#nct dream lee jeno
ohmygs-blog · 4 months
i love your fake texts sooo much!!! also not to be ✨toxic✨ but i’m obsessed with how obsessed jeno is with y/n, can we please get more texts of him being jealous / possessive / obsessed pretty please - 🍰
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jealous bf jeno.
aw thank u bae! hope you love 🫶🫶
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sunshyni · 2 months
vamos lá!
pensei em um roommates to lovers com o jeno! ele tem um crush na roommate dele e tenta ignorar isso, nunca flertou com ela nem nada, até que um dia ele acidentalmente flagra ela trocando de roupa e vê que ela tem uma tatuagem, aí ele não consegue tirar isso da cabeça e decide se declarar pra ela
é uma ideia louca, mas consigo imaginar muito o jeno nessa situação
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤchristmas tattoo
notes: FINALMENTE!!! Era pra eu ter postado isso no domingo, (geralmente posto atualização no final de semana) mas não consegui 😔
Foi um tanto quanto difícil escrever isso (por isso, se estiver ruim, relevem KKKK) porque eu não 'tava conseguindo encontrar um contexto bom pro Jeno e pra pp, mas acho que no final deu tudo certo.
(OBS: tive que adicionar uma personagem e o apelido dela é “Lala” porque eu costumo chamar uma pessoa muito especial de “La” mas achei que ia ficar muito vazio KKKK)
w.c: 1.6k
warnings: o final tá um pouquinho sugestivo porque eu 'tava com “The boy is mine” da Ari no fone e eu acho que é isso!!!
boa leitura, docinhos!!! 🎁
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Você e Jeno dividiam as despesas de um apartamento próximo do campus da universidade de vocês desde que você estava no terceiro semestre do seu curso e ele no primeiro, a verdade é que Jeno havia deixado passar as datas de solicitação de um quarto no dormitório masculino, então o seu anúncio de que precisava de um colega de apartamento com urgência foi como um grande milagre para ele, que até começou a trabalhar meio período numa cafeteria para arcar com as contas.
A princípio, você hesitou quanto aceitar dividir a casa com ele, afinal Jeno era um verdadeiro colírio para os olhos, deveria ser o tipo de calouro que traria uma garota diferente para casa todas as noites, foi o que você pensara, no entanto o Lee te mostrou o contrário, ele costumava ser calado e compenetrado, e mesmo depois de ter conseguido um estágio remunerado numa grande empresa de tecnologia, não havia trazido ninguém para casa para comemorar. Na ocasião, ele comprou um vinho caro e você fez um brownie de chocolate que quase assou demais, comeram a luz de velas porque uma tempestade despencava lá fora enquanto Jeno se fartava feliz de uma sobremesa que nem estava tão deliciosa assim.
Jeno nunca tentara nada com você, mas sempre teve uma quedinha pela veterana do curso de publicidade, afinal desde que começou a morar contigo, ele tinha consciência do longo relacionamento que você tinha com um carinha do curso de nutrição, mas o quadro mudou agora que já faziam seis meses desde que você terminou com o homem em questão.
— Qual você prefere? Essa ou essa? — Jeno alternou o olhar entre as velas aromáticas nas suas mãos — Essa é de torta de maçã e essa é de cookies.
— A de cookies é mais natalina, né? — E lá estava, aquela agitação e falta de fôlego quando os dedos de Jeno roçaram suavemente com os seus quando ele segurou a vela escolhida, e ainda para ajudar, você optou por luzes baixas naquele natal, então as únicas luzes que iluminavam seus rostos na sala de tv era a do pisca-pisca da pequena árvore de natal recheada com alguns presentes que vocês tinham preparado.
Você engoliu em seco e Jeno seguiu com o olhar o movimento da sua língua que umedeceu o lábio inferior de forma automática, como se de repente percebesse que estava com sede, e realmente estava, com o Lee diante de você te secando sem hesitar.
Era por isso que você ultimamente evitava a todo custo tocá-lo, mesmo que minimamente, afinal o mínimo dos toques já estava se mostrando bastante desastroso.
— Eu tô pensando num negócio faz tempo... — Jeno quase soprou no seu ouvido, não ajudava o fato da sua voz adquirir do nada um tom grave extremamente atraente, do tipo “vou arrancar os cabelos se não beijá-lo nesse instante” — Eu meio que...
A campainha tocou antes que o Lee pudesse começar, como consequência da súbita interrupção ele pigarreou e se afastou do seu corpo, até aquele momento você não tinha percebido o quão próximos um do outro vocês estavam, o que te deixou um tanto quanto zonza quando ele se afastou de uma só vez para abrir a porta do apartamento com um sorriso contente.
— Quem é esse Jaemin e porque eu tenho a impressão de que ele flerta até com as paredes? — Jaemin era um dos amigos mais próximos de Jeno e sim, ele poderia facilmente não só flertar como conquistar uma parede. E Lala, a responsável pelo questionamento se tratava da sua amiga do ensino fundamental — Eu realmente espero que aquele presente embrulhado de forma bem desleixada seja do Dodo.
E era, vocês três eram amigos desde o início da faculdade, tinham feito o trabalho de conclusão de curso juntos e receberam elogios de todos os professores na época. Vocês também tinham uma tradição de natal que envolvia presentear uns aos outros com presentes bregas, e dessa vez você decidira presentear o garoto de óculos e cashmere com um suéter colorido feito a mão com a inicial “D” posicionada bem no centro da roupa.
— E como você tá? Digo, em relação àquela geladeira Eletrolux bem alí — Sua amiga questionou baixinho, obviamente se referindo a Jeno que conversava animadamente com Jaemin. Você instintivamente guiou o olhar na direção dele, que não tardou em sentir seus olhos queimarem sobre sua pessoa, acenando com a cabeça para você enquanto respondia alguma fala de Jaemin com um sorriso pintado nos lábios.
— Eu continuo muito ferrada.
— Mas essa história toda não é super conveniente? Vocês dois se gostam e ele é um bom garoto.
— Porque você acabou de se referir ao Jeno como se ele fosse um cachorro? — Doyoung finalmente se uniu a vocês depois de beliscar algumas entradas em cima da mesa e tirar sua atenção nas miniaturas natalinas dispersas pela casa.
— É que ele parece um cachorro Samoieda — Lala disse sem titubear.
— Tem razão — Você e Dodo assentiram ao mesmo tempo enquanto os três olhavam para Jeno em conjunto.
O restante da noite seguiu de forma tranquila, vocês presentearam um ao outro à meia-noite, Jeno te deu uma câmera Polaroid porque ele sabia como ninguém há quanto tempo você estava namorando aquele item numa vitrine de uma loja que com frequência vocês passavam pela frente.
Você o presenteou com um moletom que sabia que ele amaria, tanto ao ponto de vesti-lo assim que o teve em mãos. Agora, só restavam vocês novamente no apartamento aconchegante, Jeno estava numa ligação característica de ocasiões especiais com a sua família, e raramente você compreendia alguma palavra que saía da sua boca, só entendia aquelas que por curiosidade ele havia lhe dito o significado.
— Aquele também é seu — Você arrumou a postura na cadeira da mesa de jantar quando Jeno falou, dessa vez numa língua comum a vocês dois. Você olhou para trás, debaixo da árvore só existia um embrulho solitário de uma loja de jóias que você conhecia bem — Não tá curiosa pra saber o que é?
— Mas você já me deu um presente.
— Esse é o segundo — Jeno afirmou com confiança e você não teve escolha a não ser tornar visível a caixinha de um colar com uma pedrinha azul brilhante no seu centro. Você ergueu o olhar na direção do Lee que retirou o colar dalí com delicadeza e te pediu para virar de costas para ele com o mesmo tom de voz grave de antes.
— Quando foi que você fez isso? — Ele claramente estava falando sobre a tatuagem de borboleta gravada na sua nuca que você havia feito há umas duas semanas, mas que havia se arrependido e por isso, dificilmente prendia o cabelo num rabo de cavalo ou num coque bagunçado. Você segurou o cabelo para ajudar o Lee no processo de fechar o acessório no seu pescoço, no entanto quando você fez menção de soltar as mechas, Jeno enrolou seu cabelo delicadamente em volta do próprio punho — Esse desenho ficou na minha cabeça desde...
Ele não precisava terminar a sentença, você sabia que ele estava falando do incidente recente em que você deixou a porta do quarto aberta numa troca de camiseta e Jeno acabou vislumbrando mais do que deveria, certamente foi por se recordar desse evento que você fechou os olhos e sentiu as bochechas esquentarem, e não porque naquele momento, Jeno havia acabado de pressionar os lábios sobre a pele da sua nuca de forma suave.
— Foi uma bobagem...
— Eu achei perfeita — O Lee te cortou ao passo que a mão enlaçava sua cintura por trás, te fazendo prender o fôlego involuntariamente, o colar só era uma desculpa esfarrapada para ele poder visualizar mais uma vez a tatuagem e poder te tocar daquela forma íntima pela primeira vez.
— Você sabe que eu gosto de você, né? — Ele soprou no seu ouvido, descansando o queixo sobre o seu ombro ao mesmo tempo que as mãos estavam repousadas na sua cintura. Você resolveu se virar de uma vez, olhando nos olhos dele que cintilavam, as pupilas dilatadas, as bochechas coradas por todo o vinho tinto ingerido e até um tanto quanto abobalhado, muito diferente do Jeno silencioso que poderia facilmente intimidar qualquer um, ele cutucou gentilmente o pingente no seu pescoço, despreocupado, como se não tivesse se confessado na sua última fala — Gostou disso?
— Acho que eu gosto de você — Jeno te olhou com admiração, sorrindo e achando adorável a forma como você retribuiu a coisa, ele te beijou suavemente nos lábios, envolvendo seu rosto com as palmas das mãos e te beijando loucamente, mesmo que não tivesse experimentado ainda utilizar a língua no ato.
Você nem percebeu como foram parar no sofá, mas lá estava Jeno, tornando todos os seus pensamentos em borrões sem sentido dentro da sua mente, fazendo você se repreender internamente porque existiam duas barreiras têxteis dessa vez por causa do moletom que você havia o presenteado, mas vocês não tinham pressa alguma, o que dava pra perceber com cada beijo preguiçoso que o Lee te dava ao passo que o quadril simulava contato com o seu de forma extremamente perversa.
— Foi a tatuagem que te deixou desse jeito? — Você inquiriu sem fôlego, e Jeno sorriu de uma maneira tão radiante que seus olhos se tornaram duas luas minguantes adoráveis, ele beijou os seus lábios e com os olhos ainda semicerrados de desejo, ele sibilou bem perto da sua boca.
— Não só a tatuagem.
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thatsatricky1 · 1 month
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐬 || 𝐛𝐟 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐨
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𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee
(If you want to be tagged in my Nct Dream writing comment, inbox or message me)
𝐊𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:
⤻ Click here.
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hyukura · 1 month
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
10:47 PM
"Have I ever told you how handsome you are?" you whispered, fingers tracing his angel-like features.
Jeno hummed from his position in your shared bed, shifting a bit so he would be able to face you properly.
"Yeah, you already did." he replied in a low voice, not wanting to break the intimate mood between the two of you.
The corner of your lips lifted a little, fulfillment settling in your mind now that you have realized that you'll never want any man besides him.
If it's not Lee Jeno, your no jam eye smile boy, then you'd rather have nobody to hold your heart.
"Well, have I ever told you that I love you?"
All movements ceased from Jeno's side, his breathing hitched when he heard you say the words he had been dying to tell you for the past few weeks.
His arms that are currently engulfing you held you tighter, somehow symbolizing that your sentiments are fully returned.
You just need that one assurance.
"I love you."
There goes his poor soul, flying away out of giddiness and palpitations that you severely caused.
Jeno nuzzled his face against your neck, a joyful smile forming on his lips, "I love you most, Y/N."
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macaroni-sly · 19 days
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Jeno - NCT DREAM ‘Smoothie’ Jacket & MV Behind the Scenes
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rubyyvonne · 30 days
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nct dream as aesthetics
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
late night drives, the scent of roses, blasting music late into the night, the crash of waves, goofy smiles, back hugs, midnight trips to the convenience store for snacks, constant laughter, random rap battles, enemies to lovers, thunderstorms.
half full sketch books, scented candles, soft scarves, getting lost in a good book, dreamy smiles, the scent of fresh coffee, golden sunlight shining through the curtains, fresh laundry, forehead kisses, the quiet hum of a guitar.
rides on his motor bike, the scent of warm doughnuts, personal hype man, eye smiles, holding hands and swinging them up and down, bubble baths, eskimo kisses, making ceramics on a pottery wheel together, picnics in the forest, tattoos, leather jackets.
sunflower fields, mischievous grins, a floral scent, inside jokes, the melody of distant music, pillow fights, breathless laughter, teasing each other 24/7, watching stars appear as the sun sets, cuddling in a ferris wheel, sparkling eyes when he looks at you.
dates by the ocean, peaches, feeling safe and secure when wearing his clothes, picking flowers and having him stick them behind your ear, winking teasingly when making eye contact, passionate kisses, candle lit dinners, friends to lovers.
rainy mornings, singing you to sleep, breathless laughter, drive ins, shopping sprees together, watching fireworks, classical piano music, heart to heart conversations at 3am, cuddling with daegul, days at the beach, nose kisses, reading a book to you.
running your fingers through his hair, comfortable silence, an empty dance studio, nose scrunches, the scent of bubblegum, shy smiles, running through the city streets at night, his first love, painting each other in an art studio.
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zh0nggucc1 · 4 months
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Ridin and Rollin
Paring: Lee Jeno x Fem!reader
Word count: 2k
Content: Jeno and Y/N have a severe dislike for each other and a strong sexual tension. While trying to irritate Y/N, riding on his bike, Jeno gets injured and Y/N hesitantly helps him, taking him back to his apartment to bandage him up.
Warning‼️: NSFW, injury, bike accident, description of blood, cunnilingus, sex, explicit language, mentioning of female genitalia, mentioning of male genitalia, switch(leaning sub)!reader, switch(leaning dom)!Jeno, praise(receiving), riding.
She arched her back, fastening her pace as ecstasy and adrenaline washed over her. She suddenly bucked her hips up, the front wheels of her bike coming up with her, to do a wheelie.
She revved her engine, flaunting the beauty of the lump of navy blue metal below her.
The night was young, so young hints of yellow, red and orange still remained scattered, mesmerisingly, throughout the sky.
The cotton candy clouds stood proudly, knowing there was an audience of humans that envied its beauty.
The sound of revving echoed behind her. Instantly knowing who it was, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and sped up holding a stern expression.
She felt the vibrations of the revving from behind her getting closer. She cursed under her breath, clenching her teeth.
Soon enough the neon green bike caught up, a little too close for comfort to the side of her precious bike.
a sharp corner was coming up and the neon bike was nearing closer and closer, dangerously closer.
“FUCK OFF LEE JENO!” She yelled, her blood boiling from just having to mention his name.
He smirked through his helmet, deliberately getting closer to anger her even more.
Being too focused on her temper, he didn’t even notice the sharp turn. Her bike swerved, quickly, scratching it by knocking him off of his.
The sound of metal scratching caused her to come to a halt. She hopped off of her bike, observing the damage. “For fucks sake..” she muttered, approaching the injured man, whose bike looked worse than him.
She straddled him lifting his helmet off with force. His face was untouched, for now.
“You little bitch! You scratched my bike!” She slapped him across the cheek. He winced at the stinging sensation.
“Is that all you got? a silly little bitch sla-“ Before he could finish, her knuckles met his nose, resulting in a familiar crimson liquid gushing out.
“Shit!” He cursed, holding his nose trying to prevent the blood from oozing out. She smirked, satisfied with her work. “Not so much of a silly little bitch slap anymore is it?”
She got up, hopping back onto her bike. “So you’re just going to leave me after doing that?!” He raised his voice. She scoffed “Well duh, What does it look like?”
“Come on, pretty please? just let me ride on the back of your bike, my bike is clearly fucked and so am I by the looks of things, i’m asking you as a friend, not as an oppone-“ She cut him off.
“Gosh you talk way too much, if I let you get on will you shut the fuck up.” He nodded, vigorously. She sighed. “Fine.”
He limped over to her bike, His leg clearly injured. He hopped on, wrapping his arms securely around her waist.
She gulped, feeling how close he was to her. His crotch was touching her bottom. This wasn’t supposed to feel inappropriate at all but to her it felt like it. There was too much sexual tension.
“Are you going to start riding or not?” He spoke, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She began to move the bike, at last, snapping out of her, not so appropriate daydream.
She sped through the streets, passing the limit, using the speed to distract herself from the inappropriate thoughts, but nothing could erase them completely.
Little did she know the same thing was on his mind and had been for a very long time. He tried so hard not to think such unholy thoughts while her ass was forced against his almost erect cock.
He was trying so hard to hide it but how could he when her ass was pressed against it.
“Can we stop at my apartment? it’s just over there, I need to get my first aid kit.”
“Sure whatever.” She said focusing on the road.
Soon enough, she had reached the apartment complex. She stopped outside.
“You going or what?” She asked, with attitude. “Can you help me? I hurt my leg.” She sighed and got off her bike.
He put his arm over her shoulder resting on her as she struggled to help him walk into the apartment complex.
“You’re so heavy what the fuck?” She said, helping him into the elevator. “It’s muscle.” She rolled her eyes. “yeah yeah whatever.”
They reached his apartment and he put the key into his door, twisting it open. She helped him walk through the door, noticing how clean and luxurious his apartment was. He must’ve robbed a bank for that. There was even a beautiful view of the city. That must’ve been expensive.
She brought him to the sink so he could wash the dried blood from his nose.
After that, sat himself on the counter. “Can you grab the first aid kid from that drawer?” He pointed at the correct drawer and she opened it taking out the kit.
He lifted up the great cargos he was wearing, revealing an extremely bruised knee. “Be a dear and bandage it up for me?” He smiled, innocently.
She sighed. “For fucks sake fine but you owe me, got it?” He nodded.
she took out a long white bandage, kneeling in front of him. In a different context this would sound very unholy. She was almost face to face with his crotch, causing her cheeks to redden. She tried to ignore it, delicately wrapping the bandage around his knee. It looked like she knew what she was doing.
He was flustered, seeing her kneel down in front of him. All he could think of was how beautiful her lips would look wrapped around his dick. A bulge was growing in his pants.
She noticed it but she acted like she didn’t. she gulped, the sexual tension quickly building up.
She finished wrapping the bandage around his knee and got back up. “There, all done, we can go now.” She said, making her way to the door.
Before she could go any further, she felt a tight grasp around her wrist, halting her movement.
He pulled her back, grabbing her hips so she could stand in between his legs.
He grabbed her by the top of her shirt, smashing his lips against hers. In shock, she stood frozen. Eventually she began to move her lips in sync with his, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He slid himself off of the counter, his erection poking her lower stomach through his cargos.
He led her to the bedroom, not breaking away from the kiss. she pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him. She was just as needy as he was.
She rolled her hips against his clothed erection, letting out heavy breaths into the kiss as he let out small groans.
He switched their places, him now on top. He left gentle yet sloppy kisses down from her lips to her collar bones. “Let me know if you want me to stop.” He said. She nodded in reply. He then pulled her shirt off, her bra, hiding her breasts. He swiftly in clipped her bra, kissing down to her breast. He gently sucked her nipples, causing her to squirm and whimper under him. He went back to kissing her neck, sucking onto the skin, determined to leave a trail of purple mark.
Happy with his work of art, he moved down to her stomach, leaving delicate pecks. He took her sweatpants off, revealing a lacy thong. His eyes darkened in hunger as his mouth watered, anticipating his meal.
He pulled off her panties with his teeth. He then spat on her wet womanhood, making it easier for him to slide his long tongue through her folds. She wrapped her thighs around his head, keeping him in place.
He rapidly licked her clitoris, causing her to let out heavy breaths. She arched her back, her face contorting in pleasure. He stuck his tongue through her entrance, using his fingers to rub her clit.
“Fuck~” She moaned out, tightly gripping her bottom lip with her teeth.
He smirked against her, happy with the reaction he was getting. He moved his tongue in and out of her at a faster pace, his fingers rubbing her sensitive spot also moving faster.
He was good at what he was doing, too good. In fact, good would be an understatement.
Beads of sweat began to drip from her forehead and this was just the start.
He gave her womanhood one last gentle kiss before bringing himself back up to meet her other lips. He began to unbutton his cargos, pulling them down to his ankles.
He also threw his shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly toned abs with scars all over them, he was a criminal of course so it was expected.
She stared in awe at his body, wanting to devour it immediately.
She hastily switched them around, sitting on his clothed erection, it felt huge. She pulled his boxers down, his hard cock immediately bouncing out onto his stomach. As expected, it was huge with veins pulsing all the way up to the tip, where precum oozed out. It was not only long, but it was girthy too. It would definitely take some getting used to. She couldn’t even fully wrap her hand around it, it was that girthy.
She felt fearful yet anticipated at the same time. She knew she would be left bedridden the second he pulled out but she was so desperate to have him inside of her already.
“Like what you see, babe?” He said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked away, her cheeks reddening.
“If you like the way it looks now, then u would love the way it would look inside of you.” He smirked and with with she smashed her lips against his, tracing her fingers over his scars.
While kissing her, he grabbed an XL condom from his dresser, breaking away from the kiss, he used his teeth to rip open the packet, sliding the condom onto his length. He threw the packet in the bin, beside his bed, reconnecting their lips.
He bit her bottom lip, sliding his tongue into her mouth, hungrily. Their tongues clashed together at war.
Soon enough, she began to lower herself onto his length, sliding the tip in. She felt a breathy moan leave her lips, into the kiss, as she did so. She slid herself further and further onto him until he was fully inside of her. He let out a deep groan, feeling her tightness around his cock.
When she finally adjusted, she began to slowly move up and down, letting out ungodly sounds. The sounds leaving his mouth weren’t any better. He sounded like an angel but the reasons for those sounds weren’t holy.
She began to speed up, bouncing up and down on his length, loud moans passing through her lips.
“Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my dick like that~” He groaned, gripping her ass so hard it would probably leave marks.
He moved his hands to her hips, guiding her as she continued to roll her hips.
He switched them over, now it was him on top. He threw her legs over his head, ramming into her like she was the last human on Earth. He let out growls, hunger and lust consuming him.
The sound of skin clapping, moans and groans filled the room. The neighbours could probably hear it.
“You take me so well, baby~” He moaned out, his eyes rolling back. He felt her clench around him, knowing she was close.
“Cum for me, baby~” He spoke, thrusting a few more times until she creamed. The clenching causing him to release shortly after.
He pulled out, sliding the condom off, tying it and throwing it in the trash.
He plopped himself beside her, breathing heavily.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” She said, processing it.
“We should do it again sometime.” He flirted, looking her in the eyes, laying on his side.
“I don’t think so, pretty boy.”
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed my first post, please give me your opinions! criticism is okay!! and if you have any requests I would love to take them, thank you for reading!!
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kpop-culture · 2 years
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->Jeno [NCT] lockscreens
->Dont repost
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ohmygs-blog · 11 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚
fwb / sneaky link / situationship
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jeno - beach
word count : 723
"y/n! come on! don't just sit there all day!" one of your friends called out to you. you looked up from the book you were reading and saw your friends in the ocean in front of you, gesturing you to get in the water with them.
"i'll stay here for now," you told them and looked back down at your book.
yes, you were reading a book while your friends were having a good time, but to be fair, you were tired as hell from how long you drive the day prior. you wished you could have rested in your hotel room, but your friends insisted on you being with them at a somewhat secluded, yet busy beach.
you turned to the next page of your book and finished reading the chapter. then, you grabbed your bottle of water and drank some water. once you put your bottle back down in the sand next to you, a volleyball appeared in your view and landed near a cooler that you and your friends had brought to keep a bunch of drinks and sandwiches in.
a guy jogged up and grabbed the ball. "sorry about that," he apologized to you.
"oh, it's okay," you replied, closing your book and placing it on your lap.
"you wanna play with us?" the guy asked, running his hand through his hair. "it's just me and my friends."
not gonna lie, you were just staring at him. he was hot as hell, and it wasn't because of the temperature.
"you okay?" the guy asked.
you blinked a few times and nodded. "yea, i'm okay."
"so, you wanna play with us?" he asked again, throwing the ball into the air and catching it again.
"sure," you stood up, placing your book on the chair. you started walking with him to where a net was set up. "i'm y/n."
"jeno," he introduced himself and you two reached the net and his friends. "brought a new friend. this is y/n."
the guys greeted you and you started playing volleyball with them. all of you started playing, and you hit the ball a few times.
after a bit, you walked back to where your chair was set up and grabbed your drink. you took a few sips and noticed the others still playing.
"done playing?" you noticed jeno, who had followed you.
"just taking a break," you said and sat down on the beach chair. jeno sat down next to you on one of the chairs that your friends had set up and leaned back with his hands behind his head. "do you live around here?" you asked him.
"me? nah, me and my friends are here from university," jeno answered. "what about you?" he asked.
"we came here from university, too," you replied.
"where do you go?" he asked, "we go to school in seoul."
you froze for a second. "really? we go to school in seoul, too," you said and grabbed your shirt that you had used as a cover-up earlier and showed him the logo for your school. "we go here."
"hold up, we go to the same school?" jeno asked. "are you a second year?"
you nodded, "yea, i am. how come i've never seen you around?" you questioned.
he shrugged his shoulders, "you're probably not a music business major, right?"
"i'm a public health major," you mentioned.
"that explains it. we're probably never in the same buildings. do you live on campus?" he asked.
you shook your head, "i have a place off campus, but it's only like a few blocks away." you grabbed your phone, "can i get your instagram?" you asked him.
"yea, sure," he nodded. you unlocked your phone and handed it to him. he added typed in his instagram handle your phone before handing your phone back to him.
"hey! jeno! come on!" both of you looked up when you heard one of jeno's friends call for him. it looked like they were getting ready to grill some food. you noticed that some of your friends were talking to his friends.
jeno looked at you, "shall we head over?" he asked.
"okay," you nodded and smiled at him. the two of stood up and started heading back over to the others with jeno's arm wrapped around your shoulders.
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acescavern · 8 months
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Lyrics are 'Give 'em hell kid' by My Chemical Romance from the album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
edited by acescavern
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winteditsr · 2 years
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⤷ 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 ⭑ 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵!
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rinayangchan · 2 years
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 Где Фантом?
don`t use \ не использовать в своих постах, блya.
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yoddream · 2 years
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i have been waiting forever for 90s/early 2000s teen movie heart throb lee jeno and he’s finally here 😭 this hairstyle is perfect for him
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luvyeni · 5 months
❛COCKBLOCKERS❜ ( 00' liners )
authors note. based on a dream i had 😊 enjoy !
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p. roommate!00' line x fem!reader w. 6.4k+
— 𖦹 warnings. unprotected sex, multiple sex scenes, oral ( f. receiving ), dirty talk, haechan is a munch, size kink ( jeno duh.)
— 𖦹 ( living with four boys isn't easy for your sex life , but luckily your roommates are here for you) !
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“Do you even masturbate?”
Living with haechan for almost 2 years, you were pretty used to these questions — to the point were you don’t even flinch at the questions anymore. “Of course I do, i'm human haechan.”
“Yeah but i've never caught you, and i've caught just about everyone who lives in this apartment.” He was referring to your other roommates; jaemin, jeno and renjun — who were also used to his antics. “That’s because jaemin has a exhibition kink and jeno is a himbo so he forgets to lock the door, I've caught both of them multiple times.” Jaemin shrugged, smirking. “Can’t say you’re wrong.”
“Im not a himbo.” Jeno looked up from his phone. “Whatever you say, renjun is the only one I haven’t caught, because like me he’s smart enough to lock his door.” You said, speaking of the boy who finally exited his room. “What about locking my door.” He said. “She talking about when you masturbate.” Your eyes widened at haechan completely taking what you said out of context.
“W-why are you talking about that?” he cough, rubbing the back of his red neck. “Haechans bitch ass took that out of context don’t worry.” You threw the pillow at the boy, he dramatically fell back. “So where do you do it?” He asked, picking the pillow up. “In my room or in the shower, jesus haechan not everyone gets off in the open spaces.” You said.
“Wh-why are you guys having this conversation right now?” Renjun finally asked the right question. “Because jaemin and haechan think she’s asexual because we’ve never seen a boy come in and out of this apartment for her, and she never leaves the house.” You scoffed at jeno, meanwhile renjun regretted asking the question. “In other words, she’s not getting any dick.”
You scoffed, and that totally wasn’t your fault. “Well im sorry but not many guys like the or are comfortable fucking in a apartment when you have a mans voice yelling ‘yn where’s the chopstick for the ramen!’ or ‘yn how do start the washer!’ You mock their voices. “it’s kind of a turn off.”
“But that doesn’t stop you from leave and getting some.” Jaemin said. “You would think, but it seems like everyone on campus seems to think we’re in a big poly relationship, thanks to haechan being the alcoholic he is.” You said, remember the party a year ago. “What did I do?” You scoffed. “You got on a table and yelled it in front of half of the campus.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Yeah, so thanks to you 3 cockblockers im reduced to using my fingers as a form of release.” You stood up. “Is this conversation done now, can I go to my room?” You didn’t wait for a answer, you just kept walking. “3 ? What about renjun? Jeno asked. “He knows where the chopsticks are, he also knows how to start the washer and hold his alcohol.” You walked past the boy, smiling. “Good job renjun, for not being the reason im involuntary celibate.”
He watched you walk all the way to your room, closing your door. “Why does she always defend you?” Haechan said, renjun shrugged. “Does she want to fuck you or something?” Jaemin laughed. “More like he wants to fuck her.” Renjun felt his face heating up again, quickly walking back to his room.
“Well no shit look at her, who in this house doesn’t want to fuck her.” Jeno shook his head. “Don’t try and judge me jeno, you were the first one to say you wanted to fuck her.” Jeno stood up, putting his phone away. “Yeah I did, and I still do.” He said. “But I don’t act like a bitchless loser either.” He picked up his gym bag. “Hey! Im not bitchless.” The boy fought back. “Whatever you say, maybe don’t ask her if she’s asexual or training to be a nun and she’ll fuck you.” He left out the house.
“Haechannie.” Jaemin stood up, “Don’t give up, she’ll come around and find something appealing on you." He looked the boy up and down, patting his shoulder in a comforting way. “maybe.” He left leaving the boy to pout in the livingroom.
“Well shit, now im horny.”
There was a knock on your door, you looked up from your show playing on the computer as the door slowly opened, renjun popping his head in. “I just wanted to see if you were still up, and to not let what haechan said bother you, it’s okay if you don’t do that stuff all the time.” He said, you smiled. “Whatever comes out of haechans mouth will never make me upset, he’s harmless.”
He chuckled, “More like demented, but I get it.” You laughed in return, making him smile. “Is that it?” you asked and he nodded. “Yeah, im going to bed, i'll see you in the morning, goodnight.” You waved. “Goodnight renjun.”
“Stupid fucking professors.” You dropped your bag on the ground in anger. “Whoa.” Jaemin stood in the kitchen. “What’s wrong with you?” You opened the refrigerator door, grabbing a beer. “Oh you must be stressed, it’s 12 and you’re drinking.” He said. “I am.” You cracked open the can, taking a big gulp of the beer, sighing.
“My professors moved my essay date up until this week, because she won’t be in next week.” You took another sip. “how is it my fault her sister is going into labor, does her sister have incompetent husband.”
Jaemin saw how angrier you were getting with every sip, deciding to intervene. “okay love that’s enough.” He took the can from your hand. “You’re stressed, drinking isn’t gonna solve it.” You sighed, rubbing your temples, leaning over the counter. “I’m gonna drop out.” He laughed, knowing you didn’t mean it. “You’re adorable.”
You glared at him as he stood next to you, the dishes he was doing long forgotten, instead he was staring at you. “Im about to break down and that’s all you have to say,  im adorable.” He nodded, you pouted. “Don’t make that face, you’re making it hard for me.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “What do you mean?” You eyes widened as he got closer and closer — pressing you against the counter. “It’s hard to not want to not stick my hand in these sweats of yours and help you distress — I hate seeing you all stressed.” He was extremely close, his nose brushing against yours gently.
“Jaemin.” You sighed, grabbing his bicep. “We ca— you’re stressed aren’t you baby?” He said, you nodded. “This is what I do when im stressed, I get off and I know your little fingers won’t pleasure you enough.” He said. “I didn’t want to say anything yesterday cause I didn’t want to get haechan started, but I hear you sometimes, when you’re touching yourself.”
eyes widened in horror — you couldn’t believe he heard you. “Oh my god.” You whined. “This is so embarrassing.” You covered your face, but he quickly removed your hands. “Don’t be, those pretty gasp and whines coming from your room are like music.” He said. “But I know it’s not enough is it?” His fingers danced along your waistband. “Not enough to make you satisfied?”
You moaned softly, he smirked. “Listen to you baby, I know you want it, just let me help you distress.” He said, pulling at the waistband letting it snap at your waist. “When im done we don’t even have to talk about it.” He said, but you could hear the condescending tone in his voice. “But you might want more.”
You thought about it, what’s the worst that could happen, it will be awkward for a few days then you’ll go back to being normal — you could do that definitely – you once avoided renjun when you walked on him in the shower, and then you went right back to talking to him like nothing happen, and he let it go like nothing happened. “Princess don’t think too hard, hurt that pretty little head.”
You sighed — his hands waiting at your waistband waiting for you to give him the go. “And it won’t be awkward?” He nodded. “We won’t speak of it if you want” He reassured, kissing your forehead. “I just want to help you.” He whispered. “Just wanna make you cum.” That did it for you, you grabbed his wrist, guiding his hand into your sweats. “Please touch me.”
He smiled, cupping your clothed heats. “Sh-shit.” You moaned out. “You’re soaked through your panties pretty.” He toyed with your folds through your underwear. “Ja-jaemin.” You sighed, he smiled. “N-no teasing.” You whined, he chuckled. “Okay baby I won’t, I wont.” He said moving your panties to the side, running a finger across your folds. “So wet baby, your pussy is so desperate for me to touch her.”
He pressed a finger at your hole, slowly sinking it in. “Jaemin-” You moaned as his thick finger stretched you out. “Such a tight pussy, poor baby hasn’t had anybody touch her like this in a while has she?” You moaned, shaking your head. “You want another.”
“y-yes.” You moaned as he added another finger, stretching your cunt out more. “Sh-shit your fingers are amazing.” He smirked. “Yeah?” He asked, moving  his fingers in and out of your hole. “My fingers stretching your pretty pussy good?” You nodded, moaning out as his used the pad of his thumb to rub your clit. “Fu-fuck im gonna cum.”
“Go a head, you deserve it princess, cum on my fingers.” He fucked his fingers into your hole faster. “Cum for me.” He said and on his command you came all over his fingers. “Fuck!” You sighed as he stroked your clit with his thumb as you came down from your high. “Jae.” You gasped, grabbing his wrist,  stopping him. “I-I came.”
He chuckled stopping his movements. “You’re evil.” You breathed, he laughed. “But it was fun watching you struggle, and you feel better don’t you?” You nodded, “I do, thank you.”
You both were bought back to reality by a cough. “Want to come back to earth, you’re in the kitchen.” Jeno said, looking at the scene in front of him. “With your hands stuffed in her sweats.” He held his bag in his hand. “Right.” He took his hand out from your pants. Your face was heated with embarrassment of being caught — jaemin on the other hand couldn’t care less. “Thanks to someone I have something take care of.”
Your eye widened — jeno scoffing in amusement as you both watched jaemin brought his hand covered in your juices to his mouth, sucking on them, humming as he exited into his room to do the obvious.
You and jeno stood in a silence — a awkward one before spoke up. “I’m sorry you had to walk in on that.” You stood on the balls of your feet, looking down. “We all need to distress sometimes, next time it should be in your room though, haechan could’ve walked in and that would’ve been— tragic.” You said and he nodded. “also please don’t tell him, I don’t want it to be awkward, renjun either.” He gave you a salute.
“My lips are sealed.” He said, you nodded. “I owe you big time, thank you so much.” You said. “I'm gonna go, see you after your class.” You scurried away to your room, his eyes followed you the entire time.
“Shit.” He sighed to himself, how was he supposed to focus in class with the scene of you moaning while his friend fingered you in his head; and his cock hard against his jeans.
Luckily a few days past and the kitchen incident was never brought up, it was kept a secret between you, jaemin and jeno — like it never happened, well expect when it happened again when everyone wasn’t home again, or when jaemin would look  at you with fuck me eyes that made you flustered, but no one even noticed — at least that’s what you thought.
“I know it’s in here.” You rummaged through his dirty clothes hamper — any other time that would’ve gross you out, going through a grown mans laundry, but your favorite black bra, was in there and you needed to wash it, you were going out on Saturday and you needed it — it made your tits look the best.
“Excuse me.” A voice made you jump turning around. “Shit jeno.” You sighed, calming down. “You scared me.” He lifted his eyebrows in confusion. “I scared you?” He said. “You’re in my room, going through my dirty laundry and I scared you?” He laughed amused.
“Your laundry?” You said, standing fully up. “I thought this was jaemins, it was near his beds.” You said. “Because his bed is closer to the door where I had it because I was gonna wash them later.” He pointed to the closet. “his is in the closet.” You wanted to shrivel up and die. “I'm so sorry.” You quickly put the stuff that fell out, putting it back by the door.
“It’s okay.” He said, sitting his gym bag down. You opened the closet, where his hamper was. “Oh.” You bent down going through, huffing once you realized it wasn’t I there either. “I has to be in here.” You whined.
Jeno couldn’t help it — he is only a man, and you were wearing those shorts that made your ass look so good, he couldn’t help but stare, his cock hardening in his gym shorts. “how was the gym?” You asked as you went through the hamper. “Good.” You didn’t hear the subtle change in his voice.
He was slowly losing it, the way you kept having a conversation with him, with your ass basically in his face, if he looked hard — which he already was, but if he looked harder, he could see the outline of your pussy — you weren’t wearing any panties.
“Fuck.” He cursed, finally snapping. “You have to be doing this on purpose.” He said darkly. “huh?” You turned to him confused. “I mean what you’re looking for can’t be in there, the hamper isn’t that big and you reached the bottom already.” He said. “So you have to know what you’re doing.”
“Do-doing what?” You said , slowing backing up as he stalked you, his eyes low and full of lust. “showing that ass of yours off.” He backed you up against the wall. “I can see your pussy through these shorts.” You bit your lip. “I-im sorry.” You looked up at him your lashes.
He grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. “If I let you go this time will you owe me?” he smirked. “You still owe me for not telling haechan and renjun about you and jaemin.” He said. “should I tell him then? What about when you both did it again on the couch?” How did he know about that. “how did you- you might want to keep it under wraps, but jaemin loves to talk.” He said, his hands squeezing your waist — you whimpered.
“You know I was pretty pissed, finding both of you in that kitchen?” he said. “and when jaemin told me again I was livid.” He pressed his sweaty body against yours, his musky smell from the gym radiating off of him, it was your favorite smell on him. “Wh-why?” You stuttered, he smirked. “Because I wanted to be the one to taste that pussy first.”
You felt his words in your cunt, this was the second time one of your roommates was pressing you against a surface, confessing a dirty thoughts that they had of you. “You’re so hard.” You felt his hard on against your pelvis, twitching in shorts. “Yeah I am, cause of you baby, you gonna help me?”
You weren’t gonna pass this up — you weren’t dumb. “Yeah.” You said , he quickly grabbed your shorts, pushing them down  to your ankles. “No panties baby, you’re really looking to be fucked like a whore.” He tapped your thighs. “Jump.”
He grabbed both of your thighs , his cock was now sitting under your ass. “gonna stretch this pussy out.” He held your body in one arm, quickly undoing his shorts letting them fall to the ground. “Je-jeno please fuck me.” Your voice was whiny, your fingers locked around his neck.
He lifted you up, grabbing the base of his cock holding it as he sunk you down on it. “Sh-shit you’re so fucking tight.” He groaned. “So tiny , you’re pussy is struggling to take me.” You moaned, closing your eyes as he slowly sunk deeper and deeper into your wet cunt. “Of fuck! You’re so big.”
He finally bottomed out, his hand against the wall above your head as he calmed himself down. “Fu-fuck this pussy is gonna make me cum early.” He slowly began to move, his cock hitting all the right spots as he held you against the wall. “Oh my god.” You gasped.
He began to move faster, your head knocked against the wall. “fuck!” you screamed. “Baby, these walls are thin and anyone could walk into the apartment and hear you getting your pussy fucked open by me, unless you want haechan and renjun to know how much a whore you are, cause im pretty sure jaemin already knows, then I suggest you try and shut that pretty mouth of yours.”
His words made you clench around him. “Fu-fuck baby let up, or im gonna cum inside your pussy.” He groaned. “unless that’s what you want.” You moaned out, yanking at hair on his neck. “Pl-please.” You whimpered.
“Fu-fuck you want me to cum inside you?” he grunted, his hips snapped harder against you. “Breed this little cunt up.” He hummed, biting at your neck. “yes!” You screamed. “please cum inside me.” He groaned, his pelvis hitting your clit, along with his cocked continuously hitting your cervix. “Fuck im gonna cum.”
Before you could even warn him again, you came, he felt your cunt spasm around him. “Sh-shit.” He groaned, looking down where your bodies connected a white ring formed around his cock base. “Oh fuck, your pussy is magic -fuck- im gonna cum.” He moaned. “Fuck im cumming , im gonna cum.” He groaned, then you felt his cum leaking into  your womb.
“Shit.” He sighed. “Hold on.” He held you in his arms, sitting down with you in his lap, his cock still inside you. “im gonna pull out now.” You nodded , and his lifted you up, his soft cock slipping out of you. “That felt good.” You said. “Yeah?” He said, you nodded. “I need to shower now.” You got up, he held your arm. “You got it?”
You nodded, legs a little wobbly. “Do you need help?” He asked, your turned to him. “Are you really gonna help or do you want to have shower sex?” He smiled cheekily. “will you let me fuck you if I help you shower after?” You shook your head. “Fine.”
“Wait what were you even looking for?” He asked, taking his shirt off, throwing it in the hamper. “My black bra, im going out on Saturday and I need it.” You said. “The one that makes your tits look good.” You gave him a side eye. “Don’t look at me, of course I look at your tits.” He said, looking down. “Here it is.” He held it in his hand, throwing it in his hamper. “I'll wash it for you.”
“I better get my bra back lee jeno.”
You sat at your desk, finishing up the essay that stressed you out earlier in the week. “finally.” You finally hit the send button. “I hope your sisters husband has a horrible day, cause why are you going on maternity leave for her baby.” You pushed your glasses against your face. “Hey.” Jaemin knocked on the door. “Next time you fuck jeno, don’t leave your shorts in the room.” He tossed them on your bed.
“Thanks.” You said, it almost didn’t phase you showing him the computer. “Look I finished the essay.” You said. “From the other day?” he asked, you shook your head. “I guess my fingers really did wonders didn’t it.” You rolled your eyes. “get out of my room jaemin.” He smirked. “Im just saying , these fingers are magical, look how fast you finished that essay.” You picked up the plushie haechan gave you for your birthday about to chuck it at him, but he quickly shut the door.
“Dumbass.” You turned back to your computer, going over your syllabus for the upcoming week. Your door slowly creaked  open,  you thought it was jaemin, so you picked the toy up, your arm up ready to throw it. “Stop fucking around jaemin.” You threw the toy. “Jaemin?” you swiveled around in the chair, facing the person. “Was he just in here or something? Why are you calling me jaemin?”
“Oh shit haechan my bad, jaemin came to return something to me , and he was fucking around so I had to kick him out my room.” You quickly explained , he walked into your room, you noticed him stumble a bit — he was drunk. “I thought he was fucking around at my door.”
He hummed sitting on your bed, the toy in his hand, his cheeks a dusty red from the alcohol. “Did you have fun with mark and Johnny tonight?” he nodded, you hated when he was quiet, it seemed uncanny. “I did, but it was ruined.” He said. “Ruined?” you questioned. “How was it ruined?”
“I figured out I must be the problem.” He said. “What do you mean hyuck?” You turned in your chair facing him. “I might bit be as witty as jaemin or as strong as jeno or even as smart as renjun, but I thought I at least had some good qualities.” He said, picking at the hair of the toy.
“donghyuck what are you ta– oh.” It finally it you. “Shit, how did you find out?” You said. “I heard jaemin talking about it when I walked into the house.” He said, finally looking at you. “Are you upset?” He scoffed, smiling to himself. “Did you fuck renjun?” You looked at him weird. “no.”
“Good, I refuse to lose to renjun.” He said. “Why are you in a one sided competition with renjun, he hardly comes out of his room?” You said. “Because you don’t see it, but I do, I am man, I saw that jeno and jaemin wanted to fuck you and look what happened.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re deranged, renjun doesn’t want to fuck me.”
“well im not missing my chance and letting him win.” He said, sinking to his knees. “W-what are you doing?” You asked , as he crawled to you. “What does it look like?” He tapped your legs. “Im gonna eat you out.”
He pulled your legs apart, you were only in a oversized shirt, and some underwear. “H-haechan.” You covered your clothed heat. You’re drunk.” He scoffed. “I'm fully aware about what I want, and what I want is to eat your pussy.”
He moved your hand. “Fuck, you smell so good.” He inhaled. “Can’t wait to eat you out.” You chewed on your bottom lip. “hyuck, you’re drunk, you need to sleep.” You said, but he wasn’t listen. “Please, I really want to.” He looked up you, a look in his eyes. “Please.”
He kissed at your thighs. “See I am fully aware.” He kissed your clothed cunt, you sighed, your hands flying to his hair. “You taste so good.” He said licking your folds. “Let me take your panties off and get a full taste.” He said, his voice sounded so breathy, almost like a whimper — it turned you on even more. “that’s all I want, you don’t have to do anything in return.”
“Fu-fuck okay.” You moaned, he smiled kissing your thighs once again. “thank you.” He quickly grabbed the waistband of your panties, you lifted your hips — holding on to the arms of the chair as the air from your aircon hit your cunt. “So pretty.” He said, dipping his head back into your thighs.
“Fuck , such a pretty pussy.” He licked your now exposed folds. “sh-shit haechan.” He sloppily made out with your cunt. “it feels so good, doing so good.” Your praise went straight to his cock, his cock twitched against his pants, he hummed against your cunt. “fu-fucking good boy.”
You tugged at his hair with one hand, holding the arm of the chair, pushing him deeper and deeper into your cunt. “Hyuck, fuck!” You yelped. “Fuck im gonna cum.” He pulled away, his lips and bottom lip covered in your juices — his eyes completely blown. “Please cum.” His fingers strung at your clit, he looked up at you. “I want you to cum in my mouth.” He said. “Please I want it.”
“Fuck im cumming.” He put his mouth back on your cunt, your legs tightened around his head, cumming — haechan catching all of it, getting even more intoxicated. “Haechan.” You whined as he cleaned up his mess, pulling away. “Did I do good?”
You ran your hand through his messy hair. “yes, you did.” He smiley like a fool. “You like being called good boy" You smirked. “Are you- are you a sub.” He pinched your thigh, you hissed, tugging at his hair. “im not a sub.” He said. “Just being called good boy by you turns me on.”
“So it’s just me?” You smirked, he could hear the condescending tone. “If you tell anybody then I’ll deny.” He said. “Too bad the entire fucking apartment heard it, keep it down.” Jeno stood in the door. “and I still got to fuck her first.” He closed the door. “now you have to let me fuck you.”
“Haechan get the fuck out my room.”
“You are right.” Jaemin ogled your bust. “Huh?” You said sitting in the front seat of the car, renjun driving since he was the only sensible one. “Your tits do look good in that bra.” Renjun looked at the boy through the mirror — he wasn’t dumb, he knew what was going on, he seen the changes happening, the sexual tension that was constantly lingering in air when you were around — it kind of made him jealous.
Renjun had always thought you were pretty , he was newer to the apartment, but he was constantly nervous whenever he tried to talk to you — often opting to stay to himself in his room. “Stop looking at my tits jaemin.” You said, turning around where the three boys were. “be on your best behaviors, no getting sloppy drunk, im not dragging you home.” You said, but they weren’t paying attention, you shook head turning around.
“My tits seem more important.” You said to yourself — renjun slammed on the breaks, quickly putting his arm out to stop you from  hitting your head on the dashboard, the guys in the back not so much. “Shit im sorry I thought I saw a cat in road.” Renjun said, as the guys in the back moaned and groaned in pain.
You turned to him, where he was smiling to himself. “We’re here anyway.” You said, as he parked the car. “Go drink it off, not too much though.” You said, climbing out the car. “I swear he did that on purpose.” You heard haechan mumble as you all walked into the bar where your other friends waited. “Thank you.” You turned to renjun. “F-for what.” He smiled, you laughed. “Don’t mention it.” He followed behind the guys where Johnny and mark were.
“What!?” Your friends looked at you with jaws dropped. “All of them?” jinhae asked. “well not renjun.” you said taking your sip of your drink. “but yes.” You said. “And they all know about it?” You nodded. “I mean they’ve all seemly walked in or found out in someway.” You said. “And they’re okay with that?”
“Do they really have a choice, im not really looking for a relationship and they can easily stop if they want, im not going to them for it.” You shrugged. “Wow you lucky bitch.” Dayhun said. “We can barely find a guy who can find the clit, and here you are getting good dick by 3 guys who actually want to fuck you.” You turned to where they were, all of them looking directly at you. “Hi.” Haechan waved beaming, jeno slapping the back of his head. You turned around laughing at them.
“Are you a loser?” Jeno slapped the back of the boys head. “Stop waving.” The boy rubbed the back of his head. “Will you guys stop hitting me, i am in pain!” He shrieked, Johnny  and mark caught on to the tension. “What the fuck is going on with you guys?” Johnny said. “There’s this air around all of you guys, and I can’t tell if it’s hostility or- it’s sexual hostility.” Renjun spoke up.
“Sexual hostility?” Mark questioned. “Why?” Renjun got up to get himself another drink while they explained to the two boys. “Hey.” You stood at the bar. “Hey.” He smiled, ordering his drink. “Are they drunk yet?” You asked. “Not yet give it another 20 minutes, we’ll be dragging them out of the bar.” You shook your head. “Great.” You said, the bartender returning with both of your drinks. “here for her drink too.”
“Thank you, you didn’t have to.” he held his hand up. “I wanted to, go have fun with your friends.” He said, turning to make his way back to the boys. “What were you guys talking about?” jaemin asked. “nothing I just bought her a drink.”
“what?” Johnny smirked. “You fucked her too, lucky bastard.” Renjun rolled his eye. “No im not fucking her.” He said. “you mean they’re all fucking her, but not you.” Mark said with wide eyes. “Like is this voluntary or does she find something wrong with you?” Renjun cursed at the boys as they busted out into laughter. “I’m leaving all of you here watch, you bastards I hope you all get an std and won’t be able to have sex at all.”
And of course you had to end up dragging haechan out of the bar — jaemin and jeno dragging their bodies behind, stumbling. “Stupid fuckers who can’t hold your drinks.” Renjun held the door open as you dropped Haechans body in the back seat, letting them all crawl into the back. “Thank you love.” Haechan slurred, you shut the door climbing into the passengers seat— renjun into the drivers.
The ride home was nothing the sorts of good, jeno and jaemin arguing drunkenly about random shit, and haechan dry heaving complaining about having to throw up. “junie think you can speed up this car, before I take the wheel and crash it.” He nodded, pressing on the gas.
You guys finally got back to the apartment, renjun dragging haechan by his collar. “Be more gentle, im sick.” He whined. “And who’s fault is that, renjun opened the door to haechans room, pushing him inside closing the door.
“Hey yn, come.” Jaemin slurred. “Let’s go in your room.” He smirked. “If think you’re getting fucked tonight think again.” You took his hand off your shoulder. “go to sleep and sober up.” You said, he pouted. “Jeno, lets cuddle.” You shook your head, watching jeno push at the boy. “No you have a boner, im not cuddling with you like that.” He said , you closed the door huffing. “see why I don’t go out with them often?”
Renjun stood up against the wall. “This will be last time I go out with them two.” You said, walking into the kitchen, renjun followed behind. “Here.” You reached into the fridge pulling out two beers. “For your help in getting them to bed.”
He took the can from you, you opened yours taking a sip. “I think staying home is way better anyway, my feet are killing me and this bra is uncomfortable.” You bent over taking your shoes off, giving renjun a  perfect shot of your boobs. He took a sip of his drink, trying to look away.
“Don’t wear things that make you uncomfortable.” He said, you smiled. “look at you being all caring, this is the most you’ve said to me in a week, I was certain you hated me.” You walked into the living room sitting down on the couch. “I don’ hate you.” He said.
“Could’ve fooled me.” You said. “I don’t really, Im just nervous.” He said, you cocked your head to the side. “Nervous?” You questioned. “why are you nervous?” He said too much , he sat the beer down. “Maybe the drinks from the bar and that beer is too much.” He felt the heat rising to his face. “Im talking too much.”
You chuckled, he smiled before chuckling too. “No tell me why are you nervous?” You said, putting your hand on his thigh — he knew you meant it in a comforting way, but his cock clearly didn’t get the memo, twitching against his jeans. “W-well because you’re you.”
“Im me?” You questioned, he nodded. “You’re pretty and smart and you don’t care about what people think and you're hot.” He covered his mouth, he swears he’ll never drink around you again. “fuck im an idiot.” He said. “No it’s cute, you’re cute.”
You hissed again, the pain in your shoulder increasing. “it’s time to give this bra up.” You sighed, rubbing your shoulder. “Let me." He said. “Oh you don’t have to, once I go to my room it will be off.” You said, but he stopped you.  “im good at these things, trust me.” He said. “fine.”
You turned around, your back was facing him. He moved your hair to the side, bringing his hands to your tender shoulders, rubbing — you sighed as he magically worked on your shoulders. “Fuck that feels good.” You whispered.
He was bit his lip, but you sounded so pretty, your moans going straight to his cock. “You have like magic fingers or something.” He hummed, sliding your bra down your shoulder, your neck fully on display — ready to be kissed.
“You feel better?” He said you nodded. “You’re a god send.” You said, his hands lingered on your neck. “Renjun.” You were about to turn around and question him, when you felt his lips against your neck. “Im sorry.” He whispered. “I just don’t think I can handle myself anymore.” he left little kisses along your shoulder blades, nipping lightly making you shiver. You turned around, slamming your lips against his.
You climbed into his lap, unbuttoning his shirt — reaching behind undoing your bra. “fuck you’re so pretty.” He groaned, you sat directly on his cock. “m'so hard right now.” He groaned, you grinded against him. “fuck, please don’t tease me.”
You got up, he undid his pants lifting his hips up, leaving them at his ankles. You lift under your skirt, pulling your panties down, climbing back into his lap, you grabbed the base of his cock, sinking down on it. “shit.” He sighed as you sat down fully on his cock. “Fuck you’re so tight.” You moaned out, holding his shoulders for support.
“Y-you’re so big.” He groaned. “Fu-fuck yn, please move.” You began to move your hips, up and down on his cock — he held your hips, guiding you. “your cunt feels so good.” He groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure, he felt like he was in heaven, the way your cunt fluttered around him, squeezing his cock beautifully. “Oh fuck -fuck- im gonna cum.” He groaned. “Im not wearing a condom, get up, im gonna cum.”
But you don’t listen, you keep riding him. “Fuck, yn please.” He groaned, trying to hold off. You tug at his hair, whispering in his ear. “Fuck, please just cum.” You moaned. “Please im gonna cum.” He cursed, fuck you were killing him. “Fuck!” He groaned, shooting his load into your cunt, triggering your own orgasm. “Sh-shit renjun!”
Your legs trembled as you rode out your high. “god your beautiful.” He pulled you into a kiss — out of all of them he was the only one to kiss you.
You both later went to bed, and you didn’t wake up until the next morning when you heard them fussing in the kitchen, you groaning as you stomped into the kitchen. “What the fuck is going on?” You yelled. “Where is the coffee? I need coffee.” Haechan groaned.
“And that’s why you’re raging early in the damn morning.” You opened the cabinet, slamming it. “Why so loud?”  Jaemin rubbing his temples. “Im pissed.” You sat down at the table. “Why did renjun not make you cum?” You eyes shot open. “Are you people just waiting by for the next time I fuck one of you?” You said.
“I did make her cum.” Renjun walked out of the room, his bag on his back — seemingly the only one with his life together. “You could’ve too had you not been drunk out of  your mind.” He said, jeno and jaemin snickered on the side.
“I want to smack that smirk off his face.” Haechan grumbled, as renjun walked out of the apartment satisfied. “Don’t get all pouty, you’re still my good boy.” You teased. “Yah, I said don’t talk about that outside of the bedroom.” He said. “Wait does that mean I was the best?”
“Yn don’t answer that.” Jeno said, jaemin agreed. “please don’t.” You turned to the other boy who was waiting. “Answer it , I can take it.” He said. “You can’t bitch about it.” Jaemin scoffed. “He’s gonna do that anyway.”
“Just answer it.” He said, “no you weren’t the best at fucking me.” He frowned. “We told you.” Jeno said. “Are you serious? How could you be so cruel and say that?” He whined. “Be calm.” You said. “You didn’t even let me finish.” He flagged you off. “I don’t want to hear it.” He said.
“Was it jaemin?” Jeno asked. “No.” Jaemin didn’t seem so surprised. “I guess I gotta keep trying.” He said. “That’s the spirit.”
“Then who is it?” Haechan spoke up. “renjun or jeno?” he questioned. “if you say renjun im gonna kill myself.” You shook your head. “well if would’ve let me finish, you would’ve known that you and jaemin weren’t even in the race.” You said. “Why, are you that biased?” He argued.
“No dumbass because you two didn’t actually fuck me.”
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