#said neighbor gets updates on the cat like once a month
gothamo · 6 months
my flight is on thursday and I won't move until January, but I am already so excited, Gotham is all I can think about right now
the bad news, my cat has to stay with my parents :( she is used to the rural life and taking her with me to a big, loud city, with so many cars ... nah. too dangerous. but I will miss her so much :(
maybe I could adopt a stray kitten? but also, jake told me, his neighbors cat got stolen by some vigilante, and he has never seen the cat again :/ .. does this happen often?
should I .. be worried?
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lunamidnight · 7 months
November 2nd
Fanfiction/Original Fiction
First created: August 2020
Last updated: May 2021
General Premise: Had an idea for a vampire college story where the neighber and friends are vampires and such, and it started off well but i kinda teetered out of it over all.
Other notes: I don’t know if i’ll continue it or not, I can give more info to anyone who wants to take it over.
She has only been living at the college dorms for a couple of months, only really leaving to shop for food and go to her classes, with the occasional visit to the laundry room. She didn’t have many friends at college, but she’s made a sort of pen pal with her across the hall neighbor. It started about two weeks after she moved in and the neighbor in question had a few friends over, and they got pretty loud. She didn’t mind, she’s slept through whole block parties back at her hometown, so she wasn’t phased, but it was nice to receive a small apology letter in her front door the following morning. She decided to make a basket of cookies with a reassuring letter in response. She dropped it off before class and got a responding letter when she got home. After that, it continued like that, usually just letters but the occasional present from both sides weren’t unheard of.
Now they did eventually want to meet in person but their schedules just didn’t work out. She had classes most days till dusk, and would usually go to sleep after some studying. He split his time between work and school, and often only had time late at night to hang with his friends and that was once a week at most. They did what they could with the letters though. Telling everything about each other to one another. She, Talia Priska, was a first-year from a small town with just a father and a few family friends, she was 5 foot nothing and had long brown hair with green eyes. She likes both cats and dogs, loves to bake and play games and music. She was trying to major in Game design as well. 
He, Nathaniel Hugh, was a second-year majoring in general sciences with a minor in psychology. He came from a traveling family that wasn’t in one place for too long, apparently, they just set up shop somewhere in Canada. He was 5,10 with shaggy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He also liked both cats and dogs, but also enjoyed lizards and birds as well. He was better at cooking than baking, and he enjoys the occasional drink while playing games with his friends. He also liked to visit the gym between work and school. He worked as an intern at a a small local urgent care clinicblood bank.
They hit it off quite well despite never meeting in person. She’d tell him about her life and small family back home and he’d tell her about his friends and previous travels. He didn’t talk much about his own family, but she didn’t mention having any friends either. His friends also started to write in the exchanging letters, hopeing to meet her too. They haven’t said must about themselves outside their names, but she figured that would come with time. Their names were Jay, Alex, and Devon. She mentioned that she loved to meet them too and also reminded them of the next week-long break that was coming up, and that would be the best time to try and meet. Nathaniel was all for it since he already got a few of those days off from work.
Now was the last day of school before break, Talia’s last class had let her out early. So she went to go and get her laundry done so she wouldn’t have to worry about it over the break, on her way back to her room, however, a bulky male was standing in the hallway several feet away from her door. When he spotted her down the hallway he smiled at her. It didn’t sit well with her but she decided to remain civil as she stopped about 5 feet away from the male. “Uh, May I help you?” Talia asked simply. “Uh yeah you, uh, Talia Priska right?” He asked innocently. Talia frowned unconvinced. “Yes, who and why are you asking?” She asked in a clipped tone. The male in front of her cleared his throat to bide some time for his reply. “Oh, your classmate George gave me your room number, thought I come and ask you for a date, sweetheart.” He said with a flirty wiggle of his eyebrows.
Talia frowned more at the nickname as she adjusted her laundry basket on her side. “You didn’t tell me who you are, and that information was not his to give, so I will be declining your offer.”Talia replied pointedly, inwardly cursing at the fact that she only gave her information because of the project last month. “Aw no need to be sour about it, why don’t I tell you over dinner?” He asked with a grin as he took a step forward in a slight plea. She matched his step with a step back as she replied sounding angry now. “Tell me who you are, or leave!” She snapped loudly. “No, I came here to try to get you thate easy way but looks like we’re going with the hard way.” The male said as he quickly stepped forward and pressed her against the wall aggressively. She gasped out in fear as she dropped her basket and he moved in to capture her lips, but he was soon stopped by a tap on his shoulder.
The male stopped his advances and looked towards whoever was bothering him, only to get a fist connected to his face. He let go of Talia as he went down, and he was out cold when he hit the floor. Talia looked up in surprise at her savior only to notice a head of shaggy blonde hair. “Nathaniel?” She asked unsurely. He smiled much more friendly than the male on the floor. “Yep, and you must be Talia, wish we could have met under better circumstances, but are you alright?” He asked bending down to pick up her basket for her. “Better than I was a moment ago, thanks for the save.” Talia replied as she got her basket back. “No problem, um sorry if it's too soon, but my friends are coming over in about an hour, so if you are free you’re welcome to come over.” Nathaniel offered sheepishly. Talia giggled in response. “Sounds perfect, gives me time to put away everything and get ready, I’ll bring over with those board games I told you about too.” Talia detailed with a smile. “Sounds great see you later.” Nathaniel replied as they moved to their respective doors and went inside.
An hour or so later…
Copyright - C----- Williams(lunamidnight)
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andnowanowl · 7 months
Something that's been bothering me since the morning my ex sprung his accusations of abuse on me is that when I went outside that day, I noticed something odd about the garden. There were three bottles tucked under one of my lantana plants, a diet coke bottle and two water bottles. I found this weird because that morning had been garbage and recyling day. I had been out the night before and they certainly weren't there then. I tried to keep trash out of my garden.
I had been up with insomnia worrying over my ex's sister, who had supposedly gone to the hospital that night. My ex had been late coming home that evening and I began to grow worried. He is a teacher and with that comes my worrying his school had a shooting incident. Finally he texted and said he had been with his mother helping her get groceries. This wasn't the first such incident where he left me worrying that he had been gunned down in his classroom, so I snapped. I texted him whether he even gave a shit about spending time with me anymore, to which he responded (like an hour later), that his sister was in the hospital and that he was with her.
I immediately felt extremely guilty and apologized, asking him for updates. He told me to get some sleep, but I had been struggling with insomnia for months and with how guilty/worried I felt, I knew I would not get any.
During that night, I once threw my phone in anger because of how stupid I felt. That startled the cats napping in the room, who I apologized to and immediately felt bad for scaring. I also made an aborted kick to the garbage can because I was still angry with myself for daring to be selfish, then told myself I was being stupid for trying to kick it. I needed to open something in the bathroom with a knife at one point and grabbed it from the kitchen. I also drank a thimbleful of amaretto I was hoping to cook with at some point because I was worried the sister was going to die. I don't really drink and didn't want to be drunk, just kind of wanted that warm feeling in your stomach alcohol gives you.
What does this have to do with the bottles in the front garden, you may ask? Well, there was a window next to the door whose blinds we kept half open for the cats. A long, tall window that reached to about half a foot off the floor. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that those bottles got there because these two absolute psychos (my ex and his mother) were sitting in the garden watching me through that window. All of those actions I had just described were visible through the window.
I did go outside to pull in the bins in the morning, and I honestly can't recall if the bottles were there. I was pretty sleep-deprived. But it was light out after I did, so I would have seen a passerby walk up and stick the bottles there. I saw my ex and his mother arrive in the driveway that morning; they had nothing in their hands. My dad and his friend certainly didn't put them there because they hate litterers. That leaves only one possibility, right?
Another odd thing I noticed that morning was that after I brought the bins in, I noticed a cop car creep past the house a couple times. I didn't pay it much mind at the time since I occasionally saw them in the neighborhood but did find it kind of weird that it came back around for a second pass. Had they called it for intimidation tactics (didn't work, lol)...or had a neighbor, spotting some people crouching in the garden, called the cops and the cops were late to the scene?
And when my ex and his mother were in the house trying to remove the cats, they took the knives and my razor. My previous razor had mysteriously vanished the past week, so I had opened a new one. I wasn't suicidal (though they claimed as such to my dad), so them taking the knives and my razor was another layer of mindfuckery.
My ex drinks diet Coke, by the way.
I know this shit sounds paranoid and crazy, but it's the only thing that makes sense. 😵‍💫
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mooncademia · 4 years
Boys vs. Boys — PART 1.
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PAIRING ~ prohero au! friends to lovers, Bakugou x reader ( x Yo Shindo) 
GENRE ~ fluff, a little bit of angst!, jealously 
WARNINGS ~ language! a tiny ~spicy~ joke inserted 
WORD COUNT ~ 8.1k 
SUMMARY ~ After more than a month being away in the States, you have finally returned to Tokyo...with a party more than one. And when Bakugou realizes who the extra person was, tension grows between him and ‘pretty boy dunce-face’ a.k.a, the one and only: Yo Shindo. 
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[Bakugou] 10:35 a.m :
Text me when you arrive at Narita Airport, okay?
[Y/N] 10:41 a.m:
Of course :)
Bakugou leaned back on his chair in his apartment and read the text that you have sent to him yesterday, over and over again. In less than 30 minutes, you will finally arrive back to Tokyo after spending a month and a half in New York and LA for pro-hero work in the States.
Bakugou was never the type to be constantly checking his social media. He doesn’t even turn on his notifications because his simple rule was: if you had something to tell him, text him through Messages. Or just straight up call him. He doesn’t want to be spending time scrolling through Instagram, liking people’s outfit or food posts, nor did he want to retweet some silly tweet that Kaminari posted, complaining about how his neighbor’s cat hated him on a personal level. Bakugou had his own pro-hero work to do.
But today was different! And he had to be honest to himself, he was a little embarrassed to admit it. But ever since you texted him yesterday, he immediately turned on all his social media apps and now, he has spent way too long scrolling through your friend’s posts--hoping to know if there were any news of your arrival.
Bakugou grunted as he ruffled his blonde hair messily, feeling impatient that he hasn’t received any news about your arrival yet. He leaned over to his desk to grab his water bottle, but right before he unscrewed the cap, his phone vibrates loudly on his desk and he immediately dropped the water bottle and unlock his phone.
Finally! After so many weeks of you being away…you were finally here.
Closer to him.
Bakugou impatiently swiped right to unlock his phone and saw your message.
[Y/N] 7:56 p.m
At Narita, finally 🥴
His lips twitched a smile when he saw the emoji. Yeah, a 14 hour flight isn’t really the most comfortable, huh? He quickly replied back with his thumbs running with speed.
[Bakugou] 7:56 p.m:
How was the flight?
A few minutes past, no response. Bakugou shrugged, a smile still on his face knowing that you were safely here at Tokyo now, and in a few hours, he will be able to see you at the welcome-home party that Yaoyoruzu is preparing at the very moment in her godly-rich mansion.
But, before he rests his phone back on his desk, hundreds of notifications blew up on his phone and he checks his insta story to see what Mina, Uraraka, and Tsuyu posted. After all, they were currently at the airport picking you up.
Bakugou clicked on Mina’s latest insta story, his heart throbbed in excitement to finally see you until—
His face fell.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW YOU TWO WERE DATING!,” Mina squealed in the short clip captioned: “I WAS RIGHT! @yaomomo u owe me $20 bucks 😘😘!” Her phone went flying everywhere which made the video awfully blurry. But Bakugou already caught it and oh, did he feel sour in the mouth.
You looked as beautiful as ever, with your simple yet stylish slightly cropped cream-T and gray sweatpants. Even though your eyes looked a bit dazed as if you had just woken up, you looked so cute to his eyes.
But what made Bakugou’s emotion shift so fast was not of you. Of course not!! How could he ever?!
It was who you were walking with.
He clicked next on Mina’s insta story, hoping in that split millisecond it was not who he think it is. Not the person in his mind that kept bugging him after seeing so many headlines on the news of the two of you working together in New York and LA. It can’t be him, right?
But Bakugou’s guts knew way fucking better. And his eyes grew angry when he saw the pro-hero, Yo Shindo, standing next to you. Wrapping you closely in his arms with a smirk plastered on his face. And you looked just as pleased too as Mina caught you laughing with Shindo so lovingly before running towards Mina with your arms wide open.
“Wow,” Bakugou heard Tsuyu gleefully whisper next to Mina. “He’s even more hot in real life! Why the hell can’t I find men like that?!”
“It’s a rarity.” 
Bakugou heard Tsuyu scoffed playfully. “Tell me about it.” 
Mina continued to wobble the phone, which makes Bakugou want to shout at the device on his hand to stop! moving! But alas, the next clip that was just posted 16 seconds ago, he saw you with your arms wide open, giving all your girlfriends a hug.
“Aw, I miss you guys so much!!” You squealed. Bakugou could no longer see “pretty boy dunce-face ” anymore but he knew he was with you and his stomach drop.
Ah, Yo Shindo. The pro-hero who study abroad in New York after high school for an internship at a country-famous agency, second best from Captain Celebrity (who was #1 hero in the U.S!), becoming a famous pro-hero in America.
And surely enough, when you flew to NY and LA to collaborate with Yo Shindo, news broke out nation wide in America about the two of you working together that even Japan starred the news on television one day. And those past weeks while you were gone, Bakugou had to suffer from all the pictures that the paparazzi took in New York and Los Angeles. And he admits it. He spent way too many nights awake, changing his VPN to U.S.A on his computer (thank you Kaminari for the tip!) to read and watch CNN, New York Times, and any other newsline that starred or mentioned you and Yo Shindo, hoping to grasp any updates about you.
But now you were finally here in Tokyo…with a party more than one. And as Bakugou closed Instagram, he closed his eyes to calm himself down aka, reassuring yourself that you and Yo Shindo were definitely no more than just friends…
Who spent more than a month together in the States…
And flew back to Tokyo together in the same flight…
Yeah…not helping.
Bakugou lifted himself off his chair and threw a towel over his shoulder, heading towards the shower to wash up before the party at Yao-momo’s tonight. But Bakugou’s phone buzzed once more and when he leaned in to check it, his heart did a little flip when he read your text.
[Y/N] 8:14 p.m
Not the very best 😔 a flight attendant and I had this argument because there was a seating error!
Bakugou relaxed a bit. He knew it was a little self-indulgent and selfish to feel this, and maybe it was jealously that was pouring over him, but he felt his nerves relaxed a bit knowing that perhaps you didn’t at all fell for that Yo Shindo boy.
Bakugou began to type back. Not an overly-top-gushy-pick-me-up text that he know that idiot Deku would type, but a nice and cool but sweet text to cheer you up from your bad flight. But before he clicked the sent button, he received another message.
[Y/N] 8:15 p.m
Thankfully Yo Shindo was there to help me out, he’s here in Tokyo too by the way! 
Bakugou felt his stomach drop again. He backspaced his previous text and rewrote a new one.
[Bakugou] 8:16 p.m
Oh, that’s great!
He knew it was far from the truth as jealously crept up behind his back again, but he had to play it cool. He can’t be jumping into conclusions before he knows anything about the two of you!
[Y/N] 8:16 p.m
I’ll see you at Momo’s, right?
Bakugou smiled at the screen. Despite the news of pretty-boy dunce face in town, he still can’t wait to finally see you after so many weeks. Of course you have been keeping him updated through your texts every week, but to see you actually in person after so long…his heart couldn’t stop beating when he typed back.
[Bakugou] 8:17 p.m
Yeah, I’ll be there.
And with that, Bakugou finally rested his phone back on his desk and headed towards the shower, hoping to wash away all silly thoughts flowing in his mind.  Hoping that…when he sees you tonight, he is able to have an opportunity in the near future to tell you about the emotions he has been feeling ever since you left Tokyo last month. 
With no distractions in the way—especially not that  pretty boy idiot!
Okay so his previous plan came to a halt.
“Yo, Yao-Momo!!” Kaminari shouted as he hopped back onto the couch. He pointed behind him excitingly. “I didn’t know you had black custom-made toilets!!”
“Black toilets?” Kirishima asked, setting up the living room table with cups and beverages.
“Yeah! And there’s even a TV mounted on the wall above the bath tub. And OH! There’s “jacuzzi” mode in the tub! And there are speakers so you can listen to music and the mirror above the sink opens up to a—“
“So did you go pee, or did you just take a full-ass bath in my bathroom?” Yaoyorozu asked with her hands on her hips and sneered eyes.
Kaminari widened his eyes like a puppy. “I CAN TAKE A BATH IN YOUR COOL BATHROOM?!”
Yaoyorozu sighed as she placed two finger on her nose bridge, but Kaminari could tell that she was trying not to laugh.
“Food’s here!!” Yaoyorozu’s boyfriend, Yosetsu Awase, announced as he plopped down six pizza boxes on the table.
“Thanks babe for picking it up,” Yaoyorozu said before giving Awase a kiss on the cheek. She smiled happily at her boyfriend and when Bakugou glanced up, the two of them looked so good together that he couldn’t help but feel a sour in his stomach as he reflected back at the news he saw on Mina’s Instagram story.
Bakugou cleared his throat as he helped Kirishima set up all the props. “So…when’s Y/N getting here?”
Kirishima looked at him and when he saw his best friend look so curious and innocent, Kirishima’s eyes immediately lit up and he nudged Bakugou on the ribs even though he knew he may be dead meat from teasing him.
“You still like her, huh!” Kirishima said in a low whisper with a smirk, which almost caused Bakugou to light up his hands and slam Kirishima face down on Momo’s fancy wooden floors. But before he could even act, he heard the entrance door whoosh open with Mina’s voice echoing from the door to the main room.
“YOU OWE ME $20 BUCKS MOMOOOOOOOO!!!!” Mina shouted as she dragged you to the living room. When Bakugou saw you standing a couple feet away from him, he sucked in a breath.
You were still wearing your airport outfit that he saw you last on Mina’s post. But when he thought that you couldn’t look any more beautiful from the small screen on his phone, he was so wrong. As you stood there with a sheepish grin on your face—to Bakugou’s eyes— you were 10 times more prettier in real life. Hell, make that a hundred.
When you locked eyes with Bakugou after giving Kirishima a hug, you blushed before stepping towards him, about to do the same, until—
“Y/N!! YOU’RE FINALLY FUCKING HERE!!! I MISS YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH!!!” Yaoyorozu squealed as she ran over, cutting Bakugou from his hug. Bakugou had to back up before Yaoyorozu jumped over him and he was not happy about that. But when you let out an “oof!” and rested your shoulder on Momo’s shoulder, your eyes were still on Bakugou’s and you gave him a weary smile that said: “sorry!”
Bakugou couldn’t stay furious too long when he saw your apologetic smile as you hugged Momo back. He gave an appreciative nod at you that made you know that he was glad to finally see you back.
When Momo parted away, she blinked her eyes at Mina, who was standing right next to you with her arms crossed and a sly smirk plastered on her face.
Momo perked up. “Wait, I owe you $20 bucks?”
Mina widened her eyes and grabbed your arm, shaking it so excitingly that Bakugou swore she probably loosened all your bones now. “Bitch! You owe me $20 bucks when we bet on Y/N and Yo Shindo being together!”
You shot your head at Mina with eyes widened. “You guys bet WHAT?!” You asked so sternly that it made Mina and Momo tuck their hands sheepishly behind their backs.
“Well…” Mina teased, eyes staring at the ground as she drew circles on the floor with her shoe. “We kinda bet on whether you will get together with Yo Shindo when you were away…”
“We? As in just the two of you, right?”
Momo clamped the back of her neck embarrassingly. “Uh…plus Asui and Ochaco..?”
You gasped, shaking your head in disbelief. “You guys! I cannot believe—“
“That you love us too much for you to get mad at us?” Mina interrupted with such a cute smile that you parted your mouth for a few seconds and darted your eyes from Mina to Momo before dropping your hands and releasing a sigh.
“Fine…” you said, rolling your eyes but your lips lifted up to a smile. You extended your arms to your friends. “Come here you guys…Ya’ll are so lucky I haven’t seen you two for more than a month. Or else you’ll be dead meat!”
Your girlfriends ran in to hug you one more time, continuing their warm comments on how much they have missed you.
Yaoyorozu parted away when a thought came across her mind. “WAIT, Y/N, FOR REAL THO. Are you guys dating? .… Oh my god,” Yaoyorozu cupped her cheeks with her hands and blushed warmly. “Don’t tell me he’s actually here, is he?!”
Bakugou silently pleaded to himself that pretty boy dunce face is not here. Oh god, please let him have mercy!
“He’s here!” Mina squealed turning her head back to Yaoyorozu. “And he’s so cute in real life!”
Yaoyorozu clamped her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god. Yo Shindo. In my house.” She scanned the whole living room, making sure that everything looked fine.
“Uh. Your boyfriend. Also. In your house.”  Awase cleared his throat as he and Kaminari came back with paper plates.
Yaoyorozu walked towards her boyfriend and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Of course you know I love you, babe. But Yo Shindo is here. That’s like…that's like having Brian the Sun come over to perform a song, y’know. We are all just fangirling!”
“We?” Bakugou sputtered out. Kirishima flashed him a smirk which made him roll his eyes and mutter out a “whatever”.
But no one heard him, because right after Bakugou’s comment, Tsuyu and Uraraka entered in with the man that Bakugou never thought he’d ever have to see since his pre-license exam during his first year in U.A.
Yo Shindo came in holding two pack of beers and bowed slightly with a celebrity-level smile that would have all girls swooning after him. He was wearing a Gucci shirt under a blue flannel, paired with ripped vintage denim jeans and a black beanie that made the bangs on his head scoot down just a tiny bit. His face mask was resting right below his lips and his whole aura screamed: “FASHION” in all the right places. But it wasn’t just his looks that demanded attention, it was also his aura of easy confidence that he held. And if he wasn’t a pro-hero, he’s the type of guy that would be easily mistaken as a supermodel.
His yellow Gentle Monster sunglasses were tucked in his shirt and Tsuyu and Uraraka giggled as they sat down the rest of the beers on the table and directed Shindo to do the same.
“Hey,” Shindo greeted everyone as he moved next to where you were standing which made Bakugou’s eyes squint just a bit. You nodded at him with a smile that made Bakugou want to twist his guts. “It’s so nice to meet everyone! Y/N talks a lot about you guys.”
“SO YOU REMEMBER US FROM THE LICENSE EXAM?!” Kaminari asked excitingly, almost jumping out of his seat.
Yo Shindo chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you widen your eyes just a bit from his touch, but the look on your face didn’t really show any uncomfortableness—as if you were already used to it.
But oh, if only Bakugou shot lasers out of his eyes!! He would zap away his hand from your waist in a blink of an eye.
“Yeah,” Shindo nodded his head cooly. “You, Kirishima, and Bakugou are awesome!” He said looking at the each of them. Kaminari and Kirishima grinned appreciatively back. But weirdly, when Shindo’s eyes landed on Bakugou his gaze stayed a tiny bit longer than usual.
What? Bakugou mentally questioned to himself when he saw the way Shindo stared at him seriously. It was like he was challenging him, and there was a string of tension that only the two boys could feel and Bakugou already knew from the start that he and him were not going to get along.
Shindo blinked his eyes back to reality and flashed a friendly smile to you—a complete change of face for what he was expressing to Bakugou, but no one else seemed to notice. Shindo pulled you closer. “Well, let’s get this party started shall we?”
You nodded happily back and everyone began handing out plates and popping bottles of beer. Bakugou joined in too, with a grin on his face.
But although he smiled as he listened to you talk about your crazy adventures of that one creepy stalker you encountered in LA or how everyone must order the pastrami egg n’ cheese bagel at Frankel’s Deli in Brooklyn, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel a discomfort itch in the back of his mind as he saw you sitting on the couch with Shindo so closely next to you.
And whenever Shindo glanced at Bakugou, there was always this silent edge that he could feel from the look of his eyes. Unfortunately, in such a social environment, he couldn’t excuse himself with his best friend Kirishima to talk about this. Bakugou knew that people will question him. What’s there to be uncomfortable about in Y/N’s Welcome Home party?
So as Bakugou took another sip of his beer while you talked about your crazy adventures, he mentally crossed his fingers that you and Yo Shindo are merely just friends.
Even if a part of him told him otherwise.
“Wait, you two went on a date?!” Momo asked looking at Shindo as her back sat comfortably on the sofa with her boyfriend’s arm around her. “In New York?!”
Shindo smiled at you and laughed. You mirrored his expression and shook your head at Momo. “Well, it wasn’t really a date actually, it was just a tour around New York.” You said.
“Oh, please tell us!!” Uraraka said to Shindo with excited eyes. Shindo laughed and nodded happily, making all the girls put their full attention on what he had to say.
“Well, I first met Y/N in New York City. And after seeing her and her awesome abilities—“
“Oh please,” you said, waving your hand dismissively from that with an embarrassing smile.
Yo Shindo pouted adorably at you. “It’s true!”
Bakugou saw Uraraka and Tsuyu quietly exchanging each other glances that didn’t need much for him to know what they were thinking. And as much as it hurts his guts and heart to think about this, he couldn’t help it.
You and Shindo looked so good together. It was like those couples on k-drama or whatever the hell people were watching, where the audience knows that they are perfect for each other. And even though you hadn’t mentioned anything about him being your boyfriend and all…well, it was just obvious. Even your girlfriends could see it. And from the look of Kirishima giving him a lopsided smile as if saying “Ouch. Sorry bro.”  Bakugou could basically confirm his hypothesis correct.
But instead of wanting to just punch pretty boy in the face to release his anger (which, he wanted to do so bad) he kept his cool and restrained his emotions as he listened to Shindo explain this “date” that the two of you went on.
“Well, I offered to take Y/N around New York City, since she was new to the place on my motorbike and—“
“ON YOUR MOTORBIKE?!” All the girls (plus Kaminari) squealed. Awase tilted his head back to laugh at everyone’s reaction and Kirishima muttered a phrase that included: “dude, that’s so manly!” causing Bakugou to turn his head at him and shoot him a death dagger.
Kaminari—who by the way— is obsessed with motorcycles and dreams to own a Harley Davidson one so he could be as cool as Keanu Reeves, pumped his hand in the air and excitingly asked, “Yo, Shindo, what type of motorbike do you have?”
“The one I took with Y/N?” Shindo said, which meant that he had more than one. But the way Shindo said it wasn’t in an egotistic kind of way, nor was it annoying (which bugged Bakugou) but rather, he said it in a humble and polite tone.
Shindo glanced at you with a charming smirk on his face, as if remembering that precious time with you in New York. “It was a Harley Davidson Sportster Iron 883! In black.”
“WHAT!” Kaminari slammed his beer down on the table. “C-can I have a ride?”
Ugh, an idiot I swear! Bakugou said to himself as jealously crept up to him once again as he saw everyone—even Kirishima—so engaged on Yo Shindo.
Shindo laughed again and nodded. “Sure! I actually shipped that one to Tokyo since I’ll be staying here for a while.”
Mina lifted her eyebrows at Shindo. “You’re staying in Tokyo?”
Shindo shook his head. “I’m just staying here for a couple of weeks for some pro-hero work. I’ve been away so long and I wanted to come back since I realized I missed Japan so much. And a friend of mine offered me to collab with his agency for now!”
Bakugou let out a puff of air as Uraraka gleefully smiled and said, “Wow, that’s so great to hear!”
And so the conversation continued. After Shindo took you around on his motorbike, he took you to this fancy, romantic restaurant down in Manhattan, and then took you around Central Park when evening came. And during this whole conversation, everyone pitched in their squeals and glees here and there, but Bakugou remained silent the whole time. You laughed at Shindo’s jokes and descriptions and added a story on how clumsy he actually is, despite his cool exterior.  And Bakugou grew slightly more furious—but it wasn’t a challenging kind of anger. It was just that it frustrated him that he couldn’t point out, or find, any particular ”flawed” that Yo Shindo had.
As the conversation moved along from one to the other, Yo Shindo offered to help Awase and Kaminari to clean up the empty pizza boxes. Kirishima and Bakugou offered to help as well, recycling empty bottles away and folding paper plates to the waste bin.
And as Bakugou walked across the living room, picking up the last few empty bottles of beer on the side table of the couch, he heard you and your girlfriends lowly whispering.
“Well?! “ Yaoyorozu questioned curiously, patting your knee. “Did you…you know!?”
“What?” You asked curiously.
“You know…Yo Shindo…vibration quirkkkkk,” Tsuyu moaned as Uraraka and Mina nodded in agreement, eyes clearly swooned away by Shindo.
Tsuyu grabbed your arm and stared at you dead deep into your eyes before glancing to where Shindo and the other boys were at in the kitchen. “Please tell me what happened! You two obviously hit it up, right?!”
Bakugou wanted to throw up right then and there. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear what you were about to say next. And as much as his conscious tells him to “WALK AWAY KATSUKI”!!! Curiosity killed the cat as he watched you in the corner of his eyes while he cleaned up the table slowly to the side.
You covered your face with your hands as embarrassment crept up on you and squeezed your eyes shut.
“I KNEW IT!” Uraraka said in a low whispered as she snapped her fingers.
Bakugou’s stomach dropped and his jaw tightened in grit.
“Guys, no,” You whispered sternly back, but your cheeks still glowed with heat. “Nothing happened between me and Shindo.”
Bakugou eyes widened as he darted his attention back on the table. Wait a minute… there is hope! A wash of relief swept through him when he heard your reply, but his happy thoughts immediately crumpled when he heard Mina’s suspicious tone.
“Sureeeeeeeee,” Mina exhaled a puff of air sharply—not convinced that you were telling the truth. “I can see it in your face that that’s a LIE!”
Bakugou knew it would be wrong for him to continue hearing this (wrong in a sense that if you were just hiding the true secret, he may blow the roof off of Momo’s house, and that wouldn’t be appropriate). Plus, who the hell takes 5 goddamn minutes to clear up some trash?!
So, with all his might, Bakugou bravely walked around the couch, passing you and the girls as he headed towards the kitchen. And when you saw Bakugou walk pass in front of you, you silently let out a gasp with a parted mouth shaped as an ‘o’ on your face.
After the party was over and it was getting pretty late, all the girls decided to finally head home. They offered you to join them but you passed appreciatively by saying how you had to thank and Awase and Momo for everything and Awase was still in the back, cleaning a few things up, while Momo had some errands to run.
“How do you not drink Momo-Yaoo!!” Mina said as she threw one arm around Momo’s shoulder.  
Momo sighed but a smile graced her lips. “Cuz I know I’ll have to take you guys home!” She said sternly but sarcastically.
Mina gave Momo a “thank you” hug and you and the girls laughed
“Since you’re finally here, we all have to go to that tendon place in Shinjuku!” Tsuyu announced happily, giving you one last hug before heading out.
“Tendon Tuesdays are definitely back ya’ll!” You laughed happily and all the girls hovered above the two of you, joining in for one last group hug as they shared “I love yous” and goodbyes.
“You guys are acting like I will be leaving again,” you laughed when you all pulled away and saw your friends getting teary.
Mina smiled softly. “We’re just happy you’re finally back.”
And after Mina said her sweet comment, Uraraka wailed a “You GUYSssssssss!” in a sarcastic tone and everyone bunched up together again for another group hug as they wailed their hearts out.
Bakugou walked in and saw all the girls form into one ball and he couldn’t help but grin at the sight. Yeah, he was so happy that you are actually in Tokyo.
After more “text me!” and goodbyes, the four girls exited out the door and you stood in the living room by yourself, cleaning up the last few trash on the table for Momo.
This is the time. Bakugou said to himself as he began to walk towards you. Nervousness crept on his neck which was unusual for him since you were one of his closest friends. Kirishima and Kaminari headed back to their places and before Kirishima exited, he gave one last talk to Bakugou.
“Dude, you don’t even know if she’s with him yet,” Kirishima said outside the front gate. “Maybe they’re just friends!”
“Just friends?” Bakugou repeated slightly icily—almost like a scoff. He tucked his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “I don’t know, man. You see it too though.”
Kirishima stares at his friend and bit his lip, knowing that from the way Shindo has been treating you and all the stories you two of shared together, it looked like you two were together. Sure! Maybe you two were just friends, but Bakugou felt like it was highly unlikely. Plus, you were exchanging whispers with your friends and from the look on their faces, it was like something exciting was stirring up.
“Yeah,” Kirishima finally said. “But still…we don’t really know. And now that everyone is almost gone, now’s your chance to finally talk to her in peace!”
And with that in mind, Bakugou walked towards you in the main room.
You looked up from the table and widened your eyes. “Bakugou! I thought you already left with the other boys. You’re still here?” You asked. But you immediately blushed and waved your hands quickly when you realized how wrong that sounded out your mouth. “Not that it’s bad that you’re here! I didn’t mean that. I’m happy you’re still here!”
Bakugou laughed, his shoulders relaxing as he looked at you with a smile. You laughed too at your own dumb act and the awkward tension was slowly replaced with a comforting one.
“You really don’t wanna see me, huh?” Bakugou teased with a smirk.  
You rolled your eyes. “You know it’s not like that.”
Bakugou grabbed the back of his neck and locked his eyes with you. You hummed curiously, knowing that he wanted to say something.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say that I’m really glad that—“
“Y/N!!” Shindo’s voice echoed from the back kitchen. He waved his arm excitingly with a bright smile but then paused when he saw you and Bakugou standing in front of each other, alone.
Ugh! Bakugou thought to himself as he saw Shindo’s face grow slightly tensed when he looked at him.
Shindo walked towards you respectfully with a smile. “Hey, I know it’s pretty late. Do you want me to take you home?”
Bakugou parted his mouth opened for just a bit. His anger and jealously was rising high now and he wasn’t sure why.
“Oh!” You said, turning your head to Shindo. “No, it’s fine, really!”
“You sure?”
You smiled at him. “Yeah, thank you though.”
“Well then,” Shindo turned to Bakugou and then back to you. His gaze turned serious. “Can- Can I talk to you in private for a moment?”
You opened your mouth and directed your hand towards Bakugou. “Oh! Bakugou was actually talking—“
“It’s fine, Y/N” Bakugou said in almost a strict tone that your face fell a bit. He nodded his head at Shindo and then smiled at you, telling you that it really was okay. “It’s not important, really. Actually…I think I’m going to head out.”
“Bakugou, wait—“ you said, your eyes staring directly at his.
“Y/N,” Bakugou tried to laugh. But you knew him too well that the laugh was forced. “Seriously, we can chat again later some time. Plus, since you’re back, we can finally hang out like we used too.”
Shindo glared at Bakugou sternly after he said that, but at this point Bakugou couldn’t care anymore.
You paused and stared at him before mumbling out an “okay” as Shindo turned and pulled you away from him.
And after letting Awase know that he was finally heading home, Bakugou exited the door and walked towards the front gate. He tucked his hands in his pockets and felt his heart grow heavier and heavier until—
“Katsuki! Wait!”
Bakugou twirled around to see you extend your arm up high out the front door. You ran towards him and put your hands on your knees to gasp for air.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you so directly.” You said apologetically.
Bakugou shook his head, but his heart skipped a few beats when he heard you call his first name. “It’s fine. You can call me that.”
You widened your eyes and hugged yourself closely. “Oh?” You smiled. “Okay then.”
“Uhm…did you need to tell me something…or..?” Bakugou asked curiously, internally wondering why you suddenly exited out of the house.
“Oh! Right!” You tapped your head dumbly. “Right….I- I actually wanted to say goodbye to you and-”
“Weren’t you just talking to Shindo?” Bakugou pointed out so cold that your face immediately fell when you heard his sudden shift of tone.  
“No! I- I actually need to apologize for that. I should have spoken up more. We haven’t…really chatted during the party.”
Bakugou scoffed and smiled as he tilted his head up towards the night sky in silence. He was so furious just a few seconds ago that any one who dared stopped him will be blasted off to space. But when he heard you call his actual name, he felt more at peace. But sadness lingered in his heart as he darted his gaze behind you at the door, knowing that Shindo was in there. 
From the door entrance to the front gate was a large garden in between, and when you realized how quiet it was, you cleared your throat and looked up at him.
“We’re not together,” you finally said.  “I mean, Shindo and I.”
Bakugou’s eyebrows shot up immediately but quickly replaced his shock look with a calm one.
He blinked his eyes and parted his mouth slowly, carefully thinking about the words before saying them out loud. “But Mina and them—“
“Kept teasing about the two of us being together? Momo kept throwing us questions about our quests? All the girls teasing and the “date”?” You said in air quotes with a smirk. “Shindo is really nice and he’s like that to almost everyone, really. Plus…”
You stopped, glancing up at Bakugo and then turning your head away. Heat crept up to the apples of your cheeks as you continued. “Plus, there’s someone else…”
Bakugou’s mind buzzed with clouds as he felt like a a horde of demons was ready to swallow him up.
There’s someone else.
It can’t be him, right? Bakugou’s shoulders fell and frowned a bit. How could he be so stupid thinking that you actually liked him in the first place? Could it be…Kirishima? Kaminari? Oh fuck, maybe it’s Deku. His mind continued to swarm with possibilities of the “someone else,” casting more and more doubt onto himself until he heard your laughter.
You clenched your arms around your stomach and laughed. A beautiful melody that never ceases to amaze Bakugou. It was like a warm breeze in the summer swooping him away. But Bakugou lowered his gaze with confusion as he stared at you. “What’s so funny?”
You looked up, wiping a small tear on the corner of your eye with a bright but soft smile on your face.
“It’s you, dumbass.”
Under normal circumstances, anyone who called him that will immediately turn into dust, but with you… He couldn’t even get riled up an inch. Because when he heard those words left your mouth, it was like fog clearing up on a raining day, a heavy weight now off his shoulders.
Wait…is this really happening?
A cunning smirk graced his lips as he stepped closer to you.
The cool evening air no longer felt cold and you grabbed his hand pulling him closer. It was dark but he could still see the perfect outlines of your face.
“Really?” Bakugou whispered huskily above you, not sure if he was dreaming or not. Excitement buzzed throughout his body, his focus entirely on you.
You laughed with a happy smile on your face. “Really.”
Bakugou smirked cockily. “Well, then dumbass…I’m glad… because I like you too.” He said slowly in such a cute way that it made you giggled.
“I’m glad then.” You said quietly.
“Do you… want to go grab lunch someday…?” Bakugou asked, the words rolling off his tongue seemed so foreign to him. Everything happened so fast but it felt so nice at the same time.
You nodded your head still smiling. “Yeah…that sounds nice. Though I want your homemade curry, I’ve been craving Japanese food for so long and New York and LA doesn’t even beat the meals that you make!”
Bakugou laughed, his heart feeling so overwhelmingly content. “Well then, I’ll bring you some food tomorrow. You’ll be jet lag and all.”
You groaned cutely. “Oh god, yeah. I’ll probably be sleeping all morning tomorrow. But at least I’ll have something to look forward to when I wake up.” You smiled.
Bakugou nodded, and you pulled him into a hug that surprised him at first but he wrapped his arms around you ever so gently and warmly. The two of you just wrapped in each other’s arms for a few seconds, enjoying the quiet night that Bakugou wished could last forever.
“I’m glad you’re back, Y/N.” He whispered softly in your ear that made you shivered with happiness. “I…I’ve missed you.” He added ever so quietly in a way that it sounded like he was talking to himself. But you still heard those words and it made you hug him a bit tighter.
You tucked your head into his shoulder and whispered out a soft “me too.”  
When the two of you parted away, you both exchanged goodbyes once more, but this time, there was a layer of love and excitement in the air. Bakugou glanced at the door behind you, and the sudden reminder of Shindo who was still in there came to mind. Bakugou has never felt so happy in his whole entire life, knowing that you had the same feelings he had for you. But seeing the shadows on the windows, the sudden flash of Shindo’s disapproving face re-resurfaced. He had a feeling that you didn’t know that Shindo actually liked you. And sure! He only met the guy today but his gut instincts knew better that the faces he gave to Bakugou plus his expression whenever he looked at you, it was something more than just a friendship. But before Bakugou could even dive deeper into this thought as he turned towards the gate, you stopped him.
“Katsuki—! Wait.” You called, causing him to turn his head once more at you. But before he could even ask what’s wrong, you slipped a hand through his and stepped on your tippy toes as you planted a warm kiss on his cheek, holding it there for a few seconds. Bakugou widened his eyes for a quick second, and just like magic, that kiss washed his doubts about you and Shindo down the drain. It was like a message that you were his—as dominating as that sound. But it nevertheless made him less tensed. 
You swallowed a lump on your throat as you parted away. A little embarrassed at your sudden move but when you saw Bakugou’s face glowed, you smiled and nodded. Words didn’t need to be said for the two of you to understand each other.
“Have a goodnight, okay? Drive safe.” You waved before turning your back to return to the house.
“Yeah,” Bakugou smiled as he tucked his hands into his pocket, turning to the front gate once more. “I will.”
And with that, the two of you parted your ways, with bright smiles and warm hearts that continued to simultaneously flow in the air.
“Cuz I know I’ll have to take you guys home!” Shindo heard Momo from the living room said as he carried the trash bags into the kitchen.
“Uhm.., where should I place these?” Shindo asked Awase who was washing a few cups in the sink.
Awase pointed at the corner besides him where all the other bags were laid. “You can leave them here Thanks, man.”
Before Shindo nodded respectfully at him, he heard you and the girls burst out into a loud laughter, making him turn to the direction of the sound coming from the main room. His eyes softened, as if reminiscing precious memories from a time. And in all honestly, his attention was just focused on your laughter. The melody that he can always listen to and never get tired of.
Shindo had never believed “love at first sight.” But when he first saw you in New York, his heart bloomed in a way that he has never felt before and he was so interested in you ever since. Of course, he kept cool about it, but since he was such an open and honest guy, he always slipped in a move here and there, hoping to grab your attention or sneak in hints, to show that what you meant to him was in a way that was more than a friend.
After cleaning up, Awase takes a sip of his beer, glancing at Shindo’s still turned-head for a moment before saying, “You like her, don’t you?”
Shindo looked stunned as he immediately shot his head back at Awase. His heart pounded in his chest when he heard the question. “H-how did you know?”
Awase smirked. “I know that feeling, dude. That’s how I felt when I met Momo,” He said, tilting his head towards the living room where his girlfriend was.
“I don’t want anyone to find out,” Shindo said quietly as he rested his elbows on the kitchen island across Awase.
“Of course. This is just between me and you.” Awase replied respectfully, knowing what Shindo is going thorough, having a similar experience himself.
Shindo smiled at him appreciatively. He cleared his throat. “And uhm, I know that we just met and all…but do…do you you know if Y/N is involved with anyone—like, romantically?”
Awase pondered on that comment seriously for a moment. “I don’t really know, man. I think Kirishima and the others will know since they were all in the same class as her since U.A. But…from what I’ve heard from my girlfriend, I don’t think so.”
“Not even, uhm, Bakugou?” Shindo slid in the question curiously.  
“Y/N and Bakugou!?” Awase laughed. “I’ve never heard of that before! Who gave you the idea?”
Shindo just shrugged, not wanting to say why he asked. Ever since the day he accidentally saw your phone lock screen of you and Bakugou in your days in U.A when your phone dinged on his table, his suspicion arose. Of course it wasn’t much, but the way you talked about him was different compared to the others…
“Hey,” Awase said, interrupting his thoughts. “From what I’ve learned… you can wait to get the answers, or just be honest with her.”
“Be honest with her?”
Awase shrugged. “Yeah. In fact you can even tell her how you feel now, most of her friends are returning home now.”
Shindo nodded appreciatively at him and smiled. “Thanks man, really.”
“You got it, and don’t worry,” Awase reassured when he saw Shindo’s mouth open again. “I’ll keep things low-key.”
Shindo smiled again and walked back towards the main room to find you. Awase was right. After all that you two of been through for the past couple weeks there was a new foundation built upon your friendship—trust. And he trusted you that you can at least understand his feelings. Shindo knew he told everyone that he came back to Tokyo for a change of environment and for hero work…but that wasn’t necessarily the entire truth. Because in all transparency, he came back for you too…and maybe its because he has loved working with you, or maybe it was the way you described Tokyo to him in New York made him really miss home…
Or maybe it’s because he was falling in love with you.
Shindo made his way to the living room and called out your name, but his high emotions toppled over when he saw you standing with Bakugou in the now empty living room, alone.
He doesn’t really hate Bakugou, but ever since he had his suspicion, he couldn’t look at him the same way. And sure, it may be unfair of him to act like that but when he saw the way Bakugou locked eyes with him, he knew something was up that confirmed his suscpisoun. He could feel this unprecedented tension in the air between him and Bakugou—almost like an undeclared challenge.
Shindo mustered up the courage as he walked towards you with a smile. “Hey, I know it’s pretty late. Do you want me to take you home?”
“Oh!” You replied when you noticed Shindo. “No, it’s fine, really!”
“You sure?”
You smiled at him which made Shindo’s stomach flutter with butterflies. “Yeah, thank you though.”
“Well then,” Shindo turned to Bakugou and then back to you, hesitating just a bit about his next act act. His gaze turned serious and he lowered his voice so almost only you could hear him.  “Can… Can I talk to you in private for a moment?”
Shindo saw you opened your mouth slowly. “Oh! Bakugou was actually talking—“
“It’s fine, Y/N” Bakugou cut in, looking at Shindo and then back to you. “It’s not important, really. Actually…I think I’m going to head out.”
“Bakugou, wait—“
“Y/N,” Bakugou continued. “Seriously, we can chat again later some time. Plus, since you’re back, we can finally hang out like we used too.”
Shindo glared at Bakugou. He felt his heart ache when he heard that, knowing that the two of you are pretty close. But finally when you agreed, you and Shindo stepped aside for more space.
You turned your head at Shindo and noticed his serious expression. “Is there something wrong?”
Shindo blinked his eyes and cleared his throat. “N-no! I mean, not anything super important. Actually, Y/N… I just wanted to—“
Before Shindo could continue, your head shot to where the door was just closed and you saw Bakugou’s shadow exit out of the house. Shindo saw you turned your head back towards him as you bit your lip.
“Shindo, I’m so sorry. Can you give me a few minutes really quick?” You said with the kindest smile you had.
Shindo looked at you with a tinge of solemn in his eyes as he smiled. His gut feeling knew what you were about to do, but he didn’t want to force you to listen to him and so he smiled and nodded, earning you a brighter smile on your face that Shindo loved.
“Thank you.” You said as you grabbed his hand and giving it a squeeze.
Shindo saw you run towards the door, not hesitating a bit to open it immediately.
And when you exited, Shindo gave out a sigh. This was a lot harder than he expected. He headed towards the table near the door to pack up some of his things that he laid near, but his mistake was when he glanced up at the window.  His eyes widened and sucked in a breath when he saw you standing near the front gate with Bakugou.
It looked like it was all happening in slow motion.
The way you slipped your hand through his. The cute way you leaned in closer a few inches with the tip of your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
It wasn’t an actual real kiss, but still...Shindo felt a surge of jealously come crashing down on him. He swallowed a lump in his throat as a mixture of anger and sadness stirred in him. And as he saw you wave goodbye to Bakugou, Shindou looked away in sadness as his stomach dropped and his once cool smile now turned into a deep frown.
He felt like he lost you — even though he never really had you in the beginning.
But maybe there’s still a chance for him to confess how he feels.
Because even if you don’t share the same feelings as him...he’ll still find release… that at least the person he loves …. knows.  
Yeah… Shindo thought to himself quietly as he pulled out his sunglasses, getting ready to leave. He knew he couldn’t say it now…not after what he just witnessed. So with a sharp glide of his hand like a professional, he slipped on his sunglasses and beanie ever so smoothly and picked up his bags.
I’ll come back to you Y/N…you’ll see.
A/N ~ oh gosh, yo shindo vs. bakugou. this love triangle just suddenly appeared and i’ll need to figure out how to unravel this mess. But thank you to everyone who read this fic! I know it is longer than my usual works so words cannot express how much it means to me. Thank you 💗 Please do not hesitate to send me a message through my inbox on about this fic (WHOSE TEAM R U ON?!) or about anything! Let’s just say...next chapter will def. be more about the charming Yo Shindo ;) 
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peachypunk22 · 3 years
Harringrove Feedback Fest
not me participating in something when I haven’t been active in months 😅 
fic recs from AO3 authors that inspire me! these fics are all incredible and i’ve re-read each one listed multiple times!! 
@gothyringwald thank you for putting this together! its such a cute idea!
knit more tightly together by lymrics (E) @lymricks
part one of the blues in chicago series. i think one of the first harringrove fics I read. love the steve/billy dynamic and so emotional and high tension that im pretty sure it made me cry at some point? even though it’s not a sad fic! idk it just really pulled some emotion up. literally the fic that got me into the fandom and wanting to write for it! the whole series is amazing!
Steve takes a second to feel relieved it's not Dustin getting all sorts of arrested in places he shouldn’t be, then he goes back to staring.
It's Billy, who looks as good now as he did the last time Steve saw him: three years ago. He looks just as complicated, too. He’s got bruises on his face, a split lip.
star-crossed bullshit (black holes feast) by ?? (E)
this work got orphaned, but i’m so glad the author didn’t delete because it’s one of my all time faves! strong dom/sub undertones and messy relationship with an incredible use of the unreliable narrator! plus it has mechanic!billy 
Billy makes a mixtape for when he fucks boys, except it’s on Spotify, and he’s only fucking Steve, and all the songs are oddly, and suspiciously, romantic.
liquor (on your lips, makes you dangerous) by eternalgoldfish (E) @eternalgoldfish
i love a college!au with some gross hot Billy and this one is so good. equal parts cute, funny, and sweet with a side of kinky that I hadn’t read before
“Careful, sweetie, don’t break a nail,” Billy said, leaning over Steve’s shoulder, lazy cat’s-grin gleaming up to his eyes.
“I’m not going to break a fucking nail.” Steve hissed and elbowed him, like he hadn’t been thinking the same thing as he struggled to wedge one of his shiny red nails into his wallet’s tight leather pockets.
Or, Steve makes a bet he can't win and Billy doesn't realize his mistake.
i’m saucing on you by Boardingschooled (E)
speaking of college!au’s this one has fratboy!Billy being gross hot in all the best ways. also sweaty concert grinding, boys being absolutley smitten, and waffle house breakfast dates? it’s like college slaps you in the face and makes you listen to AMINE and it’s great
Steve wants a ticket to the biggest party on campus; Billy's got one with Steve's name on it.
Tale as Old as Time by hoppnhorn (M) @hoppnhorn
i’m an absolute sucker for beauty and the beast au’s and hoppnhorn is such a fantastic writer that i had to include this one
Prince William, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Steven, a man who bewitches him from the very moment he steps foot in his enchanted castle.
Honeyed Wine by Antarc (T) @rascheln
am i biased because this fic has literally all of the thing i like because it was written for me? perhaps. but for real, this fic is SO sweet and well-written! it has baker!billy and a twist at the end that i did not see coming at all. every time i read it i just have a huge smile on my face
While he recovers from an injury at Robin's farm and helps run her market stall, Steve unexpectedly reunites with his old high school rival. Billy, once a tough asshole who got into weekly fights, is now a proud owner of the best bakery in town and mans the stall right next to Steve's- with the best croissants Steve has ever eaten.
samarra by gothyringwald (T) @gothyringwald
i think this was the first fic in a long time that i’ve read that took a more gen/mystery/sci-fi approach, with the romance taking a backseat for most of it, and honestly this fic made me remember how much i like reading. the story and universe building is excellent. very trippy and gives off a lot of twin peaks dream walking surrealist vibes.
When the kids bring Billy back from the dead, it doesn’t go quite as expected: he’s alive but his soul has been left behind. And Steve is the only person who can bring it back.
Salt in the Wound by SheWritesDirty (E) @shewritesdirty
if ‘fuck your enemies’ was a genre, this would be THE fic. rough, gritty, and violent. I could wax poetic about how much I love the writing style and imagery and how different it feels in comparison to other fic. steve and billy are toxic and messy and so bad that its good
The way he ate slow, like his jaw hurt. Like it was tender, like whatever had put that bruise on his face had left more of an impact than just… flesh and bone. And now that he was seeing it... Steve knew that he hadn’t done that to Billy.
That someone else had, after that night and over the weekend... someone else had gotten their hands on Billy and put karma into his skin.
And he still hadn’t looked at Steve.
Here I Go Again by HeckinaHandbasket (E) (WIP) @heck-in-a-handbasket
oh god oblivious!Steve is top tier in this A/B/O fic. combine with a lifeguard!billy that’s trying (and failing) in his rough, fumbling way to make it obvious that he’s courting him and you get this adorable mess. it’s so sweet and funny and the rest of the gang are actual little kids that run around and create havoc. i’m always excited when it updates!
Not just a new lifeguard, either. No, Billy was the lifeguard supervisor.
Because of course he was, the prick.
Swing Away by lemonlovely (E)
sports!au sports!au sports!au - specifically a baseball!au that actually serves as a really cool character exploration of billy and his dad and sports. this one is so bittersweet and i love the dynamic between steve and billy as they figure out a rocky start to a friendship and romance
Steve and Billy go to the same Hawkins Baseball Camp that Steve's been going to since he was a kid, and Billy is not particularly thrilled to be there - he fucking hates baseball, alright? And he tells Steve as much.
lamp-bright rind by nagdabbit (G) 
chef!Billy teaching his neighbor Steve how to cook au. unbelievably sweet and a writing style that is unique, expressive, and comedic. you really fall in love with the characters, as flawed as they may be, and the descriptions of food. did i mention its an almost 100k slow-burn? 
Billy spies on his cute neighbor, his cute neighbor doesn't know how to cook. Luckily, Billy can do something about that.
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satsuki2406 · 3 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of King Lord Explosion Murder God *********💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
Chapter 2: My Stupid Classmate, The Angry Dandelion
Chapter 3: In Conclusion, This Day Was...
Chapter 4: Welcome to the Neighborhood 
Masterlist \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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It's really been a while since I updated this story, I really thought it was a couple of months ago, I’ve been very busy lately and just kept pushing writing for later, and later transformed into 8 months! I had to admit that I also had a huge block with this story, but recently I got a lot of inspiration and energy, chapter 6 is almost ready but editing needs to be done after all. Hopefully this would be a good one! There’s more details coming in future chapters and also new characters! I got a thing for OCs recently, I feel they add more personality to the story!
5: Aldera Chronicles
‘Just a good day’ That was what you prayed, asked for last night, and what you tried to repeat to yourself to keep calm and serene while you looked desperately for your earphones. As soon as you did, you connected them to your phone and searched for the loudest song you kept in your collection.
“Oi! I’m talking to you dumbface!”  
The loudest one of all.
After the whole ‘neighbors fiasco’ you got stuck with Bakugou on your way to school, both of your mothers insisted that you should go to school together at least today, so you could ‘amend your differences and get closer’ you almost gag at the suggestion, but your mom looked so ecstatic about the idea of you making new friends, after all she hasn’t looked that excited in a while, so you could not find yourself saying no to her.
Although you ‘accepted’, that didn’t mean that you will stay with him all the way to school, right now you were still in their field of vision, so if you left him behind, they will notice. You were just waiting for the perfect moment, as soon as you made it to the end of the street and turned to the left, you will take that as a cue to hop on your bike and leave him behind eating your dust.
“What a shity morning, stuck with this idiot. That friking hag threaten me to change the wifi password if I didn’t come and to top it off, she had the fucking nerve to take my phone, fan-fucking-tastic…” Bakugou was right in front of you grumbling angrily and throwing profanities left and right. His anger was more than evident; he was more hunched over than normal; his hands were way deeper in his pockets to the point you thought he could rip them open and his feet were stomping on the ground with such intensity that you could almost feel it vibrate under your own.
Despite the fact that you could not see his face, you could bet your (F/C) post-its that there was an extra deep scowl and curled pouty lips ‘decorating’ his face right now. You tried to distract yourself with your phone and avoid Bakugou as much as possible, it was bad enough to spend more time with him than you already did in school, not to mention that unwanted encounters may become commonplace being next-door neighbors.
You sighted dejected at the thought, you really were kind of excited about moving to a new city, Musutafu was way bigger than Sapporo was, with bigger malls, parks, shops, restaurants and more fun things to do. But sadly for you, Bakugou manage to crush your hopes and expectations as soon as he opened his mouth, hell, even by existing actually.
Your attention was snaped back to reality when the sound of cars passing by and other students came to you. You got on your bike again, getting in front of Bakugou so you could reach the avenue faster, “Oi! Don’t go in ahead of me dumbshit!” You ignored him as he yelled at you, his words more and more inaudible as you got farther.
After a few minutes you had lost him completely, he probably went the opposite direction to the bus stop or the train station, Aldera was close, but not enough to go walking, you did it there in twenty five minutes with your bike if you took your time, fifteen if you were in a rush, you made sure to verify how long it would take you to get there the days prior that you had to actually go back to school.
You decided to relax and enjoy the view of the city and listen to your favorite songs like the day before. Luckily the Tatooine Station was open, safe and working at its fullest.
“Not a single villain in sight, phew, how good that they managed to clear the area otherwise I would have had to…” Suddenly memories of your crossing trough Dump Beach™ came to you, that was an experience you were so willing to don’t repeat ever again. “I wonder who else from my school had to make a detour like me yesterday, or if someone was involved in the incident… those ladies said it was a middle schooler, but it’s quite ambiguous data to make any conclusive statements, there are hundreds of middle schools in Musutafu and the commercial district is in the center, so it could be anyone.”
You stopped in front of a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. ‘I’ll ask Midoriya if he knows something else, he probably passed by or something’. You had to admit that you were kind of excited about the idea of befriending the green head, even with his nervous, anxious, jumpy and shy personality he gave you a kind and sweet vibe. His insecurity gave away his true nature; his clumsiness, the nervousness, overanalyze everything, the mutter, for some they could be annoying but you found it rather and oddly fascinating, it made him feel real, genuine and honest.
‘He’s almost like…’
The chirping sound of the traffic light snapped you out of your rampant thoughts announcing that the light had finally turned green. You started off with your bike along the rest of the pedestrians and continued on your way to the school.
The rest of the way to Aldera passed without any hitch, you left your bike locked and took your stuff to walk to the shoe lockers like yesterday, just a few feet ahead you distinguish a very familiar mop of green curly hair. He seemed slightly hunched and deep in thought, probably way too deep in thought to the point that you could see a colorful smeared aura surrounding him and the word mutter coming out of his mouth. And you were not the only one, as you could see the people around walking away, with slightly perturbed expression on their faces. You just took it as a cue to let your presence being known.
“Good morning Midoriya!” You hopped by his side and greeted him enthusiastically. The poor thing almost had a heart attack and jumped out of his own skin as you just scared the shit out of him. He released a muffled scream and seem to calm down a tiny bit to immediately turn the shade of a tomato and babble a greeting.
“G-G-G-G-G-Good mo-morning Shinohara-san! You-You-You caught me by su-surprise.” He squeaked as he covered his face with his arms and his eyes moved erratically to look everywhere but you.
“Did I scare you? I’m sorry! I guess I let myself go a little bit.” You trailed, resting a palm against your nape.
“Oh nonono! Please don’t apologize! Y-Y-You were been courteous after all. He whispered breathlessly at the end fidgeting his fingers nervously. “I…nobody ever greets me or says good morning, I didn't expect it and that's why I got a little nervous. T-That’s all, so don’t worry.” His little confession shocked you for a moment, it was really depressing to be honest but it motivated you at the same time.
You beamed confidently at him, “Well Midoriya, I recommend that you get used to it then, because I intend to greet and say goodbye to you every day without fail from now on.”
He looked up at you with a surprised and somewhat puzzled expression, his fingers started to twitch nervously, his countenance became even redder if that was even possible.
“B-B-B-B-B-But Shi-Shinohara-san-!”
“Shush, shush, shush! I am not going to put it up for discussion this is how it’ll be from now on and it's over.” You placed your hands on your hips, a slight scowl adorning your face to accentuate your mock annoyance. “Besides, who will run away from Bakugou with me after I tell him how much of an asshole he is for the umpteenth time in a row?”
You relaxed your demeanor again, offering him a goofy smile, so he could notice that you weren't even mad to begin with. The poor greenette thought for a smidgen that he made you angry and that worried him profusely. But one glance at you told him that you were being sincere, he was scared that you could be trying to play a prank just to make fun of him as it has already happened to him so many times. that alien feeling of relief and tranquility invaded his chest, apparently the chance encounter he had with his childhood hero had been a good omen and brought him more good things that he could imagine.
His eyes teared up with hope and a squiggly smile adorned his face, he dried his tears with his gakuran sleeve and clenched his fists excitedly.
“So, what do you think?” you asked eagerly.
“I look forward for it!”
“Did you see what happened yesterday at the commercial district? It seemed pretty rough” You commented to Midoriya absentmindedly while you took your uwabaki from your locker. He visibly flinched as he heard your question almost dropping his shoes in the process.
“Ye-Yeah, they said that the pro heroes could hardly put up a fight because of the villain’s quirk.”
“Right? Hopefully All Might was nearby, otherwise who knows what would have happen. I wonder if the hostage is ok, I didn’t watch the news last night so I’m not pretty sure what exactly happened. Do you know how it was?
He flinched again and turned his head to you rigidly as you raised an eyebrow at his sudden odd behavior.
“I do-don’t know a lot but I read that everything was ok afterwards, the hostage walked out with just a couple of scratches, so there’s nothing to be concerned about Shinohara-san, it’s pretty nice of you to worry so much, especially since the hostage…” Midoriya looked down and tapped his trembling indexes together; he wanted to tell you something, but didn’t know how.
“Come on Midoriya, you already told me the hostage is ok, what can be so bad that you are hesitant to tell me?” You inquired him softly.
“Is nothing bad per se, well, you’ll see the hostage…” He paused and looked in all directions to check if anybody was listening. Ok, weird. He got a little closer to you and cupped his mouth with his left hand.
“The pe-person captured yesterday was-”
Your little hush-hush conversation was interrupted when the metallic sound of a locker being abruptly opened echoed in the sudden silent space. Your ears located the unexpected noise behind you and instinctively you turned to see what had caused such a ruckus.
A couple of lockers from you, a really angry and really frustrated Bakugou appeared right in front of your eyes. You observed how out of the blue everything and everybody seemed to freeze in time, and all eyes were on him. The atmosphere turned tense, every person there watched attentively his every movement, talking with just a glance, some people were whispering among themselves no even taking their eyes off him.
‘What the hell is happening?’
He took his uwabaki and slammed them on the floor, removed his shoes and buried them unceremoniously in the locker, slamming the door shut. He grumbled, trying fruitlessly to put his uwabaki, cursing that he couldn't put them on as smoothly as he would’ve liked. He suddenly stopped his movements, acknowledging the unwanted attention he was receiving.
“The hell are you looking at you fucking losers?! Why don’t you mind your own damn business, huh?!”
His voice echoed with fury at the school entrance, despite their obvious fear, nobody moved an inch, all the eyes glued on him. He finished to put on his shoes and stomped further inside. At the corner of his eye he noticed your presence and immediately stared at you, he seemed even more infuriated than before, this clearly soured his mood even further, if that was even possible.
You returned it with one of your own, as intense or more as his, the attention seemed to turn your way as your little staring contest became longer, Midoriya nervously looked between you and him, probably waiting for another showdown to break out, just like yesterday. Everybody’s breath hitched by the minute, but you didn’t back down, your (E/C) eyes met the fiery inferno of his crimson ones, after a couple more seconds he just tsked and stomped away with his hands buried way deep in his pockets.
After he left, the clock started ticking again, everyone took a breath of relief, averted their eyes from his retracting back and continued their lives like always. Midoriya’s shoulders relaxed significantly at the time that his soul slowly returned to his body. When you noticed him more calmed and focused, decided to address the elephant in the room.
“What. The. Heck. Just. Happened?” You whispered bewildered. “Who peed on his cereal? If this is something usual here, I’ll be more than glad to take my bike and go all the way back to Sapporo.” You crossed your arms over your chest and stared irritated at his retracting back.
“Well, now that Captain McTantrum™ left, what was that you wanted to tell me about yesterday’s incident?” You asked relaxing your demeanor to something more gentle and friendly. Midoriya flinched slightly and his poise appear suddenly uneasy.
“Um, well, the person-the-the person th-th-that got trapped by the mud villain, tha-tha-that person…” Midoriya tried over and over but it was useless, he couldn’t complete a single sentence without stumbling over his own words. Noticing that using his words would be useless, he looked at you in the eyes to then wander his gaze, pointing to something behind him. You started at him completely lost while he kept repeating the same cycle of looking at you and then looking away, urging you to get what he was trying to say, not moving his head once, like he was unsure to look back.
You exanimated what was at his back; just a couple of students walking to their respective classrooms, friends greeting each other, and Bakugou turning to the right at the end of the corridor to go upstairs-
‘Wait, Bakugou?’
Then it hit you, the awkward silence when he arrived, the unwanted starring, the murmuring, his more than usual foul mood, the outburst, Midoriya’s reluctance to tell you, he probably though he would get into trouble with him if it reached his ears that stupid Deku was talking shit of him to thief bitch. Everything made sense now. You broke out of your trance and looked at Midoriya “Was Bakugou?-” He eagerly nodded his head, satisfied that you finally understood him.
“Oh, I see…”
With the issue clarified and only five minutes left before the class started you two proceeded to go upstairs as well. Midoriya and you made small talk with some intervals of comfortable silence here and there, soon enough you both reached your classroom, people chatting lively when you opened the door. Midoriya walked in just behind you as you made it to your designated seats.
‘If I’m not wrong, Math is our first class of the day’ your mind wandered to other school related topics while you seated at your desk, just as you did the bell ringed and your teacher entered the classroom and started his lesson of the day.
Midday finally came, which mean it was finally lunch time, you invited Midoriya beforehand to eat with you, he timidly accepted, after a lot of nervous quacking but you could tell he seem excited about the idea. As soon as the bell that announced the so waited lunch break ringed, you proceeded to pack your books and stationery into your bag and take out your bento when your desk was crowded by what it looked like to be all the girls in your class. One of them, a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes was the first to approach you.
“Hey Shinohara! Do you want to have lunch with us? We didn’t actually have the chance to talk yesterday and we thought it would be nice to know you better.” She spoke.
“Yuki-chan is right! Is refreshing to have another girl in the class after almost three years since we are very few, with you we are eight now!” Said another one of them visibly thrilled.
“You looked so cool yesterday when you confronted Bakugou!”
“I think nobody has managed to do that and live after it, or actually do it”
“So awesome!”
They gave you a really kind and chill vibe, chatting and praising you animatedly. Although they seemed to really enjoy Bakugou’s antics against your green head classmate, well, nobody's perfect, noted. You can’t judge the book by its cover, but when you looked at them, it’s impossible to not think about…
The offer is almost irresistible.
“That sounds lovely! But Midoriya and I agreed to have lunch together today, so I’m afraid we’ll have to leave it to another time.” You almost cringed at how cutesy and honeyed your voice sounded but they seemed to buy it, until their expressions made a 180. Their faces were shocked and almost offended at the thought of you putting him over their proposal. It was a ‘are you for real?’ reaction over all. You kept smiling at them to emphasize that you were serious, when the girl that talked first tried to dissuade you.
“B-But why don’t you eat with us today and leave your lunch with him for tomorrow? I’m sure Midoriya won’t have a problem, right?” She turned and looked at him just as the rest of the girls did after she, Midoriya flinched nervously holding his bento at the unexpected attention he was receiving.  
“Eh…! I…! Well… Um…”
“You see! He’s ok with it!”
‘He hasn’t even said a thing!’ You thought trying to conceal your disbelief. ‘Let’s put all the beef on the grill then’
“Oh, I got an idea!” You chimed. “Midoriya! Why don’t you join us for lunch too? That way nobody eats alone and we get to know better! It’s a win-win plan! What do you think?” You were not dumb, although it was true you can’t judge anybody by a simple glance, you had a somewhat firm idea of why they were so eager to mingle with you, so you just did what you thought it was necessary to make sure it was not that, and what a better way than with your nerve-wreck of a friend.
‘What a better way to know someone’s character than by the way they treat others?’  
The poor guy looked like he was about to have a seizure and your classmates were not any better; they looked at you even more astonished than before, and you could swear that they started to sweat. Suddenly they look to be hesitant, even the more insistent one. They looked at you, at each other and then at Midoriya.
“I-I think you are right, it wasn’t very nice to insist after you already had plans with…Midoriya, I guess we can leave it for another day.” The others seem to agree, a bit crestfallen but relieved nonetheless.
‘I knew it…’
They shortly left after that; you kept your friendly smile until they finally disappeared behind the door, when they were out of your view completely you let your smile fall and collected your lunch from your desk. You marched to the door, but stopped midway when you noticed that certain someone was still standing lost in his own world, mumbling nonsense as usual.
“Midoriya” You called him, he seemed to have got out of his trance and looked at you eyewided, confused and bewildered.
“Are you coming or what?” You said smiling.
He stared at you genuinely surprised, but he swiftly shook his head and walked towards you.
“A-Are we going to eat outside?” he asked curiously.
“I mean, it’s a beautiful day the temperature is perfect and this would actually be the first time ever that I had the chance to be outside in early April without freezing my butt. Do you have any place in mind?”
“No, I-I always eat by myself, so I prefer to stay in the classroom” He answered somewhat ashamed.
“Its ok, I know the perfect place.”
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hyucksong · 4 years
afraid.| lee jeno
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summary: Jeno asks you if you’re afraid to die. You lie twice, and tell the truth once. 
genre: angst and fluff
word count: 2.0k
warnings: sad and there’s definitely imperfections in the representation of hospital stays. also possible misunderstanding of metastatic brain tumors, please tell me if it’s so bad that i need to edit it. 
a/n: wrote this in one go, as an apology for not updating in like a month! i’ve been in the haikyuu hole :) 
Jeno asked you if you were afraid to die the first night he met you. It was on a dirty park bench at three am. As a newly admitted patient, the sterile white walls and the digital beep of the alarm clock every hour drove him crazy. He knew hospitals were supposed to help him, but he hated the confined feeling. The nurses and doctors would ask if he wanted anything, but when he said he wanted to leave, they'd glance at each other and wince, asking if he'd like anything else.
After they'd make an awkward exit, you'd always laugh in your bed. He'd glare at you and shift in his bed, muttering about how you would never understand.
"What're you here for, anyway? Got a bad headache?" Was the first thing he spitefully said, and he'd meant it with his whole heart. He didn't wish illness on anyone, but God, sometimes he wished that they could just understand. His terrible guess made you laugh even harder, he was close. "Hmm, close. I've got a brain tumor." And then he fell silent. A few minutes later he meekly whispered, "Sorry."
He made up for it by waking you up to go outside with him, "Just for some fresh air." He'd said. It was cold, and he shivered in his jacket the whole walk to the park. But you never shivered once despite goosebumps trailing up your arms. Your eyes were distant, and your mouth had a small, sad smile resting upon it.
"How long have you been admitted?" He asked, sitting on the opposite side of the bench from you. "About three months. I usually stay in my own room, but there was something wrong with the lights so I'm elsewhere until they fix it." Jeno nodded, uncomfortable. "...Can it be removed?" You sensed his hesitance and laughed, shaking your head. "I wish. It's too dangerous. I mean -- they could, technically. But there wouldn't really be a point." His confusion was written on his face, and it almost made you giggle. "It's cancerous. It's a secondary brain tumor. I've actually got a few up in there," You gently knocked your fist against your head, unbothered.
Jeno was confused -- weren't you scared to die? Would you die? How long did you have left to live? Why were you so happy?
"Are you...afraid of dying?" The question stilled you. The words tore at you, they pricked at your skin and your heart. You wished he hadn't said them. Shrugging, you turned your head and focused on an empty swing set that blew around from the wind. "I'm not afraid, I guess. I mean, it's inevitable for me. It's not 'are you of dying' for me, it's 'are you afraid to die.' It's not ''will you die' it's 'when will you die." You glanced at Jeno one last time, noticing his glimmering eyes that were so full of hope and want. They were full of determination to get better. You were sure yours were just tired. You just wanted to sleep the days away. 
"I've got a few months left. At least, that's what the doctors say." The boy nodded, fists clenched in his pockets. He didn’t know you, but he knew you didn’t deserve only a few more months.
Jeno asked if you were afraid to die after you had a seizure his second month there. You didn't tell him you’d been getting worse, but he'd overheard a few nurses talking about your worsening state. One of them said that you might as well just die; it'd make no difference. Jeno almost hit her.
"No, I'm not afraid." Your voice came out scratchy. The soup in front of you was barely touched, the steam coming off of it having stopped a while ago. "Why would I be? I've got the most awesome roommate." He'd been slightly flattered when you'd said that, but the next week you were moved back into your own room. Jeno thought about how much of a bummer that was, but he also remembered that he could just visit you.
He walked into your room one sunny afternoon after one of his treatments. Jeno's heart almost exploded when the nurse told him how much better he looked. Honestly, he'd almost cried. Going home seemed tangible, like a light at the end of the tunnel that he was running closer to.
The second he stepped past the door frame, he noticed something was off. You were facing the window with a pencil gripped in your hands, paper scattered around you. Jeno kept quiet as he slowly made his way to you, shaky lines and unfinished drawings plaguing the pages beneath him.
"W-What's wrong? Y/n?" Heavy breathing was all he got in response before you turned towards him, tears in your eyes. "My arms are really weak. It's hard to even lift them up, Jeno." He said nothing; just sat beside you and rubbed your back carefully. "I know, I know. It'll be okay." But it wasn't going to be. Jeno hated that he lied, and he hated that you knew he lied, but said nothing. He hated that he was getting better, but you weren't. He hated that he could left weights to stay strong but it was hard for you to even lift a bowl. He hated it all. He wanted to get better, but he wanted to get better with you. But you weren't getting any better. You were getting worse.
"Did you know that a symptom of the metastases can be changes in my behavior and personality, Jeno?" He shook his head, biting his lip.
"Would you love me if I changed, Jeno? If I wasn't who you know now?" He nodded, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. And he meant it. "I'd love you no matter what."
The third and final time he's asked if you were afraid to die was three months after that. He'd checked in to take you out for a while, "For some fresh air," he said to you through the phone. He'd been released a month and a half ago. He'd gotten better, and quickly, too. It made you happy that he left the overly-sterile walls of the grim hospital. You felt mixed about him visiting you: you wanted him to visit you in your apartment, in your home. Not here.
It was late, and the nurses almost denied his request to take you out. But you were already dressed, hands in pockets and all. They’d shared looks with each other before letting you go. 
The park was empty again, the stars were bright, and your head was cold, mostly because of the lack of hair, but also because the air was biting at you. "You've got a thing for late night walks, don't you?" You teased, sitting on the slightly damp grass next to him. He laughed and nodded, "Only if those walks are with you." There was no denying the flush that rose to your cheeks. His hand gently slid into yours, fingers intertwining.
"Well, you'll have to get used to coming on these walks alone." You'd meant it lightheartedly, but Jeno's grip tightened. "...You're not getting any better?" He lowly asked. A humorless laugh left your lips, "Of course not, Jeno. I haven't been getting better for the past five months. Why would I start now?"
"You can get better at any time--"
"Well I'm not. That's not going to change, Jeno -- we've talked about this already. I'm going to die in that hospital." Jeno couldn't help but raise his voice, "Don't say that!"
"It's the truth! Stop lying to yourself!"
The silence was heavy and tense. It felt like the weight of the world rested on your shoulders. You hated it. But it was the truth. Jeno knew better than to argue any more. Instead, he kissed your shoulder softly before laying his head on it. He wished you were okay. He wished you'd go on another walk with him in three years from now, in fifty years from now, and when you both are readmitted into the same hospital on your deathbed.
But he couldn't stay blind to the truth. You needed to hold onto his arm the whole way here because your legs were wobbly. You grip was so weak compared to what it used to be. Your breaths were shallow. You were on the brink. And he couldn't pull you back from it.
"Are you afraid to die?" The familiar question rang in your ears sharply. There was no malevolence towards it. No hatred. Nothing. Just...acceptance. There was no denying your death. But there was a strange okayness with what was happening. You were happy with your life. You'd met Jeno, the love for the remainder of your life, You'd kissed him, held hands with him, and cherished him. He snuggled his head in the crook of your neck, kissed your chapped lips gently, and introduced you to the rest of his close friends.
You were okay with dying now. Things would be okay. He'd be okay.
"You know, Jeno," You sighed and leaned back on your elbows, "you ask me that question a lot. And I must admit, I've lied to you the first two times. I was scared. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live and soar and graduate college and have kids and a dog with an ungodly green lawn that would make my neighbors mad. But now," You nodded, squeezing his hand. "I'm okay with it. I don't want to die -- but I'm okay with it. I've lived a dream. I've kissed you and petted dogs, gotten bitten by cats, snuck out, and thrown tantrums. I'm okay now. And I know you'll be okay with out me."
A sob left him, and he took a deep breath in. You accepting death was a bittersweet medicine to him. He wanted you to say with vigor that you'd live with him, that you'd be okay, that he'd see you on the opposite of a wedding aisle from him. But the calmness of your voice, the gentle understanding, the happiness -- it all made him realize that you were okay, It'd be okay. He'd be okay.
But he still wished for a miracle. He'd pray to any god for it to happen.
There was no miracle. You died a month later in the same bed you'd met Jeno in. The light in your room went out again, and you'd been moved to a different one temporarily, and died there.
The funeral was simple, too simple for Jeno's tastes, but perfect for yours. You wanted your death to be quick, your funeral to be quick, and your burial to be quick. You just wanted people to move on after your death. You wanted them to go back to smiling and laughing and dancing and kissing and living. But Jeno could never move on that quickly from the enigma that was you.
He wished there were more to say. But that was it. That was the end of you. It had all happened so quickly, everyone seemed to move on so quickly. Your life had been so long in comparison to your death. You death had been so gray in comparison to your colorful self. Jeno was left with his memories. Left with his sorrow. Left with sitting at the bench he'd first asked you if you were afraid to die at.
Jeno was left behind. He was alone.
But every time he sat down on the dirty wooden slabs, he felt a sense of peace. It was as if someone was holding his hand and gazing up at the sky with him. It was as if everything was okay. As if nothing was wrong.
Jeno remembers the way your lips felt on his, the way your weak grip made his heart race, he remembers the way you'd lived. He remembers your casual relationship with the hospital staff, he remembers your favorite soup, your favorite band, he remembers it all. His memories of you were tangible -- he could almost touch them. He could relive those moments with you anytime he wanted. He memories were infinite, his memories always felt more vivid on that bench.
Jeno knows you weren’t afraid to die when you did. Jeno remembers you. Jeno misses you. Jeno loves you. And he always will. 
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wowtobio · 4 years
Hi! Can I request headcanons where Atsunu and Oikawa are in love with the same girl and compete for her love? I
New Neighbor? Where Atsumu and Oikawa try to win your love
thanks for the request :) i hope u enjoy! 
warnings: slight angst and implied sexual content
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*pretend hinata is you hehe ;) 
“(y/n)-chan!! I can’t believe you’re leaving me!!” Oikawa complains as you pack the last few things in your overflowing suitcase.
It was a hot, sunny Saturday afternoon in your home in Miyagi and you found yourself in your room with Oikawa casually laying on your bed. 
“Tooru, I’m sorry you know this was not my choice.” You spoke softly, Oikawa sat up and continued his whining 
“But still! We’ve been together since we were kids and you’re just gonna abandon me?? After everything we’ve been through!!?” You threw a pillow at the loud mouthed setter.
It was true, when you moved to Miyagi when you were 6 years old, you two hit it off and are still as close as ever today. Your parents had demanding jobs that required them to travel all over Japan leaving you home alone. Your parents were close with Oikawa’s so they trusted to look after you. You were practically raised by them but over time you learned to fend for yourself with a little help from him and his family. 
“Quit your screaming! And don’t make it out like we’re dating hmph. You still have Iwa-kun to cling onto. You’ll be alright.” You stood up and clasped his hands with yours. A fire sparked into your eyes as you looked at him. 
“Besides, you have to promise me that you’ll go and win nationals. Win the dream with your team!” Oikawa glances at your hands before letting them go and hooking his pinky with your small, dainty ones. 
“Mm, you can count on me (y/n)-chan” 
You smile brightly and without warning wrap your arms around the brunette’s neck. He pauses before allowing his hands to gather at the small of your back and hugging your waist. As a goodbye, you squeeze him closer and bury your face in the crook of his neck and he digs his face into your shoulder. Your breath hitched in your throat as you swear you felt him press a kiss on your neck, but you didn’t mention it. You two just savored the moment and each others warmth as it was probably going to be the last time you two would be in each others presence for awhile. Probably.
It has been two months since your family made the move to Hyogo, your parents as expected were not home as usual and at first it was hard for you to adapt without the presence of your parents and your childhood best friend who you texted every single day.
“heyo tooru!” 
“(y/n)-chan! i miss you ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ do you miss mee~?” 
“yah wish idiot, i’m just checkin up on yah”
“YABBEI!! ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭ you already have the kansai accent noo!!” 
“shut up! i adapt! and fyi i do not talk like this irl”
“okok whateverrr, how’s inarizaki?” 
With your high grades and excelling in academics you were able to transfer into Inarizaki high with no problem. You did not have any friends though, you did not really fit in or belong to certain cliques at the school.
“it’s been alright, kinda prestigious though and ppl have egos but nothing i can’t handle. def better than dealing with you hehe~” 
“im hurt (y/n)-chan! but that’s good, watch out for their volleyball team they’re pretty strong (ง’-‘︠)ง“
You raised an eyebrow as you realized that your new school did indeed have a volleyball team. You’ve heard about them quite a lot as they are supposedly really good, placing at nationals consecutively. You made a mental note to yourself to look further into it whenever you cared too and you bid Oikawa a quick goodbye text. You remembered an important package was waiting outside so you slipped on some shoes and ran out to get it. 
Upon approaching your mailbox, you notice two guys walking towards your direction and you glance up at them. One blonde-haired guy rambling to an uninterested sliver-haired who was practically an exact replica to him. Twins? You thought to yourself as you took a double-take.
Despite their similarities in looks, your attention gravitated towards the blond twin. Just the way his soft looking locks parted to the right over his hooded, dark eyes you could lost in. His overall energy was one that interested you. He felt your lingering gaze on him and made eye contact with you and smirked. 
You blushed lightly and hurriedly grabbed your package. You rushed since you were just wearing short shorts and a crop top. Avoiding any interactions with the pair, you walk away and miss the eyes of the blonde twin looking up and down at your body. 
Slamming your door shut, back against it you let out a sigh of relief and peek out the window to see the twins walk into the house right next door to you. The blush on your face still burned slightly, your curiosity heightens 
“New neighbors? How interesting”
School has ended, yet you found yourself aimlessly walking the now empty halls of Inarizaki. You wanted to avoid going home, as you did not want to be spending anymore time in an empty household and without your best friend you missed dearly. 
Your aimless wandering has led you to the volleyball gym, curiosity killed the cat and you found yourself entering the gym and stepping up at the balcony to watch practice from afar. Your eyes immediately went to the golden yellow haired guy who was apparently also your neighbor.
He sets to his teammate effortlessly and you couldn’t help but watch with amazement of his moves and how he brought out the best in the spiker. His technique was similar to Tooru’s, just a bit different. It was like his own twist. You always watched Tooru play with awe, however this guy’s setting just hit differently within you. 
You stared for a bit too long, as said setter looks up the balcony to see your form. The fangirls nearby you screech for his attention, only for him to send you a smirk and you blush profusely and immediately break the eye contact once again. 
Eventually, you found yourself coming back to the same gym at the same time everyday for the week. You went because of how much the players practiced and played flawlessly, but secretly because you wanted to watch the blonde setter in action of course. And since you were not enrolled in any clubs you killed time after school on that very balcony. 
Blonde twin has noticed you at every practice, every now and then he would nod towards you and/or throw a lopsided smile to you that made your heart jump lightly. 
It was the end of practice and you were about to walk out of the empty gym until you felt a hand grab your wrist, pulling you back. 
You gasp slightly upon seeing the blonde setter. A little too close for comfort. A tint of pink dusted your cheeks as you gulped and stared into his eyes.
“Miya Atsumu, who are you?”
“TOOOORUUU YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED” You jumped into bed and called your childhood best friend with no warning.
“E-eh?? (y/n)-chan are you okay?? Are you finally coming back to mee????” 
“NO SILLY! okay hear me out for a moment” 
You rambled on and on about your interaction with the setter, a hint of excitement in your tone that goes unnoticed by Oikawa.
“(y/n)-chan, you do know that Miya Atsumu is one of the best setters in Japan right?” 
You immediately shut up, mouth open slightly and you noticed Oikawa’s sudden drop in mood.
“A-ah, I did not know that, sorry..” You rubbed your arm out of nervousness as the line went silent for an uncomfortable amount of time.
“You.. you still support me though right (y/n)-chan?” 
“Of course Tooru!”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, of course. I believe in you”
Over the next few weeks, you and Atsumu have been interacting a lot more than others would’ve expected. You two slowly got closer to each other, exchanged numbers, walking in the halls together, eating lunch together, even during passing time he would come visit you in your class. Rumors erupted here and there but you would ignore them, all you cared about was the fact that you were getting close to the handsome setter and you couldn’t help but feel a weird sensation in your chest whenever you were around him. 
Being neighbors, you two sometimes catch each other walking by the window and laugh at how both of you were caught off guard. He would even text you about it.
“you looked pretty cute there (n/n)-chan~”
Your heart flutters and you giggle replying back. Then you two would text the whole night away.
One night, you were on the phone with Oikawa as usual updating each other about your lives. 
“And then! You won’t believe it (y/n)-chan, Iwa-chan then threw the volleyball! At the back of my head!! How embarrassing uwaaah” 
You giggled cutely, “But I do believe it!” Oikawa just grumbles on the other side of the line and you continue to laugh. A text message then pops up from Atsumu, wishing you a goodnight. You subconsciously smile and were reminded that you should probably tell your best friend of the recent closeness. 
“Ne Tooru, I have somethings to update you about Atsumu.” It was absolutely silence on the other side, you worried slightly but took it as a sign to continue.
You ranted on about the progression of your friendship with Atsumu, almost in a dreamy tone. You finished and were met with silence which worried you even further.
“We have a match with Karasuno tomorrow.” You were caught off guard with the sudden subject change. 
“E-eh? That’s Kageyama-san’s team right? And you should be sleeping then!” 
“Yeah, that guy drives me mad. But we’ll be fine, we will win” Oikawa says. You admired whenever Oikawa was passionate and serious about his dreams. 
“Of course, I wish you luck! I’ll watch you guys from home.” 
“Thank you~ Sweet (y/n)-chan” You laugh and cringed at him, but his tone went serious unexpectedly once again.
“Ne (y/n)-chan I have a question for you.”
“I’m all ears Tooru.”
“Do you have feelings for Atsumu?” 
Your breath got caught in your throat. Feelings?
“I- uhm. I think it’s too early to have feelings like that, right Tooru?”
On the other side of the line, Oikawa frowns. 
They lost
They lost against Karasuno
You sat on your coach, tears forming as your hands cupped your mouth in shock. 
They can’t go to nationals
You watched painfully as you saw the cameras zoom in on the victors of Karasuno and cuts to Oikawa’s face of disbelief alongside the team members’ similar reaction and a few crying faces. Tears were as of now flowing down your face.
Tooru’s dream
You spent the next few days constantly calling and texting your best friend to check on him and remind him he did his best. He barely replied back, answering with blunt and passive answers that worried you to the core. Oh what would you give to take a train to Miyagi and comfort him. 
You heard a knock at your door, ears perked up and you walk over to answer. 
“A-atsumu??” You were shocked at the sudden appearance of him at your front door. 
“What’re you doing here??” He leans against the doorway, hands in his pockets. His casual attire being fitted black joggers, a green hoodie and a nice jacket over. You couldn’t help but stare. 
“Am I not allowed to visit yah (n/n)-chan. And it is rude to stare yanno. Not even allowing a guest in?” He smirks as you fumble with your words and let him in your home. 
“I was just making lunch, w-would you like to join me?” He smiles attractively as he takes off his coat and hangs it up. 
“Don’t mind if I do.” 
The afternoon was spent with you cooking lunch for the two of you, jokes cracked up and you both laughed and bonded. 
“What do yah mean? You never saw the movie??” You giggled.
“Hah, you expect me to be going out all the time? I’m the loner here.” 
“Nope nope, not with me around. I am taking you out to see this movie right now.” He grabs your wrist and drags you towards your room. Your heart did a thing.
“Go get ready.” You blushed red questioned frantically what was happening.
“W-what? What do you mean? Where are we going? WHat??” Atsumu waves his hands.
“Don’tcha worry about it doll. I’ll pay for your ticket, and it’ll only be the movies. Yah parents aren’t even home and I’ll bring yah back home in one piece.” 
With further convincing you sigh and agreed to his offer. As you slipped on a casual, fitting dress along with a bit of touching up of your hair and makeup your mind wanders to Oikawa. You still worried about him.
“I hope he’s doing okay..” You mumble to no one in particular. 
“Hope whose doin okay?” You jump at Atsumu’s sudden intrusion in your bedroom. 
“N-nothing! Well I’m ready now so let’s go.” Before heading out, Atsumu blocks your path and checked you out real quick. 
“Wow~ You look gorgeous (n/n)-chan” You blushed heavily and ushered him out of your room and the house. 
You two arrive at the train station, making light conversation where Atsumu would drop compliments every now and then that would make you redder than a tomato.
Casually strolling side by side, your shoulders bumping into each other. You stop in your tracks as Atsumu does the same, your eyes widening at the sight of Oikawa.
Atsumu raises an eyebrow. 
“W-what are you doing here Tooru? Are you okay??”
“I simply just needed to see you… I missed you but I see that I am interrupting something?”
Your eyes widened, you wanted to run into Tooru’s arms but Atsumu was right beside you..
“Well well well, if it ain’t pretty setter Oikawa. How did that game the other day go?” Atsumu says in a taunting manner, you backhanded Atsumu’s chest lightly scolding him. However, Astumu continues 
“I think you should let her go lover boy, she’s mine.” Atsumu wraps and arm around your shoulder. You gasped as Oikawa ticks at that.
“You barely know her, don’t even think about touching her!” Oikawa growls out.
“G-guys please stop!” You felt so conflicted with your feelings. You did recently felt interested in Atsumu. On the other hand, you constantly missed and cared for Tooru. 
“She obviously likes me over you boy, I dunno your problem but I will be taking my lady out if yah don’t mind.” 
“To hell! (y/n)-chan’s been mine.” Oikawa grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him. 
“(y/n), what are you doing out with him? Is this a date? Do you actually like him more than me?” 
You flustered up at Oikawa’s words.
“No! W-well it may seem like a date, but we’re just out watching movies together alone! W-wait that sounds like a date oh my goodness. I don’t even know anymore ugh-” 
You felt so overwhelmed to the point you could not help but break your grasp from Oikawa and run from the two. 
You kept running, ignoring their calls.
What were you going to do? 
Who were you going to choose?
You did not know anymore
a/n: heyhey sorry if that turned out bad ;; i am conflicted on how to end this short headcanon so I was thinking of writing something with both endings where you either choose Oikawa or Atsumu. Only if you guys want so please let me know! And also at that last interaction I made Oikawa seem more serious since I imagine he would still be affected by losing ofc poor boi. Sorry if that seemed too ooc for Oikawa. N e ways, thank you guys sm for the support and reading my writing. PLs let me know if you would like that part two! ily :)
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mcnypieces · 3 years
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     A month later and at last I come bearing an update once again. It’s bound to be incredibly lengthy as life has not been its most placid, but I am here nonetheless.
     TL;DR for those also struggling with their time recently: Life stressful, Bun scare, WoW fun but friend/Mythic+ group is a mess due to losing a friend to toxicity, I will likely be remaking this multimuse blog and starting fresh there to give me more incentive to be around to write comfortably in a fresh, happy, non-cluttered place, complete with a new Birkan OC I talked about some months before now. Though I haven’t technically decided and was going to ask opinions, I will likely still be remaking, as everything here is a mess. Lulu’s blog will remain as is for now, as I am attached to it and has retained more activity from me ( not much more, however ), though I have also considered moving her with everyone as well to keep everyone in one place and maybe make my mind feel more focused in a collective space. I’m still very much on the fence about it. Thoughts on that are welcome.
     There was a bit of optimism at the beginning of my break to play WoW. However, a little less than a day into the launch, I noticed something off about the youngest of my rabbits. Hazel, a netherland dwarf gifted to me by a neighbor down the way during Christmas a couple years ago so she had friends and wasn’t alone during the day, developed a head tilt. It was enough to be noticeable, but nowhere near the cases most see posted in pictures. Head tilt in rabbits is often a very serious thing, as it can cause permanent damage and even death if not treated immediately. Anything from an injury to unkempt ears to a common parasite ( which is technically classified as a fungus ) to neurological troubles - the range is about as vast as self-diagnosing with WebMD. Torticollis in rabbits has a bunch of different causes, very few of which are relatively mild.
     I was - to say the least - in absolute hysterics. She was off balance, tripping over herself, curling up into herself trying to keep footing. To somebody that’s never seen it in person before, it looks like you’re watching an animal on the verge of passing from something neurological. I had no idea what was going on. To be frank, I was absolutely terrified. It was 1AM and very few vets were 24-hour, especially in this crisis, much less ones that could look at rabbits. I steeled myself to call the closest one for recommendations on what to do and where to go. Naturally, I was told there was nothing this place could do besides euthanasia ─ which, in my very emotional state, I was incredibly offended by the mere immediate suggestion of. Hazel had been acting completely normal up until then, and she still had her energy. She was trying to climb all over the place despite having no balance, and she showed no other symptoms of anything besides just tilting and falling over herself. At this point obviously I know they were simply stating that was the only thing they could do as they don’t take exotic pets, but in the moment, being offered it as the first and seemingly only solution made me upset. I’m sure that would be anybody in that situation. So, of course, I refused, and they told me of other places that would be able to at least see her at that time and give me more sound options.
     I find a 24 hour emergency pet clinic about thirty minutes away. There’s a place that for sure takes exotics, but it’s 2 hours away and closed at this hour. Okay, fine, I don’t have time to wait with this. I call the 24 hour clinic. They tell me they do see exotics and can treat the basics but they don’t have the equipment to properly diagnose anything for certain. Unfortunate, but I don’t have any other options at this point. They say they will take her and monitor her behavior to figure out where I should go from there. I take her there. I try not to break down again on the ride there, I try not to break down as they take her padded comfy box from me. They tell me they have another, more serious case they have to see to immediately but will monitor her and do a basic check-up. It will take them an hour at minimum, and I was welcome to stay in the parking lot. I decide against it, go home to clean up and prep a space for her while trying to steel myself more. It takes a couple hours for them to call back. 
     Lo and behold, they have no idea what’s wrong. As stated when I called, aside from the head tilting, she is acting completely normal. Eating, going to the bathroom, has her energy, no leg or eye issues that are common with the usual problems that lead to head tilting. What tests they can run are absolutely normal. They gave her what they referred to as “a bunny feast”, and she delighted herself in it with no problems, and they even brushed her down for me ( I didn’t get the chance yet, her winter coat was just coming in ). She just has a head tilt all of a sudden, out of nowhere. This is great news, but it’s also upsetting, because I still have no idea what’s going on. They give me medication for an infection and Metacam for the potential pain she could have been in, and sent me on my way to monitor her at home. If anything changed for the worse, I would take her to the vet in Raleigh two hours away to have actual tests done. 
     Okay, so I’m still in the dark on what’s wrong, but I have medication. Great. I watch her for two weeks, give her the infection medication every 12 hours and the pain medication the first 4 days. And, in time, her head tilt begins to disappear. That tells both the doctor and I that it was either 1) an ear infection, which was now cured, or 2) an injury. My mind has me leaning towards the latter, if only because I know how fast she runs all over the place and Jolyne, my cat, does play with her. They have done so for years now without issue, often times Jojo will be running away from Hazel rather than vice versa. Hazel will do loops back and forth and then suddenly charge at her in an attempt to catch her off guard. I have not let her out with Jojo since then in case roughhousing was in fact the cause, but Hazel is back to running around like the crazy thing she is. I’m still watching her every day, and all the rabbits will hopefully be getting new, large hutches for Christmas. Hazel’s has been ordered. To this moment, I still have no idea what caused her head tilt. What I did learn, however, is that there are a lot of rabbits that get euthanized due to head tilt, when most of the ailments - if caught early enough and with lengthy TLC - can be cured. Rabbits can even live happily with the tilt should it become permanent ( which it can be! ). Here is a happy bun who lived a wonderful life with a permanent head tilt. Much worse than the way Hazel’s was, but the common bad tilt nonetheless. I called to tell them the great news, how grateful I was they could do anything at all, and they were ecstatic to have me call them back. Things in that regard are now back to normal, but I keep an eye on her as per usual. Definitely not the kind of scare I was expecting out of nowhere, but one I received nonetheless.
     During the time I monitored her and kept her close at my side in her hutch ( I went out of the way to move her hutch in with me when I cleaned it, because why wouldn’t I? ), I enjoyed the launch of Shadowlands. My main WoW friend group, A/B/C/D/E, were all playing and content with what was happening. We even were talking to old friends, thinking about raiding, had two new friends coming to learn to play the game. It was great! But then base Mythics came out, and things went sour out of nowhere. 
     One of our long time friends in our original Mythic+ group became the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. We’ve all had our disagreements and issues with said friend for some time, as he has been very negative the past few months and a hamper on the friend group even before launch. Everyone knows things are at an all time low, and the world is not in its best state - but we come to play games to get away from the realities of things. We’re here to have fun and kid around, not to mope. This is not to say we’re not here to be supportive if something is genuinely wrong, or that sadness just isn’t allowed ever. That would be silly. We’re always here to support each other in rough times, and such is the reason we’re as tight-knit as we are to begin with. Always has been the case. 
     However, this was not your typical sad sort of negative. This was the permanent “Glass is Half Empty” mentality. Everything had to be negative. Win a BG match? He didn’t have fun because he got targeted down one time when he was alone on a caster. Clear base Mythics for the first time of the expansion? No time to celebrate, because he didn’t get a piece of gear out of it, or he didn’t do the burst he wanted on a trash pack because we didn’t cater to his pull plan. During the second week of Mythics, he was constantly complaining about not getting gear drops to the point it was making other members upset. No one likes doing eight dungeons, getting one or two drops, and both being pieces you don’t need. Hell, I did Mythic+ this entire week since it came out and I still have a Heroic neck on my body because it has a socket and great stats and I’ve not gotten another drop since. But to complain about not getting a drop and dunking on people who are getting the upgrade ─ which, in turn, betters the group ─ is just ridiculous. This was not exclusive to just WoW, either. Everything they played together when I was not present, he acted the same way ─ negative, upsetting, and very, very defensive whenever someone would tell him to knock it off. He’d pull the “oh you don’t care about me” card. He constantly felt like people were coming after him, even when nobody ever was, and that everyone just had something against him and we kept him there out of sheer pity ─ which was infuriating to all of us, the people who still considered him a friend and cared about him to tolerate the toxic behavior and try to work through it. He’d pretend to be a victim if you tried to call him out on bad behavior, acting as if he was being singled out, while also bad mouthing other people and poking fun at them and then disguising it as a joke ( or in his case, “a meme” ). When you’d do the same back, he’d pull the whole “dude that’s not cool, I get you’re joking but it’s not funny” attitude every time. He had to be right all the time, and if you tried to tell him he was wrong, he’d fight you on it until the bloody end, even when proven wrong earlier. He wanted to be catered to and, if things weren’t going the way he wanted, he was negative. If he wasn’t having fun, nobody else was allowed to have fun. 
     Friend A, who is essentially our leader that brought everybody together and often makes calls for the group ( though in reality we’re all just an aimless bunch of friends messing around and having fun ), has known Friend C for a longer than any of us. He considers him his best friend, and they have been close for many years since Cataclysm. We’re all friends, of course, but A and C have been close for a very long time. They are very supportive of one another, regardless of what happens, and always have been. However, even Friend A is getting very frustrated with Friend C’s behavior. Friend C has not always been like this. In fact, he used to be the complete opposite. He loves the guy to death and back, but the other members, particularly Friend D, is getting into mini verbal fisticuffs during dungeons disguised as friendly fun being poked and forth almost every night. Friend D complains about Friend C behind his back ( which he has been asked to tone down and, some nights, has been agreed with based on the issue at hand ). A new coworker of Friend A who is also a very chill, cool person had her own reservations about him when she joined due to his behavior and it kept her from joining voice calls. Hell, I got into an argument with him a week before launch due to his behavior, to which he tried to invalidate my argument by claiming I was “coming after him” and therefore my side was automatically invalid because I had a “personal vendetta” against him and me “shit-talking” him while making my points “comes off a certain way” ─ when the point I was making had absolutely nothing to do with him personally. Again, the same “I’m being attacked” mentality, when no such thing was happening.
     Eventually one night while he was complaining about loot, Friend A had a talk with him about not complaining about not getting loot anymore, as it was wearing on everyone’s nerves. Mythic+ would come out soon, loot would be flowing in, and everyone would eventually be geared, including him. This wasn’t the first time he was talked to in regards to the way he’d been acting in general. He agreed to tone it down, and that was that. But guess what? That didn’t happen. The next night we finish up our Mythics, and he has to physically stop himself from making a comment and covers it up with “nope, I promised I wouldn’t complain about loot” with a tone that sounds like someone is struggling really, really hard not to say something and is holding back. Normally this would be something nobody cares about and is part of the process but this isn’t the first time he said something about it. He then proceeds to complain anyway, spends night questioning the tank’s ( Friend D at the time ) pulls and complaining about being beat in DPS every other pull because “oh I don’t have gear cause the game hates me so-” when he’s not even doing his AoE rotation properly ( found this out later after everything fell through ). His attitude is so negative it’s affecting the way he plays and, to put it bluntly, he’s playing and acting like shit.
    So Friend A sits him down. Again. At this point he’s still trying his absolute best to work things out with him, but his foot has come down. His behavior for months has been toxic. People are getting fed up. He’s bringing down group morale. Everyone is worried his attitude is going to make the new people who are trying to learn the game quit because he’s constantly shit talking the game and pretending the world is ending in voice. Friend A tells him he’s here for him still and how he’s always here to talk if life is a mess and Friend C is still welcome, but he needs to get his shit straight. By the end of the chat, Friend C claims “that’s just how he is” and he can’t do anything about it ─ which is just such bullshit. We know good and well how he really is, and this ain’t it. He’s just too lazy, full of himself, and down on his luck to acknowledge he has a problem. He says it’s shitty of us not to “accept him for who he is” and how we all know his life is shit and that he’s justified. Friend A essentially tells him he doesn’t want somebody like that in his group. Friend C takes this as “oh I don’t want you here period”, essentially says “well I don’t want to be in a group that just pities me and takes me along because they feel bad and not because they’re actually my friends”, leaves the discord group, removes Friend A from discord, removes friend A from Battle.net, then blocks him in both places. Out of nowhere. Friend A then comes to announce that Friend C will no longer be a part of our group. This is a TL;DR, since I wasn’t there for the conversation and it’s been a little bit since I’ve asked Friend A exactly what was said and feel it inappropriate to ask for specifics again since it’s all behind us now and that night still upsets him to this moment.
    Since then, Friend C has come back to try and make amends to everyone, especially the group, as he dropped without telling anybody out of frustration and essentially said “fuck you” to the entire group because he was upset at his best friend. Friend A was very emotional about it after it happened as, like said, this was his best friend who essentially just claimed he didn’t care about him at all and just pitied him despite doing everything he could to try to keep everybody happy and even catering to Friend C at times against his better judgement. Despite that, however, Friend A has stated multiple times he would not even take Friend C back as a friend unless he had a life evaluation first. Friend A and Friend C sat down to have another talk after the dust settled so Friend C could apologize, as Friend C reached out supposedly to do so, but he still acted as though he didn’t do anything wrong. He swore constantly on his dog-who-he-loved-dearly’s ashes he didn’t say the shitty things he said to Friend A that night. He didn’t own up to anything he said or did, only apologized for leaving immediately and dipping on everyone else, as he worried he’d “burned the bridge”. Friend A did not welcome him back with open arms but told him his doors were still open to talk and were never closed to begin with ( Friend C closed them himself by leaving suddenly, after all ) and that he could talk to him again when he figured everything out. Everyone is at least on speaking terms again, but he has not rejoined the discord nor the game group, and wasn’t even playing for a time. Now he’s supposedly playing and having fun again on his own terms and doing things we haven’t. Supposedly. So our Mythic+ group had a gap in it, which was filled by one of the new friends who just started playing. Both new players in our group are learning fast, but it has slowed our progression down, which we accept. People have swapped around classes to find accommodations as well, with Friend A now tanking and Friend D healing as they did before, delaying progress further. But now with things decided and in place, we will begin to push again. After all, it’s only the first week of Mythic+. We haven’t really lost any important progress.
    Friend A was very upset and felt like there was more he could’ve done, but everyone in the group has told him day in and day out there was nothing else he could’ve done. Friend C still has a lot to sort out and has seemingly taken absolutely nothing from this situation.
    Both of these situations, on top of the seizures the person I consider a second mom to me still happening ( which she went in for today to be looked at again while she’s being treated for something else ), has made writing nigh impossible. I have been having a lot of fun playing WoW and the issue with Friend C, while a big hamper on things in the moment, hasn’t stopped me from enjoying it as is. Both the major hospitals near me have recently announced they are at full capacity on virus patients and will no longer be accepting more of them and, so long as there’s no immediate reason to do so, have asked people to stay inside as much as possible because of it. With Hazel’s emergency making me miss my dad’s small Thanksgiving as I was up all night that night and it was the next day, this means I will also not make it to his Christmas. I did not go to my mom’s get-together for Christmas either, as it was at her restaurant where she works and the number of people there made me nervous. She was sad, but there’s nothing I could really do to justify the risk. The fact people still want to have any kind of gathering even for the holidays blows my mind.
     That all being said, things have calmed down enough for me to consider making another attempt at writing again and retuning to the blogs I have missed dearly. The breaks are always nice, but I’ve had to take far too many of late, and struggling with the energy and mindset to write for months is really starting to get under this bun’s blue fur. In the time I’ve been away I’ve thought about remaking this blog, as it’s a complete mess and riddled with old things that are no longer a part of it. My tags are messed up, my info is all over the place, and I feel as though a fresh place filled with friends who are still active might speed up the process of getting me back on track. In addition to that, I’ve thought more about the OC idea I brought up some time ago and will be adding said OC to the roster once things are set-up, assuming I go through with the idea. I’ve also considered adding Lulubelle to the multimuse as well to keep everyone in one place, but as I’m attached to her blog and hers is more organized, I’m reluctant to do so. It is a thought and consideration, nonetheless. It will all take some time to do, but afterward, assuming it goes as expected, activity will resume once again.
      It will take some time, but hopefully things will be back to the way they were soon enough. ♥
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strayen-fx · 4 years
My Roommate is a Demon | Part II
Genre: Fluff, angst
Wordcount: 1.9k
Warnings: trauma, road accident, mention of death, panic attack
A/N: I've finally finished it! Hope you guys like it 🥺
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"That's your delaying tactic, huh?"
Minho paused from petting Doongie and looked up at me, confusion written on his face. "What?"
I stood beside the TV, my arms across my chest, eyeing the demon who was sitting on my apartment floor. There was a reason why I never looked for a roommate -- I'd rather choose to pay an expensive rent than live with a total stranger that may/may not be a psycho, or worse, a jerk who doesn't know how to segregate biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable.
And yet, here I am: stuck with someone who was literally spawned by hell.
"How long do you intend to stay in my house?"
"Until you've told me your wish," Minho answered with a wide grin. He brought his attention back to Doongie and resumed attacking a bag of chips. "Until then, I'll be leeching off of you like the handsome demon that I am."
That's his third bag of chips for the day. "I already told you my wish," I pointed out. "Wishes, actually. But you never did any of them. So tell me -- are you toying with me? Just so you could stay here and play with my cats all day?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Are you running away from your tasks down in your place or something?"
Minho glared at me. "Your previous wishes wouldn't even count as wishes. You called for a demon, not a genie in a bottle," he scoffed. "You were supposed to ask for evil, injurious, hostile, insidious, destructive stuffs. And you asked me to give you an unlimited supply of pizza?"
"That's not the only wish I've told you," I argued.
Minho rolled his eyes. At this point in time, I am already used to seeing that affectionate gesture. "Right. You asked me to duct-tape Chan's laptop. You also asked me to trip Jisung. And you asked me to steal Changbin's plushie. Right. You have an absolutely terrifying and lethal mind, Y/N."
"Playing with Chan's equipment is evil," I reasoned out. I have actually witnessed Chan going nuts when he thought he lost his hard drive, and I swore to myself I would never want to see him furious again. It was the epitome of danger.
"...Are you for real?" Minho asked flatly. "That's, like, one of the top 100 lamest pranks I have ever heard. We're supposed to do crimes, not petty pranks on your kid neighbor."
"Can I just wish for you to leave?"
"Nope. Next question?"
"What am I supposed to do, then?" I whined. "I can't exactly wish for a random explosion in the streets, can I?"
Minho contemplated the idea for a few seconds. "That's not evil enough. We need something impactful -- I need something gold on my resume."
"Relevant experience, duh. I'm a hardworking employee. I need promotions."
I groaned, totally done and pissed and just generally going crazy about my whole predicament. How am I going to shake off my cat-loving demon roommate?
Minho grinned once more, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Guess that means you'll be spending an eternity with me."
"Can you burn my uni down?"
"That's not even an evil request. That's called service to the student body."
"Can you kill all the bugs in my city?"
"I may be a demon, but I do not intervene with the ecosystem. I'm done with you mortals ruining the planet. It's getting bad for my skin."
I frowned at Minho, who insisted on walking me to campus. He said he wanted to see my uni, but I'm pretty sure he's got some underlying intention he's not telling me. I felt wary for a sudden ambush.
"Can you give my professor the flu?"
"If we're talking about the flu that escalates into world destruction, then I guess we can get down to business--"
Minho suddenly stopped walking. He remained rooted on the road, staring at a middle distance. There was a look of worry in his eyes.
"H-hey, is something wrong?" I asked.
"I-I gotta go," Minho said hurriedly. He then sped off, almost tripping on his own feet. "I'LL SEE YOU AT HOME!" he shouted over his shoulders.
I don't know why, but the way he worded it made me feel a major blush creeping on my cheek. "YOU DON'T NEED TO GO BACK!"
"Where on earth did that demon go?"
My classes have already ended. Chan, Jisung and Changbin were all busy creating new tracks for the upcoming music fest, so I was forced to walk home alone. They were too busy these past few days, I hadn't gotten the chance to update them on the crazy scenarios unfolding in my life. They didn't even know I had a demon for a roommate. They didn't even know I've gotten a roommate, in the first place -- I bet they'd go crazy on their next visit.
That is, if I'd still have a roommate by that time.
"He said he'll see me at home," I mumbled. "Or did he just say that? Did he go back to wherever he came from? Without even informing me?"
As if on cue, I heard rustling of bushes from somewhere in front of me. I initially thought it was a thief. I was prepared to sprint off, but just then, Minho slowly walked into view, holding his hands against his stomach.
"You're here," I said quietly. Was that relief I just felt? Well, I guess I did feel relief knowing there wasn't a thief in front of me (but a demon instead. The irony.)
"Yeah," Minho smiled sheepishly. "I'm, uhh, just about to go home."
I gave him a weird look. "It has been hours since you walked me to school, and you're still here outside? You're just going home?" I noticed a few leaves that got stuck on his hair plus a few scratches along his forearm. My brow shot up. "By any chance... did you... get lost?"
A faint blush formed on the demon's cheeks. "I'm not used to human civilization, okay? I don't know your freak symbols. All the roads look the same -- how am I supposed to know where I am supposed to go?"
I tried to swallow the laughter bubbling in my stomach. "So you did get lost. I thought you're a demon? Can't you track me home with your demon powers or something?"
"I can only track your presence; ever wonder why I'm here in front of you? Your house is another thing. My powers aren't that strong yet." He began striding off to the direction opposite my house. I jogged after him, trying to match his long strides.
"Ya Minho. Are you sure of where you're-- Hey, what's that... thing on your belly?" I pointed at the weird spherical bulge on his stomach. He was wearing a baggy shirt, but the shape was still pretty much evident. It looked like a soft round pillow underneath his clothes. "Are you pregnant?"
"What are y-- I'M NOT PREGNANT, OKAY?" Minho's ears burned red, and he looked absolutely flustered.
"Would you care to explain, then, what--"
"Did you just meow at me, Lee Minho?"
The thing under Minho's shirt suddenly moved, protesting against the hands holding him. Minho was taken by surprise -- he wasn't able to stop the little cat from breaking free from his hiding spot.
"You brought a--"
"Meow~" The cat landed on my feet. He is so small, probably just a month old. He had grey and white fur, and his meow sounded soft and sweet. He looked up at me expectantly, as if assessing the possible danger I held against him. It then brushed its body against my legs, marking me as his human.
"You brought a cat?"
"What do you expect me to do?" Minho whined. "I heared him meowing and crying desperately for help. I can't just leave him alone in the street, he's too young!"
"That's why you scampered off earlier?" I stiffled a laugh. "Are you sure you're a demon? Didn't you send your application to the wrong agency?"
"Shut up. Let's bring Dori home, alright? He's hungry."
"You even named him already."
"I said shut up."
We began walking to my apartment -- the correct direction this time -- while Minho carried Dori in his arms. I had to admit: they looked adorable. Minho looked so soft while cradling the baby cat, and Dori looked comfortable in the hands of his new owner.
And then I thought: Once Minho leaves, who's going to take care of Dori?
Nah, I could definitely take care of another cat at home.
But Minho is the one who found Dori. He is the parent, not you.
Minho has to leave soon -- I can handle Dori on my own.
You're not gonna miss him?
...Of course not.
But Minho--
Shut up.
We were only a couple blocks away from my apartment. We were approaching a pastry shop which sells delicious cheesecake when suddenly, Dori jumped down from Minho's hold. The cat quickly ran off to the shop, carelessly crossing the street with her tiny paws.
"Dori!" Minho immediately ran after him, not even bothering to check the road for approaching vehicles.
A huge van was approaching fast. The driver probably didn't notice that someone was crossing the road -- he wasn't slowing down even one bit. His headlights blared, bright and harsh and ominous.
My brother. His bicycle. Blood. Van. Shattered glass. Smoke. Blood, everywhere. My brother, limp, unmoving. Blood. He was coughing blood. And his eyes... his eyes were blank. He wasn't blinking. He was staring at me with vacant eyes. He was bleeding. He--
The vehicle barely missed Minho by an inch. He successfully retrieved Dori. He looked back at me and smiled reassuringly, his hand held up in a thumbs-up.
My knees felt weak. I fell on the sidewalk, my heart thumping at a hundred beats per second. I couldn't feel my fingers. It felt as if I was dunked head-first into a pool of ice. Tears began welling in my eyes, making my surroundings blurry.
The next thing I knew, Minho was kneeling on my side. He was asking me a lot of questions, but I couldn't understand any of it. My heart was beating crazily in my chest. It was beating in my throat. It was beating in my ears. Dori was standing at my feet, carefully licking at my exposed skin.
"I'm here," he answered.
"Don't leave me. Never leave me."
He fell quiet for a few moments. And then: "You know that wish is against the rules of hell, right?"
I looked at him, trying to read the emotion in his caramel eyes. There was a look of genuine concern in them.
"We are not allowed to stay with humans for a period longer than our mission. Your wish breaks the most important rule for demon interns like me, which means that it's an evil wish." Minho smiled softly. "Is that the wish you are going to ask from your demon?"
I nodded. I pulled him into a tight hug, not even caring about my unflattering appearance on the side of the road. "Stay with me."
"I've heard your wish loud and clear," he declared. Minho carefully patted my head as he tightened his hold on me, lending me warmth from his embrace. I can actually feel him smiling. "We have a 'no return, no exchange' policy. Whether you like it or you like it, you're now stuck with your demon roommate forever."
°°° °°° °°°
A/N: Please stop me from giving this a steamy part three
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haiyuta · 5 years
live stream (m) || Felix
Summary: Finding out your new handsome neighbor is a camboy
word count: 2.7k || Genre: camboy!felix, jerking off, smut, kinda soft, 
a/n: ughhh I love Lee felix. Anyway, hope you like this took me longer than I would have liked. anyywayyy Idk how I feel about this. Can do def a part 2 thou with reader on stream lol. Update Here is part 2 
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Picking up the last box of yours and you would be officially moved into your new place. The weight of what you think your pots and pans made you cringe as you got on the elevator. The heavy box making you cringe in pain. 
Before the doors closed you saw a hand shoot out before it closed stopping it from closing. "Got it," you heard a deep voice chuckle. Entering the elevator was a male. A handsome male at that. Shifting you gave an awkward nod not knowing what to do except moving over to make room for him. 
Holding the box, you elbowed your floor number 9 holding the box. He looked at the panel to see the number and didn't press it. Was going to number 9 as well? 
"It seems we are going to the same floor," he smoothly said a small grin of his face. You noted he had an accent. "Do you need some help, with that box," he asked. 
Relief filled you "please my arms are like jelly," you commented. A small grin held on his face as he took the box from your hand smoothly. The elevator dinged lifting to the floor you stepped out as he followed. 
"Thank you that's the last box," you said going through the hallways stopping at your door. 
"Its fine got to help my new neighbor right," he smirked walking alongside you. Your eyes lingered a little longer than they should. Wanting to drink in every detail of him his hair was a smooth light brown color. Falling into his face so gently while his voice deep with a smooth accent to compliment it. 
Stopping at the door you quickly grabbed your key unlocking the door. "Oh wow you live here," he said shocked at the location. 
Nodding "yeah I do," you commented back.
"Looks like were real neighbors," he said barely coming in as he placed the box near the entrance. "I live right there," he pointed two doors down and across the hall. 
"Oh well it's nice to know a friendly face," you said "I'm Y/n by the way," you introduced yourself. 
A friendly smiled raised on his lips "Well hello I'm Felix," he said giving you a handsome smile highlighting his light dusted freckles. "If you need anything just knock on my door."
Shifting on your feet you replied, "Well, thanks for the permission now I can annoy you anytime."
Felix gave a small wave "Annoy me anytime cutie," he grinned at you. Your stomach fluttered at his words. 
"Will do," you replied mulling over the word 'cutie' for more than you should. 
"Anyway, I'll see you around," he grinned backing away sending you another dazzling smile as he went to his apartment. 
"Yeah see you," you gave a short wave back. Slowly closing the door wishing you could just stare at him longer. Felix, you repeated his name over. You already knew your handsome neighbor was going to drive you crazy. 
It’s been two months since you moved into your new apartment and life slowly become back to the normal routine. Work, socializing and doing the daily routine.   The only thing that was new and rather exciting was seeing Felix. You both traded numbers and talked about random stuff. 
Laying down on your bed all you could think was about him. His winks he would send you, his wide charming smile and he was genuine. 
"He drives me crazy," you moaned to yourself thinking about him. Right now, you laid on your bed your laptop open as you browse the web trying to forget about Felix. But he kept invading your mind. His voice did things to you it was so deep and sensual. Feeling your body stir with arousal. Your mind drifted to what you would do with him. His body was long and lean, and you wondered if he had freckled anywhere else on his body. Or what he could do with those long fingers. 
Sighing you in defeat looked at your ceiling feeling your body become flush with want. Having no significant other at the moment. You did what most lonely and quite horny people did. Lifting yourself up you went to the incognito tab pressing it. Diving into the world of not so safe for word content. The stir in your system drove you to press into the darker side of the web. 
Skimming the internet, you went to the usual places. In your opinion were quite lackluster. The normal sites were so boring so fake as you scanned the website. The pop-up ads were lewd and fake. You kept up your search as you looked for the perfect site. Shaking your head in pity you did find it funny how you needed the perfect content to get off to. 
Raising an eyebrow, you scrolled to sites looking for something to watch. Hovering over the site it was called "Cams4you," raising an eyebrow you never were into live streams but maybe it would be good. You crossed your fingers hoping it didn't lead to a virus site. 
Luckily it didn't as you clicked on the link popping up on cam screen. It was an organized and clean look to the site and was organized by genre like cosplay, exercise, and just talking. Licking your lips, you went through the streams. Half-naked girls talking to the camera some of the guys were teasing the camera. Your eyes widen this did feel personal and real rather than the intense fake other stuff. Something about looking at the camera felt so real as they read your comments and donations off. 
Pausing you tilted your head at the signup page as you quickly signed up so you could join and comment in the chats. 
Browsing through the dozens of live streams you paused on a few that did stir something inside you but didn't do much. 
Sighing you were about to give up until you landed on one live stream with about 200 people watching. Your fingers slipped off your mouse pad as you saw the person in the stream. 
Eyes widen in shock you saw Felix on the screen in front of you in all his glory. Almost a second nature, you grabbed your headphone jamming them in your laptop as you heard the familiar voice. It seemed he was already 30 mins in the stream.
In the stream, he had a loose white shirt on paired with black sweat pants a seductive smirk on his face as he held the pillow. 
Your jaw slacked in shock Lee Felix your neighbor was a cam boy. Your eyes glued on the screen to watch his next move. "Am I tired," read the comment carefully and then pursed his lips up. "yeah I'm a little tired so this won't be very long," he gave a tired smile. 
The comments spammed when he answered with 'go to sleep' 'you don't have to stream for us' kind of comments. Raising an eyebrow Felix had a fanbase you thought. 
Felix was in his room it looked like. It was light and airy his camera was top quality and he was sitting in a large desk chair attractively. 
"Oh, am I okay," he said moving his neck a little and sighed "I'm fine just a lot on my mind." Smiling he gave the camera an iconic wink "you guys are always on my mind," he flirted in a whisper. His deep voice so calming. 
Without shame, you slowly slipped your hand to your lower stomach ready to tease yourself.
"No guys but honestly can I ask you guys a question," he said smoothly. He felt so fluid on the camera so comfortable. The comments section spammed with love and praise for him.  
"Would you guys be mad if I dated someone," he paused. Your heart dropped at the confession. "I don't want to disappoint to lose you guys I just don't want anyone to be mad."
Your mind whirled with why did he ask that? what was he planning? Your eyes skimmed to the chat as hearts went out to him most saying "date who you want" "we support you" while a minority said they would feel sad but happy he was dating. 
"Hm you guys are so understanding," a lazy smirk was on his face. A dreamy look crossed his face "I've been scared to tell this person since I have the chats blessing, I might go and do it and ask them out." 
You felt your stomach drop a little but didn't faze you much. The stream went on for another 10 mins of just chatting until a donation popped up on the screen. With a sexual act attached to it. 
"Hm you want to see a kitten stream," Felix said his voice deep as ever as he rolled his eyes over in thinking. "I would be a pretty kitty wouldn't I," he teased. 
"With little cat ears," he grinned. Back his chair up to show his bottoms more. Leaning over he read another comment. "If you're tired you should pleasure yourself, you'll go to sleep better," he read out slowly. His deep brown eyes gave the camera a look you shivered knowing you've seen those beautiful eyes in person. Feeling proud at that fact.
Leaning on his chair he gave another lazy look at the camera. His fingers finding their way up his shirt revealing his slim waist. Your fingers delicately found their way past your shorts. Eyes glued to the screen you felt your slit through the fabric. 
Felix gazed at the camera biting his lip as he ran his fingers down his smooth chest. "I'm so lazy you guys," he laughed at himself as he rested his head back. The comments cheered him on talking about how he should 'take off his shirt' or how he should tease himself. 
He showed off his slim waist as he smoothed over his skin. A cocky smile lit his lips as he showed off his body. It was sensual as he played with his body. 
Reaching down to his sweatpants he palmed himself. His large hand grinding into his own hand. "Fuck I hate teasing," he cursed but knew this was for the fans they needed to see this teasing. They lusted after him. You shamefully did as well as your fingers moved on their own teasing you as well. 
As you tried to be in sync as best as possible. The lewd act of watching someone who was doors down from you made it even hotter. The chat was going egging him on telling him how attractive he looked and such. 
Eyeing Felix once again he ground harder on himself lifting his hips slightly in need. "I'm so hard," his smooth accent made the word hard to come out in a cuter way than needed. 
Licking his lips, he adjusted himself so the camera got a good look at his body and his face. His dirty talk was superior as he glanced at the camera another lazy grin lit his face. "I wish someone's warm mouth would be around me," he groaned. 
Biting your lip your inner self wish that person could be you. The comments said something like 'If I was there, I would do anything for you'. You were so close to him an easy knock at his door and you would shamelessly beg for him. 
Your mind whirled with pleasure you felt your panties already moist from your tentative touches. 
Felix knew how to play the camera as he mumbled attractive dirty words of encouragement. "Just thinking about my beauties touching themselves," he bites his lip as his hand massaged himself. The personal words hit your heart knowing that you were doing exactly as he expected. 
"Touching yourself watch me get off," he stuck his tongue out with a tease. That tongue you wanted to taste so bad. 
He moved to pull his sweatpants down revealing some dark boxer briefs. The outline of his cock made you just want to reach out and touch it. You knew you couldn't. You felt your fingers slip past your panties as you reached your core. 
His movements were causal as he pulled out his cock. It was red and smooth looking as he gripped it. Biting his lip he threw back his head with want as he pumped himself. You watched closely as your neighbor did slow to fast pumps. 
You let out an audible whine as you watched him. Feeling yourself clench with just wanting him in you. 
Pumping himself more you didn't want to take your eyes away as he let out a deep groan. A deep "fuck," came out of him 
His head was deep red, and he looked close to ready for release.  Spreading your legs wider as you hit different angles. Shivering with want you to watch him as he slowly thrust into his hand, his hips lifted as he went deeper. 
The visual of seeing him get off his deep groans made you whine with want as you came on your fingers. "Hm Felix," you moaned his name.
Felix smirked as he let himself go. He gripped himself harshly as white ropes left him. His orgasm was so beautiful to see. He stopped for a moment glancing at the chat. "Hm so pretty Felix," he hummed out a thank you for the comment and donations. Sitting up he looked at his hand as he grabbed to clean away the mess. 
"Hm I'm sorry this wasn't as good," he mumbled a small smile lit his face. "I'll do a theme next time maybe kitten like the other comment said."
You glanced at the site noting the name making sure you remembered it to watch it again.
Sighing you shut your laptop in shame putting it next to your bed. You really just pleasured yourself to someone you know. You had his phone number right now you can call him at any moment, and he'll be right over. 
Laying your head back closing your eyes "I'm so whipped for this boy," you thought to yourself falling into sleep.
Waking up the next day you sighed it was bright out already you thought. Blinking away you thought about last night a blush rose to your face. You really did that. 
With some bit of shame, you dragged yourself out of bed as you got ready for the day. It was Saturday so nothing new was for today. Laundry, shopping, and resting was the normal agenda. 
Your thoughts lingered about Felix thinking about how he was a cam boy. He seemed to like it and knew how to play the camera. And with just that stream he made over 200 dollars from donations and such. 
Grabbing a bowl, you poured some cereal in thinking about him. Would you be able to face him knowing you literally pleasured yourself to his stream? 
A sudden knock at the door made your leap in fear but you rolled your eyes it was probably just the next-door lady asking about if you see her cat. 
Opening the door with the bowl in your hand. Revealing it was the man himself Felix at your door. Shocked at his appearance you stared at the good-looking cam boy.
"Um Hi," you said brightly looking down at the cereal and back at him. "Um cereal," you offered with a grin. 
Felix raised an eyebrow but smiled. "No thank you," he laughed lightly. 
Nodding you put the cereal down on the side table "what do I owe this honor of Lee Felix to come to my door today," you tried to keep it casual. Trying to avoid looking past his shoulder knowing what laid under it. 
"I actually wanted to," he paused rubbing his neck lightly. "wanted to know if you wanted to get coffee or some food later," he asked quickly. He looked quite embarrassed. 
Your mind froze was he asking you out. Your mind put it full circle. The person he wanted to ask out on his stream last night was you. 
"Like a date," you asked buzzing with excitement.
Felix grinned "yeah like a date," he said. 
Smiling you nodded "I would love to get coffee with you." 
He put his hand over his heart dramatically "oh my thank you," he breathed a sigh of relief. 
Smiling you grinned "thank you for asking me," you replied. 
"I'll see you on our date cutie," he winked.
"I can't wait,” you winked back closing your door. Sighing you closed the door feeling your heart flutter with happiness. You were going on a date with Lee Felix.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Fragmentation 0.1 - JHS
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Plot: How does one measure freedom? Are our choices truly our own, or are they part of a preset design outside of our control? We all have a question burning inside of us, though few speak it out. It is the question that drives us forward, seeking purpose in our lives. What is The Matrix?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | The Matrix!AU | angst | sci-fi | action | drama
Pairing: N/A
Warnings: Strong language, allusions of suicide, extreme angst, graphic violence
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,008
AN: It’s finally here! I know that I am still in the process of updating Make It Right, but I have been dying to get this series off the ground. Especially since no one in the fandom has written in this Universe from what I can see. So I’m super excited to share this with you all. This is the prequel to my upcoming series, Defragmentation, which showcases everyone’s origin stories and how they managed to escape from The Matrix. Because this universe is so extensive, I strongly suggest that people utilize the official Matrix Wiki as a reference point because there will be much in this world that I will not go into in-depth explanations for. Again, if anyone would like to be added to the tag list, please feel free to message us!
Tag List: @aroseforyoongi​, @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​ (I’m adding you because I purple you; don’t @ me)
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Sabine saw The Code first.
Just after his fourteenth birthday, Hoseok met up with his best friend after school for their traditional birthday shenanigans. The funny birthday card, the sweet cupcake with a single candle on top, and a handmade present that he  knew Sabine spent the better part of three months putting together. That was supposed to be the plan. Nothing changed in the ten years they knew each other.
Instead of meeting on the roof after school, Sabine told Hoseok she would be waiting for him at the abandoned playground on the edge of town. He didn’t understand why she wanted to meet there, of all places. Kids didn’t go there anymore because of a major accident and the lack of upkeep made it look creepy. Going there after the sun went down just gave it eerie vibes.
When he arrived, Sabine was idly moving back and forth on one of the swings. Her eyes looked focused on something just behind him. When Hoseok turned to see if there was anyone there, he felt a chill slide down his back when there was nothing. He wasn’t sure if Sabine was trying to scare him, but it was working.
“Hey, Hobi,” she called to him, standing from the swing to meet him, “you haven’t been using your inhaler lately.”
He tilted his head slightly. Now that she mentioned it, he hadn’t been. The doctor told him to only use it when he felt it was necessary. For the last year, he didn’t feel a need. P.E. wasn’t as hard for him as it used to be and he could run four full laps around the track without feeling winded.
“No, I haven’t,” he replied, meeting her gaze, “but why bring that up, Bean?”
She smirked, brushing past him to stare out across the road. The street lights flickered to life, illuminating the pastel green landscape around them. Hoseok knew that look and it almost always meant trouble. He really didn’t want to get involved with another of her hair-brained schemes on a school night.
“Can you see it?”
He turned to look in her direction, her back still facing toward him. “See what?”
He watched Sabine’s back muscles tense slightly until she craned her neck to look at him. “You can’t see it?”
“See what?” he repeated with a sigh. “I don’t see anything except you being weird.”
For a while, Sabine said nothing. It wasn’t like her to be silent for this long and Hoseok was consciously aware of how hard she was looking at him. He was about to tell her to say something, anything, instead of staring at him like he’d grown a second head. Just then, she let out a defeated sigh and began walking away, leaving him behind.
“Hey,” he called, already starting after her, “what am I not seeing?”
“Doesn’t matter,” came her dejected response, “no point if you can’t see it.”
He wanted to keep bugging her about what it was she was seeing and he wasn’t, but Sabine clearly made up her mind about something. 
Hoseok just wished he knew what that “something” was.
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“Sabine, wait!”
Hoseok watched his best friend continue her ascent up the fire escape without him. He tried not to be too loud, considering that their neighbors were middle-aged office drones who worked nine to five hours and had 2.5 kids. The last time it got rowdy in their complex, the local authorities were called almost immediately. Add the fact that they were sneaking out after curfew and it was easy to see why Hoseok was a little nervous to be raising his voice.
But Sabine kept going, as if she hadn’t heard him.
Pouting, Hoseok quickly ran up the stairwell after her - his legs feeling much lighter than they usually did. Normally he would feel winded trying to keep up with her, but today it felt easier to breathe. Which was strange, considering he’d been diagnosed with asthma since he was a child.
Then again, a lot of things were different for the past two years.
His parents told him that it was the normal adolescent hormones that popped up at the age of thirteen. “Puberty” and all that nonsense. He’d learned about it in school and, at the time, it made sense. He figured that it was just “growing pains” and nothing more.
Ever since his fourteenth birthday, however, he knew that things were changing at a pace that almost didn’t seem natural. Things were getting weirder and weirder every day. Hoseok even had a weird case of déjà vu when he thought he saw the same cat go by twice. 
That couldn’t have been the case, though. That sort of stuff wasn’t real.
Hoseok mentioned it to Sabine just a few days before his fifteenth birthday. He remembered the way her eyes almost seemed to light up - a look he hadn’t seen on her face in almost a year. The truth? Their friendship was strained and Hoseok was confused as to why. He couldn’t remember doing anything to upset her and she was the sort of person who was blunt and honest about her feelings at all times.
Though she had been surfing the net more and more. There were days where Sabine would skip out on their normal hangout time to stay glued to her computer. Her parents said she was studying or doing homework, but he knew Sabine was extremely intelligent and rarely had to put any real effort into her school assignments. Hoseok was no dummy either, but even he needed her help from time to time when it came to classwork.
The days bled into weeks and then the weeks into months. Before long, he was beginning to dread that things weren’t going to be the same between them anymore.
Then Sabine showed up at his door, telling him to come with her to the roof of their apartment complex. He wasn’t about to question her reasoning. Hoseok was just glad that she was talking to him again outside of class.
When he finally reached the top, Sabine was standing on the edge of the roof on the other side. Her dark curls whipped around her head as a sudden gust of wind blew through the air. Hoseok shivered, feeling the cold bite go straight through him. He crossed the roof to where she was, rubbing at his arms to warm them up. 
“So,” he said, trying to ignore the awkward feeling in the air, “what’s up?”
She continued to stand on the rooftop’s edge, her hands stuffed into the large front pocket of her hoodie. Sabine didn’t answer him right away and while that would have bothered him before, he was just glad to be able to be close to his friend again. If he was admitting anything to himself, it was that Hoseok missed her. A lot.
“Do you feel that?” she asked suddenly, causing him to look up at her.
“Feel what?”
Sabine sighed, turning to look down at him. “C’mon, Hobi. I know you feel that.”
He really didn’t understand what she meant, and was about to tell her as much. Suddenly, she reached down to grab his arm so she could pull him up onto the perch beside her. Hoseok almost squawked, losing his balance slightly until she tightened her hold on his sleeve to steady him. 
“Bean, I really don’t know what you’re talking about…” And he felt bad about it.
“No. I think you do.” Sabine gave him a pointed look. “You feel it, but you just don’t want to admit it.”
He sighed. “What is it I’m supposed to be feeling, Bean?”
“That this,” she said, stretching her arm out toward the cityscape, “isn’t real.”
Hoseok balked at her. “Wait, what?” He blinked once. “What?!”
This time she scoffed. “You haven’t had to use your inhaler in the last two years. You run the track regularly during P.E. and you’re able to keep up with me now.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself because he wasn’t sure if he wanted to argue with what she was insinuating. It wasn’t like any of it was a lie. But to say that none of it was real? That was just crazy.
“I’ve been reading up on these forums and there are whispers about this place. About how it’s not real.” Sabine’s brows furrowed as she bit her lower lip, averting her gaze from his. “How our whole life is one giant lie.”
A soft ache welled in his heart. Had she been battling with these feelings of depression alone all this time? Was that why she’d pushed him away? 
“Hey,” he said gently, reaching out to grasp her hand, “that’s not true. How can you say that?”
“Because it’s true. I’ve seen the glitches. I’ve seen the code.” Her tone was a mixture of hurt and indifference, like she couldn’t decide what emotion to display to him. Sabine turned to look at him. “And you have too. You just keep pretending that you haven’t.”
Hoseok frowned. “Sabine, come on…”
“You just want to keep being blind to it, but I know you’ve seen it too!”
The truth? He had. He had seen weird things - almost like flickers and after images. He figured it was because he was overworking himself or that his body was continuing its weird pubescent changes. What other reasoning was there? If he saw the same cat twice, it was just a coincidence. If he felt lighter on his feet, it was because he was taking the time to exercise properly. If there were ripples in the glass reflecting a person that was both him and not him, that had nothing to do with anything. It didn’t mean that their world wasn’t real or that their lives had no meaning.
A rush of movement reclaimed his attention and he screamed in horror as Sabine jumped off the roof. Hoseok reached out, grabbing at her wrists. The force of the jump coupled with gravity pulling her weight down in a rush caused his knees to crash into the concrete perch. The pain was immediate and he gripped onto Sabine with all of his might. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes as he looked down at his best friend, unable to fathom why she’d had the sudden urge to want to kill herself.
“Let go,” she said, causing him to sob.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Just let go, Hoseok.”
When he looked down at her, she wore an expression he couldn’t place. It seemed almost peaceful; resolute. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was a level of acceptance plastered over Sabine’s face that was profound. It caused his heart to leap into his throat and for a moment, the landscape dissolved into an array of black with strings of green numbers and letters in every direction. Even his best friend’s image was shaped around these numbers and letters.
His knees scraped across the concrete, causing his grip to slip a little. And then everything returned to normal. Or, at least, the normal that he believed himself accustomed to.
When Hoseok’s eyes met Sabine’s once again, he saw her crying. He didn’t have to ask why. Because he already knew the answer. 
“...it’s not real,” he mumbled.
Sabine nodded, smiling up at him. “So let go.” Her fingers tightened around his wrists. “Let’s go.”
He smiled at her, leaning down a little further, and gave a small laugh. “Okay.”
Hoseok waited for her to close her eyes first. Then he closed his. When he felt her thumbs pressing into his wrists, her silent way of saying she wasn’t going anywhere, he let gravity take hold of them both. The world rushed around his ears - the wind howling from the speed of their descent. At some point, he groped blindly until his arms wrapped around Sabine in a strong embrace.
And then everything went dark.
“Welcome to the Real World.”
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iamartemisday · 4 years
Lokane Untold Truths
Jane was six the first time it happened. It was mid-December. She’d exhausted every option available to her to complete her mission. In desperation, she threw all caution to the wind and came out with it. “Daddy, what am I getting for Christmas?” 
He looked into her eyes and said, “a junior telescope set and that scientist Barbie doll you wanted. Also a young reader’s copy of Pride and Prejudice. I think your mother wants to corrupt you early.”
When he finished speaking he looked shocked for all of a second. He didn’t have long because he’d, unfortunately, spilled the beans within earshot of his wife, who spent the next few minutes berating him while Jane danced in place at the thought of a telescope.
Over time, more incidents like that began to occur.
“Mrs. Mason,” she asked her third grade teacher the day she announced they’d have a sub for the rest of the week, “how come you’re going on vacation now instead of on the weekend?”
“Oh I’m not actually going on vacation,” Mrs. Mason said. “I’m getting a colonoscopy and I need to spend the next few days cleaning out my bowels.”
Everyone laughed as their poor teacher turned bright red and tried to backtrack. 
For a while, Jane actually thought it was pretty funny.
“Hey Bobby, how come you won’t go down the slide?” she asked the playground bully.
“Because I’m afraid of heights,” he said. “They make me cry.”
No one took his bullying seriously after that.
One day, it stopped being funny.
“Why don’t you want to eat lunch with me?” she asked Maggie, her best friend in the world since kindergarten.
“Because I don’t like you anymore,” Maggie said. “You’re a weird geek and I want to hang out with the cool kids now.”
Jane didn’t really sit with anyone after that.
By the time she reached high school, she knew something was wrong with her. Or maybe something was right. There were perks to her strange little ability just as much as their were downsides. She’d long since figured out a few things.
Her power only worked when she made eye contact with the target.
Glasses of any sort would not protect them.
Wearing glasses herself would.
Jane couldn’t understand that last one. Perhaps it was a mental block she’d placed on herself to protect her relationships after what happened with Maggie. Or maybe it was just always there.
In her sophomore year, she got up the courage to as the boy she liked on a date (simple yes or no question, it couldn’t possibly go wrong). 
“I’d like to, but I can’t,” he said. “My dad beats my mom and I’m afraid to date because I don’t want to be like him.”
The next day, Jane bought six pairs of contact lenses.
For years, she wore them religiously. Nobody ever questioned her. Not in college, not in grad school, not in the desert. Darcy called them lens buddies and Jane didn’t have the heart to correct her. 
It got easier to forget about all the chaos her power had caused. She’d remind herself that it could’ve been a lot worse and all things considered, she’d made it to adulthood relatively unscathed. Every now and then she’d forget to put in her contacts and get to hear all about a neighbor’s marital problems or how the overly macho guy at the bar was deeply in love with his male best friend. Otherwise, her days were uneventful and she could almost pretend she was completely normal.
Thor came to her in a storm and they had their adventure.
He came back to her in another storm when an ancient power was (not so) inexplicably drawn to her. That was a bit rough of a reunion. Jane was not exactly happy about his two years of radio silence. Even worse, whatever was inside her had decided it didn’t like contact lenses. They burned like pure fire when she tried to put them back in.
“It’s good to see you,” Jane said, instead of asking where he’d been or any other question she both did and didn’t want the answer to. 
He was nice enough to explain, and it was a good explanation. Taking her to Asgard and giving her the grand tour also helped his case. 
Jane still couldn’t find the same affection for him that she’d once had, if she had it at all. Their three days in the desert had been a whirlwind of confusing emotions as her entire life was upturned in an instant. Now that they had time to stop and think, Jane wasn’t seeing much more in him than a good friend. 
And then came Loki.
Or course Jane knew him, if only in name and face. She got to know him about more closely when she punched him in the face for attaching New York.
“I like her,” he said, smiling evilly at her.
Jane stared at him with her uncovered eyes and got a terrible, but all too tempting idea. “Do you get off on being hit?”
“Not precisely,” he said, “but I do love a woman with fire.”
Jane didn’t know what was funnier, his face or Thor’s. She glanced at Sif and shrugged like she had no idea what was happening and then casually reminded the brothers that they should probably get moving. 
The ride out of Asgard was bumpy, and Jane only remembered parts of it. She woke up as they reached Svartalfheim. The Aether called to her, swirling through her with renewed ferocity at the prospect of going ‘home’. 
“Finally awake I see,” Loki said, grinning evilly. “That didn’t take long at all.”
“What scared you most as a child?” Jane asked.
“Freya’s cats,” Loki said. “One of them bite me once and I’ve never liked them since.”
Even given the circumstances, Thor couldn’t not laugh. “I knew it.”
If Loki smacked the elves around a little harder than necessary, Jane wouldn’t comment. He was actually kind of gentle with her, even as he shoved her out of the way of a vortex sucking them up. 
When he died, Jane actually felt bad for making him expose his secrets like that. Even for someone like him, using her powers like that was just petty. Now that the Aether was gone, those contacts were going right back in. She didn’t even take them out a month later when she and Thor agreed to go their separate ways. It was all for the best anyway.
Late one night, when she been planning another all nighter to finish updated her bridge schematic, she was suddenly overcome with sleep. She awoke in a misty place. Nothing was around for miles, but she wasn’t scared. Nothing could hurt you in a dream, she knew, no matter what the old wive’s tales said.
Even when Loki appeared before her, she didn’t react. Dream or no dream, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of scaring her.
“Ask me anything,” he said.
Jane blinked her naked eyes. “Is this real?”
“Are you alive?”
“How can that be when I saw you die?”
“You saw me lose consciousness, though in fairness, I thought I was dying as well. It seems luck was for once on my side.”
A vision of Asgard appeared. Odin alone on his throne with Gugnir. He smiled warmly at his subjects, though for a moment, his eyes turned green.
“Are you pretending to be Odin?” she asked.
“What did you do with him?”
“He’s in a retirement home on Midgard. Don’t worry, I chose a nice one.”
“Do you visit him?”
“Once a week.”
“Nice. The orderlies must love you.”
“That wasn’t a question, but yes, they do. I’m a loving, dedicated son in their eyes.”
Jane was fast getting sick of this dream. And she really hated her sneaking suspicion this wasn’t a dream at all and Loki really was alive right now. 
“So what now? What do you want from me?”
He stepped closer. “You have an amazing gift, Jane. One which not even I can resist.”
“Thank you,” Jane said. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
He laughed. “I don’t believe I have you under a spell, my dear.”
“Do you?”
“I don’t.” He smiled. “You are free to speak as you wish, though I am bound to your every whim.”
“What if I asked you to tell me your greatest secret?”
“You know I would tell you. I would have no choice.”
“Would you want to?”
“I would,” he stepped closer. He was so tall and actually extremely handsome. Weird how she was only just starting to notice. “I would happily tell you anything. You and only you.”
Jane swallowed. Even knowing what she could do, he looked so sincere. “Do… do you regret what you did?”
For the first time, he hesitated and all but whispered his response. “I’m starting to.”
“Do you want to make it right?”
“I don’t think I can.”
“But would you try?”
Another, longer hesitation. A quieter response. “Yes.”
Jane nodded. She took his hand and held it tight. “Then when you’re ready to visit Odin again, come find me.”
The dream ended there and Jane was awake in her lab. She stared at the clock and her heart missed a beat. Not even a minute had passed since she closed her eyes. Almost like that whole event occurred on another plane of existence. 
‘It did,’ she told herself. ‘In a dream world.’
But did it really?
She heard footsteps behind her, but wasn’t afraid. He was there when she turned around. Not as Odin, but as himself. He had trimmed his hair a bit and donned a suit. Though he held her gaze, there was a hint of trepidation behind his eyes. 
Jane stood and approached him. This time, she had only one question. “Why?”
He took her hands “Don’t you see, Jane? I am the God of Lies. You are the Goddess of Truth.” He leaned in close. Jane couldn’t stop him if she wanted to as their lips met. “We were made for each other.”
And that was the God’s honest truth.
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mofleteitor · 4 years
An update on the friend I'm housing.
Last week we had an argument . When she and my friends were recording the video they went kind of "behind schedule", which means one of my friends got up really early and came from his house on the other side of town just to wait for 2 hours while she did things that weren't really that important and my other friend was kind of annoyed, and this had happened before and worst. So, after the video was filmed I asked her to try to be a bit more punctual, i asked her nicely and added that if there was anything I could do to help her organice better she only had to ask. She exploted, she stated crying and muttering and screaming about how everything wasn't her fault and that other people should be blamed and that it was unfair that she gets all the blame and does all the work and then she locked herself in the bathroom. The thing is I never blamed her, i talked to the other people involved, but since she was organizing and all this thing revolves around her i needed to talk to her. It wasn't like I was lecturing her either, i tried to have a dialogue and a conversation, but she didn't or couldn't. She put herself constantly on a victim place and put me as the bad guy and I'm all like ???. She then started talking about how she was going to leave and never came back and how it was all ruined, an I'm just sitting there trying to defuse the situation.
When she came to my house she told me all about how she and her sister fought and how she had to leave, about some exes of her and friendships that she had. I suspected she self sabotages her relationships, told a friend about it, but I didn't expected it was going to be that way. It was stressful as fuck. I went to visit my mom, i had to visit them on the weekend, when I came back everything was tense. Then everything was alright out of the blue.
I didn't wanted to push it so I let it. And on Thursday my friend informed me that she plans to stay for a month. Informed me. Not asked. Informed. If she'd have asked I'd have said yes, but she didn't. She has been here over a month, and now she is staying for another one.
I'm having a hard time telling no to her or to ask for her to collaborate on the expenses. She offers to pay some things, but then she spends the day complaining about not having money and how her savings at disappearing, but when her father came by and left her money she spent a lot of it on beer and other things that even though I understand it's a hard situation and it must be nice to have expensive chocolate once in a while it annoys me a bit because I'm also running out of savings paying for things like water and the electricity, gas and food.
But I can't tell her any of those things. I know that anything slightly confrontational sets her off like the other day. I introduced her to my friends and she was rude to one, isn't talking to another bc she got mad at her and she just fought with the new neighbors on one of the near apartments. And I try really really hard to have a good relationship with the neighbors. She screamed at the neighbor "pelotuda de mierda" which is quite an insult here.
I don't know. I'm stressed about all of this. I don't want for her to stay a whole month. I offered her to start selling steamed bread with me to try cover some of the expenses, and she just kind of shrugged and didn't. But she can't go to her house bc the sister that hit her is there, and she can't go to her parents I don't know why either.
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Here are the steamed bread I was selling. They taste nice, but people don't like steamed bread much around here, it's a small town. Still I'm quite proud, they were really nice.
On other news my ex's grandma called, she told me she loved me and not to be a stranger. Also everything is going well with my ex, we are still friends. I still think of them as my family and they said they do to.
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Here is a great picture of my cat, because I love him and he looks so funny.
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 22
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Summary: The year is now 3019. Women were going extinct, cryogenics was the only hope for society. Now Femme Industries is the provider of Females, they use computer analysis and algorithms to match a femme to her male applicants. It is common for Femme’s to match with multiple applicants. When you match with seven handsome young men, it is a challenge. But you love a challenge.
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, TXT
Starring: Bigbang, GOT7,  TXT,  BlackPink, NCT127 and Twice are going to be introduced and explored fully in later chapters.
Rating: Fluff so far
Warnings: Menstruation… if you don’t like don’t read. 
Length: 1.1k words
Kai sat beside you rubbing your back soothingly and making sure you weren’t in any pain, this wasn’t like any stomach ache he had ever seen before. You looked horrible and it made his heart tighten, the boys knew you were older but they couldn’t help thinking you were their little sister. They had helped you learn Korean and they watched you make the Bangtan boys happier.
Yeonjun handed Kai a small water bottle, which he traded for the now cold heat pack. Explaining that whenever it gets cold you start to stir. Heating up the pack Yeonjun can here Kai talking soothingly too you and giving you a drink of water. With the heat pack now hot and returned to his hand, Kai lifts the soft grey jersey fabric blanket. With all the precision and care of defusing a bomb. Kai snakes his hand over your waist, careful not to touch you and gently slips the heat pack against your stomach.
You curl up around the warmth. He smiled softly as the pained expression eased from your face. Beomgyu sighed, telling Kai to take a break and that he would sit with you for now. Shaking his head Kai said he would rather be around encase you needed anything.
There was a quiet knock on the door, Beomgyu answered looking up at Yoongi looking a little untidy and out of breath. Stepping aside the young man stepped through the thresh hold, his relief was audible at the sight of his lover sleeping peacefully. Yoongi turned to the boys and asked them what had happened to bring you here. After hearing the story he walked over to you, kneeling on the ground by Kai and gently touching your shoulder.
“Kitten” He breathed and you opened your eyes slowly turning to see his face his lips parted slightly his eyes filled with concern. He was wearing a disheveled suit and smelt like cigarettes, you sat up feeling the familiar pull in your stomach and placed a hand there. He helped you stand, leaning on his surprisingly strong form, he wasn’t conventionally muscular looking and yet you knew he could carry you, if he needed.
You stood on your own as he opened the door of the apartment. Walking inside first you heard him call you name in alarm, turning you in his arms he looked horrified. He lifted you into his arms and began rushing you to the bathroom he ran his hands through his hair racing to grab a towel.
“Yoongi look at me and tell me what’s wrong?” You growled loudly, the poor guy looked paler then usual and he gestured to your legs. Repeating that you were dying, dying and running back and forth between trying to grab his phone and yelling about stopping the bleeding.
You threw your head back laughing. The door opened to reveal Jimin covered in flour. Yoongi all but shouted in Jimin’s face that you were dying and he had to call the ambulance and stop the blood. Laughing ceased you got up off the floor and took his phone before he could call anyone for such a stupid reason, “Princess, don’t get up, you are losing so much blood”
“Wait listen to me this is normal, I promise it’s a perfectly normal femme thing please, it’s how my body prepares for a baby” The two froze for what seemed like a split second before launching at you, one grabbing your torso the other grabbing your ankles and laying you back down. You weren’t even sure they were speaking Korean at this point, they were grabbing things and Jungkook stood in the doorway utterly confused. He gave you a confused ‘Noona?’ but was cut off.
“Get the manual she is having a baby” Jimin shouted and Jungkook’s eyes widened, looking nervous and you couldn’t help the cackle that escaped your chest. Tears running down your cheeks, Jimin shakily grabbed your cheeks and kissed your forehead shaking. Whispering that everything would be okay. Calling his name trying to seriously get his attention, he ignored you looking at your ruined pants. “I have only seen my neighbor’s cat have babies, but I have to um take off your pants”
“It’s my fault, I did this. It’s my baby” Jungkook said and you looked utterly shocked and Jimin turned to Jungkook. And you got up and called Namjoon and he answered. You explained the situation in English quickly and he translated it into Korean to make sure they got the point. “You’re not having my baby”
They all froze and you explained that this happened every month because you weren’t having a baby. They seemed really confused and you hugged each of them, rubbing their backs trying to calm their racing hearts. “Imagine making a bed encase guests come over, but by the end of the month no one has stayed over so the bed will get dusty, you strip the bed wash the blankets and sheets and you make the bed once more encase you have guests and you repeat the process every month. That’s what my body does, it makes a bed for a baby and when there is no baby it has to start again”
You would leave the explanation at that not wanting them to think too much about your body’s functions. You did however explain some of the side effects like, dizziness, cramping, bloating and mood swings. You told them that you use products so you don’t ruin your clothes, but they don’t always work. They seemed to listen really well and you thought they looked quite cute when they were clueless
“That makes sense” Yoongi hummed, and gently rubbed your back this was the most affectionate he had been whilst around the others. You finally got the courage to ask Jungkook why he thought he was the father and he said that, he had kissed and touched you at the park and he thought maybe it was a miracle baby. After serious explaining and several blushes later you kicked them out, showering for what felt like forever. Deciding it was probably time you emerged, before they busted in to check you were still alive.
Everyone was moving around the apartment, Seokjin was cooking dinner in the kitchen, Yoongi was drinking a Whiskey dry looking exhausted. Namjoon walked past heading to his office on the phone. Hoseok waved. His work out bag on his shoulder heading out to dance practice. Jimin raced out his bag in hand his hair damp, he had showered in another bathroom. He walked past you towards the door before hugging you from behind his warm hands rubbing your lower abdomen gently.
“Nae ttung-ah” He kissed your cheek and you frowned not understanding the second word he had said to you in Korean.
Femme Media 22
Next Chapter
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pumpkiwi · 3 years
“ The Farmer’s Daughter “
       I remember it all too well. My feet moved swiftly through the cornfield, my vision slowly decaying, barely catching my breath. The cold winds caused my running even more pain, and the moonlight didn’t help me much. I didn’t know what I was running from, I didn’t bother turning my back. For if I did, I’d be done for. The only thing I could hear aside from the ringing in my ears, was a girl singing a lullaby of some sort. I couldn’t make out the words at all. However, the singing wouldn’t stop. Suddenly, my foot met with a treacherous stone, concealed within the shadows, as if it were waiting for me. My body slammed hard into the dirt surface below. Letting out a sob, I pushed myself on my feet and looked up to see what exactly was chasing me.
A car horn blasted through my ears. I sat away from the taxi window, awaking from a cold sweat. Didn’t take too long for me to realize that it was all just a nightmare. A surreal nightmare.
“Outta my way, ya rats!” The old taxi driver barked in front of him. . His voice sounded like he had smoked seven cigarettes each and every hour of his life. He noticed me and flashed a ugly grin.
“I see ya finally awoke, old sport!” He chirped with glee. “How’d ya sleep?”
“Fine.” I answered back, “How far are we from the farm?”
“Ooh, only a few miles away! Don’t ya get yer panties in a bunch!”
The farm in question belonged to my uncle, Joe Norton. A large yet sweet man, heart full of gold. His hair matched mine, a copper brown. That was one of the few things we had in common. Despite that, I truly cared for him. That’s why I had to pack my bags and get to his farm as quick as I could. You see, ever since my cousin, Abigail, went missing this summer, things haven’t been the best. Not only was the grief unbearable, Uncle Joe told me all about how his crops were dying, as well as his animals. He didn’t have enough hands to help out. Being promised payment and food, I agreed to come.
“Oi, here we are, old sport! Badger Hill Farm!” The driver announced.
I took one look out my window and saw it: my childhood in mere ruins. Perhaps, I shouldn’t be too surprised. Uncle Joe was an old, divorced man with nothing but the pain and sorrow of his daughter’s disappearance. Strangely, he didn’t seem as worried as a parent should be. Maybe, he’s just keeping himself calm, as if it hasn’t been months. Poor bastard. Regardless, the farm gave me unnerving vibes. Maybe, it was just my anxiety kicking in again.
I escaped the taxi, waving the taxi man goodbye. There, on the ever so creaky porch, was Uncle Joe. His droopy eyes stared at his only company at this time. He then smiled.
“Good to see you again, my dear niece!”
I only huffed at his greeting.
“Nephew, Uncle Joe. I’m your nephew.”
“Right .. right. My apologies. How was the trip?”
“Fine.” I replied, “You doing okay yourself?”
The two of us went on a long conversation of each other’s lives, even though we already were pretty updated from our last call. As we talked, he took me around the maze of Badger Hills Farm. I knew it was going to be hard, from all the chores and tasks we had to complete. But, you would be surprised by my experience with farm life, even before my transition. So, it shouldn’t be too bad … right?
After a few exhausting days of cleaning, feeding and other various tasks, we celebrated with a small night of board games and chips. We played an old version of monopoly, as well as watched some TV for the first time in forever. His favorite show was this old black and white show that reran on some channel I’ve never heard of. It was about a vampire being neighbors with a werewolf, one of the episodes was about the human protagonist witnessing a murder being commited by one of the two. I liked it too. So, on that stormy night, we binge watched the hell out of it. Before one of the episodes could properly end, however, the lights shut off. As expected, it scared the devil out of me. But, Uncle Joe was happy to comfort me.
“Don’t ya worry yer butt off, Gabe.” He told me, rising up from his worn out chair. “I’ll go and take care of that.”
Uncle Joe grabbed the flashlight from the nearby counter and soon enough, left the front door, closing it behind him. There, I sat in the dark, alone. Funny enough, I used to be afraid of the dark, mainly of what could be in it. I’d always have my nightlight on, as if it would wear away any creatures or ghouls. Now that I was older, I knew better.
A shuffle of movement swimmed beside me. I jumped from my seat, glancing the direction it came from. Couldn’t have been a mouse, maybe a cat? Uncle Joe didn’t own a cat. Then, I heard it. That same singing from my dream. However, this time, I could understand the lyrics…
“ Wolves asleep amidst the trees
Bats all are swaying in the breeze
But one soul lies anxious wide awake
Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
For your dolly Polly sleep has flown. “
The singing alerted me greatly. I didn’t stay for the song to finish. So much so, I dropped everything and bursted through the front door. Someone was in that house, I thought. I need to warn Uncle Joe. However, I couldn’t find him or the shed he must have been at.  What came next was similar to my dream. Running through the endless field in fear, unsure of who was coming after me, the endless singing of a song I had never heard of before. The rain had already taken a toll to my clothes, weighing me down as I ran. That unfaithful stone took out my ankle once more. I finally had a look at who I was chased back.
No… it couldn’t be…
There, floating up above me was my dearest cousin. Execpct, she didn’t look like herself. Her eyes were blank like a Tv screen, with a bloody rose covering her left eye, as well as an area around her chest. Her brown, long hair was as dirty as the ground below me and her outfit torn. I sat there, frozen in place, wondering if this was some sort of sick joke.
“ Abby..?” My eyes filled with tears, shaking at the cold, hard rain.
“What… W-hat happened to you? Why… what?”
Her gloved hands held out to me, as if reaching out to help me up. To my surprise, I could hold her hand. I rose up from the ground, still taking in what I was seeing. She released her grip and  stared down my soul before her haunting voice spoke:
“Follow me.”
Her body wasped through the air gently, making sure I was with her. There was no way in hell I would run off. But, despite that, I wanted to know why or what. What happened to her? Eventually, she led me to a now ruined garden. It had been blocked off from the farm itself, most likely due to the respect of Uncle’s daughter. All the flowers were deader than whatever she has been corrupted into. My nose cringed at a rotting and nasty smell.
“This is where he killed me.” She suddenly croaked, no emotions whatsoever.  
“Who..?” I nervously asked her.
My heart stopped at her words.
“Uncle.. Joe? But … he’s old. And, he’s so sweet…”
“No.” A growl erupted from her. “He isn’t. He’s a murderer. He’ll kill you too if he finds out you know.”
I had to process this. All the things I had ever thought… is that why Uncle Joe was so calm about her becoming missing? I wanted to puke at the mere thought of it. A father killing his own daughter? Why? What was the motive?
“Why.. did he kill you?”
An index finger shot at the nearby flower beds. My gut twisted at what I even thought.
“You .. weren’t the only one..?”
She nodded firmly. I lifted the empty flower bed to reveal one of the almost decayed out corpses. The sight caused me to instantly drop the flower bed. I covered my mouth and nose to prevent myself from throwing up. This can’t be real. It can’t be. It has to be a dream.
Soon, bad news rolled in. The wet steps of mud trailed behind me. Uncle Joe stood there in the rain, holding a crowbar of somesorts. His happy smile that I always saw was twisted into a deep, dark frown.
“So… you found out, huh?” He questioned me. “You found her garden.”
It didn’t take long for me to realize what was going to happen if I stayed put. I was going to end up like Abigail. I raced over the fence and hopped over that bitch. He had thrown the crowbar at the fence, barely missing my back. Uncle Joe followed in pursuit, in a different route. I felt like I was in a horror movie, my heart pounding against my chest and running as quick as I could. I didn’t know where, but somewhere away from here.
“GET BACK HERE!” HIs voice boomed from behind me. “I AIN’T GONNA HURT YA! PLEASE, GABBY!”
I made it to that same dirt road I  entered from. A red pick-up truck happened to be driving on that said road. Taking my chances, I got in front of it, waving my arms fractionally at the driver. Luckily for me, he stopped inches away from me. Checking back on where Uncle Joe was, he near damned was right there. The driver must have seen him, waving me to get in.
In a panic, I hopped on the back of the truck, holding on the edge for dear life. The truck began to drive away as quickly as he humanly could.
I still remember seeing Uncle Joe standing in the middle of that road, watching me with cold, evil eyes. That day, I found out the truth about him and Badger Hill Farms. A death trap it was. He was planning on killing me off that night, and I know.
I have to report him to the authorities, about the missing cases and everything. But, that was going to be my next step. For right now, I took in my freedom with a sigh and laid back on that truck.
I was alive.
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