prettieinpink · 5 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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thediaryblog · 5 days
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(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ pinterest @ thediaryblog
hii guys!! Today I'm going to give you tips (activities) on how you can be more confident, and not only make your experience more enjoyable, but also attract better things.
❀ Exercise daily ❀
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Exercising daily can make you have which intern helps you feel more confident. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, our “happy chemical” which helps you feel more relaxed and just overall have a better mood.
�� Sit up straight ❀
Posture affects our emotions and thoughts, and vice versa. Slouching makes it easier to think negative thoughts, while sitting up with good posture encourages positive thoughts (it’s also a really great habit to sit up straight !!)
❀Wear outfits YOU like ❀
This is a major part of feeling and being confident if you don’t have the right clothes to make you feel confident, it could take a huge toll on self-esteem.
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How you style and care for your hair plays a significant role in how you perceive yourself, influencing your confidence.
Listening to high vibrational music to encourage relaxation, promote positivity, and decrease anxiety. Always remember Everything is energy, even music ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
wearing jewelry can help boost your confidence level, certain pieces of jewelry can brighten your mood as soon as you put it on. Jewelry brings self-assurance. 
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Being clean can bring a sense of dominance or mastery in the environment as well as control.
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- 𝒟
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chillguy180 · 8 months
My heart after my workout 🥵 sorry for all the sweat 😅
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superheroworkouts1 · 10 months
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Teriyaki Salmon Bowl
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chichiscloset · 1 year
The 3 Best Pilates Exercises: For a toned body
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This exercise is a Pilates classic. It takes strength, flexibility, balance, and control to perform it. And it’s not an exercise you want to miss out on if you’re in the business of performing Pilates for core strength. So, how do you do it?
Start by lying on your back.
Perform a simple ab curl. At the same time, lift your head up and off the ground.
Also, at the same time (this is where coordination and balance come into play), bring your knees slightly back, so they bend over the top of your hips. 
As your upper body rises, straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle.
Reach your arms straight up toward your feet.
It should look like a ‘V’ shape at this point.
Aim to hold this shape for about 5 breaths. 
Then, slowly roll back into the starting position.
Want to engage almost all your core muscles in one Pilates move? The criss-cross beats out all exercises! When it comes to Pilates for core strength. It’s a tough one! And if you’re new to Pilates or exercise in general, it may pay to hold off on this one – at least until you gain a bit more core strength. How do you do it?
Lie face up on a mat or a comfortable surface. 
Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. 
Curl your head slightly up.
Bend your right leg and bring your left elbow almost to touch your right knee.
At the same time, extend your left leg.
Then, switch sides – bringing your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg straight.
Continue to alternate sides for 10-20 repetitions.
There are many more exercises in Pilates for core strength.
3.Plank Leg Lift
This core exercise targets your abdominals and your glutes. It also requires the use of stabilizer muscles throughout the back and the shoulders. It’s your basic plank with a twist. Here’s how you do it:
Begin in a high plank. Your hands should be right below your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes. 
Make sure your hips don’t sag! Keep your abdominals engaged.
Squeeze your glutes, and lift one leg straight back.
Lower your leg and alternate sides.
Perform about 10-20 reps.
All exercises listed above, are easy to do in the comfort of your own home. You can watch this youtube video, for further guidance.
Hope you ladies loved this post!
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toorebelstrawberry · 3 months
burned another 600 cals just now so Im gonna go again a little later
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unkn0wncore · 2 years
znalazłam całkiem spoko ćwiczenia na zbijanie wagi i nie co lepszą kondycję! Co prawda mogą być troszeczkę męczące ale nie są one aż tak ciężkie.
100 przysiadów
30 razy "rowerek"
20 wykroków PO DWIE SERIE
1 minuta zwykłej deski
1 minuta deski bokiem na prawej ręce
1 minuta deski bokiem na lewej ręce
15 pad i powstań
Mam nadziejcie że komuś się przydadzą
Jeżeli możecie to reblogujcie by więcej osób mogło skorzystać <33
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ihhfhonao3 · 8 months
Can we please talk about how walking is super healthy for you? I think we should talk about how walking is super healthy for you.
Like dude some people act like the only way to be healthy is to do crazy cardio. Like girl. No. Simply going for a short walk every day is not only gonna make your general mood a lot better but also it’s exercise! It’s your daily exercise checkpoint! It counts towards your working out points!
If you can’t swim, run. If you can’t run, jog. If you can’t jog, walk. Even the smallest amount of physical activity can be beneficial to you!
People who can’t walk I love you too and I am opening a window in your house during the warmer days so you can at least get the fresh air. Because that’s the most important thing, the air! The exercise is just a bonus
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tumbler-polls · 4 months
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ethosransomxx · 9 days
started a fast around 40 minutes ago? after i ate dinner lol
I'm going for at least 15 hours which is like not long but it's also my first one sooo yea
im reposting my workout routine since my old acc got termed or sm lol and hopefully it will bring me more motivation to actually work out!!
ig i kinda have an excuse for not working out? idk tho, i went to the doctor recently and got blood work (i almost passed out 💀) and turns out i have low iron! i already figured i had that but turns out i have like no iron in my body (my levels r like 2 and they're supposed to be at least like 60 apparently??) so yea
now im taking pills but like i feel like im getting worse 💀 idk it's proly working so i figured i should start working out again.
also if anyone wants to be moots lmk!! i would love some tumblr friends lol
help give me motivation pls 🙏🙏🙏😭
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brujaluas · 4 months
I'm doing yoga to lose weight and other exercises and having great results, along with some diets, as well as studying pilates in the future and I wanted to create a youtube channel to show these processes, would it be a good idea?
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youngballoontheorist · 5 months
How to muscular and strength our body in a week.
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Certainly! Here are key points to consider when aiming to build muscle:
1. **Progressive Overload**: Gradually increase the weight or resistance you're using to challenge your muscles. This progression is essential for muscle growth.
2. **Strength Training**: Focus on compound exercises (e.g., squats, deadlifts, bench press) that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
3. **Consistency**: Stick to a regular workout routine, ensuring consistency in both exercises and frequency.
4. **Nutrition**: Consume a balanced diet with sufficient protein to support muscle repair and growth. Lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts are good protein sources.
5. **Adequate Rest**: Muscles need time to recover and grow, so ensure you have rest days and quality sleep to allow for proper recovery.
6. **Hydration**: Drink enough water to support overall health and muscle function.
7. **Form and Technique**: Focus on proper form during exercises to prevent injury and effectively target the muscles.
8. **Variation**: Incorporate variety into your workouts to prevent plateauing and keep challenging your muscles.
9. **Patience and Persistence**: Building muscle takes time, so stay patient and persistent with your efforts.
10. **Consultation and Guidance**: If possible, seek guidance from a certified fitness professional to create a personalized plan based on your goals and capabilities.
Remember, individual results may vary, and it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly.
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imperfectgirls-world · 6 months
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superheroworkouts1 · 1 year
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Sheet Pan Salmon and Asparagus with Potatoes
Recipes for Health & Wellness
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leekeyrouz · 3 months
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thatwannabegirlsblog · 10 months
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That girl mood board
(Source : pinterest)
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