#feel free to add your own questions
blughxreader · 2 months
[ A character workshop on yanderes ]
These concepts also apply to regular male romantic leads
I watched ContraPoint’s video essay on Twilight and she brings up some really great points on female power fantasy via male leads.
Inspired by this, here are some character questions I often ask myself when building personalities and plot tension.
People typically become the person they needed when they were a child. What kind of person is your character?
eg. A character from a dysfunctional family has rigid boundaries and a peaceful household.
When following the male POV, what power fantasies does it provide the reader?
eg. Strength, sadism, social power, etc
Outside of romantic tension, what personality traits would create friction between the MMC and FMC?
eg. Rigid boundaries and well-protected peace creates a highly structured life. This might seem constricting and unfair to a love interest.
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5mary5 · 3 months
I have this little headcanon cause i was reading the comic of obey me and we as mc have been given the neutral name zephyr in the very early chapters since we are a sheep and all and they want to make it inclusive since the name itself is gender neutral but I was thinking that let's say one day the curse is solved and sheep!mc gets their body back but the characters continue calling mc zephyr, what if one day someone (probably a side or secondary character) brings up the fact that "hey you know what? Your face doesn't really scream zephyr" and mc is like "yeah that's because that is not my actual given name, my actual name is ________" and the characters are like "😱😱😱" I mean they did know that this wasn't their real name since they gave it to them cause they can't just call them human and all but it's still shocking to hear it coming out of their own mouth, they would also probably coo when mc tells them their birth name because it means they learn more about their favorite person, well I mean they would coo at everything mc does regardless so-
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miriaocs · 4 days
GET TO KNOW YOUR TWST OCs (and their relationships)
(Or how I make up excuses to blabber about my OC lol. Most of the "who" questions are aimed at the twst cast, but feel free to include other twst OCs as well!)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
Inspiration: Is your twst OC inspired by any villains? Concepts? Anything Disney-related?
Age/Birthday: How old is your twst OC? When is their birthday? Whose birthday (among the cast) is closest to your twst OC's? Does the horoscope lie or do they get along well?
Dorm: Which dorm is your twst OC in? Why? Which qualities they have make them suitable for said dorm? Do they have a roommate and how is their relationship?
Class: Who are your twst OC's classmate? How would you describe their relationship? Did they have different classmates in previous year and did they get along?
Height: How tall is your twst OC? Are they conscious about their height? Are they close to someone with similar leg length?
Hair/Eye color: What are your twst OC's hair and eye color? Whose got the closest/opposite palette to them?
Homeland: Where is your twst OC from? Do they know anyone from the same hometown in the cast prior to NRC?
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Subject: What is your twst OC's best subject? Worst? Do they study with another whose excels at the same subject? Do they ask anyone for help with the subject they are bad at?
Hobby: What are your twst OC's hobbies? Who among the cast will they possibly ask to join in their pastime?
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit to it? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
Talent: What is your twst OC's talent and who can properly appreciate that talent?
Unique Magic/Signature spell: What is your twst OC's UM (if applicable)? What can they do? What is the incantation? Is there any weaknesses/loopholes and who can exploit those?
Quote: Give me something your twst OC will say. Either something they always say or something iconic they said. Something that helps solve the problems or something that is a catalyst to even more issues.
(Ok I'm kinda running out of ideas here) Personality: Give me 3 adjectives to describe your twst OC. Or an essay. Whichever works. Whose personality among the cast is closest to your twst OC and do they get along?
Backstory: Tell me anything about your twst OC's backstory. Their childhood, their parents, their siblings etc. Does their backstory affect how they are as a character now and how they interact with the cast?
Pick only one: Let your twst OC pick only one and explain the reasons: only one favorite from each dorm, only one favorite housewarden/vice housewarden, only one favorite first/second/third year etc.
(For my beloved yume shippers) Partner: Who do you ship your twst OC with? Are they in a relationship? If yes, how did it start/end? If no, why?
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werewolfsmile · 14 days
tysm for answering my qs about werewolf!eliot !! not to keep bugging you lol but i remember you mentioned in the tags of a post one time about a hc/au of parker being some sort of fae or otherworldly being who’s just kinda found herself here in the non-magical world - could you elaborate on that? like how come she’s in the non-fantasy part of the leverage universe, or whether the other characters know, etc? only if you want to of course, no pressure :) i’m really enjoying reading your posts about all these ideas!
You're welcome! And you're definitely not bugging me, I love getting the chance to ramble about my thought lol (werewolf!eliot post here) (link to the post and my tags that started this)
Honestly I don't have as clear ideas for Parker as I did for Eliot, but I imagine her being some kind of changeling or air/wind sprite that was left with humans for whatever reason.
(ooh i'm getting more ideas for this the more i think about it..)
okay, Parker is actually half-fey, half-human
no one really knows who her parents were or how she came to be on her own (me included lol), she was just found on a doorstep as a baby
the people who took her in had their own issues and the state eventually intervened and sent Parker into foster care
she found out at a very early age that she was different to other kids - she could move around without making a sound, she could fit into tiny spaces - all very helpful for a young girl in a foster system that was chewing her up and spitting her out
she also discovered that she could ... not turn invisible exactly, but she could be less visible if she wanted to be; all she has to do is think about not being seen and people's eyes just drift over her
Archie had absolutely no idea what she was when he got his hands on her, but even he knew that she was beyond just a gifted child
he only realised there was something magical about her after she fell off the roof of the warehouse he'd been training her in - then walked it off like it was no biggie
fey creatures love puzzles and riddles, so of course Parker has always had a natural affinity for puzzles (aka locks)
her super artistic talent is a trait that is Entirely Parker and, given that she entered a life of crime early and was surrounded by artistic masterpieces all the time, she never even considered that other people would draw/paint/whatever with any lower skill level
this contributes to her not understanding what the fuss is over art
she gave herself the name Parker when Archie met her and asked her name; it was the first thing that came to mind
she doesn't remember her birth name and isn't bothered by that in the slightest
Eliot was the first of the team to figure out she was fey - being a werewolf, he can smell and/or sense that kind of thing on others
Hardison suspected something was up with her, but then felt bad for thinking that, but then strange things kept happening around her so he started to keep a list ...
pretty much Hardison has a red-string conspiracy theory-style board of Parker Things. He's too terrified of offending her to ask her outright, but he's more convinced every day
(he's also more in love with her and just thinks her fey-ness is another thing to celebrate)
Parker finds Hardison's board of Parker Things and is utterly fascinated. It's like he understands her better than she understands herself. He's super flustered when he finds her poring over the board and tries to make excuses, but Parker's quick to steamroll over that and demands if he knows what she is
Eliot finds them 15 mins later, stuck in an endless loop of confusion over which of them actually knows what Parker is
he just rolls his eyes, says she's half-fey, it's obvious, like, "what? it's a very distinctive smell!"
which leads to how the hell would he know what the fey are and Eliot's like, oh crap, right, they still don't know I'm a werewolf whoops
Hardison and Parker stage a coming-out for her to Nate and Sophie
(Eliot refuses to be involved but still gets roped into carrying the banner. He's still finding glitter in his hair weeks later)
Sophie is thrilled about the reveal and confesses to being a siren (or some other supernatural/magical creature that can manipulate people, idk i have less thoughts about her than i do about parker)
Nate is all like are you kidding me right now what the hell is my life
after a lot of badgering, he confesses he didn't know about Parker, although he has been ... aware of magical beings for some time
no he will not be discussing this any further, can we just get back to the con now??
Parker finds that, now she's aware of her fey-ness, her magical abilities develop further
she doesn't quite gain the ability to fly but ... yeah okay, she can pretty much fly
she wants to test how far this flying ability goes - by, of course, jumping off tall buildings with Hardison in her arms (and no harness for either of them)
Hardison flat out refuses this, so Eliot somehow finds himself the unwilling victim
of course, Parker masters flying while carrying people in no time and proves it to Hardison by just grabbing him and jumping off a building one day
(he's still in therapy for it)
Parker also discovers she can make herself kind of ... misty
this skill is harder to learn but she's already been able to make her hand go misty and whoosh inside a lock
picking the lock is harder in this incorporeal state but Parker's instincts say there's a way to do this, so she keeps practising until she can pretty much disintegrate herself and float through locked doors to rematerialise on the other side
it's a nightmare for the whole team because, sure, it's not like locked doors stopped her in the past. But now she's so excited about it all the time that any concept of privacy completely leaves her brain and she jumps in and out of rooms and safes etc any time of day or night
Wow. This ended up longer than expected! Guess I did have some ideas about fey!Parker after all..
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lordgolden · 1 year
Literally have not read rote yet, is it actually as gay as tumblr is making it out to me or is it the author trying to pretend it's totally straight and platonic to kiss your male best friends?
disclaimer that I haven't actually finished the series yet so i'm not the most qualified to speak on it but anon i'm TELLING you this is one of those times where we wholeheartedly employ death of the author. both of those things are true at the same time. YES it really is that gay we aren't exaggerating I mean look a the screenshots i've posted lol and yes the author also is weird about people shipping fitz and the fool and allegedly did not intend to write them like that (??? this literally confuses me and is incredibly hard for me to believe). the fool is canonically queer and in love with fitz. the author very adamantly insists that fitz is straight and does not reciprocate. but well if she didn't want people to ship them then maybe she shouldn't have written them as literal soulmates (again, not exaggerating). I literally hesitate to call them either canon or not canon because to me the author's intention does not reconcile AT ALL with what I've read. a queer interpretation of rote is incredibly valid and you shouldn't let the author's intent sully your own interpretation
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adastra121 · 2 months
Do you guys have voice claims or references for your Touchstarved OCs?
Here are the ones that I was thinking for my Touchstarved MCs below the read more:
Luneth (Unnamed) — Anya Chalotra. At first, I considered Simone Ashley, whom I looked at for visual references when drawing my Unnamed!MC, but her voice didn't quite fit. Anya's voice has a unique gravel that I really like when spoken in a monotone.
Alon (Hound) — I was thinking of Eva Noblezada, because her voice has that youthful, plucky vibe that I imagined with them. Though there is a glaring discrepancy in how she's an absolutely godly singer and I made my Hound!MC garbage at it. XD
Jin (Alchemist) — Howard Wang. He voices Xie Lian in the English dub of Heaven Official's Blessing, who shares a lot of similarities with Jin, appearance and personality-wise. I think it fits Jin's lighter, softspoken voice.
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exdeputysonso · 2 months
What Brad Dourif films I should watch as a beginner fan? Thank you for all the wonderful brad-posts!
Hi, and glad you enjoy the brad-posting! ❤️ Some of these might be obvious, but I won't make any assumptions about what you are/aren't familiar with....
I think these ones are some good places to start. They are varying degrees of overall quality, but all ones where Brad has a pretty major part:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Exorcist III
Wise Blood
Spontaneous Combustion
Final Judgement
Death Machine
Branching out a bit, these are all still major or good sized roles for Brad and worth a watch:
Death and Cremation
Medium Rare
Humboldt County
Sonny Boy
The Wild Blue Yonder
(* While Istanbul has a really good Brad performance, it does deal with heavy subject matter. I won't spoil it, but do ask/look it up if you need to.)
Also, these are some movies I wouldn't necessarily recommend as a whole, but have good Brad characters I have to mention:
Fatal Beauty
Alien Resurrection
Graveyard Shift
Halloween I and II
And, maybe the most obvious, but I'd be remiss not to mention Child's Play and The Lord of the Rings. Although if not already your entry point for Brad, LotR is a big undertaking for his amount of screen time.
Sorry that's a lot lol. As someone who is a completionist and is trying to consume everything, it's hard to narrow down! There is more I could recommend for various reasons, but I think this is plenty for starting out lol.
(Also you didn't ask for TV, but he's had some really good one-off tv episodes that are worth checking out, some of the best probably being The X-Files, Star Trek: Voyager, and Babylon 5. And then there's the whole series of Deadwood where he has a great part!)
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erinatactica · 5 months
just stumbled across this blog while looking for more Erina content (there is currently a criminally low amount) and I love the vibes
anyway, question: what do you think is your favorite scene (or scenes it can be really hard to choose) from any persona game?
im such a goof lol i will slurp up any and all erina content, i just love her so much and its so cool when other people do too! it kiiiiinda feels like talking about an oc with friends in a weird way? lmao?
i think my favorite scene from any persona game is ryuji going OFF in strikers defending sophie. struck a real chord with me and i think is so emblematic of the found family that really ties p5 together. probably one of my fave scenes in any game i've played!
i'm gonna replay 4 soon though and p3reload when it comes out!! so lol maybe my answer to this question will change in a month or two!!!
thanks for asking!
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jacksprostate · 3 months
Explanations for each creature from that poll (Part 1):
Firstly, about half knew one creature (I'm curious which!) and a quarter only one. A few knew most, and one knew them all. Very interesting!
Organism #1: Brachiopoda
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In the post I said this isn't a bivalve(clams, mussels, oysters, a group which is relatively close relatives with snails and octopi), and that's correct! But essentially, it's an example of convergent evolution. Learn to filter feed really well, become hard and immobile. It's a strategy that pops up a lot. It has something called a lophophore. Thats essentially like a curtain of tentacles around its mouth. What's WEIRD about it is this lophophore is an extension of the coelom. Aka, the internal body cavity. As opposed to a dedicated organ; it's like if the space where your guts are processed stuff instead of your guts.
Beyond that, brachiopods are extremely common in the fossil record. They were very badly affected by the Permian-Triassic extinction event (P-T event, also known as The Great Dying, aka the worst extinction event so far because the entire ocean acidified), but have since recovered — albeit slower than their convergently evolved distant cousins, the bivalves.
How to tell the difference between a brachiopod and a bivalve?
The correct way is to say Brachipods have dorsal and ventral valves (shells), while bivalves have left and right valves. Which is kind of useless unless you're a huge nerd. I mean, you can still see it in the lines of symmetry a bit, but. Firstly, some brachiopods don't have closely connected valves at all (called inarticulate), so you know those are brachiopods. For the articulate brachiopods, they often have a gap or hole in the hinge for their stalk. Between that and the general shape, I find that easiest.
Organism #2: Platyhelminthes
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Specifically, this is a hammerhead flatworm! Remember the coelom I just mentioned? The body cavity? Yeah they don't have that. They have no circulatory or respiratory organs... No blood vessels, no heart, no lungs. Everything has to work through diffusion! This is why the hammerhead flatworm is so amazing, because not only is it very large (which is hard to do when you're relying on diffusion) it also lives on land (which is hard to do when you're relying on diffusion). Unlike cnidarians (jellyfish, corals, and friends), they DO have specialized digestive and excretory systems. Since they rely on diffusion, large flatworms have branched guts that go all throughout their body so what they digest can get to all their cells! They use something called protonephridia to manage the toxins in their body — these are essentially proto-kidney cells.
Despite being very similar to another group called Acoelomorpha, who are sort of the base for all other bilateral animals, newer research thinks they're from later in the evolutionary tree and just retroactively lost a lot of what had been developed (such as a coelom and most organs. Wild)!
Free-living flatworms are often very small and cute, though there's larger ones like the hammerhead and the spanish dancer. Unfotunatelt, flatworms are very medically relevant: flukes and tapeworms are both specialized types of flatworms.
Organism #3: Siphonophores
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Siphonophores are really cool! They're a type of cnidarian (jellyfish, hydrozoans, corals, sea anenomes, gorgonians). You know cnidarians as "those assholes in the ocean that sting me" mostly. Well siphonophores are notably really good at that.
In Cnidaria, you have the coral and sea anenome-like things (Anthozoa) and the jellyfish-like things (Medusozoa). Anthozoans don't really have a mobile stage in their life, while medusozoans do! Medusozoans go in between an asexual, sessile (immobile) polyp form, and a sexual, mobile medusa form (imagine what you normally think of when you imagine a jellyfish).
Within Medusozoa, there's (roughly) two groups. The ones who decided to emphasize the medusa form are called Scyphozoa, and are your true jellyfish. They still have that polyp form, but spend a lot of time in the medusa stage of their life and invested in it evolutionarily.
The ones who invested heavily in the asexual polyp stage are called Hydrozoa. They still have a medusa stage, but it's often extremely reduced, to basically a freefloating gamete. Here's some usual hydrozoans/hydroids:
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Small, mostly an asexual clump of polyps. They're usually colonial — a bunch of clones, but connected through the gut. Fire coral is actually a hydroid which developed a calcium skeleton, and not a true coral!
What's really interesting is siphonophores are actually hydrozoans — they're very very unusual. They're those asexual polyps, they're a colony — but instead of the clones being identical, they specialize!
These are called zooids. They're akin to how we have specialized organs, like lungs, our livers, etc. Except. Each zooid is an entire clone of the original organism. They're all identical. But as part of the colony, they restrict and focus their development in certain ways. It's like if you were attached to another person, but they developed to just be a liver.
Most siphonophores are repeating sequences of certain zooids, mostly propulsion and digesting zooids. That's how they get so long. They have a very nasty sting, and thankfully most float down below where people normally go. However, there's a few that don't — notably, siphonophore's own atypical specimen, the Portuguese Man 'O War! Also known as a Blue Bottle. Pictured below.
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It looks a lot like a normal jellyfish medusa, like from scyphozoa! But you can see, it doesn't have that very round shape. The big sail is actually one zooid, the tentacles are other zooids, it's all zooids! It's an entire colonial animal, as opposed to a true jelly, which is just one.
Since the siphonophore is made up of clones, do we call it a group of animals? Generally, no. Due to the specialization involved with zooids, we treat the entire creature as one animal. Many individuals, one organism. Admittedly, it's still very strange. Colonialism is actually very common within cnidaria, as it serves to help cope with the lack of specialization opportunities due to not having an internal body cavity (and thus stuff like mesoderm). That said, even some animals with mesoderm and body cavities have evolved colonality, though I can't think off the top of my head of an example with such a degree of specialization of each zooid like siphonophores have.
Ending the post here for now, and I'll add the other organisms in subsequent reblogs. I hope this inspires interest in biology and evolution for you and lets you know about things you would've never even realized as possible!
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
There's something very transgender about Vic Sage's Question. I dunno I'm not good enough with my words to pinpoint it exactly. Here are some panels though that are kind of fun though.
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ray-elgatodormido · 1 year
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Sketching up some Captain Lachance and strange fish because I am a normal being doing normal things
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This Au will be the death of me. I’m normal about it to the point of considering trying to write a fic about it.
more random fish stuff here and here
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dorliart · 2 years
You know what’s a neurodivergent love language? Researching things your friends are interested in. Once a friend of mine learned how to draw wings the anatomically correct way because she saw me drawing wings a lot. This was years ago, and seems like a small thing, but I still remember. I am currently a bit over 25 hours into a lineup of character designs I’m making for a friend. A few months ago I finally looked more into my own traditions because a friend and I made a collab. I have so many screenshots of a games character designs and outfits because I drew a friend her character from that game. A friend of mine sometimes just sends me pictures of squids and I get to hear about all the details.
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ohlooh · 10 months
Me holding a bunch of characters I have decided are now Dads: No, I have no idea what you mean. I don't have daddy issues. I just like them for no reason in particular.
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p2iimon · 2 years
hiveswap spoilers
what does fiamet having a tail. like mean for limebloods. do all limebloods have tails and the vantases are exceptions? is fiamet particularly odd? what tail options do we have. are all limes extremely traceable to a specific earth animal (hilarious if so)? specifically amphibians? what the fuck is up with the horns? is that a lime feature or just her? and once again like. i cant think of a single other animal, especially amphibious, that would warrant 6 horns. why did she go for violet of all colors? violet is significantly cooler than lime. her skin must look physically warmer than a violets. she doesnt even have fake fins. this seems obnoxiously dangerous
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blue-eyed-author · 6 months
Some of my writer’s block cures:
Handwrite. (If you already are, write in a different coloured pen.)
Write outside or at a different location.
Look up some writing prompts.
Take a break. Do something different. Comeback to it later.
Write something else. (A different WIP, a poem, a quick short story, etc.)
Find inspiring writing music playlists on YouTube. (Themed music, POV playlists, ambient music, etc.)
Do some character or story prompts/questions to get a better idea of who or what you’re writing.
Word sprints. Set a timer and write as much as you can. Not a lot of time to overthink things.
Set your own goals and deadlines.
Write another scene from your WIP. (You don’t have to write in order.) Write a scene you want to write, or the ending. (You can change it or scrap it if it doesn’t fit into your story later.)
Write a scene for your WIP that you will never post/add to your story. A prologue, a different P.O.V., how your characters would react in a situation that’s not in your story, a flashback, etc.
Write down a bunch of ideas. Things that could happen, thing that will never happen, good things, bad things.
Change the weather (in the story of course.)
Feel free to add your own.
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urfriendlywriter · 5 months
How to get to know your characters better?
(feel free to add your own thoughts to this list, hope it helps!) req by @miricalebabyy44 <3
what will your character be like if they were in your shoes?
is your oc the mom friend or the dad or the childish one in their friendgroup ?
do those "poet, king, soldier" quiz for your oc. im being fr
do the "36 questions to fall in love" quiz as your oc.
ik your ocs trauma have an impact on their character, but how would they be like, if they hadn't gone through that experience?
does your oc have similar tastes as you do? (music, art, fashion, coffee/tea etctetc)
will they "i only live once so I'll do it for the plot." or will they "i only live once ffs, i don't wanna die." ?
what is your ocs opinion of love? how is/was their love life on a scale of 1-10?
will your oc let go of someone precious to them when they know they're putting them at danger?
around whom does your oc lets their guard down?
are they romantically constipated or a hopeless romantic?
what type of music does ur oc like?
write a lot about your oc if you're struggling to get to know them. find a drabble prompt, and write what they'd do.
do they trust others easily or do they get trusted by others easily?
what is something your oc will never talk to anyone about? (their answer can be deep, like some emo trauma or like smthng like back when they shit their pants or smthng yk)
do they give off golden retriever energy, or a black cat energy? (or both?)
what will THEIR opinion be on YOUR current life? will they be ur friend? will they trust you?
will your oc survive in a fantasy setting, a war setting, a dystopian setting, a futuristic setting, a medieval setting? will ur oc survive after getting stranded on an island, or a forest?
does your oc like their parents, do they like how their life is, do they feel like they're born in the right gen?
if they are ever to get one wish definitely granted, what would they wish for?
how did they react to their first kiss? (if they have had it by now lmao)
what's an ideal day for your oc?
lastly, who does your oc go to when they've fucked up?
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