#give things meaning!!!! let the world around you be romanticized!!!!!
tac-the-unseen · 1 month
I love all ur blog sm!! Can I ask abt something with the slashers (specially Thomas <3) with an foreigner!reader that don't quit speak english very well and normally forget words?
(Sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my native language lmao)
Absolutely, I can!
And because the request didn't specify, this fic will strictly be about speaking a foreign language.
Sorry if this is inaccurate! I'm a native English speaker and don't know many who aren't. Sorry in advance!!
Slashers x Foreigner!Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•This man will act like he doesn't care but in reality he's so intrigued. (It might be why you're still alive) 
•He’ll spend his time watching you practice your pronunciation and recognition patterns, like it's a movie.
•Is he a bit mean about it? Yes. Will he laugh? Probably.
•If you find yourself not knowing what certain words are and stumble around until you find the right word, You'd be surprised at how patient he is. 
•If you are very new to the English language he'll secretly get you flash cards and stash them into a place he knows you'll find them
•Despite everything, if you ask him for help, he will help. He might be mute but he can write and use TV to aid you.
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Stu is already romanticizing your language, but instead of using the actual name of your language, he calls it “Talking pretty to me”
•Billy asks if you want any text books or study equipment to help you on your English speaking journey 
•Both boys are a surprising help! Stuttering trying to articulate what you mean? They've already jumped in to, A) help save you some of the embarrassment, and B) give you time to think about what you're trying to say. 
•Someone making fun of you? They're either dead or a social outcast by the end of the week. 
•Are you struggling to remember a certain word? These boys are willing play charades until you figure it out. And they won't drop it either, Stu says ‘It’s bad to give up when you've already come so far.’ 
•Over all it's not so bad (Stu 100,000,000% uses Google translate to figure out how to say ‘i love you’ in your native language) 
Thomas Hewitt:
•When both of you met, he had never met an actual foreigner before.
•He knew people travel around and occasionally some valley girl would end up in their small town, But someone from a whole different part of the world?
•His interest in you spiked the moment he heard your accent 
•Thomas has so many questions but doesn't know how to ask you
•With him being mute and your struggles with English, It's not the easiest relationship. In the end both of you just end up pointing at things and making noises to get your point across. 
•Absolutely loves to listen to you speak in your native language, Even if he'll never understand it. 
•When he's first trying to court you, he leaves you slightly damaged flowers (he struggled to pick them) to communicate his affection. 
•even with a language barrier, he's gonna love you like no one ever could 
Bubba Sawyer:
•He had no idea people outside of America existed 
•When You fell into the palm of Texas and his brothers found you failing to remember the word for your favorite snack, They knew you would be an easy target.
•When they kidnapped you and brought you to the basement so Bubba could chop you up, he was fascinated by the way you desperately tried to beg him not to kill you. 
•It ended in a huge fight in the family, But he got everyone to let you live a bit longer.
•Sits Criss Cross applesauce while you speak for your life. You could babble about anything and he would listen intently. 
•He pulls out his alphabet soup machine and spends hours typing with you. (You help him finally get past the clown level)
Bo Sinclair:
•absolute meanie, stinky poopy head about it >:(
•will mock your stutters and say stuff like “Oh come ON! The word is Cat! C. A. T. CAT! What's so hard about that?” 
•If you speak your native language around him, He thinks you're insulting him or intentionally hiding something. 
•”If you could say it to my face in your language you can say it to my face again in mine!”
•The same sentiment is not shared when it involves bedroom fun
•Will eventually apologize, But that's going to take a while 
Vincent Sinclair:
•As another non-speaking fellow he takes his time to make sure you two can understand each other 
•He’ll mostly use body language and and little doodles to get his point across 
•Stuttering over a word? He doesn't care, he'll let you work it out without any judgment!
•Want his help? He has several books, Vincent will just pull out a book he knows as the word in it, flipped to the page, and point at the word. 
•Love listening to you talk, In English or not. He'll happily let you yap his ear off. 
Lester Sinclair:
•Poor boy was lovestruck when he first heard you talk!
•Full on heart eyes while you explain where you're from and how you ended up here 
•If you end up fumbling on a word he'll start shouting out potential words for what you're trying to say. 
•Example: “and then I had too…uh…um..” “Run? Pee? Eat? Were you hungry? Are you hungry right now?” 
•So helpful, I know
•But the guy is already googling restaurants based off your native cuisine. He's got the date set up. 
•”It's no biggie, I'm a native English speaker and I still can't get it right!” 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy 100% understands the struggle of finding the right word to say 
•He can't stop stuttering himself, so when you start stuttering you kind of reinforce us in his brain that you were meant to be together 
•He feels like he can bond with you over it, and even feel safer around you knowing that you also mess up 
•the thing is if you start stuttering, he'll start stuttering. If you can't get it by God he will.
•”W-we can't bo-oth be wrong.” 
Brahms Heelshire:
•this man will 100% try to learn your language as soon as he finds out you're a foreigner
•That man has a huge library, there's bound to be at least one book written in your mother tongue 
•He spends a lot of time practicing your native language so he can speak to you more comfortably
•You already know he has children's learning books he'll pull out if you ask. 
•Can't find the word you're looking for? He's already 10 books deep, he'll find it for you. 
•Brahms is a well-educated man and he intends to use His years of learning to help 
•If you want to take classes to better your English skills he will 100,000% throw money your way to do so.
Hannibal Lecter:
•Now Hannibal really understands 
•He's a Lithuanian who learned English as a 10 year old
•He didn't struggle as much, But for the first couple of months you bet he was stumbling. 
•If you're struggling with a word, He has a process of teaching you so you don't forget it again. 
1) Identify what you're trying to say 
2)Slowly begin to sound out the word 
3)Have you recite the word a few times 
4)He'll either teaches you a little tune to remember or he'll do something so you remember the moment 
•Does it feel a little condescending? Yes. But it works 
•He's also willing to pour an ungodly amount of money into your English education if you ask 
•He'll even teach you himself in his spare time
Will Graham:
•Doesn't really know what to do, He's a bit awkward about it 
•He'll also identify the word and repeat it a few times so you can get a better handle on it.
•He thinks it's a bit funny and a bit cute when you stutter or mispronounce something 
•He will gently correct you and move on like nothing happened 
The Lost Boys:
•holy fucking shit this is a cluster fuck, let's do this one by one 
-David, having been around a while, has picked up a couple languages.
-If he does know the language you're speaking he'll speak it back to you and guide you into English better than the other boys could 
-If not, he'll just read your mind and tell you what you're trying to say. It's by far the easiest way to articulate what you mean. 
-Dwayne being just slightly younger than David has also picked up a couple languages 
-It's really the same if he does know your language But with a little more verbal teaching 
-If he doesn't he'll patiently wait until you figure out what you're trying to say. 
-as soon as you start to stutter over yourself Paul starts shotgunning words off 
-some slightly related to the situation and others wildly out there 
-”Drink? Food? Ocean? Horse? The unforgiving eyes of God and His kingdom???” 
-he'll do this to confuse you and have a nice laugh 
-Marko speaks English and Italian, so if your language isn't one of those two you're kind of shit out of luck 
-”Come on babe, you'll get it” 
-He finds it a bit funny but still tries to help in little ways 
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry if this seems hastily written together, I haven't had the request in a while so I kind of jumped at the opportunity.
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The AroAce will accept no criticism. In fact, they have decided to rant about it. (found below the cut)
Some things that are Hallmarks of the classic cinematic Batman are:
-constant depression,
-emotional dysregulation,
-extreme ego and narcissism, and
-refusal to have meaningful relationships outside of casual flings.
the Lego Batman Movie, (along with every other Batman movie) highlights these character traits, and makes sure that the audience knows that they are a direct result of witnessing the death of his parents.
However, what separates Lego Batman from the rest is that he is the only one who realizes that all of those things are deeply unhealthy coping mechanisms that hurt those around him! This movie doesn't romanticize these traits like many other Batman movies. They are portrayed as what they are, and we get to witness the consequences!
Batman's giant ego, his belief that he is the best, the smartest, is such an ingrained and predictable trait that it's what allows the Joker's plan to work. Throughout the film, he discounts and demeans those who are close to him, to the point of telling Alfred, the man who took him in and raised him as his own, that he "doesn't know what it's like to have a surrogate son." He literally and metaphorically pushes everyone who cares about him away, despite them pleading for him to let them help.
It takes him being sent to (arguably) an afterlife for him to realize how much he's hurt others. And even then, at first, he denies it. However, once Lego Batman does understand this, he tries to make things right. He convinces Phyllis, (the 2x4 Lego piece responsible for the phantom zone) to let him return to his world. Upon his return he has to give up his whole, "Batman works alone" mentality, in favor of wholly relying on his friends and family. and when he tries to sacrifice himself at the end of the movie, he gives Robin the lesson that he has learned throughout the course of the movie:
"Sometimes losing people is a part of life, but that doesn't mean you stop letting them in."
Lego Batman changes for the better, and that is why he is not recalled back into the phantom zone. If this were any other iteration of Batman, he likely would have been. This is because Lego Batman is the only one who has actually taken steps to heal from his trauma and actively relies on others for emotional support. Another difference, the "others" he relies on are not romantic relationships! When most batman movies show him in a relationship, it seems to be focused on the Token Hot Woman. But in this movie, it is platonic, familial love that causes him to want to make a change. These relationships are just as valid, and, quite frankly, probably more stable for him at this point in his life.
By the end of the movie, Lego Batman still retains many of the iconic Batman traits. He still runs around at night fighting crime in a batsuit. He is still cool as hell (the character states this explicitly). and he still struggles with the trauma of losing his parents. the difference is; he no longer does it on his own.
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raisin-shell · 4 months
Bayverse TMNT head cannons that no one asked for. 👹
Listen, and I myself have been guilty of it, we all have over romanticized the boys and we do it all to often because we come here for, what we each believe that is, a perfect world. But let’s just back up a moment and think about it logically… if logic applies when it comes to walking, talking turtles. How would it really be if you met and happen to fall in love with one of the turtles? In reality? Let’s dig into it.
Master splinter may show you kindness and may even favor you, but he will never agree with one of his sons having a relationship. It’s against everything he has taught them and that will never change. It also puts his entire family at risk whether you like it or not.
You will never be able to introduce him to your family or friends. Again they work in the shadows for a reason. You can not simply parade your boyfriend around nor show him off.
You can not tell a soul about him or that you’re even dating him. In fact you can’t tell anyone you’re dating at all unless you want to lie about it and compromise his position.
He can’t take you on dates. Well… not normal or formal ones. Although he can get creative in his own way. But date night is few and far between because he has the city to protect.
His duty as a ninja and a protector of the city will always come before you.
His love for his brothers and father also come before you.
His brothers, much like splinter, don’t approve of your relationship for the same reasons. It compromises their most powerful weapon… secrecy.
He’s a ninja. Sneaking into your home is a cake walk, but your ceiling better be tall. Be prepared for him to bump into things unintentionally of course.
Pray to god he never has to take a shit at your house. Be prepared to do some plunging.
Buying him clothes in the right size…. Forget about it.
Your first kiss is going to be awkward. One he’s never kissed before and two your mouths are quite the size difference. It’s going to take practice.
The first time you have sex is going to be just as awkward. He’s going to be worried about his performance but mostly his size. And he’d be right to worry. He’s twice the size of any porn star you’ve seen.
It’s going to take time to adjust to his size… not just his dick ya nasty! I mean his size in general. He’s much stronger than the human man and sometimes he doesn’t know his own strength.
You can not and will not go on patrol with him. He can not and will not give you details about those patrols either.
Master splinter will limit your time in the lair. Combine that with work during the day and him on patrol all night. You will rarely get to see him unless he breaks code.
April comes before you. Casey too. You’ll have to leave the jealousy at the door.
He can not give you store bought gifts. Everything he gifts you will be hand made.
He more than likely will keep you a secret from his family for quite some time… if or when you get caught that is.
Could you handle that type of relationship? Honestly I think I could be a good fuck buddy for Raph but Leo I’d catch feelings for and I just don’t know if I could do it. Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are. 😍
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mccn-bcys · 2 years
pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: when you turn eighteen, an ink stain appears on your skin wherever your soulmate touches you for the first time. the boys each are dealing with their stain in their own way.
warnings: angsty marc, fluffy jake, soulmate au, DID (I don't have DID so I'm basing my knowledge off of what is in the show, please correct me if anything is wrong), I'm also not a Spanish speaker (I used Google translate please correct me if it's wrong)
authors note: as stated in the warnings, im not a Spanish speaker so pls correct me if it's wrong. I also do not have DID and am using knowledge from the show. There will be a part two to this soon, but I figured I'd go ahead and give you all a taste! I really hope you like it!Let me know what you think! Please like and reblog guys!
word count: 1,817
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when the black stain on their knuckles first showed, all three boys weren't sure what to make of its meaning. at first, they thought it was from holding their soulmate's hand, but that didn't make sense. the stain was just on the knuckles of their right hand. 
it wouldn't be until years later, as they all started getting older, till they started having their own opinions about it. and after the boys were all aware of each other, they would discuss it. well, jake and steven would discuss it.
marc didn't want to talk about it. 
steven wasn't fully convinced that he was destined to have a soulmate. maybe a platonic soulmate, but certainly not a romantic soulmate. surely they would've shown themselves by now, right? so steven decided it best to not romanticize the stain. he just settled on maybe it was a fist bump. or even a lighthearted shoulder punch. some sort of friendly gesture. 
jake was the opposite. this man may have a reputation for being bad and mean and evil, but jake lockley was a huge romantic. he was obsessed with love. of course, the only people who knew were marc and steven.
he loved the idea that there was someone out there that was made for him. he liked to believe that they would love him despite the things he's done, despite his past, despite having two other people that shared his body.
he'd played the scenarios around in his head. there was the classic accidental brushing of his knuckles against you, maybe as you passed in the streets. he imagined that when he'd feel you brush his knuckles, he'd stop and turn, grabbing your hand and stopping you, and then it would be love at first sight. something out of a rom-com, marc would scoff. or maybe for some reason, he would be gently stroking your face with his knuckles. or maybe you dropped something, like papers or books, and you both bent down to pick them up and reached for the same book at the same time, your hands brushing each other. 
jake would spend hours, just staring at his hand and the stain on it. whenever he thinks of his soulmate, he can't keep the giddy grin off his face. sometimes steven likes to indulge in jakes fantasies, just a little. but the fantasies piss marc off to no end. but all jake wanted? he just wanted somebody to love and somebody to love him.
marc didn't want to indulge in any fantasy, romantic or platonic. he'd convinced himself a long time ago that it was just a joke. he'd stare at the stain on his hand, but instead of with a smile like jake, he'd stare in disgust. disgust at the mark, at the world, at himself. 
see, marc had come to the conclusion that the stain was from a punch or some kind of hit. he convinced himself that he'd only hurt you from the beginning, whether on accident or on purpose. but he had no intention of finding out.
he could never hurt you, whoever you were, if he never touched you. he made it a point to not touch anyone. he'd even stopped doing work for khonshu, so he wouldn't risk punching or hitting his soulmate. 
he didn't deserve a soulmate anyways, romantic or platonic. he had done too many horrible things, there was too much blood on his hands. and he knew it was all his fault. he didn't deserve someone to love. he wasn't worthy of love. he was a monster. a killer. he always had been. 
so when he was walking down the streets, head kept low, as he made his way to the grocery store to pick up some milk — because jake had forgotten again — he thought he was going to die.
it was busy on the street. everyone must be getting off work and trying to get home. marc had really tried. tried so hard to squeeze through everyone without touching anyone.
"this is just ridiculous, mate," steven scoffed lightly. marc could see him throw his hands up in exasperation from the reflection of the window across the street. "do you realize how extremely unlikely it is that we'd brush against them on the way to get milk?" 
"not taking any chances," marc grunted, determined. 
"are you scared you're going to accidentally punch someone on the street? plan on fighting anyone who bumps into you?" jake rolled his eyes. he thought this whole "no touching" thing was a bunch of shit. 
jake had always tried to tell marc how ridiculous his thinking was. that even if their soulmate didn't like their night-time jobs or that they didn't want 3 soulmates in one, at least they'd be able to meet them, know that there had been someone for them. 
and marc knew he was right. but that's part of what scared marc. what if they didn't accept him or his alters? what if they only wanted one of them? what if they didn't want to deal with their past? their baggage? marc didn't want to risk it. 
"when you front, you are more than welcome to touch people on the street. but I will do whatever the hell I want while I front," marc scowled at his alter.
"mate...you could have worded that a bit better," steven cringed. 
and marc was going to respond, but before he could even start to think the words, he felt it. 
someone's hand brushed against his knuckles. against the stain. 
and marc was ready to just brush it off. maybe turn around tell them to watch where they were going and keep walking. but none of that happened. 
as soon as the person made contact with him, a shock went through his body and left a tingling sensation on his knuckles. he stopped dead in his track. jake was screaming at him to let him front — a request marc was adamant on denying. steven was suddenly nervous. 
but marc? marc was terrified. if he turned around to look at you, it would only make it more real. marc knew it was you. knew it was his soulmate, otherwise jake and steven wouldn't be freaking out. 
"oy, pendejo! si no los miras ahora mismo, nos tiraré de un edificio!" jake threatened, but it was falling on deaf ears. 
"marc...you don't have to talk to them, but a glance couldn't hurt," steven tried pleading. 
but how it could hurt. because if he looked at you, he'd be ruined. he'd want to talk to you. get to know you. but that came with the risk of you getting to know him. because what if you didn't like it? like him? or his alters? his past? his present? he didn't want to know what he could have with you if it meant he might lose you. 
he had wanted to just keep walking. he tried so damn hard to just keep going. act like it didn't happen. but damn it, lockley had gotten enough control and kept their feet glued to the ground. 
"míralas!" jake insisted causing marc to let out a groan. 
"fine, but just a quick glance," he finally caved, receiving an excited cheer from jake and hopeful sound of agreement from steven. 
taking a deep breath, marc finally turned around and for a second time, was frozen in place. even jake and steven were speechless. 
you were beautiful. the way the sun was hitting your face right now? breathtaking. and you looked just as stunned as he did. 
you had been dreaming of this moment since the stain appeared on your wrist. you — unknowingly like jake — had gone over every scenario possible for the black spot on your wrist. imagined what it'd be like to finally meet your soulmate. imagined what it'd feel like when they touched you for the first time.
never in your wildest dreams had you imagined it happening on your way home on the streets of london. never had you pictured being stopped on the sidewalk, staring at your soulmate just feet away as the world seemed to go on as if nothing was happening. 
he was so handsome. his golden skin shining in the sun as he stared at you in awe. as if his whole world had stopped. the way his curls framed his face. and his eyes. oh they seemed to hold a storm. he seemed to be going through so many emotions at once. 
you both stood there, staring at each other, seconds seeming to pass like hours. you weren't sure what to do and neither was he. neither of you had prepared for this. 
"hi," you finally said. it had been quiet, breathless, especially with the noise of the city, but he heard you loud and clear. 
"hey," he said back, making you relax a little. you were worried he wasn't going to speak to you. 
"are you—" you both started to ask, which made you laugh a little. oh what he'd give to hear that sound again. he didn't even know your name but he'd give you the world if that's what you asked for. 
"sorry," you quickly apologized before continuing, "do you mind?" you asked, gesturing to the stain on his knuckles, to which he lightly shook his head no. 
truth be told, marc was terrified to move. no sudden movements, he didn't want to scare you off. you sounded so gentle, so kind. jake was begging to front. but marc wanted to be selfish for just a bit longer. 
he watched as you took your stained wrist and brushed it against his knuckles again, both of you jumping slightly at the shock feeling coursing through you again. you beamed up at him. 
that's it, he was a goner. 
you introduced yourself, seeming a bit shy. all three boys repeated it in their head, loving how it sounded. marc had even repeated back to you and you were already addicted to how it sounded rolling off his pretty lips.
"i'm marc," he said, quietly, as if his name alone was too much information. 
"marc," you repeated gently. like if you said it too loud, you'd break whatever spell you two were under. he loved how you said his name. 
"well, I've just gotten off work, do you want to get coffee or a drink?" you offered, wanting to immediately get to know the man in front of you. 
and before he could turn down the offer, he found himself saying "yeah, i'd like that." the hell was he thinking? he should just go get the milk and go home. forget you and that this had happened. but that felt impossible now. he doesn't think he'd ever forget you. 
so before you both know it, you're walking side by side, going to get coffee, an easy silence falling over you as you walked together.
edit (bc I forgot my taglist):
taglist: @leoluved @howaboutcastiel @sir-knight-slytherdor
(if you'd like to be added to the taglist please let me know!)
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
I would love a Getting to Know Eddie with your coffee shop blues Eddie. (I’ll let Abi ask for Maroon). 😘
(oh i don’t think i could tell abi much more about maroon eddie than i already have. the space under my desk when im writing maroon literally has her name on it <3)
alright. so. COFFEE SHOP BLUES EDDIE. first and foremost, that eddie is from my purely self indulgent barista!au for those of you who don’t know. for legal reasons, it’s totally not based on true experiences or a very real company. totally not. for legal reasons. but, the entire premise is this eddie entirely untouched from the upside down — non-canon compliance so we can be happy for once baby ! — and just playing around with who he is without all that. he gets the job as a barista, he’s a damn pessimist, and- well, i liked to play around with what would happen if he was the grumpiest barista to ever exist and got reality checked by a sunshine-incarnate barista. and, spoiler alert, the boy would probably melt. he does melt.
my inspiration is drawn entirely from uh… well… can i have a lawyer if i admit this? nah im just kidding he’s based on my own experiences! and contrary to what plenty of people have said to me (if i had a nickel every time said they imagine me as reader i’d be far richer than i am which makes me so 😭), eddie is the character based around me. i think he’d react very similarly to how i do most of the time at work. being grumpy, being so easily inconvenienced by every small thing, always huffing and puffing and wanting to be better. and i think reader is what i’d like to be. at the end of the day, it’s just a nice way to romanticize life, i guess. <3
my favorite headcanon that i’ve never shared in the story is that everyone actually finds that he’s very good at his job. it’s emphasized he isn’t necessarily friends with the other baristas, and there’s a whole lot of him internally comparing himself to the people he thinks do the job better (*cough* reader *cough*), but that whole “i can do better. i have to do better” mentality has led him to being quite good at the job actually. he puts himself down, says he isn’t that good, etc. but he is. customers like that feline grumpiness (the girls that come in regularly for frappucinos in the afternoon are always secretly hoping he’s there, definitely living their ‘i can fix him’ fantasy despite reader already having set sail on that boat), his coworkers admire him albeit they get a lil scared of him due to resting bitch face, and all that. he makes a mean fucking cappuccino. his drinks always just taste better. he’s just good. he’ll never admit it, but damn is he good at his job.
on a casual day, this man is living in comfy clothes. big band tees, plaid pajama pants or sweats. the only time he puts on jeans these days is when he works. which, i mean, listen — he works often. he lives his days by what shift he has, not by days of the week. weekends are nonexistent to him. he’s earned some damn comfort when he’s just at home, ya know? (also, most of his clothes that aren’t graphic tees or comfy pants just stink of coffee these days. ugh.)
his favorite food is probably the cake pops at work. he’s a sweet tooth fiend with them. someone accidentally breaks one when opening the packages? oh no !! he’ll take that off their hands. all of his free food mark outs? 50% cake pops. he’s on food? he’s definitely accidentally bagging and slipping one or two off to the side for himself. sometimes coworkers will try to convince him when he’s on the food position to slip them a free cake pop as well, and every time, he’s flipping them the bird and a quick “steal on your own time, bud”. (unless it’s reader. unless it’s sunshine. then, he’s caving, handing over the birthday cake pop he just marked out for himself without second thought. even if he rolls his eyes as he does it — he’d give her the world if she just asked).
his family situation is pretty close to canon — wayne. and obviously he has hellfire, he has corroded coffin, but all of those are just… small things. he’s finally graduated in this universe, so hellfire doesn’t meet as often. corroded coffin’s members are still in their senior year, so sometimes studying for a calculus test is overriding band practice for them. which i mean, was a bummer and led to him needing a distraction like a part time job (also — money) but it’s all good now, cause he gets to bug Sunshine on his days off when he’s bored. they’ve definitely exchanged numbers, and they’re definitely sending each other an obligatory dumb meme a day. sorry, i don’t make the rules.
he likes pop music. don’t ever ask him about it, he denies it, but Sunshine got him into all those radio hits. he’ll find himself humming along to the radio at work constantly too. and, the one time he and Sunshine worked a very rare, LITERALLY only happened once close together, they definitely were belting out britney spears’ “hit me baby one more time”, dancing around the closed stores and eddie using the mop as a mic while Sunshine tried to stock up all the cups. the shift on duty was unamused, to say the least.
he’s pretty pessimistic in all avenues, but there’s something deep inside of him that’s just a bit hopeless romantic. especially after meeting Sunshine. he listens to her prattle about her romance books all day, and he hates the fact that he finds himself smiling at some of those different scenarios she’s gushing about. but it’s cute, okay? besides, it’s only giving him more ideas about how to wow his favorite barista. sex, on the other hand, he’s still pretty bland on. he’s had one or two one night stands, names he’s forgotten at the Hideout after shows, and he’s not really got the energy to be some sex-crazed fuckboy. listening to his coworkers’ hookup stories and relationship problems work pretty well to remind him he could be doing far worse (but if anyone were to ask him what he thought of Sunshine in that context? oh. oh the poor boy. the scary dog facade fades, and his ears have never been pinker as he’s stuttering about having to grab something from the back that he just stocked. he’s just grateful she never seems to have her own escapades to talk about — he probably wouldn’t survive the world-ending jealousy that would cloud his vision.)
pessimistic. so so pessimistic.
a couple months ago, he would have said his room. alone. or practicing with cc, on his guitar. or behind his dm screens, watching as his little sheep panicked over the latest twist he’s revealed for his current campaign.
but now? maybe he’s just gone soft, but the first place he thinks of is a rainy afternoon in the back of his van, his head in Sunshine’s lap as they listen to the slight drizzle bounce off the roof. he swears if he closes his eyes, he can still feel her fingers against his scalp.
JO. JO. I DON'T HAVE THE ORIGINAL POST FOR THIS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT PARAGRAPH IS ANSWERING WHAT PROMPTS. but honestly, even now that i'm free of the siren, i wanna post this. i love prattling on about our little grumpy barista. i luv him.
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princelylove · 7 months
Hi, accidentally stumble in your blog~ I love yandere jojo contents too so I hope to see your content about it :D
I don't know what to request yet but maybe we can talk about type of yandere. What is your favorite type of yandere? Mine is delusion or simp yandere (what characters in jojo you think they will be in this category btw)
Delusional types are adorable to me. There’s just something so charming about someone who’s so bent on being together that their brain skips the entire courting process and goes right into “We’re dating. No actually we’re married and have been married since forever and even our past lives were married. You belong to me what do you mean I have to stop calling for fifteen days.” I think my favored type is protective, but delusionals are too cute to pass on. As for those I think are delusional or simps, off the top of my head…
I’d also argue that Mista’s the type to simp, he’s pretty sure he’ll die if you carry your own shopping bags, but he doesn’t strike me as delusional. Love’s gotta be real to him, you know? He’s the kind of guy that can take a maybe, hell, even a hard no! He knows how to back off, but he’s just gonna keep watch from over here if that’s cool with you. I mean, come on, what kinda “friend” would he be if he let you open your own doors or pay for your own meal? He’s got a job, it’s totally on him! Don’t even think about trying to step over that puddle yourself, he’s already got you up by your legs to carry you across. He’s pretty strong, isn’t he? Oh, he’d die a happy man if you praised him for something like that. He’s like a dog whose tail just won’t stop wagging. You’re his everything, why wouldn’t he try to do things for you all the time? That isn’t weird, don’t shove him into the same category as creepy guys who never give up! It’s like typical hollywood stuff, you know? Romanticism or whatever! 
You know who’s fully delusional, though? I say this with lots of love, but Diego. He just cannot fathom the idea of someone rejecting him, I mean, what’s wrong with him? He’s the prince of the british horseracing world, how DARE you reject him??? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him, don’t play hard to get with him of all people! You should be begging for his attention, not the other way around, but here we are. Diego fully believes that you were made for him, you just don’t understand the gravity (I do think I’m funny for this wordplay) of the situation yet. No matter what happens, you’re always going to be his. As long as he’s got it in his head that you’re more of an object than a real person who has thoughts and feelings like he does, he’s not really going to care about your ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Look, pigeons are just meant to be led, and he’s already somewhat fond of you, so just let him have what he wants. I’m firmly of the belief that if you ever flat out rejected him, he’d just think you were unwell and needed him even more. Be good for him, he doesn’t have the time to play this silly little game of cat and mouse with you right now. 
Joseph is another “You can’t play hard to get forever!” type to me, honestly. He’s persistent like a bloodhound, and is going to get in the way of whatever lover or relationship you’ve got going on right now no matter what. He called dibs on you, so, it’s totally fair. He’ll show up to your apartment or house and completely ignore his training if it means getting just a glimpse of you. So what if he’s got a ring in his throat, he wants to put a ring on your finger! Joseph goes the extra mile for you- literally. If you were to move out of town, he’d walk all the way to your new place if he had to. Joseph won’t be deterred so easily. You just wanted him to get some exercise, right, babe? That’s so thoughtful of you! It makes his day when you look his way, especially if you actually catch him showing off with his training. If you were to actually talk to him, or god forbid compliment him, he’d be reeling for a week. He trails behind you on your errands, taking notes mentally of where you go and what you get. One day he’ll know it by heart, and then you won’t even have to go on errands anymore! Unless you want to go with him, that is. Then he’s totally down for a little couple’s day out. Joseph will buy you whatever you want as long as he gets his fix in. Let him put his head on your lap and just stare, and he’ll be thrilled. I don’t necessarily believe that Joseph would kidnap you if you broke his fantasy too many times, but you’re definitely going to start losing a lot of personal time. It doesn’t matter how he got into your apartment, he made dinner. Haha, ok, you caught him. He ordered dinner. 
I think it’s fairly obvious to say that Yukako is delusional. She has a warped sense of reality. Her crimes really don’t matter to her because she’s making up for it. Look, look, she cooked for you. Stop trying to go for the door or the window. Yukako loves you, so you’re going to be perfect for her, and you’re going to be perfect together. She’s firm about never leaving your side even though she’s already got you all to herself. She sees nothing wrong with skipping dating and going right to locking you up if she thinks you need her for something. You’re failing at that cooking class that school made you take despite your pleas not to? She can do that. You’re awful with directions? She knows every little corner of town. You actually don’t need her and are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself? Don’t talk like that. You need her. There’s absolutely no reason to deny her, so let’s do this the cutesy way she wants it. 
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eupheme · 1 year
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IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE | part iv: long road ahead
joel miller x f!reader
Rated E - 4.6k
Tags: brief canon-divergence, reader is mid/late 30s+, soft!dom Joel, angst, references to anxiety, mentions of hunted food and meals, sort-of romanticization of a wound, manual restraints, unprotected PiV
A/N - this is it! Thank you to everyone who has read along and commented. I appreciate you so much! 💕
The days grow longer. And you find that all good things must come to an end.
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The ground crunches under your steps, one after another.
He walks beside you now. Those worn leather gloves stuffed into pockets, the soft brushing of fingers and knuckles - never quite entwining.
Silence has been a third companion this morning. Along with the bright sun glinting off the melting snow that collapses under your steps. A rare, warm moment.
A good time to get from one place to the next, if there ever was one.
You wish it was like the time you went out before.
That walk from a few days ago, after those stolen moments in the barn. Steps taken afterwards, in a contented haze - even through the twinge of soreness between your thighs.
Over-enthusiastic, in his recompense.
You think you understand it now, after his words. Realizing there was nothing that could make him do anything. That maybe he had just been waiting all those weeks, like you had.
There's an inhale of breath, as his steps crunch alongside yours. Something weighing on his mind - enough to steal his voice, to hide it away.
You've picked up that much at least - the silence of thought looked different on his face than the silence of listening, of holding his tongue.
But on the next breath, he lets his thoughts free - flying straight like an arrow.
"You have a good thing goin'," His voice is low, as if he might be overheard. As if the trees around you can listen, as his tongue wets his lips.
A pause, "But it's only you out here."
You glance at him, steps slowing when you see how serious his eyes are. Examining you, as his jaw works - before they're dropping.
His tone changes, going lighter, "You could come with us."
The words sit heavy between you. Bringing you to a crashing stop as his offer curls inside your brain and your heart.
You can't pretend it's something you haven't thought about. Dismissed. Thought about again.
A never-ending loop of what-ifs that you have to force yourself not to dwell on - too painful to consider. Never thinking he would actually ask.
"I can't." There's a tremble in your voice that you shake away - a pain that pricks at your eyes, "This is all I have."
There's something like pity in the look he gives you.
A tension between his eyebrows as he coaxes, "What if I told you there was more out there? This place ain't going to last forever."
His hand flexes, as if to reach for you. Moving to grip onto the wire fence, instead - curling around the ice-cold metal.
"That generator has a year left on it. Two, tops."
Your eyes drop. Part of you knows this. That you've kept up the cabin the best you could. But it's been twenty years since the world ended. Some things you can't fix anymore.
"You can't live like this. All alone." He means it kindly. But it twists in your stomach, your sorrow turning into anger.
An acid souring your words, spitting them back his way, "At least it's livin’."
Neither one of you are the best at talking things out. Losing the craft when actions spoke louder.
His own anger flaring - unsheathing that sharp edge.
"They ain't coming back. The person you're waiting for. You know that, right?”
His words are like a slap, staggering you. Cruel, even if he doesn't mean them that way. Even if he only wants you to see what you've been ignoring, avoiding, for years now.
It steals your words, as you stare back at him. The twist of his mouth, the angry tilt of his eyebrows above those eyes that seem to pierce right through you.
It transforms him into someone you don't recognize.
Taking him back to the man he was, on that first night.
You turn on your heel, then - your boots sinking into the damp ground with the force of your steps. Leaving him standing at the fence, his arms now hanging at his sides.
It feels like an impossible choice. That tiny bit of hope eroding into a sliver of nothing. You've told yourself a hundred times that you wouldn't ask them to stay. That you couldn't.
That it wasn't fair.
But it's on the tip on your tongue, now - even in spite of your anger. Trying to force their way through your lips.
His voice comes first.
Low and soft, but still freezing you in place.
"Ellie is immune."
And slowly, you turn.
He stands where you left him, dark eyes solemnly searching yours. Wanting, needing you to understand what he is saying.
You heard him, but it still doesn't make sense. Thoughts seem to buzz in your head - the words scooped up with the wind, taking them with it.
"Been bit twice and hasn't turned." He takes a step closer, and you find yourself doing the same.
Another, and then another - until you're in front of each other, again.
“I'm taking her to a group in Salt Lake City. Might be able to find a cure."
All you can do is stare, as his words sink in. Emotions flickering in your chest, like those old kodachrome slides - each breath changing the photo. Shock bleeds into worry, melting their way into sadness. And then, hope.
"Is she, really?" You breathe.
A mark still settled deep between your eyebrows, as you think. How Ellie must have felt, that first time. You can't imagine the fear of a bite - and to have experienced it twice? At her age?
So capable, but so young. She shouldn't have had to grow up like this. To have gone through that.
"I've seen the mark." His hand rakes through his hair, before bracing on his hips, "Made a promise I'd get her there safely."
You nod, automatically.
The unseen burden - their drive - making sense in a way you never understood until now. The weight of their journey replacing the heavy one in your heart. What a difference, this girl could make.
You see her in a new light.
Maybe she could prevent what happened to you from happening to anyone else.
His fingers brush yours, and you take them - his grip warm and familiar. Standing for a stolen moment, before you acknowledge the impossible impasse.
He can't ask you to go.
And you can't ask him to stay.
Your eyes burn.
You tell yourself it’s just from the wind.
As the days pass, you pick up on it.
The slow packing of things.
A spare zip-up jacket that’s taken up residence on the old wooden chair, now tucked away into a bag.
The small pile of tools - a swiss army knife, the skinny phillips head screwdriver.
Spending weeks cluttering the little side table. Sharing the space with an old iron lantern, so Joel could see when he tinkered on things in the evenings.
Now, swept away like they never existed. The pieces like magnets - slowly working their way back to each other, back to where they came from.
It makes your chest ache, but the days are getting a little warmer. The mark on his stomach starting to fade instead that raw, red splash.
Healing, with the time that has passed.
It has you wanting to withdraw, even though you should be blooming - sprouting up through the thawing soil.
Instead, you find yourself tucking yourself in your room a little more often. Leaving them alone.
Not every day - there’s moments when you forget. When you are just happy to be with them, spending time. Soaking it in.
It’s in the mornings, when your bed is empty. When there’s that flip in your stomach when he’s not there - when you remember that in the no-so-distant future, he won’t just be on the other side of the door.
That’s when you linger. Letting yourself press into the bed, softer than the floor.
You’ve never been good at goodbyes.
You’ve never gotten the chance to give them.
And when you finally have the chance, you don’t want to. You want it - them - to linger.
To be tethered, like you are, to this place. Moss growing over stone.
But you can’t ask for that. And with what you know now, you won’t let that happen.
There's a finality in the way you pluck things off the pantry shelf tonight. As you prepare the meal - passing things to Ellie to open, watch over for you as they begin to cook.
Giving Joel the best cuts of meat from the deer. It had taken him two days to track it down. It's become harder and harder to find food around these parts.
You should ration it. If he notices, he doesn't say anything. Letting you season it with an abundance of spices, almost too much, before he takes it to the fire.
Pulling as many comforting things as you have. Letting your mind wander back to your childhood, trying to adapt it to now.
Canned potatoes, a hearty chili, peanut butter sandwiches. Applesauce and and old packet of kool-aid.
In the past, you would have nibbled away at each one. Stretched them into days, wanting to save these small indulgences.
Tonight - you don't care.
It becomes a patchwork of flavors. You're not even sure if it will go together. But if it's good - you make it.
Wanting them to go to bed tonight, full and happy.
That you can do, at least.
The food fills most of your cookware, finishes dishes spilling across your counter. Plates piled high as the sun sets - the golden beams making the kitchen feel hazy. Softened in the evening glow.
It takes most of the afternoon, but it's worth it. To have that moment of sitting down together.
Of actual tableware set out, instead of standing at the counter - shoveling in a bite. Running off to finish what ever you'd been working on.
Tonight, metal clinks against ceramic. Steaming food and a swirl of red in wine glasses - a smattering of giggles with Ellie's exaggerated "pinkies out".
It feels - normal. In spite of everything.
It makes you wistful.
Like if you closed your eyes, it would be back then. That maybe you'd be home - still young and without all these unshakeable burdens and memories.
And if not that, then it makes you think of what could be.
What can't be.
A heaviness begins in your heart, stretching down to your fingers. Weighing down your fork - each bite slow.
But not because you're savoring it - when you look back, you won't remember the flavors.
Trying to soak the evening in. Every detail. Trying not to drag down the mood with your melancholy. Ignoring the way Joel's eyes sweep towards you, the pinching of his brow.
You don't want to make it weird. To cling on, even if your fingers itch to. It had been change and luck that had brought them your way, and hopefully that would follow them on the road ahead.
So instead, you throw yourself into conversations with Ellie. Really trying to listen, to remember all of it.
A smile, as you conceed that perhaps Batman wasn't a superhero, after all. A conversation you’ve touched on before, when Ellie found a stash of comic books on the shelf.
“I think his powers are his intellect, and disicpline. His humanity is his power, you know?"
“Bruce is just a rich dude in a suit. He's no different than Tony Stark."
"Iron Man is a hero. His suit gives him superpowers. Plus he's like, stupid-smart."
"How can he be both stupid and smart?"
"Joel, you don't even know who Iron Man is."
The dishes left in the sink, for you to tackle tomorrow. They will be welcome distraction, then.
Clearing the space for candles, as the streaks of purple and grey fill the rooms.
Cards flicking across the table. Throwing yourself into the Texas Hold'em that's been the favorite lately. Ellie catching on quickly, finding joy in calling out the bluffs.
Played for pennies, buttons, things found around the house. Carefully coveted when won, as if they actually held a value. It’s easy to throw yourself into it, getting caught up in the game.
It's late, when the round ends. When you're left looking at each other, the single candle not strong enough to keep away the creeping darkness.
You stand.
Still unwilling for things to end. Not yet. Just a few minutes longer.
So you find another candle instead. A thick one with three wicks - until the glow is warm and filling the space again. Washing over expressions that resemble your own.
"One more."
You play one more, and then another. As the minutes tick by, and the light burns low.
His thumb sweeps feather-light over the mark. Slightly faded with time that has passed - the angry slash fading to a swooped line.
You’ve spent nights mapping each other out in the dark, but not like this. The curtains drawn back to let the moonlight in, the candle from the kitchen moved to sit on the side table - making his skin glow in the golden light.
Touching you like he wants to remember, wants to actually know each scar and mark on your skin.
“This looks new.”
“It is,” You smile, a soft laugh. “That’s from the night we met.”
Joel’s head lifts, a question in his eyes.
“Ellie.” You tell him - a soothing brush through his curls when he frowns, “She’s one hell of a kid. Out of all of us, she’s the one that’s gonna be just fine.”
He makes a sound at that, a low acknowledgment. You wonder if he had more time, if he’d press for more information.
Head dipping as he presses his lips softly against the scar, instead.
“I’m sorry.”
It could be an apology just for this. For what he said before. Or - it just could be for all the things that has happened. To you, to him.
It’s too tender.
You’re not used to soft. Neither one of you are. Awkward and fumbling over words, trying to hold things back.
Knowing there’s not much time left.
You shake your head, “Don’t be. I don’t mind, it’s-“
It’s a reminder that the two of you existed. A memory, for when you’re gone. That it wasn’t just a dream.
It’s fucked up to think that way. But then again, what isn’t fucked up about the world, anymore?
“It’s fine. She was trying to help you.” You deflect, “Can’t fault her for that.”
He hums, his hand flattening against your stripped-bare skin. Drifting along the curve of your waist and hip, fingertips carefully dragging.
It makes your stomach flip, something bubbling up to burn in your chest.
You don’t want soft tonight. You don’t think you can take it.
Teeth gritting as you try to shift the weight. Trying to pull him on top of you, from where he rests on his side. A palm tucked under his cheek, his curls soft and tousled from a recent shower.
It’s domestic.
That bubbling feeling rises, choking you. Blinking back the sting of your eyes, as he resists for just a second - confused.
As if you could really move him, all on your own.
You second tug is softer, and he moves then. Rolling on top of you until his hips are cradling yours, elbows digging into the mattress on either side as he hovers.
Surrounding you, until he’s all you can see. A hand curving against your jaw, a thumb brushing against your cheek.
There’s a pinch between his brows. Something that’s been there since that morning walk, those days ago.
A permanent etching, above eyes that see too much.
Your own eyes close, to break that connection. A hand curling around the back of his neck to bring his mouth down to yours.
The groan sounds broken in your throat, when his body melds against yours. That weight pressing you into the bed, as you deepen the kiss.
Your thigh hooking around his waist, pulling him closer. The sound echoed when your teeth scrape his lip in your eagerness.
That look again, as he pulls back. You know he can read yours.
All but clinging to him, as his sharp look softens. You hope he knows what you need, because you don’t think you have the words tonight.
If you open your mouth, you’re afraid the rest will flow. That you’ll say something you’ll regret - all your feelings wrapped up so tightly, scrambling over each other to burst through first.
But, you think you can manage one. For him.
Those dark eyes flick back and forth between yours. You wonder if he needs the same thing because suddenly, his head is ducking back down.
The hand on your cheek sliding to cup the back of your neck. Thumb and forefinger pressing into the muscle, holding you in place as his hips start to slowly rock.
Grinding himself against you, as his tongue flicks at yours. Slowly swelling, growing hard against the soft curve of your thigh, your hip.
Leaving a sticky streak behind, as your fingers grip at his shoulder. As he swallows the moans that grow softer, as the neediness takes over.
Angling himself so he slides between your thighs. His hot length nudging against your core, shining from the way his mouth presses to yours. Slick now, as his other hand cups a breast.
Teasing, then pinching. The slight pain makes you gasp, the pleasure layering over it as he swallows the sound.
Your hips lift, seeking him. A frustrated hand snaking between you - wrapping around his length, lining him up.
His hips slow, to where he’s just pressing against you. Not nudging inside, not yet. Eyes open and dark as his head tilts back.
Watching. Observing your change of pace, a shift in what’s become the usual. A question in them, unspoken but you can read it as well as he can read you.
This what you want?
You need this?
Your lips are on his neck, as you shift. The tip parting and then splitting you as he starts to sink inside. Tasting the salt of his skin as your arms wrap around his strong shoulders, holding yourself against him.
Joel groans as he’s enveloped in your heat. The hand dropping to the curve of your waist and squeezing, as he drives into you.
It steals your breath, a soft gasp against his neck as his cock makes room for itself. A sharp stretch in the way he fills you.
Nails biting into the meat of his shoulder as his hips sit flush. Before his hand is moving - reaching for yours. Dragging one from his shoulder and pinning it against the mattress.
Pushing you back, bracing himself above you. That forearm still pressed into the bed, his fingers still cupping the back of your neck.
Head dropping, so he can nose against your cheek. His voice a low rasp, barely audible in the soft shell of your ear.
“If you want it, you’re gonna take what I give you.”
It sends a flickering thrill up your spine. How he has you held so firmly in place. Thumb pressing into the hollow under your ear - keeping your face tipped up towards him.
You do expect him to take. Bracing for it, a flutter of your eyelashes - waiting for the sharp, unyielding snap of his hips.
Instead, his hips rock. A lazy, slow drag as he nudges deep, and then deeper.
Your free hand clings to him, wrapping around a thick bicep. The heel of your foot pressing against the curve of his ass, urging.
But he keeps it up. Small thrusts into where you’re warm and wet and aching for him, tilting your hips up to meet him.
All while his eyes stay on yours. Rarely blinking - just taking you in.
You wonder if this is how you looked earlier, at the table. That greedy inhalation of anything you could.
Wanting to remember.
It has your jaw gritting. His tenderness would be something you’d marvel at, if it was another night.
But you want to forget. Everything that isn’t him, that isn’t just this moment.
There’s a pink flash of tongue as he wets his lips, framed by the peppered-grey strands of his beard.
“More.” You parrot, a jerky nod to your head.
That sharper thrust comes, and then another. Each one pushes a thought from your head, replacing it with soft, hazy bliss.
The grind of his hips as he finds the angle that he knows well. The one that has you gasping, the coarse hair a much-needed friction against your clit.
Each thrust like a tooth on a gear, slowly winding you up. Twisting in your belly until you feel like it’s about to snap - your breath a ragged gasp with each harsh punch of his hips.
It’s almost enough. The fingers around your wrist tightening, as he hold himself back. Your thighs gripping around his hips as you clench, his own breath equally harsh.
His name, breathed out the feeling begins to overwhelm you.
“Joel. Joel, I’m-”
Those arms move, then. Releasing that tight grip, as his lips brush yours. His words an echo of that first night, when you had fallen in bed together.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come on.” He coaxes - needing it as much as you do. “Come for me.”
Wrapping his arms around you, as you shatter.
He wakes her quietly. A hand on a sleepy shoulder, a gentle shake.
A finger raising to his lips as her eyes open. Bleary-eyed as she yawns, looking around the dark room. It's early - the morning light is just starting to crest over the mountains.
"It's time." Joel tells her quietly, no more than a whisper, "You got your things?"
Ellie frowns as she nods, foot pointing at the bag at the end of her bed.
"Alright then. Get dressed, we gotta head out."
A moment, her voice hoarse with sleep.
Almost sounding small, "Is she coming with us?"
He stares at her for a moment, before his head shakes, slowly.
Her voice drifts after him as he turns - not wanting to see the disappointment, "Then, aren't we going to say goodbye?"
"You know we did. Last night, that's what that was all about." He tells her, a bit of that old bite coming back, "We'll never leave if-"
We'll never leave if we see her again. We'll want to stay. We already do.
His jaw grits, "-if we don't get started now.”
She nods sullenly.
He gives her space.
Taking one last look around the small cabin. Flashes of the time that has passed - dinners by the little fireplace. How they all managed just to fit on that old worn couch.
How he hadn't seen Ellie laugh like that, not since Kansas City. Not since Sam.
He leaves it for her. Took him a while longer than he'd like to admit. Tucked into the book that rests by the window - the place where it all started. She'll find it there, he's sure.
Never been good at goodbyes. Not before, and not now. Not even when he's been afforded the extra time.
Hands shoved in his pockets so he doesn't touch anything else. Jacket already on, the rifle slung across his back. Itching to get out the door, because being stuck in this limbo is weighing him down.
Thoughts threatening to burst from the ground and wrap around his ankles, anchoring him until he has no choice but to stay.
But, they have a job to do.
Soon, the door opens. Ellie is staring - walking past him, to the kitchen counter.
Where some bundles had been left out. Cans of food and supplies wrapped in canvas bags. A bit of color peeking out of the top.
Those scarves she’s been working on. Finally finished, the ends weaved, neatly tasseled. She must have worked hard to finish them, putting this last bit of kindness together.
Ellie hesitates then, fingers tracing the woven pattern - glancing at the shut bedroom door, across the hall.
"Joel-" Ellie begins - but he's shaking his head.
"We gotta go."
"I know about it, that you-" She's protesting,
"Ellie, please."
The two words are quiet. Just a small, short thing.
She nods. Reaching for the smaller of the two bags, shoving it into her own backpack.
Trying to be quiet as she zips it up, fitting it back on her shoulders over the heavy, plum-colored coat.
Waiting at the door as he does the same, before the front door is opening. Letting her step out first, those scarves wrapped tight around their noses, still smelling like the cabin. Like her.
His fingers reach up - a quick brush against the steel horseshoe above the door. Like he’s watched her do. For luck, she said.
And then, he's shutting the door behind them.
"It's west, to Salt Lake City." Joel nods, as she follows behind, "Let's get Callus, and see how far we can get today."
And they start off together - again.
You wake alone.
You were expecting it - it was the right call.
But it still hurts.
The spot next to you is cool, but there's still an indent in the pillow where he laid next to you. Last night and all those ones before.
The spot smelling like him, and you resist the urge to bury your face in it. To just stay in bed, all day. Maybe forever.
You can't be upset - you were the one who said no. The offer had been small, but it had been there.
But it was too complicated. Too dangerous.
You both knew that the world was like now.
These weeks had been a reprieve. A moment you never should have had, because the world doesn't work with kindness anymore.
Better to appreciate, remember fondly, and then - move on.
So you busy yourself, instead. Catching up on things put on hold for all those weeks.
Taking stock of what you'll need.
Trying not to think too much about the heavy mass in your stomach - to wonder if it’s grief, or if it’s regret.
So instead, you turn roll your sleeves up. Tackling the plates and pans and mess of shining, silvers forks and spoons.
The stack slowly dwindling, until everything is in its place again.
It's mid-afternoon when you finally sit. On the far left-side of the couch, though there's room for you to spread out, now. Looking out the window at the path that leads to the gate.
Wondering if footprints remain in the snow.
Wondering if the weather has been kind to them.
Wrapping a blanket around you as you reach for the book that you've only snatched small moments of, thinking you'll finally get a chance to finish it.
It falls open, to the middle. A folded piece of paper tucked between the pages, at a different spot than the scrap piece working as a bookmark.
Curiously, you unfold it.
Words scrawled neatly across the page. The handwriting you don't recognize, but you still know it, because it reminds you of him.
Taking a long second to memorize the way your name looks in his writing, before you read the rest.
I know what we talked about.
If you change your mind, I got a brother in Jackson.
It's good place, with good people. They'd take care of you.
Just mention my name to Tommy.
Might find our way back there, when all this is over.
You read it, again and again. Something twisting in your stomach, curling into knots. Catching in your chest.
Thinking about everything. About all the years you’ve spent here - a prison and a sanctuary. About that walk in the woods. His words.
They ain’t coming back.
What if there was more?
A long while passes, before you slowly unfold yourself.
Crouching down by the old bookcase. Looking past the spines of books and comics - the briefest of smiles at the memory, before you're reaching for that stack of old maps.
Dragging one out onto the kitchen table.
Unfolding the creased, worn pages.
Your finger dips over the valleys. Finding your home, nestled in the woods and mountains.
Then, dragging it slowly - finding the roads, the highways.
Tracing a path towards Jackson.
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Would love to know what you thought of this series / this ending! 💕 thank you again for reading! edit: okay, not quite the end! There is an epilogue up now, linked on the masterlist.
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nrilliree · 1 month
It's hilarious to see the antis losing their minds over Daemyra's HBO video called Love Story. They keep repeating that this is grooming and that the relationship should not be romanticized and glorified. It's frankly worrying to see all these people throwing around such a serious word so seriously when they probably don't know the definition. Book or show, Daemyra is not grooming. And these people make me laugh. They complain about seeing Daemyra as a romance when that's what it is. It's not because there is an age difference and incest that the relationship is toxic, open a history book for pity's sake people... A bit of culture. The toxic elements of the show don't even exist in the book. Like Daemon's delirium taking Rhaenyra to the brothel in episode 4 (and even if it has a toxic aspect, not only that, it's also a liberating scene for Rhaenyra's character. It's a complex scene. Gray. Not black or white) Or even when he strangles her in episode 10. (which many people point out elsewhere to counter the video, while once again, in the book it does not exist, and this scene has already been criticized a lot for its inconsistency...) Even if also, I don't know in what world these people live, but they are aware that a romance can have problematic aspects in fiction? This is nothing new. Especially in fantasy universes. This tendency to associate love with a situation only deemed pure is also worrying. Especially in a fictional format made for entertainment. Also, worst comment: "Everyone forgets what Emma D'Arcy says about Dameyra?!!!!!!!" As gospel. Let's be clear, Emma D'Arcy is a human being who can and does say stupid things, exactly like calling Daemyra grooming. Especially since in the same interview where she talked about it, she was completely wrong about Rhaenyra's age! But hey, since it's a trend in this fandom to rejuvenate Rhaenyra to make her appear underage in episode 4, I imagine that people don't care about this detail. Plus, for what it's worth, she's also spoken highly of Dameyra in different interviews and even said she would read fanfiction of them. 😂 So frankly, it makes me gently laugh at those who promote Emma D'Arcy's words as the ultimate truth. Worse, there are even people who don't like Rhaenicent and claim that it's a better romance than Daemyra. In what ? In the show, apart from the completely occ strangling scene we can't say that Daemon actually did anything bad to Rhaenyra. While I recall that Alicent, not only in addition to having injured Rhaenyra, giving her a lifelong scar by having tried to take Lucerys' eye, well she harassed her and her children for 10 whole years, threatening peacefully the lives of his children. Not to mention that she then usurped him, while hiding the death of Viserys while she crowned Aegon II. But I guess a woman can't do any harm so all that doesn't count...
I stick to the principle that actors are only actors, the same people as you and me, and their words are not prophetic revealed truth. They can be smart, or they can be completely stupid. In fact, an actor is a tool to bring the writer's and director's vision to life, so just because an actor says X doesn't mean the writer will be wrong when he says Y. People ALWAYS have a problem with character relationships in books and movies. Sometimes these problems make sense, and sometimes they come out of nowhere. I would understand that people have a problem with Daemyra because they think that incest is wrong and there should be no exceptions even for a culture where it is normal. Or that they think there is too much of an age difference between them. People have this right. It was similar, for example, with Darklina. When people said "I think that Alina and Aleksander shouldn't be together because he is much older than her, so they have too much of a generation difference" it was okay, it was their right. But when they said "he is a pedophile because he wants to have a relationship with a teenager!!!1" it was already wrong and untrue. And it's exactly the same with Darklina. People do not focus on what could be a problem, but invent their own problems, using big words that they do not know the meaning of. They throw around "pedophile" and "grooming" left and right, even if the situation does not fit the definition of this meaning in any way. I do not understand this. If you don't have any real, valid arguments as to why something is bad, why would you want to argue that it is?
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love-thisbe · 3 months
- alex claremont diaz birth chart.
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hi guys!! this is my first post ever here!! i posted a thread of alex's birth chart on twitter and i decided to bring it here as well since i love astrology, and i don't see a lot of people talking about firstprince's birth charts. thank you casey mcquiston for also being into astrology and giving me this amazing gift of knowing at what time they were born.
just a few notes before we begin:
- im sorry if there’s any typos, english is not my first language
- its ok if there’s something you don't agree with, astrology is not 100% correct and some things might not apply
- im planning to do henry's birth chart next, so let me know if you want that!
anyway let's start!!
sun in aries
the sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality and your evolving higher self. in the sign aries it is cardinal-fire, and rules the head. the ruling planet is mars. aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. alex is good at getting things done, although might prefer starting to finishing. like the energy of the first rush of spring, alex moves into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. alex is likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. he has great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active. he has a strong will, and is self-centered about pursuing it, so that he may try to dominate other people until he learns to be more subtle about getting his way. he also has an acute need for love and affection. he benefits from self-discipline, so that he can channel his abundant energy more constructively. 
the sun in the ninth house represents a concentration of the vital force of abstracting and understanding universal truth. alex is strongly invested in creating for himself a philosophy as his personal vision of life as an interconnected adventure or journey. he willingly study the various meanings ascribed to life that are visionary in nature, involving patterns that interplay or holistic forms. he uses his higher awareness to look for pieces of life’s mysterious puzzle and then organize his perceptions to connect them within a broader picture of reality. in addition to his voyage through his own inner landscapes he enjoys adventuring by traveling to foreign lands and learning languages. he is also drawn to be an observer of other’s ideas and experiences. he loves to study and reflect back into society anything that people have gathered and learned. his nature is to eliminate the extraneous from hidden truths and reveal their essence to those around him. alex is at his best when he has a range of areas of interest to experience and absorb into his mind and body, in order that he stretches out his visionary vistas and make them more concretely available to others as he lucidly explores the outer reaches of his perceptions.
moon in aries
the moon in aries gives an ardent nature with inclinations to impatience, independence and impulsiveness. with this placement, alex has a high energy level. he also has a strong competitive streak, which, together with his attack first attitude, may conceal subtle feelings of insecurity. his emotions are keenly felt, direct and spontaneous. he may have to guard against a quick temper. he should also guard against a tendency towards a too hasty reaction to situations, rather than a more carefully reasoned approach. he is more comfortable thinking of himself as strongly independent with great physical daring and courage.
the moon in the ninth house represents an emotional sensitivity in the area of higher ideals and visionary philosophy. he may be something of a dreamer and tend to romanticize his emotions. his philosophy is based on his feelings and sensitivity to his ideals regarding the superconscious realms. he constantly studies his experiences to redefine his own philosophy about life, which may be the basis for his own vision of religion. his philosophical attitude may seem difficult for other people to understand. he may suffer from a utopian ideal of wanting to feel good all of the time which can cause his suffering. alex tends to be a dreamer yet his dreams may reflect truths about reality when he is in tune to his higher awareness of consciousness. he loves travel and is likely to take many journeys. he is constantly trying to maintain his ideal emotional state of being. he is a natural teacher. alex has a strong need to share his philosophy of life with other people. in this way, he can share his refined imaginative and creative insights and show others how to refine their inner visions along with him.
rising in leo
leo rising people are dramatic, extroverted and assertive. their ruling planet is the sun. they have great energy, courage and honesty, and are very creative, self-confident and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. they expect to be the center of attention, and often are. even so, people tend to forgive them for their excesses, sensing in them the incurable romantics. they are likely to have a leonine appearance, with a thick mane of hair and a dramatic flair to their clothing and appearance. they also enjoy the warmth of the physical sun. they are determined and usually get their way when they really want to. they also possess great integrity, and are natural leaders. leo people are very proud, and their challenge is not to be arrogant or egotistical, but rather to develop humility and compassion, and to learn detachment in the gift of their affections.
mercury in aries
mercury in aries gives a forceful impetuous and impulsive mentality. witty, inventive and quick, alex takes up new ideas with enthusiasm. his intuition is keen. he tends to be impatient with with opposition and delay. he may also be very sensitive when it comes to visual or auditory sense impressions. he may have a tendency to exaggerate, or to argue. he has considerable mental energy, and a need to assert himself in his thought process and his communication with others. it benefits him to learn concentration, for with control his abundant mental energy is vastly more useful.
mercury in the ninth house represents a strong mental connection between his inner awareness and the natural laws of expanded perspective: higher learning, philosophy or religion. he has a keen-witted and idealistic mentality, with great powers of logic and deduction. he enjoys a wide range of studies, through reading and travel. he is also naturally inclined to teach what he perceives and discovers, for his idealism is strong. he is very direct in thought and expression and will say exactly what is on his mind, giving him a reputation for lack of tact. he may be subject to visualizing grant possibilities and centring his perceptions on the larger issue, rather than on the details. his thought process is better suited for exploring and advancing his position on a particular topic than for cautious investigation of every angle. he is the consummate student and teacher of life, at his best when he can exchange ideas with others and constantly expand his perceptions.
venus in aquarius
venus in aquarius gives a calm and detached nature. he is idealistic, even revolutionary in his outlook, and wants to see a better society emerge from the vagaries of the present day. he is an admirer of symmetry and elegance, with an enthusiastic appreciation of artistic form in music, poetry and painting. he functions well in friendships and in groups, but he may not always be happy in intimate connections with significant others. his love is broader and more general, and he may be given to spiritual or philanthropic activities rather than to close personal relationships. he may go through many changes in his love life, being very open to new influences that suddenly comes up for him. he benefits from deepening and more fully expressing his affection for one person in particular.
venus in the seventh house represents a strongly felt connection to partnerships with others. relationships are important to him. he is also inclined to be “young at heart”. he feels at his best when acting in concert with another person, especially an intimate partner, then his natural gifts of grace, diplomacy and charm comes to the core. what is nice on his own becomes really nice with another. he has a gentle personality, very considerate and kind. he also has refined aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and a keen sense of color. he has the potential to excel in many professions, including legal work and diplomacy. he tends to idealize his chosen love partner, and he benefits from the realization that the true source of grace and beauty in his life comes from within his own nature.
mars in aries
mars in the ninth house (or sign) gives you a friendly and optimistic nature. he is likely to lead a physically active life, and is fond of sports and gambling. he is idealistic, outspoken and honest with his opinions. he is also likely to be spontaneous and even a bit impulsive. he can be scattered in the application of his energies, and will perhaps benefit him to work at becoming more reliable. he has a great propensity for learning. his energy is most naturally invested in adventures of the higher mind: travel, education, perhaps publishing. he likes many different pursuits, and has a kind of haphazard way of going about things that can get him into trouble. he may tend to miss the details, by fixing his gaze on “the big picture”. he also can be dogmatic at times, when he gets to carried away with his own point of view. he profits by learning to slow down his enthusiasm and focus on his concentration on reachable goals.
mars in aries (or the first house) gives an independent and positive nature, and outwardly directed and ambitious orientation. he possesses great strength of character as well as an inordinate degree of self-assertion. he is a formidable adversary, tending to react aggressively when threatened. he is extremely courageous and enthusiastic, traits that will take him far in life, but he may need to work on a tendency of being quick to anger and he can behave impulsively at times. he may also cause trouble by unwilling to give way and make concessions, especially if mars is afflicted in his charts by planetary aspects. it benefits him to learn the art of compromise. he can also benefit from cultivating patience and tolerance to offset his occasional short temper. he will gain in the long run when he practices self-control and displays a great degree of unselfishness in his dealing with others.
jupiter in pisces
jupiter in the eighth house (or sign) gives him a shrewd and careful personality. he can also be somewhat secretive. he has good judgment, and a constant sense of what is important to him. his focus is excellent, and you make a good worker because of it. he has an innate sense of who he is and where he wants to be, and that is usually where he will be found. alex is passionate and sensual and very tuned in to other people. he has the gift of observation. he is fond of the occult, and he can possess the powers of a healer or mystic. he will likely go through many changes in his life in search of a deeper connection to his own higher power. he should beware, though, of being overly self-indulgent.
jupiter in pisces (or the twelfth house) gives him a quiet and unassuming personality. he is good and kind, very considerate of others, and is friendly and easygoing. he needs to feel an emotional resonance in order for his work to be satisfying to him. he has his own personal code of conduct to which is his truth, no matter what public opinion may be, or convention may dictate.he may suffer in his life from being overly sensitive to the needs of others, or seek to retire from the casual cruelties of the world at large, so there is some danger of escapism. he is content to do what he does because is helpful to other people. he often appear more at home in an imaginary universe of his own design than concrete reality and benefits when he pay some modicum of attention to the nitty-gritty details of life that surrounds you as well as to the secret world of your dreams.
saturn in aries
saturn in the ninth house (or sign) gives an educated and philosophically active mentality, with a deepening and a concentration, or a blockage, in the area of higher learning and expansion into new horizons. he is courageous in expressing his opinion, has a keen intuition and makes a good teacher. his early beliefs may be characterized by adhering too strictly to a dogmatic and rigid set of principles, but he grows into a more mature wisdom in his later years. he likely has a need for physical exercise. he makes a good teacher, and may also feel a calling to work with the disadvantaged. while open and honest, and intent on expressing his point of view, he may also doubt himself in this area, seeming indecisive or rebellious. his goals are mental and spiritual, rather than material, and he may search for a new framework of moral or spiritual values, than adopt existing outworn belief systems. his lesson is to eventually come to the realization that the true source of moral and ethical valuation lies within himself.
saturn in aries (or the first house) gives a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, in the area of self-confidence and self-expression. with this placement he is likely to be reserved. he also has good reasoning power. he desires to better himself, and is eager for success in the world of tangible results. the purposeful expression of his expressions of his will may however be inhibited by subconscious fears, preventing action. this is a cross to bear, but he can definitely overcome this tendency with persistent effort over time. he may appear shy or stiff, or self-effacing, or he may overcompensate through defensive or argumentative behavior. he may at times strongly assert himself, seizing control of situations. he may also suffer from headaches. he possess a powerful desire for freedom of expression that does not easily find is realization. his lesson is striving to overcome any fears he may has in expressing himself, and thus come to a better understanding of who he is and what he can achieve.
uranus in aquarius
uranus in the seventh house (or sign) gives an individual who is independent and original in the expression of artistic impulses and relationships. he is a lover of harmony and beauty, and he express this love in his own unique manner, he does not subscribe to a conventional sense of aesthetic, but is always breaking new ground. he is idealistic and philosophical, and he has a restless interest in new forms of stimulation, there can be problems with marriage in that partners may find him alternately affectionate and uninterested. he is likely to seek a rather unconventional relationship, which allows room from growth on both sides. he needs more space in the relationship the most, and search for a partner who understands that, and has his or her own unique perspective. he may also bring new concepts of the area of partnership. part of his purpose in this life may be the transformation of the partnership energy into a new mode of being that can serve his own interest as well as enliven and invigorate his partner.
uranus in aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives a clever individual who is idealistic and also highly unconventional. he is humane and concerned with the progress of mankind. he is likely to associate himself with groups and associations having as their goal the betterment of society, and he can also have conflicts with such groups, depending in part on whether there are stressful aspects to uranus in his natal chart, he has his own unique point of view and his role in the group may often be to throw the monkey wrench into conventionally and simple-minded lock step with the group concept. because uranus is the most changeable of planetary influences, he may also experience changes in his own goals or group affiliation over time. he has a strong urge for personal freedom, and is attracted to the pull of new horizons, and this can impede the formation of stable alliances. his challenge is to make available to others, through collective action, the progressive ideals for social reform that he feels so clearly within himself.
neptune in aquarius
neptune in the sixth house (or sign) gives a mentally creative personality with a tendency to be critical at times. with this placement he can become confused over details. he may have problems with responsibility or feeling that he must be of assistance to others, no matter how he is feeling about it, or he could experience his work as frustrating and ultimately dissatisfying. or there may be an unconscious tension between his rational mind and his innermost feelings, such as psychosomatic illness not properly diagnosed. on the other hand, the ideal of service he aspires to, both to other people and to his own highest purpose for himself, may led him to a significant mission in his life. he could achieve greatly in the helping professions, possibly with a specialization in alternative medicine, and especially if neptune is well aspected by other planets in his chart. he benefits by getting away from too great an involvement toward the broader ideals of service to humanity and personal transformation.
neptune in aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives a visionary personality with altruistic principles. he is popular, and may have a wide circle of friends. on the other hand, he may have problems to be worked through with deception in friendships, or confusion regarding friends’ true motives, or issues of using social interaction to escape his responsibilities. he has a highly developed social sense, and a strong affinity for groups expressing spiritual ideals. he may need to clarify his goals. he has a tremendous and positive vision of his own possibilities and those for society at large, but if neptune is no well aspected in his chart, he may have difficulties to work through regarding the practical fulfillment of his visions and plans. at his best, he is compassionate towards others, making significant contributions toward the creation of a more loving world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal brotherhood.
pluto in sagittarius
pluto in the fifth house (or sign) gives a tremendous desire to be recognized and admired. alex may feel compulsion toward self-aggrandizement, or have underlying feelings of insecurity leaning to self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. he is an essentially dynamic and charismatic individual with a strong need to make an impact on the world around him. he may find much to admire in the acting or artistic professions, and find his own creative outlet there, although he is likely to go through many changes and challenges in putting himself forward in a way that truly serves as an expression of his highest purpose for himself. his desire for personal reputation may also be thwarted, but this can lead to benefits for him, by forcing him to re-evaluate his need to achieve. transformation in this area is quite possible, as he learns how to work with his personal power in more constructive ways. by embodying the more positive form of his creative energy, and thereby expressing his deepest truth, he can perform an important service for himself and society.
pluto in sagittarius (or in the ninth house) gives alex a thoughtful personality, with a focus on deeper understanding. with this placement he may work to constantly discover and rediscover the meaning of his existence. he may be concerned as his life unfolds with religious or ethically based belief systems, and he may attempt to coerce others into accepting his own viewpoint oe become a zealous spokesperson for your particular philosophy or cause. as he arrives at conclusions regarding his own personal code of ethics he may feel called upon to express these beliefs to others, but he benefits from avoiding dogmatic discourses that are unlikely to sway anyone else’s opinion. his ultimate mission is to find inside himself the motivation for his method of seeing the world around him, to penetrate into his own hidden agendas and find a more holistic worldview based on direct experiences. his personal understanding will undoubtedly undergo radical transformations in the course of his life, ideally these will progress toward developing his own unique ideology based on a more conscious understanding of his own process rather than on socially accepted belief systems received from others.
chiron in scorpio
chiron on the fourth house (or sign) represents issues with the vital force of self-nurturing and taking care of those closest to yourself. with this placement alex has a strong drive, even a compulsion, to be centered in home and family, but this desire does not easily find its fulfillment. there may have been painful episodes in connection with early family life; perhaps he had trouble getting settled down to enjoy the comfort that a safe and secure home brings to a child. as a result, he may be even more motivated to having this firm base of security in his adult life than others tho whom it is second nature. he may alternate between over-identifying with his family or under-identifying with them, or he may find himself constantly thwarted in finding this important level of security as he goes through life. on a more symbolic level, he is also painfully challenged in finding his own center in a psychological sense. because of the inherent insecurity of his inner world he may struggle to find himself, and becomes easily influenced by others due to lacking his own clear sense of self. without this base he is more easily unbalanced, and he may find that he moves in many different directions emotionally, as the wind blows. he may long for a more secure and comfortable sense of who he is, independent from other’s opinions, a place where he can truly be himself. part of the problem with connecting to his inner self and externally with home and family, is that the conflict you feel may be largely unconscious in nature, running on autonomously as a result of long-buried experiences too painful to recollect and consciously examine. he may have difficult times with issues regarding home and family as he goes through life, until he can become more conscious of these influences, and less easily overtaken by them. there may be conflicts with his mother or other primary parental figure, that needs to be worked through, as he really begins to get in touch with his blocks and difficulties in these areas. once he begins to nourish himself and to provide his own parenting, rather than depending on the external world to provide comfort and security, he can come around to being a source of inspiration for others as well as himself.
chiron in scorpio (or the eighth house) represents issues with one’s vital force and transform and to regenerate. with this placement alex has a strong compulsion from intimate connection with other people that does not find its realization. he is likely to have been wounded in his sexuality in some fashion, possibly through early experiences, either physical or emotional. as a consequence, being close to other people becomes both desired and painful. he may hold the prospect of closeness with others with some carefully engineered defenses, such as retreating from expressing his true feelings by means of clever dylanesque obfuscation or perhaps by using other people before they have the chance to use him. if he retreats into cleverness and mental gymnastics rather than risk staying with his actual emotion, he leaves these feelings unexpressed, and continues a process of being out of touch not only with the intimate other, but with the deeper part of himself as well. his journey of discovery of his true emotions, the poignant and vital basis of his inner life, is ultimately the most important one for him, and provides rich rewards as he begins to consciously experience these inner depths of his being, over a period of time. in this journey he will re-connect to his own long buried emotions, and through this process to others as well. as he begins to find himself and his power, and is truly able to work with other people, he may be able to provide a sense of hope to them in their own individual journey as well, through the increased consciousness he has gained.
north node in virgo
lunar north node in the second house (or sign) south node in the eighth house or sign. this placement gives a personality somewhat focused around the issues of money and material possessions. in a previous period, or a past lifetime, he was concerned with the utilization of the other people’s resources rather than his own. he also may have gotten involved with occult practices, or engaged in a deep and even taboo relationships with others, factors that shaped your past, and the residue of which still colors his present life experience. now, in this lifetime, he must learn to marshal his own forces and be a resource to himself. he is in the process of clarifying his values, based on a new feeling of independence, having come through the fires of hell, as it were, in order to establish a more stable and lasting sense of self-worth.
lunar north node in virgo (or the sixth house) south node in the twelfth house or sign. this placement gives a personality with a great desire to be of service to other people. in the past, or in past lives, he was dreamy and unfocused, and paid little attention to detail. he was in the process of connecting to his higher self, journeying back into the cosmic realms within his own mind. now his focus must shift to the details of daily life, in a constant effort to improve himself, to serve himself and others, and to remain alert to the myriad mundane details of life that do not leave much time for daydreaming. this is a difficult transition to make, but necessary if he is to fulfill his destiny, this time around. since he feels a close kinship to the spiritual world, dealing with every-day details sometimes may seem boring and unsatisfying. as he works through these challenges, though, he comes closer and closer to an understanding of how dealing with everu-day issues really does connect him with the world of spirit, still operating at the core of his being.
midheaven in taurus
the midheaven, or MC (medium coeli) is usually but not always the same as the tenth house cusp. symbolically, the midheaven represents you individuality, the outward expression of your energies, it can also be referred to as ego identity, and has a strong connection with public life and career, symbolized by the tenth house. the midheaven also represents your aspirations and ideals. together with the ascendant, it represents personality in interaction with the world.
the tenth house symbolizes public life, authority, career issues, and also represents the mother, or perhaps the opposite-sex parent. as standing opposite the fourth house, the tenth house represents how the foundation of the personality is made manifest and concrete in the world. the birth chart is often divided into four seven-year periods, one per quadrant, cycling each twenty-eight years of life, and the tenth house is reached at age 21, te age of legal adulthood. planets in the tenth house will indicate what the energies and challenges are for your career, also how your mother (or perhaps father) was experienced.
taurus midheaven individuals achieve success when they openly express their own values. their career needs to reflect those values, perhaps by building something that furthers what they feel is a worthy principle. they access the strength and serenity of letting others know where they stand.
and that was it!! please rebloge it and let me know your opinions :D xxx
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of may 28th, 2023
aries: this week's full moon is a useful vibrant flame of energy for you in a recently stuffy period, and mercury finally emerging from the shadow of its retrograde gives you a little financial clarity as well.
taurus: first mercury exits the shadow zone of its recent retrograde, then it finally perfects its conjunction with your long-term transiting uranus. a brilliant flash of insight is likely, or at minimum other people will see you as knowing mysterious and brilliant things, unexpectedly and suddenly.
gemini: this week's full moon occurs across the axis of your self and your relationships with others. if all goes well, it's a nice commitment of sorts from someone you love/admire. if not, it's a declaration of war from an enemy (one you already know about - this has probably been a long time coming.)
cancerians: venus in your sign makes a zesty little sextile with ceres. if you've been trying to have children, start a garden, or get an art or business project off the ground, just a smidge of elbow grease gets it a sparkly head start now, so go for it. there's also a sagittarius full moon, shining on your daily rituals. you reap what you sow, so take care of your body and emotions.
leo: this full moon has the potential to be one of the funnest times of your year. if you can be out with friends, do so. i don't mean like two friends on a game night, i mean be out in the world. if you can't, at least go walk around in the park and see what you can see, or get your hair and nails done or something!
virgo: this week is just a series of great aspects for virgoans. especially if you are trying to sort out a strange partnership, maintain social connections, or focus on studies or spirituality. and if you're not already immersed in any of that, at least try to go spend some time under a tree, in a garden, or having a picnic with a friend.
libra: the air is thin, but be that as it may it's a richly venusian time. you probably don't notice the low oxygen levels over the pastels and sparkles. proceed with just a bit of caution, but not so much you don't enjoy the surreal beauty all around.
scorpio: this watery week is rejuvenating to you, and even the fiery full moon affects you in more energizing ways than it does the other water signs. the focuses are your money and your partnerships. but the money needs to be your own, don't get into any deals that weren't already in the works.
sagittarius: you're not known to be a particularly lunar/sentimental creature but when the full moon is in your sign as it is this week, you become just a little mushier. in a good way, don't be embarrassed about it! your freedom from shame liberates others from shame.
capricorn: it's good to spend this week in some kind of service if possible; help at a hospital, a soup kitchen, a shelter. do so with all the love you can muster, and with no expectations. if you don't have the time or energy, at least make a donation or perform some kind act for a stranger.
aquarius: troubles around house and home lighten up this week, and/or a family of origin conflict may be resolved. then a development in your social circle occurs. it's good to be connecting. if you're feeling aloof, do so from a distance, online or something, but don't keep too much to yourself this week.
pisces: venus trine neptune is a fairly quick transit but you feel it longer than most. your rosey view of the world and romanticization of everything will be annoying to some, but don't let them get you down. the world has seldom needed your power to make miracles of the mundane so much as it does now.
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thoughts while listening to hmhas
this is mostly assigning marauder things/ships/people to the songs btw
warning: this contains spoilers for all of the songs so if you want that it's below the cut ;)
SKINNY: "fell in love for the first time, with a friend it's a good sign" okay wolfstar also "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because I got skinny" plus size Lily Evans??
favorite line, "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because i got skinny"
LUNCH: love this one so much!! it's giving Marlene and flirty her self ;) and as a general song i love this one, it's more upbeat than billie's past songs and i love that.
favorite line, the whole beginning because i can't even pick just one lmao
CHIHRO: (translation: month) this song is just so much fun to vibe and listen to, and that's just amazing lol
favorite line, "I was waitin', in the garden, contemplatin', beg your pardon, but there's a part of me that recognizes you, do you feel it too?"
BIRDS OF A FEATHER: this one is so rosekiller-coded to me. like the you die i die vibe? that's so them! "it might be long but baby I, don't wanna say goodbye" like brooo.
favorite line, "I love you, don't act so surprised"
WILDFLOWER: i've never read ATYD but based on posts i've seen this is a very Grant singing about Remus and Sirius, " 'cause she (Sirius) couldn't be, more different than me, happy and free in leather" like like do you see the vision? and when the prank and Grant and Remus become closer? idk but i think it's cute/sad.
favorite line "but every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt, Valentines Day, crying in the hotel, I know you didn't mean to hurt me so I kept it to myself""
THE GREATEST: if this song isn't James Fleamont Potter, I don't know what is!! "I'm trying my best to keep you satisfied, let you get your rest, while I stayed up all night, and you don't wanna know how alone I've been" like wtaf?!? "all my love and patience, unappreciated," dudee
favorite line, "you said your heart was jaded, you couldn't even break it, I shouldn't have to say it, you could've been the greatest"
L'AMOUR DE MA VIE: (translation: Love Of My Life) this one is so good! like not much more to say lmao, but i absolutely love the change-up like with the autotune(i think that's what that was, not positive though) i was not expecting that lol. though i do think it might be like a sad/bitter mary or regulus watching jily from the sides. made myself sad with that idea :( lol
favorite line, "but I need to confess I told you a lie, when I said you, you were the love of my life"
THE DINER: this song is so goddamn good (yes i know i've said that for almost every other song, they're all just so good!!) this song is honestly giving the Slytherin Skittles, like the rhythm, vibe, the whole thing except for the end which i kinda see as possessive rosekiller "I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep, if somethin' happens to him, you can bet that it was me" and i honestly love that for them lol. also if you dial the number at the end of the song you can get a text? (based on a google search/reddit) i haven't gotten it yet but i'll probably update if/when i do
favorite line, "the cops around the corner stopped me when I tried to leave, they told me I was crazy and they knocked me off my feet, they came in through the kitchen lookin' for something discrete"
BITTERSUITE: honestly regulus when he first crushes on james? " 'cause I can't fall in love with you, no matter how bad I want to" and "it's so romanticized, if this is how I die, that's alright" also love the ending, it's really trippy and cool :)
favorite line, "we can be discrete, but I've been overseas, and I've been havin' dreams, l'amour de ma vie"
Blue: all these songs are so amazing i can't get over ittt!!! "you were born reaching for your mother's hands, victim of your father's plans to rule the world, too afraid to step outside, paranoid and petrified of what you've heard, but they could say the same 'bout me" that and "and I could say the same 'bout you, born blameless, grew up famous" is just so Black-family. like Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Sirius, and Regulus, this song is about them honestly.
favorite line, "I try to live in black and white, but I'm so blue, I'd like to mean it when I say I'm over you"
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It really hurts me to see things like racism and islamophobia in feminist spaces. I find a lot of women who hold these beliefs are actually well meaning, (for eg. They'll direct racism towards whatever foreign men are known to abuse women of their ethnicity, or they'll spread messages of islamophobia because the religion is known to hallow traditions such as child marriage, physical abuse towards women, and the execution of women for perceived crimes such as unfaithfulness to their partners and/or promiscuity.)
What ladies who do things like this fail to take into account, is that we are currently still living in a patriarchal society. If you direct hatred towards men, fine. But once you begin directing hatred to men of a particular community, it becomes less of an issue with men and more of an issue with that whole community, since men are conventionally seen as the representatives of whatever communities they are in.
Yes, I know this is usually not the intention, but the actual result is just further oppression directed towards the women within these communities. If want to say 'men'. SAY 'MEN'! Yes, they fucking suck! They've done it all! But you begin derailing whenever you say 'Black men. South Sudanese men. Hell, even if you say 'White men' you are oppressing black people. South Sudanese people. White people.
Feminism is about protecting women, not just your women. If you exclusively want to protect your women, in my opinion that would make you a nationalist and/or a blatant racist. That's fine too. But I do think it does misrepresent actual feminism to prospective sisters when you actively speak out against the communities they are a part of, much less when you support its oppression.
To be honest, I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on that. I have no doubt whatsoever that outside of feminist spaces they shit on women of colour just as much as they do on men of colour. They just don't do that directly here (as much, anyway, because some of them definitely do) because they know they're less likely to get away with it.
Plenty of women here have said that men of colour don't get a pass for being misogynistic, and that men of colour crying racism against white women for being wary of them as well as white men are denying male violence. So the radblr racists pretending that we value anti-racism over fighting misogyny is not accurate.
Like "men of colour are just as dangerous as any men; facing racism doesn't stop that" is a factual statement. The second you try to claim white men are safer is when we take issue because no the fuck they are not. For white people to claim men of colour are safer is racist because it's infantilizing, romanticizing, noble savage bullshit. To claim that white men are safer is the opposite side of the same racist coin.
With that being said, yes, there are societies where women are treated worse than in others, but to act like that's a condition of being black or brown is inaccurate and gross. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. were further along with women's at one point than many western countries.
What we should be seeing it as is a warning: if it can happen to them it happen to us. No, not because of immigrants but because men having been doing this shit to us all around the world for millennia. And women have always fought for their rights. You look through the history of any society and you find that progress is not a straight line. Women gain rights for a time and then are pushed back down.
My nana warned me never to think it couldn't happen in my own country. The USA is a perfect example of a country sliding backwards when it comes to women's rights and that is mostly being done by white men. White men who, as it happens, LOVE telling white women they need white men to protect them from the raping black and brown men. Meanwhile white women are mostly raped by white men. And white men let those men go free and blame the women for it.
And, you know, the racists of radblr could easily see this if they chose. They don't because they don't want to. While they make accusations about our priorities, it's they who prioritize being racist over feminism.
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growup-gloup · 2 months
Hi! Ive been dating this guy and this is the first time i really like someone and i would consider going all the way but now im nervous bc im 24 and ive never been in a relationship, never kissed or had sex. He's a nice person so i know he'll realistically be nice about it. But im still nervous to tell him bc at our age some experience is expected. What do you think is the best way to go about this? I dont wanna come across as a prude 🥲
Hi love,
Even if you'd slept with five different people before, every person you're with is different, and you'd have to figure it out all over again every time you're with someone new.
A lot of sex (and relationships in general) is figuring things out as you go. What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow. You'll both make mistakes and then laugh it off before moving on. One of the reasons I hate porn (aside from the abusive practices and romanticizing hurting your partner) is that it's so serious and choreographed. A lot of it is talking, asking each other what they want, telling each other what does or doesn't feel good, and, if you're lucky, a lot, a lot, of giggling
Also, let's stop talking about never having had sex as inexperience, or worse, prudism. Having sex doesn't give you access to this whole other world of knowledge and not having had it doesn't somehow make you deficient. I was lucky enough to get a comprehensive sex ed, which taught me everything before I'd even kissed anyone. By the time things progressed, even if I wasn't sure about what I'd like, I knew how to practice safe sex, and how to communicate with my partner.
Also, if you're unsure about what you would or wouldn't like, take some time to yourself at night and try different things by yourself and see what seems to work better. You don't need a partner for that.
That's literally all you need to know. Consent, protection, and communication. You didn't abstain because you're a prude, whatever that means. You abstained because you were waiting for the right person and the right time, and from what I gather, you feel like you have. And as long as you feel safe around this person, and you know that you can tell them if something doesn't feel good or that you want to stop, then you're fine. You don't have to be stuck on the lack of experience when you can just tell them that you want to take it slow and easy and see what feels good for both of you.
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desertfangs · 11 months
Does Daniel love Armand because he is a vampire and not despite of his monstrosity? I was under the impression that he loved the being inspite of whatever "evil" there is. I saw a post mention just this. That book Daniel only knew the charisma of the "evil" and therefore was so admanant in his want for immortality. But once the reality of violence unfolded after his turning, then came the horror.
I mean—and let’s preface this by saying this is my read only and I’m not telling anyone else how to interpret what we’re told—but in my opinion, it’s pretty obvious Daniel is enamored with Armand as a person and as a vampire.
He’s captivated by his laughter. He indulges his obsessions, his desire to fly all over the place, to spend their nights at shows, movies, boxing matches, art galas. He’s nodding off at shows, exhausted from running around at all hours of the night. I’ve mentioned before that he puts up with a lot, and that is the sort of thing you do if you truly love a person. I don’t get the impression that Daniel loves Armand despite him being a vampire, or even because of it. He loves Armand, period. All of him. The vampire and the curious person who wants to learn everything about the world, who wants to film things and watch movies and put his cigarettes down the garbage disposal. 
What we get in Devil’s Minion is pretty much Daniel’s POV and it is, in my opinion, almost a love letter to Armand. (I mean, maybe Lestat was able to sweet talk Armand into filling some gaps but it’s not like he’d need to, given that Daniel was probably happy to sit with him for three nights straight and recount their story. I imagine Lestat had a hell of a time cutting it down and wouldn’t be looking for more.) 
He loves “snuggling with dead things.” He seems captivated by the idea of Armand wearing the clothes off his victims. He wants to see Armand kill. Clearly he’s romanticized death at the hand of a vampire (and had done so with Louis, when he begged him to turn him!) and now specifically at Armand’s hand. Armand, who is regularly taking little drinks of him and giving Daniel little drinks of blood in return. But I don’t think it’s just because he’s a vampire that Daniel is smitten. 
Yes, he wants immortality. Because he wants to live forever with Armand. “What does it matter if you give it to me and it's wrong! There is no wrong! There is only desperation, and I would have it! I want to live forever with you.” 
As for “the horror” after he was turned, I’m not sure what you're referring to. There was a lot of horror going on, what with Akasha immolating their kind. Or maybe you mean his first experience killing, which happened during the aforementioned purge of immortals. Daniel was turned at the most chaotic moment. His first kill is clumsy. They’re rushing to the concert. There’s no time for Armand to gently ease him into it, no time to make it palatable. He needs blood. Armand does his best. Daniel has to face the reality of taking a life quickly and then move on. And honestly, I think he handles it pretty well all things considered? Not long after he’s asking if Armand likes him as a vampire and is worried with how well he’s vampiring, but he seems more or less okay. I think the reality was always going to be a little jarring and the circumstances made it more so.
But there’s nothing in any of the books that indicates Daniel ever regrets becoming a vampire. Later on Night Island, he’s asking the ancients about history and we learn he likes to let his hunger build, but there’s nothing about him not liking hunting or having issues killing. We know he goes mad later and canon never tells us why. Giving the timing, I always assumed it was due to thinking Armand was dead but your mileage may vary on that. And we know at the end of the series, he’s hunting just fine in Rio, and later with Armand, and then moves into Trinity Gate, none of which speaks to him wishing he hadn’t become immortal or even not wanting to be with Armand even still.
Anyhow, I feel like this is a rambling response and I’m not sure if it’s what you wanted to know or just me spewing thoughts on Tumblr after a long, draining day at work, but I do enjoy spewing thoughts about Daniel! So thank you for the ask, anon! 
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luesmainblog · 5 months
i'm not gonna reply directly to the post because i don't wanna get into a bunch of shit, but i was surprised to see a mutual i respect reblog it, so i'll say this much. the reason people in bdsm didn't like 50 shades of grey was not as simple as "this is harmful". they didn't like it because it was an innaccurate portrayal of bdsm - or, more accurately, a portrayal of how bsdm can be used as an excuse to abuse - that was CLAIMING to be ACCURATE, GOOD BSDM. the problem wasn't the content itself, the problem was that anytime a criticism was brought up, you were accused of not being able to handle the spice, and the author was CONSTANTLY insisting that what her character did was totally fine and he definitely wasn't Like That. yes, we SHOULD have bare minimum standards of kink, but that doesn't mean "fictional depictions of abuse as kink are automatically harmful". it's about the context and attitude you're entering with, just like any other media. what matters is the conversation around it, not the content itself. Let's all remember that Lolita's biggest problem was readers viewing it as a romance, when the author was certain any sane reader would know how awful the situation was. and i've said it before but it bears repeating until this becomes common sense again: equating fictional abuse, even romanticized, to real abuse causes more harm than its existance does. equating lolicon to actual fucking child molestation is a massive disservice to CSA victims. equating anime twincest to the actual real life abuse of incest lessens the impact the word has for real situations. and i REALLY shouldn't have to say this, but telling a black person that they can't partake in raceplay is SIGNIFICANTLY more racist than anything they're gonna be agreeing to.
and whenever someone tries to give praise to weird and problematic kinks, or talks about how fictional darkness can't hurt you any further than you can hurt yourself with it, or anything remotely related, somebody always comes in with "um okay i agree unless its pedo shit", and we KNOW you mean the fictional stuff. you ALWAYS mean the fictional stuff. and i'm sorry, but no. if nobody was harmed unconsentually in the making of this god damn fanfic then you can just walk away. any argument you try to make for why it's actually Too Harmful To Be Allowed is going to use the same logic that christian moms use to say that pokemon is DEFINITELY going to make your child a satanist. yes, some people can use fiction to cause or perpetuate harm. authors can convince their fans that some fucked up shit is okay, abusers can use ANYTHING to build trust and convince their victims that what they're doing is fine, and people with little self-control can use things that trigger them to emotionally self-harm. all of this is true, and deserves to be talked about and considered. but if you can handle the idea that the majority of people playing violent video games every day are not actually violent people and will react negatively to real world violence, and can enjoy the mayhem they cause in-game while also being aware of how bad it is in real life, and SOME people being inspired to violence does not mean we should ban those games entirely, you can apply the same to kink. even the shit you find abhorrent. to be very frank, we shouldn't HAVE to bring up the therapeutic benefits to victims of real crimes for you to be consistent in your beliefs on censorship. edit: also pointed out to me and extremely important: "pedo shit" is EXACTLY how queer stuff is painted by conservative censors. it is one of the oldest arguments they have. so YES, the best way to immunize ourselves from allowing gays to be censored because too many people find them gross and immoral, is to get used to there being fictional csa depictions even if you find them gross and immoral. your disgust and fear that somebody MIGHT be hurt by it or MIGHT be taking it the wrong way is not, and has never been, a good reason to remove it. again: if no actual people have been harmed in its creation, then it should be allowed. we're obviously not defending actual CSEM here, that is irrefutable harm. we're defending the stupid fetishized anime shit that helps the people who went through that process and move forward.
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vivien-leigh · 2 years
The Signs as Vivien Leigh Film Roles
ARIES: Scarlett O'Hara. The energy you wield is most powerful. You are an absolute original, and while others might not perceive you as a creative, you definitely are one of a kind in your novelty. You have drive, power, and humor- qualities anyone would desire. You know exactly how to get what you want, and sometimes do it ruthlessly, but never stray too far from your moral compass. Just because your goals don't always align with others doesn't make you a bad person. Some view you unfavorably but you don't mind being the villain. It just means you have the guts and the natural resources to do what you have to, and you don't shy away from opportunities that are presented to you.
TAURUS: Karen Stone. You have an incredible poker face, exquisite taste, and supreme BDE. You always end up having the upper hand and being the alpha of the group, whether you want to be or not. While you aren't exempt from having your tiffs and moments of despair, you are innately competent despite it all and are always capable of picking yourself up in moments of tribulation. Sometimes you get tired of being strong, though, and want to be babied- but it's a side of you that you rarely show to others that don't know you too well. You're grounded, possess remarkable stability, and, while you're capable of change, one of your key traits is your consistency.
GEMINI: Mary Treadwell. You're a performer at heart which springs from the duality of your nature. The private side of you can be reserved sometimes, deeply touched by those closest to you, and even a little revengeful- but your public persona is something that's curated, theatrical, and has a vibrancy that is appealing to the masses. Even those who openly dislike you have a hard time minimizing how much of a joy you are to be around and how much fun those in your presence end up having. It's not all smiles and roses, though. You're deeply contemplative, leading to bitter resentment sometimes, which you try to mask- sometimes successfully and other times unsuccessfully. While you're ever evolving, you always carry the past with you internally, and change what it means to you and your relationship to your past at different points in your life.
CANCER: Blanche DuBois. You are ruled by your emotions, which is the most beautiful and most dangerous thing about you. While you may be stronger than others perceive you to be at times, you can crumble without the love and support of your dear ones. Sometimes you don't understand the cruelty of the world we occupy, and aim to fill it with as much gentleness and care as possible. However, you're also blind to the own hand you play in conflict and don't always hear others when they attempt to call you out for your behavior. You view it as an attack and retreat to lick your wounds before you surface again. You're nostalgic for a time that perhaps never was, but live in a romanticized version of reality and the past in your head. You love deeply and totally.
LEO: Emma, Lady Hamilton. You prefer to live in a world where beauty is king. While you can enjoy performing and peacocking about, it's because, at your core, you live to please your audience. You may be drawn to the finer things in life, but you'd gladly give it up for love. You have too much pride and loyalty to others to let it be known when you're struggling, and while you can be stubborn and stand by your convictions, you make the most incredible of friends- and lovers. If you deem someone to be worthy of your presence, and a good person at heart, you'll pretty much accept all of their faults and sketchy behavior. However, if someone gets on your bad side or you're led to believe they're intrinsically bad people, there's no convincing you otherwise and you won't accept anything- gifts, good behavior, or apologies- from those people. Your passion is what sets you apart.
VIRGO: Cleopatra. You come across as very learned and can seem judgmental at times, too stern, and very serious. However, underneath the teacher is the student, and you are always soaking up life about you and never take anything for granted. You never leave a new city or country or gathering the same as when you first came in. You're fascinated by your observations of the world and are always evolving in your understanding of life and the unique people and circumstances it brings to you. You can let your hair down and have fun, however you always revert through legitimizing the world via your perception and understanding of it and come across as very rooted and diplomatic.
LIBRA: Elsa Craddock. You're a goodtime girl (gender neutral) who loves to be an active participant in life. Some might call you thrill-seeking, but the truth is, you make most of the time that we're here on earth for. You're a great enthusiast of many things, which is why you can never make a decision to save your life. You don't like to be weighed down, by people, rules, or external factors, and can get argumentative when you feel you're being pushed in a corner. You love making up and beautifying yourself and deny the notion that you have to be devoid of personality to be someone to take seriously. You're the "going out friend" every person should have, but take care that you don't get too reckless.
SCORPIO: Myra Lester. You are one of the most fascinatingly alluring, hypnotizing, and mysterious beings on the planet. Capable of making anyone fall in love at first sight, others are easily intrigued by you, and you're able to keep up the intrigue- because it isn't an act. You're effortlessly enigmatic. You're far from being cold or distant though! You're incredibly loyal- to the point where you prefer having one or two close friends to many- and, underneath the perfect image you present to the outside world, you're incredibly soft. You also have a secret penchant for putting yourself in situations that bring out your wildly erotic side, though if this facet of your character is kindled without a loved one or in a way that isn't meaningful to you, it's deeply damaging. You are a unique treasure whom all hold dear, though they'll never fully be able to figure you out.
SAGITTARIUS: Cynthia from Fire Over England. You always appear to be comfortable and, if given the chance to explore a foreign country tomorrow with a day's notice, you'd pack overnight. You're adventurous and long to see the world through your own eyes, which leads many to believe you're a younger spirit. However, you feel stagnant and aged when omitted from things other people might deem as frivolous but you view as infringing upon your freedom. A conversation that's overly guarded or sanitized is not for you and, if you're in a setting where you need to heavily edit yourself, you'd rather not speak at all. Your need for authenticity and freedom often put everyone at ease and seems to encourage everyone to live life to the fullest.
CAPRICORN: Hester Collyer. You're a wild card that's packed with chaotic energy. You're the kid in school that never lied if they forgot about completing an assignment, and it would always throw the teacher for a loop. You don't care about the impressions you give off and live life without fearing anyone else. You're on an endless quest to discover more about yourself but go about this in a natural way that doesn't always read as cerebral to more grounded signs. However, despite all of these factors, you're incredibly devoted to those closest to you and make a very responsible and loving caregiver. Many feel you were the most difficult child of the bunch that grew into the best of parents. However, no title or experience in life robs you of your incredible range of emotions, moods, and quick-witted comebacks.
AQUARIUS: Madeleine Goddard. You are always two steps ahead of everyone else, with a rhythm others can't quite figure out. While human emotions- like those of romance or even depression- may slow you down temporarily, others would perhaps never notice you skipping a beat. You're so in touch with the core of who you are that you never unintentionally mimic those around you or deviate too far from the way you were created, which is unusual in a world where everyone else is trying to be what they think others want them to be for social inclusion. You're pretty perceptive and are able to read people incredibly quickly.
PISCES: Anna Karenina. It's easy for others to view you as privileged and spoiled- after all, you effortlessly harness what the masses would die for. However much you have in the material world, you always ask yourself what the human cost of certain things are. Nothing is of greater importance than your happiness and when you aren't prioritizing yourself, you're not the best version of yourself for those around you. You come across as very polished and something to aspire to, a figure of complete perfection. But you're also emotional, sometimes moody, and morally gray. You're extremely easy to make friends with and were likely voted best dressed in high school, but you also have a difficult time getting along with others people would perceive would be a good fit for you. This is because you're highly intuitive and nearly impossible to peg.
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