#Yes I know she hugged him after he was cured but he didn't hug her BACK okay I needed to see it.
hamartia-grander · 11 months
Will always be devastated Leon and Ashley didn't hug after the Saddler boss fight. I mean they literally ran to each other as if they'd hug. Is it so outrageous for me to wish for more found family affection or what
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lancermylove · 2 months
True Love's Kiss (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, minus Ortho
Warning: None
Requested by: @cartoonykat
Prompt: Hi, I love your work, I read almost every one of your fics/hcs, especially Twisted Wonderland and Obey Me. I read on your post that requests are open, so I was wondering if you could do Twisted Wonderland Boys (minus Ortho) x Reader, where Reader and the Adeuce duo were in potions class, due to shenanigans happening, it causes Reader to fall into a Sleeping Beauty spell, where she's asleep, and the only cure is True love's kiss?
A/N: Thank you! 🥰
"W-Will she be okay?" Deuce nervously asked as he watched Crewel examining you. On the other hand, Ace had a serious expression and remained silent. The remainder of the students in class remained in a corner, and while some were glaring at Adeuce for their shenanigans, the others watched the professor.
After what felt like an eternity, Crewel sighed, "How did you puppies manage to concatenate such a potion? Regardless, there is a cure that should awaken the Sleeping Beauty."
"Sleeping...Beauty...?" Ace repeated the professor's words before his eyes widened. "You don't mean...a true love's kiss?"
A slight smirk tugged on Crewel's lips. "So it seems you have intelligence, yet you choose to waste it. Yes, the only way to wake (y/n) is for her true love to kiss her."
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Leona was far from happy when he heard what had happened to you. The moment he stepped into the class, he growled at Adeuce, causing the duo to back into a corner.
However, the prince was far more concerned about your well-being. Setting aside his anger, Leona stepped closer to you. As he leaned down, there was a softness in his eyes.
He didn't care who was watching and what they would think; all Leona wanted was to know that you were all right from your own mouth.
The prince pressed a light kiss to your lips before pulling away and intensely studying your face. When your eyebrows furrowed, Leona quietly sighed in relief and helped you sit up.
Even before you could ask what happened, the lion spun on his heels and growled at the duo again. Leona pounded his fist against his left hand as he glared fiercely at Ace and Deuce.
They were not getting out of this situation without learning an unforgettable lesson. Moreover, Crewel didn't do anything to stop Leona and watched in amusement.
Ruggie rushed into the room and didn't even bother to look at Adeuce. His ears slightly lowered as his eyes focused on you. You were going to be okay, right?
The hyena didn't waste any time and immediately kissed you, but he chose to plant a playful kiss on your cheek. It wasn't like Crewel, or anyone said that he had to kiss you in a particular place.
Knowing that there were students watching, Ruggie wanted to be respectful to you. When you stirred, he sighed and gave you a quick hug.
While Crewel explained what happened to you, Ruggie threw glares at the duo. He wasn't going to do anything to them at the moment, but the hyena would get them back when they least expected it.
Jack flung the door open to the room so hard that he nearly ripped the door from the hinges. That was enough to have Ace and Deuce shaking.
When Crewel informs him that he needs to kiss you to wake you up, Jack's cheeks turn red. There were so many people present, so how was he supposed to kiss you openly? Besides, he didn't ask for your permission, so was it really okay?
The wolf knew he didn't have any other choice, so he leaned down and pecked your lips.
After you woke up, Jack lightly patted your head. After Crewel explained what happened, he turned to the wolf and smirked. "Ah, did I forget to mention that it wasn't necessary to kiss her on the lips?"
Jack's face turned redder than before as he averted his eyes from Crewel. While he was embarrassed, Jack was far angrier at Ace and Deuce for always causing trouble for you.
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As soon as Crewel confirmed your true love had to kiss you, Adeuce knew who was coming and immediately hid under a table. The last thing they wanted was to face Malleus's wrath.
The dragon quietly walked into the classroom, his eyes solely focused on you. How dare someone put you in this condition! Even though Malleus's expression was blank, everyone in the classroom could feel his anger radiating through the area. It had most of them quaking in their shoes. Even Crewel seemed uneasy.
Without wasting time, Malleus brushed your hair from your face and pressed a loving kiss on your forehead. While you stirred from your slumber, his hand continued to rest on your head as if to provide comfort.
Once you were fully awake, the prince scooped you in his arms and wordlessly walked out of the classroom.
Meanwhile, Lilia leaned against the doorframe. He was there to ensure that Malleus wouldn't lose control of his temper. The ex-war general looked toward the desk where Adeuce hid and whispered the words. "The two of you pushed your limits this time around. You better be careful."
Even though Lilia was worried, he still maintained a calm demeanor as he walked into the classroom. He didn't need Crewel to tell him what he had to do to wake you up.
He took a moment to study you and found it amusing that he was part of a real-life Sleeping Beauty tale. Lilia had always assumed that Malleus would play the prince for obvious reasons.
Wordlessly, he walked up to you and playfully pecked your lips. Lilia made sure to keep his face close so when you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was his teasing smile.
"If you wanted a kiss, you should have asked directly," he whispered with a chuckle.
Once you had sat up, Lilia glanced at Adeuce. Though he didn't say anything, a smile tugged on his lips. However, the smile didn't reach Lilia's lips, and his gaze made a chill run down the duo's backs. They were in deep waters and knew it.
Silver almost felt like he was in a dream when he walked into the classroom and saw you lying on a wooden table. All that was missing was a rose in your hand.
Even though he wasn't keen on kissing you in front of so many students, mainly due to his worries about them teasing you, Silver stepped forward out of a sense of duty and care.
At that moment, he was your knight in shining armor and took your hand before bowing his head and placing a loving kiss on the back of it. The scene was so beautiful that it even moved Crewel.
Once you woke up, the professor explained what Ace and Deuce had done. Normally, you would have been mad, but seeing that Silver was still holding onto your hand, you couldn't be angry.
Well, for now. Later, you planned to get them back for it and then give them a hug. If it wasn't for them, Silver would not have kissed you. Although, somewhere deep down, you wished he had kissed your lips.
While he wasn't happy about what happened to you, Sebek didn't want to kiss you in public. He had an image to maintain - one of a dedicated and fearsome guard - and kissing you would give him the label of a softy. Something he didn't want.
Malleus had to eventually push him, and since the orders came directly from the prince, Sebek couldn't say no.
He slowly walked into the classroom, trying to keep his fearsome aura. But the closer he got to you, the more worried Sebek became.
Despite feeling awkward, Sebek got down on one knee, took your hand, and placed a quick kiss on it. But once you stirred, Sebek quickly released your hand, stood up, and stepped back.
He didn't even wait for you to fully wake up and exited the room. Sebek felt too embarrassed to face you.
That entire day, Lilia teased him about being such a shy softy, much to Sebek's dismay.
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He wasn't surprised to hear that Adeuce had caused another issue. The duo was notorious for their shenanigans, and he had experienced it firsthand. A part of him wished that he could keep the anemones on their head until they graduated.
However, Azul wasn't happy that they had directly caused such a strong effect on you. He was relieved that Crewel was there to overlook the situation and figure out a cure.
The octopus didn't waste time and hurriedly walked into the classroom, ready to help you in any way, until he heard that he had to give you a kiss.
Azul wasn't expecting that and decided to approach this like a business transaction. However, as he lowered his lips closer to your face, a small voice echoed in the back of his head: what if he wasn't your true love?
His heart raced out of control as he pecked your cheek quick and stood up straight, clearing his throat. Azul's eyes were fixed on your face, waiting for the verdict to his question. But when you were opened, he was relieved and smiled warmly.
The next moment, he looked at Adeuce with a chilling gaze to let them know they were going to pay for this later.
Jade didn't react when he heard the news about what happened to you. Floyd was with him and accompanied his twin to your classroom.
Seeing both eels, Adeuce exchanged a look and gulped loudly. They hoped that no one told the twins that they were responsible for what happened to you.
Without hesitation, Jade leaned down to kiss your lips but kept it short as he knew others were watching him. Neither eel moved until you stirred and slowly opened your eyes.
Jade helped you sit up and asked if you were all right. Meanwhile, Floyd turned his head to Adeuce and gave him a cold, toothy grin. As Jade helped you to your feet, Ace and Deuce ran out of the classroom with Floyd chasing after them.
Floyd casually strolled into your classroom and studied you expressionlessly. Seeing the lack of expression on his face, the students and Crewel were tense.
Much to their relief, Floyd walked up to you and swiftly kissed you. He didn't pull his lips away until you had fully opened your eyes and saw him kissing you.
Once he pulled away and helped you sit up, the eel turned his head to Adeuce slowly. Like a creepy doll in a horror movie, Floyd's head very slowly turned to the duo.
When he met their gazes, his lips parted and twisted into a deadly smile. The duo knew what was coming their way, and they ran behind Crewel for protection.
However, the professor stepped out of the way. "You deserve this." From his voice, it seemed like Crewel was enjoying the sight of Adeuce trembling.
By the time Floyd was done with them, the duo felt like someone had squeezed their organs out of them.
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His anxiety level rockets to the sky. Not only were you in trouble, but he had to come to a classroom filled with people. The horrors! Thankfully, Ortho was supportive, and Idia managed to walk into the classroom, albeit trembling.
Seeing you on the wooden table, his anxiety increased more; however, just when he thought things couldn't get worse, Crewel told him about the true love's kiss. Idia felt the entire world spinning. He would have to kiss you in front of everyone? What had he done to deserve such a crewel cruel fate?
Ortho monitored his brother's biometrics and could tell Idia would not be able to keep it together any longer. So, he went out of his way and bumped into Idia on purpose.
His push was so perfectly calculated that Idia lost his balance and ended up with his lips on yours. Realizing what he was doing, Idia squealed and stood up straight, nearly fainting.
Meanwhile, Crewel stood in the back and sighed. Just when one person woke up, another fainted. This would be a long day for him, especially with Crowley wanting an explanation for everything.
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As soon as Kalim heard about your condition, he dropped everything and ran to your classroom, knocking over a few students on the way.
He rushed into the room without paying attention to his surroundings. Kalim's widened eyes were on you and you only. Before Crewel could warn him about the flasks on the ground, Kalim stepped on one and lost his balance.
The next thing he knew, his lips were firmly pressed against yours. When you opened your eyes, Kalim was half on top of you with a WIDE grin. He was relieved to see you and didn't realize the position the two of you were in.
Sighing, Crewel pulled Kalim away from you after seeing the shocked expressions on the other students' faces. Even then, Kalim threw his arms around you and hugged you tightly, happy that you were okay.
Jamil was far from happy when he heard what Ace and Deuce did. Sometimes, he wanted to label them as Kalim 2 and Kalim 3, but at least Kalim got into trouble out of his clumsiness and innocence. Meanwhile, Ace got into trouble on purpose, and Deuce's anger got the better of him.
He rushed into the classroom and asked Crewel about your condition. A kiss? While Jamil was relieved that you would be fine in no time, he felt a bit awkward to kiss you with so many eyes on him.
Sighing heavily, he glared at Adeuce before making his way to you. Leaning in, he pressed his lips on yours but didn't let the kiss last long.
As soon as you opened your eyes, you saw a deep crimson on Jamil's cheek and wondered what happened.
While Jamil didn't plan to get the duo back immediately, he knew what he would do to make them pay. Ace was going to get it during Basketball Club practice, and Deuce would get it when he least expected it.
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With a huff, he gracefully walked into the classroom with Rook following him. Vil glared at Aduece as he made his way to the table you lay on.
He had the urge to lecture Crewel for not keeping the disaster duo in check, but he wanted to wake you up first. With one hand across his abdomen, Vil bowed and softly kissed your lips.
Gasps could be heard from the students as the scene looked like something straight out of a movie. Rook wanted to poetically express the beauty of the scene but knew Vil was already upset and didn't want to make him angry.
Once you opened your eyes, Vil straightened his posture and snapped his head to Adeuce. Glaring daggers at them, he towered over the two and warned them to stop causing you trouble.
Vil didn't ask Crewel for permission and took you along with him. Meanwhile, Adeuce were on the ground on their butts, still looking up at where Vil once stood. They were sweating profusely.
Rook burst into the room, scaring most of the students and startling Crewel. He immediately broke into tragic poetry in a loud voice, further startling everyone.
Once Rook finished, Crewel informed him about the true love's kiss, and the hunter once again broke into poetry. Knowing this would not end soon, the professor sat in a chair, one leg crossed over the other while massaging his temple with his right hand.
Eventually...Rook bowed and took your hand before giving it a long kiss. Even when you opened your eyes, you saw Rook kissing the back of your hand repeatedly while speaking in French.
The duo thought they had escaped Rook, but a few moments after the hunter left the classroom, two arrows flew in. Both arrows held a note and were close to Adeuces' faces. One inch closer, and the tip would have gone through their noses.
The letters with the arrows had a threat, warning them to watch their back at every moment.
Epel hurried into the classroom in a panic, thinking you were in a coma. When Rook informed him about your condition, Epel's mind froze at "eternally asleep" and didn't hear anything else.
Seeing Epel's panic, Crewel attempted to calm him down and explained what he needed to do. But that made Epel half panic and half embarrassed. What would his grandmother say if she learned he kissed you in front of so many people?
Out of habit, Ace began to tease Epel, which made him snap. "It's all chur fault! Few hadn't...um...I mean..."
Epel became quiet and turned his attention to you. Taking a deep breath, he leaned down and kissed your cheek quickly. A part of him wished he didn't have to kiss your lips. Luckily for him, you woke up.
Epel was the only one who didn't get mad at Adeuce or try to get back at them in any way.
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Riddle flung the door and sent it flying against the wall behind it, leaving a crack in the drywall. His face was bright red, and while he was worried about you, Riddle was far angrier at Adeuce.
Not only did they cause you trouble, but they also shamed Heartslabyul. The next moment, the words "OFF. WITH. YOUR. HEAD." echoed through the classroom. Adeuce sighed heavily but didn't protest as they knew they deserved it.
When Crewel told Riddle what he had to do to wake you up, the house warden's anger melted into embarrassment. However, he was determined to wake you up.
Putting aside his shyness, Riddle sighed and kissed you on the forehead. He held his breath until you opened your eyes and sat up.
For the time being, Riddle let Ace and Deuce get away with only the magic-uppressing collar. But later, he planned to punish them even more.
Trey calmly walked in, not surprised that Adeuce had caused more trouble. He didn't get mad at the duo right away and focused on waking you up.
Even when Crewel told him that he needed to kiss you, Trey didn't hesitate and gently kissed your lips. Once you woke up, he helped you to your feet and tussled your hair a little.
Seeing Trey this calm, Adeuce thought they were not in trouble and were relieved. However, later that day, Trey worked them to the bones in the kitchen, all the while watching them struggle with a smile on his lips.
Though he was calm on the outside, Cater was panicking internally. He quickly rushed into the classroom, and when he saw you sleeping peacefully on the table, Cater was nearly tempted to pull out his phone and record everything.
When Crewel informed him about the kiss, he was excited but tried his best not to show his excitement openly. Leaning down, he gave you a playful kiss on your lips and reluctantly pulled back after a few seconds.
Once you woke up, he gave you a wink and immediately took a selfie before posting it on MagiCam with #truelove and #trueloveskiss.
Cater didn't directly get back at the duo, but he made their lives harder for a few weeks in the dorm, his favorite being ratting them out to Riddle when they break any and every rule.
OH CRAP! Wait, did that mean he had to kiss you in front of the others? Ace wasn't sure how to feel about this. A part of his was excited to kiss you, but the other was uncomfortable with so many prying eyes.
To calm himself down, he made a few jokes and playful comments. However, Crewel sighed, "Would you kindly wake (y/n)? You have wasted enough time."
Seeing the professor hitting his teaching pointer on the palm of his left hand, Ace immediately rushed to you and kissed you. Before he could make the kiss last longer, Crewel yanked him back from you.
When you woke up and the professor told you everything, you glared at Ace, rolled up your sleeves and began to chase him around the classroom. While Deuce stayed out of your way, the other students laughed and recorded the incident. Even Crewel seemed a bit amused.
Deuce started to apologize, but when he heard about the kiss, he froze up. His mind short-circuited, and he didn't know what to do or say.
"Geez, kiss her already," Ace mumbled.
Hearing those words, Deuce snapped and started to blame Ace for what had happened. Before the fight could get out physical or out of hand, Crewel stepped in and commanded Deuce to wake you up.
As sweat rolled down his face, he kissed your cheek, making Ace laugh. "What a scaredy c-"
Crewel lightly hit Ace's arm with the teaching pointer before he could finish the sentence to prevent another fight.
When you woke up, and Crewel told you about what transpired, you glared at the duo. While Ace raised his hands in defense, Deuce apologized to you profusely.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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alannybunnue · 11 months
Ok, Imagine: Muzan Kibutsuji with a Wife
Don't question it, ya'll asked for this
But i doubt you imagine something like this...Anyway, enjoy my nonsense :3
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The Demon Queen
= The Backstory =
(I get it, the title is not original, but it makes more sense than anything)
So Muzan is a arrogant little shit and everyone knows it.
But imagine him being married to a unbreakable sunshine
So everything began 1000 years before the main events, in the Heian Era, when Muzan was still a human.
Political marriages were pretty common back then, so you may be asking "Who in their sane minds would marry their daughter to a man on the brink of death?!" Well, our dear reader's shitty parents :3 (Which technically...her mother is me 0-0)
It obviously wasn't a very enjoyable marriage, especially with Muzan's depressing and negative personality, but his wife never change her demeanor, it didn't matter how many times he would cuss at her, she remained at his side everytime with kind smile on her face.
Muzan honestly saw her as a stupid woman who settled down for a impossible dream (Which was them living a normal married life)
So in his mind, he couldn't understand what made her stay with him day and night, waiting for the moment he somehow would be cured from his disease.
She even kept her mouth shut when he killed that Doctor :|
...But then he began to change
And it wasn't impossible to notice, he seemed more energetic, didn't stayed in bed all day like before.
However, he no longer stayed away for shades, his poor wife only found Muzan where the Sun couldn't touch him.
Which made her confused to the extreme, and the poor thing couldn't handle curiosity for long, even if her bitch of a husband wouldn't say a thing...until that one night.
At first, Muzan was going to kill her, at least he was, until she saw him walking towards her normally and became extremely emotional, and went up to her husband and hugged like her life depended on it. (No, she didn't notice the bodies nor the blood)
And as annoying as that would be to the Demon King, he indulged on it for a while, until his brain began to work and he remembered all the times this woman stayed by his side when he was at his worse.
So he transformed her :)
= Muzan as a Yandere + Some details =
One thing that must be made clear, is the detail that Muzan is not in love, he sees his darling more of a living possession than someone he is infatuated with. Using her ultimate devotion for his mere benefit.
Of course, the other reason is because he is already used to his wife's shiny personality and having to look for another woman to disguise himself among humans is too much work.
And yes, after some centuries, he begins to feel bothered whenever she isn't around him, or whenever someone else is with close to his wife.
But that isn't love! It's more like if another child stole his favorite toy.
Surely enough, he won't punish the poor woman too much, she is naive, he knows that...so giving her the silent treatment is enough to make the bubbly sweetheart cling onto him for attention. It still annoys him? Yes. But does he also finds it endearing? Also yes.
Now, does she sees his cruelty and lack of empathy? Yes, however, she is now a demon, she lived centuries with her husband telling her not to mind what they do to humans, nowadays she just can only focus on how much she loves him (My child, wtf-)
Now with demons...it's another story, you see, since she was a human, she always wanted children, but considering the man she got married to...yeah, that was impossible :D
So in her mind, the demons are her children, so whenever Muzan is agressive with them...she is really upset (Let's not comment about when he killed the Lower Moons...my baby cried all night) However, she doesn't say anything, because she can't.
Whenever Muzan can't stay with his wife, he only trusts two demons to take care of her properly
Yeah that's right, Mister Six Eyes and Basketball Man, Kokushibo and Akaza
Both are the most responsible in the group anyway, so they are more than enough to keep the woman in one place...
...But they don't stop her when she wants to stay with others too, except Akaza when she wants to visit Douma.
And Muzan can't complain much, cuz she is safe and sound when he returns, so why bother? (Or that is what she tells him, so he won't lash out on her kids •-•)
So in resume, Muzan is a bitch to everyone but his sunshine wife, but he is not in love- Or that is what he tells himself? :)
A/N: This honestly is kinda funny and cute somehow?? Muzan is one of the characters that i most despise and i still gave him a Wife...and i gave the Demons a Mom. Hope y'all enjoyed
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sapphicstone · 3 months
Soul's flower garden | broZone x Reader.
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‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꒰🌱꒱ ♡ ‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‎ㅤ𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚡 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
summary: you're a gardener, so you have extensive knowledge of all the local flora.
pairings: John Dory x Reader, Spruce/Bruce x Reader, Clay x Reader, Floyd x Reader.
‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‎ㅤ‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‎ㅤ‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‎ㅤhope you enjoy it!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꒰🌱꒱ ♡
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . john dory
JD drove frantically to Mount Rageous. The place where his younger brother Floyd was supposedly being held. You only knew him from the stories and photos John Dory had, you never saw him in person.
You saw when he read the letter that strangely reached Rhonda and you saw how worried he was.
Mount Rageous looked like an unhealthy place, although it seemed to be partly made of plastic or something similar.
"Wait here." John asked as he got up from the driver's seat.
"I'll go with you." You put down the book you were reading about the local flora and got up, intending to accompany him.
"No way."
And off he goes.
You've spent minutes waiting, after reading the whole book from start to finish, JD arrives with a slightly melancholy expression. He said nothing, just sat back down on the bench and turned around with Rhonda.
You didn't question him about anything in order to maintain respect. John would say an hour, in his own time.
The next day, Rhonda didn't want to walk. John Dory was explicitly worried when he turned the car around and realized that the armadillo simply refused to move. She didn't have the strength.
You both left. You were startled when you noticed the greenish tinge on the poor creature's face. As you approached her, you noticed the sickly look on her face.
"She looks terrible! She must have eaten something she shouldn't have on Mount Rageous."
"What are we going to do?" John looked even more worried.
You knew exactly what to do. Nearby there were some boldo leaves, you picked them and offered them to Rhonda, who frowned as soon as she smelled the plant.
"Come on, Rhonda! I know it looks bitter, but you have to chew it."
She obeyed. Rhonda got better a few hours later and John Dory showered you both with kisses and hugs.
You help John to stay away from plants that can cause allergies, since he loves walking through the woods and acts unconsciously most of the time.
Once he almost ate poisonous berries if you hadn't been around…
"Can I eat that?"
"If you want to swell up and explode into glitter, yes!'' One day, John was bitten by a carnivorous plant and didn't leave Rhonda for a few days. You laughed at him and he got upset.
A complete disaster when it comes to laughing plants, he hardly ever recognizes them. Lucky you know a cure for them.
He loves your knowledge of flora and constantly presents you with flowers he finds in his favorite book.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . Spruce/Bruce
He seasons the food with plants that you take to Vacay Island.
Because it's an island, the plantation is somewhat limited, so you have to go out and explore a bit more.
Bruce goes along, he doesn't want you to get hurt while trying to pick plants to season the food sold in the restaurant.
"Do you think this would go well in soup?"
He thinks it's funny when you bring the plants close to your face and smell them to simulate a possible combination.
"No, dear. Try this one!"
"Incredibly delicious."
The best fruit salad on Vacay Island. The best drinks and juices too!
Bruce also gives you flowers and some special seedlings.
One day you told him about a flower that grows in all possible environments, even tropical ones.
Guess what? He found a way to get this flower and helped you plant it in a pot at the back of the restaurant.
Every day that flower grew more colorful and beautiful.
"My little flower" as he calls it.
"My little ones." As he calls his children if they have any.
Your house is all decorated. Flowers in pots, flowers on the ceiling, flower arrangements and the pantry is full of grains and vegetables that you grow yourself in pots for your own consumption.
He waters the plants every day when he remembers.
They all remind him of you, so Bruce doesn't feel lonely when he's away from you.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . Clay
Clay's office has never been as colorful as it used to be.
You work in a location a little further away from all the centralization of the putt-putt village.
Because she has a vast knowledge of plants, Viva has appointed her as a "healer". Always serving teas and medicines to trolls who end up injured or sick.
Clay admires you from afar. He gives you some books that he finds interesting, even though you have a collection of them and don't need new ones.
But you think it's cute and keep it anyway.
Afternoon tea almost every day! Clay gave up his coffee addiction for a while just to enjoy his delicious herbal tea.
Clay doesn't like sweets very much, he hardly eats milkshakes and French fries. So salads with fresh vegetables are always welcome!
You stock up on fruit and fresh salad for him in a little jar, always knocking on his office door to deliver it to him.
"Lovely pumpkin." That's what he usually calls you.
"Thanks for helping to look after us!" You say with a smile.
"You do it better than me."
One day you asked him to look at your farm. He liked it so much that, thanks to this tranquillity, he began to relax a little from his work as an accountant. Of course, he was still very professional, but with a little moderation.
You taught him how to pick moon fruit. They have the shape of the star and are naturally illuminated and he keeps one of them as a lamp in his office.
That way, he always remembers how special your relationship is.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . Floyd
You definitely know the best plants that can take care of trolls' delicate skin. Almost every night before going to sleep, you rub some creamy plant on their faces and talk while you wait a few minutes for it to take effect.
Floyd has some trouble sleeping. Sometimes his body aches and his mind is agitated, so you prepare some herbal tea with calming properties so that he can relax and sleep.
Your cocoon is in the most flowery tree in the countryside.
Floyd would like to learn more about the flora. He wants to talk to you about his interests and loves it when you teach him something you've recently learned.
flower crown!
But Floyd ends up sneezing from the pollen.
Special fruit pies are always on the table. He loves his homemade sweets.
Floyd puts the flowers in a vase with water. There's always room for more vases inside the cocoon.
He has learned to eat some edible flowers and now always asks you to make some refreshing salad with them.
"Please?" He begs with piteous eyes.
"Okay, Daisy." You call him that and then give him an Eskimo kiss.
The shape of Floyd's hair resembles a tulip, however.
Floyd now smells of roses. And he loves it.
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I hope you enjoyed it and sorry for any mistakes! :') masterlist
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mimisempai · 2 months
I’ll always be there for you
The insulting words of a flower-shop customer make Crowley doubt himself, but fortunately a certain bookseller will help him get back on track.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #32: A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1091 words
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Aziraphale, who was reading, frowned as Crowley entered the bookshop. It wasn't his lover's arrival that surprised him, since it had become increasingly common for the florist to go straight to the bookshop after his day's work at the flower shop.
What surprised the bookseller was the silence.
No greetings. Not a word.
Aziraphale was about to rise from his chair to greet him as Crowley approached, but the florist stopped him with a wave of his hand.
"You don't need to get up."
The bookseller, now confused and concerned, asked, "Crowley, what's wrong?"
His lover shook his head and replied, "Nothing a good shower won't cure."
Then, without giving Aziraphale time to respond, he quickly kissed him and headed for the stairs, which he climbed four at a time.
Aziraphale doubted that whatever was bothering his lover was something that could be soothed with a shower, and that made him even more determined to ignore Crowley's silent refusal to be cared for.
Though their upbringings had been different, one thing they had in common was that they'd learned to rely on themselves and were both unaccustomed to being cared for.
This time, it was Aziraphale's turn to remind his lover that this was no longer the case.
Aziraphale climbed the stairs, and when he reached the top, he wasn't surprised to find the bathroom empty, so he went to the bedroom.
There, despite the darkened room, he saw him, still fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
The bookseller said nothing and walked silently to sit beside his lover, who did not move or make a gesture toward him.
Aziraphale gently placed his hand on Crowley's back and, after making sure the florist didn't fight his touch, began to stroke him soothingly before saying softly, "You don't have to talk. Only if you feel like it, okay? I just want you to know that I'm here for you."
A few more minutes passed before Crowley lifted his head and turned it toward Aziraphale. His expression was so defeated that all the bookseller wanted to do was take him in his arms, hug him, and tell him that no matter what happened, everything would be all right. But he knew that wasn't the way to do it, so he slid his hand down his lover's arm, intertwined their hands, and waited for him to speak.
Crowley sighed first and said, "I should have known you wouldn't let it go."
Aziraphale smiled and replied softly, "Yes, you should have. You should have known that I wouldn't leave you alone in your misery. We take care of each other. It's a two-way street, remember?" 
Aziraphale raised an eyebrow and moved his hand between Crowley and himself, "You and me."
Crowley smiled weakly, "Okay, okay..." before beginning. 
He began to explain in a defeated voice, "Today I had a lot of orders and a lot of customers in general. Luckily, Muriel was there to help me. Then there was this woman who was absolutely obnoxious, who came into the flower shop as if she owed everything, and I swear, Aziraphale, I was polite and told her to wait her turn. But she didn't like that and questioned my work, saying that she should have known from the way I looked that I couldn't possibly be competent, that she didn't want a bouquet made by someone who looked like a thug. And many other things like that."
Aziraphale, angry on Crowley's behalf, protested, "And no one said anything?"
Crowley nodded, "Yes, Muriel at first, and even Nina, who heard all from the coffee shop, came to scold her and throw her out, but..."
Crowley shook his head and Aziraphale, who had understood, continued for the florist, "But doubt crept in and now you're wondering if there's any truth in what that wench said, am I wrong?"
Crowley sighed before falling backwards onto the bed, his arm covering his eyes.
Aziraphale climbed onto the bed and slid close to him before gently lifting Crowley's arm to stroke his cheek. 
"Crowley, sweetheart, don't let this doubt consume you. Believe me, I know what it's like to doubt yourself. But I also know firsthand that you're an excellent florist. You love what you do, you do it with passion, and most importantly, you do it beautifully. Not even a month here and you had a contract with Justine. All the shopkeepers on the street respect you and your work, and even Mr. Brown was full of praise for you, saying that you contribute greatly to the development of the street. This idiot woman doesn't know you, but me, Muriel, our friends, we know you, and we know how skilled, how good you are."
Aziraphale straightened up and sat down, leaning against the headboard, and, spreading his legs, pulled Crowley toward him until he was sitting against him. Then the bookseller wrapped his arms and legs around the florist, his chin resting on his lover's head.
Crowley sighed with contentment, allowing himself to surrender, and as Aziraphale felt the tension begin to leave his body, he whispered into the florist's hair, "You are not a thug or anything else that woman may have said. Believe the words of those who love you, of me, who love you and know what a beautiful person you are. I'm incredibly proud of you and proud to be your lover."
Crowley turned his head, looked at Aziraphale, then kissed him althought clumsily because of the uncomfortable position. He grunted a little in frustration, then turned and knelt between his lover's legs to face him before wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him properly this time. He put all the elation inspired by Aziraphale's words into the kiss, and his lover responded with the same fervor, telling him again in the kiss how much he loved him and was proud of him.
The kiss lingered, and when they pulled away, they both had their eyes closed, forehead to forehead, just catching their breath and basking in the perfection of the moment. 
Crowley murmured in a slightly hoarse voice, "Thank you for being so understanding and taking such good care of me. "
Aziraphale pressed a light kiss to the tip of his lover's nose and replied softly, "That's what we do, isn't it? We take care of each other."
Crowley hummed before burying his face in Aziraphale's neck as the bookseller wrapped his arms around him, continuing to lavish him with the comfort he needed.
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Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
The florist and the booksellers series : here
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matchalovertrait · 4 months
TW: Bullying
After work, Noemí got home and was ready to start preparing food for the Flower Day celebration. However, she didn't expect to see Dulce waiting for her at the door once she stepped inside.
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"Mami?" Dulce asked. She had tears streaming down her face. How long had she been crying here by herself? Ángel was at drama club and Erick picked up an odd job.
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"Dulce, what happened?" "The kids at school.." Dulce began saying before more tears began to fall.
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"Come here, mi niña," Noemí consoled her daughter by picking up her up and giving her a long hug. Once it seemed like Dulce could explain more, Noemí carried her over to the couch.
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"I was playing with Guillermo at recess and his classmates asked him why he was playing with me. They were making fun of me because I'm from a different class. Guillermo tried to make them stop but they wouldn't." "The nerve of those kids! I can't believe them. Did you tell your teacher? We have to let their parents know." "No..." Noemí's heart sank, but she couldn't blame Dulce. It turned out her daughter was just like her... No, no, she wasn't. Dulce is and would be better, more resilient. Dulce is going to become an adult who people will learn not to mess with.
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"Dulce, listen to me. You are an amazing and lovable little girl. You are so talented, strong, and clever. You are so much better than all of those mean kids. Yes, you have always had a little spice to you, but deep down, you are a good person." Dulce smiled. "Yeah.. I am, huh?"
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"Of course you are!" Noemí knew she had to call the teacher, but Spring Break just started. Also, she needed to make her daughter feel better right now! She remembered all those times baking in the kitchen with her own mom and how it cured almost everything: A scraped knee, losing her favorite stuffed toy, when feelings toward a crush weren't reciprocated. "How about you help me bake for the Flower Day party?" Noemi suggested.
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"No..... I don't want to." What? Noemi thought that would surely work. Then, all of a sudden, something clicked. Maybe... "How about helping me make the carne and arroz rojo?"
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Dulce looked up and thought about it. "Yeah, okay."
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justagamerandaweeb · 1 month
Loss. - Tanjiro x (Y/N) (Platonic) Modern AU!
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Synopsis: Tanjiro tries to make you crack and let it out.
Scene: you both are in a car driving after arguing with the Hashira group (specifically Sanemi).
Tw: loss of a friend, suicide mention, mentions of wrist cutting.
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Tanjiro looks to his right to see (Y/N)'s hands gripped on the wheel, where their knuckles are turning white, showing clear signs of non-verbal anger. He touched their shoulder, and they rolled their shoulder, making Tanjiro's hand slide off. "C'mon, (Y/N), I'm sure Sanemi didn't mean—"
"Mean what? Say that my friend was right to end themselves in order to leave my ass? Because he said that with no hesitation. Not a single thought went up in his head for him to not say that." (Y/N) interrupted Tanjiro, showing clear signs of abhorrence in their voice. "Like, how fucking disconnected with society do you have to be to straight up tell someone that to their face?"
"I know you're angry, but, I'm sure he'll apologize. He has to otherwise the others will hate him for it." Tanjiro spoke out, trying to give Sanemi the benefit of the doubt as he was in the moment arguing with them. "I have every fucking right to be angry! I've known them for fucking years, and he doesn't know jack shit about what we went through together!" (Y/N) said, with their voice breaking little by little.
Tanjiro puts his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder again, but this time, they didn't roll their shoulder. Tanjiro took this a s an opportunity for him to talk as he says, "(Y/N), what happened to (F/N) isn't your fault. Not you, not Sanemi, not Inosuke, not even the delinquents at our university. You're not the only one who's dealing losing someone. I mean, my dad..."
"Yes, your dad died from an illness that gave him a slow and painful death! The only difference is that your Dad encouraged you to be a better person and treat others with respect! Meanwhile, I never knew my dad, and my mom is dying from a fucking genetic disease that has no cure! It doesn't make it any better at the fact that my friend killed themselves because people pushed them too far!"
"I... So, who do you want to blame?"
"Myself, if that wasn't fucking obvious!" (Y/N) said as tears started to streak down their face. Tanjiro was shocked at this, because he could understand if they'd blame the loss of their friend on the people that antagonized them, but they blame themselves? Over something they had no control over?
"You blame yourself? Really?"
"Yes, I do. I decided to be a stubborn dickhead about my friend's mental health, even though they had cuts on their wrists, and they told me not to worry about it. All because they had therapy, and was "getting better"."
Tanjiro was shocked at the fact (Y/N) said that to him. Even when they had cuts, they told them not to worry about it. They took that into consideration, and rolled with it, until it was too late.
"My friend's Mom actually blames herself. She's a single parent who had a lot of shit on her plate trying to live in a stable environment for them, and her younger children. She was so busy with everything that she couldn't find the time to check on her own child. Sometimes, I blame myself for that."
"No, you don't."
"Yes, Tanjiro, I do. Do you know what it's like to see a text that was sent at two in the morning that reads, "I'll miss you." after waking up three hours later? Do you know what's it like feeling someone's parent hugging you at a funeral and repeating, "I'm sorry." to you like it's their fault? Do you?"
Tanjiro started to get a little bit teary-eyed at those questions, as in a honesty, no, he hasn't. Outside of his dad, he's never lost anyone important to him, and it didn't feel fair to him, he's been blessed with the life that was given to him while (Y/N) was living the exact opposite.
"Their birthday was fucking yesterday. No one else but me, their mom, and their siblings came to visit their grave. Some fucking friends I have that won't there to comfort us." (Y/N) said as they wiped their face and eyes, and sniffled.
His hand from (Y/N)' shoulder, to their back, as he caresses them and says, "No, I don't know what it's like to go through all that. But I can imagine how much pain you're going through. I understand the pain you're dealing with if I went through it through your perspective, but—"
"You see? It's always that kind of bullshit that people say! "I know what you're going through. I understand your pain. I can see it through your perspective." How about you shut your fucking mouth when you say dumb shit like that? Because no, you don't understand what I'm going through. If you did, you wouldn't be saying the most basic shit just to sympathize with me!" (Y/N) bellowed as they were about to hammer fist the steering wheel, but let out a sigh of sadness as they lowered their hand down.
(Y/N) decided to park at some sort of supermarket as they turned the car off, and laid their head down on the steering wheel. They started to elicit sounds of soft crying as their forearms were crossed together, dangling. "Why couldn't it have been me?" They whimpered out as their breath started to hiccup.
Tanjiro wiped his eyes as he spoke up to (Y/N), "Now, I know you don't mean that. Would you have been happy if you were to take your own life, and left them alone?"
"If it meant my friend still being on this planet, yes. I have nothing else in this world. As everyone I have cared for has either forgotten about me, or straight up left me. So that already tells me that I'm not good enough to be anyone's friend. But they knew what it was like, and the bond that we created was so genuine, it was like I had a real friend. And now they're gone..."
"But you're still here. You still have a life ahead of you. You still have time to make new friends and make good memories. It's what they would want you to do. Move on, honor their memory, make them proud." (Y/N) looked at him with red puffed eyes and sniffed the snot in their nose. "Let me drive. The least I can do is give yourself some rest as we drive back to campus." (Y/N) continued to stare at him for a couple of seconds before they unbuckled their seatbelt and opened the door.
Tanjiro took off his seat belt hopped in the driver's seat and turned the car on as he put on the seatbelt. (Y/N) opens the passenger door and sits down as they close the door and buckle up. They laid their head against the window as Tanjiro put his hand on their shoulder and said, "It's gonna be alright, I promise." He puts the car out of park, and left the parking lot as he went back on the road, and drove.
A couple minutes after the argument, they both arrived at the residential hall of the campus. Tanjiro puts the car in park, and took the keys out of the ignition as he looked to his left to see (Y/N) asleep. He softly shook them and they woke up. Their eyes were still red, with little bags under their eyes as they asked, "We're here?"
Tanjiro nods as (Y/N) lets out a sigh of disappointment as they unbuckle their belt, and got out of the car. Tanjiro followed suit as he followed (Y/N) and walked up the mini-stairs of the building's main door. (Y/N) grabbed the knob and struggled to open the door as it was looked. Tanjiro tapped their shoulder as they turned back to see Tanjiro with the keys in his hand.
They grabbed it, picked out the key for the main door, and unlocked it. "Thanks." "Anytime." Tanjiro responded with a soft smile on his face. (Y/N) extended their hand out to him for a handshake, but he politely declined as he decided to go for a hug instead. (Y/N) was a little stunned at this, but still accepted it as they wrapped their arms around him too.
They both stayed like that for the last 15 seconds, before Tanjiro disconnected himself from them. He softly puts his hand on his shoulder as he says, "You'll get through this, alright? You're stronger than you think you are. And hey, if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, don't be afraid to call any of us. Me, Tomioka-san, Rengoku-san, any one of us, we'll be there, okay?"
They softly nodded as they huskily said, "Okay." Tanjiro softly smiles as he pats their shoulder and says, "Take care of yourself, alright?" And walks off. He looks back and waves goodbye at them, as (Y/N) follows suit before going inside. Hang in there, (Y/N). We'll make sure we make you feel special.
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My first angst, and it's something I relate to on a personal level. Never thought I would be making angst, considering my account, but, here we are. Don't ask for a part two, by the way, I'm not going to.
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marislittleworld · 5 days
I NEED more fics with dad!chris redfield :3
YES! THANK YOU ANONYMOUS 😗 *muah!*, here is more of dad!Chris with mom!Jill. Also I'm gonna do more content like this, so you can ask for more if you want :3
WARNINGS: Daughter!OC included (Ana Valentine Redfield), it'll pass on the events of Resident Evil: Death Island, Piers Nivans is mentioned.
“Guess the aiming training was worth it!”
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Ana started her rifle training when she met Piers Nivans, he was going to visit her father because of work, and then he met a 9-year-old Ana. It didn't take long until the two of them became friends.
Chris noticed that Piers was great with kids so he trusted him to train Ana in some aiming skills. Piers was a very good sniper of the BSAA team, he trained Ana with the use of the rifle.
The saddest part is when Piers was considered dead, he dies to save Ana’s father on a final mission, but she didn't stop training her aiming skills, she asked kindly to her mother to train her to how to use a handgun just in case of very risky situations. Surprisingly, Jill accepted.
The year now is 2015, Ana got a visit from auntie Claire and she couldn't not notice her parents putting on their casual clothing like they are going on vacation.
"wait-- where are you two going?" Ana asks "you look like you're on a vacation"
Jill looked at Chris and he nods as in the form of confirmation.
"we are going on a mission" Jill answered
"but without your gear?" Ana asked more confused
Jill and Chris showed their handguns which were below their jackets. Ana glared at them like 'are you going to have fun without me?'. Chris scoffed and smirked.
"We are going to Alcatraz to investigate the reason of people getting infected" Chris said
The teen gasps, "noooo way! I've always wanted to visit that prison. Can I go with you? Please please pleaseee? I know how to take care of myself" Ana pleads
The couple gasps and their eyes widen
"No Ana! It's too dangerous for you, we don't even know how those people are getting infected." Jill answered worriedly
"she is right, Ana. You're still not ready" Chris approaches and pats Ana's shoulder. "We love you, Ana. We just don't want to lose you"
The three of them hugged each other and the couple said goodbye to their daughter. She stayed there for 5 minutes and thought.
"Ah no way I'm letting them have fun without me" Ana diabolically played with her hands and decided to get dressed.
TIMESKIP (RE: Death Island spoilers ahead)
After the zombies attack, the revelation of Dylan Blake and Rebecca curing Leon, Chris e Claire, all of them got reunited with Jill to defeat the now transformed villain. They started to use their weapons, but it was no use.
The five of them dodged the monster's claw, but he knocked down Rebecca and Claire. And suddenly a shot could be heard and then a crane hook hit right on Dylan's head, deep inside. The couple and Leon, Claire e Rebecca looked up and saw Ana holding a rifle, the smoke getting out of the cane because of the shot.
Claire and Rebecca smiled while Jill and Chris are surprised and confused to see their daughter at Alcatraz.
"Jill, please tell me that I'm still infected at the point of seeing our daughter here" Chris asked trying not to be angry and yell
"nope, she's here" Jill answered also feeling angry, "ANA!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE? WE TOLD YOU TO STAY AT HOME!"
"I thought you guys could use one more help, so I came by my own" Ana answers while holds the rifle
"ohh you two have a daughter? Very cool..." Leon interrupts the family moment
The monster growled stealing the attention of the adults and the teenager, he pulled the hook, making part of the crane fall and almost hit on her parents, scaring Ana.
"MOM! DAD! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Ana yelled worriedly
"we are fine, sweetie! Find a place and hide!!" Jill commands in her motherly way and ran to get the machine gun
"AND YOU'RE GROUNDED!!" Chris yelled angrily at Ana, making her jaw drop for some seconds, but she went back to normal
Ana saw her family trying to use their rocket launchers on the monster, but it was no use too. She decided to get the grenade on the floor, take off it's ring and throw at the monster, she used her rifle to shoot on the grenade, and it exploded on the monster's face and yet... it was no use, the creature got blinded by the smoke of the explosion that he used on of his paws to hit blindly.
He hit on the metal bridge where Ana was standing, the teen tried to scape but she fell of the bridge, falling on the hard floor. Jill, Chris and Claire ran towards Ana.
"ANA!!" Claire yelled her niece's name
Chris grabbed Ana's shoulders "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"damn it-- I thought it would work" Ana said with pain
"but you did good, daughter. You bought us more time" Chris said to Ana
Ana chuckles, "well, guess the aiming training was worth it!”
"stay with your aunt and Rebecca, me and your father will handle this creature" Jill helped Ana to get up, and Ana nods.
After the battle, the group walked outside of the prison waiting for the helicopters to arrive, meanwhile, Jill crossed her arms and looked at Ana, who just avoided her gaze.
"okay, young lady. We've got a doggone question for you" Jill says in a very motherly tone "How did you get here?"
"well uhm-- let's say that I took a bus to get to the boat checkpoint. I used the same boat as you when you were coming here. And I stayed hidden until the battle"
Leon and Claire chuckles and he messed Ana's hair.
"you're still grounded" Chris said
"I know" Ana responds while fixing her hair
The group smiled until they saw the helicopters arriving to the island. The family Redfield always stick together even in the most dangerous moments.
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misslili265 · 2 years
(Part 2 'cause Tumblr problems)
Links: Kyojuro | Tanjiro | Obanai | Inosuke | Gyuu | Uzui | Yoriichi | Akaza | Kokushibou | Michikatsu | Kagaya | Gyomei 1 | Gyomei 2 | Sanemi 1 | Sanemi 2
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Part 1 here
Gyomei is aware of your observation, it only feeds what was awakened in him.  "- Hello Gyomei San, I received your call.'' Said Kocho smiling.  Seeing that Gyomei was just getting dressed and so were you, Kocho realized that Gyomei did what anyone would have done, used human heat to heat up the hypothermic state.  Kocho explains that she will treat you through the stitches, and if you want you can make the recovery in the butterfly mansion, but she is surprised by Gyomei.  "- Kocho, I rescued her, she was in a very fragile state, I prefer that she stay here. Tell me what has to be done, until she is cured." Kocho has a curious expression, but she would never contradict the mentor and rescuer who found her. "- Ah, sure, Gyomei San, whatever you want.  You felt like you shouldn't say anything, Gyomei's words and tone sounded like orders to be followed. Gyomei is not the subliminal type, he says what he wants and clearly, but you notice that your opinion was not even considered.  But both you and Kocho felt that this was special care, as you were found on the verge of death.  It would be for a little while.  So Kocho, after skillfully closing your wounds, leaves Gyomei's house.  Gyomei starts to give you all the care possible, and when you need to be alone.  Gyomei leaves everything carefully locked away.  "- Y/n, I imagine you know the reason for this, don't you?"  You naively agree, as Gyomei insisted in his conversations telling you less than delightful stories about onis.  You sometimes feel like you want to get well soon, even though you are magnetically drawn to the man who has been an angel to you. The lack of going out and living normally invades you.  "- Gyomei, I want to thank you for everything, but I'm fully recovered."  Gyomei decides not to his use words this time to show how much he has cling himself to you, so in a smooth movement he brings you close by placing a kiss on your lips, you didn't even realize when you put your arms around his neck to dive into the feast that Gyomei's palate presented you.  He in pure ecstasy for realizing that you corresponded to the deep feelings he has cultivated, hugs you even tighter, at the same time that Gyomei made you catch your breath finding you helpless in the snow, he feels entitled to take you away with the suffocating kiss that he always wanted to give you.  You separate your faces but Gyomei's hands are wrapped around your waist.  "- Stay."  His tone is sweet, almost desperate.  And you once again have no strength against the gentleman who saved you.  You accept, Gyomei smiles and kisses you a million times more, you are like nails and flesh... you go everywhere together, like a happy couple.  But on a sunny day you decide to visit Kocho and the other girls who invited you for afternoon tea.  "- Huny, I'm going out with the girls, they must already be waiting, see you later, I love you."  You put one foot out of the house, and suddenly feel one of your wrists being held back.  "- We'll send the message through the crow, don't worry."  You frown.  "- Message?"  "- Yes, that you will not go, you will stay here, with me."  "- Gyomei, I'm going, yes, we had already agreed, I can't keep them waiting."  "- Y/n, love, don't make me repeat it."  He said smiling, leaning towards your face, while holding you by the chin.`` You, perplexed, look for a reason. "- Why am I Gyomei trapped here?" You say with tears rolling down your face. "- I need to remind you, my love, your own words. "You own me your life?"  You belong to me now.  I'm everything you need, nothing more and nothing one else."
Thankzzzzzz .. man I've never had such a trouble just 4 post a fic uhhh...
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Full Moon (Zosan X reader) P5
Plot: While out taking photo's Sanji and reader get attacked by a strange creature. While the crew decide to hunt it down to save the village Sanji starts acting strange.
Warning: Violence, blood, bad language, injuries,
Sanji X Zoro X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN. Reader is the photographer of the crew always carrying around a camera they made (Polaroid) that doesn't include a snail.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Making it back to the village with the full moon still high in the sky you look around from the tree line. No one is around but you keep looking a little longer in case you missed something. You wanted to make sure no villagers were around, trying to keep Sanji safe. Luffy kept walking though strolling out of the forest with a slight whistle making you sign and give up walking out behind him, Zoro following with Sanji keeping low between you two and Franky bringing up the rear. Making your way through the village you keep looking around Sanji nudging your hand a little to get to calm down but you didn't want to make any chances. It wasn't long until you all made it to the town center, rounding the corner you met with Nami, Usopp and Brook sitting around with a mob of men on the ground passed out. "Oooh, i'm in trouble" you whisper to yourself as Zoro and Sanji look at you confused. As if the navigator could hear you from a mile away, Nami's head shoots up your eyes locking with hers as she stands pointing at you with an angry look "I'm going to kill you" she yelled making Sanji growl and you giggle patting him on the head "It's ok, she's just mad i left her to deal with this mess" you explain walking over to the angry navigator, your boys following you while Luffy runs over to Usopp asking what happened. Nami walked up to you and bonked you on the head with her fist "You start a fight and then run off?" she asks as you rub your head "Sorry but i knew you could handle it, i mean your the strongest girl i know... don't tell Robin" you wink causing the girl to sigh and bring you in for a hug "I still hate you" she pouts before noticing the wolf behind you. She gulps and pulls away form you "is that?" she asks not really wanting to finish her sentence "Yes that's sanji. We killed the main werewolf, but he's still like this" you sign looking down at your wolf boyfriend.
Usopp soon notices after telling Luffy everything and sneaks over hiding behind you as he looks over your shoulder at the wolf. Sanji notices and looks up at sniper only for him to fully hide behind you earning a slap on the back from Luffy "Its just sanji" the captain laughs while the sniper rubs his back form the pain. "Yohohoho, look at you." Brook walks over laughing bending down to the wolf. "Guy's" Choppers voice yells out as he runs over to your group with Robin strolling behind him skidding to a stop next to Nami spotting the large wolf. The doctor tried to hide behind nami but ends up doing it the other way around, none of you correct him though just hold in your laughter as Sanji and Chopper stare at each other. Sanji huffs out startling Chopper whose eyes widen more "SANJI?" he yells out before you and Zoro can stop him, Sanji shakes his head stepping back a bit but managing to control himself. Noticing his voice hurt Sanji, Chopper covers his mouth and whispers a sorry. "Chopper did you find anything?" you ask making the doctor look up at you and nod with a smile "Yea i did. With the help Robin i think i found a way to cure this." he says holding up a bottle with some strange blue and purple liquid. "Lets get you back to the ship and give you this" Chopper smiles beckoning Sanji to follow. The others nod and walk after the doctor but large wolf only moves when you and Zoro wanting to be close with you two.
With the sunny setting out to sea almost everyone went to bed while you and Zoro waited in chairs inside the med bay as the large wolf lays in the bed finally asleep after taking the medication. You had given the bottle you found to Chopper who was studying it and taking samples at his desk behind you two. Zoro leaned back in his chair holding your hand and rubbing your knuckles with his thumb as you curl up in the chair next to him a blanket over your lap watching the wolf sleep. You both worried that it wouldn't work and Zoro couldn't take his eyes off the window, The full moon still in the sky. After a short while you notice a faint blue light that seems to peel away the wolves fur, face and skin. "Zoro" you call squeezing the mans hand making him look at the bed watching the wolf disappears in a light blue and dark purple haze leaving your Sanji behind. Sanji groans a little and opens his eyes making you smile seeing their back to normal. As he sits up and runs a hand through his messy hair you can't help but get up and hold him close Zoro smiling and pulling the cook in close. Chopper smiles form the side happy his concoction worked watching You and Zoro holding the cook tight. "I'm glad your back" you cried a little into Sanji's bare shoulder as Zoro places his hand on Sanji's cheek pulling him in for a kiss. Sanji gladly leaned into it one arm around you both holding you close to him. Placing your hand on his bare chest you realized he was naked except for the blanket that laid over his lap and hips. "Urm, Chopper could you get Sanji some clothes please" you ask the doctor who nods jumping out of his chair and leaving the room.
Sanji pulls away form the kiss feeling a little breathless as you pull away to grab the blanket you were using and wrap it around the cooks shoulders. "I'm glad to be back, i never want to be like that again" he smiles pulling you in closer "You remember it all?" you ask stopping him form kissing you so he can answer your question. "Yea i do and i'm so sorry for the way i acted, i could hear, see and smell everything, it was so... overwhelming and everything but raw meat made me feel sick" he signed running his hand through your hair "Yea i'm sorry about that." Zoro sighs running his hand through Sanji's messy hair as the cook turning to face him "You attacked us because i slammed the door open" Sanji laughed a little at that and shook his head "It's ok you didn't know. After i turned and had time to adjust things got better but i still had that hunger" looking down at his lap his eyes saddened. You lean up and wrap your arms around his neck holding him close to you "You have nothing to be ashamed of, you protected us" at your words Sanji seemed to lighten up a bit making you pull away, so he can place his lips on yours. His soft lips moved against yours feeling the warmth and love he was giving you and you gladly gave that back running your hand into his hair to stroke it.
Chopper walks in and places the clothes down on one of the chairs seeing you and Sanji kissing. he apologizes quickly before grabbing a book and leaves the room, Zoro thanking the reindeer before turning back to you two. Pulling away Sanji places his forehead against yours, Your eyes meeting his beautiful grey eyes, they seemed to sadden a bit and it made you concerned "What's wrong?" you ask Zoro looking over the cook to see if something was hurting him "That guy really wanted you dead, he wanted me to do it" Closing his eyes he moved his head into your shoulder "What?" Zoro asks running a hand up and down the cooks back. "In the forest. When he talked by head felt fuzzy and i almost...For a second i" with a sigh you make him pull away form your neck looking at his teary eyes as you cupped his face "You didn't though. Even when i hurt you, you didn't hurt me" your words seem to sink in making the cook smile a bit as he leans down to kiss your cheek "You're amazing you know" you replay leaning into him "You did everything you could to stop that wolf from hurting us. You could have died" you scold him a little but you can't be mad at him, he did save your life. "I didn't need saving" Zoro answer both of you turning to him as he scratched the back of his head "But.. i did appreciate the help" he continues holding you both close again and kissing the cook on he head.
Everyone in the crew slept in late, it being lunch by the time everyone was up, you took it upon yourself to make lunch as Sanji sat at the table next to Zoro making sure the cook rested and ate. The cook was desperate for a cigarette when he woke up this morning getting a little cranky but he seems a lot better now after his second cigarette. It was loud with Luffy, Usopp and Franky talking about the werewolf but you managed to focus on Robin's voice as she talked to the group around her. The book Franky gave her had a lot on the situation form last night, and she happily explained it to the rest of the group. Sanji and Chopper seeming to be paying more attention than the others. "To become something more than human, a perfect combination of mankind and predator could create a god like being. Im guessing that's what he wanted" The black haired woman flips through the book while sipping on a cup of tea "A werewolf is something along those lines but it's too animal like and unpredictable, it seems he tried to modify it using witch craft and science" Robin stops on a page before looking up at chopper "is that why Sanji looked so different?" the doctor asks looking down at the book "It seems so but the werewolf part was still there, Silver and heat were still a weakness." As she explained you walked over with two plates in hand setting one down at Luffy's end who almost grabbed all the food on the plate while the others tried to grab what they could. The second plate went down the other end setting it in the middle of the Robin's group. "Is that all he wanted? To be god like, a bit of a lonely existence" catching the group's attention they look up at you, Zoro pulling his chair back and patting his lap for you to sit.
Sitting on the mans lap and taking Sanji's hand over the table Robin smiles and nods. "What about the whole manipulation thing.. Its like he was trying to control me" Sanji sighs squeezing your hand while taking a bite of food watching as Robin flicks through the book again soon landing on another page and pushing it over to you three. "Its more of a wolf thing than it is a werewolf thing. The pack Alpha tells the others what to do, mix that with witch craft and you have a strong ability but it doesn't work on other Alpha's especially when there's... Mates involved" You can't help but smile and giggle a little at that as Zoro laughs out gaining Sanji's attention "What's so funny?" The cook glares at you two putting out his cigarette out before Zoro's arm goes around the cook and pulls him closer "Its not funny, its just.... Your just a horny dog" Zoro laughs harder as Sanji punches him in the arm "I am not" The cook yells causing some of the others to laugh too. Sanji's face goes red but you place your hands on his cheeks "We love you all the same" with a small laugh you place your lips on his giving him a quick kiss as the laughing dies down. Zoro leans his head into the cooks neck "We love you" he whispers so only the Sanji can hear who sighs with a small smile leaning in as the swords man places a kiss on the man's neck.
The rest of the day you and Zoro made sure Sanji rested. The others helped out if Sanji needed anything and Chopper checked up on him through the day. As it got closer to night and the full moon started to show you got a little nervous, even though Choppers medication worked you feared it would only be temporary. Luffy wanted to throw a party on the deck to celebrate so you all joined, Nami and Usopp helping you make food and drinks while Zoro kept Sanji out the way, the poor man didn't like being away form the kitchen for too long but you two wouldn't let him until tomorrow. Walking out the kitchen you looked up at the bright full moon, your worries fading away since Sanji hadn't been showing any signs. Handing out drinks to the others you finally made your way over to Zoro and Sanji who where sitting out of the way, the cook nuzzled up to the swords man watching the crew sing and dance. "Hay babe, finally joining us?" Zoro asks seeing you walking over with three drinks in your hands "Yep, Nami said she'll take over" sitting down next to Zoro you hand him a big mug of Sake and cup of tea to Sanji. "Thank you love, i'm sorry your doing all this" smiling at the cook you shake your head "Its fine, i want you to rest today. i'm not as good as you but i don't think i'm half bad" mentally patting yourself on the back you hear your cook laugh a little "Half bad? My love, you did amazing" leaning over Sanji places his lips on yours pulling away to place his head back on Zoro's shoulder. "You always get my Sake's temperature just right" the swords man leans down kissing your neck making you giggle before he moves to your lips, wrapping your arm around his bicep you pull away and lay you head on his shoulder watching the crew.
The rest of the night was filled with laughing, talking, singing and dancing, slowly but surly as the night went on the others started heading to bed. Sanji had fallen asleep on Zoro's shoulder at some point but you both deiced to stay up a bit longer before heading to bed. Once Luffy left for bed you and Zoro deiced to head to bed as well. Usopp was good enough to clean up sending you three a wave as Zoro carried a sleeping Sanji to bed with you in following. You couldn't help but look at Sanji as he slept, he's handsome when he's awake but looks so cute when he's sleep. You open the door to your shared bedroom letting Zoro in before closing the door, as your went to change into some pj's the swords man placed Sanji in bed taking off the mans shoes before covering him up and getting changed himself. Neither one of you wanted to wake him, knowing he needed all the rest he could get plus who could wake such a sleeping beauty. Pulling your top down you feel a pear of hands grab your waist pulling you into a broad chest "I love you baby" Zoro whispers from behind you, turning him his grip you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a smile "I love you too, Hun" leaning up he gladly leans down so your lips meet giving each other a long kiss before he picks you up and carries you to bed. Placing you down he gets in next to you and pulls the blanket over you two spooning you and letting his hand go around you to touch sanji. Facing Sanji you place your head close to his and close your eyes, feeling his steady breath on your face and Zoro's chest move behind you as he breaths.
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bunnakit · 6 months
man last twilight hit me particularly hard today and i'm still crying after finishing the episode.
i spent a good chunk of my day at my specialist today and it wasn't great. my disease is getting worse. my weekly shots aren't enough anymore. i'm so tired and i can't stop fucking crying.
my immune system is fucked up, i produce too many white blood cells and those white blood cells have chosen to attack my skin. it leaves me with holes across my body - some of my wounds are now over a year old. when they heal they leave atrophic scarring - but they aren't even healing anymore.
the specialist gasped at the sight of me today. (i'd never seen her before, my state of being was new to her.)
"you're bleeding."
"i know."
"you're bleeding like, a lot."
"i know. i take iron supplements, it's okay."
"it's going to get all over your pants."
"it's okay."
"are you in pain?"
"yes. i'm used to it."
"are you in a lot of pain?"
"yes. it's okay."
she was so concerned, so alarmed, and i couldn't help but just smile and laugh it off. if i don't i'll end up like i am now, sobbing at my desk hidden away from my family because there's nothing they can do for me, they'll just hug me and say they're so sorry, they wish there was something they could do. but there's nothing anyone can do, this is just my life now.
"how often do you take your shots?"
"every friday."
"the recommended schedule for that medicine is once every two weeks"
"yes, they increased the frequency for me because i'm stage 3"
"and you never miss a dose?"
"no, i take it on schedule every week."
"i don't think it's working anymore."
i try to be strong about it, most of the time i am - this is just my life now, wallowing about it isn't going to fix it. i'm stage 3, the only thing that will fix it is a cure, but that doesn't exist yet.
i recently had to buy those washable period underwear because one of my year old wounds just won't stop bleeding and i'm so tired of washing the blood out of my pants. i've gotten so good at preventing bloodstains. (a mix of dawn dish soap, water, and baking soda as a pre-soak works wonders)
i bought an antimicrobial soap in bulk last week to prevent infection. it dries out my skin, but it's not as bad as the diluted bleach baths. i have to start using 10% benzoyl peroxide as a body wash. "do you have a fever?"
"no, i check regularly."
"your wounds are really deep, we're worried about you potentially going septic."
"i'm very careful and keep them clean."
i buy bandages and tape in bulk. my allergic reaction to the tape adhesives are the lesser of two evils. sometimes they get so bad i bleed, but it's just an abrasion. it's okay.
and now i have to take another round of antibiotics that make me nauseous.
and they're changing my medication. i'm 'lucky,' a new medication was approved by the FDA recently that shows good results in reducing the symptoms of my disease. but how long will it be before i don't respond to that anymore?
it's another biologic, an immunosuppressant shot, and i'm sure just like last time it's going to make me so, so sick. adjusting to biologics is so hard, it's not totally unlike low dose chemo (obviously there are differences) and last time it made me sick for weeks.
i don't want to be sick. i don't want to take these antibiotics that make me nauseous. i don't want to keep scrubbing the blood out of my pants. i don't want to use the soap that dries out my skin. i don't want to wear perfume to cover up the smell of my dying flesh. i can't even have sex with my husband. we recently went a year without having sex and i know he understands, he gets it, but i can't help but think part of him resents me. we got together when i was 22, when my symptoms were still mild, i got my diagnosis at 25. i quit my office job and lost my insurance. we eloped at 27 so he could add me to his insurance and i could afford my treatment. his family spent the next year asking why we were in such a rush to get married, we didn't know how to explain to them it was because my doctor was preparing to declare me completely disabled.
i don't want to be in pain anymore. it's been almost 10 years.
i'm okay, i'll feel better tomorrow, maybe even in a few hours, but i can see why people kill themselves over this. i'm so tired. i'm so defeated. i have to hope there will be a cure someday, something better than just pushing down the symptoms.
if you read this far thank you. like i said, i'm fine. i just wanted to get my thoughts and feelings out and i'm bad about talking to my family - they worry too much, pity me too much.
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evereinefaust · 10 months
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School days were just several hours spent in a large institute, pretending to learn or make friends for whatever matters. Well, that is, for him. The male never once comes across the thought that going to school was beneficial for him in some way, nor does it answer to cover the feeling of emptiness in his heart. In a sense, it was just a nuisance to him. Despite that, his mother still encouraged him to attend otherwise, claiming that he would certainly find the person that will cure him of his devoid just like how she found hers. He wasn't skeptical of the claim; in fact, it leads him to the edge of hoping to eventually find this certain person, not like he would show it on his face though.
It was still lunchtime, the minute hand was moving so painfully slow that made the ravenette utter a curse under his breath for spending another few hours before going home. Though it's not like he was eager to return home to his empty house anyway⁠—his parents went overseas on a business trip just yesterday night. He wandered the hallway, absentmindedly trudging his way through the seemingly vacant space whilst recalling the time his parents had left.
Hurried footsteps and mumbling can be heard inside a humble house, where a family of three resides. The mother, with long charcoal hair and eyes of the same hue, chatted happily with her husband whilst arranging their luggage. The father, with wrinkled skin and a tired facial expression, only hummed in response to his wife's blabbering, obeying her every order as he gathered personal belongings from around the house. Their son, a young man of 17 years, observed the commotion downstairs. His onyx orbs void of emotion were staring at the two figures.
Noticing a presence at the top of the stairs, the female spotted her beloved offspring and flashed him a sickeningly sweet smile. "Oh! Ayato-kun, I didn't notice you there!"
The aforementioned male only nods back in response, walking down the wooden steps. His father, finally acknowledging his son's presence in the room, turned his attention to him. Even without saying it, the older man knew the confusion on Ayato's face.
"Your mother and I will be leaving on a business trip. We're unsure whether we'll be able to return home early. I'm sure that you'll be able to take care of your own, right?" His father informed, pushing the lid of the suitcase down before closing it.
"Oh, dear! What a silly question~ Of course, Ayato-kun can take care of himself. Right, Ayato-kun?" His mother giggled, facing the mentioned teen with a devilish glint in her abyssal pools. "After all, he does take after his mother~"
"Yes, mother," Was the boy's only reply.
The older Aishi heaved a sigh, massaging his temple as he faced his wife and kid. Their three pieces of luggage were already prepared, quietly resting on the living room couch. The only thing left to do is exchange their farewells before the spouses leave for the airport.
"Ayato," A large, calloused hand gently rested on the aforementioned male's shoulder, making the boy glance up to meet his father's gaze. "I know that it seems unfair for you, seeing that we won't be here to see you off on your first day tomorrow... But I hope you understand. We'll try to contact you as frequently as we could."
Ayato only nodded at his father's words. It's not like he's upset or anything because of their sudden departure, after all, he doesn't feel anything. If ever, Ayato would be willing to experience that kind of emotion. His father sighed at his lack of reaction, although it is to be expected. He removed his hand from his son after, stepping back to let the mother say her goodbye.
​​​​​"Ayato-kun, we'll surely miss you," Ryoba cooed, wrapping her limbs around the teenager in a loving embrace. She leaned her lips on his ear and whispered. "I'm certain that during our absence, you'll finally find your significant other. By then, make sure to keep her to yourself, alright?"
The hug lasted after, making the female retract her arms back and plant a kiss on his cheeks. Both parents took their belongings as they make their way toward the door. Waving goodbye to their son for the last time, they then exited the household. The raven-haired teenager could only stare at the closed door, processing the words that his mother told him.
Despite his mother's last words to him, leaving him confused, there's one thing that Ayato is certain of⁠—that once he finds her, he won't ever let her go. The raven-haired student continues down the hall, passing random students on the way. His emotionless eyes were glued on the front, his legs moving automatically to his destination. Nearing the corner, he twists his body to the left... only to collide with another body.
A loud thud entered his hearing as the impact forced him to take a step back. The boy grunted in displeasure, seeing that he involuntarily associated with others on his first day. Papers that looked school administration-related were scattered haphazardly in the area, making the male assume that it must be a faculty member he bumped into.
"Ouch..." A feminine voice drawled out, clicking her tongue after.
Ayato glanced down to see not a teacher, but a female student. The girl had [h/l] [h/c] hair, her bangs obstructed the view to reveal her eyes. She was sitting on the floor with the discarded papers, her hand massaging her lower back from the pain of falling.
Ayato's empty gaze stared at her for a while, before he knelt to collect the paperwork. Upon hearing the shuffling of papers, the female raised her head and saw a raven-haired student grabbing the discarded pile. Her [eye color] pools studied his face for a while before she proceeded to collect the other half.
Awkward silence befell them while they continue their work. Neither of the students elicits a word or any sound. Noticing that almost all the papers were collected, Ayato stood up, the female before him watching his actions. He offered her his hand, and even without saying anything, she knew this gesture.
With a small smile, she placed her other hand that wasn't holding the papers on him. "Thanks..."
The moment that their skin touched, however, made Ayato's eyes dilate in shock. Electricity current seemingly courses through his vein from the interaction. His heart was speeding, his face was sweating, and his body heating up. A pink hue smeared across his cheeks as he helped the female up.
Once the [h/c]ette was on her feet, she peered at the male with a sweet smile gracing her lips. "Thanks for helping me. And I'm sorry that I bumped into you earlier, I was just in a hurry."
However, the male student didn't respond. His eyes were blankly staring down at her, his body never moving with their hands still interlocked together. After a minute, Ayato unconsciously tightened his grip on her small hand, making the upperclassman flinch at the sudden pain.
"Um... You're hurting me."
Ayato snapped out of his reverie at her voice. He instantly removed his hand from her and took a step back, bowing a full 90 degrees much to the female's surprise.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," The male expressed, his tone of voice convincingly apologetic.
"Wh... It's fine, it's fine. I'm not hurt, see?" [Name] waved her hand dismissively, showing him the hand he held earlier to prove her point.
Releasing a sigh of relief, Ayato straightened up and faced the girl once again. He stared at her alluring [e/c] orbs, almost like it was beckoning him to get lost in those pools of her. Snapping himself from his stupor, he raised the papers to her.
"Ah! Thanks!" [Name] sighed in relief and collect the remaining papers from Ayato. "I would be doomed if even one goes missing. Ugh... Being a class representative is hectic."
Despite the last statement being done in a mutter, Ayato still heard her. Unknowingly, the corners of his lips curved into a small smile. After rearranging the pile in her arm, [Name] faced the male once again, making the boy flare up.
"Well, I'll be going now. It's nice meeting you here. I guess I'll see you soon," Bowing, the petite girl waved goodbye to the male before she jogged to where the faculty room.
Stupefied, Ayato could only stare at the retreating figure of the upperclassman. Once she was out of his line of sight, his dark hues trailed down on the hand that pulled her up. He could still feel the tingling sensation on his skin. Not to mention his blushing face when talking to her. This woman might be the one, right? After all, no one else made an impact on him like this.
〝[Surname] [Name]. She's an upperclassman, huh?〞
A small, genuine smile appeared on his lips. His eyes softened and finally contained a glint of life. He clenched his fist, eyebrows furrowing in determination to fulfill his unspoken duty.
〝I'll make sure no one else will have her. Senpai. Is. Mine.〞
The school bell rang, indicating the end of the lunch period. Students filled the hallway as they made their way back to their classroom for the next period. Bringing his fist back to his sides, Ayato mindlessly trudged his way back to his classroom: class 2-1. The raven-haired eventually arrived at his destination, sitting at the middle desk in the back row. Most students were already at their seats, leaving only two open seats at the back beside Ayato's.
Before the teacher arrived, certain ginger entered the room and sat on the seat next to the window as a female blonde followed and situated beside Ayato. The subject teacher entered the room shortly after and the class started. The male couldn't care less about the people around him, his attention was only on his senpai as he reminiscences their fateful encounter.
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The bell's chimes resonated around the whole building, its tunes gave off a gentle and relaxed feeling. Teachers immediately dismissed the class as students proceeded on cleaning. Some were sweeping the floor, others mopped the hallways, while the remaining students erased the writings on the chalkboard and dusted the board eraser. While the students were busy with their tasks, a certain [h/c]-haired female trudged along the hallway with a stack of textbooks in her arms. She was assigned to return the material to the faculty room as one of her responsibilities as the class representative.
She let out a tired sigh, her eyes were half-lidded and droopy. [Name] walked past several students in the hall, exchanging small smiles and brief greetings with her acquaintances. The female descended the stairs, carefully watching her steps to ensure she won't trip on the way down. Once she landed on the second floor of the building, her [e/c] hues recognized a mop of orange not far from her.
"Hey, Osano," she greeted, walking towards the male who was mopping the floor.
The male turned in her direction at the mention of his name, amber pools meeting with tired ones. "Senpai... What are you going to do with that?"
"Oh, sensei just asked me a favor of returning these to the faculty. Comes with the responsibility of being a class representative, you know?" The female sighed at that, clearly unwilling to have a certain role forced upon her.
"Okay. Do you need some help then?" He asked. However, pink dusted his cheeks at the realization. "N-not that I wanted to! You look like you're about to drop dead and I don't want to clean up your mess."
[Name] let out a low chuckle at her friend's antics. He really can be cute at times. "Sure, I don't mind the help. I'm having trouble carrying all these heavy books. So thanks a lot!"
"Whatever," Osano huffed, his blush deepening a bit as he leaned the mop on the floor and grabbed three-fourths of the pile.
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"What are your plans later on?"
"Hm, I have to go to my part-time job next town."
"Oh? You have a job?"
"Yep. I started this job during summer break, that's why I declined aunty's offer to have a vacation with you."
"Tsk. You should've said so sooner."
"Hehe~ Sorry!"
"Anyway, what time are you going to return home later?"
"I don't know. Maybe at eight at most, depending on the traffic and my work session."
"Should I travel with you there? You know how bad you are with directions."
"Ahaha! There's no need, really. I've been there a lot of times over the last two weeks. I can handle myself pretty fine."
"Whatever you say so," the male muttered under his breath, tugging at his scarf before ushering the girl beside him onward.
His companion just giggled at the interaction, seemingly content with his share of affection and concern. The ginger, however, just huffed in annoyance and tried to hide the incoming blush that threatened to settle itself on his cheeks. The pair walked away from the school campus, passing by rows of cherry blossoms as the wind gently carried the pink petals away. [Name] tucked a strand of [h/c] locks behind her ear when the breeze passed by. Serenity befalls the two childhood friends as they stood side by side with each other, exchanging brief conversations that made both grace a smile on their faces.
Unbeknownst to them both, a certain ravenette was watching them from a reasonable distance. His onyx hues were glaring daggers at the back of the ginger, his hands forming into a tight fists. He was enraged by this interaction—seeing that his senpai was chatting and laughing with other males. The pink that adorned his classmate's pale cheeks didn't escape his hawk-like gaze.
Ayato continued to stalk the two homes. He made sure to take quiet steps and hide behind any covers whenever Osano looked behind. He followed them through twists and turns, coming to a street completely unknown to the stalker. He often never leaves his house, seeing that he had no reason to do so. His abyssal hues observed them from behind an electric pole as the pair stopped in front of a house.
[Name] and Osano stood just outside the [Surname] residence. She was saying her goodbyes to him and entered her house. The ginger watched her ensure that she was home safely, before walking next door to enter his household. Ayato got out of his hiding spot a few moments after Osano returned home. He trudged over to the house he presumed his senpai lived and stared at the plaque outside the lot.
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〝This is where senpai lives, huh? Great, now I can finally watch over her whenever she walks home.〞
A gentle smile etched on his lips upon the thought of the female. However, it was soon replaced with a scowl when his attention turned toward the house next door. His shoes clicked against the asphalt as he made his way to the neighboring residence. A hard glare was sent towards the silhouette of a male inside the household, his appearance obscured from sight with the help of a curtain hanging from the windows.
〝I have to get rid of this guy as soon as possible. He's awfully close to my senpai—he's planning to steal her from me.〞
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Orange and yellow splashed across the sky, decorating the heavens with warm colors as the sun descends behind the horizon. [Name] glanced at her phone in hand, checking the current time which read 5:12 in the afternoon. Heaving an exasperated sigh, the female pulled on her headphones and cranked the volume of her music up. She stared out the bus to watch the sunset, her forehead leaning against the glass windows.
〝I didn't expect that my first day would be this tiring. We haven't officially started class yet. Thankfully, sensei didn't place too much work on me today, and Tsuka-san allowed me to go home early. What a relief...〞
Closing both of her eyes, the [h/c]-haired student shifted in her seat to find a comfortable spot to sleep in. She planned to catch some shut-eye before going to her workplace, considering that she'll surely be returning home late at night. As the girl was about to doze off, the vehicle skidded to a stop, presumably where the bus station was. This forced the student to open an eye to scan the scenery outside.
〝Oh, shoot! I didn't notice that here's my stop!〞
[Name] quickly gathered her belongings and stood up from her seat, rushing out of the bus before the door closes. Fortunately, she was able to hop off in a nick of time. Releasing a relieved sigh, the [h/c]ette proceeded on walking the rest of the way towards her workplace. She grabbed her bag strap while casually walking towards her destination, seeing that she still has spare time before her shift starts.
Her soft footsteps were barely audible in the busiest part of town, the loud noises of passing vehicles and crowds masked any sound she was producing. The young teen hummed to her music, [e/c] orbs observing her surroundings. Even though the female has been to Shodochiku town for the last two weeks, she still hasn't explored the majority of the place and the establishment it has.
Going through several turns and streets, [Name] finally entered the residential area of the town. Her footsteps which were previously inaudible were now echoing around the empty street with each step. A smile broke into her facial expression, elated that she was nearing her destination. Houses are lined on her side, each has a distinct look to differentiate each residing family. She halted in front of a sky-blue-painted second-story house, a large cherry blossom tree was planted in the front yard, and its leaves floated around in the air before landing on the pavement.
She removed the headphone from her head and let them rest around her neck before turning the music off on her phone. Her smile never left as her eyes stared at the plaque on the gate door for a minute before pressing the doorbell. She could hear the chimes from outside, its high-pitched sound resonated throughout the residence. In a moment, she received a 'Wait a moment please!' before a child emerged from behind the front door and ran towards their gate. [Name] watched as the wooden gate opened and revealed a young girl with short raven hair and piercing eyes of a gradient black to red-color.
The older of the two bent down to the child's level and affectionately patted her head. "Hey, Lucy-chan. How are you?"
"I'm fine, [Surname]-neesan. You're here for the tutor, right?" The child, Lucy, greeted back with such formality, a small smile gracing her lips.
[Name] chuckled, standing back to her full height. "I've told you before that you can just call me [Name]-neesan. And yes, I'll be tutoring you and your brother once again."
"Please come in then, [Name]-neesan. Mama and Niisan are waiting inside," Lucy said then grasped the female's hand, dragging her into their household while the young ravenette closed the gates after.
"Pardon the intrusion," [Name] declared whilst removing her shoes and placing them neatly on a rack beside the door.
"Oh! It's you, [Name]-chan! Please, come in, come in!" A beautiful woman appeared from one of the rooms and ushered the teenager in. She has long charcoal tresses that fade into a shade of blue at the tips, reaching her waist, and her irises were a gradient of orange and purple. Glancing at her daughter from behind the teen, she ushered her as well. "Lucy, dear, can you please place the snacks that I've prepared on the coffee table? And please call your brother upstairs."
"Yes, Mama," the girl obediently nodded her head and did as she was instructed to.
The woman smiled, watching as the child disappear into the kitchen. She then faced her visitor and briefly gave her a welcoming hug to which the teen happily returned. It lasted for a moment before the two pulled away. "It's nice seeing you again, [Name]-chan. The kids really love you here. I do apologize for taking your entire evening just to tutor my children, especially when school just started. It has to be tough managing your duties as a student and your part-time job, right?"
"Ah! It's no problem at all, Lilith-san! I'm just happy to be able to help Lucy-chan and Levi-kun with their studies," the [h/c]ette reassured, sending the adult a carefree smile with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Besides, I can handle my schoolwork and jobs just fine."
"If you say so, [Name]-chan. But do remember to take care of yourself, okay?"
"I'll sure will, Lilith-san. Don't worry."
Lilith smiled, seemingly content with her response. "Well, then. Please rest and have a snack. I'm sure you're pretty tired from the trip."
"Thank you, Lilith-san," [Name] returned the smile with her own as they both entered the living room.
The teenager sat on one of the couches, placed her bag beside her, and laid her back comfortably against the cushion. Lilith came in after and poured the girl cranberry juice into a cup, giving it to her after filing the entire glass. The student uttered thanks and drank the juice. Lilith only smiled as she went into the kitchen once again. [Name] placed the glass down and took a tuna sandwich from the plate. She took small bites to savor the taste while taking out the phone from her pocket, and checking her new messages.
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"Heh...? So normie-neesan has a boyfriend already? As expected from a normie."
[Name] almost choked on her sandwich at the sudden voice beside her. Her heart was hammering against her chest in complete shock and alarm. With wide [e/c] eyes, she whipped her attention towards the source. There, stood behind the couch she was sitting on, was a young boy—short bluish-purple side-swept hair and half-lidded orange-purple eyes. He had his arms crossed over the back of the couch, leaning on it. The expression he was giving was rather bored and unamused; maybe perhaps about the new information that he got from his tutor.
"Levi-kun!" She quietly shrieked in surprise, pink dusting across the female's face at his earlier claim. "Please don't scare me like that!"
〝When did this child even sneak up on me? Geez... I really should pay attention to my surroundings.〞
"So... Who's the guy? Is he a normie like you?" Levi completely ignored her small outbursts and instead walked around the couch and sat beside her. He took a sandwich and munched on it. "Is he?"
Recovering from her surprised state, she cleared her throat and placed the half-eaten sandwich on the plate. She returned the phone to her bag. "No. He's not my boyfriend. He's just a childhood friend. And technically, you can say that he is a normie."
"Hm..." The boy mused, still not convinced. "But if you're friends with him from childhood, isn't he gonna be your sweetheart? You know, that's the trope in most anime and dating sims!"
[Name]'s blush deepened. "N-no! You've got it wrong! We're just friends, nothing more! I could consider him as my family but nothing else. And please don't compare reality to those fictions..."
Levi was taken aback by her words, shock evident in his expression. "Nee-san! How could you! I thought you liked anime and games as well?! Then why are you belittling them like this?! Maybe it was wrong of me to think you were different from those normies!"
The girl sweatdropped. Fortunately, her blush had died down. Though in place, she has to calm the otaku boy down before he sulked in a corner because of her betrayal, or so he indirectly claimed. Levi started whining and talking to himself about how 2D characters are better than real people and how he doesn't need any non-otaku friends. [Name] was about to make a move on the boy only to be stopped when a book was slapped on his unsuspecting head. The teen had to blink twice at the sudden occurrence which left her dumbfounded.
"Ouch! What was that for, Lucy?!" Levi roared while holding his head, looking from behind him to glare at his sister.
"You should stop making trouble for [Name]-neesan. She's not here to listen to your whines nor stop you from throwing a tantrum; she's here to tutor both you and me," the young girl stated, a bit of venom in her stern voice which made her older brother gulp and shut up.
The [h/c]-haired student could only sweat-drop at this sibling duo. Despite Lucy's young age, she appeared more mature and strict than her otaku and game-loving older brother. It's a wonder how could a nine-year-old girl even manage to discipline an 11-year-old boy on behalf of her parents. And what's even a mystery is that Levi would be obedient despite him being the oldest and probably having a higher authority than her. That, [Name] will never know.
〝These two are a weird brother-sister combo.〞
"Now, now, Lucy. There's no need for that, dear. Let's have some snacks first and chat before you two start studying," Lilith entered the room once again with a gentle smile on her face, clasping her hands as she sat on a couch opposite where her guest and son sat.
"Yes, Mama," the ravenette girl complied and followed suit, sitting next to her mother.
The four of them engaged in lively chatter and occasional laughter caused by Levi's unusual jokes and voice imitation of his favorite characters. Lucy had to restrain herself from sighing at her brother's childish behavior and instead listened to the conversation between her mother and [Name]. Lilith would bring up topics about the girl's education and ask her how she was faring. The teenage student would give curt replies saying that she's fine and can handle her duties just fine.
The Lady of the House would often wonder to herself if her children should attend Akademi once they're in high school, which leads her to ask her guest about her opinion. [Name] insists that the siblings should rather attend better schools which are near their home. Of course, she was questioned why, but the [h/c]ette only gave the partial truth to her reasoning.
Once six o'clock struck, they cleaned the table and brought the empty dishes inside the kitchen. Lucy helped her mother to wash the utensils while [Name] started to tutor the blue-haired otaku. Soon after, the young girl joined them.
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After an hour and a half of studying, the trio returned the textbooks and notebooks to their respective places. The siblings went upstairs to their room to fix their school materials while [Name] returned her teaching materials to her bag. She stood up and dusted her clothes. Glancing over at the clock in the room, she pursed her lips. 7:32, it read. Depending on tonight's traffic, she might return home at eight at the very least.
"[Name]-chan?" A certain female called out.
"Yes, Lilith-san?" The mentioned girl trudged toward where the adult was.
"Come and have dinner with us. It would be rude of me if I didn't let you eat before going home. I'm sure you'll be hungry on your way back," the ravenette insisted, placing plates on the dining table.
"Ah! There's no need for that, Lilith-san! I'll be fine on the road. I'll just buy some snacks. Really, I'll be fine," [Name] dismissively waved her hands.
"Please," the adult's gentle eyes gave her a look. One that says that she won't take no for an answer. "I insist."
The girl only let out a defeated sigh and smiled afterward. "If it's not much trouble for you then, Lilith-san."
〝Lilith-san sure is persistent.〞
"Great! My husband should be returning by now," Lilith cheered, clapping her hands together.
[Name] sat on one of the chairs, placing her bag on the floor. The two kids came in not long, Levi taking a seat next to the ravenette while Lucy helped her mother set the table. The child would go back and forth from the kitchen to the dining with plates of dishes in each hand. [Name] was feeling guilty for letting the girl do all work and volunteered on helping her, only for the younger girl to decline, saying that she was fine. So she, of course, complied and sat patiently on her seat.
Once the table was done, the ravenette girl took a seat opposite the older female. Lilith entered the kitchen while carrying a pot of soup, placing it in the middle of the table. [E/c] eyes scanned the food prepared—Salmon teriyaki, tempura, mapo tofu, miso soup, shogoyaki, tonkatsu, and a variety of sushi. She couldn't believe her eyes; surely, Lilith doesn't have to prepare this many. However, before she could voice her question, her ears perked up at the sound of the gate of the household creaking and soon the front door opened.
"It's Papa!" Levi cheered, hopping off his chair, and raced out of the dining to greet his father.
"Nii-san!" Lucy shouted, her tone scolding. The legs of the chair scraped against the floor as she hurried after him. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop running through the halls!"
The [h/c]-haired high schooler could only blink her eyes in confusion and stare at the doorway. During her time tutoring the two during vacation, she never once encountered nor saw their father. She only knew his name—Beel—and that's it. There was a family portrait atop a cabinet in the living room, but she never once took an interest in looking at it. Even though it's harmless, she still doesn't want to appear nosy inside their household.
"My, my. This is the first time you'll be meeting their father, right?" A voice broke the female from her trance. She faced the owner of the voice and saw Lilith by the doorframe.
[Name] gave a curt nod. "Yes."
Just as she said that a buff man entered her sight. She can't help but let her [e/c] pools dilate in complete shock. Standing beside Lilith was her husband, Beel—he has messy, almost spiky orange hair and a purple and pink gradient eye color. His son was perched on his shoulders, hugging his head, while Lucy was holding his free hand. The spouses exchanged a brief kiss and Beel finally let Levi down.
〝That's Beel-san?! Oh my gosh, he's so tall and muscular! Even with his clothes on, his muscles still pop out!〞
He faced the guest and smiled. "So, you're [Name], right? Thanks for painstakingly tutoring my kids. I know Lucy's diligent but a bit rigid. And this one can be a problem, though I hope he doesn't cause you any trouble."
"It's unfair how you always look upon Lucy..." Levi mumbled to himself, seemingly upset by his father's comment. He crossed his arms and averted his gaze away, a pout present on his lips.
〝Levi-kun seemed hurt by that...〞
"It's such a pleasure to meet you Beel-san," [Name] stood up and bowed respectfully. "I thoroughly enjoyed helping them both with their studies. And please don't worry; I didn't encounter any problems when tutoring them. Levi-kun is pretty hardworking when he puts his mind to things, so I didn't have any concerns with him. And as for Lucy-chan, I admire her independence and knowledge that I didn't need to do anything in particular for her."
"I see, then. That's great," Beel smiled, placing both of his hands on his children's hair and ruffling it. "Hear that, you two? Keep up the great work and Papa will surely reward you."
Levi cheered loudly, jumping on his spot. Lucy was calm unlike her brother, but her reddish-black eyes were gleaming with happiness. The spouses chuckled at their kids before they settled down for dinner. Beel sat at the head of the table, Lilith to his right and Levi on his left. Lucy sat beside her mother while [Name] remained in her previous seat next to the otaku.
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"Wah... So tired..." A certain [h/c]ette groaned out, entering her room while yawning.
It was already 8:24 when she returned home from her job. And of course, Osano had to send her a multitude of texts asking about her whereabouts and the time she'll be returning. The girl can't help but think that the ginger was overprotective of her, to a degree that he even surpassed his mother's concern for the female. [Name] was quite intrigued with his change, but didn't intend on confronting him about it. While on the way home, she had to repeatedly assure the male that she was safe on the trip and will be returning home shortly. But knowing the male, he wasn't that convinced that he even waited for her at the train station for her arrival.
A tired sigh escapes her slightly parted lips, turning the light off and heading towards her bed. Once she had made herself comfortable on the soft mattress, she pulled the blanket from beneath and put it over her body. Closing both of her eyes, drowsiness overcame her body and she immediately fell asleep.
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Smells Good, Captain
Characters: Head Engineer Mark, GN!Reader as The Captain, brief appearances by Gunther, Celci, and Burt
Word Count: 799
Spicy Rating: None, just some gifts! Author's Note: ...Yes this is oddly self-indulgent. Yes I can and have made soap with each of these scents before. I...I like making soap.
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"New soap, Captain? Smells nice. Suits you."
You can't help the heat that rises to your cheeks as you pull back from the hug you were giving your head engineer. Mark's eyes shine with a touch of mischief, and you know he's called you out.
It started months ago. One of the first things you found that you enjoyed doing with your new-found free time, now that you weren't needed to get the colony's day to day needs in order, was making soap. It was hard work at times, making sure it all came together, but it was honestly soothing. Sometimes it was a good way to spend a day, and the excitement of waiting for your bars to cure before you could start gifting them out was enough to keep you doing it. It didn't hurt that it was your own little way of providing for the people around you still.
The very first thing you wanted to try, once you were confident enough, was to try and replicate the soap Mark had been using both aboard the Invincible and since. Not because of a crush, or anything like that, clearly not! Just...he had become such a source of comfort for you that the scent helped you relax every time he gave you a much appreciated hug. Initially, it hadn't been quite right, and you were frustrated with the first attempt even as you handed out the bars to appreciative families. You had to start breaking down each little scent until it made sense, trying to replicate the smells around him.
It wasn't just the crisp, clean notes of his soap that lingered around him, after all. It was the little hint of coffee that lingered around him all day. It was the little touch of orange oil in the scrub he used to help get all the oil and grease off his hands. You played with the balance of scents, working until you breathed in the blend, and could picture him standing over your shoulder, his head cocked to one side, watching what you were doing with curiosity.
It had been a replication meant to help you relax, and Mark knew this.
Fine, if he wanted to tease, then you were going to up your game.
Out of your Leads, Gunther was oddly the easiest to figure out first. Despite the machismo that makes up most of his personality, the best scents you had that really encapsulated him included a hint of of florals. The immediate notes were deep and woody, with the faintest touch of lavender, lemon, and rounded out with a musky undertone. It was just right, and he seemed to agree. Gunther sniffled out a "Thanks, Cap," before wrapping himself around you to hug you tightly.
Which, of course, Celci saw, and then questioned how you managed to make the ADS Lead...well, not cry. Gunther would throw a fit, with guns, if anyone called it crying. But...you made him emotional. So you made her some too. Despite her being the Cyro Lead and dressing in cool tones, she was really a warm person at the core. So you chose the notes of cinnamon and cardamom, with just a little vanilla, encouraging the idea that someone was in a kitchen, baking something sweet just for you. Celci openly cried at the gift, hugging you tightly. For weeks, she thanked you loudly every time someone complimented the scent or mentioned it making them craving baked goods while they were near her.
And that was how Burt found out. Not one to ruffle feathers, in any way, but he still lit up in surprise and joy when you had the perfect answer for his. Despite his part of the maintenance crew working with the reactors, often in high heat, you knew the right choice was going to be matching the poetic habit of speech. His soap ended up smelling like walking right into a lush greenhouse, bright and earthy with growing plants. The bottom note of peppermint cutting through everything brought a bite of refreshing coolness to it. The poetry that pulled itself from the man was exactly what you had hoped for, waxing on about cycles of growth.
As for Mark...well, your head engineer has always been a touch jealous. He's not one to shy away from pouting, and he gets so much more pouty when you show affection or attention towards the other Leads.
That is, until you handed him his gift. One of your perfectly replicated him-smelling soaps. Mark looked down at it, then back up at you, confused. Clearly he had been expecting something unique like the others. You stepped close, whispering into his ear.
"Smells nice. It suits you."
It was absolutely worth it to step back and see his bright blush.
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humanoidalien27 · 1 year
The next chapter for you lovely people. Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.
Content warning: fluffy stuff and trust issues
Chapter 10
Summertime sadness
It had been a few weeks, Sebastian and Ominis seemed to have found a way to cope without magic, even helping with the chores, not that Sebastian didn't explain all the ways magic could make it easier.
You were happy to see more color come back into your mom's face as she listened intently to all the stories Sebastian shared of his time at Hogwarts.
He even told her about Anne and her curse, now putting the blame where it belonged, on Rookwood.
Ominis was opening up, not nearly as fast as Sebastian, but he started to engage in the conversation more.
He still sat close to you and would fidget if you had to do something, leaving him alone with your mother.
You had been waiting for a particular owl to arrive and when you heard it screech, you had to get to it before Sebastian pestered you about who it was from.
You took the letter, paid the owl and opened it outside, not that you couldn't hear Sebastian already pacing.
You read through it quickly, before stashing it in your pocket as Sebastian walked out into the porch, too impatient to wait, with Ominis and your mom flanking him.
You took a deep breath, instantly seeing his shoulders drop. "She'll be here tonight."
Life sparked in his eyes as they darted to yours. Before you could react, you were crushed into the tightest hug you've ever felt, nearly being picked up off your feet.
He let go almost as quickly as he grabbed you and turned towards Ominis. "She's coming!"
"I know, I heard. I'm blind not deaf," he teased, but Sebastian was too excited to notice as he raced inside.
"He's not going to demolish the house, is he?"
"Given his nature, I suspect he'd end up breaking something."
Your mom looked to you as she couldn't even tell if Ominis was joking that time.
"Probably best if we kept an eye on him," you admitted before heading into the house.
But, he was just sitting at the table dumbfounded.
"Sebastian, are you okay?"
"Given Anne's curse, I do want to find a cure still, but I don't even know where to begin."
You were grateful that Sebastian had told your mother everything after he broke down due to nightmares and stress. He hadn't left out a single detail, which landed you in some hot water for not clueing her in on how dangerous your year had truly been.
"Not turning to forbidden magic, is a good start," Ominis replied as worry flicked through his expression.
"You said that Rookwood fellow cursed her, so maybe looking for possible curses humans know would be a good place to start. As far as you've told me, you were only looking for goblin related curses," your mom offered slowly as if unsure she should get involved.
"That doesn't quite narrow it down," you mumbled. "Rookwood wasn't above using any spell to get what he wanted."
"But, you can see which curse is close to Anne's symptoms and figure out the best way to cure her. Though I would feel better if you had more experienced help."
One face popped into your head.
"We could try contacting Professor Fig," you offered. "He knows how to keep a secret."
"Fig? The teacher who mentored you after your letter arrived?"
You nodded. "Yeah, he also has ministry contacts, so we might be able to get better help or even more help with the search."
"It's better than watching her die," Sebastian admitted, rubbing at his chin. "She's all the family I have left."
You couldn't help but glance at your mom. You probably would have walked the same path he did to save her life.
"Okay, I'll send an owl to Professor Fig."
You headed out of the room, with Ominis closely following.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked once you were in your room. "The last time we went down this road, someone was killed."
"Yes, but he was doing it alone. This way, Fig's involved and by extension, the ministry. It'll keep him from doing anything foolish," you replied as you looked back at him. "People need hope Ominis. Hope that life isn't as screwed up as it seems. We know that better than anyone."
His expression melted. "I know, but given what happened last time, my fear isn't unwarranted."
"No, it's not." He relaxed further at your admission. "Which is why I want to do this now. Sebastian won't be able to pilfer through the tomes at Hogwarts by himself. He'd have to wait for answers, while rebuilding the bridge with his sister and what better way to do that than in a neutral area that neither are accustomed to and can't use magic?"
His brows pinched for a second. "You've been planning this for a while."
"Feeling helpless while watching someone you care about die, it takes a toll. That pain never really goes away, you just learn to tune it out until something reminds you of it."
He fell silent, knowing you were referring to your father's death.
"I understand where Sebastian is coming from. I've lived it. Only, I had my mom to help me. He had Solomon and come on, that guy hated Sebastian. Anyone could see that. There wasn't even three beds in their house. Solomon had no qualms about yelling at him when I first arrived, I'd hate to see how he treated him without company-"
"I get it, I do." He sighed, dropping his head. "If this starts taking a turn for the worst- if he starts using dark magic again."
"You'll turn me in, I know that. I take my commitments seriously," Sebastian said standing at the door. "All I've wanted was a chance. A chance that I wouldn't loose my family completely."
"I know Sebastian," Ominis whispered, lifting his head. "I don't agree with it, but given my family, I guess I wouldn't fully understand."
"You can choose whose in your family," your mom said, moving up behind Sebastian. "Blood doesn't make them family, it just means you're related. As we grow, we build our family out of the people we come to know. Some stay and some go, but that happens. The three of you have been fighting for each other your whole school year."
Your eyes travelled to the boys, both lost in thought until Ominis's head turned in your direction.
"I now understand where you got your way with words."
You snickered as your mom turned red and made an excuse to leave the room.
"Are we telling Anne?" Ominis asked with a sharp tone.
"I've already spoken to her about it. She wasn't happy, but when I explained Sebastian's side, she was willing to allow it under the rule of absolutely no dark magic, which the three of us agree on, might I add."
His heckles softened. "I just don't want a repeat. I doubt our friendship would be able to survive another go."
"I don't want that either Ominis. I owe the both of you more than I can probably repay. I'm not going to destroy what I've managed to get back."
You looked at Sebastian as pain crossed his features.
"I'm going to go see if Sara needs help with anything."
Ominis sighed heavily as he dropped into a nearby chair.
"Are you mad at him or yourself for not stopping him?" You asked after Sebastian's footsteps faded.
"Both, I expect, but bringing this back up-"
"I know, I wasn't too fond of the idea myself, but Anne's his sister and it's hard enough with her hating him, but if she dies before that rift can close, Sebastian will never be the same. Do you really want to watch both of your friends twist unrecognizably?"
"Obviously I don't, but this isn't something we should take lightly. Our actions have consequences that affect other people."
"I do know that, Ominis."
His fists clenched as he shook his head. "If someone else dies-"
"If we do nothing, someone will die anyway and it'll be Anne." He flinched at how harsh you sounded, but you pressed on. "I'm not telling him to pick up were he left off. I'm telling him that if he needs to do this, to do it right. Without secrets, dark magic or sneaking around. Solomon can't destroy every avenue Sebastian has now. He CAN do it right. We just have to put a little faith in him."
"I did put my faith in him before-"
"So, he's not worthy of forgiveness, but you are?"
You knew it was wrong to use that against him after everything he's done to prove he's changed, but he was as stubborn as Sebastian at times.
Sometimes being reminded that people are human is needed; they're messy and sometimes cruel. For all human advances, we're still flawed and ignorant to the experiences and hardships of others, but there was enough hate in the word it didn't need more.
Without being able to see you, his eyes glared right into yours, but he didn't reply.
Frustration built up and you knew if you continued this conversation a bigger fight would break out.
"I'm going for a walk."
You headed towards the door as he sat there, his head following your movements.
Chapter list: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.
(I like my Ominis story. But damn if the one I'm writing for Sebastian isn't making me sit at the edge of my seat. So much mystery and suspense planned. ☺️ I will be releasing that after all of Ominis's are finished.)
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marythegizka · 6 months
WIP Word Search Game
Tagged by @mxanigel, thank you!! 😊 I was given the words NIGHT, COMFORT, and TREE.
Now, two of those aren't actually WIPs because CTRL+F has informed me that I do not, in fact, use the word 'comfort' a lot (I'm not sure what that says about me), and the one instance of 'night' I found is honestly rather disappointing, so I'm just bending the rules for this one.
Night - From Dreaming of Home (Not a WIP), a one-shot from my Mass Effect/Dragon Age crossover series, in which the Warden who killed the Archdemon (who happens to be Loghain, because I just have to put him in unpleasant situations) wakes up in Shepard's body after their reconstruction by Cerberus.
Dark. All around him is dark, unfathomable as a starless night, or a thick coat of tar spread over his vision, and he tries to move his hand to rub it against his eyes, but his limbs are heavy, stuck under the itchy cover that traps him like a coat of ice - cold, and inescapable. There are footsteps in the distance, and as they grow closer the distorted echoes that surround him become clearer. More human. Voices. Erin and Wynne's, he realises as a door creaks open, and, though he still cannot see them, he is now certain they are in the same room. “Surely you realise another grimoire is unlikely to hold the key to our problem.” "And what would you have me do?" Erin snaps. "Tell her Majesty the truth, for one. Maker knows I have little respect for the man but she ought to know..." "That her father remains unconscious. And she does." Past his closed eyelids, a faint, yellowish glow pierces the darkness, and he tries to open his eyes once more. To no avail. "Unconscious does not even begin to cover it. The man is cold as a corpse. It has been..." "Three weeks, yes, but he’s breathing,” Erin cuts her off again. “They both are. And that didn't stop anyone from trying to cure Arl Aemon, now, did it?" "You know this is different. The Arl is… everything Loghain is not. And you cannot expect the Circle to dispatch what few healers they have to spare for the benefit an apostate and a traitor to the Crown. Not after what happened.” “Oh, trust me,” she huffs. “I do not expect the Circle to dispatch anything for the benefit of anyone. That I got Irving to relinquish this book is a small miracle in its own right.”
Tree - from The Bear, in which Tav and Astarion have a run-in with - you guessed it - a bear (no, not that bear, as they will soon find out)
Outside the tent, Scratch barks in alarm. Urgh. Of course. It's in moments like this that he curses himself for not letting Shadowheart keep the dog. "We're fine, Scratch!" Tavalyn exclaims, but the barking doesn't stop, and soon enough, a growl follows.  Astarion doesn't bother repressing a groan as he throws the flap of the tent open, ignoring the rays that prick at his exposed skin like so many ants busying themselves about a piece of carrion. He doesn't dwell on the image, blinking at the beast before him instead. "What in the Hells ... Halsin?" he hazards, knowing full well the man is half a continent away petting bunnies, feeding orphans and hugging trees. Not that he is particularly eager to have the druid play gooseberry, mind you, but the prospect is somewhat less daunting than fighting a bear naked while the sun slowly-but-not-that-slowly roasts him to a crisp. Gods, the sun... Astarion dives back into the tent, finding cover in the shade. The bear, however, does not lose interest. One roar, then it charges. Not Halsin. Definitely not.
Comfort - from Long Live the King (not a WIP either), in which Erin and Loghain join Alistair on his journey to Tevinter to rescue Maric. Things are going swimmingly (no).
“Maker damned rum,” he groaned. “I’ll be feeling this all day… A word of advice: if Isabela tries to ‘comfort’ you with a drink, do yourselves a favour and say no. I’d rather have darkspawn blood again. At least you expect it to be foul.” Loghain extended the bucket to him. “This might be of use,” he said. “But your advice is noted.” “Oh, wonderful. A bucket to barf in. Way to turn around a lousy day. Never would have thought of that myself.” Well, then. Loghain picked up the bucket and made for the cabin-door. Alistair caught his arm. “Wait! I’ll take it.”
Tagging (as always, only if you feel like it): @dairine-bonnet, @deedeemactir, @illusivesoul... and I think everyone else has already been tagged, but if you haven't and I forgot you, don't hesitate to pretend I tagged you too! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the words: light, friend, and danger!
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cyarikakay · 1 year
In Every Universe I'll Find My Way Back To You
Chapter 2!
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Hey guys I left the few of you that read the first chapter on a cliff hanger last night. I couldn't leave you hanging to long so here is part 2 for you all. I will try to Pin part 1 for those of you who haven't read yet🖤
Theres Really not many warnings for this chapter age gap, and maybe language?Just SUPER Fluffy. Haha!
In Every Universe I’ll Find My Way Back To You
Chapter 2: In The Middle Of The Night
“Is it really you?” 
He asked moving off and standing above your muddy body. 
“Yeah… it’s me Joel” 
You breathed out standing up with a smile starting to spread across your face. 
Before you know it he took two long strides and pulled you into a hug. It wasn’t a normal Joel hug. It was tighter, breathtaking, no words being spoken,no giggles, just you and him. 
He grabbed your face gently in his palms and just stared.
“Im so glad your here, I didn’t know what happened to you.” 
You sat and wondered for a minute about Tommy. Did Tommy stop radioing Joel?
Who knows thats between them now. 
“I missed you so much.” You said through tired, teared up eyes. 
“I missed you too.. So much.”
You heard a young voice behind the flashlight speak to the other, “Do they know each other?” 
“Old friends.” the other sighed. 
After a minute the older woman spoke and clearly you could tell who that was… 
“Joel I’d be careful she could be infected.” 
Don’t get me wrong , Tess was great, but she was jealous of you and Joel’s relationship before you got taken by the Fireflies. She used to follow him around like a lost puppy. 
He scanned you over, looking up and down moving your hair, to check your neck. 
“I’m not infected Joel, I broke out from the fireflies lab.” 
“Okay, I believe you.” 
“Hi, I’m Ellie by the way.” The young girl stated.
You looked at Joel and Tess a little confused. The girl looked young, how young? , no idea. 
“Hi Ellie, I’m y/n” 
She smiled, at your acknowledgement. 
“Tess” you gave her a nod
“Good to see you kid.” She said sharply.
There's that word again “KID”, you were definitely no kid, just a phrase she used to get under your skin. 
“Joel, we need to get going.” she rushingly told him. 
“Well hold on Tess.” 
You didn't know where your relationship stood with Joel. When you were taken you two were still a couple, now he's here with Tess. Is she still following him or is she with him?
“Y/n/n, where were you going, where have you been ?” 
He said it as if he thought you weren't looking for him. 
“I just got out of the Fireflies hold not too long ago. After they ripped me outta the QZ, I was forced to help find a cure. I tried to escape a couple times but it wasn't easy because we kept moving locations. I got out and I been looking for you..” 
He looked sad, he wanted to say something, he didn't know what, but he knew he wanted to say something, but Tess was burning holes in the back of his head.  
“Well you found me.” he said gently, grabbing your hand, and giving it a light squeeze.
You smiled, you wanted to kiss him, jump in his arms again. But its still unknown of the status of your relationship. 
“You're coming with us right?” his eyes looked pleading. 
“Is that what you want?”
He gave you a questioned look and saw you gaze over towards Tess. 
“Yes… I'm not losing you again.” 
“Where are we heading?” 
“Transporting Ellie. We were about to camp out for tonight, head out in the am.” 
Tess chimed in suddenly. 
“Joel, we really need to keep movin.”
“Well if you guys want to rest I was heading to my safe house, I made it here. I was gonna stay there for tonight before making my way up to Boston to find you… We can stay there if you guys want to rest up.” 
Tess gave Joel a look, hard to describe.
“I got supplies, I can feed yall.” 
“Just like we used to huh?” Joel said with a smirk. 
You chuckled. “Yes”
“Tess, I think we should camp there for the night.”
She just nodded, you could see right through her, you knew she was pissed. 
“ It's just across here and back.” 
You lead the way with the three of them trailing behind. Ellie was more beside you making conversation. She was a funny kid. 
You came up to the safe house and drug some of the wood off the porch into the house. 
You started a fire in the fireplace and threw some canned soup into a pot and held it inside to warm up for the others. The four of you sat there and ate silently.  Joel agreed to take the couch and first watch. We had locks, no real need to watch tonight. Tess and Ellie went into one of the bedrooms with a couch and bed and laid in there. You had made your way to the bedroom you had found previously with all your belongings in. Laying there your mind couldn't stop racing, knowing  Joel was only a few feet away from you. You wondered about everything under the sun. Where did he and you stand? Is he with Tess? Has he looked for you? This is silly you thought to yourself you were with him for years you just needed to go talk to him. 
You quietly made your way out into the fire lit living room, You could see him sitting there on the couch. Plaid spread across his broad shoulders, gray patched feathered through his thick hair. You made your way around and sat beside him on the old worn couch. 
“I see you still never sleep.” he said with a small laugh.
“You made sleeping easier…” he smiled remembering your frequently used comment.
“So-” you said in unison. 
“Go ahead.” you encouraged. 
“I just… I just can't believe you're finally here again.”
“I fought hard to get here.” he gave you a saddened look. 
“I'm sorry..” he whispered.
“Joel, why in god's name are you sorry.”
“I couldn't save you from them.”
The guilt washed across his freckled tan cheeks.
“Joel, what happened to me wasn’t your fault.” you tried reassuring him.
“I did try to find you, ya know?” 
You had no idea, you honestly believed he didn't bother, you should have known better but for whatever reason you didn't think he would.
“You did?” you asked 
“I did, I'd sneak outta the QZ at night, or take a couple days off to wander to one of the Firefly camps.” 
“Joel, I had no idea. I honestly thought you… I thought you forgot about me.” 
The look he gave you was enough to get your heart racing. 
“You really thought that?”
“I did for a while, but I tried to shake that thought from my mind. I held onto every moment we shared to get me through to find my way to you.” you said tears starting to well up in the corner of your eyes.
“How could I forget you? You were everything to me. After everything you were all I had… I loved you…” 
“I loved you too Joel.” 
He reached over and grabbed your hand giving it another little squeeze.
“Are you with Tess now?” it kind of slipped out. You were thinking it did not want to say it.
He sighed. 
“No, I'm not.” You left out a small sigh of relief. 
“I really missed you..” he breathed out as he pulled you in closer.
“I missed you Joel.” 
He gently cupped your face in his hands, rubbing circles with his thumb into your cheek looking into your eyes. You leaned up and gently pecked his lips , trying to read the gesture.
He then pulled you in for a passionate breathtaking kiss. He kissed as if he was trying to apologize, make up for lost time, and tell you he loved you in one swift kiss.
  The two of you soon dozed off on the couch together side by side, like old times.
Tomorrow was a new day, a new journey. This time Joel was by your side. You were excited but terrified. The only excitement you had was waking up next to him everyday again.
Maybe forever this time.
Part 1
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