#They do make it out because Babs has just been waiting for Dick to take his com out
the-alice-of-hearts · 11 months
DickTim Week Day 6: Slade’s Apprentice Meets Ra’s Heir
Rating: Explicit, word count 8483, no archive warnings would apply. It is omegaverse though. A lot of characters get to make an appearance in this one. Hope you all like it!
Dick had a handle on things. Or, well, he at least felt like he did… He would…God he hoped he was doing the right thing. Tim had left though, Dick needed the omega and he left. Gotham needs Batman, and Dick was the only one who could fulfill that role. He was the only one of Bruce’s sons who could step into the suit and god is he didn’t hate that that was the truth. Dick looked over at Damian before nodding. 
“Robin, that’s enough for tonight. Go back to the cave and I’ll be there soon.” 
Damian stared at him for a moment and then that look of disgust came over his face. “You’re going to look for the pretender again aren’t you?” 
Dick grit his teeth and took in a deep breath. “I’m going to see what progress Oracle has made in tracking him down, yes.” Damian went to speak again but Dick held up a hand. “Robin, you will return to the cave. I don’t want to hear anything more on the topic.” 
Damian held his stare for a moment and Dick knew that if he could see through the whiteouts he would see Damian’s eyes lit up like fire. Finally the teenager nodded and ran off. 
Dick reached up and pressed the button on his com. “Agent A, I’m sending Robin home. If he’s not back in the next twenty minutes please inform me.” 
“Roger that Batman.” 
Dick let out a sigh and then started his way to the clock tower. He wanted to see how Babs was doing, and he actually did have a small bit of hope that maybe she had found some trail of Tim. 
He landed on top of the tower and waved at the camera that she had set up next to the bat entrance. It took less than five seconds for her to open the hatch, but it was enough time for him to worry that she wasn’t going to let him in. 
“What do you need Batman?” She asked as he landed behind her. 
“How are you doing?” He asked softly. 
“I’m fine.” She won’t look at him and he knows why. He knows that she is angry, but god it hurts. 
“Babs, I-” He tries to talk to her, but then she turns her head and looks at him. 
“Don’t. I have the birds looking for clues, but no one has seen him. If Tim doesn’t want to be found then he won’t be.” She looks back at her setup and sighs. “He’s good, and if he needed help he would reach out. If he accesses any of the bat tech then I’ll know, but he’s gone to ground. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe he’s out.” 
Dick hangs his head and squeezes his hands tight. “You know that he isn’t. He’s out there somewhere, and I honestly don’t know that he will reach out. Cassie hasn’t seen him, Steph can’t track him, he hasn’t called or written…” 
Babs kept typing for a moment while Dick stood there hoping she would say something else. “If you keep that up then the scent blockers are going to fail you before you get back to the cave. Gotham still thinks Batman is a beta.” Her cutting tone was harsh, but it snapped him out of his head. 
“I’ll head home.” Dick gave in. 
“Be safe out there Batman,” Babs called out to him and Dick waved at her before leaving the tower the same way he came in. 
Dick ran his hand over the cowl and glared, he hated this stupid suit. Dick started his way back to where the batmobile was stashed in an alley. He kept an ear out for anything that was happening, but it was starting to crest into morning and crime had slipped back into the shadows for the day. Dick made it to the car and then stopped short. Because there was a bright red note on the windshield, and the tires were stacked next to the car with a tire iron sitting on top. 
“HOOD!” Dick screamed. 
He smelled the other alpha before he stepped out of the shadows. “Might want to get it together fast. Sun’s comin’ up in little over an hour,'' Jason snarked at him through the voice modulator. 
Dick launched himself at Jason and tried to strike fast. “What the hell?” 
Jason easily sidestepped his strikes and danced further into the alley. “Needed your attention,” Dick growled loudly and Jason just laughed. “Oh, is the big bad bat playin’ at bein’ an alpha?” 
Dick sneered at him. “Don’t make me bite you.” 
“Cool it, golden boy, I have information.” Jason struck out and Dick had to back up to avoid the fist. 
“What is it?” Dick demanded. 
“Deathstroke,” Jason responded. “He left a message with me.” Jason nodded to the car. “Don’t know what it says, but he paid me good to give it to you.” 
Dick pulled back and turned to look at the letter. “Why not just drop it off?” 
Jason shrugged. “Because he told me that he’d know when you read it, and that if you didn’t then he’d make my life miserable.” 
Dick glared at the paper as though he could make it disappear. 
“What does orange and black want with you?” Jason asked. 
“Nothing good,” Dick muttered. 
“Well, read it, yeah? I’ll put the tires back.” Jason walked over to the tires to start the process. 
Dick walked over to the letter and picked it up carefully. He didn’t know what Slade wanted, but he knew whatever it was, it was gonna be bad. He looked at Jason and stepped into the alley so that he wasn’t too close in case there was poison or something inside the envelope. Turning it over he saw there was nothing on the outside, and the seal was just the normal glue seal that envelopes came with. With shaking fingers, he grabbed a Batarang from his belt and sliced open the envelope. No puff of smoke, but he could smell that Slade had scented the paper. He pulled out the letter and unfolded it. 
I know whom you seek, and better yet, I know where the wayward Robin is. You know what I want, you know I can deliver, and you know that this is how it will always end. Come back to me, and I will help you get your omega back. 
Dick held his breath. No one knew Tim’s dynamic, not even Bruce knew that Tim was an omega, hell even in her brainwashing of Jason, Talia had never known that Tim was an omega. Damian only found out because when Tim left he had left the cave filled with the scent of an omega in distress. Dick assumed that Alfred knew, but nothing made it past the eyes of him. He looked over at Jason, did he know? Did Babs? He took a moment to wonder if Kon or Bart knew before… 
“So, anything interesting?” Jason asked from where he was putting the second tire back on.
“Just more of the same old same old.” Dick lied. “He wants to meet with me, I’m not going to give him the satisfaction.” 
Jason studied him and then turned back to the tire with a small hum. “Any word on the replacement?” 
Dick shook his head. “Not yet.” 
“He’s still out there, Oracle will find him.” Jason walked over to grab the third tire and then tilted his head. “What?” 
Dick shook his head and swallowed back his instincts. “Just worried about him, he’s been no contact since Steph.” 
Jason stared at him for another moment. “Take my bike and go home. I’ll bring the car back.” 
Dick gave a small smile. “Thanks Little Wing.” 
“Whatever, just give me your keys.” Jason tossed his bike keys at Dick and Dick tossed back the keys to the batmobile. 
He made the trip back as fast as he could. Damian was most likely waiting up for him, and he needed to get him to bed before the pup fell asleep in the cave again. He let himself pull on his bond with Tim just once, hoping that maybe the omega would respond this time, but like every other attempt Dick was met with a wall of nothing. Tim’s bond was still there though, so he was still alive, and for now, that was all Dick could know. Tim’s silence was hard, but he had survived so much, and he would come home… probably. 
Tim could admit that maybe his plans were not always the most thought out. Lying in the dessert bleeding out next to the only remaining member of his team he could see how this could have gone a little differently. 
“B-b-b,” Pru tried to talk but Tim just shook his head. 
“Not dead yet,” he gasped out. “I’m gonna get us out of here.” 
He slowly turned on his side and clicked the emergency beacon that Ra’s hadn’t taken from him. There was a slim chance that he’d make it back to the hotel for the drop, but maybe Dick would come for him. Curling up in a ball for just two seconds he allowed himself to close his eyes and imagine the alpha scruffing him and telling him it was all going to be okay. “Get up,” he hissed at himself. 
He pulled a pressure bandage from his bandolier and applied it to the hole in his side. It wouldn’t do much about the blood loss he was already suffering, but maybe it would at least keep him alive long enough to get Pru safe. 
He stumbled into the motel room and laid Pru on the bed. “I’ll contact the league, it’ll be okay.” 
One moment he was holding the radio and the next he was kneeling on the floor trying not to throw up. Taking in a deep breath and clenching his eyes shut he kept himself together. Tim reached out to the radio and flipped it on. “We’ve been attacked. Two losses, myself and one asset are back at base.” 
If a reply came Tim wouldn’t have known. The last thing he heard before passing out due to blood loss was footsteps and a deep voice.
“Finally caught you little bird.” 
Tim woke up in a room that was glowing. Shit. He rolled away from the source of the light and stood up to see that he was indeed in the Lazarus room. His fingers itched to grab a weapon but he was in a loose gown without anything on him. 
“Ah, Detective, you’re finally awake.” Ra’s sauntered toward him from the side of the room. “I was beginning to worry that we would have to throw you in the pit after all.” 
Tim grasped at that information and reached for his side to feel where the stab wound was. 
“Fickle things stab wounds, yours wouldn’t stop bleeding so we had to remove your spleen. The stitches will come out in a few days and you’ll be back to finding the Bat.” Ra’s was within arm's distance now. 
Tim cleared his throat. “What about-” 
Ra’s held up a hand. “You’ll have very few questions when I am done, I’d save them.” 
Tim glared but held his tongue. If there was one thing he was good at it was getting adults to not lash out at him. 
“Prudence was brought back with you, her failure in keeping her team together will be punished after her own healing is done. The man who brought you here let slip a beautiful nugget of information that was quickly confirmed. I believe you know Ms. Fox? Or at least her father?” 
Tim went cold. Tam Fox was a good person who as of yet hadn’t really been wrapped up into the whole Batman thing. If she was here…
“You’ll be escorted back to your chambers and she is there waiting for you.” Ra’s continued shattering Tim’s hold on himself. He was endangering a civilian. “I have a proposal for you, one that I believe you will be interested in this time. But, before I tell you I think you may want that reunion first. You’ll have time to ask your questions later.” 
He held up a hand and Tim fell silent as the doors opened and a few assassins came into the room. They surrounded Tim and Ra’s made his exit before he had another chance to talk. 
“Come with us, detective.” One of the assassins turned and started to lead him down the hallways. 
He couldn’t decide what was the worse reason for being escorted through the compound. Because on the one hand, were they afraid he would get lost because he didn’t know his way around? Or was it because he was a threat and Ra’s wanted him observed closely even while in his sanctuary… either option was a bad one. 
He stepped into the room that Ra’s had been keeping him in while he was here and stood by the door when the scent of angry scared beta came over him. 
“Stay right there.” Tam hissed from the bedroom. “I’ll come out there.” 
Tim stayed still and waited, attempting to control his scent like Pru had been teaching him to do since blockers weren’t allowed to be worn within the compound. “Tam, it’s Tim.” 
The sudden movement into the room by the beta woman was a lot and Tim acted on instinct to avoid her. 
“You idiot! Why are you out here? Why haven’t you reached out! What are you doing!” Tam yelled at him. 
“Back up, why are you here Tam?” He asked softly. 
“My father sent me, we need you back at WE. Things are going back and Dick isn’t handling anything well with having so much on his plate. We need you back so you can help.” She went for the logic route and Tim couldn’t hold back the half growl. 
“He’ll be fine. He has the rest of them, and I’m needed here. Besides, I’m almost done.” Tim had the last bit of evidence he needed to prove to the JL that Bruce was out there. “All I need to do is to get Ra’s to deal.” 
“Drake, you’re an idiot if you think he’s gonna let you leave here.” Tam sat down at the coffee table and glared at him. “He’s taken me hostage so that you can’t, and you know it.” 
Tim nodded sadly. “Yeah, yeah I know.” 
Three days. That’s how long Ra’s gave him before summoning Tim to his inner sanctuary again. 
“Detective,” Ra’s greeted him. 
“Ra’s,” Tim responded, refusing to bow to the insane man and give him any semblance of submission. 
“Timothy, you know that there was a time that I sought out the Bat as my heir.” Ra’s started in. 
“And put his son on the path to kill me, yeah, I remember.” Tim snarked. “What’s the point here?” 
“I have a proposal for you. I want you to be my heir, I want you to carry on the league and lead it into a new era.” Ra’s smiled at him. “It would be so simple, for you to take over the league would take very little.” 
“Be your heir? Or bear your heir?” Tim felt the need to clarify before anything more came of this conversation. 
Ra’s laughed. “Detective, not to offend, but I am an old man and it has been a long time since I have kept up with another Omega, the league can only be headed by someone with a strong mind, holding onto the bonds of loyalty for all of the league members is something you will need to be trained into. It will be easier if you have a mate, but obviously, I have proven that with a strong enough mind you don’t have to have one.” 
“What would I have to do?” Tim asked. 
“Simple, give up the Bat’s way of thinking. Accept a bond from me so I can teach you the league’s ways better. Finally, if there comes a time that you wish to mate you would need to understand that you will be mating for the good of the league, love has very little to do with that.” Ra’s smiled at him. “You are already a trained fighter, you need only history lessons and the passing over of the league would be ready once I am ready to let go.” 
“Can I think about it?” Tim asked quietly.
“I will expect your answer at dinner.” Ra’s agreed and then motioned for Tim to leave.
Tim started forming his plan as he was escorted back to his rooms. There was a way to get Bruce back to Gotham, and that’s what mattered really wasn’t it? That Bruce was Batman again, and that he was safe. Tam also needed to get home, and he now had something that the demon’s head wanted. 
He walked into the room where Tam was writing something in the little journal she had been allowed to keep. “Listen, I’m gonna get you home. There’s just one thing I need you to do for me.” 
She looked at him warily. “What?” 
“I need you to tell Oracle that I’m dead, and I need you to give her this.” Tim walked over to his suit and fished the hidden flash drive out of it.
“What do you mean you’re dead?” Tam demanded. “Tim, what are you doing?” 
Tim sighed. “Okay, I’m not dead dead, but I do need them to stop looking for me okay? Gotham needs Batman, and he needs to keep his head there and not go looking for the lost Robin. Hood came back, Oracle is established, and Nightwing chose the next Robin already. They don’t need me, they need to get Batman back, and they need to stay away where they’re safe.” 
“I’m not telling your family that you’re dead,” Tam responded. 
“They will get themselves killed coming after me if you don’t.” Tim glared. “Just trust me, please.” 
Tam finally nodded. “Fine.” 
Barbara was having a typical night, running coms from her clock tower, keeping her ear to the ground for any sign of Tim, and making sure that her boys didn’t do anything too stupid. So she was very taken aback when someone was waving at the camera hidden in the broom closet on the main level. She turned on the mic from that room to listen. 
“-and I know you don’t really know me, but I have a message that I’m supposed to bring straight to you.” 
“Who are you?” Barbara asked. 
“My name is Tam Fox. He told me to say the birds only fly because the augury watches over them.” 
Barbara hit the button to open the door to the hidden elevator before Tam even finished the code that Tim told her. It was an old joke of his that she was reading the skies by the trails of her birds so she was less oracle of delphi and more an augur.
Tam stepped into the room and Barbara looked her over. “Where is he?” 
Tam nodded. “I have a line I’m supposed to say, but before any of that happens you need this. He told me that you’d be the only person who could decrypt it.” Tam handed her a flash drive and Barbara looked at it. It was one of hers that Tim had borrowed some case files on years ago. 
“What’s on it?” She asked as she plugged it into a spare laptop that wasn’t connected to anything just in case it was corrupted. 
Tam bit her lip and then nodded to herself. “Tim said it’s the proof he was looking for. He said if you use this you’ll find the real Batman.” 
Barbara stilled for half a second and then started typing quickly to get the files off the drive. That idiot had done it. He actually found Bruce. 
Tam fidgeted and Barbara looked up to see her playing with the bracelet on her wrist. “I-I think that Nightwing needs to be here to hear the rest of the message.” 
Barbara studied her and then nodded. If Tim wanted them to know something he sent the right person. Tam was strong, she had her father’s strength. Barbara turned back to her computer and flipped on the line to Dick. He was on his regular route and nothing major had popped up so he could come here for a quick update. “Batman, you’re needed in the tower. Feel free to bring Robin-”
“No!” Tam interrupted her. 
Barbara looked over and tilted her head. 
“Trust me, please,” Tam whispered. “Oracle? Everything okay?” Dick asked in her ear. 
“Nvm on that, I need you, let Robin patrol solo or send him home. Either way, you need to be here five minutes ago.” She nodded at Tam who relaxed a little. 
“We’re kinda in the middle of patrol right now O.” Dick sounded conflicted. 
“There’s someone here who’s spotted your wayward bird. They have a message for us from him.” Barbara responded. 
“I’ll be there momentarily.” Dick’s response was curt and she knew that he was going to be angry. 
Barbara set aside the laptop after seeing that Tim had everything organized the way he usually did and knew that she’d be able to get everything to whom it needed to go in the right order. “Can I offer you some tea?” She asked Tam. 
Tam shook her head. “Actually, do you have a coke? Or something carbonated in general? I’ve had so much tea in the last month I’m not sure I can stand another glass for a while.” 
Barbara laughed and motioned to the fridge in the corner. “Help yourself, will you grab me two bottles of water?” 
Tam went over and grabbed the drinks and then Dick’s tracker showed him on the roof. “Incoming,” Barbara said as she wheeled over to accept the waters after having opened the trap door for Dick. 
Dick landed in the room and looked around before zeroing in on Tam. “Where is he?” 
“Hello Batman, how are you? Do you know Tam Fox?” Barbara interrupted.
Dick turned to glare for a second. “Oracle.” 
“No, it’s okay.” Tam gave a sad smile and then gestured to the chair. “You might want to sit down.” 
Barbara stilled her fingers on the laptop and saw that Dick was standing completely still for the first time in a long while. “Where is he?” She whispered out. 
Tam steeled herself. “Tim’s exact words to me before I got out were. ‘Tell them I’m dead because there’s no way I’m breaking us both out of here alive. Not without compromising who I am.’ Then I was being led out of the compound as quickly as possible.” 
“What compound?” Dick asked. “Where is Tim?” 
“He’s with Ra’s Al Ghul.” Tam looked at them with a fire in her eyes. “And if it weren’t for my stupidity then he would probably be delivering that flash drive himself, but he isn’t. He wants you all to be here, he wants you to save Batman, and he wants you to let him go. Ra’s offered him a choice and he took it. If you care about him, if you ever cared about him, you’ll let him do this.” 
Barbara winced when Dick let out a slightly hysterical laugh. “He told you to say that, didn’t he?” 
Tam nodded at him. “Told me that it was the only way to get a group of stupid alphas to trust his judgment.” 
The stunned Dick into standing still again and then he looked at Barbara. “Find Bruce, he’s gonna be the only one who can convince the little shit that self-sacrifice is an idiotic move.” 
“Tim already found him.” She replied, having gone back to looking in the folders. “We need a time machine, but Bruce is located and will be okay. I’m calling Clark.” 
Dick nodded at her. “I need to run. Ms. Fox, thank you for getting this information back to us.” 
Before either of the women could say anything Dick was grappling out of the clock tower and Barbara just stared, wishing she could give him better news. 
“Nothing ever happened between Nightwing and Tim did it?” Tam asked. 
Barbara shook her head. “Not to my knowledge, besides, as far as I’m aware Nightwing is only into Omegas.” 
Tam snapped her head to look at her and then just nodded in understanding. “Oh, I see.” 
“I’m about to have a lot of company, you should leave the way you came in.” Barbara turned to look back at her system. “Seriously, thank you, you have no idea how much this means to all of us. If you ever need anything, get in touch.” 
Tam gave a small smile and nod and then headed to the elevator. “Please, if you guys do get him to come home, tell him that I didn’t say a word more than he told me to.”
Two weeks, it took two weeks for Bruce to be back in the watchtower. Another week and a half to get him decontaminated so that he could come back to the cave, and a fourth week was spent letting him rest before Dick finally cornered him in his office. 
“We have to go get Tim.” Dick opened with the only thing he cared about. 
Bruce nodded like he had known that that’s what Dick was going to say. “I know he’s important-”
“He’s the only reason you came home, ‘important’ doesn’t begin to cover it.” Dick cut him off. 
“Dick, I know. But he made his choice.” Bruce was talking to him like this was when one of the Titans left the team to quit the hero life. 
“What are you saying?” Dick demanded. 
“Tim has asked us not to come after him.” Bruce tried the gentle voice again and Dick growled. 
“He is in an unknown situation, where he was keeping a civilian safe, he doesn’t need us to sit back and do nothing!” Dick clenched his fists and could feel his nails digging into his palms. “He didn’t give up on you-”
“Enough!” Bruce cut him off this time. “I’m not giving up on Tim. I’m respecting his final request. It’s likely he’s dead Dick, based on the message he sent to me with Tam he made an impossible choice, and if we go after him they will dunk him in the pit and hope for the best. He begged me not to come after him, told me he’d rather stay dead then be whatever twisted form that the pit would bring back.” 
Dick held impossibly still not daring to even breathe. He took two seconds to try to control himself before turning and stalking out the door. “Fine! If you won’t go find him, I’ll find him myself!” 
Damian scrambled out of his way as he stalked past. Dick knew that the pup would be upset, but he couldn’t think about that right now, his omega was out there in the hands of the demon himself and Dick needed him back. 
Cass stepped in front of him when he reached the front door and held out a notebook in one hand and the keys to his bike in the other. “Find him, save him, come home.” 
“I’ll do my best,” he whispered. “Watch out for Dami?” 
Cass laughed and nodded. “Pack will still be standing when you get home. Rescue your omega.” 
He accepted the items from her hands and pulled her into a hug. “Promise.” 
His first stop was his apartment. He had a go-bag stashed there and there was only one more person to see and the easiest way to do that was to be suited up. He slipped into his apartment and then paused. There was a scent lingering in the room, one that he hadn’t been this close to in months. Dick rushed to his bedroom and changed as fast as possible. The other alpha clearly hadn’t been there in a few hours, but he had left his scent for a reason. Once he was suited up as Nightwing once more Dick grabbed his go-bag and slipped out the window. If he was going where he thought he was then he wouldn’t need the bike again for a long while. 
Dick slipped his com in his ear and waited for Babs to contact him while he made his way in the direction of Crime Alley, he didn’t miss the fact that the other alpha’s scent was going the same direction. 
“You’re being an idiot, but I get it. Bring him home yeah?” Babs’ voice came through the com unit. 
“If no one will help then I need to do this on my own. I’ll do my best to bring him home.” 
“Just don’t get dead yourself.” She responded. “I’m gonna scramble your unit. Take it with you and use it if you need extraction.” 
“Love you too Oracle.” Dick smiled and then pulled the unit out of his ear. He placed it into a lead-lined container that Tim had given to him months before his disappearance. 
“Yo! Golden child!” Jason’s voice came from his left and Dick stopped short to see him approach. “Daddy bats back up and moving?” 
“He better be.” Dick nodded. 
“You going after the wayward bird?” Jason asked seriously. 
“Someone has to,” Dick smirked. 
Jason nodded. “Get Deathstroke out of the alley before you leave yeah? He says he won’t leave until he talks to you and he’s makin’ my guys nervous.” 
“Don’t worry Hood, I think he’ll be leaving real soon.” Dick smiled. “Keep them safe, yeah?” 
“Don’t get mushy, just bring the bird home.” Jason rolled his eyes. 
Dick nodded and then went back to tracking Slade’s scent through Gotham. He found him sitting at a little rooftop cafe near the alley and recognized some of Jason’s men milling about trying to remain inconspicuous. 
“Nightwing.” Slade greeted him and gestured for him to sit down. 
“Help me.” Were the first words that Dick could get out of his mouth. 
“I can help you get to your Omega, however, it will take time. Time that you will need to follow my orders, and time that you will need to do what must be done. Are you willing?” Slade asked him with a voice that bordered on straight out commanding. 
“Two years.” Dick held out a hand. “You have two years or I’ll go get him on my own.” 
Slade smiled at him and nodded. “Let’s go.” 
“I want a mate.” Tim requested one day. 
Ra’s looked him over for a moment and then tilted his head in a motion to continue. 
Tim steeled himself for the conversation. “My heats last a week and a half on average, this is fine, but I know that they would be shorter, and far less painful if I had a mate. You wish for me to take on the league’s bonds, I believe that I will have a clearer head to learn from you if I’m experiencing heats in a regulated fashion.” 
“Detective, it’s been a while since you’ve stepped foot out of the halls of Nanda Parbat, do you have a suitor in mind? Or-” Ra’s paused as Tim held up his hand. 
“My chosen mate will fight for me. Let the champions come, and I will choose the one who can one day help me carry the league into a new era.” 
Ra’s smiled and nodded. “I’ll arrange a tournament.” 
Tim had made this decision with a lot of thought, but he was still nervous about letting just any alpha touch him. A part of him hoped that Talia let slip to Bruce that he was going to be mated, but the rest of him knew that the beta wouldn’t let any of his sons come after him, not after Tim’s ultimatum. It was comforting in a way that he had been left alone for this long already. Ra’s was a difficult teacher, and each fight against him had been fought tooth and nail, but it was going to be worth it when he finally took control of the league. He could change things, he had to change things. Maybe Bruce would even let him come home… six months and counting was making it seem like maybe Bruce wouldn’t. 
“Stop it,” he whispered to himself. “You can’t think like that.” 
It took Ra’s three days to let Tim know that the tournament was on. Three of Ra’s best fighters, someone hand-picked by Lex Luthor himself, and two other champions that were chosen by mentors that Ra’s had contacted. Tim knew that the Justice League would know something was going on when all these people showed up in Pakistan, but Tim was just hoping that either Bruce would keep them away or would be one of them. 
The tournament was set to be in a week, the actual fighting wouldn’t start until Tim’s pre-heat started softening his caramel smell, but he would have a chance to have dinner with the potential suitors before the fight began the next day. He needed to remember that whoever won would be a faceless nobody, someone who didn’t know him, and he needed to keep his head on when he came out of a loveless heat. 
Slade was the first to arrive at the compound. His apprentice was tall and strong and unfortunately wore a mask just like his master to hide his features from the world. Slade referred to him as Renegade and told Ra’s that the man had been trained by the best that Sade would accept. Tim felt like a bug being inspected anytime Renegade was in the room. He moved silently like most of the league, but Tim could feel the alpha’s eyes on him whenever he stepped into a shared space. Ra’s champions were often following Tim, one of them had been his bodyguard when he first got to the compound, and the other two were unknown to Tim. The next to arrive at the compound was Lex Luthor, his champion was promised to be there at dinner but Tim hadn’t caught sight of the alpha yet. Finally, Ra’s informed him that Lady Shiva had accepted the summons and brought her own alpha champion to fight for his heat. When she arrived the league went silent at the sight of the young alpha in her wake. The One Who Knows All hadn’t been back on league territory since she joined the bats and Tim was ready to destroy everything he had fought for if it weren’t for the fact that any fight he started would end with him jumpstarting his heat. He may love Cass, but he didn’t expect her to be the bat that showed up first. In fact, he had partially expected Dick to find his own way into the compound to fight for Tim’s hand. But he couldn’t think about the alpha that could have been right now. He needed to figure out how he was going to get Cass out of Ra’s hands when she won the right to his heat. 
The dinner came and Tim suddenly had a whole new problem.
Tim walked into the hall behind Ra’s and then froze. Because sitting next to Lex as his champion was Conner. “Kon,” Tim breathed out and Kon looked at him and lifted his mouth into a smile. 
“I reject you.” The words were out of his mouth before he could think. Ra’s had told him that he was allowed to reject one of the champions, he had thought originally he would use this on one of the league alphas, but seeing Kon sitting there he knew what he needed to do. “My lord, I reject Kon-el, Connor Luthor, champion of Lex Luthor. We would make a poor match.” 
“Tim-” Kon tried to step forward but Renegade was suddenly before him with a knife that looked to be tinted green from where Tim was standing. 
“He rejected you kid, get out.” Renegade’s masked voice was deep and gravely and Tim hadn’t heard it before. Cass was just watching what was happening from her own seat but he could see that she was conflicted. 
“If you don’t leave it will take me three seconds to out the identity of the second superboy to everyone sitting in this room, and I’ll make sure the knowledge goes public.” Tim hissed under his breath and Kon paled. “Do not think for one second that I’m bluffing, ask Batman why he hasn’t come for his wayward bird and you’ll know I’m a bigger threat than any of you have ever faced.” 
Kon studied his face and then nodded. “Okay, I’ll leave… I just needed to know that you’re alive.” Kon turned on his heel and then in a burst of air he flew out but not before Tim felt his TTK brush a lock of his hair back from his face. Lex followed his son out of the room.
Tim blinked the tears that had formed while he was threatening his best friend back and looked to Ra’s and bowed low. “I apologize, my lord.” 
Ra’s smiled at him and gestured to the table. “Come sit, it’s time to eat.” 
Tim gracefully sat down on the cushion on Ra’s right-hand side. This put him right next to Renegade and that made him nervous. The alpha still hadn’t fully removed his mask, rather he had just taken off the bottom so he could eat. On Ra’s other side was Lady Shiva and then Cass who was watching Renegade as closely as Tim was. Tim knew that he could take any of the league champions in a tussle even when all heated up, and Cass would be gentle with him, but Renegade he had no idea about. 
Tim watched as everyone selected food and waited for Ra’s to eat. Tim followed suit and pulled some food onto his own plate. Ra’s took the first bite and then everyone started to eat quietly. After a time Ra’s struck up a conversation with Lady Shiva and Slade about their travels. Tim kept watching everyone else and started doing statistics in his head as to how the battle for his heat would go. Without knowing Renegade well enough he had to assume that he would be out earlier than one of the assassins, but he also didn’t want to discredit the unknown completely. Cass seemed to be watching him closely so he was someone to watch out for, according to her, but maybe that was just because he was also unknown to her? What if he’s gone up against the bats before though? Dick had been dealing with Slade for a long time, what if the mercenary wanted to test his protege against Nightwing? Fuck, has the alpha fought ‘wing before? What if Dick-
“You should eat something,” Renegade whispered to him, startling him out of his thoughts. 
Tim tilted his head to look at him more properly and then noticed that Renegade was holding a bite out for him. “I’m not-”
“You’re in preheat, you must be starving. The nerves of the fight are getting to us all, but you’ll need your strength when the victor carries you to bed.” Renegade reasoned with him and Tim nodded. Opening his mouth he allowed Renegade to hand feed him a piece of lettuce that he had piled with rice and a little fish and mango. 
“Thank you,” he responded after swallowing. 
Renegade gestured to Tim’s plate. “Eat, and don’t worry too much. The stone is rolling and only the most worthy will lay with you tonight.” 
Tim nodded and turned back to his plate and ate slowly enough that it didn’t look like he was following an order. He couldn’t show weakness to these alphas, he’d already accidentally shown favoritism to Renegade and that was sure to bite him in the ass later when the alpha lost. Tim could already feel Cass’ eyes on him after the exchange. 
Dinner finished and they were led out to the training yard. Ra’s had a chair there and Tim had his matching cushion next to it. He followed Ra’s and gracefully sank down to kneel. He watched Lady Shiva and Slade speak to their proteges and then move to the sides of the arena to watch. They both stood with precision and looked at Ra’s. All five of the remaining alphas lined up in the center of the arena and turned to look at the Demon’s Head. 
Ra’s stood up and the silence was palpable. “Thank you all for coming to witness the battle for Timothy’s heat and position as his mate. As league tradition, I have summoned champions that are worthy to be called consort to the heir. These five warriors shall battle according to Timothy’s rules, and after the last alpha is standing they will have the privilege of a chase to Timothy’s quarters. If they can catch our prince and bond with him, they will become his mate. As per tradition, Timothy has been allowed to determine the rules of the battle.” 
Ra’s stepped back and gestured to Tim who stood up. “You can all kill a man in many different ways, but that’s not what I want to see. I was originally trained to incapacitate a man but leave him alive, I want to see that. To win the privilege of my chase, you will need to incapacitate your opponents without killing them.” 
The three assassins shared a glance towards Ra’s but when he didn’t object or contradict Tim they bowed. Neither Renegade nor Cass seemed phased about Tim making this rule and Cass even spared a smile toward him. He stepped back and kneeled back down and the five alphas took their stances. Ra’s declared the start and the alphas started. Renegade looked at Cass and nodded and then the two of them turned toward the assassins. The three assassins were going after Cass as a team in an attempt to take down The One Who Knows All first. The apparent team-up of Renegade and Cass is lost on them at first before Renegade uses their distraction to nerve strike one of the assassins and take him down to the ground. When he falls like a sack of potatoes Tim is a little nervous, but then can see the man twitch his fingers in an attempt to move. The remaining assassins split up, each taking on one of the other alphas. Tim keeps a watch on Renegade’s fight, watching the man move fluidly in a way that reminds him of Babs when she was still Batgirl, or maybe Dick’s Robin days before he started streamlining in the Nightwing mantle. Cass must have taken out her opponent because she was approaching Renegade’s battle. He tilted his head at her and then did a flip over the assassin that looked so familiar. He turned in the air at the last minute to strike at the assassin and he went down. Renegade then turned his attention to Cass. The two of them bowed to one another and then started to circle. Tim glanced at Ra’s who smiled, he seemed happy with the outcome no matter what way it went. Slade hadn’t put his mask back on after dinner so Tim could see the smug satisfaction on his face that his protege had made it this far. Lady Shiva just looked bored, like she knew the outcome from the beginning. 
Then Cass spoke. “Sure?” 
Renegade nodded once and then she stood still. 
“Home?” She asked. 
Renegade shrugged and glanced in Tim’s direction then looked back at her. 
She took up a stance and walked forward to him. Then spoke looking straight at Tim. “I yield.” 
Tim gasped and Ra’s started clapping. “Congratulations, Renegade. Detective?” Ra’s turned his attention to him and smiled. “Run.” 
Tim scrambled to stand up as fast as he could and started the run to his nest. If he could make it there before Renegade caught him then he would get to fight in his own room without an audience, if he couldn’t then tradition dictated that Renegade mate him wherever he was caught and defeated, regardless of how out in the open it was. Tim had started really getting hot as the alphas clashed in the ring, but the chase and knowing that a worthy alpha was on his heels was starting to make his hindbrain scream to be dominated. Tim chanced a glance behind him and almost tripped over his own feet when he saw Renegade so close to him. He was playing with him, teasing him. Tim purrs and Renegade lets out a soft rumble in return. 
“You gonna lead me to your nest Sweetheart? Or do I need to take you here?” Renegade asked.
Tim was torn, he wanted to feel the powerful alpha now, but he also valued his privacy, but the league was his, or it would be, and he wanted… everything. Tim whined and then made a decision, darting to the left and in the direction of his nest. 
He heard Renegade still close and put an extra burst of speed in as he saw his open doors. Renegade must have seen them too because suddenly he was tackled to the ground. They rolled into Tim’s rooms and Tim heard his attendants closing the doors behind them. Renegade had him facedown in a pin and reached up to finally take off his mask. Tim could hear the thing fall to the ground and then felt lips at his ear. 
“Don’t freak out Babybird,” the alpha whispered to him and Tim was filled with urgency to see Renegade’s face. 
He struggled and bucked himself up, toppling the alpha to the ground. He turned around and pounced on him and then paused looking down at the face of Dick Grayson. “Dick?” 
“Hey, sweetheart.” Dick brushed his hand over Tim’s cheek and held his face in his hand. 
Tim felt the tears well up and whined in frustration. “No, you can’t-”
“Please don’t reject me.” Dick stopped him. “Timmy, I’ve wanted you for years, and you disappeared before I could explain, but please don’t reject me again.” 
Tim gasped and then lunged away. Dick grasped his ankle and pulled him back and rolled them so Dick was pressing him into the ground again. The alpha leaned in and inhaled his scent. “Your heat smells so sweet omega.” He rumbled into Tim’s ear. 
Tim let out his own purr and then pressed his lips to Dick’s hair. “If you want me, then take me,” he whispered and then started to struggle again. 
Tim felt his robes loosen from the rolling around and struggled to get out of Dick’s grasp. Dick, for his part, was holding Tim’s wrists in one hand and kissing his neck and scent glands again. Tim felt Dick’s other hand between them and assumed that the alpha was pulling out his cock, something that was confirmed when Tim felt the heavy weight against his thigh. 
“You’re going to look so pretty on my knot,” Dick whispered in his ear and that was all the warning that Tim got before Dick struck and bit his mating gland. 
Tim whined and felt himself start to finally drop. Dick held his teeth in and Tim could feel the feedback of arousal that Dick was experiencing combining with his own. He moaned lowly and released one of his hands so he could reach down and feel Dick’s cock. He received a low growl from him as he stroked him using the precum to make the glide smoother. 
Dick finally released his teeth and then was dragging Tim’s clothes off of him. Tim gasped when Dick slipped two fingers into his pussy and start to fuck him on them quickly. “Babybird, if you keep doing that I won’t last. Let me make you feel good so I can claim you properly.” 
Tim gasped and moaned as Dick played him as an instrument. “Please, don’t tease me. I’ve been so empty, I need it, please Dick, please alpha.” Tim begged. 
Dick took the hint and lined himself up and slowly filled Tim with his cock. Setting a pace that was brutal and harsh Tim could barely hang onto Dick’s biceps and cling to the alpha. He felt Dick’s knot start to grow and squeezed down on it to make sure that Dick tied them together. He didn’t need to worry though because then Dick was thrusting in as hard as he could and Tim felt his knot pop as he was filled with the alpha’s cum. 
Tim grasped Dick’s shoulders and pulled him against his neck again. “Please, mark me again, make me yours,” Tim begged him. 
Dick bit down on his gland and then as the bond started to flesh out he pulled back and led Tim’s face to his own neck so that the bond would be two-sided. Tim bit the alpha and felt the bond snap clearly into place over his other bonds. He felt everything else fade away and Dick’s mating bond was golden. 
“I love you,” Dick whispered into his hair. “I have for a long time.” 
Tim pulled back and let his head fall to the ground. “I love you too. So so much.” Tim looked to the side where his perfectly good nest was just waiting. “Think you can get me into the nest before the next round?” 
Dick chuckled. “Yeah, Sweetheart, I’ll carry you there in a moment.” 
Three days later Tim's fever broke. He sat up in his nest and felt the bond between him and Dick and smiled. This was a better outcome than he dared to imagine when he went to Ra’s about getting a mate. He brushed Dick’s hair out of his face and frowned at the new scar over his eyebrow. He hadn’t had that one before Tim left. 
“You’re thinking too hard,” Dick mumbled, reaching out to grasp Tim’s hand and pull it so he could place a kiss on his palm. “You don’t smell as strongly as caramel anymore.” 
Tim leaned down and kissed Dick’s lips softly. “My heat’s over.” 
“We need to figure out the future,” Dick whispered. 
“I made a decision Dick,” Tim warned him. 
“You saved Tam, now let me save you. Cass is expecting us home,” Dick countered. 
“Ra’s will never let me leave,” Tim whispered.
“He will if you let me take care of it.” Dick kissed Tim softly. “Please, let me?” 
Tim pulled Dick into another kiss and sent his love through the bond. “Okay,” he said, pulling away. “But if you get hurt I’ll kill you.” 
“We’ll be back in Gotham before the week ends.”
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bluerosefox · 7 months
Ghost Marriage Allows More Than One!
Tim wakes up in a hotel room in Vegas snuggled against a chest but he wasn't surprised.
He had been in the Sin City for a WE meeting and had brought Bernard along the trip since Tim's birthday was just shy a few days into it and well he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend since most of his family were off world (Dick, Jason, and Bruce all had important missions and they all apologized for missing out and Tim couldn't blame them he understood and he himself couldn't get out of the Vegas meetings no matter what he tried to do.) Or couldn't come to join him (Damian had school as did Duke and Alfred was taking care of them while the others were gone. Steph and Cass were out of country working with some important things with Babs and again he understood.) (Did it still sting yes but they all promised to make it up when they got back, Alfred even promised a coffee cake just for him)
So yeah, Vegas meeting trip turned somewhat birthday fun with his boyfriend. And since Bernard has always been good with encouraging Tim to try things it came to no surprise that during their stay he had managed to convince Tim to try drinking for the night.
Yes terrible influence Bernard was sometimes, but he did make a point. Tim was an adult now and sometimes it's okay to at least try adult dumb stuff, he didn't have to like it and could stop if he really didnt want to but he can at least say he tried it once. That it was okay for Tim to let go of his vigilante brain and just have fun in the one city that was made for it.
So try Tim did. Just for the night.
So yeah, Tim wasn't really surprised when he woke up the next morning, alcohol aftertaste on his breath, head pounding, nose scrunched up from the light of the sun peeking in from the curtains, and snuggling himself into a rather chilly chest...
Tim opened his eyes when he realized that. Bernard never felt cold to Tim when they would snuggle, no he was always warm, like a warm heating blanket. It was why Tim loved snuggling him. Why was he-
Tim's eyes widened when he saw not blonde hair on the body in the bed with him but black hair. He almost flung himself off the bed from him startling awake and watched the one he had been snuggled next to mumble in his sleep and turn over.
Tim felt pure dread as he continued to stare, his stomach turning as his thoughts got bad, oh god..God... did he... oh no, no, no no. Oh where was Bernard- FUCK did he really-
Tim flinched when he heard a door open and snapped his eyes towards it. He felt his mouth go dry when he spotted his boyfriend coming out of what was the bathroom of the room and had just finished taking a shower from the sounds of left over dripping water and from the towel he was using to clean his hair.
Bernard stopped in his spot when he noticed Tim staring at him before he gave Tim a very uneasy chuckle, his eyes darting towards the sleeping body on the bed "H-Hey, good morning T. I see you... uhh seen our guest."
Tim felt ready to cry, to beg for forgiveness, but the only sound that came out was a strangled sound because of course he fucked up and ruined one of the best things that ever happened to him and-
But before he could spiral further into his anxiety and dread Bernard kept speaking.
"So ummm. Do you also remember meeting Danny at the bar, getting really tipsy, hanging out, having fun and then like going to a ghost bar with him so he could really drunk because he's like half ghost. And I mean like a legit ghost bar, like we saw Elvis and Marilyn Monroe there and they were like floating. Then we all got like super mega drunk and then... maybe kinda sorta got ghost married... because ghost marriage allows unlimited spouses cause you know, already dead doesn't matter and it's also almost permanent cause again the whole dead thing... Or did I hallucinate all that last night and we just brought in a random stranger to bed?" He asked his voice unsure as he looked between Tim and the stranger Danny in bed before lifting his hand up and showing Tim a glowing ring on it. "I'm pretty sure I didn't dream it up because I kinda woke up with this, and it refuses to come off."
Tim went silent for a moment, wide eyed as he stared back at Bernard before the pounding headache he had hit him harder than ever when the very memories of everything Bernard had said came flooding back to him. With a gasp Tim quickly looked st his own hand and sure enough on his finger was a matching glowing wedding band on it, his eyes snapped towards Danny... Danny Nightingale? Or was it Phantom? said his name was and spotted another matching one as well.
"B is going to kill us." Was the only thing Tim could muster up to say.
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luizd3ad · 1 month
BatFam At Disneyland Headcanons
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Author's Note: This is my First time Writing Headconons so I hope you guys like it and I did it right <3
Also this is based kinda on my experiences at Disneyland which I haven’t been there in like 10 years? So I haven’t been to Avengers Campus or Star Wars so sorry if stuff is wrong so sounds weird.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
-Is actually so excited but doesn't want to show it because he knows Jason is gonna make fun of him.
-He would get so happy when he gets called a ‘Space Ranger’ when they scan his ticket.
-Gets pissed that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Keeps saying how he can do the Spider-Man's flip at Avengers Campus.
-Is now convinced he can be Spider-Man.
-Tried to get Spider-Man to do a backflip with him.
-Got sad when Babs told him to leave the Cast Members alone.
-Makes fun of Dick because he knows he's excited.
-Is also really excited.
-Try’s to think of a ways to leave Damian because he knows hes going to complain the whole fucking time.
-He's 100% gonna try and flirt with some of the princesses.
-Also gets pissed that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Gets yelled at by Alfred and Brunce when he tries to hold his middle finger up in the picture with Steph.
-Gets sick on the TeaCups ride.
-He got so excited when he met woody like he was jumping with joy.
-Bro loved Cars Land like he had to be forced to leave.
-Makes everyone wait till the lights turn on in Cars Land
-Cries during ‘The World of Color’ show.
-’Toy Story Midway Mania’ was his favorite ride of the whole day.
-Gets freaked out thinking about Walt Disney's frozen head.
-Complained the whole way there.
-Wants to go to ‘The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter’.
-Gets pissed when he can't go to The Wizarding World.
-Is pissed till they go on Hyperspace Mountain. 
-He had so much fun at StarWars.
-He made a droid and a lightsaber.
-Kept comparing Brunce to Iron man.
-Makes fun of Tim for getting sick on the TeaCups.
-When everyone gets Mickey Mouse Ears he laughs at Dick because they wouldn't put ‘Dick’ on the ears.
-Got a little scared on the Indiana Jones ride, he kept his eyes closed because he was not taking any chances.
-Small World freaked him out a little. 
-He was eating every candy and treat he could get his hands on.
-Pretends he's not sick at the end of the night because he doesn't want to prove that Alfred was right.
-He begs Alfred to go because he can't deal with all his kids by himself in a place like Disney.
-Man is stressed.
-Mentally complains about how expensive everything is like he isn't a billionaire.
-Grizzly Peak was his favorite.
-He thought ‘Soarin’ was the best ride. \
-Now hates Iron Man
-Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mason were her favorite.
-Doesn't want to but agrees to take pictures with the princesses (she actually really wants to, especially with Pocahontas).
-Meeting Loki was the highlight of her day.
-Convinces Tim that Walt Disney's Head is frozen in the basement. 
-Explains to Damian that The Wizarding World is at a different park.
-Convinces Cass and Babs to take pictures with every princess they see.
-Gets Jason to take a picture with Eeyore and Tigger. (She said it was them)
-Makes everyone watch the parade. 
-Cries during the Fireworks. 
-Get's sad that there's not many rides that are wheelchair accessible.
-Convinces Dick that he can go on rides without her.
-Loved taking pictures with the princesses
-Meeting Ariel was her favorite part.
-Jungle Cruise was her favorite ride.
-Tells Dick to leave Spider-Man alone.
-Tells Dick he can't just ask people to do backflips with him.
-Loved Pixie Hollow. 
-It was his idea but he wants to stay at the manor.
-Has no idea why Bruce is stressed considering he planned everything.
-Takes princess pictures with the girls.
-Kept telling Duke to stop eating so much candy because he was going to get sick.
-Stand behind everyone during the fireworks and tear up at the idea of this trip healing all of their inner childs even if it's just a little.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Tim Drake and 60 for the ask game!
Number 60: Truth Serum.
This is going to be DC only with no DP. Hope you all enjoy!
I tried something new here and wrote in an omniscient narrator. Hope it comes across okay. I want to practice more because it is a useful POV to write in and I've never really used it before. Not in anything polished, at least.
I'll be honest, this isn't your usual truth serum fic. Hope you all like it anyway!
Word count: 2k
Tim glared at the person who held him captive. Gotham's newest rogue smiled at him as he held up a syringe. Dressed in a long, white lab coat with blue surgical gloves and black boots, he looked like a cartoon scientist.
"Thank you for coming to me, pet. I've finally perfected my serum and can't wait to make a birdie sing." Glee filled the man as he gloated at his prey. This was the night he’d been working towards for years.
"You'll never get anything from me." Tim finally twisted his hand to the proper angle to feel the edge of the razor blade hidden in his sleeve. They hadn’t bothered stripping him when they took his visible weapons and utility belt, much to Tim’s relief.
"Oh, once we get this in your system, we will!" The scientist laughed. "I've spent years on it, you know. And with it running through your veins, you'll answer all my questions!"
And then, before Tim could release the blade and slice through his ropes, the man jabbed the syringe into his neck. The solution burned going in and Tim grit his teeth against the pain.
The man laughed again. This was the best night of his life. "Now, we wait! Just a few minutes and you'll tell me exactly who Batman is. And the rest of your flock. And anything else I want to know."
Tim glared, but focused on sawing through the ropes without making his movements obvious.
Just as the rope split, he heard the sound of a distant explosion. Mad scientist man glared at Tim before speaking into a walkie. "What was that?"
Tim smirked and found himself answering, "My backup," before he could stop himself. Shit. He bit his cheek and launched himself out of the chair.
He punched the man hard, knocking him to the ground. He wanted to ask if there was an antidote or what side effects he could expect, but he couldn't give the man a chance to ask any questions. Instead, he slammed the man's head into the floor, knocking him out.
Maybe he could find a computer on the way out.
Another explosion sounded and Tim cursed under his breath. Nope, he didn't have time to look for information or computers or even the rest of his gear. He had to get out of here now before his family caught up.
On the other side of the warehouse, Jason laughed as he detonated another explosion. For once, Bruce wasn’t scolding him for the unnecessary force. And Dick even helped him set up the explosives. Over the comms, Barbara’s voice was cold as she told him where he would cause the most destruction.
“This guy’s a chemist,” she said. “He’s worked for Scarecrow in the past and he’s been collecting chemicals in large quantities for the past two months. Red Robin was trying to figure out what sort of concoctions he’s been developing, but hadn’t as of last night’s report.”
Damian snorted. “If he were competent, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Dick tsked at him. “That’s enough, baby bat. RR is plenty competent.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Enough chatter. Oracle, where to next.”
“Go through the second door on your left. Wait, hold on.” More quietly, she said, “What are you doing RR?”
“What’s happened,” demanded Bruce.
“Based on his tracker, Red Robin has left the room he was held in. But instead of reuniting with you, he’s taken a path into the sewers.”
“I’ll follow RR,” said Dick. “The rest of you focus on taking these guys down.”
“Very well,” agreed Bruce. “Report in once you find him.”
“Will do, B!” Dick said as he turned and rushed back into the city, following Babs’ instructions.
Tim, meanwhile, sprinted through the sewers. He had a safe house nearby. He had a protocol for this and it didn’t involve being anywhere near his family. He didn’t look down as his boots splashed through the disgusting water. It wasn’t far now. Not ten minutes later, he was taking an exit into a retired subway station and climbing the fence to the streets.
Two more blocks, and he was on the fire escape and pushing open the window to his safe house. First thing he did was rush to the computer and turn it on. Two minutes later, he hit send on an SOS.
Scattered across the country, three people’s phones rang with an emergency signal.
Unfortunately for Tim, that was the moment Dick caught up to him as well. Tim heard the window open and a voice call out, “Red Robin?” Though really, calling out was a formality. Dick could tell Tim was in by the lights that were on.
“In the bedroom!” replied Tim before he could stop himself. Then he cursed. Apparently the serum would work even if the question wasn’t stated in full. He dove for the closet where he knew a pair of noise-canceling headphones sat. He slapped them on just as Dick entered the bedroom.
Dick relaxed as soon as he had eyes on his brother. “God, Tim. Don’t worry us like that! Why’d you run?”
But Tim was staring at him with wide eyes. “Because I was injected with a truth serum.” He slapped his hands over his mouth as soon as the words were out and closed his eyes tightly. Lip-read questions also counted apparently.
Dick froze. “What?” he asked.
But with his eyes closed and the headphones on, Tim couldn’t hear him. Dick reached out to touch Tim’s shoulder only to be tackled to the ground.
He had his escrima sticks in his hands and his thumb was over the button to electrify them when he recognized Impulse. “Impulse? What are you doing here?”
Tim wished he could see what Dick was doing, but he couldn’t risk seeing another question. He had too many secrets he was keeping from his family to trust himself around them.
Bart glanced at Tim who’d backed up until he was against the wall. “Rob messaged us with an incident CH3874G. And the protocols for that involve immediate extraction.”
“I’m his brother. I’m not going to hurt him!” Dick glared up at Impulse even as his thoughts were with his brother. Who’d refused to even look at him out of fear.
Bart shrugged. “Incident CH3874G means he is to have no contact with anyone other than myself, Superboy, or Wonder Girl until the effects wear off.”
“That’s ridiculous. We can take care of him just fine in the cave.” Dick twisted and managed to push Bart off, but he barely regained his footing before Bart was back pulling back his arms and holding him fast again. “Let me go!” he shouted.
And that moment was when Kon made his own way through the window. “Not gonna happen until we get Rob far away from Gotham. He doesn’t want any of you around him right now.”
“Seriously, what do you think I’m going to do to him?” protested Dick.
“Uh… Isn’t it obvious?” asked Bart. “You’re going to ask him questions. And there’s only five questions Tim will tolerate being asked when he’s under the influence of a truth serum.”
“What questions are those?” asked Dick.
Kon snorted. “If you don’t already know, then you don’t get to know.” He walked past Bart and Dick to stand in front of Tim. Kon blocked Dick’s vision enough that he couldn’t see Tim’s face.
Kon tapped a simple “hey” on Tim’s shoulder in Morse code. “Hey, Rob,” he repeated verbally when Tim opened his eyes.
Tim sagged against the wall in relief when he recongized Kon. And he caught a glimpse of Impulse behind him, too. Good, he’d be getting out of here. He hugged Kon tightly, shutting his eyes again so he wouldn’t be able to see Dick.
Kon chuckled and rubbed his back before pulling away. Making sure to enunciate clearly so Tim could read his lips, he said, “No questions until we get you to the designated place. Cassie’s meeting us there. Climb aboard the Super Express.”
Dick could only watch helplessly as his little brother was carried away into the night. “Why wouldn’t you let me help?”
Bart snorted. “Look, Nightwing, I like you. But I like Tim more. He’s my teammate. And he holds nothing so dear as his secrets. Be honest, would you or Batman or any of your friends and siblings let the chance to question him pass by? Would you let him keep his secrets?”
“Of course I would!” Dick insisted. But he knew his family. Bruce wouldn’t. Jason wouldn’t. Damian absolutely wouldn’t.
Bart snorted in disbelief. “Then maybe you should ask yourself why Tim doesn’t trust you enough to even ask.”
Dick glared at the wall, but didn’t have a retort.
“Now, this has been fun, but I’ve got a best friend to look after. We’ll return him once he’s better!” And Bart rushed off to join his friends. Tim would be trying to find a cure as soon as he had access to a computer, but Bart rather hoped it’d just have to wear off on it’s own. It had been too long since they’d gotten together for a movie marathon in a pillow fort.
In the end, Tim didn’t return to Gotham for three days. Three days over which Dick reconsidered every interaction he’d had with his brother, trying to figure out when he’d lost his trust.
He had to admit that stalking was practically a family love language, though. And Damian didn’t help the situation by loudly and often lamenting the lost opportunity to question Tim on anything and everything.
Bruce merely hummed when Dick reported on the situation. He was just glad his son had freed himself before spilling any family secrets and was currently safe with his own friends. Kon sent periodic updates to Clark who passed them onto Bruce, so he knew his son was safe. Nothing else mattered.
The moment Kon set down on the grounds of Wayne Manor with Tim, half the family rushed out to greet them.
“Tim,” said Bruce. “I’ll expect your report by the time we start patrol.”
Tim laughed, “You know, B, you could just ask me how I am. I’m fine, by the way. Truth serum wore off about twelve hours ago. It had a ridiculously long half life. But don’t worry, I’ve already got ideas for potential reversal agents.”
Before Bruce could reply, Dick was pulling Tim into a tight hug. “Glad to see you doing better, Timmy.” More quietly so only Tim and Kon could hear, he whispered, “And I’m sorry.”
Tim pulled away confused. “For what?”
Dick stared back, mouth agape. “I— because I tried to ask you questions?”
Tim laughed and shook his head. “No hard feelings. I would’ve done the same. That’s why I messaged the people I did.”
Damian sniffed. “It does raise the question of what secrets you are keeping from us.”
Tim shrugged and grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes and hummed. “Would you be willing to have lunch with just me, Tim? It’s been a long time since we had any one-on-one time.”
Tim swallowed. “Oh, uh, I should really write that report, don’t you think?”
Bruce chuckled. “I’ll let you skip it if you have lunch with me.”
Kon pretended he didn’t hear the quiet “fuck” Tim let out. “Well,” he said, “I think that’s my cue to leave. Catch you later, Tim!”
“Bye, Kon!” Tim hugged him quickly, then he was alone with his family. He sighed. “Fine, B. I’ll have lunch with you.”
He only hoped at least half his secrets would survive the meal.
It's easiest to lie to Bruce when he doesn't suspect you're lying. When he knows and is actively trying to figure out what you're hiding? It's a lot harder.
So, I know truth serum implies secrets will be revealed, but I just couldn't believe that Tim didn't have a fail safe in place for one. And his friends are ride-or-die and would help him get away from The Batman if necessary. So they did.
Dick and Tim talk it out later and Dick gets added as a back up to any future Truth Serum incidents.
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blackbat05 · 1 year
Peace Offering
Jason Todd x Reader (University AU)
Plot: You and Jason have gotten on each other nerves ever since you knew each other. This time, Jason may have gone a little too far. Does he have a solution?
Genre: PG-13
A/N: The headcanon of Jason studying Literature will go with me to my grave lmao. Not really enemies to lovers but you can see it as the beginning stage if you want! My fics always welcome different interpretations. Wrote this in one shot because I'm so done with my thesis and needed an outlet. Hence I'm sorry for the short fic and lack of brain cells. Hope you still enjoy though.
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"Bird brain!"
"Uh oh, the baroness arrives." Jason dramatically mocks as you marched over.
"What the hell is wrong with you!"
"What's got in your pants?"
"Answer the question." You weren't having it this time. Your paper was due in less than twelve hours and your laptop has mysteriously gone missing when you woke up this morning to attempt to finish the last bit.
"Oh. That..." He gives you a lopsided grin that you want to slap off. If only he didn't look like a model that jumped out of Calvin Klein's front page. "I may have used it to complete my English Literature thesis. Researching the emergence of female writers in the 19th century and their impact on modern literature can take a lot out of you." He states that as if it's a well-known fact.
"My laptop." You had no time for the tiki-taka today.
"Yeah... I may have bought your laptop on a stakeout and it got broken in half by the Riddler..." Jason trails off, actually looking sheepish.
"What. Did. You. Say?" You grit your teeth, unable to process what he had just told you.
"Went on a stakeout."
You exploded. "You're a real piece of work you know that Todd? I'm so close to submitting my final paper and now I may not be able to graduate because of you!"
Before Jason can utter another word, you slammed the door on the way out, leaving him in the dust.
The professor signals the end of class, reminding everyone to submit their papers before the lecture hall empties out. You slowly pack your belongings, hesitant to make your way to the formidable woman.
But what must come, will come. You take a deep breath, rehearsing what you had practiced in front of the mirror. You'll beg if you had to.
"Uh, professor?"
What you didn't expect was the woman to smile at you through her silver-rimmed glasses. "Y/N. I'm impressed. You've outdone yourself this time."
"Excuse me?"
"I saw you submitted your paper already. I took a brief look at it, and your conclusion is stunning. I have high hopes for the rest of your paper." She slings her bag over her shoulder. "Happy graduation."
Stunned, all you could do was give a numb nod. You're left alone in the lecture hall, but not for long. The door opens to reveal Menace Number One - Jason Todd.
Jason Todd who's holding your laptop that looks as good as new. He quietly makes his way to you, extending what was meant to be a peace offering. You wait for him to explain.
"I know I've been a dick to you and this probably tops it all. I'm really sorry. None of... everything that I said to you was real. Sorry." Jason repeats his apology for good measure. When he notices you're still keeping silent, he continues.
"You were right, I was an idiot for doing that. I wanted to tell you that Babs was trying to fix it but it was going to take longer than I expected. I didn't expect she was going to have it already. Then again, it's her after all." He chuckles.
Silence. Were you mad that he got someone else to solve his mess?
"I wrote your conclusion. Hope you don't mind. I thought it was the least I could do for being such a jerk to you."
Jason towered over you but yet he couldn't seem to make eye contact. It was only by hearing you huff did he dare to look at you.
"I'm glad you know how much of an arsehole you were to me all this time."
Jason is on the edge waiting for you to continue.
"But thank you for doing all this for me. I'm really sorry too. For everything I've said to you. I don't think you're annoying. You're pretty smart." You give a small smile, causing Jason to break into a bigger one.
"What was that?"
For a spilt second, your smile slides off your face. "Don't push it, Todd." You take the laptop from his hands, making a mental note to thank Barbara the next time you see her. Making your way out of the lecture hall, Jason has become his usual self again. And this time, you didn't feel like your blood pressure was going to skyrocket.
"Aw come on! Say that one more time please?"
"You were a huge jerk?"
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Mm hm, a big baby then?"
"Come on!"
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Three: Michigan Style
When Barbara and Jason got home, Jim was gone. He'd left a note saying that he would be back late. Jason and Barbara had dinner, and she went out as Batgirl. Jason tried to sleep, but he found himself tossing and turning. Jason rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. He warmed the milk on the stove, and he read through one of his library books. Jim came in from work and locked eyes with Jason. "Oh, hey there. I wanted to talk to you..."
Jason's heart dropped into the pit of his stomach, and he swallowed hard. "You want me to leave?" Jason asked. Jim shook his head.
"No, I don't want you to leave, son... I just wanted to know if you knew where your birth certificate was," Jim replied. Jason shook his head. "Well, Jason... The thing is, I went looking for it, and I found it. Eleven-forty-nine p.m. in Gotham City Hospital—."
"Yeah," Jason interrupted to move Jim forward.
"What is your mother's name?" Jim asked.
"Catherine," Jason answered. Jim took a deep breath. "That's her name. I'm not lying," Jason raised his voice slightly, and Jim gestured for him to keep his volume down.
"No, I know you're not lying. I just wanted to make this easy on you... I just don't know how to put it. Jason, your mother's name is Sheila Haywood—."
"So what if she went by a different name? It doesn't mean—."
"I don't think you understand. Sheila Haywood is a different person, and that after a bit of digging, I found out that she has been missing since you were a baby," Jim whispered, "Jason... Look—."
Jason's head started to spin, and he turned the fire off on the stove and went back to his room to lie down. Jim turned the milk on and finished making the tea. He made two cups and knocked on Jason's door. "Jason, it's chamomile," Jim whispered. Jason took a shaky breath and wiped tears from his eyes. "I'm so sorry, son..."
"Catherine is my mom," Jason cried as he faced the wall. Jim crouched by Jason's bed and sat the mug down on Jason's nightstand.
"Yes, yes she is. Jason, nothing changes that... It's just that I wanted you to know because if I do find her—."
"Why do you think she disappeared?" Jason asked as he sat up and wiped his tears away. Jim waited for Jason to take a sip of his tea.
"I don't know," Jim whispered. Jason continued to sip his tea, and Jim wrung his hands. "Babs said you went to work with her. How was that?"
Jason shrugged. "What'd she say to you? How'd she make you let me stay here?" Jason asked. Jim smiled.
"She said that someone has to look out for you... You know she must see something special in you to fight for you like that," Jim answered him. "I want you to know that this can be your home too if you want it to be."
Jason set the mug on the nightstand and lay down facing Jim. "We'll see, Commissioner... We'll see," Jason mumbled.
"Goodnight," Jim murmured.
Jason drifted off to sleep only to be startled awake by Barbara. "Hush... Jason, shh," Barbara whispered. Jason clutched his chest and grimaced at her.
"What?" he mouthed angrily.
"I thought you were crying, so I came to wake you up. I'm sorry," Barbara apologized. Jason closed his eyes and sank back into his pillow. Barbara fixed his blankets and went back across the hall.
Jason slept until noon the next day, and when he woke up, he searched for Barbara but found Jim instead. "Babs is at work, so it's just you and me for right now," Jim explained. Jason's face went grim. "I was just about to sit and watch tv... D'you like action movies?"
Jason nodded. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth," Jason replied. Jim nodded. "Hey... If you find her, would it be okay for me to meet her?"
Jim nodded. "If I find Sheila, I wouldn't think to keep you from her," Jim replied. Jason grinned and turned back, and went to the bathroom. Jim went to the kitchen, boiled hot dogs, and put on a can of chili. He wasn't quite sure what to say to Jason, but he had to admit it did feel nice to have a child in the house.
Jason stepped out of the bathroom and met Jim in the kitchen. "Can I help?" Jason asked. Jim nodded.
"Wanna get the chips and put the sodas on the table?" Jim requested. "You look a lot like him."
"I know... Everyone says I look like him," Jason mumbled. He hated to hear it most of the time, but he had to admit it was nice for Jim to acknowledge that Jason had a family before he got there. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
"You're just a kid... And I know how easy it can be to get into trouble as a kid when there's no one to look after you," Jim explained. Jason cocked his head. "Don't look at me like that. I got in my fair share of trouble when I was your age." Jim chuckled, and Jason grinned. "What'd you say to Babs to get her to like you so much?"
"I don't know... I wish I did. She sort of tricked me into coming here, but I'm glad she did," Jason answered with a sweet-natured shrug.
Jim stirred the chili and shrugged in return. "Is the movie rated R?" Jason asked, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
"PG-13," Jim held back his laugh as he made their chili dogs and put them on a platter. "Do you wanna get two plates for the table?"
Jason nodded and grabbed the plates, and set them down on the coffee table. Jim set the platter down and turned the movie on. Jason started eating, and Jim poured a few chips onto Jason's plate. "He's odd, isn't he?" Jim asked, and Jason giggled. They both started laughing. "Wanna finish off the chili?"
Jason nodded, and Jim got up and went to the kitchen. "Want me to pause the movie?" Jason asked. Jim shook his head, and Jason poured a few more chips onto their plates. Jim gave Jason a bowl of chili, and they went back to watching the movie.
When they were more than halfway through the movie, Jim got a call from Barbara. "Hey, Pumpkin," Jim greeted her.
"Is Jason okay?" Barbara asked. "I didn't want to wake him up again... Otherwise I would've taken him with me—."
"We're just watching a movie," Jim paused and glanced over at Jason. "It's Barbara. She wants to know if you're doing alright." Jason smiled at him.
"Tell her I'm having fun," Jason smiled. Jim grinned and nodded.
"He said he's having fun," Jim repeated for Barbara.
"That's good... Um, I'm sorry you had to watch him on your day off," she apologized.
"Don't worry about it. Jason's great," Jim reassured her. She let out a sigh of relief. "Don't worry. He's fine. Enjoy your lunch."
"Thanks, Dad. See you later," Barbara replied before hanging up. Jim looked over at Jason.
"Like it or not, I think you've got yourself a sister," Jim joked, "She was worried about you."
Jason looked up from his bowl of chili, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the right words. "You said I was great," Jason whispered, "Is she worried that I'll get on your nerves?"
Jim shook his head. "No, I think she's worried that I'll get on your nerves. Or maybe she's afraid she'll come back, and you'll be old and boring like me," Jim joked. Jason snorted before letting out a laugh. "See, I told Babs I was funny." Jason shook his head.
"Just old," Jason joked, and Jim playfully nudged him.
They finished watching the movie, and Jason offered to do the dishes. Jim said no at first, but Jason insisted. While Jason cleaned up, Jim started preparing dinner.
"This is nice... I wasn't sure if I should say anything at first, but with Barbara being so busy sometimes, it's nice to have another kid in the house," Jim confessed. Jason frowned, and Jim thought that he'd said something wrong.
Jason wanted it to feel normal, but he knew how good new things could seem. He knew how horrible things could get once the newness faded, so he said nothing.
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hood-ex · 7 months
What do you think the endgame for Taylor’s run is going to be? Like I imagine once he’s gone from the title they will try to reinvent Nightwing and x-out all that was done because it’s what they usually do, but who knows maybe they will keep it since DC editorial seems to love it for some reason. I can’t imagine any of this title being remembered in the future because there really isn’t anything to remember except for that dog (who isn’t even memorable either) and who somehow made its way even to the webtoon.
I hope TT takes his final bow once Heartless is captured. Y'know. Whenever that's gonna be. Because we've been waiting on that for a good while now. Who knows how much longer he can let all this play out.
After that, no idea. Dick's not really fighting to gain anything at this point (in terms of love, support, friendship, money, and so on). At the same time, I feel like the next writer can't backtrack too hard since, prior to TT's run, Dick was basically a homeless dude with a cab and a girlfriend. There's definitely quite a few things on the table for him to lose at this point though, and if it were me, I'd definitely take something away from him in one of those areas.
I think the next person who hops on has got it a bit rough in terms of finding something innovative to do. Before TT's run, we had Dick at a low. In TT's run, Dick is back at a high. It would make sense to knock him back down next go around, I just think finding a way to do it creatively would be a bit hard at this point. I mean, dude lost his memory, was homeless, was mind controlled, lost Alfred, experienced heartbreak, got rich, had his identity revealed twice (technically), had a sister reveal, had his apartment blown up, had his girlfriend and dog kidnapped already, etc.
Whew. I just hope the next writer hasn't read a lick of fanon and brings in some hard conflict. Also hope the writer severely lessens Babs's appearances as well as guest appearances. TT has basically sucked all of the fun out of any future guest appearances for any other writers because he's already taken all of the most fun guest appearances. Please let him leave Roy alone so a future writer can do something fun with Dick and Roy (edit: I just remembered we got Roy earlier in Rebirth but oh well).
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mistress-of-vos · 5 months
It's their turn! 💛❤️✨
(Extra context of the meme below (mini fic?)!!!)
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After the events of Red Robin, Babs and Luke inform Jean-Paul of the issues and problems going on among the bats. During a mission, Bruce got hurt again and has been benched, meaning the situation of "Dick covering for Batman" is once again back in town. This creates a lot of tension among Dick, Damian, Tim, Jason and Bruce, making it almost impossible for them to work together.
Having their hands full with actual city saving, Luke and Babs called JP to ask him to go back and help for a while. Luke does apologize for it, since he knows JP is way happier in Europe and working on his own. It's not that JP doesn't like Gotham, but he grew tired of Bruce and Dick treating him like trash, so he left months after Jason had that - violent encounter with Tim on Titans Tower.
Jean-Paul admits that was part of the problem too; he didn't like it that Bruce seemed so at peace with Tim getting hurt. And Tim... Tim allowed Bruce to ignore his pain. That was maddening, btw, and Jean-Paul had snapped a few times against Tim, screaming that he shouldn't let Bruce walk over him.
Whatever. Jean-Paul had left. He went to Europe and traveled, getting rid of the order of st. Dumas by himself alone, and then getting rid of other groups equally awful and cruel. It was a tiring, slow job. He traveled a lot, and from time to time visited Brian in Spain to chat, but mostly he focused on ending the cycle of violence that he had been raised into. Eventually he did, and just months later, Luke and Babs call.
Being back in Gotham is - weird. It has been years, and Jean-Paul feels uncomfortable around Jason and Damian. His dislike towards Dick hasn't lowered, and it has stayed as a mutual feeling, although JP can't help to feel a bit of pity for Dick when he sees how tired and old Dick looks once he takes off the Batman cowl. But hey, didn't Dick argue that JP wasn't worthy? Then perhaps he should carry the weight of the mantle he insisted JP tainted.
Mostly, JP doesn't like being back at Gotham. Until he sees Tim.
Tim, who has - grown into such a smart, beautiful and sassy young man. Tim, who wears eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. Tim, with acrilic nails as sharp as Catwoman's. Tim, with a perfume even more hypnotizing than Poison Ivy. Tim, lethal and beautiful. Tim, that makes JP's knees tremble as if he's a teenage virgin boy.
And it gets worse when they start working together. Huge news! Ofc JP had been called back because Tim refused to work with the bats anymore, and it's JP's duty to work with him and push him back to Babs (she does understand that Tim doesn't want to be close to the others, but she worries about Tim being alone, and doesn't want him going out without any support). And doing that is hell, because JP falls hard and deep for Tim.
JP is sure that he was completely whipped by the end of the third week working together. Maybe even sooner.
That's how Luke learns about it, since JP is awful at hiding his crushes. And Luke has the nerve to laugh, telling JP to ask Tim out as if Tim wasn't way out of JP's league! Does Luke enjoy seeing him suffering? JP thinks he will go crazy if he has to hear one more phrase about taking risks...
And yet JP follows Luke's advice: He asks Tim out.
He asks Tim out in a chat. A grupal chat. With Luke on it. And maybe he's hugging his cat George all the time while waiting for Tim to reply.
Against all logic, Tim says yes, and then texts JP on their private chat (the one that's supposed to be used for cases only), saying just one sentence:
"You're adorable, Jean-Paul."
For the record, the first date goes great. JP manages to get to third base, and Tim smirks smugly while murmuring "Puppy" on JP's ear, nails holding his long blonde hair to keep him in place: At Tim's mercy.
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evilwickedme · 11 months
"you're worth it." and/or "you need sleep for jayroy maybe?
(i can't remember if you actually like that ship so if you don't feel free to pick your own)
I absolutely LOVE JayRoy and have written multiple fics for them anyway it's one am let's see what comes out
on ao3
unglued, thanks to you
It's been a long couple of days.
Everyone Roy knows is out of the state right now, for so many different and yet equally good reasons, so he hasn't had anyone available to babysit in days. Then Lian caught this bug that's been going around, and she's spent the last three days throwing up anything she's eaten, while Roy desperately tries to keep her hydrated, staying up all night with her as she shivers. His heart aches for his little girl, but he can't do anything about it except wait for it to pass. As if that stress wasn't enough, he hasn't had a steady job in a couple of months, and last he checked he was almost out of money for rent, let alone groceries or medicine or a paid sitter. And he can't even take any job offers he's getting, because he can't just leave Lian behind while half his family is MIA, some of them literally. Hell, he'd have joined them in the search if it weren't for... Everything else.
He's worried about his family, and he's worried about Lian, and he's just tired. He's so, so tired. Still, he can't help it - when Jason calls, he picks up.
"Hey," he says.
Jason must pick up on the exhaustion in his voice, because instead of hello he opens with, "Jesus Christ, when's the last time you slept?"
Roy takes offense to that. Considering the circumstances, he's been getting plenty of sleep. "I'll have you know I got to take a two hour nap just this afternoon," he says indignantly.
"Uh-huh," Jason says, "and last night?"
"Why are you calling, Jason?" Roy says tiredly.
"I'm in Star right now," Jason answers, letting the matter drop. "Connecting flight got canceled so I pivoted. Can I crash at yours?"
Roy hesitates. "It's not that you're not welcome," Roy says, searching for the right words. "I just - " it's just awful right now, and Roy's a mess, and the apartment's a mess, and Jason probably doesn't want to deal with a sick first grader anyway. "Listen, the place is kind of a mess right now, you'd probably be better off just finding a hotel to stay at. Use Bruce's money to stay at somewhere fancy. You'd sleep better, trust me."
Jason hums to himself, like he does sometimes when he's thinking. "How's Lian, Roy?"
Roy closes his eyes. "She's down for a nap right now," he says, then admits, "but she's been sick all week."
"And hasn't Oliver been able to help? Or any of your goddamn brood?"
Like Jason has any room to talk, with all these Bats flying around nowadays. When Roy was a kid, it was just Bruce and Dick, and eventually Babs. Now every time Roy blinks, there's a new kid wearing the bat on their chest. "They're all out of town at the moment."
Jason just sighs. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes," he says, then hangs up.
Well, Jason knows what he's getting himself into.
True to his word, a quarter of an hour later Roy hears Jason's spare keys unlock his front door. "In here," he calls out from the kitchen, where he's washing some long overdue dishes. Once it was clear that Jason would be staying with them no matter what, Roy did the minor service of taking all the disgusting shit off the couch.
"Hey," Jason says, dropping his bag, which clattered conspicuously. "I thought you said Lian was napping?"
"She's out like a light, actually," Roy says. "I'm hoping she'll actually sleep through the night tonight. Would make for a nice change."
Jason stays silent for a while, and the back of Roy's head prickles, but he keeps washing the dishes until, suddenly, Jason's hand is on his arm, startling him into stillness.
"C'mon," Jason says. "I can do this."
"They're my dishes," Roy objects.
"You need sleep," Jason says. "Your kid's sick, I get it. But I can keep an eye on her for a few hours. Go, get some rest. If only so I don't have to look at those fucking bags under your eyes. You look terrible."
"Jay," Roy sighs.
"I'll fucking carry you to bed if I have to," Jason threatens mildly.
Roy looks at him, then looks back at the running water, then shoots a longing look at the door to his bedroom. He really does want - need, desperately need - some rest. And Lian likes Jason. And Roy really, really doesn't want to be doing the dishes right now.
"Okay," he says. Then, after a pause, "Thank you, Jaybird."
"Anytime," Jason says gruffly. He hipchecks Roy, who relents, raising his hands in surrender and walking to his bedroom. "Seeya in six hours."
"Four," Roy counters.
"Eight," Jason corrects.
Roy rolls his eyes before closing his door. He sets his alarm for three hours, and falls asleep as soon as he closes his eyes.
Roy opens his eyes suddenly, momentarily disoriented. There's sunlight coming through the window - he's still in his jeans - he crashed last night - Jason came over last night - didn't he set an alarm?
Honestly, Roy wouldn't put it past Jay to sneak into his room and turn the alarm off, but maybe he just slept through it. Either way, it's too late now.
He feels so heavy, but still he forces himself to get up. He needs to check up on Lian, maybe clean up a little if she's still out, make some food out of whatever's still left in the pantry.
He's going over his to-do list in his mind as he steps out into the living room, and he does a double take.
The place is spotless. All the dishes are gone, the dirty clothes are in the laundry hamper by the laundry machine that stands close to the kitchen because there's no room for it in this tiny apartment else, and assorted electronics are piled up on the now clear surface of the little table they sometimes use to eat. The floor has been swept, too, with the dust bunnies Roy has become resigned to live with all cleared out.
There's no sign of Lian, but Jason is humming in the kitchen, so Roy joins him, leaning against the wall as he watches Jay slice vegetables that were definitely not in Roy's kitchen last night.
"You let me sleep in," Roy accuses.
Jason snorts. "Yeah, obviously. You needed the sleep, man. You probably haven't looked in the mirror in four days, but you looked miserable, trust me." He glances up at Roy, then back down to the cucumber under his knife. "You look, uh, much better now. Could probably use a shower."
"Fuck you," Roy says amicably. "Where's this come from?"
"I had some groceries delivered this morning," Jason answers casually. "I put the order in after I finished the dishes, then started cleaning up while I stayed up. Lian woke up eventually, so I made sure she got some fluids and gave her the meds on the counter - I'm assuming those were her meds, she was a little out of it and couldn't confirm it for me, but she seemed better after, so I figured, yeah."
"Yeah, those were the right meds," Roy says. "Thanks, again."
"Anytime," Jason says. He's now slicing a large red tomato. The juices spurt a little onto Jason's hand, who grimaces for a second before continuing.
"No, seriously," Roy says earnestly. "You were just looking for a place to crash. You didn't need to do any of this. I just - cleaning this place up must have taken you all night."
"Well," Jason says. "Consider it payback for all the times you saved my ass. And for letting me crash here."
Roy's heart pounds in his chest, and he looks around the kitchen. "Can I help?"
Jason waves at him dismissively. "I'm almost done here anyway," he says. "Go, wash up, or check on your daughter, or just sit down for five goddamn minutes."
Roy huffed, unable to stop himself from laughing. And then he did just that. Took a brisk shower, then checked up on Lian - sleeping again, and her bucket was empty, which was good - and then he rejoined Jason, just in time for him to hand him a plate, full to the brim with a cheese omelette, buttered toast, and a chopped salad.
"This looks amazing, Jaybird," Roy says honestly, and he could swear he sees Jason's ears turn a little red.
"Eat your damn breakfast," is all he says.
Roy puts the plate down on the table and takes Jason's hand. His eyes snap up to his face, and he looks - confused.
Roy rubs a thumb over Jason's palm. The texture is complicated, scarred and calloused, but he likes it. It's not unlike his own. "Thanks," Roy says again.
"You don't need to keep saying it," Jason says.
"Yeah, I do," Roy says. "And I'll keep saying it til you take me seriously."
"Yeah, well," Jason says. "You're worth it."
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jealousjersey · 5 months
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warnings:, large mention of blood, afab fem reader, !lwounded mike!!! hematolagnia !!! p in v unprotected (wrap ur silly before u get silly) reader preforming oral, blood licking, pet names
a/n: i got freaky w this one, not proofread or read through this probably isn’t my best work.
like always; 18+ 🩸
word count: 950+ i yapped in this one
mike came home at 3am with 2 cuts on his bicep and a couple of bruises on his knuckles. “oh shit. he was fighting again.” you thought to yourself. ever since the incident at the mall you’ve been afraid this would happen again. “baby, what happened??” you asked although you had a suspicion. mike heard the anxious tone in your voice and panicked, trying to sputter the words to tell you what happened. “i got into a fight.” he looked disappointed in himself. you couldn’t help but feel bad. the sweat on his forehead glistened in the dining room light. “it was just this guy. he pissed me the fuck off and i had enough.” he said with a angry tone in his voice. “do you wanna talk about it honey?” you asked, still worried sick. you knew mike never had a reason for getting aggressive, although never to you but you never had a thought he’d take his anger out on you.. ever since what happened with garrett he’s not quite learned how to control his anger. “not right now. can you do something for me?” he asked with a stern tone in his voice. “yes of course. whatever you need im here” you choked. he knew he worried you but he needed some kind of release.
“suck me off. i need it tonight.” he asked as he sighed. usually he would’ve handled it himself but since you were awake and waiting up for him, he figured to use you as a form of release. “only because you look hot with blood and bruises” you teased at him. “get over here” he demanded, trying to hide his smirk. you hopped on his lap and felt his hard cock tenting through his jeans. you tease him a bit, grinding back and forth a few times and finally unzip his pants and pull them down followed by his boxers just below his balls exposing his hard cock. you spit on the tip “hmm fuck” he groans as you start rubbing in the spit and circle the head. “quit teasing pretty girl, give it to me” he almost demanded. so you nod and wrap your mouth around his veiny length and start practically choking as he bucks his hips to push his cock deep down your small throat. the wetness combined with the salty taste of his dick had you almost seeing stars. you could feel the top of your mouth starting to bruise but as long as it made mike happy you didn’t care. mikes hard-on twitched in your mouth as he tapped on your hand, signaling he’s going to cum. you ignore it and swallow every drop. once you pull away from his now mildly soft cock, a string of spit still connects you two. “thank you pretty baby. you always know how to make me feel better.” he says, now rubbing your ass which is covered by your red lacy underwear.
you start to whimper “mhmm mike need help” softly, not knowing if he heard. “yes baby?” he replies, matching your tone. “need you in me soon” you groan while you can feel your panties soaking in your wetness. before you can say it again, mike picks you up and sits you on his dick, now hard from your request. the dried blood on his arm makes him so much hotter to you now. mike grabs your hips and brings them closer to you so you can feel his length better inside you, keeping a slow pace. “mmffph fuck baby” you mumble as his cock brushes your g spot so carefully. “bab-y i have a weird request” you ask him. “yes?” he says questioned. “could you, bleed on me?” you asked him, he knew you found blood and wounds hot but he didn’t know to what extent.
“baby girl..” he says as he stopped himself. “i know it’s a weird thing but itd help me finish faster” you say with a convincing voice and almost puppy dog eyes. mike has always said that there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to satisfy you, so he was up to this challenge. “alright im in, how do you want to do this.” you hop off him, as he covers up his still rock solid dick and he watched you run to the kitchen to get a paper towel and run it under water. you walk up to him on the couch, now starting to wipe the dried blood from his arm. the wound starts to reopen as you start practically scrubbing. as the fresh blood drips down mikes arm you feel warmer in between your legs, aching for his touch.
you get on mikes dick and start grinding back and forth and side to side to get any bit of friction you can get. mike drips his bleeding wound onto your breasts as it leaks down to your pussy. mike can’t resist the urge to lick the blood off your breasts, as you follow behind. mike looks you in the eye and leans into kiss you. a quick peck turned into a make out that you never wanted to break. as mike takes your hips and sways them against his hips he hits your soft spot perfectly and you start to climax “fuccck mike im gonna-“ he cuts you off with a finger to your mouth, warning you to be quieter to avoid waking abby up. “shh i’m here baby, slow and steady” mike whispers as he rides out your orgasm with you. as your eyes start to close, mike cleans the blood off of you and clothes you with his old tshirt and a pair of his boxers. he tucks you in as you’re clearly dickdrunk. your eyes flutter and he says with a smirk,
“i need to get into fights more often, huh pretty girl?”
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th3sp4rr0w · 8 months
Day Twelve
A03 Link <- Starts at Chapter/Day One for those just joining us :))
Prompts For Day Twelve Self-Harm/Sacrifice/Character Death 
Alt. Prompt For Day Twelve Abandoned 
Prompts Used for Day Twelve Sacrifice, Character Death, Abandoned
Tw's; Guns, Injury, Blood Mention, Death/Child Death Mention
Chapter Twelve under the cut :)
Robin stood his ground as the people around him started to yell.
“You just got back!” Babs shouted.
“Master Jason, that is highly ill-advised-”
“Jason, you’re benched, you’re not going-”
He started walking towards the cave’s exit when Dick grabbed him from behind.
“Of all the stupid, irresponsible things you have ever done,” he was saying, “This takes the cake,” He started turning Robin around in his grip even as he kicked and fought.
“I didn’t worry about you,” he continued, “For two and a half weeks,” he manhandled him into the chair, “Just so Bruce could go do whatever the fuck he did with the pits so you could go right back out and get hurt again!”
He went still, quiet. Dick was crying. It wasn’t like the few times he’d seen him cry before; this was fat, hot tears streaming down his cheeks as he hissed venom from his teeth. It should’ve been terrifying.
“It’s my life,” Jason said, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s my twin,” he continued.
Three heads turned to him, confused. “What?” he heard someone ask softly.
Anger bubbled in his chest. “He’s already been fucking abandoned by someone who was supposed to protect him. The same person who was supposed to protect me and left me there with that fucking monster. The same one who fucking kidnapped me to hand me over to the Joker!” 
He ripped the face mask off, showing off the J carved into his cheek. “I’m the one who has to live with that night, Dick! I’m the one who has to live with what she did and said. Did you know I have a twin?”
“You what?” he heard Alfred breathe. Glancing around the room, he could see Babs being just as shocked.
“I have a twin,” he repeated, “That she took somewhere and swapped with her friend’s dying kid. The same dying kid she used to manipulate Batman into dropping her case.”
“What are you talking about?” Babs asked, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Catherine wasn’t my bio mom,” he said, trying to make his voice soft.
Batman hadn’t told them. Of course, he hadn’t told them.
He waited for everybody to react before continuing. Dick was acting off; he suspected he knew something, but didn’t call him on it. “Sheila Haywood gave birth to me, an older brother, and my twin. She says my older brother was dead before we were born and named my twin, Daniel, after him. She took Daniel and not me when she fled Gotham after getting in trouble with the law. She said she couldn’t cross the border with him, and her friends had a sick kid our age with the same name and looks, so-”
“She swapped them,” Dick finished. “I... looked through your phone. Not everything, just your emails,” he confessed. “But, Jason, you don’t have to do anything-”
“Like fuck I do,” he spat. “I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks, and I want my phone back,” he added, glaring at him, “But he’s my twin. This was Sheila’s doing. They may not be my actions, but I want to be there for him. I know what it’s like being abandoned by her. And if he died because of her neglect... I want to know. I need to know. Dick, he’s my twin. I have to know what happened to him.”
They looked each other in the face a few moments. “You’d go out anyways, wouldn’t you?” he asked.
Robin nodded.
He sighed. “You grab a com?”
Barbara and Batman both protested. Robin merely nodded again, going for his left ear before remembering it was on the right. He tapped it.
“Testing, testing, one two three,” he said.
Dick nodded. “Let me wash my face and get a domino on. We’re going to find him,” he swore.
“He hasn’t been cleared!” Batman roared.
“You looked over me in the plane!” Robin yelled back. “I’m doing this. If it were about anything else-”
“You don’t even know if it’s him!” He growled back.
“If I was missing and it were a chance it were me-”
“That’s different-”
“No! No, it’s not! Even if it’s not him, it’s still a missing kid. I’m not sitting this one out, papa. I can’t.”
Babs looked at Alfred, who’d raised his eyebrows. That was new.
“I said no, you’re not cleared,” he said firmly.
“Beloved,” Talia jumped in. “Arguing with him does nothing. He’s already said he will go anyway.”
“I have ways-”
“Yes, you do, and they worked well for Dick, did they not?” she said dryly. “He will figure them out eventually. Save them for when he is truly a danger to himself.” She turned to the child next. “This is not an invitation to be reckless. You are to use your training and be careful. Do not make me regret backing you,” she said, looking him up and down.
“Yes ma’am,” he said immediately.
Babs sighed. “I see you finally added pants,” she joked.
He grimaced. “Had to. Scars,” he replied. He fixed the mask back onto his face properly, “Same reason for this.”
She hummed. “We’ll have to develop another one. Maybe one with a cool speaker,” she muttered.
He smiled at her, not that she could see. She was still mad at him, but she was at least willing to understand. It felt nice to have her back in his corner.
“Don’t encourage him,” the bat growled. “He is disobeying direct orders-”
“B, you’ve lost this one,” she said plainly. “We might as well encourage him focusing on other things. Besides, I think he looks cute with the mask,” she said, looking at him up and down. “It suits you,” she said, softer.
Alfred walked over to him, fussing over his cape and masks. “The leggings fit?” he asked.
He took the actions for what they were. Nobody was happy with him right now; they’d all much rather he stay in tonight, let them handle the missing ghost. However, they knew what it was like not to be able to back down from a case. They’d be hypocrites if they tried to keep him benched.
Robin shook his head. “They’re not perfect, but they won’t hinder me in any way for now,” he said.
Alfred nodded and said something about getting measurements when he got back for some leggings of his own.
Nightwing entered the room again, weapons firmly on his back and domino in place. If they didn’t know better, they never would’ve known about the tear tracks that had clung to his cheeks just a few minutes ago.
“Let’s do this,” he muttered. “And Robin?”
He looked at his big brother.
“Please be careful, little wing. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened tonight.”
He nodded. He was, at least, planning on not having any accidents today.
They left the cave together, pulling out grappling hooks and going separate ways. They knew the rough area he had to be in, but there were a lot of places for a child to hide.
Batgirl had been the one to find the camera outage by Crime Alley and the surrounding areas. Searching would take awhile, but if it meant they got to find a missing kid, they would do it.
They gave each other updates as they went. “Cleared the Bat Burger and surrounding buildings,” Nightwing said, “Moving on,” he added.
“Got to the library, clearing surrounding area,” Batgirl said.
“I see a group of kids. I’m going down and seeing if they know anything,” he said into his com.
“Robin, repeat the last part of that? Your com glitched,” Batman huffed.
“I’m going down to see if they know anything,” he repeated as he touched the ground, going to the side of the building.
“Roger. Be careful,” Nightwing responded.
He walked up to the kids. “Hey-”
“ROBIN!” one of them shouted, throwing themselves at him. He caught them easily.
“What’s with the new mask?” One of the older ones asked.
“Dude, people are saying you died- how are you here right now?”
He shrugged. “I got better?” he offered.
“Dude, did you die?” A different kid asked.
“Look, I’d love to stay and chat,” he said, handing the little kid off to one of the older members, “You guys know I would, but I need to find a missing kid. White hair, green eyes, possible meta. Seen anyone like that?”
They shook their heads. “No, we haven’t seen anyone like that. There is a possible,” he gestured for the older kids to cover the younger one’s ears, “Kiddy ring that opened by the dock. If kid’s been gone for awhile, they might be there. We’ve been trying to flag you down, but-”
“I was out of commission,” he finished and cursed. “I’m sorry. I’ll let the Bat know and we’ll investigate,” he promised.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “Nobody we know, yet, but we’ve been keeping an eye on everybody. There are whisperings they’re targeting the Narrows.”
He growled. “Noted,” he said. “I’ll get you guys next time, this is my first night back and I had less time than usual to prep,” he said, genuinely apologetic.
“You’re good, dude, you’ve helped more than you realize,” he said as the younger kids whined. “Good to see you again. And uh, I don’t know what the mask and pants situation is about,” he lowered his voice, “But word is, the Joker got you. Just to let you know, the kids are getting restless. I know we’re not the only group you help, and they’re making some serious waves. It’s as brave as it is stupid,” he muttered.
Robin nodded. “Thank you. Seriously. Don’t worry about me,” he said, trying to be soothing, “But I’ll take care of it. Let the other’s know I’m back, but the bat might be keeping me on a short leash,” he chuckled a bit. “I’m not really supposed to be out tonight.”
“But you can’t keep out of it if it’s a kid involved,” the other boy finished, smirking.
Robin smiled, even if they couldn’t see it. “Yeah. I’ve never known when to quit,” he joked.
The kids waved good bye as he grappled away. He pressed the com in his ear.
“Who’s online?” he asked.
“Nightwing,” his brother said.
“I’m also here,” Batgirl replied. “What’s up Robin?”
He relayed the information he’d just been told, “I’m going to search a bit more around here, but they’re usually pretty on top of all the rumors and stuff in this area. I’ll touch base with more groups soon, but-”
“We understand,” Batgirl responded. “Just cleared the surrounding area of the library. Moving on,” she said.
“Clearing some buildings by the Croc sewers,” Nightwing grunted. “No sign yet,” he added.
“Roger. Going to continue to... I’ll be right back,” he said, trailing off. “Just found something that weirded me out before I took my break,” he said, muting his com.
He could still hear their chatter as he swung down into a nearby alley with some white vans.
The people he’d seen before he got called to the docks that one night oh so long ago were back. Their white suits were perfect, not a spec of anything on them as they walked around, scanning buildings and wearing ugly goggles.
“There’s something in this area,” he heard one mutter.
“Oh for sure,” the other one responded. “But where is it coming from?”
He stood there, listening intently.
“Those ecto-scum won’t know what hit them,” he heard one mutter. He heard one of their machine’s beep and he heard them call out, “Hey, I'm getting another hit over here.”
Ecto-scum? What kind of people were these-
He heard footsteps coming towards the alley he was hiding in. He wedged himself between the wall and a dumpster, intent on finding out more.
“Don’t be scared, little ghostie,” he heard someone mutter. “We just wanna hunt ya-”
He didn’t like where this was going. Anytime a potential threat had said they were ‘hunting’ him, it usually ended up bad. He shuffled down a bit closer to the ground, shoving his legs underneath the dumpster, careful not to let them stick out on the other side. Not that they got close.
Sometimes being short was cool, but this was humiliating. He forced the thought out of his head.
He thought they had left the alley when he felt something grab onto his cape. He managed to maneuver himself out from underneath the dumpster before reaching back and kicking the man that had grabbed him in the elbow.
He started running when he noticed more white suits. He pressed his com, frantically looking around.
“S.O.S! This is Robin calling for emergency back up,” he said as he attempted to dodge more hands. “Guys in white suits, white nondescript van lisence plate unknown,” he continues, ducking out of the way of hands coming at him, “Weapons unknown- too many,” he said as more arrived. “I can’t- LET ME GO!” he said as he kicked wildly.
“Little wing, where are you-”
“I, I’m not sure,” he said as he struggled. “Near the building with the good gargoyle-”
“That doesn’t narrow it down!” Nightwing barked out.
“Robin, what do you see?”
He looked around. He spotted a teenager his age with white hair as he floated on top of the building above them.
“A... glowing teen?” he said.
“HEY!” he yelled, getting everybody’s attention. " LEAVE HIM ALONE! IT’S ME YOU WANT!”
The earth shook as he yelled more, glowing green rings coming out of his mouth. Robin felt the earth shake and the com in his ear popped.
The guys holding him dropped him as he reached desperately for the com unit in his ear, ripping it out. It began sparking.
Well. So much for that.
Maybe if he had any sense he’d run. But, he was Robin, and there were guns being trained at what had to be a fellow child hero. One who’d clearly never had training. One who held an undertone of fear as he squared up to these assholes who had started trying to shoot at him with unknown weapons.
He was Robin, and he’d never backed down from a fight in his life. He stood with his back to the other hero.
“Robin,” he introduced.
“Phantom,” the other boy responded, looking at him weirdly. “I didn’t know you were a ghost, too.” He muttered.
He didn’t have time to respond as he punched someone that had started coming at them.
“We’re talking about that later!” he shouted over his shoulder. He swore he could hear the other boy laugh at him.
So, this was the guy his big brother had been looking for. This... this must be his twin.
He tried not to let his emotions get in the way as they worked together to take down the agents. At one point they pulled out these glowing green shields. Common sense told him not to touch them, but that left him open. He checked his belt.
Thank fuck it had batterangs. He really should’ve checked this thing before he left.
Phantom disappeared and reappeared next to him at some points, catching his blind spots. He threw his projectiles at a few of the people training their guns at the other hero.
It was like they had fought together forever. He, again, had clearly never had formal training, but they worked with it. Instead of getting in Robin’s way, what he lacked in skill he made up with innovation.
His power list had to be ridiculous. He covered the ground in a thin layer of ice, leaving the agents slipping and skating over the pavement.
Robin’s boots were equipped to handle such shenanigans. He couldn’t exactly fight the Penguin or Mr. Freeze if his boots didn’t hold up against ice, now, could he?
They kicked and fought. At one point Phantom covered his fists in green and started punching. Robin could tell he was being careful, but he still left several agents unconscious on the pavement. Robin tried not to take the time to be impressed.
He could tell he was impressing Phantom as he threw punches and hits.
That was when things started to get weird.
He had just socked somebody in the jaw when, as his feet hit the pavement, his left went out from under him. Normally, this would come with searing pain, but he felt nothing. Except...
His left foot felt like his body had in the plane when he saved them from that missile.
He dared to look down. His foot was translucent, which should’ve been the weird part except it was going through the ground . What was happening?
“The fuck?” he asked out loud and tried to use his arms to push himself up. His right gave out- no, it also went through the ground. Seriously, what the fuck was happening?!
Phantom looked at him where he was laying on the ground. “Robin!” he called. “Pull your limbs out of the ground and try to feel them!”
He watched as Phantom tried to pick up the slack, wailing into the different agents. Seriously, where was Batman? Nightwing? Anybody?
He did as he was told, pulling his arm and foot out of the ground. Then he registered the other boy’s words.
“How the fuck do I feel my limbs?” he yelled out.
“You just do! Just, think of how your solid body parts feel!” he yelled back.
“What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Figure it out!”
He tried to focus on how his other arm felt as a suit approached him, Phantom’s back turned and already dealing with three more.
“Fascinating,” the man whispered.
Nope, fuck this, this is getting weird. He desperately searched his pocket for something he could use. All he had was some... Halloween candy? It’ll do, but he should check the rest of his pockets when he got home, it was April there shouldn’t be Halloween candy in his plane belt.
He threw it at the man, who cursed, then choked. He fist pumped; he managed to get a piece in his eye and his mouth.
The man doubled over. “Agent G?” he heard someone vaguely ask. They ran over and started attempting the Heimlich.
Normally, Robin would help, but right now he was focusing on becoming... solid? This was such a weird day.
What did he do on the plane again? He focused on the weird feeling, and it spread. He could feel his left hand go intangible, then his foot, then it traveled along until his whole body was translucent and he was having trouble keeping it above pavement. Then...
He let it go. His body was solid again within seconds.
He had gravel in his pants. That was an issue for some other time.
“YES!” he yelled out, then took a running start at the ‘agents’? Again, a super weird day.
He extended his now-solid leg into the man’s abdomen, using it as a springboard to transition into a flip. It wasn’t a Nightwing flip, but it did nicely for both saving the man’s life and incapacitating him. Nice job, Robin-
He went to jump back into action beside Phantom when he started floating. It was like today was trying to be difficult.
He ended up grabbing onto an cheap ass suit jacket trying to keep from floating away. Phantom looked at him weirdly.
“Dude! What are you doing?!”
“I don’t know!” he yelled back. “I couldn’t do this until a few hours ago!”
Phantom’s eyes widened. “You’ve only been like this for a few hours?! What are you doing out?!” He said as he grabbed onto Robin’s middle.
“Looking for you!” he replied, then- “Look out!”
“Wha- OH SHIT-”
He ducked, covering Robin’s body with his own.
The glowing harpoon missed them by inches. They heard someone curse wildly.
“Now, ecto-scum, you can either come quietly, or we could continue to fight,” they heard someone say.
Neither were very inclined to find out exactly what that meant. Phantom kept a hold of Robin as he attempted to take him and retreat.
“There are too many,” he heard Phantom mutter. “We need back up-”
“I’ve been trying to call the rest of the bats,” he said. “I don’t know why they aren’t here-”
“Fuck!” Phantom shouted. They may have made it a couple streets over, but agents had still been on their tails.
Phantom’s back was opened up. His suit was burned at the edges and he grit his teeth. He descended before the pain could knock him out of the air completely.
“Ow, fuck,” he hissed, “I think they changed the formula, that hurts so much more-” he said as he began shaking.
“Shit-” Robin muttered as he attempted to see what he had in the other pockets.
“Go!” Phantom grabbed his wrist. “Just go, I can deal-”
“No way,” Robin growled out. His feet finally planted themselves on the ground and he hauled up Phantom as best he could, “I don’t leave people behind,” he grit as he began dragging him into an alley.
“Both of us aren’t going to get out of here,” Phantom hissed. “You have the better chance. Just-”
“I don’t leave people behind,” Robin emphasized. “Especially not fellow heroes who just saved my ass,” he added, giving Phantom a look. He set him beside some boxes in the alley, hoping the ground wasn’t suspiciously wet or anything like that. “You stay here, I’m going to see if I can signal someone.”
“Roger,” Phantom said.
Robin could see he was trying not to worry him, but that the wound was bad. He wasn’t sure how bad. He hoped Alfie could help him; he wasn’t sure how ghost biology worked, and he doubted the butler had more knowledge in that area.
He left Phantom in the alley and used his grappling hook to get on top of the building next to them. From here, he could see some agents a couple streets from where he’d stashed Phantom, using the same machines he saw earlier. He figured they were some sort of tracker; they didn’t have much time before they were found.
He thought he could see a spec of something before it disappeared. He didn’t want to shout out to it in case the ‘agents’ heard; they may be tracking them already, but that didn’t mean he wanted to help them hunt them down. He cursed under his breath.
He tried to search more of the pockets of his belt. He found some gauze, some other miscellaneous band-aids, a couple more baterangs, more Halloween candy-
He jumped out of the way of a glowing shot. How rude!
He threw the rest of the Halloween candy, not wanting to waste the baterangs. He grappled back down to hopefully throw them off of Phantom’s trail; he was the one hurt, not him.
He looked around, running through a labyrinth of alleys. Luckily, he knew right where he was. He prayed nobody had ever discovered his secret hiding spots.
He tried to stick close enough to hear Phantom if he yelled out. As long as he has his dark, smelly alley ways correct...
He slid down and checked a brick. It was loose. He removed it and looked inside, grinning.
He pulled out the rubbing alcohol, bottles, and rags. He shoved his hand further into the hole and found the matches wrapped in a plastic grocery bag.
Before he was Robin, he got himself into some... situations. He had never touched them afterwards, afraid he or someone else would need them some day. Turns out, having some of Batman’s paranoia rub off on him was useful. Who knew?
And to think he and Nightwing had accused him of having a hoarding problem. Next time Alfred wanted the bat to look through his suits and get rid of the ones he didn’t need anymore, Robin might just take the old bat’s side. Just for a minute.
Nobody ever went against Alfred for that long. The man was a saint for putting up with them and everybody knew it.
He poured most of the rubbing alcohol into the vessels and pre-wet the rags before shoving them into the necks of the bottles. He only had two, so he wanted to make them count.
He didn’t think he had a lighter in his belt. That would suck when it was time to light one of these suckers, but-
He ran faster to where Phantom was hidden. He could see the vans beginning to pull up, agents pouring out of them.
Just how many men was part of this loser club? He’d been to those boring field trip assemblies so they could go over expectations and things with the parents there, and even those never had this many people. They always had so many people at those things!
He wasn’t even sure if any of their villains had ever had this many men on their side before, including during team ups.
He pulled the match box out of the bag he’d put it in. Miraculously, they had actually stayed dry. He got closer before he attempted to light one, dragging the matchstick against the striker. It caught, causing an orange flame to flicker out.
He held it up to the rag, catching it ablaze. He threw it and took cover, hearing more so than seeing as it shattered on impact. He heard someone screaming. He checked to make sure nobody was in the alley with them, most of them being distracted by the fire that exploded out after he threw the Molotov and ran to where he’d stuck Phantom.
The other boy was halfway up, trying to hover off the ground. “Dude, what-”
Robin held up the pre-made Molotov he had left. “These,” he breathed, “Should be used in hero work more often. I forgot how fun it was.”
Phantom looked at him a minute before registering what he meant. He grinned. “Robin-”
“I know, I’m awesome, let’s go before they get past it!”
He took his hand, dragging him through the alleys. He could see daylight beginning to peak out from the horizon line. He thought of the baby bird; he’d love to get a picture of this.
“We need to get to the rendezvous point,” he muttered. “If we can do that, I think we’ll be okay,” he said.
“What’s the rendezvous point?” Phantom asked. “I can fly up-���
“No,” Robin said. “Even if you weren’t hurt, they know to look to the skies; it’s how they figured out which alley we were in. I was on the roof,” he explained. “The roof tops and skies are off limits until we get to the building we need,” he continued. “Then we get on top of it. The bat keeps emergency coms hidden in one of the gargoyles; we grab one, then we can call them, and they can help us,” he surmised.
“The bats are out,” Phantom said. “I was with them earlier-”
“And Nightwing was dumb,” he finished for him. “He said he didn’t realize what was happening at first. He cried about it,” he forced himself to laugh; he didn’t find anything about the situation funny, “He feels bad. He’s on your side, 100 percent.”
Phantom got quiet, and Robin looked to him to make sure he wasn’t getting worse.
“He... he’s really on my side?” Phantom asked.
The snort Robin let out was genuine. “I wouldn’t be as intent on helping your ass if he didn’t think you were someone worth saving,” he replied.
He snuck another glance at the other hero. He was smiling slightly now; he looked good like that. He looked his age.
Robin figured he could tell him about everything else later as he led him through the alleys.
“Anyways,” he muttered. “You said something earlier. What do you mean I’m a ghost?"
Phantom paled a bit. “I... think we have to get somewhere a bit safer before I explain that. Red, someone on my team, won’t be happy but it’s vital information, especially if the GIW’s already in Gotham. You won’t be able to go anywhere without them being your shadow,” he said.
“Oh, that’s comforting,” he replied dryly. “I get more enemies out of the deal? Sweet,” he continued.
Phantom snorted. “Trust me, I know,” he said. “It’s not all bad. I’ll stick around and teach you some things.”
Robin was already liking the kid. “Like not getting stuck in the ground?” he guessed.
“Yes,” Phantom said. “And how to drop the intangibility without dropping your pants,” he said, laughing slightly.
Robin let out a startled laugh. “If it makes you feel better,” he said, “I got gravel near my junk.”
Phantom wheezed, “I accidentally dropped my pants asking out a girl I liked,” he laughed.
Robin laughed with him.
The situation may be slightly fucked, but at least they were getting along before Robin had to destroy his world view. That certainly made some things easier to believe.
As they approached the end of the alley, Robin signaled for Phantom to stay behind while he scoped out the road in front of them. He carefully looked one way-
There was a white van coming his way.
He immediately ducked back into the alley, pulling out another match and lighting the rag. He threw it at the van and turned to run.
He felt someone grab him by his cape. “Oh, no, little ghostie,” he heard someone say. “You and that other scum from Amity Park have caused enough trouble for us tonight!”
He covered his face as the Molotov exploded, throwing bits of glass and fire everywhere. It cast a menacing light on the face that had caught him.
The white suit had goggles on, like the rest did. She had a scar that disappeared into her hairline, going down behind the right lens of her goggles before ending near her chin. She had a grin on her face. “You and the other one are going to make nice- OOF-”
Phantom was standing in the alley, barely. Wisps of green smoke came from his fist. “Leave him alone,” he growled out.
Robin ran towards him, intending on tugging him down an alley and losing them on foot before more agents appeared.
“Oh, what’s wrong, scum?” One of them asked. “Shocked we know your little alleys as well as- HEY!”
Robin threw a baterang at the man. It hit his gun.
He could probably beat them if he was by himself, but he had Phantom to think about. He pulled out his grappling hook, out of options. He aimed it at the roof of the nearest building, grabbing Phantom’s waist-
Someone grabbed his foot as they were taking off. He kicked wildly, trying to get the agent to let go. His grip slipped.
He watched with growing dread as his grappling hook zoomed off by itself, eventually unhooking from the building and dropping to the ground below. He hoped whoever picked that up used common sense with it.
He tried to remember the feeling he got earlier when he hovered. He managed to get it for a few seconds before his vision blurred. Nonono not right now-
Curse things like blood sugar, always getting in the way when it’s the least convenient. He tried to power through it-
He dropped it, dropping them to the ground. He tried to take the impact for Phantom and popped back up, already in position to fight.
He could only hope somebody found them now.
He swung at one of the agents. The adrenaline and energy he’d had a few hours, hell, 20 minutes ago had greatly faded. Maybe he had bitten off more than he could chew with this one.
He saw Phantom out of the corner of his eye trying to blast weapons out of their hands as they fought. He knew, eventually, something would give.
Either they’d get back up, and they’d get to go to the cave, get some sleep. Talk about things, figure out what the fuck he’d been talking about earlier with the ghost stuff. This was the ideal outcome.
Or, they’d... lose. They’d get captured. Go to who knows where, where these losers in cheap white suits would do who knows what to them, and, if the way that they’d scrambled his com earlier was any indication, the bats wouldn’t be able to track them.
They’d be stuck there indefinitely. And Robin had a feeling it wouldn’t be easy to escape.
Before the Joker, if this had happened, he wouldn’t have even thought twice about it. In spite of his childhood in crime alley, he’d allowed himself to get caught up in the magic. He’d been compensating for a childhood spent knowing the lights could go off today because mommy didn’t pay the bill, that he could go hungry tonight because daddy had debts to pay and he used the grocery money to do it. That any day, he could seek out a friend he hadn’t seen in a while and learn that they had already passed away, way too young, because they were working with some villain or another, or they had starved, or froze to death, or-
Well. You get the picture.
As Robin, he’d never had to face any of that. It was Jason who’d had that experience. Maybe he shouldn’t have separated the identities so much.
Maybe he should’ve remembered the cocktail kits sooner. Maybe he should’ve been utilizing the alleys all along. Maybe he should’ve concerned himself with the kids of the alley more and been more involved, it had been his home for fourteen years for fuck’s sake-
Maybe his morals shouldn’t have been as rigid as the bat had insisted they be. He knew that Dick had left for a reason, and even though he hadn’t wanted to see it, and though he loved his papa, he was beginning to see where the logic had been flawed.
He heard a noise like someone cocking a gun somewhere behind him and felt himself get pushed down. He heard it go off and the aborted scream next to him.
He dared to look.
Phantom had been hit in the chest this time. He just barely clung to the edges of consciousness before going under. A bright ring of white light enveloped him before leaving him looking just like Robin in his civilian identity.
… They could unpack that later. He needed a plan-
What would Jason do? What would he have done-
Jason would’ve left Phantom behind ages ago. But that wasn’t who he was anymore. He had to think of something better-
He saw someone coming towards them out of the corner of his eye. He had blood covering his lenses and he wasn’t sure who’s it was as he wiped it off and grabbed the person coming at them by the wrist.
His vision swam again. Just a few more minutes-
He slammed them forwards and into the concrete wall, using their own weight against them. He grabbed the gun they’d been holding.
One of the few things he’d never been taught is shooting, but didn’t someone once say the best way to learn was real-world scenarios? He supposed it couldn’t get any more real-world than this.
He aimed for someone else’s gun. He squeezed the trigger. The recoil sent shocks down his arm and he closed his eyes, trying to keep his balance. He may not know anything about this, but he was certain that was wrong.
He heard a yelp. He opened his eyes back up to see he’d hit his mark, the gun in the other man’s hand showering them in small bits of plastic.
He tried to cock it to get it ready to shoot again.
He didn’t know too much about guns. Maybe he should’ve taken Willis’s offers to teach him how to shoot when he was smaller, but his mom had always begged him to wait until he was at least 16; Alfred’s attempts at teaching him had always been vetoed by the bat, and he was beginning to regret allowing Batman to do that.
He knew the damage a gun could cause. He knew people who’d been taken by a bullet before they met their fate. He’d always thought he’d never use one, always disliking the destruction and chaos they brought.
He never stopped to wonder what would happen the day he needed to cause the damage and chaos a gun brought with it. He didn’t figure out how to cock it.
A hand wrapped around his, making him drop the only weapon he had remaining. He tried to wiggle out of the grip before he saw they’d already grabbed Phantom. He remembered the glowing green rings that had shook the earth when Phantom first came to his aid.
The sun shine down on them, the dewy morning air still holding that bit of April chill. He took a deep breath, aiming away from Phantom.
He screamed. Loud, harsh, and unabashed as they started dragging them to a van. He caught a glimpse of Nightwing on a rooftop as he did so.
He almost had a spark of hope before the agent carrying him cracked him in the head with their gun before throwing him into the back of the van on top of Phantom.
He felt agents jumping into the van and peeling off. The van shook, like someone had landed on top of it. People began shouting.
“Please, Dickface,” he thought, “Please rescue us.”
A few miles later, he heard the shouts outside stop. He felt the weight on the roof be thrown off.
He could only hope whatever scrambled his com hadn’t completely killed the tracker in his belt as they were driven out to who knows where.
At least he’d found Phantom. At least he knew he didn’t have to go through another kidnapping alone.
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dailycass-cain · 8 months
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I do apologize for taking so long for this, but I had a rough second half last week and took time to recharge mentally.
That said here are my thoughts on Spirit World #5!
I think the only negatives I have for the issue is that well the next issue is the final one, and I want to know so much! So much more on Xanthe. Spirit World. Jade Court (though we get A LOT of info dump this issue). There's just SO much happening in this series.
Like I really don't want this series to end, and kind of want a sequel series to just be announced. Because writer Alyssa Wong just is giving us so much lore that I want them to continue on. Obviously, the stuff introduced this issue with Xanthe.
But to go deeper into Jade Court and Po Po. Like, they hook me this issue with the revelations of what Po Po is, and I want more. One more issue isn't enough for that.
Xanthe is a character and this series is really making me want to do a deep dive further in Chinese mythology and the like because the stuff Wong has introduced in the series got me craving to learn more and see what they incorporated into this series.
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Plus I kind of want to see how Xanthe met John Constantine. More Xanthe interacting with Cass's world. Of course, Cass continued interaction with this side of Chinese mythology. It is all rather exciting for ALL of this.
Like I don't feel cheated at all if Wong doesn't answer the stuff they seeded earlier with Cass having been in this place but losing her memories. Not to mention the warped way she "died". Like I want DC to give Wong just even more glorious room to tell this ALL.
Give me that double dose of Wong with both Cass/Xanthe. Two mini-series by Wong. One being a sequel to this, and the other just letting Wong go to town on a solo Cass series (literally its the character's anniversary). They showed us the readers they write an EXCEPTIONAL Cass.
Cass while her role is mostly downplayed this issue (I don't mind it) with what she gets is still to be freed by Xanthe from the last issue's shenanigans. Do I wish there were more people "tethered" to Cass? Yes (Harper, Tim, Dick, and *ahem* Shiva).
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But I'll take my Duke Thomas brotherly crumb THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Also, Babs being more prominent than Bruce too.
I feel like I have to stop gushing on Wong's writing to also give due to artist Haining. What they've done in this series and lead-up? The designs and visuals throughout this series? Like, the way he can switch from comedy to action to horror.
Just really exceptional stuff.
Not to mention the designs he's spitting out with all the members of the Jade Court? Like, given how unique and interesting the visuals set up each member is WHY I want to know more. Add to that the heavy introduced this issue too (I want Cass to fight him).
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The same goes to the colors by Sebastian Cheng. They make the art by Haining pop even more and give a visceral feel to what Wong crafts with this world.
Spirit World continues to be this amazing series that should be talked out more. It's introducing a new character in Xanthe, and renewing an old concept for modern audiences. Besides giving us the goods on Cass/John.
I'm truly gonna be sad to see this series go next month. But MAN what a ride this has been! I can't wait to see how this all ends!
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Man now im legit curious about the betting pool, how far does it extend? Cuz I’d bet the other arane are in on it just because they have to hear about it from both Duke and Dick I don’t know if Baar’ur Tompkins would take part or just stand there in silent disapproval of her two dikuts, and besides the Elliot alor, are any of the other clan heads in on it (other than Alfred of course)? And is anyone giving Jason information and making sure he’s not rigging the bets? And why do I get the feeling when Bruce isn’t looking his kids are absolutely trying to rig the whole thing? Tim and Steph are probably going to try and lock them together in a closet or something lmao. By the time this is all over like 3/4ths of the Keldab are going to owe Jason money
Oh, the whole guard is in on it. Duke has been surreptitiously arranging bets while Dick pretended not to see it and looked the other way.
Damian hasn't completed his verd'goten so the others don't let him bet. Jason is, of course, one of the main organizers and one of the most highly-invested in the whole thing.
The Elliot Alor, as someone helpfully wrote in the comments, absolutely tried to get in after he saw Clark swear the Resol'nare. I feel like the Crowne Alor saw him do it and just shook his head in distant disappointment.
Alfred's not in on it because he knows Bruce too well. And because Bruce sometimes share the contents of his visions with him, which makes him unfairly biased towards certain outcomes. He just commiserates with Leslie when he can. She doesn't take bets on her Mand'alor mostly because he's her patient, but also because she tries to stay out of the Aliit'alor's shenanigans.
The main bet, as I envisioned it, centered around when Bruce and Clark would make a serious move. After that, it hedges on when they're likely to say the riduurok, which obviously hasn't happened yet.
Jason won a lot of credits on that first bet. Now, the rest of the Keldab is ready to win their money back on the riduurok bet. (Jason thinks they'll say the vows on Tatooine in the middle of battle, in true Mando fashion. Everyone else is waiting until after the planet is conquered. Duke thinks they'll say it when they come back from the campaign, Steph thinks it'll be a few weeks after, etc etc)
The Elliot Alor bet that they already said the riduurok. Everyone laughed at his bet, but they forgot that he's kara-touched. And, technically, Bruce is treating Clark like a riduur already (because of his visions) so he's not entirely off.
Dick doesn't mind if his arane bet on things, as long as it doesn't affect their work. He minds when Jason bets on things because he interferes with his bets.
Secretly, Babs has taken out several side bets with Jason so her riduur doesn't know. She has the respect and confidence of all of her riduur's arane, so she's probably the most likely to win, after Jason.
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gayfrogs03 · 2 years
Some Joker Junior headcanons because my last post made me want to, remember that in my world they are all Neurodivergent
Canon is more of a suggestion than a guideline, I make my own canon, also timeline is fucked in my world, takes place some time after the Red Robin run but before he meets up with Bernard I guess?? Fuck any timeline, it's whatever I say they've my headcanons 😂😂😂
⚠️⚠️!!TW: The Joker (he's is own trigger warning), violence, torture, kidnapping, murder, accidental self harm, eating disorders, mentions of abuse and neglect from parents, scars, blood, panic attacks, and three different autistic meltdowns only one is described!!⚠️⚠️
If there is anymore tell me!! Stay safe 💜
No one notices right away that Tim is missing
It isn't until three weeks later that it's found out, and another two weeks for them to find him
The bats didn't notice because Tim's parents were in town so he was with them, and his parents didn't notice because they didn't care enough to do so
It isn't until the bats notice that Tim's with his parents for longer than usual (they usually stay two weeks at most), plus Tim not answering any of their calls or text, and do some digging, find out his parents left a week ago to another dig
Confused, they head out to Tim's house, the front door is busted wide open, Tim no where to be found, and it's clear there was a struggle, the normally museum looking house was trashed, things broken, knocked over, broken glass everywhere
And worse of all, blood.
Everyone immediately begins a frantic search, along with the police, not eating or sleeping unless Alfred forces them to
After some testing it was confirmed the blood is Tim's
Evens Tim's friends (both civilian and superhero) were questioned on where he could possibly be
The core four helps with the search not taking no as an answer (batfam appreciates it)
At one point Damian looks at Bruce and asked, "What if we don't find him?"
Bruce can see the fear his youngest is trying to hide, pulling him into a tight hug, assuring they'll find his big brother, blinking back his own tears has Damian had a meltdown, the stress and the worry getting to him
When it's found out that Joker is the one to take Tim Jason has a panic attack, and has to take more breaks to just breathe and calm down (he hates it)
It's Dick that makes a breakthrough on where Tim's being held and he and Bruce immediately head out to get him (in my world Babs is still in her wheel chair and Oracle), telling the others to get Lesslie and prepare anything he might need
His rescue pretty much follows canon, except he wasn't only electrocuted but tortured in many different ways, it was a miracle he was even standing
It's suspected the only reason is because he was disconnected from himself and couldn't really feel the pain he was in
And in my world when he shoots the Joker it kills him, no bringing him back to life
He's unconscious by time they make it to the cave, and has to go right into surgery because of broken bones, internal bleeding and all that
Between Alfred and Lesslie working endlessly the surgery last hours upon hours, Tim not having a spleen not helping at all
The whole time the batfam (core four had been forced to go home, not wanting to crowd Tim when he's awake, with promises to keep them updated and they can see Tim when he's ready) sits huddled in the waiting area, not sleeping even a little bit, to worked up and worried about their Baby Bird
Bruce had actually taken it upon himself to distract everyone, and himself, from their thoughts of "What if?", self blame, and guilt by talking about Tim and good/funny stories about him, and what he'll be able to do when he's better and soon everyone joins him
Jason threw up when Bruce was carrying Tim in and he saw Tim's ghostly pale skin and his hair, which is dyed Joker green
When Tim is finally out of surgery he doesn't wake up for almost a month, both his body and mind trying to heal from being with the Joker for a little over a month, and everyday there is at least one batfam number with him, talking to him, reading to him, or just sitting in silent company
When he was stable enough condition to do so he was moved up to his room in the manor, much more comfortable than in the cave
Bruce had a meltdown after Tim's surgery, everything crashing into him, it was honestly long over due
I mentioned in one of my other headcanons that they all have pets, basically all of their pets stayed in Tim's room with him almost the whole time, even when their owners weren't there told to protect Tim, the only time they weren't with Tim is when they felt like their owner needed them
Tim's cat, Hades, stayed the whole time tho, curled in between his head and shoulder purring, only got up to eat or use the bathroom, which the stuff for that is in Tim's room so she never left the room (read that a cats purr has healing abilities, so maybe Hades is trying to heal her human)
The whole time, during the search, his rescue, his surgery, and in his coma people are trying to contact his parents and when they FINALLY get a hold of the Drake's they are meet with annoyance instead of worry at Tim for being kidnapped in the first, and told that they are "busy" and won't be able to come back for another three months "if we absolutely have to" and were angry about the damage in their house
He immediately filed for their arrest (yes, they were arrested in whatever country the went to, he's rich) for criminal neglect and emotional abuse, and custody of Tim, almost all of it was done by time Tim woke up, he only had to go over everything with Tim, his social worker, and the official adoption
When Tim finally woke up Steph was in the middle of telling him about this cute boy she had seen on her food and coffee run for the batfam (Alfred had been too busy making sure Tim was stable to really cook, Jason did sometimes when he could bring himself to) she nearly broke her finger slamming the call button to the rest of the family
They all stopped whatever they were doing and ran to Tim's, crying when they saw his light blue eyes stare at them
Tim still wasn't connected to himself for awhile, he wasn't JJ but wasn't Tim Drake either, he would just lay there and blankly stare before falling back to sleep, but they were just happy to see him awake, they knew he wasn't going to be himself, they also know he might never be the same again
But their okay with that, because he's still Bruce's son, Alfred's grandchild, and everyone else's brother
Tim slowly, very slowly, began holding consciousness longer and longer, and each time he's becoming more aware
And everytime he wakes up, he's not alone, it's comforting
It's another two and a half months before he's mostly aware of his surroundings and back to reality (not all the way yet, things are still fuzzy and out of focus, he gets confused a lot), but not who he is
Still sleeps a lot because his body is still healing and sleeping helps with that
He reacts badly to his name, either going into a full blown panic attack flinching away from any touch normally until he passes out from hyperventilating and fear, or just stares at them like they've just killed someone with fear in his eyes
They refuse to call him JJ, but found he reacts nicely to Baby Bird
He had gone completely non-verbal for awhile, this is actually they had expected Tim has always gone non-verbal when under a lot of stress or very scared, what he just when through was definitely high stress and absolutely terrifying
The person he seems most comfortable with is Cass, because she always knows exactly where he needs her to be, how she needs to act with him, what he needs, even what he wants just by looking at him, she's also quite which he likes (the Joker was always so LOUD)
They find out later that he's fine with thing like Timmy and stuff like that, just not Tim or Timothy Drake, when Dick accidentally calls him Timmy and he beams at him (he still secretly likes Baby Bird better)
Jason takes fully advantage of this with his long list of nicknames for Tim. Like, Timberlena (idk how to spell), Timbo, Timberlake, Timmers, and so much more
When Tim gets stressed, frustrated or scared he tends to stim by pulling his hair, or scratching himself, hitting himself, and other harmful stims and they have to watch out for it and usually give him alternative ways to stim while they fix whatever it is
Tim is able to move and walk around before he is fully back to himself, sometimes they gotta watch over him, but usually he just kinda latches onto the first person he sees and follows them around all day
When this happens whoever he's following around tries not to do a whole lot because moving and walking around a lot exhaust Tim and he can't over work himself
There are lots of naps, either napping with him, or with just him asleep on you while you do whatever
He had a panic attack when he first saw his reflection with his green hair, and Steph helped him dye it black again
The day Tim finally comes back to himself he has one of the worse meltdowns in his life
He was screaming, crying, breaking things, and hurting himself and anyone who approached him until Bruce managed to get to him, and gently, with out hurting Tim, pin his arms against himself, sank to the floor with Tim held against him, rocked side to side with Tim humming softly
Tim struggled for awhile before falling asleep going limp in Bruce's arms
Life continues to be a rollercoaster of experiences and emotion for everyone as the days, weeks, and months continue to pass, somedays are better than others, sometimes it seems like it will be okay, sometimes it seems like it will never be okay again, but that's all apart of healing
Tim relapses bad with his eating disorder and they are quick to catch it can begin helping him with that
He's beginning to talk again a little more, but is still mostly non-verbal and sticks to sign language, when he does speak it's usually one word or very small sentences
Tim still never wants to be alone, but he kinda just switches people throughout the day now, it very random, and also he does things now instead of just following and mindlessly staring
He'll draw with Damian, read with Jason, do crafts with Dick, online shop with Steph, cook with Alfred, binge watch shows with Duke (only just now mentioning Duke, oops, shhhh), learns new codes with Babs (who visits often), small dances easy dances with Cass, and normally right after dancing with Cass he goes to Bruce's study and crashes on his sofa taking a nap while Bruce works until dinner
For patrol normally four people go and four people stay with Tim and they switch it every night, unless something sets Tim off into another panic attack, flashback, or both and he needs his family then they all stay
Because Tim feels bad that on those nights Gotham can very well be in danger Bruce calls Selena, and the Birds of Prey, and Kate (is she with the Birds of Prey?? Idk, I have no brain) with Tim to ask them to take over their patrols for the night
It makes Tim feel a lot better and everytime everyone is very understanding and willing to do it, with love and get well soon wishes sent to Tim
Most of the time Selena and Kate will swing by after patrol for "payment" (which is Alfred's food) but everyone knows that they just want to visit and see how Tim is doing
Tim doesn't mind, he loves seeing them (when he's not asleep)
Tim has a lot of triggers and it's all very difficult to map out because what might not be a trigger one day will be a trigger the next, but they deal, figure it out, and reassure a guilty Tim that it's okay and no one is mad at him
After awhile the core four is reunited again, after being given a list of Tim's triggers and promises not to break him
It actually goes amazing, they didn't treat Tim any different others than avoiding his triggers, and are just happy to have their best friend back and slowly getting better
They mostly hung out in Tim's room, catching up, laughing, playing video games, eating snacks (even convincing Tim to eat some, he does and manages to keep it all down), and that kind of stuff
They plan wasn't for them to stay the night, but Bruce didn't have the heart to wake any of them when he came in to check on them and they were all cuddled up on Tim bed, with Tim protectively in the middle with Hades, a movie playing on the TV, all of them fast asleep
Although he did take a picture and send it to both the JL and batfam group chats
That's all I can think of rn, hope you enjoyed it :)
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
Can of Worms Time;
Say you were editor of The Nightwing and BOP books and there’s fan demand for Dick and Babs to finally tie the knot.
How would you pull it off?
Well I wouldn't do it by having Dick feel pressured to propose to a woman he's not actually actively in a relationship with anymore because he thinks he's going to die and wants to get it off his chest before he runs off, gets hit by a massive energy beam during a multiversal invasion event, and ends up in a coma, that's for sure.
No I'm not bitter about Infinite Crisis and Devin Grayson's continual misunderstanding of Dick and the Dick/Babs relationship, why do you ask?
More seriously, let's play this out with post-Crisis!Dick/Babs but sprinkle in the occasional piece of post-Flashpoint stuff (aka, we're talking Nightwing and Oracle, competent and independent adult heroes who both actively lead their own teams, have their own friend groups, have had serious previous love interests, and have their own responsibilities outside of a relationship with each other).
Realistically, the actual proposal would likely be pretty quiet. Dick and Babs are both pretty private people when it comes to their relationship and they both know what a Production™ their family and friends would cause if they knew there were plans (I'm thinking about Dinah and Tim specifically here, but everyone involved would be guilty). I think they'd wait a few days before letting everyone know.
My running gag during the wedding prep era would be that every time they're trying to plan an aspect of the wedding, they keep getting called out to go deal with superhero stuff. This would obviously usually be within the context of whatever a-plot they're dealing with in their individual books, but also just...littering references here and there about other stuff happening in the background.
Trying to book a caterer? Whoops, all-hands-on-deck alien invasion. Talking about flowers? Gotham's had another Arkham breakout. Trying to get to a dress fitting? Oh no, the Birds need help breaking into a high-security prison in Bialya. Scheduling their mandatory pre-marital counseling sessions? Oops, the Titans need help dealing with some major universe-ending threat. Nothing that actually puts a strain on Dick and Babs' relationship, but something that's just exasperating enough to be plausible for two characters who are traditionally DCU linchpin characters with a lot of responsibilities and funny enough for readers to not get tired of it.
I think it would also be fun to have a Nightwing issue focused on Dick running around Bludhaven dealing with petty crime while trying to figure out who his best man is going to be. Should it be Wally, who's been the best man at all of his previous weddings/wedding attempts? Should it be Roy, who's stuck by him again and again and (Dick thinks) should get a chance to actually be in a wedding party that's not his dad's for once? Should it be Tim, the sibling he's closest to? Should it be Donna, who he walked down the aisle at her own wedding? He has so many choices, all of which would be good choices for different reasons and none of whom would be particularly offended by him picking someone else. He picks Wally in the end, because why mess with what works, and asks the others+Garth and Damian to be groomsmen (yes, Donna's at the altar with him too).
At some point, Babs just appoints Dinah as her Maid/Matron of Honor and lets her run her entire wedding prep process for her. Babs might be a control freak, but this is one area where she's largely happy to let someone else take care of the minutia. She grabs the rest of the BOP Core Four+Cass, Steph, and Alysia as her bridesmaids, picks out her dress, and calls it a day.
As for the wedding itself, I want two things out of it: one, someone important (not Dick or Babs, so maybe Wally or one of the Bats?) nearly doesn't make it to the venue because of a massive superhero conflict, and two, the actual wedding goes off without a hitch. I'm very determined that the actual wedding will not be interrupted or otherwise ruined in any way after the disaster that was Dick/Kory's attempted wedding and the pre-wedding trials I just talked about. So they get their wedding, they go on a honeymoon somewhere, and they TURN OFF THEIR COMMS for a week. The honeymoon period is for enjoyment, not distractions; they've both had enough of those.
Publishing/IRL time-wise, the proposal would happen in a Nightwing issue, I'd let the engagement era happen over a year or so (so 12 issues for both the Nightwing and BOP books, exploring the process from both their POVs) and then have their wedding in a crossover issue. So...yeah, that's how I'd pull off a Dick/Babs engagement and wedding in the context of Dick and Babs both having their own books.
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star-realities · 9 months
What are YOUR friends like? I’m dying to know!!! Not really dying of course I can wait until you meet them if you haven’t yet although technically you have and just can’t remember or haven’t experienced yet-Very tangled thing that is isn’t it? 🤭 If you haven’t which ones are you meeting? If you want we can even trade!!! I’ll tell you about mine too!!! I think you know them at least a teeny tiny bit already but it could be fun! ❤️⚡️
I don’t really… have many friends in my Bat DR hahah but I WILL talk about the fam
Also please share yours I’d love to hear it!!
Cassandra Cain
I love her SO much. Sweetest girl. Baddest of bitches. WILL kick your ass.
We do ballet together, and we patrol together :)
Stephanie Brown
STEPH!!!! She’s great. Not enough words. Amazing, showstopping, incredible.
We have a particularly close bond because I trained her to be a vigilante!
Barbara Gordon
Honorary big sister. Babs is everything I wish I could be. The OG. The COOLEST person ever.
She’s the one I go to about everything, the one I seek out if I need to vent, chat, laugh, cry, or just sit there in silence.
Jason Todd
We are attached at the mfin HIP. Trauma-bond and all that. He didn’t die so he’s not as angsty but wow can he still be insufferable (lovingly)
We were the only two kids in the family for a while (besides Damian but he was much younger) and we were both Robins so, obviously we became besties. My ride or die. We DO have a book club.
Dick Grayson
BEST brother someone could ask for.
Funny. Kind. Annoying in the best ways.
He saved me as a kid, so honestly? Can do no wrong in my eyes (/j). When I was younger he’d always take me to see the teen titans, and he teach me circus tricks.
Honestly just the coolest guy.
Tim Drake
Funny asf in that dry sorta way. Smart. PETTY AS SHIT, DONT LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Also someone please get that damn zesti cola away from him.
Did i know he used to follow us on patrol? Yes. Did HE know that I knew? No. I talked to him once but let him think he’d gotten away with his dumbass disguise. I’d kinda watch out and make sure he didn’t get too close to danger, but I thought it was kinda funny so I didn’t snitch to batman.
Duke Thomas
Do not let anyone make you think he’s the normal one he’s just as weird as the rest of us. He’s just better at hiding it lmao.
LOVE this kid! He’s the greatest. Sometimes I’ll join him on a daytime patrol if the previous nights patrol hadn’t been too rough.
Damian Wayne
Babey. Talia took him from the league wayyy earlier so he’s not as much of a little gremlin but he has his moments.
I ADORE this kid. He isn’t Robin right now, but wow it’s impossible to get him out of the cave so he’s an honorary team member atm.
I don’t really have any friends outside the family atm, I’m just gonna let it play out once I get there yk?
(Also I am aware there are more members of the Batfam…. So many… I will get to them okay these are just the ones I’ve got scripted for now lol)
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