blackpearlblast · 3 days
list of GFMs for families trying to evacuate gaza
making a list of all of the fundraisers of people who have reached out to me directly on here in order to have them all in one place. all of them have either been vetted by other users or i verified them personally by checking their other social media accounts (like twitter or instagram) to confirm. everyone here definitely needs support, a lot of their family members are injured or in need of medical care that is not available in gaza. i am also linking their tumblr accounts so that you can follow them to keep up with their campaigns.
Ezzideen Shehab - his tumblr was banned but his close friend and campaign runner is @boshradaoud - €18,227/32,500
Haya Orouq - @haya-orouq19 - $46,998/55,000 (USD)
Nesma Ahmed - @nesmaah - $16,212/45,000 (USD)
Hala - @hlabarka22 - $4,738/50,000 (CAD)
Sahar El Tibi - @eltibisahar - €4,046/30,000
Haneen Atya Altalla - @haneenatya - $25,646/70,000 (AUD)
Sujood Odeh - @sujoododeh - £22,089/50,000
Fatma Bassem - @fatmabassem - $16,483/40,000 (USD)
Donia Tanani - @doniatanani - €71,697/100,000
Nozha Emad - (Donia's sister) - €1,964/18,000
Said Tanani - (Donia's brother) - €33,177/50,000
Abdullah - @amhdes90 - $4,086/47,000 (USD)
Amal Abushaban - @amalabushaban - €6,834/50,000
Mahmoud ElTibi - @mahmoodeltibi - €5,170/60,000
Heba Maqadma - @hebaalmaqadma - €41,439/60,000
Fadi Sharif - @fadisharif - $16,886/62,500 (USD)
Mohammed Bardaweel - @mohbardaweel - €295/37,000
Ahmed N. Abubaker - @ahmednabubaker - €11,823/85,000
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phantomrose96 · 2 days
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
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nanaarchy · 3 days
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the ghost boy (tumblr kills the quality once again)
Based on this panel 👇👇👇
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check it out on instagram 👍
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satoshy12 · 2 days
Danny is missing son of Lois and Clark Danny is same age As Dick That made Dani their Grandchild
After a fight against one of his villains, Superman's son was kidnapped by them. He wasn't able to find his boy, so he and Lois thought for years that he was dead.
Amnestic Danny was found by the loving Fenton parents, who took him in. The magic attack made his kryptonian DNA weaker, but he was still strong. Jack said he was as strong as him! His new dad seems to be a meta. Danny loved his new life in Amity Park, and after the portal, he was turned into a Kryptonian/Ghost Hybrid. 
Danny Phantom was born. The years are going all normal. 
Bruce looked at the computer as he called Clark.
"This is about Damian's new friend; she is weak to kryptonite, and the DNA test shows she is related to you."
Clark:"A new Clone? I got better after Conner."
Bruce. "No, she has your and Lois DNA; you know what that means."
Clark:" He is alive, and I and Lois are grandparents." We missed so much." 
A/N Kryptonian/Ghost Dani and Danny
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moonsart · 23 hours
Ghost King - Danny Phantom x Project Muse animation
Youtube link
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thestarsofpines · 3 days
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just wanted to use my markers.
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noxcheshire · 16 hours
As a worm.
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realize-address · 1 day
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Dannymay day 8:
Style challenge
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I got back into LEGO Ninjago recently so for today’s prompt I decided it was only fitting for me to LEGOify Danno!
I find it kind of funny that I’ve done a good amount of Ninjago art by now, and yet the first fanart I’ve drawn in the LEGO style was for DP lmao
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evilminji · 23 hours
DP X BNHA Idea!!!!!
Izuku goes missing during the USJ. He falls through a green portal!
I mean? Kurogiri IS there. And we don't know that ALL that neck piece does is support his body. Could be Support Tech too. Portals made by an artificial Quirk are finicky? Why the FUCK would a Nomu, no matter how intelligent, have any control over his portals?
That requires a clear visualization and conscious PREMEDITATED set of decisions.
Something he is no longer capable off. It's one of the major flaws in their shitty, shitty "research". The see only the end results of people working with their Quirks. Mentally processing information and MAKING DECISIONS as INDIVIDUALS WITH FREE WILL and? Reduce it all down to the Quirk itself.
It's bias.
They never saw PEOPLE as anything of worth, after all.
That's why Best Jeanist can have such a "weak quirk" and still kick so much ass. Miriko can be a terrifying war god of a battle rabbit. It was never the Quirk. It was the PERSON weilding it.
The Strongest Quirks in existence, in the hands of weak willed men, could be defeated by one determined quirkless man with a heavy rock or a gun. They would die like insects, cowering in the mud. And All for One never understood that. It's why he underestimated his brother. It's why he was always doomed to fail.
It's WHY... Izuku has no idea where he is.
And there are like... seven? No wait, more. Ghosts. Arguing over what to do.
At least Grandma Midoriya is here. She like Aunty Mitsuki and... oh hey! That's Aunty Mitsuki's uncle! At least he has family... sorta... dead family? He's gonna go with family. At least he has people he KNOWS with him, here to yell at the weird chest ghosts.
And Grandma hugs.
As they float in a... void a green. Ha ha... ohgodwherearethey...
There is a crowd forming. Apparently that portal guy is a NOMU? And Mr.? Cloud? Wants his body back. Has been following the portals the Nomu creates to try and tear his way in from the OTHER side.
What side?! What side are WE ON? Please EXPLAIN.
And?? Now someone is shouting to break it up. There are skeletons gently shoving people and doing crowd control. And.... wait. WAIT! :O
Is that a HERO UNIFORM!!! That IS! And a crown! Is that part of his outfit? Or is this place RULED by a DEAD HERO?! *vibrates in hero nerd*
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blackpearlblast · 2 days
you may have seen heba's gofundme around and now i would like to take my turn in sharing it too. they need money not only to evacuate but also to afford medical care for multiple family members and a new wheelchair and physical therapy for her youngest brother, adam. the invasion of rafah only makes this even more urgent, please donate and share to help them get out of this nightmarish situation.
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phantomrose96 · 2 days
Sham Sacrifice is going to single-handedly get me back into reading Danny Phantom fics I love the sacrifice headcanon so so so much and you have reminded me of that fact thank you for your service and the food I am gnawing on that fic right now
(Sham Sacrifice)
Excellent choice of rabbit hole! There is so much!
And the headcanon just Hits for me. Like canon mostly seems to imply “haha there was an ‘on’ button on the inside that Jack and Maddie forgot about.” And I do believe that was the intention.
But if we drag it to headcanon world… Jack and Maddie invented the portal from scratch. They designed, specced, and built every piece of it. who really just ‘forgets’ there’s an on button on the inside which they designed and built?
I like to believe they did have everything pressed accordingly, and it just honestly truly didn’t work. …but then Danny turned it on from the inside, and killed himself in the process, and became the very catalyst necessary to rip the ghost zone up into reality and tear a hole through them both.
And the implications, too. It’s Jack and Maddie’s portal. All the ghost mayhem they caused, surely, and Danny is being a hero by protecting everyone from it. …Except, in this case, Jack and Maddie could never have opened the portal. It would have remained off, been dismantled. But Danny went in, Danny became the sacrifice to turn it on, and Danny is the reason it’s open. Suddenly it’s not playing hero, it’s paying for his mistake
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ghostlyschwarbage · 2 days
Canon Danny Phantom Facts by the Episode Pt. 2
Season 1, Episode 2: Parental Bonding
Jack is a history buff: he made a joke about soda going through him like "Sherman through Georgia" which is apparently a reference to a civil war campaign in 1864
Paulina is a new student 
She didn't have an issue with Danny until Sam called her shallow
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waxwing-cedrorum · 3 days
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I’m not sure how many more I’ll make but these were really fun doodles. I kept them pretty small because ✨free time doesn’t exist✨. Their order is based off the first week of prompts for Danny May.
The last one for day 7: Mind control, is 100% not my design and definitely belongs to @letswonderspirit It’s the only thing that popped into my head for the prompt lol.
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redelliavalentinos · 3 days
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Ima jus leave dis here.
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mooblybloom · 2 days
In my mind Nocturne is an honorary God of fate, meaning he can pull strings to a certain extent to guide things the way he wants them to go but he can't do anything too major or he will be punished by the three sisters themselves
However, Clockwork on the other hand is a minor God of Fate on top of being a god of time this means he can do the same thing Nocturne can but with more leniency and what he can and can't do and is less likely to be punished for it. (Especially if he can sweet-talk his way out of it.)
For me, this is why he was able to help Danny with his time travel/timeline fuckery in the Ultimate Enemy special
(The ghostwriter would definitely be a major God of fate)
The reason I created this narrative of a major minor and honorary God's of fate is because in a previous post (this one) I mentioned how Nocturne took a liking to Wes subsequently letting Wes become Critical Role in Danny's Court but I also liked the idea of Nocturne giving Wes extra support rules to guide things how he wants them to go
So for example, say Wes wondered whether or not Danny was going to win a fight and it was a particularly low number Nocturne would add on to that number to make it higher to give Danny a higher chance of winning for his own entertainment (he can also subtract)
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