#high school advice
femmefatalevibe · 5 months
i’m very scared to start high school next year. tips?
Hi love! Starting something new and unknown is always anxiety-inducing, so know your feelings are completely normal and understandable <3
Here are some of my tips:
Give yourself time to take in the new environment and change of pace – academically, socially, emotionally, logistically, etc.
Be open to finding subjects you love and connect with, forming new friendships, and finding mentors with your new teachers.
Be patient with yourself if things don't fall into place right away.
Throughout the first year or two, you'll find your path in terms of your academic and extracurricular interests/skillsets to set up your goals for after high school, who your friends are, navigating teenage social dynamics/culture, etc.
Try a lot of different things, talk to different types of people, and don't discount the wisdom of adults who earn your trust.
Do things that make you feel good every day – wearing clothes you like, doing your hair/skincare daily, watching a certain show you love before bed, having an after-school snack you look forward to, listening to a great playlist before dinner, etc.
Best of luck! Hope this helps xx
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cooki3face · 2 years
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I’m always changing and I’m always growing, learning about myself and learning about others, emerging out of entering new cycles, and I come out with a new lesson every single time I go through or experience something. I’m the queen of overcome and adapt. I have so much insight to share, probably more than I have room for. I hope that this is incredibly helpful and I hope that all of my content benefits someone and helps guide them to a beautiful space.
1)You have to love yourself more than you love others. Put yourself first until someone puts you first.
2)When given the opportunity always choose you.
3)When you’re about to make a big move, have a big plan, don’t tell anybody. Never give people the power to let their energy interact with your plans. Evil eye is real.
4)be picky about the types of people you allow into your space. Romantic or platonic. The people you surround yourself with are a reflection of your character so always choose wisely. The people you let into your space are never obligated to put you first so remember that.
5) what’s meant for you will be for you. Worry less things will always fall into place for you the way they are supposed to be.
6) learn to make a lesson out of everything you experience. You can always gain something, no matter how painful or how difficult it may be.
7)it gets better.
8) prioritize your mental health all the time.
9) journal. Write things down, your dreams, your feelings, your thoughts, etc. this will help you so much.
10) you will forget about or get over him/her
11) change is inevitable. Accept it. Trust I’m the divine and trust in divine timing and the divine plan.
12) this is a good time for you to identify your traumas and triggers so that you can heal so take responsibility for yourself.
13) acknowledge that different versions of yourself are necessary for different moments of your life. There is a reason you were the way you were three years, three months, or even three weeks ago.
14) people come and go. Let them.
15) be careful who you tell things to
16) express yourself. Wear what you want, however you want. Draw your drawing, paint your picture, listen to your music.
17) peoples perception of you is none of your business that’s their stuff. If you know who you are, and you know what you do and how you move that’s all that matters.
18) don’t let the fact that people don’t like you drag you down to their level. People will project all kinds of things.
19) don’t let people tell you how to be you or what to do.
20) never shut up. Speak your truth, tell people how you feel, be honest even if it’s difficult in the moment. Stand up for what you believe in. This is coming from someone who has strong opinions and big ideas. You tell them and you mean what you say.
21) take pride in what you’re good at and don’t let people take that from you. The right people will appreciate it.
22) know your worth. You deserve good things. And you will have and accept only that.
23) you better stand up for yourself. Don’t let people run all over you, disrespect you, disregard your boundaries, etc.
24) not everyone deserves your time and your space it’s your responsibility to gatekeep yourself.
25) hold people accountable for their wrongdoings
26) it’s okay to stop talking to people, cut people off, or put space between you and them when they’ve not been very considerate of you or kind to you.
27) it’s okay to give people time and space to understand where they went wrong and self reflect.
28) you can always find your way out of a tough situation if you fight hard enough. Have faith.
29) Go where you’re loved not where you have to beg to be or want so badly to be.
30) take mixed signals or inconsistency as a no.
31) don’t go unless you were invited for real or if you were invited last minute. People who truly want to see you and spend time with you will go out of their way to do so.
33) actions over words. When actions don’t match words accept it and carry on until peoples words match their actions and they stay true.
34) stop arguing and fighting with these girls over their mess. You’re allowed to be upset but remain graceful. Fighting is embarrassing nobody deserves that from you.
35) privacy is a must. In all areas.
36) let people stay wherever they want to be in life. You can’t force people to meet you where you are, find people who are already on your level.
37) be your authentic self regardless of anything else the right people will appreciate you.
38) protect your peace over everything.
39) be honest with yourself. Be honest with others. Live an honest life.
40) people will put you through what you allow them to don’t allow them to put you through shit.
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yurimage · 2 years
I’ve seen one too many advice for freshman TikToks that had god awful advice (yeah I’m talking about the don’t make eye contact with sophomores video) so I’m putting my own advice out there. These are all things I wish I understood as a freshman and now I’m a senior so idk I feel like I’m qualified to say this :/
Older people will tell you high school is like the best years of your life, and that’s true for a lot of people but not for everyone; if it’s miserable for you, that’s alright! High school is a unique environment that is never seen again in your lifetime, it doesn’t work for everyone, but that doesn’t mean college or life beyond that won’t work for you
Join clubs you’re interested in even if you think other people will judge you for it. Clubs like GSA or anime/video game clubs get a bad rep but you’ll meet super cool people you actually like and have a lot in common with so join them anyway, the benefits vastly outweigh any negative outcomes
Don’t take AP classes that you’re not interested in, they’re way harder than a lot of people think so if you don’t like the subject, you’ll just be miserable all year. Also don’t take AP classes just because you feel like you have to or because of how competitive some people are about them, that’s definitely not a good reason to take on that kind of workload
Eat lunch at school, a lot of people wait until they get home to eat but it makes later classes more difficult than they need to be. I used to spend lunches studying in the library because I thought it was a good use of my time, but it was just miserable. Even if all you have is a snack to last you the final few hours, that’s better than nothing; take care of yourself in general tbh
If you take a class and then realize like a week or two in that you hate it, just drop it! If it’s a graduation requirement, take an easier version of the class but if it isn’t, you don’t have to stay. There’s no shame in leaving a class because it’s too hard, or you have no friends in it, or the teacher is awful
If you don’t like PE, it’s perfectly okay to just do the bare minimum; coaches will greatly favor the athletic kids and they might even be a little biased against the non-athletic kids when it comes to grades, but the bare minimum as long as you participate will get you like a C or B and it doesn’t even weigh into your GPA that much
Definitely look into accommodations at your school if you have mental health issues, a learning disability or are neurodivergent (i.e. ADHD). Schools (at least in my state) have 504 plans that can get you extra test time or homework extensions; just ask your counselor if you think you’ll need it, your teachers are legally obligated to follow these accommodations
On a related note, high school classism is such bullshit and the only people who really care about it are sophomores and some juniors; hardly any senior is going to look down on you for being a freshman (atp we just don’t care lmao). Just don’t let it get to you next year, even if this year’s sophomores and juniors give you a hard time, don’t give the same treatment to next year’s freshmen
Don’t take a zero period if you don’t have to, doing brain work that early in the morning is fucking awful. Also, if you DO take a zero period, don’t take a 7/6th period (depending on what the last period is at your school). I did that last year and it was miserable being at school for nine hours a day
Just do the things you like or think you’ll enjoy, it’s always good to keep up with your hobbies/extracurriculars or try anything once. Similarly, if you don’t like something, don’t do it; you don’t have to take all APs or join a sports team because your parents want you to, do what YOU want because after high school, it’s all up to you
Anyways, high school is basically what you make of it so just say “fuck it we ball” and stay on top of your priorities whether they be academic, athletic, artistic or social
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ravenclaw173 · 2 years
can someone please give me advise for high school specifically freshmen year im about to start 9th grade and i’m low key scared
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seveninaweek · 1 year
Does anyone know if I should take Python? I have it in my next semester but Idk if i should keep it or change it. ('Im new to tumblr btw)
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se7enshadesofrafe · 1 year
Tank ewe! Tank ewe!
I'd like to thank my English teachers of days past. 
To the ones who pushed knowledge into me and pulled out confidence...👏
Thank you! 
To the ones who taught me to love literature, to prize poetry, and to lavish myself in the luster of language...👏 
Thank you! 
I'll begin with sixth grade because, in Alabama, middle school is where the subjects became independent. Each subject had its unique teacher with his or her flare for their passion. 
Thank you... 
Mrs. Jones, 6th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Carden, 7th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Fletcher, 8th grade 😍👏💐 |  Mrs. Johnson, 9th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Dabbs, 10th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Henderson, 11th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Bidwell, 11th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Williams, 12th grade 😍👏💐
Honorable mention: Mrs. Roberts, Literary Magazine, High School 
Sixth grade was my induction into grammar and composition. Mrs. Jones was fun and strict. She enjoyed the precision of sentence structure. But as hard as she was, she always held a special place in my heart. Almost ten years after I sat in her class, I returned to Huntsville to help my mom homeschool my brother. I called on Mrs. Jones for English help. Like a king knighting a soldier, she passed me not only a student edition of the grammar and composition book I had used, but she also gave me a teacher's edition. She hugged me and sent me off with words of encouragement and good will. Thank you, Mrs. Jones!
The seventh grade me was turning into a little sh^t, yet Mrs. Carden found a way to pull out the creative genius in my writing. She was hard, rough, and seemingly unforgiving. Somehow, though, I produced some of my greatest short stories. I wish I had copies of them now. All I remember was writing a story of a boy escaping his kidnappers and running down the highway and ducking into the woods. [shrugs] Oh, Mrs. Carden! If only I knew what you saw in me.
Mrs. Fletcher held down eighth grade English with an iron fist and a tongue hardened in the streets and sharpened in the annals of university. I can't tell you a doggone thing I did in that class. I can't even remember what we read in there.  I had checked out by eighth grade.  Sorry, Mrs. Fletcher.  Sorry for fighting in your class, too. Well, less of fighting and more of keeping the person from kicking my butt. You still get love from me! 
Somehow, I was able to slide into Advanced Placement English (AP Eng) my freshman year of high school (ninth grade). Mrs. Johnson took no prisoners.  She tried to teach me the value of journaling...it didn't take then.  She introduced me to Atticus Finch and Odysseus. They're still my boys. My paper on Odysseus garnered me an invitation into the Literary Magazine with the honorable mention, Mrs. Roberts. There were plenty of days Mrs. Johnson would have loved to strangle me, but it never stopped her from coaxing the English Major/Communications Minor out of me.
Vocabulary would best summarize tenth grade and my AP Eng class that year.  Vocabulary and Paris and Mrs. Dabbs. I'm not sure what was in Mrs. Dabbs and her approach that kept me focused. Maybe it was being fifteen and turning sixteen, a new surge of maturity accompanying my learner's permit and my driver's license. Maybe I just liked her style. Whatever it was, she managed to encourage me to write a letter to the editor of the local paper. And she was elated when she saw it in the paper the following week. I bumped into Mrs. Dabbs in 2005, almost ten years after graduating. We exchanged addresses and became pen-pals for about a year. I fell off. Tsk, tsk! She encouraged me to follow my dreams of writing, believing in the love I had for it. May I do you proud, Mrs. Dabbs.
If having one hard-nosed teacher for AP Eng my eleventh-grade year was bad, imagine having two. Yes...TWO. Mrs. Henderson was my teacher the 1st semester, submerging my class into classics, introducing me to Geoffrey Chaucer's arse and Hamlet's monologue. She was another one who calmed the savage beast rising inside of me. The beast which gained control my last year of middle school. High school advanced placement teachers seemed to have a music about them. I also found my love for presentation progressing under Mrs. Henderson. She, unfortunately, relocated due to her husband's job and left us in the care of Mrs. Bidwell. Oh, how I missed you, Mrs. Henderson!
Mrs. Bidwell got the raw end of the deal. Coming in mid-stream in any situation spells trouble.  And, although now, I know it isn't her fault, and I understand her method and her belief system (now), I hated her guts then. Hated her! What do you do with a bunch of juniors accustomed to engaging in literature and literary work? You make them go back to the basics, of course.  Especially if you're tired of grading papers full of grammatical errors. I despised her. I felt she was belittling us. We're eleventh grade AP Eng, by George! Where's our respect? How dare you make us review grammar daily like the common English classes! I'm so, so, so sorry, Mrs. Bidwell. Thank you for what you were trying to do. I would beg you for those worksheets and grammar pointers now.
My final bouquet goes to Mrs. Williams. She lifted my twelfth-grade experience to new heights. She was real and raw. She taught me how to write essays and poetry. She encouraged me and took the time to try and figure out why she was losing me. She couldn’t understand and she didn’t pick it up in my poetry. I didn’t know I was crying out then, either. I’ve reread some of those poems I wrote in Senior Year, and I hug myself. That guy was struggling to be seen while hiding. I couldn’t tell her she - and my grades - were casualties in the war against my dad and society. She pulled me aside once, opening her grade book as I rounded her desk. “What the f**k is this,” she asked, pointing at a number of empty slots where numbers should have been. I wanted to spill the beans. Cry out. Divulge all my secrets. I was a trained assassin by then, though. I knew better. I couldn’t take the chance that she may side with the enemy. She was still kind to me. Always had a smile for me and a side-eye. She knew what she had in her student, she just couldn’t figure out how to unlock it and unleash it. You’re the greatest, Mrs. Williams. Thank you!
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queenofcoquette · 6 months
studying like rory gilmore
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not gonna lie, im not the biggest fan of gilmore girls, and while i do admire rory's studying habits i rlly don't like her as a character. but anyways, ik that in this space she's kinda an icon, and her academic habits are inspirational, so here are some tips on how to study like her, and some academic mistakes that you should avoid :)
things to do:
creating a study routine. have a go-to place that's not distracting, put away anything that can distract you and get to work. it's good to have a routine that you're consistent to. like spending 15 minutes after school reviewing what you learned.
take organized notes. highlight key terms and make sure that your notes are neat and make sense.
study with flashcards. rory uses flashcards to study which is a great method. you can do this on paper or use digital flashcards :)
always have a book to read. rory always has a book to read, and it's always good to have something prouctive to do after you finish your work early in class. i have a block schedule so classes take forever, and when i have nothing to do i like to read.
join extracurriculars. although i think it took rory a whole season to do this (not sure) make sure you join clubs! joining clubs and having leadership roles within them looks really good to colleges when you're applying and also just helps you make new friends.
if your stuck studying on one subject then go to another. rory talks about doing this in an episode and although it doesn't sound productive it is! if you're really stuck and frustrated while studying for one class, then go and do work for another on and then come back to what's making you frustrated.
things to avoid:
not being able to handle criticism. in the show rory is pretty bad at taking criticism or dealing with getting bad grades. she kinda views it as some sort of attack on her intelligence which is a horrible mentality to have. when you get bad grades learn from it, and learn from constructive criticism as well. i know it sucks when you do bad but ultimately that's how you learn what to do better.
you don't need to be like anyone else and just follow a routine that suits YOU! it's great to take inspiration from other people and from characters, but ultimately, just do what makes you feel the happiest and what makes you the most succesful.
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zzzzzestforlife · 12 days
🎀 My That Girl Exam Success Checklist 💯
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it's the day of (or before) your exam!! a gazillion thoughts may be running through your mind: should i review all my notes and flashcards one more time?? set my alarm super early to be sure to make it on time or set it super late so that i get as much sleep as possible?? let's prepare everything step by step calmly and together ☺️
The Night Before
pack your bag with everything you need — school ID, pens/pencils, erasers, rulers, calculators, extras of everything!!, brain food like nuts/chocolate, lunch, full water bottle, etc.
pick out a cute but comfy outfit — the goal is to feel as confident and laser-focused as possible!
don't skimp on your night routine — cramming does not take priority over a good night's sleep before an important day, so take care of your mind and body and trust them to take care of you too
skim the highlights/summaries/key flashcards just before bed — when you sleep, your mind is not idle! it's reorganizing and filing everything away neatly to be retrieved when you wake up, so do yourself a favor and take advantage of your mind's natural abilities!
double check your alarm — but more important than this is to go to sleep at a reasonable time that you can expect yourself to feel well-rested by the time you need to wake up, so whether you need 7, 8, 10 or more hours of sleep, go get it!! right now!! come back to this post in the morning to complete the rest of the checklist~
The Morning Of
eat breakfast(!!) — you can't think on an empty stomach!!
take your vitamins
drink water
stretch!! — get your blood flowing where it needs to go and get your energy levels up!! 💪
if you can, try not to consume anything else outside of your review materials before the exam that might confuse or preoccupy you! — sometimes it's unavoidable if it's part of your job or your other courses, so just take a quiet moment to bring your mind back to the material from time to time if necessary!
get to your exam location as early as possible you can chill and review~ (same idea as the night before, summaries, highlights, flashcards, don't get too bogged down by the details and confuse yourself at this point!)
Exam Time
arrange your desk neatly and comfortably so you can focus and find everything you need when you need it
deep breaths
one question at a time
even if it seems like you don't know or remember anything, the information will come back to you when you need it
you got this!
i believe in you 💕
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cowboyjen68 · 2 months
This might be random and unrelated but I'm a high school senior taking my final exams which in my country determine the next 4 years of my life. it's now 4 days to the start of testing and Despite prepping well and feeling confident I woke up today to an empty mind. The mocks I took today were awful and I can't really speak to my parents about this as we aren't on speaking terms due to my grades seeing a drop before this and college apps. I'm consumed by brain fog and lack of motivation and feel completely lost on how to get back to the way I was yesterday, feeling equipped to handle this. I'm sorry...Kindly advise
Good morning. I put on my Mom flannel today so this is perfect timing. This might sound like silly advice but it is practical and tested.
Eat more protein. IF you eat meat, make it a steak. IF you don't find the most protein rich non meat product you can and have some. Drink lots of electrolights like gatorade or a pedialight hydrating drink. Having that extra brain boost can help some of that fog and lowers tension.
Put away the books and give yourself a few hours to stare at the wall, take a nap, read something fun. Walk outside if the weather allows and don't take your phone. These all can help with a reset and your brain will get back to thinking mode.
You can't control the full out come of 4 years in one day or even in a week of testing but you can focus on each day and doing the best you can. Sometimes not performing they way you really are expected to can tell you a little about your path and open opportunities that perhaps were hidden behind the goals you have been presented with thus far.
You will be okay. Rest a bit and then, get back in the saddle and do your best to focus on each task at hand as you get them.
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
I’m a teenager in high school in my first relationship, we’ve been together for about a year and I love him a lot. I think he wants to take our relationship further but I’m not ready. He keeps making jokes about wanting to sleep with me and it’s making me really uncomfortable. I feel like I’m being a shitty girlfriend for not being ready, because I’m not interested in that at all right now. He’s not pressuring me, but I can tell he wants it.
Hi love! Such a common scenario. Never sacrifice your boundaries for someone else's comfort. Breakup with him if he makes you uncomfortable once you communicate your needs to him or at any signs of disrespect. With that said, please (like really!) take my recommendation to read the book Forever by Judy Blume.
I think you'll resonate with the storyline and will find it useful even if some of the story/information is a little outdated.
Hope this helps! xx
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Ever since I've started paying attention to how published authors use punctuation, I have stopped caring about sentence fragments, or overusing commas, semicolons, and em-dashes.
You gotta let your sentences flow naturally. Sometimes that means not using three em-dashes in a paragraph because it is distracting. Sometimes that means using three semicolons in a single sentence (*cough* Frank Herbert).
Maybe the rule is, don't use fancy punctuation/fragments if following grammar rules and conventions will do, but sometimes your sentence just sounds better with six commas, an em-dash, and no verbs.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
Guess who’s enrolled to get her bachelors and masters degree in engineeringgggggg
Ps I’m doing my minor in fine arts and I’m so excited and I’m doing a program where I can do college in five years and graduate with my masters and bachelors so I’m stoked- hopefully I’m set to graduate without student loans so no debt!
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corvase · 1 year
student crush scenarios/prompts
i really love things along these lines and these aren’t really meant to all be positive, but i simply wanted to capture all of how it feels to have a crush while schooling (whether it be high school or college) :) feel free to use !
getting to talk to someone you never really noticed before and having fun speaking with them
the moment when you’re spacing out and you catch someone’s eyes and they say “what?” and you start smiling at how ridiculous it is and reply “you were staring at me.”
the moment when your friend tells you someone may like you and so stupidly, you begin to think about them a little differently
the moment someone you never noticed before— for some reason— stands out. suddenly you’re walking down the halls and your eyes are subconsciously looking for them
light flirting— “what was the answer to question seven?” “oh, it was d.” “GOD you’re an angel thank you so much.” “i’m an angel?”
are they flirting with me? or did their hand just happen to brush mine?
teasing. TEASING. and i’m not talking about straight up bullying that people boil down to having a crush, but the fun teasing where you’ll see them in the hallway and they bring up an inside joke from the last class you shared, or you do that little dance where you try to pass each other but keep moving the same way and let out a laugh
other teasing: perhaps if there’s a height difference & they called you pocketsized, or if they notice you wear certain things certain ways and point it out
trying not to laugh at a joke they made because it really wasn’t funny, but the way they want you to laugh makes you smile
hearing them say something that wasn’t funny but laughing because it was stupid
nurse’s office moments. getting sick & going to the nurses office and seeing that one person and going oh… what are you doing here?
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stormsalwayspass · 8 months
Study Tips
A person can study anywhere between 15 seconds and 18 hours. However, even though it's possible to study for such long periods of time, it doesn't mean you should.
Studying for such long intervals can be harmful to your body, brain, and eyesight. So, if you still want to study long and hard for more than two or three hours, this is my advice.
1.) Get a good night's sleep.
If you don't get enough sleep in the time before studying, you won't retain much information and it will be harder for you to focus and answer rationally.
2.) Have chewing gum and/or something that smells good.
Chewing gum while you study is a great idea. It improves focus and can even help with study anxiety. It eases your nerves and just all-around makes things easy. As for a good smell: pleasant scents are scientifically proven to be good for your memory. So, if you want to get a great grade, have some essential oils, a candle, or something else that smells good nearby!
3.) Eat.
If you're going to study for long periods of time, make sure to eat when you're hungry. Hunger significantly damages focus and precision in mental prowess. So, make sure you're fed!
3.) Stay hydrated!
Stay hydrated for the very same reasons. Being dehydrated is bad for every part of you, so keep some water nearby!
4.) Have on study music!
Have on a more low-key genre of music for study time if it helps you focus. This isn't for everybody, but it does help me, so maybe you guys will like it too. You have hundreds of study playlist options to choose from on Spotify if you're interested.
5.) Take breaks!
To maintain a healthy mindset, good focus, and all-around the best conditions for studying, take a 5 to 15 minute break every hour to an hour and a half to move around and stretch your muscles, essentially waking up your body and brain so you can keep studying with steady proficiency.
There you go, and good luck!
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secondstar-acorn · 4 months
can’t believe kilgarrah had to intervene with merlin and arthur’s petty feud like a teacher on the playground. this dragon has been waiting centuries to pass on this prophecy and to do it he has to be the mediator in teenage drama. literally told the most powerful sorcerer of all time to make nice with the once and future king. kilgarrah deserves a nobel prize
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teentoospoiled · 5 months
How & Why Celibacy Works
Ussy Costs Funds, Ick is Free
Level Up Lecture: Xesual Economics 101
Disclaimer: I am an adult cisgender woman targeting a teen audience. I encourage all teens to share and/or include their parents in the conversation of our posts for the sake of transparency on my adult end. Thank you for your engagement.
The Walmarts keep the Targets in business. The Family Dollars / Dollar Generals fill in the gaps where the Walmarts fall flat
Target: Celibate
Walmart: Xesually Active Singles
Family Dollar / DG: Xes Workers or Misc.
I’m not saying if you’re a xesually active single, you’re cheap as a person. I am highlighting how celibacy is the premium product that’s preferred by customers in the market.
There are people who would drive to another Target if their local one is out of something versus heading to the Walmart or Family Dollar within their location.
POV: You’re selling ussy (p or b in front ;)
Everybody sells ussy even if they are poor businessmen. I’m gonna teach you how to market and leverage your coochie correctly.
Men (masculines) marry for the main incentive: in-house ussy.
Pick Up This Gem: This is why you do not move in with them until you’ve at least received an engagement ring.
You are aware of the fact that all masculines want access to your ussy…eventually. Now that you know this, you are going to dangle it over their heads until they give you the things (or lifestyle) you want.
Business or personal investments, etc.
Choose which ussy you have:
Target Ussy - higher prices, Starbucks, target customer is not on a tight budget seeking steals, strong brand loyalty (driving to another Target versus visiting competitors)
Walmart Ussy - mid range prices, hit or miss with consumers and their affordability thus the wide range of products
Family Dollar / DG -lowest prices, accessible for low income buyers (girls with cheap bfs or baby daddy’s, not SWers) accessible for buyers seeking instant gratification which is affordability.
Answer Now!: Who is your target customer?
Disposable income
Regular shopper
Money management, but generous spending
Most likely you listed something that aligns with Target’s target audience, right? It’s ok if you feel like it’s a Target / Walmart (hit or miss remember?).
This is how the Walmarts (xesually active singles) keep the Targets (abstinence and celibates) in business; Target has a competitor to leverage their premium product against.
If you don’t like it, go to our competitors (Walmart / DG). Why?
Because the fact that you can’t afford / don’t prefer Target (no xes until marriage) is the reason why our regular customers shop here, and many of them spend a lot each Target trip.
Customers= Masculines
There are plenty of high spending, high quality, high earning people who shop exclusively at Walmart or rotate stores for the best prices. This is how Walmart balances the market, allowing Target to market as the premium place to shop.
If you chose NO:
Quick Breakdown
This is the best time to remain abstinent or practice celibacy because the market is saturated with free / easy access opportunities for xes. It’s a marketing strategy to reserve your body for exclusive access, especially if you’ve never had xes b4.
Exclusive access has the leverage to insist on getting what they want before entry is allowed.
This leverage is lacked or lessened when you allow xesual access prior to securing your goal(s) at hand-marriage, gifts, investment, etc.
You’re not reserved, which means access to you is not exclusive even if you are rarely used. This is where the leverage of abstinence and celibacy comes in.
Bluntly: the (high quality) masculines who can offer the most fun and funds usually prefer exclusive access. Most people prefer exclusivity to feel special. Dare to tell me I’m wrong
This leverage allows you to make a luxury sale, similar to fashion houses or upscale lounges.
POV: You are a nightclub
You require patrons to book a table and a bottle of champagne before being allowed into the club.
Your “table” and “champagne” is equivalent to requiring a masculine to marry you before gaining entry into your body.
If they don’t like it, point the person to the BYOB or the club that’s more of their style.
Exclusive Access = The premium, preferred product by a higher class/ quality / spending group of consumers.
Now, I hope that made sense.
TIP 2 TEEN SELF: Learn about proper hypergamy early on. Not the SB/ SW stuff even amongst hypergamy content. Take the time out to learn how to date up and build yourself into becoming the woman who thrives in high quality environments instead of shying away or fumbling.
Homework: Listen to this Science of Birds podcast. Take notes on how the “choosy” female bird chooses which male to make babies with
BuyMeACoffee, but I prefer wine ;)
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