#wanda maximoff is the strongest avenger
lvcygraybaird · 1 year
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day 1 - favorite movie
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antiheroapologist · 1 year
Sometimes I break,
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but only I can put myself back together.
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Only I can right my wrongs.
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elmstreeterick · 2 years
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Heyy can i request a wanda x fem reader oneshot where r is the queen of a nation which is similar to Wakanda and the avengers need this nations help for something (sitting on the throne looking badass moment ) and she is graceful and so badass like: sitting at dining table uses knife to point towards empty seat, “oh. sit, please.” R has powers and helps them out. Wanda being head over heals and finally them dating. I am sorry for the long request 😭
Mother Nature
Summary: A queen so powerful, myths have been written about her. An island so mysterious, no one knows where it is.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 2505
a/n: listen…this got a little out of hand
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Dragonstone is a volcanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean, just below Greenland and Iceland, but it’s not visible on any maps. Not many know of its existence, as the island is surrounded by such powerful magic, making it invisible to the naked eye. If anyone were to sail towards it, violent storms and currents will make even the strongest of ships sink. It has become a myth to the outsiders, an area such as the Bermuda Triangle, where everyone disappears into the nothingness. This keeps the island, and its population, in safety and peace. They have fought no wars, nor have they suffered in the hands of man made concepts.
However, the fights have started to get bigger, sometimes having the faith of the whole Universe in their hands. That much they figured out after Thanos. Which is why the Avengers know of Dragonstone, and its Queen, and how to get her help.
Everyone holds onto their seats as the Quinjet’s autopilot navigates through the dark clouds, often going through turbulence. “Are we sure this isn’t actually just some freak of nature spot? Is there anything here?” Tony grumbles as he tries to fasten his seatbelt impossibly tight. “We have very expensive cargo on board, and by that I mean me and my suit.”
“Fury seemed confident in his knowledge.” Steve reminds, slightly more calmly, though he is also nervous.
Wanda has her eyes closed. She tries to stay inside her mind, ignoring everything going around her. Air traffic has never been her favorite, but this is next level. The Quinjet does sudden dives and turns, throwing anything loose around. This is why Fury said to fasten everything to the walls and roof, but like usual, Tony didn’t take the advice to heart.
She can feel Natasha’s hand holding her own, calming her down slightly. Wanda doesn’t personally know Fury that well, but she knows Natasha thinks very highly of him, so she is pretty sure he wouldn’t lead them to their certain death. However, she can’t be sure, as this is starting to feel like a wrong way to the supposed island.
“Why couldn’t Fury come here himself? Or the Queen to us?” Kate almost shouts at a particularly violent spot.
“Because when we ask for help from royalties, we show them respect.” Steve states, his *all the younger generations have forgotten respect* personality every old person has shining through. “Did none of you learn this in Wakanda?”
No one gets to answer him, as the Quinjet starts going up, up, up full speed, making everyone yelp. After it has reached the correct altitude, it goes down headfirst. For a moment, the team is sure something has gone wrong, that they are plummeting towards their death. But right before it hits the water, the Quinjet turns the right way and continues flying forward, now in a completely calm climate.
They instantly calm down, letting out breaths of relief and relaxing their tense muscles. Natasha is the first one to get out of her seat, going to the cockpit and looking out the window. “Well, at least the island is real.” She calls out. The others start to pile up in front of the window.
At first glance, it looks like they’re flying towards a big pile of rocks, but at a closer look, they can see the rocks form big walls and even a bigger castle on the island. They’re in awe of the view. The water and air are so calm now that they’ve gotten past the barrier.
They stare out the window while the Quinjet lowers itself to the ground, right outside the walls. Once they step outside, they see two people waiting for them. “Welcome to Dragonstone!” One of them smiles. “My name is Sylvia and I’m the Queen’s advisor. And this,” she gestures to the person next to her, who is wearing an armor, “and this is Calen, they’re the head of protection in this island.”
They bow their head down as a greeting, not saying anything to the guests. The look on their face is serene and their posture is straight, like a proper soldier’s. Sylvia on the other hand shows more excitement through her body, even though her hands are behind her back, they’re still wiggling around, and the smile on her face is one that can light up a whole room.
“Thank you for granting us access to your island.” Steve speaks up, being the unofficial spokesperson when it comes to formal situations.
“Fury is an old friend of Gaia, any friend of his is a friend to us. Now, if you’d follow me, I’ll take you to the castle to meet our Queen.”
They start trekking the land towards the castle, first walking on the bare land and then moving to narrow walkways as they go inside the walls. Most of the walk goes by in silence, the team taking in their surroundings. They’ve never seen anything quite like this.
Wanda drags her hand along the stone fence, her fingers going along the bumps and ridges of it. She smiles. The magic of this island feels different than her own, but not in a threatening way, it feels like it’s dancing with her own.
Finally they get to the castle’s entrance. The huge wooden door opens inward, two other soldiers pulling it. Calen and Sylvia greet them as they go past them. “The Queen is in the throne room.” The latter tells the group, leading them through hallways before stopping in front of a door.
The door to the throne room is also wooden, but it’s a lot more decorated compared to the other ones. It’s carved from top to bottom with different pictures, making it look like a story. Calen pushes the door open, letting everyone walk through it before closing it again. At the end of the room, the Queen sits on her throne. The royal seat has been made out of purely white stone. The backside of it is tall and the sides are wide enough for the Queen to lay her arms there comfortably, but it still looks delicate.
“Gaia.” Sylvia lowers her head in respect and Calen goes down to one knee to bow. The Avengers, quite hesitantly, bow in some way too, bot sure of the island’s customs.
“There’s no need for that.” The Queen’s voice makes all of them rise. Sylvia and Calen take their respective places near the Queen, while the team stop in front of the stairs to the throne. “I hear you are friends of Nicholas Fury.”
Wanda stares at her in amazement. The way she looks so soft yet regal makes her heart pound faster than normal. She can see her chest moving up and down as she breathes, the armor like steel plate moving with it. The dark blue fabric is thick for colder weathers, but flowy enough to move easily. Wanda’s eyes move up to the top of her head. The crown on her head looks like it’s made out of steel as well. It makes her look sharp and strong. She looks majestic sitting on her throne.
“We are,” Steve smiles, “thank you for agreeing to meet us, your Highness.”
“Please, Y/N.” She states. “That’s the name my mother gave me.”
“Y/N. I’m sure you’re aware of a recently defeated threat from space called Thanos.” He continues once she nods, “unfortunately the other worldly threats don’t stop there. We’d like to ask your help to prevent these kind of attacks more efficiently.”
Wanda shudders from the way Y/N says the word. Her pronunciation, the slight rasp of her voice and how she rolls the letter r, make her feel dizzy. She is sure the look on her face is stupid, and lovestruck, her eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. The whole conversation going on is going past her. Only thing in her mind right now is something she really shouldn’t be thinking about, but she just can’t stop herself.
“Would you give me the honor of joining me for dinner today? We even have enough guest rooms if you wish to rest before your trip back to America.”
“We would be honored to join you.” Natasha answers. She has been glancing at Wanda during the conversation with a grin on her face, she can read her face easily, knowing what the witch is fantasizing about.
The Queen stands up, her dress falling perfectly to her feet. “I’m glad to hear that. I shall see you in the dining room in an hour, in the mean while, Sylvia will show you where you can refresh yourselves.” Sylvia nods and gestures for them to follow her. Wanda keeps her eyes on Y/N as she walks away, noticing a small smile growing on her face.
After an hour, the Avengers gather into the dining room by Sylvia’s lead, where Y/N is already waiting for them. “Gaia.” Sylvia says before leaving the room.
Y/N stands up, pointing towards the empty chairs. “Please, sit.” She says with a smile, sitting down once again when they get around the table. Wanda sits next to her. She can see the small details of her breast plate from this close.
The table is already fully catered with different foods and desserts. It works like a buffet, everyone takes what they like to their plates. “Can I ask you,” Wanda starts when her plate is full, “why do they call you Gaia, if your name is Y/N?”
“Gaia is a title of sorts. Every queen before me was called that as well, because we keep this island alive and safe. It means Mother Nature.” She explains with a gentle smile on her face, holding eye contact with Wanda as she talks to her. “It is an honor to be called Gaia.” Wanda nods, not able to look away from her stormy eyes.
“How does the next queen get chosen?” Tony asks.
“It’s more faith than decision making,” she pauses, looking for best words to describe how their queens get their role, “we’re born to it, but not in a traditional sense. We are born from the previous Gaia, they mold us from magic.”
“So, there’s no…” he moves his fingers around in a promiscuous manner, which makes Steve look at him disapprovingly. They’re in front of the Queen after all.
But she only finds the situation amusing. “No. Children born in a traditional way are random, and our queens need to be precise. They’re all women and they all have powers. They need to be born from magic.”
Although they don’t really understand the process, and none of them want to ask about the specifics of it, they still find it fascinating. It’s a whole new country with completely different customs compared to theirs. Wanda especially listens to her intently. Her smooth voice practically drilling its way into her brain.
“Can the queen have relationships? Even if they don’t have any part on the next generation of rulers.” The question makes Wanda’s head snap to look at Natasha, who has a wide grin on her face.
“Yes. There are no rules on relationship. The partner just has to know they have no rule over the island.”
Satisfied with the answer, Natasha nods, sending a discreet wink towards Wanda. Her cheeks turn a shade of pink. She tries to hide it by eating the food.
They keep a light conversation going while they all finish their food. Once the plates are empty and the stomachs full, they start leaving the table and go to their rooms. The Queen doing the same. However, she isn’t alone for long.
There’s a knock on her bedroom door.
“Hello, Wanda.” Y/N smiles, the door now open wide. “Would you like to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Wanda steps into the room, the door closing after her. She looks around the room, trying to keep her eyes off of Y/N’s thin night gown. A big bed is in the middle of the room, it has light blue veil over it and a white fur on top. A window, almost the size of the wall, is on the right side of it, but it’s already covered with dark curtains. Otherwise the room is quite plain. A wooden dresser. Mirror with steel decorations. What catches Wanda’s eyes are the tapestries on the walls. They’re bright and colorful, each one having its own story. “Beautiful.” She mumbles.
“They tell our history.” Y/N steps beside her. “Every queen makes one. These are the oldest ones, the rest are in the library, visible for everyone. One day mine will be there too.” She sounds proud when she speaks of her ancestors.
“Your mother, is she still alive?”
“No. The crown passed down to me when I was thirteen.”
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N turns to her with a smile. “Nothing to be sorry about. She’s with her mother and grandmother, and so on. And one day I will see her again, until then, I will make her proud by keeping the people on this island safe.”
However beautiful the idea is, Wanda still feels sad for her. She knows what it’s like to lose your mother young. But she doesn’t comment on it more, clearly it’s not something appropriate to discuss now. “The magic. It feels different here.”
“Yes, it’s not the same as yours. The magic is part of me as much as it is a part of the island. We’re connected. We can sense each other. I can control it and it can influence me.”
“That’s why they call you Mother Nature?”
“Sort of. There’s a long history there. But yes, my ability to control the sea and the air around us is a part of it.”
“Maybe you’ll be able to tell me some day.”
Her smile widens. “Maybe.”
Wanda smiles too. She notices how Y/N’s eyes twinkle in the dim light, as if they had their own light source. “You’re beautiful.” The words stumble out of her mouth. She had no intention on making any mind of move this soon, but she couldn’t help it. This felt like a right moment.
With a small giggle, Y/N looks down, trying to cover her warming cheeks. She doesn’t usually get nervous, but Wanda sounded so sincere. “I’m flattered you think so.”
“Do you think you could go on a date with me? Later, of course. Do you have any rules on that?” The nervousness starts growing at the bottom of her stomach again, the lapse of confidence leaving her body quickly.
“There are some rules, but nothing major. I could definitely go on a date with you, I’d actually really like to do so.”
Letting out a breath, Wanda nods. Her hands are moving her rings around. “Great. I- uhm, that’s great.” She laughs quietly. “I’ll leave you now. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.” Y/N gives her a small wave, smiling widely even after the door closes.
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midastouch013 · 2 months
Her Caregiver
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TO THE ANON: I'm so sorry, I lost your request, but I hope this meets what you had requested
Summary: Natasha Romanoff has always managed to keep her little secret a secret, but what happens when she gets jealous of how you care for Wanda?
Warnings: Little/Caregiver, Jealousy, Little Nat, Little Wanda
P.S. Sorry for being so late, there was this retreat and there wasn't any reception there. Plus, I'm not sure if this is exactly how Caregiver and Little fics work, but I hope you like it.
Natasha Romanoff sat in her room, her gaze drifting towards the stuffed animals arranged neatly on her bed. She had always been drawn to the softness and comfort they provided, a stark contrast to the harsh reality of her life as an Avenger. But there was something deeper behind her fascination with these childish trinkets, something she had never fully acknowledged until now.
She glanced at the door, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had been harboring a secret, one she hadn't dared to share with anyone, not even her closest friends. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, was a little.
The thought both terrified and excited her. Terrified because she feared judgment and rejection from her peers. Excited because she longed for the care and comfort she had never allowed herself to experience. But most of all, she longed for someone to understand her, to see past the tough exterior she presented to the world.
That someone, she realized, was you.
You, her teammate, her friend, the one person she trusted above all others. She knew you had a kind heart and a gentle touch, qualities she desperately craved in a caregiver. But how could she ever admit such vulnerability to you? How could she risk tarnishing the image of the fearless Avenger you admired?
Natasha sighed, her fingers tracing the edges of a plush bear. She wished she could be brave enough to ask for what she needed, to shed the weight of her secrets and be truly seen. But fear held her back, fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of being deemed unworthy of love.
And so, she buried her desires deep within her heart, locking them away behind walls of steel. But even the strongest barriers couldn't contain the longing in her soul, the ache for connection that refused to be silenced.
And so, a series of events were to set that day, one that would make her have you, as her caregiver, maybe even something more.
In the quiet of the Avengers compound, a sudden disruption shattered the tranquility. Wanda Maximoff stumbled into the common area, her usually composed demeanor replaced by one of vulnerability. Sensing something amiss, you approached her, concern etched across your features.
"Hey, Wanda, what's wrong?" you asked gently, kneeling beside her as she curled up on the couch.
Wanda looked up at you with wide, tear-filled eyes. "I-I don't know," she whimpered softly.
"It's okay, sweetheart. You're safe here," you assured her, offering a comforting smile. "Do you want a blanket?"
She nodded, sniffling, and you quickly fetched a blanket, wrapping it around her trembling form. Wanda leaned into your embrace, finding solace in the warmth you provided.
Meanwhile, Natasha observed from a distance, a pang of envy stirring within her. She watched as you comforted Wanda, offering the kind of care and tenderness that the redhead secretly longed for herself.
As Wanda began to relax under your gentle ministrations, Natasha couldn't help but approach, her curiosity getting the better of her.
"Is she okay?" Natasha inquired softly, her eyes flickering between you and Wanda.
"Yeah, she just slipped into her little space," you explained, shooting Natasha a reassuring smile. "She'll be alright, though."
Natasha nodded, but the jealousy still gnawed at her, a silent reminder of her own unspoken desires.
Feeling a sudden urge to help, Natasha joined you and Wanda, offering her assistance.
"Can I help?" Natasha asked, her voice gentle.
"Of course, Nat. Can you grab her favorite stuffed animal from her room?" you suggested.
Natasha nodded and disappeared momentarily, returning with Wanda's beloved toy. She handed it to Wanda with a soft smile, and Wanda's face lit up at the sight of it.
With Natasha's help, you continued to comfort Wanda, ensuring she felt safe and loved in her vulnerable state.
Later, when you and Natasha found yourselves alone, Natasha couldn't resist commenting on your compassion.
"Hey, I just wanted to say… you're really good with her," Natasha admitted, a hint of admiration in her voice.
"Thanks, Nat. I just want to make sure she feels safe and loved," you replied sincerely.
Natasha nodded, but there was a sadness in her eyes that you couldn't quite place.
"Are you okay?" you asked, sensing her unease.
Natasha forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."
You accepted her answer, but couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Natasha's emotions than she let on.
As the evening wore on, Natasha's jealousy and insecurity continued to fester, gnawing at her from the inside out. Feeling overwhelmed, she excused herself from the common area and retreated to the solitude of her room.
Alone in the dimly lit space, Natasha paced back and forth, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She knew she shouldn't let herself succumb to her little space, that she needed to remain strong and in control. But the more she fought against it, the more the longing tugged at her heartstrings.
"I can't let this happen," she muttered to herself, clenching her fists in frustration. "I have to stay in control."
But the more she fought against it, the stronger the pull became, until Natasha found herself sinking onto her bed, her resolve crumbling like sand between her fingers. Tears pricked at her eyes as she surrendered to the overwhelming tide of emotion.
"I'm sorry," she whispered to no one in particular, feeling the weight of her own inadequacy bear down upon her.
Meanwhile, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of your stomach. Natasha's sudden disappearance hadn't gone unnoticed, and you knew that she was struggling with something deeper than she let on.
Determined to offer her support, you made your way to her room, the hallway stretching out before you like an endless expanse of uncertainty. With each step, your concern grew, mingling with a sense of urgency that propelled you forward.
Standing before Natasha's closed door, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what lay ahead. You raised your hand and knocked softly, the sound echoing in the silence of the hallway.
"Natasha?" you called out tentatively, your voice barely above a whisper. "Are you in there?"
Inside the room, Natasha's heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't keep her struggles hidden forever.
"Come in" she said softly, so soft that you almost missed it.
As you stepped into Natasha's room, your eyes fell upon her huddled form on the bed, her posture small and vulnerable. For a moment, you were taken aback, the sight of Natasha in her little state catching you completely off guard.
"Natasha?" you murmured softly, your voice laced with genuine surprise. "I… I didn't realize…"
But before you could finish your sentence, you noticed the way Natasha's shoulders tensed, her expression shifting from vulnerability to embarrassment. It was as if she had been caught in a moment of weakness, a side of herself she had never intended for anyone to see.
Feeling a pang of guilt for intruding upon her private moment, you quickly reassured her, "It's okay, Natasha. You don't have to explain anything to me."
But Natasha recoiled slightly, her gaze averted as she wrapped her arms around herself protectively. She felt exposed, as if the carefully constructed walls she had built around herself had crumbled to dust, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean for you to see me like this."
You approached her slowly, your movements gentle and deliberate as you reached out a hand to offer her comfort. "It's okay, Natasha," you repeated softly. "You don't have to apologize for being yourself."
But Natasha couldn't shake the feeling of shame that gnawed at her from within. She had spent so long hiding this part of herself from the world, afraid of being judged or rejected. And now, with you standing before her, seeing her at her most vulnerable, she couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming inadequacy.
As you sat beside Natasha on the bed, a sense of determination washed over you. You refused to let Natasha grapple with her inner turmoil alone, especially now that you knew about this vulnerable side of her.
With gentle determination, you wrapped your arms around Natasha, pulling her into a comforting embrace. She tensed at first, still feeling the weight of embarrassment and shame, but gradually, she began to relax into your touch, allowing herself to be held.
"I'm here for you, Natasha," you whispered softly, your voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul. "You don't have to face this alone."
Natasha's breath hitched as tears welled up in her eyes, the floodgates of emotion threatening to overwhelm her. But you held her steady, offering her the strength and support she so desperately needed.
With a trembling hand, you brushed away her tears, your touch gentle and reassuring. "Let me take care of you," you murmured, your words a promise of unwavering love and support.
As Natasha nestled into your comforting embrace, her vulnerability laid bare before you, you knew that she needed more than just words of reassurance. With tender care, you gently brushed her hair away from her tear-stained cheeks, your touch eliciting a soft sigh from her trembling lips.
"Shh, it's okay, Natasha," you whispered soothingly, your voice a gentle melody in the quiet of her room. "You're safe here with me."
Natasha's breath hitched as she struggled to contain her emotions, but with your steady presence by her side, she began to relax into your embrace, allowing herself to be held.
In a moment of instinctive tenderness, you brought your thumb to your lips, offering it to Natasha. At first, she hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, but you urged her gently, encouraging her to trust you.
"Here, Natasha," you murmured softly, your voice laced with warmth and affection. "It's okay to seek comfort in whatever way you need."
With a shaky breath, Natasha tentatively took your thumb into her mouth, her lips wrapping around it instinctively as she sought solace in the simple act of sucking. A sense of calm washed over her as she melted into your embrace, the rhythmic motion soothing her frayed nerves.
You smiled tenderly at her, your heart swelling with love and admiration for this strong and resilient woman who had entrusted you with her vulnerability. With each gentle stroke of your thumb against her lips, you offered her the comfort and care she so desperately needed, reaffirming your unwavering support for her.
And as Natasha nestled closer to you, her breathing slow and steady, you knew that in that moment, you had helped her find peace amidst the chaos of her inner turmoil. Together, you shared a bond that transcended words, a silent understanding forged in the crucible of vulnerability and acceptance.
With a contented sigh, Natasha closed her eyes, her grip on your thumb loosening as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. And as you held her close, you vowed to always be there for her, to offer her comfort and care whenever she needed it, for as long as she would have you by her side.
As Natasha stirred from her peaceful slumber, she blinked groggily, the remnants of sleep still clinging to her mind. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was no longer nestled in your comforting embrace, a sense of panic threatening to overtake her.
Frantically, she scanned the room, her eyes darting around in search of your familiar presence. But to her dismay, you were nowhere to be found, leaving her feeling abandoned and alone once more.
A wave of sadness washed over Natasha as she struggled to contain her rising emotions. Just when she thought she had found solace in your care, you had disappeared without a trace, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever before.
With a heavy sigh, Natasha felt herself slipping back into her little space, her defenses crumbling as she sought refuge from the overwhelming sense of abandonment. She curled up on the bed, her thumb finding its way to her lips once more as she sought comfort in the familiar ritual.
But just as Natasha was on the brink of succumbing to her inner turmoil, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, drawing her attention away from her troubled thoughts. Hope blossomed in her chest as she heard the familiar sound of your voice, dispelling the darkness that threatened to consume her.
And then, to her immense relief, you appeared in the doorway, a warm smile gracing your lips as you greeted her with a tender gaze.
"Hey, Natasha," you said softly, your voice filled with warmth and affection. "I'm sorry I was gone for a moment. I just needed to use the washroom."
As Natasha took in your reassuring presence, a sense of calm washed over her, dispelling the last traces of her anxiety. She felt a surge of gratitude for your unwavering support, knowing that no matter how lost she felt, you would always be there to guide her through the darkness.
With a contented sigh, Natasha reached out to you, her small hand seeking yours in a silent gesture of gratitude and affection. And as you took her hand in yours, a sense of peace settled over her, knowing that with you by her side, she could weather any storm that came her way. As you sat beside Natasha, her hand in yours, a question lingered at the forefront of your mind. With a gentle squeeze of her hand, you summoned the courage to voice your curiosity.
"Natasha," you began softly, "do you know why you went into your little space earlier?"
Natasha's breath caught in her throat at your question, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had never intended for you to find out about this vulnerable side of her, and now that you were asking her about it, she felt a wave of apprehension wash over her.
"I... I don't know," she murmured hesitantly, her gaze flickering away from yours. "I guess... I guess I just felt overwhelmed."
You studied her carefully, sensing that there was more to her answer than she was letting on. "Is there something else, Natasha?" you pressed gently, your voice filled with concern.
Natasha hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she grappled with her inner turmoil. But then, with a shaky breath, she found the courage to speak her truth.
"I... I've always wanted to hide my little space from everyone," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want anyone to know about this vulnerable side of me, especially not you."
The confession hung heavy in the air between you, a silent acknowledgment of Natasha's deepest fears and insecurities. And in that moment, you realized just how much she had been struggling, how much she had been hiding from you all this time.
"I'm sorry, Natasha," you murmured softly, your heart aching for her pain. "I had no idea."
But to your surprise, Natasha offered you a small smile, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "You couldn't have known."
A silence passed between you, and you could sense that she was debating on whether to tell you, so you stayed quiet, and waited.
As Natasha gathered her courage to share her feelings, she took a deep breath, her eyes meeting yours with a mixture of vulnerability and determination.
"I… I need to tell you something," she began softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
You listened intently, your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for Natasha to speak.
"I was… I was jealous of Wanda," Natasha admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "When I saw you with her, offering her comfort… I couldn't help but feel envious."
Her confession took you by surprise, a pang of guilt tugging at your heart as you realized the impact your actions had unknowingly had on Natasha.
"I'm sorry, Natasha," you murmured softly, reaching out to take her hand in yours. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way."
But Natasha shook her head, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It's not your fault," she reassured you gently. "I know you were just trying to help."
You studied her carefully, a sense of admiration swelling within you at her honesty and vulnerability. Despite her struggles, Natasha had found the courage to open up to you, to share her deepest fears and insecurities.
"Natasha," you began tentatively, your voice filled with sincerity, "I want you to know that I'm not Wanda's actual caregiver. I was just there to offer her comfort when she needed it."
To your relief, Natasha's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with understanding. "I know," she replied softly. "And I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."
With a sense of relief washing over you, you reached out to squeeze Natasha's hand in yours, a silent gesture of solidarity and support.
"Natasha," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper, "would you let me be your caregiver? Not just as a friend, but as something more?"
For a moment, Natasha's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise at your heartfelt request. But then, to your immense relief, she nodded, a radiant smile spreading across her face.
"Yes," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "Yes, I would like that very much."
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Plus idk why but there’s something that bothers me to no end about Peggy being once again forcibly shoved in an episode she had no business being in. Like, what was the reason to have her crash the 1602 episode?
The episode where apparently Steve scratched the time stone and ended up in the 17th century had the best chance to be one of the best of the season, with the avengers stuck in what basically seems to be a Medieval AU straight out of Ao3
So like, top teir shit
And so I wonder, WHAT does Peggy have to do with the main avengers?? Is it so hard to have the avengers do one thing for themselves? Does the magnificent, multiversal pain in the butt Peggy have to be there too? WHY
The Christmas episode was literally a 2012 fic and I’m sure most people loved it, especially bc the avengers were all there and together. This could have been the chance to do it. Instead they need to once again shove Steggy and effing Peggy Carter down our throats and create an episode where Steve is all lovey dovey with the girl he knew for like a year and, by the time of IW, he had completely gotten over (not counting endgame bc all his character development regarding Peggy was flushed down the toilet to have the ending “make sense”).
The fact alone that Peggy, minor character with way too much screen time, has more scenes than effing Wanda Maximoff aka the strongest being in the multiverse is absolutely baffling.
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The Descend
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56214715 by aggayppang "What have you done to Peter? What did you do to my boy?!" No person in the room, not even the strongest Avenger nor the impassive SHIELD agents, was able to calm the rage of May Parker. Tony stood shocked of her continuing words, slowly feeling dread crawl up his spine. What have they done? or; if only Tony told May of what truly happened. I DO NOT OWN ANY MCU CHARACTER HERE EXCEPT FOR THE ORIGINAL ONES. This is also inspired by another fic. Words: 2302, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Nick Fury, Original SHIELD Agents, Happy Hogan, Sam Wilson (Marvel), mentioned Skip Westcott - Character, Helen Cho (Marvel), Original Characters, Maria Hill Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Avengers Team & Peter Parker, mentioned Peter Parker & Skip Westcott Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker Whump, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Aunt May Parker (Marvel), BAMF Aunt May Parker (Marvel), May Parker is mad MAD, Parent Tony Stark, Good Parent Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Protective Avengers, Everyone is protective of peter, Protective Nick Fury, but was it enough?, i love peter parker pls dont come for me, he's my baby and whoever hurts him will face my wrath, prolly tony's and may's too, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, author is drunk from drinking a liter of coffee, this is an intrusive thought, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, why did i write this? coz i wanna share the pain, Inspired by Fanfiction, Medical Inaccuracies, Legal Inaccuracies, author doesn't know what she'd been typing the whole time, skip could chew on glass i hate him read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56214715
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randomshyperson · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff Needs a Hug - Chapter Three - Series
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Summary: Since joining the team, Wanda Maximoff has captured all of your attention, even if she has no idea about this. In a six-part story, you'll do your best to give her everything she needs and maybe she never thought she deserved it. Along the way, you two might end up realizing you were in love with each other the whole time.
Warnings: (+18), Friends to lovers, smut in the last few chapters, slow burn, conversations about self-love and individual worth, mentions of anxiety, past trauma, avengers being a family, canon-fix, a lot of magic. Words: 5.234k
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Chapter Three - Wanda Maximoff needs a family
Steve Rogers gets vulnerable in a fight, and that ends with you being unconscious.
Well, Wanda is a great fighter now, and all her training and your insistence that she does not fear her magic make her easily the strongest member of the team.
So when Lagos happens, Wanda doesn't hesitate to protect Captain America. You don't hesitate to protect civilians.
The little trick is Wanda's magic grows in strength every day, and when you fly in to absorb the whole bomb held with her power, it's more powerful than you expected. It would have brought that building down, but it only brought you.
Wanda doesn't leave the infirmary until you wake up, and she's not talking to Steve.
You are only unconscious for a while, maybe two whole days, but then you suddenly wake up, as if you are still in the fight. Wanda jumps up in fright, and Natasha, who has come to check your vitals, almost knocks the equipment to the floor.
"Christ!" She exclaims but you are holding your wrists up, confusion on your face.
"Fuck, where is... what..." You mutter confusedly, falling silent when Wanda suddenly jumps on you, hugging you tightly by the neck.
You flinch because she is crying. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Natasha leaves the room, exchanging a look with you and you hug Wanda back, holding her on top of you.
"Don't be silly, this was all Rumlow's fault. You have nothing to apologize for."
"You could have died."
"I don't die-"
"Stop saying that, it's not true!" Wanda cuts you off with a shove to the shoulder, despair in her gaze. Her face was wet with tears. "You get hurt. And I hurt you. I don't know what I would do if I had... if you-"
"I won't die on you, I promise." You cut her off with a small smile, bringing your hands to her wrists. "We will get very old, and you will lie in a chair one day and fall asleep. And I will rest when you are gone. Deal?"
"You are so dorky." She retorts with a whiny laugh, and you smile affectionately.
"Why, this it's like that movie you like. Up, right? We'll be like Carl and Ellie." 
Wanda feels a soft pink on her cheeks and looks at you with a certain curiosity. She almost asks if you are thinking of marrying her like the characters, but the question dies on her tongue when the door opens again.
"I'm glad you're awake, Y/N. We have problems." It's Steve, half-heartedly interrupting the moment. You sigh wearily, keeping a firm grip on Wanda's waist as she makes mention of leaving your lap.
"Do I get five minutes to recover, Captain Rogers?" You sneer, and he sighs.
"The problem affects Wanda, Y/N." He retorts, and you frown immediately, growing tense. Wanda looks at the captain, but his expression doesn't make things any better.
General Ross' visit is not at all pleasant. Wanda can feel his aura too, and it's tiring to absorb all those bad intentions at once.
When the General turns on the television in the conference room to the news of the day, and the newscasters complain about the unmonitored attitude of the Avengers, the danger of Wanda's abilities, and how irresponsible it was to have someone hurt their own team, let alone other civilians, things get worse.
She blinks and you've broken the television - General Ross rolls between shards of glass, the whole team standing in shock. And the gun of the agent who came with him directly pointed at your head.
"Attacking the Secretary of State is a federal crime. You're coming with me." Says the man, but you look at him in fury and he shudders, the grip on the gun shaking. 
"Y/N, don't." It's Nat, trying to put some sense into your head. Although the television is destroyed, you can still hear in the commode the sounds of reporters arguing over whether Wanda should be considered a terrorist.
You turn to Tony. "Why did you bring them here, Stark?"
Iron Man swallows dryly but doesn't hesitate. "It's time for us to take responsibility for our actions, Y/N."
"Like you did with Ultron?" You challenge back, and he falls silent, looking away.
The agent lowered his gun, probably realizing it was ridiculous, and went to help his boss stand, cleaning the shards from his suit. Ross turned angrily to you.
"This will not go unpunished, Miss L/N. You have 48 hours to give us an answer." He threw thick Accords Files on the table, but you locked your jaw, staring at him unflinchingly.
"Do you really have the audacity to threaten me? I can break your spine with one breath." 
The man turned pale with fear, taking large steps backward with the agent at his side. "If I come back here, it will be with a team. I'll put you in a cell-"
"We'll see how this turns out, Ross." You cut him off with a nod toward the door. "Get out of my home. Let the adults talk."
Vision escorts them out, to give the agents some kind of reassurance that they would not be attacked by you again.
You don't sit down, unlike the rest of the team, because Natasha pulls you into a private room, and spends a good thirty minutes arguing about how you've lost your mind and made things worse. You are no happier than before when you go back to the common room, where the team discusses the Accords, and you see Tony bring up an emotional appeal with the boy who died on Sokovia.
You cut his story with a "Did you apologize to her?" 
Tony frowned in confusion at the question.
"Excuse me?"
You didn't hesitate. "With the boy's mother, Tony. You looked into her eyes, and said, I'm sorry that I made a mistake even if it was with the greater good in mind, and that it cost your son his life."
Tony swallowed dryly, blocking the tablet. "I was in shock. She left before I even-"
"Search for her then." You insist. "This is all about your guilt, after all. Check the guest list for your fancy event. Find her, apologize. Ask if there's anything you can do to ease her pain. Anything, a memorial, donations. Be respectful. That's taking responsibility, Tony. Not selling yourself to the government and standing against your friends."
Stark steps forward, a mixture of anger and guilt on his face. "That's not what I'm trying to do!" He justifies himself. "We've gone on too long without supervision. You saw all the damage we caused, so much destruction!"
"We were saving people!" You insist seriously. "There was no one else, Tony. No one would stand up to the Chitauri army, the earth would literally be destroyed. We're getting back on track after we lost Shield, and that's just why Ross is all over us. He wants a group of superhumans working on his behalf, any country would want that. Do you think the Accords is about the American government being the good guys? It's a facade. We will be their puppets, and people will keep dying, only this time, we don't get the blame."
Stark is stubborn and leaves the room angry. You don't follow him because you see him immediately pull his cell phone out of his pocket, and you know that it is because he will consider your suggestion.
Your next attitude is to sigh loudly and turn to where Wanda is sitting. She bites her tongue when you approach her, and you make an annoyed face at the synthesizer sitting next to her.
"Excuse me, microwave." You kick his direct foot lightly, and Vision frowns.
"I'm sitting here, Miss."
"And I don't give a shit." You retort, and the next touch is a harder push that causes him to lose his balance to the side of the couch. Vision moves begrudgingly, and your expression softens completely when you sit down next to Wanda, one arm behind her shoulders and the other hand on hers in your lap.
Natasha disapproves of your behavior, commenting on your aggressiveness, but you ignore her completely, staring at Wanda.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" You ask meekly. "I hope you're not letting that bullshit Ross put up get to your head."
Wanda swallows dryly, overwhelmed by the whole thing. She pulls away from your touch and stands up.
"Sorry, I… need some time." She leaves the room, and you cross your arms, more annoyed than before.
Steve sighs, and a hand pushes his hair back.
"We need to make a decision." Sam recalls. "And I know she didn't mean to, but Y/N made our deadline shorter."
"There is no decision, if we don't sign, we will be criminals." Rhodes declares. "It may mean nothing to some of this team, but to those of us who are just flesh and blood, without super serum or super something, it means losing everything. I am grateful for the Avengers, for all that it means, but I am not willing to turn my back on my homeland and lose all my achievements for a piece of paper."
To everyone's surprise, you nod to Rhodes and are completely calm when you say, "I understand, James. Do what is best for you. Each of you must think of all the consequences."
Nat leans in gently, her elbows propped on her knee.
"What about you, Y/N? What are you going to do?" 
You give a sad smile. "Wanda is all I have, I'll stand by her. No matter what."
Nat and Steve exchange a look. He begins. "That's not true, you have us... "But he cuts himself off, his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. 
Him leaving the room kind of just proves your point.
"This should be a collective decision." Nat insists looking at everyone. "Either all the Avengers sign it, or no deal. We shouldn't have sides, we're a family."
You sigh impatiently at the exchange of guilty looks among the team.
"I'd say we should offer Vision as a peace deal..."
"Y/N!" Natasha scolds you, and Sam and Rhodes laugh softly. You raise your hands in surrender.
"Hey, it was just an idea!"
But Vision uncrosses his hands in his lap and adjusts himself on the couch. "Actually, Miss Y/N, given my nature, I could serve as a peace settlement."
The team is surprised, you especially because it was just a joke. You give a nervous laugh after exchanging a look with Nat, "Dude, I was kidding. You're a pain in the ass, but you're still part of the team. I wouldn't offer you up as a sacrifice."
Vision laughs shortly, nodding. "Don't worry, miss. I think we can work all this out peacefully.” He declares, and once Stark is back in the room, he adds: “And Tony can help us."
Wanda's room was dimly lit because of the closed curtains. You didn't mind, walking over to the bed, and crouching over the pile of blankets on top of it.
"May I join you, Fort Princess?" You asked in a whisper, and Wanda resisted the urge to complain about how you turned off the news as you came in. 
"Yeah." She retorted with her voice muffled by the pillow. You pushed the covers aside to get in from underneath, and Wanda couldn't even resist the instinct to hide her face in your ribcage. "Why don't you hate me?"
Your shock is so great that you think it's a joke. Your hand goes to her hair, twisting the brown strands between your fingers. "Why on earth would I hate you?" You retort almost indignantly. Wanda sniffles softly.
"They do." She mutters, and you know it's about the television. "And I hurt you. And everything that's happening is my fault."
"That's not true." You say immediately, your tone firm but not repressive. "This has been going on for some time, Wands. Ever since Shield went down, Tony bought the team name. It's pure politics, honestly. There is no state organization representing us, so technically we are a military group made up mostly of American-born people who fight battles around the world. It was a ticking time bomb and Lagos was just the excuse they needed it."
She hugs your tighter, trying to believe your words. You move a hand down to her back, and Wanda takes a deep breath as your hand enters her blouse, and your fingers caress her skin directly. It's instinctive, she realizes because you don't even seem to notice what you're doing as you go back to talking about how the meeting with the team happened and how you're going to deal with all of this together.
"[...] Vision is going to be our cash cow." You comment with good humor. "He offered himself to have some sort of protocol in his source code, whatever the UN requires of it. A guarantee that there is someone monitoring the Avengers' activities. But if you ask me, we shouldn't answer any country. The Avengers should protect the Earth as a whole, because to the rest of the universe, we are one. No borders."
Wanda pulls her head away from your chest to look at you. "Isn't that what Vision was created for? Or rather, Ultron. To protect the earth as one."
You raise an eyebrow at her. "You and Tony have been talking." You state somewhat teasingly, and Wanda twitches her nose, laughing off. She tries to pull away, but you firm the grip on her waist, skin to skin, and she bites her tongue, tensing gently against you.
"Don't go. Stay here with me." You pout and sound very small all of a sudden. Wanda looks at you with uncertainty. You swallow dryly. "I feel that things might change from now on. I just want to... stay with you for a moment."
Wanda smiles warmly, returning to her previous position. She listens to your heartbeat get slower until it seems like you are going to fall asleep. But suddenly, you are whispering.
"I'm sorry about the scene with Ross. I lost my temper."
She looks up, and you have your eyes closed. The hand on her back draws patterns on her skin, but Wanda has gotten used to it. She loves it.
"It's okay, you were just defending me."
You chuckle, your cheeks rosy. "I guess so. Quite chivalrous, don't you think?"
It's Wanda's turn to giggle, and she takes advantage of the fact that you have your eyes closed to admire your features. "Yes, very charming." She joins in on the joke. You chuckle, licking your lips before speaking again a moment later.
"Hydra used to reward me." You state in a husky voice. "Whenever I...lost myself to the rage. I'd cause real damage, a disaster. They made sure I knew it was because I was powerful, that they were proud. I don't... I try really, really hard not to be like that. But sometimes, it feels like they're still in my head."
Wanda settles over you, her fingers tracing a path from your collarbone to your face, landing on your eyelids for a moment. "I don't agree." She murmurs. "I've been looking around this beautiful mind of yours. You've freed yourself of them. But old habits die hard. And as you said yourself, you were just being chivalrous."
You open your eyes at her, and Wanda pulls your hand away. "Beautiful mind? That's a new compliment."
She laughs, rolling her eyes. "I can take it back-"
"No, it's irrevocable." You interrupt with a smile. "And, I do indeed have a beautiful mind. And a beautiful face, and an incredible person-"
Wanda interrupts you as she grabs the pillow and throws it in your face, turning your cocky joke into a laugh. A mild pillow war begins between you, and somehow, Wanda manages to knock you out of bed.
She laughs guiltily, a hand on her face as you sit on the floor.
"Dirty move, Maximoff. Dirty move." You retort smiling, crawling back onto the bed and throwing yourself down beside her. "Come on, let's watch something or I'll fall asleep on you."
"You'll fall asleep anyway." She comments, using magic to turn on the DVD. You chuckle, settling against her as the television turns back on, now to an episode of Addams Family. "You know that eventually, we're going to have to leave the room and face reality, right?"
"That's absurd. I intend to live under your blankets with you forever." You retort casually, staring at the television. Wanda thinks her heart has stopped and tries to push down all the emotions welling up in her chest. This is not friend talk, this is something else.
"I'm not opposed to that." She handles whispering back, her heart racing in her chest. You give a little corner smile at the sound you can hear in her rib cage, which she doesn't catch because she's pretending to pay attention to the sitcom. 
But in the end, you are both just paying attention to each other.
"So the Haus des Meeres has these giant turtles, they are incredibly beautiful, you have to see the pictures I took for you!" 
Wanda smiles warmly at your stories, leaning a little over the kitchen counter to get a better look at the polaroid photos you are showing her in the video call. The background behind you is a hotel wall, and as soon as you stop telling about the tours, she teases:
"And here I thought Vienna was a business trip. I would have gone with you if I had known it would be so much fun."
You huff softly. "First, I wish you were here, okay? One hundred percent. Nat and the Prince are super busy and I'm all alone. Pretty boring if you ask me."
Wanda sighs. "And how are things going, Y/N? With the accords and everything?"
You shrug, using the towel on your shoulders to dry your wet hair from the recent shower. "Fine, I guess. Everyone was tense at the conference of course, with all that trouble. Good thing I can smell sulfur, huh?" You joke, and Wanda gives a small smile, still not believing the whole thing. Three days ago, Nat had gone to the meeting with the United Nations concerning the Sokovia Accords. You went along with her request, to publicly apologize to General Ross for your behavior at the compound. Your presence, and your abilities, were the only reason that the public attack on the building had been prevented. The King of Wakanda was in a hospital, but he was in stable condition. And Prince T'Challa was thinking of making some sort of deal with the Avengers, in gratitude for you preventing his father's death. 
You, on the other hand, were bored in a hotel room now.
"And what happened to him? The Winter Soldier?" She asked. You sighed.
"Steve went after him. After I caught Zemo using the poor guy's face." You repeated the story to your friend, as you repeated it to the police, and to T'Challa. "He's just another victim of the fall of Sokovia if you ask me. It was arrogant of us to think that no one would try anything after what we did there."
"We did what was necessary." Wanda retorts, and you know it's more for herself than for you.
Giving a small smile, you nod. "Zemo is in prison, Nat interrogated him too. He seems to know some important things, but I think it's going to be treated as confidential. She's been acting strange, and T'Challa is even worse with secrets, so I'm here. Locked in a hotel room."
Wanda raises an eyebrow. "Except you're not locked in. You've visited all the tourist spots in Vienna, haven't you?" She taunts, making you laugh.
"You know what, smarty-pants, I can't wait to get back. I owe you a trip to the beach."
"Don't worry-" Wanda cuts herself off because a synthesizer appears behind her on camera. She stands up properly, smiling at him. "Oh, hey Vision, come to say hi to Y/N!"
You force a smile, resisting the urge to say you have no interest in talking to him at all so as not to upset Wanda.
Vision nods absently. "Wanda, I thought we were going to cook together."
"Oh, that's right. Y/N I have to go, it's getting late for lunch here in America. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
You mumble your goodbyes, and as soon as you turn off the tablet, you are throwing the towel away and preparing a suitcase to return home.
There was a 99 percent chance that the Accords would be revoked. That was T'Challa's opinion after the King of Wakanda withdrew his support - as soon as the powerful Wakanda was revealed to the world - and with it, several countries withdraw their nations as well. 
You also received a dozen or so gifts in the mail, thanking you for your heroic act at the conference. Someone made a blog for the Iron Angel and you turned so red when Natasha showed it to the team in the conference room that Wanda couldn't stop laughing.
The Avengers were at peace for the moment. Even though Vision still had new code in his algorithms that would force him to make tough decisions when necessary, the team was in no danger of breaking up.
The problem came from the outside. And by mail.
You were planning a holiday in Hawaii with Wanda, courtesy of Tony's money when red vials and pictures of children arrived for Natasha.
Steve received the package with a confused laugh. "Is this some kind of prank?" he asks curiously, but when Nat sees the pictures, she looks like she is going to faint. He frowns in concern immediately. "Nat, is everything okay?"
The redhead gasps, looking about to cry. "Yelena." She whispers, and grabs the items from Steve's hand, rushing off toward the labs.
"Who's Yelena?" Sam asks from the couch, also worried about the reaction. 
You drop the trip flyers in Wanda's lap and stand up with a tense sigh. "Yelena is Nat's sister."
You declare surprising everyone. But you are busy pulling your cell phone out of your pocket. "I have to call Barton." You say, walking off in the direction Nat went off.
Wanda is not surprised by the postponement of the trip - The news that the Red Room is still in operation, and the whole plot with Nat's family that no one but you or Clint knew about, has everyone intrigued. Of course, Tony wants a full team operation, but Nat thinks this is the kind of thing to be done in a smaller number so that Dreykov doesn't have a chance to escape again.
And she wants your help, of course. And you would never refuse.
"I promise I'll be back before you can miss me. And then we'll take a vacation, with coconut water and shrimp on the hot sand." You assure her on the phone, it must be the last time you will be able to call her in a few days, at least during the approach to clue Yelena's whereabouts.
"I don't mind the wait, detka. Just be safe, and come back in one piece. With the whole team." Wanda whispers back, and you smile affectionately. 
"I will."
"Say goodbye to your girlfriend, we're late." It's Barton, and you raise your middle finger at him before muttering your goodbyes to Wanda, unaware that she heard what he said and is blushing on the other end of the line. 
You adjust the costume around you while Clint does the same in front of you. "We're going to jump in how many minutes?"
"One minute!" Natasha shouts from the driver's seat. The spaceship goes into autopilot as soon as she gets up. 
"I hear Tony is looking for new recruits for the team." Clint comments making the final adjustments to the parachute. "Maybe some of the widows wanted to join the Avengers."
Natasha snorts softly, and you laugh. "You see, Barton? She's already terrified that Yelena might be cooler than her."
Clint laughs, and Nat grimaces. "Shut up you two."
You are intrigued by Yelena, that is a fact. Natasha, to provoke you, says that it is a crush. But that's not true, because you know what a crush feels like, and you have a good reference in your head, and in your heart, for it. 
Yelena is quick and sarcastic like Nat, but there is a sweetness about her. And she seems to like you too.
And when the fight with Antonia - The Taskmaster - takes you by surprise for the difficulty, she is the one who tends to your injuries.
"You've never fought someone like you, have you?" She assumes, cleaning the cut on your upper arm. Clint and Natasha are in the room, exchanging information about the final approach to the Red Room.
You snort in a laugh. "She's not like me." You say. "She can copy my moves, but there is no one like me. Hydra made a point of that."
Yelena frowns in curiosity. " Your powers came from a magic stone, didn't they?" She questions, sliding an alcohol-soaked cotton swab across the cut that makes you whimper softly.
"Yep. The blue one." You retort. "And it was a lot more painful than knife cuts." You joke managing a small smile. "I was born in Norway, you know. They found me there, stole me from my family, and put me in a laboratory. Kind of like how Dreykov does, but younger. The general doesn't take babies, does he?"
"No, they recruit from the age of four." She replies sadly, and you tense up as she begins the first stitch. "That's when they can assess your potential profile."
"Fucking sickos." You mutter, and she hums in agreement. "They took me when I was a baby and I grew up in a lab, being trained by a machine and a bunch of agents. It was Natasha and Steve who found me after New York and sent me free."
Yelena steals a glance at her sister in the other room, and there is a soft hesitation. You feel bad for saying that, knowing that Nat didn't save her as she did for you. "I'm glad she was there for you."
You sigh. "You two should talk. About everything." 
"Maybe later." Yelena cuts off seriously. "We have work."
You don't push it, and you wouldn't have time to. Clint hands you a cell phone the next moment, and the small image of Wanda makes you jump with excitement.
"Hey, Wands, I missed you!" You comment, smiling when she says the same. You don't notice the insinuating exchange of glances between Nat and Clint. "How are things going over there?"
"I should be the one asking that, detka. I haven't heard from you in days." She mutters and you shrug, bad choice because the pain from the bruise makes you groan in pain, and Yelena complains about you getting in the way of stitches. Wanda frowns in curiosity. "Who is...?"
"Oh, Wands, I have to introduce you to Yelena Belova." You interrupt by turning your cell phone to the blonde girl stitching your arm. "See, we barely met and she's already bandaging me up!" You joke managing to make the blonde girl roll her eyes as she laughs.
"Love at first sight I'd say." Natasha teases, and you grimace, giggling awkwardly. You mumble confusedly, but Wanda is no longer smiling.
"Maybe it's dangerous for me to keep calling. You're obviously fine. I'll talk to you when you get back." Says the witch, hanging up without another warning. 
You stare at the phone in confusion, and Clint shakes his head. "That was so mean, Romanoff." Barton comments, taking the cell phone from your hand.
"What just happened?" You ask confused. Yelena finishes her point.
"Your girlfriend got jealous of me, of course." She replies as if it's obvious, and you turn the color of Nat's hair.
"S-she's not my girlfriend."
Yelena raises an eyebrow. "But she calls you babe and phones you in the middle of a mission?"
"W-we're friends. Best friends." Yelena doesn't buy that one bit, and Nat gives her a gentle slap on the shoulder. 
"Don't even try to understand. Come on, we have to go over the plan." Says the widow, pulling her sister lightly to go to the other end of the room. Luckily, the subject of the call is forgotten by them.
After the RedRoom collapses, the Widows' serum is finished, and Yelena has killed Dreykov, she decides to free her colleagues around the world. Of course, it's going to be a side job for Nat, and she assures that Yelena could count on the full support of the Avengers for this.
You can't resist and end up inviting Yelena to join the team. She gently refuses, stroking the stitches she has made in your arm.
"I think it would be fun to be in your company, but that's just not me, Y/N. The whole superhero thing." 
You nod in understanding. "Can you visit at least? I'd like to, and I'm sure Natasha would too."
"Of course, detka." She says and you twitch your nose softly.
"It's kind of weird when you're the one who says it." You confess making her laugh.
"Yeah, because we're just friends."
"What's that supposed to mean...?"
"Think about it on the way back." Yelena says before hugging you in farewell.
The trip to New York is kind of tiring, but you have a dozen new photographs to show Wanda.
But she is not at the compound. Vision is the one who welcomes you.
"She left something for you, Miss L/N." He says, handing you a white letter in Wanda's handwriting.
If you are reading this it means that it took you long enough and I have already traveled. A few days ago we received a visitor. A Master of the Mystic Arts from Nepal. That is where I am now. She wanted to talk about my magic and warned me that the internet didn't work very well there. And that if I accepted the training, I should spend some time in meditation.
I will leave the address in the letter. I am sorry to postpone our vacation again, but I guess I think you would understand this.
I can't wait to see you again.
You read the address before turning to Synthesized with a grimace. "Did you get a letter too?"
He crossed his arms. "She said goodbye to me personally, Miss L/N."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Show off."
You let the team know that you were traveling after Wanda the same day during lunch.
"We'll be back soon, I think. She has some kind of training." You explain half uncertainly, and Steve smiles.
"Take all the time you need, Y/N. We're not going anywhere." He jokes, and you smile, glancing around the crowded table for a while. 
There are empty seats that never belonged to anyone, and you think that someday, new Avengers might occupy those spots.
"See you guys soon." 
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lives-in-midgard · 8 months
If you were an Avenger, who would you want your partners to be?
Thank you for sending this question! 💞
This is very difficult because there are a lot of Avengers to choose from but these were the first ones that came to my mind:
Bucky Barnes/White Wolf and Steve Rogers/Captain America:
Because they are both super soldiers. Which means that they both have a lot of good abilitys that can be helpful on a mission and in a fight. Plus Steve has the shield and Bucky has his metal arm. And they have been friends and partners for a really long time which means that they are a good team. But I also think Bucky and Steve would be good friends and protective over reader.
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Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch:
I would also like to be partners with Wanda because she is so powerful and her magic would be very helpful in a fight. She is such a strong and powerful woman. For me she definitely is the strongest Avenger. Wanda would probably also be caring and always look out for reader.
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And who would you like your partners to be?
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scarlet--wiccan · 9 months
I wonder about your thoughts on a certain element of the recent scarlet witch as a loki fan (I’m less familiar with their familial status quo). I realize I’m over thinking this so like, advanced warning
During the truth-off loki refers to Laufy as their “true father” and Wanda uses the same term to describe magneto. Laufy is Loki’s bio dad as far as I’m aware but mags is maintained in-issue as Wanda’s “adoptive dad”. Maybe that was just distinguishing max from Joseph, but even so, it’s a strange line. True doesn’t need to mean bio imo but it reeks of Django erasure. Who of Loki’s fathers is his “favorite”? Who had the most impact on her overall? (Magneto can claim that title for Wanda probably, without him she might never have become an avenger and had kids with vision, hom wouldn’t have happened, etc)
I've been meaning to post about this, actually, so thank you for reminding me.
Throughout Scarlet Witch, Orlando has identified Magneto as Wanda's "adoptive father." This is not literally true-- Magneto never adopted the twins, or had any hand in raising them. In this case, I think Orlando is using this language to work past the awkwardness of the AXIS retcon-- Wanda spent years developing a familial relationship with Magneto based on the belief that he was her birth father, but since that's no longer the case, the best we can do is recontextualize it as a "chosen family" thing.
The thing is, as you pointed out, Wanda had an actual, literal adoptive father, Django Maximoff, so it feels a little clunky to apply that label to Magneto. I think describing their relationship as foster family, or chosen family, would make more sense.
I understand Loki calling Laufey their "true," as in, "birth" father, but you can't apply that same framework to Wanda and Magneto anymore, so it's very strange that Orlando does, even though it's only one line. This feels like an editing error, more than anything else.
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Django Maximoff raised Wanda, risked everything to provide for her and her brother, and ultimately, he gave his life to save her from Chthon. That's her true father, and in the previous Scarlet Witch series, Wanda does affirm that she views Django and Marya as her parents, regardless of their actual relationship. I don't care what anyone says-- I love Magneto, I love their relationship, but he's not the dad that stepped up in this story.
Loki has a fraught relationship with all of their parents, but in recent years, the only person they demonstrate any real loyalty to is Freyja. The All-Mother has her failings as a parent, and she screwed Loki over bad in Agent of Asgard, but Jason Aaron put a lot of nuance into their relationship during his time on Thor & WoTR, and I think it shines the strongest.
Interestingly, we've seen flashbacks and references to a genuinely loving relationship between Odin and Loki when they were a child. I'm not super familiar with earlier Thor publication, but that's the impression I get from the current versions of the characters. That relationship has certainly eroded now, but it's still miles above Loki's feelings towards Laufey.
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jameui · 2 years
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PAIRING: Eternal!Sim Jaeyun x Son of Wanda Maximoff!M!Reader
GENRE: Angst
SUMMARY: You were on a vacation travel when suddenly a bunch of unknown creatures start attacking you and might have gotten killed if it weren't for Jake.
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You were on summer vacation and all you wanted to do right now was to have fun, kick some waves, or have yourself checked in at the most expensive hotel in Paris without having to worry about trouble and disasters that's happening in the world. You were so happy and you knew that you deserve this and needed this a lot, considering the weight of the responsibility of being a part of the new batch of the superheroes called the 'Young Avengers', being also one of the children of the strongest heroines in the Avengers, Wanda Maximoff.
With her yet to be seen, you have followed on her footsteps for the meantime being told that the group of heroes had needed a lot of your help. It's quite saddening absolutely having no idea where your mother could have gone. It hurts you thinking you have probably lost her in that last fight with Doctor Strange. You couldn't blame the latter. Something had to be done to stop your mother. You just know she's somewhere out there. You can feel it deep within your bones.
Back to your terrific vacation, you were heading towards a bakery to buy yourself a croissant, which you have literally put in your 'must eat' bucket list since you've been so curious how it actually tastes like, but before you could even take one step more, it seems to you that trouble had followed you to Paris when a massive explosion broke out from ahead of you, the people breaking into screams of terror and fear as they ran away from the cause of the destruction. You cursed under your breathe for this unlucky day, hesitating whether you ran to check for the disaster or not go into fight and buy yourself a bread.
But, it's as though the word can hear your thoughts, you didn't quite get that much time to think when a dog-like creature that's giant in size starts to advance towards you in high speed; its appearance to a tree is uncanny. On instinct, as though your body had turned into a feather, you flew up into the air, far from the creature's reach, but only to discover it blasting balls of electric towards you, seeing it quick enough to dodge it. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" You let out in pure disbelief as you threw an explosive blow of your magic and sends it exploding into pieces. You gave a satisfied laugh, hovering back down to the ground with a proud ego. "I can pretty much say—" You were cut off when you stumbled to the ground, another of the same creature tackling you down, pinned to the ground.
You grunted in pain, successfully having one of your hands freed from its restraints as you sent a strong blast of energy ball right to its chest, the creature screeching in pain, falling to the ground as it burns into ashes. You swallowed the huge lump in your throat, breathe hitching from fear, whilst you got back up, surprised by one more of them running towards you. "AAAH!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, taking cover while shutting your eyes closed.
You waited for the impact of the creature on you, but it never came, which got you feeling grateful, but a little confused. Seconds later you opened your eyes to see that the tree-dog had a hole pierced right through its stomach, seeing a handsome male who was responsible for saving you through it. It fades to nothing, as you slowly put your arms back down to your sides, calming fown a little.
Then, you fell to your knees, your legs turning into jellies due to the constant inducing of shock, fear and all kinds of surprise on you. It was never welcome, to say the least. Your savior made its way up to you, while you were too focused on calming yourself down that you barely noticed him now standing in front of you. "I'm Sim Jaeyun. You can call me Jake. Could you be one of the lost Eternals wandering about the face of the earth?" He let out.
You raised him a brow in question, not exactly knowing what he means to say. "What? No." This was the only reply you could utter out, your voice stuck in your throat. The taller male, out of pity, lends you a hand, you feeling a tad bit confused, but nonetheless took it. He helps you back up to your feet, your legs still felt like giving in.
"I was certain you could be one considering how you were able to finish off two of the most deadliest creatures us, Eternals, couldn't even manage to capture, all on your own, but I might have been wrong." Jaeyun stated out, you only hearing half of it as you were still thinking about the event a few minutes ago.
You have always been fighting against all forces of evil alongside the other Avengers that you slowly started to only depend on them and forgot to fight on your own feet. You forgot the real sweet taste of victory when facing off evil all by yourself. What once endowed you with pride, now instilled you with fear. "Wh-What even were those things?" You asked the unfamiliar male, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"Rosdraria. Once a celestial being on the planet Olympia, now it wrecks havoc and chaos wherever it lands on." Jake answers your question in full details, using himself as your support so you could stand more properly. "In addition, Rosdrarias were once ancient creatures who travels from dream to dream to protect children from all across the universe. Now, they seek for terror and uses people's fear to use them to their advantage. Normally, they would pick on some of the Eternals, rather than an earth living occupant, so it had given me the idea that you could be one." He added.
You knit your brows at his explanation, blinking your eyes several time before shaking your head to clear your thoughts. "What do you mean? They were attacking the people here in—"
"Because they are looking for you." Jake cut you off, bestowing fear upon you once more, starting to panic as you hyperventilated, finding it hard to breathe. "But, not to worry, friend. I, Jake, will be helping you."
You looked up at him, breathing heavily. "B-But, I'm supposed to be on an unforgettable summer vacation. I should be travelling across the world!" You let out in disappointment, not wanting to have to deal with those creature again. Hell, you don't even wanna see a single one of them.
"Then, I must join and accompany you as you embark on a journey to an unforgettable summer vacation." Jake insists, your mouth falling agape as he gave you a wink and a million dollar smile, finding him similar to that of a dog. You groaned in frustration, whilst Jake kept his smile on even having the courage to laugh softly at your reaction.
"This is the worst day of my life."
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A few months have already passed since the first day you have met Jake, who couldn't seem to stop following you around wherever you went. At first you were kind of finding it awful and unnecessary, but as the time goes by you slowly started to think that maybe Jake being around you wasn't so bad after all. It was funny that he would always find all things cute, including you that it was starting to get a little out of hand.
Currently, based on what you have observed there are still no signs of any sightings of Rosdrarias, so you were feeling relieved and got to enjoy at least or maybe a few months while they're still gone from view. You suspect that it has something to do with Jake being around you, but it would be impossible.
On the other hand, Jake recently would never miss a single day without giving you a present saying he found something cute and it reminded him of you. You actually found it suspicious and maybe with a sprinkle of the word weird, but you must admit that it never failed to make your heart flatter everytime. Although, somewhere deep inside your heart told you that maybe he is doing this as a guardian and so he could stay by your side to protect you. He is an Eternal after all. It must be his job.
There was this one fact you knew about Eternals is that they don't have hearts, but they do have a central piece in their mechanism that helps them breathe life, perform movements to help them with their daily tasks, and lastly to be able to feel emotions, similar to how a normal living heart can do. Commonly, their beats are not heard enough or audibly loud to be heard by human ears. But, given that you were a magic wielder, perhaps you have become an exception, seeing as how you always heard the beat whenever you laid your head on his chest.
It was actually interesting hearing his stories about their kinds. He says there's not much of them and liked to mention the name 'Sersi' saying she always led the rest of the group into trouble, but he added that she had good intentions with her actions and means no harm. It was really fun getting to know the male.
Throughout the days, you found out Jake had a goofy personality and liked to make jokes to cheer you up when you feel down or to encourage you on doing something you couldn't do, just if it wasn't anything bad. He is a very humble person and kind in nature, considering how he was always up for any helping opportunities and was willing to give to those in need without any hesitation. Truth be told, these are the things you truly admired about him. He was so down to earth.
It was another morning in Paris and yet again, Jake arrived at the said meeting place with him bringing another gift for you to open later when you get back home. "Jake, I told you that you should already stop buying me these gifts. They're basically the only thing that's occupying my room." You chuckled, Jake never listened and gave you the present he brought for you.
"This one gave me the picture of you inside my head, which is why I had obligated myself to buy this and give it to you." You couldn't possibly say no to a free item, so you took it from his hand, the male smiling lightly. "It reflects the same beauty you own, M/n." The statement got you smiling, as you sent the present back home with a little bit of teleportation.
Just as you were about to speak to follow up Jake's statement, from a far off distance, your eyes caught sight of the same creature you and Jake had been trying to hunt down for a long time, making their way towards you in a fast pace. "Jake, look out!" You yelled out to the male to warn him, then stepping forward on your guard, all the while generating a force field to protect both you and your companion, who was clearly unaware of the danger, you grunting when the Rosdraria had hit your shield. "A little help... please." You gritted out, the target still relentlessly hitting on the barrier that's completely blocking it from having its chance on harming you.
Jake nods his head in reply, brows knitted in his determination. With augmented and enhanced production of weaponry as gifted by the Celestials and a few of the Eternals themselves, Jake was able to equip himself with armor and weapons of different kinds out of thin air, bending it to whatever shape according to his will.
The red hue of barricade holding the creature off dissipates, Jake jumping into view slashing the Rosdraria right around its neck, its head coming off from where it was once attached as it fell to the ground with a thud. "I sense movements somewhere near, M/n. Be alert." Jake informed you of his discovery, whilst you prepared for a fight, your fingers playing with a ball of red energy glowing on the tip your palm.
Your eyes moved from left to right, checking for any clue of the Rosdrarias' whereabouts all the while keeping an eye on Jake in case an ambush was being set. Before Jake could even react, you were already throwing psionic energy blasts towards the unwelcomed creature who was trying to attack an unsuspecting Jake.
Just as you thought it was already over, a huge group of Rosdrarias came rushing in your way. Both of you on your fighting stance, faced the problem head on while smirking with pride. The two of you ran into battle, before you went afloat sending projectiles of psionic bolts towards the creatures, destroying it upon hit. "I would very much likely need a strong lift." Jake requested, whilst you complied. A mist of crimson appears dancing in circle around the male's ankle, the feeling warm to the touch. Acting as though wings on his sandals, he was lifted off his feet as you simultaneously casted a piercing beam of magic towards the enemies singlehandedly.
But, the more you thought you have won against them, they just don't stop coming and multiply in numbers. "There's too many of them, Jake. We have to retreat for now." You told him, but Jake was persistent and didn't want to back down.
"This world..." Jake trailed off, feeling a slight pang in his chest caused by his guilt and regret. He shouldn't have done this in the first place. This place was a perfect world. Maybe full of flaws, but that's just what nakes it complete. "I must confess that I was too late to have enabled myself to foresee the beauty of this planet your people live in."
"Jake, we have to go! Now's not the time for any of that!" You let out due to your frustration, holding them off with another barrier, pushing them off so they would never come closer to any of you two. "JAKE!"
Jake's head fell to the ground, letting out a devastated sigh before he put down his armor, along with his weapons vanishing into nothing as he started to walk the guilt and into the herd of ravaging Rosdrarias, feeling ashamed of himself for being the cause of trouble in your world. "No, no, no. Jake? Jake! What the hell are you doing? ARE YOU CRAZY?! STOP RIGHT NOW!"
"M/n. If I hadn't choose to rebel and turn my back against the Eternals, I wouldn't have casted upon a curse to these innocent creatures and wouldn't have also caused you any trouble." Jake finally admits, the revelation not too unexpected by you as you have already seen this coming beforehand.
You grunted out, stopping Jake before he can even go any further, already finding it hard to hold the group of vicious animals back. "Jake, I.. I knew. I didn't tell you because I was scared... I thought if I did tell you, I would lose you. So, please don't let my efforts go to waste." You asked of him, still doing your best to hold on. "Jake, please." Jake turning his head to look at you with a bitter smile appearing on his face.
"M/n. I am too blame for this catastrophic disaster. I am the creator of these monsters, M/n. They were bestowed upon with life by my own hands." Jake explained, the pain you felt in your chest was unbearable to avoid even making you feel shocked. "I can't afford to have myself watch it—" The male was cut off through his sentence, not even able to finish half of the unspoken truth he wanted to tell you when a loud gunshot was heard from behind you.
You felt speechless. Your tongue got tied from shock, the male Eternal with a shaking hand moved to reach for the shot in his chest. "JAKE!" The same look you had on your face was reflected onto the taller male, who had his head slowly facing your way meeting your eyes, then moving them down to his hand. "No, no. No!" You yelled out in anguish, upon the sight of Jake weakly falling to his knees, heavily gasping for air.
The ache you felt in your chest started to flood your eyes with tears, your eyes stinging as your only focus was on the struggling male who was trying his best to stay awake. You choked back a sob, snapping your eyes towards the perpetrator. The one who had shot Jake. Your lips quivered, holding back the tears that's been dying to burst out, your heart being torn between your sadness and your anger.
You moved to Jake to carry him in your arms, flying off to a place far from there, feeding off the man to the Rosdrarias who tore and broke each limb as you heard the man cry out loudly from the extreme pain.
Taking Jake and yourself to a much safer place, you placed him down on the ground, already breaking into tears, thinking you're too late to save him. "Jake, hold on, okay? I need you to do that one thing for me, yeah?" You told him with a sniffle, your hands hovered above his chest, starting to magically stitch the shot, gaining a soft groan from the other male who took your arm to stop you.
"M-M/n, you mustn't do this. You are showing empathy to a criminal. A murderer of millions." He told you, but you were too persistent, lightly taking his hands off you and laying it down on his stomach. "M/n—"
"Save your breathe, Jake." You sternly told him, finishing already what you have started. You earned a chuckle from Jake, already having given up on his life, fully aware that you don't own the right abilities to save him. He raised his hand up to caress the soft skin of your face, pushing your tears to come out of your eyes even more. He deeply admires your beauty for a short while after, then with a smile on his face he took his last breathe, his eyes slowly closing shut, bringing more tears to your eyes, unable to look into his eyes. "Jake. Wake up, please. I need you to stay alive." You let out sadly, not even a single ounce giving up.
But, looking so far at your progress, you weren't going anywhere. Your hope started to fade away, laying your hand on his chest, tears endlessly pouring down your eyes. "I... I don't hear it." You uttered out, a knife of regret stabbing you on the chest. You should have told him sooner and you should have found out earlier how much you needed and loved the other male.
Putting him back to your arms, you flew back to the scene where you left off, the parasites hoarding on the male with no mercy, some finding for their own meals, chasing other innocent civilians.
You swiftly glide down to the ground, a blast of magic as you land, catching the attention of the creatures as they started to pace their way back to you with a loud screech. You laid the lifeless body of the man you loved safely on the ground, putting a protection spell on his body taking form of the shape of a coffin, before instantly finding yourself in place of the corpse, blasting a wave of psionic energy pushing the Rosdrarias away, destructing them upon hit. "You want me? Come and get me." You taunted, the once celestial animals roaring with rage, but without batting an eye, the whole colony of the Rosdrarias in the place disintegrated into nothing, but specs of dust. Not leaving a single remnants of their very existence. "Good riddance."
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Approximately, a few years in and you're back at the headquarters, still haven't forgotten the pain that left a deep scar in your chest. Currently, you were helping the team with a plan on their new equipments and gears, choosing the right materials that can help you all in your battles. ".. And that is my purpose for inviting someone special to our meeting today." The current leader of the Young Avengers, Eli Bradley, or most know as Patriot said.
As if on cue, a group walks into the room, raising your head watching them enter admiring that same.. costume... "Eternals!" You shouted out upon your realization, the said group turning their heads to look at you smiling proudly, while you waved your hands at them. "Oh my goodness. I have heard so much about you from—"
"Jake. And so I've heard." One of them in green cuts you off through your words midway, the mention of his name causing you to lose your spirit and your smile altogether. "Sersi. My name is Sersi and I would love to speak to you in private." She said, you pursing your lips before you nod your head in reply as you followed behind her.
As soon as you two were away from the prying eyes of the others, Sersi showed you a letter passing it down to you as though she wanted to give it to you. "Before Jake had passed, he came back to us to make amends, then sending this letter to us, giving us a note to give it to you on that specific day. But, our forgiveness came in too late and it was later informed to us that Jake had already passed. If he had mentioned that premonition he saw in a dream, we could have helped. I'm sorry, M/n."
"No, no. It's okay." You smiled at the woman heartily. "Thank you for this."
Sersi nods her head in acknowledgement, giving your back a light pat, thinking of heading back inside already. "I'll leave you to that, M/n and I'm sorry again for what happened." Sersi silently leaves after she gave a kiss on top of your head in a comforting manner.
A few seconds after, you have opened and read the letter that was now on your hands, you filled with happiness that you found something you can keep close to your heart other than the gifts he loved to send to you even in the most inappropriate times. You just really missed him so bad.
Dearest M/n,
Unfortunately, I am still having difficulties learning to understand the culture you and your people live with, so while I write this letter I am still in wonder whether you see me or not. As you read, are you able to see a projection of me? I give you my full permission to laugh as boisterous as possible, but I also have yet to learn the difference between a letter and the letters. It's quite confusing, yet fun in my perspective knowing there are two of the same exact words, but different in purpose and use.
These are only half of the untold truth I want to tell you, my celeste, but I am running out of parchment to write this on and I fear I no longer have that much time to be able to finish this letter, but there is this paragraph in a book that I have recently read and it is better said than left, so as I finish this letter, bidding you my sweetest and final farewell, I, Sim Jaeyun, an Eternal wants to deliver my first and last speech.
'Your beauty blossoms compared to that of a flower during the season of spring; I never want to say goodbye to you. Your eyes like a pool under the summer skies; If I dive in, I might never be able to get out. Your heart as warm as the fireplace when it's cold during the winter and your love never fades away until fall, but continues on to forever.'
My dearest, beautiful, celeste. My only star. I love you and I always will. Forevermore.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 month
director’s cut for “with friends like these”? 👀
So for this fic I knew I wanted it to be SteveSharon because I'd grown to love them as a couple - but for a long time I hadn't. I didn't really ship them in Winter Soldier, thought the Civil War kiss was weird and out of nowhere and was even on the 'Give Captain America a Boyfriend' bandwagon for a while, to my shame, but a couple years later I found out that their relationship had been deliberately sabotaged - that Sharon was meant to have a bigger role in WS before they decided to bring in Natasha, that she was meant to have a bigger role in Civil War before that was tanked and that Hayley Atwell was strongly against the relationship and that basically it was never given a chance even though it was one of the strongest from the comics, and even the whole thing with her being Peggy's great-niece wasn't something that weirded me out because - as Steve reflects in the fic - he and Peggy never really got anywhere in their relationship and Peggy moved on to have a family with Daniel (Endgame does not exist to me) so it's really not a problem.
And I was shocked and once again pissed off at the waste of it all, and I wanted to write something for them - but I also wanted to address the problems with the MCU in general. Like the fact that never got to see the Avengers as Found Family because they were so focused on building up to Civil War that they gave up on that, the fact that they made the Maximoff Twins (who were Jewish Romani and the children of a Holocaust survivor in the comics) willingly join up with a Nazi organisation, Clint's secret family, the fact that the Avengers all blamed Tony for something he did despite the fact he'd been whammied by Wanda, who got off scot-free...
The last point, admittedly, was something of a new one, something that had been brought up in 'Not Steve Rogers Friendly' fics (an excellent subgenre that I'd found through @kitkatt0430's bookmarks a few years ago) but is a fairly solid point. Wanda manipulates Tony and is directly responsbily for Ultron's creation (and therefore her brother's death) but is never called out on this and I hated that...but unlike most of the fics I've read and enjoyed, I wasn't going to write about the consequences because I'm a different kind of fix-fic writer, because I hadn't wanted any of the aforementioned bullshit to happen in the first place...
And so it doesn't. Once I'd established that it was just a matter of letting the story flow - writing the Avengers as family, letting them bicker, poke fun at each other (no sympathy for Pietro's breakup with Crystal), and in Bruce's case give a neat summary of how weird events can get and Steve knowing they're setting him up but not knowing exactly how until the party actually happens, and even then not putting all the pieces together until Sharon appears and he realises his friends were trying to get the two of them together the whole time. And even though they only share one scene, it's a meaningful one - they manage to talk things out and there is, as always, hope for the future.
Director's Commentary Ask Game
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camlovesheroes · 2 years
King of Mischief (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 3 (Defenders of the Universe)
Word count: 2.7k
T/w: This chapter contains several acts of violence, implied smut, arguments and mentions of sharp objects, read at your own discretion.
Author's note: This chapter is a bit short and meh, I apologize TvT But I promise the next chapters are gonna be good!
Amora tapped on the table as she was surrounded by her associates, many of them are rogues from each realm, dreaming that someday they’ll be able to rule their respective worlds.
“What are we stalling for Amora? We have Asgard in our hands, the power of the universe lies in our hands.” Lorelei, her sister, questioned why they weren’t attacking Midgard already.
“It’s not as easy as it is sister.. They’ve teleported to Midgard, they must have a plan.” The Enchantress answered.
“Who cares? They’re fighting against us, supreme beings! Midgardians will never be able to stop us.” The red headed Asgardian rebutted.
“They are not just a bunch of Midgardians, Lorelei. Midgard houses a few of the most powerful sorcerers in this cosmic universe..” Amora paused.
“And they also have three of the Infinity Stones in their possession.” She slammed her fist on the marble table, cracking it in the middle.
“Well then, shall we look for the other three? We’ve already conquered the whole universe, it would be an easy task.”  One of the rogues from Niflheim suggested.
“No. Let’s not steer from our original path shall we? We need to hatch a plan on how to handle those Midgardians, the so-called Avengers.” Amora sneered.
“So what are your plans?” Lorelei inquired.
“We’ll attack them in waves, make them feel a false sense of security. Use our abilities to ignite fear out of them.” The woman smirked evilly.
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Back in the Avengers facility, the team had finally assembled and you had the pleasure of meeting with Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Wong and Wanda Maximoff. The team knew that Amora’s army’s strongest weapon was their magic and sorcery. They used it to manipulate and control beings, turning warriors against their own people.
“Alright, the plan is to use the resources and manpower we have in Kamar Taj, Strange and Wong will take the lead there. Wanda will use her powers to put the Enchantress’ men under her spell. We are lucky enough that she values quantity over quality.” Tony laid out the plan.
“She would recruit any mage or sorcerer that she sees, regardless of how powerful they are, some might be weaker than others.” Loki added.
“So it’s all for show?” Clint asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Oh no no no.. They’re like a swarm of ants, the bigger the colony, the stronger they are. Let’s not rule out the chances that she could be generating her powers for her army too.” Thor intercepted.
“Or it’s the other way around, she absorbs their powers and knowledge to be stronger than before. That is why she invaded those realms first before Asgard.” You spoke quietly.
“Or that too..” Thor turned to look at you, so did everyone else.
“Don’t let her or Lorelei get close to any of you. Lorelei could enchant you to go to Amora with her voice while Amora could imitate your powers just by a single tap.” You rolled your pearl earring in your finger, a habit that you do when you’re deep in thought or nervous.
“Is there any way we could protect ourselves from being enchanted by these witches?” Tony turned to look at Strange, Wanda and Wong to which they shook their heads.
“The only way you could protect yourself from enchantments is by having a strong mind.” Strange explained but then you remembered.
“Actually, you can. But it’s not strong.” You stood up. “I can cast a spell on all of you so you get protected from mind manipulating hexes but it only works when you’re against ordinary mages and less experienced sorcerers. It wouldn’t be potent enough to withstand Amora’s powers.” You bit your lip nervously while glancing at Loki.
“I’ve never heard of such a spell before.. Wong?” Stephen Strange was skeptical.
“Well, it’s a local spell from where I’m from. Only members of the Oralfian royal family knows about this kind of magic, an ancient mystical practice.” You fidgeted.
“Let’s test it out shall we? Hey kid, come on over here.” Tony called out to Peter Parker, the youngest in the team.
“What is it Mr. Stark?” The boy looked curious and innocent, you sympathize with him, such a young man fighting such an enormous battle.
“Sit down here and let us test something out alright?” Tony pushed Peter down on a seat.
“Okay Tinkerbell, work your magic.” You nodded and confronted the sitting boy.
“This is going to feel a little bit cold.” You forewarned Peter of the sensation he was about to feel before you began placing your hands on the side of his temples, not touching him.
For a mere minute, your hands began emitting a golden glow that began to seep into Peter’s head.
“It’s done.” You announced.
“Wanda.” Tony looked at the Scarlet Witch and shook his head to where Peter was. The woman took over your spot and touched his head, she started with some gentle magical force to look into his mind but it wasn’t working. Next, she began testing on enchanting Peter to do what she wanted by flaying her fingers next to his head. Didn’t work either. Then, she went with a bit more force and pushed her magical forces into his mind.
“He’s scared. And hungry.” Wanda claimed before retreating. “Well, that took quite a lot to get into his head.” She said as she smiled at you.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Strange looked at you in awe.
“Okay, so it actually works! I have to ask though, will the magic wear off?” Tony clapped his hands together.
“Not really, it wears off when somebody finally gets into your head. Or if the spellcaster.. Dies.”
You answered truthfully, you could sense Loki’s head whipping towards your direction at the mention of your death.
“But that’s not going to happen. I’ll make sure that every single one of us comes out of this war alive.” You reassured the whole team, but really, you just wanted to erase Loki’s uneasiness.
Your husband made his way to you and held onto your arm. “Excuse us for a second. Darling, a word.” He took you away from the team and to the balcony.
“Wow, for a God of Mischief and a trickster, he sure cares a lot for his wife.” Nat said to Thor.
“Oh believe me. She means the world to him. Changed him into a better man.” Thor looked at the two of you. He couldn’t believe how much his brother had changed ever since you two got married.
“All a man needs is a chance.” Steve joined in.
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You were pulled off to the balcony by Loki, he didn’t look pleased.
“What do you mean if the spellcaster dies? You are not considering yourself to join the war are you?” Loki knitted his eyebrows.
“I’m not considering, I am joining the war, Loki.” You scoffed, the nerve of this man trying to stop you from battling for your universe’s future.
“You can’t. I forbid it.” He told you.
“You forbid me?” You couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief. “Who are you to forbid me?!” You fought back.
“I AM THE KING OF ASGARD! And no queen of mine shall partake in a gruesome war!” His voice was stern and he yelled out. His volume was loud enough to be heard through the glass of the sliding door that separated you two from the team.
“Uh oh, marital strife..” Tony grimaced as the Avengers looked at your argument.
“Yes, yes! Scream and shout to the world! YOU ARE THE KING OF ASGARD! Oh how you take pride in your position.” Your heart was beating as fast as your anger was rising.
“You keep reminding me of your title Loki.. But you forgot, that I am the Queen of Asgard. The sole survivor of Oralf’s royal family. And I shall not stand back and spectate while all of you are sacrificing your lives to protect the universe.” Your voice quivered with emotion.
“If I were to die, let me die while fighting. Let me die by your side Loki. I am not letting you fight alone.” You held onto both of his arms.
“Please..” You tried your best to hold in your tears, your hands moving to hold his. Loki’s eyes softened at the sight of your glossy eyes.
“But I must keep you alive.. I need you alive, Aurelia.” He held your hands up and clasped it in between his.
“Then keep me alive on the battlefield. What if I’m not there to help you and I lose you? Life would only mean pain and agony for me.” A single tear rolled down your cheek.
“Please don’t cry..” It crushed his heart seeing you cry, he didn’t want to see you hurt, not like this, not in any way.
“Let me fight with you. For Asgard, for the Nine Realms, for us.” You sniffled. Loki was reluctant to let you fight but he knew better than to stop you. So with a heavy heart, he nodded and kissed your hand.
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It had been a few days since your argument with Loki and he had been more supportive of you whenever the team would have meetings to organize the plans. All of you couldn’t guess or estimate when the Enchantress and her soldiers would strike Midgard but every so often you would get false alarms of unidentified objects in the sky. This wasn’t a coincidence, Amora had it all sorted out, she would send boulders and sometimes dead Asgardians down to Earth to throw all of you off. The locations of these items and bodies were random and scattered all across the world and it was starting to freak humans out.
Tony insisted on having the S.H.I.E.L.D agents handle these fallouts instead of the Avengers, yet a lot of news channels and papers had begun questioning why they weren’t there to investigate. Tony had his reasons, the biggest reason was because he knew something bigger was coming and he needed all the team members to stick together and fight when the war breaks.
While waiting for Amora to engage in battle, you were keen on training to sharpen your combat skills. Your sparring partners now included Lady Sif, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Steve and of course, your spouse. 
You grunted when Wanda had you locked up in her conjured chains, you struggled hard and attempted to blast your powers out to break free. This was always the difficult part of training for you. Your combat skills had improved and you could fight almost every person you’ve sparred with except for Loki and Wanda. They were both knowledgeable about magic and mystic arts, combining fighting skills with them, they were basically undefeatable.
“Come on Aurie! Summon your powers! Break free!” Bruce cheered for you.
“I.Am.Trying!” You clenched your fists and tried to push out your powers to destroy Wanda’s mystical chains but to no avail. You were losing your energy and your golden glow began to dim down.
“Alright, that’s enough. Let her go Wanda.” Loki saw how you were in distress and he couldn’t look at it anymore.
“Oh come on Loki, she can make it! I could feel her.” Wanda pleaded to him, wishing he would give you just a little more time.
“Let.Her.Go.” Loki’s voice was low but Wanda knew that he was getting furious so she immediately got rid of the chains. You fell on top of the padding and groaned.
Your husband walked towards you, lending his hand for you to take. You gave him a glare, he’d always put your training on a halt whenever he sees you struggling.
Standing back up, you stretched a little bit. “You really shouldn’t meddle with my training. How am I supposed to improve my skills if you interrupt me every time you see me struggle?” 
You sighed deeply, you knew he meant well but his carefulness wasn’t helping you. 
“I do not wish to see you get hurt when Amora could come attack us at any minute. It’s dangerous.” He explained and you rolled your eyes.
“You know what’s more dangerous? If I can’t defend myself when I get attacked by Amora. Now please, promise me that you won’t stop my training anymore.” You walked out of the training gym with him.
“Fine.. I promise.” He promised while rolling his eyes.
“And no crossed fingers!” You playfully punched him on the side of his arm.
“Yes, yes..” He pulled you closer by the shoulder and you leaned your head against him.
“Well, since we’re all sweaty.. I propose a shower? Together?” He squeezed your shoulder and gave you a naughty grin.
“Always so mischievous, even in these times.” You pinched his side while chuckling.
“Not my fault my wife looks so enticing after training.” Scrunching your nose, you couldn’t resist how cheeky Loki is. He’d always find a way to make up to you after pissing you off or making you upset.
You two made your way towards your quarters, thankful that each room had its own bathroom, for you didn’t want to disturb the others who were living in the same building with all the noise you and Loki would make.
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After the long shower with your husband, you sat on the bed and dried your hair up, smiling as you saw him get out of the shower after you. His hair was wet, towel draping around his hips and he looked so fresh.
“Why are you smiling like that? Admiring your extremely dashing husband?” He smirked as he pushed you down on the bed.
“Loki! We just did it in the shower.” You whispered, a big smile on your face.
“That was round one my darling. We’re off to round two.” You laughed at your husband’s insatiable desire for you.
“Am I really that irresistible to you? Or are you just being a horny devil?” You cupped his face.
“You’re both, my Sigyn.” Sigyn? That’s new, the nickname made your heart swell. The name was only to be used when a man values his woman greatly. It meant ‘victorious girlfriend or companion’. It also symbolizes loyalty, compassion and faithfulness in a woman. A word to never be used lightly.
“I’m your Sigyn?” You asked, unsure of what he meant by that pet name. For all you know, it could’ve been a slip of tongue.
“Yes. And I mean it with my whole heart.” He pecked your nose.
“You’ve made a new man out of me Aurelia. You gave me a new goal in life, I was always seeking for my father’s reassurance but you showed me that the only reassurance I needed was from myself. You taught me to embrace myself, I do not have to be like Thor. Even if I am the opposite of him, I am still his equal.” He affectionately gazed at you. His blue eyes and dark wispy lashes, penetrating into your soul.
“I lov-” Right before he could utter those three words, sirens began blaring, knocking you two out of your romantic daze.
“Attention to all Avengers, suit up and report to the headquarters. I repeat, suit up and report to the headquarters immediately!” Steve’s voice was heard throughout the building.
You quickly changed into your combat clothes, it matched Loki’s color scheme but it was designed differently. It was a leather tunic that fitted your body perfectly with golden holsters that hold daggers and blades for your usage. You even wore a headpiece that could double as a weapon with the horns that pointed upwards. Putting on your boots, you looked at Loki worryingly. This was your first ever war and you hoped that this wouldn’t be your last.
Holding his hand tightly, both of you rushed towards the headquarters that was two levels above the quarters. Through the large glass windows, you could see a swarm of flying objects coming out of a dark portal in the sky. Prepare for your first battle.
Chapter 3 (smut scene)
Chapter 4
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marvelmultivers · 2 years
The others Avengers, cooler than OG
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In first, the ultimate duo, the strangest relationship : James Buchanan Barnes and Samuel Wilson, Bucky and Sam, Winter Soldier and Falcon. They've a chaotic energy but that why we love them. Bucky his the first and oldest friend of Steve, they had grow up together. Sam is a friend of Steve at first. They lives together and we have no right to ask questions
Second, the longest distance friendship, those who are the first to believe in each other : Carol Susan Jane Danvers and Nicholas Joseph Fury, Carol and Nick, Captain Marvel and the director of what used to be SHIELD. We don't see Carol often, but Nick teach us few spy stuff.
Third and fourth, coolest kids ever that all : Morgan H. Stark and Harley Keener, they don't have superheroes names for the moment, they're in different schools, both at boarding school, Morgan in France, Harley in Australia. We see them during holidays. Oh, i forgot, Morgan is the daughter of Tony and Pepper. Harley is the, kinda, adopted son of Tony.
Fiveth, the saviors and guardian angels of Tony Stark, his best friend and his wonderful wife : James Rupert Rhodes and Virginia Potts, Rhodey and Pepper Potts, War Machine and Rescue. Pepper lives with us, she is amazing, she helps everyone, Rhodey still working for the army so we don't see him often. Pepper is the CEO of Stark's Industries and mother of all of us.
Sixth, i don't know what happen on this picture i wasn't there but it exactly their relationship, i want to help you/i hate you : Jane Foster and Loki Laufeyson. She is or was, i don't really know the girlfriend of Thor, the reason why he came that often on earth. She is now Mighty Thor. He is the adopted brother of Thor, they have a love/hate relationship… Loki have a love/hate relationship with everyone.
They travels a lot so we don't see them really often
Seventh, the Maximoff, the brother and sister : Pietro Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff, Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch. They didn't start very well with the OG, but they're now fastest and strongest Avengers so it had ended well. They are sokovians and still have few difficulties with Tony. They lives at the base, Wanda lives with Vision and Pietro lives alone.
Eighth, the union of artificial intelligence and man, smartest person ever : Vision. Short and efficient. He is the creation of Tony and Bruce, an human body with JARVIS, the first A.I. of Tony. He still have difficulties with human feelings and how to live but Wanda helps him a lot.
Nineth, coolest parents, we never what is their next move : Scott Edward Harris Lang and Hope Van Dyne, Ant-man and the Wasp. They were introduces to each other by the father of Hope for work and finally they never let go. They still learning so they live at the base, but Scott's daughter, Cassie, come when she want/need.
Tenth, from ennemies to besties, they are so beautiful, fun and cool : Yelena Belova and Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, Yelena and Kate, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Yelena is the sister of Natasha, they are both Black Widow, because it was they became when they come out of the Red Room, and of the Black Widow Programs. Kate is especially train by Clint, she's an archer, she is suppose to take Clint placehaw. They still learning so, they live at the base.
Next time I will talk about other avengers again, I will try not to forget no one, for now i'm late to strategy class so la bise
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themculibrary · 2 years
Non-Explicit Femslash Masterlist
Adagio (ao3) - Lurkz pepper/natasha T, 31k
Summary: It was supposed to be just an assignment. Falling for the person she was supposed to protect wasn’t really in the plan. But when do plans ever stay the same?
A+ For Smooching (ao3) - kinky_kneazle kate/america T, 3k
Summary: Five times Kate and America see themselves smooch, and one time they finally kiss.
all of the while (i never knew) (ao3) - middlecyclone darcy/natasha T, 4k
Summary: Darcy works in a coffee shop. Natasha isn't her favorite customer, technically, but she's definitely the hottest. And the most secretive.
A notecard to the dead (ao3) - MickeyJrWrites maria/natasha T, 83k
Summary: A new assassin is in town, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. SHIELD will do anything to stop them. But will they ever discover who is behind all these killings? And what will happen if they do?
Broken Toes & Heavy Heads (ao3) - askmeaboutmyoctopustheory, betheflame pepper/natasha G, 5k
Summary: Queen Virginia Anne of Antelondia is exhausted and overwhelmed since the death of her husband and takes a covert trip to New York to see the Russian Ballet perform Swan Lake. A chance meeting the next day with the prima ballerina, Natasha Romanova, changes her life forever.
But it's Peaceful in the Deep (ao3) - faintlystrange wanda/natasha G, 12k
Summary: Wanda Maximoff's soulmate is the last thing on her mind as she struggles to navigate the unfamiliar world of the Avengers. But sometimes things (or people) turn up when you least expect them.
(Soulmate AU)
I Wasn't Expecting That (ao3) - Dancing_Bean maria/natasha T, 33k
In response to a challenge: Multi chapter fic trope challenge - miracle pregnancy, including at least three background characters (more details in notes inside) An accident on a mission leaves Natasha and Maria in a unique situation. Can they learn to rely on each other? Starts just before Age of Ultron.
Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle (ao3) - ladivvinatravestia sharon/natasha T, 4k
Summary: Natasha finds she doesn’t have to make anything up to have shared life experiences with Sharon.
Like Poetry to Wine (ao3) - a_pious_cruelty darcy/pepper T, 4k
Summary: The first thing Pepper’s new assistant does is throw out her coffee.
In which Darcy is Pepper's assistant and Pepper has earned good things.
porcelain (ao3) - luckybxrnes wanda/natasha T, 26k
Summary: they meet on opposite sides of a battle.
Projects and Rejects (ao3) - darwinwithadifference wanda/natasha T, 14k
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have to partner up to complete a history project. In addition to learning history, Wanda learns to accept herself and trust people; Natasha learns to accept a new (girl)friend. Fluff and romance ensues.
Reform (ao3) - just_makeing_it_gay_97 maria/natasha T, 4k
Summary: Maria is taken by the Red Room, this is how that goes.
Take Me Out (ao3) - just_makeing_it_gay_97 maria/natasha G, 5k
Summary: Nat and Maria have to pretend to date in an effort to win back the public opinion after New York, let's see how that goes.
Eventual Nat/Maria, teasing Nat, aggitated Maria. Pansexual Nat, Lesbian Maria, Bisexual Tony, Questioning Steve
taking a shot (ao3) - just_makeing_it_gay_97 yelena/kate G, 4k
Summary: Considering how clumsy she is, Kate gets injured a lot, but one day it's different, one day... she's hurt.
Yelena/Kate, hurt/comfort
there's a girl who's close to me (ao3) - gsparkle mantis/nebula T, 1k
Summary: Nebula may not have been Thanos’ smartest daughter, or strongest, but the one thing she’s always had over Gamora is the hardness of her heart. While Gamora saves planets and raises baby trees and fumbles with that idiot Peter, Nebula remains impervious. She will not be swayed by sentiment. She is not in this universe to make friends.
The Set Up (ao3) - sariane sharon/natasha T, 4k
Summary: “Oh my god,” Natasha said. “Steve’s trying to set me up with Sharon.”
undercover in our overcoats (ao3) - Dayadhvam peggy/natasha T, 5k
Summary: Prague, 1968. Neither Agent Carter nor the Black Widow would have called it anything like love.
We Must Make a Sense Here to Living (ao3) - phnelt carol/maria T, 14k
Summary: "I’m not just here for the easy stuff, Maria.” She sounded slightly reproachful, which, fair enough.
Co-parenting long distance is hard enough without having to pretend one of them is dead.
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