#planning tips
grinchwrapsupreme · 7 months
Saw a post about helping people that used the analogy of "if you see someone fall off a cruiseship and theres a life preserver ring on the wall next to you do you walk away or do you throw them the life preserver? Of course you throw them the life preserver." And i dont want to add to or tag the post with any sort of correction because its literally not the point at all but i am desperate to say that the first thing they teach you when you work on a cruise ship is that if someone falls overboard you Do Not Look Away
If theres a life preserver nearby but you have to turn your back to get it, tough luck. If theres someone nearby who can't hear you but you could run and get them, absolutely not. You see someone go overboard you point at them and never ever let them out of your sight because looking away even once could mean losing them forever, so you just have to trust that someone will hear you scream for help but you cant for any reason look away
And maybe that adds to the life preserver metaphor somehow but mostly i just need you to know if you spot someone in the water you point at them and you watch them close and you scream for help
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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mysteriousdragon · 1 year
Question into the ether for my unorganised girlies: for my fellow people who have a hard time utilizing agendas/planners, what's your organization trick that works for you?
Bonus question: if you have a lot of ideas and tend to get paralysed and do none of them, how do you break out of that?
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Basic Financial Rules To Live By 💰✨
Create a plan that shows how much money you get and how much you spend. This helps you see where your money goes.
Set aside a part of your money as savings. Try to save at least 10-20% of what you earn.
Be careful with borrowing money, especially if you have to pay back a lot of extra money (interest).
Save some money for unexpected things like medical bills or losing your job. Aim to have enough to cover your living costs for a few months.
Put your saved money into different things that can make it grow, like stocks or real estate. Be patient, as it takes time.
Don't spend more money than you make. Stick to buying what you really need, not just what you want.
Decide what you want to do with your money, both in the short term (like a vacation) and long term (like retirement).
Set up automatic transfers to your savings and bills so you don't forget to save or pay your bills on time.
Make saving money a top priority before spending on other things.
Regularly look at your money situation, adjust your plan as needed, and see how your investments are doing.
Pay your bills on time and use credit wisely (like credit cards) to keep a good credit score, which can help you get better deals on loans.
Save money for when you're older and don't work anymore. Use retirement accounts to help with this.
Think before you buy things. Don't buy something just because you want it; think if it's necessary.
Keep learning about how money works and how to make smart money choices.
Only use your emergency fund for real unexpected problems, not for things you just want to buy.
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oh-theatre · 9 months
When you’re writing with no plan and suddenly the plot takes a turn:
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.
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diorlx · 10 months
dc: source pinterest
4-8 hrs
• Blood sugars fall
• All food has left the stomach
• Insulin is no longer produced
12 hrs
• Food consumed has been burned
• Digestive system goes to sleep
• Body begins healing process
• HGH begins to increase
• Glucagon is released to balance blood sugars
14 hrs
• Body has converted to using stored fat as energy
• HGH starts to increase dramatically
16 hrs
• Body is ramping up fat burning
18 hrs
• HGH starts to skyrocket
24 hrs
• Autophagy begins
• Drains all glycogen stores
•Ketones are released into the blood stream
36 hrs
• Autophagy increases by 300%
48 hrs
• Autophagy increases 30% more
• Immune system reset, and regeneration starts
• Increased reduction in inflammatory response
72 hrs
• Autophagy maxes out
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positivelyadhd · 3 months
i have been reading through the diary I kept from ages 14-17 and realising how helpful it can be to keep a record of how you're feeling at different moments.
not only is it helpful to write down and process how your feeling and give yourself time to truly think about it, it's nice to have something to look back on. to not just remember how you felt about a certain situation but to actually have yourself from that time tell you.
and also, from an adhd perspective, it's really lovely to have reminders of things I'd almost entirely forgotten. it's easy to think that your life right now isn't interesting, but in 5 years time? to know what songs you were listening to or book you were reading or even that Thing that you were so worried about but now you can't even remember the details. it's nice to have a physical reminder that time passes and things really can get better.
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anxiousbabybird · 5 months
I wanna know which of y’all’s men is “just the tip, baby”-ing his way to your cervix and breeding you
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liliththinks · 7 days
I went to the mall and seeing all the girls with the body I want is hard. Knowing some of them are born with it and others are doing the same thing I'm doing.
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Duke, talking to Steph: So he's prime Blorbo material.
Steph, nodding: So skrunkly.
Bruce, passing by: What does that mean?
Duke: Skrunkly?
Bruce: No, the other one.
Steph: Oh, a Blorbo is like. A character that you really like and will defend to your last breath no matter what they've done.
Duke: They're like your special little boy.
Bruce: Hmm.
Bruce: You're my Blorbo, Jason.
Jason: Alright, who the fuck taught you that?
Cue Steph cackling in the background
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darqx · 8 months
Hi I understand if you don't reply, but I was wondering if you have any advice to beginners who want to start making their ocs a reality? (Like in the sense of having Charecters that have been in your thoughts for a while, but it's hard to encapsulate them into physical form?) As I have some that id like to make either into a game or comic but I'm a little stuck..
Also I'm curious if there will be any other content with the best boy himself rire?? : 0
Hullo! Ah, (physically) designing characters, how fun ❤️ - there is part of a reason why I only have a handful of them lol XD; ANYWAY here are three things that help me, so hopefully they can help you as well :)
(I'll use Demon!Rire as an example as unless you are an old guard of mine, he will probably be the most recognisable of my characs.)
❓What do you know about them?
First of all since you already have your character in mind, congratulations you are most of the way there already! It's helpful to know the general vibe of them. And I don't mean the super detailed things that may arise from like..."Get to know your OC" quizzes - we are more looking for the core feeling of a character here. If you dumped this character into different AUs what things are going to stay the same/similar? Some things you should consider are:
What is their personality like? Why do they do the things they do?
Do I already have any physical traits for them in mind? Hair/eye/skin colour? Body type? Age? Name??
📝 Write a simple paragraph or some dot points about your character with these things in mind.
Sophisticated and charming, Rire outputs an aura of power and elegance. His pleasing physical appearance and gentlemanly demeanour usually enchants or commands people. Realistically, he is extremely manipulative and sadistic, and finds entertainment in the reactions of others.
🤔 Make informed choices
Ok cool, you know something about your charac! Now build upon what you know to make them real - it is important here to try and match your design choices with the characterisation and "why"s of the character, and less with what you personally think will be cool/cute/whatever. What I mean by this is just pretend they are a person you are describing to a forensic sketch artist - you are giving "facts" as to what you think they look like not making stuff up (eg you would NOT be like "oh yeh she was totally a punk rocker however i'm going to say she wore a long flowing gown cos I think she'd look prettier in it?"*)
*Note that designing a character with opposites in mind can work out if you can at least answer the cursory "why" of it being a part of the character design. For eg maybe the punk rocker is secretly the alter ego of a socialite - flowing gowns and high fashion by day, grunge by night. Like Batman.
📝 Feel free to use dress up doll games and image searches for particular types of clothes/hairstyles/etc if you need inspiration. Thumbnail a bunch of different designs and see what works.
In my prev example paragraph I highlighted a few things in red. Here I'll break down how they can help craft a physical appearance:
Sophisticated and charming / elegance - to me, these combined make me think of ballrooms and black tie functions and nice suits. A well tailored outfit and someone who knows how to wear them.
Gentlemanly demeanour (well to some degree lol) - since I already know he's hundreds of years old (973 to be exact) I decided that an aristocratic Victorian-esque aesthetic would suit him. Somewhere in between a modern look and something with a bit more fantasy steampunk flair. He smiles quite genially until he's doing it with all his teeth.
Aura of power - he's got to be a bit of an imposing character so he's quite tall (or at least taller than all of my other characs) and carries himself confidently. Hooray for the ability to loom. Dark colours for this character, to cut an impressive figure.
Pleasing physical appearance - kinda stereotypical type of good looks that aesthetically most people would be like "yeh he's pretty". Athletic build - muscular but not bulky, broad shoulders, tapered waist etc etc.
Extremely manipulative - first of all, he looks rather human, for a demon - his entire species is designed very particularly like that. Then there's the sunglasses. The "why" [does he wear them] is they function to hide his eyes (one of the main parts of him that give away his demon-ness), but also as a bit of a red flag to the audience that something isn't quite right with him. I mean, look past his charm and he wears them all the time. The black and yellow colour scheme also ties in as warning colours ⚠️
Put them all together and this was one of my first sketches of Demon!Rire.
*Note that I already more or less knew how he looked other than his outfit; you will probably have a lot more sketch duds as you figure out what your character looks like.
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🔐 Don't lock yourself in
Despite the fact I've just said "pretend your character is a person", remember you're still their creator so obviously you have final say over them. Sometimes you'll find that they grow and change from what you initially thought of them (or you just evolve in how you draw them). Don't be afraid to make the tweaks and changes that enhance these - whether they be physical or core characteristics - and you'll get closer to the true character you always had in mind.
I now draw Rire with a more pronounced V-shape, longer, wavier hair, and somehow he ended up with way more pronounced eyelashes than I usually draw on my male characs. Which works out quite well considering how I tend to draw his eyes. Anyway the point of this is that these things developed over time as I kept drawing him.
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🍀 Try it out with your own characs! Have fun and don't force yourself to try and get it "right" on the first go.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 days
the monthly necessities⋆.ೃ࿔*:・📔🎀
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just some things like appointments, trips, dates that i like to plan before the beginning of each month so that i can set off on the right foot for a successful month.
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i like to schedule an appointment before the month starts to either get myself a new set or start fresh and let my nails breathe. i like to keep my toes done regularly because it just makes me feel so feminine and clean. 
things like a hair trim (you can designate a day to do it yourself or get it done professionally) and facials can keep you looking and feeling your best. 
waxing appointments 
getting ur brows or lashes done 
hair trimming 
it’s important to set aside those dates because booking appointments and making time to groom and pamper yourself is something that u can easily sweep under the rug, especially if ur not in the habit of pampering urself. 
make sure to set out dates that you don’t wanna forget! like birthdays, lessons, tournaments and competitions. make sure to put the important things in ur monthly calendar. 
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applications and deadlines also go in this category so make sure to include those in ur calendar because you don’t wanna forget those. 
set aside times to have dinner dates with ur friends, include the dates of parties and get togethers.
lunch date 
dinner date 
sleepovers etc 
i try and keep at least one or two days where i can be fully available with my friends so we can keep friendship strong. this includes other social events so that then you can keep your social life alive and thriving! 
one whole pamper/spa day (my tip is to do this on a saturday or a sunday) 
one whole day without using social media 
one day in which u spend time outdoors 
one day to go somewhere that you never went before 
one day to help someone else and be there for them 
if ur putting everything into ur agenda or calendar and you somehow still manage to forget things, log things in ur alarm clock. for example if u have a daily alarm clock that rings at a certain time, write something along the lines of what you need to remember. 
like if my alarm goes off at 6:00 am and it says “good morning beautiful” on important dates i’d write “good morning beautiful, you have an appointment at 9:00”. that way it’s like an active reminder. 
do your best to make ur calendar and agenda aesthetically pleasing, i swear it makes you more productive and happy to get things done and be prepared. 
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
How To Plan Your Day 🌒📝💡✨
Start the night before. What do you need to do tomorrow to meet your needs? Write down the most important tasks you want to complete the next day. This gives you a clear starting point in the morning.
Create a morning routine that is focused on your well being. Exercise, meditate, read etc.
Make a list of all the things you need to do. Put the most important things at the top of the list.
Divide your day into chunks of time. Decide when you'll do each task.
Estimate the time it will take you to complete each task.
If a big task seems too hard, break it into smaller steps.
Batch the similar tasks together for maximum efficiency.
Try to do one thing at a time. Multitasking might not help you get things done better.
Don't plan too many things. Only plan what you can really do.
Check your progress during the day. Change your plans if things are not going as expected.
At the end of the day, think about what you did and what's left. Learn from what went well and what didn't.
Finish each day with a quick clean up. What can do you now to set up your spaces and routines for both self care and efficiency.
Choose what you'll wear the next day, including clothes, shoes, and accessories. This saves you time in the morning and helps you avoid last-minute outfit decisions.
If you have to take things with you (like a work bag or gym bag), pack it with everything you need. This prevents you from rushing around in the morning to gather your things.
Lay out items you'll need in the morning, like your keys, wallet, or important papers. This way, you won't have to search for them when you're in a rush.
Take some time to wind down before bed. Read a book, practice some light stretching, or do something relaxing to help you sleep better.
Charge your phone, tablet, or laptop overnight so you start the day with fully charged devices.
Set your alarm for the time you want to wake up. Having a consistent wake-up time helps regulate your body clock.
Try to avoid looking at screens (phones, tablets, computers) at least an hour before bed. The blue light from screens can interfere with sleep.
Take a moment to reflect on the day and think about what you're looking forward to tomorrow. Visualizing a positive morning can help set a good tone for the next day.
Pick a weekly prep day and clean the house, meal prep, review your calendar and to do list for the week ahead.
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collophora · 1 month
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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cillianwilder · 2 months
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henry cavill workout gear
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