#write your story
urfriendlywriter · 5 months
How to get to know your characters better?
(feel free to add your own thoughts to this list, hope it helps!) req by @miricalebabyy44 <3
what will your character be like if they were in your shoes?
is your oc the mom friend or the dad or the childish one in their friendgroup ?
do those "poet, king, soldier" quiz for your oc. im being fr
do the "36 questions to fall in love" quiz as your oc.
ik your ocs trauma have an impact on their character, but how would they be like, if they hadn't gone through that experience?
does your oc have similar tastes as you do? (music, art, fashion, coffee/tea etctetc)
will they "i only live once so I'll do it for the plot." or will they "i only live once ffs, i don't wanna die." ?
what is your ocs opinion of love? how is/was their love life on a scale of 1-10?
will your oc let go of someone precious to them when they know they're putting them at danger?
around whom does your oc lets their guard down?
are they romantically constipated or a hopeless romantic?
what type of music does ur oc like?
write a lot about your oc if you're struggling to get to know them. find a drabble prompt, and write what they'd do.
do they trust others easily or do they get trusted by others easily?
what is something your oc will never talk to anyone about? (their answer can be deep, like some emo trauma or like smthng like back when they shit their pants or smthng yk)
do they give off golden retriever energy, or a black cat energy? (or both?)
what will THEIR opinion be on YOUR current life? will they be ur friend? will they trust you?
will your oc survive in a fantasy setting, a war setting, a dystopian setting, a futuristic setting, a medieval setting? will ur oc survive after getting stranded on an island, or a forest?
does your oc like their parents, do they like how their life is, do they feel like they're born in the right gen?
if they are ever to get one wish definitely granted, what would they wish for?
how did they react to their first kiss? (if they have had it by now lmao)
what's an ideal day for your oc?
lastly, who does your oc go to when they've fucked up?
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life-spire · 28 days
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helluvapoison · 1 month
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queerwyrd · 6 months
what i imagine the spirit of nanowrimo looks like at 11:59 pm on october 31st.
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literaryaida · 7 hours
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27.04.24 | Do you believe in signs? I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, and for the past 6 months, I finally summoned the courage to work on a book idea. I haven’t told anyone about it. But today, while browsing in this old bookstore, I stumbled upon a section labeled “Do you want to write a book?” and I picked up one particular book. As I tried to put it back on a slightly broken shelf, it fell into my hands again. I tried once more, and the book slipped from the shelf to the floor. The owner smiled and said, “Looks like a sign to me.” I blushed a bit, smiled back, and returned the book to the shelf. My friend joked, “Well, if you ever want to write a book, take that as a sign.”
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theeccentricraven · 20 days
Catch Up Time and Announcements
Hi Tumblr buddies! I've been busy in the past few weeks, but good things have come from it. I finally finished the first draft of my WIP The Blood Cleaners at 209,742 words! I’m going to take a break from writing for a couple of weeks while I catch up on things in life. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been tagged in a couple of tag games I love but didn’t have enough time to devote to them. I’m going to spend the next couple of days trying to catch up on them. When things have cooled down, I’ll spend the last couple weeks of April working on my Camp NaNoWriMo project. I’ll pretty much be reading notes for an old WIP and creating rough brainstorming sheets, outlines, and character profiles. 
During the summer, I’ll spend a lot of time rewriting The Blood Cleaners. I’m going to re-outline, do some more research, and work on the second draft once I’m ready.
In other news, I have released my first writing vlog on my YouTube channel. I was pretty nervous making this, wanting to vlog but camera shy. I admit I’m not that great at making videos yet, but I hoped to share what I’ve learned and share my story to help inspire others to pursue their writing.
I hope to respond to tags soon. I wish you all the best of luck in your writing journey.
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writethestory365 · 2 months
“You can't strategize what to do, you can only strategize how to obey what God has asked you to do."
- Pastor Robert Morris.
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monstrumpuella · 11 months
While looking for one of my favorite scenes of the movie, I found this gem that explains exactly why I love Princess Diaries so much.
It also discusses the fav scene here so yay!
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mac10514 · 2 years
The Ghost at the Funeral
Her face covered the room. It was as if mirrors had been placed on each of the walls. The floresent lights above flickered on occasion, and the summer storm added to the unbearable humidity. At least everyone could speak through their tears, walk around the room and hold each other, providing any comfort they didn’t need for themselves, which was very little.
The speeches only made it worse. The reminiscing, the prayers, the hymns. Her friends, with makeup running down their bright red cheeks, declaring over and over again, “She was taken from us too soon.” At the sight of the dark sullen faces of mom and dad when they stood to blubber out some words, many had to leave the room.
Then, a brisk tugging on the skirt of my dress. At my side in the front row of the funeral home, my four-year-old brother, dressed in his brand-new suit and tie. “You look like a ghost now, Morrigan” he claimed.
Desperate for some form of comfort, I met our parents’ eyes. They gazed right through me.
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musicalmetaphors47 · 1 year
I was never allowed to be myself at home,
I had to be what everyone wanted me to be.
I was responsible for everyone else’s
Emotions, moods, and especially their anger.
If I didn’t fix something
It became an even bigger problem,
So I preferred to keep the pressure cooker from exploding
Now I live alone,
And I am learning what it means to be me.
The first thing I have learned is how much I love being an introvert.
Independent, but
Needy for love.
Tactful, but still
Rash at times.
Outsider, but
Very thoughtful of others.
Emotional, but with
This is my version of being an introvert right now.
But it might change tomorrow
Because I’m still figuring it out.
-Julie Mae
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I spent so much time dreaming this idea that somebody would come along and save me from my inner demons for most of my life, but it turned out all along it was in fact always only me who could save myself. Nobody else could.
I know now that those I thought were meant to ‘rescue’ me from my inner demons could only ever really help me when I needed. This idea others were meant to save and rescue me caused more damage than anything because I didn’t know how to help myself for a very long time.
I’ve thankfully come to the realisation of how to help myself and become a better version of myself and I am better for it ! I am the hero of my own story, always have been. I just didn’t realise it at the time.
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-Refuse To Die Unfinished
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rachelcait1984 · 2 months
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Ask me a question and you will get a answer, don't be shy
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aondepensamentoslevam · 2 months
"Julieta, acredite em mim, você ficará melhor sozinha
Pare de esperar pelo amor de outra pessoa
Você não precisa de um príncipe quando já é uma rainha
Escreva a sua própria história em que, baby, você seja a protagonista"
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senseicowpoke · 2 months
Title: Veiled Shadows
(A Short Story)
In the heart of Pittsburgh, where the rivers flowed and the steel towers stood tall, lived a man named Reed. By day, Reed was a waiter, but by night, he prowled the streets with a hidden agenda – a facade of normalcy masking his true intentions.
Reed moved through the city like a shadow, his presence felt but never acknowledged. He chose his targets with meticulous precision, studying their routines and habits with a chilling detachment. To him, each target was a puzzle waiting to be solved, a challenge to be conquered in the darkness of the night.
One evening, as Reed watched from the shadows of an alley in Lawrenceville, he spotted his next target – a young woman named Grace. She was a vision of beauty, her laughter echoing through the night as she walked arm in arm with her friends. From that moment on, Grace became the focus of Reed’s twisted desires.
For weeks, he followed Grace through the streets of Pittsburgh, his every move calculated to avoid detection. He watched her from afar, studying her every move with a cold determination. To Grace, Reed was nothing more than a passing stranger in the city – a faceless figure in the night.
But to Reed, she was everything. Grace consumed his thoughts, his dreams, his every waking moment. He knew that he had to possess her, to make her his own, no matter the cost.
As the days turned into weeks, his obsession with Grace grew more intense. He followed her to her favorite spots – the Andy Warhol Museum, Mount Washington overlook, the bridges spanning the rivers – always staying just out of sight, always watching, waiting, biding his time.
Then, one fateful night, Reed’s carefully constructed world came crashing down around him. As he followed Grace through the streets of Lawrenceville, he was suddenly confronted by another figure – a man who seemed to materialize out of the darkness, blocking his path with a steely gaze.
It was Grace’s boyfriend, a rugged and imposing figure with the aura of a steelworker. Reed watched in horror as the man whispered something to Grace, his words lost in the noise of the city. And then, to Reed’s dismay, Grace turned and walked away with her boyfriend, disappearing into the night without a backward glance.
It was a devastating blow – a realization that his carefully laid plans had come to nothing. He stood alone in the darkness, his heart filled with rage and despair. He had lost Grace, the object of his obsession, and now he was left with nothing but his own twisted desires.
But as Reed stood there in the shadows, something inside him snapped. A primal rage boiled up from deep within, fueling a fire that consumed him. In that moment, he made a decision – a decision to take back control, to reclaim what was rightfully his, no matter the cost.
And so, with a newfound sense of purpose, Reed set out into the night once more, his mind consumed by thoughts of revenge. He would not rest until Grace was his, until he had taken from her everything that had been denied him. He was no longer just a stalker – Reed was now a predator, a hunter, a force to be reckoned with in the steel city’s darkness.
And as the night stretched on, and the city slept in its slumber, Reed prowled the streets with a newfound sense of purpose. He knew that soon, very soon, Grace would come to realize the true extent of his obsession – and by then, it would be far too late. Or so he thought.
As he continued his relentless pursuit of Grace, his obsession with her consumed him like a blazing fire. He followed her every move, his mind clouded by a mixture of desire and determination. But little did Reed know, Grace was not just a helpless victim – she was a survivor, strong and resilient in the face of danger.
As the days turned into weeks, Grace’s boyfriend’s true nature began to reveal itself. Reed watched from the shadows as the man’s behavior grew increasingly erratic and possessive, his charming facade crumbling to reveal the darkness lurking within. It became clear to Reed that Grace was in grave danger, and he knew that he had to act fast to save her from the clutches of her sinister lover.
One night, as Reed trailed Grace through the deserted streets of Pittsburgh, he witnessed a chilling scene unfolding before his eyes. Grace’s boyfriend had cornered her in a secluded alley, his face contorted with rage as he loomed over her like a predator about to strike. In that moment, Reed knew that he had to intervene, to step out of the shadows and confront the true villain that threatened Grace’s life.
With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Reed emerged from the darkness, his presence striking fear into the heart of Grace’s assailant. The man turned to face Reed, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief as he realized that his carefully laid plans had been foiled by the very person he had underestimated.
In a swift and decisive move, Reed lunged at Grace’s boyfriend, grappling with him in a fierce struggle for control. With every ounce of strength he possessed, Reed fought to overpower the man, determined to protect Grace from harm at any cost.
As the sounds of their struggle echoed through the alley, Grace watched in awe as Reed fought valiantly to defend her honor.
As Reed stood victorious in the aftermath of the confrontation, his breath ragged and his heart pounding in his chest, he turned to face Grace’s assailant with a mixture of exhaustion and resolve.
“You may have thought I was the one to fear, the one lurking in the shadows,” Reed said, his voice tinged with bitterness and self-awareness. “But you were wrong. You were the true villain all along, preying on her vulnerability and using her as your pawn. She may have been your target, but you never stood a chance.”
With that, Reed delivered a final blow to Grace’s boyfriend, rendering him unconscious on the ground. As he stood there, surrounded by the darkness of the alley, Reed knew that he had saved Grace from a fate worse than death, proving himself to be her true protector in the twisted narrative of their lives.
And as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Reed disappeared into the shadows once more, his mission complete. For he knew that his watchful eye would always be there to guard over the city and its inhabitants, ensuring that no harm would ever come to those in need.
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sharingstories · 3 months
A Guide on How to Effectively Use Writing Prompts for Story Inspiration
In the vast realm of storytelling, where imagination dances with words, writers often find themselves seeking sparks of inspiration to fuel their creativity. Writing prompts emerge as beacons, offering a guided path into uncharted narrative territories. In this exploration, we'll uncover the art of effectively using writing prompts for story inspiration, delving into the reasons to embrace these prompts and the transformative journey they can ignite.
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The Power of Writing Prompts: Unlocking Creative Potential
Writing prompts, succinct snippets of ideas or scenarios, serve as catalysts that propel writers beyond the confines of a blank page. They act as doorways into unexplored realms of imagination, providing a launching pad for storytelling adventures. The beauty of writing prompts lies in their ability to kickstart creativity, offering a gentle nudge when inspiration seems elusive.
Why Use Writing Prompts?
1. Overcoming Writer's Block: A Lifeline for Creativity
   At some point in every writer's journey, the dreaded writer's block casts its shadow. Use Writing Prompts During The Writing Process serve as a lifeline during these moments of creative stagnation. By introducing a fresh concept or scenario, prompts break through mental barriers, encouraging the flow of ideas and revitalizing the writing process.
2. Diversifying Writing Styles: A Playground for Experimentation
   Writing prompts provide a playground for writers to experiment with different styles, genres, and tones. Whether you're accustomed to penning heartwarming tales or delving into dark mysteries, prompts challenge you to step outside your comfort zone. This diversification not only hones your skills but also expands your narrative repertoire.
3. Daily Writing Habit: Fostering Consistency
   Establishing a consistent writing routine is crucial for growth as a storyteller. Writing prompts can be incorporated into a daily writing habit, serving as a warm-up exercise or a dedicated session for exploration. By integrating prompts into your routine, you cultivate discipline and ensure a continuous flow of creative expression.
Effective Strategies for Using Writing Prompts: Navigating the Creative Landscape
While the benefits of writing prompts are clear, navigating the vast landscape of creative exploration requires strategic approaches. Here are effective strategies to make the most of writing prompts for story inspiration.
1. Embrace Open-Ended Prompts: Seeds of Possibility
   Opt for prompts that are open-ended, leaving room for interpretation and personalization. These prompts act as seeds from which unique stories can blossom. For example, a prompt like "A mysterious door appears in an ordinary street" can lead to a myriad of narrative directions, allowing your imagination to take the reins.
2. Combine Prompts for Depth: Weaving Tapestry of Ideas
   Unleash the power of combining multiple prompts to create intricate storylines. This strategy enhances complexity and depth within your narratives. Experiment with merging prompts that seemingly have no connection, and watch as your creativity weaves a tapestry of ideas, connecting disparate elements into a cohesive narrative.
3. Use Visual Prompts: Painting with Words
   Visual prompts, such as images or artwork, offer a unique dimension to storytelling. They encourage writers to visualize scenes, characters, and settings before translating them into words. Describing the details of a captivating visual prompt not only exercises your descriptive skills but also transports readers into a vivid world crafted by your words.
Transformative Journey: From Prompt to Polished Story
The transformative journey from a single writing prompt to a polished story is a testament to the limitless possibilities that unfold when creativity takes the lead. As a writer, you have the power to guide this journey with intention and purpose.
1. Interpretation and Personalization: Infusing Your Voice
   Approach each writing prompt with a sense of curiosity and individuality. Instead of merely following the literal interpretation, infuse your unique voice and perspective. Allow the prompt to act as a springboard, launching you into a narrative space where your creativity shines through.
2. Develop Characters and Plot: A Guided Exploration
   Writing prompts often introduce characters and scenarios that beckon for further exploration. Take the initial concept provided by the prompt and delve deeper into character development and plot intricacies. Ask questions about the characters' motivations, the world they inhabit, and the challenges they face. This guided exploration transforms a prompt into a fully realized story.
3. Editing and Refinement: Crafting a Cohesive Narrative
   The journey from prompt to polished story involves the crucial steps of editing and refinement. Treat the initial prompt as the raw material from which you sculpt your narrative. Polish the prose, refine the dialogue, and ensure a cohesive flow that captivates readers. This stage transforms the initial spark of inspiration into a narrative gem ready for sharing.
In Conclusion: Embrace the Writing Prompt as Your Creative Companion
Writing prompts, with their ability to breathe life into the creative process, stand as invaluable tools for storytellers. As you embark on the journey of using writing prompts for story inspiration, remember to embrace the open-ended possibilities, experiment with combinations, and explore the visual realm. Allow the transformative journey from prompt to polished story to unfold organically, letting your unique voice guide the narrative.
In the tapestry of storytelling, writing prompts are the threads that weave intricate narratives. They beckon you to explore uncharted territories, overcome creative challenges, and embrace the joy of continuous growth. So, let the writing prompt be your creative companion, inviting you to dance with imagination and paint vibrant stories on the canvas of possibility.
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