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astroamorsworld · 3 days
What does Taurus season have in store for your rising sign?
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The sun enters Taurus on the 19th of April at exactly 3pm UK time. So lets see what this means for your rising sign…
Aries Rising: The sun is transiting your 2nd house. The 2nd house in astrology is associated with personal finances, possessions, and self-worth. With the Sun's transit through this house, you might feel a strong urge to build your financial security.
This could be a good time to:
Re-evaluate your budget and spending habits.
Explore ways to increase your income.
Invest in things that hold value for you, both material and personal growth.
The Taurean influence can make you more appreciative of what you already have. You might find joy in taking care of your belongings and surrounding yourself with things that bring you comfort and stability. The Sun's energy can boost your confidence, making you feel more secure in your abilities to earn and manage your resources. While enjoying the finer things is part of Taurus' nature, be mindful not to overspend. The focus on building security shouldn't lead to impulsive purchases.
Taurus Rising: The sun is transiting your 1st house. The 1st house in astrology is all about your identity, self-image, and how you present yourself to the world. With the Sun, the planet of vitality and ego, transiting this house, you'll likely experience a heightened sense of self-awareness. This is a great time to reflect on who you are, what you value, and how you want to project yourself to the world. You might feel more confident and assertive in expressing your unique personality.
Since the Sun is already in its rulership sign of Taurus (meaning it's in its most comfortable and powerful position), the transit further amplifies your natural Taurean qualities. These include:
Stability: You might feel a strong urge to create a sense of stability and security in your life.
Practicality: Your focus may shift towards practical matters and building something lasting.
Sensuality: This could be a time to indulge your senses and appreciate beauty and comfort.
Determination: Your natural Taurean determination will be further boosted by the Sun's influence, helping you achieve your goals.
With the Sun's spotlight on you, you might find yourself naturally attracting attention and taking on leadership roles. Your strong sense of self and confidence can inspire others. While Taurus has many positive qualities, it can also manifest as stubbornness. Be aware of the potential to become inflexible or resistant to change during this transit.
Gemini Rising: The sun is transiting your 12th house. The 12th house is linked to the subconscious mind, intuition, and dreams. With the Sun's transit, you might experience a heightened awareness of your inner world. Pay attention to your dreams as they could offer valuable insights and hidden desires.
The 12th house also fosters creativity and imagination. The Sun's influence can boost your creative flow, inspiring you to express yourself in new ways. This could be through writing, art, music, or any other creative outlet that resonates with you. You might find yourself more attuned to the emotions and energies of others during this transit. This heightened intuition can be a valuable asset in your relationships and can help you connect with people on a deeper level. Sometimes, the 12th house can also bring up unresolved fears, anxieties, or past hurts. The Sun's light might illuminate these hidden aspects of yourself. While it can be uncomfortable, facing these emotions can be a powerful step towards healing and personal growth.
Remember, your Gemini rising still brings a strong emphasis on communication and intellectual pursuits. The key is to find a balance between exploring your inner world (12th house) and engaging with the external world (Gemini nature).
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Gemini rising:
Practice mindfulness and meditation: This can help you connect with your subconscious mind and gain insights from your dreams.
Engage in creative activities: Let your imagination flow and express yourself artistically.
Pay attention to your intuition: Trust your gut feeling and use it to guide your decisions.
Seek support if needed: If you're struggling with difficult emotions, don't hesitate to talk to a therapist or counselor.
Cancer Rising: The sun is transiting your 11th house. Cancer, the water sign known for its nurturing and emotional nature, thrives in close-knit communities. With the Sun's transit through the 11th house, you might feel a strong desire to connect with like-minded people and build a strong support system.
This could be a time to:
Reconnect with old friends.
Get involved in a cause you care about.
Network and build new relationships with people who share your values.
The 11th house also represents your hopes, dreams, and visions for the future. The Sun's influence can bring renewed focus on these aspirations. You might feel inspired to take concrete steps towards achieving your long-term goals. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, meaning you crave emotional connection. However, it's important to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of the group during this transit.
While fostering connections is important, don't neglect your own emotional well-being in the process.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Cancer rising:
Spend quality time with loved ones: Strengthen your existing bonds and nurture your close relationships.
Explore ways to connect with your community: Get involved in local events, volunteer your time, or join a club that aligns with your interests.
Set clear boundaries: While being supportive of others is important, don't be afraid to say no when you need to prioritize your own well-being.
Revisit your goals and dreams: Take some time to reflect on your aspirations for the future and create an action plan to achieve them.
Leo Rising: With the Sun entering Taurus, it illuminates the 10th house for Leo risings. The 10th house is all about career, public image, reputation, and social status. This transit can be a powerful time for Leos to shine in these areas. Here's how it might affect you:
Leo, the fire sign of leadership and self-expression, naturally desires recognition and accomplishment. With the Sun, the planet of vitality and ego, in your 10th house, you might find yourself basking in the spotlight more than usual.
This could be a time for significant career advancements, public recognition for your achievements, or opportunities to take on leadership roles.
The 10th house is also associated with reputation and how you are perceived by the world. The Sun's influence can help you solidify a positive and powerful image. This is a good time to:
Showcase your talents and skills.
Take on projects that demonstrate your leadership potential.
Network and build relationships with influential people.
While the Sun's transit boosts your confidence, it's important to maintain a sense of humility. Leos can sometimes come across as arrogant, so be mindful of projecting an overly self-centered image.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Leo rising:
Embrace opportunities to lead: Step up and take charge when the situation calls for it.
Showcase your talents: Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and let your skills shine.
Network strategically: Build connections with people who can help you achieve your career goals.
Maintain humility: Acknowledge the contributions of others and avoid appearing overly self-important.
Virgo Rising: when the Sun enters Taurus, it occupies their 9th house. This house is associated with philosophy, travel, higher education, and exploration of beliefs. The transit of the Sun through Taurus can influence Virgo risings in interesting ways:
Virgos, the earth sign known for their analytical minds and desire for knowledge, are naturally drawn to learning and exploration. With the Sun in the 9th house, your thirst for knowledge might intensify. This could be a great time to:
Enroll in a course or workshop on a topic that piques your interest.
Read books and articles that broaden your perspective.
Engage in philosophical discussions with like-minded people.
The 9th house also governs travel and long journeys. The Sun's influence might ignite a desire to explore new places and cultures. This could be the perfect time to plan a trip or simply explore new areas in your own city. If travel isn't feasible, exploring new ideas and philosophies can fulfill this urge for expansion.
Sometimes, transits through the 9th house can prompt a reevaluation of your core beliefs and values. The Sun's light might illuminate areas where your current beliefs might need refinement or adjustment.
Virgos tend to be very analytical and detail-oriented. While this is a strength, it's important to be open to new ideas and perspectives during this transit. Embrace the opportunity to expand your worldview and challenge your existing beliefs in a healthy way.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Virgo rising:
Pursue knowledge and learning: Dive deep into a subject that fascinates you.
Consider a learning trip: Combine travel with intellectual exploration.
Engage in open discussions: Talk to people with different viewpoints and be receptive to new ideas.
Reflect on your values: Take time to examine your core beliefs and see if any adjustments are needed.
Libra Rising: The sun is transiting your 8th house. The 8th house governs transformation, rebirth, and deep intimacy. With the Sun's influence, you might experience a period of significant personal transformation. This could involve letting go of old emotional baggage, confronting your fears and vulnerabilities, or forging deeper connections with others.
The 8th house also deals with shared resources, inheritances, and financial dealings with others. The Sun's transit might bring opportunities for joint ventures, financial partnerships, or receiving financial support. However, it can also highlight areas where you need to be cautious about shared resources or dependencies. The 8th house has a connection to the occult, death, and taboo subjects. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a brush with death, but the Sun's influence might ignite your curiosity in these areas. You might find yourself drawn to explore topics like psychology, the mysteries of life and death, or even delve deeper into your own subconscious.
The 8th house can make you confront your vulnerabilities. While the Taurean influence encourages stability, this transit might push you to embrace change and transformation.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Libra rising:
Be open to personal growth: Embrace opportunities for self-reflection and emotional healing.
Communicate openly and honestly in relationships: Deepen your intimacy with your partner(s) by sharing your vulnerabilities.
Set healthy boundaries: While intimacy is important, be mindful of protecting your energy and resources when dealing with others.
Explore your shadow self: Don't shy away from confronting your fears and hidden desires.
Scorpio Rising: The sun will be transiting your 7th house. Scorpio risings might experience a period of significant focus on their partnerships (romantic and platonic) and collaborations. This could manifest in several ways:
Strengthening Existing Relationships: The Sun's influence can bring renewed focus on existing partnerships. Invest quality time with your partner(s), work on communication, and resolve any conflicts.
Attracting New Partnerships: You might find yourself attracting new connections, both romantic and platonic. Be mindful of the energy you project and the kind of partnerships you cultivate.
Focus on Balance and Compromise: Scorpio's intensity can sometimes create power struggles in relationships. Embrace the Taurean focus on stability and find a healthy balance between your desires and your partner's needs.
Business Partnerships: The 7th house also governs business partnerships and collaborations. This transit could bring opportunities for successful collaborations or highlight areas needing improvement in existing partnerships.
Legal Matters: The 7th house can also be associated with legal matters and contracts. Be mindful of any legal agreements or contracts you enter during this transit.
Tips for Scorpio Risings:
Invest quality time and communication in existing relationships.
Be open to new connections, but stay discerning.
Focus on balance and compromise in partnerships.
Approach business partnerships with a strategic and collaborative mindset.
Be mindful of any legal agreements or contracts.
Sagittarius Rising: The sun will be transiting your 6th house. The 6th house governs daily routines, work habits, and health practices. With the Sun's influence in this house, you might find yourself re-evaluating your daily routine or seeking ways to improve your work efficiency. This could involve:
Improving Work Habits: Streamlining your workflow, taking on a challenging project that motivates you, or developing new skills relevant to your career.
Focus on Health and Wellness: Prioritizing healthy habits like exercise, proper sleep, and a balanced diet.
Service and Daily Tasks: You might feel a strong desire to contribute and be helpful. Consider volunteering your time or taking on more responsibility at work.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The 6th house also deals with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Sun's influence can enhance your ability to analyze situations and find practical solutions to challenges you face at work or in daily life.
Relationships with Colleagues and Co-workers: This house can also influence your interactions with colleagues and co-workers. You might find yourself forming stronger bonds with others at your workplace or collaborating more effectively on projects.
Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Life: With the emphasis on work and routine during this transit, Sagittarius' natural love for adventure and freedom might need some attention. Remember to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Schedule time for activities you enjoy and that allow you to recharge.
Capricorn Rising: The sun will transit your 5th house. Capricorn, the earth sign known for ambition and practicality, might not readily associate themself with creativity. However, the 5th house encourages exploration of your creative side. This transit could ignite a desire to express yourself through art, music, writing, or even a fun hobby. Don't be afraid to experiment and explore different creative outlets.
The 5th house also rules pleasure, leisure activities, and romance. The Sun's influence can encourage Capricorns to prioritize enjoyment and relaxation during this period. This could involve spending more time on hobbies you enjoy, indulging in a creative project, or planning a fun outing with loved ones.
For Capricorns who are single, the 5th house transit might bring opportunities for new romantic connections. Be open to meeting new people and exploring potential relationships, but remember your Capricorn practicality in setting boundaries and choosing partners who align with your goals. For those already in a relationship, this transit can encourage a renewed focus on romance and playful connection.
Capricorns are known for their dedication to work and achieving goals. The 5th house transit can be a gentle reminder to prioritize fun and creative expression alongside your work ethic. This can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Capricorn rising:
Explore your creative side: Experiment with a new hobby like painting, writing, or music.
Prioritize leisure and activities you enjoy: Schedule time for relaxation and fun.
Open yourself to new romantic connections: Be receptive to meeting new people (if single) or reignite the spark in your existing relationship.
Maintain a healthy balance between work and enjoyment. Remember to schedule time for both responsibilities and fun.
Aquarius Rising: When the Sun enters Taurus, it activates the 4th house for Aquarius risings. This house is associated with several key themes that can be particularly impactful for Aquarians:
Home and Family: The 4th house governs your sense of home, family dynamics, and emotional roots. This transit might prompt you to reflect on your childhood experiences and how they have shaped you. You might also feel a desire to create a more stable and secure home environment. This could involve:
Strengthening family bonds: Reconnecting with family members, having meaningful conversations, and fostering a stronger sense of belonging.
Creating a comfortable and nurturing home: Updating your living space to reflect your personality and create a sense of calm.
Exploring your emotional foundation: Reflecting on past experiences and how they influence your present emotional state.
Inner Security and Foundation: The 4th house also deals with your sense of inner security and foundation. The Sun's influence in Taurus, an earth sign associated with stability, can encourage you to build a strong foundation for yourself. This could involve:
Developing healthy habits and routines: Establishing routines that provide a sense of stability and structure.
Strengthening your financial security: Creating a budget, exploring new income streams, or making sound financial decisions.
Connecting with your core values: Reflecting on what truly matters to you and aligning your life choices with those values.
Traditions and Ancestry: The 4th house can also connect you to your family history and traditions. This transit might ignite a curiosity about your ancestry or a desire to reconnect with your cultural roots.
Finding Balance Between Innovation and Tradition:
Aquarians are known for their innovative spirit and desire to break away from the norm. While the 4th house emphasizes tradition and family, this transit can be an opportunity to find a balance between these two aspects. Embrace your individuality while also appreciating the traditions and values that shape you.
Some tips for navigating this transit as an Aquarius rising:
Spend quality time with family and nurture these relationships.
Create a comfortable and personalized home environment.
Reflect on your childhood experiences and how they influence you.
Develop routines and habits that provide a sense of stability.
Explore your financial goals and build a secure foundation.
Connect with your cultural roots and family history.
Find a balance between innovation and honoring traditions.
Pisces Rising: When the Sun enters Taurus, it activates the 3rd house for Pisces risings. This house governs several key areas that can be quite interesting for Pisces:
Communication and Self-Expression: The 3rd house rules communication, learning, and self-expression. With the Sun's influence in this house, Pisces risings might find themselves more articulate and expressive. This could be a good time to:
Engage in stimulating conversations: Dive into deep discussions with friends or loved ones.
Pursue creative writing projects: Express your emotions and imagination through writing.
Learn a new skill: Enhance your communication skills or delve into a topic that interests you.
Early Learning and Education: The 3rd house also relates to early learning experiences and primary education. This transit could prompt you to reflect on your early education or even revisit topics you learned as a child.
Immediate Surroundings and Local Community: The 3rd house can also influence your immediate environment, neighbors, and local community. You might feel a stronger sense of connection to your local area or find yourself more involved in local events or activities.
Inner World and Intuition: Pisces, a water sign, is already deeply connected to their intuition and inner world. The Sun's influence in Taurus, an earth sign associated with grounding, might encourage you to bridge the gap between your inner world and your outward communication. This could involve:
Creative outlets for inner exploration: Explore artistic mediums like painting, music, or dance to express your emotions.
Journaling and introspection: Use journaling to explore your thoughts and feelings and gain clarity on your inner world.
Finding Balance Between Intuition and Articulation:
Pisces are known for their powerful intuition and ability to connect with the subconscious. This transit can encourage you to express these deeper aspects of yourself in a more articulate way. Focus on finding a balance between intuitive understanding and clear communication.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit as a Pisces rising:
Engage in stimulating conversations with others.
Pursue creative writing projects or explore a new artistic outlet.
Consider taking a course or learning a new skill for self-improvement.
Reflect on your early learning experiences and how they shaped you.
Get involved in your local community.
Express your intuition through creative outlets or journaling.
Find a balance between your inner world and outward communication.
I hope you guys enjoyed!
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ninelivesastrology · 3 days
Astrology placements and aspects that are stronger than the US Marines:
1. Saturn in 1H
2. Moon in Capricorn
3. L7 in 12H
4. L11 in 12H
5. Venus/Saturn
6. Mars/Saturn
7. Pisces Rising
8. Aquarius Rising
9. Venus in 1H
10. Stellium anywhere
11. Mars in 7H
12. Scorpio Rising
(more to be added)
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horoscope1726 · 13 hours
How do Saturn and Venus affect each house in astrology?
Saturn and Venus are two very different planets in astrology, each with its own set of qualities and influences. Their effects on each house in a birth chart can vary depending on the specific placements, aspects, and individual dynamics of the chart. Here's a general overview of how Saturn and Venus might influence each house:
First House (Ascendant):Saturn: Can bring a sense of seriousness, responsibility, and self-discipline to the personality. Individuals may appear reserved, cautious, or mature beyond their years .Venus: Enhances charm, attractiveness, and a love of beauty. Individuals may be diplomatic, socially graceful, and have a strong sense of aesthetics.
Second House: Saturn: Emphasizes financial stability, discipline in money matters, and a cautious approach to earning and saving. Can indicate delays or challenges in financial matters. Venus: Enhances material comfort, enjoyment of luxury, and artistic talents related to wealth accumulation. Can indicate a love of beautiful possessions and a talent for making money through artistic pursuits or diplomacy.
Third House: Saturn: Brings a serious and methodical approach to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in early education or relationships with siblings. Venus: Enhances social communication, charm, and artistic expression in writing or speech. Can indicate harmonious relationships with siblings and a love of learning through artistic or cultural activities.
Fourth House (IC):Saturn: Emphasizes a need for security, stability, and tradition in the home and family life. Can indicate responsibilities or challenges related to parental authority or the family legacy. Venus: Enhances domestic harmony, love of beauty in the home environment, and a strong emotional connection to family. Can indicate artistic talents or a love of cooking and entertaining at home.
Fifth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression. Can indicate delays or challenges in matters related to children, hobbies, or romantic relationships. Venus: Enhances creativity, romantic charm, and a love of pleasure and leisure activities. Can indicate a talent for the arts, a love of romance and dating, and a desire for enjoyment and fun.
Sixth House: Saturn: Emphasizes discipline, hard work, and responsibility in matters of health, routine, and service to others. Can indicate challenges or delays in health matters or difficulties in the workplace. Venus: Enhances cooperation, harmony, and aesthetic appreciation in daily work routines and relationships with colleagues. Can indicate a love of service to others, artistic talents in healing or therapy, and a desire for balance and beauty in the workplace.
Seventh House (Descendant):Saturn: Brings a sense of seriousness, commitment, and responsibility to relationships and partnerships. Can indicate delays or challenges in forming partnerships or difficulties in marriage. Venus: Enhances harmony, cooperation, and a love of beauty in relationships. Can indicate a desire for romance, partnership, and artistic collaboration, as well as a strong appreciation for beauty and aesthetics in others.
Eighth House: Saturn: Emphasizes a need for control, discipline, and security in matters of joint resources, intimacy, and transformation. Can indicate challenges or delays in matters related to inheritance, taxes, or shared assets. Venus: Enhances sensuality, intimacy, and a love of luxury in matters of shared resources and transformation. Can indicate a desire for deep emotional connections, financial partnerships, and a love of luxury and sensual pleasures.
Ninth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to higher education, philosophy, and spiritual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in long-distance travel, higher learning, or philosophical beliefs. Venus: Enhances cultural appreciation, artistic expression, and a love of beauty in matters of travel, higher education, and philosophical exploration. Can indicate a love of foreign cultures, a talent for languages or the arts, and a desire for beauty and harmony in one's belief system.
Tenth House (Midheaven):Saturn: Emphasizes ambition, responsibility, and a serious attitude toward career and public reputation. Can indicate challenges or delays in career advancement or difficulties with authority figures. Venus: Enhances charm, social grace, and artistic talents in matters of career and public image. Can indicate success in artistic or creative professions, a love of beauty and luxury, and a desire for public recognition and admiration.
Eleventh House: Saturn: Brings a sense of responsibility, discipline, and structure to friendships, group activities, and long-term goals. Can indicate challenges or delays in achieving social or humanitarian objectives. Venus: Enhances social charm, cooperation, and a love of beauty in friendships and group activities. Can indicate harmonious relationships with friends and social groups, a talent for networking or diplomacy, and a desire for shared aesthetic experiences.
Twelfth House: Saturn: Emphasizes solitude, introspection, and discipline in matters of spirituality, hidden strengths, and subconscious patterns. Can indicate challenges or delays in spiritual growth or difficulties with hidden enemies. Venus: Enhances compassion, sensitivity, and a love of beauty in matters of spirituality and hidden strengths. Can indicate a desire for spiritual connection, a love of beauty in seclusion or meditation, and a talent for expressing beauty through charitable or humanitarian activities.
These interpretations provide a general overview of how Saturn and Venus can affect each house in astrology. However, it is necessary to consider the entire birth chart and the individual's specific circumstances to understand how these planetary positions manifest in their life. The aspects, planetary dignities and overall configuration of the chart will also play an important role in shaping the experiences and personality traits of the individual. For more information you can take help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. which can give you a good information
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hausofneptune · 1 day
✾ persona chart series ✾ venus
[astro notes no. 011]
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this one accidentally ended up being extremely detailed and a bit longer than my usual posts, but i wanted to make sure i brought up how these aspects/placements can manifest in terms of creativity and finances since those characteristics of venus are rarely ever acknowledged. these notes/observations are all relative to the placements in one's venus persona chart, not the natal chart. as always, energy manifests differently for everyone, so if it don't apply, let it fly.
the venus persona chart is representative of your love nature, creativity/aesthetic, and money. it's indicative of how you show up in relationships, how you express yourself creatively, and have you approach and navigate your finances. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ascendant in leo can manifest as being perceived as a partner who carries themselves with an air of self-assurance, and typically indicates someone who's drawn towards "power couple" types of relationships
↝ these natives tend to place a lot of value upon how their relationships are viewed by others. they usually seek out partners that complement them and their lifestyles, and may even go as far as viewing their partners as extensions of themselves, for better or for worse
↝ in relationships, they seek out people that they feel they can build powerful, stable connections with. they crave a partnership with a balance between individuality and collaboration.
↝ they also have an allure about them that draws others in. they can come off as youthful and childlike in romance, as well as in terms of their of appearance and behavior.
↝ these natives can also excel as artists and business owners/positions of leadership, and could even find financial success through their creative endeavors
༄ mercury in the 7H is indicative of valuing mental compatibility in relationships, and being drawn towards people who can speak through their feelings and navigate challenges in a collected, fair manner
↝ these natives typically want to be intellectually stimulated by their partners, and may enjoy learning with them or from them as well.
↝ they may be very big on manners and be turned off by any impolite or rude behavior demonstrated by a romantic interest, as these natives tend to want a partner that carries themselves in a way that is favored by others
↝ this is another placement that can excel in business, specifically, they may have innate skills related to legality/contracts and partnerships. this can also indicate a natural talent or gift for creative writing or singing
༄ venus in pisces indicates someone who has an underlying dreamy, potentially unattainable approach to love and romance
↝ these natives can be hopeless romantics at heart, and may feel a sense of being all-encompassed by their love for their partners/crushes at times
↝ they can come across as ethereal or otherworldly to others. they also tend to be very artistic and express themselves in a way that is viewed as “poetic”
↝ falling in love for them can feel like a “movie” at times, they can feel devoted to their lover and deeply romanticize the connection they have with one another
↝ attraction is usually less physical and more emotional, as these natives tend to crave a spiritual, more soulful bond in their relationships. these are also the types who could gravitate towards people they want to heal or “fix” at times
↝ they may have to work towards not viewing their partner/relationship through rose-colored lenses, as well as practicing communication and instilling boundaries
༄ moon in capricorn can indicate a prioritization of stability and structure in one’s relationships
↝ this placement can manifest as there being some form of emotional distance between the native and their partners. they may either take the role as the “colder” person in their relationship, and/or be drawn to people who are emotionally avoidant in nature
↝ they can carry and express themselves in a way that is perceived as mature and poised. they're typically not spontaneous in love, they can be picky and take a while to find a partner and settle down
↝ they tend to be very keen on giving and receiving acts of service as they're usually not very big on grand, stereotypical displays of love
↝ these natives can also do very well in leadership positions, having a stable foundation in terms of both their home lives and careers is of great importance to them, and they may find discomfort in impulsive situations/relationships
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༄ sun conjunct moon grants the native with an innate passionate, nurturing approach to love
↝ these natives are typically very proactive and deeply committed in their relationships. they have an intuitive nature that aids them in recognizing and understanding their partners needs instinctively
↝ people with this placement tend to be very attractive and charming. others tend to be drawn to them due to the captivating energy that they emanate
↝ this is another aspect that can indicate artistic talents, they can be extremely dedicated to their craft and are also driven enough to achieve any creative goals they set for themselves
↝ they may also need to work towards being more objective at times, as these natives have a tendency to rely on their gut instincts and may struggle with knowing when to operate evenhandedly instead of emotionally
༄ mercury square mars can indicate having extremely quick judgement. there can an overly-combative atmosphere to one's romantic relationships
↝ these natives may struggle with not thinking over their thoughts and feelings before communicating them, which can lead to conflict between themselves and their partner
↝ they may also encounter power struggles in their relationships, as they tend to assert themselves in a way that can trigger their partners, whether intentional or not. this can also result in a sense of control over one's personal/artistic expression that may hinder their skills and capabilities
↝ with the evolved version of this aspect, the native will display restraint and approach their thoughts from a more mindful perspective. once these skills are developed, their innate driven nature paired with their calculated communication skills can lead to success in both their relationships, creativity, and finances
༄ saturn in the 10H can manifest as matters related to one’s career or public-facing identity playing a significant role in their relationships
↝ there may be difficulty in finding a life-work balance that affects how these natives can show up for their partners, and they may feel some form of pressure to adequately show up for one or the other
↝ with this aspect, the father, or any prominent authority figure in youth, may have a significant impact on how they view and navigate relationships
↝ this can also indicate being attracted to a partner that excels in their own personal career and is highly favored by the public. they themselves may feel as though they cannot show up in relationships earnestly if matters related to their profession aren’t in order
↝ in youth specifically, they may have struggled with feeling pressure or restriction surrounding their creative output. with age, they may find that they are often rewarded (even financially) when exercising their artistic talents, despite the insecurity they may have
༄ ascendant trine pluto indicates having extremely captivating (potentially sensual or “dark”) energy that draws others in
↝ these natives can go through many changes physically or feel inclined to change their appearance frequently. they can also experience constant rebirth in relation to their identity, and may feel as though they’ve “lived many lives” in a sense
↝ they tend to be very passionate in love, a characteristic that their partners are captivated by. due to their spiritual nature, the people these natives attract may also find ease in being vulnerable around them and expressing their fears/secrets. they're also usually heavily intuitive and naturally gifted at reading a room and everyone it
↝ the native's eyes tend to be a very prominent physical feature as well, others may feel enchanted by their gaze.
↝ they can also encounter themes of control in their relationships, creative output, and finances. they can frequently encounter situations where they instinctively want to fight for control, and/or attract people that attempt to control them
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༄ sun in the 6H typically manifests as themes related to the native's lifestyle and routine having a significant impact their relationships (and vice versa)
↝ those with this placement are usually the types who take on the role of caretaker in their relationships, and overall enjoy being of service to their partner as well as having that energy reciprocated. they could also have a pet (or multiple pets) that they care for with their partners.
↝ these natives could also enjoy having partners that they share similar habits with, and want to set goals related to their health/wellness or their work. they may also do well quite literally working together, whether that be in terms of running a business or simply having a productive, motivating bond with one another
↝ this can also show up being extremely dedicated to one's creative endeavors. they could have a very organized approach to their artistic expression, and even gain financially through their endeavors
༄ venus square pluto can indicate having a romantic life that is marked by intense power struggles
↝ these natives are usually characterized by their intensity in love, they can come off as seductive and magnetic, but there's usually an underlying "darkness" that hides in their allure. they're usually exceptionally skilled artists as well, whatever their craft may be, and tend to have a knack for being able to recognize peoples' weaknesses
↝ they can encounter themes of controlling, jealous, manipulative and potentially unhealthy behavior in their relationships. they themselves may demonstrate these characteristics, and/or be drawn to people who behave this way towards them (consciously or subconsciously)
↝ per pluto's influence, these natives will experience a breaking point where they either choose to keep this inner intensity concealed, or they liberate themselves from their false sense of control
↝ the evolved state of this aspect would look like someone who shows up in relationships in a productive, healthy way, as well as having the wherewithal to know when it's time to step away from what's no longer serving them
༄ moon trine jupiter manifests as being characterized as a very benevolent, nurturing lover
↝ there's usually a "warmth" that these natives emanate. they're usually very positive in nature, and a source of inspiration for their partners. they tend to have a very big imagination and a sense of wanderlust that their romantic interests admire about them
↝ those around them may find them to be sweet and engaging individuals and in turn be very drawn to their energy. this can lead to great creative/financial opportunities, but boundaries should be exercised as their giving nature can attract those with negative intentions
↝ these natives can also be very spiritual or religious and be drawn towards partners that they share similar beliefs with. their outlook on life and personal philosophies could play a big role in how they emotionally connect with their partners, and they could also feel called to express their passion through their artistic talents
༄ venus in the 8H is indicative of encountering constant calls for transformation or rebirth in one's relationships
↝ these natives usually find that their partners lead them to some form of personal or spiritual evolution. they may also gain money or gifts through their relationships, and tend to luck out at times in regards to their finances
↝ this can also be indicative of being drawn towards partners that the native has to "figure out" in some way shape or form. they enjoy exploring the mind and psyche of their partner, and typically strive to fortify a connection with them that is very deep and spiritual
↝ they can also be very passionate about taboo topics such as sex or death, and dedicate themselves to exploring the darker side of life through their creativity. they may also be drawn to darker aesthetics, or have an air about them that is mystifying and intrigues others
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scorpiohive · 3 days
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babyastrowitch · 2 days
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Close your eyes and choose which photo calls to you the most!
Photo 1 reading:
A lot of bright energy from this photo! There is something of the past that you are learning from. You are trusting your path and starting to see what the universe is doing behind the scenes for you. You could be thinking about doing a new fitness routine or incorporating running, the universe is saying YES! This season is filled with energy and you should be honouring it by moving that energy through your body. The universe is also telling you to leave your hair alone (this is calling me out too), and let it grow the way it's meant to. Kale is something that will benefit you and vitamin B (??? not sure why but that's what i'm being told). Whenever it's sunny outside, BE OUTSIDE!!! The grass near your house is calling your name to read a book in while the sun shines on you. This will contribute to that positive energy that's surrounding you.
Photo 2 reading:
Soooo you've either started your spiritual journey or you're just getting back into it. This is a season of introspection for you. Emotions are on the rise and it's time for you to become more aware of the toxic cycles your brain subconsciously falls into. Did you just buy a new journal? A journal is coming to mind for me. It's time for you to start writing again. Every anxious thought you have, write it down write it down write it down. This is a big message for you. I know your anxiety has been bad lately, you need to write it out so you can release it instead of internalizing it. Similar to the first photo, you need to go outside. Rain or shine, connect with nature as much as you can throughout the week.
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𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 - 𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
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I love to see people with the same planet in the same modality, e.g. sun in Cancer and sun in Aries. Although they may square each other it indicates a similar energy towards that area of life. For example if both people have a mutable mars sign it shows they both go after their goals in a similar way, both being adaptable and open to change.
Adding to the last point people who have the same planet in the same house shows a similar focus on that area of life, which is always good for long term partnership. I have often seen both of these in synastry charts of long term partners.
Second house synastry can be very beneficial for long term partnership also. Having benefits here shows you share similar values. Not only that but your routines and standards for stability are aligned or similar. You can see how this would be great for a relationship 
I have spoken about this one in the past, but I really love to see a mix of those more ‘intense’ and passionate placements in a synastry chart mixed, and I will repeat myself again, MIXED with more ‘stable’ and ‘comfortable’, and in a way, easier placements. That to me is how you get the most fulfilling relationship for the long term. One where you have those ‘challenging’ placements that trigger transformation and push you in ways, but you have those cushy placements that will really get you through those tricky and occasionally turbulent times. Relationships aren’t supposed to alway be easy, and often the most impactful ones will change you or shape you in  way. There has to be not only that trigger for growth but also that safety for growth within the relationship.
If a partner has placements that go into a house you have planets in, it shows you are both focused on that area of life for you and they can help focus you or direct you in some way. If a partners planets fall into a house that is empty for you, it can help you bring more attention to that part of your life that can sometimes be more subconscious or not on the forefront of your mind as much.
Oppositions can be challenging but also lovely, hear me out. It helps bring balance to your life. There may be a sign/ house/ area you are more easily or actively focused on, having someone with a plenty in an opposite sign to yours helps balance you out, you can bring balance to each other.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this one, synastry is something I love doing and writing about
Let me know if you have any of these with people or your experiences with them <3
thank you - Pureastrowisdom
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youremyheaven · 2 days
Mrigashira: The Truth Is Subjective?
This is part 3 of my Mrigashira trilogy (here's part 1 & part 2)
I had previously explored the Mrigashira tendency to speak the truth and often be considered crazy for it. I thought I'd expand on this nature for this post as well.
Being truthful can mean many different things. The truth is also context-bound and what one exposes can differ based on the circumstances.
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Dalai Lama- Mrigashira Mercury conjunct Rising
He has been at the forefront of the Tibetan independence movement, He has spoken up about nonviolence and his work includes a focus on the environment, economics, women's rights, non-violence, inter-faith dialogue, physics, astronomy, Buddhism and science, cognitive neuroscience, reproductive health and sexuality. He's literally one of the most admired people in the world and is considered a Bodhisattva. Being truthful or bringing attention to the truth is a big part of his life. This is not to say he isnt shady tho
He is also a very complicated figure. He used to get a personal income of over $1 million every year from the CIA for about 2 decades between 1959 and 1974?? He inappropriately touched Lady Gaga when they were on stage together, there is also a video of him asking a young boy to "suck his tongue" 🤮🤢
sometimes the truth isn't really the truth. whatever you believe to be true is what is true to you even if it does not have any basis in reality. one terrifying example of that is the Aum Shinrikyo cult leader Shoko Ashara
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Shoko Asahara- Mrigashira Moon
He was the leader of the infamous cult Aum Shinrikyo, that carried out the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack and several other attacks. Asahara declared himself as God and led his followers into believing that the end of the world was coming. Its a bizarre mix of new age conspiracy theories, religious syncretism, enlightenment, doomsday mentality and pure sadism.
He and several other leaders of the cult were executed in 2018 after more than 2 decades in prison.
It goes to show how "truth" is very subjective. Shoko was a megalomaniac who was fcked in the head, yet he managed to convince manyyy people of his teachings and even got them to do whatever he wanted them to do??
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Donald Trump, Mrigashira Sun conjunct Rahu, popularised the term "fake news". it is so interesting to me that a man generally known as a liar will have Mrigashira of all naks and esp have it conjunct Rahu, the planet of illusion. Astrology is funny like that sometimes. He was very forceful in spreading his truth, even though that truth was bigoted, racist, classist and misogynistic. And in one way, he helped expose people who supported him bc what is worse than being known as a Trump supporter? That is enough to gauge someone's character and nature.
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Idi Amin- Mrigashira Moon
mrig nakshatra is actually present in the luminaries of many dictators/fascists/terrible leaders. Idi did not really have any specific ideology, he was a brutal narcissist who got a kick out of murdering people even at the expense of his nation's well being.
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Ryuho Okawa- Mrigashira Moon & Venus
He was the leader of a cult called Happy Science and declared himself to be God. one thing that stands out to me with mrig natives is how since Mrigashira nak represents the fall from heaven, i.e, the beginning of life on earth in some ways, its natives tend to be obsessed with truth telling, I had explored more positive manifestations of this in part 1 but this tendency can be manifest in very bad ways as we see from these examples as "truth" is very subjective. Okawa was telling his truth bc he genuinely believed he was God but does that make it right?
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Jennifer Lawrence, Mrigashira Moon
JLaw has always struck me honest, maybe a little too honest but that's what made her so likable initially and unlikable later on. I had mentioned this in part 1 as well about how the presence of a Mrig native often triggers other people or makes them feel threatened. part of it is the fact that Mrig has serpent yoni and subconsciously we sense the energy of other people's yoni animals and react a certain way in their presence. people with predator yoni animals strike us as intimidating. most people hate snakes and will probably kill them if they see them bc it could be dangerous and this is honestly how society reacts to a lot of serpent yoni women. So many sex symbols have serpent yoni in their big 3 (Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Brooke Shields etc) society seems enchanted by them but is also quick to tear them apart. people feel deeply uncomfortable with these natives is what I have noticed. JLaw's reputation suffered after she had been exposed as a try hard "cool girl". but tbh, there are celebs out there who are far more annoying and done far worse things, how come JLaw's hated for being the "cool girl"?? part of it could be that we all see our collective shadow in her, the hot sexy talented woman who seems to be a messy clumsy loser and is also "one of the boys". JLaw grew up on a farm with 2 brothers, its only natural that her personality is a little brutish and unladylike, it gets old really quick bc it seemed gimmicky but it is interesting to me how someone can be ripped apart for something so small??
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Sandra Bullock, Mrigashira Stellium
Sandra plays these unladylike but blunt and honest characters a lot (While You Were Sleeping, Two Weeks Notice, Miss Congeniality movies etc)
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Sonam Kapoor- Mrigashira stellium (sun mercury & mars)
Sonam is known in the Indian media for saying whatever comes to her mouth lol, that means she makes a lot of dumb comments (she once said her being a nepo baby was the result of good karma from past lives lol and that people think you're a good actor if youre not good looking which is basically implying that she isnt considered a good actor bc she's too good looking lmfao) but she does have moments of radical no bullshit honesty, like the time she wrote an essay talking about body image
Monica from Friends always called out everyone's bullshit. She was played by Courteney Cox who is Mrigashira Sun
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Leah Remini Mrigashira Sun
she exposed the dark secrets of Scientology through her memoir and docu series. this is another form of Mrigashira truth telling. exposing the darkness, evil and injustice in this world.
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North West, Mrigashira Stellium (Sun & Rising)
North exposing her family is a bit of a running joke, she revealed she has dyslexia on IG live which pissed Kim off and in general she's known for her bluntness and calling out her mom esp. Kim even said that North is her "lesson" and that North "intimidates her" and how North is Kanye's twin (Kanye is also Mrigashira Sun)
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Tupac Mrigashira Sun
honestly watch any interview and you can see how honest and sincere Tupac was (sidenote: isnt he sooo handsome??<33). i cant pinpoint to specific moments but Tupac was so young and sooo beyond mature?? idk if anybody in their early 20s has this kind of articulation anymore.
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Paula Abdul- Mrigashira Sun
this is a bit of a strange case. Paula claims to have been in a plane crash in 1992 which left her with a spinal cord injury and forced her to take about 10 years off before she restarted her career as a judge on American Idol. she has talked about this many many times in the last 2 decades. except of course that there is zero evidence of this plane crash. obviously, she could just be lying but why lie about something that could so easily be proven? i think sometimes Mrig natives have a tendency to delusionally believe what they say. i have no doubt that Paula is convinced that she was in a plane crash and that it ruined her music career but its not objectively true.
Donald Trump & even Kanye West (both Mrig Sun) are other examples of celebrities who talk about wildly stranger things that they believe to be true.
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Ewan McGregor- Mrigashira moon
In the movie The Island, Ewan's character discovers that everything about his existence is a lie and that he and the other inhabitants are human clones.
I feel like this trope of realizing lies and "waking up" is tied to Mrigashira's nature.
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in the movie Passengers, this happens in reverse, JLaw wakes up and then learns the truth
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The Truman Show, starring Mrigashira Moon, Jim Carrey is another example of a Mrig native realising everything is a lie.
i think its a common and unfortunate pattern in the lives of many Mrig natives to suffer abuse and I feel like the reason many of them do is because they falsely believe the lies they are being fed is true :(( it takes them time to "wake up" to the truth (ex: Mrig Sun Brooke Shields who always defended her abusive mom who made her pose nude for playboy when she was a kid??? among other things, its only recently that she has started to admit that those things werent okay)
thats it for this post!!
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ezekiel-krishna · 3 days
Jupiter in Taurus ♉ Transit 2024 (Part 2)
💰💎Luck ,Abundance ,Fortune & Spirituality
{Vedic Astrology}[From May 2024 - May 2025]
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Rising Sign > Refer Here
Leo ♌
Leo Ascendants, the transit of Jupiter into your 10th house will have a significant impact on your life. Not only will it aspect your sixth, fourth, and second houses, but it also rules your fifth and eighth houses. The fifth house governs areas such as children, love life, education, creativity, and the ability to take risks and have fun. On the other hand, the eighth house represents transformation and unexpected events.
During this one-year transit, the focus will be on your career and profession. As a result, many of you may experience job changes during this period. These changes could occur suddenly, such as losing your job, or they may involve making sudden adjustments. However, there is a high likelihood of quickly finding another job, so there is no need to worry.
I understand that many of you have been feeling stressed lately due to the presence of Rahu (north node) in the eighth house. However, during this time, you should not worry about your job security or career-related insecurities. Thanks to Jupiter's grace, there is a strong possibility of experiencing significant financial gains. Additionally, you will develop a mature approach towards your career and job.This transit will also provide you with wisdom on how to effectively manage your relationships with your co-workers and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will be able to handle all your responsibilities, including taking care of your home.
Regardless of the changes you make in your career, whether they happen suddenly or not, rest assured that the decisions you make will ultimately benefit you. Spending quality time with your family will bring positivity into your life, and any disputes within family relationships may be resolved amicably. Your positive communication skills will leave those around you satisfied during this period.
Your wise advice may lead others to see you as a counselor, earning you respect within your family. Celebrations and auspicious events may take place in your home, and some of you may choose to redecorate with religious or spiritual items. Bringing health-improving elements into your home is also a possibility, but most importantly, you will find mental peace and domestic happiness during this one-year Transit.
Virgo ♍
Jupiter's transit through your ninth house is bringing positive energy to your life. It will aspect your Fifth, Third, and first house, bringing luck, wisdom, and stability. This is a fortunate time for you, especially after the stress of the previous year.
Prosperity and financial gains are on the horizon, and your father may also experience luck in financial matters. You will feel happier, calmer, and more respected by others. Your wisdom will increase, and you will feel more grounded.
This transit will activate the travel houses, focusing on religious or spiritual journeys. Your marriage and partnerships will also benefit from this positive energy. Single Virgos may find love, and those looking to start a family will have a positive time ahead.
If you are in fields like education, teaching, coaching, religion, sports, social media, or the arts, expect exceptional growth during this time. Jupiter's influence in the ninth house is truly bringing you the best results.
If you are a student aspiring to study abroad or pursue higher education in a foreign country, now is an opportune time for you. However, it is important to note that the main focus of this Transit is spirituality and Dharma, which means you may find yourself drawn towards exploring spirituality and religion. You might feel inclined to seek a guru or immerse yourself in reading books on these subjects, sparking a deep curiosity within you.
While there are various resources available, such as YouTube and social media, to learn about spirituality, I would advise you to stay connected to your Divine. By staying close to your faith, you will activate the positive energies of good luck and fortune in your life during this Transit.
Libra ♎
Jupiter's presence in your eighth house and its influence on your fourth, second, and twelfth houses will have a significant impact on your life, especially for those born under the sign of Libra. As the ruler of the sixth house, Jupiter governs your health, debts, loans, and competition. It also rules your second house, which is associated with your finances, family, the food you consume, and your speech.
During this transit, you can expect a transformation in various aspects of your life. Your mindset and approach to life will undergo a complete 180-degree shift. You will find yourself becoming slightly obsessed with how you handle your financial matters. This may lead you to research stocks, speculation, and investment opportunities in order to increase your financial gains.
Be prepared for potential high expenses, particularly in investments or home-related expenses. Additionally, you will start focusing on your health and may make significant changes to your lifestyle, including a complete overhaul of your diet, food choices, and habits. If you are prone to diseases such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid issues, it is advisable to stay away from sugary sweet foods, despite an increased desire for them during this time.
You will also feel a strong attraction towards spirituality, and your intuition will be heightened. Pay close attention to any special dreams you have during this period, as they may hold valuable messages or guidance for your path ahead.
In terms of your family and relationships, it is crucial to approach any changes with a high level of maturity. Strive to gain the love and respect of your extended family members. Your speech and communication style will become calmer, wiser, and less sarcastic and critical. Overall, you can expect to experience domestic happiness and mental peace.
There may also be opportunities for significant financial gains, such as through inheritance or insurance settlements, especially if you have been waiting for such matters to be resolved. However, it is important to exercise caution when engaging in speculative activities, as losses are also possible during this period. Take this time to navigate these changes with care and mindfulness, and you will emerge with a newfound sense of stability and growth.
Scorpio ♏
During this transit, Jupiter will be moving through your 7th house and forming aspects with your 3rd, 11th, and 1st house. This means that your partnerships, such as marriage or business relationships, will come into focus. You will gain wisdom and insight into the nature of your relationships, including your spouse. This may lead you to make wise choices, such as breaking away from a relationship or disengaging from your partner.
If your birth chart shows any negative influences on your 7th house, there is a possibility of separation from your partner. On the other hand, if you are single, there is a high chance of marriage or the entrance of a new person into your life. This person may possess qualities of wisdom and purity. However, it's important to consider other planetary placements and influences on your 7th house, as they can alter the effects of Jupiter's transit.
During this time, you will receive a lot of respect from others. In your workplace, people may approach you for guidance or advice. There is also a possibility of financial rewards, and you may be tempted to start your own business or receive new opportunities.
This is the period a great opportunity to explore a new Business Partnership if that's something you're interested in. You have the drive and energy to kickstart new ventures, making it an ideal time to dive into the business world. If you're currently employed, expect financial rewards, recognition, and even promotions. Your personal growth shines through, impressing others with your mature mindset, problem-solving skills, and wisdom.
Your social circle will expand as you leave a positive impact on those around you. Your bond with siblings will strengthen as you find peaceful resolutions to any conflicts. Just remember to prioritize your health, especially with a tendency to gain weight due to unhealthy eating habits. Be cautious of indulging in sugary and fatty foods to avoid potential health issues related to Jupiter, such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid problems.
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be Considered for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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Stay Tuned for Part 3..
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rascosmicwisdom · 3 days
The 12th house speaks to how the judgments made by us, for us, toward us, determine our fate.
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Let’s view the moon in stunning 8K 1200 mega pixel quality . You will never seen the moon in such jaw dropping clarity
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neptuneslure · 2 days
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libra sun · libra moon · virgo rising · libra mercury · libra venus · capricorn mars
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jeanrising · 2 days
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Disclaimer: Please note that opinions shared here are subjective and may vary. They do not necessarily represent universal truths or facts.
Every overly religious/spiritual person doesn’t have “Spiritual Psychosis”. Some cases of overly religious/spiritual people is just straight up Religious Trauma or Schizophrenia
As i much as i love AI, when it comes to tarot reading. I can tell when someone uses ChatGPT for a reading, which imo is very unauthentic. I can see needing some help to decipher the meaning behind the cards but not the question that was asked by the client
I like Vedic and Western astrology. My Vedic chart is more positive than my Tropical chart, but I still follow Tropical astrology more than Vedic astrology because i’ve read some of the most scarily accurate information in the Tropical chart.
Im iffy about deity work with mythology Gods and Goddesses, idk if i truly believe in it due to it being ancient mythology
Idc what race you are, some of you need to not do ancestor magic. You’re ancestors probably wouldn’t even like you due to the standards of the era they lived in, death didn’t change who they were before they passed ( and please don’t pray for me through ancestor magic, i’ll pass on that)
Im iffy about some celebrities birth charts because some of them be lying. 😭😋
I CANNOT STAND LOVE OBSESSION SPELLS AND SUBLIMINALS. Why would you want someone who don’t fuck with you and gives you the bare minimum even after the spell?. (I can vouch for attracting love and self love spells tho.)
Science 🤝 Religion🤝 Psychology - i’ll get more in depth about this in my next post
Thats pretty my takes. Follow me for more astrological (and spiritual/religious) content 🩷
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vivmaek · 2 days
Can you please do Moon conjunct Mars in a natal chart? thank you 😊
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The energy and drive of an individual with this aspect is directly linked to their emotional landscape. Depending on the sign, this can create a lot of turbulence and fluctuations. But it can also make for an interesting ride. At the very least, these people feel passionate about whatever it is that they’re doing. They attach purpose and meaning to all of their actions, even miniscule ones. Their emotional strength will help them push through life's most challenging moments. They also act as a major source of motivation within the lives of those who surround them. Their sense of dedication and commitment is unwavering, and at times they can be rather stubborn. People who have this aspect are in tune with their body. They know how to nurture themselves on an intuitive level and aren't likely to push themselves past a breaking point. This connection to their body also invokes a fair amount of sex appeal. 
I love your pfp btw! <3
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punksocks · 5 hours
After years of taunting, Mercury in retrograde finally got me to admit my relationship wasn’t exactly what I thought it was… and after 5.5 years, I’m single now
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