twistedtavern · 1 year
What if we tossed a very soft and motherly MC into Ramshackle with all the swap boys??
Swap AU time! Everybody gets in on this!!
Swap!Grim: Can you be hench-human if he is also human...? Has a whole rivalry arc with you where everyone just thinks you're the housewarden of Ramshackle and he tries getting the title from you, but eventually grows more and more tsundere until he just lets you run things and love on him. Also you're head cook of Ramshackle, no ifs ands or buts.
Swap!Yuu: Thanks whatever god exists in Wonderland for your presence. Such a tired kitty cat, needs all the help and love they can get. Flops on your lap from time to time and asks for pats
Swap!Riddle: At first tries to be his usual self, but the instant you show him genuine affection, he's a GONER. Cries a little when you hold him and pat his head or help him with his strict influencer schedule and probably lets you get away with quite a lot.
Swap!Cater: Oh lord, he needs that love and support. He's pretty much been Cinderella all his life, please give him some assistance with whatever someone else has been asking him to do for them. He said no pickles
Swap!Trey: You're his role model, and goodness he's gonna need you helping him. He tries to get you to teach him so much stuff about how to properly care for others, and he follows you around like a lost little puppy dog. Really wants to help you with things, too. Something too high or too heavy? Big excitable himbo is here to help! Don't worry, he'll keep his teasing to a minimum.
Swap!Deuce: Tries to butter you up for treats and affection and you know it. A mama's boy through and through. You're very patient and loving, but you have nerves, and he IS on them. Frequently. Pouts to you all the time when something doesn't go right.
Swap!Ace: This absolute H*rry P*tter npc ass boy can go suck a DI beat himself over the head with his textbooks. Just because you're all soft and sweet doesn't mean he's nice to you.
Swap!Leona: Single father of entire dorm desperately needs a co-parent, he will actively pay you. Agree to help him take care of his pack and you'll immediately be compensated with the wholehearted respect and adoration of about 400+ huge animal jocks. Completely respects your hustle as the parent/therapist of all of NRC and will actually defend you if he hears someone talking shit.
Swap!Ruggie: Tries to swindle food and love off you, but if he ever sees that you're getting attached, he might start showing his appreciation a little. Maybe will do you a couple favors, as long as he can shrug it off as being solely in his own interests.
Swap!Jack: Is not a good puppy. Try to wake him up early so he can go to school on time and he'll hate you. Regular mean teenager, needs a scolding. Or a chancla to the tail if you can run fast.
Swap!Azul: Get in the (unisex) maid outfit NOW. You are being employed, do not resist. Your vibes are impeccable, and must be utilized to boost morale for maximum benefits. Also likes to squeeze you because he thinks you're soft and warm, hope you like being the boss's favorite! And also the rapidly changing environment (and moods)! Buff octopus, collecting sweetie pies for snuggles like pokemon, and that includes you.
Swap!Floyd: Ah yes, his favorite teasing subject. He chooses to be a menace in the most affectionate way possible. Will do random (unasked) favors for you and expect lots of love in return. He's like a loan shark, but for hugs and pats.
Swap!Jade: Please let him lay on your lap and be petted while he rambles about his mushrooms. He will cry if you do AND if you don't, one is just better crying than the other. If you give him anything related to mushrooms or tell him something you found out about them on your own, he will love you forever and ever. Will try to get you good deals on whatever Azul has decided to put the Mostro brand toward at the moment, but will get very shy when asked about it.
Swap!Kalim: Is suspicious of you at first, who ISN'T he suspicious of, but he warms up to you faster than most, and eventually you'll be on his "protect at all costs" list. He adores you, really. Being in your presence gives him a rare feeling of safety and peace, and he can't possibly thank you enough for that. Kalim finds boundless comfort in you. Anything you need, you come to him.
Swap!Jamil: Though at first a little wary, after saving (or cowering with) him from the terror that is a stray kitchen spider, he puts his trust in you. You two do chores and gossip together all the time, and Jamil finds that being around you makes his cheer less of a front to cope and instead much more genuine. His smiles are a lot softer and laughter comes so much easier, he just finds that life can actually be pleasant for once.
Swap!Vil: Snatched. Completely and utterly snatched. Some people call kidnapping "surprise adoption", but this is entirely reversed. He will hold you hostage and force you to sign up for adopting him. He will do everything short of overtly harassing you for affection. You WILL get Rook'd. If you're the type of person to say "I can fix him", it's already too late. He has you in his clutches.
Swap!Rook: You are the sole semblance of comfort in this poor jungle boy's world. He looks at you like a dog in an ASPCA ad. Rook will come up to you like a baby deer whose lost its family. If you express interest in helping him get back to his natural habitat Savanaclaw, he will forever hear angel choirs when you enter his field of vision. You're the only one he willingly lets give affection to him. He loves you so much
Swap!Epel: Ah yes, tsundere time. He'll try to bully you, keyword try, and fail miserably. He showed up on your doorstep with some expensive apple-scented beauty products as """a much needed way to improve yourself so nothing further can be said""" aka an apology. He tries his best to befriend (which he denies) and "improve" you. I sincerely hope you have a lot of tolerance for this.
Swap!Idia: More reverse adoption, here we go. He sees you, gets a read on your personality, and just plops you down in front of Ortho. If you do manage to befriend the baby, you will 100% befriend the robot soon after. He tries to accommodate you, and learn from how you treat others and Ortho. If there's ever something you want to know more about, he's your bot!
Swap!Ortho: Oh this baby needs a loving parent. This poor little boy will cling to you with all he has. You're the only one other than Idia he lets into his room, because you're also the only one who doesn't really spook him. It's like having a nervous cat, but with a 16 year old gamer.
Swap!Malleus: INTO THE CUDDLE HOARD WITH YOU, CHILD OF MAN. REJOICE. Instantaneous adoption the MINUTE you show him some gentleness, you are now a member of Diasomnia. Despite how loud and self-aggrandizing he is, he is very, very gentle with you. Treats you like glass all the time and wants you to rely on him (not like he doesn't do that already with the guard squad). Did he adopt you, or did he want you to adopt him? Either way, he takes a lot of comfort in the moments where you just lay him down and shower him in affection, it makes the world around him feel less fragile and claustrophobic. He likes to curl up next to you and make himself feel small.
Swap!Lilia: OUGH. Your shared vibes, UNMATCHED. UNPARALLELED. WITHOUT EQUAL. Casts a 500m calming effect on any living entity in range. Holy shit. The softness. The love. The cozy home feel. Just you two being in the same room starts repairing the tears in reality and fixes tragic backstories, not to mention when you start a chill conversation or share stories together.
Swap!Silver: By nature, he's just a goofy prankster, but he treats you nicely like his father. His various tricks tend to be funny for the both of you or even downright helpful, and he likes to show off his tricks for you. The most harm he'll ever do is give you a good spook by showing up out of nowhere. He might pester you more than Lilia though, because he can count on you being awake! Certified little scamp.
Swap!Sebek: Your vibes have been approved, have a nice day. He's chill and you vibe together, maybe wander around campus a bit, all in all no notes.
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imissa3en · 1 year
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Pomefiore is done and I may have spent too much time thinking about the tops, I thought it would be more fun if they had different shirts.
I have to be honest, I don't actually know what dancers wear
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7
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artsyco3xist · 2 years
Hair-swapped TWST Part 13
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Rook is my beautiful bride look at him this is how he's gonna look when he walks down the isle while I brush away my tears stanced up in the sharpest all black suit and he strides towards me in a backless trumpet wedding gown. Then he's gonna sweep me off my feet and go straight to our honeymoon we're not even sticking around for the rest of the damn thing we just wanna go travel the world together as wife and wife hand in hand terrorizing the locals.
And then there's Rookified Vil.
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skyenish · 1 year
I love the personality swap au you made! If you’re open to sharing I’d like to hear what it’s like in Pomefiore. No pressure though.
Thanks for asking! I apologize for taking so long, but here’s my answer.
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I know it looks kind of rough but I barely time to draw. Maybe I’ll come back later and clean it up/color it in when I don’t have like 12 tests waiting for me the coming week.
I have to admit that Pomefiore is a bit of an enigma for me, since I’m pretty sure we don’t know much from Rook’s backstory besides ‘has siblings’ and ‘is rich’. Honestly, Rook in general is an enigma to me. So while I haven’t figured out all the finer details, I do have the outlines of what Pomefiore’s personalities will be.
(In this AU the Housewardens and Vice Housewardens switched personalities)
Vil is an eccentric, sociable fellow. He’s very honest and blunt, and very expressive with his emotions, but his dormmates know he generally means well. He’s very flamboyant and extra, the definition of a theatre kid, and sometimes calls people ‘Kartoffel’ (German for potato). He’s still an actor, but he doesn’t mind getting typecast as a villain, be thinks it’s an opportunity for him to explore another part of his own beauty. Vil is the Housewarden of Pomefiore, and he brought a lot of freedom to the dorm. He thinks that people should be free to express their beauty however they want, though he does personally prefer some types of beauty over others. Vil’s a very smart guy, he’s very perceptive and picks up on almost anything, which can make him a little scary at times.
Rook is now more focused on maintaining his carefully crafted beauty to ensure he's as sharp as ever. He can’t afford to slack off as a hunter after all. Rook thinks there’s beauty in everything, but to get to that beauty one must work hard, thus he’s hard on people- he wants everyone to become their most beautiful self, but they’ll have to grind for it. He’s confident and values hard work above all. Rook is now more of a perfectionist. He is calm and collected, almost never loses his cool, and very strict. He and Trey are both in the science club, which is now much more serious and no longer nicknamed ‘the everything club’. The club is moreso aimed at really studious students, who are generally intelligent and hard working, or have an interest in science. Rook still respects his housewarden a lot, and puts a lot of trust in him, even though he acknowledges that Vil can be a strange one.
Now, as for redesigns. Since Pomefiore uses fashion and looks as a way of self expression, I had to change some things about their designs to reflect their new personalities, though I didn’t change much. Rook wears his hair in a neat bun, not a hair is out of place- he can’t have hair in his face when he’s hunting after all. Vil however wears his hair much looser, and occasionally wears big, expressive hats if he feels like it. As you can see, not a lot has changed.
There you go anon! I hope that answered your question. If you have any questions, just ask! I’d be happy to answer them.
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osias-twstcorner · 11 months
Another dorm swap
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lonfetti · 1 year
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mysteryshoptls · 29 days
SSR Rook Hunt - Savanaclaw Dorm Uniform Voice Lines
Savanaclaw Dorm Uniform Rook does not have a vignette
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When Summoned: I vow here and now upon my ever-burning tenacious spirit that I shall repay this favor!
Summon Line: Welcome to Savanaclaw! ...I kid. It's a rather strange sensation to stand before you in this attire.
Groooovy!!: For the sake of bringing back the beautiful world that I cherish... I must strike to put a stop to this treacherous dream!
Home: Ah yes, I feel the spirit of persistence flowing through me.
Swap Looks: Time for a short break.
Home Idle 1: My hair is easily damaged by UV rays. If I don't take proper care of it, it starts to develop a wheat-like texture.
Home Idle 2: Oh là là! There are holes in my denim jeans around my knees... This would always happen whenever I would get caught up in chasing after animals.
Home Idle 3: You know how we stay in shared rooms until our junior year? As I thoroughly enjoy private time to myself, I found it quite nervewracking.
Home Idle - Login: I never would have imagined being able to traverse through a dream like this. ...My heart leaps in anticipation of the beautiful world I will witness!
Home Idle - Groovy: I truly do wish to see a movie where Neige-kun and Vil are both together the lead roles. One day, when that happens, you and I should go watch together!
Home Tap 1: I had forgotten just how easy it was to move around in the Savanaclaw dorm uniform... It's a refreshing sensation, especially since I'm more used to the Pomefiore dorm uniform now.
Home Tap 2: Are you interested in the paper I keep in my waist pouch? I keep these on hand to easily sketch my observations, or attach notes to arrows.
Home Tap 3: The King of Beasts overcame adversity and after strenuous efforts, was able to secure the throne. I absolutely hold his persistent spirit in high regards.
Home Tap 4: Truthfully, in the past, I would always just cut my bangs with a knife. At the time all I cared about was to keep my vision clear, after all.
Home Tap 5: My hat is dirty? Ah, you're right, it's covered in leaves, sticks, and even dirt... Fufu, if Vil were to see this unsightly mess, I would be in for a tongue-lashing.
Home Tap - Groovy: I find it slightly embarrassing to have others witnessing my innermost thoughts. Of course, you would keep to yourself anything you see or hear in my dreams... Wouldn't you?
Duo: [ROOK]: Vil, I dedicate this victory to you! [VIL]: Do ensure that you take them down, Rook.
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Requested by @thelonepearl.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
WHERE Y/N SUGGESTS THAT they should move dorms because of their living situation in a dorm meeting..
And everyone starts fighting over who's dorm they should join.
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The meeting started relatively calmly, the dorm leaders discussing small changes and plans, everything you'd expect on a typical dorm leader meeting, you had gotten used to such an environments, over the few times you had came to these meetings. You expected nothing out the norm to happen, .. when you brought that up.. Surely nothing would have happened right? well that's what you had thought. As the meeting was about to end, you chirped in "I was thinking of swapping dorms.. Ramnshackle isn't in the best condition."
Out of all the outcomes, you hadn't expected everyone to stare at you dumbfoundedly, the silence was awkward and unsettling, as the room was lively moments before you brought up the subject, Riddle was the first to break the silence "What dorm were you planning on moving into?" the question left you thinking, you answered with whatever came to mind "I actually didn't decide, any that's open to take me, would be fine!" you've heard that students could change their dorms during the start of, or the end of the year.. so it would have been a bit difficult changing at such an awkward time, but you'd appreciate if any dorm was open!
"Well Heartslabyul is always an option, you can control Ace and Deuce rather we—" Riddle couldn't finish, when Vil chirmed in "Don't be ridiculous Rosehearts, Potato would prefer it here in Pomefiore!" Riddle was about to open his mouth again, when Malleus popped in "Well, Child of a man is always welcome, here in Diasomnia." "Hey! No! Herbivore, would like it here in Savanaclaw!" Leona yelled out, agitated at the fact that Malleus, offered you room before him. "Well perfect is always welcome at Scarabia too" Kalim chirped in, as a light chuckle escaped his mouth, he probably found this scenario slightly playful, Idia's mic turned on, as he stated "W-well perfect can always join us if they want too!", he shut his mic off immediately afterwards, that's when Azul popped in, "Well Octavinelle is always open for new members"..
You stood slightly away from the mini crowd, you had a bad feeling about this.. At least you can move to a dorm of your liking?.. That's what you had hoped for.. Yet your fellow dorm leaders haven't stopped arguing for over 15 minutes by now, "Like the perfect would enjoy staying in a dorm like yours!" Vil commented, "What was that supposed to mean?!?!" Leona exclaimed.. 'I should stop this' the thought rang across your head, but you were a magicless student, and you did not want to deal with this in any way. You had hoped this would end soon, "Well I don't think the perfect would like to memorize over 800 rules!" Kalim stated, rather innocently to Riddle, who was fuming all over by the scenario at hand...
It wasn't until Azul chirped in and said that "Let's calm down and be civilized about this matter... After all.. it is the perfect's choice.." as if things weren't already going south, all attention was placed back towards you, everyone's gaze looked vicious... that or you were worried about the consequences of your decision.. even Kalim, who was usually and up to this point calm and cheerful was staring at you sternly..
"So... which dorm would you like to go too... y/n.." Riddle said the words, in a rather gentle voice... a huge contrast to his facial expression... Silence filled the room, as you thought over your choices in your head.. 'Is it late to back out now..' you thought, wishing you had kept a dorm in mind, rather then saying you didn't know which one to choose... "I'd like to go too _______" ....
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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haruhar-u · 7 months
well better than the alternative
reupload Vil & Reader
taglist(again I don’t fully remember it from the other blog so if you don’t want to be tagged lmk) : @xen-blank @cheezy-moon @silvers-numberonefan @krenenbaker @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @minty-bubblegum
You gently applied the polysporin to the cotton swap. You were surprised that the Vil Schoenheit himself asked you to help him after his overblot. You were even more surprised he let anyone see him like this. His skin was sickly pale, his hair was greasy and he hadn't done his skincare routine for days. You still shudder when you think about that forsaken day. You were just the manager for NRC during the VDC yet, you got dragged into another overblot. “Try not to flinch.” You lean over to his bedside to attempt to clean the wounds he sustained. 
You notice his muscles tense up as you apply the rubbing alcohol covered swab to his cheek. “Hurts? Well..That's better than the alternative of you being dead.”
“Do you think you could play along with me? Would that be alright with you?” He asks you. Well, this was a side of Vil you don’t often get to see. It also wasn’t one you were used to. Vil’s usually confident, a caregiver, strict yet he still cares. In a good way. Overblot recovery seems painful based on what you saw with well, the other 4. 
“Play along?” You tilt your head confused. 
“To the media…This never happened. Or else my career is done for.” You can tell he felt guilty about what happened with Neige too. The blonde let out a sigh, “Sweet potato, could you tell me what's wrong with me? I should’ve kept my cool. I shouldn’t have-”
“Vil, envy’s a bitch to deal with. I’m not condoning your actions, however.. As far as the media knows you’re just sick with a bad cold right now. ” You reassure him, while reorganizing the get well soon cards and mementos sent from the rest of Pomefiore + the scarabia vice and housewarden on the bed side table.
Then he mutters something that catches you off guard, “Could you tell me if I’m still pretty?” But when you’re about to answer you notice he’s asleep now. He looks so peaceful. Almost like a sleeping kitten. Best not wake him. He deserves it
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cloudedgalaxies · 21 days
Ok like hear me out, you know fairy gala? Imagine vil/crowley finds out that yuu is essentially a professional dancer and singer. What would happen then?
Ooh, that's something really fun to think about! Fairy Gala is one of my favorite events tbh, it was so pretty and everything was so nice. The SSRs especially, Yana Toboso really popped off with Leona and Ortho omg <3
Since Yuu was really only involved in the original Fairy Gala, I'll be writing this assuming that the team assembled was Leona, Kalim, Jamil, Ruggie, and Yuu+Grim!
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I think that Crowley would definitely try to immediately recruit Yuu to help out, especially after all the housewardens initially rejected him. He has a lot over their head (or at least he likes to pretend he does) and would use it to make sure they help fix his problem, or else the allowance he's so graciously giving them for free would have to instead be used to fix whatever problems have arisen on campus thanks to the Gala. Yuu is basically like a perfect solution served to him on a silver platter, whether or not they wanted to be.
Vil, on the other hand, I think would be ecstatic for less two-faced reasons. For one, because Yuu is already a professional, he won't have to train them as much since they're likely already pretty used to what the fashion show would entail. Being a talented dancer doesn't immediately equate to being a perfect runway model, as we saw with Jamil and Kalim, but I've always thought that Yuu is incredibly adaptive seeing what they've had to put up with in their year at NRC, and would pick it up fast. They're definitely becoming Vil's favorite person in the operation lightning quick :)
Unlike the original plan, which had been to have Ruggie and Yuu be in the crowd while the other three are on the runway, Yuu would take center stage with Leona. It'd be interesting if they asked Malleus and/or Lilia to teach them a fae song so that when they're modeling, they could also be performing it at the same time. After all, their wow factor has to be at 110% to get every single fairy attending to give them their undivided attention.
They'd rehearsed countless times in Pomefiore's ballroom to make sure it was perfect, but even so, the boys can't help but be a little amazed when they do it for real. Yuu looks beautiful with their gala couture and makeup, and with the fairy dust they're wearing, it only makes the prefect seem all the more magical. They move like they have wings, and their voice is making them all wonder if Yuu's really a siren instead of a human. It's no wonder the plan goes off without a hitch, even though Grim has to prod Ruggie to stop watching and successfully escape once they swap out the crown. It's a good thing that Idia's drone recorded the whole thing for them to all watch again later, or else maybe he would have stayed to catch another look <3
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twistedtavern · 2 years
ooooo boy. Full evil vil for this au! You love to see it tbh. How does this Vil interact with Rook and Opel?
I was about to say "he's not THAT evil!!" but then I actually looked at the son of a bitch and yes. Yes he is. Swap!Vil is just a straight up yandere, no tweaks of any kind required.
Vil's actually kind of okay(??) with Epel, he actually treats him rather well compared to others, but that's only because he basically just adopted the poor guy as a some kind of weird ass attempt at a baby-trap with Rook. It creeps Epel out.
Now on to our poor jungle boy Swap!Rook. If canon Rook and Vil are a married couple, Swap!Rook is hiding in a dark room desperately writing divorce papers with nothing but candlelight and a dull pencil before the door behind him creaks open and the last sound before silence is him screaming. Someone PLEASE, for the love of GOD help him. Everything was fine when he was still in Savanaclaw, but Vil lured him in to Pomefiore before Rook knew the REAL extent of what that entailed. Come second year, everything was downhill.
Just goes to show you, if Swap!Vil ever tries to convince you to join Pomefiore, DON'T DO IT. IT'S A TRAP. IT'S TOO LATE FOR ROOK BUT YOU CAN STILL MAKE IT
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prince-kallisto · 1 month
So my dear @roseapov suggested to me about swapping Vil and Meleanor’s color palette to see their resemblances. I have talked about the Vil and Meleanor parallels many times before, not only with their appearances but their overall personality and role in the story. As I was trying to figure out how palette swaps worked (I am Malleus in the sense that idk anything about technology BJXJS), I accidentally inverted the colors.
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And…I discovered something fascinating. On the left, I color-picked from Vil’s sprite, and on the right from Meleanor’s. The shade of green in Vil’s hair looks…exactly like Draconian fire.
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Miss Meleanor the shade of your inverted eyes is stunning 😭💖💖💖 But??? Exactly a blonde color and purple eyes…her eye color looks exactly like the Pomefiore magestone.
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Malleus turned out a similar way, and that’s when I realized that Pomefiore and Diasomnia’s magestones are near exact inversions of each other. (Vil’s inverted magestone on the bottom)
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I tested it out with the Knight and Dawn, because Vil was directly compared to him by Grim in Lilia’s dream in Book 7. And…again, he has a very similar color palette to the Draconia’s. (The translation is meant to say ‘Vil.’ Translation credits to GasMask 💖🐦‍⬛)
So…now that I’m looking at this, the uncanny similarities between Vil and Meleanor don’t seem like coincidence. And nor are the parallels between the Knight of Dawn’s fate with Meleanor (parents both giving up their child for their safety and losing their lives in war).
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I’m not very good at describing what I mean lol, but…they are inversions of each other, something that mysteriously lives on through Pomefiore and Diasomnia. It is also important to note that Vil and Malleus’ magestones are the only ones to have red blot as well.Vil’s role in the future story is unknown, but there are so many parallels that I am staying true to my belief that Vil is meant to symbolically represent Meleanor 🤔 Thank you so much Rosea for suggesting this to me 😭🫶
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artsyco3xist · 2 years
Hair-swapped TWST Part 16
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I LOVE Jack with this cut. If he ever wanted to do the soft flowy look, he could pull it off.
Epel tho looks just a lil silly 🤭 I mean, he looks like Jack just caught him doing some cringey DBZ powering up yelling behind the school or something lmao
Also final reminder that I'm hosting a giveaway here and the last day to enter is DEC 10th at 11:59pm PST so don't miss your chance to get a free commission!
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skyenish · 1 year
I have a question about your reverse Personality au. What are the first year gang's relationships with their dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders like is that au?
Hi! Sorry for taking so long, I kinda forgot to check my inbox 🫡
Well, it’s…. Complicated. Their personalities are the same, but every dorm’s dynamic is thrown on its head-
In Heartslabyul, nobody fears or respects Riddle, they fear Trey. They think Riddle desperately needs to grow a spine and not be such a pushover to his own Vice, Ace especially doesn’t appreciate his seniors. Deuce feels empathetic towards Riddle, wondering how he and Trey got the way they are now.
In Savanaclaw, Jack has a weaker initial impression of Leona, but grows to respect his Housewarden as he gets to know him more. Ruggie however? Absolutely shameful, always sleeps, sherks responsibilities, is rude and kinda mean- you get the point. Though of course, a flawed character only means room for character development (and angst).
Epel didn’t want to get put in Pomefiore. At all. He heard that the Housewarden there was an absolute weirdo, and he ain’t some dainty pretty boy! He is weirded out by Vil initially, but Vil’s soft approach is surprisingly effective on Epel. Rook on the other hand thinks their little country bumpkin should be treated with strictness and pressure, which Epel does not like the prospect of either. He actually grows pretty fond of Vil over time.
In Diasomnia Sebek is still impressed by Malleus, because of his strict, intimidating aura and regal manners, but when his princely seriousness just… evaporates, and a cheeky, warm and playful guy breaks through, Sebek tends to have a hard time adjusting his own behavior. He obviously respects Lilia too, but he’s honestly a bit scared of the man.
I will probably elaborate on this further when I have more time, but this is the basic gist of things. Character dynamics are some of my favorite things to write, so thanks for the question!
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bones4thecats · 4 months
How Did They Meet Their Singer! S/O?
Type of Writing: #4 - Poll Result Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, and Eoel Felmier Name: How Did They Meet Their Singer! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: In Vil's part, the story I mentioned in completely fictional, basically was something I made up on the spot, and I also mentioned songs after the piece of a characters that I can see them singing with their S/O!
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👑 Vil is a famous person within Twisted Wonderland, and, due to his standing, he was getting many different offers for some movies that were going into production
👑 One stood out more than others, it was the retelling of an old book series that his father used to read to him all the time as a kid, The Apple of the Roses
👑 This story was kinda like a fairy-tale, with its own twist, that being the main character turned out to be the real villain of the story, and it just felt nice having himself be offered such a role, as the supposed 'main antagonist'
👑 He knew there was going to be singing, as it was specified as a musical-re-telling, so, he also expected his character's love interest to be a grand singer themselves
👑 But, when it was announced that you, the newest addiction to a mass of rising singers, was set to be his love interest, he suddenly really wanted to meet you and start practicing, which was not normal for him
👑 When you stood in front of him, dressed up all nice while maintaining the most polite expression you could muster, he was quite taken-aback, normally people are super on-edge around him
👑 Well, everyone besides that damned Neige
👑 Vil set his headphones on his ears as he watched you do the same across the glass panel, laying the sheet of lyrics on the stand as you adjusted the microphone to fit your needs, and he cleared his throat and nodded his signal to the people viewing
👑 He'd be lying if he said he wasn't shocked when he heard you sing your lines, your honey-coated voice swapping between powerful and soft like nothing
👑 Oh, he was going to enjoy making this more than he thought...
Mount Rageous ~ Link Rewrite the Stars ~ Link Close ~ Link I Don't Wanna Live Forever ~ Link
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🏹 He was first introduced to your music when he joined Pomefiore, and Vil was speaking about his new friend in the industry, a singer by the name of Y/N L/N
🏹 Rook listened intently as Vil spoke about your talent, about how your voice could vary based on the tone and loudness of the music being played, and Rook was very much wanting to meet you and hear your voice
🏹 Not just by some app on his phone, but by a real-time show
🏹 So, when Vil decided to have Rook go with him on a small trip during Spring Vacation to watch him perform and record with you, he jumped up and pledged how amazing this was and honored he'd be to see the most fair and the fairest-voiced in the land in the same room
🏹 You walked inside and hugged Vil, asking how his time at Night Raven was and he answered with an polite 'well' and he introduced you and the hunter to one another
🏹 He put you off at first, with how blunt and lovely his compliments were. You, obviously, had many admires sending letters to your apartment, but, hearing how genuine his were, you got flushed
🏹 Vil smiled and lightly grabbed your hand, telling Rook to ready his ears, since recording was going to start soon
🏹 There was a small glass panel separating you and Vil from one-another, and, when you started the beautiful melody with a soft undertone while Vil was strong, his eyes sparkled
🏹 He heard you over the many apps that the students of Pomefiore would play, and he knew your voice was amazing, but, to him, it was far better in-person
🏹 Rook must speak to you about this later on! But, for now, he can enjoy himself in humming alongside you and his housewarden
Beauty and a Beat ~ Link Beautiful Mistakes ~ Link The One That Got Away (Duet Ver.) ~ Link You Are The Reason (French Ver.) ~ Link
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🍎 Oh boy, he was super confused when Vil asked him if he knew who was singing a song
🍎 Epel was just walking around, doing his, in his opinions, stupid lessons, when Rook ran into the room while playing one of your newest songs, which was a mixture of country and pop
🍎 He just stood there and answered with a solid no, and Vil face-palmed lightly, as to not damage his flawless skin, and he ordered for Rook to call you
🍎 This poor boy just wants a day off from these idiotic situations, please great seven send him to his farm for a day
🍎 You answered the call of Vil's and smiled, greeting your old friend, asking him what he needed, in which he answered with a classic 'someone wanted to talk to you'
🍎 Cocking an eyebrow lightly, you chuckled and told him to show you whoever wished to speak to your lovely self, and hearing that, Epel began to hide his face out of embarrassment
🍎 Of course, he had heard about you from his first year friends, Ace and Deuce, but he had never really dug into anything to find out who you were exactly, he grew up listening to pure country music, give him a break
🍎 You gave him a smile and a sweet-sounding hello, in which he stuttered lightly before eventually gaining confidence to ask you some questions that were 'appropriate' for the moment, at least in Vil's eyes
🍎 Epel looked through the screen and into your eyes, noticing how you were looking up every few second, and he noticed you were in a recording booth, that was when he asked if you were about to record a song
" Oh! Yes, actually I am rehearsing to sing my newest song; The Apple of my Heart. Would you like to watch and listen? You can if you want, I don't wanna pressure you! "
🍎 His eyes widened in curiosity and he answered with a yes, allowing you to nod and lay your camera down, pointing to you and your headphones snugly held onto your head and you gave a thumbs up to your live-audience and began singing
🍎 Holy hell-raising of a bad harvest, your voice was amazing! He could listen to you all day!
🍎 Before you could hang up and get back to work, you asked for his number and wrote it down as he said it, and you promised to give him a quick message, after all, he seemed really fun!
🍎 Oh, what has he gotten into now...?
Hold You ~ Link Never Say Never ~ Link Thank God ~ Link Meant to Be ~ Link
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osias-twstcorner · 1 year
Idia in Every Dorm
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This is my creation of Idia in every dorm (in casual clothes, I’m not drawing those dorm outfits) Drawn on my phone using a drawing emotions base I got off Google
I do have fully fleshed out designs in the works for most of these and an Ortho version planned a well Why is he so much harder to draw than his brother?
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