#confident tips
lifethroughlenss · 1 year
Be Yourself with Confidence.
You should never feel obligated to do or say something just because you think some else wants you to or just to fit In.That’s not natrual or you.The more you stay true to yourself the happier you will be.If you like playing piano,violin,guitar,writting or singing you do THAT.That Is what makes you you! People always have and alway will have In their mind what you can and cannot do,or what you can and cannot say,or how you should and should not dress.Alway remember to be real.Be authentic.Be yourself and you will be happier being you rather than someone else.It will grow you Into a better person, otherwise how can you grow being someone else? You can not.Be confident In your own body, know your worth and grow like a flower In spring.Never rely on someone else to be confident, but always strive to gain confidence on your own no matter what.Be your own cheerleader! Be confident In the way you style your hair,the way you speak,the way you walk, the way you work,the way you write and In everything.Never let strangers and status quo determine who you truly are,NEVER!
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casuallycrushing · 10 months
Confidence is key when trying to find a potential boyfriend (or girlfriend). You have to be comfortable with yourself and confident in who you are and it shows when you aren’t. if you don’t love yourself you cannot love another person in the way they should be loved. <3
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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First things first, if you validate your existence on externalities, you will never truly be happy. While it’s important to have values and to act on them, it shouldn’t be your main source of happiness. 
E.g. parent validation, academic validation, and male validation. So, here are some tips to validate yourself. 
VALUE YOUR OPINION. You should have the ability to make decisions and identify yourself solely on your opinion. Trust, giving people that ability to shape your decisions and curate your identity, allows them to dictate your worth. 
SELF LOVE OVER OTHERS. Ensure you are doing everything in your power to treat yourself lovingly. Even if it means sacrificing a few things in life. E.g. going to sleep early instead of cramming for a test. 
BE RESILIENT. When I say that, I don’t mean ‘don't let anything affect you’ but rather, build yourself up to the point that when someone/something knocks you down, you can bounce back easily. 
BECOME SELF AWARE. Know your strengths, and weaknesses, and be mindful of the truth. Be genuine when it comes to this because self-awareness helps us with becoming more in touch with our inner selves.
AVOID NEGATIVE SELF TALK. This can cause us to rely on others to hear good things about ourselves. Instead, say affirmations in the mirror.
STOP PEOPLE PLEASING. There’s a difference between genuinely being nice, and being a doormat. You shouldn’t have to bend over backwards for others, and they give absolutely nothing back. Invest that time and effort into yourself.
SOMEONE’S GAIN IS NOT YOUR LOSS. This is a mindset shift that will change the game. You have to stop seeing successful, wealthy, pretty or intelligent people as threatening your skills or talents. There is enough success for everyone.
DETACH FROM OTHERS. Friends, family, males, etc. Stop letting how other people treat you, dictate your mood for the rest of the day. The only factor your mood should depend on is you. What you do, say, and act is the only factor. 
KNOCK OTHERS FROM YOUR PEDESTAL. The only person that should be on top of your pedestal, is you. By doing this, you create an inferiority complex for someone else and give them superiority. 
OTHER’S OPINIONS ARE MOMENTARY. They will always move on with their day and see what needs to be done. They do not care about you as much as you think. So, do not even try to give them the time of day. 
BUILD BOUNDARIES. With others and yourself. Both are equally important because you value yourself enough not to do something you’ll regret. 
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
Emotionally healthy people are quitters ✨
Emotionally healthy people are quitters. They make choices that align with their well being. Quitting a relationship, partnership or job that makes you unhappy is a sign of self awareness. If someone stays in something bad for too long, it's not because they're strong, but because they're afraid or have low self esteem. Being emotionally healthy means having awareness, setting boundaries, and knowing when it's time to move on from situations that no longer serve you. It's about prioritizing your mental and emotional health over sticking with something that's causing you harm or making you unhappy.
Emotionally healthy people also tend to have good communication skills. They express their feelings and needs calmly, openly and honestly. They also look for guidance and enlightenment because they understand that seeking help is a sign of strength not weakness.
They make decisions out of self love rather than attachment or fear. When you prioritize loving yourself, you make choices that align with your happiness and growth, rather than staying in situations out of comfort or insecurity.
Recognizing when you have an unhealthy attachment or that your feelings may not be conducive to your well being is important. It allows you to take a step back, evaluate the situation objectively, and make choices that are in line with your best interests.
Sometimes holding on can lead to more pain and struggle than necessary. It's a sign of emotional maturity to recognize when a situation is no longer good for you and to have the strength to let it go.
Things that are genuinely right for you should not cause you harm or emotional pain. Choosing pain is a sign of a lack of self love. Recognizing the need for change, prioritizing self love, and making healthier choices is how you begin to change your life.
Reframe your mindset from “this is hurting me because I love it” to “this is hurting me because I do not love me.”
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oceane4loveu · 2 months
stop being second choice
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Start with your relationship with yourself. If you see yourself as second choice, others will see it too. Learn to love yourself and put yourself first in your own priorities.
Learn to love yourself. You can't expect another to fulfill all your affection needs if you're not already enough for yourself. Take time every day to pamper yourself and do the things that bring you happiness.
Dare to take your place and say no when someone asks you something you don't want or can't do. Your time and energy are valuable, don't waste them on others.
Believe in your own worth. Don't let anyone make you doubt your worth. Or you give the impression that you are not “good enough”. You deserve a relationship where you are respected and appreciated for who you are.
༝༚༝༚ océane
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digitalgirlguide · 4 months
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Imagine the woman you want to become. Envision her embracing a lifestyle woven with healthy habits that radiate positivity and well-being. Picture her waking up early, greeting the day with gratitude, and setting intentions that shape her mindset for success.
In her daily routine, she prioritizes self-care—nourishing her body with wholesome meals, staying hydrated, and indulging in regular exercise that she genuinely enjoys. Whether it's a morning yoga session, an evening run, or a dance class, physical activity is not a chore but a celebration of what her body can achieve.
This woman values the power of mindfulness. Picture her taking moments throughout the day to breathe deeply, practice meditation, or simply appreciate the present. It's in these mindful pauses that she finds clarity, resilience, and a profound connection with herself.
As she moves through her day, healthy habits extend into her work life. This woman is organized and efficient, using time management techniques to tackle tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Regular breaks and moments of reflection help her maintain focus and creativity.
Evenings are a sanctuary for winding down. She cherishes a good night's sleep, prioritizing rest as a cornerstone of her well-being. Unplugging from screens, engaging in calming activities, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule contribute to the rejuvenation her body and mind need.
Remember, becoming her doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process, a collection of intentional choices and persistent efforts. Start incorporating these healthy habits, step by step, and watch as you evolve into the empowered, balanced woman you aspire to be. 🌿💪🌺🌟
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csuitebitches · 4 months
Do you think you speak too fast/ too slow?
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Here is what I learned from a speech coach.
warm up:
start this exercise by taking a deep breath and saying “aaaaah” - try to extend this to 30 seconds. Now if it doesn’t go till 30, that’s fine. Aim to work your way to that. If you can work it up to 30, go for 45/60 seconds. Do this 5 times.
next. Download an app called Metronome beats. It’s basically what singers/ musicians use for beats.
Settings: keep beats/bar as 1,
clicks/beats as 1
start at 90. It will start with a click sound and continue “beeping.”
Match your words to the beep. One beep = one word. Now slowly, increase the beat by 5 till you reach 110. Increase it at your own pace but try to spend at least 20 seconds on each number (90 for 20 seconds; 95 for 20; 100 for 20….) That’s when you stop.
either start by reading something out loud and matching the beat, or select a topic and speak freely.
do this every single day. This will help with your breath, if you’re speaking on a topic it will help you think better and improve over time. The best way to further complement this exercise is to improve your vocabulary. Try to learn 1-3 new words a day and incorporate it in your vocabulary.
This is a great tool to use when learning new languages too. You can practice your speaking skills and see how fast you can remember/ read words.
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honeytonedhottie · 5 months
ways to feel better about ur appearance⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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feeling insecure about the way that u look or feeling awkward in ur own body is a rly unpleasant feeling and its easy to fall into patterns of not feeling satisfied with urself and the way that u look. but the goal is to feel comfortable and happy and proud of the skin that ur in.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ take a shower every day
₊˚⊹ ᰔ practice skincare
₊˚⊹ ᰔ say affirmations that invoke the feeling of being satisfied with ur appearance
₊˚⊹ ᰔ wear ur favorite perfume, ur favorite outfit, ur favorite color
₊˚⊹ ᰔ learn to compliment urself and point out the aspects of ur appearance that u love
₊˚⊹ ᰔ surround urself with people who dont belittle you or your appearance and that gas you up.
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ keep ur skin moisturized
₊˚⊹ ᰔ wear makeup if u like it or wear ur hair in a hairstyle that u love
₊˚⊹ ᰔ no more self belittling (ur brain can't tell the difference between a joke and the truth so dont feed urself something that u dont wanna perpetuate)
₊˚⊹ ᰔ taking care of urself physically often helps with the mental aspect of feeling comfy with ur appearance. when u look good, you feel good.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ dont bother trying to compare urself to beauty standards bcuz the standards of beauty are ALWAYS CHANGING. they vary depending on ur culture, where u live, and who you are. true beauty won't change with the times or the trends.
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Femme Fatale Guide: 15 Essential Business Skills Everyone Should Master
Articulate, confident communication
Crafting effective, compelling pitches
Operating and communicating through a solution-oriented framework
Research of all types (Google, market research, studies, polls, interpersonal conversations, etc.)
Learning how to streamline, edit, and organize information in a clear and logical way
Accumulating high-level working knowledge/proficiency in all tools and programs directly related to your type of work/industry
Budgeting and financial optimization (investment, tax benefits, etc.)
Reading and interpreting legal contracts/documents
Setting rates, boundaries, and learning when/how to delegate
Good posture, direct eye contact, and a firm handshake
Building streamlined systems for onboarding, different repeat project scopes/workflows, and KPI measuring
The art of following up, listening to (potential) clients' needs, asking thoughtful questions, and benefit-oriented salesmanship
Consistently reading, learning, and studying current events/cultural platforms/industry and field-related knowledge
How to spot customer/client/business partner red flags
Self-management, task/project prioritization, and optimization of your personal energy clock + levels
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coquettecoregirl · 5 months
Controversial Opinion but one thing that I learned in the last few months of 2023 was to not accommodate my social anxiety at any cost. If you're someone like me, whose social anxiety is caused by fear of messing up and just not being used to socializing, then this is for you. Do not indulge or adapt to your anxiety, instead just do it. I know it seems ridiculous, but really you have to just expose yourself to what you're anxious and scared of, which in this case is socializing or basically doing anything publicly.
Exposure=Knowledge=practice=confidence=less anxiety because once you're exposed to your fear, it'll get easier. Sure, it may takes weeks, months and maybe even years, but you will eventually gain confidence and get better at it. For instance, let's say you suck at doing pull ups. But you practice it for 30 days and eventually you will see improvements. It's the same thing with social behavior, you won't get better at it if you don't participate in socializing. You have to show up, even if it's just for 5 minutes, even if it's just walking to the grocery shop. You need little steps to achieve confidence and fuck social anxiety up. If your anxiety is telling you not to do it because you'll look dumb or ugly or whatever, it's lying to you. You need to do it anyways. Literally cannot explain this enough, do it anyways, even if you're bad at it, even if you don't know how to do it. Do it anyways.
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girlbossagenda · 2 months
𓏲 ₊˚๑ ꒰ never let anobody make you think that putting effort into your looks it's shallow ꒱ ໑‧₊˚.ꪆ
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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(1) Passionate about Learning
If we look at Hermione or Rory , they had a burning passion for learning. They were full of curiosity. They didn't just study for good grades , they studied because they were passionate to learn. They read alot of books. Ngl Reading is therapeutic . Hermione always went into detail , she read alot of books about the topics she was studying. There is a reason behind her being a " know it all " .
(2) Rely on Understanding , not rote learning
I was one of those who would study at last moment and rely on rote learning, I would still get good grades . But gradually I realized , studying at last moment is wrong and it makes education unworthy. After the exam , I would forget everything. Sometimes rote learning won't help too. Rely on understanding the concepts. Ofc there will be some topics that are just meant for memorization. When you come back from school , you should revise everything. It will makes things much easier for you.
(3) Be Disciplined and Dedicated
The best form of self love is discipline. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the cost of life you could have lived. Be mindful and prioritize your tasks. Start taking responsibility. You owe yourself to be disciplined and dedicated.
(4) Prioritize Education
Education is the most powerful weapon. Being educated and Intelligent is HOT ! HARD WORK WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU. Books are your best friends. When I had my exams or when I was in 10th grade, we had board exams . I studied really hard. It was lockdown but exams were still offline ( lol ). I cut off toxic people or anything which drained me or made me feel bad. I prioritized myself and my education. I used social media for 30 minutes only and I would watch content which made me feel motivated or good about myself. I unfollowed everything which made me feel bad. Did I regret it ? NO ! I GOT 98%. I strongly believe in manifestation too ( that's why this account exists ) so I affirmed for good grades too.
(5)Less Social Media or N🚫 Social media at all.
Alot of my classmates who are also exceptional at studying . Some of them joined Social media very late and some of them still don't use Social media. I joined Social media in Grade 9 but these days I try to use it as less as possible. This can be different for everyone. Maybe you use Social media in a healthy way and get good grades. For me , Social media can be draining sometimes so I use it less whenever I need to focus on myself. I was thinking to deactivate my account or take a break 😅. Most of the posts you see are scheduled btw, including this one .
(6)Find your WHY
Why are you studying ? What is your reason ? Is it because you want to make your parents proud ? Is it because you love learning ? Is it because you want to prove others wrong ? It is very important to have a reason for studying. Maybe connect your goals to studying. Let's say you want to become a dentist , now you can't become a dentist without studying ,right ?
(7) Find a Role Model
If you can't find your WHY yet , it's okay. Try to find a role model. It can be any real life person or a fictional character. It can be ANYONE ! My role models are Hermione and Elle Woods. You can put your role model Keychain on your pouch , stick their posters etc so whenever you look at it , you gain motivation to give your best. Again , it's okay if you can't find a role model . Become your own role model If you can't find any role model 😉
(8) Don't let Past intervene
It's okay if you weren't a good student from start . According to manifestation, you can revise being one too ! You can still change yourself and become a good student . You can prove all those people wrong by becoming a good student. Once a wise man said , don't let your past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future.
(9) Believe in Yourself & Be confident
Harry potter once said " Working hard is important but there's something which matters even more ; Believing in yourself " . Even if you aren't a potterhead , you should listen to Harry Potter. Another example can be Elle Woods , she believed in herself when no one did. She showed us the power of self belief. Be confident in yourself.
(10) Be attentive and Regular
You must be attentive in class. Participate in class and don't hesitate . I can understand if you can't participate in class because you feel shy ( I used to be like that ) but the more you push yourself to participate, the less you will hesitate. Gradually , you will feel confident too. Like Thewizardliz said , sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Be a good listener.Also , be regular in your classes. If you aren't able to be regular, study at home. Some of my friends weren't able to be regular in school because of personal reasons but they studied at home . They didn't waste their time in unproductive stuff. Sometimes I was also not able to be regular at school but I studied at home and took breaks in between.
(11) Study From Youtube
I don't know if it's just me but youtube teachers can make the most complicated topics so simple. They explain everything in detail. Youtube teachers can be more helpful than school teachers tbh 😀. Self Study is important.
(12) Take care of Your Mental health.
It can be very hard to study with bad mental health. I tend to take care of my mental health. Stress can be the biggest distraction sometimes. So take care of your physical and mental health. Journal. Meditate. Take a break from social media if you need to. Use affirmations.Dance. Exercise. Read.Paint . Sleep. Whatever makes you feel better. Poor mental health can also interfere with your attention span so please take care of your mental health. Don't take it for granted 😃.
Short and simple tips
- Value your time. Time is money
- Self study is very beneficial
- Be organized
- Avoid Drama
🎀📖These are some tips which helped me and I live by these tips. I hope these tips help you too. I apologize if the post wasn't helpful🎀📖
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prettieinpink · 1 month
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COLLAB WITH THE HOTTIE????!!!!!!! @honeytonedhottie. LMAO NOT US PLANNING THIS IN LIKE DEC THEN RELEASING IN APRIL. I luv you so much ur my fav moot. moots who collab together, stay together. Check out her post on her page too, as usual, she makes the best points so y'all better listen.
Rebranding is a process in which you redefine who you are and how others perceive you. Each journey of rebranding yourself is personal and individual. When you rebrand yourself, you further align yourself with your higher you. This post is a guide to getting started on your journey!
So, take a step back and think about who you are as an individual right now. What are your values and beliefs? Does your external self reflect your inner self? Are you comfortable in your current environment?
These questions and more will help to see which aspects of your life you may need to redefine. See if there’s anything that doesn’t align with your higher self. 
After that, pick those aspects that need to be redefined. Why do you want to change this? How has this been impacting you internally/externally? Does this aspect stem from your environment or yourself? See why this aspect needs to be improved. 
This is more of a fun step! So, using your aspects design how you want that specific thing to look and feel like. Avoid being vague or non-specific. Try to put in as much detail as you can for each aspect. 
If you’d prefer, you don’t have to use ‘aspects’ and instead use your life generally. This is your redesign, so do whatever is more comfortable and achievable for you.
Social life
Personal development (mindset, goals, improvement)
Self care
Things to include
Achievable goals
How your environment looks like
How your daily life like
How you see yourself
What do you feel after
Why this is alignment within yourself? 
You can do this any way you want. The one I would recommend for redesigning your life would be a vision board, preferably a physical one. If you don’t want to do that, there are still a lot of options such as writing it down into a pretty poster, creating a playlist that will reflect your brand, creating a pretty list, or having sticky notes around your room as reminders. 
Be creative and detailed with this. You should spend at least an hour if not more trying to redesign your life/aspects.
Goals are so important, especially when we are moving in a different direction than we were before. As we’ve got the current status of who we are and what we want to be, creating goals should be easy. 
Make your goals visible. Put a sticky note on your mirrors, put it as your laptop background, put a reminder on your phone, listen to a playlist that motivates you of your goals or anything else that will constantly remind you of your goals. 
Other than that, remember that goals have to be achievable, mindful, and flexible.
Habits are so important to rebrand yourself. Habits make up your identity. The way you act, speak, and do daily, can subconsciously influence you to be someone who isn’t in alignment with your higher self.
 As much as it’s important to establish new habits that align with you, you have to root out the habits that are pushing you off track from achieving your goals. 
The good thing is that you can do both at the same time. Replace those old habits, with brand new ones. For example, when you open your phone first thing in the morning instead of opening up TikTok, get YouTube opened and start a 5-minute meditation to start your day.
However, just because a habit is beneficial for you, it doesn’t mean it is in alignment for you. For many people, they prefer to read books as a productive alternative for leisure, however, you may not be able to read a book and focus. In that case, you may want to watch an educational video instead. You’re still getting the benefits, but just in a different way. 
Think about all the little details of how this person would act, from morning until night. Embody their actions, words, aura, and vibes. This is when having a visual of your goals is good, so you can see what you need to do.
This includes no longer indulging in things your higher self wouldn’t do. Regardless of how much comfort, entertainment, or dopamine something gives you, you have to let it go if it is destroying your mind. 
I way I recommend implementing your brand daily by creating a daily routine that focuses on a different goal each day of the week. E.g:
Monday - Practicing being mindful (meditation, journaling, connecting with your religion)
Tuesday - Fitness (pilates, weightlifting, hot girl walks)
Wednesday - Socialising (going out to meet new people/connecting with old friends)
Thursday - Productivity (Schoolwork, studying, business, workplace tasks)
Friday - Self-care (taking a slow day however you’d like)
ta-daa!! thanks 4 reading. now go follow @honeytonedhottie 💕😍
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
Things You Can Control ✨✨
How you respond to others and situations.
Where you spend your time and who with.
The shows, books, news and social media you consume.
What you do with your free time.
What you say to others.
What you think about.
How hard you try.
What you allow or don't allow from others.
Good or bad routines you follow.
What you aim for in life.
Being positive or negative.
Eating, exercising, and resting.
Learning new skills or knowledge.
Who you hang out with.
What you buy and spend on.
Keeping your space clean or messy.
What fun activities you pick up.
Saying "thank you" and feeling thankful.
Knowing when to say "no" or "enough".
What you hope for and dream about.
Doing nice things for others.
Picking one thing over another.
What's most important to you.
What you do every day.
What you feel is true or right.
Taking time for yourself.
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oceane4loveu · 6 months
new year, new me🕯🩰
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new year, new era💗💗I really wanted to do a glow up plan to become the best version of myself before 2024.
• Change my hair color
• Make a clothing vision board
• Find your signature scent
• Organize my room
• Get rid of clothes/objects I no longer use
• Organize my workstation, make it an environment pretty, fun and productive
• Make your bed for 21 days
• Keep your room clean for 21 days.
• Find a skin care routine, invest in great skin products.
• Find a workout plan that works for you and stay consistent for a month.
• Get at least 8 hours of sleep for 21 days
• Set boundaries with school or work, prioritize my mental health.
• journal in the morning for a week Every day for two weeks, write down 3 things you are grateful for
•Avoid social media in the morning
• Set a budget
• Learn to say no when it comes to spending money.
• Find inexpensive date ideas (picnic, baking, movie night, etc.)
• Take part of my salary and invest or keep it
• Don't buy things you don't have need
• Read a book this month (self-help books are the best)
• Learn a new skill (piano, painting, makeup, sports, etc.)
• Listen to a podcast while getting ready in the morning
• Stay away from toxic people
• Spend an hour with a friend every day for a week
• Call a friend instead of texting them
• Drink three bottles of water every day for 21 days.
• Find new recipes and cook more
• drink detox water every day
My DAYOL diary My notion
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digitalgirlguide · 4 months
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
the best thing you can do for yourself is to stick to your routine and not your feelings
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