#kon: we make out and you try to leave hickies on my invulnerable skin which is next to impossible
the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC Fake Dating
In my head the episode “Masters of all Time” is where this timeline diverges so before Vlad cloned Danny, because let’s face it that’s really where his character went from understandable though still an ass, to full cartoon supervillain and where his writing went downhill.
So Vlad is now cool with Danny and the Fentons. After seeking their help curing his ecto-acne, he had plenty of time to reconnect with Jack while recovering. Maybe the cola tainted ectoplasm is what was causing his extreme moods and obsessive tendencies in the first place, or maybe he just saw the error of his ways and has been in therapy since then
So Danny, a bit older and no longer dating Sam after an amicable breakup, now has a well meaning Vlad Masters trying to set him up with various rich socialites. A lot of them are being pushed by their parents because of Danny’s connection to the Masters’ name.
It does not go well
Tired of all Vlad’s well meaning efforts, Danny decides to fake a relationship to get him off his back, at least untill he forgets about the whole thing. 
Who’s he going to “Date?”
Tim? A fellow insomniac, lover of coffee, similar aged and sharing his sense of humor? His connection to the Wayne and Drake names would certainly appease Vlad’s insistence that Danny deserves only the best partner
Kon? Those two would get on like a house on fire. clearly I’m talking about classic punk leather jacket and a million piercings Kon. Maybe he picks him because the punk bad boy look annoys Vlad, maybe just because Kon would find it funny. Maybe Vlad knows about Kon’s connection to Luther, or he doesn’t and seriously is questioning Danny’s choice. Maybe Tim and Kon are Dating on the down low and Tim is just lending Danny his boyfriend because they both think it’s funny, and it may or may not end up with all three dating
Jason? Age Danny up a but more and boom, Jason is a valuable option. The black sheep(acording to presses) of the Wayne family. From crime alley, leather jacket and motorcycle bad boy that would drive Vlad crazy(he’s better and not evil but he’s still vlad) but he can’t protest because he is a Wayne after all. 
any variety of DC characters honestly. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope
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