries that were literally thousands of miles away from where he's from. That had to be a little bit uncomfortable for him. I still think he's going to be fine once everything settles in.
I ended up having a really nice conversation with mr. D during the pickup hour. We sat on one of the lunch benches and he told me all about LARPing and cosplay. I used to do a little bit of that in high school and you guys know I love the costume so I was able to share some of my experiences as well. We have a lot of similar feelings about what aren't we want to work on this semester so honestly I hope we work together I think we would go well. And then it was time to go. Me and Fitsum went over to Tiffany's office to just have a debriefing before we went home. He gave me a ride. But he did have to leave me on the street because his girlfriend was at the cafe and he wanted to get her from there. But that was fine it's like two blocks. It was pretty chilly out though and I was very glad to be home.
But I had to turn the heat on here that's how cold it is. I put a pizza in the oven and took a shower. Wash my hair. Got changed and had my food. I watch TV for a little bit and cuddled with sweetp. I went through some more of my clothes that are down in the basement and brought out more winter stuff. More things with long sleeves. I organize my closet. And now I am really much just looking forward to getting in bed. I have the morning off tomorrow and I'm going to do laundry and go get groceries and I'm going to vacuum. Maybe I'll even have time to do some art and work on my lesson plans. But really I'm saving all of the lesson plans for Wednesday. So I'm not that concerned about it. I just hope it's going to be a good day. Go back to Wildwood in the afternoon to Shadow the younger kids class. And I'm interested to see what the teaching style would be like. So wish me luck. I hope you guys all have a good night and sleep well. Stay warm.
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so if u dont mind me asking, whats the first year of college like ? i start next week and im terrified. what should i expect for the first week/the first month/ etc???
Well I can't speak for everyone but here's some of my experience and wisdom 😅 sorry this ended up being kind of long and rambly-If there's welcome weekend events go to them! Meet people! Even if you don't actually make friends meeting people is very important, and I know I met a lot of interesting people this way-leaving your door open once in a while, at least for like the first few days and /only while you are in the room/, can be a great way to meet the people in your hall! My roommate and I made a couple friends the first two days this way that stayed our friends-going to free events is a lot of fun and you can meet a lot of people, do a lot of fun things, and get free stuff! My school hosts 3 events every weekend at night, and all of them have free food and crafts, as well as things like casino nights, mechanical bulls, karaoke, cultural fests, dances...the list goes on but they're all a lot of fun to go to! Seriously don't pass them off until you try them yourself-the work is gonna be pretty different from high school. My workload increased a huge amount, as well as in difficulty. Make sure you don't blow it off. Try not to procrastinate, I remember I procrastinated on one of my first big assignments and regretted it when I was sitting over a makeshift light table made out of a plastic container and a lamp at 3AM on the floor of my dorm room-dining hall food is awful. Make the most of it. Try to eat veggies and healthy food at least sometimes.-you're going to meet some awesome people and some really really awful people. Cherish the good ones and distance yourself from the awful ones as fast as you can. You'll thank yourself later-the social environment is very different, especially if you're coming from a small high school! I encountered a lot more drama but as long as you're careful you'll be ok!-there are ABSOLUTELY people you need to be wary of. Never leave any drink unattended. A friend of mine was roofied the first weekend we were on campus while watching a movie next door. She wasn't even drinking, the guy put it in her water. (And the people at the hospital and the title XIV officer was awful about it but that's a story for another day)-a lot of (but not all) professors are a lot more casual than high school teachers-befriend your professors! They can really help you out!-trying new things is really important. I took a sculpture class last semester (though granted I had to) and I was dreading it because I hate working with 3d mediums and it ended up being one of my most fun classes-talking to people in your classes can make you some great friends-you might get a shitty roommate. You might get the best roommate. I had friends who had to get room changes. Don't be afraid to do what's best for you-seriously you're going to have to learn when and how to put yourself first. It's really hard but it makes a world of difference and it's important to watch out for your physical and mental health-get a hobby if you don't have one already it'll help keep you sane-figure out which of your friends have cars. Don't abuse the privelidge of them driving you places, but remember it can be super helpful when you need something or if you all just want to go on an adventure!-learning what's in your area off campus is important. You'll find good restaurants, places to have fun, and more-people drink. A lot. If you decide to as well you need to be careful. A lot of people are not. Don't drink too much, don't leave your drinks unattended, but if you do get a new one. Eat and stay hydrated so you don't get sick or a hangover. Drinking games are fun but you need to be SERIOUSLY careful with them. Don't drink during the week or the night before classes. You're going to see a lot of drunk people. Some are really nice. Some are awful. Be wary. -sometimes dorm neighbors are annoying, sometimes they're ok. My upstairs neighbors make tons of noise all night all the time, but both of my next door neighbors were quiet and pleasant.-weird shit happens everywhere all the time. There's a tree with a bra that gets changed. People (*cough*me*cough) set up kiddie pools on the green. Water gun fights in the art building, people roller skating through the dorm, etc etc-people bike and skateboard everywhere. If you are one of these people, watch out for people walking. If you're not, for the love of God watch where you're going and get out of the way-don't stay in your room all day! Go visit others, chill outside, go to the rec center, etc. My friends and I sometimes hang out behind the engineering building since it's nice and outside-cabin fever's fuckin rough in college if you go somewhere where it gets colds and snows or rains in the winter. You can get really depressed. Take necessary steps to keep yourself healthy-your going to learn a lot about yourself-people like...don't give a shit in college. If you're not hurting anyone do whatever the fuck you want. A friend of mine wore PJ pants to an event and got compliments all night-if you get along with your parents don't be afraid to text or call them whether you're homesick or not. It's really nice to keep in touch sometimes, and one time when my mom heard how depressed I was she got me a bunch of candy and she and my dad came down and visited for a day-ask questions when you need help. Seriously don't be afraid to get help. -if you explain your situation to professor they're usually understanding and can work something out with you. I've gotten extensions several times with no penalty because I explained things, preferably before it's due-overall it's a lot of fun and a lot of stress but you've got to find the balance!-i can't think of anything else at the moment but there's definitely more. Don't be afraid to ask me if you have any questions!
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𖠁 hi, im ♠! i use it/it/its/itself pronouns and i'm the one who made this blog! i do not really have a personality of my own, i am a blank slate on which my systemmates project their personality, i'm the only fronter of the system! i do not experience emotion myself, however i do have feelings thanks to the collective consciousness of the system. it makes me quite sad that i am not a person and i wish i was one - i only experience personhood through my systemmates
𖠁 for my systemmates, i am associated with the colors purple and black as well as soft, small animals
𖠁 heyoooo! im a parallax alter, use she/her and im one of the only extroverted alters! my personality is best described by circuscore and clowncore, but for my systemmates im associated with black, purple and yellow, as well as bats and rats! i experience limited emotions, and i can only really express them through aesthetics!
𖠁 hello, 🍯 here! im an ISH/carer alter, and my personality is best described by warmcore or cottagecore. my emotions aren't limited, but are always coated in hope, as if dipped into it. im the one you will be talking to in case you need help 🤗 i use she/her and they/them pronouns and care for both littles and my grown-up systemmates
𖠁 im 💄. im a protector of the system, and my associations are the colors red and gold, leopards, riches and red wine. i go by she/her.
𖠁 its nice to meet you, im ♦, and i am a holder of repressed trauma. my systemmates tell me that the only way for them to explain my personality is gray and neat, so I guess that's how i will describe it to you :). they also associate me with dust, libraries, the cold, blue colors, marble sculptures and loneliness
𖠁 hello there, im ♥ and i am a system protector. im described as a mix between 💄and 🎪, and my systemmates associate me with casual villaincore. i experience limited emotions, my range only stretches to anger, mischief, fun and pleasure. i dont have much else to say about myself, but i hope to post a lot on the blog ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
𖠁 🌫 is a little and a traumaholder. since we don't allow traumaholders to reflect, I (♠) will describe 🌫. 🌫 doesn't use any pronouns and doesn't like being even mentioned in a dialogue, internal or external. 🌫's entire identity is very foggy and unclear, but we know 🌫 is a feminine child. 🌫 will not be posting at all, but 🌫 is a part of the system and we all do think 🌫 deserves to be mentioned.
𖠁 hello! im a half fictive and a caretaker, specifically for littles! I like to describe my personality by the warmcore and lunapark aesthetic. i use she/her pronouns but I am currently looking for a replacement (please do suggest to me if you have an idea). it saddens me that my presence makes it hard for the littles to be completely reflected and for ♠ to experience childhood, however i do my best to make their time fun and safe. much love to everybody ❤❤❤
𖠁 hey, 🎠 here; I'm a soother alter, I use ae/aer pronouns and the closest I can describe my personality is with this picture
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I'm associated with porcelain toys and figures, gemstones, fairy lights and pink lemonade, as well as swans and albino peacocks
𖠁 hi, I'm 🦷. I am the tamest of the raging alters (🐺, 🔪 and 🔗 are the other raging alters), which is why im going to type their introductions too. I use it/its and xe/xer pronouns and am mostly associated with the shallow forests during the day and early morning as well as cats. I am more cultured than the other rage alters as well, and I do my best to keep my presence as easy to handle as possible
𖠁 While he uses he/him pronouns, he is genderless. he is the personification of our rage, hatred for the world and our urge to destroy. we associate him with bl**d, g*re, wolves and the deep woods in the late evening. Interestingly, 🐺 isn't the most vi*l*nt raging alter
𖠁 🔗 is very vi*l*nt, but in a way that is destructive to the vessel instead of its surroundings - 🔗 craves freedom, which often leads zem to cause the vessel physical injury. ze is the personified feeling of entrapment and hopelessness, as well as untamed rage towards the captors
𖠁 🔪 uses ke/kek/keks/kekself pronouns and is the most brutal of our rage alters. ke is the one that causes the most trouble and brings the greatest desire for bl**d, guts and viol*nc*. we associate kek with demons, f*re, bl**d, brutality and cann*bal*sm
𖠁 hello guys, im a soother/carer/ISH alter and i use ae/aer pronouns. my systemmates associate me with sunshine, fields, soft wild animals (like hares, squirrels and deer), wildflowers, cottagecore and peaceful, euphoric solitude. i specifically care for traumaholders, both repressed and the ones who remember
𖠁 hi guys, im 🍂, an ISH who works as an emotional mechanic. I am related to ♣ and we are related to the same things and aesthetics, except I do not interact with any other systemmates except for ♠. I prefer being alone while I work on our mental and emotional state (*^ω^). I use they/them pronouns
𖠁 hello, I'm glad to meet you! I'm a carer of the raging alters, and I am associated with medicalcore, therapists, huge, gated woods and shady medical practices (in the benefit of my patients of course)
𖠁 🧿 is an entity which can pass through the barriers of the headspace, collecting information on all the members of the system. 🧿 is a sentient, autonomous database of information, omnipresent across the headspace but not often communicating with the others
𖠁 hello, im 🐲, i use he/him and rae/ream pronouns. i don't think i need to explain my personality to you. im a fictive
↳ the following alters are littles and therefore will be described by their primary carer, 🌰
𖠁 null, also known as blanc is the original. it is comatose and its only activity has been connecting us all through collective consciousness as long as we remember. the collective consciousness is getting weaker and is starting to disappear, and it truly seems like null is going to dissipate soon.
(described by ♠, informations from 🧿)
[more will be added tomorrow as it is hard for me to reflect so many people in such a short time - ♠]
[to do: 🧸📺🐰]
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