#march 1st spoilers
myyoungroyalsblog · 5 months
They are coming back to us in March🫶
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131 notes · View notes
onaperduamedee · 11 months
Notes on Knife of Dreams
This is my favourite prologue of the series so far, blood and ashes! 
Galad immediately becomes a favourite if he is willing to go against a superior to have him stand trial and to fight him for assaulting his step-mom.
The way Valda talks about Morgase, Galad needs to turn him into a bloody paper garland. 
During the fight, Galad talks about hearing and feeling everything in a way that’s close to how women describe embracing the source. Food for thoughts.
We've seen different types of channelling so far, but only one type of martial art?
Galad killing Valda??! Becoming Captain-Commander? Rebelling against the Seanchan?!? CONSIDERING ALLIANCE WITH THE AES SEDAI?!? Hell yeah!
"Soldiers’ hours made farmers’ hours seem restful" - spoken like a true soldier who has no idea what he's talking about. Shut up. 
Ituralde leading the resistance against the Seanchan has all my respect though.
Wait, so Suroth had nothing to do with Egeanin's trap? That was the Seeker? 
Everyone is trying to fight the Seanchan because they ARE the bigger threat atm, and Rand is genuinely considering working with them. Rand, don't do it!
Although I am beginning to suspect the group who will meet Rand is not Suroth and her party. 
But still, Rand! They leash people who use the One Power! You cannot go anywhere near them! This is stressful.
I must admit Semirhage wiping out the entire Seanchan imperial family is satisfying considering Seanchan colonialism. RJ will always introduce bigger sharks, especially against groups who considered themselves big sharks.
We have now the Highest for the Red! First Selector for the Blue, First Weaver for the Yellow, Captain-General for the Green, Head Clerk for the Brown, and First Reasoner for the White. Nice! I am loving these details!
I haven't commented on it but Elaida's choice to call back sisters who were exiled to fill in the ranks, especially in powerful positions whatever their history with the Tower, is fascinating. This reminds me a lot of the behaviour of certain political parties losing their grip on power.
No one knows Rand healed saidin, it's frustrating me to no end! It's such a feat! And no one knows! 
Loving the meta behind Yukiri wondering whether the scene depicted on the tapestry happened and the need of a weave to keep it from falling apart.
"Yes, red. I thought it might have turned green when I wasn’t looking." - Yukiri is the best, I laughed out loud.
 "Pevara exchanged looks with Yukiri, then said, 'This is the less urgent, Seaine?'" - I love the BA hunting party so much. They're a hoot.
Seaine, Yukiri and Pevara are actually quite efficient given how fraught the situation is in the White Tower. And I dig the info sharing between the Ajahs: collaboration, it works!
So, the food rotting is the DO's doing? I really enjoyed the White discussing it like it's a very theoretical problem not affecting entire nations. Tbf, locked up as they are by Elaida, they probably don't know what's happening outside.
About AS as a whole: a) they're a millenia-old institution in dire need of reform, and that's even before we realise that b) they're infiltrated to the core by agents looking to sow discord and destroy the WT, c) they've been taken over by right-wing radicals. It is what makes the depiction of the White Tower mesmerising: the story shows us the White Tower at their lowest, in their deepest turmoil, when they are cornered and have no choice but to evolve or simply die out. Light, it's so current!
NON, Alviarin is onto Yukiri and Doesine, nope, nope, nope. 
Ohhh, Galina has been captured by Perrin and is trying to wriggle her way out of Shaido captivity by manipulating them! 
Perrin is a broken record repeating "wife." It's a tad silly.
You know what, Galina gets points for being one of the only POV characters respecting Berelain. She can call Perrin a fool to her heart's content because atm he is one. 
Berelain hitting Galina, hard, because Perrin didn't want to was perfect.
Oh, the tension between the White Tower AS is THICK. Of course Egwene picks up pretty fast how degraded the situation is among the sisters.
Hell no, they have Leane too! Thinking about her being put to the question again is breaking my heart.
"Whether or not she had managed to do well as Amyrlin, she would die in a manner fitting for the Amyrlin Seat." - I love Egwene so much. She is fast becoming one of my favourite characters ever. Her arc is truly unbelievable.
I literally had Garnet singing "Stronger than You" playing in my head while reading this scene. Egwene is unbreakable.
"Whatever you do, you’ll never make me deny who I am” - I adore Egwene. I now have a very strong need to see queer Egwene. You cannot give me a character saying "I am what I am" and not make them gay. It's forbidden. Another parallel to Rand too.
The confrontation with Silviana was so tense! Really looking forward to seeing Egwene going against her and playing Elaida. Her thoughts going to Siuan and Leane though. I am going to scream. My love for this trio is all-consuming and terrifying.
"She was carrying the battle into the heart of the Tower itself. If she had had lips there, she would have smiled." - FUCK THEM UP YOU AIEL-HEARTED WONDER 
Egwene, I would die for you on a battlefield.
The joy of having a Siuan POV - her strength, her worry, her competence - is somewhat marred by the constant thinking about Gareth. She spares time to moon over him, and then cannot stop to help the injured because her news are urgent? It's exhausting.
I cannot fathom the strength it takes Siuan to do what she does against women who are so much stronger and stand so much higher than her. Her willingness to put aside her pride and fear to do what needs to be done is astounding. Truly a pillar.
Faolain spilled the beans to Lelaine, but Siuan is keeping her cool. Lelaine with her machinations to become the next Amyrlin will get Egwene killed. 
Wait, so Grays act as external judges going from villages to villages? That's fascinating!
Beonin, what do you think you're doing? Even your warder thinks you’re a fool. 
So dead people are just appearing out of nowhere? Cool, cool, cool. 
Egwene's plan of shutting down ship trading with cuendillar chains was brilliant, even if she was betrayed.
Look, my president was elected on the promise to save us from the extremes, has then started ruling with decrees, crushed public dissent with violence, painted opponents as terrorists and requisitioned striking workers to clean the capital streets where garbage is piling up. To say Elaida's reign of terror hits a little too close to home is putting it mildly.
Also fuck Beonin so hard for betraying Egwene and the Rebels, and revealing the rediscovered weaves. Whatever blood is spilled afterward is on her hands.
I did not have Aran'gar seducing Graendal on my bingay card, but here we are.
I'm surprised it took the Forsaken this long to set out to kill Mat and Perrin.
By my count, only Be'lal, Asmodean and Rahvin have been permanently killed among the Forsaken.
I am bloody angry with Perrin rn: giving the Two Rivers to Seanchan, really? Even if it means condemning to slavery some of his people? I thought his devotion to Faile was moving, but screw him, that's exactly what Tylin did.
Berelain MVP as always. What a great leader she is.
As with Isendre, I take no satisfaction whatsoever in the treatment Galina gets from the Shaido, even if she's loathsome: it's brutal, dehumanising and gendered. I think the Aiel rapport with extreme punishment is gratuitous and voyeuristic, and it’s putting me off.
Rolan and Faile... On one hand, I am glad he has Faile's back and he seems kind; on the other any woman would run from him as far as possible because his insistence is so creepy.
Also, I wish the motif of romantic captive/holder wasn't one in this saga.
At least, Arrela is sleeping with a Maiden to get her protection? Gay problematic is better than no gay.
Also, the wind, the ripple; what is going on? If this is the book of weird omen, I am all in.
And Faile has the rod! And followers! I knew she would find a way, crafty as she is.
Now, these are actually the first Mat chapters I found underwhelming? Luca is again getting annoying; I don't really care about Domon and Egeanin; what's the deal with Noal; the courtship with Tuon is entertaining, but not enough to justify the pacing.
And the Aes Sedai drama is exhausting because Mat, you lovable jerk, you are showing more sympathy toward a slave owner than her victims. Are they infuriating? Yes! Is Mat sensible in any of his interactions with or his treatment of them? No!
Also spanking Joline... He beats her first and asks questions later when channelling was the sul'dam's fault and it was HIS choice to put them in this set-up. They ARE annoying, yes! Last time I checked he wasn't spanking his manservants or Luca.
At least, Joline will teach the sul'dam? Not a great idea considering what the Aes Sedai went through and the sul'dam's attitude, but it's better than letting the sul’dam believe they are still the AS minders. No one had issues with Rand staying 1000 leagues away from AS because of Dumai’s wells.
Aludra creating canons to destroy the Seanchan: hell yeah, organise that resistance, you firecracker!
How hilarious that Mat keeps seeing Rand having sex with Min though.
The horse ride with Tuon was cute, and Mat's heart to heart with Setalle refreshing, but light, those chapters are slow. He still has so many interesting relationships with women.
The confrontation between the AS and Tuon sums up what makes Mat both infuriating and endearing: it's sexism and lack of empathy, until the women are attacked frontally and he defends them. His first impulses are always that of a jerk, but he course-corrects.
Is it fun to read? Not always, and there's something to say about reproducing sexist behaviour as is in a fantasy setting. But it makes him a realistic character.
Also Tuon can scram: enslaving people because they are annoying? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF
Shiota was terrifying! I loved the way the horror just erupted out of nowhere. And the scenes afterwards were lovely. They've accidentally become such a dysfunctional little family.
I am glad Juilin will not forget that Egeanin owned slaves.
I am really curious about the suggestions Mat will chase the Seanchan away. How will that unfold if he is married to their empress?
The Egeanin/Domon pairing heavily suggests that he will change her, but it isn't enough to change a whole nation.
That also explains all the reflecting Mat has been doing concerning the Finn and what they did to him.
Light, one of the elements of a katabasis - a descent into the underworld - is that people don't always come back right... Moiraine, my heart.
Really curious about the inspiration for the Seanchan invasion because what RJ is describing - the population's acceptance, the government's obedience, the imprisonment of a minority - is VERY reminiscent of Collaboration across Europe during WWII.
The visit in a Hell was fun in its urgency. Even if it's very much the Whedon syndrome where pretty and tiny women have no trouble wrecking trained assassins thrice their size, I like that we did get to see Tuon practise a different martial art.
Misreading Tuon as Thom and vice versa when they are in the same chapter certainly makes things interesting.
Between Vane sent to kill Mat, the gholam reappearing and the Seanchan after a false Tuon, they better get the hell out of the circus. At last!
Perrin trusting Bawler after the shit he put Moiraine through is beyond grating. And Perrin witnessing a poor man dying horrifically and showing not an ounce of empathy or sense is A Lot. 
What a thrilling chapter of Perrin on errands with the Seanchan!
It's crushing how thoroughly this middle stretch of books spoiled Perrin for me. I wouldn't go as far as character assassination, but he started off as my favourite of the boys and now he's just a bad friend, leader, ally to the Light and even husband.
And back to the Caemlyn siege!
Again, Elayne, having Rand's babies was 100% your choice, not Rand's. Not a mistake, not only Rand's fault.
On Elayne and the bargain: it's ironic because Morgase gave a whole lot of Andor to the Whitecloaks when held prisoner.
Elayne can fuck off for pressing her soldiers to kill retreating enemies and getting themselves killed while being a hothead on the battlefield because Min's viewing protects her. Why is she so blood-thirsty? Is the throne worth the blood and gold?
"Smiling, Aviendha turned her face up to let the rain run down her cheeks. 'I love to watch water falling from the sky.'" - Aviendha is so cute, seriously. I wish she had more to do than stand around and laugh or scowl or hug Elayne
Like with Min and Siuan, I really wish Elayne would not bemoan the Kin's newfound backbone. They deserve to stand straighter after everything they went through.
The Kin are as always very badass for managing to recruit 10,000 men for Elayne.
I love that the Kin have had a dozen professions because of their longevity and needed to move around to stay low. They are such a great addition to this universe. They will do a lot of good to the AS as a whole too.
Oh good, after competing in the last book over which of the two has the slowest arc, Elayne and Perrin are now competing for least empathy, excellent. Elayne wants to send the  damane back to slavery and justifies it by her hatred of the Seanchan. 
It's representative of the way some left-leaning people think about fighting oppression: hatred for the oppressor (the 1%, racists) but it doesn't extend to help toward the victims (supporting fiscal reforms, harsher sentencing against hate crime). Come on, Elayne, I know you have A Lot on your plate now, but you are better than this! If you managed to be the voice of reason for a whole journey to Tear with a traumatised Egwene and a drifting Nynaeve, you can handle this better, I know you can.
Vandene wears her sister's clothes and perfume while chasing her killer. Light, I am distraught.
"She had to watch Vandene perhaps destroying herself, and worse, make use of it." - oh, the gut-punch. Great parallel with Rand too.
At least this conundrum with the Aes Sedai and the Sea Folk is compelling. Elayne and Nynaeve made a bargain promising something they had no way of delivering, without much choice, and now they have to deal with the consequences.
Elayne, Birgitte and Aviendha are such a comedic trio: I have great expectations for the show.
The narrative is laying it THICK that pregnant women are unreliable and erratic in one of the worst bouts of sexism this book has displayed in a while.
"they did not think they already knew something of how to use a blade" - I appreciate the shade here.
I'm so frustrated by this arc: it employs Elayne in the way least fitting to her strong points. She's a Mat-type character in her chaos, with lots of heart, but her struggle with power is clearly echoing Perrin here and I don’t think it works.
Aviendha discovering her Talent with ter'angreal and the proof coming in the form of an e-book with an unbelievable library, along with the nice little nod to the difficulties of translation and the way it's a meta commentary on prophecies, was A+.
"How can you say you have nothing to give? You’ve given me everything." - The Aviendha/Elayne farewell was so moving and MoLan-coded. But I can't say I am displeased to see Aviendha move on to greener pastures where plot happens faster.
I know this won't happen but I hope the show just discards Elayne as Rand's love interest entirely. Their romance is the least developed of the three, it looks more like crush than love, and the chemistry pales in comparison to Min/Rand and Aviendha/Elayne.
I hope Birgitte is okay. With the bond, she should not be that tired.
Elayne is going to lose the mercenaries. Hiring them in the first place was a bad idea: Amyrilla also has mercenaries so it's merely a battle of who has the deepest pockets now.
Just give Mellar the boot if you don't want to arrest him! You are all needlessly endangering everyone.
The palace shifting is a really nice touch. This book has some delicious tiny worldbuilding elements showing the magic itself is wonky, like in TSR.
Birgitte and her Map room is such a neat choice and actually a great device to talk about Birgitte without doing so: her memories are fading, leaving only the newer memories, as the floor mosaic of Caemlyn is being progressively replaced.
"You were always expected to have an answer, to find one. That was what it meant to be Aes Sedai." - That's why people are like that when they learn AS are only humans. Also reminds me of my TDR notes: this is about kids understanding adulthood and that adults don’t have all the answers.
Elayne at last questions if maybe gaining the throne will cost too much to Andor. Siuan and Egwene were willing to let Elaida win if it meant saving the Tower.
Her gaggle of kid allies remain hilarious though.
The BA is now taking out Kin. No! I need whoever is responsible to be personally handled by Vandene.
Naean is also looking drawn and tired? Is something also happening to people's mind, like back in Tear with Ishamael?
Loial and his book! Of course he is interviewing Rand and Rand is underplaying his accomplishments.
Moiraine's name is written in fire inside Rand's skull: learning she may be alive will absolutely not fuck him up.
So, Rand is connected to Moridin because their balefire beams crossed? I was not expecting that.
Nynaeve replaced Moiraine as his personal Aes Sedia and it's so endearing. I am glad he has her by his side.
Man, I enjoy Verin and Cads' weird dynamic. Logain and Rand are at each other's throat like two roosters and need to cool down.
"Her knitting, a shapeless lump that might have been anything, sat in her lap" - I laughed. What a detail to drag, Rand.
Min, you're being childish: Rand knows he will die. Although apparently Rand has asked the Finn how to survive and there is a way out? Interesting.
I feel sorry for Loial. He clearly doesn't want marriage now. Why is everyone forcing him?
Awwwwww Loial wishing he had an AS with him to face his mom. Don't worry, they would make things worse.
The way he learned courage from humans though is filling my heart with joy. He has such a heartfelt subdued arc and now he will talk before his people!
The new weaves, LTT seizing saidin and trying to burn out Rand during the attack... Oof, a lot is happening to Rand.
"You’re harder than I ever was, Lews Therin said. Suddenly he giggled. If you’re not me, then who are you?" - wow, I am LOVING this.
Love the conceit of Alivia being so strong and old that no one knows what to do with her. Her destiny to help Rand die makes her figure all the more ominous.
Min seeing all sorts of things for Moiraine? How many viewings did Min have about her exactly? TELL ME
"Maybe it was just Aes Sedai concealment." - maybe it's the fact you should not require absolute obedience from anyone?
Using people as pawns is now second nature to Rand, Egwene, Perrin, Elayne. Only Mat and Nynaeve don't do it.
"She, at least, was one he did not have to worry about. Elza was fanatical in her devotion." - Rand, she's a DF. You're blindsided by her devotion to you. Be sensible.
Thank the Light Bashere is here. This meeting with the Seanchan is most definitely a trap.
"Moiraine used to say a headache was sign she had been channelling too much. That’s dangerous." - again, fascinated by this undercurrent in their marriage. How very Daphné du Maurier of Jordan.
"Greens! They simply could not be trusted with men!" - between Alanna, Myrelle, Elayne and Cads, they've certainly earned their reputation. Not on the same scale, obviously, but yeah, the Green Ajah needs to do serious education on bonding.
"his place was with her, not dying alone in a futile private war with the Shadow" / "She could try to make sure he survived, though." - No comment.
From wherever she is, Moiraine is mentally kissing Nynaeve on the mouth and praising her, as she should.
If the books had time, they would delve into what it means for Nyn to marry someone with so much baggage, and the time, adjustment and complexity behind such a match.
I've touched on this in one of my metas for the show before reading the books, but I love that Nynaeve has such a profound and sincere sense of community and duty, even more so than Egwene, which is saying a lot considering how dedicated Egwene is.
Nyn understands perfectly why Lan's commitment to Malkier matters, even understood Lan's commitment to Moiraine when she was around. But despite this understanding, she still meets Moiraine in feeling that Lan shouldn't let this commitment kill him.
There's no hypocrisy here: it's very much her saying "both matter; we are not going to sacrifice one for the other"
It's that same trait that made her push away Lan when he was ready to break his vows to Moiraine back in Tear and hats off to her.
"yet the land did not change greatly in two or three hundred years" - why do I feel this will lead to Tarmon Gai'don changing geography again?
"'Kiss me. [...] That wasn’t an order. I just want to kiss my husband.'" -
I dislike the whole Sea Folk obedience thing but that was SO cute!
One last night in Shienar: the show writers are sneaky.
Nyn leaving Lan in Saldaea to force him to ride all the way to Shienar is just SO good. She understood he cannot be trusted with looking after himself, so she will trick him into doing it, the fool man.
So men wearing the hadori carry "a reputation for sudden, unpredictable violence"? That is very interesting considering some of Lan's reflections and even Moiraine's behaviour in New Spring.
Many warders are essentially rehabilitated veterans.
They have different coins for different nations, but we haven't seen any mention of dialects? And what about the Aiel and the Seanchan being understandable? Do they all speak a language that's translated for the books like LOTR and westron?
Clever, Clever Nynaeve for travelling ahead of Lan to rouse the Malkieri, though it's funny to imagine her going from town to town in search of everyone with a Hadori before going back to healing everyone in the manor. She's the best.
Light, I've missed her POV. It's such a shame she was absent these last few books because she grew a lot in the meantime off-page. Instead of trying to overpower like she used to, she's far better at dissembling and not saying everything she thinks.
It obviously helps with Lan, but also with Cadsuane and Rand. With Lan, it's skirting manipulation, but she spent enough time with him - and with Moiraine's ghost - to realise he's not at a place where his death wish can be reasoned with for now. Healing will take time.
Oh, Rand's school led to the Locomotive rediscovery? This is making me emotional. He will change the world for the better, he will. It's truly a Renaissance!
"Lews Therin began to maunder on about taxes and money creating jobs" - okay, Ronald.
Again, not a fan of the depiction of Tear as not as beautiful as Caemlyn or Tar Valon, while pointing out the Tairens are brown-skinned and poor.
I love the detail of the merchant explaining silk can be made by worms.
Nope, please let Tear be spared the Seanchan, this city suffered enough.
Rand, you are sounding more and more like a tyrant ordering some people around and expecting total obedience, chill.
It's genuinely hard to see the lavish interiors while the Tairens are starving. It's not something Rand can fix without rebellion from nobles, but everywhere monarchy is depicted as a deeply flawed system bleeding nations (Caemlyn, Cairhien). This Age and Rand brought scientific and medical achievements in droves and magic hierarchy upheaval, but yet not an ounce of democratic progress so far. It's so bizarre!
If it isn't my favourite het couple, Darlin "himbo but noble" Sisnera and Caraline "girl in a bar restroom but noble" Damodred.
I like that Alanna gets to display her tactical knowledge as a Green Ajah, even if it's very brief.
Rand, I love you, but your imperial tendencies are showing.
So Merana, Bera and Rafaela did a good job with the negotiations with the Rebels in Tear. I’m relieved Rand is learning to delegate too.
Cads counting to get Rand to stop the disrespect: he should absolutely show more restraint as a leader, as the Dragon Reborn, otherwise his enemies will use it against him. Her advice is sound, even if she is patronising.
"When the terms you offer are accepted, hold to them.” - Rand, would you really starve the city even more because the nobles rebelled against you, a foreign leader who took power with an army of Aiel?!? Do you hear yourself?
"And would you marry a king, Caraline?” / “I will have to see you in it before I could answer that." - Darlin is a himbo king: I support him 100%. Caraline and he remain sickeningly cute and so charming together. They're by far the best nobles around.
Yessss, Rand is rallying troops for Tarmon Gai'don at last!
"More than that, we survived Cadsuane Melaidhrin, and I doubt anyone else here could do that.” - Harine and Shalon really went on a Hurin-like journey of epic proportion, didn't they?
Oh, cool, the Atha'an Miere are also flogging disobeying Aes Sedai. I would really appreciate it if ONE culture was not obsessed with spanking and whipping.
Oooooh, Logain is delivering the summon to the Sea Folk!
"It was not that he tried to dishonor anyone, yet he cared little for the honors of others." - like you humiliate AS sent to teach you? Self-awareness is the least shared trait in these books. Logain is just giving them a taste of their own medicine
Light, the Amayar after the Choeden Kal melted on Tremalking... That is truly horrifying. And so soon after the deaths in Ebou Dar and the Seanchan massacre too. How many Ath'an Miere died already?
I appreciate so many characters telling us the Last Battle is coming but Tarmon Gai'don is still three THICK books away.
"A brief interlude with tales of romance and adventure was much preferable to contemplating utter futility and the failure of what was by its very nature unfailing." - The meta of Romanda reading Birgitte's tale to escape from her reality is superb.
Of course, Romanda thought Egwene was Siuan's puppet, wrongly.
"No one has a leash on Egwene al’Vere. She is intelligent, observant, quick to learn and deft. She may become one of the great Amyrlins." - she already is. I love Egwene so much.
"That relationship was abhorrent." - I'm with you on this, Romanda. 
I like Tiana: she's clear-eyed. The newer recruits are fast learners and thus priceless novices well worth the rules bent. Romanda is just the old guard bucking
Myrelle bonded Llyw to save him? The show is definitely merging her and Alanna.
Nacelle testing a weave to sense men channelling! The agreement with Asha'man! Eben helping uncover Halima! Oh, the little Hall scenes are my favourites. The drama! The tension! The theatrics!
Egwene teaching a lesson to the Accepted who wanted to teach her a lesson and keeping the novices in their place is just so bloody satisfying. All the senseless beatings and the silent resistance against Silviana make me so bloody proud of her!
So relieved Leane is okay and the Tower sees her as an AS which grants her a modicum of comfort and protection.
Screams in "Egwene and Leane trying to sow the seeds of mutiny one sister, accepted and novice at a time while prisoners", holy shit
Egwene becomes an Amyrlin for the novices, advising, comforting them, and extending this quiet support to sisters and Accepted and I love her so very much.
Laras truest ally. She'll help Egwene like she did Leane and Siuan, I tell you.
"Eventually she would teach them what she was." - EGWENE Also, again with the queer vibes. Her defiance in the face of violent rigidity and labels feels very gay.
She's apparently mediating pillow friends’ fights too.
"You’ve been kidnapped and brought aboard a sinking ship.” -
Egwene dodges Alviarin's attempts to ensnare her and absolutely dominates her conversation with Mattin.
I just love seeing her fine mind at work. Like Siuan, she's so incredibly smart.
Aes Sedai bound by the 3 oaths who swear obedience can reason their way out to an extent? That's not great for Rand...
Doesine finally interacts with Egwene, Beonin folds, Silviana talks, the novices bow... Easily the best chapter of the books so far.
I feel sorry for the women of WoT: even a woman with smaller breasts will get a description of her breasts and how doing anything will have her boobs pop out of the dress. Amazing. Tits in this universe obey to entirely different laws of physics
Elaida is a study in unravelling. And the echoes to Rand all the more delicious. This is what he risks, if he doesn't tread lightly: disobedience, allies at each other's throat, spies and DF manoeuvring in the background.
I am very confused about the amount of PDA and private discussion in public we are suddenly getting for various couples: Tuon asking for a kiss was so out there.
Of course, Mat dislikes nobles except Talmanes and Tuon. You old romantic.
I really, really wish Mat was warier of Tuon and Selucia. He's smarter than letting an invader know so much about his plans. Overall, the tolerance for a coloniser who enslaves people and slaughters others is just staggering.
Talmanes being unable to understand Tuon because of the slurring is hilarious.
The Band of the Red Hand might be the only army I feel an attachment to. Their devotion to Mat is quite moving.
My big issue with Perrin's arc is that the narrative camps on its position that He is the main character when Faile is the one driving the narrative. So we get him mostly waiting for Faile, and we get little of her POV.
Not a fan of Perrin hoping the tea will be strong enough when infused cold. It's a sound plan but you've been waiting for days! You had time to experiment! He's Ta'veren, I guess.
And Seonid adding on to the list of badass Aes Sedai. A trouper!
At least Perrin has more sense than Mat keeping the Aes Sedai and Seanchan apart. Respect to Annoura for broadcasting "fuck you, with feelings" vibes toward Tylee while the woman talks unchallenged about enslaving more people. I'd have bitten her.
Again, screw Perrin for making the personal sacrifice of letting Seanchan enslave people if it means saving Faile. He's this close to jumping the shark for me. 
The ripples are so unsettling, I love it.
Seeing Rand donning his best garbs to impress the Seanchan... Moiraine would be proud.
I feel so bad for Rand. There was a time Min was a genuine source of comfort and now she's frankly overbearing and treats him like a child.
Oooooh, I thought the trap was set by Tuon's sister and was not expecting Semirhage at all! Also, Rand lost his hand? Wth?!?
So, tattoos can be restored through healing? I am not taking any notes here, none at all.
Semirhage revealing Rand's voices to everyone will not help his standing at all. Thankfully, Asha'man and Aes Sedai are getting closer which means more trust for him from these two groups.
"I am Cadsuane Melaidhrin. I look forward to long talks with you." - she's so hardcore.
Well, now he's aware the Seanchan have male a'dam, thank the Light. He'll be more careful.
Frankly, the way Mat treats Teslyn and Tuon as a "both sides" issue is so off-putting. One is literally trying to enslave the other.
I get such satisfaction from seeing Mat impress Tuon and Teslyn with his military tactics. Also, I love it when the plan succeeds thanks to collaboration.
As evident as Galina's treachery was, the escapees encouraging Morgase to channel was lovely. I’m curious about how Morgase wasn’t affected by the tea, but perhaps they drink from a different source as servants?
I don't like the Asha'man being overworked and exhausted. They should unionise.
What is so frustrating about Galina's obvious trap is that the main characters are constantly suspicious of Aes Sedai EXCEPT when they should be.
And Perrin and Faile are back together! At last! I do appreciate that Faile would have gotten herself out without Perrin, even if it failed toward the end.
Did Morgase faint because of the tea in the water or because she overdrew the One Power?
Perrin wanting to execute Galina on the spot, leaving all the Shaido Wise Ones in slavery... I feel sick. I genuinely hate him right now. I am glad he feels what the Seanchan do is disgraceful; it will be a great comfort to the people they captured.
I am so tired of people stripping their prisoners, so tired.
At Last the Shaido are leaving. I feel a little sorry for Galina: being trialled and executed would have been a mercy compared to what she will experience at the hands of Therava.
I won't comment on the expedition to High Moon Street because that was so foolish it left me speechless. That was even more clownish than the Far Madding outing. 
Adeleas went to the Moiraine stabbing school of dealing with DF which I salute.
They cut down oaks hundreds of years old to make gateway grounds? Are we in Isengard?
Siuan and Egwene behave far more like adults sisters than Birgitte and Elayne: these two are like a much older sibling having to look after her disaster teenage sister.
A Birgitte POV chapter! What a delight! Like Berelain, she really is the MVP. Also Dyelin. Yes, I still ship them.
I love seeing her perspective on losing her memories. It makes her friendship with Mat of the 100 lives all the more touching.
Elayne's capture, the mercenaries, Arymilla's attack feel like such a waste: the bloodbath is a direct consequence of Elayne's recklessness. It's immensely frustrating because it's the same mistake made during the BA hunt back in book 2 to 5 except this time she’s a leader so her people die. She should know better.
The ending of the Caemlyn siege and succession felt rather rushed? Everything happened all at once and so suddenly after books of dawdling as if Elayne was ta'veren. Which she probably is tbh. I didn't enjoy this arc as much as Egwene’s or Rand's political intrigues so I'm glad it's done and she’s Queen at last. It was a fun concept, but I’m not sure about the execution.
Karede tracking Tuon and the marriage were rather cute. It might be one of the most well-developed romance in the books, oddly. I appreciate that Mat has been defeating the Seanchan for weeks now, so his leniency with Tuon is somewhat mitigated.
I get the Aludra hype now. I love a good resistance fighter and she is amazing.
"I think,” Joline said slowly. “Yes, I feel in danger, now." - The Aes Sedai are so funny.
That last battle was well set-up with a nice use of external POV and the humour in Mat's chapters is always a pleasure. His reluctance, about being a hero, a general, a husband, makes him really endearing too. He's very Nynaeve-like in his begrudging devotion. I just wish Mat wasn’t so at ease with the Seanchan.
How very Suroth of Suroth to be caught by Tuon in the epilogue though.
Pevara is extremely brave, extremely confident and extremely naïve to walk into the Black Tower like that.
As strongly as the book started, the ending wasn't as powerful as it could have been in my opinion. I would have preferred to end on Rand or Egwene whose final chapters felt more explosive. The Perrin, Elayne and even Mat plot conclusions felt a little like ticking boxes on a check list. They would have wowed me more had the plotlines not been stretched over several books. For example, LoC was very slow, but the conclusion at Dumai’s Well made it worth it for me.
It was still enjoyable and the Egwene chapters were some of the best I’ve read in a while, but we spent so much time on arcs with a foregone conclusion that at the end I didn't even care anymore.
And Nyn’s arc is still MIA. I thought that for a moment she would get something to do in the long run with Lan's ride but nope. She is shadowing Rand, but Cads is doing most of the counselling so far, and I don’t see the books introducing the kind of juicy conflict we got between Rand and Moiraine, if only because it would be repetitive. She also deserves to have an actual plotline that is about her character like Egwene and Elayne and not helping Rand.
I would be remiss in not mentioning this was RJ's last full book: when I started this journey, I wasn't particularly fond of his writing style, but I grew to enjoy his voice. I will miss his quasi photographic descriptions and impressionistic battles.
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skoulsons · 1 year
I’m sure I sound like a broken record, but I was rewatching Ellie read Bill’s note and I noticed something while watching Joel’s reaction to it at like 1.7x zoom
“We have a job to do” and his eyebrows crease just so. He had a job to do, and he failed at it. Failed at protecting and saving Sarah. Failed at protecting and saving Tess. That part of him that is so prevalent failed to save the two people he loved the most
“And help any motherfuckers who stand in our way” and his eyebrows crease ever so slightly more. That solider stood in his way to protecting Sarah completely. He should’ve been the man to help Joel protect Sarah. The man who should’ve helped get Joel and Sarah to safety while Joel went out to make sure Tommy was okay. But instead, he was what broke it and tore that hope. That stood in Joel’s way. And he didn’t get to do to him what he wished. To hurt him for hurting her. Kill him for killing her. And instead, that comes out on the QZ soldier when events line up, twenty years later.
And now, with every kill and encounter from this point forward, no one will stand in Joel’s way of doing what is so instilled in him as a man, but especially as a father, which is protecting this little girl. And succeeding this time.
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buttercupblu · 4 days
Studying with Choso🌱🫧🌷
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Student!Choso x Reader One-Shot
the deets: Poor Cho - he's been best friends with books and binders for weeks on end with little to no time for his favorite subject; You 🥺. With his finals just around the corner, his cram sessions are in full swing... and affections absent. So, being the angel that you are, you decide to give him a helping hand. w.c: 3.8k tags: fem!reader, fem!top/switch (kinda), teasing, nipple play, breath play, choking, handjob, praise, pet names, Ph.D student Choso|mention of: rough penetration, bruising, throat fucking, 18+ MDNI a.n: what began as a daydream turned into my 1st (completed) JJK fanfic - go crazy, go stupid|don't talk to me about the latest spoilers ... pls 🥲
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He’s been at it for hours now. 
The clock ticking against the silence in the room made that obnoxiously apparent. 
Hums of Lofi coming from the living room is your only saving grace. The peace and tranquility he needs to concentrate starkly contrasts the infectious heat growing in your lower body. 
Nibbling on your nails proves meek, as your thighs, acting as hand warmers, begin to ache. You couldn’t help but palm your pussy while trying to resist the urge to interrupt Choso’s study session.
Your cunny kept speaking to you with a raging heartbeat. Begging you to march in there and demand attention as he’d been home for hours with little to no sprinkles of affection. 
You groan, burying your face into your pillow. 
“Baaabe,” you call out, a pout forming on your lips. 
As much as you wanted to quell your growing pains, you knew this was a really important exam for Choso - one of his last hurdles before wrapping up his Ph.D program. Knowing how much it meant to Choso, you feel a twinge of guilt. 
Your little man was on his way to wearing white lab coats and curing diseases, saving lives one cure at a time. A faint smile finds your face thinking about it. You could see him clearly, donning goggles and blue gloves; his signature spiky buns (adding to the charm) are truly adorable. His little face is a picture of concentration, completely absorbed in his work while taking measurements and recording data; you could almost hear the sound of his pen scratching on the notepad. 
The image of him so absorbed in his work is both charming and impressive; it always makes your heart flutter.
You just knew that those bitches he’s going to be working with better watch themselves. 
Choso in that element alone was enough to make you fold; you could only imagine working so closely with him for multiple hours and taking more than your fair share of quick glances—clenching your thighs to steady your desires to have him bend you over the metal table just to feel the coolness against your nipples. 
“I’m sorry, babe,” Choso whines back. It breaks you out of your jealousy-filled fantasy. Yet, you find your fingertips damp from the arousal between your legs. “I just need a bit more time.” You hear the fatigue in his voice. Knowing your love is so tired and hard at work breaks your heart. 
But that’s all he’s been doing as of late, and you felt as if you hadn’t seen each other in ages. Between his hours-long sessions at the lab and catching up on sleep, you barely had time to cuddle at bedtime. You missed his warmth, his strong arms instinctively bringing you closer to him as he slept. The way your bodies formed a perfect C as he kissed into your neck.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And you are surely suffering at the moment. 
The multiple attempts to dissuade his attention from his books were fruitless. 
Casual walk-bys in his favorite silky shorts of yours, the ones that hug above your plump undercuff, went unnoticed. You were sure he could feel the wind against his face as you swished by, making sure your cheeks lingered in his air for a second or two. 
He paid it no mind.. 
It wasn't until you stopped dead in front of him that he finally turned his attention to you, pausing to follow his wandering eyes around the wavy rim of your shorts. The design stretched around your plush thighs creating an imprint on your body, marking your velvety skin. Your arms crossed firmly on your chest push your tits into full view; the accompanying pout on your face made his dick jump.
He sighs, trailing his hands up your thighs to the small of your back, and pulls you in between his legs. A deep breath follows as he inhales your rosy scent, savoring the fragrance he wishes he could bottle and horde.
His chin rests on your lower belly as he looks up at you with puppy dog eyes. “An hour. I promise.”
He peers over the rim of his reading glasses, looking on with a furrowed brow and pouty lip, squeezing at your hips.
You couldn’t resist melting when he’s like this.
His eyes beg for patience, but his hands, wavering under the cuffs of your cheeks, say otherwise. A gentle squeeze on your inner thigh confirms it; you bite your lip at his firm grasp, his eyes never leaving yours. 
Fawk me. 
"Hmph.” you lower into his lap, perfectly molding your body against his. Resting your head on his shoulder, your hands find solace at the nape of his neck. He's so warm. His arms find home around your waist, a sensation that always makes you feel so secure, so small. So needy.
You rock into him, the smell of his hair drugging you as you try to be as close as possible, barely able to control the need to dry-hump him for relief. 
Oh, how his heavenly thighs would be a perfect candidate. 
“One hour? You promise, Cho?” your whine, coupled with the dampness of your shorts, incites a bulge between your thighs. The friction of which alone could get you off if you kept up the pace.
This doesn't go unnoticed of course, and it took all of Choso’s restraint to keep him from dragging your hips back and forth himself, letting you use him like a fucktoy against your clit.
Or better yet, take you like this. It would be so easy for him to snake his arms under your legs and prop you up to bounce on his dick. He was sure the chair was sturdy enough to handle him abusing you.
The thought was mind-numbingly irresistible. 
He tugs at his bottom lip, swallowing a moan and holding you a bit tighter.
“I promise.” pressing a kiss on your ear, his fingers float down your spine. You could stay like this for the rest of the night if it were up to you, but you knew his studies were critical. Besides, maybe your patience would come with a reward—a nice fat one. The one sitting neatly in his shorts, threatening to poke out from under you at the present moment. 
But that was almost an hour ago.
The hour he promised he would be done by. 
And lying in bed with your head hanging off of the side, picturing Choso ramming his dick down your throat, certainly wasn’t helping the throbbing in your core. You pull your hand from your shorts, marveling at the webs between your fingers. Frowning immediately after.
Fine. If he wouldn’t come to you…
You huff, sitting up to head to the living room only to be met with Choso’s back turned to you—his head buried in papers and woe. A mischievous grin plays on your face as you tiptoe behind him.
Your arms wrap lovingly around his neck and drift down his chest. He jumps a little, feeling a tug on the bottom of his shirt. Your icy hands slip underneath and palm his chest before he can argue. 
“You keep it so cold in here, Cho,” you nuzzle into his neck, “How am I supposed to stay warm?” 
Your hands snake around his torso until they brush his pink nips. The rhythmic beat of his heart picks up against your fingers. A slight tug elicits a groan from his lips. “Babe,” he winces, “What are you doing?”
You giggle, twirling them between your fingers before pulling out to caress his scalp—a certified soft spot of his and your favorite place to play.
To help him concentrate, of course. 
You tumble through his brunette locks like gentle waves. It’s almost comical how easily his head falls back against your breasts. The sensation mixed with exhaustion turns him into putty in your hands. You gaze lovingly at his bliss-ridden face and softly closed eyes. Slow, shallow breaths escape his rosy lips as if he’s lost in a peaceful dream.
His naturally dark under-eyes show signs of how busy he’s been. anyone else would assume the purple hue came from sleep deprivation (partially true), but you loved how the blush features coveted his face. To you, they only enhance his already striking features, making him all the more breathtakingly beautiful.
Even without an impossible schedule on top of it.
You were enamored with his unwavering commitment to his ambitions, aspirations, and most importantly, you. It was impressive seeing how he seamlessly balanced his pursuit of success and his affection for you, always making time for meaningful moments together. On top of caring for his younger brother Yuji, the cutest little manic dumpling in existence, you couldn’t help but awe at his ability to juggle everything and still find a way to make you feel cherished.
The thought of it all sends butterflies from your tummy to your toes.
His exposed neck begs for attention. You lean, brushing your soft lips against the skin. Careful to ghost over his collarbone, sending trimmers to his ears. The temptation to swipe his earlobe with your tongue flashes through your mind, a feat you know would send his dick through his pants. 
Instead, you slowly wrap your hand around his jaw, pulling his head back further. His eyes lock on your playful smile; his stunned face makes you nuzzle your thighs together. 
“Y/N-” he starts but your lips silence the protest. He melts into your hand feeling your tongue dip into his mouth. His feeble attempt to object fleets like seconds on a clock. 
Mint chocolate fills your mouth tasting the sweet treats he nibbles on to get him through the night. You couldn't stand the taste of chocolate-flavored toothpaste, but you would swallow a barrel full just to sample it from the lips that always took your breath away.
Quelled by your touch, Choso softens in his seat. How could he resist? Your tongue was nectar on any given day, and he was your hummingbird. 
Your hands travel down his chest, lingering on his waist and treasured v-section. Something he worked on sculpting 2 to 3 times a week, though you swore it came naturally. A waist this slutty simply could not be built in a gym. It was your favorite playground on nights when you could not resist the urge to sink your teeth into flesh.
Followed by whines from Choso.
And your knees shaking and shoved against your chest for tempting him.
You pause before his delectable thighs, capturing an involuntary mew when you glide over them. Fuck, he thinks, I’m such a slut—battling between needing to study and needing your touch. 
What began as mischief morphs into something brilliant, feeling your boyfriend writhe in his chair.
Pulling away from his pillowy lips, a smile forms on yours. He looks on, dazed, almost upset that you stole away.
“Cho..,” you breathe, “What is the central dogma of molecular biology?” His eyes pop open. Your fingers on his thigh slow. You hold a lustful stare, watching his mind search for the answers. 
“Um, the flow of genetic information within a biological system?”
You nod happily, resuming your strokes. His lips twitch in response. 
“What isss… the role of CRISPR-Cas9 in genome editing?” You inch closer to his inner thigh. His eyes flash to your hand.
“Aht aht,” tilting his chin, “Look at me when you answer.” Your fingers press deeper into his jaw, the result of which makes his dick strain against his shorts and stretch the fabric. Pulsing thumps vibrate through your other hand when you cup his length to still him. 
Heat finds your face as you palm the growing tent. The boy had been blessed with a toe-curling gift that shot stars into your eyes every time it sank into your core. Your dainty little hands paled in comparison to the massive limb - it was a wonder how he ever managed to fit inside you - let alone between your fingers. 
Yet, you still managed to take him so well, he thought. Stretching around him with ease, bringing curses to his mouth every time he bottomed out. Always so wet and ready for him at the simplest touch. It was more like your pussy always craved the challenge, sucking and swallowing him like a pure essence. 
The words catch in his throat. “It-it’s a genome editing tool that comes from bacterial immune systems,” he wets his lips, clenching his fingers, “It uses a.. guide RNA to target specific DNA sequences and Cas9 enzyme to introduce precise changes, like a um, gene knockout or uh….insertion, in various organisms.” 
“Good boy,” you coo, pressing a plush kiss onto his lips again. He blushes red at the sound of praise. The words stimulating a part of his brain that makes him docile and dumb.
Raking nails and plump lips battle for his attention. He feels breathless at your touch. You barely had time to kiss each other before starting your mornings. And now, here you were, toying with him like a trinket.
The questions come with ease, a result of genuine curiosity and random peeks over his shoulder during long nights of cramming.
Difficulty increases as you rattle them off. The look of astonishment on Choso’s face says he didn’t know that you had been paying such close attention. You were no stranger to flashcards and practice quizzes yourself, having become accustomed to them during your undergrad studies. And though those four years may have driven you close to insanity, the habits proved permanent. And were being put to good use on your overworked boyfriend.
“Mmmm,” a thumb dances along the rim of his shorts, “What kind of stem cell research uses Patient-derived iPSCs?”
His brows furrow feeling the elastic stretch around his waist, “Umm, regenerative medicine, no, disease modeling and drug discovery.” skimming his hips sets his nerves on fire. A quick pop of the waistband sends him into outer space. The look of defeat is adorable, his glasses fogging a little. 
He was so cute, so easily coaxed into trembles from the slightest touch. 
You chuckle, nodding, “And if they can model human diseases, then?”
Searching for the solution sends him into a panic. His mouth gapes, but your fingers do not waver, pressing between his thighs, patiently awaiting his answer.
You can tell he’s overthinking it, second-guessing even. My poor baby, you think. Your eyes soften watching him. A gentle expression that reminds him why he tries at all.
With a soft tug of your thumb on his bottom lip, the answer is clear. 
 “...They can be used to help researchers save lives”.
The simplest answer is most often the best.
You smile, “Correct.” In one swoop, his shorts fall just enough to allow his dick to spring out. It slaps against his stomach, thumping against the cool air. A slick of arousal glistens from the head down to the shaft. You fixate on the lip-licking sight, hungry for a taste.
Choso’s hazy eyes are a close second; his struggle to keep them open is noticeably appetizing. The devil may be the most beautiful fallen angel, but it’d be a run for his money if Choso had wings.  
Your hands are careful to tease his length, lightly drawing long lines and circles. Pressing your fingertips into him on correct answers, slowing when he hesitates. Pure agony wouldn’t come close to describing the restraint Choso is using to keep himself grounded. 
Oh, how easy it would be for him to take you into his lap and fuck you senseless for being such a tease. To wrap his arms around your waist and bully you down onto his cock until you both gushed and mewed.
Truthfully, he was spurred on by your newfound dominance—each thump of his dick attesting to the ache and self-control he’s sustained over days of rigorous scheduling.
Tension had been building for weeks. Every encounter was filled with stolen glances and lingering touches. Brushing fingertips as you left in the morning. Sleepy hugs, that could’ve lasted longer, at the end of the day. The air was thick with a mix of desire and frustration as repressed affection hung heavy in the space between you. Every moment was a delicate balance of longing and limits.
You never considered taking matters into your own hands, literally. 
Choso was so lost in the sauce that you thought it would be cruel. 
But the way he folded under you like origami awakened something inside of you. Like fire to a flame, this newfound desire to take what you wanted was exhilarating. “Are you still with me, Cho-baby?”. 
Choso has always been known for his exceptional memory. Whether it was recalling a complex molecular chain in the lab or remembering your favorite order at all the eateries in town, he never had any issues with recollection.
But now, he was sure he would forget his own name if you asked him. His short-circuiting brain grew increasingly useless against your skilled hands. “Hmph,” pulling your bottom lip with your teeth, “No?”
Grazing his mushroom tip turns his words to mush. His stringy pre-cum is a delicious lubricant for the circles you draw. "Mmm," you moan, imagining sucking it down your throat.
With a gentle press, it spills over your thumbs, soaking your hand and eliciting another stifled moan from Choso. You grin. It’s music to your ears and hell on your soaked panties, fueling a primal hunger that intensifies with every gasp and tremble. 
Your throbbing cunt is an undeniable testament. Cursed with an insatiable need to be sopping and full.
It’s impossible for Choso not to arch into your hand, betraying his own body for more of your cunning touch—seeking more of the intoxicating pleasure only you can provide. Resisting was foolish—if you were a drug, Choso was an addict.
“Oh?” transfixing on his soft grind, “Does that feel good, Cho?” he blushes beet red, this time looking away, but you’re quick to bring him back, steadying his jaw between your fingers and instructing him not to move.
Fuck. He could cum just from the look on your pretty face towering over him, stern and seductive. “Answer me baby, use your words.”  
His lungs feel cloudy as you wrap your hand around his length, his mouth falling open in tandem as you stroke up and down his length with ease, increasing pressure from the base to the tip as if trying to coax the words out of him. How you wish you could straddle him and do the same with your pussy—use the desk for leverage and ride him into oblivion until you milked him dry.
His breath matches the rhythm of your strokes in a needy way, sending waves of electricity from your chest to your toes. You can't help but press your breasts closer, cradling his head between your pillows like a second home. “Does. This. Feel. Good?”
He swallows, “s-so good… so. fucking. good,” it drags out of him.
It was a sultry vice grip, swallowing him with your stroke, stealing his breath. His last cling to sanity was his grasp on the seat of the chair, almost turning his knuckles pale white.
Despite being the giver and not the receiver, your own arousal equally intensifies with each desperate moan, shudder, and gasp that escapes his lips—the wetness between your thighs becomes almost unbearable. Every sound consumes rational thought, only leaving a craving for more.
Forgetting your impromptu questionnaire, you decide you’d like to see how long he can go like this, having been days since your last quickie in the kitchen, hips roughly pushed into the counter as he fucked into you. The sight of you reaching into the fridge, exposing your pretty panties, brought on the occasion. And suddenly you were very familiar with the cabinets as he spread you open for a taste. You wore the bruises for days like a badge of honor for taking him as long as you did.
But now, as you rolled your thumb over his supple slit, you were sure he could come undone in a matter of seconds.
He groans feeling you suddenly lick and nip at his earlobe, your devilish thoughts from earlier coming true. You kiss heat into him, twisting your hand up and down; he twitches with every pump, ears growing hot. "Aww baby," you purr, listening to the wet sloshes of your hand. 
You bite the inside of your lip feeling your throbbing clit match the raging heartbeat in his dick. You'd slip your fingers into your soppy pussy and curl them until you came if they weren't so occupied with holding Choso's eyes on you. "You've been working so hard," you whine, "Are you gonna cum for me, Cho?" dipping down now and then to caress his balls, the squelching sounds battle for dominance over the serene Lofi beat. His only response being whimpers and a slight head nod lets you know that he’s close.
Your other hand slides down from his jaw to his throat, locking with a light squeeze. “Mmmph,” the restriction drives him closer, beginning to mindlessly pump himself into your hand. You squeeze at the base as if to milk him of all his worries. “I’m gonna…” 
“You’re gonna what?” your pressure increases on his neck, matching the growing knot in his stomach. His face flushes, but you wait for his tell. He fucks into your hand, following a string of silent curses, when you see it, that familiar thigh twitch.
His mouth falls wide open, sucking in air, “F-fuck i-i'm cu-” you shove your tongue down his throat making sure he tastes you completely, stealing the air from his lungs as he cums. His hand entangles in your hair, the orgasm cracking like lightning through him as his seed spills over your fingers, shuddering from his hips down. 
But you don't stop—continuing to pump, making sure to milk out every last drop. His pulsing dick provides a steady stream of hot spurts until his thrusts turn sloppy and his abs begin to ache. Your sloppy kiss silences his guttural moans until his eyes roll into the back of his head.
Finally, you pull away, a string of slick connecting your tongues, letting him breathe. The cool air soothes his heavy pants and heaving chest. You watch his spent face, his eyes following your fingers to your mouth as you lick them clean. The act stimulates his softening dick, adding a final spurt to the mess you’ve created on his lap.
You giggle, removing his glasses and setting them aside to plant a kiss on his forehead and blushing scar. A familiar ring chimes through the air. The sound you had become accustomed to on early mornings that started your day.
Hmm, he really was keeping up with the time, you think. 
You lean down, smiling against his cheek, “Looks like your hour is up, babe.” You rub his surely sore neck and peck it.
His hand, still grasping your hair, catches you before you can pull away. Your eyes widened at the sudden shift. You gasp when he pulls you back, meeting his gaze as his lips curl into a sinful smile—watching his dick slowly thump back to life from the corner of your eye. He leans closer and whispers in your ear, his voice raspy and dry but very, very clear.
“Yours is just starting.”
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pottedplant53 · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland Birthdates/Birthyears, In Order.
A comprehensive list of each TWST character’s exact birthdate, in order, down to the year + their ages. This will be going off of Twisted Wonderland’s release date, (2020), and not the current year (2023 at the time of writing). Contains chapter 7 spoilers.
- I’m aware that the Japanese school year starts in April instead of September, but for some reason my brain refused to process this so I ended up doing these based around the school year cut-off being September. I decided to post it anyway, since I’m pretty sure most of it’s still accurate, though I may do a Japanese version at some point!
Lilia – Unknown, 1321. Chosen date is January 1st, 1321. (699 Years Old).
Silver – Unknown, 1621. Chosen date is May 15th, 2003. (299 - 300 Years Old, mentally 16 - 18).
Malleus – January 18th, 1842. (178 Years Old).
Leona – July 27th, 2000. (20 Years Old).
Trey – October 25th, 2001. (18 Years Old).
Rook – December 2nd, 2001. (18 Years Old).
Idia – December 18th, 2001. (18 Years Old).
Cater – February 4th, 2002. (18 Years Old).
Vil – April 9th, 2002. (18 Years Old).
Jamil – September 12th, 2002. (17 Years Old).
Jade - November 5th, 2002. (17 Years Old).
Floyd - November 5th, 2002. (17 Years Old).
Azul – February 24th, 2003. (17 Years Old).
Ruggie – April 18th, 2003. (17 Years Old).
Kalim – June 25th, 2003. (17 Years Old).
Riddle – August 24th, 2003. (17 Years Old).
Ace – September 23rd, 2003. (16 Years Old).
Jack – October 11th, 2003. (16 Years Old).
Sebek – March 17th, 2004. (16 Years Old).
Epel – May 6th, 2004. (16 Years Old).
Deuce – June 3rd, 2004. (16 Years Old).
Ortho – August 14th, 2011 - 2013. (6 - 8 Years Old, mentally 11 - 16).
~Ortho’s age is anonymous, so I had to do some speculations and maths here. I’m going to assume that R!Ortho was 8 years old at the date of his death, and that Idia constructed O!Ortho when he was around 10. This would give their parents plenty of time to start caring about Robortho before the pair left for Night Raven. I’m going to assume that O!Ortho is either 3 years old with the mental state of an 11 year old, or 3 years old with the mental state of a 16 year old (since he joined the first years, albeit as a special exception). Personally I’m leaning more towards the former.
~If Lilia was 300 years old during the war and Silver was a baby at the time (seemingly 0 - 1 years old) then that would mean that his birthyear falls somewhere between 1620 - 1622, most likely 1621. Lilia also states that the day he found Silver was the day that he decided for Silver's birthday, meaning that the odds of May 15th being his real birthday are 1/365. During Silver's identity crisis dream we see what he looked like on the day that Lilia found him, which we've established was May 15th, and he looks to be roughly 6 months old.
It's possible that Lilia thought of this and decided to consider this Silver's 1st birthday, but if that were the case, there's a good 50% chance that Silver has actually been awake for 16 years of his life, which would actually be very clever since Aurora was 16. In the reverse, if Lilia decided to treat the day he found Silver as the day he was born, then there's a 50% chance that Silver is actually 18. Basically what I'm saying is I haven't got a fucking clue-)
Hope you get some use out of it, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on anything <3
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roseapov · 7 days
I can't calm down!
Major Spoilers to Honkai: Star Rail Main Story of version 2.2 (about basically everything) under the cut
First of all GENSHIN COULD NEVER AND IT NEVER DID! None of the Genshin Archon Quests could ever compare to this.. Masterpiece!
Hoyoverse outdone themseves completely! This whole update was truly perfect!
(Because I saw the leaks) I was like, so Harmony MC wasn't needed in the Sunday fight? But weren't they mandatory? Why was it so easy?
Until the plot went farther and we had a real fight with Sunday! And my jaw dropped. I'm a big fan of this fight! But I expected it to be harder- I literally build my Ruan Mei with some random pieces in one day for it-
This was the most beautiful and emotional moment in this entire version! Also MC's response to 'Why does life chose to slumber'? BHJDwfabshkjnlaksvdjfbkhjsnlBKHAFSDBKJEFL
That moment and the whole quest made me really love this sibling duo! It was so sweet how Sunday was always concerned for Robin and was caring about her more than for himself. Also, Robin got shot at the neck-
I'll admit the moment when Dan Heng and Jing Yuan appeared in Ena's dream was so funny and random, but the entreance was indeed surprising and gorgeous! Honestly I couldn't stop smiling at Jing Yuan🥹
Mikhail's indentity was WTF honestly, the fates of the 3 Nameless were sad, mostly Tiernan. And Acheron's real name!
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*inhale and exhale*
Sunday looked so good and sexy during his boss fight~🤣
I'm happy we got lots of Sunday this version and that Gallagher wasn't really as bad as I thought he would be!
Sunday in the confessional?!?!!?!? I'm dead
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But I have so many questions at the end of it all, such as, what exactly happened to Firefly? And will Boothill and Black Swan still travel with us (The Astral Express) just like in the dream? Would everyone really get along in the negotations in the end?
And.. What will happen in the next update? Is story in Penacony really finished?
Our next destination will probably be
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Regardless if it happened in a dream or not, they thought it was reality so it's still prob gonna be our next stop-
(Because this planet is mentioned every time, no matter which option you chose, and it wins 4 votes for Edo, and 1 abstained - if you decide to abstrain)
Btw, Harmony MC has such a beautiful icon!
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Why does March 7th have Question Marks?
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So yeah-
This update had gorgeous illustrations and stories! I love Robin's song in Sunday's fight-
Me casually before facing Sunday's first boss-
The best part is, I was like something's wrong, it's not like on the leaks when the 1st battle with Sunday happened but I eventaully forgot about it and had a big schock at the end- A truly delicious plottwist!
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I have lots of the ss's from this update...
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jinkibum-smiles · 11 days
What better way to pass time then to write up the timeline of Sol's time traveling? 😂😂
Since this includes everything from the beginning and I don't tag spoilers, I'll put it under the keep reading to be safe.
Early June 2008 - the first time she comes back to the past. I don't think we got a specific date, but the radio playing in the background indicates that it's the beginning of the summer.
Mid to Late June 2008 - based on the poster, this is around when Sun Jae's last swim competition takes place, and then he must have gotten injured the next day or a few days after this?
Early to Mid July 2008 - Sun Jae's surgery and recovery. It probably would have been about a week or two (at most?) for Sun Jae to get the surgery and then be discharged from the hospital. And right after this would have been when Sol gets drunk and Sun Jae confesses to Sol for the first time.
Around Jul 20th, 2008 is when Sol travels back to the future and 19 year old Sol comes back.
Jan 1st, 2023 - Sol travels back to the same time that she had left and I think goes back that night around midnight again.
Jul 29th, 2008 - this is the second time Sol comes back to the past. Basing the 7/20 date on her saying that 10 days have passed.
Aug 10th, 2008 is when Sol takes Sun Jae out to the movies - based on the 400m freestyle swim event that took place during the 2008 Summer Olympics.
Aug 16th, 2008 is when Geum meets Sun Jae for the first time and also Sol's dad's memorial day - based on the weightlifting event.
Aug 23rd, 2008 is when Sun Jae confesses to Sol for the second time and Sol's mother is admitted to the hospital for surgery - based on the baseball game that they were cheering for (S. Korea vs Cuba).
Sept 1st, 2008 is the day she gets kidnapped by the taxi driver - which also happens in the original timeline - and then travels back to the future.
Jan 1st, 2023 - she returns to the future for the second time and this time, she is able to walk.
Jan 15th, 2023 - Eclipse has their concert and she reunites with Sun Jae. The next day, Sun Jae is attacked.
Based on the preview for episode 9, she returns to March 2009. This means that Eclipse could still debut that summer. In the original timeline, they had debuted in July 2009.
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camellia-salazar · 15 days
April's drawings and doodles!! Get ready! 🎉🌟
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At first, I was gonna draw ARG tangled in some rope, but then the rope looked like a ribbon, so I made Gangle into a monster instead. Also, I drew two of the most underated cats from Warriors ever, especially Lionheart.
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(I started this first but finished it second). Drawings of certain characters cause their birthdays this month, except for Colin his birthday is at the end of March. I just forgot to draw him. I just love how Cody, Popee, and Waluigi share the same birthday, tho. 🎉
Edit: (No offense to those born on April 1st, btw).
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I was writing a story with these six, inspired by The New Prophecy. But I haven't written it in some time. Idk if I'll ever continue it. I don't think I'll post it anywhere, either. Probably.
The next two drawings I started a month or so ago but didn't finish until this month.
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Took quite a while to finish, but I'm glad I did. Idk where this takes place yet, but it is a scene from that crossover I keep thinking about but never really writing down.
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Either takes place before or after the drawing above it, I don't really remember. What I do know, tho is that I drew these drawings because idk I just felt like Adam would have interesting interactions with some other characters.
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I rushed this at the end. I did not want to leave it out. I want a clean slate next month. God damn it. I love crossovers, how bout you?
More about the Multifandom lore and other stuff below if you want:
Characters who die in canon that end up in the place (idk what to call it) keep being in the clothing that they died in. (Rip Ram and Kurt from Heathers: the Musical). (Spoilers warning if needed) So Adam is stuck with his robe he wore during the war with Charlie and the others from the hotel.
Also, about the 3rd drawing, like I said, it's an idea I had that, yes, takes place in the same crossover thing I think about. The colors in the background of each kiddo are involved in it, too.
The first two drawings are pretty much just some random doodles (idk what to do with the one with ARG and monster Gangle) while the other three kinda have stories to them that may or may not be written or animated on someday. (God, I hope that last sentence made sense).
Oh, and Bluey, Bingo and their cousins got to visit the Cul-De-Sac cause of a reason that's also in the multifandom/crossover I think about, I don't know if I should explain it or not. Meh.
BTW I've tried to match the original art styles of everything before, but this time, I've taken some steps forward. The hardest thing to figure out is the claynimated ones like Orel, Clay, and Claire. But I managed (for now, probably).
Edit: i went back and fixed it, I feel so much better about it now.
I even tried to have it seem like Bluey and others are slowly transitioning to the EEnE art style a bit.
But anyways, thanks for looking at my art and reading my rant! (If you did, if not, don't worry)
Have a good one! 🌟✨️✨️👋
(i keep forgetting to include my logo in my fanarts, but whatever, maybe next time, maybe next year ill start. Idk.)
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loki-cees-all · 6 months
Against All Odds {TVA!Loki x Female Reader Longfic}
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Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link
Series Summary : It was supposed to be a one-time thing : Loki was just trying to blow off some steam, and you were just trying to salvage your birthday evening. But time has a funny way of repeating itself, and now you are irrevocably entwined with each other.
Because Loki's going to turn your whole world upside down, and you're going to help him do it.
Pairing : TVA!Loki x Female Reader (Brad's date from the Zaniac movie premiere)
Tags / Content : Alternature Universe - Canon Divergence after S2 E2), Strangers to Lovers, Smut, Time Travel Shenanigans, S2 of Loki compliant-ish, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
18+ only - Minors DNI
⊱ ─ ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ─  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ─ ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ─ ⊰
Chapter 1 - Against the Wall {takes place on June 18th, 1977}
Chapter 2 - Against Each Other {takes place on June 25th, 1977}
Chapter 3 - Against Better Judgement {takes place on June 25th, 1977}
Chapter 4 - Hope Against Hope {takes place on June 26th, 1977}
Chapter 5 - Every Now and Again {takes place on June 27th, 1977]
Chapter 6 - Your Word Against Mine {takes place on June 30th 1977}
Chapter 7 - A Race Against Time {takes place on October 5th, 1893 / July 1st, 1977}
Chapter 8 - Two Strikes Against {takes place on December 24th, 1977}
Chapter 9 - Against the Tide {takes place on December 25th, 1977}
Chapter 10 - Up Against It {takes place inside the TVA / March 27th, 1977}
Chapter 11 - Against the Clock {takes place on December 26th, 1977 / April 3rd, 1994}
Chapter 12 - Against It All {takes place inside the TVA / February 14th, 1979}
Chapter 13 - Hold It Against Me {takes place on August 20th-27th, 1978}
Chapter 14 - For or Against {takes place on February 14th, 1979 / April 3rd, 1994}
Chapter 15 - Against Time Itself {takes place inside the TVA}
Chapter 16 - Let's Try This Again {takes place inside the TVA}
Chapter 17 - Again and Again {takes place inside the TVA}
Chapter 18 - Gainstand {takes place inside the TVA}
Chapter 19 - Epilogue {spoilers}
Click here to be added to my Loki fic tag list! 💚
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Finish What You Started 2024 - Event Rules
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[ID copied from alt: Event Rules on a blue background. ⬒ No new projects ◨ Any medium and any fandom welcome ⬓ NSFW inclusive, warnings must be tagged ◧ Tag #FinishWhatYouStarted2024; boosting/retweeting starts March 15th ◼ Event ends April 30, 2024]
The goal of this event is to get things done that you’ve already started. We all have unfinished projects whose incomplete status haunts us. Those are what we want to tackle!
The structure is loose, as this is a multimedia event. While primarily aimed at writers, this event is open to any kind of creative fanwork. Fics, translations, podfics, fanart, animations, cosplay - if you started it and never got it done, it qualifies. There is no sign-up required. I will not assign beta readers for writers, but I can boost requests for those who want them! And I can boost messages of those who would like to beta read.
The mod is a danmei fan mainly, but your work can be any fandom. Maybe something you started before your current fandom excitement took over, or one you keep putting off in favor of compelling new ideas.
Feel free to pass this event info along! The more the merrier!
Further rules and clarifications:
Alt text is very encouraged, especially for boost posts or artwork!
If your work is NSFW, I will only boost it if it has appropriate content warnings. Spoilering images is recommended but not required as long as it’s tagged. Do not letter-swap or abbreviate content warnings. These are so people can mute them as needed. Example: "gore" not "g0re"
Remember Tumblr can mute phrases, but each warning should be its own tag as well as in the body.
Please use genderbend or genderswap for characters depicted not as canon genders. Example: "#NSFW #genderbend #gore”
Please use Omegaverse or A/O/B for that content. The original letter order is a slur against Aboriginal peoples and will not be tolerated here, even with the slashes. It, like other racial or identity-based slurs, fall under hate speech and are thus not permitted.
This account will post weekly morale-boosting messages and helpful resources. Every Friday, starting March 15th, will be Finished It Friday. All the completed works posted that week will be boosted together in a big thread, so we can celebrate your accomplishment!
Halfway-point check-in is April 1st. Final event deadline is April 30th. The last Finished It Friday is May 3rd.
Q: Are original works acceptable?
A: This is primarily a fanwork-focused event. If original work is the only WIP you have to work on, it's certainly fine to work on it during the time frame of the event. If it is posted publicly when finished, you may tag it for boosting.
Q: Are there any restrictions on topics?
A: No, so long as your event # post is properly & fully tagged for content (see rules about tagging above). "Dead Dove" topics are allowed. Some submissions will be 18+. For me, this is less about the content and more about finishing it. 
The usual restrictions based on laws and Community Guidelines of course apply, so you may need to tailor how you post to which event space your interacting with. Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord all have their own rules. There are also some topics that are in poor taste to make fanworks around. The event organizer and mods reserve the right to not boost your work if they decide it is rage-baiting or trolling. They are not responsible for negative reactions to your works. Please be respectful of those you share a digital space with. 
Keep in mind that when I link to your finished work during a Finished It Friday, it may reach a wider audience than you may be used to.
Q: Are there any restrictions on media that can be submitted?
A: Machine Generated or "AI" images and writing are not permitted. If you are found in violation of this rule, you will be removed from the event. All images, writing, or other works must be your own.
This is a positive, shared space. Do not belittle other creators' medium of choice. Please no fandom/character/ship/creator bashing, and don't berate artists or authors for not being done with something, even if they don't finish by the end of the event. Also, please don't passive-aggressively send this event to the author of an unfinished fic you want to see done faster. 😥 Be cool, respect each other, and keep any interpersonal disagreements to your own tumblrsphere.
All posts and boosts will be crossposted to the event Twitter (finishwatustart) and Discord. Expanded rules, explanations, and Dead Dove guidelines can also be found on the Discord. (invite link in pinned post) 
Fics can be posted to the AO3 collection (archiveofourown(dot)org /collections /FinishWhatYouStarted2024_Spring)
Work-in-progress posts should be tagged #FinishWhatYouStarted2024If you complete a wip within the event, tag it #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 for boosting so we can all celebrate!
Find more information and community on the Discord, if you want! Joining the Discord is not required for the event. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
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Everything we know about The Bad Guys 2.
A post detailing everything about the sequel of The Bad Guys, from confirmed to unconfirmed information, leaks & more. We'll update the post whenever something new comes up, so stay tuned!
🟢Confirmed info:
On March 26th 2024, DreamWorks officially announced a sequel of The Bad Guys in development, coming to theaters August 1st 2025.
Synopsis: "The Bad Guys are struggling to find trust and acceptance in their newly minted lives as Good Guys, when they are pulled out of retirement and forced to do ‘one last job' by an all-female squad of criminals."
Just like the first film, whose story was loosely based on book 1 through 4 of The Bad Guys book series, it appears the sequel will be loosely based on the events of book 5 through 10 of the book series.
Returning cast & crew:
Pierre Perifel (director)
Damon Ross (producer)
JP Sans (co-director, was previously head of character animation)
Daniel Pemberton (composer)
Sam Rockwell - Mr. Wolf
Marc Maron - Mr. Snake
Craig Robinson - Mr. Shark
Akwafina - Ms. Tarantula
Anthony Ramos - Mr. Piranha
Zazie Beetz - Diane Foxington
Richard Ayoade - Professor Marmalade
Alex Borstein - Misty Luggins
Lilly Singh - Tiffany Fluffit
Voice actors for the new characters have not yet been revealed. Director Pierre Perifel previously confirmed that Marmalade's real identity is indeed true to what it is in the books (no spoilers) although it is unknown if the reveal shall be made in the sequel, despite him strongly pointing towards it being the case.
🟡Yet to be confirmed:
According to IMDb, the budget of The Bad Guys 2 is that of $80M. The budget of the first film was $70M. It also claims that the creator & author of The Bad Guys himself (Aaron Blabey) will write the script alongside Ethan Cohen. Aaron was previously the producer on the first film, in order to ensure the characters he created are well portrayed.
On March 9th 2023, an insider known as "The V Scooper" on twitter revealed that a sequel of DreamWorks' The Bad Guys is in development. He even provided some extra plot details of the movie, which closely resembles that of the official synopsis. Although he commented that some plot points may change in the final version of the script, since that was still early on in production.
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diasomnia-month · 4 months
Diasomnia Month 2024
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Hey Dia fans!!! Welcome to the first ever tumblr Diasomnia month!
Why not kick off the beginning of the year with a daily dose of Diasomnia? Starting from March 1st and until March 31st, this blog will be hosting Diasomnia month. This post will tell you everything you need to know!
- You may post any kind of content related to Diasomnia! Art, fics, memes, edits, analysis, etc. If you’ve mentioned @diasomnia-month and use the #diasomniamonth or #diasomonth2024 tags, then your post will be reblogged here!
*All content must be SFW. Blood and gore are allowed, but must be tagged. If you have any questions about what is accepted, just send an ask.
- Don’t sweat it if you miss a prompt, you may post your late works any day of the month until the 31st and it will be reblogged here. All we ask is that you don’t skip ahead and wait for each corresponding day to pass for each prompt.
- Don’t steal, trace, repost, or use other’s works and claim it as your own. This regards posting things that aren’t yours to the diasomnia month tag, and stealing works reblogged here. That’s just disrespectful man.
- No ships! We’d like to keep it between diasomnia, as this is supposed to be a month dedicated just for them. So please don’t bring in additional characters besides the dia boys’ other family members.
- This blog will reblog posts that include Book 7 spoilers, but they must be tagged appropriately.
- Have fun! Don’t stress over getting every prompt done. Do whatever you want with the prompts provided and get creative! Let all your horrible and crazy dia thoughts run wild.
Prompt list:
Sun and Moon
Love language
Ice cream
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book-casee · 1 month
Spoilers for In Stars and Time ending!!!!
Thinking about parallels between King and Siffrin. People with no home, no family, no memory, with powers neither of them fully understand that are born of and used to perpetuate and capture snapshots of the few things they hold dear to them after losing a home they can never return to. Even their boss fights. They grow in size exponentially, their eyes are hidden!!! (At least in Bigrrin’s 1st phase). (Also I love how in Bigrrin’s fight theme the end has these drums that play almost like a march. Idk I think it’s cool :))
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kafus · 3 months
i know at the moment the episode with dot and her mom hasn't aired but i'm losing my mind over the direct contrast of her and liko's family dynamics. i'm reading a lot into the episode preview right now so my thoughts might change later but like, it is itching at my brain and i need to ramble about it
(i watch the subtitled version so spoilers ahead for episodes that haven't been released dubbed yet!!)
liko has pretty distant family, her grandma is usually off doing god knows what adventuring (she wasn't even going to tell liko that she was leaving the brave asagi and liko & co only threw the surprise party because liko overheard her talking with friede about it!!), and while she speaks positively of her parents, it's odd that her mom isn't home at all when she's with her dad in one episode, and that her mom doesn't come to see her off - her mom said herself that she wants liko to make her own choices and her teaching style is pretty hands off, but it's still a pretty bold move, even with the threat of the explorers around. i don't think this is an unintentional side effect of the curse upon all pokemon parents where they have to be okay with the child protagonist going on a wild adventure either, because horizons has an honestly large focus on family dynamics (including the found family on the brave asagi), and hell even delia expressed more concern for ash's wellbeing. and like... that one shot of her family walking away in the op?? in direct contrast to roy sitting happily reading the ancient adventurer book with his grandfather?? lol
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not to say that liko's family don't care about her btw, they do, they're just incredibly hands off and there's a huge focus on liko figuring out what she wants to do on her own terms. (this wasn't meant to be a liko family psychology post sorry LMAO i could get into this way for way longer some other time)
on the other hand, murdock is already implied to be very attached to dot, he just respects her boundaries and doesn't want to push her past her limits too quickly. he lives on the brave asagi with her and is shown to fret about her, so that's already a pretty big difference, though not suuper substantial or anything. but then the episode 41 preview, the implication that dot has an overprotective and overbearing mother who she's uncomfortable with because she is trying to tell her what to do is in DIRECT contrast to liko's situation. liko has had so much choice handed to her and it seems implied that dot's mom is doing the exact opposite for her daughter.
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again we have very limited snippets of this episode and the wait is UNBEARABLY LONG BTW... LIKE... MARCH 1ST... I'M DYING... but i'm really interested to see how this plays out (especially because it implies that dot fights her mother maybe at the end?? her lycanroc??) and i hope it goes a little hard on the contrasting family energy so i can make something out of that between liko and dot. because there's a dynamic to be had there where liko is able to understand closer familial connection through like, dot and murdock, while liko is able to show dot she can make her own choices and be more confident in herself - WHICH THEY'RE ALREADY DOING BTW, the rising volteccers r just one big found family that are giving liko a ton of guidance and love, including murdock, and liko and roy have dragged dot out of her shell and she's been able to stand on her own lately, IT WOULD JUST... REALLY HIT IT HOME FOR THOSE THEMES TO CONTINUE HERE...
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
The Astrological Observation of Gen Z, (a series)
Part I 👼🏽🩷:
The rise & fall of "chick flicks" & the possible resurgence of those films thanks to Barbie? 💗 + Victoria's Secret Angels/fashion show makes a come back, will it succeed 👼🏽?
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Here is the birth chart (placidus) of the most loved and adored doll of all time, Barbie! The Barbie movie begun filming in March 2022, had it's first premiere on July 9th, 2023, and was aired officially on July 21st, 2023. If the movie started to be filmed in March 2022, then that means the movie would have been created during Barbie's solar return. The movie was going to have a big impact on the world from the moment it was produced. Although, yes of course it's Barbie who's super famous, but I believe that the intention behind the film was more sincere than other movies in comparison. In Barbie's solar return chart, there is a fear of being "forgotten" or "lost", which is exactly what Barbie struggled with in the movie. There is an Aquarius dominance and a 11th and 9th house stellium. Her North node, Moon, and Uranus are in her 12th house which deals with the subconscious. In the film, Barbie and the woman who owned her as a little girl had a telepathic connection (Aquarius Venus at 2° in the 9th house), which she did not know until she started having "oppressive thoughts about death" (Aquarius Mercury in the 10th house at 28°). Which Weird Barbie gives her a "choice" of going back to normal or knowing the secrets of the universe (a spiritual awakening). Which then explains how her 11th house and 9th house partnered together in the film. Friendship, philosophy, and wisdom all being important lessons that Barbie was forced to experience. Barbie's journey throughout the movie was painful and scary. She wasn't able to be the one to give advice or help little girls anymore, this time - people had to help her, which gave her the confidence to become the woman she wanted to become (Barbie has so many squares and conjuctions in her solar return chart, like let me go buy a Barbie doll and tell her how much I love her, I'm so sorryyyy 💔😭).
Barbie's transits on the day of the Barbie movie's official release. Aspects that are standing out to me are Part of Fortune sextile Pluto, Uranus sextile Moon, Pluto sextile Jupiter, Mercury trine Venus, and Mars square Ascendant. The movie will go down as a cult classic. It globally is a big hit on social media and caused people to even dress, think, and feel differently (especially regarding their femininity). The mars square ascendant could be why men or people with internalized toxic masculinity feel uncomfortable with the movie. It triggers something in them and I feel like secretly that men who say they hate Barbie, actually love her??? They could be remembering childhood memories of the doll and possibly even wanted to play with one but weren't allowed to or wished they spent more time with their moms or sisters. The Mercury trine Venus represents how the film was able to convey women's thoughts well and the things they wish they could say but were suppressed due to the patriarchy. Women as a whole really love Barbie or think highly of her. The film's hypothetical birth chart has a 12th house stellium and still conveys the significance of intuition and the subconscious mind. What's beautiful is the film's Pluto is in the 5th house at 29° in retrograde. If they intended to have people reconnect with their inner child, then it was done successfully. Which confirms my belief and also hope for sweet, sappy, inspiring chick flicks about friendships and self love happening again.
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This wouldn't be a post about the 2000's if we didn't discuss the Victoria Secret's fashion show. The first episode was released on August 1st, 1995 during prime time so around 8 pm PST / 10 pm EST. Here is the hypothetical chart (placidus) of the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. I have never in my life seen so many retrogrades before, YIKES! The show has a lot of karmic debt and with the amount of scandals the company had, I'm not even surprised. Saturn in the 1st house, so there is a strict beauty standard that the show wants to uphold and dislikes when someone else tries to break the mold. I watched the Victoria Secret documentary and this is what was said as well. The women who worked there tried to bring more inclusivity to the company and the men acted very pompous and stubborn whenever they tried to create positive changes. They wanted to get away with their cookie cutter looks and corrupted desires. North node being at 0° the fashion show was supposed to embrace change and throughout the years resisted it's main intention or purpose of making women feel sexy. Now that they are trying to rebrand, they'd really have to really get over their ego in order to succeed. The exact date and time of the upcoming fashion show is unsure but it will be aired sometime in the fall. With the Victoria Secret's Fashion Show Sun sign being in Leo, then that means the episode will air right after it's solar return (I'm noticing a pattern here of companies releasing projects after it's solar return👀). Things seem to be going in the show's favor and it will be fair or more inclusive as they said it would be. There is a 7th house stellium here and a Moon in the 1st house so it seems as though they want to come off as genuine as possible. Saturn still remains in the 1st house, so there is still some stern energy here, maybe the rules for the models is strict or there is some sort of tight schedule for the show? Jupiter in the 3rd house, people will be talking about it or there's going to be articles/podcasts about the show. Pluto square South Node, the company's past scandals will still linger in the air. Uranus trine Chiron, someone in PR could write formal apologies to the staff? Saturn square Jupiter, Saturn is not done with them yet. It's literally grabbing them by the throat and saying "repent for your sins". It's not great, but not terrible either, but I'm leaning towards the fashion show will do just fine. The women will be exceptionally beautiful and the style of the clothes is gonna be different. It could take some time for people to be on board again with the show airing due to past controversies. Some will enjoy it for nostalgia, while others will not care to watch because it's not their thing or won't watch out of support for the victims.
The Tour '23's birth chart (whole sign)
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The show having its Aquarius Moon in the 12th house 24° is very significant in my opinion given the fact it displays the hidden nature of women and the different aspects of the divine feminine. I watched it today and there was a lot of focus on motherhood, feeling unique or out of place in the world (a lot of people saying they felt like an alien), and having different body types, attributes, or features being seen. With an Aries chiron and north node, I feel their way of approaching things was more blunt and why they were more comfortable exhibiting/talking about scars, stretch marks, protesting, and (tw:) eating disorders. Another interesting aspect I noticed was mostly the narrator Gigi Hadid and the show has a Virgo Mercury in the 7th house 16°. Quite a few of the women narrating were mothers themselves, such as Gigi Hadid. Gigi has her Mercury in the 1st house and she has a Taurus stellium. The 7th house is connected to Venus and it is known for beauty, femininity, and love. There was also 5 segments all around the world but the show made its debut in Lagos, Nigeria. The Pisces ascendant I believe explains the fluidity and ability to transform or adapt to your environment. As well as being sensitive, free spirited, and having spiritual consciousness, for example, there was the use of Yoruba and Igbo mythology in the fashion show. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show originally had a Leo stellium and it was more superficial, a lot of hyper focus on glitz and glam. Where as now there is a Pisces stellium and still has a familiarity of signs from its original birth chart (the essence of Libra, Taurus, and Leo still being there). The Capricorn Pluto in the 11th house 27° acknowledges what they have done in the past and their problematic behavior. With 27° being a Gemini degree, its as if the company is wanting to say to the generation: "Let's talk about it". The fashion designers in the documentary all discussed the importance of self expression and their hardships to get there. Doja Cat being the main performer of the series isn't surprising given the fact she is also a Libra Sun. Similar to the show, Doja and Victoria's Secret, are both known for being quite controversial (perfect pair, don't you think?). With The Tour 23's Sun being in the 8th house, it feels that it is the death of their ego. A new chapter for the company, while still keeping some parts of itself and it's past. Neptune and Saturn being in the 1st house explains why everyone was so vulnerable about their journey, insecurities, and dealing with self criticism. With its ascendant being a leo degree (5°) I believe it will gain some traction or buzz because of the individualistic style and fresh new faces / designers, but it won't be anything that will people talk about long term.
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Solar Flare
Now a complete 92k word novel. Continuity: IDW1
Rating: Teen
Relationship: Megatron/Rodimus, one-sided Starscream/Rodimus, Megatron & Starscream, background relationships
Major Characters: Megatron, Rodimus, Starscream, Zeta Prime, Ratchet
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of VIolence, Blood & Gore, Serious Injuries, Weddings, Suggestive Themes, Horror Elements (I.E. Horror of the Divine), Reincarnation, Ambiguous Relationships, One-Sided Relationships. Please see AO3 entry for full applicable tags. AU: Canon Divergence, Gods/goddesses, Early War
Summary:  "To destroy a corrupt system, we must first destroy its gods, starting with this one." In which Megatron makes a mistake by sparing Rodimus, the Prime of the Sun.
Crossposting: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Note: inspired by this art piece on Tumblr.
1st chapter under cut; the full length is on AO3.
"To destroy a corrupt system, we must first destroy its gods, starting with this one."
Megatron, at first, had been so sure of his words as he pointed at the red and yellow mech across the hall, bedecked in jewelry and silk.
The ornate metal doors that had blocked off the throne room laid crumpled on the polished marble floor under his feet, a testament to the temple’s weakness against real resistance.
In his initial planning, after storming the Temple of the Sun in Nyon, he had thought killing a false god would be the easy part. Especially since this Prime did not have a Lord Protector, no zealous paladin dedicated to defending his worthless spark, Megatron had assumed that there would simply be one less obstacle to his goal.
The defenses had been minimal. Pathetic guards ran screaming for their lives after the mundane frontal assault on the main reinforced doors. There had been no point in giving chase, so Megatron had ordered his soldiers to let them flee. Better to have terrified survivors tell the tale, whereas dead mechs couldn’t spread word of change.
If the other Primal temples were built like this one with pitiful security, their job would be a lot simpler. Megatron doubted that would be the case, but he had also doubted this push would have gone so smoothly.
Now he watched as Primal acolytes pulled on the Prime’s arms and hands, trying in vain to tug him to safety, wherever that might be found, far away from the armed intruders.
The Prime shook them off with an undignified curse before marching unhindered towards Megatron, whom he’d fixed with a glare. Not one of anger, no, one of being inconvenienced.
“What are you doing in my house? You’re freaking out my dudes!”
Megatron wasn’t often taken aback, but it appeared today had yet more surprises in store for him than a suspiciously easy siege.
He had just blasted through reinforced doors with his mechs, neutralized several guards with nary a fatality, and kicked down the door to the sacred throne room where the Prime was expected to waste away his days in luxury and splendor. Yet this… this garish half-pint approached him, fine brocades and bangles swaying with the motion, with neither fear nor hesitation.
Megatron hadn’t been prepared for this.
He had been prepared for the pampered brat cowering on the beautiful, shining marble, begging for his miserable, privileged life. He had been prepared to mercilessly terminate that wastrel with a fusion cannon blast, right through the spark and through that stupid Matrix.
Just as soon as Megatron tired of the sniveling, of course.
Consternation on his face, he powered down his cannon with a soft whir as it was lowered to his side.
“Excuse me?”
The Prime planted his hands on his hips, the bejeweled and festooned fins of his spoiler tilted upward in bold defiance.
"You heard me, bolt brain."
Now that wasn't a very godly thing to say at all. What were they teaching these high-caste deadbeats these days? Insults like that were what Megatron would have expected from an overcharged cadet at a seedy spaceport, not the alleged reincarnation of Solus Prime.
For all the supposed elegance and grace of a Prime, especially the Prime of the Sun, this was a smart-mouthed little punk.
This wasn't remotely what had been expected.
Megatron scowled down at the mech who dared call himself a god.
With a wave of his arm, some of his lollygagging soldiers dispatched towards the back of the throne room to seize fleeing acolytes.
"Don't you realize what's happening here?" Megatron asked, staring right back into the defiant, burning blue gaze. "Are you really that brave or are you just foolish?"
"Oh, yeah, I know what's happening.”
Megatron sincerely doubted that, but better to hear what nonsense this unknowingly condemned moron could come up with. Maybe it would be amusing.
“You're being a total spike right now, bursting in unannounced and trashing my house like one of those medical academy parties they show on the holonet. Wreck your own house!"
Not nearly as amusing as Megatron had hoped.
What in the damned hell was this punk talking about?
No wonder this one had no Lord Protector. Who would tolerate this? Shooting him now would do the world a favor. Making a political statement at this point would be a bonus.
"Didn't your caretakers teach you any manners? Rude." Well, Terminus had tried but…. That was hardly the point. The sheer impertinence of this idiot who had no idea he was about to have a hole put through his spark at point-blank range by a fusion cannon.
"I'm about to kill you and you're upset by my lack of aristocratic manners?"
Manners hadn’t really mattered much where he came from, the predominantly manual-class and disposable-class underground city of Tarn, in the various mines where he’d labored in dangerous conditions for ages, or in the black-market pop-up gladiatorial arenas of Kaon. He had never had use for such niceties and this punk was upset that he wasn’t holding out his little finger while seizing the Primal temple.
What next? Did he expect Megatron to use a napkin when painting the floor with the Prime’s slowly dimming lifeblood?
Despite the situation and his rapidly approaching final moment, the Prime relaxed slightly, seeming to consider the contradiction now that it had been pointed out, rubbing his chin all the while.
"I suppose when you put it like that, but only a Prime can kill a Prime so like do whatever—Hey! Wait!"
The hand rubbing his chin abandoned its work to point squarely at Megatron's nose.
"I know you! You're that lunatic that got Kaon blown to slag!"
That was it; they were done here. He had tired of this highborn simpleton’s antics.
“Enough!” Megatron bellowed, smacking that accusing point away with the back of his hand. “I don’t have time for your inane blathering!”
“Hey, rude—“
“Seize him!”
Mechs surged forth, several making grabs for the Prime’s limbs.
The Prime struggled, swearing as he strove to free himself of unwelcome hands. He kicked and punched, denting plate. More than a few titanium teeth from Decepticon mouths pinged against the floor after being knocked out.
Flatline would be rather busy later patching up these morons, Megatron thought, intrigued by just how much of a fight this pampered fool was putting up.
The struggle went on until the soldiers managed to immobilize the Prime’s limbs, removing any space for him to get in another good swing.
"Might I suggest something?" A high-pitched voice piped up behind Megatron’s back, persuasively smooth with all the owner’s public speaking practice despite the underlying tinny screech.
"You may not, but you'll do it regardless of my permission, so out with it, Starscream. Let’s get your suggestion over with."
Starscream stalked closer and began to circle the restrained Prime, as though inspecting a new, expensive purchase. His thrusters clicked haughtily against the smooth floor with every step.
"Rather than immediately dispatch this 'god,' why not simply keep him prisoner?"
"What purpose would that possibly serve?" What a waste of precious fuel and man-hours that could be better allocated elsewhere. Why take on the unnecessary responsibility of babysitting?
"Well, would not a new mech simply be chosen as a puppet to take their place? A supposed reincarnation plucked from a hot spot like a shining miracle in the dark night. The Senate and their drooling lackeys will rally around the divine newspark, stir up the people's faith, and so on and so forth. Keep him alive and that little problem just solves itself, doesn't it?"
Starscream had always had an optic for political nuance, even if Megatron often discarded it in the name of idealogical stringency. He generally felt his time was better spent not playing those games. Direct action tended to suit his purposes far better.
“What of the Matrix?” Megatron asked, gesturing with his thumb at the Prime’s chest. Each Prime had one, bestowed upon them by the priesthood that served their predecessor. Relics passed down between supposed incarnations, a symbol of divinity. Turning that worthless relic into a profane trophy of scrap that would almost as profoundly undermine the blind faith of the populace as actually murdering one of their so-called “gods.”
Megatron tapped his finger against his chin in thought.
“Would not destroying the Matrix render the point moot?” A new god couldn’t be reformatted without it, right? At least, not as far as he knew. The whole thing was rustwash anyway, but that was the official narrative.
Starscream scoffed, waving a hand flippantly at the very idea as he continued to circle the immobilized Prime. His wings fluttered with interest, a behavior Megatron had seen his second-in -command perform on several occasions when he wanted something.
Something about this useless creature had caught Starscream’s attention. That would need to be ironed out later.
“Please. They probably keep a bunch of them in the basement or in a bunker somewhere or something. You break one, someone steals a backup and claims it’s the real thing, safely defended from our destructive irreverence. You get accused of having destroyed a fake one for publicity and the whole ‘message’ you want to send crumbles in shame. You know how it is with these ‘relics.’ A shanix a dozen. Best keep this one as ‘proof’ for now.”
A broad, knowing grin stretched across Starscream’s face, shining with implication.
“And, after all, you can only have the fun of killing him once.”
He hated that Starscream had a point—several, in fact. Telling the seeker so, however, would just cause more problems—the overinflated ego sort—down the line.
Megatron would settle for a simple acknowledgment as he leaned down to get a better look at this bedighted speedster.
The Prime was practically encrusted with jewels and precious metals in the form of ornate jewelry, brocaded mesh draped luxuriously over the fins of his spoiler. Feet planted firmly on the ground, the Prime glared defiantly back up at his captor. In any other situation, Megatron would have thought him a beauty to behold, but now the red mech was just a symbol of resources squandered on mere opulence.
The sight disgusted him or… it should have.
“Very well, Starscream.”
Megatron heaved a tired sigh.
“I haven’t decided what his fate will be just yet,” he said, straightening back up. “Lock him up somewhere. I don’t care where. It doesn’t matter. Just get him out of my sight.”
A few of his mechs hesitated, the ones holding the arms and shoulders of acolytes, as though they weren’t sure what to do with their prisoners. Megatron sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stood back up. Did he have to spell out everything for these idiots?
“The cultists too! Just go!”
The throne room was at peace without that Prime spitting and screaming, now that the brat had been hauled off somewhere in the temple complex, preferably kept under lock and guard.
With the quiet, Megatron could finally get a look around, take stock of the damage and what exactly they had just conquered. This place held many, many valuable resources that they could utilize, either directly or by fencing the goods. Furthermore, he’d gotten it all for the low price of a few explosives, a couple of boot-licking lives, and inadvertent custody a very rude little “god.”
He would figure out what to do with that brat later.
Megatron took a long and slow ventilation before approaching the now abandoned, golden throne at the far end of the room. It glittered in the warm yellow-orange light from the lamps. An impression of the sun was embossed into the high back of the throne and again, smaller, on the arms and seat. It was almost too small, hardly having room for the treads on his back. It was made for more regal frames than his own, intended for heavy industrial work below ground.
The soldiers that still lingered in the room, along with his few lieutenants that had accompanied him, watched in silence.
“We will reinforce the Temple of the Sun, make it an impregnable fortress,” he said, sitting and relaxing into the Primal throne. He supposedly “desecrated” it merely by touch, let alone smearing it with spilled energon and oil from fighting his way through the temple. A shame some of that shed fuel didn’t belong to the previous occupant of this glorified chair.
No matter. It belonged to him now.
From here, it was a short step to de facto controlling the city of Nyon and its weak council.
“With a little work, it’ll make a fine base.” The first, in fact, unless one counted the ruins of Kaon, the last city he and his forces held, he thought, caressing one of the cushioned arms of the throne. After Senate forces bombed the city from the surface of Cybertron, the revolutionaries were forced underground.
Megatron gestured for his lieutenants to approach.
Starscream strode forward, an impatient twitch to his wings and several complaints no doubt already at the tip of his tongue. He still looked smug from his earlier “victory” in changing Megatron’s plans. In stark contrast, Soundwave, ever the professional, simply walked and waited in inscrutable silence for his orders.
"Now, as you know, the Senate is de facto independent, even if they nominally operate under the First Prime in Iacon. They serve no gods but themselves,” Megatron began, “we need to work quickly to fortify our position here. We have some time because they need to calculate the political risk of assaulting Nyon."
They could make good use of this place if they were quick, before the Senate could retaliate for the revolutionaries’ transgressions against the gods. Nyon, however, had one beautiful advantage that Kaon did not: a Primal temple. Even they would hesitate to simply annihilate a sacred location, no matter who held it. Not because they believed, but because the face they would lose with the public would be incalculable.
Megatron smirked, getting comfortable in the stolen throne. Just sitting here was daring the Senate to do something self-destructive and drastic. It was perfect.
Starscream opened his mouth, probably to object, but before he could get words out, he was cut off by a finger pointed in his direction.
“Organize the fortification efforts and recall Shockwave to our new position. Soundwave—“ The blue mech straightened up further to show he was giving his leader his undivided attention. “Round up and contain the remainder of the priesthood. We’re moving in. Once you’ve done that, turn your attention to following the newsfeeds. I want to know the nanoklik Iacon thinks about making a move.”
With a nod, the Soundwave turned on his heel to carry out the command.
Now he just needed to figure out what to do with the blasted Prime of the Sun. Throttling him was unfortunately off the table, for today at least.
Starscream loudly cleared his vocalizer, apparently having something else to say before getting on with his duties.
“What is it now, Starscream?”
“Well, if I may, I have a potential solution to your little Prime problem,” he started, still beaming. It was as though he had guessed Megatron’s thoughts.
“One that could legitimize our position here.”
“I’m listening.” Begrudgingly, but he would hear Starscream out. Might as well.
Megatron narrowed his optics but said nothing as he leaned his face on a raised fist. The seeker took that as permission to continue, a slippery grin stretching across the smooth metal of his face.
“What do you think of the title of Lord Protector? ‘Lord Megatron’ has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
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