#but also a lot of good memories of the sisters and I bonding as we help heal each other from the shock and help her thru her diagnosis
theboarsbride · 2 months
suddenly hella emotional about moving again... many tears being shed... I don't wanna leave this place.
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flamingpudding · 4 months
I love your writing so much but I'm here with a crack idea just imagine deage Dan is Klarion.
Dan was able to find out who he is outside of Danny then he was able to change his name Klarion Jackson Fenton/Nightingale he is still a little villain boy also now a mom boy.
Ghost King Danny is his mom young justice was so confused when Klarion you're the best gifts get your mom after not talking to him for a while to also begging them to pretend to be his friend . Justice League dark is panicking in the background about the electric being that just shows up.
Danny in full ghost king attire standing there with a plate of cookies ready to meet his son's new friends.
Thanks so much! I am glad you enjoy my writing!
Also thanks because I absolutely love this Idea/Prompt! Sooooo please enjoy this piece inspired by it! Also I haven't consumed a lot of DC material lately so i am basing this all on my memories. In other words.... I went with Tim's little team here.
Hope that's okay and that this won't disappoint.
Dan, who was going by Klarion for some years now, had a massive problem. It was the huge kind of problem build on small bubbles of lies that then turned into this one giant bubble that was about to pop just because of one little question asked by his mom when his sister decided to throw him under the bus to deflect from herself and the fact that she was dating a demon. Don't get him wrong he still loves her, but man did he want to strangle Danielle right now.
"So Klarion, Ellie is right. When will I get to meet your friends you told me so much about?"
It was such an innocent question from his mom. And while his moms titles don't scare him, cause at some point in time they could have been his too, the happy dopey smile like nothing was wrong in the dimensions with little expectations directed at him was the scariest thing his mom could ever direct at him when he had asked THAT question.
So now Klarion was in need of a quick solution. When his mom had asked he had mumbled out a quick: "Next week maybe. We won't be busy with hero stuff then." He had started to form a plan. First of all, he needed to remember what all he had told his mom about his new and redeemed life on Earth 43 he had build for himself with the name Klarion Jackson Fenton-Nightingale.
Which fuck. There was a lot he had told his mom just so he wouldn't worry.
Cause now he also remembers that whenever he had gone out to cause some chaos he had made it seem to his mom like he was going out to bond with his new friend or help them with their hero duty. Well, in a way maybe his chaos causing could be seen as bonding. The ghostly kind, that is. And as for helping with the hero duty... he did give them work, something to do with their hero status. Anyway Klarion tried to remember all possible names he had dropped. Shit why did he also mention to his mom that he was working with heroes to make her proud? He should have name dropped some villains instead but nearly all of them were adults. He knew his mom would have frowned if he had only adult friends and no one around his age.
He was pacing his room in their castle. He need a plan, a good one at that. He knows he name dropped Robin, now Red Robin, Superboy and Impulse on a whim once. Superboy more so cause his mom had been interested in the Alien Heros of the Earth of the dimension he was partially living on now. He had mentioned Robin for the joke of knowing that there is a Dinner in an other Dimension with the same name. And because his Grandfather didn't like the Flash-clan which meant his mom didn't like them too much because of their messing with timelines either, he had mentioned being friends with Impulse on pure spite because of a punishment one day and to see their reactions. So he had to get these three on board anyway, and because for the heck of it he would get Wonder Girl involved too. It was never bad to have a girl in a friends group.
Klarion stopped his pacing. Turning towards his demonic ghost cat companion, kind of what Cujo was to his mom now. "Teekl, I think I have a plan. I will convince these Idiots, that shouldn't be a huge problem. Most of them are normale little flesh sacks." Teekl and him stared for some time at each other and after a moment Klarion huffed turning away with crossed arms. "It's a good plan don't be so sceptical, they are heroes right? They will not refuse my request!"
Well maybe Klarion should have planned this a bit better.
The next day Red Robin blinked at the witch boy up from the ground in the living room of what looked like to be an normal apartment. He had just been in Gotham, working on a case and now he was here? Looking to the left he also noticed that Superboy (the older), Impulse and Wonder Girl were also with him. They all looked stunned he observed and partially disoriented. Additionally they hadn't heard from Klarion since the last time they had foiled his plans on raging chaos upon the earth, that had been weeks ago.
"I have summoned you heroes here. For the moment it is fruitless to try to leave because of the magic barrier." Okay rude to be cut of but that explained why he suddenly wasn't where he remembered to be last anymore. It was now Superboy who opened his mouth first but before he could even make a sound Klarion decided to speak over them again. "I have presents."
Four young heroes collectively blinked, confused, stunned and weirded out. As the which boy before them waved over to wards a table filled with boxes and packages. "I come in peace today, to proof that I brought these are presents, filled with various goods from different dimensions that should be to the liking of you all. Technologie, accessories, snacks, weapons, as well as clothing styles."
Red Robin shared a glance with his friends, a silent communication but before he once again could say anything Impulse was already by the table going through the stuff. They could here his 'oh's and 'ah's, which inevitably made them curious and they wandered over too. Klarion was not acting hostile at all yet but Red Robin did not trust that so he kept the which boy in clear view the entire time.
"Rob! You gotta see this! That actual futuristic Tech!"
"Look at these snacks."
"These accessories don't look to bad..."
His eye twitched when he noticed Klarion was sporting a smug look. Red Robin had to ask now, because this was not normal for the other. "Okay usually you would have started some big shot chaos plan by now. I don't buy this peace offering act and your way to formal talking. So what is going on?"
The other three, thankfully in Red Robins opinion, finally looked away from the tempting gifts and also turned their attention fully on Klarion. Who's smug smile falter as he let out a sigh and stared at them with what they could only describe as a frustrated look.
"My mom is planning to visit me."
"And?" Impulse asked between munching on three different bags of chips that where on the table.
"And he believes I am friends with you idiots."
They stared slack jawed. Impulse was pinching himself like he couldn't believe what they had just heard. Did one of their Villains, just informed them that their mom believes they were friends? Red Robin was starting to think he might be in a sleep deprived Hallucination.
"Why would she?" Wonder Girl questioned next to which Klarion glared at her with fire in his eyes.
"First of, my mom uses the pronouns he/Him. Be rude to my mom and I will find a way to make your life a permanent hell on earth." Wonder Girl blinked lifting her hands as in a sign of peace. "Second, my mom is under the believe that i work with heroes not against them. I do not have the heart to disappoint him after everything that happened in the past. So I embellished the truth a little."
"A little?" Superboy retorted sarcastically, to which they caught a light blush dusting the which boy's cheeks.
"Look my sister threw me under the bus and my mom wants to meet my friends now! So I need you idiots to play nice with me for when he visits!"
"And we will do that because?" Red Robin crossed his arms, watching their villain sceptically still not really buying this entire act. This was to strange of an behaviour change. Something was up, and he was going to get behind it.
Klarion on the other hand was starting to panic internally. His plan was not as he had hoped. The presents he had specifically gotten from other dimensions with what he believed was their interests did not work to make them simply accept his request. This was the last time he would listen to old man Vlad on how to bribe humans, he wasted his entire week on getting all that stuff. His mom was going to show up soon enough he need to have them act as his friends by then so he could remove the magic barrier. Or else his mom would notices he faked everything.
They left him no choice. He would have to throw his pride away for the sole reason to not disappoint his mom.
All four Young Justice Heroes blinked as Klarion suddenly threw himself on the ground before them into a pleading position.
"Please! I beg you, just for the time my mom is here. Please act like my friends!"
"I didn't think Klarion was a mama's boy...." Impulse whispered to the rest of them in pure disbelief as they stared stunned at the kneeling witch boy.
Cut to the heroes that noticed their teens were missing.....
"Where is he?" Batman growled at the Constantine who was sighing tiredly.
"Look mate, the way you and the other Spandex wearing friends explained it, made it sound like they got summoned by a being of the Infinit Realms." The blond man sighed lighting another cigarette eying the four heroes, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash. Zatanna was behind him pouring over a book about the realms and trying to find a tracking spell to trace it back and to where they could have been summoned.
"Don't you have something like a tracker on your boy?" Batman only growled something under his breath to which the Brite couldn't help to arch and eyebrow. Constantine was going to say something sarcasting as Deadman suddenly appeared a panicked look on him. "The Ghost King has chosen to come to our dimension."
"Say bloody what now?" All attention that had been on the heroes and their problem of missing teenage heroes turned now to Deadman and the news he brought with him. "The ghost, shades and spirits talked, for the king has decided to visit our Dimension. They are in an uproar, no one knows of why our King is on his way."
"Bloody fucking hell!" Constantine cursed. "We are fucking screwed! Isn't that guy a fucking tyrannical eldrich war maniac?!"
Deadman nodded solemnly and Constantine uttered another hearty and colourful 'fuck'. While the heroes present exchanged worried glances, not only were their kids missing but now a, by the sounds of it, highly dangerous being decided to appear in their dimension? Batman couldn't help but think that there had to be a connection to the missing teens and this.
Meanwhile in the Infinite Realms the Ghost King Castle...
Danny smoothed out his fur trimmed cape and adjusted his crown so it was floating nicely and evenly on his head. Today was the day he would get to meet his sons friends. He needed to make a good first impression. That was why he had chosen to take on his Ghost King form for this. With the wave of his hand he made an ice mirror appear before him, checking how he was looking once again. Once satisfied he nodded to himself looking over towards Fright Knight who was holding the plate of cookies he had baked himself. It was the fifth batch, and the only one that didn't turn out burned. He had needed Jazz help for this one to turn out well. It was only proper if he brought some cookies for the kids. Also he would have loved to bring his families fudge but... the last time he had tried making them had turned into a disaster.
"Thanks Frighty. Do you think Klarion's friends will like these? Wait don't answer! If they don't like them I will just get something else to thank them for taking care of my boy." Danny rambled on as he glanced at the plate of cookies in his hands. Why was he so nervous? He was just going to get to meet his little boy's friends. Sure his boy had dropped some stories about them and his adventures with them here and there. But hearing stories and meeting the kids were two different things.
Shaking his head Danny put on his best smile as he summoned a portal to Klarions apartment in the 43th Dimension of Earth. It was time to visit his boy in the place he had made his second home and thank the people that looked after his kid.
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yexthiccxa · 9 months
The Angel With Horns Pt. 1
summary: you accept a teaching position at jujutsu high where you get to work with your childhood crush, suguru geto. unfortunately, that means you'll also have to work with your childhood nemesis, satoru gojo. are you going to rekindle new flames or potentially make new ones?
wordcount: 7.3k 🙃 (this is pt. 1 and it's four chapters long)
c/w: gojo/fem!reader, geto/fem!reader, gojo/oc, geto/oc, modern!au, teacher!au, smut, fluff & smut, some plot, plot what plot, flashbacks, timeskip, asshole!gojo, flirty!gojo, cocky!gojo, soft!geto, cousin!shoko, mutual pining, teasing, flirting, playful banter, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, sensual tension, sexual tension, pet names (angel), dry humping, fingering, oral, fantasizing, multiple orgasms, inappropriate use of cursed energy, inappropriate use of cursed techniques
a/n: eeeep. this is my first fanfic so feedback is welcome 🥺it’s a first person pov where the unnamed oc is meant to be the reader! Currently working on Part 2!
edit: just posted this part on ao3 if you'd rather read it there!
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✦✧✸✧✦ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ✦✧✸✧✦
Chapter 1: Reunited
It’s clear as day but my mind is fuzzy. There are thousands of thoughts surging through me, but all I can focus on is the pleasure filling my body. For as long as I’ve known him, I’ve always wondered if this day would ever come. My hips are pinned against his counter. Arms stretching wide while my fingers grip his sink. My neck rolls back as the rays of light blind me from his window. 
In my head, I’ve spent countless hours wondering how it feels to have his body pressed against mine. Or how his breath hovers on my neck as he pulls me closer. His scent is undeniably sweet, but the way he handles me tells me that he’s everything but that.
“I always thought you were a good girl,” he growls in my ear, kissing his way down to my neck like it was never his to claim. “I never expected you to prove me wrong.”
I imagined how his kisses would consume me, how his touch would paralyze me, and how his moans would ignite me. But in all these years, I never imagined this entire fantasy would be with someone else instead.
The clouds begin to subside as I walk through the familiar gates of Jujutsu High. The droplets of rain fade away and a strange mix of emotions hit my core. Today marks the beginning of my journey as a teacher here, but I can't stop myself from feeling a pang of anxiety. Amid the unease, there’s still a sense of comfort in returning to a place I once called home.
My footsteps echo softly on the hallway tiles as I make my way to room 3-A for orientation. The memories of my time as a student creep into my thoughts. It’s changed in many ways, but I find solace in knowing that there are still a few people here that I can lean on.
When I moved back to Tokyo and got the teaching position, Shoko mentioned that Suguru taught here as well. Memories of him invaded my thoughts. We were practically inseparable during our high school years, largely due to my close bond with Shoko. Wherever she was, I was sure to follow—our Ieiri blood may tell us we’re cousins, but I always thought of her as my sister. Her friends were always fun to be around. However, they constantly got into situations that always put me on edge. Shoko has always been such a free spirit, and while I adore her, I know her comfort zone far surpasses my own. Despite my lack of participation in their wild adventures, I surprisingly never felt left out or lonely.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go? Finding curses in abandoned hospitals sounds way cooler than studying curses… in a book,” I muttered to Suguru as I gestured to my pile of textbooks.
“How many times do we have to go over this? I’d rather practice my curse techniques here instead.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lowered his face towards mine—his breath tickling my ear.
“Plus, taking care of you is a hell of a lot better than taking care of everyone else,” he chuckled.
“Who said you needed to take care of me?” I protested. He remained close, and I felt his mouth curve.
“I never said I needed to. I want to take care of you,” he whispered. A secret for only my ears to hear.
Throughout the years, I grew to love his playful laughter. It was soft, tinged with warmth and sincerity—though it always seemed to trail his jokes that slightly missed the mark. And his touch, though never sensual, always felt protective—like a wolf looking after its pack. The more I learned how sweet Suguru was, the deeper I fell in love. For years my guarded soul harbored this secret, and even if the world was ending, I swore to myself that I would never tell a soul. The "what ifs" often danced through my thoughts, but ignorant bliss always outweighed the risk of potential heartbreak.
My thoughts come to a halt as I turn a corner, and suddenly, I'm face-to-face with a towering presence. My breath catches, and my eyes instinctively trail up the contours of his strong frame. The world around me blurs for a moment, and my heart quickens. But before I can fully process the shock, a familiar voice calls out to me.
"Hey, there’s my girl! Did you realize the world wasn’t as great without me?" Suguru teases, his voice bringing back years of memories.
"Suguru!" I exclaim, a surge of excitement makes me toss my arms around him. My words tumble out eagerly, "If I was your girl, I probably would’ve never left." I laugh, though my heart races as curiosity causes his brow to rise. “I’m just kidding. Everything was great, but I’m glad to be back though." It may not have been the best save, but it’ll work for now.
My arms tighten ever so slightly, and I’m compelled to study him. His shoulders are still broad, yet somehow, they seem larger than I remember. His hair has grown longer, though he still keeps it partially tied. The chiseled contours of his jaw feel like steel against my skin, but his arms around waist are gentle and comforting. I notice that the morning gloom has officially cleared, because his beauty is bathed in sunlight. As we break away from our hug, his dark eyes meet mine with recognition and warmth, as if our time apart has only deepened our connection.
"Well, I’m glad it was good. I’ve missed you." he rumbles, his voice resonating like a soothing melody.
"Likewise," I reply with a warm grin, feeling a rush of nostalgia. "Will you be at orientation today?"
He explains that he has to help Yaga with some setup throughout the morning. I try not to let my smile drop, but he's quick to notice. Of course he notices, it's Suguru. Before I can even process my thoughts, he adds, "I have the same lunch break as everyone else though, let's catch up then? We can meet in the courtyard."
A surge of excitement washes over me, and I nod eagerly. "Sounds perfect," I reply. Feeling a newfound sense of confidence, I continue on my way to the orientation room. 
“I’ve missed you." his voice echoes through my mind. For a moment, I can't help but wonder, was he thinking about me the whole time I was gone? Why did he call me his girl? Does that mean he had feelings for me? No—stop, that can’t be. If he had feelings for me, he would've said something, right? But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
My stomach begins to flutter as a seed of hope is planted into my heart. The slightest possibility of Suguru's interest sends me to the moon. I know I’m not the same girl I was when we last saw each other. So maybe, just maybe, this is a sign.
As I head towards the room, my steps feel lighter than they've been in a long time. For once in my life, I can finally hope for something more. I finally believe that I…my heart sinks as I reach the door. 
Blocking my path is a figure I desperately hoped to avoid—the infamous Satoru Gojo.
Chapter 2: Repulsive
Much like Suguru, Satoru’s build overpowers me. His arms rest on the edge of the doorframe and I can see the contours of his bicep peek through his shirt. I take in a sharp inhale and reluctantly step forward. Satoru will not, I repeat, not get the better of me today. I hesitate for a moment, locking my eyes with his.
He peeks out from the edge of his sunglasses, and the corners of his lips begin to curl. I watch as pieces of his platinum hair barely brush the top of his rims, while others just fall short of his eyes. It’s been years, but those striking pools of blue remain etched in my memory. Swirls of azure, navy and cobalt fill my vision, but I stop myself before my gaze begins to linger.
I attempt to slip past him but find myself with no clear escape. As I contemplate my next move, I mutter a greeting through gritted teeth, "Satoru."
His smirk grows into the devilish grin that haunted my past. "Hey there, Angel,” he purrs. “No hello? Or how have you been?" His tone takes on a playful note, laced with a hint of something else—something I can't quite decipher.
I try my best to let the moment pass, but I’ve let this go on for far too long. I’m done ignoring his comments. “You know I have a real name right?” I bite back.
“But why switch it up now? You’ve always been my little angel,” he teases mockingly. 
“And you’ve always been a pain in my ass,” I reply, my stare unwavering.
“She fights back,” his brow rises in shock. “I like this new version of you. Keep it up.” His grip on the doorframe loosens and he turns to make his way into the room. 
I let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension of my grip escape through my fingers. As I regain focus, I notice Satoru has turned back, his face mere inches from my ear. His voice is smooth, like silk across my skin as he whispers, “I can be a pain in a lot of other places, but I promise it’ll feel good.” 
My eyes widen as my pupils darken. My mouth runs dry as he chuckles his way to the edge of the room.
Memories of my high school days with Satoru flood back into my mind. His words cut through me, but in a way more akin to pleasure than pain. A mix of emotions overwhelm me, but I ultimately scowl at the sight of him. While Shoko and Suguru have helped me blossom, Satoru has always been the thorn in my side.
“Come on Suguru, are you really going to stay with her again?” Satoru asked.
“It’s okay, just go without me. I’ll go with you next time,” Suguru replies. His arm raises to scratch the back of his head.
This is the last festival of the season; there won't be another chance. “Please just go. I’ll be fi—,” I uttered.
“Well, enjoy your time with the little angel,” Satoru calls out as he continues walking away.
He makes his way out of our view, and I turn to Suguru, “Why do you even call him your best friend? He’s kind of a dick.”
Suguru laughs. “When you go through some of the stuff that we have, you’ll see that there’s a bond that goes deeper than blood. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but it’s not an excuse. Don’t worry. I can talk to him.”
I can’t stop myself from smiling with adoration.
I quickly find an empty seat in the orientation room, my mind still buzzing. The comfort and familiarity of the school are now tainted by the presence of someone I had hoped to forget. It was stupid of me to think Suguru and Satoru would drift apart after all these years. As I gather up my resolve to remain close with Suguru, I accept that their connection means my path with Satoru will cross more often than I would like.
A full morning of orientation reduces my brain to mush. The anticipation builds and all I can pay attention to is the clock ticking away. Yaga drones on about teamwork, collaboration, and trust – unsurprising, considering his history mentoring Suguru and Satoru. If he survived that, I’m sure being the principal is a piece of cake.
As the clock finally strikes noon, I gather my belongings and head for the door.
“Ms. Ieiri—one moment please,” Yaga calls to me, stopping in my tracks. He assembles the group of new hires and hands each one a folded letter. “This is for the afternoon sessions. On this sheet you’ll find…”
His words trail off and I find myself glancing at the clock again, hoping that Suguru hasn’t been waiting too long. Once we’re dismissed, I rush towards the courtyard.
While my legs carry me on autopilot through the halls, I take a moment to examine the letter. The paper feels coarse, the creases are weighted with importance, yet the ink is delicately placed. The overwhelming amount of information makes it clear that I'll have to review it once lunch is over. I scan the letter to find main items scheduled for the afternoon:
1pm: Mentor Session (Room 2-C)
2pm: Lesson Planning (Room 1-B)
3pm: Team Review (Room 1-B)
Seems simple enough. I approach the stairs leading to the courtyard, when my eyes catch the small section at the end of the letter:
Mentor Assignment: …
As I hurry, I fail to notice the uneven step at the halfway mark. My foot catches the edge and suddenly, I’m airborne. I feel the letter escape my fingertips. My heart leaps into my throat and the world starts to blur.
I reach for the railing, but my grasp barely holds. In the following moments, I find myself colliding with a figure. His hold is strong, bringing me comfort. I feel his fingers slowly cup my arms—they’re soft, tender, holding me with care. 
“Easy there,” he rumbles. “I got you,” his voice is low and radiates through my core. Suguru’s eyes lock onto mine and I feel the heat beginning to smolder. “I got you.” His words bounce through my head.
“Suguru. Sorry… I—” The words are impossible to make out.
“Don’t apologize,” Suguru smiles. “I like having you in my arms.” He adds a playful wink sending butterflies through my chest.
I hold his gaze and my body melts into his. Suguru and I have been close for years, but this time, it feels altered, deeper. It feels like the intensity of our connection is seeking something beyond friendship. We’re inches from each other and I wonder if he can hear my thoughts or feel my heart beat out of my chest. Time slows as I marvel at his smile. I let my mind wander just for a moment…
Suguru lowers, barely touching his lips against mine. He starts soft, planting kisses down my neck as he caresses my cheek. His touch trails to the rest of my body and delight surges within me. It's gentle, but I crave more. He bites my lip before slowly letting his tongue make his way inside my mouth.
Passion builds within me as one hand grips my hair and the other grabs my waist. When his fingers gently graze the small of my back, I writhe with pleasure, hoping he can’t feel the squeeze between my thighs. His taste is intoxicating—sending me into a fever that I can’t seem to break. 
I close my eyes and let his mouth take me.
“I’ve been waiting for you…” he breaks away to tell me. His voice is on the brink of losing control. “...for a very long ti—”
“Hello? Are you okay?” Suguru asks. My focus immediately returns. “I’ve been waiting for you, so I was heading back inside to make sure you were doing alright.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Yaga needed to give us this letter and—oh fuck. My letter.” 
He senses my worry and swoops me up in one solid motion, but I feel too weak to stand.
I turn to see that my letter has found its way in a puddle pooling at the edge of the steps. I rush down to grab it, but it’s already too late. While I can make out certain areas, the majority of it has smeared away. I bring my gaze towards bottom in hopes of making out some of the letters:
M..nt…. ….gnment: S…..u G…o
I pause—Suguru Geto. A knot hits my stomach and I’m waiting to identify whether this feeling is anxiety or joy.
I look up from the letter expectantly. “Suguru, my mentor… is this right?” I ask.
“Yeah, it is! It’s nice being paired with someone you know. It’ll be just like old times.” His words are the only confirmation I need.
Although the years have passed, it feels like Suguru and I have never skipped a beat. I miss the way he talks, the way he laughs, the way a strand of hair always manages to fall even when it’s tied. I could spend hours looking into his eyes and hearing all of his adventures and how he’s mastered his curse techniques. 
The minutes go on and the end of our lunch hour approaches. Suguru frowns as he glances at his watch, and offers an apologetic smile. "I have to head out a bit early. Yaga needs some help before the mentor sessions start," he explains.
I nod understandingly, though I can't help but feel disappointed. "No problem, I’ll see you in a bit?"
He grins, those familiar eyes twinkling with warmth. "Definitely, I’ll see you later!" He gives me a hug and we part ways.
With a sway in my step, I find myself standing before the door of 2-C—but it’s locked. I scan the hallway to see if anyone can help, but there’s no one in sight. I grab my phone to text Suguru for help, but fate has other plans.
Before I can send the message, a familiar presence creeps up behind me. The weight of his aura envelops me. His body feels warm, yet somehow my blood runs cold. With a key in hand, he moves to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes my lips, and I feel the tension build around us. My heart races as I hear a voice, a soft whisper that ignites my soul.
"Hey there, angel," the voice purrs. "Were you looking for me?"
I let out a deep breath to release the fury that boiled inside of me. “As a matter of fact, no. I wasn’t looking for you… Satoru.”
Chapter 3: Reinforcements
It takes me a second, but it finally registers. The letter didn’t actually say Suguru Geto. It was supposed to say Satoru Gojo. Suguru’s voice rings though my head:
“Suguru, my mentor… is this right?” I try to recall. I guess I didn’t explicitly mention a name.
“Yeah, it is!” Damn it, why didn’t I say his name?
“It’s nice being paired with someone you know.” My body feels heavy as my soul fills with dread.
“It’ll be just like old times.” The world begins to spin around me.
I walk through the door without looking at Satoru and head straight for the windows on the other side of the room. The room itself is quite small, just large enough to fit a blackboard, a full teacher’s desk, and three smaller desks for the students. There’s a bit of extra room to spare, but none of it is enough to keep me away from Satoru.
In the reflection of the window, Satoru props himself against the larger desk, his long arms draped behind him. His smirk tells me he's completely at ease, as if he enjoys torturing me this way. “Not who you were expecting?”
I hold my response and continue staring out the window. I suspect he can read my discomfort.
His footsteps are quiet, but I feel them reverberate behind me. The air from the window feels cool, but it fades when his body radiates against mine. He leans down, bringing his hands around my sides. As he places them on the window sill, I can feel his face inch closer to mine. He’s too close for comfort but I can’t bring myself to push him away.
“With a bit more time, angel, you’ll see that I’m full of surprises.” I can feel the rumble in his throat as he speaks. “That is…if you’re willing to find out.”
My face turns hot and my thighs tighten. I may hate Satoru, but there’s something about his charm that feels irresistible. After years of dealing with him, I thought I’d get used to it. But this doesn’t feel like the same Satoru I used to know.
His arms are still placed on either side of me, but I swat him away, “Don’t you have better things to do than to tease me?” My brow rises. “Maybe… actually mentoring me?”
He lifts his arms in defense, “Hey angel, sorry if I’m coming on a little strong. I’m just having some fun.” He nudges my arm, and the force leaves me unsteady. “For old times’ sake.”
I roll my eyes and take a seat at one of the smaller desks.
“Plus, I’m not big on mentoring,” he adds. “Yaga has me doing this because I owe him for saving my ass on the last mission. Luckily he assigned me to you, and we both know you’re more than capable of doing this job without my help. It’s always been like that.”
“Oh how sweet. Is this your way of complimenting me?” I tease. He wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t going to give in that easily.
“What do you mean? I always give you compliments.”
“Calling me angel doesn’t count,” I sneer.
“Would you like me to call you princess instead?” He curled into a self-assured smile.
I blush, trying to bite back a chuckle. I lied, this is the same old Satoru. “So are you going to keep making up names, or are you actually going to teach me something?”
He brings himself close, his face stopping just short of mine. “I can teach you a lot of things, angel.”
I let out a sigh, “I’m serious, Satoru.”
“Fine, if you insist.” My curiosity is piqued as he props himself up and heads for the blackboard. 
“Lesson number one: If you ever want me, don’t want me,” he smirked.
I drop my shoulders and let out a sigh, but he continues.
“I’m serious! Lesson number two: If you ever need me…”
I finish his sentence, “Don’t need you?” His smile confirms my thoughts. “What’s number 3, Gojo-senpai?” My eyes plead as I pout in an attempt to mock him.
He seems uneasy. “Don’t do that,” he quickly snaps back, and I straighten up. “And now, lesson number three, the most important one: If you ever need my help, learn how to help yourself first.”
With a hint of sarcasm, I reply, “Wow, what a wonderful lesson. I’ve learned so much.” I gather my belongings and prepare to leave. “I think I'll just ask Yaga to assign me to someone else.”
He steps closer, blocking my path before I can fully rise from my seat. "No, wait. Don't do that,” he implores, his gaze earnest. “Can you stick it out for a little while? Just until this mentorship period ends. I need to get through these two weeks so Yaga won't make me do this again next year.”
I force my way up and scoff in his face, “Why on earth would I do that? What the hell have you done in these last few hours or even the last ten years that would make me put in a good word for you?” My volume increases. “You constantly tease me, you’ve never helped me, and—”
“I can hook you up with Suguru,” he murmurs.
“Excuse me?” My voice remains elevated from the anger.
“I can hook you up with Suguru,” he repeats firmly.
“Oh,” I pause as my voice settles. “Why would you do that?”
“For someone so smart, you ask the silliest things. It’s obvious you like him, angel.” 
My cheeks heat, feeling exposed and vulnerable under his penetrating gaze.
“It’s been obvious…for years—at least to me,” his voice softens. "And I promise, if you put in a good word for me, I'll help you with Suguru. No tricks, no games. Do we have a deal?" He extends his hand, waiting for my response.
This deal seems too good to be true. I try to figure out what the catch is, but nothing comes to mind. Unlike before, his gaze feels genuine and his smile seems sincere. I take a deep breath, preparing for a leap of faith. For the first time in my life, I guess I’m going to have to trust Satoru.
I reach for his hand, allowing a confident smile to grace my lips. “Deal.”
Although this is not how I pictured my first couple of weeks back in Tokyo, this alliance isn’t as terrible as I thought. At the end of our work days, Satoru and I hang back in Room 2-C for our “mentoring” sessions. We spend 1% of the sessions on actual work, and the other 99% on dating. I tell him that it’s been a while since I’ve dated, and Satoru jumps at the opportunity to refresh me on the art of flirting.
 "Alright angel—you’ve known Suguru for a while, but I’m guessing like you only ever interact with him as a friend. Try starting…” he picks up his hand to graze the side of my arm, fingers lightly dragging towards my wrist.  “...with light touches. Make sure you maintain eye contact and smile genuinely." His voice is velvet and slow.
A shiver runs through me, and my mouth goes dry. I clear my throat. "Light touches, like this?" I laugh hesitantly. I try to mimic his advice, but it’s nowhere near as gentle as his.
Satoru chuckles. "Close, but you’re too tense. Just relax a little bit."
I soften my touch and continue to brush my fingers up his arm. As I slowly pull him towards me, our eyes lock and I’m immediately mesmerized. There’s a flutter in my core and it turns into desire. There’s an ache between my thighs, and moisture begins to form.
“That’s it,” he purrs as he leans towards me. “Just like that.” The pull of his voice is a magnet that continues to bring me closer. My heart races while the quickness in my breath trails slowly behind.
I close my eyes and let my cravings take control.
Satoru rests his thumb on the edge of my lip while the rest curl under my chin. He tilts my head and slowly whispers, “And that is exactly what you should do…” His voice perks back up to his normal tone. “...when you’re flirting with Suguru,” he smiles.
I shoot my eyes open and straighten up. What the hell was I thinking? Was I seriously trying to kiss Satoru? I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it? Wait…no, stop that. Something must be wrong, my wires are completely crossed. I shake it off to rid myself of the residual shame.
Shoko braided my hair like she’s done a million times before. “Hey, who do you think is cuter, Suguru or Satoru?” she posed out of curiosity.
“Hmm, that’s so hard. You know they're both hot.” I laughed. “If we’re going purely off of looks, probably Satoru. Sometimes I hate him, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t cute. I think it’s the eyes.” 
“Yeah,” she replies with a hint of dejection in her voice. “I think so too.” I knew what was coming, but I could tell she had trouble getting it out. “Would you be mad if I asked him out?”
I pulled away for just a moment, “Oh my god, go ahead! Don’t worry about me. Suguru is still cute, plus he’s way nicer to me anyways.”
She paused for a moment, then threw her arms into a hug, “You’re the best.”
I smiled back and returned her embrace. “Okay, now finish doing my hair.”
During these last two weeks the only times I see Suguru are during our lunch breaks. His schedule is hectic, but I can see that he makes the time for me—even though I know he doesn’t have any. I use these moments to practice some of the things I’ve learned from Satoru. Light touch, eye contact, genuine smiles.
I’ve touched Suguru’s arm, stared into his eyes, and laughed at his jokes many times before, but it was never like this. This time, all of my actions are bold, assertive, and confident. It’s no surprise that Satoru is a master of charm, but I didn’t expect him to be a decent teacher as well. Come Monday, he’ll be happy to know that Yaga will get glowing reviews for his mentorship.
For today’s lunch, Suguru and I are sitting on the courtyard steps, inches away from where he caught me just two weeks before. He has a look on his face that I haven’t seen before. I can tell something is on his mind by the way his brow furrows and his smile drops.
“Hey, what’s up?” I ask.
“I was—” he pauses, then retracts. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Come on, Suguru. You can tell me,” I place my hand on top of his.
He smiles, and I can tell my assurance has calmed him down. “I just found out that I’m leaving for a mission next week, and I won’t be back for a few days.”
“Oh,” I reply, a pang of disappointment lingers in my tone.
“I was wondering…” he starts. “Did you maybe want to hang out or something before I leave?” A nervous grin crosses his face before he adds, “Like outside of work?”
I perk up at his proposal. “Of course! I would love that. When were you thinking?”
“I know it’s last minute, but maybe… tomorrow night? It’s okay if you’re bu—”
Cut him off before he has the chance to ramble. I reply with, “I would love to.”
Our lunch continues and the conversation shifts between current events, life updates and playful banter. I learn that Suguru still prefers staying in over going out, he’s got a new obsession with cooking, and his hair care routine is a lot more involved than I thought. As he speaks, I can’t help but admire him and the person he’s become.
When we prepare to part ways, Suguru confirms our plans for the weekend, “So, I’ll see you tomorrow? Meet at my place around 7?” Grinning as he inputs his address into my phone.
“I’ll see you there,” I return a smile and hug him before I leave. The feeling of his touch is perfect.
Chapter 4: Reckless
The workday ends and I make my way to the usual room for my last mentoring session with Satoru. As I walk in, he notices the stupid grin plastered on my face. “You look a little chipper today, angel. What’s up? Excited that you’re no longer forced to spend with me?”
“Well, yes,” I laugh. “But also… Suguru asked me to hang out tomorrow tonight. I’m going to meet him at his place,” I fight to contain my excitement.
Satoru’s brow lifts with intrigue, “If you wanted an invite to come over, you could’ve just asked me.”
Confusion clouds my brain. “Excuse me?” I ask.
“He didn’t tell you we were roommates?”
The clouds dissipate when I realize what’s going on. “No he didn’t. I guess it makes sense though.” The thought of Satoru joining in on our date fills me with unease. “You won’t be there right?” I clarify.
“You can relax, I’m meeting up with someone too. No need to worry about me barging in on whatever “activities” you two plan on doing,” air quoting as he takes a seat at the desk in front.
“Satoru, stop. You don’t even know if that’s gonna happen,” I argue.
“You’ve spent ten years drooling over this man, and you finally get a chance to spend some time with him in his apartment…alone.” he starts. “I don’t know about you, angel, but that sounds like a recipe for sex to me.” He leans back towards the blackboard and places his arms behind his head. A smug look sweeps his face.
“Well, yeah I guess… but it’s more so…” I hesitate, struggling to find the words to say. The thought of Suguru and I being intimate has always crossed my mind, but I can't believe it might actually happen.
“Oh I get it… There’s no reason to be nervous. Sex is sex,” he interjects. “Plus, if he’s the one who initiated the date, I’m sure he’ll enjoy whatever happens, sex or no sex.”
He makes a good point, but I still feel unsure. Before I have the chance to stop myself, I blurt out, “Do you know what he’s into…like when it comes to sex? Do guys even talk about that stuff to each other?” The regret immediately slips through my lips.
Satoru gets up from his seat and brings his hands to my shoulders—a gesture of comfort I’ve never seen from him before. “He’s my best friend, I know everything about him,” he assures me. “Trust me, you’ll be fine.”
“Can you just tell me? Please?” I playfully beg, placing my hands on top of his.
Something about my question changes his demeanor, like he’s been waiting for it all along. The air shifts and suddenly I feel a rush of heat. Satoru drops one of his hands while the other drags across my chest. He begins to circle me, walking slowly, like a lion with its prey. In a situation like this, his towering presence would normally intimidate me, but something this feels different. I'm not feeling fear; instead I feel secure, fascinated, and curious about what lies ahead.
He makes his way behind me and I can feel him lower his head towards mine. “I can tell you…” he whispers, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “But do you want me to show you instead?” His words send shivers to my spine. 
He retrieves something from his pocket and places it into my hand. It’s a long piece of fabric, similar to the one he uses to wrap his eyes. My mind spins—stuck between the logic in my head and the cravings of my body. I hesitate for a moment, but the weight of my desire defeats me. “Yes. Please,” I say softly, as I wrap the cloth around my eyes.
“Perfect.” He ties the back securely, and I feel his touch tilt my head toward him.
I let out a breath and part my lips. Our lips touch, locking just for a moment before he briefly pulls away.
“I think for your benefit, and definitely mine, I’m going to keep my limitless on. That way it’s purely informational and you won’t feel a thing,” he says.
And just like that, an invisible barrier forms between us. While his touch is subdued, I still feel the heat hovering between us. The closer I try to get to him, the more I feel his body vibrate against mine—like magnets trying to repel. Damn it, Satoru. He might not feel a thing, but I… I still feel everything.
In my mind, I do my best to recall every part of Suguru from memory. I try seeing his face and emulating his touch. As the pieces of Suguru form, a clear image of him floods my brain.
I can feel his touch as Satoru moves up from my waist and beneath the hem of my shirt. He continues up to cup my breast and I can sense his kisses on my neck. They’re soft and muted, but the sensation still gives me chills. His breath is hot as his mouth works his way up to nibble my ear. I can feel his throat rumble when Satoru continues his lesson, “Do you want to know what Suguru is like?”
I nod. In my mind, Suguru’s dark eyes ease their way shut as he takes in my scent. His strands of hair brush against my shoulder as he continues to plant kisses down my neck.  
“Suguru is a lover—always takes care of his women,” Satoru purrs as he rubs his thumb over my breast. The friction against my nipple sends a jolt of euphoria through my chest. “Do you want to see how he’ll take care of you?” he asks.
My body tenses and I feel a rush of liquid between my thighs. I roll my head back onto his shoulder and hum with pleasure. My breath is labored, I can barely speak. “Show me,” I manage to let out.
“Well to start, he’d make sure your lips never go hungry.” Satoru slowly turns me around while his kisses move to my lips. His lips are soft, smooth as he takes me in.
The intensity rises as his kisses become needy. Using his hands to grip my ass, he leans me on the edge of the desk behind me. Shock fills my body and I can feel his tongue finding its way inside my mouth. Waves of his cursed energy flow through me. It’s powerful—commanding my fingers to lock into his hair. I pull him closer, imagining Suguru's weight crashing into me.
As the ache between my legs intensifies I ask, “What else would he do?”
“He’d work his way up your leg… past your skirt…” he slowly whispers. “And find your clit. Just to make sure she’s happy too.” His fingers travel to my panties, stopping just above my slit. He uses thumb to rub the cloth, and the trembles of his limitless cause me to moan. I roll back and forth, grinding against his hand, desperate for more. My moans are endless and slowly amplify every time the pressure increases.
When he realizes I’m enjoying myself, he runs his fingers along the edge of my panties. I whimper, wondering when he can put an end to this torture. I crave him so badly, I crave the feeling of him inside me—anything to help me find release. He finally gives in and slides my underwear to the side. As his touch grazes against my folds, I picture how good it would feel to have Suguru’s large hands cupping my center.
Satoru picks up on my thoughts and continues feeding my fantasy, “While he teases your pussy, Suguru would tell you that you’re already soaking wet…” The thought has me dripping more liquid onto his fingers. I feel his mouth curl into a smile and he whispers, “...but we’re only getting started.”
His fingers thrust inside me and I can feel the magnitude of his hands as my walls tighten around him. The thrill from his fingers barreling into me stun every inch of my body. I can feel my thighs clenching on the brink of release. His fingers find the sensitive spot within my walls and his mouth claims every spot on my body. His kisses become ravenous, like he can’t get enough. The more he devours me, the more he leaves me breathless.
I can hear him groan in delight and I notice the way his bulge presses against me through his pants. The desperation only makes him harder.
As the intensity grows, I cry for more. “Oh Suguru, just like that.”
“Do you like that, angel?” His pace remains steady as the sensation of cursed energy collects into his fingers. They continue to push against the insides of my center until I can’t take it anymore. The rhythmic motion leaves me breathless and I feel my body racing to its peak.
“Ugh, Suguru, fuck…that feels—”
“Does he make you feel good?” His voice feels heavy, like a low growl.
“Y—, ugh, ye—” I can’t form words through the pounding of his hand. He’s rapidly sending me to the edge and I’m ready to fall. “Suguru, you’re going to make me come.”
“Yes, angel.” Satoru says, before planting his lips onto mine. “Come for him.” 
Those words are enough to break me. The orgasm flows through my body and I feel myself beat around his fingers. His pace slows, but the sensual touch only brings more gratification. The thought of Suguru sending me into ecstasy leaves my body light, and my mind clear. The waves slowly subside and I feel myself resurrect. 
My hands head for the wrap on my eyes, but I hear Satoru whisper, “We’re not done yet, angel.”
I follow his lead and let the rumble of his voice bring me back into my dreams.
“Did you think Suguru would stop there?” he teases. “If there’s anyone he’d take special care of, it would be you.”
I feel his fingers slide out of me and I hear him lick the tips. “You taste so good.”
The words release a flutter in my core. I’m immediately enraptured and can’t help but crave more.
“Suguru would love this,” he starts. “Would you let him taste you too?”
“Yes,” I breathe.
I imagine Suguru’s strength as his hands cup my waist and he lifts me up on the desk. When I lean back, I feel him lift my shirt, exposing my breasts. “You’re so god damn beautiful.” His tongue licks my nipple before fully taking it into his mouth, giving it a playful tug.
“Please, I want you to taste me,” I plead. Liquid gushes out of me, giving him a good dose to start.
“As you wish, angel.” He bends down to hover his mouth over my center. I feel him linger before he adds, “Do you know what else Suguru likes to do?”
“Tell me,” I whisper.
“He likes making sure your pussy never goes dry,” he growls, letting his mouth devour my clit. The vibrations from his limitless amplify the sensation, and I’m on the verge of losing control. 
My body goes numb as his words echo through my head. He likes making sure your pussy never goes dry. I let out a moan, but it feels more like a cry. I completely unravel, feeling the tides of my orgasm come back to shore.
“Oh my god, Suguru. That feels so good. Don’t stop,” I cry.
As he continues to glide over me, I throw my head back and writhe in pleasure. His tongue goes up and down my center in a harmonious rhythm, and I’m so close to feeling ecstasy. His mouth on my lips may have felt needy, but his mouth on my pussy feels absolutely desperate. The ripples of his limitless accompany the motions and bring me to my limit. As he plants his hands on my thighs, I immediately crumble.
I melt into my orgasm as my legs tense up around him, squeezing him towards me. I picture Suguru’s hands gripping my thighs while he moans back in delight. My breath is quick, my heartbeat is unsteady. The muscles inside me contract and pulsate all over his tongue. He has me slick and he licks up every bit of the liquid that trickled from me.
“And that, my little angel… is a little taste of what you can expect from Suguru Geto,” Satoru chuckles.
I relax my legs and I feel one last kiss grace my center. I lay for a moment, feeling both lifeless, yet satiated. The thought of Suguru between my thighs still lingers in my mind.
“That was amazing, Suguru,” I breathed quietly.
As I sit up, my head is in a fog. I feel my brain spin for a moment. What just happened? Did I just have a wet dream about Suguru? Wait, no. Was it Satoru? It takes me a minute to recollect myself. Although I could see Suguru vividly in my mind, I remember that he wasn’t the person in the room. Anxiety surges throughout my body when I’m faced with the reality of what occurred.
I hear the door click, and rush to take off the wrap around my eyes. “Satoru, can we ta—”
To my dismay, there is no one else in the room. I see the blackboard behind me, the desk that seats me, three smaller desks in front of me, but Satoru is nowhere to be found.
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Read Part 2 Here!
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breadandblankets · 2 months
how i hc duke's relationships with the other (main) bats
bruce: mentor/friend/weird HS teacher u bond with kinda thing, i think bruce on his end still feels simmering guilt for not being there for duke when he needed him, duke feel simmering resentment towards bruce for being another adult that left him, this will boil over at some point but then they'll get over it, they will never be that dumb nuclear found family thing, i think doug and elaine would like bruce tho so maybe one of those friend of the family situations where u call someone ur not related to aunt/uncle
cass: very very good friends, would probably consider her a sister from another mister if u will, i would hesitate to call her a best friend *gestures at all of war* but i think she's up there, i really love the headcanon that there is some tension on duke's end because cass has the ability to be more efficient but she actively chooses not to, i think for a long time duke is going to be holding some unhealthy and unrealistic standards both for himself and also people around him, like everything else this causes tension then erupts before it gets resolved, cass i think would know about said tension the whole time but have no idea how to bring up the issue or how to even think about resolving it so it drags on
dick: i think duke holds a grudge for the robin war thing, and i think he fucking should iykyk, (the way he just leaves duke on a roof??? with cops????, i was shouting at my fucking comic) idk i think dick would probably make light of it for a while but duke would be real fucking clear that he remembers and won't be forgiving and forgetting any time soon, i think they're acquaintances at best but realistically, coworkers
damian: like cass Extremely good friends, found family if you will, honestly i think they got a lot of their interpersonal issues out of the way before duke becomes signal, so really its a matter of time before they actually become friends and not just acquaintances, they're old man young to me, i think they do old man things like feed birds in the park and play Go together, i think damian is probably one of the only people duke doesn't hold to his standards, he thinks damian deserves to be a kid, making damian be a kid is probably some of the only time that duke is forced to relax by proxy, therefore duke and damian's friendship is strongly encouraged by bruce who is out of his depth for what to do with both of them and throwing them at each other seems to be working (👍 parenting)
tim: i honestly don't think they know each other well, like i think they may have talked once??? so i don't have shit to base their relationship off, generally i think they're amicable if distant, like a coworker you say hi to at the coffee machine
babs: i Need them to interact, honestly it would be really funny if duke meets babs for the first time as oracle and he's just like??? you're my favorite librarian? and babs is like !! we missed you when you stopped volunteering!!! and duke has to be like yeah that was the joker, i think they would have a good relationship, they don't work together all that much cause oracle doesn't run duke's ops and duke isn't usually on the night shift but they know they can call each other in if they need. one of duke's few trusted AdultsTM
jason: i think rocky at the start, duke would definitely have some Memories of the red hood, that would probably be a hill to overcome, but i generally think that jason will eventually move into a more positive position in the city even with the shadows of all that stuff following him ofc. they are absolute Assholes to each other in a way that is clearly affection, jason will let duke get away with anything up to and including murder, duke will never let jason get away with anything, its like a typo in the group chat
steph: re same as tim, and babs practically nothing to base the relationship on BUT i think they would get on like a house on fire, like cass: sister from another mister energy, steph is giving duke the "you just found out ur dad is a supervillain" support he needs, they are the only bats successfully going to college they probably go to events on campus together, idk they have so much potential as the forgotten robins and all that, i think they should bully bruce together that would be so fun.
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lavendertom · 7 months
My Favorite Prize
Mike Schmidt x f!Reader
wc: 1.7k
warnings: none! just fluff and fun 🤗
so this is my first time ever writing a fic and posting it, so apologies if it isn’t great and has mistakes, i just felt so drawn to this idea i had to attempt to write it! i hope y’all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
this is kind of an au where nothing bad ever happened to the pizzeria (i’m an optimist if u can’t tell), mike still has the security job there, but it’s all good vibes bc he deserves happiness :’) basically just mike, abby, and reader having a fun day out at freddy’s ☺️
also was written w a female reader in mind, but i don’t think there’s any explicit use of she/her pronouns so do what you will with that
keeping this intro short as possible, but i’ll include another a/n at the end!
You would’ve never thought that taking a babysitting job for a neighbor down your street would lead to some of the best memories you’ve ever had. Not to mention it also led to you and Mike, your boyfriend, meeting each other.
Naturally, you spend a lot of time with Mike and especially his sister, Abby, who you’ve been babysitting for about 6 months now. Your bond with her feels like so much more than just being her babysitter, even more so after starting to date Mike. You are always more than happy to do all kinds of activities with her, even if you’re “off the job.” After all, you’re at the house almost everyday now.
“Can we please go to Freddy’s today? I’ve been collecting quarters for months now, I want to use them!” Abby begged as you, her, and Mike finished your breakfast.
“I’m sure your brother doesn’t want to go to work over the weekend, but I can take you if you really want to go.” you said with a smile as you got up to wash off your plate.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to join in on this?” Mike asked looking back at you.
“You need a break, Mike.” you answered. “You stay home and rest, Abby and I will go. Plus it’s your job, you don’t want to be thinking about work over the weekend. I don’t mind taking her, trust me.” You often needed to remind him it was okay to stay home and rest. He works his ass off, mostly to provide for Abby, but also because he can’t help but spoil you as well. Even if you didn’t need anything, he still cared too much.
“Please y/n!” Abby shouted from her seat. “Let Mike come too. It will be extra fun then!”
“Yeah, y/n.” Mike said, giving you that look you couldn’t say no to. You looked into those brown eyes, shaking your head smiling.
“Okay, okay,” you responded laughing at the siblings, “let’s go then.”
The three of you piled into Mike’s sedan. On the way there, you and Abby sang some of her favorite Disney tunes, occasionally getting Mike to sing a line or two.
When you arrived, Abby immediately ran up to the stage of three animatronic animals who were singing and dancing. You and Mike followed behind, hand in hand. The pizzeria was full of children playing games, eating pizza, and running around doing whatever kids do.
“I don’t know why she loves those damn robots so much.” Mike said as the two of you walked in. “They’re creepy.”
“I think it’s cute.” you replied. “I think it’d be fun to hang out with them sometime, you know? Like, play arcade games with them, eat some pizza. I mean, you practically have a sleepover with them every night, Mike.”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you had to be their guardian every night.” he said sarcastically.
“I don’t buy it, you love them.” you responded, squeezing his hand. He gave you a dramatic eye roll and you couldn’t help but giggle at him. You finally caught up to Abby, finding the girl still in awe of the animatronic show. “Alright Abby, what are we doing first?”
The girl thought for a moment, until her eyes lit up and that mischievous little smirk she makes was on her face. “Skee ball competition.”
“What does the winner get?” Mike asked.
“If I win, you have to get me ice cream for dessert.” She replied confidently. She always knew what she wanted, and she was gonna get it no matter what.
“And what if I win?” you asked.
“Then Mike has to get you a prize.” She replied grinning at the two of you.
“Why’s it always me who has to pay the price?” he asked. Abby already began skipping towards the arcade games.
“You’re the one who asked.” you replied giving him a shrug. “And by the way, I’m so winning this.”
“Yeah?” he asked smirking as the two of you followed Abby. “What if I win? What do I get?”
“I guess something can be arranged if you win.”
“Well you better start thinking of something because there won’t be an ‘if I win’, just a when I win.”
The three of you found the skee ball games, each picking a lane to play on. You all agreed whoever had the most points after three rounds of playing was the winner. Abby decided she would count down before shouting “go!” and the game was on. Surprisingly, Abby did very well, and the game ended with a win for Abby, and a draw between you and Mike for second place.
“I win!” Abby shouted jumping up and down before giving Mike a hug. “Now you have to get me ice cream for dessert!” You couldn’t help but smile at the two, their bond was unlike any other.
“Okay, okay, Abby!” he said with a laugh as Abby pulled away from him. “But before that, it looks like y/n and I have a tie to break.”
“Oh, we’re doing this now huh?” you said, crossing your arms. “You can’t stand a draw?”
“I was told there would be prizes and I am not letting my efforts go to waste.”
“Okay, fine, best of three wins.” You grabbed a handful of quarters out of the cup sitting on edge of the game.
“Ready to lose, sweetheart?”
What he didn’t realize was Abby slowly making her way towards your skee ball lane, silently noting she was on your side.
“Don’t get so ahead of yourself, babe.” you said with a playful scoff. What ensued after was the best mix of chaos and fun.
You and Abby were both trying to throw as many balls as you could in the somewhat small skee ball lane. The two of you were laughing at how terribly it ended up working out. Mike finally realized the team you two had formed to which he kept playfully shoving the balls out of your hands, while somehow still maintaining control of his own with his other hand. By the end, you were so out of breath from not only playing the competitive game, but laughing at the madness that occurred.
“I can’t believe you let Mike win, y/n!” Abby said, sounding more upset than she should’ve been.
“I would never let your brother purposely beat me at a game of skee ball.” you said, still out of breath. “He sabotaged the game!” you shouted, giving him a knowing look while pointing an accusing finger at him.
“I believe I deserve some sort of prize for my victory.” he responded smirking as he stood looking at you with his arms crossed.
You finally caught your breath as you looked into his brown eyes, then down to his lips which still held the small smirk. You walked closer to him, putting your hands on his shoulders as you stood on your tip toes to place a soft, small kiss on his lips. He put his hands around your waist, pulling you in just a bit. You could feel him smile, and you did too, letting out a small laugh.
“I’m still here you know.” Abby said, making you both turn to face her, still standing by the skee ball lane. She wasn’t the biggest fan of the two of you showing affection, but you knew deep down it made her happy. After all, she was the one who got you guys to realize your feelings for each other. “So am I getting my ice cream or not?”
“How could I forget.” Mike said sarcastically to his sister, giving her a small smile. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you stood next to him. “Does pizza sound good for dinner?”
“Of course, but don’t you dare forget her ice cream. She’s scary when she gets mad.” you said that last part in a whisper just loud enough for Abby to hear.
“Hey!” she shouted, knowing you guys were messing with her.
“Believe me, I know.” Mike said, ruffling his sister’s hair as they all made their way to the dining room.
The three of you enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner at Freddy Fazbear’s, making sure not to forget Abby’s ice cream she so rightfully earned. Before you left for home, Abby traded in some of her tickets for prizes at the prize counter. She ended up choosing a Bonnie plushie and a little Freddy keychain. She had been working towards collecting all of the Fazbear plushies, having just a few more left to complete the collection.
“Today was so fun!” Abby squealed as the three of you left, her Bonnie plush in hand.
“It was pretty fun.” you said smiling, taking in the final sights, sounds, and smells of the pizzeria as you walked out the doors. The three of you somehow ended up spending most of the day there, continuing to play games and eat tons of pizza.
“You know what, I think we should do this more often.” Mike chimed in.
“Really?” you said, genuinely surprised.
“Yeah. I know it’s technically work, but this was really fun. Thanks for letting me tag along, y/n.” he held onto your hand again.
“Don’t just thank me, Abby was the one who really convinced me to let you join us.”
“I find that extremely hard to believe.” he said while bumping his shoulder into yours.
“Fine, you’re kinda fun too I guess.”
“Just kinda?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe a little more than kinda.” you admitted. He placed a kiss on the top of your head as you reached his car.
“Y/n?” Abby asked.
“Yes Abby?” you replied.
She took the Freddy keychain out of her pocket, handing it to you. “This is for you, since you never got a prize for winning skee ball. And because you’re my favorite.”
You nearly teared up at the gesture. A huge smile had come across your face.
“Abby, you are too sweet. Thank you.” you said as you held the small keychain in your hand, giving her a hug.
At the last second you decided to pull Mike into your hug, savoring every moment of having your two favorite people right by your side. “You guys are my favorite prize.”
i hope y’all enjoyed :) depending how well this is received i may consider writing more for mike and whatnot. hopefully it didn’t feel too long, once i start writing i can’t really stop myself. don’t be afraid to lmk ur thoughts in the comments!
i thought we needed more of these kinds of fics for those of us who had our inner child healed from the fnaf movie. these r my fav kind of fics and there just isn’t enough of them 🫶
if ur one to listen to music while reading, i recommend the first 4 songs off of Mylo Xyloto by coldplay. that’s exactly what went thru my mind while writing. 🤗
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 months
Stay With Me
Dean Winchester x sister!reader
Synopsis: Really just a lot of drabbles about reader growing up with big brother Dean.
Warnings: ANGST at the end, but with a happy ending (Because I’m a total coward that doesn’t believe in any other kind of ending, deal with it I’m never changing)
Author’s Note: Another one, really? Yeah I don’t know where they’re coming from, enjoy it while the obsession lasts!
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“Stay with Dean, ok?”
That was your earliest memory. John Winchester, covered in blood, placed you in the strong arms of your oldest brother, and ran off to go after the vampire that had killed your mother and injured you.
You had tried to follow him, thinking he would somehow lead you back to your mom, too young to understand that she was gone forever.
Dean had snatched you up, holding you in his lap even as you struggled and cried.
“Hey, hey, stay with me baby, stay with me.”
A chill in the air bit into your skin. You were bleeding from various vampire cuts. You were trembling, and the only parent you had ever known was gone forever. But all you had to do was look up into your big brother’s eyes, and you somehow knew that everything would be ok.
“Hey, stay with me.”
Your eyes snapped up to your big brother, who was gesturing for you to keep up.
“But I wanted to get a balloon from the clown!” Your six-year old self whined, pointing over at one of the carnival booths.
Dean’s eyes scanned the area, before he lifted you into his arms and gave a meaningful glance to Sam. Sam looked terrified, but you couldn’t understand why he seemed so scared of the nice clowns.
“We’re not here to play with the clowns. You gotta stay with me, understand?”
You sighed in annoyance, glancing over at the clown with the big balloon. You really wanted one of those.
You let out a whine and kicked your legs, trying in vain to get out of Dean’s arms, “But Dean!”
Dean just chuckled, “c’mon baby, I’ll get you a funnel cake if you’re good.”
That was enough to make you go from whining and squirming, to clapping and leaning your head against your brother’s shoulder.
“Ok Dean.”
“Good girl.”
“Stay with me.”
“But Sam said to split up, shouldn’t we-”
Dean cut you off with a- “Y/N look out!” as he tackled you sideways. You saw the ax bury itself right where your head had been a second ago, the spirit wielding it clearly angry at having missed.
You and Dean both scrambled to your feet as the spirit vanished into thin air. You reached out to your brother and gripped onto his arm, trying to control your breathing. Dean took a moment to pull you into his chest, which you appreciated since you knew he was also trying to focus on where the spirit went. But you were only thirteen, and it was one of your first hunts, so Dean was going to make sure you got through it both physically and emotionally whole.
“Ok, ok, I’ll stay with you.”
Dean’s chest rumbled as his low chuckle reached your ears.
“Good girl.”
“Stay…stay with me. Please?”
Never, not even on a hunt, had a night scared you as much as this one. Sam and dad had spent hours yelling at each other, before Sam had finally packed a bag and stormed out the door, college-bound. You had run into his room while he was frantically shoving clothes into a bag, and you had begged him not to go away. He had just smiled sadly, wrapped you into his arms, kissed your head, and said goodbye.
And now this. Now Dean was staring up at you, his eyes almost…almost…vulnerable. Lost, even. Asking you to stay like he thought you were about to run away like Sam. It scared you. Dean was never vulnerable, he was never weak, he never had to ask you for anything. Then, you realized. Maybe he was just as scared as you were. He and Sam had been more than inseparable, they had a bond that you had been so certain would never be broken. But now it was. 
You walked over to where Dean was leaning against the wall, and slid down next to him. He pulled you into his arms, and clung to you as though you were his anchor to the world. You reached your hand up and pulled his head against your shoulder. Even with Sam gone, you had never felt safer and more secure than you did right now in Dean’s arms.
“We’re gonna be ok,” your voice was quiet, but resolute. Impossibly, Dean’s arms got even tighter around you.
“I know we will, baby. As long as you stay with me.”
“No, no, stay with me, I’m right here baby, stay with me.”
You struggled to clear the fog clouding your mind, fighting your way back to the voice that was calling to you. You blinked your eyes open and saw Dean, his face hovering over yours, his eyes wide. Panicked. You felt something warm and wet against your hand, and you looked down to see that it was covered in dark red liquid that was pooling around a tear in your shirt.
The demon. It had attacked you, ripping open a gash in your face, your leg, then finally your stomach.
“Dean…” your voice croaked past the lump in your throat, and you reached a hand up towards your brother. He gripped your smaller hand in his, and you felt his other hand behind your head, holding you up.
“You’re ok,” Dean swallowed hard, and you felt a tear drop onto your nose. Dean was crying. “You’re ok baby, I’ve got you, I promise I’ve got you, just stay with me, please.”
You felt the ground beneath you shake, and it took you a moment to realize why. You were in Baby, the car driving dangerously fast. You craned your neck to see Sam at the wheel. You glanced back and forth between your brothers, confused.
“Dean…why’s Sam…”
Dean brushed your hair away from your face, cringing when his hand came away from your face covered in blood.
“Shh, shh N/N, don’t try to talk. Sam’s driving so I can be here, I’m not gonna leave you baby.”
“We’re almost there,” Sam called from the front seat, glancing to the back for a split second. “Dean, you’ve gotta keep her awake.”
Dean looked down at you, alarmed when he saw your eyes drooping.
“Hey, hey c’mon N/N. Stay with me, I know you can, I know you can, ok? I’m right here, stay with me, stay.”
You forced your eyes open, and focused all of your attention on the green of Dean’s eyes. It was a pretty color, you decided. You had never really noticed…
“Pretty eyes,” you murmured.
“What?” Dean propped your head up a little higher, trying to keep you awake.
“You have pretty eyes,” you smiled up at your big brother.
Dean laughed softly, blinking rapidly to push the tears away from the surface.
“Yeah, ok sweetheart. Look right here, look at my eyes, don’t you fall asleep ok?”
You gripped his free hand hard in yours, squeezing it to try to force yourself to feel something other than the numbness that was threatening to take over.
“Ok Dean.”
The second that Sam brought the car to a stop, Dean had you cradled in his arms and was rushing you inside the emergency room.
“Help! I need help!”
You felt like there was a weight chained to your legs, dragging you down, down, down. Deep into some black…thing. Something you didn’t understand. Something that scared you. You struggled, trying to…to what? To fly, you supposed. But you couldn’t do it. You were being dragged down, and nothing could…
Wait. There was…something. A voice? It was calling out to you. The voice made you feel weightless, and impossibly, you felt yourself drawn to it, lifting up and away from the black void that threatened to claim you.
The voice was deep. Soft. soothing.
The voice was home.
“You come back to me. You hear me? I need you to stay with me.”
You knew that voice…
“Dean?” you felt your eyes open, and you felt suddenly snapped back into reality. A sharp antiseptic smell accosted your nose, and a harsh beeping made your ears ring. A blinding light was above you, but then suddenly, it was blocked out. 
Replacing it was a pair of bright green eyes.
“Baby? Oh, baby…” Dean’s strong arms wrapped around you, and you let your body collapse into him. Your brain still felt foggy, but you understood enough to know that you had just come back from a very dangerous edge, one that you weren’t ready to fall down. And so you clung to the thing that had brought you back from that edge.
You clung to your big brother.
You felt tears dripping down your cheeks, soaking Dean’s shirt.
“I stayed with you,” you cried, clinging to the fabric of Dean’s shirt as he held you in his arms, one hand at the back of your head, holding you to him, while the other rubbed up and down your back.
“I know, I know you did, sweetheart. Baby you were so strong.” Dean’s voice came out thick, and a little higher than usual, and you knew he was crying too. “I know you stayed with me. And I’m never gonna let you go, ok? I’m never gonna let you go.”
You smiled against your brother’s warm embrace.
“Ok, Dean.”
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mulansaucey · 1 year
Bat Wives Wine Night
This is my first thing I’ve put out to public eyes...ever. So please be nice. I had this idea for awhile and this is mostly a teaser to what I truly want to write. I want to make this a full imagine with smut. If you like this idea and want to see a spicier version to how this night ends please let me know. I’m always open to criticism and always looking for advice so as long as we are nice about it let me know what you think. Im gonna start writing more stuff and will be open to requests. Thank you and I hope you like this little teaser. 
WARNINGS: drugs and alch used responsibly, dirty thoughts by the bat boys
CONCEPT: The bat boys finally realize what their mates are up to on their top secret Wine Nights 
“Oh my gods…you’re right” Feyre softly said. 
     Feyre, Nesta, and I were sitting at the River House sipping on wine and enjoying what we call Bat Wives Wine Night when I had the realization that our husbands have had 500 plus years of experience and fun while us wives are in our 20’s being depressed and stressed for majority of our lives. This was unacceptable and not fair at all. We deserve to let loose and live a little. Go drink til we throw up, smoke mirthroot and tobacco as we pleased. To just be stupid, reckless teens. A night where we didn’t have to be perfect, just ourselves. We all looked at each other with understanding that our simple little wine nights just became a lot more fun. 
    “Okay ladies, once a month like we do now we keep letting our mates think we have wine, eat cheese on a platter and gossip. But let’s just go crazy, do whatever we want because we feel like it. Because we can. We’re young, hot, and rich. Let’s just be stupid, not enough to be dangerous but enough to have some memories to laugh fondly at just like our darling husbands. We are Bat Wives, I say we give them a run for their money.” I declare loudly watching my High Lady’s eyes light up with mischief (just like her mate). Nesta’s feline grin gave me the approval I needed from her. Thank the Mother our mates were not here to hear us declare our secret fun. 
    “Our mates will find out though, eventually. Cass is nosey, drills me on what happens on our Wine Nights. Such a gossip…” Nesta whispers the last part. 
    “Plus your mate is the Spymaster…” Feyre concludes by taking a sip of her wine. Yes he is, my beautiful, sweet, loving mate. Azriel. We’ve been married and mated for over a year now. I met him at a time when I swore off love at the nice age of 19 years old. But he was so kind and patient, building up our friendship first and making me feel seen as a person. He is a wonderful male and he had to fight many battles to get where he is today. But I am not Azriel, I’ve barely traveled out of my own court. Our perspectives can be quite different which I love but I want to create my own experiences as well. After the war, after almost dying I realized life can be taken from me at any moment and I want to spend those moments knowing I made good memories. That I lived. Even if it’s once a month with my sister in laws doing something as silly as smoking mirthroot. It’s something to ease the soul, bonding between just us girls. 
    “So what? Let’s see how long we can go til they figure it out. Make it a game, see how far we can go before they find out just how unhinged we are.” I giggle just a bit tipsy. The girls and I burst out laughing and start planning what we should do next month. 
   Two years and counting. Our darling husbands STILL think we have a quiet night in with some books and snacks. It’s truly comical. It’s also nice to know something they don’t. 
“I’ll miss you.” Az murmurs in my hair, holding me til I walk into the River House front door. I tighten my arms around his waist and breathe him in. He takes a step back looking at me, love and adoration flowing through the bond between us. Az looks heart eyed, as if seeing me for the first time. I can’t tease him because I know for a fact I’m looking at him with the very same look. 
    “Can you guys just make out already so we can start drinking?” Nesta says unamused. I jumped back from Azriel, startled. When did she open the door? Nesta walks further away from us into a deeper part of the house. I turn back to find Az already looking at me. Something about Azriel is he is absolutely clingy in the best way possible. Physical touch and quality time are his love languages, any time we have to part it’s a bit dramatic because we simply hate saying goodbye. It’s the love I’ve always wanted. I love the Wine Nights as he has nights with his brothers to get away but nothings better than coming home and finding my place within his arms. 
    “If you ever wanna leave early just let me know and we can cuddle and I can go down on you.” Az’s cheeky grin showed proudly. I laugh while pushing him, he grabs my wrist playfully holding me to him. He brushes some hair from my cheek and presses his smooth lips to mine. We stand there for what feels like hours just feeling each other's breath mingle, when he glides his naughty tongue against my lips I pull away. Both us panting I say, “Go Az, before I actually ditch them for you.” I giggle. He very reluctantly peels his hands off my body and shoots up the sky with a wink, surely a promise of great fun when he picks me up tomorrow morning. 
        With the mating haze slowly leaving my brain a new found giddiness found its way in. We’ve started doing full on sleepovers instead of a few hours of mingling. That way we can return to the River House and clean up before our mates return to us. Truthfully it started after Feyre had way too many tequila shots and threw up for two hours begging us not to call for Rhys as our “cover” would be blown. I skip into the River House and take a look at my girls. 
    “Ready to fuck shit up?” I ask. “We’ve been ready, we were betting if you two would actually fuck on my front door.” Feyre says as fill her cups with wine, pregaming for later. Nesta laughs while grabbing my hand leading me into Feyre’s room. She has the biggest bathroom and closet for these occasions. We all start getting ready putting on our preferred style of makeup and clothing. Laughing loudly as we gossip about Beron’s hairline that keeps going further back as each year passes. We truly don’t know if it is but we all love roasting that horrible man. Once we are satisfied with our looks for the night we get ready to winnow to Veela, a club the IC doesn’t frequent too often. It’s newer and doesn’t have the huge crowd Rita’s does. It’s perfect, truly. We won’t run into anyone we know, not too crowded, but fun and rowdy. We pack the leftover mirthroot and tobacco from last month and winnow to the club saving us some time. We walk right in finding our usual table free in the corner. 
    “Let’s start with some shots ladies.” Nesta yells out heading to the bar, I’m a bit scared because Nesta’s choices in liquor are questionable at times. Feyre and I start people watching and laughing as we see the funny things the already drunk patrons are doing. I start rolling a blunt and a few j’s also a few cigarettes as I tend to want to smoke one after a good drink or two. Nesta comes back with the shots and our preferred mixed drinks in hand. We raise our glasses cheering for another successful Bat Wives Wine Night. 
    About an hour or so later we are tipsy, Nesta not so as she prefers to smoke mirthroot. Her struggles with drinking have lessened, she has a drink or two while she watches Feyre and I dance on tables. Nesta nursing a joint between her fingers swaying to the music she loved. Nesta says the plant helps her feel connected to it. Whatever, I don't care as long as we do what we want and feel safe doing it. I am a fan of both, I hop off the table and take the joint between my lips taking a long drag before exhaling into her mouth as we both giggle uncontrollably. Her red eyes meet mine, seeing Nesta relaxed and having fun is a privilege and I’m glad she feels safe enough to do so. We all love our mates but I think being with each other brings a new peace to our hearts. Sisters and friends, we are loved. For the first time in a long time we are loved. Her eyes widen, face slack as I laugh and turn I start coughing inhaling sharply as I see them. 
Our husbands. 
Our mates. 
    I gently pull Feyre off the table where she was dancing with two other fae, gently pushing her head to make her see what we see. Feyre chokes on her breath. 
“Shit…” Feyre mutters. Shit, indeed. 
    Flying to the House of Wind, Azriel thought of his sweet mate. Years they’ve indulged their wives in their one night of secrecy. They deserved it, for being selfless and caring. Their mates have sacrificed a lot for them, for the Night Court. But they are busy bodies at heart, they can’t help but be curious. They love their wives, they just want to be included. Azriel lands on the balcony to see Cass and Rhys nursing a glass of whiskey. He walks in and pours himself a glass. 
    “Az, what do you think they do all night?” Cass says looking into his glass, pouting. Rhys looks unamused, Nesta probably told him off for being nosy. “Cass, they’re women. They drink their wine and dish about the new love interest in the books they read. Don’t think too hard you’ll hurt yourself.” Rhys chuckles as Cass throws a pillow at him. Rhys ducking slightly missing the pillow. 
    “I’m not but you know what I’m talking about. They smell like tequila and there’s traces of makeup and good perfume on them. Think about it, what do our mates truly get up to?” Cass says. Azriel sits and starts to think while Rhys and Cass get into it. Azriel the ever observant once couldn't have missed this right? He trusted his mate, knew she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Right? 
    Rhys stands after an hour or two of them not so obsessively tracking back to all the times they’ve had their Wine Nights. “Let’s go to the house now, we’ll say we forgot something. Catch them off guard.” He looks at the boys in confirmation. All their eyes light up in glee of possibly catching their mates doing something scandalous. But how they underestimate their wives is truly amusing. How they didn’t catch on after two years, even more so. 
    They set off for the River House when they landed there was silence. No giggling or tinking of wine glasses. Nothing. At first panic rushed in thinking someone hurt their mates but once they reached the master bedroom they saw clothes strung across the place, makeup and hair products messily sitting on the counter. The girls usual PJ’s on the floor. They went out.
     Cass scoffs, “I knew it! I KNEW THEY WENT OUT WITHOUT US! HA RHYS, I TOLD YOU!” he booms loudly, happy to be right and Rhys to be wrong. Azriel immediately makes a plan to find them, sending his shadows out. Once he gathered they were in the city they set their sights there. They went to Rita’s, not a trace. They searched restaurants and pleasure halls, Azriel questioning the staff there. They learned not only did they go out tonight but have frequented these places multiple times, without them. They were smart, Az gave them that. The girls used cash wherever they went instead of billing them, going as far as to use fake names and backstories when they would stop by the herb shop to purchase mirthroot and tobacco. Something they did not know their mates indulged in. For a second they questioned their mates, if they truly knew them. Now they for sure were set to find out answers. Azriel’s shadow reported to him they were across the city in a new club. 
    The music was pounding, drunk and high fae dancing or sitting and laughing. Azriel first spotted his High Lady and mate dancing on a table top, Feyre pouring tequila down his mate’s throat. Azriel couldn't lie, the sight made his pants tighten, seeing the hard liquor pouring down his wife’s very low top trickling onto her breasts. Watching her throat bob up and down, very similar sight to when she has him in her mout- “WHAT THE FUCK!” Rhys exclaims though it sounds more like a whisper compared to the very raunchy music booming in the background. Az notes that though Feyre lets loose at Rita’s and has fun, Feyre looks unhinged. As if she wasn’t the High Lady of Night but a 20 something year old who was having fun. Azriel laughed as he watched with his brothers, they stayed in the corner out of the way but still in eye sight of their girls. He watched his mate get off the table and steal the joint Nesta was nursing, blowing it in her mouth. Cass watches just as intently, in fascination and horniness. “I didn’t know they did THIS on their wine nights, I didn’t even know Nes smoked at all.” Cass says. He’s starting to wonder just how nice it would be to get Nesta this relaxed then fuck her for hours under smoke induced love making. Rhys is no better, watching Feyre swing her hips against the strangers around her. Wanting so badly to take her in the bathroom. But first it’s business. 
“Alright, brothers. They’ve had their fun now let’s crash.” Rhys said with a smirk. All together they marched towards their mates and stood waiting for them to realize. All had a mask of indifference though they really wanted to burst out laughing. One by one each girl’s head turned and paled. 
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doudouneverte · 6 months
Obi imagine
Part 1 - Obi Breakups up with Reader because of a argument. Can be because of anything but it’s bad. Maybe Accuse of cheating bad or something else? Anyway Reader ends up moving to a new club from Wolfsburg without telling Obi after the heartbreak. (Sad Ending).
Part 2 - After the breakup and not seeing each other for months? Weeks? They’re about to see each other again at the German national camp. Awkward, Reader tries to ignore Obi because she is still hurt, maybe gets close with another teammate which makes Obi jealous. Anyway it’s a mess and affects the way the team plays so the team try to get them to resolve their problems. Who knows maybe communicating is all they needed to do (Happy Ending).
a/n: thank you; that's a very good request
Up and Down
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Pairing: Lena Oberdorf x EintrachtF!Reader; Laura Freigang x GERWNT!Reader(best friend); GERWNT x Reader
Summary: based on the request above
Type: angst & fluff
word count: 2295
Honestly, you didn't know how you got there. A few minutes earlier, you were having just a little heated chat, and now things were totally blowing up.
"-you're always acting like that!" The midfielder yelled at you.
"Lena, watch your tone..." 
"Or what? You'll also tell it to Laura, maybe?" 
Here we go again, you thought. Honestly, you didn't know how everything started. Laura and you have always been close; she was like the sister you never had. Even after you signed your first contract with Wolfsburg and hers with Frankfurt, things never changed between you two. And it was really cool at first.
But since a few months ago, you started to date Lena. And even if everybody was aware of your bond with the number 10 of Frankfurt, the midfielder didn't see it in a good way. Well, not at first. At first, she was more than happy to see how you connected on the pitch with your best friend, but quickly you also restarted to connect off the pitch. As much as you could, you were on your way to Frankfurt to see her or on the phone with her, and that started to piss off your girlfriend. More than that, she started to accuse you of cheating on her with your own best friend, which was totally crazy.
"Can you please not bring that again?" You were already more angry about where things were going.
"Look, we lost, okay? I'm as angry as you, but right now Laura has nothing to do with that." Losing 4-0 was never a good experience, even more so when it's against your best friend's team.
"Of course she has something to do with it when she scored a brace and that you didn't do anything to stop her." 
"I'm a striker; that's not my principal job to stop opponents offensives. That's your job, so stop being mad at something you should have done!" You also started to raise your voice. To be completely honest, you didn't like raising your voice and even more on Lena, even when she's mean like that.
"You know what? I don't know why we decided to start this." She said with a seemingly quieter voice. "Maybe it was a mistake."
You took a moment to analyze what she said before asking, "What do you mean? What was a mistake?" 
"Everything. This match. Us. Everything." She replied with a light sob.
"Babe, you're not doing what I think?" You asked even if you already knew the answer.
"Sorry, Y/n but it doesn't work between. I think we need to break up and start to focus more on ourselves than us." She replied. There was a loud silence while you were processing everything.
"No, Lena, please, you can't." 
"I'm sorry, Y/n." She said while she made her way to the door of your apartment. "I'll ask Jule to pick up my thing during the week. Good bye." She finished her sentence by closing the door behind her, letting you alone in front of the door with a blurry vision drowned in tears and a last memory of your lover ending what seemed to be the best thing in your life.
This night, you cried a lot. The other half of the bed being totally empty was the principal reason. Even before you started to date, Lena had a lot of sleepovers at your place, and most of the time you would both fall asleep on your bed after talking for hours about everything and nothing, like you didn't spend almost all your day together.
Crossing that door broke not only your relationship with her but also your friendship.
A few kilometers away from Wolfsburg, your best friend started to worry when she didn't receive any text from you. You always texted each other after a game, even if you played against each other. It was like a silent promise that you made.
At first, she thought that you were just trying to seek comfort with your girlfriend, but when the next day, Jule called her to let her know that you hadn't contacted any members of the team for the whole day, it started to worry her.
You still didn't know why you did this, but after Lena broke up with you, you called Tommy and told him that you needed some time to yourself before leaving the city. The ride was like usual; you knew it so well for a while now. When you arrived at your destination, it was already past 12 a.m. You didn't have to make the call to know that she would be there.
Laura was desperately trying to reach you when she heard someone knock on her door. She didn't wait until she opened the door to face you. You were exhausted because of the ride, and from your face, she knew that you didn't sleep eight hours the previous night.
"What are you doing here?" The midfielder asked but didn't wait for your answer to drag you into her apartment. "Jule called me; she said that you didn't reply when she called you and that something bad happened yesterday." Your best friend told you, very worried, and when you replied with nothing but silence, her state didn't change for the best. "Y/n? What's wrong?"
Hearing this question made you remember why you were there. Tears started to roll down your cheeks, and you didn't do anything to stop them.
"She left me." You said between sobs, making your best friend look at you confused. "She broke up with me." You added before falling apart. The Frankfurt player held you in her arms, trying to comfort you while her jaw was clenched. She was ready to kill the Wolfsburg player.
"Hey, I'll prepare the spare bedroom and let you rest well." She proposed after you started to calm down. When you nodded, she stood up and took your bags and put them in the spare room.
One hour later, you were sleeping while Laura was just ending a call with your mom when she told her that you had decided to spend some time in hers. She was pouring a cup of water, trying to calm her anger, when she heard someone knock on her door. Once the door opened, the midfielder was greeted by two of your national teammates.
"Where is she?" Anyomie asked. Laura pointed to the spare bedroom with her head, letting the forward find you.
"I swear I'll kill Lena." Sara declared while she followed the younger player.
"Not if I beat you on that," Laura said.
"Did she tell you why?"
"No, she came; she cried, and I prepared her a room, and she fell asleep almost instantly." The defender hummed, trying to understand everything.
You spent almost all the week at Laura, sometimes leaving to see your mom, who still lived in Frankfurt. After that week, you made your way back to Wolfsburg. The rest of the season was not really better because you finished second, just behind Bayern, and lost against Barcelona in the Champions League final.
Because of the situation with Lena and because Wolfsburg was not too excited to make you sign a new contract, when Frankfurt proposed to you to join them, you accepted instantly. This move made you distance yourself from Lena for a long period of time. But things couldn't stay like that when you had your national camp.
At camp, it was clear that your situation with the Wolfsburg player. You knew it because of some glare some players sent to her when you arrived. Thankfully for you, you were quickly dragged away by Jule and a few Bayern players. While you were distracted, Laura made her way to Lena with an unreadable face.
"Oh, ooh, someone is about to get killed right now." Lina said, alerting Alexandra.
The two younger women walk away from any attention before coming back a few minutes later. Lena had a rather scared expression, while Laura seemed satisfied.
Whatever your best friend told your ex-girlfriend, it made her stay away from you for at least a few days. But being on the same team meant that sometimes you had to face her. Thankfuly, every time you did, you were not alone. Since a few weeks now, you have spent all your free time with Sydney when you were not stuck with Laura.
Seeing this started to make Lena obviously jealous. It was so obvious that Merle and Alex had to keep an eye on the younger Wolfsburg player to be sure she didn't do something stupid.
What should be something rather private, started to worry the team when yours and Lena's performances on the pitch were worse than they should be. It was clear that things between you started to invade the professional side, and you felt bad for that because your teammates shouldn't have to suffer from that.
After the last game before the trip to Ocenia for the World Cup, you were requested by your captains in your and Laura's room.
"What's going on here?" You asked when you saw your ex-Wolfsburg captain on your bed.
"Y/n, we need to talk." Svenja told you gently, but you could sense that she was not really happy about whatever would happen.
You sat in front of them, waiting for one of them to start to speak, but your door got opened before that.
"Oh, sorry." Lena said when she saw you and your confused expression.
"No, Lena, stay here. We need to talk to you too." Alex said. The midfielder awkwardly sat between her two teammates. "Do you have any idea why we asked you to come here?" The tall captain asked, receiving two confused faces plus a groan from you.
"Okay, maybe we should ask others too." Svenja said, and you didn't have time to question it until your door burst open and all your teammates were there.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you asked.
"The real question is, why do we have to be there?" Sara asked, visibly tired; she just woke up from a nap.
"Sorry, Sara, I promise that we will not bother you after that, but it's really important." Svenja said.
"Oh, are we finally talking about the elephant in the room?" Jule asked before sitting next to Svenja.
"So, who wants to say it?" Alex's question earned a lot of raised hands. "I think you should do it, Laura." The captain said all the other girls whined or groaned in deception. Now your attention was on your best friend.
"You guys are terrible." Laura started referring to you and Lena. "We know that there is a whole problem between you; nobody can miss it. But we think that there are a lot of things that you didn't say to each other, and that starts to affect the team. So, I think you need to work on that because I promise you that it starts killing us to see you unable to connect on and off the pitch." The Frankfurt player explained, earning a nod from everyone, confirming what she said.
You and Lena look at each other. It was the first time you really looked at her since the breakup, and it's useless to say that despite what happened, you couldn't deny that she was still the same girl you fell in love with. The midfielder couldn't deny that either. When everyone noticed the looks, they took their clues and left you to talk.
The silence was a little cringe at first, but she knew she had to say something. "I'm sorry," she started. "I shouldn't act like that. I knew how you felt about being yelled at, and I still did that. I'm sorry, really."
"It's okay." You accepted her apology rather quickly, which seemed to surprise her. "But..." Of course there was a 'but'; there is always one. "You still need to apologize for something else." You reminded her.
The brunette looked at you for a moment, then quickly looked around the room. "I'm also sorry to believe that you cheated on me with Laura. I know that you hate when people ship on you, but I still use that to break up with you because I couldn't take all the pressure." She stopped for a moment, and her eyes started to shine. "I should have talked with you instead of ending this. I couldn't find peace for a few weeks after this day." 
You moved to sit next to her and grab her hand. "I accept your apology, but it really hurt me. And it was from you, so it was even worse. I loved you; no, I still love you because even after that, it is almost impossible to hate you. I don't know about you, but I really want to try again, but before that, you need to promise me to talk to me when things start to get too much." You finished by wiping her baby tears and leaving a kind kiss on her cheek.
"Yes, I promise you." She replied immediately, making you laugh. "Wait, you really want to try again despite everything?" she asked when she finally understood what you said.
"Yes, but before that, you need to prove that you deserve it and also apologize to Laura." You said before standing up and escorting her to the door.
"Wait, can I still ask you if I can pick you up tomorrow for a date?" It was really quick, but you had to admit that her confidence was one of the reasons you admired her. When you nodded, her face suddenly shone. "Okay, it's a date then." She clarified before selling the deal with a quick kiss on your lips.
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roseyrays · 1 year
Hi can you please make a request about housewardens with mc who is like little girl aka memory from identity v. Identity v is a mobile horror game like dead by deadlight. Of course PLATONIC!! little girl! Mc loves to draw, play dolls and always calls the housewardens and the rest of the boys onii chan. She's also shy around people.
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🌻- OUR LITTLE SISTER featuring a little girl/memory!reader
dorm leaders | headcanon | platonic
warnings: includes overblot spoilers! and possibly ooc
notes: so being completely honest, i’ve never played idv before so i did my research so bare with me 🫠
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🌹- Riddle Rosehearts
a child? what is a child doing here?? he has so many questions
when he heard that crowley is gonna let you stay in NRC he’s worried
you’re a child alone with no one who can take care of you (kinda)
he noticed how shy you are when you don’t really respond to anything, you just nod at whatever he’s asking you
whenever someone is teasing you ESPECIALLY when it’s someone from his dorm it will be off with their head
after his overblot he is very scared on what you will think of him now
but you actually warmed up to him and see him as a big brother
you would always mention your hobbies with him
you mentioned that you love drawings and dolls
so he decided to give a some more dolls to play with and some paper and pens for drawing
he’s the best big brother anyone could ever ask for
🦁 - Leona Kingscholar
he saw you in person during the entrance ceremony
and he met you in the botanical garden
you were a lot shy when you first met him but you needed adult supervision so you decided to stick around him
leona dislikes children though (that’s a lie, he does care for children he just doesn’t really like them that much)
he realized how sweet you were to everyone and him
after overblot, even though he did some terrible things you were still kind to him
which surprised him
now he takes care of you and boom you have leona as a big brother now
he secretly loves it when he sees you playing with cheka
will buy you crayons and papers for you to draw with
(big brother lion we stan)
you once called him "big bro" and he was definitely trying to hide a smile
buys you dolls and drawing stuff with his money
(ruggie is fuming)
🐙 - Azul Ashengrotto
concerned that there’s child with no guardian in the school
would try to keep you away from floyd
(you actually wanna play with floyd cuz bro is great w/ kids)
makes you eat at the mostro lounge because he doesn’t like you eating cafeteria food (especially w/the long ass lines)
after his overblot he was terrified to face you because he would think that you would hate him
but ofc you don’t
you guys created a small bond and you actually got used to him
you called him cute when you saw his childhood photos
he was embarrassed
he buys you stuff that you love <3
🦦 - Kalim Al Asim
found you adorable!
he has like 30+ siblings, so he definitely loves taking care of kids
but the issue is he isn’t very good at it
jamil has to help him (like always)
anyways when you told him about your interests, he immediately buys you tons of dolls and art stuff!!
he let’s you play with his hair
wants you to meet his siblings because he found adopted a new friend sibling for them!
you also get along with jamil very well and nicely
he cooks for the both of you
after jamil’s overblot though like the others he (jamil) is scared of what you will think of him
but as expected you did not hate him which he’s very thankful for
so technically jamil is babysitting two kids
🦚 - Vil Schoenheit
why is there a child here?
rook is very delighted to see a child, he found you adorable and saw you as a sister while vil, very worried for your safety as well cause a child with no guardian?? dangerous
so he decided to take you to pomefiore dorm
he loves your cute doll
and will send rook to buy you some art supplies
during the vdc he makes you watch their practices because children easily get entertained right?
ok but like imagine a scenario when you guys meet Neige and he took one glance at you and immediately calling you “cute" and "adorable" cuz you are and once Vil sees you vibing to Neige’s song, he tries not to get jealous
after his overblot though
he finally let’s you interact with Neige for a bit jist fir a little bit
he acts like father lol
spoiling you with gifts and stuff
💀 - Idia Shroud
doesn’t really mind tbh
i mean he has ortho and he’s a little robot kid
he met you in person for the time when ortho decided to let you in the ignihyde dorm
he noticed how shy you are around people and he gets it
he himself is shy too
doesn’t really say it to you but he sees you as a sibling
pre overblot btw
when he saw you with rook and epel in styx, he was shocked
also worried for your safety cuz that is not a place for children
after his overblot
he was so nervous and sweaty on what you think of him
he was scared, he thinks he was gonna lose another sibling
but to his surprise and to no one elses
you forgave him
and called him big brother
he cried
so now you, idia and ortho are technically siblings now
they adopted you and you cannot decline that
🐉 - Malleus Draconia
he wasn’t there during the entrance ceremony or whatever you call it
but lilia was and you know he has an eye on adopting lost children
surprised to see lilia with a child in his arms
but at the same not (i think)
noticed you were a lot shy around people
so he (m.d) decided to make the dorm more lively
like adding more green fireflies and (very dark) but beautiful roses
after being settled in and being comfortable
you told him about your hobbies
asked lilia to buy dolls and drawing supplies for you
ofc lilia agreed, he loves making children happy
loves to watch you draw
he sent a letter to his grandma about you
something like “i would like to introduce you to the new addition of the draconia family"
that was after you called him big brother
he was happy :) he cried happy tears
and lilia is your father and silver & croc nut are your brothers
what a happy family
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ihavemanyhusbands · 3 months
Slow Days
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Also on AO3
Relationships: Hannibal Lecter x Fem!Reader, Abigail Hobbs & Fem!Reader (Platonic), Hannibal and Abigail are also platonic.
Summary: Prelude to "Kiss of The Angel of Death" // In the time leading up to The Mizumono Incident ™️, only semi-aware of your fates, you and Abigail decide to make the best of things.
WC: 2.9k words
Warnings: MINORS DNI, ANGSTTTTT (this one hurts), no happy ending, mentions of death, corrupted reader, lmk if anything is missing!
Rain pattered softly against the window as you moved around the kitchen, making breakfast. You flipped pancakes and checked on the bacon, humming a little to yourself. The house was quiet and most of the lights were off. Hannibal had been out since earlier that morning, so you’d been alone with the silence for a few hours.
On cloudy mornings, you usually let Abigail sleep in. When it was cold, she’d be burrowed so sweetly beneath her quilt, her features finally smooth from all concerns. You couldn’t bring yourself to rouse her from one of the only moments of true peace she had. 
Since Hannibal had orchestrated her fake death and your disappearance, the two of you barely left the house and spent a lot of time hiding upstairs. He trusted only you when it came to her, so you grew close rather fast, tethered to each other like two buoys in a tempestuous sea. 
She was like the sister you never had, and it felt oddly comforting to have a semblance of family. Even if you knew how fickle they could be.
While isolation wasn’t always easy, you could tell Abigail was enjoying having that time to lay low. Every day, you strived to make things more bearable for her, and therefore more bearable for yourself. Both of you had things to miss, entire lives that had vanished at once. It was one of the things you’d bonded over.
But it wasn’t all misery between you, happier memories eventually surfacing as well. It was during those bouts of nostalgia that you learned the most about who she really was. 
Abigail liked her pancakes fluffy and her bacon crispy. She also liked lavender tea to calm her nerves, and finding random shapes in the clouds. She was quite cunning, often wise beyond her years. She had already seen too much, known too much, and you were well aware of the burden of knowledge. 
Her respite was the forest – that silent, labyrinthine fortress. The only place she knew how to completely blend in. She would often scan the trees and listen for deer, standing completely still. She had the patience of a hunter, but excitement could get the best of her. 
Recently, she had stopped hiding the scar on her neck at all times. She let herself smile more often, her features opening, blue eyes crystalline with mirth. Even if it was the beginning of winter, she sometimes reminded you of a flower in bloom.
“Good morning,” you heard the sleepy rasp of her voice as she stepped into the kitchen. “Oh, that smells so good.”
You smiled, plating some food as she yawned and stretched her arms over her head, like a cat in a patch of sunlight. 
“Sleep well, I take it?” you said, handing her the plate. 
“Yeah, I didn’t dream again,” she said, pouring maple syrup all over her pancakes. “Or maybe I did, but I just don’t remember. Kind of sad isn’t it?”
“How so?”
“Well, when I was a kid I used to believe dreams were exciting. Like, an adventure of sorts, where I could do anything, go anywhere,” she shrugged. “But of course it’s never that simple. I didn’t consider how little control I’d have over them.”
“Such is life, right?” you said.
“Yes. We barely have control of anything, really.” She glanced around cautiously. “Just us today?” 
“Yep. Just us,” you confirmed, pouring hot water into two mugs. “He might be back for dinner, he said, but he wasn’t sure. There’s been… A lot of movement at Quantico.”
The two of you shared a long, significant look. You lapsed into a momentary silence, one that weighed on you heavily. Both of you were fully aware of Hannibal’s plans, but seldom did you want to give voice to it. There would be no point to it, other than tormenting yourselves.
Life seemed the most ephemeral when you were walking the tightrope. Every gust of wind and tick of the clock bringing the inevitable closer to you. Were you supposed to find happiness in that?
As impossible as it seemed, you were at least determined to try. You sat across from her, nudging the food on your plate with your fork but not eating quite yet. 
“I’m not sure the rain’s gonna stop today,” you said, changing the subject. “What do you want to do?”
“Actually.” She smiled mischievously. “I think I’d like to feel the rain. What do you say?”
You were about to argue about the strong possibility of a cold, but it suddenly felt worth the risk. A runny nose should be the least of your worries, anyway.
You nodded, smiling softly. “We’ll sit by the fire after.”
Abigail ate quickly and eagerly, barely talking. Her excitement was infectious, making you feel jittery. As soon as she took her last bite, she sprang out of her chair. 
“Last one out the door has to wash the dishes!” She exclaimed, dashing off.
Your chair scraped loudly as you stood, following after her. “Hey, not fair! I cooked today!”
The melody of her laughter trailed out into the downpour. You hesitated at the threshold, one last moment to steel your nerves, and then ran out. 
The rain was an icy shock that made you gasp, but elation still filled you. You couldn’t help a hysteric squeal once breath re-entered your lungs, your whole body shivering. 
Abigail had her arms spread to the sides, face turned towards the sky and eyes closed. Her dark hair was already slick against her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
You mimicked her stance, eyelids twitching as raindrops pattered against your face. The world disappeared for a moment, yet your body was firmly rooted to the earth. 
You wondered what she saw, if anything, in the blue darkness of her eyelids. The water felt like a blessing, cleansing the two of you from all impurities; Every sin, transgression, and rotten notion.
At least, that’s what you hoped would happen. 
You turned to her, tapping her arm quickly before hurrying out of her reach, yelling, “You’re it!”
She chased after you, the two of you quickly becoming clumsier as your clothes were weighed down by the water. Soon it was just running for the sake of it, weaving around trees, laughing and screaming like girls at a schoolyard.
After a while, when the cold got too unbearable, you made your way back inside and hurried to the laundry room. Then you, dutiful as ever, took care of drying the wooden floors while Abigail went to ready the fireplace with kindling. 
Your teeth were still chattering as you joined her, handing her a towel for her hair. You wore one of Hannibal’s shirts, which reached a little past your knees. Abigail had changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, rubbing her arms as she watched the flame start to take.
“Completely worth it,” you said, adding a small log to the hearth. 
When the fire finally grew to a full blaze, you and Abigail extended your legs in front of it. Slowly, color was returning to her face, flushing her cheeks a deep pink. The heat began to spread as you gently toweled your hair.
“I’m glad we did it,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve felt like that in a while.”
“Felt how?”
You said nothing, watching as she swallowed a sudden lump in her throat. It seemed the rain had been cathartic after all, and the dam inside her was close to breaking.
“I’ve wondered a lot if I even deserve to be.” She stared into the hearth pensively, orange light dancing in her eyes. “I am no saint, you know.” 
“I’m not one either,” you said. “And yet here we are, just as worthy as anyone else. Wanting to take back the things you’ve done is pointless. It’s just a way to torture yourself.”
She shook her head slowly, and you could tell she was too far gone to listen. Her chest hitched with her shortening breaths.
“I feel like Lady Macbeth,” she said, looking down at her hands. “I can’t seem to wash the blood off my hands.”
Her shoulders shook and you saw tears drip onto her palms. You drew her into an embrace, her head against your chest as she let out a sob.
“But I don’t really want to die either,” she murmured, her voice tremulous and thick with tears.
You bit down your own sorrow, opting to comfort her instead. You couldn’t even promise her that everything would be okay, for that would be false hope. If there was one thing you could give Abigail, it was the absolute truth, always. It was an unspoken agreement between you.
You let her cry it out, holding her all the while. In the time you’d known her, she had only cried one other time. To carry so much was an arduous task, and you admired the strength she had for someone so young. 
In many ways, she reminded you of yourself, though you were much more forgiving when it came to her.
“Do you want more tea?” You whispered as she started to calm down.
She nodded, squeezing your arm in appreciation. You kissed the top of her head, smoothing down her hair and disentangled yourself from her to hand her a tissue box.
“I’ll take care of the dishes, by the way,” she said softly, dabbing at her puffy eyes with a tissue.
You waved her off, the barest of smiles on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. Though maybe you could help me make dinner later?”
She nodded, giving you a watery smile in return. “Thank you.”
By supper time, Hannibal still wasn’t back, which was a blessing at the moment. He had called briefly to let you know he’d be back closer to midnight, and you’d vowed to stay up to wait.
Abigail’s batteries were drained, so after a shower and a long nap, she helped you make a hearty potato and leek soup. She seemed in slightly better spirits, back to her teasing self. 
It made you feel slightly more relieved, and thus it seemed to render you more open. It was while the two of you smoothly moved around each other in the kitchen that you shared more stories from your own cloudy past.
The words spilled from your lips like a river — a sinner’s hasty confession in the face of damnation. You’d never pretended to be otherwise, of course, but there was a lot you hadn’t spoken of in a very, very long time. Your eyes stung, but you did not cry.
She listened attentively, mostly staying quiet. She knew just as well that this was a rarity, and all she could do was offer the same support you’d offered her. You loved her all the more for it.
“Can I ask you something?” She said over the rushing sink water, peering over at you sideways as she scrubbed her dish.
You nodded, and she continued. “Despite everything… You’ve already made your choice, haven’t you? You’ve chosen him.”
Immediately, you knew the question wasn’t about her. She already had her answer about that, despite never actually having spoken about it.
“Over what?” You countered casually, thinking of Will’s tender gaze whenever he looked at you. 
She gave you a pointed look, eyebrows raised, and you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the counter. 
“I couldn’t imagine it any other way,” you said. “At least with Hannibal, there will never be betrayal. He will always be who he is.”
She said nothing, and that was answer enough. 
Shortly after dinner, Abigail retired for the night, leaving you to your vigil for Hannibal’s return. You lay down on a couch in the living room, reading. Anxiety kept you glancing at the door repeatedly, the night seemingly growing darker and longer. 
It was well after midnight when you finally heard the faint rumble of his car’s engine out front. You’d made sure to turn all the lights off except for the lamp beside you, which would be a sign for him to come investigate. His footsteps were nearly silent as he made his way to the living room, and suddenly he appeared in the doorway, unsurprised to find you up. 
You smiled tentatively, seeing the exhaustion on his face despite his mask of composure, and his features softened some. 
“How was your day?” You asked.
“I’d much rather hear about yours,” he sighed, taking off his coat and throwing it over the back of an armchair. 
The rain still droned on outside, although less intense than earlier. He sat next to you, his knee touching yours as he faced you. You recounted some of the day's events, omitting the conversations you’d had with Abigail. Secrecy was another sacred thing between you, and there were lines you would not cross. 
Hannibal took your hand, gently squeezing it. “I am glad you two have had each other during this time. I know it has not been easy.”
A slight inclination of his head told you he acknowledged his role in that. You squeezed his hand in return, searching his face. There was no remorse, but perhaps the slightest flicker of guilt.
“Will you tell me what happened now?” You asked, uncertainty and dread like a knife at your throat. 
“I was with Will, at my office,” he sighed heavily. “We spoke…Formulated a plan of sorts.”
He seemed to want to say more, but stopped himself. His uncertainty was very much apparent, and fear threatened to grip you like a vice. His nose detected this spike in adrenaline. His eyes met yours and he held your gaze steadily. 
“And how did he seem?” You asked, willing your voice not to quaver too much.
Hannibal considered the question for a moment. “I suppose not much different than his usual self. Though I am not entirely sure I am comforted by that.”
You nodded in agreement. “He is a very cunning man. I used to think I was good at reading his moods,” your gaze drifted towards the wall and beyond, into the middle distance. “The more I think about it now, the less I’m sure I wasn’t deluding myself into seeing what I wanted to see.”
Hannibal was quiet for a moment, seeing the torment written across your face. He felt a sudden, desperate urge to try and remedy it, but he was not quite sure how. After all, the weight of your future rested in his hands just as much as Will’s.
But he found that he was willing to break his own heart, and yours, if only it meant ensuring your safety. He swallowed hard, keeping himself together.
“You could get a head start, leave as soon as tomorrow night,” he said, his voice slightly hoarse. “I would meet you after, as soon as I’m able to…”
Your eyes widened and for a moment you were speechless with appalment. The shock was so great it made you only vaguely realize that Abigail wasn’t included in this offer.
But then you set your shoulders, straightening your back, and determination seemed to replace your anguish.
“Absolutely not!” You said, your tone leaving no room for argument. “My place is here, and I will be staying right here. I will see it through to the end, Hannibal.”
The set of his jaw told you he wanted to argue further about why it would be the best choice, but you could tell he was also relieved. He looked down at your hands, fingers still tightly woven together.
“I could not forgive myself, if I lost you,” he said softly.
You reached up to cup one side of his face, and he leaned into your touch. He kissed the palm of your hand and the inside of your wrist. You realized he was reassuring himself just as much as you, grounding himself with your presence.
“You won’t,” you said, without a hint of doubt. “So, then, what’s next?”
“I have invited Jack over for dinner,” he said steadily, though his words were heavy with implication. “Talk to him, see what he knows.”
Your face remained blank, but you knew Jack Crawford wouldn’t come by for just a chat. Hannibal knew that too, but perhaps not speaking about it would stall it for just a bit longer. At least, you both tried to convince yourselves that would be the case.
“When?” You asked.
That was only two days away. The back of your throat was bitter with unshed tears, but the longer you kept eye contact with him, the more you could steel your nerves.
“What are you thinking of making?” 
“Lamb,” He said.
The two of you shared a smile, still able to find some humor. But the next question was harder for you to ask, and you cleared your throat.
“Do you think Will is going to join?”
This was a blow he could not soften. “I hardly believe he’ll want to miss out.”
“Perhaps it’s just as well…” you said, looking up at the ceiling, in the direction of Abigail’s room. “At least we’ll all get to say goodbye.”
But your naïve heart still floundered, holding onto hope. But perhaps we won’t even have to say goodbye. One way or another, maybe we will all still be together in the end.
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ponyosfrogg · 11 months
Summary: You wake up with no memory of who you are. Determined to find the truth and unveiling mysteries, you also test familial bonds.
Pairings (?): This is the first part of Tim Drake x Reader fanfic. Thinking about enemies to lovers dynamic. There will be a lot of mystery, angst, fluff and eventual smut.
Author Note: In this fic they don't have a lot of age gap but since i don't like the specific age mentioned in fics, i won't be saying anything about it. It's the first chapter of a long series. It's a Female wayne! fic. And English is not my first language, my work might have a lot of mistakes, sorry about them in advance. I hope you guys enjoy it, this fic holds a special part in my heart!
Warning: Some of the themes and contents written in this fic might be upsetting for some of the readers, read at your own risk. Some parts have strong language.
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Damian paced anxiously in the green room, his mind filled with worry. Although he tried to hide it, his hands were sweaty with fear. His sister was laying unconscious on the white bed, and he felt a pang of guilt knowing that he had failed to protect her once again. He loved his sister more than anything, perhaps even more than himself.
Dick couldn't bear to see Damian's distressed state any longer. He continued to stroke your hair without removing his hand and called out to Damian, "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine." At that point, even his optimistic personality was struggling. The worried child became even more angry at the calm reassurance. "Don't tell me not to worry! She's been unconscious for nearly four hours now, and the fucking person who did this is watching from the corner of the room!" Clenching his teeth, Damian attempted to approach Tim, but Jason blocked his path. "Calm down, kid. He said he didn't do it on purpose. You know better than anyone what happens when we are sparring. "
"It doesn't matter if he didn't do it on purpose! If she doesn't wake up, I'll kill him.." Tim replied nonchalantly. "Feel free to try, devil." Rolling his eyes without an attempt to hide it. These words and this attitude triggered Damian. If there's one thing you need to know about Damian, it's that he is an impatient person. Just as he was preparing to jump on Tim, Dick's firm voice stopped everyone. "She's waking up!"
You opened your eyes with a sharp pain in your head. It felt like a heavy train had passed over your body over and over again. The pain in your head enveloped your neck and entire body. As you attempted to sit up slowly, a few hands pushed you back onto the bed. "It's too early for you to get up." A voice you didn't recognize spoke in a reassuring tone. You struggled to part your lips and asked the question. "Where am I?" You had a thirst which made you feel like you've never drunk any water for your whole life now.
"You're with me." A younger voice spoke and you felt someone holding your hand. The voice felt very familiar yet distant. You fully opened your eyes and saw the faces standing before you. There was a boy (?) or just a young looking man holding your hand and the other guy sitting next to you watched you with smile. When you tried to pull your hand away and move back, your head throbbed with pain and you let a painful whimper leave your lips. "Who are you both?" You sat up more in bed and tried to distance yourself from them as much as possible. The young boy who had held your hand lost his smile because of your reaction.
"I'm Damian, don't you remember me?." As the child approached the bed, you retreated further as if you could merge into the wall. Seeing this, the older looking guy who stood next to you, slightly taller than the others, stopped Damian. "Can you tell us the last thing you remember, sweetheart?" His voice, his gentle manners and probably good-looking face helped calm you down a bit. You tried to think about the last thing you remembered, but your mind felt completely blank. And every time you tried to think, an incredible pain pierced your head. It was as if something didn't want you to remember, as if someone had come and stolen all of your memories.
"I don't remember anything.." You struggled to utter those few words. "Nothing.." The last thing you said seemed more like an attempt to convince yourself. Nothing? You were undeniably completely confused, and there was an immense pain in your head. If there wasn't an open wound, how could it hurt so much? Yet, you still put your hand on your head just to make sure.
Damian's eyebrows furrowed, almost covering his green eyes. He spoke with anger almost spitting out every word, "Did you cause her a fucking memory loss?!" He yelled loudly and lunged at the boy who was slightly taller than him standing at the corner of the room. Suddenly they were literally fighting with each other which caught you off guard. With fear you widened your eyes. The boy, whom you had just noticed, tried to intervene. He had black hair with a white part on the front that rested just above his forehead. He was wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans, giving him a biker-like appearance. The ugly sound of punches hitting the flesh from Damian's strikes made you even more frightened, and the guy standing next to you yelled, "You are scaring her!"
Damian struggled to control his anger and stood up. His knuckles were in great pain, but it was the least of his concerns. As he was about to approach the bed where his dear sister lay, Dick once again stopped him this time with his hand. "Leave the room." His authoritative voice commanded Damian once more, causing his cheeks to flush with anger. "You can't tell me what to do, she is my sister."
Dick took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He had become the fucking babysitter of these kids even though they were almost a grown ass man "She is not just your sister Damian. What you're doing right now is nothing but scaring her."
As Damian's attention came over you again, he easily could see the fear growing in your eyes. It wasn't something he was used to. He had witnessed this look of yours only three times in his life: the night both of your grandfather died when you found his body repeatedly stabbed, a loud thunderstorm when you were six or so, and now. He hated that look because it usually meant something uncontrollable was happening and he didn't like to lose control. He hated that he wasn't able to be there and protect you. He hated every second of it.  Under normal circumstances, all he could do was hold you and reassure you that everything would be alright, that he would protect you forever, even though getting physically involved or showing affection to people openly wasn't his style. That was usually enough to calm you down, although it wouldn't stop you from crying. Damian, on the other hand, would just hold you for hours and let you cry in his arms until you felt better. Maybe even for hours, you would allow yourself to cry in his arms. Some of your family members were saying this connection was because you were twins and some of them were saying it was because how you guys only had each other at a certain point but no, that wasn't it. Both if you shared something more than that, a connection. He could feel whenever you were sad, and when you were in pain, it was also his pain. Calling it a twin-bond was nothing enough to explain how he felt about you. You were his family, you were his sister: his beloved sister. He would come to you when he had a problem, he would come to you when he was happy, he would come to you when he was overwhelmed by everything. You were his safe space, just like him being your safe space too. Now was the time you needed him the most, and why couldn't Dick see that? Why didn't he understand that all you needed was for him to hold you and give you hope that everything would heal?
Interrupting his thoughts, Jason's hand found his shoulder. "It's confusing for all of us to have this situation. For now, we should let Dick stay with her and let him understand her condition." Damian didn't want to leave your side, but he understood the underlying truth behind Jason's words. It might be something small, or maybe something big, but whatever it was, Dick needed to talk to you to understand what was going on. Although he wanted this position himself, he knew he was too angry for it at the moment. He was doing this for your sake and your well-being. While still facing Dick, he moved closer to you. "I'll be back soon.." When he was about to kiss your forehead, the lack of love and the frightened expression on your face appeared which prevented him to show any affection. He wouldn't want to do something that could hurt you. He said nothing more and decided to leave the room just for now.
I'm Dick," he said, as his blue eyes narrowed with compassion. You looked at him with empty eyes and asked, "Is it always like this?" He contented himself with a smile in response to what you said. "Yes, don't you remember who you are? Anything at all?" From the question he asked you, you could understand that he was one of the people who struggled the most with the situation you were in you can't help yourself but feel a little bit of guilt again. "No, I'm sorry..." You felt like you were in the middle of nothingness. Nothing meant anything to you, and nothing seemed important. The faces you saw, the arguments you watched, all passed before your eyes like you were watching some kind of movie. But every time you searched your mind, what you found inside your head was a void much greater than the emptiness you felt on your chest.
He smiled at you again and reached out his hand to hold yours. "We should meet again then, I'm Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick. I'm your big brother," he said. You nodded your head in response to what he said and extended your hand. When your hands disappeared in his large hands, he smiled at you again. His white teeth shimmered like pearls.
You looked at him for a moment. He had a slightly tanned skin. He had navy blue eyes and black hair. His haircut was somewhat long, falling towards his ears and upper parts of his neck. He was wearing a partially tight light blue t-shirt that accentuated the color of his eyes and hinted at his regular exercise routine. "I don't want to confuse your mind too much; family ties can be a bit complicated." As he ran his hand through his nape and shyly took his eyes to check the wall, you couldn't help but smile. "Do you feel better?" You understood that he was referring to your recent panic attack. "Yes."
There was still some hesitancy within you. One part of you was urging you to run away, while the other insisted on staying. You didn't know where you were, who these people were, and staying here didn't seem like an appealing option. Nothing made sense to you, and you felt like a newborn baby, everything feeling foreign and distant, far from a comfortable environment. When he noticed you are drowning in your mind, he approached to comfort you, but you instinctively backed off towards the wall. "I'm sorry... There's no need to be afraid of us. We mean no harm." He distanced himself a bit to help you relax, and the front of his bed was completely open. Slowly, you let your feet dangle off the bed and stand up. Even that simple movement caused your whole body to tremble. The idea of a train passing over you was becoming more appealing every minute; this pain and hurting seemed inexplicable otherwise. Your eyes began to wander around the room.
You were staying in a room where green was dominant. The walls were dark green. The room was illuminated by a dim yellow light coming from a large crystal chandelier. Years ago, you and Damian had changed the room's lighting to yellow, as you had discovered that yellow light was much easier on the eyes compared to white light. However, this information was not in your mind at the moment beside your whole life's memory.
Right next to your bed, there was a large wooden wardrobe. You wrapped your fingers around the handle and opened it. It was filled with clothes, leaving no empty space. Colorful fabric pieces patiently waited to be worn inside the dark brown wooden wardrobe. There were pictures hanging on the wardrobe door. In one of them, you were with the white-haired boy from earlier. It looked like you were playing PlayStation together. You had raised your right fist in a victorious pose, while the boy next to you furrowed his brows. The photo was taken from a distance.
Just below that picture was a selfie with an older looking man. He looked like he was quite nice and kind. You had raised two fingers to make a piece sign this time and smiled broadly. He, on the other hand, displayed a content smile and looked at the camera. "This is Alfred." You hadn't noticed that he had come up behind you while you were looking at the photos. Dick placed his finger on the picture of the boy above. "And this is Jason."
Although you felt the knowing feeling about names, you weren't be able to quite put your finger on it.
The next picture was taken from far. Someone was carrying you on a bridal style and looking at the camera. it seemed like you were trying your best to not to fall from his arms so you were kind of blurry. His green eyes seemed very warm unlike Damian's. You could almost sense it through the picture. He also had lots of freckles which gave him a lot warmer look. There was a note under the photo: 'Toronto'
"This is Bart Allen, he is a close friend of yours." You just nod. You could feel the awkwardness since he was telling about all these stuff, even though they were hanging on the wall in your room. You felt like all these pictures actually should brought something back.
Another picture was also taken from far. You were standing right between two beautiful woman. Although both of them had red hair, one of them had a darker color. the other one just had a red-ish color just like ginger. They were smiling widely while you were laughing, both of them hugging you. Dick put his finger just on a woman with darker hair. "This is Kate" and slide it over the other one. "This is Barbara."
Under that, there was another picture of you this time with Damian. You guys were sitting on a couch and had a cat between two of you. Even though it was a selfie, you could see both of your bodies thanks to camera's angle. Damian was smiling and had a black shirt on him with capital letters 'Uncle Damian' written on it. You were wearing the same shirt that says mother and even the cat also had one. It was so hard to believe that this Damian was the same person you saw earlier. In this picture he seemed so relaxed, happy?
Dick might have read your mind since he started talking: "Yeah, it must be hard for you to believe but just so you know, he loves you a lot that is why he was angry earlier." then he stopped for a minute before starting to talk again: "to be honest he is always angry." there was an awkward laugh after that. There was another picture next to yours and Damian's, it was with Dick.
He was wearing some kind of apron that says 'World's Greatest Grandma' on it. He was holding a  pot and you had eggs in your hand, showing them off to your camera.
The inside of the wardrobe was filled with many pictures. Most of them included of Jason, Damian, and Dick, but you didn't continue looking because these pictures were reminders of the large part of your life that you had forgotten. You felt like shit, and still, a small part of you insisted that these things couldn't be true. You felt like a reader who was reading other people's stories. You couldn't tell if you were really in the present moment or if you were just having a simple dream, though, a nightmare would be more true. Everything felt so terrifying. Perhaps it was because of the guilt you placed on the memories you couldn't recall, or maybe it was due to the uneasiness from the fight you had witnessed some moments ago. When you found yourself taking a deep breath and pinching the bridge of your nose, as if trying to calm yourself down, you continued shaking your head and looking at the pictures. Dick opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to distract you, again:
" Almost everyone in these pictures are your siblings" he said, and your eyes widened in disbelief. You couldn't contain your astonishment. "Our parents must have worked really hard," slipped out of your mouth involuntarily, and Dick burst into a loud laughter, finding it the funniest thing in the world. After laughing for a few seconds, he composed himself and responded to you. "No, we're all adopted." he said. Then he paused for a moment and continued, "Well, except for Damian and you. You guys are biological siblings, twins to be exact." You nodded your head. Maybe that's why he was so tense. Although you couldn't fully grasp the topic of the fight, you found yourself involuntarily understanding his displayed behavior. Then he pointed his index finger at another picture on the other door of the wardrobe. "This is your mother," he said as he directed your attention to the picture. You saw one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen (you wouldn't remember even if you saw something prettier tho). Her green eyes were as sharp as Damian's. Her brown hair reached her waist, and the leather jacket she wore gave her a completely different aura. Despite her captivating gaze, the underlying danger could be easily sensed. This woman exuded an image of 'I love you, but i have no hesitation about killing you.' As you looked at her, a strange feeling arose within you. Longing? Guilt? No, it was neither of those. It was fear.
You closed the wardrobe door and continued to exploring the room. Similar pictures to the ones in the wardrobe were all over the walls. Then you noticed the bed standing on the right side. Unlike your bed, it was pitch black. Several katanas were hanging on the wall by on his bedside. His wardrobe was at the foot of the bed and, compared to yours, it was smaller and longer. When Dick noticed where you were looking, he felt the need to explain once again. "Damian is a little bit particular about this situation, he didn't want your rooms to be separated." You walked over to his area and looked at a few pictures hanging there. "You really love taking pictures," he said, and you felt a bit odd when he mentioned your characteristic to you, noticing his own awkwardness too as he moved behind you. "You have pictures with almost everyone." As you quickly scanned the walls of the room, you saw more pictures. While you were observing them, Dick's phone rang, and he asked for your permission to leave the room and without waiting for an answer he left.
While you were watching the pictures on the wall, there was a great chaos in the room below. Jason had informed Bruce about the incident and Bruce said he was going to come as soon as he could but since he was on a mission at the space station with Justice League, Jason wasn't seeing this happening anytime close. Meanwhile, Damian had tried to attack Tim seven more times, engaging in powerful fights that turned the entire room into a battlefield. While Jason tried to keep them apart, he was complaining about the situation and wishing he could use his weapons on them. He was too old for this fucking family drama.
"What is your problem!" Jason couldn't hold his anger anymore, tired of this bullshit. He knew how you were important to Damian but you were also important for them. Blood doesn't mean a shit. And fighting with each other? No it wasn't going to solve anything.
"My problem is Tim! He punched her so hard that she lost her fucking memory! Do you know how much power does he need to fucking achieve that Jason!" At this point he was breathing out fire. Yes, being angry was part of his character now but he never felt more angry all of his life. He didn't know if he was angry at Tim or himself or maybe even her sister for forgetting her. Even though he knew it wasn't in her hands to decide whether she was going to forget about him or not, how could she? They were together since they were born, they did everything together and now she wasn't even remembering her. He was angry at Tim for punching so hard, even though he was aware of the fact that you were way stronger than he could see, and even though this kind of mistakes could happen when they were sparring, it still was over using his power. Most importantly: he was angry at himself for letting you getting hurt.
"We were sparring for god's sake! I still have the fucking bruise from sparring with you last time. It's completely normal, stop blaming me!" Tim yelled this time. Jason sat on the couch and sighed.
"It is going to be a fucking long night."
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clovermarigold · 7 months
Smoke & Ice Head cannons and facts
Small facts and characteristics that are cannon to my fic, Smoke & Ice. Please note I do not claim any of these to be cannon to the MK franchise!
Don't worry I won't do any woobifying.
Also note after finishing this, I should have named this Angst angst and more angst
pt.2 pt.3
Calla has actually never been in a relationship because she always felt responsible for the Mangrove and like their parents/caretaker/sibling, even when they were around her age. (#oldest daughter vibes)
Bi han grew up with a different side of his father compared to his siblings. I head cannon that he probably learned his assholery from his father when he was younger. But he grew as a person as he had more kids.
Thats also why I think Bi han has both his evident hate and some internalized hate for Smoke. Because he's jealous of how soft and easy he went on him. (#oldest son vibes). This coldness and quiet resentment are also why he is TERRIBLE with children. He will seriously treat them like whole ass adults.
Calla: Go on. Talk to him
Bi han: ...Wanna beer?
Calla: NO!
Smoke on the other hand, is amazing with children. He didn't have a lot of interactions or experience with children, but that didn't stop him from being really good at it. Kids are really good at vibe checks, they can tell.
Smoke tends to hyper analyze and feel guilty after being around the children however, because he feels like he's projecting his memories of his sister onto them.
Smoke despite having MAJOR trauma has a habit of minimalizing it and brushing it off. Which infuriates Kuai Liang to no end.
Kuai Liang is the middle child that acts like the eldest. He got a glimpse to the kind of man their father was, since he's not that much younger than Bi han. But he was one of the first things to inspire their father to grow as a person.
Despite being the middle child, and the brother Bi han hates the least. It's usually Smoke who is the mediator between the two brothers.
The three brothers have vastly different relationships with their parents.
Bi han was an absolute mama's boy. He was always closer to his mom since she was the only person he would accept kindness, love, and even pity from. The day she died was when he truly became the Bi han we all know today. He had a terrible relationship with his father. Due to being put through grueling training when he was younger, as well and having the Lin Kuei's greatness instilled in his mind. Only to watch his father change and abandon this ideology as he aged. To him, any attack to his values is an attack on him.
Kuai Liang on the other hand unfortunately suffered from middle child syndrome. Often not being prioritized due to his mother's focus on Bi han, as well as his father's priority on training Bi han to lead, and later favoritism of Tomas. This neglect is what made him easily the most independent of bunch in their youth. Though this did change after the loss of their mother, which left Bi han to be the most independent and cold.
Smoke, however, is a more complicated matter. While he is undoubtably a daddy's boy. Due to his lack of a present birth father growing up and being taken in by him. His relationship with their mother is difficult. In no way does he dislike or have any problems with her. He just can't bring himself to truly see her as his mom. After watching the death of his true mother and sister, Tomas inherited a number of mental issues that the Lin Kuei never truly bothered to address. The loss of his twin sister made him incredibly clingy and reliant on his brothers, but the loss of his mother left him feeling guilty any time he tried to bond with his adoptive one.
Johhny cage has MAJOR daddy issues and minor mommy issues. Based on character interactions from both MK11 & MK1, we can deduce that he was an asshole. His dad switched between emotionally abusive and absent all together.
While he absolutely adores and loves his mom for being the parent who stayed and raised him, it didn't change the fact that she gave mostly tough love, being a cop and a single mother of two. (His brother who is said to be an asshole though we don't know the extent)
Movies were his main escape from his shitty home life and social life. I decided to keep his characteristics from Mortal Kombat Cage Match, being that he was bullied as a kid. Both by classmates and his brother. As a result, he absolutely loathes bullies, and is fully down to beat the shit out of any adult or minor that bullies any future kids of his, nephews, nieces, or just friend's.
When recreating the timeline, Liu Kang had to decide what to do with the children of Kronica and whether or not to include them in it.
I don't have a canon decision of Shinnok, since we won't be focusing on that in the story, and it'll probably be explained in future games. But Cetrion is a different story.
Cetrion was made to be a caretaker of the earth realm and its life. However, after falling in love with a mortal, was granted permission by Liu Kang to live among them as a mortal.
Their children would eventually become the dryad and subsequentially the Hamadryad, which is why they do not exist in any other previous timelines. It is also why Cetrion was able to become mortal without abandoning her duties. By creating a clan tasked with her previous role.
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed my "Head cannons". Have some tissues on your way out, I know I needed them.
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I have new Boba and Matcha Art!!! With bonus “canon” comic :000!!!
I’m obssesed with them!!! Here’s them laying in the grass:
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I’m going to try to explain this in a less ramble-y way with new details I’ve thought of! (Because the first post of this AU was written in a sleep deprived haze. First post linked here if you want to see them in color but shittily. Note: I’m leaving out the jackets from here on out because they were a pain in the ass to draw and I don’t always have the energy for that)
So this is from my recently made MxB Bittersweet Memories AU (which is kind of like 2 aus in one). In this AU there is the “canon” universe and the “drink” universe.
The “canon” universe has the main Sonic cast we all know and love with a focus on Sonic and Shadow. The reason it’s “canon” and not just canon is because there is sonadow (and I’m so funny to make that reference <3 /sarcastic) More on that later.
The Drink universe has variations of the main cast (both in personality and appearance) based on different drinks/drink flavors, also with a focus on the Sonic and Shadow variants. In this universe, there is Boba! Sonic (who is extra peppy and sweet like boba) and Matcha! Shadow (who is very calm, since Matcha tea can decrease anxiety and stress). They call each other by their drink names instead of their “canon” names because I might write a fic and the plot I’m about to explain requires them to be distinct from the “canon” cast.
The silly thing that connects these two AUs into one is the weird connection the sonadow variants have. “Canon” Sonic feels all the emotions Boba has toward Matcha, and they sort of reflect into his own feelings for “Canon” Shadow, as seen in the comic above. Matcha experiences all of Shadow’s memories through dreams and general emotions, including Shadow’s memories of Maria and her death. These memories don’t have to be distant and Matcha can experience them as recent as they happen.
For the “canon” universe, this connection leads to Sonic chasing after Shadow and in the end, they get together. Although, it does take some time since they still have their rivalry.
In the Drink universe, Matcha and Boba have already gotten together in the beginning (and they don’t have a rivalry since their story went a lot different). Instead of going on adventures and saving the world, the people of their universe sell drinks corresponding to themselves (Matcha specializes in Matcha Tea, Boba makes boba, etc). Matcha’s sister (Apple Cider! Maria) never died, so he doesn’t have the same or as much trauma as Shadow (Grenadine! Gerald is dead tho but from old age rather than assassination; he adopted Matcha in this universe and they had a good relationship before he passed). This makes dreams and memories of Maria dying distressing (even though he doesn’t know who Maria is). As a result, the connection leads to a Hurt/Comfort scenario that strengthens Matcha and Boba’s bond.
Throughout this whole thing, both pairs don’t even know the other universe exists!!! It makes it funnier on Sonic’s end tbh XD
I know this is. A lot. But I’m not really sorry!!! I love Matcha and Boba so much!!!
TDLR: Drink Universe with drink inspired STH designs (and established sonadow) and “Canon”Universe with regular STH designs with almost but not yet established sonadow have a weird connection that leads to scenarios ✨ (and lots of sonadow moments!!)
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Hi Rinn:))
I hope Ur having a good day:). But I literally am obsessed with Ur maze runner fics atm. Ur my fav author on here rn<3
But I was wondering if you would write a Newt x fem!reader, where she's Ben's sister and him comforting reader after he is banished or maybye just stung?
Thank u<3
AAHHhhhh thank you so much for your kind words it really means a lot <333333333
Sorry it's been so long (literal months) hope you're out there and able to read this anon ❤❤
Soul sister
Newt x fem!reader (ben's sister)
Set during tmr (movieverse)
Notes: not enough youtube clips of this part of the movie so I'm writing based on memory alone, may not be accurate, also reader's race not specified - the sibling thing is written as more of a sense than being blood related so anyone can read
Warnings: canon-typical stuff (i.e. Grievers, being Stung, Ben's banishing etc)
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As a Runner you spend a lot of time away from the Glade, so when you return from a run to hear Ben, your brother, has been Stung and attacked someone, it shocks you to your core.
"Tell me it isn't true."
Newt is the first person you look for after hearing what's happened, and he blinks in surprise as you grab his arm.
"Ben," you say, your fingers unintentionally tightening around Newt's arm.
His sorrowful expression is all you need to see.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n."
"No," you back up slowly, shaking your head in disbelief. You've seen Stung victims before, and if your brother...
"When are they doing it?" you ask shakily, knowing the protocol is to Banish him.
"Sundown, today." Newt's voice is gentle, apologetic.
Your face blanches. "Right... right now?"
At that moment, you hear yelling, all the way down at the Maze doors.
"No, not yet. Not yet, please." Your heartrate picks up as you start down the hill.
"Don't do this, Y/n," Newt grabs your arm, pulling you back.
"Let me talk to him," you beg.
You stop at Newt's pleading tone. "Y/n, there's nothing you can do. I- I'm so sorry."
"I have to-"
"You'll only hurt yourself by going down there. Just wait in the hut for me, okay?"
For a second you don't move... but you know he's right, it's better not to see Ben stung. You tear yourself away, swerving in the direction of Newt's hut as tears blur your vision.
You sit alone in the hut on Newt's bed, everything jittering inside you and telling you to go out and save your brother.
After a while, the door swings open and you jump up.
"Is it done?" You ask shakily.
Newt's eyes are slightly shimmery, and you remember that Ben was his friend too. "He's with the Maze now."
You shut your eyes, backing up to the wall.
"Y/n, are you-"
"Of course I'm not okay!" you lash out. "He was my brother, and you sent him out to die."
"He wasn't himself," says Newt, grabbing your hands as they fly in the air. "He was already gone before we did it. Y/n, please."
"My brother," you whisper.
"I know. I'm so sorry, love," Newt's voice softens, his fingers still loosely holding your wrists.
Your head tilts down as tears start streaming from your eyes, and Newt immediately pulls you in.
You press your face into his shirt, drawing warmth from him as he rubs comforting circles on your back.
"It's okay, I'm here. I've got you." You feel kisses pressed to the top of your head, and you just let yourself cry, mourning the brother you lost.
"I remember when I first saw him." You're lying on Newt's chest, telling him everything about Ben. They're things he probably already knows, but he listens anyway.
"I recognised him, and- and he recognised me too. I saw it, in his eyes."
Newt's runs his fingers through your hair as you speak, repeating the motions over and over.
"And we just knew. I can't explain, but there was a feeling. I knew he was my brother. I guess whoever put us in here didn't erase our memories well enough." You huff a sad laugh.
"I don't think anyone could have erased the bond between you guys," says Newt. "Siblings are different... it's in your soul."
You hum quietly. "Think you had a sibling?"
"I don't know, sometimes I think I did." Newt absentmindedly curls a strand of your hair around his finger. "I think... maybe a sister. I can never picture her, or remember her name. I just..."
"It's in your soul," you say.
"Yeah," he smiles.
"We'll get out of here," you tell him. "And we'll find her."
Newt's quiet for a moment. Then he drops a kiss between your eyebrows. "Thank you, Y/n."
"He had lapses," says Newt suddenly. "Ben. I forgot to tell you. While you were out running, and he got Stung, I think he had moments where he came back to himself, just for a second."
"How do you know?" you ask.
"Because he grabbed me. Couldn't form an actual sentence, but he kept saying your name. Over and over.
"He thought of you," says Newt, looking down and meeting your eyes. "He wanted to keep you safe, and get you out of here."
You let out a disbelieving breath, and a single tear slides down your face. "I will. I'll get out." You voice is shaky, but determined.
"Good that," says Newt with a smile. "Take the rest of us with you, will ya?"
"Of course," you squeeze his hand. "I'd never leave you."
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Comforting Newt >>>>>>
Anyways short fic today, trying to get through these months-old requests (sorry!). Hope you enjoyed reading :)
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sandraharissa · 5 months
What do you think the sisters would be like if vi was the one who got left behind and powder/Jinx didn't? Basically what if they swapped places and vi got the role as silco's daughter.
Hi. Ok, so this is a lot. A bit of a challenge of an ask cos obvs there’s a lot of hoops to jump for this scenario to happen. Like how would Vi even end up with Silco while Powder ended up in prison? why would Silco bond with Vi if she wasn’t betrayed by a sibling? what would make Vi want to stay with Silco and not want to murder him after everything he did to her?
The possibilities are endless and would require massive changes to the story so I’m gonna try to mainly approach this from the angle of how would this change affect personalities and relationships based on what makes sense for the characters.
I’d assume Powder wouldn’t survive prison or it’d break her, where she’d become even more shy and low on self-esteem or she’d learn from others how to survive in the harsh environment, and that’d make her cruel kinda like her current self but no bombs cos she has no means to learn how to make them. If we want a narrative for acts II and III then lets say we can’t have this dead/dead in spirit version of Jinx so lets go with the other scenario. In that case I’d essentially imagine her how I think young Silco was. Wearing rags, a very bright person but very weak physically, doesn’t know how to fight ‘properly’, probs very agile and likes using a weapon like a makeshift knife. She spends her days convinced Vi knows exactly where she is and just continuously chooses to abandon her.
Now Vi is way trickier to do, but lets say for some reason she learns Silco’s side of the story about Vander and it’s convincing to her. It still wouldn’t make sense for her to bond with Silco over her sibling trauma or being mad at her sibling cos she’s not mad at Powder. Maybe she thinks Powder is dead and shows huge regret and that convinces Silco that she’s a redeemed/better version of Vander who would never betray a family member. Vi could be taken aback by Vander’s sins like trying to kill Silco and refusing to join Silco in fighting. She never wanted to abandon/lead to the death of her sister but in this scenario she also knows that Vander actively tried to kill his brother and she could see the side of herself that she hates in Vander and grow to hate him through projection. Upon learning that all Silco wanted to do was revolt she’d have no ideological differences with him.
There’s still a lot of problems like what about Ekko? why would Vi still be ok with Silco if he lead to the death of all of her family? even if she let that go why choose to live with him, she’s not 10? what about her good heart and Silco’s methods and cruelty? Well, maybe let’s lean on Silco as a corrupting influence as an answer to these questions. He could view her as a better Vander, as a Vander replacement maybe, and that’s how he can start bonding with her. He went in hoping Vander would join him and he gets a mini Vander to join him instead. He highlights to Vi the importance of family and loyalty to your family, how she’s the better Vander, she’d never intentionally abandon her sister and hence she’d never abandon him. Maybe Vi wants to make up for Vander’s wrongs to prove to herself that she’s not like him (and on some level to improve his legacy/memories she has of him) so she does get invested in the idea of Silco being her family. Maybe she uses Silco as a Powder replacement and tries to make it up to Powder by making it up to him. She likely also wants to fight even more now as a part of fixing Vander’s wrongs. Maybe she is consumed by the want for setting things right and revenge and respect and so slowly over time she becomes willing to do anything for the cause. I’d imagine that as essentially a mini Sevika she’d be way more useful than Jinx was.
I think Silco would probs be soft on her like he is with Jinx and Vi’d likely try to recreate her relationship with Vander somewhat, not looking for someone to dote on her and favor her like Powder did, but still wanting an adult’s/parent’s approval and support of her decisions like she wanted Vander’s approval and support when it came to her going on missions and fighting Piltover. And just like with Jinx Silco would be bad at real parenting but the perfect wish-fulfillment cool dad who let’s her do whatever and thinks she can do no wrong. He’s probs not as obsessed with her tho cos she’s not very much like him and has different life experiences and trauma. The love is way more like that towards the firstborn son, as in it’s conditional on her constantly proving that she’s worthy, that she’s not like Vander.
It's interesting to think how in this scenario the sisters reconciling is way more likely to happen cos Silco is not in the way and if anything he’d be all for taking Jinx in as well.
But like I already mentioned this is all highly speculative cos to truly make this work the story would need a rewrite from the ground up. That’s why I tend to like the idea of an au where Silco gets involved in Vander’s family by reconciling with him in act I or before (like maybe the betrayal never happened and him and Vander never split paths). That way the characters get to remain way more in-character while still getting a happy ending.
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jowrites · 12 days
Accidents can Happen - 22. Protect her peace (written)
Main Masterlist Here.
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Disclaimer: Jake and Sunghoon are aged up, both 25. Reader is 24. Heeseung is 26.
TW: Cursing, sexual themes, sex in general? more to be added...
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Since the run-in with YNs parents, the couple have been on high alert. Alexa has informed them that she’s been reached out too and their parents were seeking information on YN and the baby. Alexa of course ignored them and when she saw her parents show up at her apartment she was quick to threaten police action and they ran off. The sisters knew their parents and how they were, they weren’t the type to ever back down and they were extremely stubborn.
All throughout YNs life they have always pinned her up against Alexa and always verbally abused YN and manipulated her, making her feel never good enough. The only one who saw through their antics was Alexa, and she always stood up for her sister and the two were extremely close and bonded. YN never blamed Alexa for anything, it was all their parents, and when their parents disowned YN for dropping out of college Alexa was quick to disown them and come running to YNs side. 
Since that day 5 years ago, the girls have had no contact. Their dad still tries to reach out to Alexa, sending her letters and gifts each year but Alexa is quick to dismiss them. They have never once tried to reach out to YN. To say YN was mad at the situation was an understatement. She’s already healed from everything they’ve done and has moved on but the fact they think they can walk in and see her child? Parents don’t just redeem themselves and get a say just because they have a grandchild now. It doesn’t work that way.
Jake has been extremely supportive, and his family. His family easily took YN in and welcomed her into their family with open arms. YN understood where Jake gets his kindness from, he was raised to be a gentleman and raised to always do the right thing. How YN got so lucky with him, she had no idea. But she was never going to take him for granted.
“Baby?” Jake came over to YN as she was staring out the window in their bedroom. She was in the middle of doing some laundry as Delilah was down for her nap. Delilah was such an easy baby and more and more each day her personality came out. She was the sweetest and funniest little 6 month old and Jake and YN were on cloud 9 with every moment spent raising her.
“Hm?” She snapped and looked over at Jake who came into the room.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Mhm,” she nodded, going back to folding some of Delilah’s clothes. “She’s grown out of a lot of stuff, Jake. We should go through her stuff and donate things.”
“We can do that, but can we keep some of it? I want to keep things to remember every little thing, and every milestone and growth she’s done,” Jake said, picking up one of her onesies and admiring it.
“Jake, you’re so cute you know?” She said, as she admired his sentiment. 
“Me? Oh, I think I’m adorable!” He agreed and she rolled her eyes.
“Yes, my adorable man. Our little girl is so lucky to have you,” She came and kissed his cheek.
“Of course she is, she has 2 parents who love and care for her. If she wants all of Disneyland I’ll buy her all of Disneyland,” He said.
“Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we have to make sure she knows what respect and earning is, and how hard work pays off. She can be spoiled but…not too spoiled,” She said.
“I make no promises, my love,” Jake kissed her lips. “Also, there’s something I have to tell you.”
“Hm?” Yn began folding more clothes, admiring ones that held certain memories to them.
“Sunghoon just called and he thought your parents were in the office today,” Jake said, helping her with the laundry and YN stopped in her tracks.
“What happened?” YN turned and looked at him, Jake sighed.
“He said they asked for you, he thinks they found your place of work because they recognized me on one of the marketing commercials and that’s how they found you, or so they thought,” Jake explained. “The boys didn’t tell them anything and quickly had security kick them out. But they know where you work now.”
“This is so fantastic, now I’m never going to be able to step foot there again,” YN groaned.
“No, don’t think like that, okay? We can deal with them and I have ways we can make them stay away if you truly want that,” Jake said.
“I just don’t see the point in it all, and I don’t get why they’re so set on seeing the baby when they don’t even like me,” YN said.
“Grandparents will do everything they can when they realize they have a grandchild, trust me, I’ve had some crazy cases. But don’t worry, Delilah will be protected always and so will you, okay? I won’t let them hurt you again,” Jake brought her into an embrace and she easily melted into his arms. Of course he was going to do everything for her, in the past year he’s done nothing but love and support her through everything. This man was everything to her and she knew he was her forever.
“You know, Delilah is asleep…” YN trailed off, playing with the buttons on his shirt. Suddenly she was thrown on the bed, looking up at him as he hovered over her with a smirk on his lips.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
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