#i also love to believe that witch is fucking with all the rival couples in the valley but ESPECIALLY romeo x leona
kinokoshoujoart · 26 days
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CORRECT TAGS‼️‼️‼️‼️ @rn0na-lizard you are so so so correct….. my favorite ‘Normal Girl’ in hmds…….i almost never see anyone talk about these aspects of her let alone also love her for them as they should.
i feel like Leona/ DS lumina gets mischaracterized super often which is understandable bc out of all the DS candidates leona is the least like her ancestor (who i also love, for different reasons).
in AWL lumina was the only kid in the valley for a very long time, but many of the DS residents have lived in the valley their whole lives. while lumina had accepted her role as a proper young heiress by chapter 3 of AWL— and when DS begins Leona already at this point of her life— lumina still had a lingering sense of uncertainty and angst and loneliness and doubt, and unresolved worries about her parents. absolutely none of this is present with leona
in this world leona starts with Lumina’s 22 year old appearance, she’s just rich as hell and living her best life (as she deserves), she’s unabashedly shallow, puts herself first always, speaks so politely and affably yet she can be so casually cruel in the most genuine cute way and out of touch with reality and and i fucking love her and i’d die for her. my beloved girlboss girlkeep girlypop
more iconic Leona Moments
when muu/muffy asks for beauty advice leona’s recommendation is “this brand of mail order beauty cream is simply divine! and it was quite inexpensive too, just 100,000 G 🥰” everyone else looks uncomfortable and muu is like “you’re as frivolous as always….”
aside from the 3 who take literally half your money (Witch💖, moi, and thomas) leona and panama (romana) take the most money from you if they carry you home when you faint. just a couple of girl bosses holding on to their girlpire (btw shout out to sebastian, the only resident in the entire valley who carries you home for free)
neither panama nor leona attend the harvest festival, they send sebastian there by himself to test the food first lmao (if you poison it like the witch they’re harboring on their property requires you to do, sebastian is just like “i can’t serve this to Mistress Panama…”)
once again sebastian attacks mukumuku for her sake, this time not to make her a paintbrush but she told him to get her the best slippers and this was apparently the easiest way. sebastian gets fucking mauled btw
leona has hands down the best romance route in hmds. all her scenes are incredible but god the slow burn friends to lovers with your DVD player….
in her purple heart event she shows up at your house because she heard you have a DVD player, asks you to show her how it works, and then just leaves after she’s done playing with it
in her yellow heart event she has sebastian fetch van so she can buy a DVD player for herself but van’s like “i’m so sorry …. Pete… bought the last one….”
leona is so unable to stomach the idea of other people having things she doesn’t that she starts to cry and the only way to placate her is to tell her she can go to your house anytime she wants just so she can use your DVD player. that’s not a setup to a budding romance that’s her final heart event
it’s the most incredible romance arc in the world like girl you have infinite money you can just. buy a DVD player somewhere else?? “i want to watch DVDs at my house just like you!” leona you have three entire bedrooms
“rich girl love interest who has everything except love, win her heart by having genuine conversation with her”: done to death, tired, i don’t have time for that
“rich girl love interest who has everything except a fucking DVD player, win her heart by giving her expensive stuff and ‘relax tea’ and access to your DVD player”: audacious, intriguing, never been done before, innovative
if you deny her god-given right to access your DVD player she is like “Is that so……………Just let me be alone for a little bit.” incredible tragedy i understand. take as much time as you need to grieve darling
oh but her first heart event asks you to pick a side in an argument she’s having with panama and the correct answer is to say “sebastian is the one who’s wrong” (sebastian has said nothing wrong this whole time and yet both of them have just been yelling at him to shut up)
and her blue heart event is “help me find this heirloom necklace… boohoo…” and when you find it she’s like “perfect! now grandma won’t get mad at me. hmm, you seem pretty dependable…♡” augh she’s way too good at this…….!!! i’ll do anything for you!
when you propose she says “of course, i always dreamed of having a romance and a wedding♡” and says nothing abt how she feels about you <3
also if you marry her, once a week she goes to hang out at her ex love interest’s place for 6 hours straight and comes home saying “whew… i had so much fun that i must have lost track of time… i’ll hurry on home”
if you marry another girl she starts flirting with you like “I’m so envious of your wife, having such a fine husband… Pete.” (or whatever your name is)
i’ve become obsessed with her and romeo’s horrible trainwreck soap opera marriage since replaying cute in jp… it’s SO… i have so much to say about them that it should be its own post but i’ll just give the cliffnotes
shotgun wedding vibes. romeo is surprised by his own wedding. they’re childhood friends but he himself has never considered marrying her. her words to him at their wedding are “Make me happy♡” (command)
she understandably can’t stand his terrible table manners or his clothes or anything about him (except that she wants to watch him surf and have his child. but he instead walks in circles all day. coward) and he’s both really good at accidentally stepping on landmines and just ever so slightly majorly terrified of her after marriage (“but surely her angry outbursts are just her way of showing love hahahahaha” you’re going to die. she’s going to kill you). the only positive things they say about their marriage are extremely shallow. they can’t communicate with each other because romeo always says the Dumbest Shit obliviously and leona always responds by cutting him out of her life forever!!!!!! (for 5 seconds) while he has no idea what happened
they are both so melodramatic and they both just do nothing except make each other worse and run away from each other and push each other away but they can’t escape each other. neither of them ever has to grow or change if they marry each other because an elderly overworked man is sustaining both of their existences and neither of them can take care of themselves and i love them your honor
also romeo’s first crush as a kid was apparently her mom, and if leona falls for YOU she flirts by mentioning that sebastian says you look like the spitting image of her dead father. dear fucking god
they’re the epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
romeo really does feel like her stupid lackey. like the karen to her regina. they even had this dynamic in the games they played as kids… she was the Harvest Goddess and he was Servant A/Minion A (they might still be playing this game as adults…he calls her lady/mistress sometimes after marriage…)
btw leona’s best friend (wife) marivia is also just as… there’s an event where they just gossip about all the mineral town ppl and marivia says ann would win a gluttony contest and they both giggle
there’s also an event where marivia casually walks into Witch’s hut and just interviews her so she can write her into a novel. witch is left completely drained by this exchange. leona and marivia both are so chill about the horrible cruel villainess living in leona’s shed who wants the town poisoned and rewards you for killing animals and hurting yourself and is putting curses on everyone (and they’re right. she’s never done anything wrong in her life)
#i also feel like leona and marivia summoned Witch (just girlypop things summoning hot evil ladies from hell)#i’m a marivia x leona x witch truther. the evidence is out there. evil yuri triad (real)#i also love to believe that witch is fucking with all the rival couples in the valley but ESPECIALLY romeo x leona#since she’s petty about her crush (leona) choosing the village idiot of all people#she can’t affect gustafa and nami because gustafa is like a garden gnome type that wards away evil#leona would make coquette edits of phantom skye/steiner#man i really have a lot of overlapping ships but i just like thinking about everyone together in some way#marivia was interviewing witch for a girls love leona x witch sequel in that series she wrote that has the main character based on leona#(this was revealed to me in a dream)#bokumono#harvest moon ds#hmds#harvest moon#story of seasons#hmds leona#hmds lumina#i’m sorry for going ham about your tags i promise i’m normal#^_−☆#hmds cute#i feel like everyone collectively forgot what hmds was like which is understandable because it’s a fever dream#or maybe we misremembered it from our childhoods#but replaying the girl and boy versions in english and japanese has really refreshed my views on the characters#i have so much to say about everyone mostly the rival couples#love the dysfunction and bad vibes in this game#poisoned water supply type of townsfolk#girls hour (meet up in the mines to beat each other up and slaughter various animals and humanoids to eat)#it’s such an evil game#haunted by natsume malware ghosts
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Casting Couch {Charlie Barber x Reader}
author’s notes: hello, hello! I was driving home from work the other day and this idea just suddenly took over my entire thought process. so, naturally, I went ahead and wrote it up :)
warnings (what you see here is what you’ll get!): smut. the enemy of my enemy is my ally (with benefits). p in v sex. protected sex. rough oral sex. cum- swallowing.
(possible) tw’s: semi-public sex.
word count: 3.2k
charlie’s taglist peeps! {charlie currently doesn’t have any taglist peeps} my general taglist peeps! @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1​ @babbushka​ @safarigirlsp​ (if you’d like to be added to or removed from any of my taglists, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist)
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Two Years Ago.
“Y/N...she fucking did it again.” Nicole says as she barges through the door of hers and Charlie’s shared brownstone. “She got the fucking TV gig.”
Charlie’s eyebrows furrow a bit before looking up at his wife with an empathetic expression, setting the notebook and pen he’d been using down on the coffee table.
“Bummer. I really thought you had it in the bag.” He says, elbows on his thighs as he leans forward a bit, folding his hands. “There will be other roles; I wouldn’t worry too much. You win some, you lose some; that’s how it goes in this industry. You’ve taken plenty of roles from her.”
She sighs, nodding. “Yeah, I know, but this one I was excited about. And I really thought I had it, too. It just stung a little extra, you know?”
Her husband nods, patting the seat next to him on the couch. “C’mere, sit with me. We’ll have a glass of wine.”
Nicole gives somewhat of a dreadful grimace, a clear sign she really wasn’t interested. Charlie’s been noticing this for the past few months, her disinterest in being with him as much as she usually was, but he figured it was just her being tired. She’s been doing a lot of odd jobs to make some ends meet lately, so it’s probably a result of that.
“Are you sure?” He asks, a twang of longing sadness in his voice.
She nods. “Yeah, I’m just gonna go lay down for a bit.”
Charlie just nods, picking back up his notebook and pen, continuing to review and add to his notes from the day. 
“Let me know if you need anything.” He calls after her. “I love you.”
She only offers him a small smile over her shoulder in return before emerging into their bedroom, closing the door immediately behind her. 
Present Day.
It feels strange, holding auditions for a female lead. He hasn’t had to do so in almost a decade;  just yet another reminder of how much of his life has changed just in the past year.
The divorce had been painful, stressful, and he was honestly more relieved than anything when it finally came to a close, despite it not really turning out the way he’d hoped for in terms of custody over Henry. 
Luckily, he’s dove deeper into his one true love, directing, as a way to cope with the loss of everything he’d worked so hard to build for himself; the marriage, the 'American dream’ family and home he wished he’d had growing up.
Now, after six months of weekly therapy appointments and keeping himself busy with work, he’s feeling more like the old Charlie he was back before everything went to shit. Actually, he’s feeling like an even better version of that Charlie, the best version of himself there’s been in a while, perhaps even before he met and married Nicole.
The first audition comes onstage and Charlie can’t decide what’s worse, her off-pitch singing or her monotonous speaking voice. 
God, this was going to be a long fucking day.
You’d heard through the grapevine that the famed Broadway director had moved here to LA, and that he’d divorced his witch of a wife, Nicole. 
Nicole Barber had been your biggest rival ever since you swiped that first movie role away from her. She hates you, and you don’t particularly like her, either, thus your rivalry began. And it was pretty heated, too; the two of you were always trying to one-up each other.
It really was a back-and-forth battle, her swiping roles from you, you returning the favor; it was a game, to put it simply. Although lately, you’ve been getting more roles than she has, not that you’re complaining, and there’s a part of you that hopes she quits the business for good.
Word got around that Charlie is heading his first LA Broadway production and what better way to hit Nicole close to home than to show up at her ex-husband’s auditions? Even better, what if you got the female lead in her ex-husband’s production? Oh god, that would be fantastic, not only for the rivalry but also for your career.
You’ve been looking to branch out into more theater roles, and this is as good an opportunity as to dip your toe in the theater world water. Plus, you’re not necessarily complaining about having the chance to look at and work with Charlie Barber every day...
So you prepared your piece of dialogue and a section of one of the choice songs, heading over to the theater fifteen minutes before your set audition time. Your knee bounces as you sit in the waiting area, eyes running over your script and lyrics sheet one final time, solidifying it all in your memory.
Your name is called a few minutes later and you head out onto the stage, handing over your headshot and qualifications resume. The agent hands over your profile to the handsome director, but he doesn’t even really look at it, already knowing exactly who you are. A small smirk grazes his lips as he flips to a new page of his notebook, clicking the top of his pen.
“Whenever you’re ready, Miss Y/N.”
After you’re finished, Charlie scribbles one final thing in his notebook before looking up at you. His eyes trail over your figure for a moment, another smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Would you be comfortable coming back for a more intimate audition later this week? Maybe, Friday at four? I would like to get to know you better, see if you meet all of my... qualifications.”
The look in his eye tells you all you need to know about the true motivations behind his question. You nod, biting your lip.
“It’d be my absolute pleasure, Mr. Barber.” You purr.
He shifts in his seat suddenly and quickly crosses one leg over the other before opening up your folder, handing the top sheet to his assistant.
“Diane, go ahead and have Miss Y/N put down all of her contact information.” His gaze never leave you as he speaks to the timid-seeming young woman. “Make sure she gives her personal cell number.”
You pull a pen from your bag on the stage, clicking it open before Diane hands you the paper. As you write every means of contact you can think of, starting with your cell number, you playfully bite the end of the pen and tap it against your bottom lip, something that certainly keeps the already attentive director’s full attention.
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Barber.” Your tone is innocent-sounding, but your gaze is anything but. It sends a chill down Charlie’s spine. “I promise I won’t disappoint.”
“Oh, I’m sure you won’t.” A small tug at one corner of his lip accompanies his response. “See you soon, Miss Y/N.”
You offer him a nod.
“Looking forward to it.”
In preparation for your upcoming...meeting with Charlie, you take a quick trip to the nearest intimates store, picking up a pretty little lace bra and panty set. Your lingerie wardrobe is long overdue for a bit of sprucing up, anyway.
When the time comes, you slip the fresh lace garments on before putting on your planned outfit, a cute-but-subtly-sexy low cut romper. You put on a light face of makeup, purely for professionalism’s sake, then head out with a small bag which contains various personal items as well as your script and composition page.
He’s not in his backstage office when you arrive, but he comes in a couple minutes later, a strong stench of cigarette smoke trailing behind him as he walks by your chair.
“I apologize for the delay. You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
You shake your head as he takes a seat behind the ratty oak desk, shifting a few small stacks of papers around on the heavily scratched surface.
“No, no I wasn’t waiting long.”
He nods, then folds his hands atop the desk, eyes flickering up to meet yours. For a moment, his eyes dart down to where your cleavage creeps out of your low-cut top.
“You’ve got the part.” Charlie says with a small smile. “You’re by far the best and most qualified audition we had yesterday, and I like the way you carry yourself. You’re exactly the type of person I like working with. Part’s yours if you want it.”
You’re overcome with joy, a wide smile spreading itself across your lips. “I’d love to be a part of this production, Mr. Barber. I’m really excited to get to work with you and the rest of the crew.”
“That’s great, I’m glad to hear it.” He nods, smile widening when as he processes your acceptance. His delighted expression falls after a few moments, replaced by one much more salacious.
“Now that we’ve gotten that part out of the way...I think you know why I called a meeting of such, uh, privacy.”
You smirk softly, shifting around in your seat slightly. “I believe I do.”
His feet plant on the ground as he pushes the rolling office chair out from under the desk, standing up and walking around the desk to tower over you. 
“Before anything happens, though, I want you to know that whether or not you do this with me will not affect my casting decision. Even if you decline, you still have the part.”
You nod before standing, quickly and swiftly, stepping forward to press yourself flush against him.
Your hands rest on his chest, neck craning slightly to look up at him. “Just kiss me, will you?”
He laughs, massive hand moving to cradle the back of your head before he bends down and connects your lips in a passionate kiss. There’s nothing tender or gentle about this embrace, it’s all tongue and teeth, raw lust coursing between your two bodies.
“Couch.” His voice is soft but husky.
“Unzip me first?” You ask, turning around so he can unzip you. He does, then his hands slide down to your hips and pushes you towards the leather couch tucked in the corner of his office.
The material squeaks when you’re laid down on top of it, head resting comfortably on the cushy fabric accent pillow as he climbs on top of you. He presses his hips forward while he tucks his face into the crook of your neck and plants kisses on the skin there.
Your eyes widen as his impressive bulge rubs up against your inner thigh and you quickly wonder how in the world you’ll be able to take him. His crooked teeth scrape over the taut muscles in your neck while his hands pull the backs of your romper down over your shoulders.
His hands grab and grope your breasts beneath where they rest in your nice bra, one you wore just for him, and your back arches slightly up off the cushions with a soft sigh. 
A small smile crosses his expression, teeth sinking gently into your neck. “I like the little noises you make for me, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You smirk, running your hands through his hair. “Then I bet you’ll like my moans, too. If you think you can draw them out of me, that is.”
He laughs softly, sucking and licking at at the place his teeth have just abused. “Is that a challenge?”
“Well, it’s more like an invitation to prove yourself, but ‘challenge’ is also a good word for it.”
Charlie pulls away with a smirk, shaking his head as he sits back on his haunches and begins to unbuckle his belt.
Once he’s undone his pants and pulled them down enough to expose himself to you, he leans down once more and pulls your romper the rest of the way off, leaving you completely bare, minus your undergarments. His eyes roam your figure for a moment before he dips a hand beneath the patch of black fabric nestled between your thighs.
Your breath hitches as his fingertips swipe over your erect clit, giving it a few little circles before yanking the panties off your hips and down your ankles, tossing them down alongside your previously-discarded romper.
His eyes widen in realization, cheeks flushing pink.
“Do you have any, um, protection?”
You smirk, nodding as you sit up and pat his chest. “Indeed, I do.”
He crawls off of you and you walk over to your purse, grabbing a condom from the mini-stash you keep in your wallet, the one you replenished just minutes before you left the house this afternoon. He takes it from you and pinches the tip, rolling it down his shaft. For a moment, you’re worried that it isn’t going to fit, but he rolls it on with little issue.
His hips press forward, then, entering you slowly but steadily with a soft grunt. You whine as your insides stretch out around him, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.  “S-Shit.”
“You’re really fucking tight, jesus.” He growls between gritted teeth, jaw screwed shut as his hips begin to move. “I haven’t fffucked anyone in a while, Y/N, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll last very long.”
You nod, softly. “It’s alright, Charlie; it’s been a little while for muh--me, too.”
Your eyes flutter shut and your face begins to scrunch up with each time his fat cockhead brushes up against your cervix. His pace increases after a minute or so, a consistent slap-slap-slap noise now echoing off the drywall with each snap of his hips. 
“You’ve got a nice little pussy, you know that? Always knew you would be, too, knew you’d be a good little cccocksleeve.”
You moan shakily as he adjusts his position, towering over you and pinning your wrists above your head with one of his large hands. Your body begins to bounce, tits, thighs and tummy jiggling each time he thrusts in. 
He’s starting to sweat, a few dark hairs sticking to his dimly-glowing forehead, more and more accumulating there as his hair rocks back and forth in time with the rhythm of his hips.
“Touch yourself, now, rrrub your little clit.” His voice is getting shaky as he draws nearer to climax.
Nodding, your hand slides down between your joined bodies until your fingertips settle onto the small bundle of nerves. The hand that’s still weaved in Charlie’s locks clenches and he lets out a sudden deep growl, hips stuttering for a moment.
“Ooooh, Charlie.” You moan, hips lifting and gyrating against both his cock and your fingers.
“God, fffuck I love this cunt.” A vulgar squelching sound knits itself within the quilt of your salacious symphony. “Wrapped around my cock like a vice, gonna pull the fucking cum right out of it. Swear you get tighter each time I push back in...christ, I’m not gonna last.”
Your fingers circle your clit faster, setting a desperate pace, one that almost matches his quick and sloppy thrusts. You’re close now, too, and it doesn’t take much longer for your orgasm to hit.
You cream around him with a long moan and a string of various other noises, with a few profanities thrown in as well. The product of your release coats his shaft in a pearlescent sheen, dripping down his ball-sack soon enough. 
The sensations your climax creates around Charlie forces him to pull away almost immediately after, quickly yanking the condom off and onto his office floor, squeezing the base of his flaming red length. 
His hand seizes your jaw tightly, thumb pressing down on your tongue, prying your mouth open. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth and shove my cum down your throat, and you’re gonna take it all, isn’t that right?”
You’re nodding instantly, slacking your jaw to open even further in preparation for his upcoming intrusion. He smirks.
“Good. Now, on your knees.”
He sits down where you once laid, lazily pumping his throbbing length as you get into position between his spread legs. He pulls your hair up into a makeshift ponytail with his hand, then lines you up with his cock and eases your mouth down onto him.
“Thaaaaaat’s it, oh, gooooood girl.”
You start gagging about three quarters of the way down his shaft, but he still keeps pushing until you’ve got the whole thing in your mouth. Your jaw’s already getting sore as he begins thrusting upwards, fucking your mouth. 
Tears swell in your eyes and begin to spill down your cheeks the more he goes, mascara surely ruined and running down your face. The sight only arouses him further, a low groan rumbling through his puffed chest.
He’s trying so hard to keep himself together, to stave off his orgasm for as long as he can manage, but soon he finds it next to impossible to hold back. His bottom lip quivers ever so slightly as his length begins to twitch, balls drawing up.
“Fuck, I’m gonna--”
You taste and feel the salty ropes shooting down your throat before he can even finish his warning.
“Ah, fffuuuuck.” His head falls back against the couch cushions, hips bucking gently as each bit of release is spilled into your mouth. His grip on your head relaxes after he’s finished, cock softening while he catches his breath and re-grounds himself in reality.
Your chest heaves as full airflow returns to your lungs, knees and jaw aching a bit sore from their exertion. You grab your underwear from where they lay discarded on top of your romper, putting them back on before standing up on somewhat shaky legs. 
Charlie also redresses, standing and straightening himself out as you do the same. 
“Mind zipping me back up?” You ask, turning around again. 
He pulls the zipper up your back until it’s at the end of its tracks, then steps up behind you, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Thank you.”
A soft smile grazes your lips. “No ‘thanks’ needed; the sweet taste of revenge and spite is payment enough.”
He laughs quietly.
“Well, I’ll certainly be available, should you ever need a little replenishing of those feelings.”
“Mr. Barber, you wouldn’t be saying that because you’d like to see me naked again, now would you?” Your eyebrows raise and you look over your shoulder, a playful smile on your face.
He laughs again, blushing a bit. “Uh, yeah, sure, I'd like that a lot. But I’d also like to see you, um...not naked, fully clothed, maybe at a restaurant in the city for dinner sometime? I totally get it if you’re not interested, it’s not a big deal if you don’t want to...”
Holy shit, he’s asking you out on a date. Well, he’s trying to, at least.
You laugh, cheeks warming at his proposition.
“Sure thing. I just accepted this new job, though, so I’ll have to get back to you about my availability...”
Charlie smiles, shoving his hands down in his khaki pockets. “I’m sure your new boss would be more than willing to accommodate. He’s a pretty cool guy, or so I’ve heard. Handsome, too.”
“Oh yeah? Sounds like you have a reliable informant.” You turn around as you laugh softly, grabbing your bag off the chair before stepping up in front of him. Your lips plant a quick peck on his, hands resting on his broad chest. “See you soon.”
He nods, biting his lip to hold back his big, goofy smile.
“Can’t wait.”
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laffodil-daffodil · 3 years
The day was beatifull. The birds were singing happily, the peacefull sound of the water running from rivers near by. Everything seemed quiet, calm. Nothing could ruin the moment of peace the forest was having.
The peace, however, did not reach everything.
The sound of a door slamming closed interrupted the calm, the sudden and loud noise resonating trough the forest, cutting the quietness like a knife would do to butter.
Regulus ran out of the cabin door in a hurry, muttering scoldings to himself under his breath. Just this morning (when he was going to make himself some breakfast) he realized that he had no food left (it was obvious, he went hunting over a month ago, the fact that he was too lazy and too depressed were the things that kept him all day on his bed)
He decided to go to the nearest town, he had some money on him from when he helped an old couple out with their strawberry cultives (the couple then gave him a wood box full of strawberrys', which he ate almost inmediatly after he got home).
Regulus never went to towns or villages or cities anymore, faking your own dead didn't allowed you to go in public (being from The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black didn't help eithet). Besides, all that he needed he could find it in the woods.
Like in the books Sirius read to him when he was a kid, like a bedtime story, and he would wait patiently until Sirius tip-toed to his room as quietly as possible so he wouldn't wake up Walburga and then give her a reason to beat them up and-
He stopped himself from remembering more. He always stopped himself from remembering things from his past, from when the time things weren't perfect but they weren't hell either.
He hasn't heard of his parents for years now, and even more less from Sirius (being supposedly dead kept you from keeping track of things outside from your bubble). He just hoped Sirius was finally happy, maybe even be together with that best friend of his (Remus, was it? He couldn't remember quite well his name), he always saw how his brother looked at the other guy with eyes full of adoration, like if Remus had brought him all of the stars in the nightsky.
He hoped his parents were dead, too. They deserved it, after all the shit they made Sirius and him go trough, all of those nights awake hearing his brothers' screams, or the banging of the metal door they locked Sirius in.
And when Sirius left, when his brother was finally physically free from them (because no, Sirius would never be completly free from them, neither of them both would ever be) ,it all just got worse from there. For Regulus, that is. His skin got paler and his eyes got duller, but he felt relief. His brother (the only one he had, the one he held close to his heart, even after being ignored) was finally out of the house they called home.
Regulus noticed (since the day Sirius ran away from "home") that his skin got healthier and his eyes got brighter, unlike him.
Regulus felt relief that his brother was finally able to be freely happy, to be able to love whoever the fuck he wanted to love, to wear whatever he wanted to wear. He truly was.
But what about me, Regulus thought, as he entered the little magical village. I want my happy ending, too. He knew he shouldn't ask for more, he should be more gratefull that he finally, after so much fighting, was finally free from his parents' grasp.
So why wasn't he? 
He said an apology under his breath to the old witch that bumped into him, and while she was yelling profanities at him while picking up her groceries, he continued to walk down the crowded street.
Regulus saw, from the corner of his eyes, an old looking bookstore. He walked towards it and pushed the glass door open, might as well buy some more books, no?
The little bell anounnced his entrance to the people inside the shopp, not that anyone cared about it.
Regulus made a bee-line towards the mitology section and picked up two books. One had a deep red cover, with bold golden letters as a tittle. The other had a black cover in its totallity, (also) with bold golden letters.
He made his way towards the front desk to pay for the books, when a wood table that had the newspaper got his attention.
He didn't exactly knew why did it catch his attention, he just knew that he just had to check it out (something in the deepest part of his heart told him to do so). 
So he followed his instinct.
He what
Regulus lowered the paper a little and stared at it with incredulity. Sirius was arrested?
Sirius was arrested four years ago?
Regulus did the counts on his head. Four years ago he faked his death to be free, when he tought Sirius wasn't in fucking prison? What in the actual fuck?
He lifted the paper a little with shacky and malhourised hands, those hands that were once soft and didn't know hard work, now, those hands were covered in scars, all of them because of years in the woods, from cutting trees and building his small cabin and fighting wild animals to survive.
He did all of that to survive, all of this- he did it for himself.
He was enjoying freedom while his brother (the brother who neglected you after being choosen in a rival house, the brother who, in a far away past, held your hands on his own and looked at you in the eyes and told you everything was going to be alright) was in prison for murderer, something Regulus believed was false.
Sirius would never kill anyone, Regulus was sure of that.
But that didn't mattered, no. It didn't make any difference to Regulus. His brother ignoring him didn't changed anything, the younger still loved him with all his heart, with all that he had.
His silver eyes looked at the newspaper again, a burning fire making its way into his heart.
"Sirius Black is responsable of the death of a wizard, Petter Pettigrew and thirtheen muggles"
Okay, now Regulus was one-hundred percent sure that his brother had been framed. Regulus knew his brother would never kill muggles, besides, wasn't Petter Pettigrew one of his closest friends?
He continued reading, he needed as much information as he could find. He reached the end of the paragraph, and one or two drops of sweat appeared in his temple.
"-Black is now behind the bars again, the security involving him has increased and is now stronger than ever."
Okay, Regulus wasn't freaking out at all, why would he? The fact that his brother is in fucking Azkaban doesn't inmediatly means he will freak out, nu huh.
Because he is a calm, cool-headed individual, yes he is.
He was not freaking out, and anyone who said otherwise is a liar.
Steps resonated in the small wood cabin owned by the younger heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
Regulus swears he can hear his own hearbeats, beating in his ears and, somehow, telling him to do something, anything.
He doesn't quite know what to do, what to expect of this. This was crazy, right?
He knows it is, so why was he having second thoughts?
Do it, Reg. Just go for it, what could go wrong? A small voice says inside his head. It sounds deep and raspy, but also (for some reason) bubbly and playfull. ‘Like Sirius', he thinks.
Is it risky? Yes, definitly so. Would it be possibly worth it? He hopes so.
This is one-hundred percent a crazy, impulsive idea, but he was willing to try and give it a shot if it meant his brother would read him bedtime storys at night again.
He just wants his brother back, was that too much to ask?-
‘But it is! That lazy blood-traitor scum left you behind, for you to rot in that house, all by yourself while he had fun!’ A different voice screams at him and Regulus flinches, because it sounds so much like his mothers' voice it scares him to the bone.
"Please stop talking..." He begs to the empy room. He takes a shacky breath-in to try and get these voices of people that are not even there with him out of his head.
‘Reggie please listen to me! You have to get me out! I know you can do it, you're really smart!’ Sirius says inside his head, and Regulus can almost imagine him with puppy eyes while saying it.
‘Don't listen to that disgrace, Regulus! You are better than that, you will not hear whatever nonsense comes out of that stupid boys' mouth-’ ‘Im not stupid, you are the one in the wrong, Regulus knows-’ ‘Regulus will know best than to hear anything from you, unlike you, he knows what is best for him-’ ‘Like if you would know what is best for him-’
He feels overwhelmed, the voices are yelling at him to do things and Regulus doesn't know who to hear. He feels his heart beating faster, and he can hear his shaky breaths, and he feels the sweat in his forehead, and his hands in his ears-
"Stop!" Regulus yells, and the voices grow quiet. Hot tears stream down of his face as his knees make contact with the floor of wood.
The voices aren't talking anymore, but he still covers his ears tightly. He wants to get rid of the uncomfortable weight his chest has on it. He wants the headache that is starting to form to go away.
Suddlendly, its like he's five all over again. Just, this time, Sirius is not around to hug him.
Sirius wasn’t going to be around ever again.
Regulus tries to calm down. Breath in, breath out. He was going to be alright, he would find a way. He always does. He’s smart, Sirius always said so.
He remains kneeled on the floor for what feels like an hour, but were probably just two minutes (for him, it felt like a whole lifetime).
Regulus sighs and starts to stand up slowly, like if he went a little bit more quicker, then everything around him would dissapear in an instant.
Supporting his body on the wooden walls (he is still too dizzy to walk by himself, still too weak), Regulus makes his way towards his small bed made out of straw he borrowed (stole) and throws himself at it, exhausted of the events of today.
He has a plan, it is all clear in his mind already. And altough he is scared (of being taken to Azkaban, of dying while trying to save Sirius), a feeling he is not familiar with snuggles inside his chest. It has been there before, Regulus knows it has. (It feels like greeting an old friend who was there for you in your lowest point, but then dissapeared out of the blue. Regulus knows its name, but he can't shake its hand like old buddies would). 
And then he closes his eyes and dreams about how his life has been so far. How cold it has been, how lonely it all felt (And Regulus wishes it would had passed like a blurr, (like when you zone out in a conversation and you miss a part of it) but it didn't, and Regulus hates that).
The next morning he wakes up with a headache that forces him to close his eyes tightly.
In all honestly, Regulus feels like shit, both physically and mentally.
Feelings suck, and he would stand by that until the day he became nutrients to the Earth.
He sits on the uncomfortable excuse of a bed slowly, trying not to make his headache worse than it already is. He sits there for a minute or two, before deciding to stand up and go see if there is anything he can eat.
He believes he bought food yesterday, but he couldn't really be sure about that. Everything that he did after reading that newspaper was blank, there was no memory of something else happening after that whatsoever.
His legs are better now that he rested properly. 'There is nothing a good nap can't cure!' Regulus remembers Sirius' voice telling him one day, after Walburga went particularly rough with the Cruciatus Curse on them.
Regulus remembers, that same night, Sirius cuddled up to him on his bed, and held him tight against his chest. Regulus never got in the way when Walburga was insulting Sirius, but that time he did. It did not end pretty.
They both ended up getting tortured, Regulus more than Sirius that time.
They were ten and six at that time.
Now he realized that he, in fact, did bought food yesterday. Some bread and cheese, along with a loaf of bread that didn't look in the best condition (he couldn't really afford that much after all, there was so much a few coins could buy).
As he started cutting some of the bread, he tought about his options, about what he could do and about what was out of the question.
Regulus could only think about two viable options that would (probably) (hopefully) decrease the chances of everything going wrong.
One (this one was crazy) he could try and become an animagus. An animal form would surely help him get in and out of the prison.
Now, that option would take him months of preparations, maybe even years.
(He knows most wizards and witches with animagus form had taken several years to even figure out how to become an animagus, but he is Regulus Black for Godric's sake. He isn't most wizards)
(He is better than most, after all)
The black-haired male stands there in the middle of his tiny kitchen, a knife still in his left hand. He thinks he has an idea, someone who would surely help him if he asked. 
But in order to ask them, he would have to find them first.
Where exactly are you, Remus Lupin?
. . .
Remus wasn’t having a good morning (he never was having anything good). First, he woke up past 6 am and ended up arriving late at work (again), and his boss yelled at him for 5 minutes (again), and then, oh and then, he ended up getting fired (AGAIN), which, by the way, was the cherry on top to his shitty morning, and it wasn’t even 1 in the afternoon yet.
Now he would have to search for any jobs that would accept him, again (this was the second time in the month that he was fired from a job; in the first one he may or may not had punched a co-worker (in his defense, the bastard was talking shit about a female co-worker, and Remus just got really really angry).
And as he stomped angrily in the direction where his house was, he came to realize that he fucked this up really bad. Now he had no job, not even one kind of support to survive another month, and he sure as hell didn’t have any friends to go back to if things got more rough.
Ah, now he’s just sad.
He glanced at the plants and flowers growing at the sides of the road made of dirt, and he remembers.
Remus remembers the times when he used to be happy, when his only concern was passing his exams and not letting his crush on Sirius (oh Sirius, i miss you terribly) showing up and exposing him. When he would hang out with Lily at the library, and talk about how classes were starting to get more difficult as the days passed, or how they would gossip and talk badly about Severus ("-and have you seen his hair today?"), and they would talk and talk, and then talk some more.
Or when he would help James with his game plans, and they would stay up until the sun appeared again at the next day. Or when he would bake with Peter at the schools' kitchen at really late hours at night.
And he remembers, too, the times when he would look at Sirius and he would just get lost in his silver eyes. And Remus would look at him like Sirius was the most beatifull being in the would (in his eyes, he was).
He misses those times, he yearns for them. He wants them back, with all of his heart.
Life has always been rough for him, its just the way things are.
Because he deserved it.
(or so his father said)
Remus sees his little house at a distance. It looks deteriorated and in ruins, that house. The wild flowers are all around it, and there’s plants climbing on the walls and covering the windows.
He sees a cloaked figure standing on his porch, and Remus feels fear.
But he won’t show it, no, he won’t, ‘because fear is for cowards’ , his father would say, and the voice he would use left no room to question him.
“Can i help you with something?” Remus says, loud and clear. 
The person in black tensed, and turned around to face Remus slowly, like if they were scared (’of what?’ Remus wondered, but he kept quiet- like he always does)
Facing each other, silver and brown met.
The wind roared from outside, strong and merciless as ever. It made the trees dance and the leaves from them to roam free on the sky. 
The raindrops that fell from the sky were hitting on the glass of the window with force, on the roof, on the dirt. It left nothing untouched.
“How have you been, Remus?” The man in question turned his gaze from the window to the person in-front of him. The years had taken a ton from him, it seemed. Yet, the beauty he owned many years ago had not left him, no. It made him even more handsome, Remus concluded. His silver eyes (oh, his eyes were so smilar to his Sirius’-) were bright, a shine in them Remus has never seen before in the younger man. 
Remus gripped the handle of his mug of tea. The sweet honey tea with lavender inside of it warmed his hands, full of calluses and old scars, it soothed him and the pains he felt in them. “You should be dead” He says, looking at the eyes of Regulus, searching (searching?) for an answer to his one-hundred-and-one questions.
“Let me explain, Remus. Please, would you listen to what i have to say?” Regulus says, and he sounds so hurt, so exhausted and done with everything. He says nothing in response, just goes back to looking out of the window, where the wind and rain still are. Where everything follows its course.
“I faked my death...that night i-, i saw an opportunity and i took it, and then i--”
“You left Sirius” Remus says, and the voice that comes out of him sounds so not like him, so aggressive and upset and loud and so much like his voice- 
Still, Remus doesn’t back off. He looks up at Regulus and flinches. He looks so upset and angry, like Remus just did something so disgusting and wrong that he can’t take it. 
Those silver eyes (One of the distinguished features of the oh so noble and honorary Black Family) burn in his soul like silver things burns in his skin. And it’s terrifyng and powerful in equal portions.
“He left me behind first, Remus” Regulus says, his voice filled with venom and as aggressive as Remus’ voice before. “He left me behind the moment i got into Slytherin” He adds, and Remus can hear his erratics breaths over the muffled sound of rain.
They stay silent, for a while. Not wanting to fight but not wanting to talk either.
“Why are you here, Regulus? We hardly ever talked back at Hogwarts, so i can’t imagine a reason behind your visit” Remus finally says. With the new need to do something (-anything), he stands up from the badly hand-made wood chair and takes his mug of half finished and still warm tea, walking with rapid steps towards the tiny kitchen connected to the living room. He occupies his hands with cutting the remains of the bread he baked yesterday.
“I came to ask you for a favor “ He starts “,you see-- Don’t look at me like that, Remus, hear me out first” Regulus says, and stands up too.
The black haired male takes a deep breath, as if he’s preparing himself to say something difficult to speak out loud. “Sirius is innocent, Remus, i am sure of it” 
Everything goes silent from there. Remus can’t hear a thing because of the annoying ringing in his ears, and even before muffled sound of the rain is in the background now. He sees Regulus moving his mouth, and Remus is sure he is saying something (most probably something important), but he can’t hear a thing.
And Remus is so angry right now. It bubbles in his chest, from deep beneath with all of the emotions he repressed all of those years, and if he doesn’t calm down now then it’s going to explode. What could Regulus know anyways? He wasn’t even there in the first place! He was too bussy faking being dead, and hiding somewhere away from civilitation, like the stupid coward he is.
(Remus know he is a coward too, he knows it all too well. Because he knows that, (deep down) Sirius is innocent. He just hasn’t come to terms with it because he is so angry and he feels so betrayed and-- how could them leave him behind like this?) (Remus knows that he is stupid, too, because all he wants is someone to blame for the death of Lily and James and Peter-- someone to blame for little Harry slipping away from his fingers like sand)
(And Remus knows that he is a hypocrite, too)
“...--and you know, Remus, that Sirius would never do such a thing, we both know it!” Regulus says, his voice sounds more clear now, less muffled and silent. And it sounds so desperate, begging for understanding and someone to hear him out. 
“Those were his best friends, and even i -that a i wasn’t even close to him-, knows that is a fact! He couldn’t had killed them like that!” He yells, and Remus feels sick.
“...get out...” The words come out of his mouth before he can register them, just above a whisper.
“I said get out!” He shouts at Regulus, the boiling feeling of anger finally snaps inside of him, and now he just wants someone to yell at, someone to discharge all of his repressed emotions at.
And he does. Before he knows it, Regulus is out of his house and into the pouring rain, because Remus takes his wand out of his back pocket and yells a ´Crucio!’ and fires it to Regulus, who dodges and sprints out of the house.
And Remus is all alone again, inside of that small and old house, with the feeling of anger and guilt and sadness washing over him. 
He feels his knees too weak to support him, and falls to the floor with a ‘thud!’. And for the first time since his loved ones left him, for the first time since his life fell apart, he allows himself to cry and yell.
And he feels like a little kid again.
. . .
Okay, Regulus admits, the plan did not work out like he thought it would.
Maybe he did broke the news too strongly, he kind of got angry at first. But it wasn’t really his fault, Remus said something he couldn’t even had known! His relationship with Sirius and how broken it was wasn’t any of his business.
But it’s fine, Regulus can do this on his own. It’ll be harder, but he’ll do it. 
No matter the cost.
Two years pass by and Regulus is ready to start with the second and hardest part of his plan. Getting Sirius out of prison.
It too him a whole year and a half to even figure out how to become an animagus, and the other half of the year to learn how to switch to his animal form. But he’s finally ready, and he is so excited to mend things with Sirius and be brothers again.
Now he’s standing on the port, unleashing the rope that’s tied to a boat he’s about to steal. The boat is old, but it looks solid still. Regulus wonders what kind of adventures it has lived, the people it has carried, the tales it had heard from other peoples’ mouths.
Regulus gets in the boat before it couldbfloat away from shore, and sits.
He feels the texture of the wood under him. It's cold and damp, and he can feel the old carves in the wood forming the word he assumes reads 'fishy'.
He chuckles under his breath, shaking his head side to side. Probably a little kid wrotte that.
Maybe many years ago, a family had a trip to catch fishies in this very boat. Regulus pictures a father and his youngest son, on a sunny day, in this boat. The father tries to teach his son how to catch a fish, but the child, as most little kids usually do, gets bored with the waiting and as there's no other way of entertaiment, he carves the word on the old boat.
He wishes that instead of being in this situation, in the thick, thick fog, he would be fishing with his older brother. He wishes things turned out differently.
Regulus wishes he could live his youth with his brother, instead of trying to rescue him from a crime he definitely did not commit.
Oh, Regulus wishes were so many. But those were only wishes, thoughts that are in the past now. Realities that already lost their chances to exist a long time ago.
And with these thoughts clouding his mind like the fog cloudes his vision, Regulus grabs the oars and starts paddling.
The splinters in the oar feel like nothing against his tough and scarred hands, instead of hurting him, they keep him on the real world, away from the one where he goes when everything is too much, when he loses himself.
Regulus doesn't know how many hours went by until he could see the impotent building that was Azkaban. And as he was nearing it, the waves kept rocking his small boat, threatening him to flip.
He wonders if everything he's doing right now would be enough. He wonders, as the boat flips harshly to its side and throws him off of it into the freezing water, if Sirius knows he loves him more then life itself.
Regulus doesn't fight back the cold water, not at all. Instead, he lets it settle in his bones, in his belly, in his lungs.
If being held feels like this, then Regulus decided he liked it. No one ever held him before, maybe as a baby, but as he grew older, the only one who held him close was Sirius.
Sirius... who is Sirius, exactly?
He tries to remember, he feels the name belongs to an important person, but his mind is as numb as his arms and legs feel, if not even more.
It doesn't matter, he thinks, because im dying anyways.
Life is cruel, he decides with a heavy feeling in his chest, as his heavy body sinks him deeper and deeper on the ocean.
He'll be sleeping forever next to sand and rocks and corals of multiple colours, and the black of his hair will meld perfectly next to them.
Regulus doesn't fight, but he dies with a ball of hatred and love and yearning in his heart. He'll be dreaming for eternity of wishes and unspoken words, of hugs and arms that will never hold him ever again.
Life is cruel, and Regulus Black knows it all too well.
anyways, this was inspired by this blog (https://eronlupett.tumblr.com/post/642858372635475968/i-need-a-writer) by ". and before you mentuon it, yes, i was going to writte a happy ending, i just couldn't, like, cmon on, it was right there, i couldn't resist.
i had lots of fun writting this, but it still took me almost 5 months to finish it lolz. guess i just didn't had the motivation.
let me know what you think of my witting style, or if you have any opinions, just dont b disrespectful!
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What will be in my bag? Pre-ordered Manga. Straight and Lez edition.
Here’s a list of English-released manga I’ve currently got on pre-order, and manga series I ordered before but won’t be continuing with the series.
As a note: Some of these titles have been released but I have not received them yet due to a issues with covid backlog effected how things are released.  I personally find that if you pre-order it tends to get you manga quicker.  It seems there is more pressure to keep up with the new release schedule than chip away at the backlog.
I’m starting with the stuff I’ve already read some of and confirmed enjoyment, then stuff I’m shooting in the dark for, and finally series I have tried recently and have discontinued.
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My Androgynous Boyfriend
Story & Art by: Tamekou      Publisher: Seven Seas
It is rare for straight shit to end up in my library but My Androgynous boyfriend is an exception that will surprise no-one since it’s pretty queer adjacent.  This story is mostly a couple being lovey-dovey between jokes about sexuality and gender but (so far) isn’t problematic at all.  The female lead is quite enjoyable as she’s well-balanced and has agency throughout. There’s even ace representation! It’s very low-stakes, wholesome, and sweet so far. (Volume 3 is set to release in November.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety
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Even Though We’re Adults
Story & Art by: Takako Shimura  Publisher: Seven Seas
Takako is also the creator of Sweet Blue Flowers and Wandering son.  I have dipped by toe in to both those series.  I overall find their writing kinda meandering and tepid (might just be me) but technically pretty solid.  I am hopeful for this series since it features adults....if the title didn’t make it obvious.  I was intrigued by the one character being married but the man finding out about the affair quickly and reacting more realistically and interestingly than the average male love interest in a Yuri.  I also found myself relating at bit to Akari’s angst about being unlucky with relationships with women.  I also do enjoy the artwork! This one is the most likely of my followed series to be dropped at some point. (Volume 2 of this manga was set to release in June this year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
For more click the jump!
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Kase-san and Yamada
Story & Art by: Hiromi Takashima  Publisher: Seven Seas
This is a series I keep going back to.  While it is the very typical low-stakes bubbly, cutesy School age Yuri...it is a very good version of that.  Just warm bubble bath vibes. (Volume 7 is set to release in February of next year.  I think it was originally supposed to be released this May but was bumped back.)
My Excitement Level: The gentle about to sink into a bubble bath variety
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Adachi and Shimaura
Art: Moke Yuzuhara Story: Hitoma Iruma  Publisher: Yen Press
This, as I understand it, is a slow-burn romance about two delinquent girls.  I have heard good things about the novel and the anime series!  However I prefer manga to novels and don’t have a funimation account so I went to snag it in manga form. (Volume 1 was set to release in February this year and 2 in September)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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The Girl I want is so handsome!
Story & Art by:Yuama     Publisher: Seven Seas
The premise is a young lady has a crush on a handsome older girl who’s oblivious to her advances.  When she tries to confess she instead gets roped into being the club manager of the basketball team that her crush is a part of.  So it feels like it may end up cycling through 2 jokes and be so deep in the stereotypical manga bullshit you can easily-predict its beats volumes in advance. HOWEVER that is also a premise that is similar to Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun which is legitimately a hilarious series. Also I fucking love butch/stud/masc-presenting women/AFAB people.  So I’m willing to risk “The same Anime bullshit” for good jokes and a cute lezzy romance with a beautiful butch.  (Volume 1 is set to release of December of this year.)
My Excitement Level: Pretty nervous actually.  I hope it works out!
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Monologue Woven for You
Story & Art by: Syu Yasaka     Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gives up on a career in theater gets tangled in a relationship with a woman passionately pursuing theater.  Since it is set between college age women, and appears to be about more personal and mature themes I am interested. (Volume 1 I BELIEVE is supposed to be released in February of next year.)
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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Mizuno and Chayama (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Yuhta Nishio     Publisher: Yen Press
Two daughters of feuding families meet in secret.  This is by the same author of After Hours.  I read a bit of After Hours and found it fine but boring since it seemed without conflict.  Conflict doesn’t seem to be in short supply with a story like this!  While I enjoy the sugary-sweet high school lesbian romances...those are not in short-supply. So I am always hungry for something darker, meatier, more mature. (Volume 1 is set to release next February) 
My Excitement Level: Cautious Optimism
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5 Seconds Before The Witch Falls In Love
Story & Art by:  Zeniko Sumiya     Publisher: Seven Seas
It appears to be a playful fantasy about a Witch and Witch-hunter who’s antagonism turns romantic.  This may end up one note and stupid...but I’m always hear for queer romances set in high-fantasy and I haven’t read a Yuri where rivals turns to lovers. (Volume 1 is set to release next February)  
My Excitement Level: Low-key
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Catch These Hands! (No page yet so far as I can tell.)
Story & Art by: Murata     Publisher: Yen Press 
A former delinquent runs into her high school rival.  After losing a fight to her she agrees to her terms...her terms being to go out on a date with her.  I mean the title alone makes me want to pick it up!  It may run afoul of bad anime humor, but I’m hoping with the fact that it’s full of gay adult delinquents that it’ll be a little different.  (Volume 1 is set to release next February)  
My Excitement Level: Medium-key
Series I have discontinued:
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I’m in love with the Villainess
Art by: Aonoshimo  Story by:  Inori   Publisher: Seven Seas
A woman gets reborn into her favorite Otome game but she wants to romance the villiain!  I had heard a ton of great things about the novel but I picked up the manga version. (If the novel is totally different I can’t speak to it.)  For me, the writing is ham-handed, the jokes flop 90% of the time, and the fact the lead’s only personality trait seems to be ~obsessed with a bully~ really dampens this title.  Her advances are so aggressive and unwanted I honestly started feeling bad for a spoiled rich bully.  I will say it’s saving grace is the fact that the lead is masochistically into the villainess’ tsundere abusiveness. For me I hate tsundere romances if framed like, “I like you DESPITE your insults.” It is only tolerable if it’s instead, “I like you cause you tell it like it is. I’m a dirty little pig. Please step on this bad little piggy!”
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Our Teachers are Dating
Story & Art by: Pikachi Ohi      Publisher: Seven Seas
Well one reason I stopped the series is that cover you see up there.  The sex in this series is fade to black but FOR SOME REASON the 3rd cover has them both butt naked.  But on a less superficial note, the story is about two teachers who start dating.  And while cute at points, I was just underwhelmed.  I think a part of it, is the fact that this behaves like a stereotypical high school romance...and while set in a high school...these are grown ass women not 15 year olds.  So I have less patience with the, “Gosh when will I get to kiss my girlfriend?” bullshit.  I mean, I would hesitate to call it bad...but it’s just not a good version of it’s brand of bullshit.
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Breath of Flowers
Story & Art by: Caly                       Publisher: Tokyopop
Absolute train-wreck, this is hands down the worst Yuri I have ever bought.  The story is nonsensical and all over the place.  There is a love rival who’s trying to break the two of them up so she can get with Gwyn...but then switches mid-gear to put in a lot of effort to bring them together intentionally...but she also still wants to hook up with Gwyn...it’s very ????????????  The main conflict of Gwyn is hiding their gender so they can play basketball on the boy’s team (not well explained) is built up hugely and resolved with a hand flick.  There is a melodramatic moment where a school nurse says more or less, “GIVE IT UP YOU’LL NEVER BE A BOY!” And it’s like “OH SHIT! The fact that Gwyn is on the basketball team is cause he’s a transboy trying to live life as a boy! Oh gosh it makes so much more sense now!”  But the author seems to not even know that trans people exist cause the story bumbles along as if that scene never happened.  The closest we get is at the end Gwyn is like, “Look I’m learning to do make-up on myself to make you happy lawl!” Which is I GUESS supposed to be, “NO NO DON’T WORRY ALL OF GWYN’S GENDER STUFF WAS JUST THERE TO MAKE THE MAIN CHARACTER SEXUALLY CONFUSED WHEN SHE DISCOVERS GWYN’S TRUE GENDER!  HER TRUE GENDER IS 100% CIS WOMAN CAUSE SHE DID MAKE-UP ONCE! IT’S FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!” Like whaaaaaaaaat?  And it ends on a very random scene which doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the story.  Ugh just very bad do not interact!
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A White Rose in Bloom
Story & Art by: Asumiko Nakamura    Publisher: Seven Seas
At an all girls catholic school a young woman falls for a mysterious foreign student.  I grabbed this cause it’s gay and I overall like Asumiko Nakamura’s work (she also does Doukyusei, double mints, and others.)  However I was just not grabbed with this title.  I just felt like I wasn’t getting what was making the MC pants on head obsessed with Steph.  Also the lead’s mother tells her that she’s getting divorced and therefore will no longer have money to pay for the university and she’s framed like a super bad person for this.  Like I get why the MC (a teenager) would think that something like that is THE END OF THE WORLD! But I remember them really framing the mom like a selfish bitch for this...when like...it’s well established that her mom and dad’s relationship has been toxic for YEARS and that they TRIED SO HARD to fix it.  OH WELL!  This might be good but it just didn’t grab me in the 1st volume.
I’ll make a post on the BL titles later! Take care and Stay Rotten!
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
Farewell to Spooky Season, AHS Style: Lookbook no.12
Hi to anyone reading,
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Happy belated Halloween!
I capitalise it because if I'm gonna recognise any day as sacred, it’s the spookiest one of the year! Halloween 2020 obviously hasn’t been as exciting as usual, parties and club nights being banned has meant there’s been far less opportunities to dress up, but I still managed to get out for the night before they announced the upcoming second lockdown and do a couple of spooky movie nights (and carve a pumpkin!)!
I originally intended for this lookbook to be last minute halloween costume inspo but I was lazy and didn’t manage to get it out on time-a lot of these looks minus the makeup and maybe an accessory or two could work on any day or night out so I thought I’d go ahead and post it now anyway. Celebrating the fashion moments of American Horror Story is something I’ve wanted to do for a while; it’s probably not the first show you’d think of for sartorial inspiration but Mr. Ryan Murphy has fucking fantastic taste in stylists and the first five seasons of AHS in particular, which I’ll be focussing on in this post, have given us SO many amazing looks. The man may be guilty of many things-subjecting us to the character of Will Schuester, trying to turn Richard Ramirez into a thirst trap, embarrassing everyone who raved about how good Scream Queens was when he wrote season 2-but costume related laziness is not one of them. We see more consistency in a Ryan Murphy character’s wardrobe than we do in their story arcs and I respect that because honestly, as much as I love joining in when it comes to ripping into his ability to cohesively bring an AHS season to a close when it airs, I’d probably be the same; if you put Lady Gaga in front of me and told me to write her lines I’d probably end up getting overly invested in what her character was going to be wearing in the scene too. 
So! Enough Ryan Murphy bashing from me! I’ll get on with it! Starting with 3 season 1 inspired looks:
Murder House: Elizabeth Short, Tate Langdon and Violet Harmon
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-striped jumper from caitlinlark on Depop, kick flare jeans from ellagray-
When it comes to reflecting on season 1 of American Horror Story, all I can say do is thank the internet overlords that Tumblr has moved on from the romanticising school shooters and wearing normal people scare me tops phase to instead collectively taking the piss out of the “GO AWAY, TATE!”, “YOU’RE ALL THAT I WANTTT! YOU’RE ALL THAT I HAVEEE!” exchange. 
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In terms of fashion *moments*, whilst season 1 doesn’t stand out as much as the seasons that come after, Violet and Tate’s wardrobes did give birth to a bit of a 90s grunge renaissance with their oversized knits and faded jeans and layering of textures. It did also give us good costumes in the form of Alexandra Breckenridge’s Moira O’Hara and Mena Suvari’s portrayal of the Black Dahlia, Elizabeth Short; unfortunately, I didn’t have a slutty maid costume lying around so I did the best I could at giving the outfit Elizabeth wears when she makes that fateful visit to the Murder House a modern, more party appropriate update.
In terms of season rankings, Murder House isn’t my favourite. It starts off really great but lulls a bit towards the end and I could never get behind Violet and Tate as a couple because you know, one of them is a school shooter who sexually assaults the other’s mum, and that’s a hurdle that I think most couples might struggle to get over irl. That being said, it was the season that started it all and showcased some of the most innovative writing and directing on TV, and it opened up a spot for horror on primetime television which as far as I know was kind of unheard of before then. Back when I first watched it, I had no idea what to expect not only because I’d never seen horror in a serial format but also because it seemed to be able to get away with the kind of storylines you’d expect network executives to fire people over. It introduced us to Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters and Denis O’Hare who would go on to make the show what it is today and more importantly, through Jessica’s glorious portrayal of Constance Langdon, provide us with an endlessly versatile meme format for this trying time.
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Asylum: ‘60s Lana Winters, ‘70s Lana Winters, and Sister Mary Eunice McKee
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-afghan coat from louisemarcella on Depop, red AA skater dress from julietramage, pink gingham co-ord from zshamim-
I think we can all agree: Asylum would’ve been a perfect series of television if it wasn’t for the completely unnecessary alien storyline. Like, I get that they fit in with the whole good vs. evil theme as a kind of non-biblical alternative to the idea of a higher, all-powerful being but there was already so much going on that it just wasn’t needed. Aside from that, I think the general consensus amongst watchers of the show is that Asylum has the best writing of any season and I think I’d tend to agree. It’s not my favourite because it’s too depressing to rewatch but if we’re talking the first time round, this is the series that had me hooked. Lana Winters?
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Sister Mary Eunice? Iconic. The Name Game? Iconic. Remember when you couldn’t go a day on Facebook without seeing that one photo of Naomi Grossman as Pepper used as the go to “what I really look like” photo in one of those “expectation vs. reality” style posts on your newsfeed? Those were simpler times.
Because this season was mostly situated within the hospital, we didn’t get that many proper outfits but when we did, they were stunning; if I had to state my absolute favourite AHS character of the entire show I’d probably go with Lana Winters and the part her wardrobe played in her characterisation would 100% play a part in that. The late 60s/early 70s was such a wonderful period for fashion and through her character we get to see both of those explored a little. Of course there’s also *that* Sister Mary Eunice scene with the red slip dress and suspenders too which yes, could be a perfect halloween costume, but I also strongly believe should be a perfectly acceptable outfit for any day of the year. 
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Coven: Misty Day, Madison Montgomery, and Zoe Benson
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-chiffon dress from rags_to_riches on Depop, pinstripe corset from hanpiercey, and tennis skirt from mollie_morton-
I hate to be a basic bitch but I have to say it: Coven is my favourite season of American Horror Story. Once you get over the complete waste of Evan Peters’ acting capabilities that resulted from the *choice* to have him play Kyle, the unnecessary rehash of the Evan/Taissa pairing from season 1 in what I can only assume was an attempt to capitalise on the popularity of the questionable Tate/Violet relationship, and the subsequent sacrifice of any interesting character arc we could’ve foreseen for Zoe Benson beyond her obsessing over a resurrected, non-verbal frat boy, it’s a perfect season. A supreme (heh) balance of horror, humour, and character drama, as well as the stunning aesthetics and forever quotable dialogue, make it my go-to season if I’m ever considering a rewatch. And if you disagree, let me jog your memory with the most mainstream (not to get all “normal people scare me” and suggest AHS is not a mainstream show, I literally just mean in the sense that even those who have never watched the show will have seen this)  reaction GIF set any FX show has even spawned:
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Buzzfeed employees had a field day, Emma Roberts enthusiasts (I mean me) finally saw her cemented as the pop culture icon Scream Queens has since showed us she deserves to be (because not enough people have seen Unfabulous, Nancy Drew or Scream 4) and the gays everywhere rejoiced at the year’s worth of meme fodder they’d been provided with. It was Madison Montgomery’s world and we were truly just living in it.
And the fashion! I mean, Stevie Nicks meets 21st century teenage witches! Come on! 
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Freakshow: Dandy Mott, Maggie Esmerelda and Elsa Mars
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-olive green satin skirt from morganogle on Depop, headscarf from tonijordan, platform sandals from elliefewt, PVC skirt from bethpin_, corset top from sadieflinter, beret from house_of_erotique, flame detail platform boots from mad_rags_vintage-
When people talk about the declining quality of AHS, they usually point to Freakshow as the beginning of the end, but I have to completely disagree. I wasn’t a fan the first time round but on rewatch it’s probably the most emotional season of them all; no, there aren’t as many “horrifying” moments as in other seasons and Elsa is probably Jessica’s worst performance (which is still an incredible one by anybody else’s standards), however it makes up for it with the most sympathetic bunch of characters yet, and on the flip side, also one of the most amusingly depraved with Finn Wittrock’s Dandy Mott. Fans usually argue that the season went downhill once *SPOILER* Twisty the Clown was killed off but for me, he really primarily served as the catalyst for the far more interesting devolution of Dandy, who, imo, is the show’s strongest villain to date, rivalled only by Bloody Face. Then there was the episode Orphans too which made me cry buckets, the sole AHS episode to do so. 
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We got a lot of great fashion content in this season too: the theatrical opulence of Elsa Mars’ wardrobe, “Maggie”’s nomadic fortune teller costumes, and all those twee suits we saw Finn Wittrock in. Highly underrated if you ask me. It seems an odd choice for me to use Elsa’s Dominatrix look as an inspiration for one of my looks here when we have that Life on Mars performance outfit and all the extravagant robes Jessica got to waltz around in for reference buuuut I didn’t really have anything to do the vibrancy of either of those justice so I went with the black leather option which is much more me. Am I saying I moonlight as a dominatrix? Maybe. Lol, no. I wish. It’s not for lack of trying. WHERE ARE ALL THE GENUINE TWITTER PAYPIGS AT!? Your girl wants to insult creepy men and get some new clothes out of it xoxo
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Hotel: Hypodermic Sally, Liz Taylor, and The Countess
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-silk white bralet from xlibby_maix on Depop-
Hotel is another season that I liked a lottttt more upon rewatch, once I knew I was okay to tune out the (completely predictable and utterly nonsensical) Ten Commandments Killer storyline that so much of the season initially seems to hinge on. I love Chloë Sevigny but the fact that her and Wes Bentley’s wooden John and Alex Lowe are positioned as the protagonists at the expense of the far more interesting Liz Taylor, James March and Hypodermic Sally really does a disservice to what is an otherwise great season upon initial viewing.
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The visuals this season are magnificent and I think if I had to pick one character’s wardrobe to steal from the entire cast of AHS characters, it would be The Countess (a toss up between her and Misty Day tbh, so I kinda just settle for low-key channelling both). No fucking idea where I'd wear any of her clothes to but I’d make it work. Liz Taylor and Hypodermic Sally have some amazing looks too-there’s just honestly so much to choose from; that being said, this post wouldn’t be complete without a specific ode to the vampire goddess Elizabeth Bathory, who is everything I want to be in life minus the murderous qualities:
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Lady Gaga is really a fucking goddess isn’t she. And people were claiming before they’d even seen it that she couldn’t act? A patriarchal society doesn’t like women that can do it all. Just saying. 
That’s it for now! I hope you enjoyed the post if you did read til the end! Sorry I couldn’t get this out before Halloween, I was typing and Picmonkey-ing madly from 2 in the afternoon on the 31st but I taking fucking forever to get ready and had to abandon all hope of getting it out on the day by 4PM. I’ve got so much content planned and it sucks because a couple of them are lookbooks which now feel completely redundant given we’re heading into a second lockdown, but maybe I should just do it anyway? The grunge inspired moodboard I just did seemed to get a good reception too so I’ve got some more of them planned. 
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As always, hope everyone is keeping well, and feel free to inbox me with any suggestions, queries or even just to say hi if you need someone to talk to! I check here quite a lot so I should see it. Lots of love to everyone in this time!
Lauren x
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lightwormlol · 3 years
4.5 stars.
Okay, so! This was the first book I was able to finish in 2021. I've kinda been in a reading slump, and struggling to get past the 30-50% of books. I think its because I took essentially 3 months off my normal (daily) reading schedule and have been prioritising other things (health, fitness, job applications etc) - I think it's a testament to how addicted I was to this that I finished and consumed this at the rate I did! I recently went back and added some things to my ACOWAR review. To briefly summarise, I feel that, at the time I read it, it kind of gave me what I needed, but it definitely isn't getting a re read - my love for feysand has definitely lessened over time, but honestly i'm not that mad at sarah for this, as I find that whenever I've passed the sexual tension part of relationships in books, I tend to get bored of the domestic bliss. Like, leave that shit for an epilogue and keep it at that? As someone generally averse to relationships, but there is definitely a grace period for how long I can actively be smitten with a couple... before it becomes sickly. Taking all this into account, I honestly was nervous for this book, its release date totally took me by surprise, and I read it on a whim. As a Nessian shipper (I mean we didn't really have a choice after acomaf but to delve into the world of fanfic to keep us going) - this book gave me most of what I wanted and needed from them! I think,(some) kudos to SJM, for not disappointing in their relationship. This was definitely a character > plot driven story. In terms of the plot, I wasn't really invested until around the 38% mark? I'm not sure if I was adjusting to the writing style (lots of dramatic. sentences. that. are. so. abrupt. Nesta Archeron. Death etc) - or if it was bc I hadn't read an SJM book since the novella, which I basically skimmed. I was obviously reading for Nessian, but I didn't really feel intrigued by the wider plot (death gods, the human queens? Given I had lost my previous obsession with the world/ have outgrown 'fandom' culture, that made me actively update my knowledge, I couldn't remember a lot!) I think its clear that SJM excels character driven stories, but I think her worldbuilding and execution is significantly better in the throne of glass franchise. Now, I did say this was a character driven story. This is mostly regarding Nesta, Cassian and Azriel. I loved pretty much any interaction they had! I love a good training montage. Ngl though, I think, unless you possess an ardent love for Nessian, you're not going to be particularly wowed by this, if you've read heir of fire, or even acomaf. I obviously am never going to be able to be objective, because I've loved nessian so much from 2017-now, but I loved the dynamic those two (and three - friendship wise between nes/cass/az). One of the highlights of ACOWAR for me was the snippets of Az, showing tenderness, and opening up to the newer members of the inner circle (and i'm excluding any hint of an Elriel ship because FUCK THAT LOL) For me, the tip with SJM books is: once you outgrow them/the particular mode of narrative style, is to not anticipate anything other than a character driven story, albeit one riddled with smut. I personally am a romance heavy reader, so I'm honestly deconditioned to it at this point, (like, when I see reviewers scandalised I'm like... wow, the amount of trash I have consumed in the last five years loool.) While I disagree with the fact SJM marketed this series as y/a (or maybe it wasn't her per se, but the key booksellers definitely did this for her) - I think its clear enough now she's descended into the adult/borderline erotica genre.(very mild imo). I personally like to adopt a policy of skimming sex scenes when I find the dialogue cringy (most the time it is lets be honest any talking is v second hand embarrassment). Cassian and Nesta were definitely better than Rhys and Feyre post chapter 55 though! I was so glad there weren't a million moments of Cass/Nesta betraying their arousal with their scents, in front of everyone (like feysand, the voyeuristic pda pricks they are). I found the slowburn ish nature of their relationship great, and I actually think if you're a virgo/emotionally stunted reader, you will be happy with their relationship dynamic. It contrasts with the daemati sexual snark of acomaf, but it felt right, and authentic. This book was a journey of personal growth, for Nesta. It is clear SJM loves books about strong women, and maybe thats what makes me love this book so much. I think, out of all the archeron sisters, I love Nesta the most. This is for my Rose Calloway fans, my misunderstood, somewhat cold/left out girls, who are less receptive to being vulnerable. If you're a slowburn fan, it's not Mariana Zapata levels of slowburn, imo it's the perfect combo. Addictive enough that I don't want to put it down, but not so fast moving that I couldn't believe it. I loved the sex without emotion relationship they had!! This is honestly never done in mainstream n/a fantasy, unless its a caricature of a 'slut' that normally rivals the main character, lmao. Even if their inner conflict was p transparent, this gave me everything I needed! I know this is vapid lol but I also love the physical dynamic between the two, they just look so good together, the amount of fanart I'm going to reacquaint myself with after this review!! I adored seeing Nesta grow, (even if towards the end I kind of resented her sudden acceptance into the inner circle, i get SJM loves her and just wanted a fluffy ending, but, as a Nesta like character, it's awkward and stilted on her end to adjust to the inner circle like this - i mean, hugging rhys, really??)
I think, if I had to compare this to any other SJM book, I would say Chaols book (though I obviously preferred this). That being said, I felt less attached to new characters in this book than I was in even Chaols book (and even then ngl I remember nothing?) Obviously I loved what it represented, as a trio of traumatised women. I just, didn't love this the way I loved other inner circle members! I get that they gave Nesta exactly what they needed, a family that doesn't hold the history of her sisters, who she doesn't have to worry about holding preconceived notions of disappointment. I loved this for her! Even then.. I just wasn't attached to either of them. I found their interactions cute - but boring. Towards the end, when their stories/pasts are revealed, I couldn't help but cringe slightly, I can't put my finger on why, but I just didn't buy it. Maybe it's the brit in me but I couldn't be moved by this slightly forced bonding moment.. which was so anticlimactic. My 'aww how cute' tolerance is defo deserved for characters whose tropes I love. Maybe they just didn't fit into this list. Maybe I'm just being a cow here?
Now, let's speak about the real star of the show.... A FUCKING MAGICAL HOUSE FRIEND??? YESSSSSSS. IF YOU ARE AN ILONA ANDREWS INNKEEPERS CHRONICLES FAN, U WILL LOVE! How was the animation of this somehow more touching than all of nesta's other friendships combined? Exactly what I ordered, thank you. This trope somehow touches more than any material bonding!! The cute witch x house dynamic (also maybe howls moving castle vibes?) I loved the trying to reach the target of 10,000 steps (a little Celaena HOF). I think this, heir of fire and acomaf are my favourite SJM books for this reason. Gripes: I definitely had some personal gripes with how other members of the inner circle treated Nesta (rhys i'm looking at you. Disappointed doesn't even cover it.) I inherently take offence to any elain scene, as i'm so over bland characters whose existence is reduced to wanting to fucking plant flowers?? like?? really? To go from moriel to that is such a downgrade, even if I fell out of love with Mor due to the way she snubbed Nesta (you're a 500 year old being and you can't see someone is clearly traumatised?). I adore Az so much, but if it aint polyamorous, I cannot see any pairing with Elain making me happy. (wouldn’t mind gwyn though) I think the whole mating bond that I do not want is a good dynamic, but I really hate that everyone has to be mates in this world. I don't think we were that surprised, but it would've been nice if the somehow, idk, developed a strong bond over time, without it being preordained? Like, even if they do not all actively stay with their mate, given how disproportionate mates are among the general population, what's the likelihood 6 members of the inner circle (including lucien) have mates?
My advice? Read this book if you love nessian and the acotar world in general, but don't expect the world building to be consistent with greater fantasy series'. This style of story is obviously what to expect. She writes what she likes, and if her fantasy is this - then who are we, as readers, to expect otherwise?
Final rating: 4.5 (no, i'm not objective, but objectivity does not exist if you are a real, human being, lol)
Original Characters: 5/5 (nessian/az/house wise) 1/5 (feysand - really over how they essentially take over the very end of the book - ugh, I wanted nesta's arc to be wholly separate from them) Writing style: 3.5 Cringe Scale: Low, with the exception of some dialogue. New Characters: 2 Plot: I went into it with a 2 and came out with a 4. Not in terms of complexity, but in terms of how addictive and enjoyable this reading experience was! (less)
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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"I'm sorry we couldn't offer you little more comfort while residing with us." Genuineness threaded itself through Torvi words as she watched while Bonnie settled herself behind Hali underneath the furs of unknown heritage.
A gratitude inspired smile made a conquest of Bonnie's lips. "No need for apologies, Torvi. Fact is, I'm grateful that you've allowed me somewhere safe to lay my head. Especially with everything being so new and unfamiliar."
Truth be sold rather than told, Bonnie didn't understand one damn thing about her predicament. One moment she lay bleeding out in her fiancé's arms in 21st century New Orleans, and the next she lay sprawled on Bjorn's ship during the freaking Viking Era. After some thought she'd begun to believe herself to be on the other side she'd created for Enzo, but there was a few sizable holes in that working theory. One, Enzo didn't hail from the ninth century so why would she tailor the world he'd spend his afterlife in after it? Two, she'd had the displeasure of being dead stranded on the other side a time or two and neither time did the imitation of life after death explode with a passion that could only be rivaled by reality.
No, Bjorn, Ivar, and Kattegat was real. It was all real! But on everything and everyone she loved she couldn't understand why. What did her giving up her mortality to become the immortal witch and finally embrace the prophecy have to do with this particular place in time?
"Bonsie?" The dulcet cadence of Guthrum's voice snatched her away from her thoughts. "Can you tell us a saga about your land?"
He and Hali stared up at her. The gleam of excitement tinkled bright in both of their eyes. She faked a sigh and played at reluctance with a roll of the eyes, all the while a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth for freedom. "Are you sure? Because you and Hali look really tired," she began tickling Hali who squealed and squirmed to get away, "And I don't wanna start one of my dull stories only to bore you both to sleep."
"Please!" They both squeaked in unison. "You have our vow we won't slumber before the end of your tale. Right Hali?" The blonde cherub face child with eyes just like his father nodded.
"Alright, but the vow I want from you is, that if slumber comes for you or Hali while I'm telling you the story you won't fight it," she said, her gaze moving from one boy to the other. "That's the only way I'm going to speak of this saga. I won't waste words on tired ears."
The boys stared at each other for a moment, before Guthrum looked back at her, "If our slumber takes us before the conclusion, will you continue when we rise?"
"Maybe not when we rise. You know, because we'll have to break our fast and I'm sure there'll be chores needing to be done-"
"There will definitely be chores needing to be done," Torvi confirmed as she watched from the bed.
Bonnie shrugged, tapping her chin while staring up at the ceiling of the keep. Her eyes flared as if the proverbial light bulb had erupted into a thousand ideas, "I know! If you fall asleep before the saga is finished, then I'll continue it tomorrow before we go to bed."
Guthrum looked to Hali, who nodded his head, "You have our vow, Bonsie."
"Okay," she held up her pinky. They stared at her finger for a moment then gawked at her as if she'd open a third eye on her forehead, "Well if you're giving me your vow boys, I'ma need a pinky swear to consummate your sworn oath."
"How do you perform such a ritual?" Guthrum asked, cuddling in closer.
"Hold up your little finger just like this." She wiggled her pinky. Once Guthrum and Hali raised their fingers, she entwined both of her pinkies with theirs, tugged and pulled away. "And just like that we have consummated our oath with a pinky swear."
"So, what of the saga?" Guthrum questioned.
"It's a story that takes place in a land where my ancestors once thrived. A continent called Africa," she began, "There a wise lion king was blessed with a cub who too would one day be king of everything the light touched in that land."
For the next thirty minutes or so Bonnie retold the story of the Lion King. By the time she reached the part about Scar throwing Mufasa off the cliff into the surge of stampeding antelope she noticed the boys had fallen asleep. Lowering her voice, she allowed her words to trail off, to avoid awakening the kids.
"Ack! Why'd you stop?!" Bjorn snapped. "Did Mufasa find a way to save himself so that he could exact revenge over his treacherous brother?"
"And what of poor Simba?" Torvi grilled, "What will become of him now?"
Bonnie's brows collided. She hadn't realized that they had even gave her a benefit of an ear let alone hung on to every word of the story. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you guys were paying attention."
"Why wouldn't we attend you, Bonnie?" Bjorn shot her one more unit before settling back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. "Are we not sharing the same space?"
"Bjorn," Torvi lightly scolded, cuddling down next to him.
"It's okay, Torvi," she said, rolling away to face the wall, "Bjorn's right. I'm wrong for not considering you both may wanna hear the ending of the story, but even if I wanted to finish it my sacred oath with the boys wouldn't allow me to continue until next eve. So, have a good night's rest and I'll see you both in the morning."
Bonnie allowed her eyes to close and not much later she dosed until squeaks, moans, and grunts ripped her from the verge of a deep sleep. Confused about why the hell she was on the floor instead of in Klaus' Californian King, her eyes darted around and then finally collided with a folded up Torvi getting piled drove by Bjorn.
When Torvi noticed her watching, she blushed and attempted to stifle another moan, "Apologies, Bonnie. We didn't mean to wake you with our coupling."
"It's fine," she said, not knowing what the hell else to say. It's not like she could go in about them banging one out in their own keep. Bjorn's lava hot blues bore into her, while he began to grind slow circles into Torvi. Bonnie attempted to clear her throat, but only managed a super dehydrated cough, "P-please c-continue—I-I mean if that's what you both wanna do. Not that I'm gonna keep watching or anything."
"Would you like to join us?" Torvi offered between gasps and moans. "Bjorn's vigor is insatiable. He would have no issues pleasuring you as well."
"T-That's not necessary!" Bonnie flopped back over on her side to face away from them, "You two enjoy, I'm good." She squeezed her eyes closed and tried to ignore the snickers coming from the bed as she willed herself to go back to sleep.
After daggmal what Bjorn called breakfast, Sigurd offered to be her guide while she explored the forest. They spent almost half the day trekking through the woods gathering recipes she would need for hygienic purposes and basic spells. For the first half of their outing, Sigurd merely helped and watched her without saying anything. When she'd had enough of him side-eying the hell out of her she spun on him without warning and he almost ran her down.
"What's wrong with you? Why do you keep watching me like I'm gonna turn you into horse shit or something?" She snapped.
His eyes flared, and he took a step back. "Can you?"
"Sigurd!" Bonnie stared at him for a moment like he'd left his mind back at Kattegat, before whirling around to continue her descend down to the cove. "Why did you come if you're so scared of me?" She tossed over her shoulder.
"Because I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I was hoping to plow you," he replied, following behind her.
"Men," she mumbled to herself. Then she raised her voice loud enough for him to hear. "So, I guess Ivar's telling anyone who will listen I'm a witch, huh?"
"Ivar?" He questioned as if he didn't know how one thing had to do with the other. "No, what's he to do with anything? It's Margrethe."
Bonnie stopped once more to turn and look up at him. "Margrethe? You mean the poor servant girl you all pass around like a waste bucket?"
"We don't pass her around and she says when you appeared out of air the gods let their displeasure be known by sending a storm to upset the sea," he walked closer, plucked the basket from her hands, intertwined their arms and guided her towards the cove. "She also said that the storm only went away when she mentioned throwing you over."
"You do understand Margrethe is madder than a bag of cats tossed in a barrel of water, right? Anything that comes out of her mouth is nothing more than rantings of the certifiable," she said, filing Margrethe away for a later day's problem.
Sigurd laughed. "Your turn of phrases are cutting. I've noticed that you wield your words the way Hvitserk swings an ax."
"Runs in the family," she said, distracted by the splashing she heard coming from the cove. "Shh," she stopped, halting Sigurd along with her, "someone's down there."
Stunned disbelief flared his eyes and dropped his jaw, "Really? Well, we should go-,"
"Yeah," her head bobbed in utter agreement, more than ready to turn around, "we should."
"And cut down the trespassers!" He finished.
"Wait, what?"
Without even a notion of a warning, he scooped her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and ran down the rest of the way to the cove. Once they cleared the woods and stepped into the enclosure of the inlet, he strode into the water with her. She caught an upside-down glimpse of Ivar sitting on the bank, while Ubbe and Hvitserk chased each other around in the water with long skinny sticks.
"Brother, what took you so long?" Hvitserk snickered as he bent sideways to stare her in the face.
Sigurd smacked her on the bottom. "This one wanted to pick every smelly flower in the forest."
"Sigurd, take me back on dry land," she said, pounding him in the middle of his back with her fists, "So help me, if you fuck around and drop me in this water and my hair gets wet, it's gonna be hell to tell the captain. And just in case you haven't figured it out I'm the motherfucking captain!"
"What's she going on about?" Ivar called from the bank.
Sigurd laughed, "She wants to swim."
Then he tossed her into the biting chill of the water. She emerged sputtering water and spitting mad. Their laughter only served to piss her off more. Hatemakers shot from her eyes like hollow points leaving the barrel of a glock. When she finally had Sigurd locked and loaded in her sights, she treaded water like she had an engine shoved up her crack and Bobby Boucher'ed his ass so hard he hurtled through the air. He smacked the water harder than Angela did Marcus, and he went under. Now it was her turn to laugh and do the fool she did. Ubbe and Hvitserk gawked at her as if she'd sprouted wings and a tail.
Sigurd clawed his way back to the surface gasping and coughing. "Who in the name of Odin taught you how to swim, Thor?"
The sound of laughter and clapping floated from the bank. Bonnie turned to see Ivar's incandescent methane orbs flashing hella bright. Yet somehow the brilliance of his smile rivaled even the bewitching dazzle of his eyes. He'd baited and hooked her without even casting the lure. Now the unexplainable pull between them would reel her in. Pushing the mass of dripping curls from her face, she began to walk toward the shore.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hvitserk whispered next to her ear, before scooping her off her feet, "You've a lesson to learn."
"Oh, Hvitserk, you just better bring it!" She yelled as she bucked and squirmed in his grasp, "That goes for your sisters too."
With that said he dunked her in the water, when she reemerged Ubbe had a hold of her, "Many apologies, my lady. You were saying?" He questioned, regarding her with eyes the same shade as a cloudless sky.
She gave him a closed lip smile, and then slapped her cheeks, allowing all of the water in her mouth to spray him in the face. When he released her, she dove under the surface, grabbed him by the ankles and snatched him off his feet, literally. Then she went after Hvitserk next. Anticipating an attack, he and Sigurd took on a defense stance. So, they planned to make this a joint effort. She gave herself a mental nod, noted. Tired of playing around, she hiked her skirts up just beneath the curve of her ass and knotted it high on her hip. Sigurd and Hvitserk exchanged a smirk. Not wasting a second she struck. First, she climbed, and then wrapped herself around Sigurd. In a maneuver reminiscent of the Black Widow, she used his body weight and gravity against him. Once more he soared through the air.
She turned to Hvitserk and he gave her the smile which let her know he thirst for blood and the rush. Yep, she'd saved the most savage for last. Leaping on him, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He automatically grabbed a fist full of ass. Sexual lust overpowered his blood lust. Big mistake. She snapped backwards in a back bend, the memento snatched him off his feet and he went free falling face first into some rather high-quality H2O.
While the brothers attempted to figure out which step led to their downfall, Bonnie left the water to find Bjorn standing on the bank. His look of indifference remained true to the inner workings of his mind.
"You move well," he said as he reached down to place one hand on a bare hip and the other on the knot that secured her skirt. In a swift tug he released the drenched material. "I've never seen anyone fight that way or toss about men twice their size."
A memory of Bjorn giving Torvi the business end of some serious wood flashed at the forefront of Bonnie's mind. Unable to maintain eye contact, she dropped her gaze to the ground, "It's nothing. We were just messing around; I'd hoped to learn how to manage one of their sticks." Ivar snickered and that's when she realized how it sounded. "You know...for fishing." She added to be Visine clear.
"If you're to learn to manage anyone's stick, it'll be mine," Bjorn stepped closer and crowded her personal space.
The heat which came off of him reminded her of the predicament she now found herself. She was drenched and it had to be every bit of fifty-eight degrees out and dropping. The boys came trudging out the water behind her.
Ubbe walked up on her until the hard press of his chest collided with her back. One of his hands moved to grip her neck, while the other rose to lay possessively across her belly. He lowered his mouth next to her ear, "The gods were with you this day, Valkyrie. Yet, we'll see what the morrow brings." He then released her and moved around her to sit next to Ivar.
"You think yourself clever with that trick in the water, do you?" Sigurd asked, while tugging one of her curls as he passed. "Well, I know a few tricks too and mine are sure to put you on your back as well." With his gaze still locked on her, he dropped down on the other side of Ubbe.
Hvitserk spun her around to face him. "One detail," he snatched her skirts up around her hips and lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his waist. A sliver of space remaining between them provoked him to tug her closer until her naked sex pressed firmly against his bare lower abdomen muscles. On contact, the sinewy tissue flexed against her clit and try as she might, she couldn't stop the groan that burst from her lips. His eyes rolled closed, and gasps of air rushed from his mouth as he rested his forehead on hers. "I had to be certain." After a moment he allowed her body to slip from his.
"Of what?" She questioned, slightly swaying as she shifted her skirts back in place.
"I was home," he said, before stealing a kiss and darting away.
Something a breath away from recognition flared within her. She pressed to fingers to her lips to help preserve the feel and weight of Hvitserk's mouth on hers. Where the hell did she know his kiss?
Bjorn shot his younger siblings hell bred units. "Come, Bonnie. It's almost time for second meal and Queen Aslaug would like for us to attend her in the great hall...again." She didn't miss the annoyance which saturated his again.
"Alright, let me just grab my basket," she strode to pick up the wicker carrier and the world turned upside down.
Then it overturned and became consumed by Ivar's sculpted to perfection features. When she'd sacrificed her better judgement and walked too closed to him, he'd snatched her off her feet by an ankle. Once down on his turf, he'd flipped her over and yanked her to him like a virgin slated for sacrifice. Now he loomed over her larger than life. She'd played herself by forgetting he was the one to watch. The most dangerous of them all.
"I can see in your eyes you know your error is grave," he spoke to her in that soft accented tone that all ways fucked over her senses. "Next time you will not dismiss me so effortlessly because you believe me to be at a disadvantage, hmm?"
The sheer beauty of him outshined the ever-radiant torch she still carried for Niklaus. And Ivar the Boneless was right there! Right there in front of her! If ever there was a pass to be given for one indiscretion in a relationship, surely this was the time. Ignoring all the legitimate reasons as to why she shouldn't, she reached up and ran the pad of her index finger over one smooth brow. The perfectly arched hair felt silky to the touch.
Stunned, he stared down at her, confusion bunching those very brows while slightly parting those luscious lips. Her gaze flicked to the bottom one. It drew her thumb like a super magnet attracted to a pile of scrap metal. First contact almost made her swallow her tongue. Nothing could've prepared her for such fleshy softness. You'd think his lips had never known a day without Carmex. Damn, she had to know what it felt like to have his mouth on hers! Cupping her other hand around the nape of his neck, she used the hold to guide his lips towards hers even as she arched upwards to meet him halfway.
"Ivar, we have spoken much on you remaining free of mischief," Bjorn said, yanking Ivar off of her and plopping him back down on the plot of grass next to Ubbe.
Bonnie climbed to her feet, dusting herself off as she went. For a moment, their she'd almost pulled a damn Elena. Acting first and thinking never. Difference was she didn't have a scrappy side-chick running to have her back when she wrote a check her ass wasn't equipped to cash out. No! She needed to stay focused and figure out why the hell an immortal witch spell brought her all the way back to the Viking era. And it wasn't even the real Viking era. She was trapped in a television series loosely tailored after a raider who lived over a thousand years ago.
"Thanks for helping me today, Sigurd," She said, while allowing Bjorn to take her hand. "It would've taken me longer to locate the things I needed without you.
"You're welcome to my help whenever you have need of it," He said, grinning up at her.
Bonnie nodded then looked to the other brothers. "Ubbe, Hvitserk...Ivar," she held Ivar's gaze a moment longer than called for, before continuing, "thank you for being superb stress relievers." She wound her shoulders in counterclockwise circles as she cocked her head from one side to the other until she heard the pop. "Didn't realize how backed up I was until you guys worked me out a little."
"Then you should prepare yourself," Ubbe said, giving her a sideways glance, "for stress will no longer be a worry of yours." His bottomless cobalt glare, glanced down the length of her body before returning back to her face. Hvitserk and Sigurd snorted.
She held his gaze until Bjorn guided her from the enclosure of the cove back into the woods. Once out of his and Ivar's soul disturbing stare, she exhaled. For the next several minutes, she and Bjorn walked back to Kattegat in silence. After fiddling with the handle of the basket, attempting to work up the nerve to find something to say, Bjorn spoke first.
"I spoke with Floki today and he told me the fleet I commissioned won't be ready to sail until next Spring," he said, bending to pick up a stick from the path, "which is just as well, since Torvi is carrying again. I've already sent a messenger to King Harald."
"Wait," she stopped mid-step, "Torvi's pregnant?"
He walked a little further before he realized she'd halted. Once he did, he turned back to face her, his expression unreadable as ever. "Yes."
"C-congratulations, Asa's gonna be beautiful," she said, without thinking. Her mind to set on the fact she was adrift somewhere between season 4 part 1 and 2. How the hell would she navigate over the course of the year without knowing what happens from one moment to the next?
Bjorn cradled her face in his hands. "Are you saying this babe will be a girl?"
Damn! Well, the cat has left the bag. She nodded and a brilliant smile that could put the sun out of business blossomed on his face. His joy even provoked the corners of her mouth to travel north. "I'm very much proud to have boys, but after what happened to my first child...Siggy, it is my belief that by blessing me with a girl this time, the gods have shown me favor."
The blend of his happiness and vulnerability disarmed her defenses. She leapt into his arms, hugging him tight to her. The best her lack of height would allow anyway. All she wanted was to give him the comfort and support he'd shown her since her world went bat-shit. Bjorn, however, must've misread into things, because he had her pinned to the nearest tree attempting to raise her skirts.
He pressed kisses into the side of her neck as he worked to hike up her skirts and wrap her legs around him at the same time. "My man stand has nigh burst awaiting consent to plow you." He grind an oversized bulge into her bare center, and she squealed, not sure whether it was in delight or protest.
"Bjorn, I'm so sorry," she gritted through clenched teeth. Not trusting what would come flying out of her mouth if she opened it fully. "I didn't mean to lead you on. I'm a hugger." She babbled. "I only meant to offer you a hug of friendship."
He stilled and leaned away to peer down at her with a scrunched red face. "What?" Backing away, he let her feet drop to the ground. "Who in the name of the All-Father offers passionate embraces as a form of friendship?"
"Look, Bjorn," she lifted her chin, ready to no means no, his ass. "I'm sorry if you misread things, but you're married-,"
"Misread?!" His eyes nearly leapt from their sockets as he snorted his disbelief. "And what of all the lusty ways I notice you watching me when you think I don't see?"
She lied with a straight face. "You're mistaken."
"I'm not mistaken," he backed her into the same tree, "just last eve your eyes pleaded with me-,"
"And that's another thing," she said, cutting him off. "Don't take this wrong, because I'm grateful for you and Torvi's kindness, but when can we start on the restoration of Rollo's house?"
He stared at her a moment without saying anything. "We can begin soon after we finish daggmal on the morrow." Her head bobbed, and then she moved to step around him. He grabbed her arm to halt her movements. "Are you leaving my keep because I chose to lay with my wife?"
Her eyes bucked and she shook her head until she thought it would fly off her neck, "Of course not. I'm leaving because you both deserve privacy and not some stranger interrupting your lives."
"You're not a stranger, Mystical One," he rested his forehead on hers, "we're bonded by the oath we swore. You and I are a part of each other until one of us enters Valhalla."
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oboe-she-didnt · 3 years
I just finished watching the X-Files and I have a lot of thoughts
Yes it’s 2021 and I’ve finally finished a show I should have seen ages ago. Normally I might make a YouTube video with all my thoughts but I feel like doing something more immediate and since no one I know has seen it...here I go.
Going in nearly blind (besides knowing “Mulder’s the believer and Scully’s the skeptic” thank you ATS, Mulder/Scully is one of the quintessential ships of fandom history, and there was a reboot or something a couple years ago) I found myself rather hooked from the beginning. I enjoyed the practical effects, the seasons-long mysteries (though sometimes not knowing the answers got frustrating), and the way the show managed to stay fresh for its original 9 season run. It was definitely a well-crafted show with a good balance of monster of the week episodes (further divided into procedural monster of the week - your average monster/witch/freak of science killing random people - and character-based monster of the week - the haunted house on Christmas is the first episode that comes to mind) and lore/mythology building episodes (everything tying back to the alien conspiracy aka anything that said “Written by Chris Carter”)
I can see where the Mulder/Scully chatter has come from. I was definitely shipping them very early on, and not just in a “ooh they’re rivals so of course I’m gonna ship them” kind of way I was expecting going in. They are one of those examples of fictional soulmates, platonic, romantic, two people who are essential in the others’ lives. They are the epitome of “the best romances come from people who work well together”. Literally. They balance each other, even when sometimes the roles would get flipped. You need a logician and you need a believer in your search of The Truth. I also appreciated overall it seemed an equal balance between each of the pair getting “damseled”. It wasn’t Mulder saving Scully all the time (another thing I was kind of expecting). The one thing I’m still puzzling over is which one I would consider the one main protagonist, if I had to choose. My gut says Scully, she’s the audience insert brought into this fantastical world who grows to open her mind a little. But by the end, it’s Mulder who has all his questions answered, his purpose for coming to the X-files complete. Mostly. Pretty much. There’s always another conspiracy, though.
I will stand by my early observation that my absolute favorite parts of the show are Scully’s right arching eyebrow and Mulder’s inability to function like a normal human when she’s out of the office. I never thought I’d get emotional over pencils stuck to the ceiling but it happened.
And now a rundown of thoughts on all the main characters...
Mulder: Two things I said most often to the TV: “you cheeky little shit, you’re gonna get yourself killed” and “oh honey I want to give you a hug!” I also wish I had done a little more BTS research besides figuring out where and when to watch the 2 movies because that would have saved my two season litany of “he’s gotta come back, they wouldn’t kill one of the main characters off offscreen, he’s written and directed episodes, I would have heard at some point if he got fired, Chris Carter’s just pulling a conspiracy of his own, he’s fucking with the audience by pulling him off the credits, right right RIGHT?” and then I should have figured out the reboot was LITERALLY STILL THEM so that would have saved my The Truth litany of “well all his mysteries are solved so I guess his arc’s complete, it’s a supernatural show so I GUESS you can kill off one of the mains in the finale, but there’s too much build up to save him, I would have heard about it if it had THAT kind of ending, right right RIGHT?”
Scully: Two things I said most often to the TV: “Yes you go girl!” and “oh honey I want to give you a hug!” Gillian gets all the credit for wearing those fucking heels for that long and probably didn’t get paid enough for it (though I appreciated their little callout to it in the movie episode). I’m glad they only went to the mystical pregnancy well once, though the build-up was a little too heavy-handed. I can’t wait to rewatch and see the gradual development of her knowledge and understanding, so much so that by the time it becomes her and Doggett as the team, Scully is absolutely without question the “Mulder”.
I also would say, about both of them, that they need a vacation...which they did get...probably not the vacation I was hoping for them.
And now for many less thoughts about the rest:
Skinner: flip-flopped maybe a couple too many times for my liking. Wish we knew a little more about him. Definitely the first person to ship the two of them.
The Lone Gunmen:
AKA “ahh it’s my boys!” (me squealing every time I saw their actors’ names appear in the credits). Nice little extension of the team and interesting to see technology from “back then”. Loved how they used their stories as little breathers after really heavy two-parters. 
Frohike: adorable little grump who knows his kung fu
Langly: did he just choose not to cut his hair for 9 years or did they not let him?
Byers: marry me
Smoking Man: or whatever nickname you want to call him. Yes, I know they revealed his name but I’m not bothered to look it up now. The definition of “you aren’t dead in a supernatural show unless you die on screen” (though he goes and breaks that trope too because hey fan service!). Had me saying “ugh this bitch” every time he appeared on screen so I guess he got the job done.
Krycek: also had me saying “ugh this bitch” and I wish I didn’t learn his actor’s name so early on so I would be more surprised when he showed up in later seasons. I think he worked pretty well as a secondary bad guy and is another I’ll be watching more for in my rewatch.
Marita: grew more tired of her the longer she stayed on. Became less interesting when she was revealed to be in with the Syndicate. Nice to have another female character, though.
Jeffrey Spender: my catchphrase with him was “I wanna slap his little weasel face”. I figured out who he was before it was revealed, though that I blame on my ability to recognize actors...unless it was supposed to be an easy enough twist to figure out? (I guess the actor made enough of an impression in the “greatest hits of Smoking Man: America’s assassin” episode for them to want to keep him around). Did not like him one bit until Season 9. Then my thoughts were mainly “JEFF!? They’re entrusting the safety of William to JEFF!?”
William: okay the episode “William” was pretty much me saying “what the FUCK was that?” and I’m mad I didn’t figure out the Jeffrey twist that time. As for the character, kid deserves better. I was waiting for a Once Upon a Time style knock on the door “hey, I think you’re my mom” at some point but NOPE he had a purpose and they were sticking to it! The ambiguous powers (AKA which came first, this or Stranger Things 2?) were a little annoying, I suppose, but there wasn’t enough time, or interest, to explore it all. Also, pandemic? That sure hit differently to a viewer today than it would have a couple years ago holy shit.
Doggett: didn’t like him at first, which I guess you’re not supposed to, but then he turned into a big old teddy bear. Whatever happened to him? Dude deserved a shout-out in the reboot.
Reyes: loved her from the start, a different kind of “Mulder”. HATE what they did to her in the reboot. I thought she and Doggett were supposed to live happily ever after.
Okay, I think I’m pretty much out of thoughts for now. Excuse me as I start watching all over again, free of some of this “what’s gonna happen next?” anxiety since I now know where it’s all going.
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sapphicdalliances · 3 years
Dear Chocolatier,
thank you so much for being here!! my sincere apologies for the lateness and messiness of this letter! sorry about my incredibly inconsistent capitalisation! it has been updated on the 8th of january, and may receive more updates this week.
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and fandom-specific notes and prompts can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Fics that are short, but imply a longer, deeper verse; since this exchange is for short fics, but some of my prompts seem expansive, I just want to give you carte blanche permission to dip into an AU, splash around in it, and simply not provide additional details.
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom tropes
Am also on board with misunderstandings and drama as long as there is a happy ending!
I’m deeply okay with AUs, and most likely would be down for any modern, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender swap, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore! My favourite settings include mundane/urban fantasy (witches! werewolves!), anachronism-stew-with-magic western fantasy jumbles, and disney’s Tangled.
Writing tropes I love:
Proposal fic
Wedding fic where the couple getting married is not the main couple
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes who are still in love/getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Shipfic where two or more couples are contrasted
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Provision and caretaking (acts of service!)
Aggressive matchmaking/wingmanning by an enthused friend
Hanahaki, or any other improbably dramatic instances of Cannot Spit It Out
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I also love a/b/o, especially the kind that emphasises on scent safety and contains little to no actual sex
Art tropes I love, if you offered art:
Art where the characters simply look fond.
Fashion remixes – street fashion, cultural/traditional clothes, festival clothes, renfaire-esque clothes, beach photoshoot, get wild with it
Putting animal characteristics on one or both of them
Botanical motifs + celestial motifs
When plants grow directly out of people
The thing where character A is focused on something they’re doing or seeing, and the character B is focused only, wholly, desperately on A. please… the Gaze
Depictions of intimacy where faces are partially or fully hidden, but the body language is gentle
Characters SLEEPING next to each other, or comfortably doing separate activities in each other’s presence
If you wish to get frisky with your fills:
Go for it!
I don’t have strong top/bottom preferences (and usually enjoy it when they switch or are otherwise generally equitable) so whatever you’re in the mood for is fine!
Kink tropes I very much enjoy include oral, restraints, praise kink, when proud characters cry during sex because they love their partners so much, and xeno tropes.
I love non-horny sex scenes; comedic, silly, charged, fraught, or simply affectionate exchanges that happen to include sex are my favourite. Feelings are the real kissing disease.
But like, if you wanna get horny about it.
Chase your bliss.
They simply must be in love.
I’m not as into:
First person narration
Soulmate AUs specifically
Kink wise, my only major squicks are incest, teacher/student, and public sex/getting caught, but i’m also not super keen on daddy kink, toilet stuff, or anything with blades or needles.
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings
Fandom specific info:
changed my life, cured my depression, what can be said about it? truly one of the most important series to me of all time. all musings on craft and creativity aside, let’s focus on the TRUE LOVE!!
i’m all caught up with the manga and supplementary materials!
suggested prompts: - sakuatsu, being mean to each other on purpose vs. being soft to each other by accident - kagehina or iwaoi dealing with LDR - kyouhaba are forced to cooperate on an innocuous, preferably wholesome task, such as gardening, or finding the owner of a lost dog, and it goes approximately As One Would Expect - bokukuroo + overheard phone conversation: and you've slept together how many times now? hmm. yeah, that's not technically a bromance (not in a no-homo way, just in a we-are-both-so-stupid-and-like-each-other-so-much-way) - actually that overheard phone conversation would work for any of these ships.
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes!! - put some wings on some of them. now it's bird romance, which is for birds - (i lied, this isn't art-specific at all, wingfic is always welcome in any of its forms) - just pick up your whole boyfriend and carry him like that. maybe even kiss him.
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
suggested prompts: - Hanai and Tajima really. struggle to get together. for like a bunch of years probably? Tajima copes with it by patiently processing his emotions in a healthy way and enjoying some casual dating. Hanai copes with it, as he does all things, by not coping - The ways Abe and Mihashi learn to take care of each other… Mihashi cooking 4 Abe… T_T
i simply think the twink and the himbo are in love.
Ace Attorney
favourite klapollo dynamic goes like this:
klavier: *genuinely and sincerely in love with apollo, in a very soft way* apollo: *furious* he's mocking me. why are you like this? klavier: I enjoy your company apollo: FINE, KEEP YOUR SECRETS
also consider: - what if klavier was a big ol golden retriever and apollo was just an angry liddol bunny. like, think about it
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
I love that this series has three couples in different stages of a relationship: one who’ve been together for years and love each other like well-worn grooves; one who have history but have only just recently begun a relationship and are discovering each other anew; and one who probably will not bring themselves to share a kiss for another 27 calendar years.
Narumi/Hirotaka: Honestly, the main couple of a series usually goes over my head a bit, but the more i thought about these two the more wretchedly fond of them I became. The thing I think of the most is how Narumi taught him how to smile as a child; how she did things that meant nothing to her, so easily does kindness come, but that meant so much to him; and how now that they are grown, he does things for her that take no effort, but shake her foundations. I think theirs is a love that grows quietly; something that cannot change the world, but can change them.
Koyanagi/Kabakura: My thoughts on these two are not complex, but they are deeply positive. I love how huge their personalities are, and how they fit around and against each other; I love the implication that despite their endless bickering, they are not an on-again-off-again kind of relationship, and have instead chosen each other over and over again for ten straight years. I love that despite everything, they are kind to each other, first and foremost; they find ways to apologise and to take care of each other, and treat each other gently in private.
Kou/Naoya: I love every ship in this manga equally but perhaps I love Kou/Naoya more equally than the other two? They are just so kind and so silly, and so sweet to each other in exactly the way both of them didn’t realise they were missing. I think about Naoya being told that Kou is “okay with being alone”, and realising that “okay with it” and “have accepted it” are different, and taking his little baby steps to fix it. I think about Kou giving Naoya every last drop of patience he’s trained himself not to accept, and doing so because it simply makes her happy. My only concern is that they are both bottoms. I don’t have a solution for this.
suggested prompts, fic:
- accidentally dating ft. Kou and Naoya, or, “and you’ve made out how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s not technically a bromance.” - 5 times Hirotaka and Narumi almost, almost kissed, and 1 time they did; the unresolved romantic tension may kill me and it would be worth it - what Hirotaka and Narumi taught each other (apart from the more mundane gaming and life skills, i believe that she taught him how to smile and be loved by others, and he taught her how to be loved by herself!) - smutty domesticity ft. Koyanagi and Kabakura — a lazy Sunday, laundry in the sun, fucking on the couch, everything easy with familiarity - (addendum to above: pegging)
suggested prompts, art: - festival clothes - someone’s getting married - naoya: *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a t - red string of fate motifs
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
seowaka: they are idiots, and they like each other very much, but they do not know. i love a tall crying boy and his short but much more powerful girlfriend.
chiyo/nozaki + chiyo/nozaki/mikorin: im rooting for her in the face of such overwhelming stupidity. one himbo is difficult enough to seduce but two. chiyo is a hero and a woman of rare courage. i like the pair and the trio equally; again, if you go with trio, it’s important that they all love each other please!
suggested prompts: - 5 times any of these ships went on a date without realising, and the time they realised - urban fantasy AU where Waka is a hapless monster hunter and Seo is an annoying but deeply harmless werewolf who’s been terrorizing his town?? - fairytale AU where Seo believes she must rescue the prince from the tower and deliver him back to the kingdom capital, and the prince, who had not realised he’d been kidnapped, thinks Seo is a usurper from a rival kingdom who must be supervised all the way back to the kingdom capital to be served her justice
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes… - nozaki carrying chiyo, who’s carrying mikorin - (seo carrying waka) - waka sleeping peacefully in seo’s presence… :’(
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
we made it through all the fandoms.
Thank you for making it to the end of this whole disaster; I hope at least one of the prompts sparked joy! The most important thing to me is that whatever you end up doing, you are able to enjoy the process at least somewhat, and deliver a creation that you like! I can also be found on twitter at @hawberries_ (for art) and @popplioikawa (for general ramblings). If you need some more inspo, I recommend going through my art tags for the selected ships because I put a lot of Opinions into my fanart.
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salexectrian-heir · 4 years
Loki: Chapter 12*
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Pairing: Solavellan Rating: E*, this chapter is NSFW
Summary: Lavellan rescued a mischievious sphynx kitten outside her work who loves her dearly. But his destructive habits start to get out of hand when he steals her attractive neighbor’s underwear… repeatedly.
Chapter 12* (4.8k, NSFW)
Anise wove in between bodies at a record pace, clutching her lunch bag to her chest, dodging interns left and right. She needed a moment of silence to clear her throbbing head, and if one more first year came up and asked her how to properly intubate someone, she might just scream. Normally, she would be all for teaching freshly graduated doctors-to-be techniques, but after what she just witnessed in the resident lounge? Absolutely not. 
Anise took a sharp right and dove into the stairwell that would lead her towards the basement, her feet moving on autopilot to the once familiar place she would run off to escape to early on in her career at Haven. At the second to last door from the bottom, she slumped into it, letting her weight push it open. Her brows arched as she saw someone else who apparently had the same idea she did, sitting on a gurney in the hallway of the abandoned wing of the hospital. 
“Old habits die hard,” Dorian said with a smirk, and gestured for her to sit in empty space beside him. 
“Gods, this takes me back to first year when we all would eat down here,” she said, hoisting herself up on the forgotten piece of equipment. She proceeded to open her own packed lunch, a tuna wrap with carrot sticks.
“Let me guess, your reason for avoiding our common area is the same as mine?”
They locked eyes, and said in synchrony, “Anders.” 
Dorian cackled. 
He fished a carrot stick out of her bag for himself before saying, “Honestly, I don’t know what we all saw in him. It ends the same way for everyone. You can’t fix him, no matter how hard you try,” he bit into the carrot stick with a loud crunch, “but at least it’s Hawke this time, and not a new intern. Maybe she will finally knock some sense into him.”
Anders was a brilliant doctor, one of the best neurosurgeons in the nation if not the best. He turned down multiple offers from hospitals all around the country before settling at the Ferelden teaching hospital. But his personal life was a total mess wrought with commitment issues, and he was constantly getting in over his head with the medical board with his fiery attitude and unorthodox approach to medicine (which was not necessarily always a bad thing, and definitely something that had drawn Anise to him in the first place, but his sometimes he just skirted the lines of what was ethical). Anise had made the mistake of getting involved with him shortly after starting her internship (as did Dorian) but quickly realized Anders was… a lot to say the least, and she politely ended things. To her surprise (and relief) he was understanding. They got along much better as colleagues than they did as lovers, anyway. Anise vowed never to date another doctor at her hospital moving forward. She was much more content to over hear gossip, than be the reason for the gossip.
And then, there was Hawke--their fellow resident, good friend, and ruthless rival. She was a handful, too. Equally as fiery, passionate, always managed to make everything a competition, and went tit for tat with Anders. He may have finally met his match. It didn’t surprise Anise they were sleeping together, or that they were airing out their dirty laundry in the resident lounge at this very moment. Something she had walked in on in her effort to get her lunch.
They had both stopped yelling and stared at her, mortified at the fact they had gotten caught. She had given them a painfully awkward wave before zipping over to the fridge, snagging her lunch, and darting out of the lounge in under ten seconds.
Their fighting resumed before the door had even shut on her way out.
“Let’s hope only metaphorically, Anders has a surgery this evening, and I’m getting to scrub in and perform the craniotomy.” She stuck her tongue out at Dorian’s envious expression.
“Brat. Does Hawke know about this?”
Anise rolled her eyes, “If I were to hedge a guess, it’s what started their fight.”
As she bit into her wrap, her phone vibrated in her pocket. When she checked it, she promptly choked.
Will you let me take you out to dinner this Friday? 
Schedule permitting, of course
As in The Fourteenth of February. 
As in, Valentine's Day.
“Best steer clear of Hawke for the rest of the day then. Otherwise she might just knock you instead.”
“Hah..ha,” Anise replied weakly, eyes still glued to her phone. Her brain, temporarily out of order.
Solas wanted to take her out.
On the national holiday for couples. 
Granted, he had taken her out before, but that had been more casual, and hadn’t felt as exclusive. From the outside, they could have just been good friends dancing together, grabbing a bite afterwards. People did that all the time. 
(Well, he did kiss her, but no one had been around to witness it, so therefore it didn’t technically count, or so she tried to rationalize.)  
 That date also had been before they started sleeping together…before he called her vhenan... 
A wave of heat rolled up her neck, burning the tips of her ears. She had been too cowardly to bring up what he had said to her in his sleep filled haze the day after the last time they had slept together. Their snow day together had been too picture perfect, and she didn’t want to chance ruining it. She spent the entirety of the day on top of him on her couch (they had switched apartments for Loki’s sake). And when they weren’t alternating between their favorite movies… they engaged in other forms of entertainment.
I believe my shift ends at 5 next Friday--if you don’t mind having a little bit of a later dinner, I would love to join you
I do not, I’ll make the arrangements.
Nothing too fancy!! You’ve seen my laundry, I only own scrubs and that one dress
It is done.
“Who’s Vhenan?”
Anise nearly jumped out of her skin and almost dropped her phone on the floor.
“Dorian,” she chided, shoving him hard, and scrambling to send off one more text.
No presents! And we go halfsies 
“It’s your fault you made no effort to hide your screen.  I’ve been talking to you this whole time and you’ve so carelessly ignored me. I had to know who was more important than your very best friend.”
“Absolutely no one.” Anise tucked her phone safely back into the privacy of her pocket.
“Darling Anise, we both know that’s bullshit.”
It was at that moment the door to the hall bust wide open, the sound of it slamming against the wall echoed like a gunshot, startling both Anise and Dorian.
“Oh fuck,” Hawke’s horrified face was quickly covered by her hands, sending tufts of her pixie cut jet black hair to stick out at even odder angles than they normally did, “and here I thought I could escape today for one fucking second.” 
Dorian and Anise exchanged a quick glance and said together, “Old habits die hard,” 
Dorian shifted further down the gurney, as did Anise, leaving space for one more body. Anise gestured to Hawke to take the spot, and offered her a carrot stick. Hawke made a disgusted noise but took the seat, and carrot stick, anyway. It looked like she might snap it in half. She fell into an awkward, tenuous silence beside Anise, who suddenly became very interested in the tuna of her wrap, taking small nibbles and examining the bite marks she left behind.  
Finally, at long last Hawke said, “I can’t scrub in with Anders anymore.”
“Because you’re sleeping with him?”
Hawke shot Dorian a dark look. “I’m dating him, asshole.”
Anise paused mid bite, “Wait… like…?”
“Like, it’s official, All-Spice,” she quipped at Anise using that stupid nickname that speech pathlogist gave her that Hawke hung around with. Apparently, he gave everyone nicknames. “We went to the Chief, came clean, and everything. Anders had to speak privately with Viv for like an hour.” Hawke rubbed her face. “And then he comes back and tells me that I no longer am allowed to scrub in with him anymore.”
“I mean, that makes sense,” Dorian said, which was clearly the wrong thing to say to Hawke, earning him another, darker, glare as she chomped down on her carrot stick.
“Fuck you,” Hawke said with her mouth full, pausing to swallow before continuing, “I know that. I still get to be upset about it.”
“Valid,” Anise said, taking another small bite of her wrap.
“Sure, but you don’t have to scream about it,” Dorian retorted.
“Also, valid point,” Anise commented, covering her mouth with a hand as she chewed.
“Fine, you’re right. Sorry,” Hawke sighed, shoulders rising and falling dramatically. “And I’m also sorry for what you walked in on, Anise. I want it to be clear, I didn’t mean to sound like I was angry at you. I’m not. I just let--”
The door to the hall opened again, with considerably less banging this time, but all three residents snapped to attention as they saw who stepped through.
“The Witch,” Dorian hissed.
The Chief Resident’s expression soured.
“I heard that, Dorian,” she drawled, “why is it that when I need a competent resident, the three of you are nowhere to be found. Incoming abdominal gunshot wound, no exit, OR three.”
All of them immediately jumped up, pushing each other out the way to stand before Morrigan, Dorian and Anise shoving their lunches haphazardly back into their packs as Hawke edged them out.
Morrigan rolled her eyes. “Lavellan, you have a surgery tonight, you’re out.”
Anise didn’t fight it, given the circumstances, and quietly stepped back.
“Hawke with me. You look like you need it.”
“What,” Dorian protested, gesturing flippantly at Hawke, “how is that the basis of your decision?”
“Dorian, you suck up to every attending, you’ll find a surgery to scrub into before I make it back to the OR floor.”
Hawke’s amber eyes sparkled as she flipped off Dorian when Morrigan had her back turned. Dorian returned the gesture with equal flair. 
“Remind me why we’re friends with her again,” Dorian asked, after they were gone.
“Because she’s a pariah like us, and you do actually like her as a person, flaws and all.”
Dorian grumbled something in Tevine under his breath, slumping back down onto the gurney. “And remind me why I’m friends with you, when you won’t even tell me all the interesting bits of your life?”
Anise sighed.
If she started telling Dorian about Solas, it would mean someone else would know, which would make it all the more real.
It really didn’t take her that long to decide.
“Okay, but you have to promise me not to laugh and call me crazy,” Anise warned, and Dorian’s face lit up, “but it started with my kitten and my neighbor’s boxer briefs…”
The restaurant was one of those scratch kitchen types, where everything was locally sourced and organic. It had a rustic feel to it that reminded her of home the moment they sat down at their booth, surrounded by plants and large glass windows. Surprisingly, it was comfortably warm. She had shrugged off her winter coat, but kept on the black blazer she had dug out of her closet that she hadn’t worn since she graduated medical school, and was happy to know it still fit perfectly. She had gone with a floral turtleneck underneath with a pair of tight jeans and ankle boots. Not too fancy, but still dressed up. He had worn something similar in fashion, a pair of nice jeans, a green sweater, and sport coat over top.
It was surreal. To be out, with him, clearly as a couple. Her heart hadn’t stopped fluttering since he took her hand when they left their apartment complex.
She hadn’t meant to talk about work, or make Solas talk about work, knowing how bringing it up seemed to ruin his mood. But when he asked about how the surgery with Anders she was able to scrub in on went, the incident with Hawke naturally came up, and suddenly she was discussing work. 
“I’m sorry, I’m monopolizing the conversation. I would ask you about your week, but I get the impression it wasn’t any better than the last.”
“You would be correct in that assumption,” he said, rubbing his temples. “I managed to avoid the C.E.O for most of it. One awkward elevator ride was all I had to endure. Luckily, in silence.” 
Even with that simple statement, she could see the tension set in his shoulders. “Let’s not talk about work anymore.”
He peered over his steepled hands at her. “What would you like us to talk about, Anise?”
Anise ran her tongue over her teeth and thought for a second. “I want to learn more about you. So let’s play a game.”
Solas’ brows arched. “What kind of game do you have in mind?”
“You try to make an assumption about me. If you’re right, I drink. If you’re wrong, you drink. And vice versa.”
He chuckled. “Where did you learn this game?”
“Med school. We had to find some way to cope,” she said with a laugh of her own.
“You might want to order a second glass of wine before we start.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you think I’ll only make wrong assumptions, and you’ll only ever make right ones?”
“Indeed, I do.”
Anise rolled her neck. “Game on. I’ll go first. Your favorite color is green.”
“You went for something easy.” Solas took a generous sip of his wine. “What gave it away?”
Anise grinned. “Your sweater. Your ties are mostly green. Your socks have intricate green patterns on them. Your briefcase is a very dark green, almost black if you’re not looking close enough. But your sweater tonight really sealed the deal for me.”
“Astute observations. Then let me counter with this, your favorite color is blue.”
“Guilty.” Anise blushed behind her glass of wine, and took a sip. “I’ll bite. How’d you know?”
It was Solas’ turn to smile. “Your bedsheets are blue. As is the accent wall in your bedroom. The gift wrap you covered my wintersend gift in. Most of your scrubs are light blue, though this could be required at your hospital, but I took the risk.”
There were also two very obvious reasons, she wasn’t about to admit to as she gazed into them. 
“Only attendings have a specific uniform color, and its navy ironically.”
Their dinner arrived after that, but they continued their little game even after their drinks were finished, using water instead until they ordered a second glass each. Solas guessed Anise had broken bones as a kid--she drank, she had broken two in her arm when she was four years old, and was religious--he drank, which prompted a long philosophical conversation about the elven gods and their teachings in which he was surprised to find she wasn’t religious, or spiritual, at all. That she viewed them more as lessons in morals more than anything. Anise soon learned, after a few more wrong guesses, Solas hated plums, but not as much as tea, loved to read research articles, if only to critique their methodology and sample size, and to her greatest surprise, had been arrested twice before the age of eighteen.
Anise finished off the last of her ravioli, and asked, “For what?”
“Disorderly conduct, and Trespassing,” Solas said, pusing around some of the vegetables on his plate, “I was very misguided in my youth.”
“I remember you saying that. My my, what a troublemaker you turned out to be,” she teased.
His lips twisted into that half smile she loved so much. As he studied her from across the table, setting aside his cutlery and dish, her stomach did flips. “You are the youngest child.”
Anise took a sip of her wine. “Youngest of three.”
“All girls?”
Anise shook her head triumphantly, “Only girl.” Solas took a sip of his. 
“I have two older brothers. One is in law enforcement, the other is in a metal band.”
“Metal band? Diverse interests in your family.”
“Hah, you don’t even know what my father does for a living.”
Solas did that deep stare again. There was silence for a beat, then he said, “Politician.”
“Damnit,” Anise whispered, taking another sip.
Solas eyes lit up with a realization. “Is he--?”
“The Dalish politician, yes, yes, the one and only,” Anise rolled her eyes rather dramatically, feeling the wine settling in, “kind of obvious. Know how I mentioned in the past my family was busy with legal matters in Wycome? Well, I’m sure you saw recently on the news, the Dalish settlement in the Free Marches was officially recognized as a historical site and can no longer be bought or demolished, because of his advocacy and support from Wycome residents who rallied.”
“I did, it’s incredible what he has done for the history of his people.”
‘I agree.  They are in the process of creating a museum to preserve the artifacts and culture from the ancient Dalish in the city. The land will remain untouched and essentially become a nature preserve with trails and historical markers. He keeps saying I have to visit once everything settles down and it’s opened to the public.”
The waitress came around to collect their plates and ask if they wanted dessert. The answer was obviously yes, as if Solas could ever say no to anything sweet. It was entertaining to watch his face light up over a simple frilly cake. 
“I do believe it's your turn,” he said, licking icing off his fork. 
That was… distracting.
Anise recovered, tips of her ears burning, “You’re an only child.”
Solas stared off at the space behind her quizzically. “What happens when someone does not know how to respond to a statement, do we both drink?”
“I’ve never encountered that kind of situation before playing this game,” Anise admitted.
“To answer your question, I do not know if I have biological siblings. I don’t remember my biological parents. I was placed into foster care in Arlathan when I was very young. I met kindred spirits there, people I would have considered siblings, at the time.”
“I would say they absolutely count.”
He nodded, and drank. While doing so he dug out his phone, scrolled through it for a moment, before smiling, a true smile, and catching her eyes again. “You must not laugh.” He held out his phone.
Anise raised a brow. “No promises without context,” she said, accepting his phone and turning her attention to the picture he had left up. 
“Oh, my gods,” her hand quickly shot to her mouth before she could let a giggle escape. “This is you. You have hair. How old are you here? This is… your friend that took you dancing?”
“Seventeen. And yes, that’s her. Her name was Sage. I met her while in the boarding school the state sent me to. Scroll if you want to see more.”
The picture was of two teenagers in school uniforms, standing in the middle of a city street. Solas clearly the younger of the two, with messy brown hair that just barely glinted red in the sunlight. The girl beside him had a shock of green hair that fell just below her chin. One of her arms slung around his neck, laughing at him, as he flipped off whoever was holding the camera.
The next one was Solas eating a cupcake in a dorm room, or to more accurately describe it, having a cupcake shoved into his face by Sage, who had icing on her nose already. The third was an action shot of them dancing. They got a little older every couple photos or so. At the bottom she realized the photos belonged to a memorial album he had on Facebook. While she was busy admiring photos of Solas’ over the years she had not known him, and tearing up as she realized what he had given her, a piece of his past, he had paid for their date. 
“Hey wait, that’s not fair,” she said, returning his phone and standing up, “you baited me.”
“I did.” He pressed a quick kiss to her temple and helped her into her coat. 
The moment they made it into the lobby of their apartment complex, they were inseparable. In their favor it was empty, and the elevator was theirs alone. How they got that lucky, she didn’t know. What she did know was how badly he wanted her, evident with each pass of his tongue as it pushed past her lips. How his hands slipped under her shirt and roamed her stomach sending heat sliding down her spine to pool in her core. How the elevator brought them to their floor all too soon. 
They stood in front of his apartment, her back pressed against his door with clothes entirely wrinkled and lungs breathless, torn between not wanting to stop but also wanting to move inside. She chased his lips as he pulled away to take out his key, but landed on his neck. She continued to kiss him as the lock clicked open. He groaned as her teeth grazed his pressure point, the fingers of his free hand digging into her hip. As the door swung inward, she grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him across the threshold.
“I thought you might want to come back after,” he said between kisses, stripping themselves of their outer layers once the door had closed securely behind them. “Bathroom,” he instructed, nudging her with his nose to her cheek to get her to turn in that direction. 
Her bra was shed somewhere between the entryway and his bedroom, leaving her only in jeans. She didn’t want to break their connection, but when she stepped into the bathroom what she saw demanded her full attention. Candles and flowers in petite mason jars lined the tub and sink counter. And a bath bomb on the lid of the toilet seat, still in its packaging. Her heart throbbed.
Oh. He remembered I liked those.
The strike of a match brought her focus back to him. He went to grab one of the candles, but Anise got between him and his target, blowing out the lit match. She took the box from him and tossed it somewhere on top of the toilet without breaking his gaze. Her mouth was on the skin of his neck a second later, backing him up against the wall. Nipping and sucking with a couple little  harder bites in between, her tongue caressing spots she had marked him. But when his fingers slid into her hair and clenched, it sent a sharp twinge of pain across her scalp making her moan. 
“Mm, interesting,” he said, licking along her bottom lip.
It would have taken way more self-control than she had to to resist the impulse to roll her hips into him, and as she did she was rewarded with feeling the hard press of his erection against her hip through his jeans. It sent a current through her, making her throb between her legs.
His fingers curled into the waistline of her unzippered jeans, yanking them, and her lacy underwear down her thighs. It took a little effort as they clung tightly to her thighs, but eventually he wrestled her out of them. He managed to get his pants off with one fluid movement, and had her against the counter in a heartbeat, the cold stone biting into her lower back, his mouth slating against hers.
He lifted her with no effort, setting her atop the counter space, spreading her legs wide open. His fingers raced along the inside of her thigh, finding her clit and starting a steady and slow rhythm that had her writhing in what seemed like no time at all. He pulled away and lazily dragging his fingers aroud the lips of her sex, taking a sharp breath at wet she had become. 
“Anise,” he groaned, sliding a finger inside her. 
She gripped his shoulders, nails biting into his skin as he moved within her. One finger soon became two, and she bit her lip to stop from mewling as they curled in just the right cadence that set her nerves on fire. How he had memorized her body, and the way she liked to be touched so quickly was beyond her. When she couldn’t hold it back anymore, she let a whine escape in the form of his name. He removed his fingers just before she could tip over the edge he had brought her to. Some part of her brain realized she was so wet she was dripping onto his counter, but she quite couldn’t bring herself to care. He pulled her hips forward, bringing her to the edge so he could angle himself to take her. 
And take her he did.
Her back arched as he smoothly thrust up and in, her head pressing into the mirror behind her. Her legs curled around his waist at the pleasurable stretch she felt as he filled her, pinning him there against her. The other hand wound its way back into the tresses of her hair, spilling out between his fingers as they scraped along her scalp. He twisted her hair sharply, forcing a blissful cry from her mouth into his, which he devoured greedily, and only encouraged him to fuck her harder. With each snap of his hips his grip in her hair tightened, the tension in her pulling taut until she broke, clenching around his cock in such powerful waves she couldn’t help herself from riding against him. He barely pulled out in time to finish on her stomach. They remained as they were, her legs wrapped around his waist, ass on the counter, foreheads pressed together as they caught their breath. 
“We did this out of order,” he said, his breathless laughter dancing on her cheek, “Bath first, then sex, was the intention.”
She hummed blithely,  “I have no regrets.”
He released his hold on her hair, tucking several loose strands behind her ear, and laid a soft kiss on her temple before pulling out of her embrace. He cleaned his mess off her, and then himself while she wiped down the counter. Through some unspoken agreement, he went to draw the bath and she attended to the candles.
Finally, they sunk into the blessedly warm water, Solas first then Anise. Unable to contain her excitement, she unwrapped the blue bath bomb, and dropped it into the water with a very quiet, noise of delight. An explosion of blue and purple spread like smoke beneath the water as the scent of jasmine rose to greet her. 
“Thank you,” she said, settling in against his chest, enjoying the way the heat of water made his body a cool relief at her back in comparison. An inky twilight surrounded their limbs, making anything underneath invisible to the depths of its color.
He laced his fingers through her own resting on his knee above the water, and squeezed.
For some reason, that simple gesture, that subtle contact, overwhelmed her. Her vision swam as the too familiar sting of tears rushed to the corners of her eyes. She took a deep breath and let it in. It wasn’t sadness, no that was a raw, hollow aching feeling that suffocated you until you could feel no more.
This… this was different. This was overwhelming, and in the best way imaginable. Like taking a breath for the first time after not being able to breathe, like lungs so full of fresh air  it sent racing through her veins straight to her heart in a sweet release. 
Am I really that lonely?
Or…is this…?
She knew the answer. Had known the answer for a while now, but refused to let it surface. At least, until... 
“Solas,” she whispered.
He drew his free hand out of the water to caress her arm. “Yes, Anise.”
“Did you mean it?” She swallowed, her throat suddenly thick. “Did you mean it when you called me vhenan?”
He let go of her hand, and tugged on her to turn around. She hesitated for a moment, realizing he was going to see her crying but obliged, twisting her torso to face him.  His furrowed brows that softened when he saw her expression. He cupped her face with both hands, the water from the bath mixing with the tears on her cheeks as he stroked her face with his thumbs. 
His ever steady eyes bore into her own as he leaned in and whispered, “I meant it,” before closing and capturing her in a kiss. “Vhenan,” he said against her lips, kissing her in such a way she felt dizzy when he finally broke from her mouth to pass over her eyes, whispering “vhenan,” over each one, before coming to rest on her forehead. 
“Ar lath ma.”
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morningsound15 · 5 years
Any buffy/faith fic recs?
YES yes always yes
1) Just A Counterfeit James Dean by impertinence (@stopthatimp)
i’ll talk about this fic until the cows come home! i’d die for this fic! it has all the shit i like, aka post-canon buffy/faith aka older slayers living their best lives aka accidental parents (kind of!) aka mistaken-for-dating !!! i read this story a couple times a year and while i have to admit that some parts of it lag a bit all in all it’s a delight and a joy to read and a really fantastic fic. great writing great chemistry fully believable.
Fic Summary: “Buffy and Faith are living it up in Cleveland, over thirty and regularly trying to convince their neighbors they're really just roommates, not "roommates", no matter what Faith wants. Of course, then things get all fucked up, complete with an apocalypse.”
57k words. Complete. Rating: E
2) even death is a shadow of forgetting by redcheekdays
don’t talk to me about this fic i’ll be curled up in a ball rereading it until the day i die. an alternate-universe season 6 fic that does what season 6 of buffy should have done (but didn’t have the guts to do!) aka what if, just what if, when buffy died someone BOTHERED to tell the one remaining slayer? this is an angsty story with a lot of Drama and a lot of Pining but it’s incredible and so so so worth it. read immediately.
Fic Summary: “A retelling of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 6, wherein someone bothers to tell Faith that Buffy died.”
25k words. Complete. Rating: T
3) Aeipathy by aliceinwonderbra
a quick read for sure, but full of romance and sweet moments. buffy & faith getting together post-canon. not too heavy on the plot, some decent smut, a nice finishing bow on the series if you like happy endings without drama.
Fic Summary: “‘When Angel came to give me the amulet, we talked a little,’ Buffy says, ‘about the future. About our relationship.’
‘I guess his arm isn’t tired yet from carrying that torch,’ Faith mutters darkly.
They saved the world. Again. Buffy starts thinking about what comes next. Set immediately post-Chosen. 
14k words. Complete. Rating: E
4) Contrition by AeschylusRex (@aeschylusrex)
i fuck hardcore with this fic. it’s got a great and engaging plot that stands alone outside of the romance, but the romance is tied so nicely into the story as well. it is angsty but ultimately has a happy and satisfying ending. a few loose ends that aren’t tied up, but that’s not to the detriment of an otherwise strong story. the character relationships really shine here. there’s angst & misunderstandings & romance galore.
Fic Summary: “Buffy is sick, five young slayers are dead, and fanatical vampires roam the frozen streets of Cleveland. With his troops stretched thin, Giles is forced to call in reinforcements, but Buffy isn't particularly happy to see her old rival state-side again.”
40k words. Complete. Rating: M
5) Imperfections by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (@jenny-calendar)
i have to admit i have NOT finished this fic!! it is very long pls don’t hate me. but it’s also GREAT. it’s a season 3 AU Giles/Jenny fic (we love Jenny Calendar!) that does an absolutely excellent service to both of those characters, particularly Jenny. the Faith/Buffy relationship takes a secondary role but it’s prominent throughout. this story deals a lot with twisting and reshaping canon in a fascinating and genuinely exciting and clever way. the Faith & Jenny relationship is exquisite and makes my heart hurt for the potential we lost. i haven’t finished it but i’ve really enjoyed everything i’ve read of it so it’s going on this rec list anyway :)
Fic Summary: “‘Cool,’ said Faith. ‘So you’re a witch?’
‘Technopagan is the term,’ said Ms. Calendar, and shared a smile with Giles, as though they were sharing some kind of joke that Faith wasn’t in on. Judging by the looks on the other faces in the room, though, no one else was either, so that made Faith feel a little better. ‘I’m mostly good at practical magic.’
‘Love that movie,’ Faith quipped. Ms. Calendar gave her a newly appreciative look.
(s3 au. Jenny and Faith hit it off.)
148k words. Complete. Rating: T
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Could you tell us some things about your characters?
thank you so much for this ask :D sorry for such a late response, but ngl i got very excited and started writing shit down as soon as i saw it, but then it turned into an entire essay and i had to cut down a ton of stuff until i decided to write it in a list of some sort kjhgkjfgkfg
currently i have like 11 fan characters in total so i will start with 4 to not infodump too much at a time
and i’ll admit that literally all of these guys were made for shipping purposes, but they all have different personalities and dynamics with canon characters. i’m such a sucker for writing couples, so many things to explore, that’s like my favourite thing ;w;
it got very long so imma put it under the cut \o/ (hopefully it works bc tumblr has been pretty unpredictable lately)
sorry if it’s probably way more than just “some things” but i couldn’t help it, i just love these guys so much and i don’t get to talk about them often u v u
e n j o y ~
imma start with the one you guys are more familiar with
one of the cardinals in Ghost’s church
in his late 40s (like 46-47)
hardworking, ambitious
pretty composed
huge „your teacher from english class who’s also a dad” energies
his character can be summed up to, as someone has said, „he’d kindly but sternly correct your shitty posture”
currently takes the 3rd place of most „best employee of the month” awards (Copia is 4th at that time)
he and Copia start off as rivals for the 2nd place (bc no one can beat whoever is the 1st)
but wouldn’t you guessed it, they end up dating
Lucas has a fair collection of various rodents, including rats. Actually, he’s the one who infected Copia with love for them. Luc prefers ferrets (that’s a rodent right kjhfgkjgh)
he doesn’t really get angry, but when he does he really goes off
he writes poetry, which is actually very, very bad, but Copia loves it to bits which makes Luc feel validated to write more
because his language is so similar to italian, Lucas can implement a lot of spanish into his conversations with Copia, while the other will reply in italian and they will still understand each other (ofc there are some exceptions that result in miscommunication, but that just makes it all more fun)
Copia shared with him that he’s writing music for his album (even tho he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone) and Lucas was more than happy to help him in the process…which was mostly moral support and a few suggestions.
he loves calling Copia “cariño”, “mi amorcito”, “mi alegría” and other cute names in spanish
once Lucas mentioned he used to play flute and Copia immediately decided to include a flute solo in one of his songs, so Luc could play it. Unfortunately things didn’t go as he planned and he had to change it to sax solo
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The thing about Lucas is that Imperator sees him as a threat. She’s been plotting with Copia to get him to papacy for a long time, but in the end she isn’t the one who decides who will be in charge, so Copia has to work hard to deserve it. He was already a hard worker, but unfortunately Lucas works harder. It creates this dillema for Copia, bc on one hand he does want to become Papa and in order to do that he has to get rid off competition. But on the other he loves Lucas and he wants what’s best for him.
(i’ll probably post the pic above in a separate post with other doodles, i just wanted to show sth new and relevant)
Elise & Greg
Imma put these two together bc it’s impossible to talk about one without the other.
they work together in a company that takes art commisions such as paintings & murals and their restorations. They’re both pretty skilled in those departments, except Elise specialises in art restoration while Greg specialises in murals and frescos. And ofc one day they’re hired by the church.
they’re both pretty good at painting (but the thing about restoration is that you don’t have to be a great artist to do that, it has more to do with chemistry tbh)
They live together and have been very good friends for a few years now
they both went through some traumatic events in their lives, but maybe i’ll leave that part for another day (or i’ll leave it in my fanfic they’re from that i need to finish ;w;)
they’re very supportive of each other, but also they like to mess with one another
their chat is filled with horny texts about other people
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34 years old
a bit awkward, tends to stutter when nervous
very sweet overall, feels the need to be everyone’s therapist
autistic, which shows mostly through her sensitivity to certain textures
hates onions (bc the texture is awful)
gets very emotional very quickly when she sees cute animals. She will use her baby talk to speak with them (which is sth that Copia does too with his rats and once he catches her doing that as well, he feels less embarrased about it)
Cirrus was the first one from the church to actually talk to her and show her around, making her feel a bit more welcome in an unfamiliar place
she talks through her sleep. A lot. Copia finds it very amusing…and adorable.
she discovers that Papa III has fallen hard for her friend way before he himself realises that, but then she’s also the kind of person to not see her own feelings for someone
she finds working on restoration quite relaxing. It’s sth she can fixate over and do for hours (even tho it’s not recommended)
a bit of a workaholic
another thing she finds relaxing is sitting in a corner somewhere warm and doodling people she sees around the abbey (mostly those she finds attractive lol so mostly Cirrus and Copia)
eventually ends up with Copia and Cirrus in a poly relationship
she also finds Cumulus cute, but the ghoulette isn’t interested in another romantic relationship. the one she has with Cirrus is enough for her.
Elise’s relationship with Copia is basically two dorks trying to impress the other while trying not to be too obvious about it, while her relationship with Cirrus is bisexual equivalent of „shy nerd has a crush on a cool girl leading the cheerleaders squad and shopes she doesn’t know. She knows.”
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(had to doodle sth real quick bc i can’t believe that i don’t have a single good pic of him lol)
37 years old
Polish (bc ofc he is)
pretty stoic, might come off as cold
he gives cute nicknames to people he likes (in polish ofc)
he’s actually pretty cheesy and wholesome, but you wouldn’t know that bc he shows his affection through a language that no one understands (which is what he wants, he doesn’t want others to know he actually cares)
has some trust issues, so it’s harder for him to become friends with people
huge Scorpions fan. no, like really, he’s obsessed and will share his music taste with whoever will listen (which is mostly Eli and Papa III lol)
knows a few words in italian, but mostly those related to art after he’s been studying it for a few years. He doesn’t speak it, but he can read it.
he owns a guitar signed by Kirk Hammett (his musical crush)
he’s the kind of guy who will call the person he likes „my dear”, „my love”, „sweet pea” in his mother language and then tell that person it means „dickhead”, „loser” and „lazy ass”
his stay at the abbey is just laying under the ceiling and doing fresco for most of the day, visiting Elise in her art studio and dealing with Papa’s bullshit
Papa eventually starts coming up to lay beside Greg on the construction and watch him work. They tend to just lay in silence while a mix of Scorpions and ABBA plays from the radio. There’s barely any space for a second person, but Greg would lie if he said he didn’t find it endearing.
one time Greg fell off the construction and broke his leg bc of that dumbass (but it’s his dumbass uwu)
anyway he eventually starts dating Papa III
Papa purrs to Greg in italian and Greg speaks sweet words to him in polish (tho it took him a lot of time to get comfortable with that)
their relationship is your typical „1 brain cell and 1 dumbass” and under certain circumstances simply „2 disastrous dumbasses”
they once burnt down Elise’s apartment on accident and the only things they managed to save were the art supplies and Greg’s guitar
here are these guys in comparison to their partners in this silly style, bc all the other drawings are outdated ;w;
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45 years old
fashion designer commissioned byt the Ghost’s church
huge fan of old rock
for a long time her relationship with Papa III was purely professional. He came to her studio, she took some measurements, they discussed what he would like and then he left and they didn’t see each other until the next meeting to try the outfit on, to make some changes, or for another project.
well that is until she asked him to stop putting his face paint on so he wouldn’t ruin the fabrics
i share this popular headcanon that Papa III is pretty self conscious about his clean face, so it was kind of hard to convince him at first
eventually their sessions became that much more personal because of that
she’s a bit superstitious, believing that some things may cause bad luck
collects crystals with good energy
she’s in a way a modern witch…but it’s not like she tries to be one
knows french fairly well, which allows her to talk to Papa (who also speaks it) when they don’t want others to understand them.
huge mum energy
loooves watching conspiracy theories. Sometimes she will pick one of the more ridiculous ones during her sessions with Papa and will argue and try to convince him it’s true, making it seem like she fully believes it, even if she doesn’t – just to fuck with him
and a few times she actually did convince him. Then had to tell him she wasn’t serious and oh my god the millenials aren’t killing the pillow industry by going vegan
anyway at some point they start dating which eventually leads to them getting married ;w;
her relationship with Papa is very soft and romantic. they have the same energy as Morticia and Gomez in regard of how loving they are to each other
also some chibis of these two bc again, all the other drawings are a bit outdated ;w;
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Why the Jon/D*any romance doesn’t work (Part 5)
Hey, guys! This last part of my “Why the Jon/Dany romance doesn’t work” series was taken down in the great Tumblr purge and I am now reuploading it. I got a few messages from people wanting to read it and I’m really sorry it’s taken this long to get it back up again. But here it is! :)
This is actually the second part of the “More than 2 is a crowd” section of the series but since it got very, very long I split it up.
Welcome to Days of GOT, the soap-opera where your captor turns into your lover only to turn into your aunt:
The “we’re fucked but not in a good way” scene
As a general rule, I’ve decided not to take into consideration what any of the people involved in this TV show say in interviews or behind the scenes. They very willingly and intentionally mislead the audience and lie to our faces. I don’t hold it against them but I’m not going to spend my time analyzing and commenting on something that may very well be the writers screwing with me.
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However, I find it very interesting that Kit Harrington said that he thought this was the scene where Jon and Dany started liking each other. Because this is, by far, the nicest, friendliest conversation they’ve ever had. It’s almost, dare I say it, human-esque.
Here, I’ll even give you some examples:
Jon: No one is less happy about this than I am.
Dany: I know. I respect what you did. Wish you hadn’t done it but I respect it.
Wow! Appreciation and respect … where have you two been for the duration of this plot?
Dany: […] We weren’t extraordinary without them (dragons). We were just like everyone else.
Jon: You’re not like everyone else.
Hello, validation! Nice to see you again, old friend.
See? Even I’ve been generalized into submission. He’s lucky he’s cute. That’s all I got to say.
Dany: I can’t have children.
Jon: Who told you that?
Dany: The witch who murdered my husband.
Jon: Has it occurred to you she might not have been a reliable source of information?
Dany, you lucky girl! You’ve just been struck by the ever elusive Jon Snow joke! Revel in it for it only comes out to play once a season.
So, all of this is very touching … I mean, I say very …. Mildly, in the near vicinity of touching. It would have been even better had this happened earlier and not in their last private conversation but at this point, beggars can’t be choosers.
However, once you strip away this veneer of friendliness, you do find some quite troubling things in this scene.
Firstly, there’s the main issue they are discussing:
Dany: This place was the beginning of the end for my family. […] A dragon is not a slave. They were terrifying, extraordinary. They filled people with wonder and awe and we locked them in here. They wasted away. They grew small and we grew small as well.
The problem with this speech is that it creates a conundrum for both the audience and Jon. Because Jon’s already heard the flip side of this particular coin, directly from his BFF, Jorah:
Missandei: Why did they build it? (the Dragonpit)
Jorah: Dragons don’t understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn’t. Land, livestock, children … Letting them roam free around the city was a problem.
So how does Jon resolve this issue? He doesn’t. He simply listens to Dany, looks around the Dragonpit and keeps his mouth shut.
Are we to understand that Jon Snow simply doesn’t care about children being burned alive because he wants Dany and her dragons to be as terrifying and awe inspiring as possible?
Isn’t it more likely to assume that Jon simply does what he’s always done in conversations with Dany, essentially keep his thoughts to himself and allow her to think whatever she wants? Which can only mean that despite their pleasantries, their dynamic is essentially the same it’s been since the cave scene. Which, by extension, means we’re just going round and round in ever increasingly polite circles.
Great! I got all excited with no rose petal covered way to go.
Then there’s this:
Dany: You were right from the beginning. If I trusted you, everything would be different.
Jon: So what now?
Dany: I can’t forget what I saw North of the wall. And I can’t pretend Cersei won’t take back half the country the moment I march North.
Remember when I said that Jon had no reason to bend the knee because Dany had already promised to help him defeat the Night King?
Tin foil hat: You know nothing, fortunatelylori!
Shut up, you!
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Yes, Jon! You heard that right! A near death experience by either zombification or drowning, a dead uncle and a bent knee later and all you have to show for it is a better placement on Dany’s list of priorities. It used to be -100 before but now the goddamn apocalypse is neck and neck with Dany and Cersei’s competition for a piece of furniture. Enjoy!
The “what is fear of assassination anyway when my hormones are out of wack” scene
I could analyze every line in this scene but I prefer to cut through all the boring travel arrangements that no one paid attention to and cut to the chase:
Jorah: My queen, love of my life, end all be all of my existence, your safety is paramount to me. Please fly to Winterfell and not risk getting blood all over your pretty blond wig.
Jon: Aaa ... I mean it’s your choice, obviously, but ... would you rather fly and be safe or get on a boat and possibly have sex with me?
Dany: Sex with Jon  on a boat, definitely.
However, I will say this is a very interesting line:
Jon: It’s your decision, your Grace. But if we’re going to be allies in this war, it’s important for the Northerners to see us as allies.
It sort of feels like Jon is not giving Dany a choice at all. It’s more of a “my way or the highway” type of proposition but again Dany’s too far down the rabbit hole to notice the difference.
The “this better be good, guys! The whole of Westeros is watching” scene
I’d love to link to b0atbang here but Tumblr hates that scene as much as we do. So for your convenience, I have decided to put my considerable artistic talents to good use and I have drawn what I believe is almost an exact representation of it:
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Guys, I spent almost 30 seconds in Paint doing this so please show me some love. Tread carefully, Tumblr, for you are treading on my dreams!
We started this section of the series talking about the “more than 2 is a crowd” rule so it seems only fitting that we should end with this: the most crowded sex scene since whatever porno film you watched last night.
There are 6 people involved in this scene and that’s excluding the actual two people that are having sex! Six people, most of them related to one or both Jon and Dany.
We have Jon’s mother but also Dany’s sister in law, Jon’s uncle but also adoptive father, Jon’s real father but also Dany’s brother, Jon’s brother who is actually his cousin, Jon’s best friend and also family member to the victims of Dany’s latest dracarys incident and lastly Dany’s closest adviser and also ex-husband to Jon’s sister/cousin/the current possessor of a “part of him”. This is Days of our Lives gone terribly, terribly wrong.
I don’t think I have to explain why this is romantic plot suicide. A sex scene between a romantic couple is supposed to be intimate, tender, sometimes steamy. It not supposed to be the smallest part of an elaborate montage designed to tell us that the people currently engaged in the devil’s mambo number 5, are actually related as well as de facto rivals for the Iron Throne.
A lot of people have commented on the inherent issues with the set-up of this scene, from the lack of a first kiss (an absolutely crucial part of any romantic pairing), to the lack of conversation before or after , to the horrible transition from a dying, blood soaked Lyanna to Jon and Dany in the midst of physical abandon and up to Jon’s strange expression:
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Jon: I don’t think Tinder is working out for me.
What I would like to do instead is show you a scene that has quite a similar setup to this: it starts off in a bed and also includes the dreaded body flip. This is incidentally one of my favorite sex scenes. I am, of course, talking about the sex scene between Achillies and Brisies in 2004’s Troy. When I uploaded this the first time, @lostlittlesatellites  mentioned in the comments section that this film was actually written by David Benioff, which I had forgotten. So not only did the D reuse this set-up for the Jon/Dany scene but actually is well aware of the salient differences between the two scenes, since, you know, he was involved in writing both of them. Another nail in the “Ds suck at their job which is why they couldn’t write a better romance” coffin, I guess.
I would love to put this scene up here in all its glory. However, since Tumblr is a prude that can’t handle the gorgeous physique of one Brad Pitt, I can’t. Just type Achillies and Brisies into youtube because it’s a more liberated platform, incidentally with far fewer Nazis lurking around. Also here is a pic of Brad’s gorgeous abs. Tumblr, eat your heart out!
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The body flip:
The body flip in the Brisies/Achilles is counterbalanced by the knife. These kinds of flips are awkward when filmed in a wide shot but the fact that she’s holding a sharp object to Achilles’ throat moves our focus towards the character’s faces and not the awkward body movement.
Focus on details:
When you watch this scene, you’ll notice that a large portion of it is Achilles pulling up her dress and slipping his hand underneath the material. That becomes a very intimate movement that, in turn, creates expectation … And expectation creates interest. It has a much slower build-up than what we get with Jon/Dany and it’s that prolonged moment that makes it sexier.
It tells a story:
This is very important. Words in scenes aren’t there just to make the writer feel important. They set the tone, the level of intensity and make the audience feel like they’re a part of it, instead of being kept at arm’s length because they don’t have access to the character’s thoughts.
The Troy sex scene is a whole story in itself: We start with Brisies trying to kill Achilles but hesitating. We have Achilles admitting he will kill more men and daring her to go through with her plan. We have him flipping her and then tentatively kiss her as she finally gives up and drops the knife to the floor. This is an intimate, character driven scene that marks the transition of these two from enemies to lovers.
That’s not to say that Jon and Dany’s scene isn’t telling a story. The difference is that the story it tells is plot driven, not character driven. What makes their scene inherently interesting are the revelations we receive about Jon and how that will affect the plot moving forward. In that sense they become secondary characters in their own sex scene, just gilded cogs in a much larger plot wheel and far from breaking it, their sex scene is advancing it. To what end, I guess we’ll find out in season 8.  
 And that’s it, you guys! Hope you enjoyed this series. I do have a few ideas on what to write next but if there’s something in particular you’d like me to cover, let me know.
In case you haven’t read the other 3 parts of the series, you can find them linked below:
Part 1: Are D&D really idiots?
Part 2: Repetition and generalization are the death of romance
Part 3: When everyone and their mother has a different take on the same line of text
Part 4: More than 2 is a crowd
PS: none of the artwork in this meta belongs to me. Except for b0atbang which is the only piece of art worth mentioning anyway and which shall be hanging in a museum near you very, very soon.
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kingbuckley · 6 years
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This is a long long long fic dump for bellarke fics. They are in no particular order, varying lengths, some aus some not--but there are summaries! so enjoy i guess.
There's A Nap For That
Based on that post: "If you both agree to take a nap instead of going out, it’s a date." Or: The one where Bellamy and Clarke keep taking naps together. You know, platonically. See also: Let Them Rest.
Flowers Fade, But The Internet Lasts Forever 
the one where Clarke finds out the hard way that having two separate Twitter accounts and a hopeless crush on Bellamy Blake don't exactly mix.
And They'll Hang Us In The Louvre
“Well I mean, I can always give you a hand. If you want.” By the time her brain has managed to catch up with what she just said, his eyes have already snapped over to her and she pretends to be engrossed in the salt slowly dissolving around the rim of her margarita. “Really,” he says flat. “What are friends for, am I right?” she says breezily, looking anywhere but at him. 
Chemical, Physical, Kryptonite
four times Bellamy and Clarke try to be friends with benefits, and one time they stop kidding themselves.
the fire is coming
Clarke's jaeger goes down on a Thursday.
one night to push and scream (and then relief)
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are FBI agents sent undercover as a married couple to infiltrate the Wallace family organized crime ring. Great plan, except for the part where they hate each other.
and dream how wonderful your life will be
Clarke has known Bellamy Blake for two months when she finds out two completely unexpected things about him: he's married, and he has an eight-year-old son. He's also getting a divorce and he needs a roommate, and she's got a spot. It's complicated.
long day
bellamy + clarke as co-dependent, twenty-something roommates (or, the one in which they’re dating already but don’t know it, and bellamy only realizes he has a heart when it breaks)
neither lost nor found
Bellamy Blake arrives on campus and Clarke's magic suddenly starts going haywire.
Spent a Dollar on This Ring
Clarke has never considered that raising a baby together would come into the equation when she started sleeping with Bellamy Blake, but here they are.
regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
After an argument with her mother about her unplanned pregnancy, Clarke Griffin ends up back in the small town where her father used to live, spilling her sob story to a sympathetic bartender. And then, somehow, she ends up moving in with the bartender and her brother.
Going Courtin’
Five times people thought Clarke and Bellamy were together, and the one time they said "Screw it" (and it blew up in their faces).
live my life without [coming up for air]
The first time he meets Clarke, it's three in the morning and all he's wearing are his boxer shorts and a bad case of bed head.Series
Or, You Could Always Google It
Someone really should have warned Clarke that the first step to becoming internet famous would involve acquiring a nemesis. (Or, Bellarke as rival YouTubers, basically.)
Maybe the World'll Look Like This Forever
Clarke and Bellamy have been friends since he transferred to Hogwarts for his seventh year. Now he's taking down dark wizards and she's patching him up when he comes home.
magic always does happen
In their third year, Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake are found jumping out of the third-floor Charms classroom window with nothing but a Levitation Charm and a whole lot of hope.They are young, and they believe magic can be made without wands.They spend the next six days side-by-side in hospital wing beds, still arguing over whether it’s “levi-O-sa” or “levi-o-SA”.
A Date With Botticelli’s Niece
There's no way Bellamy's going to let his sister go to sit for an artist who posted an ad for a nude model in a coffee shop. Not alone. That's how people get stabbed. It's just not safe.
Once Again
Five times Bellamy and Clarke disagreed with each other (and one time they didn't).
Nightly, Beside the Green, Green Grass
As a kid, Clarke always wanted one of those friends who climbed into her window whenever they wanted to. And when she meets Bellamy, she gets one.
The Nature of My Game
It's some douchey frat boy who gives Clarke the idea for a "Come in for a free flower if your name is..." sign, and she honestly has a lot of fun with it. She's just not expecting anyone to complain that she'll never put his up. That's some weird Rumpelstiltskin shit.
Occam's Razor
As far as Bellamy's concerned, bachelor auctions are creepy, even if they're for a good cause. But it's Octavia's cause, and she's his baby sister, so of course he agrees. He didn't think Clarke was going to be there. And he definitely didn't think she was going to bid on him.
looks on tempests, and is never shaken
four times Bellamy helps Clarke out, and one time Clarke helps him out.
Believe Me, There's a Better Frankenstein For You To Bride
Two weeks before her wedding, Clarke finds out her fiance is cheating on her. Weirdly, it wouldn't be that much of a problem, except that it's her job to give people relationship advice, and screwing up her own relationship this hard could reflect poorly on her. So she figures she can just marry someone else. That works, right?
The Great Outdoors
Bellamy's life doesn't get worse when Octavia realizes the magic phrase to get him to come on social outings is "Clarke's coming," but it definitely gets busier.Still, it's hard to resist. He's maybe a little pathetic.
I'm Way Out of My Depth Again
Bellamy is pretty sure he's going to stop having sex with Clarke at some point. But he's not going to be the first one to bring it up, because maybe if he doesn't, they can just keep going.
Forever and/or Down in Flames
Bellamy needs a place to live, Clarke needs a new roommate. No one thinks it's a good idea for them to move in together, but they're not letting that stop them.
We Came Out on Top
Bellamy, Clarke, and the trivia night rivalries only they care about.
wherever you're going, i'm not far behind
Bellamy and Clarke are both single, and fucking, and it's going to be fine.
It's Something So Surreal
On one level Bellamy doesn't actually have a problem with the fact that he gets a text message from a number he doesn't know with an attached picture of a hot girl in a fancy lingerie set. He just assumes it's some sort of weird sex app trying to lure him in. After all, no one has boobs that fantastic; it's got to be photoshop. On another level, it gets him riled up about the objectification of women and he's probably going to talk Miller's ear off about it later that night. But then he gets another text that just says, yes or no?
Love Doesn't Discriminate (It Takes & It Takes & It Takes)
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are soulmates. Too bad neither of them knows it.
I dreamed you a sin (and a lie)
Clarke's in the FBI, Bellamy's the grandson of a mobster, and they've got to work together.
Drops of Gold Like Sparks
Whenever their apartment is too quiet, Clarke and Madi settle into a local coffee shop to catch up on work and homework. Clarke steps outside to answer a call, and Madi asks the most erudite-looking person within shouting distance for help with her history homework.
Forty Yards
Bellamy and Clarke are caught in the crossfire of an Eligius/Wonkru battle, and in the fury of it all, Bellamy refuses to leave Clarke behind.
The Dark Side of the Morning
It isn’t the first time Bellamy has found a sword pressed to his throat, and God knows it probably won’t be the last. At this rate, his neck is going to be one massive scar before the year is up.
See Me In Hindsight
the one where they're project partners and maybe, perhaps, friends. (And maybe, perhaps, more.)
Explain The Infinite
Clarke’s pretty sure you’re supposed to like your soul mate. She really wasn’t expecting Bellamy Blake.
Just as You Are Mine
Clarke seals an alliance with the Broadleaf clan by marrying Bellamy Blake.
But Dear, Don’t Be Afraid Of Love, It’s Only Magic
Apparently all of his classes at Hogwarts are trying to tell Bellamy that he’s in love with Clarke. He needs magic to mind its own business, because he’s known how screwed he is for a while now.
Don't Take No Sorcery
Clarke and Bellamy wouldn't describe themselves and friends, per se, but they have an arrangement. And in a place like Hogwarts, it's only in a clever young witch or wizard's best interest to have an unexpected ally or two.
Maybe the World'll Look Like This Forever
Clarke and Bellamy have been friends since he transferred to Hogwarts for his seventh year. Now he's taking down dark wizards and she's patching him up when he comes home.
he said, she said
If there’s one thing that’s common knowledge amongst the Hogwarts student body, it’s that Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin hate each other.
can't control my feelings, can't control my thoughts
When Jasper accidentally gifts Clarke a love potion, everyone she interacts with starts acting...weird. Everyone, that is, except Bellamy.
where dwell the brave at heart
Usually their fights end in doors slamming. Or furious necking in the common room. But really, there's not much difference between the two.
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
The rivalry between Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin is a thing of legends, but it doesn't exactly stop him from making out with her either.
mapping the curve of your lips and the smell of your skin
She smothers a laugh into her hand just like he knew she would, and he works very hard on schooling his expression into one of annoyance and boredom. But she's there next to him and she's laughing, small sounds slipping out between her fingers, and it's so very hard for him to resist turning to her and laughing with her.
Let's Hope for Some Love
Bellamy's pack is a mess and Clarke is some sort of weird werewolf whisperer.
I wanna raise you to be like her
Bellamy was just trying to take care of his sister - but somewhere along the way he bought a building and started his own orphanage. Now he has a house full of kids, running around, getting into trouble, and wanting good homes. Obviously, Bellamy finds himself loving each one of them like his own life.
our hearts are oceans, our ribs are cages
He lifted himself onto his knees, and suddenly his torso was in between her thighs. Clarke took the opportunity to rest her forehead on his shoulder. The weight of keeping it up was giving her a headache. He tugged at the shoulders of her jacket and peeled it off her limp arms. Then they were at the hem of her shirt, ripped and torn and bloody. He swept it up and she flinched when his knuckles grazed her bare skin."Come on, now," he said softly. "We've gotta get you cleaned up."
Better to Give Than to Receive
Clarke means to give Bellamy a coupon book with chores she'll do for him for his birthday. It's cute, she figures. She actually gives him a coupon book for sexual favors. She goes with it.
One of Our Own
“What do you mean, you found a baby?” Octavia demanded.
Clarke Griffin finds 'Atlas' written on her wrist and Bellamy Blake sees flowers bloom on his skin.
Please Don't Get Me Rescued
Bellamy wants to handle his leukemia on his own. Clarke just won't let him. (Happy Ending; No Major Character Death)
now the world is ours to take
in which Clarke and Bellamy realize, that maybe, just maybe, their delinquents are all grown up.
Slow It Down
a one-night stands results in a little surprise.
And I Love This Place, the Enormous Sky
The Skaikru needs an ally, and the Delphi Clan is willing. It might not be their tradition to seal such alliances with a marriage, but Clarke Griffin has always done what her people need. Bellamy can't help admiring that. So he goes with her.
in the silence between worlds (that's where I'll find you)
everyone knows Bellamy and Clarke are in love except for Bellamy and Clarke.
"Well," Bellamy says dryly, "this whole diplomacy thing sure is going great."
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hey-hey-chan · 6 years
Supernatural!Bang Chan
So, I decided to start a new series of of supernatural!Stray Kids, yay! I was gonna do a soulmate one but I just finished a series about a boarding school with tons of supernatural beings so this is sorta gonna be interesting.. btw the series I was reading is called Shadow Falls-definitely check it out if you enjoy reading and love triangles (which I usually hate). And sorry in advance if some of my ideas are similar to the ones in Shadow Falls - but like there are only so many things you can do with the same types. 
Also, these scenarios are going to take place in boarding school for mythical creatures cuz I find that more interesting XD 
Another note, I was gonna write these in like bullet form or 3rd person, but I started to do that and realized-hey, I can’t write in 3rd person to save my life. :(
P.S. I don’t edit my work so... beware
The screeching bell rang through the hallways, creating rough murmurs of all of the students. Being as different as we are, we’re still like normal teens, mumbling insults under our breath. 
“Ugh, seriously, why haven’t they changed the bells yet? Everyone knows vamps have sensitive hearing.” An older vampire girl had questioned. I had only been at this school for a couple of weeks, but I could help but notice how all of the same types of beings stuck together: faes with faes, weres with weres, vampires with vampires, etc. And it sucked because despite knowing my powers, I was half vampire and half werewolf - almost a forbidden mix. 
Everyone knew werewolves and vampires hated each other; they were forced to play nice in the school, but were always hostile towards each other. There was one mixed vampire and werewolf in the school, but she was a teacher, so no one poked fun at her. Obviously I didn’t have a group to run to, I couldn’t hang with the weres without being called a blood sucker and I couldn’t go to the vampires without being called a filthy mutt. 
As I said before, it was only 2 weeks since I learned of my abilities, but I hated them every day. 
As usual, I got caught up in daydreaming what it would be like to run through the open fields of my old house again and accidentally stumbled over the vampire girl. She gasped, can you say overdramatic much?
“Sorry,” I mumbled, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Luckily, she let it go, whispering “filthy dog” as I passed her. I scurried out of the history of vampires class and happily jogged to my dorm room, who I shared with a fae girl. 
Luckily for me, faes didn’t really care about the whole werewolf/vampire rivalry, faes had their own rivals - witches, though that rivalry wasn’t as bad as the first. 
“Hey Joohyun,” I said as I entered. She smiled and nodded to me. Joohyun was a pretty good roommate, she was quiet, clean, a good chef, and she didn’t make fun of me. I could see us being friends, you know, if she ever talked to me, hence the quietness.
She was a few years older, so she didn’t have as many classes as I did. 
We sat in silence for a few hours until she tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I flinched and then jumped out of my chair, due to my quick reflexes. Though, I immediately relaxed as I saw a scared Joohyun in front of me. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I just-I don’t know.” I stumbled over my words. She shook her head and laughed nervously.
“No it’s fine. I should’ve known that you would’ve gotten worked up.” She patted me on the shoulder awkwardly. “So you know, it’s your first month here and I know it’s hard adjusting since you’re...mixed and stuff so I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to this party with me?” I immediately started to form the word “no” but Joohyun started to throw out her fae convincing skills. Faes had the ability of charm and even when they turned it off, it still shined through with their natural skills. 
“C’mon y/n, you’ve been doing nothing socially active for the past couple of weeks, go out and have fun. I swear this school isn’t as bad as you think, it’s only those wolves and vamps who are all uptight, the rest of us aren’t so bad.” I still was uncertain. She pulled out her pretty puppy eyes and laid her arm on my shoulder. I could feel her altering my emotions.
“Please? I don’t wanna go alone and I wanna introduce you to some of the faes and some other kinds. You don’t need to mingle with the weres and vamps if you don’t want to. We really don’t care how you’re mixed.” I sighed, knowing I had nothing better to do anyways. 
“Fine, I’ll go lemme just throw on... some clothes.” I gestured to my gingerbread pjs. She smiled.
Unfortunately and regretfully, I found myself standing in front of... nothing. 
“Joohyun, what the hell is this?” I half-shouted, looking at nothing but trees and dirt in front of me. She chuckled. “I swear if you lured me out here to kill me, I will-” Joohyun just laughed.
“Kangaroos.” She randomly said. What the fuck?
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled into some kind of vertex and ended up having to cover my ears because of the booming music and loud chatter. 
“A portal with a mist over it, created by my good friend who’s very powerful witch.” God, I was never gonna get used to this magic stuff. 
“Hey Joohyun!” A guy appeared, hugging Joohyun tightly enough that they weren’t awkward, but not overly romantic. “Glad you could make it, sis.” Wait, sis?
“Wait, you have a brother?” Suddenly, the boy looked at me, as if he noticed my presence. 
Once he turned towards me, I immediately recognized him. I had never talked to him, but I always heard him talking. He was quite the social butterfly; always talked about, always desired by the girls, and highly regarded in the student body of the school. I recognized the guy as fae, just like Joohyun. 
“Oh, hey, sorry, didn’t see you there. Plus, I didn’t think my sister would bring a friend. She’s the quiet type but she’s pretty so boys love her.” He joked, I think. Joohyun hit him on the arm, but she had a calm smile. 
“Yeah we’re siblings-” The boy cut her off.
“No one really knows cuz my sister over here never talks and here I am chatting up a storm with girls falling at my feet and teachers to their knees.” I laughed politely but I was still overwhelmed by the atmosphere. Joohyun sighed.
“Yes, please meet Chan, my baby brother, sadly. And I don’t tell many people cuz most people don’t believe me or try to befriend me to get to him.” Chan laughed, his dimples showing and all. I blushed at my thoughts, wondering how I could feel something for someone so fast. 
“Oh please, don’t flatter me.” He extended his hand to me. “So I’m Chan, host of this banging party, and you are?” Oh shit, I almost forgot to introduce myself. 
“Oh, yeah, um, I’m y/n, I just moved here like two weeks ago.” I added with an awkward smile. His eyes got brighter with realization. My palms started to sweat, and not from heat. 
“Oh my gosh, are you that new girl? Vamp and werewolf, the most interesting combo.” At that remark, Joohyun hit her brother, now with a frown. 
“You don’t need to stick around for my rude brother, let’s go meet some nice people.” Joohyun took my hand as she guided me through the crowd. 
I clumsily bumped into a couple making out, toughing each other where people should only be touched with doors closed. The two vamps hissed at me but I didn’t stick around. 
Soon, Joohyun found what she was looking for and stopped. 
“Joohyun!” The group exclaimed.I sniffed them out, most of them fae except for the few exceptions of a shape shifter and warlock in the mix. 
“So this must be your new roomie, the girl who caused quite the ruckus at our quiet school.” The girl shook my hand. “I’m Jimin, I’m a fae.”
“y/n, and I can tell.” I added, vampires and werewolves always could sniff out types easier than the others. They all laughed at my not so funny joke. 
“We know who you are. I gotta say, you brought excitement y/n. Most of us have known each other for a while, so you’re new blood, which excites and terrifies us.” I chuckled nervously at her statement. 
“Well, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not a very interesting person.” They laughed and soon the party kicked up a notch and people started to get drunker and drunker as the night went on. I stayed in the small group of faes who happened to be nicer than expected. Someone had put a drink in my hand, but I refused to drink it - I’m smarter than that.
“Yo yo yo, hold up, hold up.” A screech echoed through the air, making everyone cover their ears. “Ayo, I have something to say.” All the students made their attention towards the handsome, but obviously drunk werewolf who made his way to the mic. 
Out of instinct, my heart started to beat faster and I grew anxious for no reason; I just had a bad feeling. 
“Well say it fast Sejoon or get off the stage!” Chan yelled. His eyes were bright and glazed over from drinking, but also, he was curious to see what Sejoon would say. Sejoon cackled into the mic, making me flinch.
“Well, to be quick, my kind’s feud with the vampires have stemmed over centuries, stemming from our founding fathers, and yet, a little girl has come to mess it all up.” I gulped, feeling chatter erupt. “I have been at this school for 10 years, not once I had a problem with it. And I, as the good person I am, never cause serious trouble with a vampire or lash out, but today my friends, today is the day I lay down my foot.” He stopped and threw his glass on the ground. 
“And I know she’s here tonight! I saw her! You!” My heart stopped as he pointed at me. Everyone’s heads, in an instant, snapped at me. 
“y/n, the bloodsucker and who tainted our line! You dare come here?” He laughed as I felt shame wash over me. “You’re a werewolf and a vamp, but you exude no confidence in yourself despite being two of the cockiest kinds.” I suddenly grew scared of the other vamps and weres in the room who were eyeing me like some kind of prize, though I felt bittersweet with the other types who sent me sympathetic stares. “Pathetic you are just a pathetic little-” Suddenly the mic screeched again, throwing everyone’s heads down. 
“Get off of me you fairy!” I looked up at those words and saw Chan wrestling the drunk were for the mic. 
“Get off my stage you asshole! This is my party and it’s welcome for all kinds!” Chan yelled, using his strength to push poor Sejoon on the ground. 
“Hey! You little bitch, you think you can mess with the weres? We’re ten times stronger than any fae!” An arrogant were had yelled. Chan, despite probably being weaker, laughed. 
“Oh yeah? Well here’s this dumbass, I have an army of friends to protect me, will your pack do the same?” The were growled at the threat of his pack, loyalty meant everything to a wolf. The wolf lunged at Chan, but he swiftly avoided it and glared at him. 
“Well, now that that’s done, no more fighting at my party or I’ll have Kasey zap you all with her spell, mmkay?” He walked off the stage, exuding charisma I’ve only dreamed of having. 
Suddenly, the music played again and everything was right. I guess people get over fights quickly here. 
“Hey, you alright?” I heard a charming voice say behind me. I whipped around and saw Chan staring at me with dark brown eyes. I gulped. 
“Hm oh that? Yeah, I’m used to it now.” I lied. He looked serious, not like his usual expression, and took my wrist. 
“Follow me.” I felt compelled to follow him and suddenly we were in his room. I snapped out of his compulsion and flew against the wall.
“Please don’t touch me! I’m not ready and I barely know you!” I rambled on, hoping I didn’t have to test out my new powers.
“y/n, y/n, calm down. I didn’t bring you up here for that!” He yelled over me. I opened my eyes. 
“You didn’t?” 
“No, and if I did, closing your eyes and praying wouldn’t be a good option. You should try like, idk, attacking them.” He added. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I could feel anger still radiating off of him in waves from the recent fight.
“Yeah, sorry, um, that was wrong to assume of you. um, but why am I up here?” I gently asked. He turned around, making me swoon with his dark gaze, differing from his usual kind eyes.
“I just wanted to apologize in a quiet environment. I was rude to you when I first met you, I totally forgot about how it would be totally annoying for people to talk about you being mixed vamp and were, it must get troubling.” I nodded.
“Understatement of the year dude. I just started to show signs like a month ago and then my parents, human ones, shipping me here on regards to my school counselor, who, of course, happened to be a witch.” He chuckled, finally showing the true Chan everyone knew. “The others are nice, though I never belonged anywhere in the human world, and now not even the supernatural one? Sucks balls.” I cursed. He let out a loud chuckled.
“Golly, never thought I would hear that leave your mouth.” I snorted.
“Well, you don’t really know me.” We stood in silence for a moment.
“You’re right, but that’s what’s intriguing. You’re different you know? You’re kind of scared, anxious, always on edge at school, kinda wimpy for a werewolf and vampire.” I glared.
“Oh wow, be still my beating heart.” I joked. He smiled, showing those dimples that made my heart pound. 
“It’s kinda of refreshing, plus you showed up to my party wearing a hoodie and sweats, who are you?” I shrugged.
“I didn’t bring party clothes... and I hate jeans, too confined. Must be the dog in me.” He laughed and ruffled his curly blonde hair. I shuffled my feet. 
“So, you’re Joohyun’s brother?” I mentioned casually. He nodded and I saw his eyes light up, which made me all coo from him loving his sister. 
“Yup, one and only. I give her a rough time, so I would ask of you to try and ease up on her.” I smiled.
“You’re not too bad. I guess I should thank you for defending me out there. No one else would have.” He looked as if he were going to say something, but then backed out.
“You’re half right, most people wouldn’t have. But I’m sure no one would let you get hurt, it’s a rule here, defend when thy bully is acting out.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Guess we have to exterminate all the weres and vamps.” I joked, he laughed too. 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Joohyun will protect you... Well sorta, she has the gift of healing, so if you get beat up, she can help.” I laughed. 
“Wow, I feel so safe now.” I half joked, I guess everyone here has something to offer. His eyes turned darker, but still smiling, somewhat flirty, I think? 
“And I’m here too.” I raised a brow. 
“What?” He sighed. 
“I’m here to protect you too. Faeries don’t just sit around in tutus and flirt with everyone who walks.” I shrugged.
“I don’t know, you’re quite the charmer, I’ve heard.” He turned his head away while scratching his neck. And, was he blushing? Oh my gosh, now I’m blushing.
“Not really, I guess I’m social, I don’t mean to flirt, it’s just the fae in me.” He shrugged, but I grinned as his shyness. 
“Hey buddy, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got the looks, the charm, and the style, who couldn’t love you?” He gave me a stare that made me feel melt to the floor. 
“You think I’ve got the looks?” He gave me a flirty grin that I couldn’t help but chuckle. I then opened the door, and was embraced by the booming music. 
“Ok bud, we’ve spent enough time in here. People might think we’re doing something.” He stared at me innocently. 
“Hm, but could we?” He asked while shutting the door and pressing me against it. I immediately pushed him off and he went flying. I wanted to look shocked but all I felt was smug. 
“Nice try Chan, but you’re gonna have to try harder than that.” He bounced up and looked at me with a newfound respect in his eyes.
“Woah, you got like ten times hotter when you threw me across my room.” I laughed and so did he. I coughed to break the tension.
“Well, time for me to go.” He smiled. 
“I’ll see you again, right?” I gave him a lopsided grin.
“Well, your sister is my roommate, unfortunately.” He smiled, looking more and more enticing as I stared. I quickly turned around and made my way out.
“Ok, later fairy boy.” But I already knew my time here wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it would.
I know I write too much and that’s one of my weaknesses, my apologies for anyone who actually read this lol. Happy new years eve and I’m shaking just thinking about school. 
and so how this supernatural au is gonna work is basically the boys won’t necessarily be the same, but I’m not gonna make them all faeries cuz that’s too much. 
Woojin will be next so look out for that! I hope y’all stick around :)
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damndescendants · 6 years
Forever  Be My Always
Writer - @damndescendants
Requested - @itwasoverbeforeitstarted 
Hi! I love your blog and your writing is fantastic. Was hoping to request a harry hook x reader in which the reader is a major rival of Uma's, but the reader and harry have unspoken sexual tension™ between them whenever they interact and the reader does something to make Umas crew take the reader captive and while being held hostage the reader and harry finally address the tension between them. Wow this is really long and specific I'm so sorry.
Disclaimer - I do not own any of Descendants’ characters and/or ideas all credit goes to the creator and producers of Disney Descendants
Pairing - Harry Hook X Reader
Summary – The daughter of Dr, Facilier loves to mess with Uma and her crew and has a very flirtaous relationship with Uma’s first mate which gets taken a step further when (Y/N) has information that Uma wants.
Warning(s) - Heavily implied and some description of sex, swearing, kidnapping, maybe implied stalking?, probably some swearing
The way (Y/N)’s powers work and the emotion cards are made up for this story, I got the idea from identifying emotion cards to teach kindergarteners lmao
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I walked alone on the dark, narrow road with a small lantern in hand. With my free hand I pulled at the deep burgundy leather jacket to cover more of my body as the black tank top wasn’t doing much to keep me warm. Deep colored, distressed jeans hugged my legs along with tall black boots as my hair laid in light waves and flowed down my back, my sword sat on my left side.
“Little love. What are you doing out so late?” The accent ran through my ears and I let out an amused laugh before turning to the shadows that was the source of the voice.
“What’s it to you?” I asked smugly as I rolled my eyes at the pathetic nickname he gave me.
“Well, little love, you've been keeping secrets.” He finished and came out of the shadows to show his face. I'd be lying if I said he doesn't have some type of affect on me at all times. His tall frame stalked towards me.
“Oh, have I?” I questioned yet I knew exactly what he was talking about. I had mastered all my powers from the shadow world and was finally able to see whatever I wanted, wherever I wanted. In other words, I was able to see what Mal and the King are up to (and more importantly where Fariy Godmother’s wand was constantly). I knew Uma wanted to be able to have these powers underneath her wings.
“I’ve heard from several people you’ve gained your powers from the other side.” Harry spoke as he took his long strides to trap me between his body and the wall, placing his hook around one of my belt loops and his other hand was placed on the wall next to my neck.
“Believing rumors now, Hook?” I raised an eyebrow, not phased at all.
“They aren’t rumors are they, Facilier?” Harry bowed his head lower to come close to my face, our noses touching.
“I’m not sure.”
“Come back to the Chip shop with me.” It was more than a demand rather a question.
“Only for you, Hooky.” I winked seductively at him before pushing him back by placing a hand on his chest. I walked away from him towards Ursula’s shop by the docks, I swayed my hips gently feeling Harry’s eyes on me. I heard his heavy footsteps and deep chuckle quickly follow me.
“How long do I have to wait for this?” I asked bouncing my nails off the table I sat at, impatiently. 
“As long as it takes, little love.” Harry mumbled as he leaned against the wall near the table playing with his hook in both hands.
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes before pulling out a deck of cards that revealed emotions and shuffled them in my hands.
“What are those?” Harry questioned me.
“Emotion cards.” I fanned them out, showing him the 36 cards. He let out a puff of air in disbelief.
“I doubt you can read people.”
“Sit down and find out.” I gestured to the empty chair in front of me. He took the offer, flipping the chair around before sitting in it. As he did this, I took off my gloves and rings, setting them aside then rolled up my sleeves, Harry raised an eyebrow.
“I’m showing you, I have nothing up my sleeves or gloves.” I rolled my eyes once again as Harry nodded. 
I fanned the cards out once more but in a straight line along the table the gathered them once more in a stack in my hands, shuffled them around for the last time before lying them out face down in a 6 by 6 square. I could feel Harry’s eyes on me as he watched carefully.
“Give me your hand and let go of your hook.” I said simply, leaning back in my chair as Harry agreed without protest. I grabbed his hand, I heard his sharp intake of breath but ignore it; I put my focus into feeling his actual emotions. I felt my eyes change from their natural (E/C) to the glowing purple my father owned, the veins in my arm turning dark gray feeling a sense of what the hook handling pirate felt to guide me to flip over the correct 4 cards.
“Guilt. Anxiousness. Mischief.” I said as I flipped the first three over then grabbed the last one, flipping it over, “Lust.” I raised my head to look at him with an eyebrow raised.
“Ho-how did you do that?” He asked baffled, pulling his hand away from mine quickly, causing my eyes and veins to shift to their natural state.
“Friends on the other side. So do you want to explain your emotions?” I smirked, leaning back in my chair as I put my rings back on, one by one.
“You already understand them, Little Love.” Harry said, regaining his normal demeanor. Harry and I had always had this unspoken tension between us and we both knew it. Everyone knew it.
“I don’t though, Hook. Maybe you should show me.” I responded, pulling the sleeves of my jacket back down as I flirtatiously winked at the pirate. 
“I’m coming close to doin-”
“What’s going on here?” Uma questioned as she came up to the table.
“She just proved she does have some type of control over the other side.” Harry told his captain as I cleaned up my cards, putting them back in my jacket pocket, hidden from view.
“Did she now?” Uma shifted her gaze from Harry to me. “Harry. Go get today’s profits from Harrison.” Uma never took her eyes off of me as she instructed Harry to go rob Hades’ oldest son of his market place shop. Harry and I locked eyes as he stood up and left. I heard his faint whistle as he put his sword back in its sheath before the wooden swing doors became noisy from walking through them. Uma sat where Harry once was.
“So you do have control?” Uma asked, getting straight to the point.
“I’m not sure.” I was still leaned back in my chair, unphased..
“You know what I want.” The restaurant went quiet around them.
“Yeah. But what’s in it for me?” All eyes were focused on their interactions.
“Revenge. Protection. A home.” Uma was the one to lean forward onto her forearms.
“I don’t want revenge. I have the protection of the shadows. I also have a nice little home. You should stop by some day.” I rolled my eyes for what felt like the 20th time that night. I was lying though, I wanted to help Uma and the crew take over, I wanted more than just shadows for a family, I wanted a protected place to call home but I was scared. Scared that would show weakness. 
After a moment of silence that was so thick with tension, I stood from the table and began to walk out the swinging doors. Uma still sat at table, she seemed taken back by what I had said.
“You know I’m going to get what I want you little witch!” Uma yelled as I walked through the doors, I laughed before responding. 
“Whatever you say, you sea-witch!”
It had been a couple days since that interaction at the Chip Shop. I wasn't bothered by anyone in those days. That all changed when I was walking through the market to go towards my little home. The sun had set and I carried nothing but my sword on my hip. I was only several wicked streets away from my home when I felt arms wrap themselves around me and yank me into a small alleyway. I kicked and squirmed and try screaming before I heard a rough voice.
“Quinn. Knock her out.” It said before I felt a blunt force hit my head, causing me to fall to the ground and darkness invited me into its blanket.
When the world came back to me, it took a few moments for me to regain my stance in it. The thin mattress below me was somewhat scratchy, a pounding sensation came from the side of my head, the lights felt brighter than what they should have, and I couldn’t tell if the entire room was rocking or if it was just me. I sat up to take in my surroundings. I was in a small cell, I could smell the salt water making it certain it was Uma’s ship and the people who kidnapped me had to be apart of her crew.
“This has got to be a joke.” I mumbled, rubbing the growing bump on the side on my head.
“It’s not a joke, Little Love.” The accented voice caused me to whip my head around to find its source. Harry placed a jar full of an unknown liquid on a barrel next to where he was leaning against the wall before pushing off of it and coming near me.
“What the hell is this.” I demanded.
“You were told Uma’s gonna get what she wants.” Harry said, not phased by the anger boiling inside of me. I stood on somewhat wobble legs and quickly made my way over to the pirate.
“How many times do I have to tell you guys? I do not want to become apart of your stupid pirate gang.” I pushed Harry backwards towards the wall he just came off of to emphasize my point. It didn’t phase him as he let out a growl. He quickly grabbed my wrist, switching our positions. My back now against the wall, wrist pinned above my head by Harry’s hands. He dipped his head to come face to face with me, our noses touching once again.
“I’m sick and tried of your fucking attitude.” He growled at me, I could tell his pupils were blown even in this low lighting provided by several torches.
“Is it my attitude or the fact that you’re still lustful?” I smirked bringing up the emotion cards from a couple days ago.
“I’m done playing games with you.” Harry rasped out before slamming his lips onto mine in a messy but full of passion kiss. I instantly reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion. Harry’s hands let go of mine and went down to my thighs, squeezing at the back of them to indicate he wanted me to jump which I happily did. It brought me slightly higher than Harry stood as my legs wrapped themselves around his torso. Harry began leaving kisses down my jaw and neck, sucking and biting at times. Possessively marking, shocking. 
“You want this just as much as I do, don't you?” Harry said between biting and kissing after finding my sweet spot, causing me to moan out.
“Yes.” I let in the form of a moan as Harry’s hands found my butt, squeezing it roughly.
“That’s what I thought, Little Love.” Harry pulled away from my neck smirking as he pulled us away from the wall and towards the bed I was on just moments ago, laying me on it before standing on his knees to pull his shirt off. My mouth was opened in awe as I took in his body.
“Like what you see?” Harry said cockily as a smirk grew on his face.
“Shut up.” I whispered as I pulled him back down to me by his arm, our lips colliding once again.
“I got a question.” It was Harry who spoke, breaking the sounds of our heavy breathing. Harry laid on his back, one arm behind his head the other wrapped tightly around me as I laid on my side, an arm tucked between Harry’s shoulder and the bed, my other drew random patterns onto his chest as my head laid on it too. Our legs were twisted together. A blanket was haphazardly thrown over us as we weren’t wearing clothes anymore and anyone could walk by.  I hummed a response to signal him to keep talking.
“What are we now?” Harry asked quietly, almost ashamed. I raised my head to look him, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Harry took in another breath as his eyes locked with mine once more.
“You’re my weakness, okay? That’s why I felt guilty and anxious when you read my emotions the other day. You make the world disappear and all I ever want to do is protect you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve followed you and watched you to make sure you were safe. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s something about yo-”
“Harry.” I cut him off, stopping his rambling. “Do you really think I never noticed you’ve followed me around?” I laughed lightly at his shocked yet confused face.
“What? Why did you never say anything?” He asked causing me to blush at my reasoning.
“I felt safe and didn’t want to ruin it.” I bowed my head to hide the color I could feel nipping at my face, “I don’t get that feeling too often.”
“I can give it to you.” Harry bluntly said, “I’ll do everything I need to do to keep you safe till the day I die.”
“Harry. I don’t know I’ve never had somon-”
“Let me be that someone.” Harry insisted. I looked him in the eyes again. They were full of concern and what looked like tenderness. Tenderness towards me. That’s something I’ve never seen in anyone I’ve ever met. My father only talked or saw me when it was time to teach me a new trick of the trade and I’ve never knew my mother. I was scared.
“I can tell you’re scared.” Harry nearly whispered and rubbed my back, “There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“I’m not scared.” I quickly responded. I was always told to keep a straight face and never let anyone know what I was feeling at any time and I was letting my wall slipped for Harry.
“Yes you are. I see it in your eyes and I know what you truly want in your life and trust me when I say I’ll never do anything to hurt you. I’ve known you my entire life and all I’ve ever wanted to do was protect and love you, (Y/N) Facilier.” Harry said, using my full name bringing more seriousness to this conversation.
“What do you want me to be to you?” I asked not knowing where to bring this conversation.
“Be mine?” Harry questioned more than demanded like he usually does.
“I’ve been yours for a long time, Harry Hook.” That was all I responded with a smile creeping onto my face. A real smile. Harry had one on his lips too. He brought his face to mine and locked our lips together.
“One more request though.” Harry said after breaking our kiss.
“What is it?” I was confused.
“Be apart of the crew. You can live on the ship and you’ll never be alone ever again.” Harry gave me a half smile in hopes I would say yes and this time I wasn’t letting my ego get in the way of what I wanted and deserved quite frankly.
“I’ll join the crew.” I smiled.
“Well in that case.” Harry said before sitting up and sliding his boxers back on, his muscular back to me, I sat up confused, tugging the discarded sheet up to cover my body “I’m taking you back to my room to sleep on a real bed.” 
Harry turned and scooped me up in his arms, the sheet draped over my entire body as Harry began to walk up a flight of stairs to the main deck. It was dark out, no one in sight as he traveled to the other side of the ship to go below deck once more. Three doors down the hallway and on the left, he leaned down to open the door before walking it, shutting the door with his foot then put me gently on the bed.
“Harry what about our clothes?” I laughed lightly as he pulled at the sheet, taking it away from body just to cover me up with the duvet that sat on his bed.
“We’ll get them later.” He mumbled as he climbed into the bed, pulling me close to him once more. Harry seemed to fall asleep quickly but I laid awake for a while in awe of everything that’s happened to me, I realized that not all things are bad on this island and now I might have a chance of getting off of it as I was now apart of the most powerful group of the entire Isle. I twisted and turned trying to fall asleep, waking Harry in the process.
“Go to sleep. You’re safe.” Harry mumbled under his breathe as he drifted back off to sleep. Hearing those reassuring words with the horse to his voice made me realize how much I truly care for the boy, I looked up to see his face calm and relaxed made me realize that in that moment I knew he will forever be my always.
A/N Hey guys I’m back!! I hope you enjoy this I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted. I didn’t know where to go with us but I hope it’s good! (It’s not proof read as always lol)
Edit: Proofread!!
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