katmisiu 4 months
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katmisiu 4 months
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katmisiu 4 months
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katmisiu 5 months
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Israel isnt a country, no.
Settler Colony 鉁咃笍
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katmisiu 5 months
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katmisiu 5 months
Yesterday marked the 100th day of genocide. Please, do not get used to this. Our people, killed, bombed, kidnapped, stripped, executed and starved is not normal. Our kids in pieces, their body parts collected in bags is not normal.
Israel has killed 23,700 human. More than 10,300 child. We'd need 177 school bus to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in gaza. 10,022 fatherless child. 8,352 motherless child. The wounded have their wounds rot and die waiting in front of the crossing. Maggots seen inside alive people's wounds. 5,500 pregnant woman will give birth in the upcoming weeks. 100 Days of Genocide. 100 Days of the world watching silently.
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katmisiu 5 months
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katmisiu 5 months
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katmisiu 5 months
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They killed the olive trees. They killed the little children. They killed the unborn. They killed the father. They killed the mother. They killed the journalist. They killed the journalists entire family. They killed all the aunts and uncles. They killed the doctors. They killed the soul of his soul. They killed the groom. They killed the bride. They killed the cats. They killed the elderly people older than their apartheid state. They killed the thousands of memories painted on the walls. They killed 30,000+ Palestinians that we will never get back. [@/ missfalsteenia on X. 01/07/24.]
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katmisiu 5 months
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katmisiu 5 months
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Over 100 journalists have been killed in Gaza since October 7th.
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katmisiu 5 months
Even in the midst of the new year鈥檚 excitement, I genuinely can鈥檛 stop being haunted by thoughts of Palestine. We have the privilege of celebrating the new year, making resolutions, looking forward to the blessings in the year ahead鈥攂ut many Palestinian children didn鈥檛 get that privilege. Hundreds upon hundreds of children far younger than me have died in the past 3 months; won鈥檛 get the luxury of sharing in this flurry of excitement and joy. Many more are biding their time, not knowing when their last day is. Tonight will mark a new beginning, but I hope it also heralds a year of far more people advocating for Palestine, sharing the atrocities that have been committed in Palestine, boycotting brands supporting Palestinian genocide, and just all around finally coming to terms with the fact that Palestinian genocide SHOULD be their concern鈥攅ven if they鈥檙e not being directly affected by it. More people need to be aware that educating themselves on this should not be a choice, but a responsibility and a must.
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katmisiu 5 months
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katmisiu 6 months
In WWII, in 6 years, 67 journalists were killed
In the Vietnam war, in 20 years, 63 journalists were killed
In Gaza, in 70 days, 89 journalists were killed
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katmisiu 6 months
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katmisiu 6 months
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katmisiu 6 months
if your friend asks you to misgender them in front of their family, do it. if your friend asks you to refer to their partner as their roommate or friend, do it. if they ask you to deadname them, do it. allyship is about prioritizing the saftey of marginalized people, especially when it comes before your desire to fight their oppressors.
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