#league of lois
memento-mori-twilight · 10 months
Remember guys.
Most, if not all, of the Lois' in the League have had to deal with Supermans and Clarks that had control over and knowledge of their powers and heritage for years.
The League of Lois' pretty much all got interviews that weren't 95% "I don't know".
This universe's Clark is a toddler still learning how to superhero, and what red flags to look for in a supervillain. He's only had to deal with:
an overpowered arm dealer
a bumbling trio of robbers with new dangerous toys from said arms dealer
an egotistical billionaire who tried to use him as a tech demo for his experimental security suit made with the same stuff the arms dealer had
and a group of government agents who had the tech to begin with who are kidnapping those who are causing chaos with their stolen weapons and see him as a threat for some reason tied to those visions of the past he keeps getting. (Him coming across the Cadmus robots fit into this too).
That's about 3.5-4 villians compared to the at least 10 or so the others would have run into/stopped by now.
They didn't know Jack shit about this universe until Mxy decided to show up. And they only really didn't start to think Clark was a liability until both he and Mxy left the universe.
It's a whole "jaded due to information assumption bias trope", baby!
Hell, they didn't even know this Lois wasn't quite as accomplished as they were.
It wasn't that they thought this Clark wasn't good, it was more the fact that they couldn't take the chance that he wasn't
And, to them, an experienced Superman willingly following one of the strongest beings in the multiverse is a huge risk.
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satoshy12 · 1 month
Dani/Ellie is explaining why Lois Lane is the true hero in class. Dani:" And this is why Lois Lane is the true hero." Teacher:" Why… does that make sense?" Dani had explained why Lois Lane is the true hero, as she, while finding the truth, got Superman to learn it. Superman is just the muscle for Lois Lane's brain, and then Lois writes about it. Jon whispering: Dad I know you can listen. I will tell mom about this just for her reaction." 
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starsapphire · 10 months
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Clark Kent beaming and blushing for being entitled to the cutest most adorkable nickname in comic book history
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
love your Gen Alpha series
Can we get some Gen Alpha Damian with Talia and Lois
[at a sleepover]
Lois: Boys, time for bed.
Jon: Five more minutes, please? We're in the middle of our Minecraft Cheese Viking mini-game.
Lois: I warned you guys half an hour ago. Everything off, now.
Damian and Jon: *turn off the console and get under their sleeping bags*
Lois: Thank you.
Lois: *leaves*
Damian and Jon: *pulls out their iPads*
Lois, in the other room: *turns off the Wi-Fi*
Lois: I'm a millennial. Any tricks you have, I invented.
Talia: Show me you are worthy of befriending my son.
Jon: 🥺
Talia: What is that? What are you doing?
Jon: 🥺
Talia: I command you cease your behavior this instant.
Jon: 🥺
Talia: I will consider this a draw. But do not speak of this to anyone.
[at the park]
Lois: While your fathers are setting up the grill, you two can go down to the lake.
Talia: But remember what we told you.
Damian: If the toilets begin to skibidi, defend Jon. And the NPCs too.
Lois: And you, Jon?
Jon: Keep Dami safe 'cause he's gyatt human and isn't giving Kryptonian rizz.
Damian and Jon: *run off*
Lois: Do you gave any idea what they said?
Talia: Not a clue.
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audhd-nightwing · 10 months
ok but like. clark using bruce as his basis for human strengths and limits
clark: don’t worry it’s just a broken arm, you’ll be fine in a few days
lois, who got hurt doing dangerous shit bc she’s a reporter first: what.
clark: yeah you should still be able to use it right now!
lois: …clark who told you that
clark: ?? no one? i mean, b once picked up robin with two broken arms so i assumed it wasn’t that bad…
lois: clark, hun. that’s because he’s a freak of nature.
clark: ???
clark: what do you mean it’s incredibly difficult/almost impossible for humans to stay up for 48+ consecutive hours? bruce does it like all the time
dinah: that’s because he’s bruce
clark: yes, and…?
dinah: and he is so stubborn that he actually does ‘impossible’ things all the time, just to prove he can
clark: …touché
*talking to arthur*
clark: wait wait, people are considered ‘very skilled’ if they can hold their breath underwater for 3-4 minutes?
arthur: yup!
dick, walking by and overhearing: i can do it for seven minutes!
clark: see, that’s what i think of when i hear someone is ‘very skilled’. bruce-
dick, groaning: -can hold his breath underwater for eighteen minutes, we know. bruce and the rest of us have competitions for skills like that sometimes, and he totally brags about it when he wins. i’ve only passed out once, which actually makes me second place after bruce haha
arthur: you people concern me
dick, grinning: we’re fine! don’t worry about it
arthur: i’m actually going to worry more now, but sure
bruce, vaguely amused: clark.
clark, working on an article: hm?
bruce: clark. you really shouldn’t use me as the basis for normal human durability.
clark, looking up and blinking: what?
bruce, almost grinning: dick told me you’ve been using me as a comparison to normal people’s abilities and endurance
clark: oh.
bruce, actually smiling now: i appreciate the admiration, but it won’t help you to understand basic human durability
clark, blushing: y-yeah, of course! won’t happen again haha…
bruce: i mean, i could just teach you. if you want.
clark: yeah yup yes absolutely mhm for sure
clark, on his way out of the manor: …i really didn’t expect to get homework tonight, if i’m being honest
dick, winking: don’t worry, that’s his love language
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Robin Dick Grayson Characterization
I'm not sure how or where this started but there's been a rampant misunderstanding of Dick Grayson as Robin.
For some reason there have been posts upon posts that dick was some kind of angry robin and I don't know where this is coming from because in every single comic Dick is said to be the happy one. It seems to be a Covid craze because such defamation was not even in existance before 2020. Every one of the comics - Justice League, Batman, Detective Comics, Nightwing Comics, Jason's comics, Tim's comics, all of them! Talk about Dick being the happiest of the robins.
Some people say that he wanted to avenge his parents death by killing Tony Zucco. However Dick could never do that. John and Mary raised their son better than that.
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Issue #100
Where do you see a raging blood-soaked boy fanon makes him out to be?
The biggest supporter of happy Dick comes from Alfred so if you're going around claiming Dick was angry, you're literally spitting on his grave because Alfred ADORED Dick. He thought of Dick as the sole reason for Bruce's happiness which made him love Dick even more.
Alfred is Dick's biggest advocator. When Bruce is hesitant in his initial days of Robin - Alfred says
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"They will be easier than they ever were for you."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"He will see excitement and adventure...and he will help you see it, too."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"He's gotten a taste for it, Master Bruce. He has the natural skill and talent. Do you really think you could stop him at this point?"
"He could make you better. He could BE better."
"A hero forged in the LIGHT."
And Dick feels this too.
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"Then WE help them find the better path. Together."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"Let's show them how to do it right."
Calling Dick an angry robin - that's an insult to Dick, Bruce, and Alfred. It's an insult to who they are as characters and it's an insult to the very creation of robin.
Dick wasn't made for vengeance. He was made for the light.
Dick is the embodiment of hope and a brighter future. He's what people look forward to on their darkest days, their shining light. He's the hero of all heroes that came after him. There is no one like him.
There are tons of comics on Dick's journey as Robin but here's a clear one as to his thoughts before he became Robin.
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Robin & Batman Issue #3
Dick wasn't angry. He's was sad, lonely, and scared.
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This good boy doesn't deserve what you call him. This small loving child. Don't you dare push your evil agenda onto him.
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"I don't need to be the next batman. I can be something else. Something better."
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"And you know the best part?"
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"Now I know I don't need to be alone. And I don't have to be the dark."
"I can be the light."
"I can be Robin."
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Batman (1940) Issue #687
Dick was an excitable, brilliant, and over-excelling child. He was a ball of sunshine and happiness who loved laughing, playing games, and being crazy. He was a hypercompetent, crazy child who lived for the love of living and adventure.
It's the loss of the original dynamic duo that Alfred grieves over.
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Batman (1940) Issue #687
Just look at this adorable baby!!!
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Batman/Superman (2019) Issue #16
"Hey, Batman! You took down one of 'em and I took down three! I told ya I've been practicing!"
"Good work, Robin."
What the heck you cute adorable baby.
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"Holy--! Is this a warden's office of a museum of horrors? Look at that old rocket ship!"
"Ew. There's a skeleton inside!"
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Batman/Superman (2019) Issue #17
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Love this sweet, adorable child.
Another issue with the “Dick Grayson was an angry Robin” take. It’s not just a different perspective, it’s just blatantly wrong.
How wrong?
In order to fight the Batman who laughs, Bruce creates a machine that will emulate the joy of the happiest person he has ever known-who?
Robin Dick Grayson.
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"Happiness is seeing the world though the eyes of children."
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The Batman Who Laughs Issue #4
"Dick was the first robin. He had the happiest eyes. Circus eyes. Weightless - leaping, never falling."
Bruce drives himself insane from the joy he feels by looking at the world through Robin Dick's eyes.
Every comic. In every. single. comic. All of them talk about how Dick was a happy child and a happy robin. Dick's talk about it, Jason's talk about it, Tim's talk about it, the Justice League's talk about it, the Batman's especially - all the batman comics - talk about.
I would've actually added about 50 more panels but I ran out of image space because posts only have a 30 image limit.
I'm not kidding when I say it's IMPOSSIBLE. ABSOLUTELY, INCONCEIVABLY IMPOSSIBLE to say that Dick was angry Robin. Dick, Jason, Bruce, Tim, Damian, Alfred, Barbara, the JL, the titans, the Gotham villains - they all talk about Dick was a symbol of hope, joy, and light to Bruce and Gotham.
Not only that but if you read the comics, you would know that Dick was a happy robin because all the following robins had a cascade effect on their personality based solely on the fact that Dick was a happy robin. Jason's personality was the result of Dick being charcterized as happy, and Tim's personality was based off Dick's being happy.
But you know what the biggest piece of evidence against this blasphemy that Dick was angry robin is?
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Secret Origins (2014) Issue #8
"...Becoming a much needed FOIL to the batman, whose own grim obsession with revenge could easily have caused him to cross the line..."
Explain something to me. It canonically states the Dick was a foil to Bruce Wayne who used to be revenge obsessed and grim. A foil in literature means a character who contrasts with another character to highlight the differences between them.
So if Bruce was dark, gloomy, angry, and revenge filled and Dick was the foil, then how on earth is it possible Dick to also be dark, gloomy, angry, and revenge filled?
On top of this impossibility of Dick being angry and full of hatred, can we take a step back for a minute and think about Dick's position in all this? Dick is the very first child hero, the one countless heroes after him look up to because he, Robin, was the embodiment of light and goodness. He single-handedly dragged Bruce out of his pit of self-destruction merely by existing because of his charming and playful demeanor. How, then, is it possible for every single character in the entirety of DCU along with every single writer who has ever written a comic - to be wrong?
Let's be clear. Bruce's personality, is written to be the opposite of Dick's personality. And Dick's personality is the opposite of Bruce's. Furthermore, Jason and Tim's personality were written to be a response to Dick's. There's also Alfred waving a massive banner about how Dick is a literal godsend front and center. So. If you still believe, that Dick was not a happy robin, then you have effectively mischaracterized every single person in the entire batfamily aside from Kate.
Congratulations. It's truly an accomplishment to be so wrong.
So no, Dick was not in fact, ever, the angry robin.
Dick was a happy robin and that is the FOUNDATION of understanding the batfamily.
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lovesick-joey · 6 months
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i just think they're cute
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rad-batson · 1 year
Headcanon that since Clark wears his fake glasses so much, his normal vision actually starts to deteriorate just like when humans wear fake glasses. Sure, his amazing super-vision doesn’t get affected, but whenever he’s reading a menu or a sign without thinking, he’ll occasionally squint on instinct because it’s kinda blurry. Or he'll be reading from his computer screen at work and progressively lean forward until it's in focus again.
One day, one of his coworkers is like, "Age catching up to you, Clark? Maybe you need a new glasses prescription."
And Clark is really confused like, "What? Oh yeah haha, maybe!" but then he starts freaking out because wtf is his vision actually getting bad now?
So he just sits for a minute and looks into the distance for a bit, at the wall across from him, at the framed picture on his desk, at the water cooler twenty feet away, and he realizes that yeah, his vision is blurry when he doesn't pay much attention to it. He legitimately fucked up his normal vision.
When he tells Lois, she laughs her ass off and proceeds to call EVERYONE in the JL and tell them that Clark committed to the bit so hard that SUPERMAN actually needs prescription lenses now. The JL calls him Grandpa when he wears his glasses to meetings. Bruce makes fun of him for months.
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feelsforsterek · 6 months
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What, like you’re heavy?
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floq · 6 months
you know, a big reason i kinda drifted away from the phandom last year was because of how prevalent dp x dc content had become. at the time, i was more of a marvel girlie and i didn’t know much about the batfam or dc content in general. but this year during my (somewhat unintentional) hiatus i coincidentally got really into superman media, which then spiraled into an interest in the batfam and dc as whole and oh god I GET IT NOW
dp x dc content creators, keep it going, y’all are doing wonders for this community
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youcalledsworld · 1 year
DP x DC prompt
While on the job Lois Lane accidentally gets sent to Danny Phantom's universe. She was saved and housed by the Fenton Family. She tells them she's from a different universe with superheroes and Danny keeps asking her about the different heroes.
One day she accidentally saw Danny transform into Phantom. She confronts him and decides to help him. She is surprised when actually listens to her when she teaches.
Lois even convinces him to tell his parents about being Phantom. They accept him but privately ask Lois if she could take Danny with her while they try to dismantle the GIW and to amend the anti-ecto acts.
After a lot of arguing Jack and Maddie convince Danny to go with Lois. Danny also asked if they could bring Danielle along with them. They tried to get Jazz to go but she decided to stay. They figured out how to send Lois back to her home universe.
Clark isn't surprised Lois figured out how to get back before the Justice League could help her. But he is surprised she came back with two kids who will be staying with them for the foreseeable future.
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frownyalfred · 2 months
Batman let's out some of his Brucie knowledge to Superman and now the daily planet is wondering why their cinnamon roll of a farmer turned journalist knows the correct way to do coke or a Belgirian threesome
Clark: “I, uh. I heard about it on This American Life.”
Lois: “you LIAR!”
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stardustinthesky · 1 month
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#this show GETS it
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kent-farm · 11 months
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—Different Clarks across the Superman Multiverse and the Dashing Away Shirt Rip from Superman: The Movie (Reeve), Lois and Clark, "The Source" (Cain), Superman Returns (Routh), Smallville, "Finale" (Welling), Justice League (Cavill), Supergirl, "The Adventures of Supergirl" (Hoechlin, Arrowverse Era)+ Superman and Lois, "A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events" (Hoechlin, Superman and Lois Era)
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Retail Steph is my new favorite character. can we have her with the JL or other heroes?
Part 1 with Margie
Part 2 with the batfam
Part 3 with the Rogues
[at the grocery store]
Steph, holding a tray of cheese cubes: Would you like a free sample of our sharp cheddar?
Barry: Sure.
Barry: *takes a sample*
Barry: Can I have another?
Steph: Yeah, go ahead.
Barry: *takes another*
Barry: *takes another*
Barry: *takes another*
Steph: *stands there as he devours the whole tray*
[at the coffee shop]
Diana: One oolong tea, please.
Steph: What size?
Diana: Do you have something larger than a venti?
Steph, showing her a cup: There's the trenta.
Diana: Larger. Something godly.
Steph: We have a gallon for catering.
Diana, disappointed: Hm... I suppose that will have to do.
[at the clothing store]
Steph: That'll be $253.75.
Zatanna: Wait, let me show you a magic trick. I'm going to make these prices... disappear!
Zatanna: *pulls a bunch of coupons out of her sleeve*
Steph: *sighs and starts scanning*
*minus $5.00*
*minus $10.00*
*minus $15.00*
*buy 1 get 1*
*10% off*
*25% off*
*member discount*
*frequent flyer discount*
*Justice League discount*
*holiday sale*
*bonus points*
Steph: Congrats, the store owes you twelve dollars.
[at the drive-thru]
Steph: Welcome to Batburger, what can I get you?
Bruce, as Batman: *grunts*
Steph: Would you like fries with that?
Bruce: *grunts*
Steph: And would you like those fries Jokerized?
Bruce: *grunts*
Steph: Jeez okay, struck a nerve there. Your total is $10.38. Please pull up to the next window.
[at the furniture store]
Steph: For the last time, your fishiness, that's not what the warranty means by "acts of God."
Arthur: I am a god and it was my act. Now I would appreciate if you refunded my spinny chair.
[at the restaurant]
Steph: Are we ready to order?
Lois: Yes. I'll do the bolognese, please.
Steph: Excellent. And you, sir?
Clark: Hold in, the salmon looks good too. In fact, I completely missed the entire seafood section. Can I do a salmon with—
Clark: Wait, I've read those mercury poisoning studies. How about the shrimp carbonara—
Clark: Actually, I like linguine better. Let's do the shrimp linguine—
Clark: Wait... the ravioli sounds good too.
Clark: And so does the gnocchi.
Steph: Would you like a few more minutes?
Clark, sheepishly: Yes, please.
Lois: *glares at him*
[at the call center]
Steph: Wayne Enterprises account support, how can I help you?
Steph: I need you to speak up.
J'onn, through the static: I want— *crackle* —added.
Steph: Sir, you seem to be breaking up.
J'onn: Sorry— *crackle* —on Mars.
Steph: *facepalms*
[at the Watchtower]
Oliver, whispering: What's up with Spoiler?
Hal: *glances at Steph*
Steph: *silently seething*
Hal, shrugging: It's probably a bat thing.
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