#Despite me stressing that Ivis is an original character I still get people calling her Ivis!Sans
moontale-official · 1 year
just wanted to say that I really love Ivis 😭😭😭 SHE'S ADORABLE AND SO PRETTY I CAN'T TAKE IT
Screaming and crying at this ask so badly that I have momentarily returned from my hiatus because I was too excited to wait.
I've been very worried that people would lose interest-- with how long it's taking me to properly tell this AU's story and with how few details I've shared about Moontale's world (and still struggling to find ways to share it)
With how many times I've started over -first due to lack of direction and preparation and then due to overambition- I wasn't sure people would want to wait around for so long. I thought all the retries was squandering my chances for people to like it.
Ivis is a very old character (7 years this coming September), but this most recent (and hopefully final) iteration of her is still fairly new. She's gone through countless rehashes and changes to the point where she's barely recognizable to the character she was at first conception: Ivis was only her name for about 5 years, her design has only been made fully distinguishable as an original character for maybe 3 years and she's only been a full trans woman for a little over 6 months.
The only thing that's really carried were her dual hued eye-lights, the dual crescent symbol she wears (I dunno if I wanna call it the deltamoon specifically, but that's kinda what it is), and that sparkly galaxy cape she adorns. That's it.
I wasn't sure people were willing to follow the frankly convoluted development of her character, along-with the constantly halted progress over so many years, but perhaps I was proven wrong.
...I wanna do her character right this time. I wanna finally tell her full story after countless rehashes and going back to the drawing board. A fanfic may not have been the medium I really wanted to finish it as, but that's not what matters to me now. What matters is that I can finish it in a state that I am proud of.
I simply want nothing more than for people to love her character in the same way I do. She's been my number one favorite for over half a decade, and for good reason. I have no other words. I am taking this ask to my nest and forever cherishing it.
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kennagiardi · 3 years
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 // para
𝐖𝐇𝐎: Kenna Giardi​​
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: Wednesday, February 17th. Afternoon. Brief mention of the day before.
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: Lima Community Theatre. Tibideux Theatre. Brief moment at the Giardi house.
𝐓𝐋𝐃𝐑: Kenna auditions for Ilse with Flowers from Hadestown despite originally wanting to audition for Wendla (a decision she was talked out of by her mom) which also features a bit w/ everyone’s favorite crazy sister, Kendra Giardi.
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“Men are kind until they aren't,“ Kenna sang out as she paced around in the living room of her home, scribbling over her music sheet of Flowers that she had printed off at Carmel’s library, but something about the song she was singing just didn’t feel like Wendla though. The only issue? Kenna had settled on singing it when Bryan Ryan announced the spring musical. Now she was a night away from her audition time, absolutely despising the song she had picked out. Maybe she should have gone with something from Bare or Next to Normal for Wendla, that would have made more sense.
Letting out a sigh and a huff, a stressed out Kenna sat down on the couch, tossing the piece of paper away from her and put her head in her hands. After rubbing tired eyes, she glanced at the clock on the end table. 11 PM. And as if to make all the matters worse, Kenna could hear booming footsteps that only meant one thing. Her mom was up and pissed. “Kenna Jade, what on God’s green Earth are you doing right now?” The matriarch demanded, tightening the white robe around her body. Shit. Kenna was always meticulous when it came to auditions because there was one simple fact. Kendra Giardi hated whenever Kenna wanted to audition for musicals.
Most of the time, Kenna would keep things hush, breaking into Carmel late at night to practice her songs and monologues so her mother wouldn’t overhear and demand her not to do the musical and for the most part it worked because by the time Kenna had been casted, there was nothing more Kendra could really do. 
“I’m auditioning for Spring Awakening,” Kenna’s voice was soft, timid. The way it always had to be if she wanted to please Kendra.
“Spring a-what-now? No, no, you’re not doing that, come on. Bed. Now.”
Kenna Jade Giardi had royally fucked up. If there was one word that was banned in their house, it was the word no. 
“I just mean...” she was at a loss for words, “Davis is auditioning!” Kenna was pretty sure Davis was auditioning at least, she knew he would, but there had been no real talk about it. Between regionals and Davis’ own plan of wooing Gigi Stone, there hadn’t been much musical talk between them. “Wouldn’t you like to see us play leads?” She asked, cringing at her own words but Kendra loved the idea of Kenna getting a boyfriend and there was no suitable man for Kenna in Kendra’s eyes than Davis Goolsby, even if he was ‘a little fruity’ (a direct quote from the woman herself)
“Oh baby,” Kendra tsked. Here it was. The condescending message. Kendra moved closer to her only daughter, tucking a piece of her dry, curled hair behind her ear. “If anyone saw you as lead potential, Davis would have never had to get Ivy St. James on your team,” she was right. Kenna may have been talented, but she wasn’t lead potential and as much as she wanted to believe she had the same pizzazz as Ivy St. James, she didn’t. The words still cut through the teenager like a piercing dagger. 
“Yeah,” Kenna whispered, “you’re right,” she could already feel her tears welling and she needed to step away as soon as possible. “Um, can I still audition though?”
After that Kenna had made her true decision. She would audition for Ilse. The song and monologue she had already picked out coincided more with Ilse’s character than Wendla’s anyway. Ilse was still partially a lead and Kenna would be more than content with any role in the musical. It would be fine. Ilse was fine. Ilse had to be fine.
As 4pm rolled around the following day, Kenna was sitting in her seat, jitters upon jitters flowing through her body. She was a nervous girl. Sure, she could play everything calm, cool, and collected but there was always the fear of not getting the role she wanted and she was already skimping out on Wendla, she didn’t want to skimp out on Ilse either.
Tapping her flat clad foot against the tile flooring of the waiting room, Kenna tried to keep talking to people to a minimum, but that didn’t stop her from hearing that Ivy had auditioned for Wendla. That put her more at ease, Kenna would have felt terrible for going after the same role. It was easy not to do that when Ivy had been at McKinley, but community theatre was a different ball game. Maybe this was all just fate. Maybe she was meant to audition and play Ilse from the get-go.
“Kenna Giardi, they’re ready for you,” the facilitator called out from the door. With a smile, Kenna stood up, cracked her neck, and pushed her shoulders back with a calming breath leaving her mouth. She could do this.
Entering the familiar theatre was nothing new and that made her feel much more at ease. Kenna had three Lima Players gigs under her belt so she was nothing but familiar with Bryan Ryan and what he expected out of performers, especially ones he had trusted with roles in the past. “Hello, I’m Kenna Giardi. Today I will be performing a rendition of Flowers from Hadestown and I will be performing Lynette’s monologue from Assassins,” she took a pause to allow Mr. Ryan to absorb everything she had said, “if possible, I would like to be considered for the role of Ilse, but if you see me as a better fit for another character then I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity,” after that, she motioned to the accompanists on stage to begin her song.
What I wanted was to fall asleep, to close my eyes and disappear, like a petal on a stream, a feather on the air, lily white and poppy red.
As any good auditionist, Kenna might have made use of the stage with proper blocking and small bits of choreography, but with a song choice such as hers and character such as Ilse’s, she wanted to keep everything to a strict minimum. It was a key choice for her. She stood on center stage, beginning the soft words of Eurydice’s song, her hands darting to clutch her stomach. If she wanted to play Ilse, any role in the musical at all for that matter, she had to dig deep into her emotions. 
Nothing gonna wake me now, flowers, I remember fields
Kenna coursed through the first verse with ease, her voice not one faltering or trembling. She allowed her eyes to tear up, whether that was from acting or how she truly felt, she wasn’t sure. Kenna would never know what it was like to be homeless and live some bohemian life among artists, but she allowed herself to imagine. An actor’s greatest attribute was being able to put themselves in a role without truly knowing what it was like. Some could have argued that having the personal connection was more important, but Kenna didn’t lead a traumatic life. She was just a normal teen in Lima, Ohio. That’s what led her to add a certain softness to her voice, to feign the innocence yet maturity of Ilse. Something Kenna herself lacked.
I remember someone someone by my side turned his face to mine and then I turned away
With the song pushing its close, Kenna looked up and closed her eyes as she finished the lyrics to the song, bringing her arms close to his chest. With one final breath, she pulled her head down and opened her eyes, proud of the song she had performed. With a rush of adrenaline and confidence running through her, she quickly moved onto her monologue.
While Lynette was a part of the Manson Family, Kenna couldn’t help but think of Ilse when she had stumbled across the monologue late last night because the two couldn’t be more similar. Lynette had been kicked out of her home by her parents when Charles Manson had found her and convinced her to join his cult. The same could be said for Ilse who was a homeless child, kicked out by her abusive parents, forced to join an artist’s colony. It seemed like the choice for Kenna’s audition.
The monologue went by quicker than her song, but Kenna made sure to focus on every pause, every movement of her arms, clutching her chest at one point as Lynette spilled out her explanation of love for the killer. Finished, Kenna gave a smile and a nod to Bryan Ryan, immediately regretting her choice for not preparing a dance combination. She assumed he didn’t want that, but now reflecting, maybe it couldn’t have hurt. 
“Thank you, you’ll hear back on Friday,” the older man said. “Thank you so much,” Kenna announced, before making her way down the steps of the stage and out the theatre door. She did good. She knew that much. And hopefully it was enough for Bryan Ryan to see her as Ilse.
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 1, 2021: Dirty Dancing (1987)
There are two people to credit for the beginning of this month. The first is my girlfriend, who asked that I represent her with this GIF.
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Thank you, dear. Anyway, this is one of her favorite romance films, and she’s also not a big romance movie person. She was shocked that I hadn’t seen it, and that’s because of the second person to credit here: my Mom.
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That is my Mom in the late ‘80s with her Pomeranian, Pugsley. Yup. This is just the GODDAMN SURFACE of my Mom, who’s quirky as shit. Love her for it, though. But, OK, why is my Mom involved here? Because this is also one of her favorite films. My Dad’s, too, but I’ll talk more about him in April.
However, if you read the Romance February introduction from yesterday, you might be wondering something. If my Mom’s taste in romance movies was so prevalent in my early life, how in the hell have I never seen this movie, one of her favorites? Especially considering the fact that, TMI here, but I WAS BORN TO THE FILM’S SOUNDTRACK. YES. REALLY. HOW HAVE I ESCAPED THIS MOVIE?
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Yup. No clue. Shall we remedy that? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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It’s 1963 in the Catskills, where Frances “Baby” Houseman (Jennifer Grey), a politically conscious young woman on her way into the Peace Corps, is going on vacation with her parents, Jake and Majorie Houseman (Jerry Orbach and Kelly Bishop), and her sister, Lisa (Jane Brucker). The owner, Max Kellerman (Jack Weston), who’s a friend of the Housemans, welcomes them to the resort.
Later that night, Max is briefing the young male waiters and entertainment, all of whom are hired from Ivy League universities. Well...except for the intriguing young dance instructor in the sunglasses. THAT...would be Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze).
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I wanna just say before I forget, I miss Patrick Swayze. He’s awesome, and he left far too soon.
The next night, during dinner, Max introduces Baby to his grandson, Neil (Lonny Price), who’s just graduated from Cornell’s Hotel Management school. A school which, for the record, is the best hotel school in the USA, and second or third in the world. Also, hotelies (that’s what we called them) are CRAZY. They’re an interesting...bunch...
I, uh... I went to CornellMOVING ON
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As Neil awkwardly hits on Baby, everybody encourages them having a relationship, despite her CLEARLY not wanting any of this. She instead watches Johnny skillfully mambo with another girl on center floor. After being roped into a magic act by Neil, and given a chicken by Stan (Wayne Knight, which I’m a fan of), she leaves, annoyed and irritated.
On her way back, she sees Johnny’s cousin, Billy (Neal Jones) struggling with a few GIGANTIC watermelons. She offers to help him, and he brings her to a secret house party, where some dancing’s happening. Some...dirty dancing.
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Interesting side note here: racial integration! In 1963, remember, so that’s interesting. I mean, if anybody’s a fan of that, it’s gonna be me. At the party, Johnny arrives with Penny Johnson (Cynthia Rhodes), his dance partner from the mambo floor. Johnny sees her there, and questions her presence, to which she makes an adorably awkward comment. And then...they do a dance of their own.
The next day, Lisa makes a love connection with one of the waiters, and asks Baby to cover for her. Baby also speaks to Penny, who doesn’t come from the best background. That night, Penny’s missing, and Neil gives Cornell students just the WORST goddamn name as he very awkwardly hits on Baby. He takes her to the kitchen, and that’s where Baby sees Penny.
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Yeah, Penny’s not OK. Baby goes to Billy and Johnny, who go to get her. Turns out Penny’s pregnant, but Johnny’s not the father. They’re obviously quite close, although they aren’t romantically tangled. Baby, coming from a place of much higher privilege, doesn’t quite understand how difficult this is. Penny berates her for this, and it’s revealed that the father is Robbie Gould (Max Cantor), one of the waiters, who’s also the guy that’s been hanging around Lisa.
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Baby confronts him the following day, where he states that “Some people count, some people don’t.” He also offers her a copy of The Fountainhead, a well-known book for complete and utter douchenozzles. She warns him to stay away from her sister, then goes to ask her father for money for the abortion. Which, by the way, was very illegal in 1963. She gets the money from her dad, who gives it without asking many questions.
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However, there’s an issue; Johnny and Penny have to dance on the only night she can get the abortion. And there’s nobody to replace her...except maybe Baby? Johnny’s entirely against it, they end up convincing him, for Penny’s sake. And now, we get a hallmark of ‘80s cinema: the training montage.
This is a pretty good time to note three things. One, Jennifer Grey is the daughter of Joel Grey, one of the GREATEST actor/dancers ever to grace Hollywood and Broadway. Dude was one of the main characters in Cabaret, for which he won an Oscar, and originated the role of the Wizard of Oz in Wicked. So, yeah, she’s got dancing blood. Secondly, Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey apparently HATED each other. Yeah, kind of a bummer. But their chemistry was SO GODDAMN POWERFUL, that they were able to push through their feelings and do this as well as they are. And third...THIS SOUNDTRACK BOPS. 
I get it. I GET IT.
Something else I get, too. The chemistry between Grey and Swayze really does sizzle, GODDAMN. Over the course of the montage, they clearly get closer emotionally...and physically. And yeah, it’s definitely there. Although, given the fact that they’re from different class backgrounds, it’s probably gonna be one of those stories. Well, OK. Let’s do it.
After a little too much time practicing, the two take a break. And yet, while on a nature excursion, they continue their training in different environments. Most iconically, they practice lifts in the lake.
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Yeah...yeah, I get it.
The day approaches, and Baby and Penny have a bit of a heart-to-heart. Penny asks Lisa to cover for her (and I’m betting that she won’t, LIKE AN ASSHOLE), and she heads to the dance gig. It mostly goes OK, but the lift is aborted at the last second. However, the performance is still received well. They leave JUST before an elderly couple from the resort sees them. 
Johnny gives her a pep-talk, telling her that she did well, and the music on the car radio hints at their growing mutual attraction. But once they get there, tragedy’s struck. Turns out that the abortion doctor was a dangerous quack, and Penny’s now dangerous injured, in pain and possibly dying. Panicking, Baby does THE RIGHT THING, I can’t stress that enough, THE RIGHT GODDAMN THING, and gets her doctor father.
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Understandably upset (and yeah, it is understandable, all things considered), Dr. Houseman forbids Baby from seeing Johnny or any of the others ever again. This situation...sucks. Damn. And Baby agrees, as she sneaks off to see Johnny anyway. She apologizes to Johnny for how her father treated her, but Johnny blames his own social status for it, rather than her father.
Their conversation becomes very real, and eventually turns into Baby declaring her love for Johnny. As a song comes on the radio, she asks him to dance with her. Giving in to his own feelings, he agrees. And together they engage in some...Dirty Dancing.
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As the two dirty dance horizontally, the night turns to day. That morning, things are definitely awkward between Baby and her father, who almost takes his family away that night. But, his wife and Lisa convince him to stay. He even comes back to visit Penny, checking in to make sure she’s alright, which Baby finds out once she does the same.
Things are also a little awkward between Baby and Johnny, interestingly. Wonder how last night ended. Well, Penny figures it out, and warns Johnny about the risks off getting involved with the upper class. Which, remember, is how she ended up this way. The two have a tense-but-intimate exchange. Which just preludes this IMMEDIATELY happening.
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Yeah, that’s not a surprise. Well, more heart-to-heart proceeds, and they continue to learn about each other’s lives. That night, Lisa tells Baby that she wants to go all the way with Robbie. Despite Baby’s warnings, Lisa simply tells her off, and is generally, I’ll be honest, a bitch. The next morning, though, Baby and Johnny have another dance session. And it’s THAT session. You know the one.
Neil interrupts, and proceeds to give a bad name to Cornellians everywhere (I’m not like that putz, I SWEAR), and pisses off Johnny in the process. She asks why he didn’t stand up for himself, and then immediately hides Johnny from her father, who’s walking with Robbie and Lisa. Rightfully calling her a hypocrite, he storms off.
And then they immediately resolve it. Which, GODDAMN, do I appreciate. Robbie strolls by, makes a typical crass comment about Baby, and then Johnny BEATS THE EVER-LOVING SHIT OUT OF HIM
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OH FUCK YES. And if that wasn’t enough catharsis, Lisa catches Robbie with one of the high society wives from earlier, as they sleep together in a cabin. OH. YES. THAT’S SOME GOOOOOOOOOOOOD SHIT.
Baby and Johnny, in the actual good and fully-developed relationship of this movie, spend the night together. And are seen the next morning by the high society wife, who had the hots for Johnny.
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The wife, Vivian (Miranda Garrison), implicates Johnny in stealing a wallet. Johnny’s about to be fired, and then BABY ADMITS THAT THEY WERE TOGETHER IN FRONT OF HER FATHER HOLY FUCK
She did it. She actually did it. Goddamn. And then, AND THEN, she TELLS HER FATHER OFF AND CALLS HER OUT FOR HIS ELITISM HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MOVIE. And then, Jerry Orbach fuckin’ starts tearing up, and I AM SHOOK MOTHERFUCKER
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And yet, even though the wallets were actually stolen by an elderly couple that Baby actually implicated, Johnny gets fired anyway. GODDAMN. After Baby completely loses heart, Johnny confronts her father, and learns that he believes that he was the one who got Penny pregnant. Johnny semi-tells him off, then walks away.
At his car, Johnny and Baby say goodbye with a kiss, and Johnny heads off forever. I mean, probably not, there’s a good 16 minutes left, and we haven’t gotten to the most iconic scene of the film yet. But anyway, Baby mourns her lost relationship, and her sister actually bonds with her over this whole thing. Hot damn.
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I want to punch Neil in the goddamn face. Mostly just because he’s on screen, but also because he LITERALLY ruins the goddamn anthem of Cornell University, by setting the anthem for the resort against its melody. Goddamn you, Neil. GODDAMN YOU. Also, fuck Robbie, because he LITERALLY OUTS HIMSELF to Dr. Houseman as Penny’s former deadbeat partner. As the anthem continues (to my rage), who shows up but Johnny, who comes to stick up for Baby and all she’s done.
He brings her up on stage, and interrupts the anthem (THANK YOU CHRIST) to perform the last dance of the season, as he always does. Despite Dr. Houseman’s would-be objections (prevented by his wife, who has moved up on my list of favorite characters), the two are left alone on stage. And that...is when the song plays. YOU KNOW THE GODDAMN SONG
Y’know, it’s funny, because this song is definitely an ‘80s song, making this whole sequence pretty goddamn anachronistic, but WHO CARES!? It’s one of the most iconic sequences in film history, especially of the era, and I love the hell out of it. The crowd cheers, the rest of the kids join in, the lift happens, father and daughter make up, everybody dances, I dance with my girlfriend, I LOVE IT! They kiss, they dance and the film fades to black.
Dirty Dancing! See you in the Review! Oh, I’m changing the name of that section, by the way. Alongside a few more things. You’ll see.
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miomediator · 4 years
Homestuck - Heart and Mind
Inner self and outer self
Content/trigger warnings: Heart: blood, decapitated heads, flashing colors, eye strain
Mind: flashing lights, repetitive looped gif
Very veeeery long thread!
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I’m going to be honest, this is the more head-scratching (ha!) symbol of the 12, in my opinion. While the others immediately (or take a moment to) make sense, this one confuse me. Sure, it’s a cartoonish representation of a pink human heart.
The problem isn’t the main shape, but the right side of it. Beside the fact that it’s more original and eye-catching than a filled heart, why this gap, this wiggling line? But let’s proceed in order and take a more general approach first.
It’s a pink heart on a darker purple/pink background. The left side is filled, while the right side looks like a tail that coming in or out the shape. We’ll get into it a bit down below.
In pop and universal culture, people has always been show this embodiment of the heart. While many theorise about when and where it came from, a stable origin was registered during the Middle Age, as a pear.
Here’s an exempt of the theory:
“Historically speaking, the first known depiction of a heart shape, which can be vaguely considered as a symbol of love, was made in the 1250s. It appeared in a decoration of a capital letter “S” in a manuscript of a French romance called “Roman de la Poire” (Romance of the Pear). 
This miniature depicts a kneeling lover who offers his heart to a lady. This heart shape is similar to a pine cone, and it is held upside down (not in the usual position of the heart shape that we know today). Researchers only assume that the pine cone-shaped object is a heart because its part held by the lover is hidden. The name of this novel is “Romance of the Pear,” so the object may also be a pear.”
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The earliest depiction of a heart symbol as a symbol of love in a manuscript of the “Roman de la Poire.”
[Mio’s note: Roman actually means novel in french, and isn’t necessarily romantic. Though I guess it is in this context.]
It is interesting, in this paragraph the heart is both referred as pine cone-shaped and pear-shaped. The latter is extremely funny, has it reminds me of a famous fanon HS meme “Well this has gone completely fucking pear-shaped”, attributed to Dirk and the decapitation joke. He, in fact, never really said it in Canon.
If we indulge this banter, the pear-shaped heart would symbolise things that took a disastrous turn, and so negative and stressful elements such as anxiety, adrenaline (negative in this case, positive in others), heart pounding, leaving a weird and unpleasant sandy taste on your tongue.
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But I digress.
What we actually need to focus on is that:
A fruit, the pear, has been associated to a love gesture, like a gift to express romantic affection to someone.
The pear is upside-down, as the text point out. Which is curious and worth mentioning.
“the pine cone-shaped object is a heart because its part held by the lover is hidden”. So what is important it’s what is inside it, and so inside your heart. Which perfectly echoes with my subhead: Inner self.
The article continues, with Guido whom also depicted his version of a heart:
“Guido da Vigevano, a 14th-century Italian physicist, made some anatomical drawings of a heart that are very similar to the descriptions made by Aristotle. These depictions, along with the presumption that the human heart is connected with emotion and pleasure, transformed the heart shape into a symbol of medieval love.”
After this, a picture shows Charity incarnated as a woman, giving her heart to Jesus. While I won’t dwell on the religious implications, it is a metaphor of showing care and compassion to someone. Giving them a bit of your time, patience, and heart. In an extreme case, being completely devoted to someone in a strong way. 
Heart-bound fellows, despite the fact that they are concerned about themselves, are very people-oriented. They deeply want others to feel well and happy. Hence the expression being ‘kind-hearted/big-hearted’, and ‘work you heart out’. They put a lot of themselves into their hobbies, which they are passionate about.
After this, the article introduce the playing cards, implying that Guido had an influence on the decision to show a heart among the symbols:
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The playing cards are even more relevant to this analysis, as their modern symbol are present in Troll romance. Here, the ‘clover’ is an acorn, the ‘spade’ a leaf, perhaps ivy, the heart is even more like the one we know nowadays, and the ‘diamond’ surprisingly is a small metallic bell. This set is dated from ~1540.
[Sources: this site about the origins of the red heart]
That was a (very) quick look at the evolution of the heart symbol.
I could go on and talk about Valentine’s Day, but it would be paraphrasing the site, and we have much more content to focus on. I invite you to take a look at said site and do some research of your own if you are interested about this peculiar bit.
Let’s go into more direct Homestuck content.
During the adventure, we are introduced to three Heart-players. Nepeta Leijon, Dirk Strider, and Meulin Leijon, in appearance order.
They all have interests related to feelings and love.
Nepeta has a shipping grid of her own friends on her cave’s walls and seems to be proficient in moirallegiance, a quadrant that require to be invested and devoted to their partner feelings. She had a crush on Karkat that she never confessed. Karkat knew but never worked the nerve to do something about it.
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Dirk is engrossed by romance and smut, unashamedly draw his friends getting frisky (in a borderline-obscene way), is passionate about the projects he works on (work his heart out, sometimes literally). He was (and still is) madly in love with Jake. But by being overbearing and socially inept their relationship crumbled (while not being the only reason it didn’t work out).
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[I love talking about Dirk, but I’ll do my best in this analysis to properly and equally split the content between Nepeta, Meulin and him] 
Meulin not only love shipping, she also gives directly advises to her friends, and acted as a matchmaker. She shipped several of the alpha trolls but according to Aranea, she focused on how cute a couple would be, instead on how and if their dynamic would work out. Her matespritship with Kurloz was cut short when he yelled in his sleep, deafening Meulin in the process.
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Meulin talking about shipping the human teens, transcript from the Openbound game, part 2
The most obvious element they share is that they are zealous and unlucky in love. One would say it depends on the class, personality or aspect. They seem all correct assumptions to me.
Nepeta was the first to be presented as a Heart-bound character, the Rogue of Heart. So, logically, the design of the Heart symbol could be inspired by her.
How, you ask. Let’s take a look to Nepeta’s sign.
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The ‘Leo’ sign, in human culture represents the constellation of the lion, with the circle as their head, and the loop as the body and tail.
Now looking back and forth to Leo and Heart: Heeeey! It’s quite similar. Can you see it?
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Alright, that’s a good start. So the right side is like a tail. Let’s dig and look around Heart/heart. Heart is synonym of soul. Its symbol is a pink blood pusher. For humans it represent romantic love, our only ‘official’ quadrant. A red lover for trolls is called a matesprit. Sprit comes from esprit, which is the french word for spirit. So matesprit is a soul mate. But this term is used for another concept in Homestuck. A spiritual guide during the player journey: a sprite.
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The link between the Leo and Heart sign is getting stronger. The circle as the head, the wiggling line as the body and tail. The sprite is a living spirit, a floating soul present in the physical plane. So the right side, the tail, is bound to the left side, the head. Meaning the soul is bound to the body. Oh. But what if it was detached from it? Yeeep, you know, I know, they know. This is why and how decapitation come into the picture.
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Beheaded Dirk and Roxy hit in the stomach, from the [S] Dirk: synchronize
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Jasperosesprite^2 prototyping Nepeta’s decapitated head in Jake’s kernelsprite
A kiss on the lips, which is seen often as a romantic gesture, is one of the resurrecting mechanism within SBURB/SGRUB. It transfers the soul from the ‘original’ body to the dream self, turning the latter into the main body. Separating the head from the rest of the body amounts to take away the soul, while throwing the head back (or any part of the corpse) into a kernelsprite recreate the link between the two. 
 A kernel is: 
“ a computer program at the core of a computer's operation system with complete control over everything in the system. It is an integral part of any operating system. It is the "portion of the operating system code that is always resident in memory". It facilitates interactions between hardware and software components.””
Source: Wikipedia
It’s a brain that bound the soul to the body, and is the core of the system, controlling it. So basically, the digital mind made in SBURB. One display among the several ones of the Heart/Mind duality.
So wait, if the head in this case is the soul, and looking back at medieval picture at the beginning (dude kneeling in front of a lady offering a heart) then Dirk sendificating his head in [S] Dirk Synchronize/Unite is really a romantic overture toward Jake (sacrificing a part of his self then Hal prompting him to kiss Dirk’s lips). Same for Jasperose resurrecting Nepeta by using her head. Damn. You two are smooth operators in the most disturbing way.
Another personal theory in my mind, is that pink ‘tail’ could represent how a person use and interact with their aspect.
Nepeta, as a Rogue, remove or give personality, passion and feelings to someone. 
For example she could appease a friend by removing their frustration. In contrary she could also give passionate feelings to someone who needs them. Such as in Ni no Kuni! In which the protagonist Oliver takes a piece of somebody’s soul (what is called emotion or virtue) to give it to someone who needs it. Those people are referred to “brokenhearted”.
So the wiggling tail would be something introduced or take away from the soul.
Dirk, as a Prince, has shown having the power to completely remove someone’s soul from their body. 
And for that, he doesn’t like his abilities, exhibiting him as a ‘cartoonish villain’ like Voldemort (splintering his soul into horcruxes) or Xehanort (putting part of himself in the Organization members). Though he could remove and grab one of his friend’s soul to save them from a close death. See the fan comic Double Death of the Author by The Lifetime Channel on MSPFA, and the fan fiction Defragmentation by Katreal on Ao3.
In this case, the tail would represent the soul being slowly removed.
Meulin, as a Mage, have an understanding of people’s strong feelings, especially romantic ones. 
Her ability is to read, feel and use her knowledge to help her friends figure out who is better suited for them. Meulin’s powers are similar to a diviner, allowing to form or break a couple. Perhaps with practice and reaching the God Tiers, she could even perceive red threads of fate which bound two lovers regardless of the location and time. The manga Bound Beauty (sorry, no english Wikipedia page) features a young lady with the ability to see those strings, usually invisible to the eye. She uses it at her advantage to coach her classmates, in exchange of money.
In this case, the tail would represent the red/pink thread of fate, coming not from the pinkie, but directly from the soul.
Heart-bound recommended Lyricstuck: What do you want from me by Pink Floyd
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Watch as I make as much Mind puns as possible :p
This one is easier to read, which is also why it will be difficult for me to write a substantial section about it. Let’s start with the obvious.
It’s a vivid teal on a bit darker green background. Same as the Heart aspect, it’s more likely that the palette has been inspired by the first revealed character related to Mind: Terezi Pyrope, from the Teal caste. The shape is composed of an orb surrounded by three hook-like tails connected to the center. What effortlessly come to mind (ha!) is an organic cell, from the brain.
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Picture source: https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/784048616363923971/
Neurons allow and facilitate informations to navigate in the brain. 
an electrically excitable cell that communicates with other cells via specialized connections called synapses.
Source: Wikipedia
Information goes from a neuron, through a synapse to another neuron. An idea leads to another, connecting bits that turns into the big picture. The Mind aspect seems to share the concept of data with the Light aspect. The differences are that Light focuses on the most fructuous parts, ones that lead them to victory, while the Mind-bound works with choices and a mindset, in a more wide range, then narrowing the paths.
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Terezi using her vision to s33 what action leads to which outcome, searching for the most fitting one.
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Rose insisting that Kanaya come along the 3 years ride, while explaining and guiding Kanaya to make her narrowing her vision of “victory”.
So both Seer treat information, just not in the same way. 
The outcome still remains ”I want to advance toward a certain reality and I help others to reach it as long as they follow my instructions”. The inconvenient blind spot (sorry for the involuntary pun) is that they hardly can use those abilities for themselves. Either we don’t witness it on-screen, or they barely do it in the first place (a good example is the retroactive continuity during the GO timeline).
But let’s end the Seer detour here. Back to the Mind aspect itself.
We have a whole system going on in our own head. When I try to look for something, if I don’t find it directly, then I turn to something related to said information. Like an indirect research on the internet. If we don’t pay attention and don’t try to understanding our mind, as well as others’, we just end up being frustrated and lost.
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The thing is you make your own world, with every action, decision, it creates a new path full of possibilities. The words you say or keep to yourself, acting or staying put, it all matter. Grasping and managing to own it, and you’ll have a better grip on your reality. It’s not my Aspect, I do have trouble making decisions and take responsibilities, however everybody needs to go through it.
The within interacts with the without, the mind to the outside word. We are always worried about how others perceive us, what kind of depiction of the self we convey. So we desperately put filters to the point of exhibiting falsehood of a personality. While introspection is observing ourselves, extraspection is perceiving things that are outside our mind. Hence the outer self, complementary to the inner self.
Terezi perfectly get how people work, and can manipulate them with ease, in contrary to Vriska whom doesn’t want to and go for mind-controlling them. Joke’s on her, her ‘mind’-control is proof that she fails in this peculiar category, since Terezi doesn’t need any psychic powers to convince someone to do and give the info she desires.
The big contrast contrast between Vriska and her, is that Terezi looks and determine what matters or not, while Vriska force the odds to be in her favor, shamelessly stealing fortune from others. She doesn’t even want to understand or try, she is a cheater and proud of it.
That was the link and differences between Mind and Light.
Let’s take a look at the Heart/Mind duality again. Both seem to share a connection with electricity.
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Terezi gazing at the sky of her planet, the Land of Thought and Flow
It’s no secret that the connection between neurons are often compared to electronic chips. Cables canalize and facilitate electricity’s flow, to power devices, to link ideas and data. Or just used as raw energy.
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Brain-not-so-ghost-anymore Dirk trying to rip Aranea’s soul
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Lightning seen from a building roof on Dirk’s land
While the electricity for the Mind symbol refer to synapses, for the Heart/heart, also called blood pusher, would allude to cardiac nerves.
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Bec Noir preparing the Red Miles to be thrown at the Genesis Frog
Instead of thoughts, it’s blood that navigates in the ‘roads’.
For the Heart-bound, the lightning represents the chaos that are emotions and sensitive intuition. While for the Mind-bound the lightning is order, reasoning and cold logic that strikes to bring justice, whether said justice is deem fair or not.
Let’s talk about a famous movies series in which among the core themes resolve around the Mind/Heart duality: The Matrix
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Each building, tree, person are made with an inimaginable amount of lines of code
The Matrix spoilers ahead!!
If you’re not familiar with this trilogy (or haven’t watch it in a while), here’s the plot:
//Thomas A. Anderson is a programmer for a big software company, and in parallel is Neo, a hacker that illegally provides contraband programming. Agents in black suits caught up with his activities, but in truth approached Neo because a renowned hacker, Morpheus, enemy number one according to Agent Smith, contacted the programmer. After offering to clean his criminal record in exchange of helping catching Morpheus, which Neo refuses, the agents violently implant a snitch in our protagonist.
Neo wake up in his bed, believing it was all but an awful nightmare. Appearances are deceiving, as ‘dream sequences’ are layers on layers on reality. The resistance group calls him again, setting a rendez-vous under a bridge to help him and answer his questions, if he is willing to cooperate.
After a lot of hesitation, snitch removal, and the insistence of one of the member, Trinity, he finally accept and follow the group to go meet Morpheus.
There, Neo is given a choice, The Choice if we’re going with Homestuck comparisons: 
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
Morpheus, Matrix (1st movie)
By choosing the take the red pill, Neo accepts to unplug himself (literally) from his ‘reality’ and see the truth: the world he lives in is all but an illusion, a huge program that is the Matrix, blinding humans to a make-believe 1999 year, used as living batteries, harvested and enslaved by the machines. Humanity is in ruins, and a war between people and machines has gone for a whole century.
Morpheus tells him that they believe he’s ‘The One’ and he has the power to stop the war. From the real world, Neo will train to reinforce his mind, going back into the Matrix and fight different enemy programs. While constantly being undergo introspection, looking for what to believe, who he is, questioning his values and acts.\\
From there I’ll go back and worth to Homestuck and the movies to point out the similarities and support my choice.
I’ll begin with the Mind aspect first:
Millions of human beings are plugged, treated as programs that have a function, along with providing a great amount of energy to the machines. Stuck and having their body atrophied, their brain is connected to the Matrix. The program control everything of their life and vision, from their status in society, to their physical sensations.
"What is real? How do you define real?" asks Morpheus to Neo. “If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." As I quote farther above, reality is something that isn’t there, but rather something you make. With Morpheus’ quote, my interpretation of the Mind symbol being neutrons and synapses is consolidated.
After being blinded by Vriska, Terezi way of ‘seeing’ shifted. Slowly, her perception of things changed and she grasped on a new light her reality.
She didn’t need eyes, but expanding her mind and freeing herself from the vision that clouded her. Navigating inward and outward, understanding what she felt, her inner self and outer self, back and forth. But it wasn’t perfect, no, she had and still is working on it, as she can be blinded by either cold logic or passionate feelings. Neo and her have the same weakness, they both are in love and it obstructs their mission. The dilemma is exhibited in [S]: Flip, where she has to choose between letting Vriska go, exposing the whole team to Jack, or killing her to protect her friends.
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Terezi, on the path she let Vriska go
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Vriska in her ancestor outfit, fitting Jack in one reality
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A painful sacrifice is needed to be able to go forward, a reality in which most of them survive and has a chance of winning the game. A necessarily path that she regretted.
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Neo with the Architect in the secret room, the screens displaying the different paths his reactions could take (Matrix: Reloaded, second movie)
In Matrix, Neo has to reach the source of all the program to reinstall the previous version of the code. The first time, he has a small range of opportunity, only a few minutes gap to access a secret room that would allow him to reach the source, among the city of machines. There, he encounters the Architect, a program whom function and personality is based on the creator of the Matrix, and have a chat with him.
Six others chosen ones preceded him, and all failed to accomplished this mission.
Why? “Choice. The problem is choice” answers Neo. Because unlike the Architect, Neo is a flawed human being. He can’t just brush off his feelings, he’s in love with Trinity. The latter despite asked not to join him plugged herself back into the Matrix allowing him to get safely into the secret room. With that, she exposed herself to an inevitable death. And so Neo took the door that lead to his lover, enabling within him a miracle that resurrected Trinity. 
Here was a couple of paragraphs about the dance between duty and love, cold logic and passion.
I’ll continue with the Heart aspect:
I talked about love and romance until now, but let’s take a look at another side of the Heart. The identity.
After taking the red pill- Neo turns his head and gaze at a mirror.
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It’s shattered. The symbolism here shows that he’s lacking a part of himself, something that scratch him without being able to put his finger on it. Soon, right before his eyes, the mirror mends itself. Because he chosen the truth, the path that would lead him to understand and find himself.
The mirror is of course, a reference and call back to Alice, mentioned shortly before by Morpheus. No no, please forget about any cartoon, especially Disney’s version of the story. And focus about the sequel book: “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There”. It’s a curious, deep and tricky book. I would know, I read it twice and I’m still confused.
But I’m sure of one thing, the adventures of Alice has always been about introspection. First in chapter 1, Alice imagines for fun that the mirror in the living room lead to a parallel world. Like Neo, she touches the mirror and engages into a journey. In chapter 3, in order to cross a giant life-sized chess board (UH HMMMM UNCANNY!) she takes a train. 
“There she forgets all nouns, including her own name. With the help of a fawn who has also forgotten his identity, she makes it to the other side, where they both remember everything. Realizing that he is a fawn, she is a human, and that fawns are afraid of humans, it runs off (to Alice's frustration).”
Source: Through the Looking-glass (wikipedia)
[going through the book itself would have been too long]
The train might symbolize the course of life, or a part of it, in which an identity crisis occurs for Alice and question what is and what does it means. I’ll even say that this temporary memory loss put aside all differences and precedences, perhaps reflecting a class hierarchy, between Alice the human and the fawn, or the rich lady and the poor.
Back to Matrix.
Later in the movie, our programmer encounters a woman called the Oracle. She can see some events according to her grasp on human psychology, but never beyond a choice that she cannot understand, not even hers. The Oracle isn’t here to predict the future (even if she can), but to assist and guide those who picked the red pill. She does sound like a Seer of Mind :]
Upon meeting her, she asks him “do you think you are the one?” to what he respond “honestly I don’t know”. She then point behind him, toward a mantra hanged above the threshold: Temet nosce, which means “know thyself”.
The introspection will continue through all three movies, a wild tango between certitude and doubts, self that leads to a choice, from a choice which leads to who he is, the two are intertwined and indivisible.
In Matrix: Revolution (third movie), the final battle between our protagonist and his alter ego take place. Rain is pouring, thousand and thousand of copies looking down at him, the sky is dark, and Agent Smith step away from the crowd, so the fight begins.
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Remember the paragraph about the lightning? The sky in this scene is quite reminiscent to Terezi Land’s electric atmosphere, and even more Dirk’s, has his planet is covered be countless empty green buildings in ruins.
The scene portraits perfectly the confrontation between order and chaos, good and evil, selfless and selfish. I could go on and on but I think y’all got the concept, and I nicely fill an even bigger word quota, with the two aspects balanced.
Source for the screenshots: Fancaps.net, here and here
Mind-bound recommended Lyricstuck: Dog days are over by Florence and the Machine
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cobalt-penguin · 4 years
y’know what i’m still feeling annoyed and petty, plus i’m stuck inside and it’s storming out so why not type out a checklist of what everyone in TOW did to me.
since i am mean and manipulative, petty and pathetic, and so much more? why not bring up some old beef and give ya’ll something to eat. 
Gansey: tried repeatedly to instigate drama -- if not actively break up -- my OC ships by encouraging -- through IC shenanigans -- cheating and lying. One of these happened while I was on vacation with my family and i still remember crying about it in a hotel bathroom because i thought one of my few ships in the RP was over and I hadn’t even been asked about it. This also included trying to get his OC Tomas to make IC/OOC (hey you can feign innocence when it’s in that dubiously OOC space, until its receptive in which case you can say it was IC the whole time!) at one of my ship partner’s OCs. Made repeated fat jokes at one of my fat characters (the same one they were clearly trying to get away from their partner...hmm...). Claimed I was always running to vague on my personal. Fair enough, I did, but they did the same thing. In poem form. Never answered my message about leaving the RP group because they felt ‘disrespected” by it. Repeatedly including untagged dubcon/noncon elements on the dashboard and triggering me. Lying to Ivy and me about having a full Overwatch party then trying to say “oh it just emptied you can join now”. hid this “FAR” idea from the rest of the RP community and then played coy when they got found out and asked about it by another anon (not me). Made fun of other RP groups in Tumblr tags then, when I asked them and their friends not to, was told “we’re a step above them.” Saying I was excluding them from things when I asked to play OW with them AND invited them to my horror RP group AND, only months beforehand, were inviting them to my Marvel RP??Trying to emotionally manipulate me through threatening to kill characters they had obviously grown tired of playing (probably because their major connections were to me and not their other friends) -- “haha i’m probably going to kill (my oc) idk but doesn’t that make you upset?? what will (your character) even do??” Engaging in nasty “”IC”” interactions with my character, basically telling me, through them, off, and being supported by the entire community in doing so. All of this really hurt me because I considered Gansey a friend and a major inspiration at one point in my life. Someone I non-jokingly looked up to and trusted. I feel like Gansey left TAR, our first RP group, because of how controlling, self-interested, petty, and mean-spirited the admins there were. That they were limiting other people’s creativity while building up their own narrative -- everyone else just there to be their audience. But you and Roman literally became Usa and Jen. Congrats. You lived long enough to become everything you’d rebelled against. And yes Gansey -- I saw all of your messages to everyone. Emotionally manipulating others -- telling them how terrible you are you don’t deserve their friendship, but would like to -- isn’t an apology. Its a tactic. Do better in the future. And despite me “blocking” you? There were a hundred ways to still reach out to me if that was what you really wanted. But let’s be real. It wasn’t. That was part of your gambit to. Goodbye. 
Rosie: asked literally EVERYONE about what had happened with the ““TOW explosion”” except me. never even asked my side of the story. Rosie I don’t even get because the other admins treated her like shit -- making her do all the coding and technical components for the entire RP -- but she was still defending them to the end. Okay. And then to treat Shelly like utter SHIT even though Reyne was running her passive-aggressive mouth off about people who couldn't even defend themselves? Amazing. Yeah, she’s the bully. Your perspective was so twitested by your biases that you were ready to victim blame Shelly just because Reyne had to run at the sight of someone actually throwing their bulltshit back at them. 
Reyne: Like Gansey, frequently indulged in cheating/cucking scnearios for fun -- again, including my own characters without asking or telling me. Don’t think Reyne ever apologized for this, IC or OOC. Dropped ships with me repeatedly -- leaving the group even -- without a word. Passive-aggressive to the max. Made a ship with Gansey just to play out her Teen Wolf OTP -- something that will never not be funny to me, when she called Gansey’s “character” Stiles. Smooth. 
Frankii: Repeatedly dropped me and my characters from plots. Gave me one of the most hurtful comments of my RP community by essentially being like “maybe if your plots and characters weren’t so confusing than more people would want to RP with you.” Invited to join my horror RP group and never made a character. also told me this after Gansey wrote that enormous callout about me, that Roman piggybacked on while the getting was good: “also I'm not here to advocate on behalf of my friend but I really don't think Gansey was trying to be rude last night, they can come off a certain way when they're stressed.” COOL. The rest of Frankii’s message I really appreciated, at the time, but, surprise surprise, then despite us being “cool” they never spoke to me again. 
Laura: I actually really liked Laura tbh but I guess she didn’t feel the same. Some of our interactions back in TAR were actually some of my favorites. I invited her to join my horror RP group and she never made a character. When I asked about this -- and if she needed any help making someone or wanted to leave -- she said she was working on it. Basically stonewalled me over time. Honestly though? Not a lot to say I actually think Laura is a good writer and pretty cool. Its just obvious who her friends were and I, stupidly, thought I was included in that. 
Anna: Actually I really liked Anna too tbh but I guess I vastly overestimated our friendship? It happens. Dropped me from one of her plots -- after talking to me about including me in one of hers because she felt “obligated” basically, from being featured in my own -- without mentioning why or talking to me about it. Invited to join new RP -- refused (not mad about this, just making note of it). Refused to follow my new account when I lost my old one because “lol they’re such a furry”. 
Roman: lmao where to even start. Roman was condescending and elitist literally from the beginning of TAR. barely acknowledged my existence until he had to.I started a plot with an open invitation to the entire RP group, with a deadline so I could start writing. Roman waits until its over and complains that they were left out. I include him anyway. Roman mocks the fact that I ask to tag or outright remove aphrodisiac dust -- because I don’t like seeing untagged dubcon/noncon on my dashboard, it upsets me a lot -- and then goes on a whole thread about it after I go to bed and can’t even defend myself. Apparently told his friends not to invite me to things because he doesn’t like me??? And then he has the nerve to be like communication is key and you can come talk anytime??? While having me on their public “friends” list with a description about me on his blog??? omfg...I literally can’t. To this day. Actually let this image speak for itself.
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Everything Else: The repeated, childish treatment of strippers as immoral (””your character is stripping?? my character is so upset and is going to protect them!!”). The implication that characters who were stripping were also automatically sex workers. The continued references to my character, who owned this establishment, as being sleazy and manipulative. Also, honestly, what was with ya’ll adopting some random teenager into your OW groups? That was weird af. And then bringing some random person into TOW without asking anyone and trying to pull rank like “we’re the admin team and we can do whatever we want”. and shit-talking Meg and me in your “open forum” when all we wanted to do was get on with out lives. Like? Who cares? Ya’ll didn’t want me, at least, there anyway, clearly. You don’t get to exclude me then talk about how disrespectful and “wrong” the way I left was..........
Me: I didn’t do everything perfectly either. I know I could be passive-aggressive. I could be self-interested. I could make bitter comments. I dealt with feeling angry and upset by making memes -- which, I’m gonna be honest, I get why ya’ll were upset but I don’t regret either. I had spent so long in TAR/TOW with nobody interested in my characters and plots -- originally because I didn’t vid and played furries but, later, well.........see above -- that I did focus on my own narrative. I wasn’t invited to plots. I didn’t have sexy vampires and boy band werewolves. I played weird characters that didn’t fit the common niche of the cast of an angst and hookup filled supernatural YA novel. Maybe my plots were confusing but, honestly? It was because they were always going to be in the background. I wasn’t disinterested in anyone’s stories. I had just been left out of them for so long -- having to beg to even be a mention in a single mention -- that I had to make my own. I wasn’t there to just be an audience member to be aghast by Roman’s newest quirky boy or Gansey’s newest possessed twink. I was a writer. A member of the community. And, at the time? I thought a friend. Someone who deserved appreciation and respect. 
I know who my true friends are now. We did, ironically, exactly what you did -- we have out own group, our own setting, our own community. 
And I still live with the mean and manipulative things YALL said everyday. Even as an adult -- even with everything I’ve accomplished and am so proud of -- I’m still traumatized by being treated so poorly -- for years -- and not even realizing it. Something I’m still working on -- one of the many reasons I still have trust issues to this day. Congrats. That’s your legacy on me. aNYWAY
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coconut-cluster · 5 years
i'll ask about them!! tell us more about your characters coco!! (i like the waffle girl)
anon i literally owe you my life 
i’ll make this brief bc i know people follow me for sanders sides lol!! i just love talking about my oc’s and these ones especially are near and dear to my heart because they’re my first ever original characters! :’) 
Casper Campagna: Italian-Jewish kiddo with a love of baking and computer science, also soccer but only when he was in middle school. Grapples with depression and still has issues with isolating himself when he’s upset or stressed (but he’s recovering, slowly but surely). Very practical and sincere. loves lemon bars but they’re the only thing he’s never been able to bake properly. Has a snarky and too-smart-for-her-own-good younger sister named Tiana, more commonly referred to as Tia. Casper is who Kai semi-affectionately refers to as “Techno,” “Techie,” and “Sandy” (his middle name is Alessandro), among other nicknames. Good friends with Luna and Nate and Piper.
Luna Williams: This is waffle girl! Artsy kiddo who comes from a dysfunctional family - her mom isn’t the best and dad is pretty absent after they got divorced and he moved to NYC (the whole story takes place in NY, Luna lives in Syracuse with her mom), older sister, Andromeda, moved in with her dad, and her older brother, Orion, is away at Penn State and isn’t eager to visit anytime soon. Luna means well, even if she’s a bit awkward, and she’s a big creative soul!!! She also loves gardening! She has a bunch of nicknames, like Lu and Moony. 
Nate Kalil: Definitely the funniest member of the team, big drama and photography nerd who, despite being Muslim and from upstate New York, talks like a harried southern farmhand most of the time, going so far as forcefully inserting “y’all” into his daily vocabulary. He’s a little reckless sometimes but he has a heart of gold. Bisexual icon and best friends with Piper, lesbian icon, and also good friends with Luna because they both (and Piper, for that matter) have intense Helicopter Mom Problems(tm). 
Ivy Dane: Spunky and hard-working kiddo with a bad mom and absent dad. She goes to a nice school on a scholarship she works really hard to maintain despite her situation, even if she thinks she’s not that smart, though she loves drawing (also softball). Half Korean and also has sick turquoise hair and a blue scrunchie she carries around everywhere. She’s a bit blunt and sometimes irreverent but she’s passionate and loyal to her friends! Reluctant friends with Kai.
Kai Burkley-Kapule: Kiddo with reeeeally bad home life (he needs a hug really bad) - his dad was the “main villain” (as if I ever actually wrote a main fight or plot) and comes to the Extractors team later than the other five kids. Very snarky and clever and loves sweaters and bowties. He really loves natural sciences and engineering! Comes up with nicknames a lot, mostly for Casper, because they have a weird halfhearted rivalry. He’s pretty good friends with Luna (and affectionately calls her a Luna-tic because she’s oddly adventurous for someone so reserved and manages to get them in odd situations a lot, like playing card games at three in the morning in the middle of a government facility), and is reluctant friends with Ivy (only reluctant because they’re both very stubborn); he’s more like a business partner to Piper than he is a friend, but they’re a powerful team. 
Piper Maxwell: An innovative, smart cookie of a kiddo who just wants her parents to be proud of her; she’s from a suuuuper rich family but homegirl just wants to do gymnastics and some arts and crafts tbh. She’s a little uptight, but she’s very cunning and strategic, and loves any activity where she can design something. Best friends with Luna, even if Lu is a little zanier than what she’s used to. She’s much more capable than she thinks. 
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cassandrale179 · 5 years
Date: May 04, 2019  “It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself ‘Am I happy? ‘ It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real lasting happiness, All those perky, well-adjusted people you see in movies and TV shows ? I don’t think they exist.”
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So I am not one who usually watched cartoons, not to mention binging an entire season of a cartoon series, but for some funny reasons I kinda stumbled upon Bojack Horseman, and finished the entire 12 episodes in 2 days. I really had to write down all my thoughts on all these episodes before I forgot what I felt about each one. So this isn’t a really a movie reviews, just random notes on the issues I like most of the show 
Bojack Horseman had got to be the most depressing cartoons I’ve ever watched in my life, and I am shocked by how gritty and realistic it is as a form of social commentary on broken people who tried to chase broken dreams in a broken society. That cycle of brokenness, that moment in life, that critical window between childhood and adulthood when one realized that his idealisms of the world begun to be torn down parts by parts, are one of my favorite themes of this show. 
“You want to know about my parents? They drank a lot. My father was a failed novelist. My mother was the heiress to the Sugarcube fortune and my dad resented her for it…”
And I think by willing to explore these harsh topics, while being unforgiving to its characters (the fact that even if one was dealt with the bad cards of the Universe doesn’t permit one to be an asshole and shirk the responsibilities of doing good to other human beings), really added a nuance to the topic. Though this is often disguised in the form of Bojack’s deniability of his issues. 
“Yeah I like that. I didn’t do anything wrong because we’re just all products of our environments, bouncing around like marbles in the game of Hungry Hungry Hippo that is our random and cruel universe.
There are a lot of of other themes being explored in the show, such as sensationalism, political correctness, the dark side of Hollywood …etc, but they were quite self-explanatory, so I won’t go too much details on those. However, one of my favorite got to be the attention span possessed in today’s society. Firstly, on the decline of literary consumption: 
Pinky: When was the last time you saw a book?  Bojack: I thought I saw someone reading one in the park the other day, but it turned out it was a takeout menu.
Secondly, the fact that every time a character becoming open, vulnerable, or reveal an opinion they hold about the world, they are being interrupted by some bullshit diversions or other characters who detract the audience away from the seriousness of it all, really drived home the point that originality and insight are often being ignored by the noise of superficial entertainment media. E.g, my two favorite scenes were Diane discussing her views on feminism, before being interrupted by Bojack:
“… But I do wonder as a third wave feminist if it’s even possible for women to reclaim their sexuality in this deeply entrenched patriarchal society, or if claiming to do so was just a lie we told ourselves so we can more comfortably cater to the male gaze.”
… and when Bojack was disagreeing on automatically labelling all American soldiers as heroes, before being interrupted by Mr. Peanutbutter.
“The troops are heroes, all of them. And I don’t believe saying that cheapens the word and actually disrespects those we mean to honor by turning real people into political pawns… Furthermore, I do not find it unbelievably appropriate that this conversation is taking place on reality television, a genre which thrives on chopping the complexities of our era into easily digestible chunks of empty catchphrases.”
Again, this constant intersection between daily, mundane activities chomping down on significant events really highlights how cruel and careless the world is 
I actually wrote this bit before stumbling on this amazing video here which explained much better about the existential nihilism that permeates the show, sprinkled with references from Pascal, Sartre, and Camus. What is the meaning of happiness? And what does it take to get there? I think these are central theme not just in Bojack Horseman, but also an existentialist dilemma that many philosophers have asked throughout the time of history. And I think it’s great that in this 21st century, we could still recreated the importance of this question in a colorful cartoon series. For Bojack, it was to be admired by everyone, I guess because he had lack love throughout his life, and needed to constantly feed his ego and insecurity to restore the guilt of him causing pain to other people in his life. For Princess Carolyn, it was work. For Diane, it was to move to L.A and make a difference with her writing. But at the end, is that truly what they want?
Well, That’s the problem with life, right? Either you know what you want, and then you don’t get what you want. Or you get what you want, and then you don’t know what you want
Ironically, the happiest of people are the seemingly dumbest, aka Mr. Peanutbutter, who realized disparity between the need for a purpose, as well as accepting that the universe bore no purpose, permitted him to live a truly carefree life. But to idealists like Bojack and Diane, who daily questioned their reason of existence, or as the French called it in a more fancy terms, raison d’etre, they constantly sank back into a state of ennui and depression. 
Another amazing article on Medium also explained the concept of the hedonistic treadmill. This term was first coined by psychologists Brickman and Campbell, who observed that humans quickly return to a stable baseline level of happiness despite the impact from major positive or negative life events (qtd. Shatwell). They are like hamsters on a broken treadmill, running in circles to try to add meanings to life without realizing that they will soon go back into the same rut. 
This theme from the show is what I personally identified with the most, as I realize I also had once stuck in this treadmill of achievements. I was not satisfied with performing average in my class, so I strived to achieve 4.0 GPA, but then I did not feel enough, I need to get into an Ivy League. And even when I did, I started to envy other Ivy Leaguers who achieved more in life (e.g Nobel Prize winners, award-winning writers, Olympic atheletes...etc.) before I realized that I am just stuck in this loop of achievement and disappointment. This was a wake up call that made me realize how unhealthy and obsessive I had become. Luckily I had not gone on a drug bender like Bojack, but I do feel like certain points in my life started to become self-destructive mentally and I needed to take a step back to realize how my perspective had deliberately and unconsciously nit-picked people who outperformed me so that I would feel bad about myself and pushed myself to achieve a goal. It took serious self reflection to realize the toxicity of when one pursue something just to justify their reason of existence and to boost their self esteem, not because they enjoy the process of attaining achievement. 
Though Bojack is such a bleak show, I do like how many of its various characters still struggle to survive and fight against their own demons. And though many self-loathed themselves, like Bojack, they still paused to question the possibility to be vulnerable and accept changes. My two favorite scenes: one, Diane opening up about her childhood.  
My family made my life miserable, and then they never forgave me for leaving. The truth is, I used to sit alone on the hill out by the dump and dream of waking up as Chelsea Clinton, but with my hair.
Second, that heartbreaking dream hallucination sequence while Bojack was tripping drugs: imagining what would it had been if he had removed himself from Hollywood and settled down in Maine with a wife and a child of his own; sitting at that graveyard with his name above his greatest fear (die alone, remembered by no one); begging a figurine of Diane to tell him the answer to his life’s conundrum, and she replied with a seemingly profound quote, “You can’t forced love. All you can do is be good to the people in your life, and kept your hearts open”, but then charged him $5 to remind him that’s she is merely a puppet repeating what he wanted to hear. 
I mean am I just doomed to be the person that I am? The person in that book? I mean it’s not too late for me, is it? It’s not too late? Diane, I need you to tell me it’s not too late. I need you to tell me that I’m a good person. I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self­ destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I’m a good person, and I need you to tell me that I’m good. Diane? Tell me, please, Diane.
I can’t stressed how great and realistic this cartoon TV show is, so I guess I will leave this review with one of my last favorite quote:
Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. It, like true love and the Munich Olympics, doesn’t exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward.
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