thespectralcottage · 4 months
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Witchcraft 101:
Cleansing vs Uncrossing vs Banishing
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Alright witches. Lets dive into some witchy basics and discuss the differences between cleansing, uncrossing and banishing. This will hopefully help you differentiate between them. But.. lets be honestly if you do something like call a spell an uncrossing when "technically" doing a banishing, who cares its all in good spirit. The reason i think its good to have a difference in mind between these falls into how you handle a spell. If I'm doing an uncrossing vs a banishing i would choose different spell ingredients, maybe work with different gods, or choose a different element to work with.
Cleansing: I consider cleansings as the foundation and most basic of these. Its almost an umbrella term the other two fall under. All banishings are cleansings, but not all cleansings are a banishing. Cleansings are when you're trying clear something away. Most often people will use this term in day to day workings and general upkeep to make sure nothing has stuck to them. This would include more casual things like smoke cleansing, showering and asking the water to cleanse you, sound cleansing, etc. Its not a full spellworking or ritual, but still done with energy and intention. Sometimes you may do a cleansing and realize whatever is there, is stuck deeper then you expected. So you take the next steps and do a more "intense" cleansing like an uncrossing or banishing.
Uncrossing Spells: Uncrossing specifically refers to removing unwanted energy. Usually when discussing what is an uncrossing, I sperate it from just a cleansing by describing it as a very intense cleansing where you're trying to strip away intense and specific energy. These are more work and a step up from an everyday cleansing for more intense scenarios. This is very spirit focused; think of it as taking out the bad and putting in the good. Some types of spells I would consider an uncrossing are: removing hexes/jinx/curses, removing the evil eye, spiritual detoxes, road openers, removing any stubborn energy, removing feelings, etc. I associate uncrossings with water: it's soaking in and getting that energy out. I would choose herbs/spell ingredients that are uplifting and purifying. Think salt, rosemary, rue, and lemons.
Banishing Spells: Banishing spells remove unwanted entities, spirits or people. You can use it to get rid of very deep rooted things like habits or insecurities. Banishings are quite a strong forms of spellwork. You're really kicking something out and away from you when you do a banishing. Its connected to more deep rooted things that you're trying to remove from your life. Some types of spells I could consider a banishing: cord cutting, exorcisms, banishing a spirit attached to you, getting rid of insecurities, freezers, etc. I associate banishings with fire. Burn and gtfo. I would choose herbs that have more of a kick to them and are defensive. Think nettle, blackberry leaves, cloves, even pepper in some cases.
Please note this doesn't have to be something strict. Like i said at the beginning this is just a guide that will help you differentiate so you can tackle the spellwork as effectively as possible.
✨Stay Spooky ✨
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aesethewitch · 3 months
What's your favorite "unusual" cleansing method? (i.e., not smoke, bells/chimes, water, sun/moon light, other commonly-recommended actions)
Mine is the "time out" method. I picked it up from playing D&D where it's a common practice to put D20s in dice jail for rolling badly or "misbehaving." I genuinely find it really effective. Sometimes, a thing just needs to be set aside to settle down and go back to neutral.
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honest-jellyfish · 1 year
“I can’t do glamour magick. I don’t have the tools!”
Shampoo- cleanses your hair of negative energy
Conditioner- restores/adds positive energy
Body wash- restores/adds positive energy
Scrubs- cleanses and removes negative energy
Face wash/cleanser- removes negative energy
Moisturizer- protection, restores positive energy
Sunscreen- protection
Lotion- depending on scent, it can help with plenty of things
Rose- love, confidence, self-love, beauty
Lavender- calmness, peace/self-peace, self-worth, comfort, soothing
Vanilla- self-love, confidence, attracting good energies
Coconut- protection, purification, chastity
Contacts/eye drops- insight, wisdom, to see what others can’t
Hairbrush- negativity remover
Mascara- to see what others don’t tell you
Lipgloss/lipstick/lip stain/chapstick- to speak smoothly and clearly, to have a way with words, to improve your voice
Toothpaste and toothbrush- cleansing, to help watch your words
Tongue scraper- to get rid of past regrets from past words, to stop gossiping
Concealer- to conceal what others should not know/what you do not want them to know
Foundation- protection
Setting spray- calmness, peace, good luck
Nail Polish- match them to your intentions!
Purple- intuitive needs, spiritual needs, imagination, creativity, third eye, wisdom, peace
Pink- love, harmony, kindness, self-love
Red- love, lust, seduction, confidence, courage, sex, motivation, ambition, passion, strength, action
Silver-moon energy, emotional needs, reflection
Green-healing, wealth, growth, money, luck, fertility
Brown- grounding, friendship, security, material needs,
Blue- clarity, creativity, faith, forgiveness, communication, calmness
Orange- joy, energy, success, optimism, excitement,
Yellow- happiness, clarity, creativity, manifestation, strength, positive thoughts, sun energy, good health
Black- protection, stability, banishing, releasing
White- purification, peace, purity, truth, hope, cleansing
Cuticle oil/hair oil- growth, improvement, new beginnings, letting go
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maceofpentacles · 8 months
you don’t have to smoke cleanse your decks whenever you want to cleanse them! you can do so many other things!!
you can use sound cleansing ((bells, shakers, etc))
you can throw it in a bowl of salt
you can sit some crystals on top of it for however long feels necessary to you
you can set it on your windowsill to charge/cleanse in the moonlight (OR SUNLIGHT!!)
you can sleep with it under your pillow or on your nightstand if you move around a lot
you can blow on it to rid it of that stagnant energy
you can reorganize the cards into their original order and just hold them and use your energy to cleanse it
there are so many options! you don’t have to use incense or anything like that, sometimes it’s too much to deal with smoke and that’s okay! you can do something else!!
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Capitalism really has people asking "where can I buy sage for cleansing?" instead of "what else can I use for cleansing that is easier to find?"
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theoi-crow · 9 months
I keep seeing posts about people "needing" to cleanse before approaching the Greek gods and while those posts mean well I just want to remind everyone that:
Hygiene is VERY hard to keep up with when you're very depressed or having a very hard mental health day but that's when you need your gods the most!
And I know it's because a lot of ancient priests insisted people needed to cleanse themselves before visiting the temples and communing with the gods (they even banned people on their periods, or those who were about to have a baby or those who just had a baby or were just dealing with a dead body, or had blood on them, etc.) but, as the keepers of the temples, that's because the priests themselves would have to clean up after temple visitors so it makes sense they'd want to ban the ones they thought could potentially make a mess and make extra work for them.
The Iliad shows us the gods were in the battlefield! They fought right next to soldiers being slaughtered and killed. They were next to bodies that have involuntarily released feces and urine! They've been around soldiers who hadn't properly bathed in months, possibly even years!
You're allowed to seek the gods when you're not clean.
You're allowed to seek the gods when you haven't gotten out of bed in weeks.
You're allowed to see the gods when you don't remember the last time you showered or brushed your teeth.
You're allowed to see the gods when you really need help.
You're allowed to see the gods when you need them.
Athena and Ares are in the battlefield surrounded by dying soldiers.
Artemis hunts
Aphrodite also has a war aspect.
Hermes picks up souls from literal dead bodies.
Apollo has an aspect that prepares dead bodies for funerary rights.
The gods are surrounded by the unclean all the time!
Please don't let the rules of disgruntled priests stop you from seeking help when you need it the most!
The gods won't be offended if you haven't bathed in weeks because of your terrible mental state! That's ableism! They just want to help you through it!
Please reach out to them regardless of your condition!
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thewoodbine · 1 year
Witchcraft is often far too concerned with sanitization.
"Cleanse your tools weekly!" "Never buy anything second-hand or bring a gift into your home without purifying its energy!" "Your tools won't work if they've sat too long!"
No wonder your craft has the vibrational tone of a department store. I'm looking for that kind of magic that has a ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹patina◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
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little-x-foxx · 1 year
Cleansing, Charging, Warding & Banishing
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How to Cleanse
Find the target of your cleansing
Pick and appropriate method of cleansing
Hold your intention while cleansing. Stay focused and grounded
Follow up by filling the cleansed space with positive energy to avoid negative energies from coming back in
When to Cleanse
When you get a new tool
When a tool/room feels stale or off
When your tools or space come into contact with negative energy
Whenever your intuition tells you its time
Common Methods
Use the Elements Cleanse a room with water, fire, earth, or air. Soak or sprinkle with water, pass through flame or smoke, sprinkle or bury in dirt
Smoke Cleansing Use the smoke of herbs and plants to cleanse a space, item, or person. Pick herbs that correspond to your needs, light a bundle, and lead the smoke
Salt Salt will soak up all negative energies
Sun & Moonlight Let your item cleanse in the sunlight or moonlight, or open your windows to cleanse a space
Crystals Use corresponding crystals to cleanse a space or item. Carry them around to cleanse your spirit
How to Charge
Pick your target. Anything you want to fill with energy
Choose a method of charging that is appropriate for your item
Hold your intention while charging. Stay focused on transferring energy to the target item
Listen to your intuition. You’ll know when an item has been charged
When to Charge
After you cleanse a tool/item
When an item/tool doesn’t feel as potent or feels weak
When energy becomes stagnant
When you want an item to hold a certain intention/purpose
Charging Methods
Sun & Moonlight Set an object in the sun or moonlight to let it soak up that energy
Crystals Crystals that have been charged and cleansed can be used to charge other items
Elements Use the power of the elements to charge items metaphorically or literally
Visualization Picture your energy and intention flowing into your item and filling it with power
Herbs Charge an item with corresponding herbs by passing them through herb smoke, anointing with herbal oils, etc
Sound Use singing bowls, bells, or corresponding music to fill an item or space with energy
Banishing & Warding
What’s the Difference?
Warding is… a gentler form of defensive magic. It’s used in a general sense. Warding is used to protect and guard from negative energies. It is used to redirect energy away from you or your space.
Banishing is… far more specific and direct. It’s used to get rid of a particular energy, spirit, or person. Banishing is a very strong form of defensive magic.
Warding Methods
Guardians Create a guardian to guard your home or space from negative energies. Use a small object, enchant it with your intention, and keep it in a safe, permanent place.
Crystals Corresponding crystals can be worn as jewelry to protect against negative energy. Placing crystals in a room or around your house will create a protective barrier.
Salt Sprinkle salt around your doors and windows or make protection jars.
Herbs Burn protective herbs and pass the smoke through your space or tools or sprinkle herbal oils and tinctures on yourself and your space for protective barriers.
Visualization Use your intention and energy to visualize a powerful barrier of protecting light around yourself or your space.
Banishing Methods
Use the Elements Burn a slip of paper with your target's name on it. Throw a leaf with your target’s name on it into a running river. Burn corresponding herbs and pass the smoke through your space.
Candles Anoint your candles with corresponding herbs and oils, then burn it. When the candle has burned out, the banishing is complete
Sigils Make your own banishing sigil or find one that resonates with you. Place it in the space or on the item you are banishing energy from.
Herbs & Tinctures Use herbal smoke to force energy out of a space or object. Make a spray or herbal tincture to sprinkle around your home.
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Rice In Witchcraft
Rice in witchcraft is known for it's properties of Prosperity, Wealth, Protection, and Fertility. You can add rice to your spell jars, placing it around your house, or to carrying it with you.
Other uses for Rice:
Burying stones and other items to cleanse and charge them
To represent the Air Element
Using rice in your food to bring your intentions to those who eat it.
Use as a base for money bowls to attract wealth in your life
Keeping rice near your door to ward off negative energy
Using rice as offerings to deities, especially ones associated with agriculture.
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grimoiregradient · 5 months
Washing your face? Cleansing.
Exfoliating? Banishment.
Moisturizing? Charging.
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ambermotta · 5 months
Cleansing Basics – Crash Course
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What is cleansing? When should I do it? How do I do it?
These are some of the questions I'll be tackling today. I hope this post will be useful to those who are not quite familiar with how to cleanse and why it's important for any witch or pagan practice!
Long post based on my experience and research. Meant to be informative. I don't claim to know the absolute truth.
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What is cleansing?
Cleansing is clearing away energy from someone, something or somewhere.
When should I cleanse?
Whenever you need to clear away energy.
Personal opinion: you should cleanse yourself and your house at least weekly.
It is generally recommended that you periodically cleanse magical items and cleanse before and after any type of magical/ spiritual work. Cleansing before contacting deities (even if it's just prayer) is also considered "standard protocol" in some cultures, like in Hellenic paganism and Shintoism.
From my personal experience I do feel I can connect better with spiritual beings when I cleanse beforehand, but I believe my emotional state has a bigger influence on the matter. Cleansing generally calms me down too so –
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Why should I cleanse?
The number one reason you'll see cleansing everywhere is because it is a way to help get rid of excess negative energy.
I'm not going to say you can clear away all of it because as living humans, we are constantly emanating energy and a lot of times it is "negative" energy. Which is okay, it's part of being alive. Plus, there are other factors that come into play.
However, cleansing often can help you stay in touch with spirituality and ease your mind since you'll be getting rid of excess (and oftentimes unwated) energy.
Cleansing also comes into play when you want to clear away any other kind of energy, for example, when you get a new magical tool (such as a tarot deck) or finish a magical working. You don't necessarily want the energy that was on that object or that spell sticking to you all day, you know?
How to prepare for cleansing?
First of all, gather your stuff. Gather everything you need and try to avoid interruptions.
I personally recommend you always do a physical cleaning up of whatever you are going to cleanse. Tidy up your house, take a shower, and clean your magical items (if possible).
Dirt and clutter feel bad, and it can distract the mind. Starting your cleansing in the physical plane can definitely make it more powerful in the astral too.
How do I cleanse?
Most cultures/religions/spiritual practices have their own way of doing things (ex: hellenic pagans have khernips), so first of all, do your research! And respect the fact that some things are out of your reach.
There are A LOT of techniques you can use to cleanse that are not particularly tied to a single culture and that can be done in many different ways. I'll quickly go through some of them, but it is by no means an extensive list.
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Cleansing with the 4 elements:
Earth: I've mainly seen this in two ways, which are sending energy to the earth (something like grounding) and burrying objects.
Fire: commonly used together with air in smoke cleansing. There's also energy work that pulls energy and sends it towards the fire for cleansing (either a candle, a bonfire, or a visualization flame)
Water: mostly used for cleansing yourself or objects. It can be through herb baths and showers, rain/sea/river water, salt water, or sacred waters. For cleansing spaces, there are things such as water spray bottles and floor washes (though I've only seen this one being used in hoodoo). Careful with objects, some may not be resistant to water.
Air: generally the most common for cleansing spaces or people. Usually achieved by lighting up incense or herbs with cleansing properties and using the smoke to cleanse.
Sidenote: burning a herbs ≠ from smudging. Smudging is a native american practice that is closed to their people. Don't smudge, don't call some herb-burning smudging. It's not the same thing. Stick with what's appropriate for your culture.
Sun and moon: using sunlight or moonlight to cleanse (and often charge) yourself or objects. Always make sure what you are cleansing can actually be left in the sun and handle weather.
Crystals: Some crystals have cleansing properties, usually back ones (onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline), smoky quartz, and selenite, to name a few. Keep in mind that they usually need to be cleansed periodically, too.
Sound: Praying, chanting, singing, music, and using bells or drums are some ways you can use sound to cleanse.
Visualization: There are many techniques used for cleansing this way. While it can be effective, it is definitely not for everyone as a lot of people will find that using tools is easier and more consistent. Visualization requires some practice and a lot of focus.
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What to do after cleansing?
That depends on your objective.
If you are cleansing a space, such as your home, and you want to keep it "clean" for longer, you can cast a protection spell.
If you are cleansing yourself or an object, you may want to do a Charging of some sort. When you cleanse, you are getting something out, which opens up space for the new, so you can use this as an opportunity to "fill in" with another type of energy.
Cleansing is very versatile and unique to each practice. There are a lot of things you can do that are fairly neutral, but in general, cleansing always has the same purpose and is done in a similar fashion.
Knowing what your tradition (if you have one) usually does to cleanse objects, people, and places can be very enriching, so do your research!
Thank you for reading!
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Open your windows. I'm serious.
"Airing out" is a practice common in many cultures, because it does make a difference. Here in Germany, we air out our houses even in the middle of winter. Albeit for only short periods of time when it's cold outside. Not only is fresh natural air good for you, but also it's proven to prevent mold.
My grandparents would open at least one window for a while every morning, throughout the whole year. When the weather is nice, the Chinese would hang their beddings on clotheslines outside, for fresh air and sunlight are cleansing.
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rosemaryprosser · 7 months
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In waters wild (France, 2023)
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Witchcraft Exercise - Spring Cleaning
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There’s a marked tradition of cleaning and airing out the house in the springtime when the weather warms. As you’re dusting and tidying and getting rid of winter stagnation, take some time to do the same with your craft.
Clean and organize your workspace. If you have an altar space or a shelf where you keep bottles and jars and the like, remove everything from the surface and give it a good dusting. Take the opportunity to rearrange things or swap out pieces if it suits you. If you have ritual tools that don’t often get cleaned, check them for signs or rust or wear and give them a bit of love. Repair things that need fixing, if you can. If you have an iron cauldron that you use for fire magic, get a wire brush or some steel wool and gently remove any burnt residue left inside.
Sort through your supplies. If you have lots of candles and crystals and small items laying about, consider getting some small totes or craft organizers to keep things tidy. Divided storage boxes for beads or scrapbooking supplies are great for small items, and shoebox-sized caddies are perfect for taper, chime, and votive candles. Organizing things will make your space easier to navigate and also gives you a proper idea of what you have on hand. Which might help you resist impulse purchases the next time you’re out shopping for witchcraft supplies. While you’re tidying, be sure to discard any rubbish, candle stubs, wax blobs, herb scraps, bits of string, incense bases, and so forth that might be cluttering up the place. 
Discard things that are too old or worn to be useful. Dried plants and seasonings can usually be kept for 1-3 years if they remain in sealed containers. If they have no scent anymore or smell musty or mildewy, discard them and sanitize the container. If you’re using supermarket spices, you can use the expiration date on the container as a guide. Powdered material will likely last longer than whole herbs or cut-and-sifted material. One helpful tip is to put a purchase date on packets or bags of herbs when you buy them, or to put a little date sticker on your jars of herbs when you refill them. (Anyone who’s worked in food service will probably be familiar with the concept of container dating or day-dotting.)
If you make oils or tinctures or suchlike in your practice, check on these as well. Make sure nothing has gone off or lost its’ potency. Day-dotting your potion containers will help with this as well. A simple sticker with the name of the brew and the date it was bottled will help you keep track of your supplies and know when something needs to be tossed and replaced. (You can also print labels with the ingredients and purpose of the brew if you’re feeling super organized.)
Reorganize your books and resources. Review what's there and see if there are any materials that need to be weeded out, donated, or discarded. Remember that as you grow and progress, some things will become obsolete or may show themselves to be unhelpful or inaccurate. It's okay to remove things from your resource library that no longer serve you if you want to make some space on the shelves.
You can also cleanse your workspace and/or components while you’re tidying if you wish. It doesn’t have to be a full clean-slate-everything-must-go cleansing, but it can be helpful to just clear out stagnation or bring in some freshness and vitality.
Happy Witching! 🧼
Want more witchcraft exercises? Check out the masterpost here and visit my shop for spell kits, books, magical powders, and more!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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artofkhaos404 · 5 months
If you're an aspiring author working to get published, slaving away on a novel in progress with perfection as your goal... I would highly advise you, every once in a while... to write.
Not on your novel, not in your notes and concepts document, not on anything even remotely professional and not in a journal. Simply tell a story, stress free, with no expectations. Could be fanfiction from your favorite series, a random short story idea you had three months ago, or a writing prompt you found online. Allow yourself to have some fun again. Remind yourself why you love what you do. It will make you all the more determined and inspired to one day complete your ultimate work.
Fanfiction was how I originally fell in love with writing (that and my adventures in my paracosms). I started putting my story ideas on paper when I was eight. Four years ago I stopped writing fanfiction altogether, deeming it a waste of time when I could be putting my talents elsewhere. But a couple days ago I randomly decided to sit down with a computer and a few ideas, no outline or notes whatsoever, and just have a good time. Incredibly cleansing.
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
Pssst hey kid. Wanna cleanse your home for free with no effort?
Open a window.
That's it. That's all you have to do. Open a window and let Nature cleanse the space. Free and easy down the road we go.
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