#Elevate your snack game
gbsbbq · 7 months
Satisfy Your Snack Cravings with Homemade Smoked Cheetos
Introduction: Cheetos are a beloved snack with their irresistible crunch and cheesy flavor. But have you ever thought about taking them to the next level by infusing them with smoky goodness? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make your own homemade smoked Cheetos for a unique and delicious snack experience. Ingredients: Cheetos (any flavor you prefer) Wood chips for smoking (hickory,…
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easternbloc1985 · 8 months
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Smoky Cocktails
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vanishasview · 8 months
Elevate Your Snacking Game: Peanut Butter's Perfect Partners
Snacking just got a whole lot better, thanks to the irresistible pairing of peanut butter with various delectable treats. Peanut butter is a versatile and beloved spread, and when combined with these snacks, it’s a match made in snacking heaven. Get ready to discover a world of flavor with these fantastic combinations. 1. Apples: The Classic Combo The classic pairing of apple slices and peanut…
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Skewers of Korean Rice Cake, Tteok kkochi ddeogggoci
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
[Matt: What are your favorite GM snacks?]
"Let me be clear. This was put into this fucking questionnaire to come for me. And I'm going to explain something. If you're at home and you're afraid to tell your gaming group that you're a snacker, I've got your back, okay? Because it's okay to fucking snack, all right? When you're out there--some of us SWEAT from the MOMENT we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Some of our boooddiiess are betraying us constantly. Would I have chosen this paper white, fur covered, constantly sweating body? No! I wouldn't have. Does it require constant almonds? YES. Almonds all the time, okay? And I'm not going to apologize because these two fucking elevated beings, these two hovering (what are the pre-Skeksis, pre-mystic light beings from the Dark Crystal?)--YOU TWO! SOME OF US ARE POD PEOPLE, OKAY? I'm a little PODDLING. And I need to snack! If I could have another MOUTH in my back so that I could--the BIGGEST obstacle in my GM-ing, ALL RIGHT, is that the same place I talk from is where the food needs to go!"
[Matt: well we know what to get him for christmas]
"A mouth in my back! So that I can have a friend shoveling SALAMI into an open furnace in my torso while I narrate. AND I'M NOT SORRY. I LIKE TO SNACK.
To answer your question, almonds."
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adelheidvonschicksal · 3 months
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⋆。°✩ Do Roommates Sleep Together?
“We’d be roommates, much better than neighbors,” you manage to explain, proud when you hold firm, but the delicate foundation you built cracks when his laugh highlights the room. You could nearly melt. “Do roommates sleep together too?”
Synopsis: Your relationship with Xavier is unconventional, skipping and trampling on the many proper steps society deems appropriate. It should take months to form the trust needed to sleep together, and it should take years for you to ask him to move in with you.
Yet, here you are, with more courage to ask him to live with you than to tell him you’re in love with him.
Content Warning: fluff, suggestive dialogue, pining, literal sleeping together, a lot of internal exposition, mild angst, hurt/comfort, acquaintances to friends to lovers, implied soulmate tomfoolery to justify the fast burn, small references to chapter 4 main story, Heartstring Symphony, Nighttime Stroll, Shooting Stars Myth, and Unit 602's Representative Phone Call, Xavier sucks at following the non-interference policy (he tried his best), female reader, 6.5k words, safe for work
A/N: First section before Warm Wishes/Dreams within Reach tender moments and second section after Close Feelings tender moment to give a better timeframe. This is going to be two parts with the second part NSFW.
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“Do you want to hang out at my place?” 
Your smile begins to flatten as Xavier stares at you from his doorway. There’s a listless energy radiating from him. It’s intimidating even if there’s no anger behind his hooded gaze, the kind of intimidation where you’re afraid he might not be listening to you or even wants to listen to you.
“This new scary movie came out. Tara was supposed to watch with me, but she had a last-minute thing to take care of,” you explain, watching as he yawns and wipes his eyes. “So, I thought that maybe you’d like to watch with me instead. Or, we can do something else. I got games. Monopoly, Phase 10, Kitty Cards.” 
Xavier rubs at the back of his neck, refusing to meet your eye. “Are you sure you want it to be just the two of us?” 
There are many things to be said about your relationship with Xavier. You’re work partners, neighbors in the same apartment complex, and you consider him your friend. It’s also true that your friendship is young despite the many hours at the arcade together and whatever stories your co-workers like to imagine, making your offer sound more like a date invitation than hanging out. It causes you to go tongue-tied as your innocent mistake blankets you.
“Oh, not in that way! I mean not that it would be a bad thing.” You start to lose your composure when you meet his gaze again. It’s not like you wouldn’t go on a date with him if given the opportunity. He’s tall, soft-spoken, and very handsome. It’s more surprising he doesn't have a girlfriend. “I was thinking it could be a good way to foster friendship between hunters. Yeah, that’s it!”
The truth was that you were looking for something to distract yourself ever since the incident at your grandmother’s house. Tara having to cancel bummed you out more than you wanted to admit, but you didn’t want him to agree because he felt sorry for you.
“I understand,” Xavier cuts in. “I’d be happy to join you…in an hour,” he finishes with another small yawn. 
“Great!” you cheer. “See you soon.”
When you make it back to the elevator, you’re taken aback about how happy you are that he agreed. You thought you were simply happy not to have to be alone on your day off, but this was a different kind of satisfaction than when you invited Tara. It was a little strange but you ignored the thought and clicked the button to your floor. 
When Xavier arrives, everything goes as planned. You spread out an array of snacks on the table in front of the sofa, which your selection seems to be approved by how quickly he opens the package of chips and hums to himself when he takes a bite. 
“This is supposed to be super scary! I read you won’t sleep for days after,” you tell him, grabbing the remote to play the movie. 
“For days? Sounds awful,” Xavier mentions between bites, making you chuckle. 
“If you get scared, you always have me to protect you.” 
“I’m more worried about you than me,” he mouths off. “You always look like a statue when I tell you scary stories.”
“Fake movies and stories based on real places are different!”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he agrees on the surface. You’re not sure how you only make friends with people who love to tease you, but you make no mention of it as the movie finally reaches its opening sequence. 
It doesn’t take long for you to realize this movie’s fear factor was greatly over exaggerated. There were monsters, sure, but also one too many jump scares and dark scenes that made it hard to tell what was happening. Fighting wanderers for a living did leave you a bit desensitized as well, you guess. 
As you reach to fill in your boredom with more chips, you can’t help but notice how Xavier looks like he’s about to give out any second. His eyes are drooping and his head bobbing to the side. You lose count of how many times he forces his limp body straight and strains to watch the movie playing on the screen, one agonizingly slow blink at a time.
“I’m fine,” he says before you can bring up how tired he looks.
“It’s not a big deal, Xavier. This movie is pretty boring, so if you wanna call it a night, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings.” You don’t want him to leave yet but you don't want to keep him up either. Sighing, you’re frustrated the movie isn’t as exciting as you thought it would be, and it’s difficult to fight the disappointment from showing on your face. 
And, well, Xavier…
“It’s alright. It’s honestly not bad, so—”
Xavier doesn’t even finish his sentence before his head hangs over. In hindsight, you start to realize that you must have woken him up earlier, explaining his prior passiveness.
You always wondered what he did on the days he wasn’t working. It should’ve been apparent to you that he spends most of his free time sleeping. No wonder his apartment was always so quiet during the day. You’re thankful he wasn’t actually annoyed at you earlier but guilty for interrupting his rest and decide to grab him a blanket.
You don’t notice him tilting to the side before you have the chance to get up. It’s quick after that. Without warning, he falls into you, his head brushing the side of your shoulder before he collapses on top of your lap.
The situation takes you by surprise, and the world churns to a slow stop. The sounds from the television fade into the background in favor of your heartbeat becoming the thing you’re most aware of when it registers that Xavier, a man you recently can call a friend, has fallen asleep in your lap. You have no idea what to do in a situation like this. It isn’t on purpose, so there’s no need to blow up, but you can’t allow this to continue.
So, you choose to wake him up.
“Xavier,” you call and rock his shoulder. You call his name again, a third time, and finally give up when he doesn’t budge by the fourth. “Would it be too mean to roll him off?” you wonder, grimacing as you imagine him hitting the floor. It would definitely be too mean.
Sighing, you gaze at his face nuzzled too comfortably against your thighs. Xavier looks so incredibly soft like this, bundled in an oversized Blanchi hoodie. It isn’t anything you’re not used to seeing him in. However, this is different. With his hair strewn across his temple and his face so at ease, it reminds you of a big fluffy bunny flopped over for an evening nap. Just like a cuddly bunny, you can’t resist petting him, brushing your fingers across his bangs to fix them. Your heart flutters as you confirm his hair is incredibly soft and his pale eyelashes longer than you ever noticed.
Not able to restrain yourself, you gently poke his cheek, marveling when it’s much chubbier than you imagined. It causes him to moan, his eyes twitching from the intrusion.
“Mm…what?” he groans out.
Swiftly, you pull your hand away, frightened he might have caught you.
“I wasn’t doing anything,” you stammer out, not the best of excuses; but in your defense, he caught you off-guard by waking up from something so small. When he doesn’t respond again, you quickly realize he’s still asleep. “Oh, he sleep talks!”
A mischievous wave washes over you from the new piece of information you acquired. Teasingly, you poke his cheek again, giggling when he shifts to hide his eyes from the light.
“Xavier, I have a question to ask you.” You slide your fingertips along his bangs once more. “Be honest. Are you Lumiere?”
Patiently, you wait for a response. However, nothing comes after several seconds. Just when you’re about to give up hope, you hear him muttering. You lean your head closer, hoping to hear him better.
“Red…” he mumbles.
You repeat after him. “Red?”
“Red…extra spicy.”
You blink at him, knitting your brows. “Extra spicy?”
Oh. The hot pot restaurant.
“Dreaming about food? That tracks.” You shrug. It was worth a shot. “Fine, keep your secrets.”
Choosing to leave him be, you’re about to sit back and continue the movie except you are interrupted by him mumbling again. This time, he whispers your name quietly under his breath causing your undivided attention to fall on him.
“Yes?” you ask.
Xavier sighs softly, peacefully.
“Come home…with me…”
There must be a world record for how fast someone can heat up, and you must have broken it. It’s like someone threw you directly into boiling oil and left you to burn in it. There’s no way you heard him correctly.
Did Xavier really ask you to come home…with him? Is he dreaming about you? If so, in what kind of dream? And why?
These are the questions stumping you. Sure, you consider him your friend, but when did he start to see you as someone close to him?
The more important question is why aren’t you doing anything about it? You aren’t angry about him whispering your name in his sleep nor offended, and it didn’t feel out of place to be close to him, like this, with his head resting in your lap and your hand in his hair. The moment becomes nicer and nicer—treasured—the more times you run it through your head, familiar even, like déjà vu.
There are too many variables for your brain to piece it all together in such a short amount of time. Praying for the tempest battering your emotional insides to reside, you resign yourself to your fate, allowing him to have his peace while your mind completely focuses on the words slipping from his dreams.
When Xavier begins to stir hours later, your movie is long finished, credits rolling as some dramatic music plays in the background. His eyes tighten then relax before he finally opens them, greeting you with hazy blue. He lifts himself into a stretch then rubs his eyes with his wrist. When he finally adjusts to his surroundings, he looks at you with an apologetic sulk.
“Did I…fall asleep on you?” he asks, grogginess still riding his voice.
“Literally or figuratively?” you ask as a joke, but it doesn’t seem to comfort him. Shaking your head, you try to ease the tension—the one known by him and the tension inside of yourself—by laughing. “It was both.”
Xavier blinks a few times, turns his head to the screen to see the credits rolling, and snaps his eyes back on you questioningly. “And you let me for two hours?”
“You looked really tired,” you explain, ignoring how hot your cheeks start to get. You couldn’t tell him you got distracted by his cute face. “I didn’t want to move and wake you.”
“I don’t wake that easily,” he states, proudly even. You almost tell him how well everyone knows he can sleep through a typhoon, but it’s drowned underneath the softness of his smile. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”
The look he gives you is so tender, like looking at a fond memory. It brings back the fluttering knots in your stomach from before as you imagine what could be the true reason behind that gaze. What could he possibly be thinking in his waking moments that would make him dream about you?
“Xavier, do you know you talk in your sleep?” The confused and panicked, deer caught in headlights expression, he gives causes you to fidget with your fingers and drop your gaze to your lap where they lay.
His face tinges slightly. “Nothing too embarrassing I hope.”
You bite your bottom lip as his face reddens. He looks so sweetly shy for once, and you’re starting to question if you’re overreacting by confronting him about something as silly as a dream, one that probably didn’t mean much.
“You tried to order food in your sleep!” you tell him with a small laugh, and his shyness melts away.
“I did? What did I get?”
“Red sauce. Extra Spicy.”
“Then, I guess that’s what I’ll get for dinner tonight,” he remarks. He doesn’t laugh but you can see the amusement reflected in blue eyes, which makes you return his happiness. Yet, the calm moment is short-lived as your mind becomes overwhelmed again by questions you were too nervous to ask; and a small piece of you, too afraid to know the answer.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, drawing you out of your rampant, clashing thoughts. “You look sick.”
“I do?”
He nods, his expression softening.
”Are you still thinking about everything?" he pauses, his worry becoming more visible as he looks at you. "It must be difficult.” Your head blanks at his words. You weren’t aware Xavier gave you enough attention to notice your mood was different. You thought you did okay coming to terms with everything at least while at work to where he wouldn’t notice. 
“It’s been a pretty rough week, weeks, actually. I haven’t been sleeping well either,” you agree, struggling to keep your mind anywhere else but there. You’re sure you must look exhausted though. Your under eyes have been darker, the days you could convince Jenna you didn’t need any more leave a bit sluggish, and even Zayne warned you not to lose yourself in grief. It’s easier said than done.
What you don’t expect is for Xavier to grab your wrist and pull you closer.
Xavier normally isn’t the one to draw you, or others for that matter, to him. You’re the one who's been taking the steps to get to know more about him. Offering to help him get his plushie, bargaining with him into becoming your partner, asking him to watch movies with you, while he always seems to keep you a little at arms length, not opening up as much as you wish when sharing stories even when sometimes he looks like he desperately wants to before deciding against it.
Your eyes widen when your nose hits the side of his chest. It's strange to have him be the one pulling, failing to keep his boundaries and also testing them. You don’t want to push him away though. You liked this. Maybe because he was handsome. You hear pretty people can get away with anything, but it feels like more than that. Tara might have been right. Maybe you do have a crush on him but you didn’t care the reason right now when it’s so comforting. You can feel his muscles underneath the thick, warm fabric of his hoodie, and the clothing smells so nice. You can’t help thinking he definitely feels like a bunny too.
“Sleeping is much better with someone.” 
“How do you know?” you mumble against him.
“Well, I just had the best sleep I’ve had in days thanks to you. So, allow me to return the favor. I’ll be your pillow this time,” he offers; and surprisingly, your eyes do feel oddly heavy when his soothing voice reaches you. “Relax. I promise not to move for at least two hours, but you can take more if you like.”
”How kind,” you say with a smile, and it feels genuine.
Once again, you get the same familiar sensation from before, that same odd suspicion this has happened once before—or rather it’s supposed to happen? You’re too tired to think about it. You close your eyes to the most blissful dreams you’ve had in weeks.
When you wake up again, it’s not by choice. Xavier is looking down at you, his arm gently wrapped around your shoulders as your head lays on his chest. Your mind is still trapped halfway between being awake and asleep when he begins to talk.
“Welcome back. Did you sleep well?”
You nod. “Real well actually."
Xavier says something else but your tired mind misses the majority of it aside from the fact it’s getting late.
“You can spend the night if you want,” you tell him, allowing sleep to win back over as you try to close your eyes again, but he lifts you away from him, your head swaying with the motion until you find a place to prop your forehead on his shoulder. Your mind echoes with the thought of how soft his hoodie is and how you need one like it as you try to drift back off. Xavier is right. Sleeping with someone else is better, and this closeness you’ve been missing since you lost your family makes you needy. 
“It probably wouldn’t be appropriate.”
For some reason, it hurts to think he's back to pushing you away. Even though, it shouldn't.
“But you didn’t get a chance to watch the movie,” you reply, looking for an excuse for him not to leave. “It’s a 48-hour rental, so we can try again.”
Xavier shakes his head, gently poking at your forehead to force your head back. “I’m sure it’ll be twice as boring for you the second time.”
“If we watch it together…”
He meets your foggy gaze apologetically. “I don’t think we’d get very far.” 
“We won’t know until we try,” you argue drowsily. 
“You don’t look like you’d make it another ten minutes. You belong in bed.”
“I can,” you whimper as the too-bright lights of the overhead fan hit you. 
“Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result,” he murmurs softly, almost teasingly until his tone takes on a seriousness you’re too lethargic to grasp, “Isn’t that insanity?”
“I like to call it determination. Who knows? Maybe this will be the time it works,” you joke. Instead of the smile you expected the look on his face is pensive and a little sad, like you touched a delicate spot. The sudden remorse wakes you up almost immediately. “Xavier?”
When he realizes you’re watching him, the longing in his gaze melts into something you can’t describe, other than the fact it makes your heart climb in your throat. 
“Alright,” he agrees, much to your surprise and relief. “Let’s try again…but tomorrow.”
Frowning, you avert your gaze, which makes him pet your head. 
“Don’t pout. Tonight, I’ll stay until you fall asleep again.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, moving back to rest your head against his chest.
Maybe your grandma wouldn’t have liked you getting so close to a man you didn’t know much about so quickly. Caleb would at least have a few questions, but your intuition tells you that you’re making the right choice when his arm goes back around you. As you start to drift off, you can swear you hear Xavier laughing at you under his breath. “You’re as impossible to say no to as always.”
You’re not entirely sure what time Xavier went back to his apartment that night, but the next morning you wake in your bed, looking forward to seeing him again. You only hope the sweet and confusing fact that you’re in love with him, of the parts he shows you when you’re alone, stays in your dreams the next night and the many nights following that you share with him.
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Over the months, as your relationship with Xavier grows stronger, you find it common to share many things with each other. You play online games, house sit for one another, grow strawberries, and usually go home together after your deepspace trials. Most interestingly, you two take naps together on your days off sometimes, nothing sexual about it despite what Tara and her Tarot cards believe. Sure, there might have been questionable situations, but it was all innocent in the end. It's often a short nap in the afternoon after running errands or having lunch together. It's one of those days that you finally build the courage to bring up what's been on your mind for a while now. 
It's late when it happens.
The skyscraper lights begin to glow through your balcony door, blinking out the gentle shimmering of distant stars that managed to cut through the trickling rain earlier in the evening. It’s a little disappointing to lose sight of the stars. They’d become a comfort for you in the time you’ve spent with your friend. You'd never given them much thought before then.
The downpour of rain splattering against the glass panels of the balcony makes the city lights milkier to your sight and the steady dripping of water returns some form of calmness when paired with your neighbor’s breathing next to you.
It’s deep and warm, ushering you towards the world of dreams. Everything about Xavier is like a white noise or a desperately needed hug, which is why you’re curled up at his side in this bed that’s too small for the both of you. You didn’t care, and you suspected Xavier didn’t either.
He didn’t mention the smallness of the bed when you offered to take a nap together nor when your head found the bulge of his bicep to use as your pillow. You didn’t give him time to respond when one of your hands slid across his lean chest, reaching for his always subtle pulse. You find the lazy pattering easy to count while the heat in the sheets become much more apparent when you feel the weight of his touch cradle that very same hand to his chest as if promising every beat to you.
Everything about the situation causes your eyes to flutter with tiredness, but you want to savor this moment a little longer. In case this is all an elaborate dream. You hope to death it’s not. So, you force your eyes to remain open, releasing a soft sigh instead as you cuddle into his arm.
Too soon, you feel Xavier slipping further away from you.
You don’t want him to go yet. More than ever, a force inside you needs him to stay tonight, and you lock your grip on the white knit shirt he wears. You tug him back over to you to close this unbearable distance he made. The few little inches he moved were more than enough to cause your heart to yearn.
“Not yet,” you want to plead but make it a soft demand. “I just found the perfect spot.” You muffle the neediness of your requests into his skin, though your head is afraid that somehow he’ll feel it.
“You always use that excuse.”
“And it’s always true. So, no moving,” you order.
Xavier gives in so wonderfully quickly. Your heart is rapidly firing when the corners of his lips turn into his usual waif-like smile. You fail at hiding your satisfaction at his surrender, pressing more of your weight against him, in a sure sign to him that you have no intention of letting him escape any time soon.
“I take this to mean you’re finally admitting it’s your fault we didn’t do our errands today?”
“I never said that,” you disagree half-heartedly. “And don't pretend like you weren't the one who kept saying he didn't feel like getting up earlier.”
“And now that I do, you won’t let me up. Am I right? Why’s that?”
There’s a beat skipping in your chest when he asks. His tone is light and open, easy to treat as a teasing joke but also firm enough to be taken seriously. That was always your trouble with him. You could never quite tell what he was thinking and when he was serious. Xavier is hard to understand sometimes, sometimes vague and sometimes very straightforward in his words; and lately, you think he’s consistently more hot than cold towards you ever since the first time you've slept together.
You like to think this development is a good thing. People who knew you always said you worked a little too hard, a little too observant, overly energetic despite your fragile heart; but with Xavier, you could relax. Moments like these: when his arm was around you and when his breath was at the side of your neck, the soft words he speaks in his sleep dancing in your mind, were the moments when patrolling for wanderers and every loss in your life from your family to your problematic heart dissipated into the back of your mind for a few hours.
It isn’t an exaggeration to believe his influence must have been the cause, at least when it comes to this. But your influence is seeping into him as well. Given his loner habits when you first met and his frequent disappearing acts, you never pictured him as one to be so sweet and considerate and adorably charming in a way.
However, you can’t tell him that you enjoy…sleeping with him. You have a strong feeling he already knows how much you like him. Or, you’d like to think he does with the way he constantly seems to hint at it. He can make you flustered with a few words and easily leave you guessing if you’re reading too much into his actions or if he’s really that good at baiting you. It could also be a little of column A and a little of column B, which somehow makes you more antsy around him. Like how you feel now when his eyes meet yours.
“It’s supposed to be cold tonight,” you whisper. It’s a poor excuse but the only one you can use to defend yourself. “They say the best way to fend off the chill is body heat. Who better for that task than you, dear partner?”
“Many things, I assume, a portable heater comes to mind,” he says, and you don’t need to look at him to know he’s slyly teasing you behind that naive tone.
“Right, right, those things,” you grumble causing him to laugh as you hide your bashful face against him. “So loud, you know?”
“Are they? Alright, then five more minutes should be doable,” he says in the same low voice that makes your insides boil before his arm lowers to curl around your back. “Although, you’re too comfortable.”
His ears tinge in a lovely rose-colored blush, and you shudder when he finally fails to maintain eye contact and quickly scans your body. It’s slow enough for you to catch though. It makes your chest tight as you watch his quiet inhale and the murky flash of want dye his eyes shades darker before they fade back into clear pools of blue, big and pleading as he studies your face. 
“I might end up falling asleep here.”
It’s a warning, to make you think about the meaning of your actions, you think. However, this isn’t the first time this has happened nor the first time you spent a rainy day inside with each other; the kitchen counter lined with empty take-out trays, with his body heat radiating into you while a long-forgotten movie plays in the background.
It’ll continue like that until one of you is finally coherent enough after drowsy naps to try to piece together who fell asleep on whom first or who is making the other too hot. Neither of you wants to accept the fault without a lot of bickering; that’s if Xavier doesn’t fall back asleep mid-debate.
Even this time, you’re not sure who managed to drift off to sleep first earlier but neither of you tried to get up, let alone leave the house, until now. Ah, but it was your idea to use the bed this time, wasn’t it?
But it was his choice to agree.
Even now, he looks very peaceful nestled with you, and he still whispers your name in his sleep sometimes, which reminds you of the first time you slept together and he dreamt about wanting you to come home with him.
When you’re like this, you want the same thing. You want him to come home…with you.
“Xavier?” you ask quietly. You wonder if he’s fallen asleep already like he said. Carefully, you free your hand from his hold, slide it up his chest, and begin to draw smooth circles with your pointer finger once you reach his cheek. There’s a soft response from him, barely a moan but it’s enough to know he’s not out of it yet, at least not completely. “I’ve been thinking.”
The air is suddenly stifling when he engulfs the top of your hand with his own, holding it tighter as if he’s upset that you moved it out of his grasp in the first place, but it’s not the case as he affectionately seals your palm against his cheek.
“About what?”
The look he gives you makes it hard not to stumble over your thoughts like a schoolgirl despite being very much an adult.
“Wouldn’t…” You pause to steady your voice; you have to force yourself to not avoid his gaze, but each small movement makes your throat tighten. There’s no doubt you have his full attention now, at least what little remains of it. “Wouldn’t it be easier if we…move in together?”
You’re not sure where the courage to ask him a question like that comes from when you’re too unsure to even confess or to ask what the two of you even are but you didn’t have this fear of rejection until now.
“How would it be easier?”
“Well,” you start, unsure why you’re surprised that he’d want a reason. “We’re always visiting one another, and you made me your representative at the tenant meetings, so everyone already treats us like we’re a combined unit. It would also save me trips on watering your plants when you’re away or when you want to come over to eat. We could save money. Money that could be spent at the arcade or on more hot pot.”
There’s a quiet atmosphere that makes you too uneasy. The thrumming of rain grows louder in it along with the beating in your chest that’s telling you that this was stupid. Is it possible to be drunk on endorphins? Perhaps that’s what gave you the idea to ask something so foolish; you’d have to get Zayne to examine your empty head and tell you.
But then, Xavier smiles.
“Those are good reasons especially more hot pot, and I’m sure all the plushies would feel better if they shared a home again.”
Your anxiety lessens and you share in his smile. Luckily, you managed not to ruin everything it looks like.
“But.” Slowly, the inklings of self-doubt begin to return. A but. There’s always one of those. You should’ve expected as much. “If we move in together then we wouldn’t really be “neighbors” anymore.”
“Oh, um—” You become staggered by his observation, even more so when he interlocks your fingers. It’s another time when you’re not entirely sure if he’s being serious or not. His innocent puppy-eyed expression doesn’t help you differentiate either. It always makes your mind wander to more inappropriate topics—like the fact Xavier told you he didn’t believe that other neighbors acted like you two. The memory nearly makes you squirm. In this position, you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. “We’d be roommates, much better than neighbors,” you manage to explain, proud when you hold firm, but that delicate foundation cracks when his laugh highlights the room. You could nearly melt.
“Do roommates sleep together too?”
There’s a shine of amusement that makes his face glow and heat claw higher up your neck. You know the question should be taken literally but when he words it like that…with that warm implicative inflection to his voice, you’re unable to think properly, and you realize that maybe you made a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t have given him the benefit of the doubt this time.
“I’m sure some do,” you answer with some courage, “I’d imagine at least once a week.”
“I believe we’re up to twice a week now. So, if we become roommates, I think we have to do it at least that many times, otherwise I’m afraid I’m going to have to reject your offer.”
“Two times?” you repeat, silently begging the flapping of butterflies in your stomach to calm down at the suggestion, at the implication that he enjoys sleeping with you just as much as you do with him. It makes this strong emotion in your chest blossom even further. “I can manage that.”
“Additional proposal,” he interrupts suddenly. “Perhaps, three times? I can even throw in a pair of those fuzzy socks that I can never manage to find after you visit,” he adds coyly.
“Oh, I’m sure they’re around your apartment somewhere,” you quickly respond before releasing the buildup of nervous air in your lungs. You smile. “Proposal accepted. Shared naps three times a week minimum.”
“In that case,” he breathes in softly, and he slips his hand down releasing all your fingers except for your pinky that he wraps into his own. “I think I would like to be your roommate.”
Inside, there’s unadulterated joy beginning to flood you. You know that this agreement will require a more in-depth discussion that Xavier will probably try to gloss over but this is enough for you right now.
“We should take tonight to practice for our move.”
Confused, you raise your eyebrows. “Practice?”
He nods.
“Sleeping together overnight. We did a few times before, well, only twice in the same bed, once in yours and once in mine,” he explains. You definitely have the clearest memory of that time, of bandaging his wounds, of cluelessly pinning him down shirtless on his bed before he turned the tables on you, and then—you remind yourself to resist going over the details, not with him this close to you. Somehow, Xavier is the one who looks the most insecure between the two of you. Finally, he whispers, “I haven’t forgotten even if it was a long time ago.”
His eyes are half-lidded, cloudy with thought. Something about him looks restrained and longing but it disappears when you finally swallow your swelling emotions and call out his name. There’s a twinkle of adoration that blows away whatever doubt there as he focuses on you again.
“I think about it when I have a hard time sleeping on overnight missions.” Xavier turns and slides his arm from under your head, choosing to lay on his side to face you. “It makes it a lot easier to rest in the hunting zones when you have good memories like that. So, it's nice to have a chance to make more."
“I don’t think I could fall asleep at all if I thought of something like that,” you admit, as close to an admission of your love for him as you could muster without mountains of alcohol. “I’d just think about how much I’d rather be home with them.”
“And now? Are you having trouble sleeping?” he asks huskily, and you have to fight not to keep staring at his lips and the dire need to kiss them as you breathe each other in. You reach out, touching his bare collar then instinctively searching for his slow pulse, counting it to calm yourself from the rush of adrenaline building in you.
You’re not even sure when you breathed out the “yes” that echoes softly from your mouth. His lips are so close to yours that you’re sure he could catch it in his breath if he wanted.
“How about I tell you a story to help you fall asleep?” He sees your hesitation and laughs under his breath. “I promise it’ll be much better than the last one.”
Accepting his offer, you agree to listen to him.
Xavier nods and gently swoops the back of his hand against your forehead and then your cheek before cupping it. There’s a gentle squeeze, and you think you understand why he likes it so much when you do it.
“Once, there was a beautiful queen and a knight,” he begins. “They lived together in a palace far away.”
“And they fall in love and live happily ever after?” you question, too busy in the full and fuzzy sensations filling your being to hold back.
“No, they were separated from each other for a long time,” Xavier corrects but his expression softens at the trickling concern building on your face. “Don’t worry. They meet again and become neighbors.”
“And then?”
“They become roommates,” he states matter-of-factly, which causes you to chuckle at him. You can’t even be bothered to care that he’s poking fun at you.
“Then, happily ever after?”
“I don’t know yet,” he answers, causing you to frown and your face to wrinkle with a sullen expression. His head tilts further into the plush of the pillow. “But you can help me figure out the ending.”
Feeling exhausted from the cathartic flow of emotions from him to you, you wiggle into him and throw your arm across his waist. “There’d probably be a lot of naps and stargazing involved,” you mumble before a tiny yawn.
“Sounds like a happy ending to me. It's good to finally see it,” he agrees, and you sigh when you feel a strong squeeze around your waist. “Although, you forgot to mention the part where the queen promises to not get out of bed without waking him this time.”
You giggle. “She promises not to get up without her knight.”
Content, he hums. "Do you think you'll be able to sleep now?"
"I think so after a story like that," you confess, reaching out to brush his hair back so you can see his eyes more clearly. "Then again, I always sleep good with you."
"You’ll sleep best when we're close, right?"
You gasp when he shifts on top of you. His lips briefly brush your forehead, by accident or not, you can’t tell as he pins you between himself and the bed. With a stutter, you call out his name yet he pays no heed as he nuzzles his head into your hair.
“Good night, roommate.”
“Xav-!” You pout when he instantly slumps against you. There’s no point trying to wake him up now that his five minutes of alertness have long expired.
Settling your chin against the top of his shoulder, you hook your arms under his to hug him against your chest. Your forearms settle at his mid-back as you hold him close so you can gently brush the ends of his hair.
When you ultimately decide to give in minutes after him, it’s to the warmth of his weight on top of you, the tickle of his hair against your forehead, and the increased pulsing of his heart. Xavier was right, this is too comfortable. Letting your eyes fall close, you wonder if three times a week would really be enough to satisfy this strangely familiar craving. You only wish that the two of you could meet in your dreams like he says, but it's enough knowing you'll have each other in the morning and then on.
“…Good night, Xavier. Sweet dreams,” you whisper before you too give into sleep’s spell.
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
hi!!! Hope today is treating u good
I was thinking about your ask about the monster141 and readers hobbies, and how gaz tries to be your favorite
In that group dynamic, what would happen if reader started having a favorite? Whether by accident or she just happens to get along with one of them more than the others, how does the 141 pack deal with that?
And even more evil...what if reader was doing it on purpose? Even if she's not being honest about her "favorite" she likes to make them mad/jealous to get what she wants ?
Anyway just wanted to present the thought, please don't stress about answering ❤️
Take care!
Smart reader!! Hehehe!!! Ouf of everyone, Gaz and Soap are the ones with a RAGING praise kink. they might be cocky as hell and receive a lot of praise from the higher-ups, but they still want to get it from you too, their pretty little petmate. They love getting together with you, and they would definitely fight for your attention - especially since, being from a grounded and elevated species, they can give you things that no other duo could. Gaz drags you on the most beautiful flights, while Soap is the softest guy for nesting - they know that you will pick up one eventually, and, despite them being very smart in their military fields, they end up falling for your game...Kyle could be more cunning than anyone else in the pack, but he would still give you the moon and the stars if you would as much as to just give him a bit more attention...and Soap would allow you to go out if you just scratch him behind his ear and call him a good boy. If you ended up liking Gaz more, Soap is the one who is dragging you out, allowing you to walk without a leash and enjoy (somewhat) freedom. If you like Soap more, then Gaz will bring you whole pounds of golden jewelry, of shiny gifts - from candies to little rings. You can play with them for so long, preferring one over the other when it's convenient, but... Oh, neither Price or Ghost are having it. if they can see that you're just a smart little thing who is manipulating them, you'd get a spanking of your life. Price forces you out of every gift you have, making you sleep in a tiny and uncomfortable bed along with other communal pets in the compound - if you want to be a dumb girlie who can't understand what privileges she has as their wife, you might as well see how others are doing. You wouldn't survive a week without fancy fabrics and pretty gifts - and without your favorite snacks, of course. If you're ready to apologize and stop playing favorites, Ghost could sneak up at night and...cool you down before you're finally caving in and begging Price to let you return. As a punishment, you'd lose all of your free roaming privileges - a pretty dumb pet should know her place, and so you are nothing but a little breeding mare for a few weeks - your pussy being pounded by all four of them until the seed takes and you're fucked out dumb, so you'll never pull a scheme like this again.
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honeyboylovee · 5 months
‘Sleep well, baby’
Pairing: Wonwoo x gn!reader
Word count: 600ish
Genre: established relationship!AU, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I had this in my drafts for way too long. I had my exams and just couldn’t finish it. So here it is now that I’ve a little time. Feedbacks are very appreciated. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading.
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The sound of the elevator dinging reaches your ears. You have reached your floor. With the last ounce of energy you have in yourself, you drag your aching feet till you reach your apartment door.
As you enter, you notice Wonwoo’s shoes in the shoe rack. He is home early today, you think. You take off your shoes and hang your coat before moving towards the kitchen. You’re hungry and there’s food. That’s all you see. The last meal you had was seven hours ago. You really have faced the consequences of not carrying a snack to your work today.
He’s wearing his headphones and the bright light from his monitor illuminates his face. He doesn’t notice you yet. On reaching near his gaming chair, you gently place your hand on his shoulder so you don’t startle him. His attention shifts from the game and almost immediately, his smile that you love so much graces his face.
He pulls you on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. Soon after, he saves his progress in the game that he was playing and exits it. Now all his attention is focused on you.
‘How was your day, baby?’, he asks you.
‘Long, like really fucking long. I haven’t even showered yet because I was starving and just wanted to eat.’
‘Hm…I understand. You worked for almost 12 hours today, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, I did! And you know what, my lame excuse of a boss still thinks that’s not enough.’, you say with a raised voice as you let your frustration out.
‘No way! Does he want you to live in your cubicle now?’, Wonwoo exclaims, completely invested in your rant about your senior.
You chuckle at his comment. If there’s one thing Wonwoo is the best at, it is to validate your frustration. He never makes you feel unheard even though sometimes your rants become repetitive.
‘I don’t knowww’, you whine, as you snuggle your head into his shoulder. The warmth he radiates immediately comforts you. One of his palms shifts to draw little shapes on your arm. On nights like these, all you want to do is to sleep in his arms with his scent and warmth engulfing you. The rythmic thumping of his heart calms you down.
‘Want me to run a bath for you, baby?’
‘Mhm no, gonna shower real quick..’, you say as you get up from his lap.
‘Gonna wait for you in the bedroom, hm?’, he says sweetly.
‘Yeah baby, I’ll be super quick so I can be in bed faster’
Shower was tiring, to say the least. All you did was stand under the showerhead for ten minutes like that would get rid of all the dirt from the day. As you got out, you saw Wonwoo laying on the bed with his phone and his glasses on. He was wearing a white shirt looking comfy as ever. You rushed the process of putting on your night clothes. And now, you could be in bed. Finally, you could be with your boyfriend who looked so comfy from afar.
‘This is the best part of my day’, you whispered.
‘Sleep well, baby’, he told you, eager for you to get some rest.
As you slipped into a slumber listening to his heart beat, Wonwoo made a mental point to let you sleep in on the weekend and get your favourite food delivered.
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Fred Weasley as a boyfriend 💥🦁
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this troublemaker yet funnier and sexy twin could include:
He's very affectionate in a playful kind of way, for example, he can pick you up like a ragdoll and would playfully threaten to throw you in the black lake, tackle hugs, rest his chin right on top of your head because he's built like a tree, smacks your ass, pinch your cheeks and harmless prank here and there to make you laugh.
He's lowkey the jealous type but plays it off well and hides it away from you because if you caught him jealous he knows you'll never drop it.
Still flirts and tease you like you guys aren't already dating. Sending a wink and smile your way and whispering dirty yet clever pickup lines all the time to see you blush.
Him being lowkey a bad influence on you by taking you along and breaking the school rules to pull pranks, but somehow the best memories that the two of you have together are of breaking rules and being silly teenagers together.
Pulling faces, sending notes, hitting you with paper balls at you during classes to get your attention if he isn't sitting next to you, because if there's anything that Fred loves most it's your attention.
You guys have a deal, he teaches you how to juggle, cartwheel and cast cool spells in return for you helping him with his school work.
He loves PDA and is not ashamed of it and would pull it anywhere he could, in some occasions he's gotten told to keep his hand off you just for an hour until class ends by numerous different professors.
The both of you have a special place where you're able to just hold each other and snog whenever you feel like it, so to mark the place Fred carved both of your initials inside of a big heart on a nearby tree by that spot so everyone knows who this place belongs to.
Stealing all of his knitted sweaters and hoodies because they're much larger on you, but then he asks Molly to make one for you this Christmas with your initial on it and you got super excited that you wear it every day for a month.
Likes when you call him Freddie, Baby, Good-looking, Spitfire, or Casanova (you call him that before the both of you started dating and still use it at times).
He calls you cute nicknames like Baby, Lover-Girl, Sexy, or Sunshine.
His love language is probably quality time because spending time with you and making memories with you is what he cherishes most.
He stares at you all the time and can't keep his eyes off you, one time he full-on ditched his school work and was looking at you focusing on your own thing while he plays with your ponytail the entire time.
Molly adores you because of how much the both of you bonded through food, she teaches you how to make Fred's favorite meal and she encourages you to stay over at the burrow as much as possible because to be honest, she likes how Fred is when you're around and Molly may or may not like you more than Fred.
Asks for messages after a rough Quidditch practice or games that usually elevate to something more... a.k.a sex.
He asks for your opinion on the joke shop products he and George have come up with but doesn't dare make you try them because he doesn't want to see you hurt or be embarrassed.
Dance party inside his shared dorm room with snacks when everyone is away and blaring out his phonograph with the weird sister's newest record player album.
Him sneaking into your shared dorm room quietly and frequently because he wants to sleep with you and not in his own bed, so it's not unusual for your roommates to see a shirtless Fred cuddling you in the morning.
Joking and confusing new people who don’t understand your relationship; Are you dating? Enemies? Friends? (but in the end, he can't keep his hands off you anyways so they're bound to know)
Him leaving all of his classes early just so he can meet you outside and escort you to your next class so he can have those extra moments with you.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl
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lebbys-world · 2 months
Secrets, Soba, & Smiles
Todoroki x gn!reader; teenagers in love, fluff, reader gets caught off guard a bit
notes: thanks for all the love on my last post :) im glad that so many people enjoyed my writing !! the kitchen scene is very artem from tot coded, which makes sense bc ive been obsessed with that game recently. anyways, hope you enjoy !! <3
You peered down the hall, checking to make sure it was clear, before walking towards the elevator.
The soft hum of the door opening led you to walk inside, pressing the button for the fifth floor.
You looked down at your phone to check the time, quickly noticing you’d received a follow up text from your boyfriend.
Before leaving your dorm, you had sent him a message letting him know you were about to be on your way up. 
You smiled to yourself as the elevator made its way up the floors, shooting him back a quick reply.
More often than not, you found yourselves having these late-night dorm dates as a means to compensate for the lack of public relationship.
Throughout the school day, you two were just seen as close friends, allowing any suspicions to just be laughed off. After all, there was no sense in blatantly lying about your relationship to your friends.
But if you both feigned ignorance, it managed to keep their suspicions at bay. 
With all earnest, you weren't necessarily trying keeping your relationship with the icy-hot boy a secret from your peers.
You never had concern for them finding out - albeit the barrage of questions and attention may be a bit overwhelming.
If anything, the concern you had was for the general public finding out that two rising heroes had feelings for one another.
You feared the worst case scenario: a villain using your adoration for each other as a weapon.
Maybe you were overreacting, but the nightmare situation it was, you wanted to prevent it in any way you could. So, as a safeguard, the both of you had agreed to just keep things to yourself.
This agreement worked well anyways, as you and Todoroki settled into the awkward ins-and-outs of first time teenage love.
So, yes, for now, things were okay being a sort of ‘secret’.
It was a secret for you two to share.
You were his, and he was yours.
The elevator door opened once more as you reached the fifth floor, stepping out into a familiar, yet different, hallway.
You made your way to your boyfriend’s room, before giving a gentle knock on the door.
Soon enough, the doorknob turned, the door creaked open, and heterochronic eyes met your own. 
You laughed to yourself before commenting, “well, I made it here in one piece.”
He gave you a soft smile back, “yeah, you did.”
That was the smile that always managed to killed you.
A smile that you never saw him quite show to anyone but you.
The way his lips turned in adoration, a genuine love and joy meeting his face. His eyes would crease with that smile, and, every time, without fault, you’d melt at that smile.
It was a smile that felt like it was only for you.
Interrupting your star-struck daze, Todoroki tilted his head.
“I meant to tell you before you got here, but I still wanted to grab some snacks from the common room.”
You stood up straight, pulling yourself back together.
“Oh, I could’ve just picked them up on the way.”
“It’s not a problem; I’ll just go now. You can set your stuff down. I'll be back shortly."
He started walking past you to begin his quick mission, when you followed on his heels. 
“I’ll come with you! Two people are better than one!”
He paused, gave a nod of appreciation, and the two of you carried on towards the main floor.
The short trip there was spent debating what snacks would be best for this late night excursion, with you insisting that your favorite food was the only way to go.
By the time you'd made it to the kitchen, Todoroki had been pleading his case for soba - per usual.
“Look,” he said, now pointing to a something sat on the shelf of the pantry. “They still have some left over. We could probably make two servings.”
He met your eyes with diligence, looking like a young child begging for a toy at the store.
As much as your favorite snack was calling your name, you thought to yourself that maybe some cold soba would be nice as well. 
“Fine, but I’m making the sauce.” You sighed, accepting his pleas. I mean, how could you not when he had given you such a cute look?
He smiled, his invisible tail practically wagging as he pulled out a pot and began to fill it with water. 
Nearby, you opened up the fridge and pulled out a few ingredients to start making into a light sauce.
You swiftly put on an apron, and started mixing things together before feeling complete with your makeshift recipe.
You took a spoon and dipped it in, giving it a taste. Having it meet your own liking, you called your boyfriend over, making sure it would suit his taste as well.
Continuing to stir, you thought to yourself how something about this unplanned cooking trip had just felt so right
It was almost as if you two were a married couple, working on making dinner together after a long day of work.
The idea made you blush.
Deep inside, these calm nights were the kind you hoped the future would bring many more of.
You were about to turn around and call to him again when you were suddenly met with two arms wrapped around your waist.
You let out a small gasp of surprise as Todoroki took the spoon from your hand, following through on your request and trying the dipping sauce you had made.
He hummed a tone of satisfaction and let his head rest atop your shoulder. 
“It’s really good, Y/N. Thank you, for your help.”
At that moment, you thanked God that your boyfriend couldn't see your overwhelmingly red face.
You doubt you would’ve even been flustered if Todoroki wouldn’t have pulled that hugging-you-from-behind cliché.
I mean, heck, he probably didn't even realize he was doing something that even could catch you so off guard.
Your boyfriend probably just thought he was hugging you, sharing his adoration for your cooking and determination.
And here you were, heart going overdrive all over his simple motions.
Having felt your heart rate spike, he let go after a moment, returning back to the care of draining the pot of soba. 
You took a moment and collected yourself a bit, finally giving a delayed reply:
“Yeah, anytime, Sho. It’s what I’m here for.”
He looked at you again, turning his gaze away from the sink, and gave you that melting smile of his.
That smile that makes you feel like everything in the world is okay, even if just in this moment.
Somehow that smile managed to calm your panicked heart, reminding you to take this all one step at a time.
You returned his smile with your own. A smile of your own that you hoped he admired just as much as you did his.
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
What would be your list of Better Ways For Bruce To Tell His Children He Loves Them than whatever this week’s Batman was?
(For the record, I’m willing to see this arc play out. Surely this is Zur, or something like that, not Bruce. But I digress.)
Pairing up the shoes on the rack so they don't have to worry
Checking the Batmobile's safety features after every fight
Coming up with random DIY projects to do together
Selling vitamin gummies in the shape of their hero logos
Stocking the bathrooms with their favorite scented soaps
Raking leaves into piles for them to jump in
Learning origami to leave mini paper elephants everywhere
Pampering the pets like they're his grandchildren
Distracting them while Alfred gives them stitches
Winning against rigged carnival games for them
Surprising them with a trip to a dinosaur dig site
Stashing extra throw blankets in every room
Crafting watches and jewelry to fit them precisely
Keeping traffic updates open when any of them are driving
Going all out for whatever they choose to celebrate
Waiting for them in the lobby at the dentist
Teaching himself to cook their favorites secretly
Rehearsing job interviews with them
Making space for their friends that he doesn't like
Flying across the world to buy out-of-season fruits they like
Adding hidden pockets in their civvies for emergency batarangs
Saving all their voicemails
Asking their opinion before proposing to Selina
Researching their hobbies so he can participate
Bringing them snacks when he has downtime on patrol
Repainting a wall when they offhandedly notice a chip
Leaving work to bring them an umbrella when he sees rain
Sorting M&Ms by the colors they like
Installing elevators and ramps in the Manor
Freezing popsicles when there's a heat wave the next day
Babysitting their childhood toys when they're not home
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sommerbueckers · 2 days
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬¹
PAIGE WAS SITTING patiently in the living room of her hotel as she waited for KK and Ice to get ready. Their plane to New York City had landed last night and they had yet to stock up with snacks for the week. Ice was only going to ensure that Paige and KK bought something other than junk, she knew how slow they'd in practice after living off nothing but Tollhouse cookies and Pepsi for seven days.
"Y'all ready?" the blonde asked, shutting off her phone and slipping it into the pockets of her shorts.
"Been that, jus' waiting for Ice slow ass," KK responded, shooting the taller girl a side eye.
"Okay," Ice chimed in, "I don't wanna go either, everybody else is making me."
"Everybody except the two other people going," KK scrunched her nose up, playfully judging her.
Ice held her hand up in front of KK, moving to grab the keys off of the counter. Paige followed suit as they headed out the door and toward the elevator. She scrolled idly on her phone until a picture of the New York Liberty team popped up, triggering a question in her mind.
"Yo what time does the game start tomorrow?" she furrowed her eyebrows, looking between her two friends.
KK shrugged while Ice pulled out her phone.
"So are we eating before or after? 'Cus everything goin' be closed if we try to go after," KK said.
Snorting, the blonde turned to her, "Is food the only thing you think about?"
KK glared at her, not bothering to respond.
"Not to insert myself, but this grocery trip was literally your idea Paige," Ice said.
"So we was supposed to starve all week?" Paige asked, raising an eyebrow, and when neither of them responded she continued, "That's what I thought."
"--No i'm telling you, we're gonna need more than one family bag of Doritos."
KK stared blankly up at Paige, the single bag of chips being crushed in her grip.
"You don't think this bag will last?" she frowned.
"Dude," Paige said, "there's six of us here, no the bag isn't gonna last KK." Paige took it upon herself to grab a couple more bags off the shelf before tossing them into the cart.
"We need milk, and probably some break-away cookies, breakfast stuff too," Ice mentioned as she looked up from her phone.
"I can get those," Paige offered.
"I certainly wasn't getting 'em," Ice frowned with a laugh.
Paige, mocking the girl's laughter, set off toward the dairy aisle in search of the items Ice had named. She saw the milk first, pausing while she debated on whether to get the full cart or the half cart. They'd be here for a week, and if she got three half cartons then they could distribute them amongst the rooms. A full carton would have to be shared...That would be a lot of back and forth.
As she began to grab the cartons off the shelf, a soft voice called out to her from a few feet away. When she turned, her eyes landed on the one person from high school she hadn't forgotten about after graduation -- that hadn't been on the basketball team of course.
Myla Mintz.
Paige remembered her like it was yesterday; the curve of the dimples in her cheeks, the faint smile lines around her mouth, the deep brown of her doe eyes as she took in her surroundings. It was almost as if no time had passed, and if it hadn't been for her outfit showing off the way her body had developed, Paige would've been convinced that none did.
"Myla," she smiled, surprise written on her face.
"Oh my gosh it's been so long, how are you?" Myla asked, the same amount of surprise plastered across her beautiful face as well.
"I -- I'm great, how're you?"
Myla laughed, it was familiar to Paige, yet so foreign at the same time.
"I'm doing really good," she nodded.
"That's good, yeah. Damn, it's been four years," Paige scoffed in disbelief, taking a step closer to the girl, the milk cartons sitting forgotten in their original place.
Myla mirrored her actions, the pair now close enough that only they could hear their conversation.
"I know right! I mean it definitely doesn't feel like it, feels like yesterday we were just sitting in Physics talking about--" she struggled to find the words, a blush creeping onto her face from the embarrassment of not being able to recall any of their conversations. "Talking about whatever."
"Yeah, yeah," the blonde smiled as she remembered, "man I don't think i've ever been less focused during a class."
"I don't know how we even passed finals."
"Screw finals, midterms!" Paige laughed loudly.
Myla ran a hand through her hair, her usual natural curls had been curled and styled with an iron, now appearing longer as they hung down her back. A few chunks in the front had been cut into curtain bangs, falling perfectly back into place when her hand returned to her side. Paige watched as the shorter girl straightened out her skirt, her gaze falling to the perfect swell of her hips as it curved in to become her stomach. Has her shape always been that perfect?
When Myla looked back up, Paige took note of the smoothness of her lips. It was hard to tell if the pink tint they held was natural or if it was a lipstick, but regardless, Paige had decided that she loved it.
Myla's mascara coated lashes batted up at the blonde, quietly waiting for her response to a question that had completely went over her head.
"Paige?" she called out.
"I asked what you were in town for," Myla smiled.
A nervous laugh escaped Paige and she briefly shook her head, "Sorry. I'm here for a week with some of my teammates."
"Oh nice. Is it for basketball or..." her voice trailed off.
"Nah, just pleasure."
Myla nodded again, anxiously biting her lip whilst she slowly built up the courage to ask her real question.
Paige hadn't even noticed her slight hesitation, but then again she had never been that observant. If she was, she would've caught on to the crush that Myla had developed on her during their junior year of high school. A crush that, let anyone other than Myla tell it, never really went away.
"Well y'know i'd love to catch up, if you're not too busy..." Myla finally breathed out, the grip she had on her basket beginning to slip from how sweaty her palms had become.
Paige, excited about the offer, immediately nodded her head, "That sounds great actually, when were you thinkin'?"
"I'm not really sure, I have some things lined up this week. If you give me your number though i'm sure we can work something out."
After the pair exchanged numbers and said their 'goodbyes,' they each went their separate ways. Paige proceeded to grab the things that Ice had requested before making her way back to her friends. It took her a minute to find them, their place having changed from the snack aisle over to the wide selection of alcohol. When they spotted her, KK removed her phone from her ear and Ice dramatically threw her hands up.
"We've been calling you," she said frustratedly.
"Yeah, we thought somebody snatched you," KK said, mimicking a grabbing motion with her arms.
"Relax," Paige laughed, "I was talkin' to somebody."
"A fan?" Ice asked.
"No, somebody I know from high school."
"Hm, well we gotta get back if we wanna make our dinner reservations tonight." Ice took the things from Paige's hands and put them in the car, positioning herself behind it to push. "Let's go."
Paige sat in the living room with her warmed up leftovers sitting in her lap. The movie the girls had been watching had been paused after they learned of Paige's plans to meet with Myla, all of them bombarding her with questions about who she was and how they knew each other. Silently chewing on a few fries, her attention was grasped by Aubrey as the girl threw her another question.
"So you had one class with this girl for one year and now y'all are going out for lunch?"
"Yeah," Paige nodded. She noticed the expressions her friends held, faces of uncertainty and disapproval. "What? We became good friends that year." It hadn't entirely been a lie, Paige and Myla did indeed become friends during their shared time in that class. Only that was all there was. Their entire friendship had been kept between the walls of that freezing Physics classroom, neither one of them even sparing each other a second glance outside of that. Paige could tell you every single thing that Myla had done over the weekend from the months of August to May. But if you asked her where the girl had sat for lunch during those same months, she would've stared at you, stuck.
"Good friends doing what -- cutting open animals and bonding over their intestines?" Kayla joked.
"First off, that's Biology," Paige said, "and second, the way we became friends isn't even weird. Y'all just hatin.'"
"We're not hating Paige," Azzi said, "we're just trying to make sure you're not being lured out to some remote location where none of us can find you."
"No seriously, do you know who you are? I was on Ebay the other day and I found a fake chunk of your hair for sale," Aubrey told her, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Aubrey please," Azzi frowned.
"Im for real! It was in a signed ziplock bag 'n' everything," she continued.
Jana, rolling her eyes, finally chimed in the conversation. "How about we just do a deep dive on this girl and settle this?" she suggested.
Azzi nodded with a smile, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram.
"Good luck with that, she doesn't have social media," Paige said smugly, leaning back in her seat.
"No social media?" KK frowned, sharing a look with Ice, "Oh she definitely a weirdo."
Kayla scoffed, "Tell that to her 3 million followers."
It came as a shock to the girls that Paige hadn't gotten whiplash from how fast she turned her head. Her face contorted in a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
"Lemme see that," she demanded.
Azzi was unresponsive as she scrolled through the girl's Instagram, her eyes widening a little more with every picture she clicked on.
"Azzi," Paige spat out.
Kayla snatched the phone from Azzi's hand, earning a pout from her as she threw the phone over to Paige. Swiftly catching it, her face began to somewhat mimic Azzi's. Her friends crowded around her as they all looked through Myla's account. Pictures of her in revealing bikinis as she posed in the sand or by the pool, reels of her in undergarments parading around with girls who wore similar things, and the rest were her dressed up in fancy outfits at various premieres.
Who the fuck is this and what did she do with the real Myla Mintz?
The Myla that Paige remembered hadn't even had a social media platform, and now here she was with 3 million followers on Instagram. High school Myla hated going to the pool because the thought of being in a swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers freaked her out. She hated her stretch marks, she hated how her thighs rubbed together when she walked, how she constantly felt the need to keep her arms away from her body because otherwise it 'made her feel fat.'
Paige had never understood Myla's desire to keep her body hidden, if she had been blessed with a body like that in high school she would've walked around showing it off. But Myla wanted to hide it. Now, looking at the new image that the Mintz girl had created for herself, it was obvious to Paige that a lot about her had changed.
"She's a model," Jana said, pointing out the tagged page in her bio, "IMG models."
"Damn, she a real model. None of that fake ig shit," Aubrey spoke, her voice slightly airy from seeing the photos.
"You sure you went to school with her, Paige?" Kayla joked, using her pointer finger to tap the blonde.
Paige couldn't answer, she could hardly even hear the question as her focus remained solely on the picture that was displayed on her screen. It was a casually taken photo of Myla on the beach. Her curls were completely soaked, fingers scrunching them at the top of her head. Her red bikini top had a zipper in the middle, one that was partially unzipped to reveal her cleavage. The matching bottoms that did very little to cover what she had clung tightly to her perfect skin.
She was smiling happily with her eyes closed, pearly teeth on full show. Everything about the picture was perfect, from the rawness of her smile to the carefreeness of her energy. Paige couldn't think of a single thing in the world that could've made the post better, that was until she read the caption typed below. It made her eyebrows raise, her lips part, her heart stop for a period of time that would concern medical specialist.
'Happy Pride from your fav;)'
A/N: so obviously this is in third person and i didn't really like that so im planning to change it going forward
BUT NEW SERIESSSSS, im hype soooo i hope yall are too
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hyunniesgirl · 8 months
Hi! I loved ur hyunjin fic! I was reading chapter 2 again and the part where hyunjin is drunk got me wondering about drunk minho confessing his feeling to u. Like, u two are best friends and roommates so when u finally get him to ur apartment and get him into his bed he asks u to stay with him and confesses his feelings to u. 🫠🥴
Thank you for the request!! I hope you like it.
Warnings: I don't think there's any, it's just drunk Lino and fluff.
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You are waiting outside your friend's house, the cold breeze making you shiver. The door opens and you feel the smell of alcohol, how much did they drink?
Changbin has his hair all disheveled and a hole on his shirt, you don't even want to know what the hell happened there since they always do the craziest shit when they are drunk together.
You are usually with them, being the person who stops them from starting a fire, but your finals are coming up and you had to stay home studying while Minho went out to meet them.
Minho's been your best friend since 7th grade when he picked a fight with a guy who was bullying you. From that moment on you did everything together, had lunch, studied, went to cybercafes and you even got lucky enough to be placed in the same high school.
You had to part ways when he moved to Seoul after getting into one of the major entertainment companies in the country as a trainee. Later on you got accepted into the university you always dreamed about and moved in with him.
It didn't take much time for you to befriend the rest of the boys, they were always in your shared apartment or you were at the dorms visiting.
You had lunch with Chan earlier in the day to celebrate his birthday so you didn't feel so bad about missing his birthday party.
The guys are acting exactly like you expected them to. Chan is laying asleep on the sofa while Seungmin tries to write something on his face with a pen. Felix and Jeongin are seated on the floor, eating snacks and laughing while looking at the ceiling. Changbin is by your side, but honestly, he can't even keep standing without leaning on the wall, you don't know how in this situation he was able to type the message he sent you asking to come pick Minho up. Han and Hyunjin are having some really deep conversation about art and music and Lee know is seated in the middle of the sofa, legs open, elbows resting on his knees while clasping his hands, looking really focused in a spot on the floor.
"Min, let's go", you speak to him trying to get his attention. He looks at you and frowns.
"I don't know you", he answers.
"It's me, Y/N, of course you know me"
"Nah-ah! Y/N is much prettier", you scoff not knowing if you should feel grateful or offended.
"Thank you, I guess. Let's go, I'm going to take you home", you say and he suddenly gets up, walking in your direction.
"Is Y/N there? I have to talk to her"
You chuckle, looking around trying to get some help but there's no one, they are all too wasted.
"Yeah, sure, she asked me to pick you up", you play into his game, anything so you can take him home. He nods, walking towards the door and leaving you behind.
The car ride is silent, you guess he doesn't want to talk to some "stranger". Your apartment is not far away from the dorms, so in less than 20 minutes you're parking.
Lee Know mumbles a thank you before getting out of the car and walking into your building. You lock the car and follow him, using the stairs to go up since he's using the elevator.
You open the door to your apartment and put some water to boil, he'll need some honey water before going to sleep. You hear the beeps on the door and wait for him to show up in the kitchen. When he sees you, he smirks.
"There was a strange woman trying to seduce me", he says and you choke on the air you just breathe, that's not how you thought he would describe your interaction.
"Yeah, that woman you sent to pick me up, she was hitting on me but I didn't even give her the time of day", he says looking too proud of himself.
"And why is that? Wasn't she pretty?", you ask, putting the boiled water in a mug with honey.
"Yeah, but I only have eyes for you", he answers nonchalantly and you feel your cheeks burn.
'Get a grip, Y/N, you can't be swayed by his drunken flirting', you think to yourself.
"Drink this and stop talking nonsense", you hand the mug over to him and head to his room.
You open the wardrobe, searching for some pajamas for him, you put it on his desk and begin getting the bed ready. When you glance at the door he's right there, leaning on the frame with the mug in his hands.
"Jesus, make some noise when you walk", you notice he's more focused, looking more sober. "How are you feeling?"
"I like you", he says suddenly, making you turn all your body over to him. "I like you a lot"
You freeze, what is he talking about? Of course, you always heard snarky comments about how you two would end up together or sleep with each other while living in the same apartment and you do indeed have a crush on your best friend since the first time you saw him. But all these years you just brushed it off as a one sided love, so to hear him saying those words, it's kind of difficult to understand it completely.
"Min, you're drunk, don't talk so easily about this kind of thing"
"Who said it's easy? It hurts so much to hear you talk about your dates, about how you found someone cute and how they laughed at your jokes. I wanted to be that person but I'm not brave enough to tell you this while sober, I'm a fucking coward, too afraid of being rejected, too afraid of losing you", he says, running his hands through his hair.
You feel your chest sink, you never imagined he felt this way about you and even though you're happy, you're scared too. He's your best friend, what will you do if things don't work out?
"Even while drunk I can tell exactly what you're thinking", he chuckles. "Stop overthinking"
You think for a moment, letting your feelings decide and not your worries.
"Let's go to sleep and we can have a long conversation about this in the morning when you will be sober, okay? I don't want to confess to you if there's a possibility you won't remember it tomorrow", he nods, smiling. You give him good night, walking to the door, but before you can reach it Minho grabs your wrist, turning you around to look at him.
"Can't you stay with me tonight? I won't do anything weird"
You chuckle, you slept in the same bed a hundred times, it's funny that he finds it necessary to make that clear just because he told you he likes you.
"I know you won't", you sigh, thinking whether this is a good idea or not. "I'll just change and come back, you too get ready for bed", he nods seeing you going out of the room.
While staring at your beautiful sleeping face Minho can't stop thinking about everything he has to tell you. How much he loves you, for how long he's been in love with you and all the things he wants to do with you.
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anadiasmount · 3 months
Hola :)
Can u write y/n getting stuck on the elevator with Jude? And like she is from Real Madrid staff and they kinda like each other ...
hii amor!! small but i hope you enjoy!! 🤍
before you knew it, the day was over. the amount of paperwork piled up in organized folders, calls made and scheduled for the next day, meetings finished, all done in a single day. you were exhausted, feet throbbing with pain as you stepped into the elevator. your stomach grumpy for food as all you ate was a coffee with bread and small lunch.
you read over a few emails, looking up when you saw the doors open to reveal the one and and only jude bellingham. you offered a friendly smile, stepping to the side as he walked in with his small toiletry bag and wearing his day clothes. you continued to type away as jude sniffled and looked up distracted.
but deep down jude was nervous, so nervous he began to shift his weight from his heels to toes anxiously. jude knew it was busy day for you as you weren’t wearing any of the uniformed attire rather your long business romper and your designer bag filled with what seemed your laptop, journals and other goodies.
“busy day?” he asked, looking up to see his brown eyes already staring into yours. “something like that… it gets quite hectic when ucl time is around you know? luckily today was more of paperwork and that’s it,” you sighed dramatically causing jude to laugh and give you his pearly white smile. “you? just recovery?”
“small bit of training! nothing to harsh since international break is coming up,” jude said softly, his eyes offering some unite than just a friendly look. you could feel the tension, and you wanted nothing more than to relieve it, knowing you couldn’t be your true self around him. “you got the call up?”
“always do,” he smirks now making you laugh as you cut the eye contact off. “alright now, don’t get so cocky, one call and you could be back before you even step foot in england,” you joke. before jude could respond, the elevator shook, your worst nightmare becoming reality as it swayed side to side making you lose balance.
“this cannot be happening,” jude said in a scared tone, immediately calling for help on the emergency button but that seemed down as well. “we’re stuck in here!” you paced back and forth, instead of grabbing your phone and calling for help. but that seemed to also not work since the signal blocks were down.
“it’s okay calm down! let’s give it a couple minutes and we’ll try again okay?” jude gently cupped your face, watching how you immediately relaxed in his hold, eyes never mind leaving yours, as almost if he was promise you this. all you could do was swallow and nod slowly.
you brushed away the tingles from your body, focusing on now how to get out instead of the talk and handsome man next to you. it wasn’t any secret to anyone just you and jude. oblivious was a fact. you couldn’t keep a normal conversation going without one of you getting nervous and pulling away.
he often came to find you in your office or approached you when you were outside in the training grounds, anything to hear from you. jude loved to make you laugh, and you loved seeing him smile. hours could go by with the both of you talking from the most random topics to the most meaning in deep heart conversations. you loved how no matter where you were he never changed.
he had this mature persona in him and it reassured you anywhere you went, you could trust him. some could say you liked the boy, but it was more than that for you. lunch dates turning into dinner dates. day time conversations turning into late night walks. hidden glances at work turning into a tense and eventful relationship.
you sat on the ground, not being able to hold or stand any longer. hearing jude talk through the phone and being advised someone would appear sooner or later. he grunted out a breath, taking a seat next to you, thanking you when you offered him some of your snacks. “now it’s a game of patiently waiting,” jude said.
“how fun! i love this game,” you responded sarcastically but it was the overwhelming feeling and hunger taking over you. you were craving a specific spot in town, now you were afraid you wouldn’t get there in time to at least order to go. “what are you doing after this?” he asked, sitting closer to you.
“i’m hungry so probably go into town to pick up or eat at my favorite spot,” you closed your eyes , mouth watering at the thought of a yummy meal. “where is that exactly…”
“if i told you it wouldn’t be a secret any more,” you push his shoulder with yours, jude rolling his eyes. “but if i take you there you have to promise not to tell anyone about it. when i say it’s sacred, it’s sacred,” you dramatized, making him chuckle and lean down to your level, lowering your eyes to look at him. “feel like it should be the other way around…”
“w-what you m-mean?” you stutter, noticing. every engraved detail on his face, having to refuse the urge to run your finger along his face to trace them all softly. “as in i should be asking you on a date,” jude spoke deeply, making your tummy flutter nervously. “a-a date? you wanna go on a date with me again?” you ramble nervously.
“why wouldn’t i? i have the most stunning girl in the whole city of madrid, a best dinner spot referred by her, and i wouldn’t mind her company at all,” he said, his thumb brushing along your jaw down to your chin. “i would love to take you out on a date again y/n… never refuse my time on that,” he deadpanned seriously.
jude was head over heels for you. no girl could make him feel how you made him feel. the small glance or the hug you gave him when you saw each other. he never felt more nervous yet so enamored but you. your gentle, caring manner, more so your respectfulness and playful ways as well. since he first met you all he wanted was you.
and as months passed by, talks and touches, shares of laughters and passed notes with messages, he knew you felt the same. it was a matter of time f before he confessed, and although he pictured it differently he couldn’t waste anymore time than to tell you right now. stuck in an elevator. “i really really like you y/n… i’ve been met anyone as special as you…”
you shyly turn away, hiding in his chest as you held back a squeal. quickly composing yourself as jude held your face once again. “do you really? or is this one of your silly pranks?” you have to ask to make sure, needing someone to pinch you to reassure yourself this was real life. “not a prank. i would really like to treat you like you deserve…”
“and how is that exactly?”
“i can’t say much because then it wouldn’t be a secret, and i want every moment we spend for it to be how you least expect it… but let’s start off by having dinner together where you claim to be as your scared spot…” jude kissed the bridge of your nose softly, his lips centimeters apart from yours. “how does that sound?”
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un-love · 7 months
the next time you meet them
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a/n: for my carats and deobis <3 this is entirely fictional! (that's a given) pls reblog
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🖇️ he stares at you across the table, eyes half lidded from all the wine he’s downed. the previously inviting chatter around the table is all noise to him; he can't be bothered to avert his gaze from your face. he hadn't planned on drinking at all that night, but seeing you so close to him, on another man’s arm changed that. a familiar burn rises in his throat. goosebumps line his skin, almost mocking him as he sees your fingers linger on this dude’s arm. what did you see in him? the only time his eyes leave your face is to ask for another drink. (jeonghan / younghoon)
🖇️ he smiles at you, but not before considering sprinting in the opposite direction. it's not as hard as he had imagined, he tells himself, except his heart feels like it just ran a five mile marathon and his ears are ringing. you smile back at him, oblivious to the whirlwind your presence evoked on an otherwise warm sunday afternoon, and he catches sight of the front tooth you chipped on his television set. ah. the day you had moved in together. five months after, you had kicked him out. his heart knows how to put itself back together now, after hundreds of failed attempts. (seokmin / kevin)
🖇️ you have bloodshot eyes and his hand reaches around your waist to steady you instinctively. no one bats an eye when you lean into his touch and tell him you’ve always loved how he smelled, and did he change his perfume recently? this is what friends do, isn’t it? that is what he is to you, after all? (cheol / sangyeon)
🖇️ saturdays are game nights for your mutual friend group. so the fact that you had spent the previous night projectile vomiting on your bathroom floor, or the fact that he was wasted beyond comprehension, resulting in a terrible hangover had to be kept aside to protect a previously well-kept secret. the pit in your stomach gets deeper every time the warm sound of his laugh reaches your ears, body aching to be touched by him. he leaves early. (jun / changmin)
🖇️ he has freshly bleached hair. you know this because he’s at your doorstep. he’s at your doorstep? hope is a home in your chest, immediately crumbled by the look on his face. is he not here for you? “i wanted to come get my stuff. it wouldn't be fair for you to have reminders of me everywhere.” oh. (chan / chanhee)
🖇️ standing infront of the café you’ve been avoiding for the most part of the year, you try to convince yourself you're seeing things in places they aren’t. through the glass window, dark brown eyes catch you. pretty eyes, heavy with confusion (or is it guilt on his face?) attached to a face so familiar it makes your breath hitch. the images come in flashes. hand squeezes, midnight snacks (waffles), one green apple mojito + two straws, butterfly kisses, promise rings, forgotten birthdays, muffled sobs, untouched food, promise rings taken off. too much, too fast. heartache can only be described as a knife lodged in your sternum. (soonyoung)
🖇️ years have passed. he doesn't recognize you, or simply refuses to acknowledge you. either way, your skin tingles with nostalgia when he gets into the elevator after you. they say certain scents can evoke the strongest memories. from your spot, you can trace the slope of his nose, the curve of his mouth, the apples of his cheeks with your eyes. everything is just as you remember it. silver glints on one of his fingers as he lifts his phone to one ear. well, maybe not everything. he was your first love, that's all. (joshua / juyeon)
🖇️ if someone told you the first boy you fell in love with was going to walk up to you, ten years later in the auditorium where you first kissed him, just to tell you how beautiful you look, you would've laughed in their face. but here he was now, (in a blazer, instead of a bomber jacket, but) as exquisite as ever, and after two glasses of wine, you let yourself wonder how his smile would feel against your mouth. i think i’ve seen this film before. would it be so bad to let him break your heart again? (vernon / sunwoo)
🖇️ the thing about weddings is they make you feel nostalgic about things that could poison you (namely, relationships). so when you spot him in the distance, the groom’s closest friend and your former lover, you can’t help but long for everything that once was, everything that could have been. the warmth of his skin against your cold hands, his arms around your waist as he whisks you away for a dance, the vision of his freshly curled hair between your thighs. whoops. (wonwoo / hyunjae)
🖇️ he stands at your doorstep, drenched. water drips from his hair and clothes onto your welcome mat. “i thought about you all day, about how lonely these twenty four hours can get for you. it’s almost midnight, but i had to come, even when the rational part of me advocated that i don’t have the right to do this for you, not anymore. but i wanted you to know that i care, no matter what happened between us. happy birthday. i’m sorry.” (seungkwan / eric)
🖇️ a freezing christmas eve. looks like he hasn’t let go of this habit of always waiting till the last moment to pick up christmas presents. for the years that you were together, you made sure to get it done on time. seeing him now, two winters later, borderline panicking on the other side of the store makes you laugh (and reminisce, and dream). maybe you should go over and h- you’re frozen in place when an arm slides around his waist. he pulls her closer as you watch, heart thumping against your ribcage when he presses a gentle kiss to her cheek. bells jingle as you leave the coziness of the store for the biting cold. you must've been mistaken. that's not the man you knew. (woozi)
🖇️ you bump into him the day you move into a new building. he gives you a smile that makes his eyes soften and watches as you break in two. “oh, i live here too.” what if you had loved him out loud? set free the words rolled under your tongue? what if you had hooked your fingers into his belt loops and pulled him closer? regret tastes like four glasses of wine at your own housewarming party, with eyes fixed on the door. do you believe in second chances? (minghao / haknyeon)
🖇️ the years have been super kind to him but you can see the hints of ageing on his otherwise flawless skin. his smile, velvet and butter, still floods the room with warmth. or maybe just the entirety of you, as he sits next to you on the couch. it’s silly, the effect he still has. you can't help but be jealous of all the moments of him the hands of the clock stole from you. all of the tears and smiles you weren't next to him for. his hands, once soft in yours, are now calloused and rough. his hair, the shortest you've seen it. he shifts closer to you, as if sensing the turmoil. and when his hand grazes yours, electricity shoots through your fingertips. he’s here now. maybe the thoughts can wait. (mingyu / jacob)
🖇️ you have a visitor. you open your home to him once again, leading him out to the balcony. the sky is an angry pink, the plants looking warily at who the evening brought in. “look, i’m sorry for not believing you. for pushing you out and leaving you behind. you didn’t deserve that. you're like…the fucking sun and i envy people who see that and get to be loved by you. i don’t get to be bitter, do i? i had it and i lost it. had you and i lost you. let me be yours again.” you wake up to his side of the bed still empty. was he dreaming of you too?
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coco-loco-nut · 2 days
Book Club - Part 10
pairing: do you even need to know anymore 😂
summary: Checo needs a night out, which means you are babysitting
a/n: thanks for the request 🫶, sorry it took so long, I truly have been slammed with work.
“Thanks again,” Checo says when he stands at your Monaco apartment door with his four kids.
“No problem, we weren’t planning on going out anyway. Partying gets tiring,” you smile, stepping aside so the four can run in and find Lance.
Despite his retirement, Checo decided to take a family vacation to the Monaco GP, and when he was invited out with the drivers, you stepped in to babysit. How hard could it be?
“They’ve had their dinner, you just need to entertain them before bedtime, we will pick them up after breakfast. Good luck,” Checo says and starts walking towards the elevator.
“Good luck? What do you mean ‘good luck’? Checo? Checo!” you call after the Mexican as he smirks, watching you panic as the elevator doors close. You close and lock the front door, sighing in defeat. Lance is sitting on the floor with the four kids surrounding him, looking more than content.
“So, uh, do you like jazz?” you awkwardly ask, sitting on the couch. Lance stifles a laugh, looking at you with amused eyes.
“Jazz? I thought you would be better with kids that aren’t your siblings,” Lance says, amused at how uncomfortable you seem. To be fair, you were really looking forward to cuddling up in bed and watching a 2000s romcom with your husband after the race, it was all you had talked about last week.
“Lancie,” you frown, he reaches out to you and squeezes your hand, silently telling you he will take the lead. You slide onto the ground with them, trying your best to keep up with their games.
Lance is a natural. You’d probably be envious if it wasn’t giving you baby fever.
“Do you guys want to watch a movie?” Lance asks the four kids who are currently playing with you.
“Si!” Checo Junior says. They pile onto the loveseat beside your couch as Lance pulls out some blankets and pillows.
“I’ll get some snacks,” you say softly, padding out to the kitchen where you fill a bowl with premade popcorn. You would microwave some but you ate it as a midnight snack the other day. By the time you get back, Lance has them all cozy on the loveseat, a movie cued, and is waiting for you on the couch with a fuzzy blanket. You swear your heart explodes.
You can’t say that you pay too much attention to the movie, seeing as how you are asleep on Lance’s chest halfway through the movie. He looks at the similar scene beside the two of you, the only difference being that all four kids are asleep. Lance gently slides out from under you and carries the kids one by one to the bedroom you had excitedly put together when Checo called.
“Come on, baby, time for bed,” Lance gently wakes you up as he turns off the tv.
“Shoot, did you put them to bed by yourself, I would’ve helped. You go to bed, I’ll clean up,” you panic, looking around the living room. Lance already cleaned up.
“It’s okay, I know the race took more out of you than it did me. Let’s just go to bed,” Lance presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Okay,” you murmur, standing up, feeling everything stretch out. Lance turns the last few lights off before picking you up and carrying you to bed. You look like a koala as you hold him, chest to chest, your head on his shoulder. After getting ready for bed, it doesn’t take you long to fall asleep.
Your alarm wakes you and Lance up early. Normally this would be for your morning run, but there are four kids who are currently relying on you.
“Come hop in the shower with me,” Lance grabs your hand as you stand in front of your closet.
“Lance, there are kids in the next room over,” you blush looking at the door.
“You won’t be saying that when we have kids of our own, plus, it’s just a quick shower. Get your mind out of the gutter,” he teases you and you shake your head.
“I’m going to train after Checo comes and picks them up, you go shower,” you tell him, finding the hoodie of his that you like to steal.
While Lance showers, you make a pot of coffee and sit out on your balcony, overlooking the ocean. As you sip your coffee, you don’t realize Lance is in the kitchen starting breakfast.
You freeze in the doorway, staring at your shirtless husband, whose sweatpants rest low on his hips.
“Hungry?” Lance asks, waving at the food already done.
“No, well yes, but I’m happy with my girl breakfast,” your eyes rake his body. Lance blushes and pulls a t-shirt on, you drool as his muscles flex. “Why’d you do that?” you pout as your girl breakfast was covered up.
“There will be plenty of time to stare once our charges are fed and taken back by their parents, why don’t you go wake them up?” Lance chuckles, amused at your irritation. He’s just glad he still does it for you all these years later. A few minutes later you rejoin him in the kitchen, four sets of little feet following you.
“Up you go,” you lift each kid into their seat at the table. As you set out place settings, Lance brings over the food. He notices how careful you are around them, and for a moment he let’s himself imagine that it is you with your future kids. Maybe he will have a copycat son that has your personality, or a daughter that takes the best from both of you and is a perfect blend, or maybe the kid will look exactly like you but will be a little awkward like he is.
Breakfast goes smoothly, and Checo arrives earlier than expected.
“They weren’t too much trouble, were they?” He asks Lance as you help the kids with their little bags.
“Not at all, perfect angels,” Lance tells Checo, his eyes not leaving you.
“I’ll see you, or I guess hear you, at the next meeting,” you hug the Mexican ex-driver goodbye.
“So, wanna start practicing?” Lance wiggles his eyebrows, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as he makes his way to the bedroom.
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