#you end up with scars from the dumbest things
electricfied-wolf · 2 years
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Redesigns of the main gang for personal Owl House stuff!
I got rlly bored earlier today, so I did Hunter, and then ended up doing Willow, and decided why not do everyone. I was *also* going to do Collector, but there was nothing I rlly wanted to change about him. They have peak character design.
Also! Do NOT use these designs! No pleases, I’m putting my foot down about this part. And don’t ask for permission, UNLESS you’re a close friend of mine! They are my designs for my own Owl House content, and I don’t want edit designs that I’m proud of being stolen >:(
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 10 months
My dumbest TWST headcanons
Yuu: everyone has forgotten their name and preferred pronouns. No one is willing to ask after so long, hence everyone calling them 'prefect' all the time
Grim: he is the reason why no dorm has tried to get Yuu to transfer in. They simply do not want him and unfortunately they are a package deal
Riddle: cannot handle spice. He ate a bell pepper once and started sobbing incoherently. Bell peppers are notoriously non-spicy
Trey: has mom hands in that he can handle hot plates without even flinching because he has permanently ruined the nerve endings in his hands from all of the times he's handled hot baking trays without mitts
Cater: has only like 7 Magicam followers because, as fun as his tags are, they aren't great for the algorithm
Deuce: has been told "that's unfortunate" multiple times after introducing himself. Does not understand why. No one tell him.
Ace: the type to never wait for his food to finish cooling. He burns his tongue at least once a day. He will never learn. Nor will he ever actually taste anything he puts in his mouth. Uses this for bets ("bet you that I can eat *insert the most disgusting concoction ever*" "don't...")
Leona: the entire school has a group chat devoted to the most insane places they've found Leona sleeping. Nothing has managed to top the time someone spotted him curled up in a cauldron that the first years were about to use for Alchemy. (Ruggie has tried to bribe his way into this group chat multiple times but everyone is too scared of Leona to give it to him)
Ruggie: the type to dump trauma on you without realizing it's messed up. Jack asked him once "Where'd you get that" and pointed to a scar and Ruggie was like "oh yeah that's from the time a guy stabbed me" and Jack has never asked him anything since
Jack: complains constantly about how big his tail is because it keeps wagging and giving away his tsundere-ness. Wants a little tail he can stuff into his pant legs to hide it
Azul: his glasses are fake. He thinks they make him look intimidating
Jade: will make fun of people for yawning in front of him. ("Scandalous" "????") He refuses to explain
Floyd: bites people he likes. Moray eel bites can cause paralysis and even beyond that his teeth are wicked sharp. This has caused several misunderstandings in his life
Kalim: everyone know's he's coming because all of his jewelry clink against each other. Like a cat with a bell on its collar. There is a betting ring about whether Jamil planned for this or if it's just how Kalim is that has spread schoolwide
Jamil: has absolutely responded to Kalim saying "Treat spiders the way you want to be treated" with "Killed without hesitation". Unironically
Vil: has accidentally cursed his own food several times. Never anything serious, but you would think it was with the expression of utter horror on his face every time
Rook: is the one in class to deal with bugs. He will pull a hairband out of his pocket (saved for this very occasion, or in the horrible case that Vil's hair tie might snap) and snipe the bug out of midair
Epel: constantly tries to get away with breaking rules right under Vil's nose. Out of spite. He has yet to succeed, but insists he WILL. One day. He will not
Idia: has lamented sending his tablet to class several times because he can't play some of his favorite games when it's away. Does not seem to realize that he would not be able to play those games while in class anyways
Ortho: has programmed idle animations
Malleus: his horns constantly hit the top of doorways. The entire room will go very quiet when this happens because they're scared if they breathe they will laugh and they Can Not Laugh At Malleus Draconia
Lilia: upon finding out his true age, the first question he is always asked is how his cooking is seriously "like that"
Silver: will wake up, find a miscellaneous animal sleeping on him, and go back to sleep because he would rather die than wake up the poor thing
Sebek: banned from the school library. There is no librarian so it literally doesn't change anything there's no one to enforce it but he still won't go in on principle
Crowley: has submitted a tax form with simply the word "No" on it. Is not sure why it didn't work
Crewel: messed up a potion once in front of a class. Swore everyone to secrecy about it. It is the only secret that has not spread through the school
Trein: has been called by his cat's name more than once
Vargas: students are often late to things because "Coach Vargas is hunting students for sport again :( ughhhh"
Sam: will trip students he doesn't like over 'loose floorboards'
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Playing with johnathans hair pre collider plsplspls kissing it maybe his knuckles, calling him pretty kissing his Beauty marks plsplspls pls
Showering Jonathan Ohnn in affection!
Rubs my hands
God I love prompts like this, especially with characters like jon/spot
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Even when he was still Jonathan, he still didnt have the best self image
He didnt think of himself as horribly as he does in present day, but hes... hooboy
He doesn't think he's ugly by any means, but no way does he think he's the prettiest person
He doesnt like his... everything, really
His birthmarks, his body, the way his hands are built, his nose, and so on
And then you came along
You weren't his first partner, I like to think he's managed to get some bitches(/j) in like
Now were those relationships anything meaningful? Did they last?
Did that leave a dent on him?
Maaaaybe just a little
So he was both ecstatic and nervous of being in a relationship again
But oh,
You melted his walls down right away, letting him know exactly how you felt about him and actually. Listened to him
Jonathan, being an overworked socially awkward scientist, doesn't get much physical touch; so he's starving
It's small at first; but even small touches can have him unraveling
Locking pinkies while you walk together, standing a lil close to one another, and so on
And dont get him started on verbal compliments
So imagine the day you decide to go a lil deeper and just
Pull his hands to your mouth, the same hands that are covered in nicks and cuts from years of work, and gently kissing his knuckles
The hands that he thinks are spindly and weird; being kissed
You may as well just marry him right then and there
But it keeps on going as time progresses
You kiss the small scars littered on his hands
Imagine seeing him scowling at the mirror while glaring at the feature of his face he doesnt like and just
You walk over to him and cup his face and just
Cover him with kisses
Specifically placed kisses, exactly where he was just glaring at
A lot of the times when you're sleeping together hes the big spoon since hes tall, but on the off chance hes little spoon? Hooboy
Absolutely refuses to get up, scoots himself closer to you, and hes almost falling asleep until
You start playing with his hair; that snaps him awake. Whether or not you have concept art Jonathan in mind or movie accurate; hes got the same reaction. He stiffens and kinda just. Freezes. Like a deer in headlights. Does he pretend to be asleep? Does he thank you? Does?? Bro short circuits
Off topic but I like to think that concept art of Jonathan going around is just. Canon movie Jonathan, but before he got a haircut. Like imagine he JUST got a haircut before the collider thing and now hes bald 😭
OOO OOOO imagine you're wearing lipstick and leave marks all over him
He will refuse to wash it off, for as long as possible
Dumbest most goofiest smile plastered on his face while you spoil him
Now I've gone on and on about you pampering him, but dont think he wouldnt try to return the favor!
He leaves quick and sloppy kisses on your cheek
Like just.. he wraps his long arms around you and lazily drapes himself over you during cuddles and. Goes to town on your face
You're both a giggly mess by the end of it
Makes you forget about the outside world; it's just you and Jonathan
Loves getting you loads of gifts; store bought and homemade! You'll probably have to tell him to slow down since you're losing space in your house <\3
As I mentioned in a previous Jonathan post (the coworker one) he drops the most foul, most cheesiest, most cliche, horrible pick up lines
Dude probably looks at wikihow stuff on like "how to impress my crush" or something like that
He absolutely LIGHTS UP whenever you indulge in his antics
Overall you two are just so sweet to each other SOBS
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
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Chimmy Guardian Angel who has to endure having to guard the dumbest clumsiest human girl in existence AU 😂😂
There's rules he has to follow- he can't save you from every little thing. So he knows, deep down, seeing you getting your hand stitched up isn't his fault at all- but in a way, he feels upset at it, nonetheless.
His task is simple- make sure you don't die. That's all he's got to do, at least until the gods above can figure out why you're just so cursed with bad luck all the time.
From cars constantly almost running you over, to stairs being your worst enemy- life seems to constantly try and kick you out any chance it gets, and it's become such a problem, that you've now been given Jimin- a guardian angel sent down to earth to make sure you wont meet your end earlier than you're supposed to.
But good lord, is it tough.
"It's gonna leave a scar, won't it.." You pout, watching how the nurse cleans up your wound before she puts something on it to cover it. Jimin is holding your other hand sitting close to you, sighing.
"A scar is better than anything worse happening." He gently scolds. "How did you even manage to do that?" He worries.
"I don't know.. I wanted to cut the cabbage but the knife slipped.." You sheepishly explain, making the nurse giggle as Jimin shakes his head.
"Just.. next time, let's cook together, yeah?" He suggests. "I live pretty much next door. I'll help." He tells you, and you nod.
"Thank you Jimin, I really appreciate it." You offer as a thanks to him, smiling.
Which is another big issue.
Jimin isn't supposed to connect with you any closer than necessary- but you're just too sweet to deny, and he can't help but let your soul touch his own. By now, he's sure that even the higher up's have to have noticed his growing infatuation, and he's not sure why they haven't scolded him already for it. He knows it's wrong. As an angel, he's not supposed to fall for you.
It's not meant to be. And yet, he's probably already in too deep anyways to back out now.
Especially when he helps you finish cooking later at your place, fleeting touches lasting a bit too long, smiles sent your way a bit too kind, teasing jokes exchanged a bit too suggestive to be something other than obvious flirting. He's always waiting for someone to step in, someone to remind him that what he's doing is nothing but a sin-
But no one ever does. No one ever pulls him away from you, neither when he's right in front of you, or when his hands move to place themselves on your cheeks, nor as he kisses you, lips stealing your breath and heart at the same time.
And even as he goes further later, there's no one taking that from him. As if they allow it.
And maybe, possibly, they do.
At least for now.
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eijirousbestie · 11 months
“Order when you’re ready.”
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gym bros kiribaku
unexpected visit
smoothie king???
“lemme get uhhhh…” energy
this is by far my longest one shot sooo
* * *
“What do you think would happen if—”
“…I didn’t even get to finish.”
“I’d rather you not honestly.”
“What? It’s not gonna be bad or anything.” You try to hold back a laugh at the sheer amount of annoyance you’ve given the man in less than thirty minutes of his workout.
He sets down the barbell he was benching and adds more weight to it. 25 pounds to be exact. He could really add 40 more but he didn’t want to seem like he was trying too hard in front of you.
“If any of your sentences start with ‘what if’ I know it’s gonna be something outrageous hun.” He shines you a pretty, lopsided smile. One that meant his words hold no harm.
“So you should be used to it. Anyways, like I was saying, what would you do if I slapped—holy shit are you benching 315 right now?” The last thing on your mind was your dumbass question.
Quite frankly, you’d already forgotten it after being so caught up in shamelessly ogling Kirishima’s tensed muscles as he benched. Amidst the intense staring, you hadn’t even noticed—nor counted—how many weights he’d actually been putting on. 315 pounds? There’s no way he could lift that much. He had to have been showing off. Yeah, that’s it.
The sharp clang of metal meeting metal brought your focus back to the redhead as he set the last weight on the bar. “Spot me?” Of course you’d happily agreed and made your way behind the bar as Kirishima made quick to re-tie his hair in a neat bun. He’d always looked so good with his hair up. Over the years, it’d grown long enough to tie back. But even having used box dye for years on end, his hair is beautifully kept. Shiny and soft, ends neatly trimmed and laid.
Making his way over to you, he leans his back against the cushion of the bench and plants his feet flat on the floor on either side of the seat for stability. He doesn’t grab the bar yet but he does gaze up at you, his face upside down from your view.
“I know it’s a lot of weight but if I start sputtering and flailing just let the bar crush me.”
“The hell? You know I could just slide the weights off right?”
“Mmh true but I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself trying to save me. Hypothetically.”
“That has to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Now you know how it feels to be on the other end of a dumb question huh?” You give him the blankest stare you can muster.
“Do you want me to spot you or not?”
“No wait please. I actually do need you to watch. Haven’t benched this much since high school.” High school?
“Kirishima what the actual fuck were you going through to be able to bench 315 in high school…”
“I was in situations.” Silence.
“—is that it or?”
“Yup. I’m legally bound to an NDA. Can’t say much else babe. Ready to start?” Your expression is a mix between ‘what the fuck’ and simply trying to shake the odd conversation.
“Yeah uhm. Go ahead I guess.” He grabs the excessively weighted bar and starts his reps. Up, down, up, down…up…up, down, up, down, down…
Wait, how many has he done already? You were too busy gawking at the sight before you. Tanned arms packed and loaded with muscles from regular training. Scars and faint freckles littering his biceps from hours in the field. A death-like grip on the barbell, veins practically on the verge of bursting with each upward push of the bar. His face contorted in concentration. Bottom lip slightly reddened from his teeth as he bit his lip with strain to lift the weight. Forehead sparkling in the gym lights, liquid evidence of his fortitude and strength. It left his white tank glued to him like a second skin. And that damn manbun.
“Lift.” You’re brought back from your thoughts at his call to end his set. Your hands wrap around the bar alongside his to raise and set it back in its place on the rack above his head. He lifts his back off of the cushion but stays seated, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“Holy shit that was heavier than I remembered. Did I slip on a wrong weight?” The corners of your mouth lift up in a small smile as you round the bench to stand in front of him.
“Even so, you could handle it. You did real good Ei. Barely had to help you.”
A shy smile graces his face. “Ah please. I was just trying to make sure I didn’t die in front of you.” Reaching down, he grabs a small towel near his right foot and starts to dab away the sweat from his face.
It’s almost crazy how he can be so modest after having lifted the weight of a small refrigerator with his own bare hands. And he’s still got the nerve to be reserved about it.
“Yeah right. Try tellin’ that to someone who hasn’t seen you lift before.” A rough voice comes from behind you, lowkey scaring the shit out of you. You turn your head around and of course it’s none other than the walking ray of sunshine himself.
“You mind alerting people of your presence before you just pop up outta nowhere?” You say.
“Sounds like a personal problem. You should fix that.” Katsuki strides up to you both clearly worn from his workout. He gives you a blank look. You shake your head in dismissal and turn back to Kirishima.
“Y’know, he’s right though. You could probably bench a car easy.” Kirishima’s eyes crinkle at the sides as he laughs at your comment.
“Nah, no way! This was seriously challenging guys, trust.”
Katsuki butts in. He raises a brow, lips set in a straight line.
“Not even a Fiat?” You let out a choked snort, trying not to laugh at his confidence in Kiri’s manpower. Said man raises from his seat, standing to his feet in front of you both. Kirishima chooses to ignore his last question, greeting his long time friend by dabbing him up.
“Didn’t know you were gonna be in the gym today man.” Katsuki shrugs nonchalantly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his grey shorts.
“Had some free time. Thought I’d come out and brush up on endurance.” His eyes flick from Kirishima to you. “How long you two been in?”
You pull out your phone to check the time. Kirishima puts a muscular arm around your shoulder and dips his head down a bit to look at your screen. The time reads 4:24 PM. “Just a little over three hours. Why?” You both look back up at Katsuki, awaiting his response.
“No reason. New smoothie shop down the street just opened. Wanna try it before they close.”
“No reason,” my ass. This was his nonchalant was of saying “If you guys are all wrapped up here I’d love it if you’d make my day and join me for post workout drinks.”
Kirishima is the first to respond. His eyes are all aglow and his eyebrows raise in recognition at the mention of the new spot.
“Ah, the one on Delview right? Near the old antiques shop? We should totally go! People have been saying it’s pretty good.” Katsuki gives a short nod and looks at you.
“You in?” He folds his arms across his broad chest, raising a blonde brow.
Kirishima tightens his hold on you and looks down at you. The beefy arm draped over your shoulders now squeezing you into his side. His eyes light up even more than thought possible. “C’mon hun, I’m wrapped up here anyway and if you are too we should go!” His gaze drifts back up to land on the man in front of him. “Plus, it’s been a while since the three of us got time to hang together.”
And that’s how you three ended up in Katsuki’s black Jeep Wrangler with the windows down and Kiri on aux. Or at least he tried to be. After two overly cheery pop songs off his playlist played back to back, Katsuki demanded a change of tune or he’d “Chuck the fuckin’ phone out the window and run over it.” Kiri settled for Yeat.
Pulling up to the drive-thru, Katsuki holds his foot on the brake, keeping the car still while he surveys the menu.
“It’s a fuck ton of shit on this menu. You two got any ideas what you want or what?” His eyes are still glued to the menu, squinting while trying to read the small print under the even smaller print. Kirishima leans over as he tries to read over Katsuki’s shoulder, his elbow digging into the car’s center console box.
“Hmm. Honestly I’ll take anything with coconut in it. Or watermelon. Oh! Or those little spiky fruits with the white insides.”
“Lychee?” You suggest.
“Yeah, those! They’re so good hun. Have you ever tried o—”
“Will you two chucklefucks just pick already? We’re holding up the damn line!” The blonde’s voice booms in the car.
You let out a short snort. “Chuckle-whats?”
“I swear to god I’m gonna drag you out of this fucking car if you don’t quit,” he threatens through clenched teeth.
Kirishima thinks out loud, ignoring your banter. “Ehh actually I think I’ll go with watermelon.”
“You better make up your mind Red or you ain’t gettin shit.”
“He ain’t gotta do a muthafuckin’ thing.” The blonde whips his head around to glare at you where you’re seated in the backseat.
“The hell did you just—”
“Welcome to Smoothie King. How may I help you?” The butchered voice of an employee rings through the order speaker making you all go silent. Katsuki grumbles something under his breath at you before turning to face the speaker.
“Gimme a sec here.” His right hand taps impatiently on the steering wheel. A crackle sounds from the speaker before the employee chimes in again.
“Sure. Order when you’re ready.” Katsuki looks back to Kirishima with a vicious glint in his eye.
“Hurry the fuck up Red or I’m ordering for you.” Kirishima’s teeth pull at his bottom lip before making a decision.
“Right. Uhh, I’ll take a medium smoothie. Half coconut, half watermelon and ask if they can drizzle some lychee syrup on top.” The look Katsuki gives Kirishima is so comically hilarious it takes everything in you not to lose your shit. He just sits there and stares at him. The left corner of his mouth is turned up and his eyebrows pinch in the middle to show an expression of “are you fucking serious right now?”
The silence is so loud it’s deafening. And poor Kirishima doesn’t seem to get it. He adds on a forgotten “Please?” as if that’s what Katsuki was making that face for.
“All that bullshit just to get all three fuckin’ flavors in the same goddamn drink,” he grumbles before looking at you in the rear view mirror. “C’mon shit stain. Order.”
“Bitch— y’know what, never mind.” Choosing to ignore the rude ass name he spit, you tell him your order and sit back in your seat and wait. He sticks his head out the window and finally places your orders then pulls up to the first window.
Handing the cashier his card, he waits for the receipt to print up, taking back his card and pulling to the second window. The server brings out the drinks and hands them carefully to the onry blonde before he then passes them to you and Kirishima.
You both chirp out a brief thanks to the man before happily sipping your drinks. Left hand on the wheel, Katsuki makes a smooth turn out of the drive-thru before taking a sip of his drink held in his right hand. “You two shitheads better be thankful I’m generous.” You glare at the back of his head in disbelief.
“Generous my ass—”
“Of course man! Super nice of you to treat us today. Next time it’s on me.” Katsuki side eyes Kirishima, a little thrown from his comment.
“‘Next time’? Hell no. There’s not gonna be a next time. You two idiots would lose your heads if they weren’t attached to your shoulders.”
“Aww c’mon man don’t be like that. We gotta hang out more. Right hun?” He turns around in his seat to smile at you in the back.
You chuckle and nod, tone sarcastic. “Of course I’d love to see more of my best friends.” You hear Katsuki grunt from the driver seat.
“M’not your best friend.” Kirishima turns back in his seat to face front, brow raising as he speaks.
“You act like you haven’t known them since middle school dude. That sounds like best friends to me.” You snicker and tap Kiri’s shoulder to give him a hi-five, the slap resonating in the car.
His knuckles turn white as he grips onto the steering wheel at his wits ends. “I’m gonna kill you both.” You all made plans to meet up again later that week.
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raevior · 9 months
jungjin city lights / somun x fem!reader
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a/n: hi everyone! this is my first ff I've written in a while. I hope you all enjoy it, please leave any requests or tips you have! enjoy :) warnings: mention of blood, knifes, violence, choking, drinking alcohol genre/type: fluff, semi slow burn, Y/N, angst, happy ending wc: 6.2k title track: once again - Kim Sejeong (Uncanny Counter OST season 2)
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* The sound of your blaring alarm wakes you up from your deep slumber. You tiredly roll over and hit the obnoxiously loud alarm. You look at the time with blurry eyes and roll around to go back to sleep until you realize; you’re late.. again. You shoot up out of your comfortable warm bed and rush to the bathroom. You quickly brush your teeth, not even bothering with your hair. You throw on the first pair of clothes you find on the floor and grab your backpack and run out the door. 
You’re 20 years old living in Jungjin, South Korea as a full time university student; so being on time is pretty important. You rush to your 9AM class, but you’re 3 minutes late. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm yourself before entering your class. Professor HaJoon has never been the lenient type. Always yelling at you and your classmates about the dumbest things. You dread this class. You open your eyes, ready to be confronted by your strict professor, except you are met with a sign hanging on the door. “CLASS CANCELED.” You whine and say out loud, “It’s 2023, don’t people communicate through email nowadays?” You hang your head low while standing in your spot. You hear someone next to you let out a breathy laugh. You snap your head and see a girl with curly hair standing next to you. She has cuts on her hands and a healing scar just above her right eyebrow. “Did I scare you?” the mysterious woman asks you. You stare at her for a second then nod ‘no’ quickly, without saying a word. She laughs, “I’m Do Ha-na. Nice to meet you.” You smile and introduce yourself. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you too, Ha-na.” She bows and walks away with both hands in her pockets. “Ahh, she’s cool.” you think to yourself. 
Now that class is canceled, you finally have a day to yourself since you don’t have any other classes today. You let out a sigh of relief and head towards the elevator. *DING* the large silver doors open and you are about to step inside. Suddenly, a hand grabs your arm and pulls you back. You let out a scream, but it is quickly silenced when a hand is placed over your mouth. You try your best to fight the attacker, but he is far too strong. You kick and scream, but he’s not budging. Suddenly, after what felt like hours of fighting back, the heavy weight of the man disappears. You gasp for air and run into the elevator, pressing the buttons in a hurry to get away. You look up out of fear. But there stands the same woman from earlier. Your eyes widen, “Ha-na?” you ask quietly. She smirks and walks towards you. You back up out of fear. She brings a hand to your head, and now you are sitting in your bed again, not remembering anything after Ha-na placed her touch on you. 
“Goodmorning, Y/N! Ah, afternoon.. Are you feeling any better?” Eun-Jeong says to you. Choi EunJeong has been your best friend since 2nd grade. You two are inseparable. Despite her intimidating appearance, she is the kindest and most loving person you have ever met. You nod and Eunjeong hugs you and gives you a friendly kiss on the forehead. You smile and playfully push her off. “Are you hungry? I’ve been craving noodles recently.” she says to you with a smile and genuine eyes. “I could definitely go for some noodles.” you say in a raspy voice. She cheers and you two begin getting ready for brunch.
While walking the streets of Jungjin, you find a corner shop called “Eonni’s noodles”. You step inside and are greeted by an older woman. “Welcome in!” she says with an energizing tone. You and Eunjeong smile and make your way to a table. While you sit down, you make eye contact with a man. He has black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a soft smile. You stare at him like a deer in headlights. He does the same back. Eunjeong looks over her shoulder and sees the man. She waves her hand in your face with furrowed eyebrows. You snap your attention back to your friend. “Y/N.. are you okay?” Your face slowly rises into a light pink. Your friend laughs and whispers. “He’s cute, don’t you think?” You look back over at him and he is still staring at you, until a middle aged man comes up and hits the boy's head with a rolled up newspaper. “Ah! Mo-tak!” the boy yells. “He is cute.” you reply through slight laughter. The older woman then comes to your table and introduces herself. “Sorry about the wait! I’m Chu Mae-ok. What can I get for you two?”
As you and Eunjeong finish slurping your noodles, you both sit back and process the delicious meal you just had. In the corner of your eye, you see the middle aged man pushing the young man out of the curtains. He comes stumbling out and fixes his clothes. He clears his throat and walks up to the table. “Hi.” he says. You and Eunjeong look at each other and you reply. “Hi.” The boy breaks eye contact for a second then takes your bowls without asking and scurries back behind the curtain. You and your friend shoot each other another look. “We didn’t even pay..” Eunjeong whispers. 10 minutes pass by with no one coming out from the curtains. You smack 25,000 won on the table and you two make your way out of the restaurant. 
While walking back to your dormitory, you get a call from your father. “I’m on the way.” you say with a shaky voice. She looks at you with concern. “I have to go.” you say. Nothing more nothing less. Your best friend has always been the understanding type. She nods and gives you a hug. You turn to leave your friend and begin jogging towards your childhood home which is just a few blocks away. As you’re running in a panic, you forgot to look before you crossed the street. All you remember is headlights and a loud horn blaring at you. 
White. White is all you see. You sit up from your lying position and are met with a young woman. “Where am I?” you say in a panic. The woman doesn’t answer you. “Am I dead?...” you yell. The woman scoffs in a playful tone. “Not exactly. You are in a coma. Right now, you are residing in Yung. A place between heaven and earth.” she explains. You smack both sides of your face and rub your eyes, hoping this is some sort of dream. You open your eyes and once again, you are met with the woman. She holds out her hand. You hesitate at first, but then take the woman's hand. She helps you up and motions for you to walk with her. Suddenly the white scene turns into an empty field. “I’m Ha-neul. Take a walk with me Y/N.” You don’t even question how she knows your name. You look around the field in confusion, slowly following behind Haneul. 
After a while of walking, she presents an option to you. “You can sign the contract and become a counter, or you will stay in your coma.” You look down, feeling defeated between the two difficult choices. The silence is louder than loud. The only voice you hear is your conscience. After a few seconds pass, which feels like hours, you blurt, “I’ll become a counter.” 
You shake Haneul’s hand and start to notice your hair curling up. You look at your hair with shock while Haneul laughs. “All counters have curly hair.” you look up at her and let out an awkward, nervous laugh. She smiles and leans in for a hug. 
Standing in the center of a noodle shop, staring at your feet, a loud voice announces “This is Y/N! Your new team member!” Chairman Choi says with excitement. You nod while keeping your head down from embarrassment. “God, this red jumpsuit is atrocious.” you think to yourself. You stay silent, zoning out at this point. The chairman gives you a hard slap on your back, making you jump and look up. Immediately you know where you are. Eonni’s noodles. After realizing everyone is wearing the same bright red jumpsuit, you lock eyes with the same young man you saw that day you went out to eat with Eunjeong. You stare at each other with wide eyes. “Do you two know each other?” Mae-ok says in a shocked stutter. You and the man say nothing. Chairman Choi breaks the loud and thick silence by introducing everyone. “This is Mae-ok, you can call her Miss Chu.” She smiles and bows. “This is Ga Mo-tak.” you recognise him. He’s the guy who hit the young boy on the head when he was staring at you. A smile appears on his face and he waves with one hand. “This is Do H-” “We met.” she says in a monotone voice. Your eyes widen once again. “Hana?” you say. She smirks and bows. “So it seems you know everyone already.” the chairman says laughing. “And this is our So-Mun.” “Finally. The handsome boy has a name afterall.” you think to yourself. You both smile at each other and then quickly look away. You bow and introduce yourself. “Hello everyone. I’m Y/N.” Everyone smiles, but the one who shines the brightest is Somun. “Let’s eat! Shall we?” Miss Chu says hurrying to the kitchen. 
Hours pass by of you and the other counters talking over noodles and soju. It’s a lot easier for you to open up when you’re intoxicated. After everyone has finally finished up their beer and noodles, Motak speaks up, “Okay, I’m gonna head to bed.” with a painfully obvious wink. The chairman and Miss Chu stand up quickly. She looks at her fake watch “Wow! Would you look at the time? You know, when you’re old you have to sleep earlier!” she says through a forced laugh, while pushing Chairman Choi out of the shop. Hana smirks and gets up without saying anything. Somun shoots them all a death stare before they can all go to their rooms. This leaves you and him alone. 
------------------—---next morning-----------------------
A loud yawn from Motak startles you awake. “Goodmorn-“ he says. Suddenly it’s silent again, nothing but the birds chirping and cars passing by on the busy street. You raise your head from the wooden table that you apparently fell asleep on and see Somun sleeping across from you. Your heart races. “Did we stay up that late last night that we couldn’t even walk to our beds?” you thought silently. You turn around and see Motak and Miss Chu standing there staring at you with their mouths open. Your eyes widen and you quickly turn around to avoid the embarrassment. Hana comes up and flicks Somun on the head. “Goodmorning, you two.” Somun looks behind his shoulder and looks at Hana in confusion. “You two?” he asks in a tired voice. She cocks her head towards you. Somun turns and is met with you, right across the table from him. He slams his head back down on the table, pretending to still be asleep, which obviously didn’t work. You laugh at his cuteness and get up to go shower. While walking away, you hear the counters footsteps scurry to the table, asking Somun a million questions. 
After your shower, you get dressed and make your way to the restaurant lobby. There sits a very scary and determined Somun. Last night, he was so cute and cheerful. But now, he looks… almost dangerous. You look around the room and see everyone zipping up their jumpsuits. Somun stands up and starts yelling, “As a way to welcome our new teammate, we are training today!” you almost laugh seeing how serious he looks but the tone in his voice is so unserious. You all get ready and make your way to the training garage. 
 It’s your first day on the job and you also don’t know your power yet. On top of that, you still have to attend school while being a counter. You walk behind the rest of the group, feeling nervous about your first day of training. Miss Chu seems to notice this and she slows down to walk at your pace, rubbing your right shoulder. “Y/N, we were all nervous when we first started. It’s okay to feel scared or even worried.” she says to reassure you. “It’s normal if you’re not the best on day one. As long as you continue to train and practice, you can do anything.” You smile and thank her for her kind and encouraging words. 
Once you all reach the training garage. Motak looks at the wall then looks at you, “You see those handprints?” he says, raising an eyebrow at you. You nod, “That blue one at the top, the one you can barely see? That’s Somuns.” You look at the hand print in shock. There’s no way anyone could reach that far up… it’s not humanly possible you think to yourself. You gulp and gather up the courage to test yourself on your first day as a counter. You look at your hands and see 5 black dots. You can feel your adrenaline pumping through your body. You’re gonna do this, and show them that they won’t regret having you as a part of their team. Motak covers your right hand in a dark purple paint. Motak, Hana, Somun and Miss Chu all watch from the sidelines as you prepare for your jump. You take a few steps back, and boom, you’re running towards the wall. You let out a loud scream and jump with all of your might. You feel like you’re flying. You have never jumped this high in your whole life, is this even possible? You land on the ground softly, and before you can even look to see how far up you made it, everyone is cheering for you. You look confused as your confidence was low, thinking you’d get maybe 5 feet off the ground if you were lucky. You tilt your head up, blocking the sun with your hand, to see your handprint just a few inches below Somuns. You stand there in awe, taking in what just happened. Everyone comes up to you and starts hugging you; Somun being the first to hug you. As soon as he touched you, you felt a spark. Not a romantic kind of spark, more like a jolt of energy. You have butterflies in your stomach and a bright smile on your face while the rest of the team joins in on the hug. 
-----——- time skip: 5 months -------——— 
You and Somun have gotten really close recently. You two do everything together. And sometimes, you two repeat the cycle of having a little too much to drink while getting lost in conversation and crashing on the wooden table. While being with Somun and the team so often, you learn that they never stop training and never let their guard down. Through all of this training for the past 5 months, you have discovered your counter power. Psychokinesis and speed. Sure, you’re not as good as Somun, but you’re a lot better than Motak. Hana and Somun were the ones who really helped you discover your talent. At first, you constantly strained yourself. Nose bleed after nose bleed. But after a while, you started to get the hang of things. You have your limits as everyone does. You still have loads of training to do, but none of this would be possible without your new family. 
 As you and Hana are cleaning up for the night, her neck twitches. You’ve been a part of the team long enough to know what this means. An evil spirit has step foot. She lets everyone know, and you all drop what you’re doing. You all run into the car, Mo tak being the driver.  “What level is it?” you ask. “Level three.” she replies. You have a moment of internal panic as you have only encountered level 1 and level 2 spirits. Somun notices that you’re feeling scared and nervous. He shyly intertwined his fingers with yours and gives you that reassuring smile that always makes you feel better. You take a deep breath and smile. What Somun doesn’t know is that he makes you 10x more nervous. His soft hand interlocked with yours gives you a sense of relief, but the dozens of butterflies dancing in your stomach say otherwise. He looks at you, “You can do this. We’ll all be by your side.” he says. You stare into his eyes, then accidentally take a glance at his lips. He seems to notice this and he lets out a light laugh and throws his head back. You have had many moments like this with him, but something about tonight is different. Maybe it’s the adrenaline rushing through your veins, or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve fallen hard for Somun. You mirror his behavior and lay your head back and try to muster up the confidence for this mission. Somun softly squeezes your hand and you reply to his action in the same manner. You stay like this until you arrive at the Jungjin Metro Station, where the level three evil spirit is. 
You all step out of the car, making your way to the ground floor of the station. There lay a woman and a child. You and Miss Chu make your way to the pair to make sure they are safe. Somun, Hana, and Motak split up to look for the spirit while you and Miss Chu take care of the pair. While carrying the mother and child, you walk up the stairs and see a man standing there. He is emitting such strong energy. An aura you have never felt in your life. You press your earpiece, “Found him.” you say. You and Miss Chu nod, knowing what to do in this situation. You run towards the spirit, attempting to lay a punch on him while Miss Chu runs out and brings the pair to safety. 
You miss your punch, as well as your balance. The spirit kicks you in the stomach, making you tumble down 2 flights of stairs. You grunt in pain and look up to see the spirit walking towards you. You didn’t know it was possible to be this strong. You are scared, and just want to lie there, but you were taught to never give up. You muster up the strength to sit up and push him away with the motion of your hand. He didn’t budge. Your eyes widen in fear as you try one more time to push him away with your psychokinetic possessed hand. This time, he flies back, but only by 2 feet. The spirit reaches out his hand and drags you. Your throat is now in the hands of a level 3 spirit. You are struggling for air, you are completely helpless as the spirit is holding you up in the air. You hang there, trying to fight him off for what felt like hours. You are about to die. You cough up blood and tears run down your face. The grip on your throat grows tighter and you close your eyes, letting out through a cracked voice “I’m sorry.” Suddenly, you can breathe. You collapse to the ground, gasping for air. You look up and see Miss Chu with a steel bar in her hand. She rushes to you to heal your throat. Just then, the spirit stands up to laugh while winding up his hand to punch the back of Miss Chu's head. You pull Miss Chu into your shoulder in an attempt to shield her from the hit. Just then, you hear footsteps. Is there another spirit? You think to yourself. You look up and in the speed of light, the spirit is hit by a force so powerful, it scares you. You and Miss Chu gasp, you look to your left, and through blurry tears, you see Somuns silhouette. Motak and Hana follow behind him. “Sorry to keep you waiting” Somun says in a cocky, but determined tone. You smile and try to speak, but your voice is completely gone. You look at Miss Chu and she hovers her hands above your throat, not having enough time to heal your stomach. You stand up and thank her. Now that your team is here, you can show your full potential with confidence. 
With speed being your strongest suit, you pounce at the spirit and land a direct kick on the side of his head. You go to strike a punch, but the spirit grabs your leg, penetrating it with a sharp butterfly knife. You scream in pain and collapse to the ground, blood pooling around your leg. Just in time, Hana quickly slides across the ground and grabs your head so it doesn’t hit the hard concrete. On the other hand, Somun is admitting such a strong and powerful energy. He drags the spirit to him, stepping on his chest. The spirit pushes Somun away with a motion of his hand. He stands up, beginning to limp away in an attempt to flee. You and Somun are the only ones who are able to stop him with psychokinesis. Somun is quick to stand back on his feet, but not quick enough; the spirit is getting away.
You notice this, and let out a loud yell, reaching out your hand. You will stop this spirit today, no matter what it takes. The spirit stops in his tracks. Your nose starts to bleed, but Motak strikes the spirit with the same metal bar. You sigh out, Hana catching you in her arms. The spirit falls to the floor. Before he can begin to laugh, Somun strikes punch after punch on the spirit. It’s bloody. You’ve seen a handful of bloody scenes, but there was so much more this time around. Somun pants, face bloody and eyebrows furrowed. You hate to admit this, but when he’s this serious and determined, you only fall harder for him. Somun gets off on top of the spirit, motioning his hand for Motak to summon it. The spirit lets out a loud scream and then collapses. You slump down, still in Hanas arms, wiping the blood from your nose. You smirk, feeling proud that you’ve defeated your first level three spirit, alongside your team. 
—------------- next morning —-------------
You wake up the next morning at around 10AM and grunt in pain, slowly sitting up while holding your stomach to look at your leg. “Feeling better?” Somun asks. You flinch and dart your eyes to him. There he is sitting next to you, holding an open book. You don’t even ask how he got in your room, you are just happy he’s there by your side. His hair is messy from not being brushed, and he’s still in his pajamas. You nod in response to his question and look curiously over at what he’s reading. “It’s called ‘The Melody of a Bird Whistle’.” He’s reading your favorite book. “I remember you saying that you enjoy when someone reads to you, and that it relaxes you. So I thought I would read a story to you to help you feel better.” he says shyly. Your heart melts at his sweetness. “Now that you mention it, the wound on my leg is closed. Was this your doing?” you ask. Somun laughs, “That’s Miss Chu’s doing.” You let out a silent ‘Ohh’ and laugh. While laughing, you grab your stomach and wince in pain. Somun places his hand on top of your free hand in a hurry, “Are you okay? You shouldn’t be laughing too much” he says. Your face lights up with a shade of red. “Yes, I’m okay. Thank you Somun. I can ask Miss Chu to heal my stomach.” After you assure him that you are okay, you expect him to move his hand away from yours out of relief, but instead he keeps in there, looking into your eyes. You look at him with a slight turn of your neck and furrowed eyebrows. “What?” you ask him. Somun looks away shyly. “You…” you tilt your head further “You look beautiful.” Your heart skips a beat at his words. This is so odd coming from him. Somun has always been kind towards you, but you’ve never seen him this sentimental or even affectionate. Maybe seeing you last night worried him. You are always worrying about him since he’s the strongest on the team. You smile, but before you can say anything, Somun slightly leans in while looking at your lips. You take a moment, but you lean in as well. The atmosphere is thick, but you feel so comfortable and safe with him by your side. “This is it! He’s going to kiss me!” you think silently. Just after you close your eyes, the door bursts open.
 “Goodmorning, sleepy heads!” Chairman Choi walks in interrupting your moment. You two pull away, before your lips can even touch. Choi yells and slams the door. He’s apologizing outside of the door. Miss Chu and Motak rush out, thinking something serious has happened. You hear the muffled voices of the adults outside the door. “They-They we’re about to kiss!” the Chairman yells out. Miss Chu and Motak yell in unison. “WHAT?” you can hear them scurrying around in a panic. You and Somun stare blankly at each other, then let out a silent laugh. You two take a moment to collect yourselves. He then helps you out of bed to have Miss Chu heal your stomach. Stepping out, Miss Chu starts apologizing over and over again. “Ah! I’m so sorry Y/N! I totally forgot about your stomach, I’ll-” you cut her off. “It’s okay Miss Chu. Thank you for everything.” Miss Chu smiles, then places her hands over your stomach. You whine as you can feel the bones in your ribcage mending back together. About 20 seconds pass by and you are back to normal. “Thank you Miss Chu! What would I do without you?” you say through a smile. She then gives you a hug and pats your head, “Let’s eat breakfast now that you’re awake!” 
Chairman Choi sits the final plate on the table and then takes a seat. The air is insanely thick. Hana is out this morning on a 10 mile run, so this leaves you, Somun and the adults. You all eat in silence, contradictory to the loud and energetic meals you all normally have. “Kids.” Motak speaks up after about 15 minutes of silence. You and Somun both look up from your bowls. Even though you two are both 20 years old, to Motak, you two are babies. You for sure thought you were gonna be in trouble. “You two go out and spend the day together. If any spirits come, we will take care of them.” he says. You won’t reject this offer. Usually Motak is very serious about everyone being at the noodle shop, ready to fight whenever. You and Somun nod slowly, in slight confusion, but stand up to walk to your rooms to begin getting ready for your first official date. 
You walk inside and immediately head to your vanity desk. While picking up your brushes you realize that Somun has never seen you with makeup, let alone any of the counters. You turn on your favorite song and begin your makeup. “Perfect!” you say while applying the last swipe of lip gloss. You smile at yourself in the mirror and play with your hair to make sure you have no flyaways. You want to impress him, and make sure you two have a good night. You give yourself one final smile in the mirror and head towards your closet. It’s early spring, so you choose to wear a black skirt, a black and white striped sweater, and knee high boots. It’ll keep you warm but not too warm. You walk over and spray your favorite perfume and throw on some minimal jewelry to compliment the outfit. You take one final glance in the mirror. You haven’t felt beautiful ever since you started this job. Usually you are all cut up and worn out. But today, you finally have the chance to treat and care for yourself. You take a deep breath in, and as soon as you exhale there’s a knock on your door. You didn’t feel nervous until you heard the knock. You take one more breath and reach for the handle. You open it up and see Somun standing, waiting for you. You two stare at each other then smile. Miss Chu and Motak are not-so-secretly watching behind the kitchen curtains. “You look nice.” you speak up. Somun smiles and throws his head down. “You look beautiful.” he says to you with glistening eyes. “Way to one up me!” you say jokingly. He laughs and motions for you to follow him. “Motak and Miss Chu, we see you staring at us!” you yell across the lobby. They quickly shut the curtains, pretending like nothing happened. “Okay okay, we’ll see you later!” Somun shouts. “Have fun and be safe!” Miss Chu says through the curtains. You and Somun nod and make your way out onto the busy streets of Jungjin. 
You and Somun find yourself walking around a modern art museum, admiring the art. You recommended this, knowing how much he loves to draw. After walking and talking for hours at the art gallery, listening to Somun explain every painting in immense detail, you are starting to feel tired. You have the idea to go to a cafe and sit down for a bit over coffee. He nods in agreement and you walk to the nearest coffee shop you see. 
Time flies by when you’re with Somun. The 3 hours at the art gallery and the 3 hours you’ve spent talking with each other has felt like 5 minutes. You notice the sun starting to set. “Somun, should we head home? It’s starting to get late.” you suggest. “I have one more place I want to go.” You nod your head and follow him out of the cafe doors. 
“Where are we going? We’ve been walking for 30 minutes, and these shoes are really uncomfortable” you whine. Somun laughs, “Don’t worry, we are almost there. Cover your eyes.” You are confused, “Why do I have to cover my eyes? It’s already dark out.” you complain. “Shh, just trust me.” Somun says putting both of his hands over your eyes. You sigh and continue walking for about another 2 minutes until Somun stops. “We’re here.” he whispers. You feel hesitant to open your eyes, you have no clue where you could be. He notices this. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Just open your eyes.” 
You open your eyes and are met with the beautiful shining skyline of Jungjin. You gasp and turn towards Somun smiling. You turn your attention back towards the city, admiring its beauty. Somun is admiring you and how happy you look. He suddenly grabs your hand and leads you to the top of a rock. Where did this sudden confidence come from? You ask yourself. But hey, you won’t complain. You two sit down on the ledge of the rock, admiring your hometown. You have never seen something this beautiful before. Tears start to fill your eyes. “Thank you, Somun.” you say turning to him. Somun smiles, looking into your eyes. You two lock eye contact, and you both start to gravitate towards each other. Somun cups your cheek with his hand and presses his lips against yours. You cup his hand with your own and kiss him back. He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you about something.” he says in a raspy whisper. You tilt your head replying, “What is it?” Somun looks away at the city for a few seconds and back at you, grabbing your hands in his. “I like you… a lot.” he says. Your heart skips a beat and you look at him with wide eyes. You quickly grab his face and lean in, smashing your lips against his. His hand is under your ear as you two share this passionate experience. You pull away this time, “Somun. I’ve liked you since day 1. When me and Eunjeong came into the shop. I was head over heels for you at first glance.” you confess. Somun blushes and tilts his head back. “I did too. Motak and Hana wouldn’t stop teasing me for the rest of the day.” he says. You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder. “I like you so much.” he confesses again. He kisses your forehead, then stands up, reaching out his hand. You accept his hand and you two begin walking home, fingers intertwined. 
---—————- next morning —------———-
You wake up the next morning with Somun cuddled against you. You turn your head and admire him. You smile and place a soft kiss on his lips before getting up to head to the kitchen. When you open the door, Miss Chu, Motak and Hana all come falling in. You stare at them laying by your feet. “Woah! How did we end up here?” Motak asks in an attempt to save themselves from their stalker-ish tendencies. You are surprised to see Hana there as well. “Good Morning guys.” you say in a flat voice. “Ah, Ah! Good Morning!” Miss Chu says while getting to her feet. “We didn’t hear you come in last night, we just wanted to check up and make sure you and Somun were okay!” You laugh and roll your eyes. “Yes Miss Chu, the date went well.” you say. She looks at you awkwardly as they all scurry away. You laugh as you follow them into the kitchen for breakfast. Miss Chu has prepared Gyeran bap, one of your favorite dishes. You all sit down and begin eating when you all hear a door creak open. There stands Somun with squinted eyes and messy hair. You can’t help but laugh at his cuteness. But you look around and notice everyone also staring at him. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion until you glance at him one more time. Red lipstick is smeared all over his face. Motak and Hana bust out laughing and you cover your face out of embarrassment. “I guess the date did go well!” Motak exclaims while giving Miss Chu a high five. Somun tilts his head then turns to the mirror beside him. His eyes widen and his face immediately turns red. He runs back into your room and slams the door. Through laughter, Motak raises your hand and yells, “Congrats to our new couple!” you shove your face into the table to avoid the embarrassment once again. 
Somun walks out again, lip stick free, “Are you guys bothering my girlfriend?” he asks. You two didn’t have the official “boyfriend and girlfriend” talk but it’s pretty obvious what you two are after last night's confession. The table swoons “Ooooo” and you keep your face hidden. Somun walks up to you and places a kiss on the hands that are covering your red face. “Yes everyone, the date went well. Y/N is my girlfriend.” he speaks up. You love Somuns confidence, but at times like this, you hate it. You eventually remove your hands from your face and look at everyone. You expected them to be laughing in your face saying things like “You’re dating THAT?” but instead you find them smiling and supporting you two. “You guys are cute.” Hana speaks up. Hana is not the type to express emotion, so when she does, you know that it’s genuine. Motak pats Somuns back with a little too much force and laughs. You stand up and motion for Somun to take a seat. He sits down and you walk to the kitchen to get him some breakfast. You sit the bowl down on the table and rub his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek, in hopes of embarrassing him. “Here you go, my love.” you say. The table swoons again and Somun whines out in embarrassment. You laugh and sit down, joining everyone for breakfast.
You feel safe and supported when with your team. You are beyond lucky to have met such wonderful people. But, you are particularly grateful to have met Somun, your boyfriend. They welcomed you in with open arms and stuck to their word to protect you. They have saved your life countless times, but you wouldn’t trade the world for it. You save others and this is what makes you happy. But you’re glad that you have a loving and supporting family beside you. 
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 4 months
Give me a High School AU!
The Batch are all sophomores, the original 4 are bros. Echo & Fives are their cousins that moved in with them.
Omega and Boba are freshmen. And have the worst sibling rivalry.
The "show the new kids around" is what gets Omega into the friend group. Hunter has to show her around, make sure she knows where everything is, etc. Fennec does the same for Boba.
Every school has to have a sport to obsess over, and I'm choosing soccer. Jango is the coach, he is tired of wrangling the Kamino Kraken.
This inevitably leads to Crosshair yelling "TECH WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY SHINGUARDS?!"
Hunter tried to flirt with Fennec and she slapped him.
Tech is having trouble asking out this cute girl who flirted with him and Crosshair says: "Ask Hunter if you wanna know what not to do."
Phee is that girl. The cool, doesn't-give-a-shit-what-you-think, skateboards-to-school girl.
Tech ends up with the bright idea of learning to skateboard. Everyone else is completely on board because they want to see him fail miserably.
It actually ends up working and Phee notices him, just not in the way Tech intended.
Tech, after falling flat on his face at the skate park: ...owwww Phee, who witnessed the whole thing: *runs over and kneels next to him* Holy shit, are you okay?! Tech: *looks up* *flustered stuttering* Phee: Hey Brown Eyes, I asked if you're okay? Tech: ...um...just a few scrapes...um...uh... Crosshair, standing behind the fence of the skate park: *hands Fives 10 bucks* Well, she did notice him. Fives: Just not in the way he meant.
Tech: Dumbest scar stories, go! Hunter: I burned my tongue once drinking coffee. Omega: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned. Echo: I have a piece of graphite in my leg from when Fives accidentally stabbed me with a pencil in the first grade. Wrecker: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Crosshair: I have emotional scars.
Hunter: Is it still visible? Where Fennec slapped me? Omega: Your face looks like a don't walk signal. Tech: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box. Crosshair: A palm reader could tell Fennec's future by looking at your face. Fives: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face. Hunter: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
*while waiting outside the principal's office* Crosshair: What are you in for? Fixer: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you? Crosshair: I stabbed a kid with a pencil. Fixer: Fixer: Fixer: We live very different lives. Crosshair: Yes we do.
Hunter, near tears: I have the sex appeal of a math book! Crosshair: I don’t know, dude, I've never met anyone besides Tech that opened a math book and didn't say “fuck me”.
Hunter: We all have our demons. Omega, grabbing Boba: This one’s mine!
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jellyjays · 5 months
kung lao in the spider-monk au
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none of this super awesome epic story will make sense without PART 1 !!! explains how liu kang became spiderman
all story below the readmore VVV
when liu leaves for america, lao is hurt. he knows, logically, that raiden is the one to blame, but liu didn't even fight to stay or take lao with him.
and then deadpool comes along.
the vigilante slash mercenary is just stopping by, purely coincidence. decided he wanted to see the place. kung lao, of course, was naturally curious, and approched to say hello. to his surprise, deadpool is fluent in mandarin, and they strike up a lengthy conversation about their different lives. at one point, deadpool mentions "his spider-monk back home". kung lao naturally asks about it.
deadpool pulls out his phone, and pulls up a selfie of him and spidey- spidey's mask is half- up his face, and he's in the middle of trying to eat a taquito. deadpool is going on about the selfie, but.. kung lao is focused on the face. the lips of this 'spidey'. they have the exact two matching scars that liu's lips have, from when they were 8 and had the brilliant idea to get into body modification. it's the same mouth kung lao has seen scarfing down soup after training that reaches for a bit of taquito in the picture.
deadpool realises after a few seconds of silence that kung lao is in shock. and then that kung lao is crying. oh, shit.
kung lao spills immediately. he's ranting. he's raving.
HOW could liu do this?? first, leave without a hint of remorse to america of all places, second, start taking up dangerous hobbies, and third, NEVER FUCKING TELL HIM????? what was he thinking!? the idiot will get himself killed doing stupid shit without kung lao there.
deadpool offers the condolence that "he's definitely guilty about it, and i know he misses you. assuming, here, that you're the 'other half' he's always waxing poetic about."
and then, because he's an agent of chaos, deadpool offers payback: a secret to keep from liu. that way they're even. deadpool can offer training. (aka, wade really likes this kid and wants an excuse to hang about)
lao accepts immediately.
it's the next month that sees good news finally arrive-- in the best decision he's made since the 18th century, raiden is sending kung lao overseas to be with liu kang.
kung lao moves in on liu's last day of school.
raiden never told liu that lao was coming. liu kang comes home to find lao standing in the flat, like an idiot, staring at the doorway.
hugs. embraces.
then kung lao gives liu the tongue-lashing of the century. liu, fully aware at this point he's been a dick, takes it. then they hug again.
they spend the entire summer break together causing chaos in NYC, finally back together again, the dynamic duo.
and then liu discovers kung lao's secret-
not only has kung lao been training with deadpool, he's started his own stint as a vigilante.
needless to say, the fight that ensues is a whirlwind of huge, horrible emotions, name-calling, blame-throwing, and hurtful words.
they've made up by the end of the night anyway, because they both get miserably sad when they're mad at each other. unfortunately, their solution to the newfound power imbalance they've correctly identified as the unfair factor is possibly the dumbest plan any teenage vigilante has EVER thought of.
they're going to infiltrate oscorp, steal one of those fancy spiders that bit liu, have it bite lao so he has powers too, and then be on their merry way.
and they do it. and it fucking works. by some miracle, it works. peter and ned, now in on the secret, are their guys in the chair. mj is their strategist. they infiltrate, they steal, they escape, and oscorp are none the wiser. and even more miraculous, the spider doesn't kill kung lao.
kung lao develops powers, though they're slightly different from liu's-- he can't stick to things, and he isn't quite as strong. however, his regeneration is more comparable to deadpool's than to liu's, and he's got bones of steel-- he's practically impossible to hurt now. fitting.
and so he takes his RIGHTFUL place at liu's side as an equal vigilante, and after they're out of their month-long grounding for pulling that stunt without telling matt anything, they're a veritable vigilante family. matt is trying to obtain legal guardianship over them, and they're fine with that.
(lao, as a vigilante, calls himself styx. he's visually not a successor to deadpool, but when you see him on the field, deadpool's humor and violent tendencies have very much rubbed off on him.)
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Common Sense Kings Headcanons
(Angst-free only.)
As a Whole:
"Common Sense" is a lie. They share one braincell and Kan keeps it in the confiscated phones drawer. (He hasn't trusted them since the Incident. No, I will not elaborate.)
They're all great swimmers, except Tsuburaba. The kanji in Awase's name all relate to water — bubbles, rapids, ocean, and snow; Kaibara is definitely the type to use his Quirk as a boost (and it just seems helpful in general); and for Rin, Chinese dragons are associated with water, unlike Western ones. Tsuburaba, meanwhile, is mostly associated with air.
Video game nights usually end in disaster. That's why they mostly play Mario Kart, the least rage-inducing game ever.
Sometimes, he Welds together little mixed media sculptures. Metal bits, googly eyes, Rin's scales, that sort of thing. He isn't very good at it, but then, he doesn't have to be. It sparks joy.
Also decent with mechanics. He, Yaoyorozu, and Hatsume would make a great team.
Has a lot of scars from all the dumb shit he's done over the years — and he's proud of every single one of them. Even the dumbest ones. It inadvertently helps some of his friends feel better about their own.
Cheats at origami.
Loves green tea. This is based on two puns: Sencha (煎茶), the most popular green tea in Japan, and chasen (茶筅), the bamboo whisk used to make matcha. (There are so many puns you can make on the name Sen, it's great.)
The best dancer of the four — or, the only good dancer. The other three suck.
A contortionist in every way except professionally, with no qualms about showing it off. He's got the most fucked-up joints you've ever seen. He can even turn his head around like an owl. Fear him. (Seriously, look up contortionists, they're awesome.)
Has the spice tolerance of a wet chicken nugget. You could kill him with a singular Dorito. The other three refuse to let him live this down.
Obsessed with practical effects in movies and plays. Props, clever set design, you name it. He's even experimented with using his Solid Air for something similar, though he hasn't done it in a while. In a movie production AU, he'd definitely be in charge of that.
When Kan doesn't have it, Tsuburaba holds the braincell. He's objectively a terrible choice, yes, but process of elimination rules. And yes, this is because of the Incident.
Many thoughts, head still empty for some reason.
His favorite animal is the koi fish.
Almost won the class representative election purely by promising to teach the class Mandarin swear words. Kan was not happy.
Can and will make up a bullshit idiom. What are you gonna do about it? Fact-check him? Take your phone out and Google it? In front of the teacher?
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celestiachan · 4 days
quotev is DEAD. it's DYING. the people who work there made the dumbest decision ever. have a oneshot i put on there. this was written a long ass time ago
(TW for murder and description of a dead body)
In the middle of nowhere, next to a lake, two bright green beams flashed from the eyes of an orange-haired boy. At the receiving end of the beams stood a man with a black band on each wrist. Well, "stood" isn't exactly accurate. Before his brain could comprehend what was happening, the beams shoved his body backwards, dragging it through the dirt. Once that was done, the flashes exploded, and that was the end of his consciousness.
In the middle of nowhere, next to a lake, a tall woman was taking a leisurely stroll. Her long, messy, dark grey hair contrasted with her suit, which was missing its jacket. Eventually, her feet found their way to a relatively small crater. At the center of that crater laid a man with a black band on each wrist. Some of his limbs were bent in ways that seemed unnatural, and his skin was covered in bruises and green scars, but his chest appeared to be rising and falling, as though he were sleeping peacefully. As if on cue, his previously closed eyes opened. They squinted at the harsh light of the now-setting sun.
"Wh...what happened?"
Oh, God, it hurts to talk.
That was the last thing he thought before yet another beam was shot directly at him, this time sending him into an eternal sleep.
In a large facility, far away from a lake, a man with a white hoodie was frozen in midair. His hoodie would've blended perfectly with his surrounding if his hoodie was a true white. All around him, floor, ceiling, and walls, were almost glowing white. It was like the harsh glow of a fluorescent light, but entirely surrounding him, and without the yellow tinge. A fluorescent light would've been more comforting, in his opinion, as the buzzing of one would help him maintain his sanity, even if it was only a little more than what he currently had. The area he was in was dead quiet. He couldn't even hear the sound of his own breathing. The best he could do to attempt to stay sane was remember times when he could hear. Times when he was trying to sleep, but he could hear his roommate up late, tinkering away on the balcony.
His roommate...
If his body were not unnaturally still, his eyes would have begun watering. Perhaps it would be better to try to remember something else for now.
Was that a hallucination, or had he just heard something?
His eyes would've widened were he not paused. Before him, a see-through rectangle was formed. Through it, he could see two tall women. One with sunglasses, a black turtleneck, and military cut who had some sort of dark grey...bar? thing? hovering above her wrist. The other was an even taller woman with long, messy, dark grey hair and a dark grey button-up.
"Unpause him," the taller one commanded.
Ow. Apparently the stark-white floor beneath him was an actual floor. The more you learn and shit.
"So, The Chosen One," the taller one started, startling him.
"I'm sure you remember a few years ago when that little friend of yours got blasted by that other little friend of yours." She stepped closer to Chosen's blinding white enclosure, his instincts causing him to slightly stumble backwards.
"You've been wondering how he's been, haven't you? It's been so long, it's hard to imagine that you don't miss him a little." Her facial expression was neutral, but it was very obviously hiding a grin underneath. "Well, luckily for you, I found him just the other day."
She turned to her shorter companion, mouthing something that Chosen couldn't decipher. The woman in the turtleneck turned and walked away.
The woman with messy hair turned her gaze back in Chosen's direction. Her smile was barely hidden now. "Just wait a few. You're going to love this."
The woman in the turtleneck came back, and she was carrying...no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Horrible memories flashed in his head of a boy, young enough to be his son...doing whatever it is he did to his roommate. The horrible bright green flashes alone were enough to send a squirm down his spine.
This was even worse.
His eyes were open and completely lifeless. His limbs and spine were bent in ways that Chosen hadn't ever seen before. A large rip made its way down his red sweater, revealing a bright green gash with dried-up blood inside it. Chosen's stomach churned as he realised he could see a bone inside it. From Chosen's angle, and because the window was not floor-to-ceiling, he could not see anything below the waist. He silently thanked whatever higher power may exist for that.
Without realising, Chosen's body had completely sunk to the floor. His sobs rang out through his enclosure, and a little through the grey room the two women were standing in. He only began to realise that he was crying when it became so intense that it affected his breathing.
The taller woman snapped her fingers, and just like that, the woman in the turtleneck threw his body to the side, outside of Chosen's vision.
"So, was it nice to see him again?" The woman in the button-up chuckled. Chosen glared up at her. She glanced down at him, still smiling. "Hey, don't get mad at me. I didn't hurt him. It was the orange one who did that to him."
The...orange one?
"What is his name?" Chosen asked. Apparently when you don't use your throat for God knows how long, your voice becomes incredibly raspy and it hurts to talk. Ow.
"The Second Coming," a voice said. Chosen couldn't tell where it was coming from.
"The Second Coming..." Chosen couldn't tell whether he thought those words or spoke them.
"I'm going to kill him."
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kankuroplease · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for the senju bros in knfau
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The bros be broing
Growing up, kawarama was the “psst! are you still awake?” Brother
Tobirama was the “shut up!” Brother
Itama was the one telling them they would wake up dad if they weren’t quiet which of course they weren’t
Hashirama slept through most of it
Tobirama took the blame if they woke up their parents
They made faces at each other when their father would rant and have his back turned to them. With Tobirama evil eyeing them for being disrespectful
All of them favored their over their father, which made her death really hard on them. In this AU she died saving Itama
It’s left Itama with a lot of guilt
Although she was a shinobi just like their father, she was a lot more patient with them and still treated them like her children, not just tools of war
They argued a lot over the dumbest things and their mother would just say “that’s your brother, be kind”
Completely a given, but Tobirama exercises critical thinking more than his brothers
And that  infuriates him. No Hashirama, that idea isn’t smart. No Kawarama, rushing in to battle isn’t a strategy. No Itama, you can’t sit this one out. Why are you all like this?
He’s harder on Itama than any of his brothers because the man still cries openly at times and he genuinely worried about him making himself a target or choking in a fight. Toughen up 💀
Tobirama enjoys missions with Kawarama more because he sticks to the plan and doesn’t ever complain about it
Because of this, the two train and spar together a lot
Hates it when they get drunk because they tend to mimic him and his seriousness not saying he’s water blasted them for this… but disrespect is dealt with promptly
Hashirama is the brother everyone vents to, for better or worse. He loves that they trust him enough to tell him whats troubling them
He’s also the one that comes knocking for boys nights with alcohol and gambling in town
him and kawarama have to pry Tobirama off the door frame to get him to go with them most nights, but they end up having fun
He officiated all their weddings too. Proud big brother moment 🥳
Kawarama tends to feel antsy if he’s not busy working, training, or fighting
So he’s some what of prankster to pass time
He’s also the one with the biggest appetite
Like Hashirama, he’s got faith in the Konoha + Uchiha. Managing to make a few friends in the Uchiha is his bragging rights
Wraps his scars because he has a lot of them and he’s trying to look less “scary” after they made some kids cry
Itama, the soft hearted armorer
He doesn’t have many friends outside his brothers because he keeps to himself
He’s constantly trying to keep a low profile
Doesn’t think he deserves nice things but will give the shirt off his back if someone needs it
Self loathing plagues him still some days. Has crescent scars on his palms from balling his fists to hard durning a particular rough scolding from their father
Likes flowers and will pick some fresh wild ones to place in jars in his room.
Uses the fact that people underestimate him to his advantage, because he’s still a well trained Senju and deadly
They all make big deals out of each other’s birthdays and will be bummed if they have to miss it. So they can expect a do-over birthday at some point when they’re all in town
All of them have loud laughs, including Tobirama (you just have to work for more than a low chuckle with him)
Itama and Tobirama are the most wary of Madara and Hashirama’s friendship
Hashirama and Kawarama have a ton of inside jokes
all and some sweet and funny bros to witness together
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simpforchuchu · 10 months
Yasushi x Childhood Friend
a/n: Hello! I totally forgot the ending and wrote it different :(But hope you like it ❤️🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: just fighting and usual hnl warnings, angat to fluff i guess
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When the young girl ran into Oya High School, she saw that the high school was very quiet. As she headed for the stairs to the roof, there were voices of arguing from above. Overhearing the conversation, she had heard that the Oya students were going to fight for Tsukasa and everyone else tomorrow. And of course she wanted to go too.
As She excitedly climbed into the roof, she realized that everyone had scars and they were fewer than usual.
She thought there must be some seriously injured like Kiyoshi…
Yasushi moved towards her with the arrival of his childhood friend and looked at her worried face. Y/n noticed that he too had scars on his face. Oya must have had a pretty rough day.
“Yasushi… is Kiyoshi okay?”
With y/n's timid voice, Yasushi nodded and stroked y/n's hair.
“Don't worry, he's in the hospital, but he's fine.We just talked.”
Y/n nodded and looked around. She sighed and shook her head.
"Tomorrow we have to make them pay for what they did."
Fujio nodded his head resolutely while Yasushi asked with one eyebrow raised.
“We? You're not going anywhere y/n!”
Yasushi lowered his tone when he realized how harsh his voice was.
“Stay in the hospital with Kiyoshi. He will try to come to the fight.”
Y/n was a little startled when Yasushi raised his voice, but she didn't want to step back. Her friend was hurt, she was going to make them pay for it. But because she didn't want to fight with Yasushi, she pretended to agree.
The young girl slowly nodded and smiled,
“I will stay with Kiyoshi, but be careful please. All of you."
Yasushi nodded his head, patted the young girl's head and smiled.
"I'll show them what it's like to mess with us, don't worry."
The young girl covered her face with a mask and wore a black sweatshirt with a hood. Even though she looked like an Oya High student, someone could recognize her. That's why she was standing quite far behind.
Everything was normal when the fight started.She fought really well for a while. But when stronger rivals came up against her, she started to struggle.
After a while, she fell to the ground with a hard punch to her face. And her mask fell...
Seeing that it was a girl in the fight, her opponent looked at her in surprise, y/n was holding her stomach in pain.
When Yasushi turned his head away, he went mad when he saw the young girl.
“Y/n? Y/N!”
Yasushi didn't know how he got there. He pushed the boy who was approaching Y/n hard and looked at the young girl.
Y/n looked at Yasushi in horror. She was sure he would yell at her when she saw him walking towards her, and he looked frightening.
Yasushi, on the other hand, had protected her from the glass bottle thrown at the young girl as a shield at the last moment.
Even though Nakaoka didn't understand what was going on, when he rushed there to protect Yasushi, Yasushi stood up and dragged y/n to a safe place.
The young girl was scared. Yasushi looked very angry. But what she didn't know was that Yasushi was just afraid something would happen to her.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing? What are you doing here y/n?!”
Y/n was startled when the young boy shouted.
“Coming into a fight like this… That was the dumbest thing you ever did! How could you not think about it?"
The young girl spoke with fear
"I just wanted to help-"
Yasushi was even more enraged. He couldn't control his voice.
“You could have been hurt! You could even die! Do you think this is a game y/n?!”
Y/n couldn't take it anymore and wanted to defend herself.
“I can fight too. I may not be as strong as you, but this is-"
Yasushi looked at the young girl with disappointment.
“It's not about whether you're strong or weak y/n!”
Y/n looked at the boy in surprise. Yasushi took a deep breath and approached the young girl. He rested his head on her shoulder and spoke in a low voice.
“I don't care if you're strong or not y/n. I don't want you in my world."
Y/n looked at the boy on her shoulder in surprise. Doesnt he want her anymore? Her eyes were filled with tears. She asked with a trembling voice.
“This… what does that mean? Don't you want to see me anymore?"
When Yasushi heard the trembling and broken voice of the young girl, he lifted his head and looked into her eyes.
“Kiyoshi is in the hospital. Do you know how scared I am? I was scared to death y/n! I didn't want you to come to the fight because I was afraid something would happen to you. I almost lost Kiyoshi…”
“I am so afraid of losing you two, y/n. You are my everything.”
Y/n looked at the young boy in surprise.Yasushi would never say how he felt.
The young girl slowly approached him and reached out and took the young boy's hand.
“I don't find you weak y/n but when I saw you on the ground I thought my heart would stop. These bastards fight dirty-"
"I am sorry."
Yasushi looked at her in surprise when the young girl apologized.
"I am sorry. I didn't want to scare you. You are right."
Yasushi quickly shook his head.
"I don't want to be right, I want you to be by my side all the time."
When Yasushi realized what he was saying, he knew it was too late. But he didn't care. He took the hand of the young girl who was holding his hand in both of his palms and looked into her eyes.
“I want you to always be by my side, to hold my hand. Would you like to date with me ?"
When Yasushi nervously looked at the young girl, y/n smiled softly then grinned. Yasushi froze for a few seconds as she nodded and hugged the boy tightly. But right after, he chuckled and turned the young girl around.
They had completely forgotten about the fight…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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angelynmoon · 1 year
"Sorry to interrupt the concert," Steve starts as he stands on the stage, Corroded Coffin's band frowning in confusion as a hat wearing boy walks over to Eddie and starts messing with his clothes, "but Eddie has no sense for dates and the official we hired is refusing to reschedule."
Steve pauses long enough to glance at a suddenly pale Eddie.
"So, as long as you don't mind, I'd like to get married to the dumbest rockstar on the planet, preferably tonight." Steve tells them.
It takes a moment for understanding to sink in but when it does they shreek with approval.
Within moments the crowd has shifted so there is a clear path in the middle and someone grabs Steve from the stage and crowd surfs him to the far end as Eddie's people take the stage and set up like this was a given, the official scowling as he stands next to Eddie and the boy they know as Dustin, one of Eddie's biggest fans, or, in certain circles, his favorite child.
The band shares a look before they begin to play, it's a song that has never been played in concert before, softer than any song Corroded Coffin has ever played, it sounds almost like a lullaby and the crowd feels undeniably privledged to be part of this moment as Steve walks towards the stage
It's only when he gets closer that he realizes that the stairs are off to the side and he starts to veer towards them only to be blocked.
When he reaches the stage several of Eddie's fans kneel and help steady him as he uses their bent knees as steps, as they offer their shoulders to lift him up to the man tat holds his hand out to him to lift him up onto the stage and leads them to the official that waits for them.
And in the silence Eddie's mic picks up their vows of devotion, through hell and bat bites, through comas and recovery, and promises to love one another through accusations of murder and being a cult leader.
And Eddie and Steve vow forever on a stage in the middle of a concert during Corroded Coffin's first big tour, surrounded by their family and the fans that would eventually be friends, because Eddie would never forget the men and women who handed his fiance up to him, who didn't mind that the concert they paid for was interrupted so he could get married to the man he had loved long before said man carried him out of hell after breaking his ribs to restart his heart, a heart he'd promised would only ever beat for him.
And if he smiled when he noticed how his older fans steered his Steve away from the young kids that were copying his husband's style, if he followed the wave that happened that drew his gaze directly passed all those young ones that never had a chance to where his husband danced with their youngest child along to the beat that thrummed through the venue, well, Eddie was a smart enough man to know exactly what those children wanted.
It was too bad that none of them could hold a candle to the man that had saved his life, who had held his hand through a coma and the long painful recovery that followed, who kissed his scars and still got angry at him occasionally for being a hero after he'd told him not to be, who'd throw his balled up dirty socks at his head and told him to do the goddamned laundry, who kissed him in the glow of a movie they'd seen a thousand times, who dragged him into a fancy dance when he came home from recording another song for an album, who loved listening to him play him to sleep but never asked him to.
No, the kids wouldn't understand that there were some loves that happened only once in a lifetime, and how lucky it was that Eddie got the chance to be part of it.
A/n: that wedding excerpt that I didn't promise you but wanted to be written.
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what the poets are like when they are sick except i’m right bc i know them personally
i’m bored and have extreme writers block, so here ya go, do with this what you will.
Neil does not get sick often but when he does, its Bad™️
It starts small, usually a throat tickle but by the end of the day, he’s beaten to a pulp by a virus
He gets bad fevers but he always claims it’s because he runs warm (and he does, so fair point)
Neil gets eerily quiet - like you would almost swear he was dead from not talking so much
He becomes a completely different person, a shadow of himself. He hardly smiles, hardly laughs. He’s miserable.
He’s also extremely touch-starved and even though he won’t ask for them, cuddles are welcome despite a very weak protest of “I don’t want you to catch this”
He hates medicine - it tastes like crap
will come to class sick and even went to rehearsal w/ the flu at one point - he passed out
it takes him a while to get over something, usually a week or so before he can shake something entirely
Todd has the WORST immune system in the world like a sickly Victorian child with consumption does not compare to him
You cannot even BREATHE in Todd’s direction after getting over a cold because Todd will catch it and it will be bad
Todd always got sick growing up but his parents thought it would go away growing up - they have never been more wrong
Todd likes to burrito himself in blankets because he runs extremely cold
Usually the first of the poets to get sick and then he gives his germs to Neil then Neil gives it to the others
Likes getting “Get Well Soon” cards
Inhales chicken noodle soup as if his life depended on it
congestion is the worst for him and he sounds very funny when he talks (neil thinks it’s cute)
likes being sung to sleep
when i say dramatic, i really mean dramatic. very over the top.
sneezes snot rockets and its digusting
refuses medicine like a child
“you have to sweat it out”
gets sick from doing the dumbest things like jumping into cold water
just wants to be held but masks it over comedic exaggeration
his mom always took care of him when he fell ill, so really late at night if a headache or something is keeping him up, he cries because he’s homesick and wishes she was taking care of him
consumes cough drops like candy (he definitely's shouldn't be but he does b/c cameron just lets him and stopped trying to stop it a longgg time ago)
out of all the poets, knox has the strongest immune system
he has terrible seasonal allergies tho, they're worse in the spring
the worst he's gotten sick was a bout of appendicitis where it DID burst and he nearly died
he thinks the scar makes him look cool (it doesn't)
he's usually the one making the soup runs and midnight trips to walgreens for the tylenol & ibuprofen
if knox does happen to get a passing virus, it ALWAYS lasts for no more than 24 hours
he acts completely normal, like up and walking around, functioning like a normal person
hates being coddled and he smacks people's hands away when they try to feel for a temperature
the biggest symptom he gets is a terrible cough (you can hear what's in his lungs and it's horrendous)
he overheats but doesn't get freezing like todd
he hates to be alone when he's sick, he starts to get very anxious
has no appetite at all whether it's a minor cold or full blown stomach flu he just can't stomach more than an apple and some water
had to get his tonsils taken out and instead of being miserable, he was happy he got to eat popsicles
while ear infections are more common among little kids, he's always managed to get one at least once a year
like knox, he never gets sick easily but when it does hit him, it's nothing too bad
has an extreme fear of needles and the doctor's office. he once became seriously feverish and delirious and when the poets tried taking him to the clinic at welton, he kicked charlie in the stomach for trying to move him. he still feels bad about it despite his memory of it being fuzzy
always loses his voice and has a special notebook he writes in when he needs to communicate with people
does not have the strongest immune system and gets sick abnormal times
develops stress fevers and getting him to lay down is quite a challenge
like neil, meeks will come to class sick and will pass out in the middle of a lesson
when he finally is confined to bed rest, he always has a book or some kind of brain teasers w/ him
honey lemon tea becomes his very best friend during his course of illness
usually the one diagnosing himself or his friends (actually owns a stethoscope he got from a friend of his dad's)
always brings a first aid kit to the poet cave b/c jagged rocks and risk of infection
he always sounds terrible, the congestion is even worse than todd's
always gets extreme migraines that make him cry
also bitches and moans when he gets sick - he and charlie are far more alike than he thinks
is the pretentious kid with a bell who rings for service - charlie chucked it out their window
uses absence as just one really long study hall and finishes all his homework AND manages to get ahead
when he comes back from being sick he always asks "didja miss me?" everyone says no (in a joking way but charlie actually means it)
doesn't get too terribly sick and not too often
when he does get sick, dizzy spells are the worst for him
like pitts, he always loses his voice no matter the scenario
actually hates drinking tea and will just pour honey straight down his throat
has a favorite medicine flavor - it's grape
BONUS: Keating always gives the boys a book when they return from being sick or comes to visit them if they end up in the hospital. He always writes a get-well note in the books.
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lithiumcreepblog · 11 months
for @stonathanweek's Stonathan Sunday. Prompt: Where are we supposed to get a chicken at 2AM on a Wednesday?
those witching hours
When Steve agreed to be Jonathan’s smoking partner for the night, he was expecting a chill hangout after a long day of recon, filled with long stretches of silence and only the occasional conversation every now and then. He wasn’t expecting this.
“Steve,” Jonathan interrupts his thoughts, eyes glassy and mouth curved into a grin. “Who is a chicken’s favorite composer?”
High Jonathan Byers is not what Steve expected at all. High Jonathan Byers is silly. He seems to find everything funny, falling into a fit of giggles at even Steve’s lamest jokes. High Jonathan Byers is talkative. He hasn’t shut up once since the weed kicked in, moving on from one topic of interest to the next with ease. But most importantly– and most dangerously– high Jonathan Byers is clingy. He keeps a firm arm over Steve’s shoulder the whole time, touching and bracketing Steve in his hold.
“I don’t know, Jonathan,” Steve smiles too. He has never seen Jonathan lower his inhibitions like this before. He has always only seen him worrying about twenty different things at once, never this relaxed or laid back. It’s a nice shade on him.
“Bach!” Jonathan shouts, and Steve lets out a snort. Even with Steve’s attempts at impressions from a while ago, this has to be the dumbest thing out of either of their mouths all night.
“That joke made me hungry and now I want chicken parmesan,” Jonathan whines and lets his head fall onto Steve’s shoulder.
“And do tell me, Byers,” Steve chuckles as Jonathan falls into his side even more. “Where are we supposed to get a chicken at 2AM on a Wednesday?”
Jonathan lifts his head and blinks, looking deep in thought. Steve watches as a slow smile creep across his face, knowing nothing good is coming from that expression.
“I bet Hopper has some. And I bet he’s sleeping right now.”
“Are you suggesting we break into the chief’s room just to take his chicken?”
“Why not?”
“Uh… because he’s Hopper?” Steve makes a gesture. That should be obvious, right?
“So what?” Jonathan frowns. “That dude is fucking my mom. I think I deserve his chicken.”
“Okay, let’s put that line of thought to an end there,” Steve says quickly before Jonathan gets any more brilliant ideas. “We are not stealing Hopper’s chicken.”
“Hm, you’re right,” Jonathan relents. “We don’t even know for sure if he has it, anyway.”
Steve lets out a sigh of relief at avoiding another shenanigan– he’s had enough of those in a lifetime.
They stay silent for a while before Jonathan breaks the silence again, head still resting on Steve’s shoulder. “You’re cool, Steve Harrington.”
“Thank you…?” Steve laughs, questioning.
“I mean it. I was wrong about you. You’re a really great guy. It’s a shame I never saw it when we were in school, but I’m glad we’re friends now.”
Jonathan puts his hand up Steve’s shirt as he says this, and for some reason, Steve lets him. Steve assumes it’s not even meant to be a sensual touch, merely a grounding, comforting one; the safety of warm skin against your own. Jonathan’s hand roams a bit near Steve’s stomach before it stills above Steve’s healed scar, still prominent against his smooth skin.
Jonathan furrows his brows. “Does it still hurt?” He sounds so serious all of a sudden, like the high has entirely escaped his system. Steve sighs.
“No, not really– physically, anyway. I still think about it all the damn time though.” Steve puts his hand on Jonathan’s wrist and guides his hand out of the shirt, still holding it after.
Jonathan frowns again. “I know that feeling.”
Then he goes quiet, quieter than he’s been all night, eyes shifting before glazing over as if he’s being reminded of something. Steve wonders what he’s thinking about. Lenora? Seeing his brother be possessed by the Mindflayer? That fateful night in ’83 when their whole lives changed forever? Or is he remembering something from before? The fact that there are even several options to choose from makes Steve’s heart sink even deeper. But he keeps on a brave face, for both him and Jonathan. If there’s anything worse than having bad thoughts, it’s having them while on a bad high.
So he squeezes Jonathan’s hand once in comfort. Jonathan finally breaks free from his trance and grips Steve’s hand back. They look at each other and smile, and for a split second before Jonathan decides that the direct eye contact is hilarious and starts laughing, Steve feels a strong urge inside him that tells him to kiss Jonathan. He quickly shakes the thought away and laughs along. The weed Jonathan scored is definitely pretty weird.
“Okay, let’s sleep this high off, what do you say?” Steve pats Jonathan’s knee. “I promise I’ll find you some chicken in the morning.”
“I’ll be holding you to that, Harrington,” Jonathan mumbles, cuddling closer to Steve. “I don’t want to move. Let’s just sleep on the couch.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asks.
“Hmm… you’re warm.”
“Okay,” Steve lets out an absurd half-laugh, holding Jonathan tighter as he closes his eyes and lets the high wash over him, sending him to that floaty space where they’ll fall asleep.
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“Always Remember (the burning embers)” by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Word Count: 1380 Summary: Killian and Emma have a late night conversation about careless words that've left their scars Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, one shot, post canon, canon compliant, fix-it-fic, missing moment Author’s notes: I've been planning this fic for a little while here, since sometime during season 5. The title is based on the taylor swift song "the great war," which I feel nicely sums up Killian and Emma during the Dark Ones arc, though this fic takes place probably a couple years later. Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian had gotten so used to waking up next to Emma that it always felt weird when he didn't- especially when it was two A.M., and she'd been right there when he fell asleep, and now she wasn't.
 At first, he suspected maybe she'd gone to the bathroom or to get a drink of water or something like that- but then he saw her, sitting at the foot of the bed, seeming a touch unwell.
 "Is something wrong, love?" he whispered.
 She turned around, a bit startled.
 "I didn't realize you were still up."
 "Love, it's two in the morning," he said, "have you been awake this whole time?"
 "I guess," Emma said.
 "What's wrong, love?"
 "Nothing," she shook her head.
 He knew her better than to believe that.
 "What's wrong?" he repeated.
 "Nothing important." Emma said, quickly.
 "Emma," he said, hoping his soft tone could soften whatever armor she'd been crafting, "if you're up thinking about it at two in the morning, it must be important. What's wrong?"
 She sighed, and glanced back at him for a moment- and in that moment he nodded to her, like you'd nod to an injured animal to ask it to trust you, to tell her, "Go on. Let me help you."
 "It still feels like a fairy tale," she said.
 Rather than try and read into that statement, he simply asked for clarification.
 "What does?"
 "All of it," she said, in a whispered breath like an angry laugh, "you, Henry, my parents, our home- our happy beginning."
 "Aye," Killian nodded, knowing she still hadn't hit the point of her problem.
 "And the problem with a fairytale is the story always ends, the book closes, and you're back to being whoever it was you were escaping from."
 "Emma," Killian crawled out from under the covers and over to the foot of the bed so he could sit next to her, "what we have here is real, and it's not going away."
 "I know," Emma shook her head, "and I'm trying so hard to believe that."
 "What's stopping you?"
 She shrugged. "Myself. For someone whose job is happy endings, I'm pretty good at destroying my own."
 "What's that supposed to mean, love?" Killian asked, trying to sound reassuring and not like that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.
 "I…." she shook her head.
 "You don't need to push me away, love."
 "That's just the thing- that's what I do," she shook her head, "I push people away- people I love."
 And she tacked on, on top of it all, so softly he almost didn't hear it: "and that's why I'll always be an orphan."
 "Emma, love," he said, carefully but desperately turning her face to his, "where did you get such a ridiculous idea?"
 She pushed away physically this time, shaking her head and turning away from him.
 "I'm glad you don't remember," she said, almost smiling.
 "Remember what?"
 "It's nothing."
 "It's not," he insisted, his voice raising above a whisper for the first time that night, "talk to me."
 Her eyes almost seemed the blue ones for all the tears they held back as she looked up at him. He wanted to help her, wanted to dry the tears she was afraid to cry, wanted to clean up the mess she was afraid to spill, and wanted to make everything right for her. That's all he ever wanted for Emma, to be that for her, to be the one she could turn to no matter what she was facing- to be the one who made her burdens lighter.
 "The conversation at Regina's," Emma took a deep breath, "back when we were Dark Ones."
 He'd tried so hard to purge those awful memories, choosing to dwell on their happy moments instead of ones like that, those moments where they didn't trust each other, where they closed themselves off to each other, where they argued with each other….
 "That moment when I told her she'd always be an orphan," He recalled, "her pain now is my fault."
 He didn't know what to say now. All he knew how to do was throw his arms around her, pull her close to him, hold her as tight as he could and choke out an "I'm sorry."
 So, that's what he did.
 "It wasn't you," Emma said, "it was the darkness. I've tried not to mention it, because I know you'd never…."
 Though he couldn't see her face (which was buried in his embrace,) he could tell by the way her voice trailed off that she was crying, and he quickly let go of his right arms' grip around her, so he could catch the tears as they rolled down her cheek.
 He knew his apology was nowhere near sufficient, but he still didn't know what to say- what could his words do to make up for such loveless atrocities?
 "I'm sorry," Emma said, "I shouldn't've brought it up. I shouldn't've mentioned it."
 "Nonsense," he said, taking her hand in his and pulling it close to his chest, "I never want you to think that a problem you have is too big to share with me. Understand?"
 She nodded. He sighed, unsure what words would tumble out after his breath.
 "I love that you're my anchor, Emma," he said, "a ship would be lost without her anchor, and I'd be lost without you. I love everything you've ever done for me. Do you know what else I love about you?"
 "Call me a bit of a narcissist, but I love that you're my mirror. When I see you, I see a lot of myself. I see someone who never gives up, someone who risks their life for those they love, someone who does everything they can to be a hero, no matter what mistakes they've made.
 "And when I first met you, I saw what you were," he continued, "and what I was- a lost boy, a lone wolf- an orphan. And when I said those angry dark words I wish I could take back, words I never should've said- I was talking to myself too."
 He'd never seen a perfect blend of confusion and understanding quite like the one he saw on her face now.
 "We did push people away, love. We did hide from the people who cared about us. That's why we should still be orphans. But that's not what we are anymore."
 "Why not?"
 "Because we turn to the people we love. We've set aside our armor and chosen something new."
 "What's that?"
 Still holding her hand close to his heart, he instead brought it to his lips and kissed it.
 "Emma Swan, you will never be an orphan again. That's not who you are anymore. You're the Savior. You're my True Love, my happy beginning and ending and everything in between. You're a mother and a daughter and a hero and the most perfect wife a man could ever ask for."
 "Some days I have trouble believing that," Emma shook her head, "but I believe in you."
 With the hand that he wasn't holding, Emma reached up and stroked his face, her cold hand warming against his cheek. "So if you can believe in me, I can believe in me too," she said.
 "I'm glad to hear it, love."
 "And you're not an orphan anymore either, Killian Jones," Emma said. She kissed his hand, then pulled it close to her heart, "You're my family. You're my best friend. You're my true love. My hero."
 "Aye," He nestled his head against her forehead, gently, then whispered "I love you."
 "I love you too," she whispered back, "thank you."
 "Anytime, love," he said, "now, let's get back to bed."
 They both let go of each other, only so they could crawl back across to the other side of the bed. As soon as they were both under the covers, Emma slid into his arms, wrapping her own arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.
 "Goodnight, my love," he said, craning his neck forward so he could kiss her forehead.
 "Goodnight, Killian." She replied, sounding sleepy but satisfied.
 And with that, Killian fell asleep the only way that felt natural anymore- with Emma in his arms.
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