#was probably very stressful and annoying and it wasn't really about me
oh-starstarstar · 15 hours
Pretty When You Cry.
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18+ post.
Angry, full-moon Remus. He's mean, beware. Like, really mean.
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This always happened near the full moon.
You'd see him stressed out to no avail; cramming up all the books around him as if it was an exam, behaving like a gruff old man, and sometimes going without talking to you for an entire day.
Right now, you made a mistake. Doesn't happen usually. Even if it does, he's too sweet to say anything even if he is offended. But near the full moon?
Oh, no. Hell no. He's staring right at you, gritting his teeth so hard that the muscle in his head visibly contracts. You timidly close the door behind you, lip trapped between teeth, eyes not looking directly at his.
"Remus?" you say after waiting. He doesn't respond. You repeat yourself, lowering the volume this time, cornering yourself against the wall.
"What's next? What? You're gonna fuck someone right in front of me?"
You fidget with your fingers, ogling at the ground. You'd just kissed a guy. One he particularly loathed. It wasn't your fault―it was a game of truth or dare, and, well, you tried telling them to not force you, but they pressurized you anyways, particularly because they thought it would be fun to annoy Remus. So you leaned in, pecked his lips, and backed off immediately. You looked at Remus for assurance. You hoped he'd know that it was just a dare. Of course, he knew it, he even heard you refuse multiple times, but his anger was the more prominently functioning one here.
You walk up to him. "You know it was dare. I told them to fuck off so many times,"
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, well―" he turns around, almost as if he doesn't understand what to say or do anymore. He puts both his hands against the wall, leaning forward. Then he turns around again, face in his hands, clearly too frustrated to even get a word out. 
Maybe he'll spend hours in the library again.
Maybe he'll go smoke excessively again.
Maybe he'll start to become insecure about himself, again.
And you really don't want any of those things happening. You don't like seeing him like that. "You can take your anger out on me." You blurt before you even double-check your words.
"Hm?" He turns to you, confused, frowning, chest heaving.
"Take your anger out on me, Remus."
"What the fuck?" he's so confused. You never fuck whenever it's the full moon. He's said it multiple times, he loses control during that time of the month. He doesn't want to hurt you at all. "I'm not doing that,"
"It's fine if you don't want to, but just know, I'm okay with it. I can handle some hurt, Remus, promise. It's better than torturing yourself."
He considers your words in silence. He stands there, visibly conflicted, staring at you. "I'll hurt you." he turns away, hands running through his hair. 
"And I'd probably like that," you smirk lightly, hoping to lighten up the mood a little bit. You get no reaction from him except another huff, causing you to bite your lip in anticipation.
And then he turns back, hand grabbing your jaw harshly to push his lips against yours. It's harsh, it's mean, it's nothing like him, but you love it. Oh, you sure do. You whimper into the kiss, trying to move your head away to breathe. He doesn't let you go - his grip is harsh. He bites on your lip, pulling it with his teeth. You cry out in pain against his mouth.
He scoffs, pulling back. With your jaw still in his hands, he tilts your head up. "Look? You're crying at that. And this was, what, just a fucking kiss?"
"I wasn't crying," You pant. "Promise, I can take it," you assure him, both your hands cupping his on your jaw.
He stares at you. He's not one to be very, uhm, cooperative when it comes to his anger and the moon. His most preferred option is often caging himself away, mentally and physically. So you don't expect him to talk. There's two things that could happen; he either walks right out of that door, fuming, or―
"The usual. Red."
And then before you can comprehend, his hand rapidly moved down around your throat, his lips on yours.
His hand grabs your arms, 
"Shut up."
In a fit of anger, he doesn't bother slowing the both of you down by taking extra time to remove any clothes. Instead, he tears your shirt right down to the last button. 
"Why would you do that?!" You gasp, instinctively moving your hands to cover yourself. And though you don't realise it right away, but Remus pauses to look at you right then. You can't make out whether it's fury or admiration, but then he unloops his tie, roughly grabbing your jaw and shoving it into your mouth.
It's a mean gesture, especially for his standards, so it makes you look up at him with your doe-eyes in confusion.
"I told you to shut up. Already made it clear, and I'm not in the mood to listen to your shit at all today." He says, bending down to put his head in the crook of your neck, biting down on your collarbone as you whimper in pain. 
His nails roughly drag down your skin, making you squirm. This time, when you whimper, his head snaps up. His eyes stare dangerously at you. “One more time, and I’ll make you cry.”
So you shut up. It’s a little fucked up, but you are more turned on than you have ever been before. One thing’s obvious—he’s not usually rough. He’s gentle, calm, treating you like you’re made of glass. So this switch of his makes you throb. 
He lifts your one thigh up, putting it on his shoulder. As anger-driven as he is now, it takes him barely any time to enter you. Though your eyes roll to the back, farthest they can, you don’t make a single noise. You’ve never seen this side of his so… don’t wanna test it much, right?
As he begins thrusting in you, you don’t get time to adjust. His mouth is all over you, kissing, licking, biting; it’s wild—filthy, almost. Yet you can’t get yourself to hate it. Something about this sex-crazed version of his makes you so much wetter. Sure, his gentleness is lovely as lovely gets, but a girl needs her fair-share of fucked up stuff. 
“I swear I wanted to take you right there and show him. That smug bastard,” he groans. He roughly thrusts up, making you choke a moan. You look up at him innocently, just as you know it’s going to be hard to stay quiet. 
“What, something to say?” He pulls his tie out of your mouth, throwing it to the side.
You take the opportunity. “Sorry, I—” another thrust. “I’m sorry,”
His hand snakes up your throat. “Sorry’s gonna fix this?” he asks. 
You shake your head, feeling him fold you even more. “Can’t— can’t stay quiet for lo—” you let out a loud moan, hoping he’d at least casted muffliato on his way in. (...he hadn’t.)
“Simple fucking thing, and you can’t follow it? Can’t even shut up?”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” you whine, body jolting with his thrusts, your high chasing you. You clench around him, the action having a very clear effect on him. He furrows his brows, head bowing down. 
“Fuck.” he groans lowly. “You gonna cum?”
You nod. You close your eyes, bite your lips, waiting for the moment. He gets faster, thrusts harder, hand even moving down to rub at your clit. Then, he just… stops.
“Fuck!” you scream. Your leg trembles hard, tears at the corner of your eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, why’d you do that?” he had never done that. Ever. If anything, his main motive was to make you come every time you did it. 
He grabs your jaw roughly. “Gonna behave from now on?”
You nod. “Sorry, please, please, please,”
He snakes his hand down, rubbing at your clit. “Learnt your lesson?”
You nod. 
“Gonna shut up like I told you to?”
You nod. 
Finally, finally, your high chases you again. This time, you look at him with pleading eyes, as if apologising to him. You hip jerks up, legs shaking. 
“There you go,” he says, increasing the speed of his fingers. The knot in your stomach tightens, your whole body heating up. 
He stops. He fucking stops. 
This time, you try your best to cry quietly into the pillow beside you, body jolting.
“Stop it,” he says harshly.
You open your eyes to look at him. “Huh?”
“Stop that, the fucking sobbing.”
He manouvers you onto his lap, lifting you up and slamming you down on his dick. Instinctively, you head is buried in his neck, soft mewls muffled by his skin. 
When his hands tire, he simply lets you sit on his lap and instead lifts his own hips. Your nails dig into his hands which are still on your hip (to keep you from moving your hips away), soft moans turning into screams. 
You struggle in his grip. He grips your hair harshly, pulling you out of the crook of his neck.  "Yeah, yeah, darling. Push me once more, and I'll tie you up and keep going faster till you cry and beg me to stop. Then we'll see how much you can push, hm?" he seethes. 
But fuck, the ecstacy you're feeling isn't going to let you stay still for long. You tremble at his touch, breathily moaning into his neck. At this point, you are overstimulated, too. 
This time, when his hand starts rubbing your clit, your head goes into the crook of his neck to bite onto his skin. 
“I swear, I wanna stop again. Wanna make you suffer.”
You shake your head vigorously, “No, no, no, please,” you begin to sob. Sob, really. 
In a fucked up way, it turns him on. During the full-moon, he’s not really… him. Some of his harsher sides come to play. So now, he wants to see you cry. 
So he stops. 
You sob lowly in his neck, body trembling. “Why,” you whimper. “please, Remus, please,”
“Sorry, darling. Just wanted to see those pretty little tears of yours.”
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pussy down bad, huh?
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exrayspex · 1 year
doctors offices will be like "we will charge you money if you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours' notice," and then cancel your appointment on the day of, less than 6 hours before the scheduled time, AND demand you come in almost 2 hours earlier instead, then be annoyed with you when you are busy and can't take their calls or come early
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hella1975 · 1 year
still thinking about the fact there's a girl in my main group of econ mates that i'll call C and i used to be really close with her in first year. like i spent a lot of time with her she drove me everywhere we met up outside of uni etc. except there was a boy in that main group too and the dynamic was basically that me and my other mate met first and THEN we started hanging out with C and this boy, so we each had our Person before forming one bigger group, if that makes sense? and i got on pretty well with the boy bc he happened to be bi so we instantly clicked over that and i could tell he latched onto me quite a bit bc there aren't really many other queer people in our circle and ESPECIALLY not at the start of uni. when i tell you C was so pissed off about the fact me and him got on better than her and him that our friendship STILL isn't as close now bc she couldn't get over me 'stealing' her cute little GBF accessory. and i didnt even do anything like i couldn't have given less of a shit who this lad hung out with. and she WONDERS why he picked the bi girl over her weird ass
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simplyreveries · 5 months
hello hello!! just wanted to say your blog is super cute!! could I request platonic! dorm leaders with a very very affectionate yuu. like hugging, cheek kisses, the full nine yards. GN reader please!
sorry if my message wasn't clear 😭
have a good day/night!
ty ty!!
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riddle rosehearts
he was so incredibly flustered when you first started to show him lots of affection. he tries to keep his composure and push you away slightly while clearing his throat deeming that it's not appropriate! but it's just ever since he broke down after his overblot and then you've gotten close to him (well you barge into his life and make him your friend immediately) that you've been so utterly loving and sweet with him. something he is not particularly used to.
whenever you come by some celebration or unbirthday party you always eagerly come find him and hug him giving pecks on the cheeks. he’ll nervously pull away and thank you for coming, but he felt quite smiley and warm inside. because you usually greet him in such a fashion and refuse to be put off by his need for formalities, he has been accustomed to you doing that all the time whenever you see him. he doesn't necessarily reciprocate it but sometimes you may feel him wrap his arms around you and quickly pulls away.
his temper can easily be calmed down if you're around, he does feel much softer around you… lowkey though he does get a litttleee bit jealous with ace or deuce if you're equally as affectionate with your other friends as well. he can't help it.
leona kingscholar
nope nope leona totally pushed you away the first few (many times) you'd happily come up and try to hug him or kiss him on the cheek. he refused to let you be all affectionate with him, he would simply huff annoyed pushing you away. especially if you try to do anything like that around other people.
it'd take him a while to even warm up to it even a little, but with enough of your own persistence he gives in little by little soon enough. you've upgraded to being able to give him hugs without him giving you some glare and pulling away… he's lost the energy to try at this point you're too eager to find and hug him. he’ll rub his forehead “you're giving me a headache, herbivore.”, but once again doesn't make much of an attempt to push you away anymore.
ok… he still gives you this look, but he's better about it. like when you vote up to him after magishift practice (that he finally went to) and gift him a supportive pat on the back or hook your arm around his to drag him to show him something. the only time he somewhat reciprocated it was genuinely if you seemed distressed or upset about something, like your current situation in twisted wonderland or dealing with stress- he sighed as he wrapped one of his arms around you when you came in for a hug.
azul ashengrotto
he was so surprised at your affection initially but like riddle carefully pushes you away to maintain his image. nevertheless, you still are insistent on giving him so much attention. I’d like to think that after seeing his more… emotional and irrational side during the events of chapter 3 only made you want to dote on your friend more.
whenever you come and find him to give him a quick hug and to check up on him during late hours at the mostro lounge and just ask him about his day and what is he doing. he is slightly taken aback but like the others he's gotten pretty used to your affectionate behavior, he’ll chuckle confused, clearing his throat and thank you for asking. he is not used to this in really any way. in fact, if you think about it… this is probably the first time he's had someone he’s considers himself close to be so affectionate and kind. not wanting anything from him in return but to just be okay??
once he's more comfortable, he will somewhat reciprocate a little, something like placing a hand on your back when you pull away from hugging him. he won't admit it, but he does love the attention from you, it's something he never realized it's what he needed.
kalim al-asim
oh, he's definitely just as affectionate with his friends, if not more than you. kalim will happily hug you back and squeeze you tightly or kiss you back on the cheek and giggle. he's glad to have someone who can understand his affection's, unlike some people haha. he just has so much love to give to everyone.
he always greets you with a big hug, in fact it's basically a habitual thing between you two whenever you see each other on campus he’ll greet you with a big hug all happy every time he sees you. when kalim gets excited to tell you about something he’ll playfully swing your arm and asking you to come over to scarabia because he's holding some sort off celebration, or sometimes he likes to laugh and tell you he's tired as he lays his head on your shoulder.
he always tells you how much he loves the affection from you, you'll always get some cheeky “hehe thank you!” from him. he claims you cheer him up and help him all the time whenever you're all affectionate with him.
vil schoenheit
vil is affectionate in his own ways, i mean, ever since i saw the way he treated yuu and the others during chapter 6 when he kisses them on the forehead in a reassuring manner it made me melt. he definitely is lowkey about it to those he considers close to him. though he doesn't reciprocate much at times, he does appreciate small gestures.
like he will sigh and begin to smooth out his clothing or fix his hair after you hug him, he may even fix yourself up as well if your ribbon is tilted or uniform seems crinkled. but he’ll give you some afterwords shaking his head, giving a small smile “tsk, how troublesome” he’d say.
vil is quite observant though, if he were to notice you don't seem as affectionate with others or try to be with him he’ll definitely see and ask you if you're doing alright. he's surprisingly very sweet with his words. he can't help but consider you dear to him now, if you really seem troubled and worried about something, maybe feeling hopeless because crowley hasn't found a way home yet. he will give you honest advice and if you're lucky a kiss on the forehead as well.
idia shroud
he's so ??!! instant brain malfunction when you first come up to him and kiss him on the cheek, seemingly worried but relieved that he's okay after what went down in his chapter, once you got back to NRC. he will freeze up and feel unsure of what to exactly do because he's so awkward with these things.
the first time he hugged you back was a little tough for him at first (he just gave you that small and awkward pat on the back haha) and immediately pulled away, he feels himself burning up from embarrassment, but you're just so persistent, it does make it easier for him when you're so understanding and kind.
he does get more and more comfortable with you especially after inviting you or sleepovers with him and ortho at ignihyde and they're really fun. at that point he's totally okay having you close by as you're laying with a bunch of blankets, pillows and snacks close together playing videogames with him. he's grown to love it actually, as he casually talks and dumps everything he loves and knows about the game hehe.
malleus draconia
malleus was pleasantly surprised with your sudden affection, though he has known you for a while throughout the game, so he already has kind of gotten the idea you're a naturally friendly and overly affectionate with those close to you. he does notice how you are with grim and the others when out. but when you actually come up and hug him? he's shocked, you? a human would just come up to someone like him and hug him? going on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek when saying thanks for coming to the music festival with him??
after the initial surprise he chuckles placing a hand on your head “you’re quite the brave and unusual one, child of man” he loves that most about you though. he admires and thinks its endearing how often and without even thinking twice about giving him affection and calling him your own friend.
soon enough during the nights when he visits the outside of ramshackle dorm and you come to find him, he’ll gently stretch out his arms already knowing you're going to greet him with a hug. and you just know, his hugs are the warmest and most gentle things ever.
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rosietaeyongswife · 19 days
mission: prom | jung jaehyun
genre: fluff, angst, teenage romance paring: jaehyun x reader synopsis: what happenes when prom is in a month, and you haven't been asked out yet? wc: 7k tw: curses
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Your father was looking at TV, when he realized you didn't come down for dinner. It's been already 30 minutes, since he have asked you downstairs. A little bit concerned, he went upstairs to check on you and boy, he didn't expect to find you sitting on the bed crying with your earphones in.
"Y/N?" He asked, but you couldn't hear him. He came closer and tap you on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry, dad. I got caught up."
"Why you're crying?" Your eyes drifted away from his, to hide embarrassment. "C'mon, you know you can tell me."
For a moment, you held back, because your father might not care, but it's better to let go of negative energy.
"I haven't been asked out to prom, yet." Trying to hold tears in wasn't easy. "It might be silly, but I wish I could go with someone. All my friends are going with their partners, and here I am. Don't worry, I just needed to cry and I'll be fine."
"Y/N, don't be silly. It's still a lot of time, and I assure you, there is a gentleman who is going to ask you out. I promise." He hugged you. "You're pretty, smart and funny girl. Who wouldn't want to go with you? Crazy. Don't stress about it, love." He got up and smiled at you. "Mum made pasta, your favortie one."
There was an ache in your father's heart. Did he feel heartbroken? Yes, probably yes. His little daughter was crying alone in her bedroom, because no boy asked her to prom. He wants only the best for you and wishes you happiness, and there's no way, you're going alone.
He never said anything, but he was thinking about it all night. What to do? And after a while, realization hit him. Your dad is a football couch at Seoul's University, so he's facing a bunch of boys only year older than you, daily. One of them could be good for you. Here come a list in his mind.
Yuta Nakamoto? He's Japanese, and he's just a year older, studying business at University. He's really respectful, smart and funny but he found him annoying. A lot of rumours say, he's a playboy and he doesn't look for anything special yet. Out.
Kim Jungwoo? He's tall, handsome, funny guy of the team. Jungwoo never fails to make anyone smile, and he's engineerer student so it makes him perfect canditate. But. He's shy, and boys were talking about him and some girl. Out.
Kim Mingyu? He's also very tall, handsome and mysterious. A lot of girls have a crush on him, but he's not the smartest among the team, and he has a temper. Sometimes he's too stubborn and it's not cool. Out.
As your dad was thinking about it, his hopes went down. Is there anyone, who isn't douchebag or dumb? He isn't going to set up his precious girl with some jerk. And then an idea popped.
Jung Jaehyun. Tall, handsome, funny and respectful student. He's studying business with Yuta, and a lot of girls have a crush on him and teachers love him. He's most polite person, your dad has ever met. Professors always praise him, because he always gets high marks and he's the best football player in the team. On top of that, his father was an old friend of your father. He helped Jungs in the past, making Jaehyun's dad, a professor in United States some time ago. Bingo.
On your way to classes, all you could hear was your friends bragging about their prom dates. It was annoying you, because you still don't have any date. Jealousy was getting over you, but you hide it as much as you could.
"Doyoung came with a big sign and flowers in his hand." Sohyeon said with a proud smile, showing you picture of her boyfriend. "I was stunned. Imagine, Kim Doyoung showing up with these things to ask me out, crazy."
"Jungwoo wasn't original." Jimin said with a pout. "We were hanging out at his dorm, and he turned the TV off. I looked at him, and he asked if I wanted to go with him."
"I mean, it's Jungwoo, we're talking about." You pointed out. "At least, he did ask."
"What about you, Y/N?" Sohyeon smiled at you widely. "I bet there must be some hottie. Tell us."
"Actually, nope."
Girls tried to comfort you, but you were aware of reality. Majority of people had already dates, and this wouldn't change much.
"I bet someone will ask you out." Jimin hugged you. "Look, I had no idea few months ago, I'd be dating Doyoung. I used to stay at home 24/7. And look, I'm dating him."
"For real, you can't stress about it. I mean, going alone isn't the worst. Many people go alone. It's fine."
"Yes, I bet it is. It'd just be nice to have a date."
"Imagine if someone like, oh." Jimin pouted. "Jung Jaehyun asked you out. Do you remember him? A year ago, everyone and their moms had a crush on him. He's literally the most handsome man I've ever seen. Besides, Jungwoo right."
"Oh fuck." Sohyeon nodded with a laughter. "He once asked me about a teacher, and I could fall because of his beauty."
"I've heard, he asked Chaeyoung out by getting on his knees with her favorite flowers in hand and sang her a song. Isn't it romantic?" Jimin and Sohyeon both were daydreaming about Jaehyun. "He never sings for anyone, so she must've been special."
"Wow, that's awesome." You nodded. "Do you think they're still dating?"
"Maybe? I have no idea, but Park Chaeyoung is studying law, and he's doing business at different universities. I hope they broke up."
"Why? You can't say that."
"C'mon, Y/N. He deserves better."
Park Chaeyoung was known pretty and popular girl among your year, just a year ago. At first, everyone thought she's nice and polite, but then it turned out she's the most fake person, that school has ever seen. If she didn't like someone, she'd turn their life into hell. People got to know, few weeks after prom and since then she left school to write SATS in another school.
The weather outside was sunny and warm, which resulted on bunch of men being sweaty and greasy. They've been running nonstop for past half an hour, and it was just a beginning of practice.
Your father was thinking what is he supposed to say to Jaehyun to make him agree.
"Jaehyun." Younger man turned around to check what's going on. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course, couch. What's up?"
"Listen, I have an odd question." He nodded. "You know my daughter, Y/N, right? She used to come here with me some time ago."
"Oh, Y/N. Yes, I know her. Not really know, but I know who she is. Why?"
"What I'm about to say may be crazy for you, and I understand if you wouldn't like to agree, but I'm desperate." Jaehyun was confused. What do you have to do with him? "She hasn't been asked out to Prom, and she probably won't be. I love her, and I can't bear the pain to see her heartbroken. Would you ask my daughter out to Prom?"
Jaehyun was stunned and he had no words. What was he supposed to say? He doesn't even know you. At all.
"I like you couch, and I respect you, but I don't really know her. I don't think it's a great idea, maybe you should've asked Yuta-"
"No. You're most normal guy here. Jaehyun, please. Think about it. I'll let you play in the main squad in semi finals. I promise."
"I'll think about it, couch."
Jaehyun wasn't sure what to do. At first, he was certain to say no, but your dad promised him place in the main squad on semi finals. It's his big chance right there.
After the practice, he went straight home and wanted nothing else but sleep. As he was about to shower, his father called him.
"Jaehyun, did Mr. Y/L/N asked you?"
"Oh, God. You too?" He hissed. "It's crazy dad. I literally don't know her at all. Am I supposed to show up at her door tommorow with a flower in a hand and as if she wants to be my prom date? Please. It's ridiculous."
"I know how it sounds, but you need to agree." He sighed and Jaehyun once again, was confused. "Her father used to help me to get a place in professor staff. Thanks to him, I could work at Harvard. He helped me, and it's time to return a favor. I'm not asking you to date her, son. Just one night."
Only two weeks until prom, and here you are with your mother and Jimin in a shop with all the beautiful dresses. The longer you were in there, the more mad you were. All the dresses you tried on, were either ugly or not flattering.
"Baby, I think you need to make your mind. There's plenty of choice. Pick something."
"I'll just get something black." You said with a grin. "Nothing else looks good on me, black is classic. And heels. Whatever."
Jimin felt bad, because you were excited just a ten minutes ago, but now you're tired. After picking a dress, three of you came to your home. Your mother was busy with conversation with your father, while you and Jimin were looking for makeup inspirations on Pinterest.
"I think I'm doing glam." Jimin showed you a picture of glam makeup on some girl. "I need to go extra hard, you know."
"Well, you should. I bet you're going to look amazing, Jimin."
"You too. Find yourself a good inspo, and we'll be slaying the shit out of that place."
After few minutes, Jungwoo came to pick Jimin up. Both of them are supposed to have a dinner date tonight. You waved them goodbye, but you noticed how Jungwoo was looking at you and whispered something to Jimin. She seems to be excited, but she played it off and left. Weird.
As you were packing your stuff for school, a door bell rang in the whole house.
"Y/N, open the door." Your father ordered you to do it.
It annoyed you. Both of your parents were sitting downstairs in the living room, yet they called you to open the door.
"Hi, who-" You stopped mid sentence. "Jung Jaehyun? What are you doing here?"
You got outside and closed the door after you. Jaehyun was wearing a black suit and he was looking really fine in it. In his hands were small boquete of rosses, and you were real confused at the moment.
"I came, because I want to take you to Prom together." He smiled and showed you his dimples. He also gave you the rosses. "Y/N, will you be my prom date?"
He was smiling at you, looking adorable and all you could do was sigh.
Jaehyun was baffled. He didn't expect such an outcome. You were supposed to be extra excited, say yes and hug him, thanking for saving you, and he was supposed to play in semi finals. And you have audacity to say no?
"What do you mean no?"
"No, I won't let you be my date, Jaehyun." You were smilling, and it didn't help Jaehyun to realize what's going on. "I guess my father must've asked you to do it. Damn, he really pitties me."
"It's not like that, I mean, I mea-" He was at loss of words. "You were supposed to say yes. I thought you still don't have a date."
"That's true, I don't."
Jaehyun was laughing ironically.
"Then what's the issue? Agree and you will have a cute date, and best time of your life with me."
"You don't even know me, Jaehyun. We were friends when we were, like, 5?" You laughed at Jaehyun expression, handing him the flowers. "I appreciate your efforts, but I don't want to go with someone who pity me."
Before Jaehyun could speak, you left. He was baffled on the sport in front of your door. He was theoritically dumped. His pride got hurt a bit, since no one has ever told him "no" until today. Not only pride got hurt, but his hope also died. He can't let go. He needs sport in main squad, it's his chance to become someone big.
"Y/N you're going with me wheter you like it or not."
And with that he left. He promised to himself, he's going to make you change your mind and secure a spot in main team.
It's been five days since Jaehyun has showed up at your door with rosess in his hand. You didn't tell anything about it to your friends, becasue they would get worked out over nothing. Sohyeon and Jimin were busy with their love lives, while you kinda stuck with them to kill boredroom.
"Wait." Jimin stopped on her track. "Isn't it Jung Jaehyun's car?"
"What do you mean?"
Three of you turned your gaze towards black Mercedes, that was parked in front of your school. Plates said exact numbers, Jaehyun owns.
"That's weird." Sohyeon chuckled. "What does he need from here?"
Before anyone could answer, tall male got out the car and was making his way towards you and your friends. Your hearbeat got faster, and you were about to faint.
"Is he coming towards us?"
"I guess."
You had internal battle with yourself, wheter to run away or stay still and die of embarrassment.
"Y/N." The way his voice sounds, made you even more nervous than you already were. "I came by, and I'd like to give you ride home."
Witnesses of this scene were baffled. It was some fanfiction shit in real life, because how the hell, is Jaehyun picking you up from school?
"I don't think it's necessary."
"C'mon. Don't be so lame, let's go."
"I can handle myself." You hissed. "Thank you, but nope."
"I won't ask twice. You're either coming with me or I'm tell-"
"Fine." You didn't give him a chance to speak. "I'll go with you."
You waved your friends goodbye and left with a weird stranger, who doesn't seem to let go.
"Why you're so cold, huh?" He smiled at himself, while he was turning on engine. "I know we don't know each other, but what's stopping us from getting to know each other? Nothing."
"Listen, I don't want to get to know you, alright? You're so annoying, I told you no. What part of my decline you didn't understand?"
Jaehyun was smilling at himself, because of how adorable you were. Annoyed and angry because of him.
"Because I want to be your prom date, how simple is that?" He teased with his eyes focused on the road. "I see no cons of that situation."
Listening to him was getting on your nerves. The next thing you're about to do, was to have a talk with your father. It was all his fault. You being in that car was his fault. Jaehyun getting on your neveres, was, also, his fault.
"We don't know each other, I won't go with a stranger."
"Then we'll get to know each other, simple."
As you were about to protest, you saw how he turned in the wrong way. It wasn't the road towards your home.
"I think you turned in the wrong direction."
"C'mon, did you really think we're going home so soon?"
"I want to go home, Jaehyun." You rolled your eyes. "I appreciate your effort, but it's nonsense."
Jaehyun didn't answer, but kept his smile on his lips. This whole time feels like an illusion. You're in Jaehyun's car, going God knows where. What if he's a psycho, who's about to kill you?
"Easy, I'm not going to kidnap or kill you."
"What the fuck?" Now you were scared. "How did you-"
"I can see it in your facial expressions. Believe me or not, I'm not into killing pretty girls."
"So cliche."
"And funny."
After ten minutes, both of you get out the car. The sight in front of you was quite mesmerizing. It was a lake with woods around. The views was impressing, but you had no intentions to say it out loud.
"How do you like it?"
"It's cool." You shrugged. "It's the place where you take all your girls, right? I guess it's a nice location."
"Don't be so mean. I don't take anyone here." He replied, going towars small bridge. "I am here once every few weeks. I like it here. Peace and sound."
"So.. Why are we here?"
"To spend some time together?" He was sarcastic, which made you even more annoyed than you already were. "You said, you're not going to prom with a stranger, then I'll stop being a stranger."
"Jaehyun, I wasn't joking-"
"What's your favorite color then?"
"Really?" You couldn't believe your ears. "You're asking me about my favorite color, God."
"Just answer me."
"I don't know. Red probably?"
"Red. Sounds good. Mine's black, since you haven't bothered to ask."
"It's because I don't care?" You tried to keep your cool, but Jaehyun made you nervous. "Geez."
"Another question."
"I feel like I'm taking a pop quiz."
"Good, that's the point." He leaned by the bench. "Why you're always wearing your earphones in? Ever since I can remember, you were wearing them since the beginning of the high school."
"I like music, isn't it obvious? I just prefer to listen to music to talking with people."
"So you're an introvert."
"And you're an extrovert, I suppose."
"Opposites attract, you know."
"Stop with this cheesy lines, Jaehyun. God."
"I like how you say my name. Cute." He smiled at you, and you tried to hide your smile. He wasn't that bad. "Do you have any questions?"
"Why business? I thought you're into different things."
"Oh. Well, my father made me do it. My plan A is to become a football star." He chuckled with you at your reaction. "My plan B, made by my father, was to become CEO and open own company."
"Sounds secure. Cool."
"I don't know. Economics and business is so fucked ubp. I baerly can do basic math and it's driving me crazy. College is a real deal, Y/N." You smiled at his words. He must've meant it. "And you? Your plans for future?"
"I'm not sure yet." You sat down on a small bench. "I'm thinking about either psychology or criminology. Both are interesting, but it's dificult. I don't think I'm ready for an adult life."
Jaehyun could only nod at your words. It was true, it is scary, but it can be overcomed.
"You're going to figure it out. I bet you're going to be good at whatever you're going to pick."
"Oh, thank you. How cute." You said with a sarcasm. "I appreciate your piece of advice, but it was shitty one."
"C'mon, don't be so negative Miss."
"Don't call me miss, that sounds weird." You made disgusted face. "I think you should drive me back home, my father is probably wondering where am I."
"Oh shit, for sure."
Ride back home was rather fun. Jaehyun was talking about all the times he had embarrased himself or fun stories he and his friends had. It seems like Jaehyun is really cool guy.
"Thank you, uhm, for the ride."
"You're welcome, see you around Y/N."
A little smile crept on your lips, he isn't that bad. Your father was doing dinner for both of you, when he noticed you.
"Was it Jung Jaehyun's car or am I wrong?"
"Indeed. He insisted, dad."
"Do you like him?"
"I bearly know him, please. He's not that bad, but he's still a stranger."
"Cool." He hummed. "Dinner will be ready in a few."
After small talk with your dad, you came into your room and finally checked all the messages from your friends. As you were about to reply, an outcoming call came.
"Why the fuck did Jung Jaehyun came for you?"
"Exactly, mind explaining?"
"I don't know, he just came by, I guess."
"Came by? Y/N Y/L/N, be for real. Why didn't you tell us both of you are talking?"
"Because we aren't. He's just an old friend."
"Doesn't make sense at all. Girl, we should've known before. Now, tell us everything."
You cooked your brows, because you didn't feel like telling your friends about Jaehyun.
"There's nothing to talk about. We met few times, and that's all. I swear." You tried to keep it cool. "I'm sorry but I have to go, my father calls me."
Sometimes Jimin and Sohyeon get out of hand. They're really annoying with your business, and you don't really like it. Relationship with Jaehyun could only mess up your and your friends.
Past week was really exciting for you. All the time, you had spent with Jaehyun. He literally made you laugh so much, and you had really time of your life. Your friends didn't ask much, they just let you do your thing. For the first time in a long time, you felt happy. Jaehyun brought so much joy into your life, which was cool.
"So." Jaehyun looked up from his cup of tea. "I was wondering, if I can be your prom date?"
You almost choked on your tea. The first time Jaehyun has asked you out, it was weird and funny to you, but right now it made you nervous to speak.
"I guess you can."
Jaehyun chuckled a bit and hugged you. You felt redness spread across your cheeks because of that small gesture. There's no way you're falling for him, right?
"See you on friday then. Make yourself look pretty, Y/N."
"I'm always pretty, dork."
"I never said you weren't."
Humming in response, you laughed at Jaehyun. Both of you were about to head home, he's living just five minutes away from you. When you opened the door to your house, you could hear your mother voice.
"But you can't just ask somebody to do it, Jezus."
"Please, calm down it's not like-" He noticed you. "Y/N, hi. You're finally home."
"What were you arguing about?" You chuckled a bit, but you still were concerned. "Both of you look weird, is everything fine?"
Your father took a quick glance at your mother, and then sit down on the counter.
"Not really, we were arguing about my managment of my football team, nothing serious."
"Okay then."
"Honey, are you ready for prom?" Your mother stopped you from going away. "I mean, it's this friday and I want you to feel special."
"Not really."
The next day, your mother took you out on a shopping spree. This day was all about you. Your mother was really happy that both of you could spend a day together after a long time of not doing so. Walking through shops was making you a bit dizzy. Dresses were elegant and beuatiful, so the choice was hard.
"What about this one, Y/N?"
You turned around to see a green mini dress, and you were certain it's not it.
"I don't think green is my colour, mom."
This went on and on, and what supposed to be a nice afternoon turned into a nightmare real quick. Your mother was annoyed with your choices, and the fact you haven't found any of the dresses cute.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I think I can help." A woman with a precious smile on came by. "My name is Jennie, and I've been working here for three years, so I have some experience."
"Thank God, I can't do it anymore." Your mother rolled her eyes. "Y/N be quick."
She then left to sit on the couch and check her phone, while you were on your way with Jennie. She seems to be a nice girl and she was really cool with you.
"I'm sorry for my mother, she's like this sometimes."
"Don't worry, things like this happens here daily, believe me. I know how to deal with it."
"Must be harsh."
"I got used to it by now." She smiled at you. "Here, elegant dress. Black and maxi, what do you think?"
"They're amazing. Wow, I've never seen anything prettier."
"I know right? Well, here's all the dresses available in black. I think black is everyone's go to. So let's take a look."
After ten minutes of going through, what seems like a hundred, dresses, Jennie picked one.
"Is beautiful, I know." She ended your sentance. "Try it on."
It was black, elegant and slevless dress with a square neck. The dress made you pop and look like a princess. Looking at your reflection, you felt beautiful for the first time since forever. You felt like you, but more confident and cooler.
"Excuse me, Mam." Jennie approached your mother. "Your daughter was wondering if you might want to take a look at the dress we choose."
"Finally, okay."
Facial expression your mother had, was spechless. It was a moment where both of you went silent and just looked at each other.
"So, what do you think?"
"You look perfect, Y/N. This is the one, honey." She turned her back and looked at Jennie. "Can we get shoes too?"
D-day, here's your prom night. Jaehyun felt comfortable around you, so were you. Both of you have been texting each other about most casual stuff, as if you had known each other for years. Also, he was annoying you, because he wanted to see the dress, but you told him no. It's supposed to be a surprise.
A bell rang. It must've been him.
"Y/N, someoen's for you." Your dad called you, and suddenly you felt anxious. What if he doesn't like what you wear? "Y/N, c'mon."
Making your way down the stairs, you prayed in your mind for him to like it a lot. On the other hand, Jaehyun was mesmerized by your beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"Y/N, you look gorgeous." Jaehyun couldn't take his eyess off of you, which made you blush. "You're killing it."
"Thank you." You tried to hide your face. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"Sorry, my bad."
Ride towars the place of the prom wasn't silent at all. Jaehyun was talking with you about everything like usually. He also couldn't stop looking at you. For the first time in a long time, you felt appreciated by someone else than your parents.
Dance. Everyone who had a pair had to dance. Jaehyun learnt the steps in a day thanks to you. You couldn't tell who was more excited: you or Jaehyun. Whole school had eyes on you and your partner for tonight, but you couldn't care less. Tonight feels like a dream. It was all thanks to God. If it wasn't for him, you would spend the worst night of your life alone, but here you are with Jung Jaehyun.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am."
"Video Games" instrumentall started playing. Your steps were graceful, smooth and pretty. Jaehyun was watching your every move almost hipnotised. At this very moment, he realized how much he does actually like you. Jaehyun got attached to you by last weeks. To be fair, he was mad at himself that he hadn't had a chance to get to know you before.
"I'm one lucky man to be here with you."
"Didn't you tell the same thing to Chaeyoung?" You laughed, while Jaehyun silenced for a minute and let out a small giggle. "I'm lucky one. I don't know how did it happen, but I'm happy nevertheless."
Jaehyun eyes widened. For a qucik second, he remembered conversation with your father. He felt awful for a second, but then he let go. It doesn't matter. What matters is the fact he likes you.
"No, I told her something different. I guees." Both of you giggled, as you were making your way towards the tables. "I'm glad that Doyoung and Jungwoo will be here. I feel like I'm grandma among teenagers."
"You're just a year older, idiot."
"Still. Year may be a lot."
Sohyeon and Jimin were really excited for you. They had never seen you happier than tonight. Ever since you've been hanging out with Jaehyun something changed in you. Like a small sparkle in you woke up. None of them knew the real reason why did Jaehyun asked you out. Their boyfriends told them, he was intrested in her for a while since Chaeyoung left the school. It was really believable, because you were one of the prettiest girl in the High School.
"So, Jaehyun and Y/N, are you dating?"
Jungwoo asked all of sudden, and for a moment you forgot how to breathe.
"Dude, I swear to God." Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Leave us alone. Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yes, I am."
"So? What's the answer?"
Before Jaehyun could answer, you were faster to reply.
"No. We're friends."
Jaehyun couldn't explain why, but he felt an ache in his heart at your words. It was an honest true, why would he feel hurt? He brushed it off, and just nodded at your words.
Jimin punched Jungwoo playfully, and changed the topic.
"What about we dance? I hear Rihanna, and everyone is sitting down. C'mon! Let's dance!"
Circle of your friends got up on the dance floor staying there for almost hour. All the 2000s hits were blasting through the speakers, and you really were happy. Nothing could ruin your night. It's the best day of your life.
"I need to rest." You said, and sat down with Doyoung while the rest went for the drinks.
"Wow, I haven't seen Jaehyun so happy and chill for a while now. Did you do something to him, Y/N?" He chuckled.
"Nope, haha. What are you talking about?" You laughed at him, and took a sip of juice you had. "I thought he was always this happy."
"He had a rough time lately, and now he's dancing on the dance floor with us. Believe me, he would never do it unless he was drunk."
Doyoung's words warmed up your heart. The thought of Jaehyun being happier just because both of you hangs out made you smile. He isn't such an asshole as you thought for some time.
An hour passed, and everyone had a great time. Girls were dancing with you, boys would come to dance too. It's an unforgetable night for you.
"I need to smoke. Anyone?"
Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Jimin all got up and left. Jimin had to call her mother, while you stayed with Sohyeon. Your friend was really drunk, close to passing out.
"Are you alright, Sohyeonah?"
"Yes, yes hell I am." She was chuckling. "I feel great." She was stuttering, and you felt bad for her. "I want more."
As when she was going for another drink, you took it from her.
"Girl, do you want to throw up? Leave it alone." You were laughing at her failed attempts to get the drink from you. "Stop it."
It's been five minutes, and you wasn't laughing at all. Sohyeon wasn't chuckling or saying anything, she was almost passed out.
"I need to go to toilet."
Her voice was shaky, so you were fast to react and go with her. She was on her knees throwing up, as you were holding her hair.
"Who-" Jimin voice stopped. "Oh my God, is she so drunk?" She got on her knees, and took a look at her friend.
"Yes, she looks like a ghost. I don't think staying here more, would make it better."
"God." Jimin rolled her eyes. "Can you go for Doyoung? He should take her home or something. I'll stay with her. I know what to do, but she should rest."
"Of course."
You felt bad for Sohyeon, she has always been a lighthead. Jimin knew what to do with her, but you had no clue. You went by your table, but there was no one there so boys were still outside. Many people were going in and out, so it was hard for you to notice them in the crowd. Finally, you saw familiar sillhouete. As you got closer you've heard Jungwoo's voice.
"Are you still going to keep in touch with her? I mean, you already did what you've been asked to." Jungwoo was chuckling. "She's great girl, but do you want to?"
Been asked to? You felt as if your heart was breaking in two. What does it mean?
"I don't know. Depends."
"Ya, really?" Doyoung was laughing. "You got your spot in a team, and you says depends. Coach isn't going to be the happiest with such an answer."
"I mean, that's true. I like her but.." Jaehyun wasn't able to end. "I don't know how to explain this. I would -"
He couldn't end, because Jungwoo shook his head in your direction. Here you were standing with makeup running down your face. Crying so hard, you almost forgot how to breathe.
"D-Doyoung, Sohyeon is throwing up in the toilets. Take her home." IT was all you could say.
Three of them were shocked to see you. You've heard the conversation out of context. It seems like Jaeyun used you for his spot, but he didn't get to finish his true feelings about you.
"Fuck! Y/N stop!"
Jungwoo went together with Doyoung, leaving two of you alone.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Jaehyun!" You screamed on top of your lungs. "I knew my father must have asked you for it. I knew it. How could I be so stupid to think you did it by yourself! I'm such an idiot."
"It's not like that! I really like you, please. Hear me out!"
"No, I don't want to talk." You wiped away your tears. "I'm coming home. I don't want to see you anymore."
"Wait, Y/N."
Jaehyun was about to chase you, when he realized it's done. You overheard him and his friends in a wrong timing. He was about to say how much he does adore you, and how it depends on you and how you see him. Now it's fuckin done, because you know it was your dad favor.
Prom was supposed to be your dream come true, and it turned into a nightmare quickly. It's been almost a month, and you're still with your thoughts in that night. Your father apologized to you about thousand times.
"I told you to leave her alone! She could've gone by herself. Happens. It would be better than going with your boy. Gosh, what have you done?" Your mother was annoyed. "Now she doesn't talk to you and I support her."
"I only wants the best for her! That's it! I couldn't look at her being hurt. I wanted my little girl to have her moment, is it so bad?"
Jaehyun called you and texted you, but you didn't read nor respond to these messages.
On the other hand, Jaehyun was upset. Heartbroken. Depressed. He wasn't sure why did he take it so personal. He was sure he couldn't get you out of his head. Jung Jaehyun understood you and wasn't surprised by your behaviour, but he was selfish. He wanted you to text him back, to say you missed him. His friends were surprised by his acts, because he never was such a wreck because of a girl.
"Y/N." Your dad got into your room. "I may sound selfish, but I want you to talk with Jaehyun. Semi finals are this weekend, yet he's really not himself. We need to win and I know to you I'm an asshole but please."
"Do you really expect me to talk with him?"
"At least show up on our match. He would be better if he could see you. Please. It's important for boys and for me."
"I'll think about it."
Your dad nodded and left. Of course, it was obvious that semi finals are important for your father as a couch. But you were still hurt. It wasn't even because of your father and Jaehyun, but by you. How could you believe Jaehyun would liked you? It was eating you alive. Everyone knew you went to prom together, yet he wasn't feeling you. That's what you supposed.
The door bell rung. You were alone, so you had to open the door and you saw two men. Jungwoo and Doyoung.
"I don't want to talk to you." As when you almost closed the door, Jungwoo stopped you.
"Y/N, why can't you talk with him?" Doyoung asked desperatly. "He's a wreck. I've never seen him like this before. I swear to God, it was out of context. It was bad timing."
"Look, it must be hard, but the coach wanted the best for you, and Jaehyun? He caught feelings! Can't you see?" Jungwoo hissed. "All he could talk about is you and how much he regrets not going after you."
"We understand if you don't want to know him anymore. Okay. But please, Y/N, come on the weekend for semi finals. He has to give his best, but he's not able to do so."
Doyoung really was desperate for you. The look in their eyes could tell it was truth.
"I can come, but." Their eyes lighten up. "I don't want to talk to him. I'm doing that, so you can leave me alone."
Two guys hugged you and left. They were thankful for you.
Semi finals were about to start. Seouls University, coached by your father vs. Yonsei University. It's a big event among students. There were about thousand people at least. Whole area was occupied. Jimin and Sohyeon reserveted places for you three.
"Hello, finally."
"Here I am. Where's the guys?"
"They're going up."
You looked over at the field and there they were. Your eyes couldn't help but lend on Jaehyun. He wasn't able to see you. Deep down, you prayed for his best performance.
After first half it was 2:0 for Yonsei. Boys were throwing curses and were mad. Jaehyun couldn't score a goal at all. He was furious, and got yellow card for bad behaviour.
It was a break in between.
"You should go there, Y/N." Jimin said. "Jaehyun isn't going to score these goals, because he is still focused on you and he had no idea you came for him."
"I came because they all asked me-"
"Don't lie. We know deep down, you couldn't not come."
"Go, you have less than five minutes."
In your mind there was no other choice. You were running for your life to get down there for them. Jaehyun had to see you. You had to tell him to get it together. Tell him you forgive him, even though you don't want to.
"Guys, please! Focus! Jaehyun you are so close to score a goal, yet you miss every single time!"
"I'm sorry coach, I really try to."
At this moment you walked in. Boys turned their heads at you and decided to leave you alone with Jaehyun for a minute.
"Minute and I see you back."
"You really came." Jaehyun came and hugged you. "I'm sorry for everything, I miss you so fuckin much!"
"Jaehyun, get it together. You are supposed to be MVP. Please, it's important."
"I try to do my best but I can't focus."
"I forgive you. I forgave you long ago. I'm not mad about it anymore, so please. We're fine. Do your best."
"Thank you." Jaehyun wanted to kiss you. He needed that but your time was out. He had to go play.
The other half was different. Seoul University had ball longer than Yonsei. There was 15 minutes left and the score was 2:1. Yuta managed to score a goal few minutes ago. The longer you were watching, the more stressed you were.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Jung Jaehyun and Kim Jungwoo are running towards Yonsei. Wait, Jungwoo passed the ball to Jaehyun. He's close to scoring. Wait! Jung Jaehyun scored another goal! It's 2:2. One of the team needs to score another goal to win and to go to half finals."
Jaehyun did it. Just one more goal. Boys were faster, while Yonsei boys were already tired. They thought that your father's team would let go.
"I'm stressed. I hope they win."
Last 5 minutes. Jaehyun needs to score another goal. You were watching him closely. Mingyu was trying to pass ball to him, but he was blocked by the opponents. Yuta was trying his best to block other team, but it was hard.
Finally, Jaehyun was running as if he wasn't human. His speed was so fast, people didn't get what was going on. All of a sudden, Mingyu managed to pass to Jungwoo and he passed to Jaehyun.
Goal. Jaehyun did it. Time is over and Seoul University won 3:2. They're going towards finals!
Everyone was screaming and jumping. Boys were hugging each other and were about to give speeches through the microphones.
"I'm proud of my boys." Your dad appeared on the big screen. "I taught them well and now they won again. I love them as if they're mine kids. Congratulations boys, we got it!"
"Yuta Nakamoto, how do you feel after this win? You scored first goal for your team, you must be proud!"
"Fuck yeah! We did it! Again!" He was screaming. "We're not stopping anytime soon! We're not afraid of anyone, I'm sure we're going to win South Korea Football Competition. I know it!"
Few boys gave intervies until it was turn for Jaehyun. Your hearbeat was as fast as Jaehyun during the match.
"Jaehyun you won MVP today! You scored two goals giving your team to chance to move forward. What's your thoughts?"
"It's not thanks to me but thanks to the whole team. Our teamwork is amazing and we did it. We really are the best! I love my boys! I'm grateful I can do it with them and celebrate!" He took a microphone from a journalist hands. "Excuse me, but I have to say something to someone I hurt really badly. Y/N." Your heart stopped for a second. "I meant to say it long time ago. I think I'm in love with you. I know I was an asshole and now you're propably embarrassed as fuck, but please. I love you. I miss you everyday. I miss those little dates. When Jungwoo had asked us if we were dating, I'd like to answer yes. I wished to. I wasn't sure of your feelings. I know I fucked up big time, but please. Can you forgive me for real and talk to me?"
"Yes, Y/N, wherever you are, please come down to us and get your man!" Journalist shouts to the mic.
Your friends pushed you to make you move. You ran towards Jaehyun. It was crazy. Jaehyun loved you. He really did. You ran towards his arms and hugged him.
"I forgave you. I think I love you too."
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"
Instead of answering you kissed him. Everyone was cheering for you, but both of you were too busy with each other.
"Yes. Of course, yes!"
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sevensoulmates · 1 month
Buddie 7x06 Meta
HURRAH! It's not a four-parter this time!! Just a one-parter! It's a Madney/Chim-centric episode (which by the way I loved) but the buddie we got was AMAZING! I'm so excited for the rest of the season. We're just gonna dive right in!
First, I want to say that with the hindsight of this episode, we now know that the bachelor party was not ACTUALLY something that needed to happen, narrative-wise. It didn't actually contribute anything to the Chim plot, as that would've happened with or without buddie going crazy in the hotel room. So, all of the Bachelor Party was written purely for the purpose of watching Buck and Eddie have a good time. Maybe for comedic relief, maybe for the purposes of furthering their story at a later point in the series. Time will tell.
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First, I've seen other people point out that Buck expected Eddie to be early (even though he's the first person there) because he wanted Eddie to help him set up for Chim's party. To Buck, Eddie is the person who helps him with everything. This is Buck's idea, yes, but Eddie is the proverbial co-host in this married dynamic. So Eddie being "late" feels more like Buck being disappointed his partner wasn't there to help him behind the scenes to make everything perfect. It really does make the whole scene feel like Buck-and-Eddie (the bro-in-laws) throwing the party. So of course Eddie's breaking the unspoken rules by being late.
I love how Eddie walks in completely ready to be fawned over by Buck with their couple's outfit. It's hilarious to me because 1.) Tommy was planning on coming, Buck could've told Eddie he wanted to do a couple outfits with Tommy instead?, and 2.) Eddie was fishing for compliments and it just makes me giggle. If Buck wasn't so stressed out over this bachelor party, he likely would've reacted how Eddie wanted and given him a bunch of compliments on his look. It was jaw-dropping. If most of us (the audience) were blown away seeing Eddie in a pink suit for the first time in the bts (to the point where most of us were like "no way he's in character, this has to be Ryan's wardrobe choice"), I know that the other characters were too. It's not Eddie's typical wardrobe choice. In fact, it's such an out-of-character fashion choice for him, that it's unlikely that Eddie just had this lying around in his closet to throw on. He probably had to go and buy a suit like this just for the occasion. Eddie had to put in a lot of effort to do this couple's costume with Buck, and he did it all happily and enthusiastically. We'll come back to this in just a second because...
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CLIPBOARD BUCK IS BACK! sans clipboard but you get my drift. I love how this visually connects Buck to his sister and harkens back to a lovely Buddie moment "This is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest" back in season 3. This time around, we have Eddie assuming he would get special husband privileges and is pouty when Buck doesn't allow it.
BUT at the same time, he's not getting on Buck's case too much about it beyond the initial pouting. He may not know why Buck's so insistent on throwing a party, but he knows it's what Buck wants, so he moves on, and even watches with somewhat amusement when clipboard Buck gets turned on Ravi for doing the same thing later.
I also want to point out that Eddie has never once, ever, been upset with, annoyed by, or irritated with Buck when he's in Clipboard Buck mode. Most of the time, Eddie either finds it amusing cute, or is just generally accepting of it. This is no exception, however, this later devolves into Buck and Eddie going absolutely wild. This further exemplifies how Buck and Eddie accept and support each other, even when the other is being lowkey stupid (everything they do at the bachelor party) or unreasonable (clipboard Buck). It's all very much partner in crime coded.
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Framing. Jesus Christ the FRAMING. Tommy walks in and not even two seconds into the interaction, the camera frames Eddie FRONT AND CENTER between them, watching Buck and then watching Tommy. Buck and Tommy hug and when they pull back, there's Eddie watching them with an odd look on his face. I'm not going to go so far as to call this jealousy/pettiness, but it is odd. There's an intimate physical moment between Buck and Tommy, and then Eddie, who constantly haunts their narrative, is just there. And he's actually objecting to Tommy's presence there. Not in a mean or hostile way, but just a second ago he was high-fiving Tommy, welcoming him in, but once the physical special relationship between Buck and Tommy is established, Eddie starts to bristle a little bit.
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This entire exchange is just odd. Eddie knows that Tommy is friends with Chim. He has every right to be there for Chim alone. He's also aware that Buck now has a closer relationship with Tommy, and Buck's the only one who wants this bachelor party, so it should be obvious that Tommy would come. And yet...Eddie is questioning Tommy's presence there. He's reducing Tommy to Buck's "date", not Eddie's friend or Chim's friend, or someone who's slowly integrating into the group. No, it only becomes a problem when Tommy is there as "Buck's date".
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This is then proven by Tommy, who's actually known Chimney longer than either Buck or Eddie have known him. He has all the right to be invited. But what's especially interesting is Buck's face when Eddie starts expressing objections to Tommy's presence. He looks shocked, a little worried, loss for words. Like he's worried Eddie is disapproving of them. It could be worry lingering from last episode, where Buck was afraid of his queerness pushing Eddie away. It also showcases a bit of awkwardness between Tommy and Eddie too. Eddie has been established as enjoying spending time with Tommy, and now he's hesitant to have Tommy in spaces with Buck as a romantic partner. It demonstrates that maybe Eddie isn't as comfortable with Buck and Tommy together as he led Buck/the audience to believe. But where is that uncomfortablity stemming from? That's yet to be determined canonically.
Buck then goes on the deny that Tommy is his date (for the bachelor party) and insists that Tommy is only his date officially tomorrow at the wedding. I personally don't understand why Buck would need to clarify that Tommy isn't his date to the bachelor party. If they're dates for one, it's usually assumed they're dates for the other, especially given how close the events are. I get that Buck wants to make the night about Chimney, but it can be about Chimney and still have Tommy there as a date.
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This is also an interesting line that I've pondered over. Because while it's true that taking Tommy as a date anywhere would be hard launching both Buck's queerness and his relationship with Tommy, which could draw attention away from Madney and to Buck, but it also shouldn't be that big of a deal (and is proven at the end of the episode too). If the wedding had gone to plan originally, then Buck and Tommy going together wouldn't have had to have drawn too much attention. He could've told Chim, Hen, his parents + everyone separately before the ceremony even began. It didn't have to be such a huge deal, so I was wondering why Eddie brings out the usual phrase the show tends to use when they want to remind Buck that not everything is about him. But Buck wasn't trying to make it about him. Eddie should know this. As much as Buck has had issues in the past of taking things far too personally, and believing things to be more about him than they actually are, that's not what is happening here.
I actually think Eddie saying this line is more revealing of Eddie's feelings than it is about Buck making it about him again. It's revealing that Buck, his relationship with Tommy, and Buck's queerness are a big deal to Eddie, enough so that he believes it will draw a lot of attention. And maybe Eddie's not as cool with the idea of everyone knowing about Buck and Tommy as he tells himself. I want to reiterate that I don't believe any of this stems from legit homophobia towards Buck and/or Tommy, but more so a discomfort Eddie harbors about Buck's queerness, what it means for Eddie, and what Buck being with Tommy takes away from Eddie. All of this is unconscious, confusing, and frustrating for Eddie, and therefore what comes out of Eddie's mouth is a barb at Buck's expense. And it's why his reaction to BuckTommy at the end of the episode is kind of muted but mostly positive. He's confused.
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Buck had told Tommy previously that it was an 80s theme party and asked him to dress up. This brings me back to my previous point that Buck could've asked Tommy to dress up with him. Instead, Buck and Eddie are framed as the literal "couple" here visually, and Tommy is framed as the odd one out. Not only that, but what he is wearing is a Henley, which as most of us know, is a staple of Eddie's wardrobe. (General author's note: I don't usually harp on about wardrobe choices in the show because that's not my specialty but I will here because it is a textual part of the plot).
We've previously established in the last few episodes that Tommy is a narrative mirror to Eddie. Tommy's meant to be like Eddie in almost every way, same interests, similar personality types, etc. He's even paralleling Eddie here by dressing the same way Eddie normally dresses. But it's being juxtaposed by Eddie standing right beside him (once again Eddie is framed in the middle throughout this entire exchange with Buck/Tommy when Eddie very easily could've just stepped off to the side to let them have some privacy). EDDIE is dressed way differently than he usually is in a bright pink suit, going out of his way to make Buck happy even if it brings him out of his comfort zone wardrobe-wise. And in contrast, Tommy did not take the time to dress up, even though he knew Buck wanted him to. I'm not saying that this makes Tommy a bad person, or inconsiderate of Buck, but it's just one of those little things. One of those forethought things that Tommy just isn't aware of because he's only been dating Buck for a few weeks at this point.
Others have pointed out that Tommy would've had to change out of his clothes and into his uniform regardless if he was on standby, so why couldn't he have at least just added a little bit of 80s flair to his current outfit? It wouldn't have been any more time-consuming. Maybe it would've put Tommy out of his own comfort-zone, or maybe he would've been a bit embarrassed, but that's the kind of thing that one might reasonably risk in order to make their partner happy.
Tommy isn't aware that by not dressing up, he's hurting Buck's feelings. That's just one of those things he wouldn't know about Buck because he does not have the lived experience of what Buck needs emotionally from his partners. Eddie, on the other hand, has years of experience with Buck and knows that if he really wanted to he could be just like everyone else who didn't dress up and that Buck would put on a face of being fine with it, but deep down inside, it would make Buck feel ignored and hurt. Eddie doesn't want to ignore Buck, and as we've seen from his last line about "making it about you", Eddie can't ignore Buck. So even if it means pushing himself out of his comfort zone, Eddie's going to show up in full costume, ready and enthusiastic to be with Buck.
All of this is being done for a purpose. It's to show us that while Buck and Tommy are still learning and developing their relationship, something is off, specifically in comparison to Eddie. The show is purposely framing Eddie as a better partner to Buck than Tommy is being in the current moment. Which is kind of unfair, if you think about it. If the show was setting Tommy up to be Buck's newest love and future endgame, they would instead be giving them opportunities to grow together, to get to know each other. Instead, the show is telling us in every subtly way it can that hey, wouldn't Buck fit so much better with Eddie instead? It's contradictory and doesn't further the plot if BuckTommy growth was the purpose. These bachelor party scenes as plot devices only work if the purpose is to show the audience that something isn't fitting with Buck and Tommy, but whatever that missing piece is, it does fit with Buck and Eddie.
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Tommy then doesn't understand that they're supposed to be dressed up as the Miami Vice characters. He instead assumes The Wedding Singer (1998). First, I want to say that this is the 2nd Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore romcom that's been mentioned in canon in relation to Buck (the first being 50 First Dates in the season 5 finale) and as a huge fan of those movies, I'm fangirling. Second, it aligns with Tommy's s2 characterization where he loves romcoms (Love, Actually, and now The Wedding Singer). Third, it's an interesting choice from the writers here to pick The Wedding Singer as the movie that springs to Tommy's mind. There are plenty of 80s movies with bright colors that could've been name-dropped. They instead purposely went for a movie about the 80s but made in the late 90s, for the express purpose of having Eddie point out that Tommy's wrong. This is all very subtle, but it definitely does feel like Eddie is trying to lowkey one-up Tommy. But why would he feel the need to do this?
I've seen others point this out as well, but The Wedding Singer is about two people who are engaged to other people who are very obviously not right for them, though they might try to convince themselves differently. I rewatched the movie yesterday morning and I found it very enlightening. Adam Sandler's character is very much in love with Drew Barrymore's character, and almost tells her to leave her fiance for him, but in the end, he assumes incorrectly that she's happy with the other guy, and leaves them be. Drew Barrymore's character was ready to settle with someone she didn't fully love for security, and the only reason she doesn't tell Adam Sandler's character the truth is because she thinks he's still in love with his ex. It's all very miscommunication-y, but at the same time, it's reflective of Buck and Eddie's characters currently too given that neither of them really knows what they're looking for, they're just seeking a feeling, and may or may not be finding it in their current respective partners. But in the end, even after all the miscommunications, there's a HEA in The Wedding Singer.
Something else of mention was how in the movie, Adam Sandler's character was asked how he knew that things weren't working out with his ex and he said something along the lines of "It was the little things. Like, one time we were going to the Grand Canyon, and I had never been there before and she had, and instead of letting me take the window seat in order to see the beauty of it from above, she took the window seat for herself." This reminded me of this scene with Tommy, where it's just the little things that aren't fitting between him and Buck. I will come back to the topic of BuckTommy and misalignment later.
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There have been many posts discussing how Crockett and Tubbs are another one of those "manly" buddy-cop pairings who were very queer-coded best friends who obviously never got together. Many people believed Crockett to be bi-coded as well. What's interesting to me is that this marks the second/third time in the last two episodes where they argued about who is the bi-coded character. I just find it interesting meta-textually when you think about the fact that fans used to argue incessantly (still do honestly) about whether Buck or Eddie could be queer and now that Buck is confirmed to be queer, people argue that Eddie can't be queer now. Additionally (I don't watch Miami Vice but I looked at a lot of the pictures) it seems that visually, Eddie should be aware that he is dressed as Tubbs, since most of pictures of them feature Crockett in blue/green semi-casual and Tubbs in pink/elevated suits. Visually, their roles should be obvious to anyone who is familiar with the show. Just like how Buck's queerness is now obvious. But now, the argument is well, there's an argument to be made that Eddie could be Crockett, and subtextually, also queer.
The narrative continues to hint with every single episode that passes that it's very likely Eddie will discover his own queerness at some point in the show. Just like there's no need for Buck and Eddie to argue over who gets to be Crockett, they can both be Crockett for christ's sake, they're both gonna end up queer. Of that I am certain.
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So not only was Eddie totally down to clown with Buck at this karaoke bachelor party, but he was the one who suggested the couple's costume. We see more instances of Eddie not trying to tell Buck "hey, Chim said he didn't want a party, so don't do it", instead he goes along with it and finds a way to be even more enthusiastic about it. And I don't think that that was just because Eddie really wanted to party. I think it was because Eddie realizes that Buck must be wanting to do this for a reason. Possibly Buck might be doing this because he wants to show Chimney just how supportive he is of him and Maddie, maybe it's because Buck never got to be too involved with Maddie's last wedding because Doug hated him. Maybe this is his way of trying to make up again for his actions in season 5 when Maddie left and Buck didn't tell Chim. Or hell, maybe it's just now hitting Buck that he's going to have a brother, for real now, after realizing all he lost with Daniel, and wants to make this day special for Chim to showcase his appreciation of their brotherhood.
Buck is obviously overcompensating for something, and Chim and the rest of the gang don't realize why the bachelor party is so important to Buck. Hell, Eddie might not know entirely either, but he does sense that there is something more than just "I want to party" going on with Buck and this bachelor party. And so, as always, he is ride or die for Buck.
Then, when everyone else gets up to leave karaoke, Eddie doesn't even get up. He doesn't make it look like he's also considering leaving either. He doesn't check his watch or phone or make it seem like it's a burden or an inconvenience to be there or like there's somewhere else he'd rather be.
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Once again, this scene with Tommy and Buck is framed with Eddie clearly in the picture, to show how he's just chilling, drinking, and ready to stick it out with Buck regardless of what happens. And then Tommy is the last one to finally leave and disappoint Buck that night.
And now I want to bring it back to BuckTommy, misalignment, and the ever-present Screaming Universe. If this was real life, it would just be a coincidence, but it's not. This is scripted fiction and everything is done with a purpose. What purpose did the writers have to get rid of Tommy but keep Eddie around to party with Buck all night long? If the writers wanted, they could've had Tommy stick around, more so to show a juxtaposition between the three of them hanging out. Or the writers could've had Eddie leave, and Tommy stay. It would've served the same purpose. Tommy still could've left the next morning for work and come back sooty for the kiss. Instead, the story/universe wanted Tommy to leave and this undeniably creates a micro-conflict between Buck and Tommy. It's undeniable that Buck is disappointed that Tommy's leaving and that he didn't really seem all that enthused to be there in the first place. Tommy then leaves, he's gone for the majority of the episode and comes back at the end. This is now a pattern for the third time in a row.
In Tommy's introduction episode 7x04, he and Buck have a moment at the beginning of the episode, a conflict between Buck and Tommy is introduced, Tommy is there a couple times throughout but he and Buck do not have any one-on-one scenes again until the end where their "miscommunication" is resolved by their kiss. In 7x05, they have their date at the beginning where weirdness happens and Tommy ends it, is gone the rest of the episode, until he returns at the end for Buck to make up with and rekindle. And now in 7x06, Tommy is there at the beginning, there's a misconnection, Tommy leaves for the rest of the episode, and they reconnect at the very end.
That's three whole instances of conflict with BuckTommy all written in a very similar way back to back to back. All of these conflicts revolve around the theme of misalignment and not knowing what they want personally nor what the other person wants. All of this harkens back to that first little moment with Buck and Tommy in 7x03 where Buck pats Tommy's arm, Tommy reaches to connect their hands and misses. I predicted that this would be a metaphor for the rest of their relationship, and so far I've been right. Because it seems like no matter how hard both of them try, they aren't quite connecting, not to the fullest. There is always a conflict that pops up that pulls them apart every single episode and they have to find ways to resolve this at the end. Again, if this was irl it'd be a different story, but as part of a narrative where they're not only trying to showcase Buck's first-ever queer relationship but also strongly comparing it to his "platonic" relationship with Eddie, it feels pointed and poignant. Buck and Tommy's constant misalignment feels like the "universe" trying to tell them something but they're not yet at the point of understanding what.
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I highly doubt Buck would've wanted to party with a bunch of strangers if he wasn't feeling so disappointed by both Tommy and Chim. Eddie too, I'm wondering why he didn't want to go home or go be with Chris and visit his family. Or maybe go and see if maybe Marisol wanted to hang out. In fact, Marisol not being in this episode at all, or even mentioned, after the last episode is telling as well.
Many people have pointed out that the karaoke scene parallels Maddie and Chim, and this is even more pointed when the song that is playing when Maddie and Chim get married is Island in the Stream which is the song they first sang karaoke to. Buck and Eddie we know sing "What I Like About You" by the New Romantics, which Oliver, Ryan, and Tim all described as the best song for them to sing to/with each other at this point in time. I still think of it as canon even though we didn't hear it (I get why, they had little time and also licensing is expensive). This song is a romantic song, that's undeniable, and it also makes me think of Shrek and Fiona so it's double iconic. It's also an interesting choice in the moment where Buck is at a low emotional point, and Eddie chooses to stick around with him, indulge with him, and have fun together. It really is a great moment to show how not only are they there for each other in serious and emotional moments, but they also just enjoy spending time with each other, and would choose to spend time with each other any time they can.
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Now I wanna talk about just how close physically Buck and Eddie get in this episode. For a lot of us, it's kind of whiplash because while Buck and Eddie have hugged and touched before, never so much in this way, or this much, or this intimately. Buck has his arm around Eddie's neck, their faces closer than they've probably ever been before? Buck is literally whispering into Eddie's ear ("keep on whispering in my ear, tell me all the things that I wanna hear because it's true, that's what I like about you") pulling Eddie into his chest. Eddie's leaning his entire upper body onto Buck, resting most of his weight on Buck. They're pressed together thigh to thigh, leaning their knees on each other. All of this demonstrates not just an emotional closeness, but a physical closeness (thank you, ABC, fuck u Fox), and not only that but an intimate physical closeness. All of this coming right after an episode where Buck came out. I love this because it shows a lack of Eddie being weirded out by being physically close to a queer man as a (seemingly) straight man. But it's also just so telling because Buck and Eddie have not been this physically close before....like ever...in this show. And now they are at the turning point of Buck's queerness being made textual and Eddie's queerness being STRONG subtext? Oh my goodness it's such strong storytelling.
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This might be reading into it, and I acknowledge that, but this dialogue exchange felt to me less like they were talking about all the nameless people who were around them and more so like they were talking about each other. These are strangers, they don't know Chim, let alone love him. Neither do these people know/love Buck or Eddie. Instead, this conversation reads to me more like Buck talking about how Chim should be here because his friends (Buck, Eddie, Hen, etc) love him, and Eddie agrees. Looking even deeper, given that Chim didn't show up and the rest of their friends left them for the night, this feels more like Buck and Eddie talking about themselves. Because why is Eddie here? There's no reason for Eddie to be here partying it up except for the fact that he loves Buck and he wants to make him happy and enjoys spending time with him. This exchange is Buck recognizing that, and Eddie agreeing that he really, really does love Buck. And that's why their shenanigans continue as they all move on to Chim's hotel room.
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They could've given up/left once Chim's door was locked, but Eddie encourages Buck to keep on going. Touching Buck like how Eddie loves to touch Buck, in the way that's most appropriate for them, on the shoulder like this. Then he kicks the door in and when Buck is ready to go wake Chim up to party, Eddie's like "Eh let him sleep", because, for Eddie, he doesn't really need Chimney around to have fun. Despite what they were just saying about bringing the party to Chimney so that Chimeny could feel the love too, Eddie's perfectly content just partying it up with Buck and only Buck.
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These three clips in the bachelor party montage....I'm just gonna be frank with you, they're so obviously meant to look sexual. So CONTENT WARNING**** for me about to talk about sexual positions and such.
I don't have to tell you that although Buck and Eddie are technically partying with a bunch of other people, none of them are actually important. They're NPCs there to give Buck and Eddie an excuse to do all of this stuff with each other. So everything they do in this scene is more so a reflection of their relationship with each other, as well as their metaphorical queerness than it is about just general partying.
We know (due to bts) that at some point Eddie was leaning over to pour alcohol into Buck's mouth. It looks like Buck is leaning back on the couch in his most favorite/frequent canonical sex position (girl on top/riding) that we've seen in the past. This time with his mouth wide open with a phallic symbol pouring a liquid directly into his mouth. It looks like a blowjob/cum shot. Then we have Eddie with his clothes being pulled off and torn away. From the bts, we know that Buck is behind him and helps the girls pull off his sleeves. Other than the obvious "ripping each other's clothes off" metaphor, there's also the "orgasmic" look on Eddie's face as well. Others have also discussed how Eddie appears to be recreating the "crucifixion pose" /Jesus on the cross with his arms out like that in a reference to his catholic guilt arc and how before he's very much let that guilt control him and now in this scene with his close being ripped off, it can also be a metaphor for Eddie's eventually freedom from compulsory heterosexuality and guilt.
The last still with both Buck and Eddie vigorously shaking champagne bottles near the crotches (mimicking mutual masturbation) and then both of the champagne bottles "explode" mimicking both of them reaching a mutual climax, which then cuts immediately to both of them waking up the next morning. It's very very obviously a metaphorical gay sex scene.
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Separately from that, I want to discuss this specific still, with both Buck and Eddie in between 2 very clear-as-day drag queens. This inclusion elevates the scene subtly yet very clearly to represent both Buck AND Eddie in proximity to queerness/the queer community. It further cements the queerness of this entire montage scene.
Finally, to conclude the bachelor party scenes, I just want to reiterate, that Buck and Eddie could've figured out Chim was missing any which way. They could've gone over the next morning w/o partying there. Buck could've gone by himself, etc. There were many ways the "Chim is missing" plot could've been done without needing to go this route for Buck/Eddie. Which means that this plot was not for any necessary reason other than to bring Buck and Eddie together.
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Then while they're going on their chase to find Chimney, Buck and Eddie are paired up together the entire time, working together as a team, once again looking more like an established couple than anything else.
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Then, as if fitting with the BuckTommy "beginning and ending only" episode pattern, Tommy comes back only at the very end of the episode, and he and Buck kiss, transferring soot onto Buck's face and providing a very quick and easy way to come out to all the rest of the people who haven't yet known about Buck. Most people look surprised, others smug (Henren, we'll get to them) and Eddie gives an interesting close-lipped smile. This moment in and of itself isn't very loud. His face is purposely vague here (hats off to Ryan, king of microexpressions). Of course, Eddie's going to look happy for them, he's not going to look jealous. But his smile could be brighter, his eyes could be warmer. There's again just something off about his expression there. I think it's confusing for a reason, because Eddie too is confused about everything he's feeling.
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Hen is incredibly smart, so I'm not surprised that she clocked Buck's queerness a while ago. Her telling Karen this, and Karen's agreement means that this is something they likely discussed in private as well. In my opinion, if she was able to clock Buck, there's no way she hasn't also clocked Eddie. She just isn't saying anything because she's a respectful and empathetic person.
Hen wasn't really there for most of Buck's Tommy-arc, but she WAS front and center for all of Eddie's "performance anxiety" around dating women. Trust me, when Eddie figures it out and he and Buck finally get together, Henren will say something along these lines again, I'm certain of it.
And that's the end of this episode! It was such an emotional ride! I loved everything they did with Maddie and Chimney, and the Buddie plot was so fun! I had a blast, and I'm so excited for next week! I get the feeling the latter half of the season is gonna dive deeper into Eddie's storylines. Yay!
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moviecritc · 2 months
Hi! Could you do a driver!reader who is dating Max and is in ferrari and the whole Carlos thing is happening to her so in Australia she ignores team orders and goes to win the race. Charles is mad at her and in the post race interview when asked about it she is just like "Happy multi 21 day everyone" and like Max is so fucking proud his gf is in her reputation era 💅💅💅
on the edge ⋆ max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x driver!reader
word count: 1.7K
warnings: charles leclerc being himself (a bitch)
a/n: this is my first request it makes me very very happy!! thanks anon for your request, i hope you like this. i love max with all my heart and i love writing about him aswell.
just wanted to tell you guys that for the requests you can ask for reader and oc, even though when it's not a request it'll probably be an oc bc i love to give names to my characters <3
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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Y/N didn't have a seat for the upcoming Formula 1 season, and that stressed her out quite a bit. She and Charles had been teammates for three years, and she really thought Ferrari would keep her on the team, but upon learning that Lewis Hamilton was leaving Mercedes, they were the first to snatch him up and turn their backs on her.
Now she had two options: give up, pray to sign with Williams or Haas, or outperform herself this season and force her way into one of the top five teams. And for now, she had chosen the second option. P3 in the first race and in the top five in the second. She was extremely motivated for Australia.
Y/N loved the view of the fireworks from the podium, the champagne, and, above all, celebrating with Max Verstappen. Because let's not lie, it was obvious that Max would be on most of the podiums.
They kept their relationship out of the media. Being coworkers, neither of them wanted their relationship to hinder their success in Formula 1, but that didn't mean they didn't support each other every time the other achieved something.
Max had been with her throughout her Formula 1 career. They were the same age, but when Max debuted in the competition, she was still in Formula 2, battling against Albon and Russell for the title. A year before his debut, Y/N got a spot at Alpha Tauri as a reserve driver. It was in that year that Max and she started a relationship, at first quite casual and sporadic until they realized they were too obsessed with each other not to formalize it. And four years later, they were still together, sharing an attic in Monaco and competing together for the championship.
"It's going to be great for both of us, I'm sure," Y/N nodded. Before each race, they had a kind of ritual where they wished each other good luck, hugged, and kissed.
"I see a Y/Nstappen 1-2," Max assured before giving her a long kiss, resting his arms on his girlfriend's waist.
"I hope so,"
"Oh, come on. You're starting fourth, it'll be bad if you don't get on the podium," Max said. He knew her situation in Formula 1 was tense and did everything he could to make her feel good and positive. Max loved racing with her, and if she ended up off the grid next season, he would probably suffer from seasonal depression.
They kissed once more and were about to hug when someone knocked on Max's door to get them to the drivers' parade. They couldn't complete their little ritual, but neither of them gave it too much importance.
They went out to the parade where she was asked about her future in Formula 1, as they had been doing since the season started. That also annoyed her, would it always be like this from now on? Would everything be oriented towards whether she was unemployed or not? She answered with the best smile she could and ended the interview as quickly as possible.
She returned to Max, who was leaning on the fence of the truck they were being taken in for the parade. She leaned on the railing, holding it with her hands. Then Max discreetly placed his hand on hers, making her smile at the contact. Max wasn't very fond of physical contact, but if he could manage to brush against her shoulder, he would, maintaining professionalism wasn't as easy as it seemed.
"How's it going, mates?" Surprisingly, Leclerc approached them to start a conversation, first fist bumping with Max and then with Y/N, pressing his lips a little.
Their relationship as teammates was quite complicated at the moment. She was killing it in the few races that had passed, while Charles was just doing okay. Plus, although when Y/N joined the team, Charles and she had gotten along very well, that year they had been growing apart for obvious reasons.
They talked for a while about the race and expectations, especially Max and Charles, while Y/N disconnected from the situation a bit. Sometimes she was surprised that Charles and Max got along so well.
"Good luck today, Y/N," Charles said before leaving with Gasly.
Y/N blinked and looked at Max, puzzled. "What did he mean by that?"
"What do you mean?" Max frowned a little.
"He wished me luck, as if he thought I needed it," she insisted, biting her cheek.
"Everyone needs some luck, Y/N," Max said, knowing how nervous she could get when something didn't fit in her head.
"He didn't say anything to you," Y/N argued, crossing her arms.
"I mean…" Max tilted his head a little, eliciting a little smile from Y/N. "Don't dwell on it too much, you'll do great."
She loved that, how Max was able to lift her spirits in any situation, getting a little smile out of her. She loved him for that.
The parade ended, and they each went to their garage, fist bumping as a farewell because anything else would cause a stir in the media. In the Ferrari garage, her engineer commented on the strategies that focused on supporting and defending Charles even if he started two positions below her.
She gave Charles a short glance before going to the cars and taking their respective positions. It’s light and away we go. Y/N was so focused on passing Lando Norris that she didn't realize her boyfriend was no longer in first place, actually, he wasn't there anymore. She asked the engineers what had happened; Max had had some problems with the brakes and had retired from the race. "Don't fuck with me," she said, not fully believing it. "Is Max okay?"
"We don't know, focus on the race," her engineer emphasized.
"When you know, tell me, please," Y/N added, without receiving a response. There had been no accident, no red flag, so he was probably fine. But if there was smoke and sparks, there was always a chance that something had happened to him in the pits.
Y/N took a couple of breaths and refocused on the race. She looked on the bright side; she was third and had a chance to win. A few laps later, she managed to overtake Lando Norris. She pitted, and in the last third of the race, she was in first place. Behind her was Charles, so she thought they would change the strategy, and he would be the one defending the position.
"Y/N, let Charles pass," her engineer said, taking her by surprise.
"What?" Y/N practically shouted. "But I'm in first,"
"They're team orders, let him pass,"
"He's slow! He's over half a second behind me, letting him pass will make me slow down!" She couldn't believe this was happening.
"If he can overtake me, let him, but I'm not letting him pass. I'm winning this fucking race."
And so it was. Y/N crossed the finish line first, and when she got out of the car, Max was there to greet her with a hug. He tried to make her not notice that there were hardly any people from her team there, but Y/N realized it, and her gaze darkened a little. Still, Charles came second, and when he parked his car, several Ferrari mechanics went to congratulate him.
Max watched Y/N, worried that she would take it badly. But then he saw her exchange a triumphant
look with Charles, who, upon seeing her, turned serious. And if that wasn't enough, she blew a kiss to Charles and then went with Max, who put an arm around her shoulders.
"That was incredible," Max said.
"The race or Charles's face?" she questioned, with an ironic smile.
"Both. I thought you'd be sad because there was no one to greet you,"
"You were there,"
"From your team, I mean," Max explained.
"You and I are a team, Maxie. Have you never thought about that?" She looked at him with a smile. "You're right, we are,"
"Are you okay?" Y/N asked. "I got quite worried when you DNF’d."
"I'm okay, no serious damage,"
"And emotionally?"
"I'm fine. Proud of you, above all," Max nodded. "Now go celebrate your podium, I'll be watching you from below,"
They gave each other a brief kiss on the cheek, not caring too much about the cameras; she had just won the race, she deserved at least a kiss from her boyfriend. She received her prize with a smile and celebrated the podium with Charles and Lando, more with Lando than with Charles. The McLaren driver had congratulated her countless times that day, but Charles barely spoke to her.
"Are you okay, mate?" Y/N asked, knowing what was coming.
"You didn't follow team orders," Charles said directly.
"Oh, right. That," she shrugged, raising her eyebrows. "You came second, Charles. It's not that bad,"
"Damn, but if they tell you to let me pass, you let me pass. What does it matter to you?" he raised his voice a little.
"What does it matter to you? You have your golden seat at Ferrari. Some of us have to work really hard to have a seat, crazy, right?" Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile and turned around, leaving Charles with a word on his lips.
Y/N reached the interview area, where Lando and Oscar were doing their respective interviews.
"Y/N! You won the race by disobeying team orders, does it feel the same as winning a race fair and square?" a man asked.
"Fair and square? I was fast enough to cross the line first, the rest weren't. I think that's how a race is supposed to be won," she argued. She smiled widely; she saw Max was also around, waiting for his turn for interviews.
"Don't you have any remorse?" he questioned.
"Not one,"
She ended the interview after that; she didn't feel like explaining. As she turned around, she found Max with an almost mischievous smile. They fist bumped, and he went to do the interview. "Max, can we ask you about the win of your girlfriend?"
"About Y/N,"
"Yes, about Y/N," he nodded.
"I'm extremely proud of her, it's her second victory, and even though I had to retire, I'm glad she won this race,"
"Even given the circumstances of the victory?" the reporter questioned.
"With the circumstances of the victory," Max assured with a broad smile.
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guillotinebypierre · 7 months
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*Knock Knock*
"Are you ready, jagi? I just finished preparing all the cameras and the lighting. We're good to go if you are."
I stood in front of the 'dressing room' of the star of the show. It was inside a small trailer set up at the cliff of a hill near Seoul, overlooking the city. It was pretty dark outside, naturally, as it was already night time. The city lights lit up the surrounding area, creating a breathtaking view, and the scenery for todays episode of my girlfriend's show, 'Chuu Can Do It'. Normally we'd have a whole crew with us, but due to this episode being a special (and kinda difficult one to film), they tasked me with doing the filming part alone.
What was once just a small project made to get people to become more environmentally conscious and start helping our planet eventually turned out to be a huge project that helped during very dark times and very annoying lawsuits. I met Jiwoo a little after graduation. My goal was to pursue a career in filmmaking, or really anything where I could use my photography and filmmaking skills.
Jiwoo was a year older than me and a walking ball of sunshine. When I met her, she was starting to become a trainee in order to pursue her dream of becoming a kpop idol. I didn't know much about the industry back then as I mostly listened to western music and didn't really care much about the often foreign concept of Korea's celebrities, but for her I learned about it. I also met the rest of her friends, all 11 of them, and things just kinda evolved from there.
Me and Jiwoo became close friends almost immediately, her happy and extroverted personality starkly contrasting my rather quiet one, yet somehow we completed each other. Opposites really do attract, or whatever that saying says.
I asked her out on a date after we'd been friends for almost a year. It was probably the scariest thing I'd done up to that point, and in retrospect it was really stupid because I didn't even ask about dating bans beforehand, but she was insanely ecstatic about me asking. She jumped on me and became all giddy talking about what she wanted to do for our date.
I've been with her through literally everything, from the highs of her career until the deepest and most depressing moments. She never told me anything about her contract because she thought I'd be worrying too much, but I wasn't blind. I could tell that she wasn't feeling well and the stress was getting to her. This is why I was the first one to encourage her with suing that disgusting company.
On a happier note though, Jiwoo was the one to recommend me to do the filming for all her content. I was the one doing her photos, her group's photoshoots, everywhere I could I helped.
Today I was tasked with helping Jiwoo do an episode on smog and air pollution for her channel. The episode required me to do some basic landscape and sky shots, comparing the air out in the city and in the 'wilderness'. The first portion of it was already finished, seeing as it was needed to be done in the morning. We also filmed an interview with a scientist and were now supposed to also do some shots of the sky during nighttime.
Jiwoo and I also decided to just stargaze after finishing the episode as a small celebration of her and her members winning their lawsuits.
"Yeah just come in for a second, I need your help", her muffled voice came from behind the door.
I walked in and saw her still in her bathrobe and doing her make up.
"What's up, Jiwoo?"
"Sit on the couch, Y/n.", she told me.
I walked over and plopped myself on the small couch in the middle of the trailer.
"*Sigh* I can't believe we actually did it.", she said while tearing up.
I immediately got up and hugged her, letting her cry herself out on my shoulder.
"What do you mean, jagi? Are you talking about winning-"
"Y-Yeah", she cut me off.
It killed me to see her like this. To see my own sun be riddled with sadness. Nobody deserved to go through all the shit she and her members had to go through, especially not her.
"I know, I'm so proud of you girls for doing it and winning that lawsuit. You can't imagine how many idols you're helping by showing that they shouldn't throw away their humanity for random company."
She cried even more, her tears soaking my grey pullover as I just held her and waited for her to calm down.
Jiwoo's cries soon faded and I really thought she had fallen asleep until I heard her voice from my shoulder.
"I- I wanted to thank you, Y/n", she said, her voice slightly cracking
"You've been such a big help throughout all this and with the show and filming, taking photos-"
"Jiwoo you don't have to thank me for anything-"
"But I want too."
Her voice shifted slightly, her teary, breaking voice being replaced by something more playful, something more daring and teasing. She looked up from my shoulder while smiling slightly.
Her smile had always been my weakness, it had always been. It made it easy to trust her, easy to melt into her, easy to feel safe, easy to feel comfortable around her.
Her robe fell to the floor, exposing her nude body, while her hands palmed the outside of my sweatpants, feeling my bulge as I slowly crept back towards the couch. My legs soon hit the welt of the couch as I fell back, Jiwoo falling on top of my lap. Her hands moved around and interlocked behind my neck before pulling my head forwards and smashing our hips together.
Her kiss was delicate, much like her personality. It was deeply soothing, relaxing, even a little nostalgic. It was something raw, something reminiscent of driving through the city of Seoul in the night, something we had done oh so often. The kiss was passionate all the same, it was as if she was finally letting go of all of her pent up emotions, all her pent up frustrations.
Our bodies moved in one fluid motion, complementing each other, completing each other. My hands danced around her naked skin, touching and taking in everything.
We soon separated, both panting for air as a string of saliva connected our lips. I looked at Jiwoo, once again seeing that beautiful smile that made my heart do backflips every time, making me fall harder and harder for her.
Her hands moved and started pulling at my shirt, trying to take it off at an awkward angle. I moved to make it easier for her before she squatted slightly in order for me to slip off my pants and underwear. My erection stood tall and proud, hitting against her bellybutton as I now felt her wet juices coating my thighs. Jiwoo once again pulled my face down and started attacking me again.
Her hips moved in a circular motion, rubbing against me, the friction causing tingles down my spine before she finally stood up slightly and aligned myself with her wet pussy and squatted down.
A familiar sensation spread around my body as all my senses were overwhelmed and shut down. Her body clamped down on my as her upper body held us close, each body part rubbing against each other. Her legs wrapped around my torso as her vagina moulded itself around my dick. My hands moved onto her ass before grabbing it and raising and slamming herself onto my member.
Her legs soon started to spread as her brain couldn't focus on keeping them around me, her mouth opening as lewd noises filled the room we were in. Her head was thrown back as I continued attacking her body with kisses and hickeys. Our skin slapped against each other with each thrust, each time melting us into each other even more.
My body was on fire, my chest rising and falling in rapid succession as if fuelled by a motor as it tried to breathe in all the oxygen I was exerting. My head was also leaning on the backrest of the sofa, groans and moans coming out of me like a symphony of crude noises. My hips pumped myself into my girlfriend, letting go of all the frustration and stress I had as a familiar comfortable burning sensation started boiling inside my stomach.
My thighs were soaked, the wetness creating squelching noises every time Jiwoo landed on me, due to her arousal. My girlfriend's screams grew louder to the point where other campers in the nearby area could probably hear her before she finally hit her high, a high pitched scream coming out of her throat as she hugged me so tight I might have been crushed.
Her pussy tightened around my, creaming on me as it leaked onto my lap, the insides of her milking me as if I were a cow. My stomach felt warner and warner as my own climax neared. I continued fucking her through her high before finally unleashing myself inside her, filling Jiwoo up to the brim while falling over on her.
We both breathed in heavily, desperately trying to catch our breaths. We stayed in that position for a while, just enjoying each other's company before finally getting up and getting dressed.
3rd Person POV
The two got out and onto the designated filming area. Y/n quickly took out the necessary equipment, which he had put away before knocking on Jiwoo's door, and started going over the whole filming session with his girlfriend again. He walked over to the lawn chair and started filming.
The sky was beautiful on this side of town, the stars were visible, tempting him to start counting each of them as he started doing the cinematography for the episode.
Time passed and Y/n was about to finish filming before he suddenly felt someone playing around with his pants. His vision shifted quickly, looking down at himself as he was met with the familiar smile of his girlfriend. She simply nodded up, indicating for him to focus on the footage before sliding off his underwear, being hit by his semi hard member.
Her hand wrapped around the base, stroking him a bit until he reached her desired hardness. Jiwoo then continued by sucking on the tip, mixing her saliva with the leaking pre cum as Y/n gathered every ounce of self control he had to keep a steady hand on the camera.
Jiwoo's head bopped up and down as she moved her tongue all around Y/n's dick, trying to suppress any noise that could be heard on the footage. Her cheeks formed an vacuum around her boyfriends cock as she licked from the shaft up to the tip, throating as much as she could before tightening around him.
Y/n tightened his grip on the camera, using whatever little self control he had to not throw it away and give all his attention to the woman on her knees in front of him.
Jiwoo, determined to make him mess up, decided to spice things up and started using both of her hands to jack him off in a twisting motion while also sucking and slurping him off, creating a kind of cycle of pleasure.
This combination almost led to Y/n coming undone right then and there but he still had one trick up his sleeve. He grabbed Jiwoo's head with one arm and pushed her down, making her take every single inch of his length while also silencing her. Her throat tightened around him and gripped every part of his member, subsequently making him climax in a geyser of hot, sticky, liquid that coated her entire oesophagus.
With a shaky hand, Y/n pressed the button on the camera to finish the recording, before putting the camera to the side and exhaling.
Jiwoo stood up, her cheeks puffed, filled with Y/n's cum, before she stood up and gulped, showing her tongue afterwards.
"You're going to get one of us fired one day, you know?"
"As if. Relax, jagi. I don't even have a boss anymore~"
"I just hope nothing was captured by the camera-"
"Relax, Y/n. You can just watch it back later and cut it out or we'll just film again later. Now how about you go put that expensive equipment away and join me back inside? I think our celebration isn't finished yet."
Y/n sighed before standing up and cleaning up while Jiwoo walked back inside their rented trailer.
"It's going to be a long night.", he said before opening the door and locking it.
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fatuismooches · 4 months
Good day! Life is the definition of stress for me lately, so i turn to Dottie x Fragile!Reader for comfort once more. I hereby present you: bathtime!
Just before i begin - NO NSFW! Only wholesomeness! Horny will automatically have their names added to test subjects volunteers list!
Reader's mysterious sickness got worse over time. Fragile body forced them staying in bed and prevented them from completing even the simplest mundane activities, such as eating or showering. But it's no fun staying in sweaty bed, is it? So, while segments are busy changing sheets, Zandik brings his beloved to bathroom.
Let's address the obvious - reader would get extra shy. It's not the first time Zandik sees them naked, taking all physical health exams into consideration. However, man is more than willing to look away and wait - he will avoid looking at the Reader if that's what they want.
Bath time feels like luxurious spa complex. Scented bath bombs? Check. Bath bubbles? Check. Soothing music playing in the background? Check. Shoulders massage? Check. Hair-washing? Check.
Speaking of the latter, Zandik's long, slim fingers rubbing shampoo into reader's hair brings them euphoria. He's so gentle with every movement, careful not to get any bubbles into his dear's eyes. Zandik also uses shampoo of his own making (perks of being the all-knowing scientist!). If Reader's hair was greasy and messy before, once the bathtime is over, you bet their locks are smooth to the touch and extra soft.
Man would make sure the Reader has been fully dried off. He'll also personally dry their hair with hair dryer (...does Teyvat have hair dryers? Idk. Assume it's something similar then.), so they don't catch cold that could further worsed their condition! Once the spa procedures are done, Zandik will have reader dressed in fresh pyjamas and wrapped in a bathrobe, cuddled in his arms - he will then carry them bride-style back to bedroom where a bed with fresh sheets and a segment with a mug of hot chocolate was waiting for them.
Cuddles and kisses afterwards are a major part of whole bathtime procedure! Must not be skipped!
BATH TIME WITH DOTTORE. <3 Your illness frequently rendered you unable to do even the simplest of activities, most importantly the basics of living. Or perhaps your mental state was not the best and you could not bring yourself or find the energy to take care of yourself. But at least you have your lovers with you to do that when you can't yourself.
No matter how many times your husband sees you nude you still get a bit anxious about it, you know he loves you. But you still can't help but look in the mirror and wonder if he notices even more imperfections than you, after all, his eyes are very observant. However every time, he patiently holds and reassures you in his own Dottore-like very, despite how many times you two have done this same routine, he doesn't seem annoyed. You're thankful.
Dottore had honestly never used or cared for such extraneous products in the bath, he never saw the point of them. He always got in and out of the shower, he never exactly relaxed in it. It was only until you started using fancy stuff like that and forcing him into it that he started to warm up to the idea of bath time also being relaxing time (something both of you really need.) And he can easily see that this is something you need right now. However, he is clueless by himself so he probably found himself at the mercy of the Damslette and Regrator much to his dismay... but, it's for you, so he can endure...
Dottore's hands are very skilled, certain areas of his work require great control over them to avoid any mistakes, so it's not surprising in itself for them to be gentle and delicate. However, what is surprising is for that gentleness to be used on another person. It wasn't easy for him at first either, he loves you but being gentle doesn't come easily or naturally for him. But he still does try and it seems that eventually, you get so lost in the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp that you don't notice if he messes up. I imagine you'd try to return the favor too if you have the strength. Unfortunately, it gets into his eyes but he has zero reaction to it for your sake.
After the bath, you would feel so warm and fuzzy from how good it felt, but most importantly you felt that Zandik cared, which was always very important for you. Sure, he wasn't the world's most perfect lover, but you didn't care about that. All that mattered was that he tried, and that he loved you. (He invented Teyvat's first and only hair dryer. End of story.) You'd nearly fall asleep as he dries your hair, barely hanging on by the time he dresses you in something warm. But you can't fall asleep now! You have to stay awake and treasure this moment with him! It's not often opportunities like this arise with your Zandik! And you have to be awake to feel all the kisses you'll get!
(His cup of hot chocolate definitely has a little too much marshmallows in it...)
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onirique-amaranth · 2 years
⎮What type of subs are they?⎮
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Part.2: Pierro, Scaramouche & La Signora
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❥ Pierro is the type of man that fulfils his duties perfectly, and never makes a mistake. He is really seen as a leader by everyone, only a few people would dare deny this fact. Despite being seen as strong and authoritative, it wasn't the same behind closed doors.
❥ All the responsibilities are stressing him to no end, and whenever he is with you that was the occasion to relieve the pressure he is feeling. The thing that should have only happened once, became a daily need.
❥ Pierro is a calm and easy sub to deal with, he would not put up a fight or throw a tantrum. He knows what he needs and desires and would just ask you to fulfil them. He is the calmest among them all and isn't tending toward any particular needs or behaviour.
❥ Don't try to touch him during his work hours, because it would not lead anywhere. He's a strict man and will not risk tarnishing his reputation. There are clear limits, and he hopes that you know how to respect them.
❥ In bed, he can handle soft and rough perfectly fine, he let you do whatever you want as long as it brings him the satisfaction he wants. Though, he could lose his patience if you make him wait for too long, and will make it clear that you need to do something.
❥ He doesn't care whenever you are the one being on top or if he is, as you dominate him in the end anyway.
❥ Remember, do not talk about work. I know it's tempting to say 'imagine if the Harbingers were seeing you right now, legs spread wide and moaning under me' but he's not here for you to mention them. He would probably send you a cold glare and get up to leave.
❥ He loves the feeling of being taken care of, being pushed down, ordered to not move or if you use something to restrict his movements. He doesn't need to be close to you physically, but he needs verbal affirmations, telling him he's doing good or explaining what you want to do. Show him and express verbally how great he is.
❥ He isn't a jealous man, you aren't together and he doesn't mind. But it may irk him a bit when he sees someone flirt with you, he doesn't acknowledge it as jealousy, he just tells himself that it would be annoying if you weren't free every night like before.
❥ So in the end, Pierro is the man you need if you want to enjoy yourself without constraints. But, keep in mind that it could change after some time. And also, never trust a Harbinger too much.
❥ Despite what most of us think, Scaramouche isn't only a bratty sub. He's desperate, needs affection, attention, and dreams of being loved correctly. He thinks you are the one that has everything he needs.
❥ He's going to be bratty before anything, insult you, and keep saying how useless and ridiculous you are. But the second you have your arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly, he's melting.
❥ He won't say verbally what he wants but tries to tell you with his eyes, the way he grips your arms or moves his hips. He will find any other way to communicate how he's feeling, how good you make him feel.
❥ Don't let go, don't take your hands off him, he needs the contact to know that you're here. It doesn't matter if you are rough or soft, he wants to have one of your hands touching his skin and if it doesn't, get ready for a very moody and annoyed Scaramouche.
❥ He won't fight for dominance, nor to be a top, he just wants to have you. Grab his legs, put them on your shoulder or push them until his knees are touching his chest, let him get embarrassed by the position. Humiliate him as much as you want, hit him or leave bruises on him too, as long as after everything you clean him, and treat his wounds.
❥ He is addicted to you, and won't accept to do it with anyone else anymore. His mind is filled with you, and he may keep some rope and toys somewhere in his room whenever you are away.
❥ Won't accept to see you with anyone else, for whatever reason. He won't do anything in front of you but when you aren't here anymore, the person will see what hell is. Even if Scaramouche is being almost gentle and sweet with you, never forget what type of person he is.
❥ It isn't just something sexual, it's essential for him and will refuse to let those moments go. If one day he decides to leave, he knows that he will take you with him, you don't have a choice. You can't run away.
La Signora
❥ She isn't a soft sub, but not a bratty one either. She's a strong woman that knows what she wants, also she has more or less initiated everything between the two of you.
❥ You see her whenever she comes back from her mission, it almost became a habit for both of you. You would not just do it immediately, but share a cup of tea before and discuss a bit. She needs support and knowing that someone can listen to her, and not just only a night.
❥ You are both more on the soft side, slow and steady even if it happens for you to be a bit rougher sometimes. Rosalyne only craves a soft and lovely pace, sometimes making her remember her past and bringing back some feelings she forgot.
❥ There is no 'top or bottom' role between you, you just go with the flow, giving what the other need. She is someone that doesn't mind saying verbally what she wants and also likes to tease you a bit sometimes. Communication is really important for her.
❥ She loves being on top of you though, sitting on your lap while kissing you, she has a soft spot for you among all the subordinates. She doesn't separate her work and her personal life, and it's clear from the favouritism she does with you. Everyone knows it but never says anything.
❥ You can both go for a long time, switching positions or taking a break before starting again. You never get bored since you're both really open about trying new things and try your best to please the other.
❥ She definitely prefers praising over degrading, both giving and receiving. She also loves her comfort, so you really rarely or never do it outside the bedroom, as it doesn't bring the same feeling of intimacy. Be gentle with her and her broken soul, since you are one of the few people she trusts.
❥ Don't be fooled though, despite the kind act and behaviour, there will never be anything between the two of you. She is and will always be deeply in love with her first lover. Nothing will be able to completely fill the aching gap his death left in her heart.
❥ Which does explain why she will never be jealous, you both made it clear that you were just offering some support and comfort to the other, nothing more. Enjoy those moments fully, because it will be over soon.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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tangyangie · 1 year
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a slight annoyance
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character(s): izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, eijiro kirishima, neito monoma
genre(s): fluff, comfort
synopsis: you’re being bugged by anything and everything. how do the mha boys deal with it?
i'm not writing any mha for a while... because this took way too long. 🥹
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» izuku midoriya ☆
ohmygod he’s so sweet. everything he does is meant for comfort.
would probably break through a window for you at this point in time
"do you need anything? i can go grab a blanket, food, anything!"
» scenario:
izuku noticed you've been looking down today. you weren't nearly as energetic as you normally were, and your eyebrows seemed to be permanently furrowed.
everyone was training as usual, but you were in the corner, sad, slow, and slacking. izuku was surprised mr. aizawa hadn't called you out yet.
he subtly made his way over to you, seeming to just be flying around like he normally did.
shooting you a smile, he waved as he bounced everywhere, trying to improve the height of his jump.
you smiled back, but it was obviously forced. once you thought he had gone away, you exhaled heavily and went back to your training. again, izuku noticed this, and he decided to question you about it after training, as do not to disturb you even more.
once the day had ended, everyone walked back to the dorms.
"hey, y/n, can i speak to you for a second?" you heard him say, softly, with a hand gently resting on your shoulder.
barely changing your monotonous face, you replied. "sure, what's up?"
he explained his predicament to you. "you've been off today. do you want to talk to me about anything?"
you didn't care to change your expression. you knew he could read you like a book -- and he knew as well. you sat down on the bed, taking a deep breath in, and you explained your situation.
"--and i've just been so stressed about everything, that i can't focus. i got annoyed at every single thing that's happened today." izuku just nodded and engulfed you in a hugging position.
he always felt like he wasn't good enough at everything, and that included comforting you. but, he always tried his best, and according to you, his best was more than enough.
"do you need anything? i can go grab a blanket, food, anything!"
you shake your head, pulling izuku back towards you. "don't leave just yet. i just want peace and quiet, a hug from you, and a nice, long nap."
"a really, really long nap."
» katsuki bakugo ☆
bakugo is very... direct. almost scarily so.
so it shouldn't come as a surprise that he would instantaneously question you about your gloomy expression.
"what's going on with you?! you better not lie."
» scenario:
once again, class 1-a was training. similar to capture the flag, they were playing a game where the other teams had to capture their object, which is selected at the beginning.
but you weren't focused on this game. and neither was katsuki. he was focused on you.
he had noticed the dull look on your face ever since everyone got outside. and now that the game had started, it wouldn't be easy to pull you aside and ask you about your expression.
but, when has katsuki ever preferred easy?
while you were on the other team, he still wanted to talk to you, but, of course, he still wanted to win the game.
so, while blasting and destroying his surroundings in order to find your teams' specific object, he was simultaneously looking around for you.
where the hell are they?
you were no where to be found, at first. but then, katsuki saw a figure moving past him in the corner of his eye. he turned his head to see you, running along without even a hint of joy in your face.
suddenly changing course, he used his explosions to direct himself towards you, and thus landing directly in front of you.
"katsuki?? what-"
"what's going on with you?! you better not lie."
"there's nothing wrong." you say casually, but even bakugo could detect the little bit of worry in your voice.
"don't waste our time. we're still training, remember?" he scoffs.
"..i'll tell you later." you sigh.
but, soon enough, you hear a loud noise.
"[y/n's team wins!]" both of you heard from the loudspeakers. you slowly turned to look at bakugo, who looked almost furious.
you stayed silent until he decided to speak.
"how the hell did they get our thing so fast and return it to the base??" he yelled.
the yelling annoyed you, and bakugo looked at your face and could tell that.
"..sorry." he said, so silently you could barely hear.
"what was that?" you teased.
knowing you heard him, he sighed, but grumbled it out again.
"i said i'm sorry."
you laughed, slightly. "it's not your fault, kat. i'm just getting annoyed at everything."
"well, that's not your fault either, so come on." he motioned for you to follow him.
"come on, what?" you asked.
"let's go do something you want to do. it's obviously not schoolwork." he groaned.
"aww, you'd skip school just for me?" you snickered.
"shut up and go relax."
» shoto todoroki ☆
he says he's not the best at comforting people. he's very, very wrong.
anything you need, he'll gladly do.
"take your time, i'm listening."
» scenario:
you hadn't exited your room once today. shoto definitely noticed.
so, he contemplated knocking on the door.
what if they just went somewhere?
no, i think i would've noticed.
are they doing something in their room?
no, i haven't heard a single noise coming from there. and it's late enough that they would have come out to eat. it's saturday.
"i should knock." he whispered to himself.
and thus, he compelled himself to walk to the door.
your door.
he knocked three times with the back of his hand.
"y/n, may i come in?" he whispered after he heard you shuffle to the door.
you grumbled out a "sure" as you unlocked the entrance, allowing shoto to follow you.
"what's wrong, y/n? you look really sad," he mumbled.
you plunged face-down into your bed, groaning into your pillow. "mhh faish izz num nd ai cand hink," you spoke quickly and unintelligibly.
"take your time, i'm listening."
sighing, you sat up to explain how you felt. how everything was only making your horrible headache worse.
he sat down next to you on the bed, and brought his right arm around your shoulders. bringing you in close, he snuggled you and listened for as long as you rambled.
after about 10 minutes, you concluded your speech.
"she sounds like a bitch." shoto decided to speak after you had been silent for a few extra seconds.
"right?? also, when did you start to curse like that?" you asked.
"when did you start to be so down?" he countered.
"fair, fair," you sighed.
"want to get some food?" shoto asked, unsure of what else to suggest.
"please." you laughed, glad your headache was starting to depart.
although he doesn't know it, your greatest comfort is him.
» denki kaminari ☆
he'd probably just think you were being dramatic at first. not in a bitchy way, but he honestly thought you were joking.
after that, he'd be the kindest person ever, occasionally including small things to get you to laugh your sorrows away.
"look at you, trying not to smile! you know you love me."
» scenario:
it was around lunchtime on saturday, and you were face down in your pillow. denki had seen you at breakfast, but that's it.
"y/n!" he knocked. "look what i found!! it's my old psp! i thought i didn't pack it when we moved to the dorms, but i guess i did."
after around a minute of standing in silence, he knocked again.
there was no reply at first, but a grumbled 'hold on' sounded, and denki heard your feet shuffling across the floor.
you opened the door, and denki smiled. "did you just wake up?" you frowned at this, and lightly raised your eyebrow. "i'm going to lock you out."
he wrapped his arms around you. "sorry, my bad!! you look great, honey." you sighed.
denki came in your dorm, rambling about all the games he's found, and which ones he should try first. then, he heard the sound of you collapsing onto your bed.
"y/n, what's wrong?" he whined, following you to the bed and climbing next to you.
"everything sucks today." you groaned, smushing the pillow into your face.
"aww, poor y/n. what happened?" he said, as if he was speaking to a child.
"seriously." you looked up at him, obviously a little annoyed.
"wait, really? i thought you were joking. i'm sorry." he frowned and moved to hug you.
after a minute or two in silence, he said something completely random. you couldn't help but giggle a little bit at this, as it was completely out of the blue.
"was that a laugh??" he grinned, proceeding to try everything astronomically possible to get you to laugh. even another chuckle would be good enough for him.
"look at you, trying not to smile! you know you love me."
you sighed, rolled your eyes, and pulled him back down next to you. giving him a kiss on the forehead to shut him up, he laughed and pulled you closer.
"now, tell me about this psp of yours. quietly."
» eijiro kirishima ☆
he's very considerate with all of his actions. at this point in time, he will literally do anything to make you feel better than before.
he'd buy you the fanciest food ever made and carry it to you on a platter if you so wished.
"it's just what someone as manly as me should do!"
» scenario:
"have you noticed y/n today?" kirishima whispers, eyeing you.
"what?" denki looks up, startled.
"i mean, haven't they seemed off? they look pretty grumpy."
"i don't know, dude. you're the one dating them." denki sighed.
kirishima puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, departing from his conversation with denki.
he walks over to you, while you were lying face up on the couch.
"hey, y/n. noticed you were-- uhm. lying here on the couch." eijiro nervously said.
you glanced at him, smiled, and said nothing.
"what's up?" he asks, sitting on the armrest.
you let out a long sigh, and groan, "too much to say."
"..can i help?" he asks, jumping up. "i'll do anything! do you want food? or, maybe a blanket. do you want me to put on a movie, too?"
"eijiro, thanks. that'd be great." you smile and settle back down into the couch as you watch kirishima rush everywhere to make you happy.
he returned with lots of snacks, a blanket, and fetched the remote so you could choose something to watch.
"you're amazing, kirishima." you gently hugged him as he sat down next to you on the couch.
"it's just what someone as manly as me should do!"
as you were watching the movie, you fell asleep into his lap. you deserved the rest you were finally getting.
"sleep well, y/n."
» neito monoma ☆
let's be real. neito is probably part of the problem. as much as he may try, he's a little obsessed when it comes to proving himself over class 1-a.
but, when he notices his s/o (the only good person in class 1-a, according to him) so distraught, he couldn't help but investigate the matter.
"is there anything i can do to help?"
» scenario:
he's busy laughing, as always.
"can class 1-a not meet our standards? hmm, it seems that we, class 1-b are getting better and better!" he yelled to no one in particular.
"of course, y/n can always meet our standards." he adds at the end. "they do no wrong," he smiles giddily. he then twirls around, scanning the class for your eyes.
you both make eye contact, and you barely notice at first. you were completely zoned out, too angry (also at no one in particular) to think.
you blink a few times to clear your face, and barely smile at monoma, who raises an eyebrow, makes a mental note to check in on you, and concludes his bi-weekly class 1-b speech.
"thank you for your time, and don't forget to tip your waiters," neito says in a hurry.
you had gone to the kitchen to get a snack, it seemed. he peaked through the doorway, with the sound and the light of the common area flooding the room.
"noticed you were completely zonked out there." he said, hoping to lighten your obviously somber mood.
"so it seems," you sighed, rummaging through the pantry to look for a bag of something to munch on.
monoma slowly and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, bringing you in for a hug. "what's wrong?" he asked, softly wrapping his arms around your back.
relaxing your face, you spewed every problem you had dealt with today. slipping on your own socks when you got out of bed, spilling your breakfast on the countertop, turning out you woke up an hour early, having a horrible headache the whole day, and more, which you explained in detail to neito.
"is there anything i can do to help?"
sighing, you looked to the ground. "sometimes, your class 1-b speeches get to me. i know you say you're not talking about me, but it still hurts when you talk about people i'm close to,"
feeling guilty that part of your mood was his fault, he inhaled sharply and hugged you even tighter. "i'm really sorry, y/n." he spoke. "please, always tell me if you think i'm going too far."
"besides, you're worth more to me than my ego," he smiles, as you snuggle into him, giving him a kiss on his shoulder.
"thanks for understanding, neito." you say, looking up to his face.
"of course." he says. "chips or fruit snacks?"
"just you, please."
"eating me??" neito gasped as he faked looking shocked.
"stupid idiot. i'm gonna throw you out the window."
"i love you too," he smiles teasingly.
as annoying as he is, you smiled back.
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notes: guess my favorite character i bet you won’t
why do i change my obsessions so much </3 i actually really don't like mha rn
anyways this should not have taken so long.
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
I should have known that people would have acted annoying about the Team's reunion and, after the dumb takes I saw, here I am to make a breakdown of their reactions in relation to the context because that's defenitely how my psychology majoring is supposed to be used apparently
Before I dig specifically to each character I'd like to remind people that, like Weiss herself said, everything happened so fast. It's not just that the time itself wasn't that much. In between the fight and them trying to find each other in the Ever After it would have been, what? An hour?
It's been 2 years for us guys, for them it isn't that much time to justify the super touchy and hugs reunion like we got in V5, or V6 in Argus, or V8 when they meet back (except for Blake, but I'll get there). You all need to remember that media in general for stories like this aren't your fluffy fanfic full of feelings and hugs and kisses all the time.
Now, welcome to my psychology class! First on our list, our one and only traumatized team leader child, Ruby Rose.
"Why didn't ruby rush to hug her sister?"
Well, let's see it from her point of view; actually, we litterally saw it at the start of the episode! We saw how fast everything went from her eyes!
She had to go in fight mode in a fucking instant because, differently from Blake (who was trying to jump after Yang) and Weiss (who was busy stopping her), Ruby has been attacked immediately by Neo after her firt attempt at her life failed. She didn't even have the time to process what happened because she was already fighting for dear life!
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Our brains are very resourceful machines that always try to save energy (it's why stereotypes exist, it's our brains identifying stuff by one thing to not think about it too hard), and considering how complex and crippling the feeling of loss is, and how much it takes to process, in a life or death situation our brains would just shut it down.
Because we're all different people it might not work the same for everyone, but Ruby is a trained fighter, she's a huntress, her body and mind falling in fighting mode is actually the most logical reaction in the given situation because it falls both on habit and instinct.
And given that she didn't even have the time to process the the thought that Yang might have been dead (even during the fucking fall she had to fight Neo still, give my girl a break!!), it's very reasonable that despite the frustration and stress of everything else in the Ever After, she wasn't too worried about Yan'g safety. Because she never got time to even think "I lost her" that she got in the very same situation. So, "If I fell and I'm here and I'm okay, then Yang is too, she must be fine".
Besides, Ruby did run towards her after fighting the thing!
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Yang just interrupted her with her "Dammitt! You're not supposed to be here!" before Ruby settled to get near her and "If you thought we wouldn't come for you then you must have forgotten who raised me", so any argument about them not caring is just really dumb.
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In conclusion, considering that she found out that her sister was probably okay before her brain could have even processed the concept of her loss, and all happening in a very short spawn of time, it makes 100% sense that Ruby wouldn't need to jump in her arms and cry or whatever. They're in a weird place but they are okay and that's all that matters (before Ruby will discover the horrors of what happened after she fell and the horrors of her quickly approaching breakdown, but that's for another time!)
Blake on the other hand.
Blake is the one that speed into action the moment she saw Yang fall. When chaos wa around nobody went to attack her, she saw Yang disappear in the void. Now, she got to feel the loss, the pain, the weight of failure because she failed to save her!
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And her first reaction was to fucking jump after her. Because she couldn't fail, she couldn't lose her, she must save her! And Weiss had to drag her up the platform herself to stop her from doing so because they had a job to do and Blake was blinded by pain!
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Then, she got blinded by rage. It wasn't her fault, it was Neo! And Cinder! And I think that in that moment of emotional disregulation it's reasonable to think that Blake wasn't acting for the good of Mantle, of the plan, or anything else. We all saw it in her eyes, it was pure rage, she wanted revenge! And that's completely reasonable in that given moment. She saw the love of her life DIE because of them, OF FUCKING COURSE SHE'S BLINDED BY SUCH POWERFUL EMOTION.
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As you can probably already tell, Ruby and Blake's actions are dictated by very different feelings! Even if the action itself, fighting, is the same, the mindset and motivations differ completely!
So, what happens when she meets Yang again? That after the danger is over (because it's not like she dropped everything, they fought the thing and waited for the situation to calm down and be safe. She also waited for Ruby to say her things first tbf) she fucking runs to tackle her!
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Because Blake actually got to see and feel the loss! She thought she had lost her! She thought that she died because she wasn't fast enough! So, even regardless of the romantic feelings (that obviously play a part because come on, they've been inseparable for volumes now, it's obvious that she would have felt it all that harder), it makes sense that Blake's the one to feel pure utter relief in seeing Yang still alive! And she'd need to go to her, feel that she's there with her!
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Now, probably the most complex one to explain: Weiss.
In a way, she's middle ground between Ruby and Blake. Weiss wasn't attacked right away either, but she had to jump in action to stop Blake. That means that she stopped to see what was happening and at Yang's "death" she just assumed what Blake was about to do or else she wouldn't have ad the time to stop her (we saw how fast Blake was)
That means that, in some way, she got to take in what was going on before going in fight mode, but she still didn't get to process it herself because she needed to act on the others' behalf. Where Ruby was litterally just hanging in there and Blake was blinded by her pain, both of them against Neo, Weiss saw what happened and told to herself "I must keep going with the plan, I must protect who's left, I can't let Yang''s sacrifice go to waste" and went to fight Cinder alone (until Penny arrives).
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Weiss during the fight is the one more "emotionally stable" (more like she efficiently locked them to be functional in the fight), she's well aware of what is going on and doing her best. In this mindset, she got to fight but also to see more clearly everything that is happening.
She's also the one who stayed there the longest. She's the one who saw the worst because she's been there long enough to witness more horrors, but despite the awareness she didn't get the time to really feel them. When does she though?
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After she saw all of her teammates, her family, die. When she's almost completely alone. Only her Penny and Jaune left, Cinder towering them while she's using Gambol Shroud, everything she has left of her family, to try keep fighting. Because at that point there's less chaos, less things to prioritize her focus on, the evacuation is done, she just has to not let Cinder get Penny's powers.
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We didn't see Weiss and Blake finding each other, but my guess is that either there was a hug off screen or, more likely, she kept it together because they logically needed their weapons and teammates back first. She then chooses to stay focused (and cheer for Blake, bless her), and work, and shuts down every question about what happened because she knows that talking about it would break her down and be a distraction from their objective.
Which is why she doesn't speak until they're all together: withouth a distraction, she's crying before she even got to start.
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The pain added up and got to her, and I'm pretty sure that Ruby's big reaction wasn't just because of the news on their own, but also the feelings Weiss was letting out while telling them (you know when you feel someone is feeling bad even when they don't tell you nor openly act up on it? And you still feel deeply bad/uncmofortable?).
I got overboarded here, but in short Weiss didn't act too clingy in the reunion either because she was busy staying focused first and then dealing with EVERYTHING that happened earlier and that she needed to tell them. Like, after getting both to Blake and Ruby, Yang's safety was basically 100% sure anyway, so. And, again, everything happened so fast.
It's been 2 long years for us. Not for them. So, to the people who have been complaining, you're just projecting your own personal feelings on them and then calling it bad writing when they're not acting like you feel right now.
Class dismissed.
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suzukiblu · 9 months
👉👈 do you have any more of the dubcon ( ;3c dubKON lol) tim//kon thing with the pining kon?
. . . I actually am not even sure what fic you're referencing so maaaaaybe I have written too many fics, lol.
But like, here's an excerpt from something that at least fits that definition?
Superboy fucking hates Gotham.
Well, not necessarily Gotham, but definitely the Riddler and probably Poison Ivy and, like . . . whoever the fuck else decided to set up a goddamn murder-box puzzle room and lock him in it with a drugged-out-of-his-mind Robin and the worst set of instructions ever.
And especially he hates the fact that apparently the whole damn mess was fucking livestreamed.
"This sucks," he mutters under his breath. Robin stares at him from the other side of the briefing table in the middle of the Batcave, because of course Superboy's first time in the Batcave would only happen because he'd fucked up. Like–of course it would.
"I sexually assaulted you in a supervillain deathtrap in front of the entire internet," Robin says very, very carefully. "And we only survived the experience because said deathtrap had faulty wiring. And that . . . 'sucks'?"
"I mean, very much so, yes," Superboy says. Honestly he's more annoyed about the deathtrap than anything else. Like, he tried really hard to solve that stupid puzzle of Riddler's and it's really annoying that he apparently got it wrong. Which–okay, he was pretty distracted at the time because drugged-up Robin had refused to settle for a handy and had basically bullied him into going down on him, but still. That asshole Riddler and his lame-ass bowler hat had been very fucking clear about how said drugs weren't gonna wear off without Robin getting off and how they'd had very limited time to solve his stupid puzzle in, so Superboy had just kinda tried to . . . multitask it, basically. He'd let out-of-his-mind Robin shove him down and fuck his mouth and just kept his hands on the floor so he could use his TTK a little easier and tried to solve the stupid puzzle with it, just in case Robin wasn't gonna snap out of it fast enough.
It'd very literally been a puzzle, for whatever reason–like one of those weird abstract-looking 3D ones–and probably would've been a lot easier to figure out if he'd actually been able to see it as opposed to having to rely on his TTK feeling it out while the whole thing was all wired up to the table on the opposite side of the deathtrap room, but apparently it hadn't even fucking mattered anyway because of whatever that one fucked up bit in the wiring had been. So like . . . Superboy basically violated a guy he barely knows and already had weird feelings about for no fucking reason whatsoever.
So yeah. This definitely sucks.
"I called you a whore," Robin says, his face absolutely expressionless. Superboy makes a face at him more to be contrary than anything else. "Multiple times. You asked me to stop yanking your hair so hard and I called you a mouthy bitch. And then I yanked your hair harder."
"I mean, I know, I was there," Superboy says, raising an eyebrow at him. And also, like, those are accurate assessments of his character, so . . .
"I made you get down on your knees and shoved my dick in your mouth," Robin stresses, his jaw going tight. "Which was livestreamed and is now on the internet. Where it will never go away. Ever. And anyone who feels like it can just go and google it."
"They probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that'd count as underage porn," Superboy says with a shrug. "At least, I'm not eighteen yet, dunno about you. Actually I'm like . . . two, max. Probably not even that. Although I dunno, I was sixteen-ish when I got out of Cadmus, maybe I do count as eighteen by now? Technically?"
Robin gets up and goes over to the trash can by the computer and throws up in it. Superboy . . . blinks.
"Uh," he says. "You okay, man?"
"No," Robin says. Then he throws up in the trash can again.
Awkward, Superboy thinks, trying not to wince.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
hey, if you watched comic relief, did you think david looked unbearably tired? he sounded near tears at times and idt it was just bcs of the charity videos
Hi there! I'm not in the UK, so I wasn't able to see Comic Relief while it aired, or any clips until now.
I didn't notice the tiredness at first, but it definitely seemed to become more visible later in the show, as did the sounding near tears. This moment (which I got from a fan on Twitter who compiled all of David's bits) in particular really got me, as it's so apparent here...
As to what could've been causing this, I think there are several things that could have been happening, possibly even all at once. Up until I got into Good Omens/David/Michael, I wasn't at all familiar with Comic Relief, but having watched the show for a few years now, there are some really striking things I've noticed about how it's structured and what it involves.
On the one hand, you have lots of famous actors and comedians and musicians putting on a show and telling jokes...and then on the other, you have emotional videos of people in dire situations, both in the UK and abroad. And because Comic Relief is live, it's much harder to build in transitions between these two things, so you end up dramatically shifting from lighthearted to serious and back, and it leaves you with a bit of whiplash as a result.
So if those abrupt tonal shifts are difficult for us an audience, they must be even more challenging for the host(s), including David. I think the live aspect of the show makes it very similar to theater and how David might have reacted in differing moments during Macbeth, because we're seeing emotional reactions in real time, without the benefit of editing. Tonight was also the last occasion of Comic Relief that Lenny Henry was hosting after nearly 40 years at the helm, so I feel like that probably made David emotional as well, given how much he has worked with and admires him.
As for the tiredness, it seems there were at least a few interviews that David did prior to the broadcast, so he was probably running around all day trying to get everything done. Then you add to that the chaos of multiple hosts on stage and everyone trying to find their marks (which seems to have been something David was stressing out about a bit in one of the interviews today), plus the charity videos, and it's no wonder that he looked so drained.
(Another thing I also wonder is if David's demeanor had anything to do with sharing the stage with Davina McCall, who was allegedly outed as a TERF last year. Given the attacks from the anti-trans loons that David and Georgia have endured over the last several months, I can imagine that he might not be comfortable co-hosting with someone who espouses such views. And for the record, there was something about Davina that inexplicably annoyed/seemed off to me long before any of the TERF stuff came to light. It seems like my instincts have been confirmed in that regard...)
So yes, those are pretty much all of the things that came to mind regarding David's demeanor at Comic Relief. He's probably been running himself ragged lately with new projects since Macbeth ended (the Genius Game hosting gig, for one, and an appearance on the SmartTV game show, plus multiple upcoming Comic Con appearances), so hopefully he can find some time to relax and breathe in between all of this, because he more than deserves a break.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Thanks for writing in! x
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viktor-howl · 29 days
Valentine's gift
... I can write Onceler x y/n fanfiction… And I will.
I am cringe AND I AM FREE.
(Also I'm still really really new here so very sorry if there's any mistakes here and there, let me know what yall think )
You found yourself walking through a path you never saw before, it felt as if the very carpet you stepped on was exclusive, only allowed to very few people. Yet here you are, listening to your footsteps, the sound muffled by the texture of the velvet carpet.
The closer you get to your destination, the more silent it starts to become. The air feels tense, and you catch a glimpse of a woman surrounded by papers glaring at you, having an annoyed look just from knowing of your presence.
At the end of the hallway, no one is guarding the pair of tall doors. You gathered courage to knock on the door, but the cushiony texture of it blocked any efforts you made. There was no other choice, you had to step in, he called you, after all.
Pushing the doors open, you finally step inside the large office. So much space, yet so little of it being actually used, it felt pointless, and made it all more echoey, which didn't make for a very welcoming environment.
You went silent for a moment, trying to ignore the fact that your boss was sitting at his desk, on a large chair, as if it wasn't enough for his impressive height. Knowing very well that you had to be the one to start the conversation, or at least get closer, you approach the desk. The tall man had seen you enter, although he was pretending otherwise. Of course, the best option was to pretend as if he didn't see you come in, as if he was busy, as if he wasn't counting the minutes until you would walk through that door to finally meet him… Of course not.
Finally, you reach the front of his desk, standing awkwardly as he finished his little act and actually acknowledged you.
“Ah, there you are!”
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Those were his first words, yet he didn't even face your direction. It was obvious just from his body language, this man was nervous beyond belief. Was this the scary boss everyone hissed about in the break room? The towering figure, the one that was supposed to scold employees when they made simple mistakes? And yet, his wobbly voice made its way through your ears again.
“I called you here, since… Uhh…"
Was he stuttering? What was the meaning of this? Not only were you called in the middle of your break, but you had to walk through the whole building to find his office, and he couldn't even finish his sentence. A part of you wished that this was just a simple matter that had to be handled, nothing more. Having a little voice in your head telling you that you were probably getting fired for no reason at all was enough to keep you stressed through the whole walk…
“Well, it's… you know,”
The moment you look up and snap out of your thoughts, the taller man is fidgeting with his hands before leaning a bit forward onto the desk. One of his hands went downwards, you guessed he was starting to fidget with the cushion of the seat, while the other tried to keep the pace of his speech, signaling nothing at all, since he couldn't even finish a sentence properly.
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“Around this time of the year, uhm…”
And he was stalling. And it was becoming unbearable. You kept your straight facade, staying still, even if you wanted to relax and sway from one foot to another. You had to keep up the perfect employee act, at least for a while longer until your boss decided to speak clearly.
“we gift something to special-”
‘gift’? If you thought you had any idea of what was coming when he called you here in the first place, it completely went out the window the moment he stuttered that word. As quickly as the taller man let out that shaky sentence, you felt your shoulders relax, the knot in your throat easing, leaving you in a better state than when you got here.
Onceler's eyes wandered to your figure for a moment, he definitely noticed… that little change in behavior gave him a spark of hope, maybe he wasn't coming off as a creep —which was what he convinced himself he did when he saw the stiff demeanor you had since arriving— but rather a thoughtful boss, who took care of his employees.
You, specifically.
For no reason at all, of course. Just professional behavior.
“W-we gift something to all of our employees”
He corrected himself yet again, and before you could muster a single word, he raised his previously hidden arm, pulling out a pink bag with a rather excessive ribbon for a simple gift, especially since ‘all of the employees’ were getting this kind of treatment. It amazed you, it left you with a weird feeling, but it wasn't completely impossible. After all, this man was rich enough to have the whole factory in the palm of his hand, among other expensive buildings and a mansion he barely used. At this point, everything was possible, and you figured your first impressions of the ‘evil greedy mean boss’ were wrong all along.
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You gazed at the shiny bag in front of you, standing still on the desk as he left it there gently, watching as he pushed it forward, prompting you to simply take it and leave. His hands were left neatly folded on top of the desk for a few seconds, before you realized that he was trembling. The taller man tried to hide the fact by simply fidgeting, interlocking his own fingers, eyes fixated on your expression, on every little change your face could show after he left the gift for you. He was practically analyzing you.
Feeling watched, you gazed at him instead of the gift, unable to say anything just yet, and there it was. Your boss, eyes widened when you both locked eyes, visible even through those sparkly sunglasses. His brows raised, and the second he realized you were at a perfect angle to see through the shades, he tilted his face away. An unknown yet tingly warmth stirred inside you. You could see it as clear as day, the man before you was embarrassed, his cheeks tinted red. It was faint, but it was there.
“Happy Valentine's”
He mumbled under his breath, avoiding your eyes at all costs, as well as your general direction. You couldn't really tell from the new angle, but you figured he was watching every move you made from the corner of his eyes. Letting out a contained sigh, you got closer, and you could almost feel the way he flinched when you did. Taking the present, you let go of the formalities for a moment, only to thank him as a person and not as an employee.
As those words left your lips, you could see a clearly giddy smile form on his lips. He almost seemed childish from the way he was beaming after you thanked him, even if he was trying to tone it down.
“Hey, don't even mention it. And… Try to avoid showing it to other employees. Or asking what they got as a present —which they definitely got, you know, all of our employees— maybe just keep it to yourself, ahem…”
And that was your signal to go off and leave the office, which you did, of course, you didn't want the man having a heart attack just from your presence, and the walk was going to be just as long as the beginning, there was no time to waste.
Finally, you close the door and walk away, hiding the gift the best you could. You would open it to find some of your favorite items once you got home, but for now, it was a mystery.
About three minutes passed since you left the office, and Onceler couldn't contain himself anymore. Once he was completely sure you were away, his body relaxed, only for it to shiver in excitement. Bringing his hands to his face, he giggled like a schoolgirl, spinning from side to side on his chair, a dumb smile decorating his face as he patted himself in the back for being able to interact with you without making it seem weird, mumbling how proud he was of himself after your small exchange.
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singeart · 3 months
Okayy we got a Voyager science officer cosplay to make, here(wa)s the plan:
Using an existing pattern I found on etsy, I made adjustments based on vibes reference pictures of Janeway from Night and seeing what other people have made before (shout out to thresholdbb I was Looking at their past cosplays).
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Treksona presentation to illustrate the changes I made~
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Half the battle was decoding what the vintage pattern instructions were trying to tell me 🤡 but eventually with the help of the internet and my mom on call I figured out each step!
Oh and I had to learn how to iron and how the whole dang sewing machine worked, oiling it, threading the bobbin and needle, I even took apart the foot pedal at one point because I thought it wasn't working lol.
The mockups below, I made one out of Swedish tracing paper and the next one out of cotton (curtains I thrifted) after confirming that it would probably fit:
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Turned out pretty good but I decided to move the front seams over just a bit...
Laying out the final pattern:
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Cutting out the final pieces was really exciting it was starting to look like something!!
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Detail shots below... I didn't feel like I could get the crispness I wanted for the shoulder points with the machine so I did it by hand :')
The shoulder pads were very exciting to put in as well!! I asked the person at JoAnn what the difference was between the two different shoulder pads I had picked up and they said one was more 80s power suit-- that was definitely the one I wanted for this jacket hehe
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The final jacket below with a top I found on ebay (also found boots from there)!!! I ended up putting the sleeves in with a machine and ummm there's some puckering I'm trying not to be annoyed about h a h a. I may go back and fix that eventually I don't know... The invisible zipper I got didn't work either so I need to replace that somehow too hrm.
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Anyway, I thrifted pants because I didn't want to tackle a whole other piece; I just added fabric to the bottom because they were a smidge short and then cut the iconic vent.
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Here's the jacket on me, taken with a weird camera angle so the shoulders are a bit wonky at the edges haha but look!! I lined everything up so well!!
(comm badge and pips from etsy)
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I felt ready to go hop on a ship sign me up for first contact I'm ready 🫡
Awright Lessons I Learned:
sewing projects take much much longer than anticipated (I went to stsf and was sewing licherally the night before and morning of. I know it's the convention experience but I was a tad stressed lol)
hand sewing in particular takes forever but I enjoyed it!
people are right to complain about setting in sleeves what da hell was that
flannel (what I used for the black part because it matched the pants the best) was great to work with
linen (the best teal they had in the store) was not!! doesn't iron well, doesn't sew well I don't want to use it ever again <3
this was my first sewing project Ever and I still was pretty hard on myself e h e..........much to think about...
Final words of wisdom from my mom:
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Back to the Scully blouse soon!! After a little break :) Thanks for reading!
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