yilisbookclub · 1 year
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"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" presents seven principles for achieving success and fulfillment in life. The book draws upon ancient spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, to offer practical advice for achieving success and happiness.
The seven spiritual laws of success presented in the book are:
The Law of Pure Potentiality: This law emphasizes the importance of connecting with the infinite source of potential within oneself.
The Law of Giving: This law teaches that giving and receiving are different expressions of the same energy and that giving is a key to abundance and happiness.
The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect: This law teaches that every action has a consequence and encourages individuals to be mindful of their thoughts and actions.
The Law of Least Effort: This law emphasizes the importance of living in a state of effortlessness and flow, by aligning with the natural rhythms of life.
The Law of Intention and Desire: This law teaches that intention and desire are powerful forces that can manifest one's desires into reality.
The Law of Detachment: This law emphasizes the importance of letting go of attachment to outcomes and being open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life: This law teaches that each individual has a unique purpose in life and encourages individuals to align their actions with their true purpose.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
You don’t become confident by constantly repeating affirmations. You become it by following through and accomplishing something that shows you are who you say you are.
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neigebabe · 10 months
Read this to wake tf up
You make the choice, either suffer now and spiral, or focus on the 4D and affirm and get ur fcking desires.
Literally you decide whether you be happy or miserable, all it take is ONLY YOUR THOUGHTS.
Like just control you thoughts and shift it it is not that complicated. DO IT NOW.
So PERSIST, this is the only thing that it takes.
See? Only persisting, affirming and feeling it is the only step between you and everything you ever wanted. Why not fucking do it already?
Stop being a victim to your circumstances , just persist and change that. Nothing is set in stone, 3D does not matter trust me.
Even if you are crying and sad, either continue crying or wake up and affirm, revise, persist.
No excuse for doubting, we hate doubting, never do that, just affirm u never do.
WAKE TF UP. And do it now.
(I teared a lil while writing this)
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frankorai · 7 months
two 2 minute rules to boost productivity
if it takes less than two minutes, do it at that very instant you read that clearly. any task that takes under two minutes, as soon as it pops up in your head, you do it that instant. once you wake up and look at your bed and think "oh i should make my bed," or "oh I'll make my bed after I drink a cup of water," absolutely not. you make your bed at that exact moment without doing anything else. making your bed takes less than 2 minutes, so you must do it. if you walk past the kitchen and remember "i need to take out the trash later" no way, babes. you are taking the trash out right now, because it takes no longer than a minute. if you drop something or misplace something, you do not say you'll fix it later. you do it right NOW because it takes you less than 10 seconds. these small 2-minute tasks are the roots of our problems. because they take so little time to complete, we just reassure ourselves by saying "ah, I'll do it later!" but these small tasks start to build up and we find ourselves in a mess - whether it be a literal or emotional one. so do those small 2 minute tasks as soon as they pop up in your mind and do your future self a favour. 2. if you're trying to build a habit, do it for 2 minutes only at a time. let's say you're trying to get into the habit of studying a particular subject, say... chemistry, everyday for 2 hours. if you've never done this before, it's obviously going to be extremely difficult. 2 hours is a long time - it's like trying to bench 50kg on your first day at the gym! you can't expect yourself to be able to do it all so suddenly either. additionally, for most people, it may be too difficult to even start because it almost seems impossible. so, what you can do instead is this: on day 1, sit down at your desk at your desired time - maybe in the evening. get your materials prepared and have a timer ready. make sure it is set to 2 minutes. hit the timer and just study. for 2 minutes only. don't try to go over time, even if you basically learn nothing in those 2 minutes. do this for a couple of days, everyday, at the same time. at 6pm, sit yourself down at your desk, open your chemistry textbook, hit the timer and just study (or even sit) for 2 minutes then get up and do something else. after doing this for a couple of days, you'll eventually get into the habit of sitting down to study. you are building the foundation for the habit. that's how this all works, you need to take it slow. after a couple of days, start adding more time. if you think you'll need more time, start by adding an extra 2 minutes perhaps everyday. this time, you'll have to sit and study for 4 minutes everyday. then 6 the next day. if you think you've kind of got it, maybe add 5 minutes everyday. build up from the 2 minutes and you'll eventually have a habit.
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rest-in-being · 11 months
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valinluvwdior · 8 months
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you will get there, don’t give up !!
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bbji · 10 months
You can be stupid, dumb, or a moron but inside you there is a black hole that is always thirsty and wants to grasp the universe inside it!
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honeyyycloud · 1 year
"Accomplishing goals is not success. How much you expand the process is."
Gilbert, Daniel. Stumbling on Happiness. 2007.
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ardrareinvention · 8 months
My therapist told me today:
“You have not failed in your relationships”
And who knew that sentence could hold so much power.
It was kind of refreshing. I’ve never heard it from someone nor have I heard it from myself.
It took a while for it to settle but I felt… relieved.
She told me just because a relationship/connection has run it’s course/is completed and didn’t go the way you had hoped, it doesn’t mean the relationship failed.
Essentially, disappointment ≠ failure.
It seems so simple as an equation but it’s one solution I never figured out before today.
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reginadellapositivita · 11 months
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Hello everyone!
Today I graduated as a high honour student from University. Thank you for all, your inspiring quotes, posts etc. helped me a lot. I could not do it without you. Also, in this term, I was angry with one of the friend (now ex-friend) and in this process, I realized that success is the best revenge, I won and she lost. I hope she will meet with karma.
Lastly, please never giver up you are able to achieve everything. Girls are gorgeous, strong and amazing
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happydaysinjune · 9 months
I know nobody will read this but it’s fun anyways, don’t know what people post here, first day on the app.
Anyways a reminder to myself to outside my comfort zone.
It’s for the plot this summer
Is something I always tell myself. Time moves to fast and before you even know it, your old. And you will regret all the things you could have done. You will think back, and realize that we have our own power. I have the responsibility to actively create and shape my life and my memories. Don’t wait for thinks to happen. Do it. Say yes. Take the risk.
Take the risk or loose the chance
The things I have done to create my plot for this summer
Going on nightclub
Saying yes to a date
Sleeping over at a friends summerhouse
The list is short and it’s just a few more weeks of summer vacation. So it’s time to continue to fill in the list.
Get that adrenaline kick, embarrass yourself, look silly, get rejected, get happy, create a story you can look back on, have fun, feel proud. It’s all a part of life and success, don’t stay in the same place because you are scared to hurt your ego.
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yilisbookclub · 1 year
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is a personal finance and self-help book that focuses on the importance of financial education and how it can lead to financial success.
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The book is based on the author's experiences and lessons learned from two different father figures in his life. One was his own father, who he refers to as his "poor dad," and the other was his best friend's father, who he refers to as his "rich dad."
The author uses anecdotes and stories from his own life to illustrate key financial concepts, such as the difference between assets and liabilities, the importance of cash flow, and the power of passive income.
The book is divided into ten chapters and covers a range of topics, including:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Rich Don't Work for Money
Why Teach Financial Literacy?
Accounting and the Cash Flow Pattern
The History of Taxes and the Power of Corporations
The Rich Invent Money
Work to Learn—Don't Work for Money
Overcoming Obstacles
Getting Started
Still Want More? Here Are Some To Do's
This book has inspired many people to take control of their finances and start building wealth. It encourages readers to think differently about money and to focus on creating passive income streams rather than relying on a traditional job.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
You can literally have anything you want. You just have to believe you deserve it. That’s a big mindset shift from just wanting something. When we want things, it implies we are chasing it and don’t exactly feel deserving. When you know with upmost confidence that something can be yours, you’re basically just waiting for it to happen. In order to believe you deserve it, you must be confident. At peace. And aligned with those goals. You are a magnet; and you’re attracting whatever you’re putting out.
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neigebabe · 9 months
Please help me and repost this
I am in an abusive situation with my ex and i cant do anything besides praying and manifesting (i am serious)
Manifest for me pls that he leaves me alone completely and forever and he forgets about me.
Please don’t skip but actually help me as this is ruining my mental health and life.
Thank you
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lalitsharmajr · 11 months
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Learning 5-6 skills
Try 100 things
only then you'll know what you love and what's your passion
It's not a one time luck kind of thing
You have to try a lot of things to find your love and passion
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nunusims4 · 10 months
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The Sims 4 - Roman Roy ⎪ Succession
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