#And then him remembering everything because ace died
foundgirlpigeon · 9 months
Watching one piece live action is just like -
*literally watches the scene*
*remembers something insignificant from the anime*
*remembers that leads to some very story line/ background*
*cries because it's all trauma*
(anime spoilers in tags)
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cozage · 9 months
Congrats on 2k!!!!
For the request I was wondering if you could do the ASL boys confessing to their childhood friend that they've had a crush on:) and if it's not too much could you add shanks as well?? It's okay if not!
I love your writing it's the best just make sure you're taking care of yourself!! <3
A/N: Some of these are kind of subtle, but I think subtle is their way of confessing after that long :)  Characters: gn reader x Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Shanks CW: Marineford spoilers Total word count: 873
From Friends to Lovers
“She looks like your type,” you mumbled, nudging Ace. A girl at the end of the bar had been eyeing him all night. 
“And how do you know my type?” Ace asked, raising his eyebrow at you. He was slurring his words just slightly; enough for you to know he was drunk.
“Please. We’ve been friends forever, and we’ve sailed together for two years. I know what kind of girls you go for.” You laughed, pushing down the jealousy that churned in your stomach. 
“You must not,” Ace said, leaning his head against you. "I'll stay right where I am."
“Go talk to her,” you urged. “It’s not doing you any good being by my side.”
He frowned at you. “What do you mean? I’m already sitting next to the hottest person in the bar.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. 
“I’m serious.” He had a newfound urgency in his voice. “You’re the only one for me. You’ve always been the only one for me.”
Your heart skipped a beat. There was no way he could be serious right now. He was drunk and stupid. 
He saw the bewilderment on your face and gave you a goofy grin. “Are you just now realizing I’m head over heels for you?! I thought I had made that obvious from day one!”
You stared at the man before you, unsure how to react. He looked like Sabo. He definitely acted like Sabo. Even his name was Sabo. But it had to be a coincidence. 
“No,” you said. “Sabo died. Sabo died a long time ago.”
“There was this one winter day where we went sledding,” he said. “We raced Ace and Luffy down the hill a hundred times. They kept trying to beat us, but they never could. And then Dadan made us go inside and gave us hot chocolate and let us all sleep together in one big bed that night because it was so cold. I said it was the best day ever because we got to spend it together.”
Tears filled your eyes as he spoke. “You died,” you whispered again. 
You were talking to a ghost. You were afraid any moment you’d wake up and be left alone again. Just like when he had died. Just like when Ace had died, and Luffy had disappeared.
“I lost my memories from the head injury and was taken in by the Revolutionary Army. I only remembered after I saw the headlines about…” 
“Ace,” you whispered, tears spilling over. It still hurt to think about. 
“I’ll never leave you again,” he promised. “Come back with me to the Revolutionary Army. We’ll keep you safe. I want to hear about everything.”
“Please,” he begged. “I know I just remembered you, but my heart has ached every moment we’ve been apart. I just found you again and I’m starting to feel whole. Please-please don’t leave yet.”
“Heeeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!” Luffys voice rang out from above you, and you instinctually braced yourself. 
He slammed into you, sending the both of you falling to the ground. You screamed out in glee as rubber arms wrapped around you, holding you tight. 
“It’s been a while, Luffy!” 
“I can’t believe it’s really you!” He shouted. “What are you doing here?”
“This is my home, idiot!” You laughed, trying to squirm out from under him. 
Moving away from his grip was proving to be quite difficult though, considering Luffy’s body weight was on top of you, his arms still tightly around you to prevent you from moving. 
“Your home was Windmill Village. I’ve missed you since you left.” 
Tears filled your eyes, and you suddenly enjoyed his closeness “I missed you too, Luffy.”
“Sail with me and my crew,” he said, pulling away slightly to look in your eyes, begging you with his big, dark eyes. “I want you to join me.”
You raised your eyebrow. “I have a life here, Luffy. I can’t-“
“Make a life with me!” He whined. “Come on!!”
“You still want to be King of the Pirates?” 
“I can only do it with you by my side.”
A red-haired man sat down next to you in the bar, glancing your way. 
“Come here often?” he asked, sliding your favorite beer over to you. 
“Only in town for the week.” A smile danced across your lips. “My pain in the ass captain has us on a tight schedule.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his jolly laugh, the room brightening as his voice echoed through it. 
“He sounds like tough work,” Shanks said, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“He is!” You took a long drink of your beer. “I’ve been sailing with him my whole life, I think I would know.”
He smirked. “And you’re not tired of him yet?”
“Nah,” you chuckled. “I could never get tired of you.”
Your words caught up with your brain, and your cheeks turned a deep pink at the realization of what you had said. 
“Good, because I’ll never get tired of you either. ” Shanks gave you a softy, gentle smile and cupped your cheek with his hand. “So you’re stuck with me for the rest of time, okay? You’re all mine.”
“Of course, Captain.”
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klmp11s · 2 months
Hey! I really love your writing!! 🧡 I was wondering if you could write malleus, ace, rook, vil, and epel with a m! Reader who smokes cigarettes but tries to keep it a secret because they’re pretty ashamed of it? I completely understand if you’re uncomfortable with this request 🙏
Hello!! Thank you very much 🫶🫶 , I can even understand the reader, because sometimes I suffer from this myself 😶‍🌫️ (English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary: reader smokes cigarettes, but tries to keep it a secret because he is pretty ashamed of it Characters: Ace Trappola, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier, Malleus Draconia Warning: male!reader who smokes cigarettes, romantic(?)
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Ace Trappola
He definitely came to your dorm room and he LITERALLY DIDN'T KNOCK?? AGAIN?
But as soon as he enters your room, he remains in the doorway in shock.
Uh... are you smoking now? Are you serious? IT'S LITERALLY WORTH THIS: 🧍😦
He admits, you MAY be looking well.. um HOT OKAY right now, but he's still trying to figure out what's going on. At that moment he remembers that he didn’t even fully enter your room and literally slams the door while running towards you
The moment your cigarette flies out of the open window, they start shaking your shoulders.
I don’t know if you know what this is, but imagine that you are trying to cough up the smoke in your lungs and at the same time you are LITERALLY INTERFERRED??
It's very unpleasant, believe me
Okay, now while you are trying to justify yourself to him, they interrupt you and start throwing a barrage of questions at you. FOR WHAT?? Why are you doing this? Why are you ruining your health? Are you okay with your head??
You even cease to understand which of you is more worried. But okay, now you're starting to feel the shame rising from within.
You ask him NOT TO TELL ANYONE AT ALL, to which he agrees with suspicion, but now he is waiting for an explanation from you. Come on, he's listening.
Have you seen the “can you replace your cigarettes with my lips” meme? LMAO IT'S HIM BUT I SWEAR HE WILL NOT TELL YOU THIS DIRECTLY.
Regardless of your reason for smoking, he will most likely try to prevent you from doing it so often.
HE WILL CHECK if you smell like cigarettes, he's serious literally 🧐🐕
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Vil Schoenheit
He doesn't even know how to react to this?? He accidentally met you on the street while you were smoking
Okay, now you're going to have to EXPLAIN, YOU UNDERSTAND?
He also obviously doesn't like the smell of tobacco at all and God forbid you dropped ashes on your uniform
You immediately ask him not to tell a single living soul about this, seriously, not to tell ANYONE about this
He understands this. But didn't you think that they could obviously notice you? If it was one of the teachers, obviously you would be out of luck at all.
At one point he even forgot why he was looking for you in the first place. Now, while he is leading you to his dorm, he asks you the reason.
I don’t think he will condemn it if you really have a good reason, but the main thing is not to do such things around him.
Do you also know that smoking not only harms your health, but also your appearance?
Also, at the moment when you say that you are ashamed of this, he will say in a completely calm tone that everything is not as bad as you think, do you understand?
I think he could try to help you quit if that's what you really wanted, but he's not the kind of person who would put pressure on someone with an addiction.
He could offer you alternative options to slow down your bad habit.
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Rook Hunt
He is aware of this long before you burned in front of him He will literally stand in front of you and just watch: 🧍🤗
You literally DIED at that moment. First of all, he literally came out of nowhere?? Secondly, REMOVE THE CIGARETTE FROM YOUR MOUTH
The moment you turn to him, he just calmly starts talking to you about something completely different.
Okay, he doesn't care 🙏🙏 . Now you feel calmer and you begin to ask him not to talk about this to anyone at all. Only he and you know about this, understand?
To which he completely calmly agrees and continues to tell you something completely ordinary.
You feel nervous because he agreed so easily and didn’t even ask questions, is there a catch? You carefully ask him about it, and you hear half of the words in French. Okay, if he understands that this is just a bad habit and he doesn’t see the need to tell others about it, that’s the main thing.
He is also ready to reassure you and assure you that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, because it all remains a secret, right?
Now your secret is kept between you and the hunter. But do you remember that he knew about this much earlier?
Obviously, he might notice that you have a slight smell of tobacco coming from you. (That smell literally gets into your clothes and hair, you know?), I also think he could find a pack of cigarettes in your room and not say anything about it at all.
You are interesting, so many secrets and not a single listener, right?
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Epel Felmier
He ran to your room to escape from Vil
As soon as he comes to you, he sees a picture: you are standing in front of an open window and lighting a cigarette. Okay, you've never thrown things out of your hands so quickly.
Looks like you have some explaining to do now, huh?
He may even accidentally scream (more like a squeak and a shocking gasp), are you doing WHAT
You just look at each other for a while, completely silent. At that moment, something clicks in your head and you grab his hands and ask that no one, I repeat, NO ONE, knows except him.
If you also say that you are ashamed, he will jump up sharply and begin to calm you down. Maybe he’ll tell you what Vil did to his appearance before, so that you’re not the only one who feels shame.
This is a SECRET and you don’t want anyone to know about it. He looks at you for a while and carefully turns his gaze to the window where you stood a couple of minutes ago. Well, he might agree to keep quiet about it. BUT
Why are you doing this? Like, first of all, how did you bring them to college and secondly, how long have you been doing this?
Okay, now you sit with Epel and explain that you developed this habit much earlier than you arrived here. Okay, he can understand that, I guess?
But I think he could agree with you that: 1. You try not to do this in front of him, and he is also thinking about helping you get rid of this habit; 2. You don't tell anyone from his dorm that he comes running and hides in your room! 3. Don’t blow smoke on him, it burns his eyes, you know?
I think he would like to somehow help you get rid of your addiction, but he has not yet figured out how to do this.
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Malleus Draconia
He was walking at night and was near your dorm when he saw you on the porch. He just wanted to say hello and you literally screamed? Did he scare you? He also cautiously approaches you and looks at you while you are doing something, he literally: 🧍
When you started to fuss, he noticed that you were throwing something aside and hiding another thing in your pocket. I think he might want to know what happened, but if you don't want to tell him, he might understand.
I also think that he has quite a keen sense of smell. Apparently he smelled tobacco from you.
Okay, now he's aware. You begin to ask him not to tell anyone about this. And he calmly agrees, but could he ask why you are doing this?
When you say that this has long become a nervous habit, he could tell you how in his homeland they cope with some kind of addiction.
When you also say that you are really ashamed that he saw you in such a state, he really tries to calm you down. He doesn't see anything so bad in it that you feel shame, you know?
You could also spend most of the night talking to him about it. Congratulations, you have not yet smoked a single cigarette in front of him while you were in such a sudden surge of stress. It is commendable.
You never cease to amaze him. He is really pleased that you shared something so personal with him. Now this is your and his secret, and you don’t even have to worry, because he will keep it safe and sound
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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sashi-ya · 8 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 17: SOMNO Portgas D. Ace 𝘹 F! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: anon ➡ Hi! How have you been? I would like to ask for a day in the kinktober event 💞 Day 17 with Ace from One piece with a fem!reader, please 🙏🏻  Have a great day! And take small breaks, I know these events are tiring but I hope you have fun! 💞 tw: mdni. SOMNOPHILIA. very triggering to some, please stay away if is not ok with you. it is, however, CONSENTED and ASKED by reader. Though, I know is a very sensitive topic so please proceed with caution, it is written so that reader gets "surprised" by Ace after having a talk about her having such fantasy. thigh fucking. vag sex. wc: 1k masterlist
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“Is there anything you like… you know… during sex that you haven’t told me yet?” Ace asked, during breakfast. You choke with a donut and then looked at him. You weren’t surprised nor scandalized, but it was weird to listen to your boyfriend ask such question at seven in the morning.
“Why you ask?” you inquire him, after taking a sip of your coffee.
“Because I am your boyfriend and… because you forgot to clean your browsing history of my laptop…” he scoffs, remembering you that he lend you his laptop because yours died a few days ago.
Your eyes widen… “What did you see?” you ask, flustered. How could you forget?
“Well… if it was normal that you want your boyfriend to fuck you while asleep…”
“Oh Jesus, Ace… I... ”
That day passed quickly enough for you to wish it didn’t. Work was over, and while you drove home, you definitely tried to convince yourself that Ace had forgotten. “I just pray he is just like his brother Sabo and indulge in that sweet amnesia of his”
But Ace could forget to clean the dishes, to buy toilet paper or even his own head if it was detachable… yet, never, ever the things that have to do with your pleasure.
He didn’t say much during dinner. It was like a normal night, and no “somnophilia” matters were mentioned. So, you breathed alleviated.
“Babe I am going to bed before you. I am tired…” you murmured, kissing his head while he played LoL with Luffy and Sabo
“Sure love, sleep well… I’ll be there after I beat their asses a couple of times”  he laughed, and while you walked away you could hear the insults of his brothers on his headphones.
Soon, and after your head hit the pillow, your eyes closed. The world of dreams engulfed in their magical arms and drifted away through its lands.
And then, something warm felt in between your thighs…
Ace slipped in bed; your ass looked way more interesting that it always did to him. Your body half covered by the sheets that promised to be tangled yet another night.
He came closer to you, grazing your buttocks with his crotch and nuzzling on your nape with total delicacy. His hand slid from your waist to your lower belly, enjoying the rhythm of your breathing cycles.
He usually wakes you up when he is hard, but tonight he wished to indulge in your dreams… your hotter and wetter dreams.
The idea of fucking you without permission floated around Ace’s mind before too. He didn’t want to keep thinking about it, he felt it by far illegal and gross… but still, his instincts, the precum sprouting from his tip and dampening his boxers, the way his hips moved on their own were screaming loudly “fuck her while asleep… use her body until you are satisfied… she wants it”
Ace’s lips reached for the crook of your neck, placing the softest peck on your skin. Perhaps his intention was to wake you up, but not really… after all, he knew that would happen sooner or later, as he lowered his sport shorts down and let his sex free.
When his tip grazed the back part of your thighs, he squirmed. Your skin felt warm enough, like fire engulfing his sex and then all of his body. His freckled cheeks become red, and his teeth began to chatter… should he touch you? Or should he slide his dick in between your thighs?
He did then, both. Slowly, softly, measuring everything with your asleep sighs… Ace needed to play it safe, for you to feel pleasure but not enough to wake up.
His fingers trespassed the boundaries of your shorts and then your panties, encountering in between your slit a sticky mess. You were clearly turned on, thinking that maybe such lewd actions were taking place only in your dreams.
Ace growled loudly when his hand came out completely dampened, and he enjoyed the way invisible strings formed in between his fingers. So much he liked it, he took it to his lips and swallowed the salty delight your core produced for him.
Soon, he realized his dick was forcefully slipping in between your thighs and simply let it happen. It was more than warm now; it was also tight as you moved and squeezed his hardness with your legs.
By now, you were sure -even if still asleep- that the dream you were having was more than just a dream… it was him, only him… the man you chose to spend your life with who had succumbed to your inert body and your “twisted” fantasies.
And just like Ace let it happen, you did too… perhaps moving your ass up with such delicacy he didn’t notice, but still provided a better access for when he got tired of your thighs and wanted your pussy.
Ace, whose trembling limbs he needed to calm down, began moving slowly, fucking himself with your thighs, coating your skin and shorts with the product of his horniness.
And by the time he couldn’t stop himself your senses came back… and still, you kept your eyes closed… and right there you understand the bases of how attractive this kink seemed to you; Ace praised your body even while asleep, he wanted you the whole time, asleep or not. Ace needed you, Ace’s body was obsessed by the touch of your skin.
You mumbled sounds, not even words. You wanted to keep him going, you wanted Ace to keep indulging in the lowest and most impure instincts… instincts that led him to unstoppably move your panties to the side to penetrate you deeply and hard.
You couldn’t help it but moan, louder. Ace didn’t stopped, he simply lifted your leg up to come even closer to your sex. His lips grazed your neck and then your mandible line, and whispering he moaned “shh babe, keep dreaming. I just want to use that sweet hole of yours … it’s ok… good night ~ ”
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taglist: @stephisokay @henrioo @shuzuiikoii @bullbonez @fengxinwifutobecalled @i-started-reading-fanfics-at12 @crimsonlikeshellsing @weebare808 @thestarwasborn @bookandyarndragon @cyberdazetragedy @uzxotic @fushiguroshotwife💖🙆‍♀️
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Yandere Sabo Alphabet
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Author's Note: I've deadass been off the rig for like, half a year. I'm lowkey sorry, at some point I forgot about this blog. My creepypasta blog kind of became my main and I wasn't watching anime fr, but I got back into One Piece and Sabo has stolen my heart-
Warnings: Emotional Abuse, Mental Abuse, Manipulation, Physical Assault, Guilt Tripping, Rape Mentioned, S/A implied, Deception, Mind Games, Sadism Mentioned, Burning, Injuries, Death, Two Faced Behavior, Jealousy, Amnesia Mentioned, and Being Held Captive.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He is very cuddly, I can say that the ASL brothers in general are very touchy people (especially Luffy.)
Since Sabo is often on missions, he doesn't get to see you as much as he'd like to, so when he does see you, he's hugging and kissing you at any chance he can get.
He also loves seeing you in his hat, it's the cutest thing to him.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
The thing is, Sabo is willing to kill for his darling, but I wouldn't say it's messy. I can definitely see Sabo killing a few people while on missions, so I'd say he's pretty clean with it.
Sabo isn't cruel, so he wouldn't kill them infront of you, but he'll definitely make you know that they're dead, and that it was by his hands.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sabo is scary. He's charming, kind, and chivalrous to the max. He's pretty much every girls dream guy, and when you met him you probably fell for him hard.
Sabo is deranged and unhinged however, but he can hide it extremely well. Once you two started dating and you already went with him to the revolutionary army, that's when his strange behavior starts to slowly surface.
He'd never hit you on purpose, but sometimes his sadism get in the way. He never makes you aware of his true intentions, sometimes he's completely in love with you and your own little golden retriever, doing everything you say with no question, but sometimes when you two fight, he becomes a completely different person. I can see him sharing Ace's temper (despite him being the calmest and nicest brother)
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He is so manipulative its not even funny. Sabo loved playing mind games with you, he often tells you that you knew that he was like this, but you went with him anyway, so technically it's your fault your in this situation, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Sometimes he hates seeing you cry, but when you cry wuth rage in your eyes, yelling at him about how much he fucks with your head and how you can't even remember what really happened and instead you remember the false memories he told placed in your head, he can't help but chuckle.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I don’t see Sabo being vulnerable with you at first. Most of the time he's vulnerable, it's often with Koala because he trustes that woman with his life, and they're pretty much best friends.
But I'd say the first time you saw him vulnerable was when Ace died. He had so many break downs in front of you and all you could do was try and comfort him the best way you could. Times like those really fuck with your head because Sabo is kind of holding you against your will, mentally and emotionally abusing you, and kind of an manipulative asshole, but the times he's genuinely a sweet guy who just wants to make you happy just pop into your mind and you can't help but hug him and tell him it'll be ok and that it wasn't his fault.
Sabo genuinely wants you to be happy, just his method of doing so is fucked up.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
It only adds fuel to the fire. Sabo is pretty patient for the most part and often wants your arguments to be as quick as possible. But, if you keep arguing and yelling at him, his patience runs thin, and that's when you see his Ace like temper.
You two could go at for hours, and he'll eventually just erupt into Flames (literally) and end up hurting you. He'd end up feeling terrible because Sabo never wants to hurt you (Physically of course), so he'd just stare at his arm, surrounded in Flames, before looking at your curled up position in the corner of the room, holding your arm as you cried in pain.
So yeah, try not to fight with him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
If you escape, he's panicked. Losing Ace really fucked him up, so you leaving him is his biggest nightmare. If the world government knows about your existence, either as his S/O, or you were part of the revolutionary army before hand, or you were a pirate or something, that only makes his paranoia worse because you most likely have a bounty on your head.
He'd look for you everywhere, that man wouldn't sleep until he found you.
I feel like Sabo has developed a fear of forgetting, so he probably writes down everything that happens to him or other people in a diary of some sorts. So he'd write about each day he looked for you, doing anything he could if there was a rare chance that he would forget you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The two of you got into a really bad fight. Like, the worst one you two had ever had.
You were sick and tired of Sabo's lies, his manipulative behavior, and just all the bullshit he pulled on you. At first he was dismissing you, telling you that you were making a big deal out of such a small issue, but you kept pressing him and telling him to stop down playing his actions.
Eventually he started arguing back and things got even more heated, and when he got too close, you punched him right in the face. When you realize what you did, you slowly started to back up as Sabo placed his hand on his face in shock. You've never hit him before, ever.
He started at you in silence before slowly making his way towards you.
"I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean to..." You say over as over again as you backed yourself into a corner, your hmeyes tearing up as he got closer.
He'd grab both you wrist in one hand, causing you to yelp in pain as you cried further. He only started at you with cold eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... please..." You mumbled, you legs almost giving out as you shoot.
He'd then grab your chin roughly, ans then kiss you. But it wasn't a rough kiss, but a gentle and genuine one. It wasn't like the ones he'd give after not seeing you for weeks on end, but it was different, it was kind. It caught you off guard, why was he so gentle?
But eventually you leaned into it, closing your eyes in the process. He eventually loosened his grip on your wrist, but you didn't feel his hand slowly make it's way to your neck.
"I'm sorry, love..."
Then, his grip tightened as you felt burning sensation on your neck. Before you could scream, Sabo smashed his lips against yours, grabbing the back of your head so you couldn't break away.
Your legs gave out in that moment, and Sabo went down with you. You were practically screaming into his lips, it hurt so fucking bad. So, he shoved his tongue in your mouth as a way to muffle your screams. His hands weren't on fire, but he heated them up so they would burn your neck.
When he pulled his lips back, a long trail of saliva connecting your lips, he quickly covered your mouth as he stared to your pained face.
"I'm sorry," He'd say, wiping the spit away before kissing your tears as you slowly passed out from the pain.
When you wake up in the morning, you don't remember a thing. But when you touch your neck and feel bandages, memories start to flood back to you as you cry into the pillow. Sabo was sent on a mission the same day you woke up, so he was long gone before you woke up. But, he felt fucking awful for what he did.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
World government taken down, his book published, and you two living happily together.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sabo gets jealous a lot easier than he would like to admit.
When he's jealous, he gets a lot more touchy and often makes back handed remarks about said person.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
When Sabo isn't manipulating you or the two of you a arguing, he's a fucking golden retriever boyfriend. Follows you around, is at your beck and call and will do pretty much anything you want, crazy affectionate, and loves to tease you. If it wasn't for his manipulative and abusive behavior, he pretty much acts like a normal boyfriend.
This also plays a key part on why Sabo is so good at manipulating you. The way he treats you the majority of the time, this kind loving boyfriend, makes you fucking think you're crazy. Like, didn't he guilt trip you into sleeping with him last night? But hey, he gave you the best aftercare of you life, and he got you that jacket you kept looking at when the two of you went shopping. So it wasn't that bad, right?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Sabo would pretty much go up to you and just start being his charming self. Sabo is extremelylikeable, and he'll get you to blush and laugh a few times. Eventually, he'll start sending love letter to you if you're a pirate or a normal citizen, but even if your part of the revolutionary army, he'll still send you little love letters.
He'll get you gifts and even offer to pay for your drinks if you two ever went out for a drink.
I'm telling you, if you're his darling, you fell in love with him before he started to abuse you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
When he's upset, yes. Sabo can be pretty unhinged when fighting, but that's about it. When the two of you are just living normally, no fighting or anything, he goes back to the Sabo you fell in love with.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sabo doesn't actively punish his darling. He actually let's you get away with escaping. But, he does get physical when you piss him off, so that's your punishment.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You can do everything besides escaping, and telling anyone about his abusive behavior. He'd be so fucking pissed if he found out that you told someone.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. He had to deal with Luffy and Ace growing up. Luffy's energetic, dumb behavior, and Ace's short tempered, rude behavior made him gain a lot of patience, even if he forgot them for many years.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die, its like Ace all over again. He's blaming himself, even if it wasn't his fault.
If you leave and or, escape, he's looking for you. He's not resting until he does.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He didn't technically abduct you. If you weren't part of the revolutionary army and a civilian, you moved in with him, and when you tried to leave, that's when you realized you were pretty much a hostage.
If you're a pirate, that's when things get complex because if you're not a captain, that's something he'll have to deal with, but if you are a captain, I can't see you just leaving your crew for your boyfriend. So he'll figure something out.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I feel like a mixture of trauma and the death of Ace.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If you scream/cry, he'll try to comfort you the best he can. He wants to see that smile he loves so much.
If you isolate yourself after he was on a mission for weeks on end, he'll be pretty upset. He'll keep asking you what's wrong, and he won't stop bothering you until you tell him.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's a controlling, manipulative yandere, but the amount of freedom and how you can pretty much get him to do whatever you want is kind of crazy. But he isn't stupid or blind, he'll know when you're taking advantage of him immediately, and that's when he shuts things down.
He's revolutionary afterall, he enjoys freedom, and even though he can't give you 100% freedom, or at least just yet, he'll give you the most he can, but not too much to where you'll leave him.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His overprotectiveness. He's not only overprotective you, but his friends as well, especially Luffy.
It'd be hard to manipulate this, but if you play your cards right, you might be able to get him wrapped around your finger.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but not purposefully.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He kind of worships you, but also kind of doesn't. It's complicated. But he's willing to go hell and back to keep you safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
As long as it takes. Sabo is willing to wait a long time for you to love him blindly once again, even if it takes years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. It wouldn't be on purpose. It could be a punishment taken too far, or just the mental abuse.
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
first year gang (+ grim if that's okay) reacting to yuu/mc getting heavily injured in front of them and losing lots of blood? (mostly from overblot)
it can be plantonic or romantic
Another request to go ! Thank you for requesting Anon, I'm so sorry it came out so late. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I loved doing it.
Content : You get heavily injured in a fight with another overblot, how do the first years individually react to such a devastating sight ?
Warning(s) : mentions of blood and injury, reader is gender neutral so they/them, it can be platonic or romantic whatever suits your taste, might have cussing ? idk. Anyways, have a fun time reading.
First years reacting to mc/yuu getting hurt :
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Ace Trappola
If I remember correctly, an insult was enough to make him worked up. He literally punched the living sh*t out of his dorm leader, so try imagining what would happen if you got physically injured.
His mind instantly snaps upon seeing you get hurt, he may sometimes act like a jerk. But no one hurts his best friend.
Especially you.
Loses his temper, will try to murder whoever is over blotting even if they're not mentally stable.
hell he isn't either, after they turn back to normal, he won't hesitate to slap them across the face and spit as many insults there is.
When you're brought to the school nurse, he isn't coming because he's not done with your attacker but Ace will shoot you an anxious glance.
Once you heal up, this guy will fucking scold you but he means good. For once you're not the mom of the group.
"What kind of idiot jumps right in front of strike ?! You're lucky we saved you or you would've been dead by now stupid-"
He's not nice about it cause you made him way too worried. He's supposed to be the one messing around, don't be so reckless especially if your life is at stake.
Doesn't mind fun but not the type of fun that's gonna get you killed.
"*sigh* just c'mere- Yeah don't ask why I'm hugging you, that answer is FAIRLY OBVIOUS !"
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Deuce spade
Deuce is one of the first to check up on you and your injury, if you're unconscious he's going to repeatedly call out your name and beg you to wake up.
He's panicking, and he knows that it doesn't help the situation. But fear quickly turned into anger by the time you were put to safety.
There goes that guy, rest his soul cause getting killed by deuce is the exact opposite of he died peacefully in his sleep.
after a couple days, you would be fully recovered and you can bet this blue haired ex-delinquent will be all over you.
He'll scold you too but not as much as Ace, deuce is a sweet idiot and honestly I love him for it.
Deuce is trying his best but he can't help being mad at himself for not being able to protect you, you're his best friend/Lover !
You need to reassure him that you're fine and that's enough, he's glad you're trying to cheer him up but YOU'RE THE ONE WITH A RUPTURED SPINE- HOW THE HELL IS THAT FAIR ?!
"Repeat after me : I promise.." "Deuce this is stupid" "NO, say 'I promise..?" "...I promise..." "TO NEVER BECOME A HUMAN SHIELD"
"Just do it."
"...I promise I won't become a....human shield..?"
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Epel Felmier
Ok this man is loosing his temper. But like imagine the : you called him a girl temper, now reimagine that but then triple the anger.
That attacker/overblot dude is dead, he's about to die.
Like Epel doesn't even need help he's already cowboying his way through- wait is that a damn lasso.
Destroying the whole area as if he was an active tornado just obliterating everything and everyone.
Epel is most likely to stand by this quote : "You mess with them/her/him, you mess with me."
Doesn't matter if you're just his friend or partner, that man has loyalty and he is going to tackle anyone in the stomach just for looking at you the wrong way.
He may look pretty but he is deadly, I can assure you that no need to test it.
He won't be panicking when you recover, he's just gonna be relieved you're ok.
Will probably pout a little cause you worried him so much but besides that he hopes that you won't pull a stunt like that again.
"I'm glad to see that you're doing alright.."
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Sebek Zigvolt
Ok this one. Is pissed.
He's not gonna let that offense go, you and wake-sama are placed on an equal pedestal so it means that if you get hurt then that means the only suitable punishment to the cause is d e a t h.
Crocodile Sebek goes BRRRRRRRR-
Proceeds to annihilate the bastard, like have some fucking mercy dude- I have never seen a scrope pounding this severe in my whole entire life.
yeah no, the victim isn't getting up after getting his balls turned into a size eleven sneaker.
Sebek is gonna give you those 4 hour lectures when you wake up and there is no escaping it cause you got a leg turned into mash potato.
"And so that is why you should NEVER put yourself in danger EVER again-"
"EPel please save me"
"Where do you think you're going ?!"
Sorry I got carried away, I just love this song so much T_T.
Running through the halls like a one-legged track star as students just hear Sebek yelling from the other side of campus.
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Jack Howl
Ok he turns into big wolf boy the second he takes the sight of you getting hit and heavily injured.
He is going to eat that overbold guy alive, no questions asked.
He was baring his teeth before now he's full on destroying them into oblivion.
Man gets angry, growling was a warning until they crossed the damn line by putting you in danger.
Now it doesn't really matter wether he's your partner, best friend or some kind of family figure. Cause that man is guarantee the best guy to have around, like...LOOK AT HIM !?
he may act tough but he's a real softie that does his best to play fair and square.
No matter what you see him as, Jack is protective and looks after to you. Even more than you can do actually !
Once the fight is over, he's going to the nurse to check up on you.
When he sees that you're out of harms way he's gonna grumble a little bit.
"You really are reckless, don't pull a stunt like that again..Uh ?! No I wasn't worried ! You're strong, there is no way that kind of injury would be able to take you out anyway. But still...I'm glad to see you're alright."
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I know this isn't very good, I'm sorry for not being active as much these days but since it's now the holidays. I'll be posting a lot more with how much time I got !
Thank you for reading !
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
Platonic Ace & Reader Imagine - Nooo! Not My Boy!
With Shanks x Reader
(Unfortunately Canonical Character Deaths, for this one) (The playlist I made to help write this)
You were running across the battlefield, dodging attacks from marines and pirates alike, refusing to listen to anyone, your crew mates and captain included. Nothing was more important than getting to your eldest boy, as tears steamed down your face with a pain in your heart, that you've never felt before and never wanted to again, as you refuse to knowledge the truth, even when the vivre card burned up in your hand.
Everything seem to slow down as you reached the spot where your boy was, laying on the ground with a smile on his face and a hole in his chest. A piercing heart-breaking scream ripe from your throat as you slid to your knees and pulled him to your arms and clenched him against your chest as you wailed, your boy, your Ace was gone.
Nothing else mattered to you in that moment, apart from holding Ace and praying to any gods that would listen to give you, your eldest boy back, he didn't deserve this fate simply because of who blood flowed in his veins.
Holding Ace in your arms all you could do is remember the first time you him met, along with Sabo and Luffy. He was only 10 but he standing at the front metal pipe in hand, demanding who you were, ready to protect his brothers. Another pain filled sob from you as you knew he had died protecting Luffy always being the big brother, and willing to do anything to protect him.
Upon that thought you lifted your head up as you looked around for Luffy, your youngest but not being able to see him, gave you both a mix of fear and relief, not knowing of his own injuries and fate.
As you stayed there on the ground cradling Ace, the war had come to an end, not that you paying attention to that. Soon you could a familiar voice speaking, but unsure of what they were saying as you paid no mind, until you were pulled away from Ace. You fought against the two arms that were wrapped around you, as you wailed, screamed and demanded to realised, that your boy needed you.
The arms didn't budged no matter what you did to try and get free, and soon everything just blurred around you as time seemed to go from nearly frozen to super sonic. Soon you found yourself back in your & Shanks shared cabin on the bed, and could hear activity all around the ship, meaning the crew was getting ready to leave.
The thought of the ship leaving, suddenly had you panicking irrationally, as all you thought was Ace was being left behind. As you rushed off the bed you tripped over your own feet and falling to your knees as another heart-breaking wailed came and a fresh wave of tears started to fall.
You could hear the door opening and close, making you looking up to be your red haired captain and lover.
Shanks got on to the floor in front of you and pulled you against his chest, as you gripped his shirt and sobbed into it, asking him to bring your boy, he was an emperor of the sea, he was powerful, so why couldn't he do it, all said between sobs.
All could he do in this moment was hold too you and let you cry, and said a few words of comfort, not that any of of them would make a different to you in that moment.
Some point, he was able to move you to the bed and sat with his back against the wall, and kept you against his chest your sobs turned to silent tears, with his chin resting on top of your head and arm wrapped around you.
You were unsure of how long Shanks had been holding you within the dark and quiet of the cabin, until a knock on the door made him release his hold on you, going to answer the door. A few words were spoken, before closing the door and pulling his cloak off, covering you with it as he placed a kiss on your forehead and said he would be back when he could.
Alone with your thought again, you clenched your fists into black cloak as you thought against more tears that threaten to fall, as you thought back to the last time you spoke to Ace. Wishing you had told him much you loved him and how proud of him you were but to stop the chase on Blackbeard, it was not his fault what happened even, even if he was the 2nd division commander and to listen to Whitebeard.
He's your stubborn boy and did what he wanted if someone wronged him or someone he cared about, you paused in your thought and correct yourself, he had been a stubborn boy and that thought that having to use past tense him to talk about him now, made the tears falls against as sobbed you in the pillow.
At some point you had stopped sobbing but tears were stilling falling down your cheek, as you just stared blankly at the wall in front of you, with the cloak wrapped around you.
When Shanks arrived back some time later, he brought some food and tried to get you to eat some but you had no appetite and he wasn't going force you. He was finally able to coax you into sleeping after a sometimes, he kept you tucked tightly against himself.
You dreamed of when you lived with the boys for over a year. That was one of the best time of your life, you hasn't planned to stay long, as you were just island hopping and seeing the world, but meeting boys and getting to know them, made you stay and you soon claimed them as your own.
You taught them how to steal and pickpocket better, as that how you got most of your money, but everything changed quickly into a nightmare as you remembered Sabo being shot and sunk by a Celestial Dragon, then you started running around looking for Ace and Luffy.
You were unable to find Luffy, but quickly found Ace but his clothes was covered in blood as he turned around to face you, there was a hole in his little chest making you scream, as you held him tightly and could hear him asking where you were.
A scream escaped your lips as you sat up awake, eyes wet, as you franticly search the room before it felt like the walls were closing in on you. Needing to get out of there quickly, you jumped from the bed and escaped the room, hearing your name being shouted but you didn't stop, it still felt like the walls were closing in.
Stepping out on to the deck, you were hit with cold wind and a night sky, making you stop as you stared at the stars, as another memory hits you, making you clasp a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from making more noise.
A warm body was soon stood behind you, already knowing it was Shanks, as he placed his hand over your heart and then you placed your free hand on his. Something you both did from time to time as a reminded to each other, when sometimes words weren't enough.
He tried to suggest going back to the cabin but a quickly shook your head, you didn't want to be in an enclosed space, so instead you made your way up to the quarterdeck and palm trees. Ever the dutiful lover, Shanks came you with and the two of you sat next two each other under the palm trees, staring at the stars.
It was just silence behind the two of you, even though you wanted to speak you couldn't find the word to starts. Lifting your hand up and traced some of the constellation, remembering how you taught both Ace and Luffy how to use some of the stars to work out what direction they were heading when on the sea and how happy they had been to learn about it.
That memory had tears falling again, as you finally broke the silence saying how unfair it was, Ace didn't ask to be Roger son, and because of that your boy was gone. You knew that Roger wasn't what the government painted him, you heard from stories from everyone who knew him, mainly Shanks, but some small part of you wanted to hate the man but you just couldn't.
Shanks moved you around so that you were sitting in between his legs again and back against his chest. He then asked you for some stories you had with the boys. You thought for a few moments, as you couldn't remember what one you had told him before.
Then one of your favourite come up and so you began to tell him about it.
It was winter on Mt Colubo and it was in the minus numbers with thick snow, it wasn't the thickest you had been but was for Luffy and Ace, and it stayed that like for over a week.
You had made sure that they were both wrapped up warm before they went outside, and you had then began to make some homemade ice skate. It took you about day/day and half to make them. They were very simple version so that they could just fit over their own shoes. You gifted them to the boy in evening and then the following day you take them out to the lake, that was still completely frozen over.
You made sure that the ice was thickness by stepping on to the ice first and skating over the lake a few times to double check it was safe. Once you back on the side of the lake, you helped them with their skates and then helped them on to the ice.
When you showed them how to skate, you started with Luffy and held his hands as you got him on his ice and pulled him along, as you tell him how to skate. Once you were sure Luffy was good on his own for now, you went back to Ace and held a hand to out to him but said he didn't need help and got on the ice himself.
You let him do what he wanted, and it only took a few minutes as he fell for the first, and you chuckled as offered to help him but again said no. For the rest of the afternoon you watched and skated around boys, causing them both to fall a couple of times, but from every fall Ace did learn how to skate, even if he was covered in quite a few bruises by the end.
He had been so stubborn with the need to prove that he could it without any help, and you had told him so many times he didn't need to learn how to do everything on his own anymore.
You could feel Shanks chuckle behind you, probably thinking about Luffy skating. That was good day cause it was one of the few times you got to see Ace just be child, even if he didn't want helping learning to skate, and then the following day when they went back you got to see the smile on his face as skated without falling over, a smile that made you so happy to see.
The rest of the night went by quickly as you told Shanks some other stories you had from living with them, The sky was changing to orange and pinks, as the sun began to rise and there was sound of movements coming from below as the crew began to wake. Shanks was soon standing and pulling you with him, as he steered you back down to the cabin.
He left you on the bed with a quick kiss as he went grab some breakfast for you. The thought of seeing the look that the crew would give makes you want to hide away for days. You knew they wouldn't say or hold anything against you for your reaction but still you would able to see it in the faces.
While alone you finally changed your clothes, getting out of the bloody clothes and threw them in the corner of the cabin, hoping that out of sight out of mind would help. You were doing your best to hold back the tears as you got into clean clothes, knowing that your eyes didn't need to be anymore red or sore.
When your red hair lover returned with a plate of food, he place it in your hands and sat a cup down near you. Looking at the food and thought of eating still made your stomach churn but you knew not eating would just make you feel sick and make Shanks worry more, so you just nibbled on different bits, but as he said nothing you took it as a sign he wasn't going to press the matter.
When finished with breakfast, you thought about sleeping but you were unsure if you wanted to sleep alone after last night, so when you asked Shanks, he told you he had a few things to do but would come nap later on with you.
He did come back as promised in the afternoon and the two of napped for a couple hours, with Shanks having a tight hold on you. Over the next couple days he was busier than normal but you stayed hidden below deck, normally in the laundry room, and were thankful that you didn't see many people, just some of the senior crew.
Alone again as your lover was dealing with something with Whitebeard crew, so you tried to busy your mind by tidying the up the cabin, apart from where you threw your clothes days before, and probably needed thrown out now. At some point during the tidying you found a small box that you had forgotten about and saw that it held a wooden circle with a happy face craved into it.
Happy face that you were all to well.
Seeing the little craved face stare up at you, as it was the last thing that Ace had given you with a promise to make a matching sad face and knowing that wouldn't happen now, something in you snapped, as your all anger poured out, destroying everything you got your hands on.
You promised Ace & Luffy that you would always there for them when needed, no matter where you were would come to help them, but you had failed your boys, you broke that promise and Ace had paid the highest price.
You would of given your life if it meant they would of gotten away alive, instead the Red Force werre off stopping Kaido. As soon as you heard of Ace execution you should of left and done anything in your power to get to Marineford, but all that failure on your part just fuelled your anger even more, as you never felt more useless than now.
When there was nothing else to destroy, you curled up in a ball in the middle of the cabin, clenching the wooden piece in your hands against your chest, begging once again through tears for your boy to be given back to you.
At some point you just ended up starung at one of the wall, in an almost catatonic state, as you were unresponsive to anything, from the knocks on door, voice speaking to you, to being touched and moved around and to then placed on the bed as the cuts you gained were treated. Not a single sound left you as you just stared at the wall.
It was a few hours later when Shanks returned to the cabin, to check up on you and there still seem to be no difference. Sighing softly to himself, he sat by your side and looked at your clenched hands.
Carefully taking hold of your hands, he gently removed your fingers from around what you were holding.
The feeling of someone trying to take your wooden craving, had you lashing you, snapping you of your unresponsive state and doing your best to keep hold it. However you were quickly pinned down on the bed, by Shanks using his full weight to keep you down.
When he was able to get the item out of yours hands, he placed it on side table out of your reach for now before looking down at you with concerned written over his face, as he cupped your cheek watching as a few tears fell.
He then starting to spoke to you softly, he knows that your hurting a lot and he's not telling you to how to grieve, as everyone does it differently, but he needs you to come get him, Beck or any of the senior crew, when you start to feel angry or want to rage/fight, cause there will more time when it happens and he wants to be there for you, so you wouldn't hurt yourself again.
Listening to what your lover said had more tears falling as his love for you, especially the last few days, truly showed through and wondered what you did to deserve him. He then shushed you and wrapped you tears, not they stopped any.
After a few minutes Shanks sat up and moved off of you, which allowed for you to see sit up, and see the damaged you did to room and started to feel guilty for it. You apologized for it but he just quickly shushed then kissed your forehead, as he sat against the wall and pulled you to his chest, a familiar position between you two over these last days.
While leaning against him, Shanks asked you to tell him of how the both you met. You were taken back by that and confused by it, and asked why he wanted to hear, he knew that how it went he was there. He didn't elaborate and just asked again.
Even if it did confuse you, you began to re-tell him both the two of you met.
It had been over 6 months since you left Ace and Luffy, and was currently on a island that you couldn't remember the name right now. You had been there a few days now, just enjoying yourself, when you heard whispers that a pirate ship had docked and ever curious you went to see what crew it was.
You notice the jolly roger had two red lines over the left eyes, and something told you knew who it was but couldn't place for some reason.
You could whine and knew he was pouting behind you, as you said you couldn't remember who's crew it.
You spent the rest of the afternoon trying to wreak your brain for any information that could help identify the crew but still coming up blank, so you gave up on it for the time being and went to one of the local bar near the port. Upon entering you noticed it was busier than normal as you sat at the bar and ordered your drink, before turning around and looking around the bar, till your eyes landed on a few men off to the side, keeping your eyes mostly the one with bright red hair and three scars over his eyes.
That when it hit you, and felt like an idiot that it took you that long to recognise the crew. It was the Red Hair Pirates that was docked, and with how much Luffy had talked about them, you really felt stupid. You held your face in your left hand at how you forgot something important, you then sighed and took a long sip of your drink. You then stared at the back wall, as your tried to remember what Luffy had told you but all your brain was saying 'Pretty man' and nothing useful.
The shaking behind you, told you that he was containing his laugher, before he teased you about being a 'pretty man'. Paying no heed to him you continued on.
After finishing your drink, you decided that you were going have a early night, and left for your temporary lodging for the night. You planned to speak to Luffy in the morning and find out more about Red Hair Pirates, before seeing if befriending them is worth it.
The following morning you had grabbed your Den Den Mushi and called up the boys, having given both of them one before you left them, so they could always ring you. You were sure they should be up but they could be hunting or training, so all you could do it just wait and hoped one of them answer.
You were just about to end the call and try again later, when a tiny sleepy voice answered. You couldn't help but smile hearing Luffy voice and let him wake up a little more, before asking him questions about the Red Hair Pirate and their captain in particular.
Luffy spent good time talking about them, you could almost see the stars in his eyes as spoke. At some point Ace popped up and said hello before asking why you wanted to know about Red Hair Pirate, and you told him that you were making sure you'll survive your next game of cat & mouse.
You bid the boys goodbye and would promise to call them in the coming week and to have fun hunting, before ending the call after they said bye to you. With what Luffy had told you it was defiantly gonna be a fun night.
When early evening came, you made your way back to the bar and finding it was still quiet and claimed your preferred spot, at the end of the bar as allowed you see who was entering. While waiting for your unsuspected 'Victim' to arrive, you ordered some food and first drink of the night.
Hearing Shanks scoff behind you made you pause, as he whined about being called the victim, as he wasn't one hiding on the chase.
It was about hour before later when they arrived and you were on your second drink and watched them from the corner of your eyes, letting them settle and drink before beginning your game.
Once they seem to of had drunk enough you deemed suitable, you downed the rest of your drink, and made your way over with a smile on your lip and your eyes holding some excitement. The guys all cheered when you come over. You ignore the red haired captain for a moment as you turned your attention to First Mate.
You smiled at him, as you leant forward put your lips against his ear and begin whispering to him, offering him a bet, that if you were able to take something from his captain and not get caught until sunrise, you win and if you do get caught he wins, and placed the the bet of 25,000 berries.
You moved backward and looked at him waiting for his answer, he looked for at you a few second thinking it over and gave a nod and both shook hands on it. With that done you then sat on his leg as there wasn't any more chairs for you to sit in, and then turned your attention to the red hair man, smiling at him, as he asked what that was about.
You gave him a little wag of your finger and told him, that he would find out soon enough he just had to wait. You then began to chat to them all and get to know, plying them all with more drinks knowing they can handle their drinks.
At somepoint, your migrated from Becks leg and into Shanks lap, laughing with him and taking little sips from his drink, so you keep your thought as clear as possible. During that time you had managed to get to his cloak off without him noticing to you knowledge at least.
Starting to feel a buzz of excitement and knowing that sunrise wasn't far away, you decided that now was a good time leave. Knowing that he was fairly drunk, you distracted him by kissing him before grabbing the cloak and leaving the bar with your prize in hand.
Shanks gave a grumble, as he said he remembered that and the look that Beck gave him, after you had left.
You began making your through the street, keeping the cloak bundle in your arms, before starting to go down alleyways and take back streets, using your observation haki as you knew that Shanks wasn't someone to turn a blind eye to, even when drunk.
A grin appeared on your face as you ducked behind a little wall and quickly pulled the cloak on, to help blend into the darkness. Hearing the sounds of sandals on the ground you took a few more steps quietly backward till you out view, not that it would any difference.
You heard the red hair captain call out to you, suggesting you leave the cloak and it all be forgotten about. You however weren't about to lose the bet, and end the game of cat & mouse before it's began. You could feel that he was slightly annoyed but he was also excited and playful, with that you made your way on to the roof a building.
Being quiet and agile were what you excelled at, as stealing was how you made most of your money, so moving other the roofs silently as you could was nothing new, but this chase was getting fun as there are times when he cut off your route and you had to make a sudden change.
The whole time Shanks was calling out you terms of endearment such as Sweetheart and Darling mainly, but sometimes a throwing a couple of other ones there, even he tried to pspspsps you like a cat.
You were unware of how much time had passed, but you soon started to notice the changing of the sky, as sun rise was approaching and you started to form a plan in your head, but you need to get him further away from his ship, so that by the time you reached the ship sun would be up.
After a few very close class, you managed to get him further away and quickly took a moment to calm yourself, you couldn't lose now, not at the last hurdle. Giving yourself prep talk got that last bit of energy running through your body as you began heading back way to his ship, over roofs and through alleyways slipping just out of sight each time from him.
By the time you reach the docks you felt so tired, but it was pasted sunrise and you had won the bet. You waltzed up to the ship and spotted Beck on the docks smoking, probably waiting for his captain to return. Upon seeing you he exhaled and rubbed his eyes.
You just grinned at him and handed over the cloak to him before telling him you would back your winning later, as you were in dire need of sleep now. Just as you gave a yawn, you found yourself suddenly on the ground with a weight on top of you.
Slightly fazed for a moment, you tried to get out from there weight but it held you down easily, stopping you from moving as you felt lips next to your ears, as Shanks called you little mouse and that he caught you.
Upon hearing him saying that, you just chuckled and told him just because he caught him doesn't mean he won. Feeling his weight move of your back, you rolled over at him and grinned up at him, before telling him that you won a few berries from his first mate, cause he didn't catch you before the sunrise.
You watched as Shanks gave his first mate a pout as he asked why he didn't say anything about bet, he would of made sure to caught you if he knew. You gave a little giggle while watching him before asking how he could of been sure he would of caught of you.
He looked at you and grinned down at you, before saying you were good but he was better. You raised an eyebrow at him before standing up and dusting yourself off, then telling him sure he was, whatever he believed to helped him sleep at night.
Shanks narrowed his eyes with a playful smile on his lips, as the stepped closer, almost touching chest to chest, as he looked down and told you that he could catch you in 10 minutes and as he wouldn't be drunk this time.
A shiver went up your spine, at the challenging and thrill of playing another, more serious game of cat and mouse with him. You grinned back and said you been promised that before and let down. He leant down so you were face to face now and promised to give you a good chase.
You gave him playful smile but nothing said nothing else as you stepped around him and walked away, given both the captain and first mate a quick wave.
Finishing how you both met, you then asked him again why wanted to hear it, he knew it he was there or otherwise you would be concerned. Shanks pulled you closer as he said he wanted to hear you laugh and smile as well distracting you for a little while from your pain, then pressed a kissed in your hair.
Hearing him say that, know that he was doing it mainly for your benefit, made you feel once gain that you didn't to deserve him and fought back against the tears, as you turned around his hold snuggled further into his hold.
The last couple of days leading up to arriving near Sphinx, had you feeling more heartbroken and your eyes constantly red from how much you had cried and wiped your eyes free of tears, but you how could you not when your boy was was about to buried, and this would be the final place for Ace.
It just was another reminder that you wouldn't get to see him grow anymore, or hearing news of him causing chaos again or seeing him out on the sea.
You wouldn't get to lecturing him any more for how reckless he could be, with him just grinning and laughing at you, before you smack him with Haki when you came across him while out at sea, arms crossed over your chest as you narrowed your eyes at him, as he laughed.
It made you remember the time he came to find Shanks to thank him for saving Luffy as child.
You were huddled between Lucky Roo, Shanks and Beck, as you were still freezing and couldn't seem to get warm, even with body heat and a fire going.
There was noise coming from the cave entrance and but you tuned it out for the moment, as you rubbed your hands together and tried to bury yourself in Shanks back, that made him chuckle.
You weren't really listening to Shanks and the new comer exchanged some words, until hearing Shanks say Luffy and brother, which made your snapped up real quick and looked forward to the person at the front of the group.
Before anyone could say or do anything, you were in front of your eldest boy, holding Ace's face in your hands and could see slight red on his cheek, making his freckles stand out more. You took a step back from him and looked at him fully, he had grown up and became a handsome young man, which made you feel proud.
You then looked at his outfit and started lecturing him on on wearing clothes that were a weather appropriate, with your hands moving everywhere as you talked. There were a few chuckles from both group as you went on.
However Ace just laughed at you, and hugged you saying he didn't need to worry about that now, thanks to his devil fruit. While you could feel the heat radiating from him, you didn't back down from your lecture.
Once you were finished, you smiled at him and told him how happy you were to see him, as you sat back down in between Shanks and Beck, suddenly feeling a lot warmer than you had been.
That had been a good night, getting to see Ace after so long and seeing how far he had come, along with some stories of him and Luffy, neither had told you about.
Just before Ace and his crew departed from the cave, you had told him to call you more, but he just gave you a cheeky smile and said he'll try.
And thinking how he wouldn't get to Luffy become King of the Pirates and had nearly broken you, had it not been for the Beck and Hongo telling you that both Luffy brothers will be watching him and will see him became king of the pirates.
When came time to lay both Ace and Whitebeard, Shanks had kept you by his side, his hand on your back as comfort.
Standing in front of Ace grave and you told him, that you were going to spend the rest of your life missing him, in so many ways. That there will times when you miss him and you know that what it was and other times it will be an ache that creeps in.
You pause before placing a kiss on your finger and place it on his name before finishing off with saying until the end of time you were going to miss him forever, that he will always be your eldest boy and promised him that you would do everything in your power to make sure Luffy achieved his dream, and make Blackbeard regret his choices.
Once finished you stood up and moved back to your previous position and stare at the grave one more time, before heading back down to join the rest of the crew, leaving Shanks and Marco to speak.
Once everything done and the crew was back on the Red Force, you went back to cabin and gave yourself about two hours to let out all tears and sobs you held back, then you would join the crew on deck and toast a drink to both Ace and Whitebeard.
Over following week or so, you finally were able to find something out about Luffy, and the relief you felt knowing that your youngest and only boy now was alive, made most of the tension & worry you were still holding onto leave, almost sagging against Shanks hearing that bit of news.
You needed to speak him and trying to get a hold of him was harder than you expected but you did it, you got to speak to Luffy and cried the whole time speaking him, but you didn't care he was your last boy.
Before ending the call you told him just how proud of him you were and how much you loved. Then told him, that if he ever needed you for anything you will do everything in power to be there.
With the knowledge that Luffy was being cared for and getting trained by Rayleigh, so he could protect his crew in the future, it made you think about your short-coming, you might be stealthy & able get things easily, and could fight well, but you knew you need to better and expanded your arsenal, so you turned to Yasopp to learn how to shoot like a sniper.
Most of the crew chose to see this as a positive thing, expanding your skills set and focusing on something. Shanks and Beck however had a few more thoughts on this and had been keeping a close eyes you, especially with how they had seen you reacted when Blackbeard had been mentioned in the newspapers, and you learning to snipe was too much of a coincidence to them, so they were keeping a close eyes on you just encase you chose to do something reckless.
With the sun starting to set, you were leaning against the railing watching horizon, thinking about the how people said there were five stage of grief but you for you decided that there were six now, with revenge as the 6th stage, as it seem that this new was a little part of you wouldn't rest till you got it.
And you made a promise to Ace, that if you get the chance you were gonna make Blackbeard regret it by putting one right between his eyes.
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musashi · 7 months
it's so good to see other people making posts about the relative lack of nuance, understanding of interpretative text, and reading comprehension of the ace attorney fandom. y'all know it drives me crazy, how people more or less just project whatever they want to onto the characters and then get mad at you when you tell them it never happened in the games.
but i will say, one thing that a lot of newcomers to the aa fandom are missing, something it took me ages to find out: a TON of the people in the ace attorney fandom... just straight up have not played ace attorney. or, they played one or two games and fell off. even i myself have not played the sequel trilogy yet.
a huge chunk of the ace attorney fandom get the story SOLELY from the fandom. but they do not actually have the text anywhere in their mind. several others played the game ages ago but have not revisited it, and subsisted solely on fanworks since then.
i got into AA in the past few years, and i theorize this is why i feel such a disconnect from the fandom. furthermore, my autistic predilection to infohoard and obsessively play the cases over and over and over again means i have every minute character detail fresh in my head. whenever i find someone with similar bafflement and negative opinions on the fanon as me, it usually turns out they too are a newcomer!
i think the reason the AA fandom is so reliant on incorrect flanderization and fanon is because a huge chunk of them are all playing a game of telephone. literally, character interpretations have been passed around so much and no one is re-experiencing the games, and as a result no one remembers what is canon anymore.
i use this example a lot but it still baffles me to this day: i'm a known manfred liker, right? lots of people try and debate me on if he's a child abuser or not (i don't care as long as it's written well, but i don't think it's in the text) and one of the points they constantly bring up is that phoenix wrote letters to miles when he disappeared, and manfred burned those letters.
this did not happen.
not only did manfred have no part in anything of the sort, but phoenix literally never wrote letters to miles. the only thing phoenix says about it is that he tried contacting miles "countless times," but he does not explain how, when, over what period of time, or any such details.
to me, "manfred burned the letters" is certainly a valid interpretation of the text. but so is "miles edgeworth is a disaster human who 100% would reject any attempts from phoenix to reconnect because he believes a part of him died in that elevator too."
but as previously mentioned, the ace attorney fandom, alongside everything else, has no concept of nuance. characters are either victims or abusers with no gray area in between. miles is a victim (he is) but to reject poor sweet phoenix (also a victim) would tip the scales (haha) toward him being... a bad guy! so we introduce manfred (abuser) into this equation. there. problem solved.
but if i walk into the scene like "hey, that's a headcanon, this did not happen in the text, personally i think it's more realistic that miles rejected phoenix's attempts to reconnect because he is a traumatized adolescent making foolish decisions." 30 people are gonna point at me like SO YOU'RE SAYING YOU CONDONE ABUSE? and i will just sit there blinking, perplexed.
this happens like, three times a week.
tl;dr a massive chunk of the aa fanbase hasn't actually played aa recently or ever they just get all their info from wrightworth fanfic and incorrectquotes posts
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the-fandom-crossroads · 2 months
Just finished rewatching Advent Children with bro and wow that explained a lot more than I thought it would. Bro had never seen it and I remembered the white void showing up there and that the 3 villains were sephiroth clones. I completely forgot the other hints towards Remake.
But Spoilers for Remake and Rebirth I guess?
I now understand why everyone insists Remake Sephiroth is Advent Children Sephiroth. Like the exact same monologue about going to space with cloud. And Advent Children was him revealing this new bigger plan to cloud. If Remake Sephiroth was the original VII sephiroth he should still just want to use meteor because it's "mother's" will.
But like all that is old news for folks who remembered Advent Children when playing through Remake 4 years ago.
I think the things Rebirth builds on about the lifestream is more interesting. The pond that forms in Aerith's church in AC is a natural mako spring like the countless ones we find in rebirth. Flowers are able to grow there long after Aerith's death because of this spring just below the surface.
When Cloud "dies" in Advent Children he meets Aerith and Zack in the white void before they decide to put him back. He's released from the lifestream in the natural mako spring now in Aerith's church just like how Tifa is tossed back out when she enters with the whale.
Again for anyone who's recently watched AC it's obvious the white void is meant to represent the lifestream. But that means Rebirth is confirming the Lifestream is a bridge between the different universes. Zack enters the Lifestream and runs into Remake cloud who's also been pulled in. AC is all about how Sephiroth is still in the lifestream and that's how Kadaj is able to be possessed by him once he has enough Jenova cells. Cloud kills Sephiroth putting him back in the Lifestream. The Lifestream that connects all vii worlds.
AC Sephiroth then uses the lifestream to start appearing before a Cloud that has only just reached Midgar. His Meddling summons the whispers which fight back to keep things to the "cannon" timeline. Sephiroth of course tricks team Avalanche into destroying the head Whisper allowing him to take control of them. Again old news for anyone that knew Sephiroth wanted them to break the bonds of Fate.
But if Sephiroth is using the lifestream to mess with other worlds. it shouldn't be a surprise one of the Aerith's also already in the lifestream got involved too. As other's have pointed out the Aerith that gives cloud the not empty White materia isn't remake Aerith. But another Aerith that pulled him into that universe to give him a functioning white materia. But somehow Remake Aerith knew the hand over happened? Because in the white forest she asks cloud for the materia and they swap so she has a functioning white materia. That part confuses me a little. How did our Aerith know the handoff happened?
Also Rufus and Kadaj have a conversation about how everything's a cycle. That Jenova "Mother" will always try to destroy the planet and the lifestream/humanity will always fight back. Made me realize AC Sephiroth wasn't going back on his timeline to make a new one but hopping into the next timeloop. OG VII and Advent Children's cannon is locked in. Remake is truely that a remaking of the timeline made possible by Cloud and Co defeating the whispers that enforce the timeloops. So now instead of one spiral after another and infinite number of spirals are forming while the remake loop is still happening.
That's why Sephiroth waited until the *spoilers* cannon event to appear in Rebirth. It's an all the stars a line situation. All timeloops have that moment, regardless of how it's different in different versions.
But Rebirth's cannon event was just a test run. Sephiroth wanted to see how much power he could gain just from multiple timelines merging at one point.
Sephiroth already told us what he really wants. The Black materia but not the one from the remake universe no the ultimate black materia forged from all the black materia. And what's the next big plot point that could be a cannon event? Cloud's breakdown at the northern crater after handing the Black Materia over to Sephiroth. If there's any point where the timelines would over lap it would be there. We already saw the power boost Sephiroth got. If that power boost happens to the black Materia yeah that's a multiverse destroying meteor right there.
Wow was that a long wall of text about stuff everyone else probably already knows. But I just had to put all the clarity Advent Children gave me about Remake and Rebirth somewhere. Expect a spiral timeline graphic in the future. Cause I feel like i'm forgetting to explain some of it right.
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pandoa · 2 years
when you're gone
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~where the prefect has died, and he is left to pick up the pieces they shattered~ ~how they cope with your death~
~headcanons~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
warnings: angst, death
if you think i'm going to sugarcoat anything you're dead wrong i am here for tears :>
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on the outside, nothing about him seems to have changed. in the mornings, he still wakes up and goes to class. in the afternoon, he still playfully attends club meetings and meets up with his other friends at nrc. in the nighttime, he doesn’t even spare the lifeless walls of ramshackle a glance as he walks back to his dorm. he seems… normal. however, everyone around him can sense that something is wrong. through his fake laughter and sugarcoated lies, everyone around him can see that he incredibly misses you. you left a hole in his heart that he covered up well in thick, scarlet paint. his lies to his friends bring him a toxic kind of comfort. but his lies to himself bring him more pain as each smile suffocates him with every day that passes.
CATER DIAMOND, lilia vanrouge, KALIM AL-ASIM, ace trappola, rook hunt
he works. he works, and works, and works until every fiber of his body begs him to stop. he just wants to forget about you. why can’t he let you go? he misses you every minute of his day and every second of his night. you infected his mind like a haunting curse sent to bring him down, and so he chose to work. to take his mind off of everything you. to ignore the fact that your absence affected his grieving heart the way that it did. you were his greatest distraction, after all. but why deal with grief when there was a perfectly long list of to-do’s to complete right before him instead?
RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, VIL SCHOENHEIT, ruggie bucchi
he sits at your resting place a little longer than he should. most of the time, he is simply just sitting next to your grave, quiet and lost in his thoughts. when no other person is around, he talks to you. he speaks about his days, the latest shenanigans your friends have been stirring, the new shops that have opened since your passing, the inexplainable emptiness he feels whenever he turns around and remembers you won’t be there by his side like usual. he watches as the flowers around the cemetery bloom and wither with the inevitable work of time. on his days off from class, he stays by your engraved stone as the sun rises and sets, sitting beside you to keep you company. he dearly yearns for your warmth; however, he supposes the cold touch of your gravestone against the caresses of his fingertips was good enough. 
jack howl, cater diamond, EPEL FELMIER, ruggie bucchi, jade leech, LILIA VANROUGE, idia shroud, malleus draconia
he’s irrational. angry. rage seems to be the only thing on his mind. if you think he made livid choices before, then you clearly did not see him the day your death was announced. when crowley had confirmed that you were, in fact, dead, he couldn’t believe it. wait—no. he wouldn’t believe it. someone as strong as you couldn’t die so easily. he knew you all too well. and from that day on, he made it his mission to be the most difficult and obnoxious person to have ever set foot in twisted wonderland, regardless of the chaos he caused because of it. he doesn’t care if others are appalled by his actions. he doesn’t care if his actions caused by anger affect the people around him. fine! let them suffer! their agony cannot compare to the ache he feels, though. he may be blinded by his emotions, but what does it matter anyway? his heart was bleeding and it wasn’t fair. 
he dreams of you every night. whether those dreams are joyful ones or replays of terrible memories, he dreams of it all. you cloud his mind like a never-ending mist, and he can’t seem to get rid of you. you were his star in the darkest shadows of the night. however all stars must burn out eventually, and it seems that you decided to burn out sooner than he thought. each new dream of his unlocks an unwanted image of you. images of you and him laughing along the sunlit pathways of his dorm. images of your precious face, rosy from something he just said. images of you and him together—the way it should have been. it’s to the point that he wishes he could sleep forever just so he can see the image of your face and the sweetness of your voice, even if only in his imagination. the moment he closes his eyes, he does not wish to wake up. he only wants to dream of you again and again until even he is sucked into the depths of death as well. 
riddle rosehearts, SILVER, azul ashengrotto, idia shroud, trey clover, rook hunt, malleus draconia
he doesn’t believe it. you couldn’t have died, you just couldn’t! what would happen to all the memories you made? the future the two of you would make together? the future you both had dreamed about? it was impossible. you can’t be dead. conflicted emotions boil within him as he convinces himself that you are still alive. that you are simply taking a short break from nrc and would return home to him soon. everyone around him is pained to see him being in such shambles—the innocence in denial was just too sweet of a spell. even as he watched your coffin descend six feet to the ground on that mournful day, he remained chained to the shackles of disbelief as tears began to stain his crestfallen face. 
deuce spade, epel felmier, kalim al-asim, sebek zigvolt
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a/n: there was one point where i got so into imagining these hcs that i literally could not see what i was writing bc tears were streaming down my face 💀
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maoxyi · 2 months
To Let Go (pt 4)
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“…I will always navigate us back out…”
“…I want to be the freest…”
“…no matter what… we will live…!”
Luffy opens his eyes, slowly and weakly but the world above is a blur to him. He heard Nami's voice. He heard them both. He blinks. The ceiling is white. There’s machines around. There’s something on his mouth. A sword beside his bed. Beeping.
Beep… beep… and it gets louder as he begins to take it in more and more and-
He’s been here before.
The beeping picks up speed as blood rushes to his ears.
He remembers this. He can’t.
Not again… not again..!
The memories of his brother in his arms, his exhaustion seeping through to the very bone as he wails and cries and whitebeard and his crew are broken as well and-
There’s a crash as his fist connects with the machine. He’s tearing himself out of bed and throwing it all away as he lets out a bloodcurdling scream. He’s vaguely aware of people around him but he can’t focus. He can’t control himself. The grief that builds and shoots through his very being. Controlling and twisting his heart and soul with new fresh pain. He throws and punches and kicks for dear life as he crashes outside calling for his brother.
“HE'S GONE! I LOST HIM AGAIN!” He wails, never ending sorrow creeping back in. The one he bottled up years ago like Jinbe taught him. Full and fresh and waiting. How can this world be so cruel as to force him to go through it again.
He’s hurting himself as he hits his own head on trees and rocks without thinking. He couldn’t anyway. He was simply not seeing anyone. How he got there, what he's done he doesn't know. The Polar Tang is as far away as his thoughts are. He screams and calls and searches blindly for the body he knows he’s never going to find. For the warmth he will never sense ever again.
There are warm hands on him pushing him to the floor as another grabs the hands that keep tearing at his chest. His name is being called and suddenly there’s fire. There’s fire. Fire. It doesn’t burn. It’s soothing. It’s warm and calm. And safe. And… and…
“Ace…” There’s clarity again. He can hear more. He can start to see the people in front of him again.
The fire is familiar. It's safe. Safe.
“Luffy…” one of them says softly, almost pained.
Alive. The fire is alive.
“We’re here little brother we’re here.” Says the other, as gentle as the ocean breeze. He blinks. He has to blink again to clear the tears. His brothers are right here in front of him.
“Ace… Sabo…” His voice is the smallest he’s ever heard himself sound. It could have annoyed him. It could have. The tears spring up again, blurring the scared and worried faces of his precious brothers in front of him. His treasures. “Ace…! Sabo…!”
They pull him up and hug him close. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel real. This can’t be real because what was all that he went through then? What were those two years for? What was everything he went through?
“We’re here, Lu. We’re here for you little brother.” Ace says, a pillar of strength and safety for Luffy's trembling form. Warm and alive. He can’t be here because he died. He died in his arms. This isn’t… how it went at all.
“We won’t leave you again. We’ll be with you. You have us Luffy.” Sabo whispers in his hair as he rubs his back. Luffy is sobbing because this isn’t real. He doesn’t remember this.
“This… this isn’t real.” He says and his brothers murmur protests and comfort beside him as they tighten their hugs. It isn’t real. Even if the pain feels real. Even if he feels warm and safe. Luffy knows as he smiles.
But maybe that’s ok. For now, that’s ok.
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My FF7R Part 3 theory
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*spoilers for FF7, FF7 Rebirth, etc*
So... this theory is based off the 'Cloud snapped and thinks he saved Aerith' theory. TL;DR due to all the extra mind screwing Sephiroth has done this time around, Cloud couldn't take Aerith's death so he's convinced himself that she's totally fine and that he totally saved her!
Anyways, let me ask you this. What exactly caused Sephiroth to lose in FF7? He was extremely close to achieving his goal but he made a mistake that cost him greatly.
He underestimated Cloud.
Remember back then Sephiroth wasn't NEARLY as obsessed with Cloud as he is now. He didn't really think much of Cloud apart from a puppet. But Cloud to Sephiroth wasn't any different from black robed Sephiroth clones. Yeah Cloud killed him, but he was just a lowly Infantryman.
Cloud was a pawn on the board he exploited, not his foil and his obsession.
So in the OG, once Cloud had fulfilled his purpose and gave Sephiroth the Black Materia, it makes sense that Sephiroth left Cloud to drown the Lifestream when the WEAPONS woke up. Sephiroth just threw him away like a broken toy not worth thinking about.
And that's where he went wrong.
Cloud washing up in Mideel, Tifa helping him piece together his memories, Cloud regaining his true self, these things led to Cloud being strong enough to face and kill Sephiroth. Cloud had proven himself more than a puppet and Sephiroth lost because of this arrogance.
So that's why Sephiroth in Remake and Rebirth keeps hounding Cloud and making him have way more mental breaks than he did in OG.
That's why Sephiroth wants Tifa dead too because to a lesser extent he underestimated her too. He used Tifa to break Cloud in the Northern Crater by showing the accurate memories. But he didn't expect her to piece together Cloud's mind. Tifa can help Cloud be stable therefore it would better for Sephiroth if she died.
But yeah Sephiroth is trying to break Cloud and make him be more of a puppet this time. For example, Sephiroth hijacks Cloud's 'inner Cloud' moments in Remake. Instead of being warned of the Reactor, Cloud sees a feather. Cloud talking to himself about scraping his knees falling down a great height gets interrupted by Sephiroth. And in Rebirth these 'inner Cloud' moments are not even there. The dream in Junon and us playing as kid inner Cloud as the body gives Sephiroth the Black Materia are absent.
Cloud in Rebirth starts to take some of Sephiroth's fighting stances and word for word sentences as well when he's supposed to be impersonating Zack.
(Also if you ask "Well why doesn't Sephiroth make Cloud stab himself so that Cloud can't stop him?" Remember that Sephiroth in AC goes out of his way to torment Cloud and give him Despair. If Cloud lost the fight you can bet he wouldn't of just killed Cloud. He would make Cloud watch him kill everything and everyone he cherishes because Sephiroth is petty like that. Sephiroth would make Cloud suffer forever if he could. That's why he saved Cloud's life in the swamp.)
And if you don't believe me that Sephiroth constantly harassing and messing with Cloud's head isn't making Cloud more mentally damaged, then replay/rewatch the differences in the OG and Rebirth post Temple of the Ancients. In the OG Cloud is self-aware and terrified that Sephiroth can control him and almost doesn't go after Aerith because he's scared of learning the truth of himself.
Rebirth Cloud does not do these things. He just... doesn't acknowledge what happened. When Yuffie asks how did Sephiroth get the Black Materia if he didn't beat up Cloud and he just goes "Uh..." and Yuffie rambles on and Cloud just ends up agreeing that Sephiroth totally beat the hell out of him. And when Tifa asked Cloud to let her know if he starts thinking weird thoughts and he asks her what she means. She gives the example of thinking she's not real and he apologises but- CLOUD YOU JUST WENT THROUGH A DEGRADING AND AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF SEPHIROTH MAKING YOU A PATHETIC PUPPET DESPERATE FOR THE BLACK MATERIA! HOW DO YOU NOT THINK 'Oh hey maybe that counts as weird thoughts'.
Which all results in Cloud blocking out that Aerith is dead because Cloud's now more insane.
Sephiroth has his claws deep in Cloud's brain.
But what is this all leading up to?
Here's where I go into pure theory and speculation.
At the Northern Crater, Sephiroth will not only show the truth of Nibelheim, but also Aerith's death and shatter Cloud's mind.
Sephiroth isn't going to let Cloud be washed away and he isn't going to let Tifa fix his brain. He's going keep his puppet with him. Sephiroth will put up that barrier around the Crater to defend himself from the WEAPONS and Shin-ra, and make sure Cloud's on the other side of barrier this time.
So when the barrier and the party goes in to fight Sephiroth, they will be forced to fight Puppet Cloud.
I call this 'The Puppet Cloud Boss Fight Theory' btw.
But yeah they will be forced to fight their mind broken friend. (Bonus points if Cloud's theme plays as a boss fight remix. Also bonus bonus points if Cloud at one stage of the fight gets a bat wing on his left KH Style.)
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The fight will end with Cloud being pushed into the Lifestream (by Tifa probably to mirror Clpud doing that in Rebirth) and then Cloud washes up in Mideel all make poisoned.
Maybe instead of that WEAPON attacking Mideel it's Sephiroth trying to stop history from repeating. OOO or maybe Sephiroth fights that WEAPON!
But either way Tifa and Cloud end up in the Lifestream.
Maybe one of the reasons Zack is here from another world or whatever is because the damage to Cloud's psyche is too much now for just Tifa to fix alone and Zack and Tifa go through a buddy road trip through Cloud's mind. Or maybe Zack will being having a boss fight with Sephiroth in the background to stop him from interfering.
And that's the theory! Maybe later I will figure out how the empty materia is involved or all the wacky worlds stuff. But that's my theory for now.
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cactikiki · 4 months
Name your headcsnons about our boi Kieran (Apologies if you have done this already)
I HAVE SO MANY. this is probably a fraction of my headcanons honestly but I don't remember them all lmao. HERE WE GO!
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• he has anxiety, the tism™️ and BPD (twinning 🤝)
• stims include tapping his foot, rocking his hand to the side of him, bouncing his leg (or foot) when sat down. He also has vocal stims, which usually come from tunes or phrases he hears; wowzers is one of them!
• playing with his hair is a big stim. He ruffles it, pulls at it, twirls it, strokes it, runs his hands through it, etc. He likes how his hair feels and that's why so many of his stims involve it :]
• he often mutters to himself, whispering his inner thought processes
• his parents left years ago. He has no idea where they went, only knows that they didn't care about their kids. When he was young he was told they'd died, to 'protect' him. You'd think Carmine and the grandparents would've learned from that incident during teal mask, huh? (This is also the case for villain!Kieran, but normal Kieran would likely avoid ever meeting his parents)
• he is terrible at video games. Still, he likes playing them on occasion; definitely more of a 'cosy game' enjoyer with a biiiiit of threat. He'd play Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Terraria for example
• he's short right now– shortest of the friend group– but he'll eventually be pretty tall when he's 17. Shorter than Nemona and Arven at that age, but still tall enough that it shocks people at first
• chocolate wafer bars are his comfort food!
• his grandma taught him how to cook, while his grandpa taught him how to make tea and to knit.
• despite the above, he's not very good at cooking... he burns things. A lot.
• during his emoism™️ he would kick things, punch things, slam things etc and every time, he'd act cool about it until he was out of the room. Then he lets out a little owie or a hiss of pain </3
• started cursing more the moment his hair was tied up. He was convinced it made him sound more mature. Even after everything's said and done and he's doing better mentally + friends with Florian and co again, he can't quite shake the habit and curses every so often in conversation
• resting bitch face + talks in a 'moody' quiet voice a lot, leading people to think he's annoyed when he's actually feeling neutral or even happy
• if cat person vs dog person exists in the Pokémon universe, Kieran’s a cat person. I guess this means he likes Pokémon that are more like cats, whether they actually are cats or not
• he likes flowers a lot. That's it that's the headcanon. I think he'd like sketching them and studying them, maybe his original pokémon team and the open fields of Kitakami made him interested? And, funnily enough, his crush's name means blossoming, flourishing flower....
• he still stays up late and sometimes doesn't sleep at all, but this is much rarer now. Normally it's because he has a good(-ish) reason not to sleep– at least, that's what he says.
• applin was his first Pokémon!
• when he traded Florian an applin, Florian traded back a shiny applin. He actually started this search right after he left Kitakami, and found it a week before heading to Blueberry; he was prepared and wanted a good way to apologise. Of course, he didn't expect what'd happened with Kieran.
• Florian has a shiny furret. It was on his team when he fought Kieran and won; after Kieran boxed his own for being too weak. Ouch.... (based on the fact I had furret as one of my last pokemon when his ace went down </3) this is technically a Florian hc but!! It made Kieran rethink a little, later on. It was also extremely devastating at the time
• Kieran naturally gets really good at battling. He could 100% be part of the elite four or even the champion when he's older, even with him slowing down and doing battles just for fun
• Kieran doesn't always enjoy physical touch, but he's also pretty touch starved. He likes hugs and anything gentle, and usually only from people he knows well
Feel free to ask for more headcanons about him or candyapple etc in future, I love doing these posts!
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opbackgrounds · 9 days
To add to the discussion on the “wounds on the back are a swordsman’s shame” line, I’d argue that it’s a thesis statement of sorts about the purpose of swordsmanship ultimately being about protection. Pell, who is notably a swordsman, is the one of the first characters to outline that there’s a difference between fighting and protection. In that same arc, Zoro understanding what it means to “cut everything and nothing” occurs right after he reflects on how his friends are doing - connecting the event to protection. But I think the biggest piece of evidence is Wano, the country where this phrase likely originates in-universe, depicting the samurai as tattooing the emblem of the clan/lord they serve on their backs. Which, notably is a practice Whitebeard takes up after meeting Oden, whom the story makes a point to emphasize that his back (and in turn the jolly roger tattoo that symbolizes his family) are unmarked.
Which to me signifies that the original intent of the phrase was not some empty machismo, but because whatever the swordsman is protecting should be at their backs and therefore wounds on a swordsman’s back are shameful because they imply that the swordsman failed as a protector.
Which on a side note I think also makes it significant that Ace - who also has this theme of protecting things behind him - gets impaled through his Whitebeard tattoo back-first protecting Luffy.
I can’t entirely agree and do think it’s more strictly about honor. As far as I remember, the only character other than Zoro to be directly connected with the idea of wounds on their back is Whitebeard when he died, and though Whitebeard did fight with a legendary named blade he was in no way a swordsman. Whitebeard did die giving his crew a way to escape Marineford, but the big point of emphasis was his honorable behavior compared to Blackbeard’s dishonorable begging for his life before getting bailed out by his crew.
Even tattooed symbols are more about protecting the ideas those symbols represent. Which, yes, includes people, but to me it can also fall under the same category as Luffy protecting Dr. Hiliruk’s flag on Drum. The only thing he was protecting was Hiliruk’s legacy and memory, and in that moment that was the honorable thing to do.
There is a underlying current of honorable and shameful behavior in One Piece that is spread throughout the more martial characters, a “right” way one should do things, whether you be a swordsman, a pirate, or an Elbafian warrior. Brogy would probably agree with Zoro about wounds on the back being shameful for all that he uses an axe, but would connect it back to his religion, which is something the atheistic Zoro would never do. The Kuja also have a martial culture where honor and shame are very important, and the Boa sisters are terrified of their people finding out about their marks of subjugation on their backs despite them not being swordsmen.
So yeah, I personally think it’s broader than protection, although protecting others fits under the honorable behavior a swordsman should strive for.
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ruggiezz · 11 months
soy yo de nuevo 😎😎 digamos que yo soy una persona muy apegada a su cultura y me encanta el baile y la comida tradicional de mi país: la bomba puertorriqueña y los pasteles puertorriqueños. now, it doesn't have to be puerto rican culture (puede ser de cualquier cultura de latam), that's just an example. but, how would the housewardens react to the reader's culture? maybe they see how much the latino! reader loves their culture and they ask to know more about it ((p.d. i know you don't write for some of the housewardens, so exclude those lol))
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[synopsis] dormleaders with a latino! reader that loves their culture
[characters] dormleaders (except for vil)
[extra] GRACIAS TUVISTE LA MEJOR IDEA EXISTENTE, also, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina and Peru celebrate their independence this month, so this is perfect for the occasion
You two had private study sessions in his room every week, where he would help you with some lessons you couldn't understand, and in return, you would buy him a slice of a strawberry dessert you found at Sam's. (He didn't really need anything in return, but he wasn't going to say no to a dessert, even if he wasn't meant to eat sweets.)
During one of the study sessions, he noticed you were in a gloomy mood and asked what was the matter.
"Today is my country's independence day, and I haven't done anything to celebrate it."
And with that, it somehow went from a study session where he was teaching you about ancient magic to a study session where you were teaching him about your country's history and how it became independent. It was very 'educational', Riddle would say. You also spoke about how they would celebrate in your country, about the festivals and parties they would hold, and most importantly, about the food. Good, now Riddle was hungry.
He offers to celebrate with you in Ramshackle; he and Trey can help you cook some national desserts if you want, and you can tell them and your friends more about your culture and how they do things where you come from. Just don't make him dance; he'll get embarrassed because he doesn't know the steps (and because Ace will make fun of him), and he is good with just watching you dance. But maybe someday you can both dance alone, together.
"Herbivore, what pride flag is that?" He said, pointing at a pin you had of your country's flag that you had attached to your backpack.
This probably went two ways: either you almost died of laughter at his question while he looked extremely confused, or you looked at him dead in the eye with the most serious face ever. Whichever option you chose, you both ended up lying on the bed while you told him stories of your country. You told him about how people back in your world celebrated their independence every year, about the dances, the festivals, and how colorful everything was.
If you didn't know Leona well, you would have thought he was uninterested and was falling asleep, but he was listening. Everything you said was important to him; it didn't matter if it was a small thing, like the fact you found a nickel while walking to the store, or if it was a big thing, like an important achievement, he would remember it. And you talking about your culture wasn't the exception. He hummed in agreement while you talked about this one thing you did back in your country to celebrate your country's independence.
Tell him more—about the food, the celebrations, the music—it doesn't matter; he will listen. Tell him about this really popular artist who's also Latino; tell him more about this 'Chayanne' and his achievements. Even if he doesn't completely understand, he can understand the feeling of being proud of where he comes from.
Azul invited you to Mostro Lounge with the intention of getting innovative material for a new event that will attract more customers out of the kindness of his heart. He sat you down on a couch in his office and offered you a cup of tea.
"Say, prefect, could you tell me more about your country? Is there any food you particularly like? Something we can make here?"
You see, Azul was expecting this meeting to go like this: He asked. You told him about the food. He wrote it down. Everyone was happy.
What he didn't expect was sitting there two hours later and hearing you ramble about your country's food and the history of it. And he was ACTUALLY INVESTED. This wasn't part of the plan at all.
He wrote down a lot on his notepad; every detail you told him was important for him to "use in Mostro Lounge's new event", but he was just really impressed by how rich your country's culture was.
Weeks later, Azul summoned you to Mostro Lounge, surprising you with dishes you told him about. Jade brought a lot of plates with some desserts, and Floyd brought some mocktails. You were so happy, you even felt like hugging Azul, but ended up being squeezed by Floyd (affectionately), who was also happy to be able to taste new food.
The event was a success, with students praising the new dishes, and Azul decided to keep some of the popular dishes on the menu. But if your favorite one didn't make the cut, he will remember the recipe, and will make it for you from time to time, just don't tell anyone about your 'special treatment'.
"This will be our little secret, okay, prefect?"
Not surprisingly, Kalim got sick after taking you on a carpet ride with wet hair. Nights at Scarabia are particularly cold, and even when Jamil warned him not to forget to dry his hair when he showered at night, he ignored it that day out of excitement to see you. He just didn't have enough time to dry it, okay?
His throat ached, and he was sneezing a lot. Jamil was in a bad mood that day, and he had a lot to get done, so he left Kalim in your care on the condition that you both didn't do anything stupid.
You brought a small container to Scarabia that had ointment inside. You had it in the backpack you brought from your world; it was small enough to fit in your palm. Kalim looked in curiosity while you approached his bed and opened it to apply it to him.
"What ointment are you applying to me? It smells like mint." Kalim asked while you rubbed some of the ointment on his chest and neck.
"It's 'Vick Vaporub'; it will make you feel better; this thing can even heal a broken leg."
You had to explain to him what it was and how your family used it on you when you got sick. Sadly, it couldn't cure a broken leg, but it could alleviate colds. And it did work; Kalim felt better the next day, to Jamil's surprise (and relief).
Kalim ran to Ramshackle after you nursed him back to health with the help of 'Vick', asking more about how people did things back in your country. He was fascinated by your stories, and the way you described the food made him want to taste it so badly. Maybe you two could try and make the food in Scarabia's kitchen? Please teach him! If the food from your country makes you happy, then he wants to try and learn how to make it for you!
You and Idia had this routine where you both always spent the afternoon in his room, either playing videogames, doing homework, or just doing whatever in silence. But on this particular day, Idia was playing this one single-player game while you lay on his bed scrolling through your phone.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your mind. A few months ago, Idia repaired your old phone as a birthday gift, and you had a few episodes of this particular show saved on your phone. You started watching, but you had forgotten your earphones back in Ramshackle, so Idia could hear it too.
"What are you watching? It's so loud..."
"I'm watching 'Caso Cerrado'/'Caso Encerrado'. It's the English dub."
"Why is everyone yelling..? What even is that?"
You explained to Idia how it was this show where a lawyer called Ana María Polo sat in a court and heard cases, where she ended up dictating whether they were guilty or not. Idia disregarded it as a 'normie show' and continued what he was doing, but he ended up hearing the whole episode while playing. It was actually very entertaining to hear while playing.
"Wait, SHE'S PREGNANT with her boyfriend's father? WTF???"
He ended up binge-listening to the whole season while playing. Did your world always make such interesting shows? Tell him more.
Even if history was never his favorite subject, you talking about it was just like listening to a podcast—a very interesting one at least. Your routine now is to go to his room and play some video games while you talk about your country, and Idia occasionally makes a comment. And then repeat it daily.
If you couldn't come to Ignihyde, then you both could have a call, and you could talk while Idia played. Wasn't that a good relationship dynamic? You talked while Idia listened. And you were always so excited to talk to him about you where you and where you came from that he just couldn't help himself but smile (just a little) while hearing you.
"This is for you, Malleus." You said as you pulled one of those blankets you used in the winter. You had found one extremely similar to the ones in your world, and you had bought two. Lately, the weather in Twisted Wonderland has been extremely cold, and Diasomnia wasn't any different.
"Thank you, Child of Man; I will treasure it."
The blanket in question:
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AND HE DID TREASURE IT, using it as a blanket on his bed for a week and washing it afterwards to continue using it. It was a gift from his partner after all, much to Sebek's dismay. Silver said it looked really comfy, and he wanted one now too, while Lilia just found it amusing how attached Malleus was to a blanket.
The next day after, you gifted it to him, he appeared on your doorstep with the blanket on his hands, asking to sleep over in Ramshackle with both of your blankets. You told him more about your country and the customs over a cup of hot tea, and he listened attentively to every single thing you said. There was a dessert you liked from your country that you couldn't recreate yourself? Don't worry; he will make sure his private chef back in Briar Valley makes it for you. There's this traditional clothing from your country you want? His tailor will get it done; you don't even have to move a finger, just say the word, and he will have it done.
Hearing you talk about how proud you were of your heritage made him giddy inside over the fact that he had such a passionate partner. Tell him more; he's so invested, especially in the history. The history is the best part.
"I only have one question, child of man. Who is this 'Shakira' you talk so highly about?"
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blues824 · 1 year
Can I please request the heartslabyul guy wit a madam red platonic reader.
❤️Imagen her coming to twisted wonderland after her death and riddle seeing her and thinking she should be like his mother. and in the beginning wanting distance from her but seeing her hepling the other heartslabyul members (like a mother should) him beginning to like her and relizeing that she isn't like his mother and starts to see her as a mother/aunt figure.
🌹Imagen after that that she gets invited to a unbirtday party and her showing up in a red(Victorian style dress ) that whoud make the queen of hearts proud.
❤️(I remember that episode of black butler in wonderland and her being the queen of hearts )
🌹Imagen them learning about her being a doctor that during a carage accident that she lost her husband and her child and abilitie to have a child of her own. and hearing that she one day snapt and started to kill sex workers because they didn't care about their babies and became Jack the ripper and died protecting her nephew.
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This is the dress that I meant that she wears in the unbirtday pary 👇
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As per the request, this is platonic. Take a shot or eat a bite for every time I say ‘mom’ or ‘mother’
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Riddle Rosehearts
Would most likely distance himself because you look almost like a younger version of his own mother. He would treat you as politely as he could while also making it obvious that he isn’t interested in talking to you more than necessary. 
However, he sees you acting so motherly towards the other members of his beloved dorm and he can’t help but have his point of view changed. Seeing you help Ace and Deuce study while also holding great conversations with both Trey and Cater made him see that you weren’t an enemy.
After a while, he holds a celebration disguised as an unbirthday party in your honor because he was going to give you the official title of Dorm Mom. During the party, you posed for Cater’s Magicam and you made an effort to include everyone in the celebration. The dress you selected was very on-theme, and he complimented you on it.
A few days later, he heard sniffling from the labyrinth. He went to investigate and saw you shaking a bit while tears were streaming down your face. He quickly asked what was wrong and you told him about how you didn’t deserve such wonderful ‘children’. 
You told him about your very dark past, about the carriage ride and how it caused a domino effect in your life. How you partnered with a demon and became the infamous Jack the Ripper. How that led to your death. Riddle didn’t know what to do, but he pulled you into a hug. He lets you cry, and he hopes that you know you may go to him if you ever feel like this again.
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Trey Clover
Would be the one to greet you and show you around. Mans is so hospitable because he was taught to be that way from his family. He introduces everyone to you and makes sure that they remain respectful.
The two of you can often be seen conversing with one another over some tarts and tea. You often ask him about stories from his upbringing. You tell him stories about your family as well, but he can’t help but notice the twinge of sadness in your eyes.
When Riddle hosts the ‘accolade’, Trey is the one assigned to bake the treats. You offer to help as best you could, but he declined your offer because the celebration was for you and it isn’t proper for the Guest of Honor to help set it up. Plus, Riddle would have his head if he found out.
A little while later, when the celebration is over, he sees you take your leave quietly. He can’t help but notice you seemed a bit overwhelmed. He followed you and saw that you ducked out of the way and sat against a wall. You brought your knees to your chest and began to cry.
Trey sat next to you and asked you what was wrong. You let everything go. You filled in the holes that your stories always had. You told him about how you saw the Heartslabyul members as the children you could never biologically have. He has a lot of experience with comforting people who have PTSD, so he allows you to lean on him. He’s upset that the person he sees as his ‘aunt’ figure has gone through so much pain.
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Cater Diamond
As Trey introduces you to everyone, he can’t help but notice your sense of fashion. Very Victorian Vintage is most definitely the hashtag or caption he uses whenever he posts a picture about you. Funny thing is that those posts go viral almost immediately.
The two of you often have a very hard time talking with each other since Cater uses a more modern slangish tone while you speak in a much more proper tone. He even once joked about bringing in a translator so the two of you would understand each other better.
When the Heartslabyul members host the ‘accolade’, he is busy taking pictures of you. He has set up a chair in front of the big heart in their front lawn for optimal photos. He has you pose in both professional and sassy poses.
After the celebration is done, you excuse yourself to go to your room. He didn’t think anything of it until he saw how you looked so sad. He knows that look very well because there were many times he has stayed up late to cry.
He goes to check on you and he hears the waterworks working the water. He knocks on the door and asks to be let in. You accept and he sees you try to scramble to gather your bearings, but the look on his face tells you that he knows. You let it all out, every single harsh detail about your past and how you felt like you didn’t deserve this new family because of it. He reminds you that your past is your past but you determine your own future.
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Ace Trappola
Most definitely has been talking smack about you when you appear behind him at the perfect time. He has been beheaded multiple times because of it, and Deuce even threw hands with him because he’s just a jerk.
You often help Ace with his studies so he doesn’t have to rely on Azul’s treacherous and deceptive ways. In fact, he has been getting better scores than if he had gotten that cecaelia’s help. Riddle most definitely noticed.
When they host the accolade, he is the one to fix your plate and pour your tea for you. By this point, he was thoroughly educated by his Housewarden about how to treat a lady… or a Baroness in this situation.
Once the celebration is over with, you let it slip to him that it’s been a very long time since you had ever been able to celebrate being a ‘mom’. When he asks you to elaborate, you tell him about your misfortune in the past.
You tell him about your younger sister and how you used to be in love with her husband before you married someone else. You told him about the carriage accident and he feels like an absolute piece of shit for treating you the way he has. Please accept his apologies.
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Deuce Spade
Would cling to you like you were his actual mother. He misses his own mom dearly, so it’s nice to have such a motherly presence at NRC. Like I said, he threw hands with Ace because how dare you talk to Mama Y/N like that??
You help Deuce 1) in his studies and 2) try to reel in his anger. You yourself are an angry person, but that has changed after your passing. This was a new world, so this would be a new you. The others have noticed that the first-year is doing a lot better in his classes.
When the grand accolade happens, he would be the one to stare at Ace in pure jealousy as he fixes your plate and pours your tea. You whisper to him and promise that he would be able to do it if you needed a refill on anything.
After the festivities, you quietly slip away. He most definitely noticed because he was appointed to help you back to your room. He saw the train of your gown had disappeared around the corner and he followed you.
Once he found you, you were pacing back and forth. He asked what was wrong and you let it all out. You told him everything. Deuce is a former delinquent, but he’s never heard anything so gruesome. He still loves you like a son loves his mother, but he won’t be able to look at you in the same way.
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