#aspiring author
o-writers-woes · 2 years
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novlr · 1 year
How to write charming characters
With both positive and negative aspects to their personalities, charming characters can be difficult to write convincingly.
Whether you're writing a romantic love interest or a compelling con man, here are some examples for giving your charming characters depth.
How do they behave?
Attentive listeners: they pay close attention to people around them
Take pride in their appearance
Are happy to share personal space
Speak with a strong voice and an energetic tone
Are often hospitable and give off an air of welcome
Always give the impression that they are happy to see you
Demonstrate empathy
How do they interact?
Have a firm handshake and make strong eye contact
Are often encouraging
Compliment freely
Use humour to create a fun atmosphere
Communicate physically (through touch and gesture)
Make a point of using a person's name
Initiate conversations
Describe their body language
Have a relaxed stance with a straight and confident posture
Inclusive and attentive
Mirroring: they will mirror the body language of the person they are interacting with
Will lean forward to show attention
Lightly touch to create connection
A slight head tilt to show interest
Rarely cross their arms or legs
Maintain eye contact
Describe their attitude
Good sense of humour
Friendly and playful
Opinionated and confident
Exhude an impression of honesty
Good intuition
Highly social
Polite and respectful
Eager to please
Potentially manipulative
The positive aspects of charm
Charming characters put people at ease, praise them freely, and boost their confidence. They make friends easily, talk their way to favourable resolutions, and are often the centre of attention.
They have impeccable grooming, conveying trustworthiness and concern for others, leading to a sense that they have your best interests at heart.
The negative aspects of charm
A charming character can manipulate others for personal gain. They can be overbearing, exerting their will on less confident individuals.
Their charm often draws focus, making others feel inferior, making them perfect for a protagonist to exhibit personal growth, or for a villain that a reader will fall in love with.
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taytjiefourie · 2 years
Showing when writing: Emotions [part 1]
hiding their face in their hands
wide eyes
crossing their arms around their body
shifting their weight from side to side
exaggerated movements
nervous quirks appear such as picking at their nails, playing with their hair, and rocking on their heels.
avoiding eye contact
glancing or staring at random objects
stiff smiles
scratching the back of their head or neck.
subject changing
forced laughter
big smiles
wetting their lips
constant movement
can't concentrate
wide eyes
slack jaw
harsh or erratic breathing
open mouth
slack jaw
wide eyes
covering their mouth with their hands
raised eyebrows
stepping back
stutters or stammers
Tilting back head and yelling out
fist pumping in the air
bright smiles
Shaking fist
crossed arms
Stabbing with finger
Slamming fist against something
Veins throbbing
Jutting out their chin
Clenched fist
Clenched jaw
flushed face
Eyebrows lowered or furrowed
Teeth bared
Wide stance
Tight-lipped smile
Rapid breathing
aggressive stance
Flared nostrils
Puffed chest
loud voice
lip biting
biting nails
stepping back
awkward laughter
dry lips
dry mouth
darting eyes
wrapping their arms around themselves
repeatedly folding and unfolding their arms
clutching at themselves, their hip/shoulder/stomach
drawn in/furrowed brows
avoiding eye contact
pitched voice
no appetite or nervous eating so a bigger appetite
toying with things
bouncing leg
rubbing at their face
sweating trembling
Hey there! I'm excited to share with you a new series I've created on Show Don't Tell. In this series, I dive deep into each emotion individually and provide a detailed list of ways to show it through body language, action, setting, and more. The first emotion we're exploring is Envy, and I promise you won't want to miss it! Check it out and let me know what you think. And if there's an emotion you'd like me to cover next, don't hesitate to leave a suggestion in the comments. Can't wait to hear from you!
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minutiaewriter · 1 year
Writers!!! Someone you’ve never met and you don’t know is cheering you on, is proud of your progress and loves you!!
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Hiii, I just dicovered your acc and i'm loving it 🥰 I have this lil problem where I have in mind and write scenes but without a plot. And I'm very fond to the characters so I can't put them into a plot because I don't want them to suffer or a think if they do suffer it'll we forced and too much. Any tips for that?
How to Plot A Novel If You Only Have Characters & Scenes
So, you have a great cast of characters and some exciting scenes in mind, but you're struggling to put them together into a cohesive plot. Don't worry, you're not alone. Many writers struggle with plotting their novels, especially when they have a strong focus on characters and scenes. I have also been facing difficulties with this recently. But fear not, in this article, I’ll help you explore how you can plot a novel even if you only have characters and scenes to work with.
Why Is Plotting Important?
Before we dive into the how, let's first understand why plotting is important. A well-crafted plot is the backbone of any successful novel. It keeps readers engaged, creates tension and conflict, and ultimately leads to a satisfying resolution. Without a strong plot, your novel may fall flat and fail to capture the attention of readers.
Types of Plots
There are many different types of plots, but they can generally be categorized into three main types: character-driven, plot-driven, and hybrid.
Character-driven plots focus on the internal struggles and growth of the main character. The plot is driven by the character's desires, flaws, and decisions.
Plot-driven plots focus on external events and conflicts that drive the story forward. The characters may still have their own arcs, but the main focus is on the events and how they affect the characters.
Hybrid plots combine elements of both character-driven and plot-driven plots. They have a balance of internal and external conflicts that drive the story forward.
Understanding the type of plot you want to create can help guide your plotting process.
How to Plot A Novel with Only Characters & Scenes
Now that we understand the importance of plotting and the different types of plots, let's explore how you can plot a novel with only characters and scenes.
Start with Your Characters
Since you already have a strong cast of characters, it makes sense to start with them. Take some time to fully develop your characters, including their personalities, motivations, and flaws. This will help you understand how they will react in different situations and what conflicts they may face.
Identify Your Main Conflict
Every novel needs a main conflict that drives the story forward. This could be a physical conflict, such as a battle or a chase, or an emotional conflict, such as a character's internal struggle. Identify what the main conflict in your novel will be and how it will affect your characters.
Create a Story Structure
A story structure is a framework that helps guide the flow of your novel. It typically includes the beginning, middle, and end, and can be broken down further into acts or chapters. Creating a story structure can help you see the bigger picture of your novel and how your characters and scenes fit into it.
Map Out Your Scenes (High Priority) 🚩
Now it's time to map out your scenes. Start by listing all the scenes you have in mind, even if they are not in chronological order. Then, arrange them in a logical order that makes sense for your story. This may require some rearranging and tweaking to ensure a smooth flow of events.
Connect Your Scenes with Conflict (High Priority) 🚩
Once you have your scenes in order, it's time to connect them with conflict. Every scene should have some form of conflict, whether it's internal or external. This will keep readers engaged and drive the story forward. Look at each scene and identify the conflict present, and how it connects to the main conflict of the novel.
Create a Character Arc for Each Character
As your characters go through different conflicts and events, they should also experience growth and change. This is where character arcs come in. A character arc is the journey a character goes through, from their initial state to their final state. Create a character arc for each of your main characters, and make sure their actions and decisions align with their arc.
Add Subplots
Subplots are smaller storylines that run parallel to the main plot. They add depth and complexity to your novel and can help develop your characters further. Look at your characters and see if there are any side stories or relationships that could be explored in a subplot. Just make sure they tie back to the main plot in some way.
Use Plotting Tools
If you're struggling to put all the pieces together, consider using some plotting tools to help you. There are many resources available, such as plot diagrams, beat sheets, and storyboards, that can help you visualize your plot and ensure all the elements are in place. If you need help with scene structure use my new scene workbook here.
Real-World Examples of Plotting with Characters & Scenes
One example of a novel that successfully uses characters and scenes to drive the plot is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. The main conflict is the trial of Tom Robinson, but it is the characters, particularly Scout and Atticus, and their reactions to the events that drive the story forward.
Another example is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. The main conflict is the Hunger Games themselves, but it is Katniss' internal struggle and her relationships with other characters that keep readers engaged and invested in the story.
Final Thoughts
Plotting a novel with only characters and scenes may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be done successfully. Start by fully developing your characters, identifying the main conflict, and creating a story structure. Then, map out your scenes, connect them with conflict, and create character arcs. Don't be afraid to use plotting tools to help you along the way. With these tips, you'll be on your way to crafting a compelling plot that will keep readers hooked until the very end.
If you require assistance with developing your scene structure, you can access my Scene Workbook for Writers at no cost.
I am sorry to the individual who sent me this question. I have a lot of questions in my Tumblr inbox and have only recently come across this nice question. I apologize for the 4-month delay.
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artofkhaos404 · 5 months
If you're an aspiring author working to get published, slaving away on a novel in progress with perfection as your goal... I would highly advise you, every once in a while... to write.
Not on your novel, not in your notes and concepts document, not on anything even remotely professional and not in a journal. Simply tell a story, stress free, with no expectations. Could be fanfiction from your favorite series, a random short story idea you had three months ago, or a writing prompt you found online. Allow yourself to have some fun again. Remind yourself why you love what you do. It will make you all the more determined and inspired to one day complete your ultimate work.
Fanfiction was how I originally fell in love with writing (that and my adventures in my paracosms). I started putting my story ideas on paper when I was eight. Four years ago I stopped writing fanfiction altogether, deeming it a waste of time when I could be putting my talents elsewhere. But a couple days ago I randomly decided to sit down with a computer and a few ideas, no outline or notes whatsoever, and just have a good time. Incredibly cleansing.
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theaawalker · 1 month
Only Fools Fall in Love | Steddie Imagine
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Pairing: Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson Song Inspo: Andrew by Ben Platt Word Count: 2,574 Summary: Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson. Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington. Neither of them want to address it for various reasons. They're just two idiots in love. Warnings: angst, slowburn Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
After defeating Vecna and barely escaping the upside down, Steve knew his life was never going to be the same again. He no longer had the pleasure of being blissfully unaware of the darkness that surrounded Hawkins. He knew about the creatures that lurked in the shadows. Knew how powerful they were and the amount of damage they had caused to their little town, how many lives were lost in the mix of creatures that were never supposed to exist.
They were supposed to be fiction, stories told to kids to keep them in their homes at certain times, to scare them into staying safe and not wondering into the forest alone at night. Unfortunately, those things were very real, too real for Steve's liking.
Some days he wished to be one of those dense high school kids who only cared about their reputation and didn't know what was happening in the world around them. He wished to be like the old Steve, the one who only cared about hooking up, parties and Nancy Wheeler. He loved her in a way he never thought he could love; she awakened something in him that he didn't know existed. Then she was ripped out of his life without even the slightest warning, she left him, she didn't love him. She said it was all bullshit. They were bullshit.
He knew now that she was right about it all, they were bullshit. Neither of them were ready or mature enough for a relationship, they were too different, too young and too foolish. Nancy was better with Jonathan, they had bonded over their trauma and Steve was jealous at first, but after seeing that massive smile on her face, he knew that she had exactly who she needed. It stung, seeing them together, they were everywhere he went, and he hated it. So, he went to parties and got piss drunk to forget and occasionally he stopped by that disgusting trailer park to buy from Eddie Munson.
Eddie "The Freak" Munson was the best dealer in town, he always had a fixed supply unlike some of the other idiots who couldn't keep up with the demand. Steve didn't necessarily like Eddie that much, he was too loud, too dramatic, too all over the place and too different. He was what Steve never could be, unapologetically different.
He never apologized for being who he was, he never cared what anyone thought or said about him. In fact, he played into it, he wore the term 'Freak' like a badge of honor and used it to scare off any potential threats. It worked most of the time, while people found him annoying, they never did anything to psychically stop him.
That irritated Steve even more. Eddie got away with being himself. Steve wished he could just exist without the fear of getting judged or trampled on. So, he worked his way up the high school ranks and became King Steve, someone everybody wanted to be or be with. None of it was true though, he was never a king. He was never any of the things they made him out to be, well except a douche. He was definitely a douche.
So now, two years after graduating high school, he had finally accepted that life was never going to be easy for him. He would never get to be his true self in front of everyone, he would never get to show the real Steve to all of Hawkins. He'd probably get beaten up or killed for it to be fair.
"Hey dingus" Robin's voice broke through his train of thought, "stop staring into space, we've got customers to attend to."
He shot her a glare before turning to the customer at the register who was returning some of the tapes she rented. His face softened when he saw the girl staring at him nervously.
"Sorry about that," he stated, "will you be renting anything else today, or just returning?"
The girl shrugged, twirling a piece of her blonde hair around her finger, "I haven't decided yet, I still have to have a look. Any suggestions?"
"Uh... Fire With Fire seems to be a hit right now, it's in the romance section"
"Are you into romance?" She asked in what he assumed was supposed to be a flirty voice.
He shrugged, "not really. I just watch whatever, but I've heard it's a good movie." He turned to Robin and smirked, "Rob and I are actually going to watch it together tonight."
A deep red blush covered the girl's cheeks at the thought of flirting with a taken man, "I'm so sorry, I have no idea."
Steve waved her off, "it's okay, happens to the best of us."
Robin scowled at him as the customer scurried away after deciding that she definitely wasn't going to rent Fire With Fire now. She thanked them and nearly ran out of the store.
"Really Steve. Using me as your repellant. Usually, you manage to get rid of the girls just be being yourself." she teased before going to the back and adding another strike under the 'You Suck' column.
Steve sat on the counter and watched her return from the break room, he wanted to tell her the truth, but he has been struggling to get the words out for the last year. It was scary being open like this, having someone know everything about you was terrifying and he didn't want it to change anything between them. She was his best friend and he loved her. He didn't want this stupid shit to come between them, he didn't want to lose the one person who understood him the best.
Losing Nancy was hard but losing Robin would probably kill him, she was his biggest support and he truly appreciated and cherished their friendship. What started out as a stupid crush on his coworker quickly turned into the most meaningful friendship he has ever had. The possibility of losing that scared him more than the monsters they faced over the last three years.
"Steve. Seriously what's up?" Robin spoke up again, a concerned look on her face, "you've been spacing out all day and you keep getting this look on your face that looks like you want to do something stupid and it's freaking me out. Are you okay? Is it Vecna? Is he still alive? Is it me? Oh god. Did I do something to make you hate me and now you want to quit your job and move away and never see me again. You've probably already packed to leave and now you're trying to think of a way to break it to m–"
"Robin, breathe. God. I'm not going anywhere" he cut her off, "I've just got a lot on my mind, and it doesn't have anything to do with Vecna or the upside down or any of that crazy shit. I'm just trying to figure out a few things."
She nodded "sorry. I got a little carried away."
They shared a laugh before going silent again, a comfortable air settling between them as they got back to work. It was a relatively quiet day in Family Video, so they didn't really do much and soon their shift came to an end and Steve got ready to lock up while Robin waited in his car.
"Hey Harrington, fancy seeing you here" he heard a familiar voice pipe up behind him.
"I work here Eddie" he said flatly.
Eddie tsked, "I'm well aware of that Stevie, I was just being courteous."
"Stevie?" He questioned.
He and Munson became kind of friends after the whole Upside Down incident. Watching Eddie nearly bleed to death made him realize that he came to like Eddie in the short time they spent together. He learnt a lot about the guy while running away from Vecna and the enraged townspeople who believed that Eddie was a satanic murderer.
The stakes were high but somehow Eddie always managed to inject humor into every situation to make it feel a lot less intense. He had a way of making people comfortable around him, of making them feel at ease. It was surprising yet welcomed at the time and watching him so close to death made the entire gang realize how much Eddie Munson truly meant to them.
He was one of them now, a part of the club, a trusted member. So, it wasn't weird for him to be here, speaking to Steve.
"Well Stevie, I figured since we escaped death together and kicked Vecna's tentacle ass we're basically friends now. There's nothing wrong with giving your friend a nickname now is there, Steve? "
Eddie had that wide eyed look on his face, the one that made Steve squirm in place, his stare was always intense. Steve felt as if he was staring into his soul, trying to unravel every dark secret locked up inside of him. Yet the casual smile on his face said the opposite, it contradicted his beady eyes in the best way possible. The perfect balance of intense and soft, which was exactly how Steve would describe Eddie.
He cleared his throat, trying his best to ignore the slight warmth in his cheeks, "uh. Sure. Yeah. Stevie... I like it"
Eddie chuckled at his flustered state, "I actually came by to invite you and Robin to a movie night at my place. Tomorrow at 7, don't be late Harrington."
Steve watched him walk off without waiting for a response, and while he tried to mill over everything Eddie said, he only managed to get stuck on the fact that Eddie referred to him as 'Harrington' again. He wasn't sure why it upset him that much, it was his surname after all, but after being called Stevie, hearing his last name out of Eddie's lips no longer sounded right.
He wanted to be called Stevie. He wanted Eddie to call him Stevie every day, because the way he said it made his stomach do the slightest flip. The way he drawled it out in that raspy voice of his, made it sound so much better than it would sound if anyone else said it. He wanted to be Eddie's Stevie.
That thought stumped him, because he had never thought of another guy like that. He never felt that happy to hear a guy give him a nickname. But to be fair, Eddie Munson wasn't just another guy. He was different. Special.
Tuesday came rolling around and Steve was on edge the entire day, he had hung out with Eddie before, but this somehow felt different. So much so that he was nervous and jittery the entire day and Robin teased him about it at every chance she got.
"It's just a movie, Steve, why are you freaking out?" She questioned, "We hung out with Eddie before, and you always enjoyed it. You know better than anyone else, that he's not what the town makes him out to be."
"I know that, Rob. That's not the issue, it's just different this time and I don't know how to explain it. Like it's been a year since all that crazy shit happened and I'm still adjusting to having Eddie around more."
"Do you not want to hang out with him anymore?" she moved around the store sorting tapes while they spoke.
"No!" he said louder than he meant to. "No... I like hanging out with Eddie, he's fun. It just feels different. I don't know how to explain it."
"Well, you have all the time in the world to figure it out. Now that the world isn't ending anymore you can think about whatever it is you're feeling and deal with it when you're ready."
He nodded; she was right. There was no rush to figure his stupid thoughts out, all he had to do was get through tonight. He was nervous for some reason and kept wondering who would be there, would Eddie have invited Nancy and Jonathan as well?
He didn't know if he wanted an answer to that question right now. Being unaware was a blessing in certain situations.
Steve stepped into Eddie's new trailer and settled down beside Robin, a smile plastered on his face as he turned to Nancy and Jonathan who were squeezed together on a love seat. The government helped clear Eddie's name and gave him and his uncle a brand-new trailer in a more reserved side of town. It was bigger and it was fully furnished so it quickly became their hang out when they wanted to escape reality for a bit.
Steve raised a brow at Robin when Vickie made her way into the trailer after them.
"Did you know she was coming?"
Robin leaned closer and whispered her response, "yeah. I invited her. Hope you don't mind?"
Steve shrugged, "of course I don't mind. I'm glad you finally upped your game, Rob." He teased.
"Shut up. You can't even get a date." She bit back, motioning for him to scoot over so Vickie could squeeze in the seat beside her.
Eddie came back into the room with beers for everyone and a few rolled up joints, he passed the beers around and sat next to Steve.
"Hope you don't mind our medicinal addition, it helps mellow us out a bit" he said to Vickie, a charming smile on his face.
Steve felt a tinge of jealousy shoot up within him when Vickie giggled and told him she didn't mind at all. It was stupid of him to get jealous over something that simple, but he managed to convince himself that he was only pissed because Eddie shouldn't be putting moves on Robin's date.
Eddie noticed the look on Steve's face, his brows all scrunched and the slightest pout to his lips. He looked adorable, like an angry kitten, Eddie wanted to kiss that stupid little pout away.
He always had a slight crush on Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Who didn't? Steve was hot, with his perfect hair, those big brown eyes, that amazingly toned body and that gorgeous smile that he flashed Eddie with whenever Eddie teased him too much. Steve was perfect and Eddie struggled daily to keep his feelings in check. He didn't want their blossoming friendship to fall apart simply because he couldn't keep it in his pants. Plus falling for straight men was a big no in the Munson doctrine so he had to stick to his rules and keep whatever playful banter they had going on extremely platonic.
Although a little teasing never hurt and seeing Steve blush was always worth it, so he leaned forward and whispered, "Is that jealousy I'm detecting? Wipe that pout off your face. Vickie's got nothing on you, big boy."
Steve felt his face heat up and bit back the smile that threatened to pull at his lips. His stomach did an entire back flip at the tone of Eddie's voice. The hairs on his neck stood up as his breath hit his skin. His entire body went rigid as the words big boy slipped out of Eddie's mouth again. This was the first time Eddie had said it since the upside down and somehow it felt more intense now, it felt different.
Eddie Munson would be the death of him and based off the smug smirk on his face, he definitely knew what he was doing.
• ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ •
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depressopax · 3 months
La casa de papel NSFW alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
»» Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ««
Pairing: Nairobi - Berlin - Denver - Tokyo - Professor - Alicia x gn!reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content, gender neutral reader Words: 900 Summary: What is aftercare like with the LCDP characters? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3
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I’ve said it before, and will say it again. AFTERCARE QUEEN <3
Very sweet and caring.
She sometimes tends to get a bit carried away when she has sex with you, so aftercare is something she prioritizes. 
She’ll make sure you’re ok, praise you and make sure to tell you how well you did for her.
Her favorite aftercare is either cuddling or running a hot bath for you (and her)
She makes sure to clean you up and fix the bed
When fixing a bath - she makes sure to light some candles, dim the lights in the room and have the perfect temperature for your sore muscles. 
She likes massaging your shoulders whilst whispering praise to you
Afterwards, she’ll bring you to bed again, making sure you’re comfortable and feel loved.
She likes having you sleeping naked in her arms, while she strokes your back and strokes your hair.
Crying shaking throwing up I NEED NAIROBI IN MY LIFE 😭
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Berlin may have two moods when having sex: - Slow and loving - Fast and hard
However, his aftercare is always the same.
As we know, Berlin is like a totally different person when he’s in love.
You realize so by how sweet he is with you during intimate times.
Whether he’s submissive or dominant in bed (he can do both 😽), he wants you to feel loved afterwards.
But he does enjoy being a tease too lmao
He’ll tell you how good you were, how much he enjoyed it and how amazing you look etc
…But Berlin also likes teasing you for your reactions, how “needy” you were, or simply brag about how amazing he is 
Being an asshole aside…
After being reassured you’re ok, he helps you clean up
Gives you something to drink and offers you a bath or shower (he won’t let you do it alone tho)
Berlin worships you and your body, sexually or not. He just adores you.
But honestly? He is pretty lazy after sex.
He prefers to cuddle you whilst whispering praise to you
Sex makes him sleepy lmao
Besides, his favorite thing to do is have deep conversations with his lover, and have you resting on him naked.
He falls asleep pretty quick, and does so whilst spooning you.
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I’m sorry, Denver simps - but this man is NOT good at aftercare.
He’s clueless AF after sex. 
Of course he makes sure you’re ok and will kiss you, but more than that? No.
You’ll have to ask him for aftercare, and do so quickly before he falls asleep on you lmao 😭
But if you ask him, he’ll of course be more than happy to obey.
You’re a treasure to him, and he worships you and your body.
He’ll do his best, with praise, cuddles and offering to get you some water etc
But when it comes to aftercare FOR HIM?
He loves it.
Mans a switch, but I feel like he prefers being under you and receiving love and attention.
If you’re rough with him, he is needy afterwards and wants full attention.
Even though he’s not good at aftercare, he won't let you go to sleep without making you feel loved. 
He falls asleep first, but does so while whispering “I love you”
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Just like Denver, Tokyo tends to forget about aftercare lol
Unless she loves you deeply, she skips it.
…But she loves you, so she tries giving you good aftercare.
She brings you to the bathroom and helps you fix up a warm shower or bath, whichever you prefer.
She often ends up joining you, or takes the opportunity to fix a drink for the two of you. 
Cuddling with Tokyo is almost as passionate as sex is.
She makes sure you feel like a royal when she cuddles and she praises you.
Telling you how well you did, how hot you are… 
She either falls asleep fast, or stays up watching you sleep whilst slowly caressing you, thinking about how lucky she is to have you. 
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Homeboy is an overthinker 😭 (he’s so me)
“Was it good for you, too?”“Are you ok?”“I did make you cum, right?”“Did it hurt?”
You’ll need to reassure him everythings ok
He is very good at aftercare.
Sergio probably has read a lot about sex, to learn how to be the perfect lover lmao
And he is very attentive to your reactions etc
This way, he figures out what you like in bed, and what you enjoy for aftercare.
His personal favorite is massages.
He is very good at giving massages, and enjoys your reactions to them.
He makes sure to take the tension from your sore muscles and does so carefully - taking any discomfort or stress away.
He is not the guy to fall asleep afterwards, he wants to see you fall asleep first, so he can feel protective of you before he falls asleep as well. 
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Call me down bad, but…
Alicia is a DOMME.
Usually rough with you when having sex
She sometimes tend to not be affectionate afterwards, or be a bit too arrogant/teasing
She cares about you, but sometimes simply forgets to take care of you after she’s done fucking.
You’ll probably have to remind her to give you aftercare
But when you do, she’s affectionate.
She’s very rewarding, especially after you’ve been good for her in bed.
Alicia spoils you with kisses, praise and makes sure to clean you up.
Fixes you a bath, shower, massage…Whatever you need.
Let’s be honest - you’ll probably be sore AF after she’s done with you, so she needs to take her time with you and make sure you’re ok.
If she’s stressed of frustrated from work, she definitely forgets aftercare
But otherwise, she drops the domme act and is very sweet with you.
She adores you and wants to show her love and tenderness.
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onwriting-hrarby · 1 year
About the writing craft — Masterlist
Hello everyone! Since the followers on this tumblr have grown a little since I first started back in March, I've thought about doing a recap on the writing advice / craft posts I've done.
As you know, I am quite picky in calling in "writing advice", so these are much more meant to be like a "behind-the-scenes" "take-what-you-want" kind of posts.
[Disclaimer: the posts refer to a specific fanfiction, but they can be applied to anything—and I do apply them to original stories too)
PRE-PRODUCTION: Plotting, Inspiration, Ideas, Character design
About the fear before beginning to write a long story
Designing characters: The characters and the leitmotivs
On how I plot and divide the chapters
The foreshadowing series (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 )
On endings—The Last Sentence
On inspiration
POST-PRODUCTION: Editing, rewriting
In killing your darlings when something doesn't work—and how necessary it is
On editing (from a real-life editor): The macro, the micro, an introduction to everyone
On why Nanowrimo doesn't work for me and what I do about it
On why I don't believe in "Writing advice"—and you should just read
On the difference between fiction and reality—and how people nowadays just confuse the tw
A writing year—in which I wanted to become famous, but didn't
If this is of any need to you, don't hesitate to save it or reblog it! I'm still writing about writing, but I thought there was no harm in doing a master list if anyone can find it interesting.
Also, do not hesitate to hit the ask box!
(pd: taggin @writeblrsupport in case they want to reblog for other writers!)
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o-writers-woes · 1 year
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novlr · 1 year
I need a word for horny but not in a sexual way more just like wanting kisses and hugs and affection or something
This is a great question! The best way to write about desire in a way that makes readers feel invested is to write around it.
Instead of using just a single word, use language that hints at something simmering below the surface. That way, you build tension for your readers, making them invested in the outcome of your characters' relationships. Here are some tips for how to write romantic desire in various ways (including some handy synonyms at the end as well).
Unconscious movements
Covert glances
Licking and biting lips
Mirroring the other's movements
Parting or crossing of legs
Touching one's own skin
Swallowing more than usual
Blinking rapidly
Short breaths
Playing with one's hair
Leaning closer than usual
Internal feelings
A fluttering heartbeat
Comfort in the other's presence
Knots in your stomach
The sensation of other sounds being muffled
Nervous tingling
Short of breath
Sudden weakness
Thumping pulse
Emotional overwhelm
Surrounding oneself with reminders of the object of desire (like things that smell of them, or an object they hold dear)
Creating reasons to spend more time with the other person
Loss of inhibition
Impatience and irritability
Setting active goals to attain the object of desire
Conscious and subconscious fixation
Changing oneself to better suit the other's wants
Feigning other interests to promote jealousy
Showing resolved desire
Finally feeling personally fulfilled
A sense of calm and peace
A shift in focus from pursuit to personal happiness
Feelings of contentment
A change of life priorities
Feeling like an obstacle has been overcome
A more relaxed manner or expression
Personal and romantic growth
Showing unrequited desire
Pining for lost love
Frustration and anger
Bottling one's feelings
Living in denial
Feeling rejected
Falling into a personally damaging pattern of pining for the wrong people
Strained friendships
A sense of disconnection and isolation
Some handy synonyms
Amorous (thank you, @quotidias, for the contribution!)
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Show Don't Tell: Anger
Greetings, lovely people! It's great to be back with another post in my 'Show Don't Tell' series! I hope you've all been doing well. Without further ado, let's dive right into today's topic: anger.
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Anger is a powerful and complex emotion that can manifest in many ways. It can range from a mild irritation to a full-blown rage, and can be triggered by a variety of factors, including frustration, injustice, or hurt. While it's natural to want to avoid anger in our personal lives, it can actually be a useful tool when it comes to creative writing.
When it comes to writing, anger can add depth and complexity to characters and their interactions. By showing a character's anger, we can reveal their motivations, values, and flaws, and create a more dynamic and realistic portrayal of human emotion. Additionally, anger can create tension and conflict in a story, driving the plot forward and keeping readers engaged.
But hey, I'm not here to talk about the nitty-gritty of anger. I'm here to help you learn how to effectively show your character's anger in your writing! So let's dive right in, starting with the powerful tool of body language.
Clenched fists
Tightly crossed arms
Stiff or rigid posture
Facial expressions like frowning, scowling, or furrowing their brows
Pacing or restlessness
Grinding teeth or jaw clenching
Aggressive gestures like pointing or shaking a finger
Staring or glaring
Raised voice or shouting
Heavy breathing or sighing
Pounding a fist on a surface
Tightened or bulging neck muscles
Sweating or flushed skin
Looking away or avoiding eye contact
Physical violence, such as hitting or throwing objects
Tensing or flexing muscles
Clenching or unclenching fists repeatedly
Baring teeth or showing a snarl
Raising eyebrows or narrowing eyes
Rolling eyes or making sarcastic facial expressions
Biting or chewing on their lips
Tapping their foot or fingers impatiently
Leaning in aggressively or invading personal space
Hunching over or making themselves appear smaller
Using a monotone or clipped tone of voice
Holding their breath or exhaling loudly
Clapping hands sarcastically or making dismissive hand gestures
Making fists and shaking them at someone
Puffing up their chest or standing tall to appear more imposing
Stomping their feet or making loud footsteps.
Scrunching their nose or flaring nostrils
Puckering or twisting their mouth
Tugging or pulling at their hair or clothing
Crossing or uncrossing their legs or ankles abruptly
Bending or clenching their toes or curling their toes tightly
Bouncing or tapping their knee rapidly
Grinding or rubbing their hands together
Picking at their nails or skin
Covering their face or eyes with their hands
Throwing their head back in frustration or exasperation.
Raising or lowering their voice
Slamming things down too hard that they are carrying.
Pursing their lips and nodding.
Running their tongue on the inside of their cheek.
Stalking instead of walking
Scratching their head or neck vigorously
Pulling or tugging at their ears
Biting their tongue or inside of their cheek
Flinching or tensing up when someone approaches them
Nodding their head sharply or repeatedly
Squeezing or gripping an object tightly, such as a pen or a phone
Slamming doors or drawers
Puffing out their cheeks or blowing air out forcefully
Fidgeting or shifting their weight from foot to foot
Raising one or both eyebrows in surprise or anger.
Shrugging off someone's touch or pushing them away
Curling their lips or sneering
Tilting their head back and closing their eyes
Scrunching up their face in disgust or disapproval
Stomping their foot or kicking an object
Folding their arms tightly across their chest
Clutching their stomach or chest
Rubbing their hands together quickly
Stiffening their body or freezing in place
Turning their back on someone or walking away abruptly.
Making a fist and pressing it into their other hand
Running a hand through their hair in frustration
Holding their hand to their forehead or temple
Biting their lower lip or the inside of their cheek
Tensing their jaw and grinding their teeth
Clenching their fists behind their back or in their pockets
Tugging at their collar or tie
Staring daggers or giving someone a withering look
Curling their toes or flexing their feet
Drumming their fingers or tapping their nails on a surface.
Covering their mouth with their hand and closing their eyes.
Scratching or rubbing the back of their neck
Rubbing their eyes or face vigorously
Putting their hands on their hips and leaning forward
Standing up abruptly or pacing back and forth
Pushing a chair or other object out of the way
Clapping their hands sharply or slamming them on a surface
Breathing heavily or audibly
Hunching their shoulders or shrugging in frustration
There are so many ways to bring your character's anger to life in your writing, and your readers will feel it in their bones! Body language is just one tool in your arsenal, but there are plenty of others to explore. Next up, let's talk about sensory details. While there may be some overlap with body language, there are also unique ways to use sensory details to convey anger.
Sensory details are all about bringing your reader into your character's experience by describing what they feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. But it's not just about surface-level sensations; it's about capturing what your character feels on the inside too. Think about the way anger might make your character's heart race or their vision narrow, or the way it might leave a sour taste in their mouth or make them hyper-aware of certain smells.
Clenched teeth or jaw
Rapid heartbeat or pounding in the chest
Flushed or reddened face
Sweating or clammy skin
Heavy breathing or panting
Muscles tensing or knotting up
Twitching or trembling limbs
Ringing in the ears or muffled sounds
Vision tunneling or blurring
Sensitivity to light or sound
Tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes
Pounding or throbbing headache
Dry mouth or tightness in the throat
Stomach churning or nausea
Tingling or itching sensation on the skin
Increased sensitivity to smells or tastes
Loss of appetite or overeating
Difficulty concentrating or focusing
Racing thoughts or an inability to think straight
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
Tense or stiff neck and shoulders
Clammy or shaking hands
Uncontrollable shaking or shivering
Rapid speech or stuttering
Breathy or strained voice
High-pitched or shrill tone
Swelling or throbbing veins
Rapid blinking or eye twitching
Heavy or labored sighs
Chills or goosebumps
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Flushed or blotchy skin
Pacing or restless movements
Increased energy or restlessness
Headache or pressure in the temples
Chest tightness or discomfort
Dry or sweaty palms
Fidgeting or tapping feet or fingers
Frowning or scowling
Clenching or grinding teeth.
Action is the next layer in showing your character's anger. It's all about capturing the choices they make and the way they interact with their surroundings and other characters while feeling that intense emotion. Maybe they lash out and say things they regret later, or they bottle up their anger and internalize it until it explodes. Maybe they turn to self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse or reckless driving, or they channel their anger into a creative outlet like writing or painting. Whatever actions your character takes, they can reveal a lot about their personality, values, and motivations, and help your readers connect with them on a deeper level.
Yelling or screaming
Throwing objects or slamming doors
Punching or hitting walls
Physically attacking someone
Storming out of a room or location
Refusing to engage in conversation
Passive-aggressive behavior
Giving the silent treatment
Ignoring or avoiding the source of their anger
Interrupting others or talking over them
Criticizing or belittling others
Blaming others for their problems
Making sarcastic or cutting remarks
Engaging in risky behavior or taking unnecessary risks
Excessive drinking or drug use
Engaging in self-harm or other destructive behaviors
Seeking revenge or planning retaliation
Seeking control or power over others
Using manipulation or coercion to get what they want
Betraying or sabotaging others
Withholding affection or love
Mocking or imitating others
Giving ultimatums
Exaggerating or lying about their feelings or experiences
Making threats
Refusing to compromise
Refusing to listen or hear other perspectives.
Getting physically tense or rigid
Clenching their fists or teeth
Biting their nails or lips
Fidgeting or tapping their foot
Pacing back and forth
Making abrupt or sudden movements
Staring or glaring at someone
Crossing their arms or legs defensively
Scratching or rubbing their skin
Crying or showing signs of distress
Withdrawal or isolation from others
Demanding attention or validation from others
Disrupting the peace or harmony in a space or environment
Refusing to follow rules or guidelines
Engaging in arguments or fights with others
Becoming overly competitive or aggressive in their pursuits
Ignoring advice or guidance from others
Showing a lack of empathy or compassion towards others
Being overly critical or nitpicky
Refusing to apologize or take responsibility for their actions.
Exhibiting physical symptoms like sweating or shaking
Making demands or issuing commands to others
Engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior
Becoming overly defensive or argumentative
Engaging in self-destructive behavior or self-sabotage
Refusing to acknowledge or address the source of their anger
Blaming themselves for problems that are not their fault
Seeking out conflict or confrontation with others
Using passive-aggressive behavior to communicate their anger
Engaging in obsessive or compulsive behaviors
Struggling to focus or concentrate due to their anger
Engaging in self-soothing behaviors like rocking or pacing
Using humor to mask or downplay their anger
Becoming distant or disengaged from others.
Now, let's talk about setting. It's not just where your characters are, but how they react to it. This means the environment can be used to show off their anger or even help readers understand why they are feeling angry.
Secluding themselves in a quiet, isolated part of the environment
Moving quickly and aggressively through the environment
Becoming agitated or restless in a peaceful or serene environment
Ignoring or avoiding other characters in the environment
Intentionally damaging the environment or objects within it
Distancing themselves from others or backing away from objects in the environment
Taking actions that disrupt the peace or harmony of the environment, such as slamming doors or turning over tables
Focusing on negative aspects of the environment, such as dirt or clutter, and feeling anger towards those elements
Becoming fixated on a particular aspect of the environment and feeling anger towards anyone who interferes with it.
Avoiding eye contact with others in the environment
Making sarcastic or biting comments about the environment
Displaying impatience or frustration with slow-moving objects or people in the environment
Purposefully choosing a more hostile or uncomfortable location to match their angry emotional state
Remember how a bright, sunny day with chirping birds and fresh flowers can instantly put you in a happy mood? Well, the same goes for the location in your story. Even without a character present, scenery can influence the way readers perceive the mood. So, when it comes to anger, the location can be used to set the tone just as much as the character's actions and emotions.
Weather: Dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain can create an ominous and angry atmosphere.
Time of Day: Nighttime or sunset can create a moody and angry atmosphere.
Location: A rundown or dangerous part of town can create a sense of anger or unease.
Objects: Broken or destroyed objects can indicate a character's anger and frustration.
Colors: Dark or vibrant colors like red or black can be used to create a sense of anger.
Noises: Loud, jarring noises like alarms or sirens can create a sense of anger and urgency.
Crowds: A crowded or noisy environment can be used to create feelings of anger or irritation.
Architecture: Cold or sterile environments like hospitals or government buildings can create a sense of anger and frustration.
Nature: A barren or lifeless landscape can create a sense of anger or despair.
Animals: Aggressive or hostile animals can be used to create a sense of danger and anger.
Now, let's talk about dialogue. There's nothing quite like a character yelling and cussing up a storm to show their anger, right? It's one of the most powerful ways to convey intense emotions through words. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the ways in which dialogue can be used to show anger in your writing!
Cursing and using expletives
Speaking loudly and aggressively
Interrupting others and speaking over them
Using sarcastic or mocking tones
Making threats or using violent language
Using short, sharp sentences or phrases
Speaking through gritted teeth or a clenched jaw
Insulting or belittling others
Using repetitive or redundant language
Refusing to engage in conversation or responding with silence.
Using rhetorical questions that are meant to convey frustration
Interrupting themselves mid-sentence with a burst of anger
Repeating a particular phrase or word to emphasize their anger
Using a dismissive tone to indicate irritation or impatience
Speaking with a tone that is icy or cold
Using a monotone voice to convey anger and frustration
Resorting to name-calling or insults
Being defensive or argumentative in their responses
Speaking rapidly and stumbling over their words in their anger
Using a confrontational or challenging tone to express anger.
And what comes after all of that? Well, my dear friend, when you've exhausted their words, body language, senses, and actions, what's left? That's when you dive into their mind and explore their point of view. You can write about their thoughts and inner dialogue to really capture the depth of their anger.
Negative thoughts about others or the situation
Self-criticism and frustration
Dwelling on past events that caused the anger
Increased cynicism and pessimism
A desire for revenge or justice
Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
Racing or intrusive thoughts
A feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control
A sense of injustice or unfair treatment
Blaming others or external circumstances for their anger
Now we come to the last item on our list - metaphors and analogies. They are frequently used in writing to create colorful and vivid descriptions, and can also effectively convey a character's anger. However, it's important to be careful with their use, as readers can become annoyed if they are overused.
"Her anger burned like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path."
"He felt like a coiled snake, ready to strike at any moment."
"Her anger was a thunderstorm, building and brewing until it finally erupted."
"His anger was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any second."
"She felt like a volcano, with her anger bubbling just below the surface."
"His anger was a raging river, with powerful currents and dangerous undertows."
"She felt like a caged animal, trapped and helpless in her anger."
"His anger was a sharp sword, cutting through everything in its way."
"She felt like a stormy sea, with her anger churning like the waves."
"His anger was a blazing inferno, burning everything in its wake."
"His anger boiled like lava in a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment."
"Her words sliced through me like a knife, leaving me raw and bleeding with anger."
"He was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode with fury."
"Her temper was a wildfire, spreading quickly and uncontrollably."
"His rage was a storm, brewing and building until it unleashed with a violent outburst."
"She was a snake, coiled and ready to strike with venomous anger."
"His fury was a thunderous roar, shaking the very foundations of the earth."
"Her temper was a beast, wild and untamed, impossible to control."
"His anger was a whirlpool, pulling me down into its dark depths."
"She was a volcano, her anger a fiery eruption that left nothing but destruction in its wake."
Well, that's all for today's post. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye, but don't worry, I'll be back soon with more juicy writing tips! Before I go, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post. Did you find it helpful? Did you learn something new? And more importantly, what other emotions do you want me to tackle next? Let me know in the comments below!
You can find plenty of these posts on my Tumblr, so be sure to check them out! or you can find a more organized version here!
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elizaellwrites · 1 year
The logical side of me: There needs to be a rational explanation for everything that happens, whether it's realistic or not.
Chaotic side: Magic does magic things because magic.
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rhyaxxyn · 2 months
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"𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈; 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏. 𝑵𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒍 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕; 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅. 𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅."
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐢
GENRE: New Adult (16-25) / Contemporary Fantasy SUB-GENRE: Romance / SciFi / Dystopian / Action POV: Third Person (Multi) / Past Tense THEMES/TROPES: War, Found Family, Heroism, Sacrifice, Power, Corruption, Enemies to Lovers, Bigotry, Forgotten Past, Faith, Dark VS. Light STATUS: Seeking Publication
In the wake of a god being mysteriously killed, the Nameless War has waged between the gods and humanity for fifty-eight years, killing that which is mortal and immortal, and creating constant battles for territory between the divine Creator military and the human Revolutionists. As hope for future peace between the species wanes, the fate of the war lands in unlikely hands. Pandora, a goddess, the lost creator, nameless and chained to the Earth because of duty, yet still running from her true power. Quinn, a god, the skijic and Creator High General, desperate for the memories of a life lost and the familiarity of a purple-eyed goddess. Natia, a girl, heiress to one of the Republic of Valentulus’s most powerful cities, and slave to the Revolutionist Snake General. Loyalties whither, fear awakens, and stories collide as the Nameless War reaches its tipping point. It is up to Pandora, Quinn, and Natia, each of them sworn against one another, to challenge the boundaries of their duties—and their pasts. The only thing that might change their opposing fates is the truth, but letting the past fly free could very well set the darkness loose. The fight between deities and humanity is made equal, and the fate of the universe unsure.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬
PANDORA: Goddess of Nothing, Governor of Domum Deorum, Creator of the Universe. Extremely skilled in both alchemic and physical combat; well versed in a number of chordophone instruments (piano, kaleiscian zarisk, violin); selfless and self sacrificing; compassionate, analytical, cultured, stubborn, witty. QUINN: God of Stars, High General of the Creator Military. Omne’s personal “lap dog” before his capture; good with any blade, has "shit aim"; short with those he doesn’t know/care about; protective, sarcastic, composed, knowledgeable, caring, prideful. NATIA GENESIS: Heiress of Genesis Point. Little Sparrow. Remarkably intelligent in regards to literature, strategy, and divine biology due to intense schooling; the Republic of Valentulus' most renowned deitologist; near non-existent family ties outside of the media; intelligent, kind, self-destructive, abrasive.
OPHELIA SERPENTINE – General of the Revolutionist Military Government. Although not a master of strategy like Natia, she is manipulative; willing to do any and everything to maintain her power; manipulative, emotionally intelligent, controlling, dedicated, knowledgeable, passionate. OMNE - Goddess of the Universe (Mind), Queen of the Gods. Like Ophelia, she is extremely manipulative in order to achieve her means, though she keeps them hard to distinguish; analytical, facetious, secretive, manipulative, humorous, rude.
REPUBLIC OF VALENTULUS – Otherwise known as the R.O.V.; had once been the newly created nation in place of the United States in order to maintain control over the worsening relations between gods and humans. Unfortunately, much of it was destroyed after the beginning of the war, spare for the wealthiest districts and cities. DOMUM DEORUM - Heather’s city she built through the means of alchemy. Gods and humans live in unity here, under the leadership of Heather’s councils: Low Council (general citizens), High Council (divine and human district leaders), Master Alchemists (gods who have mastered the alchemic arts). For fifty-eight years Domum Deorum has existed in secret, though their efforts in the war remain influential.  GENESIS POINT - A city with close ties to the Revolutionist military government. Mainly profits from scientific innovations, particularly thanks to Natia's efforts as a deitologist, and diplomatic advisors. As such, they are a major producer of both technology and weaponry. The city has been led by the Genesis family since its creation, Lukyn Genesis the most recent, with Natia Genesis as the next in line to inherit one of the R.O.V.'s most powerful governments.
(order of protags in the images above: Natia Genesis, Quinn, Pandora.)
Note: this is definitely one of several times i've introduced this particular book, but i'm so, so, so happy to do so. infinite tangents is the first book of many in the natural orders series, and i'm so excited to share with you all how far this story has come since i came up with it in 2014 (which is insane to me). hopefully, this story will be published soon... if i can work up the courage to email literary agents.
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deepslumbrrr · 5 months
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(Graphic design is my passion, amirite?)
Alma Evergreen lives a quiet life as a carnifex: a death-worshiping, magic-weaving, fancy-speaking little witch. When Prince Benjamin is found dead under mysterious circumstances, Alma is tasked with reaching the castle and solving the new mystery that’s befallen the great kingdom of Moonsong. Joining her is Violet, one of the prince’s faithful fixers, on a quest of her own to ensure Alma reaches the castle swiftly and safely—but can she be trusted? And for that matter, can Alma? THE SMALLEST SAPLING is a feel-good "witchy" fantasy story that is full of humor and heart, and it stands as a testament to the adage that sometimes, the journey can be just as fulfilling as the destination.
I'm so excited to share this with everyone, and I hope you all have as much fun reading this as I did writing it!
I can't wait to create more stories for all of you 💚
You can find the story in multiple formats here!
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