#and the fact he was born with these talents
bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Garp had come to the conclusion of not taking Ace to the Bandits and instead took him to Foosha, claiming Ace to be the child of a long lost child of his who had recently died. When Ace was old enough (coughjuststarted walkingcough), however he met the bandits. Who ended up becoming his babysitters anyways. Then comes Luffy who Garp uses the same cover story as Ace only that Garp’s long lost child turned out didn’t die only faked their death but is genuinely dead this time.
When Sabo comes along Garp realizes that a) this kid probably isn’t a child of a high profile criminal and b) he couldn’t use his cover up story again with more additions. So he claims Sabo to be his long lost sibling’s grandchild whose entire family, Except Garp, Ace, and Luffy of course, died.
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aroacettorney · 1 month
tbh i wish aup had more reps for characters who achieve greatness purely through hard work and effort. the emphasis on genius/being special is mayhaps way too much to the point that it feels kinda damn depressing for those who aint born as one.
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jooniez · 2 years
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frobisher-smythe · 1 year
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dvmni · 1 year
waaaaah Thomas "Exakick" Foucou so humble I’d die for him. I almost cried watching him be all flustered during and in between interviews 
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Unspoken Words
Characters: All NRC students x reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: hurt/comfort
Unspoken reasons why the NRC boys love you!
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Riddle Rosehearts seems like perfection; like the very image of what one should strive for. Anyone who knows him can admire his hard work and diligence, because that is the extent to what they can see. But you see his delight at the simplest of things; things that he never got to experience in childhood. Riddle holds you dear to him because you encourage his rare moments of whimsy, and love them wholly- just as he loves you.
Trey Clover is always being told that he should aim higher, because the talent he holds would be squandered should he go down the path of the simple village baker. He smiles and politely tells them that he’ll consider it- but really, he’s tired of the input he never wanted in the first place. It’s all the more reason to appreciate the way you trust in his dreams. Trey knows what he wants, and you won’t push him for anything more. 
Cater Diamond has two different sides, like the faces on a card. Sometimes he’s the party-loving Cay-kun, and other times he wants nothing more than to collapse in his bed and sleep the day away. Being Cay-kun is exhausting. It’s not entirely him but he can’t seem to bring himself to show the real Cater to anyone but you, because you understand that the mask is necessary sometimes. It’s okay if he’s not ready to show the world his face yet. You’ll be waiting for him when he is.  
Bluntly honest is the best way to describe Ace Trappola. If someone asked, he’d call himself a realist. He’s not here to mess around or play the hero. And sometimes that can hurt people’s feelings and push them away. But being truthful and being mean are two different things, and he knows he can always trust you to tell him when he oversteps. Ace may fumble from time to time, so he’s glad you’re always there to help him back up.
Deuce Spade was reluctant to begin dating you at first. He wasn’t proud of who  he was in middle school, nor is he proud of who he is at the moment. He thought that he was unworthy of you, that he needed more time to grow. When he first figured out that you weren’t the most perfect person either, it didn’t turn him away. In fact, it relieved him. Deuce loves that you can be imperfect together- and that you’re willing to grow alongside him even more. 
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Leona Kingscholar is used to being the spare; the disposable one. Even though he’s the second prince of the Sunset Savannah, even though he was born into a life of privilege, he knows what it’s like to have to fight for yourself and your place in the world. When he met you, he could hardly believe that for once, a fight wasn’t necessary. It took a while for him to trust, but now Leona knows that he will always be your first choice, as you will be his.
From the outside, Ruggie Bucchi’s obsession over food is a bit excessive. Does one really need to defend every scrap with his life? He’s tired of others laughing at the way he packs snacks in his bag and sneaks crumbs off the tabletop. It’s telling that you hand him extras when you don’t have to, that you make sure he always has more than he needs. It shows that you value the things he values, so that he can do the same in return to you. 
Jack Howl is a lone wolf, just like his name. He’s always relied on his own strength to get by. Owing a debt is like putting his life in someone else’s hands, so accepting favors is something that he’ll never do. When he first realizes he loves you, it’s hard to accept that another person now holds a part of his heart. But give him some time and he’ll begin to appreciate having someone to share the burden with. It’s refreshing to have company without debt or guilt. 
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They say those who have suffered the most have the most empathy. Azul Ashengrotto thinks there must be something wrong with him, then. After all the ridicule he’s endured, all he wants is to watch his tormentors cry as well. So why does his heart beat so fast then, when he sees how kind you are to others? There’s so little logic to it- but the heart wants what it wants. 
Jade Leech gives only as much as he takes. In his mismatched eyes, it’s only reasonable that a transaction is balanced on both sides. So it’s a surprise to him when you don’t demand everything to be split, fifty-fifty. It’s with you that he learns the connection between trust and equals. Not having to count out every exchange leaves Jade more time to love you with all his heart. 
Floyd Leech is notorious for his mercurial behavior. It’s a laughing matter for some students, and the target of frustration for many others when he fails to show the same enthusiasm he had before. If he’s already in a bad mood, then why are they making it worse by nagging him? You’re his retreat in times like that, because you take his emotions seriously, no matter how ridiculous they seem in the moment. 
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Kalim Al-Asim knows he can be dense. As the heir to a merchant empire, he’s got some level of self-awareness in him, even if he doesn’t always know how to use it. He can tell when he’s said the wrong thing to you. The wringing of hands, the twisting of brows make him so nervous, but he can’t do anything but laugh it off lest he say something to make it worse. So he appreciates it when you patiently explain to him how you feel, even when you’re not in the mood to. Sometimes he just needs help to understand. 
There’s no doubt that Jamil Viper has… questionable methods of obtaining his means to an end. With the precision and patience of a snake, he can use any means necessary to strike. But when you’re around he finds himself thinking more of what’s right than just what he wants. You are his conscience, in the best  and worst of times; and he can’t help but love you for it. 
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Vil Schoenheit’s entire life has been publicized since the day he stepped into the spotlight. While he takes pride in his looks and envies anyone who can shine brighter than him, he finds that when he is with you, he can be whatever he wants to be with no eyes on him. No cameras, no rehearsals, no pressure, just two hearts beating side by side. 
Rook Hunt has a lot to say, and so little time to say it. He is always on the move, always examining something else to find the beauty in it. And though it’s hard to be patient, he loves you for always listening when he talks, even when he rambles for hours about the smallest things. To sit still for that long is a feat in itself.
The frustrations of Epel Felmier are evident when others treat him as lesser simply because of the way he looks. He’s still learning how to use his charm in other ways, but it’s hard to unlearn so many old habits. Punishments from Vil don’t help either. So when the work gets too harsh, you make him forget about being weak or strong- and when you’re in front of him, all he wants to be is yours. 
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Idia Shroud is used to watching the world go by without him. Sometimes he feels like an outside observer, or even a roadblock for others to climb over on their way to greatness. But with you, he never feels like an inconvenience. He feels wanted and needed- something he hasn’t felt for a long, long time. 
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Malleus Draconia is lonely. It’s plain and simple as that. He wants the company of others, outside of those assigned to guard him and bow to his every whim. So Malleus covets the fact that you are simply here, by his side of your own volition. For the first time in his life, Malleus thinks that he might be content.
Lilia Vanrouge has lived through centuries. As a human, you cannot even begin to fathom bridging the gap in time. There is just so much that he has seen that he can’t share with you. So please, just let him hold you while he has the chance. Let him cherish the way you live in the moment. Together, you can forget the coming of the future. 
Sebek Zigvolt is constantly under pressure. Not from others, but from himself- but either way, the stress gets to him. He would never admit it, but the stolen moments you spend together make him happier than he’s ever been. His shoulders ease, and his scowl disappears for a time. Just don’t point it out, or they’ll be back again full force- accompanied by a blush.
It’s not that Silver doesn’t care about what people are saying- he really, really does. But when he falls asleep so easily, some people come to think that he’s bored out of his mind. He was anxious that you’d think the same, but to his surprise, you understand his struggles. He’s trying his best to be more attentive to you, and you welcome his efforts with open arms.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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hoao · 3 months
oikawa is a perfectly crafted character. he’s silly and insufferable and has a ridiculous way of behaving but he’s also determined and strong and committed and hardworking. if you dive deeper, he’s also desperate, insecure, and he yearns and he wants and he fights. he’s scared his hard work will never be enough because there are people who are already one step ahead of him, people he considers geniuses.
“talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish.”
i don’t think anything will ever stop him from doubting and feeling insecure, and iwaizumi himself once told him he’s probably never going to be satisfied. however, by breaking free from the constant pressure of “the talented ones”, he can polish his hard work, his instinct, his drive.
it will lead him far, yes. in fact, it leads him to another country, dealing with another language and another culture and another world. he momentarily forgets just how fun volleyball can be, until meeting hinata reminds him of it. he grows up to be fierce and motivated and passionate and on the opposite side of the court, representing another country and standing up for his “petty pride”.
he’s a character that drives me insane because i relate to him in ways that scare me. am i talented? or is what i have “just” instinct that i have to polish? am i a sort of imposter between people who are born great? people who have to work hard, just like me, but they seem to be doing it a bit more effortlessly?
hard work is always hard work, no matter the raw material (talent/instinct). but oikawa is so good and relatable because he knows it and he still feels like he needs to do more, more, more. he feels different from the others, and when first confronted with this reality it almost takes control of him. (kageyama is what he will never be, he despises him because of it).
and what’s an even bigger paradox is that nobody ever looks down on him. he does it all by himself. kageyama and ushijima and hinata and everybody else, they all look at him for what he is: a good player, a scary opponent, someone they fear and someone they look up to simultaneously, someone they have fun playing against, someone they want to beat, someone worth their time and efforts, someone who’s crazy good at what he does.
as always, haikyuu is so real for this too. our mind works in very weird ways, sometimes we don’t take into consideration others’ opinions of us unless they’re negative, we’re never satisfied with ourselves, we always want more.
oikawa is a perfectly crafted character. he has flaws and he’s so intensely human people might despise him for it. and the path furudate built for him is so fitting and so hopeful it has me believing there’s a chance i’ll get there too. not to Argentina, not to the Olympics. instead, to a future where my hard work means something (to me!).
and what if i don’t feel like the others? what about it? it will never be “just” instinct. it’s my hard work, my pride and drive. it will lead me places because i demand it. when oikawa breaks off the cycle, he becomes insatiable. “i will defeat everyone, so be ready!”
(i also happen to believe he really does defeat everyone).
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Galas were energy drainers, which was a well known, established fact.
Bruce isn't a solid believer that people are born bad; The person in front of him seems adamant to prove him wrong.
"Those are very big words you're throwing around, Mr. Wayne," Bruce is sorely concerned if 'climate change should be acknowledged and regulated' can be considered ' big words', "Care to define them?"
Bruce would, truly, but this jerk already wasted half of his night by being condescending, so why bother?
" I've enjoyed myself, but,--"
" I did too. Truly, its nice to be listened to. You could teach my wife a thing or two...Among other talents. Maybe we can speak more over dinner?"
Discomfort churns and batters Bruce's insides. He's not good with sleazy.
He thankfully learned to camouflage disgust at arrogance and tackiness and nastiness,-- but sleazy? His hands sweat, hungry to hit, punch. His tongue is heavy and bit to blood.
A long shadow covers them both, and everything bad vanishes from Bruce's body in a relieved breath.
" Oh...Thank you for the invitation. But...You'll have to ask my boys."
A gulp from the other.
There's Jason, his Goliath of a son, Bruce's bruised sunshine. On his shoulders, not clothed by a restricting tuxedo like the rest, but by a red hoodie instead, Damian holds a butter knife close.
Tim, arms folded, mimics Bruce's nauseated snarl. Ah. So they heard, then.
Dick, as always, stands at the forefront, both shielding his siblings, and establishing himself as top threat. A pure leader, no doubt behind it.Bruce would lie if he'd say the spark of pride isn't there.
"What time?"
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wttcsms · 8 months
balancing act ; satoru gojo.
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pairing satoru gojo x f!reader   word count 3.9k   synopsis gojo bets that he can get you to fall in love in three months, and you bet that he can't go three months with staying committed to one person and not bang them. neither of you plan on losing. content contains modern no curses!au, mentions of sex and vulgar language (but no smut yet), simp gojo <3 author’s notes i plan on wrapping things up quickly this time around, so i have five parts planned for this mini series!
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Satoru Gojo is used to a wide array of reactions to any of his antics: awe (the summer analyst, Miwa, always stares at him like he himself is the one who created the stock market), irritation (Nanami is rarely ever in agreement with the comments Gojo leaves on his work), lust (Gojo gives just as much he receives because he’s benevolent like that — his words, of course). 
But he’s not quite used to being laughed at. 
He’s handsome, and he knows it, a deadly combination for any man because Shoko claims that all men are born with an astonishing amount of audacity and it only ever grows as they get older. Satoru brings up the fact that Shoko technically cheated her way through med school, and that any doctor worth her degree wouldn’t get onto patients while lighting up a cigarette of all things, but Shoko is equally stubborn and audacious as any man, and it just makes her a worthy opponent to get into arguments with. 
Being attractive and arrogant isn’t enough to keep him from suffering mild humiliation from time to time, though. The reason why Satoru doesn’t get embarrassed is because the world is unfair, so he happens to be born rich and smart enough and talented enough to just keep on getting richer. Even he is entirely aware of his privilege, but he’s got the type of personality that would be endearing even if he wasn’t hot, so everyone loves him. 
And you don’t hate him, he knows that. He also knows that you don’t love him, which is fine, because it’s not your love, or awe, or irritation, or lust (okay, maybe some lust would be nice) that Satoru wants from you. He just wants you for you, your honesty and whatever scraps of yourself that you toss to him. 
Today’s scraps are your laughter, which rings through the whole entire office, singing above the noisy clacks of keys being smashed by the analysts and the whirring of the printer shooting out hundreds of pages a minute. He feels a warmth spread from his stomach to his chest and maybe it even rises up to his neck, he’s not so sure. He should feel slightly embarrassed, he thinks, to have said something seriously only for you to find comedy in it, but he doesn’t. He just feels pleased with himself for making you laugh, like he’s done something great.
“You are so full of shit, Gojo.” You’re still smiling, even though you’re not bothering to look at him anymore. Your attention is now focused on the report one of the analysts has turned into you, and from the lack of comments you’re leaving, he assumes it’s Megumi’s work. 
“I was being serious, y’know.” Satoru’s more than tall enough to see over the cubicles, especially when he’s standing up, and he leans over it, his head and upper body leaning into your personal desk space. The cubicles don’t do jack shit for privacy, anyway, so he doesn’t feel bad when you complain that he’s invading your privacy. If it was privacy that you craved, you wouldn’t have three monitors raised, each of them displaying a jumble of numbers and words that Satoru doesn’t care about. 
“So was I.” You tell him.
Just thirty minutes ago, you walked into the office with a quad shot espresso, unceremoniously plopped your Longchamp tote onto the floor, and dramatically sighed to get your desk neighbor’s attention. Utahime is always a good sport when it comes to your antics but doesn’t bother extending the same courtesy to Satoru, which he considers to be very unfair considering that he’s technically everyone’s boss. It is his name that’s displayed on the side of the building, and his private equity firm that he’s built up alongside Suguru. 
“What happened this time?” Utahime asks you, like the good sport she is. Satoru, at that time, was pretending not to eavesdrop even though he is, because he’s a nosy bastard. 
“I hate men.” You say, leaning back in your chair. “He left me for someone nice.”
The way you say it lets him — and Utahime, who is actually the person you’re talking to — know that that nice was a direct quote from your ex.
Utahime furrows her brows, looking confused. “But you are nice.” 
Debatable, is what Satoru wants to say, but he’s remaining silent so he can get the full story out of you first.
“No. I’m a workaholic with no personality outside of my fancy finance job.” 
Satoru doesn’t see an issue with you, though. So what, you’re hardworking and focused? He thinks it’s kinda hot to see someone with so much ambition and discipline. He wouldn’t have hired you if you were anything less. 
“He’s just insecure.” Utahime says, soft voice trying to soothe you, even though Satoru hears the familiar sound of your manicure typing in your login details to your computer. He knows it’s silly to think he can tell the difference between your typing and anyone else’s, and he doesn’t want to think too hard about what that could possibly mean when it comes to defining his feelings for you.
“You said the same thing about my last three exes, and they all said similar things about me.” Satoru can’t see either of you from this angle, but he’s certain that you’re opening up your emails right about now. The conversation is coming to a close, and he needs to start focusing on his own tasks, but then you say something interesting, practically baiting him to come out of his office.
“I’ve decided that from this point forward, I am swearing off men.” 
Utahime laughs. “You can’t just swear off all men because of a few bad ones.”
“Not forever.” You clarify. “Just for the time being. All the men I’ve dealt with  in Tokyo suck.”
On paper, all your exes are fantastic catches. There’s the surgeon (who found you to be too independent), the professor (who thought you were too busy to give him the attention he needed), the hedge fund associate (who thought that he liked smart girls, but apparently, not ones smarter than him), and your newest ex, the investment banker. The irony isn’t lost on anyone — an investment banker criticizing someone for being a workaholic obsessed with the prestige of their finance career? If he was going to scramble for an excuse to want to see other people, he should have chosen some other cliche line instead of using the same one someone else must have said to him. 
“What’s this about men in Tokyo?” Satoru strolls up to the divider between you and Utahime, hands in his pockets, pretending that he hasn’t been listening to the entirety of your conversation from the very beginning.
“That all of them suck.” You say, with that unwavering confidence he likes. 
“I’m a man in Tokyo.” He’s grinning.
“Yeah. I stand by what I said.” You’re not even being courteous enough to look at him, still focused on whatever email is on your screen.
His grin only grows wider.
“Maybe all the men you’ve been with are subpar, but I bet I could change your mind.” 
“Is this even appropriate for work?” Utahime interjects. 
“If it’ll make my dear employee Utahime happy, I can grab someone from HR to supervise this conversation.” Satoru says.
“It’s a trap.” You tell her, lips curling up in a smile that lets him know you’re going to say something very mean and probably true about him. “He’s already broken protocol with everyone who works there.” 
“You’re very disrespectful to your boss. Anyone else would have fired you on the spot.” Satoru only pretends to be wounded by your comments, but everyone knows that he’s as good at taking it as he is at dishing it out. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that Satoru owns this firm because he’s not very good at professionalism himself. 
Utahime mutters something under her breath, deciding not to engage further in whatever it is the two of you are doing.
“So, whaddya say? Wanna test out your ‘all men in Tokyo suck’ theory with me?” He knows this teasing won’t go anywhere, even if he wants it to. You’re good at your job, and you’re good at being a professional. Somehow, he doesn’t think you would consider fucking your boss as something very professional. 
“I would, but I have standards.” 
Satoru wants to make a snide comment about all the guys who have dumped you, but he can’t, because it’s already been established that they’re not just decent by regular standards, but stellar. Rich, successful, well educated men who could probably make you cum. 
Well, Satoru is richer, more successful, and more educated than all of them combined, he thinks. And he would gladly make you cum like crazy, if you let him. 
“C’mon, what’s wrong with me?” 
“Promise I won’t get fired if I’m being honest?” You turn your desk chair, looking up at him with mock doe eyes, and the sight shouldn’t be both endearing and hot to him, but it is. 
“Give me your worst.” He tells you, both of you smiling at the challenge. 
“I don’t give anything of myself to a man who can’t even bother to commit to anyone.” 
Of course, you have a point. Satoru’s not known for dating anyone. He takes women out on extravagant dates, yes, but he doesn’t actually practice the act of dating. 
He doesn’t see a point to it. Most people, save for his friends (a bit weird to consider some of his closest companions are actually his employees), see beyond his shiny veneer, and dating would just complicate things. Dating means someone seeing the duller, not-so-great parts of himself.  
“I could commit if it’s you.” 
The way he says it, without that familiar teasing lilt of his, makes you burst out laughing. He really is trying to commit… to the bit, that is. For a moment, Satoru almost tricks you into thinking he’s serious. 
“You are so full of shit, Gojo.”
You’re focused on your work, not the momentary hurt look that disappears from his face as quickly as it came. 
“Don’t be such a pessimist.” He tells you. “I bet I could make you believe in love again.” 
“Who said I didn’t believe in love?” You frown at that. “I just don’t believe that the men in this city are capable of it.” 
“Bonus season is upon us.” Satoru says, suddenly having a bright idea. He’s so rich that his wealth seems to be an extension of himself, and like all other parts of his body and mind, he uses it to his advantage. 
“Ugh, don’t tell me this conversation is going to affect my bonus check. I really will go to HR, then.” 
“I’ll double your bonus pay if you let me court you for three months.”
“Court me?” You’re laughing at him again. He eats it up, savors it, lets it settle on his tongue and warm his insides. 
“If you’re so convinced I’d be horrible and only prove you right, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to make some easy money?” 
He’s trying to bait you into accepting; you know it. You also know that nothing from Gojo comes easy. He makes it entirely too convenient to forget that he’s razor sharp and cutthroat, the things he needs to be in order to remain on top of the finance scene, but he’s always joking, always teasing, that it feels like he almost doesn’t like being taken seriously. 
“Like I said, I don’t deal with men with commitment issues.”
There was a brief moment in time where you considered going out with Gojo. The two of you have always been rotating in the same social circles, way back to your high school and university days. You don’t shame him for having casual sex because Gojo is genuinely sweet when he wants to be, and you know that everyone he’s ever fucked has done so more than willingly, probably too eagerly. They all get broken up over the fact that Gojo never wants to actually enter into a relationship with them, and it’s probably because they chose not to take him seriously. He has a bad habit of spitting out the truth but presenting it like some sort of joke. A guy shouldn’t take you out to a nice dinner and make you cum twice before even thinking about himself if he doesn’t want a girl to fall in love with him. 
For as long as you’ve known Gojo, he’s never dated once. Never a high school sweetheart or a tumultuous college relationship bound for disappointment and a messy breakup. Even now, he doesn’t follow the example of the other men in positions of power like him, who pursue doe-eyed college girls to shower with affection and trap into manipulative relationships. 
He’s cute and funny and would treat you right, but you can’t deal with the embarrassment of having someone only for one night or two, only to have them do the same thing they did with you, just with someone else. It would feel like a mockery. Your pride doesn’t give you room to give in to Gojo’s charm.
“Is that really your only stipulation?” He shrugs, like this is something insignificant, and you’re being so silly. “I’ll stay committed to you for the entire duration of the bet.” 
You narrow your eyes. “You need to keep your dick wet at all times. I’m pretty sure you die if you don’t get off at least once a day.” 
Utahime coughs, but it sounds too much like a laugh. 
“True, but I bet you’d be great at keeping me alive.” 
Oh, he is definitely getting sent to HR.
“So you want me to believe in love, and you’re convinced you can do this by the time bonus season rolls around, which is only three months.” You’re entering business mode, rearranging the facts and coming up with strategies in your head. Satoru never thought that someone thinking could be so attractive, but here he is, and here you are. 
“I’ll agree to participate, but only if you can handle what I consider to be proper courting.”
“What does that consist of?” He’s got you, hook, line, and sinker. There’s nothing Satoru Gojo cannot accomplish. He’s built up his own wildly successful private equity firm, doubling his family’s fortune. He graduated top of his class. He gives every girl he’s ever been with consecutive, mind blowing orgasms using just his tongue and two fingers. There’s nothing you could possibly say that his natural talents and money can’t handle. 
“No sex. No kissing. No touching.” You lean back in your chair, looking far too smug. 
He doesn’t even have to think about agreeing, but you falter, just for a second. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“It’s not just you saying no to sex with me, but sex in general.” You pause, trying to spot when the realization of the severity of his situation is. When he doesn’t give you a reaction, just still continuing to tilt his head in mild amusement, you continue. “You can’t flirt or take anyone else on a date, and you definitely can’t fuck them, either.” 
“Yes, I’m aware.” 
“You’re going to regret this.” You huff, certain that Gojo is dumber than you thought. He might think this is all fun and games now, but when he’s pent up and unable to get off, you’re certain you’re going to receive a text from him forfeiting the bet altogether. It shouldn’t bother you that he acts like your addition to the bet is easy, because his failure means your pockets get fatter, but it’s no fun playing games when someone isn’t ready to fully play to win.
“Hmm. We’ll see.” He says, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Make sure to finish going over all the analysts’ slide decks because I’m taking you out tomorrow night.” 
The timer for the bet starts tomorrow, then.
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Satoru thinks it’s cute that you thought you had him there, dangling sex like he’s some barbarian who can’t survive without it. Sure, fucking is fun, and sure, you’re definitely denying yourself of some of the greatest experiences you could have had, but he uses his brain more than his dick. 
If any girl is worth going celibate for, it’d be you.
Sitting in his office, he can’t concentrate on his work. He doesn’t know why it bothers him so much that you think not having access to your body would be enough to turn him away. Either you really do think he’s a sex addict, or the men you’ve been with aren’t as great as they appear to be. It’s probably a mixture of both, but this conclusion doesn’t make him any happier. 
Neither does having Suguru saunter into his office, without knocking. Just walks in, like he owns the place. And with his fifty-percent ownership of the firm, and his last name right next to Gojo’s on the building, he kind of does.
“HR is going to have a field day with you,” his best friend says in exchange for a greeting. Satoru would have preferred a hello.
“HR is in charge of the payroll that I fund,” is Satoru’s retort. 
“Only you would force an employee into a childish bet instead of asking her out like a normal person.”
“Didn’t force her.” Satoru conveniently doesn’t acknowledge the latter half of his statement.
“Didn’t really give her much choice, either.” Suguru smiles. “Shit, even I’d deal with your ass for two hundred grand more.” 
“Well, unfortunately for you, I’m committed to one woman only.” 
“God help her.” And then, after taking a second to think, Suguru continues. “Actually, if He really cared, He wouldn’t have kept leading her to the same places as you.” 
“Maybe I’m her blessing.” 
No one in the office knows why Suguru is laughing so hard behind Gojo’s closed door.
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“There’s no way this is legal,” Utahime tells you, taking a sip out of her iced matcha latte before continuing on her half-lecture/half-rant. “Gojo needs to be behind bars.”
A bit dramatic, all things considered. It’s not like Gojo’s comments even make the list for sleazy things male coworkers have said to you before, and you’re not entirely innocent, either. You like to poke and prod at him because it’s fun, and you know that Gojo can take it. 
Utahime does not respect Gojo, but she does like him enough to tolerate him. They’re like brother and sister, so much so that one time, someone made an offhand comment about how they should just fuck to get rid of their antagonism towards each other, and they both threw up because they were so disgusted. 
“It is a bit inappropriate,” Nanami comments, and you know he’s right because when has Nanami ever been wrong?
Granted, Nanami must have been wrong sometime in his life. He started out with a similar background as everyone else working in the firm. He landed an internship and then a return offer in investment banking, despised it, pursued academia, and was halfway done with a PhD program in economics before he decided to come back and work for Gojo and Geto. He doesn’t tell anyone why he came back, and no one is close enough with him to ask and expect an honest answer.
Nanami having lunch with you is a treat because he prefers avoiding everyone in the office, so it almost feels like you’ve won a coveted prize, one to show off whenever you get back to the office. He likes to keep to himself, but even he’s only human. The interest in your little bet with Gojo is harbored by him, too, same as everyone else who’s heard about it. 
You should feel embarrassed about having your life so publicly known, but finance is a small, incestual pool. Everyone working within it knows each other, has fucked each other, and will continue to exclusively hate and love only each other. It’s a bit cultish, if you think about it, so you try not to focus on the social aspects of the job. 
“It’s not like I’m on his team or anything. I technically only handle deals managed by Geto.” You say this in defense of yourself, as if it changes the morality and ethics of the whole bet. It doesn’t, but the attempt doesn’t go unnoticed. 
“Geto and Gojo are essentially two halves of the same whole.” Utahime replies. “Geto just has more public decency training.” 
“You’re telling me that you can see Geto betting someone that he can make her fall in love with him in three months?” 
“No. He’s not as audacious. I like Geto, he’s very cautious.” Nanami looks thoughtful for a second. “He would bet six months, just to be safe.” 
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Satoru knows that he’s screwed the moment you’re being introduced as the newest student in his class. School started two weeks ago, so everything’s already been settled. Everything important, that is, so the hottest girl in class has been established, along with who’s going to be relentlessly bullied, and who everyone is going to cheat off of. He has different routes mapped out for getting to class, depending on his mood and who he’s trying to avoid, along with a new secret hiding spot that he’s not going to share with anyone, except for Suguru, and maybe Shoko. 
He likes that he’s already gotten all this shit dealt with so he can spend the rest of the year relaxing, but he’s watching you as you’re standing in front of the class, talking to the teacher and then introducing yourself.
The first thing he notices is that the ugly school uniforms are decidedly not ugly. He comes to this startling conclusion when the boxy, starchy white button-up shirt doesn’t look like cardboard on you, and that the gray wool of your skirt doesn’t wash you out. 
The next thing he notices is that you speak differently than any of the other teenage girls he’s dealt with, save for Utahime and Shoko. Shoko has no issue with speaking her mind, and if Satoru presses enough buttons with enough pressure, he can get Utahime to curse like a sailor. He spaces his aggressions out accordingly, so that way when she does blow up in his face, she does it in the presence of an adult. You introduce yourself confidently; there is nothing shy or meek about you, even though standing in front of a bunch of disinterested teens — your strange new peers for the rest of your high school years — should be anxiety inducing. 
Then, you take the empty seat next to him like it belongs to you, and Satoru is starting to think that maybe it does, that maybe it always has. 
(Well, Suguru is sick today, that’s why the seat was available.)
Anyway, all of his carefully laid out plans are now tossed out the window. He needs to figure out what route you take to get around, and what the rest of your class schedule looks like, and maybe it’s just him, but the former hottest girl in school has now been demoted to second-best. 
He feels a shift in the air, like the universe is trying to signal major change in his life, and rather than run away from it, Satoru settles into his seat, noticing how you’re not even giving him the time of day. 
There’s an unfamiliar feeling rising inside of him; something that says you’re going to constantly knock him off-balance and—
—he kinda likes it.
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mrwavellswaps · 2 months
Born In The Wrong World
Megan had grown tired of her life. There were many reasons she could give for it but if she did we’d be here all day. The short of it was… she was unsatisfied. Despite being a witch with all her magical capabilities, she found herself yearning for something more than this life she had. The life of a young woman living a world that didn’t value her. And a lot of the time she couldn’t help but think that was simply because of the fact that she was a woman and that if she’d been born a man that maybe things would be different somehow. She might’ve been talented with magic but she was never recognised as much as the men in her world were for their magical talents.
So that’s when she made her decision. If you can’t beat them, join them.
At first she considered simply switching her gender but without an incredibly powerful reality bending spell to go with it, everyone would know she used to be a woman. So her next though was stealing the body of a man. Unfortunately the only body swapping spell she had the ability to cast was one that could only be performed between those who had close DNA connections. Aka family. But she didn’t want to do that. The thought of stealing her father or brothers body was… odd to say the least.
It took a lot of time and research but eventually she came up with a solution. It took her months of practice but eventually she was able to cast a spell that opened a portal to another dimension. One almost completely identical to Megan’s world in every way except everyone’s genders were reversed! Anyone born a woman in her dimension was born a man in this one and vice versa. So what was her solution? To find her male counterpart in this universe of course!
It didn’t take long to track him down. His name was Mark and the similarities between him and Megan were uncanny. Sort of like twins born with different genders. In a sense they kinda were twins. However instead of having Megan’s long flowing hair and delicate skin, Mark was completely bald and had a thick full beard coating his face. He was taller than her and had all the things you’d expect to see on a man like body hair and strong masculine features. He was surprisingly muscular as well though to Megan’s delight with a very strong build. Most notably his thick and powerful looking arms. Megan couldn’t help feeling envious knowing this is what she could’ve had.
Megan did her best to spy on Mark for a while without being noticed. She’d already confirmed he was a magic user like her, further proving what she already knew. But pretty soon she couldn’t stop herself anymore. She needed that body!
She wasn’t entirely sure that body swapping spell she had would work but she had to try. Or else this would’ve all been for nothing! And so Megan managed to ambush Mark as he was coming home, using some sleeping dust and blowing it in his face to knock him out.
When Mark awoke, he found himself naked and bound by enchanted cuffs to his own bed with his nude female self standing over him. He shouted and pleaded with her, wanting to know who she was and what she was doing. But Maise wouldn’t answer. Instead she simply began to ritual for the swapping spell.
A look of worry and fear crossed Mark’s face as Megan began reciting incantations out loud. He had no idea what she was trying to do but it couldn’t be good. He begged her to stop but Megan refused to listen and soon enough a magical aura began swirling around the pair.
Immediately the spell began to kick in and Mark’s eyes bulged as he watched his chest begin to swell. The hair on it swiftly fading away as two womanly breasts grew in place of his pecs. Meanwhile the opposite happened to Megan. Her breasts shrinking away completely as her nipples diminished before chest hair started to sprout. Immediately Mark figured out what was happening but there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Megan moaned with delight as she felt everything Mark had being transferred to her. The feminine shape of her body started to fade as it was replaced by a much more masculine form. Her legs swelling up with thick muscle as her feet grew multiple sizes. Her ass transforming into much more of a male muscle butt that she would’ve thirsted over before. But by far one of the best changes had to be with her arms. Feeling her biceps and triceps swell with such immense size and strength that she couldn't help feeling a sense of pride flowing through her as she flexed them. All while her hands grew into bigger meatier man hands.
Just like with her chest, newfound body hair spread up and down her body. Most notably spreading across her legs and stomach but she couldn’t ignore the small bushes sprouting from her armpits either. She’d always loved a good bit of hair on a man.
Meanwhile Mark had undergone the reverse of Megan’s transformation with his body from the neck down becoming almost completely that of a woman. Their heads however were still mismatched. But that wouldn’t be the case for much longer. After having been forced to witness his muscle and size being stolen, Mark continued to beg Megan to stop. But why the hell would she do that when she was already loving this so much!
And just like that, right as Mark was about to protest again he was swiftly cut off by the feeling of hair growing fast from his once bald head while his beard started to vanish.
For Megan though, her own long flowing hair started to recede quickly. Getting shorter and shorter by the second. And as it did she felt an itching on her face. She scratched her chin and cheeks a little, initially confused as to why it was still so smooth despite the itching. That is until a large thick beard suddenly sprouted all at once! Filling her meaty hands with hair. And as it did, the hair on her head finally finished receding, having disappeared completely and leaving her with a bald scalp.
From there Megan’s features began to alter. Her head changed shape slightly as her eyebrows grew thicker and her eyes became more deeply set. Her nose naturally became a bit broader while her lips thinned ever so slightly to appear less feminine. Beneath the mass of hair covering her face, Megan could tell that her jaw was reshaping itself as well. Becoming more angular and masculine. And with a few more tweaks on top of that, Megan’s face now looked identical to how Mark’s once had!
Mark screamed in a high pitched feminine voice, struggling against his restraints. Seeing this woman steal everything from him right before his very eyes and forcefully transfer her female body to him was downright terrifying! Though as Mark struggled, he noticed something. Despite his now feminine body and bouncing boobs, he could still feel his cock flopping between his legs. He was about to let out an internal sigh of relief… until suddenly his dick started to twitch and tingle. Then without warning, his balls sucked back up inside his body.
Megan grinned, knowing it was finally time. The final phase. The spell book even mentioned this part would happen last due to these last parts being such sensitive organs. Though that didn’t stop her from letting out a manly groan as she could feel her ovaries starting to descend inside of her, transforming into testicles on their way down. A dumb grin spreading across her bearded face as a growing ball sack pushed its way out of her slit. She could already feel those fattening balls beginning to produce testosterone to pump through her new body. But the most exciting part was still to come as she watched a small cock head poke its way out of her swiftly closing slit. It was only tiny at first but as it pushed further and further out, it fattened. Twitching and throbbing uncontrollably as it grew longer and girthier. Not stopping until Megan had a massive juicy cock swinging between her legs at last.
A shiver ran up Megan’s spine as she touched her new member for the first time. It was so sensitive yet she still couldn’t believe it. It almost seemed like a dream that her plan was actually a success but as she ran her hands up and down her new male body, she could only confirm that this was in fact real! She was fucking man!
As for Mark, he was a complete and total mess. The last of his manhood had been stripped away from him. Stolen by his once female alternate self. That didn’t stop him from pleading with her though. But Megan simply ignored him as she was far too fascinated by the look and feeling of her new masculine body. Groping her muscles. Playing with her body hair. Touching her beard and bald head. And of course gently pumping her new cock, much to her own delight.
She wasn’t able to get too into it though with Mark whining on the bed about wanting his body back. So Megan sighed and paused her exploration of her new body, instead walking over to the pile of discarded clothes she’d taken off Mark earlier on and slipping them on herself. A pair of gray shorts, a white tank top, white athletic socks and black shoes. All of which would’ve been too big for her before but of course now fit her manly body perfectly.
With that she left Mark to struggle in the restraints for a while, deciding to go out and see the world with the eyes of a man for the very first time. She already had plans for when she returned. First she was going to perform a forbidden ritual on Mark to seal his own magic and prevent him from telling anyone about what happened and as soon as that was done she planned on reactivating the inter-dimensional portal spell that got her here. Luckily it was much easier to perform the second time when returning back to your own dimension. Sort of like having a return ticket to go home. Only she wasn’t planning on going through herself. If she went back to her world like this, there would be far too many questions. So the best solution was to stay here and send Mark back as her old self.
Megan, or rather the new Mark, found a bench for himself to sit at a nearby park outside his new apartment. He sat and allowed himself to bask in the glow of the sun. A feeling of triumphant victory washing over him. Finally he could have a new life in this alternate world. A new life as a man. And a hot as fuck man at that. No longer having to worry about the challenges of being a woman and getting to reap the benefits of swinging a cock between his legs instead. Speaking of, as soon as his alternate self had been sent back to his old reality, he planned on spending the next day worshiping his body and jerking off so much that his balls were completely drained. He couldn’t fucking wait because there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that this was the reality he was supposed to have been born into.
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Hope you all enjoyed this Shorter story from me. I’ve been busy as of late and am working on something longer right now but I thought I’d upload this in the meantime!
Also you’re welcome @bodyswappingandshit @bodyswappingandshit-1
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eatingaburrito · 3 months
SNOOZE — oscar piastri
summary. in which, everyone finally meets oscar’s girlfriend—who happens to be a ballerina. (part two)
genre. smau
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and many others…
yourusername are you happy to be in paris ?
view all the comments
yourbestfriend 🥖 oui 🥖
liked by the creator
oscarpiastri No, come home
yourusername YOU come home you know damn well i was not born to live w spiders babe
oscarpiastri Rude
yourusername that’s not rude ?????
oscarpiastri It is ! The spiders miss you too by the way
yourusername tell them to fuck off 😍
oscarpiastri Extra rude
user why do i imagine oscar speaking w an expensive british accent
landonorris BC HE DOES
oscarpiastri Fake news
user wait what is she doing in paris ???????? isn’t she supposed to be w her bf rn ?
user she’s performing the Romeo and Juliet ballet this week-end at the Paris theatre
yourbestfriend im literally gonna stay glued to my tv until you make an apparition
user ON TV ????????
landonorris if nobody receives news from oscar this weekend its probably bc he’s preparing himself to see his gf on tv
oscarpiastri Can you stop exposing me ?
landonorris no
user her dance school has posted the rehearsals of the ballet and i recognise that she is an outstanding dancer !!!!!!!
user the rehearsals were so good 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 they are all so talented
charlesleclerc Did you just eat croissants without me ?
yourusername bc i was supposed to eat them w you 🤨
charlesleclerc Yes, that’s the rule of being a friend of mine
yourusername bro you have rules for your friends ???? wonder why you don’t have many
charlesleclerc Rude
oscarpiastri That was rude baby
yourusername you two stfu
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liked by lancasteruniversity, charlesleclerc and many others…
yourusername best experience of my life, thank you so much @theatredeparis 🤍
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oscarpiastri So proud of you. You did so well, I cried. ❤️
yourusername STOP i need to hug you
yourusername thank you so much babe, you know i couldn’t do it if you weren’t there for me
oscarpiastri I love you
yourusername JAJD’ELLZ STOP i love you too 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
user i didn’t know you were THAT elastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!
user bro just say she danced good
user i bet oscar cried (bc i did)
landonorris hell yeah he cried (i did too)
yourusername AWWWW YOU CRIED
landonorris stfu you stole my mate
yourusername ?????? he was mine anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
liked by oscarpiastri
yourusername I LOVE YOUUUU
user i don’t think she’s that good but since she’s oscar’s gf everyone seems to change their mind 🤷‍♀️
user her talent have nothing to do w oscar ???????
landonorris being a hater doesn’t make you better bro
charlesleclerc You were so good, my maman almost cried (but me and my brothers did)
yourusername awwwwww thank you croissant 🤍
user that’s so refreshing to see that the school dances are finally putting black dancers forward
user THIS !!!!!!!!!
lancasteruniversity Proud of our little student ! 🩰
yourusername 💋💋💋💋💋
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liked by yourusername, mclaren and many others…
oscarpiastri Girlfriend appreciation post because she deserves it. She is the best girlfriend in the world, the best dancer I know and the sweetest girl on the planet. I’m so proud of what you were, are and about to become. Praying that you’re staying with me forever. Love you 🤍
view all the comments
user oscar out here spitting facts with that caption
oscarpiastri If the stupid thing is coming back home, I’m not stopping
yourusername i love you so much even words can’t show how much i care about you
yourusername i don’t like being cute for too long (and exposing my feelings on the internet) but i think if i put a ton of heart emojis you’ll understand
yourusername 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
liked by oscarpiastri
landonorris man is whipped
oscarpiastri Lando, we all know how you are with you-know-who
user WHO
landonorris nobody 🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽
user oscar exposing lando is something i didn’t know i needed
landonorris weird af
alex_albon omg you two are so cute
alex_albon i ship 😘😘😘😘😘😘
landonorris bro are you dumb ?????
alex_albon Lmao sorry Lily took my phone
lilymhe don’t know what you’re talking about
lilymhe stop shouting at me you cunt
landonorris AYO WHAT
user their dynamic is so cute
user like why are you being so cute for no fucking reason ?????????
user we need yourname to finally come home to oscar
oscarpiastri That’s what i’m fighting for 💔
yourusername stop you know damn well i wanna come home to you too
oscarpiastri Then come home ?
yourusername @lancasteruniversity
lancasteruniversity We have to talk a bit about this, but I think you deserve some vacation 😉
oscarpiastri FINALLY
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© eatingaburrito
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youaresimplylovely · 1 month
"We Keep This Love in a Photograph" - CL 16
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗰 𝘅 𝗚𝗳!𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗹 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱 (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: 654
𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘭𝘺'𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Charles Leclerc was known for many things, a famous Formula 1 Driver who drives for Ferrari, an ice cream brand owner, but most especially a photographer. Yet this is only like ONLY exclusive to you. Charles said it himself, he likes showing the fans and the public his talents except his photography talent.
He purely insists that it's only exclusive to you. Despite many journalists, interviewers, and fans asking him why, his answer will be and always will be "because Y/N brings out the best of me and she's a true born model, I enjoy taking photographs of her. It really makes me happy."
That's why when you guys planned your monthly vacation to Bali, boy did he not hesitate to bring his camera. The camera, Charles always brought to every vacation with you was the camera you gifted him on his birthday. Sometimes you think to yourself if it was a bad decision, but it sure wasn't.
You and Charles walk around the beach to explore, strolling through the sands of the beautiful beach a loud click of a camera was heard. You raised an eyebrow, Charles was right behind you and you knew he took a picture of you. Slowly, you turn around to see Charles and his camera on his hand with a charming smile on his face.
"Cha? Seriously?" You chuckle, approaching him closer as you wrap your hands around the back of his neck.
"What? You know I love taking pictures of you mon amour" He says with his french accent that you loved so much. His hand gripping on your waist while the other holds his camera in his hand.
"You know sometimes, I wonder if I regret gifting you that camera for your birthday last year." You giggle, you were just joking but you wanted to tease him.
"Mon Dieu!" A loud gasp escapes his mouth as he laughs, he scrunches his nose and plants a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love the camera, mon amour. It's the best gift I could ever receive in my 26 years of life." He smiles at you softly, gently rubbing your back with his hand.
You couldn't help but smile at his words, you were so lucky to have him. A big smile purses your lips, leaning in closer to his face as you kiss him softly. Moments later, you pull away softly with a giggle.
"Now mon amour, we can't let you have a good vacation without pictures, am I right? Go on step back a little for me and smile okay?" He smiles softly, taking the camera out of his other hand and positions himself.
You smile and follow his instructions, you step back and start doing a few poses while Charles snaps pictures of you. Moments later, you finished with your small photoshoot. You and Charles continue to walk around the beach with his hand around your waist.
"You know mon amour, I really like this bikini of yours. It suits you very well and it looks amazing in pictures but you know what else is amazing?" He smiles at you cheekily while you two keep walking.
You let out a small hum, chuckling at your boyfriend's comment as you give him a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you. "What's that baby?"
"Me taking pictures of you without the bikini." He winks at you along with a smirk on his mouth.
You gasp, laughing as you playfully hit his chest. "You're so dirty Cha but maybe, I'll think about it." You smirk at him as well as you lay your head on his shoulder while you walk.
The fact that your boyfriend is so loving towards you makes you feel so happy. Especially when he expresses his talents to you and you only. You always say to yourself and always will that you and him will "keep this love in a photograph."
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kangmoon27 · 7 months
Control You | Jungkook FF
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Pairing: Supreme leader/cult yandere possessive Jungkook x force wife Yn.
Summary: Growing up it was never in his wanting to be the leader of a cult but if it means he could have you and control you then he's up with it.
Growing up, he really hates the fact that he's next in line. He hates the fact that he has to stay here in this kind of society. He wanted to leave but sadly he couldn't, soon the whole society will be controlled by him, everyone will follow him and it's because he's born to be the leader of this cult.
Jungkook never wanted to be part of this but he doesn't have a choice, he had to, he's born to be like this, he's born to be like this.
Of course he tried to leave his birth place but always failed. It's either someone caught him nor his mother will beg him not to leave this place while kneeling on the ground crying.
But something made him stoped from leaving this society and even convinced him to stay. It's not something, it's actually someone.
Choi Yn who's a daughter of one of the cult member. She's born brave and talented who's absolutely gorgeous but everything seems to be wasted if she will just stay here in this toxic society where everyone admires their leader who all did was to brainwashed his people but not Yn.
She's smart enough to understand the wrong doing inside this cult she belong to. She promised herself that one day she will leave this place and have a better life far away from here but it was ruined. Her dream was ruined.
Jungkook became crazy for her. He keeps on following her around like a lost puppy, begging her to accept his proposal to make her as his wife but lady Yn never agree.
Jungkook will surly do everything for her so he made a deal with his father. He said he will stop trying to leave this cult of only Yn will be his bride and without thinking twice his father agreed.
Yn has no other choice but to actually marry him. For the sake of her family she had to do what he says. As simple as that, he's in control while she's under control.
"A beautiful shade of light pink will surly look good on you my lady" he whispered while kissing your neck. He stared at you through the mirror while smirking. He pulled the zipper of your dress up and turned you around.
"See, I told you, it will look good on you. But it would be much better without it." Your husband said while biting his lips. You surely did turned him on, just the way you look so helpless with those pity eyes. The way you never argue and just always do what he says. Being an obedient wife like how he wanted surely keeps on turning him on.
His thumb brushes your lips. He smile at you before pulling you by your waist and k'ssed you. You gave yourself freely knowing what the consequences would be if you didn't.
After some moment he finally pulled away and took a deeper breath after the breathless k'ss you both just did. The smile on his face never vanished knowing he won his battle, he won you.
"Just stay like that and everyone will be safe under my control baby." He chuckles before grabbing your hand and pulled you out of the room.
Everyone is complementing how good looking you were and how lucky you are that their supreme leader chooses to marry you. But that's what they just thought cause if only you could speak up right now all you wanted to do is to shout and course them for talking bullsh't.
You've never got this so much attention before, no one even thinks of taking your side when you tried to asked them to leave this cult. Not even your own parents but now they all complementing you just because you're the wife if the leader. Position really speaks loud and if you don't have it they your voice is useless cause no one will believe you.
"I told you. We loon good together, everyone literally said that my love and it's time for you to believe it." Jungkook whispered and kisses you. His hand travel down your waist and pulled you closer to him completely closing the gap between the two of you after seeing someone approaching you both.
"Long time no see Yn. It's been awhile. I missed you." Junghyun said trying to hide his pain. Your eyes meet his and it begin to filled with tears. You missed him so much. The memories of both of you flashes back and begin playing in your brain. You wanted to tell him how much you missed him and love him but it's too late. Both of you just looked at each in sorrow. The untold and discontinue story between the two of you hunted in regret.
"It's appropriate to talk to someone's wife like that mostly to your supreme leader Junghyun." Your husband said while gripping his hold on your waist. Junghyun bow at him as respect while you're left being shameless and scared. You knew exactly what will happen as soon as you get home.
"I'm sorry supremo. My apology if you think that was ruined." He glance at you while you just looked away not wanting to have another commotion that will burn your husband in anger.
"Please excuse me. I'll take my leave now. Have a great day." With that Junghyun left leaving Jungkook offended and mad.
He feels insecure after facing your ex lover. Knowing you used to love him fully and naturally not by force like what he did just to get you.
"Fck I hate him. Fck it, we're going home." Whisperings those and pulled you away with him.
"Tell me how good daddy is, huh?" His hands circle around your n'ck as he pushed his full l'ngth inside slamming his hips back then forward to make you whimpers and cries
He loved the wet and creamy texture of your c'nt. "So good!" You whimpered again grabbing his biceps to dig your nails inside them.
"The way you fill me up makes me wanna get fcked every single day, hour, minute and second" You looked into his eyes as he did the same.
He attacked your neck while his h'ps kept moving.
You started crying while hugging him, feeling him deep buried inside you made you feel disgusted. You can feel how every inch of his organ touches and feels you. Soon he c'm and thinking it was done Jungkook bang the wall and keeps on going.
He flipped you, facing the pillow as he pushed himself back in your c'nt while his fingers played with your f'lds. His t'ngue l'cked your back and started s'cking on it leaving marks that you unwanted.
"You're mine okay, just mine." He said shot himself inside you. "Sh't knee down and take me like you own me. Be obedient."
A knocked on the door woke you up only to find yourself alone in your bedroom. You tried searching for your husband but he's no where to be found and once again the door knocked. As soon as you opened it your eyes light up but your smile came crushing down realizing how bad thing would be if your seen to be together.
It's you against the whole community. "What are you doing here?" You asked but Junghyun just smiled at you and pulled you into a deep k'ss.
"You send me a letter that you wanted us to run away right then let's go. It's our time now we should leave already before everyone wakes up." Junghyun started pulling you hand and walked out of the house using the back door.
The whole tribe wa quite, it's middle of the night and people are already sleeping. This is exactly what you wanted. Escape from this cult and be with him but something isn't right.
You never sent a message nor letter to him mostly about running away knowing how Jungkook gripped on your n'ck is. You pulled away from Junghyun making him look at you in confused.
"T-this is wrong, I have to go back and you should too! It's his plan Junghyun." The confusion is written on his face. He clearly didn't know what's happening until every one revealed themselves one by one from their hiding place, soon your husband also came out looking so sad and betrayed.
"Was I not enough for you my love? I gave you all even my whole life but you still choose to be with him and continue cheating on me?." Jungkook cried infront of his people trying to get the sympathy of each and everyone of his cult.
"How could you both betrayed our supremo!! You both deserve the worst punishment!!." A woman from the crowd whom you called your mother speak up breaking your heart even more. He's really good at manipulating everyone that's he's already been the victim that even turned the table and make your parents turn on his side.
"N-no no no please mother I love your daughter very much I would be more in pain if I'll lose her. It's all his fault if he'll be gone then me and my wife will never have a problem again. It's all his fault." Jungkook said crying to convince everyone that it's Junghyun's fault.
You run towards Jungkook and started slapping him while he just let you do it to him as everyone started drugging Junghyun away shouting the word "burn him Alive, burn him Alive" repeatedly.
"W-what? No no no no no I love him!! I want him it's my fault." Your mother came to you and slapper you, your body landed on the ground and looked at her in disbelief.
"How could you do such a thing Yn!! All supremo wanted was to give you the best and love that you need. You're lucky enough that he choose you to be his wife and this is what you will do in return?!." She picked you up and pushed you to Jungkook as he immediately locked you in his embrace.
"She's all yours supremo, don't worry we will take care of him." Your mother said before turning her head on you. Soon you and your husband was the only one left.
A hard slap landed on your cheek. Falling on the ground while caressing your cheek you saw him going on his knees and grabbed your chin so hard.
"I'll break you tonight. I'll break you into pieces and mould you again, I'll mould you like how a perfect obedient wife would be cause I'm in control and I controlled you."
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heretherebedork · 7 months
I, for one, will forever be grateful to Only Friends for giving us Boston.
Because to take a character the narrative has condemned and make him not only the most loved but also the most sympathetic character while also being the messier and having his own deep struggles is a thing of beauty and talent.
But I especially want to highlight a few things about Boston. Because these are all the ways I came to love him.
He's a born this way gay man who is never shown to question or doubt his sexuality.
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2. He is openly promiscuous and not only enjoys sex but enjoys having sex with multiple people. (He's an asshole and his moral code is his own but he sticks to it.)
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3. He owns his own filth within said moral code.
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4. He is the first person to say you can't turn someone gay.
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5. He thinks he knows how to throw a punch but really doesn't tend to despite his own words.
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6. Openly distinguishes between sex and romantic love
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7. Is the only one of his friends capable of a sincere apology when he was wrong and wronged them and will go out of his way to make a sincere one with them even if they don't deserve it and would never admit to owing him one at all.
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In fact, he does it twice.
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8. He knows when not to apologize.
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And, most importantly of all... he can be a petty bitch.
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We stan him and we apologize for him and we love him for all of it.
Boston, the king of the sluts, the character who was condemned by the narrative for his ways but that the fanbase will forever love because he was something so unusual in BL that it made him beautiful.
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inbarfink · 7 months
Okay, so, for the longest time the Tallests’ behavior toward Zim in ‘Battle of the Planets’ has always struck me as… odd.
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 I mean, of course the idea that they mock him publicly behind his back makes sense in general. That is a very Tallests Thing to Do. But the specific ways they mock him…
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I dunno...maybe the intention is supposed to be like 'haha you're saying 'unstoppable death machine like it's a good thing but it's not!!' or something but... with the delivery and the general characterization of the Irken army it comes off as more of 'haha! it's funny because he's NOT an unstoppable death machine hahaha" and...
Like, yes. Zim is correct. He is, in fact, an ‘unstoppable death machine’. That is absolutely an accurate statement to be taken seriously. The only problem was that he’s an unstoppable death machine that’s too uncontrollable to prevent him from Death Machining his own people as well. That’s literally why you banished him, remember?
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But then I took a moment to think about that.... It does actually makes sense that the Tallests, despite getting literal first-class seats to his rampage of destruction - might still have a problem with actually internalizing why Zim is so Bad.
Because Zim is basically the Irkenest Irken to ever Irk. He might be considered ‘Defective’, yes, but all of his defects manifest as the logical extremes of Irken ideology. He has, on paper, all of the skills and personality traits and ideals that the Irken Empire value - just exaggerated and twisted in a way that makes him the biggest milestone around the Empire's neck.
Zim is a pretty good fighter, infiltrator, pilot and scientist. Remember, he’s a Fast-Food Drone Play-Acting Alien Invasion to get him out of the Armada’s antennas now, but he was a legitimate actual Invader back during ‘Impending Doom 1’. And that’s with all the social barriers and prejudice that a short Irken like him is going to face. I’m guessing a lot of the selection process for Invaders is done by automated systems or extremely-detached Control Brains. And only looking at, like, Zim’s practice or test results - he should be an exceptional Invader on-par with Skoodge.
But we all know the truth is more complicated then that. Zim’s talents and training are hampered by his own massive ego, absolute inability to accurately assess threats and his impulsive desires for destruction and death. He’s unable to judge when he’s punching above his weight or tackling an endeavor beyond his abilities. He cannot admit when he has made an error, even just to fix or improve an invention/plan. And he always allocates his resources in the dumbest way possible. 
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And that’s all, like, emergent from Irken Ideology - or at least from Zim’s logical extreme of it. Confidence and selfishness are rewarded on Irk - Zim is mostly unusual in terms of sheer volume (or maybe he’s too Short to be allowed to have such a high opinion of himself.) 
His inability to proportionally handle threats is emergent from the Empire’s ideals of Irken Supremacy. Zim is supposed to see all other species in the universe as stupid and inferior and worthy only of servitude and so logically they can’t be a serious threat to him, an Elite Irken Soldier. But he also needs to internally justify why all of these Clearly Inferior Beings are even a problem to the Irken Empire in general and for him in specific. Especially when he fails to conquer them as easily as a ‘Superior Being’ is supposed to. And so his ego and his insistence on Irkens being Superior has to elevate them into fearsome enemies. 
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That Speciesism is also why his disguise is so bad! We directly see it in the first episode. He had the option of picking a more realistic human disguises but he just found it too gross. And that actually seems to be a trend, considering every Actual Invader we see on the show has a disguise that is just as bad if not worse.
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And Zim’s tendency towards delusions is also born, at least partially, from his devotion to Irken Ideology. Not just from the obvious insistence of the superiority of himself and his Empire despite his constant failures. But also… how do you balance out the Irken values of selfishness with the also-Irken values of loyalty and absolute obedience to the Empire and the Tallests? For Zim, the obvious answer seems to be ‘delude himself into believing whatever selfish personal whim he has is actually for the good of the Empire and the true will of the Tallest’. That’s how he can break All of the Rules All of the Time and still act like he’s just another obedient and loyal vessel of the Tallest. 
And then there’s the value of destruction and cruelty. This is absolutely not a Zim-only thing - that is a value he got from Irken society in general. After all, it’s pretty clear they don’t even have, like, a token excuse for their universe-conquering aspirations. They’re just doing this shit because destroying and subjecting the universe seems Fun and Cool. I mean, ‘Battle of the Planets’ demonstrates that better than anything. 
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The Tallests have no idea of what to do with the planets they conquer. They don’t need them for anything. They decided Blorch's new purpose as a spur-of-the-moment decision and it was a Parking Structure Planet. Most of Irk’s single-use planets are pretty silly but this one especially so. Parking Structures only have value based on them being near a Place People Want to Go To, so a whole planet of them really defeats the whole idea. The Tallests only conquered Blorch and wiped out the Rat People because they want to conquer planets and wipe out sapient species.
And that is… exactly the same sort of meaningless cruelty Zim demonstrates. I mean… What Zim did with Prisoner 777 is literally just a smaller-scale recreation of what the whole Irken Empire did to the Vortians. And honestly, Zim actually has a slightly-better track record of actually getting ‘his’ Vortian to do what he wants. While the Irken Empire in general has basically shot themselves in the foot and assured all of their best technology is going to come with some sort of Stupid Hidden Flaw and all because they wanted to be the Conquerors rather than ‘just’ allies. 
The difference is really just that Zim values destruction so much he has problem processing that directing the destruction at his own people is still a very bad thing in the eyes of the empire.
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And that’s… kind of the ideological blind spot the Tallests fall into during ‘Battle of the Planets’, I think. They should know that Zim is very much an Unstoppable Death Machine, just one that they can’t control and thus should be kept as far away from the Empire and Operation Impending Doom 2 as possible. But in their little Irken-Ideology-Poisoned minds - being an “Unstoppable Death Machine” is a Good Thing and Zim is obviously Bad - so, obviously logically he cannot be an Unstoppable Death Machine. 
And throughout this entire episode, the Tallest mock the idea that Zim is even capable of… not just achieving his and the Empire’s goals (obviously, yeah, he is incapable of doing that), but that he's even capable of properly causing destruction? Which they should know he is very capable of. And this is probably the closest he ever came in the show to legitimately destroying the human race. Only being foiled due to a huge stroke of luck on Dib’s part that nobody saw coming. And yet the Tallests were so certain that Zim, of all the Irkens in the galaxy, is somehow incapable of destroying a planet???
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And at the end, Zim does prove himself as an Unstoppable Death Machine by, once again, managing to kill a fuckload of his own people while the Tallests laugh about how inaccurate that descriptor is for him. 
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This is extra ironic with the Tallests throwing that one guy out of the airlock at the start of the episode
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They punish others just for not remembering Zim’s rampage, but they clearly have not internalized what it Means themselves.
The fact that a guy like that even managed to reach the most prestigious not-height-based position in the Irken military in the first place should be a cause of some serious introspection of how Irken Military training and evaluation is handled. Especially when you consider much more competent would-be-Invaders like Tak got dismissed and punished for things totally outside of their control.
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But… It seems like the only lesson anyone in the Irken Empire learned was just “Zim is awful”. Which is true, but isn’t really getting to the root of the matter. 
You can see another example of that mindset from the Tallests in ‘Hobo 13’. Because those two were so sure Zim was going to lose, and lose painfully. Because he is Incompetent, obviously that means he can’t do it. Totally forgetting that Zim actually totally has the athletic, combat and - most importantly, technological skills and out-of-the-box thinking that allowed him to survive and thrive. 
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I mean, yeah, that means he cheated and threw his entire squad to the dogs for his own personal gain and petty sadistic amusement but… that is absolutely not something the Irken Empire frowns upon. The Tallests especially love to torment and even kill off their subordinates for the pettiest of reasons. Skoodge, featured in both of these episodes, is a great example.
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And like, ‘being bad leaders and tormenting their own underlings’ is basically what the Tallests spend the entirety of that episode doing.
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That Sergeant had ideological problems with Zim being such a horrible and callous leader, but that’s clearly not a representation of the Irken Empire’s stance. Quite the opposite really. Zim might be a disgrace to Hobo 13, but he was an exemplary Irken. The only reason why him winning was a problem is because he’s Zim and they all hate him.
And speaking of the Tallests’ own behavior reflecting Zim’s… let’s talk a bit about ‘Enter the Florpus’.
Because the downfall of the Irken Armada in that story is not just Zim’s fault. I mean, it is partly Zim’s fault. Without him there wouldn’t be a Florpus in the first place. But the narrative makes it constantly very very clear that this is Not Actually a Threat for the Armada… if not for the Tallests adamantly and childishly refusing to change course. 
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The Tallests hate Zim, and they make it clear at every possible opportunity. And they hate him because he’s so damn incompetent and such a threat to the Empire’s safety. And yet they constantly demonstrate they possess the exact same core personality issues as Zim - they’re just slightly better having, like, a veneer of reasonability and being able to perceive reality (and also they are tall, which helps them get away with more.) And nowhere is it more obvious than ‘Enter the Florpus’...
Where the Tallests prove that they can be just as childish and single-minded -
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And just as destruction-hungry - 
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And just as quick to deny reality -
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And just as disrespectful of their underlings. 
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This recurring bit with the navigator is especially striking to me, because more than anything it makes me remember… Operation Impending Doom 1.
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Two times the Irken Empire has been brought to the brink of collapse. And both of these times it is because a powerful high-ranking Irken (one time an Invader, the other time the Tallests themselves), refused to listen to the warnings and concerns of a lower-ranking expert Navigator - continuing with a course of destruction for their own people. 
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You could say the Irken Empire was doomed from the start because of their own philosophy of cruelty and selfishness. Eventually, it was bound to create someone like Zim - who takes the Irken Ideology to its logical extreme in the most destructive way possible. Or you can say the Irken Empire was doomed from the start because of their asinine height-based class system. Which basically inevitably assures that at some point the reigns of the Empire will be at the hands of someone buffoonish and incompetent enough to drag the whole Empire down with them. And both of these viewpoints are true in their own way but also…
The Irken Empire was also doomed from the start cause, whatever this is a result of a culture that highly values obedience to your superiors over common sense, or because punishments for disobedience are just so terribly severe - these two Navigators continued to push those knobs and drive that ship even as they knew their commanders were mad and their actions were just driving their own Empire towards oblivion. 
Perhaps the Irken Military could use some sort of protocol of what to do when your superior is being clearly unreasonable and endangering not only the mission but literally the fate of your entire civilization? No, of course not. Yet another lesson not learned from Zim’s actions in ‘Impending Doom 1’. The only important lesson Irk needed to learn from that was just ‘Fuck This One Guy in Particular’.
Zim’s whole existence is like a twisted parody of the Irken Empire and all of its values. It’s really no wonder that the Tallest never got the joke. 
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shiraishi-kanade · 2 months
An Shiraishi is always trying to be someone else: a short and messy analysis on how Vivid Street (unintentionally) messed her up
You know, I kind of have my own issues with the "Wishing to the Blue Sky for Your Happiness!" event, but a lot of my criticism of it boiled down to "huh, it's kind of weird how they gave An this insecurity out of nowhere, she didn't struggle with being herself before. Seems to be a reach just so Shizuku could have a role."
But that was before the Vivid Old Tale, and boy I'll admit I was very wrong.
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The relationship between An and Nagi are... Very interesting, to say the least.
But there's no doubt that An absolutely idolizes Nagi. Sure, there's been this line about An always wanting to he a musical like her father, but we also know that for the most part, it was Nagi who taught her to sing, as well as Nagi who acted as An's mentor figure in a more emotional way.
In a way, An won the lottery. She was born into a family that loves her, into a community thay loves her, and just so happened to be talented and passionate about something that community values most. However, that talent has left her little to no space to actually... See herself as someone outside of it.
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Now, none of this is actually necessarily negative by default. Having high expectations to one's children isn't necessarily bad either; with the right approach, it can make them grow and want to grow. We've also seen this happen with Touya in his childhood, which us another neat parallel.
But, unlike Touya, An has been very comfortable in her role, precisely because of her talent and being able to reach the very high bar raised for her. That comfort just... never made her reach out to something other than the place and the future she was already familiar with, because she never needed to. She was Ken's daughter and she was talented and everyone in town loved her and she promised to be the better than her dad and everyone took her seriously. What else could she possibly need?
In a way, An had her dole cut out to her before she was even born.
And then there's Nagi.
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Yes, Nagi is An's role model. But there's more to that than just An looking up to her.
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More than just being taught by her, An actually picks up Nagi's mannerisms, forms or speech, and even moral values (pretty much the entire point of Vivid Old Tale).
An saw, too, how much Nagi meant for the people of Vivid Street. She wanted to mean as much for them, too; rather, she already did mean as much, but she needed to be someone to justify being loved. It's not necessarily a conscious thought process but more of a subtle one: if you notice your community loves some traits of you more than the others, or values some aspects of you more, you start to lean more and more into them in order to fit in and be accepted.
For An, those particular traits were being talented, being Ken's daughter, but also... Being very similar to Nagi.
Them acting "like sisters" has been highlighted over
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and over
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and over again, even by people unfamiliar with Nagi, well into An's teenage years.
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And it's not exactly... A complete coincidence on everyone's part. At one point, Nagi openly states she wants An to be like her, to be able to see things from the same perspective. At least to some extent, some of the actions Nagi takes to make that happen are completely deliberate.
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So An tries to be like Nagi. This is both a conscious effort on her part and something that just... Is sort of a hidden force that shapes her into who she is. If you watch Nagi and compare even the way she talks with people of the town to the more mature, somewhat-grown up but not quite there yet An we have today... There's so many similarities it's uncanny. An is still much more hot-headed and impulsive, but that caring, considerate side of her shines through even more than before.
An doesn't try to deny or hide that, too. In fact, she's actually pretty proud of it.
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(Whether Ken lied to her to make her feel better or if that expression was just a reaction to being reminded of Nagi passing away & the masquerade that followed after that, we'll never know.)
But here's the kicker: there's so much of Nagi in An it's hard to pinpoint where Nagi-san's traits end and An's own personality begins, if it even does. Because of how early has everyone decided on An's future, and because An never did anything to even hint at wanting to do something different (which she didn't! Sometimes people want to continue their family's legacy and that's completely normal and fine - again, she just got really lucky, both with her talent and supportive surroundings), An subconsciously kind of accepted that being like Nagi is... Just who she is.
That comes with taking on Nagi's part in the community, too. In the same way Nagi took care of everyone in town by helping them out at events, so too, does An - just to a much lesser extent, by going out of her way to keep in touch with everyone, going to events, and helping at a cafe, too.
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But An doesn't purposely mold or change her personality to be like her role model, too. This is important: An doesn't wear a mask because she doesn't need to. In her mind, she already is like Nagi, or at least, she's on track to be, without doing particularly anything different. Because they're just so similar they're so close and practically behave like sisters, and because An grew up singing in the town exactly like Nagi did, and because she loves the town just like Nagi did - what else could An possibly need to do except get better at singing and get more grown up?
You know, to reach that mature and down-to-earth side of Nagi that we often see in the past?
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That side?
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Now the Shizuan event's conflict isn't so out of place, is it?
But anyway, back to the point.
Because of Nagi wording things the way she does and because of people on Vivid Street making such a point of their similarities, An naturally assumed she would eventually become like Nagi. This is why, even aside from Kohane's improvement, aside An's abandonment issues, Kick It Up a Notch is a giant slap to the face for An, as well as her wake-up call.
Kohane taking on Nagi's mantle before An was able to, or potentially ever could, isn't just about singing - it's an attempt at An's entire sense of self, just as well as her place in the world, and on the smaller sense, her hometown, too.
Because if An is not Nagi, she doesn't belong.
Because An never knew how to do anything but sing. Because becoming like her family, like Nagi, was the only option she ever imagined for herself ever since she was a child.
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And if An is not Nagi, then who the hell is she?
[this post was very much inspired by @the-one-that-weeps 's An analysis post, who kind of put this much more eloquently than I could! Go check them out.
All translated lines that aren't taken from the wiki transcripts are by lozybug on YouTube!]
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