mohgreal · 3 days
personally, i dont think Mohg is "into" Miquella. hear me out;
in order to become Elden lord or whatever ruler you need a consort. and Mohg's main goal is to, from what i can see, become a lord of blood of sorts. i mean its in his title. Mohg, lord of blood. Us tarnished, the player, in all ending not including age of stars and frenzied flame, we marry marika. (somehow.) so in order for Mohg to become a real lord of blood he would need a consort, and the only ones who can do that need to be a gods of sorts. Which means, Marika or the Empyreans. However,
Marika is held captive by the golden order, crucifed. And, Mohg probably couldn't get that far. So then we have empyreans. He cant have Malenia because she dosen't want to become a god of rod and represses it, and Ranni commit self delete and not many people in the lands between know that she has a doll body. (Rennala dosent.)
Which leaves Miquella, who is trying to become a god. He's trying to bring in a new age, and in order for that he would need to become a god. So he's the best option.
Now, i think alot of people think Mohg is "into" Miquella because of the things he says, and for one, Mohg grew up in the damn sewers. You really think he knows how romance works? Anyway, first of all, he leans his head against Miquella's dead hand in the cutscene, though this dosen't have to romantic/sexual. Then he calls him dearest, which again, dosen't have to be romantic/sexual since Malenia and others call him it.
Then you have his dying line which is- "Miquella is mine and mine alone." Which i see more as Mohg seeing Miquella as a possession way; He needs Miquella in order to have a new age, so he dosen't want anyone to stop him, which is the tarnished. Also, elden ring is set in a past fantasy so "mine" dosen't have to romantic/sexual either. Then, you have the "bloody bedchambers." Which, i think is more of a metaphor. I mean, look around Mohgwyn dynasty, theres no place Mohg could have a "bloody bedchamber" in. And yes, bedchamber probably isn't the best word they could've used, but elden ring is known to be poorly translated in terms of lore so i digress.
Final point, This is written by GRM, and he wrote up into the shattering. Miyazaki says he would be suprised to see Rykard as a snake, so I don't think GRM ever even wrote this part, and hes the only guy who would write cest. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
edited 5/31 for the insane typos i made
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tech-obssessed-shark · 2 months
Rant about Breakdown MY BELOVED
Breakdown didn’t deserve what happened to him. While he appears to just be some guy who likes breaking stuff, HE’S MORE- He’s shown multiple times to care about others, including Vehicons who are mostly forgotten by both Decepticons and Autobots. When Fowler pretends to be a Vehicon reporting in, he adds “I know it’s thankless down there, keep up the good work-” compared to Megatron THROWING A GUY OFF THE SHIP- Not to mention he’s a medical assistant, which proves he is much more than a destroyer. When Breakdown was captured by Mech and escaped with the help of Bulkhead, Starscream then ordered him to DESTROY Bulkhead. Breakdown hesitates, which shows how he CAN change, and go against the orders of the Deceptions. Most of the time after that he’s just trying to do whatever job he’s given. Either Artifact Retrieval or assisting Knockout, he bounces back from being ripped open. When Breakdown FRIGGIN DIES- Knockout was even shown to be sad and grief over him multiple times. Knockout asks to rip Silas apart, and when questioned- He just replies that it’s “What Breakdown would have wanted”- When Starscream and Knockout think they’re going to die, Knockout comments that “You’re no Breakdown, but I’ve always admired your finish” liKE BRO THEY REALLY BURIED THEIR GAY(S) THERE ;-; ANYWAYS- The way Breakdown was specifically killed and then killed again stuck with me. Bro died TWICE- and didn’t even deserve it the first time. To summarize: 1: He tries to kill Arachnid and is in response dismembered and decapitated. If he was a human this would be rated R. THEN HIS BODY IS FOUND BY THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIMENTED ON HIM AND TOOK HIS EYE. They use his BODY AS A IRON MAN SUIT and PUT THE GUY WHO TORTURED BREAKDOWN IN IT- no this is not the end. 2:His body is resurrected as this zombie-like energon feeder due to Dark Energon. The person who kills him in the end in none other than ARACHNID- SHE KILLS HIM TWICE I-
Yeah so he did nothing to deserve any of that. Not even Megatron got an ending that was gruesome. If Knockout survived and became an Autobot, so could’ve BREAKDOWN- crying sobbing, the end.
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ineverbelongedhere · 2 months
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I definitely didn't need another vice
🗒️Kiss thief / LJ Shen
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lordedlady · 1 month
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does anyone main portia? by that i mean : think portia is their favourite *LOVE INTEREST*.
not favourite character, favourite TO DATE/FLIRT WITH/MARRY POTENTIALLY (??)
'cus, dont get me wrong, portia is an absolute gem in other routes... but that' s the thing.
in other routes.
i haven't currently met anyone who likes portia's route as their best, or even top 3. personally, the route isn't ALL bad, its cute, quirky and it's not too out of character.
however, it feels less like a romance and more like a platonic. sure, they get together in the end -- but it doesn't really feel all too established, aka i feel like the route is rushed.
i feel the same for muriels and a little for lucio's as well, though i think that (COUGH COUGH dorian COUGHGHG) did portia the most dirty, which is a shame, cus i definitely would've loved her if they established a bit more of her personality, and less on tasya.
cus while the plot is important, we haven't really seen anything like it in other routes (where the M3 where the same), and this caused alot more building to be on plot than a romance option
... which could've been EASILY fixed if her route was as long as the M3 (asra, for example)
i'd love to hear ur opinion, darlings!
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anxiouslyindecisive · 9 months
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easternmind · 5 months
Last year in classic games
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For motives I cannot expand on with much glee, I found a little more time than usual this year to reduce my seemingly endless backlog of classics. Despite all the fine new releases 2023 has greeted us with, I was able to finally dive into this eclectic handful of games I gathered over time. It is perhaps no coincidence that I reached out for more direct game experiences than story-driven ones. I find myself increasingly drawn to games designs that are mindful of the player's time as a commodity not to be carelessly squandered.
One note, if I may: I would like to inspire my readers to progressively discard the use of the word retro this year. We are all of advancing years and wisdom, I trust. The introduction of the term retro to the videogame vernacular was a gross mistake furthering the abhorrent notion that games were as ephemeral in their nature as fashion. It is a purely commercial designation by which to profitably repackage old software as a category of its own, originating from the same minds that considered games as mere novelty trinkets of limited marketable lifespan.
It is up to the player to individually decide on an older game's appeal, whether they may be discovering it for the first time or revisiting it for the umpteenth one. This is not only an appeal for those of you who write about games in any capacity, rather to anyone who takes videogames as a serious interest and communicates with others about this the object of their predilection. Thank you.
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This loose cart came with a Famicom bundle auction I won in 2009, if memory serves. I turned on the Famicom and tested it merely to verify if it was still in working condition and found myself engrossed in that trademark Pajitnov/Pokhilko elegant approach to game design. As per the cassette's label, Hatris was originally a concept developed in collaboration with ParaGraph, a Russian studio that went on to develop specialized professional software, a year before the Bullet-Proof Software licensing deal. They produced a few games in the turn of the decade that were rather unusual and, some would say, even visionary. I recommend that you look up their story, if you're curious.
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The only entry from the group that isn't of Japanese provenance - though it is a Japanese edition - I played it for purely nostalgic motives, perhaps a yearning for a certain pixel, palette and parallax that resoundingly evoke a time I was fortunate enough to experience, first-hand. If I may be honest, I purchased the game for the visual value of its unique cover art, which I deem superior to the US edition's. In saying that, I must highlight that the original Amiga game box art was quite accomplished.
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In the Summer of 93 while on holiday at the beach, there was a French Nintendo magazine for sale whose purchase I could not resist. It was very common to find Spanish, English and French publications at the time in Portugal. This edition had a striking four page preview of this Jaleco gem, Ikari no Yōsai, or Operation Logic Bomb as it was named in the West. For years I searched the PAL version in vain, then ultimately decided to import it on account of - you'd never guess! - the superior box art. Playing it this year at long last, I was instantly reminded of an old Game Boy favourite, Fortified Zone, which I now know to be its prequel. Most top-down shooters are best played in co-op. Ikari no Yōsai is strictly and single-player affair and not once did I miss the absence of a friendly companion.
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Keio Flying Squadron 2 first came to my attention via an infamous Saturn demo disc, which came into my hands through circumstances I have since forgotten about. I use the word infamous because the entire game code was available in the disc and the level select cheat code enabled me to unscrupulously play the entirety of the game for no additional expense - at only the cost of missing out on the colourful Studio Pierrot anime FMV interludes.
Having played the sequel first, I was somewhat disenchanted to learn the original game did not feature any platforming segments, it being a pure scrolling shooter in the same whimsical vein as Parodius or, say, an AirZonk. Still, a jolly good time with the old three buttons.
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For reasons that will not be immediately apparent to younger reading audiences, I pride myself in having completed most Shinobi games, The Revenge Of and GG being my preferred ones. Shin Shinobi Den, or Shinobi X in Europe, was a game not readily available from my usual game dealers. I eventually borrowed the PAL version once, though not nearly long enough to master it. I finally saw it through this year, mere days before SEGA announced a new episode. While the live action clips looked a tad maladroit in the 1990s, they came to acquire that nice patina I now look for in classic games.
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Omega Force was known to take the sporadic breather from producing some of KOEI's most cherished and profitable series. I distinctly remember enjoying Destrega quite a bit in its day, a game quite unlike any other. What their 1998 Enigma lacks in consistency and originality, it more than amply makes up for with its own bizarre concepts, extravagant characters and unexpected genre fusions. Of all the titles in this post, this was the one whose pace felt the most sluggish, and needlessly so.
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Microsoft Game Studio Japan release schedule plans were not at all kind on this, their first production, Magatama. Earlier this year I praised this era for its highly inspired H&S action adventure titles and even spent a few days delighting myself with the likes of Blood Will Tell, Nightshade, Bujingai, or Chaos Legion. This most unusual creation, developed by the aptly-named Team Breakout - a group composed of many talented ex-Square employees - is one among the finest of the era. Sadly, it did not do enough to persuade players at the time that it was a better purchase than Otogi or its sequel. Playing it with my mind and heart set back in time to 2003, I can say that this misguided consideration may not have withstood a second thought.
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I've long wanted to write an extensive article on Japanese firefighting games. In fact, I have the structure laid out for a Japanofiles entry gathering moss in my Tumblr drafts for over a decade now. For a brief period this year I convinced myself I could finally fulfil this aspiration and resumed Sakurazaka Shouboutai as research. Developed by Racdym - later Racjin - for Irem, it is every bit as good as Firefighter F.D.18 or Hard Luck, and in many ways more inventive from a conceptual standpoint. While Konami and Spike found a way to have their games released in the west, Sakurazaka's poor regional sales performance clearly accounts for Irem's reluctance to bear the cost of an overseas ticket.
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object-show-rcs · 6 days
paragraph (BFB 6)
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the-hurt-soul · 1 year
Looking back at my life I should've achieved way more than I have. I should've been a completely different person. My actions has caused many sad endings and I kinda hate myself for it. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever find the strength and discipline to make changes to my life.
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juliee4everial · 2 months
" Still, if I really am fine by this, then why do I feel a fiery sensation? As if flames directly lit at my heart, unlocked its gates, prancing about, spreading all around. I placed my right hand over to my heart and felt my own pulse.
Not too long, I felt the same warmth in my own hand. It’s peculiar, really, how this mere feeling of your own heartbreat can give you this tingly sensation. See, this is why I will never get what humans feel. I am no human, so I quickly retreated my hand, almost afraid by the fact that I never wanted to let go. Almost afraid of the comfort it was providing me. And how I wanted to feel and test that sensation once more.
I had one goal and one goal only, never to indulge myself in useless, human attributes labelled as 'emotions' "
-From "What's There To Feel?," an unfinished novel juliee4everial
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nipsyyy · 9 months
She was never the moon,she wasn’t beautiful enough to inspire poets to write about her,lovers didn’t think about each other when they saw her,well most of them didn’t even meet her eyes. She truly was like the sun,no one ever looked at her except in frustration and despair,especially him. However on the days she wasn’t bright enough,he complained,he missed her,but never went looking. He basked in her sunshine until there wasn’t any remaining and she finally left.He ran behind her,chasing the sunset and in its beauty finally looked at her and wondered how he’d never seen her before
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mykaxxvii · 2 months
When you're reading half asleep and realize that your brain ceased registering stuff four paragraphs ago 🫠
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You are not a machine. You are more like a garden. You need different things on different days. A little sun today, a little less water tomorrow. You have fallow and fruitful seasons. It is not a design flaw. It is wiser than perpetual sameness. What does your garden need today?
– joynessthebrave
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tender-somethings · 1 year
“You Should Date an Illiterate Girl”
Date a girl who doesn’t read. Find her in the weary squalor of a Midwestern bar. Find her in the smoke, drunken sweat, and varicolored light of an upscale nightclub. Wherever you find her, find her smiling. Make sure that it lingers when the people that are talking to her look away. Engage her with unsentimental trivialities. Use pick-up lines and laugh inwardly.
Take her outside when the night overstays its welcome. Ignore the palpable weight of fatigue. Kiss her in the rain under the weak glow of a streetlamp because you’ve seen it in film. Remark at its lack of significance. Take her to your apartment. Dispatch with making love. Fuck her.
Let the anxious contract you’ve unwittingly written evolve slowly and uncomfortably into a relationship. Find shared interests and common ground like sushi, and folk music. Build an impenetrable bastion upon that ground. Make it sacred. Retreat into it every time the air gets stale, or the evenings get long. Talk about nothing of significance. Do little thinking. Let the months pass unnoticed. Ask her to move in. Let her decorate. Get into fights about inconsequential things like how the fucking shower curtain needs to be closed so that it doesn’t fucking collect mold. Let a year pass unnoticed. Begin to notice.
Figure that you should probably get married because you will have wasted a lot of time otherwise. Take her to dinner on the forty-fifth floor at a restaurant far beyond your means. Make sure there is a beautiful view of the city. Sheepishly ask a waiter to bring her a glass of champagne with a modest ring in it. When she notices, propose to her with all of the enthusiasm and sincerity you can muster. Do not be overly concerned if you feel your heart leap through a pane of sheet glass. For that matter, do not be overly concerned if you cannot feel it at all. If there is applause, let it stagnate. If she cries, smile as if you’ve never been happier. If she doesn’t, smile all the same.
Let the years pass unnoticed. Get a career, not a job. Buy a house. Have two striking children. Try to raise them well. Fail, frequently. Lapse into a bored indifference. Lapse into an indifferent sadness. Have a mid-life crisis. Grow old. Wonder at your lack of achievement. Feel sometimes contented, but mostly vacant and ethereal. Feel, during walks, as if you might never return, or as if you might blow away on the wind. Contract a terminal illness. Die, but only after you observe that the girl who didn’t read never made your heart oscillate with any significant passion, that no one will write the story of your lives, and that she will die, too, with only a mild and tempered regret that nothing ever came of her capacity to love.
Do those things, because nothing sucks worse than a girl who reads. Do it, I say, because a life in purgatory is better than a life in hell. Do it, because a girl who reads possesses a vocabulary that can describe that amorphous discontent as a life unfulfilled—a vocabulary that parses the innate beauty of the world and makes it an accessible necessity instead of an alien wonder. A girl who reads lays claim to a vocabulary that distinguishes between the specious and soulless rhetoric of someone who cannot love her, and the inarticulate desperation of someone who loves her too much. A vocabulary, god damnit, that makes my vacuous sophistry a cheap trick.
Do it, because a girl who reads understands syntax. Literature has taught her that moments of tenderness come in sporadic but knowable intervals. A girl who reads knows that life is not planar; she knows, and rightly demands, that the ebb comes along with the flow of disappointment. A girl who has read up on her syntax senses the irregular pauses—the hesitation of breath—endemic to a lie. A girl who reads perceives the difference between a parenthetical moment of anger and the entrenched habits of someone whose bitter cynicism will run on, run on well past any point of reason, or purpose, run on far after she has packed a suitcase and said a reluctant goodbye and she has decided that I am an ellipsis and not a period and run on and run on. Syntax that knows the rhythm and cadence of a life well lived.
Date a girl who doesn’t read because the girl who reads knows the importance of plot. She can trace out the demarcations of a prologue and the sharp ridges of a climax. She feels them in her skin. The girl who reads will be patient with an intermission and expedite a denouement. But of all things, the girl who reads knows most the ineluctable significance of an end. She is comfortable with them. She has bid farewell to a thousand heroes with only a twinge of sadness.
Don’t date a girl who reads because girls who read are the storytellers. You with the Joyce, you with the Nabokov, you with the Woolf. You there in the library, on the platform of the metro, you in the corner of the café, you in the window of your room. You, who make my life so god damned difficult. The girl who reads has spun out the account of her life and it is bursting with meaning. She insists that her narratives are rich, her supporting cast colorful, and her typeface bold. You, the girl who reads, make me want to be everything that I am not. But I am weak and I will fail you, because you have dreamed, properly, of someone who is better than I am. You will not accept the life that I told of at the beginning of this piece. You will accept nothing less than passion, and perfection, and a life worthy of being storied. So out with you, girl who reads. Take the next southbound train and take your Hemingway with you. I hate you. I really, really, really hate you.
Charles Warnke
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psychwhispers · 7 months
why paragraphs are so special? because the one writing it , spends their crucial time just to see the other one smile. Words hold power yeah it truly does , it has the power to comfort anyone just by some small words. It makes the other one feel how much they're important for them. It makes the other one feel wanted. Which is why I love paragraphs. For me Sending paragraphs is a love language ❤️ and surely they do make me happy !
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hermoonlitroses · 5 months
“Palestine 🇵🇸 the land of hearts ♥️🫂🇵🇸 and the Palestinians, “the soul of the soul”
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