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X without helmet (3/3) Español: Zero: X, estas bien? X: seh... no te preocupes... --- X: Hay que pena... Zero: Pero que dices? te vez muy bien X: Gracias :)
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He is stuck with 2 menace
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#wait the guild system means there's like an overarching council or something write? #Who judges all these guilds and diggers? #There must be something/some council or something judging and evaluating everything
Funny thing if you say that the truth is that yes there is a “council” but it’s most of the representatives chosen by the people from their respective island. Since again carbons are community oriented rather than whatever humans have. Plus gaining the title of Guildmaster is a fucking challenge since you have to prove yourself to the people and diggers alike that your capable of being a good leader and organizer ensuring that everything goes smoothly, having the skills and wisdom but it’s common for guild masters to have their own assistants to help them out to alleviate the burden.
Cause being a guild master is an extremely stressful fucking job alone like good lord
(FWI Guidmasters are former Diggers so being a digger or at least having through digger related stuff is a requirement in order to be a guilmaster)
There is no “true” leader of the Guild working together checking the status of the islands since the guilds mostly just listen to the communities. But there would be folks that are more experienced and wiser to handle specific situations.
There is no overarching government since it’s more akin into interconnected nature where rumors and information gets passed on from person to person.
There's a gathering between guildmasters with the island’s leader that is held every few years to update what’s going on in the Digger community and the state of the islands. And let me tell yah it’s filled with gossip, and shit that’s just too juicy not to miss. But also updating the system the news (And let me tell ya something the whole Kattletox incident was absolutely mentioned)
This will be an elaboration or continuation to the Carbon lore about diggers that was briefly touched on society/Diggers. Some expanded information about the Diggers guild their history, its ranks and identifying the threat level of certain ruins and islands.
There are guilds spread at a good chunk of Terra. It’s common to find an island that houses a guild building where the resident diggers live. However even diggers who aren’t connected to the guild can sign up for a job to support themselves.
The guild also provides inns for traveling diggers or guild members a place to stay for the night. Some members stay in the guild buildings until they can save up money for a while, others live with the guild.
When it comes to Jobs Diggers have different assortments of jobs. These jobs/requests are posted at the town’s local bulletin board for diggers to take up these jobs or it can be requested through the guild itself. It can be used for going on expeditions on ancient ruins; it can also be included of Rescue missions (rescuing fellow diggers, citizens), retrieval jobs, and bodyguards. In exchange for completing these jobs the digger obtains rewards as in the form of payment, additional resources etc..
Half the resources (During long digging expeditions) that were acquired are given to the guild to be trained for better supplies and then it gets distributed to the settlement and its denizens to support them. The harder the job is the greater the reward/reputation.
The requests that are given to the townspeople to help them out in their troubles or warding off pirates.
Unlike independent Diggers, who can just go to any ruin. When it comes to the Digger’s Guild, ranks determine the skill level and experience of a digger and how they can deal with jobs and the danger level of ruins. This is a safety measure that ensures the safety of the Diggers when going on to Digs or having specific jobs that come with it. It also gives the Digger a unique reputation the higher the rank is.
D Rank: The lowest and starting rank for low leveled diggers when they are first starting out. They mostly obtain simple jobs at least. They aren’t allowed to partake dangerous jobs or most of them are rookies who are still figuring out how Digs work. Mostly being mentored by higher ranked members.
C Rank: above D rank, while still a lower rank but is an improvement of than its previous rank. C rank is where diggers are allowed to go to ruins by themselves. But they still needed aid by their fellow diggers on occasions.
B Rank: The most common rank that a digger can be at that point. At this point they are already doing jobs and digs by themselves. Especially that at rank is where they can join up guild expeditions with their fellow guild members.
A rank: The highest rank a demonstration of skill of what it means to be a Digger. Taking on dangerous jobs and leading certain expeditions. That have more responsibilities than a normal digger as they also help mentor the lower ranked members. Can actually access islands that they aren’t allowed to go.
S Rank: The best of the Best, the cream of the crop. Is the highest rank of all the Guild. Only a few can achieve such a high rank and are usually one of the strongest, skilled diggers ever known. Commonly most of these members are leaders and can go on to solo missions by themselves. They are either feared or respected by other guild members and diggers alike even sky pirates wouldn’t dare to face one head on. Essentially they are legends.
The guildmaster: basically the leaders of the guild basically the one in charged of maintaining it. Most of these leaders are mostly chosen and have to earn the position. There are guild leaders that run some of the guilds on Terra
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I Know What You Are... You Are Mega Man!
The differences between each Mega is something I love and appreciate, plus it's also fun to compare them side-by-side for it.
I think it's really amusing how they start with robots that slowly reach near-human traits, and then there's a straight-up human. Albeit, he is merged with a non-human being.
And then there's Volnutt. I know he could probably be narrowed down to an "artificial human", but I like the idea of tying him to his celestial origins as Trigger that are still half a mystery.
Such is my running-joke with him. He is just... Volnutt (currently).
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[[ OOC: for the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite game and the crossover with Sonic in Archie comics ^^ ]]
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Yes we need cute family fluff cause god we need it.
Geo sweetheart this is different you are never a burden or a nuisance to the lights trust me. You’re gonna live with them. You are fucking family now. Also it’s nice to know that Geo has some clothes for his travels they’re absolutely dirty and possibly torned up (Levi might be right about shopping but we’ll see)
I absolutely love her Geo is surprised for the morning chaos already XD. Phantom and Harpuia have that chase is a delight 5 bucks that Phantom pranked harpy while he was sleeping.
It’s absolutely sweet and understandable that X still suffers the pain of his past as Volnutt tries his best to comfort his father. It must of have been worrying for Volnutt to see his dad suffer brutal nightmares like that the first time. So he’s definitely gonna support him (despite X telling him go get sleep lmao)
And since Geo also suffers that I see him and X bonding and comforting each other in these times. Knowing that feeling is comforting to know that you aren’t alone.
Ah mega never change XD
Levi being the sassy big sister as she always been
Again thank you so much for this fic, it’s been such a delight!!
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Crossed Constellations, Part 7
For @absolutely-normal-about-x!
I can't believe we're at number seven.
And after last chapter....family fun times? Family fun times.
~~~ Yawning, Geo rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?” 
“Close to ten in the morning,” Omega-Xis said. “You slept deep, kid. What were you dreaming about?” 
“That last conversation with Cepheus,” Geo said, getting up out of bed. “And locking the Door.” 
Omega-Xis was quiet, but he knew his partner by now and what his many, many different silences meant. 
“You were injured,” Geo said, tugging off the borrowed pajamas. He dug through his travel bag in search of clothes, wrinkling his nose at the multiple dirty garments he hadn’t been able to wash. “Don’t blame yourself.” 
“I’m not,” Omega-Xis said, offended.
“Good,” Geo said, staring at the last two clean outfits left. He was down to two outfits, it seemed: the one he’d gotten while living with the Resistance against Neo Arcadia, and the other from when he’d lived with the Hikaris for a month. 
He stared at them both. The Resistance outfit was cool, durable, and comfortable, but with this household…. “Probably should go with the other one,” he said. 
Omega-Xis agreed. “Though you should put it on later when you’re more comfortable,” he cackled. 
Geo rolled his eyes. “And get kicked out? Yeah, right.” 
Omega-Xis paused. “You’re not going to get kicked out,” he said firmly. “Not with X around.” 
“X has limits too,” Geo said, putting on the shirt and pants. “I don’t want to try and find them.” 
“X won’t kick you out, kid,” Omega-Xis repeated. He floated closer. “Don’t worry about walking on eggshells.” 
Geo’s lips quirked at his partner’s odd insistence. “We won’t be here long enough to be uncomfortable or do anything to get kicked out anyway,” he agreed. 
“....everyone else is already up, kid,” Omega-Xis said. “Let’s get out there, huh?” 
Geo smiled. “Sure,” he said, and padded out the door in search of food. 
He wasn’t expecting the chaos the second he stepped out into the hall. 
“Get back here, Phantom!” Harpuia roared, chasing the cackling cat down the hallways. Geo stepped back just in time to avoid getting run over. He watched with wide eyes as Phantom kicked himself up the wall and over Harpuia, and ran to the doorway. Harpuia screeched and with a flap of his wings, sped after him.
“Wha---” Geo said. 
Volnutt came around the corner, somehow incredibly cheerful and calm despite it all. “Geo!” He said. “You’re up!” 
Geo nodded dumbly. The Phantom-Harpuia encounter had taken what, five? Six seconds? “What happened?” He asked as Volnutt kindly led him towards the kitchen. 
Volnutt shrugged. “Dunno. Was talking with Dad, then I heard Harpy screech and Phantom darting away. ‘S pretty normal, though.” 
“Normal….?” Geo’s voice squeaked out. 
“Oh yeah. If it’s not Harpuia and Phantom, then it’s Levi and Fefnir. Or another duo from those four.” 
“Don’t act like you and Roll don’t get into it,” a tired voice said.
Geo looked around the corner to see X, leaning against the counter and looking extremely tired as he sipped from a steaming coffee mug. He smiled at them both. “Good morning, Geo,” he said, and yikes he sounded exhausted. “Sleep well despite the racket?” 
Geo nodded. “Yeah! I did, actually. Didn’t hear a thing.” 
Volnutt and X looked impressed. “I’d like whatever made you sleep so long,” Volnutt. “I was up really early!” 
X gave him a completely unimpressed look. “You, little nut, have been up with me since before dawn. I told you to go back to bed.” 
“And leave you alone?” Volnutt said, offended. “No way!” 
“You were up that early?” Geo asked. “Why?” 
X blinked. “I have a few issues sleeping at night,” he said. “Old memories, scars acting up, dreams--the like.” 
Oh, so like some of Geo’s own problems, then. That made sense. He nodded. “Nightmares are the worst,” he agreed. 
X stiffened, then relaxed. “They can be. Did you have any last night?” 
Geo frowned. “It wasn’t a nightmare. Just a memory.” 
“A good one?” Volnutt asked. 
He grimaced. “Not really. Well. Sorta.” Cepheus and he had had a rough beginning, but by their end it had been a brotherhood for a reason. 
“Hmm, those can be worse,” X said knowingly. “I’m surprised you didn’t wake up.” 
“This was also the first time I’ve been human in months,” Geo said. “So I slept.” 
“Been human?” Volnutt asked, confused. 
X made a sound of acknowledgement. “The form you were in when you first arrived?” 
“Yup,” a new voice agreed. They all turned towards it as Omega-Xis floated his way to the coffee pot, and poured himself a mug. “Good looking, isn’t it,” he boasted. They all watched as the alien took a sip of coffee and sighed happily. 
“Not the oddest sight I’ve seen but up there,” X murmured. 
Geo smiled. “It takes getting used to.” 
“An alien is drinking our coffee,” Volnutt said dreamily. “Dad, am I dreaming?” 
“No one can dream me up!” Omega-Xis said cheerfully. He shook his mane, and posed. “Beauty and grace and--” 
“Is that the rest of the coffee?” Leviathan demanded, striding into the kitchen. “I need more.” 
Omega-Xis paused. “Errr….” 
“You drank the rest of the coffee?” 
“Don’t you usually drink tea, Sis?” Volnutt placated. 
She scowled. “I am in need of a higher caffeine fix.” After fixing up a new pot, she turned a gimlet eye to Geo, who froze. “You.” 
He gulped. 
“You and I are going out shopping today.” 
“Huh?! Why?” 
She scoffed. “You can’t have very many clothing options in that bag of yours.” 
“I have a lot!” Geo said hurriedly. “Promise! They’re just dirty!” 
“Hmmm,” she eyed him up and down. “Then we’ll wash them today and see what you have.” 
Somehow, that sounded like a threat. 
“Leviathan,” X said, amused. “Let him settle in a bit first.” 
She sighed. “Fine.” She then turned to the coffee pot, and then took out three mugs and filled them all to near-full with boiling hot coffee, using milk and sugar to fill them up completely. And then, in a feat that Geo still didn’t comprehend, she drowned all three mugs in three long gulps.  
“We’ll go another day,” Leviathan ordered, and then gracefully sashayed out of the kitchen like she owned it. 
“....those were boiling?” Geo said. “How did she not get burned…?” 
Volnutt nodded fearfully. “She does it with tea, too,” he confided. “She doesn’t care.” 
X sighed, pinching his nose. “She’s a mistress of the ocean and water, boys,” he said. “Water in any of its forms doesn’t scare her.” 
“It’s still scary,” Volnutt muttered. Geo nodded. 
“Wow, what a woman,” was Omega-Xis’s input, causing Geo to choke. 
“Omega-Xis!” He screeched. 
X winced. “Geo, not so loud.” 
Omega-Xis turned to X. “Your daughter would be a fine warrior on AM,” he said proudly. Geo groaned. 
X’s lips quirked up, and he graciously took the compliment. “Any of my children would, I expect.” Then he blinked, and turned to Geo. “We got side-tracked. What would you like for breakfast?” 
“Eggs and toast?” 
“Coming right up.”
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Absolutely obsessed with @tworedplants's adapter designs, had to give Blues and Tempo a shot. They're talking strategy. Her art is AMAZING go check her out!!
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This will be an elaboration or continuation to the Carbon lore about diggers that was briefly touched on society/Diggers. Some expanded information about the Diggers guild their history, its ranks and identifying the threat level of certain ruins and islands.
There are guilds spread at a good chunk of Terra. It’s common to find an island that houses a guild building where the resident diggers live. However even diggers who aren’t connected to the guild can sign up for a job to support themselves.
The guild also provides inns for traveling diggers or guild members a place to stay for the night. Some members stay in the guild buildings until they can save up money for a while, others live with the guild.
When it comes to Jobs Diggers have different assortments of jobs. These jobs/requests are posted at the town’s local bulletin board for diggers to take up these jobs or it can be requested through the guild itself. It can be used for going on expeditions on ancient ruins; it can also be included of Rescue missions (rescuing fellow diggers, citizens), retrieval jobs, and bodyguards. In exchange for completing these jobs the digger obtains rewards as in the form of payment, additional resources etc..
Half the resources (During long digging expeditions) that were acquired are given to the guild to be trained for better supplies and then it gets distributed to the settlement and its denizens to support them. The harder the job is the greater the reward/reputation.
The requests that are given to the townspeople to help them out in their troubles or warding off pirates.
Unlike independent Diggers, who can just go to any ruin. When it comes to the Digger’s Guild, ranks determine the skill level and experience of a digger and how they can deal with jobs and the danger level of ruins. This is a safety measure that ensures the safety of the Diggers when going on to Digs or having specific jobs that come with it. It also gives the Digger a unique reputation the higher the rank is.
D Rank: The lowest and starting rank for low leveled diggers when they are first starting out. They mostly obtain simple jobs at least. They aren’t allowed to partake dangerous jobs or most of them are rookies who are still figuring out how Digs work. Mostly being mentored by higher ranked members.
C Rank: above D rank, while still a lower rank but is an improvement of than its previous rank. C rank is where diggers are allowed to go to ruins by themselves. But they still needed aid by their fellow diggers on occasions.
B Rank: The most common rank that a digger can be at that point. At this point they are already doing jobs and digs by themselves. Especially that at rank is where they can join up guild expeditions with their fellow guild members.
A rank: The highest rank a demonstration of skill of what it means to be a Digger. Taking on dangerous jobs and leading certain expeditions. That have more responsibilities than a normal digger as they also help mentor the lower ranked members. Can actually access islands that they aren’t allowed to go.
S Rank: The best of the Best, the cream of the crop. Is the highest rank of all the Guild. Only a few can achieve such a high rank and are usually one of the strongest, skilled diggers ever known. Commonly most of these members are leaders and can go on to solo missions by themselves. They are either feared or respected by other guild members and diggers alike even sky pirates wouldn’t dare to face one head on. Essentially they are legends.
The guildmaster: basically the leaders of the guild basically the one in charged of maintaining it. Most of these leaders are mostly chosen and have to earn the position. There are guild leaders that run some of the guilds on Terra
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they are besties. prove me wrong. no you can’t because it’s literally canon that they look out for each other in every game
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You made me do this
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this image haunted my brain all day today so i was forced to draw it
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