#Creating A Budget Activity
theambitiouswoman · 6 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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wonnieaura · 5 months
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Getting your life back in 2024 (leveling up to the max)
In 2024, leveling up your life involves a holistic approach to personal growth. Start by setting clear, achievable goals in various aspects of your life—career, relationships, health, and personal development. Cultivate a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
1. **Define Your Goals:** Clearly outline what you want to achieve in different areas of your life. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps.
2. **Continuous Learning:** Invest time in expanding your knowledge and skills. Read books, take courses, attend workshops, and stay curious about the world around you.
3. **Health and Wellness:** Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep into your routine.
4. **Mindfulness and Self-Care:** Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce stress. Incorporate self-care rituals into your routine, ensuring you take time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
5. **Build Strong Relationships:** Cultivate meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Invest time in building positive and supportive relationships.
6. **Financial Literacy:** Improve your financial knowledge and habits. Set a budget, save, and invest wisely to secure your financial future.
7. **Career Development:** Set professional goals, seek opportunities for growth, and stay adaptable in the ever-changing job market. Network and build a strong professional support system.
8. **Embrace Change:** Be open to change and view it as a chance for growth. Adaptability is a key skill in navigating life's uncertainties.
9. **Time Management:** Organize your time efficiently. Prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and create a schedule that allows for both productivity and relaxation.
10. **Gratitude Practice:** Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life. This mindset shift can enhance your overall well-being.
Remember, the journey of leveling up is ongoing. Regularly reassess your goals, celebrate your achievements, and stay committed to continuous improvement. As you evolve and grow, you'll find that your life becomes more fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
astro notes: taurus season focus
Taurus season begins with the sun entering Taurus as Jupiter and Uranus align, promising an auspicious start. After a period of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, there's a chance to cultivate peace and presence. Venus in Aries before April 30 adds urgency to desires, but when it moves into Taurus, a sweeter, more attuned phase begins. The sun's crossing of Jupiter and Uranus' alignment on May 11/12 suggests reactivation of opportunities from the conjunction, potentially leading to confidence-building breakthroughs.
🔥Aries Rising (Taurus 2nd House): Focus on finances and material possessions. It's a good time to review your budget and financial goals. You may feel a stronger need for security and comfort, leading to practical spending and saving habits.
🌱Taurus Rising (Taurus 1st House): This transit highlights your self-image and personal goals. It's a great time for self-care and setting new intentions. You may feel more confident and grounded, attracting positive attention from others.
🌬Gemini Rising (Taurus 12th House): A period of introspection and reflection. You may feel more inclined to spend time alone or engage in spiritual practices. Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious thoughts, as they may reveal important insights.
🦀Cancer Rising (Taurus 11th House): Focus on your social life and connections. You may feel more drawn to spending time with friends and participating in group activities. This is a good time to network and collaborate with others towards common goals.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus 10th House): Career and public image take the spotlight. You may receive recognition for your hard work or feel motivated to pursue new career opportunities. Focus on long-term goals and how you can achieve them.
🌾Virgo Rising (Taurus 9th House): This transit highlights education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to expand your horizons through learning or exploring new cultures. It's a good time to plan a trip or enroll in a course.
⚖️Libra Rising (Taurus 8th House): Focus on shared resources and deep transformations. You may need to review your finances, particularly those shared with others. This is also a good time to delve into your psyche and address any emotional issues.
🦂Scorpio Rising (Taurus 7th House): Relationships and partnerships come into focus. You may feel more committed to your existing relationships or seek to establish new ones. It's a good time to work on communication and compromise in your relationships.
🏹Sagittarius Rising (Taurus 6th House): Health and daily routines take center stage. You may feel motivated to improve your physical well-being through diet, exercise, or other health practices. Focus on creating a balanced and sustainable routine.
🐐Capricorn Rising (Taurus 5th House): This transit highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression. You may feel more inspired to pursue artistic or creative projects. It's also a good time to enjoy leisure activities and spend time with loved ones.
⚡️Aquarius Rising (Taurus 4th House): Focus on home, family, and emotional security. You may feel a stronger need to create a peaceful and comfortable environment at home. This is a good time to connect with your family and address any domestic issues.
🐠Pisces Rising (Taurus 3rd House): This transit highlights communication, learning, and short trips. You may feel more inclined to engage in conversations and share your ideas with others. It's a good time to expand your knowledge through reading or attending workshops.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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anyab · 5 months
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Via NasAlSudan
Learn about the Sudanese revolution, the significance of December 19, and a legacy of resistance and resilience.
Join our call to action today and everyday during Sudan Action Week.
December 19 2023
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Breaking it down
What is the Sudanese Revolution?
The Sudanese Revolution refers to the popular uprising in Sudan that began on December 19, 2018 and eventually deposed 30-year dictator of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, on April 11 of 2019.
How did the Revolution begin?
Protests first began in Atbara, a city with historical significance to the labor movement in Sudan, in response to the rising costs of basic supplies such as bread and fuel.
Protestors set fire to the national party headquarters, and the news of their revolt quickly spread, inspiring protestors first in other cities, and then in the capital of Khartoum itself.
Online, the caption #TasgutBas, translating to #JustFall, grew in popularity and helped connect the diaspora to those in Sudan.
Was it really just bread?
No. The rising cost of bread in developing nations is an indicator of how badly the economy is strained, to the point where it impacts members of every social class.
At this point in time in Sudan, subsidies on essential goods had been rolled back, funding for social and state services such as healthcare and education was nearly nonexistent, and it is estimated that nearly 90% of economic activity took place in the informal sector, all while the military budget continually increased.
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Who led the charge? Creating a revolution
Group: Sudanese Professional's association (SPA)
Who they are:
Group of labor and trade organizations formed in secret in 2012 and publicly declared in 2016
Backbone of grassroots organizing in Sudan
Role played:
Led action on the street, organized national protests, like the initial march on Khartoum for increased wages before the transition to calls for regime change, and worker strikes.
Group: Local Resistance Committees (LRCS)
Who they are:
Initially formed as groups of students and youth organized together on the more local, neighbourhood basis during the Bashir era
Membership is extremely diverse across socio-economic, ethnic, tribal, religious, and political lines
Role played:
Considered the lifeblood of the revolution, with youth organizing local protests and ensuring safety against governmental repression by standing on the front lines + providing security, food, water, and medication to people
Group: Forces for freedom and change (FFC)
Who they are:
Coalition comprising the SPA, LRCS, the Sudan Revolutionary Front (group of anti-governmental Darfur militias), political parties, and civil society groups
Role played:
Essentially became the political mouthpiece of the revolution and signed onto the transitional government with the military on behalf of Sudanese civilians
It is also crucial to note that from a demographic perspective, it is youth and women that largely led and comprised the Sudanese Revolution.
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How did the revolution succeed?
01. Learning from the Past
Following the Arab Spring wave, Sudan also attempted a revolution in September of 2013
Civilians faced violent crackdowns within the first three days of protest. 200 killed, 800+ arrested
Activists were deterred from mobilization + felt a lot of guilt at the massive loss of life and spent the next 5 years grounding themselves in the study of nonviolent theory and action
02. Building a Movement
Coalition Building and People Power
Diversification of the reach of the movement to make sure all sectors of Sudani society were represented
Decentralization of Activism
Past revolutions in 1964 and 1985 were concentrated in the labor movement and educational elites in Khartoum
This time, experienced nonviolent activists trained those in the capital and ensured ethnic, religious, and tribal diversity
Newly trained activists then taught others locally across the Sudanese states
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Why december 19?
On December 19, 1955, the Sudanese parliament unanimously adopted a declaration of independence from the Anglo-Egyptian colonial power.
The declaration went into effect on January 1, 1956, which is why Independence Day is officially January 1, but December 19 is when the Sudanese people were truly liberated from colonial rule.
The flag shown is Sudan's independence flag. The blue is for the Nile, the yellow for the Sahara, and the green for the farmlands.
The current Sudanese flag was adopted in 1970, with the colors used being the Pan-Arab ones.
During the 2019 revolution, protestors often carried the independence flag instead as a form of resistance to the narrative of an exclusive Pan-Arab Sudanese identity.
December 19 is ultimately a tribute to Sudanese strength and resilience. It honors our independence and revolutionary martyrs - not just those of the 2019 revolution, but the democratic revolutions of 1964 and 1985 as well.
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Why is the revolution ongoing?
The goal was never just the fall of a dictator. The goal was, and is, to build a better Sudan, one free from military rule. One with equal opportunities for everyone, with economic prosperity and safety and security - the key principles of freedom, peace, and justice that the revolution called for.
Today, though, before we rebuild Sudan, before we free it from foreign interests and military rule and sectarianism, we need to save it. Each day that passes by with war waging on is one where more civilians are killed. More people are displaced. More women are raped. More children go hungry. To live in the conflict zones in Sudan right now - whether that be Khartoum, Darfur, Kordofan, or now, Al Gezira, is to be trapped in a never-ending nightmare, a fight for survival. And to live elsewhere in Sudan is to wonder whether you're next.
Sudan Action Week calls on you to educate yourself and others about Sudan, and then to help the Sudanese people save it, because we can no longer do it alone.
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What can you do? Uniting for Al Gezira and North Darfur
As we witness the unfolding events in Al Gezira and North Darfur, the communities of Abu Haraz, Hantoub, Medani, El Fasher, and many others are reaching out for assistance. Sudanese resilience persists to this day, with individuals on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok seeking and providing guidance on transportation services, medical care, food, shelter, protection, safe zones, operational markets, and more. This isn't new for the Sudanese community. A legacy of unity emerged, notably during the 2019 revolutions, where nas al Sudan [the people of Sudan], both within the nation and in the diaspora, rallied together to support each other online. Beyond merely sharing stories on social media, this was about strengthening collective action, enhancing mobilizations, and building a resilient community rooted in solidarity. The essence of the Sudanese community lies in people supporting people, notably during the uprising in 2018 and following the events of April 15th, 2023
Swipe to see how you can help.
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What can you do?
This week, on a day nearly mirroring Sudanese Independence and the popular 2018 uprising, Sudanese resilience endures as war follows nas al Sudan to Al Gezira and again in North Darfur. Our call to action this week is not just to share; it's a collective effort to uplift one another.
Share Resources:
If you have access to resources that can help such as transportation services, medical assistance, food, shelter, etc., please comment below.
Community Requests:
If you are in Al Gezira or North Darfur and require specific support, please comment on your needs
Connect Individuals:
For those unable to share resources directly, help amplify requests by sharing this information within your personal networks. Your connection may lead to support from individuals who can assist.
Spread the Word:
Share this call to action on your social media platforms to broaden the reach and encourage more people to contribute.
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[We will rebuild]
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
Note: Reasons to Be Cheerful has had weirdly huge formatting issues for the past six or so months, so if that version is a mess, this link should work better.
"Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), the Sunshine State’s largest power utility, employs all the people you might expect: electricians, lineworkers, mechanical engineers — and a few you might not. For over 40 years, the company has kept a team of wildlife biologists on staff. Their task? Monitoring the giant carnivorous reptiles that reside in one of the state’s nuclear power plants. 
Saving the American Crocodile
What sounds like a low-budget creature feature is actually a wildly successful conservation story. It goes like this: In 1975, the shy and reclusive American crocodile was facing extinction. Over-hunting and habitat decline caused by encroaching development had pushed its numbers to a record low. By 1975, when it was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, there were only 200 to 300 left. 
Three years later, in 1978, workers at the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Homestead, Florida happened upon something that must have made them gasp: a crocodile nest along one of the plant’s 5,900-acre “cooling canals.” Rather than drive the crocs away — perhaps the easiest solution — FPL hired a team of biologists and implemented a Crocodile Management Plan. Its goal was unconventional: provide a suitable habitat for the crocs within the workings of the nuclear power plant, allowing both to coexist.  
Over the course of the next 30 years, FPL’s wildlife biologists monitored nests, tagged hatchlings and generally created a hospitable environment for the reptiles. As it turned out, the plant’s cooling canals provided an ideal habitat: drained earth that never floods on which to lay eggs directly adjacent to water. Over the years, more and more crocs made the cooling canals home. By 1985, the nests at Turkey Point were responsible for 10 percent of American crocodile hatchlings in South Florida. In 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service downgraded the American crocodile’s status from endangered to threatened, singling out FPL for its efforts. 
The program continues to this day. To date, biologists have tagged some 7,000 babies born at the plant. In 2021, there were a record-setting 565 crocodile hatchlings at the Turkey Point facility. 
"Reconciliation Ecology"
Turkey Point’s efforts are an example of what is known in the conservation world as “reconciliation ecology.” Rather than create separate areas where nature or animals can thrive in isolation from humans, reconciliation ecology suggests that we can blend the rich natural world with the world of human activity. Michael Rosenzweig, an emeritus professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona, was a leading force in establishing this concept. The author of Win-Win Ecology: How the Earth’s Species can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise, Rosenzweig has pointed out that although human encroachment has typically been considered a threat to biodiversity, the notion that the world must be either “holy” or “profane,” ecologically speaking, is simply not true.  
“In addition to its primary value as a conservation tool, reconciliation ecology offers a valuable social byproduct,” writes Rosenzweig in his first chapter. “It promises to reduce the endless bickering and legal wrangling that characterize environmental issues today.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, May 5, 2022. Article continues below. All headings added by me for added readability.
Dr. Madhusudan Katti, an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, was inspired by Rosenzweig when he did his postdoc at Arizona State. Katti has now been in the field of reconciliation ecology for two decades and teaches classes on the subject. “To me it’s finding solutions to reconciling human development with biodiversity conservation,” Katti says.
This common ground between development and conservation can be consciously planned, like FPL managing a crocodile habitat at a nuclear power plant or the state-sponsored vertical gardens and commercial farms on high-rise buildings in Singapore. Other examples include the restoration of the coral reef around an undersea restaurant in Eilat, Israel, or recent legislation in New York City requiring patterned glass on high-rise buildings, making windows more visible to migratory birds. Other planned examples of reconciliation ecology can be more individually scaled: a rooftop garden in an urban setting, modifying your garden to earn a “backyard bird habitat” certification from the Audubon Society, or even just mowing your lawn less often...
Reconciliation Ecology: Nature's Already Doing It Without Us
But there are countless examples of “accidental” incidents of reconciliation ecology, as well. One of Katti’s favorites is the kit fox of California’s San Joaquin Valley. “The kit fox was one of the very first species listed on the Endangered Species Act,” Katti says. Its decline was caused by habitat loss through agricultural and industrial development, as well as the extermination of the gray wolf population, which led to an increase in coyotes. So kit foxes adapted and moved to new habitats. One of these was the city of Bakersfield, California.
“Bakersfield, surrounded by oil pumps, would be the last place you’d expect to find an endangered species,” Katti says. But researchers think kit foxes have migrated to Bakersfield because they actually have more protection there from predators like coyotes and bobcats. “The kit foxes have figured out that if they can tolerate the human disturbance and live with people, then they are safer from all these other predators,” he says. 
Living in the city has led to some interesting behavioral changes. In the wild, for instance, a female kit fox gives birth to her young and raises them by herself in a den. But in the city, researchers have observed multiple females raising their litters together in the same den. “It’s like a form of cooperative breeding,” Katti says. “That wouldn’t happen in the wild.” ...
The Big Picture: How We Think about Conservation
Reconciliation Ecology isn’t just we humans welcoming animals like crocodiles and foxes into our environments, though. It’s also living with nature in a way that most Western societies haven’t done since the Enlightenment. “In recent years, there’s been a recognition that the ‘fortress conservation’ model — keeping nature separated from humans and not thinking of or valuing human-inhabited landscapes — those ideas are outdated,” says Katti.
In fact, in Katti’s classes on reconciliation ecology, he embraces the notion of reconnecting people with their land if they have been unjustly separated from it. “The term reconciliation also applies to all the colonial legacies where both nature and people have been harmed,” Katti says. “For Indigenous communities, the harm done to ecosystems, it’s happened together. So you can talk about addressing both. That’s where a lot of my thinking is at the moment.” 
A hopeful version of this sort of reconciliation is happening in California where colleagues of Katti’s who are tribal members are re-introducing “tribal burns” in some areas. Controlled burns have been a part of many Indigenous cultures for millenia, both as a way to prevent devastating forest fires, but also to encourage the growth of certain plants like hazel that are used for basket-weaving and other crafts. 
“The notion that people don’t belong there and ‘let nature take care of itself’ doesn’t really work,” Katti says. “That’s the legacy of Western European Enlightenment thinking — a divide between human and nature. That is a real faulty view of nature. People have been part of the ecosystem forever.”
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, May 5, 2022
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dinodogs · 3 months
I hope yall realize what an incredible loss RWBY will be if it doesn't get picked up.
Two of the main female characters are sapphic and in a relationship. Blake is canonically bisexual and a survivor of abuse. Yang is disabled and went through an entire arc about her ptsd and dealing with her trauma. Its also worth mentioning Blake is voiced by an openly bisexual woman.
the main character of the entire shows VA (lindsay jones) is gender queer and Ruby canonically neurodivergent, as well as aroace coded (she is not canonically confirmed to be aroace but she's widely considered to be at least ace)
It has one of the best written trans characters I've ever seen, voiced and written with the assistance of a trans woman.
The show openly shows other queer romances, with at one point a pair of married women being shown on screen with their baby, and yes the two characters had a real role in the plot.
While they haven't been amazing about poc rep before they are actively taking criticism and in recent years have learned how to write good poc rep.
RWBY, at its core, was an indie animation project. It was created by a small team of people on an incredibly small budget. Its gotten bigger and bigger over the years with a larger budget, RWBY is proof that an indie series can get massive, it is a massive win for indie animation all together.
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csuitebitches · 6 months
2024 Planning
I started planning for 2024 today. I’ve learned a lot this year, made mistakes, had some successes and now it’s time to take all my learnings, good or bad, and go to the next level.
I prefer starting next year’s routine from 2023’s November and December so that by the time January rolls around, I’m settled into the routine. If there’s any revisions necessary, I can do them without starting my new year on the wrong foot.
I maintain my goals on mostly short and medium term basis. This includes daily, weekly and quarterly planning (I don’t do monthly because it doesn’t work for me).
This may seem complicated (actually, it looks more complicated than it is but it’s just what helps me) but let me show you how exactly I do things.
I keep two diaries. One for daily and weekly and one for quarterly. I have a habit tracker on my phone for my daily non-Negotiables (exercise, meditation, reading and language).
The quarterly diary is my big big diary. Every quarter, it lists out all the big plans, what i want to do and who i want to be. It’s all the messy thoughts I have, all my dreams, my weaknesses, my strengths, etc etc. The only “practical” part of the diary is that there is one general plan made at the end of my mad scribbling. It has the general idea, feedback I’ve received from other people and compilation of all the advice I’ve gotten from my mentors.
2. The daily - weekly diary breaks the plan into manageable bits. I write out the week’s plan (who do i need to meet, who do i need to follow up with, any major presentation coming up, any assignment, what am i reading this week) and write a one sentence daily update on it.
I can’t use a habit tracker for this because i’m not tracking meditation or exercise on here. I’m tracking my career goals, my ambitious goals, into smaller goals. A habit tracker wouldnt cut it because I would have to elaborate more on certain things.
For example:
“20-27th Nov: Weekly list
budget presentation on Monday
1 event to attend on Tuesday. Topic: XYZ
Reading: the inheritors
reach out to mentor, schedule a meeting
7 language essays and 7 videos
Monday, 20th Nov.
work presentation: complete.
Feedback received: i need to work on XYZ.
points they raised that didnt cross my mind: XYZ
follow ups required and if yes, with who: XYZ
reading: complete. Interesting point they brought up: XYZ
essay for the day: complete.
Video complete:
Tuesday, 21st Nov
mentor meeting scheduled
event went well. Met: A, B, C who work in XYZ companies. Follow up with them next week for coffee/ drinks.
essay: complete
video: complete”
Having two diaries helps me because i can find my bigger goals without having to go through the daily entry mess. I like having the two separate.
Nov ‘23 + Dec ‘23 + Q1 2024’s goals include:
Social (meeting new people, maintaining networks)
Intellectual (biographies, documentaries, industry reports)
Personal (soft skills, language studies)
Work (presentations, courses, conferences)
A major change I’ve making this year is actively working on every single weakness I have that I know is a potential strength. I’m ignoring weaknesses that I know are 100% weaknesses like coding because there’s just no way I can sit in front of a computer and learn all that, it’s absolutely not my cup of tea and does not make me happy.
I made a list of every single weakness i have and I’m embarrassed about and ashamed of. 2024 is the year of NO shame. I’m not letting my intrusive thoughts win.
Next to each weakness I wrote out a potential solution.
Ex: not picking up the language i’m studying as fast as i want to -> write 1 short essay and a 1-2 minute video of me talking about anything in that language every single day
I’m not allowing any unnecessary negative self doubt or self talk happen. Constructive criticism is one thing, being a bitch to yourself is another. I plan to learn a lot next year.
I’ve created a manageable exposure therapy plan for myself - I aim to meet 3 new people every month and follow up with 5 new connections every month, whether it’s over chat or irl.
I’ve made a list of business biographies I’m going to read. This year I reached my reading target earlier than anticipated which I’m very happy about. Next year I’m focusing on books that are solely about business, technology and psychology.
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anipgarden · 1 year
Un-Actions, or Restriction of Activities
This is my first post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
There’s a good handful of ways you can help increase biodiversity in your yard that don’t require buying things--in fact, these may actually help you save money in the long run! They may seem small and simple, but every bit counts! Whether you can do these in totality, or just limit how often you do these actions, it’ll make a difference.
Not Mowing, or Mowing Less Often
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Turf grass lawns are considered a monoculture, meaning they don’t provide much opportunity for insects to find habitat--so few other creatures find them enjoyable either. An expanse of turf grass is, in many ways, a barren wasteland in the eyes of wildlife--too exposed to cross, with few to no opportunities for food or shelter, leaving them exposed to blazing hot sun, freezing cold, or any predators that may be lurking nearby. A place to be avoided. The simple act of letting your grass grow unbothered gives a chance for wildflowers to grow, and for your grass to grow taller--providing more habitat for insects, which then provides more habitat to birds and other creatures that feed on said insects. Wildlife want nothing more than to skirt by unnoticed, so even leaving the grass tall along the edges of a fence or yard can help a little. Even restricting mowing to every other week, or at a higher blade setting, can be a huge help. If HOAs or city ordinances are fussy about lawn length in the front yard, you can likely still keep grass higher in the backyard. Or, you can create a ‘feature’ where grass is allowed to grow long in a specific area. If it looks purposeful, people are more likely to accept it. Not mowing under trees or close to shrubs not only leaves space for wildflowers to grow, but also means you don’t have to deal with mowing over bumpy roots and other difficulties. Cutting different areas at different times can be an option for letting grass grow long in some areas while still having available places for play and entertainment. I’ve seen some people plant flower bulbs when pulling up weeds, so in the future they'll bloom in early spring before mowing is usually necessary. This could be another fun way of adding biodiversity to a lawn without--or before you--begin mowing in spring.
Not worrying about mowing, or doing it less often, saves you in time, money, and energy. You won’t have to buy as much gasoline for your mower, and Saturday afternoons can be free to be enjoyed in other ways aside from being sticky and sweaty and covered in grass stains. In addition, you’ll likely be lowering your own carbon emissions!
If you do have to mow your lawn, I’ve got ways you can use your grass clippings to boost biodiversity later in the post series!
Not using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.
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One of the next-biggest non-actions you can do asides from not mowing is using fewer fewer to no herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides in your yard. This’ll easily allow for more biodiversity. Allowing more insects and a wide array of plants to thrive will feed back into the entire food chain in your area. In addition, these types of chemicals have been tied to algae blooms, death of beneficial insects, harm to birds, fish, and even humans. Soil is supposed to be full of fungi, especially fungal mycelium that essentially acts as a network for plants to communicate, share nutrients, and support each other--fungicide kills that, and typically makes all other lawn problems even worse in a negative feedback loop. It may take awhile to see the benefits of avoiding these chemicals, but once you see it, it really is astounding.
However! I can’t lie and say that there haven’t been points where I needed to use pesticides at some points in my gardening journey. In these cases, try to use products that are organic--like diatomaceous earth, neem oil, etc--and use them accurately, correctly, and sparingly. Follow instructions on how to apply them safely and responsibly--for example, on non-windy days and during times when bees and other pollinators aren’t likely to be out and about. With some pests (read: oleander aphids, in my experience), a simple jetstream of water is enough to force them off the plant where they’ll be too weak to get back. Eventually, you should have a balanced enough ecosystem that no one insect pest causes a major issue with the work you’re doing to boost biodiversity.
If you can bear to, try handling pests manually. Squishing pest bugs in your hand is a pretty foolproof way to get rid of some problems, or spraying them with a mix of soap and water can do the trick on some insects. Alternatively, picking them off your plants and into a bucket of soapy water is also a valid option. You’ve heard of baptism by fire, now get ready for… baptism by soap?
But also! Try reconsidering what you consider a pest! Tomato hornworms are hated by gardeners, for devouring the foliage of beloved tomato, pepper, and potato plants. But killing the tomato and tobacco hornworm means getting rid of sphinx moths, also known as hummingbird or hawk moths! Hawk moths are vital to the survival of many native plants, and are sometimes even the only species that pollinates them. If you can bear to, consider sacrificing a few tomato plants, or growing a few extras, so we can continue having these beautiful moths for years to come. After all, they may not even do significant damage to the plants!
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With that in mind, be friendly to your natural pest managers! Lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantises, wasps, birds, bats, and more will help manage pest populations in your environment! Encourage them by planting things they like, providing habitat, and leaving them be to do their work! Avoiding pesticides helps make your garden a livable environment for them, too!
Letting Weeds Grow
Many of the plants we know as 'weeds' are actually secondary succession species and native wildflowers. Milkweed was regarded as a noxious, annoying weed for a long time, and now people are actively trying to plant them after learning about the important role they play in our environments! Weeds are adapted to take over areas that have been cleared out of other plants after a disaster, so they're doing much of the initial work in making a habitat for other creatures. In fact, many of them will simply die back as the environment repairs itself.
An important thing to note is to please make sure that your ‘weeds’ are not invasive species. Work on learning how to identify native and invasive species in your area, and pull out what’s harmful to leave room for what’s good!
Don’t Rake (Or At Least Don’t Bag Your Leaves)
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Many insects overwinter in piles of leaves that we often rake away and bag up in the fall and winter. By doing this, we are actively throwing away the biodiversity of our neighborhoods! If you can, leave the leaves where they fall! 
If you do need to rake, put the leaves in places wildlife can still access it instead of bagging it up. Move your leaves into garden beds to serve as mulch, or along the edge of fences to rest while keeping egg cases and hiding bugs intact and free to release come spring.
Leave Snags Where They Are
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Snags are dead trees/dead branches on living trees. They provide an important wildlife habitat--many birds nest in them, or use them to seek cover from rain, and many insects will also live in snags (making them an additional food source for birds and other creatures). Tree cavities are used as nests by hundreds of bird species in the US, and many mammals use them as well, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, and sometimes even bears. Some trees form cavities while they’re still alive, but in conifers they’re more likely to form after death. Crevices between the trunk of a dead tree and its peeling bark provide sun protection for bats and amphibians, and leafless branches make great perching areas for birds of prey to hunt from above. The decaying wood is home to insects and fungi, who then feed birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.  Do check on the snags regularly to ensure they don’t serve a threat to any nearby structures, but whenever possible, leave them be! 
Keep Your Cat Inside
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If you have an outdoor cat, consider making the adjustments to have it be an indoor cat. If you have an indoor cat, keep it as an indoor cat. Free ranging cats impact biodiversity through predation, fear effects, competition for resources, disease, and more. Keeping little Mittens inside does a lot more to help than it may seem from the outside.
That’s the end of this post! My next one’s gonna be on things you can add to your space that aren’t directly related to growing plants. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in! 
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
Please look into Claudia De la Cruz! She's a 2024 USA presidential candidate with the Party for Socialism and Liberation and she is actively participating in pro-Palestine protests. If you like her, please help spread her name!
Thank you! For folks living in the United States, please look into Claudia De la Cruz!
Here is their main web page: https:// votesocialist 2024 [dot][com]/ (just in case it's not visible).
I have attached some screenshots here of their campaign and movement. I highly recommend looking into these folks, too, because there's a lot of powerful and empowering plans and promises here rooted in liberation/anti-capitalism/class consciousness, I'm so glad you shared this here!
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Their program has an extensive list of their focuses, and for those interested in reading more, the link I provided will lead you to it. Some of their program includes:
Seize the Biggest 100 Corporations, Create A New Economy for the People
Overthrow the Dictatorship of the Rich — Build a Democracy That Serves the Working Class
End the Rule of Money and Lock Up the Corrupt Elite
Cut the Military Budget by 90% — Peace, Not War with China & Russia!
End the War on Black America!
Defend Women’s Rights, Full Equality for LGBTQ People
Save the Planet from Capitalism
If folks are interested in supporting them, they have a donation section and more you can read about. I will definitely some more time to read about them a bit more, but this is exciting. A socialist movement is something I'm 100% aligned with!
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astroeleanor · 8 months
˚₊‧🪐 Saturn: Where To Build Discipline for a Better Life 🪐˚₊‧
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Saturn’s placement in your birth chart shows where you need to build discipline. It points to a specific part of your life where lessons in responsibility take center stage. Saturn serves as a mentor encouraging you to roll up your sleeves & dive into self-improvement.
The challenges you face in this particular area of your life aren't just random events, they're essential for your spiritual & emotional growth. While this journey might involve some sacrifices & hard work, Saturn's lessons often lead to rewards that stand the test of time.
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1H Saturn
Saturn in the 1st House encourages you to practice self-discipline. Take your self-development seriously, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and working diligently to achieve them. Work on building self-trust & cultivating a strong sense of identity.
Saturn's influence in your 1st House also teaches you the valuable lesson of patience. It reminds you that personal growth & self-discovery are processes that unfold over time. Commit to your own well-being & self-care, understanding that self-improvement requires consistent effort.
2H Saturn
Saturn in the 2nd House suggests that you should build financial discipline. Work diligently to create a solid financial foundation by setting clear financial goals, budgeting wisely, investing & saving for the future. This placement teaches you the value of patience & the rewards that come with responsible money management.
Saturn's influence in your 2nd House prompts you to be mindful of impulsive spending and to prioritize self-sufficiency. Assess your material resources carefully & actively work towards financial independence. Saturn also urges you to align your life choices with your personal value system. Ensure that your work and financial pursuits resonate with your core beliefs.
3H Saturn
Saturn in the 3rd House highlights the importance of cultivating organized thinking patterns. Build mental discipline by being mindful of your inner dialogue & the kind of thoughts you give attention to. This placement reminds you that your mental landscape plays a crucial role in shaping your perception of the world & influencing your decision-making.
Saturn in the 3rd house also encourages you to overcome distractions & maintain focus, allowing you to harness your mental energies more effectively. Additionally, this placement urges you to practice active listening & develop effective communication skills. By honing these abilities, you can foster better connections with others, avoid misunderstandings, and express your thoughts and ideas with clarity & precision.
4H Saturn
Saturn in the 4th House prompts you to establish & enforce boundaries within your family dynamics, including your relationship with your parents. Define your limits & expectations while maintaining a sense of respect and responsibility towards them. Additionally, work on taking family responsibilities seriously!
Moreover, Saturn's influence in your 4th House highlights the importance of creating a stable & secure home environment. Work diligently to build a foundation of comfort & safety for yourself & your loved ones. This may involve financial planning, home maintenance, and emotional support. Additionally, Saturn encourages you to respect your need for privacy and personal space, reminding you that nurturing yourself comes first.
5H Saturn
Saturn in the 5th house suggests that you should aim for a harmonious work-life balance. While it's important to embrace the joys & pleasures that life has to offer, Saturn reminds you not to overindulge or become entirely consumed by these experiences. Instead, it encourages you to approach leisure with a sense of moderation & mindfulness.
Saturn in the 5th House serves as a gentle reminder that you can still bask in life's pleasures & creative pursuits while maintaining your commitment to your responsibilities. It encourages you to ensure that neither aspect of your life overshadows the other. By doing so, you can make the most of both worlds, nurturing your creativity while fulfilling your obligations.
6H Saturn
Saturn in the 6th House suggests that it's crucial for you to maintain a consistent & health-conscious routine. Prioritize a balanced diet, regular exercise & a well-structured sleeping schedule.
Saturn's influence in the 6th House also extends to your work environment & relationships with co-workers. It emphasizes the importance of setting strong boundaries in your professional life. This means being clear about your role, responsibilities & expectations at work. Make sure you establish healthy boundaries with co-workers to reduce unnecessary stress & conflicts.
7H Saturn
Saturn in the 7th House places a strong emphasis on establishing & maintain strong boundaries within your intimate relationships. While partnerships can be immensely fulfilling, it's crucial to define your limits, expectations & responsibilities within them. Prioritize fostering relationships that are built on trust, respect & mutual growth.
Saturn's influence in your 7th House shows the importance of cultivating committed, long-term connections. Approach partnerships with a sense of responsibility & dedication. Whether in your personal or professional life, find a balance between independence & interdependence, recognizing that healthy partnerships thrive when both individuals maintain their autonomy while also supporting each other's growth & well-being. If relationship issues arise, Saturn reminds you to take responsibility for your part and behavior, fostering open communication & a willingness to work through challenges together.
8H Saturn
Saturn in the 8th House indicates the need for you to develop a strong sense of financial discipline. It encourages you to take your financial matters seriously, emphasizing the importance of long-term planning, savings & investments. This placement also highlights the importance of taking a serious & methodical approach to your emotional & spiritual healing. Consider therapeutic or introspective practices that can help you navigate the depths of your psyche, confront unresolved issues & achieve profound transformation.
Moreover, Saturn in the 8th House prompts you to think about the legacy you will leave behind. It encourages you to work on leaving your own unique mark on the world, whether through your career, creative endeavors, or personal relationships. Saturn's presence in this house reminds you that your actions and choices can have a lasting impact on others and the world at large.
9H Saturn
Saturn in the 9th House emphasizes the need for you to approach your education with a serious & disciplined mindset. It encourages you to value the pursuit of knowledge & wisdom as a lifelong endeavor. Whether you're pursuing formal education or engaging in self-study, Saturn in the 9th House shows the importance of dedication to your intellectual growth.
Moreover, Saturn's influence in this house prompts you to develop a strong moral compass & a deep sense of ethics. It encourages you to seek higher truths & philosophical understanding, ultimately guiding you to make ethical & responsible choices in your life. Explore different belief systems, cultures & perspectives to broaden your horizons & gain a more profound understanding of the world around you.
10H Saturn
Saturn in the 10th House suggests that you would benefit from adopting a disciplined approach to your career & actively strive for long-term planning in your professional life. This placement emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious yet achievable career goals and working diligently to reach them. It encourages you to view your career as a journey that requires patience & persistent effort.
Saturn in the 10th House also points to the need for a healthy work-life balance. While you pursue your professional ambitions, it's essential not to neglect other aspects of your life, such as your personal relationships, well-being & leisure. Moreover, you should work on establishing strong boundaries in your professional relationships, particularly with superiors & authority figures. By setting clear limits & maintaining a sense of professionalism, you can navigate the challenges of the workplace with confidence & integrity, ensuring that your career path aligns with your values & aspirations.
11H Saturn
Saturn in your 11th House encourages you to establish strong boundaries within your circle of friends & associates. While friendships & social connections are valuable, it's equally important to define your limits & expectations within these relationships. Prioritize friendships that are built on trust, respect & shared values & distance yourself from those who may not align with your long-term goals or values.
Saturn's influence in your 11th House highlights the need for discipline & commitment when it comes to pursuing your dreams and making them a reality. It urges you to set clear goals for your future & to take meaningful steps towards achieving them.
12H Saturn
Saturn in the 12th House suggests that you should establish a consistent & disciplined spiritual routine. You would benefit from making a conscious effort to connect with your inner self regularly. Engaging in practices like prayer, meditation, and other forms of spiritual exploration can become powerful tools on your path.
Saturn's influence in your 12th House encourages you to hold yourself accountable by addressing & resolving any self-sabotaging patterns or subconscious behaviors that may be hindering your spiritual evolution. It invites you to confront the deep-seated fears & limitations that may be holding you back. By doing so, you can begin to transform these challenges into stepping stones on your spiritual journey. Embrace the discipline required to delve into your inner world, explore the hidden aspects of your psyche, and release any emotional baggage that may be weighing you down.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You'll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Playbook: Unleash Your Dark Feminine Energy
Cultivate your sense of self: Let go of your people-pleasing tendencies. Discover your values, likes, dislikes, goals, and dreams. What are your most genuine desires? What gives you energy? Who and what ignites a fire inside you? Write down your list of core values and 'rules for life.' You deserve a personal manifesto.
Build your cult of personality: How do you want your authentic self portrayed to the masses, your inner circle, partners in business, or pleasure? Which aspects of your personality do you want to be associated with your personal brand? How do you dress, smell, and carry yourself? How do you do your hair, nails, and makeup – what's your 'signature' look? What industry, professional, and social circles/activities do you want to be associated with? What hobbies, favorite meals, music, and destinations, should be synonymous with your name? Over time, these aspects of other people's lives with be synonymous with you. Elevate yourself with this allure of living through association. It encourages others to perceive you as equally relatable and unattainable.
Refine your wardrobe, speech, and habits: Streamline the external and internal aspects of your personal brand. This attention to detail demonstrates that you value yourself, your appearance, and your presence with others.
Set goals: Professional, financial, health, relationships, self-development, creativity, and pleasure. How do you want these areas of your life to look? What activities can you engage in to feel fulfilled, successful, and desirable in each category?
Construct routines, habits, and systems that serve you: Cultivate a ritual for every aspect of your life and time of day. Set a morning routine, night routine, diet and workout plan, workflow and schedule, budget and investment plan, relationship and sexual expectations to help you achieve your goals.
Indulge daily: Drink your favorite coffee in the morning, invest in high-quality skincare and pajamas, have that glass of wine after work, listen to music that speaks to your soul, draw, sing, dance, write, create a vision board – find ways to make your soul feel alive every day.
Set Boundaries: Protect your peace at all costs. Your life is for you. Decide what behaviors, people, and circumstances you will accept. Know when to compromise and when to walk away. Your life is for you.
Seduce yourself daily: Write and say affirmations, admire yourself in the mirror, and engage in activities that make you feel more confident (in your body and mind). The perception of an alluring personality starts with the habits you practice alone.
You become magnetic once you make peace with and work daily to live as your true self.
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theereina · 1 month
Start a daily gratitude journal to cultivate a positive mindset.
Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes each day.
Set specific, achievable goals for yourself in all areas of your life.
Read a self-improvement book or listen to a motivational podcast each week.
Create a budget and track your expenses to improve your financial literacy.
Take a new fitness class or try a different workout routine to stay active and healthy.
Volunteer your time to a cause you're passionate about.
Practice self-care regularly, whether it's through skincare, baths, or relaxation techniques.
Develop a morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day.
Learn a new skill or hobby that interests you, such as painting, cooking, or coding.
Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges or resentments from the past.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
Start a savings account or investment portfolio to secure your financial future.
Practice assertiveness and boundary-setting in your relationships.
Spend time in nature to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
Take a solo trip to explore new places and gain independence.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare providers for preventive care.
Practice saying "no" to obligations or activities that drain your energy.
Explore different forms of spirituality or connect with your spiritual beliefs.
Declutter your living space to create a more organized and peaceful environment.
Practice random acts of kindness to spread positivity in your community.
Learn to manage stress through techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
Attend workshops or seminars to continue learning and growing personally and professionally.
Set aside time for creative expression, whether it's through writing, drawing, or crafting.
Practice self-reflection to identify areas for growth and improvement.
Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude rather than scarcity and fear.
Set boundaries around technology use to prioritize real-life connections.
Experiment with different styles and fashion choices to express your unique personality.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals and aspirations.
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding.
Explore your passions and interests to find what truly lights you up.
Develop a morning or evening skincare routine to care for your skin.
Take up a regular exercise routine, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting.
Practice effective communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively.
Set aside time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Invest in experiences rather than material possessions for long-lasting happiness.
Foster gratitude by expressing appreciation for the people and things in your life.
Practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself, to release negative emotions.
Engage in acts of self-love, such as positive affirmations and pampering sessions.
Cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder by exploring new ideas and perspectives.
Invest in your education and personal development through courses or workshops.
Practice empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to understand their perspectives.
Practice mindfulness in everyday activities, such as eating and walking.
Set realistic expectations for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and mentors who encourage your growth.
Create a financial plan to save for future goals, such as buying a home or traveling.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you're thankful for.
Take time to relax and recharge by engaging in activities you enjoy.
Reflect on your values and priorities to ensure your actions align with your true self.
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reality-detective · 4 months
The Plan to Destroy America Explained by Robert Welch in 1958
The Ten Step Plan:
1. Greatly expanded government spending to get rid of large sums of American money as wastefully as possible
2. Higher and then much higher taxes
3. An increasingly unbalanced budget despite the higher taxes
4. Wild Inflation of American currency
5. Government controls of prices, wages, and materials "to combat inflation"
6. Greatly increased socialistic controls over the economy, daily life activities
7. Far more centralization of power including the elimination of state lines (creating a completely federal governance)
8. Continue the steady advance and increase in control over the education system
9. A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare - promote "peace" but only on Communist terms
10. Create an apathetic society 🤔
Watch 👀 the Full Speech: 👇
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astrologanize · 2 months
◉ pick a card : how you can make the best of your 2024
*please take a moment to take a deep breath and choose the image you are !most! drawn towards*
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----------for pile 1 ⊹
there is a search for substance in your life, you want something real, something meaningful, and you're not doing anything to create it for yourself. you're secretly, or not so secretly, hoping and wishing and expecting for things to somehow fall into place one day. you keep yourself open to the universe, you keep yourself open to interpretation, and you are so open that you are structureless! how can the universe deliver whatever you're desiring when you don't know what that is? or even who you are!
unfortunately the key to it all isn't going to fall into your lap - you must sort through the emotional gunk that's residing within your inner tank and decipher what it is you want to be, what your values are, what matters to you, so that you can hand-pick the life that you want by having these standards in place. it's easier to take risks and to change your life once you have assurance in yourself and this can only happen when you know what you are vs what you aren't, what you like vs what you don't, etc.
gotta work hard to play hard too! "ugh i just want to travel and have a good time" okay but where are the funds coming from? do you know how to budget? do you know how to set up a trip? do you know how to procure the necessary steps in order to make the shit you want happen? to make the best of your 2024 you need to sort through your gunk and get choosier about your life; in doing so you're going to find your connections with others changing, you're going to understand where you've been lacking integrity, where you have been naive, what's worth adjusting for, what you need to attend to more, and once you have the framework built for yourself you're going to see how exciting life can be. no more waiting for life!
----------for pile 2 ⊹
so i see y'all like to throw everything at the wall until something sticks perchance...well, i mean, i guess you're trying at least? though that is better than doing nothing at all, how about you scale back and look at the big picture? you do all these things but where do they get you? i'm not seeing forward movement amongst all this movement i'm just seeing energy bouncing around in a box not going anywhere. perhaps all this stuff you do is to distract you from things you don't want to deal with. it's giving this meme
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crazily enough, it is often true that less really is more (though in today's society that sentiment is going extinct and needs to be revived). try to stop dabbling in everything - a jack of all trades is a master to none. what activities/hobbies would you like to be an expert at? is there a craft you could or would want to monetize? what is it that you're avoiding in your life with these multitudes of distractions? give yourself a breather so that you can see the big picture clearer. you'll come to understand the value in setting healthy boundaries for yourself, knowing when to extend and when to just relax. sometimes it is okay to hold off and hold back because maybe there is something that needs to be dealt with first, maybe more time is needed, maybe something is just not worth the effort for now
----------for pile 3 ⊹
looking at the image for this pile gave me such a heavy, wistful feeling. why do you insist on fighting the universe so bad, hm?
are you in a job that sucks? seek something better! are you in a relationship that feels like a chore? love yourself! lean elsewhere! are you majoring in something that makes you miserable? is it worth that? i'm seeing that you need to learn how to trust the universe and follow a new, less traveled path that may be daunting with its uncertainty but you never know what could happen...that is both the best and worst thing about life.
thus far you have been traveling down the same path, you are very involved with this life that you have been trying to make work but i don't know if it's working, do you?
i'm hearing "give yourself a try" by the 1975!
you're learning allllll about the possibilities of life this year and why you should not in fact settle for what you are too afraid to leave. your heart is yours to follow
----------for pile 4 ⊹
oh, y'all take things to heart in an unhealthy way and are perpetually dissatisfied as a result. i imagine someone who gets in their feels over something minor that someone said in passing and instead of asking for clarification or reasoning with themselves, they act all woe is me and curl up in their room with the misbelief that nothing and no one gets them.
emotions can be deeply felt and i wouldn't say feelings can be liars per se but feelings can mislead us if we read too much into them. plus, when we focus too heavily on our own feelings we become engrossed in them to the point of self-defeating self-absorption. you have got to learn how to take things less personally, your lesson for this year is to learn how to socialize...how to mingle...how to have acquaintances...how to have a conversation and drop it afterwards instead of reading into every little thing and finding what's wrong with it. learning how to be embrace the more positive qualities of aquarius basically.
you have some misguidings to work through, there is illusory amuck due to you making mountains out of molehills - the melodrama is doing nothing good for you i'm afraid, tumblr girlies do love some tragedy and a feeling-dump post but for now...let's free ourselves i beg. it's not that deep, it's not that serious, get a grip and let it go. get off the internet, limit social media, touch grass, find some people to converse with even if its small talk at a checkout, somethin, otherwise you can continue to wallow i guess.
----------for pile 5 ⊹
nah...this pile gave me such a bad headache because...you're....whew......there's some narcissistic tendencies here i'm afraid. even if you think you're an angel sweetheart birthed from mary the unicorn, i assure you that you can in fact be a nothing short of domineering. there is a diva energy, there is a my way or the highway energy, there is an i'm upset so everyone is going to know energy, there is some area in your life where you are a tyrant.
there is a dire need to learn to take a step back, gather yourself, and consider others before unleashing your control and bulldozing your way through situations. you shall be forced to learn how to chill tf out this year and i claim that for you tbh because giving me a headache from your energy is WILD.
you need to examine your connections and make sure you're being receptive towards others. do you feel like you're a true friend to them? do you think you're supportive? do you hear them out? do you know what they're going through? do you know how they feel? do you attend to them in the ways they want and need? do you know what those wants and needs are?
make sure you're not being demanding and setting unreasonable expectations, especially for others. also look within yourself and make sure you're not overcompensating for any insecurities you may possess by having power trips. care about being a friend this year, play the supporting role and balance yourself out
----------for pile 6 ⊹
you're going in circles in your head and your heart, babes. eventually you just gotta rip off the bandaid and make a decision and let the chips fall where they may.
you're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in your head, you have all these thoughts and ideas, you have all these feelings and sentiments, you have all these things in mind that you want to set up for yourself, and there's so much that you're overloading yourself....there's no way to process all of it at once so nothing is getting done.
make decisions, find answers, get a grip on your feelings, and try to make sure you're not so in your head that you're putting up a guard around yourself. not everything is black & white or a matter of life or death, you're looking at it too extremely! lighten up and just do.
get a cool haircut, get some new accessories, try new boba, talk to your crush, life is meant to be lived!
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Ladies, 2024 is personal.
Dear Besties and future Besties,
We're starting FRESH this year, I want to encourage each and every one of you to dedicate 2024 to becoming your best self, from the inside out. This is your ✨IT Girl era✨, a time to prioritize self-care, personal growth, and breaking old habits.
Start by investing in your mental and emotional well-being. Consider therapy or counseling to unpack any past traumas, explore your innermost thoughts and feelings, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Remember, healing is a journey, and seeking professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Let's focus on our physical well-being. Make time for regular workouts and prioritize your health. Whether it's hitting the gym, practicing yoga, or simply going for a walk, physical activity not only benefits your body but also clears your mind and boosts your confidence.
Breaking old habits is never easy, but this year, let's challenge ourselves to do just that. Identify any negative patterns or addictions that hold you back and take the necessary steps to overcome them. Seek support from loved ones, join our group, or even consider professional help. Remember, you have the power to change your life. ✨💞
In the midst of this transformation, it's crucial to practice being more private and working smarter. In a world that often values constant sharing and busyness, find solace in quiet moments and focus on the tasks that truly matter. Prioritize your goals, streamline your efforts, and eliminate distractions. By doing so, you'll find that you can accomplish more in less time, leaving room for personal growth and self-care. You are not for everyone, be selective with your energy this year babe. 🩷
Financial stability is vital, so let's make it a priority this year. Save your money, create a budget, and invest in your future. By being mindful of your spending habits and making smart financial decisions, you'll be empowering yourself to live a life of financial freedom and security.
Remember, peace is the REAL luxury. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being above all else. Surround yourself with positivity, cut out toxic relationships, and embrace moments of solitude. By cultivating inner peace, you'll radiate strength and tranquility, attracting positivity and abundance into your life.
Lastly, love on yourself. You are more precious than rubies and daughters of the most high God. Embrace your worth and never settle for less than you deserve. Set boundaries, demand respect, and prioritize your own happiness. By loving and valuing yourself, you'll attract those who do the same.
In the upcoming year, let's remain humble, determined, and refuse to accept anything less than what we truly deserve. 🥂
We will continue to work with you on becoming the best versions of yourself! Please take advantage of all of our guides/ resources (click here) & there’s plenty more ahead, stay tuned!
The Black Feminine Society 💋
model 🏷️ _kendrabailey
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henrioo · 11 days
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Being a father was not easy, imposing limits was necessary and no matter how cute his face was, that of the Crocodile's only son, he couldn't allow you to do whatever you wanted... Especially when you're running around with three deadly wild animals."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP! NON ROMANCE, Father and Son! Male reader! Child reader! Soft dad Crocodile! Cross guild! Savage animals (bananawani), the reader has a powerful man in his control (his own dad)
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : And here I'm again, trying to post again and idk, nothing much to say today, my mood is horrible and my life sucks, but here some family fluffy to see if that motivates me to write again. Also the names of the wani are terrible because my discord friends choose them lol hahahah blank/no pronouns/fem=block
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Crocodile was listening to Mihawk talking about the latest news he had gotten on his last trip, Buggy was looking at some maps that his henchmen had given him and the lizard himself was looking at the management papers of that entire alliance. At least now it was working a little better and giving more profit than headaches, but Crocodile still refused to accept that a circus really had so many needs and needed such a big budget just for those pathetic shows... that clown was probably deceiving.
“FUCK!” Buggy shouted, making the dark-haired man snap out of his reverie and try to figure out what the shouting was about.
It was then that he saw a peculiar scene that had curiously been repeated a lot in the last few days. One of the baby bananawani was biting Buggy's leg, another seemed to be eager to eat the clown's colorful papers and the third and last was trying... no, he was begging for a lap to the strongest swordsman in the world who simply stared at him without reaction.
You see, being a parent is extremely difficult. Being a father and being a pirate with a young son and with Crocodile's current situation is even more so, he wouldn't want that to be the case but he really managed to be quite absent, he tried to make up for it by spoiling you and the problem was that he spoiled you a bit too much. You weren't a bad or rude child, but you simply faithfully believed that you could have the world at your feet if you asked your father nicely. Of course you could, but it wasn't good for your ego to be completely sure of it.
So, in a way of trying to teach you some good values like responsibility and any other nonsense, he left you in charge of taking care of three bananawani babies. You needed to feed them, take them out of the water tank, clean the tank, all the normal activities of a normal pet. With the difference that your pets were deadly creatures even as babies and were more than ready to rip off some arms for your protection.
“(Y/n), what did we talk about getting them out of the tank?” Crocodile sighed, this wasn't the first time the babies had wandered around the ship instead of being safe in their water tanks. He can still hear the cries of the henchmen who received unexpected bites because their pets were out of control.
“I’m sorry daddy” you said entering the room, you quickly went to the baby in Mihawk and picked him up. Not completely up since that single bananawani baby must have been heavier than you, so you just held him the best you could with his entire lower part dragging on the floor.
Buggy whimpered trying to pull the baby off his leg which only made him bite harder, causing the clown to scream again. Crocodile sighed and got up to help you deal with the mess.
“They’re still too young to wander around alone, they’ll just create trouble” he tried to convince you again.
“But... Miss Banana Split was sad” you said worriedly as you looked at the lizard in your arms who was smiling happily like a baby in his parents arms. Crocodile could feel Mihawk's eyes on him from the animal's name but he decided to ignore it.
“They are sweet animals, they don’t get sad” he tried to convince you, ruffling your hair.
“Of course they stay! Mr. Banana even whines!” You said with a huge hurt pout, heavens you really loved those animals...
“Look at feelings, I don’t know, but this pest is really hungry and is about to swallow my leg, so if you can have a father-son moment another time, I’d appreciate it!” Buggy screamed desperately, shaking his leg again, trying to free the animal, but in vain.
“Sorry, Mr. Buggy… Drake is eating too much these days…” you said, releasing the one in your arms and going to take the other one off the clown’s leg. Luckily the animal was happy to be picked up by you and easily released its prey.
“Drake?” Buffy looked at you perplexed, was that the fucking name you chose?
“Don’t you dare” Crocodile growled at him as if he could read his thoughts. It was a clear message, make my son ashamed of the names he chose and you will become real bananawani food.
“They like being close to you daddy” you said petting Drake who was rubbing against you, the other two cubs at Crocodile’s feet.
“Of course they do, I was there when they were born, that doesn't mean you can let them loose like that” he crouched down to your height “They're still cubs and without training, you won't find it fun if they actually eat someone's leg would you?” Crocodile would find it hilarious, but you were a good-hearted child so you just shook your head “See? So for now let’s keep them in the tank and teach them some tricks, if they can behave you can spend more time with them, okay?”
"Okay!" You smiled happily at the possibility of continuing the walk with your animals, without waiting any longer you picked up Drake and dragged him out of the room, followed by the other two animals.
Crocodile sighed, satisfied that you would obey him for now, at least this way he would stop hearing the clown crying.
“Drake? Seriously? What the fuck is that name? For a bananawani!” Buffy said shocked once you were far enough away, he wasn't even paying attention to the ruined maps.
“Shut up…” your father would also love to know where you got that name from but that was an answer that not even you had.
“I actually found Miss Banana Split quite charming” Mihawk said with a cocky grin at Crocodile who just snorted, getting annoyed. He didn't mind having a son as his weakness, but having that weakness exposed and made fun of was something he hadn't gotten used to yet.
“Go back to work” he said irritably, just wanting to pretend that none of that had happened.
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