#dc apocalypse
the-might-v · 6 months
June Darby
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By day works as a Nurse saving lives with the medical profession. But at night she fights as the huntress, only she has no idea of her other alter ego. How can she balance her of being a single parent, her job when she doesn’t even know who she truly is?
June Darby was one of the victims after the invasion battle forces of Apokalypse. Attempting to keep the injured in a stable condition while avoiding harm from the para-demons monster attacks, the female nurse was captured and put into slave camps on earth. Only to escape from the environment with the Justice League and New Gods of Neo-Genesis uniting pushing the forces away.
The woman was returned back to her life or so she thought. In actuality June was never the same at least not to her knowledge the next few months, she would wake up with bruises and sores she never had before. Her doctors say nothing but in reality the medical professional had developed a slip personality disorder (D.I.D). To protect herself from all the painful trauma she endured.
The Huntress
As the huntress the heroine alter ego is completely different from June warmth and caring nature. Huntress lives up to her name as a hunter with no limit. Once she’s got her mark she never stops, Huntress searches relentlessly for the earth collaborates of the hellish world Apokalypse so, that they may pay for all the pain they’ve done to their people.
However, Huntress’s greatest weakness is herself as she does everything in her power to keep June from uncovering her other identity. Out of fear the weak nurse will keep Huntress from proceeding in her mission of vengeance.
(Update link below.)
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aviolettrose · 2 months
A fanfic idea:
Bruce was able to rescue Jason before he died, and after this experience, Jason stopped being Robin.
He became afterwards the golden child, he goes to college (with a scholarship), helps out in the city library, teaches children (helps with their homeworks and helps them to study), works part time in a car garage in crime alley, and is a supportive brother.
And it pisses his siblings off.
Because there has to be something fishy because no one, really no one, is that perfect.
And there is something fishy.
He is also Red Hood.
No one knows, and the vigilantes never talk to Jason about "the family business" because he needs to concentrate on his studies and other stuff.
So imagine, Batmans suprise when the JL was able to catch Red Hood.
Someone takes Jasons helmet off in front of Batman, Nightwing, and other members
And Jason, who wears also a domino mask, doesn't look Batman in the face even as he says :
"Hey Dad. I can explain."
And Dick loses his shit, he laughs so hard because, Jason, The golden child, the one who gave up on being a vigilante, who reads to children in the library, is a goddamn crimelord.
Bruce just stands there frozen because wtf Jason?!
And Dick takes selfies with Jason being tied up and calles the other Batkids in because they should definitely not be left out of it.
(Edit: As someone who doesn't really write (or can write good stories), I want to say, feel free to use this prompt for a fanfiction. Just please give credits to me (because I don't know if someone else had also this idea and posted it) and please inform me if you publish something (because I want to read a fanfiction like this too))
(Edit: people we got a link, pls leave some love there for @radioactivepigeons, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55499164
And for those who have struggles with the link, the fanfiction is called Prodigal by Carbon65, and you only have access to it with an ao3 account, BUT I pinned the tumblr version)
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Demon Twin AU 
Tim Drake comes across a LOA manuscript detailing the sacrifice of a Demon Heir that’s dated around the time Damian is born and brings it to the cave. There’s no other mention of what went down, but it looks like Damian was a twin and the twin was thrown into the Lazaras Pits- Tim kind of forgets about it but shows it to Damian cause he figures that the guy deserves to know, and leaves it out for Bruce to see (basically the same thing as telling him). It doesn’t really change much but there is an obscured name in the corner so they can presume that the kid’s name would have been something starting with D A N. 
Well here’s the thing: Names carry power. Damian reaches out to John Constantine to ensure that the child is actually dead, because presumably John can do that. John wants to give the kid some closure, so he does what is supposed to be a super chill seance to an infant. He pricks Robin’s finger, chants a little and the air... turns violent.
Uh oh. Dan appears, unshackled from his prison in the Infinite Realms now that John has called upon them by someone with Familial blood. He cackles madly about the fact that it’ll be a good time to bring about the apocalypse again, promising to spare the bird for now, since he would have to get answers later. 
The alarms are blaring, the whole JL is hands on deck to try and stop Dan as he attacks across the globe. They’re saving as many civilian lives as possible but its getting very HAIRY in less than 2 hrs. Robin is out in the chaos, trying to track him down with John and Zatanna trying to recapture him and banish him back to the realms. 
Phantom touches down just as the three of them reach Dan- Danny has some choice words for his older alternate timeline self, including “This is why you have no friends.” and “Seriously, you didn’t even stop to say hi to my timeline’s Jazz this time.” and “Soup time for 1,000 years and then we can talk remediation.” 
After a short but brutal fight, Danny floats over to Damian, John and Z. After making sure they’re all right he’s like “Maybe you can never do that again? Also tell me how and why you did that so I can banish that spell?” And Damian explains that it was meant to ensure that the infant twin he never knew had passed peacefully and clearly that was not the case. Danny blinks a few times, uh, a twin?
Damian goes through the shit, John explains that it was a familial summoning meant to be an advanced seance (hence the lack of safe guards to keep the entity in) and Z confirms that there was nothing special to it beyond that. 
Danny then explains, that uh, “I guess my parents weren’t kidding when they told me I was adopted. Hi? I’m your brother. Uh, I go by Danny though. Dan was me in a different timeline and he’s normally under super strict lockdown.” 
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frownyalfred · 1 year
The Batfamily all have “go” bags hidden around Gotham. Just in case things go south and they need to bail. Or resupply.
The contents range from “incredibly sensible” (Bruce, Alfred, Duke and Barbara) to “weird but useful” (Damian and Cass) to “why the fuck would you bring that to the zombie apocalypse?” (Dick, Jason and Tim)
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Kon: Aw, my ice cream melted before I could eat it
Tim: Melted ice cream. A cornerstone of life
Bart: Yeah, like your alarm clock not going off or your shoelaces coming undone or getting possessed by a death god or-
Cassie: Wait, what was that last one?
Bart: You know, when you get possessed by a death god. It happens all the time, it's so annoying.
Bart: Between Barry, Wally and me, we've been possessed by four different death gods six different times!!!
Bart: It's the worst part of the year. Gives me a headache every time.
Kon: I feel like we're ignoring my ice cream situation over here
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
It was the end of the world and DC characters were gonna kill us all so we had a big party in a different neighborhood I've never been in but my cousin couldn't join in because she had to study for a test.
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comicsiswild · 1 year
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Scooby Apocalypse (2016) #10
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ryoalouette · 1 year
Brain demands a dp x dc prompt.
So I shall answer.
Just recently there has been an urban legend. Every single night, without fail, in the same time down to the dot- there will be a specific radio channel that will transmit a bone-chilling message.
Help. SOS. Help. S C R E A M- NO N O- (And then a series of numbers, shakily said) (a sob)
This has started since about one month or two ago.
Tim has been notified by one Bernard, and searching through the Batcomputer yielded little results. Jason happened to be behind him when Tim was researching, and between them, there were several things to be noted. Speaker sounded young, like in the middle of puberty. 13 years old is probably the youngest estimation, 19 being the oldest. Male. Doesn’t seem like acting, the message sounds too real. Amongst other things, prolly, since. Detectives.
Time passes, and they got a pinpoint of location that was oddly blacked out by the government itself. Hm. Suspicious.
So Jason, the one who’s still legally dead, no one would look for him (aside from Batfam and some), no one has expectation on his image considering he’s legally dead, took off, maybe with his team of Outlaws or nah, to get to the location.
What they found was a ghost town with many scars in Midwest, and a shade (ghost??) of a young man wearing glasses and beret who would appear in the radio station of this small town to air his (town’s) plight.
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superbat-love · 11 months
AU where Clark keeps Bruce cryogenically frozen in the Fortress of Solitude after he falls into a coma due to a fatal disease. As time passes, Clark finds solace in conversing with Bruce, never giving up on finding a cure for him, as everyone he once knew gradually succumbs to fatal injuries sustained in battle or old age. Bruce becomes the last remaining connection to Clark's former life, alleviating his loneliness in the ever-changing world.
A thousand years later, Bruce awakens to a completely unfamiliar world. He struggles to accept the fact that Gotham City no longer exists, his entire family is gone, the villains he fought with have all perished, and the only other living person on the planet is Clark.
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extraordinary-heroes · 9 months
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Scooby Apocalypse #19 (Cover art by Evan Doc Shaner)
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the-might-v · 8 months
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Odalia Blight/ Mama-Goodness/ Mistress Blight
Odalia Blight was one of the largest weapons dealers and distributors in both the empire society’s legal and illegal occupations. However, her love of wealth, status & power lead her to be losing her family. After too much abuse she was cut off from the blights and all associations to the business along with the end of any weapons distribution to the empire as well.
Stripped of everything and left as one of the commoners now the tyrannical woman’s life took a turn for the worse when, she found an unusual glowing green stone.
Through her own greedy created the ION Storm which not only turned her daughter into SuperWoman but created so many of the other destructive superpowered individuals.
Odalia being in close proximity of the storms blast was sent to another world entirely, Apokolips. Her scars from the previous disaster were child-play compared to what came next.
Once in Apokolips the blight was captured and put to work with all the other slaves. Endless whippings, humiliation & non-stop workings finally lead to her killing her tormentors & the ruler of this hellish world’s attention.
Darkseid released her offering the scheming, greedy, tyrant a position of power on the planet. She accepted & was put through a surgical procedure which transformed the witch’s physiology into a New God.
She now serves as Darkseid’s right hand for her cutthroat nature, cruelty and willingness to do whatever is needed for victory. As such, she holds no love or care for her old life & takes great joy in humiliating those around her rather they be friend or foe, this is made evident when she not only captured SuperWoman having tortured the heroine for days with sadistic joy/glee but made a clone as her slave just to toy with but to also punish the new gods frustrations in endless abuse.
Powers and Abilities
New God Physiology: after her show of will Darkseid had ordered the witch be made into a New God. Odalia was made into the being of genetic stability & evolutionary perfection. She is stronger, faster & smarter than Homo sapiens/witches despite their resemblance to the same. Her own powers with Oracle are now increasingly greater then before as well.Now Odalia has the following-
Immortality: Now A New God Odalia is functional immortal, her aging ceased. Unless she falls in battle, she is immune to the ravages of time, & could easily live thousands upon thousands of years.
Super Strength
Super Stamina
Super Reflexes
Toxic Immunity
Oracle magic: As an oracle, Odalia's magic lets her perform tasks involving the mind and conjuring. She can use this ability to pray into the minds of her victims often psychologically torturing them to extract information. She uses this ability through her necklace as a conduit.
Foresight: Odalia can sense extrasensory thoughts, sights, and outcomes.
Telepathy: Odalia is able to communicate through thought with a person, although it appears to be limited to others wearing another conduit, as she did with her youngest daughter via their necklaces.
Spirit summoning: Odalia can summon spirits from her necklace that can attack an enemy and retrieve objects when commanded. She can also recall these spirits to her necklace as well.
Animation: Odalia can animate objects to do her bidding.
Interrogation: Odalia is willing to use any means of achieving her goals & show her loyalty to her master. She uses various harsh means such as torture to gain information from her captives
Oratory Skills: Odalia is a skilled orator, being able to sway people into doing what she wants with ease (for most). However, should that fail her preferred method involves dominating her captive’s sprite till they are nothing but her dogs.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Having spent years on Apokolips she gained the skills to fight in hand to hand combat able to hold her own against powerful fighters such as Wonder Woman.
Torture: Odalia’s newly acquired skill having arrived on the planet. While she was never shy from mentally abusing any including her own family to gain power being on the harsh hellish landscape made, the cruel woman take on the self proclaimed mantle mother goodness. She takes her captives to her personal chambers which they are restrained in her many wicked devices & put through cold blooded torture for her own amusement or business, she always teases frequently told “Mamma Loves You.”
Pride & Arrogance: While Odalia has fully embraced her new life as everything she has always wanted she is still weak in terms of teamwork due to her control freak nature.
Queen’s rod: Odalia primary weapon of choice as well as her control rod for her pets. Should they ever discover its function may turn on her one day, which is why it is kept with her at all times.
Mindblast: Her power in Oracle uses have increased so too has the backlash. Using them for an unlimited amount of time can cause herself to bleed.
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nelkcats · 1 year
When a horde of Zombies was unleashed on the DC universe, Danny stared at the screen speechless. Clockwork had told him to keep an eye on the universe in case a catastrophe happened, but only 5 minutes had passed since then.
He called his mentor and the Master of Time told him to fix the problem, to which Danny began to complain before being pushed straight into a dimensional portal. He landed in the middle of a fucking horde, just his luck.
How was he going to prevent a fucking apocalypse? It had already started!
As he used his intangibility to get past the Zombies, he noticed the confused look most of them were sending him, but oh well. Danny was tempted to tell them that you can't kill what was dead, but he decided to keep quiet. Not that the Zombies understood anyway.
He set out to explore the world looking for some clues, avoiding the Zombies (For some reason, they avoided him too) and drawing the attention of the resistance, who quickly branded him as immune (he wasn't, he had just become intangible, again).
Ironically, he ended up siding with the only Zombie? Of a different race. Red Hood was much nicer than those who wanted a sample of his blood for a cure (again, Danny knew it wasn't going to work). But neither of them had any idea how to end the apocalypse.
Jason had no idea why the Zombies were avoiding that specific boy, like he was a hopeless case. Or why there were so many people chasing him, but at least he was nice, and seemed genuinely intent on 'stopping the apocalypse', so he joined him out of curiosity.
He was like a free Zombie repellant anyway, and Jason had no idea where his family was since the catastrophe started.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Gosh I am just slowly rotating a 4 horsemen of the apocalypse batfam au. Y'know, for fun. And like, the horsemen having been separated into two bodies, two beings to prevent the apocalypse. Despite the fact they don't care for the end of the world anyway.
Jason & Cass as Conquest/Pestilence, two sides of the same coin, of the same being, one of violence and one of horrifying silence. Dick & Steph as War, of the first blow and the utter violence wrought by their actions. Tim & Duke as Famine, forever hungry, not just for food, but for information, for recognition, for just a hint of anything at all. And Bruce & Damian as Death. Death one refuses to do. A merciful death, and a death still learning. A young death and the death of innocence.
Idk just an idea lol
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
besides jason going full mad max how would the batfam act in a post apocalypse scenario?
Honestly I think Jason would be the most collected of them (next to Alfred). He already died once, worst case scenario he dies again. So while Damian's hoarding knives and Tim's mapping our a hundred contingencies, Jason's just vibing with some salvaged books and a can of soup heated on a trash fire
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sherwoodflorists · 3 months
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"Kal, I've been chased, shot at, kidnapped, beaten up, had my mind controlled, and I broke a nail. I'm ready for a little quiet."
Supergirl in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
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