#skincare routine quiz
theskinconsult · 6 months
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healthysharpreviews · 4 hours
Do you want young looking, radiant skin?
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thelazybard · 28 days
idk if you do modern AU, but it could be really cool like a modern au of the clones from Bad Batch + rex and cody in like university. what would they study, what hobbies, what would they wear! idk
or maybe like in the y/n s/o perspective how they would help them study through finals and midterms?
love ur writing 🫶🫶🫶
I love university AUs sm ughh
Modern!The Bad Batch +Rex +Cody x GN!Reader: The boys as university students
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Style: Athleisure for sure. Something presentable enough to attend class in but also hit up the gym in after. The same sneakers almost every day, and his gold chain.
Major: Philosophy
Study dates: In his dorm when Cody is out. You both fit into his twin bunk and quiz each other with flash cards.
Style: Done up, slacks and a sweater every day for sure. I imagine him in brown loafers and gold jewelry.
Major: Engineering
Study dates: Out at a cafe with free wifi. He prefers outdoor seating so the two of you can have a bit more privacy while also enjoying nature, but he won't subject you to that in the winter. You doublecheck his math for him and quiz him on the different formulas he's got to memorize.
Style: Jeans, boots, and a graphic tee of some sort. A denim or leather jacket in the winter.
Major: Forestry/Environmental Science
Study date: Outdoors at campus, usually under a tree the two of you can lean back on. He brings snacks and a blanket each time, and the two of you study for your respective midterms in a comfortable silence until you fall asleep on his shoulder.
Style: Similar to Rex's. Athleisure, but more boyish. Graphic tees of his favorite show and Nike sweatshorts.
Major: Biomedical engineering
Study dates: At your dorm because Fives always has a girl over. He tries to focus on studying but ends up getting distracted by the various doodads around your room, which results in you getting the great idea of holding him down and doing your skincare routine on him. No studying gets done.
Style: He's the guy that wears shorts whether it's warm or not. A black pullover hoodie is a closet staple. (He let's girls borrow it so be ready to argue about that). Socks and sandals 100%.
Major: Sport's Medicine or Physics.
Study dates: In his dorm. He sits at his desk with you in his lap and you make him create/study quizlets. He takes breaks frequently to snuggle and kiss you.
Style: Slacks, polo and blazer. Thinks you need to look your best to do your best. Him and Wrecker fuss over each other's styles constantly.
Major: Double majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science.
Study dates: In the STEM building in one of the many study spaces. He says what he's learned out loud to you to better adhere it in his noggin. He takes you out to ice cream after to make up for the lack of romance during the actual study part.
Style: Dark academia on days he has a presentation. Rest of the time? Sweatpants and a black shirt. Something he can jump right back into bed in.
Major: I'm sorry but he's so a business major. Actually I'm not sorry.
"Study" dates: You go to his dorm and make out while a business textbook is open nearby. Studying!!
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softerglow · 11 months
how to create a good morning routine
in comparison to a night routine, a good morning routine should be a bit more intensive. the morning should be the time of day where you get the most important or off-putting tasks on your to do list out of the way. there's two different approaches i would take to creating a morning routine, depending on if you're used to waking up on time, or if you have trouble getting out of bed.
the big question:
what do you want to get out of your morning routine? do you want more productive hours in the day? do you want more time to spend with yourself? find your answer and make sure it's a good one. if you don't have a reason that's good enough to get you out of bed, you won't.
the benefits of a morning routine:
starting the day off on the right foot. you have time to regulate yourself and get ready without missing any steps. feeling organized and prepared for the day will help your overall mood as the day goes on. a good morning routine should reduce the stress you feel in your daily life.
punctuality. you know what you need to do, what order to do it in and you're leaving the house on time. many of us have a habit of running late. it's rude and gives the impression that you're unreliable. being on time should always be a priority.
more free time later in the day. you could have more time for self improvement, leisure or picking up new projects if you set up your morning properly.
how to plan a morning routine:
how much time do you have? make sure you have a clear picture of how long you have to run through your morning routine and how much of that time it takes to get ready.
choose what your first activity of the day is. once you've turned off your alarm, you need to stay out of bed. if you have faith in your discipline already, exercise or chores should be first on the list. if you're still adjusting to early mornings or you just prefer a more laid back morning, make yourself an easy breakfast and watch a show or a youtube video. make sure your first activity is something that will get you out of bed, and is not so overwhelming that you're tempted to press snooze.
choose what the last activity of your morning routine is. this needs to be something that will take pressure off the rest of your day. it can change from day to day too, as long as you know what it is by the day before. if you're behind on emails, this is your chance. if you have a speech that's not well enough practiced, practice it. use this time slot to change the mood of your day for the better, get the worst out of the way.
write out a schedule. this can always change later, but you need an idea of what you're aiming for. be realistic in how long it takes to get things done.
example morning routine:
6.00am - 6.30am: yoga
6.30am - 7.30am: shower, skincare, get dressed, do hair and makeup
7.30am - 8.00am: breakfast
8.00am - 9.00am: revise for quiz
9.00am: leave house
other tips:
try to stay off your phone for the first hour of the day. this is to minimize distraction and to make you less dependent on social media. you don't need a rush of dopamine first thing in the morning.
try to drink a glass of water before you go for coffee. being well hydrated helps you stay awake and alert and is a lot kinder to your digestive system than coffee. in addition, caffeine is a diuretic so it's important to drink a lot of water with it.
make sure your breakfast is satisfying in order to maintain energy levels throughout the day. go for protein and fats over carbs first thing in the morning (fats especially if you're taking supplements, several nutrients absorb better when taken with fat). that being said, don't avoid carbs. add a low gi option such as fruit, steel cut oats or certain breads (most grocery stores have low gi options for bread).
most importantly, cater your morning routine to you. being productive might be less important to you than curling your hair just right, or taking your dog for a walk might improve your mood better than getting ahead of your emails. it's your day and you know what will make it good. honour yourself and enjoy your morning.
hi there, thank you for reading this far. this is a follow up post to how to create a good night routine. i'm glad you're all enjoying my blog so far. wishing light, love and prosperity to all <3
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urlittlevenicebitchh · 8 months
𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
go for a walk
take a nap
go to a pet store
play just dance
look at grosspo
find a new aesthetic
design your dream wardrobe
make a list of movies/tv shows/books you want to watch/read
write a short story
make a vision board
make spotify playlists
write a letter to your future self
go to the gym
draw your dream body
have a photoshoot
explore somewhere new
join discord/insta/tumblr groups
learn a language on duolingo
make a new social media account
find new makeup + hairstyles to practice
watch a childhood movie
declutter your phone
online quizes
at-home spa day
make a time capsule
play roblox or minecraft
make a photo wall
start a manifestation journal
test old pens and markers
rearrange furniture in your room
unsubscribe from emails
make a birthday/holiday wishlist
upcycle old clothes
make a bucket list
clean your car or room
declutter bags
find a new podcast to listen to
update your resume
apply to jobs
paint or draw
practice gratitude
start a bullet journal
create a 5 year plan
start a free course
discover new music
work on your insta feed
sell clothes online
start a blog
organize a drawer
clean your makeup brushes
learn a new skill
start a youtube channel or podcast
call a family member
build a puzzle
plan your week
paint your nails
learn a new dance
write a letter to a friend
find a pen pal
write 3 short-term goals
work on current goals
plan your next vacation
explore your neighborhood
do a face mask
organize your closet
find new blogs to follow
do a hair mask
do mirror work
take a shower or bath
pinterest crafts
watch youtube
dust your room
tye dye clothes
facetime friends
make a comfy fort
invite a friend over
go to the mall
amusement park
binge a movie/tv series
make slime
sidewalk chalk
have a tea party
make friendship bracelets
plant a flower
go through old magazines + make collages
hand massage
make your own face scrub
create a skincare routine
research something you've been meaning to learn more about
make popsicles
create a budget
drink water!!!
meal plan
sign up for volunteer work
watch a random documentary
follow new tags on tumblr/insta
hug your pet
organize stationary
watch a ted talk
clean mirrors in your house
reply to old texts
write your own list of things to do
make lists
visit a museum
go to the beach
sign up for a workout class
tidy your desk
make a warm drink
practice hand lettering
5 minute doodles
follow a disney animation lesson (youtube)
watch animal videos
online crossword puzzles
find live shows in your area
play board games
go for a drive
go through junk drawer
pick flowers
start a nature journal
do therapy worksheets from pinterest
make weekend plans
research your family tree
create your own game
make a fruit salad
print coloring worksheets
ride a bike
play a childhood game (mine's animal jam :) )
search for your spirit animal
paint rocks
random act of kindness
make a busy box
plan a yard sale
start/join a book club (can be virtual :) )
shop ikea online
make room decor
closet fashion show
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ros3ybabe · 1 month
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Daily Check-in: April 24, 2024 🎀
Wednesday started out so rough, I had a really bad stress breakdown from the pressure I was putting on myself for the exam I have today (Thursday), but luckily my dad was able to calm me down over the phone and my boyfriend motivated me and encouraged me. I don't feel as stressed out anymore, I know that I know the material and I'll do great! (it's a chemistry exam)
🩷 What I Accomplished:
studied chemistry for a good bit
completed 3 chemistry homework assignments
scheduled a make-up quiz for my psyc class
did the Total Body Pilates video from Blogilates
did the 11 minute Wake Up Yoga from Yoga with Adriene
did my morning skincare and journaling
actually, just did my entire morning routine and felt great about it
shipped off shorts I sold on depop
went to chemistry lecture to review for the exam
went to my virtual appointment with a registered dietitian and set some goals for the next 2 weeks
decided to join a step challenge with my health insurance company to win points (they have some cool things in their points shop, plus extra steps during the day is good for my health!)
washed my laundry
made a brain dump list for the remainder of the week
💞 Good Things That Happened:
I really like the dietitian I met with and have another appointment with her in 2 weeks
I really enjoyed using my new 40oz Simple Modern insulated tumbler cup
didn't let my stress breakdown make me go home, very proud of myself for sticking to my plans
went to sleep early
sold another item on depop!
I felt very reassured that I know the content that is going to be on my upcoming exam
the guy who makes sushi at my campus food court made sushi for me and held it until I went to get it so no one would buy it, i could've cried it was so nice of him
I drank coffee on campus and it didn't hurt my stomach for once!
💔 What Could've Gone Better:
need to put less pressure on myself
had some issues with food after my dietitian appointment (sometimes thinking too much about food can be triggering for me, tbh, but my goals are nutrient based which is helpful!!)
started crying before I went to bed because I was feeling oddly emotional (I think I'm starting my period soon)
had to turn down a work shift because I had too much school stuff and that appointment (I need the money so bad tho)
did not drink near enough water
need to be more patient and gentle with myself
also need to really figure out what's going on with my priorities, I keep struggling to do the things I say I'm going to do which is difficult for me to deal with sometimes
need to remember progress over perfection, 50% is always better then doing 0% of something
💗 Stuff For Thursday
clean my room
listen to a podcast episode
maybe do some more laundry
make a grocery list
clean my bathroom
therapy today over video call
reschedule a morning appointment
chemistry exam tonight
try to ship off the shirt I sold on depop
do some more planning and organizing for my life
that's all for now! Thursdays gonna be good. My exam is gonna go great! I have confidence in myself, and my knowledge and I know I've got this!
til next time lovelies 🩷
💕 Song of The Day: Baddie by IVE
Gotta remind myself of this sometimes <3
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studentbyday · 2 months
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We gotta finish the stuffsssss...!!! 💢 💢 💢 Fighting!!!
🪨 Habits:
morning routine ✅
physio exercises (eek i forgot, i'll do it tmr 😣)
yoga ✅
abs ✅
skincare ✅
night routine ✅
wind down for 30 mins before sleeping with the light on (e.g. spacing out/meditate/journal/yoga/dealing with the things that distracted me while studying) ✅
water meter: 💧💧💧
🍅 (The rest of) my day in pomodoros (50-60/10):
things moved faster than i thought they would today, but i wonder how i only regularly spend 3h of my day studying when before my daily average hours was 4 (or 5-6 on good days)...i need to spend more time studying bc i have things to catch up on 😭
pomodoro 1:
chk + send phil quiz ✅
finish psyc ch 1/4 for this week ✅
start psyc ch 2/4 for this week ✅
pomodoro 2:
finish psyc ch 2/4 for this week ✅
start psyc ch 3/4 for this week ✅
pomodoro 3:
half of psyc ch 3/4 for this week (i tried to but for the last little bit, i just skimmed and outlined the rest of the chapter)
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buckgasms · 11 months
daddy bucky x princess night time routine ?! 🥹🎀
Love this thought 🩷
So assuming it's not a night where an endless evening of Olympic level sex happens, then this is what I kind of picture:
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You change into some cute loungewear and he puts on some joggers (which immediately runs the risk of turning into a fuck fest because can you imagine???)
I love the idea that you watch like quiz shows and stuff together because he can indulge you in your praise kink when you get answers right, and you can tell him what a clever daddy he is 😌
Also I cannot get the image out of my head of sitting with facemasks and hair wrapped in towels painting nails and chatting shit about people he works with. Plus I think he believes Sam is in a secret relationship and you spend ages trying to work out who it might be 🤭
If you aren't already sitting on his lap, then he will either have your hand locked in his and he'll kiss the back of your hand every so often
He lies down and puts his head in your lap so you can stroke his hair *sigh*
When you are tired you head into the big bathroom to get ready for bed.
If you like that sort of thing, Bucky will help you with your skincare routine. You wash your face and then you tell him which toners and serums go on which order. He even does a little jade roller on your cheeks because he just fucking loves pampering you!
You sit on the counter with him standing between your knees, occasionally stealing kisses and telling you how beautiful you are.
While he's doing that you put some moisturiser on his cheeks because skin care "is important Daddy"
If you don't like that kind of touching then he will just mooch around the bathroom, asking about your routine and talking to you, obviously kissing you and hugging your waist and complimenting you 🩷
Then you climb into bed and snuggle all the way into the middle and watch as Bucky slips in next to you.
You immediately wrap your arms and legs around him as he chuckles, squeezing you back equally tight.
So many kisses it's unreal
He kisses your cheeks, your nose until you can't stop kissing him back, hands clinging to his shoulders as your lips pressed together, tongues exploring as your breath escapes in gasps and sighs in the gaps between your kisses.
Sometimes if you find it hard to sleep he'll tell you a little story, maybe about a trip you're going to take or something like that
His deep, rumbling voice is so soothing and relaxing that you can't help drift off to sleep in his strong warm arms.
He's so dreamy
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lovinterstellar · 8 months
acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. while the exact cause of acne is not fully understood, it is believed to be influenced by several factors, including:
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Excess oil production
Hormonal changes
Certain medications
To help manage and prevent acne, consider the following tips:
Keep your face clean by washing it twice a day with a gentle cleanser.
Avoid touching your face with dirty hands to avoid bacteria spreading onto your face.
Use non-comedogenic skincare products that won't clog your pores.
Choose oil-free and non-comedogenic makeup because (some) makeup can clog skin too.
Limit exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen to protect your skin.
Maintain a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Avoid excessive stress, as it can trigger hormonal changes that may worsen acne.
Talk to a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options or take online an online quiz for personalized skincare (I heard Curology is good!)
Remember, everyone's skin is unique, so it may take some trial and error to find the best approach for managing your acne. Be patient and consistent with your skincare routine.
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rins1cle · 8 months
Random Poseidon headcannons I thought about while re-watching Poseidon's and Sasaki's fight.
(Editor note: This is mixed crack, platonically and romantically 💀)
- He would probably eat a mannequin than show emotion tbh
- Probably smells like pool chlorine and fish shit
- Dude would have the nastiest breath known to the solar system like think of Shrek when he farts in the water. I feel bad for humanity fighters ngl.
- His hair probably smells like a dead bay.
- Man would give you a 'fuck you' note and call it a confession
- Beware of kissing this man, he probably would bite your lips off mid make-out.
- Let's be real if you some how managed to get him to simp for you, good luck congrats you managed to read through the impossible quiz that his his courting scheme🤩.
- Dude would give you gifts at the most random occurrence and or advice like the most out of pocket advice (less on the gifts for platonically).
- If you somehow managed to be besties with this man he would defo let you ramble about random shit.
- I feel like he's the type to buy a shit ton of aquatic plushies and memorize them all by name.
- Y'all would study together (aka Poseidon just berating you for not knowing smth).
- You could off handedly mention smth about what you like or a hyper fixation, expect smth related to that to be at your door with in an hour. He would deny buying it even up on his deathbed.
Øff topic but like I just realized Poseidon gives like the upmost toxic tsundere known to exist bro.
- he hate sit when you eat fish or any seafood infront of him and will sulk for the next century about it.
- Is the type to react like "FUCKFUCKCUKCUCJSHITHSIT-" when he realizes he's in love with someone.
- Would send you a facebook 'Good Morning' image.
- If you compliment anything about him, expect it to amplified by 100x the next time you see him.
- If your getting something from a cabinet or smth similar, he would do the thing where he covers part of the cabinet with his hand to save your head from impact. The moment you ask him about it he would just olay it off as gentlemanliness. (this man has no gentlemanliness bffr). Would laugh at anyone else if they hit their head on smth and call them pathetic.
- Coffee addict and workaholic.
- If you ever wanted this man to hang out with you, you would need to physically drag him out of his office.
- I have a gut feeling he has like either a 12+ step skincare routine or he used a 13 in 2 and calls it a day 💀.
- Imo, this man is a 9/10 for looks but a 2.5/for personality, dude has the same amount of personality as my right big toe.
- Big family man.
- He would totally buy you expensive jewelry no matter what you say about the price.
-Would break your wrist if you try to pay for the bill.
- Is embarrassed about his partheon.
Alr my brain has no more juice-
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theskinconsult · 7 months
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poisonacademia · 3 months
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mar 6/24- day 10/100 days of productivity
this weekend i have to work on an osteology paper and study for my upcoming lab quiz so i have lots to keep me busy and productive
i cleaned my bathroom
i hit 10,000 steps
did a long version of my skincare routine (face mask, eye mask, etc.)
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fangirlstuff · 2 years
hiii bestie! I saw your post about request and I had to jump in to request an austin butler x reader. They are basically married and they do the buzzard couple quiz and how austin basically wins because he knows every little detail about the reader, his newly wife🥹, and then all the fans are gushing about them on social media. like he basically knows her skincare routine, her birth chart, her workout routine snd the type of make up she shops for and like all of those super specific and detailed things she never thought he noticed 😚 I would absolutely love that If you don’t mind pls!
Hiii!!! This is my first ask ever so I’m not sure if I’m doing this right, but we’ll find that out.
Couple’s Quiz
Summary: Austin knows everything about the reader in an interview and a little fluff follows :)
Pairing: Austin Butler x f!reader (no y/n, just first person)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none! It’s all cute :)
AN: I watched an interview like this a while ago, with MGK and Megan Fox on GQ, so I’m using the same format. I hope that’s what you mean!! Also, there isn’t really a lot to base Austin off of, so most of this is what I think he’d be like. And just pretend that the video came out the same day. It’s a magic video.
The calendar on the fridge told me we had quite the day ahead of us. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the air was heating up, as only California could. Austin hadn’t come downstairs yet, so his mug of coffee was steaming on the countertop.
I looked again at my hand, feeling the unfamiliar weight tugging it back down to where it had been at my waist. The diamond glittered in the kitchen lights, painting little patterns on the ceiling as I moved it back and forth. Only nights ago I got this ring- a beautiful, no doubt million-dollar one. I beamed at it for the millionth time. It told me that things had only just begun, but it reminded me of the many nights Austin and I had already spent together, of the nights before those when I was hopelessly in love with a boy on screen.
But the man came down the stairs, wearing his favorite “casual” outfit of hundred dollar jeans and jewelry, but he still kept the same, priceless smile. He got fruit out of the fridge and checked the calendar. He tapped it with the back of his finger as he looked at me.
“We have our couple’s quiz.”
“Our what?” I asked. I hadn’t looked into it, and Austin did all the planning.
“With GQ?” I shook my head. “They ask us questions about each other, and we keep track with points or whatever.”
“Oh, that sounds interesting.” And it did, but I didn’t want to spend the day in another headquarters of another news company I didn’t consume for things other than work. I wanted to spend it back in the Islands, where we had our honeymoon just a day ago. I wanted my feet back in the sand, my hands in Austin’s, the ring still uncomfortable on my finger. It was peaceful there, where there weren’t cameras everywhere.
Austin hummed, breaking me from my thoughts. He set the stuff on the counter and turned to give me a hug. His arms ate me whole, swallowing him in his soft t-shirt. I smiled against his neck, just where my head reached.
“It’ll be fun, promise.” He told me. “But I know I’m gonna win.”
I backed up. “No way! I was a fan before we started dating!”
“Hmmm, maybe. But I still think I can do it.”
“Guess you’ll have to prove it, sweetheart.” I kissed his nose, and we began our day.
People with blank faces pushed Austin and I into chairs on a set that could have resembled a room if it didn’t have two walls. The bright purple of it all burned my eyes, but I blinked it away, smiling into the camera.
We were handed large cards with questions, and we were instructed to read them to each other like we were having a conversation, like this wasn’t forced at all. So I tried my best.
The introductions were rough, but it got going soon after.
“I’ll go first,” Austin said. He was speaking to me, even though we were meant to be filming a video. “We’ll start off easy. Where did we meet?”
“That is easy. I met you first at Comic Con, four years back. Then we met again at a party.”
“You were press,” he added. I nodded, swallowing harshly as I remembered that night. He never liked press, but he almost hovered around me all night instead of being the other way around. He seemed enchanted, the party’s lights dancing in his eyes. He didn’t look away from me, and we left halfway through my favorite song to go get real food. We never really left each other after that. “You get a point.” He said. Then, “Where is my favorite place to visit?”
“The Islands.” I gave him a wink that I hoped the camera didn’t catch. He smiled. “But past that, you’ve been working daily.”
“Sadly, but it’s important.”
I wanted to tell him how important I thought his work was, but I didn’t quite think I could put that into words during an interview. But I had spent nights over the phone with him when he was stuck in Australia, just telling him how good he was doing, how important his role of The King was, and how many lives he would change, how many things he could influence.
“That’s another point. I don’t really have a favorite place. It literally says that on the card.” He showed the camera. “Okay, now, what’s my hidden talent?”
I blushed, but quickly shook it from my head, giggling. He laughed too, but he sent a worried look into the camera. “You don’t get road rage.” I said when my fit was done.
“That’s true,” he said. “I don’t know why. California drivers suck too, I just don’t think getting angry helps.” He told the audience behind the screen. I admired his skill, knowing what to say to a crowd that wasn’t there. That’s something I thought I understood, what with being in press, but I couldn’t quite do it like he could. “I’m giving you two points because I didn’t even think of it. I have here ‘guitar.’” He read.
“That’s not hidden!” I protested.
“It’s not, but I don’t want to play for anyone but you.”
I smiled at him, then remembered that I wasn’t really here for him, that it was all about them. Behind the camera. “You hear that? I get concerts you guys don’t.” I teased. I could almost feel the millions of teenage hearts break.
We went back and forth with simple questions. I got most of them right, and the ones I didn’t left me in a crisis. How did I not know his astrological sign? Or his car type? Or hardly anything about his childhood? I felt horrible about it, and if it wasn’t about to be my turn to read the cards aloud, I would have told him to tell me everything, starting from his earliest memory, to right this very second. To not leave anything out, not even what he had for breakfast one day in seventh grade.
But I read the first card aloud anyway. We could do that later.
“How many tattoos do I have? And what are they?”
“One, it’s on your ribs.” He smiled as he recited the quote perfectly. It was an excerpt from my favorite book.
“Why do I have it? That’s not on here, I just want to know if you know.” I shook the cardboard sign around.
“It made you who you are today, it changed the way you think about life.”
I sighed and threw the card onto the floor, looking into the camera as I did so. “Three points.” I told it. I looked back at Austin, who was beaming. “What’s my favorite way to decompress?”
He opened his mouth, and then closed it. Then he said, “reading, tea, a bath. You do chores too, like laundry and dishes and things.”
“Maybe I should get stressed out more often, we have lots of chores to catch up on.”
“No, I don’t want that,” He smiled. “We can do them together. Stress-free.”
“Four points.”
“You’re being lenient.”
“I am not,” I joked. “Okay, what’s my astrological sign?”
“You mean the one you just got wrong for me?”
“That’s the one,”
“You’re a Saggitarius.”
I gasped. “I think that’s true. That’s what the card says.”
“She doesn’t even know her own sign,” He told the camera.
“I don’t, it’s a crime.”
And the more questions I asked, the more his points grew. They passed mine in three questions, and he was beaming at me the whole time. He answered the questions like I was on posters everyone had in their rooms, like I was the internet star, not him. He knew things about me that I didn’t remember telling him, things that I didn’t even remember myself.
At the end of the twenty questions, he left me almost speechless. We said our goodbyes to the people in the camera and watched the red recording light turn off.
We got home in the late afternoon. The palm trees outside our door swayed in the breeze, painted gold with the sun. I set my bag down on the chair, where it would be forgotten until the morning, and draped myself over the outdoor couch by the pool.
I had my phone out for a second, watching Twitter notifications fill up my screen faster than I could clear them.
“They’re adorable!!! I wish I had love like theirs!!!!” And, “god, I wish I could be her.” Then, “her outfit is adorable! And they match!!!!!”
I turned it off and set it next to me.
Austin joined me, stomach down on the scratchy cushion. He closed his eyes. We both lied there, silent for a moment. The city went on around us, the sounds of cars and airplanes filling the quiet.
“You really knew all that about me?” I asked.
He nodded. “‘Course, baby.”
“Why do you remember all of it? I don’t even know half the stuff you told me about myself.” I admitted.
“Because you’re important to me.” He opened his eyes after a second. “You’re everything to me.”
I knew he had literally vowed that to me earlier this week, that it was in writing in a lockbox upstairs, but it still made my heart flutter.
“You’re my everything too, but I didn’t know most of that stuff.” I laughed.
“And that’s okay,” he assured me. “Remembering stuff is my way of showing my love. Yours is making food, it’s taking care of me. Of all that,” he nodded his head toward my phone, which kept buzzing between us. “And knowing when not to.”
He was right.
“I love you,” he said. His eyes were on mine.
“I love you too.” I kissed him lightly. “I think I love you more than I can say into a camera.” I joked.
“I get that, I don’t like talking into cameras. At least there were people back there today.”
I nodded, then closed my eyes, the silence taking back over. It was never uncomfortable with him, I never felt like I had to break it to save my relationship, and I knew it was a good thing.
Tiredness took my body over, and I fell asleep under the sun in Austin’s arms. Interviewing was exhausting, but if it made me feel as good as I did then, then I would do it over and over again.
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cheste7 · 7 months
Day 3 (19/11/23)🌟
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hey! today it was a good day and i was able to appreciate even the little things. i woke up early and i completed my skincare routine🧚‍♀️
i also:
did some housework🧹
called my family and talked to one of my little sisters who was making cookies👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
went grocery shopping🍎
went for a walk by the sea🌊
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uni things
i didn't study infectious diseases today because I will dedicate the whole next week to it. also i'm so happy to do my internship in pediatrics and tomorrow i'll see the kids again and i'll discuss with the professor about my thesis there. i don't know if i'll be able to become a pediatrician in the future but at the momente it is my only source of motivation, maybe i can do it 🩺
Language things
MANDARIN CHINESE: i continued with my Superchinese app lesson. today I've learned some vocab about simple activities (书,看,电影,做) and the grammar 想 whic means want to. my writing is still bad but ill try to improve it 🇨🇳
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KOREAN: the clip from the seventeen's blog in Budapest seems endless lol. jokes aside, i focused on the various forms of 것 같다 (present, past and future tenses) and I practiced them with my own example sentences. also I found out new usages of the verb 보다 to express past experiences and to recommend to try something. I also found out how to say i burned my tongue while i was tasting the food (literally what happened to me yesterday !!) 맛을 보다가 혀를 데었어요. I share my really disorganized notes but I like them in that way🇰🇷
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i didn't practice any japanese today, i just played some game of shiritori and kanji quiz on the renshuu app 🇯🇵
now im going to shower and semi-dress up to go out with my friend, it was a good day!
song of the day
my love mine all mine - mitski (again)
i don't understand but I love you - seventeen
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heyhelloitsmilo · 10 months
Mirror, Mirror.
moon system x gnc/gender neutral reader
word count: 1225 words
‼️ this is based on my own experiences being trans/nb, i don't have bottom dysphoria so like, i don't... i don't reference it in this.
❗️ my spanish isn't very good, i'm still learning so a bit of google translate was used! masculine terms used (1)
✨ might be a little ooc its been a hot minute since i've written a fic! i'm also very sad!
⚠️ warnings: dysphoria, self-misgendering, feminine terms used in reference to reader, reference to scars (via top surgery), pre-transition/pre-hrt, show accurate depiction of DID, petnames used (lovingly)
💛 pairings: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader, moon system x reader (sorry steven isnt as relevant in this one i promise to make it up later heres an IOU)
💫 summary: dysphoria hits you really hard one evening after your shower and the boys get concerned, remembering your coming out (fluff, comfort)
You gripped the bathroom counter, water dripping from your skull down your skin, glistening in the fluorescent lights, dropping from your wet hair strands. Your eyes were trained on your chest, almost willing the world and the universe to make them stop existing. The subtle whirring of the bathroom fan only made it easier for you to zone out, staring at your body as it slowly dried, imagining a flat chest and scars in place of the things that made you a woman to everyone else.
You didn't even notice the soft knocks on the bathroom door or the quiet, "You a'right in there?" from Steven outside. You just stood there, the bath mat soaked, mind filled with thoughts about how feminine and womanly your body was, skincare routine and hygiene forgotten.
"Hey, if you're not gonna come out, I'm gonna come in there." Marc's words jolted you out of your trance, face whipping to the door, hands grabbing for a towel to cover yourself.
"Wait, wait wait hold on-!"
"Too late." Marc opened the door, looking at you, halfway through covering your body. His eyes darted across your frame, the rest of the bathroom, landing on your eyes. "Good. You're okay. We were getting worried." His voice was gruff, his words revealing how relieved he was. "...Dysphoria get to you?"
You nodded silently, looking away from the man in front of you, fully wrapping yourself in the towel. You felt... ashamed. Ashamed of your body, that is.
Marc and Steven (and by extension, Jake) had known you pre social transition, loved you and dated you before now. And they stayed after the fact, with Jake finally meeting you after then.
You remember when Steven had stayed up all night, researching and reading on transitioning, practicing and mumbling to himself (and the system) to not misgender you. His efforts hadn't been in vain, with all three of them only slipping up a handful of times. And you appreciated them for it.
You remember the day you came out like it was yesterday.
You'd spent the last few weeks in a crisis, researching, hyperfixating about the things you were experiencing, taking 'Are You Gay?' tests online.
A knock on the desk jolted you out of your hyperfixation, pulling your attention.
"Hey, baby. About time." Marc pulled up a stool, sitting beside you, taking a quick glance at your laptop. "What's that all about?" He did a vague gesture at your laptop, spying the 'Am I Trans?' quiz open.
"O-oh, nothing, don't worry about it." You quickly closed your tabs, swallowing your saliva. You grimaced at the unconvinced look on Marc's face. "Okay, maybe not nothing."
"Is there something you'd like us to know?"
Marc's words echoed in your ears as you seriously considered his question. You weren't entirely sure how he (let alone Steven) would handle that. But based on his current reaction, he didn't seem all that... surprised? You mean, you'd been a very adamant ally of LGBTQ+ rights, and you'd expressed yourself to potentially be queer, even if you hadn't done any real introspection at that point. But... what if you were faking it? Faking being trans? What if this was all just a phase like so many parents had suggested?
"I mean... maybe. I've been looking into um... potentially being trans." You said softly, the warm light from the lamp gracing yours and Marc's faces. You looked up at Marc, eyes tracing his expression. It didn't look... angry. Or happy. Neutral? Indifferent? Maybe a little confused? His eyes flickered to the window, presumably listening to Steven.
"We love you regardless." Marc spoke finally, leaning in towards you, eye level with you. "We always will." He extended a hand towards you, offering to hold yours. When you put your hand in his, his thumb gently ran across your knuckles, massaging your hand in his. "If you discover that being a man, or being neither a woman or a man, is you, then we'll be right here for you." Marc's voice had a very slight British accent, it seemed Steven was co-conscious, wanting to speak as well.
"I..." You were in a bit of shock. You hadn't really expected anything, but this was simply so warm and comforting that your eyes got misty. "...You really mean that?" You squeezed Marc's (Steven's?) hand gently, tears slowly beginning to well in your eyes.
Marc blinked, his demeanor changing in a split second, nodding quickly. Steven's eyes were soft, his lips curved in a smile. "Really. We always will." His hands held yours so delicately, so lovingly.
"...I think I wanna try using they/them."
"Okay. We can do that for you."
Marc walked over, putting his hands on your shoulders, straightening your posture. "Stand up straight. Hold your chin up." You complied, keeping the towel loosely wrapped around your form, looking up at Marc. A soft smile played on Marc's lips, his eyes as he looked at you. "There's my darling. C'mon. Come to bed."
You nodded and hung your towel, walking out of the bathroom with him and into your shared bedroom, getting dressed. Wordlessly, you pulled on a sports bra and a pair of your boxers, as well as one of Marc's shirts (which he scoffed playfully at before gesturing to the bed). You shuffled under the covers, trying to forget about the stretch of elastic cloth around your chest, burying your way into the duvet cover.
"Comfy, cariño?" Jake's voice cut through the silence, getting in bed as well and leaning against the headboard. You nodded, looking up at him from your spot in the blankets, extending your hand towards him, taking his hand in yours. "Bueno." His voice was always softer with you, and though you two usually teased and joked around with each other, he knew better in this moment.
The two of you laid there in bed, Jake stroking your hair as you laid your head in his lap, calloused hands massaging your scalp.
"...Te encuentras mejor?" (Are you feeling better?) Jake asked softly and slowly to allow your mind to process the Spanish, hand twirling your hair between his fingers mindlessly.
You nodded, fiddling with the seams on Jake's pants to keep your hands occupied. "Yeah. Thanks guys." The soft fabric of Jake's sweatpants definitely weren't clothes he would typically wear, but there really wasn't time for an outfit change, not when cuddles were involved. You certainly weren't complaining.
"Hey, amor, lean up a minute so I can lie down." You complied, scooting your body off Jake's lap, watching him shuffle down, lying next to you. The two of you looked into each other's eyes, not speaking, before Jake suddenly scooped your body toward's him, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Gotcha." He fluttered soft kisses to your neck and jawline, chuckling as you giggled and squirmed. The kiss-tickle torment ended after a few long moments, Jake just trying to keep the dysphoria off your mind, Marc and Steven watching the both of you.
You wrapped an arm around Jake's waist, not bothering to finagle your other arm under him to properly hold him. You just relaxed in his arms, his hands against the small of your back, rubbing small circles into you. "This is nice." You sighed softly, nestling your face into Jake's chest.
"It really is, amor."
lets say i mightve been projecting a little
hope you enjoyed!
- milo 💛
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Day 18 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
90 days is a long time but I'm finding I'm enjoying these daily updates more and more as I keep posting them. Its so nice to be able to share my daily life and little accomplishments with people <3 yesterday (saturday) was a fairly decent day despite the fact that I didn't fall asleep until midnight last night. But, it's a new day and I still have bunches to do this week before I can take my rest. Once I get that rest, I know it'll have been well deserved.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
walked to work
talked myself out of eating a bowl of spicy cheesey ramen as it would've upset my stomach majorly
drank an entire liter of essentia electrolyte water
ordered some healthy groceries (I'm gonna make fajita chicken burritos today! and I bought some fairlife chocolate protein shakes....so good)
🧠 Mental Health
made a list of things/routines I'd like to accomplish/set for my winter break
❤️ Emotional Health
was honest and cried to my boyfriend about how I was feeling about myself (again, such a loving and supportive man, I'm so lucky)
📚 Intellectual Health
completed a financial literacy post class quiz and got a 10/10
completed anatomy lab exam 3 and got a 25/30
completed and submitted my make up lab report
🏘 Adulting
sent my professors each an email with a copy of my attendance letter from my therapist (yay debilitating mental illness)
cleared my room of the trash that was in it (need to clear out my empty boxes next)
took out what dirty dishes I had
worked a ~6 hour shift
made and received a grocery delivery
🥰 Self Love/Care
night time skincare
washed my hair and used a hair mask
overall, decent day. I woke up late for work so it was definitely a rough start to the day but I'm not mad about it because the day still ended up being great! My goals for today are to finish my 3 assignments due tonight, complete both of my presentations for my culinary class, and study for my psyc exam that's tomorrow. That's my main focus of today.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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