#It's comments like these that help keep me going ngl
moontale-official · 1 year
just wanted to say that I really love Ivis 😭😭😭 SHE'S ADORABLE AND SO PRETTY I CAN'T TAKE IT
Screaming and crying at this ask so badly that I have momentarily returned from my hiatus because I was too excited to wait.
I've been very worried that people would lose interest-- with how long it's taking me to properly tell this AU's story and with how few details I've shared about Moontale's world (and still struggling to find ways to share it)
With how many times I've started over -first due to lack of direction and preparation and then due to overambition- I wasn't sure people would want to wait around for so long. I thought all the retries was squandering my chances for people to like it.
Ivis is a very old character (7 years this coming September), but this most recent (and hopefully final) iteration of her is still fairly new. She's gone through countless rehashes and changes to the point where she's barely recognizable to the character she was at first conception: Ivis was only her name for about 5 years, her design has only been made fully distinguishable as an original character for maybe 3 years and she's only been a full trans woman for a little over 6 months.
The only thing that's really carried were her dual hued eye-lights, the dual crescent symbol she wears (I dunno if I wanna call it the deltamoon specifically, but that's kinda what it is), and that sparkly galaxy cape she adorns. That's it.
I wasn't sure people were willing to follow the frankly convoluted development of her character, along-with the constantly halted progress over so many years, but perhaps I was proven wrong.
...I wanna do her character right this time. I wanna finally tell her full story after countless rehashes and going back to the drawing board. A fanfic may not have been the medium I really wanted to finish it as, but that's not what matters to me now. What matters is that I can finish it in a state that I am proud of.
I simply want nothing more than for people to love her character in the same way I do. She's been my number one favorite for over half a decade, and for good reason. I have no other words. I am taking this ask to my nest and forever cherishing it.
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shidoukanae · 14 hours
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Daniel/Ellie sketchpage!!!
Been becoming more and more fond of them as a ship recently and wanted to try drawing the greedy merchant gal and the mischievous do-good dragon guy!!
All the dragon guy/human gal ships in this story are really full of chemistry and these two are no exception. They've barely got any meaningful interactions between them and yet somehow they're still oozing with cute feels between them. Really makes me root for them to become an established relationship, especially since the creator handles both characters really, REALLY well already and i wanna see what they're like when they both reciprocate interest in each other :Dc
#the mighty extra#Daniel#Ellie#this took me like 8 hours total HOW#tumblr please don't eat the quality i promise this looks good in csp#I know Daniel has wings canonically in his dragon form but boi do i not want to draw them#plus my mind keeps thinking of him as a sea-based dragon and i think it's fitting if he's more a drake than a dragon#one that happens to be good at swimming and probs blends into the deeper sea w/ his rocky backside bc of his time spent at sea#really happy Ellie is going down the same route as Helene in that she's like “oh you have feelings for me? so okay anyways about that plot-#like#i cannot understate how much of a smile it puts on my face to see Daniel and Paris so clearly state their interest to their gal LIs#and the girls both just kind of don't even acknowledge such comments bc plot > fawning over their love interest characters#IT'S SO REFRESHING YOU HAVE NO IDEA#ive read so many isekai stories and TME's romance pairings are probably the most memorable ive seen so far???#tho tbf i think the entire named cast is genuinely memorable from the sunk cost Empress lady to the bratty glasses princess who i rly like#probably helps all the gals involved very much have lives outside their LIs and getting closer to said LIs only helps grow their characters#especially in terms of the plot!!#which i utterly ADORE#any time the gals interact with the guys in this story it always comes with some kind of plot revelation attached and i greatly enjoy that~#seriously i need to study this manga it's literally the epitome of how i want to write romance in any of my stories when i do write for it#ik it's not canon (yet) but i rly enjoy the idea of dragons becoming more lovesick for their partners the closer they get to them#and Daniel being lovesick for Ellie is really cute to me ngl so i tried to draw it here
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cupid-styles · 3 months
omg bestieeeee i so need hocker h nd ballerina to talk and smooch !!!!! ngl i’m a sucker for protective and jealous h 🤭🤭🤭🤭 🐱
I feel like ive made you guys wait way too long for this one gvkdfjgkf
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a continuation of this blurb! (and sort of this one)
word count: 2.3k (we had a lot of ground to cover)
content warnings: minor mentions of smut, slight angst but all is fixed by the end, not ramadan friendly
main masterlist | hockey h masterlist
talk to me
. . .
Two weeks.
Two weeks of radio silence from Y/N.
Two weeks of over-thinking everything he did that night.
Two weeks of Harry drunk texting her on lonely nights.
please just tell me if you hate me
im so sorry
ill leave you alone if its what you want, I just need to know
Each and every time, Y/N read his messages, eyes scanning over the words, and locked her phone.
The truth is, she doesn't know what she wants from him, if anything. She doesn't know why she felt so attracted to him that night — she was tipsy, not drunk, and in complete control of her actions. She never hooked up with people in public — no messy makeouts, but she certainly never let anyone finger her in the hallway of a bar.
The entire thing was completely unlike her. Maybe that's what scared her the most.
Deep down, she wanted to reply to him, but she didn't even know what to say. She didn't want him to leave her alone — maybe that was selfish, but she liked knowing he was at least a little okay. She'd even been keeping secret tabs on the hockey team. They had won their past two games, but Harry had been thrown out in the most recent one for unsportsmanlike conduct. Apparently, he'd gotten into a fight with one of the players on the other team.
Admittedly, that worried her, but she didn't want to be his babysitter. On top of that, the spring showcase was this weekend, and she'd thrown every last bit of her energy into rehearsing and practicing to make sure her performance would be absolutely flawless.
She didn't have the time — or mental capacity — to worry about Harry right now.
. . .
"You look like an idiot."
Harry rolls his eyes as he adjusts the collar on his button down for the third time. James and his girlfriend Melanie had helped him with ironing it out so it looked presentable enough on his body. Anything he ever did rarely called for slacks and button up shirts, but Melanie advised him to look polished and put-together for tonight.
He wasn't in a place to reject her advice.
The other teammates that James lived with weren't quite as kind. Stephen, a sophomore defenseman who was only on the team for the perks of sleeping with every girl he could get his hands on, wouldn't stop throwing sarcastic comments Harry's way.
"Shut up, Stephen!" Melanie calls from the living room. She marches into James' bedroom as Harry smoothes out a few leftover wrinkles in his slacks, swallowing tightly. "When's the last time you cared about something besides fucking random girls? At least Harry has some direction in his life."
"I'm just saying, the girl's been ignoring him for weeks. She's gonna laugh in his face."
"Leave!" Melanie exclaims, batting him on the shoulder. Stephen lets out a yelp of pain and Harry smirks, despite the anxiety throbbing in his chest. "You're not helping! Get out!"
Reluctantly, Stephen rolls his eyes as he follows Melanie's orders and leaves the room. She sighs and comes up from behind Harry before flashing him a hopeful grin.
"You look great, H. I think this is a really sweet gesture."
He nibbles on his bottom lip as he turns to face her. "Okay, but what if Stephen's dumbass is right? She could call security on me and have me removed."
Melanie gives him a sympathetic look, "Yeah, it's a possibility. But isn't it better to go down fighting?"
He shrugs.
"You said ballet is her everything. It's her entire life. Show her that you're willing to integrate yourself into that."
"Yeah," he breathes out, nodding slowly. "Yeah, you're right."
"I know I am." she grins. "Okay, let's get you over there. Don't forget the flowers you picked up!"
. . .
30 minutes later, Harry can't stop shifting uncomfortably as he sits in an aisle seat in the campus auditorium at Y/N's spring showcase.
The massive bouquet of flowers in his lap keep making his nose run and he feels like he's being suffocated by the buttons on his shirt that go all the way up to his neck. Best of all, according to the show program, Y/N isn't scheduled to go on until the very end. She mentioned to him once that being placed as the finale act is the best and biggest compliment, and he can't fight the bit of pride that thrums in his heart.
For an hour, he sits there, fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt and pinching his bottom lip between his fingers as he waits for Y/N to go on. He sits through mediocre singing showcases and even a violin solo that almost puts him to sleep, if not for the older man clearing his throat next to him. Melanie and James even text him during the intermission to see how it's going, but he doesn't have much to report back.
Finally, the show comes to a close and her name is announced, following by the title of the French piece of music she's dancing to. His heart throbs in his chest — he's so nervous for her, especially knowing she hurt her ankle just a few weeks back. But the second she graces the stage, she's a vision of beauty, strength, and delicacy all at the same time. It's enough to take Harry's breath away.
As he sits there watching her, he doesn't move a muscle. Not for a single jump, spin, or step. He doesn't know anything about ballet — not aside from what Y/N has told him — but in that moment, he realizes that he'd be willing to learn every little thing there is to know if it meant she let him back into her life.
She's gorgeous. She offers a flawless performance and the second she's finished, a look of relief washes over her face as she takes a subdued bow, her pretty eyes widening when she sees all the people — Harry included — standing and applauding her.
For Y/N, the hard part was over. For Harry, it had just begun.
. . .
Y/N is elated to have a moment of silence after her performance.
With the dressing room door shut behind her, she lets out a long, deep breath. The dance she'd been driving herself crazy over for months was finally over.
And yet, for some reason, she feels empty.
She shoves it down as sits, eager to get her pointe shoes off. She's ready to shed her costume and get into sweatpants and head home. She knows the rest of the performers are heading out to a party tonight, but she's exhausted.
She's sorting through the bag of clothes she brought when there's a soft knock at the door. She knows she only has around 20 minutes to get out before the janitorial staff starts cleaning, so she rises with a sigh, unlocking the door and opening it.
"I'll be done soon, I just need to change—"
It's not the janitor, though.
It's Harry. Standing there stiffly in a starchy button down with a huge bouquet of flowers that almost encompass the width of his broad shoulders.
"What are you doing here?" she blurts without thinking.
"I came to watch you perform," he replies gently. His throat bobs as he hands her the flowers. "These are for you."
"You didn't watch me." she snorts with a shake of her head. She hasn't accepted the bouquet yet.
"Yes, I did," he instantly fires back, "What, do you wanna see my ticket for proof? I was in seat F34, next to an old man who kind of smelled like soup, and he kept clearing his throat and it was really annoying but I didn't care because I came to see you, and I'd sit through hours of bullshit to watch you dance."
Harry can't read the blank expression of her face, but he takes it as a step in the right direction when she takes the flowers from him. She blinks as she glances past him and then steps aside, motioning for him to come in.
"I have to get my shit together and leave soon, so... just sit in here."
He nods. He's hesitant to allow himself to relax since he's not sure if he's in the clear yet. She closes the dressing room door behind her and places the bouquet on her vanity.
"I need to change," she says, spinning around to face him. "Close your eyes."
He chuckles until he sees the serious expression on her face. "Wait, really?"
"Yes, really."
"But... I— y'know—"
"Just turn the fuck around, Harry."
He does as he's told, shutting his eyes as he listens to her roll her tights down and step out of her leotard. One day, if she let him, he'd be more than happy to do that for her — not even in a sexual way, but he knows how tiring it can be to take off his own gear after a long game. He thinks it would be nice to be there for her.
"Okay, you're good," she murmurs. She's stuffing her things in her tote bag when he bats his eyes back open.
"Are you meeting up with anyone after this? I'm sure your friends came to see you, but I just wanted to maybe talk and... y'know, clear the air a bit." Harry says, wringing his hands nervously in his lap. Y/N furrows a brow as she analyzes his body language. She doesn't think she's actually seen him look anxious before.
"Um... no," she says with a shake of her head before quickly revising her answer, "No, I mean, I'm not meeting up with anyone and no one came to see me. Except you, I guess."
"Wait, really?"
She sighs as she pauses the process of gathering her things. "Really, Harry."
He swallows tightly. They're silent for a moment as she grabs her jacket and throws it over her shoulders.
"Come over and we'll talk. I borrowed my friend Matt's car for the night but— yeah, you can follow me to my place or whatever. And I can't promise I'll be awake for much longer but I think clearing the air could be... good."
A rush of relief makes its way through Harry's body.
"Okay. Yeah, let's do that."
. . .
"I never said it, but you were flawless tonight."
Y/N laughs breathily as she settles onto her couch, a cup of sleepy time tea in her hand. Harry rejected her offer for one (his response had been, "Y/N, do I look like someone who drinks tea with a sleeping bear on it?") but he'd be lying if he said it didn't at least smell good.
"I fucked up on one of my jetés — I'll get yelled at for it on Monday, but otherwise I'm decently content with the performance."
"Well, you couldn't tell," Harry replies, "Seriously. You were perfect."
Her cheeks warm and she stares down at her tea. Her legs are sprawled out in front of her while Harry sits on the other edge of the couch, giving her plenty of room to stretch out.
"So... clearing the air."
Harry clears his throat and nods, prepared to embark on the speech he'd been practicing in his head for weeks. But then, she speaks.
"I'm sorry for running out on you and ignoring you," she says, keeping her gaze down in her lap. "That wasn't... I'm not the best person. I'm bad at feelings and I use ballet as a crutch. I figure it's the one thing I'm really, exceptionally good at, and that should give me a pass in life but I know that's not true. I can't just go around treating people like shit because I'm... scared."
"What are you scared of?" Harry asks through furrowed brows. "I'm sorry if I stepped out of line that night, I should've been better—"
"You didn't. You were great. You did everything perfectly," she replies with a shake of her head. Her response surprises him, but he tries to hide the shock on his face. "I'm scared because you're you. You're a hotshot hockey player and, besides this showcase, you're the only other thing I've thought about these past few weeks. That's horrifying for me."
"Is this...?" Harry attempts to roll his lips into a thin line, preventing a smirk from bursting onto his face. "Is this a very Y/N way of telling me that you like me?"
She groans, as if it's the worst thing to ever happen to her, and it makes Harry laugh.
"Don't laugh at me!" she exclaims. That only makes Harry cackle even louder as he slowly crawls over to her, taking her warm cup of tea out of her hands and placing it on the coffee table.
"You're cute when you're exasperated." he murmurs. She pouts and his eyes crinkle with a grin as he peels her shaky hands away from her face.
"You're the one exasperating me."
"I know," he replies lowly, licking his lips as his face hovers over hers, "I like it."
"This isn't us agreeing to date, by the way." she quickly tacks on. He issues out a mhm as he leans forward, testing the waters, and pressing a light kiss to her nose. "We need to take it slow. Like, painfully slow. Or else I'll freak out and run away again."
"Whatever you want." he mumbles, kissing her right cheek. "I mean it."
"And you can't just overwhelm me whenever you feel like it."
He laughs and kisses her left cheek, then her forehead.
"Okay. Any other demands?"
He stops pasting kisses to her face then, instead choosing to simply loom his lips over hers. He can feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest and watches as she swallows nervously.
"No," she finally whispers. "Just kiss me."
And so he does.
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ellemj · 7 months
Needs & Wants - Sex Pollen Trope Pt. 6
Bucky Barnes x Reader
**Read parts 1-5 first for the full effect!**
Summary: Bucky doesn't want to take advantage when you're no longer feeling the effects of the chemical, even if he's still feeling them.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, oral sex, profanity, angst, sex pollen (dubcon), mutual pining, dirty talk, kinda cockwarming, use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Special thanks to @littlemiss-yeehaw for helping with the warnings <3
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires more warnings.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author's Note: AHHHH ngl I had butterflies down deeep while writing certain parts of this, I hope it was worth the wait for y'all. For the millionth time this week, thank you for all of the likes, reblogs, comments, asks, EVERYTHING. I wouldn't be writing this without you amazing people.
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Everything hurts. You feel like you ran a marathon, hit the gym, and then rolled down a mountainside. After a few seconds of being completely still, you realize it isn’t pain from the chemical compound. No, it’s just the after effects of the night that you’ve had. It’s the kind of soreness that you should expect to have after a night of sex with someone like Bucky, and after all of the intense physiological chaos that the chemical exposure caused. You don’t feel any cramping, stinging, or unbearable discomfort anymore. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you focus in on your current position. You lay on your side, dressed in only your t-shirt and Bucky’s dog tags, with his body so close behind you that you can feel the increasingly familiar warmth of breath fanning across the side of your neck. You’re worried that the way you’re feeling right now might be temporary. What if the chemical hasn’t fully cleared out of your system yet? Or worse, what if it has? What happens when Bucky wakes up and you both have to face each other after everything that’s happened tonight?
            You shake the anxiety-laden thoughts from your mind and decide the best way to soothe yourself is to check the time. Time is going to be the best indicator of how likely it is that the chemical has run its course for you. Unbeknownst to you, when you lean over and retrieve your phone from the bedside table, you moving those mere three inches away from Bucky interrupts his slumber. He blinks his eyes a few times as the dim screen of your phone becomes visible over your shoulder. 5:03 am. It’s been nine hours since you were both exposed. You recall Banner’s estimates, remembering him saying that it could last 8-10 hours for you and 8-12 hours for Bucky. How you’re feeling combined with it having been nine hours since exposure, you’re sure now that it’s worn off for you. Or at least worn off enough that you won’t be jumping your partner anymore. You set your phone back down on the table and rest your head on your pillow once more, remaining on your side. Maybe you can get another two or three hours of sleep before the team starts calling to check in with you both.
            Bucky, however, won’t be going back to sleep. Though he lays behind you with his eyes shut and his face giving the impression that he’s asleep, his lower half is very much awake and it’s keeping the rest of him awake now. He doesn’t know for sure if it’s worn off for you yet, but if it hasn’t, it will very soon. Why does the thought of that make him almost sad? He shouldn’t want more of what went down tonight. God, he wishes he didn’t want more. But with you lying inches away from him, wearing that damn t-shirt and his dog tags, and your panties probably still on the bathroom floor…all he can think about is repeating every second of the last time he was inside of you. It replays in his mind in flashes. You let him slide into your tight, wet cunt when you’d barely woken up and then you moaned his name before he was even fully inside you. You let him take his time, you didn’t rush him one bit as he memorized the way your pussy gripped his shaft and drew him in for more every time he tried to pull out. And fucking hell, when you leaned back into him and hooked your leg over his, giving him the perfect angle to please you. Yet somehow, all of that was background noise when you kissed him. You kissed him. He thought working his name out of your pretty little mouth was the triumph of the night, until he tasted your lips.
            He can’t ignore how hard he is any longer. Not when you’re lying there without anything underneath your t-shirt and especially not when his mind is giving him a slow-motion replay of the events that occurred just over an hour ago. He wants to find his relief in you, but he fears that you’re no longer under the influence of the chemical that gifted him with the best night of his life. He won’t take advantage. With it being so close to the ten-hour mark, he can’t bring himself to ask you for anything more than what you’ve already given him. He’ll take care of this one himself.
            You feel Bucky shift on the bed behind you a few minutes after you’ve set your phone back down on the bedside table. You stay still, hoping he’s just moving in his sleep to get more comfortable and that he isn’t really waking up after so little sleep. He has to be exhausted at least as much as you are, if not more. He needs sleep. When you feel cool air seeping into the covers, you know he’s not lying behind you anymore. You sit up quickly, turning your head to see Bucky standing beside the bed, pulling his boxers on in the dark. The feeling that spreads over you can only be described as dread. Did it wear off early for him? Is he going back to his bed to sleep through the rest of the morning now that he has no need for you anymore? Why does it bother you so damn much that he’s about to walk out of this room?
            “Bucky?” He freezes at the sound of his name leaving your lips in such a soft, timid tone. You sound worried and he hates it. His back is to you so you haven’t seen the way his cock is once again fighting to escape the confines of his boxers, you don’t see the way his cheeks are flushed or the way sweat is glistening across his forehead. He can make it out of here before you notice any of it.
            “Go back to sleep. You can probably get a few more hours in before Sam and Fury want to hear from us.” Why does he sound so distant? And why the hell won’t he turn around and look at you? You feel utterly sick now. After what you both did last night, he can’t even look at you. Can you blame him? God, you were so fucking stupid. Where did all of your self-control go? You were supposed to lock yourself in the bedroom and ride it out alone, not ride it out on him. Suddenly, his dog tags feel heavy around your neck. Bucky takes two steps toward the door, still refusing to look at you.
            “Wait.” You remove the dog tags from around your neck, holding the chain in your palm as you climb out of bed. He sighs but still doesn’t turn to you. What a fucking ass. “These are yours.” You say softly, walking to the foot of the bed and holding them out. He takes two more steps forward, stopping once he’s in front of you. You hold out the dog tags, studying them as they sway above his open palm. As you watch the metal tags collide with his skin, you feel hollow inside. You can be as cool and as calloused as him, you decide. You’re about to turn on your heel and climb back into bed, alone, when you mistakenly let your eyes drift down to the front of his tented boxers. The chemical hasn’t cleared his system yet.
            He knows you know now. He watches as your expression changes from one that he couldn’t quite decipher to one that he’s become fond of tonight: need. It’s different this time though. You don’t need him to fuck you. Instead, you feel the need to take care of him. You don’t want him to suffer through these last couple of hours. You can’t let him suffer after all of the ways he helped you.
            “Bucky...” Your voice trails off as you turn your gaze up to his face. He’s looking into your eyes but instead of seeing his blue irises painted on with a lust-tinged brush, you see the hard, stoic look he’s always had around you.
            “I said you should go back to sleep.” He reminds you, his fist tightening around the dog tags that remain in his flesh hand. Why is he acting like this now? You should feel hurt, maybe even embarrassed that this is how he’s treating you after everything you did with him, but the only thing you feel is anger that he’d walk away now. That he’d walk away when he’s so clearly in need of something that you can give him. You’re contemplating what to say to start the argument that’s about to take place, but you know words won’t be enough to make him stay. Not when he has that cold look in his eye.
            Bucky’s frozen in place when you get down on your knees.
            “Y/n…” His warning tone doesn’t do shit to stop you. You’re already on the floor, sliding your hands from his knees, up the fronts of his thighs, and then lightly raking your fingertips back down to where you started. You think you can almost feel him trembling at your touch. “You don’t need to do this.”
            “Everything else I did tonight was because I needed to do it. I’m doing this because I want to.”
            That was it. Somehow, he thinks that’s the best thing you’ve ever said to him. Now, as you pull his boxers down at a painstakingly slow pace, that lust-filled look is back where it belongs, clouding his gaze as he watches you intently. You maintain eye contact as you wrap your hand around his thick length, stroking it once, twice, three times before leaning forward and dragging your tongue over his slit. He watches as you taste his precum. It lights a fire within him that he fears will only be stoked by every fucking thing that you do from now on. He never would’ve thought that the mouth that gives him shit on a daily basis would be wrapped around his cock like it is now. You work your hand over the base of his shaft as you take him further and further into your mouth. You were going to stop halfway and pull back, planning to give him a nice, clean blowjob. But when you make it halfway and look up at him through your eyelashes, the way he’s looking back down at you causes every thought to flee your mind. You relax your throat and take the last few inches in slowly, until you feel your nose brush against his lower stomach and his cock hit the back of your throat. The groan that rips from his chest encourages you to pull back and do it again. You’re about to do it a third time when he fists his vibranium hand in your hair and pulls your head back, forcing his cock out of your mouth. As he looks down at you, your cheeks and nose pink, your eyes watering ever so slightly, his dog tags feel heavy in his right hand. He loosens his grip in your hair and lets his vibranium hand slide over to the side of your face. He runs his thumb across your cheekbone.
            You stare up at him with lust and longing written all over your features. Can anyone really blame him for what he’s about to do? Fucking hell, he can’t help himself. He stops stroking your cheek with this thumb and you watch carefully as he fingers the chain of his dog tags in front of your face. Your eyes catch onto the inscription that you’ve rubbed your thumb over so many times tonight: James B Barnes. He gently places the chain back around your neck and then hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him again.
            “So fucking pretty with my name around your neck.” He breathes out the words. Now you’re the one trembling. When his hand falls away from your chin, you lose the last shreds of self-control you were clutching onto and place your hands on his thighs as you take him back into your mouth. You bob your head back and forth eagerly, loving the breathy groans and curses that fall from his lips every time he hits the back of your throat. Still, you want to give him more. You reach up and grab his flesh hand, guiding it to the back of your head as you still yourself with only the tip of his cock resting in your mouth. He narrows his eyes at you, knowing what you’re about to let him do but not completely sure that you can take it. He was just about to ask you if you were sure, when you gave him the most innocent look that he’s ever seen, and then he was ruined. He tangles his fingers in the hair at the crown of your head and forces you to take every inch of him in. He holds you there for two seconds, trying harder than he ever has to keep from cumming when he feels your throat tighten as you gag on his cock. You let him take complete control, guiding your head back and forth at the pace he chooses. It takes less than a minute for him to nearly come undone. You feel his cock twitch in your mouth and you don’t have any plans to make him stop. You hope he’ll cum in your mouth. Of course, he abruptly pulls your head back before he finishes. But he doesn’t stop there. He pulls you to your feet using his hold on your hair and shoves you onto the bed.
            “Shirt off, now.” He commands, his chest heaving as he runs a hand through his messy hair. In an instant, your shirt is on the floor and you’re sitting on the bed with your weight resting back on your hands. He crawls over you while stroking his cock in his right hand, and you follow your instincts, lying down underneath him as he leaves you no other choice. Your legs spread and you find yourselves in the missionary position, just like the first time you fucked. “You were going to let me cum in your mouth, weren’t you?” He asks, bracing himself with his arms on the bed on either side of your head and leaning in close to you. He leaves wet kisses just underneath your jaw as he patiently waits for a response.
            “Yes.” You answer honestly. Your eyes are nearly rolling back in your head at how good he is with his mouth. His lips feel so soft against your skin and you just want to taste him again. You let your hands travel up his sides, over his chest, and then you rest them along the sides of his jaw, pulling his mouth to yours. He captures your lips with his, your mouths moving in tandem as heat begins to spread throughout your body.
            “Would you have swallowed?” Bucky wonders aloud, breaking the kiss to look into your eyes. You stare up at him as a playful smile turns up the corners of your lips.
            “Every drop.”
            The words have barely left your mouth when you feel Bucky lining his cock up with your entrance. You moan before he’s even inside of you and he can’t stop the smirk that spreads across his face. He has you wrapped around his finger in this perfect, unforgettable moment. He forces his cock inside you, his head falling down to the crook of your neck as he bottoms out.
            “Fuck, Y/n. It’s so good, I can’t…” His voice is tense as his sentence goes unfinished. He’s not even thrusting into you, he’s just grinding his hips in circles, letting his cock rub against the walls of your pussy. “I just want to stay like this.” He groans. For a second, you wonder if he means that he wants to physically stay like this or if he means something else entirely.
            “God, Bucky…” You start grinding up into him just like he’s grinding down into you and within seconds, you’re a wreck beneath him. “Please, fuck me.” He can’t deny you. He starts fucking his cock into you, obsessed with the way you pull him tighter against your chest with every thrust. Bucky was already seconds away from cumming when you were sucking him off, but now he’s hanging so far over the edge that he can feel himself losing control. You can sense how far gone he is as he buries his cock in you with what can only be described as pure primal need.
            “Shit. Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He groans, nipping at your collarbone as the headboard begins to knock against the wall. You wrap your legs around his waist and snake your hand down between the two of you, rubbing your clit to ensure that you’ll cum at the exact same time as him. You want him to feel the way you clench around him, the way your walls flutter as aftershocks tear through you.
            “Oh my god, Bucky. Cum inside me, please fucking cum for me, baby.” The words fall from your lips so freely that someone overhearing would think you’ve been sleeping with each other for months. “Don’t pull out.” Your last words flip a switch inside him and he starts driving his cock into you with so much force that you hear the headboard crack. When he cums inside you just a second later, you fall over the edge right along with him, your orgasm so strong that tears form in the corners of your eyes as he fucks you through it.
            That. That was earth-shattering, life-altering sex.
            You stay connected like that, with Bucky on top of you and his cum trapped inside of your cunt by his still hard dick, until you both drift off to sleep.
            There aren’t many things that you hate more than being woken up by your phone ringing. It’s always immediately put you in a bad mood. However, when you wake up this morning to the sound of your phone ringing and vibrating on the bedside table, you find yourself tangled up with Bucky. Completely naked.
            Fuck. You’re facing each other, with your leg hitched over his hip and his thigh pressed against your wet pussy. Wet? Holy shit, it’s his cum. His cum has been steadily dripping out of you since you fucked earlier, and with the position you’re in, it’s been dripping out of you and onto the skin of his thigh. With the light of early morning starting to peek through the curtains across the room, you can see Bucky clearly now. He’s scrunching up his face in annoyance at the sound of your phone ringing. Shit, your phone. You twist your upper body and retrieve your phone from the bedside table, tapping on the screen to answer it before checking to see who’s calling.
            “Tell me you both made it through the night.” Sam’s voice fills your ear and Bucky must hear it too, because his eyes snap open in an instant. He doesn’t move and you can see the wheels in his mind turning as he goes through the same mental gymnastics you just went through about your positions and what exactly is on his thigh right now. You bite your lip so you won’t let out a laugh.
            “We made it through the night.” You tell Sam, your voice raspy from the various moans and screams you let out last night.
            “And you’re both okay?” He asks.
            “We’re fine.”
            “I tried calling Bucky first because I know he never sleeps, but he didn’t answer.” Bucky’s eyes widen as he overhears Sam’s words. He didn’t answer because he slept in your bed, and his phone is still back in his own bedroom.
What the hell are you going to say to Sam?
Next Part
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asapeveryday · 1 month
Tumblr media
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Rival!Reader
Warnings: swearing
A/n: I hate this ngl 😣 didn’t turn out that great. I swear I’ll do better
Prev. Next.
“ITS TEN PM, why the fuck are you at my hotel right now?”
Elaine gives an unbothered look at your harsh tone, which shocks you because she’s usually more reactive.
“Seriously?” You scoff. She’d been standing stupidly outside of your door for god knows how long, spamming your phone with messages you didn’t see due to Paige taking it. “You don’t even have a key to my room…what did you think you’d accomplish?”
“It’s a Saturday night, I thought I’d take you out.” She rolls her eyes. “Plus I know your teammates are partying right now. Sorry I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“Well maybe I would’ve liked to be alone, since I didn’t answer the 40 texts and calls you gave me.” You say, opening the room up and stepping inside, letting her follow behind. If you were going to argue it wouldn’t be in the hallway for everyone to hear.
“Well you weren’t alone, were you?” Elaine quips with a rude tone that is foreign for you to hear from her.
“So what if I wasn’t?” You narrow your eyes. “I didn’t come to Connecticut just to see you.”
She’s immediately stung by this, and you feel bad for a split second until she retaliates. “Well you came to Storrs for me, right? Unless you were just trying to fuck Paige Bueckers and leave. You and your little fake arguments, you sure you’re not covering up for something?”
“You’re kidding.” You laugh at her, but it’s uncomfortable. “You think I’m faking my arguments to cover up some elaborate hookup? Shit, you’re crazy.”
“I’m not fucking crazy,” Elaine voice raises above yours, clearly hurt by the comment. “I don’t know why you’re all over the chick, and going out to dinner with her? It’s weird.”
“I don’t know why you care so much. That’s what’s weird.”
“I just think you should keep your distance from Paige.” She says, quieter. “The media has been all over you two, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but it’s overwhelming.”
“Obviously not if I don’t know this already.” You raise your eyebrow. “Guess it’s been overwhelming for you though.”
Elaine is quiet for a moment, arms crossed in an attempt to comfort herself. “I’m sorry.” She says. “I guess I’ve just been jealous. You came to see me after like a year, and I kinda felt like you were more focused on Paige then me.”
At the thought of this you immediately feel awful. You hadn’t seen Elaine for a long time, and when you have been with her you were admittedly distracted.
“I’m sorry Lainey.” You sigh out. “I haven’t been here long…It’s just been a lot. We have the rest of the week.” You hold out your arms and she gladly hugs you tight.
“I’m not gonna lie,” you mumble against her “I thought you were mad about Paige for a whole other reason.”
“Never mind.” You shake your head, brushing off the thoughts of her jealousy being a little different from how she explained. “Let’s go out. I need a drink.”
You tried to go out and have fun, but your mind kept wandering to earlier. Paige’s hands on your face, her mouth hovering above yours, her eyes staring through you. The memory of her knuckles white and wrapped around the steering wheel as she drove you back home, a pent up expression on her face.
You weren’t sure if she was so annoyed because your moment with her was interrupted, or because Elaine was the one who interrupted it. Despite Paige dismissing your friend, and Elaine seemingly missing your company, you knew there was something going on between them. You just weren’t sure what, and the shots you’d done didn’t help collect your thoughts.
Elaine had been with you for a bit, but eventually went off on her own to get detrimentally more drunk then you planned on getting. You were sitting at a table alone and sipping when you got a notification.
paigebueckers is going live!
You switch to a burner account before joining the live and being greeted with Paige’s straight face reading comments while KK hung out in the background. You felt pathetic watching her live anonymously, but you needed to see her.
“Someone said ‘Ain’t it too late for ya’ll?’” Paige scoffs, turning to KK
“Girl, it’s a Saturday. Who you think we are?” KK quips back, enticing a chuckle from Paige that makes your stomach flutter.
They take turns answering questions; Paige gracefully dodging the less appropriate ones and KK occasionally reading something that makes everyone go crazy. They were so funny together you almost forgot how sad it was that you were in a bar watching their live.
KK looks at the chat for a longer moment before her eyebrows raise, mouth forming an amused smirk while glancing at Paige, who is turned away from the phone and looking at something off screen.
“Aye Paige, someone said ‘u still beefin’ with (name)?’”
Paige flashes a dangerous look to KK who unsurprisingly cowers a bit, but she turns towards the camera and rubs her face sheepishly while responding. “S’ not really beef. We jus don’t get along.”
“Oh?” KK responds, this obviously being news to her.
Blue eyes finally meet the camera, and you almost feel like she’s staring right at you when she says “and I’m tired of people comparing me to her. We are not on the same level.” Paige lets out an entitled huff. “It’s embarrassing. People think just cus we talked like twice we’re equal.”
KK nudges her quickly. “She don’t mean that ya’ll.” She says nervously.
“Nah, I do. I mean she’s not bad. She just don’t got nothing on me.” Paige shrugs. “She’s boring. No shock factor.”
“Aight ya’ll I think that’s it for tonight.” KK says curtly, eyeing Paige. The live ends in an instant, and you’re left feeling hurt, embarrassed, confused and angry. This didn’t feel like an attack on your skill as a basketball player. It was more personal, and Paige knows it.
Your mind is racing from the countless drinks, loud atmosphere and eventful live you’d just watched. You shoot Juju a text and ask her to go live with you, and she surprisingly responds in an instant. The viewers are scarily high right from the get go.
“Who came here from Paige’s live?”
“Ain’t no way she’s at a bar rn”
“Aye (name) how’s Connecticut?”
“lowk think her and Paige are hooking up”
“juju can you say hi pls”
“Hey guys.” You mutter, attempting to steady your voice. Juju raises an eyebrow at your state. “You sure you shud be on live right now?” She asks. “Who’re you even with?”
“Never mind that.” You shake your head, reading through the comments. “Hiii guys. Connecticut’s alright, Storrs is a shithole though.” You laugh.
“Missing California?” Juju asks.
Sighing, you reply “Very much so.”
“Sooo, let’s talk bout your new friend!” Juju smirks, most probably unaware of Paige’s newest comment about you.
“And who would that be?”
“Paige Bueckers, duh. Must be nice to see her in person outside of the court.” Juju says innocently, not paying attention to the increase of questions in the chat concerning Paige’s live.
“Nice isn’t quite the word I would use.” You grumble, and Juju immediately seems to regret bringing it up. She tries to save the situation by asking something else, but you interrupt her. “I think the word disappointing…or maybe shitty fits better.”
“Hah, you’re funny.” Juju attempts to seem amused, but is clearly trying to figure out how she can work in some damage control. She furiously types something out and you get a message from her a moment later
Girl get tf off of live RIGHT NOW and get yo self home and in bed. Ur so drunk.
Ignoring the text, you continue to read questions out loud. Your body is practically on fire and you’re aware that you’re not thinking straight, but there are no intentions of stopping now. Paige certainly couldn’t have enough of talking big online, so why should you?
“‘Weren’t you just with Paige at a coffee shop yesterday?’” You read out loud. “Not intentionally.” You huff, eyebrows narrowing. “The girl can’t accept I’m tryna have a peaceful vacation. For whatever reason I keep seeing her everywhere, it’s not even funny, just fucking weird.”
“(Name) I think we should put the phone down.” Juju says quietly.
“Mm, it’s not even my problem she thinks ‘m boring anyways.” You grumble, words starting to slur. “Mayyybe I’m boring cus I don’t wanna fuckin’ talk to her n her shitty Italian restaurant.”
The chat begins to blow up at this, and it finally hits you how much damage you’ve just done. “M’kay bye.” You rush out, quickly ending the live and texting Juju back.
howw fucked am i scale of 1-10
We not even in numbers anymore atp.
Get yo ass up and go home pls. This is an issue for tmr now
Your head is starting to pound as you get up from your spot and push through people in search of Elaine, thankfully she finds you first, half stumbling-half intentionally bumping into you. She’s obviously wasted.
“Ready to go homeee?” She hiccups, accepting your hand as help to balance herself. “I’m gonna call an Uber.” You reply. “Can we wait outside?”
The two of you practically tumble out of the bar, the cold air slightly sobers you up, and clarifies your thoughts a bit. You feel yourself start to get irritated.
“Do you have to get so fuckin’ drunk every time we go out?” You huff out.
“Don’t start.” Elaine snaps. “You’re literallyyyy slurring your words.”
“At least I can walk,” you scoff. Your head is absolutely aching now, and you’re dying to be home. “You look so stupid tripping around.”
“Well you look stupid feining over Paige, goin live n shit talking her.” She retaliates.
“I’m not feining for shit.”
“You’re obsessed.” Elaine slurs. “N’ I’ll tell you what. She’s going to play your ass and you’re never gonna get over it, cus that’s what she does.”
“You know way more about her then you let on.” You narrow your eyes, unsurprised when she avoids your gaze. “How’d you even know I was out with her today anyways?”
She’s quiet, you can’t tell if she’s thinking or if she’s genuinely ignoring you.
“Elaine.” You say sharply. “How the fuck did you know I was out with Paige?”
“I have her location.” She mumbles.
“She still shares her location me.”
“She still…” you pause, attempting to understand what she’s saying. “She shares her location with you?”
“I mean, I don’t think she knows she hasn’t turned it off.” Elaine says sheepishly. “I just happened to check n’ I saw you guys together.”
“This is so fuckin’ weird.” You scoff. “What happened to you guys barely knowing each other?”
“Yeah, well that’s what I told you.” She rolls her eyes.
“And what didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.” Elaine shrugs, eyes heavy.
“We used to fuck.”
The immediate regret on her face as the words leave her mouth makes you sick to your stomach, and a swirl of unintelligible emotions begin to manifest inside of you.
“And you didn’t tell me this because?”
“Didn’t think it was worth mentioning.”
“Why’d you try to get me to flirt with her that first day at the bar?”
She shakes laughs and her head. “Didn’t think you’d actually end up talking to her, didn’t think she’d be so interested in you either. You’re not really her type.”
Exasperated and unsure how to even articulate what you’re feeling, you simply bring your hands to your face. “Do you understand how fucking weird this is?”
“Don’t get so frustrated.” She scoffs. “You’ve talked to her for like three days, n’ you thought she was a dick before this week. Don’t tell me you’re into her now.”
“It’s not even about her at this point.” You sneer. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, and I don’t know why everyone here is fucking obsessed with lying.”
When she doesn’t respond you take the opportunity to get more in, facing her now and looking down in disappointment. “I didn’t even know you liked girls, and now you’re telling me you’ve been hooking up with someone I know? God, it makes sense now why you were so quick to start insulting her the minute she showed any interest in me.”
Elaine can’t even bring herself to look at you, and the fact that she’s so drunk she might not even be digesting what you’re saying is infuriating you.
“Then you guilt trip me about not paying enough attention to you? Was that really what was bothering you, or was it the fact that she was out with me?”
Taking a deep breath, you turn your back to her and check your phone to see when your uber was coming. You also see a text message.
Normally you’d have ignored any message from her after today, but your mind was still racing from adrenaline and you couldn’t help but respond.
what do u want
Are you still at that bar?
I feel like we shud talk
you gonna tell me why you lied to my face?
i’m with Elaine rn
Oh uh…
I can pick both u guys up and drop her off ? If u want.
i’m not riding in the car you prolly fucked her in
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munson-blurbs · 3 months
How do you think Eddie would react to a fwb reader who uses sex as a distraction from their feelings?? Like, they’ve been having a bad week an their mental state isn’t great but heyyy there’s sex. Reader doesn’t really care about the pleasure part of sex just the distraction. Worried Eddie would feel a little used ngl :P
((Dancy dances away nervously))
I know you started this with "do you think" but my brain said WRITE A BLURB so here we are. Also shoutout @corroded-hellfire for helping me make it cute without being cliche.
Warnings: mentions of smut (18+ only, minors DNI), friends with benefits, angst/yearning, idiots in love, made it fluffy because I'm a sap
WC: 747
You hadn’t thought anything of it the night he’d called you “baby.” He was deep within you, melding his body with yours. Lost in the moment.
Or the night he’d mumbled, “your pussy was made for me” while slamming into you from behind. It was just dirty talk; nothing more and nothing less. 
Maybe you should have been tipped off when he’d growled, “mine,” his voice barely above a whisper as he pressed soft kisses below your earlobe. You’d figured the word, like the sex, was meaningless. 
But tonight’s comment stops you in your tracks. Your legs are wobbling beneath you, exhausted from riding him, as you step back into your pants. 
“Do you wanna, like, cuddle for a sec?”
A giggle escapes from your lips, swollen and kiss-bitten. He’s joking; he has to be. The two of you have a perfectly choreographed routine: you have a bad day, you call Eddie, you fuck, and then you leave. And his latest suggestion would definitely interfere with step four. 
When your eyes meet his, you realize that he’s serious. Hurt and confusion at your laughter crease his brows, and he tugs the sheet up a bit higher. 
“Sorry, I, um…” He shakes his head and rubs his face. “Never mind. You probably have to go anyway.”
You’re in no hurry to return home, fresh off of yet another argument with your roommate. That’s why you’d come over to Eddie’s trailer in the first place. And it isn’t as though you’d never thought about being in his strong, tattooed arms. The way he’d hold you flush against him, your cheek on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat in your ear. It’s something you’d once wanted—craved, even—but you couldn’t let vulnerability infiltrate you like that again. 
You spent high school watching him pine over the cheerleaders. He unwittingly broke your heart over and over with each woman he hooked up with at the Hideout, overlooking you despite your presence at every show. Being friends with benefits is risky enough, and post-sex snuggling will send you teetering over the edge back into the rocky terrain of unrequited love. 
And so you lean into humor as you shrug on your shirt. “I don’t think this friends-with-benefits arrangement includes cuddling.” Keeping your tone light and even, restraining every desire to crawl into bed with him. 
“Right, yeah.” He sighs and offers a sad half-smile. “It’s just…I was thinking—”
“That’s dangerous.”
He flips you off and continues. “I was thinking that maybe we could be more than that. Y’know, maybe we could have sex when you’re happy, too.” 
“I am happy when we have sex,” you counter.
Eddie shakes his head again. “I’m talking about before we do it.” He gnaws on his thumbnail. “It feels like you only want me when you have a bad day. A-And I’m glad I can be here for you and stuff, but sometimes I wonder if I’m a friend or just a good lay.”
You try to look at him when you speak, but he keeps his gaze trained on the ground. “Eddie,” you start, taking a seat next to him. His chest is slick with sweat, the soft hairs matted down. “Eddie, I had the biggest, dumbest crush on you when we were younger. And knowing I couldn’t have you tore me apart.” You let your hand rest on his. “I can’t risk having you and then losing you.”
“Losing me?” Eddie laughs softly and his free palm comes up to cup your cheek. “Look at me. Where am I going?”
“You could find someone new, someone better, someone who—”
He cuts you off with a searing kiss, remnants of your arousal still tinging his lips and tongue. “There’s no one better,” he murmurs. “You see me answering the door at two in the morning for anyone else? Think I’d miss out on precious sleep for them?” 
One arm hooks around you back and pulls you in until you assume the little spoon position. Nimble fingers undo the button of your jeans, slowly and patiently, a stark contrast to the way he’d practically torn the denim removing them earlier. 
“‘S that comfier?” He asks through a yawn.
“Mhm.” And it is. It’s the most relaxed you’ve been in a while, at least without him inside you. 
His curls tickle the back of your neck as he nuzzles into you. He staves off sleep long enough to speak one last time. 
“I’m glad you’re staying, baby.”
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riizewrtr · 4 months
can i request riize making their partner ride their thigh scenario/reaction?? this may be such a weird ask but i feel like all of them would love seeing their cute gf trying to get off of their thigh only ooo esp like mean!dom riize omg
oooo it's a dream to ride sungchan's thighs ngl.. he works out so much, i want it... lol
content: 18+, mdni, thigh-riding, member x reader
Shotaro didn't think much of it, when he heard someone talking about their girlfriend getting off on their thigh. he didn't even think it was possible to even feel good from that. but it did peak his interest and got him curious. while you were over at the dorm, thigh riding was all he had on his mind. "ride my thigh," is all he said.
"what..?" you were taken aback by the simple comment. shotaro had grabbed you from your spot on the couch, placing you on his thigh. the friction as he pulled you caught you off guard. "get yourself off on my thighs, now." this side of shotaro surprised you, but you can't lie that this turned you on causing your slick to leak against your thin underwear. taro thought this was a picture perfect moment, his pretty girlfriend a moaning mess from just his thighs.
Eunseok wasn't the type to try different things in bed, but when he was working on his thighs during a workout. He had wondered how it would look if he made his girlfriend ride them, grind on them like when you grind your tight little pussy against his cock.
he kept insisting the moment he saw you, "You're going to do it, NOW. You cannot say no to me, you know that right?" he would grown in your ear, before basically ripping off your shorts but keeping on the cute red thong you had on. He forced you onto his thigh, leaving almost a red mark on your arm from how hard he grabbed you. "move," he said sternly, causing you to slowly grind your pussy against his clothed thigh. The friction of his jeans against your pussy was a heaven you didn't know existed. This is something you could get used to, seeing how Eunseok enjoyed his cute girlfriend cumming all over his jeans.
"Grind your pussy against my thigh," was all Sungchan had to say for you to obey his command. You both were needy, but he wanted to try something different, this time on the couch, with the boys around. It wasn't bizarre to them to see you sitting on his lap, so they didn't think much of it when it was movie night. The blanket was draped around your waist, and over Sungchan so the boys couldn't see since you both were the only ones taking up the couch. The rest of the boys insisted on sitting on the floor so they could share their snacks.
You had your arms wrapped around Sungchan's shoulders, gripping onto his hair, playing with it as you grind your clothed core against his thigh. He decided to flex his thigh, causing a small whimper to escape, so you bury your face into his neck. That night was just trying not to let the boys know what was going under that blanket.
Wonbin alone had a dream of you riding his thigh, multiple times. But he never insisted on you doing it, but tonight was the night. You just looked ravishingly in the new lingerie he had bought you. He wanted to ruin the laced thong the first day, "god... you look fucking delicious, i need you to rind my thigh... now."
The grip he had on your waist while you were grinding slowly against his thigh was sure to leave bruises. "Go fucking faster darling, don't be scared.." he grunted, as he helped guide you to the speed that had you moaning loudly in the living room. Your hand gripping his shoulders tightly, who knew you can cum from just a thigh?
You were currently already sitting on Seunghan's lap, when he felt your core grinding against his thigh while you were trying to find a comfortable position/spot to sit in. Seunghan leaned against your back, his grip on your waist tightened, "keep moving, grind your little pussy against my thigh baby," he started flexing his thigh under you causing you to let out a small moan.
You began moving yourself against his flexed thigh, the friction causing small whimpers and moans to escape your lips. Seunghan fixated on your face, seeing it curl in ecstacy. Your clothed core causing a wet stain on your shorts was the hottest thing he has seen when it comes to you. Seeing you come undone from just his thigh.
Sohee knows he didn't have the most muscular thighs, but something was burying in his core.. You riding on his thigh, who else wouldn't want to see their s/o get off on their thigh? "Babe, just ride my thigh, it's not that hard! I can even do the work for you!" he begged before you had to agree, since he was always taking the most action when it comes to his sexual advances.
You climbed onto his lap, you both decided to do this naked so you can feel it ALL. Sohee reached under your rubbing your cute little pussy before he nodded, "you're already so wet darling," he smirked as your pressed yourself down on his thigh, a small whimper escaping your lips at the contact. You started moving yourself back and forth, your slick coating his thigh instantly. The lewd noises of your pussy can even be heard. This is going to be a new added thing to Sohee's list when you guys fuck.
Anton usually isn't very vocal on what he wants, but you both were working out in the empty gym. But you looked very delicious to him, but you had no where to go for privacy, so he simply said, "let's take a break, I need something quick... I need you to grind against my leg, now." You were flabbergasted at the suggestion, but you did get a little hot from a shirtless Anton as he worked out. You couldn't deny you wanted him to take you then and there.
You were quick to sit on his thigh, and quick to start grinding your clothed core against his muscular thigh. Anton placing small and gently kisses against your sweaty neck, and moving down to your chest. Anton occasionally flexing his thigh to help you get off. Small moans filled the gym room, as you quickly tried to get off on his thigh before someone can walk in. But of course to no avail, you couldn't finish due to Sungchan joining. But Anton knew it would need to continue in his bedroom later.
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thegoldencontracts · 23 days
The Oddity Of Kindness
Jade finds you quite amusing, really. He can't help but wish to catch you off-guard. And yet, his plans are thrown off by your dastardly schemes of- genuine kindness?
Notes: NGL Jade would actually make a really good Kaguya from love is war but at the same time I like it better when there is no shirogane... Just him doing that stuff and some random person who's incredibly nice (I low-key wanna make this fic a series guys HELP-)
Jade always found you to be quite the peculiar individual. You never displayed the fear characteristically shown around him. Oblivious, perhaps?
Your peculiarity just made you all the more fascinating. Jade couldn't help but wonder how you'd react upon finding out his true nature.
He'd lamented this to Floyd. Floyd had just said he was being "lame". How foolish. Jade was most certainly not being lame, in fact, he was being incredibly cunning in his schemes to catch you off-guard. He was intelligent, analyzing your weaknesses with am effortless prowess rarely seen, and he had a flawless plan.
Really, it would be so amusing to toy with you a tad. After all, what could you possibly do against him?
"You're blushing, Jade," Azul had commented idly as Jade left to meet you at the botanical gardens, where you went every Saturday morning to pick strawberries. Somehow, Trey let you pick them without charging anything like he had with Jade. You must've been a genius of wit to make that happen.
"Perhaps you require an eye-exam, Azul," Jade said with a laugh. Honestly, what sort of lovesick fool did Azul think he was? Blushing like some schoolgirl meeting their crush! "Your glasses clearly aren't high enough in power. Would you like me to schedule an appointment for you?"
Azul merely rolled his eyes.
"You would do well to get yourself an eye exam," he said, waving Jade off with a shoo. Whatever. Azul simply failed to comprehend Jade's plan. Really, most people would. It was so dastardly Jade couldn't help but feel a bit bad at his own cold-hearted nature.
He was going to fluster you. That was the end goal. He'd already laid out a step-by-step process, along with backup-plans for your every counter.
The first step was to enter the greenhouse. He'd just done that. The second was to walk over to where you were. Closer, closer, taking in the slight scent of petrichor, the fresh, ruby-red strawberries that surrounded you, until...
"Ah, Jade!" You jumped up at the sight of him, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly upon facing him. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."
He smiled, making sure to keep his mouth closed. It made him seem polite, but slightly unnerving due to the way the smile didn't reach his eyes.
Phase one of his plan - to catch you off-guard and leave you at a disadvantage - was a success. It was time for phase two.
"Don't worry," he said. "I completely understand. Regardless, I'm rather curious as to what you're doing. You show up at the garden rather often at this exact time, you see."
He'd just combined steps three and four into one. He'd both unnerved you a bit more by implying that he'd observed your habits and made for a smooth transition to bringing up why he came to the botanical gardens.
"Oh, I'm just here to pick some strawberries for Trey!" So you picked those as a favor to him. That explained why Trey never attempted to seek payment. "He's pretty swamped in Heartslabyul most days, so I like to deliver the strawberries to him."
So you were kind, yes, but that was nothing but old news. More importantly, why weren't you unnerved by the fact that Jade seemed to know you well?
"What about you?" You asked. "I can't name a time, but I know you come here pretty often too. Mind sharing why?"
So, it'd finally come to this. Jade could already picture the sight of you caught off-guard. It would be so tantalizing- amusing. It would be amusing. Not tantalizing, and certainly not something to savor.
"You truly wish to know? It might frighten you," he said, with that typical, unnerving grin of his. But you didn't even bat an eye. How peculiar.
"Yeah, sure!" You said.
His plan was coming to an amusing fruition. Jade knew his eyes were sparkling as he started his ramble.
"I have a love for mushrooms," he said. "The beautiful, often poisonous things. I come here to grow them. I cultivate them ad best as I can, you know. Some fungi can't be grown here. Those tend to be more poisonous. The fun ones. And then, after a long time, the mushrooms are ready for cultivation. The ones that seem edible get fed to others. And yet, they must complain. I still remember the ghost chef who kept insisting it was rude to feed others mushrooms that freeze the tomgue. How odd, no? It was merely a bit of fun."
Silence ensued, with you keeping your hand clasped firmly over your mouth. Jade grinned. He'd done it. To think, you were so easily frightened. How amusing.
But then, you burst into laughter.
"What seems to be the matter?" He said. This wasn't what he expected to happen. Most people were dying to run away, yet paralyzed in fear.
"I- hah, sorry," you said, wheezing in attempts to catch your breath. "You're just so cute when you talk about your mushrooms. And then you were looking at me at the end like you were expecting something, and I just couldn't help it!"
At his reaction, you seemed to come to a realization.
"Did you actually think that'd scare me?" Here it was. You'd show your less kind side to mock him.
But then, your expression seemed to somber for a bit, before you puffed yourself up in an act of resoluteness.
"All those people who tell you it's weird are wrong!" You said, seeming awfully indignant. "You're cute when you get all excited and your eyes sparkle, a-and I loved learning more about your cultivation process. The information's a bonus, not something to put up with!"
You thought he was- cute? T-That wasn't true at all! Jade wasn't cute, he was a predator, and he was cold and cunning in a way that had brought fear upon others! Even as a child, he'd been feared by the high-profile clients Father had him hunt.
So how could you of all people think he was cute? This was utterly absurd. No one thought he was cute, especially not when he talked about mushrooms!
His mouth went dry. His face felt so hot it felt like it would combust any second. What was he to do? He'd never thought this would happen!
"You okay, Jade? Your face is really red," you said. Somehow, you seemed nothing but concerned. There wasn't an ounce of malice in your eyes, and he didn't understand that. Why? Weren't you going to attempt to take advantage of this rare moment of weakness? To garner a favor?
"I- must leave," he said, swallowing rapidly in hopes of overcoming the knot that seemed to form in his throat. "Until next time. This was a pleasure."
"Yeah, I was really nice getting to know you better!" You said. "And don't feel bad about how red your face is! I think it's super cute! But, since it probably means you're sick, rest up, okay?"
What sort of dastardly trick was this? You couldn't possibly be so well-intentioned. So caring, so concerned, over him? It was incomprehensible.
A retreat. He had to stage a retreat. This was too much.
"Hey, Jade!" Said Floyd, right as Jade had strained the illusion of safety. "You're so red right now? 'Rest up, okay'?"
Floyd had- heard everything?
"You'd beat be quiet, dear brother," he said. His voice cracked. Jade's voice never cracked! That simply wasn't something that happened.
"No, no, Floyd is right," said none other than Azul, approaching Jade from the other direction. He was trapped. "What happened to you? Perhaps your little crush managed to turn the tables on you?"
There was nothing to speculate for either of them. They'd seen it all go down. But Jade had to put an end to this somehow.
"It would be a shame if I were to tell everyone about both of your more embarrassing moments, now wouldn't it?" That wasn't nearly as subtle as Jade would've liked. But it did the trick, and got both Azul and Floyd to quit revelling in his suffering.
"Why must you be this way?"
"Boo. Killjoy."
Jade couldn't help but let out a small laugh at their comments as he pulled himself together.
"Regardless, the Prefect truly is a fascinating character," he said. You really were quite the odd one, weren't you?
Change of plans. He didn't want to fluster you anymore. No.
Now, he was going to woo you.
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
For How Long!?!
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Chapter 11: The Future
Pairings: Logan Sargeant x fem!driver!Reader
Warnings: Mentions od marriage and one mention of a child in a single sentence but that's it I think.
Summary: So what exactly happened after Y/N and Logan told the world of their relationship?
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Yourusername: The Greatest day of my life. Not only did I manage to secure the thing I've been dreaming of since I qas a kid, but also the love of my life asked me one of the most important questions ever.
I want to thank everyone at the Aston Martin Aramco F1 team from the analysts to the paint engineers to the assistants to the PR team. Thank you all for helping me reach the championship and letting me work with you. Well done on your amazing and ever zo hard work that without, I never would have be able to be remembered in the history books. 💚
And Logan, I have loved you ever since I met you all those years ago. You are the light of my life, the reason I keep going and truly the only reason I was able to stand up on that top step. I love you more than anything and thank you for further making me the happiest woman alive when you asked me the question with the easiest awnser in the world.
Liked by Logansargeant, Astonmartinf1, Oscarpiastri and 3,890,213 others
View all 213,674 comments
Logansargeant: I love you more than anything in the world. I love you so much and thank you for making me the happiest man alive by saying yes 💙
Oscarpiastri: Well done Y/N. Your skills on the track are truly amazing and I'm so proud of how far you've come from the tiny Y/L/N girl I first met years ago. And of course @Logansargeant, well done on finally getting the nerves to ask her. You two are great together and Good luck for a prosperous future.
↳ Yourusername: Thank you for everything Osc💚
↳ Logansargeant: Thank you man, it means a lot (and thanks for all your help in the proposal build up)
↳ User1: I am literally sobbing omd
↳ User2: Please I can't do this😭 My heart is so full
Astonmartinf1: Well done on everything Y/N, our hero 💚
↳ Yourusername: ILY admin!! 💚
↳ User3: AWWWW
User 4: I think I fainted ngl
↳ User 5: Literally same omd
Liamlawson: Well done mate. You had a great performance in the championship and put on an even better show at the LVGP. And well done to the both of you for finally getting closer to tying the knot.
↳ Yourusername: Thank you and shush Liam. There's no better time than both good things at once
↳ User 6: AYO🤨😏
User 7: Literally speechless
↳ User 8: Ikr. I can't even process this let alone fathom how to respond...
User 9: aiaoanznbsuzuz just woah. What a great way to end the Las Vegas GP
User 11: Romance but make it "the reason I keep going and truly the only reason I was able to stand up on that top step". YOIRE NEVER HESRIMG DROM ME BECAUSE I'M TO BUSY SOBBING MY HEART OUT
↳ User 12: Forget Romeo and Juliet, I wanst what these two have
↳ Yourusername: Yeah I'm ot a poet but Logan desreve she's form of appreciation from at least someone.
User 13: Awwww. Please stop. My heart can't take it!!!
User 14: So baby Sargeant coming when?
Liked by Oscarpiastri
↳ User 15: Captain of the Y/Ngan ship, Oscar is back again!!! Boy how I've missed you!
And with that, the series comes to an end :(. Now it is likely that I'll post a few extras but thank you all so much for the support on my first ever fan fiction!!
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback are always welcome!!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @littlesatanicassholebitch @insanedeathwish @a-disturbing-self-reflection @ems-alexandra @marymustdie @mehrmonga
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samandcolbyownme · 29 days
Ngl I kinda wanna see how Zach is with a pregnant reader. Is he more laid back with the witty comments/jokes? Does he just make different comments/jokes?
I love absolutely everything you do. ❤️
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Warnings: Pregnancy talk, pregnant!reader, girl dad!Zach, some crying, major fluff
Zach would be shocked at first, literally almost like he didn’t know how it happened, he would even say that, too. But, he would be happy and reassure you in every way.
You stood staring down at the hotel’s bathroom sink. The test lighting up with a dark second line that, in all honesty, you weren’t ready to see. “Zach.” You call out, slowly turning towards the door and your nose is met with his chest. You look up at him and he leans against the door, “Need help with somethin’”
He smirks, and raises his brows and you laugh slightly, still in shock about what’s sitting on the other side of your makeup bag, “Um, I mean..” And that’s when it hit you. Tears are instantly blurring your eyes and Zach pulls you into him, “Hey, hey, hey.” He shushes you, rubbing your back, “What’s happening right now?”
He wipes the tears from your face and you motion towards the sink, gasping as you start to cry again. He maneuvers around you to your other side, keeping on hand on you as he looks down to reach for the test, “How the hell did that happen?” You can’t help but laugh, giving him a slight push, “You know how this happened.”
He fingers rub over your hip while he stares down at the test in his hand, “We got this.” He shrugs, looking over at you, “I mean, I can already guarantee you that you’re going be the best mom ever.” You start to cry, laying your head on his chest and he hugs you tight, “It’s okay. Do you want to call Tara?” You nod and he laughs slightly, “Okay, come on. We’ll call Tara.”
Zach would totally lay in bed with you, his head rested gently against your growing baby bump, and just tell jokes. He would have you laughing so hard sometimes, you get a few punches and kicked to the belly every so often and he’s amazed, and slightly freaked out each time.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Zach whispers and you look up, “Hmm.” He looks up at you, “Not you, the baby.” You raise your brows, “Okay. Sorry for interrupting.”
“Yeah, you should be.” He tries not to laugh as he looks back at your belly, pointing lazily towards you, “get a load of this heckler back here, huh.”
You shake your head, laughing quietly as he continues, “Alright, kid. Riddle me this.. why didn’t the chicken cross the road?” He pauses, both of your eyes are on your belly, “To get the other side.”
Zach laughs and gently pats your belly, which finally gets baby girl to kick and he cheers, saying, “That’s right, funny like your daddy.”
Zach would definitely [playfully] pick on you about your midnight/early morning cravings and everyone would defend you.
“Yeah, all because these two-“ he points to you and your baby belly, a smile fighting to appear on his lips as he reminds dramatic, “-had me up at four am to go get breakfast.”
Tara leans over, laying her hand on your belly, “Oh shut up, zach.” She laughs, “You did this to her, so you need to oblige to every request y/n has.” You look over at Zach and he rolls his eyes, “We need to give that baby a clock or something.”
“I don’t think..” Jared sighs with a laugh as he shakes his head, “How do you plan on-“ Jared goes to ask but Zach cuts him off, “Do you really want the answer to that? Because it’s the same way the baby got in there.”
“You do realize that you can say no, right? I mean.. I wouldn’t like saying no to a pregnant lady, but you do you man.” Alyssa laughs. You laugh, looking over at Zach and he slowly shakes his head before nodding, “I love you.”
Zach would definitely stack stuff on your stomach and get sad when baby would kick, knocking his tower over and he would pout.
You glance down, lifting your sunhat a little to see Zach, stacking seashells on your growing baby bump, “Baby. What are you do-“
You gasp when you feel a hard kick from inside your stomach and the small tower Zach was building, falls. He lets out a small scoff, “You’re supposed to be on daddy’s side, sweetheart.”
He sits up and you look at him, “Where are you going?” He stands up and looks down at you, “To find more shells. This isn’t over, yet.”
When you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy and just overall done with it all, Zach is always your safe space, even though he’ll crack a joke or two, you know he can’t help it. It’s just in his nature.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Zach greets you as you walk out of the bedroom. You look over at him, the look of over being pregnant clear on your face. You whine as you walk over to Zach, ““Why won’t she just get out already?”
He welcomes you with open arms, “Come here my babies.” He gives your shoulder a little squeeze before he places a hand on your belly, leaning down close, “Now you listen here little miss.”
You can’t help but smile and lay a hand on his back, “Your mama..” he stifles back a laugh, trying to keep his mood a pretend serious, “..Already has me to deal with, alright? She doesn’t need you having her stubbornness either.”
You look up at him and he presses a quick kiss to your lips, “shhh you didn’t hear that right now.” As much as your hormones want to cry because he called you stubborn, Zach calmed you more than anything else could ever.
Thank you so much for reading. As always, let me know what you think! I love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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bryngmemoney · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: none
Writing in between messages!!
🪡Chapter Twelve: Reminded me of You
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You leaned against the table, watching a few other people walk in and out of the room. Although it was after class hours, there had more people in the studio than usual, though thankfully nothing too overcrowded.
“Hey, here’s your stuff, i’m sorry we had to meet up kinda late again,” Ino spoke as he handed you the folded shirt and pants. “Thanks, and don’t worry about it, I was gonna come in to work on Yuki’s dress anyway.” You fixed the outfit into your bag, and began walking off, Ino following behind. “Good luck on your project Ino, from what you’ve showed me I think it’s going really well.” From the short time you’ve been around him, you could tell Ino was very optimistic and social. When you met with him he’d usually go off talking about whatever to keep the conversation going, and it always seemed to work.
“Thanks y/n, I really hope so, though I think i’m just gonna go get something from the shop outside my dorm building and sleep. I’m done for today. What about you?” You two continued making your way out as you talked. “I’m visiting my friend, the one that’s helping out Yuji with his project.” From past conversations you had found out that Ino knew Yuji, and apparently Megumi too.
“Oh cool, you gonna go help them too?” “No, just bringing them some stuff from the store, Nobara sent me the location.” “Oh nice, well if we’re heading the same way I don’t mind walking around with you.” “Sure that’s fine.”
Unlucky for you, once you bought everything you wanted, two large bottle sodas and a couple bags of chips and candies, the cashier had told you they had just run out of bags. You tried your best to carry it, putting a couple in your bag, but not much could fit and the sodas were becoming uncomfortable to carry. You started considering just leaving some of it behind. “Need help?” You turned your head to see Ino, who only had a bag of chips in his hand. “If we’re going to the same building I can help you drop it off.” “um well.. that would be helpful, yeah.”
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Yuji opened the door, only to find you and Ino, both with hands full. “Hey Yuji, surprise!”
“Y/n, Ino what are you guys doing here?” “I’m just helping out, but it’s nice to see you man!”
“Who is it?” you heard an all too familiar voice ask from behind Yuji. He whipped his head around to face Megumi who had shown up beside him. “Hey Megumi, long time no see!” Ino announced.
“Hey Megumi!”
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Megumi got up from the small living area and walked to the kitchen island in the shared dorm between Junpei and his roommate, who was currently out somewhere. He saw Yuji excitedly grab a bag of chips and rip it open. Junpei leaning against the counter laughing at his behaviour.
“Megumi, I got you something, I remember you said you liked things that pair with ginger, and I saw these and thought of you, I don’t know if you’ll like it but there’s other chips if you don’t want them.” You held up a bag of some type of Lay’s flavored chips with ginger, he had never really seen them before, but just the fact that you had bought them with him in mind was enough for him to give them a try. “Thanks, these are actually my favorite.” A white lie never hurt anyone. Yuji spoke up, “Really I thought that-” “These are my favorite.”
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Author’s Note: when i was writing the chip part i had lays wasabi and ginger chips in mind, they’re low key good ngl i recommend if anyone likes those flavors
hope you guys enjoyed!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv
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vettelsdarling · 10 months
can you do an Instagram au with Charles x female tech CEO? (Like they're trying to keep it private.)
Thank you xx
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Lissie note... This was a great idea, I loved the CEO aspect, but couldn’t quite find the right pictures and timeline things couldn’t match up for something as grand as a tech CEO, but I really enjoyed writing this prompt and scouring Pinterest for fitting photos to use. Hope you enjoy anyway!!❤️
Few things to note:
Reader is from a rich and esteemed family, but she’s self made
Reader lives in Monaco
Reader is the CEO of a world renowned luxury brand based in Monaco
Charles and reader have been dating for a few years (Since reader’s college years and Charles’ early f1 years)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x CEO!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing(?)
Playlist recommendation: 𝐂𝐋𝟏𝟔, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗
Taglist: @allwaysalleyway
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Liked by blakelively, carmenmmundt, francisca.cgomes and 1,378,831 others
Tagged: voguemagazine
yourusername Thank you, @ voguemagazine. I had a lot of fun with this shoot and the interview— happy to do it again next year❤️
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user1 I literally GASP every time I see those interviews with her. How is anyone THAT gorgeous????
user2 I love her sm and she cares for women and the sick😭😭😭
user3 She’s so amazing, honestly
user4 Honestly the price of her brand is reasonable when you know a lot of the proceeds go to helping people in need❤️
user5 Hi gorgeous, tysm for the work you do❤️
user6 Did anyone notice Kika and Carmen👀 (f1 fans pls interact)
user8 I’m an f1 fan but I genuinely don’t think this is anything big..? Probably just a coincidence that they both follow her. She’s literally got millions of followers so…
user9 @ user8 but didn’t you see how Giada and Isa also follow her?
user8 @ user9 Like I said, coincidence. I mean they’re all pretty big into fashion, no?
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Liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, and 937,284 others
charles_leclerc Blazer goes perfectly with my jewelry.
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user2 I LOVE that blazer on him ughhh🙏
user3 Anyone know the brand?
user4 It looks a lot like @ yourbrandname and their newest collection
user3 How did I not notice thisssss
user5 Love that he’s supporting yourbrandname❤️❤️❤️
user6 He’s literally so dreamy wtaffff
user7 Right???😩
yourusername and francisca.cgomes
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Liked by francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, lilymhe and 1,682,104 others
yourusername So gorgeous in the 4th picture, we should do this more often. Make it a tradition whenever you stop by Monaco🤍
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francisca.cgomes You flatter me too much, 2nd picture is obviously the best🫶
yourusername Debatable…
lilymhe I’m joining next time
yourusername Yes.
user1 Okay, I refuse to believe she doesn’t have anything to do with F1
user2 Ngl I’m speculating😭
user3 New wag alert???
user5 Ferrari + Kika, a wag = she’s a wag???
user6 You guys are so quick to jump to conclusions lmao
user7 @ user6 It’s not “jumping to conclusions”. It’s literally so obvious…
user6 @ user7 But it isn’t though… a lot of rich people own a Ferrari. She also just happens to be friends with Kika. Doesn’t mean she’s automatically a wag…
user8 Another post where she’s SERVING
user9 She’s so ldr coded❤️
user10 I absolutely agree with both of those statements you guys
user11 Since WHEN was she hanging out with wags???
user12 Since you learned to mind your own business..?
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f1gossipcentral Lord Perceval said it! He’s in a relationship! Wonder who it is👀
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user1 I mean, if he hasn’t revealed the wag, he obviously doesn’t want to share who it is…
user2 and all the 13 yr olds are pressed because he wants to keep his privacy💀
user1 Literally
user3 I mean, I heard a lot of people think that it’s @ yourusername
user4 Just because he wore a blazer from her line..? Doesn’t make sense…
user3 No, she’s been hanging out with Kika and owns a Ferrari too. Also- lot of wags and drivers follow her.
user4 Wow, okay. Didn’t know this..
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realtalkcelebs SPOTTED: Y/n L/n leaving the interview where she reported that “she’s currently in a relationship”. She’s yet to reveal who it is!
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user2 I’ve never read anything as soul crushing as this.
user3 Okay but WHO STOLE HER
user4 Whoever won her over better count their days.
user5 I’m here to assist😭
user6 Ig I’ll be having my salty tears for dinner tn
user7 me too.
user8 Who in their right mind would steal a national treasure like this?
user9 I think there’s been some talk in the F1 community…
user10 The timing of things is really suspicious ngl.
user11 I suspected she may be a wag, but Charles was unexpected
user12 Ever thought that it might not be him?
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Liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, yourusername and 873,283 others
charles_leclerc It’s time for Monaco. My beloved home❤️🤍
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user1 Hope this year is THE year
user2 Fingers crossed😭
user3 Oh no, not the Monaco curse pls😭
user4 I have a feeling he’ll do well🙏
user5 Don’t jinx it omg
user6 I love how we’re all collectively worried about this specific gp
user7 Is nobody noticing a certain CEO in the likes?
user8 Atp I don’t really care too much because it’s their life and they chose to be private about it. They may not even have anything to do with each other.
user9 I agree, everything so far is all superficial in terms of proof…
user10 Yeah, leave these people alone and stop shipping random celebrities together. It’s weird.
user11 Ughhh going to the Monaco gp is not a want. IT IS A NEED.
user12 Relatable
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Liked by francisca.cgomes, lilymhe, bellahadid and 1,362,102 others
Tagged: francisca.cgomes
yourusername Couldn’t miss the Monaco GP, when I live here?! Fourth picture is a Kika appreciation moment❤️
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francisca.cgomes Best photographer I’ve ever met❤️
yourusername Okay but you made my back look so great in the first picture
francisca.cgomes No, that’s all you
lilymhe Finally seeing you in the paddock
yourusername I know, it took a whileee
user1 Yep, I’m convinced she’s a wag.
user2 I reckon she might just be one of those celebs who attend the most famous races. We didn’t see her in the paddock before?
user3 I would honestly agree if she hadn’t posted abt something Ferrari related so much lately.
user4 Guys let’s let her live her life whoever she feels😭😭😭
user5 She’s honestly so amazing. I love her😭 She’s wearing her own line too😭❤️ Bless her.
user6 Why wouldn’t she wear her own line lmao💀
user7 I love her friendship with Kika🙏
user8 She’s a multitasker. CEO of one of the most well known luxury brands, best friends with several wags, maybe even a wag herself— AND HAIR CARE??? Drop the secret pls🙏🙏
user9 She’s a literal goddess
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realtalkcelebs SPOTTED: Heartthrob Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc, kissing the young and flavorful CEO of yourbrandname, Y/n L/n. How long has this been going on for? You tell us.
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user1 Um what😃
user2 I KNEW IT
user3 Since when😭😭😭
user5 Idk but I want to cry💀
user6 In retrospect, I can see the proof now, but wow they were actually pretty great at hiding it wtf
user7 Right? I did not expect this…
user8 Yeah, and then you just see these entitled gossip accounts profiting off of them… I feel bad for them :/
user7 I do too. I don’t think it’s fair for them to be revealed like this… they should’ve gotten their own chance to explain things
user9 Okay but he’s so lucky😭
user10 Literally. He’s dating the most relevant woman on this planet rn
user11 Googling how to become a Ferrari F1 driver rn
charles_leclerc and yourusername
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Liked by francisca.cgomes, yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 537,733 others
charles_leclerc .
Comments have been limited
francisca.cgomes Love you guys, stay strong❤️
pierregasly This was not deserved. Hope you guys are okay
maxverstappen1 The paparazzi is always so shitty like this.
lewishamilton This was unexpected, but shouldn’t have come from anyone but you guys. Real shame they did this to you.
lilymhe This is just not okay!!
carmenmmundt Shame on the paparazzi.
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Liked by francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt and 937,295,173 others
yourusername Some pictures from our trip to Paris❤️ Taken by us.
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Liked by yourusername
user1 I love their relationship, actually
user2 Honestly, as much as I’m IN LOVE with her, I’m so happy for them
user3 My parasocial relationship is crumbling, but this is so cute😭
user4 I am living for the caption😭😭😭
user5 It’s literally like a big “fuck you” to the paparazzi lmao
user4 Exactly💀
user7 He’s wearing the new concept design pants😭
user8 He gets early access to all the good stuff😭💀
user9 I still can’t believe they managed to hide it for so long
user10 For real. I’m still processing it..
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Liked by yourusername, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and 647,383 others
charles_leclerc Sleeping beauty❤️ Happy anniversary❤️
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yourusername I did not know this photo existed, but I love you, so I’ll let it slide❤️
Liked by charles_leclerc
francisca.cgomes Gorgeous even when you’re asleep?! @ yourusername
yourusername You flatter me too much🫶
user1 They are really made for each other
user2 The picture😭😭😭 He rly loves her
user3 If this isn’t my relationship in the future, I don’t want it
user5 Don’t worry, you’re not the only one😭
user6 I get it, I’m extremely single.
user7 Pain😭
user8 Honestly such a lovely couple🤍
user9 I love this dynamic so much. It’s just so sweet🙏
user10 They’re both so luckyyyy
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*I’m just experimenting with some layout changes. Feel free to give me input on what you think!
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩! (𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, 𝙙𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨: 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧(𝙨) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚(𝙨) 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣.)
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zhongrin · 2 years
hold you close to my heart
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, childe, xiao, al haitham, thoma, scaramouche
◇ tags ◇ modern!au, gn!reader, fluff, headcanon format
◇ a/n ◇ zhongli is ngl acting like an asian mom in this and i am not sorry. i need him in my life bc i hate fishbone (the number of times i've had a fishbone stuck in my throat- you don't want to know. let's just say pressing down my gag reflex is one of my talents now) and peeling shrimps.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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tries to be as quiet as possible as he shuffles around the house while you’re asleep.
peels fruits for you.
will care for your hair for you (brushes / applies oil / braids)
debones any sort of meat-with-bone/shell dishes, including fishes and crustaceans for you (this might be the ultimate expression of zhongli’s love considering how much he hates the smell of seafood).
will not hesitate to spoonfeed you when your hands are occupied or if you’re forgetting to eat.
“zhongli do you know where did i put my shawl-” “second drawer, right side.” “and my dragon-printed socks-” “-is in the sock box on the third drawer, you probably missed it.”
will threaten people who wronged you with a sandal in his hands “i will have order!”
headpat machine - you want headpats? you’re getting headpats. you don’t want headpats? you’re getting a kiss on top of your head…… and a headpat <3
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will fall into the habit of carrying tissues and hair ties and the everyday essential items which you often use.
slips his credit card into your wallet before you go out.
keeps your fridge stocked with groceries and pantry full of your favorite snacks (either by doing the shopping himself or getting them delivered to your doorstep when he can’t be around)
lets you pet the dogs you encounter on your walks first. also alerts you when there’s a cute dog in sight.
owns a special phone with the best camera in the market, just for the sake of taking your selfies.
headpat machine 2.0 - you don't want headpats? too bad you’re getting one! you want headpats? beg for it first, darling <3
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buys you matching accessories. wears them everywhere and every time he’s out.
always walks on the side closer to the road. also holds your hand when crossing the street (and pretends he 'forgot' to release it afterward)
always lingers around you in social settings. not just because of his social anxiety, but also just in case you need something, he wants to be there to help.
lets you pat his head (and enjoys it immensely), but will murder-glare any other person who tries to do so (read: venti, heizou).
is only able to fall asleep in either of these conditions: 1) he is completely alone, or 2) he’s not alone but you’re with him.
piles up pillows and blankets and plushies on your (or his) bed as a silent invitation to cuddle. you tease him by saying “are you inviting me to your nest, little bird?” and he blushes every single time. it’s very adorable. please give this boy his cuddles.
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corrects the typos in your papers for you. crosschecks your citations and adds comments detailing how you should add or remove certain things. he accepts payments in kisses. or super spicy curry. he’s not picky, really.
will dust your bookshelves for you (is it because he loves you or because he loves books? ….. don’t ask).
will wordlessly lift you up to cross a big puddle on the road. you only get to be bridal-carried if you're lucky. otherwise, you're getting the sack of potatoes' treatment because he's a bastard.
tells you that you have x minutes left to do certain tasks. yes, he has your schedules memorized. yes, he will flick your forehead if you keep whining and procrastinating.
will gently pull your head to settle on his shoulder when you fall asleep on the bus.
“did you cut your hair? it’s five centimeters shorter.” “you trimmed your eyebrows?” “your lips look pale today. have you eaten lunch?”
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cooks and cleans for you. his payment? your awed smile. if you tip him with kisses he’ll be over the moon.
sends you daily cute animal videos. mostly dogs. or cats. or him being silly with his adorable doggie taroumaru.
will mess up on purpose just to make you laugh on your bad days.
buys everything in twos because he always, always wants to share it with you.
squishes his cheek onto yours and nuzzles you to show affection. you think you see dog ears and dog tails whenever he does this, but it's just a trick of the light... right??
refrains from drinking at parties just so that when you do, he can take care of you properly and get you back home safely.
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denies your kisses in public but pulls you for a kiss every five minutes behind closed doors.
links his pinky with you when walking together (but on his bad days, he would really appreciate it when you link your arms with him).
looks so scandalized when you flinch from his touch - because somehow he’s a superconductor and most of the time you feel zapped just from touching him. just tough it out and hug him if you don’t want to deal with sulky!mouchie.
will not hesitate to try and claw people’s eyes out when they made you upset.
fills up your water bottle for you.
uses the same laundry detergent / perfume as yours. claims that he does it so you “won’t complain about how your clothes smell weird” when you stay over. he just wants his clothes to smell more like you so he can pretend you’re hugging him when he misses you.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs
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spctrsgf · 11 months
mi luz
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based off of this comment i wrote on tiktok: “he looks like he could use a hug and a shoulder to cry on.”
word count: 2.2k
warnings: nonspidey!reader, language, hurt to comfort fic (miguel needs a break. like a sabbatical or something)
a/n: ngl, i'm not too happy with how this turned out, probably because i wrote it all on a plane and it's not beta read, but i need more soft miguel fics in my life!!!
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He’s tired.
He’s tired and he’s missing you. The boring, monotonous walls of his office harshly remind him of his place, the jubilant orange glow of his monitors tell him of just how much more work he’s got left before he can finally retire to your world.
Lyla, lounging atop one of his screens, watches him and his glossed over eyes, knowing exactly what the lazy flick of his fingers meant. She sighs, glitching over to bring one of his screens forward. “Miguel!” She yells, scaring the poor man out of his thoughts and momentarily extending his claws. “Lyla, what the fu- what the hell?” He growls, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“No kids are here, you don’t have to keep it PG.”
“Look, you got work to do, and if you don’t finish it soon, it'll be too late to get in some quality time with this lovely human,” she shoves the digitized photo of you up and into his face. “Before your next mission.”
He sighs, knowing she was right.
“Daydreaming about it isn’t gonna get you there any quicker,” she flickers to be right in front of his face, slapping a hand onto his nose as if she could actually touch him. “GET YOUR SHIT DONE.”
“Fine, fine! Get out of my face.” He grumbles the second sentence, swatting her away and strolling back up to his screens. His eyes catch on your photo, and he reaches to enlarge it in front of him, but—
“No,” Lyla dissipates the photo before he can even get to it, face twisted in disappointment. “No. Not until you finish working.”
“Hey! Who’s the boss here?” 
“Me. Now work.” Lyla glitches out of view with a triumphant huff.
He huffs dramatically, pouting as he pulls himself together. He lets his emotions drop from his face and slides into his stoic mask, resuming the work on his screen. It’s hypnotizing as soon as he gets into it; Lyla must’ve done something to keep him focused, he supposes. She always does have a trick up her sleeve.
In what feels like no time at all, he’s done with his work. With a final, defiant tap to close down his screens, he spins on his heel, ready to leave and go home. Ready to hop in through your window— as much as you hate when he does that— and rest his head atop yours, caging you into where you’re surely stirring something on the stove.
But as he turns, he’s face to face with none other than Hobart Brown. A look to the left reveals his partners in crime; and Miguel knows he’s in for a ride. At least a ten minute detour, as it always is with the four of them. 
“What?” His hands come to rest on his hips naturally, trying to become bigger to them as if it would make the next words out of their mouth more blunt and less angering. “We have a slight problem—” Gwen starts, before Pav butts in.
“It's not slight. It’s a pretty big deal!”
“Mate,” Hobie huffs. “That’s not helpful.”
“I’m trying my best!”
"Yeah, and that's going great-"
“Okay, stop it, all of you,” Miguel interrupts before they can go down the rabbit hole, trying to keep his already strung thin patience steady. “What’s going on?”
“There’s another fight going on.” Hobie gives the answer blunt, to Miguel’s satisfaction.
“Main hall. Sector D.”
The huff that erupts from his lips draws a colorful picture of his current emotions as he hops off of his elevated platform. “I’ll fix it.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Miles brings himself to stand in front of the man. “We’re not gonna hurt anyone, right?”
“I can’t make any promises.” He brushes past the kid, dismissing him with a shake of the head. 
“Miguel. Don’t take your anger out on them–” Gwen tries, but all it gets is his recoil and daunting stalk towards her.
“I will do whatever the–” the swear word is on the tip of his tongue, but he swallows it down. “I will do whatever is needed, but violence is not my first course of action.”
“Please be nice to everyone,” Pav says, peeking over Gwen’s shoulder. “It’s been a long week for all of us too.”
Miguel sighs and brushes past them, saying nothing. He brushes off their words in silent agreement. He didn’t really want to hurt anyone either. 
By the time he reaches where he'd been informed the fight was, there was a mosh pit encircling the brawl, a mass of blue and red and spidermen. He approaches from behind, the tide parting for him as each person registers his presence.
When he meets the pearl in the oyster, the hotheaded spiderman hasn’t noticed him quite yet. He’s got the other spidey— one of the many spiderwomen— beneath him, gnarly fist raised to land another punch. Miguel sighs, grabs the back of the man’s elbow, and dragssss him off.
“Everyone get away now.” His tone squeezes the air out of the room and leaves no room for discussion, not that anyone would dare to object. The spidermen flee the scene before he can even finish his sentence, and by the time he’s turned back to the perpetrators of it all, they’re gone too.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, murmuring a low cálmate under his breath as he moves to regain his bearings. “Lyla,” he waves the said woman near.  “Find those spidermen and remind me to get to them when I come back.” She sputters to focus in front of him, dipping her head in an obliged nod before sputtering off again to wherever she found herself needed. 
Miguel shakes and unclenches the fist he’s made with his free hand and stalks back to his office, rubbing the palm of his hand where his claws had taken purchase amidst anger. 
Sometimes, he regrets putting himself in charge of all of this… shit.
But… he’s the only one who can do it. No one had the vigor, the dedication, the understanding of why and what had to be done to keep the multiverses in line and make sure what happened to him never happened again. 
It’s tiring. It takes his nights and his days and chips at his brain until he’s sure there’s nothing left in the expanse of his head. For someone who appears naturally angry, he’s quite good at keeping all the real anger in.
The downside of this: he bottles it all up. But the bottle isn’t big enough, doesn’t last forever, cracks at the seams, and then shatters in a explosion of tears. It enjoys crumpling him into the floor, loves the way his hands shiver in the cold breeze, shakes him to the core and, for all his confidence, makes him doubt.
Lyla’s only seen him like this once, when he couldn’t get away and instead had to sequester himself into his office, not quite getting to hardwiring her nosy personnel to do something else. 
No, he doesn’t rely on her, as he normally would with other problems. He doesn’t trust her, he doesn’t even trust himself with post breakdown Miguel, no. 
He goes to you.
You. The lovely, kind person he’s had the great privilege of calling his. His love, his support, his everything, or better yet; mi luz. My light. The light at the end of the tunnel, at the end of the world, when he feels like the walls are caving in and there’s really nowhere else to go and nothing more to lose.
You calm him, like you always do. Effortlessly caring, eternally so. Never afraid to give, to let him take and take until he’s stuffed whole. You know little things about him, take the time to learn them. Like where to get his favorite empanadas— much better than the ones in the spidey cafeteria— and that he loves when you press your fingers into his shoulder blades. He loves your massages.
He loves you.
Tapping insistently at the shitty gadget on his wrist, he mindlessly pulls up the coordinates for your dimension. Second nature. He’s walked himself into some obscure corner of the building, but he isn’t processing such mundane things at the moment. He can feel himself slipping, the mask fracturing. He can’t be left alone right now.
The portal is up now, flashing and glitching in an assortment of colors, beckoning him in with its delectable light, like a halo. Miguel wastes no time giving in, diving into the portal and tucking himself tight like a torpedo.
Multiverses zoom by as he glides through hexagons and hexagons, thousands of people in each. Worlds that he keeps steady, safe, perfect. Normally, he’d stop to smell the flowers, observe and appreciate the sereneness of every special home in front of him. Pride himself in the fact that there was a special home for someone to come home to. 
But not this time. No, this time he keeps his eyes screwed shut, he wouldn’t, couldn’t get distracted by the novelty. The bottle is cracking now, cracking into long and sharp spikes aching to slice across his chest. He’s so close, all he could get himself to do was focus on his breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out—
The abrupt warning of your multiverse approaching pinches his wrist, reminding him that this whole mess was very much real. He stumbles into your living room with a not so quiet thud, startling you. You drop the spoon you were stirring something with— smells like some sort of sauce, yum— and whip your head towards him.
He’s got his arms wrapped around you before you can even process that it's him, burying himself in your neck and inhaling the calm scent of you, a mix of your perfume and your detergent, so very you. 
“Miguel.” You sigh into his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist as the initial shock of his intrusion wears off. 
He slumps into you, only trusting himself to let out a low grumble of your name. 
“What’s going— oh,” your brain puts two and two together. “Oh, Miguel, shh. It’s okay, I got you.”
And he breaks. Because he knows you mean it. He knows you have him. You always do.
The tears are bubbling over the rims of his eyes and splashing down his cheeks, his hands are twisted up in your loose shirt. He’s sure his claws have made an entrance too. One of your hands reaches to turn off the stove, the other rubbing incandescent patterns into his back. 
You were always so careful. Never leave the stove on, Miggy. Don’t wanna burn the food. He loves that about you.
“Hey,” your voice wisps in through the fog of his mental breakdown, of the end of the world. “Hey. It’s me. Just me. Your absolute favorite person on this planet.”
“Multiverse.” He manages through sob induced hiccups. 
“Multiverse,” You smile, breathing out a soft laugh as you toil him in closer. “Breathe, my love. I have you. Nobody is here but me, and I’m not going anywhere. Promise.”
He nods, lets himself weigh more onto you.
“That’s it, I got you,” you coax. “Get it out of your system.”
He gives all the tears he has to give. He’s sandwiching you between the counter and his stature, but you don’t seem to mind. Your spilling words, mindlessly, talking until he’s done and ready to attach himself to them, the soft baritone of your voice.
And it takes time, but he gets there. He’s in the tunnel, the walls are caving in, he’s believing he's given all he has to give, but you’re there, and you’re telling him no, no you have not. You don’t get to lose, because you have SO much more life to live.
His light.
The tunnel lets up, opens up the walls, lets him bathe in you, in the way your arms are still hooked tight around his waist and you’re going on about how there was a new episode of your favorite show that he had to watch. 
And of course he would watch it.
He’d do anything for you, anything you asked whenever you wanted. And he knows, in turn, that there wasn’t a damn thing in this god forsaken reality that would stop you from doing the same for him.
You tell him as much. To his face, into his hair, with the dance of your fingers on his back, in the way you guide him to the couch, when you place down some food and a cup of water— you just cried out your backup supply— and again when you place yourself down next to him.
“I’m so beyond lucky to have you.” He murmurs to you, some fifteen minutes into the episode of your show, something about this dude with a metal helmet and a green baby? He can’t recall the name.
You turn, a smile gracing your features. “You deserve me. You deserve everything the multiverse has to offer and more. Dunno what I’d do without you.”
“You’d have one less person bothering you.”
“Ah, yes,” you laugh, swatting his cheek. “Like you’re such a nuisance.”
He laughs, actually laughs. It’s nice.
You tilt your head onto the girth of his shoulder, snuggling in tight as your attention is again sucked into the screen.
He smiles dazedly at you, finally feeling at peace.
Mi luz. My light.
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is anyone else still obsessed with him or is that just me
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dearly-somber · 6 months
Because It’s Soft | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human! reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, eventual romance, (domestic) fluff, found family, humor, (mutual? 👀) pining, f2l (friends-to-lovers), eventual smut, high school!au
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1367
-> a/n. This is one of my favorite installments ngl
-> warnings. None!
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Oct. 23rd, 2022 @ 21:45
-> fin. Sun., Feb. 26th, 2023 @ 18:08
-> edited. Tues., Nov. 14th, 2023 @ 12:33
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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“Have I ever told you how much I love your hair at this length?”
Jungkook hisses under his breath, narrowly avoiding death from a flank-attack and managing to get cover to recoup before diving back into the match. “No?”
“Really?” Y/N muses in a shocked voice behind him, lightly touching his shoulders. Jungkook bites his lip to concentrate on what’s happening in game, the hair on the back of his neck tingling.
Y/N was dropped off here for the day because her parents had to go out of town for some or other social gathering. Jungkook remembers waiting for her by the front door, respectfully bowing his head when her father gave him a curt nod.
He remembers how his stomach fluttered when she turned to him with the biggest grin after hugging her mother goodbye, half-jogging toward him before throwing her arms around his neck in a tight, excited hug.
He remembers the way he patted her back and smiled sheepishly at her parents from over her shoulder, hoping they were too far away to notice the blush on his cheeks.
“Yeah. I think you might’ve commented on how long it’s gotten since summer started, but otherwise you haven’t said much.” Jungkook groans and throws his head back between your knees, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. That’s his sixth loss in a row.
Y/N gives him a pitying tut, using her hand on the back of his neck to gently lift his head, completely oblivious to the intense inner-rumblings of Jungkook’s wolf. She bring her hands up into his hair, dragging her fingers through the silky strands…gently tugging knots loose and running her nails over his scalp.
Jungkook’s shoulders relax and he closes his eyes with a breathy little sigh, his controller going slack in his lap.
Y/N giggles knowingly. “I really do love your hair at this length, you know. It’s nice when it’s long.”
“Mmm…” Jungkook hums distractedly, his eyebrows scrunching together at just how nice it feels to have her hands in his hair. “Why’s it…nice?”
He thinks she shrugs. “Can play with it better when it’s long.”
A smirk pulls the corners of his lips up. “Head out your ass, Kook.”
Jungkook can’t help but laugh. “Sorry. I’ll keep my hair at this length forever if you like playing with it, though. S’really nice,” he mumbles, leaning back into the couch and sighing contentedly.
She continues her ministrations with a quiet hum. “Can I tie it up for you later? Wanna see if I can get it into a ponytail.”
“It’s not that long,” Jungkook pouts, eyes still closed.
“Probably not, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
Jungkook hums in agreement, letting her run her fingers through his hair in relative silence. He doesn’t even notice when he lets go of the controller to instead loop his arms through her legs, pulling his arms through until his hands are resting comfortably on her knees.
“Who’s cooking tonight?” Y/N asks curiously, as if she’s only just remembered that Jungkook’s house is never this quiet.
“Dunno. Jiminie hyung said they were going out for drinks to celebrate Yoongi’s promotion, so most of them are out.”
“You mean we’re alone?”
“No?” Jungkook says carefully. “The noonas are having a bonfire out back. Why? Are you not comfortable being alone with me?” The thought makes him deflate.
She gives his hair a reprimanding tug and Jungkook has to bite his tongue to stop himself from gasping.
She says something, but Jungkook’s too focused on controlling the rapid beating of his heart and excited prancing of his wolf to hear.
He yelps and rubs the back of his head, flipping around to glare at Y/N, betrayed. “What was that for?!”
“For not listening to me,” she snaps. Jungkook humphs and pouts, smiling satisfied when she rolls her eyes with a sigh and apologizes under her breath. “Sorry for smacking you.”
He doubts he’ll ever get tired of the way she lowers her voice when speaking to him so sincerely.
“Sorry for not listening,” he concedes. “What were you saying?”
“Can you come with me to ask Lisa and them about food?” She reaches forward to fix his glasses and mindlessly brushes a strand of hair behind his ear.
He hopes she doesn’t notice the stars in his eyes. “Sure.”
The two of them get up and Jungkook follows closely behind Y/N as they make their way to the back yard. He closes the sliding door behind him as Y/N walks ahead, joining her with a small smile.
“‘Sup.” Jennie bro-nods at him from where she’s sitting next to Rosé.
“Hi, noona.” Jungkook smiles. “You guys having fun?” He stands closer to Y/N when he notices her shiver.
“I think we should be asking you that,” Rosé laughs, lifting her head to grin at him devilishly as she wiggles her eyebrows.
Jungkook resists the urge to flip her the bird, settling for a roll of his eyes. When he looks back at Y/N, she’s watching them butcher with a faraway smile, so he nudges her back to attention.
She clears her throat. “Jungkook and I were wondering about food. Is someone cooking?” she asks, putting her hands in her pockets and leaning into Jungkook’s arm to fight off the cold.
Lisa scoffs with a dramatic shake of her head, stoking the fire with a black-burnt stick. “You brats. Always waiting for someone to cook for you.” She shakes her head in mock-disappointment.
Y/N smiles sheepishly and Jungkook glares pointedly at his sister. “Really, Li?”
“What!” She widens her eyes at him. “It’s not like I’m lying!”
Jisoo sighs, muttering something under her breath. “Why don’t you two boil us some ramen, then? The rest of the guys aren’t going to be back until much later, so just enough for us should be fine.”
Y/N nods eagerly. “Will do. Thanks, unnie. We’ll bring it out when it’s ready.”
“Thanks babe.” Jennie blows Y/N a kiss—Jungkook resists his wolf’s urge to growl at her.
“C’mon, Koo. Let’s go.” Y/N tugs on his sleeve until they’re walking side-by-side, sliding the door open and waiting for Jungkook to close it again before skipping to the kitchen.
He grabs the television remote to play some music, joining Y/N in the kitchen like it’s second nature. Which he supposes it is.
He grabs a large pot from the cupboard as Y/N turns the stove on. Fills the pot with water while she grabs the ramen packets. Sets out seven pairs of chopsticks as she puts the sauce in.
She uses a pair of chopsticks to stir everything in the pot, and Jungkook goes back to the living room to change the song.
When he comes back, she’s watching him; leaning against the counter with a small smile. He smiles back and walks straight into her arms, wrapping his arms around her back and nuzzling into the crook of her neck.
Y/N giggles, one hand on his side and the other in his hair. Jungkook will be eternally grateful for how her attitude towards affection changed after those first few months of their friendship. She had been so touch-averse, he almost cried when she kept rejecting his attempts at physical contact.
He doesn’t know when it changed, but he’s glad it did.
Jungkook breathes in her scent, rumbling deep in his chest. God, she smells so nice. So so nice. He’s convinced it’s the best smell on earth.
“Because it’s soft.”
“Hm?” Jungkook makes a confused noise, stomach fluttering at her shy giggle right by his ear.
“Your hair, I mean. I think I like it because it’s so soft.”
Jungkook grins into her neck with a small shake of his head. “Thanks, Y/N.”
She hums, scratching at his scalp until the water’s fully boiled and the smell of ramen drives her to let him go.
Jungkook watches her cook with a lovestruck smile on his face.
He can’t wait for the day that this is his norm.
The day they’re finally together the way he so wishes they could be…
Because it’s soft.
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hiraethwrote · 1 month
no shot - satoru gojo (& suguru geto)
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✧ pairing: satoru gojo x f!reader (main), suguru geto x f!reader ✧ summary: captivated by a mystery girl at a party, satoru is adamant in pursuing you. turns out is not as easy as it seems, and it doesnt help that his friend is also interested, and might have the upper hand. ✧ cw: some cursing, alcohol consumption, intoxication, sexual tension, teasing, lowkey dual pov, just fun ngl ✧ word count: 4.5k
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“Who’s that?” Satoru asked, nudging his friend with his elbow, bringing his attention to the girl who was dancing on a table across the room.
“Hm? Oh, her. Shoko invited her,” Suguru answered, as Satoru couldn’t keep is eyes off this mystery girl.
“How come Shoko never told us she had friends like that?” He was in awe by this girl, as she was clearly the life of the party. Satoru took a quick glance at Suguru to see that he too was somewhat entranced by the girl, but tried his best not to make it too obvious.
“Think it’s just you. I’ve met her briefly before.” With that, Suguru captured Satoru’s full attention, a small, victorious smirk plastered on his face at the frustration he knew he was causing his friend.
“Unfair,” he whined. “How come Shoko introduced you?”
“Probably because I wouldn’t embarrass her,” Suguru snickered, which he quickly regretted. Just as he was about to take a swig from his drink, Satoru bumped into his elbow, causing him to spill down his shirt. “Asshole.”
“Ops,” Satoru said sweetly, Suguru staring daggers at him, desperately trying to wipe his shirt. As his chuckle trailed off, he turned his attention back to the girl.
She was still on top of the table, moving her body to the rhythm, a drink in her hand. There was something so captivating about her, and he wasn’t alone to think so. Around the table, she had an audience of admirers. Satoru found himself intrigued by how she was entirely in control, giving them just enough attention to keep them focused on her.
The next second, some random guy climbed up on the table and joined her, placing his hands on her hips. Turning around to face him, there was a mischievous grin on her lips. Slowly, she traced her fingers up his chest before grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and pulled him down closer to whisper something in his ear. Whatever she said, it seemed to shatter his ego as his eager smile evaporated before he shamefully climbed down from the table.
“You know her name?” Satoru asked, leaning back against the wall.
“I might.”
“You’re not going to tell me?” A smile of disbelief on Satoru’s face.
“Why would I?” He could hear the smirk in Suguru’s voice. “You spilled my drink. Besides, you’re competition.”
Satoru instantly let out a taunting scoff. “That’s almost cute. We both know I’m the one going home with her.” It bothered him that Suguru seemed completely unfazed by his comment, the smirk still lingering on his lips as he took another swig of his drink.
“I feel tension,” Shoko cooed as she came stumbling over from the kitchen. “Are you guys bickering again?”
“It’s actually serious business,” Satoru said as he took a deep breath, straightening his posture. “Suguru actually thinks he stands a chance against me.” Shoko turns to look at Suguru in hopes of getting some context, only to see him pinching the bridge of his nose.
“And this is about?”
“A girl,” Suguru answered simply. Shoko’s eyebrows raised in surprise, looking between the two boys.
“I don’t see why it would matter. You two never go for the same girl.”
“That’s until your friend came into the picture,” Satoru continued to explain, turning his head towards the girl. She had now climbed down from the table, and he saw her down a shot before slamming the glass down on the table in front of her.
“My friend-“ Shoko trailed off in confusion and she followed his gaze to see who he was looking at. A loud cackle escaped her once she saw the girl they were all staring at. “Ain’t happening.”
“What did I say!” Satoru cheered, teasing Suguru who just rolled his eyes, pretending it wasn’t getting to him.
“No, no-“ she laughed. “I mean, neither of you stand a chance.” They both narrowed their eyebrows at her.
“That’s ridiculous, look at me.” A huge grin flashed over Satoru’s face, showing of his charm. Over Shoko’s shoulder, he saw Suguru keeping a close eye on the mystery girl, still trying to make it look casual.
“I’m surprised you’re into her, Suguru,” she said excitedly, turning towards the raven haired boy. A small, cheeky smile grew on his lips.
“Don’t encourage him!” Satoru interrupted. He looked like a child, nearly stomping his feet with frustration, most likely caused by the alcohol in his system.
She shakes her head, the excitement quickly disappearing as she brings her focus back to the conversation. “Besides the point. Just believe me when I say, neither of you are going to get with her.”
“Can you at least tell me her name?”
“Don’t tell him. It’s fun to watch him squirm,” Suguru interjected.
“You’re on your own, Satoru,” she said with a devilish grin. She hooked her arm with Suguru’s and pulled him after her towards the balcony, probably for a cigarette, leaving Satoru standing alone.
It hadn’t taken Shoko a lot of convincing to get you to join her for the evening. You never shied away from a party, as it had a tendency to do wonders for your confidence. When drunk, you felt like you lost some of your inhabitants, just to the point where you were able to offer more of yourself than usual.
Not to mention, it wasn’t just the alcohol that got you drunk, but also the atmosphere. Tons of people just enjoying the music, talking to each other and letting the alcohol flow. As long as you didn’t take it too far, you had no reason to complain.
Now you found yourself on top of a table, dancing and singing along to the music blasting through the house. Around the table were some desperate fellas, trying to get your attention. Every once in a while you shot them a look and a smile, which kept them around to feed your ego a little longer.
It was just cheap enjoyment, as being perceived as attractive by sleazy men who’d sleep with anything that let them, wasn’t something to brag about. But you would be lying if you said you didn’t like having their eyes on you.
Your enjoyment was somewhat haltered when you felt a pair of hands land on your hips, turning you around. The man who met you was relatively handsome, you’d admit. His dark hair complimenting his sharp features. But as his eyes traveled your body, you saw a look in them that you didn’t appreciate.
Meeting his gaze again, you teased him with a smile and a quick glance at his lips. You trailed your fingers up his chest, feeling his heart beat rapidly, before grabbing his black t-shirt to pull him down. His ear was right by your lips, as you whispered “brave of you to come up here and join me, as if you have a chance.” When you pulled away, the lust in his look had evaporated and had been replaced by an expression of shear embarrassment.
He climbed down from the table, shrinking as he walked away with his pride wounded. And yet again, your confidence was boosted. Something about rejecting desperate guys, who might have stood a chance if they were just acting decent, filled you with some sorts of joy.
Pulling your attention back to the party, one of your other girl friends grabbed your hand and pulled you down from the table before shoving a full shot glass into your hand. She didn’t have to ask you twice, downing the shot in one go and slamming it down on the table, a loud cheer escaping the two of you as you did so.
Eagerly, you grabbed her hand and pulled her into the crowd to dance, planing to just spend the rest of the evening with your friends. However, that plan was quickly ruined when you crashed right into what seemed to be a firm chest and a pair of strong hands grabbed your arms to steady you. A small lump began to grow inside you when you saw you’re friend give a big-eyed stare at whoever was standing behind you, swallowing the lump she had in her own throat.
“I’ll leave you two,” she said with a drunk giggle and she was gone before you had the opportunity to keep her from leaving. With a sigh, you turned around, preparing yourself to meet whatever creep was trying to get with you next.
But when you turned around, you were met by a tall figure. Your eyes traveled up his body until you met his face. Whoever he was, he was devastatingly beautiful, wearing a flattering smile, his snow white hair styled simply to hang just slightly over his eyes. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed him in the crowd during the evening. With his tall stature, he did kind of stick out in the crowd.
“Careful there,” he spoke, his voice playful with the facial expression to match it.
“Sorry,” you said loudly so he could hear you. “Didn’t see you.”
Smoothly he leaned forward towards your ear. “What’s your name?” He began to pull away so he could look at you, but you quickly grabbed his shoulder to keep him on your level so you wouldn’t have to talk so loudly. But in the corner of your eye, you saw a cheeky smirk creep on his face when your hand touched him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I would actually,” he said before pulling away for real this time, his eyes staring directly into yours. It was so evident what his intentions were. “Can I get you a drink?”
“I’m perfectly capable of getting my own drink, thank you.” You’re smile was sweet as sugar, but it seemed he saw right through your act, licking his teeth at your response.
“I don’t doubt that.” Your eyes lingered on his face as he took a quick glance around the room. You were truly mesmerised by his beauty, but it seemed like his ego didn’t need your confirmation so you weren’t going to let him know. It seemed the universe was working against you, as someone bumped straight into you causing you to be pressed up against the stranger once again. You were suddenly thankful the lights were dimmed, so he wouldn’t be able to see how your cheeks were tinted light pink.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and started escorting you through the crowd, making the path easy for you. Eventually, you felt a sense of relief the moment you were reintroduced to some fresh air, making you realise how stuffed it was inside.
“Now, isn’t this better? Now we can actually talk.” He towered over you, skillfully playing into the impression he wanted to give of.
“Seeing you took me hostage out here,” you sighed as you jumped up on the porch banister.
“You’re feisty, aren’t you?” The smirk never left his face. You felt one make its way to the corner of your mouth as well, but it was one out of self satisfactory.
“You’d be surprised it really sieves out the worst of them.” It was true. From your experience, if you played too hard to get, to the point where the reward would never be worth the work, it seemed to keep the biggest sleazes away at least.
“I’m Gojo. Satoru Gojo.” He surprised you when he actually extended his hand for you to shake. You politely shook it, as the realisation of who he was dawned on you.
“Oh, you’re Shoko and Suguru’s friend.” He couldn’t help but get annoyed at your comment, as he imagined Suguru’s satisfied smile if he’d heard what you said.
He wasn’t going to let that get to him. “So you’ve heard of me,” confidence oozing from his voice.
“Your name might have come up at one point,” you shrugged simply. That was a lie. He’d been brought up in conversation on multiple occasions, but you were under no circumstances going to let him know that.
“Funny you say that, because Shoko has never mentioned you.” You couldn’t help roll your eyes at his lame attempt at teasing you.
“I think that might be more because of you rather than me.”
It surprised you to see how fragile his ego really was. Sure, he was beyond confident and he rarely let it waver. Nonetheless, his cocky front took a hit at every comment you threw at him, and he worked hard to keep up his appearance. It gave you a reason to believe that his ego was more an act than anything else. It was clear he was an extroverted individual who enjoyed the attention he received, but there was something deeper lurking just beneath the surface. And as much as you hated to admit it, that secret depth he was hiding made you want to crack through that exterior.
“You still haven’t told me your name,” he said, glossing over your comment. He took one step closer to you, your eyes never breaking contact as he did.
“Y/n,” you spoke softly, letting your eyes flicker to his lips. He repeated your name back to you, smooth as silk, creating a reaction within you that you had no control over. It sounded so beautiful when he said it so passionately, like he already knew you. “Is this how you get the girls? All natural charm, pretending like you’re genuinely interested?”
He scoffed at you, the smirk still present. “Who says I’m pretending?” He continued to inch closer to you.
“What?” A somewhat patronising chuckle escaped you. “You telling me a guy like you puts in real efforts with strangers at parties?”
“A guy like me? Meaning what?”
“Cocky.” Your statement was only confirmed by his chuckle. It absolutely frustrated you that you actively had to fight against his charm that came so easy to him.
Whenever you attended parties, you never planned to go home with anyone. Quite the opposite, if you were honest. After a few one night stands here and there, you’d quickly become aware it wasn’t for you. The only part of that process you found entertaining was some sort of confirmation that you were desirable. The guys who usually tried to get with you had the same amount of charisma as a rock, so turning them away was a piece of cake.
But Gojo wasn’t like your run-of-the-mill guy hitting on you at a party. Where most guys gave up, he stood proud. His natural charm was slowly but surely chipping away at your cold front, and you hated it. You craved the control, but it seemed he might have the stronger hand.
“Well, I’d like to say I have something to cocky about.”
“Narcissism isn’t attractive.”
“So you say, but you’re still sitting here.” He got you there. In no way was he forcing himself on you or demanding anything from you. It was unspoken that you were allowed to leave at any point if you wanted to, but you couldn’t get yourself to jump down from the railing and leave him standing.
“Maybe I just enjoy the attention,” you simply shrugged.
“That I know.” You squinted your eyes at him, signalling for him to continue his statement. “When you were dancing, you loved having them look at you. You fed on it.”
All you did was smile, biting you bottom lip. You never flirted like this, and if your friends had seen you now, they would never let you hear the end of it. How you usually took pride in being unobtainable, but now you were suddenly folding for some random guy at a party. Not to mention, one of Shoko’s closest friends.
You’d been so hypnotised by him that you hadn’t noticed he had approached you to the point where he had gracefully positioned himself between your legs, his hands resting on each side of you. Your heart was pounding against your chest and he continued to lean in closer. Having him so close to you definitely made your mind run wild with ideas. The party-girl in you was so tempted to hook your arm around his neck to pull him closer and connect your lips, let him have his way with you. But you didn’t want him to win so easily.
Just as he was about to kiss you, you turned your head to the side and he winced in disappointment. You chuckled drunkenly as he straightened his posture, but remaining between your legs and now resting his hands on your thighs.
“You’re a tease.” He tried to act offended, but you had a sneaking suspicion he enjoyed the chase as much as you did.
“I’m the tease? Do I have to remind you who is pursuing who here?” You felt his hands give you a soft squeeze, forcing you to focus on keeping your breath steady. His touch was so tender, like he ached for it, but careful not to hurt you.
“Still, you’re the one who begs for attention.” He tried to lean in closer again, ever the arrogant smile on his lips. Carefully, with just the lightest touch, you place your fingertips on his soft lips to stop him again.
“I never beg for it,” you said rather matter-of-factly. “It’s not my fault people give it so willingly.”
If it was even possible, he wanted you more now than he did earlier. At first, it was just your aura that had attracted him. Radiating assertiveness, something he’d always found intriguing. It wasn’t a secret he was spoiled in several arenas of his life, used to people just handing him stuff. So the second someone who didn’t fall at his feet came along, he knew he had to know more.
Then he’d gotten the opportunity to take a look at you up close, and that won him over completely. You were nothing less of stunning, he thought. Your eyes sparkled with a sense of adventure, and your smile was warm and kind. Not to mention the way you carried yourself, so sure of who you were.
“Have you ever been told you’re quite persistent?”
“Nah, not really. I never have to be.” You let out a snort that quickly turned into a small chuckle, your fingers now resting carefully on his chest. If you focused your attention to the touch, you swore you could feel his heart beating incredibly fast.
“You’re truly a character.” It might have sounded like an insult, but it wasn’t meant as one. Luckily, it didn’t seem he took offence.
His shoulders rose quickly in a small shrug. “I’m just used to getting what I want.”
“If what you want is a quick fuck, I’m a hundred percent sure there’s tons of girls inside willing to give it to you without all the hassle.” He just slowly shook his head ‘no’ as you spoke, his hand finding its way to your neck. Carefully, he placed his thumb under your jawline and slowly tilted your head backwards for better access.
Fucking hell, the things he was doing to you. Once again he was leaning in closer, ever so smug. But this time, you were doing nothing to stop him. Finally you were surrendering yourself to him, preparing to lose the battle that had gone unsaid.
You’d closed your eyes, your knees slightly clenching at his hips with anticipation. So ready for his lips to finally collide against yours, but you were startled when Gojo jerked away.
Opening your eyes, Gojo was no wearing an irritated face as a strong hand was placed on his shoulder.
“Is this man bothering you, miss?” A groan could be heard from Gojo at the presence of his best friend. Well— now former best friend.
Reluctantly Gojo took a respectable step back, but still staying close to you. Once he was no longer so dangerously close to you, you felt some tension leave your body with a deep breath you were unaware you had been holding.
“Suguru,” you beamed, jumping down from the railing and quickly embracing him in a genuine hug, before nonchalantly positioning yourself beside Gojo again. “It’s great to see you again.”
Your excitement didn’t go unchecked by Gojo, who was scowling at Suguru. The two boys shared a knowing look, and Satoru had a strong desire to wipe off that contempt smile Suguru was wearing. Both you and Suguru knew each other a lot better than you’d previously let on, which bothered him more than it should have. He had no idea to what degree you knew each other, if it was simply a friendly coffee or if you’d slept together. Either way, Suguru was having the time of his life torturing his friend.
“Same to you. You look as beautiful as always.”
“You don’t look too shabby yourself.”
“You two seem to be getting along nicely.” You turned your head to look at Gojo, who had turned a lot more tense than he was mere moments ago.
Your competitive side was more than pleased by Suguru’s arrival, saving you from the agonising future of waking up besides Gojo the next morning and admitting defeat. But it would be a complete and utter fabrication to say you weren’t disappointed.
“Pfft, ‘getting along’ might be taking it too far.” You had managed to regain some of the feisty personality, as Gojo had put it. You didn’t have to look at him to know he had turned his attention to you again, his stare drilling into you.
“You’re quite the liar,” Gojo chuckled, tossing his arm over your shoulders and pulling you closer. His movements were a lot more sharp and drastic, unlike before Suguru joined you. It dawned upon you, as you saw them look at each other, saying a whole lot without speaking a word.
You’re evening had somehow circled back to where it started, by having your confidence boosted. They were fighting over you, the looks between them saying everything. Maybe you should just be thankful Suguru joined after all. You had to press your lips together in a thin line to choke back the laughter bubbling up.
You rolled your eyes at Gojo’s comment, but in reality you were finding the whole interaction quite enjoyable. “Maybe just enough to bring him along to coffee next time,” you said, knowingly fuelling the fire. Gojo’s body tensed up even more against you. Suguru shifted his focus from his friend to you, making eye contact.
The intensity of his look told you he hadn’t come over just to piss off his friend, but also because he himself genuinely wanted to pursue you as well. You had to break the eye contact as your cheeks began to heat, taking a deep breath through your nose. Unlike Gojo, Suguru was calm and laidback. It made him attractive in a completely different way than Gojo, the kind of attractive that snuck up on you.
Gojo’s confidence was built on a fundament of knowing what people thought of him, aware that people found him attractive. Whereas Suguru’s was rooted in the fact that he didn’t care what people thought of him. And if he had been into you the period you’d known each other and respectfully not made a move, just made him more appealing to you.
“Coffee, huh?” The look Gojo gave his friend only seemed to amuse him more. “Briefly, my ass,” he whispered under his breath. only you being able to hear it.
How had you ended up here? You’d had a perfect plan of your evening. Dance, drink, flirt innocently, and generally have a good time. Then these two guys had come along and turned the evening upside down. They’d proven themselves to not be like the guys that usually pursued you, which had you losing you’re wit. You’d never imagined that happening at a house party like this.
“Just a suggestion,” you shrugged. As you did, Gojo’s arm left your shoulders and traveled down to the small of your back, leaving a trail of fire as he did. Suguru let his stoic attitude slip for a split second, his eyes flickering to Gojo’s arm as he moved it.
"We were kind of in the middle of something here." Finally Satoru had been pushed to the point where he wanted to shoo Suguru away, hoping his sudden appearance hadn't spoiled his chances entirely. He still felt as there was a chance, as he felt your body react to his genle touch against his back.
"Sorry about that. I just felt it would have been rude of me not to at least say hi to her while she was here." He's good, Satoru thought to himself. Suguru had such a comfortable charm and he was milking it to his advantage. He seemed so genuinely apologetic for interrupting. Satoru didn't buy it for a second.
"I'm so glad you did!" You jumped in, trying to distract yourself from Gojo's hand that was slowly rubbing circles on your back.
"What the hell is going on here?" A shrieking voice interrupted you, making all three of you flinch before finding the source of the voice. Shoko came stomping over towards you, making Gojo quickly retreat his hand. "You guys are unbelievable!"
"Shoko! Where have you been?" The tone in Gojo's voice was entirely different, and was now playful and childish. One couldn't imagine the scene that had taken place just minutes earlier listening to him now.
"Drop the act, Satoru!" Her anger did seem real, so you were just glad it wasn't directed at you. "Give her some room to breathe!" Forcefully she grabbed your arm and pulled you to stand beside her.
"Shoko-" Suguru tried to intervene.
"Shush, you're supposed to be the behaved one!" You were the only one having a good time, finding Shoko's protectiveness cute. The two guys, on the other hand, had both lost their confidence. She turns to look at you. "The girls were gathering for pictures when we couldn't do it without you."
You smiled sweetly at her before turning to the guys again. "Nice meeting you, Gojo." Your eyes gave him a flirtatious look, teasing him that he might have gotten lucky if you hadn't been interrupted. You turned to Suguru and gave him the same look. "And I'll see you around." You turned away from them, before you and Shoko entered the house again.
"Do not tell me that Satoru actually managed to make you fold?" She said through gritted teeth.
"No..." you said carefully, her head turning to fully look at you. "He might have been able to if Suguru hadn't interrupted."
"You're dissapointing me, y/n," she sighed dramatically. "So much for being unobtainable."
"I didn't do anything! My reputation is still intact!" You were desperately trying to defend yourself. "Don't tell any of the girls please!" She squinted at you, a smirk growing on her lips.
"Do a shot with me, and your secret's safe!"
Back on the porch, Satoru and Suguru had been left in the dust, neither able to get lucky. "I swear to god, Suguru-" Satoru sighed.
Suguru simply shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. He tried to fight back a satisfied smile. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it wouldn't be a problem I came over. You seemed so sure she was going home with you." Satoru instantly flicked Suguru's forehead in petty frustration.
a/n: okay, i really struggled to find a way to end this, and it shows lol. I hate the ending, but for the most part i like it. but i wanted to try something different. even before this account, when ive written in my sparetime, its usually angst so wanted to challenge myself by something different. hope you like it <3 likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated
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