#twst wonderlan
Groomzilla | Yandere Vil Schoenheit x Fem Reader
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Oftentimes growing up you were lovingly called a control freak and in all honesty you probably were. That feature did seem to null a bit when you were brought to Twisted Wonderland and any kind of control you had was absolutely taken away from you as you tried to make due with your situation. 
Through all the chaos you met the love of your life: Vil Schoenheit. The first time you met him he was just a pretty face under a hood in an unfamiliar place. Now ten years later from your unexpected arrival at Night Raven you two are tying the knot. Having maintained close relationships with the friends you made at the college, Vil was always present. Even when you eventually made the decision to leave Ramshackle full-well knowing you may never return home he was there. When you were just starting to look for work for a non-magical person, he was there. And when you finally were settled he still stuck around practically screaming at you to go ahead and date him. From there it was history. 
“But it only causes slight irritation to the ski-”
You quietly sipped your tea as your supermodel fiance yelled at the wedding florists. This was the sixth time he had instigated a onesided screaming match synonymous with those bridezilla freak-outs you used to watch. Before you came to this world you were sure if you should ever be married you would be the bridezilla. Not in this case. 
Yeah, you need back up. 
Thankfully most of the people you wanted on call were in positions to take at least a couple of times off work. 
“Rook it's so good to see you, again!” 
“Madame filou du Poison, same here!”
Exchanging the customary kisses you pulled away.
“What's with the nickname change?”
“Naturally you’ve inherited the position as his queen of poisons.”
“Oh Rook.”
“You’re making me feel like chopped liver, dear.”
Hugging him tight recognnizing his cologne and puffy clothes. You were debating with yourself about who you wanted to walk you down the aisle and Crewel was a top runner. Next to Trein and Crowley. The former being someone who’s done this two times before and Crowley being a negligent lazy headmaster who did house you but you were still figuring it out. 
“I trust the showdog is treating you well?”
“Oh he’s perfectly fine to me…”
The two looked worriedly between each other before looking back at you. You sighed looking back to make sure your fiance was still chewing out the poor waiter.
“That's actually why I called you guys in…ah Vil’s great with design and just beauty in general but I think he’s a little stressed out so when he asks for certain things…well-”
You heard the crying before you felt the waiter run past you and out the door. You turned to see the concerned faces of your help and decided to make your escape. 
“So I leave it to you guys. Oh and for reference I’m rooting for the (specific theme) theme, bye!” You walked past them making your quick escape as you watched your getaway car pull-up. 
“You still haven’t answered the question about who’s walking you down the aisle!” 
You waved to them speeding away as Vil closed in upon them.
“So this is my team. Ugh, you’ll have to do since she’s not here.”
“I’m sure I taught you better manners than that cur. Now behave!”
“Roi du Poison! You look especially cross, how about we talk over coffee.” 
Oh boy aren’t we in for a treat? _____________________________________________________________
“I just had to get away. He's been so touchy since we’ve started actually planning–nope, not that one–I mean before I came here I was worried I’d be the bridezilla–yes, if it comes in a bigger size.”
“Humans like him just don’t–pearls yes or no, ok–handle the future well. Methinks you should really figure out if he’s really ready for this–Yes!!!”
You were dress shopping with your girlfriends and Lilia who oddly enough asked to be a part of it. He said something along the lines of having only sons that weren’t exactly going to settle anytime soon and you found that he was really good at picking dresses out. You took in his advice as you were dressed in one of your options. 
“..Hey you in here?”
You knocked as you let yourself into the hotel suite Vil was staying in. Frantic and angry texts from your ‘backup’ team told you that he had another freak-out today, one that was leagues worse than what happened before. 
He was lounging in the master bedroom with a face mask and cucumbers on his eyelids. This wasn’t a face mask that he couldn’t speak with but you figured this is his payback for leaving him alone for today. You sat beside him on the bed 
“I know you didn’t like that I left you today..”
“..but I felt like maybe I was the one stressing you out.” 
You tried to search for a reaction but got nothing so you continued. 
“I just want to know if maybe this is too much for you…maybe we’re not really ready if the future is freaking you out this much…and I’m okay with it it's still early and I’m sure everyone will under-”
“Do you really think that’s why I’m angry?”
He was sitting up, cucumbers off and looking at you with cloudy eyes. You shrugged your shoulders, in turn earning an annoyed huff before he got up to clean his face in the bathroom. 
You followed him as you leaned on the doorway.
“If that’s not it, what is? It's just that you’ve been so out of character and you’ve been treating all the staff pretty horribly–”
“Did you really think I was just doing this because?” Practically scoffing while continuing his routine he looked at you through the mirror while leaning on the sink. “(Y/n) would you seriously believe I wouldn’t want our day to be perfect?! Like I would settle for nothing but perfection on this day?!’
“Well I–”
“And to believe you would want to cancel after all I’ve done to make sure our day is perfect! You think I’m scared of the future!?”
“Then what is the problem, Vil?! If it's not that, then what?! Why have you treated everyone so badly!?”
“Because they're ruining our wedding!? Don’t you want to have the perfect wedding day?!”
“But they're not trying to ruin it. Everyone has simply been trying to help and you’ve just been screaming at everyone like they're trying to kill us!” 
“Well. Maybe. They. Are.”
“...What are you talking about?” 
His face fell and he exhaled with a look of annoyance. Not with you, but with himself as he plopped onto the bed. You joined him, curling yourself onto the bed prepared for the story you knew would be coming.
“A little while back when I first decided I wanted to get a ring for you I was very very careful to not let paparazzi or really anyone know what I was doing there. I thought I had cleared everyone I would be dealing with but apparently someone was still…the first ring was laced with a poison that would have quickly killed you. On top of that there was a tracker in it.” 
You gawked at him before shaking it off. 
“How did you find out?”
Your fiance smirked as he flipped his tied up ponytail, “Rook calls me King of Poisons for a reason.” His tone shifted to the more serious one as he continued. 
“The second incident occurred just before we went to that resort. One of those spoiled potatoes leaked where preciesely you were living at the time. Granted I–ahem my team and I took care of the leak and I’ve been adament about us traveling lately in case anyone actually took them up on it. Now don’t worry I have someone watching your place its–”
He stopped as he felt the warmth and weight of you launching yourself into his arms squeezing him. He held you closer to himself as he felt your fists tighten around his robe. He could feel your lips move against the layer of silk and the vibration of your voice. 
“What did you say?”
You were still so quietly mumbling into his chest, “why did you go through that alone?” Vil immediately was overwhelmed with guilt; the concept was a vow you two had established. Thinking back to the time when he proposed and you then proposed to him getting on your knees as well.��
He promised you that he wouldn’t shoulder his responsibility alone anymore. 
He promised that the two of you would bring one another on every twist and turn that life threw at you two. 
A promise he broke letting himself go through the stress of keeping the both of you alive. You didn’t hold it against him, as you knew this was new for him. To have little to no clue as to what the next obstacle would be, especially when it was trying to kill you. You talked into the night falling asleep cuddled up next to him. 
“Next time let me know…okay?”
“I will. I will (Y/n)...”
From that point on there was a difference. He was still incredibly intense to staff but he wasn’t sending everyone out crying. He was back to being his poise and proper self as he included you in his system of security. By the time you chose your dress you could recite the name and address of all the people working on your wedding. 
As the fated date grew closer and as Vil began to open up, a cruel reality was revealed to you. The employees or faces that do show up with incriminating backgrounds of course didn’t show up again but on your research you found they didn’t show up anywhere. Deleted social media pages, deleted comments, confidential obituaries were wiped off of the face of the known world. When you brought it up to Vil, he feigned ignorance not bothering to remember ‘the names of rotten potatoes.’ Saddled with a questionable theory you were debating if it was still right to say–
“ I do!” 
“You may kiss the bride.” The crowd erupted in a series of whoops and hollers as your lips met with your husband. You decided that the worry would be for later and that for now you’d focus on just enjoying the day with the love of your life. The traditions commenced, cutting the cake, and throwing your bouquet; it was as magical as you two had planned it to be. 
Escaping the bustle of the commotion you snuck out of the reception to take a breather at a fountain partially shadowed in darkness illuminated by hanging lights. You were finally able to relax, slouching as you exhaled into the sky.
“I’m glad to find you out here, I wasn’t sure I’d even get to speak to you before the night was up.” 
Coming to sit beside you was your husband, still looking as stylish from the ceremony but in a rougher haze. Holding two drinks he offered one to you that you took a sip of before recalling the taste as an overwhelming sense of ease drifted through your body. 
He pulled you into him as you swayed looking up at him with as much confusion as you could muster. Holding you close you could feel the vibration of his voice reverberating in your ear as he uttered the incantation. 
“About the ones we found, forget about them, for me Love?”
It was a question…an honest turn of phrase that gave an out to anyone who ever consumed the potion. A choice to obey the suggestion before or to ignore it. You knew its taste and you were faced with a decision to know the real fate of anyone who crossed Vil Schoenheit or to forget. To live in your blissful ignorance as he devoted himself to your protection and happiness. 
“We said never alone again,” you held his painted face as his lips began to tremble.
You stared deep into his violet eyes as you carefully put your drink down to bring his face closer to yours. Practically nose to nose as you both let the inevitable stream of tears slightly smear your makeup. 
“You don’t have to solve this alone, I won’t let you, Vil. Because I love you, I’m not letting you shoulder this alone ever again.”
He sobbed, curling into you as you both held each other into the night with only the stars to witness the true union of (Y/n) (L/n) and Vil Schoenheit. 
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oepionie · 1 year
— "AND WHILE YOU SLEEP, I'LL BE SCARED." overblot gang 
SYNOPSIS: Your lover waking up from a horrific nightmare and scrambling to listen to your heartbeat so he can make sure you're still alive.
⊹ [ cw ] — angst, hurt/comfort, overblot, blood, glass shards injury, anxiety/panic attacks, insecurities, mentions of death, crying (them)◞
⊹ [ tags ] — ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP. GN! READER | riddle tears his room apart, leona feels immense guilt, caring leona, azul having a panic attack, vil being an absolute mess, vil speaks german, shy idia, jamil injures himself accidentally, jamil calls you 'albi' (my heart), malleus immortality angst ◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 1.5k+◞
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It's far past his scheduled time for sleep.
A bitter taste is bubbling up in his throat and frothing against his tongue. Riddle doesn't know what this wretched feeling is. All he knows is that he's terrified. Perhaps that's why he allows himself to disturb your sleep, the maddening emotions slamming against his head becoming too much for him to handle.
"I-I apologize for waking you," Riddle rasps, slipping into your shared bed and burrowing his face deep into the crook of your neck. His breaths come out in quick and fleeting puffs, heart thrumming hard against his ribs.
In the dimness of the night, the myriad of mangled and torn-up books that were strewn and flung about the room in a frenzied fury could hardly be seen. Your gaze flickered down to your lover. The tips of Riddle's fingers were a blistering raw red, his once well-groomed nails now visibly chipped at its ends.
With a touch of your tender hands, you pull him down to rest against your chest.
"What's wrong?"
"I–I just…I recalled the incident of my overblot and how I hit you with that blast. H-How you nearly—" Clamping his eyes tight, Riddle dared not to finish that sentence. The boy trembles in your arms—ears fervently straining to hear the steady and melodic thump of your heart, a melody he feared he would never hear again.
A choked sob tumbles from his lips and your chest aches.
"…I'm sorry," was his quiet cry. "I'm so sorry."
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Peacefully fast asleep, your back was nestled snug against the Leona's chest while his firm bicep protectively curled around your ribs.
Over the course of your relationship, Leona began to realize how much he loved having you in his arms. You were at peace when you slept, untouched and untainted by the stress and pain you dealt with every day.
He crept his free hand up your torso, cold fingers slipping underneath your shirt, skimming up your stomach, and settling above the spot on your chest where your heartbeat danced vividly against his touch. Leona splays his fingers out more, fixated on how the thrum of your life felt against his skin.
It was a daily struggle to keep his emotions at bay, ensuring that his strong feelings and magic wouldn't hurt you again. The nightmarish phantom of his blot still haunts him to this day. That wrath was an ugly and hideous beast he wished to keep locked away in the depths of his mind for all of eternity.
Yet, at the soft beat of your delicate heart against his sullied hands—Already, Leona finds himself wavering, uncharacteristically weak.
An overpowering mix of stress and strain washes over him, pooling up into watery blobs and flowing down his cheeks in faint streaks as he silently wept.
"Fuck," Leona curses, pulling your dozing form closer to him. "Fuck. Fuck, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this."
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The torment of nightmares was far worse than he remembered, but this dread he felt was unquestionably different, pressing in on him like a frigid cold. The icy sensation seeps into the marrows and dips of his flesh—his sole respite being your touch, which both warmed and scorched at his skin.
"Angelfish." Azul breathlessly sputtered, blindly patting around the bed in search of your body.
Through the fringes of his blacked out vision, he could barely make out your worried drowsy visage. This caused him to panic, pulse picking up, but you were quick to soothe him—reaching a hand out to press against his cheek. Finally finding you, the octo-mer pulled you towards his side of the bed, engulfing you in a tight hug.
Azul tried to stop the flood of tears that layered his face, but your soft lips strewn with kisses on his skin seemed to further elicit his unceasing cries. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Azul. I'm here." You whisper, cradling his face, but he was inconsolable. The octo-mer desperately clawed at your shirt as he pressed his ear deeper against your chest, practically melting into you.
The throbs of your heart echoed through his anguished mind, providing him with some semblance of comfort.
"Don't go….Please…" Azul sputters, body shaking from every deep, labored heave of his burning lungs, "Please."
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A strangled scream awoke you from your abyssal sleep, your bleary eyes ripping open to dart here and there around the room in a manic frenzy. The ensuing shattering smash of a glass further threw your thoughts into disarray.
Your lover had stumbled off of the bed, now kneeling against the wooden flooring with the bedsheets pooling around his hips, sheets damp from the shattered glass of water on the floor.
A bloody hand clenched at his palpitating heart, glass shards digging into his skin, as his lungs fought to maintain his breathing.
You sprang from the mattress and skidded in his direction, but Jamil scrambled away from you.
"Albi, no. There's glass. Stay away. You're going to get hurt," Jamil stammered. Holding a shaky hand up, the boy avoided your gaze.
"Jamil—" Brows pinched together, you eased towards him. "I'm not going to get hurt, don't worry."
You stepped over the shards of crystal glass with caution and made your way past, "See?"
Once you were within his reach, Jamil caved in and slowly brought you into his arms—careful with his injury. He could feel the distant sting of the cuts on his hands, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Leaning down, he lay his head over your heart. Even though the batter of your heart was frantic and panicked, it somewhat provided a steady beat for him to follow as he worked to untangle the complexities in his thoughts. Your lover sunk against you, anchoring himself against the warmth your body radiated.
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As the minutes pass, Idia was rapidly losing every meagre amount of confidence he managed to scrape together.
"Idia…honey? Please get up." You croon, running a hand through his flaming hair.
Though it seemed as if he didn't hear anything—Idia kept his head glued against your beating chest, refusing to get up from his position on the floor.
He's been kneeling before you for so long that the rough fabric of his pants burned and skidded against the tender skin of his knees, sending excruciating stings along the threads of his flesh.
"I—No…N-No…I can't." Idia's lips quiver, eyes glossing over as he diverts his gaze. The weight of his arms lay heavy against your legs, elbows resting by your knees while his dull nails dug into the skin at the back of your thighs.
"Why's that?" You whisper.
Idia shut his eyes. The flash of numerous dreams and nightmares he's suffered at the hands of his own demented twisted memories clouded his mind. It did not help that they were all molded out of his own self-inflicted pessimism...cruel and unforgiving. A reason as to why he couldn't bear to look at you tonight, not when the image of your mangled body was still fresh on his mind.
"I-I'm s-sor-sorry…I ca-can't get up…I need to…” he stumbles for words, his breathing picking up its pace. "I need to…need to know you're okay."
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"Vil…" You worriedly murmur, pressing your lips against his mascara-stained cheeks, not minding the bitter aftertaste it left lingering in your mouth.
Laying atop the plush silk sheets of his king-sized bed, the dorm leader's eyes were ripped wide open as his chest heaved viciously. It was quite a rare sight as your lover lay vulnerable before you, heart bared open.
Oh, he was an absolute mess.
Dark streams of teary mascara ran down Vil's cheeks, his uniform wrinkled and his golden hair splayed out everywhere—unbound from its braids and tangled up.
The grip of his arms around your midsection tightens as he pressed you up closer against him, his head resting atop your chest. At the sound of your heartbeat, Vil allowed himself to unwind and let your affections banish away even the most ominous of his thoughts.
"Liebling…Es tut mir ehrlich Leid—" Vil rasps, his mother tongue dripping like honey from his lips as he suddenly found it difficult to speak the language he was so accustomed to every day.
Hushing him, you press a fleeting kiss against his brow line and Vil clamps his red-rimmed eyes shut, ceasing to say anything more.
"Hush now. Rest, my prince." You press a gentle kiss to his temple and brush the frizzes of his blonde hair away from his face.
A small smile quirks on his lips as he feels his stomach fluttering from the nickname. The look in his eyes is softly lit, warm like a candle.
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One day, Malleus knows, you will be nothing more than wilted and withered ash.
It was a truth that wrapped around him like shackling chains—tearing, whipping and lashing against his raw, bare skin. No matter how hard he pulled, scratched, and screamed at it, the chains remained.
The clanging and grating iron truth about reality cannot be so easily pushed away. Human lives are fickle, and you would inevitably leave him.
Once you do, the fae prince knows he will be a mere shadow of his former self, a wretched and lonesome creature awaiting and longing for his lover who was no more than a ghost of his fleeting memories.
"I apologize for the disturbance, my treasure."
And yet, Malleus presses his hand firmly against your beating heart. A distant marching beat serving as his reminder that you were very much alive and well.
"I truly apologize." Malleus heaves, hands clamouring against your collarbone.
Although thick tension and silence still hung heavy in the air, the dragon basked in the warmth and feel of your flushed skin, a bitter smile gracing his lips as he lay beside you on the bed.
"Sweet dreams, beastie…"
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
@keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @kyraxiyn   @skadi-winterfell @mushroomchaos101 @rainybeebs @taruruchi @fluffimemes @awkwardspontaneity @phoneandchips @gussuri
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babylemonart · 11 months
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Grandpa Baul and his newts
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luxthestrange · 9 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#605 Two Simps inlove
Idia*Coming in with a pink apron and a tray of food*I-I know it isn’t good but I wanted to make breakfast for you in bed...
Yuu: I love it
Idia*Scoffs with a slight blush*You haven’t even tasted it...
Yuu: Whatever made by you is good, Light of life
Idia*Hair turning pink and covers his face but screams*-It’s burnt
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aki-shun · 1 year
◈Stained Love◈ [M!Reader x YAN!OB!Malleus Draconia]
It’s hard to hit the submit button, not type this post 〒▽〒
Part-1「here」 Part-2
TW: somnophilia(?), some unauthorized things?? I don’t know what to write here but it’s not healthy (^-^) and no smut just little spicy…( a little?)
Sorry for bad grammar (English is not my first language)
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Little lightning flashes around the island. The sounds of thunder echoed throughout the dorm. Ambiance was dark. A hum amongst the voices. The words of an old song. Bright lime green eyes scanned his surroundings. Lilia was lying on a bundle of thorn ivy next to his throne. Some of his limbs were wrapped in ivy. On the other side of the throne, Sebek and Silver were leaning against each other, and some of them had ivy on their limbs… Eyes wandered around the hall in front of the throne. All of his friends were surrounded by thorn ivy, but they still had a peaceful expression on their faces. After all, they were all living the dream of their happy ending right now. Happy endings that will last 1000 years. Finally, his eyes turned to you, who was asleep in his arms, unaware of everything. Unlike the others, you had a little more thorn ivy on your body. Parts of your clothing had been torn by thorns, leaving thin little red marks on the exposed skin.
He rubbed his cheek against your hair and inhaled your scent. Ahh, that unique scent that can change everything in the world, your scent. He brought his left hand to your cheek and stroked it lightly. He had always loved to feel your skin. To touch you, to feel you. He can do this forever. He can do anything with you forever…but then you
✶ ✧ · 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡 · ✧ ✶
I’m going home, Malleus.
What do you mean ‘you going home’?
I return to my world, to my true universe. My home.
𓆩✧•═𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝔼𝕟𝕕═•✧𓆪
Why did you want to leave him? Why did you want to leave him alone in his coldness again? Don’t you know how lonely he is? Don’t you know how much he hates sitting alone in the cold? You know. How lonely he is. How much he hated it. How hard him tried just to make a friend.. And yet you wanted to leave him. With that smile that will make her heart beat fast. You said that to him with that smile of yours. You are really brave, aren’t you? You dared to think that after telling him that would let you go. You stupid human. Humans do tend to be really stupid. How pathetic that you are one of them. But it’s okay. He is here to guide you, to prevent you from doing things you shouldn’t be doing because of these stupid thoughts. So hug this sweet sleep and wait for it’s time to wake up. When you wake up, it will give you a more realistic and more beautiful happy ending than in your dream. So sleep now Darling.
His hold on you tightened as Malleus thought about this. Blot drops were dripping from your body all over you. His left hand was hovering over your body while his right hand was holding your body. If you were awake right now, you wouldn’t be mad at him for doing this, would you? Of course you wouldn’t be angry. You will never be angry with him. You always responded to him with the compassion and happiness he longed for. You would be kind to him as if there was a small child in front of you, answering every question he asked, and if he did not understand something, you would tell him with the same enthusiasm without breaking your expression.
You were different. You are not like the others. You’re not like the ones at school. You’re not like Sebek or Silver. Even if Lilia cares about being nice to him, it’s his duty. He trained and raised Malleus because it was his duty. Even though they were close, Lilia didn’t always cross the King-Commander relationship between them. It’s always been a distance. Nobody doesn’t even stay in the same room as him, and no one talks to Malleus unless they have to. But you are not like them. You didn’t shy away from it. You didn’t distance yourself. You invited him to events, even if you didn’t have a purpose. You gave him nicknames. You didn’t hesitate to talk to him at night. You were even willing to do so. You didn’t hesitate to touch him, hug him, dance with him. You responded with the same enthusiasm. You really listened when he talked about Gargoyes. You even asked him more questions about these topics. You joined him at club events. You once gave him a drawing of gargoyes from Noble Bell College. You are not like the others. You did not distance him like the others.
That was the mistake you made. Distance, you did not put a line.
His hand travels over your body. His face is buried in your neck, inhaling your scent. His mouth opens slightly and he places light kisses from your cheeks to your neck. His kisses hardened and began to leave bruises on your neck. He pulled back and looked at the marks he had made. A dark smile formed on his face. He leaned over your face again and kissed you on the lips. Since he had not yet confessed his feelings to you, he would always come to your room at night while you were sleeping and give your sleeping figure light kisses. Every day, regardless of the hour, he watches you, he remembers everything you do. He was going to open up to you that night, but you gave him the disgusting news that made him nauseous. But it is no longer a problem. He may confess his feelings to you when you wake up. After all, 1000 years pass in the blink of an eye. He didn’t stop touching and kissing you while he was thinking about it. How could he stop though? He was completely dependent on you. The addiction he never wanted to let go. He used to have to leave your room before sunrise, but now he had a long time ahead of him.
But these simple kisses and touches weren’t enough during this time… He needs more. It needs more. Malleus needs you. And you are a good enough human to present yourself to him while you are sleeping soundly. Right?
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◸Zelf’s cat was jealous. So you have to wait for more… ᓚᘏᗢ◿
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julymarte · 2 years
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Deuce develops a crush on (Y/n), Vil's younger sister, after their meeting at the VDC.
Can his friends help him with his shyness?
Request by anon.
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"So, what do we have on her?"
Ace's eyes were narrowed in concentration, trained at the white board propped up in his and Deuce's shared bedroom in the Heartslabyul dorm. The other members of the friend group — Epel, Sebek, and Jack — followed Ace's example with the exception of Deuce, who was busy rocking back and forth.
Jack had a notepad in his hands and read out, "(Y/n) Schoenheit, Vil's younger sister. Our age—"
"Beautiful," Deuce interrupted dreamily, "elegant, charming— incredible—" A soft sigh escaped his lips, and his eyes were practically the shape of hearts.
Sebek rolled his eyes. "That's not helpful, lovesick fool."
However, Deuce easily shushed him by putting a finger to the Diasomnia student's lips, which drew a low growl from the latter. "Shh, I didn't finish yet." Undeterred, Deuce continued, "Kind, wonderful — and way out of my league..." His eyes fell at the end, and he cast his gaze to the floor in embarrassment.
Jack quirked an eyebrow. "How would you know that?"
"No, no," Sebek interjected with a grin, "Deuce is completely right."
That earned him a punch to the shoulder from Epel, although the punch could barely be felt, anyway. Epel rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Sebek, don't be so mean. Deuce clearly ain't feeling right." To prove his point, the lavender-haired boy pointed at Deuce, who was slowly beginning to hyperventilate.
Deuce had a hard time breathing normally. "She's a famous model: the (Y/n) Schoenheit," he managed to wheeze out. "And I'm... nobody."
"You're not nobody!" Ace exclaimed immediately while wrapping an arm around his friend in a reassuring manner. "Didn't you like, charm her the first time you met?"
Deuce exhaled slowly. "Well, kind of? But I'm not sure if she would like me back..."
"You didn't even tell us about," Sebek interjected, "your first meeting, Deuce."
The boy addressed jumped in surprise, his eyes as large as saucers as he stared at the half fae. "Oh— my bad." A wistful sigh left his lips as he planted his chin in his hands and slowly began, "Well, we met briefly before the VDC. She came to visit her brother and wish him good luck. And uh... she was so happy to see him that she wasn't exactly look where she was walking—"
"So she stumbled over something!" Epel continued.
"—and," Jack guessed in amusement, "you caught her just in time."
The smooth transition caused Ace to break out into laughter, followed by everyone else — even Deuce, who by then looked a lot more relaxed. Ace shot his fellow Heartslabyul member a dopey grin. "Bingo! You charmed the hell out of her, dude," he exclaimed and high-fived Epel and Jack.
Even Sebek let out a little chortle. "That's certainly better than to spill water on her... or bump into her and then help her up. That would be too cliche."
"Oh?" Epel cooed mockingly. "Has someone read too many romance books?"
Sebek brightened up immediately. "Hell no!"
"We can help Sebek with his love life another time," Ace grumbled. "Now is Deuce's time to shine!"
Thus, all eyes landed on Deuce again, who still sat silently in his corner, wallowing. "Vil would never approve of me dating his sister. His expectations— are way too high, impossible to reach even," he muttered after a long while of silence.
A series of groans went through the room.
"Who cares about what Vil thinks!" Epel shrieked and violently threw his arms into the air. "I certainly don't! Or... only when he's really scary..."
"...(Y/n) probably cares for his opinion?" Deuce said unsurely. "He probably complains to her about me all the time."
Sebek hummed. "Negative attention still is attention?" At that, everyone turned to Sebek and shot him a quizzical look, even with a twinge of judgement. The poor half fae shrank into his bean bag and murmured, "Hey, I'm just saying! Not as if I'm speaking of experience or anything like that..."
Just as the others were about to open their mouths to stutter out something — anything to break the awkward silence — a strange ring echoed through the room.
Jack was the first to pick up on it. "Wait! Everyone be quiet! What was that horrible noise?"
"Oh, just my phone..." Deuce muttered while swiping his hands across the wooden floor to find his abandoned phone. Eventually, he found it and absent-mindedly scrolled through his notifications, the others about to go on with their conversation when a scream escaped Deuce's lips. "Someone sent a follow request on MagiCam? (Y/n) Schoenheit?!" He threw his phone to the ground again.
Ace was the first to begin cheering. "We did it, folks!"
"I guess this is a success," Jack mused. "Although we did absolute nothing."
Luckily, the phone was still working when Deuce had scrambled to the other side of the room to retrieve it again. His hands shook and were slippery with sweat when he hastily accepted the request. His friends stared at him, all of them with bated breath.
Then, Deuce raised his gaze and looked at them with a frightened look on his face. "I— she just texted me a quick hello—" His breathing sped up again, and he could barely manage to cry out, "What do I text back!? Help!"
Ace let out a boisterous chuckle. "Okay... let me think... how about..." Tapping his chin with his index finger, his eyes eventually lit up in realisation. A devious grin on his face, he suggested, "How about: 'Hewoo (Y/n)!! 😎 I'm sooo totally happy to talk to you again uwu.' How does that sound?"
"Alright, sent."
Ace's eyes widened in horror when he realised what friend had just done. "No wait— that was a joke, Deuce!!"
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
May I request platonic headcanons for Leona, Malleus, Riddle and Trey with a Child!Yuu who's a scrawny homeless kid who's ready to bite anyone (especially Crowley) who looks menacing.
Leona, Malleus, Riddle, and Trey with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing, a little bit of slander, got a bit carried away with treys part
A/N: Thank you for the request! sorry it took so long, I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Let's get one thing straight-
the first time you met him you bit him without a second glance.
good job, I'm so proud of you.
he tried to get you off his leg by swinging it around
didn't work.
it took both Ruggie and Jack to peel you off of his leg
after that it would take every ounce of willpower to not punt you every single time he saw you
translation: willpower = usually Ruggie (sometimes Jack)
when he saw you bite Crowley for the first time he busted out laughing
nearly cried.
now he doesn't want to punt you as much
whenever Cheka's around he drags you over so you two can play together, aka you distract Cheka, and not annoy him
this backfired.
Overall, he hates you at first, then finds out your good entertainment and useful, then he tolerates you also good to nap with
btw you and Cheka are bffs now.
Yeah, you bit him too.
poor boy was so sad when he found out why you bit him
but that's later on
rn he's just confused why this small human is dangling off his forearm
wonders if it's a greeting of some sort
considered biting you back but decided against it when he remembers how sharp his teeth are and how fragile humans, especially human children, are.
to put it plainly, he adores you.
doesn't know if he loves you like a sibling or his own child, he can't tell yet.
oh lord when Sebek finds out about the bite-
he might actually punt you back to your world if it weren't for Malleus.
will just pick you up at random times for no reason at all
picked you up and peeled you off Crowley then just walked away with you in his arms as he lightly scolds you.
Overall, he loves you no matter what you do. a little worried that you might get sick from the people you put in your mouth but that's about it.
You probably broke like at least 20 rules from when you got your first foot through the portal to when you got your second one in.
head off INSTANTLY!
sorry I don't make the rules
Riddle does.
he thought you were just a random small child that those two troublesome freshmen kidnaped and dragged back to the dorm
so he took their heads off too.
it wasn't until a few days later that he saw you dangling from Crowley by your mouth that he learned of your little habit
he and a few other students had to help get you off him when he started seeing blood, then started scolding you.
decided that he personally should teach you not to do that
spoiler alert, it didn't work. you still biting bitches to this day.
btw you were the one who ate his tart, but you blamed it on Ace
you and Grim are going to take that to your graves.
Overall, is a bit worried and curious about how or where you got this biting habit from and always wonders where the snacks meant for him keep going.
You were going to bite him (because of how tall he is compared to you) but then realized he smelt like baked goods and that he was holding a plate of said baked goods
now you love him.
he noticed that you were staring at the plate in his hand, he bent down on one knee and held the plate out to you so you could take one
but you were like
frick that
and took the whole plate and ran into the maze
he was so confused but just kinda laughed it off then told ace and deuce to go get you before you got lost.
when you came back your face was covered, and I mean COVERED, in the baked good
he just cleaned you up and went back to doing his thing but this time he had a small child following him around.
yeah so you follow him around everywhere whenever you get the chance so (mostly because you want more goodies)
which was a lot
so he was a bit worried when he didn't see you for most of the day
so he looked for you for a bit and ended up finding you dangling off Crowley and Riddle trying to pull you off of him
so he helped and, with Riddle, scolded you.
pls call them mom and dad, it will be hilarious!!
Overall, you remind him of his little siblings and it kinda makes him a little homesick, but he cares about you and enjoys teaching you different recipes from time to time. is very worried about your biting habit but secretly finds it funny.
yes child!!
bite the old bird man!
when you first met you saw him before he saw you
so he let out the highest pitched scream you've ever heard when you bit his leg
you had to let go back away and cover your ears because of how loud it was.
over seral weeks of you biting every time he saw you he started expecting it
even holding out his arm for you a few times
so anytime you don't bite him he gets either worried or sad
sad because he started seeing it as almost affection on your part-
it wasn't.
-and thinks he really upset you.
kinda treats you like his kid, whether you like it or not
I'm sorry.
Overall, I suggest you stop biting him as soon as possible if you don't want him to get even more attached.
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evilcokito · 1 year
Cherry Coke for Divus 💖👀🏎
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nakunakunomi · 7 months
I will not lie, that last piece had me grinning like an idiot. For the next request, could I ask D from the fluff alphabet for Epel please? Thank you! 💜💜 - Lisa @princess-of-pomefiore
Oh, Epel, I don't think I ever wrote something proper for him besides my kissing headcanons? He's so cute, has been growing on me loads the last few events. Hope you enjoy!
2nd person. GN reader. no warnings, just fluff
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D - Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Epel loves his hometown, and he loves you, and he is a little traditionalist in his way of thinking, in the sense that his ideal future includes you and him, married and living in his hometown. Maybe not with all of the family members in one house, but definitely with his family nearby, they mean so much to him after all. 
Epel would want to have kids, of course keeping your opinion on the matter in mind. Adopted, biological, fostering, it truly doesn’t matter to him, but since the Village of Harvest has a generally elderly population, it would be nice to have some youngins around to bring some life to the party. 
He isn’t entirely sure on what to do with the apple farm, sure that he will play some role in its future, but again, keeping you and your wishes in mind just how big that role will be. Generally his focus is just on being with you and being happy. Family matters a lot to him, so chances are incredibly small he will ever move away with you though. 
Other than that, Epel is pretty easygoing, and will always keep your dreams and opinions in mind, so you can have an ideal shared future. After all, that’s what you’re a couple for: to grow old together, but do it happily so.
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This is part of my AB(C)-Day event! Click here to join!
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glo0b · 8 months
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My Oc's "Family" tree in a tier list lol (Rollo and Grum are supposed to be in the husband tier but they wont show up)
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y-t-w-9 · 11 months
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adarkenedforest · 2 years
Mushrooms and humans
Contains: A mushroom person au of Jade Leech, Floyd Leech and Azul Ashengrotto. No ships.
There was a planet far away. Where people were mushrooms and ate bark and meats. There were three very specific boys who were born to this world.
Floyd and Jade Leech, the twins, both Death caps and mischievious. Then there was Azul a violet webcap often teased for his inability to wear his mushroom hat properly as it used to not fit his head, however he had learned very quickly how to make others regret it.
It was a lovely afternoon when Floyd burst into the tree hollow where Azul lived, dragging his twin along. "Azul! Azul! Azul!" Azul sighed, looking up at the tall death cap. "Yes Floyd?" "We got in!! We got into NRC!!" Azul blinked in shock, before he couldn't help his smile cross his face. "Of course we did." the webcap replied, rolling his eyes when Floyd grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "we'll have to wear uniforms though-"
Floyd stared then groaned. "Can't we just wear the normal shawls?" Jade chuckled slightly, placing a hand on his brother's shoulders. "They do things differently on that planet,but I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it comfortable" He said with a sharp toothed grin that showed just underneath his mushroom hat.
Azul nodded. "Speaking of how different it is I heard there's people completely unlike us there. They're called humans. I wonder how easy they'll be to get into our business." Floyd tilted his head. "Are they the same humans that the librarian saw?" Jade nodded. "I've heard so." "Well I'm excited to see what they look like! I hope they look as weird and exciting as fish do!"
It was their first day of NRC and they where all seated in the carriage. They had taken potions to appear like humans and freaked out Ink (the librarian.) by mistake when they had gone to ask it if they looked like humans and when they had gotten the confirmation they had packed their things and gone.
"Humans are so weird looking." Floyd muttered, pinching at his now much more round ears. Jade chuckled. "at least we still look somewhat similar and have normal... Legs." Azul gave the more formal leech twin a look. "I hope you won't be spouting such innuendos when we get there. We'll need to get a good reputation for business." Floyd rolled his eyes. "Business this business that i just hope there's someone fun to play with! Hopefully some little spore like humans i can squeeze hehehe" Azul sighed, closing his eyes. "oh hush Floyd. You're being odd again." "Aaaah. Azul is tired already. Well then nighty niight azzzuuul"
It was shortly after they had been awoken from their coffins and the trio where well... Quite shocked. From what they could tell they where the only mushroom folk there. There where humans and beastmen and what they could sense where mer folk but no mushrooms. It was odd.
Azul frowned when Floyd seemed to fixate on a small red-headed human, gently grabbing his hand. "Come along Floyd. Let's try get to know this new environment before we do anything rash now..."
Floyd pouted but didn't pull away. "Neh, you're no fun when you're all business Azul. You're not even commenting on Jade staring at the beastmen!" Azul just groaned. "He's not planning on jumping them first chance he gets. Now let's just listen alright? We'll have time to have fun later i promise." "Fine.."
Well that was quite fun to write! @vennicehearts come get your mushroom boys my dear traveller. Oh please do request any more stories or headcannons from this au if you wish
Tagging: @cupids-chamber @thehollowwriter
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 1 year
Pygmalion (III)
Pairings: Rook/(Pygmalion) MC// Idia/MC (Platonic)
Summary: You were frequently told that your career as a renowned sculptor did not match your dull and less than colorful personality. With your cybernetic hands, you carve the lives and deaths of those long gone‒ producing pieces which have been held in both technical and emotional high regard, dubbing you with the title “Pygm.AI.lion” despite your human heart and brain. When you accidentally still the usually flamboyant archer into silence after he comes across you working in your atelier‒ you find that you’ve become a victim to one of his ceaseless stalkings. Though, you’ve been prey long enough to know how hunt the huntsman himself.
Notes: Sorry this took as long as it did lmao I was sleep deprived then I was in 2 separate 18 hour (what were supposed to be) naps lol. Ah the human body and its wonders.
Was revisiting Paradise Lost recently and I was like wait did I accidentally create Jesus and or Lucifer imagery????? Omg. I also posted a Lilia/Reader oneshot based on the myth of Dullahan (Beloved Thy Name) ao3 link is here / tumblr link.
A lot of philosophy stuff again because I am unfortunately an INTJ with a type 5w4 enneagram AND a Sagittarius (Rook, Idia, and I have the same sign lmao) so triple whammy I love intellectualizing everything. Another very very sweet ol slow burn but I swear romance is in the air
Enjoy! Comments, reblogs, and likes cherished as always (о´∀`о)
CW: Nothing much
AO3 Link Here.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 (Here) // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
Rook felt a bit feverish after that critique‒ his eyes swimming as they traced the image of your sculpture inside his mind, melting slowly into the painting of clarity he had been scrutinizing more of lately. Slowly, he gathered his camera and his picture‒ searching for the points you had brought up in your critique, before staggering to his locker in the art classroom, mindlessly sauntering into the hallways for his lunch period.
"You feel it, as it feels you." He couldn't help but to echo those words in your chest, with the clarity in your voice. That was what he had searched for more than anything‒ lucidity, precision, truth above all. And you had embodied its beauty in your sharp expression that gazed far beyond that clock, time, far far beyond anything‒ piercing those eyes through his picture, through his eyes with that arctic solidity. He felt so raw in your presence, even with the layers of fabricated kindness and dramatized passion that veiled his soul‒ protected it‒ you had managed to cut him open, seeing straight through his frantic, aimless fervor in an instant. It made him restless, he knew something inside him was urging with every fiber of its being, to chase and hunt it down‒ but that would mean bursting through, shattering the picture of clarity, of truth inside his mind that he loved dearly. No, it was something different than love, something greedy, the putrid scent of humanity.
He was so lost in thought, turning that clear picture in his mind over and over‒ seeing the blemishes that kept appearing with each interaction he encountered with you‒ that he smashed right into something solid.
"-You! Watch your‒ oh. Rook."
He tiredly gazed from the brim of his hat to see Vil’s face, twisted in slight concern. His lips quickly fashioned into a smile.
“Ah, roi de poison, apologies‒ I was lost in thought.” Vil continued to stare with narrowed eyes as Rook set down his lunch on the table, settling into his usual seat across from him.
"Did something happen today? This is…unlike you. It’s a bit unsettling." The dorm leader stabbed the colorful salad in front of him, bringing it to his lips. “If you need to retire early and skip the club meeting today, just tell me.”
“Non, non. Nothing to worry about kindest Vil. I was simply pondering how well the rehearsal was going to go today‒ are you not curious to how our cast will do on its first run through? I’ve been quivering with excitement to see the freshmen flourish!” With an excitable inflection cast onto his voice, Rook knew Vil would drop the question, sighing with feigned weariness, before engaging in friendly fire.
“There’s nothing to be excited about. It’s just some first year potatoes we have to whip into shape. Honestly, I’m getting tired thinking about it.” Vil said with that sigh Rook anticipated. The corner of his lips curled further, happy for moments of simplicity like this in the spiral of uncertainty you were pushing him into.
“That is what you have me for, roi de poison. And it’ll be fun to see the potential of these first years‒ I trust your instinct with these things.”
“Hm. It’s difficult to actualize the image I have in my head for them. These freshmen are too weak willed‒ but I’ll have to manage with what we’ve got.”
Rook hummed happily, glad that he could retreat into Le chasseur d’amour for just a while, carefully constructing his elation, and the smile on his face. Control, clarity‒ then truth came to him once more, shrouding him in an air of suffocating security.
You felt your joints whirring a bit from how swiftly you had been walking from the art studio to the cafeteria. These old knees, you thought, choosing a box of pomegranate juice from the vending machine, they’re not what they used to be.
“(Name)! Over here!”
Spotting a flaming blue head, raising his hand to beckon you over‒ you drifted towards the table consisting of mostly Heartslabyul students.
“Hello Ortho.” You scuffed the fire on his head, drinking the tart juice from the box in your hands. “Looks good, did Idia install a digestion program in you?” You towered over his lunch tray, glancing at the steaming vegetables and tender meat. You did miss eating once in a while, but you found it to be rather a chore than anything else, disturbing your work flow whenever your stomach growled during the period of your life when you still had a human digestion system. Besides, Dr.Krios had deemed it unnecessary, instead pouring his efforts into your Orpheus protocol and transferring your soul without the demerits of your magic.
“Yeah! Human food is as good as I remember. I can have big brother install one for you if you’d like?”
You shrugged. “No need, like I said, I’m getting too old for big repairs or updates like that.” The creaking in your knees still remained. “Are these your friends, little flame?”
The two young Heartslabyul students stared at the two of you in curiosity, listening in on your conversation. “Oh, (Name), this is Ace and Deuce. They’re the same first years as me‒ and Ace, Deuce, this is (Name), a transfer at our very own Ignihyde dorm!”
“Nice to meet you! I’m Ace Trappola, the smarter and more handsome of us two.” The redhead reached his hand towards you with a crooked grin, while the first year next to him sent a questionable glare. You shook it, the metal inside your skin rattling a bit when you did. “Whoa! Are you a robot or something like Ortho?? You were talking about updates n’ stuff and your arm is so heavy!”
You released the grip on your arm, feeling the weight of your own arm‒ was it that heavy from your human one? The increased strength allowed by the automation made it difficult to tell. “I am not a robot. A cyborg.”
“Ace‒ stop being so rude! Sorry about him, I’m Deuce, it’s nice to meet you.” You took the hand of the other student with blue-black hair, quietly seeing if you could feel the heaviness of your hand in his shake. He had a surprisingly strong grip and steady arm however, so it proved useless.
“Nice to meet you two. Thank you for taking care of Ortho.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your relationship between the two of you? You seem like you knew each other before you even transferred‒ are you another Shroud sibling?” Ace asked with a fist under his chin in contemplation.
“Ah no‒“
“What’s this? Do I hear something about another Shroud sibling?” Another, taller redhead popped his head into your view, which you stared down in silence. “Wait‒ no way! Aren’t you Pygm.AI.lion? I follow you on Magicam!”
Ace snapped his fingers, pointing it at your face. “Ahh! I remember thanks to Carter now! I thought I’ve seen you somewhere!”
“…Magicam?” Must be another piece of modern technology you weren’t caught up with. So much was happening these days, you wanted to live your life simply without having to be caught up with every little thing on this planet.
“Huh? Yeah‒ see?” He shoved his phone in your face, scrolling through a page with the account name “Pygm.AI.lion”. You definitely don’t recognize this page, nor do you remember making a ‘“Magicam” account‒ so you suspected this was the doing of Jupiter Enterprises, another money hungry attempt, using you to gather the funds to pay for the research on your own body, to further blot research conducted by the desperate scientists at S.T.Y.X. You hoped Idia would take over too put an end to the ceaseless testing. “You should totally follow me back and be friends! Since we’re in the same grade and all~”
“Ah, I don’t actually own this account. Probably my manager or someone else at Jupiter Enterprises. But those are my works, and that is indeed me‒ I’m just not too acquainted with social media.” There were various pictures of you next to your sculptures, wearing the same dulled expression you always adorned during tiring galas and gallery events. Had you known they were taking pictures, you definitely would have deepened your frown just to spite them. But you figured with the tech they had been rapidly producing over the years, it wouldn’t be hard to implant a camera in corners you couldn’t see‒ just as small and precise as the ones implanted in your eyes.
“Oh that’s too bad. But we can still be friends, can’t we? I’m Carter Diamond, third year and official sweetheart of the Heartslabyul dorm!” Though he sung that sentence with a carefree lightness in his voice, you could feel his eyes shifting at your stony expression, searching for your response. Mood maker was right, you observed‒ the movement in his eyes reminded you of Rook a bit‒ except it seemed like he was using that wit to read the room rather than letting the hunger in his eyes consume him. You shook the thought of that feathered stalker from your mind, taking the hand Carter reached out to you.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m (Name), I just transferred.”
“Oh? Where did you transfer from RSA? I have a few friends there‒ maybe they know you?”
“Not from another school‒ a black carriage arrived at the S.T.Y.X lab one day, and I found myself here like the rest of the students. So I guess less of a transfer, but I’m not sure what else to call it.”
“Whoa S.T.Y.X? Aren’t they super secretive or something? Wait‒ S.T.Y.X is the one that made you then?”
“They did make my cybernetic enhancements. But I still have my human heart and brain, so depending on how you see it I suppose you could or couldn’t say they made me.”
“Wow I’m really getting the inside scoop here!” He laughed “They totally framed you as a robot‒ even in your Magicam profile! Oh‒“ He glanced at his phone. “I godda get going early to make up a test‒ I’m already on thin ice with Trein‒ nice to meet you Pygm.AI.lion!” Waving his hand, he dashed towards the double doors of the cafeteria.
You turned back to Ortho, taking the last sips of your Pomegranate juice. “That reminds me, Ortho. Are there any Art Clubs or Robotics Clubs here? Headmage said I had to join something by the end of the week.”
“Hm…I’m not finding either of those in the school’s database…But the science club is the “anything” club‒ you can join that! Or…” He tapped his chin. “Oh! You can come with me to the film studies club today! We’re actually in need of set designers and Vil would be grateful for a S-class sculptor like you, (Name)! And you can watch me perform today‒ it’s our first rehearsal!”
“Hm, that seems entertaining. It’s been centuries since I’ve seen a play in person. I look forward to your performance, Ortho.”
Ace and Deuce exchanged surprised looks, before the redhead spoke. “Uh..D-did we hear you correctly? Centuries..? How old are you exactly?”
Ah, right. The whole time thing. That thought left a distaste in your mouth, reminded of the clocks that had descended its image upon you today. All those around you were experiencing life at a different pace, all at different points in their path towards a blissful rest you would never know. The arms on your clock moved languidly, much too large to function “the correct way” that clocks ought to‒ in accordance to the beat of the human heart. Your body felt like that weary clock‒ much too tall, much too heavy for the way your heart would reach out to the pulse of other humans, and sink into the brilliant, cindering explosion that was a human’s lifespan. That blazing light you held at multiple points in your life was all too bright, too much, blistering against your brittle body that was weighed with eternity‒ so you took it into your hands, burning, imbuing it into hard marble. Even with your magic, that fire was too wonderful to be able to be ignited properly once more‒ dying out into a swift smoke when you craved that warmth again‒ leaving you cold, and dark. So you tried to let the turbulent waves of eternity wash over you, hoping it would eventually wear you down into nothing‒ a crude mimicry of a dazzling, human death.
“It..” You stopped, counting the centuries on your hands, but heaviness in your head made memories virtually irretrievable. “It’s been about six-hundred years, I think. I stopped counting a while ago, but I can give you a proper number with a history textbook. I was born exactly a hundred years before the City of Flowers was named.” You felt a little bad that you had stunned all those at the table to silence, quietly wishing Carter was here to pick up the mood.
“…You’re from the Shaftlands?” Deuce asked, breaking the awkward stillness.
You imagined your hometown, but you couldn't recall what it looked like, who your neighbors were, the smells, the dishes, the festivals. But your memory had not failed you when retrieving the memory of that night Dr.Krios found you, the smell of alcohol and bleach still stung your nose; the phantom sensation of broken marble embedded in your skin. After that night, there was nowhere for you to truly return to, reminisce with friends what flavors, smells, and experiences you tasted during your youth in that city‒ fuck. Your memory truly was failing you‒ you tried to remember your mother’s face, but all you could remember was a distant, muffled voice and nothing else. What did she look like‒ sound like again? What did you call her? Mama? Mother? Mom? You mentally shifted through multiple faces in your mind, aimlessly matching those words to them‒ but nothing. It almost brought you to tears, but you swallowed it with the tasteless, dryness in your mouth.
“I was, yes.” Was, everything always “was”. Nothing never “is” in the face of eternity.
You had been pushing it into a dark box inside your mind for a while‒ but you knew you would have to face this idea of eternity over and over again, like some Sisyphean bastard. It nestled in your heart as a part of it for a few centuries, growing as you attempted to replace the hole people would leave inside of it with anything‒ anger, apathy, madness, something you could grip and squeeze, searing your hand to preserve something of their fleeting existence. When their body and memories began to wilt however, so did that thing in your fist‒ allowing the hollowness of eternity to fester, eating away at the remnants of your heart. So for the last two centuries, you had retreated solely to the S.T.Y.X labs, severing almost any human connections to preserve the last fragments of yourself. But after six hundred years of repeated heartbreak‒ perhaps being alive was finally getting to you. You could feel the concerned gaze of the three first years, but your mind just drew complete darkness when searching for words to reassure them.
Suddenly, your mind suspended an image in your mind‒ a moment of clarity. You rolled the image in your mind, feeling out its shape with a delicate grip. You were surprised to reveal a picture of your own sculpture, however with the touches Rook made in his own photography. It was soft‒ like fresh laundry baking under the sun‒ green like a young spring sprout, pink like the color of a human heart. It mixed together in a muddled shade, swirling in a mess, a frenzy of colors. The humanity in that grotesque, fleshy shade made you look upwards again with clear eyes‒ reminded of your own sculpture from the first night he had made his way into your atelier. Rarely did you witness where the images in your head descended from‒ but you could clearly trace those words that came from him which parted the fog of your mind.
“Magnifique….With my human eyes, that is all I can see.”
You squeezed that image of his crystalline eyes, and muddy picture in your head‒ feeling every curve, tasting every color, delicately burning that picture inside your inhuman flesh‒ hoping no protocol would overwrite the wound it made. The breath you didn't realize you were holding came out in a slight cloud once you released from your tense stomach. Were you overheating? Gods, you felt feverish, though the metal of your skeleton still moved coolly inside your blot-packed tissue.
“(-me)? (Name)?” Ortho swung a hand in front of your face, eyes swimming with concern. “Are you okay? Lunch is over soon.”
You traced the engraving that picture made in your mind. “I’m alright. Thank you Ortho." A small smile graced your lips. You looked forward to the next image that would descend upon you, itching at the tender wound stored closely to remaining human flesh. Perhaps you could look at that divine inspiration through those striking viridian eyes before you let it possess you, but it was difficult to say if there was room for more humanity inside your rusting vessel. Still, the novelty excited you.
Ortho showed you around the parts of the school Rook hadn't had a chance to get to during your initial tour‒ giving you detailed explanations to each and every room before arriving at a door decorated with a white plastic plate, elegant black ink indicating it was reserved for the Film Studies Club. You swung the door open, allowing the younger Shroud brother to enter before you did.
“Ah, Monsieur Doll‒ oh! And Maître d’Ivoire, I didn’t know you were a fellow fan of the drama and beauty of theater! How wonderful‒ Vil will be thrilled.”
“Ortho suggested I join the stage set crew, but I’m only here to watch. I’m between the Science and the Film Research Club at the moment.”
“In that case I cannot possibly recommend only one! As a member of the Science Club it would be a joy for such an advanced cybernetic being like yourself to join our circle, however‒ as an assistant here at the Film Research Club, we could surely use your masterful skills in designing a truly spectacular set. Ah‒ I'm so torn‒ but the Science Club has so much potential for you, on the other hand ‒ “
“Rook! A word, please?”
“Ah‒ excuse me, mes amines, duty calls.”
You nodded mutely, unable to cram another word in the ceaseless string of sentences that flew out of his mouth. Bidding Ortho good luck with a pat on his head, you sat yourself in the auditorium, mumbling to yourself how you seemed to never be able to escape your feathered stalker.
"Alright‒ look bright first year potatoes‒ we've got a lot to work on! Rook! Where are those two third years that are supposed to be here for rehearsal today? I specifically asked him to come today for just a brief run through!" The inflection of his voice reminded you of an angry, chirping bird, one which Rook reflected with a mulled rumble.
"Désolé, Vil. It seems they're stuck in detention today…perhaps we can run the rehearsal without their parts?"
"No, no." The one you assumed was Vil shook his head. "These first years will be absolutely lost without the two leads for this scene‒ Rook, you'll stand in for Hyacinthus for this scene. And…" He threw his gaze right at you. "You. I don't know what you're doing lounging about‒ but be useful and play Apollo for today."
Briefly catching the smile quirked onto Rook's face, you sighed, pushing your body off of the seat, climbing the steps of the stage and taking the script pushed towards you from Vil's hands. You've never acted before, but it was like sculpting, right? Let life, let humanity, let death possess your cold body like a sublime ghost. Like your hands which carved that glory into glistening ivory, it was now your words which would shape a life out of the breath sucked into your lungs. You were quick to memorize the words on the page, embedding them in your throat as you took position by Vil's command.
"Lie, like this." He instructed. "Loosen your body Rook, lean against their body." Vil directed your bodies at the center of the stage, embracing each other under the dusty theater lights. Both you and Rook did as you were instructed, pressing warmth against warmth. You felt him squirm under your hardened fingertips that rested on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry if my cybernetics are uncomfortable. I could try to touch lighter, if you'd like."
His golden hair gleamed like ribbons in the light, swaying as he shook his head. "Non, you're quite soft." Despite being rocked by his deep breaths close to your own, those words felt distant‒ or perhaps a better word was "distancing", or something which attempted it. It didn't feel quite far, just muffled from your senses‒ still "soft" rang clearly in your mind like a bell, echoing the warmth it brought in your chest as many times as you allowed.
"You're comfortable, then?"
"Yes." His answer came like the wind, a quiet whisper, grazing lightly against your ears. You began, words at your throat bubbling, when Vil commanded action onto the scene. You let the image in your mind possess you.
"Your hair never quite lies flat, here." You touched the smoothed sheen of Rook's hair, plucking a golden strand out and feeling its silk between your fingers. "I don't think I've ever told you how I like it."
Rook pulled the script closer to his face. "You haven't."
“I should have." You let the strand go, seeing it fall gently into the bright curtain crowning his head. Its glow reminded you of gilded gold, glowing porcelain shining through from its age. "What about this? Have I told you what I think of this, just here." Reciting the script with your body, you tipped his head back, drifting your hands at the base of his throat, feeling the pulsing beat which echoed in its hollowness.
"No." He turned his body towards you, taking one slow step back to kneel below you. Sliding his script into another hand, he kept his gaze on it, before slinking his other hand into your gloves. The metal creaked inside your skin, and you thought to cringe at its harsh sound. But the tenderness of which he muffled that metallic squeal with his palms, wrapped lightly over your gloves, stopped you from hardening your face. "And have I spoken about this?" He lifts your hand above his eyes, you follow it, hoping to catch a glimpse of green pointed towards you. "Your hands calloused, from the divine poetry you pluck from your golden lyre." A pause. "Surely I haven't forgotten‒ tell me I did not, Apollo."
"You did not, my muse." You went to cup your hands around his, like the script instructed, but you found the paper to be in your hands‒ in the way. Without a second thought, you threw it out of your hands, somewhere out of your line of sight, its spine cracking harshly against the wooden theater floors. The words were engraved in your mind already. "And what of this‒ Hyacinthus‒ have I spoken of it?" You rested a knee to the ground like him, separating each of his fingers with your own.
“No.” His answer comes even quieter this time. You don't worry if his voice carries to others as it should during any rehearsal. The mountain in his throat bobbed, the muscles near his jaw shivering.
"There is this too." You reached a cold hand towards his face‒ still the anxiety of your harsh body instilled in your mind. The skin round your metal bones, to the organs sitting, packed in your torso were all made with the violence of human desire. You searched his eyes for that same hunger, again, but you found nothing this time. The space you held, hesitant, above the pink of his face softened into a solid touch. "I know I have told you of this."
He sucked in a shallow breath you could feel under the pulse of your palm. "Tell me again."
For a moment, you felt that divine image withdraw from you. It was petrifying‒ there was no instance in the six hundred years you had lived where that holy possession left you empty before you could carve it into the hardness of reality. But when you found yourself warmed not by its fleeting light, but the one that beamed from the flush of Rook's cheek‒ you let go of that chill, drinking in the heat that throbbed under your fingertips. Still as marble, you let yourself sink into the green of his eyes, this time, which were pointed directly at your whole with what could only be described as adoration.
"-Cut!" The brightness of the entire stage lighting up once more brought you back to reality. You shrunk your creaking hand from him, cringing at the scraping sound it made under your skin. "Zephyr‒ didn’t I just tell you that it was your cue right there?? You should already be on set by 'Tell me again'. Mark that on your paper so you don't forget, again.."
You chilled your face by feeling the metal under your skin, draining yourself of the remaining pieces of that image, that heat‒ moving smoothly before you reached a hand to Rook, still on the ground with the script in his hands. He looked up at you, seeing the shadow you created, staring blankly for a minute before shaking it off in favor of his usual fox-like grin. Even in the harsh darkness, you saw that shimmer pooling in his eyes.
"Merci, mon ami."
You stared mutely, watching him take your hand, the tip of his middle finger drew softly across your bare pulse, revealed by the pull of your glove by his grip. On instinct, you pulled away while he pulled in to lift his body off the ground‒ the tendons in your arms stretching, stretching, stretching until you felt them snap beside the metal bone. Anything but your hands‒ the curse which ineptly attempted to infuse your eternity into still flesh‒ much too quick‒ gone, gone, gone, you remembered.
Rook jerked backwards while the base of your arm tore into two‒ your body falling towards him to catch him with your other arm, stabilized with your light-fast knee lunging to him. Your in-tact hand easily caught his back, while you stared, wildly, into his widened eyes. Raising him to an upwards posture with a controlled straightening of your leg, you brought him back up to the soles of his feet‒ letting go as soon as he was balanced on top of them. You felt many eyes on you once more, concentrated at your shoulder where you uniform ripped, revealing the blot that bubbled from silvery metal under your ruptured skin.
Vil turned his head towards, you his stiff body following it. “You‒“
“I know.” That answer came sharply. You inhuman brute, immortal beast, machine‒ I know, I know. In the centuries you had lived, the eyes and whispers of many never bothered you much‒ but when you felt Rook graze against your cursed hands which spearheaded your parting with human flesh, after you two had held flesh against, what you thought was your flesh once more‒ it plunged you back into that hollow body, too large, too tall for your human heart. You felt words scorch your throat.
Play the part‒ let it possess you‒ empty the cup, fill it with an image not your own.
“I’ll be fine.” You raised a hand to cover the hideous healing of your arm, spurting and gushing with viscous black ink to forge your body back to its original form. It felt cold, writhing and twitching in the air‒ a heartless mockery of warm blood which fluttered delicately under human flesh‒ one you felt on Rook’s face just a few fleeting moments ago.
You saw Ortho appear from the curtains, floating towards you, examining your arm with worry. “(Name)- are you okay?? I think you should get that checked! Brother can take a look at it‒ just in case?” He pleaded.
Shifting your head downwards to examine the blot, you made the mistake of sweeping your eyes across Rook’s‒ his lips parted slightly, eyes widened into a crystalline solidity your wavering eyes did not possess. Too bright‒ burning. It welled a tightness in your throat.
Clenching your teeth, you answered Ortho. “I think I’ll do that. Excuse me.” Your legs leapt off the stairs of the stage, body swallowed by the darkness of the auditorium, back warmed by the light that radiated off of the stage. You heard Vil clap his hands, before the murmurs of first year students began once more as you slipped out of the room. Your body moved automatically, bringing toward the courtyard, where the shed was situated. Slumping your shoulder against it, you forced your way in, stumbling onto the wooden floors. Looking around, gliding your bleary eyes across the statues‒ you recognized no one.
Who’s memories did you hold? Who’s sadness was this‒ who’s hurt? Wounds felt too large, too feverish, too alive to feel like it belonged to your cold metal body. Who’s heart was this? Take it out, take it out. Your hands, your body, your life had been one filled with that action‒ stripped of anything you embraced. But just this once, you begged the sky where divine images descended from, to take just this one thing‒ everything, if you must‒ away from you. But it was fogged from your ragged, white breaths‒ and even without it, you weren’t sure if the gods above would gift you that clarity, the hope of a human‒ for, surely, you did not recognize humanity within you anymore. You tried to remember your own face from six hundred centuries ago, one which held the liveliness, the hunger, and the grotesque flush of a human’s. But no images descended upon you, so you shook that hollowness in your metal hand, hoping to crush it into a solid form with the pressure. No tears were shed, for such pleasures were only reserved for those of animal flesh. But you wept, voice rising from your chest, becoming foreign and uncanny when they reached the throat.
Rook’s character kind of reminds me of Oba Yozo from No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu‒ I think one of his biggest fears is someone seeing through the mask of his character because behind it, there’s fear, anxiety, an emptiness which he seeks to fill with even just the fabrication of passion (in that way he also reminds me of Confession of a Mask by Mishima). For him, I think he’s paralyzed with choice, so he kind of overplays his character of “hunter of love” to cover up the quiet anxiety he feels about all the possibilities that are stretched out before him. But in some ways that becomes security, truth, clarity for him to the extent that the straight forward/intuitive manner in which you speak and create kind of muddles that picture of clarity for him. So theres a reality in that "hunter of love" character but its also very fragile because it was originally meant to be a stand in for something more concrete. I saw a post on tumblr with a concept drawing for his character that said “表情がウソくさい“、meaning his expressions seem “made up”/played up, so I was like ah yes, I’m absolutely going to read too much into this. And now here we are lmao
Is mood maker a phrase in English?? Lol i don’t remember lmk if its wrong
When Mitski said “Yet Now I find I’ve grown into a tall child” I felt that‒ lesbian Jesus strikes again Mitski seems to find way into my writing every time but she’s also a hyperfixation of mine
Greece actually fell like 2100 years ago around 146 BC BUT i figured with the help of magic technology/culture would move more rapidly?? So I shrunk it down to like 600 years
The play part is pulled directly from Song of Achilles lol (except I changed it to Hyacinthus and Apollo), I knew if I were to write a bit in the play I'd get waaaay into it and the chapter would take forever so, you win some you lose some I guess
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dexpairs-blog · 2 years
Y'all dig champion Yuumi?😬
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YES, the hair color it's blue and not red, when they become the champion they decide to change it just because.
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ithseem · 2 years
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Apple Boi
(click for better quality)
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