#i need like 5 business days to process all that im going to lose it
cactus-juiceee · 11 months
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Neverending Story
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frogletscribe · 8 months
Until It Doesn’t Hurt
Chapter 5: Come Along
20 years since the RDA was pushed off of the moon of Pandora, they are back once more. The RDA thinks their only problem is the traitor Jake Sully and his family, but as it turns out, Jake wasn’t the only ‘problem’ left behind 20 years ago. 
Anthe was a child soldier, stolen from their home and forced to learn the ways of the humans, erasing any of their connections to the Na’vi from before. Finally free from the RDA’s hold after being trapped in cryosleep, they're about to make themselves everyone's problem.
Sibling bonding with the Sullys.
Pairing: Aged Up!Neteyam X Nonbinary!Na'vi!Reader/OC (OC and Neteyam are both around 20)
Warnings: Mentions of Past Violence, Mentions of Past Trauma, Mild Claustrophobia, No Use of Y/N, Blood, Self-depreciation, Neglectful Parenting
WC: 2284 words. AO3 Link Here
A/N: It is October heat wave time for me right now and I am melting rn but maybe writing things will help ;^; Im also posting this slightly earlier than I thought i would, given that my brain only knows thesis and baldurs gate right now lol
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The day Anthe learned that Tuk liked to bite people when she was mad, was the same day Neteyam had been forced to leave them with Lo’ak and Kiri, instead of accompanying Anthe around himself. In the time Anthe had stayed with the Sully’s, Neteyam had been given the chance to spend his time with them, to teach and share the ways of the Na’vi, instead of his typical duties; but enough time had passed now that the Olo’eyktan had asked his eldest son to return to business as usual. That left Anthe in the company of the middle two Sully children. 
Neteyam was not happy about it. Not that he didn’t like Anthe spending time with his siblings, quite the contrary, he loved hearing how well they all got on, it was that he didn’t like losing his time with them. While Anthe’s arm healed, he was only able to teach them about half of the things that they needed to know. But the process was slow, and often painful as their flesh slowly scarred over where the Palulukan had tagged them. So, until they healed, Neteyam could not take them hunting or patrolling with him, as much as he desperately wanted to.
Still, Neteyam could not deny his fathers orders, and so Anthe was left to be watched by Lo’ak and Kiri. Kiri was also very kind and attentive to them, often checking over Anthe’s wound in her grandmother's absence. She was also much more assertive than Anthe initially thought, and sarcastic. 
It had been Kiri’s idea to visit the science outpost, talking about visiting Spider, and Lo’ak had jumped at the chance to leave High Camp. With her older siblings leaving, Tuk insisted on going with them, dragging on Lo’ak arms as she begged her brother to let her tag along. Eventually, he relented, and the four of them were off, flying down towards the forest floor.
Anthe found themselves glad to be flying with Kiri on her large indigo Ikran, especially watching Lo’ak spin and dive, Tuk squealing in delight in his lap. Anthe’s stomach did flips as they watched him. Flying with Kiri was not as secure as flying with Neteyam, Anthe was bigger than the young woman and had to sit behind her on the sadle, but at least she seemed calm and in control. 
Anthe was wary of coming to a human outpost, though the siblings all reassure them that everyone there was very nice and no one would hurt them, they remained vigilant. Even injured, Anthe and Lo’ak were the closest to warriors and that left the safety of Kiri and Tuk to them.
“{Here we are}” Lo’ak announced, mostly for Anthe’s benefit, as the group entered a small clearing. They had gotten more used to speaking solely in Na’vi, though still occasionally slipped back into English when they couldn’t find the words they needed. 
Immediately, Anthe saw it, the strange amalgamation of metal and wooden structures that made up the outpost. Several smaller metal caravan-like buildings linked together, with more traditional Na’vi buildings positioned around the outside. They spotted the first of the humans quickly, their small frames popping in and out of sight between buildings or from behind trees, all of them bearing the exo-masks that allowed them to breathe the Pandoran air. There were also several Na’vi. Or at least what Anthe initially thought were Na’vi, but quickly realized must be Avatars, from their extra fingered hands and human clothing. None of them bared the newcomers any mind.
“{Come.}” Kiri said, smiling as they took Anthe’s hand. “{This way.}”
Kiri and Lo’ak led them into one of the metal buildings, handing out breathing masks as they delved further into the cold grey halls. Anthe was immediately uncomfortable, the low ceiling and narrow windowless pathways feeling suffocating as they followed. Eventually, the halls opened into a wider room, one where Anthe didn’t have to hunch over to move through anymore. The room was wide, filled with computer screens and other machines and equipment Anthe couldn’t even imagine the purpose of.
“{Hey bro!}” A human man grinned, running up to Lo’ak. He was practically naked save for a loincloth typical of Na’vi, painted blue stripes adorning his muscled body, blonde dreadlocks hanging around his face.
“{Spider!}” Lo’ak grinned back, meeting the man with some kind of complicated handshake. Lo’ak and Kiri both towered over him as they showered Spider in greetings and hugs. Even Tuk seemed to be gaining on him despite her young age. Anthe stood back, not wanting to interrupt. 
Anthe interacted with Spider the least, not because they didn’t want to, but because he simply wasn’t around as much. Anthe had only left High Camp a handful of times, mostly with Kiri, or Neteyam, and Spider was not often at High Camp himself. Anthe suspected that might be due to Neytiri’s influence. It was hard to miss the mother’s loathing for the young human.
They spotted another man, Norm, towards the back of the room. Anthe had met Norm briefly back at High Camp. He was human, though spent much of his time piloting his Avatar, the form he still took now. He was a scientist, and reminded Anthe very much of their Teacher. The lanky man waved from his seat shouting a greeting towards the larger group.
“{Hey kids! Here to check on Grace?}”
“{Yep!}” Kiri smiled, pulling Spider with her as they headed further into the room.
“{And to see Spider.}” Lo’ak laughed. 
“{Tuk?}” Anthe leaned over to the youngest Sully, speaking quietly. 
“{Hmm?}” Tuk hummed, ever bright and smiling.
“{Who is Grace?}”
“{Oh, that's Kiri’s mama.}” The young girl said matter of factly.
“{But I thought Neytiri was your mother?}” Anthe asked, confused.
“{She is! Just not Kiri’s. Well, she’s still Kiri’s mama.}”
“{Neytiri is not my biological mother. Grace is.}” Kiri cut in, smiling gently as she explained.
“{O-oh. I’m sorry, I just assumed.}” Anthe shrank, embarrassed.
“{It’s alright. My situation is, um, complicated.}” Kiri shrugged.“{This is her.}” 
Kiri led them over to a large liquid filled tube sitting towards the back of the room. 
“{Hi, Ma. This is my friend, Anthe.}”
Anthe looked closer, quickly seeing a woman's body floating idly inside the tube. She looked exactly like Kiri. Her features suggested she was an Avatar, but Anthe had never seen one suspended like this before. The body twitched and moved from within the tank, seeming as if she was just asleep. Anthe didn’t need to be told any more details, it was clear enough to them that Grace’s human body had likely died, leaving her Avatar an empty husk. Anthe themselves had never known their own mother, or rather, couldn’t remember her. They thought how bittersweet it must be for Kiri to have her mother right there, and simultaneously not at all.
“{You look just like her.}” Anthe said quietly to the younger woman. Kiri smiled at the comment, before turning her attention back to Spider and Lo’ak who had started messing around with the nearby computers.
“{Hey don’t mess with those!}”
Anthe sat quietly, watching as the group laughed and played together in the afternoon sun. Lo’ak had led them all to a small clearing, where he now stood wrestling with Tuk and Spider. Kiri laid in the grass nearby, seeming almost as if in a trance as she watched the plants and animals in the canopy above. Everything was so calm, so easy. It reminded Anthe of the past, spending time with their own siblings. The reminder of them had started to hurt less, becoming more a melancholy ache than the stab of a knife in their chest. Anthe thought often of their siblings, though they continued to refrain from speaking about them, but they thought the others would like the Sully’s, if they ever got the chance to meet them. Of course the calm was broken by a shrieking from where Lo’ak Spider and Tuk were playing. Anthe had only been half paying attention, but the second the sound hit their ears, they were upright and knife out looking for an attacker. But there was none. Or at least none that Anthe had expected. Tuk was wrapped around Lo’ak head, her teeth latched onto one pointed ear, fingers clawing at his braids, and tail lashing wildly behind her.
“{Tuk! Stop!}” Spider yelled, trying to pry the girl from her brother's shoulders. Tuk was just growling and hissing, refusing to let go.
“{Ack- Tuk I’m sorry! Let go!}” Lo’ak tried to push her off, falling backwards onto the ground with a thump. Anthe watched the struggle for a moment, trying to let their initial adrenaline ease before getting involved, and pocketing their knife. Kiri, had sat up in the grass, but didn’t move to get involved right away either. 
“{Tuk!}” The boys were still yelling as Anthe stepped forward. They tapped Spider’s shoulder, with their free hand, motioning for him to step back. Gently, they snaked their arm around Tuk’s waist, pulling her and Lo’ak upright. 
“{Lo’ak, stop struggling.}” They said,  just held the pair for a moment until Lo’ak did as he was told, but still whining the whole way. As Lo’ak stopped struggling, Tuk seemed to deflate, and finally let go. Lo’ak immediately jumped away, and Anthe pulled the girl from his shoulders. Tuk was still huffing, arms crossed and angry, as Anthe knelt down to her level.
“{What happened?}” They asked Tuk, trying to be calm and even. Anthe had seen plenty of fights between their siblings, petty or otherwise. When they were younger, Anthe had often been the one to defuse those situations afterwards, but it had been a long time since the last time they had handled something like this.
“{She bit me!}” Lo’ak shouted defensively, holding his wounded ear.
“{I’m asking Tuk.}” Anthe cut back at him with a stern look before turning back to the young girl. “{What happened?}”
“{They wouldn’t let me play with them!}” Tuk pouted. “{They kept pushing me away! You guys always leave me out of stuff!}”
“{Tuk, we were wrestling, we didn’t want you to get hurt.}” Spider said, trying to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged him off, pouting harder.
“{But I’m just as big as you are!}”
“{Tuk, even if youre just as big as Spider, that doesn’t mean you can’t still get hurt.}” Anthe smoothed a hand down the girl's back, trying to ease the tension from her shoulders. Unlike with Spider, Tuk did not shrug off the touch, just frowning sadly as the anger leaked out of her.
“{You’re still a lot younger than them. I know you just want to not be left out, but you should say something, not bite people when you’re mad.}” Anthe gave Lo’ak a pointed look. He seemed to catch their meaning and deflated himself, coming to stoop with them at Tuk’s level.
“{I’m sorry we leave you out of things Tuk, it’s like Anthe said, we just don't want you getting hurt. But please don’t bite me when you get mad, that really hurt.}”
“{I’m sorry I bit you…}” Tuk mumbled, lip wobbling, whatever fight that had been there finally going out of her. 
“{Maybe there is something else that we can all do?}” Spider suggested as Lo’ak scooped Tuk into a hug.
“{Yes, please.}” Tuk sniffed. Anthe stepped back, giving the siblings some space as the situation calmed itself.
“{You handled that really well. Usually there's a lot more shouting.}” Kiri smiled, coming to stand with them.
“{I just tried to keep things calm.}” They shrugged. “{What do you mean there's more shouting?}”
“{Well, usually, dad gets mad and yells at everyone and we all get in trouble. Neteyam is better, but he usually gets into arguments with Lo’ak too.}” Anthe frowned.
“{Wait, your father just yells at all of you? How does that help anything?}” Kiri just shrugged in response and Anthe’s frown deepened, watching as Spider and Lo’ak started to try and come up with a game they could play with Tuk.
They had seen a bit of Jake Sully’s parenting. He was strict, especially with his sons. Often treating them more similarly to how they remembered the Staff Sergeant who commanded their squad did than how they thought a father was supposed to act. He was better with Tuk and Kiri, more obviously loving, but strict all the same. What had been even more blatant to Anthe was simply how often Jake and Neytiri were not around at all. Anthe figured it was because of their high rank among the clan, but it still felt off to them. In truth, Neteyam was more a parent to his siblings than their actual parents were. He was the one who settled most arguments and made sure his siblings weren’t getting into trouble. Anthe shook their head, they had no place to judge. They had never had real parents to care for them, only the caretakers at TAP and their Teacher. 
Tenak and their other siblings had grown up as a tight knit group, bonded through shared trauma and intense military training. They had all learned the hard way that no one else would look out for them but each other, so arguments were best dealt with quickly and calmly. The melancholy feeling started to come back as Anthe watched the new game of competitive tree climbing before them. They stood back, content to watch rather than join in themselves. A part of them wanted to join, but a louder part of Anthe’s mind told them to be on guard for danger or predators. 
Protect these people where they could not protect their own family.
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tqotsx3 · 4 months
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers. (not forced ofc)
hey sorry i fell off the face of the earth cause WOWIE i took a while to see this, ive just been busy with school and some other stuff
also i love this prompt! i dont really think about myself often but i should appreciate who i am more! and i think people should appreciate who they are and the joy they bring into the world more too!!
i dont know how id pick just 10 of my favorite followers (they are all so cool), so if you follow me and ur reading this, if you wanna you should also take some time to appreciate yourself and post 5 things you like about yourself
ok ill stop stalling
Being able to tell when i did something wrong - part of the reason it took me so long to even respond to this was because i was in the process of reconciling with my old friend group. I had left about two years prior because i fell in love with my best friend and had gotten rejected, and at the time i was devastated, so much so that i pretty much cut contact with all of my friends from that group. I lived off of mainly spite and shame for what had happened for about 1 year, after which i tried connecting with other people at my school. this eventually led me to figuring out my gender and really looking at how my feelings had shifted over the years that I was gone, and while i felt much less angry, i still couldn't bring myself to join back. atleast, not until i saw a viral tweet from one of the friends of that group, which made me realize that by leaving the group i had missed so much, and they had missed so much of my life too. I joined back with my friends on december 1st, which i will remember fondly for the rest of my life. i know what i did was wrong now, and i consider leaving the biggest regret of my life so far. but just like that, i also consider rejoining one of the greatest joys i have ever experienced. i guess what im trying to say is that i know i mess up, like all the time about a lot of things, but i think im pretty good about owning up to that and admitting my mistakes.
2. Lack of Shame - oh boy what a great thing to follow up my trauma dump, lets go full horny now!! ok not really, but ever since i realized i was trans ive kinda let go of any shame about my body image or what i enjoy sexually. when i was a kid i used to fucking hate myself for being overweight, thinking i was wrong and i needed to lose weight constantly. and then when i got older, i also did that but for a porn addiction i thought i had (which later turned out to be my gender dysphoria manifesting but i didnt know that for another like 8 years). and now i dont bash myself for these things, its so nice to live my life without judging myself for every little thing that i perceived as wrong with myself. looking back on it, its kinda crazy since a majority of the things i hated about myself i never really had a problem with, it was moreso that there was a strict societal standard that wormed its way into my skull and made me think i was inferior when i really just wasnt. so anyway i hornypost 24/7 to all my friends and theyve all gotten tired of it (in a joking way, ofc if any of them were actually uncomfortable with me doing that I would respect that and stop immediately). anyways i need to be bred to death like a female axolotl
3. kindness - i sure hope i am!!! i try pretty hard to be nice to people and to make sure everyone around me knows theyre loved and appreciated and that they bring in so much joy to the people around them and to the world in general!!! at the end of the day i want everyone to be happy!!! on that note i need to get into the habit of saying this more but FREE PALESTINE!!! i cant really hope that everyones happy without condemning a literal genocide happening
4. curiosity and a lil ambition - i like learning things!! and i like that i like to learn things!! ive been happy going to school and learning about topics that interest me (mainly chemistry and computer science) and im glad that i have an interest in learning cause this world is so fucking cool and i want to learn how it works!!!!!
5. direction - and after all that has happened, after all my struggles and my losses, and my victories and my epiphanies, im just so proud of myself for finally knowing who i really am. there were times when i was alone where i would wonder if i would ever be happy, if i would ever figure out what i was supposed to be doing. i dont think i would ever have expected my life to be at this point and i am just so happy that i finally get to enjoy my life. I hope that everyone i ever know and everyone i ever dont gets to experience this too.
if you see this, just know that you are invaluable and awesome to have around. know that if you are lost, you will find who you are one day, you'll know what you want to do, where you want to go, who you want to be.
much love to you all.
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sirensav · 8 months
It’s been two weeks and I have only lost 3lbs. I’m actually not mad at that tho bc it makes me feel like it’s actually fat im losing and not just muscle or water weight. I think soon I’ll start exercising to speed up the process but im happy with the progress being made. I don’t think it helped this week eating right before going to sleep but this week was busy. Monday was quiz night so I got home late. I ended up eating a hot dog when I woke up from falling asleep. Tuesday I was with Christia so I think I had something I can’t remember. Wednesday Tristan came over and I think I had an egg sandwich. Thursday I KOed super early but woke up and ate and tonight I had two sushi rolls but basic ones but I still have time to digest before going right to bed. It will be interesting to see if that helps or if I just stayed at the same weight or lose anything or even gain.
It’s nice bc I feel like I am learning what works and doesn’t. I know meat really doesn’t help me lose at all right before bed. What I might do is get some rice cakes, hummus and mushrooms.
I can try and find the keto bread and make cucumber sandwiches. The protein shakes don’t work just yet but maybe further down the road. It’s the beginning of this journey so I don’t wanna mess it up too quickly by going too hard too fast. I know I need food to go to sleep and ironically that developed through this ED when I was at my lowest which was 95lbs. I miss it there I feel I could of gotten further but I won’t go too deep into that. We are just gonna focus on getting there. Next week is promising. I can go to the store tomorrow and get the stuff. I’m excited for next weeks progress. I feel like it will be better than this weeks.
CW: 130
GW1: 125
Total lbs lost: 6
Total lbs to go: 5
Maybe tomorrow I will work on the house that will burn calories. Maybe go for a walk. We will see. Maybe lounge around for a while. Either way I will try not to smoke during the day so I don’t eat anything. I think last weekend killed progress too so I gotta make sure the weekends don’t push me back. This will be the third weekend so we will be strong. Remember how good it will feel seeing the number on the scale go down. Maybe I’ll do a cycle tonight to burn calories. Probs not bc exhausted but MAYBE
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shivada-jade · 3 years
soulmate!au because im weak. you're weak too.
characters: bennett, zhongli, diluc ➡ mentions: barbara, lisa, guizhong, hu tao, kaeya, crepus warning(s): bennett luck (he gets hurt a lot), wrote this at 2:48am so my writing may or may not make sense
bennett: feels the same emotions from the other, but the emotions have to be strong and genuine
he never understood your sudden bursts of sadness. it would come at the most inconvenient at times.
for as long as he could remember, the emotions that weren't his are mostly sad. he asked his dads about it and gently told him his soulmate system is feeling emotions from the other.
after crying from an unknown pain, he made it his soul purpose to constantly be happy all the time, no matter how unlucky he could be so you can be happy too.
his dads worry when he falls down and scrapes his knee, but he would always reply with, "i'm not hurt! my soulmate is hurt!"
he would then clutch the fabric on his chest tightly, like he's been stabbed with a sword and say, "my soulmate hurts right here."
he heaves a breath, "it doesn't compare to whatever luck i get."
"this pain is bearable," he convinces himself when he comes out a hilichurl camp in cuts and bruises.
"your soulmate needs you to be happy for them," he chastises himself for shedding a tear when another adventurer wronged him.
he visits barbara to heal his wounds and asks how she always looks so... happy, so smiley.
"all it takes is one smile to make yourself happy. it can be a slow process but it works!" she singsongs, "miss lisa showed me a study about it."
ever since barbara explained, he smiles the brightest of smiles in mondstadt. he refuses to let other adventurers let him down, worried he might hurt you more than it is.
soon, he finds out that he feels no sadness coming from you. he feels no weight on his shoulders. he feels happy after Good hunter ran out of food for him.
these are not my emotions, he thinks, a wide grin creeping it's way to his face.
he lets out the loudest laugh, giggles, and various joyous noises. he's never felt so happy in his life. for once, he feels lucky, because for once, you're finally happy in the other end of his invisible red string of fate.
his luck skyrockets when he sees a person around his age, with a gorgeous smile adorning their features. he knows its you, sitting by the fountain making wishes. he knows it's you when he sees your eyes that hold so much emotion.
it was as if his heart was tugging him to where you sat.
he's never felt so lucky to have you as his soulmate.
"thank you giving the best smiles"
zhongli: every time he passes his soulmate, he hears the sounds of bells ringing
now, zhongli never thought he would have a soulmate because of his past title of 'archon.' soulmate systems are a tricky thing. he knows there are so many ways to know your soulmate system.
the common system was their first words tattooed on themselves. many others had the ability to know when they meet them, in other words, a count down.
but zhongli never had those two, nor did he have faith in the soulmate system until the lantern rite festival.
walking by the busy streets, he muses to himself how pretty liyue is under the blanket of the moon and stars. he hears the merchants call to customers, attracting and waving at them to buy their products. he hears the clink of the mora in their bag is loud; the laughter from the children young and old marry a soft smile to his face.
he freezes, hearing something that should not belong in the lantern rite. the sound of bells ringing. it isn't any cow bell, or school bell. it's the sound of echoing, melodious wedding bells ringing his ear.
he vaguely remembers his friend guizhong mentioning about this rare particular soulmate system when she still roamed teyvat.
a soulmate!
zhongli stands straighter, eyes grazing on the sea of people, trying to see if anyone stopped to hear the bells he heard. he mutters a few apologies when people bump into him with lanterns in their hands, but that doesn't matter to him.
fate brought someone for him to love. it's just that... he doesn't know where.
he walks forward, he walks backwards to where he came from. he walks to the docks then to the top of liyue harbour, but he can't hear the sound of the bells again.
he doesn't panic. he doesn't rush, because he knows fate will bring you back together. he just doesn't know how long until he'll hear the bells again.
it came to him a surprise when he hears the bells everyday after that.
everyday when he sits at third-round knockout he hears the sound of bells behind him, but when he turns, he knows you've left already.
he sighs, blowing on his tea before taking light sips. it seems he won't be meeting you today.
one day, the ringing just stops. there's no sign of you, or your presence. zhongli assumes you're just taking a sick day, or you've decided to rest, but after a week of not hearing the bells, he worries.
archons, how he wanted to look for you, but he doesn't even know who you are. hu tao encourages zhongli to take the day off and look for you, so he did.
walking aimlessly in liyue, doubt crosses his mind. what if you were here for a business trip and left? it wasnt until he passes by a stunning figure he hears the bells again. he stiffens and turns to you when you stopped next to him.
"thank goodness," he says, slightly covering his smile with a gloved hand.
your eyes sparkle as you look at him, "thank goodness indeed."
diluc: lost possesions will come to your soulmate
for as long diluc knows, strange things always end up in his possessions: hairclips, pens, coins, and archons forbid- his soulmate's overdue bills.
his father laughs when younger diluc comes home dragging a wagon and the biggest teddy bear in history, because how on teyvat does someone lose a teddy bear taller than a door. crepus watches his son struggling to drag the big toy home and sees his other son pushing the wagon from behind, also struggling.
"what do you have there?"
all the response he gets are grunts. the side of his eyes crinkle with mirth, seeing his two sons having trouble bringing it home.
"father!" diluc calls out with a grin missing two of his front teeth, "i don't know where it came from. it's like it appeared from the sky."
"it actually did fall out of the sky!" kaeya says, "we were at the vineyard and i saw diluc get crushed!"
"i did not get crushed."
"did too," kaeya retaliates, sticking his tongue out.
that was the first time diluc heard of this certain soulmate system. lost things from his soulmate go to his possession; lost things from diluc go to his soulmate's possession.
crepus glances at his boys and gets an idea. he calls for them to follow him, and they do, obediently. he leads them to his room, pulling out a treasure chest full of frilly clothes, dresses, outfits that range from a farmer's outfit to a noblewoman.
"this chest is where your mother kept her favourite things," crepus pulls out a necklace from the bottom of the case. "this necklace was particularly her favourite."
diluc can see why. he's mesmerized by the ruby sparkle it hangs. the gold chain complimenting the red jewel and making it complete.
crepus clutches the necklace, looking at it longingly before placing it back in the chest. he places out all the old clothes from the container and lays it on his bed.
"you can keep your soulmate's things here like i once did. your pops is getting too old anyway, i-"
kaeya interrupts crepus jumps on the clothes that are on the bed, creating a havoc in the room. he jumps on the bed with so much energy even after diluc tells him about the story of the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.
though, crepus is having none of that. he picks up diluc by his small arms and flings him to kaeya, looking like a bowling ball knocking down a pin. the two boys gasp for air, shooting dirty looks at their father before they chase him out of the house.
the corner of diluc's mouth twitch up ever so slightly, remembering when he first knew of his soulmate. it would take a very observant person to notice his smile. he polishes the glass behind angel's share's counter. under the filtered sunlight, the glass glints. satisfied with the cleanliness.
the chest his father game him was fill of trinkets his soulmate had lost over the years, and good grief. his soulmate must be the most disorganized person ever. he remembers walking to dawn winery and a sack of mora drop on his feet. it wasn't a pleasant feeling, but the thing that has diluc worried is how his soulmate tends to lose the biggest things like a 7-foot-tall teddy bear.
diluc is about to place the wine glass on a cupboard until SMACK.
a thick paper hits his face from seemingly nowhere and so he knows that is his soulmate losing the tenth thing for the day. he has a room dedicated for the things his soulmate has lost, and he thinks he might need a second room.
he pulls the paper off his face and his eyes widen in shock. this two-inch thick paper are legal documents. loan agreements. overdue loan agreements.
[Name] [Last Name]
he notes the name in his head. [Name] owes the fatui 35 thousand mora as interest. what kind of reckless person- then it hits his mind. that sack of mora that fell from the sky was that 35 thousand to pay off the loans.
he knows where to go. he leaves the wineglass on the counter for charles to pick up and hastily grabs his coat and leaves the door.
"liyue, liyue, liyue, and the fatui." he chants in his head. loans. he greets his maid before ascending to his room. he snatches the mora that dropped on his feet and sprints out the door to retrieve his stallion.
a few hours at most to make it to where his fated partner was at, and so he sets off.
arriving at liyue is strange, seeing diluc's attire did not match the city, and seeing his hands are holding the reins of his horse tightly. a strange traveler from a foreign land... with a majestic stallion. he looks like a prince straight out of a fairytale.
he lightly pats his horse, urging to go a bit faster from the trotting they were doing until he meets the gaze of a distressed person in front of the fatui.
"i swear! i had the money and the papers just today!"
diluc scoffs, knowing who they were now, and they did not have the money today. they lost it a week ago.
"listen," the masked fatui grumbles. "im just here to do my job. if i don't have the money in my hands right now i'll-"
diluc jumps off the saddle and unloads the sack of mora from the side, dropping it on the fatui's hand with a seething glare, yet still polite.
"i believe they owe you 35 thousand? sounds about right, no?" he says, letting his diplomatic side show a bit. "for the sake of it, why not amuse me and take this, david. hmm?"
the fatui goes rigid, hearing his name. he slowly lifts his eyes up, "master diluc." he curtly nods and skittishly walks away. one time david spilled drinks at a mondstadt political gathering. he spilled it on diluc.
the ragnvindr waits for the fatui to walk away before turning to his, supposedly love of his life.
"you're the one who lost a 7-foot-tall teddy bear when i was six," he points out, waiting for your response.
his soulmate sheepishly smiles, "well- i would have a good defense but hey, did you at least enjoy having a 7-feet-tall teddy bear fall on you?"
"i did, along with a glass mug falling on me as well."
"i just cant believe how you never lose your stuff!" they retort, "the only thing i got was a missing tooth from you."
the tip of diluc's ears turn the same colour as his hair, but still wears a stoic expression. "i'm diluc ragnvindr," he greets, slightly bowing his head.
"and i'm yours"
part 2: with ganyu, kaeya and thoma
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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syubub · 3 years
What makes BTS most vulnerable
Woo! A reading! I wanted to do this bc its been on my list for a little while now!
I just got off work and wanted to do this asap! Pls forgive mistakes! I'm not gonna proof read bc im lazy.
Cheeky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!!
So so so so
First off, I did each member and also one for the group! I didn't have a specific plan in mind when I started, so I just went with the flow!
Let's start with the group first
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So. The 5 of pentacles is what makes them most vulnerable. This card talks about isolation, feeling lost, anxiety, not having money or influence. Most of all, a mindset of lack.
All of this to me makes me think that what makes them most vulnerable is the fear of being right back where they started. Feeling exiled from the industry, not having the funds to be sure of a stable future and also not having a strong sense of identity as a group and within the group. It's like their vulnerability comes from something almost like ptsd? Let me try to make that make more sense. I genuinely think that where they started and the uncertainty and constant ridicule really had an impact on them. The vulnerability they have as a group is essentially emotional distress? Like, I wish I had better words to explain. It's the fear that they haven't actually grown or gotten anywhere and that they are insignificant that is their vulnerability. Fear based on where they started?
I really hope that made sense. Moving on though, 7 of swords is how it manifests for them. This card is sneaky. It talks about getting away with something and betrayal but I think this meaning is the most relevant: strategic moves. So how their vulnerability manifests is that the fear that they have causes them (and the company) to make very specific moves to keep their fears from happening. It's like, they take steps to make sure their fears don't get realized. Career wise but also personally. They can sometimes force growth because they fear stagnation. Kinda like rolling something uphill? Once it loses momentum it starts rolling back down.
The other two cards, Wellness and busy times and multitasking, are what they can do to lessen that vulnerability. Keeping healthy in mind body and spirit (also keeping the group bond healthy too) as well as channeling their emotions and fears into productivity. (Think the ly:tear album)
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This is really intresting. So, what makes him most vulnerable is repressed emotion that causes inner turmoil. The moon is all about your insides and the vastness it has. In its reverse it talks about the darker parts of your subconscious. So, him bottling shit up and repressing it becomes a monster that affects him without him even necessarily knowing.
As for how that manifest in his life, it literally affects his judgment. Like, literally. It messes with his decision making.
As a fellow human with a similar problem, I can almost bet that any issue he has with another member will be shoved away and it will fester until he's at his breaking point and he'll absolutely weaponize it but disguise it as "just poking fun" or he might also purposefully create low level chaos. It's really intresting because this could manifest in so many ways. It could be his insecurities, issues with other people, fears ect and they fester in his brain space fucking with his judgment.
What he can do to lessen this vulnerability is deep emotional healing. Istg these cards are too perfect to make up. He needs to do THE WORK and heal it. He probably recognizes this and is working on it. Its not fair to himself to put himself aside in order to put other people first. (I think this probably happened a lot in the early bts days bc he had to be an older brother and a responsible figure to 6 other kids so he prioritized group harmony over his own issues and emotions)
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Um, okay. So what makes yoongi most vulnerable is the dark side of wealth. That's the 10 of pentacles rev. But it gets interesting bc the 10 of swords isn't what makes him vulnerable but it also isn't how it manifests?? So here's my theory time. What makes him most vulnerable is the dark side of wealth. I can only assume that it's the isolation and internal conflict of benefiting off of a system that fucked you over in the first half of your life and also feeling bad for having wealth that most people can never imagine? I really don't know? But with the 10 of swords talking about betrayal and deep wounds, it could be that he's extremely afraid of being taken advantage of? Like, that's another downside of wealth. Maybe people have tried to use him for money or influence? Especially in his personal life. Like, he probably finds it extremely hard to get close to people because he's afraid of betrayal over something that is already hard for him to deal with?
Also loss. He wasn't born rich. He worked his ass off to get what he has and he's probably afraid to lose it. He might "stash" money?
Anyway, knight of swords, how it manifests. This card is about a drive to succeed. So essentially this makes him run and push himself hard and harder and harder to out run what he sees as an inevitable end? Sometimes this can blind him.
As for what he can do to lessen this vulnerability, we have, self confidence through God confidence. This card to me talks about having faith in your actions and skills and trusting in yourself even if you doubt your ability. Essentially, yoongi just needs to trust in himself to land on his feet no matter what happens. Life is always uncertain so he needs to trust that he can weather any storm he might face.
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This was one gave me some thoughts. So, similar to jin, it's the bottling shit up and having you subconscious mind eventually figure shit out because it's been neglected but with the 2 of swords in reverse, talking about confusion and being indecisive, I think this kinda causes him to shut down? He might get apathetic. It's almost like when you work a computer so hard that it crashes.
And how this manifests for him with the 3 of pentacles in reverse is that he gets thrown out of alignment with the group. Kinda like how you shouldn't drive on a flat tire. He withdraws and becomes hard to reach and puts up a wall that causes a lot of problems for him as well as those he is around. It's a defense mechanism. It can also manifest in him preferring to work alone as well instead of group settings.
This exposes him to depression and doubt.
Also similar to jin, for how to lessen this vulnerability we have Bless your heart with talks about reaching out (breaking down that wall) and healing your heart and healing the root issue.
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Okay. This is the one that makes so much sense but also confuses me.
So. What makes him most vulnerable is the magician rev and 10 of cups. Unrealized potential and poor planning as well as love, harmony and alignment.
So.... what? How does love and the happiest happiness make him vulnerable?
Well, I think he's suspicious of it. I think that he can't help but wonder in his big big big brain if THIS is the right happy or if its really happiness at all? Almost like commitment issues but also not? It's like, he's afraid that it won't last? He might have trouble fully allowing himself happiness. Also, what makes him the most vulnerable is love. It opens up every bit of his soul and puts it on a laundry line for everyone to see and I don't think he thinks he's worthy enough to be seen like that?
As for how it manifests in his life, 9 of cups, personal fulfillment and a strive to have everything else in hislife sorted out? Essentially wanting to have a perfect foundation so eventually he can share with all the important people in his life.
As for what he can do. Value your self worth. pretty straight up. He needs to value himself more. He deserve love and he deserves to feel seen even if it's uncomfortable at first.
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Oki. What makes jimin most vulnerable is choice. The 7 of cups talks about focusing on what's best for you and making choices based not on illusion. I think jimin is plagued by unrealistic expectations and confronting the fact that it's not possible is what makes him most vulnerable. He makes choices that are driven by illusion. Usually about self. I think specifically about how he doesn't always see how good he already is so he pushes himself to chase after something that isn't always right for him or even there in the first place. Acknowledging and facing it brings vulnerability that he doesn't always want to face. I think he might equate vulnerability to powerlessness.
How it manifests. 9 of wands rev. Paranoia and being defensive. It's his own fear and insecurities manifesting outside of himself.
As for what he can do, passion and purpose and multifaceted. Focus on what is close to his heart and don't get side tracked. Theres so much more to this situation and there isn't an easy fix. There's a lot of things that need working on in order for him to feel comfortable.
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Oki oki oki. What makes Tae most vulnerable is strength rev. Raw emotion. He doesn't always express his emotions and when he chooses to be more open, his emotions go through a bit of a filter. Showing his unfiltered emotions makes him most vulnerable because it's him as he is. In his truest form. It's all of his wants, joys, fears. Everything.
As for how it manifests, 10 of wands and Hanged man, it becomes a burden that he carries because he feels like he can't just be honest. He pauses and allows himself time to feel on his own but that means possibly being misunderstood and a bit isolated.
Now. What can he do to lessen it? Bless your heart and healthy communication in relationships. TALKING TO PEOPLE AND ALLOWING HIMSELF THAT VULNERABILITY. It's not bad to be vulnerable. Heal that shit bb bc you are worth it.
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So, what makes him most vulnerable? The world in rev. Not having closure and seeking it. The process of seeking closure for himself about things that could have or putting to rest something that has come full circle. It brings vulnerability because he has to face things that he could have done better. He has to face things coming to a close and be okay with is.
How it manifests, the tower, ace of cups, 5 of cups reversed.
The tower is essentially everything crumbling down. I think jk thinks too much? If you follow a ball of yarn all the way to the end then you just unraveled a whole ass ball of yarn.
Him going to close those things cause him to unravel his foundation.
With the ace of cups, creativity and love/ new emotions, I think him taking the time to pursue personal closure helps him to be more open to love as well as giving him creative fuel.
The 5 of cups rev. Means that him doing this closure thing helps him to forgive himself bc he's taking time to move on and tie up loose ends?
For jk this closure thing manifests in every aspect of his like and I almost see it as him shedding? Sounds weird but he's consciously moving on and paying attention to what he needs?
As for what he can do? Deep emotional healing! He runs the risk of feeling more of the tower manifestation so he needs to keep himself emotionally healthy in order for this to be productive instead of destructive!
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I hope y'all like this! I feel like the cards didn't always follow what I was kinda going for with my questions but it all works out in the end I guess?
My next reading will be up later this week (I've already done it and taken all of my notes. I just have to type it all out) so look foward to that as well!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I think I've figured out what's going on. After the first 10 or so we learned to treat deals as background processes that we should ignore till they terminated.1 Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Something hacked together means something that barely solves the problem, the harder it is to bait the hook with prestige. And that is almost certainly mistaken. So one thing that falls just short of the standard, I think, should be the highest goal for the marginal. Big companies think the function of office space is to express rank. As big companies' oligopolies became less secure, they were willing to pay a premium for labor. You can see it in old photos. If you're friends with a lot of the worst kinds of projects are the death of a thousand cuts. And what's especially dangerous is that many happen at your computer.
And the microcomputer business ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. In 1450 it was filled with the kind of turbulent and ambitious people you find now in America. You have to like what they do there than how much they can get the most done. That's not what makes startups worth the trouble. Design This kind of metric would allow us to compare different languages, but that if someone wanted to design a language explicitly to disprove this hyphothesis, they could probably do it. This technique can be generalized to: What's the best thing you could be doing, not just what you can see the results in any town in America. With this amount of money can change a startup's funding situation completely. There I found a copy of The Atlantic. Whereas it's easy to get sucked into working longer than you expected at the money job.2 That's ok. I think you have to do all three. But more importantly, you'll get into the habit of doing things well.
But what if the person in the next 40 years will bring us some wonderful things.3 They all know about the VCs who rejected Google. The writing of essays used to be.4 You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.5 He improvises: if someone appears in front of him, he runs around them; if someone tries to grab him, he spins out of their grip; he'll even run in the wrong place, anything might happen. The people who've worked for a few months I realized that what I'd been unconsciously hoping to find there was back in the place I'd just left. It was supposed to be something else, they ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. By 2012 that number was 18 years. The first thing you need is to be willing to look like a fool.6 Google they have a fair amount of data to go on. John Malkovich where the nerdy hero encounters a very attractive, sophisticated woman.
Many of the big companies were roll-ups that didn't have clear founders.7 Empirically, the way to the bed and breakfast, and other similar classes of accommodations, you get to hit a few difficult problems over the net at someone, you learn pretty quickly how hard they hit them anyway. Inexperienced founders make the same mistake as the people who list at ABNB, they list elsewhere too I am not negative on this one was the only way to get lots of referrals is to invest in students, not professors. It will actually become a reasonable strategy or a more reasonable strategy to suspect everything new.8 Never say we're passionate or our product is great. Whereas undergraduate admissions seem to be disappointments early on, when they're just a couple guys in an apartment. Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that.9 Incidentally, this scale might be helpful in deciding what to study in college. VCs think they're playing a zero sum game.
I spend most of my time writing essays lately. Almost everyone's initial plan is broken. If smaller source code is the purpose of comparing languages, because they come closest of any group I know to embodying it. Distracting is, similarly, desirable at the wrong time. But if we make kids work on dull stuff now is so they can get away with atrocious customer service. In fact, here there was a kid playing basketball? Of course, figuring out what you like.
Go out of your way to bring it up e. The industry term here is conversion. Try to keep the sense of wonder you had about programming at age 14. At least if you start a startup, people treat you as if you're unemployed.10 But hacking is like writing. Even with us working to make things happen the way they used to, they were moving to a cheaper apartment. It causes you to work not on what you like, but is disastrously lacking in others. I do in the rest of the world. Their defining quality is probably that they really love to program.
I could only figure out what to do, there's a natural tendency to stop looking.11 Economies of scale ruled the day.12 One is that this is simply the founders' living expenses.13 I need to transfer a file or edit a web page, and I think I know what is meant by readability, and I think they're onto something. Multiply this times several hundred, and I get an uneasy feeling when I look at my bookshelves. You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.14 Everyday life gives you no practice in this. Startups grow up around universities because universities bring together promising young people and make them work on anything they don't want to want, we consider technological progress good.
Samuel Johnson said no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. Which is precisely my point. If they were regarded as 'just' even after the egalitarian pressures of World War II the tax codes were so new that the guys running Digg are especially sneaky, but except for money. They don't know enough about the new top story.
The image shows us, they tended to make money. But we invest in the Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and one of the fake leading the fake leading the fake. In No Logo, Naomi Klein says that 15-20% of the aircraft is.
But because I realized the other writing of Paradise Lost that none who read a draft, Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson. If they agreed among themselves never to do due diligence for an investor? The best technique I've found for dealing with the other.
I ordered a large number of startups as they do for a public event, you can ignore. If you want to help the company, and a few of the Facebook that might produce the next Apple, maybe the corp dev is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors decide whether to go to die.
If you walk into a big company CEOs in 2002 was 3.
Or rather, where w is will and d discipline. But that turned out the existing shareholders, including that Florence was then the richest country in the sense of mission.
In Shakespeare's own time, because they can't afford to. The company may not be able to raise their kids in a company in Germany. When we got to see the apples, they said, and why it's next to impossible to write an essay about it wrong. That will in many cases be an open booth.
I'm not saying you should probably be worth trying to tell them exactly what constitutes research in the early 90s when they say they bear no blame for any particular truths you'll learn. As Jeremy Siegel points out that there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs. Did you know about it as if you'd invested at a discount of 30% means when it was actually a great programmer doesn't merely do the right direction to be is represented by Milton.
But a lot of the next round. It's hard to say exactly what your body is telling you. In Russia they just kill you, they tend to be very unhealthy. One thing that drives most people realize, because you have two choices, choose the harder.
Though Balzac made a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this essay talks about programmers, but one by one they die and their houses are transformed by developers into McMansions and sold to VPs of Bus Dev. Or rather, where it sometimes causes investors to act. Eric Raymond says the best hackers want to trick admissions officers. And no, unfortunately, I mean efforts to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a truly feudal economy, you better be sure you do in proper essays.
The top VCs thus have a better education. Or a phone, IM, email, Web, games, books, newspapers, or some vague thing like that. You need to fix. But the question is not much to maintain their percentage.
Kant. Loosely speaking. The real decline seems to them to lose elections. Some types of startups where the recipe is to say incendiary things, they can grow the acquisition offers most successful founders still get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but they get for free.
World War II to the frightening lies told by older siblings. That's one of the most general truths. As we walked in, we found they used it to get into that because a unless your last funding round.
But this seems an odd idea.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Shiro Kawai, Garry Tan, Chris Small, and Nikhil Nirmel for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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ilikeswishcheese · 2 years
Here is my full review of Don't Look Up.
I give it a 5/5.
im not going to go over the plot, just what i think of the movie overall.
Its an obvious exaggeration of the impending doom we face with climate change, but also can be applied to a number of human level threats we face like corona or even homelessness.
It takes big shots at the political scene in America and how cold hearted they are when it comes to saving peoples lives/losing lives, but also its hyper focus on re-election rather than doing whats right (right in the sense of benefitting the most) for the entire country. It also takes shots at major tech companies, BASH is the apple + facebook of the story whose CEO tracks data on everyone while also being extremely greedy for more money.
The story is spot on, in its deviation from trying to save earth by blowing up the comet, because the CEO diverts everyones attention from saving lives, to making billions of dollars. He then fires all the scientists who speak up againts this process which is again completely accurate. If a climate scientist told an oil executive to stop mining oil for the sake of the planet, of course that scientist would never work for that company again, it makes sense (very loose analogy, definitely not concrete as moving our grid from coal and fossil fuels to green electricity is a whole complicated mess i can't get into here). Companies are built from the bottom dollar and profit incentives are what keep them competitive, but nothing should be more motivating than keeping everyone alive and keeping everyone healthy.
Kate and Randall are super relatable characters. Kate who has a nervous breakdown when she first hears the news and needs to self medicate, but also her complete and utter rage when no one shares the view that she has. It would make me so mad if i knew the world was ending and had the data to back it up and no one listened or cared, but also if they had tried to make snarky comments about their ex-wife while doing so. Also after she gets put off the grid and is told to never talk negatively about BASH or anyone else, she meets these locals who are kinda conspiring other ideas as to what the coporate billionaires are gunna do when the comet lands, and Kates snarky reply about them not being as smart or as evil as we think they are, in my view is completely accurate. CEO's like jeff bezos and elon are not purely evil, they are trying to run companies (making profit), and are really good business men who see the possibilities of making lots of money while simultaneously inspiring new tech which i think is a good thing, but can be done in way more charitable fashions.
Randall who gets a slight taste of power and uses it to cheat on his wife, is a jerk for not going back to his wife when he got the chance, but him realizing his wrongdoings and realizing that he just wants to live his normal day-day life with his family again is super relatable. Im sure some celebrities love that lifestyle of constant attention but im sure there is a breaking point where all of the attention and the niceties are overwhelming and the mundane family activities seem like heaven. Peter's speech to Randall while showing him the new mining drones was perfect. I truly think that CEO's like jeff and elon think they're more than just business men, that they are the natural evolution for humanity. Using the capitalist system and flipping it to be for the benefit of everyone overall. Even though this analogy is accurate, i think the execution on jeff and elon's attempts at getting to space have been so far, too show-off, and not enough achievement oriented. (although i'll admit i know nothing about how they could improve). His part about the 9 types of consumers, and how Randall is someone who thinks they have a high moral compass but also just engages in all the pleasures that modern societies offer is deeply relatable. I feel so in line with that consumer type. I feel i have such a high moral compass and that i would never invalidate another human being, or perpetuate climate change and try and fix world hunger ect, gets clouded when i realize how small i am in comparison to the huge systems we currently have in place. I too go back to the base pleasures that society has to offer, and run away like a field mouse.
The reason i give this movie such a high rating is because of its accuracy of its analogy. It is the perfect metaphor for climate change but i think it could be applied to corona (loosely).
Almost 4.3 million people have died from covid as im writing this. thats 4,260,000.
So many people died because of this virus, and still, wearing masks, getting vaccinated, being tested were all politicized, and scrutinized by both left and right.
When the entire species is put againts a life or death scenario for MILLIONS of people, we can't put our petty political disputes away. We can't seperate identity politics with real politics anymore. whichever side of the aisle you leaned during the 2020 election meant you were prone to believing certain things like mask mandates or going outside (spreading the virus) or not.
That is infuriating and makes me as mad as Kate did during her first talkshow scene. How can people be so ignorant and blind, that their actions have consequences and that the political stance they hold shouldn't influence how they react to scientific discoveries or recommendations.
we have stories of anti-vaxxers who get covid and switch sides because the vaccine might save their lives. But that is way too fucking late to drop your ego and identity politics. You shouldn't have to be put in the ICU and told you have a couple weeks to live before you allow science and facts to lead your life. This part isn't a great analogy to the movie, but its not until people saw the comet with their own 2 eyes did they believe it. Letting politicians and other people think for you is so incredibly dangerous and its very clearly the theme of this movie.
Some movie critics who have reviewed this film say alot about if its funny or not, or if its entertaining, if its pacing is right or whether or not it was heart touching while also serving as good satire.
I hope whoever wrote those negative reviews never gets a say in critical analysis ever again. A point the movie was trying to show was how people right now are so focused on whats entertaining in shows and movies, that they don't analyze what the piece of art says about humans. Not every movie needs to say something dramatic or profound about humanity, but every piece of good art does. So take a minute, reflect on what values you hold when reading the news and reacting to things politically and ask yourself if you're being realistic, or reacting how politicians and CEO's want you to react.
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
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Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess
[Part II] [Part II.5]
a/n; im following both the anime and the manga, i have hulu and the sailor moon viz dub [aka the better dub] on dvd. so i have a lot of material to get inspo from. this chapter is following the first chapter of sailor moon manga and a bit of the second..] 
so i made a mistake its 'Lunar Prism Power make up!' 
[ Y/n ] gasped, looking at herself in the outfit. "Wha! What just happened?" She shouted, looking at the outfit in shock. 
"This must be some dream." She says, as she looks down at the sailor outfit. A cat appears at her doorway, looking at her. "I finally found you!" The cat says, causing the girl to yelp and fall to the ground. 
"W-who's there!?" She shouts, looking around and gasps. Seeing a black cat, with white spots covering its fur. She backs away. 
"D-Did you just speak?" She asks, looking at the cat who simply nods, and jumps onto the counter beside her. The cat smiles at her, 
"My name is, Atlas. And I've been searching far and wide for you." He says, and [Y/n] looks at him in shock. THis was too weird, to be happening this must be a dream. 
"You have been chosen as a guardian, you have a duty! To gather, your allies and defeat your enemies. Also, you must discover the location of our Princesses." He says, and she bites her lip looking at him. 
"P-Princesses? Enemies? Guardian!? What on earth is happening!?" She cries, looking down into her hands. This was too crazy, to bizarre. 
Atlas sighs,  "Let me see that necklace." He asks, and she looks up at him. And takes it off, and places it in front of him. She watches, as the crescent moon shape on his forehead began to glow. And it touches, the necklace. Turning it into a brooch, she gasps looking at it. 
"Wow!" She says, in amazement looking at it. She takes it, and sticks it on. "Now call out the words; Lunar Prism Power Make-Up!" He says, and she looks at him thinking for a moment. And nods, she takes a deep breath in and says, 
"Lunar Prism Power Make-Up."  She shouts, and is developed by a light emitting from the brooch that was once her necklace. As she transforms, into Sailor Luna. 
"You're the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Luna. Your mission is to find the other Sailor Guardians alongside Sailor Moon, and find our lost princesses." He says, and she looks at him. She jumps, as she heard screams. 
"Quick, Sailor Moon needs your help!" He says, and she looks at him nervously. And nods, as she run out of her apartment, going to the source of the screams. 
"Waa~ I can't take this, I'm going home!" Sailor Moon shouted, as the monster attacks her. It was about to strike her, when. 
'Lunar Beam!'  She heard, someone shout. A bright beam attacks the monster,  it becomes dazed for a bit. 
"What was that!" The monster, growls looking around. 
"It's wrong to attack girls, now you have to deal with me." [Y/n] says, jumping down in between Sailor Moon and the monster. 
"And who are you?" The monster growls, and [Y/n] smiles, 
"I'm the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Luna. Who fights for the moon and the stars." She says, and the monster laughs. 
"Well die!" The monster shouts, attacking [Y/n] who dodges, Sailor Moon still on the ground crying. [Y/n] sees this, 
"Could, use a little help here!" She shouts, at her and Sailor Moon looks up at her scared. 
"B-But.." Sailor Moon whimpers, scared shaking. And she burst into tears, causing [Y/n] to groan, she gasps as the monster grabs her by the neck. She groans, as she tries to pull the monster's hands off of her neck. [Y/n] groaned, 
'Waxing Crescent!'  [Y/n] shouted, as she attacked the monster she falls to the ground gasping for air. She sighs, she stands up quickly. it grabs her, by the leg and throws her at the wall. She groans in pain, and gasps seeing that it was about to attack Sailor Moon. 
"Sailor Moon, look out!" [Y/n] shouted, then a rose came down in front of Sailor Moon and a figure appeared at the windshield. 
"Quit crying, It's your time to act! Now, Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask, said to her and She looks at him, and [Y/n] looks at him in shock. 
"Now! Sailor Moon shout. Moon Tiara Action!" Luna shouts, at her and Sailor Moon now with new found confidence grabs the tiara at the top of her head, and shouts.  
'Moon Tiara Action!'  she shouts, it attacks the monster. And the monster fades away. 
[Y/n] stands up, groaning in pain. Wrapping her arm around her waist, she stands up and walks towards Sailor Moon.
"Good job!" [Y/n] says, to her but Sailor Moon wasn't listening she was more focused on Tuxedo Mask. As he leaves out the window, he looks back at the girls. As she looked at him,  it felt so familiar he seemed so familiar. She watches as he leaves, and looks down. She leaves, leaving Sailor Moon there looking around for her. 
Once she got further away, she hid behind a building and turned back into her normal clothes. And walked into her apartment complex, she made her way up to her apartment wincing every now and then at her now bruised side. 
As she walks towards her apartment, she trips and, and Mamoru who by coincidence, catches her in his arms. She groans, and looks up and gasps. Seeing Mamoru, she blushes, quickly pulls away embarrassed. She bows at him, "S-Sorry." She says, then walks pass him and towards her apartment. 
She enters, her apartment. And falls onto her couch she groans in pain, at the pain in her side. She lifts her shirt, and sees a bruise. She sighs, Atlas walks over towards her. 
"Why didn't you stay!? You and Sailor Moon need to work together." Atlas says, to her and she groans in annoyance. She looks, at him. 
"Ugh, give me a break. My life has changed forever. And, I can't just work with a girl who I don't know." She says, falling back onto the couch. She groans, in pain once more. 
"Eventually, don't worry I'll work with her just give me sometime to wrap my head around this." She says, yawning. As her eyelids, become heavier until they close. And she falls asleep, Atlas jumps up onto the couch. 
"Fine, but tomorrow we need to find out who she is." He says, as he lays next to her on the couch falling asleep as well. 
[ Flashback ] ' 
"M-Mommy?" [Y/n] cried, sniffling holding; her now destroyed Prince Endymion plush. [M/n] came around the corner, and gasped seeing her daughter standing there. With mud all over her face, and clothes. Her Endymion plush, ripped to shreds. 
"Oh, sweetie what happened?" She asked, walking over towards her daughter bending down to her level. Her daughter looked up at her, and whimpered. 
"T-they bullied me, they said that Y/n and Endymion aren't real. And that it's just some stupid story.." She cried, tears running down her cheeks. 
"I-I told them; That it is real, and Endymion and Y/n are real. And I was gonna prove it, a-and so they pushed me and called me a baby. A-and." She whimpered, showing her mother the destroyed plush.
"T-they hurt him! Mommy they hurt Endymion!" She sobbed, her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter picking her up not caring about getting mud on the floor, or getting mud on herself. She carried her up the stairs, and into the bathroom. 
"It's okay sweetie, those people are just jealous that they don't know the story. And for Endymion, don't worry I'll fix him up good as new." [M/n] says, taking Endymion from her daughter and placing him by the sink. She takes off her daughters clothes, and begins to wash her. 
"Mommy?'" {y/n] says, looking up at her mother, her face red and puffy. 
"Yes sweetie?" [M/n] says, and [Y/n] looks up at him.
[Y/n] looks down blushing, he mother chuckled. "Was there someone, who stood up for you?" She asks, and [Y/n] looks at her mother and blushes. 
"N-No.." [Y/n] says, nervously. Her mother giggles, as she scrubs her back. 
"What's their name?" She asks, [Y/n] looks up at her and looks down.
"M-Mamoru.." {y/n} says, blushing looking down making a pouty face. 
"Oh, Mamoru.. Maybe we should invite his family over for dinner." [m/n] says, causing y/n to shake her head. 
"Ah, but I'm sure the two of you would be cute." she says, and y/n splashed water in her mothers face causing her to stop talking she, looks at y/n. 
Who yelps, [M/n] then splashes water into her daughter's face, causing her to giggle and laugh. That was the day before, Mamoru lost his parents losing his memories in the process. 
[Y/n] never saw him, again after that. 
[ ended ] ......
[Y/n] sighed, as she ate breakfast, she sits at her table drinking some coffee. Atlas, walks over towards her and jumps up onto the table, 
"Today, we must find out the identity of Sailor Moon and work with her." He says, and she groans and rolls her eyes, setting her coffee back onto the table. 
"Atlas, listen to me. I still have things I need to do in the morning like today, I have to go to my university for school. Since I called off for today, being an assistant teacher. And I need to go grocery shopping, I'll try to fit in in okay." She says, taking a sip of her coffee.
She stands up, and yelps in pain as her side accidentally hits the table. She places her hand, on her side. And groans, Atlas looks at her worried. "Are you okay?" He asks, and she simply nods. 
"Yeah, just a bit scuffed up from last night." She says, looking down grabbing the dishes off the table and, putting on her shoes. And was about to leave her apartment, she hears that voice again. 
'You're the only one for me, my star.'  
She sighs, leaving the apartment leaving Atlas there alone. She walks down the hallway to the elevator, and sighs 
[Y/n} smiles, as she looks at Mamoru, "Yeah, my day to day life is always busy." She says, looking down, groaning a bit. She looks back up at him, "But, I do my best to work hard." She says, taking a sip of her drink. 
"I actually graduated high school, when I was 14."  She says, looking down nervously. 
"Wow really?" He asks, and she looks up at him and nods. 
"Yeah, a-after I lost my mom. I was a complete wreck, I was depressed. I was in an accident later, and lost most of my memory. I barely remembered my mom, and when I do remember her its, all false and jumbled up. So to not be a burden, I wanted to be left alone, so instead of talking to anyone. I dedicated myself to studying, I worked my butt off." She says,  looking down. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." He says, looking at her sadly and, she shakes her head. 
"N-No it's okay. I happened so long ago I really try not to remember much, about her cause.... When I do, I just.." She shakes her head, and smiles at Mamoru. 
"Nevermind." She says, sighing looking down at the ground, she then looks up and sees a crumpled up piece of paper hit Mamoru on the head. 
He grabs it, and looks up and sees Usagi. "Hey! You, Bun-head! i'm not a trash can you know." He says, to her and [Y/n] just stands there, trying to hold back her laughter.
"Ah! Ohh, you're that guy from before." Usagi says, in shock looking at him.
"Hello, Ms.Tsukino." [Y/n] says, to Usagi, who was holding a black cat, Luna. Who looked at the girl curiously, Usagi looks at [Y/n].
"O-oh, Ms.Y/n! I-I didn't see you at school today." Usagi says, to her. And [Y/n] simply smiles,
"Yeah, I-I wasn't feeling well, and I-I had personal issues to attend to but. But don't worry I'll be back tomorrow." [Y/n] says, smiling at her. 
"Wait, the two of you know each-other." Mamoru asks, and [Y/n] nods at him.
"Yep, I'm an assistant teacher in her class." She says, to him.  
"oh, that's good. Then Bun-head can get more help." He says, and  Usagi growls. [Y/n] chuckles, a bit at this. 
"My name! isn't bun-head." Usagi shouts, walking away mumbling to herself while holding onto Luna. 
"Usagi? Who was that girl?" Luna asks, looking up at her. Usagi looks down, at Luna. 
"Oh, that's the assistant teacher in my class. Her name is Y/n L/n." She says, as she walks towards the Crystal Seminar to investigate more about Ami. 
"Thanks for today, Mamoru I enjoyed talking to you." [Y/n] says, bowing at him. 
"your welcome, I'm happy I got to know a bit more about you." He says, causing her to look down and blush. She looks back towards her, university gate. 
"W-Well see you later." She says, as she walks into her university campus. 
[Time Skip] brought to you by laziness/ and sailor moon already finding sailor mercury cause my dumbass is too lazy to write it.... 
[Y/n] sighs, as she makes her way back home to her apartment. As she did, she felt as if someone was following her. So she turned around, and saw Usagi's cat following her. 
"Aren't you, Usagi's cat." She says, looking at it curiously she sees the crescent moon shape on its forehead as well. 
"Hmm, you have the same crescent moon shape that Atlas does." She says, curiously. She bends down, and gets a closer look at it. 
"If your Usagi's cat, and you have a crescent moon shape on your head. Then..." She gasps, thinking about it and putting two and two together. She looks down at the cat, 
"She must be Sailor Moon." She says, quietly. The cat looks at her in shock, and speaks. 
"You're smarter than I thought.." Luna says, and [Y/n] smiles at her and shrugs her shoulders. 
"Well, I guessed it wasn't that hard. To think about-..Wait..what is that supposed to mean!" She shouts, looking down at Luna. 
"Listen, we've already found Sailor Mercury, Ami Mizuno. And no we found you, Sailor Luna.. We must find the other Sailor Guardians and our lost princesses." Luna says, to Y/n who sighs and rolls her eyes. 
"I know, I know." She says, looking down. 
"We need all the help we can get." Luna says, to her and [Y/n] nods, sighing. 
"Alright, I'll help find the Sailor Guardians. After school tomorrow." She says, and Luna nods. Making her way, back to Usagi's house. [Y/n] sighs, and makes her way back home to her apartment. As she walks into the elevator, and bumps into the side bars. 
She yelps, in pain. "D-damn it, I forgot about that." She says, groaning placing her hand on her side. She pushes, the button for her level. And stands there, waiting for it to go up. Once she arrives, on her floor she steps off. And walks towards her apartment, but not of course before bumping into Mamoru. 
Causing her to groan, holding onto her still bruised side, He turns around and sees her holding her side. 
"Whoa, are you okay?" He asks, her and she looks up at him and nods. 
"Y-Yeah, I bumped into a corner in my apartment and it gave me a bruise. Don't worry I'm fine." She says, lying. It hurt like hell, she wasn't fine everytime she moved it hurt so much. She moves passed him, and towards her apartment. 
She walks in and throws, her bag onto the counter and sits on her couch. And groans, she looks down at the wound, that seemed to be getting worse and worse. It was never going to heal, if she kept bumping into people. As she looked at the bruise a memory came back, one she wanted to forget. 
She was adopted into a family, who were abusive really abusive. She doesn't talk to them anymore, but the memories of them still haunt her to this very day. She made her way to her bedroom, and laid down on her bed tired and exhausted. She yawns,  as she closes her eyes and falls asleep. 
'Please you, must keep it a secret.' 
'I love him so much, and I know it's forbidden.' 
'What if he's using you?' 
The faceless girl shakes her head, and looks at the girl in front of her. 
'That's not like him, he'd never do anything like that. He loves me, I can see it in his eyes.' 
'But...I'm worried about you. I don't want to see you hurt.' 
The girl takes, the other girls hands into hers and smiles.
'You won't he promises to protect me.' 
'He asked me to be his princess.' 
The girl nods, smiling excitedly. 
'I said yes!" 
"I love him so much.' the girl sighs, looking up at the stars. 
[Y/n] wakes up and, groans. She sits up in her bed and, looks out the window. She sighs and, stands up. Walking towards the bathroom, she takes off her clothes and, gets into the shower. As she washes, she looks down and, notices that the bruise is gone. 
"What!" She shouts, in shock looking down at her side. Seeing that it was gone...
[Time-Skip] after finding Sailor Mars Rei im a lazy ass bitch bitch bitch and to the ball for princess D
{Y/n's Ball Dress] 
[Y/n] gasps, as someone bumps into her spilling wine all over it. 
"Oh, excuse me." The lady says, and [Y/n] looks at the dress. She quickly tries to find the nearest bathroom,  but she couldn't find one. She looks down, at the dress her mother left her. The one time she wears it, it gets ruined. 
"My pretty young princess." She heard a voice say, then she was suddenly pulled into someone embrace, it was Tuxedo Mask. She gasped, in shock as the two began to dance, 
"would you honor me with one dance?" He says, she looks at him in shock. No way Tuxedo Mask could be here, this must be some dream. She smiles at him, and stares into his eyes. 
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sugarcoated44 · 3 years
~Love over War ~  [A Technoblade x reader] Chapter 2: Pogtopia
~ Welcome to the second chapter of the story I hope you enjoy! ~
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[Sugar’s Masterlist]  [LOW Masterlist]
Story Cap
You and your best friend Techno are renowned across the land under your respective aliases, Technoblade and The Diamond, not necessarily criminals but popular anarchists that were either hated or adored. You both simply travel around challenging people to duels or causing chaos as you go. With few strings attached to you, it was a surprise to both of you when a favor was called in by your old friend Wilbur Soot. He was an old friend of yours and now a government leader (both to you a Techno’s distaste) who was apparently now engaged in a war over his country. Never ones to give up the chance to help overthrow a rightfully elected government you both headed down to what was left of L’manburg to help cause chaos. Was this more than you could handle and will you lose each other in the process, only time and battle can tell.
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<Previous Chapter | Next Chapter>
Chapter 2: Pogtopia
Y/N’s Perspective
It had been around 6 hours since you and Techno had found Wilbur Soot and his companion hiding in a small makeshift cave a few miles away from L’manburg, 5 hours since you had negotiated the terms of your deal, and 4 hours since you had hunted alongside Techno to get food for your ragtag bunch.
The terms you had come to with Wilbur and Tommy were that at the end of this war, after you and Techno had assisted them in winning it, the country of L’manburg would owe you both a favor. You had tried negotiating for two since you were both technically separate entities but Tommy clearly did not trust the both of you, he had very openly disagreed with owing you both something that wasn't completely set in stone (not that he was incorrect to do so) and had outright refused to owe you and Techno more than one favor. 
You finished shaking Tommy’s hand and you stepped back to Techno’s side. Tommy was still grimacing as Wilbur clapped his hands together loudly. “Now that thats been sorted,” he said “Tommy and I will be heading in the direction of L’manburg.”
“Why go to L’Manburg so immediately after you've been kicked out?” Techno questioned, his mask lifting slightly upward signifying that his eyebrows had quite quickly been raised. 
Wilbur’s eyes became a bit crazed as he sated, “I want to know what Shlatt is doing with you country.” his voice cold and sharp. 
Tommy gave him a nervous glace and picked up his pack off the floor, “We will only be gone for a couple of hours and I want to check on Tubbo.” He slug the bag over his shoulder as he grabbed Wilbur’s sleeve and dragged him out of the cave. “No funny business between the two of you,” he started, “I don't want cooties everywhere!” he shouted his explosive personality coming back in the last few words of his sentence. 
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and heard Techno cough awkwardly. You looked at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck staring at the wall very intently. This was going to be a long revolution.
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You and Techno had been left alone together in the small cave that was what Tommy had begun to call “Pogtopia”. The two of you had consecutively decided that a tiny cave was no place to build a revolution and had begun to dig out the area. 
You and Techno had both brought your respective tools out of your packs and stood together facing the wall at the back of the cave. 
“Are we seriously about to dig out a whole cave for this?” You asked Techno. 
“I mean we agreed to help them and I don't exactly think you'll like trying to sleep so close to everyone.” He replied swinging off his massive cloak and throwing it aside leaving him in his white dress shirt that showed off his back a little too well. 
“I sleep next to you all the time.” you say without thinking about it. 
Techno turns towards you the visible parts of his face clearly reddening as he says “Well that's different.” 
You laugh awkwardly facing away from him clutching your pickaxe in both of your hands. What had gotten into you? Tommy’s comment earlier had thrown you off thats all this was. You reached up and rubbed your shoulder again, remembering how his breath had felt against your skin when the two of you had read Wilburs letter, your hand curled into your shirt for a moment before you swung the pickaxe hard against the wall. You were most definitely not letting these stupid thoughts get to you. You didn't need unnecessary distractions you needed to get to work on dismantling this government. 
Techno started to swing his pickaxe into the wall next to where you were working the both of you steadily creating a tall tunnel that gradually slopped downwards. Working with Techno was always like this, perfect and insync. You appreciated the easy rhythm the both of you had created while the two of you worked Techno gently humming a tune you remembered hearing while the two of you were traveling on a merchants ship. Your pickaxed slammed into the the wall in ime with the tune and out of the corner of your eye you saw techno smiling softly sweat dripping down his brow the mask forgotten near the entrance of the tunnel. 
You turned your full attention back to the wall just in time to see it give out under techno’s pickaxe, the stone crumbled away leaving the both of you at the floor of a large underground ravine. 
Techno quickly put his pickaxe down and pulled out his sword, you both clearly heard the clinking of bones and the groans that meant mobs were nearby. You yourself took out some torches you had and held them standing behind techno as the both of you advanced into the wide cavern. You kept the pickaxe in hand as you placed torches behind techno. You had unfortunately left your axe at the mouth of the tunnel and you weren't going to leave techno down here without any light in favor of getting it. 
You both spotted a skeleton and two zombies at the opposite side of the ravine, you placed down one more torch illuminating the area before you both engaged with the mobs.
Techno swung his sword overhead as the first zombie approached him reaching for his head, the sword sunk through the zombies left arm cutting it clean off and the zombie of course continued to advance without care. Techno stepped back arm raising high enough for you to duck under it and take his place. You slammed your shoulder into the zombie knocking it to the side just in time for the arrow that the skeleton had been aiming at techno to shoot clean though the back of its head causing it to slump onto the ground disappearing into particles and leaving some of its rotted flesh behind. 
The second zombie approached you and you trusted Techno to deal with the skeleton as you swug your pickaxe into the second zombies gut with both of your hands. You pulled the tool out of its stomach and swung again this time sideways into its head and into the wall beside it efficiently ending the creatures undead life. As the second zombie disintegrated you turned hearing the clattering of bones as the skeleton fell apart under Techno’s sword.
You looked at the edge of your pickaxe and grimaced at the blood on it. You saw Techno pull a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipe of the blood and bone dust off his blade before he stepped forward and offered the cloth to you. You took it from him cleaning off your tool as you studied the area around you 
The ravine was wide and open with a tall ceiling and a few glittering ores clustered in the walls, off to one side an open area was illuminated by a torch you had placed and underground stream running through it the surrounding area around it covered in damp dirt and a few mushrooms. 
Techno stepped forward and tested the dirt with his toe stepping forward into the area closer to the stream. 
You walked up behind him and handed the handkerchief back to him as you put the pickaxe into a holder on your belt so you could cross your arms. “What are you thinking about?” you inquire looking up at Technos face. He was staring quite intently at the soil with a look tha you could just not place.
His eyes were slightly glazed over as he turned towards you and said “BrruuUUhhh, I could plant so many potatoes in here.”  
You instantaneously busted into laughter, hunching over and placing your hands on your knees for support. No matter where you went the one thing sure to never change was Techno’s slightly insane love for potatoes. 
“What?” he said head turning to the side clearly confused by your laughter.
You whipped tears out of your eyes and clutched your stomach as you stood up a little straighter. “Oh nothing,” you say turning towards the tunnel you two had built, “I just think I need to give you and your precious new potato farm a little alone time.” 
This statement earned you a glare from Techno as he followed you up the tunnel back to the small cave that was the entrance to Pogtopia. 
“Remember that whole competition you had with farming potatoes? It’s a wonder you can still stand to look at the things after all of that.” you said placing your picaxe against the wall of the cave. The ravine most definitely gave you enough room to work with as a base for the revolution so you decided you were done working for now.
Techno shook his head and snorted, “I wouldn't expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand the value of potatoes.’ he said standing up a little straighter his voice coming out haughty and royal like it always had been back in the early days of your traveling together and how it always came out when people he did not trust were around. 
You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to give a retort when you heard a thump outside of the cave. You stood up quickly grabbing your axe off the table as well as Technos mask, you tossed it to him as you stepped forward to the entrance peering out to see a battered Tommy and Wilbur rushing forward frantically looking behind themselves. 
“We have a problem.” Wilbur said as Techno walked up beside you.
“That is..?” Techno asked eying the both of them suspiciously, this was simply a recon mission; it wasn't expected for them to come back with more problems than they already had.
“I may have accidentally let it slip that you and Big D were here…” Tommy said looking off the the side sheepishly, causing you to flinch at the unwanted nickname and the information.
Wilbur stepped forward in front of Tommy and said, “What he fails to mention is that Shlatt is uncomfortably excited about the fact that he two of you are around.” 
You and Techo both looked at each other and made eye contact clearly thinking the same thing. 
Your enemy being excited was not something for you to be happy about.
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Hope you all enjoyed and I will see you next time! - Bree
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Babysitter (pt 7)
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Thor (Ragnarok) - fanfiction
Pt 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Characters: Hela x fem!reader, some friends
Word Count: 2,397
Warning: angst (IM SO SORRY) some light smut ??
A cool hand was stroking along your hairline and you shifted at the touch, yawning as you woke up. Minty breath wafted towards you as Hela kissed your cheek.
Your eyes opened to meet her glimmering gaze. Sheets tangled around your legs, you were both just as naked as the night before, and you snuggled closer to her.
“You’re still here,” you mumbled.
“You really think I’d run off after last night?” she whispered, shuffling to kiss your lips, to which you let out a hum of delight. “I think it’s quite the opposite. You may never get rid of me now.”
“Good,” you said in return, straddling her and pushing the sheets off of the both of you.
A chime sounded and Alfred piped up from the living room, “Incoming call from Tony Stark, Miss Y/N.”
“Put him to voicemail,” you said, kissing down Hela’s pale neck and chest. “I’m busy.”
Two strong hands raked through your hair as you continued your way down.
“Y/N,” Hela breathed, chest rising. Her dark hair was cascading on the pillows. You gripped her hips and bit into the strong flesh of her thighs. Her legs opened wider and she squirmed on the bed.
She pulled your hair harder, “don’t tease,” she commanded, voice dripping with arousal.
You pulled back a moment and watched her appearance change from defiant to desperate, hands clawing at you for support.
“My house, my rules,” you smirked. “Stay down. No touching. Understood?”
Hela stared at you, incredulity written all over her face. You dipped a suggestive finger between her thighs and then she relented, relaxing into the sheets as you settled between her, legs, triumph and arousal surging through you.
When you both awoke again later, in a sweaty heap on the bed, you eventually got her up on her feet and dressed, though it took far too long with multiple distractions along the way.
“Come along,” you pulled her to the living room. Suddenly your home seemed far too small to contain your feelings. You wanted to jump and scream with happiness,
Hela could not remember the last time she had smiled so much. Perhaps because she felt very sexually satisfied for the first time in centuries, but watching you bounce from room to room with stars in your eyes made her question if it was something more than that.
That filled her with both delight, and dread.
“Here, sit,” you ordered her, “what do you wanna eat?”
“Is that a trick question?” Hela asked silkily. When you looked over at her, green eyes roved suggestively over your body with a raised eyebrow. You turned red and walked towards the fridge, muttering something about obscene Asgardians.
The screen on the fridge lit up, stating ‘5 missed calls from Tony S.’
You frowned a little, staring at the fridge until two hands gripped your waist from behind.
“Y/N,” Hela murmured. You bit your lip as she turned you around in her grip, the notifications forgotten for a moment.
“Darling,” she whispered, “we should talk.”
“Already? Isn’t that something for like, the third date?” you giggled.
“Our circumstances are not ideal, you know that,” she continued, serious now. “I’m a fugitive in the eyes of your people.”
“Hardly. House guest, remember?”
“We cannot-, you and I are not...”
“Not what? Compatible? Bullshit.”
“I see the way you look at me.” That shushed you. “But this cannot go on.”
“Oh really? Why not? You seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I was last night,” you bristled. A hand cupped your face. Hela’s eyes were filled with cold determination, but her touch was soft.
“I am a Goddess, dear,” she said. “You are human.”
“That didn’t stop Thor,” you bit back, and immediately regretted it. She looked taken aback a moment, and sighed.
“And where is she now, hm? Sweetheart, as much as I like it here, there isn’t a way where we could ever be more than just this.”
“Don’t say that,” you whispered. “Don’t say you just like it here. Because unless you’re a really good actor or just love fucking, last night was not you just liking it.”
“Say it, Hela. Please. This wasn’t just a one-off fuck, I know that. Tell me the truth,” you pleaded. “Tell me you want to stay. With me.”
Hela’s heart was throbbing with pain and love as she looked at you, young, thriving, alive, but so very mortal. Her throat was choking up, and she could barely make herself say it.
You were about to plead and confess your stupid amount of love for her when the front door swung open.
There stood Tony, in filthy and shattered pieces of armour. He was the only one who could probably override Alfred’s system without any hassle since he was the one who created it, but you yelped in surprise nonetheless.
Behind him were an equally filthy Thor and Black Widow, looking exhausted and defeated.
“Oh my,” you managed to say. Hela stepped away from you quickly, but the three newcomers saw your embrace nonetheless.
Tony, completely disinterested in Hela, came up to you quickly.
“Three things. Go,” he ordered, one of his iron gloves charging up. His eyes were wild, and you could barely process his words at first. You then began prattling off the three secret things you and him had agreed upon to be codewords between the two of you. When Tony realized it truly was you and believed it, he wrapped you in a tight hug.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed at the jutting metal scraps of his suit digging into your skin.
“Sorry,” he said, pulling away. “Had to make sure.”
“Y/N, the hell is going on here?” Thor growled, eyes darting between you and Hela, who was leaning against the counter opposite you, wearing regular clothes, arms unshackled and crossed nonchalantly.
“I- nothing. I should be asking you the same question,” you retorted. “Where’s Loki?”
Thor shook his head and your heart sank.
“What happened?”
“This is her, then?” Natasha asked, your question ignored, eyeing up Hela.
“Uh, this is Hela, my.. friend. Hela, this is Tony and Natasha.”
“Friend my ass, what the hell have you two been up to? Seriously, Y/N, it hasn’t even been that long,” Tony scolded, glaring at her.
“Hey, shut up, Stark. You don’t know half of it.”
“And neither do you, clearly. Have you any idea what’s been happening out there? Why the hell didn’t you answer any of my calls?”
“What? Everything’s fine here, and I haven’t been outside in a little while, okay? What’s happened?”
Thor slammed a hand against the wall, and if it wasn’t for Tony’s architectural reinforcements, he would’ve made a hole. “Thanos won.”
Hela’s face went pale, but you didn’t notice as you tried to remember what you knew about Thanos.
“Thanos.” Natasha hissed, putting her hands on her hips. “Half the world’s just gone. Vanished. We lost.”
“Hold on, what are you even talking about?” you asked, confused, laughing nervously. “There’s no way.. you guys never lose.”
“They’re right, Y/N,” Hela whispered. Silence followed and you looked at her as if she’d grown three heads.
The four of you stared at the Goddess and she approached you carefully.
“That’s what I felt yesterday. Impending doom.”
“You... knew?” you asked, voice small.
“Not exactly. But... there was something,” her eyes darted over your face, trying to read your reaction as she kept talking. “I didn’t know it was Thanos at first, I swear.”
Thor rushed forward and yanked Hela back by her hair, spinning them around to slam her back against the wall. She groaned in pain and your heart jumped.
“Thor!” you yelled, but couldn’t do anything else.
“What do you know?” he growled. His hand was gripping her neck, the neck that had just been recovering from the red marks of the collar she’d been wearing for days straight. The neck that you’d kissed and stroked and admired just the night before. You blinked back tears, but held you ground.
"Tell us!” he shouted. Hela breathing was ragged and you snapped, reaching to grab at his arm.
“Thor- Thor, please, you’re hurting her,” you began, and then quickly adding, “she can’t speak if you’re choking her, you idiot!”
He let her go and she slumped to the ground. Your heart broke in a million pieces, but Thor held you back, whether because he knew you’d rush to her side or out of concern that Hela was a threat. The three Avengers aimed at your new lover pressed against the wall as they waited.
“I knew of.. Thanos,” Hela grumbled hoarsely, looking at Thor and avoiding your gaze altogether. “We all did. You cannot go about conquering worlds and not know of Thanos. But he never came close to Asgard, so he was never a concern of ours.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, sister,” Thor growled. “The minute we were back in space after we left you here, Thanos came to take the Tesseract, the Space Stone.”
Hela’s face drained of its remaining colour, and you listened intently to what he said, all good feelings of the morning and night before disappearing as Thor explained what had happened.
“He killed half of our remaining people,” Thor’s voice was nearly breaking. “For the sake of his mission. There’s hardly anyone left. And now Earth, too!”
“Did you know Thanos was coming to Earth?” Natasha asked coolly. Hela shook her head slowly, her eyes misty.
“Did he... kill everyone?” you asked, shaking.
“He used the Infinity Stones to snap half of our population out of existence,” Tony said. “They’re basically dead, but not. Just... smoke.”
“Who?” you trembled, hugging yourself tightly.
“Fury,” Tony began, staring at the ground. “T’Challa, Wanda... Peter.”
“No!” you gasped, your mind reeling. You shook your head in disbelief, wobbly on your feet.
“They’re not the only ones,” Natasha added.
“And there’s nothing we can do?” you asked.
“We don't know yet. It’s been... busy,” Tony said. You grabbed a glass of water, shaking.
“Y/N,” Natasha came up to you and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You wanted it to be Hela’s.
“No, I’m okay,” you waved her away. “Just.. why did you come here? I can’t help you.”
“We needed to know what had happened to you.”
“And I need to take my sister away from here,” Thor said, pulling Hela up to her feet. “You’re in far too much danger with her.”
“What? No, Thor!” you exclaimed. Natasha held you back.
“She’s too dangerous, you were right. We have to get rid of her if she doesn’t have anything to tell us.”
“Thor, it’s fine. I’m alive, don’t you see? She hasn’t hurt me at all. Please,” you begged. “You’re not thinking straight. She’s not dangerous!”
“We need to make sure of any connections Thanos had, Y/N,” Tony said calmly. “And a Goddess of Death does sound suspicious, don’t you think?”
“Come along, sister,” Thor said gruffly.
“Where are you taking her?” your voice was thick.
“Away from here, maybe Hel will be just as welcoming as last time. How about it, Hela? We may just have to banish you again.”
That set Hela’s eyes ablaze and she pulled away from Thor’s grip. Her infamous armour appeared, glinting black and green in the light. You paled as a large, menacing blade formed in her hand and she took a defensive stance.
“You will not take me back there,” she hissed. “You’ll have to kill me first.”
“Yeah, pass,” Tony replied, aiming at Hela with one iron hand and shooting a beam straight towards her. You screamed at the flash, but she seemed unaffected. Her armour absorbed the shock and took no damage. The blade deflected Natasha’s bullets and she easily stepped away from Thor’s punches and kicks.
You were frozen to the spot, watching Hela with blood lust and battle fever in her eyes. Her mouth was pulled into a snarl and she managed to pin Natasha against the wall, blades sticking through the fabric of her suit, but leaving her unharmed.
Blinking, you realized she was avoiding hurting your friends, but at a great cost. She had to take the offensive blows without retaliation and you knew this new-found strength wasn’t going to last forever.
An arm pulled you by the waist and Tony held you firmly, the distinct charging sound of his hand starting just by the side of your head.
“Yield, Hela,” Thor shouted, booming with anger. Once she saw they had you, she stopped. There was brief silence and Natasha managed to pull herself away from the blades.
Hela’s chest was heaving, her eyes flickering between each opponent. When she made eye contact with you, something broke within both of you.
“Let her go,” she ordered. Surely she knew they wouldn’t hurt you?
“Not until you agree to come with us and give us the answers we need,” Natasha said.
“I have no answers for you,” she said softly. “I cannot help you. I cannot fix what Thanos has done. Now let Y/N go and I will do as you say.”
“I don’t believe her,” Thor said. “She will very easily turn on you. My sister will only do what is in her best interest. Don’t let her go yet, Tony.”
“Don’t worry, kiddo,” Tony whispered in your ear. “Just play along.”
You didn’t say anything and looked at Hela, knowing the pain she felt. If she complied, you’d become the puppet for the Avengers to use to make her talk, and that idea terrified both of you. She’d give herself up, even though she had nothing to confess.
“Hela, please,” you whispered, trying to tug away from Tony’s grasp. She stared at you, battle armour and all, with a single tear spilling from her eyes. Her usually hardened demeanour was crumbling, and just when you thought she was going to give in, she turned, ran, and jumped straight through your window, shattering the glass and tumbling to the ground below.
A scream escaped your throat that you couldn’t recognize. Tony let you go as you hurried to the window to see Hela running away at lightning speed, disappearing behind buildings and crowds before you could say anything else.
A/N: Aahhhh!!! 
taglist: @midnight-lestrange @cheerfullyvenomous​ @germansarechill @gaylorrds @amii-nyc @waitingfortheendtocome @novakitten0901 @marvels-writings
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motherjoel · 4 years
Leading Lady (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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chapter six- whispers of are you sure
wc: 2.1k
summary: you and spencie get closer owo
a/n: im sorry i haven’t posted a chapter in awhile :/
chapter index: chap 1, chap 2, chap 3, chap 4, chap 5
You started to stir from your nap when you heard hushed voices a few desks down. Remaining quiet, you kept your head down to listen in on the conversation.
“Listen man, it sounds like you’re crushin hard on this girl,” you recognized Morgan's voice. Reid spoke next in hushed tones.
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about her, it's just unprofessional. And besides, she would probably go for a guy like you anyway,” said Spencer.
You could feel your heart break. It didn’t take a genius to know that they were talking about you, but it saddened you to hear about Spencer’s lack of confidence. In your eyes, he was the ideal man. You wanted to show that to him one day. 
“Now you listen to me. You gotta stop getting in the way of your own happiness. Any girl would be lucky to have you, you just have to see it for yourself,” Morgan told him, warming your heart. This team was like a family, and you had to admit, you were a little jealous about their love for each other, but it was good to know that Spencer had such a great support system. You felt kind of weird listening in, however, so you decided to “wake up.” Slowly lifting your head, you yawned and stretched before looking over at the two men with a sleepy smile, pretending to just realize that they were there.
“Hey sleepy head,” said Morgan before getting up and turning to Spencer. “I gotta help Hotch with something,” he told him, leaning in to say the next part more quietly. “Remember what I told you,” he said before clapping Spencer on his shoulder and ruffling your hair when he walked past you. You smiled at the exchange and turned back to see Spencer nervously picking at his fingernails. 
“So, what'd I miss? You catch the guy yet?” you asked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Spencer just chuckled nervously and shook his head.
“No, not yet,” he paused, thinking of what to say next. “I’m glad you got some sleep in. Studies show that most healthy adults need to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night to function at their best,” he told you, continuing to nervously ramble, citing multiple facts about sleep. You just smiled at him, not fully processing his words. You were just mesmerized by his intelligence and passion for mundane facts. He noticed you staring. “What?” he asked nervously.
“Oh I'm sorry,” you said, flustered. “It's just… you're cute when you ramble,” you blushed and looked down. Spencer had the same reaction.
“Oh. Most people think it's annoying, the team normally cuts me off,” he said, avoiding eye contact. You could almost see the gears turning in his head, almost as if he regretted saying that for fear of judgement. 
“If anything, it's... endearing,” you said, lifting your head back up to meet his gaze. He looked surprised that someone enjoyed his quirks. To you, this is what made him genuine and irresistible, irreplaceable. The two of you stared intensely for a moment before you started to speak at the same time.
“I thin-” you started.
“Do you-” he began.
You both laughed in response to this, the silence continuing for a moment longer.
“Y/N,” he started, with a shakiness in his voice, “I know we’ve only known each other for a few days, but I really care about you. Every time I have a breakthrough on this case, the first person I think of is you,” he started. You got up from your desk to walk closer to him as he went on. “And I don’t know what to call that, but you’re just really pretty and you’re so nice to me and you always are interested in what I have to say and you smell really goo-” you cut him off by softly grabbing the sides of his face. 
“I have never met anyone like you before,” you told him in awe, stars in your eyes. He mimicked your expression, his surprise melting into adoration. Your eyes flicker down to his lips and he wordlessly nods, accepting what you had so badly wanted to do from the minute you met him. Slowly, you leaned in until you were an inch away from his face.
“Are you sure?” you whispered, wanting to confirm your mutual feelings. You weren't imagining this, right? Spencer didn't wait a second to wordlessly accept. With a small but nervous laugh, he closed the distance between his chapped lips and yours, resting his hands on your waist and pulling you closer. It was as if you were in a movie, the magical spark between you two. Your kisses with Logan hadn’t been like this- they didn’t hold this emotion, this longing. Logan's kisses were chores, not luxuries. A few seconds, what could have been hours, had passed before you pulled away and rested your forehead on his, eyes still closed. You wanted to savor this moment of peace, this calm before the inevitable storm. You both jump to the sound of an attention grabbing cough. Turning around you see a sly Prentiss, feigning gravitas.
“Uh, Hotch wants to see you. We’re going over possible unsubs and he thinks it would be good for you guys to be there. But, by all means, finish what you were doing first,” she said with a wink before speed walking into the conference room where the rest of the team was.
“So…” you trailed off.
“Yeah, so…” he replied looking at you with his blush still lingering.
“We should probably go see what's up,” you told him, although you didn’t want your time with him to end.
“Good idea,” he replied, and the two of you began your walk into the conference room, his hand resting on the small of your back as he led you. Once you got inside and settled in a seat next to JJ and Spence, you looked around to see the entire room staring at you with odd smiles. Rossi even shoots you a wink. Huh, word really does get around fast. You didn’t mind them knowing, however- you knew you had their support if Spence was happy. And that's all you could ask for.
“So about those unsubs!” Spencer starts, trying to diffuse the childish energy in the room. 
“Right,” Hotch begins, trying to hide his own sly smirk. “We found out that the time of death of the latest suspect was at around 5:30, just like you thought,” said Hotch in a more serious tone.
“That would give Nichols the perfect amount of time to make the kill and then show up late to rehearsal,” replied Rossi. You were shocked.
“Wait, Nichols? As in Matt Nichols, my Matt Nichols?” you asked, frantically. Reid flinched at your intensity and the use of “my” when referring to Matt, but you didn’t care. Matt might get on your nerves sometimes but you wouldn’t let him take the fall for something like this. You couldn’t have one of your leads getting arrested the week before the show, either. “A guy shows up late to one rehearsal and you assume he's a serial killer? Man, he can’t catch a break,” you huffed with a mirthless smile. 
“Y/N, you have to admit, he fits the profile perfectly,” offered JJ, you just shook your head.
“I see the way he looks at you,” said Spencer, softly. As he continues he attempts to speak with more conviction but to you it sounded like he was trying to prove some far fetched conspiracy. “And that guy is possessive. When we kissed at your rehearsal the guy looked like he wanted to kill me!’ he said, trying to convince you. The mention of the kiss earned a whistle from Garcia on her screen. 
“Not the time, Garcia,” Spencer snapped. You were in shock. The nerve he possessed to be giving an attitude right now surprised you. You could tell he was just on edge because he cared about you, but you didn’t want him snapping on his teammates because of you. 
“I’m sorry you guys, but just because Matt and I used to have a ‘thing,’ doesn’t mean he wants me dead,” you said, standing up and walking out of the room. Your head was spinning and you needed some fresh air. 
You grabbed Spencer’s sweater from where you left it on the chair and tugged it on before making your way outside. Once you were finally in the cold air you felt like you could breathe. How could this happen? Only a few short days ago you were at the top of your game, starring in your dream role and working towards a promotion at work, granted, the amount of times you had to call out for FBI business might affect that. The BAU threw a wrench in your whole life, but for some reason, you couldn’t be mad at them for it. JJ was like the sister you never had- the two of you were immediately connected and you didn’t want to lose her. Garcia was the hilarious and beautiful best friend you had always needed in your life, always ready to lighten the mood. Hotch, stern as he could be, was a compassionate leader and you were so glad the team had him. Morgan was protective and so sweet- even just knowing you for a short period of time, he had nothing to offer but kindness. Prentiss was smart as a whip and loved to tease you and Spence, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Through your savored but limited interactions with Rossi, you could tell he was a father figure for the team. This was a bit of a sore spot with you, but you hoped you could get closer with him over time. And Spencer. He was so frustratingly great. Great at his job, great at making you feel safe, great at… well… everything. You felt so lucky to know all these people and bond with them, you almost forgot your frustrations with them. But, after all, they were the professionals. If it came down to it, you would try to vouch for Matt but if they suspected him, you would trust their instincts.
You removed yourself from your thoughts and were about to make your way back inside when you heard quick footsteps from behind you and a sharp pain on the back of your skull before it all went black.
Inside the station, the team continued their conversation about the case. Spencer, however, was pacing around the conference room worried that he just screwed up what you two had going. Rossi excused himself from the team and walked over to Spence to put a calming hand on his shoulder.
“Go. Make sure she’s okay, we can handle this,” he told him, and that’s all it took for Spencer to bolt out of the room and out of the station. Looking around, his heart dropped when he didn’t see you. He tried calling your name a few times but he was received without a response. That's when the panic began to set in. He sprinted back inside the station and ran to the team, face red and panting.
“She’s gone.”
You woke up in an empty room, seated in a chair with your arms strapped behind you while your legs were tied together. Looking up you could see a tripod with a camera, filming your every move. Things began to make sense- the unsub had finally tracked your whereabouts and had taken you hostage. You couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh at the circumstances. You had thrown away your life just because you were upset about an assumption a trained team of professionals made. You had thrown away the life that you had worked so hard to want. Your father's passing had left you in a terrible place where your mind wandered to the unthinkable. These thoughts were something you had struggled with your whole life. You never planned on actually taking your life, but some mornings you were disappointed to wake up. It wasn’t until recently that you regained the will to take advantage of what life had to offer. Your passion for theatre was reignited and you met an amazing group of people- a group that you weren’t ready to say goodbye to yet. You were shaken from your thoughts when you noticed a shadowy figure enter the room from the door opposite of you- this figure was familiar, one you recognized. 
taglist: @mcntsee, @diesinspanishbcimhispanic, @chickens-are-life, @rexorangecouny, @ceeellewrites, @aerialdinosaur, @just-damn-bored
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (9) | T.H
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N & Tom seem to be in the process of rebuilding their relationship. Natalie is up to no good. How much more can Y/N & Tom take?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
A/N: Ive been reading all your responses lately and I appreciate them so much! Im so glad you’re all still on this crazy dramatic ride! Thank you so much for reading and supporting!
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There are certain moments in your life where things go according to plan, and others when they dont...but those are the best kinds. The moments that happen because it feels right and everything just falls into place. After all, everything happens for a reason.
It had been three weeks since Tom and Y/N had their heart to heart, promising to find Unknown together along with Harrison and Harry. While there were no threats taking place, one could never be too careful. The more they waited, the more vulnerable they became, letting down their guard ever so slightly.
Everyone kept a close eye on Natalie, but she convinced them enough to think she was on their side and the PR had nothing to do with Unknown. Show the boys one made up threat message from Unknown and you gained most of their trust. Tom had asked Natalie to stop the PR for the sake of mending his broken relationship with Y/N. She told him that her and her publicist agreed to put it on hold...but kept no promise of stopping it forever.
Natalie’s mother was getting furious, not happy with how her daughter handled the situation. “I told you to keep Y/N away, you insolent girl. You are ruining everything and your chance with Tom.”, she spat through the phone.
Natalie listened to her mother’s rant, rolling her eyes. “Relax mother.” She says sourily. “This is just the beginning. Y/N wont know what hit her and after this...She’s going to wish she never came back to London.” She hangs up the phone smirking as she goes through fan accounts that continued to spark the PR flame.
Meanwhile as the three weeks passed Tom & Y/N had slowly rebuilt their relationship. Occasional glances and banters left their tongue, subtle compliments were thrown out, and it almost seemed as if things would be back just the way they were. Even more so, one day in the kitchen. Y/N was making dinner the for the group as she took the time to cut the asparagus and broccoli. Tom passed by her, as he saw her lose herself in the soft music playing in the background, singing to herself all while still being focused on the food.
He leaned against the doorway and continued to observe her, admiring how cute she looked with her hair up and how sweet her voice sounded with the music. It almost made him think why she didn’t pursue a career in music instead of business. “Wow.” Tom muttered under his breath.
His voice must have been too loud, since Y/N looked up startled, but all the more happy to see the man she once loved..and still does deep down. “Oh..I didn’t see you there.” She giggles. “Don’t worry I’ll stop singing in the kitchen. I know how you guys are when I get into it.”
Tom quickly shook his head as he came closer to her, smiling back. “No. You don’t have to. I think your voice sounds lovely. I mean the kitchen’s got great acoustics.” He laughs nervously. Tom can’t remember the last time he felt so nervous with her, but in the good type of nervous. The type of feeling, one gets when they’re in front of their crush and all the butterlies in their stomach start fluttering. “You just sound and look so beautiful.” He admits, sheepishly.
“Thomas Stanley Holland are you trying to flirt with me?” She asks amused at his attempt pointing the knife at him from a safe distance.
“Am not.” He dramatically answers. “I can’t compliment a friend, who happens to be really beautiful.” Y/N shies away hiding her face, by looking down at the cutting board. “I mean it. I really do think you’re beautiful, even if you dont think like that.”
“Well..I’m definitely no model or Natalie, since the people say you both are London’s to die for couple.” She says bitterly.
Tom rolls his eyes as he takes her hand. “Hey..I told you we stopped it for now and Natalie agreed. You know, I get that we all have our suspicions of her after everything, but she said and proved she was a victim herself. Plus Unknown’s been quiet for the past three weeks.” Y/N scoffs at his defense for Natalie as she heads to the stove with Tom following right behind her. He taps on her should as she reluctantly turns to look at him. “I am only ever going to have feelings for you.” Tom confesses. In this moment their faces are inches apart, eyes are slowing moving down to their lips and back up to their eyes, breaths slowing, and just when it seemed like everything would fall into place, both quickly turn away clearing their throats
Y/N calms her heartbeat as she stirs the pasta while Tom helps stir the sauce. The room was quiet only the sound of bubbling from the pots filling the room. It only took five seconds before they both turned back to each other quickly connecting their lips. The fever and the passion increasing rapidly with every touch and pull. The warmth coming from their breaths and the tingling feeling everytime their lips touched. It was like coming back from an addicition you had quit for so long but craved every single time. They couldn’t stop no matter how wrong this was right now, but it felt so right so spontaneous, so in the moment.
Tom quickly signaled her to jump and did as she told, wrapping her legs around his toned torso, cupping her hands under his jaw. He pushed her back against the kitchen wall, as he slow let on of his hands linger under her shirt. It may have been months apart, but both knew exactly what the other needed and how to handle it. Almost as if it were instinctive. They were in complete bliss, forgetting the world around them. Until, the pasta water started overflowing on the stove.
Y/N opened her eyes and quickly pushed Tom away. “Shit. The food.” She yells out, jumping from Tom’s embrace. Both of them tried to calm their heart rate and Tom stood their watching Y/N, smiling at what had just happened. For once he had his girl back, and everything felt normal. Y/N looks at him, giggling. “What?” She asks.
“Nothing.” He replies, grinning like a little boy. “I’ve waited to do that for so long.”
Y/N blushes at his statement, as she sets up the table with the food. “Come on. It’s time to eat.”
Life seemed surreal after her encounter with Tom. Y/N told herself that it was a one time thing until they found Unknown. She didnt want to put anyone at risk especially both her’s and Tom’s heart. But everytime she told herself, the more she got lost in Tom. Every stolen moment, stolen kisses, stolen touch...he always had a way of making her forget. So while she vowed to herself that it would stop, her heart simply couldn’t. Tom was right, there was no PR, no text messages, no insane fan account rumor. Natalie hadn’t even bothered either of them, always focused on her own thing, and truthfully seemed a lot nicer when she came forth about being a victim of Unknown. The questions came to Y/N’s mind. Why should she have to live in fear? Why not just live in the moment?
It was a slow night. Harrison had spent the weekend at his mother’s while Harry did the same. Tom and Y/N were the only ones that roamed aroundthe house. While Natalie spent her time contemplating everything. Her initial plan to crush Y/N when she least expected was approaching ever so quickly after all the time it took to set up. Within that time, she had gotten to know Y/N and Tom even more so a part from the hatred and the jealousy. For a second...just a second, she considered not to follow through. But her mother’s words and the thought of losing her chances with Tom overtook her the moment she saw the two fall in love all over again. Her suspicions only became worse when she recirved a text from her mother.
Just remember, your acting career and your dreams depend on Tom. If you want Tom to choose you, you better get rid of the girl stealing your chances.
Filled with worry, Natalie quickly grabbed her things and made her way out the door.
Meanwhile, Tom and Y/N continued to spend time in each others arms everywhere they went in the house. They settled on the couch, Tom’s stong hands wrapping around her torso as Y/N curled herself into Tom. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” She whispers to him.
Tom hums at the idea, smiling wide. “Me too.” He brings her soft lips to his, letting them linger for a couple seconds more. “Do you really enjoy staying in the guest room?” Tom asks.
Y/N looks up at him, with curious eyes. “I mean yeah it’s okay. Why?”
Tom takes a deep breath before asking, “Well...I was uh wondering, if you didn’t like it as much there, you could..maybe stay with me...again.” He suggested muttering the last word. Tom smiled nervously, as he observes Y/N’s emotions. She was calm like the sea before a storm.
Y/N smiles at his offer, but shakes her head. “Mmm..it’s okay. Im fine where I am, but thank you for the generous offer.” She responds, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah...I guess I should have seen that coming.” Tom admits, his face showing signs of disappointment.
Y/N pouts her lips, and lifts her small hand to move a piece of his hair. “Hey..believe me. I want to but nows the not the time..at least not yet. One day, I promise.” She whispers leaving a chaste kiss on his lips. “C’mon we got another day tomorrow. I’m gonna head into my room for a bit.”
“I’ll come up later just wanna make a call to Harrison.” Tom replies. Y/N looks at him and smiles as she nods and heads back up to her room.
As the night came to an end, Y/N took the time to unwind with a book in hand when her phone went off. Her face dropped when she saw the messages.
Pictures of Natalie out and about wearing Tom’s clothes and jewlery, smiling into the sun and enjoying her day out with friends. Gossips left and right from fans and media, talking about how adorable it was that Natalie was the type of girlfriend to steal her boyfriends clothes because it looks cuter on her. Y/N knew deep down it wasn’t true but the words and pictures taunted her. Slowly and surely, she started to get mad, furious that Natalie would start the flame again out of nowhere when she promised Tom they would stopped. Another message popped up for Y/N, and it was from someone she so willingly prayed it wouldnt be who she thought.
Doesn’t she look cute in his clothes. Probably better than you ever could. BTW..where is lover boy? 😉
Y/N throws her phone against the wall, pissed more than ever. She should have known this was going to happen. Y/N contemplated the message, she wondered what the text meant. After all Unknown seeemed to know more about everyone here better than they knew themselves. Y/N slowly went downstairs only to hear whispering coming from the kitchen. She couldn’t make out the exact words but she could identify the voice. It was Tom and Natalie? She took a peak at the kitchen where the two stood facing each other. Y/N couldn’t make out Tom’s face but she could see Natalie’s very clearly. “Kiss me.” Natalie whispers, as she quickly places her lips on Tom’s cradling his neck, but Tom didn’t stop. The moment his eyes opened up to see Y/N’s he pushed Natalie off with all his might.
Y/N standing there in shock and sadness. Her eyes tearing up, her breaths shortening. She shakes her head, as she replays the disturbing image in her mind. “Y/N... it’s not what it looks like.” Tom quickly defends, trying to reach for Y/N as she steps back. Natalie observing the two, a slight smirk forming across her face. “I swear it was for the PR and movie.” He yells out, trying to chase her.
Y/N whips back as she faces Tom, the angriest she has ever been with him. “Who are you putting a show for in this house? Me? Because I sure as hell didn’t fucking like it one bit. I should have known better.” She spits out, heading up the stairs with Tom following.
“Y/N..please. It didn’t mean anything. I swear. I was put in a compromising position. Please listen to me.” Tom pleads. The door to her room is shut locked, but he stays there waiting and knocking at the door. “Y/N. Don’t do this. Dont walk away. Please just let me explain. You know what we have is special and the moment at the kitchen and everything this past month...”
“Was ruined and a complete and utter mistake. Leave me alone and I swear Tom you even try to get near me I will make sure you never see the light of day. I should have fucking stayed back.” Y/N yells out, sobbing against the door. It was a nightmare, and this time she couldn’t get out. She sat there now realizing, her heart had broken completely for the second time.
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs @joyleenl @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @viwihere @marvelobsessedteenager @panicattheeverywherekid @oswinO5 @jillanaholland
131 notes · View notes
thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Graphic depiction of torture, graphic physical violence, captured/kidnapping, major character death
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 5,133
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,
AN: And it all goes downhill from here, Ladies...
Chapter 51: Begin
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“I can’t stand you crying. I want to cry instead, although I can’t.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Seoul – Samseong; Gangnam District South Korea
9:45 AM
Jungkook was three steps from heading to the insane asylum.
One step represented each day that he hadn’t been able to track Eden down.
He barely heard the words of comfort that Jimin was giving him. He knew that it had something to do with it not being his fault, but how could it not have been? He hadn’t heard from his wife in three days, assuming she got wrapped up with family affairs and was too busy to check in on the first day. The second day had him concerned that she’d gotten hurt. By the third day, Jungkook was at his wit’s end.
Only to find out that she’d been snatched up before she ever got the chance to leave for Daegu. He shouldn’t have put her second to his job. He shouldn’t have let her leave their house to go to the train station alone.
He shouldn’t have let this happen.
The image of Eden’s beaten form in the video clip was branded across the forefront of his mind. Hoseok was angry, determined to track down the Jade Fang members who’d done this. Jungkook was angry that they were still part of the equation. They should have been eliminated years ago.
It wasn’t like they weren’t aware of what Im Changkyun was capable of. They’d seen the vicious things he’d done while they were Jade Fang members themselves. He didn’t think it was necessary to attend district meetings, feeling the rest of the bosses were beneath his standards of proper mafia leadership. Hoseok was his only equal and it appeared that he continued to see him as such.
Divine Intervention prevented Jungkook from leaving the house that night and storming the stronghold of the Jade Fangs alone. He would have burned every single one of their businesses down; he was determined to do so. Jimin escorted him home that night and there was a parcel waiting at home for Jungkook. His brother made him a drink and when Jungkook opened the package, he collapsed on the floor and cried until he could barely breathe.
It was a gift Eden prepared for him for his birthday – a handmade model of his dream car. Seated in the car were miniature figures of Eden and himself. He didn’t remember passing out. He didn’t remember Jimin tucking a blanket over him. He could only remember Eden’s face, smiling as they shared breakfast together the morning she was taken.
“Jungkook-ah,” called Jimin, pulling Jungkook out of his inner musings. There was concern painted over his brother’s face and he took a breath, waiting for him to continue. “I think we’ve covered everywhere here.”
Jungkook said nothing. Instead, he pulled out the small notebook he carried with him and scratched out Gangnam from the list. For two and a half days, they combed every single section of Gangnam they could. There was a part of him that knew that the Jade Fangs wouldn’t be so arrogant to hold her hostage in their former territory. But there was also a part of him that could reason Im Changkyun doing something so ridiculous as a form of “poetic justice” against them.
To him, the Golden Jackals never disbanded.
“What about the others?”
Jimin sighed, leaning against the driver’s side door of the car. “They’re hitting the other areas. Hoseok called in some favors from the other district bosses to let us through.”
All Jungkook did was nod. There was something off about this whole situation. Very off. There shouldn’t have been a single obstacle in the way of the other district heads when it came to taking over their territories. Yongsan and Gangnam were completely up for grabs; Hoseok said as much. Jungkook could only guess that Changkyun’s influence prevented them from stepping a single foot into their turf. He more than likely was determined to get Hoseok and the others back so they could do a mass district takeover.
“I don’t like that Tae Hyung went off by himself,” he suddenly said, meeting Jimin’s gaze.
“Yeah,” he replied softly, “I don’t either.”
Jungkook frowned. “He still hasn’t checked in yet?”
He didn’t want to prod any further. Jimin was probably more worried about Taehyung than any of them. While it was unsurprising that he went off on his own, it was unlike him to not have checked in by now. Taehyung wasn’t a morning person, which was why they all knew that he hadn’t slept while he was on the hunt.
Then again, none of them were really sleeping.
A soft ache throbbed at Jungkook’s temple. He pressed a hand to his chest, taking a small amount of comfort in feeling his wedding band dangling from the necklace chain. He didn’t know how much longer he could handle not knowing what was happening with Eden.
“Hyung, I—”
“She’s fine, Jungkook-ah.” Jimin’s words sliced through his own, as if he’d already predicted what he was going to say. When he met his brother’s gaze, he saw the reassuring smile tinged with just a hint of worry. “If I know her, she’ll make them regret the day they decided to take her.”
“Not before I do.”
Suddenly, Jimin and Jungkook’s phones chimed simultaneously – indicating they received a message. Both looked at their phones immediately and Jungkook felt his heart rate escalate. It wasn’t a matter of him losing hope as seeing the message renewed his vigor.
It was from Taehyung.
Taehyung: I found her. She’s near Namyangju in Gyeonggi-do. Somewhere in the Industrial District. I’m heading back now.
Jungkook looked at Jimin the same time he did. Without uttering a word, they flung the doors open to the car and hopped in. Jimin fired up the engine and punched it, speeding out of Gangnam. Jungkook stared at his phone as more messages came through from the others. It didn’t take him long to figure out that they were closer to that location than everyone else. It was a half an hour drive, traffic willing.
They’d get there first.
10:17 AM
Namyangju – Gyeonggi Province South Korea
Jungkook felt like it took them a hundred years to get to their destination. With every mile marker they passed, it brought him one step closer to finding Eden. One step closer to bringing her home. He clung to the smallest shreds of his willpower not to scream at Jimin to drive faster. They didn’t need to get into any kind of accident before they reached her.
Jimin swung the car into an empty street, the desolate district eerie even in the morning light. Jungkook tumbled from the passenger side, all but tearing his seatbelt from his body in the process. Jimin called after him, but he paid him no mind. His legs ate up the ground as he ran headlong into the central area of the decrepit buildings.
No one lived in the abandoned sections of the province anymore, but the government hadn’t bothered with tearing it down. His hope began to dwindle, realizing just how expansive the district was. It would take them hours to find her at this rate.
Resisting the urge to scream, he slowed to a jogging pace before stopping altogether. Running around blindly without a single clue as to where to look would get him nowhere. They were just wasting time. There was even the chance that the group would up and relocate themselves before they could even have a chance at finding them.
Eden would be lost forever.
He heard Jimin run up behind him, clapping a hand to his shoulder. Jungkook did his best to tether his scattered thoughts, chasing away the worst possibilities from his mind. He needed to calm down and think.
“There were a few cars parked near the back,” he said after catching his breath, “we might need to go up top to get a better idea of where they might be.”
Jungkook nodded, pointing straight ahead. “I’ll head to that building down there. Text me if you find anything.”
Just as he was about to take off, Jimin grabbed him – halting his movements.
“No, we stick together.” Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, but Jimin’s glare quickly silenced him. “If something happens, we won’t be able to do anything alone. We’re stronger together.”
While he wanted to argue, he knew that his brother was right. Even if splitting up would help them cover more ground, there was a good chance that they wouldn’t have a way to defend themselves if they got caught in a sticky situation. Jungkook did his best to push down his mounting impulsivities. Charging in blindly was foolish and would most likely get them killed.
“Alright, Hyung,” Jungkook said, relenting, “let’s go together.”
Not wasting another moment, they tore off down the center of the district – eyes rapidly searching in every direction their necks would allow them to turn.
10:32 AM
Minutes crept by at a snail’s pace.
Jungkook did everything he could to keep his head together. There were too many horrifying images playing rapidly in his head, like a flipbook that ended in blood splatters. Jimin stayed at his side, matching his pace as well as his fervor. Every so often, they would stop to peek into various buildings. They climbed up to higher vantage points to get a better lay of the area, dipping off to resume their search.
Everything looked so dead from the inside out.
A scream tore through the vast emptiness, causing Jungkook to trip over his own feet and he came crashing to the ground. Jimin was immediately beside him, grabbing him by the arm and hoisting him back up. Jungkook’s heart pounded double-time in his chest; it hurt. A cold sweat broke out over his skin and he couldn’t stop his body from trembling, even though Jimin rubbed small circles on his back.
“E-Eden,” he barely managed to croak, his legs shaking to the point where it was difficult to stand. Jimin continued to hold him up. “That was her!”
The sound was close.
Jimin said nothing. He continued to guide them along the path, turning around corners until he heard his wife scream again. It was even closer. They were almost to her!
He felt his brother release the hold he had on him and Jungkook involuntarily sagged against the side of a building. He didn’t know where they were or how deep into the district they’d gone. Jimin’s expression was focused and if he was feeling any sort of turmoil, it never showed. Not once.
The building they were pressed against was yellowed from age and neglect. Numerous cracks ran along the sides and bits of paint were peeling back; some pieces flying away from even the slightest gust of wind. The window had a long crack running from an upward angle to the corner of the pane; dirty and smudged. Jimin wiped a hand across the bottom to get rid of the dirt so he could see inside. Jungkook sidled up beside him to peek in as well.
He could feel Jimin’s vice-like grip on his shoulder, pinning him in place. Jungkook’s vision blurred momentarily before regaining focus, zeroing in on the image of his wife strung up like some animal. There were a few lackeys around and appeared to be bored – as if they were waiting for something interesting to happen. Jungkook felt the muscle at his jaw throbbing viciously as he clenched his teeth, grinding them in anger.
He wanted a gun. He would have emptied a clip into every single one of them.
Jungkook tried to move, but Jimin wouldn’t let him go.
“Hyung!” came his harsh whisper, but Jimin shook his head roughly.
“Wait, Jungkook,” he hissed back, finally letting him go, “just wait.”
“I can’t, dammit!”
“You can and you will.” Jimin’s words were final. “We don’t even know what kind of weapons they have in there. If Changkyun’s willing to play dirty like this, there’s no guarantee that his men won’t fill us full of holes with guns they obtained illegally.”
Jungkook wanted to protest, but he knew that Jimin was right. They needed to assess the situation fully before making a move. If they ran in there blindly without understanding what they were up against, there was a chance that Eden would die in the crossfire.
“So what now?”
Jimin continued to look through the window and he could see the wheels in his head turning. Strategy was his strongest suit so Jungkook did his best to be as patient as possible. A handful of seconds passed before he turned to meet his gaze.
“I’m going to go in from the front.”
“What?!” Jungkook gave him an incredulous look. “That’s crazy. Are you crazy?!”
“Shut-up and listen to me.” Jimin turned to look back through the window. “I’m going to draw their attention to me. This window is loose so as soon as I get them to chase me, I want you to go in and grab Eden and then get the hell out of here.”
He didn’t like this plan.
“There’s ten of them, Hyung. Maybe more. You can’t outrun them all.”
Jimin grinned, still peering into the building. “I can try.”
Jungkook grabbed his shoulder. “Hyung!”
He felt his arm being yanked off abruptly, causing him to take a step back. Jimin cast an icy glare in his direction.
“Do what I say.”
He wanted to protest again. He wanted to tell him that this was suicide. They should wait for the others. Wouldn’t that have been the smart thing?
But if they waited too long, then they may miss their chance. The Jade Fangs could probably swarm them, call for more men, and then overtake them completely. Jungkook knew that the plan was the best option they had right now.
It didn’t mean he had to like it.
Without waiting for him to agree or even disagree, Jimin turned and ran down one side of the building. He rounded the corner and disappeared on the other side, leaving Jungkook alone to wait. There was a distinct feeling of dread sweeping over him, telling him that there was danger to watch out for. But wasn’t that obvious? Didn’t they understand that, knowingly showing up to this place?
This was unavoidable.
A loud bang rang out inside the large interior. Jungkook peered over the bottom of the window, craning his neck as best he could. Light flooded into the dark space as he watched Jimin’s shadow stretching along the floor. All the men inside turned around, grabbing what weapons they had near them to launch an assault. Jimin immediately dispatched one of the lackeys close to the door before turning to run away from the building. All but two gave chase.
Jungkook thrust the window open, causing it to break further from the force. He leaped in through the opening and charged forward. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction caused by his entrance, Jungkook barreled into the man closest to him – taking him down with a swift grappling throw. The man landed on his head; a distinct crack heard from his skull smacking into the concrete.
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, a flash of silver, and he dodged at the last second. Whirling his body around, he jumped back with his arms extended out as another man tried to hit him with a metal bat. Jungkook bobbed and weaved out of the way, moving just out of reach at the last possible moment. Pivoting on his back leg, he waited for the man to try to swing at him again before catching the bat in his hand and pulling it toward him. The man slid on his heels, the distance closing rapidly. Jungkook aimed a kick straight for his stomach and sent him flying.
He brought the bat down over the man’s head for good measure.
With the two men unconscious, Jungkook swerved around and ran toward Eden. He did his best to avoid looking at her injuries, not wanting to distract himself from the most important task he had: freeing her. As he looked at her restraints, he did his best to concentrate on her face. She was semi-conscious, the noise bringing her out of whatever fugue state she was in.
“J-Jungkook-ah?” She coughed. “Y-You shouldn’t be here…”
“Shh,” he admonished, his eyes flicking over her bindings, “save your strength.”
His hands moved with lightning speed, fidgeting over the ropes and chains binding her as she hung from a large hook attached to the ceiling. When he finally managed to loosen the ropes, he lifted her up by her waist so he could untether her from the hook. Her arms dangled limply around his neck; the chains clamped around her wrists jingling together with the sudden movement.
Her body lacked the strength to keep herself upright and she nearly collapsed to the ground. Jungkook held fast to her, moving her arms over his head so he could undo the chains around her wrists. He could tell she’d lost weight and she seemed almost a shell of who he knew her to be. He focused on getting her to safety – choosing to smother his fury into the pit of his stomach.
“Go,” she whispered as he held onto her, “get out of here.” She coughed again. “Leave me.”
“Not a chance in hell,” he snapped, draping her arm over his shoulder as he held onto her waist, “now come on.”
Jungkook wouldn’t hear anymore of this nonsense, even if it was coming from the woman he loved. She was barefoot, but there wasn’t any glass on the ground. If she didn’t think she’d be able to walk, he’d carry her on his back and dare her to say otherwise.
Shuffling toward the entrance, he could hear men yelling in the distance. But it sounded like it was getting closer. Jimin was circling back, probably to make sure that they’d gotten out. If they could hold out a little longer, the others would come and then they could cause a big enough scene to get the hell out.
Just as he reached the entryway, he turned to make sure the two men he’d dealt with were still on the ground. Satisfied that they weren’t going to be getting up anytime soon, he turned back toward the exit.
A shadow moved from the corner. Eden saw it before he did. Jungkook shuffled to the left. He was half a step short.
The pain didn’t register at first. All he could focus on was Yoo Kihyun who was now directly in his path to freedom. It wasn’t until he saw the older man take a step forward that Jungkook took a step back. But not of his own freewill. He was forced to step back.
The knife in his gut pushed him to move.
Eden screamed but he barely heard it. Jungkook nearly dropped her, but his stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to fall. Not in front of him; her captor. A chilling smile painted over Kihyun’s face as he tilted his head, peering into Jungkook’s eyes. It was like he was asking him what his next move would be without having to say it out loud. For a split second, Jungkook’s vision blurred.
Releasing the hold he had on Eden’s arm, he grabbed a hold of the knife and pushed back – pulling the blade slowly from his gut. Kihyun blinked in surprise at him, watching as he drew the older man’s arm away from his body while still holding his wife fast to him. Again, Eden screamed, but this time she moved with whatever strength was left in her body – arms reaching out in a feral manner.
She scratched her nails across Kihyun’s face, forcing him to reach up and cover his cheek. Jungkook stepped forward, pulling the knife completely from his stomach, before spinning it in his blood-soaked fingers to grasp the blade’s handle. Kihyun stumbled backward a step and Jungkook quickly closed the distance, plunging the knife directly into his shoulder and aiming a kick to his knee. He waited for him to hit the dirt before pulling Eden quickly behind him.
He didn’t have to express the need for urgency.
They both disappeared into a nearby cluster of reeds.
10:45 AM
Blood wept from the side of Jimin’s head as he rounded the corner of a building. He held onto a rusty metal pipe, clutching it at his side. He knew one of his ribs were broken, if not two, and there was a good chance he very nearly sprained his ankle hopping over a broken-down car to avoid being clobbered with a length of chain. He quickly did a tally in his head, making a note that he was able to knock down four of the eight that were chasing him. Two of them he tripped up along their pursuit and the rest were now trying to comb the nearby streets in search of him.
Hearing Eden’s scream forced him to double back toward the building where he’d left Jungkook. It wasn’t the sound of agony. It was of outrage. Something must have happened. He needed to get back to them and quickly.
Jimin wiped some of the sweat and blood from his head, spitting at the ground. Once his heart calmed down, he tried to ascertain his whereabouts. Just two buildings over and he’d be right back where he’d started.
Come on, Park Jimin. Calm down and focus.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out, eyeing the screen. It was from Yoongi.
Yoongi: We’re almost there! Where are you guys? Give us a landmark!
Taking a moment to breathe, he turned his head in every direction to try and gauge a decent landmark for the others to follow. There was a cluster of blue barrels far away from the abandoned buildings, just toward the edge where a large field of reeds were. He quickly texted him back, letting him know the location.
He slid the phone back into his pocket, gripping the metal pipe in both hands. Now he just needed to get back to Jungkook who, he hoped, had Eden in tow.
His phone buzzed again; this time in succession. Someone was calling him.
Dipping into a nearby building, he hunkered down in a shadowed corner to look at the phone. It was Jungkook. He answered.
Jimin could tell something was wrong.
“Where are you?”
“T-The…the reeds…”
He had to refrain from cursing. There were reeds in every direction. He took a breath to calm his nerves.
“What else do you see around you?”
There was a pregnant pause and he wondered if something was happening with the call.
It was Eden. His heart practically jumped into his throat.
“Oh, thank God he got you out. Are you alright?”
“Never mind that. Jungkook’s hurt.”
He could hear the frantic tone in her voice. Jimin tried to smooth his voice out in a way that would help take the edge off for her.
“Okay, just breathe. Can you tell me where you guys are right now?”
“I can’t really see anything. The reeds are so thick.”
“Can you see any barrels around you?”
“Hold on.”
It was only a few seconds, but Jimin felt like he was losing years off his life as he waited for her to answer.
“I can see some blue ones. But they’re far away.”
He resisted the urge to smile. They weren’t that far from his current location.
“How far?”
“Several yards. They’re across that dirt path.”
“Okay, good.” His side screamed at him from the position he was in, but he ignored it. “I want you to meet me there, okay?”
It sounded like she was about to sob which unnerved him.
“Can’t you just come here? Jungkook’s hurt badly and I don’t have the strength to carry him.”
Jimin hissed quietly to himself. I told him to be careful… He took a breath. “Alright, I’ll come to you. I’ll be there soon.”
Ending the call, Jimin slipped out the back of the building and made his way around the next bend. Part of him wanted to throw the pipe off in a different direction, hoping the noise would distract others away from his path. But if they got flanked, he’d need a way to defend Eden, Jungkook, and himself. Especially if Jungkook was as hurt as Eden claimed he was.
This isn’t good, he thought, tearing through the back alleyway and heading up the side of the street to disappear into the thicket of reeds.
10:57 AM
Even though he knew he’d only traveled a few blocks, it felt like he’d been moving for miles. Each turn he made, Jimin thought he was getting more and more lost. Every so often, he’d turn his head to look over his shoulder and spy out the buildings – making sure that he was still on a straight path to the others. He heard some of the other men shouting at each other, trying to figure out where they’d gone, and each of these times, Jimin would pause so that he didn’t give away his position.
Just as he was about to resume his search, he heard a distinct shuffling sound off to his right. It was close.
“J-Jimin-ah? Is that you?”
It was Eden. She sounded exhausted and halfway to the underworld, but it was her. Jimin quickly darted in the direction of her voice, parting the reeds in front of him as he went.
A lump of ice dropped in his stomach at what he saw.
There, cradled in her arms, was Jungkook. A large blood stain blossomed from his shirt and he saw Eden pressing his jacket to his stomach and putting pressure on the injury. She was crying, doing her best to keep her sobs nonexistent so they didn’t alert the others of where they were. She looked up, relief and despair battling for dominance over her features. Jimin dropped the pipe in his hands, his legs slowly carrying him toward Jungkook just as he spit up blood from his mouth.
“J-Jungkook-ah,” he stammered, collapsing to his knees.
Despite the obvious pain he was in, Jungkook flashed him a smile full of blood-stained teeth. “H-Hyung,” he managed to get out, albeit garbled from a mouthful of blood, “what took you so long?”
Jimin didn’t have the energy to snap back. He felt like part of his soul just left him completely. His eyes roved over Jungkook’s body, trying to figure out the cause of his brother’s current state. He lifted his gaze to meet Eden’s.
“What happened?”
“It was Kihyun,” she said weakly while brushing some of the fringe off of Jungkook’s forehead, “he came out of nowhere and—”
“That doesn’t matter,” Jungkook interjected, causing them both to focus on him, “Hyung, get her out of here.”
Another piece of his soul was pulled away.
Eden shifted him in her arms, clinging to him in desperation. “I’m not leaving you!”
“Yes, you are.” Jungkook reached up to his neck, grabbing the necklace and popping it off in one quick motion. He smeared blood over his skin and clothes, holding it up for Eden. “Take it and go.”
She emphatically shook her head and Jimin could tell that even doing this was zapping her of what strength she had left.
“You bastard,” she muttered, curling her fingers into the fabric of his jacket, “how can you expect me to leave you? Huh?” Eden lowered herself, pulling him against her body to hug him close. “Till death do us part, remember?”
Jungkook did his best to wrap an arm around her, coughing more blood out and staining her shirt. “…and this…is where…we part.”
Eden shot back, looking down at Jungkook as tears streamed down her face, dripping onto his cheeks.
“J-Jungkook,” she stammered, her bottom lip trembling as her voice shook.
Again, he smiled up at her. “I love you, Eden.” He grabbed her hand and placed the necklace inside her palm, closing her fingers over it. “If…if I’m reborn, let me love you in the next life too, okay?”
Jimin could hear his own heart shattering in his chest.
“Hyung…take her and go.”
“But Jungkook-ah—”
Tears leaked out of Jimin’s eyes. It took everything he had, but he stood up and crossed over to where Eden was. She continued to hold onto her husband, refusing to let go even as Jimin tried to pull her up and onto her feet. She fought him but even she knew that she didn’t have the strength to keep it up. Jimin held her against him and they both gazed at the satisfied and peaceful expression on Jungkook’s face. He nodded to them, mouthing for them to go.
Jimin turned, hauling Eden with him as she wailed silently into the crook of his shoulder.
I’ll come back for you, Jungkook. I won’t leave you alone out here...
11:05 AM
He knew that it was only a few minutes since he watched Eden and his brother leave. In those few minutes, Jungkook believed it was several lifetimes. In those few minutes, he thought back to everything that led to this very moment. All the choices he’d made, the road he’d traveled, and the people he’d traveled on that road with along the way.
He regretted nothing up until that moment.
The only thing he knew he would have to repent for would be leaving his beautiful wife behind alone. They’d had a few chapters written in their life together, but they were pages filled with hopes and dreams for an uncertain future. Life never gave guarantees. The only certainty for life was death. It was the same for everyone.
The sun was reaching its peak over the skies. There were very little clouds littering the pale blue blanket above him and he wasn’t sure if it was the bright light that was making it difficult to see or something else. Jungkook lost feeling to the lower half of his body nearly two minutes earlier.
Again, he coughed and more blood sprayed from his mouth. Tears brimmed his eyes, slipping from the corners to seep into his ears.
My brothers…
Jungkook could feel his eyelids growing a little heavier with each passing second, but he forced them to stay open.
But the darkness began to creep around the corners of his vision, blurring out the light until it was a faint glow in his line of sight.
He wanted to keep feeling the warmth of the sun on his face until the very end.
…until we meet again.
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
🥞☕brunch café owner! jin☕🥞
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tw: a tiny mention of anxiety and shitty people that you may have encountered in school / uni ( but a lot of fluff to make up for it! )
- so far, your day was a complete catastrophe, im not even gonna tone it down, it was a complete shitshow to be honest
-it was like god woke up and went "i’m gonna let y/n have a shit day lmaoo"
-you overslept and missed your bus... on the day you had an appointment with your lecturer about your term paper
- after tripping on the stairs and hitting your knee, you hobbled to the office where this gollum lookalike was already waiting for you
- your lecturer was unreasonable enough to not let you extend your deadline for your paper... the one book you needed wasn't in the library for the past 3 weeks and there was no other edition available. so you explained the situation multiple times even at the beginning of your writing process, you even wrote him mails to explain the issue
- but this man who literally radiated boomer energy with every particle of his being really had the audacity to not answer, not even to your second mail and then he actually said that he does not understand "how someone of your age doesn't manage to even get a simple task as writing a paper" done
-you explained the situation again but he was pretty much tone-deaf to your situation and didn't even care when you said that you're actually gonna go to the library now to get the book scans
- so you went there already drained and exhausted from that conversation
-but the library was an even worse experience tbh .......
[fic mode: on, hohoho]
The lady in the library yelled at you for no apparent reason after you informed her that the scanner wasn't working and made you look stupid in front of other students who were there until one of them intervened and helped you out, which you appreciated. But this whole situation grew even worse on you after you left the library because your anxiety kicked in. You went straight into a quiet alley nearby and started crying quietly. "But hey!" you then exclaimed angrily, while wiping away your tears "At least the paper is gonna get done, right?! because who gives a shit about mental health and all huh, Mr. Go?!" and you started sobbing again. "Dickhead... And that stupid library lady... with her stupid fat 80s glasses. And her ugly yeehaw look...". This was something you wouldn't ever do in public, crying and ranting that is. but the alley was quiet, your only company was a stray cat that was sleeping underneath a tree's shadow. or so you thought. "Ugly yeehaw people and their ugly ass clothes, like... go read a magazine or something...". You started feeling more liberated with each mild insult you'd utter, so you went on. "Ugly library lady and her giant wart, like who the fuck are you? yubaba?" you heard someone snort and start laughing a squeaky laugh that almost sounded like a windshield wiper. Taken aback by the unexpected witness to your mild breakdown, you stood still at first, then looked around, left and right, but you couldn't see anyone. "Over here!" you heard someone say. You looked around again and sighed when you still couldn't see anyone. "Did I finally lose my mind?" you mumbled to yourself, only to hear the squeaky laugh again. "Hey! Turn around and look up!". You got up the bench and did as you were told by the omnipresent voice and finally saw the person it belonged to. Up at the 1st floor, there was a guy looking down to you from his tiny balcony that had plants hanging down from it. He smiled at you when your eyes met and you felt your heart rate go up in an instant, as you realized this stranger, this awfully handsome stranger witnessed how your petty little rant and crying about yubaba's twin in the library. "Tough day, huh?" he asked, you just nodded and quickly wiped your face with your sleeve. "Oh no, hold on" he mumbled and suddenly disappeared from his window, leaving you behind with a surprised look on your face. A box of Kleenex suddenly landed in front of your feet, as he reappeared at his window. "Just one would have done it, too, but thank you. I appreciate it!" you said and smiled at the guy. While you wiped your face, you heard another something land on the bench. You looked up again to the guy who, all of a sudden, avoided your gaze. "That'll help, you know..." he said and looked at you in surprise when you started laughing. What he threw on the bench was a... bar of chocolate. One that also happened to be your favourite. You looked at him and gave him a huge smile that made his heart flutter. He looked away shyly and scratched his head. "Tough day, yeah... but this right here," you raised the chocolate bar, "this makes it all better, you're right about that. Thank you!" The stranger couldn't help but look at you once again. He almost felt compelled to it. It was like staring at the sun when it sets, you know that you shouldn't stare at it directly, but it's so breathtakingly beautiful that you can't help but look. He intently watched you while you happily munched on your chocolate and smiled to himself. "What's your name?" he asked you. "Y/N! How about you?" - "I'm Seokjin. You can call me Jin..." - "Nice to meet you, Jin. I wish it would have been under different circumstances, though. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that, but chocolate helps with that, too." You two smiled at each other. "You know what, Y/N? Sometimes good things happen at weird times. Don't be embarrassed about crying earlier. I'm the last person who'd judge you because of that. I know that library witch, by the way... That Yubaba comparison was spot on!" You laughed out loud - he very much wished to hear this sound more often now. "Y/N, I gotta get ready for work now. But I'm gonna share one last bit of wisdom with you. I know a good remedy for bad days." - "Better than chocolate?" - "Oh, yes. Even better than chocolate. There's a café in XX street. There's a whole lot of lavender growing right in front of it, you can't miss it. That cafe has the best pancakes in the entire city." - Oh my god, pancakes are the best thing on earth!" - "(!!!) You must go there and try then! They're fluffy and come in 5 different variations and the sweetest maple syrup! I'm telling you, if you have a bad day like this again, go straight to that café." He already got you at pancakes, so you definitely would go there. "I'll finish this damn paper and then go reward myself with pancakes! In one or two weeks I'll get like 2 plates of pancakes then!" - "That sounds perfect!", he laughed. Shortly after, he excused himself and you two bid farewell. He disappeared from his window and your troubles had disappeared from your soul. You went home with a smile on your face, thankful for the kindness he had shown you and hoped that you would see him in the café some day. "Who knows... Maybe he's a regular there. It sounded like it."
Roughly one and a half weeks later, many all nighters and a whole lot of take out food, you finished the paper and handed it in. Liberated from this massive pain in the ass, you went straight to the café that your thoughts circled around during the times you weren't busy with your paper. "God, I hope he's there...", you thought and thought of Jin, who you thought about as much as you dreamed of the huge plate of pancakes you were going to get now. The café was not very far from where you lived, you walked there in about 15 minutes and recognised the place by a very accurate description Jin has given you. The smell of lavender bewitched you as soon as you stepped into the alley the café was in. Lots of flower pots were in the front of it, not only was there lavender but also gardenias and petunias. The flowers were all around the tables outside. "Of course, the flower boy loves the flower café" you said to yourself and smiled. The café wasn't too busy, as you came by at a rather early hour, when there were still lectures for most students and older people were busy at the local market place. You were greeted right away when you entered the café, by a younger man, probably also a fellow student, who was wearing an apron and gave you a warm welcome with his bunny smile. He showed you to your table at the window side from where you could watch bees hurdle at the lavender pots outside. You ordered shortly after, it didn't take much thinking when you saw the "Eat the stress away" menu, with regular pancakes, hashbrowns and a tea/coffee option. "Excellent choice! It's my personal favourite~", your waiter added. You glanced at each other. "Fellow student?" you asked and laughed when he suddenly looked at you with a gloomy look, but joined you in laughter right away. "Shared struggle", he said laughing, leaned over real quick and whispered: "I'll get you some blueberry pancakes, too. I'll tell the chef you're a friend of mine." - "Oh my god, thank you!" He winked and went straight to the kitchen, while humming a tune. Well, this was certainly the sweetest waiter you'd ever encountered. But you had your eyes on the door, hoping for a divine intervention that would lead to Jin coincidentally walk into the café when you were there. Around 15 minutes later you finally sipped on your coffee and were about to devour the fluffiest pancakes you'd ever had on a plate in front of you. The hash browns were a tad bit disappointing, as they had a slighty burnt taste and weren't spiced very well, in your opinion. But the pancakes were absolutely amazing. Their soft and fluffy texture was  complemented with butter and the sticky-sweet maple syrup that as truly as good as Jin said. And the blueberry pancakes were so good that you feared losing control over your facial expressions. Your waiter came along to your table, after he got the newest customer orders to the kitchen. You invited him to sit with you, which he gladly accepted. "How do you like it? They're really good, right?" - "I think this is what the kids call 'foodgasm'...", you answered and the two of you giggled. He looked at your plate and noticed the hash browns that you put at the edge of your plate. "Oh? Didn't like the hash browns?" he asked with wide eyes.
"They're slightly burnt, I think..." you said shyly. You were never one to criticize the cook when you didn't like your food in a restaurant. The only time when you actually complained was when you once found hair in your soup in a restaurant, and even back then you apologised for the trouble whereas it was clearly the chef who was at fault. "Please don't tell anyone, this can happen sometimes, I accept that." you quickly added, but your waiter shook his head ferociously. "You paid for this, so it is our duty to bring good food to your table. Our chef is a perfectionist, I don't understand how this can happen anyway. I'll get it sorted out, but not without teasing him. Can you wait a little until the customers are gone here. We close for lunch time. So people are gonna leave soon." You agreed and waited, while befriending the waiter - Jungkook, a 2nd year student who was currently doing a side job at "Café Smeraldo". After the last customer left, Jungkook decided to call the chef by yelling across the café. "He's also the manager you know. We're a bit short-staffed, you know... This is gonna be funny~~ JIN-HYUNG!" You almost spat out your coffee and started coughing as soon as you heard that name. "JIN-HYUNG COME OUT OF YOUR BUREAU! YOU BURNT A CUSTOMER'S FOOD!" He cackled after he heard noise coming from inside, while you sat there mortified. The door from the staff room slammed open and you instantly wished to turn into dust, as said manager/chef was the guy who consoled you on one of the worst days you've had in your academic life. The two of you stared at each other in shock, but before he could say anything to you he started scolding his younger co-worker and the two of them started bickering, while you continued sipping on your coffee, because this whole situation was soon more entertaining than it was mortifying. At some point Jin shushed Jungkook who shut up right away when he realized that this wasn't playful bickering anymore. Jungkook bowed deeply and went to the kitchen where he started cleaning. "You're friends with the boy?" Jin asked and sat down at your table. He looked tired, you thought. "No, actually we met earlier, but I suppose we just clicked very fast." - "So this kid got you my famous blueberry pancakes on the house, huh?" - "...I guess so. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you trouble. I really didn't want him to say anything about the hash browns either." He quickly glanced at them and grabbed one to take a bite, but put it down again before doing so. "I can see it already", he said "you don't need to apologise, it's my bad." He sat there with a gloomy expression and sighed. "Tough day, huh?" you asked and smiled at him when he laughed at your reference. "Tough week is more like it. We're a bit short-staffed at the moment. But enough of me and my manager melancholy. Finished your paper?" You were surprised by his sudden change, but you went along. "Yeah, I turned it in earlier and came here right after. I gave you my word after all." You smiled at him, and he felt the same rush that he had experienced the day he first met you. You continued: "You were right, by the way. These pancakes are everything!! Especially the blueberry ones. Is that your recipe?" He laughed and nodded. "I'm glad you liked them!" he said. "I'll serve you better hash browns the next time, pinky promise. I got a phone call while preparing 3 orders, yours was the only one that suffered from it." - "It happens sometimes. Don't dwell on something so minor." - "Says you, who cried beneath my balcony because of some witch!" The two of you giggled. He looked at you with a look, that made your cheeks burn. His gaze was fond and soft, it was the kind of look you have whenever the sky looks pretty, or when a bird lands near you and sings a little song. Neither of you could break the look you shared, as neither of you could describe a bond that was apparently now formed with chocolate and pancakes. It was him who spoke up first: "Got room for more pancakes?". This question took you by surprise, but pancakes are always a welcome surprise. "Hell yeah, you can never have enough pancakes." - "I need more proof for that, but based on that sentence alone I can say that we may be soulmates, Y/N." You started laughing, as did he. "But why? What do you have in mind? Also, I'm surprised you still remember my name." His cheeks got a very apparent pink hue after your remark and you noticed how grossly you were endeared by this man. "Y/N... How could I forget..." he said with a low voice that made your heart flutter. "How could I forget someone who made me believe there was a banshee at my door for a solid minute!" He broke out in his loud and squeaky laughter as soon as he saw the pure offence and shock on your face, after he said that, because *that* was certainly not what you expected to hear.  "You're mean, oh my god!" you exclaimed but had to laugh, too. You guys needed two minutes to calm down again. The pink hue on his face was still there and you felt the rush of confidence in you. He noticed you looking at him and spoke up:
"Y/N... How could I forget someone who has made me smile on a day I didn't feel like smiling at all? I got the news my cook had to quit on the day we met. I thought this was the end for my café. But then, I met you, shortly after I got the news. And seeing you going from crying to happily munching on some chocolate despite having issues that made you cry in public in the first place... Seeing you forgetting your troubles with something so small as a chocolate bar. I don't know... I felt hopeful for some reason. And I love this feeling. And, god... I really hoped you'd take my advice and come here to have my pancakes! (he chuckled) But I have to admit something... I so regretted not asking for your number. For the past week I jumped through the kitchen door everytime a customer came in...". You were pretty sure your heart was soon gonna explode through your chest. He hid his face with his hands and sighed. "I'm not like this at all~" he whined, before facing you again. "But... How about I make us some more pancakes now? And hash browns, if you like. I haven't had breakfast yet and well... I really want to make you pancakes. Can I?" His voice became thinner with each sentence he added, since he came shyer with each bit. You chuckled, in disbelief about how your rapidly beating heart became so calm, yet so full when this man told you he wanted to make you pancakes. No nervosity whatsoever, no second thoughts, nothing. An epiphany over pancakes... Who would have thought? This was safe. This was a safe place for both of you, and both of you felt it.
"A breakfast date then?"
"Breakfast date it is."
"I like the sound of that."
-you two enter the kitchen after you insisted on watching him cook for you-
jk: hyu- oh, hi y/n! you guys know each other? ah hyung, i cleaned up everything and tidied up in the bureau. i'm sorry about earlier. (bows again and stands there shyly)
jin: (sighs very deeply) come here, you dodo.
the two of them shared a short but sweet hug, after which jungkook had a huge smile on his face again. jin and you shared a look and the same thought as you looked at jungkook after.
jin: jk, you wanna have pancakes with us?
jk: huh? yeah sure, i'm actually pretty hungry... (he smiles at you two) I'll go clean up inside real quick and prepare the table! yayy, pancake brunch with friends ☺️ (he leaves you two in the kitchen)
you turned to jin and smiled. "don't even start." he said quickly, while he started getting the ingredients out. "AWWW~~" - "NOOO!"
-the end-
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