#multiverse road trip
bun-monchi · 1 month
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PLOT TWIST: Lust manages to rizz someone up at the gas station and catches a ride!!:
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unknowneldritch · 1 year
Multiversal Roadtrip Dreamtale AU
lightttttAlright, so thanks to the wonderful @dreemurr-skelememer and their amazing fixation on Dreamtale and the asks they got, I whipped up practically a whole AU concept as a spur of the moment thing, and they convinced me to post it here, so... here we go!
Details below the cut
Basic foundation of the AU is that some kind of event happens with Dream and Nightmare back before the apple incident. Whether it was a fight, magic went wrong, or maybe even a couple apples fell from the tree and clocked them on the knoggins, they took enough of a hit to knock their true forms, their souls, free from their skeletal bodies.
Still conscious and radiating quite a bit of raw positivity/negativity, the pair try to re-enter their bodies, but there’s an issue. See, in their true forms, they don’t really have a way to perceive the world, so a slight misjudgement in where they are and... well, as Dream opens his eyes and sees that he’s wearing dark purple, and Nightmare sees that he’s wearing light blue and has a cloak on... well, it doesn’t take much to realize that they had swapped bodies.
This has... consequences. As a result of the change, the emotions radiated by their true forms near the tree, or even just pure random bad luck, the tree itself finds itself influenced by the swap, and as such, negativity and positivity across the multiverse end up warped, changed, inverted, and all-around scarmbled.
So, accompanied by a single multicolored apple that hold the consciousness of their mother, Nim, hte pair set out across the multiverse on a pseudo-roadtrip in an attempt to fix things and make things right.
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iseathegalaxy · 4 months
i'm afraid he might have gotten exactly what he wanted lmao
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strawberryspence · 2 years
I will never not be OBSESSED with the Famous trope + Found Family trope with the Party 😭 The headlines would be so chaotic? Like:
Famous Rockstar Eddie Munson is seen eating lunch with two time Pulitzer winner Nancy Wheeler, Highest Paid Photographer Jonathan Byers and Successful Entrepreneur Argyle Alvez. How does he know these people???
Three time Grammy Winner Eddie Munson seen in a McDonald's with World Renowned Astronaut Dustin Henderson and New York Times Best Seller Will Byers-Wheeler and Mike Byers-Wheeler. What the actual fuck???
Eddie Munson, seen in a Chicago Bulls game looking confused as hell, mere seconds after finding out his second album just went Multi-platinum, with his husband, Steve Munson. Also seen in pictures, Eddie Munson hugging point guard Lucas Sinclair and his wife, Max Sinclair. How???
MSG Sold Out Performer Eddie Munson seen in Chicago Medical Center with World Renowned Surgeon Dr. Erica Sinclair. Our insiders say that the rockstar is FINE and was only having lunch with the doctor. What in the multiverse is happening???
Eddie Munson and his husband seen in line at the book signing of rising Linguistics Author Robin Buckley. They ended up laughing so hard when they reached the author, they almost got kicked out. Turns out they all knew each other???
Rock Star Eddie Munson bringing packed lunch in pajamas to a small Chicago preschool where husband, Steve Munson and known friend, Jane Hopper works. Why??? How??? What???
Third most followed person on Instagram Eddie Munson, just broke the internet by posting a group picture with Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Argyle Alvez, Dustin Henderson, Lucas, Max and Erica Sinclair, Mike and Will Byers-Wheeler, his husband Steve Munson and family friend Jane Hopper. HOW DO THEY ALL KNOW EACH OTHER?! WHAT A WEIRD GROUP?!
The more people speculate, the more they say shit. Like people ask them how they know each other and they all just throw out the weirdest answers.
Nancy gets asked in a press conference how she knows Rock Star Eddie Munson? Nancy answers with, "I was driving myself to California when I was 19 and I picked him up as a hitch hiker along the way. We’ve been friends since then."
Robin gets asked in a lecture how she knows the Sinclair Clan? Robin answers with, "I go way back with Dr. Erica. She once saved me from Russian Doctors trying to cut my toe nails."
Eddie goes on an interview in National TV and the host asks how he's friends with Argyle and Jon? Eddie answers with, "I got kidnapped by a killer clown when I was 17. They saved me by crushing the clown's still beating heart with their own bare hands."
Steve gets bombarded with questions online of how he knows Nancy, Robin, Jon, Argyle and even Eddie (his husband)? Steve answers with, "We were stuck in detention every Saturday when we were in senior year. We all became friends when Eddie Munson started singing Don't You (Forget About Me)."
Will and Mike gets asked in an interview about their friendship with Basketball Star, Lucas Sinclair? Will says, “Lucas once gave my dog CPR, ultimately, saving it’s life and we’ve been friends since then.” and Mike just goes, “Who???”
Erica once got asked how she knew Genius Astronaut, Dustin Henderson. Erica rolls her eyes, “That boy owes me his life. Ask him, not me.”
Dustin gets asked how he knows Eddie Munson. Dustin goes with, “Eddie once saved me from a feral army of bats and almost died. I’ve never let go of him since then.” The fans think this one might actually be true, they’ve seen the scars on Eddie, they’ve got theories and Dustin just gave them a puzzle piece.
Argyle got asked in a Business Magazine how he knows this weird, interconnected group. Argyle says, “Oh dude! Those are my life long friends! It started with a pizza van, a dead man, and a road trip to Utah. There was also a bald girl involved. In the end, the real treasure really is the friends we make along the way.”
Jonathan gets asked how he knows Eddie Munson. Jon gives the softest, sweetest smile and says, “We were in a satanic cult together.”
Jane Hopper gets asked once in public (how she knows all these famous people), someone filmed it and it went viral on Twitter. El says, verbatim, “Oh. It all started when I was kidnapped by an evil scientist who tested stuff on me like I was a lab rat. Long story short, they saved my life and they are my family.” By then people already don’t believe any of them because they all give out the most ridiculous answers. Hopper still grounds her for that even though she doesn’t live with him anymore. (Owens, who hasn't called them in 15 years, reached out with a warning).
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→ Current Additions: Lucas Lie Detector & Max's Future (Scroll down the link)
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ddejavvu · 9 months
For multiverse Monday, bodyguard Hotch having to constantly catch a pretty clumsy reader? They trip over literally anything, even on flat and clear surfaces, and Hotch is simply just used to catching them all the time LOL
The first few times it had happened, everyone was surprised. You'd tumbled to the floor in the jet because of a little turbulence and the edge of the table, you'd nearly toppled with a tray of coffees in your hand when you'd run into the bottom of the doorframe, you'd fallen victim to your own shoelaces in the parking garage. But as time went on, and your new team got accustomed to you, they'd also grown used to your frequent clumsiness.
You're paired with Aaron and Dave today, the pair walking behind you and talking about the crime scene you'd just visited. You're paying attention to the road in front of you, you're keeping your eyes on a constant swivel to watch for oncoming traffic, and still you trip over a crack in the sidewalk.
"-it doesn't make sense. The police reports say she was attacked, but the locks were all set, and no windows were broken. She couldn't have done that damage herself, but I don't get how anyone- Y/L/N!"
You hear Rossi's exclamation as your knee aches, having been stiff when you'd caught the edge of the pavement. Before you can fall flat on your face, though, there's a strong arm around your waist, and Hotch yanks you back into his suit-clad chest.
"I got you," He murmurs, and only lets go when you're stable on your feet. Which, with weak knees and an even weaker sense of self-control, is a while.
"You okay?" Rossi's brow furrows as he stares at you worriedly, and you nod dazedly.
"Yeah, I'm- I'm good." You assure them, straightening out your blouse, "Thanks, Hotch. Good reflexes."
"We've got to have them around you, Y/N," Rossi teases, "You're always halfway to the floor."
"Step over it this time," Aaron instructs you, a hand flying to your lower back as you attempt to walk the same path you'd just taken, "There, and watch out."
He pulls against your arm, and you let him drag you into his side.
"There's a rock in your way," Aaron points at a tiny pebble in your previous path, though he doesn't release your arm for another long moment while you stare at it, "I can't have you falling again, Y/N."
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kirke-is-my-name · 11 months
A road-trip with Miguel is always the same thing no matter how far you may be driving he is the only one who drives and you are his and will always be his passenger princess
I’m talking snacks on snacks, a hungry Miguel is a grumpy road rage having Miguel
You might offer to drive because oh he needs a break but NO! He will drive and he will watch glance over to see you sleeping. He doesn’t care about sleep I mean he hardly gets it anyways. So if you can sleep peacefully then sleep
He takes work calls and tries to solve the issues while driving. Miguel doesn’t understand the concept of a holiday. What you mean leaving the Arachnoid Humanoid Poly-Multiverse alone? Never
Miguel plays music or a podcast when he can but the moment you wake up you are not only the passenger princess but the aux cord lord.
But play something stupid your aux cord privilege is gone for the whole trip
Once at the destination if it was a long trip he puts everything away before dragging you to a place to sleep.
If it was a short trip he stretches like a cat before getting ready to go do whatever.
The night before a trip he is making sure everything is packed and loaded so when it’s time to go you just get in the car and go.
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lies-unfurl · 1 year
actually now that i have had half an hour to think about it, no Cas in both finales suggests that rather than seeing Cas as soon as he got to Heaven, Dean decided to avoid having a deep conversation by going on a multiverse road trip and interfering in his parents’ love life. this level of emotional avoidance is actually very in-character for him, showing that Jackles truly knows what he’s doing. i will allow it.
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lord-of-the-prompts · 2 years
alien invasion
all female
all human
alpha/beta/omega dynamics
always a different gender/sex
ancient era
angels & demons
animal shelter
another world
antique shop
arranged marriage
art school
assassins & hitmen
blind date
boarding school
bounty hunters
boy band
character/actor swap
civil war
coffee shops/cafes
cowboys & aliens
covid 19 pandemic
creatures & monsters
dance battle
dark fantasy
detective partners
different first meeting
different powers
dragon age
dungeons & dragons
enemies to friends to lovers
everyone lives/nobody dies
fake dating
fake relationship
fandom fusion
fans & fandom
flower shop
foster family
futuristic society
gang world
ghost hunters
gods & goddesses
guardian angel
harry potter and 1400s witch trials
heaven & hell
horse racing
hunger games arena
ice skating/ice dancers
kings & queens
law enforcement
magical creatures
medieval fantasy
modern setting
monster hunters
murder mystery
never met
noir detective
no powers
not related
no time travel
online dating
ordinary people
perspective change
podcast hosts
prison ecsape
radioshow hosts
road trip
roaring twenties
robot uprising
rock star
roller derby
role swap/reversal
single parent
snowed in
spies & secret agents
summer camp
sun flairs
supernatural elements
tattoo parlour
time loops
time travel
trojan war setting
urban fantasy
vampire slayer
victorian era
video game world
wedding planners
world war i/world war ii
zombie apocalypse
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World’s unite may not be the best but…
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But their dynamic and friendship is everything to me and here’s why.
It would have been fucking funny that X and Sticks would be the main stars or at least have worlds unite as a multiverse buddy road trip to get back to their homes smth following these two. Maybe the Genesis wave would have a consequence that affected other worlds.
X can balance Stick’s wacky antics and vice versa. Leading over some silly fun antics and serious ones
Also I just know X would react realistically (freaking out) when it comes to the multiverse while Sticks just rolls with it
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anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
A Heart Made Of Glass ch.1
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
This is a story I have been working on alongside my other stories, what can I say? I've been having a lot of inspiration to write Wanda/Reader stories and I'm enjoying it greatly and I hope you guys are enjoying reading them. This story is going to be a long one too, and will have both Scarlet and Wanda as well as America as part of the cast.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chpter 12 - Chapter 13
Chapter 1
The road stretched out all the way to the mountain chain losing itself in a world of greys and whites. There was nothing much to see but a scenery born out of the cold temperatures and the wintry season. The heater inside the car made them forget about the cold outside, and the music playing through the speakers filled the silence they had shared ever since arriving to the airport.
The last couple of days had not been easy on either of them.
Both women had suffered loses that were almost impossible to forget, their paths had crossed by chance, and destiny had joined them by the working hand of Stephen Strange. He had planned this trip with care and cunning, he knew there was only one solution while they found out the source of witchcraft working around the multiverse to get her hands on America.
Strange had met the perfect candidate while trying to fight off Mordo once. If there was anyone ready to help America Chavez that was Wanda Maximoff and if there was someone that could really protected them and hide away their magical signature that had to be Y/N. There was no other way.
The mission then was protected America and the multiverse at all costs.
And Wanda had been chosen to carry on the torch at the moment.
Ten years.
Wanda had not seen Y/N for more than ten years, and now she was sent over to invade her personal space, unannounced and face a past she couldn’t forget. A past that had always had a tight grip on her heart.
In all honesty, she had seen you before. Just not in the right circumstances, and of course, without any single interaction. Wanda was pretty sure you didn’t even notice her there. It had been Steve’s funeral, and you had seemed so cozy with Carol Danvers and Natasha Romanoff that Wanda was pretty sure her own presence went unnoticed by everyone but Clint.
Wanda tightened her hold on the wheel, she had come all the way to Norway with a girl following her close behind to face a shadowy evil while also facing a past that was always haunting her some way or another. That day she had longed to approach you, to go to you and see you how life had treated you after everything that happened; but the memories and the many wounds in both of them prevent her to do such a foolish thing. Steve wouldn’t have liked that his funeral was became a spectacle of old resentments, and surfacing jealousies.
“Are we there yet?” America asked tiredly, her eyes drifting from the road to Wanda.
Wanda broke from her thoughts glancing around the road then giving America a pointed look. She was so tempted to give a sarcastic answer, but Wanda knew America was tired and rather moody after the long trip and the long days of no sleep and the trip through the multiverse. Besides, America didn’t have to pay for Wanda’s mistakes and stupid jealousy that had grown inside her after the funeral.
“Another hour.” Wanda answered tiredly. “We should be able to see the town soon.”
America sighed leaning back against the seat turning her attention to the gloomy world outside her window. Wanda couldn’t really blame the young woman sitting beside her, America had gotten to their world by accident chased by mythical creatures that wanted nothing more than to steal her abilities. At such a young age, America had known the bitterness of grief and treason leaving her alone in a multiverse that wasn’t always kind to her.
“Do you want to take a nap?” Wanda finally asked, she could feel the weight of the trip, and the last couple of days catching up to America.
The young woman tensed at the suggestion, memories of her waking up alone after having trusted that someone would stay with her still haunted her. America flinched when a hand settled on her shoulder, the gesture was supposed to be comforting but Wanda knew there were many wounds that had not been healed yet. Wanda offered a half smile when she read the fear behind America, she tried to offer reassurance but there was nothing much she could do to make America understand that she was not like the others. That they would not leave her behind. That they would never sacrifice her for the greater good.
“I won’t leave, America.” Wanda tried to reassure the young woman; America scoffed at her words but said nothing. “You should take a nap; you really look tired.”
America wished she could really trust the woman sitting in the driver’s seat. She wished a part of her still believed these lies disguised as reassurances, but the multiverse had showed her the portals were capricious and, on some occasions, she just fell into the wrong world. She had learnt the hard way that her abilities and even her age made her a target, a tool or a disposable ally. Even now in this new world, America was being a problem everyone needed to solve, she was just being tolerated and helped because the fate of the multiverse was at stake. Two tears rolled down her cheek, America look away not wanting to see pity in the other woman’s eyes, she clenched her jaw when the car pulled over, her lips quiver as she tried to hold onto her emotions.
If she didn’t think about it, then she didn’t feel it.
But it was too much, a couple of universes ago it had become too much.
Two strong arms wrapped tenderly around her, and America couldn’t help herself but let go until she was a child again crying in the comforting embrace of one of her mothers.
Wanda felt her own tears rolling down her cheeks, the thoughts coming from America had been so loud and so strong she couldn’t help but hear the desperation in the young woman. Wanda held America until she couldn’t cry any longer, her heart swelled painfully at the realization that America had been facing hell for a very long time all on her own. For a moment, Wanda was reminded of her own children, of the kids she had created out of the loneliness and desperation she had been feeling for quite some time. The children that had called her mom and Vision dad; even though they looked nothing like Vision. Even though, whenever she looked at them, she could see you and herself reflected in their eyes, in their appearance in their gestures and their behaviors. Tommy specially was the one that always made her think of you.
God, Wanda wished she could forget.
Wanda longed to forget and stopped feeling the way she did. She wished she could focus her attention on the problem they were facing at the moment, that this oncoming meeting was not making her anxious and scared of what could happen. Wanda lowered her gaze only to discover America had fallen asleep with tears still rolling down her cheeks.
Wanda made sure America was laying comfortably on the seat, the seat belt on and everything ready for them to continue with their trip. A hand went to put away some stray hairs from America’s face, Wanda cleaned up her face of the fresh tears that had fallen moment before and a wave of protectiveness overcame Wanda when she finally realized that America was just a teenager. Lost in within worlds, followed by an unknown danger and victim of her own powers.
Not for the first time, Wanda pointed at their similarities.
With a heavy sigh, and a storm taking over her mind Wanda went back to the driver’s seat. The music was still playing in the background, her eyes went for a moment to her phone that had been placed on the dashboard while projecting the map’s application. Wanda furrowed her brows when she realized there were several missed calls and some messages she hadn’t noticed until now, the name of Tony repeated itself several times, but the young woman merely ignored it while focusing her attention on the red dot on the screen.
Her heart hammered hard against her chest, her abdomen filled with a cold weight that made her sweat and worry her lower lip on her lips. She was getting closer to her destiny and that only meant she was getting closer to you. This time around there wasn’t a single chance for the both of you to avoid one another.
The city of Ulsteinvik was a small town facing the cold waters of the north, their houses were decorated to highlight the gloomy winters and celebrate the sunny summers. It was a mixture of colors and modernity that mixed with the industry of shipbuilding and fishing. Since it was a working day, the only people outside seemed to be the few tourists filling up the streets, and some other townspeople going around their normal life. Wanda couldn’t help but noticed this place was too quiet, too lonely and peaceful to be a place you might enjoy. But Wanda supposed your likes and dislikes might have changed…perhaps, this was what you were looking for right now…perhaps, this was the place where you finally found…
Wanda shook her head scaring those thoughts away. Thoughts she shouldn’t allow in her, that she wasn’t allowed to think because you and her had stopped being something a long time ago. The redhead turned to America, a gently hand pressed against the young woman’s shoulder and shook her lightly.
“America, we’re here.”
America stirred awake blinking away her sleepiness. She furrowed her brows glancing around the town before settling her eyes on Wanda
“I’m sorry, wasn’t supposed to fall asleep.” It was the first thing America could mumble, the memories of her tears and her breaking down in front of this unknown Wanda made her stirred uncomfortably. Wanda had never been the one America had been closest to on her last incursion to the multiverse, but this time around it seemed as if she didn’t have an option.
Though she had to admit, this Wanda was someone she was starting to like. In a motherly gesture, Wanda put another strand of hair behind her ear crunching up her nose while trying to offer the comfort of her presence without saying what she was really thinking. America offered a shaky smile, thankful with Wanda for not mentioning her tears or her own desperation.
“Don’t need to be sorry, I think you and I both are completely tired, but I won’t be able to rest until we have reached our destination.”
And even then, Wanda was not completely sure she would be able to rest. She was still apprehensive wondering how you would react to this unannounced visit. America furrowed her brows until she finally realized you two were in the city, not on their real destination.
“Where are we?” She finally straightened up fixing her hair and jacket while turning curious eyes around her.
“Ulsteinvik.” Wanda said without a single hint of hesitation. “I just thought we could eat something and ask for directions; the application is showing me an empty space and I’m not pretty sure if that’s the right location.”
America furrowed her brows when she realized Wanda’s tone had gotten a strange warmness in it, her green eyes were glancing at America with tenderness and something else. The young woman didn’t know what to think, she hated people feeling pity for her. She hated it even more when they thought they could empathize with her disgrace.
“Yeah, sure, I’m also hungry.”
America regretted her decision as soon as she left the protectiveness of the car. She never imagined this place would be as cold as it was. There was no snow, but it was obvious the winds of winter had already touched the land dropping the temperatures while threatening with the snowstorm. America put her arms around herself trying to warm a little, her lip started quivering and she was about to tell Wanda she would be back to the car when a heavy coat fell on your shoulders. The young woman lifted her stare and Wanda was glancing down at her with a reproachful stare.
“You really didn’t bring a jacket?”
America looked away rather embarrassed, she remembered she was offered the option but refused having found herself self-conscious of her lack of resources. The lack of money had never been an issue for her mainly because most of the things she got were either free or stolen; but in this world more like the previous one she didn’t have a chance to steal anything so she relied on what she was given.
“I didn’t know we were coming to a place like this one, and it wasn’t as if I have that many options on my wardrobe.” The answer came harsher than she intended she stepped aside from the witch, though she didn’t let go of the jacket that was offered.
Wanda let out a tired sigh knowing she had been messing up ever since meeting the young woman. Of course, America didn’t have more than the clothes she was wearing currently, she had arrived to their universe in the midst of a violent attack and survive by miracle said attack.
“I forgot about it, sorry.” Wanda apologized then as an afterthought. “Either way, you could have said something.”
 “What was I supposed to say? Hey, I need clothes because these ones smell and are bloodied, and I don’t have anything else?” America made a face feeling foolish.
“For starters,” Wanda replied pressing her lips together rolling her eyes.
“Well, I was busy with other things, Wanda.” America finally snapped looking away from the witch. “Anyway, in this reality you have to pay for things, and I don’t have any money.”
The last part was said with a mumble, a light flush adorning those young features.  Wanda pressed her lips together, this was not the first time she heard that comment, and a part of Wanda told her America was just lying. If she was always alone, jumping from one place to the other, it was possible she never had the right means to get what she needed.
“You can keep the jacket.” Wanda hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “When we had settled down we will come back and buy you some more clothes and anything else you may need.”
“You don’t have to do it. I can get a way to get my stuff.” America replied rather fast, there was an edge on her tone and her eyes hardened at the suggestion.
From her part, Wanda could do nothing more than softened at the sight. Finally understanding was starting to reach her mind.
“I know I don’t have to.” Wanda said firmly. “I want to, America, and you better prepare yourself because we’re coming once everything is ready. Now let’s go buy something to eat and ask for directions.”
The store was almost empty.
There was a single old lady sitting by the cash register while there was a young woman doing some daily purchases. Wanda watched with amusement as America went through the different snacks carefully selecting the ones she wanted to try out. For a moment, Wanda couldn’t help herself but remember Tommy and Billy whenever Wanda offered some new snacks to them. Wanda’s heart clenched at the memory; and she had to remember herself that everything had been fake. Everything she had created out of her own powers, nothing of that was real. Not Westview, no Vision…No Tommy and Billy. The loneliness and desperation told her not a single person in the world would ever understand how real it had been for her. How much she missed her boys.
“It’s that all?” Wanda asked teasingly, the woman at the cash register smiled gently as America blush lightly nodding and grumbling.
“You said to pick something for the both of us.” America finally said lifting her chin, Wanda snorted not remembering the young woman asking exactly if she wanted any of the things she had selected.
Soon the young woman that had been doing the daily purchases stood behind them with her cart, Wanda then put her phone out selecting the map and getting the money ready.
“Very well then, how much for all of this?” The old lady registered all the products and by the time Wanda was about to pay she leaned in with her phone ready. “I was meant to ask you, we’re here visiting, and I was wondering if you know how I can get to the Lighthouse?”
Wanda fixed the screen on her phone showing the spot where she was supposed to go to but that in reality was not showing on the map. If anything, it was as if the place was in the middle of the sea.
“I think this is supposed to be the place, but the application shows like an empty space…”
The old woman nodded understanding Wanda’s explanation, but her eyes drifted to the young woman waiting in line.
“Are you looking for someone in particular?” The other woman finally dared to speak up, her voice was heavy with a strange accent, but Wanda could perfectly understand the coldness behind the question.
“I’m looking for an old friend,” Wanda replied with her heart aching at the thought that at least the two of you were that. Friends. “Y/N? do you know her?”
The young woman finally took the time to give Wanda a complete checkup, something in those clear eyes gleamed in recognition and Wanda wondered for a moment if this woman recognized her as one of the Avengers.
“I’m Vera.” The young woman introduced herself presenting her hand to Wanda and a nice smile to America.  This sudden changed seemed rather suspicious and Wanda had to wonder for a moment if perhaps she was one of your friends?
Not that Wanda cared much.
You could have as many friends as you wished.
“I thought you looked familiar,” Vera said breaking into a relief smile, Wanda raised an eyebrow at this. So, she really was a friend. “I think I recognized you but of course in the picture you look so much younger.”
Vera then opened her eyes shaking her head sheepishly, “not that you’re old, it’s just that in that picture you two were like teens or something. I think it was like Halloween though Y/N seems to hate that picture, even though she looked adorable in that suit she wore, and you were looking so pretty with the princess...”
The next words were lost to Wanda completely, the revelation that you had one of your pictures with Wanda was just too much, but that you had that picture and were showing it around while telling everyone you hated it…well, ouch.
“I’m sorry, I’m babbling, it’s just that…what a coincidence, are you visiting or…”
“Look I wish we could tell you about our plans, but we come from the States and we’re tired and hungry and just want to know if you know where the Lighthouse is.” America finally interrupted the babbling woman that had not taken noticed of the distress expression crossing Wanda’s eyes or the way she seemed to tense up with each word.
Vera felt her cheeks burn, and her eyebrows knitted together at the abruptness of America’s interruption. Wanda held back her smile, because really, she was not fancy hearing more about how much Y/N hated that picture and how Vera and you seemed to be in such good terms.
“Right, sorry I just…”
“No, please we are sorry,” Wanda intervened with a sweet tone. “It’s just the trip was long and the drive all the way from the airport to here was equally long.”
Vera nodded in understanding leaning in towards the phone pointing at the same location Wanda could not make any sense of.
“That’s the right location, actually.” Vera explained. “This was a former World War II bunker for the Soviet Army and many of those facilities are still there so applications won’t show them for security reasons. It’s not occupied at the moment, but you know…paranoia in our governments and what with all the enhance superheroes…”
Wanda tensed at the comment but said nothing else.
“So, just go straight ahead and there would be land and the house?”
“Yes, actually go straight ahead, no turns.” Vera said leaning back. “It’s the only house at the end of the line.”
It wasn’t until the city was left behind that America finally dared to make the question Wanda was dreading.
“So, you and Y/N, big story there, eh?” America made the comment with a roll of her eyes, she knew the story. At least the one she had witness back in another world.
“It was nothing.” Wanda replied rather fast, her eyes glazing over.
America wondered, not for the very first time, how many things had changed in this universe. How many more were just as messed up as the woman sitting beside her. Wanda heard the thought, scowling deeply at the questions growing in America’s head.
“It really is nothing.” Wanda insisted gripping the wheel tight.
“I get it. It’s an adult thing, a story behind a real story. I wouldn’t understand.” America snorted rolling her eyes. “This is the “you-know-who” of your life, got it. But you should have seen your face when she mentioned that picture…”
America could only chuckle with amusement when Wanda shot her a heated glare, for a moment America entertained the idea of merely no pushing the matter any longer. But she was curious, and she wanted to know why Wanda and Y/N hadn’t worked in this universe so she kept her eyes on Wanda until the woman could not ignore America any longer.
Wanda rolled her eyes shaking her head, she remembered that day so vividly.
“It was a stupid picture we took on a Halloween, we had escaped the compound that day to enjoy a wild night in New York. We ended up in a Frat house in a party Y/N got us invited to.”
Yes, Wanda remembered that day as if it had been yesterday. She dreamt of that day from time to time, you had made friends with a group of frat guys that allowed the both of you to go to a Halloween party, you had spent the night making sure Wanda enjoyed the perks of an American Halloween and after the alcohol and the dancing the both of you ended up in a room on the second floor. It had been your very first night together. Wanda’s first time. And it had been…special.
It was a night that haunted Wanda from time to time, and hearing a stranger said you hated the picture…well…
America furrowed her brows at the lame explanation, there was more story, but she wouldn’t press matters for now. The young woman had realized that there was a single constant in this world and that was regret and broken hearts, everyone seemed to have given up happiness for the greater good, as if they couldn’t have happiness and save the world at the same time.
The conversation died there, and Wanda and America continued the drive deep in thought. The meeting with you was coming closer and closer and both of them were equally nervous if for different reasons.
The redhead couldn’t stop the influx of memories that one mention of the Halloween picture brought to her. It was kind of unsettling how those images went right through her mind, it wasn’t only that night but the many nights in which Wanda was yours, the many moments in which the both of you shared smiles and conversations. Those secret dates, and the secret outings, the secret kisses, the secret nights of passion.
The secret itself.
The shadows that ended up consuming what the both of you felt for one another.
Wanda observed as the distance separating her from you shortened all of a sudden, after so many years of you never even once showing in her life, she was finally coming over to you. There was a tingling on her abdomen, a strange void on her chest while her hands started sweating. Wanda was really a mess at the moment, and this meeting was creating a whole myriad of emotions she thought forgotten. Her heart fluttered with longing at the memory of Y/N, her smile, her stubbornness, and her voice. The way she usually took everything in stride, thinking of all the possible outcomes while becoming stronger so she could protect the team. So, she could protect Wanda.
“I know you’re powerful, Little Witch, but my powers give me an advantage it doesn’t give everyone else. I can be shadows itself, and I can protect all of you. You in particular if needed it. I would never let anything bad happened to you.”
America stirred on her seat, her eyebrows coming together in a gesture of remembrance.
“I was in a world made of ice once.” Wanda glanced at America for a moment, hearing carefully as she narrated one of her adventures. “It was inhabited, cold and so lonely. I thought that was the last place I would ever be, and then…I was able to open a different portal and I realized that world was necessary to understand the next one.”
America didn’t say anything else, but it was obvious these two trips had affected her greatly. Wanda pressed her lips together; she imagined being capable of traveling the multiverse could bring many possibilities both good and bad. How many times had America be in danger of dying in a place that was not meant for her?
“Have you ever thought of staying in one place?” Wanda ventured with curiosity; America stiffened her eyes going wide for a moment.
“I never have a reason to.” She said and Wanda knew, for what she could glimpse on her mind, that America was lying.
The young woman straightened up leaning in, her lips breaking into a relief smile, there in the distance she could make out the form of a house and a lighthouse.  Wanda clenched her jaw closed, her heart beating fast and her body feeling heavy with anticipation.
“We’re finally here.” Wanda let her eyes wandered to the shadowy figure of a lonely home in the middle of nowhere.
What came before her eyes was something Wanda could imagine you living in.
It was a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mountains and a current of water leading to the sea. The house was big, fancy and modern with all the things you had spoken of once, the chimney and the great windows were there as well as the greenhouse. The lighthouse right behind it was a surprised, but in general what Wanda was seeing was something she had been familiar with at some point. This only made her heart ached with longing and regret.
The place itself was surreal, and Wanda found herself smiling at how all of it fit what she had always known about you. Perhaps there was still hope that you haven’t changed that much, and Wanda still knew a thing or two about you.
“I can believe she lives here.” America said looking in awed the place. She was really impressed by what she was seeing, she returned her attention to Wanda only to notice right now the woman was looking like a statute.  “Are you nervous? Why are you so nervous? Was she an ex or something?”
When Wanda blushed at the comment America knew she had won one round. In this world the both of you did have something, but it was over. America mused over this, was it over? Wanda’s reaction told the young woman that was not the case but whatever had happened was enough to create this tension she was feeling at the moment.
“So, it is an ex, eh?” America leaned in then returned her eyes to Wanda. “This is going to be awkward, right?”
“You have no idea.” Wanda mumbled finally able to park the car right on the front door. “They must know we’re already here.”
“How do you know?” America tried to see if there was someone on the window, crunching up her nose. Wanda kept her eyes to the door wriggling her fingers nervously.
“There were cameras along the road when we approached her terrain.” Wanda tilted her head, “I think they also have movement sensors at the gates we just crossed.”
America pursed her lips thinking about these details, her face fell when she realized this was something she should have noticed before. Her latest adventures taught her she shouldn’t trust easily and to always be ready for anything. Her life was at stake and these strangers were doing everything to keep her safe. She should be more alert, ready to be of help and not a dead weight for anyone.
“Stop berating yourself, America.” Wanda placed a hand on America’s shoulder, the young woman huffed looking away. “This kind of reflex take time, and it wasn’t until recently that your life was at any real danger and as long as you’re here it would be our duty to help you and protect you.”
For some reason, this only made America felt worse. She was once more a task, a mission they need to comply with. Once more she was being a problem everyone needed to fix.
The hand on her forearm squeezed tenderly, America lifted her stare to see soft green eyes looking at her. Always sad, always lonely, Wanda turned her attention to the door then back to America.
“Everything is going to be fine, and I am protecting you America, because I want to, because you need that protection, and I won’t leave you alone. Okay?” America swallowed down her response nodding curtly. Wanda offered a tender smile before she let out a heavy sight.
“Look, Y/N and I, we…”
“Have a rough break up?” America asked making a face. “Yeah, I could tell by the teen angsty music you put the whole trip.”
Wanda leaned back furrowing her brows, “my music was not angsty…”
America lifted a single eyebrow in disbelief, though there was some amusement in her eyes. Wanda gave the door one last glance before returning her attention to America.
“What I really wanted to say was that I haven’t talked to her in over ten years.” Wanda lowered her gaze, hating the cold pain that went right through her very soul at this. “The last time we talked…This meeting could go wrong on so many levels I just want you to be ready; mainly because she doesn’t know we’re here.”
Wanda winced observing the angered stare coming from America. The young woman felt like a problem, all over again, because they were about to request help to someone that apparently had a grudge against Wanda, and she hadn’t called before coming and perturbed her personal space.
“You told Strange she said yes.” America said in disbelief, Wanda closed her eyes before letting her shoulders drop in defeat.
“I know, I lied.” Wanda said softly. “But if she had known it was me the one coming, I’m pretty sure she would have said no.”
“How can you be so sure?” America exclaimed. “We’re here uninvited. And by the amount of pinning and depression coming from you I’m guessing not only this wasn’t a good breakup, but it was something to do with you and not her.”
Once more, America found herself facing strong emotions overwhelming her at the worst time. She was so tired of being a dead weight for everyone, wherever she went she was a problem and her actions as well as her presence usually ended with someone getting hurt. The last time the people she had started loving like a family, the world she thought she could stay in had gotten into a difficult situation because of her.
Soon America found herself wrapped in a comforting hug, Wanda put her close and her voice was just above a whisper.
“Everything it’s going to be okay, America.” Wanda clenched her eyes closed, her heart shrank at the memory of Tommy and Billy. Would they know what to do? Would they have Wanda nearby to protect them?
The young woman in her arms was trembling like a leaf, and Wanda didn’t dare to look into her mind since this kind of pain seemed more personal, not so hothead. Wanda was reminded of Stephen’s words just before they left.
“She is no more than a teenager, alone and lost, hiding behind the attitude.”
America had been doing this for far too long, she was forgetting how it was to have someone who cared for her, who could help carried the weight she usually seemed to be carrying.
“I’m just a problem adults need to fix,” she mumbled dropping her shoulders. “Sometimes, their solution is to dispose of me.”
“I’m not going to dispose of you, America.” Wanda leant back wiping away the tears from America’s cheeks.
“We will reach a resolution for this, and then if you want, you can stop running, America.” Wanda tried to offer a smile, to really show the confidence she wasn’t feeling at the moment.
America tensed when the offer was made, it was the second time she heard the same offer coming from the same woman. Different universes. Wanda offered another comforting smile turning towards the door neither of them had approached.
“Look, I know my relationship with Y/N ended horrible. But she is a hero at heart, and she will help. She always does.”
America could tell Wanda was not convince but right now it was obvious they didn’t have more options.
Gee, is there anyone in this world that doesn’t have any trouble with one another? At this rate you guys are going to come face to face with someone like Galactus or Khan and this universe is going to be ashes. Was all America could think off before shrugging and nodding.
“Well then, I guess we better stop stalling this meeting, if they really see us coming they must be waiting.”
Once more America put on a false façade of bravery, she dried her tears knowing that at the moment she also needed to be strong. Whatever was chasing her, would not stop anytime soon and the help they had been looking for might be right behind the door. With a resolution Wanda had become familiar with, America stood up the door before knocking three times.
Wanda held back her smile, she could imagine your face while opening the door and facing the teenager with Wanda right behind her. The attitude and the bravado was something you and Wanda could recognize quite easily…just like Wanda recognized the attitude behind Tommy and the wit behind Billy. The young witch smiled fondly at the memory, her eyes welling up when the emptiness in her heart and life came rushing in; she was supposed to go back to them, to meet with her boys…If only…the thought of the Darkhold poked at her mind, the screams she had heard while trying to reach peace, learning about herself and her powers…
Wanda clenched her jaw, there would be time for that. Her eyes fell on the form of America that was looking around the place before going to the door. Right now, her priority was America.
Wanda sighed stepping forward, it was time to face her past. 
"There's no one home." America stepped back frowning at the lack of activity inside the place. 
Wanda grabbed the knob, her eyes gleaming red before a click was heard and the door was open. 
"Look at that, no locks." Wanda replied with a half-smile that America returned. 
"You know in all universes that's called break in?" But even as she said this America went right into the house feeling the change of temperature. 
The hall was neatly decorated with a table pressed against the wall, there was an empty bowl for the keys and a small mirror on the wall. Wanda closed the door behind her worrying her lip with her eyes glancing around the place. 
It was empty. 
The stood by the door for a moment, the walls were decorated with pictures and some paintings. Wanda watched as America went right in glancing around the pictures, furrowing her brows while trying to catch any sound coming from deeper inside the house.
There was nothing, and Wanda proceeded to follow the young woman. She had taken four steps further into the hall when the click of a gun broke the deep silence in the house, and Wanda felt the pressure of a gun against her head.
"You shouldn't be here, Wanda." The voice was familiar, husky and filled with amusement that Wanda had always found irritating. “Break in a private property is a felony in every country of our world.”
America turned around taking a fighting stance, her eyes went wide open when she noticed the other woman holding the gun. Wanda turned around slowly, her eyes gleaming red when she found herself facing Natasha Romanoff; Natasha smirked when she noticed the tension around those eyes, the anger written in the young woman’s features. She was even more amused at seeing the jealousy there.
“Natasha, why am not surprised that you’re here.” There was a bitter tinge in her tone, and she hated it because she wasn’t supposed to care, you had always told her Natasha was just like a mentor to you. Nothing else.
Natasha tilted her head, her eyes tuned cold and calculating evaluating the situation in front of her. Her green eyes went from America to Wanda, her eyebrows knitted together trying to find an explanation of the situation at hand.
How was it possible for Wanda to find your home? Why was she here? God, why did you have to leave your mobile that day precisely, there was no way Natasha could give you a heads up if you and Yelena never took your phones with you.
“You have a lot of nerve coming here and present yourself unannounced, Wanda.” Natasha couldn’t hide the annoyance in her tone, and her eyes were a clear indicator of his real mood.
The gun was still pointing directly into Wanda’s head, and while the young witch knew Natasha would never pull the trigger it didn’t make her feel better knowing Natasha Romanoff was in your house. As if she had been living there her whole life.
“I am surprised to see you here, Natasha.” Wanda’s voice had an angered edge Natasha was not familiar with, the young woman shook her head taking a deep breath. “We were wondering where you have gone to after the funeral. I guess it was only fitting, right?”
Natasha cocked her head, her lips curling slightly just as she lowered her gun.
“I’ve been leaving here for more than five years now, so yes…fitting.” Natasha put her gun away walking past Wanda, her eyes went once more to America then straight ahead. “Please, take your shoes off if you’re coming deeper into the house, we don’t want the floor to get dirty.”
Wanda scowled at this, and her glare went directly to America who was already taking her shoes off. The young woman shrugged nodding towards Natasha.
“I’m not about to disobey her.” She all but whispered, Wanda rolled her eyes following America’s example.
“Funny you said that, Y/N says the same thing about me every time.” Natasha chuckled making sure her tone of voice held a trace of innuendo while winking at Wanda.
It was almost impossible for Natasha to miss the flash of anger crossing those green eyes, but as soon as it was there it was replaced by a deep sadness. Wanda could pretend all she wanted in front of Vision and the others, but she had never been able of tricking Natasha. The Black Widow had always known, she had always seen it…and that was the reason why she made everything difficult for Wanda.
Because she was a coward.
Natasha went to the living room turning on the lights, she turned around, settling her eyes on Wanda and America.
"Want something to drink?"
America shook herself awake, "yes, thank you."
Natasha pursed her lips going to the kitchen moving around the place with a familiarity that made Wanda hurt. A bittersweet taste of realization hit Wanda making her dizzy, Natasha probably had been living there for quite some time with you. All this time Wanda had suspected Natasha knew your whereabouts, but the Black Widow had always denied it whenever Steve or anybody else would question her. Of course, Natasha knew, of all the people you trusted…
Wanda put her arms around herself, hating this surge of emotions she wasn’t allowed to experience.
"She is not here, by the way." Natasha explained coming over with a glass of orange juice she offered America and a glass of whisky she offered Wanda. “She is out, so you better start talking before she comes back, I’m know she won’t be please knowing you’re here.”
The young witch took the glass with a frown, America looked around the living room admiring the expensive setting and the paintings on the wall. She had never been here; she was still unsure as to why the hostility and how you would receive the both of them; though her own fan girl was getting overly excited to meet the Black Widow. Damn, she was beautiful. 
When America returned her attention to Wanda she realized the redhead was completely stiffened, her eyes hard as steel glaring at Natasha who was torn between her own amusement and a calculating stance. 
The tension could be cut with a knife. 
"Where is she? I need to talk to her." Wanda finally asked, Natasha lifted a single eyebrow and her eyes narrowed dangerously. 
"You can’t come here demanding anything at all, Wanda. I thought you knew this. You lost that right a long time ago." Natasha said calmly, eerily calm. "She is not as patient as I am and believe me when I tell you she is not going to be happy to see you here. So, what are you doing here?"
America took another sip from the glass on her hand, she furrowed her brows not understanding why the violence. As far as she knew, Natasha Romanoff was the best friend of Wanda. Of course, one version of Wanda… sometimes America wondered if perhaps it was better to just lose herself in one of the universes that had no humans or let whoever was after her get to her. 
Every time she got to a new place it wasn't only to learn things, but also to meet people that did not always end up being good. She wondered just what happened to this universe, to this version of Wanda and Natasha to be so openly hostile to one another. 
Wanda looked away before letting out a heavy breath. Her green eyes flashing dangerously at Natasha before she just took control of herself. 
"Something happened, and I need her help." Wanda finally said knowing full well her words were not going to be welcomed. 
"You have some nerve, Wanda." Natasha leaned back against the closest armchair; she emptied the glass of liquor in her hand before massaging her neck. 
"Look, I know I don't have any right…" Wanda trailed off glancing back at the entrance door, the sound of a car pulling on the street calling her attention. 
"She is not going to be happy, Wanda. I hope you're not waiting for her to say yes just because you asked."
Wanda clenched her jaw, tears pricking at her eyes. She couldn't help the wave of regret washing over her, the anxious beating of her heart. Her eyes flickered nervously to the door waiting for you to come in. 
“Dude, she was about ready to pounce on you.” Yelena drawled, her lips curling slightly while wriggling her eyebrows at you. “And I know you’re not that indifferent to her advances.”
You couldn’t help the roll of your eyes at her comment, your lips twitched slightly while you tried to shake your head. The both of you had been discussing the same topic ever since you left the school, Yelena had insisted early in the day to come with you and see you in action only to have her following you around and pairing you with every single woman that came across you during school hours.
It was a game Yelena liked to play, something the both of you did to pass the time but that at the end of the day was something she used to get your mind out of your misery. The misery that usually came around this time of the year.
"For someone that is not that interested in sex, you surely seemed interest in my sex life." You snorted when Yelena laughed cocking her head to glance at you. 
"I may not find it interesting in me, doesn't mean I don't find it interesting in you."
You made a face blinking a couple of times before snickering. 
"You're such a perv, try to say that slowly and think about what you're saying!" 
Yelena opened her eyes before making a face, she slapped your arm laughing at you.
"You're the perv! What I mean is that I find it amusing to see you go through all of that!" Yelena tried to clarify rolling her eyes.
"You mean the sex?" Now you were confused, Yelena rolled her eyes though it was quite evident she was enjoying the absurdity of your banter. 
"No, you idiot!" Yelena exclaimed exasperated. "I enjoyed seeing you squirm and trying to get away from all the attention when it is evident you need some!" 
"Again, too much sex interest for someone like you."
"Again, it is not about me but you."
The conversation died for a moment, it was the wrong thing to say and Yelena realized it far too late. You shrugged offering a tiny smile to the blond woman. 
"I really need to get laid?" That question broke the tension, Yelena laughed and soon you joined in. 
Your house was coming into view, your eyes fell upon the single figure of an unknown car. You and Yelena leaned forward, both your postures changing for a moment.
"You do. You haven't done anything since that space chick left."
"Carol." You chimed in glancing at Yelena who was sitting straight in her seat, her eyes also on the car.
"Right, Carol." She teased whispering the name in a single enamoured whisper, you rolled your eyes while Yelena merely snickered. "That was disgusting, the amount of touching and kissing…I have to use my earphones all week." 
Yelena made gagging noises while you rolled your eyes at her teasing. You knew for a fact Yelena had liked Carol and they got along pretty well which was strange because Yelena didn't like anyone. 
"So, I take it we were not waiting for anyone today, right?" You finally inquired nodding to the parked car. 
"Nope." Yelena popped her lips shaking her head, her hand grabbing the gun under the seat. 
"Well, I don't think it's that bad, Nat would be out by now." You commented dryly, "unless, of course she is happy trashing the inside of my home?" 
"Occupational hazard, Y/N, you should know that by now."
You made a noise at the back of your throat parking right behind the strange car.
"Really, that excuse would get old really soon, Lena." You shook your head turning to Yelena. “Last time, I have to take Tony’s scowling while he helped me fix everything, this time around I’m dragging both of you to do so if it happens again.”
“Last time it was Bucky’s fault.”
“Last time it was you, Natasha, Bucky and Carol.” You replied rather exasperate, “I can believe I have to come back to that disaster, and I left you guys only for two days.”
“In my defence, you never told us they were your friends.”
You snorted closing the door of the car while approaching the unknown one. Perhaps Yelena was right, you didn’t say anything and that was the reason why it ended up in a fight, you looked inside the car but there was nothing there that might reveal who the owner was. You turned to your house then back to Yelena, the young woman had her hand tightly attached to her weapon though nothing else in her posture had changed.
"You know? Now that we talk about it, I like Carol." Yelena mentioned out of the blue trying to go back to the real conversation you two had started back in the car, the young woman had a contemplative stare on her face. "But this Milf you found at school…it has its perks if you want children."
"I'm so no taking you with me next time, Lena…" 
"What? I'm just saying Carol is good for a nice roll in the sack but this Mrs.IWantyoutifuckme is good for a happily ever after." 
Yelena’s words resounded in the hall, you opened the door wide open your lips curled into a smile that froze in place the moment your eyes fell upon the single figure you hoped you would never have to see ever again.
Wanda Maximoff stood in all her glory right at the end of the hall, her long strawberry hair fell in waves behind her back and while there were bags under her eyes and tiredness was quite evident in her green eyes, she was looking as magnificent as the day you met her.
The young witch felt her heart skipped a beat, she made an attempt to go to you when all of a sudden the smile dropped from your face and your features change into disbelief and anger. A well-known anger you reserved only for her. Wanda hesitated, and you hated the way your voice waver and softened when you said her name.
Tag list: @username23345 - @wandanats-goodgirl - @catswag22 - @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp - @marvelogic - @dumpaccdontmindme - @nikkinss - @reereeineedtopee - @kaisenblog - @your-internet-adviser - @dark-hunter16 - @wandabear - @justyourwritter69 - @wandasmarley - @imthenatynat - @bisexualnoodle - @trikruismybitch - @julirey06 - @zolaromanoff - @anaaam 
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giuliettagaltieri · 5 months
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 K. Bakugō • E. Jaeger • M. O’Hara • S. Gojō • N. Zen’in • C. Snow
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Coriolanus Snow
♡ Hunt for Glory
Synopsis: After living under the shadow of legacy of your fathers, you and Coriolanus Snow decide it is time to climb to the top, to reclaim what was yours.  You are a convenient ally, a dangerous and sly woman, and to his luck, it seems your heart was tender for him, until it no longer was
Chapter Count: 6
♡ Quest for Happiness
Synopsis: You got what you wanted. Power over Panem is on your hands. But after fighting in a battle of schemes and ruse, Coriolanus and you face a much more complex adversity. Together, you are a force to reckon with but when the odds seem to not be so much in your favor, will you manage to remain together?
Chapter Count: 7
Gojō Satoru
♡ A River of Honey
Synopsis: Navigating through life with your husband and son who both seemed to have developed an appetite for something only you can provide.
Word Count: 1142
♡ Where the Blue Roses Grow
Series Synopsis: Snippets from the life of Gojō Satoru and yours.  Where the two of you journey on a path that was predetermined for you, with hearts bruised and unforeseen emotions blossoming.
Chapter Count: 9
Miguel O’Hara
♡ Project: Galatea
Synopsis: Allowing you sentience made things more complicated between you and Miguel.  But Peter Parker from Earth-199999 decides to take on an unfinished impossible project of his late mentor, and possibly bring you and Miguel back together.
Word Count: 6218 
♡ Project: Pandora
Synopsis: You are experiencing things for the first time and you can’t wait to explore what the multiverse has to offer, but for now, you’ll start with a messy college dorm room.
Word Count: 2174 
♡ Project: Eros
Synopsis: It does not feel the same without your wings and halo and you turn to science to help you gain them back.  But despite your angelic appearance, you find yourself allured by the weakness and carnality of the flesh.
Word Count: 5435
Eren Jaeger
♡ Sparkly Pink Skirt
Synopsis: When you are head over heels for Eren since high school, he finds it difficult to take in when you start to avoid him.
Word Count: 2586 
♡ Be Careful Not to Spill
Synopsis: Eren does not agree with the euthanasia plan and he will show them, with a little help from you.
Word Count: 2149
♡ Home is Where You Are
Synopsis: As Eren’s past comes to pay him a visit, you come to realize that love can come in all shapes.
Word Count: 1526
♡ Just Kiss Her Already
Synopsis: Craving for academic validation, you find an unexpected challenger who might have hurt your feelings, just a bit.
Word Count: 1724
♡ Kruger and Vixen
Synopsis: Having a love-hate relationship is fun until Eren messes it up, driving you away.
Word Count: 7077
♡ Number One Fan 
Synopsis: You have always been there to cheer him on, if only he would look at you the same way you look at him.  But whho are you compared to the all too perfect Mikasa?
Word Count: 5496
♡ Cherry Flavored Kisses
Synopsis: The life as Eren Jaeger’s girl fascinated you, but it was nothing compared to the fascination you feel for the man, himself.  He could be nice if he wanted.  But nothing is as bittersweet as a love unrequited.
Word Count: 5862
♡ Doctor’s Order
Synopsis: You could not make your crush on Dr. Eren Jaeger any more obvious.  And even though you can tolerate his usual cold demeanor, you also know when to draw the line.  1 of 3.
Word Count: 1792
♡ Progress Notes
Synopsis: You are having fun, trying new things and meeting other people while Eren disproves the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.”  2 of 3.
Word Count: 1370
♡ Care Plan
Synopsis: You’re back from your trip and a certain surgeon finds it difficult to not be in the receiving end of your undivided attention.  3 of 3.
Word Count: 1269
♡ Road Rage & Malibu Barbie
Synopsis: You may look like a barbie doll who got lost on her way back to her dreamhouse but Eren never fails to break your front quite often than you like
Word Count: 2292
Bakugou Katsuki
♡ At Daybreak
Synopsis: Yesterday's rejection made an awkward morning more awkward.  Mix in a ghost and a cookie jar, this morning is bound to be interesting.  Who knew that the Bakugou Katsuki knows how to tease girls?
Word count: 1401
♡ Hero Too
Synopsis: Being a hero means so much more than just the career that Bakugou chose and you wanted to prove that to him and a series of unfortunate events might just let that happen, because dammit! You’re a hero too!
Word Count: 3,553
♡ Still Jealous
Synopsis: Bakugou tries his best to be a good boyfriend when you get hit with a jealousy quirk.  And when cuddles don't work, leave it to Bakugou to come up with other ways to help.
Words: 712
♡ You call Bakugou “pretty”
♡ Manga omake
Naoya Zen’in
Coming This Summer
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glucosegaurdian · 11 months
Danny was tired. Tired of life. Tired of Death. Tired of Amity and how there was nothing to do. 
Don’t get him wrong! The peace pact was the best thing to happen to this town, to this dimension, to him! No more random ghost fights for no good reason, no more protecting ghosts from scared and angry townspeople. It was, well, peaceful! 
And he liked that, he really did! But after a couple hundred years of nothing to do but kingly duties, paperwork (courtesy of the stupid eyeballs) and the occasional friendly spar, he was tired of it all. He needed something different for a little bit. A couple years of excitement, a vacation from his boredom.
 And he truly did need it. Being forever young and mildly ADHD was doing him no favors either in the boredom department.
He sighed. 
He needed to expand his horizons… but… he had never really left America in all his years, had he? Sure there were a couple flyby’s but he had never set foot out of America… (the moon and other planets didn’t count he nodded to himself, floating at the idea of going on vacation)
He smiled to himself as he picked up his phone and called his sister/cousin/daughter. I wonder where in the multiverse she is…. 
Well, Danny reasoned with himself, it wouldn’t be a road-trip without my favorite little traveler. I wonder what Japan is like this time of year.. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to Toshinori…
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cblgblog · 6 months
Can we talk about Peggy’s arc in What If and the sheer amount of WTF in such a short time?
Like, she gets conscripted into the Guardians of the Multiverse, yanked away from her bff/not so secret lover, meets another, much lonelier version of Nat. Saves the worlds, meets up with ‘her’ Nat, oh Widow I’m so happy to see you—oh shit, my boyfriend’s back and it turns out it’s not so fantastic.
Has the whole…everything of 2x05, plans a road trip with her bff/not so secret lover to find her boyfriend…and then gets yanked out of reality, away from her bff/not so secret lover AGAIN.
Like, that girl’s been having quite the week, good God.
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bird-likes-to-fandom · 7 months
why do you dislike michie? /genuinely curious
cracks my knuckles. I'm so glad you asked, dear anon!
First and foremost, I want to say that I'm big on "do what you want forever" when it comes to fandom, even if I hate a certain ship. Just because I post about hating something (because it's my opinion and I can also do what I want forever), doesn't mean I'm gonna police or attack people who love it. I have like 4 or 5 mutuals who like michie! I'm completely fine with others liking it, it's just not my thing and since you asked, I'm gonna tell you why.
Hello! If you're going through the npmd tag and reblogging this post, please reblog the version with the readmore. I meant to put one here the first time and apparently forgot! I'm sorry.
I've tagged this post with "anti michie" for tag blocking purposes.
I don't understand it at all. Max is a vicious, vicious bully, who terrorizes Richie and his friends for literally no fucking reason. He's constantly on a power trip and he enjoys it, and no matter what his home life is like, I don't think that justifies his actions. It doesn't justify his actions. The entire school lives in fear of him, the entire school has physically or emotionally felt his wrath, even his so called "friends", Kyle and Jason. Hell, Richie says he used to not be able to even open his locker out of fear. If Max hadn't died, and if he had genuinely worked on himself, the absolute MOST I could see between him and Richie is a shaky acquaintanceship. I don't think anyone would want ANYTHING to do with him for a very long time, once they knew it was safe to not suck up to him.
I don't understand how people can watch the Nerdy Prudes Must Die song and scene and think it's mutual-love relationship material. Richie's death is genuinely haunting, even only the parts we see of it. Richie is sobbing, begging for his life, and Max taunts him, and you think that's fluffy? And reminder - we don't actually see Richie's real death. We see Max about to strike and laugh maniacally before the lights go black, but at the beginning Bailey says Richie was purple-nurpled and swirlied to death. At the beginning and in Richie's death scene, we hear Max calling out for him, toying with him like predator and prey.
A lot of people make ghost Max out to be nothing that he is in canon, a lot of people make him a goofy guy who is just mildly annoyed by Richie's and Ruth's ghosts. And while canon Max has his funny and silly moments, it's important to remember his actual character and what he represents - a figurative and literal monster. In fanon, people erase all of Max's bad traits, which is what his entire character is meant to be. He's not some dumb himbo, he's a bully. He's meant to represent a real thing that hurts and even kills real people. It's a disservice to take that from him.
I've seen certain Michie works put emphasis on Richie being the one to forgive Max, and not Max taking the long road to work on himself, when in reality it is NEVER on the victim to forgive their abuser. Even if Max works on himself and redeems himself to the best of his ability, even if he gives Richie the most sincere apology in the multiverse, Richie does not have to forgive him. He does not owe him that. And I don't think Richie would forgive him, at least not for a long, long time.
And also, if you want to ship Richie with someone who needs a little redemption, Jason Jepson is right there, and it's a way more probable ship than Michie ever has the capacity of being.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Do you have any WIPs? If so can we get the batfam as those?
i can't tell if these are good ideas
Dick: Teen Beach Movie AU where Birdflash get transported into a 1960s musical and accidentally alter the plot, so they have to race against the clock to 1) get the movie's couple back together and 2) find a way back to the real world
Jason: college AU where seniors Jason, Roy, Kory, and Kyle go on a road trip for their final spring break and check off everything on their childhood bucket lists while facing the reality of what's gonna happen after they graduate
Tim: another college AU where someone gives Kon a fake number at a bar that turns out to be Tim's and they strike up a deal where they keep each other company over text on the condition that they don't reveal their identities; at the same time, they are long-standing art school rivals who got paired together for their final project
Damian: family-friendly whodunit mystery where Selina's engagement ring goes missing at a party, so Damian and Jon take it upon themselves to interrogate everyone and uncover the culprit, who turns out to be closer than they think
Duke: multiverse AU set during We Are Robin where the Robins of different continuities converge in Duke's Gotham, and they have to work together to get past their stark personality contrasts in order to defeat a common enemy
Cullen: side story where, against his sister's wishes and behind her back, Cullen suits up with his own vigilante persona and pursues a smuggling case operating out of his favorite DVD store that takes him beyond his comfort zone of the Gotham city limits
Stephanie: lawyer AU where Steph is the newest recruit at a law firm and her first case is a seemingly straightforward lawsuit until she finds bizarre evidence, unknowingly makes enemies, and wonders if she's fighting for the right side at all
Cassandra: one-room thriller where Cass takes the Gotham subways late at night and winds up at a station that she's never heard of with no exit, no cell service, and something lurking inside the tunnels
Barbara: chat log/computer programming–style story where Babs antagonizes the wrong person online and places a target on the backs of herself and everyone she loves, so she must outmaneuver the anonymous user before they can make good on their threat
Harper: canon-divergent fic where Harper discovers an underground fight ring run by washed-up and wannabe Gotham vigilantes who offer to help train her skills in ways the batfamily can't, but when she takes the offer, she starts to question what is the cost of reaching her potential
Carrie: soft fantasy AU where Carrie and her fellow Girl Scouts discover a baby mythological creature in the woods without its family around, so they work together to figure out how to take care of it without tipping off their troop leaders
Kate: classic batfam mission where Kate and Bruce make a bet to see who can solve their latest case first, but she realizes that their friendly rivalry might be the exact thing putting them in jeopardy
Alfred: Marvel crossover where he and Peggy Carter come out of retirement to track down an international art thief, only to uncover a more sinister plot involving their past allies
Selina: Midnight Library-ish concept where Selina gets an opportunity to explore all the what-ifs of her life and undo her past regrets, but the difficult decision is whether or not she wants to make those changes permanent
Bruce: Turner and Hooch AU in the early Batman days where Bruce takes in a stray dog off the streets because it's an integral piece to his latest mission, but Alfred's out of town and Bruce doesn't know the first thing about caring for a living creature, let alone one as uncooperative as an untrained Ace
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