#Kon: yes babe
the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC Fake Dating
In my head the episode “Masters of all Time” is where this timeline diverges so before Vlad cloned Danny, because let’s face it that’s really where his character went from understandable though still an ass, to full cartoon supervillain and where his writing went downhill.
So Vlad is now cool with Danny and the Fentons. After seeking their help curing his ecto-acne, he had plenty of time to reconnect with Jack while recovering. Maybe the cola tainted ectoplasm is what was causing his extreme moods and obsessive tendencies in the first place, or maybe he just saw the error of his ways and has been in therapy since then
So Danny, a bit older and no longer dating Sam after an amicable breakup, now has a well meaning Vlad Masters trying to set him up with various rich socialites. A lot of them are being pushed by their parents because of Danny’s connection to the Masters’ name.
It does not go well
Tired of all Vlad’s well meaning efforts, Danny decides to fake a relationship to get him off his back, at least untill he forgets about the whole thing. 
Who’s he going to “Date?”
Tim? A fellow insomniac, lover of coffee, similar aged and sharing his sense of humor? His connection to the Wayne and Drake names would certainly appease Vlad’s insistence that Danny deserves only the best partner
Kon? Those two would get on like a house on fire. clearly I’m talking about classic punk leather jacket and a million piercings Kon. Maybe he picks him because the punk bad boy look annoys Vlad, maybe just because Kon would find it funny. Maybe Vlad knows about Kon’s connection to Luther, or he doesn’t and seriously is questioning Danny’s choice. Maybe Tim and Kon are Dating on the down low and Tim is just lending Danny his boyfriend because they both think it’s funny, and it may or may not end up with all three dating
Jason? Age Danny up a but more and boom, Jason is a valuable option. The black sheep(acording to presses) of the Wayne family. From crime alley, leather jacket and motorcycle bad boy that would drive Vlad crazy(he’s better and not evil but he’s still vlad) but he can’t protest because he is a Wayne after all. 
any variety of DC characters honestly. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope
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starlooove · 2 years
Ok but Lex Luther is 1000% a black capitalist who will conveniently ignore that he’s black until it’s time for him to try and cater to the community for something (“as always…Wakanda forever! Signed presidential candidate Lex Luthor”) and I genuinely think that he would not have made Kon privy to the fact that HE’S also black so just
Core four hanging at Wayne manor one day and Duke happens to walk in and he’s not rude or anything ok? Hell, he gave himself a fade so he technically had no real room to talk! It’s just…why did Kon relax his hair just to curl it again?? And badly too? Shit looks fried and he just wants to see if he can help so he kinda pulls him over and is like “what’s ur routine bro?”
And Kon has no idea what’s going on?? What is a “doo rag?” What the hell does Duke want him to “pick?” And Duke is finally upfront about it and is like “Conner…do you know that you’re black?” And Kon short circuits.
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
My favourite wfa episode is where Bruce leaves his comm channel open. I am sure he is not the only one to do this, so any other shenanigans of the batfam leaving comms on when they really shouldn't?
Bruce: *turns on his comms*
Dick: Are you a terabyte of data? 'Cause you've been taking up my whole memory.
Barbara: *giggles*
Bruce: *switches channels*
Steph: Can you hold my drink while I check the perimeter again?
Cass: Sure.
Cass: *sluuuurp—*
Bruce: *switch*
Tim: Relax, babe. My family's all on different missions and Alfred's flying to England in the morning. You should come over. Bart and Cassie are bringing food, Cissie's inviting a bunch of her friends, and Kon's putting on fireworks. It's gonna be the greatest party ever.
Bruce: *switch*
Damian: Shh, just stay under my cape until I give you the signal.
Damian's cape: Woof!
Bruce: *switch*
Jason: Roymeo, Roymeo, wherefore art thou Roymeo.
Roy: Motherfucker I'm right here!
Jason: This is why we're in couples therapy!
Bruce: *switch*
Kate: Who's a good bike? You are, yes you are—
Bruce: *switch*
Luke: Gordon Ramsay says pineapple doesn't belong on pizza.
Bette: I've talked to an Italian and they said it was okay, and Italians beat celebrity chef.
Helena: Well I raise you both a Mario Batali.
Harper: This is also Rock, Paper, Scissors to me.
Bruce: *switch*
Bruce: *switch*
Bruce: Alfred, I've decided on a career change.
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yeetus-feetus · 8 months
incorrect quotes (pt2)
Dick: What do you have? Damian: A KNIFE! Dick: NO!
Tim: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? Kon: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
Damian: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Jason: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Jon. Damian, pointing his hot glue gun towards Jason: You’re on thin fucking ice Todd.
Bernard: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? Kon: Yes? Bernard: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. Kon: Fuck. Bernard: It's gonna be a fun week! Kon: I'm going back to the farm. Bernard: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Jason: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Roy: Okay. Jason: And make out during the scary parts. Roy: Th- Roy: The scary parts.. Roy: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl???
Tim, Holding up a pack of pencils: These are kinda cute Kon: lol that’s gay Tim: We’ve been dating for 2 years—
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
prompt 24: "you owe me a kiss" ?
There's someone leaning on the table next to Kon.
Approaching from the bar, Tim can't see his face, but the too-casual-to-be-casual pose, the posturing, the flirty gestures... The way he's leaning down over Kon as Kon sits, saving the table for Tim to get back...
Tim's eyes narrow. Kon's a snack at any given time, to be sure (and especially tonight, in that tight-fitting top and tiny little skirt), but seriously? Hitting on him when Tim is right here?
"—flattered, but I'm here with someone," Kon says, smiling politely. "Have a nice night, though!"
"Aw, come on," the dude cajoles. Tim mentally rebrands him as That Fucking Guy. His disdain mounts. "Oldest line in the book, babe! I don't see anyone here with you. You sure you don't wanna—"
Maybe it's rude, but whatever. Tim intentionally shoves past That Fucking Guy a bit roughly. Frankly, he should count himself grateful Tim doesn't "accidentally" dump a beer all over him.
"Oops!" he says with venomously false cheer. "Didn't see you there. Here, angel, I got you your raspberry mojito."
He sets the glass down in front of Kon, slips his arm around his shoulders, and shamelessly leans down to kiss him. Overkill? Maybe, but it's viciously satisfying to shut That Fucking Guy down so dramatically. Serves him right for not taking the first no as an answer.
Besides, Kon is all Tim's. Hmph. Who does that guy even think he is?
When he draws back, Kon grins at him, eyes dancing. That Fucking Guy is staring awkwardly at them both.
"Told you I'm here with someone," Kon says, and tugs Tim down into his lap. He's about to say something polite to dismiss the guy, but Tim cuts in.
"He's mine," Tim informs him, staring daggers. He offers a smile that's all teeth. "Also, next time someone says 'no', you should maybe consider backing off. Just food for thought!"
"Jesus, okay, I get it, sorry," That Fucking Guy mutters, thoroughly ashamed. Tim watches with vindictive satisfaction as he turns tail and flees back towards the bar.
Kon hooks his chin over his shoulder, grinning. His cheeks are pink. "Ooh," he giggles. "I'm yours, Mister Drake? Am I all yours and only yours?"
Tim swivels to pin him with what he hopes is an unimpressed stare. He has a feeling he's off by several orders of magnitude. (Can't blame him when Kon's sitting here giggling so cutely while dressed like that, okay? Cute and hot at the same time is a deadly combination.)
"Yes," Tim says. "You are."
Kon's flush darkens, his cheeks visibly rosy even in the dimness. "...Yeah." He grins, buries his face in Tim's neck, and then giggles again. His nose bumps Tim's collarbone. "I love when you go full bitch mode at people," he teases; Tim can feel the curve of his smiling mouth against his neck. "Don't tell me you're jealous. You know you're my one and only."
"I know," Tim assures him. Something warm settles deep into his chest. He rubs his thumb over the fuzzy shaved hair at the base of Kon's head, and Kon hums. "It's not jealousy. I just think everyone else should know, too."
Kon laughs outright. Then he lifts his head, his eyes dancing as he meets Tim's gaze. His lipstick is slightly smudged, the glitter on his cheeks glimmering in the low light. "You owe me a kiss."
Tim raises an eyebrow. "I just gave you one." A pause. "Not that I'm opposed to more. But why do I owe you?"
"You left me to sit here all alone, guarding our table." Kon brushes his nose against Tim's. "You owe me for the trouble and heartache. You left me all alone on date night..."
"What, valiantly rescuing you from That Fucking Guy wasn't enough?" Tim asks. His hand curves along Kon's jaw.
Kon snorts. "You named him that in your head, didn't you?"
Tim wisely says nothing.
"He said his name was Bradley," Kon informs him.
"Angel," Tim says, cradling Kon's cheek in his palm. Kon leans into his touch, eyes closing in bliss. "I don't give a singular shit."
Kon lets out another peal of gorgeous laughter. "Yeah," he says, as Tim leans in. "I know."
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g-xix · 10 months
20 vs 1 | Tobi Brown
Now TRY tell me Tobi blessed Brown isn't absolutely fine... Exactly! We don't lie here, and you can't say Tobi isn't 100% gorgeous. That's why we get a Tobi oneshot today 😎 Quick pose for the camera? Go on girl:
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Killin it babe. Extra bit of media for what the character looks like + wore (bc i love seeing those things on ff's):
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Anyways, go on and enjoy the story lovelies
"Hey, how you doing?" I asked the guy as I walked into shot.
I had been invited by my friends, Kon, Kirsty and Charlie, to join in on one of a YouTube video by a group group whom they was friends with. The only information I had been issued was that I had to walk into shot, say hi, have a short conversation, be accepted of declined to a date and then if I was accepted I would get the opportunity to decline, before going on a date.
Now, I was in the shot talking with the said person who I might have to date.
My heart beat a little faster as I walked into the plain white set, containing nothing but a vast array of cameras and mics all wired and facing myself... and a man stood in the middle.
As I approached him, his eyes met mine with a simper from myself as I felt my heart flutter. He had dark eyes, though they were warmed by the smile he wore on his face. I broke eye contact to look at his outfit- mentally commending the matching silver rings and necklace he wore, also appreciating the way his clothes complemented him- his white shirt highlighting the muscle definition in his arms. I looked back up to see his eyebrow quirk with a grin, clearly having spotted me checking him out.
"Hey, I'm Erin and I'm 23." I spoke quietly, his eyes drawing me in more than the cameras- soothing me and telling me I didn't need to worry about all the eyes on us.
"Lovely to meet you, Erin." He grinned as learnt forwards, offering a hand. I slipped mine into his, expecting a simple hand shake, though I was surprised as he leant down to press a kiss to my hand, maintaining eye contact as he pressed his lips to my hand before taking a step closer to me as he came back up.
I felt a blush rising to my cheeks as I looked away, not wanting him to see the effect he had on me. "Erin- it just has to be a yes." He let my hand fall as he accepted, giving a nod before I walked off.
As I walked off I turned around to look at the guy once more, seeing that he too had turned around to glance at me. I giggled as my eyes made contact with his own, before speeding my walk into the changing room to find Zara with a squeal.
"How did it go?" Zara asked, linking hands with me and smiling as I jumped in excitement.
"It went really amazing! The guy... I didn't actually get his name, but he was... he was fit as hell, Zara." I smiled at the thought of our interaction.
"Really?" Zara asked. "All he said to me was a 'hi' and 'sure'."
"Oh, I mean, we didn't speak much more, he just said hi and a yeah too, but he was just so... I can't even explain it, attractive."
"Damn, I didn't even get a second glance after he accepted." Zara grumbled. I blushed, thinking back to the look we shared as I exited the set.
"Alright, everyone been accepted or passed?" Kirsty (one of the camera crew) popped her head around the door and questioned. Everyone nodded or replied a yes.
We then walked out depending on whether we liked Tobi or not, before sitting back-set once more and waiting for our date with him.
"Erin?" My head jolted upwards as I heard Kirsty say my name, beckoning me out for my date with Tobi.
"Do I look alright, Kirsty?" I questioned, straightening my clothes in an attempt to look good. I'd gone simple, with an oversized tee-shirt which covered most of my ripped black shorts, leaving my fishnets and chunky boots on my lower half- though I now began underestimating my outfit, the pressure of seeing him again causing me to overthink every minute detail.
"Shut up Erin, you look fit- and anyways- he's already accepted you for how you look so you can't look that bad." Kirsty rolled her eyes jokingly, her humour loosening my nerves slightly. "Alright, step through there and take a seat on the left. Tobi will be with you in a sec."
I took one of the two desolate seats in the middle of the room before I sat, staring at the large mirror on one of the walls. There had to be people behind that. Kon had told me before the shoot that the boys would be watching the date, hence I assumed they'd be behind there.
Kon had also issued a warning previously not to expect a normal date, which slightly worried me as I fidgeted with my fingers and sat in the chair, waiting for my date.
The sound of shoes hitting the floor woke me form my trance, causing my head to jolt upwards a smile to grace my face as I saw the familiar Tobi walk towards me, a grin slapped onto his face and his arms outstretched for a hug.
Dear God I was nervous for this date...
I picked myself up from my seat and beamed at Tobi, responding with a little 'hi!' as I reached up to sling my arms around his neck, whilst he hugged around my waist.
I sat down on my seat and began the date, making small talk and finding myself blushing every so often as he complemented me or started planning out our "next date", but also became slightly confused when he took off his bandana every few minutes claiming he was getting a bit of a headache- only for there to be another one underneath.
It was like a clown car- just when you think that the last bandana is off- there's another yet to come off.
A few bandanas down, he offered the black and white one to me, saying it 'matched my outfit', before I took upon his offer and allowed him to gently pull my hair back and knot it as an accessory behind my head. He didn't hesitate to call it cute from behind, before he turned to face me in front, Kon cutting off our date by saying it had been more than ten minutes- to which Tobi let out a groan in disappointment, bidding farewell before kissing me on the cheek and exiting- leaving me covering my face to hide the bright red blush that bloomed across my face as I sat in the chair, waiting for the final interview.
"How'd that date go then?" Kon interviewed.
"I thought it went really well- Tobi's really cute and I think he's really funny ... I thought it was a pretty fun date and with a nice guy too." I replied, trying not to gush over him. That was what I would do when I found Zara behind the set.
"Would you go on a date with him again?" Kon asked, smirking from behind the camera and giving me a knowing look which left me wondering whether he'd invited me onto the shoot to try and set me up with Tobi, today...
"Easily a yes." I giggled. "I mean- we already talked about what we'd do on other dates we have, and I've got his bandana which I think I'll have to return on another date." Looking down the lens of one of the cameras I smiled and mouthed 'call me', shaking my hand in the shape of a phone.
No sooner had I made that gesture, did I hear muffled screams from behind the mirror, causing me to laugh lightly before beginning to leave the set as Kon had gestured- though I was stopped as Tobi burst out of one of the doors behind the set, jogging up to me before smiling and grabbing my hand.
"Another date?" He questioned, panting slightly- seemingly having ran to get to the studio.
"Mhm, for sure!" I responded, unable to wipe the grin off my face.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, tapping on it for a few moments before holding the phone out for me, gesturing for me to type my phone number out, under the contact name Erin 💗🫠
"I'll see you again soon, Erin." Tobi smirked, enjoying a short hug before walking away- myself blowing a kiss at him before laughing as he did the infamous Garfield heel-click as he walked off.
Who knew that the Sidemen studio would be a place to find love...
Hope you enjoyed and to anyone that got this far into the story Thank you!!
I know this is unrelated and not something any readers are really obligated to care about, but my guinea pig passed away earlier today. Really gutted tbh and it feels like the end of a really great era, as I've had guinea pigs for the last 4 years but from today, I don't have any guineas. Praying and hoping Jordie passed away in peace and is happy in a better place now. Can't make anyone pray the same, but if you could just think of Jordie with some love for a moment I'd really appreciate that. God bless little Jordie and thank you to anyone that's shown some love🤍
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suzukiblu · 9 months
An excerpt for @wherethevoidends, who wanted to see something that was "feral4feral TimKon". I figured this was close to the right vibe for that, at least, haha.
Context: this is pre-ID reveal for Tim/Robin and definitely "identity porn" is gonna be a tag on this fic when it's finished. Tim is trying to finagle Kon into not living in Cadmus 5ever and Kon just thinks he's been hanging out with a real cool civilian dude whose life he saved once who is for some reason weirdly invested in his housing situation and keeps buying him stuff.
Kon: oh he's hitting on me, duh me
Tim: I'm what??
"Kon–" Tim chokes out unthinkingly, brain all fried out on Kon's weight pressing down into his lap and Kon's body against his body and Kon's mouth high up his throat, on Kon's bare thighs and exposed stomach and the stretch of fabric across his muscles and his–and then he very abruptly remembers that Kon never actually told "Tim Drake" his name and his eyes flare in alarm and he panics and Kon–
"Wow, you really did do your research," he observes in amusement, leaning back just enough to grin down at him. 
Tim is the luckiest son of a bitch alive. 
Also the stupidest, but that goes without saying. 
"Um," he says weakly. "Sorry?" 
"It's cool, babe, I'm starting to think scary stalker tendencies are just a Gotham thing at this point," Kon teases with another easy laugh, squeezing his arms around Tim's neck. They are unspeakably nice arms and Tim frankly does not deserve their presence. "To say nothing of the control freak stuff. I dunno, is there something in the water around here, or does it all just mean 'I like you' in Gothamite?" 
"So sorry," Tim stresses feebly, and Kon just smiles at him. 
"It's cool," he repeats quietly. "Seriously. I actually kinda like hearing you say my name. Or . . . okay, I really like it. It's still pretty new, to be honest, so I don't really hear it all that much. Shoulda told you it to begin with, I just . . . haven't had many people to tell, I guess.  But it's not like it's a secret or anything."
"Ah," Tim says, his gut twisting with totally, totally inappropriate heat. 
"Wanna say it again, maybe?" Kon asks softly, leaning back in with just the faintest trace of glitter and warmth in his eyes. "Wanna say it all the time?" 
Tim definitely wants to do that, yes. 
"Kon-El," he says, and Kon smiles. 
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Kiss in a BL Bracket
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Round One
Pat and Pran First Kiss (Bad Buddy) vs Kochi and Mitsuru Bed Kiss (Eternal Yesterday)
Jaewon and Jihyun Ep 9 Kiss (The Eighth Sense) vs Gavreel and Cairo First Kiss (Gameboys)
Seojoon and Jiwoo Ep 4 Kiss (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) vs Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi Drunk Kiss (We Best Love: Fighting For Mr. 2nd)
Tinn and Gun First Kiss (My School President) vs Hira and Kiyoi Hand Kiss (Utsukushii Kare)
Vegas and Pete Hospital Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Wan and Kitae First Kiss (Our Dating Sim)
Kan and Thua "Asleep" Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Sean and White Final Kiss (Not Me: The Series)
Siwon and Duan First Kiss (Blueming) vs Phupha and Tian Forehead Kiss (A Tale of a Thousand Stars)
Akk and Ayan Underwater Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Tin and Tol Final Kiss (Triage)
Nozue and Togawa First Kiss (Old Fashion Cupcake) vs Ai and Nhai Cheek Kiss (Ai Long Nhai)
Palm and Nueng Ep 9 Kiss (Never Let Me Go) vs Korn and Intouch Stolen Kiss (Until We Meet Again)
Pat and Pran Ep 7 Kiss (Bad Buddy) vs Ram and King Tent Kiss (My Engineer)
Kinn and Porsche First Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs King and Uea Morning Kiss (Bed Friend)
Hira and Kiyoi Final Kiss (Utsukushii Kare 2) vs Puen and Talay Forehead Kiss (Vice Versa)
Teh and Oh Aew Underwater Kiss (I Told Sunset About You) vs Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin Drunk Kiss (Addicted)
Sound and Win First Kiss (My School President) vs Dean and Pharm First Kiss (Until We Meet Again)
Sean and White First Kiss (Not Me: The Series) vs Ye Guang and Xu Qi Zhang First Kiss (About Youth)
Kinn and Porsche Goodbye Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Tongfah and Paper Ep 3 Kiss (Second Chance: The Series)
Nuea and Toh Ep 7 Kiss (Secret Crush on You) vs Tin and Tol Bed Kiss (Triage)
Hojoon and Jaeyoon Final Kiss (Roommates of Poongduck 304) vs Zi Xuan and Yu Hao Net Kiss (HIStory 2: Crossing the Line)
Sky and Prapai Final Kiss (Love in the Air) vs Siwon and Daun Dream Kiss (Blueming)
Vegas and Pete First Kiss (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Palm and Nueng Beach Kiss (Never Let Me Go)
Payu and Rain Victory Kiss (Love in the Air) vs Yi and Kon Diao Sofa Kiss (Cutie Pie: The Series)
Mark and Vee Ep 3 Kiss (Love Mechanics) vs Arthit and Kongpob Ep 14 Kiss (SOTUS: The Series)
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi Bridge Kiss (We Best Love: No. 1 For You) vs Gun and Cher Ep 10 Kiss (A Boss and a Babe)
Jaeyoung and Sangwoo Ep 7 Kiss (Semantic Error) vs Bai Lang and Jin Xuan First Kiss (My Tooth Your Love)
Seojoon and Jiwoo Final Kiss (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) vs Pluem and Kevin First Kiss (Ghost Host Ghost House)
Milk and Uncle Final Kiss (Choco Milk Shake) vs Payu and Rain Ep 5 Kiss (Love in the Air)
Tan and Bun Couch Kiss (Manner of Death) vs Mark and Vee Shower Kiss (Love Mechanics)
Neo, Shin, and Mew Beach Kiss (3 Will Be Free) vs Sound and Win Forehead Kiss (Our Skyy 2 x My School President)
Lian and Kuea Siam Paragon Kiss (Cutie Pie) vs Win and Team Be Brave Kiss (Between Us/Until We Meet Again)
Tinn and Gun Park Kiss (My School President) vs Khai and Third First Kiss (Theory of Love)
Akk and Ayan Dream Kiss (The Eclipse) vs Seriyo and Yuzuru Bedroom Kiss (Seven Days: Friday - Sunday)
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l-r-christian · 2 years
hiii, could you do poly!mikaelsons x vigilante!reader headcanons? and how they found out? Thankuuu
yes and yes
Warnings: Fluff, just mostly Fluff, Justice League being children, Y/N is team mom
Y/N is an founding member of the Justice League
She is team mom while Bruce is team dad
Y/N is a powerful witch and it was Diana and Arthur that found her
After Steppenwolf, Y/N settled in New Orleans needing a break and the team has her on speed dial
Finn and Elijah meet her first after she saved them from undead hybrids and both were shook
Y/N had took out a group of ten hybrids without breaking a sweat and both vampires were smitten right away
Klaus met Y/N second as he was curious who was the pretty lady his brothers were spending time with
Klaus was surprised of Y/N's power when Finn asked for her help with Daliha
Kol and Rebekah much like Elijah and Finn was smitten at day one
Having such a soft sweet relationship as the Mikaelsons became so soft for Y/N
Y/N waking up to at least two of her lovers in her bed
Y/N giving her every touched starved lovers affection
Romantic dinners and quiet nights at home
Hayley gets jealous of Hope's relationship with Y/N, the young witch sees her as a second mother
Elijah was cleaning up when he found Y/N's League communicator and her supersuit
Elijah brought it up to the other and they talked about asking Y/N about it
Y/N returned home the night, confused seeing her things on a table and them sitting waiting for her
"What is this love?" "I am a vigilante."
They were surprised while Hope was excited asking if she knew Wonder Woman
Y/N telling them stories about her missions and what the team is like
The League coming to visit as they missed Y/N even though she was a part timer
Hope is in awe while Y/N introduced everyone
"Elskan, they are a bit rowdy." "That they are....Bruce and I play parent too many times to count."
Diana getting along with Finn and Elijah the most though Rebekah is a soft spot in her heart
Bruce and Elijah both trade secrets on how to make sure Y/N is taking care of herself
Arthur arm wrestling Kol
The Batboys and Superboys are unknowingly adopted by the Mikaelsons
"Damian? Why are you here?" "Father has lost his right to see me."
Damian has been known to show up at the compound when angry with Bruce so Y/N comes home to the boy asleep on Elijah as he reads or painting with Klaus and Hope
Kon had bonded with Kol since both understood one another
"Babe, can the boys stay this weekend?" Y/N gets asked by Rebekah at least once a week, Rebekah baby's them
Large Christmases together which Hope is happy cause she got new brothers
Damian, Jon, and Hope sneaking off to have adventures unaware that Elijah quietly follows them to make sure they are safe
Bruce giving Klaus parenting advice when the hybrid asks for it
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writerstradedy · 2 years
Mystery Jacket
Superboy (Kon-El Kent) x Batsis! Reader
━━━━ what happens when her brothers find superboys jacket in their sisters room?
warnings: suggestive content, 18+ characters.
You did a little twirl, you looked nice. Making sure your attire was comfortable enough for your preference. You planned to sneak out again tonight to see Kon. It was kept a secret in fear of your families reaction. Mainly because they were extremely protective over you. Most of the time it was sweet, cute, harmless things they would do but knowing you're in a relationship might be too much for them to handle. You and him have been together for some time now. When everyone was gone on patrol or sleeping you would leave. Occasionally you would also meet in your hero personas. Regardless, Bruce gave you the day off and you're taking full advantage.
You looked yourself over one last time before leaving. You two were supposed to meet at a cafe, then you'll both go to your secret place in the woods. As cheesy as it sounds this was actually where you two met. It was unknown to anyone else and had a beautiful view of a lake overseeing a hill. You looked around to make sure your family didn't happen to patrol and see you. Luckily you made it just in time, Kon waved at you from the window with a dorky grin on his face. You smile back and enter sitting down in front of him at the booth.
"Hey, babe," Kon reached out to kiss your hand, "Hows the most beautiful gal in the universe doing?" You snorted, "better now that I'm with you, you cheese ball." His grin grew, "yeah but that's the part you love about me!" Bashfully you looked away a small smile playing in your lips. "Yeah, yeah.. we should get going before my family patrols neer here." You both got up, holding each other's hands as he held the door open for you. "Well aren't you a gentleman," You teased. "Thank you."
"No problem, gorgeous." He later scooped you up and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Ready?" You gave a nod and he jumped up in the air, the wind was blowing and you held onto him tighter. You know that he would never drop you but it still made you feel more secure to be so close to him. You cracked open your eyes seeing the city down below, "if I could fly, I'd do it all day if this is what I see." He chuckles, "beautiful, right?"
"Yes, very." Soon enough you both landed at your secret location, there already was a picnic set up for the both of you-- curtsey of Kon. He sets you down and you gasp, "Kon, this is amazing!" Quickly you give him a peck on the lips, catching him by surprise. A light blush came on his face as he scratched the back of his head. "Well you always said you wanted to have a picnic here, so..." Smiling you grab his hand and pulled him down to sit on the blanket. "The view is breath taking!" You could see all the city lights, from afar it doesn't look to bad. Just a regular city. For a minute you just let the peace sink in and you let your guard down. You rest your hand on his, staring in his eyes. With him you feel safe, a comfort you didn't know you needed. Your other hand held his cheek, "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world." You pull him in for a kiss, which he happily returns. You break apart only to climb onto his lap and kiss again.
Your hands roamed over his clothed chest, while his went down to your lower back. It wouldn't be the first time both of you had gotten into a heated makeout session, but you both have been so busy. The built of tension from weeks of not being able to see each other finally coming out tonight.
Despite the cold air and breeze every so often, you felt warm, heating off of one anothers bodies. It was easy to get lost in pleasure like this.
You were both left panting by the end of it. Embracing each other, cooling off your bodies. You kissed his nose, "I wish we could stay we forever..." he nods, "same, the things we could do.." he trails off, and you playfully smirk. "Oh, let what?" Kon looks over at you, "I think you know what I mean."
You slowly untangled yourselves, putting back on your clothes. Unfortunately for you, you were still cold. Kon noticed this and offered you his jacket which you gladly accepted. You opened the basket, seeing pop, water and some cookies and sandwiches. You both dig in, eating whatever you desired. The night was starting to come to an end, and as much as you wanted to stay forever-- your family would soon notice your disappearance.
He scooped you up like he had before, leaping in the air to take flight. He flew with you in his arms, and you took note of the time.
2:34 AM
They should be retiring for the night, assuming that it was a slow night. It wasn't uncommon for some of the family to pull all nighters to keep up with the criminals. You saw the mansion and made sure that Kon was careful with the highly advanced security. Your window was open for you to climb through.
You quietly crept inside, turning back to give Kon one last kiss. "Thanks, and be safe flying." He signed, "okay, that bird incident was one time." You laughed, "love you, Kon- good night." You blew him a kiss with he caught before flying off. You shut your window. Only realizing that you are still wearing his jacket. You rush back to the window to see if he is still there. Nope, he's gone.
You sighed, "I'll make sure to give it back next time I see him." You shut your curtains and take off his jacket. You looked around, before taking a smell of his jacket. As weird and embarrassing as it sounded you did enjoy wearing his things. You ended up throwing the jacket on your desk and plopped down on the bed. You were far too exhausted to do anything else.
The next morning you were greeted with sunlight peaking in through the curtains. It was the weekend-- thankfully. You didn't feel like dealing with your professors today. You changed into something more comfortable and did your normal morning routine. You looked over at the jacket on your desk, you family very rarely enters your room-- plus you didn't feel like hiding it. So instead you walked into the hallway. Jason and Dick left the mansion awhile ago to leave on there own.
However, they do drop by now and again. You sat down at the breakfast table, "Mornin' Tim." You grab some coffee and Tim looks up at you, "what is that on your neck?" You stop, "what?"
"It looks like you have a hickey on your neck." Tim gets up and walks over to you, probably to get a closer look. You slap your hand over your neck, "oh yeah that-- it is just a burn from my curling iron. Yeah... that." He doesn't look like he believes you in the slightest. "Well bye!" You rush out forgetting your coffee. You turn down the hall and bump into Dick, "wow, there kiddo- what's the rush?"
"Oh nothing," you say quickly. He eyes your suspiciously. You never were good at lying. Tim comes around the corner sipping his coffee. "She is in a rush because of the hickey on her neck." You glare at him. "What???" Dick looks at you then Tim. "Where?" Tim takes another long sip. "Her hand is covering it."
"Y/N, move your hand." Dick demands. You freeze. "Uh- no." You duck past him and make a bee line for the door. The front door opens and you run into Jason. "Hey- watch it!"
You hear Dick yell, "Stop her!" Jason confused let's you pass and you run away. You hear Dick arguing with Jason the further you get.
Dick sighs, "well she is gone now." Jason looks around, "can someone please tell me what is going on??" Bruce walks down the stairs. "Yes, tell me, what is happening? And where is Y/N?"
Damian approaches from behind Bruce, "Todd, what did you do?" Jason glares, "what did I do? I just got here!" Tim takes a loud sip, far to tried to care. "Y/N is dating someone- we don't know who." Bruce laughs, "very funny, I am sure that if she was she tell us."
Dick looks over at him. "She has a hickey, Bruce."
Bruce stops, his face paling. "What."
The next thing they did was go to "investigate" your room. Where they had found Superboys jacket. "Shes dating Superboy?" Tim asks holding up his jacket. Damian recoils in disgust. "And I thought father had bad taste."
"Well she is legally an adult- she can make adult decisions." Jason defended. "But why not tell us?" Dick intervened. "Does she not trust us?" He was kinda hurt by this. He would never judge you- you're family to him.
Damian tsked, "clearly she is embarrassed by her choice that she hid it." Jason rolled his eyes. "Bruce how are you handling this?"
Bruce had not talked yet. He finally says, "Get the kryptonite."
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
[Luthor Family AU]
Kara: *very very nervous* *on the phone*Lena! I have a situation.
Lena: What happened? How can I help?
Kara: Remember that I decided to take you nephew for a flight.
Lena: Yes? Did something happened to Conner?
Kara: I droped him. He kept asking and I though I would be abble to just catch him middle flight but there was a stupid bird and *crying* Lena... I think he is dead.
Lena: Oh he is fine.
Kara: I... Look I understand that denial is hard, babe. And I also understand if you never want to see me again. I'll just try to find the body at least.
Lena: He really is fine. You should know kriptonians are like suuuper invulnerable.
Kara: Yes, but Conner is human. Right?
Conner, right on cue, completly fine on a crater on the floor of an empty Deli's parking lot: *gigling* Hi, auntie Kara, it was soo fun. I was scared when you droped me but then I feel and it barely hurt and I want it again!
Kara: Lena?? Did you forgot to tell me something?
Lena: Ooh! That... *akward laugh* Uh... so... my brother might have bioengeneered Kon by mixing his and Superman's DNA.
Kara: And why didn't you tell me?
Lena: Look Conner likes his life and being a father is doing wonders for Lex. He didn't got himself into shaddy bussinnes in two months, he has spent a whole week without trash talking Superman even once and I'm including Clark Kent, he is almost a year crime free. I think he is starting to say "thank you" and "please" and actually take his meds! And I was afraid that if you knew you would try to separate them.
Kara: Okay. You know it is not Conner responsability to turn your brother into a better person, right? Just like it isn't yours.
Lena: I know. But Lex is a good dad. Conner adores him and Lex is crazy for his kid, he is super proud and always takes time to spend with Conner and he is patient with him and maybe spoils him a bit too much but is nothing drastic. Please don't separate them.
Kara: I just wanted to make sure you know that. You spent too much time holding the burden of feeling like you should to turn your mother into a better person and I don't want you to go back to this mentality again and even less put Conner into it.
Lena: I'm not. I promise. If Conner ever feels like that, I'll make sure to stop it however I can.
Kara: Good. So I have a second cousin. Huh?
Lena: *smiles* Yeah.
Kara: I should probably tell Clark about him, right?
Lena: *tense* Yes, it's the right thing to do.
Kara: I really should.
Lena: Yes. You should.
Kara: Reaaally should.
Lena: You're not gonna do it. Are you?
Kara: He ate all my cookies.
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ladytauria · 2 months
Jaytimsteph falling in love with your best friends partner you say 👀 please say more
this one is being written as a prompt response to @waffleinator-inator <3
writing it was my first time writing steph pov and she just---ran away with me <3 basically: steph and tim are besties but also exes, because as much as they love each other, they finally decided to give up after one too many break-ups. and now! tim is with jason <3 and steph is really happy for him. really, and truly she is.
if she could kindly tell herself to stop falling in love with jason too, that would be nice <3
i THOUGHT i had shared snippets of this wip before but i,,, have not. or if i have, i can't find them in my tags / through tumblr's search. which is upsetting bc it means i now have to pick which of these segments i want to share TuT
you know what.
actually i won't pick. you get um. 3 snippets <3
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Steph spins her chair, balancing her elbow on the arm and cradling her chin in her hand. She thumbs her phone open. One unread message in the group chat she shares with Jason and Tim.
Her traitorous heart flutters; a smile curling on her mouth despite herself.
[TIM] gna mss mv nte. sry steph 😔 m SO bhnd on bdgt rvw; tam’s gna kill me. u 2 shld stl hve fn tho
Ah, yes. Timothy “vowels are optional” Drake. He’s the most atrocious texter Steph has ever met, and she hates that that makes her feel fond.
[STEPH] i thought you loved paperwork?
[JAY] No, he’s a stalker who loves digging through other people’s stuff. Actual paperwork he could care less about
[TIM] 🛑
[JAY] No <3 I told you to do it last night, babe.
[STEPH] lmao busted
[TIM] ws bsy
[JAY] He was gaming with Kon and Bart.
[TIM] & cassie & cissie
[JAY] And Cassie and Cissie.
Steph snorts.
[STEPH] oh, well, that was more important, obvs
[TIM] steph gts it
[JAY] Please don’t encourage him.
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[STEPH] that sounds perfect. ur the best jay 💜
[TIM] 😭
[STEPH] do your paperwork, tim 💅🏼
[TIM] prsctn
[JAY] …wtf tim
[STEPH] damn, babe. u made jay drop capitals
[STEPH] but also. what the fuck tim
[TIM] persecution
[JAY] Would it really kill you to type out full words?
[TIM] y 🙂
[STEPH] losing battle, hon. we’re lucky he still uses letters.
He doesn’t bother with Cass. Their conversations happen in full emoji, like modern hieroglyphics. Steph gives herself an 80% chance of correctly deciphering them.
With the rest of them, Tim uses words. Or, well. Something approximate to words, chopping them down to their basest parts. It’s kind of entertaining, especially when it makes both Bruce and Jason furrow their brows in exactly the same way.Not that Steph would ever point that out. She has some sense of self-preservation.
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Steph will always be a little bit in love with Tim Drake.
It’s something she’s come to accept about herself, the same way she accepts that her curls will always have a mind of their own, that her stretch marks are here to stay, and that her left knee will always ache before it rains.
She also knows that it’s best they stay just friends. Not that that’s a hardship, or anything. Tim is a hell of a lot better friend than he was a boyfriend—though in hindsight, Steph can admit she wasn’t a stellar girlfriend, either. They were young and dumb—or, well, younger and dumber—and now their history was too fraught to ever think about trying again.
Steph loves being Tim’s bestie, even when that means biting her tongue about his relationships.
Especially with Jason Todd of all people.
Steph can honestly say she never saw that coming.
Like, sure, okay. He’s hot. Steph can admit that, she’s got eyes.
He’s the kind of guy you could actually climb like a tree—tall and broad and thick to boot, with thighs made for biting and pecs Steph is pretty sure would fit nicely in one of her bras. He’s also handsome, in a rugged sort of way, with his twice broken nose and the scar curving up his cheek and his full, kissable lips. His curls always manage to be perfect, too—artfully messy, even when he falls asleep on the couch or takes off that helmet of his.
It’s enviable, really.
Some day she’ll ask him his secret.
But… Steph always kind of saw him as a walking bad idea. The kind of guy baby Steph would have adored, which… Steph loves baby Steph—or she’s trying to—but she had shit taste in men. And Jason, with his leather jackets and guns and daddy issues (and mommy issues too, come to think of it)—
He certainly fit the bill.
Despite all outward appearances… Jason is a good guy. He’s smart, and funny, and passionate, and kind, and—
Steph kind of hates him a little.
Because, like. Steph can handle thinking about Jason sometimes, in a not-so-friendly, maybe-a-little-bit-sexy way. Tim, too—or even both of them together. Maybe sometimes it gets a little awkward but… Fantasizing is human, and Steph is an adult. She can picture them fucking her and each other six ways to Sunday, doing whatever the raunchiest part of her brain cooks up, and still behave normally around them after.
She’s a grown woman. Her hormones are not the fucking boss of her.
So. Attraction? Handled. Steph has that shit on lock.
What she cannot handle is—Feelings.
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ginnymoonbeam · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @lurkingshan - thanks!
Favorite Thai QL: Moonlight Chicken had my heart from scene 1 and kept it the whole way through. Love stories mean the most to me when they are seated within a community, and when the central romance is inseparable from many other ties of love. The themes of home, of longing, of connection through fear and long-hardened anger -- the problems of family and class and queer struggle and love not returned -- the continual presence of ritual in all its forms, from holidays to prayer to the simple sharing of a meal -- everything in this show speaks directly and intimately to my heart.
Favorite pairing: I have a handful of favorites, but I'm going to go with First and Khaotung. They are both fantastic performers who have elevated every role they've played for years, and together they're absolutely magnetic. I love their versatility, individually and together, and I can't wait to see what they do next.
Most underrated actor: I'm going to go here with someone whose performance always impresses me, but who doesn't get nearly the attention she deserves: View Benyapa. She is always compelling. Her characters have weight and vitality however minor they are, and she does the very tricky job of making a side character dynamic and interesting without pulling focus from the mains. (Khaotung also excels at this, but thankfully he's no longer underrated.) I'm excited to see her in 23.5 and I hope to get to enjoy her in more and bigger roles in the future.
Favorite main character: Oh this one is difficult! I love so many, for so many different reasons. If I must choose one, I think it's Inthawut from 180 Degrees. I understand so deeply his fear and his guilt, and I ache for him.
Favorite side character: Somehow even more difficult! I'm going to say Tankhun of Kinnporsche. It's easy to see him as little more than high camp comic relief, and I'm pretty sure he wants it that way. If you see him reading the room, sending signals, and generally displaying sharp, competent insight, no you didn't.
Favorite scene in a QL: The Bad Buddy ep 5 rooftop scene is perfect.
Favorite line in a QL: "Because I'm hungry." Three plain, ordinary words that perfectly express the heart of a complicated, painful relationship. My jaw dropped when that line was spoken, and it bounced around in my brain for weeks afterward.
Most anticipated QL: As much as I'm dreading the surrounding discourse... gotta be Only Friends.
Healthiest relationship: I don't like this question, may I have another? I have a whole slew of problems with the way "healthy relationship" is used in fandom (see also: "green flag") - like the way health is presumed to be a single measurable quality, and conflated with virtue. There's a place for using fiction to talk about how we want to behave or be treated in relationships, but more often I feel like people are using these for the satisfaction of occupying a moral judgement seat, and I'm not here for that. Let me say instead...
Relationship dynamic I would most like to have myself: Cake and Seeiw of My Only 12%. I love how absolute and unquestioned their love for each other is - the only issue is what kind of love, and that gets resolved pretty much as soon as it's raised openly. I love the intimacy they have from knowing each other their whole lives, and the easy way they fill one another's gaps.
Relationship dynamic I would least like to have myself: Yi and Kon-diao of Cutie Pie. I enjoy Cutie Pie immensely, and I'm looking forward to Naughty Babe, but ye gods do I not want what these boys have.
Guilty pleasure series: After my whole rant about "healthy relationship," guess how I feel about "guilty pleasure"?
Most underrated series: I did this one scientifically... I looked to see which of my favorite shows has the lowest rating and view count on MDL. The winner is Ghost Host, Ghost House, which definitely deserves more love.
Tagging @phneltwrites and @lurkingteapot you want!
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yeetus-feetus · 3 months
Batfam incorrect quotes (vines)
Dick: everyone's been asking about you Damian
Damian: then keep asking! That whole family cast me out Dick!
Dick: only because you think you're straight
Damian: I am straight!
Dick: well you can tell that to mom, and mom, and your sperm doner dad, and dad's boyfriends, and-
Tim: so I'm sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties-
Steph: *falls to the ground and dies in a fit of laughter*
Kon: Don't tell your father
Tim: kiss one another
Kon: die for each other
Dick: *throws Jason's gun away*
Jason: what the fUck RicHaRd
Jason: hello Tim.
Tim: hi, Jason.
Jason: That outfit looks familiar...
Duke: toss me my keys
Duke: ... I said my keys!
Steph: I thought you said printer
Duke: now why the fuck would I say-
Cass: what did you get for question 12?
Barbara: I got 18
Steph: I got 9.5 ???
Dick: I got Abraham Lincoln ... for some reason. I don't-
Damian: Don't fuck with me! I have the power of God and anime my side! HYAAAAA!!
Jason: iis there anything better than pussy?
Jason: yes! A really good book!
Reporter: where do you keep all your gadgets while fighting? It's incredible!
Cass: Belt.
Damian with his new hairstyle: stop saying I look like Tim! He's dumb and he's a coward!
Kori: hey babe, happy one year! <3
Dick: ??? I'm 27
(they're idiots your honour)
Jason, about Bruce: his hair, wack. His gear, wack. His car, wack. His footsteps, wack. The way that he talks, wack. The way that he doesn't even like to smile, wack.
Jason: me? I'm tight as fuck!
Tim: what? What's going on!?
Bernard: what the fuck man?
Duke: 😱🤭!!
Jason: hey everybody, today Tim replaced me so I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be-
Duke: hey how y'all-
Titus: *growling and snarling*
Duke: AH! get your fuckin dog bitch!
Damian: it don't bite
Duke: YES IT DO!
Barbara, watching Dick and Wally through the cameras: two bros chillin in a hottub 5 feet apart coz they're not gay
Jason: in the League of Assassins, we got-
Damian: 👶
Jason: whose baby is you??
Dick: this chicken is almost as juicy as my ass
Cass: 🤨?
Bruce: 🤦
Alfred: 😐
Everyone else: 🙄
Tim: you wouldn't like me before my coffee
Damian: that's so weird because I fucking hate you all- Everytime.
Dick: 👁️👄👁️
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
plz share your tim headcanons i need to know everything
oh man. okay i can elaborate on plenty of these but i can't decide on what to say first so... rapid fire round based on what i mentioned in the tags of that post last night, lets go
he's a genderfluid transmasc guy but he stringently denies any of the genderfluidity until like his mid-20s because he's clinging so hard to the rules of What It Means To Be A Man. if he has dysphoric days when he's feeling too masculine no he doesn't <3 if he's insecure about how he likes to hang with the girls a lot no he isn't <3 it doesn't make him less of a trans man to have a lot of female friends!! it doesn't!!! and related insecurities, etc. (kon hesitantly stepping out of the closet and exploring being genderqueer actually helps tim a lot with this but not before he has to jump through at least 17 hoops of self-imposed restrictions, rules, and agonies. you know the drill.)
he is not someone who uses endearments lightly. when he does use them it's a huge indicator that's someone who means a lot to him. his go-tos are the simple and classic ones like babe/baby, sweetheart, etc, but when he's feeling especially tender he'll trot out "darling", which in his heart holds a very high tier for "words that mean love" because it's what he remembers his parents calling each other when he was little, and it cemented that in his head: if you really really love someone, you call them "darling". yeah he's aware that's sappy and sounds kind of old-fashioned or whatever. he also does not care.
he normally looks like a skater boy or the distilled essence of "i'm just a kid" by simple plan, BUT. he dresses business casual when he's depressed but in denial about being depressed. why? well, his parents are dead, but at least he knows they'd be approving of him comporting himself appropriately. he can make them proud in the little ways. he's functioning so well right now, see? could a depressed person do THIS? (pulls on a pair of slacks) it's about the idea of being in control of how he's perceived by the outside world. it stops being about comfort or self-expression and becomes a defense mechanism. he's so normal and professional-looking and capable! this is the guy his parents wanted him to be. (yes, this is directly inspired by the way they put him in a little baby suit to go to the circus. ITS THE CIRCUS.)
when he feels safe somewhere, he falls asleep and sleeps so deep. one time he dozed off at titans tower and woke up to kon and bart playing jenga on his chest (challenge mode because the tower rises and falls with his breathing). kon and bart will never let him live down the way he just blinked at them and then fell back asleep.
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hum-suffer · 5 months
i just wanted to say that ik i havent been online much since the past few months but dude tysm for still involving me in so much like literally seeing your notifs on my mail made my day SO MUCH better i really really appreciate you and love you so SOOOO much!!!
I actually did try to tag you in a lot of things but your username didn't appear and i actually did think your account had deleted or something (I was surprised with this ask lol 😭🤣 meko laga ye kon aaya)
And of course, I love to involve you in things! You're always so sweet and lovable 🫶🏽 it's good to see you again babe. I LOVE YOUUUUU TOOOOO
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