cherry-notes · 3 days
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153 notes · View notes
This will most likely not become anything, but I need motivation and I'm bored so here goes
5 notes - I'll go to my maths teacher for extra help
10 notes - I'll practice flute for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week (outside of band)
20 notes - I'll practice flag
30 notes - I'll tidy the pile of stuff on my bed (my rooms a wreck, everytime I clean it it gets worse ??)
40 notes - I'll deal with my school stuff from previous years that is on the floor chilling
50 notes - I'll deal with all the art stuff scattered about (there's too much)
100 notes - I'll organise the top of my dresser, bookshelf, night stand, and desk
200 notes - I'll clean out my closet
300 notes - I'll stop procrastinating big assignments/projects
400 notes - I'll make a more active effort to be with my friends outside of school and actually talk to them-
500 notes - I'll go to sleep before 1 on school nights
1000 notes - I'll finish the books I've been meaning to start
2000 notes - I'll actually get back into writing and figure out how to write well
This may be updated in the future, who knows-
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life lately
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indigomistudies · 3 days
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t-3 days until my organic chemistry final exam!
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gomita-777 · 1 day
cualquier palabra tuya es un arma de doble filo para mí corazón
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possibly-astraeus · 4 months
You know what
Screw it
If this post gets 5k[edit, the new goal is 10k omg] notes before the end of January, I'll come out to my parents, get my hair cut, and ask parents for the things I need to pass as a boy.
Have fun
[Goal reached]
Thank you to everyone who took their time to reblog, like, and reply. I'm going to keep this promise and come out to my parents soon. I love you all, stay safe <3
18K notes · View notes
dragonsgirl572 · 2 months
You know what? Fuck it.
Mar 13 -> The amount of notes that this post gets by the end of April is the amount of words I'll write for one of my books.
Update: May 1 -> AND TIME!! Thank you all so much for participating! The amount of words I got, at the time of me looking at this post, are...
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Holy shit that's a lot-
Update: May 2 -> Currently outlining a storyline! I couldn't decide which fandom I wanted to do so I'm just doing a self-indulgent crossover.
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stonefemblues · 7 months
“pretty boy” is such a good and fun gender i’m a big fan
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herigo · 4 months
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boltlightning · 1 year
in every workplace there should be a secret button you can press and if everyone presses it the workweek immediately ends and you can go outside and play instead of sending email
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porcupine-girl · 5 months
An important message to college students: Why you shouldn't use ChatGPT or other "AI" to write papers.
Here's the thing: Unlike plagiarism, where I can always find the exact source a student used, it's difficult to impossible to prove that a student used ChatGPT to write their paper. Which means I have to grade it as though the student wrote it.
So if your professor can't prove it, why shouldn't you use it?
Well, first off, it doesn't write good papers. Grading them as if the student did write it themself, so far I've given GPT-enhanced papers two Ds and an F.
If you're unlucky enough to get a professor like me, they've designed their assignments to be hard to plagiarize, which means they'll also be hard to get "AI" to write well. To get a good paper out of ChatGPT for my class, you'd have to write a prompt that's so long, with so many specifics, that you might as well just write the paper yourself.
ChatGPT absolutely loves to make broad, vague statements about, for example, what topics a book covers. Sadly for my students, I ask for specific examples from the book, and it's not so good at that. Nor is it good at explaining exactly why that example is connected to a concept from class. To get a good paper out of it, you'd have to have already identified the concepts you want to discuss and the relevant examples, and quite honestly if you can do that it'll be easier to write your own paper than to coax ChatGPT to write a decent paper.
The second reason you shouldn't do it?
I can't prove it's written by ChatGPT, but I can tell. It does not write like a college freshman. It writes like a professional copywriter churning out articles for a content farm. And much like a large language model, the more papers written by it I see, the better I get at identifying it, because it turns out there are certain phrases it really, really likes using.
Once I think you're using ChatGPT I will be extremely annoyed while I grade your paper. I will grade it as if you wrote it, but I will not grade it generously. I will not give you the benefit of the doubt if I'm not sure whether you understood a concept or not. I will not squint and try to understand how you thought two things are connected that I do not think are connected.
Moreover, I will continue to not feel generous when calculating your final grade for the class. Usually, if someone has been coming to class regularly all semester, turned things in on time, etc, then I might be willing to give them a tiny bit of help - round a 79.3% up to a B-, say. If you get a 79.3%, you will get your C+ and you'd better be thankful for it, because if you try to complain or claim you weren't using AI, I'll be letting the college's academic disciplinary committee decide what grade you should get.
Eventually my school will probably write actual guidelines for me to follow when I suspect use of AI, but for now, it's the wild west and it is in your best interest to avoid a showdown with me.
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lanabanana79 · 8 months
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goblin-grandee · 3 months
I can't believe I'm also doing this
But if this post gets 5K notes (impossible) by April (still impossible) then I'll start a gimmick blog chosen by a poll
Edit: goal changed to 1k because I don't think it's possible to reach 5k. If I do though, I'll add more options to the poll.
Edit 2: YOU MADLADS DID IT! I won't start the poll until April anyways, in case you somehow get to 5k.
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meerealsssss · 3 months
if this gets 3.35k notes then i'll try to work some more on editing my book, i'll befriend the trans student teacher, i'll practice more art, and i'll try to find out who i am.
no one is gonna see this and i doubt this will reach 3k
not tagging anyone because people are scary
deadline: march first (@cannedworma's birthday :3)
edit: okay guys we got to the number
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lxvenderjewel · 2 months
gotta do one of these
10 notes and I’ll drink a glass of water ✅
50 and I’ll start making decorations for my room (origami)
100 and I’ll get a beginners crochet kit
200 and I’ll start working on one of my songs
1k and I’ll crochet something for my crush
10k and I’ll post the song once it’s done
20k and I’ll confess to her in April
im scared to death of my fam so praying this doesn’t get on their dash! 🙏💞
edit: oh dear lord. Rip to my notifs. Why did I do this.
edit 2: you all got to 1k too quickly im changing the final goal for my sanity
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a-mushroom-wizard · 7 months
5k notes and I'll stop putting off cleaning my room.
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