#but that can be an extension of Nightwing work
filthy-vigilante · 1 year
What are Dick's hobbies in Canon? What does he like to do outside of being Nightwing? I don't know to much about him beside his general personality.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Which of the Batfamily is most likely to climb up buildings (or stairs or objects or other people) to get to talking level with a Meta that won't come down to them? [Damian is too obvious, but are there more?]
Clark: Nightwing, I need you to pass a message to Batman—
Dick: Wait a second.
Dick: *scales a skyscraper*
Dick: Alright, what is it?
Jason: Look, Biz, for the last time—hang on.
Jason: *pulls out a step stool*
Jason: For the last time, Sonic isn't one of the Flashes.
Selina: I just don't think flying counts as its own power when you have to cast a spell. It's just another extension of your magic.
Zatanna: Bold words for someone twenty feet below me.
Selina: Yeah, well, I bet you can't land on your feet every time.
Tim, angrily: Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you.
Kon: Make me.
Tim: *climbs two boxes, a ladder, and a tree to look Kon in the eyes*
J'onn: You must be the Signal. Batman has told me a lot about you.
Duke: Hold up, this isn't really working.
J'onn: What?
Duke: *jumps onto a moving bus*
Duke, getting farther away: Go ahead, I'm listening.
Kory: Oracle, can you access the recent Darkseid files?
Barbara: Let me just do this one thing first.
Barbara: *books a ticket to New York*
Barbara: *gets in an elevator*
Barbara: *goes to the top of the Empire State Building*
Barbara: Sure, I have it right here on my phone.
Jon: Catch me if you can!
Damian: *shoots his grapple at Jon*
Steph: I'm gonna go up there and do what Batman won't.
Hal: And what exactly is that?
Steph: *stands on a lamp post*
Steph: *slaps Hal*
Bruce: Just in case Spoiler didn't get through to you...
Bruce: *climbs a fire escape*
Bruce: *slaps Hal*
Kara: So what's the plan?
Bette: First order of business, we're getting lower ceilings so you can't keep doing THAT.
Vic: *hovering*
Luke: *also hovering*
Vic: What are we doing?
Luke: *shrugs*
Diana: *floating above everyone*
Helena: Anyone wanna challenge her?
Kate: Not it.
Harper: Not it.
Cullen: Not it.
Alfred: My sincerest apologies, Ms. Prince, I am unable to make it up there in my old age, let alone with a tray full of my signature chocolate chip cookies.
Cass: That's not flying.
Arthur: No, but this water spout gives me great advantage.
Cass: *pulls out a straw*
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fryingpan1234567 · 4 months
canonically Jason and Tim have motorcycles, right? and B and Duke too but the other two are more well known I think
ANYWAYS what if everyone in the batfam had one tho? because. the potential.
Dick takes his off of roofs sometimes, but it’s built for it. before all his modifications, it was just a blue and black chrome Yamaha sports bike, nothing special. he added a Nightwing sticker on each side, a bunch of weapons (mostly electricity based), grappling hooks, Nightwing things. there’s even a sidecar for Haley.
Babs (before the wheelchair days) had a purple and yellow one that matched her suit perfectly. it sort of meant she couldn’t use it during the day, but occasionally she rode it to work with extensive concealing of the random dangerous gadgets. hers was also a Yamaha (same model ^^)
Jason canonically has a black shapeshifting one like some maccadams shit but it’s fine— it’s loud as shit, so he doesn’t really use it for patrol, but he loves it during the day. because it’s just black, it’s pretty easy to take it out for completely non-suspicious speeding law breaking joyrides. no harm done!
Cass has a jet black Ninja, and her reputation on the streets is about the same as the nightfury’s at the beginning of the first httyd. dark, deadly, and it’s even quiet in Gotham’s busy streets. watch your back for her.
Tim’s got the BATCYCLE it’s CANON. it’s also canon that it’s got a liquid-cooling engine and a Robin-themed paint job, but fuck that, I say it’s dark red and electric and he rides it to work. so sometimes (most of the time) he pulls up with ruffled clothes and helmet hair, which Conner nearly fainted at the first time he saw it, but we don’t talk about that. he doesn’t use it for patrol because Kon said he’d carry him everywhere if Tim gave him rides in exchange. on the bike. he has said on more than one occasion “wear the helmet, ride a biker” and Tim punches him really hard
Steph’s bike is purple, and the wheels do the hover-shift-glowy thing like in Mario Kart (also purple). she’s not scared of you or anyone; she will ride that shit to school and use it on patrol with the hovering and distracting color and everything. fight me.
in canon, Duke’s bike is electric with a bunch of lights and black and yellow and lowkey built like a tank. I kinda like it! I think it’s a fabulous bike for a fabulous man so therefore he gets to keep it I won’t be taking criticism
Damian gets a green and red and black electric Ninja, plus a helmet that he painted with feathers and paw prints n shit. Jon likes the spare, which is just black but has a red mohawk. what more could you want? he could fly everywhere, but he also could just have his badass motorcycle bf drive him everywhere while he wears his dope ass helmet and vibes to whatever 2000s pop shit Damian lets him play. he’s a professional backpack.
did you think I’d stop at the Batkids? sorry imma keep going
I like the idea of Brucie having a black sports bike that’s 90% modifications like in the movie. no one remembers what it was before he took it all apart and added Bat-stuff, but it looks great now! it’s blown up more times than you can count, just because it’s a really good target for rogues.
Kate has one that’s almost exactly the same, except hers is maybe a little closer to what it was originally. she doesn’t quite have all the same stuff Bruce does, but they’re the same vibe!
anyways that’s the vigilante weirdos club, so like it’s expected that they’d all have a dangerous vehicle. slightly less expected— Alfred freaking Pennyworth has a Harley with tall handles and sparkly black paint, but nobody knew that for such a long time because he barely leaves the manor. all the kids lost their minds when they found out. what can I say
anyways some Bat-bike shenanigans that have ensued:
street races between all the Batkids at least once a week, whether that be on patrol or in civvy clothes
Jason obnoxiously revving really loud whenever he sees one of them in the street, on a date, when he’s picking them up from something, just as often as possible. obnoxious revving. old people hate him
cool lesbian aunt Kate picking up kids from school with her badass bike and epic helmet
sometimes Dick will be talking about “his child” or “his baby” and no one’s sure if he’s talking about his dog or his bike
bike-related thirst traps on social media
“race you to the next light”
not a single one of them has left a Gotham speeding law intact even once (not even Alfred, although he won’t admit it)
Wally likes to get Dick to race him on his bike even though he knows he’s going to win
both Jon and Conner have said something along the lines of “I bet I could pick up the bike with you on it” as a show-off attempt, but Damian and Tim love their paint jobs too much to permit them to try
Batfam on bikes❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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gffa · 1 year
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I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING but it makes perfect sense and GODDAMN WHAT A DELIVERY ON THE BUILDING TENSION OF IT ALL, because the entire issue was about Tommy pitting himself against Nightwing as a narrative foil, screaming in rage about how Bruce will do anything for him, how he wants to kill Nightwing because Bruce cares about him and how he doesn't really get why Dick understands Bruce in a way he never did. And it's so interesting that I wonder how much Dick is right about Tommy's motivations, because everything Tommy has said up to this point in the issue doesn't really feel like he wants Bruce's life:
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"You keep trying to disavow our friendship and eliminate our shared history.  You keep trying to erase my face from your memory so that I have to wear yours!  I'm going to make sure you never forget... by cutting my name into Nightwing's back! You'd do anything for him, wouldn't you, Bruce? But what have you done for me... your first true friend? Besides take everything that should have been mine!" I can see how it seems like that last line might come across as Tommy wanting Bruce's life, that he felt that life should have been his, and wearing Bruce's face is a pretty obvious extension of that. But being enraged by Nightwing's presence, by Bruce's willingness to do anything for that kid, it made it so that I saw it as what Tommy wants here isn't Bruce's life, it's Bruce's friendship. That distinction makes him such a more complicated, interesting presence in this issue, because here he wants what Dick has--the partnership with Bruce, the willingness to throw himself between Dick and any harm that would come his way, the way they can speak volumes with just a shared look. He wants to be the one that changed Bruce's world the way Bruce and the Waynes changed his world. But he didn't, so he has to take what he believes should have been his--and that's why he changed his face again, because what he wants in this issue is Dick Grayson's life. Underneath all of it, what Tommy desperately wanted was to be loved and Thomas and Martha Wayne are dead, they can't love him. But Bruce Wayne lives and he can and does love. Tommy won't find the love he's been hungry for since childhood by taking over Bruce's life, because then the elements of his childhood won't be there to love him.  So he has to become someone that Bruce loves, someone that Bruce will do anything for. And Dick's absolutely right that Tommy wasn't there for any of the hard times or the little moments, he doesn't understand that being loved by Bruce Wayne isn't some idyllic, easy thing. It's hard fucking work because Bruce Wayne is still swimming against the tide of his own trauma and he is never easy about how it affects his relationships. From the outside, it might seem easy--and I think sometimes not even the other Batfam members understand that it's not easy for Dick, either, despite how they too see how desperately Bruce loves him. Yeah, Dick makes it look easy, he drags Bruce to Batburger and teams up with Clark for a god-awful bachelor party and gets Bruce to say he misses him unprompted and thank him for the night. But you don't see all the history that comes with it.  The knock-down-drag-out fights Dick and Bruce have.  The years of hurt and anger after he was fired as Robin.  The hurt of having to fake his death and go undercover as a spy.  The constant push-and-pull of Bruce trying to respect his independence, but also resenting Dick for how much he misses his kid.  Honestly, the entire Ric Grayson arc illustrates so much of how angry Dick still is about all the shit that Bruce pulls. Tommy skips right over that, because Dick makes it look so easy from the outside to be loved by Bruce, but it's not. You can't just cheat-code your way into that role by getting surgery to look like the guy who knocked down Bruce's emotional walls, because every single goddamned day Dick still has to get up and demand that Bruce love him and be the person that drags light into the darkness of Bruce's life. It makes the narrative foils aspect of this issue so engaging because both of them don't really fully get the other, that Dick doesn't understand what Tommy really wants, that Tommy doesn't really understand why Dick has what he has, all of it wrapped up in wanting Bruce Wayne's attention. And it's so interesting because that's kind of the whole point of Bruce as a character, that all these people love him and want his approval, but only a handful ever really get it because you can't love him as this mythic figure that's there to loom over you. You have to love him as the asshole that makes your life miserable but you also admire for the sheer determination he has for justice and that, when he trusts you, he trusts you with everything he has, and because you like his dry sense of humor, you like that he's kind of stupid sometimes.  You have to love him as a man, not an idea.
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mothpawbs · 5 months
because i've been thinking about wings of fire a lot i want to talk about my queen ocs! these are pretty new and subject to change but i like them so far.
bases are by k9pestilence on deviantart, with coloring/character design by me!
Queen Mirage of the Sandwings
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she/her | straight | 56 pragmatic and cynical with a dry sense of humor, Mirage tends to make dragons quite uncomfortable when they first meet her. however, her penchant for kindness lets them warm up to her, slowly but surely. she is intelligent and enjoys collecting books and scrolls from around the continents. her single daughter, Arroyo, keeps trying to usurp the throne any way possible without actually challenging. Mirage chooses to see this as pathetic, but amusing.
Queen Fawn of the Mudwings
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she/her | bisexual | 22 fawn's name is quite telling of her personality: sweet, whimsical, and empathetic. her kingdom is run by herself and her four sibs, whom she works side-by-side with to improve life for their subjects. Fawn enjoys interior decorating and fashion in her free time, and often has visits with queen Coastal to discuss their shared interests.
Queen Coastal of the Seawings
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she/her | straight | 48 kind but reckless, many are watching Coastal in awe to find out when she'll end up dying from poor decision-making. despite this, her benevolence and altruism make her popular among her tribe. Coastal is an appreciator of art in all forms, and spends much time and resources on acquiring paintings, weavings, and sculptures. her wardrobe is also quite extensive, albeit impractical for swimming. Coastal has two heirs, twins Aegean and Carribean.
Queen Whirlwind of the Skywings
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she/her | straight | 62 the eldest of the queens, Whirlwind is respected across the continents. wise and diplomatic, she has elevated the sky kingdom to new heights with trade agreements and treaties with other queens. however, the high value she holds towards tradition and convention can sometimes hold her back. Whirlwind is good friends with queens Mirage and Coastal, and has several descendants, including heir apparent princess Burnish.
Queen Heliconia of the Rainwings
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she/her | omnisexual | 33 flamboyant and charming, all attention falls to Heliconia wherever she goes. she marvels at anything new and interesting, which has had the fortunate side effect of increasing trade with the rain kingdom. all of this power tends to go to her head, however, and Heliconia has a reputation for vanity and overindulgence. her parties are legendary.
Queen Verglas of the Icewings
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she/they | lesbian | 24 relatively recently ascended to the throne, Verglas was always taught by her mother to trust none but herself. stern and suspicious, but desperately wanting close relationships, Verglas tends to make unfortunate choices that push those she loves away the more she tries to hold them close. the only dragon who refuses to give up on her is princess Burnish of the skywings, with whom Verglas is in an on-again, off-again relationship.
Queen Arcana of the Nightwings
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she/her | aromantic | 40 imposing, distinguished, and of very few words, Arcana is a dragon that commands respect when she enters a room. the definition of 'speak softly and carry a big stick,' she is slow to anger but extremely powerful in a conflict. she is also secretive, and prefers to stay out of the limelight and keep things close to her chest. Arcana has three heirs: prince Valor, princess Clarity, and princess Spectral.
Queen Tarantula of the Hivewings
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they/she | pansexual/polyamorous | 19 bold, daring, and decisive, Tarantula knows exactly what they want and will achieve it at any cost. they are also loving and deeply protective towards those closest to them, including their sisters and their two partners, Lady Lacewing and Lord Horntail. they've recently hatched their first egg, containing daughter Midge.
Queen Laurel of the Leafwings
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she/her | bisexual | 8 the youngest of the queens, Laurel ascended to the throne after her mother, Lady Sakura, retired from progressing illness. Quiet, clear-headed, and imaginative, she would rather be writing poetry than ruling, but does her best to provide for her kingdom. Laurel is currently in a quiet, long-distance relationship with princess Clarity.
Queen Metalmark of the Silkwings
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any pronouns | demiromanic ace | 31 proclaimed a visionary long before she first donned the Silkwing crown, Metalmark is a brilliant dragon with interests in many fields of study. they've written works in philosophy, social science, and history, and enjoys collecting rocks. they're not the best at social interaction, making mental connections most dragons can't follow and often too frustrated to take the time to explain themselves, and is therefore seen as a slightly mad eccentric.
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quietquaking · 1 year
my personal Batfam headcanons-updated to include languages, birthdays, and a few extra notes!
- English
- Arabic
- Mandarin
- rough German**
- French
- rusty Russian
- Urdu
- lil bit of Gaelic**
- French**
- easily fluent Russian
- Latin
- Urdu
- basic Nepali**
- German**
- some forms of Japanese*
- Cantonese
- Japanese
- French*
- basic Latin
- Turkish
- easily fluent Spanish
- Urdu
- Pashto**
Cass: (understands/writes)
- Russian*
- Pashto
- Cantonese
- German**
- Latin
- Pashto
- lil bit of Gaelic* from alfred
- German**
- Russian
- Urdu
- Pashto
- Nepali
- Japanese
- Spanish
- backstory/hero history (opt)
- job (opt)
- hc’s
- mental illnesses/neurodivergencies
- gender/sexuality/pronouns
- race
- bday
- age
- height
Alfred Pennyworth
- born 1925, accidentally drank from a Lazarus pit in ‘88, has been bouncing around the globe fucking with Ra’s since then
- well actually bruce’s parents died right around then so he had to take care of him, didn’t notice he wasn’t aging until early 1990’s
- perpetually like 63
- has an extensive history in secret service and espionage
- sassy bastard
- the real man of the house
- was definitely sleeping with both elder waynes (late 1960’s-mid 80’s)
- they had bruce in ‘80 (in their early 40’s) died late 80s
- Bday: aug 16, 1925
- age: ??
- 5’10 ish
Bruce Wayne
- actually a disaster
- has acting stupid down to a science
- and fear tactics as batman
- radiates either boyfriend and father vibes depending on the person
- slight british accent when he’s tired/relaxed thanks to alfred (jl flipped the fuck out when they heard it)
- probably autistic tbh, used to live life in perpetual panic attacks
- he/him, disaster bi
- jewish by race, not religion
- bday: april 7, 1980 (early millennial)
- age: 40
- 5’11
Dick Grayson
- ex robin, now nightwing
- police detective (sort of a ‘fix the system from the inside’ type of thing)
- splits his time between bludhaven and gotham, has his own apartment, but still kinda lives in the manor
- at least proficient in all gymnastics-type activities (tramp, bar, beam, silks, ballet, ballroom, and more)
- floor routines/flippy shit and trapeze are his specialities
- anxiety galore (being on the trapeze calms him)
- he/him, bi
- Romani (not at all connected to it tho)
- Bday: march 20, 1992 (late millennial)
- age: 28
- 5’9
Barbara Gordon
- ex batgirl, now Oracle
- mostly paralyzed from the waist down bc joker shot in the base of the spine
- computer hacker
- just does oracle stuff and helps her dads with cases
- Commissioner Gordon’s foster daughter
- ADHD probably
- she/her, pan
- white
- Bday: sep 23, 1994 (late millennial)
- age: 26
- 5’9 when standing, 4’4 (?) in the chair
Jason Todd
- ex robin, now red hood
- he’s a teacher! honestly any grade works
- died and came back. fucking lazarus pits.
- has the white streak goddamnit
- everyone is scared of him but it turns out he’s actually a sweetheart who loves to bake
- he puts on a tough face but he actually cries really easily and frequently. that’s part of why he wears the full-face mask- no one can see the way his face twists when he’s disguising the difference in his voice, or the tears leaking out from under the domino
- alfred and jason share a bday, so he always comes to the manor to see him, even if he’s currently a villain
- ex theater kid lmao
- absolutely wears reading glasses, not many people know that
- swears in a variety of languages thanks to the loa
- some blend of adhd/autism but he’s so entrenched in masking that he really doesn’t know anymore
- any pronouns, doesn’t care about labels
- some kind of (south american?) mixed race, no one’s quite sure what (including himself)
- Bday: aug 16 1997 (technically gen-z)
- age: 23
- 6’1
Timothy Drake
- ex robin, now red robin
- helps run Wayne Ind.
- owns Red Robin restaurant chain
- sleep-deprived coffee-addict
- seriously someone please get this kid to a bed before he passes out standing up again.
- autistic
- he/him non-binary, bi
- pale ass white thing
- Bday: july 19 2003
- age: 17
- 5’5 (max 5’6)
Stephanie Brown
- cluemaster’s daughter- became Spoiler to fight him
- ex robin (brief)
- bounces between various coffee shop jobs before getting a job in a nice restaurant and eventually rising to be top of waitstaff
- loves purple
- ADHD magpie
- she/xe but really any pronouns, lesbian
- white
- Bday: aug 11 2002
- age: 18
- 6’0
Cassandra Cain
- used to be Orphan, then batgirl for a hot minute, now she’s Black Bat
- daughter of cain (the batman villain, not the biblical figure. looking at you, spn)
- trained to be an assassin from a young age
- designer for Wayne Ind.
- mute cause her dad fucked up her vocal cords, but she was mostly nonverbal before that anyway
- badass and yet adorable
- adhd/autistic
- she/they/it, demi lesbian
- chinese (region is up for interpretation)
- Bday: Jan 26, 2003
- age: 17
- 5’4
Damian Wayne
- robin
- bruce’s only bio son (talia r*ped him)
- bruce does make him go to school, but lets him choose between private and public (he chooses private to keep up appearances)
- i feel like he’d be a librarian eventually
- raised traditional european/middle eastern until he was ten, is very proper and very stabby
- also has earlobe piercings from early childhood
- plays violin cuz i said so
- very very autistic but refuses to acknowledge it for a while (would have been diagnosed with asperger’s in the past)
- he/they, agender, demi and gay
- spanish/middle eastern blend (unclear what exactly, Ra’s’ original country probably doesn’t even exist anymore)
- bday: jan 5, 2007
- age: 13
- 5’1 (max 5’10)
Duke Thomas
- The Signal
- has powers from a genetic variation
- moves through light and shadow
- a cinnamon roll
- he patrols during the day so he and the rest don’t interact much at home but he’s always welcome in the manor
- audhd
- he/she (still a boy)
- black
- bday: aug 13, 2001
- age: 19
- 5’10
Harley Quinn
- went to med school with bruce! since figuring that out they’ve actually been close
- such a fuckin mess of mental illnesses lmao
- doesn’t remember her original race, now her skin is just sheer white
- bday: july 20, 1982
- age: 38
- 5’5 ish
Ivy (Pamela)
- she’s shy so she doesn’t actually show up much but she’s still part of the family
- she grows the weed, harley sells it
- race? she’s green and an orphan, idk what to tell you
- intense social anxiety and rejection-sensitivity
- bday: may 14, 1979
- age: 41
- 5’8
- Kate
- Harper
- Selina? on occasion ig
- Ace the bathound (B’s)
- Titus the greyhound (Dami’s)
- Batcow (Dami’s)
- Alfred the cat (Dami’s)
- Goliath (Dami’s)
- Steve the samoyed (Dami’s)
- Goldy the goldfish (Steph’s)
- Jason Jr. the frog (Jason’s)
- Lacey the orange tabby cat (Dick’s)
- Edwardina and family, the ducks that now live in the pond in the garden (Dami+Alfred’s)
- William Snakespeare (Dami+Jason’s)
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Slept on Ships P1: Space Princess
Slept on Ships: Space Princess; Silent Jasmines hello!! so after taking a look at the very long Batpham shipping chart and seeing so many slept on ship dynamics, i decided to start a series all about highlighting romantic and platonic dynamics that---in my professional opinion---deserve more love. i'll be starting with the first dp/dc ship i created: Space Princess.
Space Princess: Dani Phantom/Mar'i Grayson
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Relevant Background
so, in general, if you're not knee deep in the DC Fandom, you might now know who Mar'i Grayson, aka Nightstar, is. Mar'i Grayson is the daughter of Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, and Koriand'r, aka Starfire, from Earth-22. she appears in the Kingdom Come series, where she has her own issue and everything! she's shown as protective of her family, like her father, and just as strong-willed as her mother.
if you'd like more info on Mar'i here's a like to the wiki article: Mar'i Grayson (Earth-22)
fun fact: in Kingdom Come, Dick and Kori are actually divorced, while in most fanfic, people portray them as together. Mar'i is also part of the Teen Titans on her earth, along with Lian Harper and Irey West.
in this post i'll be reference a few head canons such as; Dani being considered a Princess in a Ghost King Danny au and Dani possibly having an ice core (we don't know what core she has in canon.)
Why is the dynamic interesting?
they are prime Sun and Moon couple energy
Mar'i who lives her life in the sun as a public figure, her powers fuled by the sun and just as bright as her, while Dani hides in the shadows of society, lurking. giving Dani and ice core adds an extra layer of opposites.
they are equal parts soft sapphic girls, and battle hardened heroes. they're both incredibly capable political figures (in a Ghost King Danny Au) who always have to put up a front, they have to be the perfect leaders their kingdoms need them to be. they would understand each other in ways that other people couldn't
i also imagine them bonding over being the child of very famous/rich parents.
they also have colorful girlfriend and grunge girlfriend vibes.
Dani deserves to run Tameran like a fortune five hundred company while Mar'i is off being a superhero. the dynamic works strangely well for them.
Dick and Kori would love Dani, and if Mar'i doesn't marry her they're adopting her
Mar'i can be scary when she wants to, just like her mom. Dani thinks it's very hot.
Mar'i inherits her mother's height, which makes her both taller and stronger than Dani, and Dani would love it.
i like to imagine Dani having purple eyes or powers later down the road (since Vlad's are pink and Danny's are green/blue) which would make them almost opposites. it could be a fun story device to use.
A lot of people compare Mar'i to her mother, but realistically, i think she would be a lot like her dad's family, specifically Tim. it would be fun to explore the dynamics between Mar'i and Tim as niece and uncle, and they dynamic between Mar'i and Damian as sort of siblings (yes, i am a 'Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's dad' fan). it could be prime real estate for a little bit of Danny/Damian or Dan/Tim or Jazz/Cass on the side.
Mar'i inherited her mom/dad's anger, and he Uncle Tim's ability to compartmentalize her feelings until she breaks. enough said.
through Mar'i, and by extension the batfam, Dani learns what real love looks like. she finally understands how abusive Vlad was to her. this could be in the context of a Vlad trying to redem himself, or a Vlad trying to manipulate Dani back into his life, but now she knows better.
with how much Mar'i hung around Raven as a kid, it would be interesting if Mar'i knew that Dani was not normal before everyone else. maybe Mar'i even knows a little bit of magic.
Some Prompt Ideas
a photographer and model au
Dani joins the Teen Titans and meets Nightstar
Vlad and Bruce are business rivals, but neither Dani or Mar'i particularly care and get together anyways.
Mar'i sees a clip of Dani in her ghost form with her green powers and thinks she's Tameranian. Mar'i channels her inner Uncle Tim and goes all detective to find Dani.
Dani is a mechanic and Mar'i is a student who refuses to get her very old car replaced.
Mar'i gets lost in the Zone after the destruction of her universe. She had no idea what to do or where to go. Dani finds her, and together they traverse worlds they were never meant to see.
Fic Recs
(i will admit the second one is self-promotion but i'm working with a small pool of fics lol)
Our Love Will Last Us by foldingfacets (READ THE TAGS)
Dani fell in love with the hot girl who watched her smash her skateboard into a dude without care. Little did she know the girl saw her first and fell in love faster. Maybe, just maybe, Dani doesn't have to be alone anymore. Maybe Mar'i would stay.
Can I have this Dance? by petitechatonne
When Dani goes to a gala with Sam, originally intent on keeping her friend company, she meets someone who sweeps her off her feet. Literally.
Pintrest Boards
this paring has the ability to be cute and horrifyingly angsty at the same time, with a good helping of family chaos on the side!!! i will admit i'm quite bias about this one as the first ship i really made, but i also think they have the potential to have interesting and complex stories. there aren't enough sapphic pairings in the dp/dc fandom and yes, i am trying to single-handedly change that. join the revolution today!!!
-- find the wonder in creating. love, Kate💗
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bluegarners · 2 years
had another thought
maybe the reason dick can seem so much more independent than the rest of the fam is because he had already figured out who he was before he became robin. he already established himself as dick grayson; had a sense of belonging and place within life, and only became robin after the fact. it’s why he can set up shop nearly anywhere, get along with almost all walks of life, and is generally well liked among many different people. he knows who he is outside of being a vigilante, and having that sense of self is crucial to confidence and ability to go wherever life takes one. he doesn’t have to change who he is in order to succeed because, to him, dick grayson and nightwing are not the same. nightwing is a facet, an extension, of dick grayson; not who he is. nightwing is only a part of a whole
whereas, with others, they didn’t have a sense of self before becoming robin. robin became who they were, who they needed to be in order to feel whole, which is why for almost all of them, letting go and leaving behind robin was the most difficult thing for them to do. jason and tim found guidance and direction for their lives in robin. damian’s very purpose was to become batman, and robin was the most direct way for him to do so. robin was something to become for them, and for dick, it was just who he was at that moment
dick already knew who he was and what he wanted in life. when that was taken away from him, he still knew who he was, but now he had a new goal to strive for. he created robin; robin did not create dick grayson, and he used the role to fulfill his goals. when it no longer served his sense of purpose and self, he shed the role and donned a new one that fit him. at its very heart, robin is dick grayson: invented by him, for him. when he didn’t need that kind of title anymore, nor the guidelines set for that particular role, dick moved on and became an even greater part of himself. his sense of self never wavered- when dick no longer felt comfortable as robin, when he knew that it was no longer a phase in his life that was good for him, he merely changed his name. he was still capable of doing the same things, still saving his city and the citizens within, helping his fellow heroes and allies alike, but now, he no longer had to be robin to do so
robin was dick grayson, but dick grayson was never just robin. he could separate himself from that name with ease, even if it was tied to a part of himself, because the idea behind the name came from him. he didn’t need robin-- robin needed him in order to be actualized 
i think that’s also another reason why dick is so good at not only manipulation but also espionage. he has such a strong sense of self, and has had it since he was just a child. he’s unshakable in his own beliefs and morals, and at the end of the day, he knows who he is and what he stands for. that’s why it’s so hard to corrupt him, and why, canonically, he’s a “multiuniversal constant” and why so many people trust him. he’s not incapable of change, but his will is unflappable when it comes to remaining firm in what he believes in. that’s also one of his best character flaws (imo)- his moral compass is so strong, his sense of right and wrong and justice and injustice, that it sometimes works against himself when he’s forced to make decisions that go directly against who he is, inherently, as a person
dick is independent and “free” because he knows who he is and what he is capable of doing and giving to others. he can separate himself from restrictive labels and adopt new ones when need be, but, at the end of the day, they are literally just imaginary labels to him. they don’t mean nothing, but he doesn’t allow them to have a heavy hold over himself. dick can constantly evolve because he doesn’t let lines drawn in shifting sands dictate who he is. he already knows who dick grayson is, he doesn’t need anyone else to tell him
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
urghfhf. finished wings of fire like a week (? i have not kept track of the time) ago and. have a lot of very random thoughts that are not extensive enough to be their own posts and baby i love making disorganized lists so here you go, basically every thought i’ve had about the series ever
did not care for how almost every single protagonist had SOME romantic thing happening, directed at someone else, directed at them, mutual feelings whatever. all the romance wasn’t as bad as it COULD have been, though. each thing did at least feel fresh, it wasn’t just the same recycled idea tossed onto another couple, there was usually substance and i appreciated that.
winter was my favorite character of the whole series. in general i just really enjoyed the icewings. also i was surprised by how decently the love triangle between winter, qibli, and moon was handled, making winter and qibli best friends instead of rivals. it was refreshing, though at times it felt like they had more chemistry with each other than with moon. personally, i guess you could say i headcanon them as getting together (all 3 of them) sometime shortly after their whole arc thing. they’re all the best characters also.
literally my main complaint about the series is that i don’t really like what the story centers on. the worldbuilding is tasty and interesting and i’d LOVE to hear more about the different tribes cultures, especially now that they’re intermingling more and more! i want to read about the sandwing festivals, more about the skywings and mudwings in general, and!! how in the hell are the rainwings and nightwings faring now that they’re sharing a territory?
how do things develop in the years following the volcano eruption? i want to know more!
generally just. politics! intrigue! interaction between groups! i genuinely don’t really care about the new big scary bad guy of the week, i want more discussions, discoveries of other dragon’s cultures, i want to read about how the different tribes begin to share information and resources!
like what kinds of skills can they teach each other? in what ways do they work together, where does conflict arise?
AND THE HUMANS!! god,,, there’s so much potential with interactions between dragons and humans. obviously there will be intelligent-human-deniers, how are they dealt with?
does sanctuary grow to be the hub of dragon-human communication? trading? how does the relationship between the 2 species develop , with this tiny settlement as the starting-off point?
maybe the humans teach the dragons how to build the ships of old, allowing easier travel between the continents! imagine the possibilities!!
i just. aaaaaa. there’s so much i liked about this series but so much i WANT from it! so badly! there’s so much cool potential but i worry it can’t really be reached what with how the series is and has been handled in general.
://////////// overall really fun though. the worldbuilding especially has been so tasty for my dumb little adhd and animal-obsessed brain. given me plenty of inspiration too. good stuff
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obito76 · 2 years
Lizardon888X on AO3 :
I have an idea for a chapter, how about Dick and Ravsn have sex in the gym in Titans Tower? It could be that Dick is going to the gym working out and he catches Raven there doing her own workout routine and he gets excited watching her voluptuous body in her gym outfit. They do their own workout routine the same time they flirt with each other, and then end having sex using the gym equipment with the risk of being caught in the act, so they need to be careful lol
Chapter 41 : A different Gym
She smirked when she saw him in the gym. He was wearing just a pair of gym shorts and his mask. His shirt was lying on the bench, drenched with sweat and long forgotten. His back was facing her as she walked in. Dick was in the middle of a set of squats as she went to the treadmill to work on her running. All she did was glide and he wanted her to be able to run long distance if the need arise beside watching him half naked was nothing but a treat to her.
“Nice ass.” Raven said to alerting him she was there. He just grunted in response and kept on exercising. She watched him as he moved to the pull up bar and started those. He looked at her in confusion as she kept running and staring at him.
“What?” he panted at her in exasperation.
“Well i was kinda expecting you to come here and atleast squeeze my tits.” She stated blankly in her fitting monotone.
“I will, after I'm done with this,” he replied watching her pensively.
“Aren’t you making this difficult for me?” She smirked.
“Just do your work and i will fuck you later in shower.” He laughed with her as she turned back to the treadmill to increase speed and check her heart rate. Dick went back to focusing on his pull ups, reaching one hundred effortlessly. Raven turned back to him and asked,
“Where is Starfire?”
“Probably in her room.” He said not even looking at her.
“That's good” She said, smiling to herself. Dick pause for a second and dropped down from the bar and made his way towards the treadmill. They smiled at eachother before he lifted up his arm and groped one of her bouncing tits, giving it a tight squeeze as she continued to run on treadmill.
“I love it, when you're so impatient and this ready to get fucked.” He told her chuckling as she laughed covering her mouth as her own hand encouraged Dick's to fondle her chest more.
“It's your fault, fucking me so good, i can't wait to have you inside me again.” Dick smiled as she leaned down and pecked on his lips. “Now go and do your set, you can have them laster,” she said. Referring to his hand, still squeezing her breast. Dick laughed before lightly slapping it upwards. Raven gasped and glared at him as she watched him waking towards the heavy machines, Asshole.
Titans tower, aside from a comfortable living area, incredibly expensive looking sauna and shower also held an impressive amount of workout tools. Dipping Bars, hyper extension bench, a smith machine, Ab bench, pec deck machine, Kettlebells, etc you name it. It was a like a gym freaks paradise. Raven herself had already finished her daily workout routine; ending it with a 30 minute yoga session like always.
When she had first asked Dick to join her, he was understandably exited . The leader had expected her to use this opportunity to fuck some more but to his surprise the pale girl had kept mostly to herself. Dick’s own workout plan was coming to an end as well but he didn’t feel like yoga. He settled for something more masculine instead. The bench press machine was his calling. Normally, he did 3 sets on 200 pounds but wanting to push himself more he decided to increase it to 215 pounds. It wasn’t his personal best of 245, but that was when he went to Gotham after becoming nightwing.
The leather of the bench felt good on his back as he lay down both legs spread far apart from like always. At first, he didn’t even feel the difference but after the 15 rep his muscles started to take notice. 'Maybe I should put it back to 200 pounds.' Dick thought as he reset the weight on the holder, having successfully completed his first set.
“What are you doing?” A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. Crap, is she gonna tease now? His eyes slowly panned down from the ceiling to find his sexy partner standing before him.
Raven had just finished her yoga session and secretly sauntered over to him. Dick couldn’t help but admire her form. She was clad in a simple black sports bra, her cleavage shiny from the still fresh sweat. As Dick looked closer, he noted her nipples were erect. Must be hard with those breasts bouncing about. He mused. His eyes traced down from the burdened top, past her taut midsection and the cobblestones of her abs to her waist. Unexpectedly, she was wearing sport shorts. The confused man always assumed she’d wear leggings or yoga pants. However, the shorts clung to her full rear end very perfectly. Not that he was complaining about this one.
“You know. Just felt like finishing it up with a good old bench press. Nothing special.”
“That’s good to know. We are gonna need some serious muscle if we want to break out all villains. What you pulling?”
“215, nothing special.” Dick answered trying his best to play it cool.
“215? That is impressive” Raven said solely stroking the resting weight. “I like strong men.”
“Of course I happen to know some people who does 230.” Raven finished with a wicked smile. His little smirk vanished. Fucking tease, Dick thought as he flexed his hands against the bar.
“Really, I would have expected you like someone pulling something like 250 at least. This is nothing. I was just getting warmed up. I can do 230 easy.”
“I got you babe.” She commented, letting the affectionate term slip in. “Allow me to help you out in that case.”
Before Dick could come up with an excuse; let alone mutter an objection, Raven had already gone down to her knees and was putting on the additional 15 pounds on the rack
“There you go! Have fun.” She leaned over him, offering an eyeful of her cleavage and a pad to his shoulders as encouragement. “I in the meantime l'm gonna make myself a shake.”
While Raven’s butt was slowly swaying away Dick was left with the heavy bar hanging over his head reminding him an awful lot of a guillotine. Oh well nightwing, Can´t let her win now. Besides it’s just 15 pounds more. How bad can it be?
It turned out that it was a lot worse than even he had expected. By the 8th rep his shirt was drenched in sweat, at the 12th rep his muscles felt as if they were about to rip apart, by the 18 rep his leg started to physically shake.
“Good job Dick. Just 2 more reps and you can relax for a bit again.” Raven slunk back in, a shake in hand. She was also content to sit back and watch Dick work out. From what Dick could make out the shake had a very thick, white texture, with a heavy dose of crushed ice mixed to it. Raven relish it, moving around every sip into her mouth for a long time like you would expect a wine taster to do before finally allowing herself the granting herself the pleasure of swallowing. Surprisingly enough Raven had also used the time to wash her face. Dark violet eyes and natural face without anything on it, she looked fucking gorgeous. With an near impossible amount of self control Dick was able to do the last two reps. His arms heavy as lead fell down to his side the moment he let go of the bar. His breath was heavy, his body covered in sweat and his legs felt like they were made out of pudding. Back in the Gotham he only had to do one rep. He recounted the contest within him and Bat family where greater and greater weight was stacked upon the bar. He had come in 4th.
“Mmmh pretty good so far. Do you want to try out your earlier thesis? Want me to increase it to 250 and prove to me that you can do 250 too?”
“Fuck, I don’t know.”
“Just think about it a bit longer.” Finishing her shake with one last sip “Mmmmh. That was good but also waay too little. I just love my protein shakes after a good hard workout you know. The white goodness fills me up with sooo much energy. I can hardly get enough of them. The thicker the better. But you know what I am really hungry for right about now?”
Raven sat down on the bench directly opposite Dick’s spread legs; so close that their knees were touching. If he could bend his head higher he would have a view of just how tightly bunched her shorts were. “What I really want is to taste your cum.”
Dick’s cock twitched at the thought of her between his legs. It was strong enough to nearly rip his boxers apart, such was the speed of his erection. Although, he had being tricked by her before when his all teammates were there, to fall for this again, at least right away. “Yeah right, you are just gonna give me some major case of blue balls again.”
“Hey, that is not fair!” Raven objected yet started to massage Dicks thighs nonetheless. “While I do love filling up those big balls of yours, last time I really wanted to give you some relief.”
She released his thighs and pulled back into a stretch. “After all you were ok with helping me out but then your girlfriend had to come and ruin all the fun. But lucky for you we are all alone right now.”
Dick batted her dark purple eyes and slunk down to his level. She dragged, achingly slow in Dick’s opinion, her body across his until they were face to face. “So what do you say? Are you gonna feed this girl or am I gonna have to beg first?”
Dick was conflicted. He did trust Raven when it came to anything related to him getting his rocks off. However, the way she war smirking was a clear indication that she was planning something. Add to that Raven’s erect nipples were rock hard and cutting into his chest like diamonds.
“Alright.” He murmured, resigning himself to whatever she had in store.
“What was that?” Raven’s smile widened and she cup a hand to her ear. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Alright!” He shouted.
“You will?! Thaat's my baby!” Raven kissed Dick full on the mouth before pushing herself off him. “Let’s get this started.”
Raven got up and stacked more weight onto the bar before sitting back so she was straddling his hips; the conspicuous bulge of his member practically pressing against her crotch. “The rules are simple. The more reps, the more pumps. The more pumps...well, I think you get the point.”
Dick sighed, sucking in a deep breath before unhooking the bar. His muscles strained for a minute; shaking against the bar and the added weight. Slowly, he brought the weight down until it was nearly at his chest before heaving against it. It rose back up until it was even with the rack. Dick managed to twist the lock and getting back into place.
“That’s one.” Raven commented. “That deserves a reward.”
She reached down between her legs and plucked at his shorts. His member, she already knew it was quite erect, was pressing out absurdly against the soft material. With a flick of her wrist the shorts crept down several inches and the base of his cock sprung into view. “I can’t get over it baby.”
“Huh?” Dick’s brain was fighting for blood.
“How big it is. Even flaccid like this.” She started to lovingly stroke the base. “It’s just so thick. And….mmm...full of life.”
Raven scooted slightly and yanked his pants the rest of the way down before continuing. Deft hands wrapped around the member and gave it a long, loving stroke. At the end Raven dropped her hands to her thighs. “Keep going. No pumping from me unless there’s pumping from you.”
Dick reached up and grasped the bars. Slowly, he repeated the maneuver. It was actually somewhat easier this time for him to complete rep. A fact that didn’t go unnoticed by Raven. “Did it faster did you? Well, I may have to up the challenge. But first, we need to wake up this gorgeous cock.”
As she promised, her hands once against pressed themselves against his member. Achingly slow, she stroked the cock fully. It was still not completely hard, but her hands travelled the entire length of it. With her effort complete, Raven did not drop back to her thighs, instead she let her digits explore further. Pushing aside his member, her fingers groped the edges of his balls. Her favourite cum factories sloshed in her hands when she felt them. Fuck, i really want to sniff them, Raven thought. In the back of her mind another thought occurred to her, Raven returned to her post. “Keep it up.”
Dick didn’t miss the double meaning of her words. So the game continued until his cock was good and hard. Hard enough to Raven’s liking. When she was satisfied Raven got up from her perch and knelt beside him.
“I think you’ve had enough of this weight.” Raven whispered in his ear. “How about we up the amount.”
Before he could answer she added more plates to either side. “There we go baby. Why don’t you give those a shot.”
Raven went to sit back down but yelped and stood up. Reaching down, she grabbed his member and pushed it out of her way. “Fucking hell. Your cock is so eager. Poking me like that. I really love that. I bet you’ve been a really lady killer.”
“Who knows better than you.” He managed to respond.
“Just look at how big this is and warm.” For a second she scooted forward and pressed it against her body. From base to tip it was an incredible ideal of a manhood, and snuggled against her stomach it reached all the way to the underside of her large bust. His muscles were not straining but the same couldn’t be said for his member. It was alive from his efforts; hard and throbbing. It slapped softly against her abs with the beating of Dick’s heart. Rubbing a thumb across the tip she felt a bead of precum forming.
Raven slowly swirled her finger around; spreading the delicious fluid around under it coated the sensitive underside of his cockhead. Dick responded to her tease by letting out a long sigh and tightly gripping the weight bar. Raven felt herself start to get wet; her tongue darted out and moistened her kissable lips. I could do this forever. She thought, still joyfully rubbing his member; oblivious to his discomfort. A part of her brain however remembered the challenge and she snapped out of her hypnosis. “Ooops, almost got carried away there.” She laughed, “Can’t reward you that easily.”
With a gleam in her beautiful purple eyes Raven hopped off the bench. She slid another 5lb weight onto one side of the bar then repeated it for the other before resuming her position. Dick looked at her curiously. “What’s that for?”
“Why the challenge of course.” Dick groaned but Raven held up a hand. “You want to be better than other men right?”
To emphasize her point, she tugged at his balls. Each one felt perfect in her hands. “So what do you say?”
Dick stared at the ceiling and sighed. “Alright.”
“Excellent.” She gripped his cock tightly before reminding him of the rules. “Let’s see what you can do. One rep, one pump. One set, one suck.”
Dick’s muscles burned and his entire body shook as he struggled with the increase in weight. He never before did this much weight and his entire body cried out in pain. Well, except one part. Raven’s smooth hands felt like they were massaging his aching member. In truth, she was just holding it, the strain he was experiencing was causing his cock to vibrate within her grip. Maybe it was the offer of a blowjob that pushed him onward, but he managed to finish a single set.
Raven held the cock next to her stomach. The tip drooled precum onto the underside of her sports bra. “I mean look at this cock. I don’t think I am ever gonna stop fucking you. It’s just too damn perfect. Starfire is one nasty bitch to keep this all to herself.”
That was hot. But Raven had a dick this big, if not bigger, inside of her. Who that studly cock belonged to would remain her little secret. “But, you did the reps so you get rewarded.”
Slowly at first, Raven pumped the entire length of his member; her hands managing to encircle the girth. The cock was already leaking a steady stream of precum. Raven licked her hand before gripping him again. More lube for this. She thought as she sped up, part in wanting to continue her game and part because something else was bubbling beneath her skin. Desire.
The head of Dick’s member was almost red in colour. So filled with blood that it quivered with her strokes; each one bringing more and more of his delicious, decadent precum out. After 10 strokes she stopped. She held the cock firmly at the base and slithered down until it was nearly at eye level. Raven licked her lips before planting a long kiss firmly at the tip. The scent of precum filled her nose and her taste buds when she pulled back. Was he just extra delicious today? The pale girl wondered. Reluctantly she pushed herself away from the towering member and did her dance once again. Another 5lbs hits both ends of the rack and she resumed her position between his legs. This time she held his cock in her hands.
Dick wanted to stop, his muscles burned and pleaded with him. Yet a sexy witch had him by the balls, literally, and he wasn’t about to let up. Sex or the promise of sex filled his thoughts as he fought against gravity and his body’s own desire to stop. You can do this. You can do this. He muttered, like a perverted tank engine trying to go up a hill, he slowly worked the bar up and down. The great strain of which caused his cock to vibrate. He didn’t see that of course, Raven certainly did.
Azhar, he’s going to make it. She thought. Raven was torn. On the one hand she wanted him to fail. On the other, she wanted him to succeed. She wanted to pleasure the cock that was trembling with each rep that he did. The cock that even now caused a pool of pre cum to coat her fingers. You’re losing it girl. To her shock and secretly: delight, Dick managed to finish another set at a weight that would injure a normal person. His head was bright red from the strain and glossy from his sweat.
“Good work honey.” Raven complimented, beginning to stroke his aching cock. Dick couldn’t muster a response; his breathing was coming in long deep breaths. His arms hung limply against the bar and he looked ready to pass out. Each stroke sent a shiver into her paramore before a splattered of juice came out.
Raven went in for a taste once again, her impatient lips wrapping around his cock like she had done countless times before. His seed filled her mouth and coated her tongue with it’s flavor. Even as she let more of his cock in, she savored his taste. Her tongue rolled and curled over the large intruder that she willingly let in. She backed out for a mere second, letting the tip of her tongue play along the sensitive slit of his member before driving it back inside. Raven pulled at her bra, trying to let some air into two perfect swell of her chest. God it’s hot in here. Her nipples pressed out like diamonds and scraped across the bench. Each little flick causing jolts of pleasure to run through her veins. Her mouth kept pushing forward; the throbbing dick was too much for Raven. The sensitive glans pressed against her throat and she willed herself to take it in.
Raven abandoned her challenge; pleasing the cock before her was all that mattered. Her self-control was slipping away. How long ago was it since she sucked his cock? How long since he fucked her good? Not too long, since they had mind-blowing sex last night. Raven bobbed her head up and down on his cock, even a little side to side whilst rolling her tongue around. Dick for his part, did not protest at this change of plans. His grip on the bar slackened but didn’t fail as he let out a moan. His cock throbbed under Raven’s talented ministrations. Her mouth was so warm, and throat so tight. It was exactly what he wanted.
Without any regard to her partner, Raven yanked at him; pulling him to the edge of the bench. She felt a distinct dampness forming between her legs as she continued to work his cock. Fuck! Raven popped free of the cock; disconnecting herself from it for a brief moment. Before Dick could complain, much less utter a single syllable, she pressed herself against his member. Her tongue lapped at the shaft and the cum that continued to drool out. She coasted down the shaft, peppering it with kisses until she reached the base. His balls, her favourite, barely restrained within their sack, felt warm as she pressed her nose into them, inhaling his scent deeply. Raven sucked one of the testicles into her mouth; rejoicing at how it felt even as it’s twin rolled around her chin. She sucked his balls gently, the skin rolling with her tongue. At the same time her free hand continued to pump his member. Her other hand pressed passed her full breasts and down to her crotch. The dampness was becoming unbearable. If Dick could see her, and he couldn’t, he’d see how her butt constantly shifted positions; her legs trying in vain to ward off the fire in her loins.
She released the one testicle only to suck in the other. Raven repeated her actions; rolling the ball around her hot mouth, teasing the sensitive skin with her tongue. She knew she was successful. Dick was a hot mess. One leg shook uncontrollably and a constant stream of groans erupted from his lips. Raven had enough of her teasing and popped out his balls from her mouth befor giving a small kiss to each of them.
“Mmmm,” She licked the shaft. “Do you like that Dick?”
Dick could only groan in response. The groan intensified as Raven slipped his dripping cock back into her mouth. To no one’s surprise, it easily slid in halfway before it encountered any resistance. Her desire made her actions desperate, frantic even. Up and down she bobbed her head upon the monolithic member. Her tongue savored the taste of precum as it dribbled down in fits and squirts. Dick’s dick seemed to flare in size; his orgasm building up. Yes, do it. Give it to me, cum baby! She chanted. Well, she would have chanted if she didn’t have dick down her throat. Not that Raven was complaining either. Down below, she held her right leg up against her sex; vainly trying to increase the pleasure she received.
“Are you two finished?” A call erupted from Raven’s right side from behind the close doors. It may have well been a shout. The girl tensed, tightening the grip on Dick’s cock to nearly painful levels. Her throat seized and she nearly gagged on the member. Raven grunted in annoyance before letting a long breath of frustration, though she was glad she locked the before coming in here.
“No!” They shouted simultaneously.
“You are now.” Vic shouted through the doors. How she failed to sense him, baffled her. Maybe for once Raven had gotten too far into her actions. “Pack up and let’s go. We are going to Titans East remember?.”
Raven looked over at Dick, her hands still gripped tightly on his cock. Precum still poured out of the tip like a delicious meal and it continued to twitch hard enough to make Ravens hand move. Somewhat reluctantly, she released it. “Sorry, you heard him.”
Dick sighed, this one wasn’t on her. Raven watched, almost disappointed, as his cock flopped down. It rested again his stomach giving Raven some visuals she will masterbating on later. Once more his balls were denied a chance to release a payload of cum across Raven. In her mind he could have coated her face with his sticky and hot cum.
“Ready to go bird boy?” Raven stated, clearly frustrated that she will have to wait again. She had too, lest she returned and finish the job she so desperately wanted to do. Behind her, Dick watched her well formed butt sway as she walked away. He carefully packed his member back into his shorts though it was still throbbing.
“I guess so.” He got to the door where Raven was waiting.
“Just one thing.”
“Yeah?” She opened a small cabinet and removed a spray bottle and towel; quickly shoving them into his chest before pecking on his lips.
“You’re leaving a mess. Go clean up after yourself.” Raven smiled and gave him another lingering kiss. Grumbling, he complied. He followed his trail back to the machine and scrubbed away any indication that they were here.
“Cleaning up?” Dick looked up to see Cyborg staring at him. The half machine was wearing a grey sweatpants and a sleevless t-shirt. Completely different than his usual look.
“Raven’s orders.” He went back to his work.
“You’re kinda being aggressive though.” he approached him, examining the bench press with a critical eye. “Did something happened?.”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Nothing, just Raven seemed to be little off when she saw me.”
“You really should work on your timing, Cy!” He growled and finished his job before leaving as well.
“What the heck, what did I do?” Cyborg rubbed at his head.
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evvy96 · 1 year
Nightmares - Platonic!Artemis x Reader, hint of Robin x Reader
Tumblr media
y/n=your name s/h/n=super hero name h/l=hair length h/c=hair colour e/c=eye colour
“Recognised. (S/h/n), B26. Nightwing, B01. Kid Flash, B02.”
You walked through the Zeta Tube into the living room of Mount Justice, nerves making you almost visibly shake as Nightwing called over your new team. “Team, I’d like you to meet (s/h/n). She’s going to be joining the team starting today. I’ll leave you all to get properly acquainted while I get your next mission brief from Batman, be nice.”
Everyone was silent for a few moments, not entirely sure as what to say to break the ice. Deciding it was better to just say something rather than the awkward silence, you spoke up. “Uh, hey guys. As Nightwing said, my alias is (s/h/n), but you guys can just call me (y/n). It’s… It’s nice to finally meet you all in person. I’ve been following you guys over the news for a couple years now. Really awesome work.” That seemed to have done the trick, as the team all smiled and started introducing themselves officially and, for everyone but Robin, revealed their civilian identities. A few of the team, namely Connor and Megan, were attending the school you were being transferred to starting the following week, so it was a comfort to know that you would have people to spend time with until you were comfortable in a new environment and could make your own friends. When the pleasantries were out of the way, everyone went their separate ways, and Artemis approached you to give you a tour of the mountain.
You marvelled at the structure within the mountain, making Artemis laugh whenever she caught your facial expressions. You spent an extensive amount of time checking out the training rooms, unable to resist testing out your skills against the archer in hand-to-hand combat for a few intense rounds. Artemis taught you the basics of using a bow and arrow, and then guided you to the room you would now be occupying. As you roamed over the spacious room, a whoosh sounded, and you turned to see Wally standing beside Artemis with a relaxed smile on his face, red hair slightly dishevelled. “Hey babe. Just wanted to triple check our date for tonight. Movies and ice-cream in my town yeah?” Artemis chuckled, “Yeah Wall, we’re still set for tonight. I’m just gonna make sure (y/n) is properly settled in her room then I’ll go get ready. We can leave in about an hour, kay?” “Sweet. I’ll see you in an hour, angel.” With a swift kiss to her cheek, Wally sped away, in search of a way to kill time before their date. “So, are you guys a thing, or a potential thing?” You teased, bringing forth a blush to Artemis’ cheeks. “Um, I’m not sure yet. Wally’s super sweet, when he’s not stuffing his face with junk food.” You both laughed at this. “We’ve only been on a couple dates, I think I need a little more time before I make any big decisions.” “Well, he likes you, a heap. I know I just met you and all, but I think you should give him a chance.” Artemis’ eyes widened at your words, “H-how do you know he likes me?” You chuckled softly, “Besides the kiss on the cheek and the fact that his smile nearly broke his face when you confirmed your date? His thoughts were basically screaming his joy about going out with you again. That’s one of my powers; I can hear people’s thoughts and read emotions. I can’t influence them or get into your head, but it certainly comes in handy when helping out a friend.” With that, you turned back to your room, settling your pack on the bed and lying beside it. “I think I’m gonna have a little nap, if that’s okay. Our combat training has really drained me. You go get ready for your date. Have fun.” “Thanks (y/n). I’ll see you later tonight I guess. Dinner is normally at about 7, unless we have a mission. Welcome to the team.” With a smile and a wave, Artemis shut the door behind her as she walked down the hall to her room, leaving you to turn down the covers and settle in for a short sleep.
It was dark on the side of the road, the only light being the blazing inferno that used to be your family car. It had all happened so fast. One second, you were walking towards the car to go to dinner with your parents, the next, the vehicle had exploded.
You shakily pushed yourself to your feet, holding your dislocated shoulder tenderly to your side as the sounds of sirens filled your ears and the flashing lights of police cars and an ambulance illuminated the front of your house.
Next thing you remember, you’re being dragged away from the scene. From your home, where you had grown up and spent the best days of your childhood, screaming for your mom and dad and expecting them to emerge from the flames of the car somehow unharmed and hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay.
You woke with a small shout, shooting up into a sitting position on your bed, (e/c) eyes wide, breathing heavy and heart racing.
It had been the same every night since the attack. You had hoped that moving into the tower would somehow miraculously cure you of the haunting memory, or at least stop you from reliving it every time you shut your eyes for longer than a blink, but no such luck. You had been part of the team for a good few weeks by now. You were still adjusting to not only hearing everyone’s voices in your head, but also being able to communicate back to them. You had been on a few missions, each successful, but the most recent one had left you a little on edge emotion wise.
The villain you had been facing was one no one was familiar with, yet she seemed to be very familiar with each and every member of the team, each of their strengths and weaknesses, their worst nightmares. Her powers allowed her to tap into those nightmares, leaving everyone to relive them and act them out in fear until she was ready to deal with them, one by one. You didn’t know what everyone else saw, but apparently a previous mission had allowed them to break the trance quite quickly, easily overpowering the villain as a group, before noticing you hadn’t snapped out of it yet. They listened to you shout and cry for your parents, squirming from their grasps as they tried to calm you down and wake you up. When Robin finally managed to rouse you from your dream state, you looked around to see the damage you had caused. Many members of the team were holding various parts of their bodies where apparently you had managed to get a hit in. Wally was sporting a red eye that was sure to turn black as the next week passed. You apologised profusely to each person before going silent, walking back to the Bio-Ship and sitting quietly until you returned to the mountain, slipping away to your room and locking the door and sobbing silently so no one would come to check on you.
Unbeknownst to you, the team were being filled in on your history, how you got your powers and how you came to live with the team to begin with. Everyone was saddened by the story of how you your parents had been murdered by members of the Injustice League when you were only 8 years old and spent years bouncing from Foster Home to Group Home, even at one point, being adopted only to be sent back when they couple had their own child. However, no one was as upset as Artemis. She had formed a special connection with you over the weeks since you had arrived, coming to love you like a little sister and a dear friend. She felt ashamed with herself to have not asked you about your past or why you lived with them in the first place. It had always been typical girl talk and movie marathons without anything truly meaningful discussed between you two.
After the debrief, she had made a beeline to your room, raising a hand to knock on your door before her enhanced hearing picked up on your sobs. Her heart broke at the sounds and despite the strong urge to break down your door and wrap you in her arms until your tears ceased, she decided to leave you be until you were ready to talk.
That night Artemis lay in bed, sleep evading her. Her thoughts were consumed with you were okay, and until she had spoken to you face to face and you had assured her you were okay again, she wouldn’t sleep tonight. She slipped out from under the covers, tip-toeing to your room and easing the, now unlocked, door open and peeking into your room. It was meticulously clean, not a stray piece of clothing or schoolbook in sight, but what caught her attention was your struggling form on the bed, soft whimpers escaping you as you dreamt. Your flailing intensified as she approached the edge of your bed, your limbs becoming a tangled mess beneath the sheets. Artemis rushed to your side, holding down your arms and calling out to you. “(Y/n), (y/n) come on, wake up. (Y/N)!” You shot up at her shout, breathing heavy as your eyes frantically swept the room before landing on the reason behind your disrupted nightmare. It was dead silent for a moment as you stared at each other, before the dam broke and you collapsed into her waiting arms, sobbing uncontrollably as she wrapped you into a tight hug, whispering words of comfort into your ear softly as she ran her hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.
When your tears had subsided and your breathing had evened out, you pulled away from the comforting embrace. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I didn’t want anyone to see me like that.” Artemis frowned, “Why? (Y/n) we’re a team, we see each other at our best AND our worst. You shouldn’t hide this side of you from us. We all care about you, and we got really scared when we couldn’t snap you out of Stormsong’s spell. We don’t care that you fought with us, or that you got a few, really REALLY impressive shots in, but what we do care about is your past. We wanted to wait until you had been with us longer to ask what happened to you, but after this morning, Batman decided it was better for us to know now. I’m so sorry we never asked you what your history was like, and we can’t believe all the crap you’ve been through. You’re so strong, we had no idea. But we’re all here for you. No matter what; whether you have a nightmare, or even if you can’t get to sleep, we’ll be there to make it all easier. You’re one of us (y/n); you’re part of our weird little family now.”
You smiled at your friend, wiping away more tears that had leaked from your eyes at her words and thanking her for everything she was doing to ensure she had a place with the Young Justice Team. The remainder of the night was spent with you telling Artemis about everything you remembered about your parents and your life before their deaths. The archer listened intently without a falter; she didn’t once feel exhaustion from the previous day seep into her system, entranced by the stories you told and letting her imagination run wild with the words you spoke.
From then on, your life with the team improved 100%. You were still plagued with nightmares, but when you awoke, you were always woken to the sight of Artemis, or, after you had entered a relationship, Robin (Tim), by your side to hug the tears and bad dreams away (and in Tim’s case, kiss). The rest of the team would do smaller thing to show their support for you. They stayed up with you having movie marathons whenever the nightmare became too much, and even let you in on their own histories and night terrors. You in turn promised to be there for them when the night became too hard to deal with, and had each and every person’s back at the slightest sign of danger on missions. Life was back on track, and you couldn’t have been happier with the way it was turning out.
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do you think it'd be possible for there to be stories about both Clark and Jon being Supermen at the same time, sharing Metropolis (and by extension the world) like how Bruce and Dick were once both Batman or is Jon being Superman just one of those things where Clark would have to be either busy out in space or retired/dead for it to work?
Temporarily sure. In fact we'll be seeing Clark and Jon both being Superman in Metropolis real soon. Clark will be returning to Metropolis and reuniting with Jon post-Warworld in the Kal-El Returns crossover between Action and SSOKE. PKJ has reiterated that he wants to worldbuild for Metropolis the same way he worldbuilt for Warworld. The next two arcs post-Warworld Saga are therefore likely going to be set in Metropolis given that statement. My assumption however, based up the Aspects of Olgrun plot that PKJ has set up which appears to be the overarching Myth Arc for his run, is that Clark will eventually return to space with the Authority to keep chasing down the other Aspects. Rotating between Metropolis and space is probably the plan assuming that PKJ gets to keep writing Action the way he wants to.
Could Metropolis support two Supermen on an ongoing basis? Not as it currently is no. More needs to be done to enhance the threats it pits against it's resident heroes. But I do think it can support a temporary team up between Clark and Jon right now. Earth however was able to support a Superman, New Super-Man, Supergirl, and Superboy during Rebirth, were Jon to move to another city Nightwing style, he shouldn't have a problem co-existing with his dad.
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sco07ut · 2 years
so first i made an au where the rnbs own dragons. here’s an au where they Are dragons :)
wings of fire au !!
allll the info is under the cut bc there’s far too much of it
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i’m literally just copy n pasting the notes i made on this so theyre not really in chronological order also a lot of this is just carwash and simmlina sibs <3
simmons and lina are half sibs, as are wash and lina but like, diff parents so he and simmons aren’t related
simmons: ice/sky hybrid
lina: ice/night hybrid
wash: night/sand hybrid
simmons and lina share a mother but have different fathers (‘hargrove’/sarge n leonard respectively)
lina and wash share a father but have different mothers (allison and unnamed respectively)
simmons’ mother allison basically slept around a bit. she was originally married to hargrove (an icewing and simmons ‘official’/‘legal’ father but had an affair bc she hated his guts and slept with a skywing during a business trip to the sky kingdom (sarge) but when hargrove found out a few years after simmons’ birth she was chased out of the icewing kingdom and hid with the nightwings where she met leonard and had a kid with him (carolina). once she died a few years later in a battle, the director had a short relationship with a sandwing but it never really went anywhere and she left wash with him before moving on
leonard is an animus dragon, and church is one of his creations. he’s supposed to be like an extension of animus powers. he resides in an earring and acts like an ai that carries round a bunch of armour boosters but the wof equivalent. so instead of active camo he can just change their scales to look like any dragon. he does have his limitations though, he can only manipulate the current world he can’t actually create things that didn’t exist before
he was the first unit that leonard created but when the nightwing officials found out he was forced to surrender him and he was placed into the nightwing treasury. eventually though, it was raided by icewings in a one-off attack and was stolen to be kept in the icewing treasury for a few years until allison (who was working as the treasury’s keeper for some time) found it and used it when she was pregnant with simmons to prevent the other icewings from discovering he was a hybrid. when she had to flee the kingdom, she asked church for advice and He was the one who told her to go to leonard
church looks after simmons when his mother is gone and basically becomes a brother figure to him, keeping him safe and helping him out with all the awful icewing traditions. when simmons eventually flees the icewing kingdom to go find his real dad he takes church with him since he doesn’t want to leave him to the mercy of the icewings
OH forgot to mention earlier: leonard never made another creation like church bc when he was discovered as a rlly young dragon the governors forced him to use his animus powers against himself to never create a fully functional extension like church again, which lead him to the loophole of fragmented versions of an animus extension, which then became this au’s version of the other ai
in this au, the nightwing kingdom is the tribe that hosts project freelancer. although none of the tribes are actively at war there are some bits of frigidity between them and the nightwings want to have an army ready just in case. they have a big focus on selecting hybrids in the hopes they’ll be more powerful than regular dragons, and all the main pfl agents are hybrids. after a few years, leonard manages to pull it away from the supervision of nightwing rulers so that he can experiment with his fragment animus extensions.
the main agents in this project include:
his own daughter and son: agents carolina and wash (ice/nightwing and night/sandwing respectively)
agent york: a sand/mudwing
agent maine: an ice/mudwing
agent north and south dakota: sky/seawings
agent connecticut: a mud/nightwing
agent wyoming: an ice/nightwing
agent florida: a sea/nightwing
and his own personal project, agent texas, who was the first fragmented animus extension he created that was heavily affected by lingering grief from allison’s death. due to their similarities he decided to instead permanently implant her into the body of an augmented nightwing he created
ok time for the other characters
sarge is a skywing, as afore mentioned and is also an animus dragon but doesn’t know it (bc he’s stupid) and also doesn’t know about simmons. he works as a sergeant in the skywing army until he is dishonourably discharged at the battle of broken ridge for getting half his squadron killed. he’s exiled from skywing territory and moves down into mudwing kingdom where he meets grif and his half sister kai (a mud/seawing) and since they’re kinda struggling to get by they let the crazy old man with with them bc he’s better at finding food than they are. at one point, they mention needing extra help around the home and sarge takes it upon himself to get some, thus creating lopez. at this point, grif and kai Really realise that there’s something weird about this guy. there were instances in the past but him creating an entire mudwing (although slightly .. Off) was a pretty big sign. they don’t explicitly say anything though, and instead just decide to wait things out and run a few tests themselves as they reassess strange things that happened in the past.
tucker and caboose are both seawings, however caboose has a slight deformity that means his gills don’t quite work properly (science be damned) and can only stay underwater for about 48 hours before needing to surface and breathe air for a bit. however, growing up, he didn’t realise this which lead to (science be damned once again) a Mild case of cerebral hypoxia. but his family eventually realised and he now lives closer to the surface with his friend tucker who basically looks out for him and reminds him to surface frequently.
tucker does have his own agenda though, some time ago he met a strange dragon that had washed up on the shores of seawing territory, he didn’t know it at the time but she was a beetlewing from what would eventually become pantala. he spent a few months trying to teach her dragonspeak, while she tried to make him understand pantalan. throughout those months they became closer and eventually had a child together, junior, who was the first hybrid between a pyrrhian and pantalan dragon. however, PFL eventually learnt of this and a few agents kidnapped the two of them for research purposes. tucker and caboose’s story begins with them trying to find his lost family.
donut and doc think they’re both rainwings (doc is a rain/night wing but doesn’t know it) living outside the rainforest as travelling merchants, selling off fruit and flowers to different tribes. they typically tend to settle in towns between different tribe territories when they’re not actively selling wares. donut isn’t legally exiled from the rainforest, but due to a poison spitting accident that melted part of his face, he’s sort of socially rejected by a lot of rainwings who are frightened of him. doc’s mother never told him that he was part nightwing, so he just grew up assuming his darker palette and slight difficulties actively changing colours were just genetic defects. growing up this caused a little bit of teasing which resulted in him and donut banding together in the first place.
the main storyline focuses around how the reds n blues goals and motives interact
simmons is trying to find his real father, and during his search finds an escaped junior whose still too young to be on his own. since they’re both trying to find their family he takes care of him and they travel together
grif and kai are trying to learn more about animus dragons so that they can help sarge and also sort of use his powers to their advantage
sarge is trying to just find some purpose in life after being discharged
tucker is trying to find his family and caboose is just coming along for the ride bc he liked junior too
donut and doc don’t have a particular goal until they meet simmons and junior offer to help them find their dads
carolina and wash are trying to find church as per their father’s orders
since we have a fair number of hybrids i’m just gonna brush over their abilities !!
simmons: no fire, no icebreath, abnormally sharp and serrated claws & teeth
carolina: strong icebreath, cooler than average flames, slightly serrated claws
wash: very hot flames, weak poison in tail barb (cannot kill dragons, instead makes them Very ill for a while n makes them wish they were dead)
kaikaina: fully functional gills, no fire, bioluminescent markings aren’t quite as bright as full seawings
doc: was born under one full moon, receiving the power of mind reading, however his rainwing genetics dampened his abilities meaning he can only pick up on emotions (basically just an empath), struggles to camouflage, changing his scale colours intentionally is more difficult than regular rainwings and his venom is also less acidic than regular rainwings’
junior: has four fully functional wings, has antennae that can pick up vibrations in the air, partially functional gills (48 hours like caboose’s) bioluminescent markings aren’t as bright and can shoot venom from his fangs but like doc, it’s less acidic than regular beetlewing venom
that’s all i’ve got for now! i’m currently working on a massive ass timeline of when the events occur in relation to one another but everything is set the (loosely) canon wof universe in approx~ 2400A.S (basically a good few hundred years before any of the events in Darkstalker)
this au is sort of encouraging me to do a bit of actual writing (terrifying, i know) so if u see me rambling about dragons just don’t mind me <3
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A Lonely Place of Dying, summarized very accurately
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Dick *grabs fleeing child, punts him into the ground, then menacingly grabs his shirt collar*: “All right, suspicious kid, who the hell are you and what are you up to?”
Tim: “Hi, you are Dick Grayson, my name doesn’t matter and also I refuse to tell you, it’s important that we keep our priorities in order as I’m sure you’ll agree, anyway so glad I found you and also nice to meet you! By the way we are solving this murder mystery together look here’s some evidence that I found while I was crawling through the trash bins I know I may have appeared suspicious on account of the skulking around and also fleeing from you when you tried to grab me plus my general demeanor but please don’t focus on that right now anyway the good news is I believe I have solved our case!”
Dick: “... What. Who.”
Tim: “Again, who I am is really not the thing we should be focusing on right now, by the way can I interest you in some life advice, your father-figure is having a breakdown which deeply concerns me and I’m sure also you, my investigations indicate he may be homicidal or suicidal or both, I have prepared a folder of evidence if you would care to peruse it, anyway I suggest that you return home and fix him which I’m sure will be very easily accomplished, probably just your presence alone will fix him, it’s my understanding that this is how families work and also how mental health works -”
Dick: “You are clearly twelve.”
Tim: “How dare you I am thirteen that’s totally different.”
* * *
Later, at Wayne Manor...
Dick: “Hi Alfred, I need help, I went to the circus and accidentally acquired a child, here he is, I didn’t know what to do with him so I brought him to you.”
Alfred: “Does he have a name?”
Tim: “Yes! My name is Tim Drake you are Alfred Pennyworth you’re Batman’s butler wow your décor is fascinating, please accept my sincerest compliments, I went to New York to find Dick because Batman is having a breakdown and I’m very concerned about it, by the way I can play the piano, nice to meet you!”
Dick: *gestures helplessly*
Alfred: “... I suppose you’d better come inside.”
* * *
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Dick: “Okay no more evasions HOW DO YOU KNOW OUR IDENTITIES.”
Tim: “I really don’t want to tell you and also you don’t want to know, it will just upset you and I don’t want to do that, let’s just collectively agree to set aside the largely irrelevant question of how I know your secret identities and focus on important things like -”
Dick: “Would you stop being evasive and impossible and suspicious and EXPLAIN YOURSELF.”
Tim: “Okay fine I guess if you insist. Um. Okay, so it all started when I met you at the circus right before your parents were horribly murdered and…”
*ten minutes later*
Dick: “... You were right, I didn’t want to know.”
Tim: “Told you.”
* * *
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Dick: “So, uh, I still find you kind of weird but you were unexpectedly mildly sensitive when we talked about my traumatic past and I guess that’s softened my opinion of you a little. Do you want to see our Batcave?”
Tim: “DO I EVER.”
* * *
Tim: “I really appreciate you showing me this Batcave this is possibly the best day of my entire life however I do feel like it is my duty to remind you of our original shared purpose here which is of course fixing Batman! As we previously discussed, the best way for you to fix Batman would be to become Robin again, so -”
Dick: “No.”
Tim: “But don’t you think that -”
Dick: “No!”
Tim: “But don’t you think that Batman -”
*makes dramatic exit from Cave on motorcycle*
Tim: “But - but - but -”
* * *
Tim: “Mr. Pennyworth, I am very confused. Based on my extensive reading of newspaper articles I had come to a lot of conclusions about Batman and Nightwing and assumed that they were very close. But actually they seem to argue a lot and not like each other? Please explain.”
Alfred: “You are nosy and annoying.”
Tim: “I sort of realize that but in my defense I am just trying to help because I’m very emotionally invested in Batman not being homicidal and/or suicidal and also I look up to Dick a lot although he is definitely different from how I imagined him based on my long-range surveillance up until now, anyway the point is I am definitely reassessing a lot of my conclusions but UNFORTUNATELY if they don’t like each other that kind of ruins my entire plan for fixing Batman, and also my understanding from earlier when Dick was yelling at me is that he does not think my plan is workable anyway. But Batman still needs to be fixed because he is definitely a Problem, so I need to think of a new plan now.”
Alfred: “Perhaps Master Dick’s plan is for you to fix Batman.”
Tim: “Wow I have definitely never thought about that before wow yes please I’d love to - no wait I don’t think I can I’ll screw it all up - although I did take two years of gymnastics, that’s kind of like being qualified right?”
Alfred: “Absolutely. I can’t think of a better qualification than that.”
Tim: “Cool.”
* * *
Dick: “Hi Batman I am here to help.”
Bruce: “Hello, Robin. I mean Nightwing. Although I deliberately left clues so that you would be able to find me, I will now proceed to ignore you while recklessly endangering myself.”
Dick: “... I am annoyed but also worried.”
Two-Face: “MWA HA HA HA HA I have defeated you with the power of RUBBLE!”
Dick *presses emergency beacon*
* * *
Tim: “I am very anxious about Nightwing and Batman why haven’t they come back yet are they okay???”
Tim: “I will become Robin in order to help!”
Alfred: “I will drive you to the site while out-of-costume! Nobody will ever suspect anything when Bruce Wayne’s butler attacks Two-Face!”
Tim: “Perfect! Our plan is foolproof!”
* * *
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Tim: “Oh no they are dead it’s all my fault for making Dick come here I have personally caused the deaths of Batman and Robin - oh, wait, good, they’re fine. Hi, Batman, you are Bruce Wayne, I am your new Robin!”
Dick: “Counterpoint: I think he should be Robin.” *mumbles* “You definitely need some kind of intervention.”
Alfred: “I agree.”
Bruce: “NO.”
Tim: “Look here Batman I’m somewhat embarrassed to tell you this to your face but the fact is everybody has noticed that you are probably in the process of a breakdown due to the tragic loss of your son Jason Todd, which by the way is definitely very sad, please accept my deepest condolences, however moving on to present concerns I feel obliged to remind you that Gotham requires a Batman who is at least 80% or ideally 100% stable and it’s clear to all of us that you need the guidance of an Emotional Support Robin in order to meet that goal. My initial plan was for that person to be Dick but upon consultation with him I have decided it should be me. Oh, by the way, my name is Tim Drake, nice to meet you.”
Bruce: “...”
Dick: “You have to admit, Bruce, he makes some good points.”
* * *
Tim: “Okay I guess if you won’t accept me as Robin I will have to accept that. Please know that this was the greatest day of my entire life and I deeply admire and respect all of you, including Batman although I am still concerned about him. Anyway it was nice to meet you all and -”
Bruce: “… Fine.”
Alfred and Dick: *high-five behind Bruce’s back*
Tim: “Wait, really?”
Bruce: “Maybe.” *sighs* “If you prove yourself. After training. A lot of training. All the training I can possibly think of. With Alfred. And Dick. And then me. Also, I will scowl at you a lot.”
Tim: “AWESOME, um, I mean” *clears throat* “I will do my best to earn your trust Mr. Wayne sir.”
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
What if the batfam found batfam headcanons and stuff on tumble, and, by extension, your account?
If the batfam were real my account would be sooooooooooo different. It’d probably be dedicated to things/ppl i like in general rather than just dc/batfam (that being said I am still an accidental batfam blog, I make no promises and will fill no boxes). I’ll assume that I have some posts about the Waynes just cause I would view them as a funny/relatable rich family but I also have posts about other groups/individuals I know and like (ie Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, All Time Low, Hannah Gadsby, etc). Let’s also assume that in this universe I would have batfam posts. If this were to be the case I would def make a bunch of posts about moth-man being a member of the ‘bat squad’ (cause I wouldn’t know they’re fam). Also ngl I would definitely ship them, like I would not know they were a family so I’d definitely ship them, mostly jokingly but probs low key seriously. Which would be even funnier bc my ships would annoy the hell out of them. Based solely off their public vigilante personas here’s how I think my ships would go:
Batgirl/Spoiler: I mean tbh rn whether or not i ship them depends on my mental state and the moon cycle. So I’d definitely ship them in this alternate universe.
Red Robin/Nightwing: I would definitely ship sad analytical boi with sunshine bby. I wouldn’t even need a reason, I’d just think their personalities work well together. Ok I wrote this part a few hours ago and just realized whether or not I shipped them would depend on their ages/how old they appeared to be. I would not ship bby™ (aka 16/17) Tim w/ flippy boi™ (24/25) Dick Grayson.
Babs!Batgirl/Batwoman: Again, no real reason. I’d just think their personalities would be cute together.
The Signal/Kid Flash: I know this one seems random, and tbh it would be. But I’d ship the Signal with another day time hero and I feel like if these characters were real I’d like the speedsters more than the supers (cause they’re more talkative/bantery).
Red Hood/Batman: Tbh this is the worst/funniest. I wouldn’t know RH was a Robin. I would just see them fighting then slowly becoming allies, so I’d be like ‘Cool! What a nice enemies to lovers arc’
But legit if I didn’t know their alter egos/that they’re family my biggest ship would be Red Hood/Batman. Which would be absolutely hilarious. Like imagine all my redarse (yes that is the only ship name I acknowledge for Jason/Roy) posts as Red Hood/Batman. The only differences being that they don’t reference the manor/civilian identities (ex. Instead of saying manor I’d say hideout or some vague shit) and Batman would take Jason’s place as the more cynical/serious one while Red Hood would take Roy’s place as the irresponsible/funny one. It’d be golden, especially bc then Jason and Bruce stumble on to them and would just get so awkward. Just for a moment imagine them reading my ‘who has a better ass’ post (link). And Jason just being so embarrassed at the thought of ever talking about Bruce’s ass like that. Or my ‘Roy tries to flirt’ post (link). Like Bruce straight up leaves the room after reading it. Later they pass each other in the hall and this happens:
Bruce: We will never discuss what was read today ever again. Right?
Jason: I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Bruce: Good.
Tim, walks by looking at his phone: Ha, thunder thighs.
Both Bruce and Jason go red and quickly walk a way.
No one says anything about it bc it is sorta awkward, but every once and while Tim and Steph can be seen giggling over a post.
(Also I hope this post doesn’t sound super conceited, I just linked posts so that y’all could see what I’m talking about.)
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bunnvoid · 3 years
🗡 for one tim, timbi, timbo, timtam, tango, telephone drake?
Timmy Timbourine? absolutely!
thank you so much for the ask btw!!<3
Badass Headcanon for Tim Drake
Gonna do another fighting hc :)) cuz these are fun
(Dick, Jason, Duke, Bart)
so the specific hc is similar to mine for Dick but he is adaptive in the sense of adapting to fighting with people on a team.
It's something he's picked up from being on many teams, being robin, and having an extensive vigilante family, and so on. Sure he can fight as well as everyone else on his own but excels in pairing with other capes to work efficiently.
He's robin in a time of transition when a lot of new faces are joining the community and new members of the batfam were joining. So switching things up to fight more efficiently is super handy. He's worked with Nightwing a lot so picking up the habit of being adaptive is natural. So when he pairs up with another hero in a fight they become just as seamless as the dynamic duo as long as the other is willing to work with him too :)
Like its canon he works well with his own family of course but I like to think it can also extend to other heroes!
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