#and leona is also tired but in different ways
kokofromwattpad · 1 year
Featuring: Dorm leaders
Plot: The way how different twst characters sleep with and without you and their sleeping habits.
Cw: fluff, spooning(Riddle and Vil), snoring (Leona and Azul), mentions of boobs (Kalim), drool (idia)
Note: You can obviously tell who my favorite is. Word count: 913
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Before you:
He sleeps like a old man. Like, fingers crossed over his stomach, or he sleeps like a corpse. He is very silent when he is sleeping only letting out very soft breaths.
With you:
Riddle is either sleeping fetal position into your arms or being spooned. I feel like after having an extremely long day, all he wants to do is be held.
Without you:
He has zero clue what to do with his hands. So all he does is take one of his pillows and cuddles with that. Sometimes he gets mad just as he is about to fall asleep and just chucks the pillow across the room.
Before you:
He snores like a dad. Like, you know you sometimes when your dad is busy snoring and then he chokes on his own saliva mid snore... yea... thats Leona. Also he sleeps like a hot mess. Half of his body is off the bed and the other is barely hanging on.
With you:
Living blanket. Like, he just lays his entire body weight on top of you like a blanket. At first it felt like attempted murder, but after a while you got used to it and now you can't fall asleep without weight on top of you.
Without you:
He twists his blankets into a long noodle so that it (kinda) feels like he's cuddling you. Also, his tail is swishing the same way an angry cat does the entire time he is sleeping.
Before you:
Completely normal. Maybe a hand under the pillow(?) Snores. The tweels used to make fun of him for that when they were kids but got used to it eventually.
With you:
Koala mode: activated. His legs are twisted through your legs and arms attached to your torso like superglue. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck and sometimes even leaves little kisses there.
Without you:
He refuses to sleep without you. Period. He got so used to sleep with you in his arms that it has become a condition for him to sleep. He will either stay in his office, busy with paperwork, studying for an upcoming test or reading a book you recommended him in his bed.
Before you:
I headcannon that he sleeps fetal position. But like, on his stomach. His face is smashed into the pillow, which causes bedhead and he becomes scarily still (Jamil sometimes comes in and checks if he's still alive.)
With you:
He does not give a shit if you have tiddies or not, he is shoving his face into your chest like it's no-one's business. You have never slept so damn good until the day you started sleeping with Kalim in his fucking king sized bed made from swan feathers or something close to it.
Without you:
Tosses and turns, ruining the sheets and making it dirty. He usually gets up and starts pacing the room, trying to tire himself out, but failing miserably. Kind of just lays there.
Before you:
Looks like a fucking angel. His hair perfectly frames his head and he just looks so damn peaceful. I bet he listens to nature sounds whenever he can't sleep since him losing sleep is a big no-no.
With you:
He likes to spoon. He only big spoons, if not, then he's pushing you (affectionately♡) off the bed. He has gotten accustomed to your light snoring, kind of using it like a non-verbal lullaby.
Without you:
Can sleep, but not as nicely as when you do. Kind of turns a bit, but he does fall asleep normally. Gets a sad gut feeling whenever he wakes up without you next to him.
Before you:
Probably never sleep willingly. He probably would just pass out from exhaustion ever once-in-awhile. But when he does sleep, he drools like a fucking dog. Like, entire pillow case damp from his drool. He has gained mild control over this, but is still considered a problem.
With you:
He wants to cuddle like how anime couples do. He specifically likes it when you sleep on his chest, your weight feeling the same as when a cat lays on him. He also gained a condition in order to fall asleep. He must stroke your hair gently while you mutter in your half-asleep state on how much you love and adore him.
Without you:
After he started dating you, he finally decided to get a better sleep schedule so he could spend more time with you, rather than being passed out, looking half dead. So he got a plain body pillow (He didn't get a cover as he thought it would be a betrayal of your trust) He cuddles the body pillow the same way he does to you.
Before you:
He slept the same way as Riddle, like a corpse. He is completely silent and does not move at all in his sleep.
With you:
He became absolutely addicted to cuddling once you introduced it to him. He would shove you into his chest, kind of like the two of you were hugging, but he has an absolute death grip on you.
Without you:
The skies have a green hue to them as lightning cracks. He is pissed at who or what made you not want or have the time to sleep with him. He would sneak out of his dorm and (break in) sneak into your dorm. He would then climb into bed with you and then instantly fall asleep.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 7 months
You Will Stop the Wedding! - Riddle Rosehearts
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SUMMARY: YOU were the one being kidnapped by Princess Eliza to marry her. How would he react and how would he save you? With the aggravation of he already having a crush on you.
CHARACTERS: Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Declaration
WORD COUNT: 800 words
Riddle Rosehearts / Leona Kingscholar / Azul Ashengrotto / Jamil Viper / Vil Schoenheit / Idia Shroud / Malleus Draconia
Rescuing You - Deuce Spade; Jack Howl; Floyd Leech; Kalim Al-Asim
COMMENTS: What have I done? Why did I commit to writing this? And why did I write so much? Why was I so inspired? There were seven of them! Why do I do this to myself? So yeah, this took me a long time. But I hope it was worth it, for me and for you.
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CONTEXT: Someone was kidnapped to marry some ghost princess and might end up turning into a ghost too. And he just found out that someone was you.
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OFF WITH HER HEAD!!! How dare they kidnap you?! His face immediately turns red with anger. Having discovered this at a Housewardens reunion, Kalim is trying to calm him down.
They manage to get him to control himself by saying that if he appears in front of the princess like an angry crazy person it could be worse for you. He shows that he was offended by the "angry crazy person" part, but begins to control his anger.
He, along with Ace, Rook and Epel, form the rescue group. And everything goes more or less as in the original story. The difference is that Riddle asks Ace to stop the ghosts instead of him volunteering to do so. This is because if only one of them can get to you, it will be him!
Like a rule-obsessed person, he waits for the right moment to step in and shout, "I OBJECT!" And he still tries to follow the plan of pretending to be in love with the princess for then putting the ring on her finger. But while he does this he ends up looking at you and at that moment all the false words escape him.
“I... can't do this. I can't lie like this.” He straightens up and looks at the princess very seriously. “The truth is, I'm not here for you, princess. I'm here for the person you kidnapped and are forcing to marry you.”
The princess begins to defend herself saying that she didn't kidnap anyone.
“ENOUGH!” His face was starting to turn red and his voice was starting to get rougher. “I'm tired of your delusional excuses. You will stop this wedding and give (Y/N) back to me!” He pulls out the magic pen and a battle ensues.
The other three still manage to join him, but end up losing the battle against the giant Guard. As with the others, the princess goes to them to slap them in the face for their insolence and to petrify them. But when she does it with Riddle... he can still move. Everyone gasps, including the princess. When the guards ask what's going on, the princess says it can only mean one thing.
Her slap is capable of petrifying anyone, except those who have already found their true love. The reaction from all NRC students is like "What the F-?!" And Riddle's reaction is getting his face red, slightly different from his usual red of anger.
She starts to feel sorry for herself and jealous of you for having someone who loves you so much to the point of doing all that and still being immune to her slap. While she is lamenting, the guard who is in love with her ends up declaring himself and such, and that ending of her discovering that she is also in love is what happens.
After everything, while the others are tidying up and cleaning the Cafeteria, you and Riddle leave the room to talk alone.
“I just wanted to clarify what happened.” He still couldn’t look at you. “About the things I said.” You ask if it was about that thing about him telling the ghosts to give you back to him. And he blushes. “Yes. I apologize. In no way was my intention to suggest that you were my property. That would be completely outrageous. But... I'm also not sure why I said those words specifically. I know there are more polite ways of saying what I intended but...”
“And what did you intend to say?” you ask. And to give him more confidence to tell the truth you add that you were very happy to see him showing up to rescue you. And about what the princess said about why he wasn't petrified by her. You say it in a way that conveys that your feelings could be mutual.
“I don't know about true love.” He says, finally looking at you. “But I know the anguish I felt when I found out what had happened to you. The anger I felt for what they did to you. And the fear I felt of losing you. I don't know if this is true love, but I know I've never felt and probably never will feel something so strong for someone who isn't more than a friend to me.” he takes your hands and takes them to his chest. “I wish I could say for sure that I love you, but that's what I need first: certainty. I've never felt this before and so I don't want to say something so meaningful without certainty.” He looks you in the eyes, with the most tender and sweet look and smile anyone could ever see on him. “But I do adore you.”
If you also declare yourself to him, it will be inevitable that your lips will meet each other.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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lancermylove · 2 months
Things You Do That He Doesn't Understand (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Leaders with fem!Reader
Warning: None
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Wake up at an ungodly hour so that you can do your hair and makeup before going to work or school. You are not going to a party or a modeling show, so just use those hours to rest. Honestly, it's okay if your hair isn't perfect and your face looks natural.
Collecting anything. Leona can't understand how you have so much patience managing a collection of items. However, he finds it a little amusing when you agonize over not being able to find that miniature pizza to put in your mini kitchen collection.
Shapewear. Do you honestly like the feel of someone squeezing your organs out of your body? If so, just ask him for a hug. Leona will be more than happy to give you a bone-crushing hug.
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Complex hair routine. Malleus likes to watch you do your hair, but it makes his head spin. Why do you need 50 different products for your hair? You look fine without putting those products in your hair.
Fear of abandoned places. Why are you scared to go into the castle that looks like something will jump out at you from the corner at any moment and attack you? It's really not that scary, says a powerful dragon who is over 200 cm tall.
Need for fluff. He finds it amusing that whenever you see fluffy things, you absolutely have to touch them no matter what, even if it means crossing a pit filled with lava. Sometimes, he wants to wear a fluffy coat so that you stay glued to him and can't stop touching him his coat.
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Shave only half of your legs. Just take a few minutes to shave your entire legs.
Going to sleep with makeup on. NO, just NO! How dare you commit such an atrocious crime against your skin? He knows you might be tired, but take five minutes to clean your face or call him. He will do it for you. Vil better not find your face transferred on your pillow when he walks into your room to wake you up in the morning.
Telling your best friend/girlfriends everything. Do they honestly need to know how good he is at kissing or anything else? That's between the two of you, so why do you have to tell them? Vil finds it embarrassing that you are discussing such private affairs with your female friends.
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Large handbags. Some of the handbags you carry are half his size. Why do you need such a huge bag? Are you hiding a pet or child in there? Also, why is it so heavy? Do you have dumbbells inside?
Expandable stomach. Riddle can't understand how, in the morning, your stomach looks one way, but after dinner, you look like you expecting a child. You tried to explain to him that's how women's stomachs work, but he still can't wrap his head around it.
Long nails. How do you keep your nails so long and manage to do things, especially if your nails are the lengths of claws? Whenever you struggle to open a can tab or pick up a flat object from a table, Riddle crosses his arms and waits to lecture you.
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Worry about weight. Why worry about numbers when you could just enjoy eating? Food is too good to resist, so don't fight the urge and enjoy your life!
Impeccable memory. How do you remember what he said fifty days ago when the two of you were talking in the evening? Does your brain have a date/time stamp log with all the conversations you had? This means he can't get away with anything. T_T
Multitasking. How do you manage to do so many things at once and not mess up? Kalim can't understand why your mind is able to handle so many computations at once; he can't even handle one thing at a time. He doesn't know whether to be impressed or be scared.
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Spend hours in the bathroom. Why does it take you a few hours to come out of the bathroom? Do you just sit there and watch an entire movie? If you do, why not just do it on your bed or sofa? It's much more comfortable.
The number of shoes. Why do you have 500 million shoes? Also, can we talk about high heels? Why do you wear them? Azul can't even understand how Vil and some of the other students are able to walk around in killer high heels. Unless you use them as a self-defense weapon.
Math is scary. What? It's just a bunch of numbers that you need to add, divide, subtract, or multiply. What's so hard about it? Then, he remembers he has a special talent for doing mental math and that not everyone is able to. Azul apologizes.
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The urge to party every weekend. Why do you want to party every weekend? No, wait, why do you want to party in general? Too many people everywhere. Too many eyes and ears on you.
Details. Why do you need to ask the whys? He told you the truth, did he? Then why do you still need details? Can't you just accept the simple answer and let him move on?
Crying while watching romance movies. It's just a bunch of actors acting, so why are you crying? Seeing your tears fazes him quite a bit. So, when you start crying during an emotional scene, Idia gets startled and freezes, not knowing what to do.
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Twst boys w a s/o w chronic fatigue
Chronic Fatigue is a condition where the holder is always tired no matter how much sleep they get; it often times has side affects like insomnia/low energy
Characters: Idia Shroud, Ruggie Buchhi, Leona Kingscholar, Floyd Leech, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Cater Diamond, Riddle Rosehearts
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Idia Shroud
We all know this man has a crippling fear of human interaction, so the fact that he was somehow able to rizz up the prefect of Ramshackle is a miracle
Imagine his suprise when they opened up to him about their symptom.
Immediately throws himself into research trying to find any way to help.
S.T.Y.X has resources and he WILL use them to their full extent.
Sadly, there is no known cure
Instead he will make sure you know you can use his room to crash if you want some peace.
He is perfectly content to offer up his bed for you, so that you can rest in peace away from the chaos that is Ramshackle.
He will ensure that he is staying quiet when he games to make sure you're not disturbed.
Having a s/o with low energy is honestly a win in his book. Since you're almost always low energy, and he is an introvert with no social skills, both of you are happy to simply have dates where you just watch movies or play games.
He himself has terrible sleep habits, but he is not opposed to lying in bed with you on his phone if it means you will fall asleep faster.
You probably use his bed more than him tbh.
Overall a total softie and he is perfectly content with just chilling while you nap
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Ruggie Buchhi
Ruggie himself is someone that rarely slows down
He's always working on a different side hustle or helping Leona
He's used to Leona, so adapting is pretty easy, except you have an actual condition, not just laziness.
Anytime you come to him tired he will offer you his bed.
Sadly, he rarely has time to just linger while you sleep.
When he does finally have the time to settle down he is the softest person known to man.
He will gladly pull you to his chest and just relax with you.
One of the few times he will refuse Leona is when he's with you.
Having an s/o who is low energy often times helps him slow down and relax a little.
Overall, he is intensely protective of making sure you get a good sleep, well the best your body will allow.
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Leona Kingscholar
He is honestly hyped
Not about the fact that you never feel fully rested
but the fact that he has a s/o who will nap with him.
He himself is often times asleep at odd times
So he will gladly pull you from class (against your will most times) just to nap.
He will use you as a pillow most times; but he also will not mind if you use him as a pillow
He has a hard time understanding why you're frustrated with your condition, as he himself loves to lounge around and nap
However he will do what he can to help you.
Forcing Ruggie to get you coffee, bribing Crowley to let you out of class, he has no issue throwing money at people if it means you can be happier.
Overall; He is down to just nap most times he's with you, but if you want to try and do something he will follow along.
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Floyd Leech
He has a hard time coming to terms with it
Afterall, he himself is very high energy, so having an s/o who is very low energy can get a bit frustrating at times.
He is childish, and will often times get pouty when all you have the energy to do is sleep.
However, he loves you anyways.
When you are awake and have enough energy, he is happily dragging you around to engage in various shenanigans.
Whenever he works, he likes having you nap in the break room, so he can come in and admire you during his breaks.
Azul has no qualms with this, as it keeps Floyd motivated, and loosing a bit of space to keep Floyd content is something he doesn't mind.
When Floyd gets pouty, he will come to you seeking cuddles.
His cuddles are intense. I'm talking legs and arms fully wrapped around you, keeping you captive.
In the short moments he is calm, he enjoys cuddling while you doze off in his arms.
Overall; not the best at handling it, but he means well.
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Malleus Draconia
A human feeling comfortable enough to sleep around him?
How bold
Considering he met you late a night outside your dorm, he was aware of your bad sleeping habits.
He didn't understand until you explained it to him.
You didn't choose to be up late at night; nor did you choose to take naps during the day.
Upon finding out it was a medical condition, he will try and find a cure using magic.
Of course, he finds nothing.
However, Silver is one of his retainers, so he is familiar with people falling asleep around him.
Anytime you so much a mention being tired, he has scooped you up in his arms and is teleporting to his room where he lays you in his bed and tucks you in, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead
He is so happy to have someone who isn't afraid of him and he will drop whatever he is doing most times if you ask for cuddles.
Overall; Incredibly sweet and attentive,
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Lilia Vanrouge
He has raised Silver his whole life
Safe to say, he is good at handling this.
Will always make sure you have a safe place to nap.
Has a weird sixth sense that lets him know when you are starting to get tired.
Will also drop what he is doing to ensure you get to a bed or couch
Will threaten people to leave you alone and let you rest.
When he isn't busy taking care of Diasomnia, he will gladly cuddle up to you and run his fingers through your hair.
Overall; Handles it very well and is very caring and attentive
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Cater Diamond
Another person that rarely slows down
He is very high energy most days
However, he will gladly let you nap in his bed while he scrolls magicam.
Thinks your sleeping face is adorable
Takes lots of photos
Don't worry, he won't post them unless you say it's okay.
Enjoys relaxing with you after a long day
He is BIG on cuddles.
Claims he will help you wake up more rested
It doesn't but it's the thought that counts.
Overall; struggles a bit but learns to adapt over time
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first he is pissed.
After all, napping violates one of the rules.
When you explain to him that it's a medical condition, he eases up
Still is a bit annoyed; but knowing that you're not purposely trying to break the rules calms him down
He will do his best to encourage you to push through and stay awake during the day; but if you can't he will let you rest
After all, you look so cute snuggled in his bed asleep.
He will use the time you're asleep to study while watching over you making sure no one disturbs you.
Has collared Ace and Deuce for waking you up before.
Considers adding a new rule saying that waking you up is against the rules.
Overall; You're one of the few people he will let the rules slip for. Still expects you to follow them when you can though.
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
i just need to know, who do you think in twst would love cuddling the most? just need to hear any of your thoughts on this very important issue at hand.
my personal theories include: leona… no explanation needed and azul because he liked being in his little octo-pot so imagine he would love having you wrap your entire body around him. those are the only ones i can think of 😭😭
It's actually kinda cool that you sent this ask since yesterday I was experiencing the worst leg pain of my life and all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and do nothing.
more thoughts under the cut
All the beats boys love cuddling, even thought they have different levels of embarrassment when it comes to initiating it. Leona, of course, has so shame, and will cuddle with you whenever and where ever he wants. He doesn't really care if you want to lay with him, you bring him comfort, so you have to deal with it. He's very much a hug you a never let you go type of person, so you'll be with him until your whole body is tingly. Even if you complain, he won't let up until he's forced to.
Ruggie is a very shy cuddler, even if your close friends, he sees it as intimate an act. Though, deep down, he very much loves being close to the people he cares for. I think once he cuddles with you once, he's no longer is embarrassed, and will come to you whenever he's overworked. I also imagine he more of a talker while cuddling, unlike Leona and Jack who are sleep cuddlers.
Jack is kinda a mixture of the two. He's embarrassed about cuddling you, but once he does, he never lets you go. I know you didn't ask, but the first years definitely fall for you first, and so I imagine that for Jack, cuddling means a lot more. Group hangouts at Ramshackle are common, so when you're watching movies or studying and you get a little tired, he doesn't know what to do when you lay your head on his shoulder. He eventually gets more comfortable as time goes on and grows to love cuddling with you. I think he secretly likes being cuddled, but if you mention his tail wagging he goes back to being embarrassed.
Now Azul is a different case. Azul is someone who craves intimacy, but is too prideful to ask for it from anyone. I think after his overblot, he takes a lot more time to express his wants and needs in healthy ways, and so I could see you cuddling him when times get really rough. That's the thing with Azul, he likes being cuddled but he also likes engulfing his entire self around you. It makes him feel like you two are stuck together, like you can't leave.
Now here are characters I think like to cuddle:
Malleus loves being near you, so he loves cuddling with you of course. I read a fic not to long ago about how Malleus would love sleepovers, and I feel like that's basically canon. He loves being close to his Child of Man, but I don't believe he knows much about cuddling, so don't expect him to be perfect. He learns quickly, so now anytime you both don't have classes he wants to cuddle with you. The only downside is he's so tall, so that might be a problem.
I think Floyd is also a fan of cuddling. Much like Leona he doesn't care when and where, if he wants to cuddle with you he's gonna cuddle with you. He is also a yapper when cuddling, he doesn't shut up. Unless you fall asleep, he'll find a million different things to talk to you about bacause he doesn't like the silence. He is a good cuddler though, surprisingly soft and comforting for someone who is so chaotic.
There are probably others, but these are the only ones I could thing of right now.
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sinofthesloth · 6 months
Different Animals, Different Boys
SYNOPSIS: How do the House Wardens deal with their significant others odd pets?
♥ sfw, gn! reader, quick story, all house wardens ( almost forget Vil originally ) ♥
Riddle - Ferret
"Will it be like treating the hedgehogs?" Try to compare the treatment of a ferret to how he and the dorm care for the hedgehogs on campus.
Since you are the ferret's owner, he will expect you to know how to take care of him, but Riddle will look things up to make sure he, and you, are doing it properly. also look forward to him looming over your shoulder to see how to do whatever it is you are doing for its care.
"The internet says they smell. Why do you have an animal that smells?"
Refuses to let anyone near your pet if you leave him in charge of him for a little bit. He is worried Ace or Deuce will do something stupid and hurt the poor animal.
Will let the ferret run around in his dorm room while he watches it. He will also study as the baby sits in his lap napping as does so.
You brought the ferret dressed up to an un-birthday party, and he is now a required guest. Riddle will also buy him different outfits so he fits the theme.
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Leona - House cat
Will take naps together, but will throw a fit if the cat gets there first. The cat will also throw a fit if Leona gets there first. Most of the time you have to separate the two by placing one of them into a different sunspot.
Has and will continue to take photos of the cat and place text of it. It's his way of getting revenge when he is the one that is being dragged into another sunspot.
All three of you will lay together when the two of them actually behave. Leona on the bottom, the cat on top, and you sandwiched in between the two of them.
They both do get zoomies at the same time of the night. Leona will get up to grab a snack or start death scrolling on tiktok or just walk the halls of the dorm. The cat knows every time he gets up and will follow Leona up and down those halls. Leona won't say anything, but he enjoys the quiet company.
If you have to leave the cat in the dorms while you deal with Ace and Deuce's bullshit, he will kidnap the cat. That's how he knows for a fact that you will come visit him.
Grim hates sharing the dorm with a non-magical cat and will help Leona steal him.
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Azul - Rabbit
Does not enjoy how chaotic this thing is and tries to make you leave both of them at the dorms. You refuse to leave them alone with Grim for a night, so when he wants a sleepover, it's you and the boys.
Tires to make the twins take care of them when he wants to spend time with you without having to worry about them chewing things up in his room.
Has bought your boys toy and equipment in hopes that they will calm down by running off the energy they have. Also will buy them treats, but will not tell you since he doesn't want you to know he likes them. Sometimes. He just wants to make sure they like him.
Extremely surprised how long their tails truly are. Will look things up just to see if they're true with your bunnies.
When you are arguing, he will pick them up and hold them both in front of his chest and say, "Really? In front of our sons?" Just to make you embarrassed by the implications. It almost never works, but seeing him hold them so close to himself is adorable and will comment about making another one with him.
Will end up with both of them on his chest/stomach by the end of the night while you use his shoulder as a pillow.
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Kalim - Snake
He was interested in the snake but was worried it was venimus and Jamil refused to let him anywhere near it.
If the snake is out of the cage, Kalim is somewhere watching, wanting to play with it. If you let him, make sure Jamil is busy. You don't want him on your ass.
Finds it cute when they bury themselves in the sand within their containment.
He will buy the snake a larger Tank and even allows you to bring it with you when you come over to spend the night.
Loves putting little hats on your snake and seeing them stand. Finds it adorable when the baby girl crawls into your textbooks to make you take a break
Refuses to be in the room during feeding time for the snake. He will wait outside with the door closed. He will ask you to make sure she has fully digested her meal before coming back inside the room
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Vil - rat
when you told him you owned a rat, he laughed an told you it was impolite to call whatever you had as a rat. "I'm sure she looks beautiful." "She is beautiful. A beautiful rat."
Rook lost it at Vil's face once he saw the animal was a literal rat. "I was thinking you meant like a.. ratty dog. or something. I didn't expect a uh actual rat." "I told you she was a rat." He was very surprised to say the least.
Tries to be supportive since he knows rats are actually clean animals, but just the thought of something with thumbs running up his arms makes his skin crawl.
Will not hold her if his skin has the chance to touch her. Will wear gloves with a long sleeve turtleneck. If you dress up the rat, it will be better since it won't be direct skin to skin contact.
Will watch her eat since he thinks it's cute to watch her hands cup the meal. Just make sure you have hand sanitizer at the ready.
He will also smile and laugh watching you fight her over your food if she is out of the cage while you snack. Once he gets used to seeing her and being around her more often, he might just surprise himself by grabbing her once he sees that you are losing to a literal rat. "Never thought I'd see a rat beat my sweet potato, but they do eat anything."
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Idia - Mop dog
Trips over him constantly
you know the white dog in Ariel? Same dog.
Found it hilarious when the dog followed you into the janitors closet and sat in the mop bucket.
Started dying with laughter when the dog started whining that you didn't push him around in the bucket.
The dog napped a lot at his feed while he games.
You joking put a tray on his head with one of Idia's gamer's drink, and pointed to Idia, and the dog brought it to him. You did make him give him a treat for helping.
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Malleus - Bearded dragon
Definitely thought it was going to be much bigger.
Also tried to speak to them in his native tongue to find out that it does understand.
He refuses to keep him in the cage. "There is no need for my future son to be held captive in a glass cage, Y/N."
Makes him multiple little paper outfits.
Made him try on wings and he almost refused to let Malleus or you remove them.
"Look Y/N! He is smiling at me! He loves me."
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kingconia · 9 months
i love your works so much 💕💕 u write the characters so well! i was wondering if you could do the housewardens + a mc who listens to heavy rock and metal? or, alternatively, a mc who plays guitar. thank you <3
A/N: Ah, I am very thankful for these words. I decided to mix these two idea for different characters. I hope it is alright.
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— I have a headcanon that Riddle rarely listens to music, and if he does, it is something classical and organic. Perhaps, lo-fi for studies purposes, too, but rarely;
— When you ask about putting some of your favourite songs for the evening, Riddle has no arguments against it. You are such a lovely and delightful person, surely, you music is just as sweet as–
— Oh, dear. Congratulations, you scared him with the noises of hell, blasting through dynamics...
— Respectfully, he hates your music preferences. And there is no way it will change. However, he tries to be nice about it...
”You are looking as if you are having a heart attack,” you comment absentmindedly, putting song on the pause. ”Riddle, I told you, that you shouldn't make yourself listen to it, if—”
”I am fine! I am fine, really,” he quickly reassures you, plastering a nervous smile on his face. ”Please, put it back. I... I really enjoyed this last part, where... Uhm... He screamed.”
You sigh.
Riddle was impossible to deal with.
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— When you tell Leona that you make your own music, he thinks you play something careful or pop-like. He doesn't like this type of music, but obviously he can endure a little torment for you;
— However as you take a guitar in your hands, Leona is genuinely shocked. Very pleasantly shocked!
— I headcanon Leona listening to heavy rock, too, so, I think that he absolutely loves what you do. He is your fan number one now, and he brags about you to everyone.
— If you also sing, he will use your voice as a lullaby material. ”Y/n, play ’Numb’ by Linkin Park, I want to sleep.”
”Guess what?” You ask as you are standing behind sitting Leona, resting elbows on his shoulders.
”Hm? What is it?”
”Headmaster asked me to sing for the Halloween concert,” you smirk proudly.
As emerald eyes lit up slightly—a very rare sight to witness—Leona folds arms on his chest, clearly boasting:
”Of course, he did,” turning his head to your side, he lands a kiss on your cheek. ”That's my star right there!”
You huff, but your cheeks are instantly flushed from his compliment. Why he has to be so embarrassing?
Azul Ashengrotto. 🩵
— I am sorry, but as soon as he finds out about you, being a musician, he will not even care about what type of music it is. From now, you are playing in the Monster Lounge in all your free times—
— But jokes aside, Azul instantly supports you. He doesn't really have an established opinion about heavy metal. Music is music, isn't it?
— Though, if you ask me, I don't think Azul is a big fan of this genre in general. But he is your fan, so it doesn't really matter;
— He will definitely suggest to become your personal manager, because, of course, he would.
”So?” You let out a tired, a little rushed breath, looking at your boyfriend expectantly. ”Was it good? Was it bad? Monster Lounge worthy, or?”
There is a strange dreamy smile on Azul's face, with his teeth slightly baring as he rushes to your side:
”My dear, it was an absolute masterpiece. It is not Monster Lounge worthy. It is a world worthy.’
”Azul,” you groan, rolling your eyes tiredly. ”Please, don't lie to me. It is just some silly songs.”
Ignoring your remark, he presses his cheek to yours, announcing with a strange triumph in his voice.
”And that how legends are made.”
You fight an urge to smack him with a guitar. What an idiot.
Kalim Al-Asim. 🧡
— I think Kalim likes hyperpop the most, but overall, he listens everything. So, don't be afraid, he is definitely not a one to judge or say something against your tastes;
— When you crash in his place to hang out, and put your playlist, he is absolutely delighted! He likes every song you show him, and he makes sure to add it on his favourites, too;
— Kalim might or might not ask you for you account in Magicfy, so you both could constantly see what you are listening to, and exchange songs you like;
— And he makes a special playlist for you, with songs he thinks you might like, and never heard before.
”Did you like it?” Kalim asks, shifting from one leg to another, almost nervously. ”A few of them were added from Jamil's playlist, but I hadn't seen anything similar in your Magicfy, so—”
”Kali-im,” you are practically throwing yourself on him, wrapping arms around his neck tightly. ”Kalim, you are the best.”
You spent your last night listening through playlist he made—consisting of forty five songs!—and you can't help but feel grateful. Kalim chose every single song so carefully, just to please you.
”I am glad you like it!”
And, surely, everyone knows that the path to someone's heart lays through new and unexplored music!
Vil Schoenheit. 💜
— Your confession that you make music bring a lot of satisfaction to him. He thinks, it is important to have some similar interests, and he loves the idea both of you being invested in this type of art;
— However, Vil had never expected that you are creating rock music. It is not something he listens to, but, he supports your interest nevertheless;
— You are always amazing in his eyes, but if Vil spots some mistake in your work, or just suggestion how to improve your lyrics, he will point it out;
— Just like Azul, invested in making you a star. Buys you expensive technics, connects you with different famous people, who can teach you something useful, and, accidentally, mentions you in front of his colleagues... Oh, he knows what he is doing.
”I am so nervous,” you mumble, fixing your hair for the fifth time in a row. ”This concert place is huge. Why it is so huge?”
”Calm down,” Vil sighs, slightly smacking your hands away. ”And keep your hands of your face and hair, I worked too long on them for you ruining it so easily.”
You smile apologetically.
”Don't worry, my twinkle star. The stage is yours—and you got it,” he kisses you on the back of your hand reassuringly, well-aware of how hard it is; to preform for the first time. ”Now go. And when you return, I will make sure to reward you thoroughly.”
As your cheeks heat up, you can't think of anything but a mystery reward you were promised to... Well, Vil definitely knows how to fight with anxiety.
Idia Shroud. 💙
— Idia literally doesn't care what music is playing. He puts random playlists on the background, when he is playing games most of the time. He is not even familiar with the names of songs or musical bands;
— When you ask if you can put your music, Idia literally just shrugs;
— Have zero reaction on your playlist. Might or might not nod occasionally in the beat of song, but that's it;
— But, if his head hurts, he will ask to turn it down. His migraines can't tolerate this kind of loudness, sorry.
”Can I put my playlist?” You ask quietly, plopping on the sofa as you enter the room.
”Not today,” Idia sighs, sitting next to you slowly. ”My head hurts, and if I wanted to hear man screaming in this state, I would simply go to the housewarden meeting.”
You chuckle softly, reaching to pat his hair. As your fingers sink in his unruly locks, he mumbles something incoherent, nuzzling in your touch instantly.
”Rest then, darling,” you scratch the skin of his head gently. ”I am here.”
”Thank you...”
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— Malleus is so excited that you asked him to check your music out, that he doesn't even care about such details as this;
— He has a really superficial knowledge about genres and stuff, but since Lilia plays in the group in his free-time, and it is also the heavy stuff, Malleus is not that ignorant;
— But, truth to be told, he would love your songs anyway. It is you, who makes this songs special, not the other way around;
— Just as Leona, he is your most loyal fan, bragging about you everywhere. He likes to sit on your lap, while you work on lyrics and notes, too.
”Had you been here for a long time?” You ask with unhidden surprise in your voice.
Malleus is standing in the doorway, leaning on the door frame with his shoulder, arms folded on his chest. He smiles widely as you acknowledge him, stars in eyes becoming even brighter than before.
”It doesn't matter. The image of you working on what you love, these fingers fumbling in strings, fascinates me completely. The time passes without a notice.”
You huff, already being used to this kind of compliments from him.
”Then come and sit with me,” you offer, patting the place next to you. ”I don't mind having you here, after all.”
And that what makes him beam openly.
What a level of trust it is!
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Stealing You ~ *Leona Kingscholar*
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Summary: Ever since Leona brought you home to visit, you’ve been spending way too much time with his sister-in-law. He’s starting to feel a bit neglected...
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 423
Warning: N/A
Taglist:​ @soulangel​ @savanaclaw1996
“All I’m saying is your sister-in-law is a delight and I love her.”
Leona scoffed, hugging the pillow he was napping on tighter to his chest. “She’s alright, I guess.”
“She’s a sweetheart.” You corrected him before emerging from his closet, where you had been changing clothes.
He perked up upon seeing what you were wearing. Earlier you had gone shopping with his sister-in-law and she got you some clothes that you could only find in the Sunset Savanna. Your outfit was full of intricate patterns and bright colors. You even had a matching ribbon in your hair. You looked absolutely amazing.
Not that he would tell you that.
Leona rolled his eyes. “You’re just saying that because she took you shopping.”
“So what if I am?” You shrugged. Picking up your new necklace made out of polished turquoise, aquamarine, and jasper, you tried to put it on yourself. “She’s also funny and kind and easy to talk to. Kind of like you, I guess.”
The lazy prince watched you struggle for a moment before sighing. Standing up slowly, he made his way over to you and took the necklace from your fumbling fingers. Leaning in, he whispered, “Here. Let me.”
He felt you shiver as his fingers brushed against the back of your neck. He smirked, which made you let out a huff. After securing the necklace, his hands fell to your shoulders and his nose buried itself in your hair. He frowned.
“Your scent is different.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, I got a new perfume while I was out.”
“It smells nice, I guess.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
He hummed, his arms now draped over your shoulders and his head resting lazily on the back of your neck. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was trying to sleep standing up. The thought made you chuckle, which made him hum in response.
“If you’re so tired, we could at least nap in bed, you know.” You commented. “Or, you can, that is. Your sister-in-law invited me to dinner. You’re welcome to join us.”
“I’d rather you join me in bed.” He muttered. “You’re spending too much time with my family.”
“I wouldn’t be if we did more than just sleep in your room all day.”
He growled. “Fine. Nap with me now and I’ll give you a tour of the grounds tomorrow.”
You hummed. “I think that sounds like a great idea. But you have to take my necklace off. I’m not sleeping with it on.”
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azulsluver · 1 year
What if the reader makes alter egos replicating the AU bully TW boys opposite personality? Like for example..
Riddle, Vil, sebek, with a lazy and quiet reader. Not intimidated by his anger or strict behavior. Just the reader yawning and not even caring for the punishment would make riddle, vil, pissed LMAO—
Then we have Azul, Leona, Jamil with a cunning/smart and quiet reader. Maybe their just minding their own business, finding solutions and evidences to werid situations and. Just wanna be in peace? Ngl I don't really have much thoughts on a cunning reader
And next is malleus, kalim, and idia with an easily annoyed and cold reader. Just imagine kalim clinging/annoying on reader while they read a book in the library and them just trying not to roll their eyes or make an pissed off face. To malleus I feel like he would just silently sulk a bit in the inside since reader is ignoring him, ignoring sebek's rude statements and Lilia's tease. As for idia. I feel like they would express a look of disgusted and werided face just 🤨😑😐
Man I'm too tired to write the entire cast with different personality reader... *Cries*
no major warnings except yandere + bully!characters. So you know the drill
Alter egos in the bully!AU will be the death for reader. Bully’s like their victims stupid and weak, but here’s some thoughts and small rambles.
Lazy and quiet reader
Barely has any self control, pray your little stunts are done in public because it'll at least buy you some time to flee. Riddle isn't afraid to put his hands on you, reader should fear his authority because he can get physically really fast. He'll set fear into your mind one way or another, he won't have you yawning around him. He expects better, and he wants better, so he'll make you better. You should also understand, Riddle is feared by others, or they highly respect him, what makes you think your laziness won't bite you in the ass?
Vil is no stranger to people like you. How do you think he dealt with Epel? You'll break eventually, in fact your attitude gives him a reason to ruff you up a bit. I can see that this type of reader will catch Vil's attention faster, he takes it as a challenge. If others seem to be drawn by your presence than that’s laughable, Vil expected more from you, even though he often times preferred you staying silent during his lectures. How did he get himself in this mess, you’re gonna give him grey hairs..
What did Malleus see in you..not only are you vile to look at, your behavior is no better. Sebek despises people like you, putting no effort in social cues or image is unacceptable. You’re contagious to the touch and look, anyone looking your way does he loudly exclaim how horrible you are. Bad behavior, poor even, not worth yelling. Yet he always drag himself back to the start, with him taking it upon himself to drill the proper steps on being good use. Starting with that attitude.
Cunning/smart and quiet reader
You’ve earned his respect. Yet again you have nothing useful for Azul for him to seek you out. But he’d be lying if he wasn’t attracted by your character, a person as independent as you is nothing but attractive in his eyes. Azul, unlike the cowardly reader in this scenario, is easily warmed up to the idea of the two of you being associates. Or possibly more, because he doesn’t feel pressured towards you, gaining that unhealthy connection in the original concept.
Doesn’t like it. He likes his toys dumb, yet you seem to have a mind of your own. Leona wouldn’t have anything to do or say to you, because you’re person who doesn’t need any help. You’re smart, congrats, but he won’t mind a little challenge from you, having others defy him is nothing he’s used to. As much as Leona prefers the other reader, this one can warm up to him once his buttons are pushed, now he’s thinking of ways to break that independent perception.
Like Azul, he respects that you can stand up for yourself in some way. You’re smart enough to plan out situations and getting away with things, Jamil finds no pleasure in trying to break something he wasn’t interested in the first place. I wouldn’t say he’d be intimidated by a cunning reader, much like shaking hands and calling it a day. You aren’t worth playing with if you block his advances. Jamil enjoys his victims at their lowest, so he can feel a sense of power and need.
Easily annoyed and cold reader
An overgrown dragon looking over your smaller figure. You swear the tips of his ears are pointing downwards when you ignore him. Malleus is clingy, not exactly throwing himself on you clingy, but to the point you can’t even think for yourself. You openly express how much it annoys you, just him sulking has you clenching your fist and biting back a scoff. You don’t wanna hear the end of it with Sebek or see Lilia’s mischievous glare. Everything about Malleus is suffocating, to his friends and issues about not having anyone else, you aren’t even sure why he decided you were the object of his obsession.
Wouldn’t notice until someone pointed it out. Even as a bully, he’s terrible with social cues usually why he needs Jamil to be by his side whenever the two are antagonizing you. Besides the point Kalim is great with emotional manipulation whether on purpose or not, and you’re going against a person everyone adores. Kalim cant do no wrong, you’re just mean, Kalim thinks you’re mean and he doesn’t like the way you act towards him. He’s given you things others would die for, yet you can’t appreciate it. He’s so used to having things his way, and for someone to act out of line knowing his position irks him.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Kalim Al-Asim - Playful Dress Vignette
"Spending time waiting in lines"
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[Playful Land – Bazaar]
Grim: Ace already went to line up for the roller coaster again…
Grim: He rode it before the show too, how many times is he plannin' on goin' on it?
Grim: I'm gonna check out all the other attractions. What should be next, hmm~
Grim: Hm? Sniff, sniff, something smells reaaaaal good over there. Let's go, [Yuu]!
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Grim: This is where the tasty smell is coming from! But what is everyone lining up for? I can't see the front of the line at all.
???: Oh hey, it's [Yuu] and Grim.
Kalim: Did you come 'cause you smelled the popcorn? Me too, ahahah!
Cater: The flavor they're giving out at this stand is salted caramel, apparently. I guess that's a different flavor than regular caramel ♪
Grim: That's different than the one [Yuu] and I had earlier. I wanna try the salted caramel one!
Kalim: Yeah, let's get in line together. We'll get to the front of the line in no time if we chat together.
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Kalim: Oh yeah, also, I went and tried the food that [Yuu] and Ace suggested earlier!
Kalim: Cater showed me where all the food wagons were.
Kalim: Leona and Jack were just passing us by around the same time, so I invited them to join us and we all ate pie and chicken.
1. What was the pie like?
Kalim: I was surprised 'cause they gave us a whole pie! I didn't know how I should dig in. Kalim: And that was the first time I ever had a cherry pie that tart. That was a refreshing experience.
2. How was the chicken?
Kalim: It was delicious! The meat was a little tough, though. Kalim: Leona and Jack were just tearing into the meat~ It was pretty intense watching from up close.
Guest A: Oh hey, it's the popcorn wagon! I'm starting to get a little hungry, so let's grab some.
Guest B: It looks tasty, but… There's a really long line. I don't really want to wait, so why don't we just skip it?
Kalim: Looks like those guys want popcorn too. It sucks that they're going to give up just because the line is long…
Kalim: HEEEEY, YOU TWO~~~!!
Guest A: Hm? Are you talking to us?
Kalim: Yeah! You guys want popcorn, right? You can jump in line ahead of us!
Guest B: Eh, you sure? We really didn't want to wait at the end of the line, so that's a huge help!
Guest A: I'm so glad there's someone as nice as you here. Thank you~!
Kalim: Yeah! Seeing you happy makes me happy!
Guest C: Man, I'm getting tired of waiting. Let's just give up on the popcorn and go somewhere else.
Kalim: I'm hearing some voices behind us… Ah, our eyes just met. Is that them?
Guest C: Is that okay? You're so nice, young man! Then, I'll take you up on your offer.
Kalim: Yeah! Hope your turn comes soon.
Guest D: That person over there'll just let anyone ahead of him. We should definitely take advantage.
Guest E: I was just thinking that. So, we'll just raise our voice so he can hear…
Kalim: Oh, that's no good! Here, hurry over here. Get in line ahead of me!
Cater: H-Hey… Kalim-kun?
Kalim: Hm? What's up, Cater?
Cater: Uhhh… I'm kinda thinking… At this rate, our turn might never come…
Guest F: Man, we're pretty tired too! Hey, let us in front of you too.
Grim: Ugh, now we got some scary looking dudes…
Cater: Yeah, that was bound to happen~ Might be better to just let them in without a fuss…
???: Hey. What're you all doing?
???: We would deeply appreciate it if you would refrain from bothering other guests.
Kalim: Jade! Floyd!
Cater: Nice timing, you two! Did you see we were in a pinch and come over to save us?
Floyd: Hah? What're you blabbering about? We're pissed at all of you.
Kalim: Eh, me!? Did I do something to anger you two?
Floyd: We've been in line behind your group for a little while now, y'know…
Jade: Thanks to Kalim-san permitting many people to jump in line, we've been suffering quite extraordinarily so.
Floyd: You're just addin' more people in front of us, so the line's not getting' any shorter. And everyone else's now just tryin' to push their luck…
Floyd: That really ticks me off, so… You good if I squeeze every single one of you?
Grim: Those guys just zipped away as fast as they could…
Cater: Well yeah, Floyd-kun just now was super scary. But in the end, him shooing them away really saved us.
1. That was scary…
Jade: Fufu, you were in quite the predicament on all sides, [Yuu]-san.
2. Thank you for helping us.
Floyd: 'S not like I was doin' it to help you. I'm pretty pissed off at you too, Shrimpy-chan, y'know.
Cater: Ah, hey, now! The line's moved up a ton. Let's keep going.
Kalim: Oh? You're right! I can't wait for the popcorn.
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[Playful Land – Bazaar]
Kalim: They packed this bucket full of popcorn, and look! It's made to look like the Friendly Fox's head.
Kalim: See, see, his hat is the lid. This is so cool.
Cater: Yeah, it's super cute! Hey, Kalim-kun, can I borrow your bucket to snap a pic?
Kalim: Yeah, of course. Oh hey! I'll rest it on your shoulder.
Cater: Thanks~! I bet the folks online won't be able to get enough of seeing this bucket that can only be nabbed at Playful Land!
Cater: Nice, that came out good. I'll upload it to Magicam later~
Jade: Oh my… We meet again. And here I thought you had already received your popcorn.
Kalim: We were just taking a photo of the special popcorn bucket.
Kalim: What are you two doing after this?
Floyd: We're heading to the go-karts. I've always wanted to drive one of 'em land vehicles.
Floyd: Might not actually be the same as driving the real thing, but it might give me a taste, y'know?
Kalim: Go-karts, huh… Sounds great! I want to try driving myself too.
Grim: I wanna go too!
Cater: Then I think I'll head off on my own then. I want to go searching for all the fox symbols hidden through the park ♪
Kalim: Oooh, didn't know they had such a thing. I'll be cheering you on, I hope you find all the foxes!
Grim: Okay, now on to the go-karts!
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[Playful Land – Catch The Star]
Jade: It seems the go-karts are also rather popular. This is quite the line of people.
Floyd: Hey, Sea-Otter-chan… I'ma say this now, but don't even think of lettin' other people in front of us, mmkay?
Floyd: I don't care if you wanna get cut in line, but I ain't gonna let it fly.
Floyd: If you do it again, I'm definitely squeezin' ya.
Kalim: I know. Come on, let's get in line.
Grim: Yeah! Hey, Kalim, open your bucket up. I wanna eat the popcorn while we wait!
Kalim: Did you already finish your popcorn? Sure. Eat as much as you like!
Grim: Yay! Chomp, chomp, scarf, munch! Mmmm~ I love how sweet and salty it is.
Kalim: Good, good. You have a great appetite.
Jade: You seem to be in high spirits, Kalim-san, despite standing in such long lines…
Kalim: Yeah! This is the first time I've ever had to wait in long lines. This is super fun.
Kalim: Yeah. Usually when I go to amusement parks, we reserve the whole place, so…
Kalim: I've never seen an amusement park completely packed full of people before.
Floyd: But if the whole place is reserved, then that means your wait time for every ride is basically zero. Isn't that better?
Kalim: Hmmm. I remember back when I was around 6 years old. My family had promised to take me to an amusement park…
Kalim: But then my mom and dad suddenly had to deal with some urgent business.
Kalim: So I thought I'd invite Jamil to come with me instead, but he had already left for school, so it was too late to ask.
Jade: Oh my, what a pity.
Kalim: Yeah, the timing really didn't work out ~ So in the end, I went to the amusement park with some of my other servants that day.
Kalim: There weren't any people in line, so I could get on any ride I wanted by myself, but…
Kalim: But doing everything by myself felt… a little lonely. Like I was missing something.
Kalim: By the end, I was asking my servants to ride with me, so we got on all the attractions together.
Kalim: We'd scream at the top of our lungs on the roller coaster, and play tons of games in the game corner.
Kalim: I wanted everyone to get a chance to ride, so on smaller attractions, I'd wait around to make sure everyone was able to ride them…
Kalim: Having so many people to hang out with is way better than just riding stuff by myself!
Kalim: Even spending time waiting in lines makes me happy because it's all so lively.
Kalim: That's why I didn't mind giving up my space in line to those people earlier, either.
1. I get it.
Floyd: I don't get it at all. It's boring waiting in line~ I wanna get on the ride already.
2. But waiting is still a little…
Jade: After all, we may never be able to come back to Playful Land, we wouldn't want to squander our time here.
Floyd: And even if you're having fun, you're being a bother to everyone behind you in line.
Kalim: But I want everyone who comes to the amusement park to enjoy themselves.
Kalim: Hmmm, what should I do?
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[Playful Land – Catch The Star]
Kalim: But I want everyone who comes to the amusement park to enjoy themselves.
Kalim: Hmmm, what should I do?
Grim: Fnyaaa~ …I finished all the popcorn. Now I'm out of things to doo…
Grim: I wanna get on the ride already! Hey, what if we just barge in line like those guys from earlier tried to?
Jade: That won't do, Grim-kun.
Jade: We must politely explain our predicament, and tell them something like, "We are in such dire straits…" until they fully understand.
Floyd: No way. Just say, "Yo, care to get out of my way?" and they'll alllll just slowly move back for us.
Kalim: Wait!? I thought we said cutting in line was bad!?
Floyd: Didn't say that at all. All I said was to not let anyone in front of us.
Kalim: Really? But if you guys take someone else's spot…
Kalim: Then everyone else behind them'll feel upset, just like you did earlier…
Grim: I totally get why people would wanna cut. It's so boring just waiting in line.
Kalim: I don't really think so, but… Hm?
Kalim: Basically, what you're saying is that if you're not bored, then you could enjoy the wait, right!?
Kalim: I just had a great idea. Everyone, wait here a sec!
Grim: Fnyah!? That's not fair, making us wait in line and goin' off somewhere on your own!!
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Kalim: Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting!
Floyd: Aha! Sea Otter-chan, what's with that getup~? You're all lit up like an atolla jellyfish.
Kalim: I went and got a bunch of the shiny and sparkling accessories they have at the stalls.
Kalim: Don'tcha think they're super bright and flashy? Plus, when I move like this…
[ting-a-ling-ling] ♪♪♪ [shan-shan-shan] ♪ [ting-a-ling] ♪
Grim: Ooh, they're making some neat sounds.
Kalim: Kinda gets you feeling good, doesn't it? So, I'll start a rhythm, and…
Guest G: Hm? I hear some sounds over there. Is there some kind of street performance going on?
Guest H: Look, look! That guy there's really standing out. His coordination of the accessories to his outfit is on point.
Guest I: And his dancing is super good! Look at those killer moves.
Grim: He's making me want to start dancing too~ Dum dee dum ♪
Jade: Oh my… It seems all those in line have had their attention drawn in by Kalim-san and Grim-kun. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves greatly.
Kalim: Alright, I'm really riding the rhythm now. Everyone, watch me!
Grim: Woah, a backflip!? I can't let him show me up!
1. Amazing!! 2. Well done!!
Guest J: [whistles] You rock, keep going!
Guest K: Everyone, come over here! Check out this awesome performance.
Kalim: Woah, so many people are gathering around now.
Kalim: Looks like everyone's enjoying themselves. That makes me happy!
Kalim: Alllright, I gotta go even further. Next is…
Floyd: Niiice, it's getting' pretty fired up. Looks fun!
Jade: Indeed. What a fantastic turnout…
Jade: However, as people stop to watch, they're calling over more people… Those two have been completely surrounded by a crowd.
Jade: At this rate…
Puppet: Dear Guests!! You Are Blocking The Path For Other Guests!
Puppet: Please Cease Your Performance Immediately!
Grim: Fnyah!? Now there's a ton of the staff puppets all around us!
Jade: Well, this is quite expected.
Kalim: Eh, should we not have been dancing here? I thought it was a pretty neat idea, too.
Guest L: That was a really great performance! I wish I could have seen more.
Guest M: That made standing in line much more fun, thank you!
Kalim: That's great. I'm happy that I could make you all happy!
Kalim: For all of the amusement parks attractions, the waiting time, the stage show earlier, and even now…
Kalim: It's the best when everyone can be enjoying it together with a smile!
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
Hello there! I'd like to order a "childhood arranged marriage" gado gado with Leona please! Thank you very much 💖
"This is your order, dear customer. A plate full of [The Lion's Fiancé(e)] gado-gado. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No? Then, I hope you have a pleasant meal."
The Lion's Fiancé(e)
Character: Leona
Summary: You were betrothed to Leona since childhood
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, fluff, romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, arranged marriage, a bit spoiler about Leona's past, Leona being a little shit (affectionately)
Note: AAAH, MY FIRST REQUEST IS HERE! Thank you for requesting, anon. Your idea is so wonderful that it almost made me get a brainrot for this lion 😩✋
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To establish a good relationship with the royal family of Sunset Savanna, your family then decided to make you the betrothed of Leona, the second prince of Sunset Savanna. Because of that, you often visit Leona at the palace to deepen your relationship.
The first time you met little Leona, he's kind of... a brat. He didn't hesitate to show his disdain towards you, his forced fiancé(e). Starting from the way his tail always twitching in displeasure at the mere sight of you, his ears that drop flat, and even the angry expression that adorns his face every time he senses your presence. Little Leona thought he must look very intimidating. But in your eyes, he's no different from a grumpy kitten, it makes you just want to stroke his fluffy-looking ears and tail. And how could Leona miss the way your eyes twinkle following every movement of his tail? The audacity you had!
The next meetings you spend trying to coax your grumpy kitten fiancé. Leona constantly tries to hide every time you come to visit, but somehow you always manage to find him, as if you put a tracking device on him. Over time, Leona himself felt tired from this silly mouse cat game, and he decided to give up on his fate, which was to be your fiancé. Now, every time you come to the palace, you just need to go straight to Leona's room without having to bother looking for him again around the palace.
Since getting engaged to you, Leona started to develop a new habit. And that habit is that he always deliberately sleeps on one side of the mattress, while the other side he leaves for you. He did that not because he's kind, alright? He deliberately left a place on the mattress so that you wouldn't crush him again while he was sleeping, using a stupid excuse like 'you also want to lie down, but you can't because he sleeps right in the middle of the bed'.
Leona knew he was disliked and feared by the palace attendants, all because of the frightening power he has. There were even times when Leona himself hated the power he possessed. For him, turning everything he touches into sand is a curse. But you, you say that his terrifying power is a blessing. When a disaster occurs and debris is scattered, his power can turn all the debris into sand, thus making it easier for the rescue process. And as if to prove the seriousness of your words, you held his hand, pressed it against your face, and looked into Leona's eyes with a small smile, in such a way that say 'look? I'm fine, aren't I?'. And really, that was the only moment where Leona tried his best to keep his tears in their place, hoping they won't stream down his cheeks (and he failed miserably).
Leona may never say this, but he actually enjoys –no, he loves– the time he spends together with you. All this time, he was used to growing up compared to his brother, insults and ridicules had become his daily consumption. But when you come into his life, seeing him for who he is without judging him, looking at him with eyes full of wonder instead of fear, how can Leona's heart not be open to you?
Almost all the beastmen in Sunset Savanna know that their second prince has a fiancé(e) and he's very a bit protective of them. Every time the two of you went out for an outing, Leona would put his hands around your waist or shoulders to let people know that you're with him. If someone dares to stare at you a little longer than necessary, Leona will immediately growl at that poor fellow until they take their eyes from you.
When you come to Savanaclaw to meet your fiancé, all the students there will surely greet you in a very friendly way. Gone is their usual brashness, replaced by a sickeningly polite smile. All because Leona has given them orders to treat you with an utmost respect, even they should be more respectful to you than to him. If someone's being disrespectful to you, then Leona himself will personally teach them a lesson or two about respecting one's fiancé(e).
You may not know, but Leona always tries very hard to control himself to not 'eat' you every time you do something he finds adorable, like holding his hands, sleeping on his chest, giving him a peck here and there, and other things that can make his heart beat faster than it normally does. It's not just once or twice that Leona has dirty thoughts about you, and every time those dirty thoughts start popping into his head, Leona will rush away from you to 'take care' of himself first. He may be a beastman, but he's still sane enough not to force himself on you before the marriage. Well, unless you don't mind?
All in all, Leona treats you pretty well as his fiancé(e). He may not be the nicest fiancé you can have, but he's not the worst either. He can respect your boundaries, listen to your opinions on some things, and take good care of you. The downside may be that he's not very responsive, sometimes ignores you, and also easily irritated by small things. But despite it all, you should know that Leona really cares about you. His high ego makes it a little hard for him to apologize and admit his mistakes, but if you talk to him first, he will definitely apologize in the end. Albeit, with a voice so small that you can barely even hear it.
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kinokoshoujoart · 27 days
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CORRECT TAGS‼️‼️‼️‼️ @rn0na-lizard you are so so so correct….. my favorite ‘Normal Girl’ in hmds…….i almost never see anyone talk about these aspects of her let alone also love her for them as they should.
i feel like Leona/ DS lumina gets mischaracterized super often which is understandable bc out of all the DS candidates leona is the least like her ancestor (who i also love, for different reasons).
in AWL lumina was the only kid in the valley for a very long time, but many of the DS residents have lived in the valley their whole lives. while lumina had accepted her role as a proper young heiress by chapter 3 of AWL— and when DS begins Leona already at this point of her life— lumina still had a lingering sense of uncertainty and angst and loneliness and doubt, and unresolved worries about her parents. absolutely none of this is present with leona
in this world leona starts with Lumina’s 22 year old appearance, she’s just rich as hell and living her best life (as she deserves), she’s unabashedly shallow, puts herself first always, speaks so politely and affably yet she can be so casually cruel in the most genuine cute way and out of touch with reality and and i fucking love her and i’d die for her. my beloved girlboss girlkeep girlypop
more iconic Leona Moments
when muu/muffy asks for beauty advice leona’s recommendation is “this brand of mail order beauty cream is simply divine! and it was quite inexpensive too, just 100,000 G 🥰” everyone else looks uncomfortable and muu is like “you’re as frivolous as always….”
aside from the 3 who take literally half your money (Witch💖, moi, and thomas) leona and panama (romana) take the most money from you if they carry you home when you faint. just a couple of girl bosses holding on to their girlpire (btw shout out to sebastian, the only resident in the entire valley who carries you home for free)
neither panama nor leona attend the harvest festival, they send sebastian there by himself to test the food first lmao (if you poison it like the witch they’re harboring on their property requires you to do, sebastian is just like “i can’t serve this to Mistress Panama…”)
once again sebastian attacks mukumuku for her sake, this time not to make her a paintbrush but she told him to get her the best slippers and this was apparently the easiest way. sebastian gets fucking mauled btw
leona has hands down the best romance route in hmds. all her scenes are incredible but god the slow burn friends to lovers with your DVD player….
in her purple heart event she shows up at your house because she heard you have a DVD player, asks you to show her how it works, and then just leaves after she’s done playing with it
in her yellow heart event she has sebastian fetch van so she can buy a DVD player for herself but van’s like “i’m so sorry …. Pete… bought the last one….”
leona is so unable to stomach the idea of other people having things she doesn’t that she starts to cry and the only way to placate her is to tell her she can go to your house anytime she wants just so she can use your DVD player. that’s not a setup to a budding romance that’s her final heart event
it’s the most incredible romance arc in the world like girl you have infinite money you can just. buy a DVD player somewhere else?? “i want to watch DVDs at my house just like you!” leona you have three entire bedrooms
“rich girl love interest who has everything except love, win her heart by having genuine conversation with her”: done to death, tired, i don’t have time for that
“rich girl love interest who has everything except a fucking DVD player, win her heart by giving her expensive stuff and ‘relax tea’ and access to your DVD player”: audacious, intriguing, never been done before, innovative
if you deny her god-given right to access your DVD player she is like “Is that so……………Just let me be alone for a little bit.” incredible tragedy i understand. take as much time as you need to grieve darling
oh but her first heart event asks you to pick a side in an argument she’s having with panama and the correct answer is to say “sebastian is the one who’s wrong” (sebastian has said nothing wrong this whole time and yet both of them have just been yelling at him to shut up)
and her blue heart event is “help me find this heirloom necklace… boohoo…” and when you find it she’s like “perfect! now grandma won’t get mad at me. hmm, you seem pretty dependable…♡” augh she’s way too good at this…….!!! i’ll do anything for you!
when you propose she says “of course, i always dreamed of having a romance and a wedding♡” and says nothing abt how she feels about you <3
also if you marry her, once a week she goes to hang out at her ex love interest’s place for 6 hours straight and comes home saying “whew… i had so much fun that i must have lost track of time… i’ll hurry on home”
if you marry another girl she starts flirting with you like “I’m so envious of your wife, having such a fine husband… Pete.” (or whatever your name is)
i’ve become obsessed with her and romeo’s horrible trainwreck soap opera marriage since replaying cute in jp… it’s SO… i have so much to say about them that it should be its own post but i’ll just give the cliffnotes
shotgun wedding vibes. romeo is surprised by his own wedding. they’re childhood friends but he himself has never considered marrying her. her words to him at their wedding are “Make me happy♡” (command)
she understandably can’t stand his terrible table manners or his clothes or anything about him (except that she wants to watch him surf and have his child. but he instead walks in circles all day. coward) and he’s both really good at accidentally stepping on landmines and just ever so slightly majorly terrified of her after marriage (“but surely her angry outbursts are just her way of showing love hahahahaha” you’re going to die. she’s going to kill you). the only positive things they say about their marriage are extremely shallow. they can’t communicate with each other because romeo always says the Dumbest Shit obliviously and leona always responds by cutting him out of her life forever!!!!!! (for 5 seconds) while he has no idea what happened
they are both so melodramatic and they both just do nothing except make each other worse and run away from each other and push each other away but they can’t escape each other. neither of them ever has to grow or change if they marry each other because an elderly overworked man is sustaining both of their existences and neither of them can take care of themselves and i love them your honor
also romeo’s first crush as a kid was apparently her mom, and if leona falls for YOU she flirts by mentioning that sebastian says you look like the spitting image of her dead father. dear fucking god
they’re the epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
romeo really does feel like her stupid lackey. like the karen to her regina. they even had this dynamic in the games they played as kids… she was the Harvest Goddess and he was Servant A/Minion A (they might still be playing this game as adults…he calls her lady/mistress sometimes after marriage…)
btw leona’s best friend (wife) marivia is also just as… there’s an event where they just gossip about all the mineral town ppl and marivia says ann would win a gluttony contest and they both giggle
there’s also an event where marivia casually walks into Witch’s hut and just interviews her so she can write her into a novel. witch is left completely drained by this exchange. leona and marivia both are so chill about the horrible cruel villainess living in leona’s shed who wants the town poisoned and rewards you for killing animals and hurting yourself and is putting curses on everyone (and they’re right. she’s never done anything wrong in her life)
#i also feel like leona and marivia summoned Witch (just girlypop things summoning hot evil ladies from hell)#i’m a marivia x leona x witch truther. the evidence is out there. evil yuri triad (real)#i also love to believe that witch is fucking with all the rival couples in the valley but ESPECIALLY romeo x leona#since she’s petty about her crush (leona) choosing the village idiot of all people#she can’t affect gustafa and nami because gustafa is like a garden gnome type that wards away evil#leona would make coquette edits of phantom skye/steiner#man i really have a lot of overlapping ships but i just like thinking about everyone together in some way#marivia was interviewing witch for a girls love leona x witch sequel in that series she wrote that has the main character based on leona#(this was revealed to me in a dream)#bokumono#harvest moon ds#hmds#harvest moon#story of seasons#hmds leona#hmds lumina#i’m sorry for going ham about your tags i promise i’m normal#^_−☆#hmds cute#i feel like everyone collectively forgot what hmds was like which is understandable because it’s a fever dream#or maybe we misremembered it from our childhoods#but replaying the girl and boy versions in english and japanese has really refreshed my views on the characters#i have so much to say about everyone mostly the rival couples#love the dysfunction and bad vibes in this game#poisoned water supply type of townsfolk#girls hour (meet up in the mines to beat each other up and slaughter various animals and humanoids to eat)#it’s such an evil game#haunted by natsume malware ghosts
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mylittlesecrethaven · 2 months
I'm Making Fluff Headcannons Cause I'm Sad: Savanaclaw
I've gotta remember how I set this up.
Otherwise it'll turn out like shit.
Oh well. Let's just see how it goes.
I hope you like sleeping a lot
Cause this man will pull you into so many naps
Ruggie's gonna have to start making excuses for you in class
Also, this mans in loaded, so if you need anything, ask him
He'll just hand you his card
(with a sidenote of something he wants you to buy for him)
Not a pda guy
It's not that he's not ok with it
It's just that he doesn't feel the need to do it
Yes, he cuddles
But he's not into lovey dovey stuff
So you're gonna have to do it first
Teasing teasing teasing
I really hope you're ok with teasing
Cause unlike Ace, he won't lay off
And if it hurts your feelings, he probably won't know what else to do besides take a nap with you
But trust me, if he thinks you're asleep, he's whispering the nicest, most loving shit
And if you're awake when he does it, you'll just know he loves you, even when he can't say that stuff to your face
Get ready to learn some life skills, my friend
Ruggie will teach you everything he knows
Haggling, thieving, speaking in different languages
You are gonna be well learned in the ways of the streets
Will always look out for you
He's a family guy
And a pack animal
So he's constantly checking on you
And making sure you're eating
And that you have enough money
And if you're feeling down, he'll ask Leona for some money and bring you your favorite food
And if you're favorite food is something Ruggie makes, you best bet he'll make it for you
Some days he'll be attached to you at the hip
And others you probably won't see him at all
But when he comes back after disappearing, he always brings you something (usually food)
And he'll be right by your side until he disappears again for whatever reason
But you never miss him
You just feel happy whenever he's with you
You're about to get some muscle
Mans is gonna get you a workout routine
Y'all are gonna go on runs
(But if you get tired, he'll carry you)
You're gonna sweat together
(Outside and inside the bedroom hehehe (sorry, couldn't help myself with that one))
And you're gonna get a cactus
And your cactus and his cactus are gonna be friends
And they're gonna have matching names (probably named after some Spelldrive players who are friends)
He will keep you motivated
No procrastination with this guy
You not feeling up for schoolwork?
He'll hype you up!
You don't feel like working out?
Get ready to be motivated!
(unless you're really not feeling it, in which case he's ok with break days every now and then)
Also, nobody's gonna mess with you
Trust me
Jack's got your back
And even if you just need help, he'll be there
I'm gonna be honest, Ruggie's was kinda hard.
But anyway, we'll see when I get the next part done.
Hope somebody enjoyed this.
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jaylleoo14 · 6 months
How I like to draw the twst characters because nobody asked
♡ i like drawing Jade two ways: Pretty boy twink or a "your daughter calls me daddy too"
♡ For Azul its either an unhinged crazy ass who might secretly be a boy loser or a fucking smartass scum who isnt pathetic
♡ Floyd is.... well, Floyd. He's silly! I love him unconditionally <3 (no i dont thats a lie- ACK HELP HES CHOKING ME-) Joking, I LOVE drawing him having threatening and scary faces. (that goes for Jade as well)
♡ Idia is either a whimpering begging mess or hes a fucking cocky menace whos actually threatening
♡ Leona is soft shy lion or a badass (yasss slay queen, we stan you‼️) and sassy at the same time (Have you seen the way he stans with his hand on his hip?)
♡ Vil is just strait up serving cunt, no words needed (she is always SERVING from the university of servington with a degree in serving cunt) I always draw him winning because she always is (we stay winning💯)
♡ Rook is an unhinged stalker with a crazy obsession or he's just a silly little lad whos always supportive of others (I like drawing him threatening too)
♡ Epel is my pretty boy who I love to draw because he's so pretty. I like to draw him very wild though and rambunctious
♡ Rollo is literally the same as Idias except he tries to hold his pride feeling really embarrassed
♡ Riddle has a strong presence and personality which i like to convey, being ruthless yet being incredibly soft. I like drawing him cute and pretty sometimes too :3
♡ Cater makes me sad, so I indulge myself in it. I like drawing him around deep and depressing themes, sometimes dark as well.
♡ Ruggie is either street punk cool and swaggy or damn attractive with an unhinged and sneaky overlay
♡ Jack is so cute to me, I like drawing him as the tsundere he is with a playful side to him with the overprotective bodyguard vibes
♡ Ace... I HATE THAT STUPID MF!!! God he's so annoying we might as well date already >:( He's super playful and flirty and i like drawing him sly and sometimes awkwardly flustered
♡ Deuce is my baby boy crush >\\\\< Hes so precious literally he's my soft boy. I love him sm omg
♡ Malleus is so awkward and somewhat stoic, yet thats what makes him cute! He's like a himbo to me hahahaha hes so silly to me sometimes but then im like, oh wait, hes hot. And then i do a 360 and all of a sudden he's this hot smirking bastard
♡ Lilia is so drippy he's my little doll, I want to style him in so many different ways (●ˇ∀ˇ●) and he's so badass yet girlypop at the same time, hello?? No one can pull it off like Lilia does, its the bisexual in him 🤞
♡ Silver is so sweet and pretty, though I always draw him sleeping because its so easy just drawing someone sleeping in low quality T0T (sorry Silver stans)
♡ Sebek is a silly little guy who I want to kick for the fun of it sometimes ^-^ But I like drawing him getting teased a lot or often getting picked on because I find it funny
♡ Jamil being a sassy overworked mom who always too tired to show any type of expression other than showing anger, exasperation, or an anxious stressed out look. Other than that, its a tired deadpan face for me as he's holding a mug saying "kys." Jamil is like a little hater to me and I stan that <3
♡ Kalim being oblivious and a bit slow, but other than that hes the happy radiating sunshine we all know as. I like giving him moments where hes so genuine and kind where you're just completely soft around him and an arrow shoots through your heart
♡ Ortho is that friendly neighbor! I like him drawing him being supportive of others and always being Idia's right hand man who can also be sneaky and sly
This doesnt usually apply to their yandere self though ^^
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bored-storyteller · 1 year
Here I am after months of absence. I hope you are all well. Things have happened, I don't have much to explain really. I don't know if this is my return, but I have some things that I wrote and never put here again so...occasionally, maybe something will show up.
I wish you all a happy life
Twisted Wonderland, Leona Kingscholar x reader
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Leona sleeps. He sleeps a lot, now even more than usual.
He sleeps when he's fine, let alone when he's sick, when he's scared or under pressure. Even if he doesn't show it you know he still hasn't fully recovered from what happened, and it doesn't matter if it's even been months. It's not like he actually got to relax after the Overblot, it really wasn't a quiet time.
But today is Sunday, and you want to try to wake up the sleeping prince a little, to rekindle the will to live in him.
What an utopian thought, you tell yourself, but you want to try for him. If you fail at least you'll be there to watch over his sleep that encloses all the weight he has in him.
You still stop to look at that pile of blankets for a few moments, it rises and falls together with his breathing. His ears stick out from under the sheets, vibrate every now and then in small and rapid movements.
"Leona..." You murmur, without raising your voice too much; you know that deep down there's no need. A rattle rises, but no movement comes.
“Leona…” you call again, as you place the tray next to him. You know that hunger can wake him up more than you could.
It makes you laugh when the first thing that appears under the sun's rays penetrating through the shutters is his nose, which silently leans towards the scent of abundant roasted bacon.
Lots of meat, some eggs, some bread and butter, something sweet but not too much, juice as needed and more meat. Then next to his portions there is also what you like, because breakfast is for you two in theory, but you already know in principle that you won't touch food.
You give him time to emerge from his hiding place while you go to fully raise the shutters. He complains, but doesn’t articulate intelligible words.
Leona doesn't thank you, but his stomach does it for him, loudly. You laugh and he huffs as you sit on the edge of his bed.
"Good morning your highness!"
His green eyes dart at you grimly, but they don't linger long, preferring to return to the food as he carries the tray across his lap: "Are you in a good mood this morning?"
At least one of us has to try hard to be, you think, but you'd rather die than say it out loud.
“I just want to spend time with you, and today we have the day off, right?” Yours is obviously an attempt.
"I am tired." He replies with his mouth full.
Well, you shouldn't feel overly discouraged, after all you expected it. Be strong, be strong for him. He puts up with his tantrums because he's putting up with worse.
You watch him eat in silence, and slowly your positivity begins to wane, subjugated by a flood of doubts that you don't even know how to recognize.
Well, you can spend the day complaining to someone, the Heartslabyul guys stuck around, right? Or you could pay a visit to Scarabia, or one of the other dormitories. It's not that there aren't many ways to spend your days off there. You will return to Leona's in the evening. Maybe he will want to be with you more.
As you predicted, he doesn't bother advancing what you like, but you can't get mad, even if you're sorry about this. You wonder if he sees how much you are trying to make him better, how worried you are about him, and how afraid you are of only making it worse.
Does he know you love him?
And at that moment, he unexpectedly looks at you, catches you off guard like a good predator. He stands still as he watches you, suddenly sentient.
The state he finds you in is different from what he expected: you seemed so happy this morning, but now it looks like you are about to break. He sees your doubts gathering in your eyes and he's almost mesmerized by it, because he realizes you've hidden them from him so well up until that moment.
You, always careful not to hurt his pride with your concern, yet always, constantly feeling sorry for him. How could he not notice?
You clear your throat and escape him, trotting back around his room as if nothing had happened. He watches you sort through his clothes and his belongings that he doesn't even remember he has.
He looks at the now empty plates and sighs.
“Herbivore…” he calls you, setting aside blankets and tray to get up.
You hum back without turning around, as you fold a shirt left on a random chair.
"Little lion..." This time it's an experiment on his part, and your surprised smile somehow hurts him. He took you for granted, didn't he? He can't afford to hurt you too. He can’t face your happiness away from him.
“How long have I been part of your pride?” You ask him without being able to hold back that dig. His arm goes around your waist as his chin rests on your shoulder. You hear him swallow.
His voice is deep, still with a lethargic note that is slowly evaporating: “since when you are so hungry… I think I ate your breakfast too, didn't I?”
A slight smile opens on your lips: "well, I didn't stop you."
Who are you? What did you do with Leona?
For a moment he takes his time to look at your reflections drawn on the shiny mirror surface in front of you: you and him, you in his arms. You wanted this, he knows it.
“Let's go get something for you.”
You sigh, placing a hand on his cheek: "I don't like eating alone."
"I didn't say you will eat alone, I still have room."
You turn to look at him amused, but what you find is not an ironic, tired or bored look. His brows furrow as he holds you against him, he looks at you and for a second you think he's about to cry.
It's not like that, of course, but his eyes pour so much emotion into you that you think you can't hold those emerald irises anymore.
There is a murmur from him, but you don't understand. You want to ask him to repeat it, but before you can you are completely engulfed in him, and only three words are blown into your ear:
“You are my pride.”
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1218-814 · 3 months
Floyd's Nickname Analysis
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We all know that they can be correlated to how they look or act, but what if they were also actions or personality traits that each person has?
Riddle- "goldfish" or "kingyo"
He's red (Trigger for Floyd). He feels bad that Riddle is trapped in a "fishbowl" and hopes for him to explore the ocean. Can get violent, unlike what he seems (goldfish eat other fish; they can be at the top of the food chain depending on what fish you consider)
Ace- "crab" or "kani"
He's spiky and red (hair and personality-wise). Eels eat them; they are great prey for them (like in the 3rd arc, with the contracts)
Deuce- "mackerel" or "saba"
Mackerels are called "blue-backed fish", which spoil easily (In Japanese it can be translated to "Fast legs". Mixed with his track/field club). In France, I think, April Fools can be called April Fish day. Mackerels can be caught a lot in April. He is kind of... Stupid (Fool)
Cater- "snapper" or "hanadai" (This is from the wiki, which is correct, but I'll explain why I can't translate this correctly)
I can't translate his name because there isn't an actual fish; there are tons of fish that are called hanadai (just to name a few; akaobihanadai, sujihanadai, nagahanadai), kind of like a sub-family (different personalities). He is the only one so far who has a more vague nickname.The ones I think about have a tall nose, which reminds me of Pinocchio, whose nose gets taller the more they lie. They are pretty though.
Some of them are called “sea goldies” (a clue about how he could have been ex-dorm leader)
They eat shrimp... Maybe one day he'll hurt us
Trey- "sea turtle" or "umi kame"
They're smart, and they can also go on land (Secret?). He's the father of Hearts, and turtles and Disney remind me of a certain sea turtle in the Nemo series. And I think turtles are smart (glasses maybe?)
Leona- "Todo" or "Sea Lion"
As it's called, he is a lion. Sea lions can go on land... I wonder if he knows something outside of the ocean (Twisted Wonderland)..? Reminds me of Grim in a way.
Ruggie- "sharksucker" or "kobanzame"
He's always with Leona, like them with sharks. They eat scraps, and look out for a chance to strike, like for food.
Jack- "sea urchin" or "uni"
He's spikey with his hair. He's different than he appears; Sea urchins look inedible, but they are rich and creamy. I mean rich as with knowledge and mild as in personality in his case. And he is from the north, where I think good sea urchins are harvested. I wonder if the orange has anything to do with his dorm color. I can't say this for sure, but rich as in money.
Jamil- "sea snake" or "umihebi"
He's a snake. And like one, he is pretty, but with poison. I wonder if Floyd knows about the snakes' hint in the mirror. Anyways, I think Floyd thinks Jamil is similar to Jade (Sea snakes can be mistaken for eels sometimes)
Kalim- "Sea Otter" or "Rakko"
I wonder if his hair was brown, and not white... They are gourmets and can't eat without their favorite rock (Jamil). And he is hunted down because he is rich... (Sea otters were hunted down for their pellets). The turban reminds me of the seaweed they wrap around.
Epel- "guppy"
Not good with bettas, and loose to them. They are sensitive with temperature; Epel get heated up sometimes and is usually cool (faking his personality)
Vil: "Betta"
They get tired after flaring too much (overblot; with the issue with Neige). Really pretty, and aggressive. Not good with mirrors because of this (Mira with Vil)
Rook: "black-tailed gull" or "umineko"
He's in the sky, compared to the ocean. They can get wild and fast when they want. He's also a hunter (they hunt fish). He also has cat eyes. (they are literally called sea cats in japanese)
Idia- "firefly squid" or "hotaruika"
They glow like his hair. That's all I can say as for now
Ortho- "sea angel" or "clione"
He is an angle, but they can change rapidly with their looks to be quite... terrifying.
Malleus- "Nudibranch" or "Umiushi"
He's kind of cute with his personality, actually, he's more fluffy than cute though. They have something that looks like 2 horns.
Lilia- "flapjack octopus" or "mendako"
Like Azul, he is strong, unlike his looks. His hair reminds me of a flapjack octopus.
Silver:"jellyfish" or "kurage"
They're usually kind of white. They can hurt a lot when they attack. Unlike the people in his dorm, he is human so his life expectancy is short compared to them.
Sebek- "crocodile" or "wani"
Probably a reference to Sobek, the Egyptian god. He does remind us of a crocodile/alligator; he eats a lot, his phase in battle, etc.
The ones he adds -kun to (Cater, Jamil, Rook, Sam, and Trey) are a bit... troublesome in some way. I think Floyd sees Twisted Wonderland as the Ocean if you couldn't tell, so if they can go on land, they either know something or correlated in some way to MC/the lands beyond it. 
I was told to bring this post back by someone... But this is how I think
But Floyd is a lot more observant than most ppl think, and I will post something about that soon
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