#Yes I am posting day 3 before anything else cause this one was easier to finish
thief-of-eggs · 4 months
‘Thoughts of You Consume’ writing update for you all (plus a sneak peek of a later chapter)
First off, I want to say thank you to all of you who have been reading and invested in my works. Truly, I cannot tell you how much your support means to me, and it never fails to make me giggle and kick my feet when I think of how many people are enjoying my silly stories.
For everyone asking- yes, I am still writing my snowjanus longfic ‘Thoughts of You Consume’. I’ve gotten a lot of comments and asks, and it felt easier to post this then answer them all (although I still might try to)
There has been a lot that’s arisen in my personal life this past month (unexpected move, loss of a pet, relapse with my auto-immune disorder) that has caused me to put my fics on hold while I focused on getting my life back on track. (Aka- i’ve been reading a shit ton of books. Sometimes the writer just needs to be the reader for a moment)
I have not forgotten about the fic, or about all of you lovely readers! I have the next chapter half written, and I try to visit it every day to add even just a little <3
I’m hoping to have a new update for you soon, but in the meantime, as a treat- enjoy this little excerpt from a future chapter:
(Spoiler Warning)
Coriolanus is quiet as he sneaks back in to the Snow’s apartment, though he’s not entirely sure why. Surely their grandmother has already gone to bed, and it’s not like he has anything to hide. So he’d been out with a friend- that’s not too absurd is it?
Yet he still feels as though he’s done something wrong.
He begins to head straight to his room, but pauses as he passes their kitchen, seeing a candle lit on the table. His cousin is bent over her latest bit of embroidery- some tablecloth for Fabricia. He doesn’t know what leads him to it, but he finds himself walking closer, crossing in to their little kitchen.
His foot steps on a creaky floorboard, causing Tigris to startle, before laying her eyes on him.
“Oh! You’re home- I hadn’t heard you come in.”
Coriolanus hums, walking silently to their worn kitchen table, and takes a seat across from his cousin.
“Did you have a nice night?”
Again he hums, watching as she returns to her embroidery. Her needle slides delicately through the fabric, weaving an intricate floral design with mere thread alone.
“Did you eat while at the Plinths?”
A spike of fear grips his heart- how did she know where he’d been? He certainly hadn’t told her, that’s for sure. But then… where else is he known to go? He doesn’t maintain friendships outside of the Academy, hasn’t gone over to anyone’s place besides Sejnaus’s. Yes, that’s right. It was a mere logical deduction on her part, nothing more. She hasn’t picked up on anything, other than his mundane habits.
The thought eases a bit of his chest, though really, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if she knew. Tigris has come to be his one and only confidant, and the fact that he’s kept this from her so long eats away at his insides, a muddled up secret begging to be set free.
The two of them sit in relative silence for a while after. Coriolanus watches the candle sink lower and lower, his mind playing over the events of the day, playing over Sejanus’s face, Sejanus’s words, Sejanus’s everything.
Eventually, it becomes too much to bear. He opens his mouth and pauses, weighing his words in his throat before finally speaking.
“Can I- can I ask you something Tigris?”
His cousin looks up from her embroidery, her needle in hand as she peers at him in the dim light. She cocks her head, care and concern laced in her expression.
“Of course Coryo. What is it?”
Coriolanus takes in a breath, holding it carefully in his chest before releasing. He tries and fails to formulate just how to go about asking what he means. Eventually, he settles for something more cryptic than he’d have liked.
“Would it be so wrong if I were… different?” Coriolanus asks, desperately hoping Tigris will somehow pick out his deeper thoughts and meaning.
“Different how?” She replies, and Coriolanus feels his chest deflate like a balloon. Of course she couldn’t know- and he isn’t likely to tell her just now.
“Never mind,” he mumbles, standing from the table. He’s suddenly quite exhausted, and finds he’d like nothing more than to curl up and let the day be washed away in the grips of sleep.
“Coryo, wait-“
Tigris stands as well, reaching out to grab onto his arm. He allows himself to be stopped, turning to face his cousin as she steps closer, standing directly in front of him as she places her hands on his shoulders.
“Different is never bad, Coryo.” Her eyes bore intently into his, so full of tenderness, full of love and care. “You could be all sorts of different, and it wouldn’t matter one bit to me.”
Coriolanus can’t tell if she’s grasped at anything, or if her statement is truly a blanket one. But still, it makes the ache in his chest loosen, makes his eyes flood with tears that he can’t fully understand, besides knowing that they’re partly forming out of relief that his cousin wouldn’t abandon him should she find out he were disgrace to their family name.
“Thank you Tigris,” he murmurs. She reaches up to cup his cheek, gently wiping away a stray tear that falls.
“Oh Coryo,” she whipsers, before pulling him close in her arms. He buries his face in her neck, holding his breath as though he could hold in his tears, his eyes screwed shut as her hand passes gently through his hair.
He pulls back a moment later, his vision blurred by his unshed tears. “I’m off to bed,” he says with a sniff, stepping back with his gaze trained at the floor. He doesn’t wish to see Tigris’s pity in her eyes just now, doesn’t wish to see all the ways she might suspect him different.
“Alright,” she murmurs. “Sleep well Coryo.”
He nods, turning on his heel to trudge back into his bedroom. Once past the threshold, he closes his door, leaning back on the thick mahogany wood with his eyes squeezed shut, his breath held tight in his chest.
It’s no use now that he’s alone. The sobs come quietly, because Coriolanus had learned early on in life how to manage his grief in silence. Slowly, he slides down the door until he’s sitting on the barren floor. He tugs his knees up to his chest, buries his face in his hands, and weeps.
He can’t fully work out just what he’s weeping for.
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theimperialnuisance · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Day 3
// FFXIV Write Info // Prompts // Master post //
Day 3 Scale
<an arrangement of the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch.>
<the exercise of performing the notes of one or more scales as a form of practice by a singer or musician.>
(Set in early Shadowbringers. Slight spoilers for ShB so please do not read unless you’re past 5.0 just to be safe.)
The sound of music drifted to the Exarch’s ears as he stepped out into the quiet Rookery. He had been on his usual evening walk, taking note of how gray the sky was becoming with the storm slowly rolling in. He didn’t mind it however, as after the busy morning he had with all the Scions finally reunited and recently returned from the Rak’tika Greatwood, a moment of respite in the cool weather was much needed. As usual, he made way to the watchtower with the intent to end his walk gazing upon the Crystarium, not surprised to see he once again would have company; the music seemed to be coming from the silhouette perched on the platform and he instantly knew the music was coming from Kien.
It sounded as if Kien was tuning a lute, strumming the strings in ascending and descending scales; something the Exarch knew was part of his routine while tuning any instrument he played. He paused to listen before beginning to climb the stairs, unsure if the Miqo’te would be open to an audience as he had been pretty shy the first time he had been discovered by him playing all those years ago.
Thunder rumbled in the distance as the Exarch made his ascent to the platform but he paused mid-way as Kien finished the last scale and began to play a song, one that made his heart leap to his throat.
He knew this song.
It had been at least a few hundred years since he last heard it, but each note was unmistakable and he found himself entranced by the old familiar song. He resisted the urge to hum along to it once he reached the top, knowing that small action could easily give himself away. He instead closed his eyes and smiled, allowing the music to take his thoughts back to that sunny afternoon again.
Kien had been playing this same tune under the shade of a tree back in Mor Dhona during a short afternoon respite. G’raha had been reading in one of the branches above when he recognized the tune and accidentally startled the other with his excitement.
“That’s an old Allag lullaby!” He had been surprised to find he wasn’t the only one to know that song but even more so at how embarrassed Kien was to have an audience. “Oh, don’t stop playing on my account!”
Kien could only stare at him, a little too flustered to speak at first. “Ah, no, it’s not that,” he replied sheepishly. “Just not used to playing in front of anyone. I didn’t realize you were up in the branches.”
“Ah!” He grinned. “I often go to this spot to read. Don’t tell Rammbores, but this is my favorite reading spot because he has a harder time finding me when I’m slacking off.” He winked, causing Kien to chuckle. He jumped down from the branch and settled himself on the ground across from the other. “I didn’t want to interrupt you when you began to tune your instrument but the moment you began to play that song, I couldn’t help myself.” He paused as his ears flickered in curiosity. “How do you know that song?”
“My sister used to sing it to me when I was younger,” Kien said as he relaxed a little and began to strum a descending scale. “She told me my mother used to sing it to her when she was young but I’m afraid I don’t know how it ends…” He trailed off and began to play an ascending scale. “I didn’t think anyone outside my tribe knew that song.”
“That lullaby has been in my family for generations,” He smiled. “My father often sang it to me whenever he told me stories about our ancestors. I suppose it only makes sense you know it too given where you’re from.” Kien shrugged in agreement. “If you continue to where you know it, I could sing the rest for you?”
Kien nodded and began to play the tune again, ducking his head to hide his face as he muttered, “You sing beautifully, by the way.”  
“Ah,” his cheeks began to heat in a blush. “‘tis nothing to write home about, but thank you my friend.”
The memory began to fade as the music suddenly stopped. The Exarch opened his eyes to see Kien staring at him curiously and he felt his cheeks heat up. “Oh, forgive me. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” He was grateful to have the hood concealing his face but his voice gave way to his nerves. Thankfully, Kien didn’t seem to notice.
“The uh, song was over anyways.” Kien shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to seem unfazed but the Exarch could tell he was a little embarrassed to have someone listening to him while he played; that small fact hadn’t changed it seemed.
“That was quite a lovely tune,” The Exarch closed the gap and sat down next to the other, not asking for an invitation to do so as their unplanned meetings on the lookout were starting to become a comfortable habit between the two of them ever since the night the first Lightwarden was defeated. “I wasn’t aware you played the lute,” A lie. “What was that song, if I may ask?” Another lie. He knew exactly what song it was.
“An old Allagan lullaby,” Kien replied wistfully as he leaned back against the pillar. “A dear friend of mine taught it to me.” He began to gently strum the strings again, descending the scale this time. “Well, I knew it from my childhood but G’raha knew it too, and he helped teach me the rest of it. I hadn’t played it in a while but I suddenly got the urge to play it again.”
The Exarch felt his heart ache. He never thought Kien would remember something so small and from so long ago; he wanted nothing more but to throw off the hood and sing the lullaby with him but he knew it wasn’t the right time. He bit the inside of his lip to prevent giving away too much emotion and exhaled a breath, meeting his gaze with Kien’s. “Well, my friend, I think you play wonderfully and I’d be happy to hear you play anytime.” The corner of his lips tugged into a smile. “If you feel so inclined, that is.”
Kien turned his gaze away but the Exarch caught sight of his blushing face as he muttered his thanks. The thunder rumbled again closer than before, causing the two of them to look up to the gloomy sky. “We should head back inside before it starts to downpour on us. I’d hate to get the lute wet since I borrowed it from Moren.”
“Ah yes, of course.” The Exarch stood, leaning on his staff for support as Kien hopped up. They descended the stairs together, Kien still strumming along on the lute until it was time to part ways. The Exarch turned to face Kien with a smile. “There may have been some old sheet music I stumbled upon in the Ocular when I first pulled the Tower from the Source, feel free to stop in anytime you would like to take a look at it.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” Kien smiled. “Goodnight Exarch.” He raised his hand in a wave and turned to leave. The Exarch watched his retreating form long enough to see him disappear out of ear shot and turned on his heel to return to the Ocular, humming the song quietly to himself. His heart filled with warmth in knowing something so long ago still meant so much to his friend.
He hoped there would be a day he could freely sing it with him again.
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primofate · 3 years
Breaking Up (Part 3-Final) Albedo x gn!reader
Scenario: Breaking up and getting back together again
Characters: gn! reader x Albedo
Warnings: This is the FLUFF part. Not proofread. 
Categories: angst in Part 1, comfort in Part 2, Fluff in Part 3
Read: (Part 1)  (Part 2)
You hummed a light tune as you walked around fields, gathering herbs from trees and shrubs. The sun was about to set, and it painted a slightly orange hue on the sky. 
“Y/N,” You stand and turn, sunsettia gathered around your arms and other herbs in your backpack. Albedo is walking towards you with a soft smile, and you return it with a bigger one. “Albedo,” you pipe up and jog to meet him halfway. He thinks you’re a little bit like a puppy sometimes, it’s just not possible to resist the eyes that look up at him expectantly. 
All his fears came crashing down on him once more and he half-panicked. 
He wraps one arm around your waist and leans in for a quick kiss on the nose as a greeting, before pulling away and helping you with the sunsettias. “You lost track of time again,” he states and you just laugh sheepishly. “Ah...yeah, I get too into ingredient gathering sometimes...”
Albedo had gotten home and found a note on the table stating where you were. Just like he had requested. Weeks following the two of you getting back together there’d been an incident where he came home and found that you weren’t there yet again. 
Had he done something wrong? 
Did he say something bad? 
Where were you? 
Did you leave again? 
Only to have you strolling into the house the next moment, smile on your face, saying that you went out to do some shopping. He swept you into a hug that confused you. He was beyond terrified that it might have happened again.
He’d go as far as to say that it was borderline PTSD. 
“Can you kindly do me a favor and leave a note if you’ve gone out? It would really... make me feel better,”
And you understood. Perhaps you would’ve felt the same way. If you came home late at night and found that he wasn’t home yet. You’d tend to think that something happened to him, and so you complied to his request. 
He’d become a little better at managing his time. He figured Sucrose could handle more responsibilities and figured that he could also work a little bit at home. Readings and research did count as work, the only downside was that he had to borrow books from the library and bring it all the way back home, but he didn’t care much about that. You kept the house so warm and cozy that it was the perfect place to concentrate and be productive. 
“Come,” Albedo beckoned you from the chair of his makeshift office at home. You tilt your head, as you were about to leave the tea on his table and leave him to work again but he’d grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him.
“Can I help you?” You asked with a slight grin to your question. He pulls you over to his lap, arms around your waist and has your back flush against his front. His head hovering above your shoulder as he continues his reading as if everything was normal, and as if you weren’t sitting on his lap. “Am I just going to stay here?” You giggle and tilt your head back to look up at him.
A small smile cracks on his face as he shushes you, “Shh, absolute concentration is needed during research, Y/N,” but he lets go of the papers he was holding and leans back into his chair, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “You’re required to stay until my energy levels are back to normal,” 
“And what’s your energy levels now?” You play along with his little game, him starting to pepper kisses on your cheek. “I’m at zero, you’ve only just come in after all,” 
Sometimes you wonder if he really gets any work done, but it looks as if he does, and is even more determined to keep researching certain things. Of course, there were still days where he was incredibly busy. But he’d made up for those days by being considerate and aware of the time he spent at work. 
“I apologize... It got busy again this week...” he nearly sighs as he wraps his arms around your waist, the same nose kiss as a greeting. You’re a little more understanding of his predicament, but mostly because he communicated more. Where before he would come home and not say anything, now he would apologize and tell you about what was going wrong in his schedule. 
And the next day he was free, you’d wake up without worrying about breakfast because he had prepared it--granted he wasn’t the best cook in the world but he knew some recipes--and he knew just how you wanted your coffee or your tea. 
Turns out those little things did add up and made everything much easier.
“What’s for dinner today?” He asks as the two of you walk home. You put on a thinking face, “Maybe some cream stew?” the small talk the two of you engage in is peaceful and natural. “Would that be okay?” You glance at him, expecting an answer, but didn’t get any. You blink and turn your head to look at him, he’s lost in thought it looks like. “Albedo?” and he blinks back to turn and look at you. “Yes?” 
“I was asking if cream stew was okay,” there’s a slight crease of worry on your eyebrows, but his smile takes it away. “Yes, that’d be nice,” he simply says and for some odd reason, he doesn’t talk about his day today. It’d almost felt like a routine now, how he would tell you what he and Sucrose had been working on, or maybe if Klee barged in again today, or maybe even Kaeya. 
He was a little too quiet, and you kept stealing glances at him.
Even as the two of you arrive home and close the door behind you, immediately going towards the kitchen, it was a little tense and you weren’t quite sure why. He had this...frown on his face, but he didn’t look angry. “...Is there something on your mind?” you ask as you start prepping the ingredients.
He visibly stiffens up and just stands there. At this point you know that something is wrong. “Did something happen? Did I say something wrong?” You question as you’re about to wipe your hands on a kitchen towel. He suddenly shakes his head, “No, not at all. I--” 
and he starts his story as you put on an apron.
“Kaeya came by today...He says that...” his eyes dart away from you. “That I should consider...getting a ring,” You stop tying the apron around your middle and focus your attention on him. Eyes going a fraction wider. “But I... That is to say... If you would like a ring then I will gladly get you one, Y/N,” you’re not sure where this is going but your heart is starting to patter louder in your chest. “But I just don’t think it would change a thing. A ring is not enough to really tell you how much I...” he pauses and his eyes finally find yours. “How much I adore you. A band around my finger or your finger...can never represent the gratitude,” he emphasizes his next words “the comfort, the love that I have for you,”
It’s starting to feel like there’s an elephant in your throat, and you start to blink a little faster because you don’t want to cry. You just thought it’d be a little silly.
“I just... I hope you’re aware, ring or no ring... My intentions are the same. I don’t plan on spending the rest of my lifetime with anyone else,” you secretly bite your lip, “...It’ll only be you,” and he scratches the back of his neck, tearing his eyes away from you once again, mumbling--and it’s so rare to see him in such a vulnerable state-- “Kaeya mentioned that if I don’t get you a ring... that you might leave... I’m aware he’s not the most trustworthy but... I just... wanted to make sure,”
And despite the few small happy tears that finally cascade down your cheeks you laugh a little, picturing the mischievous glint in Kaeya’s eyes as he tells this to Albedo. 
Albedo smiles a little and brushes the few tears that managed to slip out, but you reply to him. “You know how Kaeya is, Bedo,” which translates to ‘don’t listen to him,’. Albedo knows. But when it came to you he wasn’t going to take chances. You contentedly wrap your arms around his middle and he hugs you back around your shoulders as he whispers into your hair. “But you know... Perhaps I should get you a ring, when the time comes,”
“Hm?” You merely murmur, asking about his sudden change in opinion.
“Just to let others know you’re taken,” 
Another rumble of laughter lifts from your chest. This time, he joins you.
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onyxoverride · 3 years
Zeke Jaeger x Reader
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◙warnings: 18+ minors dni. a ton of pussy eating. Some breeding kink, some fucking. Cumplay, cum eating, snow balling. Domestic, established relationship. Eating pussy semi-public. Somnophilia. creampie. I block blogs w no age indications and minors.
◙word count: 3.2k
◙summary: Zeke is a fiend when it comes to eating you out. So here’s some of the ways he does... “The Usual”  “Asleep”  “Punishment” and “After Fucking” 
◙ note: “ohHoh he fuckin that shit UP” lmao Zeke Pussy Eating Fiend™ I also think Miche would be another Pussy Eating Fiend™ which is… ironic. inspired by these two posts gods bless this moot for joining me in Zeke brainrot. 
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The Usual
If there’s one thing you know about your husband, it’s that he eats well but when it comes to you- he is a fucking fiend. He builds his schedule, from the beginning of the day to the end around you. Every morning he demands to eat you out, “it’s stress relief, and it’s like my cup of coffee for the day, please” Your man is nothing, if not a slave to his own desires and his routine day. This is about the one time you will hear him beg, or say please in general. And every morning you give in, because he looks so sweet between your legs, begging like a puppy. He looks half asleep sometimes but still so eager to just devour your cunt. Plus, an orgasm first thing in the morning is… refreshing, to say the least. 
He nudges you in the morning, way before he has to go into work, kisses your neck rubbing the scruff of his beard to agitate you, to wake you up. He’ll wait for your half slurred ‘yes’ or ‘okay’ and push your back against the bed, legs resting heavy on his shoulders. If he’s not careful his beard will rub your thighs raw, and if he does then you have to take a break from these morning escapades to heal. So he’s extra careful. Sleepy eyes, sometimes he doesn’t even bother to open them, savoring your slick on his tongue. Before he ever reaches for his glasses, he reaches for your legs to get between. Sucking your labia into his mouth, letting you squirm just a bit at his shameless eating. Hand digging into his bed-mused hair, pulling whenever it really feels good so he knows to keep going. Bringing you to an orgasm is easy, he knows just where to poke and prod with the tip of his tongue to get your walls clenching sporadically around nothing. Your head thrown back into the pillow, mouth open as he lifts his head up with your slick covering his beard. 
You thrown an arm over your eyes, “Do you really need to eat me out every morning?” 
He just sends you a smirk as he puts his glasses on as he heads to the bathroom, “Are you really complaining? I just gave you an amazing orgasm first thing in the morning. Be grateful.” Well, really you can’t complain. It feels way too good to complain.
Sometimes he doesn’t even attempt to wake you up, he knows the signs when you are okay with letting him use you in your sleep, a little green sticky note on his bedside table. It’s exciting for him, because you are so pliant, letting him do whatever he wants while you’re so vulnerable. Turning your sleepy little groans into moans until you finally wake up in a start, thighs trembling as your orgasm washes through you. Yeah, he’ll get you there, he’s determined to. 
It’s 3 am when he wakes up, a weird limbo time in the night where he usually just gets up to go pee, but this time that green sticky note tempts him to do something else. You’re a decently heavy sleeper, he has to adjust you onto your back to expose your cunt to him and fuck. You little minx, no panties on under this large shirt you’ve thrown on to sleep in, which makes his job so much easier. Spreading your lax legs wide just for him, only brushing the sides of his arms as he lays between your legs. It’s easier this way, your thighs aren’t suffocating him, even though he loves it when that happens, he won’t admit it but he likes the bit of breathplay it brings to the table. But spreading you out on the bed like a 5 course meal? Even better. 
He can see your chest rising and falling rhythmically, it almost feels wrong to disturb your sleep but… that’s what makes this so fun. He takes two fingers to spread your cunt out for him as he observes. There’s just a bit of your slick starting up, your body must know what he’s doing, your hole clenching just a bit. Cute. He leads his tongue to trail over your clit down to your hole and back. After letting his spit soak your folds along with your slick, he sucks harshly on your clit. The little moans you let out while he works on you are so cute, soft and sleepy whimpers and airy moans. He keeps his fingers spreading your cunt out so he can lap at your cunt sloppily. He’s a mess already, your slick running down his mouth into his beard and some even sticking to his nose. You feel it all, he knows it, but he wonders if you are dreaming of something, of him maybe? He’s between your legs often, he wouldn’t doubt you would see him in your dreams at this point. He keeps eating you out like a starved man, he knows you are finally awake when one of your thighs sits on his shoulder and the shuffling of pillows is heard. He doesn’t stop, if anything he goes even rougher with your slurred moans of his name and curses slipping out of your mouth. Dipping his tongue into you as his nose bump into your clit is what sends your cunt fluttering around nothing, so close to cumming. Hands clenching the pillow behind your head, you roll your hips into his mouth. So he picks up the pace and continues until you are falling apart at the tip of his tongue with your thighs trembling. He finally comes up for the first time since he went down on you, “‘Morning sweetheart,” he licks around his mouth to eat up some of the slick that has gathered on his face and beard. You just lean your head back into the pillows. This man is going to be the death of you with orgasms like those. 
In Public
This is supposed to be a dinner with his and your friends. Porco, Peick, Colt, Reiner, and you and Zeke sitting at one table at this decently nice restaurant, eating and laughing at bullshit jokes and memories. But no. Zeke just had to let his horny brain take over, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh under the table, displacing the napkin you put there at the start of dinner. You send him a look that says ‘get your hands off me you horny monkey’ but he just sends you a smirk, hand making its way to your inner thigh as Porco talks about- Ah, you can’t remember but you’re nodding and smiling at him anyways. You all have finished eating, now just enjoying some drinks and with a bit of alcohol flowing through Zeke, well, it’s not that he gets horny. He’s horny all the time, it is just when he has some alcohol he doesn’t want to hide it, or he can’t, you don’t know which. You take a sip of your drink while the tip of his finger runs over the seem of your panties under your skirt, causing you to freeze a bit. “Huh, you okay?” Porco steals your attention for a minute, so you respond with a sweet smile. 
“I’m fine! I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a minute,” Zeke is still smirking at your reaction. You know he is going to follow you but it’s better to be felt up in the bathroom than in front of your friends. Tugging your skirt back down while you slide out of the booth proves to be a struggle but you succeed and make your way to the bathroom. 
You see Zeke mention something from your place near the bathroom door as he slides out the booth as well. Ah, this is a multiple stall bathroom, that hopefully won’t be too hindering. From what you can see the bathroom is empty. You are looking in the mirror when you hear the door open and close, locked with a small click. He comes behind you in the mirror, glasses glinting in the bathroom light, grasping at your hips roughly. “Seriously Zeke, can you ever keep your hands to yourself?” That makes him giggle, his chest against your back. “Why should I? I have such a beautiful wife, she just sits there so pretty all the time like she’s begging to be touched.” You roll your eyes, but it’s not like his touches aren’t doing anything, you can already feel a little pool in your panties caused by his rough touches and strokes. His hands wrapped around your waist as he gropes up your body to your chest, little gasps being pulled from you. His eyes are staring at you from the mirror, burning holes into you until you make eye contact. Then, he quickly flips you around, coaxing you to sit on the counter between the two sinks. “Seriously, here?” His actions have you gasping at the audacity but he’s done worse, why should you be surprised now? 
“Yes. Right here. I want your pussy on my face now.” He’s determined to eat you out, so you let out a small ‘fine’ as you sit on the counter and throw your thighs over his shoulders, skirt gathered against the tops of your thighs. His tongue laps and drags over your panties, especially over the dark spots, before pushing them to the side, letting his tongue mix into the slick you’ve been producing. He lets out a groan at the taste of you. Your heels are digging into his back as he sets a rough pace into licking you, it hurts but you know he doesn’t mind, maybe even likes it. He could make you cum with just his tongue, he knows it but it takes too long and his friends will be too worried for their own good, so he’ll add his fingers into the mix. When he does sink two thick calloused fingers into you, it makes you lean back and slump against the mirror in pleasure. He curls his fingers each time he sends his tongue over your clit, “fuck, you taste so good.” You’re trying to bite the back of your hand as you brace yourself against the mirror, if you moan too loud- you don’t want to think of the consequences right now. 
In fact, you can barely think with how he is curling his fingers into you, both his tongue and fingers merciless working on your cunt. He keeps going and going, so steady in his pace, even when your hole clenches around him sporadically, the build of of tension and the risk all send you closer over the edge. Your thighs tighten around his head one more time in your release. He keeps lapping until you bop the top of his head. “Stop it you horny monkey, I can’t keep going right now and it’s been long enough.” He pulls back with a sad look, like a kicked puppy as he licks his fingers clean. He adjusts his shirt and goes to turn to the door before you grasp at his sleeve, your skin is hot and you’re giving him an embarrassed look, “Clean off your face, for gods sake.” He sends you another sadistic smirk before he leans over the sink to wash his face a bit. He would go out there with no shame with your cunt juices dripping from his beard but he’ll save that for another day perhaps. You adjust your skirt and panties, taking a paper towel to dab at the wetness between your thighs before throwing them away. You let Zeke finish cleaning his beard with a kiss on his shoulder before going back to join your friends at the table. 
They are all getting redder by the minute based off the influence of alcohol, Porco gives you a curious look to ask if you’re okay and you send him another smile. Finally, Zeke makes his way back from the bathroom to the table, sliding in next to you, nudging your arm a bit with a nerdy smile. Peick is smiling, “Hey Zeke, mind telling us why your beard is wet?” Oh, she knows, and now Reiner is perked up and blushing crimson looking between the two of you. It isn’t really clicking with Porco and Colt but by the time they both get home they’ll get it. Reiner nudges Peick to make her be quiet which is sweet of him considering you are trying to hide in your drink glass while Zeke does nothing but smirk. 
Zeke left fucking beard burn on your inner thighs from eating you out. Him not touching you for a week is punishment but it is also to let your thighs heal because ouch. He knows, he understands, but that doesn’t stop him from whining at you and complaining about how you are neglecting him. You can’t walk properly because of him, and not in a fun way. You would have preferred he blow your back out to not walk properly not leave a weird fucking rash on your inner thighs because of his beard. Finally though, it’s healed, and the last day of his punishment is up when he comes back from work. He feels deprived, he hasn’t been able to eat your pussy all week and it’s like a caffeine withdrawal. When he gets home he throws off his coat dramatically and plops onto the couch, face down on your lap. He is mumbling into your lap, “please for the love of god, sit on my face.” It has you laughing but you’ve missed him too, your body has gotten used to his tongue on you all the time. He’s pulling at your skirt impatiently to climb over his face on the couch. You give him a sweet kiss on his lips as a ‘welcome home’ before situating your thighs at either side of his face. 
“No panties? Are you trying to kill me? Filthy minx.” What can you say? You knew he would come home like this so you were prepared but its not like you can tell him that as he’s sucking your labia into his mouth and tonguing over your clit. His hands are grabbing your hips and pushing them down on his face so he can have more access to your cunt. He’ll be careful and make sure his beard avoids scrapping against your thighs, he doesn’t want to ever go a week without your cunt ever again. Going a week without cumming is weird for your body, tension only building and now you are going to cum too quickly. But he’s a fucking beast, feral, eating your pussy out like it’s his last meal on earth. You’ve never been brought so close so quickly, it has you pulling at his hair, “Zeke, fuck-” Cue onslaught of moans spilling from your mouth as you cum into his. But he keeps going even after you cum and your thighs are shaking around his head, he’s savoring this. And he is not going to stop until he has his fill. 
After Fucking 
His thrusts are jostling you against against the sheets, your hips slapping against his in a dirty rhythm, his blunt nails digging into the fat of your hips. It’s turning your brain into cotton, fuzzy and floating as the curve of his cock hits the ridges of your walls so deliciously. You’re so close to cumming on his dick, it fills you out just right and he knows how to use it. To ruin you, it only takes a few calculated thrusts and dirty talk, he’s memorized what’s made you tick over the years. “C’mon, don’t you want to be good and cum for me? It’s pathetic how quick you are to cum on my dick like this.” He’s contradicting himself a bit but it makes your hole flutter nonetheless. Your tight walls are close to making him cum too, you only get tighter the closer you get, contracting around him as he thrusts in and out of your wet cunt. The sounds are sloppy and wet, skin smacking echoing off the wooden walls and back into his ears. Your moans are debauched and his join yours, though at a much lower volume. Your knees digging into the bed, face hitting the sheets, you thrusts back into him, spreading you legs a little wider to accept him deeper into you.
“Fuck,” he brings his hand down to smack your ass, “whore, you want me deep as possible in your pussy so I can fuc-kin’ breed the shit out of you, is that it?” Your nails dig into the sheets as he continues his pace, you don’t need to answer, he can feel your cunt tighten around him as he continues his rough pace. After a few deep thrusts you are cumming with a keening whine around his cock, leaving a ring of translucent white at the base. He leans over your back to push your shoulders deeper into the bed as he fucked you, “You’re so good, cumming around my cock like this. Being such a good cocksleeve for me, a good breeding whore for me, shit-” He leaves sloppy wet kisses against your neck which contrast to his deep thrusts into you. One more, and he fills you up, deep, staying inside for a minute while he leaves small kisses on your back. He leaves a small whispered “love you” against your shoulder as he sits back on his haunches. Keeping your hips steady with the strength of one of his arms as he watches your cunt clench around nothing, slowly his cum peaking out before sliding down to your clit. You can hear him whisper out curses as he watches, you would scold him but you’re tired and fuzzy after a wonderful orgasm, you’ll let him have his fun for now but that doesn’t stop the embarrassment from kicking in. Your pussy is puffy and a little swollen from the abuse of his dick, and your slick smeared all over your folds, even cuter now his is cum is accenting it. 
Ah, he can’t help himself, you look delicious.
So he leans forward and wraps his lips around whatever he can reach around your cunt, sucking his cum into his mouth and holding it. He keeps lapping at your cunt even though you are gasping from overstimulation, really it’s too much and your head is still fuzzy from your orgasm. All the cum he gathers in his mouth he attempts to push back into your hole, even when it flutters and rejects it, pushing it back out again. It’s an interesting flavor, kind of gross but the actions he is doing plus the flavor of your slick make it better, hotter. Eventually he gives up on trying to push his cum back into with his tongue and holds it in his mouth to lean over you once again. Him pushing his own cum into your mouth is shocking, locking you into a make-out session with a sloppy mixture of his cum, your juices, and spit running down both your chins. Passing the cum between the two of you, you finally swallow some to get rid of it, looking at him with wide eyes as he smirks down at you, “one more time?” Fuck, how can you refuse after that? You are all hot and bothered again, “Yes please.” He wipes up some of the mixture dripping down his chin with his thumb and presses it into your mouth as you obediently wrap your lips around his thumb. “Good girl.”
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𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤 <3
//: 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
2K notes · View notes
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amethyst you so much
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Summary: Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
Warnings: pure fluff, weed mention, hurt/comfort, grief and mourning
Word Count: 6.4K
Read on Ao3
Late nights at the office had become his thing since Gideon left.
He couldn’t bring himself to go home some nights without a game of chess, a cup of coffee, and the ambiance of the post case staff working. He would’ve had no idea about what goes on after they close a case if he didn’t stay behind most nights.
The phone rings almost every 10 minutes, and it’s always answered by the sweetest voice. The fax machine never turns off, and the most beautiful girl in the world is always running around placing papers in different places.
He’s been smitten with her since she started here, 2 years ago. Never seeing much of her since she was switched to the night shift, always wanting to just watch her from afar, never speaking to her unless he needed to.
“Yes, again we are so sorry for the door,” he can hear her voice from the back corner of the room. “Agent Morgan will be paying for that out of his paycheck, don’t worry, Mr. Kennings. We’ll be sure to remember your hotel when we’re in the area again. The FBI has a very generous budget for overnight cases. Of course, you have a good night too.”
She hung the phone up harshly and let out a deep sigh. He turned around to see her face in her arms, resting against the desk. She looked done, completely fed up. He would be too.
She looked up then, noticing that he was making eye contact with her. She awkwardly smiled and waved at him, “sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Spencer replied. “We asked for the key, I should have stopped him from kicking it in.”
She laughed then, walking over to his desk so she didn’t have to yell across the room. She sat on the corner of his desk lightly, “why do you stay every night?”
“Oh, um,” he wasn’t prepared for this. She had never talked to him before. She was barely able to even look at him when she used to place papers on his desk 2 years ago, now she was on his desk.
“I don’t like to bring the work home with me, it’s better to destress here before I go to my apartment,” he answered, half honestly.
She nodded slightly, “I get it. Luckily I go home in the mornings so the sun helps me feel better.”
“Going home in the dark isn’t fun,” she lightly smiled up at her.
“Do you want a coffee or anything?” She asked softly, “seeing as I am still your assistant as long as you’re here?”
He laughed lightly, “I would, but I’d like to join you in the staff room for it?”
“Okay,” she stood, straightening out her shirt as he stood as well.
He held the doors open for her, letting her walk out first, still smiling as she waited in the hall for him. Never being anything less than 1 foot from him for some reason, and he didn’t mind in the slightest.
“Do you like your job?” He asked lightly.
“Oh yeah,” she laughed. “It’s like customer service on crack. Have you ever had to explain to someone why you can’t pay for the cracked foundation after Agent Morgan’s ransacked a place?”
“I honestly never thought of who has to deal with the aftermath,” he awkwardly admitted to her. “I’m so sorry.”
She couldn’t stop laughing as they entered the kitchen, “it’s fine. I never have to apologize on your behalf, it’s everyone else who seems to be reckless. Sometimes I feel like it would be better if I came along to babysit.”
“That would be helpful,” he smiled softly as she entered the staff room.
He watched as she took a new coffee filter out of the cupboard. Emptying the coffee pot with ease, rinsing everything before adding the water and scooping in the grounds. He was mesmerized by how fast she was able to do it, then again it was sort of her job.
“What mug would you like?” She turned to him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat.
“Um, the purple one, if it’s there?”
“You really like purple, huh?” She teased him, standing on her tippy-toes to reach the mug for him.
She placed it on the counter before grabbing a white mug, it had a bumblebee on it, “bee happy” written along the top. It was perfect for her.
“Purple is a stress-reducing colour,” she explained. “When I was a kid my parents painted my room purple so that I’d sleep better.”
“I’ve always been drawn to it.”
She leaned against the counter while the coffee pot started to percolate, “Probably because of your anxiety, coffee doesn’t help that.”
“It’s in my DNA to be like this,” he tried to joke, knowing he succeeded when her smile crept back onto her face.
He was on a mission to keep seeing it.
“For someone who spends a lot of time with dead bodies, creepy places and bad people, you sure are a mousy little thing aren’t you?” She teased him.
“I also love Halloween, go figure.” He’s not sure where the confidence came from, being able to make light-hearted jokes like this was only easy with the team.
Which she technically was a part of. He’s seen her almost every single day for 3 years, slowly being able to get comfortable enough for this very moment.
“What else are you into, outside of here?” She asked honestly, making his heart swell as no one else had ever asked him before.
“Lots of things,” he sighed. “I love to read, I’ll read anything. But mostly I enjoy far-off worlds. Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Sherlock mostly.”
“No supernatural?” She gasped. “Sacrilege, honestly. What kind of nerd are you if you don't support supperwholock?”
“That's the show with the monster hunting brothers right?” He tried to recall it to his mind.
She nodded with a pressed-lipped smile, “it’s bad but in a way where I can’t stop watching every Thursday, they just introduced an angel who is pretty gay. Star Trek is cool too, I guess, I was raised by Trekkies.”
“My mom was into Doctor Who.”
“Mamma’s boy,” she teased him slightly, returning her focus to the coffee as she poured the now finished brew into their mugs. “She was nice when she came in that one time, I made her a very sweet coffee just like yours.”
He reached for the sugar then, poring a generous amount into his mug with a grin, “how much do you like?”
“the same amount,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate the taste of coffee, but it keeps me awake.”
He poured the sugar into her mug as she places a spoon in each. Allowing him to stir his own before picking it up finally. Holding the warm ceramic in his hands, it was almost as warm as the feeling in his chest when he looked at her.
He’s felt it for a long time. He’s been caught staring at her by Derek, JJ even tried to get him to give her his number. Which she already had for when she calls him into work in the middle of the night. They knew he had a crush, he did too. He just didn’t know what to do about it.
“Come to my desk, I want to show you something?” She asked softly, avoiding eye contact as she walked towards the door.
He followed, like a lost puppy, all the way back to her desk. It was always neat, he always looked at it when he made his way up the stairs to the briefing room. He could even see it from where he sat at the table sometimes. Always wanting to see her leave in the mornings.
She had a collection of rocks that always changed, he loved the blue one the most but it wasn’t there currently. She had all new ones since the last time he looked.
“Here,” she hands him one. It’s brown and gold, the colours moving and shifting as he turns it with his fingers. The gold running through it like a beautiful wave.
“what’s this for?”
“It’s a Tiger’s eye, for good luck and happiness,” she smiled. “Keep it at your desk and maybe it’ll be easier for you to relax when you come back?”
The butterflies in his chest were swirling then as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. Wanting him to take it, wanting him to feel better. Caring for him.
“Thank you,” he barely whispers, clearing his throat softly. “It’s very nice of you.”
“You’re always nice to me, so,” she shrugged.
They sat down then, he dragged his chair from his desk over to hers. Sitting in close as she explained all the meanings to her rocks. He listened carefully, getting to examine each one as she spoke.
“This one is Jade, it’s for balancing emotions and allowing compassion so I don’t scream at everyone on the phone,” she laughed as she placed one in his hands. Her fingers brushing his palm softly.
It was a beautiful green stone with a thin white line running through it, separating into 3 directions as he flipped it over, “it’s beautiful.”
“I know some people don’t believe in this stuff,” she started to get embarrassed as she placed them all back on the shelf. “But I’ve always thought; if the moon, which is just a rock, can control the water, and humans are 70% water, then who’s to tell me the moon cycles don’t control my emotions and these smaller rocks can’t help problem areas?”
“You’re not wrong,” he shook his head softly as he thought her words over. “People depended on the stars and planets for guidance originally, as well as rocks and herbs for healing, just because it’s outdated doesn’t mean it doesn’t work?”
“Thank you,” she smiled. “No one has ever agreed with me that easily.”
“Anytime you want to talk, I’ll just be over there,” he pointed at his desk. “And I’m a phone call away?” He swallowed sharply at his boldness, trying to stay calm as he awaited her answer.
“I do have your number,” she smiled, reaching out to place her hand on his. “But you should go home, I’m sure you’re chilled out now.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, staring at her hand as they touched. He lightly wrapped his hand around hers, holding it slightly, running his thumb over her knuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“And every day after,” she whispered, tilting her head as she smiled at him.
This was going to be interesting.
Penelope was always dragging him out. She would take him shopping, to dinner, to the movies. She was like his big sister, dedicated to making sure he wasn’t always cooped up or trying to retreat into a fantasy life.
She kept him busy.
She had 4 bags in her hands as they walked down the street, peering into the store windows to see what else she could possibly be interested in taking home for someone. That’s when they passed the natural health store.
He stopped in his tracks, seeing all the different rocks on the wall accompanies by little cards that described how they could help. He opened the door and rushed inside before Penelope even noticed he stopped following her.
“Good afternoon!” The shop owner called out to him. “How can I assist you today?”
“Um, the girl I like has a rock collection,” he says softly, knowing Penelope is behind him listening. “Crystals more specifically, I’d like to get her some?”
“Well, you came to the right place,” the man beams, escorting him to the wall of rocks. “What is she like?”
“Wonderful,” the words are carried out of his mouth on a sigh as he thinks about her. “She’s confident and nice, and caring. She’s always positive and just so lovely.”
“I’ve got you,” the man starts picking rocks off the wall and placing them in his hands.
Spencer follows him to the desk where he lays down a handful of rocks, Penelope is shockingly quiet as she stands beside him, staring at the collection. She’ll be full of questions later, all of which he is terrified of.
“This is a rose quartz, pretty basic love, beauty, anti-depression stone,” he pushes the pink and a green rock towards him. “Serpentine is for new adventures, observation and insight. I have a feeling you’re up for an adventure with her?”
Spencer nodded enthusiastically, “I like that one. It would be better to get her some rare ones, some that have to do with friendship, new beginnings, or opportunities?” He tried to explain his feelings as best as he could. Not knowing if he sounded dumb for a change.
The man smiled wide, “here,” he dipped below the counter and dug out a box. “Chrysocolla is literally for new beginnings, love and opportunity.”
He hands Spencer a vitreous, raw blue stone with small green marks running all through it, it’s beautiful like her. “This is perfect.”
“I’ll throw in a Kiwi Jasper as well, it’s for being by someone's side, support and trust. As well as a Ruby in Zoisite it symbolizes finding the joy in life with someone,” he hands Spencer two equally beautiful stones, prepping a bag and wrappings for all of them.
Spencer lays out the 5 stones he picked out, watching him wrap them with care before placing them in a bag. He rings everything up, Spencer pays and before he’s even out the door Penelope is pouncing on him for answers.
He can't help but blush and stutter, trying to brush past her and continue walking down the street. “You can’t hide forever Spencer, who is she?”
“How do you know it’s a she?”
“You literally said so?” She looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Come on? I won't tell anyone!”
The gears are turning in Penelope's head as she tries to place a face to the name, knowing she’s seen her somewhere, “From the office?”
He nods softly, “the one Derek bullies me for staring at?” He clues her in more as they walk.
“He also bullies her for staring at you,” she adds with a smile. “She’s going to love those, when are you going to give them to her?”
“I was thinking about just leaving one on her desk every day? Maybe with a note for why I picked it?” He really wants to woo her, she’s too special to just flirt with.
“She’s going to love that.”
Sure enough, he walked into work every day for the next week, placing a rock on a sticky note on her desk. He was never around when she was able to see it, only knowing she got it when he'd arrive at work the next morning with a note reading 'thank you ♥︎ ' on top of his files.
He thinks about her all weekend, planning how he'll give her the last rock as he takes the elevator up that morning. Only to see her sitting at her desk, phone pressed to her ear as she tried to talk someone out of suing the FBI, she looked absolutely miserable. Just a casual Monday morning for her, almost at the end of her shift.
He rushed over to his desk, putting all his stuff down to dig one of the rocks from his satchel. Picking the Kiwi Jasper for today, he grabbed a pen and a sticky note and wrote her a little note.
“Always here if you need to talk, -Spencer ♥︎”
He walked over to her desk, she was still talking so she didn’t notice him until he was right there, she looked up at him with a thankful smile.
“Yes sir,” she answered the person talking to her. “Can I call you back after I speak to the chief? thanks.” She hung up on him, turning all her attention to Spencer.
“I know you know it's been me leaving these, but I brought you in another one,” he says softly, placing the rock in her hand and sticking the note to the shelf where it would end up.
“oh my gosh, Spencer?” She placed her free hand on her heart as she looked at the rock.
“You looked upset?”
She stands and pulls him into a hug, he can feel all the eyes on him as he holds her back, letting his chin rest on her shoulder as she squeezes him.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled back, awkwardly smiling at him as she also noticed everyone staring.
“Always,” he smiled back, hand still resting on her arm. “Um, I have a case I need to get to.”
“Of course, good luck,” she smiled.
He pulls the tiger's eye out of his shirt pocket, showing her that he still had it, “kinda hard not to have good luck with this.”
She bit back a smile, her eyes gleaming as she took a deep breath through her nose. Releasing the same feelings he was keeping inside, allowing both their butterflies to swarm out together.
He loved when they had cases in Virginia. Being able to stay in the bullpen and work was relaxing, it was easier to think where he felt safe.
He was working on the geo profile all alone, a huge map stretched across a clear case board as he laid a yardstick across it. Drawing a thick red line with marker over it, in his own little world as he worked away.
He doesn’t realize she’s standing there too until she’s lightly pressing her hand on his back.
“Hey,” she whispers softly. “It’s 10 pm, thought you’d like a coffee?” She places the purple mug on his desk with her purse, turning her attention back to what he’s doing.
“Thank you, I’m almost done here,” he says softly, finishing the red triangle he was making on the map.
“I’ve always found it fascinating how you do this,” she complimented him. “You’re so careful.”
“Like baking, it’s an exact science,” he smiled softly.
It made her giggle slightly, placing her hand back on his back as she moved in closer to look. He wanted her to stay there forever, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus. He tried his best to steady his hand as he finished the line.
Putting the yardstick back down and turning to her, she doesn’t move her hand, instead, softly moving to rest on his arm as she stands close to him. “How are you?”
He feels nervous for some reason, it’s not like she hasn’t been this close to him before. It’s just that she’s close and she smells wonderful and he wonders if her lips would be a better wake-up call than the coffee she brought.
He realizes he’s staring at her lips when he licks his own, “I’m good,” he furrows his brow and clears his throat with a nod.
She smirks at him, “how come you’re the only one still here? Hotch said it could wait till tomorrow?”
“I was waiting for you,” he admits, “but I got carried away setting this up, I never heard you come in?”
“Cause I didn’t,” she scrunches her nose slightly as she straightens her stance. “I saw you working hard and went right to get you a coffee.”
“You’re wonderful,” he blushes as the words slip out, trying his best to keep eye contact when all he wants to do is kiss her.
She pats his arm slightly as she backs up a little, grabbing her bag from where she set it on his desk. “I’m going to set up for the night, come talk to me before you leave?”
“Of course,” he says as she walks away, letting out a small sigh as he realizes just how badly he wants her.
He never gets to talk to her before he leaves, she’s on the phone when hotch comes storming in. Saying something about another body and making Reid leave with him. He’s busy for 3 days straight, thinking about her with every free thought he’s able to squeeze in.
He carries the rock from her in his pocket everywhere he goes; in his pants beside his keys, in his bag with his books, in his breast pocket, over his heart, behind a bulletproof vest. Feeling it press against his chest, a part of her keeping him safe where ever he went.
They finish the case with minimal damage, Spencer specifically making sure that Derek leaves all the doors on the hinges for Y/N’s sake, cleaning up any messes they make so she won’t have to hear about it over the phone. They all notice that he’s doing it for her, quietly appreciating the fact that Spencer is happy for a change, that there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes again.
He arrives back at Quantico 30 minutes before her shift starts. Everyone else is packing up for the day while he sits at his desk, reading to occupy the time before she comes in.
Only she doesn’t.
30 minutes pass and she’s nowhere to be seen, it’s only 9:02 by the time he starts to panic. Wondering if she’s okay, hoping she’s just in the elevator or grabbing a coffee that’s actually good, somewhere outside of the office.
“Reid,” he hears Hotch calling him from his office door. “She just called in, her grandmother passed away last night so she won't be in.”
“Oh,” he furrows his brow, looking at him with confusion. “How did you know?”
“Penelope,” he smiles. “She’s still here too, and she knows where Y/N lives.”
“It wouldn’t be weird to go see if she’s okay?”
Hotch just smiles at him again, “go see her, Reid.”
Getting her address from Penelope felt a little weird, but she writes it on a sticky note for him and he’s out the door before she can even pry into what he’s going to say. Which is good, because he doesn’t know yet.
It’s late, but he stops by the little rock store on his way to her house. Seeing the lights still on and the same man from before behind the counter.
“Welcome back,” he’s overly cheerful for it being so late. “How did she like them?”
“She likes the ones I’ve given her so far,” he smiles, looking over the wall himself this time for the right one.
Scanning past every emotion and affirmation known to man as he looked around, picking out a beautiful pink Rhodonite for healing grief, supposedly acting as a hug from emotional troubles. And a Rainbow Moonstone for inner peace, harmony and strength.
“She’s lost someone recently?” He asks as Spencer places them on the counter.
“Her grandmother,” he says softly. “These are good, right?”
“They’ll be perfect, we also have amethyst bracelets, they’re good for healing and drawing in positive energy,” he points towards the small display of bracelets. Small purple stones separated with small gold beads.
He picks up 2 of them, placing them on the counter as well.
“Is she still just a crush?”
Spencer laughs lightly, “unfortunately.”
“She might be more after this,” he smirks, ringing him up. “I’ll give you a 2 for one deal on everything, I have a feeling you’ll be in a lot.”
Spencer thanks him as he pays, picking out a small purple bag for the rocks and bracelet. Placing one on his own wrist before leaving. Also picking up some cookie dough ice cream and a card at the corner store just beside her apartment. Remembering all the times Penelope, JJ or Emily has mentioned it being the best ice cream for crying.
He takes a very deep breath before knocking on her door, hoping to every god out there that she doesn’t find this incredibly inappropriate and weird.
“Spencer?” He hears her voice before she even opens the door, looking out the peephole at him.
She whips the door open, eyes puffy and swollen as she looks at him in shock. She’s in a big sweater and shorts, tears dripping down her cheeks as she shakes her head at him.
“I thought you could use some cheering up?” He awkwardly smiles, holding the ice cream up for her to see.
She wraps her arms around his middle, burying her face against his coat. Still crying as she holds him, he holds her with his free hand, shushing her as he presses his cheek to her head.
She pulls back with a sniffle, “come in,” she offers with an arm out, ushering him inside the small room as she closes the door.
He takes his shoes off, handing her the ice cream so he can take off his coat and satchel too. “This isn’t weird right?”
“Not at all,” she laughs slightly through the awkwardness. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you care this much.”
“I brought something for you,” he says as he struggles to dig everything out of his pocket.
He hands her the card and the little purple bag, seeing the overwhelming glance grow on her face. Her eyes grew wide as he mouth opened, speechless.
She opened the card first, reading the passage about grief that was already provided. Dealing with grief was something Spencer knew too well, adding something a little special to the bottom of the card.
“To live in hearts we left behind is not to die,” -Thomas Campbell. As long as you remember her, with a smile on your face and love in your heart, she will always be with you ♥︎ Spencer
She wipes her tears with her forearm, placing the card on the counter beside the ice cream before she opens the bag. She pulls out the bracelet first, absolute shock on her face.
“Spencer?” Is all she can say, in a high squeak as she shakes her head at him.
“I didn’t want you to be sad,” he says softly, stepping into her space and placing a hand on her arm. “I love seeing you smile, and I thought this could help.
He takes the bracelet from her grasp and places it over her hand. Resting it on her wrist softly, straightening it out against her sweater as she notices the matching on over his shirt sleeve.
“Oh this is so cute,” she swoons. “thank you, really Spencer.”
“And there are some rocks for grief healing in there too, one is supposedly like an emotional hug which should heal the grief and sorrow, and the other is more for inner peace and harmony,” he rambles away, not wanting her to miss anything.
She pours the rocks from the bag, into her hand, looking them over silently with a smile, “they’ll look great on my desk.”
“The purple looks nice on you too,” he compliments her, watching her eyes drift up to him.
She places the rocks on the counter before wrapping her arms around him once more. This time he’s able to actually hold her back, tight as possible as he rubs his hand over her back.
She smells like home, clean laundry and happiness. She’s soft and warm, he holds her perfectly against his chest, like she was a missing puzzle piece that someone finally found under the table, she fits into his life like she was supposed to be there.
She kisses his cheek softly before she pulls back, causing him to pull her into a real kiss on impulse. Connecting their lips as she sighs into the contact, melting into his grasp as she kisses him back.
Her lips are soft, fitting between his own gently as she breathes him in. Her hands reach up to grip his cheeks, kissing him again and again, placing pecks to his lips and cheeks with her eyes closed as he giggles.
“Thank you,” she whispers against his lips, “for everything.”
“I’d do anything for you,” he whispers back, kissing her one last time before she pulls away.
“I was actually about to smoke some weed on the fire escape and probably cry some more,” she laughs lightly. “would you like to join me?”
“I’ll stick with a bowl of ice cream,” he smiled awkwardly.
“Nice one,” she laughs as she opens the ice cream.
“Oh, you didn’t even get the reference you made,” she laughs lightly, “to get high you smoke a bowl, so…”
It makes him smile, “I'm a comedian part-time.”
He makes her laugh again, loving the sound of her giggle replacing the tears. “Why aren’t you this funny at work?”
He thinks about it for a little, watching her scoop the ice cream into two bowls, “it’s a little hard to make jokes when people's lives are on the line, I know everyone else does but I get too focused.”
“They probably wouldn’t appreciate your jokes even if you did make them,” she says as she handed him a bowl with a spoon. “They’re kind of mean to you, in a family way but it still sucks sometimes to overhear.”
She walks into the living area then, grabbing a few blankets and opening the window to the fire escape. Crawling out to sit on the ledge, waiting for him.
“I don’t mind it,” he says as he finally sits down beside her.
She places the blanket over their laps, both of them sitting criss-cross applesauce as they ate.
“Do you like your job?” She asks him, just like he once asked her.
“Most of the time,” he nodded as he got brain freeze. The cold air, the cold ice cream, everything that was catching up to him as he scrunched his face up at the feeling.
She laughs at him only a bit before she’s also attacked by the brain freeze, holding the vein in her neck as she chokes out another laugh, trying to warm up the blood going to her head so the pain would stop.
They’re both just a mess of giggles together, unable to say any words as they let it all out. She leans her head on his shoulder lightly as they calm down to just soft chuckles. He presses his cheek against her head.
“Thank you, Spencer,” it sounds like she’s crying a bit. “My grandma was a lovely woman, she’d be glad I’m laughing right now.”
He reached out a hand for her to hold over the blanket. She interlocked their fingers softly, both cold from holding their ice cream bowls.
“If she was anything like you, I’m sure she was the most wonderful woman,” he says softly, not intending to make her cry but having a feeling he might.
“Would you be interested in holding me on the couch while I cry?” She asked softly, tears in her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”
He’s late for work the next morning.
Waking up to the smell of coffee, opening his eyes to a strange view. He’s on a couch he doesn’t recognize in a room he doesn’t know too well.
Then he remembers, they ended up cuddled up on the couch. He wakes up to the memory of her on his chest, crying softly as they listened to some music, he ran his hand over her back while she went through it all, blessed to have his support.
He fell asleep under her at some point, waking up alone with a blanket laid over him. He sat up to see her in the kitchen, pouring coffee into a travel mug.
“Good, you’re awake,” she smiles at him. “Coffee is ready, I uh, I have this button-up shirt from a guy friend, if you wanted to wear that to work today? So they don’t think you stayed here?”
“That’s smart,” he replies as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
Getting up, he uses the bathroom, changes and takes that coffee from her. He’s not expecting her to kiss him on the lips at the door, but she sends him off to work like an old housewife.
He doesn’t want to pull away from her, keeping her pressed against him as he leans in for 4 more kisses before she finally pushes him out into the hallway with a laugh, “get to work!”
“Fine,” he sighs, “are you going to be in tonight?”
“Yeah,” she smiles, “funeral is in West Virginia next week, so I’ll be in until then.”
“I’ll see you later?”
She nods slightly with a soft smile, “you’ll be seeing a lot of me soon, Spencer.”
“Good,” he winks at her before heading down the hallway and towards the street entrance.
He sighs as he walks outside, resting his back against the apartment complex door, taking a moment to think about everything that just happened, the night of company and the wonderful send-off.
It was something he could get used to.
He rushes into the briefing room when he arrives at Quantico, sitting down with his coffee and pretending he wasn’t late. Listening carefully to JJ’s presentation of the case as he flips through everything he missed already.
“Wheels up in 30,” he heard Hotch say as he zoned back in. “Nice of you to join us, Reid.”
“I know that travel mug from somewhere,” Derek said as he stared at Spencer, who was taking a sip to avoid the awkwardness.
“Hmm?” He played dumb.
“That’s Y/N’s. She washes it every morning when she leaves to go home, I see her do it every morning,” his eyes open wide. “Holy shit.”
“Isn’t that the same tie and slacks from yesterday?” Emily teased him as well.
“Her grandma died, I brought her ice cream and slept on the couch okay?” He all but yelled, flailing his arms slightly so they’d all back off.
Derek reached his fist out for him to pound it, “good man.”
Then Penelope noticed the bracelet, “did she get you that?”
He sunk his hand into his pocket then, “no.”
“What?” Emily and JJ asked in unison, straining their necks to try and get a good look at what she was talking about.
He nervously held his arm out for them, showing them the purple bracelet resting over the sleeve of his shirt. “I got one for her too, it’s for healing and peace. It’s what she needs right now.”
“Oh, so you love her,” Derek smiles as he teases him. Making everyone else in the room swoon slightly.
“Okay and?”
“Oh my god!” Most of them shout at him, embarrassing him to no end. He was so glad she wasn’t at work this morning or else she would be able to hear this from her desk.
“Did you kiss her?” Rossi pries, asking what everyone else was thinking.
He scrunches his face, pushing his glasses up slightly as he clears his throat, “a few times.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” JJ kept the questions coming.
“Not yet,” he said softly. “Kinda weird to walk into her apartment while she cries to say ‘hey sorry about the death in your family, want to date me?’”
“Yeah,” Emily agrees, shrugging lightly. “At least she knows you like her now, it’s been what? 2 years?”
“2 years, 3 months, 17 days and 43 minutes,” he confirms with a small nod and pressed lips.
“Gross,” Derek teases him.
“The plane is leaving in 10 minutes,” Hotch cut into their fun.
Making them all gather their things and continue the interrogation in the elevator, and eventually on the plane, and in the police precinct. Even Penelope called him in the middle of everything to bug him about her.
The questions were never-ending, everyone wanted to know how they even started talking, who made the first move, how he plans to ask her out. They were relentless, he almost regretted admitting to anything.
They bug him all throughout the day, all the way until they’re arriving back at the BAU late that same night. He almost doesn’t want to go back to the bullpen and see her with all of them, knowing they were going to follow and say something.
She’s waiting in the hall when the elevator doors open, a pressed-lipped smile on her face, “bad news.”
“Another one?” Hotch sighs, “have Garcia send us the info. Be at the table in 10.” He pushes his way out of the elevator, passed them all as they stare at Y/N.
“Hi?” She awkwardly waves at them all, showing off the bracelet on her wrist.
“See ya, Spence,” JJ and Emily say as they matt his shoulder, dragging Derek and Rossi towards the bullpen doors.
“Sorry,” he apologizes for them softly, stepping into her space.
She wraps him up in a quick hug, keeping one arm around his waist as she guides him towards the bullpen, “it’s fine, they’re going to have to get used to us being together.”
“Together?” He repeats her words.
“I only cry on my boyfriend's shoulders, if you're up for the title?” She teases him softly, pinching his side as they walk towards the doors.
“Can I frame “Dr. Spencer Reid, Y/N’s boyfriend” beside my Ph.D.’s?” He keeps his hand on her shoulder, holding each other slightly as they walk towards her desk. He felt like one of those kids who wouldn’t let go of their girlfriend's hand in the school hallway, attached to her at the hip.
“I’ll make one for you while you’re gone,” she laughs lightly.
They stop at her desk where he sees all rocks he got her collecting on the shelf, as well as a cup of coffee and his favourite kind of donut.
“Thought you deserved something nice too,” she says as she nudges his side.
He kisses her on the cheek as a thank you, “you’re welcome,” she smiles to herself. A feeling of pride growing in both their chests.
“See you later?” He asks as he picks up the coffee and donut, walking away slowly as she smiles at him.
“Come home to me safely, Doctor Reid,” her voice is just loud enough for everyone in the briefing room, where everyone is waiting at the window, watching them, deciding to put on a show in return.
He stops on the steps to look at her softly, “I’d fight a thousand unsubs to come home to you.”
“I’ll leave the light on,” she blows a kiss at him, making him blush a deep red.
He waves, making his way up the steps and into the briefing room. A smile on his face, heart thumping in his chest, all the support in the world swarming around him as everyone patted him on the back.
That tiger’s eye really did bring him good luck and happiness, and her name was Y/N.
845 notes · View notes
mcrcki · 2 years
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here i am three days late with a post event starter call/plotting call/all around ramble for me to explain my plan ???? is this mostly for me so i know what i’m doing? yes. do you get starters out of listening to me ramble for a paragraph? also yes. so, win-win. but you know normal starter call/plotting rules !! please like for plots ,, and if you are requesting a starter please SPECIFY or else i will not be completing the request. i do also ask that you do not ask for more than 3 requests per writer cause my brain is a mess and i wanna keep my sanity xoxo
as for what i’m doing with replies ; i will honestly just be keeping or dropping things as i get them back, it’s gonna just depend on muse/if the thread was plot heavy. but if i end up dropping a thread that you really wanted, please let me know! otherwise, i am more than happy to write a new starter, or we can turn meme replies into a thread! but most event stuff i’ll be working through dropping or transitioning! the only character i am dropping all pre-event threads with is sella palpatine, as she was made unaware!
anyways !!! i think that’s all my house keeping bs????? here’s my connections page, and here’s a starter call now , ✨as a treat✨ 
leia organa || star wars || 1 / 5
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honestly leia never thought she would be so relieved to feel the force again? while she had some fun with that new power, she is more relieved than anything to finally be able to feel her family again. not having that connection to them had her on edge so now it’s just business like usual. except for when she finds out about her sister xoxo
tenel ka djo ( alex )
lin || spirited away || 0 / 5
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lin’s kinda chill about all of this? sure, she’s a little freaked out that this city can randomly just do shit like that? and she’s suspicious that this city might not be the human world like chihiro has been saying, but really she’s just happy to be herself again. although it was nice to be done with work so quickly.
your starter here :)
marlene mckinnon || harry potter || 0 / 5
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never has marlene been so fucking elated, she could cry being able to do just a simple accio, please. best day of her life. she never wants to be without her magic again. though, she’s gonna be p stressed when she hears about james, she would love if her friend group could all remember each other for like 3 consecutive months please. she’s just happy she can make coffee again
this slot looks empty without you
omega archeron || star wars || 1 / 5
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lowkey kinda annoyed. she was really vibing with her new power, was hoping somehow she could maybe keep them and be able to actually help her family. feels a little like a fraud now, having a hard time adjusting to just being normal omega again. gonna be a little bummed for the next few days honestly, just except moody teen vibes
jolyne kujo ( elle )
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 || 1 / 5
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on one hand, thank god, powers are back she’s safe, her family’s safe everything is normal again. on the other hand, holy fuck what did people do when they had my power??? did anyone fuck up the balance, was there a mistake that someone made with match making? just gonna be a little stressed trying to figure out how to clean everything up, but mostly relieved things are okay
leonard ‘bones’ mccoy   ( alex )
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter || 1 / 5
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rowena ravenclaw, button pusher extraordinaire. got herself a little too close to people with these powers, just wanted to do some research, to know more about what’s going on but she’s kinda glad everything is just back to normal now. this city doesn’t feel as simple as it did before and she would like to just have everything feel like somewhat easy again. the time adjustment was almost easier than all of this surging magic.
mary stuart ( swan )
sella palpatine || star wars || 3 / 5
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sella’s having kinda of a complete 180 from where she was at at the beginning of the event, mainly due to the fact that you know she was unalived. you can read her updated plot info here ,, but for now, she’s having a complete freak out trying to figure out what the actual kriff her force went??? how do you just lose the force. it’s not like it can just disappear. so she’s having a time, doesn’t know why so many people claim they know her, is just all around having a time and would like to just focus on getting her powers back
mikasa ackerman ( elle )
cullen rutherford ( alex )
elara palpatine ( cherry )
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle || 0 / 5
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if sophie never has to even hear the word ghost uttered again, it’ll be too soon. they are beyond happy to be able to just go about their life like normal again. honestly though, she’s a little shaken still, is kinda jumpy and is having a hard time just letting everything go, so it’s gonna be a few days of just on edge but slowly realizing things are okay again. please, she’s begging : no ! more ! magic !
your name and this dot are a match made in heaven
suki || avatar : the last airbender || 2 / 5
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suki’s really sitting here thinking maybe she’s been wrong her whole life and benders in fact have it way worse and being without any powers is better. she’s just glad she doesn’t feel the responsibility of keeping some random kid she didn’t know alive anymore. is just very relieved to be herself again and will probably not be wishing she could have been born a bender ever again 
bea cook ( ellie )
cassie sandsmark  ( elle )
tatum riley || scream ‘96 || 1 / 5
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okay so maaaaaybe tatum let the power get to her head. really acted a fool there and is kind of embarrassed, kind of feels terrible. she not used to like not being just the sidekick and got a little power crazy. but she’s trying to make amends, will be doing what she can to make up for it, anything like that. mainly just sending fruit baskets to everyone she fucked with like ‘sorry i didn’t let you have normal emotions, my bad’
sam carpenter ( swan )
14 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 3 years
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pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, shibari, dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, overstimulation/forced orgasms, squirting, degradation, name calling, daddy!kink, gags! 😍💕 ✨HAPPY NEW YEAR!!✨ Here’s to more fun fics in 2021! I can’t believe this is our last chapter though omg 😭 It’s been suuuuch a journey and a privilege to write this little series out! I’ve honestly thought about a camgirl/boy series for like, over a year now, and I’m glad I finally did it! I completed one of my goals! 🥺💕 2020 was definitely a wild one, but I want to thank you all so fuckin’ much for supporting me and stickin’ it out with me all year! Here’s to more in the coming year!💕 Also I was proofreading this at the dining table last night thinking my roommate wouldn’t come out of their room but they did(while I was making dinner and my hands were dirty so I couldnt close my laptop ☠️) and they walked past my laptop and now I’m convinced they saw my fucking smut fic right in the open so yes my little mini-break next week is MUCH needed cause I am ✨embarrassed✨ 🤣 I’ll still do my inbox roundup tomorrow and probably answer a bunch of small thirst posts ‘n stuff throughout the week but there won’t be any drabbles! For now, enjoy chapter 20 🥺, have a safe weekend, and remember that I love you~ ❤️🍒💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 COMPLETE
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Seungcheol wakes up much earlier than you do the next morning; pressing a kiss to your forehead as you groan and snuggle deeper into your pillow.
“Baby, I need to go run some errands for a little bit, okay? Just keep sleeping, you don’t need to get up yet. But, I made breakfast and put it in the microwave for you when you decide to get up later.”
His voice is muffled and you can barely understand what he’s saying but you nod; a soft sigh on your lips when you drift back into dreamland. He takes his time getting ready, checking his phone notifications as he gets dressed and places a note on the nightstand knowing that you didn’t catch a single word he said.
‘Hey, did you get everything I asked for?’
Jimin🧍🏻: of course, who do you think I am? Jeongguk?
Jimin🧍🏻: and btw, i’m just giving you a crash course okay? We don’t really have a ton of time
Jimin🧍🏻: did you watch those tutorial videos I sent you?
‘Yeah, I did some practice on my breaks, but I guess you can tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.’
Jimin🧍🏻: okee, i’ll be waiting. Don’t get here too late!
‘I’ll be otw soon. Thanks again, Jimin.’
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“Ow--damn, okay, you don’t need to tug on it so much!”
“Sorry, I’ll be careful! And why are we practicing on you anyway?! Couldn’t you just have shown me pictures or something?”
“How else will you learn if not on an actual body? It doesn’t work the same way, Seungcheol.” Jimin pauses, checking himself in the mirror. “Also, keep in mind she does have boobs so just… go slow, okay? It’s not gonna sit like this on her.”
Seungcheol blushes a crimson red; biting the inside of his cheek at how amateur he was at this.
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Seungcheol is gone for a lot longer than you anticipate and although he replies quickly to your texts, you can’t help but be curious about where he’d gone and what he was doing.
Especially knowing that the two of you had to film tonight and knowing that everything was up to Seungcheol.
A shiver rolls down your body at the thought and you quickly try to shake off the nerves that seem to slowly invade your body when your mind starts to wander.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure…”
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“I’m home!”
“Where have you--oh, that’s… a b-big box? Um, should I be concerned...”
Seungcheol grins, shrugging as he sets it onto the kitchen counter. “Just some supplies for tonight. I had to go pick them up from a friend but I had to make sure everything was right.” He notices the way you can’t seem to take your eyes off of the box; eyes twinkling when he makes his way towards you.
He tilts your head up to meet his in a searing kiss, lips easing into a smile when you wrap your arms around his neck and melt under his touch. You moan against his lips just before he pulls away; staring dreamily at him while his hands start to roam over your clothed body.
“We have a long night ahead of us, sweetheart. Let’s pamper you a little before then, hmm?”
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j__min: ??? where’s the loverboy
j__min has donated $200
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $75
xcaliburDK: is that the sybian? Haven’t seen that in a looong while
You bite your lip and nod, somewhat shy as you sit alone in front of the camera. “Seungcheol’s still… setting up but he told me to start! I’m a little nervous, to be honest…” Your eyes flit to Seungcheol who rummages through the box in the kitchen and from the angle you’re sat in, you can’t see a single thing he takes out.
Earlier, he’d cooked you your favorite meal and even took the time to give you a full body massage before the two of you cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. To you, it seemed a little too suspiciously tame and you only found yourself more nervous when he made you drink two glasses of water and ever so quietly announced it was time to start getting ready for the camshow.
“He’s being so suspicious! He was even gone for a few hours earlier today…” You mumble; brows furrowed at the camera before checking the comments.
It still amazed you every time with how much money you and Seungcheol made from the camshows and videos and it made you feel even better knowing that everyone loved the chemistry the two of you had together. There were a lot of video requests and ideas mixed in with the comments at any given time and you were definitely ready to pitch some to Seungcheol now that you’d rebranded your channel to be a couple’s channel instead.
“Almost done, sweetheart!”
gc__koo: he told me to watch cuz he was being suspicious with me too 
gc__koo has donated $50
alphagyu97: what is he even plotting
alphagyu97: i am excited to see the sybian again tho ngl
artist8hao: pretty baby gonna squirt for us again?
universe_WZ: hell fuckin yea let us see how fuckin wrecked you get on that machine
You feel your pussy clench around emptiness at their comments; already feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with the anticipation.
Movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention and Seungcheol walks towards the bed with a wide smile and the same box in hand. “Ready?” You can only nod back slowly, watching as he dumps the contents of the box right next to your body.
gc__koo: oy
chwenon: oh shit
sleepy_wonu: oh baby, you’re in for it now
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
Your entire body fills with warmth as you look over the various objects; unsure of where to really look first. “I, um--”
A stack of red ropes sits next to a small bullet vibrator that sits next to a ball gag that sits next to a pair of EMT shears and your eyes immediately flit up to Seungcheol who only smirks back at your shocked expression. “I had some other toys I wanted to use but I figured I should go easy on you, y’know? Since you showed me some mercy last night.”
Nodding, you reach out towards the ropes, touching them shyly. “Why red?”
“Thought they’d be on theme for you, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol takes his time; remembering Jimin’s words when he tugs the ropes around your wrists.
“Colour, babygirl?”
“G-green… daddy…”
He nods, sitting up on his knees behind you as you sit on the sybian and face the camera. You bite your lip, somewhat embarrassed that you were already soaking the toy underneath you as Seungcheol worked to bind your arms behind you.
“D--daddy, where did you l-learn this?” You whisper, somewhat curious if this had anything to do with why he was gone for so long earlier in the day.
“Mm, daddy’s friend Jimin was kind enough to help me get the tools and teach me a few tricks to make sure I kept my babygirl safe. Wasn’t that kind of him?” You nod gently, gulping when you shift atop the machine slightly in hopes of relieving some of the growing sexual tension in your body. “Why don’t you thank him properly, sweetheart?”
Your hazy eyes make eye contact with the camera, head tilted slightly. “T-thank you, J-Jimin… for--for helping daddy…”
j__min: omg a shoutout ive made it
kitty_junjun: we never thought we’d see the day
tangerine_kwan: and here we all thought you were gonna be the bad guy huh
hoshi_tiger_xx: like when u only see previews of the book online but the rest of it is different ykwim
Seungcheol makes sure your arms are bound snug enough but not too tight; leaning away slightly to admire his rope work. “Feeling okay so far, babygirl?”
Nodding, you whine back slightly. “Y-yes, daddy… But… my--my pussy wants s-something…” He laughs in return, readjusting so that he’s sitting on your side this time to give himself easier access to start the rest of the bindings.
“Is that so? You’re gonna have to be a little more patient this time ‘cause daddy’s not done yet.” He starts working on the rest of the harness; going slow and checking in with you often to make sure none of the ropes were digging into your skin or making you uncomfortable. “You’ll have to forgive me a little though, I’m admittedly a ‘lil inexperienced so our pretty babygirl is only going to be tied up in this pretty harness for tonight.”
gentleman_josh95: the fact u even took the time to learn just for her
gentleman_josh95 has donated $100
artist8hao: seriously, the dedication
kitty_junjun: we stan a man who knows safety and etiquette 
Comments of reassurance and donations flood in at Seungcheol’s small apology and although the two of you are in your own world; you can tell from just the amount of pings coming from your laptop that they all seemed to be encouraging him.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as Seungcheol continues to move around you on the bed to finish the harness and a smile graces his lips when he starts to secure the last knots in the back. He can’t help but mentally pat himself on the back at how neatly he’d done it for his first time.
“There. All done, baby.”
Your eyes flit to the laptop’s screen to see yourself; cheeks hot when you see how fucked out you already look and he hadn’t even touched you properly or turned on the machine.
The star harness Seungcheol had tied looks pretty with red ropes and you can’t hide your smile at how good it looks on you too either. “Ah, daddy made it really p-pretty… Thank you.”
This time, Seungcheol nods, letting you admire yourself as he silently reaches for the small remote for the sybian, switching it on.
Your entire body lurches forward as soon as the vibrations attack your clit and you immediately find yourself moaning and grinding down onto the machine as he gives you some relief.  
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Now let’s really have some fun, huh?”
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You need to cum.
“Awww, is my pretty baby drooling? Does it feel that good on your sensitive ‘lil clit?” He teases, smoothing down your hair as you cry around the ball gag in your mouth; drool seeping out from the side of your lips when he raises the vibrations a setting higher.
You don’t know how many times he’d played with the settings and edged you by now, but all you do know is that the urge to cum only grows stronger as you grind against the machine, soaking it with your wetness as you chase the pleasure building up in your body again.  
Surely cumming was okay, right? He never said you couldn’t.
You whimper around the ball gag, eyes fluttering shut when the tension in your body snaps in the blink of an eye and your thighs clamp down onto the sides of the machine. Throwing your head back, you moan against the gag and ride out your high as Seungcheol watches you from the side.
“Mm, bet that felt good, huh? But I know you want something in that greedy ‘lil cunt of yours, don’t you? You want daddy’s cock slamming into your tight ‘lil hole ‘til it’s full of my cum, right, sweetheart?” He licks his lips, turning off the sybian as you slump forward.
universe_WZ: shit shes so sensitive
chwenon: especially with her arms bound like that i bet she’s on cloud nine rn
gentleman_josh95: her cute lil head is probably all fuzzy already from all the sensations
therealchan99 has donated $100
gc__koo has donated $75
j__min has donated $150
All you can do is whimper and nod; teary eyes blinking back at Seungcheol as he smirks and leans in towards you.
“Mmm, you’ll get what you want eventually. But for now, you’re gonna cum again.”
He turns the sybian back on, licking his lips when he sees your body tensing again. It was always easier to get you to cum a second time and his point is proven when you mewl around the ball gag a few minutes later; chest heaving in stuttered breaths as you try to shy away from the toy still vibrating against your overly sensitive clit when you’re quickly thrown into another orgasm.
“You always cum for daddy so easily, don’t you, babygirl?”
Your head feels fuzzy after already cumming twice in such a short span of time but you nod, head lolling to the side as Seungcheol finally turns the sybian off for good.
Seungcheol gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s scooting in and fiddling with the clasps at the back of your head to take the ball gag off.
A thread of saliva connects your lips to the gag and you whimper at how good it feels to be able to actually speak again. “D-daddy…” Drool drips from your mouth as your lead lolls forward and Seungcheol is quick to bring a hand up to keep your head up as he looks into your lust filled eyes.
“Colour, sweetheart?”
“Still g-green…” He nods back, checking to make sure none of the ropes had shifted. “Would you like some water before we continue, baby?”
“Yes, daddy…”
He fetches you a glass of water, tilting it against your lips as you down the entire glass and you find yourself a little surprised at how needed it was. “Thank you, d-daddy…”
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Ready to keep going?”
You nod, a little bit more energized. “I hope everyone, mmh, l-likes the show so f-far~” Your teary vision prevents you from reading the comments and before you can even make an effort to, Seungcheol is already helping you off of the machine and helping you sit on the bed across from him.
alphagyu97: ugh she looks so fucking good in that harness
angelhan: right? That shade of red looks so good against her skin too
angelhan: so fuckin pretty
tangerine_kwan: pics for the private room later? Plz i beg
Seungcheol takes this time to take off his boxer briefs, cock curving up against his abdomen when he’s fully naked across from you. He wraps a hand around his cock, moaning and spreading the precum down his shaft as you watch. “D’you want this, baby?”
Your lips fall open in a silent moan as you watch Seungcheol jerk himself off and you can’t help but squirm. “Y-yes…”
“Tell me exactly what you want then. Let them hear what a filthy little slut you are for me.” You can’t help but feel miserably empty watching him and despite having already cum twice, you want his cock fucking you open and making you cum again.
“Yes, babygirl?”
“I, ngh, I want d-daddy’s cock… Please? Ah, I--I wanna feel you fucking my--my pussy into the, mmh, s-shape of your c-cock… And I w-want you to c-cum inside my--my slutty little h-hole…”
Seungcheol scoffs, hips shallowly thrusting up into his enclosed fist. “That’s right. You’re just my slutty ‘lil babygirl that lets me use all her tight holes how I please, right? You like it when I cum down your throat and in your pretty ‘lil ass. But we all know you like it best when I cum in your hot ‘lil cunt. Makes you feel all warm and full, doesn’t it? You like it when my cum is dripping out of your spent cunt and sliding down your shaky thighs.” This time you nod furiously as you whine back in response.
“P-please… Can’t wait any--anymore!”
This time, the impatience takes over as you slightly tug on the ropes; whining when they don’t give. “Daddy!”
And this time, he gives in quicker than he anticipates, growling as he reaches for the EMT shears to cut you from the harness. “Don’t let your arms down, no matter how much you want to. You’re going to strain your arms if you move too fast so let me handle it, okay, sweetheart?”
The sudden gentleness in his voice has a giddy warmth pouring over you as you nod and sit still while he cuts at various points of the harness to make the ropes fall loose around your arms and chest. You keep your arms in the same position like he requested and you soon feel his hands roaming your skin and massaging your arms to get the blood flowing again.
“You’re so good for me, baby.” He whispers against your hair, leaning down to kiss your shoulder before he slowly easing your arms down from being folded behind your back.
He continues to massage your arms for a few more minutes before it’s you that’s getting impatient. “Daddy… Can you fuck me now?” Whispering, you slightly turn your body to the side to meet his gentle stare.
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, nodding. “Lay on your back for me, legs spread.”
You follow his orders as you quickly scramble to get into position; legs spread wide for him to situate himself between.
“Mm, your pussy is still so fuckin’ wet. I wanna taste you on my tongue, baby.” Whines spill from your lips as you shake your head ‘no.’
“No! My p-pussy feels empty, I need y-your cock, daddy… ‘n I’m so wet, you can probably, ah, just s-slide your cock in…”
He wraps a hand around his cock just as you wrap your legs around his waist and he guides himself until the head of his cock is right at your entrance.
Neither of you say a word as he slowly starts to sink his cock in; guttural moans on his lips when he meets no resistance and bottoms out in a singular thrust. “Holy fuck, your cunt is so fuckin’ wet. Shit, and so t-tight!” You clench around him, already feeling good with his cock inside of you as you beg him to fuck you hard and fast.
“Ngh, p-please fuck me like--like I’m your, hah, c-cocksleeve… I want it f-fast, daddy!”
He grits his teeth at your words; drawing his hips back before snapping them into you just how you wanted. “Fast, hmm? All you think about in that pretty head of yours is my cock pounding you open, huh? Slamming into you so fuckin’ good, it makes your toes curl when you cum.”
Seungcheol starts a quick pace, already feeling the pleasure building up for himself when you’re reduced to garbled noises and broken cries of his name. The heels of your feet dig into the small of his back as you try to press him in closer and he’s quick to reach for the small bullet vibrator left on the bed next to your body.
“Your body is so fuckin’ sensitive, I can already feel how tight you’re getting around me. So fuckin’ greedy to cum too. Already came twice and you still want more. You’re not satisfied until your whole body is shaking underneath me, huh, sweetheart?” He turns the small toy on, pressing it to your clit as you yelp and let out choked sobs.
“Ah, ngh, d-daddy, my--my clit’s t-too sen--sensitive! I--I can’t--!” Squirming, you feel the pressure building up obscenely quick; bottom lip quivering when he takes one of your free hands and makes you hold the toy to your swollen clit.
“Just a little more, sweetheart. Don’t you wanna cum?”
He angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and loud cries of his name leave your lips in a hurried, jumbled mess when he only doubles his pace.
The sound of donations and comments pour in like water and get lost within the ringing in your ears; unable to even warn Seungcheol that you’re about to cum when you feel your entire body starting to lock up underneath him.
Your lips part in a silent scream and your back bows off of the bed, thighs shaking uncontrollably as you cum for the third time. Seungcheol growls, fucking you through it as you squirt all over his lower half.  He finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as you cum, but he feels himself quickly following suit with your warm walls fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squirt for me, get me fuckin’ soaked while you cum.” He uses a free hand to make sure you keep the toy pressed to your clit, growling when he starts to unload his cum inside of you. “Mmh, gonna fill your cunt up with what you want, baby.”
A shaky moan leaves your lips as you feel him throbbing inside your pussy; walls clamped down onto him in a vice grip as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm.
“Ah, d-daddy’s cumming suh--so much inside of my p-pussy…”
Whining, you feel Seungcheol’s grip on your hand give way as he rides out his pleasure and you take the opportunity to turn off the small bullet vibrator while he doesn’t notice.
You watch his face contort in pleasure, hips still shallowly thrusting into you as his entire body shivers above you.
“D-daddy’s so h-handsome...” You mumble, cheeks hot when he cracks a smile through the pleasure wracking his body and chuckles under his breath. 
“Thank you, babygirl.” 
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After you end the show, Seungcheol makes sure to cuddle with you on the bed for a little while longer.
“One more glass of water, baby.” You whine in response, pouting up at him before he gets up from the soaked sheets. 
“But I already had a glass! If you have a piss kink just say so, ‘Cheol!”
He lets out a boisterous laugh at your comment, trudging back to the bed from the kitchen with another glass of water for you. “You need to be hydrated, sweetheart. You came three times and we played a little more rough today. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Fine, but you didn’t deny my comment.” You snarkily reply, taking the glass from him as you down the water. 
“Don’t make me have to punish you again! I’ll have you know I still need to get you all washed up and change the bed--”
A faint pinging has the two of you turning to the laptop; still on your camming homepage from where you’d checked the revenues from tonight’s show. 
A small [1] sits above your inbox and Seungcheol is quick to turn to you with an eyebrow raised. “I thought you turned off the messaging system on your profile?” 
You tilt your head in confusion, handing him the emptied glass. “I did. The only messages I should get are from, like, the actual system admins or other creator accounts which, I haven’t received any ‘til... now, I guess?”
Seungcheol sets the glass down onto the nightstand before he takes a seat next to you, dragging the laptop closer as you go to check the notification. 
“’Love&Letter Films’? Aren’t they one of the biggest adult film companies?” Mumbling, you click on the message, giving yourself and Seungcheol a second to process the message that stares back at you; a shocked smile on your lips.
I hope this message finds Cherry and Seungcheol well. 
We, at ‘Love&Letter Films’, have really enjoyed the shows and videos from your channel throughout the years and we really have enjoyed watching the growth of your channel and the addition of Seungcheol to it. The dynamics between the two of you are rare in this industry and we’ve yet to see anyone like the two of you in this market. 
The shows from the last two nights have proven that the two of you have the right kind of chemistry to film together for bigger productions and we would love to hire you for a few film productions we have planned in the upcoming weeks as a feeler. Of course, all expenses paid by us if you would kindly take our offer. 
We love the various scenes and roles that the two of you take on with ease and we would love to help propel your careers forward, should you pursue a career in the adult entertainment industry. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’ve listed my contact information below. I’m excited to hear from the two of you and hope to work with you in the future on many projects.
Kwon Soonyoung, L&L FILMS CEO’
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450 notes · View notes
fallasleepscenarios · 3 years
𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽 [bakugo x reader]
type: one shot, angst, fluff pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader (gender not specified) summary: (Y/N) and Bakugo have not established their relationship, leaving (Y/N) to question their whole "friends with benefits" thing. And it all goes down to what happens when they attend Kirishima's party. rating: R for implication of sexual act word count: 2.4k disclaimer: I do not own any of the mha characters and all of them are written as if they are of age also posted on my wattpad one shots book
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
"You're so silly. Get your butt here."
Bakugo shrugs and pouts angrily but eventually lets his body fall on me and weighing me down on the couch as I try to lift him off me. I laugh at his silliness, knowing that this is the best way someone like him can show affection. He lets his guard down so rarely after all, doesn't even want to show softness, ever. Only with me he does. He can be mellow, can't express it in words easily though.
"Tsk, I don't want to go to the stupid party with all the stupid bastards", he growls while finally making himself comfortable without hurting me.
"You promised! Besides, everyone's waiting for you", I run my fingers through his hair, "You know how much Kirishima has been waiting to see you!" I could tell by his look at this was somehow enough for him to accept attending the party with me. All his UA classmates would be there.
"Whatever! I have to train." In a swift move he gets up and leaves the room, like he always does.
"Bakugo--! Wait!" he stops without turning to look at me. "D-Do you wanna spend the night?" I gulped.
"I have to train", he says and leaves.
And at times like these, I ask myself, what the hell am I really doing. Having a crush on Bakugo Katsuki? That's far enough. Establishing a relationship with him? That's so far beyond the line of sanity. More times than not, I question myself for any signs of emotional masochism, because this really doesn't feel like a mutual feeling. Yes, he can be soft and sweet, would never admit it, though. Yes, somehow, he does like me in a sexual way, at least, or maybe considers me as a way to relieve stress? The past three months and a half have been so exciting, and I've been.. happy. But..
This really isn't enough for me. If only I could do anything to make him say what's in his mind, 'cause his actions really really don't match with his words. And then again, well, whatever, never mind, it could all be way worse for me..
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
On the day of the party, Bakugo was supposed to pick me up at 8 and head over to Kirishima's together, since I've never been to his place before. I put extra effort on picking an outfit I like and felt pretty cute and confident in it. At 7:45 I was already by the door, tying my shoes and receiving a text message by Uraraka-chan.
[19:45] From: Uraraka-chan<3 I can't wait for tonight! Deku-kun will also be there, haven't seen him in two weeks! Don't be late Y/N :D
I smiled at myself and happiness overflew in me. Don't want to jinx it but tonight sounds ideal; Bakugo agreed to come, I'm going to see everyone, even Midoriya found time off his strict training schedule, and Uraraka-chan is very happy, as well, I am glad.
But as I waited for Bakugo, the clock turned 8. And then 5 minutes after 8. And then a quarter past 8.
Normally, that's acceptable, since when one is late, they probably have informed you beforehand. Or at least, an apology is waiting for you at their arrival. Oh, but when Bakugo arrived..
"What took you so long?!!" My mood, the outfit I wore that I liked, the excitement, all had disappeared.
"SO WHAT, I had training to do! Deku has been training all week!", he snapped back at me and frowned. "Let's go damn it!"
"You're unbelievable-! That's how you treat me?!" This time, I was not going to take it.
"Tsk, you don't understand"
"At least you could have told me you were at practice..! Not arrive, what, a quarter to 9 and not even apologizing for keeping me waiting?!"
"YOU attacked me right when I arrived, when I would I apologize?!"
I refrained from saying anything else. I didn't want to completely ruin my mood for the party.
"Okay, stop." I let out a sigh. "Let's go. I really want to enjoy the party. I even wore that outfit that it took me so long to come up with, I really wanna enjoy it.." I closed and locked the door behind us and Bakugo just stared at me.
The road to Kirishima's was quiet. I caught a few glimpses of Bakugo walking by me and leading the way. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything at all. We passed by the river, it was beautiful and I so wanted to comment on the cherry blossoms showing as the path alongside it.
I tried not to overthink about this but it was bothering me, that Bakugo didn't even consider my feelings. He stood me up. This definitely isn't what you expect of your partner to do. Details like this, how he never calls me just to talk to me, he never texts me "good morning" or "good night" like my friends' significant others do, how we've never really agreed to have a proper date but always meet up at home, eat inside and are secretive, I don't like that. I think I am the only one in this relationship.
Heck, there is no real relationship. Friends with benefits, after all.
"(Y/N)! Bakugo-kun! You've arrived at last!" Uraraka-chan was the first one to greet us by the door.
"I'm sorry we're late, I asked Bakugo to pick me up since he lives so close-by, but he was training and couldn't leave early", I felt my cheeks flush up. Everyone's attention was on us and I didn't like it. "Besides, Kirishima-kun! Thanks for having us!"
Thankfully, I quickly felt comfortable and no one talked about how they've been waiting for us. We had a fun time, joking around, eating cakes that Sato baked and listening to what everyone's been up to on their vacation. I was able to forget about Bakugo's attitude, but every time I looked at him, it all came back to me, so I tried to avoid him as much. But still, I was able to catch glimpses of him, noticing that he never looked at me too. I am better than this.
I got up to pout myself some water and when I came back I noticed that Deku had joined Uraraka and they were cheerfully engaging in conversation by themselves, so I decided I wouldn't go back to Uraraka and third wheel them. Instead I decided to get some fresh air and went outside. The cold wind felt so nice on my face but I could tell I'd soon be cold enough to return inside.
"Y/N!", I didn't even hear Kirishima opening the balcony's door.
"Kirishima-kun, are you having fun?"
"For sure! I'm glad you could bring Bakugo with you. Wasn't really sure he'd come, since he's been eager to train as much as he can during the vacation time, but maybe having to accompany you made him responsible to come" Kirishima smiled and he'd never looked so innocent to me before.
"Ah, I just guess he came for you Kirishima-kun. You're his best friend after all."
We laughed and I suddenly felt really soft and comfortable talking about Bakugo with him.
"Kirishima-kun, you're great.. I wish I had a relationship with someone like you!"
And then I realized what I just said. Kirishima turned red and I no longer felt cold outside.
"Y/N, I-I don't think I like you like t-that.."
"Ah! No, it's okay, I don't think I do either.."
What am I saying, I know I like Bakugo.
I know he said he didn't like me but the vibe sure felt weird and tense and somehow comfortable. I could so simply say things like these with Kirishima and it did feel awkward but it was okay, we could sit in silence. And it was easier to stay outside now.
But then he called out my name, and I couldn't read his face. He surely thought that I might like him now. I noticed Bakugo was arguing with Iida-kun by the door, when Kirishima raised his hand to cup my cheek and-
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.
Why am I not pulling back? Maybe he wants to find out if he'd feel something.. maybe I do as well. Bakugo wouldn't even care anyways. He wouldn't be the least jealous if he saw us.
"Yes", I whispered back and closed my eyes only to feel his soft lips on mine.
It lasted a few seconds but I knew for sure that this wasn't what I felt when I kissed Bakugo. Kirishima was now smiling softly as me and I knew we were on the same page. And this will be between us and nothing will be affected. Except that something caught his attention and he gasped ; I turned to see who else other than Bakugo staring at us.
He looked mad, but doesn't he almost always?
Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with regret towards him.
He wasn't supposed to get jealous, he has no right to!
"Ah, Bakugo saw us maybe", Kirishima shrugged, "He probably thinks we're stupid hahah"
I chuckled, not to make my uncomfortableness look so obvious and we headed back inside, since Bakugo had also disappeared from the entrance.
The rest of the night I felt so out of place and it was hard not to show, but I had to. Spent it mostly chatting with the girls and playing cards and board games.
But soon enough, it was time to go.
Midoriya had already left and so had some of the others that aren't late nighters, and I felt tired from all the tension of the day. I was glad that I had some fun though.
"I'm off, everyone!" I greeted them and put on my shoes and coat.
"I'm going to. Have to train early tomorrow"
I froze. Bakugo was also leaving and this could only mean he wanted to confront me.
I waited for him to be greeted by everyone as well. It was inevitable, we'd go the same way anyways.
But Bakugo didn't say anything. He started pacing fast and it was kind of hard to keep up.
When we reached the cherry blossoms, Bakugo stopped.
"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?!"
He was indeed jealous!
"What does it matter to you even!". Tears were forming in my eyes, I felt so guilty! But it wasn't entirely my fault!
"TO ME? That you're stupid?"
"What does it matter to you??! It didn't even matter to me!"
Bakugo turned around but he wasn't looking at me.
"..I.. don't know... I was curious.. "
"Tsk, 'curious', what even..!"
"I was, okay?! Kirishima was being so nice to me..."
"And you had to be stupid?!"
"STOP it! Okay? This, this is why I did that. Because I can no longer pretend that you care about me! You made that clear today!"
"I don't go around doing things a scumbag would do!"
Bakugo was starting to redden up, he had become really angry..
"BUT YOU DO!" I shouted, glad that we were the only ones on the street. "You do, when you're late and don't inform me, you do when you're embarrassed and secretive of me, you do when you never really tell me what's on your mind"
"You.." he frowned. "And YOU GO AND DO THAT"
"YES because MAYBE, MAYBE HE would actually LIKE me!"
He seemed to be taken aback. And I was properly crying. And I felt the cold wind against my face and hands. It was too bad we're ruining the effect of the beautiful cherry blossoms.
"Stupid.. STUPID STUPID STUPID", he was now pulling his hair in anger.
"Bakugo, stop! What are you doing!" I rushed out and grabbed him by his shoulders forcing him to look at me. And I felt guilty and sad to see him this angry but this had to mean something.
He looked away, avoiding my gaze at all costs.
"I should be asking you why are you being like this now..", I said softly. "It.. hurts to think about this, but did it feel like you were losing towards Kirishima?"
No answer.
"I'm sorry anyways, I am too tired to argue anymore and I'm sorry I kissed him. I.. didn't think it'd make you angry"
"Tsk, what are you apologizing for, loser.."
Bakugo's voice was soft and quiet..!
"I should be the one saying sorry. I FAILED don't you understand? I didn't make my feelings clear to you"
"All this time, I've been failing to this, I don't no a thing about romance"
"And you never even said anything, either! You just went along when I first kissed you!"
I had nothing to say. Suddenly, everything seemed so meaningless, because he was opening up to me.
"No, shut up, you listen to me now. It drives me crazy cause I can't concentrate and think about you all the time! I LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS"
This can't be for real. I've always wanted him to open up but I never..
"Can you.. say that again?", I was too startled.
"Weren't you listening?!"
"No, I was, it's just that I liked hearing you say that.."
I'd forgotten I'd been holding him weirdly and suddenly felt conscious about being so close to him, when I've been closer to him so many times before, but not like this.
"Tsk, I like you stupid ass, stupid", he frowned jokingly and it was his turn to wrap his arms around me. "I like your stupid stupid ass."
My cheeks have probably never flushed as this much before.
"I like you"
He kept repeating and I felt like I could faint.
"And I promise, I won't ignore my feelings anymore and I won't be USELESS!"
I backed away to look at him.
"Bakugo,.. does this mean, we're really together?"
And Bakugo blushed!
"Yeh" he simply said.
I couldn't help but smile and the cherry blossoms were beautiful around us.
Then, Bakugo tightened his grip on my waist and brought me closer. He kissed my cheek and looked at me again. And I couldn't decide over staring at his eyes or kissing him that moment.
But I couldn't bring myself to stop, I leaned forwards and felt his soft pouty lips against mine, his warmth transmitting to my skin. And we didn't pull back for a few moments.
"Do you want to stay over, Bakugo?"
And he nodded excitedly as we walked home together.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
102 notes · View notes
codenamed-queenie · 4 years
I am going insane. So I poured my restlessness into one long and very detailed post and got super into it. Please enjoy this hot mess.
The Justice League, being the well-meaning virus-proof Super Friends that they are, took one good look at the news, one good look at their non-powered friends Ollie, Bruce, and their families, and collectively decided that these normal humans must be Protected At All Costs.
Now, keep in mind, Bruce is never one to roll over when it comes to being benched. 
However, he understands the importance of social distancing. He knows he needs to set a good example for his kids, and keep up appearances as Gotham’s Most Responsible Multi-Billionaire. 
So. Quarantine it is. 
But how are his kids handling it?
Dick - 
100% on board in the beginning. Gotta do the Responsible Thing. Gotta set a Good Example. Besides, guys, this is gonna be Fun. Quality Family Time is always a Must.
He lasted 2 days. 
Then he started to get twitchy. 
And as everyone knows? A Trapped Dick Grayson is a Feral Dick Grayson.
He bounces off the walls.
“I have to climb.” 
“Dick, no.”  
“I have to climb everything.”
Has scaled the manor 16 times already. Has climbed the chandelier. The banister. Bruce. The roof. The Cave. Anything in the house that’s been bolted down and especially anything that hasn’t. 
Duke found him clinging to the wall 10 ft off the ground like Spiderman and screamed so loud it shattered glass. 
Desperate for news of the outside. 
He thrives off of it like a starving man. 
Was the one to suggest he and Barbara take a break to Social Distance from each other (”Sorry, babe, kissing spreads germs”) and experienced Instant Regret(TM) approximately 5 minutes after. 
The Family has labelled him a Flight Risk Level 1 (Most likely to say f**k it and make a break for the outside world)
Jason - 
Accidentally got trapped inside the manor with the others when Bruce called Shutdown. If he had his way, he’d be chilling in his favorite safe-house right now, binging The Witcher with Roy and Artemis, and not worrying about finding a stray brother in his sock drawer.
But he’s nothing if not an opportunist. 
The way he sees it, Jason has 3 options:
Self Improvement
Self Isolation (See Duke, Cass, and Damian)
Descension Into Madness (See Dick and Steph)
And, well, he always wanted to try a few things. Now he’s got the free time to do it.
So he settles on baking. 
Alfred’s got enough food and raw ingredients stored up to feed an army. (Not because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder in times like these. But because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder all the time. Just try feeding 11+ teenagers sometime.)
Uses recipes he finds off Google.
His first few attempts are, in a word, ‘tragic’.
Alfred slips him a few of his recipe cards, and Jason suddenly starts seeing Results. 
Turns out he’s pretty good at this baking thing once he gets the hang of it. 
Hope everyone’s okay eating nothing but pie, macaroons, biscuits, and whatever else Jason whips up. 
Cause that’s gonna be the only food left by the time he’s done. 
Barbara - 
Self-quarantined with her dad. 
They’ve been binge-watching classic black and white movies together.
It’s a fun time, but she’s started to get a little antsy. Loving her dad and wanting to be around him 24/7 are, understandably, mutually exclusive. 
Calls the manor to video-chat every day.
For her sanity just as much as theirs. 
Gives everyone little challenges to film on their phones and send in. She makes compilations of everyone’s submissions so they can all watch and laugh together. 
Bonus points for Creativity
One comp shows the family trying to drop Mentos into coke bottles. 
Dick did a handstand, and dropped his Mento from the second story balcony. 
Tim did it wearing the Batman cowl. The soda exploded into his face, and the rest of the video is just Bruce’s Shrieking.
Stephanie tried it, but the bottle tipped. Everyone on camera screamed as the bottle rocketed through the front window. 
She spends most of her calls having one-on-one convos with Dick.
They’ve come up with little code phrases so they can be Cheesy even with family members lurking in the background. 
She thinks the way he clings to the monitor is cute. 
Almost like he’s giving her a hug through the screen. 
(It’s easier than letting herself worry about his mental state, at least)
Tim -
Oh this boy.
Freaked out for the first five minutes before he decided ‘hey wait, Bruce is letting me stay in my pajamas all day? Noice.’ 
Now he’s just vibing.
The rest of his family is Low-Key shielding him.
He Has No Spleen, you see.
Steph: “Someone could cough on him and he could die!”
He just goes about his day, playing Animal Crossing like there’s no tomorrow, tinkering on projects, taking naps, etc. Living his best life.
Meanwhile there’s always someone lurking behind him, keeping watch, keeping him safe. 
Dick sneezed within 5 feet of Tim once (the fact that he was on top of the dusty bookshelf Tim was perusing is irrelevant)
Jason still full-body tackled him the second Tim’s back was turned. 
No one with any symptoms--
Like, any symptoms. They don’t even have to be Corona-related.
--is allowed within 10 feet of Tim. 
Tim has been wandering the manor for weeks, now, without seeing another human being. 
(He sees Dick on the ceiling sometimes, but that doesn’t really count)
He’s been trying increasingly drastic pranks and shenanigans to draw someone, anyone, out. 
But it doesn’t matter how many times he steals Damian’s sword, or sets fire to Jason’s brownie bites.
Nobody wants to risk it. 
Cass - 
No one has seen her since quarantine started.
Everyone is approximately 87% sure she’s somewhere in the manor though
Because she does eat the meals Alfred leaves out for her.
Or at least someone does, at any rate. 
(Jason and Santa top the running suspects list)
Santa was Steph’s suggestion. For some reason it snowballed. 
It’s assumed that Cass misunderstood the meaning of ‘social distancing’ and took it too far. 
But no one knows for sure. 
She is Tim’s Guardian Angel. 
People who so much as clear their throats a little too loudly anywhere near him suddenly wake up on a different floor of the house four hours later. 
Duke came closest to spotting her while he was up in the attic. 
Either that, or there’s another Creepy Sister everyone forgot to tell him about living up there.
She is silent, and watchful, sticking to the shadows, but she does leave the occasional note out to brighten her siblings’ day. 
Things like ‘helo i love u’ and ‘hop u ar ok’  mostly. 
She is bound and determined to protect her family from this invisible threat, no matter the cost. 
Steph - 
Like Dick, she was Super Pumped at first. 
(Just kind of showed up at Wayne Manor before quarantine was enacted. The original purpose of her visit is unclear, but regardless, she’s Trapped.)
Also Like Dick, her descent into madness was swift.
She is impossible to pin down. 
Not like Cass or Damian, who’ve stayed off the grid, and are therefore Untraceable. 
No. She’s impossible to pin down, because she never stops moving. 
Switches seamlessly between Zumba on top of the Giant Dinosaur in the Batcave, and furiously knitting Alfred (the Cat) a sweater with a pair of Tim’s used chopsticks. 
Braided everyone’s hair while they were asleep.
Even Bruce’s. 
She tried to do Tim’s, but somehow blacked out and regained consciousness in the attic. 
When she woke up with a scream and a furiously twitching eye, she startled Duke out of his Makeshift Fort he built out of old cardboard boxes and antique furniture. He’s had to resort to finding a new hiding place. 
Sometimes, on the rare occasions she does sit still, staring off into the distance, she’ll suddenly start laughing hysterically. This may last between thirty seconds and thirty minutes, depending entirely on how long it’s been since she’s knitted a cat sweater or done cartwheels through every room in the house.
Blew up the greenhouse out back, somehow.
Everyone has agreed not to talk about it.
Some people were built to handle prolonged time inside their homes.
Stephanie Brown is not that way.
Damian - 
Damian Wayne Cannot Be Contained.
At least not inside the house. 
He took off thirty-six hours into quarantine. 
Thanks to the security equipment around the borders of the Wayne Estate, he can’t escape the grounds. 
(He’s tried and failed multiple times. Jason and Bruce have a running bet on how many times the perimeter alarms will go off per day.)
(Jason is winning.)
He wanders the grounds with Titus as his only companion. 
The two of them run laps, practice drills, and find ways to occupy their time. 
No one’s entirely sure what those ways are. 
In fact, nobody knows exactly where Damian is at any given time. 
Only that he is Out There. 
And he’s the best security system Wayne Manor’s ever had. 
So far, he’s stopped five groups of civilians scaling the perimeter walls before the lasers and electric nets even have a chance to deploy.
They were trying to break in and steal supplies. 
(Even ones they already had in surplus. Like Toilet Paper.)
He’s also stopped Dick from escaping twelve (12) times.
Drags him back by his shirt collar and deposits him on the welcome mat. 
Usually with a note for Alfred/Jason, requesting more fruit tarts. 
Duke - 
Did not leave the attic for two weeks. 
Then Steph discovered his hiding spot (read: was dumped there by Cassandra) which forced him to relocate to the basement. 
Yes, it turns out Wayne Manor does have a basement. 
This was a surprise to Duke, who always thought that the Batcave was Bruce Wayne’s basement. 
Alfred keeps him supplied with all the necessities:
i.e. food, magazines, assorted pastries from Jason’s latest batch, usually straight out of the oven.
Duke also snagged the Manor’s Alexa. 
She has become a sort of ‘Wilson’ to Duke’s ‘Chuck Noland’.
She is his only comfort. His only ally. 
He’s determined to wait out this quarantine, doing his best to avoid the others. 
Duke has seen these people under pressure. 
He knows exactly what he’s dealing with. 
Duke: “Alexa is the only motherf****r in this madhouse I ever respected.”
*offended butler noises from the other room*
Duke: “And also Alfred.”
4K notes · View notes
theeslytherinslut · 3 years
12 Grimmauld Place (5/?)
Pairings: Sirius Black (post Azkaban) x reader, Remus Lupin x reader’s brother, Sirius Black x Slytherin!reader 
Word Count: 2,909
Warnings: lil angsty
A/N: The longest chapter yet and it’s entirely in Sirius’ perspective! Hope I wasn’t too far off from his inner monologue. Also lots of spicy Tonks cause I love her. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6
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Sirius’ POV
Feeling intrusive, I caught Tonks’ eyes as Remus and Y/N hugged each other, her sobbing into his shoulder. With a quick twitch, I signaled to her that we let them have a moment. She nodded and followed me into the living room. 
“Still haven’t gotten around to cleaning anything, have you?” she teased, gesturing to the layer of dirt and dust that seemed to cover every inch of the house. 
“Whenever you feel up to joining in...” I teased back. 
“Well, it looks like you’ll have Y/N to help you with that,” she responded, raising her eyebrows at me in a funny way. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Y/N,” she looked at me meaningfully. But not knowing what she meant, I stared blankly back. “You men--it’s a wonder you make it up in the morning by yourselves...Obviously, her flat is no longer safe. She’ll have to stay out of sight for a while too. What better place to both be safe and stay out of sight than here?” 
“Stay here?” I asked dumbly. Sure, I figured she’d stay the night, but it never occurred to me that this would be the best place for her. But now that Tonks pointed it out, it did make sense. Not like she could go back to her blown flat; besides, she was vulnerable there. Vulnerable and alone. 
“Yes, cousin. Are you alright?” she laughed at my bewildered state, but I didn’t find it so funny. It was difficult to ignore my feelings for her when I wasn’t seeing her every day. How was I supposed to manage now? 
At school, it was easier to manage. In the hallways, I’d look at anyone but her, smirking at any girl I caught looking at me, any sort of distraction. But when Moony wanted to go have a chat with her, well, I’d have to plainly look away, instead contenting myself with glaring at passing male members of her house, daring any of them to speak up or look at her. 
Remus had made his views very clear in the year of her arrival. He’d been gushing about since first year, always saying how she’d enjoy something or another. I still remember her terrified face during Sorting dissolving into a bright smile when her eyes found us seated at the Gryffindor table. Remus waved excitedly at her from his seat, the rest of us doing the same--all hoping she’d soon join us. However, upon seeing the rest of us with him, her face turned bright red, and her eyes went terrified once more. Before I could even shoot her a reassuring smile, she’d turned back to McGonagall. Unfortunately, she’d been placed in Slytherin, something we never let poor Moony forget. That night in the common rooms after everyone else had long gone to bed, he’d made us all swear to never lay a finger on her--to essentially be another three big brothers--never to look at her in any sort of way. Of course we all made the promise, but I couldn’t honor it. 
I still found myself scouring the Great Hall for her face at mealtimes, ducking around shelves in the library in between classes looking for her. I always made sure to be on my best behavior in front of Remus, but behind his back, my eyes couldn’t wait to hungrily devour his sister. Her witty remarks as some Gryffindor teased her, her filthy mouth when a fellow Slytherin made the wrong comment--and just when I thought I couldn’t fall for her any more deeply, I’d caught her hexing a Gryffindor in the corridor. The poor bloke came out a few seconds later, clutching his jaw and nose, both of which were expanding at an alarming rate. She came skipping round the next moment, smiling broadly at her achievement. It was all I could do not to kiss her right then. 
“Sirius?” Tonks asked, pulling me from my memories. 
“Sorry, yes?” I asked, trying not to appear as anxious about it all as I was. 
“What’s your problem?” she asked. Looking at her, I weighed my options. On the one hand, the only living soul who knew about how I felt about Y/N was now no longer, in fact, living. On the other, keeping it such a secret allowed me to continue in my friendship with Moony. Lovely as she was, I couldn’t have anything come between us. Not when we were the only ones left. 
“I--” I started to begin the story, but upon remembering James, I stopped. “Nothing.” 
“Sirius,” Tonks started, an offended look on her face. “I am your cousin. You tell me right now, or I’ll go get Remus, and he will.” 
“You would, wouldn’t you,” I said, a fond smile coming on my face as I looked at her. 
“I most certainly would.” she threatened. With her hands on her hips, I was suddenly reminded strongly of Mrs. Weasley, which only made my smile bigger. “Now, go on and tell me, you grinning git!”
“Alright, lower your voice. Can you keep a secret?” I asked, looking at my hands. 
“Course I can,” she indignantly responded. 
“Well, there’s a, a slight--er, problem, with Y/N staying,” I said quietly, keeping an ear out for her sniffles. 
“Problem? What problem? Not like you don’t have enough rooms. Or is it you fancy her or something?” she said, laughing. I kept quiet, and after a moment or two, realization began dawning on her face. 
“Oh, but Sirius, she’s Remus’ sister!” Tonks said, looking at me scoldingly. 
“Don’t you think I know that, Nymphadora?” I barked, angry that she responded the way I feared.
At the sound of her birth name, her hair began burning bright red, and I retreated. 
“Sorry, it’s just--I know, okay? I’m very much well aware of the fact she is Remus’ sister. Why do you think I’ve kept my distance all these years?” I said. 
“Likely cause you were in Azkaban,” she pointed out. I gave her a nasty look, and she smiled softly. “Next time, don’t use my full name.”
I rolled my eyes and began anxiously pacing the floors. This was wrong; this was all wrong. The one��girl Remus said was off-limits. All he let me get away with all those years at Hogwarts. With a fresh pang of guilt, I recalled a put-out looking Remus looking at me while I talked to a tall, blonde Ravenclaw during Charms. It was only years after I learned he’d had a thing for her--but to my defense, I’d have backed off without a complaint if he’d only told me. 
“All these years?” Tonks said, liking working things out in her head. “Surely that doesn’t mean...since Hogwarts?” 
“Yes,” I admitted miserably. “Since her first year.” 
“First year?” she shouted. 
“Keep down your voice.” I hissed at her, pausing to hear Remus speaking softly to Y/N. 
“Sorry,” she winced. “But really, since first year and you’ve never said anything?” 
“Well, I couldn’t. Remus made us all swear to leave her alone--and bloody hell, was that a job. After school, it was easier, once I was able to keep my distance. Out of sight, out of mind, as the Muggles say. Sorry, you know how Arthur loves his Muggles.” I laughed as she gave me a funny look. “And then--as you so astutely pointed out--I was in Azkaban. So it really hasn’t been a problem these last few years.” 
“But now she’s living in your house,” she pointed out. 
“Precisely,” I responded, running a hand over the scruff on my face. She remained quiet, looking thoughtful for a few minutes before responding. 
“Well, this is just bloody ridiculous. You’ve got to do something,” she said. 
“Do something? Do what? How could I betray Remus like that? He’s the only one left, Tonks. How am I supposed to betray him this way, especially after James, and then all the time apart, and then managing to let Peter slip through our fingers? I can’t do this to him.” I reasoned, beginning to harden my resolve. 
“Oh, you are bloody ridiculous, you know that?” she sighed, running her fingers through her now bubblegum-pink hair. 
“Excuse me?” I said, stopping my pacing to glare at her. 
“Bloody ridiculous!” she repeated, “Sirius, that was years ago. That was a feeble promise forced to be made by an older brother before his friends got horny and couldn’t think straight.” 
“What?” I said, pulling a face as I considered her words. 
“Remus made you all promise that so young so she wouldn’t become a plaything of yours, especially when the both of you turned out to be such whores.” Tonks laughed. 
“Whores? I was not a whore! And certainly not James, why after fifth year I don’t think I ever heard so much as a comment about any girl besides Lily.” I defended the both of us, vaguely aware of how I’d ridiculously brought my hands to my hips in indignation. 
“Sirius, you’re family, you know I love you--but Merlin, you were the biggest sodding slut the whole of Gryffindor has ever seen! I’d bet there isn’t a room in the castle you haven’t done something naughty in.” she laughed once more. I opened my mouth to protest, but couldn’t come up with a room fast enough--only proving her point. 
“Now, you two are not schoolchildren anymore. You are a grown man, Sirius. There’s no need to honor such a trivial and unnecessary pact.” She took a step towards me and put her hand on my cheek, dropping her voice. “Think of how much you’ve suffered, Sirius. Think of what you’ve lost; think of who you have lost. Remus has suffered the same loss. He lost James just as you did, but he also lost you. He thought you’d gone bad, thought Peter dead--James and Lily were dead. And then, years later, you return--innocent. You came back to him, and he, you. Things like that change a man. I’m sure there’s no one on this planet he trusts more with his sister than you. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for one more minute, cousin. Especially not when things look so similar to how they looked before, back when it all went wrong. Don’t waste another minute; I’m not going to either.” 
Shaken at her words, I remained quiet for a few moments. So much had changed since that night in Gryffindor tower. Maybe he wouldn’t mind the idea so much anymore. Besides, he trusted me enough to keep her safe.
My happiness...I’d never given the idea much thought, never considered it much of a possibility after being imprisoned. Never had reason to since. But now, my brain was swimming with possibilities. 
“Hang on,” I said, remembering the end of her monologue. “You aren’t going to either?”
She cursed under her breath before looking at me.
“Noticed that, did you?” she grimaced. I merely looked at her expectantly. “Alright, fine. Can you keep a secret?” 
“I mean, if I outed you, you could just out me,” I pointed out.
“True, alright. Well, it’s Remus,” she whispered, avoiding my eyes. 
“You and Remus?” I asked, frowning in thought. 
“And what about it?” she said, looking at me testily. 
“Well, nothing really. It’s just I never thought about it...are you sure?” I asked after a moment. I loved them both, but the thought had never even crossed my mind once. Surely if there was something between my cousin and my best friend, I’d have suspected something by now. 
“Of course I’m sure, you git,” she hissed at me. 
“So then why aren’t you together?” I asked. I couldn’t think of any reason they shouldn’t be if they both felt that way. Not like I had a sit down with the lot of them about not dating her. 
“Because he too is being ridiculous. Refuses to even look at me most of the time. Says I’m too young, says I deserve better than him.” 
“Better than Moony? Good luck with that one, cousin.” I laughed, shaking my head at the thought. 
“That’s what I keep saying, but he’ll hear none of it. Says I deserve better than a shabby, poor old werewolf.” she rolled her eyes. 
“Is that really what he thinks of himself as? A shabby old werewolf?” I asked, sad for my friend. If anybody deserved happiness, it was Remus. Before she could answer, we heard him calling. 
“Pads?” I suddenly heard. He entered the room alone, smiling softly at the two of us. 
“Hey, mate.” I smiled at him, opening my arms once more. Remus had always grudgingly accepted my affection, which only made me more inclined to give it knowing it bothered him. And as I knew he would, he rolled his eyes and smiled as he accepted. 
“Perhaps we should stay...” Remus said, looking to Tonks and then back to the kitchen. 
“Ooh no, you don’t. We’ve got to go, cut up sister or not. Besides, who better to take care of her than Sirius? Isn’t as if he’s got anything better to do. Perhaps she could persuade him in actually cleaning something in this wretched house.” Tonks added, gesturing to filth. I glared at her but remained silent; she was right. The house was filthy, but it was painful enough to be here, let alone restore the bloody thing.
“Suppose you’re right...” Remus said after a moment, “Take good care of her, Pads.” 
“Course I will, Moony. Always took good care of you, didn’t I?” I jeered.
“Not bloody likely! And don’t you go taking credit for that, that was all Madam Pomfrey,” he scolded, wagging his finger at me like he used to as a Prefect. “The group of you could hardly stand to sit still in the hospital wing for half an hour, let alone get me through a transformation!” As Remus told his story, Tonks looked at him with a funny look, and with an alarming pang, I realized Y/N often shot me the very same look. Did that mean she felt for me as Tonks felt for Remus? 
“That is bang out of order, mate! I worked hard at becoming an Animagi! Took years, it did. Don’t remember seeing Madam Pomfrey out trotting about with a teenage werewolf. Besides, kept your arse out of trouble!” I bantered back, smiling jovially. 
“Oh, it just as easily could’ve gotten me in trouble,” Remus shook his head at the memories.
“But it didn’t, did it?” I teased, “You know you loved it just as much as we did, Moony. Try as you might to remain all high and mighty. Ickle Prefect Moony,” I jeered, poking at him as he laughed. 
“Alright, alright. C’mon, let’s go before the two of you really start down memory lane. We’ve got to meet Dumbledore.” Tonks said, gently steering Remus towards the door. 
“Hang on, you’re going to Hogwarts?” I asked. I couldn’t help but be jealous. 
“Briefly. That wretch woman gets nosy when we’re there for more than a quick pop in.” Remus said; the disgusted look on his face told me he meant Umbridge. 
“Ah, well, say hello to Harry for me if you see him. I hear the little scamp likes roaming round nearly as much as we did.” I smiled after them. 
“That he does; I still remember catching him with that map...I don’t even know how he got ahold of it. James would’ve been so proud, out in the dark corridors taunting Snape. Like father, like son.” Remus smiled fondly at the memory before hanging his head slightly and ambling off to join Tonks. My chest hurt at the mention of James and Harry, and I was once more painfully reminded of my solitude. What I wouldn’t give to see James again...
I followed them to the door, waving goodbye as the two of them popped out of sight. I stared longingly at the spot where they’d disapparted. 
Standing in place, I gave myself a moment to gather my thoughts before returning to the kitchen. 
Tonks had made many good points, but were they just good because I was looking for any kind of reason to be with her? Did they actually make sense, or was I just looking for an out?
Remus had only made us promise once in the wee hours of the morning in the Gryffindor common room. Besides, if family was off-limits, well, that made him a right hypocrite, didn’t it? He did leave her here with me though, with the promise I’d take good care of her. That meant, to some degree, Remus trusted me with her. Would I be breaking that trust by going with my gut with Y/N? 
Good and evil continued to argue on my shoulders, but if I waited for a decision, I might be here for years. 
What’s more, was she even interested in me? I mean, sure, I’d caught her staring in school--but that was years ago; a lot had changed since then. But then there was the blush that always colored her cheeks every time I said something cheeky, the relief on her face when I’d met her in the port key room. Surely she wouldn’t let someone she detested bathe her, right? 
I resolved to simply flirt. If that went well, then she felt something too. And if she felt something too...well, let me not get ahead of myself. 
Taglist: @geeksareunique @fredweasleysbitchh  @green-intervention​ @stopbeingcurious
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bunnysuit-femboy · 3 years
The Worst Wingman - Dust and a Goddess
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(Chapter 1 / 3)
Jean x Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: mentions of homophobia
Summary:  Jean knew you better than anybody else, so why was he so good at picking the worst people on the planet for you to go on dates with. You were persistent to find a boyfriend this year and you thought Jean could help you find the perfect man, but apparently he loves to watch you suffer. If only you knew the perfect man for you was the one setting you up on all of these dates.
Notes: I posted this on my Ao3 first, but I thought I’d post it here too. So, please enjoy!
First Saturday
Another Saturday night meant another shitty date with another uninteresting and weird guy. You knew Jean hand-picked these dates that he sent you off with, but it seemed he didn’t know you or them at all. Every single date was just another bust, undeniably and irrefutably.
And, this date was just another on the already long list of bad dates.
“So,” Your date said with a smile, “You’re good friends with him, aren’t you?”
You nodded with the wine glass close to your lips. He had asked you the same question nearly fifteen times in the last fifteen minutes. It was as if he couldn’t believe it himself. As if he were surprised, or maybe even a little bit jealous.
“Yeah,” You said with a fake smile, “We’re in the same friend group. I met him freshman year, when I became close friends with Mikasa and she introduced us-”
“How is he?”
The redhead smiled wide, “How is Eren? What’s he like as a friend?”
You raised your eyebrows and placed your glass back on the table, “Eren?”
The redhead nodded excitedly. He was nearly on the edge of his seat, leaning towards you like a child about to hear a war story from his grandfather. It was odd that the boy had gotten caught on the idea of Eren being friends with you when you had just explained how Jean was the one who set you up on the date.
“Eren is- um,” You looked around the small restaurant, trying to find inspiration for a way out of this conversation from the other diners, “He’s cool.”
The boy is physically upset about your discretion, “And?”
“And,” You involuntarily continued, “He’s- uh, he’s very nice. He-uh he helps me with my homework, and helps me study quite a bit.”
It was all a lie, but only partially. Sure, somebody in the friend group was really nice and helped you with homework and helped you study, but it wasn’t Eren. It was Armin who was the nice one, but you didn’t know Eren well enough not to switch the two names when talking with the boy in front of you.
“That’s awesome,” The redhead said with an admirational sigh, “I bet he’s super helpful. He’s definitely the type to not give up until you know everything, for sure.”
“Oh.” You grinned at your empty dinner plate. “For sure. He’s the best. He’s super dedicated, and he always makes the harder information easier for me to understand. He’ll word it in ways that he knows I’m more comfortable with.”
“I’ll have to join you two, sometime.”
You looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows, “You want to join me and Eren while we study?”
Boy, is he going to be upset when he finds out Eren is actually an adorable blonde boy with big ocean eyes who’s not nearly as blatantly mean. Also, it’s a bit strange the redhead wants to go on a study date with you and somebody else. Isn’t he at this date for you? But, all he’s asked you about all night is Eren.
“Of course,” The boy said with a smile, “I would just love to see him again.”
You giggled lightly to yourself, “Do you want me to get his number for you?”
Though the comment was purely a joke, the boy didn’t flinch nor smile. He just stared at you with a look of defeat in his eyes and he almost looked angry. His eyes never left your face, his mind not finding an ounce of humor in your question.
His reaction caused your smile to quickly falter, “Do you actually have a crush on him?”
The redhead rose from his seat, “I have to use the bathroom.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Right now?”
“Yes,” The boy’s voice came out harsh, “Right now.”
“Oh, okay.” You watched as the boy walked off towards the bathroom. And, once he was out of earshot, you pulled your phone from your purse sitting on the back of the chair and phoned Jean.
The phone only rang once before the call was picked up. He spoke a half-assed greeting above the sound of yelling in the background. You knew he was with Connie and Sasha tonight and you knew they were playing video games from the noise coming from behind his voice.
“Don’t hey me,” You spat angrily through the phone, “This guy is insane, Jean, he’s fucking weird.”
Jean was now laughing, “How is he weird?”
“He keeps asking about Eren.” You took a quick peek at the male’s bathroom door. “He offered to go on a study date with me-”
“That’s nice of him.”
“-And Eren.”
“Oh,” Jean said, “That’s weird. Eren doesn’t even study with you, he’d have to be smarter than you to be of any help.”
“I may have lied to him.” You took a quick swig of wine from the glass and then turned back to the bathroom doors.
“Aw,” Jean said with a smirk, “Poor Floch.”
“Floch,” You said excitedly, nearly knocking the discarded fork from your plate, “That’s his name! I forgot it about two hours ago, but didn’t have the heart to ask him.”
Jean was uncontrollably laughing on the other side of the phone. It wasn’t like these types of calls were foriegn to him. You normally called Jean in the middle of a crisis, and most of your crises these days happened mid-date when the boy did something weird and left to go to the bathroom.
“You’re a horrible date,” Jean said between his giggles.
“It’s not a normal name.” You held the wine glass to your lips. “I wouldn’t have forgotten his name if it were Brian or Nick. It’s his mom’s fault I forgot his name.”
Jean smiled into the phone, “Now, you’re blaming his mom for your ignorance, how cruel.”
You couldn’t help but grin as well, “Also, I think he has a thing for Eren.”
“Really?” Jean takes a moment to remember something. “That actually makes a lot of sense. I met him through Eren because they were in the same chemistry class last semester. He seemed reluctant to go on the date with you until Eren told him he should, then he was all for it. I thought it was weird, but not weird enough to be concerning.”
“It’s not weird nor concerning,” You said sweetly, “He just has a crush and he doesn’t know how to deal with it, it’s endearing.”
“He’s actively homophobic.”
“What?” You peek at the bathrooms and notice nothing has changed. “You set me on a date with an active homophobe?”
Jean shrugged, “I didn’t think about it.”
You shook your head angrily, “After this date, I am coming straight to your apartment and I am giving you a piece of my mind, Jean Kirstein.”
“Oh no,” Jean said with a smile, “I’m really scared, she used my last name.”
“You should be really scared. I’m bringing my baseball bat and everything.”
You took another peek at the bathroom and then checked the timer on the call. Seven minutes and fourteen seconds was how long you had been on the phone with Jean and how long Floch had been in the bathroom. Sure, it could be reasonable, but you still got a weird feeling from the whole thing.
“‘You okay?” Jean asked endearingly once the silence between you two had settled.
“He’s coming back,” You lied, “I gotta’ go.”
“Okay, just-”
The call ended quickly with one press of your finger. You put your phone back in your purse and let the bag fall to the side of the chair. You looked around the beautiful restaurant and tapped your fingers impatiently against the clothed table.
You leaned to your side in order to get closer to the couple beside you. At the table sat two people: one with long brown hair and wide glasses dressed in a tux and the other with short dirty blonde hair also dressed in a tux.
“Hi,” You said to the brown haired person to your immediate right, “Could I ask a favor of either of you? It’ll only take a minute, I swear.”
The brown haired person smiled widely, “Of course!”
“My date, a redhead, went to the bathroom nearly twenty minutes ago, and I can’t go into the boy’s bathroom-”
“You want me to go?” The brown haired person’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I can go see if he’s still in there, or if he’s sick, or if he’s dead - God forbid, but how interesting, right?”
You nodded with a smile, “Yes, thank you, please. I’m sure he’s not dead, but I’m just worried.”
“Don’t worry until I come back with news.” The brown haired person stood up and left, heading towards the bathroom.
You watched the nice brown haired person go off towards the restrooms. You watched them weave around tables, even stopping now and then to peek over diners’ shoulders, looking at what they had decided to eat for the night. They were strange, but in an endearing way - something you weren’t entirely used to seeing on these dates.
“You know,” The blonde guy spoke up suddenly, snapping you back to reality, “They’ve done that a few times on our dates before, as well.”
“Hm?” You turned to the brown haired person’s date.
The blonde guy smiled, “My date, they get interested in something in the bathroom and don’t bother coming back out for half an hour. The first time is scary, but you’ll get used to their curious mind.”
You grinned weakly at the nice man, “Yeah, I have a feeling there won’t be anything to get used to because there won’t be another date.”
The blonde boy furrowed his eyebrows, “Oh?”
“He wasn’t the best date I’ve been on, nor the best person I’ve been on a date with.” You turned towards the bathroom in time to catch the blonde man’s date making their way back across the restaurant with a frown. “In fact, he’s the first date to ever crawl out of a bathroom window to get away from me.”
“I’m sure that’s not what happened,” The blonde man said with a worried glance at his date. You weren’t sure how you knew it, but you were entirely sure of the redhead’s escape.
“He’s gone, dear.” The brown haired person placed a gentle hand on your shoulder as they sat back in their seat. “The window was pried open, I assume he crawled out of it.”
You nodded with a fake smile, “Thank you, for checking. I can pay-”
You reached for your purse, but the brown haired person shook their head, “No, no. Don’t even try to pay me. In fact, let us pay for your meals, it’s the least we can do.”
You shook your head quickly, “No, I can pay for them, but thank you.”
“No, he left you high and dry and-”
“You’ve already done enough for me tonight.”
“-You don’t deserve to pay for a meal you didn’t even enjoy.”
While the brown haired person was distracting you with a back and forth battle of who would pay for what, the blonde man waved down a passing waiter. He mumbled something to the waiter, pointing at your table over his shoulder. The blonde man pushed a small plastic card into the waiter’s hand. The waiter nodded pityingly, running off quickly towards the hostess’s table at the entrance.
“No,” You said with another shake of your head, “You don’t have to pay for a taxi, I don’t need one-”
But, you did need one considering Floch was your ride here.
“No,” The brown haired person continued, “Let me pay for your wine. In fact, have our wine. It’s the least we can do.”
“No, I don’t need more wine-”
The waiter was back and the blonde man finally spoke up over the argument between you and his date. He held two slips of paper in his hand and looked at you both with a small smile.
“Hange,” He said to make his date stop debating with you, “It’s okay, she doesn’t need your insurance card. And, ma’am, don’t worry about the bill, it’s already been paid for, and you don’t owe me anything in return. I’ve been in your shoes before, and I wish somebody would have done this for me.”
“Sir,” You said quickly, “It’s really not that big of a deal-”
“Not anymore,” The blonde man said with a smile, “Next time you come to this restaurant, just bring somebody you trust. I promise, not everybody is as awful as that boy.”
You bit your lip to keep the newly created tears from falling. You couldn’t help the overload of emotions happening in your throat and eyes. You didn’t normally cry so easily in front of strangers, but these strangers were overly generous. And suddenly, you were remembering the last ten dates that all ended just as horribly. It seemed like nothing was working out in your favor anymore.
“Thank you,” You said with a large smile contradictory to the tears that now fell down your cheeks, “I-I don’t know where to find those not awful people, but I really hope I will someday.”
“Oh no!” Hange said as they quickly wrapped you in a tight hug. “Moblit, look, you broke her.”
Moblit giggled with a shake of his head, “I’m sorry I broke you, dear.”
You shook your head into Hange’s shoulder, accidentally wiping the tears on the shoulder of their black tux. You couldn’t express to Moblit how badly you wanted to find not awful people, and how badly you wanted a date that didn’t end horribly. It was just more complicated than that, and it seemed awful people were the only ones Jean could offer you dates with and the only ones he thought deserved dates with you. So, what did that say about how he viewed you as a person?
You spent a few minutes crying into Hange’s shoulder, mumbling incoherently about boys and school and your pot-smoking next door neighbors who are way too loud when they have sex. They listened to your tangent intently, nodding along, as if they could understand any of your words.
Once you had wiped the tears from your face and thanked the couple profusely some more, you made your way from the restaurant. You knew you could call a taxi to Jean’s apartment, but the weather was nice and his apartment wasn’t too far away. So, walking seemed like a convenient money-saving way of getting the whole date out of your mind.
You walked down the street of town, but once you got to campus, you slid the heels from your feet and into your hands. You walked across campus with your shoes balancing on your fingers like the morning after a horrible one-night stand.
Eventually you made it to Jean’s apartment building and found your way to his front door within a few minutes. You knocked on the wood with your heel and weren’t too surprised when the door opened almost immediately. Jean stood in the doorway, still shouting at the other two over his shoulder.
“Hey,” Jean said once he finally turned his attention to you, “How was the-” You swung the heel swiftly into his stomach, earning a surprised grunt from the boy.
“Don’t mention this date ever again.” You said the threatening words with a glint of anger to your voice, but your face was pressed into a sweet smile.
Jean nodded slowly, “Will you at least tell us what happened?”
You sighed, “Later, I’ll tell you, but I know Connie will bully me for it.��
Jean nodded some more, “Later?”
“The least you can do is let me stay the night.” You raised your eyebrows at the boy. “Since you made me go on the worst date of my life with a homophobic jerk.”
“Okay,” Jean said with a grin, “But only because you’re practically begging for me.”
You swung the heel into his stomach a second time, but he grabbed it before it could give any damage. You both looked intently at each other, your eyes glaring annoyedly and his eyes admiring the sight in front of him. This was exactly what you expected from him, this is exactly how he acts after these dates. He’s always the one to pick up and put back the broken pieces once the doll breaks, even if he’s the reason the doll fell in the first place.
Once you walked into the apartment, you left your shoes and purse by the door, right beside Jean’s shoes. You waved a quick hello to Connie and Sasha - who were too distracted shooting zombies to see you - as you walked past them in the living room and found your way straight to Jean’s room. You knew the apartment like the back of your hand, you had been here a million times.
You walked across the small room to your drawer that Jean keeps all of your clothes in for when you stay. You pulled it open and picked out a pair of cheetah print pajama shorts and an old t-shirt from an now irrelevant ex boyfriend. You threw the clothes on his bed, getting ready to change just when the door suddenly opened.
You turned to the door with tired eyes and furrowed eyebrows as Jean joined you in the room. He leaned against the now closed door, physically keeping the others from joining as well. He crossed his arms against his chest, taking in the sight of him - you in your satin black dress you wore on nearly every date.
“So,” Jean said finally, “What happened?”
You sighed, “He crawled through a window.”
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed, “He crawled through a window?”
“Yes, when he went to the bathroom and I called you. He crawled through a window to get away from me.” You looked anywhere around the room but the boy. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Hey,” Jean moved from the door, coming across the room to you, “Nothing’s wrong with you. Something’s wrong with him.” Jean held you at arm’s length, his hands on your shoulders. “Not only did he leave you, but he has a crush on Eren of all people. I’ve seen birds at the park who are more attractive than he is.”
You grinned sadly, “I bet people don’t crawl through windows to get away from Eren on dates.”
Jean ran his hand down the side of your head, “Eren doesn’t give them the chance, I don’t think he’s ever been on a date.”
“But, people would go on one with him.” You finally looked up at the boy in front of you, trying to keep the tears from spilling the second time today. “He’s not undateable. I’m undateable. I’ve scared guys away every Saturday night for the last two months.”
“You’re not undateable,” Jean said sternly, “You just haven’t found the right one. And, you won’t find the right one if you don’t keep going on these dates. Every horrible date means you’re one more Saturday closer to your soulmate.”
“And, what if I don’t have a soulmate? What if I’m damned to die alone?”
“Then, I’ll die with you.” Jean brought you in for a tight hug, your face snuggling into his firm chest. Jean whispered his words, mostly to himself, “I’d give up 200 soulmates if it only meant I could die with you.”
You closed your eyes against the soft fabric of Jean’s shirt. It was hard to trust his words when there seemed to be so many contradicting factors. Maybe tonight was a total bust, but next Saturday was a new day. You could try again next Saturday, and the Saturday after that, and the Saturday after that. And, every Saturday for the rest of your life until you found your soulmate, even if that seemed like a pointless mission.
You’d do it for both you and Jean, it was the least you could do.
First Sunday
You woke up in Jean’s bed with his body close to yours. It was a standard cuddling position for your friendship: face-to-face, his arms wrapped around your side, your arms cradled against your chest, and your legs intertwined. Despite the normalcy associated with the position, you still woke up with a dorky smile and butterflies floating around your stomach when you saw him sleeping in front of you.
Today was no exception.
You grinned ear to ear as you watched the peaceful rise and fall of Jean’s tanned chest under the thin fabric of his white t-shirt. You watched as his lips parted against the pressure of the pillow under his cheek, a small stream of spit rolling from the corner of his mouth and onto the fabric of the pillowcase below. Every Saturday night ended with tears and regrets, but every Sunday morning began with sweet dreams and a special sleepy boy.
You turned away from Jean, reaching for your phone on the nightstand. The only way to successfully grab the phone was to also pull yourself from Jean’s grasp and from between his legs. It was a horrible price to be paid, but it had to be paid nonetheless.
You checked your lock screen, reading over playful messages from your roommate asking about how good Floch was in bed - assuming you had stayed at his house since you hadn’t come home. And, a few confused messages from Eren asking you who Floch was, why he was texting him, and how he was connected to you.
You locked the phone and turned back to Jean. You were expecting the boy to still be napping peacefully, but he instead stared sleepily at you. Your face had been in a grimace from the mentions of your date last night, but Jean’s honey brown eyes quickly dissipated any negative feelings.
“Good morning,” You whispered, “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning,” Jean said as he shifted his head and wiped the spit from the corner of his mouth. He was hoping you hadn’t noticed the wetness and that you weren’t questioning the wiping motion he made at his cheek. “And I-”
You smiled, “From the drool spot on the pillowcase, I’ll have to assume you slept well.”
Jean’s cheeks turned rosy, you could see the physical embarrassment on his face. He wasn’t the type to accept humiliation so easily, he was always one to fight back. Just his humiliation isn’t enough, if he’s going down, he’s taking as many people he can take with him. So, you weren’t sure why you were surprised when he swiftly sat up, grabbed the pillow, and attempted to shove the wet spot into your face.
You yelped, rolled, and sprung from the bed only a second before the pillow could land on your cheek, right where it was heading. You were up on your feet quicker than you ever thought you could be, your body still feeling the aftereffects of sleep. You looked down at the boy in front of you, the pillow still tightly gripped in his hands and a mischievous smile smacked across his face.
“You little bastard,” You said with a shocked smile.
Jean smiled back, “I’m actually quite big.” The words were meant as a joke about his body’s size, but both of your dirty minds immediately jumped to the size of something else on his body. “In more ways than one.”
You shouted at the boy between the giggles escaping from your throat, “Jean! Seriously!”
Jean shrugged, laughing along at his own joke, “I’m sorry, I had to!”
“You didn’t have to do shit!” You made your way to the bedroom door. “I’m going home!”
“One bad joke and now you’re leaving.” Jean leaped from the bed, following you to the door. “At least let me make you breakfast first.”
You turned to him with an intrigued glint in your eyes, “Will you make me waffles?”
“Sure,” Jean said as he playfully shoved your shoulder, “I’ll make you waffles.”
“With chocolate chips?” He walked in front of you, leaving the room with you following behind him like a child.
“Yes, I can add chocolate chips.” Jean tried to hide the grin spreading across his cheeks. “Do you want bacon and sausage as well?”
“Shut up,” You said from behind his back, “You know that I don’t.”
His voice sounded sweet, “Yeah, I do know.”
You stood against the counter, only a foot away from where he stirred the waffle mix. You watched as he eyed the waffle box intently, then poured the four other ingredients into the bowl after the dry mix. He looked a bit confused as he moved the spoon around the bowl, as if he was deathly afraid of missing something but not wanting to give the impression that he’d be stupid enough to miss something.
You knew where the coffee was kept and how to work his coffee machine and while you waited for it to brew, you watched Jean with a weak smile across your face. He could feel your eyes on him. Jean tried to ignore the weight of your eyes, not wanting his cheeks to go red though his chest was already inflating from the action.
Jean spared a glance in your direction, only a few seconds before the coffee finished brewing with a loud splash. For those few seconds when both of your eyes were held on each other, time seemed to slow. You could read the admirational glint in his brown eyes and he could read the appreciative glint in your eyes. Before the moment could go much further, you turned away and grabbed the coffee pot and mugs.
You not only knew which coffee beans Jean preferred, but you also knew how he liked his coffee. You poured a little bit of his roommate’s creamer into his mug, and then the tiniest bit of sugar as well. After the coffee was finished, you handed him the mug with a quick smile.
Waffles eventually found themselves on plates and forks eventually found themselves in between fingers. You both ate breakfast against the kitchen counter, Jean leaning down farther than you had to. You moved your fork against the softness of the slightly underdone waffles - he didn’t know just how much batter was supposed to go into the waffle maker at once.
Jean suddenly spoke up by your side, “Are you free this Saturday?”
You turned to the boy, “I normally am. Who’s next?”
“I have a friend on the football team.” Jean ignored your initial grimace to the statement. “He’s nice and desperate, the way you like ‘em.”
You turned back to your waffle with a small pout, “Maybe I should give guys a break for a little.” Jean raised an eyebrow at you. “I’ll just become a nun and write off men altogether.”
“You can’t do that!”
Your head snapped back to Jean, “I can’t?”
“No,” Jean said, “You can’t.”
“And, why can’t I?”
“You just can’t.”
A thick silence had settled in the room, the only sound being the scraping of forks against the porcelain plates. You wondered why Jean was against you becoming a nun. You assumed it was because he was the type to fight persistently, so possibly the idea of giving up on something indefinitely was foreign and upsetting to him. You knew he indirectly reflected onto other people, yourself included.
After a few more moments of silence, Jean started walking away. You watched him as he moved across the living room, heading straight towards his bedroom. Right before the boy could get to the door, he turned to you with a single raised eyebrow and a cocky grin.
“Hey,” Jean said from across the room, “Do you wanna go to the bathroom before I do?”
You looked around the kitchen with a confused look on your face, as if the apartment could give you any clue as to what he was implying with his words. You didn’t have to use the bathroom, nor did you ever insinuate within the last twenty minutes that you did.
You tilted your head curiously, “Why would I need to go to the bathroom before you?”
Jean smiled at the idea of his next words, already proud of himself, “Just to make sure I can’t crawl out through the window.”
Jean laughed as you pretended to throw your fork across the spacious apartment. He was proud of his joke, and you had to admit that you weren’t as upset as you should have been. Last night, the idea of your date crawling through a window in order to get away from you was the worst thing that had ever happened. But with Jean, it was just a funny memory.
Jean came back to the kitchen after a few moments, still giggling lightly about his joke he made nearly two whole minutes ago. You ignored his cockiness by trying to fight the smile forming on your face.
Jean leaned towards you, wrapping a muscled arm around your shoulders. Being pressed against his body in this way made you now realize how he smelled. He smelled of a rich cologne of rose and mahogany. You hadn’t noticed the cologne before he left for the bathroom, but it could have very well slipped past you.
Jean spoke from above you, “I’m glad you aren’t still upset about last night.”
“I never said that.” You looked up at the boy, his arm still around you. “But, I am starting to see the humor in the situation.”
“Good,” Jean said with a smile, “It’s not nearly as bad as that guy who asked if his mom could join you for the date.”
You cringed at the thought, “And, I said yes.”
“And, the one who asked for a vial of your blood.”
You shrugged at the taller boy, “At least he asked, there was the one guy who stole my hair scrunchie without asking first. I think he used it so he could clone me.”
“Yeah.” Jean quickly remembered another awful date. “And, the one who gave you a yarn doll of yourself as a first date gift.”
You smiled widely, “I’m nearly a hundred percent sure that it was actually a Voodoo doll. I’m glad I accepted it before I told him no to a second date.”
Jean grinned down at you, only an inch or two from your face. It was hard not to smile when looking at the boy. He was beautiful and reminded you of an ancient sun god. From his tanned skin, to his lively brown eyes, and his deeply inviting smile. It was hard to look at Jean and not feel your heart skip a beat, especially when you were so close to him.
“They’re all funny stories now,” Jean said, “So, that’s good.”
You moved deeper into his arm, “Funny stories that I don’t need.”
“But, funny stories nonetheless.”
“Yeah,” You mumbled sarcastically, “Thanks to you.”
“Hey!” Jean was pulling you into a quick bear hug as you laughed against his chest. “I try to find the University’s best guys for you! They are truly the school’s finest.”
“Then, why do they all suck?”
He didn’t answer your question because he wasn’t sure he knew why. He didn’t know why he threw these horrible guys onto you, under the impression of them being good matches. But, in his defense, it was hard to find somebody of your quality.
You were a goddess amongst mortals and these men could never be enough for you. And, if these men were mortals compared to you, then Jean felt he wasn’t even a mortal. He was the dirt hiding in the crevices of somebody’s shoe, he was the dust somebody breathed in before they yawned. Jean felt he could never equal up to you, but maybe these other guys could get close. And, maybe - just maybe - if he helps you get a boyfriend, then he wouldn’t think about you being a goddess so much.
Next Chapter
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Revenge Never Felt So Good
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Guns, bombing, language, murder, blood, hints to smut (none actual smut), typos, shitty writing, torture I guess
-Words: 4.9K
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A/n: Can we get back to mob stuff? Please. I want to apologize for this chapter, it is absolute shit and I could tell by writing it. Kind of a filler chapter. Sorry it is long.
Chapter 13: Revenge Never Felt So Good
Words: 4.9K
It had been a week, since you got your memories back and you declared your love for Tom once more. Right after that, you and Tom were on the first train to Paris, refusing to fly for awhile.
You and Tom returned last night, just in time to see Parker and Rosie off to school the next morning. While you and Tom had been enjoying a second honeymoon in the city of love, Nikki and Dom so graciously offered to watch the kids. Everything was falling back into full swing. Parker and Rosie were going to school regularly. Rosie spending all her time with Henry and Parker still living his secret double life.
Things going back to normal. Somewhat.
It was a typical morning, but anytime everyone every thinks that, something gets massively screwed up. You woke up early to make pancakes and bacon.
“So what is plan for everyone today?” You asked, sipping at your steaming cup of coffee.
“Well, Rosie and I have school,” Parker explained.
“I have plans with Henry,” Rosie chimed in.
“I have meetings all day, love.” Tom said, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Ok, so I’m all alone today,” you muttered, a little disappointed.
“I’m sorry darling, you could join me. You know much I love it when you sit in my lap during meetings. Really show them who’s boss,” Tom said, wrapping you in his embrace.
“No, it’s ok. I have some errands to run anyway.”
“Alright, angel. I love you. I’ll see you for dinner.”
“I love you too. Come on, kids. In the car we go.” You said, pushing everyone out the door.
“Why is Jared not driving?” Parker asked.
“Cause, I have errands to run and besides he’s driving your dad today.”
“Now let’s go.” You said as Parker and Rosie hopped into the car.
Tom was having a hard time returning to his mob personality. Some business was conducted in Paris, you tagged along and enjoyed every minute of it. Tom sometimes overcompensated for not being as dangerous and intimidating. He had grown soft taking care of you after the helicopter crash. Helping you get your memory took most of his time, he had to step away from the mob for awhile. But you were his top priority.
Tom couldn’t remember the last time he sat in his office doing business. He missed it. He missed the thrill of torturing someone, having them beg for their life in front of him. He missed the feeling of firing his gun.
“Tom, you’re late,” Haz said as Tom got out of the car.
“Sorry not sorry Haz, I enjoyed breakfast with Y/N and the kids this morning,” Tom responded.
“I have to tell you something.”
“What? It’s never good news if it’s right when I get here.”
“We’re down two more.” Harrison mumbled referring to then decreasing number of soldiers part of the Holland Empire.
“Are you fucking serious? Haz, I’m so fucking tired of this bullshit. My men are getting fucking killed. Everything has gone to shit,” Tom screamed, enraged.
“Tom, we’ll figure it out. Just need to keep your cool.” Haz said, trying to avoid Tom’s wrath.
“Easier said than done. Alright, who’s here,” Tom asked, trying to forget about everything else.
“William.” Haz said with a straight face.
“What? Why? He’s always been loyal,” Tom questioned. One of his most valuable men, working against him, the rat?
“I got word from the soldiers he has been taking bribes from Parker,” Harrison explained.
“What the fuck for? Well, I guess we’ll find out.” Tom said, walking into the main room of the warehouse.
“William, I’d never thought it would be you in this chair.” Tom said, walking up to one of his most trusted employees.
“Tom, you gotta believe me. I didn’t do anything. I’m not the rat,” William pleaded. He knew what had been happening to the mob.
“Did you or did you not take money from Parker?” Tom asked.
“Yes, he just wanted to get out of the manor at night. So, he paid me to turn a blind eye.”
“Where was he going?”
“I don’t know, I assumed to some girl’s house.” “William, I trust you. So I’m going to let you off with a warning, but you can’t let him sneak out anymore. I’m afraid we are being targeted. If he tries to leave, you have to tell me.”
“Yes, boss. I’m sorry.” William apologized.
“It’s ok, but you understand what needs to happen right? I can’t be looking like I’ve gone soft,” Tom asserted.
“Yeah, I can take it. It’s ok,” William said, gritting his teeth as he waited for the collision of Tom’s fist to his cheek. Tom winded up to deliver one swift punch to William’s left eye. Not breaking the skin but creating a dark purple blotch.
All of Tom’s frustrations have been channeled into his mob duties. Each punch riddled with anger and frustration. A release of catharsis combined with blood. Tom wears the smell of blood and death like a perfume.
The rest of the day was full of uneventful meetings. Meetings with business associates, actual business associates for the company.
When Tom came home, he planned to confront Parker about his whereabouts if he tried to sneak out again. Everyone retired, you went to sleep first and Rosie went to her room. Parker said, he was going to bed but Tom could see right through him.
Tom was sitting in the den, sipping a glass of watered down whiskey. Waiting for his son to disobey him. At 11:55 PM, Parker made his way downstairs ever so slightly. Only to be met with the dagger eyes of Tom.
“Where the fuck do you think you are going?” Tom asked as Parker tried to sneakily leave.
“I… I thought I heard noise outside and I’m going to go check on it,” Parker stammered. Getting caught by Tom was not part of the plan.
“Oh, ok. Parker the guards can do that. Go back to bed.” Tom said, turning back to the TV in the den, broadcasting Raiders of the Lost Ark.
“Ok. Night, dad,” Parker said, trudging himself back up the steps.
“Night…. I know, you’re lying,” Tom whispered loud enough for Parker to hear.
“What? I’m not lying.”
“Parker, I know you’ve sneaking out for weeks and bribing William.”
“Dad, I’m sorry,” Parker immediately started apologizing, no bother in trying to lie himself out of this one.
“Why have you been sneaking out?” Tom questioned, seething with anger but refusing to show it. Trying to have a mature adult conversation.
“I’ve been going to a girl’s house, her name is Jamie.”
“Oh, glad you find someone. You know after everything with Charlotte,” Tom replied.
“Well since I told you the truth, can I go? We made the plan a couple days ago and don’t want to cancel,” Parker lied.
“Alright, just be back before sunrise or your mother will have may head,” Tom informed him.
“Thanks dad, you should get some sleep,” Parker said, making his way out of the heavily guarded house.
Parker left as quickly as possible. He knew Wilson would be pissed for him being late. The talk with Tom was not how this was supposed to happen.
He couldn’t betray his family and himself anymore.
Parker hoped this was the last time he would have to talk to him. He planned to quit, after the conversation with Dom. Parker had become everything he hated, someone who kills for sport.
“Wilson, this is the last thing I’m doing then, I’m out,” Parker said, walking towards Wilson.
“We’ll talk about it later, my boy,” Wilson said, patting Parker’s shoulder.
“Alright who am I killing? You never gave me a target.” Parker shouted at Wilson walking.
“Oh, this isn’t a hit, it’s a robbery. Here’s your new firearm,” One of Wilson’s men explained, tossing a MP5K at him.
“You okay kid? You know if you’re too much of pussy the boss might understand,” jeered one of the men as Parker gulped at the size of the weapon.
“Fuck you, I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with,” Parker barked, trying to put his mind aside. He has never done anything like this. It wasn’t just one person he was killing, it was the possibility of having many causalities. Altering his persona from a hitman to a mass murderer.
A million thoughts flooded Parker’s mind. He wouldn’t be killing people who deserved it like before, contract killers or drug dealers, these were innocent people. Stupid people for gambling all their hard earned money away but nonetheless innocent.
Parker’s heart nearly stopped when he saw where the van pulled up to. A place he knew all too well, it was one of Tom’s casinos.
The company that Dom had built, but all the Holland boys sent thriving in the new century, was more than it seemed. Holland Exportation and Luxuries was much more than exporting goods.
It was casinos that ran all along the French Riviera, more specifically Monaco. It was hotels across the entire globe. It was a business but not the family one. More of a front for the mob but it paid the bills. Harry and Sam had been in charge of running and establishing the hotels and casinos across Europe.
“Y’know your way around, right? That’s why the boss put you on this.” One of men asked Parker as he fiddled with his new machine gun.
“I guess so.” Parker replied.
“Here’s a map. Where are the guards? Which posts?” Asked a soldier, pointing to the main entrance hallways, where security was sure to be.
“I don’t know.”
“So we’re going in there fucking blind? Fuck, thought you’d be good for something. Just stay out of our way,” yelled one of the capos.
“No. I’m taking point. If you have a problem, you can fucking talk to me about it along with my Glock,” Parker threatened.
“Alright. Don’t screw this up. The boss wants big bucks from this. Says “it’s step two in the fall of the empire.” Whatever the fuck that means.”
“On my count, 1, 2… 3,” Parker screamed.
They came storming in, barricading all the entrances and exits. Parker and Wilson’s men clad in all black and payday masks. All various colors and designs. They looked as they were trick or treating.
This was the last thing Parker wanted to be doing. He came today to quit and now he was robbing a casino.
Parker kept repeating a mantra in his head “Last one, then I’m done” as held his gun high. Pointing it directly at innocents, he could see them shaking in fear.
“EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW!” He shouted, aiming his machine gun high.
“Don’t you fucking touch that button. I know what it fucking does.” Parker barks at the person behind the token counter. “Open the vault.” Parker said, pointing the gun at him.
“Why should I?” remarked the worker.
“Cause I fucking said so and I’m threatening your life,” Parker explained
“Enough of this shit!” He screamed, firing a few rounds close to the worker but not hitting him.
“You don’t have to do this. You could walk out of here, all of you. And we could go on with our lives. No need for money or the cops.”
“I think we both know that’s not gonna happen. I’ll ask nicely, please open the vault,” Parker mocked. “Boss said “start killing hostages in 10 minutes.” One of the other men whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Did you fucking hear that? We’re gonna fucking kill you if you don’t cooperate. So I suggest you open… the fucking… vault.”
“Sir, we can’t.”
“See this gun. LOOK AT IT! It has the power to put a bullet through your skull. Open the fucking vault. I won’t ask a fifth time.”
“That’s it. Now, type in the code.” Parker directed towards them.
The vault door creaked open, revealing trappings of pure wealth. Money stacked on tables, almost reaching the ceiling. And gold bars, glistened as the light reflected off of them.
“Now was that so fucking hard. Take all of it. Everything, even the gold.” Parker said, directly towards his men.
“Thank you, you’ve served you purpose,” Parker said to the worker, shooting him dead not even 3 seconds later. The screams of the other hostages echoed through the vacated room.
“Now to everyone here, there’s already one dead. I don’t mind making it more,” Parker barked.
“What’s your name?” Parker asked the nice looking girl kneeling on the ground.
“It’s not nice to not answer when someone asks you question, especially someone with a 9 caliber MP5K in your face. I ask again. What’s your name?” Parker spoke.
“Jane,” she whispered, shaking with fear.
“Well Jane, I want to thank you for your cooperation. You are in charge of talking to the cops, ok? And let your boss know, that Wilson is always watching,” Parker said, as he turned to leave.
“I will but you won’t get as far as you hoped,” Jane asserted, trying not to irritate Parker.
“And why’s that?”
“I know you. I remember you. You’d come in here with your dad.”
“You don’t know fucking shit!” Parker screamed.
“I know your name and that puts me at a high position of power,” Jane expressed, growing less afraid by the second. Realizing he is just some scared boy. Maybe not afraid of his own shadow but broken down by the fear of the world.
“I’m the one pressing fucking gun to your head. I HAVE ALL THE POWER!” Parker vociferated loud enough to shake the chandelier hanging above.
“You wish. Men like you always wish.”
“Seems like you’re doing some wishing yourself sweetheart. Wishing to be escorted out of here in a body bag. Now shut your fucking trap.”
“Hey. Let’s go. Leave her.” One of the Wilson’s men said, pulling Parker towards the exit.
“He still loves you and he’ll forgive you for this,” Jane shouted as Parker left.
Refusing to turn back, he had taken enough lives from this ill attempt at revenge. Parker didn’t know who he was fighting against anymore. Who was the hero and who was the villain?
All the wrongdoings as vast as the sea. All his attempts to make someone pay were misconstrued. Who actually deserved it?
The words of the woman replayed in Parker’s head. She was like a broken record, forcing him to listen to a truth he hoped to forget. How could Tom forgive him? Parker knew what he done was unforgivable. It was a mistake, all of it.
Parker marched into Wilson’s office and said, “Ever since I started working for you, my family has been in danger. I thought my dad was the reason for my girlfriends death, but I was wrong. I guess I’ll never know. Here Wilson, my gun. I quit.”
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I own you. I could end you, boy. Just like I almost did your parents,” Wilson barked.
“What?” Parker questioned, a look of confusion are on his face.
“Oh, please. You really think it was just a malfunction,” Wilson scoffed.
“What are you talking about?” Parker asked.
“Their helicopter. Pretty brilliant work, if I do say so myself,” Wilson gloated.
“They almost died.”
“Yeah and so? Your dad is my enemy. That is the whole reason you came to me in the first place.”
“You promised you wouldn’t hurt them,” Parker screamed. “Promises are meant to be broken. They don’t call me the Merchant of Death for nothing.”
Wilson was ready for the fight and been the one pulling the strings the entire time. Tom warranted no quarrel. Never being the instigator in a fight with Wilson.
They had been divided for years to come, focusing on their separate mobs. Only acknowledging each other if they accidentally crossed paths. There was Wilson’s mob, then a few others scattered round London such as Graham’s which was almost non-existent and Shaw’s which was mostly the drug scene. But Wilson was Tom’s biggest competitor. Being a part of then game for years before didn’t matter, Tom eclipsed Wilson just like the sun does the moon.
Or the moon to the sun, that was exactly Wilson’s play from the start. Taking out the pillars of Tom’s life. First a reason to have his son turn on him, the death of a loved one. Next, removing you from Tom’s grasp. Eventually a play had to be made on Rosie. Leaving Tom utterly alone.
Only thoughts that would cross his mind be suicidal ones, having lost everything he ever cared about. It was a long play, one Wilson vowed to see through. Wilson saw all his work as justice and merciful. Almost biblical, they way everything was playing out.
“It was you. All along. The fucking puppet master,” Parker mumbled under his breath.
“If you are talking about your little girlfriend, that was strictly business, nothing personal. But yes, I have been the one behind the scenes driving your father mad. Remember the note?” Wilson exclaimed.
“She didn’t deserve to die,” Parker shouted.
“What? Are you really upset? That was ages ago. Plus, I had to get you on my side somehow,” Wilson teased.
“Wait, you knew I’d come here?”
“Parker, how stupid are you? When will you grow up and learn this rivalry is just the beginning of a war. What side are you going to be on? You have a choice. I’ve warmed to you and I want you on my side as I take your daddy down.”
“That’s your first fucking mistake don’t have any weaknesses,” Parker admitted, taking a lesson from Tom. He drew is gun, point blank at Wilson.
“Parker, what are you doing? Put the gun down,” Wilson pleaded for his life.
“No, you made me into a cold blooded killer. Not my dad. I quit.”
After a loud thud sounded, the room was silent. Only a faint smell of smoke from the gun was there as Parker fled as quickly as possible.
Parker made his way home that night a changed man. All his kills in the pass were strictly business. Never driven by emotion but this one was personal.
It wasn’t a job or a hit. He was no longer a contract killer. Killing for the sake of money or an obligation. He was cold blooded killer.
In some twisted way, Parker enjoyed Wilson and his company. Looking up to him. He was then one who saved him from the horrible life he thought he was leaving behind. The one full of deceit and betrayal. The one with Tom, you and Rosie.
The one that led him to be next leader of the Holland mob. The one that resulted in the death of his beloved girlfriend. The one that had almost taken you and Tom away from him. The one that almost took his life. The one that forced him to kill for sport.
But no, he was wrong Parker brought that on himself. Parker’s naivety was his greatest enemy. He was just a child not too long ago. Once afraid of his own shadow, then afraid of failing at life and school, especially the SATs. Now, he was an adult burdened by problems a 16 year old should ever face. He could sit there and blame Tom, but it would do him no good when all he had to do was look in the mirror.
Parker was his own worst enemy. Searching for justice, when none could be found in a world wear mobsters roamed. Causing shootouts, robbing banks, and killing innocent people. People deserved to be avenged and Parker sure as hell wasn’t doing anything to aide.
Parker drove home, took four showers and threw his clothes away. Anything to wash off this abhorrent day. The next morning, Parker went on like nothing had changed. As if he didn’t shoot his boss and Tom’s rival in cold blood. As if didn’t only see himself as a cold blooded killer. Everything that he is and everything he owns soiled with the scent of murder.
He played it as though it was any other morning. Eating his pancakes and bacon before starting the day. Telling you about his plans for the day. Trying to keep his cool. The lovely morning breakfast conversation was interrupted once Tom’s phone rang.
“Haz, why are you calling me? I’m having breakfast with my family,” Tom asked, annoyed his precious breakfast was interrupted. “Charlie is here, you need to get here. I have to tell you something,” Haz informed Tom. “Ok, I’m on my way,” Tom said, brushing off the request. Why would the
company’s electrical engineer for aeronautical transportation be there?
“Love, I’m so sorry but I’m needed at the warehouse. Thank you for this wonderful breakfast, wish I could enjoy it. Bye, kids. Have a good day at school,” Tom said, making his way out the door. Bidding you all goodbye.
“Haz, what’s was so urgent that I couldn’t finish my breakfast.” Tom barked, annoyed he was pulled away from you and the kids even on a Saturday.
“We were robbed last night. The casino.” Haz explained, his head hanging low.
“How the fuck? Did they catch them?” Tom seethed with anger.
“No, we do have eye witnesses though.”
“How much is missing?”
“About 11 million dollars, from cash to gold bars.” Haz said, waiting for Tom to explode.
“FUCK. We need to make them pay. I’m done playing fucking games.” Tom shouted, calming himself down for his meeting with Charlie.
“Now, you said Charlie was here, right?”
“Yeah, in your office.”
“Charlie? What are you doing here?” Tom asked, a little annoyed he was taken away from his morning with his family.
“Tom, I ran my report and did diagnostics tests and it’s not good,” Charlie started.
“What the fuck does that mean, Charlie?” Tom yelled.
“I think the helicopter was sabotaged.”
“What? You mean is that someone tried to take out my wife and I while we were on a helicopter,” Tom repeated, making all the connections necessary .
“Yes, it wasn’t just a normal malfunction. Did they ever find the pilot?” Charlie asked.
“No… Jesus fucking christ, if it’s true then…Fuck, I’m sorry I have to go,” Tom yelled, running out to the car.
“Jared, home now.”
“Mr. Holland is everything alright?” Jared asked, concerned by Tom’s frantic manner.
“No. I just found out the helicopter was sabotaged. I think someone might being trying to take out Y/N and I.”
“Come on baby, pick up,” Tom whispered, frantically dialing your number over and over.
“Y/N answer the god damm phone!” Tom shouted, when heard the same voice message over and over again, “Hi, this Y/N Holland please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
“God fucking dammit. Fuck, voicemail. Jared do you know where my wife is?” Tom yelled, afraid what your silence meant.
“Last I heard she was at the store getting groceries,” Jared explained.
“Fuck, I have here location on my phone. Change course,” Tom barked, praying you were okay. With the information he just learned he didn’t want to leave you alone, not even for a second.
“Y/N! You’re okay.” Tom said, inhaling a breath of relief. You were coming out of the store pushing a cart of groceries.
“Tom! Of course, I’m okay. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I’ll explain later. Get Parker and Rosie we need to go home now.”
“They’re already home. Henry’s there also. You’re scaring me.” You said, Tom never acts like this.
Being a part of a mob there is a constant fear of someone behind you. All throughout Tom’s life he only had to worry about himself until he met you.
Tom’s worst fear is him being the reason you no longer walk the earth. The last week he had glimpse of life without you and didn’t care for it one bit. You weren’t a weakness but at the same time, you were. For anyone with a dangerous job there’s always a target on your back.
“Come on, love. In the car,” Tom motioned towards the car.
“Tommy, my car is here. I’ll meet you there,” you said, kissing his cheek goodbye.
“Ok just be careful please.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Ok, Jared. Home now plea—“ Tom directed but was cut off by a loud BOOM.
“Jared, what the fuck was that?” Tom asked.
“Sir, it was Mrs. Holland’s car.”
“Y/N! Y/N?” Tom jumped out of the car. Nothing else mattered in that moment, only finding you.
Time stood still as thick black smoke bled through the air. Coating everything in its path with a faint ash. Screams echoed from the bystanders as the car went up in flames.
“Tom, I’m okay. It wasn’t mine.” You exasperated, coughing from the smoke. It wasn’t your car but it was close in proximity.
“Thank god. I can’t keep almost losing you,” Tom whispered, kissing you hairline.
“I’m here now.” The second you were in his arms you knew you were safe.
“Yes you are. It sure does look hell a lot like yours, though. Come on, I’m taking you home,” Tom said, wrapping his right arm around your shoulder.
Pulling up to the manor, everything looked different. There were more guards posted at every corner with heavier weaponry. Tom had the gate barricaded with another car in case some where to ram into the gate.
“Jesus, what took you so long?” Haz said
“They tried to bomb Y/N’s car. Thankfully the dumb fucks who planted it, picked the wrong car.”
“Tom you need to tell me what’s going on.”
“I will. Family meeting in the living room. Now.”
“Some of us have some secrets to share. I want to know everything that happened here while your mother and I were in Paris. Someone start talking,” Tom said, pacing in front of Parker and Rosie sitting on the couch.
Rosie and Parker were both hiding something. Rosie’s however was a rather monumental milestone. Rosie reminisced of her wonderful night with Henry while you and Tom were away. She loved Henry so much and was overjoyed to share that experience with him.
Rosie had told Henry at the wedding that she was ready to take that next step with him. Seeing you and Tom re-commit yourselves to one another affirmed that for Rosie. That she loved him more than anything.
“I’m sorry, dad. You don’t have to worry, we were safe,” Rosie blurted out.
“What?” Tom barked growing more anger by the second.
“Henry and I used a condom,” Rosie responded.
“Rosie?” You questioned, knowing what she was talking about.
“WHAT?” Tom screamed.
“That’s not what you were hinting at?” Rosie stammered.
“No, this is about Parker,” Tom reckoned.
“Fuck,” she mumbled under her breath.
“Where the fuck is he?” Tom yelled, bolting out of the living room. Looking for the boy who had stolen Rosie’s innocence. You and Rosie soon followed hoping Tom wouldn’t do anything rash.
“Henry, you bastard! You fucked my daughter!” Tom shouted charging at Henry.
“Oh shit,” Henry muttered, he knew Tom could kill him in an instant.
“You went in my daughter! What’s stopping me from killing you right now.” Tom asked with gritted teeth, hoping this dumbass wouldn’t answer.
“Tom, put him down,” you said, as Tom was gripping his collar and dangling him in the air.
“Tom, please,” you pleaded as Tom held a gun square to Henry’s head.
“The safety is on, I was never gonna shoot him. Just make him shit his pants a little. From now on, you two can’t be here alone. And if you are in your room the door needs to stay open,” Tom said, pointing fingers at Rosie and Henry.
“I believe we have more important business to get to. Now come on,” you said, pulling Tom away.
“Y/N, you know I was never going to actually hurt the boy right?”
“Yes, Tommy. Now please resume the family meeting.”
“Parker. Do you have something to tell us?” Tom asked, knowing his son will lie.
“I’ve been sneaking out at night and I’m sorry,” Parker started, you could hear the disappointment behind his voice.
“Why? I know it’s not because of a girl. I want to know everything,” Tom explained, fucking tired of all the lies.
Parker began by explaining how he felt by the loss of Charlotte and how he turned to Wilson. In Parker’s mind he was doing the right thing. Serving justice to those who wronged others. But in reality he was the one committing the wrongdoings.
Parker came clean that he was the one killing all of Tom’s men and that he killed Jazz. That he went Wilson before coming to Tom. Becoming Wilson’s secret hitman was never supposed to go this far. He only intended for it to be a big fuck you to Tom. Not destroy his livelihood and his family in the process.
Including all the details of Wilson’s secret agenda of taking you and Tom out. But Parker left out the fact that Wilson was no longer a threat. Having taken care of him the day before.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve never been this naive and stupid. I’m the one you’ve been searching for. I’m the rat,” Parker exclaimed. “Dad, say something,” he pleaded.
“Get out,” Tom said with an unchanging expression.
“I said get the fuck out!”
“Tom,” you tried to reason.
“You are no longer my son. Betraying me, betraying your family. Get out.” Tom screamed.
A/n: I’m sorry. I like the content in this chapter but not the writing.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @dummiesshort @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
66 notes · View notes
A Perfect Storm Part 3
Harry Potter Marauders Ers- Post Hogwarts
Link to Part 2 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M 
Song in Chapter: Weather by Molly Parden 
I've been watching the weather where you are to see where it is that you're taking my heart. I've been praying that you haven't lost it yet. 'Cause it's times like these I don't want to forget
For the next few days, you decided that you weren’t leaving your room or talking to anyone. It didn’t matter how many letters and expensive pieces of jewelry that you received from Regulus or how many times that your mother came to harass you; there was no coming out. Evan didn’t bother, you knew that you brother was smarter than to even try.
It wasn’t until day 4 did the family elf Curly turn up in your room did you speak to someone.
“Mistress Y/n, your father ordered Curly to come up and tell you that the dark lord is coming to dinner. Master told Curly to inform you that you are to get decent and…”
Before Curly could finish there was a knock at your door. Your father’s voice came from the other side.
“Y/n, I want you to open the door this instant. I want to have a word with you.”
You quickly pulled on a robe before opening the door. It was very few and far between when your father came to your room for anything. Something had to be very wrong for him to show up.
Opening the door, you faked a smile.
“Father, I’m glad you’re home!”
You said as cheerfully as possible before wrapping your arms around your father’s shoulders. He held you back for a moment before motioning to the sofa in the corner of your room.
“We need to have a chat.”
You had a feeling of just where this was going to go but decided to play dumb.
“Of course.”
Your father, for the most part, decided to leave the child-rearing and decisions to your mother or nannies. He only came when something was unmanageable for the previously mentioned parties.
Sitting down beside your father, you decided to let him make the first move. Maybe he wanted to talk to you about something else. Maybe he needed advice on a new necktie or something? If you were lucky that was going to be the topic.
When am I ever lucky?”
You thought bitterly as your father smiled before cupping your cheek.
“You’re always such a pretty girl, Y/n. I think that is why your mother and I worry so much about you. While we support your career and the wonderful growth that we have seen in you over the past few years there is a topic that I need to discuss with you. If I don’t, I wouldn't be a good father, in my eyes. Your mother informed me of the situation regarding Regulus Black. I believe that it would be in your best interest to take him up on the offer of a proposal.”
You swallowed. This was going to be the conversation that you expected.
“He never mentioned that.”
Your father chuckled.
“Evan also told me everything that happened. I don’t think that Regulus really was able to get to that point. Y/n, you used to be so crazy for Regulus.”
You scrunched up your nose. This behavior would have earned a slap from your mother but your father was more willing to let you speak your mind.
“That was before he left me for another woman. Father, I don’t care if it was due to a love potion. I was and am still hurt but I do love him. I suppose that I am afraid of being hurt again.”
Your father nodded.
“He apologized and is trying very hard to earn your favor again. You can’t blame Regulus for situations that he couldn’t control. I don’t think that he would go to the extent of sending you such nice gifts if he didn’t care. This brings me to the topic of our discussion. I have spoken with Orion Black and the dark lord himself, we have all decided that it is in your best interest as well as our family’s best interest that you marry Regulus…”
“Father...where was I in this…”
Your father held up a hand.
“You will marry him, Y/n. Like it or not, I have to think of all of my children’s futures. Felix is in Italy. Evan is busy with being a death eater. For you, my only daughter, I have to make sure that you secure a smart match with a good family. The Black family is more than a smart match. I know that you and your children-to-be will be more than financially secure and your history with Regulus makes the decision either. The dark lord, although he typically doesn't get involved in family affairs, agreed to this match as well. Now, Regulus will be here soon as will everyone else. Get up, put on a nice dress and fix your hair. You will not embarrass our family. I have worked too hard to disappoint the dark lord. Therefore you will not disappoint me. Do you understand?”
As much as you wanted to fight back, you knew it would do no good. To be a woman and fight back in a pureblood household, yours especially, would just get you banished. Knowing your luck, your parents would find some way to sabotage your career and leave you penniless.
“Yes, father.”
You finally replied. Your father grinned before patting your face.
“Wear the black dress.”
Your father was gone before you were able to make an argument. He left you sitting alone on the sofa with wide eyes and a completely shattered mental state. Had this been five years ago and your father dropped this kind of bombshell on you, you would have been thrilled. You would be marrying the man of your dreams. There would be no confusion on either of your parts. Regulus wouldn’t be in a state of panic and you wouldn’t feel like a mess of nerves,
As you pulled on the black dress that your father requested you finally let your mind go to Regulus. As much as you didn’t want to you couldn't help it now. All you could see were those grey eyes locked on your face, the way he smiled (when actually did that), the way he had always been beyond gentle with you when other boys weren't...everything. Even with everything that you had gone through it was impossible to stop loving Regulus. You couldn’t just stop loving someone that you had loved since childhood.
The two of you had been shoved together at any spare opportunity by your mothers. Both Walburga and your mother had it decided since before the two of you were born that you would be for each other. To both mother’s delight, both Regulus and yourself “clicked” from day one.
That is what made Regulus’ betrayal with Ambrosia all the more painful. You didn’t just lose your lover...you also lost your best friend. Regulus (whether it was by love potion or not) was gone and wanted nothing to do with you any longer. The pain was more than words could really say or anyone could understand. It felt as if you were missing your right arm. The person that you went to for everything was gone.
Maybe you were being harsh on him now...especially since you knew that it wasn’t his fault but one had to protect themselves right? You had, for the most part, figured that out over the past few years. Sure, Evan was there but you wouldn’t have your brother forever. There was also the realization that Evan would agree with whatever your father (and most certainly the dark lord) ordered. It wouldn't matter what Evan actually felt. If it interfered with his sense of duty, his feelings would be placed on the back burner. Your other brother Felix didn’t really care either way. If he had to step in to fight for your honor he would but he would rather not be bothered by your train wreck of a personal life. His comment on the matter to your parents was “Betroth her to someone else. Problem solved.”
The sense of duty...That had been shoved upon Evan, Feliex, and yourself from dayone. As much as you wanted to throw your hands up and say “fuck it” you couldn’t. You could be like Sirius and say to hell with everyone but you weren’t able to do it. There was the very real knowledge that you would lose your family as well as the possibility that you father would have you killed. This was one way that the Rosiers was even crueler than the Blacks. If you were Walburga’s daughter, she would simply blast your name from the family tapestry and “forget” that you were ever born. Your parents, however, were not like that at all.
Your eyes had fallen to the photo of Regulus and yourself that you had never taken off of your vanity. It was the picture taken on the day that he had given you the engagement ring. You smiled at how “in love” the two of you looked. Regulus was nuzzling your face before kissing you softly.
Maybe it can be like this again?
You thought, hopefully. It would take time that was for sure. Regulus would have to gain your trust back and maybe you would need to let some of the walls that you had built fall.
That would be easier said than done…
After taking more than enough time, you finally decided to go downstairs and face the music. Walking through the formal living room and dining room, you saw more than plenty of familiar faces...just not the face that you were expecting. You had expected Regulus to be waiting for you to come out of hiding.
You know better than that. He isn’t going to draw that much attention to himself.
You thought as your attention went to your mother who was talking to Walburga Black. Smirking to yourself, you couldn’t help but wonder if that pairing is where bad ideas came from?
“Hey, you’re alive.”
You turned to face Evan, who had come to join you. Focusing on your brother’s face, you narrowed your eyes on him.
“Have you heard about my apparent engagement?”
Evan nodded.
“I have.”
You were suddenly unnerved by Evan’s calm stance.
“And your feelings?”
Evan shrugged. He wanted to say that he thought that it was a train wreck in the making but he couldn't. Evan believed that the tension between Regulus and yourself could be fixed but it would take a lot. Was he worried that Regulus would hurt you again No, Regulus had clearly learned his lesson but that didn’t stop the older brother in Evan from worrying.
“Father nor the dark lord asked for my input.”
Evan watched as you made a shocked facial expression.
“You’re supposed to be on my side, Evan!”
Evan wrapped an arm around your wrist and pulled you into the empty drawing-room.
“I am on your side...for your information but I have a job that I have to do. When the dark lord says something is a certain way, we go with it. You know this. Do you love Regulus?”
You nodded. Evan sighed.
“There...then this will work out. Y/n, we have duties that we have to fulfill no matter how personally difficult.”
Evan replied in his cold death eater voice. He looked over his shoulder before his eyes softened.
“Look, if Regulus is unkind to you in any way...I’ll know about it. I’m bigger than he is so I think that you will be just fine. Now go back in there and put a fake smile on your face...like we do all of the time.”
You wanted to say more but knew that it would be useless. Evan was on the right side of the tracks and apparently you were just being difficult...whatever.
Stepping back into the dining room, you noticed Regulus finally. He had apparently just walked in. You were thankful that he hadn’t seen you yet. Looking him over, that desperate feeling of love returned again mixed with the undying need to run for your life. Turning you slipped into the kitchen without making a peep.
I've been watching for the tiniest warning signs, and I'm afraid they might be right, I've been praying for a tell-tale sign, So I can keep you there in the back of my mind, I'll keep you there in the back of my mind,I could never understand, I'd have to ask him again and again, It was out of my hands, I'd have to ask him again and again
You stood in the kitchen focusing on the song coming from the record player that your mother was listening to. Resting your head against the wall, you wanted to come to a conclusion if things were really out of your hands or if you had the “chess pieces” as your mother suggested a few days before. If your mind wasn’t such a pretzel of emotions this situation may not be so damn difficult.
You looked up to see Antonin Dolohov standing in the doorway. This was the last person that you wanted to really deal with at the moment. You found Dolohov as interesting as a block of wood.
You replied as he stepped further into the kitchen. He looked around the room with a forced smile (that he never needed to do again.)
“You look awfully pretty tonight...if no one told you.”
Internally gagging, you forced a polite smile. You wanted to tell the man that was obviously desperate for companionship to go find someone else. There were enough “man” problems in your life without his help. If Bellatrix hadn’t married Rodolphus Lestrange, you would have pointed Dolohov in her direction. They would make the perfect psycho couple.
You internally sighed as the realization that Bellatrix would soon be “family” to you. This day was just getting more and more magical by the moment!
“Thank you, that’ s a very nice compliment.”
You said. Dolohov smiled again.
“I was wondering if you would like to have dinner sometime. You’re a fine woman of quality.”
Oh, Jesus Christ
You thought, mentally giving yourself a facepalm. This had to be the worst “please date me” proposal that you had ever experienced.
“She’s engaged.”
Both Dolohov and yourself turned to see a very annoyed-looking Regulus in the doorway. You smirked as Dolohov put two and two together.
“To you, I am assuming? Black, you waited no time to move on. I can’t compete with this.”
He turned to you with a smile before walking from the room. Regulus scowled at the other man until he was gone from the room. Once Dolohov was gone, Regulus turned to you.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“He’s repulsive.”
Regulus nodded. He waited a moment to say anything. This was the first time that you spoke to him like the “old” days. Even if it was about another man and only two words, Regulus would take what he got.
“Try working with him.”
You turned back to the kitchen sink, pretending to be doing something.
“I suppose you heard the same news that I did?”
You questioned, as you cleaned up a mess that Curly obviously forgot. Where the elf ran off to, you had no idea. What you did know was Regulus had moved beside you. You smelled his scent and internally sighed. Regulus being this close to you was both a comfort and wrecking your nerves at the same time.
“I did. Just so you know, I didn’t plan any of this out.”
“I know.”
You replied. Regulus blinked a few times. He had expected a bit more of a “spark” out of you. In fact, he was half expecting you to start throwing things at him. When you didn’t, he wasn’t for sure what he was supposed to do. You had always been the one that was quick to anger and he was the one that had to talk you down over whatever the event was.
“Y/n, I’ll be a good husband and I think that you know that.”
You still didn’t look up, which annoyed Regulus a bit more.
“I know. We’ve been pushed together since we were babies. I know everything about you, Regulus.”
Regulus finally got annoyed enough and reached out to take the cleaning cloth away from you. You quickly looked up as Regulus turned your body to face his.
“Then you know that I never...ever...would have hurt you intentionally. I think deep down under all of the stubbornness that you were blessed with that you know that too. I also think there is also a part of you that is still in love with me no matter how much you want to deny it.”
“I never denied it.”
You replied as Regulus wrapped an arm around your waist. The two of you stood quietly for a moment before you pulled away. Regulus looked as if you had taken his heart and smashed it.
“Regulus, we’ve both changed since school...since all of this nightmare began. I am not the wife and mother type...I don’t want to be like my mother or your mother.”
Regulus crossed his arms over his chest. He decided to go with the “olive branch” that he had saved for this conversion. It didn’t matter how much he disliked what he was about to say. If it helped him get back with you, he would be willing to give it a shot.
“I’m not asking you to give up your life. You can still be a model if you want. I’m not asking you to give up your life for me. In fact, I would prefer that you don’t be like our mothers. They are horrible enough. As far as my daughter, I don’t want her having the kind of example that we had growing up. Y/n, i’m not asking you to take the place of her mother but she needs a good example of what a woman should be. I can’t do everything on my own. I miss the us against the world thing that we used to have going. What do I have to do? What do I have to say? I am running out of ideas. I am almost to the point of pulling out the sass card and telling you to get over here…”
Regulus stopped his monologue when you smiled.
“Why are you smiling? What about this is amusing?”
You shook your head. When your mouth opened, you weren't sure yourself what happened.
“Come here, Regulus.”
“You’re not going to hit me are you?”
He asked with a small smile earning an eye roll from you.
“No, I am not going to hit you. I need you to prove to me that I can trust you fully.”
You replied as Regulus wrapped his arms around you. He considered trying to kiss you but decided against it. Pressing his luck at the moment didn’t seem like a great idea.
“That isn’t asking much. I’ve missed you.”
He said in a near whisper. You lay your head on his shoulder as all of the emotions of the past five years hit at once. If you were much of a crier, you would be sobbing right now.
“I’ve missed you too.”
Regulus didn’t dare attempt to let you go. Having to let you, the person who provided the most comfort to him, go was not about to happen. You were the one that fixed a lot of the bad things in his life. He wanted to hold you for as long as you would let him. Part of Regulus was surprised that you hadn’t tried to kick him.
“I have a feeling that you are still a bit of a handful.”
Regulus said with a small smirk. You scoffed.
“A bit?”
Regulus tilted your face to his with a small smile.
“Not that I’m complaining. I am kind of looking forward to a life of wondering just what in the fresh hell that I have gotten myself into.”
Before he was able to kiss you, your parents stepped into the room with Walburga, Orion, and Voldemort behind them. Regulus quickly let you go, choosing to ignore the look of approval that his mother was giving him. Walburga had sent him a scathing letter the day before with the news of the engagement arrangement that he better step up his wooing game. Expensive jewelry clearly wasn’t winning you over and if Regulus wanted to win you back then he better do something quickly before another man stepped in. Regulus would have rather taken his time and repaired the broken relationship in a “healthy way” but with parents like his and yours...that wasn’t going to happen. If he was lucky all of the bullshit that just oozed out of his mouth would be enough to please you for the time being. Things were a lot easier when the two of you were 10 years old and your biggest worry was what kind of bug that the two of you were going to throw on Sirius.
The moment that Voldemort stepped into the room, you watched Regulus go from himself to death eater mode. You hated how both Regulus and Evan would become almost cold robots anytime that Voldemort was around. It was required of them, you knew this, but that didn’t mean that you had to like it. Watching their faces turn ice-cold wasn’t something that you really enjoyed. Now you were going to have to forever watch it (unless something truly sudden and unexpected happened to the dark lord).
You also knew to limit your own thoughts as well as not be too “showy” when it came to emotions. If you touch or babied Regulus or Evan too much, you would hear about it later. You had to sit by either Regulus or Evan and be the supportive fiance and sister. It seemed only Bellatrix was able to get out of the “female norm.” If it meant doing things that Bellatrix did to step out of the norm, you would remain where you were. You wanted no part in having Bellatrix Lestrange as a mentor.
“Good, there the two of you are.”
Your father replied.
You said, simply as Voldemort strolled over.
“I suppose the two of you have been informed of the arrangement at hand. While I normally don’t get involved in domestic affairs because I don’t want to, I really think that the two of you have a lot to offer. I have been informed of the love potion incident and this is to be forgotten. Do you both understand?”
Both Regulus and yourself nodded.
Forgotten my ass.
You thought, hoping the dark lord didn’t pick up on that. To your relief, he didn’t seem to.
“Yes, sir.”
Regulus responded as Voldemort turned to you with a smile.
“The both of you have been arranged to marry since you were children. There is no sense in letting a little roadblock ruin what is good planning. We need more purebloods in this world. Y/n, dear, I will make sure that the Parkinsons are punished for their daughter’s doings. You can be assured of that.”
Voldemort turned his attention back to Regulus.
“As for you, take care of this pretty girl. Now, we have a meeting to get to. You’ll be okay without your fiancé for a few moments.”
@amelie-black @regulusslut @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @quuenofblacks @teletubiswszpilkach @mimisparkle12 @fific7 @acciosiriusblack @jessyballet @knreidy1 @rubyroscoe1 @bennyberry @hazncalsgal @criminalyetminimal @whymyparentscheckmyphone @lucasfilms77 @exhsle @spiderxalmighty @authoressskr @brokencasbutt67-writer @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @marichromatic @stuckinsaudi1 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel @mycuddlycorner
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tearblossom · 3 years
Orbital Station Scene Analysis: Part 3
Lmao here we go again. Ready to fall even deeper down the rabbit hole that is this scene with me!? This one scene functions simultaneously as my source of joy and depression and I watch it more than I would care to admit. So, naturally, I have even more to say about it! It’s going to be long. Sorry.
Part 1- https://tearblossom.tumblr.com/post/645095661644251136/scene-analysis-this-is-just-what-i-personally-feel
Part 2- https://tearblossom.tumblr.com/post/645776311115186176/i-was-thinking-some-more-about-the-final-scene
In this one, I’ll be going into more detail explaining the emotional mask that I believe Takemura is trying so desperately to keep on during this scene (and undeniably fails at several times, with it coming off entirely upon the scene reaching a certain pivotal moment) and also pointing out the instances that I feel the mask slips occur. Honestly, it’s pretty easy to tell for reasons that I will explain. I’m going to reiterate the fact that I am not a facial expression/body language expert. This is just one human being looking at another human being and trying to figure them out. This is just my personal interpretation of this scene. Prepare yourself for many, many screenshots and gifs. Also, I will be using the same video sources as the other two posts because I don’t have my own footage. 
I failed to mention before the reason that Takemura even had to put up the cruel facade in the first place because I didn’t want to state the obvious and insult everyone’s intelligence. We all know the reason but I’ll just say it here anyway: Arasaka. 
Arasaka is listening to Takemura’s every word so he literally cannot say shit to V that would hint at any sort of affection for him/her and absolutely nothing that would indicate any growing uncertainty in said corporation. Words mean nothing here. He has to speak through his eyes and expressions because that is all he has to offer, the only cards he has to play. That is why the meaning of this scene can be so easily missed and flies over so many people’s heads. I do not fault anyone that may have missed this on a first playthrough or even those that are still unaware of it whatsoever because Takemura is very, very convincing at first (his face becomes an open book once the contract gets brought out but we’ll get into that later) and besides, to truly understand something that involves emotions as complex as these caused by equally as complex reasons or anything involving subtext really, takes multiple viewings to truly appreciate.
In summary, what I believe is happening here is that during the entire scene up until the contract gets brought out, his mental state is constantly teetering on the edge of a cliff so to speak. He is trying so hard to fight his sentimentality and control his emotional responses not only to V’s misery and pain but also his own wavering faith in Arasaka because they are watching, listening, and monitoring. And he succeeds extremely well at first but it gets harder and harder for him to maintain the mask. The closer he physically gets to V, the harder it is to pretend, to hide. His eyes alone betray him on several occasions but eventually the whole facade just crumbles and he falls. And when the contract comes into play is when he truly, honestly looks at V and the communication through his eyes really begins.
Here is the key thing- it is the most important visual clue to understanding when things happen: When Takemura is feeling any doubt or his emotions begin to overwhelm him or he fears that they might, he promptly averts his eyes to get himself under control and readjusts the mask that has slipped. 
He looks away from V during these moments!
(Just to clarify, I don’t think that every single moment in the scene that he looks away from V has this deeper meaning behind it. When people talk it’s completely natural for them to turn their heads, avert their eyes to look at other things, etc. These are just some moments that particularly stood out to me as signs pointing to my little theory.) 
Okay...let’s start deciphering this conflicted, broken mess of a man.
Scene starts. Takemura is fiddling with the Rubik’s Cube. He puts it down. Expression cold as ice.
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mask on full display in all of it’s glory
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They talk about Saburo being back in the body of his son and have this exchange of words:
V: “Saw Saburo Arasaka’s back. In Yorinobu’s body.”
Goro: “Yes. Justice has been done.”
And then it happens for the first time...
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(Could this be...doubt perhaps? Has justice really been done?)
Moving on- he walks over to stand behind the chair across from V, telling them of their imminent death.
Goro: “I will be blunt - the surgery did not help. You will be dead before winter.”
And then he proceeds to make this face immediately after...
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(Lovely, isn’t it? Just full of sympathy. His mask game is strong. But don’t worry though because V wins in the end BIG TIME.)
Understandably, V gets very upset upon hearing this news.
V: “How... how’s that possible? Arasaka’s got the best and the brightest.”
And then something happens again. Whatever could it be, I wonder!
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But wait, there’s more!
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(He couldn’t even wait until he finished talking before looking away! It’s getting more difficult for him to look at V with a straight face every second! Also, his expression here is the most broken looking yet.) :(
He must not reveal what is hidden behind this emotional wall that he’s worked so hard to build up specifically for this meeting because the room they are speaking in may just as well be made of glass with Arasaka’s unrelenting gaze, an ever-present entity, on the other side of it. He will do so soon though, when he offers V salvation. The contract raises the stakes. The rules change. He feels the wall breaking and there isn’t anything he can do about it and he knows it.
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He looks away another 6 TIMES! Leaning more and more over that edge. Feast your eyes...
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Oh, shit!
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It’s happening!!
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He does look away here but there’s no mask on when he looks back...only despair.
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It’s gone.
The disguise is off now. From this point onward, Takemura looks at V with his true feelings on display. This is where the ability to read the emotion portrayed solely through one’s eyes really comes into play because even though he’s not trying to hide anything anymore, he still can’t say what he really wants to say. We have to feel it through his expressions. His thoughts are so loud during these final moments of the scene that we don’t even need words to know what he’s saying.  
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(I’m literally going to copy and paste what I have in my part 2 analysis about this section because I explained my thoughts on it about as well as I am able to there and have nothing else to add. My apologies for repeating myself but I feel the exact same way about it so it still applies here.) 
These reactions make perfect sense because we’ve always known that he cares deeply for V and never stopped. He just couldn’t hide it! But even with this treasure trove of emotional mask slips and unintentional displays of affection, I still wasn’t sure exactly how deeply he cared for V. In other words- if he was actually in love with V or not.
Is he already in love or is he still in the process of falling in love? Is it just a friendly love? (hell no! I knew that was definitely not the case but I still had to ask just so I could cross it off the list!)
And then the two of them walked to the door and said their parting words.
V: “Gonna see each other again?”
Goro: “I believe we will.”
V: “So… see you.”
Goro: “Visit me in Kagawa - I will show you what is real food.”
And then…
he proceeded to make these faces…
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(The mask isn’t just gone now- it’s burned, splintered, shattered, exploded in a million pieces, disintegrated!)
This man just had the biggest revelation of his entire life: the realization that he is in love with V. These are looks of love and I will not be convinced otherwise. I’m not a facial expression expert or anything, only stating my humble opinions here, but are you seeing this!?
He realizes the truth and it catches him so off guard that he has to look away. He contemplates these newfound feelings and tries to sort them out in the few seconds that he has left with V. And he does. He accepts them. He welcomes them. The gentle, knowing look he gives V when he looks back at them is saying just this.
He also knows that he is now fucked because his love for V is going to complicate things so much more than they already were. Now that he is fully aware that he is in love, these feelings are going to directly conflict with his duties to Arasaka later if a situation arises that places V and Arasaka on opposing sides and I think we all know that is most definitely going to happen at some point.
And now he has to see the love of his life die and just leave this place and go on with his day. Damn. This is turning into one of the saddest love stories I’ve ever seen. Something major is going to happen in the dlc that is going to force his hand one way or another: V or Arasaka? I hope that Arasaka somehow fucks up so bad that it makes his choice easier but my heart breaks imagining the amount of conflict and torment that await him.
The Beginning and The End
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Do you have any more of the comics where Kiri's cat gets into Bakugo's apartment?? B being a dumbass is adorable hrnfjf
I don’t, sorry!! But the very amazing extremely skilled chonideno wrote a whole wonderful fic on it, so you can read that if you want more!! I still can’t believe she did that for me ily mag ;;;
Anon said: kirishima with......... a braid
Honestly the best thought horikoshi should get on that already 🙏
Anon said: i think... that bakugo should give kirishima a sleeby nose smooch..... as a treat.........
Anon said: hello it is i, sleeby nose kiss anon, and i want to say that kiri should also get to wear bakugo's sweatshirt. as a treat. i think he deserves it.
I think kirishima deserves anything and everything in the world and then some so honestly yes, bakugou should absolutely do that! It’d be very soft and it’d make me very happy
Anon said: your blog is a kirishima fucking goldmine thank you for your service in these dark ass times
I’m very glad you enjoy my indulging myself for the past 4+ years hahahaha the more kirishima there is in the world the better, that’s for sure 💕
Anon said: WHAT is your drawing process please reveal your secrets I am b e g g i n g you
It’s nothing complicated, honestly! I sketch out a very rough idea of what I want to draw, then line it as loosely and smoothly as I can manage, add flat colors on another layer, shadows on a multiply layer clipped on the flats one, and then adjust the light/intesity of the colors with a airbrush tool on an overlay layer - it’s really the simplest process known to human artist hahaha I posted a step by step on my patreon at some point, but maybe one day I’ll find a way to make a process video and show you guys how I do it.................... maybe if I’ll ever get to buy an ipad, that’d make my life easier
So very glad people are still finding and liking that one! I had fun for the little it lasted, it was a very self-indulgent au haha
Anon said: Your art is honeslty the only thing keeping me going atm cause I'm going through a tough time rn and your kiribaku art just 🥰🥰🥰 also what program do you use?? I've cycled through so many and I cannot for the life of me find a good one
Thank you so much! I use easy pain tool sai, which is the easiest, most simple program I could find since I’m easily overwhelmed by too complicated things lol it’s got its shortcomings but it works perfectly for the little I have to do :D
Anon said: so i, like, keep going back and reading and re-reading that really long kiribaku comic (the one where kiri won't let baku kiss him) and everything about it makes me happy!! like, your art is already such a delight to look at but you also write them so well and it makes my heart feel all bright and happy and that comic feels like a culmination of all of that and i just feel like '!!!!!!!' everytime
Oh god I nearly forgot about that one, I loved that comic! Had so much fun making it and it was so satisfying to post it 😭😭 I’m happy you still like it and go look at it!! feels very very good to know, thank you! ;;; <3
Anon said: you draw touches, like hugs and stuff, and remind me that i'm a bit touch-starved and i honestly can't say i regret it
Sorry I hope this means that you don’t regret looking at my art even if it reminds you of being touch-starved because I’m!!!! glad to hear that??? though I really hope you’ll get to be hugged soon, anon! ;;;;
Anon said:For some of your black/white art (lineart), do you mind if people color it with proper credit?I like to color manga panels, and I really like your art, so, along with crediting you, is it okay if I color your peices?
I’m not a hundred per cent opposed to it, but I’d prefer it if you could ask before doing so telling me specifically which piece we’re talking about! Cause there’s a couple I’d prefer didn’t get reposted in any form or way, after all ;;
Anon said: I was looking through the jujutsu kaisen tag and found you and looked through some of your recent art and I was about to follow you and then I realized I already followed you for your bnha stuff
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad to hear I could make you want to follow me twice over, then!!! 😁
Anon said: Reminder to drink water and relax, overworking yourself isn’t healthy and we all need time to wind down!
Anon thank you!!!!!!!! The same goes to you, take care of yourself!! <3
Anon said: you are the light by nine lashes has me feeling kiribaku feelings and i have not a single person around me who i can tell ;n;
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I absolutely do know the feel, please feel free to come cry about them in my inbox whenever you’d like anon ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: Could you do a tutorial on lineart? Yours is so clean I’m jealous
It’s not like I don’t want to, it’s just that there’s very little to it I could actually make a tutorial about? I try to keep my sketches vague and simple to not trap myself in the need to make the line look exactly identical to the sketch, and I try to keep my lines as long and uninterrupted as possible, let my hand kind of go the way it feels most comfortable to it if that makes sense, and I use ctrl+z A Lot to be sure the line flows the way I want it to in the direction I want it to go, and that’s honestly all there is to it! It’s not really about technique as much as it is about letting yourself keep as loose and fast as possible while putting down the lines, I really have no idea how else to explain it I’m sorry m(._.)m
Anon said: Sorry if this is an overasked question, but... what are your pronouns? I don’t wanna misgender you -.-
she/her! and don’t worry, you asking is no bother :D
Anon said: can ppl send, like, random hcs or thoughts to you? not like, drawing requests, you don't take those i know, but just because?
Hell yeah, please do!! I love to hear thoughts and headcanons, it makes my own creativity itch to get to work!! 
145 notes · View notes
tavern-aa · 4 years
Lmao little silly XD. Idk why I thought it was on my end but anyway. Can I request floof prompt #1 with naruto x male
A/N: Leviathan here!! I will gladly take a fluff prompt from you dear, and yes...I admit I am in fact a little silly. I’m still sorta new to Tumblr so I didn’t know what I was doing but it is all fixed now thanks to our lovely Teddy <3<3<3.
Warnings: cursing, fighting, bullying, tsundere tendencies, post sippuden before the last
Word Count: 2.7k
x Male Reader
Naruto Uzumaki: Meant To Be
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Fluff Prompt 1: “you know we’re meant to be”
It was much too early in the morning for Y/N to be up and about. Maybe not for everyone else in this god forsaken village, but for him, the sun wasn’t out yet so he didn’t want to be either. But of course, missions always had to start just before the sun rose, something about being inconspicuous or something like that. It didn’t really make much sense to him, most of the ninja in the village wore such brightly colored clothes, they stood out even if they were trying to be unnoticeable. 
Y/N’s hair swayed around his head as he stood crouched in a tree above the village hidden in the leaves, waiting for his team members to show. He knew from the moment the Hokage gave him the assignment that something was bound to go wrong. He was assigned to work with team Kakashi for a covert mission. He didn’t know why team Kakashi though, they weren’t known for being too covert, or even remotely good at being sneaky like ninja were supposed to be. But, he had to do it so there was no use complaining. 
He knew Kakashi was notorious for never showing up on time so he decided to perch himself on a branch high above the gate out of the village, surveying people as they bustled around. The scene wasn’t necessarily busy at this hour, but there were a few early birds moving to do their business. Y/N puffed out a breath of air as he waited for the team to arrive not noticing the brown haired ninja materializing behind him out of the very tree he crouched on. 
“Are you Y/N?” a gruff voice asked from behind Y/N causing the ninja to jump up, spinning around with a kunai in hand ready to strike. His eyes met the image of a slightly older man with brown hair and weirdly shaped eyes, his leaf village forehead protector extended to guard around his face as well. 
“My apologies, sir. I didn’t sense you coming, you’re Yamato, right?”
“I am, I’m sorry for showing up a little late, I was attempting to get the others out of their homes. Kakashi won’t be joining us for this specific mission, so I guess I’ll be in charge.”
“Of course,” Y/N bowed in respect to his superior. His gaze flitted away from the man’s face though as he rose from the bow, sensing three other presences approaching where the two gathered. 
In seconds there were three ninja below the tree, one in red attire with bubblegum pink hair, another in black and gray attire, and the last...shit. In Y/N’s momentary blunder, he forgot just who comprised team Kakashi. 
Naruto Uzumaki stood alongside his companions grumbling about the others being late or something along those lines. Y/N’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared down at the ninja below, his thoughts racing trying to form an excuse as to why he suddenly had to leave the mission to the other four. 
“We should get going now, Y/N.” Yamato then jumped down from the branch landing beside the younger ninja. Y/N’s teeth gritted in his mouth before he released a breath and jumped down from the tree. Immediately the attention of the others was on him causing him to cringe. 
“As you said, Yamato...We should get going. Remember, this is a covert mission, don’t go running into it all willy nilly, no matter what you may hear,” Y/N grumbled at the three, not once sparing a glance in their direction. Naruto huffed in annoyance at the ninja’s attitude but something was off. He could tell, something about this guy seemed almost...familiar? No, maybe it was just because he had a high and mighty attitude and it reminded him of Sasuke.
Y/N didn’t give the others a chance to respond as he started to walk off towards the gates to the village. Sakura gave Naruto a glance and then a look to Sai who seemed deep in thought before shrugging it off and heading after their teammate. Naruto huffed in annoyance at the retreating male before jogging after Sakura.
The mission was only supposed to take at most a week, so tell me why Y/N is sat in front of a camp fire, tending to his wounds while glaring at Naruto. The two were alone as they had been separated from the other three about two days ago due to a screw up on Naruto’s part.
“Would you stop glaring at me like that, I already said I was sorry,” Naruto grumbled, throwing down the stick in his hand.
“I don’t care, this is all your fault, I even said when we started the mission not to go running about all stupid, but oh no! ‘I’m the great Naruto Uzumaki, savior of the entire world, I can do what I want!’ And now look where we are, stuck in the middle of the forest, we don’t know where we are, and it’s because you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut!” Y/N’s breathing had picked up in his rant due to his anger which caused Naruto’s frustrated look to soften into one of concern.
“Look, I’m sorry, but you need to calm down, you’re injured and getting riled up isn’t going to help much,” Naruto spoke, rising from his spot and crossing to where the other shinobi sat. Cautiously, the blonde crouched in front of the seething male and took the cloth he was using to treat his wounds, rinsing it in water and gently applying pressure to one of the large cuts on Y/N’s abdomen.
“I wouldn’t be injured if it wasn’t for you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Hmph,” Y/N looked away from the other ninja, though his heart was hammering in his chest due to their proximity, he kept his angry persona up not wanting to give in to the pure bliss of being this close to Naruto. 
“I don’t really get something though, you’ve been extremely hostile this entire time and I don’t even know you. You’ve been against me even since before the mission started. Did I do something to you?” Naruto questioned, glancing up at Y/N, the glow of the fire dancing across his face causing Y/N’s heart to swell. 
“I-no, I just...I just don’t like you! I don’t have to tell you anything!”
After saying that, Y/N rose from his seated position hurriedly startling Naruto into falling backwards. Y/N towered over him, staring down at the blonde before spinning around and retreating into the trees to rest. 
Naruto let out a sigh, confused and somewhat frustrated at his team mates attitude. What had he done to deserve this treatment, he was sure he hadn’t done anything to the shinobi, so why was he treating him this way. Has he met Y/N before? Wait...
Naruto’s eye’s widened in disbelief, his head snapping in the direction that Y/N had gone.
“It can’t be...”
“I don’t get this...can you help me?”
A younger Y/N looked up at a blonde boy around his age as everyone in the class bustled around to sit with their friends for lunch.
“What don’t you get, Naruto-kun?” Y/N questioned, holding his hand out for the paper and pencil the blonde held in his hands. Naruto grinned, handing the paper to the other.
“This problem is really confusing and I don’t really get how Iruka-sensei explained it.” Naruto stared at the other boy in awe as he started to explain the problem in much simpler terms that their teacher had, “woah! That’s a lot easier than I thought! Thank you, Y/N!”
Y/N smiled softly to the blonde, “you’re welcome, Naruto-kun...do you wanna eat with me?”
Naruto’s already large grin spread wider across his face as he nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ll be right back, let me grab my lunch!”
Y/N watched as the boy ran across the classroom not once letting his eyes wander from the form of the boy he had been crushing on since their first year in the academy. Much like Hinata, he was too shy to approach him himself, but he was so happy that he came to him for help.
As Naruto approached him once more, one of the other students in the class tripped the blonde causing him to drop the contents of his lunch on the floor of the classroom. Naruto stared in shock at his food before looking up at the bully, ready to start a fight before Y/N cut in.
“Please don’t fight Naruto-kun, it’ll only make things worse, come with me and we can share mine. As for you guys,” Y/N’s face grew dark as he turned to the group of students who caused the incident, “I hope you guys enjoy your lunch on the floor, it’s yours now. You better eat it.”
The boys shivered in fear of the other boy, glancing down at the food on the ground before looking back up at him.
“Did I stutter? Eat your food.” Immediately the boy’s were on their knees, scooping up the food that Naruto had dropped. 
Naruto watched in awe of the other boy, usually he was so soft spoken. He never would have expected this, especially to defend him. 
A month later, Naruto sat in class waiting for Y/N to arrive, but he never did. Iruka entered the class, his gaze falling on Naruto with one of pity. 
“Excuse me everyone, I want to announce that Y/N will no longer be taking classes with the rest of you, he has been promoted and will now be training alongside the Anbu Black Ops special group,” Iruka announced. Naruto felt his heart drop into his stomach. His only friend, gone. 
Later that day, Naruto spotted Y/N’s mop of hair walking down the street and quickly ran up to him, grabbing his arm.
“Huh?” was Y/N’s quite articulate response to the action. “Oh, hey Naruto-kun!”
A grin had settled on the shorter boys face as he looked back at the blonde.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We’re friends right? So, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving school?” Naruto interrogated. Y/N’s smile dropped and instead was replaced with a frown.
“I wanted to...I’m sorry, Naruto-kun. I just didn’t want to upset you,” Y/N said, awkwardly rubbing his arm as he fully turned to face the blonde, “But we can still hang out after school, right?”
“No! I don’t want to hang out with you anymore! You didn’t tell me you were leaving so how do I know you won’t just leave again, I’d rather be alone than be with a liar!”
Y/N flinched away from Naruto’s words, his heart clenching in his chest, “But, you said-”
“I don’t care what I said! You’re leaving me just like everyone else, so I don’t wanna hear it! You’re a jerk!” was the last thing the blonde said before storming away from where Y/N stood. The shinobi felt tears start to pool in his eyes as the blonde walked away.
“You’re the jerk Naruto,” he whimpered before quickly making his way back to his home.
Naruto’s memories flooded back to him like a tsunami. He knew he was being childish back then but what did you expect, he was a child and he was hurt. That’s still no excuse though, he didn’t want to mess up the chance he had been given, or at least mess it up any further than he already had.
“Y/N!” he called into the trees, not expecting a response but wishing deep down that the other would. After a few seconds of silence, Naruto sighed and pushed himself up onto his feet, “Fine, I’ll just go look for him then.”
Naruto entered the expanse of trees beyond their little camp before he heard the sounds of battle emerge from the distance. 
“Shit! Y/N!” 
He quickly took off towards the sounds that echoed through the trees before he approached a clearing where he saw the other male fighting three larger men clad in dark black attire. He burst into action, summing two clones and creating his rasengan in his hand and jumped at two of the attackers sending them flying across the field. 
“Y/N! Are you okay?” He called, watching Y/N dodge an attack from the last enemy.
“What does it look like idiot?” The other called back slashing his kunai at the large ninja. 
“Would you like some help?”
Naruto smirked slightly as he ran up to help Y/N take on the rouge ninja making it ten times easier for the two of them to take him down.
“You know Y/N, I realized something while you were gone...I’m sorry.”
“You already apologized, it doesn’t even matter anymore.”
“No, no, not for that though I am sorry for that too I guess. Anyways, I’m sorry for being a jerk...when we were younger.”
Y/N tensed up where he stood, turning his head to face the blonde.
“What are you talking about?” He asked cautiously, his eyes scanning Naruto’s face in an anxious attempt to read the boys intentions.
“I was upset and I took it out on you, it really wasn’t even you’re fault, you were just really smart and really skilled. I should have been happy for you, instead I was being selfish and blamed you for something that wasn’t even you’re intention.”
“Naruto stop talking-”
“You were my only friend back then and I ruined our friendship by being childish and selfish and I’m sorry. I was and am an idiot...could you ever forgive me?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat in his chest and he saw the sincerity in the blonde’s eyes.
“I think I get somethings now that I didn’t get back then either...there were a lot of emotions I was feeling then and I guess I felt betrayed? I don’t know, but there was always something that I felt for you that confused me. But fate has brought us back together, Y/N. I’m ready to accept my fault, and I hope you can forgive me for being stupid.”
“Naruto...you idiot.” Y/N felt a singular tear escape his eye as he stared at the other male, his hand quickly wiping it away, “of course I forgive you.”
Naruto grinned, approaching the male and carefully pulling him into a hug, trying to be mindful of the old and newly sustained injuries on the boy’s body. Y/N tensed slightly at the contact before fully relaxing into the taller boy’s embrace.
“I think I understand my feelings a lot better now, Y/N...” Naruto muttered into the shorter boy’s ear sending a shiver down Y/N’s spine.
“O-oh? And what’s that?”
Naruto pulled back though he did not break the embrace.
“Well...I’m sure you know this too...you know we’re meant to be,” he whispered softly, leaning forward to hover his lips over the others.
Y/N was shocked to say the least, his chest felt like it would explode, his face was hotter than hades, and his body felt like it was going to melt into the ground.
“Naruto...”He breathed, his breath brushing across Naruto’s lips. Both boys stood still for seconds deciding whether or not this was something that they both wanted and if this was something they were ready to commit to.
A groan from the ground startled the two out of each other’s embrace as they realized where in fact they were. Y/N’s face flushed an even deeper red if that was even possible as he moved into action, tying the three rouge ninja to a near by tree.
“We...we should get back to camp and try and find the others in the morning,” he suggested, turning his head away from Naruto’s burning gaze.
“Hm, we could do that...or,” Naruto stopped in the middle of his sentence, once again pulling the shorter boy into his arms, “we could continue what we were about to do before, hm?”
Y/N swallowed thickly before nodding his head slowly in agreement, “That would be nice,” he squeaked out, his voice having raised a couple of octaves. Naruto’s chuckle sent vibrations through both boy’s chests before their lips finally locked in a sweet and soft kiss that told the other exactly how they felt. 
They stayed like that for a few seconds before a man cleared his throat. Once again the two were interrupted from their loving moment as they jumped apart.
“Well...it seems we found you two,” Yamato stated, chuckling at the disheveled state of the two boys, “glad you seem to be getting along better now.”
“Yeah...” Y/N muttered, hiding his face in his hands, “I’m gonna head back to the camp.”
Naruto grinned at the embarrassed boy’s retreating form before looking over at Yamato, giving a big thumbs up.
“Believe it!”
A/N: wow, I hate it. I’m sorry it sucks I’m so tired I pulled three all nighters this week and I just, ugh, I really hope you like it I did actually try hard for this one even though i was sleep deprived. 
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